Initial commit. Status so far:

- Parser and output modules are thoroughly tested and working.
- Most LSL immutable functions are working; some not tested; llJsonSetValue not implemented.
- Parser recognizes the following flags that alter syntax:
   extendedglobalexpr: Allow full expression syntax in globals.
   extendedtypecast: Allow full unary expressions in typecasts e.g. (float)~i.
   extendedassignment: Enable the C assignment operators &=, ^=, |=, <<=, >>=.
   explicitcast: Add explicit casts wherever they are done implicitly, e.g. float f=3; -> float f=(float)3;.
  Of them, only extendedglobalexpr is useless so far, as it requires the optimizer to be working.
This commit is contained in:
Sei Lisa 2014-07-26 02:43:44 +02:00
commit 05d00e075b
8 changed files with 4390 additions and 0 deletions

lslopt/ Normal file
View file

lslopt/ Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

lslopt/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
# These types just wrap the Python types to make type() work on them.
# There are no ops defined on them or anything.
class Key(unicode):
def __repr__(self):
return self.__class__.__name__ + '(' + super(self.__class__, self).__repr__() + ')'
class Vector(tuple):
def __repr__(self):
return self.__class__.__name__ + '(' + super(self.__class__, self).__repr__() + ')'
class Quaternion(tuple):
def __repr__(self):
return self.__class__.__name__ + '(' + super(self.__class__, self).__repr__() + ')'
# Recognized: 3763, 6466, 6495
Bugs = set([6495])
LSO = False

lslopt/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
# Put all LSL functions together in one single module
from lslbasefuncs import *
from lsljson import *

lslopt/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,642 @@
import re
import math
from lslcommon import *
from lslbasefuncs import llStringTrim, shouldbestring, shouldbelist, InternalTypecast
jsonesc_re = re.compile(u'[\x08\x09\x0A\x0C\x0D"/\\\\]')
jsonesc_dict = {u'\x08':ur'\b', u'\x09':ur'\t', u'\x0A':ur'\n', u'\x0C':ur'\f',
u'\x0D':ur'\r', u'"':ur'\"', u'/':ur'\/', u'\\':ur'\\'}
jsonunesc_dict = {u'b':u'\x08', u't':u'\x09', u'n':u'\x0A', u'f':u'\x0C', u'r':u'\x0D'}
# LSL JSON numbers differ from standard JSON numbers in many respects:
# Numbers starting with 0 are allowed, e.g. 01.3e4, 00042
# .5 is allowed.
# 1e+0 is NOT allowed (the + after the e, to be precise). BUG-6466.
# . is allowed, as is -.e-0 etc.
# 1E is allowed.
# E.2 is allowed.
# E is allowed.
# 1E-1.2 is allowed.
# In general, the rule seems to be: at most one 'E' (optionally followed by a
# '-') and one '.', with optional digits interspersed and an optional initial
# minus sign.
# Our RE below checks for the two possible orders of '.' and 'E'. One branch
# must have a mandatory 'E'; in the other everything is optional but it must
# have at least 1 character (done by the lookahead assertion).
# The capturing groups serve to check whether the first variant was taken, and
# whether there is something after the digits in the second variant. If both
# are empty, then the match is just one or more digits preceded by an optional
# minus sign (i.e. an integer). That's used by llJson2List to return integer
# elements when appropriate.
# Real JSON number parser:
#jsonnum_re = re.compile(ur'-?(?:[1-9][0-9]*|0)(?:\.[0-9]+)?(?:[Ee][+-]?[0-9]+)?')
# BUG-6466 active:
jsonnumbug_re = re.compile(ur'-?(?:[0-9]*([Ee])-?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]*|(?=[0-9Ee.])[0-9]*(\.?[0-9]*(?:[Ee]-?)?[0-9]*))')
# BUG-6466 fixed:
# The new RE is just a modified version of the crap, allowing + exponents and
# disallowing zeros, sometimes even when legal (e.g. 0e0)
jsonnum_re = re.compile(ur'-?(?:(?=[1-9]|\.(?:[^e]|$)|0(?:[^0-9e]|$))[0-9]*([Ee])[+-]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]*|(?=[1-9]|\.(?:[^e]|$)|0(?:[^0-9e]|$))[0-9]*(\.?[0-9]*(?:[Ee][+-]?)?[0-9]*))')
jsonstring_re = re.compile(ur'"(?:[^"\\]|\\.)*"')
# This might need some explanation. The ] and - are included in the first
# set, the ] in the first after the ^ and the - in the last positions of
# the set as required by RE syntax. The [ is part of it and isn't special,
# though it confuses things. The set comprises any character not in
# -{}[],:"0123456789
# The second set comprises zero or more characters not in ,:]}
#word_re = re.compile(ur'[^][{}0-9",:-][^]},:]*')
# Screw that, we're using just a fallback.
jsoncatchall_re = re.compile(u'(.*?)[\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D ]*(?:[]},]|$)')
digits_re = re.compile(u'[0-9]{1,9}')
class EInternalJsonInvalid(Exception):
"""Used to force return of JSON_INVALID from child functions"""
def InternalJsonQuote(s):
return u'"' + jsonesc_re.sub(lambda x: jsonesc_dict[], s) + u'"'
def InternalJsonUnquote(s):
"""Relaxed unquote with LSL rules. Assumes string starts and ends in ",
may contain " and may end in \" too (i.e. malformed). E.g. "a"b\" is a
valid string for this function and the result is a"b\
assert s != u''
assert s[0] == s[-1] == u'"' and s[1:2]
ret = u''
esc = False
for c in s[1:-1]:
if esc:
ret += jsonunesc_dict[c]
except KeyError:
ret += c
esc = False
if c == u'\\':
esc = True
ret += c
if esc:
return ret + u'\\'
return ret
def InternalJsonUnquoteX(s):
"""Rigorous unquote; checks for quotes at the beginning and end only."""
esc = last = False
first = True
ret = u''
for c in s:
if last:
if esc:
ret += jsonunesc_dict[c]
ret += c
esc = False
first = False
elif first:
if c != u'"': break
first = False
elif c == u'"':
last = True
first = False
elif c == u'\\':
esc = True
ret += c
if not first and last:
return ret
return s # malformed string, return the original
def InternalJsonF2S(f):
if math.isnan(f):
return u'nan'
if math.isinf(f):
return u'inf' if f > 0 else u'-inf'
return u'%.6f' % f
def InternalJsonScanMatching(json, idx):
"""Shortcut: scan for a matching pair of {} or [] with proper nesting
and string handling, with no validity check other than well-formedness,
meaning all {} and [] must match.
# TODO: InternalJsonScanMatching: Decide whether to use two nesting level variables rather than a stack.
# That would mean that a nested malformed string like [{]} would be valid. SL may accept that.
# (Or maybe even just ONE nesting level variable for the current element,
# disregarding the nesting of the other, e.g. if we're on an object,
# the [] are not tracked thus {[} would be valid. That sounds like LSL.)
# Experiments are advisable.
stk = [json[idx]]
str = False
esc = False
for i in xrange(idx+1, len(json)):
c = json[i]
if str:
if esc:
esc = False
elif c == u'\\':
esc = True
elif c == u'"':
str = False
elif c == u'"':
str = True
elif c in u'{[':
elif c in u']}':
if stk[-1] != (u'{' if c == u'}' else u'['):
return None # bad nesting
stk = stk[:-1]
if stk == []:
return i+1
return None
def InternalElement2Json(elem, ParseNumbers = True):
telem = type(elem)
if telem == unicode:
elem = llStringTrim(elem, 3) # STRING_TRIM
if elem == u'':
return u'""'
# Yes, these are checked after trimming. Don't facepalm too hard.
if elem == JSON_NULL:
return u'null'
if elem == JSON_TRUE:
return u'true'
if elem == JSON_FALSE:
return u'false'
if elem[0] == elem[-1] == u'"' and elem[1:2] or elem in ('null','false','true') \
or elem[0] == u'[' and elem[-1] == u']' \
or elem[0] == u'{' and elem[-1] == u'}':
return elem
if ParseNumbers:
match = (jsonnumbug_re if 6466 in Bugs else jsonnum_re).match(elem)
if match and match.end() == len(elem):
return elem
if elem == JSON_INVALID:
return u''
return InternalJsonQuote(elem)
if telem == Key:
return u'"' + unicode(elem) + u'"'
if telem in (Vector, Quaternion):
return u'"<' + u', '.join([InternalJsonF2S(x) for x in elem]) + u'>"'
if telem == float:
return InternalJsonF2S(elem)
# Integer
return unicode(elem)
def InternalJsonGetToken(json, idx):
#start = idx
num_re = jsonnumbug_re if 6466 in Bugs else jsonnum_re
L = len(json)
while idx < L:
c = json[idx]
if c not in u'\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D ':
idx += 1
if idx >= L:
return (idx, idx, None)
c = json[idx]
if c in u',:{}[]':
return (idx, idx+1, c)
match = jsonstring_re.match(json, idx)
if match:
return (idx, match.end(), JSON_STRING)
match = num_re.match(json, idx)
if match:
return (idx, match.end(), JSON_NUMBER)
match = jsoncatchall_re.match(json, idx) # matches always, even if empty string
s =
if s in (u'null', u'true', u'false'):
return (idx, match.end(1),
JSON_NULL if s == u'null' else JSON_TRUE if s == u'true' else JSON_FALSE)
return (idx, match.end(1), JSON_INVALID)
def InternalJsonGetTokenFull(json, idx):
ret = InternalJsonGetToken(json, idx)
if ret[2] in (u'{', u'['):
match = InternalJsonScanMatching(json, ret[0])
if match is not None:
return (ret[0], match, JSON_OBJECT if ret[2] == u'{' else JSON_ARRAY)
return ret
def InternalJsonPathMatches(key, pathelem):
if type(key) == type(pathelem) == int or type(key) == unicode and isinstance(pathelem, unicode):
return key == pathelem
if type(key) == unicode and type(pathelem) == int:
raise EInternalJsonInvalid
# one combo remains - key is numeric and pathelem is unicode or Key
match = digits_re.match(pathelem)
if not match:
raise EInternalJsonInvalid
return key == int(
def InternalJsonFindValue(json, tgtpath, ReturnsToken, SetRules = False):
# Building a function that meets the strange requisites of LL's json is not easy.
# These requisites include syntax-checking of all items at the current level,
# but not of items at a deeper nesting level.
# Making it one-pass iterative O(len) instead of recursive O(depth*len) is even
# more of a challenge, especially with these constraints.
token = InternalJsonGetToken(json, 0)
if tgtpath == []:
# No nesting receives special treatment.
if InternalJsonGetToken(json, token[1])[2] is None:
if ReturnsToken:
return token
if token[2] == JSON_NUMBER:
return json[token[0]:token[1]]
if token[2] == JSON_STRING:
return InternalJsonUnquote(json[token[0]:token[1]])
if token[2] == JSON_INVALID:
# Accept malformed strings if they start and end in quotes
s = json[token[0]:token[1]]
if s[1:2] and s[0] == s[-1] == u'"':
return InternalJsonUnquote(s)
return token[2]
if token[2] not in (u'{', u'['):
json = llStringTrim(json, 2) # STRING_TRIM_RIGHT
if json[-1] == u'}' and token[2] == u'{':
if ReturnsToken:
return (token[0], len(json), JSON_OBJECT)
return json[token[0]:]
if json[-1] == u']' and token[2] == u'[':
if ReturnsToken:
return (token[0], len(json), JSON_ARRAY)
return json[token[0]:]
# This would be the code if there was proper scanning.
#match = InternalJsonScanMatching(json, token[0])
#if match is None or InternalJsonGetToken(json, match)[2] is not None:
#if ReturnsType: # this has been changed tho' - review if ever used
# return JSON_OBJECT if token[2] == u'{' else JSON_ARRAY
#return json[token[0]:match]
if token[2] not in (u'{', u'['):
# Follow the path
L = len(tgtpath)
# For the current position, matchlvl keeps track of how many levels are
# matched. When matchlvl == L, we are at the item of interest.
# For example: if we're at the ! in [1.0, "y", true, [1, ![6], {"a":5}]]
# and the path is [3, 2, "a"], matchlvl will be 1 (meaning the first level
# of the path, i.e. position 3, is matched, but we're not in sub-position
# 2 yet).
matchlvl = 0
ret = None # the target token, if found, or None if not
# Keeps track of what we have opened so far.
stk = [token[2]]
# This tracks the current key within an array or object. Here we assume
# it's an array; if it's an object, the item key will replace it anyway.
curkey = 0
just_open = True
just_closed = False
# Load next token
token = InternalJsonGetToken(json, token[1])
while True:
# Process value if it can be present
kind = token[2]
if not (just_closed or
just_open and kind in (u'}', u']')):
# Item processing.
# Not entering here immediately after a } or ] (just_closed)
# or after a { or [ followed by } or ] (just_open...)
just_open = False
if kind in u':,]}' or kind == JSON_INVALID:
if stk[-1] == u'{':
# Read the current key
if kind != JSON_STRING:
colon = InternalJsonGetToken(json, token[1])
if colon[2] != u':':
curkey = InternalJsonUnquote(json[token[0]:token[1]])
token = InternalJsonGetToken(json, colon[1])
kind = token[2]
del colon
if matchlvl < L and InternalJsonPathMatches(curkey, tgtpath[matchlvl]):
# Descend to this level
matchlvl += 1
ret = None # because e.g. llJsonGetValue("{\"a\":[1],\"a\":2}",["a",0])==JSON_INVALID
if matchlvl == L:
if kind in u'{[':
match = InternalJsonScanMatching(json, token[0])
if match is None:
token = (token[0], match, JSON_OBJECT if token[2] == u'{' else JSON_ARRAY)
ret = token
matchlvl -= 1
elif kind in u'{[':
curkey = 0
just_open = True
token = InternalJsonGetToken(json, token[1])
# We're skipping the element
if kind in u'[{':
match = InternalJsonScanMatching(json, token[0])
if match is None:
token = (None, match) # HACK: shortcut to: (token[0], match, JSON_OBJECT if kind == u'{' else JSON_ARRAY)
just_closed = True
token = InternalJsonGetToken(json, token[1]) # prepare next token
kind = token[2]
just_closed = False
# Process coma if it can be present
if not just_open:
if kind == u',':
token = InternalJsonGetToken(json, token[1]) # load next token
if stk[-1] == u'[':
curkey += 1
if kind == u'}' and stk[-1] == u'{' or kind == u']' and stk[-1] == u'[':
stk = stk[:-1]
matchlvl -= 1
if stk == []:
if InternalJsonGetToken(json, token[1])[2] is None:
break # Yay! end of job!
return JSON_INVALID # No yay - something at end of string
just_closed = True
token = InternalJsonGetToken(json, token[1])
except EInternalJsonInvalid:
if ret is None:
if ReturnsToken:
return ret
if ret[2] == JSON_STRING:
return InternalJsonUnquote(json[ret[0]:ret[1]])
return json[ret[0]:ret[1]]
def InternalJson2Elem(json):
if json == u'': # checking this now lets us check for json[0] and json[-1] later
return u''
if json == u'null':
return JSON_NULL
if json == u'false':
if json == u'true':
return JSON_TRUE
match = (jsonnumbug_re if 6466 in Bugs else jsonnum_re).match(json)
if match and match.end() == len(json):
# HACK: Use our RE to know if the number is an integer
if not and not
# we have just digits with optional minus sign, i.e. an integer
if len(json) > 11: # surely overflown
if json[0] == u'-':
return -2147483648
return 2147483647
# a bit harder to test; we could check in ASCII to avoid conversion
# to long in 32 bit systems, but it's probably not worth the effort
elem = int(json)
if elem > 2147483647:
return 2147483647
if elem < -2147483648:
return -2147483648
return elem
return InternalTypecast(json, float, InList=False, f32=True)
# Malformed strings are valid, e.g. "a\" (final \" is converted into a \)
if json[0] == json[-1] == u'"' and json[1:2]: # the latter check ensures len(json) > 1
return InternalJsonUnquote(json)
return json
def llJson2List(json):
json = llStringTrim(json, 3) # STRING_TRIM
if json == u'':
return []
if json[0] == u'[' and json[-1] == u']':
# Array can of worms. Not all LSL quirks are implemented.
ret = []
token = InternalJsonGetTokenFull(json, 1)
if token[2] == u']' and token[1] == len(json):
return ret
if token[2] == u':':
if token[2] == u',':
token = InternalJsonGetTokenFull(json, token[1])
while True:
if token[2] == u']' and token[1] == len(json):
elif token[2] != u',':
token = InternalJsonGetTokenFull(json, token[1])
if token[2] == u',' or token[2] == u']' and token[1] == len(json):
if token[2] == u':':
token = InternalJsonGetTokenFull(json, token[1])
return ret
if json[0] == u'{' and json[-1] == u'}':
# Object can of worms. Worse than array. Not all LSL quirks are implemented.
# Parse this grammar:
# object: '{' complete_list incomplete_element '}' $
# complete_list: <empty> | complete_list complete_element ','
# complete_element: nonempty_string ':' value
# incomplete_element: <empty> | value | string ':' value
# string: '"' '"' | nonempty_string
# That allows:
# {"a":1,"b":2,} # incomplete_element is empty
# {"a":1,"b":2} # "b" is an incomplete_element
# {2} # complete_list empty
# {} # both empty
# etc.
ret = []
token = InternalJsonGetTokenFull(json, 1)
if token[2] == u'}' and token[1] == len(json):
return ret
if token[2] in (u':', u','):
while True:
k = u''
if token[2] == u'}' and token[1] == len(json):
return ret
if token[2] == JSON_STRING:
colon = InternalJsonGetTokenFull(json, token[1])
if colon[2] == u':':
k = InternalJsonUnquote(json[token[0]:token[1]])
token = InternalJsonGetTokenFull(json, colon[1])
if token[2] in (u',', u':'):
token = InternalJsonGetTokenFull(json, token[1])
if token[2] == u'}' and token[1] == len(json):
return ret
if token[2] != u',' or k == u'':
token = InternalJsonGetTokenFull(json, token[1])
return [InternalJson2Elem(json)]
def llJsonGetValue(json, lst):
return InternalJsonFindValue(json, lst, ReturnsToken=False)
'''def InternalJsonRecuriveSetValue(json, lst, val):
# We give up and make it recursive
if lst == []:
if val == JSON_DELETE:
return val
return InternalElement2Json(val, ParseNumbers=True)
ret = None
lst0 = lst[0]
tlst0 = type(lst0)
if tlst0 == Key:
tlst0 = unicode
if val != JSON_DELETE:
json = llStringTrim(json, 3) # STRING_TRIM
if tlst0 == int and json[0:1] == u'[' and json[-1:] == u']':
ret = []
close = u']'
if tlst0 == unicode and json[0:1] == u'{' and json[-1:] == u'}':
ret = {}
close = u'}'
if ret is not None:
if close: pass
def llJsonSetValue(json, lst, val):
if lst == []:
# [] replaces the entire string no matter if it was invalid
if val == JSON_DELETE:
return val # this is a special case for SetValue with []
return InternalElement2Json(val, ParseNumbers=True)
# Needs to cope with JSON_APPEND, JSON_DELETE, lastindex+1.
# Needs to do deep assignment.
# Recursive works best here
return InternalJsonRecursiveSetValue(json, lst, val)
return u"----unimplemented----" # TODO: Implement llJsonSetValue.
def llJsonValueType(json, lst):
ret = InternalJsonFindValue(json, lst, ReturnsToken=True)
if ret == JSON_INVALID:
return ret
return ret[2]
def llList2Json(kind, lst):
if kind == JSON_OBJECT:
ret = u'{'
if len(lst) & 1:
for i in xrange(0, len(lst), 2):
if ret != u'{':
ret += u','
ret += InternalJsonQuote(lst[i]) + u':' + InternalElement2Json(lst[i+1], ParseNumbers=False)
ret += u'}'
elif kind == JSON_ARRAY:
ret = u'['
if lst:
ret += InternalElement2Json(lst[0], ParseNumbers=False)
del lst[0]
for elem in lst:
ret += u',' + InternalElement2Json(elem, ParseNumbers=False)
ret += u']'
return ret

lslopt/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
# Convert a symbol table (with parse tree) back to a script.
import lslfuncs
from lslcommon import Key, Vector, Quaternion
class outscript(object):
# FIXME: is this correct:
binary_operands = frozenset(('||','&&','^','|','&','==','!=','<','<=','>',
'>=','<<','>>','+','-','*','/','%', '=', '+=', '-=', '*=', '/=','%=',
extended_assignments = frozenset(('&=', '|=', '^=', '<<=', '>>='))
unary_operands = frozenset(('NEG', '!', '~'))
def Value2LSL(self, value):
if type(value) in (Key, unicode):
if type(value) == Key:
# Constants of type key can not be represented
raise lslfuncs.ELSLTypeMismatch
return '"' + value.encode('utf8').replace('\\','\\\\').replace('"','\\"').replace('\n','\\n') + '"'
if type(value) == int:
return str(value)
if type(value) == float:
s = str(value)
# Try to remove as many decimals as possible but keeping the F32 value intact
exp = s.find('e')
if ~exp:
s, exp = s[:exp], s[exp:]
if '.' not in s:
# I couldn't produce one but it's assumed that if it happens,
# this code deals with it correctly
return s + exp # pragma: no cover
if '.' not in s:
# This should never happen (Python should always return a point or exponent)
return s + '.' # pragma: no cover
exp = ''
while s[-1] != '.' and lslfuncs.F32(float(s[:-1]+exp)) == value:
s = s[:-1]
return s + exp
if type(value) == Vector:
return '<' + self.Value2LSL(value[0]) + ', ' + self.Value2LSL(value[1]) \
+ ', ' + self.Value2LSL(value[2]) + '>'
if type(value) == Quaternion:
return '<' + self.Value2LSL(value[0]) + ', ' + self.Value2LSL(value[1]) \
+ ', ' + self.Value2LSL(value[2]) + ', ' + self.Value2LSL(value[3]) + '>'
if type(value) == list:
if value == []:
return '[]'
if len(value) < 5:
return '[ ' + self.Value2LSL(value[0]) + ' ]'
ret = '\n'
first = True
self.indentlevel += 1
for entry in value:
if not first:
ret += self.dent() + ', '
ret += self.dent() + '[ '
ret += self.Value2LSL(entry) + '\n'
first = False
self.indentlevel -= 1
return ret + self.dent() + self.indent + ']'
raise lslfuncs.ELSLTypeMismatch
def dent(self):
return self.indent * self.indentlevel
def OutIndented(self, code):
if code[0] != '{}':
self.indentlevel += 1
ret = self.OutCode(code)
if code[0] != '{}':
self.indentlevel -= 1
return ret
def OutExprList(self, L):
ret = ''
if L:
for item in L:
if ret != '':
ret += ', '
ret += self.OutExpr(item)
return ret
def OutExpr(self, expr):
# Save some recursion by unwrapping the expression
while expr[0] == 'EXPR':
expr = expr[2]
node = expr[0]
if node == '()':
return '(' + self.OutExpr(expr[2]) + ')'
if node in self.binary_operands:
return self.OutExpr(expr[2]) + ' ' + node + ' ' + self.OutExpr(expr[3])
if node == 'IDENT':
return expr[2]
if node == 'CONSTANT':
return self.Value2LSL(expr[2])
if node == 'CAST':
ret = '(' + expr[1] + ')'
expr = expr[2]
if expr[0] == 'EXPR':
expr = expr[2]
if expr[0] in ('CONSTANT', 'IDENT', 'V++', 'V--', 'VECTOR',
ret += self.OutExpr(expr)
ret += '(' + self.OutExpr(expr) + ')'
return ret
if node == 'LIST':
if len(expr) == 2:
return '[]'
return '[' + self.OutExprList(expr[2:]) + ']'
if node == 'VECTOR':
return '<' + self.OutExpr(expr[2]) + ', ' + self.OutExpr(expr[3]) \
+ ', ' + self.OutExpr(expr[4]) + '>'
if node == 'ROTATION':
return '<' + self.OutExpr(expr[2]) + ', ' + self.OutExpr(expr[3]) \
+ ', ' + self.OutExpr(expr[4]) + ', ' + self.OutExpr(expr[5]) + '>'
if node == 'FUNCTION':
return expr[2] + '(' + self.OutExprList(expr[3]) + ')'
if node == 'PRINT':
return 'print(' + self.OutExpr(expr[2]) + ')'
if node in self.unary_operands:
if node == 'NEG':
node = '- '
return node + self.OutExpr(expr[2])
if node == 'FIELD':
return self.OutExpr(expr[2]) + '.' + expr[3]
if node in ('V--', 'V++'):
return self.OutExpr(expr[2]) + node[1:]
if node in ('--V', '++V'):
return node[:-1] + self.OutExpr(expr[2])
if node in self.extended_assignments:
op = self.OutExpr(expr[2])
return op + ' = ' + op + ' ' + node[:-1] + ' (' + self.OutExpr(expr[3]) + ')'
raise Exception('Internal error: expression type "' + node + '" not handled') # pragma: no cover
def OutCode(self, code):
#return self.dent() + '{\n' + self.dent() + '}\n'
node = code[0]
if node == '{}':
ret = self.dent() + '{\n'
self.indentlevel += 1
for stmt in code[2:]:
ret += self.OutCode(stmt)
self.indentlevel -= 1
return ret + self.dent() + '}\n'
if node == 'IF':
ret = self.dent() + 'if (' + self.OutExpr(code[2]) + ')\n'
ret += self.OutIndented(code[3])
if len(code) > 4:
ret += self.dent() + 'else\n'
if code[4][0] == 'IF':
ret += self.OutCode(code[4])
ret += self.OutIndented(code[4])
return ret
if node == 'EXPR':
return self.dent() + self.OutExpr(code) + ';\n'
if node == 'WHILE':
ret = self.dent() + 'while (' + self.OutExpr(code[2]) + ')\n'
ret += self.OutIndented(code[3])
return ret
if node == 'DO':
ret = self.dent() + 'do\n'
ret += self.OutIndented(code[2])
return ret + self.dent() + 'while (' + self.OutExpr(code[3]) + ');\n'
if node == 'FOR':
ret = self.dent() + 'for ('
if code[2]:
ret += self.OutExpr(code[2][0])
if len(code[2]) > 1:
for expr in code[2][1:]:
ret += ', ' + self.OutExpr(expr)
ret += '; ' + self.OutExpr(code[3]) + '; '
if code[4]:
ret += self.OutExpr(code[4][0])
if len(code[4]) > 1:
for expr in code[4][1:]:
ret += ', ' + self.OutExpr(expr)
ret += ')\n'
ret += self.OutIndented(code[5])
return ret
if node == '@':
return self.dent() + '@' + code[2] + ';\n'
if node == 'JUMP':
assert code[2][0:2] == ['IDENT', 'Label']
return self.dent() + 'jump ' + code[2][2] + ';\n'
if node == 'STATE':
name = 'default'
if code[2] != 'DEFAULT':
assert code[2][0:2] == ['IDENT', 'State']
name = code[2][2]
return self.dent() + 'state ' + name + ';\n'
if node == 'RETURN':
if code[2] is None:
return self.dent() + 'return;\n'
return self.dent() + 'return ' + self.OutExpr(code[2]) + ';\n'
if node == 'DECL':
sym = self.symtab[code[3]][code[2]]
ret = self.dent() + sym[1] + ' ' + code[2]
if sym[2] is not None:
ret += ' = ' + self.OutExpr(sym[2])
return ret + ';\n'
if node == ';':
return self.dent() + ';\n'
raise Exception('Internal error: statement type not found: ' + repr(node)) # pragma: no cover
def OutFunc(self, typ, name, paramlist, paramsymtab, code):
ret = self.dent()
if typ is not None:
ret += typ + ' '
ret += name + '('
first = True
if paramlist:
for name in paramlist:
if not first:
ret += ', '
ret += paramsymtab[name][1] + ' ' + name
first = False
return ret + ')\n' + self.OutCode(code)
def output(self, symtab):
# Build a sorted list of dict entries
order = []
self.symtab = symtab
for i in symtab:
item = []
for j in sorted(i.items(), key=lambda k: -1 if k[0]==-1 else k[1][0]):
if j[0] != -1:
ret = ''
self.indent = ' '
self.indentlevel = 0
for name in order[0]:
sym = symtab[0][name]
ret += self.dent()
if sym[1] == 'State':
if name == 'default':
ret += 'default\n{\n'
ret += 'state ' + name + '\n{\n'
self.indentlevel += 1
eventorder = []
for event in sorted(sym[2].items(), key=lambda k: k[1][0]):
for name in eventorder:
eventdef = sym[2][name]
ret += self.OutFunc(eventdef[1], name, eventdef[3], symtab[eventdef[4]], eventdef[2])
self.indentlevel -= 1
ret += self.dent() + '}\n'
elif len(sym) > 3:
ret += self.OutFunc(sym[1], name, sym[3], symtab[sym[4]], sym[2])
ret += sym[1] + ' ' + name
if sym[2] is not None:
ret += ' = '
if type(sym[2]) == tuple:
ret += self.OutExpr(sym[2])
ret += self.Value2LSL(sym[2])
ret += ';\n'
return ret

lslopt/ Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

23 Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
from lslopt.lslparse import parser,EParse
from lslopt.lsloutput import outscript
import sys
def main():
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
p = parser()
symtab = p.parsefile(sys.argv[1])
except EParse as e:
print e.message
return 1
del p
outs = outscript()
script = outs.output(symtab)
del outs
del symtab
print script.decode('utf8'),
return 0