Implement break/continue and switch().

While on it, reorganize the help text and enable 'dcr' by default.
This commit is contained in:
Sei Lisa 2015-03-05 01:37:32 +01:00
parent a36715f121
commit cbcf60767a
2 changed files with 400 additions and 63 deletions

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@ -111,7 +111,37 @@ class EParseCodePathWithoutRet(EParse):
class EParseDuplicateLabel(EParse):
def __init__(self, parser):
super(EParseDuplicateLabel, self).__init__(parser,
u"Duplicate local label name. That won't allow the Mono script to be saved, and will not work as expected in LSO.")
u"Duplicate local label name. That won't allow the Mono script"
u" to be saved, and will not work as expected in LSO.")
class EParseInvalidCase(EParse):
def __init__(self, parser, kind):
super(EParseInvalidCase, self).__init__(parser,
u"'%s' used outside a 'switch' statement" % kind)
class EParseCaseNotAllowed(EParse):
def __init__(self, parser, kind):
super(EParseCaseNotAllowed, self).__init__(parser,
u"'%s' label only allowed at the main 'switch' block" % kind)
class EParseManyDefaults(EParse):
def __init__(self, parser):
super(EParseManyDefaults, self).__init__(parser,
u"multiple 'default' labels inside 'switch' statement")
class EParseInvalidBreak(EParse):
def __init__(self, parser):
super(EParseInvalidBreak, self).__init__(parser,
u"'break' used outside a loop or switch"
if parser.enableswitch and parser.breakcont
else u"'break' used outside a switch"
if parser.enableswitch
else u"'break' used outside a loop")
class EParseInvalidCont(EParse):
def __init__(self, parser):
super(EParseInvalidCont, self).__init__(parser,
u"'continue' used outside a loop")
class EInternal(Exception):
"""This exception is a construct to allow a different function to cause an
@ -143,6 +173,20 @@ class parser(object):
Quaternion:'ROTATION_VALUE', list:'LIST_VALUE'}
# Utility function
def GenerateLabel(self):
while True:
x = random.randint(0, 16777215)
unique = 'J_' + b64encode(chr(x>>16) + chr((x>>8)&255)
+ chr(x&255)).replace('+', '_')
x = random.randint(0, 16777215)
unique += b64encode(chr(x>>16) + chr((x>>8)&255)
+ chr(x&255)).replace('+', '_')
if '/' not in unique not in self.locallabels:
return unique
def PushScope(self):
"""Create a new symbol table / scope level"""
self.symtab.append({-1:self.scopeindex}) # Add parent pointer
@ -1197,13 +1241,18 @@ list lazy_list_set(list L, integer i, list v)
raise EParseFunctionMismatch(self)
return ret
def Parse_statement(self, ReturnType, AllowDecl = False, AllowStSw = False):
def Parse_statement(self, ReturnType, AllowDecl = False, AllowStSw = False,
InsideSwitch = False, InsideLoop = False):
"""Grammar parsed here:
statement: ';' | single_statement | code_block
single_statement: if_statement | while_statement | do_statement
| for_statement | jump_statement | state_statement | label_statement
| return_statement | declaration_statement | expression ';'
| switch_statement %if enableswitch
| case_statement %if enableswitch and InsideSwitch
| break_statement %if enableswitch and InsideSwitch or breakcont and InsideLoop
| continue_statement %if breakcont and InsideLoop
if_statement: IF '(' expression ')' statement ELSE statement
| IF '(' expression ')' statement
while_statement: WHILE '(' expression ')' statement
@ -1215,15 +1264,29 @@ list lazy_list_set(list L, integer i, list v)
label_statement: '@' IDENT ';'
return_statement: RETURN ';' | RETURN expression ';'
declaration_statement: TYPE lvalue ';' | TYPE lvalue '=' expression ';'
switch_statement: SWITCH '(' expression ')' code_block
case_statement: CASE expression ':' | DEFAULT ':'
break_statement: BREAK ';'
continue_statement: CONTINUE ';'
There's a restriction: a *single* statement can not be a declaration.
For example: if (1) integer x; is not allowed.
Note that SWITCH expects a code block because CASE is a full statement
for us, rather than a label. So for example this wouldn't work:
switch (expr) case expr: stmt; // works in C but not in this processor
but this works in both: switch (expr) { case expr: stmt; }
tok0 = self.tok[0]
if tok0 == '{':
return self.Parse_code_block(ReturnType, AllowStSw = AllowStSw)
return self.Parse_code_block(ReturnType, AllowStSw = AllowStSw,
InsideSwitch = InsideSwitch, InsideLoop = InsideLoop)
if tok0 == ';':
return {'nt':';', 't':None}
if tok0 == '@':
@ -1235,21 +1298,14 @@ list lazy_list_set(list L, integer i, list v)
# Duplicate labels allowed.
if name in self.locallabels or self.shrinknames:
# Generate a new unique name and attach it to the symbol.
while True:
x = random.randint(0, 16777215)
unique = 'J_' + b64encode(chr(x>>16) + chr((x>>8)&255)
+ chr(x&255)).replace('+', '_')
x = random.randint(0, 16777215)
unique += b64encode(chr(x>>16) + chr((x>>8)&255)
+ chr(x&255)).replace('+', '_')
if '/' not in unique not in self.locallabels:
unique = self.GenerateLabel()
self.AddSymbol('l', self.scopeindex, name, NewName=unique)
# Use the existing name. Faster and more readable.
unique = name
self.AddSymbol('l', self.scopeindex, name)
self.AddSymbol('l', self.scopeindex, name, NewName=unique)
# Duplicate labels disallowed.
# All labels go to a common pool local to the current function.
@ -1262,6 +1318,7 @@ list lazy_list_set(list L, integer i, list v)
return {'nt':'@', 't':None, 'name':name, 'scope':self.scopeindex}
if tok0 == 'JUMP':
@ -1292,6 +1349,7 @@ list lazy_list_set(list L, integer i, list v)
if self.localevents is None and not AllowStSw:
raise EParseCantChangeState(self)
return {'nt':'STSW', 't':None, 'name':name, 'scope':0}
if tok0 == 'RETURN':
if self.tok[0] == ';':
@ -1309,6 +1367,7 @@ list lazy_list_set(list L, integer i, list v)
# Sets LastIsReturn flag too
return {'nt':'RETURN', 't':None, 'LIR':True,
'ch':[self.autocastcheck(value, ReturnType)]}
if tok0 == 'IF':
ret = {'nt':'IF', 't':None, 'ch':[]}
@ -1320,29 +1379,77 @@ list lazy_list_set(list L, integer i, list v)
# INCOMPATIBILITY NOTE: This is more permissive than LSL.
# In LSL, an if...then...else does NOT allow a state change
# in either branch. Only an if...then without else does.
# BUT we're not going to check the branch after the fact, just
# to report that error. The compiler will report it.
ret['ch'].append(self.Parse_statement(ReturnType, AllowStSw = True))
# BUT since the decision to allow or not needs to be taken before
# the 'else' is found, we're not going to check the branch after
# parsing, only for the sake of reporting that error. The compiler
# will report it.
ret['ch'].append(self.Parse_statement(ReturnType, AllowStSw = True, InsideLoop = InsideLoop))
if self.tok[0] == 'ELSE':
LastIsReturn = 'LIR' in ret['ch'][1]
ret['ch'].append(self.Parse_statement(ReturnType, AllowStSw = AllowStSw))
ret['ch'].append(self.Parse_statement(ReturnType, AllowStSw = AllowStSw, InsideLoop = InsideLoop))
if LastIsReturn and 'LIR' in ret['ch'][2]:
ret['LIR'] = True
return ret
if tok0 == 'WHILE':
if self.breakcont:
# We may add braces - or not. The safe approach is to assume
# we always do and open a new scope for it. At worst it will be
# empty. At least it is not reflected as brackets in the code
# if braces are not used.
brk = self.GenerateLabel()
cnt = self.GenerateLabel()
condition = self.Parse_expression()
return {'nt':'WHILE', 't':None, 'ch':[condition,
self.Parse_statement(ReturnType, AllowStSw = True)]}
ret = {'nt':'WHILE', 't':None, 'ch':[condition,
self.Parse_statement(ReturnType, AllowStSw = True, InsideLoop = True)]}
if self.breakcont:
if self.continuesused.pop():
assert ret['ch'][0]['nt'] == '{}'
{'nt':'@', 't':None, 'name':cnt, 'scope':self.continuescopes[-1]}
self.AddSymbol('l', self.continuescopes[-1], cnt)
if self.breaksused.pop():
ret = {'nt':'{}', 't':None, 'ch':[ret,
{'nt':'@', 't':None, 'name':brk, 'scope':self.scopeindex}
self.AddSymbol('l', self.scopeindex, brk)
return ret
if tok0 == 'DO':
stmt = self.Parse_statement(ReturnType, AllowStSw = True)
if self.breakcont:
brk = self.GenerateLabel()
cnt = self.GenerateLabel()
stmt = self.Parse_statement(ReturnType, AllowStSw = True, InsideLoop = True)
@ -1352,9 +1459,40 @@ list lazy_list_set(list L, integer i, list v)
return {'nt':'DO', 't':None, 'ch':[stmt, condition]}
ret = {'nt':'DO', 't':None, 'ch':[stmt, condition]}
if self.breakcont:
if self.continuesused.pop():
assert ret['ch'][0]['nt'] == '{}'
{'nt':'@', 't':None, 'name':cnt, 'scope':self.continuescopes[-1]}
self.AddSymbol('l', self.continuescopes[-1], cnt)
if self.breaksused.pop():
ret = {'nt':'{}', 't':None, 'ch':[ret,
{'nt':'@', 't':None, 'name':brk, 'scope':self.scopeindex}
self.AddSymbol('l', self.scopeindex, brk)
return ret
if tok0 == 'FOR':
if self.breakcont:
brk = self.GenerateLabel()
cnt = self.GenerateLabel()
initializer = self.Parse_optional_expression_list()
@ -1366,12 +1504,163 @@ list lazy_list_set(list L, integer i, list v)
iterator = self.Parse_optional_expression_list()
stmt = self.Parse_statement(ReturnType, AllowStSw = True)
return {'nt':'FOR', 't':None,
stmt = self.Parse_statement(ReturnType, AllowStSw = True, InsideLoop = True)
ret = {'nt':'FOR', 't':None,
'ch':[{'nt':'EXPRLIST','t':None, 'ch':initializer},
{'nt':'EXPRLIST','t':None, 'ch':iterator},
if self.breakcont:
if self.continuesused.pop():
assert ret['ch'][0]['nt'] == '{}'
{'nt':'@', 't':None, 'name':cnt, 'scope':self.continuescopes[-1]}
self.AddSymbol('l', self.continuescopes[-1], cnt)
if self.breaksused.pop():
ret = {'nt':'{}', 't':None, 'ch':[ret,
{'nt':'@', 't':None, 'name':brk, 'scope':self.scopeindex}
self.AddSymbol('l', self.scopeindex, brk)
return ret
if tok0 == 'SWITCH':
expr = self.Parse_expression()
brk = self.GenerateLabel()
self.breakscopes.append(None) # not known yet - entering the block will tell us
blk = self.Parse_code_block(ReturnType, AllowStSw = AllowStSw,
InsideSwitch = True, InsideLoop = InsideLoop)
blkscope = self.breakscopes[-1]
self.AddSymbol('l', blkscope, brk)
# Replace the block
# switch (expr1) { case expr2: stmts1; break; default: stmts2; }
# is translated to:
# {
# if (expr1==expr2) jump label1;
# jump labeldef;
# @label1;
# stmts1;
# jump labelbrk;
# @labeldef;
# stmts2;
# @labelbrk;
# }
# The prelude is the ifs and the jumps.
# The block gets the cases replaced with labels,
# and the breaks replaced with jumps.
switchcaselist = []
switchcasedefault = None
# Since label scope rules prevent us from being able to jump inside
# a nested block, only one nesting level is considered.
assert blk['nt'] == '{}'
blk = blk['ch']
for idx in xrange(len(blk)):
if blk[idx]['nt'] == 'CASE':
lbl = self.GenerateLabel()
switchcaselist.append((lbl, blk[idx]['ch'][0]))
self.AddSymbol('l', blkscope, lbl)
blk[idx] = {'nt':'@', 'name':lbl, 'scope':blkscope}
elif blk[idx]['nt'] == 'DEFAULTCASE':
if switchcasedefault is not None:
raise EParseManyDefaults(self)
lbl = self.GenerateLabel()
switchcasedefault = lbl
self.AddSymbol('l', blkscope, lbl)
blk[idx] = {'nt':'@', 'name':lbl, 'scope':blkscope}
prelude = []
ltype = expr['t']
for case in switchcaselist:
rexpr = case[1]
lexpr = expr
if ltype == 'float':
rexpr = self.autocastcheck(rexpr, ltype)
# For string & key, RHS (rtype) mandates the conversion
# (that's room for optimization: always compare strings)
lexpr = self.autocastcheck(lexpr, rexpr['t'])
prelude.append({'nt':'IF', 't':None, 'ch':[
{'nt':'==', 't':'integer', 'ch':[lexpr, rexpr]},
{'nt':'JUMP', 't':None, 'name':case[0], 'scope':blkscope}
if switchcasedefault is None:
switchcasedefault = brk
self.breaksused[-1] = True
prelude.append({'nt':'JUMP', 't':None, 'name':switchcasedefault,
if self.breaksused.pop():
blk.append({'nt':'@', 'name':brk, 'scope':blkscope})
return {'nt':'{}', 't':None, 'ch':prelude + blk}
if tok0 == 'CASE':
if not InsideSwitch:
raise EParseInvalidCase(self, u"case")
if self.scopeindex != self.breakscopes[-1]:
# If this block is nested and not the main switch block, this
# won't work. Label scope rules don't expose the nested labels.
raise EParseCaseNotAllowed(self, u"case")
expr = self.Parse_expression()
return {'nt':'CASE', 't':None, 'ch':[expr]}
if tok0 == 'DEFAULT':
if self.enableswitch:
if not InsideSwitch:
raise EParseInvalidCase(self, u"default")
if self.scopeindex != self.breakscopes[-1]:
# If this block is nested and not the main switch block, this
# won't work. Label scope rules don't expose the nested labels.
raise EParseCaseNotAllowed(self, u"default")
return {'nt':'DEFAULTCASE', 't':None}
# else fall through to eventually fail
if tok0 == 'BREAK':
if not self.breaktargets:
raise EParseInvalidBreak(self)
self.breaksused[-1] = True
return {'nt':'JUMP', 't':None, 'name':self.breaktargets[-1],
if tok0 == 'CONTINUE':
if not self.continuetargets:
raise EParseInvalidCont(self)
if self.continuescopes[-1] is None:
# We're not inside a block - 'continue' is essentially a nop
return {'nt':';', 't':'None'}
self.continuesused[-1] = True
return {'nt':'JUMP', 't':None, 'name':self.continuetargets[-1],
if tok0 == 'TYPE':
if not AllowDecl:
raise EParseDeclarationScope(self)
@ -1398,7 +1687,8 @@ list lazy_list_set(list L, integer i, list v)
return {'nt':'EXPR', 't':value['t'], 'ch':[value]}
def Parse_code_block(self, ReturnType, AllowStSw = False):
def Parse_code_block(self, ReturnType, AllowStSw = False, InsideSwitch = False,
InsideLoop = False):
"""Grammar parsed here:
code_block: '{' statements '}'
@ -1411,12 +1701,22 @@ list lazy_list_set(list L, integer i, list v)
# Kludge to find the scope of the break (for switch) /
# continue (for loops) labels.
if self.breakscopes: # non-empty iff inside loop or switch
if InsideSwitch and self.breakscopes[-1] is None:
self.breakscopes[-1] = self.scopeindex
if InsideLoop and self.continuescopes[-1] is None:
self.continuescopes[-1] = self.scopeindex
body = []
LastIsReturn = False
while True:
if self.tok[0] == '}':
stmt = self.Parse_statement(ReturnType, AllowDecl = True, AllowStSw = AllowStSw)
stmt = self.Parse_statement(ReturnType, AllowDecl = True,
AllowStSw = AllowStSw, InsideSwitch = InsideSwitch,
InsideLoop = InsideLoop)
LastIsReturn = 'LIR' in stmt
@ -1876,8 +2176,10 @@ list lazy_list_set(list L, integer i, list v)
# TODO: Allow pure C-style string escapes. This is low-priority.
#self.allowcescapes = 'allowcescapes' in options
# TODO: Enable switch statements.
#self.enableswitch = 'enableswitch' in options
# Enable switch statements.
self.enableswitch = 'enableswitch' in options
if self.enableswitch:
self.keywords |= frozenset(('switch', 'case', 'break'))
# Allow brackets for assignment of list elements e.g. mylist[5]=4
self.lazylists = 'lazylists' in options
@ -1890,8 +2192,23 @@ list lazy_list_set(list L, integer i, list v)
# # index is greater than the end of the list.
# self.lazylistcompat = 'lazylistcompat' in options
# TODO: Enable break/continue
#self.breakcont = 'breakcont' in options
# Enable break/continue
self.breakcont = 'breakcont' in options
if self.breakcont:
self.keywords |= frozenset(('break', 'continue'))
# Stack to track the labels for break targets.
self.breaktargets = []
# Stack to track the scope of the break label.
self.breakscopes = []
# Stack to track whether the break target label is used.
self.breaksused = []
# Stack to track the labels for continue targets.
self.continuetargets = []
# Stack to track the scope for continue targets.
self.continuescopes = []
# Stack to track whether the continue target label is used.
self.continuesused = []
# Enable use of local labels with duplicate names
self.duplabels = 'duplabels' in options

View file

@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ That's an upper case o, not the number zero.
If filename is a dash (-) then standard input is used.
Options (+ means active by default, - means inactive by default):
Syntax extensions options:
extendedglobalexpr + Enables arbitrary expressions in globals (as opposed to
dull simple expressions allowed by regular LSL). Needs
the optimizer to run for the result to be compilable.
@ -29,38 +32,9 @@ Options (+ means active by default, - means inactive by default):
"abcd", no concatenation involved. Very useful when used
with a preprocessor. Similar to addstrings, but this one
is not an optimization, it introduces new syntax.
addstrings - Concatenate strings together when possible. Note that
such an optimization can be counter-productive in some
cases, that's why it is unset by default. For example:
string a="a"+"longstring"; string b="b"+"longstring";
would keep a single copy of "longstring", while if the
strings are added, "alongstring" and "blongstring" would
both take memory.
skippreproc + Skip preprocessor directives in the source as if they
were comments. Not useful unless the script is itself
the output of a preprocessor like cpp, which inserts
directives like: # 123 "filename".
optimize + Runs the optimizer.
optsigns + Optimize signs in float and integer constants.
optfloats + Optimize floats that represent an integral value.
constfold + Fold constant expressions to their values, and simplify
some expressions.
foldtabs - Tabs can't be copy-pasted, so expressions that produce
tabs (like llUnescapeURL("%%09") aren't optimized by
default. This option overrides that check, enabling
optimization of strings with tabs. The resulting source
isn't guaranteed to be copy-paste-able to the viewer.
duplabels - Normally, a duplicate label within a function is allowed
by the syntax by using {} blocks; however, the server
will just refuse to save the script (under Mono) or do
something completely unexpected (under LSO: all jumps
will go to the last label with that name). This flag
works around that limitation by replacing the names of
the labels in the output with unique ones.
shrinknames - Reduces script memory by shrinking identifiers. In the
process, it turns the script into unreadable gibberish,
hard to debug, but this gets big savings for complex
breakcont - Allow break/continue statements for loops. Note that
when active, 'break' and 'continue' become reserved
words, but when inactive they can be used as variables.
lazylists - Support syntax like mylist[index] = 5; rather than using
llListReplaceList. Only assignment supported. The list
is extended when the argument is greater than the list
@ -68,12 +42,58 @@ Options (+ means active by default, - means inactive by default):
for compatibility with Firestorm, but its use is not
recommended, as it adds a new function, wasting memory
against the very spirit of this program.
enableswitch - Support C-like switch syntax, with some limitations.
Like lazylists, it's implemented for compatibility with
Firestorm, but not recommended. Note that the operand to
switch() may be evaluated more than once.
duplabels - Normally, a duplicate label within a function is allowed
by the syntax by using {} blocks; however, the server
will just refuse to save the script (under Mono) or do
something completely unexpected (under LSO: all jumps
will go to the last label with that name). This flag
works around that limitation by replacing the names of
the labels in the output with unique ones.
Optimization options
optimize + Runs the optimizer.
optsigns + Optimize signs in float and integer constants.
optfloats + Optimize floats that represent an integral value.
constfold + Fold constant expressions to their values, and simplify
some expressions.
dcr + Dead code removal. This option removes several instances
of code that will never execute, and performs other
optimizations like removal of unused variables,
functions or expressions.
shrinknames - Reduces script memory by shrinking identifiers. In the
process, it turns the script into unreadable gibberish,
hard to debug, but this gets big savings for complex
addstrings - Concatenate strings together when possible. Note that
such an optimization can be counter-productive in some
cases, that's why it is unset by default. For example:
string a="a"+"longstring"; string b="b"+"longstring";
would keep a single copy of "longstring", while if the
strings are added, both "alongstring" and "blongstring"
take memory.
Miscellaneous options
foldtabs - Tabs can't be copy-pasted, so expressions that produce
tabs (like llUnescapeURL("%%09") aren't optimized by
default. This option overrides that check, enabling
optimization of strings with tabs. The resulting source
isn't guaranteed to be copy-paste-able to the viewer.
skippreproc + Skip preprocessor directives in the source as if they
were comments. Not useful unless the script is itself
the output of a preprocessor like cpp, which inserts
directives like: # 123 "filename".
''' % sys.argv[0])
return 1
options = set(('extendedglobalexpr','extendedtypecast','extendedassignment',
if sys.argv[1] == '-O':