Sei Lisa b7f16900ed Update to kwdb 0.0.20240415000
Quite some new functions and constants.
2024-04-15 16:15:56 +02:00

370 lines
11 KiB

# (C) Copyright 2015-2024 Sei Lisa. All rights reserved.
# This file is part of LSL PyOptimizer.
# LSL PyOptimizer is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# LSL PyOptimizer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with LSL PyOptimizer. If not, see <>.
# Extra functions that have predictable return values for certain arguments.
from lslopt.lslcommon import Key, Vector #, Quaternion
from lslopt.lslbasefuncs import ELSLCantCompute, fi,ff,fs,fk,v2f,q2f,fl, \
#from strutil import unicode
ff, q2f # keep pyflakes happy as these are not used
#GetEnvSettings = frozenset({'agent_limit', 'dynamic_pathfinding', 'estate_id'
# , 'estate_name', 'frame_number', 'region_cpu_ratio', 'region_idle'
# , 'region_product_name', 'region_product_sku', 'region_start_time'
# , 'sim_channel', 'sim_version', 'simulator_hostname'
# , 'region_max_prims' # <>
# , 'region_object_bonus' # <>
# , 'whisper_range', 'chat_range', 'shout_range' #? (jun 2020)
# , 'agent_limit_max', 'agent_reserved', 'agent_underserved' # <>
# })
# Values valid for llGetVisualDetails parameters
GVD_ValidValues = \
{ 33, "height"
, 38, "torso_length"
, 80, "male"
, 198, "heel_height"
, 503, "platform_height"
, 616, "shoe_height"
, 692, "leg_length"
, 693, "arm_length"
, 756, "neck_length"
, 814, "waist_height"
, 842, "hip_length"
, 11001, "hover"
xp_error_messages = {
-1:u'unknown error id',
0:u'no error', 1:u'exceeded throttle', 2:u'experiences are disabled',
3:u'invalid parameters', 4:u'operation not permitted',
5:u'script not associated with an experience', 6:u'not found',
7:u'invalid experience', 8:u'experience is disabled',
9:u'experience is suspended', 10:u'unknown error',
11:u'experience data quota exceeded',
12:u'key-value store is disabled',
13:u'key-value store communication failed', 14:u'key doesn\'t exist',
15:u'retry update', 16:u'experience content rating too high',
17:u'not allowed to run in current location',
18:u'experience permissions request timed out'
valid_inventory_kinds = frozenset({0, 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 13, 20, 21})
def llCloud(v):
v = v2f(v)
return 0.0
def llAvatarOnLinkSitTarget(link):
link = fi(link)
if link > 255 or link == -2147483648:
return Key(NULL_KEY)
raise ELSLCantCompute
# llClearPrimMedia always has side effects (emits errors for every face that
# is not supported)
def llClearLinkMedia(link, face):
if link > 255 or link == -2147483648:
return 0
raise ELSLCantCompute
def llDetectedGrab(idx, evsym=None):
idx = fi(idx)
if 0 <= idx <= 15 and (evsym is None or 'grab' in evsym):
raise ELSLCantCompute
def llDetectedGroup(idx, evsym=None):
idx = fi(idx)
if 0 <= idx <= 15 and (evsym is None or 'detect' in evsym):
raise ELSLCantCompute
return 0
def llDetectedKey(idx, evsym=None):
idx = fi(idx)
if 0 <= idx <= 15 and (evsym is None or 'detect' in evsym):
raise ELSLCantCompute
return Key(NULL_KEY)
def llDetectedLinkNumber(idx, evsym=None):
idx = fi(idx)
if 0 <= idx <= 15 and (evsym is None or 'detect' in evsym):
raise ELSLCantCompute
return 0
def llDetectedName(idx, evsym=None):
idx = fi(idx)
if 0 <= idx <= 15 and (evsym is None or 'detect' in evsym):
raise ELSLCantCompute
return NULL_KEY
def llDetectedOwner(idx, evsym=None):
idx = fi(idx)
if 0 <= idx <= 15 and (evsym is None or 'detect' in evsym):
raise ELSLCantCompute
return Key(NULL_KEY)
def llDetectedPos(idx, evsym=None):
idx = fi(idx)
if 0 <= idx <= 15 and (evsym is None or 'detect' in evsym):
raise ELSLCantCompute
def llDetectedRot(idx, evsym=None):
idx = fi(idx)
if 0 <= idx <= 15 and (evsym is None or 'detect' in evsym):
raise ELSLCantCompute
def llDetectedTouchBinormal(idx, evsym=None):
idx = fi(idx)
if 0 <= idx <= 15 and (evsym is None or 'touch' in evsym):
raise ELSLCantCompute
def llDetectedTouchFace(idx, evsym=None):
idx = fi(idx)
if 0 <= idx <= 15 and (evsym is None or 'touch' in evsym):
raise ELSLCantCompute
return -1 if 'detect' in evsym and 0 <= idx <= 15 else 0
def llDetectedTouchNormal(idx, evsym=None):
idx = fi(idx)
if 0 <= idx <= 15 and (evsym is None or 'touch' in evsym):
raise ELSLCantCompute
def llDetectedTouchPos(idx, evsym=None):
idx = fi(idx)
if 0 <= idx <= 15 and (evsym is None or 'touch' in evsym):
raise ELSLCantCompute
def llDetectedTouchST(idx, evsym=None):
idx = fi(idx)
if 0 <= idx <= 15 and (evsym is None or 'detect' in evsym):
# In detection events that are not touch events, it returns
# but we only know that num >= 1.
if idx == 0 and evsym is not None and 'touch' not in evsym:
# index 0 always exists, so we know the result
raise ELSLCantCompute
def llDetectedTouchUV(idx, evsym=None):
idx = fi(idx)
if 0 <= idx <= 15 and (evsym is None or 'detect' in evsym):
# In detection events that are not touch events, it returns
# but we only know that num >= 1.
if idx == 0 and evsym is not None and 'touch' not in evsym:
# index 0 always exists, so we know the result
raise ELSLCantCompute
def llDetectedType(idx, evsym=None):
idx = fi(idx)
if 0 <= idx <= 15 and (evsym is None or 'detect' in evsym):
raise ELSLCantCompute
return 0
def llDetectedVel(idx, evsym=None):
idx = fi(idx)
if 0 <= idx <= 15 and (evsym is None or 'detect' in evsym):
raise ELSLCantCompute
def llEdgeOfWorld(v1, v2):
v1 = v2f(v1)
v2 = v2f(v2)
if v2[0] == v2[1] == 0:
return 1
raise ELSLCantCompute
def llGetAgentInfo(id):
id = fk(id)
if not cond(id):
return 0
raise ELSLCantCompute
def llGetAgentLanguage(id):
id = fk(id)
if not cond(id):
return u''
raise ELSLCantCompute
def llGetAgentList(scope, options):
scope = fi(scope)
options = fl(options)
if scope not in (1, 2, 4):
return [u'INVALID_SCOPE']
raise ELSLCantCompute
def llGetAgentSize(id):
id = fk(id)
if not cond(id):
raise ELSLCantCompute
def llGetAlpha(face):
face = fi(face)
if face > 8:
return 1.0
# Negative face numbers return (float)llGetNumberOfSides(), which isn't
# computable.
raise ELSLCantCompute
def llGetAnimation(id):
id = fk(id)
if not cond(id):
return u''
raise ELSLCantCompute
def llGetAnimationList(id):
id = fk(id)
if not cond(id):
return []
raise ELSLCantCompute
def llGetAttachedList(id):
id = fk(id)
if not cond(id):
return [u'NOT FOUND']
raise ELSLCantCompute
def llGetBoundingBox(id):
id = fk(id)
if not cond(id):
return []
raise ELSLCantCompute
def llGetColor(face):
face = fi(face)
if face > 8:
return Vector((1.,1.,1.))
# Returns the average colour when negative (can't be computed)
raise ELSLCantCompute
def llGetDisplayName(id):
id = fk(id)
if not cond(id):
return u''
raise ELSLCantCompute
def llGetEnv(s):
s = fs(s)
# if s not in GetEnvSettings:
# return u""
raise ELSLCantCompute
def llGetExperienceErrorMessage(errno):
errno = fi(errno)
if errno < -1 or errno > 18:
errno = -1
return xp_error_messages[errno]
def llGetExperienceList(id):
id = fk(id)
# This function is not implemented and always returns empty list
return []
def llGetHTTPHeader(id, s):
id = fk(id)
s = fs(s)
if not cond(id):
return u''
raise ELSLCantCompute
def llGetInventoryKey(s):
s = fs(s)
if s == u'':
return Key(NULL_KEY)
raise ELSLCantCompute
def llGetInventoryName(kind, index):
kind = fi(kind)
index = fi(index)
if kind != -1 and kind not in valid_inventory_kinds or index < 0:
return u''
raise ELSLCantCompute
def llGetInventoryNumber(kind):
kind = fi(kind)
if kind != -1 and kind not in valid_inventory_kinds:
return 0
raise ELSLCantCompute
def llGetInventoryPermMask(item, category):
item = fs(item)
category = fi(category)
if category < 0 or category > 4 or item == u'':
return 0
raise ELSLCantCompute
def llGetLinkName(link):
link = fi(link)
if link < -2147483646 or link > 256:
return NULL_KEY
raise ELSLCantCompute
def llGetLinkSitFlags(link):
link = fi(link)
if link > 256 or (link < 0 and link != -4):
return 0
raise ELSLCantCompute
def llGetObjectLinkKey(id, link):
# TODO: Investigate behaviour with invalid key, invalid link etc.
raise ELSLCantCompute
def llGetOwnerKey(id):
id = fk(id)
if not cond(id):
return Key(NULL_KEY)
raise ELSLCantCompute
def llGetStatus(mask):
# Leave out STATUS_CAST_SHADOWS from the flags to check.
if (mask & ~0x200) == 0:
return 0
raise ELSLCantCompute
def llGetVisualParams(id, params):
id = fk(id)
params = fl(params)
if not cond(id) or params.nt == 'CONST' and not
return []
# TODO: This needs to check whether the list is a literal, and whether the
# elements are constant.
# if params.nt == 'LIST':
# for i in params:
# if (i.lower() if type(i) == unicode else i) in GVD_ValidValues:
# raise ELSLCantCompute
# return [u""] * len(params)
raise ELSLCantCompute
def llIsFriend(id):
id = fk(id)
if not cond(id):
return 0
raise ELSLCantCompute
# TODO: Add more predictable functions.