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# (C) Copyright 2015-2024 Sei Lisa. All rights reserved.
# This file is part of LSL PyOptimizer.
# LSL PyOptimizer is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# LSL PyOptimizer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with LSL PyOptimizer. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Expand inlined functions. This could perhaps be made at parse time, but that
# would obfuscate the source too much.
from lslopt.lslcommon import nr
# Statement-level nodes that have at most 1 child and are of type expression
'@', 'STSW', 'JUMP', ';', 'LAMBDA'})
# TODO: We can do a bit better with evaluation order.
class ENameAlreadyExists(Exception):
def __init__(self, obj, text):
super(ENameAlreadyExists, self).__init__(text)
class EExpansionLoop(Exception):
def __init__(self):
super(EExpansionLoop, self).__init__(u"Loop found in expansion of"
u" inline functions")
class inliner(object):
def newId(self, namespace, scope, symdata):
"""Create a new identifier based on a namespace."""
self.symCtr[namespace] = self.symCtr.get(namespace, 0) + 1
name = '___%s__%05d' % (namespace, self.symCtr[namespace])
if name in self.symtab[scope]:
kinds = {'l':u"Label", 'f':u"Function", 'v':u"Variable",
raise ENameAlreadyExists(self, u"%s already exists: %s"
% (kinds[symdata['Kind']], name.decode('utf8')))
self.symtab[scope][name] = symdata
return name
def newSymtab(self):
return len(self.symtab) - 1
def FixJumps(self, node):
"""Change name and scope of JUMPs to point to the correct symtab entry
nt = node.nt
if nt == 'JUMP':
orig = self.symtab[node.scope][node.name]
if 'NewSymbolName' in orig:
node.name = orig['NewSymbolName']
node.scope = orig['NewSymbolScope']
self.symtab[node.scope][node.name]['ref'] += 1
if nt == '{}':
for i in node.ch:
if nt == 'IF' or nt == 'WHILE':
if len(node.ch) > 2:
if nt == 'DO':
if nt == 'FOR':
assert False, u"Unexpected node type: %s" % nt.decode('utf8')
def GetFuncCopy(self, node, scope=0):
"""Get a copy of the function's body
Replaces 'return expr' with assignment+jump, 'return' with jump, and
existing labels with fresh labels. Also creates new symtabs for locals
and adjusts scopes of symbols.
nt = node.nt
if nt == 'FNDEF':
# We're at the top level. Check return type and create a label,
# then recurse into the block.
assert node.ch[0].nt == '{}'
copy = self.GetFuncCopy(node.ch[0], node.ch[0].scope)
assert copy.nt == '{}'
return copy
if nt == '{}':
copy = node.copy()
copy.scope = self.newSymtab()
copy.ch = []
for i in node.ch:
copy.ch.append(self.GetFuncCopy(i, node.scope))
if i.nt == 'DECL':
self.symtab[copy.scope][i.name] = \
self.symtab[node.scope][i.name]['NewSymbolScope'] = \
copy.ch[-1].scope = copy.scope
return copy
if nt == '@':
copy = node.copy()
oldscope = node.scope
oldname = node.name
copy.name = self.newId('lbl', scope, {'Kind':'l', 'Scope':scope,
copy.scope = scope
self.symtab[oldscope][oldname]['NewSymbolName'] = copy.name
self.symtab[oldscope][oldname]['NewSymbolScope'] = scope
return copy
if nt == 'RETURN':
newnode = nr(nt='JUMP', t=None, name=self.retlabel,
self.symtab[self.retlscope][self.retlabel]['ref'] += 1
if node.ch:
# Returns a value. Wrap in {} and add an assignment.
# BUG: We don't honour ExplicitCast here.
newnode = nr(nt='{}', t=None, scope=self.newSymtab(), ch=[
nr(nt='EXPR', t=self.rettype, ch=[
nr(nt='=', t=self.rettype, ch=[
nr(nt='IDENT', t=node.ch[0].t,
name=self.retvar, scope=self.retscope)
, self.GetFuncCopy(node.ch[0])
]), newnode
return newnode
if nt == 'IDENT':
copy = node.copy()
if 'NewSymbolScope' in self.symtab[node.scope][node.name]:
copy.scope = \
return copy
if not node.ch:
return node.copy()
copy = node.copy()
copy.ch = []
for i in node.ch:
copy.ch.append(self.GetFuncCopy(i, scope))
return copy
def ConvertFunction(self, parent, index, scope):
node = parent[index]
fns = []
for i in range(len(node.ch)):
fns.extend(self.RecurseExpression(node.ch, i, scope))
fnsym = self.symtab[0][node.name]
rettype = fnsym['Type']
self.rettype = rettype
retvar = None
if rettype is not None:
# Returns a value. Create a local variable at the starting level.
retvar = self.newId('ret', scope, {'Kind':'v', 'Scope':scope,
# Add the declaration to the list of statements
fns.append(nr(nt='DECL', t=rettype, name=retvar, scope=scope))
# Begin expansion
if node.name in self.expanding:
raise EExpansionLoop()
outer = None
if fnsym['ParamNames']:
# Add a new block + symbols + assignments for parameter values
pscope = self.newSymtab()
outer = nr(nt='{}', t=None, scope=pscope, ch=[])
origpscope = self.tree[fnsym['Loc']].pscope
for i in range(len(fnsym['ParamNames'])):
# Add parameter assignments and symbol table entries
pname = fnsym['ParamNames'][i]
ptype = fnsym['ParamTypes'][i]
value = node.ch[i]
self.symtab[pscope][pname] = {'Kind':'v','Type':ptype,
self.symtab[origpscope][pname]['NewSymbolScope'] = pscope
# BUG: We don't honour ExplicitCast here.
outer.ch.append(nr(nt='DECL', t=ptype, name=pname, scope=pscope,
self.retvar = retvar
self.retscope = scope
self.retlscope = scope
retlabel = self.newId('rtl', scope, {'Kind':'l', 'Scope':scope,
self.retlabel = retlabel
# Get a copy of the function
blk = [self.GetFuncCopy(self.tree[fnsym['Loc']])]
if outer:
blk = [outer]
retused = self.symtab[scope][retlabel]['ref'] != 0
self.RecurseStatement(blk, 0, scope) # recursively expand functions
# Add return label if used, otherwise remove it from the symbol table
if retused:
blk.append(nr(nt='@', name=retlabel, scope=scope))
del self.symtab[scope][retlabel]
# End expansion
if rettype is None:
del parent[index]
parent[index] = nr(nt='IDENT', t=rettype, name=retvar, scope=scope)
return fns
def RecurseExpression(self, parent, index, scope):
node = parent[index]
nt = node.nt
fns = []
if nt == 'FNCALL' and self.symtab[0][node.name].get('Inline', False):
fns.extend(self.ConvertFunction(parent, index, scope))
elif node.ch:
for i in range(len(node.ch)):
fns.extend(self.RecurseExpression(node.ch, i, scope))
return fns
def RecurseSingleStatement(self, parent, index, scope):
# Synthesize a block node whose child is the statement.
newscope = self.newSymtab()
node = nr(nt='{}', t=None, scope=newscope, ch=[parent[index]],
# Recurse into that node, so that any additions are made right there.
self.RecurseStatement(node.ch, 0, newscope)
# If it's no longer a single statement, promote it to a block.
if len(node.ch) != 1:
parent[index] = node
# The new level won't be necessary. We can't delete the symbol
# table, though, because that shifts any new symbol tables.
assert not self.symtab[newscope]
parent[index] = node.ch[0]
def RecurseStatement(self, parent, index, scope):
node = parent[index]
nt = node.nt
child = node.ch
fns = None
if child:
fns = self.RecurseExpression(child, 0, scope)
if nt == 'EXPR' and not node.ch:
del parent[index]
elif nt == '{}':
i = -len(child)
while i:
self.RecurseStatement(child, len(child)+i, node.scope)
i += 1
elif nt == 'IF':
fns = self.RecurseExpression(child, 0, scope)
self.RecurseSingleStatement(child, 1, scope)
if len(child) > 2:
self.RecurseSingleStatement(child, 2, scope)
# Loop handling is tricky.
# Consider this:
# integer f()
# {
# llOwnerSay("body of f");
# return 1;
# }
# while (f())
# llOwnerSay("doing stuff");
# In order to execute it every loop iteration, the while() loop must be
# converted to an if+jump:
# integer ___ret__00001;
# @___lbl__00001;
# {
# llOwnerSay("body_of_f");
# __ret__00001 = 1;
# }
# if (___ret__00001)
# {
# llOwnerSay("doing stuff");
# jump ___lbl__00001;
# }
# The for loop is similar, but the initializer and iterator must be
# expanded as well, to convert it to a while loop. When expanding the
# iterator, care must be taken to avoid name clashes. For example:
# for (i = 0; f(i); i++)
# {
# integer i;
# }
# should be expanded to:
# i = 0;
# @loop_label;
# integer ___ret__00001;
# {
# llOwnerSay("body of f");
# ___ret__00001 = 1,
# }
# if (___ret__00001)
# {
# {
# integer i;
# }
# i++;
# }
# The extra {} inside the 'if' are needed to protect the iterator from
# being affected by the variables defined in the inner block.
# Do loops are different:
# do
# llOwnerSay("doing stuff");
# while (f());
# is converted to:
# integer ___ret__00001;
# do
# {
# llOwnerSay("doing stuff");
# {
# llOwnerSay("body_of_f");
# ___ret__00001 = 1;
# }
# }
# while (___ret__00001);
elif nt == 'DO':
self.RecurseSingleStatement(child, 0, scope)
fns = self.RecurseExpression(child, 1, scope)
if fns:
# Need to do some plumbing to move the bodies into the loop
i = 0;
while i < len(fns):
if fns[i].nt != 'DECL':
assert fns[i].nt in ('{}', '@')
# All bodies must be moved inside the loop
if child[0].nt != '{}':
# Needs wrapping now
child[0] = nr(nt='{}', t=None, ch=[child[0]],
i += 1
elif nt == 'WHILE':
# Convert to if()
lbl = self.newId('whl', scope, {'Kind':'l','Scope':scope,'ref':1})
parent.insert(index, nr(nt='@', t=None, name=lbl, scope=scope))
index += 1
node.nt = 'IF'
if child[1].nt != '{}':
# Needs wrapping now
child[1] = nr(nt='{}', t=None, ch=[child[1]],
child[1].ch.append(nr(nt='JUMP', t=None, name=lbl, scope=scope))
fns = self.RecurseExpression(child, 0, scope)
self.RecurseSingleStatement(child, 1, scope)
elif nt == 'FOR':
assert child[0].nt == 'EXPRLIST'
assert child[2].nt == 'EXPRLIST'
for i in child[0].ch:
parent.insert(index, nr(nt='EXPR', t=i.t, ch=[i]))
fns = self.RecurseExpression(parent, index, scope)
parent[index:index] = fns
index += 1 + len(fns)
lbl = self.newId('for', scope, {'Kind':'l','Scope':scope,'ref':1})
parent.insert(index, nr(nt='@', t=None, name=lbl, scope=scope))
index += 1
node.nt = 'IF'
if child[3].nt != '{}':
# Needs wrapping now
child[3] = nr(nt='{}', t=None, ch=[child[3]],
# Needs another wrapping if iterator is not empty
if child[2].ch:
child[3] = nr(nt='{}', t=None, ch=[child[3]],
for i in child[2].ch:
child[3].ch.append(nr(nt='EXPR', t=i.t, ch=[i]))
del child[2]
del child[0]
child[1].ch.append(nr(nt='JUMP', t=None, name=lbl, scope=scope))
fns = self.RecurseExpression(child, 0, scope)
self.RecurseSingleStatement(child, 1, scope)
assert False, u"Unexpected node type: %s" % nt.decode('utf8')
if fns:
parent[index:index] = fns
def inline(self, tree, symtab):
self.tree = tree
self.symtab = symtab
self.symCtr = {}
self.expanding = []
for i in range(len(tree)):
if tree[i].nt == 'STDEF':
for j in range(len(tree[i].ch)): # for each event in the state
self.RecurseStatement(tree[i].ch[j].ch, 0,
elif (tree[i].nt == 'FNDEF'
and not symtab[tree[i].scope][tree[i].name].get('Inline',
# Must be an UDF
self.RecurseStatement(tree[i].ch, 0, tree[i].ch[0].scope)
# Remove all inline function definitions
for i in range(len(tree)):
if (tree[i].nt == 'FNDEF'
and symtab[tree[i].scope][tree[i].name].get('Inline', False)
tree[i] = nr(nt='LAMBDA', t=None)