2020-04-23 00:38:20 +02:00

805 lines
35 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env python2
# (C) Copyright 2015-2020 Sei Lisa. All rights reserved.
# This file is part of LSL PyOptimizer.
# LSL PyOptimizer is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# LSL PyOptimizer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with LSL PyOptimizer. If not, see <>.
# Unit testing program.
# Checks all files in unit_tests/*.suite/ with extensions .lsl or .run.
# When one is found, it's considered a test (if both exist, they are considered
# a single test).
# Extension .lsl is for source files to test. If the first line starts with
# "// " then the rest of the line is taken as the docstring of that test
# (visible with Eric or with option -v). The script is also fed as standard
# input to the program.
# .run defines the command-line parameters for invocation. A test can be run
# without a .lsl file but with a .run file. If not present, the .lsl file
# is run with the command line ' -'. The quoting rules are sh-style.
# The executable name is ignored, but needs to be present.
# .out is for expected output to stdout. If the first line is "REGEX", then
# the rest of the file is interpreted as a regular expression that the
# output is matched against. Otherwise the output must exactly match.
# If the file is not present, that's equivalent to an empty file, i.e. no
# output is expected.
# .err is like .out but for expected output to stderr, with the same features.
# .skp is for a file that if present, will skip this test. The contents are
# displayed as the reason for being skipped.
# .fail is for a file that, when present, marks the test as expected to fail.
# Its contents go to the docstring if not empty, replacing the .lsl one.
# A test passes when the stdout output matches the .out file, and the stderr
# output matches the .err file. Both default to empty strings.
import unittest
import sys
import os
#import math
import main
import glob
import re
import difflib
except ImportError:
difflib = None
if sys.version_info.major < 3:
from StringIO import StringIO as StringStream
from io import BytesIO as StringStream
from lslopt import lslcommon,lslfuncs,lslparse,lsloutput,lslloadlib
from lslopt.lslcommon import nr
from strutil import *
class EArgError(Exception):
def parseArgs(s):
"""Parse a command line, Bourne shell-style"""
if s is None:
return None
args = []
# States
Space = 0 # Space between args.
SBackslash = 1 # Backslash after space. Returns to Space if followed
# by LF, otherwise inserts the character verbatim and
# goes to Normal.
Normal = 2 # Normal argument.
NBackslash = 3 # Backslash in Normal mode. Returns to Normal if
# followed by LF, otherwise inserts the character
# verbatim.
DQuote = 4 # Double quote mode.
DQBackslash = 5 # Backslash in double quote mode. Returns to DQuote if
# followed by LF; inserts the character verbatim if
# followed by '"', '`', '$' or '\' and inserts a '\'
# plus the character verbatim in any other case.
SQuote = 6 # Single quote mode.
State = Space
p = 0
Len = len(s)
arg = b''
while p < Len:
c = s[p:p+1]
p += 1
if State in (Space, Normal):
if c == b'\\':
State = NBackslash if State == Normal else SBackslash
elif c == b'"':
State = DQuote
elif c == b"'":
State = SQuote
elif c in (b' ', b'\t'):
if State == Normal:
State = Space
arg = b''
# else remain in the 'Space' state
elif c == b'\n':
State = Normal
arg += c
elif State in (SBackslash, NBackslash, DQBackslash):
if c == '\n':
State = (DQuote if State == DQBackslash
else Space if State == SBackslash
else Normal)
if State == DQBackslash and c not in (b'"', b'`', b'$', b'\\'):
arg += b'\\'
arg += c
State = DQuote if State == DQBackslash else Normal
elif State == DQuote:
if c == b'\\':
State = DQBackslash
# ` and $ are not interpreted by this parser.
elif c == b'"':
State = Normal
arg += c
elif State == SQuote:
if c == b"'":
State = Normal
arg += c
if State in (SQuote, DQuote, DQBackslash):
raise EArgError(u"Unterminated string in .run file")
if State in (SBackslash, NBackslash):
raise EArgError(u"Backslash before EOF in .run file")
if State == Normal:
return args
#import codecs
## sh-style argument parsing
## identify line continuations
#cont_re = re.compile( '\\\\\n'
# '|(?:\.|[^ \t\n\'])'
# r"|'[^']*'")
## separates words
#args_re = re.compile(r'(?:'
# r'\\.'
# '|[^ \t\n\'"]'
# r'|"(?:\\.|[^"])*"'
# r"|'[^']*'"
# r')+')
## matches types of parts of a word ('...', "...", \x, x)
#part_re = re.compile(r'(?:'
# r'\\.'
# '|[^ \t\'"]'
# r')+'
# r'|"(?:\\.|[^"])*"'
# r"|'[^']*'")
# args = args_re.findall(s)
# for i in range(len(args)):
# arg = args[i]
# argout = ''
# for match in part_re.finditer(arg):
# part =
# if part[0] == '"':
# argout += codecs.escape_decode(part[1:-1])[0]
# elif part[0] == "'":
# argout += part[1:-1]
# else:
# argout += codecs.escape_decode(part)[0]
# args[i] = argout
# return args
def tryRead(fn):
result = None
f = open(fn, 'rb')
result =
except IOError as e:
if e.errno != 2:
return result
# In StringIO, mixing unicode and str causes problems with non-ASCII chars.
# Avoid it by overriding the write method, to always encode unicode as UTF-8.
class StrUTF8IO(StringStream):
def write(self, s):
StringStream.write(self, any2b(s))
def invokeMain(argv, stdin = None):
"""Invoke main.main, substituting stdin, stdout, stderr.
Returns tuple with stdout and stderr."""
# Revert globals to initial state
lslcommon.LSO = False
lslcommon.IsCalc = False
save_stdin = sys.stdin
save_stdout = sys.stdout
save_stderr = sys.stderr
stdout_output = None
stderr_output = None
sys.stdin = StringStream(stdin)
sys.stdout = StrUTF8IO()
sys.stderr = StrUTF8IO()
sys.stdin.encoding = 'utf8'
sys.stdout.encoding = 'utf8'
sys.stderr.encoding = 'utf8'
stdout_output = sys.stdout.getvalue()
stderr_output = sys.stderr.getvalue()
sys.stdin = save_stdin
sys.stdout = save_stdout
sys.stderr = save_stderr
lslcommon.LSO = False
lslcommon.IsCalc = False
return (stdout_output, stderr_output)
#def tolEqual(actual, expected, tol):
# """Strict equality. Like reallyEqual, but a tolerance can
# be specified for comparing floats.
# """
# if type(actual) != type(expected):
# return False
# # Deal with floats (edge cases, tolerance)
# if isinstance(actual, float):
# # Signs must be equal
# if math.copysign(1, actual) != math.copysign(1, expected):
# return False
# if math.isnan(actual):
# # This compares the sign of NaN as well
# return math.isnan(expected)
# if math.isinf(actual) and math.isinf(expected):
# return actual == expected
# return abs(actual - expected) <= tol
# # Deal with tuples and lists (item-by-item, recursively)
# if isinstance(actual, (tuple, list)):
# return all(tolEqual(i1, i2, tol)
# for i1, i2 in zip(actual, expected))
# # Fall back to 'classic' equality
# return actual == expected
#def reallyEqual(actual, expected):
# """Strictest equality. The types must be equal. For floats, it checks
# that the signs are equal, even for -0.0 and for NaNs. For the rest,
# it falls back to ==.
# """
# return tolEqual(actual, expected, 0.0)
#def reprEqual(self, actual, expected):
# """Returns whether the values are equal when comparing their repr's."""
# return repr(actual) == repr(expected)
class UnitTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
class UnitTestRegression(UnitTestCase):
def test_regression_misc(self):
"""Miscellaneous tests that can't be computed or are too difficult
to compute with scripts
sys.stderr.write('\nRunning miscellaneous tests: ')
# Test behaviour under BUG-3763
self.assertEqual(lslfuncs.llXorBase64(u"ABCDABCDABCD", u"ABCD"),
self.assertEqual(lslfuncs.llXorBase64(u"ABCDABCDABCD", u"ABC="),
self.assertEqual(lslfuncs.llXorBase64(u"AQCDAQCD", u"AQC="),
# Check that zstr returns the same type it is passed.
def test_regression_ll_json(self):
from unit_tests import json
# Patch llJsonSetValue, to allow running the test.
json.llJsonSetValue = lambda x, y, z: u"***"
sys.stderr.write('\nRunning JSON test module: ')
save_stdout = sys.stdout
save_stderr = sys.stderr
stdout_output = False
stderr_output = False
sys.stdout = StringStream()
sys.stdout.encoding = 'utf8'
sys.stderr = StringStream()
sys.stderr.encoding = 'utf8'
errs = json.run_tests()
stdout_output = sys.stdout.getvalue()
stderr_output = sys.stderr.getvalue()
sys.stdout = save_stdout
sys.stderr = save_stderr
self.assertLessEqual(errs, 138)
self.assertEqual(stdout_output, tryRead('unit_tests/json.out'))
self.assertEqual(stderr_output, tryRead('unit_tests/json.err'))
assert 'unit_tests.json' in sys.modules
del sys.modules['unit_tests.json']
def test_regression_parser(self):
"""Test the error cases. There are too many to make a test of each."""
sys.stderr.write('\nRunning parser error tests: ')
parser = lslparse.parser(lslloadlib.LoadLibrary())
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseSyntax, parser.parse,
'f(){integer i;i>>=i;}')
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseCantChangeState, parser.parse,
'f(){if(1)state default;else;}default{timer(){}}')
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseCantChangeState, parser.parse,
'f(){if(1);else state default;}default{timer(){}}')
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseCantChangeState, parser.parse,
'f(){if(1)if(1)state default;else;else;}default{timer(){}}')
# Test behaviour of void functions
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseTypeMismatch, parser.parse,
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseTypeMismatch, parser.parse,
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseTypeMismatch, parser.parse,
'default{timer(){key a=llDie();}}')
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseTypeMismatch, parser.parse,
'default{timer(){key a;a=llDie();}}')
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseTypeMismatch, parser.parse,
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseTypeMismatch, parser.parse,
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseTypeMismatch, parser.parse,
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseTypeMismatch, parser.parse,
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseTypeMismatch, parser.parse,
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseTypeMismatch, parser.parse,
'default{timer(){[llDie()];}}', ('optimize',))
# 'return <void expr>' works in the same situations as state changes
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseReturnShouldBeEmpty, parser.parse,
'default{timer(){return llDie();}}')
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseReturnShouldBeEmpty, parser.parse,
'default{timer(){if(1)return llDie();else;}}')
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseReturnShouldBeEmpty, parser.parse,
'default{timer(){if(1);else return llDie();}}')
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseReturnShouldBeEmpty, parser.parse,
'default{timer(){return 1;}}')
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseTypeMismatch, parser.parse,
'default{timer(){if(1)return 1;}}')
class UnitTestCoverage(UnitTestCase):
def test_coverage_misc(self):
"""Miscellaneous tests that can't be computed or are too difficult
to compute with scripts
sys.stderr.write('\nRunning misc coverage tests: ')
# Doesn't accept bytes
self.assertRaises(lslfuncs.ELSLInvalidType, lslfuncs.zstr, b"blah")
# Can't typecast float to vector
self.assertRaises(lslfuncs.ELSLTypeMismatch, lslfuncs.typecast,
lslfuncs.F32(1.2), lslcommon.Vector)
# Can't typecast integer to vector
self.assertRaises(lslfuncs.ELSLTypeMismatch, lslfuncs.typecast,
1, lslcommon.Vector)
# Can't typecast vector to key
self.assertRaises(lslfuncs.ELSLTypeMismatch, lslfuncs.typecast,
lslcommon.Vector((1.,2.,3.)), lslcommon.Key)
# Can't typecast quaternion to key
self.assertRaises(lslfuncs.ELSLTypeMismatch, lslfuncs.typecast,
lslcommon.Quaternion((1.,2.,3.,4.)), lslcommon.Key)
# Can't typecast list to vector
self.assertRaises(lslfuncs.ELSLTypeMismatch, lslfuncs.typecast,
[1, 1., lslcommon.Key(u'blah'),
# Can't typecast key to integer
self.assertRaises(lslfuncs.ELSLTypeMismatch, lslfuncs.typecast,
lslcommon.Key(u"1"), int)
# Can't negate string
self.assertRaises(lslfuncs.ELSLTypeMismatch, lslfuncs.neg, u"3")
# Can't add two keys
self.assertRaises(lslfuncs.ELSLTypeMismatch, lslfuncs.add,
lslcommon.Key(u"1"), lslcommon.Key(u"2"))
# Can't subtract two strings
self.assertRaises(lslfuncs.ELSLTypeMismatch, lslfuncs.sub,
u"1", u"2")
# Can't multiply two strings
self.assertRaises(lslfuncs.ELSLTypeMismatch, lslfuncs.mul,
u"1", u"2")
# Can't multiply quaternion and float in any order
self.assertRaises(lslfuncs.ELSLTypeMismatch, lslfuncs.mul,
lslcommon.Quaternion((1.,2.,3.,4.)), 1.)
self.assertRaises(lslfuncs.ELSLTypeMismatch, lslfuncs.mul,
1., lslcommon.Quaternion((1.,2.,3.,4.)))
# Can't multiply quaternion by vector (but the opposite order is OK)
self.assertRaises(lslfuncs.ELSLTypeMismatch, lslfuncs.mul,
# Can't divide quaternion by vector either
self.assertRaises(lslfuncs.ELSLTypeMismatch, lslfuncs.div,
# Can't mod floats
self.assertRaises(lslfuncs.ELSLTypeMismatch, lslfuncs.mod, 3., 3)
# Can't compare string and integer
self.assertRaises(lslfuncs.ELSLTypeMismatch,, u'3', 4)
self.assertRaises(lslfuncs.ELSLTypeMismatch, lslfuncs.less, u'3', 4)
# Bytes is not a valid type to multiply by (in any order)
self.assertRaises(lslfuncs.ELSLInvalidType, lslfuncs.mul, b"a", 3)
self.assertRaises(lslfuncs.ELSLInvalidType, lslfuncs.mul,
lslcommon.Vector((3.,4.,5.)), b"a")
self.assertRaises(lslfuncs.ELSLInvalidType, lslfuncs.typecast,
b"", unicode)
# v2f/q2f coverage (force conversion from ints to floats)
'Vector((1.0, 0.0, 0.0))')
'Quaternion((1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0))')
# Key repr coverage
self.assertEqual(repr(lslcommon.Key(u'')), "Key(u'')"
if str != unicode else "Key('')")
# string + key coverage
self.assertEqual(lslfuncs.add(u'a', lslcommon.Key(u'b')), u'ab')
self.assertEqual(type(lslfuncs.add(u'a', lslcommon.Key(u'b'))), unicode)
# The SEF table prevents this assertion from being reachable via script.
self.assertRaises(lslfuncs.ELSLCantCompute, lslfuncs.llXorBase64Strings,
u"AABA", u"AABA")
self.assertRaises(lslfuncs.ELSLCantCompute, lslfuncs.llModPow,
3, 5, 7)
# Check invalid type in llGetListEntryType
self.assertRaises(lslfuncs.ELSLInvalidType, lslfuncs.llGetListEntryType,
[b'a'], 0)
# Check that Value2LSL raises an exception if the type is unknown.
outmod = lsloutput.outscript()
# Script with a single node of type Expression, containing a constant
# of type Bytes. That's rejected by the output module.
msg = None
script = [nr(nt='EXPR', t='string', ch=[
nr(nt='CONST', t='string', value=b'ab')
save_IsCalc = lslcommon.IsCalc
lslcommon.IsCalc = True
outmod.output((script, ()))
except AssertionError as e:
msg = str(e)
lslcommon.IsCalc = save_IsCalc
self.assertEqual(msg, u"Value of unknown type in Value2LSL: 'ab'")
del msg
# Extended assignment in output
script = [nr(nt='EXPR', t='integer', ch=[
nr(nt='^=', t='integer', ch=[
nr(nt='IDENT', t='integer', name='a', scope=0),
nr(nt='CONST', t='integer', value=3)
save_IsCalc = lslcommon.IsCalc
lslcommon.IsCalc = True
out = outmod.output((script, [{'a':{'Kind':'v','Loc':1,'Scope':0,
lslcommon.IsCalc = save_IsCalc
self.assertEqual(out, 'a = a ^ (3)')
del out, script, outmod, save_IsCalc
def test_coverage_parser(self):
"""Cover the error cases. There are too many to make a test of each."""
parser = lslparse.parser(lslloadlib.LoadLibrary(
builtins = 'unit_tests/builtins-coverage-2.txt',
fndata = 'unit_tests/builtins-coverage-2.txt'))
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseNoConversion, parser.parse,
'f(){list L;(integer)L[0];}', ('lazylists',))
parser = lslparse.parser(lslloadlib.LoadLibrary())
sys.stderr.write('\nRunning parser exception coverage tests: ')
# Parse_unary_postfix_expression
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseUEOF, parser.parse, u'f(){key x=')
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseUndefined, parser.parse,
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseUndefined, parser.parse,
'integer g;f(){g();}')
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseUndefined, parser.parse,
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseTypeMismatch, parser.parse,
'f(){integer V; V[1] = 0;}', ('lazylists',))
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseFunctionMismatch, parser.parse,
'f(){list V; V[1,1] = 0;}', ('lazylists',))
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseTypeMismatch, parser.parse,
'f(){list V; V[""] = 0;}', ('lazylists',))
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseTypeMismatch, parser.parse,
'f(){list V; V[1] = llDie();}', ('lazylists',))
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseTypeMismatch, parser.parse,
'f(){string s;s++;}')
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseTypeMismatch, parser.parse,
'f(){string s;++s;}')
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseTypeMismatch, parser.parse,
'f(){string s;s=llDie();}')
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseTypeMismatch, parser.parse,
'f(){string s;s+=(key)"";}')
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseTypeMismatch, parser.parse,
'f(){string s;s-=s;}')
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseTypeMismatch, parser.parse,
'f(){string s;s*=2;}')
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseTypeMismatch, parser.parse,
'f(){vector v;v%=1.0;}')
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseTypeMismatch, parser.parse,
'f(){string s;s>>=s;}', ('extendedassignment',))
# Parse_unary_expression
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseTypeMismatch, parser.parse,
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseTypeMismatch, parser.parse,
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseTypeMismatch, parser.parse,
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseUndefined, parser.parse,
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseTypeMismatch, parser.parse,
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseFunctionMismatch, parser.parse,
'f(){list L;(integer)L[""];}', ('lazylists',))
# Parse_factor
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseTypeMismatch, parser.parse,
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseTypeMismatch, parser.parse,
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseTypeMismatch, parser.parse,
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseTypeMismatch, parser.parse,
# Parse_term
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseTypeMismatch, parser.parse,
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseTypeMismatch, parser.parse,
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseTypeMismatch, parser.parse,
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseTypeMismatch, parser.parse,
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseTypeMismatch, parser.parse,
# Parse_shift
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseTypeMismatch, parser.parse,
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseTypeMismatch, parser.parse,
# Parse_inequality
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseTypeMismatch, parser.parse,
# Parse_comparison
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseTypeMismatch, parser.parse,
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseTypeMismatch, parser.parse,
# Parse_bitbool_factor
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseTypeMismatch, parser.parse,
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseTypeMismatch, parser.parse,
# Parse_bitxor_term
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseTypeMismatch, parser.parse,
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseTypeMismatch, parser.parse,
# Parse_bitbool_term
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseTypeMismatch, parser.parse,
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseTypeMismatch, parser.parse,
# Parse_expression
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseTypeMismatch, parser.parse,
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseTypeMismatch, parser.parse,
# Parse_optional_expression_list
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseFunctionMismatch, parser.parse,
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseAlreadyDefined, parser.parse,
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseAlreadyDefined, parser.parse,
'f(){integer x;integer x;}')
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseAlreadyDefined, parser.parse,
'f(integer x, integer x){}')
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseAlreadyDefined, parser.parse,
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseSyntax, parser.parse,
'default{timer(){state state;}}')
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseUndefined, parser.parse,
'default{timer(){state undefined;}}')
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseSyntax, parser.parse,
'default{timer(){switch(1){case 1;}}}', ('enableswitch',))
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseSyntax, parser.parse,
'default{timer(){switch(1){default;}}}', ('enableswitch',))
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseInvalidBrkContArg, parser.parse,
'default{timer(){while(1){break 0;}}}', ('breakcont',))
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseInvalidBrkContArg, parser.parse,
'default{timer(){while(1){break 2;}}}', ('breakcont',))
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseInvalidBrkContArg, parser.parse,
'default{timer(){while(1){continue 0;}}}', ('breakcont',))
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseInvalidBrkContArg, parser.parse,
'default{timer(){while(1){continue 2;}}}', ('breakcont',))
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseSyntax, parser.parse,
'integer T=-TRUE;default{timer(){}}')
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseSyntax, parser.parse,
'list L=[[]];default{timer(){}}')
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseSyntax, parser.parse,
'default{timer(integer i){}}')
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseSyntax, parser.parse,
'i = 0;',)
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseSyntax, parser.parse,
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseUndefined, parser.parse,
'default{timer(){jump undefined;}}')
# BuildTempGlobalsTable coverage
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseSyntax, parser.parse,
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseSyntax, parser.parse,
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseSyntax, parser.parse,
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseSyntax, parser.parse,
'integer f=')
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseUEOF, parser.parse,
'integer /*')
self.assertRaises(lslparse.EParseSyntax, parser.parse,
'default{timer(){}}state e;')
class UnitTestExpr(UnitTestCase):
class UnitTestLSO(UnitTestCase):
class UnitTestPreproc(UnitTestCase):
def generateScriptTests():
"""Find all files in unit_tests/*.d/*.{lsl,run} and generate tests for
path = os.path.dirname(__file__)
if path:
testsuites = ('Regression', 'Coverage', 'Expr', 'LSO', 'Preproc')
for testsuite in testsuites:
files = glob.glob(os.path.join('unit_tests',
testsuite.lower() + '.suite', '*.lsl')
) + glob.glob(os.path.join('unit_tests',
testsuite.lower() + '.suite', '*.run')
files = list(set([os.path.splitext(x)[0] for x in files]))
for fbase in files:
# Create a closure with the test data
def makeTestFunction(fbase, suite):
def TestFunction(self):
stdin = tryRead(fbase + '.lsl') or ''
expected_stdout = tryRead(fbase + '.out') or b''
expected_stderr = tryRead(fbase + '.err') or b''
runargs = (parseArgs(tryRead(fbase + '.run'))
or (['', '-y', '-'] if suite != 'Expr'
else ['',
# Defaults for Expr:
'-O', 'clear,optimize,constfold'
werr(u"\nRunning test %s: " % any2u(fbase))
actual_stdout, actual_stderr = invokeMain(runargs, stdin)
actual_stdout = (actual_stdout.replace(b'\r',b'\r\n')
actual_stderr = (actual_stderr.replace(b'\r',b'\r\n')
if expected_stderr.startswith(b'REGEX\n'):
self.assertTrue(expected_stderr == actual_stderr)
except AssertionError:
u'\n************ expected stderr:\n')
werr(u'\n************ actual stderr:\n')
if difflib and expected_stderr and actual_stderr:
sys.stderr.write(u'\n************ diff:\n'
+ u'\n'.join(difflib.unified_diff(
'expected', 'actual', lineterm=''
werr(u'\n************ ')
if expected_stdout.startswith(b'REGEX\n'):
self.assertTrue(expected_stdout == actual_stdout)
except AssertionError:
u'\n************ expected stdout:\n')
werr(u'\n************ actual stdout:\n')
if difflib and expected_stdout and actual_stdout:
werr(u'\n************ diff:\n'
+ u'\n'.join(difflib.unified_diff(
'expected', 'actual', lineterm=''
sys.stderr.write(u'\n************ ')
return TestFunction
TestFunction = makeTestFunction(fbase, testsuite)
# __doc__ is used by Eric
line = b''
f = open(fbase + '.lsl', 'rb')
line = f.readline()
if line.endswith(b'\r\n'):
line = line[:-2]
elif line[-1:] in (b'\r', b'\n'):
line = line[:-1]
except IOError as e:
if e.errno != 2:
TestFunction.__doc__ = (b2u(line[3:]) if line.startswith(b'// ')
else None)
TestFunction.__name__ = ('test_' + testsuite + '__'
+ os.path.basename(fbase).replace('-','_'))
fail = tryRead(fbase + '.fail')
if fail is not None:
if fail:
TestFunction.__doc__ = b2u(fail)
TestFunction = unittest.expectedFailure(TestFunction)
skip = tryRead(fbase + '.skp')
if skip is not None:
TestFunction = unittest.skip(skip)(TestFunction)
setattr(globals()['UnitTest' + testsuite],
TestFunction.__name__, TestFunction)
if __name__ == '__main__':
unittest.main(argv = sys.argv)