162 lines
7.2 KiB
162 lines
7.2 KiB
"use strict";
// Note for reviewers/clones: This file is a auxiliary script for my setup. It's not needed to build the mod.
const constants = include("meta/lib/constants.js")();
const libtask = include("meta/lib/libtask.js")(constants);
const libassets = include("meta/lib/libassets.js")(constants);
const modid = constants.mod_registry_name();
var tasks = {};
tasks["update-json"] = function() {
const root_dir = fs.realpath(fs.dirname(sys.script));
const update_json = {
homepage: "https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/engineers-decor/",
promos: {}
var update_json_src = [];
fs.find(root_dir + "/1.12/meta/", "update*.json", function(path){ update_json_src.push(JSON.parse(fs.readfile(path))); });
fs.find(root_dir + "/1.14/meta/", "update*.json", function(path){ update_json_src.push(JSON.parse(fs.readfile(path))); });
fs.find(root_dir + "/1.15/meta/", "update*.json", function(path){ update_json_src.push(JSON.parse(fs.readfile(path))); });
for(var i in update_json_src) {
const version_update_json = update_json_src[i];
for(var key in version_update_json) {
if(key=="homepage") {
} else if(key=="promos") {
for(var prkey in version_update_json.promos) {
update_json.promos[prkey] = version_update_json.promos[prkey];
} else {
update_json[key] = version_update_json[key];
update_json_src = undefined;
fs.mkdir(root_dir + "/meta");
fs.writefile(root_dir + "/meta/update.json", JSON.stringify(update_json, null, 2));
tasks["sync-main-repository"] = function() {
// step-by-step-verbose operations, as the code bases and copy data are different.
if((!fs.chdir(fs.dirname(fs.realpath(sys.script)))) || (!fs.isdir(".git"))) throw new Error("Failed to switch to mod source directory.");
if(sys.shell("git remote -v") != "") throw new Error("Dev repository has a remote set.");
if(main_repo_local == "") throw new Error("Main repository (real) path not found.");
const test_repo_local = fs.cwd();
const main_repo_local = fs.realpath("../engineersdecor-github");
if(main_repo_local == fs.realpath(test_repo_local)) throw new Error("This is already the main repository");
const cd_dev = function(subdir) {
if((!fs.chdir(test_repo_local)) || (!fs.isdir(".git"))) throw new Error("Failed to switch to mod source directory.");
if((subdir!==undefined) && (!fs.chdir(subdir))) throw new Error("Failed to change to '" + subdir + "' of the test repository.");
const cd_main = function(subdir) {
if((!fs.chdir(main_repo_local)) || (!fs.isdir(".git"))) throw new Error("Failed to switch to main repository directory.");
if(fs.cwd().search("-github") < 0) throw new Error("Main repository is missing the '*-github' tag in the path name.");
if((subdir!==undefined) && (!fs.chdir(subdir))) throw new Error("Failed to change to '" + subdir + "' of the main repository.");
sys.shell("rm -rf documentation meta");
sys.shell("rm -f .gitignore credits.md license Makefile readme.md tasks.js");
cd_main("1.12"); sys.shell("rm -rf meta gradle src");
cd_main("1.14"); sys.shell("rm -rf meta gradle src");
cd_main("1.15"); sys.shell("rm -rf meta gradle src");
sys.shell("cp -f .gitignore credits.md license Makefile readme.md tasks.js \"" + main_repo_local + "/\"")
sys.shell("cp -r documentation meta \"" + main_repo_local + "/\"")
sys.shell("cp -f .gitignore build.gradle gradle.properties gradlew gradlew.bat Makefile readme.md tasks.js.* \"" + main_repo_local + "/1.12/\"")
sys.shell("cp -r gradle meta src \"" + main_repo_local + "/1.12/\"")
sys.shell("cp -f .gitignore build.gradle gradle.properties gradlew gradlew.bat Makefile readme.md tasks.js \"" + main_repo_local + "/1.14/\"")
sys.shell("cp -r gradle meta src \"" + main_repo_local + "/1.14/\"")
sys.shell("cp -f .gitignore build.gradle gradle.properties gradlew gradlew.bat Makefile readme.md tasks.js \"" + main_repo_local + "/1.15/\"")
sys.shell("cp -r gradle meta src \"" + main_repo_local + "/1.15/\"")
print("Main repository changes:");
print(sys.shell("git status -s"))
tasks["compare-textures"] = function(args) {
if(args.length==0) args.push("");
// const verbose = (args.find("-v")) || (args.find("--verbose")); //// NO ARRAY.FIND???? --> fix in JS engine
const verbose = (args[0]=="-v") || (args[0]=="-verbose"); //// NO ARRAY.FIND???? --> fix in JS engine
function compare(va, vb) {
const cmp = libassets.compare_textures(
const n_diff = Object.keys(cmp.differ).length;
const n_match = Object.keys(cmp.match).length;
const n_onlya = Object.keys(cmp.onlyin_a).length;
const n_onlyb = Object.keys(cmp.onlyin_b).length;
if(!verbose) {
if((n_diff==0) && (n_onlya==0) && (n_onlyb==0)) return true;
print("[warn] Textures of " + va + "<->" + vb + " differ: " + n_match + " matching, " + n_diff +
" different, " + n_onlya + " only in " + va + ", " + n_onlyb + " only in " + vb +
". (--verbose for details)");
return false;
} else {
if((n_diff==0) && (n_onlya==0) && (n_onlyb==0)) {
print("[pass] Textures of " + va + "<->" + vb + " all match.");
return true;
for(var key in cmp.differ) {
print("[warn] Texture of " + va + "<->" + vb + " differs: '" + key + "'.");
for(var key in cmp.onlyin_a) {
print("[warn] Texture only in " + va + ": '" + key + "'.");
for(var key in cmp.onlyin_b) {
print("[warn] Texture only in " + vb + ": '" + key + "'.");
return false;
var ok = true;
if(!compare("1.12", "1.14")) ok = false;
return ok;
tasks["migrate-textures"] = function(args) {
if(args.length==0) args.push("");
const verbose = (args[0]=="-v") || (args[0]=="-verbose");
throw new Error("Migration is WIP");
tasks["compare-blockstates"] = function(args) {
if(args.length==0) args.push("");
const verbose = (args[0]=="-v") || (args[0]=="-verbose");
const compare = function(va, vb) {
const cmp = libassets.compare_blockstates(va+"/src/main/resources/assets/"+modid, vb+"/src/main/resources/assets/"+modid);
const n_onlya = Object.keys(cmp.onlyin_a).length;
const n_onlyb = Object.keys(cmp.onlyin_b).length;
if(!verbose) {
if((n_onlya==0) && (n_onlyb==0)) return true;
print("[warn] Block states of " + va + "<->" + vb + " differ: " + n_onlya + " only in " + va + ", " + n_onlyb + " only in " + vb + ". (--verbose for details)");
return false;
} else {
if((n_onlya==0) && (n_onlyb==0)) {
print("[pass] Block states of " + va + "<->" + vb + " all match.");
return true;
for(var key in cmp.onlyin_a) {
print("[warn] Block states only in " + va + ", not " + vb + ": '" + key + "'.");
for(var key in cmp.onlyin_b) {
print("[warn] Block states only in " + vb + ", not " + va + ": '" + key + "'.");
return false;
var ok = true;
if(!compare("1.12", "1.14")) ok = false;
return ok;
libtask.run(tasks, sys.args, true, ".");