5699 lines
177 KiB
5699 lines
177 KiB
msgid ""
msgstr ""
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"X-Crowdin-Project: multimc\n"
"X-Crowdin-Project-ID: 373791\n"
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"Language: cs_CZ\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-06-09 22:49\n"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/atlauncher/ATLPackInstallTask.cpp:94
msgctxt "ATLauncher::PackInstallTask|"
msgid "Could not understand pack manifest:\n"
msgstr "Nepodařilo se pochopit manifest balíčku:\n"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/atlauncher/ATLPackInstallTask.cpp:102
#: src/launcher/modplatform/atlauncher/ATLPackInstallTask.cpp:183
#, qt-format
msgctxt "ATLauncher::PackInstallTask|"
msgid "Failed to get local metadata index for %1"
msgstr "Nepodařilo se získat index lokálních metadat pro %1"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/atlauncher/ATLPackInstallTask.cpp:108
#, qt-format
msgctxt "ATLauncher::PackInstallTask|"
msgid "Failed to get local metadata index for '%1' v%2"
msgstr "Nepodařilo se získat index lokálních metadat pro '%1' v%2"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/atlauncher/ATLPackInstallTask.cpp:170
#, qt-format
msgctxt "ATLauncher::PackInstallTask|"
msgid "Unknown mod type: %1"
msgstr "Neznámý typ módu: %1"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/atlauncher/ATLPackInstallTask.cpp:215
#, qt-format
msgctxt "ATLauncher::PackInstallTask|"
msgid "Failed to find version for %1 loader"
msgstr "Nepodařilo se najít verzi pro %1 loader"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/atlauncher/ATLPackInstallTask.cpp:229
msgctxt "ATLauncher::PackInstallTask|"
msgid "No loader version set for modpack!"
msgstr "Není nastavena žádná verze pro modpack!"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/atlauncher/ATLPackInstallTask.cpp:333
#, qt-format
msgctxt "ATLauncher::PackInstallTask|"
msgid "Unknown or unsupported download type: %1"
msgstr "Neznámý nebo nepodporovaný typ stahování: %1"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/atlauncher/ATLPackInstallTask.cpp:450
msgctxt "ATLauncher::PackInstallTask|"
msgid "Downloading configs..."
msgstr "Stahování konfigurací..."
#: src/launcher/modplatform/atlauncher/ATLPackInstallTask.cpp:451
msgctxt "ATLauncher::PackInstallTask|"
msgid "Config download"
msgstr "Konfigurace stahování"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/atlauncher/ATLPackInstallTask.cpp:491
msgctxt "ATLauncher::PackInstallTask|"
msgid "Extracting configs..."
msgstr "Extrahování konfigurací..."
#: src/launcher/modplatform/atlauncher/ATLPackInstallTask.cpp:498
#, qt-format
msgctxt "ATLauncher::PackInstallTask|"
msgid "Failed to open pack configs %1!"
msgstr "Nepodařilo se otevřít konfiguraci balíčku %1!"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/atlauncher/ATLPackInstallTask.cpp:528
msgctxt "ATLauncher::PackInstallTask|"
msgid "Selecting optional mods..."
msgstr "Výběr volitelných módů..."
#: src/launcher/modplatform/atlauncher/ATLPackInstallTask.cpp:532
msgctxt "ATLauncher::PackInstallTask|"
msgid "Downloading mods..."
msgstr "Stahování módů..."
#: src/launcher/modplatform/atlauncher/ATLPackInstallTask.cpp:535
msgctxt "ATLauncher::PackInstallTask|"
msgid "Mod download"
msgstr "Stáhnout mód"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/atlauncher/ATLPackInstallTask.cpp:549
#, qt-format
msgctxt "ATLauncher::PackInstallTask|"
msgid "Unsupported download type: %1"
msgstr "Nepodporovaný typ stahování: %1"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/atlauncher/ATLPackInstallTask.cpp:555
#, qt-format
msgctxt "ATLauncher::PackInstallTask|"
msgid "Unknown download type: %1"
msgstr "Neznámý typ stahování: %1"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/atlauncher/ATLPackInstallTask.cpp:669
msgctxt "ATLauncher::PackInstallTask|"
msgid "Failed to extract mods..."
msgstr "Nepodařilo se rozbalit módy..."
#: src/launcher/modplatform/atlauncher/ATLPackInstallTask.cpp:680
msgctxt "ATLauncher::PackInstallTask|"
msgid "Extracting mods..."
msgstr "Rozbalování módů..."
#: src/launcher/modplatform/atlauncher/ATLPackInstallTask.cpp:753
msgctxt "ATLauncher::PackInstallTask|"
msgid "Installing modpack"
msgstr "Instalace modpacku"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/atlauncher/ATLPackInstallTask.cpp:767
msgctxt "ATLauncher::PackInstallTask|"
msgid "Failed to create libraries component"
msgstr "Nepodařilo se vytvořit komponent knihoven"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/atlauncher/ATLPackInstallTask.cpp:791
msgctxt "ATLauncher::PackInstallTask|"
msgid "Unknown loader type: "
msgstr "Neznámý typ zavaděče: "
#: src/launcher/modplatform/atlauncher/ATLPackInstallTask.cpp:805
msgctxt "ATLauncher::PackInstallTask|"
msgid "Failed to create pack component"
msgstr "Nepodařilo se vytvořit komponent balíku"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/AboutDialog.ui:97
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "About"
msgstr "O Programu"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/AboutDialog.ui:106
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "<html><head/><body><p>A custom launcher that makes managing Minecraft easier by allowing you to have multiple instances of Minecraft at once.</p></body></html>"
msgstr "<html><head/><body><p>Vlastní launcher, který dělá správu Minecraftu jednodušší, protože umožňuje mít více instancí najednou.</p></body></html>"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/AboutDialog.ui:157
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "Version:"
msgstr "Verze:"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/AboutDialog.ui:167
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "Platform:"
msgstr "Platforma:"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/AboutDialog.ui:177
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "Build Number:"
msgstr "Číslo Sestavení:"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/AboutDialog.ui:187
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "Channel:"
msgstr "Kanál:"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/AboutDialog.ui:211
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "Credits"
msgstr "Zásluhy"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/AboutDialog.ui:228
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "License"
msgstr "Licence"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/AboutDialog.ui:256
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "Forking/Redistribution"
msgstr "Dělení / Přerozdělení"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/AboutDialog.ui:278
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "About Qt"
msgstr "O projektu Qt"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/AboutDialog.ui:298
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Zavřít"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/AboutDialog.cpp:81
#, qt-format
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "About %1"
msgstr "O aplikaci %1"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/AboutDialog.cpp:94
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "Version"
msgstr "Verze"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/AboutDialog.cpp:95
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "Platform"
msgstr "Platforma"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/AboutDialog.cpp:98
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "Build Number"
msgstr "Číslo sestavení"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/AboutDialog.cpp:103
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "Channel"
msgstr "Kanál"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/AboutDialog.cpp:107
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "<p>We keep MultiMC open source because we think it's important to be able to see the source code for a project like this, and we do so using the Apache license.</p>\n"
"<p>Part of the reason for using the Apache license is we don't want people using the "MultiMC" name when redistributing the project. This means people must take the time to go through the source code and remove all references to "MultiMC", including but not limited to the project icon and the title of windows, (no <b>MultiMC-fork</b> in the title).</p>\n"
"<p>The Apache license covers reasonable use for the name - a mention of the project's origins in the About dialog and the license is acceptable. However, it should be abundantly clear that the project is a fork <b>without</b> implying that you have our blessing.</p>"
msgstr "<p>Necháváme MultiMC open source, jelikož si myslíme že je důležité, aby byl zdrojový kód projektu, jako je tento, vidět, a to děláme používáním licence Apache.</p>\n"
"<p>Část důvodu proč používáme Apache licenci je to, že nechceme aby lidé při redistribuování projektu používali název "MultiMC". To znamená, že si lidé musí udělat čas aby prošl zdrojový kód a odstranit jakoukoliv zmínku o "MultiMC",včetně, ale ne omezeno na, ikonu projektu a název oken, (žádný <b>MultiMC-fork</b> v názvu).</p>\n"
"<p>Apache licence zahrnuje rozumné použití názvu - zmínka ohledně původu projektu v sekci \"O nás\" a v licenci je přijatelné. Nicméně by mělo být zřejmé, že se jedná o fork <b>bez</b> naznačování, že máte naše požehnání.</p>"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountList.cpp:277
msgctxt "AccountList|Account status"
msgid "Unchecked"
msgstr "Nevybráno"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountList.cpp:280
msgctxt "AccountList|Account status"
msgid "Offline"
msgstr "Offline"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountList.cpp:283
msgctxt "AccountList|Account status"
msgid "Online"
msgstr "Online"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountList.cpp:286
msgctxt "AccountList|Account status"
msgid "Working"
msgstr "Probíhá zpracování"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountList.cpp:289
msgctxt "AccountList|Account status"
msgid "Errored"
msgstr "Chyba"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountList.cpp:292
msgctxt "AccountList|Account status"
msgid "Expired"
msgstr "Vypršelo"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountList.cpp:295
msgctxt "AccountList|Account status"
msgid "Gone"
msgstr "Pryč"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountList.cpp:298
msgctxt "AccountList|Account status"
msgid "Must Migrate"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountList.cpp:309
msgctxt "AccountList|Can Migrate?"
msgid "N/A"
msgstr "N/A"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountList.cpp:312
msgctxt "AccountList|Can Migrate?"
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Ano"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountList.cpp:315
msgctxt "AccountList|Can Migrate?"
msgid "No"
msgstr "Ne"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountList.cpp:349
msgctxt "AccountList|"
msgid "Account"
msgstr "Účet"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountList.cpp:351
msgctxt "AccountList|"
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Typ"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountList.cpp:353
msgctxt "AccountList|"
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Status"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountList.cpp:355
msgctxt "AccountList|"
msgid "Can Migrate?"
msgstr "Může být převeden?"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountList.cpp:357
msgctxt "AccountList|"
msgid "Profile"
msgstr "Profil"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountList.cpp:366
msgctxt "AccountList|"
msgid "User name of the account."
msgstr "Uživatelské jméno účtu."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountList.cpp:368
msgctxt "AccountList|"
msgid "Type of the account - Mojang or MSA."
msgstr "Typ účtu - Mojang nebo Microsoft."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountList.cpp:370
msgctxt "AccountList|"
msgid "Current status of the account."
msgstr "Aktuální stav účtu."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountList.cpp:372
msgctxt "AccountList|"
msgid "Can this account migrate to Microsoft account?"
msgstr "Může být tento účet převeden na účet Microsoft?"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountList.cpp:374
msgctxt "AccountList|"
msgid "Name of the Minecraft profile associated with the account."
msgstr "Jméno Minecraft profilu spojeného s tímto účtem."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/AccountListPage.ui:67
msgctxt "AccountListPage|"
msgid "Add Mojang"
msgstr "Přidat Mojang účet"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/AccountListPage.ui:72
msgctxt "AccountListPage|"
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Smazat"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/AccountListPage.ui:77
msgctxt "AccountListPage|"
msgid "Set Default"
msgstr "Vrátit zpět na výchozí"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/AccountListPage.ui:85
msgctxt "AccountListPage|"
msgid "No Default"
msgstr "Žádné výchozí"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/AccountListPage.ui:90
msgctxt "AccountListPage|"
msgid "Upload Skin"
msgstr "Nahrát skin"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/AccountListPage.ui:95
msgctxt "AccountListPage|"
msgid "Delete Skin"
msgstr "Odstranit skin"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/AccountListPage.ui:98
msgctxt "AccountListPage|"
msgid "Delete the currently active skin and go back to the default one"
msgstr "Odstranit aktuální skin a použít výchozí"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/AccountListPage.ui:103
msgctxt "AccountListPage|"
msgid "Add Microsoft"
msgstr "Přidat Microsoft účet"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/AccountListPage.ui:108
msgctxt "AccountListPage|"
msgid "Refresh"
msgstr "Obnovit"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/AccountListPage.ui:111
msgctxt "AccountListPage|"
msgid "Refresh the account tokens"
msgstr "Obnovit tokeny účtu"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/AccountListPage.h:42
msgctxt "AccountListPage|"
msgid "Accounts"
msgstr "Účty"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/AccountListPage.cpp:46
msgctxt "AccountListPage|"
msgid "Welcome!\n"
"If you're new here, you can click the \"Add\" button to add your Mojang or Minecraft account."
msgstr "Vítejte!\n"
"Pokud jste zde noví, klikněte na tlačítko \"Přidat\" pro přidání vašeho Mojang nebo Minecraft účtu."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/AccountListPage.cpp:87
msgctxt "AccountListPage|"
msgid "Context menu"
msgstr "Kontextové menu"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/AccountListPage.cpp:118
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/AccountListPage.cpp:146
msgctxt "AccountListPage|"
msgid "Please enter your Mojang account email and password to add your account."
msgstr "Zadejte prosím email a heslo Mojang účtu."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/AccountListPage.cpp:135
msgctxt "AccountListPage|"
msgid "Microsoft Accounts not available"
msgstr "Účet Microsoft není dostupný"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/AccountListPage.cpp:136
msgctxt "AccountListPage|"
msgid "Microsoft accounts are only usable on macOS 10.13 or newer, with fully updated MultiMC.\n\n"
"Please update both your operating system and MultiMC."
msgstr "Microsoft účty jsou použitelné pouze na macOS verze 10.13 nebo novější a nejnovějším MultiMC.\n\n"
"Prosím aktualizujte svůj operační systém a MultiMC."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/AccountListPage.cpp:245
msgctxt "AccountListPage|"
msgid "Skin Delete"
msgstr "Odstranění skinu"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/AccountListPage.cpp:245
msgctxt "AccountListPage|"
msgid "Failed to delete current skin!"
msgstr "Nepodařilo se odstranit aktuální skin!"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountTask.cpp:41
msgctxt "AccountTask|"
msgid "Sending request to auth servers..."
msgstr "Odesílání žádosti na ověřovací server..."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountTask.cpp:43
msgctxt "AccountTask|"
msgid "Authentication task succeeded."
msgstr "Ověření bylo úspěšné."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountTask.cpp:45
msgctxt "AccountTask|"
msgid "Failed to contact the authentication server."
msgstr "Nepodařilo se kontaktovat ověřovací server."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountTask.cpp:47
msgctxt "AccountTask|"
msgid "Encountered an error during authentication."
msgstr "Během autentikace došlo k chybě."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountTask.cpp:49
msgctxt "AccountTask|"
msgid "Failed to authenticate. The account must be migrated to a Microsoft account to be usable."
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountTask.cpp:51
msgctxt "AccountTask|"
msgid "Failed to authenticate. The session has expired."
msgstr "Chyba při autentikaci. Relace vypršela."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountTask.cpp:53
msgctxt "AccountTask|"
msgid "Failed to authenticate. The account no longer exists."
msgstr "Ověření se nezdařilo. Tento účet již neexistuje."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountTask.cpp:55
msgctxt "AccountTask|"
msgid "..."
msgstr "..."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountTask.cpp:108
#, qt-format
msgctxt "AccountTask|"
msgid "Unknown account task state: %1"
msgstr "Netnámý stav úlohu účtu: %1"
#: src/launcher/ui/setupwizard/AnalyticsWizardPage.cpp:46
msgctxt "AnalyticsWizardPage|"
msgid "Analytics"
msgstr "Analytika"
#: src/launcher/ui/setupwizard/AnalyticsWizardPage.cpp:47
msgctxt "AnalyticsWizardPage|"
msgid "We track some anonymous statistics about users."
msgstr "Sledujeme nějaké anonymní statistiky o uživatelích."
#: src/launcher/ui/setupwizard/AnalyticsWizardPage.cpp:48
msgctxt "AnalyticsWizardPage|"
msgid "<html><body><p>The launcher sends anonymous usage statistics on every start of the application. This helps us decide what platforms and issues to focus on.</p><p>The data is processed by Google Analytics, see their <a href=\"https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/6004245?hl=en\">article on the matter</a>.</p><p>The following data is collected:</p><ul><li>A random unique ID of the installation.<br />It is stored in the application settings file.</li><li>Anonymized (partial) IP address.</li><li>Launcher version.</li><li>Operating system name, version and architecture.</li><li>CPU architecture (kernel architecture on linux).</li><li>Size of system memory.</li><li>Java version, architecture and memory settings.</li></ul><p>If we change the tracked information, you will see this page again.</p></body></html>"
msgstr "<html><body><p>Launcher odesílá anonymní statistiky využití při každém startu aplikace. To nám pomáhá se rozhodnout na jakou platformu a které problémy se zaměřit.</p><p>Data jsou zpracována službou Google Analytics, viz jejich<a href=\"https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/6004245?hl=en\">článek o správě dat</a>.</p><p>Shromažďujeme následující údaje:</p><ul><li>Náhodné unikátní ID instalace MultiMC.<br />To je uloženo v souboru s nastavením aplikace.</li><li>Anonymizovaná (částečná) IP adresa.</li><li>Verze launcheru.</li><li>Název operačního systému, jeho verze a architektura.</li><li>Architektura CPU (Na linuxu architektura kernelu).</li><li>Velikost systémové paměti</li><li>Verze Javy, architektura a nastavení paměti.</li></ul><p>Pokud změníme seznam shromažďovaných informaci, uvidíte tuto stránku znovu.</p></body></html>"
#: src/launcher/ui/setupwizard/AnalyticsWizardPage.cpp:62
msgctxt "AnalyticsWizardPage|"
msgid "Enable Analytics"
msgstr "Povolit analytiky"
#: src/launcher/Application.cpp:769
msgctxt "Application|"
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Nastavení"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/update/AssetUpdateTask.cpp:21
msgctxt "AssetUpdateTask|"
msgid "Updating assets index..."
msgstr "Probíhá aktualizace indexů..."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/update/AssetUpdateTask.cpp:28
#, qt-format
msgctxt "AssetUpdateTask|"
msgid "Asset index for %1"
msgstr "Index herních souborů pro %1"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/update/AssetUpdateTask.cpp:73
msgctxt "AssetUpdateTask|"
msgid "Failed to read the assets index!"
msgstr "Nepodařilo se přečíst indexy!"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/update/AssetUpdateTask.cpp:79
msgctxt "AssetUpdateTask|"
msgid "Getting the assets files from Mojang..."
msgstr "Získávání souborů z Mojangu..."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/update/AssetUpdateTask.cpp:93
#, qt-format
msgctxt "AssetUpdateTask|"
msgid "Failed to download the assets index:\n"
msgstr "Nepodařilo se stáhnout indexy:\n"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/update/AssetUpdateTask.cpp:98
#, qt-format
msgctxt "AssetUpdateTask|"
msgid "Failed to download assets:\n"
msgstr "Nepodařilo se stáhnout assety:\n"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/atlauncher/AtlFilterModel.cpp:30
msgctxt "Atl::FilterModel|"
msgid "Sort by popularity"
msgstr "Seřadit podle oblíbenosti"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/atlauncher/AtlFilterModel.cpp:31
msgctxt "Atl::FilterModel|"
msgid "Sort by name"
msgstr "Seřadit podle jména"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/atlauncher/AtlFilterModel.cpp:32
msgctxt "Atl::FilterModel|"
msgid "Sort by game version"
msgstr "Seřadit podle verze hry"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/atlauncher/AtlOptionalModDialog.ui:14
msgctxt "AtlOptionalModDialog|"
msgid "Select Mods To Install"
msgstr "Vyberte módy k instalaci"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/atlauncher/AtlOptionalModDialog.ui:20
msgctxt "AtlOptionalModDialog|"
msgid "Install"
msgstr "Nainstalovat"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/atlauncher/AtlOptionalModDialog.ui:30
msgctxt "AtlOptionalModDialog|"
msgid "Select Recommended"
msgstr "Vybrat doporučené"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/atlauncher/AtlOptionalModDialog.ui:40
msgctxt "AtlOptionalModDialog|"
msgid "Use Share Code"
msgstr "Použít sdílecí kód"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/atlauncher/AtlOptionalModDialog.ui:47
msgctxt "AtlOptionalModDialog|"
msgid "Clear All"
msgstr "Odznačit vše"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/atlauncher/AtlPage.ui:42
msgctxt "AtlPage|"
msgid "Warning: This is still a work in progress. If you run into issues with the imported modpack, it may be a bug."
msgstr "Upozornění: Na této funkci se stále pracuje. Pokud narazíte na problém se staženým modpackem, může se jednat o chybu."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/atlauncher/AtlPage.ui:59
msgctxt "AtlPage|"
msgid "Version selected:"
msgstr "Zvolená verze:"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/atlauncher/AtlPage.ui:74
msgctxt "AtlPage|"
msgid "Search and filter ..."
msgstr "Hledání a filtr..."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/atlauncher/AtlPage.cpp:158
#, qt-format
msgctxt "AtlPage|"
msgid "No versions are currently available for Minecraft %1"
msgstr "Žádná verze není v současné době k dispozici pro Minecraft %1"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/atlauncher/AtlPage.cpp:161
msgctxt "AtlPage|"
msgid "No versions are currently available"
msgstr "Momentálně nejsou k dispozici žádné verze"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/atlauncher/AtlPage.cpp:163
msgctxt "AtlPage|"
msgid "Couldn't load or download the version lists!"
msgstr "Nelze načíst nebo stáhnout seznamy verzí!"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/atlauncher/AtlPage.h:45
msgctxt "AtlPage|"
msgid "ATLauncher"
msgstr "ATLauncher"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/flows/AuthFlow.cpp:20
msgctxt "AuthFlow|"
msgid "Finished all authentication steps"
msgstr "Všechny autentikační kroky byly dokončeny"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/flows/AuthFlow.cpp:28
msgctxt "AuthFlow|"
msgid "Initializing"
msgstr "Inicializuji"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/flows/AuthFlow.cpp:58
msgctxt "AuthFlow|"
msgid "Working..."
msgstr "Pracuji..."
#: src/launcher/tools/BaseProfiler.cpp:30
msgctxt "BaseProfiler|"
msgid "Profiler aborted"
msgstr "Profiler přerušen"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/services/CapeChange.cpp:19
msgctxt "CapeChange|"
msgid "Equipping cape"
msgstr "Přidávání cape"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/services/CapeChange.cpp:33
msgctxt "CapeChange|"
msgid "Removing cape"
msgstr "Odstraňování cape"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/ComponentUpdateTask.cpp:270
msgctxt "ComponentUpdateTask|"
msgid "Some component metadata load tasks failed."
msgstr "Načítání metadat některých součástí bylo neúspěšné."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/ComponentUpdateTask.cpp:526
msgctxt "ComponentUpdateTask|"
msgid "Conflicting requirements detected during dependency checking!"
msgstr "Při kontrole závislostí byly nalezeny konflikty!"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/ComponentUpdateTask.cpp:545
msgctxt "ComponentUpdateTask|"
msgid "Instance has conflicting dependencies."
msgstr "Instance má konfliktní závislosti."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/ComponentUpdateTask.cpp:552
msgctxt "ComponentUpdateTask|"
msgid "Instance has unresolved dependencies while loading/checking for launch."
msgstr "Instance má nevyřešené závislosti, zatímco načítá/kontroluje spuštění."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/ComponentUpdateTask.cpp:702
#, qt-format
msgctxt "ComponentUpdateTask|"
msgid "Component metadata update task failed while downloading from remote server:\n"
msgstr "Při stahování ze vzdáleného serveru selhala aktualizace metadat:\n"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/CopyInstanceDialog.ui:17
msgctxt "CopyInstanceDialog|"
msgid "Copy Instance"
msgstr "Duplikovat instanci"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/CopyInstanceDialog.ui:74
msgctxt "CopyInstanceDialog|"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Název"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/CopyInstanceDialog.ui:90
msgctxt "CopyInstanceDialog|"
msgid "&Group"
msgstr "&Skupina"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/CopyInstanceDialog.ui:115
msgctxt "CopyInstanceDialog|"
msgid "Copy saves"
msgstr "Duplikovat světy"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/CopyInstanceDialog.ui:122
msgctxt "CopyInstanceDialog|"
msgid "Keep play time"
msgstr "Zachovat herní časí"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/CopyInstanceDialog.cpp:54
msgctxt "CopyInstanceDialog|"
msgid "No group"
msgstr "Žádná skupina"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/launch/CreateGameFolders.cpp:18
msgctxt "CreateGameFolders|"
msgid "Couldn't create the main game folder"
msgstr "Nelze vytvořit hlavní složku hry"
#: src/launcher/ui/widgets/CustomCommands.ui:32
msgctxt "CustomCommands|"
msgid "Cus&tom Commands"
msgstr "Vlastní příkazy"
#: src/launcher/ui/widgets/CustomCommands.ui:44
msgctxt "CustomCommands|"
msgid "Post-exit command:"
msgstr "Příkaz po ukončení:"
#: src/launcher/ui/widgets/CustomCommands.ui:54
msgctxt "CustomCommands|"
msgid "Pre-launch command:"
msgstr "Příkazy před spuštěním:"
#: src/launcher/ui/widgets/CustomCommands.ui:64
msgctxt "CustomCommands|"
msgid "Wrapper command:"
msgstr "Příkaz wrapperu:"
#: src/launcher/ui/widgets/CustomCommands.ui:77
msgctxt "CustomCommands|"
msgid "<html><head/><body><p>Pre-launch command runs before the instance launches and post-exit command runs after it exits.</p><p>Both will be run in the launcher's working folder with extra environment variables:</p><ul><li>$INST_NAME - Name of the instance</li><li>$INST_ID - ID of the instance (its folder name)</li><li>$INST_DIR - absolute path of the instance</li><li>$INST_MC_DIR - absolute path of minecraft</li><li>$INST_JAVA - java binary used for launch</li><li>$INST_JAVA_ARGS - command-line parameters used for launch</li></ul><p>Wrapper command allows launching using an extra wrapper program (like 'optirun' on Linux)</p></body></html>"
msgstr "<html><head/><body><p>Příkaz před spuštěním je spuštěn před spuštěním instance a příkaz po ukončení je spuštěn po jejím ukončení.</p><p>Oba budou probíhat v pracovním adresáři launcheru s těmito proměnnými prostředí navíc:</p><ul><li>$INST_NAME - Název instance</li><li>$INST_ID - ID instance (název její složky)</li><li>$INST_DIR - absolutní cesta k instanci</li><li>$INST_MC_DIR - absolutní cesta k Minecraftu</li><li>$INST_JAVA - binary Javy použitá ke spuštění</li><li>$INST_JAVA_ARGS - parametry příkazové řádky použité ke spuštění</li></ul><p>Wrapper příkaz umožňuje spuštění jiného wrapper programu (např. 'optirun' na Linuxu)</p></body></html>"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/CustomCommandsPage.h:35
msgctxt "CustomCommandsPage|"
msgid "Custom Commands"
msgstr "Vlastní příkazy"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/launch/DirectJavaLaunch.cpp:69
#, qt-format
msgctxt "DirectJavaLaunch|"
msgid "The wrapper command \"%1\" couldn't be found."
msgstr "Příkaz wrapperu \"%1\" nebyl nalezen."
#. Error message displayed if instance can't start
#: src/launcher/minecraft/launch/DirectJavaLaunch.cpp:91
msgctxt "DirectJavaLaunch|"
msgid "Could not launch minecraft!"
msgstr "Nelze spustit Minecraft!"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/launch/DirectJavaLaunch.cpp:100
#: src/launcher/minecraft/launch/DirectJavaLaunch.cpp:110
msgctxt "DirectJavaLaunch|"
msgid "Game crashed."
msgstr "Hra spadla."
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/EditAccountDialog.ui:14
msgctxt "EditAccountDialog|"
msgid "Login"
msgstr "Přihlásit"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/EditAccountDialog.ui:33
msgctxt "EditAccountDialog|"
msgid "Email"
msgstr "E-mailová adresa"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/EditAccountDialog.ui:43
msgctxt "EditAccountDialog|"
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Heslo"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/EntitlementsStep.cpp:14
msgctxt "EntitlementsStep|"
msgid "Determining game ownership."
msgstr "Kontroluji vlastnictví hry."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/EntitlementsStep.cpp:52
msgctxt "EntitlementsStep|"
msgid "Got entitlements"
msgstr "Má nároky"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ExportInstanceDialog.ui:14
msgctxt "ExportInstanceDialog|"
msgid "Export Instance"
msgstr "Exportovat instanci"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ExportInstanceDialog.cpp:384
#, qt-format
msgctxt "ExportInstanceDialog|"
msgid "Export %1"
msgstr "Exportovat %1"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ExportInstanceDialog.cpp:393
msgctxt "ExportInstanceDialog|"
msgid "Overwrite?"
msgstr "Přepsat?"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ExportInstanceDialog.cpp:394
msgctxt "ExportInstanceDialog|"
msgid "This file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr "Tento soubor již existuje. Chcete jej přepsat?"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ExportInstanceDialog.cpp:408
msgctxt "ExportInstanceDialog|"
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Chyba"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ExportInstanceDialog.cpp:408
msgctxt "ExportInstanceDialog|"
msgid "Unable to export instance"
msgstr "Nepodařilo se exportovat instanci"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ExternalToolsPage.ui:59
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ExternalToolsPage.ui:96
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ExternalToolsPage.ui:133
msgctxt "ExternalToolsPage|"
msgid "Check"
msgstr "Zkontrolovat"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ExternalToolsPage.ui:150
msgctxt "ExternalToolsPage|"
msgid "External Editors (leave empty for system default)"
msgstr "Externí editory (ponechte prázdné pro výchozí nastavení systému)"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ExternalToolsPage.ui:159
msgctxt "ExternalToolsPage|"
msgid "Text Editor:"
msgstr "Textový editor:"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ExternalToolsPage.h:37
msgctxt "ExternalToolsPage|"
msgid "External Tools"
msgstr "Externí nástroje"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ExternalToolsPage.cpp:90
msgctxt "ExternalToolsPage|"
msgid "JProfiler Folder"
msgstr "Složka JProfiler"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ExternalToolsPage.cpp:98
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ExternalToolsPage.cpp:113
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ExternalToolsPage.cpp:135
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ExternalToolsPage.cpp:150
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ExternalToolsPage.cpp:176
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ExternalToolsPage.cpp:191
msgctxt "ExternalToolsPage|"
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Chyba"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ExternalToolsPage.cpp:98
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ExternalToolsPage.cpp:113
#, qt-format
msgctxt "ExternalToolsPage|"
msgid "Error while checking JProfiler install:\n"
msgstr "Chyba při kontrolování instalace JProfiler:↵\n"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ExternalToolsPage.cpp:117
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ExternalToolsPage.cpp:154
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ExternalToolsPage.cpp:195
msgctxt "ExternalToolsPage|"
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ExternalToolsPage.cpp:117
msgctxt "ExternalToolsPage|"
msgid "JProfiler setup seems to be OK"
msgstr "Instalace JProfiler se zdá být v pořádku"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ExternalToolsPage.cpp:127
msgctxt "ExternalToolsPage|"
msgid "JVisualVM Executable"
msgstr "Spustitelný soubor JVisualVM"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ExternalToolsPage.cpp:135
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ExternalToolsPage.cpp:150
#, qt-format
msgctxt "ExternalToolsPage|"
msgid "Error while checking JVisualVM install:\n"
msgstr "Chyba při kontrolování instalace JVisualVM:↵\n"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ExternalToolsPage.cpp:154
msgctxt "ExternalToolsPage|"
msgid "JVisualVM setup seems to be OK"
msgstr "Instalace JVisualVM se zdá být v pořádku"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ExternalToolsPage.cpp:165
msgctxt "ExternalToolsPage|"
msgid "MCEdit Application"
msgstr "Aplikace MCEdit"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ExternalToolsPage.cpp:167
msgctxt "ExternalToolsPage|"
msgid "MCEdit Folder"
msgstr "Složka MCEdit"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ExternalToolsPage.cpp:176
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ExternalToolsPage.cpp:191
#, qt-format
msgctxt "ExternalToolsPage|"
msgid "Error while checking MCEdit install:\n"
msgstr "Chyba při kontrole instalace MCEdit:↵\n"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ExternalToolsPage.cpp:195
msgctxt "ExternalToolsPage|"
msgid "MCEdit setup seems to be OK"
msgstr "Instalace MCEdit se zdá v pořádku"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ExternalToolsPage.cpp:202
msgctxt "ExternalToolsPage|"
msgid "JSON Editor"
msgstr "Editor JSON"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ExternalToolsPage.cpp:224
msgctxt "ExternalToolsPage|"
msgid "Invalid"
msgstr "Neplatný"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ExternalToolsPage.cpp:225
msgctxt "ExternalToolsPage|"
msgid "The file chosen does not seem to be an executable"
msgstr "Zvolený soubor se nezdá být spustitelný"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/launch/ExtractNatives.cpp:104
#, qt-format
msgctxt "ExtractNatives|"
msgid "Couldn't extract native jar '%1' to destination '%2'"
msgstr "Nelze rozbalit „%1“ do „%2“"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/update/FMLLibrariesTask.cpp:39
msgctxt "FMLLibrariesTask|"
msgid "Checking for FML libraries..."
msgstr "Kontrola FML knihoven..."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/update/FMLLibrariesTask.cpp:63
msgctxt "FMLLibrariesTask|"
msgid "Downloading FML libraries..."
msgstr "Stahuji knihovny pro FML..."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/update/FMLLibrariesTask.cpp:90
msgctxt "FMLLibrariesTask|"
msgid "Copying FML libraries into the instance..."
msgstr "Kopíruji FML knihovny do instance..."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/update/FMLLibrariesTask.cpp:101
msgctxt "FMLLibrariesTask|"
msgid "Failed creating FML library folder inside the instance."
msgstr "Vytváření složky FLM uvnitř instance se nezdařilo."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/update/FMLLibrariesTask.cpp:106
#, qt-format
msgctxt "FMLLibrariesTask|"
msgid "Failed copying Forge/FML library: %1."
msgstr "Kopírování Forge/FML knihoven selhalo: %1."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/update/FMLLibrariesTask.cpp:119
#, qt-format
msgctxt "FMLLibrariesTask|"
msgid "Failed to download the following files:\n"
"Please try again."
msgstr "Stahování následujících souborů selhalo:\n"
"Prosím zkus znovu."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/update/FoldersTask.cpp:17
msgctxt "FoldersTask|"
msgid "Failed to create folder for minecraft binaries."
msgstr "Nepodařilo se vytvořit složku pro binární soubory Minecraftu."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/ForcedMigrationStep.cpp:15
msgctxt "ForcedMigrationStep|"
msgid "Checking for migration eligibility."
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/ForcedMigrationStep.cpp:45
msgctxt "ForcedMigrationStep|"
msgid "The account must be migrated to a Microsoft account."
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/ForcedMigrationStep.cpp:48
msgctxt "ForcedMigrationStep|"
msgid "Got forced migration flags"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/minecraft/gameoptions/GameOptions.cpp:82
msgctxt "GameOptions|"
msgid "Key"
msgstr "Klíč"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/gameoptions/GameOptions.cpp:84
msgctxt "GameOptions|"
msgid "Value"
msgstr "Hodnota"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/GameOptionsPage.h:45
msgctxt "GameOptionsPage|"
msgid "Game Options"
msgstr "Nastavení"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/World.cpp:69
msgctxt "GameType|"
msgid "Survival"
msgstr "Hra o přežití"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/World.cpp:71
msgctxt "GameType|"
msgid "Creative"
msgstr "Tvořivá hra"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/World.cpp:73
msgctxt "GameType|"
msgid "Adventure"
msgstr "Dobroudružství"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/World.cpp:75
msgctxt "GameType|"
msgid "Spectator"
msgstr "Pozorování"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/World.cpp:80
#, qt-format
msgctxt "GameType|"
msgid "Unknown (%1)"
msgstr "Neznámé (%1)"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/World.cpp:82
msgctxt "GameType|"
msgid "Undefined"
msgstr "Nedefinováno"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/GetSkinStep.cpp:16
msgctxt "GetSkinStep|"
msgid "Getting skin."
msgstr "Získávám skin."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/GetSkinStep.cpp:42
msgctxt "GetSkinStep|"
msgid "Got skin"
msgstr "Skin byl získán"
#: src/launcher/updater/DownloadTask.cpp:48
msgctxt "GoUpdate::DownloadTask|"
msgid "Loading version information..."
msgstr "Načítání informací o verzi..."
#: src/launcher/updater/DownloadTask.cpp:85
msgctxt "GoUpdate::DownloadTask|"
msgid "Failed to download version info files."
msgstr "Nepodařilo se stáhnout informační soubory verze."
#: src/launcher/updater/DownloadTask.cpp:93
msgctxt "GoUpdate::DownloadTask|"
msgid "Reading file list for new version..."
msgstr "Čtení seznamu souborů pro novou verzi..."
#: src/launcher/updater/DownloadTask.cpp:106
msgctxt "GoUpdate::DownloadTask|"
msgid "Reading file list for current version..."
msgstr "Čtení seznamu souborů pro aktuální verzi ..."
#: src/launcher/updater/DownloadTask.cpp:121
msgctxt "GoUpdate::DownloadTask|"
msgid "Processing file lists - figuring out how to install the update..."
msgstr "Zpracování souborový seznamů - zjišťuji jak nainstalovat aktualizaci..."
#: src/launcher/updater/DownloadTask.cpp:129
msgctxt "GoUpdate::DownloadTask|"
msgid "Failed to process update lists..."
msgstr "Zpracování seznamu novinek selhalo."
#: src/launcher/updater/DownloadTask.cpp:140
msgctxt "GoUpdate::DownloadTask|"
msgid "Downloading one update file."
msgstr "Stahování aktualizačního souboru."
#: src/launcher/updater/DownloadTask.cpp:144
#, qt-format
msgctxt "GoUpdate::DownloadTask|"
msgid "Downloading %1 update files."
msgstr "Stahování %1 aktualizačních souborů."
#: src/launcher/updater/DownloadTask.cpp:159
#, qt-format
msgctxt "GoUpdate::DownloadTask|"
msgid "Failed to download update files: %1"
msgstr "Nepodařilo se stáhnout aktualizační soubory: %1"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/IconPickerDialog.ui:14
msgctxt "IconPickerDialog|"
msgid "Pick icon"
msgstr "Vyber ikonu"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/IconPickerDialog.cpp:65
msgctxt "IconPickerDialog|"
msgid "Add Icon"
msgstr "Přidat ikonu"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/IconPickerDialog.cpp:66
msgctxt "IconPickerDialog|"
msgid "Remove Icon"
msgstr "Smazat ikonu"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/IconPickerDialog.cpp:75
msgctxt "IconPickerDialog|"
msgid "Open Folder"
msgstr "Otevřít složku"
#. The title of the select icons open file dialog
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/IconPickerDialog.cpp:105
msgctxt "IconPickerDialog|"
msgid "Select Icons"
msgstr "Vyber ikony"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/IconPickerDialog.cpp:108
#, qt-format
msgctxt "IconPickerDialog|"
msgid "Icons %1"
msgstr "Ikony %1"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/import_ftb/FTBAPage.h:41
msgctxt "ImportFTB::FTBAPage|"
msgid "FTB App Import"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/ImportPage.ui:17
msgctxt "ImportPage|"
msgid "Browse"
msgstr "Procházet"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/ImportPage.ui:31
msgctxt "ImportPage|"
msgid "Local file or link to a direct download:"
msgstr "Místní soubor nebo odkaz ke stažení:"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/ImportPage.h:40
msgctxt "ImportPage|"
msgid "Import from zip"
msgstr "Přidat ze zipu"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/ImportPage.cpp:107
msgctxt "ImportPage|"
msgid "Choose modpack"
msgstr "Vyberte modpack"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/ImportPage.cpp:107
msgctxt "ImportPage|"
msgid "Zip (*.zip *.mrpack)"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/widgets/InstanceCardWidget.ui:27
msgctxt "InstanceCardWidget|"
msgid "&Name:"
msgstr "&Název:"
#: src/launcher/ui/widgets/InstanceCardWidget.ui:40
msgctxt "InstanceCardWidget|"
msgid "&Group:"
msgstr "&Skupina:"
#: src/launcher/InstanceCopyTask.cpp:24
#, qt-format
msgctxt "InstanceCopyTask|"
msgid "Copying instance %1"
msgstr "Kopírovaní instance %1"
#: src/launcher/InstanceCopyTask.cpp:40
msgctxt "InstanceCopyTask|"
msgid "Instance folder copy failed."
msgstr "Kopírování složky instance neúspěšné."
#: src/launcher/InstanceCopyTask.cpp:58
msgctxt "InstanceCopyTask|"
msgid "Instance folder copy has been aborted."
msgstr "Kopírovaní složky instance bylo zrušeno."
#: src/launcher/InstanceCreationTask.cpp:16
#, qt-format
msgctxt "InstanceCreationTask|"
msgid "Creating instance from version %1"
msgstr "Vytváření instance z verze %1"
#: src/launcher/InstanceImportTask.cpp:55
#, qt-format
msgctxt "InstanceImportTask|"
msgid "Downloading modpack:\n"
msgstr "Stahuje se Modpack:\n"
#: src/launcher/InstanceImportTask.cpp:61
msgctxt "InstanceImportTask|"
msgid "Modpack download"
msgstr "Stáhnout Modpack"
#: src/launcher/InstanceImportTask.cpp:91
msgctxt "InstanceImportTask|"
msgid "Extracting modpack"
msgstr "Rozbalování modpacku"
#: src/launcher/InstanceImportTask.cpp:99
msgctxt "InstanceImportTask|"
msgid "Unable to open supplied modpack zip file."
msgstr "Nebylo možné otevřít poskytnutý archiv modpacku."
#: src/launcher/InstanceImportTask.cpp:132
#: src/launcher/InstanceImportTask.cpp:196
msgctxt "InstanceImportTask|"
msgid "Archive does not contain a recognized modpack type."
msgstr "Archiv neobsahuje uznávaný typ modpacku."
#: src/launcher/InstanceImportTask.cpp:148
msgctxt "InstanceImportTask|"
msgid "Failed to extract modpack"
msgstr "Extrahování modpacku selhalo"
#: src/launcher/InstanceImportTask.cpp:175
#, qt-format
msgctxt "InstanceImportTask|"
msgid "Could not fix permissions for %1"
msgstr "Nepodařilo se opravit povolení pro %1"
#: src/launcher/InstanceImportTask.cpp:203
msgctxt "InstanceImportTask|"
msgid "Instance import has been aborted."
msgstr "Importování instance bylo přerušeno."
#: src/launcher/InstanceImportTask.cpp:361
msgctxt "InstanceImportTask|"
msgid "Could not understand pack index:\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/InstanceImportTask.cpp:368
msgctxt "InstanceImportTask|"
msgid "Could not rename the overrides folder:\n"
msgstr "Nemohl jsem přejmenovat přepisovací složku:\n"
#: src/launcher/InstanceImportTask.cpp:394
msgctxt "InstanceImportTask|"
msgid "Mod download"
msgstr "Stáhnout mód"
#: src/launcher/InstanceImportTask.cpp:417
msgctxt "InstanceImportTask|"
msgid "Downloading mods..."
msgstr "Stahování módů…"
#: src/launcher/InstanceList.cpp:150
#, qt-format
msgctxt "InstanceList|"
msgid "%1 Instance"
msgstr "%1 Instance"
#: src/launcher/InstancePageProvider.h:40
msgctxt "InstancePageProvider|"
msgid "Loader mods"
msgstr "Módy"
#: src/launcher/InstancePageProvider.h:43
msgctxt "InstancePageProvider|"
msgid "Core mods"
msgstr "Vnitřní módy"
#: src/launcher/InstancePageProvider.h:72
#, qt-format
msgctxt "InstancePageProvider|"
msgid "Edit Instance (%1)"
msgstr "Upravit instanci (%1)"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:29
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Open Global Settings"
msgstr "Otevřít globální nastavení"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:32
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "The settings here are overrides for global settings."
msgstr "Tato nastavení přepíší globální nastavení."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:55
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Java insta&llation"
msgstr "Instalace Javy"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:70
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Auto-detect..."
msgstr "Automatická detekce..."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:77
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Browse..."
msgstr "Vybrat…"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:84
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Test"
msgstr "Otestovat"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:97
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Memor&y"
msgstr "Paměť"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:109
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Minimum memory allocation:"
msgstr "Minimální přidělení paměti:"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:116
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "The maximum amount of memory Minecraft is allowed to use."
msgstr "Maximální výše paměti Minecraft, která dovolena používat."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:138
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "The amount of memory Minecraft is started with."
msgstr "Velikost paměti, kterou má Minecraft k dispozici při spuštění."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:160
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "The amount of memory available to store loaded Java classes."
msgstr "Velikost paměti k dispozici pro uložení načtených Java tříd."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:189
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Maximum memory allocation:"
msgstr "Maximální velikost přidělené paměti:"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:196
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Note: Permgen is set automatically by Java 8 and later"
msgstr "Je-li nainstalovaná Java 8 a vyšší, je permgen nastavený automaticky"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:209
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Java argumen&ts"
msgstr "Java argumenty"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:228
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Game windows"
msgstr "Herní okna"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:237
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Game Window"
msgstr "Herní okno"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:249
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Start Minecraft maximized?"
msgstr "Spustit Minecraft maximalizovaný?"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:258
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Window height:"
msgstr "Výška okna:"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:265
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Window width:"
msgstr "Šířka okna:"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:309
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Conso&le Settings"
msgstr "Nastavení konzole"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:321
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Show console while the game is running?"
msgstr "Zobrazovat konzoli, zatímco hra běží?"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:328
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Automatically close console when the game quits?"
msgstr "Zavřít konzoli automaticky po ukončení hry?"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:335
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Show console when the game crashes?"
msgstr "Zobrazit konzoli, když hra spadne?"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:359
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Custom commands"
msgstr "Vlastní příkazy"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:369
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Workarounds"
msgstr "Náhradní řešení"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:378
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Native libraries"
msgstr "Nativní knihovny"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:390
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Use system installation of GLFW"
msgstr "Použít systémovou instalaci GLFW"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:397
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Use system installation of OpenAL"
msgstr "Použít systémovou instalaci OpenAL"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:421
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Miscellaneous"
msgstr "Různé"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:430
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Override global game time settings"
msgstr "Přepsat globální nastavení času hry"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:442
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Show time spent playing this instance"
msgstr "Zobrazit čas strávený hraním této instance"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:449
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Record time spent playing this instance"
msgstr "Záznam času stráveného hraním této instance"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:459
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Set a server to join on launch"
msgstr "Nastavte server pro připojení při spuštění"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:479
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Server address:"
msgstr "Adresa serveru:"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.h:42
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Nastavení"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.cpp:283
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Select a Java version"
msgstr "Vyberte verzi Javy"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.cpp:301
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Find Java executable"
msgstr "Najdi spustitelný soubor Javy"
#: src/launcher/InstanceList.cpp:832
msgctxt "InstanceStaging|"
msgid "Failed to commit instance, even after multiple retries. It is being blocked by something."
msgstr "Nepodařilo se commitnout instanci, i po několika pokusech. Něčím je blokováno."
#: src/launcher/ui/InstanceWindow.cpp:40
msgctxt "InstanceWindow|"
msgid "Console window for "
msgstr "Konzole pro "
#: src/launcher/ui/InstanceWindow.cpp:64
msgctxt "InstanceWindow|"
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Nápověda"
#: src/launcher/ui/InstanceWindow.cpp:77
msgctxt "InstanceWindow|"
msgid "Launch Offline"
msgstr "Hrát offline"
#: src/launcher/ui/InstanceWindow.cpp:82
msgctxt "InstanceWindow|"
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Zavřít"
#: src/launcher/ui/InstanceWindow.cpp:126
msgctxt "InstanceWindow|"
msgid "Kill"
msgstr "Zabít"
#: src/launcher/ui/InstanceWindow.cpp:128
msgctxt "InstanceWindow|"
msgid "Kill the running instance"
msgstr "Zabít spuštěnou instanci"
#: src/launcher/ui/InstanceWindow.cpp:133
#: src/launcher/ui/InstanceWindow.cpp:141
msgctxt "InstanceWindow|"
msgid "Launch"
msgstr "Spustit"
#: src/launcher/ui/InstanceWindow.cpp:135
#: src/launcher/ui/InstanceWindow.cpp:143
msgctxt "InstanceWindow|"
msgid "Launch the instance"
msgstr "Spustit vybranou instanci"
#: src/launcher/tools/JProfiler.cpp:34
#, qt-format
msgctxt "JProfiler|"
msgid "Listening on port: %1"
msgstr "Poslouchání na portu: %1"
#: src/launcher/tools/JProfiler.cpp:41
msgctxt "JProfiler|"
msgid "Profiler aborted"
msgstr "Profiler přerušen"
#: src/launcher/tools/JVisualVM.cpp:32
msgctxt "JVisualVM|"
msgid "JVisualVM started"
msgstr "JVisualVM slpuštěn"
#: src/launcher/tools/JVisualVM.cpp:39
msgctxt "JVisualVM|"
msgid "Profiler aborted"
msgstr "Profiler přerušen"
#: src/launcher/java/JavaInstallList.cpp:147
msgctxt "JavaListLoadTask|"
msgid "Detecting Java installations..."
msgstr "Detekování nainstalovaných verzí Javy…"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/JavaPage.ui:45
msgctxt "JavaPage|"
msgid "Memory"
msgstr "Paměť"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/JavaPage.ui:51
msgctxt "JavaPage|"
msgid "The maximum amount of memory Minecraft is allowed to use."
msgstr "Maximální výše paměti Minecraft, která dovolena používat."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/JavaPage.ui:73
msgctxt "JavaPage|"
msgid "Minimum memory allocation:"
msgstr "Minimální přidělení paměti:"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/JavaPage.ui:80
msgctxt "JavaPage|"
msgid "Maximum memory allocation:"
msgstr "Maximální přidělení paměti:"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/JavaPage.ui:87
msgctxt "JavaPage|"
msgid "The amount of memory Minecraft is started with."
msgstr "Množství paměti se kterým Minecraft začne."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/JavaPage.ui:116
msgctxt "JavaPage|"
msgid "The amount of memory available to store loaded Java classes."
msgstr "Velikost paměti k dispozici pro uložení načtení tříd Java."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/JavaPage.ui:141
msgctxt "JavaPage|"
msgid "Java Runtime"
msgstr "Java Runtime"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/JavaPage.ui:153
msgctxt "JavaPage|"
msgid "Java path:"
msgstr "Cesta Javy:"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/JavaPage.ui:195
msgctxt "JavaPage|"
msgid "JVM arguments:"
msgstr "JVM argumenty:"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/JavaPage.ui:208
msgctxt "JavaPage|"
msgid "Auto-detect..."
msgstr "Automaticky detekovat…"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/JavaPage.ui:221
msgctxt "JavaPage|"
msgid "Test"
msgstr "Otestovat"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/JavaPage.h:42
msgctxt "JavaPage|"
msgid "Java"
msgstr "Java"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/JavaPage.cpp:107
msgctxt "JavaPage|"
msgid "Select a Java version"
msgstr "Vyberte verzi Javy"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/JavaPage.cpp:120
msgctxt "JavaPage|"
msgid "Find Java executable"
msgstr "Najdi spustitelný soubor Javy"
#: src/launcher/ui/widgets/JavaSettingsWidget.cpp:151
msgctxt "JavaSettingsWidget|"
msgid "No Java version selected"
msgstr "Žadná verze Javy není vybraná"
#: src/launcher/ui/widgets/JavaSettingsWidget.cpp:152
#, qt-format
msgctxt "JavaSettingsWidget|"
msgid "You didn't select a Java version or selected something that doesn't work.\n"
"%1 will not be able to start Minecraft.\n"
"Do you wish to proceed without any Java?\n\n"
"You can change the Java version in the settings later.\n"
msgstr "Nevybrali jste žádnou verzi Javy a nebo je vámi vybraná verze nesprávná.\n"
"%1 nebude moct spustit Minecraft.\n"
"Chcete přesto pokračovat bez výběru Javy?\n\n"
"Verzi Javy můžete později změnit v nastavení.\n"
#: src/launcher/ui/widgets/JavaSettingsWidget.cpp:265
msgctxt "JavaSettingsWidget|"
msgid "Find Java executable"
msgstr "Najít umístění Javy"
#: src/launcher/ui/widgets/JavaSettingsWidget.cpp:425
msgctxt "JavaSettingsWidget|"
msgid "Memory"
msgstr "Paměť"
#: src/launcher/ui/widgets/JavaSettingsWidget.cpp:426
msgctxt "JavaSettingsWidget|"
msgid "The maximum amount of memory Minecraft is allowed to use."
msgstr "Maximální velikost paměti, kterou má Minecraft povolenou používat."
#: src/launcher/ui/widgets/JavaSettingsWidget.cpp:427
msgctxt "JavaSettingsWidget|"
msgid "Minimum memory allocation:"
msgstr "Minimální přidělení paměti:"
#: src/launcher/ui/widgets/JavaSettingsWidget.cpp:428
msgctxt "JavaSettingsWidget|"
msgid "Maximum memory allocation:"
msgstr "Maximální přidělení paměti:"
#: src/launcher/ui/widgets/JavaSettingsWidget.cpp:429
msgctxt "JavaSettingsWidget|"
msgid "The amount of memory Minecraft is started with."
msgstr "Množství paměti se kterým Minecraft začne."
#: src/launcher/ui/widgets/JavaSettingsWidget.cpp:430
msgctxt "JavaSettingsWidget|"
msgid "The amount of memory available to store loaded Java classes."
msgstr "Velikost paměti k dispozici pro uložení načtených Java tříd."
#: src/launcher/ui/widgets/JavaSettingsWidget.cpp:431
msgctxt "JavaSettingsWidget|"
msgid "Browse"
msgstr "Vybrat"
#: src/launcher/ui/setupwizard/JavaWizardPage.cpp:94
msgctxt "JavaWizardPage|"
msgid "Java"
msgstr "Java"
#: src/launcher/ui/setupwizard/JavaWizardPage.cpp:95
msgctxt "JavaWizardPage|"
msgid "You do not have a working Java set up yet or it went missing.\n"
"Please select one of the following or browse for a java executable."
msgstr "Zatím nemáte funkční Java nastavení, nebo zmizelo.\n"
"Vyberte prosím jeden z následujících nebo vyberte spustitelný soubor java."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LanguagePage.h:35
msgctxt "LanguagePage|"
msgid "Language"
msgstr "Jazyk"
#: src/launcher/ui/widgets/LanguageSelectionWidget.cpp:50
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LanguageSelectionWidget|"
msgid "Don't see your language or the quality is poor?<br/><a href=\"%1\">Help us with translations!</a>"
msgstr "Nevidíte váš jazyk nebo jeho kvalita je špatná?<br/><a href=\"%1\">Pomozte nám s překladem!</a>"
#: src/launcher/ui/setupwizard/LanguageWizardPage.cpp:46
msgctxt "LanguageWizardPage|"
msgid "Language"
msgstr "Jazyk"
#: src/launcher/ui/setupwizard/LanguageWizardPage.cpp:47
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LanguageWizardPage|"
msgid "Select the language to use in %1"
msgstr "Vyberte jezyk pro použití v %1"
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:35
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "No instance specified!"
msgstr "Žádná instance nebyla vybrána!"
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:40
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "Invalid Java arguments specified. Please fix this first."
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:60
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "No Accounts"
msgstr "Žádné účty"
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:61
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "In order to play Minecraft, you must have at least one Mojang or Minecraft account logged in.Would you like to open the account manager to add an account now?"
msgstr "Abyste mohli hrát Minecraft, musíte mít přidaný alespoň jeden Mojang nebo Microsoft účet. Přejete si otevřít správce účtů a přidat jeden?"
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:80
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "Which account would you like to use?"
msgstr "Který účet chcete použít?"
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:104
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "No account selected for launch."
msgstr "Žádný účet nebyl vybrán pro spuštění."
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:113
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "Your account is currently not logged in. Please enter your password to log in again. <br /> <br /> This could be caused by a password change."
msgstr "Váš účet není aktuálně přihlášený. Prosím zadejte své heslo pro přihlášení.<br /><br />Tohle může být způsobeno změnou hesla."
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:137
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "Player name"
msgstr "Jméno hráče"
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:138
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "Choose your offline mode player name."
msgstr "Zvolte si jméno."
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:172
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "Received undetermined session status during login."
msgstr "Byl přijat neurčený stav relace během přihlášení."
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:183
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "Play demo?"
msgstr "Hrát demo?"
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:184
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "This account does not own Minecraft.\n"
"You need to purchase the game first to play it.\n\n"
"Do you want to play the demo?"
msgstr "Tento účet nevlastní Minecraft.\n"
"Před hraním hry je potřeba si ji zakoupit.\n\n"
"Chcete spustit demo verzi?"
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:186
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "Play Demo"
msgstr "Hrát demo"
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:187
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Zrušit"
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:197
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "Launch cancelled - account does not own Minecraft."
msgstr "Spouštění zrušeno - účet nevlastní Minecraft."
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:213
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "Play Offline"
msgstr "Hrát offline"
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:226
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "The account has expired and needs to be logged into manually again."
msgstr "Platnost přihlášení vypršela a je nutné se znovu přihlásit."
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:229
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "Account refresh failed"
msgstr "Aktualizace účtu se nezdařila"
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:238
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "The account no longer exists on the servers. It may have been migrated, in which case please add the new account you migrated this one to."
msgstr "Účet již na serverech neexistuje. Možná byl migrován, v tom případě prosím přidejte nový účet, do kterého jste migrovali."
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:241
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "Account gone"
msgstr "Účet je pryč"
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:250
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "The account must be migrated to a Microsoft account."
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:253
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "Account requires migration"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:263
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "Failed to launch."
msgstr "Spuštění se nezdařilo."
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:273 src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:345
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "Error!"
msgstr "Chyba!"
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:273 src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:274
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "Couldn't load the instance profile."
msgstr "Nelze načíst profil instance."
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:281
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "Couldn't instantiate a launcher."
msgstr "Nelze spustit profiler."
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:345
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "Couldn't start profiler: %1"
msgstr "Nebylo možné spustit profiler: %1"
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:354
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "The game launch is delayed until you press the button. This is the right time to setup the profiler, as the profiler server is running now.\n\n"
msgstr "Samotné zahájení Minecraft je odloženo do stisknutí tlačítka. Toto je ten správný čas pro nastavení profileru, protože profiler beží právě teď.\n\n"
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:357
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "Waiting."
msgstr "Čekám."
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:359
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "Launch"
msgstr "Spustit"
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:367
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "Couldn't start the profiler: %1"
msgstr "Nebylo možné spustit profiler: %1"
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:368
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Chyba"
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:396
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "Abort"
msgstr "Přerušit"
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:412
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "Kill Minecraft?"
msgstr "Vynuceně ukončit Minecraft?"
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:413
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "This can cause the instance to get corrupted and should only be used if Minecraft is frozen for some reason"
msgstr "Toto může způsobit poškození instance a měla by být použita pouze v případě pokud je Minecraft zmrazen z nějakého důvodu"
#: src/launcher/launch/LaunchTask.cpp:215
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LaunchTask|"
msgid "MultiMC stopped watching the game log because the log length surpassed %1 lines.\n"
"You may have to fix your mods because the game is still logging to files and likely wasting harddrive space at an alarming rate!"
msgstr "MultiMC přestal sledovat výpis z konzole, jelikož výpis přesáhl délku %1 řádků.\n"
"Možná budete muset spravit své módy, jelikož hra stále generuje výpisy do souborů a nejspíš zbytečně využívají velkou rychlostí místo na disku!"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/LauncherLoginStep.cpp:16
msgctxt "LauncherLoginStep|"
msgid "Accessing Mojang services."
msgstr "Přístup ke službám Mojangu."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/LauncherLoginStep.cpp:60
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LauncherLoginStep|"
msgid "Failed to get Minecraft access token: %1"
msgstr "Nepodařilo se získat přístupový token Minecraftu: %1"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/LauncherLoginStep.cpp:72
msgctxt "LauncherLoginStep|"
msgid "Failed to parse the Minecraft access token response."
msgstr "Nepodařilo se zpracovat odpověď pro Minecraft access token."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:45
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "Features"
msgstr "Funkce"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:51
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "Update Settings"
msgstr "Nastavení aktualizací"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:57
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "Check for updates on start?"
msgstr "Mám při spuštění kontrolovat aktualizace?"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:64
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "Up&date Channel:"
msgstr "Aktualizovat kanál:"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:81
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "No channel selected."
msgstr "Žádný kanál nebyl vybrán."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:94
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "Folders"
msgstr "Složky"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:100
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "I&nstances:"
msgstr "&Instance:"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:120
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "&Mods:"
msgstr "&Módy:"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:143
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "&Icons:"
msgstr "&Ikony:"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:163
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "Move the data to new location (will restart the launcher)"
msgstr "Přesunout data MultiMC do nového umístění (MultiMC bude restartován)"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:184
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "User Interface"
msgstr "Uživatelské rozhraní"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:190
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "Launcher notifications"
msgstr "Oznámení spouštěče"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:196
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "Reset hidden notifications"
msgstr "Obnovit skrytá upoznění"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:212
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "Instance view sorting mode"
msgstr "Způsob řazení instancí"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:218
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "By &last launched"
msgstr "Podle posledního spuštění"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:228
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "By &name"
msgstr "Podle jména"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:241
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "Theme"
msgstr "Motiv"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:247
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "&Icons"
msgstr "&Ikony"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:267
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Výchozí"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:272
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "Simple (Dark Icons)"
msgstr "Jednoduché (Tmavé Ikony)"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:277
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "Simple (Light Icons)"
msgstr "Jednoduché (Světlé Ikony)"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:282
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "Simple (Blue Icons)"
msgstr "Jednoduché (Modré Ikony)"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:287
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "Simple (Colored Icons)"
msgstr "Jednoduché (Barevné Ikony)"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:307
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "Custom"
msgstr "Vlastní"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:328
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "Colors"
msgstr "Barvy"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:355
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "Console"
msgstr "Konzole"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:361
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "Console Settings"
msgstr "Možnosti Konzole"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:367
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "Show console while the game is running?"
msgstr "Zobrazit konzoli během hry?"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:374
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "Automatically close console when the game quits?"
msgstr "Mám automaticky zavřít konzoli po ukončení hry?"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:381
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "Show console when the game crashes?"
msgstr "Mám zobrazit konzoli pokud hra spadne?"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:391
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "History limit"
msgstr "Limit historie"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:397
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "Stop logging when log overflows"
msgstr "Zastavit protokolování při přetečení protokolu"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:410
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid " lines"
msgstr " řádků"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:438
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "Console font"
msgstr "Písmo použité pro konzoli"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:490
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "Analytics"
msgstr "Analytika"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:496
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "Analytics Settings"
msgstr "Nastavení Analytiky"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:502
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "Send anonymous usage statistics?"
msgstr "Odesílat anonymní statistiky o využívání?"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:516
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "<html><head/>\n"
"<p>The launcher sends anonymous usage statistics on every start of the application.</p><p>The following data is collected:</p>\n"
"<li>Launcher version.</li>\n"
"<li>Operating system name, version and architecture.</li>\n"
"<li>CPU architecture (kernel architecture on linux).</li>\n"
"<li>Size of system memory.</li>\n"
"<li>Java version, architecture and memory settings.</li>\n"
msgstr "<html><head/>\n"
"<p>Spouštěč odesílá anonymní statistiky o používání při každém startu aplikace.</p><p>Shromažďována jsou následující data:</p>\n"
"<li>Verze spouštěče.</li>\n"
"<li>Název, verze a architektura operačního systému.</li>\n"
"<li>Architektura CPU (kernel architektura na linuxu).</li>\n"
"<li>Velikost systémové paměti.</li>\n"
"<li>Verze, architektura a nastavení paměti Javy.</li>\n"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.cpp:106
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "Instance Folder"
msgstr "Složky s instancemi"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.cpp:115
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "You're trying to specify an instance folder which's path contains at least one '!'. Java is known to cause problems if that is the case, your instances (probably) won't start!"
msgstr "Cesta ke složce s instancemi obsahuje alespoň jeden vykřičník. Java je známá tím, že má s vykřičníky v cestách problémy. Vaše instance se (pravděpodobně) nespustí!"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.cpp:120
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "Do you really want to use this path? Selecting \"No\" will close this and not alter your instance path."
msgstr "Opravdu chcete použít tuto cestu? Volba \"Ne\" zavře toto okno a nezmění cestu instance."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.cpp:138
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "Icons Folder"
msgstr "Složka s ikonami"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.cpp:149
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "Mods Folder"
msgstr "Složka s módy"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.cpp:445
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "[Something/ERROR] A spooky error!"
msgstr "[Něco/ERROR] Nějaká děsivá chyba!"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.cpp:454
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "[Test/INFO] A harmless message..."
msgstr "[Test/INFO] Nějaká neškodná zpráva..."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.cpp:463
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "[Something/WARN] A not so spooky warning."
msgstr "[Něco/WARN] Ne až tak děsivé varování."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/launch/LauncherPartLaunch.cpp:122
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LauncherPartLaunch|"
msgid "The wrapper command \"%1\" couldn't be found."
msgstr "Příkaz wrapper \"%1\" nebyl nalezen."
#. Error message displayed if instace can't start
#: src/launcher/minecraft/launch/LauncherPartLaunch.cpp:144
msgctxt "LauncherPartLaunch|"
msgid "Could not launch minecraft!"
msgstr "Nelze spustit Minecraft!"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/launch/LauncherPartLaunch.cpp:153
#: src/launcher/minecraft/launch/LauncherPartLaunch.cpp:163
msgctxt "LauncherPartLaunch|"
msgid "Game crashed."
msgstr "Hra spadla."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/legacy_ftb/ListModel.cpp:19
msgctxt "LegacyFTB::FilterModel|"
msgid "Sort by name"
msgstr "Seřadit podle jména"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/legacy_ftb/ListModel.cpp:20
msgctxt "LegacyFTB::FilterModel|"
msgid "Sort by game version"
msgstr "Seřadit podle verze hry"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/legacy_ftb/ListModel.cpp:81
msgctxt "LegacyFTB::ListModel|"
msgid "Public Modpack"
msgstr "Veřejný modpack"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/legacy_ftb/ListModel.cpp:83
msgctxt "LegacyFTB::ListModel|"
msgid "Third Party Modpack"
msgstr "Modpack třetích stran"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/legacy_ftb/ListModel.cpp:85
msgctxt "LegacyFTB::ListModel|"
msgid "Private Modpack"
msgstr "Soukromý modpack"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/legacy_ftb/PackFetchTask.cpp:78
msgctxt "LegacyFTB::PackFetchTask|"
msgid "Public Packs"
msgstr "Veřejné balíčky"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/legacy_ftb/PackFetchTask.cpp:83
msgctxt "LegacyFTB::PackFetchTask|"
msgid "Third Party Packs"
msgstr "Balíčky třetích stran"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/legacy_ftb/PackFetchTask.cpp:88
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LegacyFTB::PackFetchTask|"
msgid "Failed to download some pack lists: %1"
msgstr "Nepodařilo se stáhnout balíčky aktualizací: %1"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/legacy_ftb/PackInstallTask.cpp:32
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LegacyFTB::PackInstallTask|"
msgid "Downloading zip for %1"
msgstr "Stahuje se ZIP %1"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/legacy_ftb/PackInstallTask.cpp:75
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LegacyFTB::PackInstallTask|"
msgid "Downloading zip for %1 (%2%)"
msgstr "Stahuje se ZIP %1 (%2%)"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/legacy_ftb/PackInstallTask.cpp:81
msgctxt "LegacyFTB::PackInstallTask|"
msgid "Extracting modpack"
msgstr "Rozbalování modpacku"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/legacy_ftb/PackInstallTask.cpp:87
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LegacyFTB::PackInstallTask|"
msgid "Failed to open modpack file %1!"
msgstr "Nepodařilo se otevřít soubor modpacku %1!"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/legacy_ftb/PackInstallTask.cpp:110
msgctxt "LegacyFTB::PackInstallTask|"
msgid "Installing modpack"
msgstr "Instalace modpacku"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/legacy_ftb/PackInstallTask.cpp:117
msgctxt "LegacyFTB::PackInstallTask|"
msgid "Failed to move unzipped minecraft!"
msgstr "Nepodařilo se přesunout rozbalený minecraft!"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/legacy_ftb/PackInstallTask.cpp:186
msgctxt "LegacyFTB::PackInstallTask|"
msgid "No installation method found!"
msgstr "Nebyla nalezena žádná metoda instalace!"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/legacy_ftb/Page.ui:21
msgctxt "LegacyFTB::Page|"
msgid "Public"
msgstr "Veřejné"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/legacy_ftb/Page.ui:44
msgctxt "LegacyFTB::Page|"
msgid "3rd Party"
msgstr "Třetích stran"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/legacy_ftb/Page.ui:67
msgctxt "LegacyFTB::Page|"
msgid "Private"
msgstr "Soukromé"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/legacy_ftb/Page.ui:86
msgctxt "LegacyFTB::Page|"
msgid "Add pack"
msgstr "Přidat balíček"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/legacy_ftb/Page.ui:93
msgctxt "LegacyFTB::Page|"
msgid "Remove selected pack"
msgstr "Odstranit vybraný balíček"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/legacy_ftb/Page.ui:122
msgctxt "LegacyFTB::Page|"
msgid "Version selected:"
msgstr "Zvolená verze:"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/legacy_ftb/Page.h:53
msgctxt "LegacyFTB::Page|"
msgid "FTB Legacy"
msgstr "FTB Legacy"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/legacy_ftb/Page.cpp:194
msgctxt "LegacyFTB::Page|"
msgid "FTB private packs"
msgstr "Soukromé balíčky FTB"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/legacy_ftb/Page.cpp:195
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LegacyFTB::Page|"
msgid "Failed to download pack information for code %1.\n"
"Should it be removed now?"
msgstr "Stahování informací o balíčku pro kód %1 selhalo.\n"
"Chcete ho nyní odstranit?"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/legacy_ftb/Page.cpp:333
msgctxt "LegacyFTB::Page|"
msgid "Add FTB pack"
msgstr "Přidat balíček FTB"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/legacy_ftb/Page.cpp:334
msgctxt "LegacyFTB::Page|"
msgid "Enter pack code:"
msgstr "Zadejte kód balíčku:"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/legacy_ftb/Page.cpp:357
msgctxt "LegacyFTB::Page|"
msgid "Remove pack"
msgstr "Odstranit balíček"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/legacy_ftb/Page.cpp:358
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LegacyFTB::Page|"
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove pack %1?"
msgstr "Opravdu chcete smazat %1?"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/legacy/LegacyInstance.cpp:220
msgctxt "LegacyInstance|"
msgid "Legacy"
msgstr "Starší verze"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/legacy/LegacyInstance.cpp:225
msgctxt "LegacyInstance|"
msgid "Instance from previous versions."
msgstr "Instance z minulých verzí."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/LegacyUpgradePage.ui:29
msgctxt "LegacyUpgradePage|"
msgid "<html><body><h1>Upgrade is required</h1><p>MultiMC now supports old Minecraft versions and all the required features in the new (OneSix) instance format. As a consequence, the old (Legacy) format has been entirely disabled and old instances need to be upgraded.</p><p>The upgrade will create a new instance with the same contents as the current one, in the new format. The original instance will remain untouched, in case anything goes wrong in the process.</p><p>Please report any issues on our <a href=\"https://github.com/MultiMC/Launcher/issues\">github issues page</a>.</p><p>There is also a <a href=\"https://discord.gg/GtPmv93\">discord channel for testing here</a>.</p></body></html>"
msgstr "<html><body><h1>Je nutná aktualizace</h1><p>MultiMC nyní podporuje starší verze Minecraftu a všechny potřebné funkce v novém (OneSix) formátu instancí. Kvůli tomu musely být staré (Legacy) formáty zakázány a staré instance musí být aktualizovány.</p><p>Aktualizace vytvoří novou instanci se stejným obsahem jako stará, ale v novém formátu. Originální instance zůstane nedotčena, pro případ, kdy by se něco pokazilo.</p><p>Prosím nahlašte jakékoliv problémy na naši <a href=\"https://github.com/MultiMC/MultiMC/issues\">GitHub stránku s problémy</a>.</p><p>Také mame <a href=\"https://discord.gg/GtPmv93\">Discord kanál pro testování</a>.</p></body></html>"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/LegacyUpgradePage.ui:39
msgctxt "LegacyUpgradePage|"
msgid "Upgrade the instance"
msgstr "Upgradovat instanci"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/LegacyUpgradePage.cpp:27
msgctxt "LegacyUpgradePage|"
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Chyba"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/LegacyUpgradePage.cpp:30
msgctxt "LegacyUpgradePage|"
msgid "Abort"
msgstr "Přerušit"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/LegacyUpgradePage.cpp:39
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LegacyUpgradePage|"
msgid "%1 (Migrated)"
msgstr "%1 (Migrováno)"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/LegacyUpgradePage.h:39
msgctxt "LegacyUpgradePage|"
msgid "Upgrade"
msgstr "Aktualizovat"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/legacy/LegacyUpgradeTask.cpp:20
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LegacyUpgradeTask|"
msgid "Copying instance %1"
msgstr "Kopírování %1"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/legacy/LegacyUpgradeTask.cpp:59
msgctxt "LegacyUpgradeTask|"
msgid "Instance folder copy failed."
msgstr "Kopírovaní složky instance nebylo selhalo."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/legacy/LegacyUpgradeTask.cpp:82
msgctxt "LegacyUpgradeTask|"
msgid "Could not decide Minecraft version."
msgstr "Nelze se rozhodnout o Minecraft verzi."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/legacy/LegacyUpgradeTask.cpp:135
msgctxt "LegacyUpgradeTask|"
msgid "Instance folder copy has been aborted."
msgstr "Kopírování složky instance bylo zrušeno."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/update/LibrariesTask.cpp:15
msgctxt "LibrariesTask|"
msgid "Getting the library files from Mojang..."
msgstr "Stahování knihoven od Mojangu…"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/update/LibrariesTask.cpp:23
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LibrariesTask|"
msgid "Libraries for instance %1"
msgstr "Knihovny pro instanci %1"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/update/LibrariesTask.cpp:34
msgctxt "LibrariesTask|"
msgid "Null jar is specified in the metadata, aborting."
msgstr "V metadatech není určený .jar, přerušuji."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/update/LibrariesTask.cpp:61
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LibrariesTask|"
msgid "Some artifacts marked as 'local' are missing their files:\n"
"You need to either add the files, or removed the packages that require them.\n"
"You'll have to correct this problem manually."
msgstr "Některým artefaktům označeným jako 'lokální' chybí jejich soubory:\n"
"Je třeba přidat tyto soubory, nebo odebrat balíčky, které je vyžadují.\n"
"Tento problém budete muset opravit ručně."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/update/LibrariesTask.cpp:78
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LibrariesTask|"
msgid "Game update failed: it was impossible to fetch the required libraries.\n"
msgstr "Aktualizace hry selhala: nelze získat vyžadované knihovny.\n"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/LogPage.ui:60
msgctxt "LogPage|"
msgid "Keep updating"
msgstr "Udržovat aktualizované"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/LogPage.ui:70
msgctxt "LogPage|"
msgid "Wrap lines"
msgstr "Zalamovat řádky"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/LogPage.ui:93
msgctxt "LogPage|"
msgid "Copy the whole log into the clipboard"
msgstr "Kopírovat celý log do schránky"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/LogPage.ui:96
msgctxt "LogPage|"
msgid "&Copy"
msgstr "&Kopírovat"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/LogPage.ui:103
msgctxt "LogPage|"
msgid "Upload the log to paste.ee - it will stay online for a month"
msgstr "Nahrát log na paste.ee - tam zůstane on-line na měsíc"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/LogPage.ui:106
msgctxt "LogPage|"
msgid "Upload"
msgstr "Nahrát"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/LogPage.ui:113
msgctxt "LogPage|"
msgid "Clear the log"
msgstr "Smazat log"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/LogPage.ui:116
msgctxt "LogPage|"
msgid "Clear"
msgstr "Smazat"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/LogPage.ui:125
msgctxt "LogPage|"
msgid "Search:"
msgstr "Hledat:"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/LogPage.ui:132
msgctxt "LogPage|"
msgid "Find"
msgstr "Najít"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/LogPage.ui:142
msgctxt "LogPage|"
msgid "Scroll all the way to bottom"
msgstr "Přejde na konec logu"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/LogPage.ui:145
msgctxt "LogPage|"
msgid "Bottom"
msgstr "Konec logu"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/LogPage.h:41
msgctxt "LogPage|"
msgid "Minecraft Log"
msgstr "Výpis z Minecraftu"
#. Message displayed on instance exit
#: src/launcher/LoggedProcess.cpp:70
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LoggedProcess|"
msgid "Process exited with code %1 (0x%2)."
msgstr ""
#. Message displayed on instance crashed
#: src/launcher/LoggedProcess.cpp:77
msgctxt "LoggedProcess|"
msgid "Process crashed."
msgstr "Proces spadnul."
#: src/launcher/LoggedProcess.cpp:79
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LoggedProcess|"
msgid "Process crashed with exitcode %1 (0x%2)."
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/LoggedProcess.cpp:95
msgctxt "LoggedProcess|"
msgid "Below is an analysis of the exit code. THIS MAY BE INCORRECT AND SHOULD BE TAKEN WITH A GRAIN OF SALT!"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/LoggedProcess.cpp:99
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LoggedProcess|"
msgid "System exit code name: %1"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/LoggedProcess.cpp:104
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LoggedProcess|"
msgid "System exit code description: %1"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/LoggedProcess.cpp:109
msgctxt "LoggedProcess|"
msgid "Please note that usually neither the exit code, nor its description are enough to diagnose issues!"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/LoggedProcess.cpp:110
msgctxt "LoggedProcess|"
msgid "Always upload the entire log and not just the exit code."
msgstr ""
#. Message displayed after the instance exits due to kill request
#: src/launcher/LoggedProcess.cpp:115
msgctxt "LoggedProcess|"
msgid "Process was killed by user."
msgstr "Hra byla usmrtěna uživatelem."
#: src/launcher/LoggedProcess.cpp:126
msgctxt "LoggedProcess|"
msgid "The process failed to start."
msgstr "Příkaz se nepodařilo spustit."
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/LoginDialog.ui:20
msgctxt "LoginDialog|"
msgid "Add Account"
msgstr "Přidat účet"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/LoginDialog.ui:39
msgctxt "LoginDialog|"
msgid "Email"
msgstr "Email"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/LoginDialog.ui:49
msgctxt "LoginDialog|"
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Heslo"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/MSALoginDialog.ui:20
msgctxt "MSALoginDialog|"
msgid "Add Microsoft Account"
msgstr "Přidat Microsoft účet"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/MSALoginDialog.cpp:83
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MSALoginDialog|"
msgid "<p>Please open up %1 in a browser and put in the code <b>%2</b> to proceed with login.</p>"
msgstr "<p>Pro pokračování v přihlášení otevřete %1 v prohlížeči a vložte kód <b>%2</b>.</p>"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/MSAStep.cpp:30
msgctxt "MSAStep|"
msgid "Logging in with Microsoft account."
msgstr "Probíhá přihlášení přes účet Microsoft."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/MSAStep.cpp:86
msgctxt "MSAStep|"
msgid "Got "
msgstr "Mám "
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/MSAStep.cpp:92
msgctxt "MSAStep|"
msgid "Microsoft user authentication ended with a network error."
msgstr "Ověřování uživatele u Microsoftu skončilo chybou sítě."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/MSAStep.cpp:97
msgctxt "MSAStep|"
msgid "Microsoft user authentication failed - user no longer exists."
msgstr "Ověřování uživatele u Microsoftu skončilo chybou - uživatel neexistuje."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/MSAStep.cpp:102
msgctxt "MSAStep|"
msgid "Microsoft user authentication failed."
msgstr "Ověření uživatele u Microsoftu skončilo chybou."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/MSAStep.cpp:107
msgctxt "MSAStep|"
msgid "Microsoft user authentication completed with an unrecognized result."
msgstr "Ověření uživatele u microsoftu bylo dokončeno s nerozpoznatelným výsledkem."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:258
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Kill"
msgstr "Vynuceně usmrtit"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:259
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Kill the running instance"
msgstr "Usmrtit instanci která zrovna běží"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:263 src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:1001
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Launch"
msgstr "Spustit"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:264
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Launch the selected instance."
msgstr "Spustit vybranou instanci."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:282
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Main Toolbar"
msgstr "Hlavní panel nástrojů"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:287
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Add Instance"
msgstr "Přidat instanci"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:288
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Add a new instance."
msgstr "Vytvořit novou instanci."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:300
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "View Instance Folder"
msgstr "Zobrazit složku s instancemi"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:301
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Open the instance folder in a file browser."
msgstr "Otevřít složku instance v souborovém prohlížeči."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:308
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "View Central Mods Folder"
msgstr "Zobrazit společnou složku s módy"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:309
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Open the central mods folder in a file browser."
msgstr "Otevře centrální složku s módy v souborovém prohlížeči."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:314 src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:678
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Folders"
msgstr "Složky"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:315
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Open one of the folders shared between instances."
msgstr "Otevřít jednu ze složek sdílených mezi instancemi."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:330
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Nastavení"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:331
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Change settings."
msgstr "Změna nastavení."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:342
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Report a Bug"
msgstr "Oznámit chybu"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:343
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Open the bug tracker to report a bug with %1."
msgstr "Otevřít bug tracker pro nahlášení chyby s %1."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:352
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Discord"
msgstr "Discord"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:353
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Open %1 discord voice chat."
msgstr "Otevřít hlasový kanál Discordu %1."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:362
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Reddit"
msgstr "Reddit"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:363
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Open %1 subreddit."
msgstr "Otevřít subreddit %1."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:372
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "About %1"
msgstr "O aplikaci %1"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:373
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "View information about %1."
msgstr "Zobrazit informace o %1."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:378 src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:679
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Nápověda"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:379
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Get help with %1 or Minecraft."
msgstr "Získat pomoc s %1 nebo s Minecraftem."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:395
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Aktualizovat"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:396
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Check for new updates for %1."
msgstr "Vyhledat aktualizace pro %1."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:406
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Support %1"
msgstr "Podpořit %1"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:407
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Open the %1 Patreon page."
msgstr "Otevřít Patreon stránku %1."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:415
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Meow"
msgstr "Mňau"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:416
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "It's a fluffy kitty :3"
msgstr "Jedna načechraná kočička :3"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:424
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Manage Accounts"
msgstr "Správa účtů"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:450
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "News Toolbar"
msgstr "Panel s novinkami"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:455
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "More news..."
msgstr "Další novinky…"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:456
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Open the development blog to read more news about %1."
msgstr "Otevřít vývojářský blog pro dočtení se více novinek o %1."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:473
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Instance Toolbar"
msgstr "Panel Instancí"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:480
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Change Icon"
msgstr "Změnit ikonu"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:481
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Change the selected instance's icon."
msgstr ".Změnit ikonu vybrané instance."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:494
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Rename"
msgstr "Přejmenovat"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:495
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Rename the selected instance."
msgstr "Přejmenovat vybranou instanci."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:514 src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:1002
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Launch Offline"
msgstr "Hrát offline"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:515
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Launch the selected instance in offline mode."
msgstr "Spustí vybranou instanci v offline modu."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:523
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Edit Instance"
msgstr "Upravit instanci"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:524
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Change the instance settings, mods and versions."
msgstr "Změnit nastavení, módy a verzi instance."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:530
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Edit Notes"
msgstr "Upravit poznámky"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:531
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Edit the notes for the selected instance."
msgstr "Upravuje poznámky vybrané instance."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:537
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "View Mods"
msgstr "Zobrazit módy"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:538
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "View the mods of this instance."
msgstr "Zobrazit módy této instance."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:544
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "View Worlds"
msgstr "Zobrazit světy"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:545
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "View the worlds of this instance."
msgstr "Prohlížet světy této instance."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:551
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Manage Screenshots"
msgstr "Správa screenshotů"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:552
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "View and upload screenshots for this instance."
msgstr "Zobrazit a nahrát screenshoty v této instanci."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:558
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Change Group"
msgstr "Změnit skupinu"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:559
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Change the selected instance's group."
msgstr "Změní skupinu vybrané instance."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:567
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Minecraft Folder"
msgstr "Složka Minecraftu"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:568
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Open the selected instance's minecraft folder in a file browser."
msgstr "Otevře vybranou minecraft složku instance v souborovém prohlížeči."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:583
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Config Folder"
msgstr "Složka konfigurace"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:584
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Open the instance's config folder."
msgstr "Otevřít složku konfigurace."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:590
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Instance Folder"
msgstr "Složka instance"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:591
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Open the selected instance's root folder in a file browser."
msgstr "Otevře vybranou kořenovou složku instance v souborovém prohlížeči."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:599
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Export Instance"
msgstr "Exportovat instanci"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:600
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Export the selected instance as a zip file."
msgstr "Exportovat vybranou instanci jako zip soubor."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:606
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Smazat"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:607
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Delete the selected instance."
msgstr "Smaže vybranou instanci."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:614
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Copy Instance"
msgstr "Kopírovat instanci"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:615
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Copy the selected instance."
msgstr "Kopíruje vybranou instanci."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:658
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MainWindow|Launcher - Version X"
msgid "%1 - Version %2"
msgstr "%1 - Verze %2"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:661
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MainWindow|on platform, as in operating system"
msgid " on %1"
msgstr " na %1"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:771 src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:881
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "No instance selected"
msgstr "Nebyla vybrána žádná instance"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:772
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Total playtime: 0s"
msgstr "Celkem odehráno: 0s"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:875 src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:1165
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Profiles"
msgstr "Profily"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:934
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Create instance"
msgstr "Vytvořit instanci"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:950
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Delete group '%1'"
msgstr "Vymazat skupinu '%1'"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:1011
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Profilers"
msgstr "Profilery"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:1023
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Profiler not setup correctly. Go into settings, \"External Tools\"."
msgstr "Profiler nebyl nastaven správně. Jdi do nastavení, \"Externí nástroje\"."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:1063
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "No accounts added!"
msgstr "Žádný účet nebyl přidán!"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:1096
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "No Default Account"
msgstr "Žádný výchozí učet"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:1205
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Loading news..."
msgstr "Načítání novinek..."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:1218
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "No news available."
msgstr "Žádné novinky k dispozici."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:1301 src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:1318
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Chyba"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:1301
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Couldn't create folder for update downloads:\n"
msgstr "Nelze vytvořit složku pro stažení aktualizací:\n"
#: src/launcher/meta/Index.cpp:71
msgctxt "Meta::Index|"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Název"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/MigrationEligibilityStep.cpp:15
msgctxt "MigrationEligibilityStep|"
msgid "Checking for migration eligibility."
msgstr "Kontrola způsobilosti k migraci."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/MigrationEligibilityStep.cpp:44
msgctxt "MigrationEligibilityStep|"
msgid "Got migration flags"
msgstr "Vlajky migrace získány"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/MinecraftInstance.cpp:702
msgctxt "MinecraftInstance|"
msgid "<SESSION ID>"
msgstr "<SESSION ID>"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/MinecraftInstance.cpp:704
msgctxt "MinecraftInstance|"
msgid "<ACCESS TOKEN>"
msgstr "<ACCESS TOKEN>"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/MinecraftInstance.cpp:706
msgctxt "MinecraftInstance|"
msgid "<CLIENT TOKEN>"
msgstr "<CLIENT TOKEN>"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/MinecraftInstance.cpp:708
msgctxt "MinecraftInstance|"
msgid "<PROFILE ID>"
msgstr "<PROFILE ID>"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/MinecraftInstance.cpp:780
msgctxt "MinecraftInstance|"
msgid "broken"
msgstr "rozbitý"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/MinecraftInstance.cpp:784
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MinecraftInstance|"
msgid "Minecraft %1 (%2)"
msgstr "Minecraft %1 (%2)"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/MinecraftInstance.cpp:788
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MinecraftInstance|"
msgid ", last played for %1"
msgstr ", naposledy hráno %1"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/MinecraftInstance.cpp:792
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MinecraftInstance|"
msgid ", total played for %1"
msgstr ", celkem odehráno %1"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/MinecraftInstance.cpp:797
msgctxt "MinecraftInstance|"
msgid ", has crashed."
msgstr ", spadla."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/MinecraftPage.ui:48
msgctxt "MinecraftPage|"
msgid "Window Size"
msgstr "Velikost okna"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/MinecraftPage.ui:54
msgctxt "MinecraftPage|"
msgid "Start Minecraft maximized?"
msgstr "Spustit Minecraft maximalizovaný?"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/MinecraftPage.ui:63
msgctxt "MinecraftPage|"
msgid "Window hei&ght:"
msgstr "Výška okna:"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/MinecraftPage.ui:73
msgctxt "MinecraftPage|"
msgid "W&indow width:"
msgstr "Šířka okna:"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/MinecraftPage.ui:117
msgctxt "MinecraftPage|"
msgid "Native library workarounds"
msgstr "Náhradní řešení nativních knihoven"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/MinecraftPage.ui:123
msgctxt "MinecraftPage|"
msgid "Use system installation of GLFW"
msgstr "Použít systémovou instalaci GLFW"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/MinecraftPage.ui:130
msgctxt "MinecraftPage|"
msgid "Use system installation of OpenAL"
msgstr "Použít systémovou instalaci OpenAL"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/MinecraftPage.ui:140
msgctxt "MinecraftPage|"
msgid "Game time"
msgstr "Čas hry"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/MinecraftPage.ui:146
msgctxt "MinecraftPage|"
msgid "Show time spent playing instances"
msgstr "Zobrazit čas strávený hraním instancí"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/MinecraftPage.ui:153
msgctxt "MinecraftPage|"
msgid "Show time spent playing across all instances"
msgstr "Zobrazit čas strávený hraním napříč instancemi"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/MinecraftPage.ui:160
msgctxt "MinecraftPage|"
msgid "Record time spent playing instances"
msgstr "Záznam času stráveného hraním instancí"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/MinecraftPage.h:42
msgctxt "MinecraftPage|"
msgid "Minecraft"
msgstr "Minecraft"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/MinecraftProfileStep.cpp:15
msgctxt "MinecraftProfileStep|"
msgid "Fetching the Minecraft profile."
msgstr "Načítání Minecraft profilu."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/MinecraftProfileStep.cpp:54
msgctxt "MinecraftProfileStep|"
msgid "Account has no Minecraft profile."
msgstr "Účet nemá Minecraft profil."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/MinecraftProfileStep.cpp:69
msgctxt "MinecraftProfileStep|"
msgid "Minecraft Java profile acquisition failed."
msgstr "Získání profilu Minecraft Java se nezdařilo."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/MinecraftProfileStep.cpp:77
msgctxt "MinecraftProfileStep|"
msgid "Minecraft Java profile response could not be parsed"
msgstr "Odpověď na Minecraft Java profil nelze zpracovat"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/MinecraftProfileStep.cpp:89
msgctxt "MinecraftProfileStep|"
msgid "Minecraft Java profile acquisition succeeded."
msgstr "Získání profilu Minecraft Java bylo úspěšné."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/MinecraftUpdate.cpp:87
msgctxt "MinecraftUpdate|"
msgid "Aborted by user."
msgstr "Přerušeno uživatelem."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/mod/ModFolderModel.cpp:368
msgctxt "ModFolderModel|"
msgid "Folder"
msgstr "Složka"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/mod/ModFolderModel.cpp:370
msgctxt "ModFolderModel|"
msgid "File"
msgstr "Soubor"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/mod/ModFolderModel.cpp:464
msgctxt "ModFolderModel|"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Název"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/mod/ModFolderModel.cpp:466
msgctxt "ModFolderModel|"
msgid "Version"
msgstr "Verze"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/mod/ModFolderModel.cpp:468
msgctxt "ModFolderModel|"
msgid "Last changed"
msgstr "Naposledy změněno"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/mod/ModFolderModel.cpp:477
msgctxt "ModFolderModel|"
msgid "Is the mod enabled?"
msgstr "Je mód povolen?"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/mod/ModFolderModel.cpp:479
msgctxt "ModFolderModel|"
msgid "The name of the mod."
msgstr "Název módu."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/mod/ModFolderModel.cpp:481
msgctxt "ModFolderModel|"
msgid "The version of the mod."
msgstr "Verze módu."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/mod/ModFolderModel.cpp:483
msgctxt "ModFolderModel|"
msgid "The date and time this mod was last changed (or added)."
msgstr "Datum a čas, kdy tento mod byl naposledy změněn (nebo přidán)."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ModFolderPage.ui:39
msgctxt "ModFolderPage|"
msgid "Filter:"
msgstr "Filtr:"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ModFolderPage.ui:75
msgctxt "ModFolderPage|"
msgid "Actions"
msgstr "Akce"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ModFolderPage.ui:96
msgctxt "ModFolderPage|"
msgid "&Add"
msgstr "&Přidat"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ModFolderPage.ui:99
msgctxt "ModFolderPage|"
msgid "Add mods"
msgstr "Přidat módy"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ModFolderPage.ui:104
msgctxt "ModFolderPage|"
msgid "&Remove"
msgstr "&Odebrat"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ModFolderPage.ui:107
msgctxt "ModFolderPage|"
msgid "Remove selected mods"
msgstr "Odstranit vybrané módy"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ModFolderPage.ui:112
msgctxt "ModFolderPage|"
msgid "&Enable"
msgstr "&Povolit"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ModFolderPage.ui:115
msgctxt "ModFolderPage|"
msgid "Enable selected mods"
msgstr "Povolit vybrané módy"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ModFolderPage.ui:120
msgctxt "ModFolderPage|"
msgid "&Disable"
msgstr "&Zakázat"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ModFolderPage.ui:123
msgctxt "ModFolderPage|"
msgid "Disable selected mods"
msgstr "Zakázat vybrané módy"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ModFolderPage.ui:128
msgctxt "ModFolderPage|"
msgid "View &Configs"
msgstr "Zobrazit &konfigy"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ModFolderPage.ui:131
msgctxt "ModFolderPage|"
msgid "Open the 'config' folder in the system file manager."
msgstr "Otevřít složku 'configu' v souborovém prohlížeči."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ModFolderPage.ui:136
msgctxt "ModFolderPage|"
msgid "View &Folder"
msgstr "Zobrazit &složku"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ModFolderPage.cpp:191
msgctxt "ModFolderPage|"
msgid "Context menu"
msgstr "Kontextové menu"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ModFolderPage.cpp:304
#, qt-format
msgctxt "ModFolderPage|Select whatever type of files the page contains. Example: 'Loader Mods'"
msgid "Select %1"
msgstr "Vybrat %1"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/launch/ModMinecraftJar.cpp:36
msgctxt "ModMinecraftJar|"
msgid "Couldn't create the bin folder for Minecraft.jar"
msgstr "Nepodařilo se vytvořit složku pr Minecraft binární soubory"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/launch/ModMinecraftJar.cpp:42
#, qt-format
msgctxt "ModMinecraftJar|"
msgid "Couldn't remove stale jar file: %1"
msgstr "Nelze odstranit starý soubor jar: %1"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/launch/ModMinecraftJar.cpp:57
msgctxt "ModMinecraftJar|"
msgid "Failed to create the custom Minecraft jar file."
msgstr "Nepodařilo se vytvořit vlastní soubor Minecraft jar."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/modrinth/ModrinthPage.ui:19
msgctxt "ModrinthPage|"
msgid "Search and filter ..."
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/modrinth/ModrinthPage.ui:26
msgctxt "ModrinthPage|"
msgid "Search"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/modrinth/ModrinthPage.ui:70
msgctxt "ModrinthPage|"
msgid "Version selected:"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/modrinth/ModrinthPage.h:47
msgctxt "ModrinthPage|"
msgid "Modrinth"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/modrinth/ModrinthPage.cpp:39
msgctxt "ModrinthPage|"
msgid "Sort by relevance"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/modrinth/ModrinthPage.cpp:40
msgctxt "ModrinthPage|"
msgid "Sort by total downloads"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/modrinth/ModrinthPage.cpp:41
msgctxt "ModrinthPage|"
msgid "Sort by follow count"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/modrinth/ModrinthPage.cpp:42
msgctxt "ModrinthPage|"
msgid "Sort by creation date"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/modrinth/ModrinthPage.cpp:43
msgctxt "ModrinthPage|"
msgid "Sort by last updated"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/modrinth/ModrinthPage.cpp:165
msgctxt "ModrinthPage|"
msgid "Failed to get Modrinth modpack details..."
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/modrinth/ModrinthPage.cpp:169
msgctxt "ModrinthPage|"
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/net/NetJob.cpp:128
#, qt-format
msgctxt "NetJob|"
msgid "Job '%1' failed to process:\n"
msgstr "Úloha '%1' se nepodařila zpracovat:\n"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/NewComponentDialog.ui:17
msgctxt "NewComponentDialog|"
msgid "Add Empty Component"
msgstr "Přidat prázdný komponent"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/NewComponentDialog.ui:30
msgctxt "NewComponentDialog|"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Název"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/NewComponentDialog.ui:37
msgctxt "NewComponentDialog|"
msgid "uid"
msgstr "uid"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/NewInstanceDialog.ui:17
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/NewInstanceDialog.cpp:142
msgctxt "NewInstanceDialog|"
msgid "New Instance"
msgstr "Nová instance"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/NewInstanceDialog.ui:39
msgctxt "NewInstanceDialog|"
msgid "&Group:"
msgstr "&Skupina:"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/NewInstanceDialog.ui:52
msgctxt "NewInstanceDialog|"
msgid "&Name:"
msgstr "Název:"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/NewInstanceDialog.cpp:69
msgctxt "NewInstanceDialog|"
msgid "No group"
msgstr "Žádná skupina"
#: src/launcher/news/NewsChecker.cpp:98
#, qt-format
msgctxt "NewsChecker|"
msgid "Failed to load news RSS feed:\n"
msgstr "Nepodařilo se načíst zprávy RSS feed:\n"
#: src/launcher/news/NewsEntry.cpp:24 src/launcher/news/NewsEntry.cpp:60
msgctxt "NewsEntry|"
msgid "Untitled"
msgstr "Nepojmenováno"
#: src/launcher/news/NewsEntry.cpp:25 src/launcher/news/NewsEntry.cpp:61
msgctxt "NewsEntry|"
msgid "No content."
msgstr "Žádný obsah."
#: src/launcher/news/NewsEntry.cpp:27 src/launcher/news/NewsEntry.cpp:63
msgctxt "NewsEntry|"
msgid "Unknown Author"
msgstr "Neznámí autor"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/NotesPage.h:38
msgctxt "NotesPage|"
msgid "Notes"
msgstr "Poznámky"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/NotificationDialog.ui:14
msgctxt "NotificationDialog|"
msgid "Notification"
msgstr "Oznámení MultiMC"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/NotificationDialog.ui:65
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/NotificationDialog.cpp:30
msgctxt "NotificationDialog|"
msgid "Don't show again"
msgstr "Znovu neukazovat"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/NotificationDialog.ui:75
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/NotificationDialog.cpp:31
msgctxt "NotificationDialog|"
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Zavřít"
#: src/launcher/NullInstance.h:20
msgctxt "NullInstance|"
msgid "Unknown instance type"
msgstr "Neznámý typ instance"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/OtherLogsPage.ui:42
msgctxt "OtherLogsPage|"
msgid "Find"
msgstr "Najít"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/OtherLogsPage.ui:67
msgctxt "OtherLogsPage|"
msgid "Copy the whole log into the clipboard"
msgstr "Kopírovat celý log do schránky"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/OtherLogsPage.ui:70
msgctxt "OtherLogsPage|"
msgid "&Copy"
msgstr "&Kopírovat"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/OtherLogsPage.ui:77
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/OtherLogsPage.ui:97
msgctxt "OtherLogsPage|"
msgid "Clear the log"
msgstr "Smazat log"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/OtherLogsPage.ui:80
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/OtherLogsPage.cpp:197
msgctxt "OtherLogsPage|"
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Smazat"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/OtherLogsPage.ui:87
msgctxt "OtherLogsPage|"
msgid "Upload the log to paste.ee - it will stay online for a month"
msgstr "Nahrát log na paste.ee - tam zůstane on-line na měsíc"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/OtherLogsPage.ui:90
msgctxt "OtherLogsPage|"
msgid "Upload"
msgstr "Nahrát"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/OtherLogsPage.ui:100
msgctxt "OtherLogsPage|"
msgid "Clean"
msgstr "Vyčistit"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/OtherLogsPage.ui:107
msgctxt "OtherLogsPage|"
msgid "Reload"
msgstr "Obnovit"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/OtherLogsPage.ui:126
msgctxt "OtherLogsPage|"
msgid "Search:"
msgstr "Hledat:"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/OtherLogsPage.cpp:126
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/OtherLogsPage.cpp:206
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/OtherLogsPage.cpp:253
msgctxt "OtherLogsPage|"
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Chyba"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/OtherLogsPage.cpp:126
#, qt-format
msgctxt "OtherLogsPage|"
msgid "Unable to open %1 for reading: %2"
msgstr "Nelze otevřít %1 pro čtení: %2"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/OtherLogsPage.cpp:147
#, qt-format
msgctxt "OtherLogsPage|"
msgid "The file (%1) is too big. You may want to open it in a viewer optimized for large files."
msgstr "Soubor (%1) je příliš velký. Budete ho muset otevřít v prohlížeči, který je na takovéto soubory uzpůsoben."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/OtherLogsPage.cpp:162
#, qt-format
msgctxt "OtherLogsPage|"
msgid "The file (%1) is not readable."
msgstr "Soubor (%1) není možné přečíst."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/OtherLogsPage.cpp:198
#, qt-format
msgctxt "OtherLogsPage|"
msgid "Do you really want to delete %1?"
msgstr "Opravdu chcete smazat %1?"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/OtherLogsPage.cpp:206
#, qt-format
msgctxt "OtherLogsPage|"
msgid "Unable to delete %1: %2"
msgstr "Nelze smazat %1: %2"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/OtherLogsPage.cpp:221
msgctxt "OtherLogsPage|"
msgid "Clean up"
msgstr "Vyčistit"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/OtherLogsPage.cpp:224
msgctxt "OtherLogsPage|"
msgid "Do you really want to delete all log files?"
msgstr "Opravdu chcete smazat všechny logové soubory?"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/OtherLogsPage.cpp:229
#, qt-format
msgctxt "OtherLogsPage|"
msgid "Do you really want to delete these files?\n"
msgstr "Opravdu chcete smazat?\n"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/OtherLogsPage.cpp:256
msgctxt "OtherLogsPage|"
msgid "Couldn't delete some files!"
msgstr "Nelze odstranit soubor!"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/OtherLogsPage.cpp:261
#, qt-format
msgctxt "OtherLogsPage|"
msgid "Couldn't delete some files:\n"
msgstr "Některé soubory nebylo možno vymazat:\n"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/OtherLogsPage.h:45
msgctxt "OtherLogsPage|"
msgid "Other logs"
msgstr "Další logy"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/PackProfile.cpp:853
msgctxt "PackProfile|"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Název"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/PackProfile.cpp:855
msgctxt "PackProfile|"
msgid "Version"
msgstr "Verze"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/PasteEEPage.ui:39
msgctxt "PasteEEPage|"
msgid "paste.ee API key"
msgstr "klíč paste.ee API"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/PasteEEPage.ui:45
msgctxt "PasteEEPage|"
msgid "MultiMC key - 12MB &upload limit"
msgstr "Klíč MultiMC - nahrávací limit je 12MB"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/PasteEEPage.ui:55
msgctxt "PasteEEPage|"
msgid "&Your own key - 12MB upload limit:"
msgstr "Váš vlastní klíč - nahrávací limit je 12MB:"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/PasteEEPage.ui:68
msgctxt "PasteEEPage|"
msgid "Paste your API key here!"
msgstr "Sem vložte váš API klíč!"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/PasteEEPage.ui:82
msgctxt "PasteEEPage|"
msgid "<html><head/><body><p><a href=\"https://paste.ee\">paste.ee</a> is used by MultiMC for log uploads. If you have a <a href=\"https://paste.ee\">paste.ee</a> account, you can add your API key here and have your uploaded logs paired with your account.</p></body></html>"
msgstr "<html><head/><body><p><a href=\"https://paste.ee\">paste.ee</a> je používá MultiMC pro nahrávání výpisů z konsole. Pokud máte účet na <a href=\"https://paste.ee\">paste.ee</a>, můžete sem přidat svůj API klíč a mít své výpisy spojené se svým účtem.</p></body></html>"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/PasteEEPage.h:37
msgctxt "PasteEEPage|"
msgid "Log Upload"
msgstr "Odeslat log"
#: src/launcher/net/PasteUpload.cpp:48
msgctxt "PasteUpload|"
msgid "Uploading to paste.ee"
msgstr "Nahrávám na paste.ee"
#: src/launcher/net/PasteUpload.cpp:77
msgctxt "PasteUpload|"
msgid "paste.ee returned an error. Please consult the logs for more information"
msgstr "paste.ee vrátil chybu. Prosím zkontrolujte výpis pro více informací"
#: src/launcher/launch/steps/PostLaunchCommand.cpp:31
#, qt-format
msgctxt "PostLaunchCommand|"
msgid "Running Post-Launch command: %1"
msgstr "Spuštění příkazu po spuštění: %1"
#: src/launcher/launch/steps/PostLaunchCommand.cpp:39
#, qt-format
msgctxt "PostLaunchCommand|"
msgid "Post-Launch command failed with code %1.\n\n"
msgstr "Příkaz spuštěný po zapnutí selhal s kódem %1.\n\n"
#: src/launcher/launch/steps/PostLaunchCommand.cpp:62
msgctxt "PostLaunchCommand|"
msgid "Post-Launch command ran successfully.\n\n"
msgstr "Příkaz spuštěný po zapnutí byl proveden úspěšně.\n\n"
#: src/launcher/launch/steps/PreLaunchCommand.cpp:32
#, qt-format
msgctxt "PreLaunchCommand|"
msgid "Running Pre-Launch command: %1"
msgstr "Spuštění příkazu před spuštěním: %1"
#: src/launcher/launch/steps/PreLaunchCommand.cpp:40
#, qt-format
msgctxt "PreLaunchCommand|"
msgid "Pre-Launch command failed with code %1.\n\n"
msgstr "Příkaz spuštěný před zapnutím selhal s kódem %1.\n\n"
#: src/launcher/launch/steps/PreLaunchCommand.cpp:63
msgctxt "PreLaunchCommand|"
msgid "Pre-Launch command ran successfully.\n\n"
msgstr "Příkaz spuštěný před zapnutím byl proveden úspěšně.\n\n"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ProfileSelectDialog.ui:14
msgctxt "ProfileSelectDialog|"
msgid "Select an Account"
msgstr "Vyberte účet"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ProfileSelectDialog.ui:20
msgctxt "ProfileSelectDialog|"
msgid "Select a profile."
msgstr "Vyberte profil."
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ProfileSelectDialog.ui:38
msgctxt "ProfileSelectDialog|"
msgid "Use as default?"
msgstr "Použít jako hlavní?"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ProfileSelectDialog.ui:45
msgctxt "ProfileSelectDialog|"
msgid "Use as default for this instance only?"
msgstr "Použít jako hlavní, pouze pro tuto instanci?"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ProfileSelectDialog.cpp:41
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ProfileSelectDialog.cpp:45
msgctxt "ProfileSelectDialog|"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Název"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ProfileSelectDialog.cpp:53
#, qt-format
msgctxt "ProfileSelectDialog|"
msgid "%1 (in use)"
msgstr "%1 (používáno)"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ProfileSetupDialog.ui:14
msgctxt "ProfileSetupDialog|"
msgid "Choose Minecraft name"
msgstr "Vyberte si prosím Minecraft jméno"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ProfileSetupDialog.ui:26
msgctxt "ProfileSetupDialog|"
msgid "You just need to take one more step to be able to play Minecraft on this account.\n\n"
"Choose your name carefully:"
msgstr "Musíš dokčit poslední krok, abys mohl hrát Minecraft na tomto účtu.\n\n"
"Vyber si dobře svoje jméno:"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ProfileSetupDialog.cpp:104
msgctxt "ProfileSetupDialog|"
msgid "Name is too short - must be between 3 and 16 characters long."
msgstr "Jméno je příliš krátké - délka jména musí být mezi 3 a 16 znaky."
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ProfileSetupDialog.cpp:164
#, qt-format
msgctxt "ProfileSetupDialog|"
msgid "Minecraft profile with name %1 already exists."
msgstr "Minecraft profil se jménem %1 již existuje."
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ProfileSetupDialog.cpp:167
#, qt-format
msgctxt "ProfileSetupDialog|"
msgid "The name %1 is not allowed."
msgstr "Jméno %1 není povolené."
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ProfileSetupDialog.cpp:170
#, qt-format
msgctxt "ProfileSetupDialog|"
msgid "Unhandled profile name status: %1"
msgstr "Nezpracovaný stav profilového jména: %1"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ProfileSetupDialog.cpp:174
msgctxt "ProfileSetupDialog|"
msgid "Failed to check name availability."
msgstr "Nepodařilo se zjistit dostupnost jména."
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ProfileSetupDialog.cpp:251
msgctxt "ProfileSetupDialog|"
msgid "The server returned the following error:"
msgstr "Server vrátil tuto chybu:"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ProgressDialog.ui:26
msgctxt "ProgressDialog|"
msgid "Please wait..."
msgstr "Prosím čekejte..."
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ProgressDialog.ui:32
msgctxt "ProgressDialog|"
msgid "Task Status..."
msgstr "Stav úkolu..."
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ProgressDialog.ui:58
msgctxt "ProgressDialog|"
msgid "Skip"
msgstr "Přeskočit"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ProxyPage.ui:42
msgctxt "ProxyPage|"
msgid "This only applies to the launcher. Minecraft does not accept proxy settings."
msgstr "Tohle se týká pouze MultiMC. Minecraft nepřijímá nastavení proxy."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ProxyPage.ui:55
msgctxt "ProxyPage|"
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Typ"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ProxyPage.ui:61
msgctxt "ProxyPage|"
msgid "Uses your system's default proxy settings."
msgstr "Použije výchozí nastavení proxy serveru vašeho systému."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ProxyPage.ui:64
msgctxt "ProxyPage|"
msgid "&Default"
msgstr "&Výchozí"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ProxyPage.ui:74
msgctxt "ProxyPage|"
msgid "&None"
msgstr "&Žádný"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ProxyPage.ui:84
msgctxt "ProxyPage|"
msgid "SOC&KS5"
msgstr "SOC&KS5"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ProxyPage.ui:94
msgctxt "ProxyPage|"
msgid "H&TTP"
msgstr "H&TTP"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ProxyPage.ui:107
msgctxt "ProxyPage|"
msgid "Address and Port"
msgstr "Adresa a port"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ProxyPage.ui:139
msgctxt "ProxyPage|"
msgid "Authentication"
msgstr "Ověření"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ProxyPage.ui:148
msgctxt "ProxyPage|"
msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Uživatelské jméno:"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ProxyPage.ui:155
msgctxt "ProxyPage|"
msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Heslo:"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ProxyPage.ui:169
msgctxt "ProxyPage|"
msgid "Note: Proxy username and password are stored in plain text inside the launcher's configuration file!"
msgstr "Poznámka: uživatelské jméno a helo pro proxy server jsou uložené v prostém textovém formátu uvnitř konfiguračního souboru MultiMC!"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ProxyPage.h:39
msgctxt "ProxyPage|"
msgid "Proxy"
msgstr "Proxy"
#: src/launcher/ui/themes/DarkTheme.cpp:10
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Dark"
msgstr "Tmavý"
#: src/launcher/ui/themes/SystemTheme.cpp:47
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "System"
msgstr "Systém"
#: src/launcher/ui/themes/BrightTheme.cpp:10
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Bright"
msgstr "Světlé"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/UpdateDialog.cpp:122
#, qt-format
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "<p>There are no code changes between your current version and latest %1.</p>"
msgstr "<p>Neexistují žádné změny kódu mezi vaší aktuální a nejnovější verzí %1.</p>"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/UpdateDialog.cpp:126
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "<p>Following commits were added since last update:</p>"
msgstr "<p>Následující revize byly přidány od poslední aktualizace:</p>"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/UpdateDialog.cpp:133
#, qt-format
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "<p>The update removes %1 commits and adds the following %2:</p>"
msgstr "<p>Aktualizace odstraní %1 revizí a přidává následující %2:</p>"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/UpdateDialog.cpp:136
#, qt-format
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "<p>You can <a href=\"%1\">look at the changes on github</a>.</p>"
msgstr "<p>Můžeš <a href=\"%1\">se podívat na změny na GITHUBu</a>.</p>"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/AboutDialog.cpp:31
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/AboutDialog.cpp:54
msgctxt "QObject|About Credits"
msgid "Patrons"
msgstr "Patroni"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/AboutDialog.cpp:37
msgctxt "QObject|About Credits"
msgid "Developers"
msgstr "Vývojáři"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/AboutDialog.cpp:45
msgctxt "QObject|About Credits"
msgid "With thanks to"
msgstr "S poděkováním"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:101
#, qt-format
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "%1 (in use)"
msgstr "%1 (používáno)"
#: src/launcher/ui/GuiUtil.cpp:29 src/launcher/ui/GuiUtil.cpp:40
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Upload failed"
msgstr "Nahrávání selhalo"
#: src/launcher/ui/GuiUtil.cpp:30
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "The log file is too big. You'll have to upload it manually."
msgstr "Soubor logu je příliš velký. Budete muset nahrát ručně."
#: src/launcher/ui/GuiUtil.cpp:51
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Upload finished"
msgstr "Nahrávání dokončeno"
#: src/launcher/ui/GuiUtil.cpp:52
#, qt-format
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "The <a href=\"%1\">link to the uploaded log</a> has been placed in your clipboard."
msgstr "<a href=\"%1\"> Odkaz na nahraný LOG</a> byl uložen do tvé schránky."
#: src/launcher/ui/widgets/JavaSettingsWidget.cpp:285
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "The specified file either doesn't exist or is not a proper executable."
msgstr "Soubor zvolený se nezdá být spustitelný."
#: src/launcher/ui/widgets/JavaSettingsWidget.cpp:290
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "The specified java binary didn't start properly.<br />"
msgstr "Zadaný java binární soubor nebyl správně spuštěn.<br />"
#: src/launcher/ui/widgets/JavaSettingsWidget.cpp:302
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "The specified java binary returned unexpected results:<br />"
msgstr "Zadaný binární soubor java vrátil neočekávané výsledky:<br />"
#: src/launcher/ui/widgets/JavaSettingsWidget.cpp:313
#, qt-format
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Java test succeeded!<br />Platform reported: %1<br />Java version reported: %2<br />"
msgstr "Test Javy byl úspěšný!<br />Nahlášená platforma: %1<br />Nahlášená verze Javy: %2<br />"
#: src/launcher/ui/widgets/JavaSettingsWidget.cpp:322
#: src/launcher/JavaCommon.cpp:56 src/launcher/JavaCommon.cpp:65
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Java test failure"
msgstr "Test Javy selhal"
#: src/launcher/ui/widgets/JavaSettingsWidget.cpp:322
#: src/launcher/JavaCommon.cpp:46
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Java test success"
msgstr "Test Javy byl úspěšný"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ServersPage.cpp:31
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Minecraft Server"
msgstr "Minecraft server"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/import_ftb/Model.cpp:264
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Description is missing in the FTB App instance."
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/minecraft/Component.cpp:249
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Patch is not loaded yet."
msgstr "Patch není zatím nahrán."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/MojangVersionFormat.cpp:154
#, qt-format
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "processArguments is set to unknown value '%1'"
msgstr "processArguments je nastaven na neznámou hodnotu '%1'"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/MojangVersionFormat.cpp:179
#, qt-format
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "The 'minimumLauncherVersion' value of this version (%1) is higher than supported by %3 (%2). It might not work properly!"
msgstr "Hodnota 'minimumLauncherVersion' této verze (%1) je vyšší, než podporována %3 (%2). Nemusí fungovat správně!"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/MojangVersionFormat.cpp:299
#, qt-format
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Library %1 name is broken and cannot be processed."
msgstr "Knihovna %1 name je poškozena a nelze ji zpracovat."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/PackProfile.cpp:191
#, qt-format
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Invalid component file version, expected %1"
msgstr "Neplatný komponent verze souboru, očekáván %1"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/OneSixVersionFormat.cpp:162
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Version file has both '+libraries' and 'libraries'. This is no longer supported."
msgstr "Soubor verze obsahuje '+libraries' a 'libraries'. Toto již není podporováno."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/OneSixVersionFormat.cpp:202
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "URL for the main jar could not be determined - Mojang removed the server that we used as fallback."
msgstr "Nepodařilo se zjistit URL hlavní jar - Mojang odebral server, který jsme používali jako záložní."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/OneSixVersionFormat.cpp:235
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Version file contains unsupported element 'tweakers'"
msgstr "Soubor verze obsahuje nepodporovaný prvek 'tweakers'"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/OneSixVersionFormat.cpp:239
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Version file contains unsupported element '-libraries'"
msgstr "Soubor verze obsahuje nepodporovaný prvek '-libraries'"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/OneSixVersionFormat.cpp:243
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Version file contains unsupported element '-tweakers'"
msgstr "Soubor verze obsahuje nepodporovaný prvek '-tweakers'"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/OneSixVersionFormat.cpp:247
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Version file contains unsupported element '-minecraftArguments'"
msgstr "Verze soubor obsahuje nepodporovaný prvek '-minecraftArguments'"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/OneSixVersionFormat.cpp:251
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Version file contains unsupported element '+minecraftArguments'"
msgstr "Soubor verze obsahuje nepodporovaný prvek '+minecraftArguments'"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/AssetsUtils.cpp:323
#, qt-format
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Assets for %1"
msgstr "Herní soubory pro %1"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/ProfileUtils.cpp:51
#, qt-format
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Invalid order file version, expected %1"
msgstr "Neplatná verze pořadí souboru, očekávaný %1"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/ProfileUtils.cpp:96
#: src/launcher/minecraft/ProfileUtils.cpp:149
#, qt-format
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Unable to open the version file %1: %2."
msgstr "Nelze otevřít verzi souboru %1: %2."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/ProfileUtils.cpp:117
#, qt-format
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Unable to process the version file %1: %2 at line %3 column %4."
msgstr "Nelze zpracovat soubor verze %1: %2 na řádku %3 sloupci %4."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/ProfileUtils.cpp:157
#, qt-format
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Unable to process the version file %1."
msgstr "Nelze zpracovat verzi souboru %1."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountData.cpp:422
#, qt-format
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "No profile (%1)"
msgstr "Žádný profil (%1)"
#: src/launcher/UpdateController.cpp:366
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Update failed!"
msgstr "Nahrávání selhalo!"
#: src/launcher/UpdateController.cpp:367
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Rollback failed!"
msgstr "Nahrávání selhalo!"
#: src/launcher/UpdateController.cpp:372
#, qt-format
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Couldn't replace file %1. Changes will be reverted.\n"
"See the %2 log file for details."
msgstr "Nemůžu nahradit soubor %1. Provedené změny budou zrušeny.\n"
"Podvejte se do logového souboru %2 pro další detaily."
#: src/launcher/UpdateController.cpp:382
#, qt-format
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Couldn't remove file %1. Changes will be reverted.\n"
"See the %2 log file for details."
msgstr "Nepodařilo se smazat soubor %1. Provedené změny budou zrušeny.\n"
"Podvejte se do logového souboru %2 pro další detaily."
#: src/launcher/UpdateController.cpp:392
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "The new version didn't start or is too old and doesn't respond to startup checks.\n\n"
"Roll back to previous version?"
msgstr "Nová verze nebyla spuštěna nebo je příliš stará a nereaguje na kontrolu spuštění.\n\n"
"Vrátit zpět do předchozí verze?"
#: src/launcher/UpdateController.cpp:414
#, qt-format
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "The rollback failed too.\n"
"You will have to repair %1 manually.\n"
"Please let us know why and how this happened."
msgstr "Obnovení se také nezdařilo.\n"
"Budete muset opravit %1 ručně.\n"
"Dejte nám prosím vědět, proč a jak k tomu došlo."
#: src/launcher/MMCTime.cpp:31
#, qt-format
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "%1m %2s"
msgstr "%1 m %2 s"
#: src/launcher/MMCTime.cpp:35
#, qt-format
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "%1h %2m"
msgstr "%1 h %2 m"
#: src/launcher/MMCTime.cpp:37
#, qt-format
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "%1d %2h %3m"
msgstr "%1 d %2 h %3 m"
#: src/launcher/JavaCommon.cpp:10
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "You tried to manually set a JVM memory option (using \"-XX:PermSize\", \"-XX-MaxHeapSize\", \"-XX:InitialHeapSize\", \"-Xmx\" or \"-Xms\").\n"
"There are dedicated boxes for these in the settings (Java tab, in the Memory group at the top).\n"
"This message will be displayed until you remove them from the JVM arguments."
msgstr "Pokusil jsi se ručně nastavit možnost paměti JVM (použitím \"-XX:PermSize\", \"-XX-MaxHeapSize\", \"-XX:InitialHeapSize\", \"-Xmx\" nebo \"-Xms\").\n"
"Pro tyto možnosti jsou v nastavení vyhrazeny záložky (Java v rámci skupiny Paměť).\n"
"Tato zpráva se bude zobrazovat, dokud je neodstraníš z argumentů JVM."
#: src/launcher/JavaCommon.cpp:15 src/launcher/JavaCommon.cpp:26
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "JVM arguments warning"
msgstr "JVM argumenty varování"
#: src/launcher/JavaCommon.cpp:22
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "You tried to pass required java version argument to the JVM (using \"-version=xxx\"). This is not safe and will not be allowed.\n"
"This message will be displayed until you remove this from the JVM arguments."
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/JavaCommon.cpp:37
#, qt-format
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Java test succeeded!<br />Platform reported: %1<br />Java version reported: %2<br />Java vendor reported: %3<br />"
msgstr "Test Javy byl úspěšný!<br />Platforma: %1<br />Verze Javy: %2<br />Distributor: %3<br />"
#: src/launcher/JavaCommon.cpp:44
#, qt-format
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "<br />Warnings:<br /><font color=\"orange\">%1</font>"
msgstr "<br />Upozornění:<br /><font color=\"orange\">%1</font>"
#: src/launcher/JavaCommon.cpp:54
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "The specified java binary didn't work with the arguments you provided:<br />"
msgstr "Zadaný java binární soubor nefungoval s argumenty, které jsi uvedl:<br />"
#: src/launcher/JavaCommon.cpp:62
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "The specified java binary didn't work.<br />You should use the auto-detect feature, or set the path to the java executable.<br />"
msgstr "Zadaný binární soubor java nefungoval.<br />Měl bys použít funkci automatické detekce, nebo nastavit cestu k spustitelnému souboru java.<br />"
#: src/launcher/meta/BaseEntity.cpp:120
#, qt-format
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Download of meta file %1"
msgstr "Stahování %1 aktualizačních souborů"
#: src/launcher/meta/JsonFormat.cpp:140 src/launcher/meta/JsonFormat.cpp:153
#: src/launcher/meta/JsonFormat.cpp:166
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Unknown format version!"
msgstr "Neznámá chyba!"
#: src/launcher/tools/JVisualVM.cpp:92 src/launcher/tools/JProfiler.cpp:99
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Empty path"
msgstr "Prázná cesta"
#: src/launcher/tools/JVisualVM.cpp:98
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Invalid path to JVisualVM"
msgstr "Neplatná cesta k JVisualVM"
#: src/launcher/tools/JProfiler.cpp:105 src/launcher/tools/MCEditTool.cpp:37
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Path does not exist"
msgstr "Cesta neexistuje"
#: src/launcher/tools/JProfiler.cpp:110
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Invalid JProfiler install"
msgstr "Neplatná instalace JProfiler"
#: src/launcher/tools/MCEditTool.cpp:31
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Path is empty"
msgstr "Cesta je prázná"
#: src/launcher/tools/MCEditTool.cpp:42
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Path does not seem to be a MCEdit path"
msgstr "Cesta se nezdá být cesta MCEdit"
#: src/libraries/quazip/quazip/quagzipfile.cpp:60
msgctxt "QuaGzipFile|"
msgid "QIODevice::Append is not supported for GZIP"
msgstr "QIODevice::Append není podporováno pro GZIP"
#: src/libraries/quazip/quazip/quagzipfile.cpp:66
msgctxt "QuaGzipFile|"
msgid "Opening gzip for both reading and writing is not supported"
msgstr "Otevření gzip pro čtení i zápis není podporováno"
#: src/libraries/quazip/quazip/quagzipfile.cpp:74
msgctxt "QuaGzipFile|"
msgid "You can open a gzip either for reading or for writing. Which is it?"
msgstr "Gzip lze otevřít pouze pro čtení nebo zapisování. Který to je?"
#: src/libraries/quazip/quazip/quagzipfile.cpp:80
msgctxt "QuaGzipFile|"
msgid "Could not gzopen() file"
msgstr "Soubor nebylo možno otevřít použitím gzopen()"
#: src/libraries/quazip/quazip/quaziodevice.cpp:147
msgctxt "QuaZIODevice|"
msgid "QIODevice::Append is not supported for QuaZIODevice"
msgstr "QIODevice::Append není podporováno pro QuaZIODevice"
#: src/libraries/quazip/quazip/quaziodevice.cpp:152
msgctxt "QuaZIODevice|"
msgid "QIODevice::ReadWrite is not supported for QuaZIODevice"
msgstr "QIODevice::RaadWrite není podporováno pro QuaZIODevice"
#: src/libraries/quazip/quazip/quazipfile.cpp:247
#, qt-format
msgctxt "QuaZipFile|"
msgid "ZIP/UNZIP API error %1"
msgstr "Chyba ZIP/UNZIP %1"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/mod/ResourcePackFolderModel.cpp:10
msgctxt "ResourcePackFolderModel|"
msgid "Is the resource pack enabled?"
msgstr "Je balíček zdrojů povolen?"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/mod/ResourcePackFolderModel.cpp:12
msgctxt "ResourcePackFolderModel|"
msgid "The name of the resource pack."
msgstr "Název balíčku zdrojů."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/mod/ResourcePackFolderModel.cpp:14
msgctxt "ResourcePackFolderModel|"
msgid "The version of the resource pack."
msgstr "Verze balíčku zdrojů."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/mod/ResourcePackFolderModel.cpp:16
msgctxt "ResourcePackFolderModel|"
msgid "The date and time this resource pack was last changed (or added)."
msgstr "Datum a čas, kdy byl tento balíček zdrojů naposledy změněn (nebo přidán)."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ResourcePackPage.h:12
msgctxt "ResourcePackPage|"
msgid "Resource packs"
msgstr "Balíčky zdrojů"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ScreenshotsPage.ui:41
msgctxt "ScreenshotsPage|"
msgid "Actions"
msgstr "Akce"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ScreenshotsPage.ui:61
msgctxt "ScreenshotsPage|"
msgid "Upload"
msgstr "Nahrát"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ScreenshotsPage.ui:66
msgctxt "ScreenshotsPage|"
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Smazat"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ScreenshotsPage.ui:71
msgctxt "ScreenshotsPage|"
msgid "Rename"
msgstr "Přejmenovat"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ScreenshotsPage.ui:76
msgctxt "ScreenshotsPage|"
msgid "View Folder"
msgstr "Zobrazit složku"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ScreenshotsPage.ui:81
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ScreenshotsPage.ui:84
msgctxt "ScreenshotsPage|"
msgid "Copy Image"
msgstr "Kopírovat obrázek"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ScreenshotsPage.ui:89
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ScreenshotsPage.ui:92
msgctxt "ScreenshotsPage|"
msgid "Copy File(s)"
msgstr "Kopírovat soubor(y)"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ScreenshotsPage.h:52
msgctxt "ScreenshotsPage|"
msgid "Screenshots"
msgstr "Screenshoty"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ScreenshotsPage.cpp:280
msgctxt "ScreenshotsPage|"
msgid "Context menu"
msgstr "Kontextové menu"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ScreenshotsPage.cpp:331
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ScreenshotsPage.cpp:371
msgctxt "ScreenshotsPage|"
msgid "Failed to upload screenshots!"
msgstr "Nepodařilo se nahrát screenshoty!"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ScreenshotsPage.cpp:332
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ScreenshotsPage.cpp:372
msgctxt "ScreenshotsPage|"
msgid "Unknown error"
msgstr "Neznámá chyba"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ScreenshotsPage.cpp:341
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ScreenshotsPage.cpp:383
msgctxt "ScreenshotsPage|"
msgid "Upload finished"
msgstr "Nahrávání dokončeno"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ScreenshotsPage.cpp:342
#, qt-format
msgctxt "ScreenshotsPage|"
msgid "The <a href=\"%1\">link to the uploaded screenshot</a> has been placed in your clipboard."
msgstr "<a href=\"%1\">odkaz na nahraný snímek</a> byl vložen do vaší schránky."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ScreenshotsPage.cpp:384
#, qt-format
msgctxt "ScreenshotsPage|"
msgid "The <a href=\"%1\">link to the uploaded album</a> has been placed in your clipboard."
msgstr "<a href=\"%1\">odkaz na nahrané album</a> byl vložen do vaší schránky."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ScreenshotsPage.cpp:430
msgctxt "ScreenshotsPage|"
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "Jste si jistí?"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ScreenshotsPage.cpp:430
msgctxt "ScreenshotsPage|"
msgid "This will delete all selected screenshots."
msgstr "Toto vymaže všechny vybrané screenshoty."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ServersPage.cpp:289
msgctxt "ServersModel|"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Název"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ServersPage.cpp:291
msgctxt "ServersModel|"
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Adresa"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ServersPage.cpp:293
msgctxt "ServersModel|"
msgid "Latency"
msgstr "Latence"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ServersPage.ui:72
msgctxt "ServersPage|"
msgid "&Name"
msgstr "&Název"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ServersPage.ui:85
msgctxt "ServersPage|"
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Adresa"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ServersPage.ui:98
msgctxt "ServersPage|"
msgid "Reso&urces"
msgstr "Zdroje"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ServersPage.ui:109
msgctxt "ServersPage|"
msgid "Ask to download"
msgstr "Zeptat se na stažení"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ServersPage.ui:114
msgctxt "ServersPage|"
msgid "Always download"
msgstr "Vždy stahovat"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ServersPage.ui:119
msgctxt "ServersPage|"
msgid "Never download"
msgstr "Nikdy nestahovat"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ServersPage.ui:130
msgctxt "ServersPage|"
msgid "Actions"
msgstr "Akce"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ServersPage.ui:155
msgctxt "ServersPage|"
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Přidat"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ServersPage.ui:160
msgctxt "ServersPage|"
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Smazat"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ServersPage.ui:165
msgctxt "ServersPage|"
msgid "Move Up"
msgstr "Posunout nahoru"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ServersPage.ui:170
msgctxt "ServersPage|"
msgid "Move Down"
msgstr "Posunout dolu"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ServersPage.ui:175
msgctxt "ServersPage|"
msgid "Join"
msgstr "Připojit se"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ServersPage.h:46
msgctxt "ServersPage|"
msgid "Servers"
msgstr "Servery"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ServersPage.cpp:605
msgctxt "ServersPage|"
msgid "Context menu"
msgstr "Kontextové menu"
#: src/launcher/ui/setupwizard/SetupWizard.cpp:30
msgctxt "SetupWizard|"
msgid "&Next >"
msgstr "&Další >"
#: src/launcher/ui/setupwizard/SetupWizard.cpp:31
msgctxt "SetupWizard|"
msgid "< &Back"
msgstr "< &Zpět"
#: src/launcher/ui/setupwizard/SetupWizard.cpp:32
msgctxt "SetupWizard|"
msgid "&Finish"
msgstr "&Dokončit"
#: src/launcher/ui/setupwizard/SetupWizard.cpp:33
msgctxt "SetupWizard|"
msgid "&Refresh"
msgstr "&Obnovit"
#: src/launcher/ui/setupwizard/SetupWizard.cpp:34
#, qt-format
msgctxt "SetupWizard|"
msgid "%1 Quick Setup"
msgstr "%1 Rychlé nastavení"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ShaderPackPage.h:12
msgctxt "ShaderPackPage|"
msgid "Shader packs"
msgstr "Balíčky shaderů"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/services/SkinDelete.cpp:20
msgctxt "SkinDelete|"
msgid "Deleting skin"
msgstr "Mazání skinu"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/services/SkinUpload.cpp:45
msgctxt "SkinUpload|"
msgid "Uploading skin"
msgstr "Nahrávání skinu"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/SkinUploadDialog.ui:14
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/SkinUploadDialog.cpp:43
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/SkinUploadDialog.cpp:55
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/SkinUploadDialog.cpp:71
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/SkinUploadDialog.cpp:93
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/SkinUploadDialog.cpp:97
msgctxt "SkinUploadDialog|"
msgid "Skin Upload"
msgstr "Nahrát skin"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/SkinUploadDialog.ui:20
msgctxt "SkinUploadDialog|"
msgid "Skin File"
msgstr "Soubor Skinu"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/SkinUploadDialog.ui:51
msgctxt "SkinUploadDialog|"
msgid "Player Model"
msgstr "Model hráče"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/SkinUploadDialog.ui:57
msgctxt "SkinUploadDialog|"
msgid "Steve Model"
msgstr "Model 'Steve'"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/SkinUploadDialog.ui:67
msgctxt "SkinUploadDialog|"
msgid "Alex Model"
msgstr "Model 'Alex'"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/SkinUploadDialog.ui:77
msgctxt "SkinUploadDialog|"
msgid "Cape"
msgstr "Kápě"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/SkinUploadDialog.cpp:44
msgctxt "SkinUploadDialog|"
msgid "Using remote URLs for setting skins is not implemented yet."
msgstr "Použití vzdálených URL pro nastavení skinů ještě není uskutečněno."
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/SkinUploadDialog.cpp:56
msgctxt "SkinUploadDialog|"
msgid "You cannot use an invalid URL for uploading skins."
msgstr "Nemůžete použít neplatnou URL pro nahrávaní skinů."
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/SkinUploadDialog.cpp:71
msgctxt "SkinUploadDialog|"
msgid "Skin file does not exist!"
msgstr "Soubor se skinem neexistuje!"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/SkinUploadDialog.cpp:93
msgctxt "SkinUploadDialog|"
msgid "Failed to upload skin!"
msgstr "Nepodařilo se nahrát skin!"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/SkinUploadDialog.cpp:97
msgctxt "SkinUploadDialog|"
msgid "Success"
msgstr "Úspěch"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/SkinUploadDialog.cpp:103
msgctxt "SkinUploadDialog|"
msgid "Select Skin Texture"
msgstr "Vyberte texturu skinu"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/SkinUploadDialog.cpp:120
msgctxt "SkinUploadDialog|"
msgid "No Cape"
msgstr "Bez kápě"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/technic/SingleZipPackInstallTask.cpp:42
#, qt-format
msgctxt "Technic::SingleZipPackInstallTask|"
msgid "Downloading modpack:\n"
msgstr "Stahování modpacku: %1"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/technic/SingleZipPackInstallTask.cpp:47
msgctxt "Technic::SingleZipPackInstallTask|"
msgid "Modpack download"
msgstr "Stáhnout Modpack"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/technic/SingleZipPackInstallTask.cpp:61
msgctxt "Technic::SingleZipPackInstallTask|"
msgid "Extracting modpack"
msgstr "Rozbalování modpacku"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/technic/SingleZipPackInstallTask.cpp:69
msgctxt "Technic::SingleZipPackInstallTask|"
msgid "Unable to open supplied modpack zip file."
msgstr "Nebylo možné otevřít poskytnutý archiv modpacku."
#: src/launcher/modplatform/technic/SingleZipPackInstallTask.cpp:97
msgctxt "Technic::SingleZipPackInstallTask|"
msgid "Failed to extract modpack"
msgstr "Extrahování modpacku selhalo"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/technic/SingleZipPackInstallTask.cpp:124
#, qt-format
msgctxt "Technic::SingleZipPackInstallTask|"
msgid "Could not fix permissions for %1"
msgstr "Nepodařilo se opravit povolení pro %1"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/technic/SingleZipPackInstallTask.cpp:141
msgctxt "Technic::SingleZipPackInstallTask|"
msgid "Instance import has been aborted."
msgstr "Importování instance bylo přerušeno."
#: src/launcher/modplatform/technic/SolderPackInstallTask.cpp:44
#, qt-format
msgctxt "Technic::SolderPackInstallTask|"
msgid "Finding recommended version:\n"
msgstr "Hledání doporučené verze: %1"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/technic/SolderPackInstallTask.cpp:45
msgctxt "Technic::SolderPackInstallTask|"
msgid "Finding recommended version"
msgstr "Hledání doporučené verze"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/technic/SolderPackInstallTask.cpp:69
#, qt-format
msgctxt "Technic::SolderPackInstallTask|"
msgid "Resolving modpack files:\n"
msgstr "Hledání souborů modpacku: %1"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/technic/SolderPackInstallTask.cpp:70
msgctxt "Technic::SolderPackInstallTask|"
msgid "Resolving modpack files"
msgstr "Hledání souborů modpacku"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/technic/SolderPackInstallTask.cpp:80
msgctxt "Technic::SolderPackInstallTask|"
msgid "Downloading modpack:"
msgstr "Stahování modpacku:"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/technic/SolderPackInstallTask.cpp:102
msgctxt "Technic::SolderPackInstallTask|"
msgid "Downloading modpack"
msgstr "Stahuje se modpack"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/technic/SolderPackInstallTask.cpp:123
msgctxt "Technic::SolderPackInstallTask|"
msgid "Extracting modpack"
msgstr "Rozbalování modpacku"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/technic/SolderPackInstallTask.cpp:164
msgctxt "Technic::SolderPackInstallTask|"
msgid "Failed to extract modpack"
msgstr "Extrahování modpacku selhalo"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/technic/SolderPackInstallTask.cpp:191
#, qt-format
msgctxt "Technic::SolderPackInstallTask|"
msgid "Could not fix permissions for %1"
msgstr "Nepodařilo se opravit povolení pro %1"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/technic/SolderPackInstallTask.cpp:208
msgctxt "Technic::SolderPackInstallTask|"
msgid "Instance import has been aborted."
msgstr "Importování instance bylo přerušeno."
#: src/launcher/modplatform/technic/TechnicPackProcessor.cpp:58
msgctxt "Technic::TechnicPackProcessor|"
msgid "Unable to open \"bin/modpack.jar\" file!"
msgstr "Nelze otevřít soubor \"bin/modpack.jar\"!"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/technic/TechnicPackProcessor.cpp:70
msgctxt "Technic::TechnicPackProcessor|"
msgid "Unable to open \"fmlversion.properties\"!"
msgstr "Nelze otevřít \"fmlversion.properties\"!"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/technic/TechnicPackProcessor.cpp:84
#: src/launcher/modplatform/technic/TechnicPackProcessor.cpp:139
msgctxt "Technic::TechnicPackProcessor|"
msgid "Unable to open \"version.json\"!"
msgstr "Nelze otevřít \"version.json\"!"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/technic/TechnicPackProcessor.cpp:93
msgctxt "Technic::TechnicPackProcessor|"
msgid "Could not find \"version.json\" inside \"bin/modpack.jar\", but minecraft version is unknown"
msgstr "Nepodařilo se najít \"version.json\" unvnitř \"bin/modpack.jar\", ale verze Minecraftu je neznámá"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/technic/TechnicPackProcessor.cpp:107
msgctxt "Technic::TechnicPackProcessor|"
msgid "Unable to open \"forgeversion.properties\""
msgstr "Nelze otevřít \"forgeversion.properties\""
#: src/launcher/modplatform/technic/TechnicPackProcessor.cpp:122
msgctxt "Technic::TechnicPackProcessor|"
msgid "Invalid \"forgeversion.properties\"!"
msgstr "Neplatné \"forgeversion.properties\"!"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/technic/TechnicPackProcessor.cpp:148
msgctxt "Technic::TechnicPackProcessor|"
msgid "Unable to find a \"version.json\"!"
msgstr "Nepodařilo se najít \"version.json\"!"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/technic/TechnicPackProcessor.cpp:161
msgctxt "Technic::TechnicPackProcessor|"
msgid "Could not understand \"version.json\":\n"
"inheritsFrom is missing"
msgstr "Nepodařilo se pochopit \"version.json\":\n"
"chybí inheritsFrom"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/technic/TechnicPackProcessor.cpp:206
msgctxt "Technic::TechnicPackProcessor|"
msgid "Could not understand \"version.json\":\n"
msgstr "Nepodařilo se pochopit \"version.json\":\n"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/technic/TechnicPage.ui:32
msgctxt "TechnicPage|"
msgid "Search and filter ..."
msgstr "Vyhledat a filtrovat ..."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/technic/TechnicPage.ui:39
msgctxt "TechnicPage|"
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Hledat"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/technic/TechnicPage.cpp:188
msgctxt "TechnicPage|"
msgid " by "
msgstr " od "
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/technic/TechnicPage.h:45
msgctxt "TechnicPage|"
msgid "Technic"
msgstr "Technic"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/mod/TexturePackFolderModel.cpp:10
msgctxt "TexturePackFolderModel|"
msgid "Is the texture pack enabled?"
msgstr "Je balíček textur povolen?"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/mod/TexturePackFolderModel.cpp:12
msgctxt "TexturePackFolderModel|"
msgid "The name of the texture pack."
msgstr "Název balíčku textur."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/mod/TexturePackFolderModel.cpp:14
msgctxt "TexturePackFolderModel|"
msgid "The version of the texture pack."
msgstr "Verze balíčku textur."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/mod/TexturePackFolderModel.cpp:16
msgctxt "TexturePackFolderModel|"
msgid "The date and time this texture pack was last changed (or added)."
msgstr "Datum a čas, kdy byl tento balíček textur naposledy změněn (nebo přidán)."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/TexturePackPage.h:12
msgctxt "TexturePackPage|"
msgid "Texture packs"
msgstr "Balíčky textur"
#: src/launcher/translations/TranslationsModel.cpp:369
#, qt-format
msgctxt "TranslationsModel|"
msgid "%1:\n"
"%2 translated\n"
"%3 fuzzy\n"
"%4 total"
msgstr "%1:\n"
"%2 přeloženo\n"
"%3 nejasný\n"
"%4 celkově"
#: src/launcher/translations/TranslationsModel.cpp:387
msgctxt "TranslationsModel|"
msgid "Language"
msgstr "Jazyk"
#: src/launcher/translations/TranslationsModel.cpp:391
msgctxt "TranslationsModel|"
msgid "Completeness"
msgstr "Dokončenost"
#: src/launcher/translations/TranslationsModel.cpp:401
msgctxt "TranslationsModel|"
msgid "The native language name."
msgstr "Jméno nativního jazyku."
#: src/launcher/translations/TranslationsModel.cpp:405
msgctxt "TranslationsModel|"
msgid "Completeness is the percentage of fully translated strings, not counting automatically guessed ones."
msgstr "Dokončenost je procento plně přeložených řetězců, automaticky uhodnuté řetězce nejsou připočítané k tomuto procentu."
#: src/launcher/launch/steps/Update.cpp:23
msgctxt "Update|"
msgid "Task aborted."
msgstr "Úkol přerušen."
#: src/launcher/launch/steps/Update.cpp:52
#, qt-format
msgctxt "Update|"
msgid "Instance update failed because: %1\n\n"
msgstr "Aktualizace Instance se nepodařilo protože: %1\n\n"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/UpdateDialog.ui:14
msgctxt "UpdateDialog|"
msgid "MultiMC Update"
msgstr "Aktualizace MultiMC"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/UpdateDialog.ui:61
msgctxt "UpdateDialog|"
msgid "Update now"
msgstr "Aktualizovat nyní"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/UpdateDialog.ui:74
msgctxt "UpdateDialog|"
msgid "Don't update yet"
msgstr "Zatím ještě neaktualizovat"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/UpdateDialog.cpp:17
#, qt-format
msgctxt "UpdateDialog|"
msgid "A new %1 update is available!"
msgstr "Nová %1 aktualizace je k dispozici!"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/UpdateDialog.cpp:21
#, qt-format
msgctxt "UpdateDialog|"
msgid "No %1 updates found. You are running the latest version."
msgstr "Nebyly nalezeny žádné %1 aktualizace. Používáte nejnovější verzi."
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/UpdateDialog.cpp:23
msgctxt "UpdateDialog|"
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Zavřít"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/UpdateDialog.cpp:25
msgctxt "UpdateDialog|"
msgid "<center><h1>Loading changelog...</h1></center>"
msgstr "<center><h1>Načítám seznam změn...</h1></center>"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/UpdateDialog.cpp:165
#, qt-format
msgctxt "UpdateDialog|"
msgid "<p align=\"center\" <span style=\"font-size:22pt;\">Failed to fetch changelog... Error: %1</span></p>"
msgstr "<p align=\"center\" <span style=\"font-size:22pt;\">Nepodařilo se načíst seznam změn... Chyba: %1 </span></p>"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/VanillaPage.ui:41
msgctxt "VanillaPage|"
msgid "Filter"
msgstr "Filtr"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/VanillaPage.ui:51
msgctxt "VanillaPage|"
msgid "Releases"
msgstr "Stabilní vydání"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/VanillaPage.ui:64
msgctxt "VanillaPage|"
msgid "Snapshots"
msgstr "Vývojové verze"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/VanillaPage.ui:74
msgctxt "VanillaPage|"
msgid "Old Snapshots"
msgstr "Staré vývojové verze"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/VanillaPage.ui:84
msgctxt "VanillaPage|"
msgid "Betas"
msgstr "Beta vydání"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/VanillaPage.ui:94
msgctxt "VanillaPage|"
msgid "Alphas"
msgstr "Alfa vydání"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/VanillaPage.ui:104
msgctxt "VanillaPage|"
msgid "Experiments"
msgstr "Experimenty"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/VanillaPage.ui:127
msgctxt "VanillaPage|"
msgid "Refresh"
msgstr "Obnovit"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/VanillaPage.h:40
msgctxt "VanillaPage|"
msgid "Vanilla"
msgstr "Vanilla"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/launch/VerifyJavaInstall.cpp:42
msgctxt "VerifyJavaInstall|"
msgid "Minecraft 1.18 Pre Release 2 and above require the use of Java 17"
msgstr "Minecraft 1.18 Pre Release 2 a vyšší vyžaduje použití Java 17"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/launch/VerifyJavaInstall.cpp:51
msgctxt "VerifyJavaInstall|"
msgid "Minecraft 21w19a and above require the use of Java 16"
msgstr "Minecraft 21w19a a vyšší vyžaduje použití Java 16"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/launch/VerifyJavaInstall.cpp:60
msgctxt "VerifyJavaInstall|"
msgid "Minecraft 17w13a and above require the use of Java 8"
msgstr "Minecraft 17w13a a vyšší vyžaduje použití Java 8"
#: src/launcher/ui/widgets/VersionListView.cpp:26
msgctxt "VersionListView|"
msgid "No versions are currently available."
msgstr "Žádné verze jsou v současné době k dispozici."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:60
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Filter:"
msgstr "Filtr:"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:82
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Actions"
msgstr "Akce"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:126
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Change version"
msgstr "Změnit vydání"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:129
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Change version of the selected package."
msgstr "Změna verze vybraného balíčku."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:134
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Move up"
msgstr "Posunout nahoru"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:137
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Make the selected package apply sooner."
msgstr "Udělat aby byl vybraný balíček aplikován dříve."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:142
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Move down"
msgstr "Posunout dolu"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:145
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Make the selected package apply later."
msgstr "Udělat aby byl vybraný balíček aplikován později."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:150
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Smazat"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:153
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Remove selected package from the instance."
msgstr "Vymazat vybraný balík z instance."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:158
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Customize"
msgstr "Přizpůsobit"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:161
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Customize selected package."
msgstr "Přizpůsobit vybraný balíček."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:166
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Upravit"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:169
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Edit selected package."
msgstr "Upravit vybraný balíček."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:174
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Revert"
msgstr "Vrátit"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:177
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Revert the selected package to default."
msgstr "Vrátit vybraný balík zpátky do výchozích nastavení."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:182
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Install Forge"
msgstr "Nainstalovat Forge"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:185
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Install the Minecraft Forge package."
msgstr "Instalovat Balík Minecraft Forge."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:190
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Install Fabric"
msgstr "Nainstalovat Fabric"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:193
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Install the Fabric Loader package."
msgstr "Instalovat Balík Fabric Loaderu."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:198
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Install Quilt"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:201
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Install the Quilt Loader package."
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:206
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Install LiteLoader"
msgstr "Nainstalovat LiteLoader"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:209
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Install the LiteLoader package."
msgstr "Instalovat Balík LiteLoaderu."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:214
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Install mods"
msgstr "Instalovat módy"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:217
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Install normal mods."
msgstr "Instalovat normální módy."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:222
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Add to Minecraft.jar"
msgstr "Přidat k Minecraft.jar"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:225
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Add a mod into the Minecraft jar file."
msgstr "Přidat mód do Minecraft jar souboru."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:230
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Replace Minecraft.jar"
msgstr "Vyměnit Minecraft.jar"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:235
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Add Empty"
msgstr "Přidat prázdno"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:238
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Add an empty custom package."
msgstr "Přidat prázdný upravitelný balíček."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:243
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Reload"
msgstr "Obnovit"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:246
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Reload all packages."
msgstr "Znovu načíst všechny balíčky."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:251
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Download All"
msgstr "Stáhnout vše"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:254
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Download the files needed to launch the instance now."
msgstr "Teď stáhnout všechny potřebné soubory aby se instance spustila."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:259
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Open .minecraft"
msgstr "Otevřít .minecraft"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:262
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Open the instance's .minecraft folder."
msgstr "Otevře složku .minecraft instance."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:267
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Open libraries"
msgstr "Otevřít knihovny"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:270
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Open the instance's local libraries folder."
msgstr "Otevřít složku lokálních knihoven instance."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:155
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Context menu"
msgstr "Kontextové menu"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:173
#, qt-format
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "%1 possibly has issues."
msgstr "%1 možná má problémy."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:176
#, qt-format
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "%1 has issues!"
msgstr "%1 má problémy!"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:190
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Error: "
msgstr "Chyba: "
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:194
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Warning: "
msgstr "Varovaní: "
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:254
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:260
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:279
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:323
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:336
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:398
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Chyba"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:261
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Couldn't load the instance profile."
msgstr "Nemohl se načíst profil instance."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:279
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Couldn't remove file"
msgstr "Nelze odstranit soubor"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:297
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Select jar mods"
msgstr "Vyberte jar módy"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:297
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Minecraft.jar mods (*.zip *.jar)"
msgstr "Minecraft .jar módy (*.zip *.jar)"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:307
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Select jar"
msgstr "Vyberte soubor jar"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:307
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Minecraft.jar replacement (*.jar)"
msgstr "Minecraft .jar výměna (*.zip *.jar)"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:367
#, qt-format
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Change %1 version"
msgstr "Změnit %1 verzi"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:370
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "No intermediary mappings versions are currently available."
msgstr "Momentálně není dostupné žádné zprostředkující mapování verzí."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:371
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Couldn't load or download the intermediary mappings version lists!"
msgstr "Nepodařilo se najít nebo stáhnout zprostředkující mapování seznamu verzí!"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:399
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "MultiMC cannot download Minecraft or update instances unless you have at least one account added.\n"
"Please add your Mojang or Minecraft account."
msgstr "MultiMC nemůže stáhnout Minecraft nebo aktualizovat instance, pokud nemáte alespoň jeden účet přidaný.↵\n"
"Prosím, přidejte svůj Mojang nebo Minecraft účet."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:425
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Select Forge version"
msgstr "Vyberte verzi Forge"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:427
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "No Forge versions are currently available for Minecraft "
msgstr "Žádná verze Forge v současné době není k dispozici pro Minecraft "
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:428
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Couldn't load or download the Forge version lists!"
msgstr "Nemohl se načíst nebo stáhnout list Forge verzí!"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:454
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Select Fabric Loader version"
msgstr "Vyberte verzi Fabric Loaderu"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:455
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "No Fabric Loader versions are currently available."
msgstr "Žádné verze Fabric Loaderu nejsou v současné době k dispozici."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:456
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Couldn't load or download the Fabric Loader version lists!"
msgstr "Nemohl se načíst nebo stáhnout list Fabric Loader verzí!"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:481
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Select Quilt Loader version"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:482
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "No Quilt Loader versions are currently available."
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:483
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Couldn't load or download the Quilt Loader version lists!"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:526
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Select LiteLoader version"
msgstr "Vyber verzi LiteLoader"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:528
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "No LiteLoader versions are currently available for Minecraft "
msgstr "Žádné verze LiteLoader v současné době není k dispozici pro Minecraft "
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:529
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Couldn't load or download the LiteLoader version lists!"
msgstr "Nemohl se načíst nebo stáhnout list LiteLoader verzí!"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:585
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Error updating instance"
msgstr "Chyba při aktualizaci instance"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.h:38
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Version"
msgstr "Verze"
#: src/launcher/VersionProxyModel.cpp:76
msgctxt "VersionProxyModel|"
msgid "Version"
msgstr "Verze"
#: src/launcher/VersionProxyModel.cpp:78
msgctxt "VersionProxyModel|"
msgid "Minecraft"
msgstr "Minecraft"
#: src/launcher/VersionProxyModel.cpp:80
msgctxt "VersionProxyModel|"
msgid "Branch"
msgstr "Odvětví"
#: src/launcher/VersionProxyModel.cpp:82
msgctxt "VersionProxyModel|"
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Typ"
#: src/launcher/VersionProxyModel.cpp:84
msgctxt "VersionProxyModel|"
msgid "Architecture"
msgstr "Architektura"
#: src/launcher/VersionProxyModel.cpp:86
msgctxt "VersionProxyModel|"
msgid "Path"
msgstr "Cesta"
#: src/launcher/VersionProxyModel.cpp:88
msgctxt "VersionProxyModel|"
msgid "Released"
msgstr "Vydáno"
#: src/launcher/VersionProxyModel.cpp:96
msgctxt "VersionProxyModel|"
msgid "The name of the version."
msgstr "Název verze."
#: src/launcher/VersionProxyModel.cpp:98
msgctxt "VersionProxyModel|"
msgid "Minecraft version"
msgstr "Verze Minecraftu"
#: src/launcher/VersionProxyModel.cpp:100
msgctxt "VersionProxyModel|"
msgid "The version's branch"
msgstr "Větev této verze"
#: src/launcher/VersionProxyModel.cpp:102
msgctxt "VersionProxyModel|"
msgid "The version's type"
msgstr "Typ verze"
#: src/launcher/VersionProxyModel.cpp:104
msgctxt "VersionProxyModel|"
msgid "CPU Architecture"
msgstr "Architektura CPU"
#: src/launcher/VersionProxyModel.cpp:106
msgctxt "VersionProxyModel|"
msgid "Filesystem path to this version"
msgstr "Systém souborů do této verzi"
#: src/launcher/VersionProxyModel.cpp:108
msgctxt "VersionProxyModel|"
msgid "Release date of this version"
msgstr "Název verze"
#: src/launcher/VersionProxyModel.cpp:133
#, qt-format
msgctxt "VersionProxyModel|"
msgid "%1 (installed)"
msgstr "%1 (nainstalováno)"
#: src/launcher/VersionProxyModel.cpp:164
msgctxt "VersionProxyModel|"
msgid "Recommended"
msgstr "Doporučeno"
#: src/launcher/VersionProxyModel.cpp:171
#: src/launcher/VersionProxyModel.cpp:176
msgctxt "VersionProxyModel|"
msgid "Latest"
msgstr "Nejnovější"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/VersionSelectDialog.cpp:81
msgctxt "VersionSelectDialog|"
msgid "Choose Version"
msgstr "Vyberte verzi"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/VersionSelectDialog.cpp:82
msgctxt "VersionSelectDialog|"
msgid "Reloads the version list."
msgstr "Znovu načte seznam verzi."
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/VersionSelectDialog.cpp:83
msgctxt "VersionSelectDialog|"
msgid "&Refresh"
msgstr "&Obnovit"
#: src/launcher/ui/widgets/VersionSelectWidget.cpp:128
msgctxt "VersionSelectWidget|"
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Chyba"
#: src/launcher/ui/widgets/VersionSelectWidget.cpp:128
#, qt-format
msgctxt "VersionSelectWidget|"
msgid "List update failed:\n"
msgstr "Aktualizace listu selhala:\n"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/WorldList.cpp:227
msgctxt "WorldList|"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Název"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/WorldList.cpp:229
msgctxt "WorldList|"
msgid "Game Mode"
msgstr "Typ hry"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/WorldList.cpp:231
msgctxt "WorldList|"
msgid "Last Played"
msgstr "Naposledy hráno"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/WorldList.cpp:240
msgctxt "WorldList|"
msgid "The name of the world."
msgstr "Název světa."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/WorldList.cpp:242
msgctxt "WorldList|"
msgid "Game mode of the world."
msgstr "Typ hry."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/WorldList.cpp:244
msgctxt "WorldList|"
msgid "Date and time the world was last played."
msgstr "Den nebo čas kdy byl tento svět naposledy spuštěn."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/WorldListPage.ui:65
msgctxt "WorldListPage|"
msgid "Actions"
msgstr "Akce"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/WorldListPage.ui:97
msgctxt "WorldListPage|"
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Přidat"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/WorldListPage.ui:102
msgctxt "WorldListPage|"
msgid "Rename"
msgstr "Přejmenovat"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/WorldListPage.ui:107
msgctxt "WorldListPage|"
msgid "Copy"
msgstr "Kopírovat"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/WorldListPage.ui:112
msgctxt "WorldListPage|"
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Smazat"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/WorldListPage.ui:117
msgctxt "WorldListPage|"
msgid "MCEdit"
msgstr "MCEdit"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/WorldListPage.ui:122
msgctxt "WorldListPage|"
msgid "Copy Seed"
msgstr "Zkopírovat semínko"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/WorldListPage.ui:127
msgctxt "WorldListPage|"
msgid "Refresh"
msgstr "Obnovit"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/WorldListPage.ui:132
msgctxt "WorldListPage|"
msgid "View Folder"
msgstr "Zobrazit složku"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/WorldListPage.ui:137
msgctxt "WorldListPage|"
msgid "Reset Icon"
msgstr "Obnovit ikonu"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/WorldListPage.ui:140
msgctxt "WorldListPage|"
msgid "Remove world icon to make the game re-generate it on next load."
msgstr "Odstranit ikonu světa, aby ji hra znovu vygenerovala při jeho dalším načtení."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/WorldListPage.ui:145
msgctxt "WorldListPage|"
msgid "Datapacks"
msgstr "Balíčky dat"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/WorldListPage.ui:148
msgctxt "WorldListPage|"
msgid "Manage datapacks inside the world."
msgstr "Spravovat balíčky dat světa."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/WorldListPage.h:45
msgctxt "WorldListPage|"
msgid "Worlds"
msgstr "Světy"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/WorldListPage.cpp:108
msgctxt "WorldListPage|"
msgid "Context menu"
msgstr "Kontextové menu"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/WorldListPage.cpp:158
msgctxt "WorldListPage|"
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "Jste si jistí?"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/WorldListPage.cpp:159
msgctxt "WorldListPage|"
msgid "This will remove the selected world permenantly.\n"
"The world will be gone forever (A LONG TIME).\n\n"
"Do you want to continue?"
msgstr "Tohle trvale vymaže vybraný svět.\n"
"Tento svět bude navždy smazán (fakt na dlouho!).\n\n"
"Přejete si pokračovat?"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/WorldListPage.cpp:270
msgctxt "WorldListPage|"
msgid "No MCEdit found or set up!"
msgstr "MCEdit nebyl nalezen nebo nastaven!"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/WorldListPage.cpp:271
msgctxt "WorldListPage|"
msgid "You do not have MCEdit set up or it was moved.\n"
"You can set it up in the global settings."
msgstr "Nemáte MultiMC nastaveno nebo bylo přesunuto. Mužete ho nastavit v konzoli."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/WorldListPage.cpp:280
msgctxt "WorldListPage|"
msgid "MCEdit failed to start!"
msgstr "Příkaz se nepodařilo spustit!"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/WorldListPage.cpp:281
msgctxt "WorldListPage|"
msgid "MCEdit failed to start.\n"
"It may be necessary to reinstall it."
msgstr "Nepodařílo se spustit MCEdit. Možná je nutné ho přeinstalovat."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/WorldListPage.cpp:330
msgctxt "WorldListPage|"
msgid "Select a Minecraft world zip"
msgstr "Vyberte ZIP Minecraft Světa"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/WorldListPage.cpp:331
msgctxt "WorldListPage|"
msgid "Minecraft World Zip File (*.zip)"
msgstr "Soubor ZIP Minecraft světa (*.zip *.jar)"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/WorldListPage.cpp:352
msgctxt "WorldListPage|"
msgid "Copy World"
msgstr "Kopírovat Svět"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/WorldListPage.cpp:352
msgctxt "WorldListPage|"
msgid "Changing a world while Minecraft is running is potentially unsafe.\n"
"Do you wish to proceed?"
msgstr "Změna světa když Minecraft běží je možna riskantní. Přejete si pokračovat?"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/WorldListPage.cpp:376
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/WorldListPage.cpp:399
msgctxt "WorldListPage|"
msgid "World name"
msgstr "Název Světa"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/WorldListPage.cpp:376
msgctxt "WorldListPage|"
msgid "Enter a new name for the copy."
msgstr "Zadejte název instance."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/WorldListPage.cpp:399
msgctxt "WorldListPage|"
msgid "Enter a new world name."
msgstr "Zadejte název skupiny."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/XboxAuthorizationStep.cpp:21
#, qt-format
msgctxt "XboxAuthorizationStep|"
msgid "Getting authorization to access %1 services."
msgstr "Získávání autorizace pro přístup ke službám %1."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/XboxAuthorizationStep.cpp:68
#, qt-format
msgctxt "XboxAuthorizationStep|"
msgid "Failed to get authorization for %1 services. Error %2."
msgstr "Nepodařilo se získat autorizaci ke službám %1. Chyba %2."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/XboxAuthorizationStep.cpp:78
#, qt-format
msgctxt "XboxAuthorizationStep|"
msgid "Could not parse authorization response for access to %1 services."
msgstr "Nepodařilo se zpracovat autorizační odpověď pro přístup ke službám %1."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/XboxAuthorizationStep.cpp:86
#, qt-format
msgctxt "XboxAuthorizationStep|"
msgid "Server has changed %1 authorization user hash in the reply. Something is wrong."
msgstr "Server v odpovědi změnil autorizační hash uživatele %1. Něco je špatně."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/XboxAuthorizationStep.cpp:93
#, qt-format
msgctxt "XboxAuthorizationStep|"
msgid "Got authorization to access %1"
msgstr "Získána autorizace k přístupu k %1"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/XboxAuthorizationStep.cpp:109
#, qt-format
msgctxt "XboxAuthorizationStep|"
msgid "Cannot parse %1 authorization error response as JSON: %2"
msgstr "Nelze převést autorizační chybu %1 na JSON: %2"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/XboxAuthorizationStep.cpp:119
#, qt-format
msgctxt "XboxAuthorizationStep|"
msgid "XErr element is missing from %1 authorization error response."
msgstr "Prvek XErr chybí v odpovědi autorizační chyby %1."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/XboxAuthorizationStep.cpp:127
#, qt-format
msgctxt "XboxAuthorizationStep|"
msgid "This Microsoft account does not have an XBox Live profile. Buy the game on %1 first."
msgstr "Tenhle Microsoft účet nemá XBox Live profil. Nejdříve si hru zakupte na %1."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/XboxAuthorizationStep.cpp:136
msgctxt "XboxAuthorizationStep|"
msgid "XBox Live is not available in your country. You've been blocked."
msgstr "XBox Live není ve vaší zemi dostupný. Byli jste blokování."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/XboxAuthorizationStep.cpp:143
#, qt-format
msgctxt "XboxAuthorizationStep|"
msgid "This Microsoft account is underaged and is not linked to a family.\n\n"
"Please set up your account according to %1."
msgstr "Tento účet Microsoft nesplňuje minimální věk a není propojen s rodinou.\n\n"
"Nastavte si účet podle %1."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/XboxAuthorizationStep.cpp:151
#, qt-format
msgctxt "XboxAuthorizationStep|"
msgid "XSTS authentication ended with unrecognized error(s):\n\n"
msgstr "XSTS ověření skončilo s neznámými chybami:\n\n"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/XboxProfileStep.cpp:17
msgctxt "XboxProfileStep|"
msgid "Fetching Xbox profile."
msgstr "Načítání Xbox profilu."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/XboxProfileStep.cpp:63
msgctxt "XboxProfileStep|"
msgid "Failed to retrieve the Xbox profile."
msgstr "Nepodařilo se načíst profil Xbox."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/XboxProfileStep.cpp:72
msgctxt "XboxProfileStep|"
msgid "Got Xbox profile"
msgstr "Mám Xbox profil"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/XboxUserStep.cpp:15
msgctxt "XboxUserStep|"
msgid "Logging in as an Xbox user."
msgstr "Přihlašování jako Xbox uživatel."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/XboxUserStep.cpp:56
msgctxt "XboxUserStep|"
msgid "XBox user authentication failed."
msgstr "Ověření XBox účtu se nezdařilo."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/XboxUserStep.cpp:63
msgctxt "XboxUserStep|"
msgid "XBox user authentication response could not be understood."
msgstr "Nelze rozpoznat odpověď na ověřování uživatele Xbox."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/XboxUserStep.cpp:67
msgctxt "XboxUserStep|"
msgid "Got Xbox user token"
msgstr "Mám token Xbox uživatele"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/Yggdrasil.cpp:188
msgctxt "Yggdrasil|"
msgid "Authentication server didn't send a client token."
msgstr "Ověřovací server neodeslal token pro klienta."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/Yggdrasil.cpp:195
msgctxt "Yggdrasil|"
msgid "Authentication server attempted to change the client token. This isn't supported."
msgstr "Ověřovací server se pokusil změnit token klienta. To není podporováno."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/Yggdrasil.cpp:204
msgctxt "Yggdrasil|"
msgid "Authentication server didn't send an access token."
msgstr "Ověřovací server neodeslal přístupový token."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/Yggdrasil.cpp:226
msgctxt "Yggdrasil|"
msgid "Authentication operation timed out."
msgstr "Operace ověřování vypršela."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/Yggdrasil.cpp:229
msgctxt "Yggdrasil|"
msgid "Authentication operation cancelled."
msgstr "Operace ověřování zrušena."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/Yggdrasil.cpp:234
msgctxt "Yggdrasil|"
msgid "<b>SSL Handshake failed.</b><br/>There might be a few causes for it:<br/><ul><li>You use Windows and need to update your root certificates, please install any outstanding updates.</li><li>Some device on your network is interfering with SSL traffic. In that case, you have bigger worries than Minecraft not starting.</li><li>Possibly something else. Check the log file for details</li></ul>"
msgstr "<b>SSL Handshake selhal.</b><br/>Může pro to být pár příčin:<br/><ul><li>Používáte Windows a musíte updatovat root certifikáty, prosíme nainstalujte si jakékoliv zbývající aktualizace.</li><li>Některé zařízení na vaší síti ruší SSL trafiku. V tomto případě máte větší potíže než nefunkčnost Minecraftu.</li><li>Možná něco jiného. Podívejte se do souboru se záznamem fro více informací</li></ul>"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/Yggdrasil.cpp:252
msgctxt "Yggdrasil|"
msgid "The Mojang account no longer exists. It may have been migrated to a Microsoft account."
msgstr "Mojang účet již neexistuje. Možná byl převeden na účet Microsoft."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/Yggdrasil.cpp:258
#, qt-format
msgctxt "Yggdrasil|"
msgid "Authentication operation failed due to a network error: %1 (%2)"
msgstr "Operace ověřování se nezdařila z důvodu chyby sítě: %1 (%2)"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/Yggdrasil.cpp:283
#, qt-format
msgctxt "Yggdrasil|"
msgid "Failed to parse authentication server response JSON response: %1 at offset %2."
msgstr "Nepodařilo se zpracovat odpověď ověčovacího serveru JSON odpověď: %1 začínající na pozici %2."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/Yggdrasil.cpp:307
#, qt-format
msgctxt "Yggdrasil|"
msgid "An unknown error occurred when trying to communicate with the authentication server: %1"
msgstr "Při pokusu o komunikaci s ověřovacím serverem došlo k neznámé chybě: %1"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/Yggdrasil.cpp:329
msgctxt "Yggdrasil|"
msgid "An unknown Yggdrasil error occurred."
msgstr "Došlo k neznámé chybě Yggdrasil."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/YggdrasilStep.cpp:17
msgctxt "YggdrasilStep|"
msgid "Logging in with Mojang account."
msgstr "Přihlašování přes Mojang účet."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/YggdrasilStep.cpp:34
msgctxt "YggdrasilStep|"
msgid "Logged in with Mojang"
msgstr "Přihlášen přes Mojang účet"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/YggdrasilStep.cpp:43
msgctxt "YggdrasilStep|"
msgid "Mojang user authentication failed."
msgstr "Ověření Mojang účtu se nezdařilo."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/YggdrasilStep.cpp:48
msgctxt "YggdrasilStep|"
msgid "Mojang user authentication ended with a network error."
msgstr "Ověřování uživatele u Mojangu skončilo chybou sítě."