6013 lines
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6013 lines
187 KiB
msgid ""
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"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-05-12 19:46\n"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/atlauncher/ATLPackInstallTask.cpp:95
msgctxt "ATLauncher::PackInstallTask|"
msgid "Could not understand pack manifest:\n"
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa porozumieť súboru manifestu balíčka:\n"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/atlauncher/ATLPackInstallTask.cpp:107
#: src/launcher/modplatform/atlauncher/ATLPackInstallTask.cpp:188
#, qt-format
msgctxt "ATLauncher::PackInstallTask|"
msgid "Failed to get local metadata index for %1"
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa získať index lokálnych metadát pre %1"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/atlauncher/ATLPackInstallTask.cpp:113
#, qt-format
msgctxt "ATLauncher::PackInstallTask|"
msgid "Failed to get local metadata index for '%1' v%2"
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa získať index lokálnych metadát pre '%1' v%2"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/atlauncher/ATLPackInstallTask.cpp:175
#, qt-format
msgctxt "ATLauncher::PackInstallTask|"
msgid "Unknown mod type: %1"
msgstr "Neznámy typ módu: %1"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/atlauncher/ATLPackInstallTask.cpp:220
#, qt-format
msgctxt "ATLauncher::PackInstallTask|"
msgid "Failed to find version for %1 loader"
msgstr "Nepatrilo sa získať verziu pre %1 loader"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/atlauncher/ATLPackInstallTask.cpp:234
msgctxt "ATLauncher::PackInstallTask|"
msgid "No loader version set for modpack!"
msgstr "Nie je nastavená loader verzia pre tento modpack!"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/atlauncher/ATLPackInstallTask.cpp:338
#, qt-format
msgctxt "ATLauncher::PackInstallTask|"
msgid "Unknown or unsupported download type: %1"
msgstr "Neznámy alebo nepodporovaný typ sťahovania: %1"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/atlauncher/ATLPackInstallTask.cpp:455
msgctxt "ATLauncher::PackInstallTask|"
msgid "Downloading configs..."
msgstr "Sťahovanie konfigurácií..."
#: src/launcher/modplatform/atlauncher/ATLPackInstallTask.cpp:456
msgctxt "ATLauncher::PackInstallTask|"
msgid "Config download"
msgstr "Stiahnutie konfigurácie"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/atlauncher/ATLPackInstallTask.cpp:496
msgctxt "ATLauncher::PackInstallTask|"
msgid "Extracting configs..."
msgstr "Rozbaľujú sa konfigurácie..."
#: src/launcher/modplatform/atlauncher/ATLPackInstallTask.cpp:503
#, qt-format
msgctxt "ATLauncher::PackInstallTask|"
msgid "Failed to open pack configs %1!"
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa otvoriť konfigurácie balíčka %1!"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/atlauncher/ATLPackInstallTask.cpp:533
msgctxt "ATLauncher::PackInstallTask|"
msgid "Selecting optional mods..."
msgstr "Vyberám voliteľné módy..."
#: src/launcher/modplatform/atlauncher/ATLPackInstallTask.cpp:537
msgctxt "ATLauncher::PackInstallTask|"
msgid "Downloading mods..."
msgstr "Sťahovanie módov..."
#: src/launcher/modplatform/atlauncher/ATLPackInstallTask.cpp:540
msgctxt "ATLauncher::PackInstallTask|"
msgid "Mod download"
msgstr "Sťahovanie módu"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/atlauncher/ATLPackInstallTask.cpp:554
#, qt-format
msgctxt "ATLauncher::PackInstallTask|"
msgid "Unsupported download type: %1"
msgstr "Nepodporovaný typ sťahovania: %1"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/atlauncher/ATLPackInstallTask.cpp:560
#, qt-format
msgctxt "ATLauncher::PackInstallTask|"
msgid "Unknown download type: %1"
msgstr "Neznámy typ sťahovania: %1"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/atlauncher/ATLPackInstallTask.cpp:674
msgctxt "ATLauncher::PackInstallTask|"
msgid "Failed to extract mods..."
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa rozbaliť módy..."
#: src/launcher/modplatform/atlauncher/ATLPackInstallTask.cpp:685
msgctxt "ATLauncher::PackInstallTask|"
msgid "Extracting mods..."
msgstr "Rozbaľovanie módov..."
#: src/launcher/modplatform/atlauncher/ATLPackInstallTask.cpp:758
msgctxt "ATLauncher::PackInstallTask|"
msgid "Installing modpack"
msgstr "Inštalácia modpacku"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/atlauncher/ATLPackInstallTask.cpp:772
msgctxt "ATLauncher::PackInstallTask|"
msgid "Failed to create libraries component"
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa vytvoriť komponent knižníc"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/atlauncher/ATLPackInstallTask.cpp:796
msgctxt "ATLauncher::PackInstallTask|"
msgid "Unknown loader type: "
msgstr "Neznámy typ nahrávača: "
#: src/launcher/modplatform/atlauncher/ATLPackInstallTask.cpp:810
msgctxt "ATLauncher::PackInstallTask|"
msgid "Failed to create pack component"
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa vytvoriť komponent balíčka"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/AboutDialog.ui:97
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "About"
msgstr "O programe"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/AboutDialog.ui:106
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "<html><head/><body><p>A custom launcher that makes managing Minecraft easier by allowing you to have multiple instances of Minecraft at once.</p></body></html>"
msgstr "<html><head/><body><p>Vlastný spúšťač, ktorý zjednodušuje správu Minecraftu, tým že môžete mať viacero inštancií Minecraft naraz.</p></body></html>"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/AboutDialog.ui:157
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "Version:"
msgstr "Verzia:"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/AboutDialog.ui:167
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "Platform:"
msgstr "Platforma:"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/AboutDialog.ui:177
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "Build Number:"
msgstr "Číslo zostavenia:"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/AboutDialog.ui:187
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "Channel:"
msgstr "Kanál:"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/AboutDialog.ui:211
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "Credits"
msgstr "Poďakovanie"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/AboutDialog.ui:228
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "License"
msgstr "Licencia"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/AboutDialog.ui:256
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "Forking/Redistribution"
msgstr "Delenie/Prerozdelenie"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/AboutDialog.ui:278
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "About Qt"
msgstr "O Qt"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/AboutDialog.ui:298
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Zavrieť"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/AboutDialog.cpp:85
#, qt-format
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "About %1"
msgstr "O %1"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/AboutDialog.cpp:98
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "Version"
msgstr "Verzia"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/AboutDialog.cpp:99
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "Platform"
msgstr "Platforma"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/AboutDialog.cpp:102
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "Build Number"
msgstr "Číslo zostavenia"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/AboutDialog.cpp:107
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "Channel"
msgstr "Kanál"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/AboutDialog.cpp:111
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "<p>We keep MultiMC open source because we think it's important to be able to see the source code for a project like this, and we do so using the Apache license.</p>\n"
"<p>Part of the reason for using the Apache license is we don't want people using the "MultiMC" name when redistributing the project. This means people must take the time to go through the source code and remove all references to "MultiMC", including but not limited to the project icon and the title of windows, (no <b>MultiMC-fork</b> in the title).</p>\n"
"<p>The Apache license covers reasonable use for the name - a mention of the project's origins in the About dialog and the license is acceptable. However, it should be abundantly clear that the project is a fork <b>without</b> implying that you have our blessing.</p>"
msgstr "<p>Udržiavame MultiMC open source, pretože si myslíme, že je dôležité vidieť zdrojový kód projektu ako je tento, a robíme to používaním licencie Apache.</p>\n"
"<p>Časť dôvodu pre používanie licencie Apache je, že nechceme aby ľudia používali názov "MultiMC" pri redistribúcii projektu. Toto znamená, že ľudia musia prejsť celý kód a vymazať všetky zmienky o "MultiMC", vrátane ikonky projektu a názvu okien (nie <b>MultiMC-vetva</b> v nadpise).\n"
"<p>Licencia Apache zahŕňa zmysluplné používanie názvu - ako zmienku pôvodu projektu v sekcii O projekte - a licencia je prijateľná. Platí však, že by malo byť hojne známe, že projekt je vetvou <b>bez</b> zahrnutia, že máte naše požehnanie.</p>"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountList.cpp:277
msgctxt "AccountList|Account status"
msgid "Unchecked"
msgstr "Nezačiarknuté"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountList.cpp:280
msgctxt "AccountList|Account status"
msgid "Offline"
msgstr "Offline"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountList.cpp:283
msgctxt "AccountList|Account status"
msgid "Online"
msgstr "Online"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountList.cpp:286
msgctxt "AccountList|Account status"
msgid "Working"
msgstr "Pracujem"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountList.cpp:289
msgctxt "AccountList|Account status"
msgid "Errored"
msgstr "Chybný"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountList.cpp:292
msgctxt "AccountList|Account status"
msgid "Expired"
msgstr "Vypršaný"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountList.cpp:295
msgctxt "AccountList|Account status"
msgid "Gone"
msgstr "Preč"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountList.cpp:298
msgctxt "AccountList|Account status"
msgid "Must Migrate"
msgstr "Musíte migrovať"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountList.cpp:309
msgctxt "AccountList|Can Migrate?"
msgid "N/A"
msgstr "N/A"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountList.cpp:312
msgctxt "AccountList|Can Migrate?"
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Áno"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountList.cpp:315
msgctxt "AccountList|Can Migrate?"
msgid "No"
msgstr "Nie"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountList.cpp:349
msgctxt "AccountList|"
msgid "Account"
msgstr "Účet"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountList.cpp:351
msgctxt "AccountList|"
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Typ"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountList.cpp:353
msgctxt "AccountList|"
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Stav"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountList.cpp:355
msgctxt "AccountList|"
msgid "Can Migrate?"
msgstr "Môže migrovať?"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountList.cpp:357
msgctxt "AccountList|"
msgid "Profile"
msgstr "Profil"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountList.cpp:366
msgctxt "AccountList|"
msgid "User name of the account."
msgstr "Užívateľské meno účtu."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountList.cpp:368
msgctxt "AccountList|"
msgid "Type of the account - Mojang or MSA."
msgstr "Typ účtu - Mojang alebo MSA."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountList.cpp:370
msgctxt "AccountList|"
msgid "Current status of the account."
msgstr "Aktuálny stav účtu."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountList.cpp:372
msgctxt "AccountList|"
msgid "Can this account migrate to Microsoft account?"
msgstr "Môže tento účet migrovať na účet Microsoft?"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountList.cpp:374
msgctxt "AccountList|"
msgid "Name of the Minecraft profile associated with the account."
msgstr "Meno Minecraft profilu spojené s účtom."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/AccountListPage.ui:67
msgctxt "AccountListPage|"
msgid "Add Mojang"
msgstr "Pridať Mojang"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/AccountListPage.ui:72
msgctxt "AccountListPage|"
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Vymazať"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/AccountListPage.ui:77
msgctxt "AccountListPage|"
msgid "Set Default"
msgstr "Nastaviť predvolené"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/AccountListPage.ui:85
msgctxt "AccountListPage|"
msgid "No Default"
msgstr "Žiadne východzie"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/AccountListPage.ui:90
msgctxt "AccountListPage|"
msgid "Upload Skin"
msgstr "Nahrať skin"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/AccountListPage.ui:95
msgctxt "AccountListPage|"
msgid "Delete Skin"
msgstr "Odstrániť skin"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/AccountListPage.ui:98
msgctxt "AccountListPage|"
msgid "Delete the currently active skin and go back to the default one"
msgstr "Odstrániť aktuálny skin a použiť predvolený"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/AccountListPage.ui:103
msgctxt "AccountListPage|"
msgid "Add Microsoft"
msgstr "Pridať Microsoft"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/AccountListPage.ui:108
msgctxt "AccountListPage|"
msgid "Refresh"
msgstr "Obnoviť"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/AccountListPage.ui:111
msgctxt "AccountListPage|"
msgid "Refresh the account tokens"
msgstr "Obnoviť tokeny účtov"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/AccountListPage.h:42
msgctxt "AccountListPage|"
msgid "Accounts"
msgstr "Účty"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/AccountListPage.cpp:46
msgctxt "AccountListPage|"
msgid "Welcome!\n"
"If you're new here, you can click the \"Add\" button to add your Mojang or Minecraft account."
msgstr "Vitaj!\n"
"Ak si tu nový, klikni na tlačidlo „Pridať“ a pridaj svoj Mojang alebo Minecraft účet."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/AccountListPage.cpp:87
msgctxt "AccountListPage|"
msgid "Context menu"
msgstr "Kontextové menu"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/AccountListPage.cpp:118
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/AccountListPage.cpp:146
msgctxt "AccountListPage|"
msgid "Please enter your Mojang account email and password to add your account."
msgstr "Prosím zadaj e-mail a heslo svojho Mojang účtu na pridanie."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/AccountListPage.cpp:135
msgctxt "AccountListPage|"
msgid "Microsoft Accounts not available"
msgstr "Microsoft účty nedostupné"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/AccountListPage.cpp:136
msgctxt "AccountListPage|"
msgid "Microsoft accounts are only usable on macOS 10.13 or newer, with fully updated MultiMC.\n\n"
"Please update both your operating system and MultiMC."
msgstr "Microsoft účty sá dajú použiť iba na macOS 10.13 a vyššie s plne aktualizovaným MultiMC.\n\n"
"Prosím aktualizujte Váš operačný systém a MultiMC."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/AccountListPage.cpp:245
msgctxt "AccountListPage|"
msgid "Skin Delete"
msgstr "Odstránenie skinu"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/AccountListPage.cpp:245
msgctxt "AccountListPage|"
msgid "Failed to delete current skin!"
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa odstrániť aktuálny skin!"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountTask.cpp:41
msgctxt "AccountTask|"
msgid "Sending request to auth servers..."
msgstr "Odosielam požiadavku do autorizačného servera..."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountTask.cpp:43
msgctxt "AccountTask|"
msgid "Authentication task succeeded."
msgstr "Autentifikačná úloha úspešná."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountTask.cpp:45
msgctxt "AccountTask|"
msgid "Failed to contact the authentication server."
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa kontaktovať s prihlasovacím serverom."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountTask.cpp:47
msgctxt "AccountTask|"
msgid "Encountered an error during authentication."
msgstr "Vyskytla sa chyba počas prihlasovania."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountTask.cpp:49
msgctxt "AccountTask|"
msgid "Failed to authenticate. The account must be migrated to a Microsoft account to be usable."
msgstr "Autentifikácia neúspešná. Účet musí byť migrovaný do Microsoft účtu, aby bol použiteľný."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountTask.cpp:51
msgctxt "AccountTask|"
msgid "Failed to authenticate. The session has expired."
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa prihlásiť. Relácia vypršala."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountTask.cpp:53
msgctxt "AccountTask|"
msgid "Failed to authenticate. The account no longer exists."
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa prihlásiť. Účet už neexistuje."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountTask.cpp:55
msgctxt "AccountTask|"
msgid "..."
msgstr "..."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountTask.cpp:108
#, qt-format
msgctxt "AccountTask|"
msgid "Unknown account task state: %1"
msgstr "Neznámy stav účtu: %1"
#: src/launcher/ui/setupwizard/AnalyticsWizardPage.cpp:46
msgctxt "AnalyticsWizardPage|"
msgid "Analytics"
msgstr "Analytiky"
#: src/launcher/ui/setupwizard/AnalyticsWizardPage.cpp:47
msgctxt "AnalyticsWizardPage|"
msgid "We track some anonymous statistics about users."
msgstr "Zaznamenávame niektoré anonymné štatistiky o používateľoch."
#: src/launcher/ui/setupwizard/AnalyticsWizardPage.cpp:48
msgctxt "AnalyticsWizardPage|"
msgid "<html><body><p>The launcher sends anonymous usage statistics on every start of the application. This helps us decide what platforms and issues to focus on.</p><p>The data is processed by Google Analytics, see their <a href=\"https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/6004245?hl=en\">article on the matter</a>.</p><p>The following data is collected:</p><ul><li>A random unique ID of the installation.<br />It is stored in the application settings file.</li><li>Anonymized (partial) IP address.</li><li>Launcher version.</li><li>Operating system name, version and architecture.</li><li>CPU architecture (kernel architecture on linux).</li><li>Size of system memory.</li><li>Java version, architecture and memory settings.</li></ul><p>If we change the tracked information, you will see this page again.</p></body></html>"
msgstr "<html><body><p>Spúšťač posiela anonymné štatistiky používania pri každom štarte aplikácie. To nám pomáha na ktoré platformy a problémy sa zamerať.</p><p>Dáta sú spracované službou Google Analytics, pozrite si ich <a href=\"https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/6004245?hl=en\">článok ohľadom tejto témy</a>.</p><p>Zbierame nasledujúce údaje:</p><ul><li>Náhodné jedinečné ID inštalácie.<br />Sa nachádza v súbore nastavení aplikácie.</li><li>Anonymizovaná (čiastočná) IP adresa.</li><li>Verzia spúšťača.</li><li>Názov operačného systému, verzia a architektúra.</li><li>Architektúra procesora (architektúra kernel a v Linuxe).</li><li>Veľkosť systémovej pamäte.</li><li>Verzia Javy, nastavenia architektúry a pamäte.</li></ul><p>Keď zmeníme informácie čo zbierame uvidíte túto stránku zas.</p></body></html>"
#: src/launcher/ui/setupwizard/AnalyticsWizardPage.cpp:62
msgctxt "AnalyticsWizardPage|"
msgid "Enable Analytics"
msgstr "Zaplnúť analytiky"
#: src/launcher/Application.cpp:769
msgctxt "Application|"
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Nastavenia"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/update/AssetUpdateTask.cpp:21
msgctxt "AssetUpdateTask|"
msgid "Updating assets index..."
msgstr "Aktualizácia indexov herných súborov..."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/update/AssetUpdateTask.cpp:28
#, qt-format
msgctxt "AssetUpdateTask|"
msgid "Asset index for %1"
msgstr "Index herných súborov pre %1"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/update/AssetUpdateTask.cpp:73
msgctxt "AssetUpdateTask|"
msgid "Failed to read the assets index!"
msgstr "Zlyhanie načítania indexu herných súborov!"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/update/AssetUpdateTask.cpp:79
msgctxt "AssetUpdateTask|"
msgid "Getting the assets files from Mojang..."
msgstr "Načítanie súborov hry z Mojangu..."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/update/AssetUpdateTask.cpp:93
#, qt-format
msgctxt "AssetUpdateTask|"
msgid "Failed to download the assets index:\n"
msgstr "Zlyhanie stahnutia indexu herných súborov:\n"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/update/AssetUpdateTask.cpp:98
#, qt-format
msgctxt "AssetUpdateTask|"
msgid "Failed to download assets:\n"
msgstr "Zlyhanie stiahnutia súborov hry:\n"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/atlauncher/AtlFilterModel.cpp:30
msgctxt "Atl::FilterModel|"
msgid "Sort by popularity"
msgstr "Triediť podľa obľúbenosti"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/atlauncher/AtlFilterModel.cpp:31
msgctxt "Atl::FilterModel|"
msgid "Sort by name"
msgstr "Triediť podľa mena"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/atlauncher/AtlFilterModel.cpp:32
msgctxt "Atl::FilterModel|"
msgid "Sort by game version"
msgstr "Triediť podľa verzie hry"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/atlauncher/AtlOptionalModDialog.ui:14
msgctxt "AtlOptionalModDialog|"
msgid "Select Mods To Install"
msgstr "Vyberte si módy na inštaláciu"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/atlauncher/AtlOptionalModDialog.ui:20
msgctxt "AtlOptionalModDialog|"
msgid "Install"
msgstr "Inštalovať"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/atlauncher/AtlOptionalModDialog.ui:30
msgctxt "AtlOptionalModDialog|"
msgid "Select Recommended"
msgstr "Vybrať odporúčané"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/atlauncher/AtlOptionalModDialog.ui:40
msgctxt "AtlOptionalModDialog|"
msgid "Use Share Code"
msgstr "Použiť kód na zdieľanie"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/atlauncher/AtlOptionalModDialog.ui:47
msgctxt "AtlOptionalModDialog|"
msgid "Clear All"
msgstr "Zmazať všetko"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/atlauncher/AtlOptionalModDialog.cpp:149
msgctxt "AtlOptionalModListModel|"
msgid "Are you sure that you want to enable this mod?"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/atlauncher/AtlOptionalModDialog.cpp:152
msgctxt "AtlOptionalModListModel|"
msgid "Warning"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/atlauncher/AtlPage.ui:42
msgctxt "AtlPage|"
msgid "Warning: This is still a work in progress. If you run into issues with the imported modpack, it may be a bug."
msgstr "Upozornenie: Na vývoji sa stále pracuje. Ak sa objaví problém so stiahnutým modpackom, môže ísť o chybu."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/atlauncher/AtlPage.ui:59
msgctxt "AtlPage|"
msgid "Version selected:"
msgstr "Zvolená verzia:"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/atlauncher/AtlPage.ui:74
msgctxt "AtlPage|"
msgid "Search and filter ..."
msgstr "Hľadanie a filtrovanie ..."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/atlauncher/AtlPage.cpp:160
#, qt-format
msgctxt "AtlPage|"
msgid "No versions are currently available for Minecraft %1"
msgstr "Žiadne verzie nie sú momentálne dostupné pre Minecraft %1"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/atlauncher/AtlPage.cpp:163
msgctxt "AtlPage|"
msgid "No versions are currently available"
msgstr "Žiadne verzie nie sú momentálne dostupné"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/atlauncher/AtlPage.cpp:165
msgctxt "AtlPage|"
msgid "Couldn't load or download the version lists!"
msgstr "Nie je možné načítať alebo stiahnuť súbor s verziami!"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/atlauncher/AtlPage.cpp:194
msgctxt "AtlPage|"
msgid "Installing"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/atlauncher/AtlPage.h:45
msgctxt "AtlPage|"
msgid "ATLauncher"
msgstr "ATLauncher"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/flows/AuthFlow.cpp:20
msgctxt "AuthFlow|"
msgid "Finished all authentication steps"
msgstr "Všetky prihlasovacie kroky dokončené"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/flows/AuthFlow.cpp:28
msgctxt "AuthFlow|"
msgid "Initializing"
msgstr "Inicializácia"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/flows/AuthFlow.cpp:58
msgctxt "AuthFlow|"
msgid "Working..."
msgstr "Prebieha spracovanie..."
#: src/launcher/tools/BaseProfiler.cpp:30
msgctxt "BaseProfiler|"
msgid "Profiler aborted"
msgstr "Profiler prerušený"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/services/CapeChange.cpp:19
msgctxt "CapeChange|"
msgid "Equipping cape"
msgstr "Nasadzovanie plášťa"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/services/CapeChange.cpp:33
msgctxt "CapeChange|"
msgid "Removing cape"
msgstr "Odstraňovanie plášťa"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/ComponentUpdateTask.cpp:270
msgctxt "ComponentUpdateTask|"
msgid "Some component metadata load tasks failed."
msgstr "Zlyhalo nahrávanie niektorých metadát komponentov."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/ComponentUpdateTask.cpp:526
msgctxt "ComponentUpdateTask|"
msgid "Conflicting requirements detected during dependency checking!"
msgstr "Boli zistené konflikty požiadaviek počas kontroly závislostí!"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/ComponentUpdateTask.cpp:545
msgctxt "ComponentUpdateTask|"
msgid "Instance has conflicting dependencies."
msgstr "Inštancia má konflikty v závislostiach."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/ComponentUpdateTask.cpp:552
msgctxt "ComponentUpdateTask|"
msgid "Instance has unresolved dependencies while loading/checking for launch."
msgstr "Inštancia má nevyriešené závislosti zistené počas kontroly/nahrávania."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/ComponentUpdateTask.cpp:702
#, qt-format
msgctxt "ComponentUpdateTask|"
msgid "Component metadata update task failed while downloading from remote server:\n"
msgstr "Úloha vylepšenia metadát komponentu zlyhala počas sťahovania zo vzdialeného servera:\n"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/CopyInstanceDialog.ui:17
msgctxt "CopyInstanceDialog|"
msgid "Copy Instance"
msgstr "Kopírovať inštanciu"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/CopyInstanceDialog.ui:74
msgctxt "CopyInstanceDialog|"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Názov"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/CopyInstanceDialog.ui:90
msgctxt "CopyInstanceDialog|"
msgid "&Group"
msgstr "&Skupina"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/CopyInstanceDialog.ui:115
msgctxt "CopyInstanceDialog|"
msgid "Copy saves"
msgstr "Kopírovať herné dáta"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/CopyInstanceDialog.ui:122
msgctxt "CopyInstanceDialog|"
msgid "Keep play time"
msgstr "Zachovať herný čas"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/CopyInstanceDialog.cpp:54
msgctxt "CopyInstanceDialog|"
msgid "No group"
msgstr "Bez skupiny"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/launch/CreateGameFolders.cpp:18
msgctxt "CreateGameFolders|"
msgid "Couldn't create the main game folder"
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa vytvoriť hlavný priečinok hry"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/CreateShortcutDialog.ui:25
msgctxt "CreateShortcutDialog|"
msgid "Create Shortcut"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/CreateShortcutDialog.ui:36
msgctxt "CreateShortcutDialog|"
msgid "Launch in offline mode"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/CreateShortcutDialog.ui:43
msgctxt "CreateShortcutDialog|"
msgid "Shortcut path:"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/CreateShortcutDialog.ui:50
msgctxt "CreateShortcutDialog|"
msgid "Browse"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/CreateShortcutDialog.ui:66
msgctxt "CreateShortcutDialog|"
msgid "Set offline mode username:"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/CreateShortcutDialog.ui:73
msgctxt "CreateShortcutDialog|"
msgid "Join server on launch:"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/CreateShortcutDialog.ui:80
msgctxt "CreateShortcutDialog|"
msgid "Use specific profile:"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/CreateShortcutDialog.ui:110
msgctxt "CreateShortcutDialog|"
msgid "Create script instead of shortcut"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/CreateShortcutDialog.cpp:72
msgctxt "CreateShortcutDialog|"
msgid "Select shortcut path"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/widgets/CustomCommands.ui:32
msgctxt "CustomCommands|"
msgid "Cus&tom Commands"
msgstr "Vlas&tné príkazy"
#: src/launcher/ui/widgets/CustomCommands.ui:44
msgctxt "CustomCommands|"
msgid "Post-exit command:"
msgstr "Príkazy po ukončení:"
#: src/launcher/ui/widgets/CustomCommands.ui:54
msgctxt "CustomCommands|"
msgid "Pre-launch command:"
msgstr "Príkazy pred spustením:"
#: src/launcher/ui/widgets/CustomCommands.ui:64
msgctxt "CustomCommands|"
msgid "Wrapper command:"
msgstr "Wrapper príkazy:"
#: src/launcher/ui/widgets/CustomCommands.ui:77
msgctxt "CustomCommands|"
msgid "<html><head/><body><p>Pre-launch command runs before the instance launches and post-exit command runs after it exits.</p><p>Both will be run in the launcher's working folder with extra environment variables:</p><ul><li>$INST_NAME - Name of the instance</li><li>$INST_ID - ID of the instance (its folder name)</li><li>$INST_DIR - absolute path of the instance</li><li>$INST_MC_DIR - absolute path of minecraft</li><li>$INST_JAVA - java binary used for launch</li><li>$INST_JAVA_ARGS - command-line parameters used for launch</li></ul><p>Wrapper command allows launching using an extra wrapper program (like 'optirun' on Linux)</p></body></html>"
msgstr "<html><head/><body><p>Pred spustením inštancie sa spustia príkazy-pred-spustením a príkazy-po-spustení sa spustia po skončení.</p><p>Obidva budú spustené v pracovnom priečinku spúšťača s prídanými premennými prostredia:</p><ul><li>$INST_NAME - Názov inštancie</li><li>$INST_ID - ID inštancie (názov jej priečinka)</li><li>$INST_DIR - absolútna cesta inštancie</li><li>$INST_MC_DIR - absolútna cesta minecraftu</li><li>$INST_JAVA - java používaná na spustenie</li><li>$INST_JAVA_ARGS - parametre príkazového riadku používané na spustenie</li></ul><p>Baliaci príkaz povoľuje spustenie použitím dodatočného baliaceho programu (ako \"optirun\" na Linuxe)</p></body></html>"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/CustomCommandsPage.h:35
msgctxt "CustomCommandsPage|"
msgid "Custom Commands"
msgstr "Vlastné príkazy"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/launch/DirectJavaLaunch.cpp:69
#, qt-format
msgctxt "DirectJavaLaunch|"
msgid "The wrapper command \"%1\" couldn't be found."
msgstr "Wrapper príkaz \"%1\" nebol nájdený."
#. Error message displayed if instance can't start
#: src/launcher/minecraft/launch/DirectJavaLaunch.cpp:91
msgctxt "DirectJavaLaunch|"
msgid "Could not launch minecraft!"
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa spustiť minecraft!"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/launch/DirectJavaLaunch.cpp:100
#: src/launcher/minecraft/launch/DirectJavaLaunch.cpp:110
msgctxt "DirectJavaLaunch|"
msgid "Game crashed."
msgstr "Hra spadla."
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/EditAccountDialog.ui:14
msgctxt "EditAccountDialog|"
msgid "Login"
msgstr "Prihlásenie"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/EditAccountDialog.ui:33
msgctxt "EditAccountDialog|"
msgid "Email"
msgstr "E-Mail"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/EditAccountDialog.ui:43
msgctxt "EditAccountDialog|"
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Heslo"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/EntitlementsStep.cpp:14
msgctxt "EntitlementsStep|"
msgid "Determining game ownership."
msgstr "Zisťujem vlastníctvo hry."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/EntitlementsStep.cpp:52
msgctxt "EntitlementsStep|"
msgid "Got entitlements"
msgstr "Nároky získané"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ExportInstanceDialog.ui:14
msgctxt "ExportInstanceDialog|"
msgid "Export Instance"
msgstr "Exportovať inštanciu"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ExportInstanceDialog.cpp:384
#, qt-format
msgctxt "ExportInstanceDialog|"
msgid "Export %1"
msgstr "Export %1"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ExportInstanceDialog.cpp:393
msgctxt "ExportInstanceDialog|"
msgid "Overwrite?"
msgstr "Prepísať?"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ExportInstanceDialog.cpp:394
msgctxt "ExportInstanceDialog|"
msgid "This file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr "Tento súbor existuje. Chcete ho prepísať?"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ExportInstanceDialog.cpp:408
msgctxt "ExportInstanceDialog|"
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Chyba"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ExportInstanceDialog.cpp:408
msgctxt "ExportInstanceDialog|"
msgid "Unable to export instance"
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa exportovať inštanciu"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ExternalToolsPage.ui:59
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ExternalToolsPage.ui:96
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ExternalToolsPage.ui:133
msgctxt "ExternalToolsPage|"
msgid "Check"
msgstr "Kontrola"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ExternalToolsPage.ui:150
msgctxt "ExternalToolsPage|"
msgid "External Editors (leave empty for system default)"
msgstr "Externé Editory (nechajte prázdne ak chcete ponechať východzí editor systému)"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ExternalToolsPage.ui:159
msgctxt "ExternalToolsPage|"
msgid "Text Editor:"
msgstr "Textový editor:"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ExternalToolsPage.h:37
msgctxt "ExternalToolsPage|"
msgid "External Tools"
msgstr "Externé nástroje"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ExternalToolsPage.cpp:90
msgctxt "ExternalToolsPage|"
msgid "JProfiler Folder"
msgstr "Adresár JProfilera"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ExternalToolsPage.cpp:98
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ExternalToolsPage.cpp:113
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ExternalToolsPage.cpp:135
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ExternalToolsPage.cpp:150
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ExternalToolsPage.cpp:176
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ExternalToolsPage.cpp:191
msgctxt "ExternalToolsPage|"
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Chyba"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ExternalToolsPage.cpp:98
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ExternalToolsPage.cpp:113
#, qt-format
msgctxt "ExternalToolsPage|"
msgid "Error while checking JProfiler install:\n"
msgstr "Chyba pri kontrole inštalácie JProfilera:\n"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ExternalToolsPage.cpp:117
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ExternalToolsPage.cpp:154
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ExternalToolsPage.cpp:195
msgctxt "ExternalToolsPage|"
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ExternalToolsPage.cpp:117
msgctxt "ExternalToolsPage|"
msgid "JProfiler setup seems to be OK"
msgstr "Nastavenie JProfilera vyzerá byť v poriadku"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ExternalToolsPage.cpp:127
msgctxt "ExternalToolsPage|"
msgid "JVisualVM Executable"
msgstr "JVisualVM spúštač"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ExternalToolsPage.cpp:135
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ExternalToolsPage.cpp:150
#, qt-format
msgctxt "ExternalToolsPage|"
msgid "Error while checking JVisualVM install:\n"
msgstr "Chyba pri kontrole inštalácie JVisualVM:\n"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ExternalToolsPage.cpp:154
msgctxt "ExternalToolsPage|"
msgid "JVisualVM setup seems to be OK"
msgstr "Nastavenie JVisualVM vyzerá byť v poriadku"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ExternalToolsPage.cpp:165
msgctxt "ExternalToolsPage|"
msgid "MCEdit Application"
msgstr "Aplikácia MCEdit"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ExternalToolsPage.cpp:167
msgctxt "ExternalToolsPage|"
msgid "MCEdit Folder"
msgstr "Priečinok MCEditora"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ExternalToolsPage.cpp:176
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ExternalToolsPage.cpp:191
#, qt-format
msgctxt "ExternalToolsPage|"
msgid "Error while checking MCEdit install:\n"
msgstr "Chyba pri kontrole inštalácie MCEdit:\n"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ExternalToolsPage.cpp:195
msgctxt "ExternalToolsPage|"
msgid "MCEdit setup seems to be OK"
msgstr "Nastavenie MCEdit vyzerá byť v poriadku"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ExternalToolsPage.cpp:202
msgctxt "ExternalToolsPage|"
msgid "JSON Editor"
msgstr "JSON Editor"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ExternalToolsPage.cpp:224
msgctxt "ExternalToolsPage|"
msgid "Invalid"
msgstr "Neplatný"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ExternalToolsPage.cpp:225
msgctxt "ExternalToolsPage|"
msgid "The file chosen does not seem to be an executable"
msgstr "Zvolený súbor nevyzerá byť spustiteľný"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/launch/ExtractNatives.cpp:104
#, qt-format
msgctxt "ExtractNatives|"
msgid "Couldn't extract native jar '%1' to destination '%2'"
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa extrahovať natívny súbor jar '%1' do cieľového adresára '%2'"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/update/FMLLibrariesTask.cpp:39
msgctxt "FMLLibrariesTask|"
msgid "Checking for FML libraries..."
msgstr "Kontrola FML knižníc..."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/update/FMLLibrariesTask.cpp:63
msgctxt "FMLLibrariesTask|"
msgid "Downloading FML libraries..."
msgstr "Sťahovanie FML knižníc..."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/update/FMLLibrariesTask.cpp:90
msgctxt "FMLLibrariesTask|"
msgid "Copying FML libraries into the instance..."
msgstr "Kopírovanie FML knižníc do inštancie..."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/update/FMLLibrariesTask.cpp:101
msgctxt "FMLLibrariesTask|"
msgid "Failed creating FML library folder inside the instance."
msgstr "Zlyhalo vytvorenie adresára pre FML knižnicu v inštancii."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/update/FMLLibrariesTask.cpp:106
#, qt-format
msgctxt "FMLLibrariesTask|"
msgid "Failed copying Forge/FML library: %1."
msgstr "Zlyhalo kopírovanie Forge/FML knižnice: %1."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/update/FMLLibrariesTask.cpp:119
#, qt-format
msgctxt "FMLLibrariesTask|"
msgid "Failed to download the following files:\n"
"Please try again."
msgstr "Zlyhalo sťahovanie týchto knižníc:\n"
"Prosím skúste to znova."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/update/FoldersTask.cpp:17
msgctxt "FoldersTask|"
msgid "Failed to create folder for minecraft binaries."
msgstr "Zlyhalo vytvorenie adresára pre binárne súbory Minecraftu."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/ForcedMigrationStep.cpp:15
msgctxt "ForcedMigrationStep|"
msgid "Checking for migration eligibility."
msgstr "Kontroluje sa spôsobilosť pre migráciu."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/ForcedMigrationStep.cpp:45
msgctxt "ForcedMigrationStep|"
msgid "The account must be migrated to a Microsoft account."
msgstr "Účet musí byť migrovaný do Microsoft účtu."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/ForcedMigrationStep.cpp:48
msgctxt "ForcedMigrationStep|"
msgid "Got forced migration flags"
msgstr "Získali sa vynútené migračné informácie"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/gameoptions/GameOptions.cpp:82
msgctxt "GameOptions|"
msgid "Key"
msgstr "Kľúč"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/gameoptions/GameOptions.cpp:84
msgctxt "GameOptions|"
msgid "Value"
msgstr "Hodnota"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/GameOptionsPage.h:45
msgctxt "GameOptionsPage|"
msgid "Game Options"
msgstr "Nastavenia hry"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/World.cpp:69
msgctxt "GameType|"
msgid "Survival"
msgstr "Prežitie"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/World.cpp:71
msgctxt "GameType|"
msgid "Creative"
msgstr "Kreatívna"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/World.cpp:73
msgctxt "GameType|"
msgid "Adventure"
msgstr "Dobrodružná"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/World.cpp:75
msgctxt "GameType|"
msgid "Spectator"
msgstr "Pozorovateľ"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/World.cpp:80
#, qt-format
msgctxt "GameType|"
msgid "Unknown (%1)"
msgstr "Neznáme (%1)"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/World.cpp:82
msgctxt "GameType|"
msgid "Undefined"
msgstr "Nedefinované"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/GetSkinStep.cpp:16
msgctxt "GetSkinStep|"
msgid "Getting skin."
msgstr "Získavam skin."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/GetSkinStep.cpp:42
msgctxt "GetSkinStep|"
msgid "Got skin"
msgstr "Skin získaný"
#: src/launcher/updater/DownloadTask.cpp:48
msgctxt "GoUpdate::DownloadTask|"
msgid "Loading version information..."
msgstr "Nahrávanie informácii o verzii..."
#: src/launcher/updater/DownloadTask.cpp:85
msgctxt "GoUpdate::DownloadTask|"
msgid "Failed to download version info files."
msgstr "Zlyhalo sťahovanie informačných súborov o verzii."
#: src/launcher/updater/DownloadTask.cpp:93
msgctxt "GoUpdate::DownloadTask|"
msgid "Reading file list for new version..."
msgstr "Čítanie zoznamu súborov pre novú verziu..."
#: src/launcher/updater/DownloadTask.cpp:106
msgctxt "GoUpdate::DownloadTask|"
msgid "Reading file list for current version..."
msgstr "Čítanie zoznamu súborov pre aktuálnu verziu..."
#: src/launcher/updater/DownloadTask.cpp:121
msgctxt "GoUpdate::DownloadTask|"
msgid "Processing file lists - figuring out how to install the update..."
msgstr "Spracovanie zoznamu súborov - zisťovanie ako nainštalovať vylepšenia..."
#: src/launcher/updater/DownloadTask.cpp:129
msgctxt "GoUpdate::DownloadTask|"
msgid "Failed to process update lists..."
msgstr "Zlyhalo načítanie zoznamu vylepšení..."
#: src/launcher/updater/DownloadTask.cpp:140
msgctxt "GoUpdate::DownloadTask|"
msgid "Downloading one update file."
msgstr "Sťahuje sa súbor s aktualizáciou."
#: src/launcher/updater/DownloadTask.cpp:144
#, qt-format
msgctxt "GoUpdate::DownloadTask|"
msgid "Downloading %1 update files."
msgstr "Sťahovanie %1 súborov vylepšení."
#: src/launcher/updater/DownloadTask.cpp:159
#, qt-format
msgctxt "GoUpdate::DownloadTask|"
msgid "Failed to download update files: %1"
msgstr "Zlyhanie sťahovanie súborov vylepšení: %1"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/IconPickerDialog.ui:14
msgctxt "IconPickerDialog|"
msgid "Pick icon"
msgstr "Vybrať ikonu"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/IconPickerDialog.cpp:65
msgctxt "IconPickerDialog|"
msgid "Add Icon"
msgstr "Pridať ikonu"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/IconPickerDialog.cpp:66
msgctxt "IconPickerDialog|"
msgid "Remove Icon"
msgstr "Vymazať ikonu"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/IconPickerDialog.cpp:75
msgctxt "IconPickerDialog|"
msgid "Open Folder"
msgstr "Otvoriť priečinok"
#. The title of the select icons open file dialog
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/IconPickerDialog.cpp:105
msgctxt "IconPickerDialog|"
msgid "Select Icons"
msgstr "Zvoliť ikonu"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/IconPickerDialog.cpp:108
#, qt-format
msgctxt "IconPickerDialog|"
msgid "Icons %1"
msgstr "Ikonky %1"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/import_ftb/FTBAPage.h:41
msgctxt "ImportFTB::FTBAPage|"
msgid "FTB App Import"
msgstr "Import aplikácie FTB"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/ImportPage.ui:17
msgctxt "ImportPage|"
msgid "Browse"
msgstr "Prehľadať"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/ImportPage.ui:31
msgctxt "ImportPage|"
msgid "Local file or link to a direct download:"
msgstr "Lokálny súbor alebo linka priameho stiahnutia:"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/ImportPage.h:40
msgctxt "ImportPage|"
msgid "Import from zip"
msgstr "Importovať zo zipu"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/ImportPage.cpp:107
msgctxt "ImportPage|"
msgid "Choose modpack"
msgstr "Zvoliť modpack"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/ImportPage.cpp:107
msgctxt "ImportPage|"
msgid "Zip (*.zip *.mrpack)"
msgstr "Zip (*.zip *.mrpack)"
#: src/launcher/ui/widgets/InstanceCardWidget.ui:27
msgctxt "InstanceCardWidget|"
msgid "&Name:"
msgstr "&Názov:"
#: src/launcher/ui/widgets/InstanceCardWidget.ui:40
msgctxt "InstanceCardWidget|"
msgid "&Group:"
msgstr "&Skupina:"
#: src/launcher/InstanceCopyTask.cpp:24
#, qt-format
msgctxt "InstanceCopyTask|"
msgid "Copying instance %1"
msgstr "Kopírujem inštanciu %1"
#: src/launcher/InstanceCopyTask.cpp:40
msgctxt "InstanceCopyTask|"
msgid "Instance folder copy failed."
msgstr "Kopírovanie priečinku inštancie zlyhalo."
#: src/launcher/InstanceCopyTask.cpp:58
msgctxt "InstanceCopyTask|"
msgid "Instance folder copy has been aborted."
msgstr "Kopírovanie priečinku inštancie bolo prerušené."
#: src/launcher/InstanceCreationTask.cpp:16
#, qt-format
msgctxt "InstanceCreationTask|"
msgid "Creating instance from version %1"
msgstr "Vytvorenie inštancie z verzie %1"
#: src/launcher/InstanceImportTask.cpp:55
#, qt-format
msgctxt "InstanceImportTask|"
msgid "Downloading modpack:\n"
msgstr "Sťahuje sa modpack:\n"
#: src/launcher/InstanceImportTask.cpp:61
msgctxt "InstanceImportTask|"
msgid "Modpack download"
msgstr "Stiahnuť modpack"
#: src/launcher/InstanceImportTask.cpp:91
msgctxt "InstanceImportTask|"
msgid "Extracting modpack"
msgstr "Rozbaľovanie modpacku"
#: src/launcher/InstanceImportTask.cpp:99
msgctxt "InstanceImportTask|"
msgid "Unable to open supplied modpack zip file."
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa otvoriť dodaný zip súbor modpacku."
#: src/launcher/InstanceImportTask.cpp:132
#: src/launcher/InstanceImportTask.cpp:196
msgctxt "InstanceImportTask|"
msgid "Archive does not contain a recognized modpack type."
msgstr "Archív neobsahuje známy typ modpacku."
#: src/launcher/InstanceImportTask.cpp:148
msgctxt "InstanceImportTask|"
msgid "Failed to extract modpack"
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa rozbaliť modpack"
#: src/launcher/InstanceImportTask.cpp:175
#, qt-format
msgctxt "InstanceImportTask|"
msgid "Could not fix permissions for %1"
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa opraviť povolenia pre %1"
#: src/launcher/InstanceImportTask.cpp:203
msgctxt "InstanceImportTask|"
msgid "Instance import has been aborted."
msgstr "Import inštancie bol prerušený."
#: src/launcher/InstanceImportTask.cpp:409
msgctxt "InstanceImportTask|"
msgid "Could not understand pack index:\n"
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa porozumieť súboru indexu balíčka:\n"
#: src/launcher/InstanceImportTask.cpp:416
msgctxt "InstanceImportTask|"
msgid "Could not rename the overrides folder:\n"
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa premenovať priečinok:\n"
#: src/launcher/InstanceImportTask.cpp:423
#: src/launcher/InstanceImportTask.cpp:428
msgctxt "InstanceImportTask|"
msgid "Could not merge the overrides folder:\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/InstanceImportTask.cpp:456
msgctxt "InstanceImportTask|"
msgid "Mod download"
msgstr "Sťahovanie módu"
#: src/launcher/InstanceImportTask.cpp:479
msgctxt "InstanceImportTask|"
msgid "Downloading mods..."
msgstr "Sťahovanie módov..."
#: src/launcher/InstanceList.cpp:150
#, qt-format
msgctxt "InstanceList|"
msgid "%1 Instance"
msgstr "%1 Inštancia"
#: src/launcher/InstancePageProvider.h:40
msgctxt "InstancePageProvider|"
msgid "Loader mods"
msgstr "Nahrávač módov"
#: src/launcher/InstancePageProvider.h:43
msgctxt "InstancePageProvider|"
msgid "Core mods"
msgstr "Jadrové módy"
#: src/launcher/InstancePageProvider.h:72
#, qt-format
msgctxt "InstancePageProvider|"
msgid "Edit Instance (%1)"
msgstr "Upraviť inštanciu (%1)"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:29
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Open Global Settings"
msgstr "Otvoriť globálne nastavenia"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:32
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "The settings here are overrides for global settings."
msgstr "Tieto nastavenia prepisujú globálne nastavenia."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:55
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Java insta&llation"
msgstr "Java inšta&lácia"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:70
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Auto-detect..."
msgstr "Auto-detekcia..."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:77
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Browse..."
msgstr "Prehľadať..."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:84
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Test"
msgstr "Test"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:97
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Memor&y"
msgstr "Pamäť"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:109
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Minimum memory allocation:"
msgstr "Minimálna alokovaná pamäť:"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:116
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "The maximum amount of memory Minecraft is allowed to use."
msgstr "Maximálna veľkosť pamäte, ktorú môže Minecraft použiť."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:138
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "The amount of memory Minecraft is started with."
msgstr "Veľkosť pamäte, s ktoru sa Minecraft spustí."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:160
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "The amount of memory available to store loaded Java classes."
msgstr "Veľkosť použiteľnej pamäte na ukladanie Java tried."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:189
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Maximum memory allocation:"
msgstr "Maximálna alokovaná pamäť:"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:196
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Note: Permgen is set automatically by Java 8 and later"
msgstr "Poznámka: Permgen je nastavený automaticky od Java 8 a vyššie"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:209
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Java argumen&ts"
msgstr "Argumen&ty Javy"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:228
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Game windows"
msgstr "Herné okná"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:237
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Game Window"
msgstr "Herné okno"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:249
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Start Minecraft maximized?"
msgstr "Spustiť Minecraft maximalizovaný?"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:258
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Window height:"
msgstr "Výška okna:"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:265
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Window width:"
msgstr "Šírka okna:"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:309
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Conso&le Settings"
msgstr "Nastavenia konzo&ly"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:321
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Show console while the game is running?"
msgstr "Zobraziť konzolu počas hrania hry?"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:328
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Automatically close console when the game quits?"
msgstr "Automaticky vypnúť konzolu ak sa hra ukončí?"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:335
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Show console when the game crashes?"
msgstr "Zobraziť konzolu pri páde hry?"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:359
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Custom commands"
msgstr "Vlastné príkazy"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:369
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Workarounds"
msgstr "Náhradné riešenia"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:378
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Native libraries"
msgstr "Natívné knižnice"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:390
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Use system installation of GLFW"
msgstr "Použiť systémovú inštaláciu GLFW"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:397
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Use system installation of OpenAL"
msgstr "Použiť systémovú inštaláciu OpenAL"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:421
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Miscellaneous"
msgstr "Rôzne"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:430
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Override global game time settings"
msgstr "Prepísať globálne herné nastavenia času"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:442
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Show time spent playing this instance"
msgstr "Zobraziť čas minutý hraním na tejto inštancií"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:449
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Record time spent playing this instance"
msgstr "Nahrať čas minutý hraním na tejto inštancií"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:459
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Set a server to join on launch"
msgstr "Nastaviť server na ktorý sa pripojiť pri štarte"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.ui:479
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Server address:"
msgstr "Adresa servera:"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.h:42
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Nastavenia"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.cpp:283
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Select a Java version"
msgstr "Zvoľte Java verziu"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/InstanceSettingsPage.cpp:301
msgctxt "InstanceSettingsPage|"
msgid "Find Java executable"
msgstr "Nájsť Java spúštač"
#: src/launcher/InstanceList.cpp:832
msgctxt "InstanceStaging|"
msgid "Failed to commit instance, even after multiple retries. It is being blocked by something."
msgstr "Zlyhalo potvrdenie inštancie aj po viacerých pokusoch. Je to niečim blokované."
#: src/launcher/ui/InstanceWindow.cpp:40
msgctxt "InstanceWindow|"
msgid "Console window for "
msgstr "Konzolové okno pre "
#: src/launcher/ui/InstanceWindow.cpp:64
msgctxt "InstanceWindow|"
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Pomoc"
#: src/launcher/ui/InstanceWindow.cpp:77
msgctxt "InstanceWindow|"
msgid "Launch Offline"
msgstr "Spustiť offline"
#: src/launcher/ui/InstanceWindow.cpp:82
msgctxt "InstanceWindow|"
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Zavrieť"
#: src/launcher/ui/InstanceWindow.cpp:126
msgctxt "InstanceWindow|"
msgid "Kill"
msgstr "Zrušiť"
#: src/launcher/ui/InstanceWindow.cpp:128
msgctxt "InstanceWindow|"
msgid "Kill the running instance"
msgstr "Zrušiť bežiacu inľtanciu"
#: src/launcher/ui/InstanceWindow.cpp:133
#: src/launcher/ui/InstanceWindow.cpp:141
msgctxt "InstanceWindow|"
msgid "Launch"
msgstr "Spustiť"
#: src/launcher/ui/InstanceWindow.cpp:135
#: src/launcher/ui/InstanceWindow.cpp:143
msgctxt "InstanceWindow|"
msgid "Launch the instance"
msgstr "Spustiť inštanciu"
#: src/launcher/tools/JProfiler.cpp:34
#, qt-format
msgctxt "JProfiler|"
msgid "Listening on port: %1"
msgstr "Počúvam na porte: %1"
#: src/launcher/tools/JProfiler.cpp:41
msgctxt "JProfiler|"
msgid "Profiler aborted"
msgstr "Profiler prerušený"
#: src/launcher/tools/JVisualVM.cpp:32
msgctxt "JVisualVM|"
msgid "JVisualVM started"
msgstr "JVisualVM spustený"
#: src/launcher/tools/JVisualVM.cpp:39
msgctxt "JVisualVM|"
msgid "Profiler aborted"
msgstr "Profiler prerušený"
#: src/launcher/java/JavaInstallList.cpp:147
msgctxt "JavaListLoadTask|"
msgid "Detecting Java installations..."
msgstr "Detekujem Java inštaláciu..."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/JavaPage.ui:45
msgctxt "JavaPage|"
msgid "Memory"
msgstr "Pamäť"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/JavaPage.ui:51
msgctxt "JavaPage|"
msgid "The maximum amount of memory Minecraft is allowed to use."
msgstr "Maximálna veľkosť pamäte, ktorú môže Minecraft použiť."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/JavaPage.ui:73
msgctxt "JavaPage|"
msgid "Minimum memory allocation:"
msgstr "Minimálna alokovaná pamäť:"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/JavaPage.ui:80
msgctxt "JavaPage|"
msgid "Maximum memory allocation:"
msgstr "Maximálna alokovaná pamäť:"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/JavaPage.ui:87
msgctxt "JavaPage|"
msgid "The amount of memory Minecraft is started with."
msgstr "Veľkosť pamäte, s ktoru sa Minecraft spustí."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/JavaPage.ui:116
msgctxt "JavaPage|"
msgid "The amount of memory available to store loaded Java classes."
msgstr "Veľkosť použiteľnej pamäte na ukladanie Java tried."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/JavaPage.ui:141
msgctxt "JavaPage|"
msgid "Java Runtime"
msgstr "Java Runtime"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/JavaPage.ui:153
msgctxt "JavaPage|"
msgid "Java path:"
msgstr "Cesta k Jave:"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/JavaPage.ui:195
msgctxt "JavaPage|"
msgid "JVM arguments:"
msgstr "JVM argumenty:"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/JavaPage.ui:208
msgctxt "JavaPage|"
msgid "Auto-detect..."
msgstr "Auto-detekcia..."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/JavaPage.ui:221
msgctxt "JavaPage|"
msgid "Test"
msgstr "Test"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/JavaPage.h:42
msgctxt "JavaPage|"
msgid "Java"
msgstr "Java"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/JavaPage.cpp:107
msgctxt "JavaPage|"
msgid "Select a Java version"
msgstr "Zvoľte Java verziu"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/JavaPage.cpp:120
msgctxt "JavaPage|"
msgid "Find Java executable"
msgstr "Nájsť Java spúštač"
#: src/launcher/ui/widgets/JavaSettingsWidget.cpp:151
msgctxt "JavaSettingsWidget|"
msgid "No Java version selected"
msgstr "Nie je zvolená verzia Javy"
#: src/launcher/ui/widgets/JavaSettingsWidget.cpp:152
#, qt-format
msgctxt "JavaSettingsWidget|"
msgid "You didn't select a Java version or selected something that doesn't work.\n"
"%1 will not be able to start Minecraft.\n"
"Do you wish to proceed without any Java?\n\n"
"You can change the Java version in the settings later.\n"
msgstr "Nezvolili ste verziu Javy alebo ste zvolili niečo čo nefunguje.\n"
"%1 nebude môcť spustiť Minecraft.\n"
"Chcete pokračovať bez akejkoľvek Javy?\n\n"
"Verziu Javy dokážete kedykoľvek zmeniť v nastaveniach.\n"
#: src/launcher/ui/widgets/JavaSettingsWidget.cpp:265
msgctxt "JavaSettingsWidget|"
msgid "Find Java executable"
msgstr "Nájsť Java spúštač"
#: src/launcher/ui/widgets/JavaSettingsWidget.cpp:425
msgctxt "JavaSettingsWidget|"
msgid "Memory"
msgstr "Pamäť"
#: src/launcher/ui/widgets/JavaSettingsWidget.cpp:426
msgctxt "JavaSettingsWidget|"
msgid "The maximum amount of memory Minecraft is allowed to use."
msgstr "Maximálna veľkosť pamäte, ktorú môže Minecraft použiť."
#: src/launcher/ui/widgets/JavaSettingsWidget.cpp:427
msgctxt "JavaSettingsWidget|"
msgid "Minimum memory allocation:"
msgstr "Minimálna alokovaná pamäť:"
#: src/launcher/ui/widgets/JavaSettingsWidget.cpp:428
msgctxt "JavaSettingsWidget|"
msgid "Maximum memory allocation:"
msgstr "Maximálna alokovaná pamäť:"
#: src/launcher/ui/widgets/JavaSettingsWidget.cpp:429
msgctxt "JavaSettingsWidget|"
msgid "The amount of memory Minecraft is started with."
msgstr "Veľkosť pamäte, s ktoru sa Minecraft spustí."
#: src/launcher/ui/widgets/JavaSettingsWidget.cpp:430
msgctxt "JavaSettingsWidget|"
msgid "The amount of memory available to store loaded Java classes."
msgstr "Veľkosť použiteľnej pamäte na ukladanie Java tried."
#: src/launcher/ui/widgets/JavaSettingsWidget.cpp:431
msgctxt "JavaSettingsWidget|"
msgid "Browse"
msgstr "Prehľadať"
#: src/launcher/ui/setupwizard/JavaWizardPage.cpp:94
msgctxt "JavaWizardPage|"
msgid "Java"
msgstr "Java"
#: src/launcher/ui/setupwizard/JavaWizardPage.cpp:95
msgctxt "JavaWizardPage|"
msgid "You do not have a working Java set up yet or it went missing.\n"
"Please select one of the following or browse for a java executable."
msgstr "Nemáte funkčné nastavenia Javy alebo toto nastavenie chýba\n"
"Prosim zvoľte si jedno z nasledujúcich alebo vyhľadajte spustiteľnú Javu."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LanguagePage.h:35
msgctxt "LanguagePage|"
msgid "Language"
msgstr "Jazyk"
#: src/launcher/ui/widgets/LanguageSelectionWidget.cpp:50
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LanguageSelectionWidget|"
msgid "Don't see your language or the quality is poor?<br/><a href=\"%1\">Help us with translations!</a>"
msgstr "Nevidíte váš jazyk alebo kvalita prekladu je slabá?<br/><a href=\"%1\">Pomôžte nám s prekladom!</a>"
#: src/launcher/ui/setupwizard/LanguageWizardPage.cpp:46
msgctxt "LanguageWizardPage|"
msgid "Language"
msgstr "Jazyk"
#: src/launcher/ui/setupwizard/LanguageWizardPage.cpp:47
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LanguageWizardPage|"
msgid "Select the language to use in %1"
msgstr "Zvoľte jazyk použitý v %1"
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:37
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "No instance specified!"
msgstr "Nebola zvolená inštancia!"
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:42
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "Invalid Java arguments specified. Please fix this first."
msgstr "Neznámy Java príkaz. Prosím, opravte toto prvé."
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:62
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "No Accounts"
msgstr "Žiaden účet"
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:63
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "In order to play Minecraft, you must have at least one Mojang or Minecraft account logged in.Would you like to open the account manager to add an account now?"
msgstr "Ak chcete hrať Minecraft, musíte byť prihlásený v MultiMC aspoň pod jedným účtom Mojang alebo Minecraft. Želáte si otvoriť správcu účtov a pridať svoj účet?"
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:82
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "Which account would you like to use?"
msgstr "Ktorý účet chcete použiť?"
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:106
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "No account selected for launch."
msgstr "Nie je zvolený účet pre spustenie."
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:115
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "Your account is currently not logged in. Please enter your password to log in again. <br /> <br /> This could be caused by a password change."
msgstr "Nie ste prihlásený. Znova sa prihláste zadaním vášho hesla. <br /> <br /> Toto môže byť zapríčinené zmenou hesla."
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:139
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "Player name"
msgstr "Meno hráča"
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:140
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "Choose your offline mode player name."
msgstr "Zvoľte si meno hráča počas hry bez pripojenia na internet."
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:174
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "Received undetermined session status during login."
msgstr "Neindentifikovaný stav pripojenia počas prihlasovania."
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:185
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "Play demo?"
msgstr "Hrať skúšobnú verziu?"
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:186
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "This account does not own Minecraft.\n"
"You need to purchase the game first to play it.\n\n"
"Do you want to play the demo?"
msgstr "Tento účet nevlastní Minecraft.\n"
"Musíte si hru zakúpiť aby ste ju mohli hrať.\n\n"
"Prajete si zahrať skúšobnú verziu?"
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:188
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "Play Demo"
msgstr "Hrať skúšobnú verziu"
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:189
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Zrušiť"
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:199
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "Launch cancelled - account does not own Minecraft."
msgstr "Spustenie prerušené - účet nevlastní Minecraft."
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:215
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "Play Offline"
msgstr "Spustiť offline"
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:228
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "The account has expired and needs to be logged into manually. Press OK to log in again."
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:231
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "Account refresh failed"
msgstr "Aktualizácia účtu zlyhala"
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:246
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "Microsoft Accounts not available"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:247
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "Microsoft accounts are only usable on macOS 10.13 or newer, with fully updated MultiMC.\n\n"
"Please update both your operating system and MultiMC."
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:253
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "Attempted to re-login to a Microsoft account on an unsupported platform"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:258 src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:263
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "Please enter your Mojang account email and password to add your account."
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:275
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "Account expired and re-login attempt failed"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:284
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "The account no longer exists on the servers. It may have been migrated, in which case please add the new account you migrated this one to."
msgstr "Tento účet neexistuje na serveroch. Možno bol migrovaný a v tom prípade musíte pridať nový účet do ktorého ste tento migrovali."
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:287
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "Account gone"
msgstr "Účet je preč"
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:296
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "The account must be migrated to a Microsoft account."
msgstr "Účet musí byť migrovaný do Microsoft účtu."
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:299
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "Account requires migration"
msgstr "Účet musí byť migrovaný"
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:309
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "Failed to launch."
msgstr "Spustenie zlyhalo."
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:319 src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:391
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "Error!"
msgstr "Chyba!"
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:319 src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:320
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "Couldn't load the instance profile."
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa nahrať profil inštancie."
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:327
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "Couldn't instantiate a launcher."
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa inštanciovať spúštač."
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:391
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "Couldn't start profiler: %1"
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa spustiť profiler: %1"
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:400
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "The game launch is delayed until you press the button. This is the right time to setup the profiler, as the profiler server is running now.\n\n"
msgstr "Spustenie hry je pozastavené pokiaľ nestlačíte kláves. Toto je vhodný čas na nastavenie profilera, pretože profiler server práve beží.\n\n"
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:403
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "Waiting."
msgstr "Čakanie."
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:405
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "Launch"
msgstr "Spustiť"
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:413
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "Couldn't start the profiler: %1"
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa spustiť profiler: %1"
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:414
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Chyba"
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:442
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "Abort"
msgstr "Zrušiť"
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:458
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "Kill Minecraft?"
msgstr "Zastaviť Minecraft?"
#: src/launcher/LaunchController.cpp:459
msgctxt "LaunchController|"
msgid "This can cause the instance to get corrupted and should only be used if Minecraft is frozen for some reason"
msgstr "Toto môže spôsobiť poškodenie inštancie a môže to byť použité iba v prípade ak je Minecraft zamrznutý z nejakej príčiny"
#: src/launcher/launch/LaunchTask.cpp:215
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LaunchTask|"
msgid "MultiMC stopped watching the game log because the log length surpassed %1 lines.\n"
"You may have to fix your mods because the game is still logging to files and likely wasting harddrive space at an alarming rate!"
msgstr "MultiMC ukončil zaznamenávanie herného logu, pretože log prekročil veľkosť %1 riadkov.\n"
"Maly by ste opraviť svoje módy, pretože hra stále zaznamenáva log do súborov a neúnostne zaberá čoraz viac a viac mesta na Disku!"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/LauncherLoginStep.cpp:16
msgctxt "LauncherLoginStep|"
msgid "Accessing Mojang services."
msgstr "Spájam Mojang služby."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/LauncherLoginStep.cpp:60
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LauncherLoginStep|"
msgid "Failed to get Minecraft access token: %1"
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa dostať Minecraft prístupný token: %1"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/LauncherLoginStep.cpp:72
msgctxt "LauncherLoginStep|"
msgid "Failed to parse the Minecraft access token response."
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa rozlúštiť odpoveď prístupového kľúča Minecraftu."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:45
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "Features"
msgstr "Funkcie"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:51
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "Update Settings"
msgstr "Aktualizovať nastavenia"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:57
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "Check for updates on start?"
msgstr "Skontrolovať aktualizácie pri spustení?"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:67
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "Folders"
msgstr "Priečinky"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:73
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "I&nstances:"
msgstr "I&nštancie:"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:93
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "&Mods:"
msgstr "&Módy:"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:116
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "&Icons:"
msgstr "&Ikony:"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:136
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "Move the data to new location (will restart the launcher)"
msgstr "Premiestniť dáta do novej lokácie (reštartuje spúšťač)"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:157
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "User Interface"
msgstr "Používateľské rozhranie"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:163
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "Launcher notifications"
msgstr "Notifikácie spúšťača"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:169
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "Reset hidden notifications"
msgstr "Resetovať skryté notifikácie"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:185
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "Instance view sorting mode"
msgstr "Spôsob triedenia pri zobrazení inštancie"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:191
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "By &last launched"
msgstr "Podľa &posledného spustenia"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:201
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "By &name"
msgstr "Podľa &mena"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:214
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "Theme"
msgstr "Motív"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:220
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "&Icons"
msgstr "&Ikony"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:240
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Predvolené"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:245
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "Simple (Dark Icons)"
msgstr "Jednoduché (Tmavé ikony)"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:250
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "Simple (Light Icons)"
msgstr "Jednoduché (Svetlé ikony)"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:255
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "Simple (Blue Icons)"
msgstr "Jednoduché (Modré ikony)"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:260
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "Simple (Colored Icons)"
msgstr "Jednoduché (Farebné ikony)"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:280
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "Custom"
msgstr "Vlastné"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:301
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "Colors"
msgstr "Farby"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:328
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "Console"
msgstr "Konzola"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:334
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "Console Settings"
msgstr "Nastavenia konzoly"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:340
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "Show console while the game is running?"
msgstr "Zobraziť konzolu počas hry?"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:347
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "Automatically close console when the game quits?"
msgstr "Automaticky zavrieť konzolu po zavretí hry?"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:354
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "Show console when the game crashes?"
msgstr "Zobraziť konzolu keď hra spadne?"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:364
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "History limit"
msgstr "Limit histórie"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:370
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "Stop logging when log overflows"
msgstr "Zastavit logovanie ak log pretečie"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:383
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid " lines"
msgstr " riadky"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:411
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "Console font"
msgstr "Písmo konzoly"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:463
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "Analytics"
msgstr "Analytiky"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:469
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "Analytics Settings"
msgstr "Nastavenia analytík"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:475
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "Send anonymous usage statistics?"
msgstr "Odosielať anonymné štatistiky o používaní?"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.ui:489
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "<html><head/>\n"
"<p>The launcher sends anonymous usage statistics on every start of the application.</p><p>The following data is collected:</p>\n"
"<li>Launcher version.</li>\n"
"<li>Operating system name, version and architecture.</li>\n"
"<li>CPU architecture (kernel architecture on linux).</li>\n"
"<li>Size of system memory.</li>\n"
"<li>Java version, architecture and memory settings.</li>\n"
msgstr "<html><head/>\n"
"<p>Launcher zasiela anonymné štatistiky o používaní pri každom štarte aplikácie.</p><p>Zhromažďované sú nasledujúce dáta:</p>\n"
"<li>Verzia Launchera.</li>\n"
"<li>Názov operačného systému, verzia a architektúra.</li>\n"
"<li>Architektúra CPU (kernel architektúra na linuxe).</li>\n"
"<li>Veľkosť systémovej pamäte.</li>\n"
"<li>Verzia Javy, architektúra a nastavenia pamäte.</li>\n"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.cpp:95
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "Instance Folder"
msgstr "Priečinok inštancie"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.cpp:104
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "You're trying to specify an instance folder which's path contains at least one '!'. Java is known to cause problems if that is the case, your instances (probably) won't start!"
msgstr "Snažíte sa zadať priečinok inštancie ktorého cesta obsahuje aspoň jeden '!'. Java s týmto môže mať problémy a Vaša inštancia sa nemusí spustiť!"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.cpp:109
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "Do you really want to use this path? Selecting \"No\" will close this and not alter your instance path."
msgstr "Naozaj chcete použiť túto cestu? Zvolením \"Nie\" sa cesta k inštancii nezmení."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.cpp:127
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "Icons Folder"
msgstr "Priečinok ikon"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.cpp:138
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "Mods Folder"
msgstr "Priečinok módov"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.cpp:360
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "[Something/ERROR] A spooky error!"
msgstr "[Something/ERROR] Strašidelná chyba!"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.cpp:369
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "[Test/INFO] A harmless message..."
msgstr "[Test/INFO] Neškodná správa..."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.cpp:378
msgctxt "LauncherPage|"
msgid "[Something/WARN] A not so spooky warning."
msgstr "[Something/WARN] Nie veľmi strašidelné upozornenie."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/launch/LauncherPartLaunch.cpp:122
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LauncherPartLaunch|"
msgid "The wrapper command \"%1\" couldn't be found."
msgstr "Wrapper príkaz \"%1\" nebol nájdený."
#. Error message displayed if instace can't start
#: src/launcher/minecraft/launch/LauncherPartLaunch.cpp:144
msgctxt "LauncherPartLaunch|"
msgid "Could not launch minecraft!"
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa spustiť minecraft!"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/launch/LauncherPartLaunch.cpp:153
#: src/launcher/minecraft/launch/LauncherPartLaunch.cpp:163
msgctxt "LauncherPartLaunch|"
msgid "Game crashed."
msgstr "Hra spadla."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/legacy_ftb/ListModel.cpp:19
msgctxt "LegacyFTB::FilterModel|"
msgid "Sort by name"
msgstr "Triediť podľa mena"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/legacy_ftb/ListModel.cpp:20
msgctxt "LegacyFTB::FilterModel|"
msgid "Sort by game version"
msgstr "Triediť podľa verzie hry"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/legacy_ftb/ListModel.cpp:81
msgctxt "LegacyFTB::ListModel|"
msgid "Public Modpack"
msgstr "Verejný Modpack"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/legacy_ftb/ListModel.cpp:83
msgctxt "LegacyFTB::ListModel|"
msgid "Third Party Modpack"
msgstr "Modpack tretích strán"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/legacy_ftb/ListModel.cpp:85
msgctxt "LegacyFTB::ListModel|"
msgid "Private Modpack"
msgstr "Súkromný Modpack"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/legacy_ftb/PackFetchTask.cpp:78
msgctxt "LegacyFTB::PackFetchTask|"
msgid "Public Packs"
msgstr "Verejné balíčky"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/legacy_ftb/PackFetchTask.cpp:83
msgctxt "LegacyFTB::PackFetchTask|"
msgid "Third Party Packs"
msgstr "Balíčky tretích strán"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/legacy_ftb/PackFetchTask.cpp:88
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LegacyFTB::PackFetchTask|"
msgid "Failed to download some pack lists: %1"
msgstr "Zlyhalo sťahovanie niektorých zoznamov balíčkov: %1"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/legacy_ftb/PackInstallTask.cpp:32
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LegacyFTB::PackInstallTask|"
msgid "Downloading zip for %1"
msgstr "Sťahovanie zip súboru pre %1"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/legacy_ftb/PackInstallTask.cpp:75
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LegacyFTB::PackInstallTask|"
msgid "Downloading zip for %1 (%2%)"
msgstr "Sťahovanie zip súboru pre %1 (%2%)"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/legacy_ftb/PackInstallTask.cpp:81
msgctxt "LegacyFTB::PackInstallTask|"
msgid "Extracting modpack"
msgstr "Rozbaľovanie modpacku"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/legacy_ftb/PackInstallTask.cpp:87
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LegacyFTB::PackInstallTask|"
msgid "Failed to open modpack file %1!"
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa otvoriť súbor modpacku %1!"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/legacy_ftb/PackInstallTask.cpp:110
msgctxt "LegacyFTB::PackInstallTask|"
msgid "Installing modpack"
msgstr "Inštalácia modpacku"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/legacy_ftb/PackInstallTask.cpp:117
msgctxt "LegacyFTB::PackInstallTask|"
msgid "Failed to move unzipped minecraft!"
msgstr "Zlyhalo presúvanie rozbaleného minecraftu!"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/legacy_ftb/PackInstallTask.cpp:186
msgctxt "LegacyFTB::PackInstallTask|"
msgid "No installation method found!"
msgstr "Nenájdená inštalačná metóda!"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/legacy_ftb/Page.ui:21
msgctxt "LegacyFTB::Page|"
msgid "Public"
msgstr "Verejné"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/legacy_ftb/Page.ui:44
msgctxt "LegacyFTB::Page|"
msgid "3rd Party"
msgstr "Tretích strán"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/legacy_ftb/Page.ui:67
msgctxt "LegacyFTB::Page|"
msgid "Private"
msgstr "Súkromné"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/legacy_ftb/Page.ui:86
msgctxt "LegacyFTB::Page|"
msgid "Add pack"
msgstr "Pridať balíček"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/legacy_ftb/Page.ui:93
msgctxt "LegacyFTB::Page|"
msgid "Remove selected pack"
msgstr "Vymazať zvolený balíček"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/legacy_ftb/Page.ui:122
msgctxt "LegacyFTB::Page|"
msgid "Version selected:"
msgstr "Zvolená verzia:"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/legacy_ftb/Page.h:53
msgctxt "LegacyFTB::Page|"
msgid "FTB Legacy"
msgstr "FTB Legacy"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/legacy_ftb/Page.cpp:194
msgctxt "LegacyFTB::Page|"
msgid "FTB private packs"
msgstr "Privátne balíčky FTB"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/legacy_ftb/Page.cpp:195
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LegacyFTB::Page|"
msgid "Failed to download pack information for code %1.\n"
"Should it be removed now?"
msgstr "Zlyhalo sťahovanie informácií balíčka kvôli %1.\n"
"Môže byť balíček vymazaný?"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/legacy_ftb/Page.cpp:333
msgctxt "LegacyFTB::Page|"
msgid "Add FTB pack"
msgstr "Pridať FTB balíček"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/legacy_ftb/Page.cpp:334
msgctxt "LegacyFTB::Page|"
msgid "Enter pack code:"
msgstr "Zadajte kód balíčku:"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/legacy_ftb/Page.cpp:357
msgctxt "LegacyFTB::Page|"
msgid "Remove pack"
msgstr "Vymazať balíček"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/legacy_ftb/Page.cpp:358
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LegacyFTB::Page|"
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove pack %1?"
msgstr "Naozaj chcete vymazať balíček %1?"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/legacy/LegacyInstance.cpp:220
msgctxt "LegacyInstance|"
msgid "Legacy"
msgstr "Dedičstvo"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/legacy/LegacyInstance.cpp:225
msgctxt "LegacyInstance|"
msgid "Instance from previous versions."
msgstr "Vytvorenie inštancie z predchádzajúcej verzie."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/LegacyUpgradePage.ui:29
msgctxt "LegacyUpgradePage|"
msgid "<html><body><h1>Upgrade is required</h1><p>MultiMC now supports old Minecraft versions and all the required features in the new (OneSix) instance format. As a consequence, the old (Legacy) format has been entirely disabled and old instances need to be upgraded.</p><p>The upgrade will create a new instance with the same contents as the current one, in the new format. The original instance will remain untouched, in case anything goes wrong in the process.</p><p>Please report any issues on our <a href=\"https://github.com/MultiMC/Launcher/issues\">github issues page</a>.</p><p>There is also a <a href=\"https://discord.gg/GtPmv93\">discord channel for testing here</a>.</p></body></html>"
msgstr "<html><body><h1>Je potrebné vylepšenie</h1><p>MultiMC teraz podporuje staré Minecraft verzie a všetky potrebné funkcie v novom (OneSix) formáte inštancie. Ako dôsledok, staré (Legacy) formáty boli zablokované a staré inštancie musia byť vylepšené.</p><p>Vylepšenie vytvorí novú inštanciu s rovnakým obsahom ako bola pôvodná, v novom formáte. Pôvodná inštancia zostane nedotknutá, pre prípad že sa niečo pokazí počas vylepšovania.</p><p>Prosím nahlasujte akékoľvek problémy a chyby na našej<a href=\"https://github.com/MultiMC/Launcher/issues\">github issues stránke</a>.</p><p>Máme takisto <a href=\"https://discord.gg/GtPmv93\">discord kanál pre testovanie</a>.</p></body></html>"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/LegacyUpgradePage.ui:39
msgctxt "LegacyUpgradePage|"
msgid "Upgrade the instance"
msgstr "Vylepšiť inštanciu"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/LegacyUpgradePage.cpp:27
msgctxt "LegacyUpgradePage|"
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Chyba"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/LegacyUpgradePage.cpp:30
msgctxt "LegacyUpgradePage|"
msgid "Abort"
msgstr "Zrušiť"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/LegacyUpgradePage.cpp:39
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LegacyUpgradePage|"
msgid "%1 (Migrated)"
msgstr "%1 (Migrované)"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/LegacyUpgradePage.h:39
msgctxt "LegacyUpgradePage|"
msgid "Upgrade"
msgstr "Vylepšiť"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/legacy/LegacyUpgradeTask.cpp:20
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LegacyUpgradeTask|"
msgid "Copying instance %1"
msgstr "Kopírujem inštanciu %1"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/legacy/LegacyUpgradeTask.cpp:59
msgctxt "LegacyUpgradeTask|"
msgid "Instance folder copy failed."
msgstr "Kopírovanie priečinku inštancie zlyhalo."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/legacy/LegacyUpgradeTask.cpp:82
msgctxt "LegacyUpgradeTask|"
msgid "Could not decide Minecraft version."
msgstr "Nie je možné rozhodnúť sa pre verziu Minecraftu."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/legacy/LegacyUpgradeTask.cpp:135
msgctxt "LegacyUpgradeTask|"
msgid "Instance folder copy has been aborted."
msgstr "Kopírovanie priečinku inštancie bolo prerušené."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/update/LibrariesTask.cpp:15
msgctxt "LibrariesTask|"
msgid "Getting the library files from Mojang..."
msgstr "Načítanie súborov knižníc z Mojangu..."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/update/LibrariesTask.cpp:23
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LibrariesTask|"
msgid "Libraries for instance %1"
msgstr "Knižnice inštancie %1"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/update/LibrariesTask.cpp:34
msgctxt "LibrariesTask|"
msgid "Null jar is specified in the metadata, aborting."
msgstr "V metadatach je špecifikovaný prázdny jar, prerušenie."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/update/LibrariesTask.cpp:61
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LibrariesTask|"
msgid "Some artifacts marked as 'local' are missing their files:\n"
"You need to either add the files, or removed the packages that require them.\n"
"You'll have to correct this problem manually."
msgstr "Niektoré artefakty označené ako 'lokálne' postrádajú ich súbory:\n"
"Buď pridáte súbory alebo vymažete balíček, ktorý ich potrebuje.\n"
"Tento problém musíte vyriešiť manuálne."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/update/LibrariesTask.cpp:78
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LibrariesTask|"
msgid "Game update failed: it was impossible to fetch the required libraries.\n"
msgstr "Zlyhalo vylepšenie hry: nebolo možné stiahnuť potrebné knižnice.\n"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/LogPage.ui:60
msgctxt "LogPage|"
msgid "Keep updating"
msgstr "Vždy vylepšovať"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/LogPage.ui:70
msgctxt "LogPage|"
msgid "Wrap lines"
msgstr "Zalomiť riadky"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/LogPage.ui:93
msgctxt "LogPage|"
msgid "Copy the whole log into the clipboard"
msgstr "Skopírovať celý log do clipboardu"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/LogPage.ui:96
msgctxt "LogPage|"
msgid "&Copy"
msgstr "&Kopírovať"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/LogPage.ui:103
msgctxt "LogPage|"
msgid "Upload the log to paste.ee - it will stay online for a month"
msgstr "Odoslať log do paste.ee - ostane prístupný po dobu jednoho mesiaca"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/LogPage.ui:106
msgctxt "LogPage|"
msgid "Upload"
msgstr "Odoslať"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/LogPage.ui:113
msgctxt "LogPage|"
msgid "Clear the log"
msgstr "Vyčistiť log"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/LogPage.ui:116
msgctxt "LogPage|"
msgid "Clear"
msgstr "Vyčistiť"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/LogPage.ui:125
msgctxt "LogPage|"
msgid "Search:"
msgstr "Hľadať:"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/LogPage.ui:132
msgctxt "LogPage|"
msgid "Find"
msgstr "Nájsť"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/LogPage.ui:142
msgctxt "LogPage|"
msgid "Scroll all the way to bottom"
msgstr "Presunúť na spodok"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/LogPage.ui:145
msgctxt "LogPage|"
msgid "Bottom"
msgstr "Na spodok"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/LogPage.h:41
msgctxt "LogPage|"
msgid "Minecraft Log"
msgstr "Minecraftový záznam"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/LogPage.cpp:244
msgctxt "LogPage|"
msgid "Log upload"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/LogPage.cpp:245
msgctxt "LogPage|"
msgid "Are you sure you want to upload a log file?"
msgstr ""
#. Message displayed on instance exit
#: src/launcher/LoggedProcess.cpp:70
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LoggedProcess|"
msgid "Process exited with code %1 (0x%2)."
msgstr "Proces ukončený kódom %1 (0x%2)."
#. Message displayed on instance crashed
#: src/launcher/LoggedProcess.cpp:77
msgctxt "LoggedProcess|"
msgid "Process crashed."
msgstr "Proces spadol."
#: src/launcher/LoggedProcess.cpp:79
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LoggedProcess|"
msgid "Process crashed with exitcode %1 (0x%2)."
msgstr "Proces zlyhal s výstupným kódom %1 (0x%2)."
#: src/launcher/LoggedProcess.cpp:95
msgctxt "LoggedProcess|"
msgid "Below is an analysis of the exit code. THIS MAY BE INCORRECT AND SHOULD BE TAKEN WITH A GRAIN OF SALT!"
#: src/launcher/LoggedProcess.cpp:99
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LoggedProcess|"
msgid "System exit code name: %1"
msgstr "Meno výstupného kódu systému: %1"
#: src/launcher/LoggedProcess.cpp:104
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LoggedProcess|"
msgid "System exit code description: %1"
msgstr "Popis výstupného kódu systému: %1"
#: src/launcher/LoggedProcess.cpp:109
msgctxt "LoggedProcess|"
msgid "Please note that usually neither the exit code, nor its description are enough to diagnose issues!"
msgstr "Upozorňujeme, že na diagnostiku problémov zvyčajne nestačí ani výstupný kód, ani jeho popis!"
#: src/launcher/LoggedProcess.cpp:110
msgctxt "LoggedProcess|"
msgid "Always upload the entire log and not just the exit code."
msgstr "Vždy nahrajte celý log, nielen kód ukončenia."
#. Message displayed after the instance exits due to kill request
#: src/launcher/LoggedProcess.cpp:115
msgctxt "LoggedProcess|"
msgid "Process was killed by user."
msgstr "Proces bol ukončený používateľom."
#: src/launcher/LoggedProcess.cpp:126
msgctxt "LoggedProcess|"
msgid "The process failed to start."
msgstr "Proces sa nepodarilo spustiť."
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/LoginDialog.ui:20
msgctxt "LoginDialog|"
msgid "Add Account"
msgstr "Pridať účet"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/LoginDialog.ui:39
msgctxt "LoginDialog|"
msgid "Email"
msgstr "E-Mail"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/LoginDialog.ui:49
msgctxt "LoginDialog|"
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Heslo"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/MSALoginDialog.ui:20
msgctxt "MSALoginDialog|"
msgid "Add Microsoft Account"
msgstr "Pridať konto Microsoft"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/MSALoginDialog.ui:56
msgctxt "MSALoginDialog|"
msgid "Copy Code"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/MSALoginDialog.cpp:87
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MSALoginDialog|"
msgid "<p>Please open up %1 in a browser and put in the code <b>%2</b> to proceed with login.</p>"
msgstr "<p>Prosím otvorte %1 v prehliadači a vložte kód <b>%2</b> pre pokračovanie s prihlásením.</p>"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/MSAStep.cpp:30
msgctxt "MSAStep|"
msgid "Logging in with Microsoft account."
msgstr "Prihlasuje sa pomocou konta Microsoft."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/MSAStep.cpp:86
msgctxt "MSAStep|"
msgid "Got "
msgstr "Získal "
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/MSAStep.cpp:92
msgctxt "MSAStep|"
msgid "Microsoft user authentication ended with a network error."
msgstr "Prihlásenie Microsoft zlyhalo s chybou pripojenia."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/MSAStep.cpp:97
msgctxt "MSAStep|"
msgid "Microsoft user authentication failed - user no longer exists."
msgstr "Prihlásenie Microsoft zlyhalo - používateľ neexistuje."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/MSAStep.cpp:102
msgctxt "MSAStep|"
msgid "Microsoft user authentication failed."
msgstr "Prihlásenie Microsoft zlyhalo."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/MSAStep.cpp:107
msgctxt "MSAStep|"
msgid "Microsoft user authentication completed with an unrecognized result."
msgstr "Prihlásenie Microsoft prebehlo úspešne s neznámym výsledkom."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:261
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Kill"
msgstr "Zrušiť"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:262
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Kill the running instance"
msgstr "Zrušiť bežiacu inľtanciu"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:266 src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:1037
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Launch"
msgstr "Spustiť"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:267
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Launch the selected instance."
msgstr "Spustiť zvolenú inštanciu."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:285
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Main Toolbar"
msgstr "Hlavný panel nástrojov"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:290
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Add Instance"
msgstr "Pridať inštanciu"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:291
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Add a new instance."
msgstr "Pridať novú inštanciu."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:303
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "View Instance Folder"
msgstr "Zobraziť priečinok inštancie"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:304
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Open the instance folder in a file browser."
msgstr "Otvoriť priečinok inštancie v prehladači súborov."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:311
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "View Central Mods Folder"
msgstr "Zobraziť priečinok centrálnych módov"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:312
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Open the central mods folder in a file browser."
msgstr "Otvoriť priečinok centrálnych módov v prehliadači súborov."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:317 src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:688
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Folders"
msgstr "Priečinky"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:318
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Open one of the folders shared between instances."
msgstr "Otvoriť jeden zo zdieľaných priečinkov inštancií."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:333
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Nastavenia"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:334
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Change settings."
msgstr "Zmeniť nastavenia."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:345
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Report a Bug"
msgstr "Nahlásiť chybu"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:346
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Open the bug tracker to report a bug with %1."
msgstr "Otvoriť bug tracker na nahlásenie chyby s %1."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:355
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Discord"
msgstr "Discord"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:356
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Open %1 discord voice chat."
msgstr "Otvoriť %1 discord hlasový čet."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:365
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Reddit"
msgstr "Reddit"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:366
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Open %1 subreddit."
msgstr "Otvoriť %1 subreddit."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:375
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "About %1"
msgstr "O %1"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:376
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "View information about %1."
msgstr "Zobraziť informácie o %1."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:381 src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:689
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Pomoc"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:382
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Get help with %1 or Minecraft."
msgstr "Získať pomoc s %1 alebo Minecraftom."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:398
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Vylepšenie"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:399
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Check for new updates for %1."
msgstr "Skontrolovať aktualizácie pre %1."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:409
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Support %1"
msgstr "Podporiť %1"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:410
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Open the %1 Patreon page."
msgstr "Otvoriť Patreon stránku %1."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:418
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Meow"
msgstr "Mňau"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:419
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "It's a fluffy kitty :3"
msgstr "To je chlpatá mačička :3"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:427
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Manage Accounts"
msgstr "Spravovať účty"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:453
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "News Toolbar"
msgstr "Panel nástrojov novinky"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:458
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "More news..."
msgstr "Viac noviniek..."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:459
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Open the development blog to read more news about %1."
msgstr "Otvoriť vývojársky blog a prečítajte si viac o %1."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:476
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Instance Toolbar"
msgstr "Panel nástrojov inštancie"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:483
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Change Icon"
msgstr "Zmeniť ikonu"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:484
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Change the selected instance's icon."
msgstr "Zmeniť zvolenú ikonu inštancií."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:497
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Rename"
msgstr "Premenovať"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:498
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Rename the selected instance."
msgstr "Premenovať zvolenú inštanciu."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:517 src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:1038
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Launch Offline"
msgstr "Spustiť offline"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:518
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Launch the selected instance in offline mode."
msgstr "Spustiť zvolenú inštanciu v móde bez pripojenia na internet."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:526
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Edit Instance"
msgstr "Upraviť inštanciu"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:527
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Change the instance settings, mods and versions."
msgstr "Zmeniť nastavenia, módy a verzie inštancie."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:533
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Edit Notes"
msgstr "Upraviť poznámky"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:534
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Edit the notes for the selected instance."
msgstr "Upraviť poznámky pre zvolenú inštanciu."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:540
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "View Mods"
msgstr "Zobraziť Módy"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:541
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "View the mods of this instance."
msgstr "Zobraziť módy inštancie."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:547
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "View Worlds"
msgstr "Zobraziť svety"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:548
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "View the worlds of this instance."
msgstr "Zobraziť svety inštancie."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:554
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Manage Screenshots"
msgstr "Manažovať snímky obrazovky"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:555
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "View and upload screenshots for this instance."
msgstr "Zobraziť a odoslať snímky obrazovky tejto inštancie."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:561
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Change Group"
msgstr "Zmeniť skupnu"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:562
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Change the selected instance's group."
msgstr "Zmeniť zvolenú skupinu inštancií."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:570
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Minecraft Folder"
msgstr "Minecraft priečinok"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:571
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Open the selected instance's minecraft folder in a file browser."
msgstr "Otvoriť priečinok minecraft zvolenej inštancie v prehliadači súborov."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:586
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Config Folder"
msgstr "Priečinok konfigurácií"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:587
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Open the instance's config folder."
msgstr "Otvoriť priečinok konfigurácií zvolenej inštancie."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:593
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Instance Folder"
msgstr "Priečinok inštancie"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:594
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Open the selected instance's root folder in a file browser."
msgstr "Otvoriť hlavný adresár zvolenej inštancie v prieskumíku."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:602
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Create Shortcut"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:603
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Create a shortcut that launches the selected instance"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:609
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Export Instance"
msgstr "Exportovať inštanciu"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:610
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Export the selected instance as a zip file."
msgstr "Exportovať vybranú inštanciu ako zip súbor."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:616
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Vymazať"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:617
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Delete the selected instance."
msgstr "Zmazať zvolenú inštanciu."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:624
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Copy Instance"
msgstr "Kopírovať inštanciu"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:625
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Copy the selected instance."
msgstr "Kopírovať zvolenú inštanciu."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:668
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MainWindow|Launcher - Version X"
msgid "%1 - Version %2"
msgstr "%1 - Verzia %2"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:671
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MainWindow|on platform, as in operating system"
msgid " on %1"
msgstr " na %1"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:781 src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:890
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "No instance selected"
msgstr "Nebola zvolená inštancia"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:782
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Total playtime: 0s"
msgstr "Celkový čas hrania: 0s"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:884 src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:1201
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Profiles"
msgstr "Profily"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:943
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Create instance"
msgstr "Vytvoriť inštanciu"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:959
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Delete group '%1'"
msgstr "Vymazať skupinu '%1'"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:989
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Format"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:992
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Modrinth (WIP)"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:1047
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Profilers"
msgstr "Profilery"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:1059
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Profiler not setup correctly. Go into settings, \"External Tools\"."
msgstr "Profiler nie je nastavený korektne. Choďte do časti \"Externé nástroje\" v nastaveniach."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:1099
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "No accounts added!"
msgstr "Nebol pridaný žiaden účet!"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:1132
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "No Default Account"
msgstr "Žiade predvolený účet"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:1241
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Loading news..."
msgstr "Nahrávam novinky..."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:1254
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "No news available."
msgstr "Novinky nie sú k dispozícii."
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:1337 src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:1354
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Chyba"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:1337
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Couldn't create folder for update downloads:\n"
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa vytvoriť adresár pre sťahovanie vylepšenia:\n"
#: src/launcher/meta/Index.cpp:71
msgctxt "Meta::Index|"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Názov"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/MigrationEligibilityStep.cpp:15
msgctxt "MigrationEligibilityStep|"
msgid "Checking for migration eligibility."
msgstr "Kontroluje sa možnosť migrácie."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/MigrationEligibilityStep.cpp:44
msgctxt "MigrationEligibilityStep|"
msgid "Got migration flags"
msgstr "Získali sa migračné informácie"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/MinecraftInstance.cpp:713
msgctxt "MinecraftInstance|"
msgid "<SESSION ID>"
msgstr "<SESSION ID>"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/MinecraftInstance.cpp:715
msgctxt "MinecraftInstance|"
msgid "<ACCESS TOKEN>"
msgstr "<ACCESS TOKEN>"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/MinecraftInstance.cpp:717
msgctxt "MinecraftInstance|"
msgid "<CLIENT TOKEN>"
msgstr "<CLIENT TOKEN>"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/MinecraftInstance.cpp:719
msgctxt "MinecraftInstance|"
msgid "<PROFILE ID>"
msgstr "<PROFILE ID>"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/MinecraftInstance.cpp:791
msgctxt "MinecraftInstance|"
msgid "broken"
msgstr "poškodené"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/MinecraftInstance.cpp:795
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MinecraftInstance|"
msgid "Minecraft %1 (%2)"
msgstr "Minecraft %1 (%2)"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/MinecraftInstance.cpp:800
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MinecraftInstance|"
msgid ", last played for %1 hours"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/minecraft/MinecraftInstance.cpp:802
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MinecraftInstance|"
msgid ", last played for %1"
msgstr ", naposledy hrané %1"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/MinecraftInstance.cpp:808
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MinecraftInstance|"
msgid ", total played for %1 hours"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/minecraft/MinecraftInstance.cpp:810
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MinecraftInstance|"
msgid ", total played for %1"
msgstr ", celkovo hrané %1"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/MinecraftInstance.cpp:816
msgctxt "MinecraftInstance|"
msgid ", has crashed."
msgstr ", spadol."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/MinecraftPage.ui:48
msgctxt "MinecraftPage|"
msgid "Window Size"
msgstr "Veľkosť okna"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/MinecraftPage.ui:54
msgctxt "MinecraftPage|"
msgid "Start Minecraft maximized?"
msgstr "Spustiť Minecraft maximalizovaný?"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/MinecraftPage.ui:63
msgctxt "MinecraftPage|"
msgid "Window hei&ght:"
msgstr "Výška okna:"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/MinecraftPage.ui:73
msgctxt "MinecraftPage|"
msgid "W&indow width:"
msgstr "Šírka okna:"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/MinecraftPage.ui:117
msgctxt "MinecraftPage|"
msgid "Native library workarounds"
msgstr "Náhradné riešenia natívnych knižníc"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/MinecraftPage.ui:123
msgctxt "MinecraftPage|"
msgid "Use system installation of GLFW"
msgstr "Použiť systémovú inštaláciu GLFW"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/MinecraftPage.ui:130
msgctxt "MinecraftPage|"
msgid "Use system installation of OpenAL"
msgstr "Použiť systémovú inštaláciu OpenAL"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/MinecraftPage.ui:140
msgctxt "MinecraftPage|"
msgid "Game time"
msgstr "Čas hrania"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/MinecraftPage.ui:146
msgctxt "MinecraftPage|"
msgid "Show time spent playing instances"
msgstr "Zobraziť čas minutý hraním na inštanciách"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/MinecraftPage.ui:153
msgctxt "MinecraftPage|"
msgid "Show time spent playing across all instances"
msgstr "Zobraziť čas minutý hraním na všetkých inštanciách"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/MinecraftPage.ui:160
msgctxt "MinecraftPage|"
msgid "Record time spent playing instances"
msgstr "Nahrať čas minutý hraním na inštanciach"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/MinecraftPage.ui:167
msgctxt "MinecraftPage|"
msgid "Show time spent playing in hours only"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/MinecraftPage.h:42
msgctxt "MinecraftPage|"
msgid "Minecraft"
msgstr "Minecraft"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/MinecraftProfileStep.cpp:15
msgctxt "MinecraftProfileStep|"
msgid "Fetching the Minecraft profile."
msgstr "Nahráva sa Minecraftový profil."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/MinecraftProfileStep.cpp:54
msgctxt "MinecraftProfileStep|"
msgid "Account has no Minecraft profile."
msgstr "Účet nemá žiaden Minecraftový profil."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/MinecraftProfileStep.cpp:69
msgctxt "MinecraftProfileStep|"
msgid "Minecraft Java profile acquisition failed."
msgstr "Minecraftový java profil sa nepodarilo získať."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/MinecraftProfileStep.cpp:77
msgctxt "MinecraftProfileStep|"
msgid "Minecraft Java profile response could not be parsed"
msgstr "Odpoveď profilu Minecraft Java nebolo možné analyzovať"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/MinecraftProfileStep.cpp:89
msgctxt "MinecraftProfileStep|"
msgid "Minecraft Java profile acquisition succeeded."
msgstr "Získanie profilu Minecraft Java sa podarilo."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/MinecraftUpdate.cpp:87
msgctxt "MinecraftUpdate|"
msgid "Aborted by user."
msgstr "Zrušené používateľom."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/mod/ModFolderModel.cpp:368
msgctxt "ModFolderModel|"
msgid "Folder"
msgstr "Priečinok"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/mod/ModFolderModel.cpp:370
msgctxt "ModFolderModel|"
msgid "File"
msgstr "Súbor"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/mod/ModFolderModel.cpp:464
msgctxt "ModFolderModel|"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Názov"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/mod/ModFolderModel.cpp:466
msgctxt "ModFolderModel|"
msgid "Version"
msgstr "Verzia"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/mod/ModFolderModel.cpp:468
msgctxt "ModFolderModel|"
msgid "Last changed"
msgstr "Naposledy zmenené"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/mod/ModFolderModel.cpp:477
msgctxt "ModFolderModel|"
msgid "Is the mod enabled?"
msgstr "Je mód povolený?"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/mod/ModFolderModel.cpp:479
msgctxt "ModFolderModel|"
msgid "The name of the mod."
msgstr "Názov módu."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/mod/ModFolderModel.cpp:481
msgctxt "ModFolderModel|"
msgid "The version of the mod."
msgstr "Verzia módu."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/mod/ModFolderModel.cpp:483
msgctxt "ModFolderModel|"
msgid "The date and time this mod was last changed (or added)."
msgstr "Dátum a čas, kedy bol mód naposledy zmenený (alebo pridaný)."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ModFolderPage.ui:39
msgctxt "ModFolderPage|"
msgid "Filter:"
msgstr "Filter:"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ModFolderPage.ui:75
msgctxt "ModFolderPage|"
msgid "Actions"
msgstr "Akcie"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ModFolderPage.ui:96
msgctxt "ModFolderPage|"
msgid "&Add"
msgstr "&Pridať"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ModFolderPage.ui:99
msgctxt "ModFolderPage|"
msgid "Add mods"
msgstr "Pridať módy"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ModFolderPage.ui:104
msgctxt "ModFolderPage|"
msgid "&Remove"
msgstr "&Odobrať"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ModFolderPage.ui:107
msgctxt "ModFolderPage|"
msgid "Remove selected mods"
msgstr "Odstrániť vybrané módy"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ModFolderPage.ui:112
msgctxt "ModFolderPage|"
msgid "&Enable"
msgstr "&Povoliť"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ModFolderPage.ui:115
msgctxt "ModFolderPage|"
msgid "Enable selected mods"
msgstr "Povoliť vybrané módy"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ModFolderPage.ui:120
msgctxt "ModFolderPage|"
msgid "&Disable"
msgstr "&Zakázať"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ModFolderPage.ui:123
msgctxt "ModFolderPage|"
msgid "Disable selected mods"
msgstr "Zakázať vybrané módy"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ModFolderPage.ui:128
msgctxt "ModFolderPage|"
msgid "View &Configs"
msgstr "Zobraziť &Konfigurácie"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ModFolderPage.ui:131
msgctxt "ModFolderPage|"
msgid "Open the 'config' folder in the system file manager."
msgstr "Otvoriť adresár 'config' v systémovom prehliadači súborov."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ModFolderPage.ui:136
msgctxt "ModFolderPage|"
msgid "View &Folder"
msgstr "Zobrazit &zložku"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ModFolderPage.cpp:191
msgctxt "ModFolderPage|"
msgid "Context menu"
msgstr "Kontextové menu"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ModFolderPage.cpp:304
#, qt-format
msgctxt "ModFolderPage|Select whatever type of files the page contains. Example: 'Loader Mods'"
msgid "Select %1"
msgstr "Zvoliť %1"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/launch/ModMinecraftJar.cpp:36
msgctxt "ModMinecraftJar|"
msgid "Couldn't create the bin folder for Minecraft.jar"
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa vytvoriť adresár bin pre Minecraft.jar"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/launch/ModMinecraftJar.cpp:42
#, qt-format
msgctxt "ModMinecraftJar|"
msgid "Couldn't remove stale jar file: %1"
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa vymazať zatuhnutý súbor jar: %1"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/launch/ModMinecraftJar.cpp:57
msgctxt "ModMinecraftJar|"
msgid "Failed to create the custom Minecraft jar file."
msgstr "Zlyhalo vytvorenie vlastného Minecraft jar súboru."
#: src/launcher/modplatform/modrinth/ModrinthInstanceExportTask.cpp:28
msgctxt "Modrinth::InstanceExportTask|"
msgid "Finding files to look up on Modrinth..."
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/modplatform/modrinth/ModrinthInstanceExportTask.cpp:78
msgctxt "Modrinth::InstanceExportTask|"
msgid "Modrinth pack export"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/modplatform/modrinth/ModrinthInstanceExportTask.cpp:113
msgctxt "Modrinth::InstanceExportTask|"
msgid "Looking up files on Modrinth..."
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/modplatform/modrinth/ModrinthInstanceExportTask.cpp:118
msgctxt "Modrinth::InstanceExportTask|"
msgid "Creating modpack metadata..."
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/modplatform/modrinth/ModrinthInstanceExportTask.cpp:197
msgctxt "Modrinth::InstanceExportTask|"
msgid "Copying files to modpack..."
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/modplatform/modrinth/ModrinthInstanceExportTask.cpp:211
#, qt-format
msgctxt "Modrinth::InstanceExportTask|"
msgid "Failed to copy file %1 to overrides"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/modplatform/modrinth/ModrinthInstanceExportTask.cpp:228
msgctxt "Modrinth::InstanceExportTask|"
msgid "Zipping modpack..."
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/modplatform/modrinth/ModrinthInstanceExportTask.cpp:230
msgctxt "Modrinth::InstanceExportTask|"
msgid "Failed to create zip file"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/modplatform/modrinth/ModrinthInstanceExportTask.cpp:234
msgctxt "Modrinth::InstanceExportTask|"
msgid "Failed to create temporary directory"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ModrinthExportDialog.ui:20
msgctxt "ModrinthExportDialog|"
msgid "ModrinthExportDialog"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ModrinthExportDialog.ui:41
msgctxt "ModrinthExportDialog|"
msgid "Export Modrinth modpack"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ModrinthExportDialog.ui:54
msgctxt "ModrinthExportDialog|"
msgid "Metadata"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ModrinthExportDialog.ui:71
msgctxt "ModrinthExportDialog|"
msgid "Name"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ModrinthExportDialog.ui:81
msgctxt "ModrinthExportDialog|"
msgid "Version"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ModrinthExportDialog.ui:88
msgctxt "ModrinthExportDialog|"
msgid "Description"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ModrinthExportDialog.ui:107
msgctxt "ModrinthExportDialog|"
msgid "Export Options"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ModrinthExportDialog.ui:127
msgctxt "ModrinthExportDialog|"
msgid "File"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ModrinthExportDialog.ui:137
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ModrinthExportDialog.ui:195
msgctxt "ModrinthExportDialog|"
msgid "Browse..."
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ModrinthExportDialog.ui:146
msgctxt "ModrinthExportDialog|"
msgid "Include Minecraft config"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ModrinthExportDialog.ui:156
msgctxt "ModrinthExportDialog|"
msgid "Include mod configs"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ModrinthExportDialog.ui:166
msgctxt "ModrinthExportDialog|"
msgid "Include resource packs"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ModrinthExportDialog.ui:173
msgctxt "ModrinthExportDialog|"
msgid "Include shader packs"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ModrinthExportDialog.ui:182
msgctxt "ModrinthExportDialog|"
msgid "Use this if your modpack contains a mod which adds global datapacks."
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ModrinthExportDialog.ui:185
msgctxt "ModrinthExportDialog|"
msgid "Include global datapacks folder:"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ModrinthExportDialog.cpp:45
msgctxt "ModrinthExportDialog|"
msgid "Select modpack file"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ModrinthExportDialog.cpp:61
msgctxt "ModrinthExportDialog|"
msgid "Select global datapacks folder"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ModrinthExportDialog.cpp:97
msgctxt "ModrinthExportDialog|"
msgid "Warning"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ModrinthExportDialog.cpp:98
#, qt-format
msgctxt "ModrinthExportDialog|"
msgid "Instance contains a custom component: %1\n"
"This cannot be exported to a Modrinth pack; the exported pack may not work correctly!"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ModrinthExportDialog.cpp:122
msgctxt "ModrinthExportDialog|"
msgid "Error"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ModrinthExportDialog.cpp:129
msgctxt "ModrinthExportDialog|"
msgid "Warnings"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ModrinthExportDialog.cpp:133
msgctxt "ModrinthExportDialog|"
msgid "Abort"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/modrinth/ModrinthPage.ui:19
msgctxt "ModrinthPage|"
msgid "Search and filter ..."
msgstr "Vyhľadať a zoradiť..."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/modrinth/ModrinthPage.ui:26
msgctxt "ModrinthPage|"
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Hľadať"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/modrinth/ModrinthPage.ui:73
msgctxt "ModrinthPage|"
msgid "Version selected:"
msgstr "Zvolená verzia:"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/modrinth/ModrinthPage.h:47
msgctxt "ModrinthPage|"
msgid "Modrinth"
msgstr "Modrinth"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/modrinth/ModrinthPage.cpp:39
msgctxt "ModrinthPage|"
msgid "Sort by relevance"
msgstr "Usporiadať podľa relevancie"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/modrinth/ModrinthPage.cpp:40
msgctxt "ModrinthPage|"
msgid "Sort by total downloads"
msgstr "Usporiadať podľa počtu stiahnutí"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/modrinth/ModrinthPage.cpp:41
msgctxt "ModrinthPage|"
msgid "Sort by follow count"
msgstr "Usporiadať podľa počtu sledovaní"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/modrinth/ModrinthPage.cpp:42
msgctxt "ModrinthPage|"
msgid "Sort by creation date"
msgstr "Usporiadať podľa dátumu vytvorenia"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/modrinth/ModrinthPage.cpp:43
msgctxt "ModrinthPage|"
msgid "Sort by last updated"
msgstr "Usporiadať podľa najaktuálnejšej"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/modrinth/ModrinthPage.cpp:158
msgctxt "ModrinthPage|"
msgid "Failed to get Modrinth modpack details..."
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa získať detaily o Modrinth modpacku..."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/modrinth/ModrinthPage.cpp:162
msgctxt "ModrinthPage|"
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Načítava sa..."
#: src/launcher/net/NetJob.cpp:128
#, qt-format
msgctxt "NetJob|"
msgid "Job '%1' failed to process:\n"
msgstr "Úloha '%1' zlyhala:\n"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/NewComponentDialog.ui:17
msgctxt "NewComponentDialog|"
msgid "Add Empty Component"
msgstr "Pridať prázdny komponent"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/NewComponentDialog.ui:30
msgctxt "NewComponentDialog|"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Názov"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/NewComponentDialog.ui:37
msgctxt "NewComponentDialog|"
msgid "uid"
msgstr "uid"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/NewInstanceDialog.ui:17
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/NewInstanceDialog.cpp:144
msgctxt "NewInstanceDialog|"
msgid "New Instance"
msgstr "Nová inštancia"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/NewInstanceDialog.ui:42
msgctxt "NewInstanceDialog|"
msgid "&Name:"
msgstr "&Názov:"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/NewInstanceDialog.ui:52
msgctxt "NewInstanceDialog|"
msgid "&Group:"
msgstr "&Skupina:"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/NewInstanceDialog.ui:72
msgctxt "NewInstanceDialog|"
msgid "Reset"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/NewInstanceDialog.cpp:69
msgctxt "NewInstanceDialog|"
msgid "No group"
msgstr "Bez skupiny"
#: src/launcher/news/NewsChecker.cpp:98
#, qt-format
msgctxt "NewsChecker|"
msgid "Failed to load news RSS feed:\n"
msgstr "Zlyhalo načítanie noviniek z RSS feedu:\n"
#: src/launcher/news/NewsEntry.cpp:24 src/launcher/news/NewsEntry.cpp:60
msgctxt "NewsEntry|"
msgid "Untitled"
msgstr "Nepomenované"
#: src/launcher/news/NewsEntry.cpp:25 src/launcher/news/NewsEntry.cpp:61
msgctxt "NewsEntry|"
msgid "No content."
msgstr "Bez obsahu."
#: src/launcher/news/NewsEntry.cpp:27 src/launcher/news/NewsEntry.cpp:63
msgctxt "NewsEntry|"
msgid "Unknown Author"
msgstr "Neznámy autor"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/NotesPage.h:38
msgctxt "NotesPage|"
msgid "Notes"
msgstr "Poznámky"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/NotificationDialog.ui:14
msgctxt "NotificationDialog|"
msgid "Notification"
msgstr "Upozornenia"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/NotificationDialog.ui:65
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/NotificationDialog.cpp:30
msgctxt "NotificationDialog|"
msgid "Don't show again"
msgstr "Opäť nezobrazovať"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/NotificationDialog.ui:75
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/NotificationDialog.cpp:31
msgctxt "NotificationDialog|"
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Zatvoriť"
#: src/launcher/NullInstance.h:20
msgctxt "NullInstance|"
msgid "Unknown instance type"
msgstr "Neznámy typ inštancie"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/OtherLogsPage.ui:42
msgctxt "OtherLogsPage|"
msgid "Find"
msgstr "Nájsť"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/OtherLogsPage.ui:67
msgctxt "OtherLogsPage|"
msgid "Copy the whole log into the clipboard"
msgstr "Kopírovať celý log do clipboardu"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/OtherLogsPage.ui:70
msgctxt "OtherLogsPage|"
msgid "&Copy"
msgstr "&Kopírovať"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/OtherLogsPage.ui:77
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/OtherLogsPage.ui:97
msgctxt "OtherLogsPage|"
msgid "Clear the log"
msgstr "Vyčistiť log"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/OtherLogsPage.ui:80
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/OtherLogsPage.cpp:210
msgctxt "OtherLogsPage|"
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Vymazať"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/OtherLogsPage.ui:87
msgctxt "OtherLogsPage|"
msgid "Upload the log to paste.ee - it will stay online for a month"
msgstr "Odošlite log na paste.ee - zostane prístupný online jeden mesiac"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/OtherLogsPage.ui:90
msgctxt "OtherLogsPage|"
msgid "Upload"
msgstr "Odoslať"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/OtherLogsPage.ui:100
msgctxt "OtherLogsPage|"
msgid "Clean"
msgstr "Vyčistiť"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/OtherLogsPage.ui:107
msgctxt "OtherLogsPage|"
msgid "Reload"
msgstr "Znovanačítať"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/OtherLogsPage.ui:126
msgctxt "OtherLogsPage|"
msgid "Search:"
msgstr "Hľadať:"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/OtherLogsPage.cpp:127
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/OtherLogsPage.cpp:219
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/OtherLogsPage.cpp:266
msgctxt "OtherLogsPage|"
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Chyba"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/OtherLogsPage.cpp:127
#, qt-format
msgctxt "OtherLogsPage|"
msgid "Unable to open %1 for reading: %2"
msgstr "Nie je možné otvoriť %1 na čítanie: %2"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/OtherLogsPage.cpp:148
#, qt-format
msgctxt "OtherLogsPage|"
msgid "The file (%1) is too big. You may want to open it in a viewer optimized for large files."
msgstr "Súbor (%1) je príliš veľký. Možno by ste ho mali otvoriť v prehladači optimalizovanom na prehliadanie veľkých súborov."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/OtherLogsPage.cpp:163
#, qt-format
msgctxt "OtherLogsPage|"
msgid "The file (%1) is not readable."
msgstr "Súbor (%1) nie je čitateľný."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/OtherLogsPage.cpp:185
msgctxt "OtherLogsPage|"
msgid "Log upload"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/OtherLogsPage.cpp:186
msgctxt "OtherLogsPage|"
msgid "Are you sure you want to upload a log file?"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/OtherLogsPage.cpp:211
#, qt-format
msgctxt "OtherLogsPage|"
msgid "Do you really want to delete %1?"
msgstr "Naozaj chcete vymazať %1?"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/OtherLogsPage.cpp:219
#, qt-format
msgctxt "OtherLogsPage|"
msgid "Unable to delete %1: %2"
msgstr "Nie je možné vymazať %1: %2"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/OtherLogsPage.cpp:234
msgctxt "OtherLogsPage|"
msgid "Clean up"
msgstr "Vyčistiť"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/OtherLogsPage.cpp:237
msgctxt "OtherLogsPage|"
msgid "Do you really want to delete all log files?"
msgstr "Naozaj chcete vymazať všetky súbory log?"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/OtherLogsPage.cpp:242
#, qt-format
msgctxt "OtherLogsPage|"
msgid "Do you really want to delete these files?\n"
msgstr "Naozaj chcete vymazať tieto súbory?\n"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/OtherLogsPage.cpp:269
msgctxt "OtherLogsPage|"
msgid "Couldn't delete some files!"
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa vymazať niektoré súbory!"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/OtherLogsPage.cpp:274
#, qt-format
msgctxt "OtherLogsPage|"
msgid "Couldn't delete some files:\n"
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa vymazať niektoré súbory:\n"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/OtherLogsPage.h:45
msgctxt "OtherLogsPage|"
msgid "Other logs"
msgstr "Iné logy"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/PackProfile.cpp:853
msgctxt "PackProfile|"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Názov"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/PackProfile.cpp:855
msgctxt "PackProfile|"
msgid "Version"
msgstr "Verzia"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/PasteEEPage.ui:39
msgctxt "PasteEEPage|"
msgid "paste.ee API key"
msgstr "paste.ee API kľúč"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/PasteEEPage.ui:45
msgctxt "PasteEEPage|"
msgid "MultiMC key - 12MB &upload limit"
msgstr "MultiMC klúč - limit odosielania 12MB"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/PasteEEPage.ui:55
msgctxt "PasteEEPage|"
msgid "&Your own key - 12MB upload limit:"
msgstr "Váš vlastný klúč - limit odosielania 12MB:"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/PasteEEPage.ui:68
msgctxt "PasteEEPage|"
msgid "Paste your API key here!"
msgstr "Vložte svoj API klúč sem!"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/PasteEEPage.ui:82
msgctxt "PasteEEPage|"
msgid "<html><head/><body><p><a href=\"https://paste.ee\">paste.ee</a> is used by MultiMC for log uploads. If you have a <a href=\"https://paste.ee\">paste.ee</a> account, you can add your API key here and have your uploaded logs paired with your account.</p></body></html>"
msgstr "<html><head/><body><p><a href=\"https://paste.ee\">paste.ee</a> je používaný MultiMC na odosielanie logov. Ak máte účet <a href=\"https://paste.ee\">paste.ee</a>, môžete pridať svoj API klúč a mať svoje odoslané logy spárované so svojim účtom.</p></body></html>"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/PasteEEPage.h:37
msgctxt "PasteEEPage|"
msgid "Log Upload"
msgstr "Odoslať log"
#: src/launcher/net/PasteUpload.cpp:48
msgctxt "PasteUpload|"
msgid "Uploading to paste.ee"
msgstr "Odosielam do paste.ee"
#: src/launcher/net/PasteUpload.cpp:77
msgctxt "PasteUpload|"
msgid "paste.ee returned an error. Please consult the logs for more information"
msgstr "paste.ee vrátilo chybu. Ďalšie informácie nájdete v logu"
#: src/launcher/launch/steps/PostLaunchCommand.cpp:31
#, qt-format
msgctxt "PostLaunchCommand|"
msgid "Running Post-Launch command: %1"
msgstr "Bežia príkazy po spustení: %1"
#: src/launcher/launch/steps/PostLaunchCommand.cpp:39
#, qt-format
msgctxt "PostLaunchCommand|"
msgid "Post-Launch command failed with code %1.\n\n"
msgstr "Príkaz po spustení skončil s chybou %1.\n\n"
#: src/launcher/launch/steps/PostLaunchCommand.cpp:62
msgctxt "PostLaunchCommand|"
msgid "Post-Launch command ran successfully.\n\n"
msgstr "Príkaz po spustení zbehol v poriadku %1.\n\n"
#: src/launcher/launch/steps/PreLaunchCommand.cpp:32
#, qt-format
msgctxt "PreLaunchCommand|"
msgid "Running Pre-Launch command: %1"
msgstr "Bežia príkazy pred spustením: %1"
#: src/launcher/launch/steps/PreLaunchCommand.cpp:40
#, qt-format
msgctxt "PreLaunchCommand|"
msgid "Pre-Launch command failed with code %1.\n\n"
msgstr "Príkaz pred spustení skončil s chybou %1.\n\n"
#: src/launcher/launch/steps/PreLaunchCommand.cpp:63
msgctxt "PreLaunchCommand|"
msgid "Pre-Launch command ran successfully.\n\n"
msgstr "Príkaz pred spustení zbehol v poriadku %1.\n\n"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ProfileSelectDialog.ui:14
msgctxt "ProfileSelectDialog|"
msgid "Select an Account"
msgstr "Zvoľte účet"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ProfileSelectDialog.ui:20
msgctxt "ProfileSelectDialog|"
msgid "Select a profile."
msgstr "Zvoľte profil."
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ProfileSelectDialog.ui:38
msgctxt "ProfileSelectDialog|"
msgid "Use as default?"
msgstr "Použiť ako východzí?"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ProfileSelectDialog.ui:45
msgctxt "ProfileSelectDialog|"
msgid "Use as default for this instance only?"
msgstr "Použiť ako východzí iba pre túto inštanciu?"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ProfileSelectDialog.cpp:41
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ProfileSelectDialog.cpp:45
msgctxt "ProfileSelectDialog|"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Názov"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ProfileSelectDialog.cpp:53
#, qt-format
msgctxt "ProfileSelectDialog|"
msgid "%1 (in use)"
msgstr "%1 (používa sa)"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ProfileSetupDialog.ui:14
msgctxt "ProfileSetupDialog|"
msgid "Choose Minecraft name"
msgstr "Vybrať si meno Minecraft"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ProfileSetupDialog.ui:26
msgctxt "ProfileSetupDialog|"
msgid "You just need to take one more step to be able to play Minecraft on this account.\n\n"
"Choose your name carefully:"
msgstr "Je potrebný ešte jeden krok aby ste mohli hrať Minecraft na tomto účte.\n\n"
"Pozorne si vyber meno:"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ProfileSetupDialog.cpp:104
msgctxt "ProfileSetupDialog|"
msgid "Name is too short - must be between 3 and 16 characters long."
msgstr "Meno je príliš krátke – musí mať 3-16 znakov."
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ProfileSetupDialog.cpp:164
#, qt-format
msgctxt "ProfileSetupDialog|"
msgid "Minecraft profile with name %1 already exists."
msgstr "Profil Minecraft s menom %1 už existuje."
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ProfileSetupDialog.cpp:167
#, qt-format
msgctxt "ProfileSetupDialog|"
msgid "The name %1 is not allowed."
msgstr "Názov %1 nie je povolený."
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ProfileSetupDialog.cpp:170
#, qt-format
msgctxt "ProfileSetupDialog|"
msgid "Unhandled profile name status: %1"
msgstr "Nespracovaný stav názvu profilu: %1"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ProfileSetupDialog.cpp:174
msgctxt "ProfileSetupDialog|"
msgid "Failed to check name availability."
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa skontrolovať dostupnosť mena."
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ProfileSetupDialog.cpp:251
msgctxt "ProfileSetupDialog|"
msgid "The server returned the following error:"
msgstr "Server vrátil nasledovnú chybu:"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ProgressDialog.ui:26
msgctxt "ProgressDialog|"
msgid "Please wait..."
msgstr "Prosím čakajte..."
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ProgressDialog.ui:32
msgctxt "ProgressDialog|"
msgid "Task Status..."
msgstr "Stav úlohy..."
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/ProgressDialog.ui:58
msgctxt "ProgressDialog|"
msgid "Skip"
msgstr "Prekočiť"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ProxyPage.ui:42
msgctxt "ProxyPage|"
msgid "This only applies to the launcher. Minecraft does not accept proxy settings."
msgstr "Toto platí iba pre spúšťač. Minecraft neakceptuje nastavenia proxy."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ProxyPage.ui:55
msgctxt "ProxyPage|"
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Typ"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ProxyPage.ui:61
msgctxt "ProxyPage|"
msgid "Uses your system's default proxy settings."
msgstr "Použité vaše východzie nastavenia proxy."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ProxyPage.ui:64
msgctxt "ProxyPage|"
msgid "&Default"
msgstr "&Východzie"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ProxyPage.ui:74
msgctxt "ProxyPage|"
msgid "&None"
msgstr "&Nič"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ProxyPage.ui:84
msgctxt "ProxyPage|"
msgid "SOC&KS5"
msgstr "SOC&KS5"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ProxyPage.ui:94
msgctxt "ProxyPage|"
msgid "H&TTP"
msgstr "H&TTP"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ProxyPage.ui:107
msgctxt "ProxyPage|"
msgid "Address and Port"
msgstr "Adresa a port"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ProxyPage.ui:139
msgctxt "ProxyPage|"
msgid "Authentication"
msgstr "Autentifikácia"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ProxyPage.ui:148
msgctxt "ProxyPage|"
msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Prihlasovacie meno:"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ProxyPage.ui:155
msgctxt "ProxyPage|"
msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Heslo:"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ProxyPage.ui:169
msgctxt "ProxyPage|"
msgid "Note: Proxy username and password are stored in plain text inside the launcher's configuration file!"
msgstr "Upozornenie: Prihlasovacie meno a heslo Proxy sú uložené v nezašifrovanej podobe v konfigurácii spúšťača!"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/global/ProxyPage.h:39
msgctxt "ProxyPage|"
msgid "Proxy"
msgstr "Proxy"
#: src/launcher/ui/themes/DarkTheme.cpp:10
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Dark"
msgstr "Tmavý"
#: src/launcher/ui/themes/SystemTheme.cpp:47
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "System"
msgstr "Systém"
#: src/launcher/ui/themes/BrightTheme.cpp:10
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Bright"
msgstr "Svetlý"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/UpdateDialog.cpp:111
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "<p>There are no code changes between your current version and the latest.</p>"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/UpdateDialog.cpp:115
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "<p>Following commits were added since last update:</p>"
msgstr "<p>Od poslednej aktualizácie boli pridané nasledujúce potvrdenia:</p>"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/UpdateDialog.cpp:122
#, qt-format
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "<p>The update removes %1 commits and adds the following %2:</p>"
msgstr "<p>Aktualizácia vymaže %1 potvrdenia a pridá nasledujúce %2:</p>"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/UpdateDialog.cpp:125
#, qt-format
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "<p>You can <a href=\"%1\">look at the changes on github</a>.</p>"
msgstr "<p>Tu môžete <a href=\"%1\">vidieť zmeny na githube</a>.</p>"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/AboutDialog.cpp:36
msgctxt "QObject|About Credits"
msgid "Original Author"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/AboutDialog.cpp:39
msgctxt "QObject|About Credits"
msgid "Maintainer"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/AboutDialog.cpp:57
msgctxt "QObject|About Credits"
msgid "Patrons"
msgstr "Patróni"
#: src/launcher/ui/MainWindow.cpp:103
#, qt-format
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "%1 (in use)"
msgstr "%1 (používa sa)"
#: src/launcher/ui/GuiUtil.cpp:29 src/launcher/ui/GuiUtil.cpp:40
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Upload failed"
msgstr "Odosielanie zlyhalo"
#: src/launcher/ui/GuiUtil.cpp:30
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "The log file is too big. You'll have to upload it manually."
msgstr "Súbor log je príliš veľký. Odošlite ho manuálne."
#: src/launcher/ui/GuiUtil.cpp:51
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Upload finished"
msgstr "Odosielanie ukončené"
#: src/launcher/ui/GuiUtil.cpp:52
#, qt-format
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "The <a href=\"%1\">link to the uploaded log</a> has been placed in your clipboard."
msgstr "<a href=\"%1\">Linka k odoslanému logu</a> bola uložená do clipboardu."
#: src/launcher/ui/widgets/JavaSettingsWidget.cpp:285
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "The specified file either doesn't exist or is not a proper executable."
msgstr "Špecifikovaný súbor buď neexistuje alebo nie je spustiteľný."
#: src/launcher/ui/widgets/JavaSettingsWidget.cpp:290
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "The specified java binary didn't start properly.<br />"
msgstr "Špecifikovaná java binárka nenaštartovala správne.<br />"
#: src/launcher/ui/widgets/JavaSettingsWidget.cpp:302
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "The specified java binary returned unexpected results:<br />"
msgstr "Špecifikovaná java binárka vrátila neočakávaný výsledok:<br />"
#: src/launcher/ui/widgets/JavaSettingsWidget.cpp:313
#, qt-format
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Java test succeeded!<br />Platform reported: %1<br />Java version reported: %2<br />"
msgstr "Java test úspešný!<br />Nahlásená platforma: %1<br />Nahlásená verzia Javy: %2<br />"
#: src/launcher/ui/widgets/JavaSettingsWidget.cpp:322
#: src/launcher/JavaCommon.cpp:56 src/launcher/JavaCommon.cpp:65
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Java test failure"
msgstr "Java test sa nepodaril"
#: src/launcher/ui/widgets/JavaSettingsWidget.cpp:322
#: src/launcher/JavaCommon.cpp:46
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Java test success"
msgstr "Java test úspešný"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ServersPage.cpp:31
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Minecraft Server"
msgstr "Server Minecraft"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/import_ftb/Model.cpp:264
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Description is missing in the FTB App instance."
msgstr "V inštancii aplikácie FTB chýba popis."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/Component.cpp:249
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Patch is not loaded yet."
msgstr "Záplata sa zatiaľ nenahrala."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/MojangVersionFormat.cpp:154
#, qt-format
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "processArguments is set to unknown value '%1'"
msgstr "procesnýArgument je nastavený na neznámu hodnotu '%1'"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/MojangVersionFormat.cpp:179
#, qt-format
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "The 'minimumLauncherVersion' value of this version (%1) is higher than supported by %3 (%2). It might not work properly!"
msgstr "Hodnota 'minimumLauncherVersion' tejto verzie (%1) je vyššia ako tá podporovaná %3 (%2). Nemusí fungovať správne!"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/MojangVersionFormat.cpp:299
#, qt-format
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Library %1 name is broken and cannot be processed."
msgstr "Názov knižnice %1 je nefunkčný a nemožno ho spracovať."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/PackProfile.cpp:191
#, qt-format
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Invalid component file version, expected %1"
msgstr "Nesprávna verzia súboru komponentu, očakávaná verzia %1"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/OneSixVersionFormat.cpp:162
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Version file has both '+libraries' and 'libraries'. This is no longer supported."
msgstr "Súbor verzie obsahuje '+libraries' a 'libraries'. Toto už viac nie je podporované."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/OneSixVersionFormat.cpp:202
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "URL for the main jar could not be determined - Mojang removed the server that we used as fallback."
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa zistiť URL hlavného jar - Mojang odobral server, ktorý sme používali ako záložný."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/OneSixVersionFormat.cpp:235
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Version file contains unsupported element 'tweakers'"
msgstr "Súbor verzie obsahuje nepodporovaný element 'tweakers'"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/OneSixVersionFormat.cpp:239
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Version file contains unsupported element '-libraries'"
msgstr "Súbor verzie obsahuje nepodporovaný element '-libraries'"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/OneSixVersionFormat.cpp:243
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Version file contains unsupported element '-tweakers'"
msgstr "Súbor verzie obsahuje nepodporovaný element '-tweakers'"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/OneSixVersionFormat.cpp:247
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Version file contains unsupported element '-minecraftArguments'"
msgstr "Súbor verzie obsahuje nepodporovaný element '-minecraftArguments'"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/OneSixVersionFormat.cpp:251
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Version file contains unsupported element '+minecraftArguments'"
msgstr "Súbor verzie obsahuje nepodporovaný element '+minecraftArguments'"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/AssetsUtils.cpp:323
#, qt-format
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Assets for %1"
msgstr "Herné súbory pre %1"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/ProfileUtils.cpp:51
#, qt-format
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Invalid order file version, expected %1"
msgstr "Chybné poradie súboru verzie, očakávané %1"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/ProfileUtils.cpp:96
#: src/launcher/minecraft/ProfileUtils.cpp:149
#, qt-format
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Unable to open the version file %1: %2."
msgstr "Nie je možné otvoriť verziu súboru %1: %2."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/ProfileUtils.cpp:117
#, qt-format
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Unable to process the version file %1: %2 at line %3 column %4."
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa spracovať verziu súboru %1: %2 na riadku %3 v stĺpci %4."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/ProfileUtils.cpp:157
#, qt-format
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Unable to process the version file %1."
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa spracovať verziu súboru %1."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountData.cpp:422
#, qt-format
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "No profile (%1)"
msgstr "Žiadny profil (%1)"
#: src/launcher/UpdateController.cpp:366
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Update failed!"
msgstr "Vylepšenie zlyhalo!"
#: src/launcher/UpdateController.cpp:367
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Rollback failed!"
msgstr "Obnova neúspešná!"
#: src/launcher/UpdateController.cpp:372
#, qt-format
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Couldn't replace file %1. Changes will be reverted.\n"
"See the %2 log file for details."
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa prepísať súbor %1. Zmeny budú vrátené.\n"
"Pre detaily pozrite súbor záznamu %2."
#: src/launcher/UpdateController.cpp:382
#, qt-format
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Couldn't remove file %1. Changes will be reverted.\n"
"See the %2 log file for details."
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa vymazať súbor %1. Zmeny budú vrátené.\n"
"Pre detaily pozrite súbor záznamu %2."
#: src/launcher/UpdateController.cpp:392
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "The new version didn't start or is too old and doesn't respond to startup checks.\n\n"
"Roll back to previous version?"
msgstr "Nová verzia sa nerozbehla alebo je príliš stará a neodpovedá na skúšky pri štarte.\n\n"
"Vrátiť predošlú verziu?"
#: src/launcher/UpdateController.cpp:414
#, qt-format
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "The rollback failed too.\n"
"You will have to repair %1 manually.\n"
"Please let us know why and how this happened."
msgstr "Vrátenie verzie zlyhalo.\n"
"Musíte opraviť %1 manuálne.\n"
"Prosím dajte nám vedieť prečo a ako sa toto stalo."
#: src/launcher/MMCTime.cpp:31
#, qt-format
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "%1m %2s"
msgstr "%1m %2s"
#: src/launcher/MMCTime.cpp:35
#, qt-format
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "%1h %2m"
msgstr "%1h %2m"
#: src/launcher/MMCTime.cpp:37
#, qt-format
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "%1d %2h %3m"
msgstr "%1d %2h %3m"
#: src/launcher/JavaCommon.cpp:10
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "You tried to manually set a JVM memory option (using \"-XX:PermSize\", \"-XX-MaxHeapSize\", \"-XX:InitialHeapSize\", \"-Xmx\" or \"-Xms\").\n"
"There are dedicated boxes for these in the settings (Java tab, in the Memory group at the top).\n"
"This message will be displayed until you remove them from the JVM arguments."
msgstr "Pokúšate sa manuálne nastaviť voľby nastavení pamäte JVM (použitím \"-XX:PermSize\", \"-XX-MaxHeapSize\", \"-XX:InitialHeapSize\", \"-Xmx\" or \"-Xms\").\n"
"Na tieto nastavenia sú určené špeciálne polia (záložka Java, v skupine Pamäť na vrchu).\n"
"Táto správa bude zobrazovaná pokiaľ tieto nastavenia nevymažete z JVM argumentov."
#: src/launcher/JavaCommon.cpp:15 src/launcher/JavaCommon.cpp:26
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "JVM arguments warning"
msgstr "Výstraha JVM argumentov"
#: src/launcher/JavaCommon.cpp:22
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "You tried to pass required java version argument to the JVM (using \"-version=xxx\"). This is not safe and will not be allowed.\n"
"This message will be displayed until you remove this from the JVM arguments."
msgstr "Pokúsili ste sa zadať požadovaný argument verzie javy JVM (pomocou \"-version=xxx\"). Toto nie je bezpečné a nebude povolené.\n"
"Toto hlásenie sa bude zobrazovať, kým ho neodstránite z argumentov JVM."
#: src/launcher/JavaCommon.cpp:37
#, qt-format
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Java test succeeded!<br />Platform reported: %1<br />Java version reported: %2<br />Java vendor reported: %3<br />"
msgstr "Java test bol úspešný!<br />Nahlásená platforma: %1<br />Nahlásená verzia Javy: %2<br />Nahlásený Java distribútor: %3<br />"
#: src/launcher/JavaCommon.cpp:44
#, qt-format
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "<br />Warnings:<br /><font color=\"orange\">%1</font>"
msgstr "<br />Výstrahy:<br /><font color=\"orange\">%1</font>"
#: src/launcher/JavaCommon.cpp:54
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "The specified java binary didn't work with the arguments you provided:<br />"
msgstr "Špecifikovaná java binárka nebude pracovať s argumentami, ktoré ste zadali:<br />"
#: src/launcher/JavaCommon.cpp:62
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "The specified java binary didn't work.<br />You should use the auto-detect feature, or set the path to the java executable.<br />"
msgstr "Špecifikovaná java binárka nebude pracovať .<br />Použite auto-detectkciu alebo nastavte cestu k java spúšťaču.<br />"
#: src/launcher/meta/BaseEntity.cpp:120
#, qt-format
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Download of meta file %1"
msgstr "Nahrávanie meta súboru %1"
#: src/launcher/meta/JsonFormat.cpp:140 src/launcher/meta/JsonFormat.cpp:153
#: src/launcher/meta/JsonFormat.cpp:166
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Unknown format version!"
msgstr "Neznámy formát verzie!"
#: src/launcher/tools/JVisualVM.cpp:92 src/launcher/tools/JProfiler.cpp:99
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Empty path"
msgstr "Prázdna cesta"
#: src/launcher/tools/JVisualVM.cpp:98
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Invalid path to JVisualVM"
msgstr "Chybná cesta k JVisualVM"
#: src/launcher/tools/JProfiler.cpp:105 src/launcher/tools/MCEditTool.cpp:37
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Path does not exist"
msgstr "Cesta neexistuje"
#: src/launcher/tools/JProfiler.cpp:110
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Invalid JProfiler install"
msgstr "Chybná inštalácia JProfiler"
#: src/launcher/tools/MCEditTool.cpp:31
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Path is empty"
msgstr "Cesta je prázdna"
#: src/launcher/tools/MCEditTool.cpp:42
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Path does not seem to be a MCEdit path"
msgstr "Táto cesta nevyzerá ako cesta k MCEdit"
#: src/libraries/quazip/quazip/quagzipfile.cpp:60
msgctxt "QuaGzipFile|"
msgid "QIODevice::Append is not supported for GZIP"
msgstr "QIODevice::Pridávanie nie je podporované pre GZIP"
#: src/libraries/quazip/quazip/quagzipfile.cpp:66
msgctxt "QuaGzipFile|"
msgid "Opening gzip for both reading and writing is not supported"
msgstr "Otváranie gzip na súčasné čítanie a písanie nie je podporované"
#: src/libraries/quazip/quazip/quagzipfile.cpp:74
msgctxt "QuaGzipFile|"
msgid "You can open a gzip either for reading or for writing. Which is it?"
msgstr "Môžete otvoriť gzip buď na čítanie, alebo na písanie. Ktoré z toho?"
#: src/libraries/quazip/quazip/quagzipfile.cpp:80
msgctxt "QuaGzipFile|"
msgid "Could not gzopen() file"
msgstr "Nebolo možné gzopen() súbor"
#: src/libraries/quazip/quazip/quaziodevice.cpp:147
msgctxt "QuaZIODevice|"
msgid "QIODevice::Append is not supported for QuaZIODevice"
msgstr "QIODevice::Pridávanie nie je podporované pre QuaZIODevice"
#: src/libraries/quazip/quazip/quaziodevice.cpp:152
msgctxt "QuaZIODevice|"
msgid "QIODevice::ReadWrite is not supported for QuaZIODevice"
msgstr "QIODevice::ČítaniePísanie nie je podporované pre QuaZIODevice"
#: src/libraries/quazip/quazip/quazipfile.cpp:247
#, qt-format
msgctxt "QuaZipFile|"
msgid "ZIP/UNZIP API error %1"
msgstr "ZIP/UNZIP chyba API %1"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/mod/ResourcePackFolderModel.cpp:10
msgctxt "ResourcePackFolderModel|"
msgid "Is the resource pack enabled?"
msgstr "Je resource pack zapnutý?"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/mod/ResourcePackFolderModel.cpp:12
msgctxt "ResourcePackFolderModel|"
msgid "The name of the resource pack."
msgstr "Meno resource packu."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/mod/ResourcePackFolderModel.cpp:14
msgctxt "ResourcePackFolderModel|"
msgid "The version of the resource pack."
msgstr "Verzia resource packu."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/mod/ResourcePackFolderModel.cpp:16
msgctxt "ResourcePackFolderModel|"
msgid "The date and time this resource pack was last changed (or added)."
msgstr "Dátum a čas, kedy bol resource pack naposledy zmenený (alebo pridaný)."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ResourcePackPage.h:12
msgctxt "ResourcePackPage|"
msgid "Resource packs"
msgstr "Zdrojové balíčky"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ScreenshotsPage.ui:41
msgctxt "ScreenshotsPage|"
msgid "Actions"
msgstr "Akcie"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ScreenshotsPage.ui:61
msgctxt "ScreenshotsPage|"
msgid "Upload"
msgstr "Nahrať"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ScreenshotsPage.ui:66
msgctxt "ScreenshotsPage|"
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Vymazať"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ScreenshotsPage.ui:71
msgctxt "ScreenshotsPage|"
msgid "Rename"
msgstr "Premenovať"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ScreenshotsPage.ui:76
msgctxt "ScreenshotsPage|"
msgid "View Folder"
msgstr "Zobraziť priečinok"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ScreenshotsPage.ui:81
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ScreenshotsPage.ui:84
msgctxt "ScreenshotsPage|"
msgid "Copy Image"
msgstr "Skopírovať obrázok"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ScreenshotsPage.ui:89
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ScreenshotsPage.ui:92
msgctxt "ScreenshotsPage|"
msgid "Copy File(s)"
msgstr "Kopírovať súbor(y)"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ScreenshotsPage.h:52
msgctxt "ScreenshotsPage|"
msgid "Screenshots"
msgstr "Snímky obrazovky"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ScreenshotsPage.cpp:280
msgctxt "ScreenshotsPage|"
msgid "Context menu"
msgstr "Kontextové menu"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ScreenshotsPage.cpp:317
msgctxt "ScreenshotsPage|"
msgid "Upload screenshot to imgur.com?"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ScreenshotsPage.cpp:319
#, qt-format
msgctxt "ScreenshotsPage|"
msgid "Upload %1 screenshots to imgur.com?"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ScreenshotsPage.cpp:323
msgctxt "ScreenshotsPage|"
msgid "Upload?"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ScreenshotsPage.cpp:345
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ScreenshotsPage.cpp:385
msgctxt "ScreenshotsPage|"
msgid "Failed to upload screenshots!"
msgstr "Zlyhalo odosielanie snímkov obrazovky!"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ScreenshotsPage.cpp:346
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ScreenshotsPage.cpp:386
msgctxt "ScreenshotsPage|"
msgid "Unknown error"
msgstr "Neznáma chyba"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ScreenshotsPage.cpp:355
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ScreenshotsPage.cpp:397
msgctxt "ScreenshotsPage|"
msgid "Upload finished"
msgstr "Odosielanie ukončené"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ScreenshotsPage.cpp:356
#, qt-format
msgctxt "ScreenshotsPage|"
msgid "The <a href=\"%1\">link to the uploaded screenshot</a> has been placed in your clipboard."
msgstr "<a href=\"%1\">odkaz k nahranému snímku obrazovky</a> bol uložený do schránky."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ScreenshotsPage.cpp:398
#, qt-format
msgctxt "ScreenshotsPage|"
msgid "The <a href=\"%1\">link to the uploaded album</a> has been placed in your clipboard."
msgstr "<a href=\"%1\">Linka k odoslanému albumu</a> bola uložená do clipboardu."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ScreenshotsPage.cpp:444
msgctxt "ScreenshotsPage|"
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "Ste si istý?"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ScreenshotsPage.cpp:444
msgctxt "ScreenshotsPage|"
msgid "This will delete all selected screenshots."
msgstr "Toto vymaže všetky zvolené snímky obrazovky."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ServersPage.cpp:289
msgctxt "ServersModel|"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Názov"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ServersPage.cpp:291
msgctxt "ServersModel|"
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Adresa"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ServersPage.cpp:293
msgctxt "ServersModel|"
msgid "Latency"
msgstr "Odozva"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ServersPage.ui:72
msgctxt "ServersPage|"
msgid "&Name"
msgstr "&Názov"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ServersPage.ui:85
msgctxt "ServersPage|"
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Adresa"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ServersPage.ui:98
msgctxt "ServersPage|"
msgid "Reso&urces"
msgstr "Zdro&je"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ServersPage.ui:109
msgctxt "ServersPage|"
msgid "Ask to download"
msgstr "Opýtať sa pred sťahovaním"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ServersPage.ui:114
msgctxt "ServersPage|"
msgid "Always download"
msgstr "Vždy sťahovať"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ServersPage.ui:119
msgctxt "ServersPage|"
msgid "Never download"
msgstr "Nikdy nesťahovať"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ServersPage.ui:130
msgctxt "ServersPage|"
msgid "Actions"
msgstr "Akcie"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ServersPage.ui:155
msgctxt "ServersPage|"
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Pridať"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ServersPage.ui:160
msgctxt "ServersPage|"
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Odobrať"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ServersPage.ui:165
msgctxt "ServersPage|"
msgid "Move Up"
msgstr "Presunúť nahor"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ServersPage.ui:170
msgctxt "ServersPage|"
msgid "Move Down"
msgstr "Presunúť nadol"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ServersPage.ui:175
msgctxt "ServersPage|"
msgid "Join"
msgstr "Pripojiť"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ServersPage.h:46
msgctxt "ServersPage|"
msgid "Servers"
msgstr "Servery"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ServersPage.cpp:605
msgctxt "ServersPage|"
msgid "Context menu"
msgstr "Kontextové menu"
#: src/launcher/ui/setupwizard/SetupWizard.cpp:30
msgctxt "SetupWizard|"
msgid "&Next >"
msgstr "&Ďalší >"
#: src/launcher/ui/setupwizard/SetupWizard.cpp:31
msgctxt "SetupWizard|"
msgid "< &Back"
msgstr "< &Predchádzajúci"
#: src/launcher/ui/setupwizard/SetupWizard.cpp:32
msgctxt "SetupWizard|"
msgid "&Finish"
msgstr "&Hotovo"
#: src/launcher/ui/setupwizard/SetupWizard.cpp:33
msgctxt "SetupWizard|"
msgid "&Refresh"
msgstr "&Obnoviť"
#: src/launcher/ui/setupwizard/SetupWizard.cpp:34
#, qt-format
msgctxt "SetupWizard|"
msgid "%1 Quick Setup"
msgstr "%1 Rýchle nastavenie"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/ShaderPackPage.h:12
msgctxt "ShaderPackPage|"
msgid "Shader packs"
msgstr "Shader balíky"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/services/SkinDelete.cpp:20
msgctxt "SkinDelete|"
msgid "Deleting skin"
msgstr "Odstraňuje sa skin"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/services/SkinUpload.cpp:45
msgctxt "SkinUpload|"
msgid "Uploading skin"
msgstr "Nahrávanie skinu"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/SkinUploadDialog.ui:14
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/SkinUploadDialog.cpp:43
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/SkinUploadDialog.cpp:55
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/SkinUploadDialog.cpp:71
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/SkinUploadDialog.cpp:93
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/SkinUploadDialog.cpp:97
msgctxt "SkinUploadDialog|"
msgid "Skin Upload"
msgstr "Nahrať skin"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/SkinUploadDialog.ui:20
msgctxt "SkinUploadDialog|"
msgid "Skin File"
msgstr "Súbor skinu"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/SkinUploadDialog.ui:51
msgctxt "SkinUploadDialog|"
msgid "Player Model"
msgstr "Model Hráča"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/SkinUploadDialog.ui:57
msgctxt "SkinUploadDialog|"
msgid "Steve Model"
msgstr "Model Steve"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/SkinUploadDialog.ui:67
msgctxt "SkinUploadDialog|"
msgid "Alex Model"
msgstr "Model Alex"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/SkinUploadDialog.ui:77
msgctxt "SkinUploadDialog|"
msgid "Cape"
msgstr "Plášť"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/SkinUploadDialog.cpp:44
msgctxt "SkinUploadDialog|"
msgid "Using remote URLs for setting skins is not implemented yet."
msgstr "Použitie vzdialených URL adries pre nastavenie skinov nie je implementované."
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/SkinUploadDialog.cpp:56
msgctxt "SkinUploadDialog|"
msgid "You cannot use an invalid URL for uploading skins."
msgstr "Nemôžete použiť neplatnú URL pre nahrávanie skinov."
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/SkinUploadDialog.cpp:71
msgctxt "SkinUploadDialog|"
msgid "Skin file does not exist!"
msgstr "Súbor so skinom neexistuje!"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/SkinUploadDialog.cpp:93
msgctxt "SkinUploadDialog|"
msgid "Failed to upload skin!"
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa nahrať skin!"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/SkinUploadDialog.cpp:97
msgctxt "SkinUploadDialog|"
msgid "Success"
msgstr "Úspech"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/SkinUploadDialog.cpp:103
msgctxt "SkinUploadDialog|"
msgid "Select Skin Texture"
msgstr "Zvoľte textúru skinu"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/SkinUploadDialog.cpp:120
msgctxt "SkinUploadDialog|"
msgid "No Cape"
msgstr "Žiaden plášť"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/technic/SingleZipPackInstallTask.cpp:42
#, qt-format
msgctxt "Technic::SingleZipPackInstallTask|"
msgid "Downloading modpack:\n"
msgstr "Sťahovanie modpacku:\n"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/technic/SingleZipPackInstallTask.cpp:47
msgctxt "Technic::SingleZipPackInstallTask|"
msgid "Modpack download"
msgstr "Stiahnuť modpack"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/technic/SingleZipPackInstallTask.cpp:61
msgctxt "Technic::SingleZipPackInstallTask|"
msgid "Extracting modpack"
msgstr "Rozbaľovanie modpacku"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/technic/SingleZipPackInstallTask.cpp:69
msgctxt "Technic::SingleZipPackInstallTask|"
msgid "Unable to open supplied modpack zip file."
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa otvoriť dodaný zip súbor modpacku."
#: src/launcher/modplatform/technic/SingleZipPackInstallTask.cpp:97
msgctxt "Technic::SingleZipPackInstallTask|"
msgid "Failed to extract modpack"
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa rozbaliť modpack"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/technic/SingleZipPackInstallTask.cpp:124
#, qt-format
msgctxt "Technic::SingleZipPackInstallTask|"
msgid "Could not fix permissions for %1"
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa opraviť povolenia pre %1"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/technic/SingleZipPackInstallTask.cpp:141
msgctxt "Technic::SingleZipPackInstallTask|"
msgid "Instance import has been aborted."
msgstr "Import inštancie bol prerušený."
#: src/launcher/modplatform/technic/SolderPackInstallTask.cpp:49
#: src/launcher/modplatform/technic/SolderPackInstallTask.cpp:51
msgctxt "Technic::SolderPackInstallTask|"
msgid "Resolving modpack files"
msgstr "Hľadanie súborov modpacku"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/technic/SolderPackInstallTask.cpp:63
#: src/launcher/modplatform/technic/SolderPackInstallTask.cpp:87
msgctxt "Technic::SolderPackInstallTask|"
msgid "Downloading modpack"
msgstr "Sťahuje sa modpack"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/technic/SolderPackInstallTask.cpp:79
msgctxt "Technic::SolderPackInstallTask|"
msgid "Could not understand pack manifest:\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/modplatform/technic/SolderPackInstallTask.cpp:115
msgctxt "Technic::SolderPackInstallTask|"
msgid "Extracting modpack"
msgstr "Rozbaľovanie modpacku"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/technic/SolderPackInstallTask.cpp:156
msgctxt "Technic::SolderPackInstallTask|"
msgid "Failed to extract modpack"
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa rozbaliť modpack"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/technic/SolderPackInstallTask.cpp:183
#, qt-format
msgctxt "Technic::SolderPackInstallTask|"
msgid "Could not fix permissions for %1"
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa opraviť povolenia pre %1"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/technic/SolderPackInstallTask.cpp:200
msgctxt "Technic::SolderPackInstallTask|"
msgid "Instance import has been aborted."
msgstr "Import inštancie bol prerušený."
#: src/launcher/modplatform/technic/TechnicPackProcessor.cpp:58
msgctxt "Technic::TechnicPackProcessor|"
msgid "Unable to open \"bin/modpack.jar\" file!"
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa otvoriť súbor \"bin/modpack.jar\"!"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/technic/TechnicPackProcessor.cpp:70
msgctxt "Technic::TechnicPackProcessor|"
msgid "Unable to open \"fmlversion.properties\"!"
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa otvoriť \"fmlversion.properties\"!"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/technic/TechnicPackProcessor.cpp:84
#: src/launcher/modplatform/technic/TechnicPackProcessor.cpp:139
msgctxt "Technic::TechnicPackProcessor|"
msgid "Unable to open \"version.json\"!"
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa otvoriť \"version.json\"!"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/technic/TechnicPackProcessor.cpp:93
msgctxt "Technic::TechnicPackProcessor|"
msgid "Could not find \"version.json\" inside \"bin/modpack.jar\", but minecraft version is unknown"
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa nájsť \"version.json\" vnútri \"bin/modpack.jar\", ale verzia Minecraftu je neznámá"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/technic/TechnicPackProcessor.cpp:107
msgctxt "Technic::TechnicPackProcessor|"
msgid "Unable to open \"forgeversion.properties\""
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa otvoriť \"forgeversion.properties\""
#: src/launcher/modplatform/technic/TechnicPackProcessor.cpp:122
msgctxt "Technic::TechnicPackProcessor|"
msgid "Invalid \"forgeversion.properties\"!"
msgstr "Neplatné \"forgeversion.properties\"!"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/technic/TechnicPackProcessor.cpp:148
msgctxt "Technic::TechnicPackProcessor|"
msgid "Unable to find a \"version.json\"!"
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa nájsť \"version.json\"!"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/technic/TechnicPackProcessor.cpp:161
msgctxt "Technic::TechnicPackProcessor|"
msgid "Could not understand \"version.json\":\n"
"inheritsFrom is missing"
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa porozumieť \"version.json\":\n"
"chýba inheritsFrom"
#: src/launcher/modplatform/technic/TechnicPackProcessor.cpp:206
msgctxt "Technic::TechnicPackProcessor|"
msgid "Could not understand \"version.json\":\n"
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa porozumieť \"version.json\":\n"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/technic/TechnicPage.ui:22
msgctxt "TechnicPage|"
msgid "Version selected:"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/technic/TechnicPage.ui:70
msgctxt "TechnicPage|"
msgid "Search and filter ..."
msgstr "Hľadať a filtrovať ..."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/technic/TechnicPage.ui:77
msgctxt "TechnicPage|"
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Hľadať"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/technic/TechnicPage.cpp:198
msgctxt "TechnicPage|"
msgid " by "
msgstr " od "
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/technic/TechnicPage.h:47
msgctxt "TechnicPage|"
msgid "Technic"
msgstr "Technic"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/mod/TexturePackFolderModel.cpp:10
msgctxt "TexturePackFolderModel|"
msgid "Is the texture pack enabled?"
msgstr "Je texture pack zapnutý?"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/mod/TexturePackFolderModel.cpp:12
msgctxt "TexturePackFolderModel|"
msgid "The name of the texture pack."
msgstr "Meno texture packu."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/mod/TexturePackFolderModel.cpp:14
msgctxt "TexturePackFolderModel|"
msgid "The version of the texture pack."
msgstr "Verzia texture packu."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/mod/TexturePackFolderModel.cpp:16
msgctxt "TexturePackFolderModel|"
msgid "The date and time this texture pack was last changed (or added)."
msgstr "Dátum a čas, kedy bol tento balíček textúr naposledy zmenený (alebo pridaný)."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/TexturePackPage.h:12
msgctxt "TexturePackPage|"
msgid "Texture packs"
msgstr "Balíčky textúr"
#: src/launcher/translations/TranslationsModel.cpp:367
#, qt-format
msgctxt "TranslationsModel|"
msgid "%1:\n"
"%2 translated\n"
"%3 fuzzy\n"
"%4 total"
msgstr "%1:\n"
"%2 preložené\n"
"%3 fuzzy\n"
"%4 celkovo"
#: src/launcher/translations/TranslationsModel.cpp:385
msgctxt "TranslationsModel|"
msgid "Language"
msgstr "Jazyk"
#: src/launcher/translations/TranslationsModel.cpp:389
msgctxt "TranslationsModel|"
msgid "Completeness"
msgstr "Úplnosť"
#: src/launcher/translations/TranslationsModel.cpp:399
msgctxt "TranslationsModel|"
msgid "The native language name."
msgstr "Názov rodného jazyka."
#: src/launcher/translations/TranslationsModel.cpp:403
msgctxt "TranslationsModel|"
msgid "Completeness is the percentage of fully translated strings, not counting automatically guessed ones."
msgstr "Úplnosť je percento úplne preložených reťazcov, ktoré nepočítajú automaticky odhadnuté reťazce."
#: src/launcher/launch/steps/Update.cpp:23
msgctxt "Update|"
msgid "Task aborted."
msgstr "Úloha zrušená."
#: src/launcher/launch/steps/Update.cpp:52
#, qt-format
msgctxt "Update|"
msgid "Instance update failed because: %1\n\n"
msgstr "Vylepšenie inštancie sa nepodarilo z dôvodu: %1\n\n"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/UpdateDialog.ui:14
msgctxt "UpdateDialog|"
msgid "MultiMC Update"
msgstr "Vylepšenie MultiMC"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/UpdateDialog.ui:61
msgctxt "UpdateDialog|"
msgid "Update now"
msgstr "Vylepšiť teraz"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/UpdateDialog.ui:74
msgctxt "UpdateDialog|"
msgid "Don't update yet"
msgstr "Zatiaľ nevylepšiť"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/UpdateDialog.cpp:16
msgctxt "UpdateDialog|"
msgid "A new update is available!"
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/UpdateDialog.cpp:20
msgctxt "UpdateDialog|"
msgid "No updates found. You are running the latest version."
msgstr ""
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/UpdateDialog.cpp:22
msgctxt "UpdateDialog|"
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Zatvoriť"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/UpdateDialog.cpp:24
msgctxt "UpdateDialog|"
msgid "<center><h1>Loading changelog...</h1></center>"
msgstr "<center><h1>Načítavanie zoznamu zmien...</h1></center>"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/UpdateDialog.cpp:154
#, qt-format
msgctxt "UpdateDialog|"
msgid "<p align=\"center\" <span style=\"font-size:22pt;\">Failed to fetch changelog... Error: %1</span></p>"
msgstr "<p align=\"center\" <span style=\"font-size:22pt;\">Nepodarilo sa nahrať zmenový súbor... Chyba: %1</span></p>"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/VanillaPage.ui:41
msgctxt "VanillaPage|"
msgid "Filter"
msgstr "Filter"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/VanillaPage.ui:51
msgctxt "VanillaPage|"
msgid "Releases"
msgstr "Vydania"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/VanillaPage.ui:64
msgctxt "VanillaPage|"
msgid "Snapshots"
msgstr "Snímky"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/VanillaPage.ui:74
msgctxt "VanillaPage|"
msgid "Old Snapshots"
msgstr "Staré snímky"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/VanillaPage.ui:84
msgctxt "VanillaPage|"
msgid "Betas"
msgstr "Beta verzie"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/VanillaPage.ui:94
msgctxt "VanillaPage|"
msgid "Alphas"
msgstr "Alfa verzie"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/VanillaPage.ui:104
msgctxt "VanillaPage|"
msgid "Experiments"
msgstr "Experimenty"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/VanillaPage.ui:127
msgctxt "VanillaPage|"
msgid "Refresh"
msgstr "Obnoviť"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/VanillaPage.h:40
msgctxt "VanillaPage|"
msgid "Vanilla"
msgstr "Vanilla"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/launch/VerifyJavaInstall.cpp:42
msgctxt "VerifyJavaInstall|"
msgid "Minecraft 1.18 Pre Release 2 and above require the use of Java 17"
msgstr "Minecraft 1.18 Pre Release 2 a vyššie vyžadujú Javu 17"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/launch/VerifyJavaInstall.cpp:51
msgctxt "VerifyJavaInstall|"
msgid "Minecraft 21w19a and above require the use of Java 16"
msgstr "Minecraft 21w19a a vyššie vyžadujú Javu 16"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/launch/VerifyJavaInstall.cpp:60
msgctxt "VerifyJavaInstall|"
msgid "Minecraft 17w13a and above require the use of Java 8"
msgstr "Minecrafy 17w13a a vyššie vyžadujú Javu 8"
#: src/launcher/ui/widgets/VersionListView.cpp:26
msgctxt "VersionListView|"
msgid "No versions are currently available."
msgstr "Žiadne verzie nie sú momentálne dostupné."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:60
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Filter:"
msgstr "Filtrovať:"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:82
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Actions"
msgstr "Akcie"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:126
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Change version"
msgstr "Zmeniť verziu"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:129
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Change version of the selected package."
msgstr "Zmeniť verziu zvoleného balíčka."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:134
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Move up"
msgstr "Presunúť nahor"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:137
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Make the selected package apply sooner."
msgstr "Aplikovať zvolený balíček skôr."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:142
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Move down"
msgstr "Presunúť nadol"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:145
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Make the selected package apply later."
msgstr "Aplikovať zvolený balíček neskôr."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:150
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Odobrať"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:153
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Remove selected package from the instance."
msgstr "Vymazať zvolený balíček z inštancie."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:158
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Customize"
msgstr "Upraviť"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:161
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Customize selected package."
msgstr "Upraviť zvolený balíček."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:166
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Upraviť"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:169
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Edit selected package."
msgstr "Upraviť zvolený balíček."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:174
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Revert"
msgstr "Vrátiť"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:177
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Revert the selected package to default."
msgstr "Vrátiť zvolený balíček do východzieho."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:182
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Install Forge"
msgstr "Inštalovať Forge"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:185
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Install the Minecraft Forge package."
msgstr "Inštalovať Minecraft Forge balíček."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:190
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Install Fabric"
msgstr "Inštalovať Fabric"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:193
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Install the Fabric Loader package."
msgstr "Inštalovať balíček s Fabric Loader."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:198
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Install Quilt"
msgstr "Inštalovať Quilt"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:201
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Install the Quilt Loader package."
msgstr "Inštalovať balík Quilt Loader."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:206
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Install LiteLoader"
msgstr "Inštalovať LitleLoader"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:209
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Install the LiteLoader package."
msgstr "Inštalácia LitleLoader balíčka."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:214
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Install mods"
msgstr "Inštalovať módy"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:217
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Install normal mods."
msgstr "Inštalovať normálne módy."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:222
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Add to Minecraft.jar"
msgstr "Pridať do Minecraft.jar"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:225
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Add a mod into the Minecraft jar file."
msgstr "Pridať mód súboru Minecraft jar."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:230
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Replace Minecraft.jar"
msgstr "Nahradiť Minecraft.jar"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:235
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Add Empty"
msgstr "Pridať prázdne"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:238
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Add an empty custom package."
msgstr "Pridať vlastný prázdny balíček."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:243
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Reload"
msgstr "Znova načítať"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:246
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Reload all packages."
msgstr "Znovanahratie všetkých balíčkov."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:251
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Download All"
msgstr "Stiahnuť všetko"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:254
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Download the files needed to launch the instance now."
msgstr "Stiahnuť súbory potrebné pre spustenie inštancie."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:259
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Open .minecraft"
msgstr "Otvoriť .minecraft"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:262
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Open the instance's .minecraft folder."
msgstr "Otvoriť priečinok inštancie .minecraft."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:267
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Open libraries"
msgstr "Otvoriť knižnice"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.ui:270
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Open the instance's local libraries folder."
msgstr "Otvoriť súbor miestnych knižníc inštancie."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:155
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Context menu"
msgstr "Kontextové menu"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:173
#, qt-format
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "%1 possibly has issues."
msgstr "%1 má pravdepodobne problémy."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:176
#, qt-format
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "%1 has issues!"
msgstr "%1 má problémy!"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:190
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Error: "
msgstr "Chyba: "
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:194
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Warning: "
msgstr "Upozornenie: "
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:254
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:260
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:279
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:323
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:336
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:398
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Chyba"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:261
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Couldn't load the instance profile."
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa načítať profil inštancie."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:279
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Couldn't remove file"
msgstr "Súbor sa nepodarilo vymazať"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:297
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Select jar mods"
msgstr "Zvoliť jar módov"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:297
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Minecraft.jar mods (*.zip *.jar)"
msgstr "Minecraft.jar módy (*.zip *.jar)"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:307
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Select jar"
msgstr "Zvoľte jar"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:307
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Minecraft.jar replacement (*.jar)"
msgstr "Prepis Minecraft.jar (*.jar)"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:367
#, qt-format
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Change %1 version"
msgstr "Zmeniť %1 verziu"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:370
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "No intermediary mappings versions are currently available."
msgstr "Momentálne nie sú dostupné žiadne sprostredkujúce mapovania verzií."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:371
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Couldn't load or download the intermediary mappings version lists!"
msgstr "Nie je možné nahrať alebo stiahnuť sprostredkujúce mapovania zoznamu verzií!"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:399
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "MultiMC cannot download Minecraft or update instances unless you have at least one account added.\n"
"Please add your Mojang or Minecraft account."
msgstr "MultiMC nemôže stiahnuť Minecraft alebo vylepšiť inštanciu pokiaľ nemáte pridaný aspoň jeden účet .\n"
"Prosím pridajte Mojang alebo Minecraft účet."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:425
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Select Forge version"
msgstr "Zvoľte verziu Forge"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:427
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "No Forge versions are currently available for Minecraft "
msgstr "Pre Minecraft momentálne nie je k doispozícii žiadna verzia Forge"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:428
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Couldn't load or download the Forge version lists!"
msgstr "Nie je možné nahrať alebo stiahnuť zoznam verzií Forge!"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:454
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Select Fabric Loader version"
msgstr "Zvoľte verziu Fabric Loader"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:455
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "No Fabric Loader versions are currently available."
msgstr "Žiadne verzie Fabric Loadera nie sú momentálne dostupné."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:456
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Couldn't load or download the Fabric Loader version lists!"
msgstr "Nie je možné načítať alebo stiahnuť zoznam verzií Fabric Loader!"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:481
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Select Quilt Loader version"
msgstr "Zvoľte verziu Quilt Loadera"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:482
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "No Quilt Loader versions are currently available."
msgstr "Žiadne verzie Quilt Loadera nie sú momentálne dostupné."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:483
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Couldn't load or download the Quilt Loader version lists!"
msgstr "Nebolo možné načítať alebo stiahnuť zoznamy verzií Quilt Loadera!"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:526
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Select LiteLoader version"
msgstr "Zvoľte verziu LiteLoader"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:528
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "No LiteLoader versions are currently available for Minecraft "
msgstr "Pre Minecraft momentálne nie je k doispozícii žiadna verzia LiteLoader"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:529
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Couldn't load or download the LiteLoader version lists!"
msgstr "Nie je možné nahrať alebo stiahnuť zoznam verzií LiteLoader!"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.cpp:585
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Error updating instance"
msgstr "Chyba pri vylepšovaní inštancie"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/VersionPage.h:38
msgctxt "VersionPage|"
msgid "Version"
msgstr "Verzia"
#: src/launcher/VersionProxyModel.cpp:76
msgctxt "VersionProxyModel|"
msgid "Version"
msgstr "Verzia"
#: src/launcher/VersionProxyModel.cpp:78
msgctxt "VersionProxyModel|"
msgid "Minecraft"
msgstr "Minecraft"
#: src/launcher/VersionProxyModel.cpp:80
msgctxt "VersionProxyModel|"
msgid "Branch"
msgstr "Vetva"
#: src/launcher/VersionProxyModel.cpp:82
msgctxt "VersionProxyModel|"
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Typ"
#: src/launcher/VersionProxyModel.cpp:84
msgctxt "VersionProxyModel|"
msgid "Architecture"
msgstr "Architektúra"
#: src/launcher/VersionProxyModel.cpp:86
msgctxt "VersionProxyModel|"
msgid "Path"
msgstr "Cesta"
#: src/launcher/VersionProxyModel.cpp:88
msgctxt "VersionProxyModel|"
msgid "Released"
msgstr "Poblikované"
#: src/launcher/VersionProxyModel.cpp:96
msgctxt "VersionProxyModel|"
msgid "The name of the version."
msgstr "Názov verzie."
#: src/launcher/VersionProxyModel.cpp:98
msgctxt "VersionProxyModel|"
msgid "Minecraft version"
msgstr "Verzia Minecraftu"
#: src/launcher/VersionProxyModel.cpp:100
msgctxt "VersionProxyModel|"
msgid "The version's branch"
msgstr "Vetva verzie"
#: src/launcher/VersionProxyModel.cpp:102
msgctxt "VersionProxyModel|"
msgid "The version's type"
msgstr "Typ verzie"
#: src/launcher/VersionProxyModel.cpp:104
msgctxt "VersionProxyModel|"
msgid "CPU Architecture"
msgstr "Architektúra CPU"
#: src/launcher/VersionProxyModel.cpp:106
msgctxt "VersionProxyModel|"
msgid "Filesystem path to this version"
msgstr "Systémová cesta k tejto verzii"
#: src/launcher/VersionProxyModel.cpp:108
msgctxt "VersionProxyModel|"
msgid "Release date of this version"
msgstr "Dátum vydania tejto verzie"
#: src/launcher/VersionProxyModel.cpp:133
#, qt-format
msgctxt "VersionProxyModel|"
msgid "%1 (installed)"
msgstr "%1 (inštalované)"
#: src/launcher/VersionProxyModel.cpp:164
msgctxt "VersionProxyModel|"
msgid "Recommended"
msgstr "Odporúčané"
#: src/launcher/VersionProxyModel.cpp:171
#: src/launcher/VersionProxyModel.cpp:176
msgctxt "VersionProxyModel|"
msgid "Latest"
msgstr "Posledné"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/VersionSelectDialog.cpp:81
msgctxt "VersionSelectDialog|"
msgid "Choose Version"
msgstr "Zvoľte veziu"
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/VersionSelectDialog.cpp:82
msgctxt "VersionSelectDialog|"
msgid "Reloads the version list."
msgstr "Znovunačítať zoznam verzií."
#: src/launcher/ui/dialogs/VersionSelectDialog.cpp:83
msgctxt "VersionSelectDialog|"
msgid "&Refresh"
msgstr "&Obnoviť"
#: src/launcher/ui/widgets/VersionSelectWidget.cpp:128
msgctxt "VersionSelectWidget|"
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Chyba"
#: src/launcher/ui/widgets/VersionSelectWidget.cpp:128
#, qt-format
msgctxt "VersionSelectWidget|"
msgid "List update failed:\n"
msgstr "Zlyhal zoznam vylepšení:\n"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/WorldList.cpp:227
msgctxt "WorldList|"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Názov"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/WorldList.cpp:229
msgctxt "WorldList|"
msgid "Game Mode"
msgstr "Herný mód"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/WorldList.cpp:231
msgctxt "WorldList|"
msgid "Last Played"
msgstr "Naposledy hrané"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/WorldList.cpp:240
msgctxt "WorldList|"
msgid "The name of the world."
msgstr "Názov sveta."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/WorldList.cpp:242
msgctxt "WorldList|"
msgid "Game mode of the world."
msgstr "Herný mód sveta."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/WorldList.cpp:244
msgctxt "WorldList|"
msgid "Date and time the world was last played."
msgstr "Dátum a čas kedy bol svet naposledy hraný."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/WorldListPage.ui:65
msgctxt "WorldListPage|"
msgid "Actions"
msgstr "Akcie"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/WorldListPage.ui:97
msgctxt "WorldListPage|"
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Pridať"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/WorldListPage.ui:102
msgctxt "WorldListPage|"
msgid "Rename"
msgstr "Premenovať"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/WorldListPage.ui:107
msgctxt "WorldListPage|"
msgid "Copy"
msgstr "Kopírovať"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/WorldListPage.ui:112
msgctxt "WorldListPage|"
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Vymazať"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/WorldListPage.ui:117
msgctxt "WorldListPage|"
msgid "MCEdit"
msgstr "MCEdit"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/WorldListPage.ui:122
msgctxt "WorldListPage|"
msgid "Copy Seed"
msgstr "Kopírovať Seed"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/WorldListPage.ui:127
msgctxt "WorldListPage|"
msgid "Refresh"
msgstr "Obnoviť"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/WorldListPage.ui:132
msgctxt "WorldListPage|"
msgid "View Folder"
msgstr "Zobraziť priečinok"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/WorldListPage.ui:137
msgctxt "WorldListPage|"
msgid "Reset Icon"
msgstr "Obnoviť ikonu"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/WorldListPage.ui:140
msgctxt "WorldListPage|"
msgid "Remove world icon to make the game re-generate it on next load."
msgstr "Odstrániť ikonu sveta, aby ju hra znovu vygenerovala pri jeho ďalšom načítaní."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/WorldListPage.ui:145
msgctxt "WorldListPage|"
msgid "Datapacks"
msgstr "Dátové balíčky"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/WorldListPage.ui:148
msgctxt "WorldListPage|"
msgid "Manage datapacks inside the world."
msgstr "Spravovať dátové balíčky sveta."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/WorldListPage.h:45
msgctxt "WorldListPage|"
msgid "Worlds"
msgstr "Svety"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/WorldListPage.cpp:108
msgctxt "WorldListPage|"
msgid "Context menu"
msgstr "Kontextové menu"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/WorldListPage.cpp:158
msgctxt "WorldListPage|"
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "Ste si istý?"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/WorldListPage.cpp:159
msgctxt "WorldListPage|"
msgid "This will remove the selected world permenantly.\n"
"The world will be gone forever (A LONG TIME).\n\n"
"Do you want to continue?"
msgstr "Týmto sa vymaže zvolený svet navždy.\n"
"Tento svet bude vymazaný navždy (Veeeeľmi dlhý čas).\n\n"
"Naozaj chceš pokračovať?"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/WorldListPage.cpp:270
msgctxt "WorldListPage|"
msgid "No MCEdit found or set up!"
msgstr "MCEdit nenájdený alebo nie je nastavený!"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/WorldListPage.cpp:271
msgctxt "WorldListPage|"
msgid "You do not have MCEdit set up or it was moved.\n"
"You can set it up in the global settings."
msgstr "Nemáš nastavený MCEdit alebo sa presunul inam.\n"
"Môžeš ho nastaviť v globálnych nastaveniach."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/WorldListPage.cpp:280
msgctxt "WorldListPage|"
msgid "MCEdit failed to start!"
msgstr "Štart MCEdit sa nepodaril!"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/WorldListPage.cpp:281
msgctxt "WorldListPage|"
msgid "MCEdit failed to start.\n"
"It may be necessary to reinstall it."
msgstr "Štart MCEdit sa nepodaril.\n"
"Može byť nutná reinštalácia."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/WorldListPage.cpp:330
msgctxt "WorldListPage|"
msgid "Select a Minecraft world zip"
msgstr "Zvoľte zip súbor Minecraft sveta"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/WorldListPage.cpp:331
msgctxt "WorldListPage|"
msgid "Minecraft World Zip File (*.zip)"
msgstr "Súbor zip Minecraft sveta (*.zip)"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/WorldListPage.cpp:352
msgctxt "WorldListPage|"
msgid "Copy World"
msgstr "Kopírovať svet"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/WorldListPage.cpp:352
msgctxt "WorldListPage|"
msgid "Changing a world while Minecraft is running is potentially unsafe.\n"
"Do you wish to proceed?"
msgstr "Menenie sveta pokiaľ Minecraft beží je potencionálne nebezpečné.\n"
"Chcete pokračovať?"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/WorldListPage.cpp:376
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/WorldListPage.cpp:399
msgctxt "WorldListPage|"
msgid "World name"
msgstr "Názov sveta"
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/WorldListPage.cpp:376
msgctxt "WorldListPage|"
msgid "Enter a new name for the copy."
msgstr "Zadajte nový názov pre kópiu."
#: src/launcher/ui/pages/instance/WorldListPage.cpp:399
msgctxt "WorldListPage|"
msgid "Enter a new world name."
msgstr "Zadajte nový názov sveta."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/XboxAuthorizationStep.cpp:21
#, qt-format
msgctxt "XboxAuthorizationStep|"
msgid "Getting authorization to access %1 services."
msgstr "Získavanie oprávnení na prístup k službám %1."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/XboxAuthorizationStep.cpp:68
#, qt-format
msgctxt "XboxAuthorizationStep|"
msgid "Failed to get authorization for %1 services. Error %2."
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa overiť %1 služby. Chyba %2."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/XboxAuthorizationStep.cpp:78
#, qt-format
msgctxt "XboxAuthorizationStep|"
msgid "Could not parse authorization response for access to %1 services."
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa analyzovať autorizačnú odpoveď pre prístup k službám %1."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/XboxAuthorizationStep.cpp:86
#, qt-format
msgctxt "XboxAuthorizationStep|"
msgid "Server has changed %1 authorization user hash in the reply. Something is wrong."
msgstr "Server zmenil hash používateľa %1 autorizácie v odpovedi. Niečo nie je v poriadku."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/XboxAuthorizationStep.cpp:93
#, qt-format
msgctxt "XboxAuthorizationStep|"
msgid "Got authorization to access %1"
msgstr "Získané oprávnenie na prístup k %1"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/XboxAuthorizationStep.cpp:109
#, qt-format
msgctxt "XboxAuthorizationStep|"
msgid "Cannot parse %1 authorization error response as JSON: %2"
msgstr "Nie je možné analyzovať chybovú odpoveď autorizácie %1 ako JSON: %2"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/XboxAuthorizationStep.cpp:119
#, qt-format
msgctxt "XboxAuthorizationStep|"
msgid "XErr element is missing from %1 authorization error response."
msgstr "V odpovedi na chybu autorizácie %1 chýba prvok XErr."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/XboxAuthorizationStep.cpp:127
#, qt-format
msgctxt "XboxAuthorizationStep|"
msgid "This Microsoft account does not have an XBox Live profile. Buy the game on %1 first."
msgstr "Toto Microsoft konto nemá profil XBox Live. Najskôr si hru zakúpte na %1."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/XboxAuthorizationStep.cpp:136
msgctxt "XboxAuthorizationStep|"
msgid "XBox Live is not available in your country. You've been blocked."
msgstr "Xbox Live nie je dostupný v tvojej krajine. Boli si zablokovaný."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/XboxAuthorizationStep.cpp:143
#, qt-format
msgctxt "XboxAuthorizationStep|"
msgid "This Microsoft account is underaged and is not linked to a family.\n\n"
"Please set up your account according to %1."
msgstr "Tento Microsoft účet je účet neplnoletého a nie je priradený k rodine.\n\n"
"Prosím, nastavte si svoj účet podľa %1."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/XboxAuthorizationStep.cpp:151
#, qt-format
msgctxt "XboxAuthorizationStep|"
msgid "XSTS authentication ended with unrecognized error(s):\n\n"
msgstr "Overovanie XSTS skončilo s nerozpoznanou chybou (chybami):\n\n"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/XboxProfileStep.cpp:17
msgctxt "XboxProfileStep|"
msgid "Fetching Xbox profile."
msgstr "Získavanie Xbox profilu."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/XboxProfileStep.cpp:63
msgctxt "XboxProfileStep|"
msgid "Failed to retrieve the Xbox profile."
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa získať Xbox profil."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/XboxProfileStep.cpp:72
msgctxt "XboxProfileStep|"
msgid "Got Xbox profile"
msgstr "Xbox profil získaný"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/XboxUserStep.cpp:15
msgctxt "XboxUserStep|"
msgid "Logging in as an Xbox user."
msgstr "Prihlasuje sa ako Xbox použivaťeľ."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/XboxUserStep.cpp:56
msgctxt "XboxUserStep|"
msgid "XBox user authentication failed."
msgstr "Overovanie používateľa XBox zlyhalo."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/XboxUserStep.cpp:63
msgctxt "XboxUserStep|"
msgid "XBox user authentication response could not be understood."
msgstr "Odpovedi overovania používateľa XBox sa nepodarilo porozumieť."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/XboxUserStep.cpp:67
msgctxt "XboxUserStep|"
msgid "Got Xbox user token"
msgstr "Získaný token Xbox používateľa"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/Yggdrasil.cpp:188
msgctxt "Yggdrasil|"
msgid "Authentication server didn't send a client token."
msgstr "Overovací server neposlal token klienta."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/Yggdrasil.cpp:195
msgctxt "Yggdrasil|"
msgid "Authentication server attempted to change the client token. This isn't supported."
msgstr "Overovací server sa pokúsil zmeniť token klienta. Toto nie je podporované."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/Yggdrasil.cpp:204
msgctxt "Yggdrasil|"
msgid "Authentication server didn't send an access token."
msgstr "Overovací server neposlal prístupový token."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/Yggdrasil.cpp:226
msgctxt "Yggdrasil|"
msgid "Authentication operation timed out."
msgstr "Čas na operáciu overovania vypršal."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/Yggdrasil.cpp:229
msgctxt "Yggdrasil|"
msgid "Authentication operation cancelled."
msgstr "Operácia overovania bola zrušená."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/Yggdrasil.cpp:234
msgctxt "Yggdrasil|"
msgid "<b>SSL Handshake failed.</b><br/>There might be a few causes for it:<br/><ul><li>You use Windows and need to update your root certificates, please install any outstanding updates.</li><li>Some device on your network is interfering with SSL traffic. In that case, you have bigger worries than Minecraft not starting.</li><li>Possibly something else. Check the log file for details</li></ul>"
msgstr "<b>SSL Handshake sa nepodaril.</b><br/>Mohlo to byť spôsobené niekoľkými situáciami:<br/><ul><li>Používaš Windows a potrebuješ aktualizovať root certifikáty, prosím nainštaluj všetky dôležité aktualizácie</li><li>Niektoré so zariadení v tvojej sieti interferuje s SSL prenosom. V tomto prípade máš väčší problém ako len spustiť Minecraft.</li><li>Prevdepodobne niečo iné. Skontroluj MultiMC log pre ďalšie detaily</li></ul>"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/Yggdrasil.cpp:252
msgctxt "Yggdrasil|"
msgid "The Mojang account no longer exists. It may have been migrated to a Microsoft account."
msgstr "Mojang účet neexistuje. Mohol byť migrovaný do Microsoft účtu."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/Yggdrasil.cpp:258
#, qt-format
msgctxt "Yggdrasil|"
msgid "Authentication operation failed due to a network error: %1 (%2)"
msgstr "Operácia autentifikácie sa nepodarila kvôli chybe siete: %1 (%2)"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/Yggdrasil.cpp:283
#, qt-format
msgctxt "Yggdrasil|"
msgid "Failed to parse authentication server response JSON response: %1 at offset %2."
msgstr "Nepodarilo sa spracovať JSON odpoveď z autentifikačného servera: %1 na mieste %2."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/Yggdrasil.cpp:307
#, qt-format
msgctxt "Yggdrasil|"
msgid "An unknown error occurred when trying to communicate with the authentication server: %1"
msgstr "Vyskytla sa neznáma chyba počas komunikácie s overovacím serverom: %1"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/Yggdrasil.cpp:329
msgctxt "Yggdrasil|"
msgid "An unknown Yggdrasil error occurred."
msgstr "Vyskytla sa neznáma Yggdrasil chyba."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/YggdrasilStep.cpp:17
msgctxt "YggdrasilStep|"
msgid "Logging in with Mojang account."
msgstr "Prihlasuje sa pomocou konta Mojang."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/YggdrasilStep.cpp:34
msgctxt "YggdrasilStep|"
msgid "Logged in with Mojang"
msgstr "Prihlásený s Mojang kontom"
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/YggdrasilStep.cpp:43
msgctxt "YggdrasilStep|"
msgid "Mojang user authentication failed."
msgstr "Overovanie používateľa Mojang zlyhalo."
#: src/launcher/minecraft/auth/steps/YggdrasilStep.cpp:48
msgctxt "YggdrasilStep|"
msgid "Mojang user authentication ended with a network error."
msgstr "Mojang prihlásenie zlyhalo s chybou siete."