2023-03-12 15:50:07 -07:00
# LaunchWrapper
**LaunchWrapper** is a wrapper for legacy Minecraft which provides fixes for certain game features and also improves compatibility with launchers.
LaunchWrapper is bundled in [BetterJSONs ](https://github.com/MCPHackers/BetterJSONs ) which are meant for official Minecraft Launcher.
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## Features
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- Strips game window from Java **AWT** (**Abstract Window Toolkit**) and lets the game use internal **LWJGL** frame
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- BitDepthFix for versions before Beta 1.8
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- Allows changing assets directory in 1.6 snapshots (the game didn't have a parameter to do that yet)
- Allows changing game directory in versions before 1.6
- Replaces mouse input code with **LWJGL** calls
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- Fixes TimSort crash when using Java 8+
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- Adds ability to customize built-in **LWJGL** frame
- Changing display title
- Setting icon
- Proxies all requests from old skin servers to the current skin API and converts skins to required format
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- Skins don't work in Java versions before 8u181, due to the requrement of TLS 1.2 support
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- Uses Betacraft proxy to download sounds for versions before 1.6
- Adds ability to launch classic and pre-classic at custom resolution and fullscreen
- Makes save slots in classic and indev functional and saves to `.minecraft/levels` directory
- A launcher for isometric level viewer (IsomPreviewApplet)
- A VSync toggle (Used to prevent extreme framerate in early versions which causes **coil whine** )
- Does not depend on any hard-coded obfuscated names and is mostly compatible with every Minecraft version
- This also includes modded versions
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- A parameter to automatically download `minecraft_server.jar` for snapshots: `12w18a` , `12w19a` , `12w21a`
- The wrapper is fully compatible with Java 5+ if the game is vanilla
- The wrapper also fixes Beta 1.3, Pre-classic and Classic compatibility with Java 5
- Built-in [Modloader Fix ](https://github.com/coffeenotfound/ModloaderFix-b1.7.3 )
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## How to use
***There will be an installer eventually.***< br >
*For now, here is an in-depth guide for those who will be using the wrapper*
- If you are using MultiMC [follow this guide ](https://github.com/MCPHackers/LaunchWrapper/blob/main/MultiMC.md ).< br >
- If you are using Official Launcher (or any other launcher which follows the same versions folder structure) use [BetterJSONs ](https://github.com/MCPHackers/BetterJSONs ) and rename the JSONs if they are conflicting with any vanilla JSONs
### Setting up manually
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Make sure all minecraft and wrapper libraries are on classpath< br >
Use `java -cp <classpath> org.mcphackers.launchwrapper.Launch <arguments>` to launch the game
Arguments are formatted the same way as in Mojang launch wrapper. < br >
For example: `--username DemoUser --width 1280 --height 720 --title "Minecraft Demo" --demo`
Arguments may be as follows:
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- `awtFrame` - disable LWJGL frame patch and use AWT
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- `isom` - Launch IsomPreviewApplet
- `forceVsync` - Launch the game with VSync enabled
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- `forceResizable` - Early Indev and Classic don't properly update viewport, so the wrapper disables frame resizing. To enable it anyway use this argument
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- `skinProxy` - **pre-c0.0.19a** / **classic** / **pre-b1.9-pre4** / **pre-1.8** / **default** - convert the skin to one of these specified formats
- **pre-c0.0.19a** - flatten all skin layers, flip bottom textures, mirror entire skin and crop to 64x32
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- **classic** - flatten all skin layers, flip bottom textures and crop to 64x32
- **pre-b1.9-pre4** - flip bottom textures and crop to 64x32
- **pre-1.8** - crop to 64x32
- **default** - do nothing with requested skin
- `resourcesProxyPort` - Betacraft proxy port for sound resources
- `serverSHA1` - Compare minecraft_server.jar in .minecraft/server against this hash
- `serverURL` - URL to download the server from if the hash is mismatched or the jar is missing
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- `icon` - List of paths of icon PNGs separated by `;`
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- `title` - The display title
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- `oneSixFlag` - Toggles notice about the release of 1.6 in 1.5.2
- \+ any [Minecraft launch arguments ](https://wiki.vg/Launching_the_game#Game_Arguments ) or applet parameters