# JSON patches for MultiMC instances This allows changing the Minecraft version in the instance without re-editing the component, and easier interoperability with other MultiMC features. More information about JSON patches can be found [on the MultiMC wiki page about them](https://github.com/MultiMC/Launcher/wiki/JSON-Patches). Here is a [MultiMC instance](https://github.com/MCPHackers/LaunchWrapper/files/11588554/LaunchWrapperMCP-MultiMC.zip) demonstrating this. Instructions: - Create a new MultiMC instance. - Click "Edit Instance". - Click "Add Empty". Enter "LaunchWrapper" for the name, and "org.mcphackers.launchwrapper" for the UUID. - Select the new component labeled "LaunchWrapper", and click "Edit". - Replace the contents of the file with something like this: ```json { "+traits": [ "noapplet" ], "assetIndex": { "id": "empty", "sha1": "62ea787c1f800c091b98678b050453a5ae59d7bc", "size": 14, "totalSize": 0, "url": "https://mcphackers.github.io/assets/empty.json" }, "libraries": [ { "name": "org.mcphackers:launchwrapper:1.0", "url": "https://mcphackers.github.io/libraries/" }, { "name": "org.ow2.asm:asm:9.2", "url": "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/" }, { "name": "org.ow2.asm:asm-tree:9.2", "url": "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/" }, { "name": "org.json:json:20230311", "url": "https://mcphackers.github.io/libraries/" }, { "name": "org.mcphackers.rdi:rdi:1.0", "url": "https://mcphackers.github.io/libraries/" } ], "mainClass": "org.mcphackers.launchwrapper.Launch", "minecraftArguments": "--username ${auth_player_name} --session ${auth_session} --gameDir ${game_directory} --assetsDir ${game_assets}", "requires": [ { "uid": "net.minecraft" } ], "formatVersion": 1, "name": "LaunchWrapper", "uid": "org.mcphackers.launchwrapper", "version": "1.0.0" } ``` The existing version-specific information about creating a MultiMC instance should apply here (`minecraftArguments` should be customised as needed, `assetIndex` and `noapplet` can be removed for Minecraft 1.6 and onwards etc). The main difference between this and the existing instructions is that the format of the `libraries` array is different for JSON patches (`url` is treated like a maven repo). - Save and close the document. This should produce an instance similar to the attached one. I also edited mmc-pack.json to set `dependencyOnly` to be true on the LaunchWrapper patch, which prevents disabling it (optional).