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synced 2024-11-21 14:29:10 -07:00
Create xinv.php
This helper checks or fixes common inventory problems: root folder issues, duplicate system folders, my suitcase issues, duplicate system folders in the suitcase. php xinv.php [-v] --chkinv[="fn ln"] php xinv.php [-v] --fixinv[="fn ln"]
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 427 additions and 0 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
// Inventory repair
// Balpien Hammerer, 2024
// Creative Commons: CC-BY-SA
// 2024/08/15 1.0 - Backend grid manager inventory check/fix
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT & ~E_DEPRECATED);
define('DEBUG', false);
$sqllink = null;
// require '/var/www/html/common.php';
// Set grid specific table names
define('INVENTORYFOLDERS', 'inventoryfolders');
define('INVENTORYITEMS', 'inventoryitems');
define('USERACCOUNTS', 'UserAccounts');
if (!function_exists('ConnectDB'))
function ConnectDB($db)
// write a function to open a database via mysqli based on its friendly name (e.g. 'robust')
// The database must contain tables UserAccount, inventoryfolders, inventoryitems
// Return the link reference or false;
return false;
if (!function_exists('CloseDB'))
function CloseDB()
global $sqllink;
$sqllink = null;
if (!function_exists('mkuuid'))
function mkuuid()
// Compute a uuid
return sprintf('%04x%04x-%04x-%04x-%04x-%04x%04x%04x',
// 32 bits for "time_low"
random_int(0, 0xffff), random_int(0, 0xffff),
// 16 bits for "time_mid"
random_int(0, 0xffff),
// 16 bits for "time_hi_and_version",
// four most significant bits holds version number 4
random_int(0, 0x0fff) | 0x4000,
// 16 bits, 8 bits for "clk_seq_hi_res",
// 8 bits for "clk_seq_low",
// two most significant bits holds zero and one for variant DCE1.1
random_int(0, 0x3fff) | 0x8000,
// 48 bits for "node"
random_int(0, 0xffff), random_int(0, 0xffff), random_int(0, 0xffff)
function OpenRobustDB()
global $sqllink;
$sqllink = ConnectDB('robust');
if ($sqllink === false) return false;
return true;
function GetAvatarUUID($aname)
global $sqllink;
$aname = trim($aname);
// Check for UUID (very basic) 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
if (strlen($aname) == 36 && substr($aname, 8,1) == '-' && substr($aname, 13,1) == '-' && substr($aname, 18,1) == '-' && substr($aname, 23,1) == '-')
return [$aname];
if (trim($aname) != '')
// Single avatar
$aa = explode(' ', $aname);
$fn = $aa[0];
$ln = @$aa[1];
if ($ln == '') $ln = 'Resident';
$query = "SELECT PrincipalID FROM " .USERACCOUNTS ." WHERE FirstName='$fn' AND LastName='$ln' ";
$result = mysqli_query($sqllink, $query);
if (mysqli_num_rows($result) == 0) return false;
$vars = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
return [$vars['PrincipalID']];
// All active avatars
$query = "SELECT PrincipalID FROM " .USERACCOUNTS ." WHERE UserLevel >= 0 ORDER BY Firstname, LastName ";
$result = mysqli_query($sqllink, $query);
if (mysqli_num_rows($result) == 0) return false;
$auuids = [];
while($vars = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result))
$auuids[] = $vars['PrincipalID'];
return $auuids;
function CheckDuplicateSystemFolders($rootid, $fix)
global $sqllink;
global $verbose;
$msgs = [];
// Look for duplicate system folders (type >= 0) that point to the root.
// Change the rest to ordinary folders (type -1) and rename them to duplicate-{foldername}
$query = "SELECT * FROM " .INVENTORYFOLDERS ." WHERE type >= 0 AND parentFolderID='$rootid' ORDER BY type, folderName, version DESC";
$result = mysqli_query($sqllink, $query);
// The list is ordered by type, folder name, version (count of next level folders).
$currftype = '';
$currfname = '';
$numfolders = 0;
while ($vars = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result))
$ftype = $vars['type'];
$fname = $vars['folderName'];
$fid = $vars['folderID'];
$fver = $vars['version'];
$fparent = $vars['parentFolderID'];
if ($currftype == '') $currftype = $ftype;
if ($currfname == '') $currfname = $fname;
if ($currftype != $ftype || $currfname != $fname)
$currftype = $ftype;
$currfname = $fname;
$numfolders = 0;
if ($currfname == $fname)
if ($numfolders > 1)
if ($fix)
$fname = mysqli_real_escape_string($sqllink, $fname);
$query = "UPDATE " .INVENTORYFOLDERS ." SET type=-1, folderName='Duplicate-$fname' WHERE folderID='$fid' ";
mysqli_query($sqllink, $query);
$msgs[] = "Duplicate ($numfolders) type $ftype folderID=$fid fixedname=Duplicate-$fname";
$msgs[] = "Duplicate ($numfolders) type $ftype folderID=$fid parentID=$fparent subfolders=$fver name=$fname";
if ($verbose) $msgs[] = "System folder type $ftype folderID=$fid parentID=$fparent subfolders=$fver name=$fname";
$msgs[] = "";
return $msgs;
function CheckInventory($auuid, $fix=false)
global $sqllink;
global $verbose;
// This performs basic integrity tests
// Returns [false, msgs...] if failures or [true, msgs...] if inventory is OK.
$msgs = [];
// Verify uuid is listed in UserAccounts. Issue warning but continue.
$query = "SELECT FirstName, LastName, UserLevel FROM " .USERACCOUNTS ." WHERE PrincipalID='$auuid' ";
$result = mysqli_query($sqllink, $query);
if ($vars = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result))
$msgs[] = "Checked UUID=$auuid Name={$vars['FirstName']} {$vars['LastName']} ";
$msgs[] = "Warning: UUID=$auuid does not exist in table " .USERACCOUNTS;
// Find root folder(s)
$query = "SELECT * FROM " .INVENTORYFOLDERS ." WHERE agentID='$auuid' AND (type=8 OR type=9) ORDER BY type ";
$result = mysqli_query($sqllink, $query);
$vars = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
$num = mysqli_num_rows($result);
if ($num == 0)
if ($fix)
$rootid = mkuuid();
$query = "INSERT INTO " .INVENTORYFOLDERS ." (folderName,type,version,folderID,agentID,parentFolderID)
VALUES('My Inventory', 8, 1, '$rootid', '$auuid','00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000')";
mysqli_query($sqllink, $query);
// Rerun select
$query = "SELECT * FROM " .INVENTORYFOLDERS ." WHERE agentID='$auuid' AND type=8 ";
$result = mysqli_query($sqllink, $query);
$vars = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
$num = mysqli_num_rows($result);
$msgs[] = "Warning: Missing root folder added. Consieder orphan check afterward: --chkorphan='uuid' ";
$msgs[] = "Warning: Root folder missing - needs adding root then orphan check required: --chkorphan='uuid' ";
return array_merge([false], $msgs);
if ($num > 1)
$msgs[] = "Multiple ($num) roots found - manual inspection required";
return array_merge([false], $msgs);
$rtype = $vars['type'];
$rootid = $vars['folderID'];
$rname = $vars['folderName'];
// One root, could be type 9 (olde version of IAR). Fix it if found.
if ($rtype != 8)
if ($fix)
$query = "UPDATE " .INVENTORYFOLDERS ." SET type=8 WHERE agentID='$auuid' AND type=9";
mysqli_query($sqllink, $query);
$msgs[] = "Warning: Old type 9 root found, converted to type=8";
$msgs[] = "Warning: Old type 9 root found, needs conversion to type 8";
if ($verbose) $msgs[] = "Root Folder type=$rtype folderID=$rootid name='$rname' ";
// Cleanup parentFolder of root type 8/9
$pfolder = $vars['parentFolderID'];
if ($pfolder != '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000')
if ($fix)
$query = "UPDATE " .INVENTORYFOLDERS ." SET parentFolderID='00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' WHERE agentID='$auuid' AND type=$rtype";
mysqli_query($sqllink, $query);
$msgs[] = "Warning: type $rtype root parent folder ID was $pfolder, set to null key";
$msgs[] = "Warning: type $rtype root parent folder ID was $pfolder, should be null key";
// Check the root folder.
$rc = CheckDuplicateSystemFolders($rootid, $fix);
$msgs = array_merge($msgs, $rc);
// Check for the My Suitcase folder.
$query = "SELECT * FROM " .INVENTORYFOLDERS ." WHERE agentID='$auuid' AND type=100 ";
$result = mysqli_query($sqllink, $query);
$vars = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
$num = mysqli_num_rows($result);
if ($num == 0)
if ($fix)
$suitid = mkuuid();
$query = "INSERT INTO " .INVENTORYFOLDERS ." (folderName,type,version,folderID,agentID,parentFolderID)
VALUES('My Suitcase', 100, 1, '$suitid', '$auuid','$rootid')";
mysqli_query($sqllink, $query);
// Rerun select
$query = "SELECT * FROM " .INVENTORYFOLDERS ." WHERE agentID='$auuid' AND type=100 ";
$result = mysqli_query($sqllink, $query);
$vars = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
$num = mysqli_num_rows($result);
$msgs[] = "Warning: Missing Suitcase folder added. Consieder orphan check afterward: --chkorphan='uuid' ";
$msgs[] = "My Suitcase folder is missing ";
if ($num > 1)
if ($fix)
$msgs[] = "Multiple ($num) roots found - converting one to ordinary folder";
$msgs[] = "Multiple ($num) roots found";
$rtype = $vars['type'];
$suitid = $vars['folderID'];
$rname = $vars['folderName'];
if ($verbose) $msgs[] = "My Suitcase Folder type=$rtype folderID=$suitid name='$rname' ";
// Fix parentFolder of My Suitcase type=100
$pfolder = $vars['parentFolderID'];
if ($pfolder != $rootid)
if ($fix)
$query = "UPDATE " .INVENTORYFOLDERS ." SET parentFolderID='$rootid' WHERE agentID='$auuid' AND type=$rtype";
mysqli_query($sqllink, $query);
$msgs[] = "Warning: type $rtype root parent folder ID was $pfolder, set to $rootid";
$msgs[] = "Warning: type $rtype root parent folder ID was $pfolder, should be $rootid";
// Check the suitcase folder.
$rc = CheckDuplicateSystemFolders($suitid, $fix);
$msgs = array_merge($msgs, $rc);
$msgs[] = "Scan Completed";
if ($verbose) $msgs[] = "";
return array_merge([true], $msgs);
// ===============================================================================================================
$sqllink = null;
$opts = getopt('v', ['chkinv::','fixinv:'] );
if (!OpenRobustDB())
echo "Unable to open grid database";
$cmd = '';
if (isset($opts['v'])) $verbose = true;
else $verbose = false;
/**/ if (isset($opts['chkinv'])) $cmd = 'chkinv';
else if (isset($opts['fixinv'])) $cmd = 'fixinv';
if ($cmd == '')
echo 'missing parameters: php xinv.php {--chkinv="firstname lastname" | --fixinv="firstname lastname"}' ."\n";
// php xchkinv.php --chkinv="firstname lastname" or --chkinv="uuid"
if ($cmd == 'chkinv')
$auuids = false;
$aname = $opts['chkinv'];
// If avatar name is blank, get all active avatars
$auuids = GetAvatarUUID($aname);
if (!$auuids)
echo "Avatar $aname does not exist.\n";
foreach($auuids AS $auuid)
//echo "$aname uuid=$auuid\n";
$rc = CheckInventory($auuid, false);
foreach ($rc as $msg)
if ($msg === false) echo "Errors\n";
else if ($msg === true) echo "Success\n";
else echo $msg ."\n";
// php xchkinv.php --fixinv="firstname lastname" or --fixinv="uuid"
else if ($cmd == 'fixinv')
$aname = $opts['fixinv'];
$auuid = GetAvatarUUID($aname);
if (!$auuid)
error_log("$aname does not exist.");
$auuid = $auuid[0];
error_log("Avatar $aname uuid=$auuid");
$rc = CheckInventory($auuid, true);
foreach ($rc as $msg)
if ($msg === false) echo "Errors\n";
else if ($msg === true) echo "Success\n";
else echo $msg ."\n";
Reference in a new issue