commit 0e7bfc1fe29fd595df0b982e40f94c30befb1ec7
Author: satire6 <>
Date: Fri Sep 11 12:58:04 2020 -0400
Initial commit
diff --git a/README.txt b/README.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..758c1ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Toontown Online is a MMORPG created by Disney Interactive, shut down in 2013.
+This is a collection of various source code for the game.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/otp/.cvsignore b/otp/.cvsignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f5a0ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/otp/.cvsignore
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/otp/.project b/otp/.project
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ceab4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/otp/.project
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ "
+ pageText += "
You must specify an avatarId.\r\n")
+ return
+ try:
+ id = int(avatarId)
+ except:
+ replyTo.respondHTTP("400 Bad Request","Error 400: Bad Request
Error parsing avatarId.\r\n")
+ return
+ self.requestRender(id,replyTo)
+ def handleHTTPQueueSnapshot(self,replyTo,**kw):
+ avatarId = kw.get("avatarId",None)
+ if avatarId is None:
+ replyTo.respondHTTP("400 Bad Request","Error 400: Bad Request
You must specify an avatarId.\r\n")
+ return
+ try:
+ id = int(avatarId)
+ except:
+ replyTo.respondHTTP("400 Bad Request","Error 400: Bad Request
Error parsing avatarId.\r\n")
+ return
+ self.requestRender(id)
+ replyTo.respond("Queue successful.\r\n")
+ # -- Distributed Methods --
+ def requestRender(self,avatarId,replyTo=None):
+ """
+ Only outside entry point to the snapshot system.
+ 'Please render this avatar' method.
+ Called from DC space or in response to an HTTP query.
+ Work is queued up and later retrieved for processing
+ by a call from a SnapshotRenderer, which will report
+ back when it's finished the task (or failed to).
+ """
+ if avatarId in self.recentlyDeletedAvatars:
+ self.notify.debug("Ignoring requestRender for deleted avatar %s." % avatarId)
+ if replyTo is not None:
+ replyTo.respondHTTP("400 Bad Request",
+ "Error 400: Bad Request
The avatar you specified could not be found.\r\n")
+ return
+ self.numServed += 1
+ jobId = self.numServed
+ writeToFile = self._idToFilename(avatarId)
+ self.jobQueue.put_nowait(RenderJob(jobId,replyTo,None,avatarId,writeToFile))
+ self.notify.debug("Job %d: Queued" % jobId)
+ def avatarDeleted(self,avatarId):
+ """
+ Message sent by the AvatarManager when an avatar gets deleted.
+ 'Please ignore any requests to render this guy.'
+ """
+ self.notify.debug("Creating deletion record for %s." % avatarId)
+ self.recentlyDeletedAvatars[avatarId] = 1
+ uber.taskMgr.doMethodLater(1800.0,self.clearRecentDeleteRecord,'clearRecentDeleteRecord-%s'%avatarId,[avatarId])
+ def requestNewWork(self,rendererLoc):
+ """
+ Update received from a SnapshotRenderer.
+ 'I am idle, give me work!'
+ Send the SnapshotRenderer some work.
+ If we've already sent him work, ignore this request
+ until he responds or times out.
+ """
+ if self.rendererIsBusy.setdefault(rendererLoc,False):
+ self.notify.debug("Ignoring work request from %d because he already has work outstanding." % rendererLoc)
+ return
+ try:
+ job = self.jobQueue.get_nowait()
+ except Queue.Empty:
+ # No work to give! Do nothing.
+ return
+ job.assignedTo = rendererLoc
+ self.rendererIsBusy[rendererLoc] = True
+ self.jobsInProgress[job.jobId] = job
+ self.air.sendUpdateToGlobalDoId("SnapshotRendererUD",
+ "requestRender",
+ rendererLoc,
+ [job.jobId,
+ job.avatarId,
+ job.writeToFile])
+ self.notify.debug("Job %d: Sent to renderer %d" % (job.jobId,rendererLoc))
+ # insert a task to report failure if we don't hear back
+ uber.taskMgr.doMethodLater(20.0,self.jobTimedOut,"rendertimeout-%d"%job.jobId,[job.jobId])
+ def jobTimedOut(self,jobId,task=None):
+ self.notify.warning("Timed out waiting for a response from job %d!" % jobId)
+ self.numErrors += 1
+ job = self.jobsInProgress.pop(jobId,None)
+ if job is not None:
+ self.notify.warning("Job %d was attempting to render avId %d." % (jobId,job.avatarId))
+ self.rendererIsBusy[job.assignedTo] = False
+ if job.replyTo is not None:
+ job.replyTo.timeout()
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning("Didn't have a job %d listed when we got the timeout." % jobId)
+ return Task.done
+ def cancelTimeout(self,jobId):
+ uber.taskMgr.remove("rendertimeout-%d" % jobId)
+ def errorFetchingAvatar(self,rendererLoc,jobId):
+ """
+ Update received from a SnapshotRenderer.
+ 'I had an error trying to get this avatar's data.'
+ The avatar probably doesn't exist so we should
+ report back that we failed (if someone is waiting)
+ and give up.
+ Also, send the SnapshotRenderer more work.
+ """
+ self.numErrors += 1
+ job = self.jobsInProgress.pop(jobId,None)
+ self.cancelTimeout(jobId)
+ if job is None:
+ self.notify.warning("Got back an error for an unrecognized job: %d" % jobId)
+ return
+ self.notify.warning("errorFetchingAvatar from renderer %d for job %d on avatar %d." % (rendererLoc,jobId,job.avatarId))
+ self.rendererIsBusy[job.assignedTo] = False
+ if job.replyTo is not None:
+ job.replyTo.respondHTTP("400 Bad Request",
+ "Error 400: Bad Request
The avatar you specified could not be found.\r\n")
+ self.requestNewWork(rendererLoc)
+ def errorRenderingAvatar(self,rendererLoc,jobId):
+ """
+ Update received from a SnapshotRenderer.
+ 'I had an error trying to render this avatar.'
+ The avatar exists but we couldn't render him
+ for some reason. Report back that we failed
+ (if someone is waiting) and give up.
+ Also, send the SnapshotRenderer more work.
+ """
+ self.numErrors += 1
+ job = self.jobsInProgress.pop(jobId,None)
+ self.cancelTimeout(jobId)
+ if job is None:
+ self.notify.warning("Got back an error for an unrecognized job: %d" % jobId)
+ return
+ self.notify.warning("errorRenderingAvatar from renderer %d for job %d on avatar %d." % (rendererLoc,jobId,job.avatarId))
+ self.rendererIsBusy[job.assignedTo] = False
+ if job.replyTo is not None:
+ job.replyTo.respondHTTP("503 Internal Server Error",
+ "Error 503: Internal Server Error
There was an error rendering your avatar.")
+ self.requestNewWork(rendererLoc)
+ def renderSuccessful(self,rendererLoc,jobId):
+ """
+ Update received from a SnapshotRenderer.
+ 'I successfully rendered this avatar.'
+ Report back that we succeeded (if someone is
+ waiting).
+ Also, send the SnapshotRenderer more work.
+ """
+ job = self.jobsInProgress.pop(jobId,None)
+ self.cancelTimeout(jobId)
+ if job is None:
+ self.notify.warning("Got back success for an unrecognized job: %d" % jobId)
+ return
+ self.notify.debug("Job %d: Successfully rendered avatar %d" % (jobId,job.avatarId))
+ self.rendererIsBusy[job.assignedTo] = False
+ if job.replyTo is not None:
+ job.replyTo.respond("%s"%job.writeToFile)
+ self.requestNewWork(rendererLoc)
diff --git a/otp/src/snapshot/ b/otp/src/snapshot/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa69b32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/otp/src/snapshot/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+from direct.distributed.DistributedObjectGlobal import DistributedObjectGlobal
+from direct.directnotify.DirectNotifyGlobal import directNotify
+class SnapshotRenderer(DistributedObjectGlobal):
+ pass
diff --git a/otp/src/snapshot/ b/otp/src/snapshot/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f951f1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/otp/src/snapshot/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+from direct.distributed.DistributedObjectGlobalAI import DistributedObjectGlobalAI
+from direct.directnotify.DirectNotifyGlobal import directNotify
+class SnapshotRendererAI(DistributedObjectGlobalAI):
+ pass
diff --git a/otp/src/snapshot/ b/otp/src/snapshot/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5eece00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/otp/src/snapshot/
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+from direct.distributed.DistributedObjectGlobalUD import DistributedObjectGlobalUD
+#from otp.otpbase import OTPGlobals
+from otp.distributed import OtpDoGlobals
+from import AIMsgTypes
+#from otp.uberdog.UberDogUtil import ManagedAsyncRequest
+from direct.directnotify.DirectNotifyGlobal import directNotify
+from direct.task import Task
+import Queue
+from direct.distributed.AsyncRequest import AsyncRequest
+from pandac.PandaModules import Thread
+notify = directNotify.newCategory('SnapshotRendererUD')
+class AvatarDNARequest(AsyncRequest):
+ notify = notify
+ def __init__(self,air,jobId,avatarId,writeToFile):
+ assert self.notify.debugCall()
+ self.__deleted = False
+ AsyncRequest.__init__(self,air)
+ self.avatarId = avatarId
+ self.jobId = jobId
+ self.writeToFile = writeToFile
+ self.neededObjects[avatarId] = self.air.doId2do.get(avatarId)
+ if self.neededObjects[avatarId] is not None:
+ self.finish()
+ else:
+ self.askForObject(avatarId)
+ def timeout(self,task):
+ self.air.snapshotRenderer.errorFetchingAvatar(self.jobId,self.avatarId)
+ self.delete()
+ def finish(self):
+ av = self.neededObjects.get(self.avatarId,None)
+ if av is None:
+ self.air.snapshotRenderer.errorFetchingAvatar(self.jobId,self.avatarId)
+ else:
+ self.air.snapshotRenderer.renderSnapshot(self.jobId,self.avatarId,av.dna,self.writeToFile)
+ self.delete()
+class SnapshotRendererUD(DistributedObjectGlobalUD):
+ """
+ Uberdog object for rendering avatar pictures in response
+ to DC requests.
+ """
+ notify = notify
+ def __init__(self, air):
+ assert self.notify.debugCall()
+ DistributedObjectGlobalUD.__init__(self, air)
+ self.air = air
+ self.dispatcherLoc = OtpDoGlobals.OTP_DO_ID_SNAPSHOT_DISPATCHER
+ self.myLoc = 0
+ def announceGenerate(self):
+ assert self.notify.debugCall()
+ DistributedObjectGlobalUD.announceGenerate(self)
+ self.sendUpdateToChannel(
+ AIMsgTypes.CHANNEL_CLIENT_BROADCAST, "online", [])
+ self.sendUpdateToChannel(
+ self.myLoc = self.doId
+ self.startAskingForWork()
+ def delete(self):
+ assert self.notify.debugCall()
+ uber.taskMgr.remove('pollForWorkTask')
+ self.ignoreAll()
+ DistributedObjectGlobalUD.delete(self)
+ # -- Internal methods --
+ def renderSnapshot(self,jobId,avatarId,avatarDNA,writeToFile):
+ print "OTP-level renderSnapshot method called! You should override this!"
+ def errorFetchingAvatar(self,jobId,avatarId):
+ """
+ Tell the dispatcher we had an error in the current task.
+ It should send us back new work or not respond if there's nothing to do.
+ """
+ self.notify.warning("Error fetching DNA for avatar %d, reporting failure to the dispatcher." % avatarId)
+ self.air.sendUpdateToGlobalDoId("SnapshotDispatcherUD","errorFetchingAvatar",self.dispatcherLoc,[self.myLoc,jobId])
+ self.startAskingForWork()
+ def errorRenderingAvatar(self,jobId,avatarId,avatarDNA):
+ """
+ Tell the dispatcher we had an error in the current task.
+ It should send us back new work or not response if there's nothing to do.
+ """
+ self.notify.warning("Error rendering an image for avatar %d, reporting failure to the dispatcher. DNA: %s" % (avatarId,avatarDNA))
+ self.air.sendUpdateToGlobalDoId("SnapshotDispatcherUD","errorRenderingAvatar",self.dispatcherLoc,[self.myLoc,jobId])
+ self.startAskingForWork()
+ def renderSuccessful(self,jobId,avatarId,writeToFile):
+ """
+ Tell the dispatcher we finished the current task.
+ If we don't hear back immediately, there's no new work
+ so we need to start polling again
+ """
+ self.notify.debug("Successfully rendered avatar %d to %s" % (avatarId,writeToFile))
+ self.air.sendUpdateToGlobalDoId("SnapshotDispatcherUD","renderSuccessful",self.dispatcherLoc,[self.myLoc,jobId])
+ self.startAskingForWork()
+ # -- Distributed Methods --
+ def requestRender(self,jobId,avatarId,writeToFile):
+ """
+ 'Please render this avatar' method.
+ Called from DC space by a SnapshotDispatcher,
+ results in an image being written to disk
+ sometime after this function returns.
+ """
+ self.stopAskingForWork()
+ AvatarDNARequest(self.air,jobId,avatarId,writeToFile)
+ # -- Task Methods --
+ def startAskingForWork(self):
+ uber.taskMgr.remove('pollForWorkTask')
+ uber.taskMgr.doMethodLater(2.0,self.pollForWorkTask,'pollForWorkTask')
+ def stopAskingForWork(self):
+ uber.taskMgr.remove('pollForWorkTask')
+ def pollForWorkTask(self,task):
+ """
+ Task that polls the SnapshotDispatcher for rendering jobs.
+ If there is work, the dispatcher calls back to requestRender.
+ """
+ # query the dispatcher for work
+ self.air.sendUpdateToGlobalDoId("SnapshotDispatcherUD","requestNewWork",self.dispatcherLoc,[self.myLoc])
+ return Task.again
diff --git a/otp/src/snapshot/ b/otp/src/snapshot/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..677a3c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/otp/src/snapshot/
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+import cherrypy
+import atexit
+class SnapshotWebServer(object):
+ def __init__(self,requestQueue):
+ config = "C:\\cygwin\\home\\igraham\\player\\otp\\src\\snapshot\\cherrypy.conf"
+ self.requestQueue = requestQueue
+ atexit.register(self.stopThreads)
+ cherrypy._global_conf_alias.update(config)
+ cherrypy.tree.mount(self,"",config)
+ cherrypy.server.quickstart()
+ cherrypy.engine.start(blocking=False)
+ def stopThreads(self):
+ cherrypy.engine.stop()
+ cherrypy.server.stop()
+ @cherrypy.expose
+ def getSnapshot(self,avatarId):
+ """
+ Render this avatar's picture and give me the location (URL) of the image.
+ Accessed via an HTTP query.
+ """
+ try:
+ avatarId = int(avatarId)
+ except:
+ return "Error parsing argument avatarId. Gimme an integer!"
+ print "getSnapshot %s" % avatarId
+ self.requestQueue.put_nowait(avatarId)
+ return "%s" % avatarId
diff --git a/otp/src/snapshot/Sources.pp b/otp/src/snapshot/Sources.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a03ea8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/otp/src/snapshot/Sources.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+// For now, since we are not installing Python files, this file can
+// remain empty.
diff --git a/otp/src/snapshot/ b/otp/src/snapshot/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/otp/src/snapshot/cherrypy.conf b/otp/src/snapshot/cherrypy.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..920e87f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/otp/src/snapshot/cherrypy.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+server.socket_host = "localhost"
+server.socket_port = 8080
+server.thread_pool = 10
+engine.autoreload_on = False
diff --git a/otp/src/speedchat/.cvsignore b/otp/src/speedchat/.cvsignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b30778f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/otp/src/speedchat/.cvsignore
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/otp/src/speedchat/ b/otp/src/speedchat/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2c6bb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/otp/src/speedchat/
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+""" contains utility functions to convert between color spaces"""
+import math
+ r,g,b values are from 0. to 1.
+ h = [0,360], s = [0,1], v = [0,1]
+ if s == 0, then h = -1 (undefined)
+ 'The coordinate system is cylindrical, and the colors are defined inside
+ a hexcone. The hue value H runs from 0 to 360º. The saturation S is the
+ degree of strength or purity and is from 0 to 1. Purity is how much white
+ is added to the color, so S=1 makes the purest color (no white).
+ Brightness V also ranges from 0 to 1, where 0 is the black.'
+def rgb2hsv(r, g, b):
+ _min = float(min(r, g, b))
+ _max = float(max(r, g, b))
+ v = _max
+ delta = _max - _min
+ if (delta != 0.):
+ s = delta / _max
+ else:
+ # r = g = b = N
+ # s = 0, h is undefined
+ s = 0.
+ h = -1.
+ return h,s,v
+ if (r == _max):
+ h = (g - b) / delta # between yellow & magenta
+ elif (g == _max):
+ h = 2. + ((b - r) / delta) # between cyan & yellow
+ else:
+ h = 4. + ((r - g) / delta) # between magenta & cyan
+ h *= 60. # degrees
+ if(h < 0.):
+ h += 360.
+ return h,s,v
+def hsv2rgb(h, s, v):
+ if(s == 0.):
+ # achromatic (grey)
+ return v,v,v
+ h %= 360.
+ h /= 60. # sector 0 to 5
+ i = int(math.floor(h))
+ f = h - i # factorial part of h
+ p = v * (1. - s)
+ q = v * (1. - s * f)
+ t = v * (1. - s * (1. - f))
+ if i == 0:
+ return v,t,p
+ elif i == 1:
+ return q,v,p
+ elif i == 2:
+ return p,v,t
+ elif i == 3:
+ return p,q,v
+ elif i == 4:
+ return t,p,v
+ else:
+ return v,p,q
+ y is luminance/brightness
+ u and v describe color in a non-intuitive manner
+def rgb2yuv(r,g,b):
+ y = .299*r + .587*g + .114*b
+ u = -.169*r - .331*g + .500*b + .5
+ v = .500*r - .419*g - .081*b + .5
+ return tuple(map(lambda x: min(max(x,0),1), (y,u,v)))
+def yuv2rgb(y,u,v):
+ r = y - 0.0009267*(u-.5) + 1.4016868*(v-.5)
+ g = y - 0.3436954*(u-.5) - 0.7141690*(v-.5)
+ b = y + 1.7721604*(u-.5) + 0.0009902*(v-.5)
+ return tuple(map(lambda x: min(max(x,0),1), (r,g,b)))
diff --git a/otp/src/speedchat/ b/otp/src/speedchat/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a135528
--- /dev/null
+++ b/otp/src/speedchat/
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+from SCColorScheme import SCColorScheme
+from direct.tkwidgets.Valuator import *
+colors = {}
+panels = {}
+def scRgbPanel(callback, title, initColor):
+ def getScaledColor(color, s):
+ return tuple(map(lambda x: x*s, color))
+ sInitColor = getScaledColor(initColor, 255.)
+ vgp = ValuatorGroupPanel(title=title,
+ dim=3,
+ labels=['R','G','B'],
+ value=[int(sInitColor[0]),
+ int(sInitColor[1]),
+ int(sInitColor[2])],
+ type = 'slider',
+ valuator_style='mini',
+ valuator_min=0,
+ valuator_max=255,
+ valuator_resolution=1,
+ fDestroy=1)
+ # Add a print button which will also serve as a color tile
+ pButton = Button(vgp.interior(), text = '',
+ bg = getTkColorString(sInitColor))
+ pButton.pack(expand = 1, fill = BOTH)
+ def acceptColor(color):
+ pButton['bg'] = getTkColorString(color)
+ # scale colors to 0..1
+ callback(getScaledColor(color, 1/255.))
+ def getDefaultFrameColor():
+ global colors
+ # set the color scheme without the frameColor
+ base.speedChat.setColorScheme(SCColorScheme(
+ arrowColor=colors['arrowColor'],
+ rolloverColor=colors['rolloverColor'],
+ ))
+ # update the colors dictionary
+ colors['frameColor'] = \
+ base.speedChat.getColorScheme().getFrameColor()
+ p = panels['frameColor'].component('valuatorGroup')
+ c = colors['frameColor']
+ p.component('valuator0').set(math.floor(c[0]*255))
+ p.component('valuator1').set(math.floor(c[1]*255))
+ p.component('valuator2').set(math.floor(c[2]*255))
+ def updateAllPanels():
+ global colors
+ # update the colors dictionary
+ cs = base.speedChat.getColorScheme()
+ colors['arrowColor'] = cs.getArrowColor()
+ colors['rolloverColor'] = cs.getRolloverColor()
+ colors['frameColor'] = cs.getFrameColor()
+ # update the panels
+ for panelName in colors.keys():
+ p = panels[panelName].component('valuatorGroup')
+ c = colors[panelName]
+ p.component('valuator0').set(math.floor(c[0]*255))
+ p.component('valuator1').set(math.floor(c[1]*255))
+ p.component('valuator2').set(math.floor(c[2]*255))
+ # Update menu
+ menu = vgp.component('menubar').component('Valuator Group-menu')
+ # Some helper functions
+ menu.insert_command(index = 0, label = 'Get Default FrameColor',
+ command = getDefaultFrameColor)
+ menu.insert_command(index = 1, label = 'Update All Panels',
+ command = updateAllPanels)
+ vgp['command'] = acceptColor
+ return vgp
+# adjust the main and contrasting speedchat colors
+def adjustSCColors():
+ global colors
+ base.startTk()
+ cs = base.speedChat.getColorScheme()
+ colors = {
+ 'arrowColor': cs.getArrowColor(),
+ 'rolloverColor': cs.getRolloverColor(),
+ 'frameColor': cs.getFrameColor(),
+ }
+ for colorName in colors.keys():
+ def handleCallback(color, colorName=colorName):
+ global colors
+ colors[colorName] = tuple(color)
+ base.speedChat.setColorScheme(SCColorScheme(**colors))
+ panels[colorName] = scRgbPanel(handleCallback, colorName, colors[colorName])
diff --git a/otp/src/speedchat/ b/otp/src/speedchat/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91b5d37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/otp/src/speedchat/
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+""" contains the SCColorScheme class"""
+from ColorSpace import *
+class SCColorScheme:
+ """ SCColorScheme is a class that holds all the information
+ that a SpeedChat tree needs to display itself with a particular
+ color scheme.
+ This object is intentionally immutable; if you want to change the
+ color scheme of a SpeedChat tree, create a new SCColorScheme object.
+ """
+ def __init__(self,
+ arrowColor=(.5,.5,1),
+ rolloverColor=(.53,.9,.53),
+ # derived from arrowColor
+ frameColor=None,
+ # derived from rolloverColor
+ pressedColor=None,
+ menuHolderActiveColor=None,
+ emoteIconColor=None,
+ textColor=(0,0,0),
+ emoteIconDisabledColor=(.5,.5,.5),
+ textDisabledColor=(.4,.4,.4),
+ alpha=.95,
+ ):
+ def scaleColor(color, s):
+ y,u,v = rgb2yuv(*color)
+ return yuv2rgb(y*s,u,v)
+ def scaleIfNone(color, srcColor, s):
+ if color is not None:
+ return color
+ else:
+ return scaleColor(srcColor, s)
+ self.__arrowColor = arrowColor
+ self.__rolloverColor = rolloverColor
+ self.__frameColor = frameColor
+ if self.__frameColor is None:
+ # the frame color should be a whited-out version of the
+ # arrow color; reduce the saturation
+ h,s,v = rgb2hsv(*arrowColor)
+ self.__frameColor = hsv2rgb(h,.2*s,v)
+ # TEMP
+ # there seems to be a change to the Panda/DirectGui (alpha?)
+ # behavior, where the speedchat frame is darker than it used to
+ # be. This is problem because the rollover color no longer
+ # contrasts; see 'blue' as an example.
+ # Brighten up the frame color so that it's close to what it used to
+ # be.
+ h,s,v = rgb2hsv(*self.__frameColor)
+ self.__frameColor = hsv2rgb(h,.5*s,v)
+ # pressed and menuHolderActive are rollover with slightly
+ # (and progressively) lower luminance
+ self.__pressedColor = scaleIfNone(pressedColor,
+ self.__rolloverColor, .92)
+ self.__menuHolderActiveColor = scaleIfNone(menuHolderActiveColor,
+ self.__rolloverColor, .84)
+ self.__emoteIconColor = emoteIconColor
+ if self.__emoteIconColor is None:
+ # base the emote icon color off of the rollover color
+ # max out the saturation to get a deep color
+ # bring the value down slightly
+ h,s,v = rgb2hsv(*self.__rolloverColor)
+ self.__emoteIconColor = hsv2rgb(h,1.,.8*v)
+ self.__emoteIconDisabledColor = emoteIconDisabledColor
+ self.__textColor = textColor
+ self.__textDisabledColor = textDisabledColor
+ self.__alpha = alpha
+ def getArrowColor(self):
+ return self.__arrowColor
+ def getRolloverColor(self):
+ return self.__rolloverColor
+ def getFrameColor(self):
+ return self.__frameColor
+ def getPressedColor(self):
+ return self.__pressedColor
+ def getMenuHolderActiveColor(self):
+ return self.__menuHolderActiveColor
+ def getEmoteIconColor(self):
+ return self.__emoteIconColor
+ def getTextColor(self):
+ return self.__textColor
+ def getEmoteIconDisabledColor(self):
+ return self.__emoteIconDisabledColor
+ def getTextDisabledColor(self):
+ return self.__textDisabledColor
+ def getAlpha(self):
+ return self.__alpha
+ def __str__(self):
+ members = ('arrowColor',
+ 'rolloverColor',
+ 'frameColor',
+ 'pressedColor',
+ 'menuHolderActiveColor',
+ 'emoteIconColor',
+ 'textColor',
+ 'emoteIconDisabledColor',
+ 'textDisabledColor',
+ 'alpha')
+ result = ''
+ for member in members:
+ result += '%s = %s' % (member, self.__dict__[
+ '_%s__%s' % (self.__class__.__name__, member)])
+ if member is not members[-1]:
+ result += '\n'
+ return result
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return str(self)
diff --git a/otp/src/speedchat/ b/otp/src/speedchat/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48483de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/otp/src/speedchat/
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+""" contains SpeedChat constants """
+SCMenuFinalizePriority = 48
+SCElementFinalizePriority = 47
diff --git a/otp/src/speedchat/ b/otp/src/speedchat/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8cbd191
--- /dev/null
+++ b/otp/src/speedchat/
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+""" contains the SCCustomMenu class"""
+from SCMenu import SCMenu
+from SCCustomTerminal import SCCustomTerminal
+from otp.otpbase.OTPLocalizer import CustomSCStrings
+class SCCustomMenu(SCMenu):
+ """ SCCustomMenu represents a menu of SCCustomTerminals. """
+ def __init__(self):
+ SCMenu.__init__(self)
+ # listen for changes to localtoon's custom speedchat messages
+ self.accept("customMessagesChanged", self.__customMessagesChanged)
+ self.__customMessagesChanged()
+ def destroy(self):
+ SCMenu.destroy(self)
+ def __customMessagesChanged(self):
+ # clear out everything from our menu
+ self.clearMenu()
+ # if local toon has not been created, don't panic
+ try:
+ lt = base.localAvatar
+ except:
+ return
+ for msgIndex in lt.customMessages:
+ if CustomSCStrings.has_key(msgIndex):
+ self.append(SCCustomTerminal(msgIndex))
diff --git a/otp/src/speedchat/ b/otp/src/speedchat/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db24fde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/otp/src/speedchat/
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+""" contains the SCCustomTerminal class"""
+from SCTerminal import SCTerminal
+from otp.otpbase.OTPLocalizer import CustomSCStrings
+# args: textId
+SCCustomMsgEvent = 'SCCustomMsg'
+def decodeSCCustomMsg(textId):
+ return CustomSCStrings.get(textId, None)
+class SCCustomTerminal(SCTerminal):
+ """ SCCustomTerminal represents a terminal SpeedChat entry that
+ contains a phrase that was purchased from the catalog. """
+ def __init__(self, textId):
+ SCTerminal.__init__(self)
+ self.textId = textId
+ self.text = CustomSCStrings[self.textId]
+ def handleSelect(self):
+ SCTerminal.handleSelect(self)
+ messenger.send(self.getEventName(SCCustomMsgEvent),
+ [self.textId])
diff --git a/otp/src/speedchat/ b/otp/src/speedchat/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5be94e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/otp/src/speedchat/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+""" contains functions to decode SpeedChat messages """
+Each of these functions normally returns the ready-to-display text
+string that corresponds to the encoded message. If there is a problem,
+None is returned.
+from SCStaticTextTerminal import decodeSCStaticTextMsg
+from SCCustomTerminal import decodeSCCustomMsg
+from SCEmoteTerminal import decodeSCEmoteWhisperMsg
diff --git a/otp/src/speedchat/ b/otp/src/speedchat/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ec3bce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/otp/src/speedchat/
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+""" contains the SCElement class"""
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from direct.gui.DirectGui import *
+from direct.task import Task
+from SCConstants import *
+from SCObject import SCObject
+from direct.showbase.PythonUtil import boolEqual
+from otp.otpbase import OTPGlobals
+class SCElement(SCObject, NodePath):
+ """ SCElement is the base class for all entities that can appear
+ as entries in a SpeedChat menu. """
+ font = OTPGlobals.getInterfaceFont()
+ SerialNum = 0
+ def __init__(self, parentMenu=None):
+ SCObject.__init__(self)
+ self.SerialNum = SCElement.SerialNum
+ SCElement.SerialNum += 1
+ node = hidden.attachNewNode('SCElement%s' % self.SerialNum)
+ NodePath.__init__(self, node)
+ self.FinalizeTaskName = 'SCElement%s_Finalize' % self.SerialNum
+ self.parentMenu = parentMenu
+ self.__active = 0
+ self.__viewable = 1
+ # these are used to detect changes to the size of this element
+ # to avoid unnecessary button rebuilds
+ self.lastWidth = 0
+ self.lastHeight = 0
+ self.setDimensions(0,0)
+ # how much space to put in around the edges of the button
+ self.padX = .25
+ self.padZ = .1
+ def destroy(self):
+ if self.isActive():
+ self.exitActive()
+ # this calls exitVisible if necessary
+ SCObject.destroy(self)
+ if hasattr(self, 'button'):
+ self.button.destroy()
+ del self.button
+ self.parentMenu = None
+ self.detachNode()
+ def setParentMenu(self, parentMenu):
+ self.parentMenu = parentMenu
+ def getParentMenu(self):
+ return self.parentMenu
+ def getDisplayText(self):
+ """ derived classes should override and return the text that
+ should be visually displayed on this item. Note that elements
+ that must do non-trivial processing to produce this text
+ should cache the text when they can. """
+ self.notify.error(
+ 'getDisplayText is pure virtual, derived class must override')
+ # input event handlers that derived classes can override
+ def onMouseEnter(self, event):
+ """ the mouse has just entered this entity """
+ if self.parentMenu is not None:
+ self.parentMenu.memberGainedInputFocus(self)
+ def onMouseLeave(self, event):
+ """ the mouse has just left this entity """
+ if self.parentMenu is not None:
+ self.parentMenu.memberLostInputFocus(self)
+ def onMouseClick(self, event):
+ """ the user just clicked on this entity """
+ pass
+ """ inheritors should override these methods and perform whatever
+ actions are appropriate when this element becomes 'active' and
+ 'inactive' (for example, menu holders should show/hide their menu;
+ other element types might play some sort of animation on activation).
+ 'active' generally corresponds to having the input focus, but not
+ always; see 'hasStickyFocus' below. """
+ def enterActive(self):
+ self.__active = 1
+ def exitActive(self):
+ self.__active = 0
+ def isActive(self):
+ return self.__active
+ def hasStickyFocus(self):
+ """ Inheritors should override and return non-zero if they
+ should remain active until a sibling becomes active, even
+ if they lose the input focus. For example, menu holders should
+ remain open until a sibling becomes active, even if the user
+ moves the mouse out of the menu holder, or even completely away
+ from the SpeedChat menus. """
+ return 0
+ """ If this element is marked as 'not viewable', it will disappear from
+ its parent menu, and it will not be possible for the user to
+ interact with this element. """
+ def setViewable(self, viewable):
+ if (not boolEqual(self.__viewable, viewable)):
+ self.__viewable = viewable
+ # inform our parent that our visibility state has changed
+ if self.parentMenu is not None:
+ self.parentMenu.memberViewabilityChanged(self)
+ def isViewable(self):
+ return self.__viewable
+ def getMinDimensions(self):
+ """ Should return the width/height that this element would
+ ideally like to be. We may be asked to display ourselves
+ larger than this, never smaller.
+ returns (width, height)
+ """
+ text = TextNode('SCTemp')
+ text.setFont(SCElement.font)
+ dText = self.getDisplayText()
+ text.setText(dText)
+ bounds = text.getCardActual()
+ # there's already padding on the right, apparently
+ width = abs(bounds[1] - bounds[0]) + self.padX
+ # the height will always be the same regardless of the string
+ height = abs(bounds[3] - bounds[2]) + 2.*self.padZ
+ return width, height
+ def setDimensions(self, width, height):
+ """ Call this to tell this element how big it should be. Must be
+ called before calling finalize. """
+ self.width = float(width)
+ self.height = float(height)
+ if (self.lastWidth, self.lastHeight) != (self.width, self.height):
+ self.invalidate()
+ def invalidate(self):
+ """ call this if something about our appearance has changed and
+ we need to re-create our button """
+ SCObject.invalidate(self)
+ parentMenu = self.getParentMenu()
+ if parentMenu is not None:
+ # if our parent menu caused us to become invalid during its
+ # finalization, don't re-invalidate it
+ if not parentMenu.isFinalizing():
+ parentMenu.invalidate()
+ # from SCObject
+ def enterVisible(self):
+ SCObject.enterVisible(self)
+ self.privScheduleFinalize()
+ def exitVisible(self):
+ SCObject.exitVisible(self)
+ self.privCancelFinalize()
+ def privScheduleFinalize(self):
+ # spawn a task to finalize ourselves before we render.
+ def finalizeElement(task, self=self):
+ # if our parent menu is dirty, it will be finalizing us shortly;
+ # our size may change in the process, so don't bother
+ # finalizing yet.
+ if self.parentMenu is not None:
+ if self.parentMenu.isDirty():
+ return Task.done
+ self.finalize()
+ return Task.done
+ taskMgr.remove(self.FinalizeTaskName)
+ taskMgr.add(finalizeElement, self.FinalizeTaskName,
+ priority=SCElementFinalizePriority)
+ def privCancelFinalize(self):
+ taskMgr.remove(self.FinalizeTaskName)
+ def finalize(self, dbArgs={}):
+ """ 'dbArgs' can contain parameters (and parameter overrides) for
+ the DirectButton.
+ """
+ if not self.isDirty():
+ return
+ SCObject.finalize(self)
+ if hasattr(self, 'button'):
+ self.button.destroy()
+ del self.button
+ halfHeight = self.height/2.
+ # if we're given a 'center' value for the text alignment,
+ # calculate the appropriate text X position
+ textX = 0
+ if dbArgs.has_key('text_align'):
+ if dbArgs['text_align'] == TextNode.ACenter:
+ textX = self.width/2.
+ args = {
+ 'text': self.getDisplayText(),
+ 'frameColor': (0,0,0,0),
+ 'rolloverColor': self.getColorScheme().getRolloverColor()+(1,),
+ 'pressedColor': self.getColorScheme().getPressedColor()+(1,),
+ 'text_font': OTPGlobals.getInterfaceFont(),
+ 'text_align': TextNode.ALeft,
+ 'text_fg': self.getColorScheme().getTextColor()+(1,),
+ 'text_pos': (textX,-.25-halfHeight,0),
+ 'relief': DGG.FLAT,
+ # disable the 'press effect' (slight scale-down)
+ 'pressEffect': 0,
+ }
+ # add external parameters and apply any overrides
+ args.update(dbArgs)
+ # these can't be passed directly to DirectButton
+ rolloverColor = args['rolloverColor']
+ pressedColor = args['pressedColor']
+ del args['rolloverColor']
+ del args['pressedColor']
+ """
+ from direct.gui.DirectGui import *;import OTPGlobals;
+ btn.destroy();w=3;h=2;btn = DirectButton(parent=aspect2d,frameSize=(0,w,-h,0),text='TEST',frameColor=(.8,.8,1,1),text_font=OTPGlobals.getInterfaceFont(),text_align=TextNode.ALeft,text_fg=(0,0,0,1),text_pos=(0,-.25-(h/2.),0),image=('phase_3/models/props/page-arrow', 'poly'),image_pos=(w*.9,0,-h/2.),state=DGG.NORMAL,relief=DGG.RAISED);btn.setPos(-.5,0,0);btn.setScale(.5)"""
+ btn = DirectButton(
+ parent = self,
+ frameSize = (0,self.width,
+ -self.height,0),
+ # this doesn't trigger until mouse-up. We want to trigger
+ # on mouse-down; see the 'bind' calls below
+ #command = self.onMouseClick,
+ **args
+ )
+ # Set frame color for rollover and pressed states
+ btn.frameStyle[DGG.BUTTON_ROLLOVER_STATE].setColor(*rolloverColor)
+ btn.frameStyle[DGG.BUTTON_DEPRESSED_STATE].setColor(*pressedColor)
+ btn.updateFrameStyle()
+ # listen for input events
+ btn.bind(DGG.ENTER, self.onMouseEnter)
+ btn.bind(DGG.EXIT, self.onMouseLeave)
+ btn.bind(DGG.B1PRESS, self.onMouseClick)
+ self.button = btn
+ # store the new display params
+ self.lastWidth = self.width
+ self.lastHeight = self.height
+ self.validate()
+ def __str__(self):
+ return '%s: %s' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.getDisplayText())
diff --git a/otp/src/speedchat/ b/otp/src/speedchat/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a510669
--- /dev/null
+++ b/otp/src/speedchat/
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+""" contains the SCEmoteMenu class"""
+from SCMenu import SCMenu
+from SCEmoteTerminal import SCEmoteTerminal
+class SCEmoteMenu(SCMenu):
+ """ SCEmoteMenu represents a menu of SCEmoteTerminals. """
+ def __init__(self):
+ SCMenu.__init__(self)
+ self.accept('emotesChanged', self.__emoteAccessChanged)
+ self.__emoteAccessChanged()
+ def destroy(self):
+ SCMenu.destroy(self)
+ def __emoteAccessChanged(self):
+ # clear out everything from our menu
+ self.clearMenu()
+ # if local toon has not been created, don't panic
+ try:
+ lt = base.localAvatar
+ except:
+ return
+ for i in range(len(lt.emoteAccess)):
+ # Only add entries we actually have.
+ if lt.emoteAccess[i]:
+ self.append(SCEmoteTerminal(i))
diff --git a/otp/src/speedchat/ b/otp/src/speedchat/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fdeb85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/otp/src/speedchat/
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+""" contains the SCEmoteTerminal class"""
+from direct.gui.DirectGui import *
+from SCTerminal import SCTerminal
+from otp.otpbase.OTPLocalizer import EmoteList, EmoteWhispers
+from otp.avatar import Emote
+# args: emoteId
+SCEmoteMsgEvent = 'SCEmoteMsg'
+# args: none
+SCEmoteNoAccessEvent = 'SCEmoteNoAccess'
+# emote terminals don't produce any spoken text
+# when whispered, they produce msgs like 'Flippy waves'
+def decodeSCEmoteWhisperMsg(emoteId, avName):
+ if emoteId >= len(EmoteWhispers):
+ return None
+ return EmoteWhispers[emoteId] % avName
+class SCEmoteTerminal(SCTerminal):
+ """ SCEmoteTerminal represents a terminal SpeedChat node that
+ contains an emotion. """
+ def __init__(self, emoteId):
+ SCTerminal.__init__(self)
+ self.emoteId = emoteId
+ # look up the emote name that should be displayed
+ if not self.__ltHasAccess():
+ self.text = '?'
+ else:
+ self.text = EmoteList[self.emoteId]
+ def __ltHasAccess(self):
+ # returns non-zero if localToon has access to this emote
+ #
+ # Note that the current design stipulates that this object
+ # will be destroyed and replaced by the SCEmoteMenu if and
+ # when the lt's emote-access state changes. Therefore the
+ # result of this function should be constant throughout
+ # the lifetime of the object.
+ try:
+ lt = base.localAvatar
+ return lt.emoteAccess[self.emoteId]
+ except:
+ return 0
+ def __emoteEnabled(self):
+ # all of the emotes are always available for whispering
+ if self.isWhispering():
+ return 1
+ assert Emote.globalEmote != None
+ return Emote.globalEmote.isEnabled(self.emoteId)
+ def finalize(self, dbArgs={}):
+ if not self.isDirty():
+ return
+ args = {}
+ if ((not self.__ltHasAccess()) or
+ (not self.__emoteEnabled())):
+ # make the button 'unclickable'
+ args.update({
+ 'rolloverColor': (0,0,0,0),
+ 'pressedColor': (0,0,0,0),
+ 'rolloverSound': None,
+ 'text_fg': self.getColorScheme().getTextDisabledColor()+(1,),
+ })
+ if not self.__ltHasAccess():
+ # if localToon doesn't have access to this emote, the
+ # button has a '?' on it. make sure it's centered
+ args.update({
+ 'text_align': TextNode.ACenter,
+ })
+ elif not self.__emoteEnabled():
+ # don't play a sound if user clicks on a disabled emote
+ # that they have access to
+ args.update({
+ 'clickSound': None,
+ })
+ self.lastEmoteEnableState = self.__emoteEnabled()
+ args.update(dbArgs)
+ SCTerminal.finalize(self, dbArgs=args)
+ def __emoteEnableStateChanged(self):
+ if self.isDirty():
+ # we're marked as dirty, don't bother trying to change
+ # our appearance here; we may not even have a button yet
+ "skipping __emoteEnableStateChanged; we're marked as dirty")
+ return
+ elif not hasattr(self, 'button'):
+ self.notify.error(
+ "SCEmoteTerminal is not marked as dirty, but has no button!")
+ btn = self.button
+ if self.__emoteEnabled():
+ rolloverColor = self.getColorScheme().getRolloverColor()+(1,)
+ pressedColor = self.getColorScheme().getPressedColor()+(1,)
+ btn.frameStyle[DGG.BUTTON_ROLLOVER_STATE].setColor(*rolloverColor)
+ btn.frameStyle[DGG.BUTTON_DEPRESSED_STATE].setColor(*pressedColor)
+ btn.updateFrameStyle()
+ btn['text_fg'] = (
+ self.getColorScheme().getTextColor()+(1,))
+ btn['rolloverSound'] = DGG.getDefaultRolloverSound()
+ btn['clickSound'] = DGG.getDefaultClickSound()
+ else:
+ btn.frameStyle[DGG.BUTTON_ROLLOVER_STATE].setColor(0,0,0,0)
+ btn.frameStyle[DGG.BUTTON_DEPRESSED_STATE].setColor(0,0,0,0)
+ btn.updateFrameStyle()
+ btn['text_fg'] = (
+ self.getColorScheme().getTextDisabledColor()+(1,))
+ btn['rolloverSound'] = None
+ btn['clickSound'] = None
+ def enterVisible(self):
+ SCTerminal.enterVisible(self)
+ if self.__ltHasAccess():
+ # if the emote enable state has changed since the last time
+ # we were finalized, invalidate
+ if hasattr(self, 'lastEmoteEnableState'):
+ if self.lastEmoteEnableState != self.__emoteEnabled():
+ self.invalidate()
+ if not self.isWhispering():
+ self.accept(Emote.globalEmote.EmoteEnableStateChanged,
+ self.__emoteEnableStateChanged)
+ def exitVisible(self):
+ SCTerminal.exitVisible(self)
+ self.ignore(Emote.globalEmote.EmoteEnableStateChanged)
+ # from SCTerminal
+ def handleSelect(self):
+ if not self.__ltHasAccess():
+ messenger.send(self.getEventName(SCEmoteNoAccessEvent))
+ else:
+ if self.__emoteEnabled():
+ # calling this makes the speedchat menu go away
+ SCTerminal.handleSelect(self)
+ messenger.send(self.getEventName(SCEmoteMsgEvent),
+ [self.emoteId])
diff --git a/otp/src/speedchat/ b/otp/src/speedchat/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e112e33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/otp/src/speedchat/
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+""" contains the SCGMTextTerminal class"""
+from SCTerminal import SCTerminal
+from otp.speedchat import SpeedChatGMHandler
+# args: textId
+SCGMTextMsgEvent = 'SCGMTextMsg'
+class SCGMTextTerminal(SCTerminal):
+ """ SCGMTextTerminal represents a terminal SpeedChat entry that
+ contains a piece of static (never-changing/constant) text sent
+ from the GM.
+ When selected, generates a 'SCGMTextMsg' event, with arguments:
+ - textId (32-bit; use as index)
+ """
+ def __init__(self, textId):
+ SCTerminal.__init__(self)
+ gmHandler = SpeedChatGMHandler.SpeedChatGMHandler()
+ self.textId = textId
+ self.text = gmHandler.getPhrase(textId)
+ def handleSelect(self):
+ SCTerminal.handleSelect(self)
+ messenger.send(self.getEventName(SCGMTextMsgEvent), [self.textId])
diff --git a/otp/src/speedchat/ b/otp/src/speedchat/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f56d9d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/otp/src/speedchat/
@@ -0,0 +1,703 @@
+""" contains the SCMenu class"""
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from direct.gui.DirectGui import *
+from direct.task import Task
+from SCConstants import *
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
+from SCObject import SCObject
+from direct.showbase.PythonUtil import makeTuple
+import types
+class SCMenu(SCObject, NodePath):
+ """ SCMenu is a menu of SCElements """
+ # The speedchat will wait this long before switching to a new
+ # active menu member when the mouse rolls over the new member.
+ # Set to zero to disable this behavior.
+ config = getConfigShowbase()
+ SpeedChatRolloverTolerance = config.GetFloat(
+ 'speedchat-rollover-tolerance', .08)
+ # should we fade in the menus?
+ WantFade = config.GetBool('want-speedchat-fade', 0)
+ # How long it should take for a menu to fade in.
+ FadeDuration = config.GetFloat('speedchat-fade-duration', .2)
+ SerialNum = 0
+ # This should be filled in by to indicate the
+ # appropriate model file to load for the background and the gui
+ # objects, respectively. Also the names of the gui icon nodes.
+ BackgroundModelName = None
+ GuiModelName = None
+ def __init__(self, holder=None):
+ SCObject.__init__(self)
+ self.SerialNum = SCMenu.SerialNum
+ SCMenu.SerialNum += 1
+ node = hidden.attachNewNode('SCMenu%s' % self.SerialNum)
+ NodePath.__init__(self, node)
+ # if 'None', this menu is a top-level menu (it's not under anything)
+ self.setHolder(holder)
+ self.FinalizeTaskName = 'SCMenu%s_Finalize' % self.SerialNum
+ self.ActiveMemberSwitchTaskName = (
+ 'SCMenu%s_SwitchActiveMember' % self.SerialNum)
+ = loader.loadModel(self.BackgroundModelName)
+ def findNodes(names,
+ results = []
+ for name in names:
+ # if name is a tuple we need to look for the first match
+ for nm in makeTuple(name):
+ node = model.find('**/%s' % nm)
+ if not node.isEmpty():
+ results.append(node)
+ break
+ return results
+ # Maya doesn't allow nodes to be named 'top' so it's named
+ # 'top1' in the Pirates model
+ (self.bgTop, self.bgBottom, self.bgLeft, self.bgRight,
+ self.bgMiddle, self.bgTopLeft, self.bgBottomLeft,
+ self.bgTopRight, self.bgBottomRight) = findNodes(
+ [('top', 'top1'), 'bottom', 'left', 'right',
+ 'middle', 'topLeft', 'bottomLeft',
+ 'topRight', 'bottomRight'])
+ # give the bg frame a render order that puts it behind the rest
+ # of our children
+, -1)
+ # the member elements in this menu
+ # note that our member list should be manipulated by applying
+ # list operations to 'self'
+ self.__members = []
+ # Each menu can have a maximum of one 'active' member ('active'
+ # being interpreted based on the member's element type; menu holders
+ # show their menu when active, etc.)
+ self.activeMember = None
+ self.activeCandidate = None
+ self.fadeIval = None
+ # initialized; only used for horizonal centering
+ self.width = 1
+ # to prevent recursive invalidates from members
+ self.inFinalize = 0
+ def destroy(self):
+ self.stopFade()
+ SCObject.destroy(self)
+ del self.bgTop
+ del self.bgBottom
+ del self.bgLeft
+ del self.bgRight
+ del self.bgMiddle
+ del self.bgBottomLeft
+ del self.bgTopRight
+ del self.bgBottomRight
+ del
+ self.holder = None
+ for member in self.__members:
+ member.destroy()
+ del self.__members
+ self.removeNode()
+ taskMgr.remove(self.FinalizeTaskName)
+ taskMgr.remove(self.ActiveMemberSwitchTaskName)
+ def clearMenu(self):
+ """ This will empty our menu, and destroy all of the current
+ member elements. """
+ while len(self):
+ # It is important to del the item from the list *before*
+ # destroying it, because the __delitem__ method may
+ # perform some additional cleanup.
+ item = self[0]
+ del self[0]
+ item.destroy()
+ def rebuildFromStructure(self, structure, title=None):
+ """ This will destroy the current content of this menu and replace
+ it with the tree described by 'structure'."""
+ self.clearMenu()
+ if title:
+ holder = self.getHolder()
+ if holder:
+ holder.setTitle(title)
+ self.appendFromStructure(structure)
+ def appendFromStructure(self, structure):
+ """ This will add the tree elements described by 'structure' to the
+ existing menu elements.
+ structure should be a list of Python objects that represent SpeedChat
+ elements. Here is the mapping of Python objects to SpeedChat elements:
+ Integers represent static-text terminal elements. They should be valid
+ indices into OTPLocalizer.SpeedChatStaticText.
+ TODO: how to represent different terminals
+ Lists represent menus: the format is
+ [menuType, title, elem1, elem2, ..]
+ 'menuType' is the desired menu class (if omitted, defaults to SCMenu).
+ 'title' is the text that should appear on the menu's holder element.
+ elem1, etc. are the elements that should appear in the menu.
+ Emotes are attached to terminal elements using dictionaries:
+ {terminal:emoteId}
+ """
+ from SpeedChatTypes import SCMenuHolder, SCStaticTextTerminal, SCGMTextTerminal
+ from otp.otpbase import OTPLocalizer
+ def addChildren(menu, childList):
+ """ this recursive function adds children to an SCMenu
+ according to the specification in 'childList'. See above
+ for the format of childList (it matches the format of
+ 'structure'). """
+ for child in childList:
+ # if it's a dictionary, there's an emote attached
+ emote = None
+ if type(child) == type({}):
+ assert len(child.keys()) == 1
+ item = child.keys()[0]
+ emote = child[item]
+ child = item
+ # use this func to add terminal nodes;
+ # takes care of linking emotes
+ # def addTerminal(terminal, menu=menu, emote=emote):
+ # if emote is not None:
+ # terminal.setLinkedEmote(emote)
+ # menu.append(terminal)
+ if type(child) == type(0):
+ # it's a static text ID
+ assert child in OTPLocalizer.SpeedChatStaticText
+ terminal = SCStaticTextTerminal(child)
+ if emote is not None:
+ terminal.setLinkedEmote(emote)
+ menu.append(terminal)
+ # addTerminal(SCStaticTextTerminal(child))
+ elif type(child) == type([]):
+ # we've got a menu holder and a menu to be held
+ # if first element of list is string, it's a plain SCMenu
+ if type(child[0]) == type(''):
+ holderTitle = child[0]
+ subMenu = SCMenu()
+ subMenuChildren = child[1:]
+ else:
+ # otherwise, first element of list is class
+ menuType, holderTitle = child[0], child[1]
+ subMenu = menuType()
+ subMenuChildren = child[2:]
+ if emote:
+ print ('warning: tried to link emote %s '
+ 'to a menu holder' % emote)
+ holder = SCMenuHolder(holderTitle, menu=subMenu)
+ menu.append(holder)
+ addChildren(subMenu, subMenuChildren)
+ elif type(child) == type('') and child[:2] == 'gm':
+ terminal = SCGMTextTerminal(child)
+ menu.append(terminal)
+ else:
+ raise ('error parsing speedchat structure. '
+ 'invalid child: %s' % child)
+ addChildren(self, structure)
+ # clean up memory leak
+ addChildren = None
+ def fadeFunc(self, t):
+ cs = self.getColorScale()
+ self.setColorScale(cs[0],cs[1],cs[2],t)
+ def stopFade(self):
+ if self.fadeIval is not None:
+ self.fadeIval.pause()
+ self.fadeIval = None
+ def enterVisible(self):
+ SCObject.enterVisible(self)
+ self.privScheduleFinalize()
+ # tell our members that they're visible now
+ for member in self:
+ if member.isViewable():
+ if not member.isVisible():
+ member.enterVisible()
+ # we are just becoming visible, so reset our child fade flag
+ self.childHasFaded = 0
+ # if a sibling menu has already faded in, don't fade in again
+ alreadyFaded = 0
+ parentMenu = None
+ if self.holder is not None:
+ if self.holder.parentMenu is not None:
+ parentMenu = self.holder.parentMenu
+ alreadyFaded = parentMenu.childHasFaded
+ if SCMenu.WantFade:
+ if alreadyFaded:
+ self.fadeFunc(1.)
+ else:
+ self.stopFade()
+ self.fadeIval = LerpFunctionInterval(
+ self.fadeFunc, fromData=0., toData=1.,
+ duration = SCMenu.FadeDuration)
+ if parentMenu is not None:
+ parentMenu.childHasFaded = 1
+ def exitVisible(self):
+ SCObject.exitVisible(self)
+ self.stopFade()
+ self.privCancelFinalize()
+ self.__cancelActiveMemberSwitch()
+ # if there is a member that is active, deactive it
+ self.__setActiveMember(None)
+ # tell all of our visible members that they're about to
+ # not be visible anymore
+ for member in self:
+ if member.isVisible():
+ member.exitVisible()
+ """ The 'holder' is an element that 'owns' this menu; if 'None', this
+ is a free-standing menu. """
+ def setHolder(self, holder):
+ self.holder = holder
+ def getHolder(self):
+ return self.holder
+ def isTopLevel(self):
+ return (self.holder == None)
+ def memberSelected(self, member):
+ """ non-terminal member elements should call this when they are
+ clicked on; immediately makes them the active member. """
+ assert member in self
+ # cancel any pending active candidate
+ self.__cancelActiveMemberSwitch()
+ self.__setActiveMember(member)
+ def __setActiveMember(self, member):
+ """ this function actually does the work of switching the active
+ member. """
+ # if this member is already the active member, ignore
+ if self.activeMember is member:
+ return
+ # if there is a member element that was active, deactive it
+ if self.activeMember is not None:
+ self.activeMember.exitActive()
+ # set up with the new member as the active member
+ self.activeMember = member
+ if self.activeMember is not None:
+ # reparent the active member to us, so that it (and its children,
+ # if any) will be rendered on top of all of its siblings
+ self.activeMember.reparentTo(self)
+ self.activeMember.enterActive()
+ """ Member elements will call these functions to inform us that they
+ have gained/lost the input focus. Based on calls to these functions,
+ we will instruct our elements to go active or inactive. """
+ def memberGainedInputFocus(self, member):
+ """ member elements will call this function to let us know that
+ they have gained the input focus """
+ assert member in self
+ # kill any candidate-active-member wait task
+ self.__cancelActiveMemberSwitch()
+ # this could be the currently-active member, if it has sticky
+ # focus (elements with sticky focus don't necessarily become
+ # inactive when the mouse leaves)
+ if member is self.activeMember:
+ return
+ # we can improve the feel and ease-of-use of the menus by
+ # delaying the switching of the active member state, to make
+ # sure that the user actually intends to give the element the
+ # focus, and is not just grazing past it on the way to something
+ # else.
+ # if there is no active member, just make the candidate member
+ # active right away. Also, switch immediately if this member
+ # is above the candidate in the menu.
+ if ((self.activeMember is None) or
+ (SCMenu.SpeedChatRolloverTolerance == 0) or
+ (member.posInParentMenu < self.activeMember.posInParentMenu)):
+ self.__setActiveMember(member)
+ else:
+ # otherwise, don't switch the active member right away.
+ # if this element maintains the input focus for N seconds,
+ # make it active
+ def doActiveMemberSwitch(task, self=self, member=member):
+ self.activeCandidate = None
+ self.__setActiveMember(member)
+ return Task.done
+ # If we just spawn a simple doLater task, the task is guaranteed
+ # to run no sooner than after the next display update, and thus
+ # the visual results are guaranteed to show up no sooner than two
+ # display updates from now. This is a minimum time delay of two
+ # full frame cycles, from the time that the mouse enters the member
+ # to the time that the user sees that member as active.
+ #
+ # At a certain threshold of slow framerate, we want to cut our
+ # losses, assume that the mouse has been over the candidate member
+ # long enough, and switch to that member during this frame.
+ # +-- dt ---+
+ # |---------|---------|---------|---------|
+ # +--------+ | | |
+ # mouse reg doLater results
+ # enter doLater run visible
+ minFrameRate = 1./SCMenu.SpeedChatRolloverTolerance
+ if globalClock.getAverageFrameRate() > minFrameRate:
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(SCMenu.SpeedChatRolloverTolerance,
+ doActiveMemberSwitch,
+ self.ActiveMemberSwitchTaskName)
+ # keep a record of the candidate member that wants to be active
+ self.activeCandidate = member
+ else:
+ # do the switch this frame
+ self.__setActiveMember(member)
+ def __cancelActiveMemberSwitch(self):
+ """ Call this to clean up a delayed active-member switch without
+ switching to the candidate. Okay to call even if there currently
+ is no candidate.
+ """
+ taskMgr.remove(self.ActiveMemberSwitchTaskName)
+ self.activeCandidate = None
+ def memberLostInputFocus(self, member):
+ """ member elements will call this function to let us know that
+ they have lost the input focus """
+ assert member in self
+ if member is self.activeCandidate:
+ # this member was waiting to become active; kill the wait task
+ self.__cancelActiveMemberSwitch()
+ # if this member is not *the* active member in this menu,
+ # we don't really care
+ if member is not self.activeMember:
+ """ this can occur now that we delay switching of the active
+ member to ensure that the user actually wants the switch
+ to occur. """
+ assert not member.isActive()
+ else:
+ # this is currently the active member. if it doesn't have
+ # sticky focus, de-activate it now
+ if not member.hasStickyFocus():
+ self.__setActiveMember(None)
+ def memberViewabilityChanged(self, member):
+ """ member elements will call this if their viewability state
+ changes. """
+ # Keep in mind that the viewability of this member may change back
+ # before the frame ends. If the active member calls this saying
+ # that it's not viewable, don't deactivate it... yet.
+ # our menu is no longer valid
+ self.invalidate()
+ def invalidate(self):
+ """ Call this if something has changed and we should reconstruct
+ ourselves:
+ - member added
+ - member removed
+ - member visibility state change
+ etc.
+ """
+ SCObject.invalidate(self)
+ # If we're visible, we need to spawn a task to rebuild our menu
+ # before we render. We could rebuild the menu immediately, but
+ # that would get expensive if there are many consecutive member
+ # adds and/or removes.
+ if self.isVisible():
+ self.privScheduleFinalize()
+ def privScheduleFinalize(self):
+ # spawn a task to finalize our menu before we render.
+ def finalizeMenu(task, self=self):
+ self.finalize()
+ return Task.done
+ taskMgr.remove(self.FinalizeTaskName)
+ taskMgr.add(finalizeMenu, self.FinalizeTaskName,
+ priority=SCMenuFinalizePriority)
+ def privCancelFinalize(self):
+ taskMgr.remove(self.FinalizeTaskName)
+ def isFinalizing(self):
+ return self.inFinalize
+ def finalize(self):
+ if not self.isDirty():
+ return
+ self.inFinalize = 1
+ SCObject.finalize(self)
+ if __debug__:
+ # make sure all of our members know that we are their parent menu
+ # (who's yo daddy?)
+ for member in self:
+ assert member.getParentMenu() is self
+ # we aren't interested in members that aren't viewable.
+ # build a list of viewable members. Also parent viewable
+ # members to us, parent non-viewable members to hidden.
+ visibleMembers = []
+ for member in self:
+ if member.isViewable():
+ visibleMembers.append(member)
+ member.reparentTo(self)
+ else:
+ member.reparentTo(hidden)
+ # if this is the active member, deactivate it
+ if self.activeMember is member:
+ self.__setActiveMember(None)
+ # survey the members to find out their ideal dimensions, and
+ # determine the maximum dimensions
+ maxWidth = 0.
+ maxHeight = 0.
+ for member in visibleMembers:
+ width,height = member.getMinDimensions()
+ maxWidth = max(maxWidth, width)
+ maxHeight = max(maxHeight, height)
+ # make sure that we cover our parent menu all the way out past its
+ # right edge
+ holder = self.getHolder()
+ if holder is not None:
+ # how wide do we need to be to cover our parent menu?
+ widthToCover = holder.getMinSubmenuWidth()
+ maxWidth = max(maxWidth, widthToCover)
+ # all of the menu members will be at least as big as the biggest
+ # member, in each dimension
+ memberWidth, memberHeight = maxWidth, maxHeight
+ # Store this so that we can do horizonal centering
+ self.width = maxWidth
+ # put the members in the right place, and tell them what size
+ # they should be
+ for i in xrange(len(visibleMembers)):
+ member = visibleMembers[i]
+ member.setPos(0,0,-i * maxHeight)
+ member.setDimensions(memberWidth, memberHeight)
+ member.finalize()
+ if len(visibleMembers) > 0:
+ z1 = visibleMembers[0].getZ(aspect2d)
+ visibleMembers[0].setZ(-maxHeight)
+ z2 = visibleMembers[0].getZ(aspect2d)
+ visibleMembers[0].setZ(0)
+ actualHeight = (z2-z1) * len(visibleMembers)
+ # keep the menu from going off the bottom of the screen
+ bottomZ = self.getZ(aspect2d) + actualHeight
+ if bottomZ < -1.:
+ overlap = bottomZ - (-1.)
+ self.setZ(aspect2d, self.getZ(aspect2d) - overlap)
+ # keep the menu from going off the top of the screen
+ if self.getZ(aspect2d) > 1.:
+ self.setZ(aspect2d, 1.)
+ # set up the background frame
+ sX = memberWidth
+ sZ = memberHeight * len(visibleMembers)
+ self.bgMiddle.setScale(sX,1,sZ)
+ self.bgTop.setScale(sX,1,1)
+ self.bgBottom.setScale(sX,1,1)
+ self.bgLeft.setScale(1,1,sZ)
+ self.bgRight.setScale(1,1,sZ)
+ self.bgBottomLeft.setZ(-sZ)
+ self.bgBottom.setZ(-sZ)
+ self.bgTopRight.setX(sX)
+ self.bgRight.setX(sX)
+ self.bgBottomRight.setX(sX)
+ self.bgBottomRight.setZ(-sZ)
+ # scale the border wrt aspect2d
+ # note: changing the Y-scale from literal '1' wrt parent
+ # is not necessary and was causing visibility problems
+ sB = .15
+ self.bgTopLeft.setSx(aspect2d, sB)
+ self.bgTopLeft.setSz(aspect2d, sB)
+ self.bgBottomRight.setSx(aspect2d, sB)
+ self.bgBottomRight.setSz(aspect2d, sB)
+ self.bgBottomLeft.setSx(aspect2d, sB)
+ self.bgBottomLeft.setSz(aspect2d, sB)
+ self.bgTopRight.setSx(aspect2d, sB)
+ self.bgTopRight.setSz(aspect2d, sB)
+ self.bgTop.setSz(aspect2d, sB)
+ self.bgBottom.setSz(aspect2d, sB)
+ self.bgLeft.setSx(aspect2d, sB)
+ self.bgRight.setSx(aspect2d, sB)
+ r,g,b = self.getColorScheme().getFrameColor()
+ a = self.getColorScheme().getAlpha()
+ # if we have an active member, reparent it to us, so that
+ # it and its children show up over the rest of the menu elements
+ if self.activeMember is not None:
+ self.activeMember.reparentTo(self)
+ self.validate()
+ self.inFinalize = 0
+ # Functions to make the SCMenu object act just like a Python
+ # list of SCElements
+ #
+ # Note that removing an element does not remove the element from
+ # the menu visually; the owner of the element is responsible for
+ # parenting it away somewhere else and/or destroying the element.
+ # If you just want to clear out the entire menu, see clearMenu()
+ # above.
+ def append(self, element):
+ # Appends a single element to the list so far.
+ if isinstance(self.__members, types.TupleType):
+ self.__members = list(self.__members)
+ self.__members.append(element)
+ self.privMemberListChanged(added=[element])
+ def extend(self, elements):
+ # Appends a list of elements to the list so far.
+ # note that this operation invokes __iadd__
+ self += elements
+ def index(self, element):
+ return self.__members.index(element)
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(self.__members)
+ def __getitem__(self, index):
+ return self.__members[index]
+ def __setitem__(self, index, value):
+ if isinstance(self.__members, types.TupleType):
+ self.__members = list(self.__members)
+ removedMember = self.__members[index]
+ self.__members[index] = value
+ self.privMemberListChanged(added=[value], removed=[removedMember])
+ def __delitem__(self, index):
+ if isinstance(self.__members, types.TupleType):
+ self.__members = list(self.__members)
+ removedMember = self.__members[index]
+ del self.__members[index]
+ self.privMemberListChanged(removed=[removedMember])
+ def __getslice__(self, i, j):
+ if isinstance(self.__members, types.TupleType):
+ self.__members = list(self.__members)
+ return self.__members[i:j]
+ def __setslice__(self, i, j, s):
+ if isinstance(self.__members, types.TupleType):
+ self.__members = list(self.__members)
+ removedMembers = self.__members[i:j]
+ self.__members[i:j] = list(s)
+ self.privMemberListChanged(added=list(s), removed=removedMembers)
+ def __delslice__(self, i, j):
+ if isinstance(self.__members, types.TupleType):
+ self.__members = list(self.__members)
+ removedMembers = self.__members[i:j]
+ del self.__members[i:j]
+ self.privMemberListChanged(removed=removedMembers)
+ def __iadd__(self, other):
+ if isinstance(self.__members, types.TupleType):
+ self.__members = list(self.__members)
+ if isinstance(other, SCMenu):
+ otherMenu = other
+ other = otherMenu.__members
+ del otherMenu[:]
+ self.__members += list(other)
+ self.privMemberListChanged(added=list(other))
+ return self
+ def privMemberListChanged(self, added=None, removed=None):
+ assert added or removed
+ if removed is not None:
+ for element in removed:
+ # if this element is our active member, we no longer have an
+ # active member
+ if element is self.activeMember:
+ self.__setActiveMember(None)
+ # if this element has not been reassigned to a different
+ # menu, make sure it knows it's not visible, and set its
+ # parent to None
+ if element.getParentMenu() is self:
+ if element.isVisible():
+ element.exitVisible()
+ element.setParentMenu(None)
+ element.reparentTo(hidden)
+ if added is not None:
+ for element in added:
+ self.privAdoptSCObject(element)
+ element.setParentMenu(self)
+ # it's possible that we are now empty, or have become not-empty
+ # tell our holder item to update its 'viewability' property
+ if self.holder is not None:
+ self.holder.updateViewability()
+ # set a 'posInParentMenu' index value on each member
+ for i in range(len(self.__members)):
+ self.__members[i].posInParentMenu = i
+ self.invalidate()
+ def privSetSettingsRef(self, settingsRef):
+ SCObject.privSetSettingsRef(self, settingsRef)
+ # propogate the settings reference to our children
+ for member in self:
+ member.privSetSettingsRef(settingsRef)
+ def invalidateAll(self):
+ SCObject.invalidateAll(self)
+ for member in self:
+ member.invalidateAll()
+ def finalizeAll(self):
+ SCObject.finalizeAll(self)
+ for member in self:
+ member.finalizeAll()
+ def getWidth(self):
+ return self.width
+ def __str__(self):
+ return '%s: menu%s' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.SerialNum)
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b937d9
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+""" contains the SCMenuHolder class"""
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from direct.gui.DirectGui import *
+from SCObject import SCObject
+from SCElement import SCElement
+from SCMenu import SCMenu
+import types
+class SCMenuHolder(SCElement):
+ """
+ SCMenuHolder is an SCElement that owns an SCMenu and is
+ responsible for displaying it.
+ """
+ # our default background color should simply darken the underlying
+ # pixels
+ #
+ # The alpha-blending equation:
+ #
+ # Cout = Asrc*Csrc + (1-Asrc)*Cdst
+ #
+ # where Cout is the result, Csrc is the color of the transparent
+ # pixel being drawn, Asrc is the alpha value of said pixel,
+ # and Cdst is the color that is currently in the framebuffer.
+ #
+ # We will use Csrc = (0,0,0), since we only want to darken the
+ # framebuffer, not change its color/hue. This gives us:
+ #
+ # Cout = (1-Asrc)*Cdst
+ #
+ # Intuitively, we want to be able to say 'Make the existing color N%
+ # of its current brightness.' Assuming N in 0..1:
+ #
+ # Cout = N*Cdst
+ # thus
+ # N = (1-Asrc),
+ # Asrc = (1-N)
+ N = .9
+ DefaultFrameColor = (0,0,0,1.-N)
+ del N
+ # how much darker a child menu should be than its parent
+ MenuColorScaleDown = .95
+ def __init__(self, title, menu=None):
+ SCElement.__init__(self)
+ self.title = title
+ scGui = loader.loadModel(SCMenu.GuiModelName)
+ self.scArrow = scGui.find('**/chatArrow')
+ = None
+ self.setMenu(menu)
+ def destroy(self):
+ if is not None:
+ = None
+ SCElement.destroy(self)
+ def setTitle(self, title):
+ self.title = title
+ self.invalidate()
+ def getTitle(self):
+ return self.title
+ def setMenu(self, menu):
+ if is not None:
+ = menu
+ if is not None:
+ self.privAdoptSCObject(
+ # make sure the menu shows up over us
+, 1)
+ self.updateViewability()
+ def getMenu(self):
+ return
+ def showMenu(self):
+ """use this if we go back to a sorted bin
+ # make sure the menu shows up over us
+ drawOrder = self.getNetState().getDrawOrder()
+'fixed', drawOrder + 1)
+ """
+ if is not None:
+ cS = SCMenuHolder.MenuColorScaleDown
+ def hideMenu(self):
+ if is not None:
+ def getMenuOverlap(self):
+ """returns a value in 0..1 representing the percentage
+ of our width that submenus should cover"""
+ if self.parentMenu.isTopLevel():
+ return self.getTopLevelOverlap()
+ else:
+ return self.getSubmenuOverlap()
+ def getMenuOffset(self):
+ """should return a Point3 offset at which the menu should be
+ positioned relative to this element"""
+ xOffset = self.width * (1. - self.getMenuOverlap())
+ return Point3(xOffset, 0, 0)
+ # from SCElement
+ def onMouseClick(self, event):
+ SCElement.enterActive(self)
+ self.parentMenu.memberSelected(self)
+ # 'active-state' state-change handlers; called by parent menu
+ def enterActive(self):
+ SCElement.enterActive(self)
+ self.showMenu()
+ # set the frame color to show that this menuHolder is active
+ if hasattr(self, 'button'):
+ r,g,b = self.getColorScheme().getMenuHolderActiveColor()
+ a = self.getColorScheme().getAlpha()
+ self.button.frameStyle[DGG.BUTTON_READY_STATE].setColor(r,g,b,a)
+ self.button.updateFrameStyle()
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning("SCMenuHolder has no button (has finalize been called?).")
+ def exitActive(self):
+ SCElement.exitActive(self)
+ self.hideMenu()
+ # reset the frame color
+ self.button.frameStyle[DGG.BUTTON_READY_STATE].setColor(
+ *SCMenuHolder.DefaultFrameColor)
+ self.button.updateFrameStyle()
+ def getDisplayText(self):
+ return self.title
+ def updateViewability(self):
+ if is None:
+ self.setViewable(0)
+ return
+ # if our menu is empty or none of our children are
+ # viewable, we should not be viewable
+ isViewable = False
+ for child in
+ if child.isViewable():
+ isViewable = True
+ break
+ self.setViewable(isViewable)
+ def getMinSubmenuWidth(self):
+ # return the minimum width for a submenu, so that it covers
+ # this menu out past its right edge
+ parentMenu = self.getParentMenu()
+ # if we are in a menu, use the menu's width, since we are also
+ # that wide
+ if parentMenu is None:
+ myWidth, myWeight = self.getMinDimensions()
+ else:
+ myWidth = parentMenu.getWidth()
+ # this assumes offsetMult in [0,1]
+ return .15 + (myWidth * self.getMenuOverlap())
+ def getMinDimensions(self):
+ width, height = SCElement.getMinDimensions(self)
+ # add space for the arrow
+ width += 1.
+ return width, height
+ def invalidate(self):
+ SCElement.invalidate(self)
+ # invalidate our menu, since our width may have changed and
+ # the menu may be stretched to cover our width
+ if is not None:
+ def finalize(self, dbArgs={}):
+ """catch this call and influence the appearance of our button"""
+ if not self.isDirty():
+ return
+ r,g,b = self.getColorScheme().getArrowColor()
+ a = self.getColorScheme().getAlpha()
+ self.scArrow.setColorScale(r,g,b,a)
+ if is not None:
+ # adjust the position of the menu
+ if self.isActive():
+ r,g,b = self.getColorScheme().getMenuHolderActiveColor()
+ a = self.getColorScheme().getAlpha()
+ frameColor = (r,g,b,a)
+ else:
+ frameColor = SCMenuHolder.DefaultFrameColor
+ args = {
+ 'image': self.scArrow,
+ 'image_pos': (self.width-.5,0,-self.height*.5),
+ 'frameColor': frameColor,
+ }
+ args.update(dbArgs)
+ SCElement.finalize(self, dbArgs=args)
+ def hasStickyFocus(self):
+ """menu holders have sticky focus. Once a menu holder gets
+ activated, it stays active until a sibling becomes active."""
+ return 1
+ # from SCObject
+ def privSetSettingsRef(self, settingsRef):
+ SCObject.privSetSettingsRef(self, settingsRef)
+ # propogate the settings reference to our menu
+ if is not None:
+ def invalidateAll(self):
+ SCObject.invalidateAll(self)
+ if is not None:
+ def finalizeAll(self):
+ SCObject.finalizeAll(self)
+ if is not None:
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index 0000000..7fe0094
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@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+""" contains the SCObject class"""
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.showbase.DirectObject import DirectObject
+class SCObject(DirectObject):
+ """ SCObject is the base class for all entities that make up a
+ SpeedChat tree. """
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('SpeedChat')
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.settingsRef = None
+ self.__visible = 0
+ self.__dirty = 1
+ def destroy(self):
+ self.ignoreAll()
+ if self.isVisible():
+ self.exitVisible()
+ """ The owner of this SCObject should call enter/exitVisible when
+ this object appears on screen and no longer appears on the screen,
+ respectively. Derived classes can override these functions and
+ perform the appropriate actions """
+ def enterVisible(self):
+ #print 'enterVisible: %s' % self
+ self.__visible = 1
+ def exitVisible(self):
+ #print 'exitVisible: %s' % self
+ self.__visible = 0
+ def isVisible(self):
+ return self.__visible
+ # call 'invalidate' to indicate that the appearance of this object
+ # has changed, such that it needs to rebuild itself before being shown
+ def invalidate(self):
+ self.__dirty = 1
+ def isDirty(self):
+ return self.__dirty
+ def validate(self):
+ self.__dirty = 0
+ def finalize(self):
+ """ subclasses should override this function and perform whatever
+ processing is necessary to 'finalize' the appearance of this
+ object so that it's ready to be displayed """
+ pass
+ def getEventName(self, name):
+ """ the names of all events that pertain to a specific SpeedChat
+ object should come from this function """
+ return '%s%s' % (self.settingsRef.eventPrefix, name)
+ def getColorScheme(self):
+ return self.settingsRef.colorScheme
+ def isWhispering(self):
+ return self.settingsRef.whisperMode
+ def getSubmenuOverlap(self):
+ return self.settingsRef.submenuOverlap
+ def getTopLevelOverlap(self):
+ if self.settingsRef.topLevelOverlap is None:
+ return self.getSubmenuOverlap()
+ else:
+ return self.settingsRef.topLevelOverlap
+ def privSetSettingsRef(self, settingsRef):
+ """ Subclasses that contain nested SCObjects are responsible for
+ overriding this function, calling it for all of their children,
+ and calling this function. This propogates the reference through
+ the entire tree. """
+ self.settingsRef = settingsRef
+ def privAdoptSCObject(self, scObj):
+ """ Subclasses that contain nested SCObjects must call this
+ function whenever they gain a new child, with a reference to
+ the new child. """
+ scObj.privSetSettingsRef(self.settingsRef)
+ def invalidateAll(self):
+ """ inheritors should call down to this function, and also call
+ invalidateAll for all of their child objects """
+ self.invalidate()
+ def finalizeAll(self):
+ """ inheritors should call down to this function, and also call
+ finalizeAll for all of their child objects """
+ self.finalize()
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1abdca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/otp/src/speedchat/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+""" contains the SCSettings class"""
+from SCColorScheme import SCColorScheme
+from otp.otpbase import OTPLocalizer
+class SCSettings:
+ """ SCSettings holds values that are global for an entire SpeedChat
+ tree. By convention, these values are accessed through functions
+ defined in the SCObject base class (e.g. self.getColorScheme()).
+ eventPrefix: string to prepend to all the event names that pertain to
+ this specific SpeedChat instance
+ whisperMode: are we whispering?
+ colorScheme: an SCColorScheme for this SpeedChat
+ submenuOverlap: how much of their parent menu submenus should overlap,
+ in [0..1]
+ topLevelOverlap: same as submenuOverlap but for submenus of the top-level
+ menu; None means 'same as submenuOverlap'
+ """
+ def __init__(self, eventPrefix, whisperMode=0, colorScheme=None,
+ submenuOverlap=OTPLocalizer.SCOsubmenuOverlap, topLevelOverlap=None):
+ self.eventPrefix = eventPrefix
+ self.whisperMode = whisperMode
+ if colorScheme is None:
+ colorScheme = SCColorScheme()
+ self.colorScheme = colorScheme
+ self.submenuOverlap = submenuOverlap
+ self.topLevelOverlap = topLevelOverlap
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71c3319
--- /dev/null
+++ b/otp/src/speedchat/
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+""" contains the SCStaticTextTerminal class"""
+from SCTerminal import SCTerminal
+from otp.otpbase.OTPLocalizer import SpeedChatStaticText
+# args: textId
+SCStaticTextMsgEvent = 'SCStaticTextMsg'
+def decodeSCStaticTextMsg(textId):
+ return SpeedChatStaticText.get(textId, None)
+class SCStaticTextTerminal(SCTerminal):
+ """ SCStaticTextTerminal represents a terminal SpeedChat entry that
+ contains a piece of static (never-changing/constant) text.
+ When selected, generates a 'SCStaticTextMsg' event, with arguments:
+ - textId (16-bit; use as index into OTPLocalizer.SpeedChatStaticText)
+ """
+ def __init__(self, textId):
+ SCTerminal.__init__(self)
+ self.textId = textId
+ self.text = SpeedChatStaticText[self.textId]
+ def handleSelect(self):
+ SCTerminal.handleSelect(self)
+ messenger.send(self.getEventName(SCStaticTextMsgEvent), [self.textId])
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb213e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/otp/src/speedchat/
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+""" contains the SCTerminal class"""
+from SCElement import SCElement
+from SCObject import SCObject
+from SCMenu import SCMenu
+from direct.fsm.StatePush import StateVar, FunctionCall
+from direct.showbase.DirectObject import DirectObject
+from otp.avatar import Emote
+# this event is generated whenever any SpeedChat terminal is chosen
+# args: none
+SCTerminalSelectedEvent = 'SCTerminalSelected'
+# this event is generated if the selected terminal has a linked emote
+# args: emoteId
+SCTerminalLinkedEmoteEvent = 'SCTerminalLinkedEmoteEvent'
+# someone needs to generate this event whenever the speedchat tree goes
+# in or out of whisper mode
+SCWhisperModeChangeEvent = 'SCWhisperModeChange'
+class SCTerminal(SCElement):
+ """ SCTerminal is the base class for all 'terminal' speedchat
+ entities """
+ def __init__(self, linkedEmote=None):
+ SCElement.__init__(self)
+ self.setLinkedEmote(linkedEmote)
+ scGui = loader.loadModel(SCMenu.GuiModelName)
+ self.emotionIcon = scGui.find('**/emotionIcon')
+ self.setDisabled(False)
+ self.__numCharges = -1
+ # should we listen for whisper mode changes?
+ self._handleWhisperModeSV = StateVar(False)
+ # can't set this up until we're ready to have the handler func called
+ self._handleWhisperModeFC = None
+ def destroy(self):
+ self._handleWhisperModeSV.set(False)
+ if self._handleWhisperModeFC:
+ self._handleWhisperModeFC.destroy()
+ self._handleWhisperModeSV.destroy()
+ SCElement.destroy(self)
+ def privSetSettingsRef(self, settingsRef):
+ SCElement.privSetSettingsRef(self, settingsRef)
+ if self._handleWhisperModeFC is None:
+ self._handleWhisperModeFC = FunctionCall(self._handleWhisperModeSVChanged,
+ self._handleWhisperModeSV)
+ self._handleWhisperModeFC.pushCurrentState()
+ # if this terminal is not whisperable, we need to listen for whisper mode changes
+ self._handleWhisperModeSV.set((self.settingsRef is not None) and
+ (not self.isWhisperable()))
+ def _handleWhisperModeSVChanged(self, handleWhisperMode):
+ if handleWhisperMode:
+ # this terminal can't be whispered. we need to reconstruct
+ # our GUI element when the whisper mode changes
+ # listen for that mode change
+ # create a DirectObject to avoid conflicts with other parts of this
+ # object that are listening for this event
+ self._wmcListener = DirectObject()
+ self._wmcListener.accept(self.getEventName(SCWhisperModeChangeEvent),
+ self._handleWhisperModeChange)
+ else:
+ if hasattr(self, '_wmcListener'):
+ # we no longer need to listen for whisper mode changes
+ self._wmcListener.ignoreAll()
+ del self._wmcListener
+ # make sure our GUI element is appropriate
+ self.invalidate()
+ def _handleWhisperModeChange(self, whisperMode):
+ # whisper mode changed, we need to change our GUI element
+ self.invalidate()
+ # the meat of SCTerminal; inheritors should override this
+ # and perform the appropriate action
+ def handleSelect(self):
+ """ called when the user selects this node """
+ # send the generic 'something was selected' event
+ messenger.send(self.getEventName(SCTerminalSelectedEvent))
+ # if we have a linked emote, and it isn't disabled, generate a msg
+ if self.hasLinkedEmote() and self.linkedEmoteEnabled():
+ messenger.send(self.getEventName(SCTerminalLinkedEmoteEvent),
+ [self.linkedEmote])
+ def isWhisperable(self):
+ # can this terminal be sent as a whisper message?
+ return True
+ # Some terminal nodes have an emote associated with them, which
+ # should be invoked when the node is selected.
+ def getLinkedEmote(self):
+ return self.linkedEmote
+ def setLinkedEmote(self, linkedEmote):
+ self.linkedEmote = linkedEmote
+ # TODO: we should make sure we're listening for emote
+ # enable state changes if this is set while we're visible
+ self.invalidate()
+ def hasLinkedEmote(self):
+ return (self.linkedEmote is not None)
+ def linkedEmoteEnabled(self):
+ if Emote.globalEmote:
+ return Emote.globalEmote.isEnabled(self.linkedEmote)
+ def getCharges(self):
+ return self.__numCharges
+ def setCharges(self, nCharges):
+ self.__numCharges = nCharges
+ if (nCharges is 0):
+ self.setDisabled(True)
+ # support for disabled terminals
+ def isDisabled(self):
+ return self.__disabled or (self.isWhispering() and not self.isWhisperable())
+ def setDisabled(self, bDisabled):
+ # make the button 'unclickable'
+ self.__disabled = bDisabled
+ # from SCElement
+ def onMouseClick(self, event):
+ if not self.isDisabled():
+ SCElement.onMouseClick(self, event)
+ self.handleSelect()
+ def getMinDimensions(self):
+ width, height = SCElement.getMinDimensions(self)
+ if self.hasLinkedEmote():
+ # add space for the emotion icon
+ width += 1.3
+ return width, height
+ def finalize(self, dbArgs={}):
+ """ catch this call and influence the appearance of our button """
+ if not self.isDirty():
+ return
+ args = {}
+ if self.hasLinkedEmote():
+ self.lastEmoteIconColor = self.getEmoteIconColor()
+ self.emotionIcon.setColorScale(*self.lastEmoteIconColor)
+ args.update({
+ 'image': self.emotionIcon,
+ 'image_pos': (self.width-.6,0,-self.height*.5),
+ })
+ if self.isDisabled():
+ args.update({
+ 'rolloverColor': (0,0,0,0),
+ 'pressedColor': (0,0,0,0),
+ 'rolloverSound': None,
+ 'clickSound': None,
+ 'text_fg': self.getColorScheme().getTextDisabledColor()+(1,),
+ })
+ args.update(dbArgs)
+ SCElement.finalize(self, dbArgs=args)
+ def getEmoteIconColor(self):
+ if self.linkedEmoteEnabled() and (not self.isWhispering()):
+ r,g,b = self.getColorScheme().getEmoteIconColor()
+ else:
+ r,g,b = self.getColorScheme().getEmoteIconDisabledColor()
+ return (r,g,b,1)
+ def updateEmoteIcon(self):
+ if hasattr(self, 'button'):
+ self.lastEmoteIconColor = self.getEmoteIconColor()
+ for i in range(self.button['numStates']):
+ self.button['image%s_image' % i].setColorScale(
+ *self.lastEmoteIconColor)
+ else:
+ self.invalidate()
+ # from SCObject
+ def enterVisible(self):
+ SCElement.enterVisible(self)
+ # Check if the emote state has changed since the last time
+ # we were finalized, and invalidate if it's different.
+ if hasattr(self, 'lastEmoteIconColor'):
+ if self.getEmoteIconColor() != self.lastEmoteIconColor:
+ self.invalidate()
+ # listen for whisper-mode changes
+ def handleWhisperModeChange(whisperMode, self=self):
+ if self.hasLinkedEmote():
+ # we are leaving or entering whisper mode;
+ # the appearance of our emote icon needs to change
+ # (no linked emotes on whispers)
+ if self.isVisible() and not self.isWhispering():
+ self.updateEmoteIcon()
+ self.accept(self.getEventName(SCWhisperModeChangeEvent),
+ handleWhisperModeChange)
+ # listen for emote-enable state changes
+ def handleEmoteEnableStateChange(self=self):
+ if self.hasLinkedEmote():
+ # emotions have just become enabled/disabled
+ # update our emote icon
+ # (no emotes when whispering)
+ if self.isVisible() and not self.isWhispering():
+ self.updateEmoteIcon()
+ if self.hasLinkedEmote():
+ if Emote.globalEmote:
+ self.accept(Emote.globalEmote.EmoteEnableStateChanged,
+ handleEmoteEnableStateChange)
+ def exitVisible(self):
+ SCElement.exitVisible(self)
+ self.ignore(self.getEventName(SCWhisperModeChangeEvent))
+ if Emote.globalEmote:
+ self.ignore(Emote.globalEmote.EmoteEnableStateChanged)
+ def getDisplayText(self):
+ if self.getCharges() is not -1:
+ return self.text + " (%s)" % self.getCharges()
+ else:
+ return self.text
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a03ea8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/otp/src/speedchat/Sources.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+// For now, since we are not installing Python files, this file can
+// remain empty.
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96f2f3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/otp/src/speedchat/
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+""" contains the SpeedChat class"""
+from direct.showbase.PythonUtil import boolEqual
+from SpeedChatTypes import *
+from SCSettings import SCSettings
+from SCTerminal import SCWhisperModeChangeEvent
+from otp.otpbase import OTPLocalizer
+# for speedchat tech details, see the bottom of this file.
+class SpeedChat(SCMenu):
+ """
+ SpeedChat object. Create one of these to make a complete SpeedChat menu.
+ If you provide a name for the SpeedChat, the name will be prepended onto
+ all events that the SpeedChat generates.
+ The entire structure of the menu may be specified upon construction,
+ through the 'structure' argument to SpeedChat.__init__. Alternatively,
+ you may add SpeedChat elements manually using the standard Python list
+ interfaces implemented by SCMenu.
+ See SCMenu.appendFromStructure for the format of 'structure'.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, name='', structure=None, backgroundModelName = None,
+ guiModelName = None):
+ SCMenu.BackgroundModelName = backgroundModelName
+ SCMenu.GuiModelName = guiModelName
+ SCMenu.__init__(self)
+ = name
+ self.settings = SCSettings(
+ eventPrefix =,
+ )
+ self.privSetSettingsRef(self.settings)
+ if structure is not None:
+ self.rebuildFromStructure(structure)
+ # this is used to detect if the menu needs to be invalidated
+ # because of a change in position or scale etc.
+ self._lastTransform = None
+ def destroy(self):
+ if self.isVisible():
+ self.exitVisible()
+ self._lastTransform = None
+ SCMenu.destroy(self)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "%s: '%s'" % (self.__class__.__name__,
+ def enter(self):
+ self._detectTransformChange()
+ self.enterVisible()
+ def exit(self):
+ self.exitVisible()
+ def _detectTransformChange(self):
+ # check if our transform has changed
+ newTransform = self.getTransform(aspect2d)
+ if self._lastTransform is not None:
+ if newTransform != self._lastTransform:
+ self.invalidateAll()
+ self._lastTransform = newTransform
+ def setWhisperMode(self, whisperMode):
+ if not boolEqual(self.settings.whisperMode, whisperMode):
+ self.settings.whisperMode = whisperMode
+ messenger.send(self.getEventName(SCWhisperModeChangeEvent),
+ [whisperMode])
+ def setColorScheme(self, colorScheme):
+ self.settings.colorScheme = colorScheme
+ # this affects pretty much every element, and it's not a common
+ # occurence. invalidate the entire tree.
+ self.invalidateAll()
+ def setSubmenuOverlap(self, submenuOverlap):
+ self.settings.submenuOverlap = submenuOverlap
+ self.invalidateAll()
+ def setTopLevelOverlap(self, topLevelOverlap):
+ self.settings.topLevelOverlap = topLevelOverlap
+ self.invalidateAll()
+ def finalizeAll(self):
+ self.notify.debug('finalizing entire SpeedChat tree')
+ self._detectTransformChange()
+ SCMenu.finalizeAll(self)
+SpeedChat tech
+The SpeedChat comprises cascading menus of 'elements'. Some elements
+act as holders for submenus, others represent phrases or emotions that
+the user can select to make their avatar speak and/or animate.
+The classes that make up the basic SpeedChat system are:
+SCObject: base class for all SpeedChat entities, contains support functions
+SCColorScheme: contains a set of colors for the elements of the SpeedChat
+SCMenu: a single menu that contains a number of elements
+SCElement: base class for all entities that may appear within a menu
+SCMenuHolder: element that has a submenu attached to it
+SCTerminal: base class for all elements that can be clicked on to perform
+ an action; once selected, the SpeedChat session is over
+SCStaticTextTerminal: basic terminal, contains a phrase that can be spoken
+SpeedChat: the top-level menu that contains the entire SpeedChat and provides
+ interface functions to the user of the system
+To support the needs of Toontown, the following classes are derived:
+SCCustomMenu: menu that holds purchased custom phrases
+SCCustomTerminal: element of an SCCustomMenu
+SCEmoteMenu: menu that holds the set of emotions that local toon has access to
+SCEmoteTerminal: element of an SCEmoteMenu
+SCToontaskMenu: menu that contains phrases related to local toon's toontasks
+SCToontaskTerminal: element of an SCToontaskMenu
+Graphically, menus are responsible for displaying a transparent frame around
+and behind its elements. The background is a flat area with borders around it,
+with rounded corners. The geometry of the background image is a model split
+into 9 pieces: a 1x1 square middle section, top/left/right/bottom sections,
+each 1 foot long or high, and four corner pieces. The origin of the model is
+at the intersection of the top-left corner, top, left, and middle pieces.
+To make this background big enough for a menu that must contain elements that
+take up a WxH-feet area, the pieces are scaled and moved in an intuitive
+manner. The middle piece is scaled by W and H, the top/left/right/bottom
+pieces are scaled similarly but along one dimension, and the top-right,
+bottom-left, and bottom-right corners are moved by W or H appropriately.
+Finally, all border elements are scaled wrt aspect2d in the appropriate
+dimensions in order to maintain an appropriate border width regardless of
+the scale of the overall SpeedChat. See SCMenu.finalize() for the
+Each menu element contains a DirectButton that takes care of interaction
+with the mouse. The DirectButton is also used as the graphical representation
+of the element. (In the future, it would be a good idea to rework the code
+so that SCElements *are* DirectButtons.)
+Each element creates its button so that it contains some text. For terminals,
+this is usually the phrase that the local toon would say if selected. Some
+elements also add a graphical element to their button; for instance, menu
+holders contain an arrow graphic, and terminals that have emotions that will
+be triggered upon selection (linked emotes) contain an 'emote icon' graphic.
+The background of the button is made completely transparent most of the time,
+since the menu already has created a background frame underneath the elements.
+Menu holders use a slight alpha on their background, to darken the menu frame
+behind them. Solid, opaque colors are used to indicate rollover.
+Every graphical object in the SpeedChat (everything that derives from
+SCObject) inherits an interface that is designed to minimize
+graphics-related processing. The methods that SCObject defines are:
+invalidate(): mark this object as 'dirty' (needs processing before being shown)
+isDirty(): returns true if this object has been marked dirty
+validate(): reset the 'dirty' flag (presumably after updating the object's
+ graphical representation)
+finalize(): performs the necessary operations to ensure that the object's
+ graphical representation is up-to-date
+invalidate() should be a light operation; it is acceptable for finalize() to
+be a heavy operation. Dirty objects only need to be finalized once per frame,
+regardless of how many times it is marked as dirty. It should be OK to call
+finalize() on a non-dirty object, and that should be a light operation.
+In the current implementation, SCElements destroy their button and rebuild it
+from scratch every time they are invalidated. For performance reasons,
+some subclasses of SCElement avoid this by making dynamic modifications to
+their button when they can. If and when the SpeedChat objects are made into
+first-class DirectGui elements, dynamic modifications will become a necessity;
+presumably, this will result in slightly better performance (and slightly
+more complex code).
+As the user moves the mouse cursor through an open menu, different elements
+of the menu gain the input focus. Only one element can have the input focus
+at any instant. Correspondingly, only one element should be 'active' at any
+instant, where 'active' is interpreted according to the type of element:
+menu holders show their submenu when active, terminals simply show their
+rollover state, etc.
+Naively, we can say that the element that has the input focus should be the
+active element. This works OK, until the user moves the mouse cursor away
+from the menu -- or into a submenu! What we really want is for some elements,
+such as menu holders, to have 'sticky focus' -- that is to say, once activated,
+elements with sticky focus will stay active until a sibling becomes
+activated, even if they lose the input focus.
+The SpeedChat takes advantage of this separation of 'active' and 'focus-having'
+elements in order to make the menus easier to use. When an element
+gains the input focus, it is only activated if the element maintains the
+input focus for a specific period of time. By calibrating the duration of
+the wait period, we create a 'tolerance' for 'sloppy' use of the menu: the
+user can drag the mouse across large sections of an open menu without causing
+any of the elements that are dragged over to become active.
+To change the color scheme of a SpeedChat, you must create a new SCColorScheme
+object and pass it to the SpeedChat with its setColorScheme() method.
+SCColorScheme objects are immutable.
+There are some crude utility functions to dynamically change the color scheme
+of a SpeedChat in
+SpeedChat color schemes are basically described by two colors: a main color
+and a contrasting color. The main color ('arrowColor') is used directly on
+the menuHolder arrows, and a lightened version of it is used for the menu
+backgrounds. The contrasting color is used directly as the element rollover
+color, and variations of it are calculated for the pressed and 'active'
+element colors, as well as the emote icon color.
+The color modifications and calculations are done by converting RGB colors
+into the YUV and HSV color spaces, manipulating those values, and
+converting back to RGB. The conversion functions and descriptions of the
+YUV and HSV color spaces are in
diff --git a/otp/src/speedchat/ b/otp/src/speedchat/
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index 0000000..035f797
--- /dev/null
+++ b/otp/src/speedchat/
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+""" Handles the GM menu for speed chats"""
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from direct.showbase import DirectObject
+from otp.otpbase import OTPLocalizer
+class SpeedChatGMHandler(DirectObject.DirectObject):
+ scStructure = None
+ scList = {}
+ def __init__(self):
+ if SpeedChatGMHandler.scStructure is None:
+ self.generateSCStructure()
+ # Generates the structure containing all GM speed chat entries
+ def generateSCStructure(self):
+ SpeedChatGMHandler.scStructure = [OTPLocalizer.PSCMenuGM]
+ phraseCount = 0
+ numGMCategories = base.config.GetInt('num-gm-categories', 0)
+ for i in range(0, numGMCategories):
+ categoryName = base.config.GetString('gm-category-%d' % i,'')
+ if categoryName == '':
+ continue
+ categoryStructure = [categoryName]
+ numCategoryPhrases = base.config.GetInt('gm-category-%d-phrases' % i, 0)
+ for j in range(0, numCategoryPhrases):
+ phrase = base.config.GetString('gm-category-%d-phrase-%d' % (i, j),'')
+ if phrase!= '':
+ idx = 'gm%d' % phraseCount
+ SpeedChatGMHandler.scList[idx] = phrase
+ categoryStructure.append(idx)
+ phraseCount += 1
+ SpeedChatGMHandler.scStructure.append(categoryStructure)
+ numGMPhrases = base.config.GetInt('num-gm-phrases', 0)
+ for i in range(0, numGMPhrases):
+ phrase = base.config.GetString('gm-phrase-%d' % i,'')
+ if phrase != '':
+ idx = 'gm%d' % phraseCount
+ SpeedChatGMHandler.scList[idx] = phrase
+ SpeedChatGMHandler.scStructure.append(idx)
+ phraseCount += 1
+ def getStructure(self):
+ return SpeedChatGMHandler.scStructure
+ def getPhrase(self, id):
+ return SpeedChatGMHandler.scList[id]
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..027cab1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/otp/src/speedchat/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+""" global SpeedChat data """
+# If you just want to know when a speedchat message is selected,
+# see the events in
+# These are the base names of the events that may be generated by
+# a SpeedChat object.
+# To get the actual event name, use:
+# speedChat.getEventName(eventBaseName)
+# where 'speedChat' is your SpeedChat object, and 'eventBaseName' is
+# one of the following:
+from SCTerminal import SCTerminalSelectedEvent
+from SCTerminal import SCTerminalLinkedEmoteEvent
+from SCStaticTextTerminal import SCStaticTextMsgEvent
+from SCGMTextTerminal import SCGMTextMsgEvent
+from SCCustomTerminal import SCCustomMsgEvent
+from SCEmoteTerminal import SCEmoteMsgEvent, SCEmoteNoAccessEvent
+# SCColorSchemeChangeMsgEvent
+# See the individual SC* files for documentation of the
+# arguments included with each message.
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index 0000000..8282f1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/otp/src/speedchat/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+""" SpeedChat types """
+from SCObject import SCObject
+from SCMenu import SCMenu
+from SCElement import SCElement
+from SCMenuHolder import SCMenuHolder
+from SCTerminal import SCTerminal
+from SCCustomMenu import SCCustomMenu
+from SCEmoteMenu import SCEmoteMenu
+from SCStaticTextTerminal import SCStaticTextTerminal
+from SCGMTextTerminal import SCGMTextTerminal
+from SCCustomTerminal import SCCustomTerminal
+from SCEmoteTerminal import SCEmoteTerminal
+from SCColorScheme import SCColorScheme
diff --git a/otp/src/speedchat/ b/otp/src/speedchat/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/otp/src/status/Sources.pp b/otp/src/status/Sources.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/otp/src/status/ b/otp/src/status/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5de6bec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/otp/src/status/
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+import datetime
+import time
+from direct.distributed.DistributedObjectGlobal import DistributedObjectGlobal
+from direct.directnotify.DirectNotifyGlobal import directNotify
+#from otp.uberdog.RejectCode import RejectCode
+#from otp.otpbase import OTPGlobals
+from otp.otpbase import OTPLocalizer
+class StatusDatabase(DistributedObjectGlobal):
+ """
+ """
+ notify = directNotify.newCategory('StatusDatabase')
+ def __init__(self, cr):
+ assert self.notify.debugCall()
+ DistributedObjectGlobal.__init__(self, cr)
+ self.avatarData = {}
+ self.avatarQueue = []
+ self.avatarRequestTaskName = "StatusDataBase_RequestAvatarLastOnline"
+ self.avatarRetreiveTaskName = "StatusDataBase_GetAvatarLastOnline"
+ self.avatarDoneTaskName = "StatusDataBase GotAvatarData"
+ # CL -> UD
+ def requestOfflineAvatarStatus(self,avIds):
+ self.notify.debugCall()
+ self.sendUpdate("requestOfflineAvatarStatus",[avIds])
+ def queueOfflineAvatarStatus(self,avIds):
+ for avId in avIds:
+ if not (avId in self.avatarQueue):
+ self.avatarQueue.append(avId)
+ while taskMgr.hasTaskNamed(self.avatarRequestTaskName):
+ taskMgr.remove(self.avatarRequestTaskName)
+ task = taskMgr.doMethodLater(1.0, self.requestAvatarQueue, self.avatarRequestTaskName)
+ def requestAvatarQueue(self, task):
+ self.sendUpdate("requestOfflineAvatarStatus",[self.avatarQueue])
+ self.avatarQueue = []
+ # UD -> CL
+ def recvOfflineAvatarStatus(self, avId, lastOnline):
+ self.notify.debugCall()
+ # This is where we update our data, repaint GUI, etc etc etc.
+ self.notify.debug("Got an update for offline avatar %s who was last online %s" % (avId, self.lastOnlineString(lastOnline)))
+ self.avatarData[avId] = lastOnline
+ while taskMgr.hasTaskNamed(self.avatarRetreiveTaskName):
+ taskMgr.remove(self.avatarRetreiveTaskName)
+ task = taskMgr.doMethodLater(1.0, self.announceNewAvatarData, self.avatarRetreiveTaskName)
+[avId].timestamp = lastOnline
+ def announceNewAvatarData(self, task):
+ messenger.send(self.avatarDoneTaskName)
+ # Helper function to translate from a timestamp in seconds to "x hours ago", etc
+ def lastOnlineString(self, timestamp):
+ if timestamp == 0:
+ return ""
+ now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
+ td = abs(now - datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp))
+ return OTPLocalizer.timeElapsedString(td)
diff --git a/otp/src/status/ b/otp/src/status/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d28545
--- /dev/null
+++ b/otp/src/status/
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+import MySQLdb
+import _mysql_exceptions
+from direct.distributed.DistributedObjectGlobalUD import DistributedObjectGlobalUD
+from direct.directnotify.DirectNotifyGlobal import directNotify
+from otp.uberdog.DBKeepAlive import DBKeepAlive
+from otp.uberdog.DBInterface import DBInterface
+class StatusDatabaseUD(DistributedObjectGlobalUD,DBInterface):
+ """
+ StatusDatabase is a lightweight DB wrapper for status information about avatars.
+ This initial version only stores last online times by recording timestamps each
+ time an avatar comes online or goes offline.
+ Currently, he client must pull all desired information using requestOfflineAvatarStatus.
+ This can easily change to a push interface later on, if desired.
+ """
+ notify = directNotify.newCategory('StatusDatabaseUD')
+ def __init__(self, air):
+ DistributedObjectGlobalUD.__init__(self, air)
+ self.avatarId2LastOnline = {}
+ self.DBuser = uber.config.GetString("mysql-user", "ud_rw")
+ self.DBpasswd = uber.config.GetString("mysql-passwd", "r3adwr1te")
+ self.DBhost = "localhost"
+ self.DBport = 3306
+ self.DBname = self.processDBName("status")
+ self.db = MySQLdb.connect(host=self.DBhost,
+ port=self.DBport,
+ user=self.DBuser,
+ passwd=self.DBpasswd)
+"Connected to MySQL server at %s:%d."%(self.DBhost,self.DBport))
+ cursor = self.db.cursor()
+ try:
+ cursor.execute("CREATE DATABASE `%s`"%self.DBname)
+"Database '%s' did not exist, created a new one!"%self.DBname)
+ except _mysql_exceptions.ProgrammingError,e:
+ pass
+ cursor.execute("USE `%s`"%self.DBname)
+ self.notify.debug("Using database '%s'"%self.DBname)
+ try:
+ cursor.execute("""
+ CREATE TABLE `offlineAvatarStatus` (
+ `avatarId` int(32) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
+ `lastOnlineTime` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (`avatarId`)
+ """)
+"Table offlineAvatarStatus did not exist, created a new one!")
+ except _mysql_exceptions.OperationalError,e:
+ pass
+ if __dev__:
+ self.dbkeep = DBKeepAlive(self.db)
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(1.0,self._lazyCommit,'lazyCommit')
+ def announceGenerate(self):
+ self.accept("avatarOnline", self.avatarOnline, [])
+ self.accept("avatarOffline", self.avatarOffline, [])
+ DistributedObjectGlobalUD.announceGenerate(self)
+ def delete(self):
+ self.ignoreAll()
+ DistributedObjectGlobalUD.delete(self)
+ def avatarOnline(self, avatarId, avatarType):
+ self._updateLastOnlineTime(avatarId)
+ def avatarOffline(self, avatarId):
+ self._updateLastOnlineTime(avatarId)
+ # CL -> UD
+ def requestOfflineAvatarStatus(self, avatarIds):
+ """
+ CL->UD message to request details for a list of offline avatars.
+ Results in a set of UD->CL recvOfflineAvatarStatus messages, one for each avatar.
+ """
+ if not avatarIds: #return if empty
+ return
+ senderId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender()
+ if len(avatarIds) > 1000:
+ self.notify.warning("Ignoring huge avatarIds list sent to requestOfflineAvatarStatus from sender %s: %s" % (senderId,avatarIds))
+ return
+ onlineTimes = self._getLastOnlineTimes(avatarIds)
+ for (avId,onlineTime) in onlineTimes:
+ self.sendUpdateToAvatarId(senderId,
+ "recvOfflineAvatarStatus",
+ [avId, onlineTime])
+ # ----- Handy internal functions -----
+ def _lazyCommit(self,task):
+ self.db.commit()
+ return task.again
+ def _valueList(self, numVals):
+ assert numVals > -1
+ if numVals == 0:
+ return "()"
+ else:
+ return "(" + ("%s," * (numVals-1)) + "%s)"
+ def _getLastOnlineTimes(self, avatarIds):
+ """
+ Returns a list of pairs of (avatarId,lastOnlineTime) for the given avatarIds.
+ If we have no data for an avatarId, (avatarId,0) is returned.
+ """
+ if len(avatarIds) < 1:
+ return
+ missing = []
+ # Determine who we don't have cached in RAM
+ for id in avatarIds:
+ if (not id in self.avatarId2LastOnline) and (id > 0):
+ missing.append(id)
+ # Get the missing people from the DB into RAM
+ if len(missing) > 0:
+ cursor = self.db.cursor()
+ cursor.execute("SELECT avatarId,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(lastOnlineTime) from offlineAvatarStatus WHERE avatarId in " + self._valueList(len(missing)), missing)
+ while cursor.rownumber < cursor.rowcount:
+ id,lastOnline = cursor.fetchone()
+ self.avatarId2LastOnline[id] = lastOnline
+ result = []
+ # Return results from RAM
+ for id in avatarIds:
+ lastOnline = self.avatarId2LastOnline.get(id,0)
+ result.append((id,lastOnline))
+ return result
+ def _updateLastOnlineTime(self,avatarId):
+ """
+ Sets the last online time for the specified avatar to NOW (UTC).
+ Value is updated in MySQL and in our in-memory cache.
+ """
+ assert avatarId > 0
+ cursor = self.db.cursor()
+ # Update in DB, also read back the timestamp that SQL just recorded so we can cache it
+ cursor.execute("""
+ INSERT INTO offlineAvatarStatus (avatarId,lastOnlineTime) VALUES (%s,UTC_TIMESTAMP)
+ SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(lastOnlineTime) from offlineAvatarStatus WHERE avatarId = %s
+ """, [avatarId, avatarId])
+ # Skip empty result set from INSERT/UPDATE
+ cursor.nextset()
+ # Get the timestamp our SELECT retrieved and store it in RAM
+ assert cursor.rowcount == 1
+ lastOnline = cursor.fetchone()[0]
+ self.avatarId2LastOnline[avatarId] = lastOnline
+ # For 10x performance improvement: Do not commit here!
+ # lazyCommit will be called in 1 second or less and flush our changes to disk then.
diff --git a/otp/src/status/ b/otp/src/status/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/otp/src/switchboard/FriendManager.wsdl b/otp/src/switchboard/FriendManager.wsdl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0af34b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/otp/src/switchboard/FriendManager.wsdl
@@ -0,0 +1,620 @@
+Switchboard Monitor
+:) " % self.getRowClassString()
+ else:
+ pageText = " \n"
+ else:
+ pageText += ":( "
+ pageText += "%s%s %s %d " % (prefix,name,prefix,name,uri.address,uri.port)
+ if healthy:
+ pageText += "Not responding \n"
+ return pageText
+ def orphanWedgeString(self,name,prefix):
+ uri = self.ns.resolve(prefix + name)
+ return " \n" % \
+ (self.getRowClassString(),prefix,name,uri.address,uri.port)
+ def nodeTable(self):
+ self.rowCount = 0
+ pageText = "? %s%s %s %d Orphaned \n
+ pageText += "\n\n"
+ pageText += "\n"
+ nodeList = self.ns.list(":sb.node")
+ for node in nodeList:
+ assert node[1] == 1,"whoa, someone put a subgroup in :sb.node!"
+ self.nodeNames.add(node[0])
+ pageText += self.serverStatusString(node[0],":sb.node.")
+ pageText += "? Name Host Port Notes
+ #pageText += "\n"
+ pageText += "\n
+ pageText += "\n\n"
+ wedgeList = self.ns.list(":sb.wedge")
+ for wedge in wedgeList:
+ assert wedge[1] == 1,"whoa, someone put a subgroup in :sb.wedge!"
+ if wedge[0] in self.nodeNames:
+ pageText += self.serverStatusString(wedge[0],":sb.wedge.")
+ else:
+ pageText+= self.orphanWedgeString(wedge[0],":sb.wedge.")
+ pageText += "? Name Host Port Notes
+ pageText += "\n"
+ pageText += "\n
+ pageText += "\n\n"
+ for table in tables:
+ pageText += "Table Name Engine Rows Data Length Avg Row Length \n" % (table['Name'],table['Engine'],table['Rows'],table['Data_length'],table['Avg_row_length'])
+ pageText += "%s %s %s %s %s
\n" % target + + if 1: + uri = self.ns.resolve(target) + proxy = Pyro.core.getProxyForURI(uri) + proxy._setTimeout(0.5) + pageText += proxy.getLogTail() + #except: + # pageText += "Error retrieving log!\n" + + pageText += "\n
\n" % node[0] + try: + stats = proxy.statCheck() + pageText += str(stats) + except: + pageText += "Unreachable!" + pageText += "\n
\n" % wedge[0] + try: + self.printlog.debug("Enter statCheck") + stats = proxy.statCheck() + pageText += str(stats) + except: + pageText += "Unreachable!" + pageText += "\n
\n" % target + + uri = self.ns.resolve(target) + proxy = Pyro.core.getProxyForURI(uri) + proxy._setTimeout(1) + pageText += str(proxy.statCheck()) + + pageText += "\n
+ self.setMagicWordResponse(response)
+ def _handleCodeRedemptionResponse(self, result, awardMgrResult):
+ if not result:
+ msg = 'code redeemed'
+ else:
+ if result != TTCodeRedemptionConsts.RedeemErrors.AwardCouldntBeGiven:
+ errMsg = TTCodeRedemptionConsts.RedeemErrorStrings[result]
+ else:
+ errMsg = AwardManagerConsts.GiveAwardErrorStrings[awardMgrResult]
+ msg = 'code NOT redeemed (%s)' % (errMsg, )
+ base.localAvatar.setChatAbsolute(msg, CFSpeech | CFTimeout)
+ def doParty(self,word, av, zoneId):
+ args = word.split()
+ response = None
+ action = None
+ if len(args) == 1:
+ return
+ action = args[1]
+ if action == 'plan':
+ # We need to know if we're about to plan a party upon entering the
+ # teleportIn state of the fsm. Following the pet tutorial's
+ # lead by setting a boolean on the avatar.
+ base.localAvatar.aboutToPlanParty = True
+ base.localAvatar.creatingNewPartyWithMagicWord = False
+ elif action == 'new':
+ # Let's tell ourselves we're creating a new party, so we know what
+ # to do with the response
+ base.localAvatar.aboutToPlanParty = False
+ base.localAvatar.creatingNewPartyWithMagicWord = True
+ elif action == 'start':
+ base.localAvatar.creatingNewPartyWithMagicWord = False
+ base.localAvatar.aboutToPlanParty = False
+ hoodId = ToontownGlobals.PartyHood
+ ToontownDistrictStats.refresh('shardInfoUpdated')
+ # We need to find the lowest populated shard and have the party there
+ curShardTuples =
+ # Tuple is of form : (shardId, name, pop, WelcomeValleyPopulation)
+ lowestPop = 100000000000000000
+ shardId = None
+ for shardInfo in curShardTuples:
+ pop = shardInfo[2]
+ if pop < lowestPop:
+ lowestPop = pop
+ shardId = shardInfo[0]
+ if shardId == base.localAvatar.defaultShard:
+ shardId = None
+ "loader": "safeZoneLoader",
+ "where": "party",
+ "how" : "teleportIn",
+ "hoodId" : hoodId,
+ "zoneId" : -1,
+ "shardId" : shardId,
+ "avId" : -1,
+ })
+ elif action == 'unreleasedClient':
+ newVal =
+ response = "Allow Unreleased Client = %s" % newVal
+ elif action == 'showdoid':
+ newVal =
+ response = "show doid = %s" % newVal
+ if response is not None:
+ self.setMagicWordResponse(response)
+ def doCatalog(self, word):
+ """Handle the ~catalog magic word: manage catalogs. Most of
+ these are handled by the AI."""
+ args = word.split()
+ if len(args) == 1:
+ # No parameter. Handled by AI.
+ return
+ elif args[1] == "reload":
+ phone ='phone')
+ if phone and phone.phoneGui:
+ phone.phoneGui.reload()
+ response = "Reloaded catalog screen"
+ else:
+ response = "Phone is not active."
+ elif args[1] == "dump":
+ if len(args) <= 2:
+ response = "Specify output filename."
+ else:
+ from toontown.catalog import CatalogGenerator
+ cg = CatalogGenerator.CatalogGenerator()
+ cg.outputSchedule(args[2])
+ response = "Catalog schedule written to file %s." % (args[2])
+ else:
+ # Some other parameter. Handled by AI.
+ return
+ self.setMagicWordResponse(response)
+ def toggleRun(self):
+ if (self.dbg_running_fast):
+ self.dbg_running_fast = 0
+ OTPGlobals.ToonForwardSpeed = self.save_fwdspeed
+ OTPGlobals.ToonReverseSpeed = self.save_revspeed
+ OTPGlobals.ToonRotateSpeed =self.save_rotspeed
+ base.localAvatar.setWalkSpeedNormal()
+ else:
+ self.dbg_running_fast = 1
+ self.save_fwdspeed = OTPGlobals.ToonForwardSpeed
+ self.save_revspeed = OTPGlobals.ToonReverseSpeed
+ self.save_rotspeed = OTPGlobals.ToonRotateSpeed
+ OTPGlobals.ToonForwardSpeed = 60
+ OTPGlobals.ToonReverseSpeed = 30
+ OTPGlobals.ToonRotateSpeed = 100
+ base.localAvatar.setWalkSpeedNormal()
+ def requestTeleport(self, loaderId, whereId, hoodId, zoneId, avId):
+ """requestTeleport(self, int hoodId, int zoneId, int avId)
+ The AI tells the avatar go somewhere. This is probably in
+ response to a magic word requesting transfer to a zone.
+ """
+ place =
+ if loaderId == "":
+ loaderId = ZoneUtil.getBranchLoaderName(zoneId)
+ if whereId == "":
+ whereId = ZoneUtil.getToonWhereName(zoneId)
+ if hoodId == 0:
+ hoodId =
+ if avId == 0:
+ avId = -1
+ place.fsm.forceTransition('teleportOut',
+ [{"loader": loaderId,
+ "where": whereId,
+ "how": "teleportIn",
+ "hoodId": hoodId,
+ "zoneId": zoneId,
+ "shardId": None,
+ "avId": avId}])
+ def exit_rogues(self):
+ self.rogues.exit()
+ del self.rogues
+ self.rogues = None
+ def identifyDistributedObjects(self, name):
+ # Find the nearby distributed object or objects (of any type)
+ # with the given name. Returns a list of (name, obj) pairs.
+ result = []
+ lowerName = string.lower(name)
+ for obj in
+ className = obj.__class__.__name__
+ try:
+ name = obj.getName()
+ except:
+ name = className
+ if string.lower(name) == lowerName or \
+ string.lower(className) == lowerName or \
+ string.lower(className) == "distributed" + lowerName:
+ result.append((name, obj))
+ return result
+ def getCSBitmask(self, str):
+ # Decompose the string into keywords, and return the
+ # corresponding collision bitmask, suitable for passing to
+ # NodePath.showCS() or hideCS().
+ words = string.lower(str).split()
+ if len(words) == 0:
+ return None
+ invalid = ""
+ bitmask = BitMask32.allOff()
+ for w in words:
+ if w == "wall":
+ bitmask |= ToontownGlobals.WallBitmask
+ elif w == "floor":
+ bitmask |= ToontownGlobals.FloorBitmask
+ elif w == "cam":
+ bitmask |= ToontownGlobals.CameraBitmask
+ elif w == "catch":
+ bitmask |= ToontownGlobals.CatchBitmask
+ elif w == "ghost":
+ bitmask |= ToontownGlobals.GhostBitmask
+ elif w == "furniture":
+ bitmask |= (ToontownGlobals.FurnitureSideBitmask |
+ ToontownGlobals.FurnitureTopBitmask |
+ ToontownGlobals.FurnitureDragBitmask)
+ elif w == "furnitureside":
+ bitmask |= ToontownGlobals.FurnitureSideBitmask
+ elif w == "furnituretop":
+ bitmask |= ToontownGlobals.FurnitureTopBitmask
+ elif w == "furnituredrag":
+ bitmask |= ToontownGlobals.FurnitureDragBitmask
+ elif w == "pie":
+ bitmask |= ToontownGlobals.PieBitmask
+ else:
+ invalid += " " + w
+ if invalid:
+ self.setMagicWordResponse("Unknown CS keyword(s): %s" % invalid)
+ return bitmask
+ def getFontByName(self, fontname):
+ if fontname == "toon":
+ return ToontownGlobals.getToonFont()
+ elif fontname == "building":
+ return ToontownGlobals.getBuildingNametagFont()
+ elif fontname == "minnie":
+ return ToontownGlobals.getMinnieFont()
+ elif fontname == "suit":
+ return ToontownGlobals.getSuitFont()
+ else:
+ return MagicWordManager.MagicWordManager.getFontByName(self, fontname)
+ def doBossBattle(self, word):
+ """Handle the ~bossBattle magic word: manage a final boss
+ battle."""
+ args = word.split()
+ # Find the particular Boss Cog that's in the same zone with
+ # the avatar.
+ bossCog = None
+ for distObj in
+ if isinstance(distObj, DistributedBossCog.DistributedBossCog):
+ bossCog = distObj
+ break
+ response = None
+ if len(args) == 1:
+ # No parameter: ignore (handled by AI).
+ pass
+ elif args[1] == "safe":
+ # ~bossBattle safe [flag]: Ignore hits to the toon during the pie
+ # scene. This acts as a toggle.
+ if len(args) <= 2:
+ flag = not bossCog.localToonIsSafe
+ else:
+ flag = int(args[2])
+ bossCog.localToonIsSafe = flag
+ if flag:
+ response = "LocalToon is now safe from boss attacks"
+ else:
+ response = "LocalToon is now vulnerable to boss attacks"
+ elif args[1] == "stun":
+ # ~bossBattle stun: stun all of the goons in the CFO battle.
+ bossCog.stunAllGoons()
+ elif args[1] == "destroy":
+ # ~bossBattle destroy: destroy all of the goons in the CFO battle.
+ bossCog.destroyAllGoons()
+ elif args[1] == "avatarEnter":
+ # ~bossBattle avatarEnter: run this if you get No Toons error.
+ bossCog.d_avatarEnter()
+ response = 'called d_avatarEnter'
+ if response:
+ self.setMagicWordResponse(response)
+ def doGolf(self, word):
+ """Handle the ~golf magic word for valid client side stuff."""
+ args = word.split()
+ response = None
+ if len(args) == 1:
+ # No parameter: ignore (handled by AI).
+ pass
+ elif args[1] == "debugBarrier":
+ golfHole ='DistributedGolfHole')
+ if golfHole:
+ if hasattr(golfHole,'golfBarrier') and not golfHole.golfBarrier.isEmpty():
+ if golfHole.golfBarrier.isHidden():
+ response = 'showing golf barrier'
+ else:
+ golfHole.golfBarrier.hide()
+ response = 'hiding golf barrier'
+ else:
+ response = 'no golf hole'
+ elif args[1] == "contact":
+ messenger.send("ode toggle contacts")
+ elif args[1] == "power":
+ if len(args) > 2:
+ base.golfPower = args[2]
+ response = ('setting power to %s' % (args[2]))
+ else:
+ base.golfPower = None
+ response = 'unsetting power'
+ elif args[1] == "heading":
+ if len(args) > 2:
+ golfHole ='DistributedGolfHole')
+ if golfHole:
+ golfHole.doMagicWordHeading(args[2])
+ response = ('setting heading to %s' % (args[2]))
+ else:
+ response = 'need heading parameter'
+ elif args[1] == "list":
+ response = ""
+ for holeId in GolfGlobals.HoleInfo:
+ if holeId < 18:
+ response += '%d: %s\n'%(holeId, GolfGlobals.getHoleName(holeId))
+ elif args[1] == "list2":
+ response = ""
+ for holeId in GolfGlobals.HoleInfo:
+ if holeId >= 18:
+ response += '%d: %s\n'%(holeId, GolfGlobals.getHoleName(holeId))
+ if response:
+ self.setMagicWordResponse(response)
+ def doNews(self,word, av, zoneId):
+ args = word.split()
+ response = None
+ action = None
+ if len(args) == 1:
+ return
+ action = args[1]
+ if action == 'frame':
+ NametagGlobals.setMasterArrowsOn(0)
+ from toontown.shtiker import InGameNewsFrame
+ base.newsFrame = InGameNewsFrame.InGameNewsFrame()
+ base.newsFrame.activate()
+ response = "putting in game news direct frame up"
+ elif action == 'snapshot':
+ response = localAvatar.newsPage.doSnapshot()
+ if response is not None:
+ self.setMagicWordResponse(response)
diff --git a/toontown/src/ai/ b/toontown/src/ai/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45eef26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/ai/
@@ -0,0 +1,3619 @@
+# python imports
+import fpformat
+import string
+import time
+import random
+import datetime
+from sets import Set
+# panda3d imports
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from direct.showbase import PythonUtil
+from direct.task import Task
+# toontown imports
+from import *
+from import AIZoneData
+from direct.distributed import DistributedObjectAI
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from toontown.toon import InventoryBase
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownBattleGlobals
+from toontown.suit import DistributedSuitPlannerAI
+from toontown.battle import DistributedBattleBaseAI
+from toontown.toon import DistributedToonAI
+import WelcomeValleyManagerAI
+from toontown.hood import ZoneUtil
+from toontown.battle import SuitBattleGlobals
+from import Quests
+from toontown.minigame import MinigameCreatorAI
+from import DistributedPhoneAI
+from toontown.suit import DistributedBossCogAI
+from toontown.suit import DistributedSellbotBossAI
+from toontown.suit import DistributedCashbotBossAI
+from toontown.suit import DistributedLawbotBossAI
+from toontown.suit import DistributedBossbotBossAI
+from toontown.catalog import CatalogItemList
+from toontown.pets import PetTricks
+from toontown.suit import SuitDNA
+from toontown.toon import ToonDNA
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+from import MagicWordManagerAI
+from import GardenGlobals
+from otp.otpbase import OTPGlobals
+from import GolfManagerAI
+from import GolfGlobals
+from toontown.parties import PartyGlobals
+from toontown.parties import PartyUtils
+from toontown.uberdog.DataStoreAIClient import DataStoreAIClient
+from toontown.uberdog import DataStoreGlobals
+if (simbase.wantKarts):
+ from import *
+class ToontownMagicWordManagerAI(MagicWordManagerAI.MagicWordManagerAI):
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("ToontownMagicWordManagerAI")
+ GameAvatarClass = DistributedToonAI.DistributedToonAI
+ # is it a safezone?
+ Str2szId = {
+ 'ttc': ToontownGlobals.ToontownCentral,
+ 'tt': ToontownGlobals.ToontownCentral,
+ 'tc': ToontownGlobals.ToontownCentral,
+ 'dd': ToontownGlobals.DonaldsDock,
+ 'dg': ToontownGlobals.DaisyGardens,
+ 'mml': ToontownGlobals.MinniesMelodyland,
+ 'mm': ToontownGlobals.MinniesMelodyland,
+ 'br': ToontownGlobals.TheBrrrgh,
+ 'ddl': ToontownGlobals.DonaldsDreamland,
+ 'dl': ToontownGlobals.DonaldsDreamland,
+ }
+ def __init__(self, air):
+ MagicWordManagerAI.MagicWordManagerAI.__init__(self, air)
+ self.__bossBattleZoneId = [None, None, None, None]
+ self.__bossCog = [None, None, None, None]
+ def doMagicWord(self, word, av, zoneId, senderId):
+ def wordIs(w, word=word):
+ return word[:(len(w)+1)] == ('%s ' % w) or word == w
+ if (MagicWordManagerAI.MagicWordManagerAI.doMagicWord(self, word, av,
+ zoneId, senderId) == 1):
+ pass
+ elif word == "~allstuff":
+ av.inventory.maxOutInv()
+ av.d_setInventory(av.inventory.makeNetString())
+ self.notify.debug("Maxing out inventory for " +
+ elif word == "~nostuff":
+ av.inventory.zeroInv(1)
+ av.d_setInventory(av.inventory.makeNetString())
+ self.notify.debug("Zeroing inventory for " +
+ elif word == "~restock":
+ av.doRestock(1)
+ elif word == "~restockUber":
+ av.doRestock(0)
+ elif word == "~rich":
+ av.b_setMoney(av.maxMoney)
+ av.b_setBankMoney(av.maxBankMoney)
+ self.notify.debug( + " is now rich")
+ elif word == "~poor":
+ av.b_setMoney(0)
+ av.b_setBankMoney(0)
+ self.notify.debug( + " is now poor")
+ elif wordIs("~jelly"):
+ args = word.split()
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ count = int(args[1])
+ # this will just fill up the pocketbook,
+ # but wont add to the bank
+ av.b_setMoney(min(count, av.getMaxMoney()))
+ else:
+ av.b_setMoney(av.getMaxMoney())
+ elif wordIs("~bank"):
+ args = word.split()
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ count = int(args[1])
+ av.b_setBankMoney(count)
+ else:
+ av.b_setBankMoney(av.getMaxBankMoney())
+ elif wordIs("~maxBankMoney"):
+ args = word.split()
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ count = int(args[1])
+ av.b_setMaxBankMoney(count)
+ response = "Max bank money set to %s" % (av.getMaxBankMoney())
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ else:
+ response = "Max bank money is %s" % (av.getMaxBankMoney())
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ elif wordIs("~pie"):
+ # Give ourselves a pie. Or four.
+ count = 0
+ type = None
+ args = word.split()
+ if len(args) == 1:
+ count = 1
+ for arg in args[1:]:
+ from toontown.toonbase import ToontownBattleGlobals
+ if arg in ToontownBattleGlobals.pieNames:
+ type = ToontownBattleGlobals.pieNames.index(arg)
+ else:
+ try:
+ count = int(arg)
+ except:
+ response = "Invalid pie argument: %s" % (arg)
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ return
+ if type != None:
+ av.b_setPieType(type)
+ av.b_setNumPies(av.numPies + count)
+ elif word == "~amateur":
+ av.b_setTrackAccess([0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0])
+ av.b_setMaxCarry(20)
+ av.b_setQuestCarryLimit(1)
+ av.experience.zeroOutExp()
+ av.d_setExperience(av.experience.makeNetString())
+ av.b_setMaxHp(15)
+ av.b_setHp(15)
+ newInv = InventoryBase.InventoryBase(av)
+ newInv.maxOutInv()
+ av.inventory.setToMin(newInv.inventory)
+ av.d_setInventory(av.inventory.makeNetString())
+ self.notify.debug("Default exp for " +
+ elif word == "~amateur+":
+ av.experience.setAllExp(9)
+ av.d_setExperience(av.experience.makeNetString())
+ av.b_setMaxHp(30)
+ av.b_setHp(30)
+ # make sure we're not over maxProps too
+ newInv = InventoryBase.InventoryBase(av)
+ newInv.maxOutInv()
+ av.inventory.setToMin(newInv.inventory)
+ av.d_setInventory(av.inventory.makeNetString())
+ self.notify.debug("Setting exp to 9 for " +
+ elif word == "~professional":
+ av.b_setTrackAccess([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1])
+ av.b_setMaxCarry(ToontownGlobals.MaxCarryLimit)
+ av.b_setQuestCarryLimit(ToontownGlobals.MaxQuestCarryLimit)
+ av.experience.maxOutExp()
+ av.d_setExperience(av.experience.makeNetString())
+ av.b_setMaxHp(ToontownGlobals.MaxHpLimit)
+ av.b_setHp(ToontownGlobals.MaxHpLimit)
+ self.notify.debug("Max exp for " +
+ elif word == "~professional--":
+ av.b_setTrackAccess([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1])
+ av.b_setMaxCarry(ToontownGlobals.MaxCarryLimit)
+ av.b_setQuestCarryLimit(ToontownGlobals.MaxQuestCarryLimit)
+ av.experience.makeExpHigh()
+ av.d_setExperience(av.experience.makeNetString())
+ av.b_setMaxHp(ToontownGlobals.MaxHpLimit-15)
+ av.b_setHp(ToontownGlobals.MaxHpLimit-15)
+ self.notify.debug("High exp for " +
+ elif word == "~regularToon":
+ pickTrack = ([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0],
+ [1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1],
+ [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
+ [1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1])
+ av.b_setTrackAccess(random.choice(pickTrack))
+ av.b_setMaxCarry(ToontownGlobals.MaxCarryLimit)
+ av.b_setQuestCarryLimit(ToontownGlobals.MaxQuestCarryLimit)
+ av.experience.makeExpRegular()
+ av.d_setExperience(av.experience.makeNetString())
+ laughminus = int(random.random() * 20.0) + 10.0
+ av.b_setMaxHp(ToontownGlobals.MaxHpLimit-laughminus)
+ av.b_setHp(ToontownGlobals.MaxHpLimit-laughminus)
+ self.notify.debug("regular exp for " +
+ elif word == "~maxexp--":
+ av.b_setTrackAccess([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1])
+ av.b_setMaxCarry(ToontownGlobals.MaxCarryLimit)
+ av.b_setQuestCarryLimit(ToontownGlobals.MaxQuestCarryLimit)
+ av.experience.maxOutExpMinusOne()
+ av.d_setExperience(av.experience.makeNetString())
+ av.b_setMaxHp(ToontownGlobals.MaxHpLimit)
+ av.b_setHp(ToontownGlobals.MaxHpLimit)
+ self.notify.debug("Max exp-- for " +
+ elif wordIs('~mintRaider'):
+ av.experience.maxOutExp()
+ av.d_setExperience(av.experience.makeNetString())
+ av.b_setQuestHistory([])
+ av.b_setRewardHistory(Quests.DL_TIER+2, [])
+ av.fixAvatar()
+ # 7LP for fishing, + 5LP for SellbotHQ, /2
+ av.b_setMaxHp(av.getMaxHp()+6)
+ av.b_setHp(av.getMaxHp())
+ trackAccess = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
+ trackAccess[random.choice((0, 1, 2, 3, 6))] = 0
+ av.b_setTrackAccess(trackAccess)
+ elif word[:4] == "~exp":
+ self.doExp(word, av, zoneId, senderId)
+ elif word[:7] == "~trophy":
+ self.doTrophy(word, av, zoneId, senderId)
+ elif word == "~trophies":
+ # Report the top 10 trophy holders.
+ scores = self.air.trophyMgr.getSortedScores()
+ response = ''
+ for i in range(min(len(scores), 10)):
+ score, avId = scores[i]
+ av = self.air.doId2do.get(avId, None)
+ if av:
+ avName =
+ else:
+ avName = avId
+ response += '%s %s\n' % (score, avName)
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ elif word[:8] == "~effect ":
+ # Apply a cheesy rendering effect.
+ self.doCheesyEffect(word, av, zoneId, senderId)
+ elif word[:12] == "~cogTakeOver":
+ self.doCogTakeOver(word, av, zoneId, senderId)
+ elif wordIs("~cogdoTakeOver"):
+ if simbase.air.wantCogdominiums:
+ self.doCogdoTakeOver(word, av, zoneId, senderId)
+ elif word[:13] == "~toonTakeOver":
+ self.doToonTakeOver(word, av, zoneId, senderId)
+ elif word[:8] == "~welcome":
+ self.doWelcome(word, av, zoneId, senderId)
+ elif word == "~finishTutorial":
+ av.b_setTutorialAck(1)
+ av.b_setQuests([])
+ av.b_setQuestHistory([])
+ av.b_setRewardHistory(2, [])
+ av.fixAvatar()
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, "Finished tutorial.")
+ elif word == "~finishQuests":
+ self.air.questManager.completeAllQuestsMagically(av)
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, "Finished quests.")
+ elif word[:12] == "~finishQuest":
+ args = word.split()
+ index = int(args[1])
+ result = self.air.questManager.completeQuestMagically(av, index)
+ if result:
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, ("Finished quest %s." % (index)))
+ else:
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, ("Quest %s not found." % (index)))
+ elif word == "~clearQuests":
+ # Reset all quest fields as if this were a new toon
+ av.b_setQuests([])
+ av.b_setQuestHistory([])
+ currentTier = av.getRewardTier()
+ av.b_setRewardHistory(currentTier, [])
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, "Cleared quests.")
+ elif word == "~getQuestTier":
+ # Report the current quest tier
+ response = "tier %d" % (av.getRewardTier())
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ elif word[:13] == "~setQuestTier":
+ # Sets reward tier and optionally index
+ args = word.split()
+ tier = int(args[1])
+ tier = min(tier, Quests.getNumTiers())
+ av.b_setQuestHistory([])
+ av.b_setRewardHistory(tier, [])
+ av.fixAvatar()
+ elif word[:12] == "~assignQuest":
+ # Intelligently assigns a quest
+ args = word.split()
+ questId = int(args[1])
+ # Make sure this quest exists
+ questDesc = Quests.QuestDict.get(questId)
+ if questDesc is None:
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, "Quest %s not found" % (questId))
+ return
+ # Make sure the av is in that tier
+ avTier = av.getRewardTier()
+ tier = questDesc[Quests.QuestDictTierIndex]
+ if tier != avTier:
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, "Avatar not in that tier: %s. You can ~setQuestTier %s, if you want." % (tier, tier))
+ return
+ # Make sure the av has room for this quest
+ if not self.air.questManager.needsQuest(av):
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, "Quests are already full")
+ return
+ # Make sure the av does not already have this quest
+ for questDesc in av.quests:
+ if questId == questDesc[0]:
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, "Already has quest: %s" % (questId))
+ return
+ # Should we check your reward history too?
+ fromNpcId = Quests.ToonHQ # A reasonable default
+ rewardId = Quests.getQuestReward(questId, av)
+ # Some quests do not have a reward specified. Instead they have
+ # the keyword which tells the quest system to try to
+ # match something up. In our case, we are not going through
+ # normal channels, so just pick some reward so things do not
+ # crash. How about some jellybeans?
+ if rewardId == Quests.Any:
+ # Just give 100 jellybeans (rewardId = 604 from
+ rewardId = 604
+ toNpcId = Quests.getQuestToNpcId(questId)
+ # Account for some trickery in the quest description
+ # If the toNpcId is marked or let's just use ToonHQ
+ if toNpcId == Quests.Any:
+ toNpcId = Quests.ToonHQ
+ elif toNpcId == Quests.Same:
+ toNpcId = Quests.ToonHQ
+ startingQuest = Quests.isStartingQuest(questId)
+ self.air.questManager.assignQuest(av.doId,
+ fromNpcId,
+ questId,
+ rewardId,
+ toNpcId,
+ startingQuest,
+ )
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, "Quest %s assigned" % (questId))
+ elif wordIs("~nextQuest"):
+ # forces NPCs to offer you a particular quest
+ args = word.split()
+ if len(args) == 1:
+ # clear any existing request
+ questId = self.air.questManager.cancelNextQuest(av.doId)
+ if questId:
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(
+ senderId, "Cancelled request for quest %s" % (questId))
+ return
+ questId = int(args[1])
+ # Make sure this quest exists
+ questDesc = Quests.QuestDict.get(questId)
+ if questDesc is None:
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(
+ senderId, "Quest %s not found" % (questId))
+ return
+ # Make sure the av is in that tier
+ avTier = av.getRewardTier()
+ tier = questDesc[Quests.QuestDictTierIndex]
+ if tier != avTier:
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, "Avatar not in that tier: %s. You can ~setQuestTier %s, if you want." % (tier, tier))
+ return
+ # Make sure the av does not already have this quest
+ for questDesc in av.quests:
+ if questId == questDesc[0]:
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(
+ senderId, "Already has quest: %s" % (questId))
+ return
+ self.air.questManager.setNextQuest(av.doId, questId)
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId,
+ "Quest %s queued" % (questId))
+ elif word == "~visitHQ":
+ # Sets quests to return to HQ Officer instead of whomever.
+ # Saves walking all over the map to test quests.
+ for quest in av.quests:
+ quest[2] = Quests.ToonHQ
+ av.b_setQuests(av.quests)
+ elif wordIs('~teleportAll'):
+ av.b_setHoodsVisited(ToontownGlobals.HoodsForTeleportAll)
+ av.b_setTeleportAccess(ToontownGlobals.HoodsForTeleportAll)
+ elif word[:10] == "~buildings":
+ self.doBuildings(word, av, zoneId, senderId)
+ elif word[:16] == "~buildingPercent":
+ self.doBuildingPercent(word, av, zoneId, senderId)
+ elif wordIs('~call'):
+ self.doCall(word, av, zoneId, senderId)
+ elif wordIs('~battle'):
+ self.doBattle(word, av, zoneId, senderId)
+ elif word[:5] == "~cogs":
+ self.doCogs(word, av, zoneId, senderId)
+ # Suit Invasions
+ elif word[:12] == "~getInvasion":
+ self.getCogInvasion(word, av, zoneId, senderId)
+ elif word[:14] == "~startInvasion":
+ self.doCogInvasion(word, av, zoneId, senderId)
+ elif word[:13] == "~stopInvasion":
+ self.stopCogInvasion(word, av, zoneId, senderId)
+ # Fireworks
+ elif word[:18] == "~startAllFireworks":
+ self.startAllFireworks(word, av, zoneId, senderId)
+ elif word[:15] == "~startFireworks":
+ self.startFireworks(word, av, zoneId, senderId)
+ elif word[:14] == "~stopFireworks":
+ self.stopFireworks(word, av, zoneId, senderId)
+ elif word[:17] == "~stopAllFireworks":
+ self.stopAllFireworks(word, av, zoneId, senderId)
+ elif word == "~save":
+ # Save the AI state. Presently, this is just the set of
+ # buildings.
+ self.air.saveBuildings()
+ response = "Building state saved."
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ elif word[:9] == "~minigame":
+ self.doMinigame(word, av, zoneId, senderId)
+ elif wordIs('~factory'):
+ # select which factory to enter
+ # AI-global for now
+ from toontown.coghq import FactoryManagerAI
+ args = word.split()
+ if len(args) == 1:
+ # no arguments given
+ if FactoryManagerAI.FactoryManagerAI.factoryId is None:
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(
+ senderId, "usage: ~factory [id]")
+ else:
+ fId = FactoryManagerAI.FactoryManagerAI.factoryId
+ FactoryManagerAI.FactoryManagerAI.factoryId = None
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(
+ senderId, "cancelled request for factory %s" % fId)
+ else:
+ factoryId = int(args[1])
+ if not factoryId in ToontownGlobals.factoryId2factoryType:
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(
+ senderId,
+ "unknown factory '%s'" % factoryId)
+ else:
+ FactoryManagerAI.FactoryManagerAI.factoryId = factoryId
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(
+ senderId,
+ "selected factory %s" % factoryId)
+ elif wordIs('~mintId'):
+ args = word.split()
+ postName = 'mintId-%s' % av.doId
+ if len(args) < 2:
+ if bboard.has(postName):
+ bboard.remove(postName)
+ response = 'cleared mint request'
+ else:
+ response = '~mintId id'
+ else:
+ try:
+ id = int(args[1])
+ # make sure it's a valid id
+ foo = ToontownGlobals.MintNumRooms[id]
+ except:
+ response = 'bad mint id: %s' % args[1]
+ else:
+, id)
+ response = 'selected mint %s' % id
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ elif wordIs('~mintFloor'):
+ args = word.split()
+ postName = 'mintFloor-%s' % av.doId
+ if len(args) < 2:
+ if bboard.has(postName):
+ bboard.remove(postName)
+ response = 'cleared mint floor request'
+ else:
+ response = '~mintFloor num'
+ else:
+ try:
+ floor = int(args[1])
+ except:
+ response = 'bad floor index: %s' % args[1]
+ else:
+, floor)
+ response = 'selected floor %s' % floor
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ elif wordIs('~mintRoom'):
+ args = word.split()
+ postName = 'mintRoom-%s' % av.doId
+ if len(args) < 2:
+ if bboard.has(postName):
+ bboard.remove(postName)
+ response = 'cleared mint room request'
+ else:
+ response = '~mintRoom '
+ else:
+ from toontown.coghq import MintRoomSpecs
+ id = None
+ name = None
+ try:
+ id = int(args[1])
+ name = MintRoomSpecs.CashbotMintRoomId2RoomName[id]
+ except:
+ if args[1] in MintRoomSpecs.CashbotMintRoomName2RoomId:
+ name = args[1]
+ id = MintRoomSpecs.CashbotMintRoomName2RoomId[name]
+ else:
+ response = 'invalid room: %s' % args[1]
+, id)
+ response = 'selected mint room %s: %s' % (id, name)
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ elif wordIs('~stageRoom'):
+ args = word.split()
+ postName = 'stageRoom-%s' % av.doId
+ if len(args) < 2:
+ if bboard.has(postName):
+ bboard.remove(postName)
+ response = 'cleared stage room request'
+ else:
+ response = '~stageRoom '
+ else:
+ from toontown.coghq import StageRoomSpecs
+ id = None
+ name = None
+ try:
+ id = int(args[1])
+ name = StageRoomSpecs.CashbotStageRoomId2RoomName[id]
+ except:
+ if args[1] in StageRoomSpecs.CashbotStageRoomName2RoomId:
+ name = args[1]
+ id = StageRoomSpecs.CashbotStageRoomName2RoomId[name]
+ else:
+ response = 'invalid room: %s' % args[1]
+, id)
+ response = 'selected stage room %s: %s' % (id, name)
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ elif wordIs("~autoRestock"):
+ args = word.split()
+ postName = 'autoRestock-%s' % av.doId
+ enable = not bboard.get(postName, 0)
+ # are they explicitly setting the state?
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ try:
+ enable = int(args[1])
+ except:
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId,
+ 'invalid state flag: %s' %
+ args[1])
+ return
+ if enable:
+ state = 'ON'
+, 1)
+ else:
+ state = 'OFF'
+ bboard.remove(postName)
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, 'autoRestock %s' % state)
+ elif wordIs("~resistanceRestock"):
+ from import ResistanceChat
+ args = word.split()
+ if len(args) < 2:
+ charges = 10
+ else:
+ charges = int(args[1])
+ msgs = []
+ for menuIndex in ResistanceChat.resistanceMenu:
+ for itemIndex in ResistanceChat.getItems(menuIndex):
+ textId = ResistanceChat.encodeId(menuIndex, itemIndex)
+ msgs.append([textId, charges])
+ av.b_setResistanceMessages(msgs)
+ response = 'Resistance phrases restocked - %d charges' % charges
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ elif wordIs("~restockSummons"):
+ numSuits = len(SuitDNA.suitHeadTypes)
+ fullSetForSuit = 0x01 | 0x02 | 0x04
+ allSummons = numSuits * [fullSetForSuit]
+ av.b_setCogSummonsEarned(allSummons)
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, "Summons restocked")
+ elif wordIs("~clearSummons"):
+ numSuits = len(SuitDNA.suitHeadTypes)
+ allSummons = numSuits * [0]
+ av.b_setCogSummonsEarned(allSummons)
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, "Summons emptied")
+ elif wordIs("~newSummons"):
+ args = word.split()
+ level = None
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ level = int(args[1])
+ if level and (level < 0 or level >= SuitDNA.suitsPerDept):
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(
+ senderId, "usage: ~newSummons [level:0-11]")
+ else:
+ (suitIndex, type) = av.assignNewCogSummons(level)
+ suitName = SuitDNA.suitHeadTypes[suitIndex]
+ suitFullName = SuitBattleGlobals.SuitAttributes[suitName]['name']
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(
+ senderId, "%s summons added for %s" % (type, suitFullName))
+ elif wordIs("~treasures"):
+ self.doTreasures(word, av, zoneId, senderId)
+ elif wordIs("~emote"):
+ self.doEmotes(word, av, zoneId, senderId)
+ elif wordIs("~catalog"):
+ self.doCatalog(word, av, zoneId, senderId)
+ elif word == "~resetFurniture":
+ house = None
+ if av.houseId:
+ house = self.air.doId2do.get(av.houseId)
+ if house:
+ house.setInitialFurniture()
+ house.resetFurniture()
+ response = "Furniture reset."
+ else:
+ response = "Could not find house."
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ # Fishing
+ elif word == "~clearFishTank":
+ av.b_setFishTank([], [], [])
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, "Cleared fish tank.")
+ elif word == "~sellFishTank":
+ # Add up the total value of all the fish
+ totalValue = 0
+ totalValue = av.fishTank.getTotalValue()
+ # Credit the money
+ av.addMoney(totalValue)
+ # Clear the fish tank
+ av.b_setFishTank([], [], [])
+ # Feedback to sender
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, ("Sold fish in tank for %s jellbeans." % totalValue))
+ elif word == "~clearFishCollection":
+ av.b_setFishCollection([], [], [])
+ av.b_setFishingTrophies([])
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, "Cleared fish collection.")
+ elif word == "~completeFishCollection":
+ from import FishGlobals
+ genusList = []
+ speciesList = []
+ weightList = []
+ for genus in FishGlobals.getGenera():
+ numSpecies = len(FishGlobals.getSpecies(genus))
+ for species in range(numSpecies):
+ weight = FishGlobals.getRandomWeight(genus, species)
+ genusList.append(genus)
+ speciesList.append(species)
+ weightList.append(weight)
+ av.b_setFishCollection(genusList, speciesList, weightList)
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, "Complete fish collection.")
+ elif word == "~randomFishTank":
+ av.makeRandomFishTank()
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, "Created random fishtank")
+ elif word == "~allFishingTrophies":
+ from import FishGlobals
+ allTrophyList = FishGlobals.TrophyDict.keys()
+ av.b_setFishingTrophies(allTrophyList)
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, "All fishing trophies")
+ elif word[:4] == "~rod":
+ from import FishGlobals
+ # Sets reward tier and optionally index
+ args = word.split()
+ rodId = int(args[1])
+ if ((rodId > FishGlobals.MaxRodId) or
+ (rodId < 0)):
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, ("Invalid rod: %s" % (rodId)))
+ else:
+ av.b_setFishingRod(rodId)
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, ("New fishing rod: %s" % (rodId)))
+ elif wordIs('~inGameEdit'):
+ # edit a level in the game engine
+ # Note - do not call this as a toon - call ~edit instead. That
+ # will automatically append your level doId so the AI knows
+ # which one you want to edit, along with your edit username
+ # make sure this AI is set up for editing
+ if not __dev__:
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId,
+ "AI not running in dev mode")
+ return
+ from otp.level import EditorGlobals
+ msg = EditorGlobals.checkNotReadyToEdit()
+ if msg is not None:
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, msg)
+ return
+ args = word.split()
+ levelDoId = int(args[1])
+ editUsername = args[2]
+ level = self.air.doId2do.get(levelDoId)
+ if not level:
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(
+ senderId, ("Level %s not found" % levelDoId))
+ return
+ from toontown.coghq import DistributedInGameEditorAI
+ editor = DistributedInGameEditorAI.DistributedInGameEditorAI(
+ self.air, level, senderId, editUsername)
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(
+ senderId, ("Editing level %s as %s" % (
+ levelDoId, editUsername)))
+ elif word[:13] == "~setNPCFriend":
+ args = word.split()
+ npcId = int(args[1])
+ numCalls = int(args[2])
+ if self.doNpcFriend(av, npcId, numCalls):
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, "added NPC friend")
+ else:
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, "invalid NPC name")
+ elif wordIs("~pianos"):
+ if self.doNpcFriend(av, 1116, 100):
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, "got pianos")
+ else:
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, "error getting pianos")
+ elif wordIs("~resetNPCFriendsDict"):
+ av.resetNPCFriendsDict()
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, "Reset NPC Friends Dict")
+ elif wordIs('~uberDrop'):
+ from toontown.toon import NPCToons
+ if (av.attemptAddNPCFriend(
+ 1116, DistributedToonAI.DistributedToonAI.maxCallsPerNPC
+ ) == 1):
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, "added NPC friend")
+ else:
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, "failed")
+ elif wordIs("~bossBattle"):
+ self.doBossBattle(word, av, zoneId, senderId)
+ elif wordIs('~disguisePage'):
+ args = word.split()
+ flag = 1
+ if len(args) >= 2:
+ flag = int(args[1])
+ av.b_setDisguisePageFlag(flag)
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, "Disguise page = %s" % (flag))
+ elif wordIs("~allParts"):
+ from toontown.coghq import CogDisguiseGlobals
+ args = word.split()
+ for dept in self.getDepts(args):
+ parts = av.getCogParts()
+ parts[dept] = CogDisguiseGlobals.PartsPerSuitBitmasks[dept]
+ av.b_setCogParts(parts)
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, "Set cog parts: %s" % (parts))
+ elif wordIs("~noParts"):
+ args = word.split()
+ for dept in self.getDepts(args):
+ parts = av.getCogParts()
+ parts[dept] = 0
+ av.b_setCogParts(parts)
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, "Set cog parts: %s" % (parts))
+ elif wordIs("~part"):
+ args = word.split()
+ depts = self.getDepts(args)
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ # trust that user typed the factory type correctly...
+ factoryType = args[1]
+ else:
+ factoryType = ToontownGlobals.FT_FullSuit
+ for dept in depts:
+ av.giveGenericCogPart(factoryType, dept)
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, "Set cog parts: %s" % (av.getCogParts()))
+ elif wordIs("~merits"):
+ args = word.split()
+ depts = self.getDepts(args)
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ numMerits = int(args[1])
+ if numMerits > 32767:
+ numMerits = 32767
+ else:
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, "Specify number of merits to set.")
+ return
+ merits = av.getCogMerits()[:]
+ for dept in depts:
+ merits[dept] = numMerits
+ av.b_setCogMerits(merits)
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, "Set cog merits: %s" % (merits))
+ elif wordIs("~promote"):
+ args = word.split()
+ depts = self.getDepts(args)
+ for dept in depts:
+ av.b_promote(dept)
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, "Set cogTypes: %s and cogLevels: %s" % (av.getCogTypes(), av.getCogLevels()))
+ elif wordIs("~cogSuit"):
+ args = word.split()
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ cogType = args[1]
+ else:
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, "Specify cog type, or 'clear'.")
+ return
+ if cogType == 'clear':
+ av.b_setCogTypes([0, 0, 0, 0])
+ av.b_setCogLevels([0, 0, 0, 0])
+ elif cogType == 'on':
+ if len(args) > 2 and args[2] in SuitDNA.suitDepts:
+ dept = SuitDNA.suitDepts.index(args[2])
+ av.b_setCogIndex(dept)
+ else:
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, "Specify dept.")
+ return
+ elif cogType == 'off':
+ av.b_setCogIndex(-1)
+ return
+ else:
+ dept = SuitDNA.getSuitDept(cogType)
+ if dept == None:
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, "Unknown cog type: %s" % (cogType))
+ return
+ deptIndex = SuitDNA.suitDepts.index(dept)
+ type = SuitDNA.getSuitType(cogType)
+ minLevel = SuitBattleGlobals.SuitAttributes[cogType]['level']
+ # determine max level (usually minLevel + 4, but 50 for last cog)
+ if type >= (SuitDNA.suitsPerDept - 1):
+ maxLevel = ToontownGlobals.MaxCogSuitLevel + 1
+ else:
+ maxLevel = minLevel + 4
+ if len(args) > 2:
+ level = int(args[2]) - 1
+ if level < minLevel or level > maxLevel:
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, "Invalid level for %s (should be %s to %s)" % (cogType, minLevel + 1, minLevel + 5))
+ return
+ else:
+ level = minLevel
+ cogTypes = av.getCogTypes()[:]
+ cogLevels = av.getCogLevels()[:]
+ cogTypes[deptIndex] = type - 1
+ cogLevels[deptIndex] = level
+ av.b_setCogTypes(cogTypes)
+ av.b_setCogLevels(cogLevels)
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, "Set cogTypes: %s and cogLevels: %s" % (av.getCogTypes(), av.getCogLevels()))
+ elif wordIs("~pinkSlips"):
+ args = word.split()
+ depts = self.getDepts(args)
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ numSlips = int(args[1])
+ if numSlips > 255:
+ numSlips = 255
+ else:
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, "Specify number of pinkSlips to set.")
+ return
+ av.b_setPinkSlips(numSlips)
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, "Set PinkSlips: %s" % (numSlips))
+ elif wordIs("~setPaid"):
+ args = word.split()
+ depts = self.getDepts(args)
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ paid = int(args[1])
+ if paid:
+ paid = 1
+ av.b_setAccess(OTPGlobals.AccessFull)
+ else:
+ paid = 0
+ av.b_setAccess(OTPGlobals.AccessVelvetRope)
+ else:
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, "0 for unpaid 1 for paid")
+ return
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, "setPaid: %s" % (paid))
+ elif wordIs("~holiday"):
+ # Start or stop a holiday
+ holiday = 5
+ fStart = 1
+ args = word.split()
+ if len(args) == 1:
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(
+ senderId, "Usage:\n~holiday id\n~holiday id start\n~holiday id end\n~holiday list")
+ return
+ elif len(args) > 1:
+ if args[1] == 'list':
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(
+ senderId,
+ "1: July 4\n2: New Years\n3: Halloween\n4: Winter Decorations\n5: Skelecog Invades\n6: Mr. Holly Invades\n7: Fish Bingo\n8: Species Election\n9: Black Cat\n10: Resistance Event\n11: Reset Daily Recs\n12: Reset Weekly Recs\n13: Trick-or-Treat\n14: Grand Prix\n17: Trolley Metagame")
+ return
+ else:
+ holiday = int(args[1])
+ doPhase = None
+ stopForever = False
+ if len(args) > 2:
+ if args[2] == 'start':
+ fStart = 1
+ elif args[2] == 'end':
+ fStart = 0
+ if len(args) > 3:
+ if args[3] == 'forever':
+ stopForever = True
+ elif args[2] == 'phase':
+ if len(args) >3 :
+ doPhase = args[3]
+ else:
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponce(senderId,"need a number after phase")
+ else:
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(
+ senderId, 'Arg 2 should be "start" or "end" or "end forever" or "phase"')
+ return
+ if doPhase:
+ result = self.air.holidayManager.forcePhase(holiday, doPhase)
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, "succeeded=%s forcing holiday %d to phase %s" %(result,holiday,doPhase))
+ elif fStart:
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(
+ senderId, "Starting holiday %d" % holiday)
+ self.air.holidayManager.startHoliday(holiday)
+ else:
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(
+ senderId, "Ending holiday %d stopForever=%s" % (holiday, stopForever))
+ self.air.holidayManager.endHoliday(holiday, stopForever)
+ elif wordIs('~pet') and simbase.wantPets:
+ def summonPet(petId, callback=None, zoneId=zoneId):
+ def handleGetPet(success, pet, petId=petId, zoneId=zoneId):
+ if success:
+ pet.generateWithRequiredAndId(petId, self.air.districtId, zoneId)
+ if callback is not None:
+ callback(success, pet)
+ self.air.petMgr.getPetObject(petId, handleGetPet)
+ petId = av.getPetId()
+ if petId == 0:
+ def handleCreate(success, petId, zoneId=zoneId):
+ if success:
+ self.air.petMgr.assignPetToToon(petId, av.doId)
+ def handlePetGenerated(success, pet, avId=av.doId,
+ zoneId=zoneId):
+ if success:
+ pet._initDBVals(
+ avId,
+ traitSeed=PythonUtil.randUint31())
+ pet.sendSetZone(zoneId)
+ pet.delete()
+ # since this is the first time the pet is being
+ # created, and we're going to be setting properties
+ # on the pet, generate it in the Quiet zone first,
+ # then move it to the requested zone.
+ summonPet(petId, callback=handlePetGenerated,
+ zoneId=ToontownGlobals.QuietZone)
+ self.air.petMgr.createNewPetObject(handleCreate)
+ response = 'creating new pet...'
+ else:
+ if petId in self.air.doId2do:
+ response = 'pet %s already active' % petId
+ else:
+ summonPet(petId)
+ response = 'summoning pet %s...' % petId
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ elif wordIs('~dismiss') and simbase.wantPets:
+ pet, response = self.getPet(av)
+ if pet:
+ pet.requestDelete()
+ response = "pet %s dismissed" % pet.doId
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ elif wordIs('~deletePet') and simbase.wantPets:
+ petId = av.getPetId()
+ if petId == 0:
+ response = "don't have a pet"
+ else:
+ # if the pet is active, dismiss it
+ pet = self.air.doId2do.get(petId)
+ if pet is not None:
+ pet.requestDelete()
+ self.air.petMgr.deleteToonsPet(av.doId)
+ response = "deleted pet %s" % petId
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ elif wordIs('~petName') and simbase.wantPets:
+ pet, response = self.getPet(av)
+ if pet:
+ args = word.split()
+ if len(args) < 2:
+ response = "~petName name"
+ else:
+ pet.b_setPetName(args[1])
+ response = 'name changed'
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ elif wordIs('~feed') and simbase.wantPets:
+ pet, response = self.getPet(av)
+ if pet:
+ pet.feed(av)
+ response = "fed pet"
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ elif wordIs('~attend') and simbase.wantPets:
+ pet, response = self.getPet(av)
+ if pet:
+ pet.scratch(av)
+ response = "attended pet"
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ elif wordIs('~callPet') and simbase.wantPets:
+ pet, response = self.getPet(av)
+ if pet:
+ response = "called pet"
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ elif wordIs('~stay') and simbase.wantPets:
+ pet, response = self.getPet(av)
+ if pet:
+ pet.handleStay(av)
+ response = "Stay, %s." % pet.getPetName()
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ elif wordIs('~shoo') and simbase.wantPets:
+ pet, response = self.getPet(av)
+ if pet:
+ pet.handleShoo(av)
+ response = "Shoo, %s." % pet.getPetName()
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ elif wordIs('~maxMood') and simbase.wantPets:
+ pet, response = self.getPet(av)
+ if pet:
+ pet.maxMood()
+ response = "pet mood maxed"
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ elif wordIs('~minMood') and simbase.wantPets:
+ pet, response = self.getPet(av)
+ if pet:
+ pet.minMood()
+ response = "pet mood minimized"
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ elif wordIs('~petMood') and simbase.wantPets:
+ pet, response = self.getPet(av)
+ if pet:
+ args = word.split()
+ if len(args) < 3:
+ response = '~petMood component value'
+ else:
+ from toontown.pets import PetMood
+ comp = args[1]
+ value = float(args[2])
+ if comp not in PetMood.PetMood.Components:
+ response = "unknown mood '%s'" % comp
+ else:
+ pet.mood.setComponent(comp, value)
+ response = "mood set"
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ elif wordIs('~moodTimescale') and simbase.wantPets:
+ pet, response = self.getPet(av)
+ if pet:
+ args = word.split()
+ if len(args) < 2:
+ response = '~moodTimescale timescale'
+ else:
+ simbase.petMoodTimescale = float(args[1])
+ # make the new timescale take effect immediately
+ pet.mood._driftMoodTask()
+ response = 'pet mood timescale = %s' % args[1]
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ elif wordIs('~typicalTraits') and simbase.wantPets:
+ szId = None
+ args = word.split()
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ szId = self.Str2szId.get(args[1])
+ if szId == None:
+ szId = ToontownGlobals.ToontownCentral
+ pet, response = self.getPet(av)
+ if pet:
+ pet._setTypicalTraits(szId)
+ # delete him to make sure we don't have a pet whose
+ # internal state is out-of-sync
+ pet.requestDelete()
+ response = 'set typical traits for %s' % szId
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ elif wordIs('~medianTraits') and simbase.wantPets:
+ szId = None
+ args = word.split()
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ szId = self.Str2szId.get(args[1])
+ if szId == None:
+ szId = ToontownGlobals.ToontownCentral
+ pet, response = self.getPet(av)
+ if pet:
+ pet._setMedianTraits(szId)
+ # delete him to make sure we don't have a pet whose
+ # internal state is out-of-sync
+ pet.requestDelete()
+ response = 'set median traits for %s' % szId
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ elif wordIs('~lowTraits') and simbase.wantPets:
+ szId = None
+ args = word.split()
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ szId = self.Str2szId.get(args[1])
+ if szId == None:
+ szId = ToontownGlobals.ToontownCentral
+ pet, response = self.getPet(av)
+ if pet:
+ pet._setLowTraits(szId)
+ # delete him to make sure we don't have a pet whose
+ # internal state is out-of-sync
+ pet.requestDelete()
+ response = 'set low traits for %s' % szId
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ elif wordIs('~highTraits') and simbase.wantPets:
+ szId = None
+ args = word.split()
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ szId = self.Str2szId.get(args[1])
+ if szId == None:
+ szId = ToontownGlobals.ToontownCentral
+ pet, response = self.getPet(av)
+ if pet:
+ pet._setHighTraits(szId)
+ # delete him to make sure we don't have a pet whose
+ # internal state is out-of-sync
+ pet.requestDelete()
+ response = 'set high traits for %s' % szId
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ elif wordIs('~leash') and simbase.wantPets:
+ pet, response = self.getPet(av)
+ if pet:
+ response = pet.toggleLeash(av.doId)
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ elif wordIs('~lockPet') and simbase.wantPets:
+ pet, response = self.getPet(av)
+ if pet:
+ if pet.isLockedDown():
+ response = 'pet already locked down'
+ else:
+ pet.lockPet()
+ response = 'pet locked down'
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ elif wordIs('~unlockPet') and simbase.wantPets:
+ pet, response = self.getPet(av)
+ if pet:
+ if not pet.isLockedDown():
+ response = 'pet already not locked down'
+ else:
+ pet.unlockPet()
+ response = 'pet no longer locked down'
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ elif wordIs('~attendPet') and simbase.wantPets:
+ pet, response = self.getPet(av)
+ if pet:
+ response = 'attendPet'
+ pet.handleAvPetInteraction(4, av.getDoId())
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ elif wordIs('~feedPet') and simbase.wantPets:
+ pet, response = self.getPet(av)
+ if pet:
+ response = 'feedPet'
+ pet.handleAvPetInteraction(3, av.getDoId())
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ elif wordIs('~petStress') and simbase.wantPets:
+ from toontown.pets import DistributedPetAI
+ args = word.split()
+ numPets = 56 # 50 friends, six Toons/acct #100 * 3 # 500 toons, 100 at estate, 3 pets per
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ numPets = int(args[1])
+ for i in xrange(numPets):
+ pet = DistributedPetAI.DistributedPetAI(self.air)
+ # make up a fake owner doId
+ pet._initFakePet(100+i, 'StressPet%s' % i)
+ pet.generateWithRequired(zoneId)
+ pet.setPos(randFloat(-30, 30),
+ randFloat(-30, 30), 0)
+ pet.b_setParent(ToontownGlobals.SPRender)
+ elif wordIs('~petTricks') and simbase.wantPets:
+ from toontown.pets import PetConstants, PetTricks
+ args = word.split()
+ trickIds = []
+ invalid = 0
+ for num in args[1:]:
+ id = int(num)
+ if id not in PetTricks.Tricks:
+ invalid = 1
+ response = 'invalid trick ID: %s' % id
+ break
+ trickIds.append(id)
+ if not invalid:
+ av.b_setPetTrickPhrases(trickIds)
+ response = 'set pet trick phrases: %s' % trickIds
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ elif wordIs('~trickAptitude') and simbase.wantPets:
+ pet, response = self.getPet(av)
+ if pet:
+ args = word.split()
+ if len(args) < 2:
+ response = '~trickAptitude aptitude'
+ else:
+ from toontown.pets import PetTricks
+ pet.b_setTrickAptitudes([float(args[1])] *
+ (len(PetTricks.Tricks)-1))
+ response = 'trick aptitude = %s' % args[1]
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ elif wordIs('~spamTrick'):
+ # spam the nearby pets with N commands to do the 'jump' trick
+ from toontown.pets import PetObserve
+ for i in xrange(20):
+ PetObserve.send(av.zoneId,
+ PetObserve.getSCObserve(21200, av.doId))
+ elif wordIs('~blackCat'):
+ response = 'done'
+ error = av.makeBlackCat()
+ if error:
+ response = error
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ elif wordIs('~bingoCheat') and simbase.wantBingo:
+ av.bingoCheat = not av.bingoCheat
+ if av.bingoCheat:
+ response = "Bingo cheating turned on. You will always catch boots."
+ else:
+ response = "Bingo cheating turned off"
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ elif __dev__ and wordIs('~airender'):
+ showZone = zoneId
+ args = word.split()
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ showZone = int(args[1])
+ from import ShowBaseAI
+ base = ShowBaseAI.ShowBaseAI('zone %s' % showZone)
+ base.zoneData = AIZoneData(self.air.districtId, showZone)
+ render = base.zoneData.getRender()
+ base.camNode.setScene(render)
+ render.showCS()
+ axis = loader.loadModel('models/misc/xyzAxis')
+ axis.reparentTo(render)
+ axis.setPosHpr(render, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(
+ senderId, 'rendering AI zone %s' % showZone)
+ elif __dev__ and wordIs("~aics"):
+ showZone = zoneId
+ args = word.split()
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ showZone = int(args[1])
+ zoneData = AIZoneData(self.air.districtId, showZone)
+ render = zoneData.getRender(showZone)
+ csVisible = 0
+ if hasattr(render, 'csVisible'):
+ csVisible = render.csVisible
+ if csVisible:
+ render.hideCS()
+ action = 'hidden'
+ else:
+ render.showCS()
+ action = 'shown'
+ render.csVisible = not csVisible
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(
+ senderId, 'collisions %s for %s' % (action, showZone))
+ ### Karting ###
+ elif(word[:8] == '~BuyKart'):
+ if (simbase.wantKarts):
+ accList = av.getKartAccessoriesOwned()
+ #accList[-1] = getDefaultColor()
+ accList[-2] = getDefaultRim()
+ response = "Av %s now owns accessories: %s" % (av.getDoId(), accList)
+ av.b_setKartAccessoriesOwned(accList)
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ elif(word[:13] == '~BuyAccessory'):
+ if (simbase.wantKarts):
+ response = "Av %s attempting to buy accessory %s" % (av.getDoId(), word[14:])
+ av.addOwnedAccessory(int(word[14:]))
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ elif(word[:8] == '~Tickets'):
+ if (simbase.wantKarts):
+ response = "Av %s now has %s tickets" % (av.getDoId(), word[9:])
+ av.b_setTickets(int(word[9:]))
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ elif wordIs('~allowSoloRace'):
+ if (simbase.wantKarts):
+ av.setAllowSoloRace(not av.allowSoloRace)
+ if av.allowSoloRace:
+ response = "Av %s can now race solo" % (av.getDoId())
+ else:
+ response = "Av %s can no longer Race solo" % (av.getDoId())
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ elif wordIs('~allowRaceTimeout'):
+ if (simbase.wantKarts):
+ av.setAllowRaceTimeout(not av.allowRaceTimeout)
+ if av.allowRaceTimeout:
+ response = "Av %s can timeout of races" % (av.getDoId())
+ else:
+ response = "Av %s can not timeout of races" % (av.getDoId())
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ elif wordIs('~drive'):
+ # Execute an arbitrary Python command on the AI.
+ av.takeOutKart()
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(
+ senderId, "I feel the need... the need for SPEED!")
+ # Golf
+ elif wordIs("~golf"):
+ self.doGolf(word, av, zoneId, senderId)
+ # Mail
+ elif wordIs("~mail"):
+ self.doMail(word, av, zoneId, senderId)
+ # Parties
+ elif wordIs("~party"):
+ self.doParty(word, av, zoneId, senderId)
+ #Gardening
+ elif wordIs("~garden"):
+ self.doGarden(word, av, zoneId, senderId)
+ elif word == "~clearGardenSpecials":
+ newWord = '~garden clearCarriedSpecials'
+ self.doGarden(newWord, av, zoneId, senderId)
+ elif word == "~clearFlowerCollection":
+ newWord = '~garden clearCollection'
+ self.doGarden(newWord, av, zoneId, senderId)
+ elif word == "~completeFlowerCollection":
+ newWord = '~garden completeCollection'
+ self.doGarden(newWord, av, zoneId, senderId)
+ elif wordIs('~startGarden'):
+ newWord = '~garden start'
+ self.doGarden(newWord, av, zoneId, senderId)
+ elif wordIs('~clearGarden'):
+ newWord = '~garden clear'
+ self.doGarden(newWord, av, zoneId, senderId)
+ elif wordIs('~cannons'):
+ sender = simbase.air.doId2do.get(senderId)
+ if sender:
+ zoneId = sender.zoneId
+ estateOwnerDoId = simbase.air.estateMgr.zone2owner.get(zoneId)
+ estate =
+ if hasattr(estate, "cannonFlag"):
+ if estate.cannonFlag:
+ estate.endCannons()
+ response = "Cannons Ended"
+ else:
+ estate.startCannons()
+ response = "Cannons Started"
+ elif wordIs('~gameTable'):
+ sender = simbase.air.doId2do.get(senderId)
+ if sender:
+ zoneId = sender.zoneId
+ estateOwnerDoId = simbase.air.estateMgr.zone2owner.get(zoneId)
+ estate =
+ if hasattr(estate, 'gameTableFlag'):
+ if estate.gameTableFlag:
+ estate.endGameTable()
+ response = 'Game Table Ended'
+ else:
+ estate.startGameTable()
+ response = 'Game Table Started'
+ elif wordIs('~plantGarden'):
+ newWord = '~garden plant'
+ args = word.split()
+ for i in range(1, len(args)):
+ newWord += ' '
+ newWord += args[i]
+ self.doGarden(newWord, av, zoneId, senderId)
+ elif wordIs('~trialerCount'):
+ total = 0
+ trialer =0
+ paid = 0
+ unknown = 0
+ allToons = simbase.air.doFindAll('DistributedToonAI')
+ for toon in allToons:
+ total += 1
+ if toon.getGameAccess() == ToontownGlobals.AccessFull:
+ paid += 1
+ elif toon.getGameAccess() == ToontownGlobals.AccessVelvetRope:
+ trialer += 1
+ else:
+ unknown += 1
+ response = "%d trialers, %d paid, %d total" % (trialer, paid, total)
+ if unknown:
+ response += "%d unknown" % unknown
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ elif wordIs('~deleteBackupStores'):
+ storeClient = DataStoreAIClient(self.air, DataStoreGlobals.GEN, None)
+ storeClient.deleteBackupStores()
+ storeClient.closeStore()
+ elif wordIs("~autoRich"):
+ # Available only __dev__ and GMs. Guard against hacked clients sending this. If a non-GM
+ # needs to do this on LIVE, simply use ~rich instead.
+ if __dev__ or av.hasGMName():
+ # Basically this is a signal that a GM has logged in.
+ if av.hasGMName():
+ self.air.writeServerEvent('GM', av.doId, 'GM %s used auto-rich' % av.getName())
+ assert self.notify.debug('GM %s %s used auto-rich' % (av.doId, av.getName()))
+ args = word.split()
+ postName = 'autoRich-%s' % av.doId
+ enable = not bboard.get(postName, 0)
+ # are they explicitly setting the state?
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ try:
+ enable = int(args[1])
+ except:
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId,
+ 'invalid state flag: %s' %
+ args[1])
+ return
+ if enable:
+ state = 'ON'
+ av.b_setMoney(av.maxMoney)
+ av.b_setBankMoney(av.maxBankMoney)
+, 1)
+ else:
+ state = 'OFF'
+ bboard.remove(postName)
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, 'autoRich %s' % state)
+ else:
+ self.air.writeServerEvent('suspicious', av.doId, 'non-GM toon with name %s using ~autoRich' % av.getName())
+ else:
+ # The word is not an AI-side magic word. If the sender is
+ # different than the target avatar, then pass the magic
+ # word down to the target client-side MagicWordManager to
+ # execute a client-side magic word.
+ if (senderId != av.doId):
+ self.sendUpdateToAvatarId(av.doId, 'setMagicWord', [word, av.doId, zoneId])
+ def doNpcFriend(self, av, npcId, numCalls):
+ return av.attemptAddNPCFriend(npcId, numCalls) == 1
+ def getDepts(self, args):
+ # Returns a list of the dept indices specified by args[1], or
+ # all depts if nothing is specified. If a dept is specified,
+ # args[1] is removed from the list.
+ depts = []
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ if args[1] == 'all':
+ depts = [0, 1, 2, 3]
+ del args[1]
+ else:
+ allLettersGood = 1
+ for letter in args[1]:
+ if letter in SuitDNA.suitDepts:
+ dept = SuitDNA.suitDepts.index(letter)
+ depts.append(dept)
+ else:
+ allLettersGood = 0
+ break
+ if allLettersGood:
+ del args[1]
+ else:
+ depts = []
+ if depts:
+ return depts
+ else:
+ return [0, 1, 2, 3]
+ def doExp(self, word, av, zoneId, senderId):
+ """Handle the ~exp magic word."""
+ track = None
+ args=word.split()
+ trackIndex = -1
+ increment = 0
+ gotIncrement = 0
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ trackStr = args[1]
+ if trackStr != "all":
+ trackIndex = ToontownBattleGlobals.Tracks.index(trackStr)
+ if len(args) > 2:
+ increment = int(args[2])
+ gotIncrement = 1
+ if trackIndex == -1:
+ for trackIndex in range(ToontownBattleGlobals.MAX_TRACK_INDEX + 1):
+ if av.hasTrackAccess(trackIndex):
+ if not gotIncrement:
+ # No increment specified; the default is whatever
+ # it takes to get to the next track.
+ increment = av.experience.getNextExpValue(trackIndex) - av.experience.getExp(trackIndex)
+ self.notify.debug("Adding %d to %s track for %s." % (increment, ToontownBattleGlobals.Tracks[trackIndex],
+ av.experience.addExp(trackIndex, increment)
+ else:
+ if not gotIncrement:
+ # No increment specified; the default is whatever
+ # it takes to get to the next track.
+ increment = av.experience.getNextExpValue(trackIndex) - av.experience.getExp(trackIndex)
+ self.notify.debug("Adding %d to %s track for %s." % (increment, ToontownBattleGlobals.Tracks[trackIndex],
+ av.experience.addExp(trackIndex, increment)
+ av.d_setExperience(av.experience.makeNetString())
+ def doTrophy(self, word, av, zoneId, senderId):
+ """Handle the ~trophy magic word: artificially set (or
+ restore) the trophy score."""
+ args = word.split()
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ score = int(args[1])
+ response = "Set trophy score to %s." % (score)
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ else:
+ # No score specified; restore the actual trophy score.
+ score = self.air.trophyMgr.getTrophyScore(av.doId)
+ response = "Trophy score is %s." % (score)
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ av.d_setTrophyScore(score)
+ def doCheesyEffect(self, word, av, zoneId, senderId):
+ effect = None
+ if zoneId >= ToontownGlobals.DynamicZonesBegin:
+ hoodId = 1
+ else:
+ hoodId = ZoneUtil.getCanonicalHoodId(zoneId)
+ timeLimit = 10
+ args = word.split()
+ try:
+ effect = eval("ToontownGlobals.CE" + args[1])
+ except:
+ try:
+ effect = eval(args[1])
+ except:
+ effect = None
+ if effect == None:
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, "Unknown effect %s." % (args[1]))
+ return
+ if len(args) > 2:
+ timeLimit = int(args[2])
+ # Let it expire in timeLimit minutes.
+ expireTime = (int)(time.time() / 60 + 0.5) + timeLimit
+ av.b_setCheesyEffect(effect, hoodId, expireTime)
+ def doCogTakeOver(self, word, av, zoneId, senderId):
+ """Handle the ~cogTakeOver magic word."""
+ track = None
+ level = None
+ streetId = ZoneUtil.getBranchZone(zoneId)
+ args = word.split()
+ now = args.count("now")
+ if now:
+ args.remove("now")
+ slow = args.count("slow")
+ if slow:
+ args.remove("slow")
+ if len(args)>1:
+ track=args[1]
+ if track == 'x':
+ track = None
+ if len(args)>2:
+ if args[2] != 'x':
+ level=int(args[2])
+ level = max(min(level, 9), 1)
+ if len(args)>4:
+ if args[4] == 'all':
+ streetId = 'all'
+ else:
+ streetId=int(args[4])
+ if not self.air.suitPlanners.has_key(streetId):
+ response = "Street %d is not known." % (streetId)
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ return
+ if streetId == 'all':
+ # All buildings, everywhere.
+ blockMap = {}
+ for sp in self.air.suitPlanners.values():
+ if sp.buildingMgr:
+ blockMap[sp.buildingMgr] = sp.buildingMgr.getToonBlocks()
+ else:
+ # Just the buildings on this street.
+ sp = self.air.suitPlanners[streetId]
+ bm = sp.buildingMgr
+ blocks = None
+ if len(args)>3:
+ if (args[3] == "all"):
+ blocks = bm.getToonBlocks()
+ elif (args[3] == "this"):
+ blocks = None
+ else:
+ blocks=[int(args[3])]
+ if blocks == None:
+ # Try to figure out what doors we're standing in front
+ # of.
+ blocks = []
+ for i in bm.getToonBlocks():
+ building = bm.getBuilding(i)
+ if hasattr(building, "door"):
+ if building.door.zoneId == zoneId:
+ blocks.append(i)
+ blockMap = { bm: blocks }
+ points = sp.streetPointList[:]
+ failureCount = 0
+ minPathLen = 2
+ maxPathLen = 10
+ if slow:
+ minPathLen = None
+ maxPathLen = None
+ total = 0
+ for bm, blocks in blockMap.items():
+ total += len(blocks)
+ for i in blocks:
+ if now:
+ # Take over the building immediately.
+ level, type, track = \
+ sp.pickLevelTypeAndTrack(level, None, track)
+ building = bm.getBuilding(i)
+ building.suitTakeOver(track, level - 1, None)
+ else:
+ # Dispatch a suit to take over the building.
+ if not slow:
+ # Let the suit take its time.
+ points = sp.getStreetPointsForBuilding(i)
+ suit = None
+ retryCount = 0
+ while suit == None and len(points) > 0 and retryCount < 20:
+ suit = sp.createNewSuit([], points,
+ suitTrack = track,
+ suitLevel = level,
+ toonBlockTakeover = i,
+ minPathLen = minPathLen,
+ maxPathLen = maxPathLen)
+ retryCount += 1
+ if suit == None:
+ failureCount += 1
+ self.notify.debug("cogTakeOver %s %s %d %d" %
+ (track, level, i, zoneId))
+ response = "%d buildings." % (total)
+ if (failureCount > 0):
+ response += " %d failed." % (failureCount)
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ def doCogdoTakeOver(self, word, av, zoneId, senderId):
+ """Handle the ~cogdoTakeOver magic word."""
+ level = None
+ streetId = ZoneUtil.getBranchZone(zoneId)
+ args = word.split()
+ now = args.count("now")
+ if now:
+ args.remove("now")
+ slow = args.count("slow")
+ if slow:
+ args.remove("slow")
+ if len(args)>1:
+ if args[1] != 'x':
+ level=int(args[2])
+ level = max(min(level, 9), 1)
+ if len(args)>4:
+ if args[4] == 'all':
+ streetId = 'all'
+ else:
+ streetId=int(args[4])
+ if not self.air.suitPlanners.has_key(streetId):
+ response = "Street %d is not known." % (streetId)
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ return
+ if streetId == 'all':
+ # All buildings, everywhere.
+ blockMap = {}
+ for sp in self.air.suitPlanners.values():
+ if sp.buildingMgr:
+ blockMap[sp.buildingMgr] = sp.buildingMgr.getToonBlocks()
+ else:
+ # Just the buildings on this street.
+ sp = self.air.suitPlanners[streetId]
+ bm = sp.buildingMgr
+ blocks = None
+ if len(args)>3:
+ if (args[3] == "all"):
+ blocks = bm.getToonBlocks()
+ elif (args[3] == "this"):
+ blocks = None
+ else:
+ blocks=[int(args[3])]
+ if blocks == None:
+ # Try to figure out what doors we're standing in front
+ # of.
+ blocks = []
+ for i in bm.getToonBlocks():
+ building = bm.getBuilding(i)
+ if hasattr(building, "door"):
+ if building.door.zoneId == zoneId:
+ blocks.append(i)
+ blockMap = { bm: blocks }
+ points = sp.streetPointList[:]
+ failureCount = 0
+ minPathLen = 2
+ maxPathLen = 10
+ if slow:
+ minPathLen = None
+ maxPathLen = None
+ total = 0
+ for bm, blocks in blockMap.items():
+ total += len(blocks)
+ for i in blocks:
+ if now:
+ # Take over the building immediately.
+ level, type, track = \
+ sp.pickLevelTypeAndTrack(level, None, track)
+ building = bm.getBuilding(i)
+ building.cogdoTakeOver(level - 1, None)
+ else:
+ # Dispatch a suit to take over the building.
+ if not slow:
+ # Let the suit take its time.
+ points = sp.getStreetPointsForBuilding(i)
+ suit = None
+ retryCount = 0
+ while suit == None and len(points) > 0 and retryCount < 20:
+ track = random.choice(SuitDNA.suitDepts)
+ suit = sp.createNewSuit([], points,
+ suitTrack = track,
+ suitLevel = level,
+ toonBlockTakeover = i,
+ cogdoTakeover = True,
+ minPathLen = minPathLen,
+ maxPathLen = maxPathLen)
+ retryCount += 1
+ if suit == None:
+ failureCount += 1
+ self.notify.debug("cogdoTakeOver %s %s %d %d" %
+ (track, level, i, zoneId))
+ response = "%d cogdos." % (total)
+ if (failureCount > 0):
+ response += " %d failed." % (failureCount)
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ def doToonTakeOver(self, word, av, zoneId, senderId):
+ """Handle the ~toonTakeOver magic word."""
+ streetId = ZoneUtil.getBranchZone(zoneId)
+ args=word.split()
+ if len(args)>2:
+ if args[2] == 'all':
+ streetId = 'all'
+ else:
+ streetId=int(args[2])
+ if not self.air.suitPlanners.has_key(streetId):
+ response = "Street %d is not known." % (streetId)
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ return
+ if streetId == 'all':
+ # All buildings, everywhere.
+ blockMap = {}
+ for sp in self.air.suitPlanners.values():
+ if sp.buildingMgr:
+ blockMap[sp.buildingMgr] = sp.buildingMgr.getSuitBlocks()
+ else:
+ # Just the buildings on this street.
+ bm=self.air.buildingManagers[streetId]
+ blocks = None
+ if len(args)>1:
+ if (args[1] == "all"):
+ blocks = bm.getSuitBlocks()
+ elif (args[1] == "this"):
+ blocks = None
+ else:
+ blocks=[int(args[1])]
+ if blocks == None:
+ # Try to figure out what doors we're standing in front
+ # of.
+ blocks = []
+ for i in bm.getSuitBlocks():
+ building = bm.getBuilding(i)
+ if hasattr(building, "elevator"):
+ if building.elevator.zoneId == zoneId and \
+ building.elevator.fsm.getCurrentState().getName() == 'waitEmpty':
+ blocks.append(i)
+ blockMap = { bm: blocks }
+ total = 0
+ for bm, blocks in blockMap.items():
+ total += len(blocks)
+ for i in blocks:
+ building = bm.getBuilding(i)
+ building.b_setVictorList([0, 0, 0, 0])
+ building.updateSavedBy([(av.doId,, av.dna.asTuple())])
+ building.toonTakeOver()
+ self.notify.debug("Toon take over %s %s" % (i, streetId))
+ response = "%d buildings." % (total)
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ def formatWelcomeValley(self, hood):
+ mgr = self.air.welcomeValleyManager
+ if hood == mgr.newHood:
+ return "%s N" % (hood[0].zoneId)
+ elif hood in mgr.removingHoods:
+ return "%s R" % (hood[0].zoneId)
+ else:
+ return "%s" % (hood[0].zoneId)
+ def doWelcome(self, word, av, zoneId, senderId):
+ """Handle the ~welcome magic word, for managing Welcome Valley."""
+ args = word.split()
+ hoodId = ZoneUtil.getHoodId(zoneId)
+ mgr = self.air.welcomeValleyManager
+ # if this is a GS hoodId, just grab the TT hood
+ if (hoodId % 2000) < 1000:
+ hood = mgr.welcomeValleys.get(hoodId)
+ else:
+ hood = mgr.welcomeValleys.get(hoodId - 1000)
+ if len(args) == 1:
+ # No parameter: report the current zone and population.
+ if hood == None:
+ response = "Not in Welcome Valley."
+ else:
+ response = "%s, pg = %s, hood = %s" % (
+ self.formatWelcomeValley(hood),
+ hood[0].getPgPopulation(),
+ hood[0].getHoodPopulation())
+ elif args[1] == "pg":
+ # ~welcome pg: list the playground population of all
+ # Welcome Valleys.
+ response = ""
+ hoodIds = mgr.welcomeValleys.keys()
+ hoodIds.sort()
+ for hoodId in hoodIds:
+ hood = mgr.welcomeValleys[hoodId]
+ response += "\n%s %s" % (
+ self.formatWelcomeValley(hood),
+ hood[0].getPgPopulation())
+ if response == "":
+ response = "No Welcome Valleys."
+ else:
+ response = response[1:]
+ elif args[1] == "hood":
+ # ~welcome hood: list the hood population of all
+ # Welcome Valleys.
+ response = ""
+ hoodIds = mgr.welcomeValleys.keys()
+ hoodIds.sort()
+ for hoodId in hoodIds:
+ hood = mgr.welcomeValleys[hoodId]
+ response += "\n%s %s" % (
+ self.formatWelcomeValley(hood),
+ hood[0].getHoodPopulation())
+ if response == "":
+ response = "No Welcome Valleys."
+ else:
+ response = response[1:]
+ elif args[1] == "login":
+ # ~welcome login avId: simulate a new player logging in.
+ # avId is an arbitrary number which should probably not
+ # match any real avatars.
+ avId = int(args[2])
+ zoneId = mgr.avatarRequestZone(avId, ToontownGlobals.WelcomeValleyToken)
+ response = "%s assigned to %s." % (avId, zoneId)
+ elif args[1] == "logout":
+ # ~welcome logout avId: simulate a player logging out.
+ # avId is an arbitrary number which should probably not
+ # match any real avatars.
+ avId = int(args[2])
+ avZoneId = mgr.avatarZones.get(avId)
+ if avZoneId:
+ mgr.avatarLogout(avId)
+ response = "%s logged out from %s." % (avId, avZoneId)
+ else:
+ response = "%s is unknown." % (avId)
+ elif args[1] == "zone":
+ # ~welcome zone avId [zoneId]: simulate a player switching
+ # zones. avId is an arbitrary number which should
+ # probably not match any real avatars.
+ avId = int(args[2])
+ if len(args) > 3:
+ newZoneId = int(args[3])
+ else:
+ newZoneId = zoneId
+ zoneId = mgr.avatarRequestZone(avId, newZoneId)
+ response = "%s redirected to %s." % (avId, zoneId)
+ elif args[1] == "new":
+ # ~welcome new [hoodId]: immediately move the indicated
+ # (or current) hood to the New pool.
+ if len(args) > 2:
+ hoodId = int(args[2])
+ else:
+ hoodId = zoneId
+ response = mgr.makeNew(hoodId)
+ elif args[1] == "stable":
+ # ~welcome stable [hoodId]: immediately move the indicated
+ # (or current) hood to the Stable pool.
+ if len(args) > 2:
+ hoodId = int(args[2])
+ else:
+ hoodId = zoneId
+ response = mgr.makeStable(hoodId)
+ elif args[1] == "remove":
+ # ~welcome remove [hoodId]: immediately move the indicated
+ # (or current) hood to the Removing pool.
+ if len(args) > 2:
+ hoodId = int(args[2])
+ else:
+ hoodId = zoneId
+ response = mgr.makeRemoving(hoodId)
+ elif args[1] == "check":
+ # ~welcome check: check that our record logged-in avatars
+ # are actually real avatars; logs out any others.
+ removed = mgr.checkAvatars()
+ if removed:
+ response = "Logged out %s phony avatars." % (len(removed))
+ else:
+ response = "All avatars real."
+ elif args[1] == "parms":
+ # ~welcome parms [min stable max]: report or adjust the
+ # balancing parameters.
+ if len(args) == 5:
+ PGminimum = int(args[2])
+ PGstable = int(args[3])
+ PGmaximum = int(args[4])
+ WelcomeValleyManagerAI.PGminimum = PGminimum
+ WelcomeValleyManagerAI.PGstable = PGstable
+ WelcomeValleyManagerAI.PGmaximum = PGmaximum
+ response = "min = %s, stable = %s, max = %s" % (
+ WelcomeValleyManagerAI.PGminimum,
+ WelcomeValleyManagerAI.PGstable,
+ WelcomeValleyManagerAI.PGmaximum)
+ else:
+ response = "Invalid welcome command: %s" % (args[1])
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ def __sortBuildingDist(self, a, b):
+ return a[0] - b[0]
+ def doBuildings(self, word, av, zoneId, senderId):
+ """Handle the ~buildings magic word."""
+ streetId = ZoneUtil.getBranchZone(zoneId)
+ if word == "~buildings where":
+ # "~buildings where": report the distribution of buildings.
+ dist = {}
+ for sp in self.air.suitPlanners.values():
+ if sp.buildingMgr:
+ numActual = len(sp.buildingMgr.getSuitBlocks())
+ if not dist.has_key(numActual):
+ dist[numActual] = []
+ dist[numActual].append(sp.zoneId)
+ # Sort the distribution by number of buildings.
+ sorted = []
+ for tuple in dist.items():
+ sorted.append(tuple)
+ sorted.sort(self.__sortBuildingDist)
+ # Now format the distribution into a text response.
+ response = ""
+ for numActual, zones in sorted:
+ if numActual != 0:
+ response += "\n%s: %d" % (zones, numActual)
+ if response == "":
+ response = "No cog buildings."
+ else:
+ response = response[1:]
+ else:
+ # "~buildings zoneId" or "~buildings all"
+ args=word.split()
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ if args[1] == "all":
+ streetId = "all"
+ else:
+ streetId = int(args[1])
+ if streetId == "all":
+ numTarget = 0
+ numActual = 0
+ numTotalBuildings = 0
+ numAttempting = 0
+ numPerTrack = {}
+ numPerHeight = {}
+ for sp in self.air.suitPlanners.values():
+ numTarget += sp.targetNumSuitBuildings
+ if sp.buildingMgr:
+ numActual += len(sp.buildingMgr.getSuitBlocks())
+ numTotalBuildings += len(sp.frontdoorPointList)
+ numAttempting += sp.numAttemptingTakeover
+ sp.countNumBuildingsPerTrack(numPerTrack)
+ sp.countNumBuildingsPerHeight(numPerHeight)
+ response = "Overall, %d cog buildings (%s, %s) out of %d; target is %d. %d cogs are attempting takeover." % (
+ numActual, sp.formatNumSuitsPerTrack(numPerTrack),
+ sp.formatNumSuitsPerTrack(numPerHeight),
+ numTotalBuildings, numTarget, numAttempting)
+ elif not self.air.suitPlanners.has_key(streetId):
+ response = "Street %d is not known." % (streetId)
+ else:
+ sp = self.air.suitPlanners[streetId]
+ numTarget = sp.targetNumSuitBuildings
+ if sp.buildingMgr:
+ numActual = len(sp.buildingMgr.getSuitBlocks())
+ else:
+ numActual = 0
+ numTotalBuildings = len(sp.frontdoorPointList)
+ numAttempting = sp.numAttemptingTakeover
+ numPerTrack = {}
+ numPerHeight = {}
+ sp.countNumBuildingsPerTrack(numPerTrack)
+ sp.countNumBuildingsPerHeight(numPerHeight)
+ response = "Street %d has %d cog buildings (%s, %s) out of %d; target is %d. %d cogs are attempting takeover." % (
+ streetId, numActual,
+ sp.formatNumSuitsPerTrack(numPerTrack),
+ sp.formatNumSuitsPerTrack(numPerHeight),
+ numTotalBuildings, numTarget, numAttempting)
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ def doBuildingPercent(self, word, av, zoneId, senderId):
+ """Handle the ~buildingPercent magic word."""
+ percent = None
+ args=word.split()
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ percent = int(args[1])
+ if percent == None:
+ response = "Suit building target percentage is %d" % (DistributedSuitPlannerAI.DistributedSuitPlannerAI.TOTAL_SUIT_BUILDING_PCT)
+ else:
+ DistributedSuitPlannerAI.DistributedSuitPlannerAI.TOTAL_SUIT_BUILDING_PCT = percent
+ sp = self.air.suitPlanners.values()[0]
+ sp.assignInitialSuitBuildings()
+ response = "Reset target percentage to %d" % (percent)
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ def doCall(self, word, av, zoneId, senderId):
+ """Handle the ~call magic word."""
+ streetId = ZoneUtil.getBranchZone(zoneId)
+ args=word.split()
+ name = None
+ level = None
+ skelecog = None
+ revives = None
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ name = args[1]
+ if name == 'x':
+ name = None
+ if len(args) > 2:
+ level = int(args[2])
+ if len(args) > 3:
+ skelecog = int(args[3])
+ if len(args) > 4:
+ revives = int(args[4])
+ if not self.air.suitPlanners.has_key(streetId):
+ response = "Street %d is not known." % (streetId)
+ else:
+ sp = self.air.suitPlanners[streetId]
+ map = sp.getZoneIdToPointMap()
+ canonicalZoneId = ZoneUtil.getCanonicalZoneId(zoneId)
+ if not map.has_key(canonicalZoneId):
+ response = "Zone %d isn't near a suit point." % (canonicalZoneId)
+ else:
+ points = map[canonicalZoneId][:]
+ suit = sp.createNewSuit([], points,
+ suitName = name,
+ suitLevel = level,
+ skelecog = skelecog,
+ revives = revives)
+ if suit:
+ response = "Here comes %s." % (SuitBattleGlobals.SuitAttributes[]['name'])
+ else:
+ response = "Could not create suit."
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ def doBattle(self, word, av, zoneId, senderId):
+ """Handle the ~battle magic word."""
+ # There's no easy way to find the battle that the caller is
+ # near or involved in. We'll have to walk through all the
+ # battles currently in the doId2do map.
+ battle = self.__findInvolvedBattle(av.doId)
+ if battle == None:
+ battle = self.__findBattleInZone(zoneId)
+ if battle == None:
+ response = "No battle in zone %s." % (zoneId)
+ else:
+ args = word.split()
+ if len(args) < 2:
+ response = "Battle %s in state %s" % (battle.doId, battle.fsm.getCurrentState().getName())
+ elif args[1] == 'abort':
+ battle.abortBattle()
+ response = "Battle %s aborted." % (battle.doId)
+ else:
+ response = "Uknown battle command %s" % (args[1])
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ def __findInvolvedBattle(self, avId):
+ """Returns the battle, if any, in which the indicated avatar
+ is a participant, or None if the avatar is not involved in any
+ battles."""
+ for dobj in self.air.doId2do.values():
+ if (isinstance(dobj, DistributedBattleBaseAI.DistributedBattleBaseAI)):
+ if avId in dobj.toons:
+ return dobj
+ def __findBattleInZone(self, zoneId):
+ """Returns the battle, if any, in the indicated zoneId, or
+ None if no battle is occurring in the indicated zone."""
+ for dobj in self.air.doId2do.values():
+ if (isinstance(dobj, DistributedBattleBaseAI.DistributedBattleBaseAI)):
+ if dobj.zoneId == zoneId:
+ return dobj
+ def doCogInvasion(self, word, av, zoneId, senderId):
+ """Handle the ~invasion magic word."""
+ invMgr = self.air.suitInvasionManager
+ if invMgr.getInvading():
+ cogType = invMgr.getCogType()
+ numRemaining = invMgr.getNumCogsRemaining()
+ cogName = SuitBattleGlobals.SuitAttributes[cogType[0]]['name']
+ response = ("Invasion already in progress: %s, %s" % (cogName, numRemaining))
+ else:
+ args=word.split()
+ if len(args) < 3 or len(args) > 4:
+ response = "Error: Must specify cogType and numCogs"
+ else:
+ cogType = args[1]
+ numCogs = int(args[2])
+ if len(args) == 4:
+ skeleton = int(args[3])
+ else:
+ skeleton = 0
+ cogNameDict = SuitBattleGlobals.SuitAttributes.get(cogType)
+ if cogNameDict:
+ cogName = cogNameDict['name']
+ if skeleton:
+ cogName = TTLocalizer.Skeleton + " " + cogName
+ if invMgr.startInvasion(cogType, numCogs, skeleton):
+ response = ("Invasion started: %s, %s" % (cogName, numCogs))
+ else:
+ response = ("Invasion failed: %s, %s" % (cogName, numCogs))
+ else:
+ response = ("Unknown cogType: %s" % (cogType))
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ def stopCogInvasion(self, word, av, zoneId, senderId):
+ invMgr = self.air.suitInvasionManager
+ if invMgr.getInvading():
+ self.air.suitInvasionManager.stopInvasion()
+ response = ("Invasion stopped.")
+ else:
+ response = ("No invasion found.")
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ def getCogInvasion(self, word, av, zoneId, senderId):
+ invMgr = self.air.suitInvasionManager
+ if invMgr.getInvading():
+ cogType, skeleton = invMgr.getCogType()
+ numRemaining = invMgr.getNumCogsRemaining()
+ cogName = SuitBattleGlobals.SuitAttributes[cogType]['name']
+ if skeleton:
+ cogName = TTLocalizer.Skeleton + " " + cogName
+ response = ("Invasion is in progress: %s, %s remaining" % (cogName, numRemaining))
+ else:
+ response = ("No invasion found.")
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ def startAllFireworks(self, word, av, zoneId, senderId):
+ fMgr = self.air.fireworkManager
+ fMgr.stopAllShows()
+ fMgr.startAllShows(None)
+ response = "Shows started in all hoods."
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ def startFireworks(self, word, av, zoneId, senderId):
+ fMgr = self.air.fireworkManager
+ if fMgr.isShowRunning(zoneId):
+ response = ("Show already running in zone: %s" % (zoneId))
+ else:
+ args=word.split()
+ if len(args) == 2:
+ showType = int(args[1])
+ if fMgr.startShow(zoneId, showType, 1):
+ response = ("Show started, showType: %s" % showType)
+ else:
+ response = ("Show failed, showType: %s" % showType)
+ else:
+ # Default to showType 0
+ response = (TTLocalizer.startFireworksResponse \
+ %( ToontownGlobals.NEWYEARS_FIREWORKS, \
+ PartyGlobals.FireworkShows.Summer, \
+ ToontownGlobals.JULY4_FIREWORKS))
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ def stopFireworks(self, word, av, zoneId, senderId):
+ if self.air.fireworkManager.stopShow(zoneId):
+ response = ("Show stopped, zoneId: %s" % zoneId)
+ else:
+ response = ("Show stop failed, zoneId: %s" % zoneId)
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ def stopAllFireworks(self, word, av, zoneId, senderId):
+ numStopped = self.air.fireworkManager.stopAllShows()
+ response = ("Stopped %s firework show(s)" % (numStopped))
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ def doCogs(self, word, av, zoneId, senderId):
+ """Handle the ~cogs magic word."""
+ streetId = ZoneUtil.getBranchZone(zoneId)
+ args=word.split()
+ firstKeyword = 1
+ sync = 0
+ fly = 0
+ count = -1
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ if args[1] == "all":
+ streetId = "all"
+ firstKeyword = 2
+ else:
+ try:
+ streetId = int(args[1])
+ firstKeyword = 2
+ except:
+ pass
+ # Check for extra keywords.
+ for k in range(firstKeyword, len(args)):
+ word = args[k]
+ if word == "sync":
+ sync = 1
+ elif word == "fly":
+ fly = 1
+ elif word == "count=x":
+ count = None
+ elif word[:6] == "count=":
+ count = int(word[6:])
+ else:
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, "invalid keyword %s" % (word))
+ return
+ if streetId == "all":
+ numTarget = 0
+ numActual = 0
+ numPerTrack = {}
+ sp = None
+ for sp in self.air.suitPlanners.values():
+ numTarget += sp.calcDesiredNumFlyInSuits() + sp.calcDesiredNumBuildingSuits()
+ numActual += sp.numFlyInSuits + sp.numBuildingSuits
+ sp.countNumSuitsPerTrack(numPerTrack)
+ if sync:
+ sp.resyncSuits()
+ if fly:
+ sp.flySuits()
+ if count != -1:
+ sp.currDesired = count
+ if sp == None:
+ response = "No cogs active."
+ else:
+ response = "Overall, %d cogs (%s); target is %d." % (
+ numActual, sp.formatNumSuitsPerTrack(numPerTrack), numTarget)
+ elif not self.air.suitPlanners.has_key(streetId):
+ response = "Street %d is not known." % (streetId)
+ else:
+ sp = self.air.suitPlanners[streetId]
+ numTarget = sp.calcDesiredNumFlyInSuits() + sp.calcDesiredNumBuildingSuits()
+ numActual = sp.numFlyInSuits + sp.numBuildingSuits
+ numPerTrack = {}
+ sp.countNumSuitsPerTrack(numPerTrack)
+ if sync:
+ sp.resyncSuits()
+ if fly:
+ sp.flySuits()
+ if count != -1:
+ sp.currDesired = count
+ response = "Street %d has %d cogs (%s); target is %d." % (
+ streetId, numActual, sp.formatNumSuitsPerTrack(numPerTrack),
+ numTarget)
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ def doMinigame(self, word, av, zoneId, senderId):
+ """Handle the ~minigame magic word: request a particular minigame."""
+ args = word.split()
+ if len(args) == 1:
+ # No minigame parameter specified: clear the request.
+ mgRequest = MinigameCreatorAI.RequestMinigame.get(av.doId)
+ if mgRequest != None:
+ mgId = mgRequest[0]
+ del MinigameCreatorAI.RequestMinigame[av.doId]
+ response = "Request for minigame %d cleared." % (mgId)
+ else:
+ response = "Usage: ~minigame [ [difficulty] [safezone]]"
+ else:
+ # Try to determine the minigame id, keep flag, and the difficulty
+ # and safezone overrides, if any
+ name = args[1]
+ mgId = None
+ mgKeep = 0
+ mgDiff = None
+ mgSzId = None
+ try:
+ mgId = int(name)
+ numMgs = len(ToontownGlobals.MinigameIDs)
+ if mgId < 1 or mgId > numMgs or mgId not in ToontownGlobals.MinigameIDs:
+ response = "minigame ID '%s' is out of range" % mgId
+ mgId = None
+ except:
+ name = string.lower(name)
+ if name[-4:] == "game":
+ name = name[:-4]
+ if name[:11] == "distributed":
+ name = name[11:]
+ mgId = ToontownGlobals.MinigameNames.get(name)
+ if mgId == None:
+ response = "Unknown minigame '%s'." % (name)
+ argIndex = 2
+ while argIndex < len(args):
+ arg = args[argIndex]
+ arg = string.lower(arg)
+ argIndex += 1
+ # it's either a difficulty (float), 'keep',
+ # or a safezone (string)
+ # is it 'keep'?
+ if arg == 'keep':
+ mgKeep = 1
+ continue
+ # is it a difficulty?
+ try:
+ mgDiff = float(arg)
+ continue
+ except:
+ pass
+ mgSzId = self.Str2szId.get(arg)
+ if mgSzId is not None:
+ continue
+ # it's a string, but it's not a safezone.
+ response = ("unknown safezone '%s'; use "
+ "tt, dd, dg, mm, br, dl" % arg)
+ mgId = None
+ break
+ if mgId != None:
+ # mdId must be the first element
+ MinigameCreatorAI.RequestMinigame[av.doId] = (
+ mgId, mgKeep, mgDiff, mgSzId)
+ response = "Selected minigame %d" % mgId
+ if mgDiff is not None:
+ response += ", difficulty %s" % mgDiff
+ if mgSzId is not None:
+ response += ", safezone %s" % mgSzId
+ if mgKeep:
+ response += ", keep=true"
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ def doTreasures(self, word, av, zoneId, senderId):
+ """Handle the ~treasures magic word: fill up the safezone with
+ treasures."""
+ args = word.split()
+ hood = None
+ for h in self.air.hoods:
+ if h.zoneId == zoneId:
+ hood = h
+ break
+ if hood == None or hood.treasurePlanner == None:
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, "Not in a safezone.")
+ return
+ tp = hood.treasurePlanner
+ if len(args) == 1:
+ # No parameter: report the current treasure count.
+ response = "%s treasures." % (tp.numTreasures())
+ elif args[1] == "all":
+ # ~treasures all: fill up all available treasures.
+ tp.placeAllTreasures()
+ response = "now %s treasures." % (tp.numTreasures())
+ else:
+ response = "Invalid treasures command: %s" % (args[1])
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ def doEmotes(self, word, av, zoneId, senderId):
+ """Handle the ~emote magic word: turns on/off the specified emotion"""
+ args = word.split()
+ if len(args) == 1:
+ # No parameter specified: clear the request.
+ response = "No emote specified."
+ elif len(args) == 2:
+ # No parameter specified: clear the request.
+ response = "Need to specify 0 or 1."
+ else:
+ emoteId = int(args[1])
+ on = int(args[2])
+ if emoteId > len(av.emoteAccess) or emoteId < 0:
+ response = "Not a valid emote"
+ elif on not in [0, 1]:
+ response = "Not a valid bit"
+ else:
+ av.setEmoteAccessId(emoteId, on)
+ if on:
+ response = "Emote %d enabled" % emoteId
+ else:
+ response = "Emote %d disabled" % emoteId
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ def doCatalog(self, word, av, zoneId, senderId):
+ """Handle the ~catalog magic word: manage catalogs"""
+ now = time.time()
+ args = word.split()
+ # There may be an optional "after" parameter on many of these
+ # commands, which specifies the number of minutes to delay
+ # before doing the action.
+ afterMinutes = 0
+ if "after" in args:
+ a = args.index("after")
+ afterMinutes = int(args[a + 1])
+ del args[a + 1]
+ del args[a]
+ if len(args) == 1:
+ # No parameter: report the current catalog.
+ duration = (av.catalogScheduleNextTime * 60) - time.time()
+ response = "Week %d, next catalog in %s." % \
+ (av.catalogScheduleCurrentWeek,
+ PythonUtil.formatElapsedSeconds(duration))
+ elif args[1] == "next":
+ # ~catalog next: advance to the next catalog.
+ week = av.catalogScheduleCurrentWeek + 1
+ self.air.catalogManager.forceCatalog(av, week, afterMinutes)
+ response = "Issued catalog for week %s." % (week)
+ elif args[1] == "week":
+ # ~catalog week n: force to the catalog of the nth week.
+ # Note: need to have catalog-skip-seeks set to true to jump
+ # more than one week
+ week = int(args[2])
+ if week > 0:
+ self.air.catalogManager.forceCatalog(av, week, afterMinutes)
+ response = "Forced to catalog week %s." % (week)
+ else:
+ response = "Invalid catalog week %s." % (week)
+ elif args[1] == "season":
+ # ~catalog season mm/dd: regenerate the monthly catalog
+ # items as if it were the indicated month and day.
+ if len(args) == 3:
+ mmdd = args[2].split('/')
+ mm = int(mmdd[0])
+ dd = int(mmdd[1])
+ else:
+ mm = int(args[2])
+ dd = int(args[3])
+ self.air.catalogManager.forceMonthlyCatalog(av, mm, dd)
+ response = "%s items for %d/%0d." % (len(av.monthlyCatalog), mm, dd)
+ elif (args[1] == "clear") or (args[1] == "reset"):
+ # ~catalog clear: reset the catalog (and the back catalog)
+ # to its initial state.
+ av.b_setCatalog(CatalogItemList.CatalogItemList(),
+ CatalogItemList.CatalogItemList(),
+ CatalogItemList.CatalogItemList())
+ av.catalogScheduleCurrentWeek = 0
+ av.catalogScheduleNextTime = 0
+ self.air.catalogManager.deliverCatalogFor(av)
+ response = "Catalog reset."
+ elif args[1] == "deliver":
+ # ~catalog deliver: force the immediate delivery of all
+ # of the on-order item(s).
+ now = (int)(time.time() / 60 + 0.5)
+ deliveryTime = now + afterMinutes
+ for item in av.onOrder:
+ item.deliveryDate = deliveryTime
+ av.onOrder.markDirty()
+ av.b_setDeliverySchedule(av.onOrder)
+ response = "Delivered %s item(s)." % (len(av.onOrder))
+ elif args[1] in ["reload", "dump"]:
+ # These commands are handled by the client; we ignore them.
+ return
+ else:
+ response = "Invalid catalog command: %s" % (args[1])
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ def doDna(self, word, av, zoneId, senderId):
+ """Handle the ~dna magic word: change your dna"""
+ # Strip of the "~dna" part; everything else is parameters to
+ # AvatarDNA.updateToonProperties.
+ parms = string.strip(word[4:])
+ # Get a copy of the avatar's current DNA.
+ dna = ToonDNA.ToonDNA(av.dna.makeNetString())
+ # Modify it according to the user's parameter selection.
+ eval("dna.updateToonProperties(%s)" % (parms))
+ av.b_setDNAString(dna.makeNetString())
+ response = "%s" % (dna.asTuple(),)
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ def getPet(self, av):
+ response = None
+ pet = None
+ petId = av.getPetId()
+ if petId == 0:
+ response = "don't have a pet"
+ else:
+ pet = self.air.doId2do.get(petId)
+ if pet is None:
+ response = "pet not active, use ~pet"
+ return pet, response
+ def doBossBattle(self, word, av, zoneId, senderId):
+ """Handle the ~bossBattle magic word: manage a final boss
+ battle."""
+ args = word.split()
+ # Find the particular Boss Cog that's in the same zone with
+ # the avatar.
+ bossCog = None
+ for distObj in self.air.doId2do.values():
+ if isinstance(distObj, DistributedBossCogAI.DistributedBossCogAI):
+ if distObj.zoneId == zoneId:
+ bossCog = distObj
+ break
+ if bossCog == None:
+ # The caller isn't in a zone with a Boss Cog; use the
+ # default Boss zone.
+ # In this case, we must accept a dept indicator.
+ if len(args) < 2 or args[1] not in SuitDNA.suitDepts:
+ response = "Error: Must specify boss dept: s, m, l, c"
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ return
+ dept = args[1]
+ del args[1]
+ deptIndex = SuitDNA.suitDepts.index(dept)
+ if self.__bossBattleZoneId[deptIndex] == None:
+ # Make up a new zone for the battle.
+ zoneId = self.air.allocateZone()
+ self.__bossBattleZoneId[deptIndex] = zoneId
+ bossCog = self.makeBossCog(dept, zoneId)
+ bossCog.b_setState('Frolic')
+ self.__bossCog[deptIndex] = bossCog
+ else:
+ bossCog = self.__bossCog[deptIndex]
+ response = None
+ if len(args) == 1:
+ # No parameter: send the avatar to the battle zone.
+ self.sendUpdateToAvatarId(av.doId, 'requestTeleport',
+ ["cogHQLoader", "cogHQBossBattle",
+ bossCog.getHoodId(),
+ bossCog.zoneId, 0])
+ elif args[1] == "list":
+ # ~bossBattle [smlc] list: list the current boss battles
+ # underway for the indicated type of suit.
+ response = ""
+ for bc in DistributedBossCogAI.AllBossCogs:
+ if bc.dept == bossCog.dept and bc != bossCog:
+ response += ", %s %s %s" % (bc.zoneId, bc.state, len(bc.involvedToons))
+ if response:
+ response = response[2:]
+ else:
+ response = "No boss battles."
+ elif args[1] == "spy":
+ # ~bossBattle spy [smlc] : go visit the indicated
+ # boss battle in ghost mode.
+ zoneId = int(args[2])
+ bc = bossCog
+ for bc in DistributedBossCogAI.AllBossCogs:
+ if bc.zoneId == zoneId:
+ break
+ if bc.zoneId == zoneId:
+ self.sendUpdateToAvatarId(av.doId, 'requestTeleport',
+ ["cogHQLoader", "cogHQBossBattle",
+ bc.getHoodId(),
+ bc.zoneId, 0])
+ av.b_setGhostMode(2)
+ else:
+ response = "No boss battle in zone %s" % (zoneId)
+ elif args[1] == "start":
+ # ~bossBattle start: restart the boss battle.
+ if not bossCog.hasToons():
+ response = "No toons."
+ else:
+ response = "Elevator started."
+ bossCog.acceptNewToons()
+ bossCog.b_setState('WaitForToons')
+ elif args[1] == "one":
+ # ~bossBattle one: straight to battle one.
+ if not bossCog.hasToons():
+ response = "No toons."
+ else:
+ response = "Battle one started."
+ bossCog.acceptNewToons()
+ bossCog.makeBattleOneBattles()
+ bossCog.b_setState('BattleOne')
+ elif args[1] == "preTwo":
+ # ~bossBattle preTwo: preview to battle two.
+ if not bossCog.hasToons():
+ response = "No toons."
+ elif not hasattr(bossCog, 'enterRollToBattleTwo'):
+ response = "Battle two preview."
+ bossCog.acceptNewToons()
+ bossCog.b_setState('PrepareBattleTwo')
+ else:
+ response = "Battle two preview."
+ bossCog.acceptNewToons()
+ bossCog.b_setState('RollToBattleTwo')
+ elif args[1] == "two":
+ # ~bossBattle two: straight to battle two.
+ if not bossCog.hasToons():
+ response = "No toons."
+ else:
+ response = "Battle two started."
+ bossCog.acceptNewToons()
+ if hasattr(bossCog, 'makeBattleTwoBattles'):
+ bossCog.makeBattleTwoBattles()
+ bossCog.b_setState('BattleTwo')
+ elif args[1] == "preThree":
+ # ~bossBattle preThree: preview to battle three.
+ if not bossCog.hasToons():
+ response = "No toons."
+ else:
+ response = "Battle three preview."
+ bossCog.acceptNewToons()
+ bossCog.b_setState('PrepareBattleThree')
+ elif args[1] == "three":
+ # ~bossBattle three: straight to battle three.
+ if not bossCog.hasToons():
+ response = "No toons."
+ else:
+ response = "Battle three started."
+ bossCog.acceptNewToons()
+ bossCog.b_setState('BattleThree')
+ elif args[1] == "preFour":
+ # ~bossBattle preFour: preview to battle four.
+ if not bossCog.hasToons():
+ response = "No toons."
+ else:
+ response = "Battle four preview."
+ bossCog.acceptNewToons()
+ bossCog.b_setState('PrepareBattleFour')
+ elif args[1] == "four":
+ # ~bossBattle four: straight to battle four.
+ if not bossCog.hasToons():
+ response = "No toons."
+ else:
+ response = "Battle four started."
+ bossCog.acceptNewToons()
+ bossCog.b_setState('BattleFour')
+ elif args[1] == "victory":
+ # ~bossBattle victory: straight to the victory sequence.
+ if not bossCog.hasToons():
+ response = "No toons."
+ else:
+ response = "Victory sequence started."
+ bossCog.acceptNewToons()
+ bossCog.b_setState('Victory')
+ elif args[1] == "fsm":
+ # ~bossBattle fsm state: directly to named state.
+ if len(args) <= 2:
+ response = "No state specified."
+ else:
+ response = "Requested state %s." % (args[2])
+ bossCog.b_setState(args[2])
+ elif args[1] == "stop":
+ # ~bossBattle start: stop the boss battle.
+ response = "Battle stopped."
+ bossCog.acceptNewToons()
+ bossCog.b_setState('Frolic')
+ elif args[1] == "hit":
+ # ~bossBattle hit [damage]: hit the boss cog during the
+ # pie scene. This will make him dizzy first if he is not
+ # already dizzy (as if we successfully lobbed a pie into
+ # the undercarriage) and then applies the indicated damage
+ # (as if we hit his upper body the indicated number of
+ # times).
+ if len(args) <= 2:
+ damage = 1
+ else:
+ damage = int(args[2])
+ ##
+ ## this is very suspect .. it is reasigning a internal var(msgSender)..
+ ## it is trying to make the message look like it came from a difrent avatarID
+ ## to other areas of the code .. ???
+ self.air.msgSender = av.doId
+ bossCog.magicWordHit(damage, av.doId)
+ elif args[1] == "safe":
+ # ~bossBattle safe: Ignore hits to the toon during the pie
+ # scene. This magic word is handled by the client.
+ pass
+ elif args[1] == "avatarEnter":
+ # ~bossBattle avatarEnter: Force a call to d_avatarEnter
+ #This magic word is handled by the client.
+ pass
+ elif args[1] == "stun":
+ # ~bossBattle stun: stun all of the goons in the CFO
+ # battle. This magic word is handled by the client.
+ pass
+ elif args[1] == "destroy":
+ # ~bossBattle destroy: destroy all of the goons in the CFO
+ # battle. This magic word is handled by the client.
+ pass
+ elif args[1] == "reset":
+ # ~bossBattle reset: reset all of the goons, cranes, and
+ # safes in the CFO sequence.
+ bossCog.magicWordReset()
+ elif args[1] == "goons":
+ # ~bossBattle goons [num]: reset all of the goons and set
+ # the number to the indicated value.
+ if len(args) > 2:
+ bossCog.maxGoons = int(args[2])
+ bossCog.magicWordResetGoons()
+ elif args[1] == "toggleMove":
+ # make the ceo toggle doing move attacks
+ if hasattr(bossCog, 'toggleMove'):
+ doingMoveAttack = bossCog.toggleMove()
+ response = "doing move attack = %s" % doingMoveAttack
+ else:
+ response = "toggleMove is only for CEO"
+ else:
+ response = "Invalid bossBattle command: %s" % (args[1])
+ if response:
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ def makeBossCog(self, dept, zoneId):
+ bossCog = None
+ if dept == 's':
+ bossCog = DistributedSellbotBossAI.DistributedSellbotBossAI(self.air)
+ bossCog.generateWithRequired(zoneId)
+ bossCog.b_setState('Frolic')
+ elif dept == 'm':
+ bossCog = DistributedCashbotBossAI.DistributedCashbotBossAI(self.air)
+ bossCog.generateWithRequired(zoneId)
+ elif dept == 'l':
+ bossCog = DistributedLawbotBossAI.DistributedLawbotBossAI(self.air)
+ bossCog.generateWithRequired(zoneId)
+ bossCog.b_setState('Frolic')
+ elif dept == 'c':
+ bossCog = DistributedBossbotBossAI.DistributedBossbotBossAI(self.air)
+ bossCog.generateWithRequired(zoneId)
+ bossCog.b_setState('Frolic')
+ else:
+ raise StandardError, 'Not implemented: boss cog %s' % (dept)
+ return bossCog
+ def doGarden(self, word, av, zoneId, senderId):
+ """Handle the ~garden magic worde."""
+ args = word.split()
+ response = None
+ action = None
+ if len(args) == 1:
+ # No parameter: change it to usage
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(
+ senderId,
+ "Usage:\n~garden action \n'~garden help' for more info ")
+ return
+ action = args[1]
+ if action == 'help':
+ response = 'start\nclear\nwilt \nunwilt \nplant \nclearCarriedSpecials\nclearCollection\ncompleteCollection\nwater \nshovel <0-3> \nrandomBasket\nnuke\nepoch \nwateringCan <0-3> '
+ elif action == 'start':
+ messenger.send("gardenTest", [senderId])
+ response = "Test Garden Planted"
+ elif action == 'clear':
+ messenger.send("gardenClear", [senderId])
+ response = "Garden Cleared"
+ elif action == 'nuke':
+ #clear the garden and remove the planters
+ #clear the garden started flag
+ messenger.send("gardenNuke", [senderId])
+ av.b_setGardenStarted(False)
+ response = "Garden Nuked"
+ elif action == 'specials':
+ #messenger.send("gardenSpecials", [senderId])
+ receiver = self.air.doId2do.get(senderId)
+ if receiver:
+ receiver.giveMeSpecials()
+ response = "Garden Specials Added"
+ elif action == 'wilt':
+ if len(args) >= 3:
+ messenger.send("wiltGarden", [senderId, int(args[2])] )
+ else:
+ messenger.send("wiltGarden", [senderId])
+ response = "Garden wilted"
+ elif action == 'unwilt':
+ if len(args) >= 3:
+ messenger.send("unwiltGarden", [senderId, int(args[2])] )
+ else:
+ messenger.send("unwiltGarden", [senderId])
+ response = "Garden unwilted"
+ elif action == 'water':
+ waterLevel = 1
+ if len(args) > 2:
+ waterLevel = int(args[2])
+ specificHardPoint = -1
+ if len(args) > 3:
+ specificHardPoint = int(args[3])
+ messenger.send("waterGarden", [senderId, waterLevel, specificHardPoint] )
+ response = "water level changed to %d" % waterLevel
+ elif action == 'growth':
+ waterLevel = 1
+ if len(args) > 2:
+ waterLevel = int(args[2])
+ specificHardPoint = -1
+ if len(args) > 3:
+ specificHardPoint = int(args[3])
+ messenger.send("growthGarden", [senderId, waterLevel, specificHardPoint] )
+ response = "growth level changed to %d" % waterLevel
+ elif action == 'plant':
+ type = 0
+ plot = 0
+ water = 0
+ growth = 1
+ variety = 0
+ if len(args) > 2:
+ type = int(args[2])
+ if len(args) > 3:
+ plot = int(args[3])
+ if len(args) > 4:
+ water = int(args[4])
+ if len(args) > 5:
+ growth = int(args[5])
+ if len(args) > 6:
+ variety = int(args[6])
+ response = "Planting type=%d plot=%d water=%d growth=%d" % (type,plot,water,growth)
+ messenger.send("gardenPlant", [senderId, type, plot, water, growth, variety])
+ elif action == 'clearCarriedSpecials':
+ av.b_setGardenSpecials( [])
+ response = "Cleared garden specials carried by toon"
+ elif action == 'clearCollection':
+ av.b_setFlowerCollection( [], [])
+ response = "Cleared flower collection."
+ elif action == 'completeCollection':
+ #from import GardenGlobals
+ varietyList = []
+ speciesList = []
+ flowerSpecies = GardenGlobals.getFlowerSpecies()
+ for species in flowerSpecies:
+ numVarieties = len(GardenGlobals.getFlowerVarieties(species))
+ for variety in range(numVarieties):
+ speciesList.append(species)
+ varietyList.append(variety)
+ av.b_setFlowerCollection( speciesList, varietyList)
+ av.b_setGardenTrophies([])
+ response = "Complete flower collection."
+ elif action == 'epoch':
+ numEpoch = 1
+ if len(args) > 2:
+ numEpoch = int(args[2])
+ messenger.send("epochGarden", [senderId, numEpoch])
+ response = "%d garden epoch has been run" % numEpoch
+ elif action == 'shovel':
+ if len(args) < 3:
+ response = "specify a shovel (0-3)"
+ else:
+ shovel = 0
+ passedShovel = int(args[2])
+ if passedShovel >= 0 and \
+ passedShovel < GardenGlobals.MAX_SHOVELS:
+ shovel = passedShovel
+ skill =0
+ if len(args) >= 4:
+ passedSkill = int(args[3])
+ skill = min (passedSkill, GardenGlobals.ShovelAttributes[shovel]['skillPts'] - 1)
+ skill = max (skill, 0)
+ av.b_setShovel(shovel)
+ av.b_setShovelSkill(skill)
+ response = "Set shovel=%d shovelSkill=%d" % (shovel,skill)
+ elif action == 'wateringCan':
+ if len(args) < 3:
+ response = "specify a watering can (0-3)"
+ else:
+ wateringCan = 0
+ passedWateringCan = int(args[2])
+ if passedWateringCan >= 0 and \
+ passedWateringCan < GardenGlobals.MAX_WATERING_CANS:
+ wateringCan = passedWateringCan
+ skill =0
+ if len(args) >= 4:
+ passedSkill = int(args[3])
+ skill = min (passedSkill, GardenGlobals.WateringCanAttributes[wateringCan]['skillPts'] - 1)
+ skill = max (skill, 0)
+ av.b_setWateringCan(wateringCan)
+ av.b_setWateringCanSkill(skill)
+ response = "Set wateringCan=%d wateringCanSkill=%d" % (wateringCan,skill)
+ elif action == 'randomBasket':
+ av.makeRandomFlowerBasket()
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, "Created random flower basket")
+ elif action == "allTrophies":
+ allTrophyList = GardenGlobals.TrophyDict.keys()
+ av.b_setGardenTrophies(allTrophyList)
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, "All garden trophies")
+ else:
+ response = 'Invalid garden command.'
+ if response:
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ def doGolf(self, word, av, zoneId, senderId):
+ """Handle the ~golf magic words."""
+ args = word.split()
+ response = None
+ action = None
+ if len(args) == 1:
+ # No parameter: change it to usage
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(
+ senderId,
+ "Usage:\n~golf action \n'~golf help' for more info ")
+ return
+ action = args[1]
+ if action == 'help':
+ response = 'endHole\nendcourse\ntest\nclearHistory\nMaxHistory'
+ elif action == 'drive':
+ course = GolfManagerAI.GolfManagerAI().findGolfCourse(senderId)
+ response = "drive failed."
+ if course:
+ result = course.toggleDrivePermission(senderId)
+ if result:
+ response = "Press up, down, left&right simultaneously to drive."
+ else:
+ response = "Toon is no longer driving."
+ elif action == 'endhole' or action == 'endHole':
+ course = GolfManagerAI.GolfManagerAI().findGolfCourse(senderId)
+ if course:
+ holeId, holeDoId = course.abortCurrentHole()
+ response = "Aborting holeId %d, doId=%d" % (holeId, holeDoId)
+ else:
+ response = "Couldn't find golf course"
+ elif action == 'endcourse' or action == 'endCourse':
+ course = GolfManagerAI.GolfManagerAI().findGolfCourse(senderId)
+ if course:
+ course.setCourseAbort()
+ response = "Aborting course %d" % course.doId
+ else:
+ response = "Couldn't find golf course"
+ elif action == 'test':
+ #messenger.send("gardenTest", [senderId])
+ response = "golf test"
+ avList = [senderId];
+ args = word.split()
+ import string
+ for i in range(2, len(args)):
+ avList.append(string.atoi(args[i]))
+ manager = GolfManagerAI.GolfManagerAI()
+ #simbase.golfGoer.generateWithRequired(OTPGlobals.UberZone)
+ courseId = 0
+ zoneId = manager.readyGolfCourse(avList, courseId)
+ for avId in avList:
+ golfer = simbase.air.doId2do.get(avId)
+ if golfer:
+ golfer.sendUpdate("sendToGolfCourse", [zoneId])
+ response = 'sending to golf course %d courseId=%d' % \
+ (zoneId, courseId)
+ elif action == 'clearBest':
+ response = 'clearBest failed'
+ av = simbase.air.doId2do.get(senderId)
+ if av:
+ emptyHoleBest = [0] * 18
+ av.b_setGolfHoleBest(emptyHoleBest)
+ emptyCourseBest = [0] * 3
+ av.b_setGolfCourseBest(emptyCourseBest)
+ response = 'golf best cleared'
+ elif action == 'maxBest':
+ response = 'maxBest failed'
+ av = simbase.air.doId2do.get(senderId)
+ if av:
+ emptyHoleBest = [1] * 18
+ av.b_setGolfHoleBest(emptyHoleBest)
+ emptyCourseBest = [1] * 3
+ av.b_setGolfCourseBest(emptyCourseBest)
+ response = 'golf best maxed'
+ elif action == 'clearHistory':
+ response = 'clearHistory failed'
+ emptyHistory = [0] * 18
+ av = simbase.air.doId2do.get(senderId)
+ if av:
+ av.b_setGolfHistory(emptyHistory)
+ response = 'golf history cleared'
+ elif action == 'maxHistory':
+ response = 'maxHistory failed'
+ maxHistory = [600] * 18
+ av = simbase.air.doId2do.get(senderId)
+ if av:
+ av.b_setGolfHistory(maxHistory)
+ response = 'golf history maxeded'
+ elif action == 'midHistory':
+ # set it up so that we just need one more course complete to get a cup
+ response = 'midHistory failed'
+ midHistory = [0] * 18
+ midHistory[GolfGlobals.CoursesCompleted] = GolfGlobals.TrophyRequirements[GolfGlobals.CoursesCompleted][1] - 1
+ #midHistory = [GolfGlobals.CoursesUnderPar] = GolfGlobals.TrophyRequirements[GolfGlobals.CoursesUnderPar][0]
+ midHistory[GolfGlobals.HoleInOneShots] = GolfGlobals.TrophyRequirements[GolfGlobals.HoleInOneShots][0]
+ midHistory[GolfGlobals.EagleOrBetterShots] = GolfGlobals.TrophyRequirements[GolfGlobals.EagleOrBetterShots][0]
+ midHistory[GolfGlobals.BirdieOrBetterShots] = GolfGlobals.TrophyRequirements[GolfGlobals.BirdieOrBetterShots][0]
+ midHistory[GolfGlobals.ParOrBetterShots] = GolfGlobals.TrophyRequirements[GolfGlobals.ParOrBetterShots][0]
+ midHistory[GolfGlobals.MultiPlayerCoursesCompleted] = GolfGlobals.TrophyRequirements[GolfGlobals.MultiPlayerCoursesCompleted][0]
+ midHistory[GolfGlobals.CourseZeroWins] = GolfGlobals.TrophyRequirements[GolfGlobals.CourseZeroWins][0]
+ midHistory[GolfGlobals.CourseOneWins] = GolfGlobals.TrophyRequirements[GolfGlobals.CourseOneWins][0]
+ midHistory[GolfGlobals.CourseTwoWins] = GolfGlobals.TrophyRequirements[GolfGlobals.CourseTwoWins][0]
+ av = simbase.air.doId2do.get(senderId)
+ if av:
+ av.b_setGolfHistory(midHistory)
+ response = 'golf history midded'
+ elif action == 'unlimitedSwing' or action == "us":
+ av.b_setUnlimitedSwing(not av.getUnlimitedSwing())
+ if av.getUnlimitedSwing():
+ response = "Av %s has an unlimited swing" % (av.getDoId())
+ else:
+ response = "Av %s does NOT have unlimited swings" % (av.getDoId())
+ elif action == 'hole':
+ import string
+ manager = GolfManagerAI.GolfManagerAI()
+ if len(args) <= 2:
+ # No minigame parameter specified: clear the request.
+ holeRequest = GolfManagerAI.RequestHole.get(av.doId)
+ if holeRequest != None:
+ holeId = holeRequest[0]
+ del GolfManagerAI.RequestHole[av.doId]
+ response = "Request for hole %d cleared." % (holeId)
+ else:
+ response = "Usage: ~golf hole []"
+ else:
+ holeId = None
+ holeKeep = 0
+ name = args[2]
+ try:
+ holeId = int(name)
+ if holeId not in GolfGlobals.HoleInfo:
+ response = "hole ID '%s' is out of range" % holeId
+ holeId = None
+ except:
+ #name = string.lower(name)
+ #for testHoleId in GolfGlobals.HoleInfo:
+ # holeName = string.lower(GolfGlobals.getHoleName(testHoleId))
+ # if name == holeName:
+ # holeId = testHoleId
+ # break;
+ if holeId == None:
+ response = "Unknown hole '%s'." % (name)
+ argIndex = 2
+ while argIndex < len(args):
+ arg = args[argIndex]
+ arg = string.lower(arg)
+ argIndex += 1
+ # it's either a difficulty (float), 'keep',
+ # or a safezone (string)
+ # is it 'keep'?
+ if arg == 'keep':
+ holeKeep = 1
+ continue
+ if holeId != None:
+ # hoId must be the first element
+ GolfManagerAI.RequestHole[av.doId] = (
+ holeId, holeKeep)
+ response = "Selected hole %d as 1st hole" % holeId
+ if holeKeep:
+ response += ", keep=true"
+ if response:
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ def doMail(self,word, av, zoneId, senderId):
+ """Handle mail magic words."""
+ args = word.split()
+ response = None
+ action = None
+ if len(args) == 1:
+ # No parameter: change it to usage
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(
+ senderId,
+ "Usage:\n~mail action \n'~mail help' for more info ")
+ return
+ action = args[1]
+ if action == 'simple':
+ if len(args) < 4:
+ response = "~mail simple 'text'"
+ else:
+ recipient = int(args[2])
+ text = args[3]
+ for i in xrange(4, len(args)):
+ text += ' ' + args[i]
+ self.air.mailManager.sendSimpleMail(
+ senderId, recipient, text)
+ if response:
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
+ def doParty(self,word, av, zoneId, senderId):
+ """Handle mail magic words."""
+ args = word.split()
+ response = None
+ action = None
+ if len(args) == 1:
+ # No parameter: change it to usage
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(
+ senderId,
+ "Available commands: plan, new, update, checkStart, end, debugGrid")
+ return
+ action = args[1]
+ if action == 'new':
+ if len(args) < 2:
+ response = "~party new ... "
+ else:
+ invitees = []
+ for i in xrange(2, len(args)):
+ invitees.append( int(args[i]))
+ # start the party 1 minute from now
+ startTime = + datetime.timedelta(minutes=-1)
+ endTime = startTime + datetime.timedelta(hours=PartyGlobals.DefaultPartyDuration)
+ from toontown.parties.PartyEditorGrid import PartyEditorGrid
+ # Make the avatar rich.
+ av.b_setMaxBankMoney(5000)
+ av.b_setMoney(av.maxMoney)
+ av.b_setBankMoney(av.maxBankMoney)
+ gridEditor = PartyEditorGrid(None)
+ # Flip on the Y so it matches the grid in-game.
+ gridEditor.grid.reverse()
+ # Given a center coord (x or y) and a size (w or h), returns a list of indices in
+ # in the grid on that axis. (WARNING: Can return invalid indices.)
+ def gridComputeRange(centerGrid, size):
+ result = []
+ if size == 1:
+ result = [centerGrid]
+ else:
+ # Need to round with negative values otherwise for center=0, size=3, the
+ # result will be [1, 0] when we expect [1, 0, -1].
+ # The range without rounding: range(int(1.5), int(-1.5), -1)
+ # The range with rounding: range(int(1.5), int(-2), -1)
+ # Not a problem with center>=2 in this example:
+ # The range without rounding: range(int(3.5), int(0.5), -1)
+ # The range with rounding: range(int(3.5), int(0), -1)
+ result = range(int(centerGrid + size/2.0),
+ int(centerGrid - round(size/2.0)), -1)
+ # The result list should be the same size as given.
+ assert len(result) == size, "Bad result range: c=%s s=%s result=%s" % (centerGrid, size, result)
+ return result
+ # Returns true if the given space is available centered at x,y with dims w,h.
+ def gridIsAvailable(x, y, w, h):
+ for j in gridComputeRange(y, h):
+ if 0 > j or j >= len(gridEditor.grid):
+ return False
+ for i in gridComputeRange(x, w):
+ if 0 > i or i >= len(gridEditor.grid[0]):
+ return False
+ if gridEditor.grid[j][i] == None:
+ return False
+ #print "grid available: xy(%s %s) wh(%s %s)" % (x, y, w, h)
+ return True
+ # Returns the first x,y (centered) that has space for w,h.
+ def gridGetAvailable(w, h):
+ for y in range(len(gridEditor.grid)):
+ for x in range(len(gridEditor.grid[0])):
+ if gridIsAvailable(x, y, w, h):
+ return x, y
+ return None, None
+ # Returns True and an x,y (centered) coord for the given space. Marks that space used.
+ def gridTryPlace(w, h):
+ x, y = gridGetAvailable(w, h)
+ if not x == None:
+ for j in gridComputeRange(y, h):
+ for i in gridComputeRange(x, w):
+ gridEditor.grid[j][i] = None
+ return True, x, y
+ else:
+ return False, None, None
+ actualActIdsToAdd = [
+ #PartyGlobals.ActivityIds.PartyJukebox, # mut.ex: PartyJukebox40
+ PartyGlobals.ActivityIds.PartyCannon,
+ #PartyGlobals.ActivityIds.PartyTrampoline,
+ PartyGlobals.ActivityIds.PartyCatch,
+ #PartyGlobals.ActivityIds.PartyDance, # mut.ex: PartyDance20
+ PartyGlobals.ActivityIds.PartyTugOfWar,
+ PartyGlobals.ActivityIds.PartyFireworks,
+ PartyGlobals.ActivityIds.PartyClock,
+ PartyGlobals.ActivityIds.PartyJukebox40,
+ PartyGlobals.ActivityIds.PartyDance20,
+ PartyGlobals.ActivityIds.PartyCog,
+ PartyGlobals.ActivityIds.PartyVictoryTrampoline, # victory party
+ ]
+ actualDecorIdsToAdd = [
+ PartyGlobals.DecorationIds.BalloonAnvil,
+ PartyGlobals.DecorationIds.BalloonStage,
+ PartyGlobals.DecorationIds.Bow,
+ PartyGlobals.DecorationIds.Cake,
+ PartyGlobals.DecorationIds.Castle,
+ PartyGlobals.DecorationIds.GiftPile,
+ PartyGlobals.DecorationIds.Horn,
+ PartyGlobals.DecorationIds.MardiGras,
+ PartyGlobals.DecorationIds.NoiseMakers,
+ PartyGlobals.DecorationIds.Pinwheel,
+ PartyGlobals.DecorationIds.GagGlobe,
+ #PartyGlobals.DecorationIds.BannerJellyBean,
+ PartyGlobals.DecorationIds.CakeTower,
+ #PartyGlobals.DecorationIds.HeartTarget, # valentoons
+ #PartyGlobals.DecorationIds.HeartBanner, # valentoons
+ #PartyGlobals.DecorationIds.FlyingHeart, # valentoons
+ PartyGlobals.DecorationIds.Hydra, # 16: victory party
+ PartyGlobals.DecorationIds.BannerVictory, # 17: victory party
+ PartyGlobals.DecorationIds.CannonVictory, # 18: victory party
+ PartyGlobals.DecorationIds.CogStatueVictory, # 19: victory party
+ PartyGlobals.DecorationIds.TubeCogVictory, # 20: victory party
+ PartyGlobals.DecorationIds.cogIceCreamVictory, # 21: victory party
+ ]
+ activities = []
+ for itemId in actualActIdsToAdd:
+ item = PartyGlobals.ActivityInformationDict[itemId]
+ success, x, y = gridTryPlace(*item['gridsize'])
+ if success:
+ print "~party new ADDED: Activity %s %s at %s, %s" % (itemId, str(item['gridsize']), x, y)
+ # item index, grid x, grid y, heading
+ partyItem = (itemId, x, y, 0)
+ activities.append(partyItem)
+ else:
+ print "~party new SKIPPED: No room for activity %s" % itemId
+ decorations = []
+ for itemId in actualDecorIdsToAdd:
+ item = PartyGlobals.DecorationInformationDict[itemId]
+ success, x, y = gridTryPlace(*item['gridsize'])
+ if success:
+ print "~party new ADDED: Decoration %s %s at %s, %s" % (itemId, str(item['gridsize']), x, y)
+ # item index, grid x, grid y, heading
+ partyItem = (itemId, x, y, 0)
+ decorations.append(partyItem)
+ else:
+ print "~party new SKIPPED: No room for decoration %s" % itemId
+ isPrivate = False
+ inviteTheme = PartyGlobals.InviteTheme.Birthday
+ self.air.partyManager.addPartyRequest(
+ senderId,
+ startTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
+ endTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
+ isPrivate,
+ inviteTheme,
+ activities,
+ decorations,
+ invitees,
+ )
+ # force an immediate check of which parties can start
+ self.air.partyManager.forceCheckStart()
+ elif action == 'update':
+ # simulate this avatarLogging in, which forces invites
+ # and party updates from the dbs
+ self.air.partyManager.partyUpdate(senderId)
+ elif action == 'checkStart':
+ # force an immediate check of which parties can start
+ self.air.partyManager.forceCheckStart()
+ elif action == 'unreleasedServer':
+ newVal = self.air.partyManager.toggleAllowUnreleasedServer()
+ response = "Allow Unreleased Server= %s" % newVal
+ elif action == 'canBuy':
+ newVal = self.air.partyManager.toggleCanBuyParties()
+ response = "can buy parties= %s" % newVal
+ elif action == 'end':
+ response = self.air.partyManager.magicWordEnd(senderId)
+ elif action == 'plan':
+ response = "Going to party grounds to plan"
+ # hoodId determines the loading
+ hoodId = ToontownGlobals.PartyHood
+ self.sendUpdateToAvatarId(av.doId, 'requestTeleport',
+ ["safeZoneLoader", "party",
+ hoodId, 0, 0])
+ if response:
+ self.down_setMagicWordResponse(senderId, response)
diff --git a/toontown/src/ai/ b/toontown/src/ai/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06e0ab6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/ai/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from import HolidayBaseAI
+from import PropBuffHolidayAI
+from import DistributedPhaseEventMgrAI
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+class TrashcanBuffHolidayAI(PropBuffHolidayAI.PropBuffHolidayAI):
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory(
+ 'TrashcanBuffHolidayAI')
+ PostName = 'TrashcanBuffHoliday'
+ def __init__(self, air, holidayId, startAndEndTimes, phaseDates):
+ PropBuffHolidayAI.PropBuffHolidayAI.__init__(self, air, holidayId, startAndEndTimes, phaseDates)
diff --git a/toontown/src/ai/ b/toontown/src/ai/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84402e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/ai/
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from import HolidayBaseAI
+from import PhasedHolidayAI
+from import DistributedTrashcanZeroMgrAI
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+class TrashcanZeroHolidayAI(PhasedHolidayAI.PhasedHolidayAI):
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory(
+ 'TrashcanZeroHolidayAI')
+ PostName = 'trashcanZeroHoliday'
+ def __init__(self, air, holidayId, startAndEndTimes, phaseDates):
+ PhasedHolidayAI.PhasedHolidayAI.__init__(self, air, holidayId, startAndEndTimes, phaseDates)
+ def start(self):
+ # instantiate the object
+ PhasedHolidayAI.PhasedHolidayAI.start(self)
+ self.trashcanZeroMgr = DistributedTrashcanZeroMgrAI.DistributedTrashcanZeroMgrAI (
+ self.air, self.startAndEndTimes, self.phaseDates)
+ self.trashcanZeroMgr.generateWithRequired(ToontownGlobals.UberZone)
+ # let the holiday system know we started
+ def stop(self):
+ # let the holiday system know we stopped
+ bboard.remove(self.PostName)
+ # remove the object
+ #self.resistanceEmoteMgr.requestDelete()
+ self.trashcanZeroMgr.requestDelete()
+ def forcePhase(self, newPhase):
+ """Force our holiday to a certain phase. Returns true if succesful"""
+ result = False
+ try:
+ newPhase = int(newPhase)
+ except:
+ newPhase = 0
+ if newPhase >= self.trashcanZeroMgr.getNumPhases():
+ self.notify.warning("newPhase %d invalid in forcePhase" % newPhase)
+ return
+ self.curPhase = newPhase
+ self.trashcanZeroMgr.forcePhase(newPhase)
+ result = True
+ return result
diff --git a/toontown/src/ai/ b/toontown/src/ai/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8553714
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/ai/
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+import ScavengerHuntMgrAI
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from import DistributedTrickOrTreatTargetAI
+from otp.otpbase import OTPGlobals
+import time
+GOALS = {
+ 0 : 2649, # TTC
+ 1 : 1834, # DD
+ 2 : 4835, # MM
+ 3 : 5620, # DG
+ 4 : 3707, # BR
+ 5 : 9619, # DL
+ }
+# This dictionary defines the milestones for this scavenger hunt
+ 0: ((0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5), 'All Trick-or-Treat goals found'),
+ }
+class TrickOrTreatMgrAI(ScavengerHuntMgrAI.ScavengerHuntMgrAI):
+ """
+ This is the TrickOrTreat manager that extends the scanvenger hunt
+ by providing unique rewards and milestones.
+ """
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('TrickOrTreatMgrAI')
+ def __init__(self, air, holidayId):
+ ScavengerHuntMgrAI.ScavengerHuntMgrAI.__init__(self, air, holidayId)
+ def createListeners(self):
+ """
+ Create the listeners that will look for an event in the relavent zone
+ """
+ for id in self.goals.keys():
+ mgrAI = DistributedTrickOrTreatTargetAI.DistributedTrickOrTreatTargetAI(self.air,
+ self.hunt,
+ id,
+ self,
+ )
+ self.targets[id] = mgrAI
+ self.targets[id].generateWithRequired(self.goals[id])
+ @property
+ def goals(self):
+ return GOALS
+ @property
+ def milestones(self):
+ def huntCompletedReward(self, avId, goal, firstTime = False):
+ """
+ Reward the Toon for completing the TrickOrTreat with
+ a pumpkin head
+ """
+ if firstTime:
+ self.air.writeServerEvent('pumpkinHeadEarned', avId, 'Trick-or-Treat scavenger hunt complete.')
+ av = self.air.doId2do.get(avId)
+ localTime = time.localtime()
+ date = (localTime[0],
+ localTime[1],
+ localTime[2],
+ localTime[6],
+ )
+ from import HolidayManagerAI
+ endTime = HolidayManagerAI.HolidayManagerAI.holidays[self.holidayId].getEndTime(date)
+ endTime += ToontownGlobals.TOT_REWARD_END_OFFSET_AMOUNT
+ if not av:
+ self.notify.warning(
+ 'Tried to send milestone feedback to av %s, but they left' % avId)
+ else:
+ av.b_setCheesyEffect(OTPGlobals.CEPumpkin, 0, (time.time()/60)+1)
+ #av.b_setCheesyEffect(OTPGlobals.CEPumpkin, 0, endTime/60)
+ def huntGoalAlreadyFound(self, avId):
+ """
+ This goal has already been found
+ """
+ av = self.air.doId2do.get(avId)
+ if not av:
+ self.notify.warning(
+ 'Tried to send goal feedback to av %s, but they left' % avId)
+ else:
+ av.sendUpdate('trickOrTreatTargetMet', [0])
+ def huntGoalFound(self, avId, goal):
+ """
+ One of the goals in the milestone were found,
+ so we reward the toon.
+ """
+ av = self.air.doId2do.get(avId)
+ # Do all the updates at once
+ av.addMoney(ToontownGlobals.TOT_REWARD_JELLYBEAN_AMOUNT)
+ self.avatarCompletedGoal(avId, goal)
+ # Start jellybean reward effect
+ av.sendUpdate('trickOrTreatTargetMet', [ToontownGlobals.TOT_REWARD_JELLYBEAN_AMOUNT])
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab6239f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/ai/
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from import AIDistrict
+class UtilityAIRepository(AIDistrict.AIDistrict):
+ """
+ This class serves as the AI repository for a maintenance utility
+ (e.g. RepairAvatars) that wants to get an AI-level connection to
+ the message director without actually creating an AI district.
+ """
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory(
+ "UtilityAIRepository")
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
+ AIDistrict.AIDistrict.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
+ # The UtilityAIRepository sets this to 0 to indicate we should
+ # not do things like issue new catalogs to toons that we load
+ # in. However, in the normal AI repository, we should do
+ # these things.
+ self.doLiveUpdates = 0
+ def requestNewDistrict(self):
+ pass
+ def createDistrict(self, districtId, districtName):
+ self.fsm.request('playGame')
+ def deleteDistrict(self, districtId):
+ pass
diff --git a/toontown/src/ai/ b/toontown/src/ai/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5147f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/ai/
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+import time
+import os
+import sys
+# Initialize ihooks importer On the production servers, we run genPyCode -n
+# meaning no squeeze, so nobody else does this. When we squeeze, the
+# unpacker does this for us and it does not hurt to do in either case.
+import ihooks
+print "Initializing..."
+from import *
+import UtilityAIRepository
+simbase.mdip = simbase.config.GetString("msg-director-ip", "localhost")
+simbase.mdport = simbase.config.GetInt("msg-director-port", 6665)
+simbase.esip = simbase.config.GetString("event-server-ip", "localhost")
+simbase.esport = simbase.config.GetInt("event-server-port", 4343)
+districtType = 0
+ssId = simbase.config.GetInt("utility-ssid", 20100000)
+utilityChannel = simbase.config.GetInt("utility-channel", 399900000)
+if simbase.config.GetBool("want-dev", 0):
+ # In development, the dcfiles are specified in prc files
+ dcFileNames = None
+ # In production we have to list them out
+ dcFileNames = ['otp.dc', 'toon.dc']
+simbase.air = UtilityAIRepository.UtilityAIRepository(simbase.mdip,
+ simbase.mdport,
+ simbase.esip,
+ simbase.esport,
+ dcFileNames,
+ 1,
+ "Utility",
+ districtType,
+ ssId,
+ utilityChannel,
+ utilityChannel + 1)
+# How we let the world know we are not running a service
+simbase.aiService = 0
diff --git a/toontown/src/ai/ b/toontown/src/ai/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3eb5262
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/ai/
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals, TTLocalizer
+from import HolidayBaseAI
+class ValentinesDayMgrAI(HolidayBaseAI.HolidayBaseAI):
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory(
+ 'ValentinesDayMgrAI')
+ PostName = 'ValentinesDay'
+ StartStopMsg = 'ValentinesDayStartStop'
+ def __init__(self, air, holidayId):
+ HolidayBaseAI.HolidayBaseAI.__init__(self, air, holidayId)
+ def start(self):
+ # Let the holiday system know we started
+, True)
+ def stop(self):
+ # Let the holiday system know we stopped
+ bboard.remove(ValentinesDayMgrAI.PostName)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/toontown/src/ai/ b/toontown/src/ai/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2acbf30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/ai/
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from direct.distributed import DistributedObject
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from direct.showbase import PythonUtil
+class WelcomeValleyManager(DistributedObject.DistributedObject):
+ """WelcomeValleyManager
+ """
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("WelcomeValleyManager")
+ neverDisable = 1
+ def __init__(self, cr):
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.__init__(self, cr)
+ ### DistributedObject methods ###
+ def generate(self):
+ """generate(self)
+ This method is called when the DistributedObject is reintroduced
+ to the world, either for the first time or from the cache.
+ """
+ if != None:
+ = self
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.generate(self)
+ def disable(self):
+ """disable(self)
+ This method is called when the DistributedObject is removed from
+ active duty and stored in a cache.
+ """
+ self.ignore(ToontownGlobals.SynchronizeHotkey)
+ = None
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.disable(self)
+ def delete(self):
+ """delete(self)
+ This method is called when the DistributedObject is permanently
+ removed from the world and deleted from the cache.
+ """
+ self.ignore(ToontownGlobals.SynchronizeHotkey)
+ = None
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.delete(self)
+# now done locally on the AI
+## def d_clientSetZone(self, zoneId):
+## # Tell the AI which zone we're going to. We don't bother to
+## # do this for every little zone on the street, just major zone
+## # changes (e.g. through the quiet zone).
+## self.sendUpdate("clientSetZone", [zoneId])
+ def requestZoneId(self, origZoneId, callback):
+ context = self.getCallbackContext(callback)
+ self.sendUpdate("requestZoneIdMessage", [origZoneId, context])
+ def requestZoneIdResponse(self, zoneId, context):
+ self.doCallbackContext(context, [zoneId])
diff --git a/toontown/src/ai/ b/toontown/src/ai/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08b1fa1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/ai/
@@ -0,0 +1,488 @@
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from direct.distributed import DistributedObjectAI
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from toontown.hood import ZoneUtil
+from toontown.hood import TTHoodDataAI
+from toontown.hood import GSHoodDataAI
+from direct.task import Task
+import random
+# These are the population thresholds we use to balance our automatic
+# creation of WelcomeValleys.
+# The minimum number of people that should be in the playground before
+# we start to phase out the hood.
+PGminimum = 1
+# The "stable" watermark; the first time we reach this number of
+# people in the playground, we consider the hood to be in a stable
+# state.
+PGstable = 15
+# The maximum number of people in the playground before we stop adding
+# people to the hood.
+PGmaximum = 20
+# How often, in seconds, to report the current WelcomeValley state to
+# the log.
+LogInterval = 300
+# The basic balancing algorithm for creating and destroying
+# WelcomeValley hoods is as follows.
+# There are three classes of hoods: New, Stable, and Removing.
+# At any given time, there may be either zero or one New hoods, any
+# number of Stable hoods, and any number of Removing hoods.
+# Initially there are no hoods.
+# When a new avatar arrives, it will be assigned to the New hood if
+# there is one; otherwise, it will be assigned to the Stable hood with
+# the smallest playground population, unless there are no Stable hoods
+# with a population less than PGmaximum (in which case a New hood will
+# be created).
+# When a New hood is created, it will continue to be considered New
+# (and thus receive all newly arriving avatars), until its playground
+# population reaches PGstable, at which point the hood is moved into
+# the Stable pool.
+# If at any point the playground population of a hood in the Stable
+# pool decreases below PGminimum (and it is not the only hood
+# remaining), it is moved to the Removing pool. A suitable
+# replacement hood is chosen using the algorithm for a new avatar,
+# above, and this new hood is associated with the Removing hood. Any
+# avatar that requests a zone change to or within a Removing hood is
+# instead redirected the hood's replacement. (Note that clients who
+# are teleporting to a friend in a Removing hood do not request this
+# zone change via the AI, and so will not be redirected to a different
+# hood--they will still arrive in the same hood with their friend.)
+# For the purposes of balancing, we consider the replacement hood
+# immediately contains its population plus that of the Removing
+# hood.
+# Finally, if the total population of any hood reaches zero, the hood
+# is completely removed.
+# There are a few considerations that have led to this algorithm.
+# Firstly, we want to minimize the amount of time a playground is
+# nearly empty; you should always be able to enter the game and see
+# several people in the playground. Thus, we aggressively fill a New
+# hood up quickly, instead of distributing new avatars evenly among
+# all available hoods; and once we decide to remove a hood we
+# aggressively move avatars off it at the first opportunity.
+# Secondly, we would like to keep avatars together whenever possible;
+# thus, when we decide to remove a hood, we choose only one hood to be
+# its replacement, and all avatars are moved from the source hood to
+# the same replacement hood (even if this will result in an overfull
+# replacement hood).
+class WelcomeValleyManagerAI(DistributedObjectAI.DistributedObjectAI):
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("WelcomeValleyManagerAI")
+ def __init__(self, air):
+ DistributedObjectAI.DistributedObjectAI.__init__(self, air)
+ self.welcomeValleyAllocator = UniqueIdAllocator(
+ ToontownGlobals.WelcomeValleyBegin / 2000,
+ ToontownGlobals.WelcomeValleyEnd / 2000 - 1)
+ self.welcomeValleys = {}
+ self.avatarZones = {}
+ self.newHood = None
+ self.stableHoods = []
+ self.removingHoods = []
+ def generate(self):
+ DistributedObjectAI.DistributedObjectAI.generate(self)
+ if simbase.config.GetBool('report-welcome-valleys', 0):
+ self.doReportLater()
+ def delete(self):
+ name = self.taskName("WelcomeValleyLog")
+ taskMgr.remove(name)
+ self.ignoreAll()
+ DistributedObjectAI.DistributedObjectAI.delete(self)
+# now done locally on the AI
+## def clientSetZone(self, zoneId):
+## """
+## This is used by the client to inform the AI which zone he is
+## going to. It is mainly used to balance the WelcomeValley zones,
+## so the AI can know how many avatars are in each WelcomeValley.
+## """
+## avId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender()
+## lastZoneId = self.avatarSetZone(avId, zoneId)
+## # Temporary kludge to ensure ghost mode doesn't remain on
+## # longer than it should--that's probably the result of an
+## # unintended bug. If ghost mode is on, we turn it off
+## # whenever the client switches zones. Note that this is not a
+## # real solution, since a hacked client can simply not send the
+## # clientSetZone messages.
+## avatar = self.air.doId2do.get(avId)
+## if avatar and avatar.ghostMode:
+## self.air.writeServerEvent('suspicious', avId, 'has ghost mode %s transitioning from zone %s to %s' % (avatar.ghostMode, lastZoneId, zoneId))
+## if avatar.ghostMode == 1:
+## avatar.b_setGhostMode(0)
+## if avatar and avatar.cogIndex >= 0:
+## if (lastZoneId != 11100 and lastZoneId != 12100 and lastZoneId != 13100 ) or \
+## (zoneId < 61000 and zoneId != 11000 and zoneId != 12000 and zoneId != 13000):
+## self.air.writeServerEvent('suspicious', avId, 'has cogIndex %s transitioning from zone %s to %s' % (avatar.cogIndex, lastZoneId, zoneId))
+## avatar.b_setCogIndex(-1)
+ def toonSetZone(self, avId, zoneId):
+ lastZoneId = self.avatarSetZone(avId, zoneId)
+ # Temporary kludge to ensure ghost mode doesn't remain on
+ # longer than it should--that's probably the result of an
+ # unintended bug. If ghost mode is on, we turn it off
+ # whenever the client switches zones. Note that this is not a
+ # real solution, since a hacked client can simply not send the
+ # clientSetZone messages.
+ avatar = self.air.doId2do.get(avId)
+ if avatar and avatar.ghostMode:
+ if avatar.ghostMode == 1:
+ avatar.b_setGhostMode(0)
+ if avatar and avatar.cogIndex >= 0:
+ if (lastZoneId != 11100 and lastZoneId != 12100 and lastZoneId != 13100 ) or \
+ (zoneId < 61000 and zoneId != 11000 and zoneId != 12000 and zoneId != 13000):
+ avatar.b_setCogIndex(-1)
+ def avatarSetZone(self, avId, zoneId):
+ lastZoneId = self.avatarZones.get(avId)
+ if lastZoneId == zoneId:
+ return lastZoneId
+ if zoneId == None:
+ self.notify.debug("Avatar %s has left the shard." % (avId))
+ del self.avatarZones[avId]
+ self.ignore(self.air.getAvatarExitEvent(avId))
+ else:
+ self.notify.debug("Avatar %s is now in zone %s." % (avId, zoneId))
+ # First, add the avatar into his/her new zone. We must do
+ # this first so we don't risk momentarily bringing the
+ # hood population to 0.
+ hoodId = ZoneUtil.getHoodId(zoneId)
+ # if this is a GS hoodId, just grab the TT hood
+ if (hoodId % 2000) < 1000:
+ hood = self.welcomeValleys.get(hoodId)
+ else:
+ hood = self.welcomeValleys.get(hoodId - 1000)
+ if hood:
+ hood[0].incrementPopulation(zoneId, 1)
+ if (hood == self.newHood) and hood[0].getPgPopulation() >= PGstable:
+ # This is now a stable hood.
+ self.__newToStable(hood)
+ self.avatarZones[avId] = zoneId
+ if lastZoneId == None:
+ # This is the first time we have heard from this avatar.
+ self.acceptOnce(self.air.getAvatarExitEvent(avId),
+ self.avatarLogout, extraArgs=[avId])
+ else:
+ # Now, remove the avatar from his/her previous zone.
+ lastHoodId = ZoneUtil.getHoodId(lastZoneId)
+ # if this is a GS hoodId, just grab the TT hood
+ if (lastHoodId % 2000) < 1000:
+ hood = self.welcomeValleys.get(lastHoodId)
+ else:
+ hood = self.welcomeValleys.get(lastHoodId - 1000)
+ if hood:
+ hood[0].incrementPopulation(lastZoneId, -1)
+ if hood[0].getHoodPopulation() == 0:
+ self.__hoodIsEmpty(hood)
+ elif (hood != self.newHood) and not hood[0].hasRedirect() and \
+ hood[0].getPgPopulation() < PGminimum:
+ self.__stableToRemoving(hood)
+ return lastZoneId
+ def avatarLogout(self, avId):
+ self.avatarSetZone(avId, None)
+ def makeNew(self, hoodId):
+ # Makes the indicated hoodId new, if possible. Used for magic
+ # word purposes only. Returns a string describing the action.
+ hood = self.welcomeValleys.get(hoodId)
+ if hood == None:
+ return "Hood %s is unknown." % (hoodId)
+ if hood == self.newHood:
+ return "Hood %s is already new." % (hoodId)
+ if self.newHood != None:
+ self.__newToStable(self.newHood)
+ if hood in self.removingHoods:
+ self.removingHoods.remove(hood)
+ hood[0].setRedirect(None)
+ else:
+ self.stableHoods.remove(hood)
+ self.newHood = hood
+ return "Hood %s is now New." % (hoodId)
+ def makeStable(self, hoodId):
+ # Moves the indicated hoodId to the Stable pool, if possible.
+ # Used for magic word purposes only. Returns a string
+ # describing the action.
+ hood = self.welcomeValleys.get(hoodId)
+ if hood == None:
+ return "Hood %s is unknown." % (hoodId)
+ if hood in self.stableHoods:
+ return "Hood %s is already Stable." % (hoodId)
+ if hood == self.newHood:
+ self.__newToStable(hood)
+ else:
+ self.removingHoods.remove(hood)
+ hood[0].setRedirect(None)
+ self.stableHoods.append(hood)
+ return "Hood %s is now Stable." % (hoodId)
+ def makeRemoving(self, hoodId):
+ # Moves the indicated hoodId to the Removing pool, if possible.
+ # Used for magic word purposes only. Returns a string
+ # describing the action.
+ hood = self.welcomeValleys.get(hoodId)
+ if hood == None:
+ return "Hood %s is unknown." % (hoodId)
+ if hood in self.removingHoods:
+ return "Hood %s is already Removing." % (hoodId)
+ if hood == self.newHood:
+ self.__newToStable(hood)
+ self.__stableToRemoving(hood)
+ return "Hood %s is now Removing." % (hoodId)
+ def checkAvatars(self):
+ # Checks that all of the avatars recorded as being logged in
+ # are actually still in the doId2do map, and logs out any that
+ # are not. Returns a list of the removed avId's. This is
+ # normally used for magic word purposes only.
+ removed = []
+ for avId in self.avatarZones.keys():
+ if avId not in self.air.doId2do:
+ # Here's one for removing.
+ removed.append(avId)
+ self.avatarLogout(avId)
+ return removed
+ def __newToStable(self, hood):
+ # This New hood's population has reached the stable limit;
+ # mark it as a Stable hood.
+"Hood %s moved to Stable." % (hood[0].zoneId))
+ assert(hood == self.newHood)
+ self.newHood = None
+ self.stableHoods.append(hood)
+ def __stableToRemoving(self, hood):
+ # This hood's population has dropped too low;
+ # schedule it for removal.
+"Hood %s moved to Removing." % (hood[0].zoneId))
+ assert(hood in self.stableHoods)
+ self.stableHoods.remove(hood)
+ replacementHood = self.chooseWelcomeValley(allowCreateNew = 0)
+ if replacementHood == None:
+ # Hmm, we couldn't find a suitable
+ # replacement, so just keep this one.
+ self.stableHoods.append(hood)
+ else:
+ hood[0].setRedirect(replacementHood)
+ self.removingHoods.append(hood)
+ def __hoodIsEmpty(self, hood):
+"Hood %s is now empty." % (hood[0].zoneId))
+ replacementHood = hood[0].replacementHood
+ self.destroyWelcomeValley(hood)
+ # Also check the hood this one is redirecting to; we might
+ # have just emptied it too.
+ if replacementHood and replacementHood[0].getHoodPopulation() == 0:
+ self.__hoodIsEmpty(replacementHood)
+ def avatarRequestZone(self, avId, origZoneId):
+ # This services a redirect-zone request for a particular
+ # avatar. The client is requesting to go to the indicated
+ # zoneId, which should be a WelcomeValley zoneId; the AI
+ # should choose which particular WelcomeValley to direct the
+ # client to.
+ if not ZoneUtil.isWelcomeValley(origZoneId):
+ # All requests for static zones are returned unchanged.
+ return origZoneId
+ origHoodId = ZoneUtil.getHoodId(origZoneId)
+ hood = self.welcomeValleys.get(origHoodId)
+ if not hood:
+ # If we don't know this hood, choose a new one.
+ hood = self.chooseWelcomeValley()
+ if not hood:
+ self.notify.warning("Could not create new WelcomeValley hood for avatar %s." % (avId))
+ zoneId = ZoneUtil.getCanonicalZoneId(origZoneId)
+ else:
+ # use TTC hoodId
+ hoodId = hood[0].getRedirect().zoneId
+ zoneId = ZoneUtil.getTrueZoneId(origZoneId, hoodId)
+ # Even though the client might choose not to go to the
+ # indicated zoneId for some reason, we will consider the
+ # client as having gone there immediately, for the purposes of
+ # balancing. If the client goes somewhere else instead, it
+ # will tell us that and we can correct this.
+ self.avatarSetZone(avId, zoneId)
+ return zoneId
+ def requestZoneIdMessage(self, origZoneId, context):
+ """
+ This message is sent from the client to request a new zoneId
+ for a transition to WelcomeValley.
+ """
+ avId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender()
+ zoneId = self.avatarRequestZone(avId, origZoneId)
+ self.sendUpdateToAvatarId(avId, "requestZoneIdResponse",
+ [zoneId, context])
+ def chooseWelcomeValley(self, allowCreateNew = 1):
+ # Picks a hood to assign a new avatar to. If allowCreateNew
+ # is 1, a new hood may be created if necessary.
+ # First, if we have a New hood, prefer that one.
+ if self.newHood:
+ return self.newHood
+ # Next, choose the Stable hood with the smallest playground
+ # population.
+ bestHood = None
+ bestPopulation = None
+ for hood in self.stableHoods:
+ population = hood[0].getPgPopulation()
+ if bestHood == None or population < bestPopulation:
+ bestHood = hood
+ bestPopulation = population
+ # Unless there are no hoods with a small-enough population, in
+ # which case we create another New hood.
+ if allowCreateNew and (bestHood == None or bestPopulation >= PGmaximum):
+ self.newHood = self.createWelcomeValley()
+ if self.newHood:
+"Hood %s is New." % self.newHood[0].zoneId)
+ return self.newHood
+ return bestHood
+ def createWelcomeValley(self):
+ # Creates new copy of ToontownCentral and Goofy Speedway and returns
+ # thier HoodDataAI. Returns None if no new hoods can be created.
+ index = self.welcomeValleyAllocator.allocate()
+ if index == -1:
+ return None
+ # TTC
+ ttHoodId = index * 2000
+ ttHood = TTHoodDataAI.TTHoodDataAI(self.air, ttHoodId)
+ self.air.startupHood(ttHood)
+ # GS
+ gsHoodId = index * 2000 + 1000
+ gsHood = GSHoodDataAI.GSHoodDataAI(self.air, gsHoodId)
+ self.air.startupHood(gsHood)
+ # both hoods are stored in a tuple and referenced by the TTC hoodId
+ self.welcomeValleys[ttHoodId] = (ttHood, gsHood)
+ # create a pond bingo manager ai for the new WV
+ if simbase.wantBingo:
+'creating bingo mgr for Welcome Valley %s' % ttHoodId)
+ self.air.createPondBingoMgrAI(ttHood)
+ return (ttHood, gsHood)
+ def destroyWelcomeValley(self, hood):
+ hoodId = hood[0].zoneId
+ assert((hoodId % 2000) == 0)
+ del self.welcomeValleys[hoodId]
+ / 2000)
+ self.air.shutdownHood(hood[0])
+ self.air.shutdownHood(hood[1])
+ if self.newHood == hood:
+ self.newHood = None
+ elif hood in self.removingHoods:
+ self.removingHoods.remove(hood)
+ elif hood in self.stableHoods:
+ self.stableHoods.remove(hood)
+ def doReportLater(self):
+ name = self.taskName("WelcomeValleyLog")
+ taskMgr.remove(name)
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(LogInterval, self.doReportTask, name)
+ def doReportTask(self, task):
+ self.reportWelcomeValleys()
+ self.doReportLater()
+ return Task.done
+ def getAvatarCount(self):
+ # Players
+ # the Welcome Valley hoods.
+ if simbase.fakeDistrictPopulations:
+ return 0
+ answer = 0
+ hoodIds = self.welcomeValleys.keys()
+ for hoodId in hoodIds:
+ hood = self.welcomeValleys[hoodId]
+ answer += hood[0].getHoodPopulation()
+ return answer
+ def reportWelcomeValleys(self):
+ # Writes a message to the log file showing the current state
+ # of the Welcome Valley hoods.
+"Current Welcome Valleys:")
+ hoodIds = self.welcomeValleys.keys()
+ hoodIds.sort()
+ for hoodId in hoodIds:
+ hood = self.welcomeValleys[hoodId]
+ if hood == self.newHood:
+ flag = "N"
+ elif hood in self.removingHoods:
+ flag = "R"
+ else:
+ flag = " "
+"%s %s %s/%s" % (
+ hood[0].zoneId, flag,
+ hood[0].getPgPopulation(), hood[0].getHoodPopulation()))
diff --git a/toontown/src/ai/ b/toontown/src/ai/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..165d0fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/ai/
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+import ScavengerHuntMgrAI
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from import DistributedWinterCarolingTargetAI
+from otp.otpbase import OTPGlobals
+import time
+GOALS = {
+ 0 : 2659, # Joy Buzzer to the world, Silly Street, Toontown Central
+ 1 : 1707, # Gifts With A Porpoise, Seaweed Street, Donalds Dock
+ 2 : 5626, # Pine Needle Crafts, Elm Street, Daisy's Garden
+ 3 : 4614, # Shave and Haircut for a song, Alto Avenue, Minnie's Melodyland
+ 4 : 3828, # Snowman's Land, Polar Place, The Brrrgh
+ 5 : 9720, # Talking in Your Sleep Voice Training, Pajama Place, Donald's Dreamland
+ }
+# This dictionary defines the milestones for this scavenger hunt
+ 0: ((0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5), 'All Winter Caroling goals found'),
+ }
+class WinterCarolingMgrAI(ScavengerHuntMgrAI.ScavengerHuntMgrAI):
+ """
+ This is the WinterCaroling manager that extends the scanvenger hunt
+ by providing unique rewards and milestones.
+ """
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('WinterCarolingMgrAI')
+ def __init__(self, air, holidayId):
+ ScavengerHuntMgrAI.ScavengerHuntMgrAI.__init__(self, air, holidayId)
+ def createListeners(self):
+ """
+ Create the listeners that will look for an event in the relavent zone
+ """
+ for id in self.goals.keys():
+ mgrAI = DistributedWinterCarolingTargetAI.DistributedWinterCarolingTargetAI(self.air,
+ self.hunt,
+ id,
+ self,
+ )
+ self.targets[id] = mgrAI
+ self.targets[id].generateWithRequired(self.goals[id])
+ @property
+ def goals(self):
+ return GOALS
+ @property
+ def milestones(self):
+ def huntCompletedReward(self, avId, goal, firstTime = False):
+ """
+ Reward the Toon for completing the WinterCaroling with
+ a pumpkin head
+ """
+ if firstTime:
+ self.air.writeServerEvent('pumpkinHeadEarned', avId, 'WinterCaroling scavenger hunt complete.')
+ av = self.air.doId2do.get(avId)
+ localTime = time.localtime()
+ date = (localTime[0],
+ localTime[1],
+ localTime[2],
+ localTime[6],
+ )
+ from import HolidayManagerAI
+ endTime = HolidayManagerAI.HolidayManagerAI.holidays[self.holidayId].getEndTime(date)
+ startTime = HolidayManagerAI.HolidayManagerAI.holidays[self.holidayId].getStartTime(date)
+ if endTime < startTime:
+ end = time.localtime(endTime)
+ start = time.localtime(startTime)
+ newDate = HolidayManagerAI.HolidayManagerAI.holidays[self.holidayId].adjustDate(date)
+ endTime = HolidayManagerAI.HolidayManagerAI.holidays[self.holidayId].getEndTime(newDate)
+ endTime += ToontownGlobals.TOT_REWARD_END_OFFSET_AMOUNT
+ if not av:
+ self.notify.warning(
+ 'Tried to send milestone feedback to av %s, but they left' % avId)
+ else:
+ #av.b_setCheesyEffect(OTPGlobals.CESnowMan, 0, (time.time()/60)+1)
+ av.b_setCheesyEffect(OTPGlobals.CESnowMan, 0, endTime/60)
+ def huntGoalAlreadyFound(self, avId):
+ """
+ This goal has already been found
+ """
+ av = self.air.doId2do.get(avId)
+ if not av:
+ self.notify.warning(
+ 'Tried to send goal feedback to av %s, but they left' % avId)
+ else:
+ av.sendUpdate('winterCarolingTargetMet', [0])
+ def huntGoalFound(self, avId, goal):
+ """
+ One of the goals in the milestone were found,
+ so we reward the toon.
+ """
+ av = self.air.doId2do.get(avId)
+ # Do all the updates at once
+ av.addMoney(ToontownGlobals.TOT_REWARD_JELLYBEAN_AMOUNT)
+ self.avatarCompletedGoal(avId, goal)
+ # Start jellybean reward effect
+ av.sendUpdate('winterCarolingTargetMet', [ToontownGlobals.TOT_REWARD_JELLYBEAN_AMOUNT])
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5157b79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/ai/portuguese/
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+# File:
+# Purpose: localized holiday schedule and times
+# $Id$
+# Direct Specific Modules
+#from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.showbase.PythonUtil import Enum, SingletonError
+#from direct.task import Task
+# Toontown Specific Modules
+from import *
+from import *
+from import *
+from import *
+from toontown.effects import FireworkManagerAI
+from import BingoNightHolidayAI
+from toontown.suit import HolidaySuitInvasionManagerAI
+from import BlackCatHolidayMgrAI
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from import RaceManagerAI
+# Global Enumerations and Constants
+Holidays = {
+ ToontownGlobals.NEWYEARS_FIREWORKS : HolidayInfo_Yearly(
+ FireworkManagerAI.FireworkManagerAI,
+ # PST: December 31, 07:00 - December 31, 22:00
+ [ (Month.DECEMBER, 31, 07, 0, 0),
+ # Stop them in the middle of the final hour so we do not interrupt a show in the middle
+ (Month.DECEMBER, 31, 22, 30, 0) ]
+ ),
+ ToontownGlobals.BLOODSUCKER_INVASION : HolidayInfo_Yearly(
+ HolidaySuitInvasionManagerAI.HolidaySuitInvasionManagerAI,
+ # PST: January 8, 04:00 - January 8, 08:00
+ [ (Month.JANUARY, 8, 4, 0, 0),
+ (Month.JANUARY, 8, 8, 0, 0) ]
+ ),
+ ToontownGlobals.MOVER_SHAKER_INVASION : HolidayInfo_Yearly(
+ HolidaySuitInvasionManagerAI.HolidaySuitInvasionManagerAI,
+ # February 15, 05:00 - February 15, 10:00
+ [ (Month.FEBRUARY, 15, 5, 0, 0),
+ (Month.FEBRUARY, 15, 10, 0, 0) ]
+ ),
+ ToontownGlobals.HEAD_HUNTER_INVASION : HolidayInfo_Yearly(
+ HolidaySuitInvasionManagerAI.HolidaySuitInvasionManagerAI,
+ # PST: March 19, 10:00 - March 19, 13:00
+ [ (Month.MARCH, 19, 10, 0, 0),
+ (Month.MARCH, 19, 13, 0, 0) ]
+ ),
+ ToontownGlobals.BLACK_CAT_DAY: HolidayInfo_Yearly(
+ BlackCatHolidayMgrAI.BlackCatHolidayMgrAI,
+ [
+ # PST: February 13, 20:00 - February 14, 20:00
+ (Month.FEBRUARY, 13, 20, 0, 1),
+ (Month.FEBRUARY, 14, 19, 59, 59),
+ # PDT: March 13, 21:00 - March 14, 21:00
+ (Month.MARCH, 13, 21, 0, 1),
+ (Month.MARCH, 14, 20, 59, 59),
+ # PDT: June 13, 21:00 - April 14, 21:00
+ (Month.JUNE, 13, 19, 0, 1),
+ (Month.JUNE, 14, 18, 59, 59),
+ # PDT: August 13, 21:00 - August 14, 21:00
+ (Month.AUGUST, 13, 21, 0, 1),
+ (Month.AUGUST, 14, 20, 59, 59),
+ # PDT: October 13, 21:00 - October 14, 21:00
+ (Month.OCTOBER, 13, 21, 0, 1),
+ (Month.OCTOBER, 14, 20, 59, 59),
+ # PDT: October 30, 20:00 - October 31, 21:00
+ (Month.OCTOBER, 30, 20, 0, 1),
+ (Month.OCTOBER, 31, 20, 59, 59),
+ # PST: December 13, 20:00 - December 14, 20:00
+ (Month.DECEMBER, 13, 20, 0, 1),
+ (Month.DECEMBER, 14, 19, 59, 59),
+ ]
+ ),
+ ToontownGlobals.THE_MINGLER_INVASION : HolidayInfo_Yearly(
+ HolidaySuitInvasionManagerAI.HolidaySuitInvasionManagerAI,
+ # PDT: April 3, 14:00 - April 3, 19:00
+ [ (Month.APRIL, 3, 14, 0, 0),
+ (Month.APRIL, 3, 19, 0, 0) ]
+ ),
+ ToontownGlobals.MONEY_BAGS_INVASION : HolidayInfo_Yearly(
+ HolidaySuitInvasionManagerAI.HolidaySuitInvasionManagerAI,
+ # PDT: May 12, 10:00 - May 12, 13:00
+ [ (Month.MAY, 12, 10, 0, 0),
+ (Month.MAY, 12, 13, 0, 0) ]
+ ),
+ #ToontownGlobals.MR_HOLLYWOOD_INVASION : HolidayInfo_Yearly(
+ #HolidaySuitInvasionManagerAI.HolidaySuitInvasionManagerAI,
+ ## PDT: June 12, 12:00 - June 12, 17:00
+ #[ (Month.JUNE, 12, 12, 0, 0),
+ # (Month.JUNE, 12, 17, 0, 0) ]
+ #),
+ ToontownGlobals.VALENTINES_FIREWORKS : HolidayInfo_Yearly(
+ FireworkManagerAI.FireworkManagerAI,
+ # PDT: June 12, 20:00 - June 13, 20:00
+ # Valentine is June 12th in Brazil
+ [ (Month.JUNE, 12, 20, 0, 0),
+ (Month.JUNE, 13, 19, 30, 0) ]
+ ),
+ ToontownGlobals.TELEMARKETER_INVASION : HolidayInfo_Yearly(
+ HolidaySuitInvasionManagerAI.HolidaySuitInvasionManagerAI,
+ # PDT: July 9, 09:00 - July 9 14:00
+ [ (Month.JULY, 9, 9, 0, 0),
+ (Month.JULY, 9, 14, 0, 0) ]
+ ),
+ ToontownGlobals.BOTTOMFEEDER_INVASION : HolidayInfo_Yearly(
+ HolidaySuitInvasionManagerAI.HolidaySuitInvasionManagerAI,
+ # PDT: August 24, 06:00 - August 24, 11:00
+ [ (Month.AUGUST, 24, 6, 0, 0),
+ (Month.AUGUST, 24, 11, 0, 0) ]
+ ),
+ ToontownGlobals.AMBULANCE_CHASER_INVASION : HolidayInfo_Yearly(
+ HolidaySuitInvasionManagerAI.HolidaySuitInvasionManagerAI,
+ # PDT: September 8, 07:00 - September 8, 10:00
+ [ (Month.SEPTEMBER, 8, 7, 0, 0),
+ (Month.SEPTEMBER, 8, 10, 0, 0) ]
+ ),
+ ToontownGlobals.THE_BIG_CHEESE_INVASION : HolidayInfo_Yearly(
+ HolidaySuitInvasionManagerAI.HolidaySuitInvasionManagerAI,
+ # PDT: October 26, 07:00 - October 26, 12:00
+ [ (Month.OCTOBER, 26, 7, 0, 0),
+ (Month.OCTOBER, 26, 12, 0, 0) ]
+ ),
+ ToontownGlobals.NUMBER_CRUNCHER_INVASION : HolidayInfo_Yearly(
+ HolidaySuitInvasionManagerAI.HolidaySuitInvasionManagerAI,
+ # PST: November 17, 09:00 - November 17, 14:00
+ [ (Month.NOVEMBER, 17, 9, 0, 0),
+ (Month.NOVEMBER, 17, 14, 0, 0) ]
+ ),
+ ToontownGlobals.YESMAN_INVASION : HolidayInfo_Yearly(
+ HolidaySuitInvasionManagerAI.HolidaySuitInvasionManagerAI,
+ # PST: December 20, 08:00 - November 17, 13:00
+ [ (Month.DECEMBER, 20, 8, 0, 0),
+ (Month.DECEMBER, 20, 13, 0, 0) ]
+ ),
+ ToontownGlobals.WINTER_DECORATIONS : HolidayInfo_Yearly(
+ None, # No class defined, we just want the news manager to be called
+ # PST: December 6, 12:00 - December 25, 09:00
+ [ (Month.DECEMBER, 6, 12, 0, 0),
+ (Month.DECEMBER, 25, 9, 0, 0) ]
+ ),
+ ToontownGlobals.FISH_BINGO_NIGHT: HolidayInfo_Weekly(
+ BingoNightHolidayAI.BingoNightHolidayAI,
+ # Fish Bingo Night - runs twice a week
+ [
+ # Time1: 11am PST to 3pm PST on Wednesdays
+ (Day.WEDNESDAY, 11, 0, 0),
+ (Day.WEDNESDAY, 15, 0, 0),
+ # Time2: 11am PST to 3pm PST on Saturdays
+ (Day.SATURDAY, 11, 0, 0),
+ (Day.SATURDAY, 15, 0, 0) ]
+ ),
+ ToontownGlobals.KART_RECORD_DAILY_RESET: HolidayInfo_Daily(
+ RaceManagerAI.KartRecordDailyResetter,
+ [(0, 24, 1),
+ (0, 24, 30),
+ ]
+ ),
+ ToontownGlobals.KART_RECORD_WEEKLY_RESET: HolidayInfo_Weekly(
+ RaceManagerAI.KartRecordWeeklyResetter,
+ [(Day.MONDAY, 0, 25, 1),
+ (Day.MONDAY, 0, 25, 30),
+ ]
+ ),
+ ToontownGlobals.CIRCUIT_RACING: HolidayInfo_Weekly(
+ RaceManagerAI.CircuitRaceHolidayMgr,
+ [(Day.SUNDAY, 0, 0, 1),
+ (Day.SUNDAY, 23, 59, 59),
+ (Day.MONDAY, 0, 0, 1),
+ (Day.MONDAY, 23, 59, 59),
+ ]
+ )
diff --git a/toontown/src/ai/ b/toontown/src/ai/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51ec953
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/ai/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# The AI side
+from AIStart import *
+import DistributedTestAI
+dt = DistributedTestAI.DistributedTestAI(simbase.air)
+# The Client side
+import TestClientRepository
+import os
+# Create a test repository
+basePath = os.path.expandvars('$TOONTOWN') or './toontown'
+cr = TestClientRepository.TestClientRepository(basePath+"/src/configfiles/toon.dc")
+# Connect the test repository
+cr.connect("localhost", 6667)
+# Set the Shard
+# Switch to zone 101
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/.cvsignore b/toontown/src/battle/.cvsignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..985f113
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/.cvsignore
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/ b/toontown/src/battle/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4534121
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/
@@ -0,0 +1,404 @@
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from toontown.toonbase.ToontownBattleGlobals import *
+from direct.task.Timer import *
+import math
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from toontown.toon import NPCToons
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+# locations of the various types of data within the toonAttacks list
+# used when calculating attack damage, accuracy bonus, and damage bonus
+# locations of the various types of data within the suitAttacks list
+# used when calculating toon attack type, target, and attack damage
+# Toon actions and attacks
+NO_ID = -1
+PASS_ATTACK = -3 # used so we can display pass indicator
+NO_TRAP = -1
+PASS = 98
+SOS = 99
+NPCSOS = 97
+PETSOS = 96
+FIRE = 100
+# Defined in
+# For reference, in ToontownBattleGlobals
+# Attack times
+TOON_RUN_T = 3.3
+# Reward times
+# debugBattles = base.config.GetBool('debug-battles', 0)
+ CLIENT_INPUT_TIMEOUT = base.config.GetFloat('battle-input-timeout', TTLocalizer.BBbattleInputTimeout)
+# debugBattles = simbase.config.GetBool('debug-battles', 0)
+ CLIENT_INPUT_TIMEOUT = simbase.config.GetFloat('battle-input-timeout', TTLocalizer.BBbattleInputTimeout)
+def levelAffectsGroup(track, level):
+ #return (level % 2)
+ return attackAffectsGroup(track, level) #UBER
+def attackAffectsGroup(track, level, type=None):
+ #if (track == HEAL and (level % 2)):
+ # return 1
+ #elif (track == LURE and (level % 2)):
+ # return 1
+ #elif (track == SOUND):
+ # return 1
+ #elif (track == NPCSOS or type == NPCSOS or track == PETSOS or type == PETSOS):
+ # return 1
+ #else:
+ # return 0
+ if (track == NPCSOS or type == NPCSOS or track == PETSOS or type == PETSOS):
+ return 1
+ elif (track >= 0) and (track <= DROP_TRACK):
+ return AvPropTargetCat[AvPropTarget[track]][level]
+ else:
+ return 0
+def getToonAttack(id, track=NO_ATTACK, level=-1, target=-1):
+ """ getToonAttack(id, track, level, target)
+ """
+ return [id, track, level, target, [], 0, 0, [], 0, 0]
+def getDefaultSuitAttacks():
+ """ getDefaultSuitAttacks()
+ """
+ suitAttacks = [[NO_ID, NO_ATTACK, -1, [], 0, 0, 0],
+ [NO_ID, NO_ATTACK, -1, [], 0, 0, 0],
+ [NO_ID, NO_ATTACK, -1, [], 0, 0, 0],
+ [NO_ID, NO_ATTACK, -1, [], 0, 0, 0]]
+ return suitAttacks
+def getDefaultSuitAttack():
+ """ getDefaultSuitAttack()
+ """
+ return [NO_ID, NO_ATTACK, -1, [], 0, 0, 0]
+def findToonAttack(toons, attacks, track):
+ """ findToonAttack(toons, attacks, track)
+ Return all attacks of the specified track sorted by increasing level
+ """
+ foundAttacks = []
+ for t in toons:
+ if (attacks.has_key(t)):
+ attack = attacks[t]
+ local_track = attack[TOON_TRACK_COL]
+ # If it's an NPC, convert to the appropriate track
+ if (track != NPCSOS and attack[TOON_TRACK_COL] == NPCSOS):
+ local_track = NPCToons.getNPCTrack(attack[TOON_TGT_COL])
+ if (local_track == track):
+ if local_track == FIRE:
+ canFire = 1
+ for attackCheck in foundAttacks:
+ if attackCheck[TOON_TGT_COL] == attack[TOON_TGT_COL]:
+ canFire = 0
+ else:
+ pass
+ if canFire:
+ assert(t == attack[TOON_ID_COL])
+ foundAttacks.append(attack)
+ else:
+ assert(t == attack[TOON_ID_COL])
+ foundAttacks.append(attack)
+ def compFunc(a, b):
+ if (a[TOON_LVL_COL] > b[TOON_LVL_COL]):
+ return 1
+ elif (a[TOON_LVL_COL] < b[TOON_LVL_COL]):
+ return -1
+ return 0
+ foundAttacks.sort(compFunc)
+ return foundAttacks
+# A little pad time added to server time calculations, to allow for
+# slow or out-of-sync clients. In general, the AI server will give
+# each client the expected time to complete its movie, plus
+# SERVER_BUFFER_TIME, and then will ask all the clients to move on
+# with or without the slow one(s).
+#CLIENT_INPUT_TIMEOUT = TTLocalizer.BBbattleInputTimeout
+# The maximum time we expect a suit to take walk to its position in
+# battle.
+MAX_JOIN_T = TTLocalizer.BBbattleInputTimeout
+# The length of time for a faceoff taunt.
+# length of time we look at the interactive prop helping toons
+# The amount of time it takes to open up the elevator doors and walk
+# out.
+# This is the furthest we expect to have to walk from the face-off to
+# get the battle. If we are further away than this, we suspect we are
+# victims of clock skew.
+class BattleBase:
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('BattleBase')
+ # This defines the points where the suits will stand in battle.
+ # For each number of suits in the battle (1, 2, 3, or 4), the
+ # corresponding element of suitPoints is a list of n (pos, heading)
+ # pairs for each of the n suits to stand.
+ suitPoints = (
+ ((Point3(0, 5, 0), 179),
+ ),
+ ((Point3(2, 5.3, 0), 170),
+ (Point3(-2, 5.3, 0), 180),
+ ),
+ ((Point3(4, 5.2, 0), 170),
+ (Point3(0, 6, 0), 179),
+ (Point3(-4, 5.2, 0), 190),
+ ),
+ ((Point3(6, 4.4, 0), 160),
+ (Point3(2, 6.3, 0), 170),
+ (Point3(-2, 6.3, 0), 190),
+ (Point3(-6, 4.4, 0), 200),
+ ))
+ # And this defines the single set of points for suits who are
+ # "pending": they have joined the battle, but are waiting for the
+ # next round to begin before they take their place.
+ suitPendingPoints = (
+ (Point3(-4, 8.2, 0), 190),
+ (Point3(0, 9, 0), 179),
+ (Point3(4, 8.2, 0), 170),
+ (Point3(8, 3.2, 0), 160),
+ )
+ # This is similar to the above, but for toons instead of suits.
+ toonPoints = (
+ ((Point3(0, -6, 0), 0),
+ ),
+ ((Point3(1.5, -6.5, 0), 5),
+ (Point3(-1.5, -6.5, 0), -5),
+ ),
+ ((Point3(3, -6.75, 0), 5),
+ (Point3(0, -7, 0), 0),
+ (Point3(-3, -6.75, 0), -5),
+ ),
+ ((Point3(4.5, -7, 0), 10),
+ (Point3(1.5, -7.5, 0), 5),
+ (Point3(-1.5, -7.5, 0), -5),
+ (Point3(-4.5, -7, 0), -10),
+ ))
+ toonPendingPoints = (
+ (Point3(-3, -8, 0), -5),
+ (Point3(0, -9, 0), 0),
+ (Point3(3, -8, 0), 5),
+ (Point3(5.5, -5.5, 0), 20),
+ )
+ # These define the points on the perimeter of the battle circle
+ # for suits and toons who are "joining"; this allows the avatar to
+ # walk a circle around the battle to get to its pending point,
+ # defined above.
+ posA = Point3(0, 10, 0)
+ posB = Point3(-7.071, 7.071, 0)
+ posC = Point3(-10, 0, 0)
+ posD = Point3(-7.071, -7.071, 0)
+ posE = Point3(0, -10, 0)
+ posF = Point3(7.071, -7.071, 0)
+ posG = Point3(10, 0, 0)
+ posH = Point3(7.071, 7.071, 0)
+ allPoints = (posA, posB, posC, posD, posE, posF, posG, posH)
+ toonCwise = [posA, posB, posC, posD, posE]
+ toonCCwise = [posH, posG, posF, posE]
+ suitCwise = [posE, posF, posG, posH, posA]
+ suitCCwise = [posD, posC, posB, posA]
+ suitSpeed = 4.8
+ toonSpeed = 8.0
+ def __init__(self):
+ """ __init__()
+ """
+ self.pos = Point3(0, 0, 0)
+ self.initialSuitPos = Point3(0, 1, 0)
+ self.timer = Timer()
+ self.resetLists()
+ def resetLists(self):
+ """ resetLists()
+ """
+ self.suits = []
+ self.pendingSuits = []
+ self.joiningSuits = []
+ self.activeSuits = []
+ self.luredSuits = []
+ self.suitGone = 0
+ self.toons = []
+ self.joiningToons = []
+ self.pendingToons = []
+ self.activeToons = []
+ self.runningToons = []
+ self.toonGone = 0
+ # keep track of toons who helped, so we know which toons just passed all the time
+ self.helpfulToons = []
+ def calcFaceoffTime(self, centerpos, suitpos):
+ """ calcFaceoffTime(centerpos, suitpos)
+ """
+ facing = Vec3(centerpos - suitpos)
+ facing.normalize()
+ suitdest = Point3(centerpos - Point3(facing * 6.0))
+ dist = Vec3(suitdest - suitpos).length()
+ return (dist / BattleBase.suitSpeed)
+ def calcSuitMoveTime(self, pos0, pos1):
+ """ calcSuitMoveTime(pos0, pos1)
+ """
+ dist = Vec3(pos0 - pos1).length()
+ return (dist / BattleBase.suitSpeed)
+ def calcToonMoveTime(self, pos0, pos1):
+ """ calcToonMoveTime(pos0, pos1)
+ """
+ dist = Vec3(pos0 - pos1).length()
+ return (dist / BattleBase.toonSpeed)
+ def buildJoinPointList(self, avPos, destPos, toon=0):
+ """ buildJoinPointList(avPos, destPos, toon)
+ This function is called when suits or toons ask to join the
+ battle and need to figure out how to walk to their selected
+ pending point (destPos). It builds a list of points the
+ avatar should walk through in order to get there. If the list
+ is empty, the avatar will walk straight there.
+ """
+ # In the default case, avatars walk around the perimeter of
+ # the battle cell to get to their target point. Figure out
+ # the shortest path around the circle.
+ # First, find the closest battle join point
+ minDist = 999999.0
+ nearestP = None
+ for p in BattleBase.allPoints:
+ dist = Vec3(avPos - p).length()
+ if (dist < minDist):
+ nearestP = p
+ minDist = dist
+ assert(nearestP != None)
+ self.notify.debug('buildJoinPointList() - avp: %s nearp: %s' % \
+ (avPos, nearestP))
+ # See if destPos is the closest point
+ dist = Vec3(avPos - destPos).length()
+ if (dist < minDist):
+ self.notify.debug('buildJoinPointList() - destPos is nearest')
+ return []
+ if (toon == 1):
+ if (nearestP == BattleBase.posE):
+ self.notify.debug('buildJoinPointList() - posE')
+ plist = [BattleBase.posE]
+ elif (BattleBase.toonCwise.count(nearestP) == 1):
+ self.notify.debug('buildJoinPointList() - clockwise')
+ index = BattleBase.toonCwise.index(nearestP)
+ plist = BattleBase.toonCwise[index+1:]
+ else:
+ self.notify.debug('buildJoinPointList() - counter-clockwise')
+ assert(BattleBase.toonCCwise.count(nearestP) == 1)
+ index = BattleBase.toonCCwise.index(nearestP)
+ plist = BattleBase.toonCCwise[index+1:]
+ else:
+ if (nearestP == BattleBase.posA):
+ self.notify.debug('buildJoinPointList() - posA')
+ plist = [BattleBase.posA]
+ elif (BattleBase.suitCwise.count(nearestP) == 1):
+ self.notify.debug('buildJoinPointList() - clockwise')
+ index = BattleBase.suitCwise.index(nearestP)
+ plist = BattleBase.suitCwise[index+1:]
+ else:
+ self.notify.debug('buildJoinPointList() - counter-clockwise')
+ assert(BattleBase.suitCCwise.count(nearestP) == 1)
+ index = BattleBase.suitCCwise.index(nearestP)
+ plist = BattleBase.suitCCwise[index+1:]
+ self.notify.debug('buildJoinPointList() - plist: %s' % plist)
+ return plist
+ def addHelpfulToon(self, toonId):
+ """Add toonId to our helpful toons, make sure it's in the list at most once."""
+ if toonId not in self.helpfulToons:
+ self.helpfulToons.append(toonId)
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/ b/toontown/src/battle/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e236c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/
@@ -0,0 +1,3205 @@
+from BattleBase import *
+from DistributedBattleAI import *
+from toontown.toonbase.ToontownBattleGlobals import *
+import random
+from toontown.suit import DistributedSuitBaseAI
+import SuitBattleGlobals
+import BattleExperienceAI
+from toontown.toon import NPCToons
+from toontown.pets import PetTricks, DistributedPetProxyAI
+from direct.showbase.PythonUtil import lerp
+class BattleCalculatorAI:
+ """
+ An object that each battle
+ creates in order to perform all of the combat calculations, such
+ as hits/misses, damage amounts, bonuses, etc
+ Attributes:
+ Derived plus...
+ battle: reference to the battle that owns this object
+ SuitAttackers: a map of suit id's and each toon that did damage
+ to that suit and how much damage was done, this is
+ used to let the suit 'intelligently' pick which
+ toon it is going to attack next, generally favoring
+ the toon that did the most damage to it
+ currentlyLuredSuits: list of currently lured suits, used for
+ calculating knockback bonuses and drop
+ hits/misses during a single round (once a suit
+ takes damage, it is no longer lured)
+ kbBonuses: a list of accumulated damage done to a lured suit by
+ knockback bonus qualified attacks and the track of each
+ attack the damage was done by, when that track of
+ attacks is done a single, total knockback bonus is
+ applied to the suit
+ hpBonuses: same as kbBonuses but used to record knock-back bonuses
+ toonAtkOrder: list of toon id's that indicate the order that the
+ toon attacks for a single round will play out
+ toonHPAdjusts: a list of toon HP adjustments used for accurate
+ calculations of each toon's health, useful for
+ deciding if a toon has just died and cannot
+ perform its chosen attack as well as letting the
+ suits know if a toon dies so they dont beat on a dead
+ toon
+ toonSkillPtsGained: a dictionary of lists of experience gained
+ in each track, indexed by toonId
+ """
+ # a map of the number of previous hits to
+ # an accuracy bonus for the next attack
+ AccuracyBonuses = [0, 20, 40, 60]
+ # a map of the number of previous hits to
+ # a damage bonus for the next attack
+ DamageBonuses = [0, 20, 20, 20]
+ # how much of an accuracy bonus a toon gets for each level of
+ # an attack track
+ AttackExpPerTrack = [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60] #HARDCODE UBER
+ # number of max rounds for targets to be lured for each different
+ # level of lure
+ NumRoundsLured = [2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 15]
+ # a trap level value placed in self.traps if more than one trap is
+ # placed on a single suit within the same round, this value should not
+ # be -1 (the value of NO_TRAP) or a valid level of 0 or greater
+ # whether or not to apply healt adjustments to suits and toons when
+ # damages are calculated from attacks
+ # make attacks on toons always miss
+ # whether or not to reduce the reported attack damages to the
+ # target's min and max hp
+ # whether or not to clear the SuitAttackers map each round, this
+ # way suits don't remember which toon attacked him/her for more than
+ # a single round
+ # a temporary flag until a more correct version of the movie is in place
+ # which will unlure suits as soon as they are knocked back, rather than
+ # waiting until the suits does his/her attack
+ # whether or not the battle calculator should clear out trap toon attacks
+ # if there is already a trap on the target
+ # a flag placed in the KBBONUS_COL for a toon attack (right now only
+ # for sounds and drops) that hits when the target is lured, this is used
+ # so the movie can know to do something special for the target, such as
+ # not play a sidestep animation for a drop and play a special animation
+ # for the target when hit by a sound
+ # another flag for the movies that is placed into the KBBONUS_COL for
+ # lure attacks to indicate each suit that is successfully lured
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('BattleCalculatorAI')
+ toonsAlwaysHit = simbase.config.GetBool('toons-always-hit', 0)
+ toonsAlwaysMiss = simbase.config.GetBool('toons-always-miss', 0)
+ toonsAlways5050 = simbase.config.GetBool('toons-always-5050', 0)
+ suitsAlwaysHit = simbase.config.GetBool('suits-always-hit', 0)
+ suitsAlwaysMiss = simbase.config.GetBool('suits-always-miss', 0)
+ immortalSuits = simbase.config.GetBool('immortal-suits', 0)
+ propAndOrganicBonusStack = simbase.config.GetBool('prop-and-organic-bonus-stack', 0)
+ def __init__(self, battle, tutorialFlag=0):
+ self.battle = battle
+ # a map of maps, containing suit id's and each toon that did
+ # damage to that suit and how much damage was done, this is
+ # used to let the suit 'intelligently' pick which
+ # toon it is going to attack next, generally favoring
+ # the toon that did the most damage to it
+ self.SuitAttackers = {}
+ # list of currently lured suits, used for calculating knockback bonuses
+ # and drop hits/misses during a single round (lured suits are no longer
+ # lured after the round is over)
+ self.currentlyLuredSuits = {}
+# self.suitsUnluredThisRound = []
+ # a list created each round and used to keep track of which lure
+ # applies to which target when there are multiple lures in a single
+ # round
+ self.successfulLures = {}
+ # list indicating toon attack order
+ self.toonAtkOrder = []
+ # a list of toon HP adjustments used for sub-round calculations
+ # of which suit might actually kill a specific toon, useful for
+ # deciding if a toon has just died and cannot perform its chosen
+ # attack
+ self.toonHPAdjusts = {}
+ # a dict of lists of the number of skill points gained in each
+ # attack skill for each toon in this battle, at the beginning of
+ # a battle these are zeroed, as the battle progresses, each toon
+ # will gain skill points, when a toon leaves the battle the skill
+ # points will have to be applied and the list in this structure
+ # zeroed out
+ self.toonSkillPtsGained = {}
+ # map of suitId's to trap lvl that is associated with that suit,
+ # used to let the battle calculator remember between and during
+ # rounds which suits have traps, this list contains the same values
+ # as the DistributedSuitAI.battleTrap flag but is independent of it
+ # since we cannot rely on that value being set when we expect it to
+ self.traps = {}
+ self.npcTraps = {}
+ self.suitAtkStats = {}
+ # list used for calculating toon hpBonuses each round
+ self.__clearBonuses(hp=1)
+ self.__clearBonuses(hp=0)
+ self.delayedUnlures = []
+ # This is a factor that's applied to all experience points
+ # awarded in this battle. It's always 1 for a street battle,
+ # but a building battle will set this higher based on the
+ # current floor number within the building.
+ self.__skillCreditMultiplier = 1
+ self.tutorialFlag = tutorialFlag
+ self.trainTrapTriggered = False
+ def setSkillCreditMultiplier(self, mult):
+ self.__skillCreditMultiplier = mult
+ def getSkillCreditMultiplier(self):
+ return self.__skillCreditMultiplier
+ def cleanup(self):
+ self.battle = None
+ def __calcToonAtkHit(self, attackIndex, atkTargets):
+ """
+ attackIndex, toonAttacks entry indicating the attack
+ to use
+ Returns: 1 if attack hit, 0 if not, the second number is the
+ resulting accuracy of the attack not taking into
+ account any accuracy bonus
+ calculate whether or not a specific toon attack hits
+ or misses all of its targets (assumes that either
+ all targets are hit or all are missed)
+ """
+ if len(atkTargets) == 0:
+ return 0, 0
+ # If this is a tutorial, the toon always hits. I'm returning
+ # a 95% accuracy just as a dummy number, because I don't think
+ # it gets used. Just in case it does, 95% is a safe value. Greater
+ # than that may cause something to crash somewhere.
+ if self.tutorialFlag:
+ return 1, 95
+ if self.toonsAlways5050:
+ roll = random.randint(0, 99)
+ if roll < 50:
+ return 1, 95
+ else:
+ return 0, 0
+ if self.toonsAlwaysHit:
+ return 1, 95
+ elif self.toonsAlwaysMiss:
+ return 0, 0
+ debug = self.notify.getDebug()
+ attack = self.battle.toonAttacks[attackIndex]
+ atkTrack, atkLevel = self.__getActualTrackLevel(attack)
+ # According to Justin's comment it might be risky to return 100%
+ # accuracy for any attack other than trap
+ # If the track comes back as NPCSOS, it's not a normal toon attack,
+ # so it really doesn't matter what we return anyway
+ if (atkTrack == NPCSOS):
+ return (1, 95)
+ if (atkTrack == FIRE):
+ return (1, 95)
+ # certain attack tracks (trap) always hit
+ if (atkTrack == TRAP):
+ if debug:
+ self.notify.debug("Attack is a trap, so it hits regardless")
+ attack[TOON_ACCBONUS_COL] = 0
+ return (1, 100)
+ elif (atkTrack == DROP and attack[TOON_TRACK_COL] == NPCSOS):
+ # NPC drop can hit multiple targets
+ unluredSuits = 0
+ for tgt in atkTargets:
+ if (not self.__suitIsLured(tgt.getDoId())):
+ unluredSuits = 1
+ if (unluredSuits == 0):
+ attack[TOON_ACCBONUS_COL] = 1
+ return (0, 0)
+ elif (atkTrack == DROP):
+ # there can be only one target for a drop, and if the target is
+ # lured, the drop misses
+ # uber drop has multiple targets
+ # RAU TODO, make uber drop be able hit only some of the suits and miss lured suits
+ allLured = True
+ for i in range(len(atkTargets)):
+ if (self.__suitIsLured(atkTargets[i].getDoId())):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("Drop on lured suit " +
+ str(atkTargets[i].getDoId()) + " missed"))
+ else:
+ allLured = False
+ if allLured:
+ attack[TOON_ACCBONUS_COL] = 1
+ return (0, 0)
+ elif (atkTrack == PETSOS):
+ return self.__calculatePetTrickSuccess(attack)
+ # in the case of suit targets, go through each target and pick out
+ # defense of the highest level suit
+ tgtDef = 0
+ numLured = 0
+ if (atkTrack != HEAL):
+ for currTarget in atkTargets:
+ thisSuitDef = self.__targetDefense(currTarget, atkTrack)
+ if debug:
+ self.notify.debug("Examining suit def for toon attack: " +
+ str(thisSuitDef))
+ tgtDef = min(thisSuitDef, tgtDef)
+ if (self.__suitIsLured(currTarget.getDoId())):
+ numLured += 1
+ # for combos (multiple toon attacks of the same track with the same
+ # target), use the track exp acc bonus of the highest level toon
+ # attacking in this combo
+ trackExp = self.__toonTrackExp(attack[TOON_ID_COL], atkTrack)
+ for currOtherAtk in self.toonAtkOrder:
+ if currOtherAtk != attack[TOON_ID_COL]:
+ nextAttack = self.battle.toonAttacks[currOtherAtk]
+ nextAtkTrack = self.__getActualTrack(nextAttack)
+ if atkTrack == nextAtkTrack and \
+ attack[TOON_TGT_COL] == nextAttack[TOON_TGT_COL]:
+ currTrackExp = self.__toonTrackExp(
+ nextAttack[TOON_ID_COL], atkTrack)
+ if debug:
+ self.notify.debug("Examining toon track exp bonus: " +
+ str(currTrackExp))
+ trackExp = max(currTrackExp, trackExp)
+ if debug:
+ if atkTrack == HEAL:
+ self.notify.debug("Toon attack is a heal, no target def used")
+ else:
+ self.notify.debug("Suit defense used for toon attack: " +
+ str(tgtDef))
+ self.notify.debug("Toon track exp bonus used for toon attack: " +
+ str(trackExp))
+ # now determine the accuracy of the attack the toon is using
+ #
+ # NPCs always hit
+ if (attack[TOON_TRACK_COL] == NPCSOS):
+ randChoice = 0
+ else:
+ randChoice = random.randint(0, 99)
+ propAcc = AvPropAccuracy[atkTrack][atkLevel]
+ # use an adjusted LURE accuracy level if they have a fruiting gag-tree
+ if atkTrack == LURE:
+ treebonus = self.__toonCheckGagBonus(attack[TOON_ID_COL], atkTrack, atkLevel)
+ propBonus = self.__checkPropBonus(atkTrack)
+ if self.propAndOrganicBonusStack:
+ propAcc = 0
+ if treebonus :
+ self.notify.debug( "using organic bonus lure accuracy")
+ propAcc+= AvLureBonusAccuracy[atkLevel]
+ if propBonus:
+ self.notify.debug( "using prop bonus lure accuracy")
+ propAcc+= AvLureBonusAccuracy[atkLevel]
+ else:
+ if treebonus or propBonus:
+ self.notify.debug( "using oragnic OR prop bonus lure accuracy")
+ propAcc = AvLureBonusAccuracy[atkLevel]
+ attackAcc = propAcc + trackExp + tgtDef
+ # see if the previous attack was the same track as the current
+ # track, if so the hit or miss status of this attack is the same
+ # as the that of the prevous attack
+ currAtk = self.toonAtkOrder.index(attackIndex)
+ # Heals shouldn't be affected by the previous attack
+ if (currAtk > 0 and atkTrack != HEAL):
+ prevAtkId = self.toonAtkOrder[currAtk - 1]
+ prevAttack = self.battle.toonAttacks[prevAtkId]
+ prevAtkTrack = self.__getActualTrack(prevAttack)
+ # if the track of this attack is the same as the previous attack
+ # and the target(s) of this and the previous attacks are the same
+ # and the previous attack was side-stepped, then this attack
+ # is also side-stepped since attacks of the same track occurr at
+ # once NOTE: the target column for the attack is the id of the
+ # target, if the attack is a group attack, this id is 0 since
+ # there is no single target, in either case the real id or id of
+ # 0 must be the same for this and the previous attack
+ # we need to special handle a lure attack, since lures can be
+ # either group or single targets and when one hits in a single
+ # round all others during that same round also hit
+ lure = atkTrack == LURE and \
+ ((not attackAffectsGroup(atkTrack, atkLevel,
+ attack[TOON_TRACK_COL]) and \
+ self.successfulLures.has_key(attack[TOON_TGT_COL])) or \
+ attackAffectsGroup(atkTrack, atkLevel, attack[TOON_TRACK_COL]))
+ if atkTrack == prevAtkTrack and \
+ (attack[TOON_TGT_COL] == prevAttack[TOON_TGT_COL] or \
+ lure):
+ if prevAttack[TOON_ACCBONUS_COL] == 1:
+ if debug:
+ self.notify.debug("DODGE: Toon attack track dodged")
+ elif prevAttack[TOON_ACCBONUS_COL] == 0:
+ if debug:
+ self.notify.debug("HIT: Toon attack track hit")
+ else:
+ assert 0, "Unknown value for sidestep flag"
+ return (not attack[TOON_ACCBONUS_COL],
+# (not attack[TOON_ACCBONUS_COL]) * 100)
+ attackAcc)
+ atkAccResult = attackAcc
+ if debug:
+ self.notify.debug("setting atkAccResult to %d" % atkAccResult)
+ acc = attackAcc + self.__calcToonAccBonus(attackIndex)
+ if (atkTrack != LURE and atkTrack != HEAL):
+ # non-lure attacks are affected by how many targets are lured,
+ # the more targets that are lured, the better chance the attack
+ # has to hit, if all targets are lured, the attack will hit
+ if atkTrack != DROP:
+ if numLured == len(atkTargets):
+ # all suits are lured so the attack hits regardless
+ if debug:
+ self.notify.debug("all targets are lured, attack hits")
+ attack[TOON_ACCBONUS_COL] = 0
+ return (1, 100)
+ else:
+ # at least one target is not lured, but lets reduce the
+ # defense of all the targets based on how many suits are lured
+ luredRatio = float(numLured) / float(len(atkTargets))
+ accAdjust = 100 * luredRatio
+ if accAdjust > 0 and debug:
+ self.notify.debug(str(numLured) + " out of " +
+ str(len(atkTargets)) +
+ " targets are lured, so adding " +
+ str(accAdjust) +
+ " to attack accuracy")
+ acc += accAdjust
+ else:
+ #lets reverse the logic if it's a drop
+ if numLured == len(atkTargets):
+ # all suits are lured so the attack misses
+ if debug:
+ self.notify.debug("all targets are lured, attack misses")
+ attack[TOON_ACCBONUS_COL] = 0
+ return (0, 0)
+ else:
+ #RAU this feels too overpowered
+ pass
+ # at least one target is not lured, but lets reduce the
+ # defense of all the targets based on how many suits are lured
+ #luredRatio = float(numLured) / float(len(atkTargets))
+ #luredRatio = 1.0 - luredRatio
+ #accAdjust = 100 * luredRatio
+ #if accAdjust > 0 and debug:
+ # self.notify.debug(str(numLured) + " out of " +
+ # str(len(atkTargets)) +
+ # " targets are lured, so adding " +
+ # str(accAdjust) +
+ # " to attack accuracy")
+ #acc += accAdjust
+ # NOTE: We are imposing an upper limit on accuracy, so there is
+ # always some chance of missing (for toons anyway)
+ if acc > MaxToonAcc:
+ acc = MaxToonAcc
+ if randChoice < acc:
+ if debug:
+ self.notify.debug("HIT: Toon attack rolled" +
+ str(randChoice) +
+ "to hit with an accuracy of" + str(acc))
+ attack[TOON_ACCBONUS_COL] = 0
+ else:
+ if debug:
+ self.notify.debug("MISS: Toon attack rolled" +
+ str(randChoice) +
+ "to hit with an accuracy of" + str(acc))
+ attack[TOON_ACCBONUS_COL] = 1
+ return (not attack[TOON_ACCBONUS_COL], atkAccResult)
+ def __toonTrackExp(self, toonId, track):
+ """
+ toonId, toon to get the track exp value for
+ calculate a track exp value used for the specified
+ toon's attack accuracy calculations
+ """
+ # CCC look at next attacks that are the same track, take the max
+ # toon track exp and use that for this attack
+ toon = self.battle.getToon(toonId)
+ if (toon != None):
+ toonExpLvl = toon.experience.getExpLevel(track)
+ exp = self.AttackExpPerTrack[toonExpLvl]
+ if track == HEAL:
+ exp = exp * 0.5
+ self.notify.debug("Toon track exp: " + str(toonExpLvl) +
+ " and resulting acc bonus: " + str(exp))
+ return exp
+ else:
+ return 0
+ def __toonCheckGagBonus(self, toonId, track, level):
+ toon = self.battle.getToon(toonId)
+ if (toon != None):
+ return toon.checkGagBonus(track, level)
+ else:
+ return False
+ def __checkPropBonus(self, track):
+ """Return true if this battle has a prop buffing it."""
+ result = False
+ if self.battle.getInteractivePropTrackBonus() == track:
+ result = True
+ return result
+ def __targetDefense(self, suit, atkTrack):
+ """
+ Parameters: suit, the suit to get the defense of
+ atkTrack, attack track type being used on the suit
+ calculate a suit's defense value given its level
+ """
+ if atkTrack == HEAL:
+ return 0
+ suitDef = SuitBattleGlobals.SuitAttributes[]\
+ ['def'][suit.getLevel()]
+ return -suitDef
+ def __createToonTargetList(self, attackIndex):
+ """
+ attackIndex, index into the toonAttacks list which
+ indicates which attack we are using
+ create a list of targets for the specified toon
+ attack, the target type of the attack determines
+ which participants in the battle are targets
+ """
+ attack = self.battle.toonAttacks[attackIndex]
+ atkTrack, atkLevel = self.__getActualTrackLevel(attack)
+ targetList = []
+ if (atkTrack == NPCSOS):
+ # Must be a non-toon NPC attack of some kind
+ return targetList
+ if (not attackAffectsGroup(atkTrack, atkLevel, attack[TOON_TRACK_COL])):
+ # add only the specified target to the target list
+ if (atkTrack == HEAL):
+ # If the "attack" is a heal, then the target is a
+ # toon, and for toons we only keep track of the doId,
+ # so just add that to the target list.
+ target = attack[TOON_TGT_COL]
+ else:
+ # Otherwise, the target must be a suit.
+ target = self.battle.findSuit(attack[TOON_TGT_COL])
+ if target != None:
+ targetList.append(target)
+ else:
+ # all targets currently in battle
+ #
+ if (atkTrack == HEAL or atkTrack == PETSOS):
+ if (attack[TOON_TRACK_COL] == NPCSOS or atkTrack == PETSOS):
+ targetList = self.battle.activeToons
+ else:
+ # copy over the toon ids for all toons except for the
+ # one doing the heal
+ for currToon in self.battle.activeToons:
+ if attack[TOON_ID_COL] != currToon:
+ targetList.append(currToon)
+ else:
+ targetList = self.battle.activeSuits
+ return targetList
+ def __prevAtkTrack(self, attackerId, toon=1):
+ """
+ toon, 1 if the attacker is a toon, 0 otherwise
+ get the track type of the previous attack, wrt to
+ the attackerId given, and in the order that the movie
+ will play out the attacks
+ """
+ if toon:
+ prevAtkIdx = self.toonAtkOrder.index(attackerId) - 1
+ if prevAtkIdx >= 0:
+ prevAttackerId = self.toonAtkOrder[prevAtkIdx]
+ attack = self.battle.toonAttacks[prevAttackerId]
+ return self.__getActualTrack(attack)
+ else:
+ return NO_ATTACK
+ else:
+ assert 0, "__prevAtkTrack: not defined for suits!"
+ def getSuitTrapType(self, suitId):
+ """
+ Parameters: suitId, the suit to get the trap type from
+ Returns: the type of trap currently on the suit, NO_TRAP if
+ no trap exists on this suit
+ the type of trap the specified suit has on it
+ """
+ if (self.traps.has_key(suitId)):
+ if (self.traps[suitId][0] == self.TRAP_CONFLICT):
+ return NO_TRAP
+ else:
+ return self.traps[suitId][0]
+ else:
+ return NO_TRAP
+ def __suitTrapDamage(self, suitId):
+ """
+ Returns the damage that will be done to the suit when its trap
+ is sprung.
+ """
+ if (self.traps.has_key(suitId)):
+ return self.traps[suitId][2]
+ else:
+ return 0
+ def addTrainTrapForJoiningSuit(self, suitId):
+ """
+ a joining suit needs to be marked with the train trap
+ """
+ self.notify.debug('addTrainTrapForJoiningSuit suit=%d self.traps=%s' % (suitId,self.traps))
+ trapInfoToUse = None
+ for trapInfo in self.traps.values():
+ if trapInfo[0] == UBER_GAG_LEVEL_INDEX:
+ trapInfoToUse = trapInfo
+ break
+ if trapInfoToUse:
+ self.traps[suitId] = trapInfoToUse
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning('huh we did not find a train trap?')
+ def __addSuitGroupTrap(self, suitId, trapLvl, attackerId, allSuits, npcDamage = 0):
+ """
+ suitId, the suit to place the trap on
+ trapLvl, the type of trap to place
+ place a trap in front of a specific suit
+ if we're place a group trap, and we detect a conflict, we need to
+ mark all the other suits as trap conflicts
+ """
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ if (npcDamage == 0):
+ if (self.traps.has_key(suitId)):
+ # a trap level of TRAP_CONFLICT indicates that this suit has
+ # had more than one trap placed on it this round so any new
+ # traps placed on this suit should not stay
+ if (self.traps[suitId][0] == self.TRAP_CONFLICT):
+ pass
+ else:
+ # this is the second trap placed on this suit this round
+ # so both the previous trap and this trap are gone, indicate
+ # this case by setting trap level to 'TRAP_CONFLICT'
+ self.traps[suitId][0] = self.TRAP_CONFLICT
+ #mark all the suits as trap conflict
+ for suit in allSuits:
+ id = suit.doId
+ if (self.traps.has_key(id)):
+ self.traps[id][0] = self.TRAP_CONFLICT
+ else:
+ self.traps[id] = [self.TRAP_CONFLICT, 0, 0]
+ else:
+ toon = self.battle.getToon(attackerId)
+ organicBonus = toon.checkGagBonus(TRAP, trapLvl)
+ propBonus = self.__checkPropBonus(TRAP)
+ damage = getAvPropDamage(TRAP, trapLvl,
+ toon.experience.getExp(TRAP), organicBonus,
+ propBonus, self.propAndOrganicBonusStack)
+ if self.itemIsCredit(TRAP, trapLvl):
+ self.traps[suitId] = [trapLvl, attackerId, damage]
+ else:
+ # If we don't deserve credit for the high-level trap
+ # attack, don't bother to record the creator.
+ self.traps[suitId] = [trapLvl, 0, damage]
+ #what do we do in a multi suit battle, if we lure
+ #one suit the do the train trap? Currently we just unlure
+ self.notify.debug('calling __addLuredSuitsDelayed')
+ self.__addLuredSuitsDelayed(attackerId, targetId=-1, ignoreDamageCheck = True)
+ else:
+ # NPC traps defer to any pre-set traps, but they can take
+ # the spot of two traps that collided
+ if (self.traps.has_key(suitId)):
+ if (self.traps[suitId][0] == self.TRAP_CONFLICT):
+ self.traps[suitId] = [trapLvl, 0, npcDamage]
+ elif (not self.__suitIsLured(suitId)):
+ self.traps[suitId] = [trapLvl, 0, npcDamage]
+ def __addSuitTrap(self, suitId, trapLvl, attackerId, npcDamage = 0):
+ """
+ suitId, the suit to place the trap on
+ trapLvl, the type of trap to place
+ place a trap in front of a specific suit
+ """
+ if (npcDamage == 0):
+ if (self.traps.has_key(suitId)):
+ # a trap level of TRAP_CONFLICT indicates that this suit has
+ # had more than one trap placed on it this round so any new
+ # traps placed on this suit should not stay
+ if (self.traps[suitId][0] == self.TRAP_CONFLICT):
+ pass
+ else:
+ # this is the second trap placed on this suit this round
+ # so both the previous trap and this trap are gone, indicate
+ # this case by setting trap level to 'TRAP_CONFLICT'
+ self.traps[suitId][0] = self.TRAP_CONFLICT
+ else:
+ toon = self.battle.getToon(attackerId)
+ organicBonus = toon.checkGagBonus(TRAP, trapLvl)
+ propBonus = self.__checkPropBonus(TRAP)
+ damage = getAvPropDamage(TRAP, trapLvl,
+ toon.experience.getExp(TRAP), organicBonus,
+ propBonus, self.propAndOrganicBonusStack)
+ if self.itemIsCredit(TRAP, trapLvl):
+ self.traps[suitId] = [trapLvl, attackerId, damage]
+ else:
+ # If we don't deserve credit for the high-level trap
+ # attack, don't bother to record the creator.
+ self.traps[suitId] = [trapLvl, 0, damage]
+ else:
+ # NPC traps defer to any pre-set traps, but they can take
+ # the spot of two traps that collided
+ if (self.traps.has_key(suitId)):
+ if (self.traps[suitId][0] == self.TRAP_CONFLICT):
+ self.traps[suitId] = [trapLvl, 0, npcDamage]
+ elif (not self.__suitIsLured(suitId)):
+ self.traps[suitId] = [trapLvl, 0, npcDamage]
+ def __removeSuitTrap(self, suitId):
+ """
+ suitId, the doId of the suit to remove the trap from
+ remove any trap from the specified suit
+ """
+ if self.traps.has_key(suitId):
+ del self.traps[suitId]
+ def __clearTrapCreator(self, creatorId, suitId = None):
+ """
+ creatorId, the doId of the toon who placed the trap
+ suitId, the particular suit's trap to remove (or None)
+ remove the specified creator id from any trap on
+ the specified target (or any target if suitId is
+ None). this should be done when the creator should
+ no longer get exp credit for the trap
+ """
+ if suitId == None:
+ for currTrap in self.traps.keys():
+ if creatorId == self.traps[currTrap][1]:
+ self.traps[currTrap][1] = 0
+ else:
+ if self.traps.has_key(suitId):
+ assert(self.traps[suitId][1] == 0 or self.traps[suitId][1] == creatorId)
+ self.traps[suitId][1] = 0
+ def __trapCreator(self, suitId):
+ """
+ suitId, the doId of the suit to remove the trap from
+ If a suit has a trap associated with it, get the
+ id of who created the trap, for the purposes of
+ awarding experience points after the trap is
+ sprung. If the creator is no longer in the
+ battle, or if the creator is still in the
+ battle but used an overly-powerful trap item, 0
+ is returned.
+ """
+ if self.traps.has_key(suitId):
+ return self.traps[suitId][1]
+ else:
+ return 0
+ def __initTraps(self):
+ """
+ Make sure every round to go through the traps list
+ and any that exist and have values of 'TRAP_CONFLICT'
+ should be deleted since this is a new round and
+ 'trap conflicts' dont persist between rounds
+ """
+ self.trainTrapTriggered = False
+ keysList = self.traps.keys()
+ for currTrap in keysList:
+ if (self.traps[currTrap][0] == self.TRAP_CONFLICT):
+ del self.traps[currTrap]
+ def __calcToonAtkHp(self, toonId):
+ """
+ attackIndex, index into the list of toonAttacks
+ that indicates which attack we are to be calculating
+ the damage for
+ Calculate the amount of damage the specified attack
+ will do
+ """
+ # generate a list of possible targets based on the attack and
+ # determine the damage done to each
+ assert(self.battle.toonAttacks.has_key(toonId))
+ attack = self.battle.toonAttacks[toonId]
+ targetList = self.__createToonTargetList(toonId)
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ # make sure the attack has hit all targets before even
+ # trying to continue
+ atkHit, atkAcc = self.__calcToonAtkHit(toonId, targetList)
+ atkTrack, atkLevel, atkHp = self.__getActualTrackLevelHp(attack)
+ if (not atkHit and atkTrack != HEAL):
+ return
+ # for each target calculate the damage done, it is possible
+ # to be different amounts for the different targets
+ # validTargetAvail tabulates if there is at least one valid
+ # target for this attack (valid depends on the attack, but it
+ # involves the target's lure status as well as if the target
+ # is dead or not)
+ validTargetAvail = 0
+ lureDidDamage = 0
+ currLureId = -1
+ for currTarget in range(len(targetList)):
+ # first get the attack's base damage
+ # check to see if this is a 'lure' attack, if it is, the
+ # lure itself doesn't damage the target, but rather any
+ # trap that might exist in front of the target
+ attackLevel = -1
+ attackTrack = None
+ attackDamage = 0
+ toonTarget = 0
+ targetLured = 0
+ if (atkTrack == HEAL or atkTrack == PETSOS):
+ # the targets are toons, so we need to handle getting info
+ # about the target differently than we do a suit
+ targetId = targetList[currTarget]
+ toonTarget = 1
+ else:
+ targetId = targetList[currTarget].getDoId()
+ if (atkTrack == LURE):
+ # check to see if the target of this lure has a trap set
+ # on him/her, if no then go ahead and lure the suit normally,
+ # if yes, then the trap will damage the target and the target
+ # will effectively not end up lured (because the trap itself
+ # unlures the target)
+ if (self.getSuitTrapType(targetId) == NO_TRAP):
+ if self.notify.getDebug():
+ self.notify.debug("Suit lured, but no trap exists")
+ # make sure to add the suit to the lured list,
+ # if suits are unlured immediately then we only need
+ # to add suits which are not lured onto a trap to
+ # the currently lured list (if the suit was lured this
+ # round by some other attack, then still add the suit
+ # to the lured list because we want to update the lured
+ # suit info with this new lure, but if the suit was
+ # lured on a previous round and is still lured, then
+ # this lure does not affect the suit)
+ if not self.__suitIsLured(targetId, prevRound=1):
+ if not self.__combatantDead(targetId,
+ toon=toonTarget):
+ validTargetAvail = 1
+ rounds = self.NumRoundsLured[atkLevel]
+ wakeupChance = 100 - (atkAcc * 2)
+ npcLurer = (attack[TOON_TRACK_COL] == NPCSOS)
+ currLureId = self.__addLuredSuitInfo(
+ targetId, -1, rounds, wakeupChance, toonId,
+ atkLevel, lureId=currLureId, npc = npcLurer)
+ if self.notify.getDebug():
+ self.notify.debug(
+ "Suit lured for " +
+ str(rounds)+
+ " rounds max with " +
+ str(wakeupChance)+
+ "% chance to wake up each round")
+ targetLured = 1
+ else:
+ # get the damage for the trap that was triggered
+ # which is obtained from asking the target itself
+ # since we only get here if there is a trap in front
+ # of the target, we know that the target is not lured
+ attackTrack = TRAP
+ #attackLevel = targetList[currTarget].battleTrap
+ if (self.traps.has_key(targetId)):
+ trapInfo = self.traps[targetId]
+ attackLevel = trapInfo[0]
+ else:
+ attackLevel = NO_TRAP
+ attackDamage = self.__suitTrapDamage(targetId)
+ # determine who placed the trap and give them exp
+ trapCreatorId = self.__trapCreator(targetId)
+ if trapCreatorId > 0:
+ self.notify.debug("Giving trap EXP to toon " +
+ str(trapCreatorId))
+ self.__addAttackExp(attack, track=TRAP,
+ level=attackLevel,
+ attackerId=trapCreatorId)
+ # Remove the owner record now, so we don't
+ # accidentally give the trap placer multiple
+ # experience points if multiple players sprung the
+ # trap.
+ self.__clearTrapCreator(trapCreatorId, targetId)
+ lureDidDamage = 1
+ if self.notify.getDebug():
+ self.notify.debug(
+ "Suit lured right onto a trap! (" +
+ str(AvProps[attackTrack][attackLevel]) +
+ "," + str(attackLevel) + ")")
+ if not self.__combatantDead(targetId, toon=toonTarget):
+ validTargetAvail = 1
+ targetLured = 1
+ # make sure to add the suit to the lured list,
+ # if suits are not unlured immediately, then even a suit
+ # which is lured onto a trap will still be lured until
+ # all toon attacks are finished
+ if not self.__suitIsLured(targetId, prevRound=1):
+ if not self.__combatantDead(targetId,
+ toon=toonTarget):
+ validTargetAvail = 1
+ rounds = self.NumRoundsLured[atkLevel]
+ wakeupChance = 100 - (atkAcc * 2)
+ npcLurer = (attack[TOON_TRACK_COL] == NPCSOS)
+ currLureId = self.__addLuredSuitInfo(
+ targetId, -1, rounds, wakeupChance, toonId,
+ atkLevel, lureId=currLureId, npc = npcLurer)
+ if self.notify.getDebug():
+ self.notify.debug(
+ "Suit lured for " +
+ str(rounds)+
+ " rounds max with " +
+ str(wakeupChance)+
+ "% chance to wake up each round")
+ targetLured = 1
+ # be sure to unlure this guy after calculating toon attacks
+ # if he/she was lured onto a trap, attackLevel should be
+ # the level of the trap that the suit was lured onto
+ if attackLevel != -1:
+ self.__addLuredSuitsDelayed(toonId, targetId)
+ # now check to see if this target is lured by this lure
+ # based on any previous lures that happened this round,
+ # higher level lures over-ride lower level ones because
+ # they cause the suit to be lured for a longer period of
+ # time
+ if targetLured and \
+ (not self.successfulLures.has_key(targetId) or \
+ (self.successfulLures.has_key(targetId) and \
+ self.successfulLures[targetId][1] < \
+ atkLevel)):
+ self.notify.debug("Adding target " + str(targetId) +
+ " to successfulLures list")
+ self.successfulLures[targetId] = [
+ toonId,
+ atkLevel,
+ atkAcc,
+ -1]
+ else:
+ if (atkTrack == TRAP):
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ npcDamage = 0
+ if (attack[TOON_TRACK_COL] == NPCSOS):
+ npcDamage = atkHp
+ # if this attack is a trap and the target already has
+ # a trap on it, clear the attack and move to the next
+ # attack. NOTE: this assumes that a trap will only
+ # affect a single target
+ if self.getSuitTrapType(targetId) != NO_TRAP:
+ self.__clearAttack(toonId)
+ return
+ # be sure to set our own internal trap indicator for
+ # this suit so no more traps can be placed on this target
+ if atkLevel == UBER_GAG_LEVEL_INDEX:
+ #the SOS trap will also affect a group, but we want the train trap to behave differently
+ self.__addSuitGroupTrap(targetId, atkLevel, toonId, targetList, npcDamage)
+ if self.__suitIsLured(targetId):
+ # if this is a train trap on a lured suit,
+ # be sure to place a indicator in the
+ # KBBONUS_COL so the battle movie knows
+ # that this is a train trap on a lured suit
+ # and it should do something different than other
+ # attack types on lured suits
+ self.notify.debug("Train Trap on lured suit %d, \n indicating with KBBONUS_COL flag" % targetId)
+ tgtPos = self.battle.activeSuits.index(
+ targetList[currTarget])
+ attack[TOON_KBBONUS_COL][tgtPos] = \
+ else:
+ self.__addSuitTrap(targetId, atkLevel, toonId, npcDamage)
+ elif self.__suitIsLured(targetId) and \
+ atkTrack == SOUND:
+ # if this is a sound on a lured suit,
+ # be sure to place a indicator in the
+ # KBBONUS_COL so the battle movie knows
+ # that this is a drop or sound on a lured suit
+ # and it should do something different than other
+ # attack types on lured suits
+ self.notify.debug("Sound on lured suit, " +
+ "indicating with KBBONUS_COL flag")
+ tgtPos = self.battle.activeSuits.index(
+ targetList[currTarget])
+ attack[TOON_KBBONUS_COL][tgtPos] = \
+ attackLevel = atkLevel
+ attackTrack = atkTrack
+ toon = self.battle.getToon(toonId)
+ assert toon
+ if ((attack[TOON_TRACK_COL] == NPCSOS and lureDidDamage != 1) or
+ attack[TOON_TRACK_COL] == PETSOS):
+ # If lureDidDamage == 1, attackDamage has already been
+ # filled in
+ attackDamage = atkHp
+ else:
+ if (atkTrack == FIRE):
+ suit = self.battle.findSuit(targetId)
+ if suit:
+ costToFire = 1#suit.getActualLevel()
+ abilityToFire = toon.getPinkSlips()
+ numLeft = abilityToFire - costToFire
+ if numLeft < 0:
+ numLeft = 0
+ toon.b_setPinkSlips(numLeft)
+ if costToFire > abilityToFire:
+ commentStr = "Toon attempting to fire a %s cost cog with %s pinkslips" % (costToFire, abilityToFire)
+ simbase.air.writeServerEvent('suspicious', toonId, commentStr)
+ dislId = toon.DISLid
+ simbase.air.banManager.ban(toonId, dislId, commentStr)
+ print("Not enough PinkSlips to fire cog - print a warning here")
+ else:
+ suit.skeleRevives = 0
+ attackDamage = suit.getHP()
+ else:
+ attackDamage = 0
+ bonus = 0
+ else:
+ organicBonus = toon.checkGagBonus(attackTrack, attackLevel)
+ propBonus = self.__checkPropBonus(attackTrack)
+ attackDamage = getAvPropDamage(attackTrack, attackLevel,
+ toon.experience.getExp(attackTrack), organicBonus,
+ propBonus, self.propAndOrganicBonusStack)
+ if not self.__combatantDead(targetId, toon=toonTarget):
+ #RAU a drop on a lured suit is not a valid target
+ if self.__suitIsLured(targetId) and \
+ atkTrack == DROP:
+ self.notify.debug('not setting validTargetAvail, since drop on a lured suit')
+ else:
+ validTargetAvail = 1
+ # check to see if any damage is done at all by this attack,
+ # just because it hit does not mean it necessarily did damage
+ if (attackLevel == -1) and not (atkTrack == FIRE):
+ # if suit is lured, and no trap exists, no damage
+ # is taken but the lure works, so set damage to -1
+ # to indicate the that the lure was successful and
+ # we get proper visual indication
+ else:
+ # only specify a damage for a non-trap attack, the
+ # damage field for traps is used elsewhere and we should
+ # not change it
+ if (atkTrack != TRAP):
+ result = attackDamage
+ if (atkTrack == HEAL):
+ if not self.__attackHasHit(attack, suit=0):
+ # heals that indicate a 'miss' only do 1/5 the
+ # normal heal amount
+ result = result * 0.2
+ if self.notify.getDebug():
+ self.notify.debug("toon does " +
+ str(result) +
+ " healing to toon(s)")
+ else:
+ if self.__suitIsLured(targetId) and \
+ atkTrack == DROP:
+ result = 0
+ self.notify.debug('setting damage to 0, since drop on a lured suit')
+ if self.notify.getDebug():
+ self.notify.debug("toon does " +
+ str(result) +
+ " damage to suit")
+ else:
+ result = 0
+ #if (self.dbg_ToonSuperDamage):
+ # result = 200
+ if (result != 0 or atkTrack == PETSOS):
+ # be sure to set the amount of damage done by this attack
+ # in the appropriate slot in the toonAttacks list
+ # corresponding to this target
+ targets = self.__getToonTargets(attack)
+ if not targetList[currTarget] in targets:
+ if self.notify.getDebug():
+ self.notify.debug("Target of toon is not accessible!")
+ continue
+ targetIndex = targets.index(targetList[currTarget])
+ if (atkTrack == HEAL):
+ # we need to divide up the heal amounts among all
+ # targets, and heals alway hit the target
+ result = result / len(targetList)
+ if self.notify.getDebug():
+ self.notify.debug("Splitting heal among " +
+ str(len(targetList)) +
+ " targets")
+ assert(targetIndex < len(attack[TOON_HP_COL]))
+ # if this target is already in the successfulLures list,
+ # then be sure to put in the damage done to this target
+ # by this lure since this might not be the actual lure
+ # that ends up causing damage to the suit
+ if (self.successfulLures.has_key(targetId) and
+ atkTrack == LURE):
+ self.notify.debug("Updating lure damage to " +
+ str(result))
+ self.successfulLures[targetId][3] = result
+ else:
+ attack[TOON_HP_COL][targetIndex] = result
+ # make sure to give exp for any lures associated with
+ # this target if it was lured when it took damage
+ if (result > 0 and atkTrack != HEAL and atkTrack != DROP
+ and atkTrack != PETSOS):
+ attackTrack = LURE
+ lureInfos = self.__getLuredExpInfo(targetId)
+ # determine who lured the target and give them exp
+ # then make sure to remove the lured info for this
+ # target
+ for currInfo in lureInfos:
+ if currInfo[3]:
+ self.notify.debug("Giving lure EXP to toon " +
+ str(currInfo[0]))
+ self.__addAttackExp(attack, track=attackTrack,
+ level=currInfo[1],
+ attackerId=currInfo[0])
+ # now that this lurer has gotten exp for luring this
+ # target that took damage while lured, remove any
+ # references that this target might have to this
+ # lurer to make sure the lurer only gets exp once per
+ # lure, comprende?
+ self.__clearLurer(currInfo[0],
+ lureId=currInfo[2])
+ if lureDidDamage:
+ # since the lure resulted in damage, give exp to the toon
+ if self.itemIsCredit(atkTrack, atkLevel):
+ self.notify.debug("Giving lure EXP to toon " + str(toonId))
+ self.__addAttackExp(attack)
+ # if it has been discovered that all targets are dead or lured and
+ # this is a lure attack or this attack track is different from the
+ # previous attack and all targets are dead, then we want to clear
+ # out this attack
+ if (not validTargetAvail and
+ self.__prevAtkTrack(toonId) != atkTrack):
+ self.__clearAttack(toonId)
+ def __getToonTargets(self, attack):
+ """
+ attack, the attack to get the targets for
+ Get a list of available targets for a specific
+ attack
+ """
+ track = self.__getActualTrack(attack)
+ if (track == HEAL or track == PETSOS):
+ # heals from a toon only apply to other toons
+ return self.battle.activeToons
+ else:
+ # all other attack types apply to suits
+ return self.battle.activeSuits
+ def __attackHasHit(self, attack, suit=0):
+ """
+ attack, the attack to check
+ Returns: 1 if the attack successfully hit
+ 0 if the attack has not hit anything
+ Check the given attack to see if it has hit anything
+ """
+ # return whether or not the target(s) dodged the attack
+ if (suit == 1):
+ for dmg in attack[SUIT_HP_COL]:
+ if (dmg > 0):
+ return 1
+ return 0
+ else:
+ track = self.__getActualTrack(attack)
+ return not attack[TOON_ACCBONUS_COL] and \
+ track != NO_ATTACK
+ def __attackDamage(self, attack, suit=0):
+ """
+ attack, the attack to find the damage for
+ suit, 1 if the attack is a suit attack, 0 otherwise
+ Returns: damage done to one of the targets, 0 if no damage
+ was done
+ Ask how much damage an attack did to any given target
+ """
+ if suit:
+ for dmg in attack[SUIT_HP_COL]:
+ if (dmg > 0):
+ return dmg
+ return 0
+ else:
+ for dmg in attack[TOON_HP_COL]:
+ if (dmg > 0):
+ return dmg
+ return 0
+ def __attackDamageForTgt(self, attack, tgtPos, suit=0):
+ """
+ attack, the attack to find the damage for
+ suit, 1 if the attack is a suit attack, 0 otherwise
+ Returns: damage done to one of the targets, 0 if no damage
+ was done
+ Ask how much damage an attack did to a specific
+ target
+ """
+ if suit:
+ return attack[SUIT_HP_COL][tgtPos]
+ else:
+ return attack[TOON_HP_COL][tgtPos]
+ def __calcToonAccBonus(self, attackKey):
+ """
+ attackIndex, the attack to calculate the accuracy
+ bonus for
+ Calculate the accuracy bonus for a specific attack
+ """
+ # look at previous attacks performed this round to determine
+ # accuracy bonus
+ numPrevHits = 0
+ attackIdx = self.toonAtkOrder.index(attackKey)
+ for currPrevAtk in range(attackIdx - 1, -1, -1):
+ attack = self.battle.toonAttacks[attackKey]
+ atkTrack, atkLevel = self.__getActualTrackLevel(attack)
+ prevAttackKey = self.toonAtkOrder[currPrevAtk]
+ prevAttack = self.battle.toonAttacks[prevAttackKey]
+ prvAtkTrack, prvAtkLevel = self.__getActualTrackLevel(prevAttack)
+ # only if the previous attack hit, the current
+ # attack is not the same track as the prevous attack, and
+ # the target of the attacks are the same (or the previous
+ # or current attack are a group attack), then there is a
+ # possibility of getting an accuracy bonus for this attack
+ if self.__attackHasHit(prevAttack) and \
+ (attackAffectsGroup(prvAtkTrack, prvAtkLevel, prevAttack[TOON_TRACK_COL]) or \
+ attackAffectsGroup(atkTrack, atkLevel, attack[TOON_TRACK_COL]) or \
+ attack[TOON_TGT_COL] == prevAttack[TOON_TGT_COL]) and \
+ atkTrack != prvAtkTrack:
+ numPrevHits += 1
+ if numPrevHits > 0 and self.notify.getDebug():
+ self.notify.debug("ACC BONUS: toon attack received accuracy " +
+ "bonus of " +
+ str(self.AccuracyBonuses[numPrevHits]) +
+ " from previous attack by (" +
+ str(attack[TOON_ID_COL]) +
+ ") which hit")
+ return self.AccuracyBonuses[numPrevHits]
+ def __applyToonAttackDamages(self, toonId, hpbonus=0, kbbonus=0):
+ """
+ attackIndex, the attack to apply damages from
+ Returns: total damage done to everything
+ Apply any damages for the specified toon attack by
+ modifying any suit hit-points, also be sure to flag
+ if any suit died as a result of this damage
+ """
+ # now be sure to adjust the damage to the suit, but only
+ # if the track of the attack is not 0, meaning it is not
+ # a heal, if it's a heal, then the damage is applied as
+ # a plus to the target's health and we don't handle adjusting
+ # toon health here (additionally attack 1 is a trap attacks,
+ # doesn't cause damage directly but only in conjunction with a
+ # lure attack)
+ totalDamages = 0
+ return totalDamages
+ assert(self.battle.toonAttacks.has_key(toonId))
+ attack = self.battle.toonAttacks[toonId]
+ track = self.__getActualTrack(attack)
+ if (track != NO_ATTACK and track != SOS and
+ track != TRAP and track != NPCSOS):
+ # first create a list of targets based on group or
+ # single target designation for this particular attack
+ targets = self.__getToonTargets(attack)
+ for position in range(len(targets)):
+ if hpbonus:
+ # handle applying the hp-bonus if this target
+ # was actually hit by this attack
+ if targets[position] in \
+ self.__createToonTargetList(toonId):
+ damageDone = attack[TOON_HPBONUS_COL]
+ else:
+ damageDone = 0
+ elif kbbonus:
+ # handle applying the hp-bonus if this target
+ # was actually hit by this attack
+ if targets[position] in \
+ self.__createToonTargetList(toonId):
+ damageDone = attack[TOON_KBBONUS_COL][position]
+ else:
+ damageDone = 0
+ else:
+ assert(position < len(attack[TOON_HP_COL]))
+ damageDone = attack[TOON_HP_COL][position]
+ if damageDone <= 0 or self.immortalSuits:
+ # suit at this position was not hit
+ continue
+ if (track == HEAL or track == PETSOS):
+ # target of toon attack was another toon, we
+ # don't want to apply any damage yet
+ currTarget = targets[position]
+ assert(self.toonHPAdjusts.has_key(currTarget))
+ if self.CAP_HEALS:
+ # make sure to bound the toon's health to its
+ # max health
+ toonHp = self.__getToonHp(currTarget)
+ toonMaxHp = self.__getToonMaxHp(currTarget)
+ if toonHp + damageDone > toonMaxHp:
+ damageDone = toonMaxHp - toonHp
+ attack[TOON_HP_COL][position] = damageDone
+ self.toonHPAdjusts[currTarget] += damageDone
+ totalDamages = totalDamages + damageDone
+ continue
+ # we should only get here if the target is a suit and
+ # at least 1hp of damage was done
+ currTarget = targets[position]
+ assert isinstance(currTarget,
+ DistributedSuitBaseAI.DistributedSuitBaseAI), \
+ targets
+ currTarget.setHP(currTarget.getHP() - damageDone)
+ targetId = currTarget.getDoId()
+ if self.notify.getDebug():
+ if hpbonus:
+ self.notify.debug(str(targetId) +
+ ": suit takes " +
+ str(damageDone) +
+ " damage from HP-Bonus")
+ elif kbbonus:
+ self.notify.debug(str(targetId) +
+ ": suit takes " +
+ str(damageDone) +
+ " damage from KB-Bonus")
+ else:
+ self.notify.debug(str(targetId) + ": suit takes " +
+ str(damageDone) + " damage")
+ totalDamages = totalDamages + damageDone
+ # if the suit died from this or a previous
+ # attack, make sure to set the 'died' field for
+ # the target to 1, indicating to the higher-ups
+ # that this suit has died
+ if currTarget.getHP() <= 0:
+ if currTarget.getSkeleRevives() >= 1:
+ currTarget.useSkeleRevive()
+ attack[SUIT_REVIVE_COL] = \
+ attack[SUIT_REVIVE_COL] | (1 << position)
+ else:
+ self.suitLeftBattle(targetId)
+ attack[SUIT_DIED_COL] = \
+ attack[SUIT_DIED_COL] | (1 << position)
+ if self.notify.getDebug():
+ self.notify.debug("Suit" + str(targetId) +
+ "bravely expired in combat")
+ return totalDamages
+ def __combatantDead(self, avId, toon):
+ """
+ attackIdx, index into the appropriate attacks list
+ indicating which attack we are examining
+ toon, whether this attacker is a toon or a suit
+ Returns: 1 if the attacker is dead, 0 otherwise
+ Check to see if the attacker for the specified
+ attack is still alive, useful to check to see if
+ the attack should be calculated
+ """
+ if toon:
+ if self.__getToonHp(avId) <= 0:
+ return 1
+ else:
+ # the suit's hp is adjusted after each attack, so the current
+ # value should be correctly adjusted for attack ordering
+ suit = self.battle.findSuit(avId)
+ assert(suit != None)
+ if (suit.getHP() <= 0):
+ return 1
+ return 0
+ def __combatantJustRevived(self, avId):
+ suit = self.battle.findSuit(avId)
+ assert(suit != None)
+ if suit.reviveCheckAndClear():
+ return 1
+ else:
+ return 0
+ def __addAttackExp(self, attack, track=-1, level=-1, attackerId=-1):
+ """
+ attack, the toon attack to record exp for
+ track, optional track to add exp to
+ lvl, optional lvl to add exp to
+ toonId, optional toon to add exp to
+ Record any exp gained for a toon for the specified
+ attack, the optional parameters, if all are provided
+ will override the attack parameter and add exp to
+ the specified toon for the specified attack track
+ and level
+ """
+ trk = -1
+ lvl = -1
+ id = -1
+ if track != -1 and level != -1 and attackerId != -1:
+ trk = track
+ lvl = level
+ id = attackerId
+ elif self.__attackHasHit(attack):
+ if self.notify.getDebug():
+ self.notify.debug("Attack " + repr(attack) + " has hit")
+ # now be sure to update the skill points gained for the
+ # attacking toon, but only if the attack actually 'hit'
+ # something, meaning it was a 'successful' attack
+ trk = attack[TOON_TRACK_COL]
+ lvl = attack[TOON_LVL_COL]
+ id = attack[TOON_ID_COL]
+ if trk != -1 and trk != NPCSOS and trk != PETSOS and \
+ lvl != -1 and id != -1:
+ expList = self.toonSkillPtsGained.get(id, None)
+ if expList == None:
+ expList = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
+ self.toonSkillPtsGained[id] = expList
+ expList[trk] = min(ExperienceCap,
+ expList[trk] + (lvl + 1) * self.__skillCreditMultiplier)
+ def __clearTgtDied(self, tgt, lastAtk, currAtk):
+ """
+ tgt, the target (in this case a suit)
+ lastAtk, an attack that might have killed the 'tgt'
+ currAtk, an attack that should flag 'tgt' killed if
+ necessary
+ Check to see if the suit died flag for 'lastAtk'
+ should be cleared. This can happen if 'lastAtk'
+ killed the suit, but 'currAtk', which happened right
+ after 'lastAtk', is of the same track and thus we
+ want to play both 'lastAtk' and 'currAtk' for visual
+ and gameplay appeal, even though 'currAtk' is not
+ actually necessary to kill the suit. In this case
+ we only want to flag that the suit died on 'currAtk'
+ so the movie can play the attack sequence properly.
+ """
+ position = self.battle.activeSuits.index(tgt)
+ currAtkTrack = self.__getActualTrack(currAtk)
+ lastAtkTrack = self.__getActualTrack(lastAtk)
+ if currAtkTrack == lastAtkTrack and \
+ lastAtk[SUIT_DIED_COL] & (1 << position) and \
+ self.__attackHasHit(currAtk, suit=0):
+ if self.notify.getDebug():
+ self.notify.debug("Clearing suit died for " +
+ str(tgt.getDoId()) +
+ " at position " + str(position) +
+ " from toon attack " +
+ str(lastAtk[TOON_ID_COL]) +
+ " and setting it for " +
+ str(currAtk[TOON_ID_COL]))
+ # clear the flag from the previous attack
+ lastAtk[SUIT_DIED_COL] = \
+ lastAtk[SUIT_DIED_COL] ^ (1 << position)
+ # make sure since the last attack
+ # indicated that it killed the
+ # suit and we are now clearing out
+ # that indication, that this
+ # attack, which is of the same
+ # track, does flag the suit as
+ # dead
+ assert tgt.getHP() <= 0
+ self.suitLeftBattle(tgt.getDoId())
+ currAtk[SUIT_DIED_COL] = \
+ currAtk[SUIT_DIED_COL] | (1 << position)
+ def __addDmgToBonuses(self, dmg, attackIndex, hp=1):
+ """
+ dmg, how much damage to add to the bonuses list
+ attackIndex, the attack that did specified damage
+ hp, 1 if this is for the hpBonuses list, 0 for the
+ kbBonuses list
+ Add a given damage value done by a specified attack
+ to a specified bonus list, this should be called
+ as soon as a suit is damaged by any attack
+ """
+ toonId = self.toonAtkOrder[attackIndex]
+ attack = self.battle.toonAttacks[toonId]
+ atkTrack = self.__getActualTrack(attack)
+ if (atkTrack == HEAL or atkTrack == PETSOS):
+ return
+ # for each target of this attack, keep track of any bonus from this
+ # attack
+ tgts = self.__createToonTargetList(toonId)
+ for currTgt in tgts:
+ tgtPos = self.battle.suits.index(currTgt)
+ attackerId = self.toonAtkOrder[attackIndex]
+ attack = self.battle.toonAttacks[attackerId]
+ track = self.__getActualTrack(attack)
+ if hp:
+ if self.hpBonuses[tgtPos].has_key(track):
+ self.hpBonuses[tgtPos][track].append([attackIndex, dmg])
+ else:
+ self.hpBonuses[tgtPos][track] = [[attackIndex, dmg]]
+ else:
+ # only add a kbBonus value if the suit is currently lured
+ if self.__suitIsLured(currTgt.getDoId()):
+ if self.kbBonuses[tgtPos].has_key(track):
+ self.kbBonuses[tgtPos][track].append([attackIndex, dmg])
+ else:
+ self.kbBonuses[tgtPos][track] = [[attackIndex, dmg]]
+ def __clearBonuses(self, hp=1):
+ """
+ hp, 1 if the hpBonuses list should be cleared, 0 if
+ the kbBonuses list should be cleared
+ Clear a specific bonuses list, usually done before
+ calculating a new round
+ """
+ if hp:
+ self.hpBonuses = [{}, {}, {}, {}]
+ else:
+ self.kbBonuses = [{}, {}, {}, {}]
+ def __bonusExists(self, tgtSuit, hp=1):
+ """
+ tgtSuit, the suit to check to see if some sort of
+ damage bonus will be applied to him/her
+ hp, 1 to check for a hp-bonus, 0 to check for a
+ knock-back bonus
+ Returns: 1 if a bonus does exist, 0 otherwise
+ Check to see if a certain bonus type exists for a
+ given target suit
+ """
+ tgtPos = self.activeSuits.index(tgtSuit)
+ if hp:
+ bonusLen = len(self.hpBonuses[tgtPos])
+ else:
+ bonusLen = len(self.kbBonuses[tgtPos])
+ if bonusLen > 0:
+ return 1
+ return 0
+ def __processBonuses(self, hp=1):
+ """
+ Process all current hpBonus information, also
+ clearing out the hpBonus information so a new track
+ can be processed
+ """
+ # Process all hpBonus information, making sure to update the
+ # appropriate attacks with the calculated hpBonus for grouped
+ # attacks of the same track that did damage. NOTE: this code
+ # is fairly basic because it assumes that all attacks in a single
+ # track type of attacks are either group or single targets. If in
+ # the future attacks in a track that does damage (not including the
+ # heal track) varies in group or single targets, this function will
+ # not work the way it should. This is because the hpBonuses list is
+ # ordered by target and so an attack that receives an hp-bonus on
+ # say the first target will apply that hp-bonus to all of its
+ # targets depending on if it is a group or single type attack. And
+ # since any other attack that might also receive an hp-bonus in
+ # combination with this attack must be the same track, it must
+ # therefore also be of the same target type. This prevents say
+ # target 1 from receiving a damage bonus of 10 from attack 1 and
+ # target 2 from receiving a damage bonus of 5 from attack 1 (all
+ # targets receiving a damage bonus from attack 1 would all be 10)
+ # Additionally there is only one spot for a hp-bonus for each toon
+ # attack (so if in the future group/single target attacks are mixed
+ # within a single track that does damage then this code will have to
+ # be improved to handle this case and the self.battle.toonAttacks
+ # list will have to have 4 entries for hp-bonuses for each toon
+ # attack)
+ if hp:
+ bonusList = self.hpBonuses
+ self.notify.debug("Processing hpBonuses: " +
+ repr(self.hpBonuses))
+ else:
+ bonusList = self.kbBonuses
+ self.notify.debug("Processing kbBonuses: " +
+ repr(self.kbBonuses))
+ tgtPos = 0
+ for currTgt in bonusList:
+ for currAtkType in currTgt.keys():
+ # for an hpBonus we need at least 2 damages from a single
+ # attack type, for kbBonuses we only need at least 1 damage
+ # value
+ if len(currTgt[currAtkType]) > 1 or \
+ ((not hp) and len(currTgt[currAtkType]) > 0):
+ totalDmgs = 0
+ for currDmg in currTgt[currAtkType]:
+ totalDmgs += currDmg[1]
+ numDmgs = len(currTgt[currAtkType])
+ attackIdx = currTgt[currAtkType][numDmgs-1][0]
+ attackerId = self.toonAtkOrder[attackIdx]
+ attack = self.battle.toonAttacks[attackerId]
+ if hp:
+ attack[TOON_HPBONUS_COL] = math.ceil(
+ totalDmgs * \
+ (self.DamageBonuses[numDmgs - 1] * 0.01))
+ if self.notify.getDebug():
+ self.notify.debug(
+ "Applying hp bonus to track " +
+ str(attack[TOON_TRACK_COL]) +
+ " of " +
+ str(attack[TOON_HPBONUS_COL]))
+ else:
+ if (len(attack[TOON_KBBONUS_COL]) > tgtPos):
+ attack[TOON_KBBONUS_COL][tgtPos] = \
+ totalDmgs * 0.5
+ if self.notify.getDebug():
+ self.notify.debug(
+ "Applying kb bonus to track " +
+ str(attack[TOON_TRACK_COL]) +
+ " of " +
+ str(attack[TOON_KBBONUS_COL][tgtPos]) +
+ " to target " +
+ str(tgtPos))
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning("invalid tgtPos for knock back bonus: %d" % tgtPos)
+ # move on to the next suit in line
+ tgtPos += 1
+ if hp:
+ self.__clearBonuses()
+ else:
+ self.__clearBonuses(hp=0)
+ def __handleBonus(self, attackIdx, hp=1):
+ """
+ attackIdx, index into self.toonAtkOrder indicating
+ which toon attack to calculate the HPBonus for
+ Handle any Bonus that might apply for a specific
+ toon attack (possible bonuses are hp and knockback)
+ """
+ attackerId = self.toonAtkOrder[attackIdx]
+ attack = self.battle.toonAttacks[attackerId]
+ atkDmg = self.__attackDamage(attack, suit=0)
+ atkTrack = self.__getActualTrack(attack)
+ if atkDmg > 0:
+ if hp:
+ # add the attack damage to the hpBonuses list
+ # lures don't get hpBonuses
+ if (atkTrack != LURE):
+ self.notify.debug("Adding dmg of " + str(atkDmg) +
+ " to hpBonuses list")
+ self.__addDmgToBonuses(atkDmg, attackIdx)
+ else:
+ # make sure this attack can get a knockback bonus, if
+ # so add the damage done by the attack to the kbBonuses
+ # list
+ if self.__knockBackAtk(attackerId, toon=1):
+ self.notify.debug("Adding dmg of " + str(atkDmg) +
+ " to kbBonuses list")
+ self.__addDmgToBonuses(atkDmg, attackIdx, hp=0)
+ def __clearAttack(self, attackIdx, toon=1):
+ """
+ // Parameters: attackIdx, the attack to clear out
+ // toon, 1 if this is a toon attack, 0 for a suit attack
+ // Function: clear out a specific attack, usually because it has
+ // been determined that all of its targets are dead
+ """
+ if toon:
+ if self.notify.getDebug():
+ self.notify.debug(
+ "clearing out toon attack for toon " +
+ str(attackIdx) +
+ "...")
+ attack = self.battle.toonAttacks[attackIdx]
+ self.battle.toonAttacks[attackIdx] = \
+ getToonAttack(attackIdx)
+ # make sure to create all the necessary hp columns
+ # for this toon attack
+ longest = max(len(self.battle.activeToons),
+ len(self.battle.activeSuits))
+ taList = self.battle.toonAttacks
+ for j in range(longest):
+ taList[attackIdx][TOON_HP_COL].append(-1)
+ taList[attackIdx][TOON_KBBONUS_COL].append(-1)
+ if self.notify.getDebug():
+ self.notify.debug("toon attack is now " + \
+ repr(self.battle.toonAttacks[attackIdx]))
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning("__clearAttack not implemented for suits!")
+ def __rememberToonAttack(self, suitId, toonId, damage):
+ """
+ suitId, the suit that the toon attacked
+ toonId, the toon that attacked
+ damage, how much damage the toon did to the suit
+ Allow the suit to remember the toon that attacked
+ it and it will attack back if it thinks the toon is
+ worthy of his/her time
+ """
+ if not self.SuitAttackers.has_key(suitId):
+ self.SuitAttackers[suitId] = { toonId: damage }
+ elif not self.SuitAttackers[suitId].has_key(toonId):
+ self.SuitAttackers[suitId][toonId] = damage
+ elif self.SuitAttackers[suitId][toonId] <= damage:
+ # this toon has done more damage than was done on a previous
+ # round, so replace any lesser recorded damage for this toon
+ self.SuitAttackers[suitId] = [toonId, damage]
+ def __postProcessToonAttacks(self):
+ """
+ After all battle calculations have been performed
+ for all toon attacks, make another pass through the
+ attacks to clear out attacks that target dead suits
+ and add up experience points gained by toons this
+ round, also apply damages/heals done by toon attacks
+ """
+ # Now go through each toon attack in order and clear out any
+ # that has all dead targets. For any attack that is still left,
+ # apply its damages to all of its targets
+ self.notify.debug("__postProcessToonAttacks()")
+ lastTrack = -1
+ lastAttacks = []
+ self.__clearBonuses()
+ for currToonAttack in self.toonAtkOrder:
+ if currToonAttack != -1:
+ # if this attack targets suits, get all of its targets
+ # and make sure at least one of them is still alive,
+ # otherwise clear out the attack, also be sure to handle
+ # any hp bonuses (excluding hp bonuses for heals)
+ attack = self.battle.toonAttacks[currToonAttack]
+ atkTrack, atkLevel = self.__getActualTrackLevel(attack)
+ if (atkTrack != HEAL and atkTrack != SOS and
+ atkTrack != NO_ATTACK and atkTrack != NPCSOS and
+ atkTrack != PETSOS):
+ targets = self.__createToonTargetList(currToonAttack)
+ allTargetsDead = 1
+ for currTgt in targets:
+ # be sure to let the suit remember which toon
+ # attacked it so the suit can attack back
+ # if the track of this attack is the same as that of
+ # the previous attack
+ damageDone = self.__attackDamage(attack, suit=0)
+ if damageDone > 0:
+ self.__rememberToonAttack(
+ currTgt.getDoId(),
+ attack[TOON_ID_COL],
+ damageDone)
+ # Make sure traps are placed on the suits
+ if (atkTrack == TRAP):
+ if (self.traps.has_key(currTgt.doId)):
+ trapInfo = self.traps[currTgt.doId]
+ currTgt.battleTrap = trapInfo[0]
+ targetDead = 0
+ if currTgt.getHP() > 0:
+ allTargetsDead = 0
+ else:
+ targetDead = 1
+ if (atkTrack != LURE):
+ # check every previous attack that is of
+ # the same track as the current attack.
+ # If they both kill the same suit, then
+ # clear out the suit died flag for the
+ # prevous attack. This does not apply to
+ # LURE attacks since lure's are not combined
+ # during movie playback and thus the first lure
+ # did kill the suit and the second lure plays
+ # after the suit has already died.
+ for currLastAtk in lastAttacks:
+ self.__clearTgtDied(currTgt, currLastAtk,
+ attack)
+ # process the successful lures list to see if this
+ # guy was lured and if so which attack successfully
+ # lured him/her/it
+ tgtId = currTgt.getDoId()
+ if (self.successfulLures.has_key(tgtId) and
+ atkTrack == LURE):
+ lureInfo = self.successfulLures[tgtId]
+ self.notify.debug("applying lure data: " +
+ repr(lureInfo))
+ toonId = lureInfo[0]
+ lureAtk = self.battle.toonAttacks[toonId]
+ tgtPos = self.battle.activeSuits.index(currTgt)
+ #check if a train trap will triger, if so remember it
+ if (self.traps.has_key(currTgt.doId)):
+ trapInfo = self.traps[currTgt.doId]
+ if trapInfo[0] == UBER_GAG_LEVEL_INDEX:
+ self.notify.debug('train trap triggered for %d' % currTgt.doId)
+ self.trainTrapTriggered = True
+ # make sure to remove any trap that might be
+ # associated with this target since he/she/it
+ # is now lured and therefore should have
+ # triggered the trap
+ self.__removeSuitTrap(tgtId)
+ # be sure to flag that this target has been
+ # lured by this attack, and also indicate any
+ # damage that the lure might have resulted in
+ lureAtk[TOON_KBBONUS_COL][tgtPos] = \
+ lureAtk[TOON_HP_COL][tgtPos] = lureInfo[3]
+ elif (self.__suitIsLured(tgtId) and
+ atkTrack == DROP):
+ # if this is a drop on a lured suit,
+ # be sure to place a indicator in the
+ # KBBONUS_COL so the battle movie knows
+ # that this is a drop or sound on a lured suit
+ # and it should do something different than other
+ # attack types on lured suits
+ self.notify.debug("Drop on lured suit, " +
+ "indicating with KBBONUS_COL " +
+ "flag")
+ tgtPos = self.battle.activeSuits.index(currTgt)
+ attack[TOON_KBBONUS_COL][tgtPos] = \
+ # if this individual target is dead, then make sure to
+ # clear out any damage and kbBonus info for it
+ if (targetDead and atkTrack != lastTrack):
+ tgtPos = self.battle.activeSuits.index(currTgt)
+ attack[TOON_HP_COL][tgtPos] = 0
+ attack[TOON_KBBONUS_COL][tgtPos] = -1
+ # Clear out this toon attack if all of its targets are
+ # dead and it is not part of a combo attack (one of a
+ # group of attacks from the same track).
+ if (allTargetsDead and atkTrack != lastTrack):
+ if self.notify.getDebug():
+ self.notify.debug("all targets of toon attack " +
+ str(currToonAttack) +
+ " are dead")
+ self.__clearAttack(currToonAttack, toon=1)
+ attack = self.battle.toonAttacks[currToonAttack]
+ atkTrack, atkLevel = self.__getActualTrackLevel(attack)
+ # now apply any relevant damages to the target suit(s)
+ # (or health to toons)
+ damagesDone = self.__applyToonAttackDamages(currToonAttack)
+ self.__applyToonAttackDamages(currToonAttack, hpbonus=1)
+ # apply knockback bonuses for this attack only if it is not
+ # a lure, since lures dont get knockback bonuses anyways and
+ # we use the knockback bonuses values for something other
+ # than knockback bonuses when the attack is a lure (same goes
+ # for drops and sounds)
+ if (atkTrack != LURE and atkTrack != DROP and
+ atkTrack != SOUND):
+ self.__applyToonAttackDamages(currToonAttack, kbbonus=1)
+ # remember the attack so the future attacks this round
+ # that are of the same track type can look at them and
+ # set the target died flag appropriately
+ if (lastTrack != atkTrack):
+ lastAttacks = []
+ lastTrack = atkTrack
+ lastAttacks.append(attack)
+ # record any exp received for this attack
+ if (self.itemIsCredit(atkTrack, atkLevel)):
+ if (atkTrack == TRAP or atkTrack == LURE):
+ # Don't add trap exp here; that is handled as
+ # soon as the trap is triggered, and don't add
+ # lure exp here; that is only given if the
+ # lured targets are damaged while lured.
+ pass
+ elif (atkTrack == HEAL):
+ # For heal attacks, we only give credit if any
+ # heal points were actually awarded. You don't
+ # get credit for healing someone who didn't need
+ # healing!
+ if damagesDone != 0:
+ self.__addAttackExp(attack)
+ else:
+ self.__addAttackExp(attack)
+ if self.trainTrapTriggered:
+ #since a train trap can be triggered from a single lure, make sure the
+ #trap is removed for the other suits
+ for suit in self.battle.activeSuits:
+ suitId = suit.doId
+ self.__removeSuitTrap(suitId)
+ suit.battleTrap = NO_TRAP
+ self.notify.debug('train trap triggered, removing trap from %d' % suitId)
+ # if debugging, print out all of the final toon attacks after all
+ # adjustments have been performed on them
+ if self.notify.getDebug():
+ for currToonAttack in self.toonAtkOrder:
+ attack = self.battle.toonAttacks[currToonAttack]
+ self.notify.debug("Final Toon attack: " + str(attack))
+ def __allTargetsDead(self, attackIdx, toon=1):
+ """
+ attackIdx, the attack to examine
+ toon, 1 if this is a toon attack, 0 if it is suit
+ Returns: 1 if all targets are dead, 0 otherwise
+ Check to see if all targets of a specific attack
+ are currently dead
+ """
+ allTargetsDead = 1
+ if toon:
+ # now that we have added some more damage done to any
+ # targets, make sure to clear out
+ targets = self.__createToonTargetList(attackIdx)
+ for currTgt in targets:
+ if currTgt.getHp() > 0:
+ allTargetsDead = 0
+ break
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning("__allTargetsDead: suit ver. not implemented!")
+ return allTargetsDead
+ def __clearLuredSuitsByAttack(self, toonId, kbBonusReq=0, targetId=-1):
+ """
+ toonId, the attack to wake suits up from
+ kbBonusReq, 1 if a knockback bonus on the suit is
+ required for the suit to become unlured, 0 if no
+ knockback bonus is needed
+ Wake up all suits which have been hit by the
+ specified toon attack
+ """
+ if self.notify.getDebug():
+ self.notify.debug("__clearLuredSuitsByAttack")
+ if targetId != -1 and \
+ self.__suitIsLured(t.getDoId()):
+ self.__removeLured(t.getDoId())
+ else:
+ tgtList = self.__createToonTargetList(toonId)
+ for t in tgtList:
+ # for all targets of this attack, if any have received a
+ # knockback bonus and are currently lured, wake them up
+ if self.__suitIsLured(t.getDoId()) and \
+ (not kbBonusReq or self.__bonusExists(t, hp=0)):
+ self.__removeLured(t.getDoId())
+ if self.notify.getDebug():
+ self.notify.debug("Suit %d stepping from lured spot" %
+ t.getDoId())
+ else:
+ self.notify.debug("Suit " + str(t.getDoId()) +
+ " not found in currently lured suits")
+ def __clearLuredSuitsDelayed(self):
+ """
+ toonId, the attack to wake suits up from
+ kbBonusReq, 1 if a knockback bonus on the suit is
+ required for the suit to become unlured, 0 if no
+ knockback bonus is needed
+ Wke up all suits which have been hit by the
+ specified toon attack
+ """
+ if self.notify.getDebug():
+ self.notify.debug("__clearLuredSuitsDelayed")
+ for t in self.delayedUnlures:
+ # for all targets of this attack, if any have received a
+ # knockback bonus and are currently lured, wake them up
+ if self.__suitIsLured(t):
+# self.suitsUnluredThisRound.append(t)
+ self.__removeLured(t)
+ if self.notify.getDebug():
+ self.notify.debug("Suit %d stepping back from lured spot" %
+ t)
+ else:
+ self.notify.debug("Suit " + str(t) +
+ " not found in currently lured suits")
+ self.delayedUnlures = []
+ def __addLuredSuitsDelayed(self, toonId, targetId=-1, ignoreDamageCheck = False):
+ """
+ toonId, the attack to wake suits up from
+ kbBonusReq, 1 if a knockback bonus on the suit is
+ required for the suit to become unlured, 0 if no
+ knockback bonus is needed
+ Add any suits damaged by the specified toon attack
+ to the delayed-unlure list to make sure that they
+ will be unlured as soon as possible (usually when
+ the last toon attack is processed or when a new track
+ of toon attacks is processed, whichever comes first)
+ """
+ if self.notify.getDebug():
+ self.notify.debug("__addLuredSuitsDelayed")
+ if targetId != -1:
+ # add only the specified target to the unlure list
+ self.delayedUnlures.append(targetId)
+ else:
+ tgtList = self.__createToonTargetList(toonId)
+ for t in tgtList:
+ # for all targets of this attack, if any are lured then
+ # plan to unlure them at a later time
+ if self.__suitIsLured(t.getDoId()) and \
+ not t.getDoId() in self.delayedUnlures and \
+ (self.__attackDamageForTgt(self.battle.toonAttacks[toonId],
+ self.battle.activeSuits.index(t),
+ suit=0) > 0 or \
+ ignoreDamageCheck):
+ self.delayedUnlures.append(t.getDoId())
+ def __calculateToonAttacks(self):
+ """
+ For each toon attack in the toonAttacks list,
+ calculate and fill in appropriate damage,
+ accuracyBonus, and HPBonus values
+ """
+ # a list of suits, and any knockback bonuses that are applied
+ # to them, each sublist corresponds to each entry in battle.suits
+ # the first value in the each sublist is the total knockback
+ # bonus damage done to that suit, while the second value in each
+ # sublist is the toon attack track that has gotten the corresponging
+ # knockback bonus damage
+ self.notify.debug("__calculateToonAttacks()")
+ self.__clearBonuses(hp=0)
+ currTrack = None
+ self.notify.debug("Traps: " + str(self.traps))
+ # Determine the maximum level attack item we'll get credit
+ # for, based on the suits in the battle. This is the same as
+ # the highest level suit we're currently facing.
+ maxSuitLevel = 0
+ for cog in self.battle.activeSuits:
+ maxSuitLevel = max(maxSuitLevel, cog.getActualLevel())
+ self.creditLevel = maxSuitLevel
+ for toonId in self.toonAtkOrder:
+ # do some checks to make sure this toon actually has an attack
+ # and that this toon is not already dead
+ assert(toonId != -1)
+ if self.__combatantDead(toonId, toon=1):
+ if self.notify.getDebug():
+ self.notify.debug("Toon %d is dead and can't attack" %
+ toonId)
+ continue
+ assert(self.battle.toonAttacks.has_key(toonId))
+ attack = self.battle.toonAttacks[toonId]
+ atkTrack = self.__getActualTrack(attack)
+ if (atkTrack != NO_ATTACK and atkTrack != SOS and
+ atkTrack != NPCSOS):
+ if self.notify.getDebug():
+ self.notify.debug("Calculating attack for toon: %d" %
+ toonId)
+ # if this a new track of attacks, then any suit that is in
+ # the 'unlure' list (list of suits that should be unlured
+ # as soon as it is reasonable) should now be unlured
+ # for now, only do this if suits are unlured immediately,
+ # otherwise wait to unlure the suit until all toon attacks
+ # have been calculated
+ if currTrack and atkTrack != currTrack:
+ self.__clearLuredSuitsDelayed()
+ currTrack = atkTrack
+ # now calculate how much damage the attack has done, not yet
+ # accounting for bonuses
+ self.__calcToonAtkHp(toonId)
+ # now handle the knockback and hp bonuses
+ attackIdx = self.toonAtkOrder.index(toonId)
+ self.__handleBonus(attackIdx, hp=0)
+ self.__handleBonus(attackIdx, hp=1)
+ # if this is the last toon attack this round, is an attack that
+ # can knock a target back, and it has hit its target, be sure
+ # to wakeup any suits knocked back by this attack, but if this
+ # is not the last attack but still knocks back its target,
+ # place the suit in the 'delayedUnlures' list to make sure it
+ # is unlured when we get to a new track of attacks
+ lastAttack = self.toonAtkOrder.index(toonId) >= \
+ len(self.toonAtkOrder) - 1
+ unlureAttack = self.__attackHasHit(attack, suit=0) and \
+ self.__unlureAtk(toonId, toon=1)
+ if unlureAttack:
+ if lastAttack:
+ self.__clearLuredSuitsByAttack(toonId)
+ else:
+ self.__addLuredSuitsDelayed(toonId)
+ # if this is the last toon attack this round, be sure to clean
+ # up any delayed unlured suits that might still be around,
+ # possible unlured from this last attack or some other previous
+ # attack that is of the same track as this one
+ if lastAttack:
+ self.__clearLuredSuitsDelayed()
+ # process all hpBonuses and kbBonuses and apply the appropriate
+ # bonus values to the appropriate locations in the toonAttacks
+ # then make a second pass on all toon attacks to clear out attacks
+ # that no longer have valid targets
+ self.__processBonuses(hp=0)
+ self.__processBonuses(hp=1)
+ self.__postProcessToonAttacks()
+ def __knockBackAtk(self, attackIndex, toon=1):
+ """
+ attackIndex, the attack to check
+ toon, whether or not the attack is a toon attack
+ Returns: 1 if the attack is a knockback attack, 0 otherwise
+ Determine if a specific attack is one that is
+ eligible for a knockback bonus
+ """
+ if toon and \
+ (self.battle.toonAttacks[attackIndex][TOON_TRACK_COL] == THROW or \
+ self.battle.toonAttacks[attackIndex][TOON_TRACK_COL] == SQUIRT):
+ if self.notify.getDebug():
+ self.notify.debug("attack is a knockback")
+ return 1
+ return 0
+ def __unlureAtk(self, attackIndex, toon=1):
+ """
+ attackIndex, the attack to check
+ toon, whether or not the attack is a toon attack
+ Returns: 1 if the attack is an unlure attack, 0 otherwise
+ Determine if a specific attack is one that is
+ eligible for unluring a target
+ """
+ attack = self.battle.toonAttacks[attackIndex]
+ track = self.__getActualTrack(attack)
+ if (toon and (track == THROW or track == SQUIRT or track == SOUND)):
+ if self.notify.getDebug():
+ self.notify.debug("attack is an unlure")
+ return 1
+ return 0
+ def __calcSuitAtkType(self, attackIndex):
+ """
+ attackIndex, row in suitAttacks that contains the
+ attack type and the target of the attack
+ Determine the best attack type for a suit
+ """
+ theSuit = self.battle.activeSuits[attackIndex]
+ attacks = SuitBattleGlobals.SuitAttributes[]['attacks']
+ atk = SuitBattleGlobals.pickSuitAttack(attacks, theSuit.getLevel())
+ return atk
+ def __calcSuitTarget(self, attackIndex):
+ """
+ attackIndex, row in suitAttacks that contains the
+ attack type and the target of the attack
+ Returns: an index into the battle.toons list indicating the
+ target for the specified suit attack
+ Determine the best target for a suit attack
+ """
+ attack = self.battle.suitAttacks[attackIndex]
+ suitId = attack[SUIT_ID_COL]
+ if self.SuitAttackers.has_key(suitId) and \
+ random.randint(0, 99) < 75:
+ # first calculate the total damage done to this suit by all
+ # recorded attackers, this is so we can create a frequency
+ # list of damage percentages that we can randomly pick from
+ totalDamage = 0
+ for currToon in self.SuitAttackers[suitId].keys():
+ totalDamage += self.SuitAttackers[suitId][currToon]
+ # create a list of damage percentages and pick one of the
+ # weighted values, this tells us which toon attacker that
+ # the suit should attack
+ dmgs = []
+ for currToon in self.SuitAttackers[suitId].keys():
+ dmgs.append((self.SuitAttackers[suitId][currToon] /
+ totalDamage) * 100)
+ dmgIdx = SuitBattleGlobals.pickFromFreqList(dmgs)
+ if (dmgIdx == None):
+ toonId = self.__pickRandomToon(suitId)
+ else:
+ toonId = self.SuitAttackers[suitId].keys()[dmgIdx]
+ if (toonId == -1 or toonId not in self.battle.activeToons):
+ return -1
+ self.notify.debug("Suit attacking back at toon " + str(toonId))
+ return self.battle.activeToons.index(toonId)
+ else:
+ #return random.randint(0, len(self.battle.activeToons) - 1)
+ # make sure we only randomly choose from the active toons
+ # that are still alive at this point in the round
+ return self.__pickRandomToon(suitId)
+ def __pickRandomToon(self, suitId):
+ liveToons = []
+ for currToon in self.battle.activeToons:
+ if not self.__combatantDead(currToon, toon=1):
+ liveToons.append(self.battle.activeToons.index(currToon))
+ if len(liveToons) == 0:
+ # no toons left alive to attack
+ self.notify.debug("No tgts avail. for suit " + str(suitId))
+ return -1
+ chosen = random.choice(liveToons)
+ self.notify.debug("Suit randomly attacking toon " +
+ str(self.battle.activeToons[chosen]))
+ return chosen
+ def __suitAtkHit(self, attackIndex):
+ """
+ Calculate whether or not a specific suit attack hit
+ """
+ if self.suitsAlwaysHit:
+ return 1
+ elif self.suitsAlwaysMiss:
+ return 0
+ theSuit = self.battle.activeSuits[attackIndex]
+ atkType = self.battle.suitAttacks[attackIndex][SUIT_ATK_COL]
+ atkInfo = SuitBattleGlobals.getSuitAttack(,
+ theSuit.getLevel(),
+ atkType)
+ atkAcc = atkInfo['acc']
+ suitAcc = SuitBattleGlobals.SuitAttributes[]\
+ ['acc'][theSuit.getLevel()]
+ # Jesse changed this because he doesn't think we need suit
+ # accuracies.
+ #acc = (atkAcc + suitAcc) / 2
+ acc = atkAcc
+ randChoice = random.randint(0, 99)
+ if self.notify.getDebug():
+ self.notify.debug("Suit attack rolled " + str(randChoice) +
+ " to hit with an accuracy of " + str(acc) +
+ " (attackAcc: " + str(atkAcc) +
+ " suitAcc: " + str(suitAcc) + ")")
+ if randChoice < acc:
+ return 1
+ return 0
+ def __suitAtkAffectsGroup(self, attack):
+ atkType = attack[SUIT_ATK_COL]
+ # determine if the attack targets a group or an individual
+ theSuit = self.battle.findSuit(attack[SUIT_ID_COL])
+ assert theSuit != None
+ atkInfo = SuitBattleGlobals.getSuitAttack(,
+ theSuit.getLevel(),
+ atkType)
+ return atkInfo['group'] != SuitBattleGlobals.ATK_TGT_SINGLE
+ def __createSuitTargetList(self, attackIndex):
+ """
+ attackIndex, index into the suitAttacks list which
+ indicates which attack we are using
+ Create a list of targets for the specified suit
+ attack, the target type of the attack determines
+ which participants in the battle are targets
+ """
+ attack = self.battle.suitAttacks[attackIndex]
+ targetList = []
+ if attack[SUIT_ATK_COL] == NO_ATTACK:
+ self.notify.debug("No attack, no targets")
+ return targetList
+ debug = self.notify.getDebug()
+ if not self.__suitAtkAffectsGroup(attack):
+ # add only the specified target to the target list
+ targetList.append(self.battle.activeToons[attack[SUIT_TGT_COL]])
+ if debug:
+ self.notify.debug("Suit attack is single target")
+ else:
+ # all toons currently in battle
+ if debug:
+ self.notify.debug("Suit attack is group target")
+ for currToon in self.battle.activeToons:
+ if debug:
+ self.notify.debug("Suit attack will target toon" +
+ str(currToon))
+ targetList.append(currToon)
+ return targetList
+ def __calcSuitAtkHp(self, attackIndex):
+ """
+ attackIndex, row in suitAttacks that contains the
+ attack type and the target of the attack
+ Calculate how much damage a specific suit attack
+ does to a toon
+ """
+ targetList = self.__createSuitTargetList(attackIndex)
+ attack = self.battle.suitAttacks[attackIndex]
+ for currTarget in range(len(targetList)):
+ toonId = targetList[currTarget]
+ toon = self.battle.getToon(toonId)
+ result = 0
+ if toon and toon.immortalMode:
+ # At least 1 hp, otherwise the battle counts it as a miss.
+ result = 1
+ result = 0
+ elif self.__suitAtkHit(attackIndex):
+ # suits don't get any accuracy or damage bonuses
+ atkType = attack[SUIT_ATK_COL]
+ theSuit = self.battle.findSuit(attack[SUIT_ID_COL])
+ atkInfo = SuitBattleGlobals.getSuitAttack(
+ theSuit.getLevel(),
+ atkType)
+ result = atkInfo['hp']
+ # be sure to set the amount of damage done by this attack
+ # in the appropriate slot in the toonAttacks list
+ # corresponding to this target
+ targetIndex = self.battle.activeToons.index(toonId)
+ attack[SUIT_HP_COL][targetIndex] = result
+ def __getToonHp(self, toonDoId):
+ """
+ toonDoId, the unique id of the toon
+ Returns: the health of the specified toon, as it is
+ currently known on the server
+ Get the health of a toon given its doId
+ """
+ handle = self.battle.getToon(toonDoId)
+ if handle != None and self.toonHPAdjusts.has_key(toonDoId):
+ return handle.hp + self.toonHPAdjusts[toonDoId]
+ else:
+ return 0
+ def __getToonMaxHp(self, toonDoId):
+ """
+ toonDoId, the unique id of the toon
+ Returns: the health of the specified toon, as it is
+ currently known on the server
+ Get the health of a toon given its doId
+ """
+ handle = self.battle.getToon(toonDoId)
+ if (handle != None):
+ assert(self.toonHPAdjusts.has_key(toonDoId))
+ return handle.maxHp
+ else:
+ return 0
+ def __applySuitAttackDamages(self, attackIndex):
+ """
+ attackIndex, the suit attack to apply damages for
+ Apply damages created by the specified suit attack
+ """
+ # we dont actually adjust the toon health here, we just need to
+ # indicate if the toon has died and print something out for each
+ # toon hit
+ attack = self.battle.suitAttacks[attackIndex]
+ for t in self.battle.activeToons:
+ # first see if the toon was damaged by this attack
+ position = self.battle.activeToons.index(t)
+ assert(position < len(attack[SUIT_HP_COL]))
+ if attack[SUIT_HP_COL][position] <= 0:
+ # toon at this position was not hit by this attack
+ continue
+ # now see if the toon had died, if so, remove the toon from
+ # the battle and mark the toon as being killed by this attack
+ # also, whether or not the toon is dead, adjust the hp adjust
+ # value for the toon in our toonHPAdjusts list which is used
+ # to keep toon health values as up to date as possible so we
+ # know exactly when the toon died within the sequence of
+ # attacks
+ assert(position < len(attack[SUIT_HP_COL]))
+ toonHp = self.__getToonHp(t)
+ assert(self.toonHPAdjusts.has_key(t))
+ if toonHp - attack[SUIT_HP_COL][position] <= 0:
+ if self.notify.getDebug():
+ self.notify.debug("Toon %d has died, removing" % t)
+ self.toonLeftBattle(t)
+ attack[TOON_DIED_COL] = \
+ attack[TOON_DIED_COL] | (1 << position)
+ if self.notify.getDebug():
+ self.notify.debug("Toon " + str(t) + " takes " +
+ str(attack[SUIT_HP_COL][position]) +
+ " damage")
+ self.toonHPAdjusts[t] -= attack[SUIT_HP_COL][position]
+ self.notify.debug("Toon " + str(t) + " now has " +
+ str(self.__getToonHp(t)) + " health")
+ def __suitCanAttack(self, suitId):
+ """
+ suitId, the suit to check
+ Returns: 1 if the suit can attack, 0 otherwise
+ Check to see if a specific suit is able to attack.
+ various factors determine this, such as if the suit
+ is lured and if the suit is dead
+ """
+ if self.__combatantDead(suitId, toon=0) or \
+ self.__suitIsLured(suitId) or self.__combatantJustRevived(suitId):
+ return 0
+ return 1
+ def __updateSuitAtkStat(self, toonId):
+ if self.suitAtkStats.has_key(toonId):
+ self.suitAtkStats[toonId] += 1
+ else:
+ self.suitAtkStats[toonId] = 1
+ def __printSuitAtkStats(self):
+ self.notify.debug("Suit Atk Stats:")
+ for currTgt in self.suitAtkStats.keys():
+ if not currTgt in self.battle.activeToons:
+ continue
+ tgtPos = self.battle.activeToons.index(currTgt)
+ self.notify.debug(" toon " + str(currTgt) +
+ " at position " + str(tgtPos) +
+ " was attacked " +
+ str(self.suitAtkStats[currTgt]) +
+ " times")
+ self.notify.debug("\n")
+ def __calculateSuitAttacks(self):
+ """
+ For each suit attack on the suitAttacks list,
+ calculate and fill in appropriate attack type,
+ target, and damage information
+ """
+ for i in range(len(self.battle.suitAttacks)):
+ if i < len(self.battle.activeSuits):
+ # check to make sure that the suit is not dead before
+ # worrying about its attack, but before doing that make
+ # sure the current suit attack refers to an existing suit
+ # by setting the doId of the attack to the suit that is
+ # performing the attack
+ suitId = self.battle.activeSuits[i].doId
+ self.battle.suitAttacks[i][SUIT_ID_COL] = suitId
+ if not self.__suitCanAttack(suitId):
+ if self.notify.getDebug():
+ self.notify.debug("Suit %d can't attack" % suitId)
+ continue
+ # make sure this suit is not in either the pending
+ # or to pending lists
+ if self.battle.pendingSuits.count(
+ self.battle.activeSuits[i])>0 or \
+ self.battle.joiningSuits.count(
+ self.battle.activeSuits[i])>0:
+ continue
+ attack = self.battle.suitAttacks[i]
+ # only perform attack calculations if this suit exists in
+ # the list of suits currently existing in the battle
+ # order of calculation matters, since some calculations depend
+ # on previously calculated values, such as an attack's damage
+ # depending on attack type, we also need to handle damage
+ # to multiple targets for group attacks
+ attack[SUIT_ID_COL] = self.battle.activeSuits[i].doId
+ attack[SUIT_ATK_COL] = self.__calcSuitAtkType(i)
+ attack[SUIT_TGT_COL] = self.__calcSuitTarget(i)
+ if attack[SUIT_TGT_COL] == -1:
+ # no available target, clear out the suit attack
+ self.battle.suitAttacks[i] = getDefaultSuitAttack()
+ attack = self.battle.suitAttacks[i]
+ self.notify.debug("clearing suit attack, no avail targets")
+ self.__calcSuitAtkHp(i)
+ # for debugging, keep track of how many times each toon
+ # was attacked
+ if attack[SUIT_ATK_COL] != NO_ATTACK:
+ if self.__suitAtkAffectsGroup(attack):
+ for currTgt in self.battle.activeToons:
+ self.__updateSuitAtkStat(currTgt)
+ else:
+ tgtId = self.battle.activeToons[attack[SUIT_TGT_COL]]
+ self.__updateSuitAtkStat(tgtId)
+ # if this attack targets suits, get all of its targets
+ # and make sure at least one of them is still alive,
+ # otherwise clear out the attack
+ targets = self.__createSuitTargetList(i)
+ allTargetsDead = 1
+ for currTgt in targets:
+ if self.__getToonHp(currTgt) > 0:
+ allTargetsDead = 0
+ break
+ if allTargetsDead:
+ # clear out attack, all targets for it are already dead
+ self.battle.suitAttacks[i] = \
+ getDefaultSuitAttack()
+ if self.notify.getDebug():
+ self.notify.debug("clearing suit attack, targets dead")
+ self.notify.debug("suit attack is now " + \
+ repr(self.battle.suitAttacks[i]))
+ self.notify.debug("all attacks: " +
+ repr(self.battle.suitAttacks))
+ attack = self.battle.suitAttacks[i]
+ # now apply any relevant damages to the target toon(s)
+ if self.__attackHasHit(attack, suit=1):
+ self.__applySuitAttackDamages(i)
+ if self.notify.getDebug():
+ self.notify.debug("Suit attack: " +
+ str(self.battle.suitAttacks[i]))
+ # determine if this suit will attack after the toon attacks
+ # or after. For now, all toons attack before any suits
+ def __updateLureTimeouts(self):
+ """
+ Check all lured suits and see if the lure has expired
+ also randomly un-lure suits
+ """
+ # check for lured suits and determine which should no longer be
+ # lured
+ if self.notify.getDebug():
+ self.notify.debug("__updateLureTimeouts()")
+ self.notify.debug("Lured suits: " + str(self.currentlyLuredSuits))
+ noLongerLured = []
+ # check each lured suit, add to the lured suit's count of how many
+ # rounds it has been lured, then check to see if the suit has now been
+ # lured for the maximum rounds allowed for the particular lure used
+ # on the suit, if not, randomly decide if the suit should 'magically
+ # wake up' from the lure based on the fail chance of the particular
+ # lure originally used on the suit
+ for currLuredSuit in self.currentlyLuredSuits.keys():
+ self.__incLuredCurrRound(currLuredSuit)
+ if self.__luredMaxRoundsReached(currLuredSuit) or \
+ self.__luredWakeupTime(currLuredSuit):
+ noLongerLured.append(currLuredSuit)
+ # now we can safely clear out the no-longer-lured suits
+ for currLuredSuit in noLongerLured:
+# self.suitsUnluredThisRound.append(currLuredSuit)
+ self.__removeLured(currLuredSuit)
+ if self.notify.getDebug():
+ self.notify.debug("Lured suits: " + str(self.currentlyLuredSuits))
+ def __initRound(self):
+ """
+ Called when a new round starts, sets up initial
+ values used to calculate various bonuses
+ """
+ # only allow suits to remember who attacked them for a single round
+ self.SuitAttackers = {}
+ # fill in self.toonAtkOrder at the beginning of each round, this
+ # list contains the order of toon attacks, each element
+ # is an index into the self.battle.toonAttacks list
+ self.toonAtkOrder = []
+ # Fill in PETSOS attacks first
+ attacks = findToonAttack(self.battle.activeToons,
+ self.battle.toonAttacks,
+ for atk in attacks:
+ self.toonAtkOrder.append(atk[TOON_ID_COL])
+ #Do the cog firing
+ attacks = findToonAttack(self.battle.activeToons,
+ self.battle.toonAttacks,
+ for atk in attacks:
+ self.toonAtkOrder.append(atk[TOON_ID_COL])
+ for track in range(HEAL, DROP + 1):
+ # find all attacks for each possible type of attack
+ attacks = findToonAttack(self.battle.activeToons,
+ self.battle.toonAttacks,
+ track)
+ # Make sure that any non-NPC traps occur before the first
+ # NPC trap (if any)
+ if (track == TRAP):
+ sortedTraps = []
+ for atk in attacks:
+ if (atk[TOON_TRACK_COL] == TRAP):
+ sortedTraps.append(atk)
+ for atk in attacks:
+ if (atk[TOON_TRACK_COL] == NPCSOS):
+ sortedTraps.append(atk)
+ assert(len(attacks) == len(sortedTraps))
+ attacks = sortedTraps
+ for atk in attacks:
+ # indicate where this toon fits in in the order of things, and
+ # be sure to move to the next attack
+ self.toonAtkOrder.append(atk[TOON_ID_COL])
+ # Handle special NPC attacks
+ specials = findToonAttack(self.battle.activeToons,
+ self.battle.toonAttacks, NPCSOS)
+ toonsHit = 0
+ cogsMiss = 0
+ for special in specials:
+ npc_track = NPCToons.getNPCTrack(special[TOON_TGT_COL])
+ if (npc_track == NPC_TOONS_HIT):
+ BattleCalculatorAI.toonsAlwaysHit = 1
+ toonsHit = 1
+ elif (npc_track == NPC_COGS_MISS):
+ BattleCalculatorAI.suitsAlwaysMiss = 1
+ cogsMiss = 1
+ if self.notify.getDebug():
+ self.notify.debug("Toon attack order: " +
+ str(self.toonAtkOrder))
+ self.notify.debug("Active toons: " +
+ str(self.battle.activeToons))
+ self.notify.debug("Toon attacks: " +
+ str(self.battle.toonAttacks))
+ self.notify.debug("Active suits: " +
+ str(self.battle.activeSuits))
+ self.notify.debug("Suit attacks: " +
+ str(self.battle.suitAttacks))
+ # all toons should now have their HP set properly locally, so
+ # clear out any HP adjustments we may have, this list contains
+ # a list of indexes into battle.toons
+ self.toonHPAdjusts = {}
+ for t in self.battle.activeToons:
+ self.toonHPAdjusts[t] = 0
+ # list used for calculating HPBonuses that toons may receive by
+ # coordinating attacks
+ self.__clearBonuses()
+ # remove any toons that are no longer in the battle, this can happen
+ # if a toon has recently left unexpectedly
+ self.__updateActiveToons()
+ self.delayedUnlures = []
+ # initialize the traps list each round, which consists of removing
+ # trap conflicts that might have occurred last round
+ self.__initTraps()
+ # clear out the successful lures map which is used to figure out
+ # for each target which lures apply and which don't
+ self.successfulLures = {}
+ # clear the list that we use to keep track of suits unlured during
+ # a single round of attacks
+# self.suitsUnluredThisRound = []
+ return toonsHit, cogsMiss
+ def calculateRound(self):
+ """
+ Calculate a single round of toon and suit attacks
+ for a single battle
+ """
+ # Make sure toonAttacks have the right number of TOON_HP_COL
+ # initial values and TOON_KBBONUS_COL initial values
+ # Also make sure suitAttacks have the right number of SUIT_HP_COL
+ # initial values
+ longest = max(len(self.battle.activeToons),
+ len(self.battle.activeSuits))
+ for t in self.battle.activeToons:
+ assert(self.battle.toonAttacks.has_key(t))
+ for j in range(longest):
+ self.battle.toonAttacks[t][TOON_HP_COL].append(-1)
+ self.battle.toonAttacks[t][TOON_KBBONUS_COL].append(-1)
+ for i in range(4):
+ for j in range(len(self.battle.activeToons)):
+ self.battle.suitAttacks[i][SUIT_HP_COL].append(-1)
+ # set-up some initial values that help calculate various bonuses
+ # that can occurr in a round
+ toonsHit, cogsMiss = self.__initRound()
+ # broadcast the active suit HP's to everyone in the battle
+ for suit in self.battle.activeSuits:
+ if suit.isGenerated():
+ suit.b_setHP(suit.getHP())
+ # test to see if the suits have been deleted and do nothing if that is the case
+ for suit in self.battle.activeSuits:
+ if not hasattr(suit, "dna"):
+ self.notify.warning("a removed suit is in this battle!")
+ return None
+ #self.__calculateFiredCogs(self)
+ # perform number calculations, also apply damages/heals
+ self.__calculateToonAttacks()
+ # update lure timeout values after toon attacks and before suit
+ # attacks, so suits can wake up from being lured before their chance
+ # to attack but the toons still have a chance to hit a lured suit
+ # this round
+ self.__updateLureTimeouts()
+ self.__calculateSuitAttacks()
+ # Restore globals
+ if (toonsHit == 1):
+ BattleCalculatorAI.toonsAlwaysHit = 0
+ if (cogsMiss == 1):
+ BattleCalculatorAI.suitsAlwaysMiss = 0
+ if self.notify.getDebug():
+ self.notify.debug("Toon skills gained after this round: " + \
+ repr(self.toonSkillPtsGained))
+ self.__printSuitAtkStats()
+ return None
+ def __calculateFiredCogs():
+ import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ def toonLeftBattle(self, toonId):
+ """
+ toonId, the id of the toon that has left the battle
+ Notify the battle calculator when a toon leaves
+ this battle
+ """
+ if self.notify.getDebug():
+ self.notify.debug('toonLeftBattle()' + str(toonId))
+ if self.toonSkillPtsGained.has_key(toonId):
+ del self.toonSkillPtsGained[toonId]
+ if self.suitAtkStats.has_key(toonId):
+ del self.suitAtkStats[toonId]
+ # clear out the SuitAttackers map (which allows suits to remember
+ # which toons attacked him/her last round) of the specified toonId
+ oldSuitIds = []
+ for s in self.SuitAttackers.keys():
+ if self.SuitAttackers[s].has_key(toonId):
+ del self.SuitAttackers[s][toonId]
+ if len(self.SuitAttackers[s]) == 0:
+ oldSuitIds.append(s)
+ # remove any suit ids that refer to an empty toonId/damage map
+ for oldSuitId in oldSuitIds:
+ del self.SuitAttackers[oldSuitId]
+ # clear out any reference that a trap might have for this toon,
+ # this means that any trap this toon created that still exists
+ # and gets triggered will no longer give trap exp to this toon
+ self.__clearTrapCreator(toonId)
+ # remove any references of this toon from the currentlyLuredSuits
+ # list, which remembers which toons lured which suits (used for
+ # giving the toon exp when the lured suit takes damage), when a
+ # toon leaves the battle, any lure credit for the toon is removed
+ self.__clearLurer(toonId)
+ def suitLeftBattle(self, suitId):
+ """
+ suitId, the id of the suit that has left the battle
+ Notify the battle calculator when a suit leaves
+ this battle (most likely by death)
+ """
+ if self.notify.getDebug():
+ self.notify.debug('suitLeftBattle(): ' + str(suitId))
+ # remove the suit from the currently lured suits list
+ self.__removeLured(suitId)
+ # also make sure to remove the suit from the 'which toon attacked
+ # me last round' list
+ if self.SuitAttackers.has_key(suitId):
+ del self.SuitAttackers[suitId]
+ # remove the suit from the traps list which helps us keep track of
+ # which suits have traps on them
+ self.__removeSuitTrap(suitId)
+ def __updateActiveToons(self):
+ """
+ Every round, update lists that remember toon id's
+ from previous rounds, because a toon might have
+ unexpectedly left the battle
+ """
+ if self.notify.getDebug():
+ self.notify.debug('updateActiveToons()')
+ # don't remove exp for toons that are not in this battle; some
+ # parts of the game (factories, VP battles) use a single dict
+ # to accumulate toon exp over multiple battles; toons that are in
+ # the dict may be currently in a different battle or not in a
+ # battle at all, but that's no reason to remove them from the dict.
+ # exp entries are removed when a toon leaves this battle before it
+ # finishes (when they get sad, run away, or disconnect) --
+ # see DistributedBattleBaseAI.__removeToon
+ #for toonId in self.toonSkillPtsGained.keys():
+ # if not toonId in self.battle.activeToons:
+ # self.notify.debug("Exp for toon " + str(toonId) +
+ # " has been cleared")
+ # del self.toonSkillPtsGained[toonId]
+ # clear out the SuitAttackers map (which allows suits to remember
+ # which toons attacked him/her last round) of all toons that are
+ # not found in the battle.activeToons list
+ oldSuitIds = []
+ for s in self.SuitAttackers.keys():
+ for t in self.SuitAttackers[s].keys():
+ if not t in self.battle.activeToons:
+ del self.SuitAttackers[s][t]
+ if len(self.SuitAttackers[s]) == 0:
+ oldSuitIds.append(s)
+ # remove any suit ids that refer to an empty toonId/damage map
+ for oldSuitId in oldSuitIds:
+ del self.SuitAttackers[oldSuitId]
+ # clear out any traps creator id's that refer to a toon not found
+ # in the active toons list
+ for trap in self.traps.keys():
+ if not self.traps[trap][1] in self.battle.activeToons:
+ self.notify.debug("Trap for toon " +
+ str(self.traps[trap][1]) +
+ " will no longer give exp")
+ self.traps[trap][1] = 0
+ def getSkillGained(self, toonId, track):
+ return BattleExperienceAI.getSkillGained(self.toonSkillPtsGained, toonId, track)
+ def getLuredSuits(self):
+ """
+ Get the doId's of all suits that are currently lured
+ """
+ luredSuits = self.currentlyLuredSuits.keys()
+ # make sure that any suits that were still lured at the begining
+ # of this round are still in the lured suits list that we return
+ # to the battle
+# for currLured in self.suitsUnluredThisRound:
+# if not currLured in luredSuits:
+# luredSuits.append(currLured)
+ self.notify.debug("Lured suits reported to battle: " +
+ repr(luredSuits))
+ return luredSuits
+ def __suitIsLured(self, suitId, prevRound=0):
+ """
+ suitId, doId of the suit to checkout
+ prevRound, only return true if the suit has been
+ lured in a previous round
+ Returns: 1 if the suit is lured, 0 otherwise
+ Check to see if a suit is currently lured
+ """
+ inList = self.currentlyLuredSuits.has_key(suitId)
+ if prevRound:
+ # only return true if the suit has been lured for at least
+ # one entire round
+ return inList and self.currentlyLuredSuits[suitId][0] != -1
+ return inList
+ def __findAvailLureId(self, lurerId):
+ """
+ lurerId, the doId of the lurer
+ Returns: the lowest available unique lure id wrt to the
+ specified lurer
+ Find the lowest available lure id associated with
+ a specific lurer, this way suits lured by different
+ lure attacks from the same lurer can be distinguished
+ from each other and exp can be given properly
+ """
+ luredSuits = self.currentlyLuredSuits.keys()
+ lureIds = []
+ for currLured in luredSuits:
+ lurerInfo = self.currentlyLuredSuits[currLured][3]
+ lurers = lurerInfo.keys()
+ for currLurer in lurers:
+ # if we have found a match for the specified lurer, add the
+ # lureId to a list of lureId's for this toon
+ currId = lurerInfo[currLurer][1]
+ if currLurer == lurerId and not currId in lureIds:
+ lureIds.append(currId)
+ lureIds.sort()
+ currId = 1
+ for currLureId in lureIds:
+ if currLureId != currId:
+ return currId
+ currId += 1
+ return currId
+ def __addLuredSuitInfo(self, suitId, currRounds, maxRounds, wakeChance,
+ lurer, lureLvl, lureId=-1, npc=0):
+ """
+ suitId, doId of the suit to be added
+ currRounds, current number of rounds that the suit
+ has been lured for (usually this should
+ be -1 when a suit is first lured)
+ maxRounds, maximum number of battle rounds that this
+ suit will be lured
+ wakeChance, percent chance of the suit becoming
+ unlured each battle round
+ lurer, doId of the toon that lured this suit
+ lureLvl, the level of the lure used
+ lureId, if provided, use this value to identify
+ this specific lure, if not provided find
+ the lowest available lure id unique to the
+ lurer
+ Returns: the id used for the lure info, this can be used to
+ pass back to this function when we are adding
+ multiple lured suit infos for the same lure
+ Add a suit to the lured suits list (updates any
+ currently existing data if the suit is already lured,
+ and adds a reference to the lurer so exp can be given
+ if the suit takes damage while lured)
+ """
+ if lureId == -1:
+ availLureId = self.__findAvailLureId(lurer)
+ else:
+ availLureId = lureId
+ # Nobody gets experience for NPC lures
+ if (npc == 1):
+ credit = 0
+ else:
+ credit = self.itemIsCredit(LURE, lureLvl)
+ if self.currentlyLuredSuits.has_key(suitId):
+ # This suit was already lured; we're just luring it more.
+ lureInfo = self.currentlyLuredSuits[suitId]
+ if not lureInfo[3].has_key(lurer):
+ # This toon hasn't lured this suit yet this time around.
+ lureInfo[1] += maxRounds
+ if wakeChance < lureInfo[2]:
+ lureInfo[2] = wakeChance
+ lureInfo[3][lurer] = [lureLvl, availLureId, credit]
+ else:
+ # This suit hadn't been lured yet.
+ lurerInfo = { lurer: [lureLvl, availLureId, credit] }
+ self.currentlyLuredSuits[suitId] = \
+ [currRounds, maxRounds, wakeChance,
+ lurerInfo]
+ self.notify.debug("__addLuredSuitInfo: currLuredSuits -> %s" %
+ repr(self.currentlyLuredSuits))
+ return availLureId
+ def __getLurers(self, suitId):
+ """
+ suitId, the id of the lured suit
+ Returns: a list of doId's of the lurers, empyt list if there
+ are none
+ Get the doId of the toon that lured the specified
+ suit
+ """
+ if self.__suitIsLured(suitId):
+ return self.currentlyLuredSuits[suitId][3].keys()
+ return []
+ def __getLuredExpInfo(self, suitId):
+ """
+ suitId, the doId of the target to get lured info for
+ Returns: a list of lists, each containing the lurer's doId,
+ the level of the lure used, and the unique id
+ distinguishing this particular lure from other
+ possible lures from the same lurer, followed by
+ a boolean flag indicating whether the lurer deserves
+ experience credit:
+ [[, , , ], [...], ...]
+ Get lurer info for a specific target, this way when
+ this lured target takes damage we can get the
+ appropriate amount of exp to anyone that helped lure
+ this target
+ """
+ returnInfo = []
+ lurers = self.__getLurers(suitId)
+ if len(lurers) == 0:
+ return returnInfo
+ lurerInfo = self.currentlyLuredSuits[suitId][3]
+ for currLurer in lurers:
+ returnInfo.append([currLurer,
+ lurerInfo[currLurer][0],
+ lurerInfo[currLurer][1],
+ lurerInfo[currLurer][2],
+ ])
+ return returnInfo
+ def __clearLurer(self, lurerId, lureId=-1):
+ """
+ lurerId, the doId of the toon to clear from the list
+ lureId, the unique id of the lure that lured this
+ target, this is useful to only clear
+ references of a specific lurer AND a specifc
+ lure (since a single lurer may have done
+ more than a single lure on any of the
+ currently lured targets)
+ Remove any references to the specified toon from the
+ lured suits list
+ """
+ luredSuits = self.currentlyLuredSuits.keys()
+ for currLured in luredSuits:
+ lurerInfo = self.currentlyLuredSuits[currLured][3]
+ lurers = lurerInfo.keys()
+ for currLurer in lurers:
+ if currLurer == lurerId and \
+ (lureId == -1 or lureId == lurerInfo[currLurer][1]):
+ del lurerInfo[currLurer]
+ def __setLuredMaxRounds(self, suitId, rounds):
+ """
+ suitId, the suit to modify the lure info for
+ rounds, the new maximum number of battle rounds
+ Change the maximum number of battle rounds that a
+ specific suit will stay lured
+ """
+ if self.__suitIsLured(suitId):
+ self.currentlyLuredSuits[suitId][1] = rounds
+ def __setLuredWakeChance(self, suitId, chance):
+ """
+ suitId, the suit to modify the lure info for
+ chance, the new wakeup chance
+ Change the percentage chance that a specific suit
+ will wakeup from being lured each battle round
+ """
+ if self.__suitIsLured(suitId):
+ self.currentlyLuredSuits[suitId][2] = chance
+ def __incLuredCurrRound(self, suitId):
+ """
+ suitId, the suit to modify the lure info for
+ Increment the number of battle rounds that a specific
+ suit has been lured for
+ """
+ if self.__suitIsLured(suitId):
+ self.currentlyLuredSuits[suitId][0] += 1
+ def __removeLured(self, suitId):
+ """
+ suitId, the suit to be unlured
+ Unlure a specific suit
+ """
+ if self.__suitIsLured(suitId):
+ del self.currentlyLuredSuits[suitId]
+ def __luredMaxRoundsReached(self, suitId):
+ """
+ suitId, the suit to check lure info for
+ Returns: 1 if the suit has reached max rounds, 0 otherwise
+ Check to see if a specific suit has reached the max
+ number of rounds that it can be lured for
+ """
+ return self.__suitIsLured(suitId) and \
+ self.currentlyLuredSuits[suitId][0] >= \
+ self.currentlyLuredSuits[suitId][1]
+ def __luredWakeupTime(self, suitId):
+ """
+ suitId, the suit to check on
+ Returns: 1 if the suit has awakened, 0 otherwise
+ Check to see if a specific suit randomly wakes up
+ from being lured (should only be called once each
+ battle round since a random check is made each call)
+ """
+ return self.__suitIsLured(suitId) and \
+ self.currentlyLuredSuits[suitId][0] > 0 and \
+ random.randint(0, 99) < \
+ self.currentlyLuredSuits[suitId][2]
+ def itemIsCredit(self, track, level):
+ """
+ This returns true if a toon will gain credit for using this
+ item in this particular battle, false otherwise. This is
+ based on the credit level computed at the beginning of
+ __calculateToonAttacks.
+ """
+ if (track == PETSOS):
+ return 0
+ return level < self.creditLevel
+ def __getActualTrack(self, toonAttack):
+ # NPC friends share the same attack columns, so we often need to
+ # convert from an NPCSOS track to whatever track the NPC uses
+ if (toonAttack[TOON_TRACK_COL] == NPCSOS):
+ track = NPCToons.getNPCTrack(toonAttack[TOON_TGT_COL])
+ if (track != None):
+ return track
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning("No NPC with id: %d" % toonAttack[TOON_TGT_COL])
+ return toonAttack[TOON_TRACK_COL]
+ def __getActualTrackLevel(self, toonAttack):
+ # NPC friends share the same attack columns, so we often need to
+ # convert from an NPCSOS track to whatever track the NPC uses
+ if (toonAttack[TOON_TRACK_COL] == NPCSOS):
+ track, level, hp = NPCToons.getNPCTrackLevelHp(toonAttack[TOON_TGT_COL])
+ if (track != None):
+ return track, level
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning("No NPC with id: %d" % toonAttack[TOON_TGT_COL])
+ return toonAttack[TOON_TRACK_COL], toonAttack[TOON_LVL_COL]
+ def __getActualTrackLevelHp(self, toonAttack):
+ # NPC friends share the same attack columns, so we often need to
+ # convert from an NPCSOS track to whatever track the NPC uses
+ if (toonAttack[TOON_TRACK_COL] == NPCSOS):
+ track, level, hp = NPCToons.getNPCTrackLevelHp(toonAttack[TOON_TGT_COL])
+ if (track != None):
+ return track, level, hp
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning("No NPC with id: %d" % toonAttack[TOON_TGT_COL])
+ elif (toonAttack[TOON_TRACK_COL] == PETSOS):
+ trick = toonAttack[TOON_LVL_COL]
+ petProxyId = toonAttack[TOON_TGT_COL]
+ trickId = toonAttack[TOON_LVL_COL]
+ assert(trickId < len(PetTricks.TrickHeals))
+ healRange = PetTricks.TrickHeals[trickId]
+ hp = 0
+ if simbase.air.doId2do.has_key(petProxyId):
+ petProxy = simbase.air.doId2do[petProxyId]
+ if trickId < len(petProxy.trickAptitudes):
+ aptitude = petProxy.trickAptitudes[trickId]
+ hp = int(lerp(healRange[0], healRange[1], aptitude))
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning("pet proxy: %d not in doId2do!" % petProxyId)
+ return toonAttack[TOON_TRACK_COL], toonAttack[TOON_LVL_COL], hp
+ return toonAttack[TOON_TRACK_COL], toonAttack[TOON_LVL_COL], 0
+ def __calculatePetTrickSuccess(self, toonAttack):
+ petProxyId = toonAttack[TOON_TGT_COL]
+ if not simbase.air.doId2do.has_key(petProxyId):
+ self.notify.warning("pet proxy %d not in doId2do!" % petProxyId)
+ toonAttack[TOON_ACCBONUS_COL] = 1
+ return (0, 0)
+ petProxy = simbase.air.doId2do[petProxyId]
+ trickId = toonAttack[TOON_LVL_COL]
+ toonAttack[TOON_ACCBONUS_COL] = petProxy.attemptBattleTrick(trickId)
+ if toonAttack[TOON_ACCBONUS_COL] == 1:
+ return (0, 0)
+ else:
+ return (1, 100)
+# history
+# 21Mar01 jlbutler created
+# 26Mar01 jlbutler added bonus calculations to suit and toon attacks
+# 15Jun01 jlbutler added 'getAvPropDamage' to calculate the proper damage
+# for a given prop for a specific toon
+# 25Jul01 jnschell moved 'getAvPropDamage' to
+# 27Jul01 jlbutler fixed a few bugs with trap and lure and combinations
+# with other toon attacks
+# 27Aug01 jlbutler Added code to remember statistics about suit attacks
+# during the course of the entire battle. Also fixed
+# a problem where suits would attack dead toons because
+# they would look randomly for a target in
+# self.battle.activeToons but this list is not updated
+# immediately as far as toon deaths go, so instead suits
+# create a temporary list of active toons that are still
+# alive when the suit gets around to attacking.
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/ b/toontown/src/battle/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca9e63c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownBattleGlobals
+# This file contains a collection of functions to manage battle
+# experience and generation of reward movies on the client side.
+# These functions used to be methods on DistributedBattleBase and
+# Movie, but they have been pulled out here to collect them together
+# and generalize them for final battles, which might have as many as 8
+# Toons.
+def genRewardDicts(entries):
+ toonRewardDicts = []
+ for toonId, origExp, earnedExp, origQuests, items, missedItems, origMerits, merits, parts in entries:
+ if (toonId != -1):
+ dict = {}
+ toon =
+ if (toon == None):
+ continue
+ dict['toon'] = toon
+ dict['origExp'] = origExp
+ dict['earnedExp'] = earnedExp
+ dict['origQuests'] = origQuests
+ dict['items'] = items
+ dict['missedItems'] = missedItems
+ dict['origMerits'] = origMerits
+ dict['merits'] = merits
+ dict['parts'] = parts
+ toonRewardDicts.append(dict)
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ return toonRewardDicts
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/ b/toontown/src/battle/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aaeac7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownBattleGlobals
+from toontown.suit import SuitDNA
+# This file contains a collection of functions to manage battle
+# experience and generation of reward movies on the AI side. These
+# functions used to be methods on DistributedBattleBaseAI,
+# BattleCalculatorAI, and Movie, but they have been pulled out here to
+# collect them together and generalize them for final battles, which
+# might have as many as 8 Toons.
+BattleExperienceAINotify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('BattleExprienceAI')
+def getSkillGained(toonSkillPtsGained, toonId, track):
+ """
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Function: get the skill points obtained so far in this battle
+ // for a toon position and a specific attack track
+ // Parameters: toonSlot, which toon to get the skill points for
+ // track, the attack track to get the skill pts for
+ // Changes:
+ // Returns: skill points received so far in this battle
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ """
+ exp = 0
+ expList = toonSkillPtsGained.get(toonId, None)
+ if expList != None:
+ exp = expList[track]
+ return int(exp + 0.5)
+def getBattleExperience(numToons, activeToons, toonExp,
+ toonSkillPtsGained, toonOrigQuests, toonItems,
+ toonOrigMerits, toonMerits,
+ toonParts, suitsKilled, helpfulToonsList = None):
+ # First, build a list of active toons for the quest manager
+ if helpfulToonsList == None:
+ BattleExperienceAINotify.warning("=============\nERROR ERROR helpfulToons=None in assignRewards , tell Red")
+ if __debug__:
+ import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ p = []
+ for k in range(numToons):
+ toon = None
+ if (k < len(activeToons)):
+ toonId = activeToons[k]
+ toon = simbase.air.doId2do.get(toonId)
+ if (toon == None):
+ p.append(-1)
+ p.append([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
+ p.append([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
+ p.append([]) # orig quests
+ p.append([]) # items
+ p.append([]) # missed items
+ p.append([0, 0, 0, 0]) # orig merits
+ p.append([0, 0, 0, 0]) # merits
+ p.append([0, 0, 0, 0]) # parts
+ else:
+ assert(toon.doId == toonId)
+ p.append(toonId)
+ origExp = toonExp[toonId]
+ earnedExp = []
+ for i in range(len(ToontownBattleGlobals.Tracks)):
+ earnedExp.append(getSkillGained(toonSkillPtsGained, toonId, i))
+ p.append(origExp)
+ p.append(earnedExp)
+ origQuests = toonOrigQuests.get(toonId, [])
+ p.append(origQuests)
+ items = toonItems.get(toonId, ([], []))
+ p.append(items[0])
+ p.append(items[1])
+ origMerits = toonOrigMerits.get(toonId, [])
+ p.append(origMerits)
+ merits = toonMerits.get(toonId, [0, 0, 0, 0])
+ p.append(merits)
+ parts = toonParts.get(toonId, [0, 0, 0, 0])
+ p.append(parts)
+ # Now make a list of the suits that were killed so we can update
+ # quest progress during the movie
+ deathList = []
+ # create a lookup table of the indices of the active toons
+ toonIndices = {}
+ for i in range(len(activeToons)):
+ # map toonId -> toon's battle index
+ toonIndices[activeToons[i]] = i
+ for deathRecord in suitsKilled:
+ # Record the suit index and the suit level
+ level = deathRecord['level']
+ type = deathRecord['type']
+ if deathRecord['isVP'] or deathRecord['isCFO']:
+ # VPs/CFOs are not 'cogs' per se
+ # they have no level or type; they only have a track
+ # pass dept index as type. This, combined with isVP/isCFO flag,
+ # uniquely identifies VPs/CFOs.
+ level = 0
+ typeNum = SuitDNA.suitDepts.index(deathRecord['track'])
+ else:
+ # Convert the type (name string) into an int to pass on the network
+ typeNum = SuitDNA.suitHeadTypes.index(type)
+ # create a bitmask that represents which toons were involved
+ involvedToonIds = deathRecord['activeToons']
+ toonBits = 0
+ for toonId in involvedToonIds:
+ if toonId in toonIndices:
+ toonBits |= (1 << toonIndices[toonId])
+ # create a flags byte w/ extra info
+ flags = 0
+ if deathRecord['isSkelecog']:
+ flags |= ToontownBattleGlobals.DLF_SKELECOG
+ if deathRecord['isForeman']:
+ flags |= ToontownBattleGlobals.DLF_FOREMAN
+ if deathRecord['isVP']:
+ flags |= ToontownBattleGlobals.DLF_VP
+ if deathRecord['isCFO']:
+ flags |= ToontownBattleGlobals.DLF_CFO
+ if deathRecord['isSupervisor']:
+ flags |= ToontownBattleGlobals.DLF_SUPERVISOR
+ if deathRecord['isVirtual']:
+ flags |= ToontownBattleGlobals.DLF_VIRTUAL
+ if ("hasRevies" in deathRecord) and (deathRecord['hasRevives']):
+ flags |= ToontownBattleGlobals.DLF_REVIVES
+ deathList.extend([typeNum, level, toonBits, flags])
+ # Put the deathList in the master array
+ p.append(deathList)
+ #add the bitfields of the toons ubergags
+ #print("activeToons %s" % (activeToons))
+ uberStats = getToonUberStatus(activeToons, numToons)
+ #uberStats = [77,42]
+ #print(uberStats)
+ p.append(uberStats)
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ #p.append([77,42])
+ if helpfulToonsList == None:
+ helpfulToonsList = []
+ p.append(helpfulToonsList)
+ return p
+def getToonUberStatus(toons, numToons):
+ #print("getToonUberStatus")
+ fieldList = []
+ uberIndex = ToontownBattleGlobals.LAST_REGULAR_GAG_LEVEL + 1
+ for toonId in toons:
+ toonList = []
+ toon = simbase.air.doId2do.get(toonId)
+ if toon == None:
+ #toonList = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
+ fieldList.append(-1)
+ else:
+ for trackIndex in range(ToontownBattleGlobals.MAX_TRACK_INDEX + 1):
+ toonList.append(toon.inventory.numItem(trackIndex, uberIndex))
+ fieldList.append(ToontownBattleGlobals.encodeUber(toonList))
+ lenDif = numToons - len(toons)
+ if lenDif > 0:
+ for index in range(lenDif):
+ fieldList.append(-1)
+ #print(fieldList)
+ return fieldList
+def assignRewards(activeToons, toonSkillPtsGained, suitsKilled, zoneId, helpfulToons=None):
+ # First, build a list of active toons for the quest manager
+ if helpfulToons == None:
+ BattleExperienceAINotify.warning("=============\nERROR ERROR helpfulToons=None in assignRewards , tell Red")
+ if __debug__:
+ import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ activeToonList = []
+ for t in activeToons:
+ toon = simbase.air.doId2do.get(t)
+ if (toon != None):
+ activeToonList.append(toon)
+ # Now walk through the list and add the gained experience to each
+ # toon.
+ for toon in activeToonList:
+ for i in range(len(ToontownBattleGlobals.Tracks)):
+ uberIndex = ToontownBattleGlobals.LAST_REGULAR_GAG_LEVEL + 1
+ exp = getSkillGained(toonSkillPtsGained, toon.doId, i)
+ needed = ToontownBattleGlobals.Levels[i][ToontownBattleGlobals.LAST_REGULAR_GAG_LEVEL + 1] + ToontownBattleGlobals.UberSkill
+ #print("Track %s Needed %s Current %s" % (ToontownBattleGlobals.Tracks[i], needed, exp + toon.experience.getExp(i)))
+ assert(exp >= 0)
+ hasUber = 0
+ totalExp = exp + toon.experience.getExp(i)
+ if (toon.inventory.numItem(i, uberIndex) > 0):
+ hasUber = 1
+ if (totalExp >= (needed)) or (totalExp >= ToontownBattleGlobals.MaxSkill):
+ #the toon has exceeded the uberGag tredmill threshold
+ #and needs to be awarded the USE of an ubergag
+ #then the toon should have their exp level reduced to the amount needed to have the uber gag
+ #print("uber threshold met")
+ if toon.inventory.totalProps < toon.getMaxCarry() and not hasUber:
+ #make sure the toon has room for the uber gag
+ #print("adding uber gag")
+ uberLevel = ToontownBattleGlobals.LAST_REGULAR_GAG_LEVEL + 1
+ #need to hang this and assign it after the toons play their movies
+ #taskMgr.doMethodLater(3.0, toon.inventory.addItem, 'ToT-phrase-reset', extraArgs=[i, uberLevel])
+ toon.inventory.addItem(i, uberLevel)
+ toon.experience.setExp(i, ToontownBattleGlobals.Levels[i][ToontownBattleGlobals.LAST_REGULAR_GAG_LEVEL + 1])
+ else:
+ toon.experience.setExp(i, ToontownBattleGlobals.MaxSkill)
+ pass
+ #print("full not adding ubergag")
+ elif (exp > 0):
+ #print("regular exp")
+ newGagList = toon.experience.getNewGagIndexList(i, exp)
+ toon.experience.addExp(i, amount=exp)
+ toon.inventory.addItemWithList(i, newGagList)
+ toon.b_setExperience(toon.experience.makeNetString())
+ toon.d_setInventory(toon.inventory.makeNetString())
+ # The AI starts each toon dancing. Each client will
+ # eventually be responsible for stopping the dance,
+ # after the client has viewed the entire reward movie.
+ # This means that all toons will start dancing at the
+ # same time, but they may not all end at the same time.
+ toon.b_setAnimState('victory', 1)
+ # Tell the quest manager about the cogs this toon killed
+ # so it can update the quest progress
+ if simbase.air.config.GetBool('battle-passing-no-credit', True):
+ # toons who just pass all the time will not get the quest credit
+ if helpfulToons and (toon.doId in helpfulToons):
+ simbase.air.questManager.toonKilledCogs(toon, suitsKilled, zoneId, activeToonList)
+ # Tell the cog page manager about the cogs this toon killed
+ simbase.air.cogPageManager.toonKilledCogs(toon, suitsKilled, zoneId)
+ else:
+ BattleExperienceAINotify.debug('toon=%d unhelpful not getting killed cog quest credit' % toon.doId)
+ else:
+ simbase.air.questManager.toonKilledCogs(toon, suitsKilled, zoneId, activeToonList)
+ # Tell the cog page manager about the cogs this toon killed
+ simbase.air.cogPageManager.toonKilledCogs(toon, suitsKilled, zoneId)
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/ b/toontown/src/battle/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fb7a8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+import DistributedBattleAI
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+class BattleManagerAI:
+ """ This class used to assume that there was one battle cell per zone.
+ It now supports any number of battle cells per zone, and requires that
+ you pass in 'battle cell IDs' to identify battle cells. There is nothing
+ magic about battle cell IDs, they just have to be unique and map
+ one-to-one with the battle cells. For systems that happen to have one
+ battle cell per zone, like the streets, it should be perfectly fine to
+ use zoneIds as battle cell IDs. """
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('BattleManagerAI')
+ def __init__(self, air):
+ """__init__(air)
+ """
+ self.air = air
+ self.cellId2battle = {}
+ self.battleConstructor = DistributedBattleAI.DistributedBattleAI
+ def cellHasBattle(self, cellId):
+ """ cellHasBattle(cellId)
+ """
+ return (self.cellId2battle.has_key(cellId))
+ def getBattle(self, cellId):
+ if self.cellId2battle.has_key(cellId):
+ return self.cellId2battle[cellId]
+ return None
+ def newBattle(self, cellId, zoneId, pos, suit, toonId,
+ finishCallback=None, maxSuits=4, interactivePropTrackBonus = -1):
+ """ newBattle(zoneId, pos, suit, toonId, finishCallback, maxSuits)
+ """
+ if self.cellId2battle.has_key(cellId):
+ # if a battle already exists here, don't create a new one,
+ # but instead make the suit join the battle or fly away.
+ # This is an extremely rare case; normally a suit won't
+ # try to start a battle where a battle is already taking
+ # place.
+"A battle is already present in the suit's zone!")
+ if not self.requestBattleAddSuit(cellId, suit):
+ # No room for the suit, fly him away.
+ suit.flyAwayNow()
+ battle = self.cellId2battle[cellId]
+ battle.signupToon(toonId, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2])
+ else:
+ # Generate a new battle. This is the normal case.
+ battle = self.battleConstructor(
+ self.air, self,
+ pos, suit, toonId, zoneId, finishCallback, maxSuits, interactivePropTrackBonus = interactivePropTrackBonus)
+ battle.generateWithRequired(zoneId)
+ battle.battleCellId = cellId
+ self.cellId2battle[cellId] = battle
+ return battle
+ def requestBattleAddSuit(self, cellId, suit):
+ """ requestBattleAddSuit(zoneId, suit)
+ """
+ assert(self.cellId2battle.has_key(cellId))
+ return (self.cellId2battle[cellId].suitRequestJoin(suit))
+ def destroy(self, battle):
+ """ destroy(battle)
+ """
+ cellId = battle.battleCellId
+ self.notify.debug('BattleManager - destroying battle %d' % cellId)
+ assert(self.cellId2battle.has_key(cellId))
+ del self.cellId2battle[cellId]
+ battle.requestDelete()
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/ b/toontown/src/battle/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3356feb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+from direct.particles.ParticleEffect import *
+import os
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.showbase import AppRunnerGlobal
+notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('BattleParticles')
+# This is a list of the effects used in the tutorial
+# They are in phase_3.5, not phase_5
+TutorialParticleEffects = (
+ "gearExplosionBig.ptf",
+ "gearExplosionSmall.ptf",
+ "gearExplosion.ptf",
+ )
+ParticleNames = (
+ "audit-div",
+ "audit-five",
+ "audit-four",
+ "audit-minus",
+ "audit-mult",
+ "audit-one",
+ "audit-plus",
+ "audit-six",
+ "audit-three",
+ "audit-two",
+ "blah",
+ "brainstorm-box",
+ "brainstorm-env",
+ "brainstorm-track",
+ "buzzwords-crash",
+ "buzzwords-inc",
+ "buzzwords-main",
+ "buzzwords-over",
+ "buzzwords-syn",
+ "confetti",
+ "doubletalk-double",
+ "doubletalk-dup",
+ "doubletalk-good",
+ "filibuster-cut",
+ "filibuster-fiscal",
+ "filibuster-impeach",
+ "filibuster-inc",
+ "jargon-brow",
+ "jargon-deep",
+ "jargon-hoop",
+ "jargon-ipo",
+ "legalese-hc",
+ "legalese-qpq",
+ "legalese-vd",
+ "mumbojumbo-boiler",
+ "mumbojumbo-creative",
+ "mumbojumbo-deben",
+ "mumbojumbo-high",
+ "mumbojumbo-iron",
+ "poundsign",
+ "schmooze-genius",
+ "schmooze-instant",
+ "schmooze-master",
+ "schmooze-viz",
+ # the old one - still used
+ "roll-o-dex",
+ "rollodex-card",
+ "dagger",
+ "fire",
+ "snow-particle",
+ "raindrop",
+ "gear",
+ "checkmark",
+ "dollar-sign",
+ "spark",
+ )
+particleModel = None
+# Where should we look to find a particle file?
+particleSearchPath = None
+def loadParticles():
+ global particleModel
+ if (particleModel == None):
+ particleModel = loader.loadModel("phase_3.5/models/props/suit-particles")
+def unloadParticles():
+ global particleModel
+ if (particleModel != None):
+ particleModel.removeNode()
+ del(particleModel)
+ particleModel = None
+def getParticle(name):
+ global particleModel
+ if (name in ParticleNames):
+ particle = particleModel.find("**/" + str(name))
+ return particle
+ else:
+ notify.warning('getParticle() - no name: %s' % name)
+ return None
+def loadParticleFile(name):
+ global particleSearchPath
+ if particleSearchPath == None:
+ particleSearchPath = DSearchPath()
+ if AppRunnerGlobal.appRunner:
+ # In the web-publish runtime, it will always be here:
+ particleSearchPath.appendDirectory(Filename.expandFrom('$TT_3_5_ROOT/phase_3.5/etc'))
+ else:
+ # In other environments, including the dev environment, look here:
+ basePath = os.path.expandvars('$TOONTOWN') or './toontown'
+ particleSearchPath.appendDirectory(Filename.fromOsSpecific(basePath+'/src/battle'))
+ particleSearchPath.appendDirectory(Filename.fromOsSpecific(basePath+'/src/safezone'))
+ particleSearchPath.appendDirectory(Filename('phase_3.5/etc'))
+ particleSearchPath.appendDirectory(Filename('phase_4/etc'))
+ particleSearchPath.appendDirectory(Filename('phase_5/etc'))
+ particleSearchPath.appendDirectory(Filename('phase_8/etc'))
+ particleSearchPath.appendDirectory(Filename('phase_9/etc'))
+ particleSearchPath.appendDirectory(Filename('.'))
+ pfile = Filename(name)
+ found = vfs.resolveFilename(pfile, particleSearchPath)
+ if not found:
+ notify.warning('loadParticleFile() - no path: %s' % name)
+ return
+ notify.debug('Loading particle file: %s' % pfile)
+ effect = ParticleEffect()
+ # print "particle filename = ", pfile.getFullpath()
+ effect.loadConfig(pfile)
+ return effect
+def createParticleEffect(name=None, file=None, numParticles=None, color=None):
+ # If don't provide name, grabbing the particle effect straight from the file name given
+ if not name:
+ assert (file != None)
+ fileName = file + '.ptf'
+ return loadParticleFile(fileName)
+ if (name == 'GearExplosion'):
+ return __makeGearExplosion(numParticles)
+ elif (name == 'BigGearExplosion'):
+ return __makeGearExplosion(numParticles, 'Big')
+ elif (name == 'WideGearExplosion'):
+ return __makeGearExplosion(numParticles, 'Wide')
+ elif (name == 'BrainStorm'):
+ return loadParticleFile('brainStorm.ptf')
+ elif (name == 'BuzzWord'):
+ return loadParticleFile('buzzWord.ptf')
+ elif (name == 'Calculate'):
+ return loadParticleFile('calculate.ptf')
+ elif (name == 'Confetti'):
+ return loadParticleFile('confetti.ptf')
+ elif (name == 'DemotionFreeze'):
+ return loadParticleFile('demotionFreeze.ptf')
+ elif (name == 'DemotionSpray'):
+ return loadParticleFile('demotionSpray.ptf')
+ elif (name == 'DoubleTalkLeft'):
+ return loadParticleFile('doubleTalkLeft.ptf')
+ elif (name == 'DoubleTalkRight'):
+ return loadParticleFile('doubleTalkRight.ptf')
+ elif (name == 'FingerWag'):
+ return loadParticleFile('fingerwag.ptf')
+ elif (name == 'FiredFlame'):
+ return loadParticleFile('firedFlame.ptf')
+ elif (name == 'FreezeAssets'):
+ return loadParticleFile('freezeAssets.ptf')
+ elif (name == 'GlowerPower'):
+ return loadParticleFile('glowerPowerKnives.ptf')
+ elif (name == 'HotAir'):
+ return loadParticleFile('hotAirSpray.ptf')
+ elif (name == 'PoundKey'):
+ return loadParticleFile('poundkey.ptf')
+ elif (name == 'ShiftSpray'):
+ return loadParticleFile('shiftSpray.ptf')
+ elif (name == 'ShiftLift'):
+ return __makeShiftLift()
+ elif (name == 'Shred'):
+ return loadParticleFile('shred.ptf')
+ elif (name == 'Smile'):
+ return loadParticleFile('smile.ptf')
+ elif (name == 'SpriteFiredFlecks'):
+ return loadParticleFile('spriteFiredFlecks.ptf')
+ elif (name == 'Synergy'):
+ return loadParticleFile('synergy.ptf')
+ elif (name == 'Waterfall'):
+ return loadParticleFile('waterfall.ptf')
+ elif (name == 'PoundKey'):
+ return loadParticleFile('poundkey.ptf')
+ elif (name == 'RubOut'):
+ return __makeRubOut(color)
+ elif (name == 'SplashLines'):
+ return loadParticleFile('splashlines.ptf')
+ elif (name == 'Withdrawal'):
+ return loadParticleFile('withdrawal.ptf')
+ else:
+ notify.warning('createParticleEffect() - no name: %s' % name)
+ return None
+def setEffectTexture(effect, name, color=None):
+ assert(effect != None)
+ particles = effect.getParticlesNamed('particles-1')
+ np = getParticle(name)
+ assert(not np.isEmpty())
+ if color:
+ particles.renderer.setColor(color)
+ particles.renderer.setFromNode(np)
+def __makeGearExplosion(numParticles=None, style = 'Normal'):
+ if style == 'Normal':
+ effect = loadParticleFile('gearExplosion.ptf')
+ elif style == 'Big':
+ effect = loadParticleFile('gearExplosionBig.ptf')
+ elif style == 'Wide':
+ effect = loadParticleFile('gearExplosionWide.ptf')
+ if numParticles:
+ particles = effect.getParticlesNamed('particles-1')
+ particles.setPoolSize(numParticles)
+ return effect
+def __makeRubOut(color=None):
+ effect = loadParticleFile('demotionUnFreeze.ptf')
+ loadParticles()
+ setEffectTexture(effect, 'snow-particle')
+ particles = effect.getParticlesNamed('particles-1')
+ particles.renderer.setInitialXScale(0.03)
+ particles.renderer.setFinalXScale(0.000)
+ particles.renderer.setInitialYScale(0.02)
+ particles.renderer.setFinalYScale(0.000)
+ if color:
+ particles.renderer.setColor(color)
+ else:
+ particles.renderer.setColor(Vec4(0.54, 0.92, 0.32, 0.7))
+ return effect
+def __makeShiftLift():
+ effect = loadParticleFile('pixieDrop.ptf')
+ particles = effect.getParticlesNamed('particles-1')
+ particles.renderer.setCenterColor(Vec4(1, 1, 0, .9))
+ particles.renderer.setEdgeColor(Vec4(1, 1, 0, .6))
+ particles.emitter.setRadius(0.01)
+ effect.setHpr(0, 180, 0)
+ effect.setPos(0, 0, 0)
+ return effect
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/ b/toontown/src/battle/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a971968
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from toontown.toon import Toon
+from toontown.hood import Place
+class BattlePlace(Place.Place):
+ def __init__(self, loader, doneEvent):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("__init__()"))
+ Place.Place.__init__(self, loader, doneEvent)
+ def load(self):
+ Place.Place.load(self)
+ # load Toon battle anims and props
+ Toon.loadBattleAnims()
+ def setState(self, state, battleEvent=None):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("setState(state="+str(state)
+ +", battleEvent="+str(battleEvent)+")"))
+ if (battleEvent):
+ if not self.fsm.request(state, [battleEvent]):
+ self.notify.warning("fsm.request('%s') returned 0 (zone id %s, avatar pos %s)."
+ % (state, self.zoneId, base.localAvatar.getPos(render)))
+ else:
+ if not self.fsm.request(state):
+ self.notify.warning("fsm.request('%s') returned 0 (zone id %s, avatar pos %s)."
+ % (state, self.zoneId, base.localAvatar.getPos(render)))
+ def enterWalk(self, flag=0):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("enterWalk()"))
+ Place.Place.enterWalk(self, flag)
+ # handlers
+ self.accept("enterBattle", self.handleBattleEntry)
+ def exitWalk(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("exitWalk()"))
+ Place.Place.exitWalk(self)
+ self.ignore("enterBattle")
+ def enterWaitForBattle(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("enterWaitForBattle()"))
+ base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('neutral', 1)
+ def exitWaitForBattle(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("exitWaitForBattle()"))
+ def enterBattle(self, event):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("enterBattle()"))
+ base.playMusic(self.loader.battleMusic, looping=1, volume=0.9)
+ self.enterTownBattle(event)
+ # Make sure the toon's anim state gets reset
+ base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('off', 1)
+ # A query for a teleport location might come along while we're
+ # in battle, which is acceptable. We should handle it, so
+ # friends can teleport to us to help us out.
+ # We can't put this handler in the TownBattle object, because
+ # it doesn't know what zone or hood we're in.
+ self.accept("teleportQuery", self.handleTeleportQuery)
+ base.localAvatar.setTeleportAvailable(1)
+ # Disable leave to pay / set parent password
+ base.localAvatar.cantLeaveGame = 1
+ def enterTownBattle(self, event):
+ self.loader.townBattle.enter(event, self.fsm.getStateNamed("battle"))
+ def exitBattle(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("exitBattle()"))
+ self.loader.townBattle.exit()
+ self.loader.battleMusic.stop()
+ base.playMusic(, looping=1, volume=0.8)
+ base.localAvatar.cantLeaveGame = 0
+ base.localAvatar.setTeleportAvailable(0)
+ self.ignore("teleportQuery")
+ def handleBattleEntry(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("handleBattleEntry()"))
+ self.fsm.request("battle")
+ def enterFallDown(self, extraArgs=[]):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("enterFallDown()"))
+ # exitWalk hides the laffmeter, so start it here
+ base.localAvatar.laffMeter.start()
+ # Play the 'slip backwards' animation
+ base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('FallDown',
+ callback=self.handleFallDownDone,
+ extraArgs=extraArgs)
+ def handleFallDownDone(self):
+ # put place back in walk state after squish is done
+ def exitFallDown(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("exitFallDown"))
+ base.localAvatar.laffMeter.stop()
+ def enterSquished(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("enterSquished()"))
+ # exitWalk hides the laffmeter, so start it here
+ base.localAvatar.laffMeter.start()
+ # Play the 'squish' animation
+ base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('Squish')
+ # Put toon back in walk state after a couple seconds
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(2.0,
+ self.handleSquishDone,
+ base.localAvatar.uniqueName("finishSquishTask"))
+ def handleSquishDone(self, extraArgs=[]):
+ # put place back in walk state after squish is done
+ #self.fsm.request("walk")
+ def exitSquished(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("exitSquished()"))
+ taskMgr.remove(base.localAvatar.uniqueName("finishSquishTask"))
+ base.localAvatar.laffMeter.stop()
+ def enterZone(self, newZone):
+ """
+ Puts the toon in the indicated zone. newZone may either be a
+ CollisionEntry object as determined by a floor polygon, or an
+ integer zone id. It may also be None, to indicate no zone.
+ """
+ assert(self.notify.debug("enterZone(newZone=%s)"%(newZone,)))
+ if isinstance(newZone, CollisionEntry):
+ # Get the name of the collide node
+ try:
+ newZoneId = int(newZone.getIntoNode().getName())
+ except:
+ self.notify.warning("Invalid floor collision node in street: %s" % (newZone.getIntoNode().getName()))
+ return
+ else:
+ newZoneId = newZone
+ self.doEnterZone(newZoneId)
+ def doEnterZone(self, newZoneId):
+ """
+ Puts the Toon in the indicated zone, which is an integer
+ number. This is overridden in to implement
+ zone-based visibility of geometry.
+ """
+ if newZoneId != self.zoneId:
+ # Tell the server that we changed zones
+ if newZoneId != None:
+ self.notify.debug("Entering Zone %d" % (newZoneId))
+ # The new zone is now old
+ self.zoneId = newZoneId
+ assert(self.notify.debug(" newZoneId="+str(newZoneId)))
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/ b/toontown/src/battle/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d73ed37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/
@@ -0,0 +1,448 @@
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from import Actor
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from otp.otpbase import OTPGlobals
+import random
+Props = (
+ #
+ # Toon props
+ #
+ # fanfare partyball
+ (5, 'partyBall', 'partyBall'),
+ # heal
+ (5, 'feather', 'feather-mod', 'feather-chan'), # tickle
+ (5, 'lips', 'lips'), # smooch
+ (5, 'lipstick', 'lipstick'), # smooch
+ (5, 'hat', 'hat'), # happy-dance
+ (5, 'cane', 'cane'), # happy-dance
+ (5, 'cubes', 'cubes-mod', 'cubes-chan'), # juggle
+ (5, 'ladder', 'ladder2'),
+ # lure
+ (4, 'fishing-pole', 'fishing-pole-mod', 'fishing-pole-chan'),
+ (5, '1dollar', '1dollar-bill-mod', '1dollar-bill-chan'),
+ (5, 'big-magnet', 'magnet'),
+ (5, 'hypno-goggles', 'hypnotize-mod', 'hypnotize-chan'),
+ (5, 'slideshow', 'av_screen'),
+ # trap
+ (5, 'banana', 'banana-peel-mod', 'banana-peel-chan'),
+ (5, 'rake', 'rake-mod', 'rake-chan'),
+ (5, 'marbles', 'marbles-mod', 'marbles-chan'),
+ (5, 'tnt', 'tnt-mod', 'tnt-chan'),
+ (5, 'trapdoor', 'trapdoor'),
+ (5, 'quicksand', 'quicksand'),
+ (5, 'traintrack', 'traintrack2'),
+ (5, 'train', 'train'),
+ # sound
+ (5, 'megaphone', 'megaphone'),
+ (5, 'aoogah', 'aoogah'),
+ (5, 'bikehorn', 'bikehorn'),
+ (5, 'bugle', 'bugle'),
+ (5, 'elephant', 'elephant'),
+ (5, 'fog_horn', 'fog_horn'),
+ (5, 'whistle', 'whistle'),
+ (5, 'singing', 'singing'),
+ # throw
+ (3.5, 'creampie', 'tart'),
+ (5, 'fruitpie-slice', 'fruit-pie-slice'),
+ (5, 'creampie-slice', 'cream-pie-slice'),
+ (5, 'birthday-cake', 'birthday-cake-mod', 'birthday-cake-chan'),
+ (5, 'wedding-cake', 'wedding_cake'),
+ # squirt
+ # The squirting flower is used in the tutorial
+ (3.5, 'squirting-flower', 'squirting-flower'), # flower
+ (5, 'glass', 'glass-mod', 'glass-chan'), # water glass
+ (4, 'water-gun', 'water-gun'), # water pistol
+ (3.5, 'bottle', 'bottle'), # seltzer
+ (5, 'firehose', 'firehose-mod', 'firehose-chan'), # firehose
+ (5, 'hydrant', 'battle_hydrant'), # fire hydrant
+ (4, 'stormcloud', 'stormcloud-mod', 'stormcloud-chan'),
+ (5, 'geyser', 'geyser'),
+ # drop
+ (3.5, 'button', 'button'),
+ (5, 'flowerpot', 'flowerpot-mod', 'flowerpot-chan'),
+ (5, 'sandbag', 'sandbag-mod', 'sandbag-chan'),
+ (4, 'anvil', 'anvil-mod', 'anvil-chan'),
+ (5, 'weight', 'weight-mod', 'weight-chan'),
+ (5, 'safe', 'safe-mod', 'safe-chan'),
+ (5, 'piano', 'piano-mod', 'piano-chan'),
+ #
+ # Suit props
+ #
+ (5, 'rake-react', 'rake-step-mod', 'rake-step-chan'),
+ (5, 'pad', 'pad'),
+ (4, 'propeller', 'propeller-mod', 'propeller-chan'),
+ (5, 'calculator', 'calculator-mod', 'calculator-chan'),
+ (5, 'rollodex', 'roll-o-dex'),
+ (5, 'rubber-stamp', 'rubber-stamp'),
+ (5, 'rubber-stamp-pad', 'rubber-stamp-pad-mod', 'rubber-stamp-pad-chan'),
+ (5, 'smile', 'smile-mod', 'smile-chan'),
+ (5, 'golf-club', 'golf-club'),
+ (5, 'golf-ball', 'golf-ball'),
+ (5, 'redtape', 'redtape'),
+ # the tube is for wrapping around the toon
+ (5, 'redtape-tube', 'redtape-tube'),
+ (5, 'bounced-check', 'bounced-check'),
+ (5, 'calculator', 'calculator-mod', 'calculator-chan'),
+ (3.5, 'clip-on-tie', 'clip-on-tie-mod', 'clip-on-tie-chan'),
+ (5, 'pen', 'pen'),
+ (5, 'pencil', 'pencil'),
+ (3.5, 'phone', 'phone'),
+ (3.5, 'receiver', 'receiver'),
+ (5, 'sharpener', 'sharpener'),
+ (3.5, 'shredder', 'shredder'),
+ # shredder paper also used for eviction notice and restraining order
+ (3.5, 'shredder-paper', 'shredder-paper-mod', 'shredder-paper-chan'),
+ (5, 'watercooler', 'watercooler'),
+ (5, 'dagger', 'dagger'),
+ (5, 'card', 'card'),
+ (5, 'baseball', 'baseball'),
+ (5, 'bird', 'bird'),
+ (5, 'can', 'can'),
+ (5, 'cigar', 'cigar'),
+ (5, 'evil-eye', 'evil-eye'),
+ (5, 'gavel', 'gavel'), # needs anim!
+ (5, 'half-windsor', 'half-windsor'),
+ (5, 'lawbook', 'lawbook'),
+ (5, 'newspaper', 'newspaper'),
+ (5, 'pink-slip', 'pink-slip'),
+ (5, 'teeth', 'teeth-mod', 'teeth-chan'), # wind-up
+ (5, 'power-tie', 'power-tie'), # there is a more polygonal version of this
+ # if we deem it necesary.
+ #
+ # Battle effects
+ #
+ (3.5, 'spray', 'spray'),
+ (3.5, 'splash', 'splash'),
+ (3.5, 'splat', 'splat-mod', 'splat-chan'),
+ (3.5, 'stun', 'stun-mod', 'stun-chan'),
+ (3.5, 'glow', 'glow'),
+ (3.5, 'suit_explosion', 'suit_explosion-mod', 'suit_explosion-chan'),
+ (3.5, 'suit_explosion_dust', 'dust_cloud'),
+ #
+ # water effects
+ #
+ (4, 'ripples', 'ripples'),
+ (4, 'wake', 'wake'),
+ (4, 'splashdown', 'SZ_splashdown-mod', 'SZ_splashdown-chan'),
+ )
+# splat dict: pie-name: (scale, color)
+CreampieColor = VBase4(250./255., 241./255., 24./255., 1.)
+FruitpieColor = VBase4(55./255., 40./255., 148./255., 1.)
+BirthdayCakeColor = VBase4(253./255., 119./255., 220./255., 1.)
+Splats = {
+ 'tart': (0.3, FruitpieColor),
+ 'fruitpie-slice': (0.5, FruitpieColor),
+ 'creampie-slice': (0.5, CreampieColor),
+ 'fruitpie': (0.7, FruitpieColor),
+ 'creampie': (0.7, CreampieColor),
+ 'birthday-cake': (0.9, BirthdayCakeColor),
+ }
+Variants = ('tart', 'fruitpie', 'splat-tart', 'dust', 'kapow', 'double-windsor',
+ 'splat-fruitpie-slice', 'splat-creampie-slice', 'splat-fruitpie',
+ 'splat-creampie', 'splat-birthday-cake', 'splash-from-splat',
+ 'clip-on-tie', 'lips', 'small-magnet', '5dollar', '10dollar',
+ 'suit_explosion', 'quicksand', 'trapdoor', 'geyser', 'ship', 'trolley','traintrack')
+class PropPool:
+ """
+ The PropPool loads props and their animations if they have them.
+ """
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('PropPool')
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.props = {}
+ self.propCache = []
+ self.propStrings = {}
+ self.propTypes = {}
+ self.maxPoolSize = base.config.GetInt("prop-pool-size", 8)
+ # load ref's to the props enumerated above
+ for p in Props:
+ phase = p[0]
+ propName = p[1]
+ modelName = p[2]
+ # See if the prop is animated
+ if (len(p) == 4):
+ animName = p[3]
+ propPath = self.getPath(phase, modelName)
+ animPath = self.getPath(phase, animName)
+ self.propTypes[propName] = 'actor'
+ self.propStrings[propName] = (propPath, animPath)
+ else:
+ propPath = self.getPath(phase, modelName)
+ self.propTypes[propName] = 'model'
+ self.propStrings[propName] = (propPath,)
+ # load the ref's for variant props
+ propName = 'tart'
+ self.propStrings[propName] = (self.getPath(3.5,'tart'),)
+ self.propTypes[propName] = 'model'
+ propName = 'fruitpie'
+ self.propStrings[propName] = (self.getPath(3.5, 'tart'),)
+ self.propTypes[propName] = 'model'
+ propName = 'double-windsor'
+ self.propStrings[propName] = (self.getPath(5, 'half-windsor'),)
+ self.propTypes[propName] = 'model'
+ splatAnimFileName = self.getPath(3.5, 'splat-chan')
+ for splat in Splats.keys():
+ propName = 'splat-' + splat
+ self.propStrings[propName] = (self.getPath(3.5, 'splat-mod'), splatAnimFileName)
+ self.propTypes[propName] = 'actor'
+ propName = 'splash-from-splat'
+ self.propStrings[propName] = (self.getPath(3.5, 'splat-mod'), splatAnimFileName)
+ self.propTypes[propName] = 'actor'
+ propName = 'small-magnet'
+ self.propStrings[propName] = (self.getPath(5, 'magnet'),)
+ self.propTypes[propName] = 'model'
+ propName = '5dollar'
+ self.propStrings[propName] = (self.getPath(5, '1dollar-bill-mod'),
+ self.getPath(5, '1dollar-bill-chan'))
+ self.propTypes[propName] = 'actor'
+ propName = '10dollar'
+ self.propStrings[propName] = (self.getPath(5, '1dollar-bill-mod'),
+ self.getPath(5, '1dollar-bill-chan'))
+ self.propTypes[propName] = 'actor'
+ propName = 'dust'
+ self.propStrings[propName] = (self.getPath(5, 'dust-mod'),
+ self.getPath(5, 'dust-chan'))
+ self.propTypes[propName] = 'actor'
+ propName = 'kapow'
+ self.propStrings[propName] = (self.getPath(5, 'kapow-mod'),
+ self.getPath(5, 'kapow-chan'))
+ self.propTypes[propName] = 'actor'
+ propName = 'ship'
+ # TODO: move to phase 5!
+ self.propStrings[propName] = ("phase_5/models/props/ship.bam",)
+ self.propTypes[propName] = 'model'
+ propName = 'trolley'
+ self.propStrings[propName] = ("phase_4/models/modules/trolley_station_TT",)
+ self.propTypes[propName] = 'model'
+ def getPath(self, phase, model):
+ return ("phase_%s/models/props/%s" % (phase, model))
+ def makeVariant(self, name):
+ """makeVariant(self, string)
+ """
+ # scale the original pie down
+ if (name == 'tart'):
+ self.props[name].setScale(0.5)
+ # scale the original pie down
+ elif (name == 'fruitpie'):
+ self.props[name].setScale(0.75)
+ # scale the half-windsor up
+ elif (name == 'double-windsor'):
+ self.props[name].setScale(1.5)
+ # munge the various pie splats
+ elif (name[:6] == 'splat-'):
+ prop = self.props[name]
+ scale = prop.getScale() * Splats[name[6:]][0]
+ prop.setScale(scale)
+ prop.setColor(Splats[name[6:]][1])
+ # hack up a splash for the squirt attacks
+ elif (name == 'splash-from-splat'):
+ self.props[name].setColor(0.75, 0.75, 1.0, 1.0)
+ # yer tie's crooked
+ elif (name == 'clip-on-tie'):
+ tie = self.props[name]
+ tie.getChild(0).setHpr(23.86, -16.03, 9.18)
+ # make the small magnet smaller
+ elif (name == 'small-magnet'):
+ self.props[name].setScale(0.5)
+ # fixing scale point on shredder-paper
+ # NOTE: I don't think this is getting run;
+ # 'shredder-paper' is not in the list of variants
+ elif (name == 'shredder-paper'):
+ paper = self.props[name]
+ paper.setPosHpr(2.22, -0.95, 1.16, -48.61, 26.57, -111.51)
+ paper.flattenMedium()
+ # place lips at the origin
+ elif (name == 'lips'):
+ lips = self.props[name]
+ lips.setPos(0, 0, -3.04)
+ lips.flattenMedium()
+ # set the 5 dollar bill texture
+ elif (name == '5dollar'):
+ tex = loader.loadTexture('phase_5/maps/dollar_5.jpg')
+ tex.setMinfilter(Texture.FTLinearMipmapLinear)
+ tex.setMagfilter(Texture.FTLinear)
+ self.props[name].setTexture(tex, 1)
+ # set the 10 dollar bill texture
+ elif (name == '10dollar'):
+ tex = loader.loadTexture('phase_5/maps/dollar_10.jpg')
+ tex.setMinfilter(Texture.FTLinearMipmapLinear)
+ tex.setMagfilter(Texture.FTLinear)
+ self.props[name].setTexture(tex, 1)
+ # set the draw order on the dust clouds (cloud1 is front)
+ elif (name == 'dust'):
+ bin = 110
+ for cloudNum in range(1, 12):
+ cloudName = '**/cloud' + str(cloudNum)
+ cloud = self.props[name].find(cloudName)
+ cloud.setBin('fixed', bin)
+ bin -= 10
+ # set the draw order on the kapow
+ elif (name == 'kapow'):
+ l = self.props[name].find('**/letters')
+ l.setBin('fixed', 20)
+ e = self.props[name].find('**/explosion')
+ e.setBin('fixed', 10)
+ # pick random suit explosion text
+ elif (name == 'suit_explosion'):
+ joints = ["**/joint_scale_POW", "**/joint_scale_BLAM", "**/joint_scale_BOOM",]
+ # pick two joints to hide at random
+ joint = random.choice(joints)
+ self.props[name].find(joint).hide()
+ joints.remove(joint)
+ joint = random.choice(joints)
+ self.props[name].find(joint).hide()
+ # Put these things in the shadow bin to avoid flickering.
+ # They are drawn behind the actual drop shadows (which are at
+ # sort 0).
+ elif (name == 'quicksand' or name == 'trapdoor'):
+ p = self.props[name]
+ p.setBin('shadow', -5)
+ p.setDepthWrite(0)
+ p.getChild(0).setPos(0, 0, OTPGlobals.FloorOffset)
+ elif (name == 'traintrack' or name == 'traintrack2'):
+ #hide the tunnels, and set the bin the same way we did trap door
+ prop = self.props[name]
+ prop.find('**/tunnel3').hide()
+ prop.find('**/tunnel2').hide()
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ pass
+ #prop.setBin('shadow', -5)
+ #prop.setDepthWrite(0)
+ prop.find('**/tracksA').setPos(0, 0, OTPGlobals.FloorOffset)
+ # make the geyser tflip animate
+ elif (name == 'geyser'):
+ p = self.props[name]
+ s = SequenceNode("geyser")
+ p.findAllMatches("**/Splash*").reparentTo(NodePath(s))
+ s.loop(0)
+ s.setFrameRate(12)
+ p.attachNewNode(s)
+ # load the boat from donald's dock
+ elif (name == 'ship'):
+ self.props[name] = self.props[name].find('**/ship_gag')
+ # load the trolley from the TT station
+ elif (name == 'trolley'):
+ self.props[name] = self.props[name].find('**/trolley_car')
+ def unloadProps(self):
+ """ unloadProps()
+ """
+ for p in self.props.values():
+ # make sure it's loaded before we remove it
+ if (type(p) != type(())):
+ self.__delProp(p)
+ self.props = {}
+ self.propCache = []
+ def getProp(self, name):
+ """ getProp(name)
+ """
+ assert(self.propStrings.has_key(name))
+ return self.__getPropCopy(name)
+ def __getPropCopy(self, name):
+ assert(self.propStrings.has_key(name))
+ assert(self.propTypes.has_key(name))
+ if (self.propTypes[name] == 'actor'):
+ # make sure the props is loaded
+ if not self.props.has_key(name):
+ prop = Actor.Actor()
+ prop.loadModel(self.propStrings[name][0])
+ animDict = {}
+ animDict[name] = self.propStrings[name][1]
+ prop.loadAnims(animDict)
+ prop.setName(name)
+ self.storeProp(name, prop)
+ # modify the geometry if necessary
+ if (name in Variants):
+ self.makeVariant(name)
+ return Actor.Actor(other=self.props[name])
+ else:
+ # make sure the props is loaded
+ if not self.props.has_key(name):
+ prop = loader.loadModel(self.propStrings[name][0])
+ prop.setName(name)
+ self.storeProp(name, prop)
+ # modify the geometry if necessary
+ if (name in Variants):
+ self.makeVariant(name)
+ # this must be a copyTo(), since the props may get
+ # mangled and mutilated in order to get them
+ # oriented the right way, etc.
+ return self.props[name].copyTo(hidden)
+ def storeProp(self, name, prop):
+ """storeProp(self, string, nodePath)
+ Determine how to store the prop in the prop cache.
+ """
+ self.props[name] = prop
+ self.propCache.append(prop)
+ if (len(self.props) > self.maxPoolSize):
+ # remove the oldest prop
+ oldest = self.propCache.pop(0)
+ # remove from dictionary
+ del(self.props[oldest.getName()])
+ # cleanup the prop
+ self.__delProp(oldest)
+ self.notify.debug("props = %s" % self.props)
+ self.notify.debug("propCache = %s" % self.propCache)
+ def getPropType(self, name):
+ assert(self.propTypes.has_key(name))
+ return self.propTypes[name]
+ def __delProp(self, prop):
+ """__delProp(self, prop)
+ This is a convenience function for deleting prop INSTANCES.
+ It does NOT affect the prop dict or cache! Suckah!
+ """
+ if (prop == None):
+ self.notify.warning('tried to delete null prop!')
+ return
+ if (isinstance(prop, Actor.Actor)):
+ prop.cleanup()
+ else:
+ prop.removeNode()
+globalPropPool = PropPool()
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/ b/toontown/src/battle/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e78849c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.showbase import AppRunnerGlobal
+import os
+## BattleSounds exists as a separate audiomanager from the default one in
+## so we can completely flush battle sounds when we go to areas that battles
+## cannot occur. (see globalBattleSoundCache.clear() in
+## might be simpler to use 1 audio manager so you have only 1 set if audio settings, but
+## you could add tagged sounds so all the 'battle'-tagged sounds could be flushed from the
+## cache at once. cache size might need to be increased in battle areas though
+class BattleSounds:
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('BattleSounds')
+ def __init__(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("__init__()"))
+ self.mgr = AudioManager.createAudioManager()
+ self.isValid=0
+ if self.mgr != None and self.mgr.isValid():
+ self.isValid=1
+ limit = base.config.GetInt('battle-sound-cache-size', 15)
+ self.mgr.setCacheLimit(limit)
+ # make sure user sound settings are applied to this snd manager
+ base.addSfxManager(self.mgr)
+ self.setupSearchPath()
+ def setupSearchPath(self):
+ """ Sets self.sfxSearchPath with the appropriate search path
+ to find battle sound effects. """
+ self.sfxSearchPath = DSearchPath()
+ if AppRunnerGlobal.appRunner:
+ # In the web-publish runtime, look here:
+ self.sfxSearchPath.appendDirectory(Filename.expandFrom('$TT_3_ROOT/phase_3/audio/sfx'))
+ self.sfxSearchPath.appendDirectory(Filename.expandFrom('$TT_3_5_ROOT/phase_3.5/audio/sfx'))
+ self.sfxSearchPath.appendDirectory(Filename.expandFrom('$TT_4_ROOT/phase_4/audio/sfx'))
+ self.sfxSearchPath.appendDirectory(Filename.expandFrom('$TT_5_ROOT/phase_5/audio/sfx'))
+ else:
+ # In other environments, including the dev environment, look here:
+ self.sfxSearchPath.appendDirectory(Filename('phase_3/audio/sfx'))
+ self.sfxSearchPath.appendDirectory(Filename('phase_3.5/audio/sfx'))
+ self.sfxSearchPath.appendDirectory(Filename('phase_4/audio/sfx'))
+ self.sfxSearchPath.appendDirectory(Filename('phase_5/audio/sfx'))
+ self.sfxSearchPath.appendDirectory(Filename.fromOsSpecific(os.path.expandvars('$TTMODELS/built/phase_3/audio/sfx')))
+ self.sfxSearchPath.appendDirectory(Filename.fromOsSpecific(os.path.expandvars('$TTMODELS/built/phase_3.5/audio/sfx')))
+ self.sfxSearchPath.appendDirectory(Filename.fromOsSpecific(os.path.expandvars('$TTMODELS/built/phase_4/audio/sfx')))
+ self.sfxSearchPath.appendDirectory(Filename.fromOsSpecific(os.path.expandvars('$TTMODELS/built/phase_5/audio/sfx')))
+ def clear(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("clear()"))
+ if self.isValid:
+ self.mgr.clearCache()
+ def getSound(self, name):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("getSound(name=%s)"%(name)))
+ if self.isValid:
+ filename = Filename(name)
+ found = vfs.resolveFilename(filename, self.sfxSearchPath)
+ if not found:
+ # If it wasn't found, try once more to reset the
+ # search path. Maybe the first time we set it, we
+ # didn't have all of the phases loaded yet.
+ self.setupSearchPath()
+ found = vfs.resolveFilename(filename, self.sfxSearchPath)
+ if not found:
+ # If it's still not found, something's wrong.
+ self.notify.warning('%s not found on:' % name)
+ print self.sfxSearchPath
+ else:
+ return self.mgr.getSound(filename.getFullpath())
+ return self.mgr.getNullSound()
+globalBattleSoundCache = BattleSounds()
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/ b/toontown/src/battle/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c0a7fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
+from BattleBase import *
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownBattleGlobals
+import DistributedBattleBase
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+import MovieUtil
+from toontown.suit import Suit
+from import Actor
+from toontown.toon import TTEmote
+from otp.avatar import Emote
+import SuitBattleGlobals
+from toontown.distributed import DelayDelete
+import random
+class DistributedBattle(DistributedBattleBase.DistributedBattleBase):
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('DistributedBattle')
+ camFOFov = ToontownBattleGlobals.BattleCamFaceOffFov
+ camFOPos = ToontownBattleGlobals.BattleCamFaceOffPos
+ # this event comes from PlayGame.setPlace()
+ PlayGameSetPlaceEvent = "playGameSetPlace"
+ def __init__(self, cr):
+ townBattle = cr.playGame.hood.loader.townBattle
+ DistributedBattleBase.DistributedBattleBase.__init__(self, cr,
+ townBattle)
+ self.setupCollisions(self.uniqueBattleName('battle-collide'))
+ def generate(self):
+ DistributedBattleBase.DistributedBattleBase.generate(self)
+ #dbgBattleMarkers = loader.loadModel("dbgBattleMarkers.egg")
+ #dbgBattleMarkers.reparentTo(self)
+ def announceGenerate(self):
+ DistributedBattleBase.DistributedBattleBase.generate(self)
+ def disable(self):
+ DistributedBattleBase.DistributedBattleBase.disable(self)
+ self.ignore(self.PlayGameSetPlaceEvent)
+ def delete(self):
+ DistributedBattleBase.DistributedBattleBase.delete(self)
+ self.ignore(self.PlayGameSetPlaceEvent)
+ self.removeCollisionData()
+ ##### Messages From The Server #####
+ def setInteractivePropTrackBonus(self, trackBonus):
+ DistributedBattleBase.DistributedBattleBase.setInteractivePropTrackBonus(self, trackBonus)
+ if self.interactivePropTrackBonus >= 0:
+ if
+ self.calcInteractiveProp()
+ else:
+ self.acceptOnce(self.PlayGameSetPlaceEvent , self.calcInteractiveProp)
+ def calcInteractiveProp(self):
+ """We didn't have loader the first time through, get the interactiveProp now."""
+ if
+ loader =
+ if hasattr(loader,"getInteractiveProp"):
+ self.interactiveProp = loader.getInteractiveProp(self.zoneId)
+ self.notify.debug("self.interactiveProp = %s" % self.interactiveProp)
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning("no loader.getInteractiveProp self.interactiveProp is None")
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning("no hood self.interactiveProp is None")
+ def setMembers(self, suits, suitsJoining, suitsPending, suitsActive,
+ suitsLured, suitTraps,
+ toons, toonsJoining, toonsPending, toonsActive,
+ toonsRunning, timestamp):
+ if self.battleCleanedUp():
+ return
+ oldtoons = DistributedBattleBase.DistributedBattleBase.setMembers(self,
+ suits, suitsJoining, suitsPending, suitsActive, suitsLured,
+ suitTraps,
+ toons, toonsJoining, toonsPending, toonsActive, toonsRunning,
+ timestamp)
+ # If the battle is full, we need to make the collision sphere
+ # tangible so other toons can't walk through the battle
+ if (len(self.toons) == 4 and len(oldtoons) < 4):
+ self.notify.debug('setMembers() - battle is now full of toons')
+ self.closeBattleCollision()
+ elif (len(self.toons) < 4 and len(oldtoons) == 4):
+ self.openBattleCollision()
+ # Each state will have an enter function, an exit function,
+ # and a datagram handler, which will be set during each enter function.
+ # Specific State functions
+ ##### Off state #####
+ ##### FaceOff state #####
+ def __faceOff(self, ts, name, callback):
+ if (len(self.suits) == 0):
+ self.notify.warning('__faceOff(): no suits.')
+ return
+ if (len(self.toons) == 0):
+ self.notify.warning('__faceOff(): no toons.')
+ return
+ # Pick only the first suit for the faceoff, if there happen to
+ # be more than one.
+ suit = self.suits[0]
+ point = self.suitPoints[0][0]
+ suitPos = point[0]
+ suitHpr = VBase3(point[1], 0.0, 0.0)
+ # And ditto for the first toon.
+ toon = self.toons[0]
+ point = self.toonPoints[0][0]
+ toonPos = point[0]
+ toonHpr = VBase3(point[1], 0.0, 0.0)
+ p = toon.getPos(self)
+ toon.setPos(self, p[0], p[1], 0.0)
+ toon.setShadowHeight(0)
+ suit.setState('Battle')
+ suitTrack = Sequence()
+ toonTrack = Sequence()
+ # Make suit and toon face each other (and exchange taunts)
+ suitTrack.append(Func(suit.loop, 'neutral'))
+ suitTrack.append(Func(suit.headsUp, toon))
+ taunt = SuitBattleGlobals.getFaceoffTaunt(suit.getStyleName(),
+ suit.doId)
+ suitTrack.append(Func(suit.setChatAbsolute, taunt, CFSpeech | CFTimeout))
+ toonTrack.append(Func(toon.loop, 'neutral'))
+ toonTrack.append(Func(toon.headsUp, suit))
+ suitHeight = suit.getHeight()
+ suitOffsetPnt = Point3(0, 0, suitHeight)
+ # Determine the battle positions based on initial angle
+ # between the suit and the battle center (we want the suit to walk
+ # as short a distance as possible)
+ faceoffTime = self.calcFaceoffTime(self.getPos(), self.initialSuitPos)
+ #assert(faceoffTime > BATTLE_SMALL_VALUE)
+ # make sure the faceoff time is non-zero
+ faceoffTime = max(faceoffTime, BATTLE_SMALL_VALUE)
+ if (self.hasLocalToon()):
+ # empirical hack to pick a mid-height view, left in to sortof match the old view
+ MidTauntCamHeight = suitHeight*0.66
+ MidTauntCamHeightLim = suitHeight-1.8
+ if (MidTauntCamHeight < MidTauntCamHeightLim):
+ MidTauntCamHeight = MidTauntCamHeightLim
+ TauntCamY = 16
+ TauntCamX = random.choice((-5, 5))
+ TauntCamHeight = random.choice((MidTauntCamHeight, 1, 11))
+ camTrack = Sequence()
+ camTrack.append(Func(camera.wrtReparentTo, suit))
+ camTrack.append(Func(base.camLens.setFov, self.camFOFov))
+ camTrack.append(Func(camera.setPos, TauntCamX, TauntCamY, TauntCamHeight))
+ camTrack.append(Func(camera.lookAt, suit, suitOffsetPnt))
+ camTrack.append(Wait(delay))
+ camTrack.append(Func(base.camLens.setFov, self.camFov))
+ camTrack.append(Func(camera.wrtReparentTo, self))
+ camTrack.append(Func(camera.setPos, self.camFOPos))
+ camTrack.append(Func(camera.lookAt, suit.getPos(self)))
+ camTrack.append(Wait(faceoffTime))
+ if self.interactiveProp:
+ camTrack.append(Func(camera.lookAt, self.interactiveProp.node.getPos(self)))
+ camTrack.append(Wait(FACEOFF_LOOK_AT_PROP_T))
+ suitTrack.append(Wait(delay))
+ toonTrack.append(Wait(delay))
+ # Make suit and toon face their destination spots in the battle
+ suitTrack.append(Func(suit.headsUp, self, suitPos))
+ suitTrack.append(Func(suit.clearChat))
+ toonTrack.append(Func(toon.headsUp, self, toonPos))
+ # Make suit and toon walk to their battle spots
+ suitTrack.append(Func(suit.loop, 'walk'))
+ suitTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(suit, faceoffTime, suitPos,
+ other=self))
+ suitTrack.append(Func(suit.loop, 'neutral'))
+ suitTrack.append(Func(suit.setHpr, self, suitHpr))
+ toonTrack.append(Func(toon.loop, 'run'))
+ toonTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(toon, faceoffTime, toonPos,
+ other=self))
+ toonTrack.append(Func(toon.loop, 'neutral'))
+ toonTrack.append(Func(toon.setHpr, self, toonHpr))
+ if base.localAvatar == toon:
+ soundTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(delay),
+ SoundInterval(base.localAvatar.soundRun, loop = 1,
+ duration=faceoffTime, node=base.localAvatar),
+ )
+ else:
+ soundTrack = Wait(delay + faceoffTime)
+ mtrack = Parallel(suitTrack, toonTrack, soundTrack)
+ if (self.hasLocalToon()):
+ # No arrows - they just get in the way
+ NametagGlobals.setMasterArrowsOn(0)
+ mtrack = Parallel(mtrack, camTrack)
+ done = Func(callback)
+ track = Sequence(mtrack, done, name = name)
+ track.delayDeletes = [
+ DelayDelete.DelayDelete(toon, '__faceOff'),
+ DelayDelete.DelayDelete(suit, '__faceOff')
+ ]
+ track.start(ts)
+ self.storeInterval(track, name)
+ def enterFaceOff(self, ts):
+ self.notify.debug('enterFaceOff()')
+ self.delayDeleteMembers()
+ if (len(self.toons) > 0 and
+ base.localAvatar == self.toons[0]):
+ Emote.globalEmote.disableAll(self.toons[0], "dbattle, enterFaceOff")
+ self.__faceOff(ts, self.faceOffName, self.__handleFaceOffDone)
+ if self.interactiveProp:
+ self.interactiveProp.gotoFaceoff()
+ def __handleFaceOffDone(self):
+ self.notify.debug('FaceOff done')
+ # Only the toon that initiated the battle needs to reply
+ if (len(self.toons) > 0 and
+ base.localAvatar == self.toons[0]):
+ self.d_faceOffDone(base.localAvatar.doId)
+ def exitFaceOff(self):
+ self.notify.debug('exitFaceOff()')
+ if (len(self.toons) > 0 and base.localAvatar == self.toons[0]):
+ Emote.globalEmote.releaseAll(self.toons[0], "dbattle exitFaceOff")
+ self.finishInterval(self.faceOffName)
+ # remove the delayDelete, so an exited toon doesn't hang around
+ self.clearInterval(self.faceOffName)
+ self._removeMembersKeep()
+ ##### WaitForInput state #####
+ ##### PlayMovie state #####
+ ##### Reward state #####
+ def enterReward(self, ts):
+ self.notify.debug('enterReward()')
+ self.disableCollision()
+ self.delayDeleteMembers()
+ Emote.globalEmote.disableAll(base.localAvatar, "dbattle, enterReward")
+ if (self.hasLocalToon()):
+ NametagGlobals.setMasterArrowsOn(0)
+ if (self.localToonActive() == 0):
+ self.removeInactiveLocalToon(base.localAvatar)
+ # Some of the toons may finish the movie before we do; be
+ # prepared to show them moving around when they do.
+ for toon in self.toons:
+ toon.startSmooth()
+ self.accept('resumeAfterReward', self.handleResumeAfterReward)
+ if self.interactiveProp:
+ self.interactiveProp.gotoVictory()
+ self.playReward(ts)
+ # This function gets overridden by
+ def playReward(self, ts):
+, self.uniqueName('reward'),
+ self.handleRewardDone)
+ def handleRewardDone(self):
+ self.notify.debug('Reward done')
+ if (self.hasLocalToon()):
+ self.d_rewardDone(base.localAvatar.doId)
+ # Now request our local battle object enter the Resume state,
+ # which frees us from the battle. The distributed object may
+ # not enter the Resume state yet (it has to wait until all the
+ # toons involved have reported back up), but there's no reason
+ # we have to wait around for that.
+ # We have to send a message, instead of directly asking the
+ # ClassicFSM to switch states, since we might call this method when
+ # we finish the track in exitReward().
+ messenger.send('resumeAfterReward')
+ def handleResumeAfterReward(self):
+ self.fsm.request("Resume")
+ def exitReward(self):
+ self.notify.debug('exitReward()')
+ self.ignore('resumeAfterReward')
+ # In case we're observing and the server cuts us off
+ # this guarantees all final animations get started and things
+ # get cleaned up
+ self._removeMembersKeep()
+ NametagGlobals.setMasterArrowsOn(1)
+ Emote.globalEmote.releaseAll(base.localAvatar, "dbattle, exitReward")
+ ##### Resume state #####
+ def enterResume(self, ts=0):
+ self.notify.debug('enterResume()')
+ if (self.hasLocalToon()):
+ self.removeLocalToon()
+ if self.interactiveProp:
+ self.interactiveProp.requestIdleOrSad()
+ def exitResume(self):
+ pass
+ #########################
+ ##### LocalToon ClassicFSM #####
+ #########################
+ ##### HasLocalToon state #####
+ ##### NoLocalToon state #####
+ def enterNoLocalToon(self):
+ self.notify.debug('enterNoLocalToon()')
+ # Enable battle collision sphere
+ self.enableCollision()
+ def exitNoLocalToon(self):
+ # Disable battle collision sphere
+ self.disableCollision()
+ ##### WaitForServer state #####
+ def enterWaitForServer(self):
+ self.notify.debug('enterWaitForServer()')
+ def exitWaitForServer(self):
+ pass
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/ b/toontown/src/battle/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3b3420
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+from import *
+from BattleBase import *
+from BattleCalculatorAI import *
+from toontown.toonbase.ToontownBattleGlobals import *
+from SuitBattleGlobals import *
+import DistributedBattleBaseAI
+from direct.task import Task
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+import random
+# attack properties table
+class DistributedBattleAI(DistributedBattleBaseAI.DistributedBattleBaseAI):
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('DistributedBattleAI')
+ def __init__(self, air, battleMgr, pos, suit, toonId, zoneId,
+ finishCallback=None, maxSuits=4, tutorialFlag=0,
+ levelFlag=0, interactivePropTrackBonus = -1):
+ """__init__(air, battleMgr, pos, suit, toonId, zoneId,
+ finishCallback, maxSuits)
+ """
+ DistributedBattleBaseAI.DistributedBattleBaseAI.__init__(
+ self, air,
+ zoneId, finishCallback, maxSuits=maxSuits,
+ tutorialFlag=tutorialFlag,
+ interactivePropTrackBonus = interactivePropTrackBonus)
+ self.battleMgr = battleMgr
+ self.pos = pos
+ # Store the initial position of the suit when contact occurred
+ self.initialSuitPos = suit.getConfrontPosHpr()[0]
+ # CCC for now use the suit position as the toon position as they
+ # should be fairly close anyways
+ self.initialToonPos = suit.getConfrontPosHpr()[0]
+ self.addSuit(suit)
+ # For levels, we need to initialize exp lists before we add the
+ # toon
+ self.avId = toonId
+ if (levelFlag == 0):
+ self.addToon(toonId)
+ self.faceOffToon = toonId
+ self.fsm.request('FaceOff')
+ def generate(self):
+ DistributedBattleBaseAI.DistributedBattleBaseAI.generate(self)
+ toon = simbase.air.doId2do.get(self.avId)
+ if toon:
+ if hasattr(self, "doId"):
+ toon.b_setBattleId(self.doId)
+ else:
+ toon.b_setBattleId(-1)
+ self.avId = None
+ def faceOffDone(self):
+ """ faceOffDone(toonId)
+ """
+ assert(self.notify.debug("faceOffDone()"))
+ toonId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender()
+ if (self.ignoreFaceOffDone == 1):
+ self.notify.debug('faceOffDone() - ignoring toon: %d' % toonId)
+ return
+ elif (self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName() != 'FaceOff'):
+ self.notify.warning('faceOffDone() - in state: %s' % \
+ self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName())
+ return
+ elif (self.toons.count(toonId) == 0):
+ self.notify.warning('faceOffDone() - toon: %d not in toon list' % \
+ toonId)
+ return
+ self.notify.debug('toon: %d done facing off' % toonId)
+ self.handleFaceOffDone()
+ # Each state will have an enter function, an exit function,
+ # and a datagram handler, which will be set during each enter function.
+ # Specific State functions
+ ##### Off state #####
+ ##### FaceOff state #####
+ # original suit and toon face off and then walk to positions,
+ # other toons or suits walk directly to wait positions
+ def enterFaceOff(self):
+ self.notify.debug('enterFaceOff()')
+ self.joinableFsm.request('Joinable')
+ self.runableFsm.request('Unrunable')
+ # From here on out DistributedBattleAI only controls DistributedSuitAI
+ # DistributedBattle controls DistributedSuit
+ self.suits[0].releaseControl()
+ timeForFaceoff = self.calcFaceoffTime(self.pos,
+ self.initialSuitPos) + FACEOFF_TAUNT_T + \
+ if self.interactivePropTrackBonus >= 0:
+ timeForFaceoff += FACEOFF_LOOK_AT_PROP_T
+ self.timer.startCallback(timeForFaceoff,
+ self.__serverFaceOffDone)
+ return None
+ def __serverFaceOffDone(self):
+ self.notify.debug('faceoff timed out on server')
+ self.ignoreFaceOffDone = 1
+ self.handleFaceOffDone()
+ def exitFaceOff(self):
+ self.timer.stop()
+ return None
+ def handleFaceOffDone(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("DistributedBattleAI.handleFaceOffDone()"))
+ self.timer.stop()
+ assert(len(self.activeSuits) == 0)
+ self.activeSuits.append(self.suits[0])
+ assert(len(self.activeToons) == 0)
+ # The face off toon might have disconnected, so we need to check
+ # that self.toons[0] is the face off toon.
+ if (len(self.toons) == 0):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('handleFaceOffDone() - no toons!'))
+ self.b_setState('Resume')
+ elif (self.faceOffToon == self.toons[0]):
+ self.activeToons.append(self.toons[0])
+ # Clear out the toon's earned experience so far.
+ self.sendEarnedExperience(self.toons[0])
+ self.d_setMembers()
+ self.b_setState('WaitForInput')
+ ##### WaitForJoin state #####
+ ##### WaitForInput state #####
+ ##### PlayMovie state #####
+ def localMovieDone(self, needUpdate, deadToons, deadSuits, lastActiveSuitDied):
+ if (len(self.toons) == 0):
+ # Toons lost - tell all the suits to start walking again
+ self.d_setMembers()
+ self.b_setState('Resume')
+ elif (len(self.suits) == 0):
+ # Toons won - award experience, etc.
+ assert(needUpdate == 1)
+ for toonId in self.activeToons:
+ toon = self.getToon(toonId)
+ if toon:
+ self.toonItems[toonId] = self.air.questManager.recoverItems(toon, self.suitsKilled, self.zoneId)
+ if toonId in self.helpfulToons:
+ self.toonMerits[toonId] = self.air.promotionMgr.recoverMerits(toon, self.suitsKilled, self.zoneId)
+ else:
+ self.notify.debug("toon %d not helpful, skipping merits" % toonId)
+ self.d_setMembers()
+ self.d_setBattleExperience()
+ self.b_setState('Reward')
+ else:
+ # Continue with the battle
+ if (needUpdate == 1):
+ self.d_setMembers()
+ if ((len(deadSuits) > 0 and lastActiveSuitDied == 0) or
+ (len(deadToons) > 0)):
+ self.needAdjust = 1
+ # Wait for input will call __requestAdjust()
+ self.setState('WaitForJoin')
+ ##### Reward state #####
+ # Toons won - distribute rewards
+ def enterReward(self):
+ self.notify.debug('enterReward()')
+ self.joinableFsm.request('Unjoinable')
+ self.runableFsm.request('Unrunable')
+ self.resetResponses()
+ self.assignRewards()
+ self.startRewardTimer()
+ def startRewardTimer(self):
+ # Set an upper timeout for the reward movie. If no toons
+ # report back by this time, call it done anyway.
+ self.timer.startCallback(REWARD_TIMEOUT, self.serverRewardDone)
+ def exitReward(self):
+ return None
+ ##### Resume state #####
+ # Any remaining suits resume their assignment or fly away
+ def enterResume(self):
+ self.notify.debug('enterResume()')
+ self.joinableFsm.request('Unjoinable')
+ self.runableFsm.request('Unrunable')
+ DistributedBattleBaseAI.DistributedBattleBaseAI.enterResume(self)
+ if self.finishCallback:
+ self.finishCallback(self.zoneId)
+ self.battleMgr.destroy(self)
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/ b/toontown/src/battle/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea0a32f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/
@@ -0,0 +1,1990 @@
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from toontown.toonbase.ToonBaseGlobal import *
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
+from BattleBase import *
+from direct.distributed.ClockDelta import *
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownBattleGlobals
+from direct.distributed import DistributedNode
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM, State
+from direct.fsm import State
+from direct.task.Task import Task
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+import Movie
+import MovieUtil
+from toontown.suit import Suit
+from import Actor
+import BattleProps
+from direct.particles import ParticleEffect
+import BattleParticles
+from toontown.hood import ZoneUtil
+from toontown.distributed import DelayDelete
+from toontown.toon import TTEmote
+from otp.avatar import Emote
+class DistributedBattleBase(DistributedNode.DistributedNode, BattleBase):
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('DistributedBattleBase')
+ id = 0
+ camPos = ToontownBattleGlobals.BattleCamDefaultPos
+ camHpr = ToontownBattleGlobals.BattleCamDefaultHpr
+ camFov = ToontownBattleGlobals.BattleCamDefaultFov
+ camMenuFov = ToontownBattleGlobals.BattleCamMenuFov
+ camJoinPos = ToontownBattleGlobals.BattleCamJoinPos
+ camJoinHpr = ToontownBattleGlobals.BattleCamJoinHpr
+ def __init__(self, cr, townBattle):
+ """__init__(cr)
+ """
+ DistributedNode.DistributedNode.__init__(self, cr)
+ # DistributedNode inherits from NodePath, but doesn't call
+ # NodePath's constructor to avoid multiple calls to it that
+ # result from multiple inheritance along the Actor tree
+ NodePath.__init__(self)
+ self.assign(render.attachNewNode(
+ self.uniqueBattleName('distributed-battle')))
+ BattleBase.__init__(self)
+ self.bossBattle = 0
+ self.townBattle = townBattle
+ self.__battleCleanedUp = 0
+ self.activeIntervals = {}
+ self.localToonJustJoined = 0
+ self.choseAttackAlready = 0
+ self.toons = []
+ self.exitedToons = []
+ self.suitTraps = ''
+ self.membersKeep = None
+ # Create unique event/task names
+ self.faceOffName = self.uniqueBattleName('faceoff')
+ self.localToonBattleEvent = self.uniqueBattleName(
+ 'localtoon-battle-event')
+ self.adjustName = self.uniqueBattleName('adjust')
+ self.timerCountdownTaskName = self.uniqueBattleName('timer-countdown')
+ = Movie.Movie(self)
+ self.timer = Timer()
+ self.needAdjustTownBattle = 0
+ self.streetBattle = 1
+ self.levelBattle = 0
+ self.localToonFsm = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM('LocalToon',
+ [State.State('HasLocalToon',
+ self.enterHasLocalToon,
+ self.exitHasLocalToon,
+ ['NoLocalToon',
+ 'WaitForServer']),
+ State.State('NoLocalToon',
+ self.enterNoLocalToon,
+ self.exitNoLocalToon,
+ ['HasLocalToon',
+ 'WaitForServer']),
+ State.State('WaitForServer',
+ self.enterWaitForServer,
+ self.exitWaitForServer,
+ ['HasLocalToon',
+ 'NoLocalToon'])],
+ # Initial state
+ 'WaitForServer',
+ # Final state
+ 'WaitForServer',
+ )
+ self.localToonFsm.enterInitialState()
+ self.fsm = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM('DistributedBattle',
+ [State.State('Off',
+ self.enterOff,
+ self.exitOff,
+ ['FaceOff',
+ 'WaitForInput',
+ 'WaitForJoin',
+ 'MakeMovie',
+ 'PlayMovie',
+ 'Reward',
+ 'Resume']),
+ State.State('FaceOff',
+ self.enterFaceOff,
+ self.exitFaceOff,
+ ['WaitForInput']),
+ State.State('WaitForJoin',
+ self.enterWaitForJoin,
+ self.exitWaitForJoin,
+ ['WaitForInput',
+ 'Resume']),
+ State.State('WaitForInput',
+ self.enterWaitForInput,
+ self.exitWaitForInput,
+ ['WaitForInput',
+ 'PlayMovie',
+ 'Resume']),
+ State.State('MakeMovie',
+ self.enterMakeMovie,
+ self.exitMakeMovie,
+ ['PlayMovie',
+ 'Resume']),
+ State.State('PlayMovie',
+ self.enterPlayMovie,
+ self.exitPlayMovie,
+ ['WaitForInput',
+ 'WaitForJoin',
+ 'Reward',
+ 'Resume']),
+ State.State('Reward',
+ self.enterReward,
+ self.exitReward,
+ ['Resume']),
+ State.State('Resume',
+ self.enterResume,
+ self.exitResume,
+ [])],
+ # Initial state
+ 'Off',
+ # Final state
+ 'Off',
+ )
+ self.fsm.enterInitialState()
+ self.adjustFsm = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM('Adjust',
+ [State.State('Adjusting',
+ self.enterAdjusting,
+ self.exitAdjusting,
+ ['NotAdjusting']),
+ State.State('NotAdjusting',
+ self.enterNotAdjusting,
+ self.exitNotAdjusting,
+ ['Adjusting'])],
+ # Initial state
+ 'NotAdjusting',
+ # Final state
+ 'NotAdjusting',
+ )
+ self.adjustFsm.enterInitialState()
+ self.interactiveProp = None
+ def uniqueBattleName(self, name):
+ += 1
+ return (name + '-%d' %
+ def generate(self):
+ """ generate()
+ """
+ self.notify.debug("generate(%s)" % (self.doId))
+ DistributedNode.DistributedNode.generate(self)
+ self.__battleCleanedUp = 0
+ self.reparentTo(render)
+ def storeInterval(self, interval, name):
+ if name in self.activeIntervals:
+ ival = self.activeIntervals[name]
+ # if the interval has a delayDelete, finish it now and destroy the delayDeletes
+ # otherwise, preserve the original behavior of letting the old interval continue
+ # to run if it's running
+ if (hasattr(ival, 'delayDelete') or hasattr(ival, 'delayDeletes')):
+ self.clearInterval(name, finish=1)
+ self.activeIntervals[name] = interval
+ def __cleanupIntervals(self):
+ for interval in self.activeIntervals.values():
+ interval.finish()
+ DelayDelete.cleanupDelayDeletes(interval)
+ self.activeIntervals = {}
+ def clearInterval(self, name, finish=0):
+ """ Clean up the specified Interval
+ """
+ if (self.activeIntervals.has_key(name)):
+ ival = self.activeIntervals[name]
+ if finish:
+ ival.finish()
+ else:
+ ival.pause()
+ if self.activeIntervals.has_key(name):
+ DelayDelete.cleanupDelayDeletes(ival)
+ # cleanupDelayDeletes might cause the involved avatar to be deleted,
+ # which would clear the interval out of self.activeIntervals. Check
+ # again to see if it's still in the dict
+ if self.activeIntervals.has_key(name):
+ del self.activeIntervals[name]
+ else:
+ self.notify.debug('interval: %s already cleared' % name)
+ def finishInterval(self, name):
+ """ Force the specified Interval to jump to the end
+ """
+ if (self.activeIntervals.has_key(name)):
+ interval = self.activeIntervals[name]
+ interval.finish()
+ def disable(self):
+ """ disable()
+ """
+ self.notify.debug("disable(%s)" % (self.doId))
+ self.cleanupBattle()
+ DistributedNode.DistributedNode.disable(self)
+ def battleCleanedUp(self):
+ return self.__battleCleanedUp
+ def cleanupBattle(self):
+ # Undo all the battle stuff as if it has been disabled. This
+ # can be called on the client when we need the battle to get
+ # out of the way now, without waiting for a disable message
+ # from the AI.
+ if self.__battleCleanedUp:
+ return
+ self.notify.debug("cleanupBattle(%s)" % (self.doId))
+ self.__battleCleanedUp = 1
+ self.__cleanupIntervals()
+ self.fsm.requestFinalState()
+ # RequestFinalState(), above, may set the camera back to
+ # camFov, the default fov for battles, but removeLocalToon,
+ # below, should restore it to the DefaultCameraFov for
+ # non-battle gameplay.
+ if (self.hasLocalToon()):
+ self.removeLocalToon()
+ # Just for good measure. In some cases, the above might
+ # not restore the fov properly.
+ base.camLens.setFov(ToontownGlobals.DefaultCameraFov)
+ self.localToonFsm.request('WaitForServer')
+ self.ignoreAll()
+ for suit in self.suits:
+ if (suit.battleTrap != NO_TRAP):
+ self.notify.debug('250 calling self.removeTrap, suit=%d' % suit.doId)
+ self.removeTrap(suit)
+ suit.battleTrap = NO_TRAP
+ suit.battleTrapProp = None
+ self.notify.debug('253 suit.battleTrapProp = None')
+ suit.battleTrapIsFresh = 0
+ self.suits = []
+ self.pendingSuits = []
+ self.joiningSuits = []
+ self.activeSuits = []
+ self.suitTraps = ''
+ self.toons = []
+ self.joiningToons = []
+ self.pendingToons = []
+ self.activeToons = []
+ self.runningToons = []
+ self.__stopTimer()
+ # It's important to clean up the intervals before we reset
+ # membersKeep, since some of the intervals might reference
+ # objects protected by membersKeep.
+ self.__cleanupIntervals()
+ self._removeMembersKeep()
+ def delete(self):
+ """ delete()
+ """
+ self.notify.debug("delete(%s)" % (self.doId))
+ self.__cleanupIntervals()
+ self._removeMembersKeep()
+ # Eliminate a circular reference
+ = None
+ del self.townBattle
+ self.removeNode()
+ self.fsm = None
+ self.localToonFsm = None
+ self.adjustFsm = None
+ self.__stopTimer()
+ self.timer = None
+ DistributedNode.DistributedNode.delete(self)
+ def loadTrap(self, suit, trapid):
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ self.notify.debug('loadTrap() trap: %d suit: %d' % (trapid, suit.doId))
+ assert(suit.battleTrapProp == None)
+ assert(trapid < len(AvProps[TRAP]))
+ trapName = AvProps[TRAP][trapid]
+ trap = BattleProps.globalPropPool.getProp(trapName)
+ assert(trap != None)
+ suit.battleTrap = trapid
+ suit.battleTrapIsFresh = 0
+ suit.battleTrapProp = trap
+ self.notify.debug('suit.battleTrapProp = trap %s' % trap)
+ if trap.getName() == 'traintrack':
+ #the train track's parent is battle
+ assert self.notify.debug('Not doing wrtReparentTo(suit) for traintrack')
+ pass
+ else:
+ trap.wrtReparentTo(suit)
+ distance = MovieUtil.SUIT_TRAP_DISTANCE
+ if (trapName == 'rake'):
+ distance = MovieUtil.SUIT_TRAP_RAKE_DISTANCE
+ distance += MovieUtil.getSuitRakeOffset(suit)
+ trap.setH(180)
+ trap.setScale(0.7)
+ elif (trapName == 'trapdoor' or
+ trapName == 'quicksand'):
+ trap.setScale(1.7)
+ elif (trapName == 'marbles'):
+ trap.setH(94)
+ elif (trapName == 'tnt'):
+ trap.setP(90)
+ # Start particle effect if there isn't one already
+ tip = trap.find("**/joint_attachEmitter")
+ sparks = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='tnt')
+ trap.sparksEffect = sparks
+ sparks.start(tip)
+ trap.setPos(0, distance, 0)
+ if (isinstance(trap, Actor.Actor)):
+ frame = trap.getNumFrames(trapName) - 1
+ trap.pose(trapName, frame)
+ def removeTrap(self, suit, removeTrainTrack = False):
+ self.notify.debug('removeTrap() from suit: %d, removeTrainTrack=%s' % (suit.doId, removeTrainTrack))
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ if (suit.battleTrapProp == None):
+ self.notify.debug('suit.battleTrapProp == None, suit.battleTrap=%s setting to NO_TRAP, returning' % suit.battleTrap)
+ suit.battleTrap = NO_TRAP
+ return
+ if suit.battleTrap == UBER_GAG_LEVEL_INDEX:
+ if removeTrainTrack:
+ self.notify.debug('doing removeProp on traintrack')
+ MovieUtil.removeProp(suit.battleTrapProp)
+ #make sure we inform the other suits
+ for otherSuit in self.suits:
+ if not otherSuit == suit:
+ otherSuit.battleTrapProp = None
+ self.notify.debug('351 otherSuit=%d otherSuit.battleTrapProp = None' % otherSuit.doId)
+ otherSuit.battleTrap = NO_TRAP
+ otherSuit.battleTrapIsFresh = 0
+ else:
+ self.notify.debug('deliberately not doing removeProp on traintrack')
+ else:
+ self.notify.debug('suit.battleTrap != UBER_GAG_LEVEL_INDEX')
+ MovieUtil.removeProp(suit.battleTrapProp)
+ suit.battleTrapProp = None
+ self.notify.debug('360 suit.battleTrapProp = None')
+ suit.battleTrap = NO_TRAP
+ suit.battleTrapIsFresh = 0
+ ##### Convenience Functions #####
+ def pause(self):
+ self.timer.stop()
+ def unpause(self):
+ self.timer.resume()
+ def findSuit(self, id):
+ """ findSuit(id)
+ """
+ for s in self.suits:
+ if (s.doId == id):
+ return s
+ return None
+ def findToon(self, id):
+ """ findToon(id)
+ """
+ toon = self.getToon(id)
+ if (toon == None):
+ return None
+ for t in self.toons:
+ if (t == toon):
+ return t
+ return None
+ def isSuitLured(self, suit):
+ if (self.luredSuits.count(suit) != 0):
+ return 1
+ return 0
+ def unlureSuit(self, suit):
+ self.notify.debug('movie unluring suit %s' % (suit.doId))
+ if (self.luredSuits.count(suit) != 0):
+ self.luredSuits.remove(suit)
+ self.needAdjustTownBattle = 1
+ return None
+ def lureSuit(self, suit):
+ self.notify.debug('movie luring suit %s' % (suit.doId))
+ if (self.luredSuits.count(suit) == 0):
+ self.luredSuits.append(suit)
+ self.needAdjustTownBattle = 1
+ return None
+ def getActorPosHpr(self, actor, actorList=[]):
+ if (isinstance(actor, Suit.Suit)):
+ if (actorList == []):
+ actorList = self.activeSuits
+ if (actorList.count(actor) != 0):
+ numSuits = len(actorList) - 1
+ index = actorList.index(actor)
+ point = self.suitPoints[numSuits][index]
+ return Point3(point[0]), VBase3(point[1], 0.0, 0.0)
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning('getActorPosHpr() - suit not active')
+ else:
+ if (actorList == []):
+ actorList = self.activeToons
+ if (actorList.count(actor) != 0):
+ numToons = len(actorList) - 1
+ index = actorList.index(actor)
+ point = self.toonPoints[numToons][index]
+ return Point3(point[0]), VBase3(point[1], 0.0, 0.0)
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning('getActorPosHpr() - toon not active')
+ ##### Messages From The Server #####
+ # These are dummy setters for non-level battles. See toon.dc for
+ # more info.
+ def setLevelDoId(self, levelDoId):
+ pass
+ def setBattleCellId(self, battleCellId):
+ pass
+ def setInteractivePropTrackBonus(self, trackBonus):
+ """Greater than or equal to zero if this battle has a prop giving a bonus."""
+ assert self.notify.debugStateCall(self)
+ self.interactivePropTrackBonus = trackBonus
+ def getInteractivePropTrackBonus(self):
+ """Greater than or equal to zero if this battle has a prop giving a bonus."""
+ assert self.notify.debugStateCall(self)
+ return self.interactivePropTrackBonus
+ def setPosition(self, x, y, z):
+ """setPosition(x, y, z)
+ """
+ self.notify.debug('setPosition() - %d %d %d' % (x, y, z))
+ pos = Point3(x, y, z)
+ self.setPos(pos)
+ def setInitialSuitPos(self, x, y, z):
+ """ setInitialSuitPos(x, y, z)
+ """
+ self.initialSuitPos = Point3(x, y, z)
+ # The initial suit position determines the orientation of the battle
+ self.headsUp(self.initialSuitPos)
+ assert(self.notify.debug("setInitialSuitPos: suit pos=%s, battle heading=%s" % (self.initialSuitPos, self.getH())))
+ def setZoneId(self, zoneId):
+ self.zoneId = zoneId
+ def setBossBattle(self, value):
+ self.bossBattle = value
+ def setState(self, state, timestamp):
+ """ setState(state, timestamp)
+ """
+ if self.__battleCleanedUp:
+ return
+ self.notify.debug('setState(%s)' % state)
+ self.fsm.request(state, [globalClockDelta.localElapsedTime(timestamp)])
+ def setMembers(self, suits, suitsJoining, suitsPending, suitsActive,
+ suitsLured, suitTraps,
+ toons, toonsJoining, toonsPending, toonsActive,
+ toonsRunning, timestamp):
+ if self.__battleCleanedUp:
+ return
+ self.notify.debug('setMembers() - suits: %s suitsJoining: %s suitsPending: %s suitsActive: %s suitsLured: %s suitTraps: %s toons: %s toonsJoining: %s toonsPending: %s toonsActive: %s toonsRunning: %s' % (suits, suitsJoining, suitsPending, suitsActive, suitsLured, suitTraps, toons, toonsJoining, toonsPending, toonsActive, toonsRunning))
+ ts = globalClockDelta.localElapsedTime(timestamp)
+ ##### Update Suits #####
+ oldsuits = self.suits
+ self.suits = []
+ suitGone = 0
+ for s in suits:
+ if (
+ suit =[s]
+ suit.setState('Battle')
+ self.suits.append(suit)
+ suit.interactivePropTrackBonus = self.interactivePropTrackBonus
+ try:
+ suit.battleTrap
+ except:
+ suit.battleTrap = NO_TRAP
+ suit.battleTrapProp = None
+ self.notify.debug('496 suit.battleTrapProp = None')
+ suit.battleTrapIsFresh = 0
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning('setMembers() - no suit in repository: %d' \
+ % s)
+ # We need a placeholder for the missing suit, so
+ # the index numbers in the code below will line up.
+ self.suits.append(None)
+ suitGone = 1
+ # Clear out any suits that have died
+ numSuitsThatDied = 0
+ for s in oldsuits:
+ if (self.suits.count(s) == 0):
+ self.__removeSuit(s)
+ numSuitsThatDied += 1
+ self.notify.debug('suit %d dies, numSuitsThatDied=%d' % (s.doId, numSuitsThatDied))
+ if numSuitsThatDied == 4:
+ trainTrap = self.find('**/traintrack')
+ if not trainTrap.isEmpty():
+ self.notify.debug('removing old train trap when 4 suits died')
+ trainTrap.removeNode()
+ # See if any new suits have joined
+ for s in suitsJoining:
+ suit = self.suits[int(s)]
+ if (suit != None and self.joiningSuits.count(suit) == 0):
+ self.makeSuitJoin(suit, ts)
+ # See if any suits need to move from joining to pending
+ for s in suitsPending:
+ suit = self.suits[int(s)]
+ if (suit != None and self.pendingSuits.count(suit) == 0):
+ self.__makeSuitPending(suit)
+ # See if any suits need to move from pending to active
+ activeSuits = []
+ for s in suitsActive:
+ suit = self.suits[int(s)]
+ if (suit != None and self.activeSuits.count(suit) == 0):
+ activeSuits.append(suit)
+ # See if any suits are lured forward
+ oldLuredSuits = self.luredSuits
+ self.luredSuits = []
+ for s in suitsLured:
+ suit = self.suits[int(s)]
+ if suit != None:
+ self.luredSuits.append(suit)
+ if (oldLuredSuits.count(suit) == 0):
+ self.needAdjustTownBattle = 1
+ if (self.needAdjustTownBattle == 0):
+ for s in oldLuredSuits:
+ if (self.luredSuits.count(s) == 0):
+ self.needAdjustTownBattle = 1
+ # See if any suits have traps in front of them
+ index = 0
+ oldSuitTraps = self.suitTraps
+ self.suitTraps = suitTraps
+ assert(len(suitTraps) == len(self.suits))
+ for s in suitTraps:
+ trapid = int(s)
+ if (trapid == 9):
+ trapid = -1
+ suit = self.suits[index]
+ index += 1
+ if suit != None:
+ if ((trapid == NO_TRAP or
+ trapid != suit.battleTrap) and
+ suit.battleTrapProp != None):
+ self.notify.debug('569 calling self.removeTrap, suit=%d' % suit.doId)
+ self.removeTrap(suit)
+ if (trapid != NO_TRAP and
+ suit.battleTrapProp == None):
+ # If movie is playing, don't load the trap because it
+ # might have been triggered by a lure that same round
+ if (self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName() != 'PlayMovie'):
+ self.loadTrap(suit, trapid)
+ # If an old trap is gone or a new trap has appeared, adjust
+ if (len(oldSuitTraps) != len(self.suitTraps)):
+ self.needAdjustTownBattle = 1
+ else:
+ for i in range(len(oldSuitTraps)):
+ if (((oldSuitTraps[i] == '9') and (self.suitTraps[i] != '9')) or
+ ((oldSuitTraps[i] != '9') and (self.suitTraps[i] == '9'))):
+ self.needAdjustTownBattle = 1
+ break
+ if suitGone:
+ # Now clean up the holes in the suit list.
+ validSuits = []
+ for s in self.suits:
+ if s != None:
+ validSuits.append(s)
+ self.suits = validSuits
+ self.needAdjustTownBattle = 1
+ ##### Update Toons #####
+ oldtoons = self.toons
+ self.toons = []
+ toonGone = 0
+ for t in toons:
+ toon = self.getToon(t)
+ if (toon == None):
+ self.notify.warning('setMembers() - toon not in cr!')
+ self.toons.append(None)
+ toonGone = 1
+ continue
+ self.toons.append(toon)
+ if (oldtoons.count(toon) == 0):
+ self.notify.debug('setMembers() - add toon: %d' % toon.doId)
+ self.__listenForUnexpectedExit(toon)
+ toon.stopLookAround()
+ toon.stopSmooth()
+ # Clear out any toons that have run away or died
+ for t in oldtoons:
+ if (self.toons.count(t) == 0):
+ if (self.__removeToon(t) == 1):
+ # Return value == 1 indicates local toon teleported away
+ self.notify.debug('setMembers() - local toon left battle')
+ return []
+ # See if any new toons have joined
+ for t in toonsJoining:
+ if int(t) < len(self.toons):
+ toon = self.toons[int(t)]
+ if (toon != None and self.joiningToons.count(toon) == 0):
+ self.__makeToonJoin(toon, toonsPending, ts)
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning('setMembers toonsJoining t=%s not in self.toons %s' % (t, self.toons))
+ # See if any toons need to move from joining to pending
+ for t in toonsPending:
+ if int(t) < len(self.toons):
+ toon = self.toons[int(t)]
+ if (toon != None and self.pendingToons.count(toon) == 0):
+ self.__makeToonPending(toon, ts)
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning('setMembers toonsPending t=%s not in self.toons %s' % (t, self.toons))
+ # See if any toons are running
+ for t in toonsRunning:
+ toon = self.toons[int(t)]
+ if (toon != None and self.runningToons.count(toon) == 0):
+ self.__makeToonRun(toon, ts)
+ # See if any toons need to move from pending to active
+ activeToons = []
+ for t in toonsActive:
+ toon = self.toons[int(t)]
+ if (toon != None and self.activeToons.count(toon) == 0):
+ activeToons.append(toon)
+ if (len(activeSuits) > 0 or len(activeToons) > 0):
+ self.__makeAvsActive(activeSuits, activeToons)
+ # Remove any empty toons from the toon list
+ if (toonGone == 1):
+ validToons = []
+ for toon in self.toons:
+ if (toon != None):
+ validToons.append(toon)
+ self.toons = validToons
+ assert(len(suitsJoining) == len(self.joiningSuits))
+ assert(len(suitsPending) == len(self.pendingSuits))
+ assert(len(suitsActive) == len(self.activeSuits))
+ #assert(len(toonsJoining) == len(self.joiningToons))
+ #assert(len(toonsPending) == len(self.pendingToons))
+ #assert(len(toonsActive) == len(self.activeToons))
+ #assert(len(toonsRunning) == len(self.runningToons))
+ # Update the town battle
+ if (len(self.activeToons) > 0):
+ self.__requestAdjustTownBattle()
+ # Set the correct local toon state
+ currStateName = self.localToonFsm.getCurrentState().getName()
+ if (self.toons.count(base.localAvatar)):
+ if (oldtoons.count(base.localAvatar) == 0):
+ self.notify.debug('setMembers() - local toon just joined')
+ assert(currStateName != 'HasLocalToon')
+ if (self.streetBattle == 1):
+ # Make sure the toon is in the same zone as the battle
+ self.localToonJustJoined = 1
+ # Make sure we're in 'HasLocalToon'
+ if (currStateName != 'HasLocalToon'):
+ self.localToonFsm.request('HasLocalToon')
+ else:
+ if (oldtoons.count(base.localAvatar)):
+ # Make sure the collision sphere goes away so the toon can run
+ self.notify.debug('setMembers() - local toon just ran')
+ assert(currStateName != 'NoLocalToon')
+ # if this is a level battle, be sure to unlock the visibility
+ if self.levelBattle:
+ self.unlockLevelViz()
+ # Make sure we're in 'NoLocalToon'
+ if (currStateName != 'NoLocalToon'):
+ self.localToonFsm.request('NoLocalToon')
+ return oldtoons
+ def adjust(self, timestamp):
+ """ adjust(timestamp)
+ """
+ if self.__battleCleanedUp:
+ return
+ self.notify.debug('adjust(%f) from server' % \
+ globalClockDelta.localElapsedTime(timestamp))
+ self.adjustFsm.request('Adjusting',
+ [globalClockDelta.localElapsedTime(timestamp)])
+ def setMovie(self, active, toons, suits,
+ id0, tr0, le0, tg0, hp0, ac0, hpb0, kbb0, died0, revive0,
+ id1, tr1, le1, tg1, hp1, ac1, hpb1, kbb1, died1, revive1,
+ id2, tr2, le2, tg2, hp2, ac2, hpb2, kbb2, died2, revive2,
+ id3, tr3, le3, tg3, hp3, ac3, hpb3, kbb3, died3, revive3,
+ sid0, at0, stg0, dm0, sd0, sb0, st0,
+ sid1, at1, stg1, dm1, sd1, sb1, st1,
+ sid2, at2, stg2, dm2, sd2, sb2, st2,
+ sid3, at3, stg3, dm3, sd3, sb3, st3):
+ """ setMovie()
+ """
+ if self.__battleCleanedUp:
+ return
+ self.notify.debug('setMovie()')
+ if (int(active) == 1):
+ self.notify.debug('setMovie() - movie is active')
+, suits,
+ id0, tr0, le0, tg0, hp0, ac0, hpb0, kbb0, died0, revive0,
+ id1, tr1, le1, tg1, hp1, ac1, hpb1, kbb1, died1, revive1,
+ id2, tr2, le2, tg2, hp2, ac2, hpb2, kbb2, died2, revive2,
+ id3, tr3, le3, tg3, hp3, ac3, hpb3, kbb3, died3, revive3,
+ sid0, at0, stg0, dm0, sd0, sb0, st0,
+ sid1, at1, stg1, dm1, sd1, sb1, st1,
+ sid2, at2, stg2, dm2, sd2, sb2, st2,
+ sid3, at3, stg3, dm3, sd3, sb3, st3)
+ def setChosenToonAttacks(self, ids, tracks, levels, targets):
+ """ setChosenToonAttacks(ids, tracks, levels, targets)
+ """
+ if self.__battleCleanedUp:
+ return
+ self.notify.debug('setChosenToonAttacks() - (%s), (%s), (%s), (%s)' % \
+ (ids, tracks, levels, targets))
+ toonIndices = []
+ targetIndices = []
+ unAttack = 0
+ localToonInList = 0
+ for i in range(len(ids)):
+ track = tracks[i]
+ level = levels[i]
+ toon = self.findToon(ids[i])
+ if (toon == None or self.activeToons.count(toon) == 0):
+ self.notify.warning('setChosenToonAttacks() - toon gone or not in battle: %d!' % ids[i])
+ toonIndices.append(-1)
+ tracks.append(-1)
+ levels.append(-1)
+ targetIndices.append(-1)
+ continue
+ if (toon == base.localAvatar):
+ localToonInList = 1
+ toonIndices.append(self.activeToons.index(toon))
+ if (track == SOS):
+ # For SOS the target is a toonId of a friend
+ targetIndex = -1
+ elif (track == NPCSOS):
+ # For NPCSOS the target is a toonId of a friend
+ targetIndex = -1
+ elif (track == PETSOS):
+ # For PETSOS the target is the doId of a pet
+ targetIndex = -1
+ elif (track == PASS):
+ targetIndex = -1
+ tracks[i] = PASS_ATTACK
+ elif (attackAffectsGroup(track, level)):
+ # We don't specify targets for group attacks
+ targetIndex = -1
+ elif (track == HEAL):
+ target = self.findToon(targets[i])
+ if (target != None and self.activeToons.count(target) != 0):
+ targetIndex = self.activeToons.index(target)
+ else:
+ targetIndex = -1
+ elif (track == UN_ATTACK):
+ targetIndex = -1
+ tracks[i] = NO_ATTACK
+ if (toon == base.localAvatar):
+ unAttack = 1
+ self.choseAttackAlready = 0
+ elif (track == NO_ATTACK):
+ targetIndex = -1
+ else:
+ target = self.findSuit(targets[i])
+ if (target != None and self.activeSuits.count(target) != 0):
+ targetIndex = self.activeSuits.index(target)
+ else:
+ targetIndex = -1
+ targetIndices.append(targetIndex)
+ for i in range(4 - len(ids)):
+ toonIndices.append(-1)
+ tracks.append(-1)
+ levels.append(-1)
+ targetIndices.append(-1)
+ self.townBattleAttacks = (toonIndices, tracks, levels, targetIndices)
+ # Update the gui if local toon is in the battle
+ if (self.localToonActive() and localToonInList == 1):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('update gui for localtoon'))
+ if (unAttack == 1 and
+ self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName() == 'WaitForInput'):
+ # Send back to main attack panel if attack was zeroed out
+ if (self.townBattle.fsm.getCurrentState().getName() !=
+ 'Attack'):
+ self.townBattle.setState('Attack')
+ self.townBattle.updateChosenAttacks(self.townBattleAttacks[0],
+ self.townBattleAttacks[1],
+ self.townBattleAttacks[2],
+ self.townBattleAttacks[3])
+ def setBattleExperience(self,
+ id0, origExp0, earnedExp0, origQuests0, items0, missedItems0, origMerits0, merits0, parts0,
+ id1, origExp1, earnedExp1, origQuests1, items1, missedItems1, origMerits1, merits1, parts1,
+ id2, origExp2, earnedExp2, origQuests2, items2, missedItems2, origMerits2, merits2, parts2,
+ id3, origExp3, earnedExp3, origQuests3, items3, missedItems3, origMerits3, merits3, parts3,
+ deathList, uberList, helpfulToonsList):
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ if self.__battleCleanedUp:
+ return
+, origExp0, earnedExp0, origQuests0, items0, missedItems0, origMerits0, merits0, parts0,
+ id1, origExp1, earnedExp1, origQuests1, items1, missedItems1, origMerits1, merits1, parts1,
+ id2, origExp2, earnedExp2, origQuests2, items2, missedItems2, origMerits2, merits2, parts2,
+ id3, origExp3, earnedExp3, origQuests3, items3, missedItems3, origMerits3, merits3, parts3,
+ deathList, uberList, helpfulToonsList)
+ ##### Functions used by setMembers() #####
+ def __listenForUnexpectedExit(self, toon):
+ self.accept(toon.uniqueName('disable'),
+ self.__handleUnexpectedExit, extraArgs=[toon])
+ self.accept(toon.uniqueName('died'),
+ self.__handleDied, extraArgs=[toon])
+ def __handleUnexpectedExit(self, toon):
+ self.notify.warning('handleUnexpectedExit() - toon: %d' % toon.doId)
+ # Make sure anything lerping this toon is stopped appropriately
+ self.__removeToon(toon, unexpected=1)
+ def __handleDied(self, toon):
+ self.notify.warning('handleDied() - toon: %d' % toon.doId)
+ if toon == base.localAvatar:
+ self.d_toonDied(toon.doId)
+ self.cleanupBattle()
+ def delayDeleteMembers(self):
+ # Prevent the accidental deletion of any toons or suits by
+ # storing a list of DelayDelete objects, one for each member.
+ # The members may be allowed to be deleted later by clearing
+ # the self.membersKeep member.
+ membersKeep = []
+ for t in self.toons:
+ membersKeep.append(DelayDelete.DelayDelete(t, 'delayDeleteMembers'))
+ for s in self.suits:
+ membersKeep.append(DelayDelete.DelayDelete(s, 'delayDeleteMembers'))
+ self._removeMembersKeep()
+ self.membersKeep = membersKeep
+ def _removeMembersKeep(self):
+ if self.membersKeep:
+ for delayDelete in self.membersKeep:
+ delayDelete.destroy()
+ self.membersKeep = None
+ def __removeSuit(self, suit):
+ self.notify.debug('__removeSuit(%d)' % suit.doId)
+ if (self.suits.count(suit) != 0):
+ self.suits.remove(suit)
+ if (self.joiningSuits.count(suit) != 0):
+ self.joiningSuits.remove(suit)
+ if (self.pendingSuits.count(suit) != 0):
+ self.pendingSuits.remove(suit)
+ if (self.activeSuits.count(suit) != 0):
+ self.activeSuits.remove(suit)
+ self.suitGone = 1
+ if (suit.battleTrap != NO_TRAP):
+ self.notify.debug('882 calling self.removeTrap, suit=%d' % suit.doId)
+ self.removeTrap(suit)
+ suit.battleTrap = NO_TRAP
+ suit.battleTrapProp = None
+ self.notify.debug('883 suit.battleTrapProp = None')
+ suit.battleTrapIsFresh = 0
+ def __removeToon(self, toon, unexpected=0):
+ self.notify.debug('__removeToon(%d)' % toon.doId)
+ self.exitedToons.append(toon)
+ if (self.toons.count(toon) != 0):
+ self.toons.remove(toon)
+ if (self.joiningToons.count(toon) != 0):
+ self.clearInterval(
+ self.taskName('to-pending-toon-%d' % toon.doId))
+ # double-check to be safe
+ if toon in self.joiningToons:
+ self.joiningToons.remove(toon)
+ if (self.pendingToons.count(toon) != 0):
+ self.pendingToons.remove(toon)
+ if (self.activeToons.count(toon) != 0):
+ self.activeToons.remove(toon)
+ if (self.runningToons.count(toon) != 0):
+ self.clearInterval(self.taskName('running-%d' % toon.doId),
+ finish=1)
+ # double-check to be safe
+ if toon in self.runningToons:
+ self.runningToons.remove(toon)
+ # Turn off handleUnexpectedExit()
+ self.ignore(toon.uniqueName('disable'))
+ self.ignore(toon.uniqueName('died'))
+ self.toonGone = 1
+ if (toon == base.localAvatar):
+ self.removeLocalToon()
+ self.__teleportToSafeZone(toon)
+ return 1
+ return 0
+ def removeLocalToon(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('removeLocalToon()'))
+ if != None:
+ base.localAvatar.earnedExperience = None
+ self.localToonFsm.request('NoLocalToon')
+ def removeInactiveLocalToon(self, toon):
+ self.notify.debug('removeInactiveLocalToon(%d)' % toon.doId)
+ self.exitedToons.append(toon)
+ if (self.toons.count(toon) != 0):
+ self.toons.remove(toon)
+ if (self.joiningToons.count(toon) != 0):
+ self.clearInterval(self.taskName('to-pending-toon-%d' % \
+ toon.doId), finish=1)
+ # double-check to be safe
+ if toon in self.joiningToons:
+ self.joiningToons.remove(toon)
+ if (self.pendingToons.count(toon) != 0):
+ self.pendingToons.remove(toon)
+ self.ignore(toon.uniqueName('disable'))
+ self.ignore(toon.uniqueName('died'))
+ self.localToonFsm.request('WaitForServer')
+ def __createJoinInterval(self, av, destPos, destHpr, name, ts, callback,
+ toon=0):
+ joinTrack = Sequence()
+ joinTrack.append(Func(Emote.globalEmote.disableAll, av,"dbattlebase, createJoinInterval"))
+ avPos = av.getPos(self)
+ # Pop the avatar to the same height as the battle.
+ avPos = Point3(avPos[0], avPos[1], 0.0)
+ av.setShadowHeight(0)
+ plist = self.buildJoinPointList(avPos, destPos, toon)
+ if (len(plist) == 0):
+ # destPos is the closest point - just go straight there
+ joinTrack.append(Func(av.headsUp, self, destPos))
+ if (toon == 0):
+ timeToDest = self.calcSuitMoveTime(avPos, destPos)
+ joinTrack.append(Func(av.loop, 'walk'))
+ else:
+ timeToDest = self.calcToonMoveTime(avPos, destPos)
+ joinTrack.append(Func(av.loop, 'run'))
+ if timeToDest > BATTLE_SMALL_VALUE:
+ joinTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(av, timeToDest, destPos,
+ other=self))
+ totalTime = timeToDest
+ else:
+ totalTime = 0
+ else:
+ # Calculate the time required
+ timeToPerimeter = 0
+ if (toon == 0):
+ timeToPerimeter = self.calcSuitMoveTime(plist[0], avPos)
+ timePerSegment = 10.0 / BattleBase.suitSpeed
+ timeToDest = self.calcSuitMoveTime(BattleBase.posA, destPos)
+ else:
+ timeToPerimeter = self.calcToonMoveTime(plist[0], avPos)
+ timePerSegment = 10.0 / BattleBase.toonSpeed
+ timeToDest = self.calcToonMoveTime(BattleBase.posE, destPos)
+ totalTime = timeToPerimeter + ((len(plist) - 1) * timePerSegment) \
+ + timeToDest
+ assert(timeToPerimeter > BATTLE_SMALL_VALUE)
+ assert(timePerSegment > BATTLE_SMALL_VALUE)
+ assert(timeToDest > BATTLE_SMALL_VALUE)
+ assert(totalTime > BATTLE_SMALL_VALUE)
+ if (totalTime > MAX_JOIN_T):
+ self.notify.warning('__createJoinInterval() - time: %f' % \
+ totalTime)
+ # Create a track to move to destPos
+ joinTrack.append(Func(av.headsUp, self, plist[0]))
+ if (toon == 0):
+ joinTrack.append(Func(av.loop, 'walk'))
+ else:
+ joinTrack.append(Func(av.loop, 'run'))
+ joinTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(av, timeToPerimeter, plist[0],
+ other=self))
+ for p in plist[1:]:
+ joinTrack.append(Func(av.headsUp, self, p))
+ joinTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(av, timePerSegment, p,
+ other=self))
+ joinTrack.append(Func(av.headsUp, self, destPos))
+ joinTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(av, timeToDest, destPos,
+ other=self))
+ joinTrack.append(Func(av.loop, 'neutral'))
+ joinTrack.append(Func(av.headsUp, self, Point3(0, 0, 0)))
+ tval = totalTime - ts
+ if (tval < 0):
+ tval = totalTime
+ joinTrack.append(Func(Emote.globalEmote.releaseAll, av,"dbattlebase, createJoinInterval"))
+ joinTrack.append(Func(callback, av, tval))
+ # Position the camera if local toon is the one joining the battle
+ if (av == base.localAvatar):
+ camTrack = Sequence()
+ def setCamFov(fov):
+ base.camLens.setFov(fov)
+ camTrack.append(Func(setCamFov, self.camFov))
+ camTrack.append(Func(camera.wrtReparentTo, self))
+ camTrack.append(Func(camera.setPos, self.camJoinPos))
+ camTrack.append(Func(camera.setHpr, self.camJoinHpr))
+ return Parallel(joinTrack, camTrack, name=name)
+ else:
+ return Sequence(joinTrack, name=name)
+ def makeSuitJoin(self, suit, ts):
+ """ makeSuitJoin(suit, ts)
+ """
+ self.notify.debug('makeSuitJoin(%d)' % suit.doId)
+ # This method is overridden in
+ # A "joining" suit has decided to join the battle, and is in
+ # the process of walking to his waiting place outside the
+ # battle. When he gets there, he gets moved to the pending
+ # list by the AI.
+ # Pick an open pending spot
+ # Building battles can have 3 pendingSuits
+ assert(len(self.pendingSuits) <= 3)
+ assert(self.joiningSuits.count(suit) == 0)
+ spotIndex = len(self.pendingSuits) + len(self.joiningSuits)
+ assert(spotIndex <= 4)
+ self.joiningSuits.append(suit)
+ suit.setState('Battle')
+ openSpot = self.suitPendingPoints[spotIndex]
+ pos = openSpot[0]
+ hpr = VBase3(openSpot[1], 0.0, 0.0)
+ trackName = self.taskName('to-pending-suit-%d' % suit.doId)
+ track = self.__createJoinInterval(suit, pos, hpr, trackName,
+ ts, self.__handleSuitJoinDone)
+ track.start(ts)
+ # We can't use the membersKeep object here, because we could
+ # get this message in any state.
+ track.delayDelete = DelayDelete.DelayDelete(suit, 'makeSuitJoin')
+ self.storeInterval(track, trackName)
+ if ToontownBattleGlobals.SkipMovie:
+ track.finish()
+ def __handleSuitJoinDone(self, suit, ts):
+ self.notify.debug('suit: %d is now pending' % suit.doId)
+ assert(self.joiningSuits.count(suit) != 0)
+ if (self.hasLocalToon()):
+ self.d_joinDone(base.localAvatar.doId, suit.doId)
+ def __makeSuitPending(self, suit):
+ self.notify.debug('__makeSuitPending(%d)' % suit.doId)
+ self.clearInterval(self.taskName('to-pending-suit-%d' % suit.doId),
+ finish=1)
+ # A "pending" suit has walked to its correct place outside the
+ # battle, and is standing there patiently waiting for the
+ # round to finish.
+ # We might have recently joined, so joiningSuits will be empty
+ if (self.joiningSuits.count(suit)):
+ self.joiningSuits.remove(suit)
+ assert(self.pendingSuits.count(suit) == 0)
+ self.pendingSuits.append(suit)
+ def __teleportToSafeZone(self, toon):
+ self.notify.debug('teleportToSafeZone(%d)' % toon.doId)
+ # If the toon has been to the nearest safezone before, go there
+ # Otherwise teleport to the last safezone the toon visited
+ hoodId = ZoneUtil.getCanonicalHoodId(self.zoneId)
+ if hoodId in base.localAvatar.hoodsVisited:
+ target_sz = ZoneUtil.getSafeZoneId(self.zoneId)
+ else:
+ target_sz = ZoneUtil.getSafeZoneId(base.localAvatar.defaultZone)
+'teleportOut', [{
+ "loader": ZoneUtil.getLoaderName(target_sz),
+ "where": ZoneUtil.getWhereName(target_sz, 1),
+ 'how': 'teleportIn',
+ 'hoodId': target_sz,
+ 'zoneId': target_sz,
+ 'shardId': None,
+ 'avId': -1,
+ 'battle': 1,
+ }])
+ def __makeToonJoin(self, toon, pendingToons, ts):
+ """ __makeToonJoin(toon, ts)
+ """
+ self.notify.debug('__makeToonJoin(%d)' % toon.doId)
+ # Move toon into the wait position
+ # Add toon to pending list
+ # Pick an open pending spot
+ assert(len(pendingToons) < 3)
+ assert(self.joiningToons.count(toon) == 0)
+ spotIndex = len(pendingToons) + len(self.joiningToons)
+ self.joiningToons.append(toon)
+ openSpot = self.toonPendingPoints[spotIndex]
+ pos = openSpot[0]
+ hpr = VBase3(openSpot[1], 0.0, 0.0)
+ trackName = self.taskName('to-pending-toon-%d' % toon.doId)
+ track = self.__createJoinInterval(toon, pos, hpr, trackName,
+ ts, self.__handleToonJoinDone, toon=1)
+ if (toon != base.localAvatar):
+ # Ensure the anim state for the toon is off so it doesn't
+ # get set to off mid-interval
+ toon.animFSM.request('off')
+ track.start(ts)
+ # We can't use the membersKeep object here, because we could
+ # get this message in any state.
+ track.delayDelete = DelayDelete.DelayDelete(toon, '__makeToonJoin')
+ self.storeInterval(track, trackName)
+ def __handleToonJoinDone(self, toon, ts):
+ self.notify.debug('__handleToonJoinDone() - pending: %d' % toon.doId)
+ assert(self.joiningToons.count(toon) != 0)
+ if (self.hasLocalToon()):
+ self.d_joinDone(base.localAvatar.doId, toon.doId)
+ def __makeToonPending(self, toon, ts):
+ self.notify.debug('__makeToonPending(%d)' % toon.doId)
+ self.clearInterval(self.taskName('to-pending-toon-%d' % toon.doId),
+ finish=1)
+ # We might have recently joined, so joiningToons would be empty
+ if (self.joiningToons.count(toon)):
+ self.joiningToons.remove(toon)
+ assert(self.pendingToons.count(toon) == 0)
+ spotIndex = len(self.pendingToons)
+ self.pendingToons.append(toon)
+ openSpot = self.toonPendingPoints[spotIndex]
+ pos = openSpot[0]
+ hpr = VBase3(openSpot[1], 0.0, 0.0)
+ toon.loop('neutral')
+ toon.setPosHpr(self, pos, hpr)
+ # Start playing the cinematic version of the movie
+ if (base.localAvatar == toon):
+ currStateName = self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName()
+ def __makeAvsActive(self, suits, toons):
+ self.notify.debug('__makeAvsActive()')
+ # If we're currently adjusting, stop adjusting and pop them to the
+ # correct positions
+ # In case we're currently adjusting (the server is ahead of us)
+ self.__stopAdjusting()
+ for s in suits:
+ if (self.joiningSuits.count(s)):
+ self.notify.warning('suit: %d was in joining list!' % s.doId)
+ self.joiningSuits.remove(s)
+ if (self.pendingSuits.count(s)):
+ self.pendingSuits.remove(s)
+ assert(self.activeSuits.count(s) == 0)
+ self.notify.debug('__makeAvsActive() - suit: %d' % s.doId)
+ self.activeSuits.append(s)
+ if (len(self.activeSuits) >= 1):
+ for suit in self.activeSuits:
+ suitPos, suitHpr = self.getActorPosHpr(suit)
+ if (self.isSuitLured(suit) == 0):
+ suit.setPosHpr(self, suitPos, suitHpr)
+ else:
+ spos = Point3(suitPos[0],
+ suitPos[1] - MovieUtil.SUIT_LURE_DISTANCE,
+ suitPos[2])
+ suit.setPosHpr(self, spos, suitHpr)
+ suit.loop('neutral')
+ for toon in toons:
+ if (self.joiningToons.count(toon)):
+ self.notify.warning('toon: %d was in joining list!' % toon.doId)
+ self.joiningToons.remove(toon)
+ if (self.pendingToons.count(toon)):
+ self.pendingToons.remove(toon)
+ self.notify.debug('__makeAvsActive() - toon: %d' % toon.doId)
+ if (self.activeToons.count(toon) == 0):
+ self.activeToons.append(toon)
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning('makeAvsActive() - toon: %d is active!' % \
+ toon.doId)
+ if (len(self.activeToons) >= 1):
+ for toon in self.activeToons:
+ toonPos, toonHpr = self.getActorPosHpr(toon)
+ toon.setPosHpr(self, toonPos, toonHpr)
+ toon.loop('neutral')
+ # Local toon might just have become active, so we need to pop up GUIs
+ if (self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName() == 'WaitForInput' and
+ self.localToonActive() and self.localToonJustJoined == 1):
+ self.notify.debug('makeAvsActive() - local toon just joined')
+ self.__enterLocalToonWaitForInput()
+ self.localToonJustJoined = 0
+ self.startTimer()
+ def __makeToonRun(self, toon, ts):
+ """ __makeToonRun(toon, ts)
+ """
+ self.notify.debug('__makeToonRun(%d)' % toon.doId)
+ if (self.activeToons.count(toon)):
+ self.activeToons.remove(toon)
+ assert(self.runningToons.count(toon) == 0)
+ self.runningToons.append(toon)
+ # We need to trigger adjust
+ self.toonGone = 1
+ self.__stopTimer()
+ if (self.localToonRunning()):
+ self.townBattle.setState('Off')
+ runMTrack = MovieUtil.getToonTeleportOutInterval(toon)
+ runName = self.taskName('running-%d' % toon.doId)
+ self.notify.debug('duration: %f' % runMTrack.getDuration())
+ runMTrack.start(ts)
+ # We can't use the membersKeep object here, because we could
+ # get this message in any state.
+ runMTrack.delayDelete = DelayDelete.DelayDelete(toon, '__makeToonRun')
+ self.storeInterval(runMTrack, runName)
+ def getToon(self, toonId):
+ if (
+ return[toonId]
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning('getToon() - toon: %d not in repository!' \
+ % toonId)
+ return None
+ ##### Messages To The Server #####
+ def d_toonRequestJoin(self, toonId, pos):
+ assert(toonId == base.localAvatar.doId)
+ self.notify.debug('network:toonRequestJoin()')
+ self.sendUpdate('toonRequestJoin', [pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]])
+ def d_toonRequestRun(self, toonId):
+ assert(toonId == base.localAvatar.doId)
+ self.notify.debug('network:toonRequestRun()')
+ self.sendUpdate('toonRequestRun', [])
+ def d_toonDied(self, toonId):
+ assert(toonId == base.localAvatar.doId)
+ self.notify.debug('network:toonDied()')
+ self.sendUpdate('toonDied', [])
+ def d_faceOffDone(self, toonId):
+ assert(toonId == base.localAvatar.doId)
+ self.notify.debug('network:faceOffDone()')
+ self.sendUpdate('faceOffDone', [])
+ def d_adjustDone(self, toonId):
+ assert(toonId == base.localAvatar.doId)
+ self.notify.debug('network:adjustDone()')
+ self.sendUpdate('adjustDone', [])
+ def d_timeout(self, toonId):
+ assert(toonId == base.localAvatar.doId)
+ self.notify.debug('network:timeout()')
+ self.sendUpdate('timeout', [])
+ def d_movieDone(self, toonId):
+ assert(toonId == base.localAvatar.doId)
+ self.notify.debug('network:movieDone()')
+ self.sendUpdate('movieDone', [])
+ def d_rewardDone(self, toonId):
+ assert(toonId == base.localAvatar.doId)
+ self.notify.debug('network:rewardDone()')
+ self.sendUpdate('rewardDone', [])
+ def d_joinDone(self, toonId, avId):
+ assert(toonId == base.localAvatar.doId)
+ self.notify.debug('network:joinDone(%d)' % (avId))
+ self.sendUpdate('joinDone', [avId])
+ def d_requestAttack(self, toonId, track, level, av):
+ assert(toonId == base.localAvatar.doId)
+ self.notify.debug('network:requestAttack(%d, %d, %d)' % \
+ (track, level, av))
+ self.sendUpdate('requestAttack', [track, level, av])
+ def d_requestPetProxy(self, toonId, av):
+ assert(toonId == base.localAvatar.doId)
+ self.notify.debug('network:requestPetProxy(%s)' % av)
+ self.sendUpdate('requestPetProxy', [av])
+ # Each state will have an enter function, an exit function,
+ # and a datagram handler, which will be set during each enter function.
+ # Specific State functions
+ ##### Off state #####
+ def enterOff(self, ts=0):
+ self.localToonFsm.requestFinalState()
+ return None
+ def exitOff(self):
+ return None
+ ##### FaceOff state #####
+ def enterFaceOff(self, ts=0):
+ return None
+ def exitFaceOff(self):
+ return None
+ ##### WaitForJoin state #####
+ def enterWaitForJoin(self, ts=0):
+ self.notify.debug('enterWaitForJoin()')
+ return None
+ def exitWaitForJoin(self):
+ return None
+ ##### WaitForInput state #####
+ def __enterLocalToonWaitForInput(self):
+ self.notify.debug('enterLocalToonWaitForInput()')
+ # Move the camera into position
+ # (assumes the camera is a child of the battle)
+ camera.setPosHpr(self.camPos, self.camHpr)
+ base.camLens.setFov(self.camMenuFov)
+ # No arrows - they just get in the way
+ NametagGlobals.setMasterArrowsOn(0)
+ # Put local toon into 'Attack' state
+ self.townBattle.setState('Attack')
+ # Begin listening for 'Attack' responses
+ self.accept(self.localToonBattleEvent,
+ self.__handleLocalToonBattleEvent)
+ def startTimer(self, ts=0):
+ self.notify.debug('startTimer()')
+ self.notify.warning('startTimer() - ts: %f timeout: %f' % \
+ self.__timedOut()
+ return
+ # Start the timer
+ self.timer.startCallback(CLIENT_INPUT_TIMEOUT - ts,
+ self.__timedOut)
+ # Start a task that sends out the timer values five times a second
+ # I know it is a one second timer, but by supersampling, it appears
+ # to be smooth.
+ timeTask = Task.loop(Task(self.__countdown), Task.pause(0.2))
+ taskMgr.add(timeTask, self.timerCountdownTaskName)
+ def __stopTimer(self):
+ self.notify.debug('__stopTimer()')
+ self.timer.stop()
+ taskMgr.remove(self.timerCountdownTaskName)
+ def __countdown(self, task):
+ if hasattr(self.townBattle, 'timer'):
+ self.townBattle.updateTimer(int(self.timer.getT()))
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning('__countdown has tried to update a timer that has been deleted. Stopping timer')
+ self.__stopTimer()
+ return Task.done
+ def enterWaitForInput(self, ts=0):
+ self.notify.debug('enterWaitForInput()')
+ if self.interactiveProp:
+ self.interactiveProp.gotoBattleCheer()
+ self.choseAttackAlready = 0
+ if (self.localToonActive()):
+ self.__enterLocalToonWaitForInput()
+ self.startTimer(ts)
+ if (self.needAdjustTownBattle == 1):
+ self.__adjustTownBattle()
+ return None
+ def exitWaitForInput(self):
+ self.notify.debug('exitWaitForInput()')
+ if (self.localToonActive()):
+ self.townBattle.setState('Off')
+ # Back to the standard battle fov
+ base.camLens.setFov(self.camFov)
+ self.ignore(self.localToonBattleEvent)
+ self.__stopTimer()
+ return None
+ def __handleLocalToonBattleEvent(self, response):
+ assert(response.has_key('mode'))
+ mode = response['mode']
+ noAttack = 0
+ if (mode == 'Attack'):
+ self.notify.debug('got an attack')
+ track = response['track']
+ level = response['level']
+ target = response['target']
+ targetId = target
+ if (track == HEAL and not levelAffectsGroup(HEAL, level)):
+ if (target >= 0 and target < len(self.activeToons)):
+ targetId = self.activeToons[target].doId
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning('invalid toon target: %d' % target)
+ track = -1
+ level = -1
+ targetId = -1
+ elif (track == HEAL and len(self.activeToons) == 1):
+ self.notify.warning('invalid group target for heal')
+ track = -1
+ level = -1
+ elif (not attackAffectsGroup(track, level)):
+ # Maybe we haven't chosen a target yet, but we still
+ # want to notify the other members of the battle which
+ # track we're choosing.
+ if target >= 0 and target < len(self.activeSuits):
+ targetId = self.activeSuits[target].doId
+ else:
+ target = -1
+ if (len(self.luredSuits) > 0):
+ if (track == TRAP or
+ (track == LURE and (not levelAffectsGroup(LURE, level)))):
+ if target != -1:
+ suit = self.findSuit(targetId)
+ if (self.luredSuits.count(suit) != 0):
+ self.notify.warning('Suit: %d was lured!' % targetId)
+ track = -1
+ level = -1
+ targetId = -1
+ elif (track == LURE):
+ if (levelAffectsGroup(LURE, level) and
+ (len(self.activeSuits) == len(self.luredSuits))):
+ self.notify.warning('All suits are lured!')
+ track = -1
+ level = -1
+ targetId = -1
+ if (track == TRAP):
+ if target != -1:
+ if attackAffectsGroup(track,level):
+ #so this is the uber trap
+ pass
+ else:
+ suit = self.findSuit(targetId)
+ if (suit.battleTrap != NO_TRAP):
+ self.notify.warning('Suit: %d was already trapped!' % \
+ targetId)
+ track = -1
+ level = -1
+ targetId = -1
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ self.d_requestAttack(base.localAvatar.doId, track, level,
+ targetId)
+ elif (mode == 'Run'):
+ self.notify.debug('got a run')
+ self.d_toonRequestRun(base.localAvatar.doId)
+ elif (mode == 'SOS'):
+ targetId = response['id']
+ self.notify.debug('got an SOS for friend: %d' % targetId)
+ self.d_requestAttack(base.localAvatar.doId, SOS, -1, targetId)
+ elif (mode == 'NPCSOS'):
+ targetId = response['id']
+ self.notify.debug('got an NPCSOS for friend: %d' % targetId)
+ self.d_requestAttack(base.localAvatar.doId, NPCSOS, -1, targetId)
+ elif (mode == 'PETSOS'):
+ targetId = response['id']
+ trickId = response['trickId']
+ self.notify.debug('got an PETSOS for pet: %d' % targetId)
+ self.d_requestAttack(base.localAvatar.doId, PETSOS, trickId, targetId)
+ elif (mode == 'PETSOSINFO'):
+ petProxyId = response['id']
+ self.notify.debug('got a PETSOSINFO for pet: %d' % petProxyId)
+ # Check to see if the proxy object has already been generated
+ if
+ self.notify.debug("pet: %d was already in the repository" % petProxyId)
+ # Throw the event that pet info is available
+ proxyGenerateMessage = "petProxy-%d-generated" % petProxyId
+ messenger.send(proxyGenerateMessage)
+ else:
+ self.d_requestPetProxy(base.localAvatar.doId, petProxyId)
+ noAttack = 1
+ elif (mode == 'Pass'):
+ targetId = response['id']
+ self.notify.debug('got a Pass')
+ self.d_requestAttack(base.localAvatar.doId, PASS, -1, -1)
+ elif (mode == 'UnAttack'):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('got an un-attack'))
+ self.d_requestAttack(base.localAvatar.doId, UN_ATTACK, -1, -1)
+ noAttack = 1
+ elif (mode == 'Fire'):
+ target = response['target']
+ targetId = self.activeSuits[target].doId
+ #targetId = target
+ self.d_requestAttack(base.localAvatar.doId, FIRE, -1,
+ targetId)
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning('unknown battle response')
+ return
+ if (noAttack == 1):
+ self.choseAttackAlready = 0
+ else:
+ self.choseAttackAlready = 1
+ def __timedOut(self):
+ if (self.choseAttackAlready == 1):
+ return
+ self.notify.debug('WaitForInput timed out')
+ if (self.localToonActive()):
+ self.notify.debug('battle timed out')
+ self.d_timeout(base.localAvatar.doId)
+ assert(self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName() == 'WaitForInput')
+ ##### MakeMovie state #####
+ def enterMakeMovie(self, ts=0):
+ self.notify.debug('enterMakeMovie()')
+ return None
+ def exitMakeMovie(self):
+ return None
+ ##### PlayMovie state #####
+ def enterPlayMovie(self, ts):
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ self.notify.debug('enterPlayMovie()')
+ self.delayDeleteMembers()
+ if (self.hasLocalToon()):
+ NametagGlobals.setMasterArrowsOn(0)
+ if ToontownBattleGlobals.SkipMovie:
+, self.__handleMovieDone)
+ #self.__handleMovieDone()
+ else:
+, self.__handleMovieDone)
+ return None
+ def __handleMovieDone(self):
+ self.notify.debug('__handleMovieDone()')
+ if (self.hasLocalToon()):
+ self.d_movieDone(base.localAvatar.doId)
+ def exitPlayMovie(self):
+ self.notify.debug('exitPlayMovie()')
+ # In case we're observing and the server cuts us off
+ # this guarantees all final animations get started and things
+ # get cleaned up
+ self._removeMembersKeep()
+ # Now it is time to clear out townBattleAttacks.
+ # I wish there was a better place to do this.
+ self.townBattleAttacks = ([-1, -1, -1, -1], # BattleIndices
+ [-1, -1, -1, -1], # tracks
+ [-1, -1, -1, -1], # levels
+ [0, 0, 0, 0] # targets
+ )
+ # Let's try no arrows during battle
+ # NametagGlobals.setMasterArrowsOn(1)
+ return None
+ ##### Reward state #####
+ ##### Resume state #####
+ #########################
+ ##### LocalToon ClassicFSM #####
+ #########################
+ def hasLocalToon(self):
+ """ hasLocalToon()
+ """
+ return (self.toons.count(base.localAvatar) > 0)
+ def localToonPendingOrActive(self):
+ return ((self.pendingToons.count(base.localAvatar) > 0) or
+ (self.activeToons.count(base.localAvatar) > 0))
+ def localToonActive(self):
+ return (self.activeToons.count(base.localAvatar) > 0)
+ def localToonActiveOrRunning(self):
+ return ((self.activeToons.count(base.localAvatar) > 0) or
+ (self.runningToons.count(base.localAvatar) > 0))
+ def localToonRunning(self):
+ return (self.runningToons.count(base.localAvatar) > 0)
+ ##### HasLocalToon state #####
+ def enterHasLocalToon(self):
+ self.notify.debug('enterHasLocalToon()')
+ # Put local toon into battle mode
+ if != None:
+'battle', self.localToonBattleEvent)
+ if localAvatar and hasattr(localAvatar, 'inventory') and localAvatar.inventory:
+ localAvatar.inventory.setInteractivePropTrackBonus(
+ self.interactivePropTrackBonus)
+ # Establish battle camera parameters
+ camera.wrtReparentTo(self)
+ base.camLens.setFov(self.camFov)
+ return None
+ def exitHasLocalToon(self):
+ # Ignore any responses from the battle interface
+ self.ignore(self.localToonBattleEvent)
+ self.__stopTimer()
+ # restore the inventory to not having a prop bonus
+ if localAvatar and hasattr(localAvatar, 'inventory') and localAvatar.inventory:
+ localAvatar.inventory.setInteractivePropTrackBonus(-1)
+ # Restore the camera parameters
+ stateName = None
+ place =
+ if place:
+ stateName = place.fsm.getCurrentState().getName()
+ if stateName == 'died':
+ # If we died in the middle of the round, stop the battle
+ # animation and put the camera somewhere good for watching
+ # myself go sad.
+ camera.reparentTo(render)
+ camera.setPosHpr(localAvatar,
+ 5.2, 5.45, localAvatar.getHeight() * 0.66,
+ 131.5, 3.6, 0)
+ else:
+ # Otherwise, reparent the camera back to the toon where it
+ # belongs (most of the time).
+ camera.wrtReparentTo(base.localAvatar)
+ messenger.send('localToonLeftBattle')
+ base.camLens.setFov(ToontownGlobals.DefaultCameraFov)
+ return None
+ ##### NoLocalToon state #####
+ def enterNoLocalToon(self):
+ self.notify.debug('enterNoLocalToon()')
+ return None
+ def exitNoLocalToon(self):
+ return None
+ ##### WaitForServer state #####
+ def enterWaitForServer(self):
+ self.notify.debug('enterWaitForServer()')
+ return None
+ def exitWaitForServer(self):
+ return None
+ ######################
+ ##### Adjust ClassicFSM #####
+ ######################
+ def createAdjustInterval(self, av, destPos, destHpr, toon=0, run=0):
+ # Just do everything at suit speed since toons are walking
+ if (run == 1):
+ assert(toon == 1)
+ adjustTime = self.calcToonMoveTime(destPos, av.getPos(self))
+ else:
+ adjustTime = self.calcSuitMoveTime(destPos, av.getPos(self))
+ #assert(adjustTime > BATTLE_SMALL_VALUE)
+ self.notify.debug('creating adjust interval for: %d' % av.doId)
+ adjustTrack = Sequence()
+ if (run == 1):
+ adjustTrack.append(Func(av.loop, 'run'))
+ else:
+ adjustTrack.append(Func(av.loop, 'walk'))
+ adjustTrack.append(Func(av.headsUp, self, destPos))
+ adjustTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(av, adjustTime, destPos, other=self))
+ adjustTrack.append(Func(av.setHpr, self, destHpr))
+ adjustTrack.append(Func(av.loop, 'neutral'))
+ return adjustTrack
+ def __adjust(self, ts, callback):
+ self.notify.debug('__adjust(%f)' % ts)
+ adjustTrack = Parallel()
+ # See if we need to adjust suits
+ if ((len(self.pendingSuits) > 0) or self.suitGone == 1):
+ self.suitGone = 0
+ numSuits = (len(self.pendingSuits) + len(self.activeSuits)) - 1
+ index = 0
+ for suit in self.activeSuits:
+ # See if already in the right position
+ # We might move sideways if someone died next to us
+ point = self.suitPoints[numSuits][index]
+ pos = suit.getPos(self)
+ destPos = point[0]
+ if (self.isSuitLured(suit) == 1):
+ destPos = Point3(destPos[0],
+ destPos[1] - MovieUtil.SUIT_LURE_DISTANCE,
+ destPos[2])
+ if (pos != destPos):
+ destHpr = VBase3(point[1], 0.0, 0.0)
+ adjustTrack.append(
+ self.createAdjustInterval(suit, destPos, destHpr))
+ index += 1
+ for suit in self.pendingSuits:
+ point = self.suitPoints[numSuits][index]
+ destPos = point[0]
+ destHpr = VBase3(point[1], 0.0, 0.0)
+ adjustTrack.append(
+ self.createAdjustInterval(suit, destPos, destHpr))
+ index += 1
+ # See if we need to adjust toons
+ if ((len(self.pendingToons) > 0) or self.toonGone == 1):
+ self.toonGone = 0
+ numToons = (len(self.pendingToons) + len(self.activeToons)) - 1
+ index = 0
+ for toon in self.activeToons:
+ # See if already in the right position
+ # We might move sideways if someone died next to us
+ point = self.toonPoints[numToons][index]
+ pos = toon.getPos(self)
+ destPos = point[0]
+ if (pos != destPos):
+ destHpr = VBase3(point[1], 0.0, 0.0)
+ adjustTrack.append(
+ self.createAdjustInterval(toon, destPos, destHpr))
+ index += 1
+ for toon in self.pendingToons:
+ point = self.toonPoints[numToons][index]
+ destPos = point[0]
+ destHpr = VBase3(point[1], 0.0, 0.0)
+ adjustTrack.append(
+ self.createAdjustInterval(toon, destPos, destHpr))
+ index += 1
+ if (len(adjustTrack) > 0):
+ self.notify.debug('creating adjust multitrack')
+ e = Func(self.__handleAdjustDone)
+ track = Sequence(adjustTrack, e, name = self.adjustName)
+ self.storeInterval(track, self.adjustName)
+ track.start(ts)
+ if ToontownBattleGlobals.SkipMovie:
+ track.finish()
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning('adjust() - nobody needed adjusting')
+ self.__adjustDone()
+ def __handleAdjustDone(self):
+ self.notify.debug('__handleAdjustDone() - client adjust finished')
+ self.clearInterval(self.adjustName)
+ self.__adjustDone()
+ def __stopAdjusting(self):
+ self.notify.debug('__stopAdjusting()')
+ self.clearInterval(self.adjustName)
+ if (self.adjustFsm.getCurrentState().getName() == 'Adjusting'):
+ self.adjustFsm.request('NotAdjusting')
+ def __requestAdjustTownBattle(self):
+ self.notify.debug('__requestAdjustTownBattle() curstate = %s' %
+ self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName() )
+ if (self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName() == 'WaitForInput'):
+ self.__adjustTownBattle()
+ else:
+ self.needAdjustTownBattle = 1
+ def __adjustTownBattle(self):
+ self.notify.debug('__adjustTownBattle()')
+ if (self.localToonActive() and len(self.activeSuits) > 0):
+ self.notify.debug('__adjustTownBattle() - adjusting town battle')
+ # Determine the indices of lured suits
+ luredSuits = []
+ for suit in self.luredSuits:
+ if suit not in self.activeSuits:
+ self.notify.error('lured suit not in self.activeSuits')
+ luredSuits.append(self.activeSuits.index(suit))
+ # Determine the indices of trapped suits
+ trappedSuits = []
+ for suit in self.activeSuits:
+ if (suit.battleTrap != NO_TRAP):
+ trappedSuits.append(self.activeSuits.index(suit))
+ self.townBattle.adjustCogsAndToons(self.activeSuits,
+ luredSuits, trappedSuits, self.activeToons)
+ # It is possible that townBattleAttacks hasn't been set yet, if
+ # we haven't finished an attack round.
+ if hasattr(self, 'townBattleAttacks'):
+ self.townBattle.updateChosenAttacks(self.townBattleAttacks[0],
+ self.townBattleAttacks[1],
+ self.townBattleAttacks[2],
+ self.townBattleAttacks[3])
+ self.needAdjustTownBattle = 0
+ def __adjustDone(self):
+ self.notify.debug('__adjustDone()')
+ # Tell the server we're done adjusting
+ if (self.hasLocalToon()):
+ self.d_adjustDone(base.localAvatar.doId)
+ self.adjustFsm.request('NotAdjusting')
+ ##### Adjusting state #####
+ def enterAdjusting(self, ts):
+ self.notify.debug('enterAdjusting()')
+ if (self.localToonActive()):
+ self.__stopTimer()
+ self.delayDeleteMembers()
+ self.__adjust(ts, self.__handleAdjustDone)
+ return None
+ def exitAdjusting(self):
+ self.notify.debug('exitAdjusting()')
+ self.finishInterval(self.adjustName)
+ self._removeMembersKeep()
+ currStateName = self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName()
+ if (currStateName == 'WaitForInput' and self.localToonActive()):
+ self.startTimer()
+ return None
+ ##### NotAdjusting state #####
+ def enterNotAdjusting(self):
+ self.notify.debug('enterNotAdjusting()')
+ return None
+ def exitNotAdjusting(self):
+ return None
+ # Misc
+ def visualize(self):
+ """ visualize()
+ """
+ try:
+ self.isVisualized
+ except:
+ self.isVisualized = 0
+ if (self.isVisualized):
+ self.vis.removeNode()
+ del self.vis
+ self.detachNode()
+ self.isVisualized = 0
+ else:
+ lsegs = LineSegs()
+ lsegs.setColor(.5, .5, 1, 1)
+ lsegs.moveTo(0, 0, 0)
+ for p in BattleBase.allPoints:
+ lsegs.drawTo(p[0], p[1], p[2])
+ p = BattleBase.allPoints[0]
+ lsegs.drawTo(p[0], p[1], p[2])
+ self.vis = self.attachNewNode(lsegs.create())
+ self.reparentTo(render)
+ self.isVisualized = 1
+ ##### Battle Trigger / Lockout collisions--not used in building battles #####
+ def setupCollisions(self, name):
+ self.lockout = CollisionTube(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9, 9)
+ lockoutNode = CollisionNode(name)
+ lockoutNode.addSolid(self.lockout)
+ lockoutNode.setCollideMask(ToontownGlobals.WallBitmask)
+ self.lockoutNodePath = self.attachNewNode(lockoutNode)
+ # By default don't activate collision sphere
+ self.lockoutNodePath.detachNode()
+ # The lockout bubble should always be tangible; we never want
+ # Toons walking around inside the battle.
+ def removeCollisionData(self):
+ del self.lockout
+ self.lockoutNodePath.removeNode()
+ del self.lockoutNodePath
+ def enableCollision(self):
+ self.lockoutNodePath.reparentTo(self)
+ if (len(self.toons) < 4):
+ self.accept(self.getCollisionName(),
+ self.__handleLocalToonCollision)
+ def __handleLocalToonCollision(self, collEntry):
+ self.notify.debug('localToonCollision')
+ if self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName() == 'Off':
+ self.notify.debug('ignoring collision in Off state')
+ return
+ if not base.localAvatar.wantBattles:
+ return
+ toon = base.localAvatar
+ self.d_toonRequestJoin(toon.doId, toon.getPos(self))
+ base.localAvatar.preBattleHpr = base.localAvatar.getHpr(render)
+ # Wait to see if local toon can join
+ self.localToonFsm.request('WaitForServer')
+ self.onWaitingForJoin()
+ def onWaitingForJoin(self):
+ """ this is here for level battle to override """
+ pass
+ def denyLocalToonJoin(self):
+ self.notify.debug('denyLocalToonJoin()')
+ place =
+ if place.fsm.getCurrentState().getName() == 'WaitForBattle':
+ place.setState('walk')
+ self.localToonFsm.request('NoLocalToon')
+ def disableCollision(self):
+ self.ignore(self.getCollisionName())
+ self.lockoutNodePath.detachNode()
+ def openBattleCollision(self):
+ if (not self.hasLocalToon()):
+ self.enableCollision()
+ def closeBattleCollision(self):
+ self.ignore(self.getCollisionName())
+ def getCollisionName(self):
+ return 'enter' + self.lockoutNodePath.getName()
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/ b/toontown/src/battle/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c09f2fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/
@@ -0,0 +1,2460 @@
+from import *
+from direct.distributed.ClockDelta import *
+from BattleBase import *
+from BattleCalculatorAI import *
+from toontown.toonbase.ToontownBattleGlobals import *
+from SuitBattleGlobals import *
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+import BattleExperienceAI
+from direct.distributed import DistributedObjectAI
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM, State
+from direct.fsm import State
+from direct.task import Task
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from import DatabaseObject
+from toontown.toon import DistributedToonAI
+from toontown.toon import InventoryBase
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+import random
+from toontown.toon import NPCToons
+# attack properties table
+class DistributedBattleBaseAI(DistributedObjectAI.DistributedObjectAI,
+ BattleBase):
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('DistributedBattleBaseAI')
+ def __init__(self, air, zoneId, finishCallback=None, maxSuits=4,
+ bossBattle=0, tutorialFlag=0, interactivePropTrackBonus = -1):
+ """__init__(air, zoneId, finishCallback, maxSuits, bossBattle)
+ """
+ DistributedObjectAI.DistributedObjectAI.__init__(self, air)
+ self.serialNum = 0
+ self.zoneId = zoneId
+ self.maxSuits = maxSuits
+ self.setBossBattle(bossBattle)
+ self.tutorialFlag = tutorialFlag
+ self.interactivePropTrackBonus = interactivePropTrackBonus
+ # function to call when this battle is about to be destroyed
+ self.finishCallback = finishCallback
+ self.avatarExitEvents = []
+ self.responses = {}
+ self.adjustingResponses = {}
+ self.joinResponses = {}
+ self.adjustingSuits = []
+ self.adjustingToons = []
+ # Track the number of suits that have ever joined this battle.
+ self.numSuitsEver = 0
+ BattleBase.__init__(self)
+ self.streetBattle = 1
+ self.pos = Point3(0, 0, 0)
+ self.initialSuitPos = Point3(0, 0, 0)
+ self.toonExp = {}
+ self.toonOrigQuests = {}
+ self.toonItems = {}
+ self.toonOrigMerits = {}
+ self.toonMerits = {}
+ self.toonParts = {}
+ self.battleCalc = BattleCalculatorAI(self, tutorialFlag)
+ # If there is an invasion, double the exp for the duration of this battle
+ # Now, if the invasion ends midway through this battle, the players will
+ # continue getting credit. This is ok I guess.
+ if self.air.suitInvasionManager.getInvading():
+ mult = getInvasionMultiplier()
+ self.battleCalc.setSkillCreditMultiplier(mult)
+ # see if we have the double xp holiday up
+ if self.air.holidayManager.isMoreXpHolidayRunning():
+ mult = getMoreXpHolidayMultiplier()
+ self.battleCalc.setSkillCreditMultiplier(mult)
+ self.fsm = None
+ self.clearAttacks()
+ self.ignoreFaceOffDone = 0
+ self.needAdjust = 0
+ self.movieHasBeenMade = 0
+ self.movieHasPlayed = 0
+ self.rewardHasPlayed = 0
+ self.movieRequested = 0
+ self.ignoreResponses = 0
+ self.ignoreAdjustingResponses = 0
+ self.taskNames = []
+ self.exitedToons = []
+ # Maintain a list of all the suits killed in the battle
+ # for the quest system and the suit page
+ self.suitsKilled = []
+ self.suitsKilledThisBattle = []
+ self.suitsKilledPerFloor = []
+ # Maintain a list of all the suits encountered in the battle
+ # for the suit page
+ self.suitsEncountered = []
+ # these will help
+ self.newToons = []
+ self.newSuits = []
+ self.numNPCAttacks = 0
+ self.npcAttacks = {}
+ self.pets = {}
+ self.fsm = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM('DistributedBattleAI',
+ [State.State('FaceOff',
+ self.enterFaceOff,
+ self.exitFaceOff,
+ ['WaitForInput',
+ 'Resume']),
+ State.State('WaitForJoin',
+ self.enterWaitForJoin,
+ self.exitWaitForJoin,
+ ['WaitForInput', 'Resume']),
+ State.State('WaitForInput',
+ self.enterWaitForInput,
+ self.exitWaitForInput,
+ ['MakeMovie',
+ 'Resume']),
+ State.State('MakeMovie',
+ self.enterMakeMovie,
+ self.exitMakeMovie,
+ ['PlayMovie',
+ 'Resume']),
+ State.State('PlayMovie',
+ self.enterPlayMovie,
+ self.exitPlayMovie,
+ ['WaitForJoin',
+ 'Reward',
+ 'Resume']),
+ State.State('Reward',
+ self.enterReward,
+ self.exitReward,
+ ['Resume']),
+ State.State('Resume',
+ self.enterResume,
+ self.exitResume,
+ []),
+ State.State('Off',
+ self.enterOff,
+ self.exitOff,
+ ['FaceOff', 'WaitForJoin'])],
+ # Initial state
+ 'Off',
+ # Final state
+ 'Off',
+ )
+ self.joinableFsm = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM('Joinable',
+ [State.State('Joinable',
+ self.enterJoinable,
+ self.exitJoinable,
+ ['Unjoinable']),
+ State.State('Unjoinable',
+ self.enterUnjoinable,
+ self.exitUnjoinable,
+ ['Joinable'])],
+ # Initial state
+ 'Unjoinable',
+ # Final state
+ 'Unjoinable',
+ )
+ self.joinableFsm.enterInitialState()
+ self.runableFsm = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM('Runable',
+ [State.State('Runable',
+ self.enterRunable,
+ self.exitRunable,
+ ['Unrunable']),
+ State.State('Unrunable',
+ self.enterUnrunable,
+ self.exitUnrunable,
+ ['Runable'])],
+ # Initial state
+ 'Unrunable',
+ # Final state
+ 'Unrunable',
+ )
+ self.runableFsm.enterInitialState()
+ self.adjustFsm = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM('Adjust',
+ [State.State('Adjusting',
+ self.enterAdjusting,
+ self.exitAdjusting,
+ ['NotAdjusting', 'Adjusting']),
+ State.State('NotAdjusting',
+ self.enterNotAdjusting,
+ self.exitNotAdjusting,
+ ['Adjusting'])],
+ # Initial state
+ 'NotAdjusting',
+ # Final state
+ 'NotAdjusting',
+ )
+ self.adjustFsm.enterInitialState()
+ self.fsm.enterInitialState()
+ self.startTime = globalClock.getRealTime()
+ self.adjustingTimer = Timer()
+ def clearAttacks(self):
+ """ clearAttacks()
+ """
+ self.toonAttacks = {}
+ self.suitAttacks = getDefaultSuitAttacks()
+ def requestDelete(self):
+ if hasattr(self, 'fsm'):
+ # We want to make sure the battle is no longer active once
+ # we start deleting it. If we don't do this, it may
+ # continue to fire off tasks until the delete message
+ # comes back from the server.
+ self.fsm.request('Off')
+ self.__removeTaskName(self.uniqueName('make-movie'))
+ DistributedObjectAI.DistributedObjectAI.requestDelete(self)
+ def delete(self):
+ self.notify.debug('deleting battle')
+ self.fsm.request('Off')
+ self.ignoreAll()
+ self.__removeAllTasks()
+ del self.fsm
+ del self.joinableFsm
+ del self.runableFsm
+ del self.adjustFsm
+ self.__cleanupJoinResponses()
+ self.timer.stop()
+ del self.timer
+ self.adjustingTimer.stop()
+ del self.adjustingTimer
+ self.battleCalc.cleanup()
+ del self.battleCalc
+ for suit in self.suits:
+ del suit.battleTrap
+ del self.finishCallback
+ for petProxy in self.pets.values():
+ petProxy.requestDelete()
+ DistributedObjectAI.DistributedObjectAI.delete(self)
+ def pause(self):
+ self.timer.stop()
+ self.adjustingTimer.stop()
+ def unpause(self):
+ self.timer.resume()
+ self.adjustingTimer.resume()
+ def abortBattle(self):
+ """ Call this function to stop the battle in the middle, no
+ matter what; the toons are sent back to the playground and the
+ suits will fly away (or do whatever is appropriate for this
+ kind of battle). This is normally called only in response to
+ a magic word. """
+ self.notify.debug('%s.abortBattle() called.' % (self.doId))
+ toonsCopy = self.toons[:]
+ for toonId in toonsCopy:
+ self.__removeToon(toonId)
+ if (self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName() == 'PlayMovie' or
+ self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName() == 'MakeMovie'):
+ self.exitedToons.append(toonId)
+ # Of course, the last toon is gone now.
+ self.d_setMembers()
+ self.b_setState('Resume')
+ self.__removeAllTasks()
+ self.timer.stop()
+ self.adjustingTimer.stop()
+ def __removeSuit(self, suit):
+ self.notify.debug('__removeSuit(%d)' % suit.doId)
+ assert(self.suits.count(suit) == 1)
+ self.suits.remove(suit)
+ assert(self.joiningSuits.count(suit) == 0)
+ assert(self.pendingSuits.count(suit) == 0)
+ assert(self.adjustingSuits.count(suit) == 0)
+ assert(self.activeSuits.count(suit) == 1)
+ self.activeSuits.remove(suit)
+ if (self.luredSuits.count(suit) == 1):
+ self.luredSuits.remove(suit)
+ self.suitGone = 1
+ del suit.battleTrap
+ def findSuit(self, id):
+ """ findSuit(id)
+ """
+ for s in self.suits:
+ if (s.doId == id):
+ return s
+ return None
+ def __removeTaskName(self, name):
+ if (self.taskNames.count(name)):
+ self.taskNames.remove(name)
+ self.notify.debug('removeTaskName() - %s' % name)
+ taskMgr.remove(name)
+ def __removeAllTasks(self):
+ for n in self.taskNames:
+ self.notify.debug('removeAllTasks() - %s' % n)
+ taskMgr.remove(n)
+ self.taskNames = []
+ def __removeToonTasks(self, toonId):
+ name = self.taskName('running-toon-%d' % toonId)
+ self.__removeTaskName(name)
+ name = self.taskName('to-pending-av-%d' % toonId)
+ self.__removeTaskName(name)
+ # These are dummy getters for non-level battles. See toon.dc for
+ # more info.
+ def getLevelDoId(self):
+ return 0
+ def getBattleCellId(self):
+ return 0
+ # setPosition()
+ def getPosition(self):
+ """getPosition()
+ """
+ self.notify.debug('getPosition() - %s' % self.pos)
+ return [self.pos[0], self.pos[1], self.pos[2]]
+ # setInitialSuitPos()
+ def getInitialSuitPos(self):
+ """ getInitialSuitPos()
+ """
+ p = []
+ p.append(self.initialSuitPos[0])
+ p.append(self.initialSuitPos[1])
+ p.append(self.initialSuitPos[2])
+ return p
+ # setBossBattle
+ def setBossBattle(self, bossBattle):
+ """call this before generate"""
+ self.bossBattle = bossBattle
+ def getBossBattle(self):
+ return self.bossBattle
+ # setState()
+ def b_setState(self, state):
+ self.notify.debug('network:setState(%s)' % state)
+ stime = globalClock.getRealTime() + SERVER_BUFFER_TIME
+ self.sendUpdate('setState', [state, globalClockDelta.localToNetworkTime(stime)])
+ self.setState(state)
+ def setState(self, state):
+ self.fsm.request(state)
+ def getState(self):
+ return [self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName(),
+ globalClockDelta.getRealNetworkTime()]
+ # setMembers()
+ def d_setMembers(self):
+ self.notify.debug('network:setMembers()')
+ self.sendUpdate('setMembers', self.getMembers())
+ def getMembers(self):
+ suits = []
+ for s in self.suits:
+ suits.append(s.doId)
+ joiningSuits = ''
+ for s in self.joiningSuits:
+ joiningSuits += str(suits.index(s.doId))
+ pendingSuits = ''
+ for s in self.pendingSuits:
+ pendingSuits += str(suits.index(s.doId))
+ activeSuits = ''
+ for s in self.activeSuits:
+ activeSuits += str(suits.index(s.doId))
+ luredSuits = ''
+ for s in self.luredSuits:
+ luredSuits += str(suits.index(s.doId))
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ suitTraps = ''
+ for s in self.suits:
+ if (s.battleTrap == NO_TRAP):
+ suitTraps += '9'
+ elif (s.battleTrap == BattleCalculatorAI.TRAP_CONFLICT):
+ suitTraps += '9'
+ else:
+ suitTraps += str(s.battleTrap)
+ toons = []
+ for t in self.toons:
+ toons.append(t)
+ joiningToons = ''
+ for t in self.joiningToons:
+ joiningToons += str(toons.index(t))
+ pendingToons = ''
+ for t in self.pendingToons:
+ pendingToons += str(toons.index(t))
+ activeToons = ''
+ for t in self.activeToons:
+ activeToons += str(toons.index(t))
+ runningToons = ''
+ for t in self.runningToons:
+ runningToons += str(toons.index(t))
+ self.notify.debug('getMembers() - suits: %s joiningSuits: %s pendingSuits: %s activeSuits: %s luredSuits: %s suitTraps: %s toons: %s joiningToons: %s pendingToons: %s activeToons: %s runningToons: %s' % (suits, joiningSuits, pendingSuits, activeSuits, luredSuits, suitTraps, toons, joiningToons, pendingToons, activeToons, runningToons))
+ return ([suits, joiningSuits, pendingSuits, activeSuits, luredSuits,
+ suitTraps, toons, joiningToons, pendingToons, activeToons,
+ runningToons, globalClockDelta.getRealNetworkTime()])
+ # adjust()
+ def d_adjust(self):
+ self.notify.debug('network:adjust()')
+ self.sendUpdate('adjust', [globalClockDelta.getRealNetworkTime()])
+ # setInteractivePropTrackBonus
+ def getInteractivePropTrackBonus(self):
+ return self.interactivePropTrackBonus
+ # setZoneId
+ def getZoneId(self):
+ return self.zoneId
+ def getTaskZoneId(self):
+ """ this function is here to allow subclasses override the zoneId
+ that's used to determine task progress """
+ return self.zoneId
+ # setMovie
+ def d_setMovie(self):
+ self.notify.debug('network:setMovie()')
+ self.sendUpdate('setMovie', self.getMovie())
+ # this seems as good a place as any to update the suit encountered array
+ # (we have to make sure the adjusting is all finished and activeToons us updated)
+ self.__updateEncounteredCogs()
+ def getMovie(self):
+ suitIds = []
+ for s in self.activeSuits:
+ suitIds.append(s.doId)
+ p = [self.movieHasBeenMade]
+ p.append(self.activeToons)
+ p.append(suitIds)
+ for t in self.activeToons:
+ if (self.toonAttacks.has_key(t)):
+ ta = self.toonAttacks[t]
+ index = -1
+ id = ta[TOON_ID_COL]
+ if (id != -1):
+ assert(self.activeToons.count(id))
+ index = self.activeToons.index(id)
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ track = ta[TOON_TRACK_COL]
+ if ((track == NO_ATTACK or
+ attackAffectsGroup(track, ta[TOON_LVL_COL])) and
+ track != NPCSOS and track != PETSOS):
+ target = -1
+ if (track == HEAL):
+ # If it's a joke, send a joke index number also
+ if (ta[TOON_LVL_COL] == 1):
+ ta[TOON_HPBONUS_COL] = random.randint(0, 10000)
+ elif (track == SOS or track == NPCSOS or track == PETSOS):
+ # We need to pass the actual doId in this case
+ target = ta[TOON_TGT_COL]
+ elif (track == HEAL):
+ if self.activeToons.count(ta[TOON_TGT_COL]) != 0:
+ target = self.activeToons.index(ta[TOON_TGT_COL])
+ else:
+ target = -1
+ else:
+ if suitIds.count(ta[TOON_TGT_COL]) != 0:
+ target = suitIds.index(ta[TOON_TGT_COL])
+ else:
+ target = -1
+ p = p + [index,
+ track,
+ target]
+ p = p + ta[4:]
+ else:
+ index = self.activeToons.index(t)
+ attack = getToonAttack(index)
+ p = p + attack
+ for i in range(4 - len(self.activeToons)):
+ p = p + getToonAttack(-1)
+ for sa in self.suitAttacks:
+ index = -1
+ id = sa[SUIT_ID_COL]
+ if (id != -1):
+ assert(suitIds.count(id))
+ index = suitIds.index(id)
+ if (sa[SUIT_ATK_COL] == -1):
+ targetIndex = -1
+ else:
+ targetIndex = sa[SUIT_TGT_COL]
+ assert(targetIndex < len(self.activeToons))
+ if (targetIndex == -1):
+ self.notify.debug('suit attack: %d must be group' % \
+ else:
+ toonId = self.activeToons[targetIndex]
+ p = p + [index,
+ targetIndex]
+ sa[SUIT_TAUNT_COL] = 0
+ if (sa[SUIT_ATK_COL] != -1):
+ suit = self.findSuit(id)
+ assert(suit != None)
+ sa[SUIT_TAUNT_COL] = getAttackTauntIndexFromIndex(suit,
+ p = p + sa[3:]
+ return p
+ # setChosenToonAttacks
+ def d_setChosenToonAttacks(self):
+ self.notify.debug('network:setChosenToonAttacks()')
+ self.sendUpdate('setChosenToonAttacks', self.getChosenToonAttacks())
+ def getChosenToonAttacks(self):
+ ids = []
+ tracks = []
+ levels = []
+ targets = []
+ for t in self.activeToons:
+ if (self.toonAttacks.has_key(t)):
+ ta = self.toonAttacks[t]
+ else:
+ ta = getToonAttack(t)
+ assert(t == ta[TOON_ID_COL])
+ ids.append(t)
+ tracks.append(ta[TOON_TRACK_COL])
+ levels.append(ta[TOON_LVL_COL])
+ targets.append(ta[TOON_TGT_COL])
+ return [ids, tracks, levels, targets]
+ # setBattleExperience
+ def d_setBattleExperience(self):
+ self.notify.debug('network:setBattleExperience()')
+ self.sendUpdate('setBattleExperience', self.getBattleExperience())
+ def getBattleExperience(self):
+ #print ("DistributedBattleBaseAI -getBattleExperience- Active Toons %s" % (self.activeToons))
+ returnValue = BattleExperienceAI.getBattleExperience(
+ 4, self.activeToons, self.toonExp,
+ self.battleCalc.toonSkillPtsGained,
+ self.toonOrigQuests, self.toonItems, self.toonOrigMerits, self.toonMerits,
+ self.toonParts, self.suitsKilled, self.helpfulToons)
+ #print ("DistributedBattleBaseAI -getBattleExperienceEnd- Active Toons %s" % (self.activeToons))
+ return returnValue
+ # Add suit
+ def getToonUberStatus(self):
+ fieldList = []
+ uberIndex = LAST_REGULAR_GAG_LEVEL + 1
+ for toon in self.activeToons:
+ toonList = []
+ for trackIndex in range(MAX_TRACK_INDEX):
+ toonList.append(toon.inventory.numItem(track, uberIndex))
+ fieldList.append(encodeUber(toonList))
+ return fieldList
+ def addSuit(self, suit):
+ self.notify.debug('addSuit(%d)' % suit.doId)
+ self.newSuits.append(suit)
+ self.suits.append(suit)
+ # Initialize the suit trap
+ suit.battleTrap = NO_TRAP
+ self.numSuitsEver += 1
+ def __joinSuit(self, suit):
+ # calculate the time it will take for the suit to go from
+ # its current position to its pending position in the battle
+ # and create a task to call a function when that time has
+ # passed
+ #
+ # Building battles can have 3 pending suits
+ assert(len(self.pendingSuits) <= 3)
+ assert(self.joiningSuits.count(suit) == 0)
+ #spotIndex = len(self.pendingSuits) + len(self.joiningSuits)
+ self.joiningSuits.append(suit)
+ taskName = self.taskName('to-pending-av-%d' % suit.doId)
+ self.__addJoinResponse(suit.doId, taskName)
+ self.taskNames.append(taskName)
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(toPendingTime,
+ self.__serverJoinDone,
+ taskName,
+ extraArgs = (suit.doId, taskName))
+ def __serverJoinDone(self, avId, taskName):
+ self.notify.debug('join for av: %d timed out on server' % avId)
+ self.__removeTaskName(taskName)
+ self.__makeAvPending(avId)
+ return Task.done
+ def __makeAvPending(self, avId):
+ self.notify.debug('__makeAvPending(%d)' % avId)
+ self.__removeJoinResponse(avId)
+ self.__removeTaskName(self.taskName('to-pending-av-%d' % avId))
+ if (self.toons.count(avId) > 0):
+ assert(self.joiningToons.count(avId) == 1)
+ self.joiningToons.remove(avId)
+ assert(self.pendingToons.count(avId) == 0)
+ self.pendingToons.append(avId)
+ else:
+ suit = self.findSuit(avId)
+ if (suit != None):
+ if(not suit.isEmpty()):
+ # spam debug if the next assert is about to trigger
+ if not (self.joiningSuits.count(suit) == 1):
+ self.notify.warning('__makeAvPending(%d) in zone: %d' % (avId, self.zoneId))
+ self.notify.warning('toons: %s' % (self.toons))
+ self.notify.warning('joining toons: %s' % (self.joiningToons))
+ self.notify.warning('pending toons: %s' % (self.pendingToons))
+ self.notify.warning('suits: %s' % (self.suits))
+ self.notify.warning('joining suits: %s' % (self.joiningSuits))
+ self.notify.warning('pending suits: %s' % (self.pendingSuits))
+ assert(self.joiningSuits.count(suit) == 1)
+ self.joiningSuits.remove(suit)
+ assert(self.pendingSuits.count(suit) == 0)
+ self.pendingSuits.append(suit)
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning('makeAvPending() %d not in toons or suits' \
+ % avId)
+ return
+ self.d_setMembers()
+ self.needAdjust = 1
+ self.__requestAdjust()
+ def suitRequestJoin(self, suit):
+ """ suitRequestJoin(suit)
+ """
+ self.notify.debug('suitRequestJoin(%d)' % suit.getDoId())
+ # make sure we're not trying to add a suit that's
+ # already in this battle
+ assert (suit not in self.suits), 'suit already in this battle'
+ if (self.suitCanJoin()):
+ self.addSuit(suit)
+ self.__joinSuit(suit)
+ self.d_setMembers()
+ suit.prepareToJoinBattle()
+ return 1
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning('suitRequestJoin() - not joinable - joinable state: %s max suits: %d' % (self.joinableFsm.getCurrentState().getName(),
+ self.maxSuits))
+ return 0
+ # Add/Remove toon
+ def addToon(self, avId):
+ print ("DBB-addToon %s" % (avId))
+ # Returns 1 if the toon is successfully added, 0 otherwise.
+ self.notify.debug('addToon(%d)' % avId)
+ toon = self.getToon(avId)
+ if (toon == None):
+ return 0
+ # Make sure the playground (or estate) toon-up task isn't
+ # still running on this Toon. It shouldn't be, but if it is
+ # we'll get very mysterious effects during the battle movie.
+ toon.stopToonUp()
+ # Prepare to handle an unexpected exit by the avatar
+ event = simbase.air.getAvatarExitEvent(avId)
+ self.avatarExitEvents.append(event)
+ self.accept(event, self.__handleUnexpectedExit, extraArgs=[avId])
+ # Also handle avatars that manage to escape to the safezone
+ # somehow.
+ event = "inSafezone-%s" % (avId)
+ self.avatarExitEvents.append(event)
+ self.accept(event, self.__handleSuddenExit, extraArgs=[avId, 0])
+ self.newToons.append(avId)
+ self.toons.append(avId)
+ toon = simbase.air.doId2do.get(avId)
+ if toon:
+ if hasattr(self, "doId"):
+ toon.b_setBattleId(self.doId)
+ else:
+ toon.b_setBattleId(-1)
+ messageToonAdded = ("Battle adding toon %s" % (avId))
+ messenger.send(messageToonAdded, [avId])
+ assert(not self.responses.has_key(avId))
+ if (self.fsm != None and
+ self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName() == 'PlayMovie'):
+ self.responses[avId] = 1
+ else:
+ self.responses[avId] = 0
+ assert(not self.adjustingResponses.has_key(avId))
+ self.adjustingResponses[avId] = 0
+ # Initialize experience per track
+ if avId not in self.toonExp:
+ p = []
+ for t in Tracks:
+ p.append(toon.experience.getExp(t))
+ self.toonExp[avId] = p
+ # Initialize original merits
+ if avId not in self.toonOrigMerits:
+ self.toonOrigMerits[avId] = toon.cogMerits[:]
+ # Initialize merits earned
+ if avId not in self.toonMerits:
+ self.toonMerits[avId] = [0, 0, 0, 0]
+ # Initialize parts found
+ if avId not in self.toonOrigQuests:
+ # we need to flatten the quests to send them over the wire
+ flattenedQuests = []
+ for quest in toon.quests:
+ flattenedQuests.extend(quest)
+ self.toonOrigQuests[avId] = flattenedQuests
+ # Initialize parts found
+ if avId not in self.toonItems:
+ self.toonItems[avId] = ([], [])
+ return 1
+ def __joinToon(self, avId, pos):
+ # calculate the time it will take for the toon to go from
+ # its current position to its position in the battle and
+ # create a task to call a function when that time has passed
+ #
+ assert(pos != None)
+ #assert(len(self.pendingToons) < 3)
+ assert(self.joiningToons.count(avId) == 0)
+ #spotIndex = len(self.pendingToons) + len(self.joiningToons)
+ self.joiningToons.append(avId)
+ taskName = self.taskName('to-pending-av-%d' % avId)
+ self.__addJoinResponse(avId, taskName, toon=1)
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(toPendingTime,
+ self.__serverJoinDone,
+ taskName,
+ extraArgs = (avId, taskName))
+ self.taskNames.append(taskName)
+ def __updateEncounteredCogs(self):
+ # If there is a new toon, add all the active suits to the encounter list.
+ for toon in self.activeToons:
+ if toon in self.newToons:
+ # add any suits present to the suits encountered list
+ for suit in self.activeSuits:
+ if hasattr(suit, 'dna'):
+ self.suitsEncountered.append({'type':,
+ # Put a copy of active toons in the dict
+ # Only they get credit for seeing this suit
+ 'activeToons': self.activeToons[:]})
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning('Suit has no DNA in zone %s: toons involved = %s' % (self.zoneId, self.activeToons))
+ # fail hard
+ return
+ self.newToons.remove(toon)
+ # If there is a new suit, add it to all active toons encounter list.
+ for suit in self.activeSuits:
+ if suit in self.newSuits:
+ if hasattr(suit, 'dna'):
+ # add any new suits to all active toons encounter list
+ self.suitsEncountered.append({'type':,
+ # Put a copy of active toons in the dict
+ # Only they get credit for seeing this suit
+ 'activeToons': self.activeToons[:]})
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning('Suit has no DNA in zone %s: toons involved = %s' % (self.zoneId, self.activeToons))
+ # fail hard
+ return
+ self.newSuits.remove(suit)
+ def __makeToonRun(self, toonId, updateAttacks):
+ assert(self.activeToons.count(toonId) == 1)
+ self.activeToons.remove(toonId)
+ assert(self.runningToons.count(toonId) == 0)
+ # We want adjusting to occur
+ self.toonGone = 1
+ self.runningToons.append(toonId)
+ taskName = self.taskName('running-toon-%d' % toonId)
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(TOON_RUN_T,
+ self.__serverRunDone,
+ taskName,
+ extraArgs = (toonId, updateAttacks, taskName))
+ self.taskNames.append(taskName)
+ def __serverRunDone(self, toonId, updateAttacks, taskName):
+ self.notify.debug('run for toon: %d timed out on server' % toonId)
+ self.__removeTaskName(taskName)
+ self.__removeToon(toonId)
+ self.d_setMembers()
+ if (len(self.toons) == 0):
+ self.notify.debug('last toon is gone - battle is finished')
+ self.b_setState('Resume')
+ else:
+ if (updateAttacks == 1):
+ self.d_setChosenToonAttacks()
+ self.needAdjust = 1
+ self.__requestAdjust()
+ return Task.done
+ def __requestAdjust(self):
+ """ Only the server can initiate an adjust
+ """
+ if (not self.fsm):
+ return
+ cstate = self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName()
+ if (cstate == 'WaitForInput' or cstate == 'WaitForJoin'):
+ if (self.adjustFsm.getCurrentState().getName() == 'NotAdjusting'):
+ if (self.needAdjust == 1):
+ self.d_adjust()
+ self.adjustingSuits = []
+ for s in self.pendingSuits:
+ self.adjustingSuits.append(s)
+ self.adjustingToons = []
+ for t in self.pendingToons:
+ self.adjustingToons.append(t)
+ self.adjustFsm.request('Adjusting')
+ else:
+ self.notify.debug('requestAdjust() - dont need to')
+ else:
+ self.notify.debug('requestAdjust() - already adjusting')
+ else:
+ self.notify.debug('requestAdjust() - in state: %s' % cstate)
+ def __handleUnexpectedExit(self, avId):
+ disconnectCode = self.air.getAvatarDisconnectReason(avId)
+ self.notify.warning('toon: %d exited unexpectedly, reason %d' % (avId, disconnectCode))
+ # We consider the user to have disconnected unfairly if he
+ # exited because of a window closure. For any other reason,
+ # we give him the benefit of a doubt (maybe an internet
+ # hiccup, maybe a client crash).
+ userAborted = (disconnectCode == ToontownGlobals.DisconnectCloseWindow)
+ self.__handleSuddenExit(avId, userAborted)
+ def __handleSuddenExit(self, avId, userAborted):
+ self.__removeToon(avId, userAborted=userAborted)
+ if (self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName() == 'PlayMovie' or
+ self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName() == 'MakeMovie'):
+ self.exitedToons.append(avId)
+ # See if the last toon is gone
+ self.d_setMembers()
+ if (len(self.toons) == 0):
+ self.notify.debug('last toon is gone - battle is finished')
+ self.__removeAllTasks()
+ self.timer.stop()
+ self.adjustingTimer.stop()
+ self.b_setState('Resume')
+ else:
+ self.needAdjust = 1
+ self.__requestAdjust()
+ def __removeSuit(self, suit):
+ self.notify.debug('__removeSuit(%d)' % suit.doId)
+ assert(self.suits.count(suit) == 1)
+ self.suits.remove(suit)
+ assert(self.joiningSuits.count(suit) == 0)
+ assert(self.pendingSuits.count(suit) == 0)
+ assert(self.adjustingSuits.count(suit) == 0)
+ assert(self.activeSuits.count(suit) == 1)
+ self.activeSuits.remove(suit)
+ if (self.luredSuits.count(suit) == 1):
+ self.luredSuits.remove(suit)
+ self.suitGone = 1
+ del suit.battleTrap
+ def __removeToon(self, toonId, userAborted=0):
+ """remove a toon before victory is achieved (run away, get sad,
+ disconnect)"""
+ self.notify.debug('__removeToon(%d)' % toonId)
+ if self.toons.count(toonId) == 0:
+ return
+ assert(self.toons.count(toonId) == 1)
+ # inform the battleCalculator that the toon is leaving the battle
+ # WARNING: this will delete any accumulated experience in the
+ # calc's toonSkillPtsGained dict; for parts of the game that
+ # accumulate experience over multiple battles, this will destroy
+ # the toon's accumulated experience. It seems like a safe assumption
+ # that running away, getting sad, or disconnecting should void a
+ # toon's accumulated experience.
+ self.battleCalc.toonLeftBattle(toonId)
+ self.__removeToonTasks(toonId)
+ self.toons.remove(toonId)
+ if (self.joiningToons.count(toonId) == 1):
+ self.joiningToons.remove(toonId)
+ if (self.pendingToons.count(toonId) == 1):
+ self.pendingToons.remove(toonId)
+ if (self.activeToons.count(toonId) == 1):
+ # Update suitAttack HP indices, which need to match activeToon list.
+ activeToonIdx = self.activeToons.index(toonId)
+ self.notify.debug("removing activeToons[%d], updating suitAttacks SUIT_HP_COL to match" % activeToonIdx)
+ for i in range(len(self.suitAttacks)):
+ if activeToonIdx < len(self.suitAttacks[i][SUIT_HP_COL]):
+ del self.suitAttacks[i][SUIT_HP_COL][activeToonIdx]
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning("suitAttacks %d doesn't have an HP column for active toon index %d" % (i, activeToonIdx))
+ self.activeToons.remove(toonId)
+ if (self.runningToons.count(toonId) == 1):
+ self.runningToons.remove(toonId)
+ if (self.adjustingToons.count(toonId) == 1):
+ self.notify.warning('removeToon() - toon: %d was adjusting!' % \
+ toonId)
+ self.adjustingToons.remove(toonId)
+ self.toonGone = 1
+ # Delete this Toon's pet proxy
+ if self.pets.has_key(toonId):
+ self.pets[toonId].requestDelete()
+ del self.pets[toonId]
+ # Trigger all the necessary client responses
+ self.__removeResponse(toonId)
+ self.__removeAdjustingResponse(toonId)
+ self.__removeJoinResponses(toonId)
+ # Ignore future avatar exit events
+ event = simbase.air.getAvatarExitEvent(toonId)
+ self.avatarExitEvents.remove(event)
+ self.ignore(event)
+ # And also stop listening for "avatar escaped" events.
+ event = "inSafezone-%s" % (toonId)
+ self.avatarExitEvents.remove(event)
+ self.ignore(event)
+ toon = simbase.air.doId2do.get(toonId)
+ if toon:
+ toon.b_setBattleId(0)
+ messageToonReleased = ("Battle releasing toon %s" % (toon.doId))
+ messenger.send(messageToonReleased, [toon.doId])
+ if (not userAborted):
+ # The toon exited the battle, but he may still be in the
+ # game. In case he is, make sure he knows his current HP
+ # and inventory. (He might have crashed out and left the
+ # game, but that's ok too.)
+ toon = self.getToon(toonId)
+ if (toon != None):
+ toon.hpOwnedByBattle = 0
+ toon.d_setHp(toon.hp)
+ toon.d_setInventory(toon.inventory.makeNetString())
+ # Tell the cog page manager about the cogs this toon encountered
+ self.air.cogPageManager.toonEncounteredCogs(toon, self.suitsEncountered,
+ self.getTaskZoneId())
+ else:
+ # In this case, the toon exited the battle abnormally--he
+ # explicitly disconnected. The toon is no longer in
+ # the game, so we can no longer query his current HP or
+ # inventory, and we can't update the cog page manager or
+ # anything like that.
+ if len(self.suits) > 0 and not self.streetBattle:
+ # If the toon was in a building battle, and there are
+ # still some suits left to the battle, assume the
+ # player cheated by pulling the plug or something and
+ # impose a penalty. (We don't impose this penalty for
+ # a street battle because the user can always run from
+ # a street battle.)
+"toon %d aborted non-street battle; clearing inventory and hp." % (toonId))
+ # This is a little tricky because the toon is already
+ # gone. First, we have to create an empty
+ # DistributedToonAI object to represent the toon.
+ # There is no useful data in this object, so we can't
+ # query his hp or anything.
+ toon = DistributedToonAI.DistributedToonAI(self.air)
+ toon.doId = toonId
+ # Now set the inventory and HP to nothing.
+ empty = InventoryBase.InventoryBase(toon)
+ toon.b_setInventory(empty.makeNetString())
+ toon.b_setHp(0)
+ # And write these two fields directly to the database.
+ db = DatabaseObject.DatabaseObject(self.air, toonId)
+ db.storeObject(toon, ["setInventory", "setHp"])
+'killing mem leak from temporary DistributedToonAI %d' % toonId)
+ toon.deleteDummy()
+ def getToon(self, toonId):
+ if (self.air.doId2do.has_key(toonId)):
+ return self.air.doId2do[toonId]
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning('getToon() - toon: %d not in repository!' \
+ % toonId)
+ return None
+ # Messages from DistributedBattle
+ def toonRequestRun(self):
+ toonId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender()
+ if (self.ignoreResponses == 1):
+ self.notify.debug('ignoring response from toon: %d' % toonId)
+ return
+ self.notify.debug('toonRequestRun(%d)' % toonId)
+ if (not self.isRunable()):
+ self.notify.warning('toonRequestRun() - not runable')
+ return
+ updateAttacks = 0
+ if (self.activeToons.count(toonId) == 0):
+ self.notify.warning('toon tried to run, but not found in activeToons: %d'
+ % toonId)
+ return
+ # See if anyone else is trying to heal the running toon
+ for toon in self.activeToons:
+ if (self.toonAttacks.has_key(toon)):
+ ta = self.toonAttacks[toon]
+ track = ta[TOON_TRACK_COL]
+ level = ta[TOON_LVL_COL]
+ if (ta[TOON_TGT_COL] == toonId or
+ (track == HEAL and attackAffectsGroup(track, level) and
+ len(self.activeToons) <= 2)):
+ healerId = ta[TOON_ID_COL]
+ self.notify.debug('resetting toon: %ds attack' % \
+ healerId)
+ self.toonAttacks[toon] = getToonAttack(toon,
+ track=UN_ATTACK)
+ assert(self.responses.has_key(healerId))
+ self.responses[healerId] = 0
+ updateAttacks = 1
+ self.__makeToonRun(toonId, updateAttacks)
+ self.d_setMembers()
+ self.needAdjust = 1
+ self.__requestAdjust()
+ def toonRequestJoin(self, x, y, z):
+ toonId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender()
+ self.notify.debug('toonRequestJoin(%d)' % toonId)
+ self.signupToon(toonId, x, y, z)
+ def toonDied(self):
+ toonId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender()
+ self.notify.debug('toonDied(%d)' % toonId)
+ if toonId in self.toons:
+ toon = self.getToon(toonId)
+ if toon:
+ toon.hp = -1
+ toon.inventory.zeroInv(1)
+ self.__handleSuddenExit(toonId, 0)
+ def signupToon(self, toonId, x, y, z):
+ """ signupToon(toonId, x, y, z)
+ Adds the toon to the battle. This can be requested directly
+ by the toon (via toonRequestJoin) or by the AI.
+ """
+ if (self.toons.count(toonId)):
+ # If the toon is already part of this battle, ignore the
+ # message completely. Don't even send back a deny
+ # message, which would just confuse the client.
+ return
+ if (self.toonCanJoin()):
+ if self.addToon(toonId):
+ self.__joinToon(toonId, Point3(x, y, z))
+ self.d_setMembers()
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning('toonRequestJoin() - not joinable')
+ self.d_denyLocalToonJoin(toonId)
+ def d_denyLocalToonJoin(self, toonId):
+ self.notify.debug('network: denyLocalToonJoin(%d)' % toonId)
+ self.sendUpdateToAvatarId(toonId, 'denyLocalToonJoin', [])
+ ##### WaitForInput Responses #####
+ def resetResponses(self):
+ self.responses = {}
+ for t in self.toons:
+ self.responses[t] = 0
+ self.ignoreResponses = 0
+ def allToonsResponded(self):
+ for t in self.toons:
+ assert(self.responses.has_key(t))
+ if (self.responses[t] == 0):
+ return 0
+ self.ignoreResponses = 1
+ return 1
+ def __allPendingActiveToonsResponded(self):
+ for t in (self.pendingToons + self.activeToons):
+ assert(self.responses.has_key(t))
+ if (self.responses[t] == 0):
+ return 0
+ self.ignoreResponses = 1
+ return 1
+ def __allActiveToonsResponded(self):
+ for t in self.activeToons:
+ assert(self.responses.has_key(t))
+ if (self.responses[t] == 0):
+ return 0
+ self.ignoreResponses = 1
+ return 1
+ def __removeResponse(self, toonId):
+ assert(self.responses.has_key(toonId))
+ del self.responses[toonId]
+ if (self.ignoreResponses == 0 and (len(self.toons) > 0)):
+ currStateName = self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName()
+ if (currStateName == 'WaitForInput'):
+ if (self.__allActiveToonsResponded()):
+ self.notify.debug('removeResponse() - dont wait for movie')
+ self.__requestMovie()
+ elif (currStateName == 'PlayMovie'):
+ if (self.__allPendingActiveToonsResponded()):
+ self.notify.debug('removeResponse() - surprise movie done')
+ self.__movieDone()
+ elif (currStateName == 'Reward' or currStateName == 'BuildingReward'):
+ if (self.__allActiveToonsResponded()):
+ self.notify.debug('removeResponse() - surprise reward done')
+ self.handleRewardDone()
+ ##### Adjust Responses #####
+ def __resetAdjustingResponses(self):
+ self.adjustingResponses = {}
+ for t in self.toons:
+ self.adjustingResponses[t] = 0
+ self.ignoreAdjustingResponses = 0
+ def __allAdjustingToonsResponded(self):
+ for t in self.toons:
+ assert(self.adjustingResponses.has_key(t))
+ if (self.adjustingResponses[t] == 0):
+ return 0
+ self.ignoreAdjustingResponses = 1
+ return 1
+ def __removeAdjustingResponse(self, toonId):
+ if (self.adjustingResponses.has_key(toonId)):
+ del self.adjustingResponses[toonId]
+ if (self.ignoreAdjustingResponses == 0 and (len(self.toons) > 0)):
+ if (self.__allAdjustingToonsResponded()):
+ self.__adjustDone()
+ ##### Join Responses #####
+ def __addJoinResponse(self, avId, taskName, toon=0):
+ """ Add self as a responder to any other avatar that is joining
+ the battle if it's a toon, then create a response dictionary
+ for self to join the battle
+ """
+ if (toon == 1):
+ for jr in self.joinResponses.values():
+ jr[avId] = 0
+ assert(not self.joinResponses.has_key(avId))
+ self.joinResponses[avId] = {}
+ for t in self.toons:
+ self.joinResponses[avId][t] = 0
+ self.joinResponses[avId]['taskName'] = taskName
+ def __removeJoinResponses(self, avId):
+ """ Remove a response dictionary for self joining the battle (if
+ one exists), and remove self from any other existing response
+ dictionaries
+ """
+ self.__removeJoinResponse(avId)
+ removedOne = 0
+ for j in self.joinResponses.values():
+ if (j.has_key(avId)):
+ del j[avId]
+ removedOne = 1
+ if (removedOne == 1):
+ # See if the join has finished everywhere else
+ for t in self.joiningToons:
+ if (self.__allToonsRespondedJoin(t)):
+ self.__makeAvPending(t)
+ def __removeJoinResponse(self, avId):
+ """ Remove a response dictionary for self joining the battle (if
+ one exists)
+ """
+ if (self.joinResponses.has_key(avId)):
+ taskMgr.remove(self.joinResponses[avId]['taskName'])
+ del self.joinResponses[avId]
+ def __allToonsRespondedJoin(self, avId):
+ """ Return 1 if all toons in battle have responded that avId has
+ successfully joined and is in the pending list
+ """
+ assert(self.joinResponses.has_key(avId))
+ jr = self.joinResponses[avId]
+ for t in self.toons:
+ assert(jr.has_key(t))
+ if (jr[t] == 0):
+ return 0
+ return 1
+ def __cleanupJoinResponses(self):
+ for jr in self.joinResponses.values():
+ taskMgr.remove(jr['taskName'])
+ del jr
+ ##### Client Response Messages #####
+ def adjustDone(self):
+ toonId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender()
+ if (self.ignoreAdjustingResponses == 1):
+ self.notify.debug('adjustDone() - ignoring toon: %d' % toonId)
+ return
+ elif (self.adjustFsm.getCurrentState().getName() != 'Adjusting'):
+ self.notify.warning('adjustDone() - in state %s' % \
+ self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName())
+ return
+ elif (self.toons.count(toonId) == 0):
+ self.notify.warning('adjustDone() - toon: %d not in toon list' % \
+ toonId)
+ return
+ assert(self.adjustingResponses.has_key(toonId))
+ self.adjustingResponses[toonId] += 1
+ self.notify.debug('toon: %d done adjusting' % toonId)
+ if (self.__allAdjustingToonsResponded()):
+ self.__adjustDone()
+ def timeout(self):
+ toonId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender()
+ if (self.ignoreResponses == 1):
+ self.notify.debug('timeout() - ignoring toon: %d' % toonId)
+ return
+ elif (self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName() != 'WaitForInput'):
+ self.notify.warning('timeout() - in state: %s' % \
+ self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName())
+ return
+ elif (self.toons.count(toonId) == 0):
+ self.notify.warning('timeout() - toon: %d not in toon list' % \
+ toonId)
+ return
+ self.toonAttacks[toonId] = getToonAttack(toonId)
+ self.d_setChosenToonAttacks()
+ assert(self.responses.has_key(toonId))
+ self.responses[toonId] += 1
+ self.notify.debug('toon: %d timed out' % toonId)
+ if (self.__allActiveToonsResponded()):
+ self.__requestMovie(timeout=1)
+ def movieDone(self):
+ toonId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender()
+ if (self.ignoreResponses == 1):
+ self.notify.debug('movieDone() - ignoring toon: %d' % toonId)
+ return
+ elif (self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName() != 'PlayMovie'):
+ self.notify.warning('movieDone() - in state %s' % \
+ self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName())
+ return
+ elif (self.toons.count(toonId) == 0):
+ self.notify.warning('movieDone() - toon: %d not in toon list' % \
+ toonId)
+ return
+ assert(self.responses.has_key(toonId))
+ self.responses[toonId] += 1
+ self.notify.debug('toon: %d done with movie' % toonId)
+ if (self.__allPendingActiveToonsResponded()):
+ self.__movieDone()
+ else:
+ # Reset the timer to give the slowpokes a few seconds
+ # longer than the first (or most recent) toon to reply.
+ self.timer.stop()
+ self.timer.startCallback(TIMEOUT_PER_USER, self.__serverMovieDone)
+ def rewardDone(self):
+ """ rewardDone()
+ """
+ toonId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender()
+ stateName = self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName()
+ if (self.ignoreResponses == 1):
+ self.notify.debug('rewardDone() - ignoring toon: %d' % toonId)
+ return
+ elif (stateName not in ('Reward', 'BuildingReward', 'FactoryReward',
+ 'MintReward', 'StageReward', 'CountryClubReward')):
+ self.notify.warning('rewardDone() - in state %s' % stateName)
+ return
+ elif (self.toons.count(toonId) == 0):
+ self.notify.warning('rewardDone() - toon: %d not in toon list' % \
+ toonId)
+ return
+ assert(self.responses.has_key(toonId))
+ self.responses[toonId] += 1
+ self.notify.debug('toon: %d done with reward' % toonId)
+ if (self.__allActiveToonsResponded()):
+ self.handleRewardDone()
+ else:
+ # Reset the timer to give the slowpokes a few seconds
+ # longer than the first (or most recent) toon to reply.
+ self.timer.stop()
+ self.timer.startCallback(TIMEOUT_PER_USER, self.serverRewardDone)
+ def assignRewards(self):
+ if (self.rewardHasPlayed == 1):
+ self.notify.debug('handleRewardDone() - reward has already played')
+ return
+ self.rewardHasPlayed = 1
+ BattleExperienceAI.assignRewards(
+ self.activeToons, self.battleCalc.toonSkillPtsGained,
+ self.suitsKilled, self.getTaskZoneId(), self.helpfulToons)
+ def joinDone(self, avId):
+ """ joinDone(avId)
+ """
+ toonId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender()
+ if (self.toons.count(toonId) == 0):
+ self.notify.warning('joinDone() - toon: %d not in toon list' % \
+ toonId)
+ return
+ if (not self.joinResponses.has_key(avId)):
+ self.notify.debug('joinDone() - no entry for: %d - ignoring: %d' \
+ % (avId, toonId))
+ return
+ jr = self.joinResponses[avId]
+ if (jr.has_key(toonId)):
+ jr[toonId] += 1
+ self.notify.debug('client with localToon: %d done joining av: %d' % \
+ (toonId, avId))
+ if (self.__allToonsRespondedJoin(avId)):
+ self.__makeAvPending(avId)
+ def requestAttack(self, track, level, av):
+ """ requestAttack(track, level, av)
+ """
+ toonId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender()
+ if (self.ignoreResponses == 1):
+ self.notify.debug('requestAttack() - ignoring toon: %d' % toonId)
+ return
+ elif (self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName() != 'WaitForInput'):
+ self.notify.warning('requestAttack() - in state: %s' % \
+ self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName())
+ return
+ elif (self.activeToons.count(toonId) == 0):
+ self.notify.warning('requestAttack() - toon: %d not in toon list' \
+ % toonId)
+ return
+ self.notify.debug('requestAttack(%d, %d, %d, %d)' % (toonId, track, \
+ level, av))
+ toon = self.getToon(toonId)
+ if (toon == None):
+ self.notify.warning('requestAttack() - no toon: %d' % toonId)
+ return
+ assert(toon.inventory != None)
+ validResponse = 1
+ if (track == SOS):
+ # TODO: security breach. We should validate that the
+ # avatar is a friend of the toon here, if possible. Can
+ # we do that?
+ self.notify.debug('toon: %d calls for help' % toonId)
+ self.air.writeServerEvent('friendSOS', toonId, '%s' % (av))
+ self.toonAttacks[toonId] = getToonAttack(toonId, track=SOS,
+ target=av)
+ elif (track == NPCSOS):
+ self.notify.debug('toon: %d calls for help' % toonId)
+ self.air.writeServerEvent('NPCSOS', toonId, '%s' % (av))
+ # Make sure the toon has the friend, and then remove it
+ toon = self.getToon(toonId)
+ if (toon == None):
+ return
+ if (toon.NPCFriendsDict.has_key(av)):
+ npcCollision = 0
+ if (self.npcAttacks.has_key(av)):
+ callingToon = self.npcAttacks[av]
+ if (self.activeToons.count(callingToon) == 1):
+ self.toonAttacks[toonId] = getToonAttack(toonId, track=PASS)
+ npcCollision = 1
+ if (npcCollision == 0):
+ # MPG - in case people hit the back button, we
+ # need to delete SOS toons in movieDone()
+ #toon.NPCFriendsDict[av] -= 1
+ #if (toon.NPCFriendsDict[av] <= 0):
+ # del toon.NPCFriendsDict[av]
+ #toon.d_setNPCFriendsDict(toon.NPCFriendsDict)
+ self.toonAttacks[toonId] = getToonAttack(toonId,
+ track=NPCSOS, level=5, target=av)
+ self.numNPCAttacks += 1
+ self.npcAttacks[av] = toonId
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ elif (track == PETSOS):
+ self.notify.debug('toon: %d calls for pet: %d' % (toonId, av))
+ self.air.writeServerEvent('PETSOS', toonId, '%s' % (av))
+ # Make sure the toon has the pet
+ toon = self.getToon(toonId)
+ if (toon == None):
+ return
+ if not self.validate(toonId, (level in toon.petTrickPhrases), 'requestAttack: invalid pet trickId: %s' % (level)):
+ return
+ self.toonAttacks[toonId] = getToonAttack(toonId,
+ track=PETSOS, level=level, target=av)
+ elif (track == UN_ATTACK):
+ self.notify.debug('toon: %d changed its mind' % toonId)
+ self.toonAttacks[toonId] = getToonAttack(toonId, track=UN_ATTACK)
+ if (self.responses.has_key(toonId)):
+ self.responses[toonId] = 0
+ validResponse = 0
+ elif (track == PASS):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('toon: %d passed' % toonId))
+ self.toonAttacks[toonId] = getToonAttack(toonId, track=PASS)
+ elif (track == FIRE):
+ #assert(self.notify.debug('toon: %d passed' % toonId))
+ self.toonAttacks[toonId] = getToonAttack(toonId, track=FIRE, target=av)
+ else:
+ # If the track is not one of the above special values, it
+ # must be one of the valid tracks in
+ # ToontownBattleGlobals.
+ if not self.validate(toonId, (track >= 0 and track <= MAX_TRACK_INDEX),
+ 'requestAttack: invalid track %s' % (track)):
+ return
+ if not self.validate(toonId, (level >= 0 and level <= (MAX_LEVEL_INDEX)),
+ 'requestAttack: invalid level %s' % (level)):
+ return
+ # For now, we assume that the avId is being correctly
+ # validated downstream of here.
+ if (toon.inventory.numItem(track, level) == 0):
+ # TODO: fix BUG: Somehow, this clause is getting executed when
+ # the toon still has one prop left...
+ self.notify.warning('requestAttack() - toon has no item track: \
+ %d level: %d' % (track, level))
+ self.toonAttacks[toonId] = getToonAttack(toonId)
+ return
+ if (track == HEAL):
+ # See if the target for the heal is running away
+ if (self.runningToons.count(av) == 1 or
+ (attackAffectsGroup(track, level) and
+ len(self.activeToons) < 2)):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('resetting toon: %ds attack' % \
+ toonId))
+ self.toonAttacks[toonId] = getToonAttack(toonId,
+ track=UN_ATTACK)
+ validResponse = 0
+ else:
+ self.toonAttacks[toonId] = getToonAttack(toonId, track=track,
+ level=level, target=av)
+ else:
+ self.toonAttacks[toonId] = getToonAttack(toonId, track=track,
+ level=level, target=av)
+ if (av == -1 and not attackAffectsGroup(track, level)):
+ # No target yet; it's not yet a complete attack.
+ validResponse = 0
+ self.d_setChosenToonAttacks()
+ assert(self.responses.has_key(toonId))
+ if (validResponse == 1):
+ self.responses[toonId] += 1
+ self.notify.debug('toon: %d chose an attack' % toonId)
+ if (self.__allActiveToonsResponded()):
+ self.__requestMovie()
+ def requestPetProxy(self, av):
+ toonId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender()
+ if (self.ignoreResponses == 1):
+ self.notify.debug('requestPetProxy() - ignoring toon: %d' % toonId)
+ return
+ elif (self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName() != 'WaitForInput'):
+ self.notify.warning('requestPetProxy() - in state: %s' % \
+ self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName())
+ return
+ elif (self.activeToons.count(toonId) == 0):
+ self.notify.warning('requestPetProxy() - toon: %d not in toon list' \
+ % toonId)
+ return
+ self.notify.debug('requestPetProxy(%s, %s)' % (toonId, av))
+ toon = self.getToon(toonId)
+ if (toon == None):
+ self.notify.warning('requestPetProxy() - no toon: %d' % toonId)
+ return
+ petId = toon.getPetId()
+ zoneId = self.zoneId
+ if (petId == av):
+ # See if pet has been generated already
+ #if simbase.air.doId2do.has_key(petId):
+ # Make sure to move it to the new zone
+ #petProxy = simbase.air.doId2do[petId]
+ #simbase.air.sendSetZone(petProxy, zoneId)
+ #petProxy.zoneId = zoneId
+ if not self.pets.has_key(toonId):
+ def handleGetPetProxy(success, petProxy, petId=petId, zoneId=zoneId, toonId=toonId):
+ if success:
+ if petId not in simbase.air.doId2do:
+ simbase.air.requestDeleteDoId(petId)
+ else:
+ petDO = simbase.air.doId2do[petId]
+ petDO.requestDelete()
+ simbase.air.deleteDistObject(petDO)
+ petProxy.dbObject = 1
+ petProxy.generateWithRequiredAndId(petId,
+ self.air.districtId,
+ zoneId)
+ petProxy.broadcastDominantMood()
+ self.pets[toonId] = petProxy
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning("error generating petProxy: %s" % petId)
+ self.getPetProxyObject(petId, handleGetPetProxy)
+ # Misc
+ def suitCanJoin(self):
+ return ((len(self.suits) < self.maxSuits) and (self.isJoinable()))
+ def toonCanJoin(self):
+ return ((len(self.toons) < 4) and (self.isJoinable()))
+ def __requestMovie(self, timeout=0):
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ if (self.adjustFsm.getCurrentState().getName() == 'Adjusting'):
+ self.notify.debug('__requestMovie() - in Adjusting')
+ self.movieRequested = 1
+ else:
+ movieDelay = 0
+ if (len(self.activeToons) == 0):
+ self.notify.warning('only pending toons left in battle %s, toons = %s' % (self.doId, self.toons))
+ elif (len(self.activeSuits) == 0):
+ self.notify.warning('only pending suits left in battle %s, suits = %s' % (self.doId, self.suits))
+ elif (len(self.activeToons) > 1 and not timeout):
+ # If there are multiple toons involved in the battle,
+ # pad the start of the movie by 1 second so other
+ # toons can see what the last toon chose as his attack
+ movieDelay = 1
+ self.fsm.request('MakeMovie')
+ if movieDelay:
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(0.8, self.__makeMovie,
+ self.uniqueName('make-movie'))
+ self.taskNames.append(self.uniqueName('make-movie'))
+ else:
+ self.__makeMovie()
+ def __makeMovie(self, task=None):
+ self.notify.debug('makeMovie()')
+ assert(self.isGenerated())
+ assert(self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName() == 'MakeMovie')
+ # I think the factory battle crash has to do with this doLater firing
+ # after the battle has requested delete and before delete is called.
+ # See commented-out implementation of requestDelete for proposed
+ # solution if this is the case (I could not repro the crash)
+ if self._DOAI_requestedDelete:
+ self.notify.warning(
+ 'battle %s requested delete, then __makeMovie was called!' %
+ self.doId)
+ if hasattr(self, 'levelDoId'):
+ self.notify.warning('battle %s in level %s' % (
+ self.doId, self.levelDoId))
+ return
+ self.__removeTaskName(self.uniqueName('make-movie'))
+ if (self.movieHasBeenMade == 1):
+ self.notify.debug('__makeMovie() - movie has already been made')
+ return
+ self.movieRequested = 0
+ self.movieHasBeenMade = 1
+ self.movieHasPlayed = 0
+ self.rewardHasPlayed = 0
+ # Make sure all toons have an attack entry (even if it's a no-attack)
+ for t in self.activeToons:
+ if (not self.toonAttacks.has_key(t)):
+ self.toonAttacks[t] = getToonAttack(t)
+ attack = self.toonAttacks[t]
+ # Replace any PASS or UN_ATTACK with a NO_ATTACK
+ if (attack[TOON_TRACK_COL] == PASS or
+ self.toonAttacks[t] = getToonAttack(t)
+ if self.toonAttacks[t][TOON_TRACK_COL] != NO_ATTACK:
+ # so he didn't pass or un attack, he must have done something useful
+ self.addHelpfulToon(t)
+ self.battleCalc.calculateRound()
+ # Tell the toons how much experience they will earn so far.
+ # Also, from this point on until the end of the movie, the
+ # toons will be allowed to accumulate more than their maxHp,
+ # since we'll fix it up at the end of the movie.
+ for t in self.activeToons:
+ self.sendEarnedExperience(t)
+ toon = self.getToon(t)
+ if toon != None:
+ toon.hpOwnedByBattle = 1
+ if toon.immortalMode:
+ # A free toonup first, to guarantee the battle
+ # round won't kill this immortal toon.
+ toon.toonUp(toon.maxHp)
+ self.d_setMovie()
+ self.b_setState('PlayMovie')
+ return Task.done
+ def sendEarnedExperience(self, toonId):
+ # Sends the experience earned so far to the toon, so he can
+ # update his display to show which gags are clipped by the
+ # experience cap.
+ toon = self.getToon(toonId)
+ if toon != None:
+ expList = self.battleCalc.toonSkillPtsGained.get(toonId, None)
+ if expList == None:
+ toon.d_setEarnedExperience([])
+ else:
+ roundList = []
+ for exp in expList:
+ roundList.append(int(exp + 0.5))
+ toon.d_setEarnedExperience(roundList)
+ # Each state will have an enter function, an exit function,
+ # and a datagram handler, which will be set during each enter function.
+ # Specific State functions
+ ##### Off state #####
+ def enterOff(self):
+ return None
+ def exitOff(self):
+ return None
+ ##### FaceOff state #####
+ def enterFaceOff(self):
+ return None
+ def exitFaceOff(self):
+ return None
+ ##### WaitForJoin state #####
+ def enterWaitForJoin(self):
+ self.notify.debug('enterWaitForJoin()')
+ if (len(self.activeSuits) > 0):
+ self.b_setState('WaitForInput')
+ else:
+ self.notify.debug('enterWaitForJoin() - no active suits')
+ self.runableFsm.request('Runable')
+ self.resetResponses()
+ self.__requestAdjust()
+ return None
+ def exitWaitForJoin(self):
+ return None
+ ##### WaitForInput state #####
+ def enterWaitForInput(self):
+ self.notify.debug('enterWaitForInput()')
+ self.joinableFsm.request('Joinable')
+ self.runableFsm.request('Runable')
+ self.resetResponses()
+ self.__requestAdjust()
+ if not self.tutorialFlag:
+ # No timers during tutorial.
+ self.timer.startCallback(SERVER_INPUT_TIMEOUT,
+ self.__serverTimedOut)
+ self.npcAttacks = {}
+ # handle autoRestock
+ for toonId in self.toons:
+ if bboard.get('autoRestock-%s' % toonId, False):
+ toon = self.air.doId2do.get(toonId)
+ if toon is not None:
+ toon.doRestock(0)
+ def exitWaitForInput(self):
+ self.npcAttacks = {}
+ self.timer.stop()
+ return None
+ def __serverTimedOut(self):
+ self.notify.debug('wait for input timed out on server')
+ self.ignoreResponses = 1
+ self.__requestMovie(timeout=1)
+ ##### MakeMovie state #####
+ def enterMakeMovie(self):
+ self.notify.debug('enterMakeMovie()')
+ self.runableFsm.request('Unrunable')
+ self.resetResponses()
+ return None
+ def exitMakeMovie(self):
+ return None
+ ##### PlayMovie state #####
+ def enterPlayMovie(self):
+ self.notify.debug('enterPlayMovie()')
+ self.joinableFsm.request('Joinable')
+ self.runableFsm.request('Unrunable')
+ self.resetResponses()
+ # Estimate an upper bound for the length of the movie
+ movieTime = (TOON_ATTACK_TIME * (len(self.activeToons) + \
+ self.numNPCAttacks) + \
+ SUIT_ATTACK_TIME * len(self.activeSuits) + \
+ self.numNPCAttacks = 0
+ self.notify.debug('estimated upper bound of movie time: %f' % movieTime)
+ self.timer.startCallback(movieTime, self.__serverMovieDone)
+ # print out the experience table
+ #print 'tSPG: %s' % self.battleCalc.toonSkillPtsGained
+ def __serverMovieDone(self):
+ self.notify.debug('movie timed out on server')
+ self.ignoreResponses = 1
+ self.__movieDone()
+ def serverRewardDone(self):
+ self.notify.debug('reward timed out on server')
+ self.ignoreResponses = 1
+ self.handleRewardDone()
+ def handleRewardDone(self):
+ self.b_setState('Resume')
+ def exitPlayMovie(self):
+ self.timer.stop()
+ return None
+ def __movieDone(self):
+ self.notify.debug('__movieDone() - movie is finished')
+ if (self.movieHasPlayed == 1):
+ self.notify.debug('__movieDone() - movie had already finished')
+ return
+ self.movieHasBeenMade = 0
+ self.movieHasPlayed = 1
+ self.ignoreResponses = 1
+ needUpdate = 0
+ # Calculate toon experience and remove any dead suits
+ toonHpDict = {}
+ for toon in self.activeToons:
+ toonHpDict[toon] = [0, 0, 0]
+ actualToon = self.getToon(toon)
+ assert(actualToon != None)
+ self.notify.debug("BEFORE ROUND: toon: %d hp: %d" % (toon, actualToon.hp))
+ deadSuits = []
+ trapDict = {}
+ suitsLuredOntoTraps = []
+ npcTrapAttacks = []
+ for activeToon in (self.activeToons + self.exitedToons):
+ if (self.toonAttacks.has_key(activeToon)):
+ attack = self.toonAttacks[activeToon]
+ track = attack[TOON_TRACK_COL]
+ npc_level = None
+ if (track == NPCSOS):
+ track, npc_level, npc_hp = NPCToons.getNPCTrackLevelHp(attack[TOON_TGT_COL])
+ if (track == None):
+ track = NPCSOS
+ elif (track == TRAP):
+ npcTrapAttacks.append(attack)
+ toon = self.getToon(attack[TOON_ID_COL])
+ av = attack[TOON_TGT_COL]
+ if (toon != None and toon.NPCFriendsDict.has_key(av)):
+ toon.NPCFriendsDict[av] -= 1
+ if (toon.NPCFriendsDict[av] <= 0):
+ del toon.NPCFriendsDict[av]
+ toon.d_setNPCFriendsDict(toon.NPCFriendsDict)
+ continue
+ if (track != NO_ATTACK):
+ toonId = attack[TOON_ID_COL]
+ assert(toonId == activeToon)
+ level = attack[TOON_LVL_COL]
+ if (npc_level != None):
+ level = npc_level
+ if (attack[TOON_TRACK_COL] == NPCSOS):
+ toon = self.getToon(toonId)
+ av = attack[TOON_TGT_COL]
+ if (toon != None and toon.NPCFriendsDict.has_key(av)):
+ toon.NPCFriendsDict[av] -= 1
+ if (toon.NPCFriendsDict[av] <= 0):
+ del toon.NPCFriendsDict[av]
+ toon.d_setNPCFriendsDict(toon.NPCFriendsDict)
+ elif (track == PETSOS):
+ pass
+ elif (track == FIRE):
+ pass
+ elif (track != SOS):
+ toon = self.getToon(toonId)
+ if (toon != None):
+ check = toon.inventory.useItem(track, level)
+ if check == -1: #check for cheater
+ self.air.writeServerEvent('suspicious', toonId, 'Toon generating movie for non-existant gag track %s level %s' % (track, level))
+ self.notify.warning("generating movie for non-existant gag track %s level %s! avId: %s" % (track, level, toonId))
+ toon.d_setInventory(toon.inventory.makeNetString())
+ hps = attack[TOON_HP_COL]
+ if (track == SOS):
+ self.notify.debug('toon: %d called for help' % toonId)
+ elif (track == NPCSOS):
+ self.notify.debug('toon: %d called for help' % toonId)
+ elif (track == PETSOS):
+ self.notify.debug('toon: %d called for pet' % toonId)
+ for i in range(len(self.activeToons)):
+ toon = self.getToon(self.activeToons[i])
+ if (toon != None):
+ if (i < len(hps)):
+ hp = hps[i]
+ # If the PETSOS fails, the hp will be -1
+ # so skip to avoid losing hp
+ if hp > 0:
+ toonHpDict[toon.doId][0] += hp
+ self.notify.debug("pet heal: toon: %d healed for hp: %d" % (toon.doId, hp))
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning("Invalid targetIndex %s in hps %s." % (i, hps))
+ elif (track == NPC_RESTOCK_GAGS):
+ for at in self.activeToons:
+ toon = self.getToon(at)
+ if (toon != None):
+ toon.inventory.NPCMaxOutInv(npc_level)
+ toon.d_setInventory(toon.inventory.makeNetString())
+ elif (track == HEAL):
+ # Odd level heals affect all toons (except the caster)
+ # except in the case of an NPC heal, which gets all
+ # toons
+ if (levelAffectsGroup(HEAL, level)):
+ for i in range(len(self.activeToons)):
+ at = self.activeToons[i]
+ if (at != toonId or
+ attack[TOON_TRACK_COL] == NPCSOS):
+ toon = self.getToon(at)
+ if (toon != None):
+ if i < len(hps):
+ hp = hps[i]
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning("Invalid targetIndex %s in hps %s." % (i, hps))
+ hp = 0
+ toonHpDict[toon.doId][0] += hp
+ self.notify.debug("HEAL: toon: %d healed for hp: %d" % (toon.doId, hp))
+ else:
+ targetId = attack[TOON_TGT_COL]
+ toon = self.getToon(targetId)
+ if ((toon != None) and
+ (targetId in self.activeToons)):
+ targetIndex = self.activeToons.index(targetId)
+ if targetIndex < len(hps):
+ hp = hps[targetIndex]
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning("Invalid targetIndex %s in hps %s." % (targetIndex, hps))
+ hp = 0
+ toonHpDict[toon.doId][0] += hp
+ else:
+ # Odd level lures affect all suits
+ # Sounds affect all suits
+ # NPC drops affect all suits
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ if (attackAffectsGroup(track, level, attack[TOON_TRACK_COL])):
+ for suit in self.activeSuits:
+ targetIndex = self.activeSuits.index(suit)
+ if targetIndex < 0 or targetIndex >= len(hps):
+ self.notify.warning("Got attack (%s, %s) on target suit %s, but hps has only %s entries: %s" % (track, level, targetIndex, len(hps), hps))
+ else:
+ hp = hps[targetIndex]
+ if (hp > 0 and track == LURE):
+ if suit.battleTrap == UBER_GAG_LEVEL_INDEX:
+ pass
+ #trainTrapTriggered = True
+ suit.battleTrap = NO_TRAP
+ needUpdate = 1
+ # Clear out any traps on this suit
+ if (trapDict.has_key(suit.doId)):
+ del trapDict[suit.doId]
+ if (suitsLuredOntoTraps.count(suit) == 0):
+ suitsLuredOntoTraps.append(suit)
+ #WARNING, this section of code is duplicated below
+ if (track == TRAP):
+ targetId = suit.doId
+ if (trapDict.has_key(targetId)):
+ trapDict[targetId].append(attack)
+ else:
+ trapDict[targetId] = [attack]
+ needUpdate = 1
+ died = attack[SUIT_DIED_COL] & (1<= len(hps):
+ self.notify.warning("Got attack (%s, %s) on target suit %s, but hps has only %s entries: %s" % (track, level, targetIndex, len(hps), hps))
+ else:
+ hp = hps[targetIndex]
+ #WARNING this section of code is duplicated above
+ if (track == TRAP):
+ if (trapDict.has_key(targetId)):
+ trapDict[targetId].append(attack)
+ else:
+ trapDict[targetId] = [attack]
+ if (hp > 0 and track == LURE):
+ oldBattleTrap = target.battleTrap
+ if oldBattleTrap == UBER_GAG_LEVEL_INDEX:
+ #trainTrapTriggered = True
+ pass
+ target.battleTrap = NO_TRAP
+ needUpdate = 1
+ # Clear out any traps on this suit
+ if (trapDict.has_key(target.doId)):
+ del trapDict[target.doId]
+ if (suitsLuredOntoTraps.count(target) == 0):
+ suitsLuredOntoTraps.append(target)
+ #at this point we need to clear out the other suits in a traintrack trap
+ if oldBattleTrap == UBER_GAG_LEVEL_INDEX:
+ for otherSuit in self.activeSuits:
+ if not otherSuit == target:
+ # Clear out any traps on this suit
+ otherSuit.battleTrap = NO_TRAP
+ if (trapDict.has_key(otherSuit.doId)):
+ del trapDict[otherSuit.doId]
+ died = attack[SUIT_DIED_COL] & (1< 1)
+ self.notify.debug("movieDone() - traps collided")
+ if (target != None):
+ target.battleTrap = NO_TRAP
+ if self.battleCalc.trainTrapTriggered:
+ #necessary when train trap and dollar bill lure used in the same round
+ self.notify.debug('Train trap triggered, clearing all traps')
+ for otherSuit in self.activeSuits:
+ self.notify.debug('suit =%d, oldBattleTrap=%d' %(otherSuit.doId, otherSuit.battleTrap))
+ # Clear out any traps on this suit
+ otherSuit.battleTrap = NO_TRAP
+ #if (trapDict.has_key(otherSuit.doId)):
+ # del trapDict[otherSuit.doId]
+ # Update the lured suits list to match that of the battle calculator
+ currLuredSuits = self.battleCalc.getLuredSuits()
+ # See if the list has changed
+ if (len(self.luredSuits) == len(currLuredSuits)):
+ for suit in self.luredSuits:
+ if (currLuredSuits.count(suit.doId) == 0):
+ needUpdate = 1
+ break
+ else:
+ needUpdate = 1
+ self.luredSuits = []
+ for i in currLuredSuits:
+ assert(self.air.doId2do.has_key(i))
+ suit = self.air.doId2do[i]
+ assert(suit in self.suits)
+ self.luredSuits.append(suit)
+ self.notify.debug('movieDone() - suit: %d is lured' % i)
+ # Handle NPC traps
+ for attack in npcTrapAttacks:
+ assert(attack[TOON_TRACK_COL] == NPCSOS)
+ track, level, hp = NPCToons.getNPCTrackLevelHp(attack[TOON_TGT_COL])
+ assert(track == TRAP)
+ for suit in self.activeSuits:
+ # NPC traps are laid on suits that are unlured and currently
+ # have no traps in front of them (this includes recently
+ # collided traps)
+ if (self.luredSuits.count(suit) == 0 and
+ suit.battleTrap == NO_TRAP):
+ suit.battleTrap = level
+ # Assume the existence of an NPC trap implies at least one
+ # was placed successfully
+ needUpdate = 1
+ for suit in deadSuits:
+ self.notify.debug('removing dead suit: %d' % suit.doId)
+ if suit.isDeleted():
+ self.notify.debug('whoops, suit %d is deleted.' % suit.doId)
+ else:
+ self.notify.debug('suit had revives? %d' % suit.getMaxSkeleRevives())
+ encounter = {'type':,
+ 'level': suit.getActualLevel(),
+ 'track': suit.dna.dept,
+ 'isSkelecog': suit.getSkelecog(),
+ 'isForeman': suit.isForeman(),
+ 'isVP': 0,
+ 'isCFO': 0,
+ 'isSupervisor': suit.isSupervisor(),
+ 'isVirtual': suit.isVirtual(),
+ 'hasRevives': suit.getMaxSkeleRevives(),
+ # Put a copy of active toons in the dict
+ # Only they get credit for killing this suit
+ 'activeToons': self.activeToons[:],
+ }
+ self.suitsKilled.append(encounter)
+ self.suitsKilledThisBattle.append(encounter)
+ self.__removeSuit(suit)
+ needUpdate = 1
+ suit.resume()
+ # Handle the case where the last active suit died but another is
+ # joining
+ lastActiveSuitDied = 0
+ if (len(self.activeSuits) == 0 and len(self.pendingSuits) == 0):
+ lastActiveSuitDied = 1
+ # Calculate toon hit points and remove any dead toons
+ for i in range(4):
+ attack = self.suitAttacks[i][SUIT_ATK_COL]
+ if (attack != NO_ATTACK):
+ suitId = self.suitAttacks[i][SUIT_ID_COL]
+ assert(suitId != -1)
+ suit = self.findSuit(suitId)
+ if (suit == None):
+ self.notify.warning('movieDone() - suit: %d is gone!' % \
+ suitId)
+ continue
+ if not (hasattr(suit, "dna") and suit.dna):
+ #RAU couldn't reproduce this crash, log it in case it comes up again
+ toonId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender()
+ self.notify.warning("_movieDone avoiding crash, sender=%s but suit has no dna" % toonId)
+ self.air.writeServerEvent('suspicious', toonId, '_movieDone avoiding crash, suit has no dna')
+ continue
+ adict = getSuitAttack(suit.getStyleName(), suit.getLevel(),
+ attack)
+ hps = self.suitAttacks[i][SUIT_HP_COL]
+ if (adict['group'] == ATK_TGT_GROUP):
+ for activeToon in self.activeToons:
+ toon = self.getToon(activeToon)
+ if (toon != None):
+ targetIndex = self.activeToons.index(activeToon)
+ toonDied = self.suitAttacks[i][TOON_DIED_COL] & \
+ (1<= len(hps):
+ self.notify.warning('DAMAGE: toon %s is no longer in battle!' % (activeToon))
+ else:
+ hp = hps[targetIndex]
+ if (hp > 0):
+ self.notify.debug('DAMAGE: toon: %d hit for dmg: %d' % (activeToon, hp))
+ if (toonDied != 0):
+ toonHpDict[toon.doId][2] = 1
+ toonHpDict[toon.doId][1] += hp
+ elif (adict['group'] == ATK_TGT_SINGLE):
+ targetIndex = self.suitAttacks[i][SUIT_TGT_COL]
+ if (targetIndex >= len(self.activeToons)):
+ self.notify.warning('movieDone() - toon: %d gone!' \
+ % targetIndex)
+ break
+ toonId = self.activeToons[targetIndex]
+ toon = self.getToon(toonId)
+ toonDied = self.suitAttacks[i][TOON_DIED_COL] & \
+ (1<= len(hps):
+ self.notify.warning('DAMAGE: toon %s is no longer in battle!' % (toonId))
+ else:
+ hp = hps[targetIndex]
+ if (hp > 0):
+ self.notify.debug('DAMAGE: toon: %d hit for dmg: %d' % (toonId, hp))
+ if (toonDied != 0):
+ toonHpDict[toon.doId][2] = 1
+ toonHpDict[toon.doId][1] += hp
+ # Now we go through and ensure client and AI are on the same
+ # page with HP values.
+ deadToons = []
+ for activeToon in self.activeToons:
+ assert(toonHpDict.has_key(activeToon))
+ hp = toonHpDict[activeToon]
+ toon = self.getToon(activeToon)
+ if (toon != None):
+ self.notify.debug("AFTER ROUND: currtoonHP: %d toonMAX: %d hheal: %d damage: %d" % (toon.hp, toon.maxHp, hp[0], hp[1]))
+ toon.hpOwnedByBattle = 0
+ # hpDelta is the amount of heals applied during
+ # the round, less the amount of damage taken.
+ hpDelta = hp[0] - hp[1]
+ if hpDelta >= 0:
+ toon.toonUp(hpDelta, quietly = 1)
+ else:
+ toon.takeDamage(-hpDelta, quietly = 1)
+ if toon.hp <= 0:
+ # If the toon is now dead, get him out of
+ # the battle.
+ self.notify.debug('movieDone() - toon: %d was killed' % \
+ activeToon)
+ # __removeToon() will broadcast the dead toon's inv
+ toon.inventory.zeroInv(1)
+ deadToons.append(activeToon)
+ self.notify.debug('AFTER ROUND: toon: %d setHp: %d' % \
+ (toon.doId, toon.hp))
+ for deadToon in deadToons:
+ self.__removeToon(deadToon)
+ needUpdate = 1
+ self.clearAttacks()
+ # Send an inactive movie message
+ self.d_setMovie()
+ self.d_setChosenToonAttacks()
+ # Defined differently in DistributedBattleAI and
+ # DistributedBattleBldgAI
+ self.localMovieDone(needUpdate, deadToons, deadSuits,
+ lastActiveSuitDied)
+ ##### Reward state #####
+ ##### Resume state #####
+ def enterResume(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('enterResume()'))
+ for suit in self.suits:
+'battle done, resuming suit: %d' % suit.doId)
+ if suit.isDeleted():
+'whoops, suit %d is deleted.' % suit.doId)
+ else:
+ suit.resume()
+ self.suits = []
+ self.joiningSuits = []
+ self.pendingSuits = []
+ self.adjustingSuits = []
+ self.activeSuits = []
+ self.luredSuits = []
+ # Actually, removing the toons from the battle seems to send
+ # them to the playground. So don't do that.
+ #self.toons = []
+ #self.joiningToons = []
+ #self.pendingToons = []
+ #self.activeToons = []
+ #self.runningToons = []
+ #self.d_setMembers()
+ for toonId in self.toons:
+ toon = simbase.air.doId2do.get(toonId)
+ if toon:
+ toon.b_setBattleId(0)
+ messageToonReleased = ("Battle releasing toon %s" % (toon.doId))
+ messenger.send(messageToonReleased, [toon.doId])
+ # Stop responding to avatar exit events
+ for exitEvent in self.avatarExitEvents:
+ self.ignore(exitEvent)
+ # Log the suits killed for this battle only, just for
+ # marketing purposes.
+ eventMsg = {}
+ for encounter in self.suitsKilledThisBattle:
+ cog = encounter['type']
+ level = encounter['level']
+ msgName = '%s%s' % (cog, level)
+ if encounter['isSkelecog']:
+ msgName += "+"
+ if eventMsg.has_key(msgName):
+ eventMsg[msgName] += 1
+ else:
+ eventMsg[msgName] = 1
+ # Now format the message for the AI.
+ msgText = ''
+ for msgName, count in eventMsg.items():
+ if msgText != '':
+ msgText += ','
+ msgText += '%s%s' % (count, msgName)
+ self.air.writeServerEvent(
+ 'battleCogsDefeated', self.doId, "%s|%s" % (msgText,
+ self.getTaskZoneId()))
+ def exitResume(self):
+ pass
+ ########################
+ ##### Joinable ClassicFSM #####
+ ########################
+ def isJoinable(self):
+ """ isJoinable()
+ """
+ return (self.joinableFsm.getCurrentState().getName() == 'Joinable')
+ ##### Joinable state #####
+ # Suits or Toons are allowed to join the battle
+ def enterJoinable(self):
+ self.notify.debug('enterJoinable()')
+ return None
+ def exitJoinable(self):
+ return None
+ ##### Unjoinable state #####
+ # Suits or Toons are not allowed to join the battle
+ def enterUnjoinable(self):
+ self.notify.debug('enterUnjoinable()')
+ return None
+ def exitUnjoinable(self):
+ return None
+ ########################
+ ##### Runable ClassicFSM #####
+ ########################
+ def isRunable(self):
+ """ isRunable()
+ """
+ return (self.runableFsm.getCurrentState().getName() == 'Runable')
+ ##### Runable state #####
+ # Suits or Toons are allowed to run from the battle
+ def enterRunable(self):
+ self.notify.debug('enterRunable()')
+ return None
+ def exitRunable(self):
+ return None
+ ##### Unrunable state #####
+ # Suits or Toons are not allowed to run from the battle
+ def enterUnrunable(self):
+ self.notify.debug('enterUnrunable()')
+ return None
+ def exitUnrunable(self):
+ return None
+ ######################
+ ##### Adjust ClassicFSM #####
+ ######################
+ ##### Adjusting state #####
+ def __estimateAdjustTime(self):
+ """ Clear out the pending lists and estimate an upper bound
+ for the time required to adjust
+ """
+ self.needAdjust = 0
+ adjustTime = 0
+ if ((len(self.pendingSuits) > 0) or self.suitGone == 1):
+ self.suitGone = 0
+ pos0 = self.suitPendingPoints[0][0]
+ pos1 = self.suitPoints[0][0][0]
+ adjustTime = self.calcSuitMoveTime(pos0, pos1)
+ if ((len(self.pendingToons) > 0) or self.toonGone == 1):
+ self.toonGone = 0
+ if (adjustTime == 0):
+ pos0 = self.toonPendingPoints[0][0]
+ pos1 = self.toonPoints[0][0][0]
+ adjustTime = self.calcToonMoveTime(pos0, pos1)
+ return adjustTime
+ def enterAdjusting(self):
+ self.notify.debug('enterAdjusting()')
+ self.timer.stop()
+ self.__resetAdjustingResponses()
+ self.adjustingTimer.startCallback(self.__estimateAdjustTime() +
+ SERVER_BUFFER_TIME, self.__serverAdjustingDone)
+ return None
+ def __serverAdjustingDone(self):
+ if (self.needAdjust == 1):
+ self.adjustFsm.request('NotAdjusting')
+ self.__requestAdjust()
+ else:
+ self.notify.debug('adjusting timed out on the server')
+ self.ignoreAdjustingResponses = 1
+ self.__adjustDone()
+ def exitAdjusting(self):
+ currStateName = self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName()
+ if (currStateName == 'WaitForInput'):
+ self.timer.restart()
+ elif (currStateName == 'WaitForJoin'):
+ self.b_setState('WaitForInput')
+ self.adjustingTimer.stop()
+ return None
+ def __addTrainTrapForNewSuits(self):
+ #we need to make sure battleTrap is set for any new suits that join, in case we have a train track trap
+ hasTrainTrap = False
+ trapInfo = None
+ for otherSuit in self.activeSuits:
+ if otherSuit.battleTrap == UBER_GAG_LEVEL_INDEX:
+ hasTrainTrap = True
+ if hasTrainTrap:
+ for curSuit in self.activeSuits:
+ if not curSuit.battleTrap == UBER_GAG_LEVEL_INDEX:
+ oldBattleTrap = curSuit.battleTrap
+ curSuit.battleTrap = UBER_GAG_LEVEL_INDEX
+ self.battleCalc.addTrainTrapForJoiningSuit(curSuit.doId)
+ self.notify.debug('setting traintrack trap for joining suit %d oldTrap=%s' % (curSuit.doId, oldBattleTrap))
+ def __adjustDone(self):
+ for s in self.adjustingSuits:
+ assert(self.pendingSuits.count(s) == 1)
+ self.pendingSuits.remove(s)
+ assert(self.activeSuits.count(s) == 0)
+ self.activeSuits.append(s)
+ self.adjustingSuits = []
+ for toon in self.adjustingToons:
+ if (self.pendingToons.count(toon) == 1):
+ self.pendingToons.remove(toon)
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning('adjustDone() - toon: %d not pending!' % \
+ toon.doId)
+ if (self.activeToons.count(toon) == 0):
+ self.activeToons.append(toon)
+ # In case ignoreResponses was set to 1 during adjusting,
+ # we need to clear it because a new toon is now active
+ self.ignoreResponses = 0
+ # Welcome, toon! Here's your experience earned so far.
+ self.sendEarnedExperience(toon)
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning('adjustDone() - toon: %d already active!' \
+ % toon.doId)
+ self.adjustingToons = []
+ self.__addTrainTrapForNewSuits()
+ self.d_setMembers()
+ self.adjustFsm.request('NotAdjusting')
+ if (self.needAdjust == 1):
+ self.notify.debug('__adjustDone() - need to adjust again')
+ self.__requestAdjust()
+ ##### NotAdjusting state #####
+ def enterNotAdjusting(self):
+ self.notify.debug('enterNotAdjusting()')
+ if (self.movieRequested == 1):
+ # Make sure last toon didn't just run and adjusting may have
+ # resulted in a new active toon who needs to choose an attack
+ if (len(self.activeToons) > 0 and
+ self.__allActiveToonsResponded()):
+ self.__requestMovie()
+ return None
+ def exitNotAdjusting(self):
+ return None
+ def getPetProxyObject(self, petId, callback):
+ """get an instance of a pet
+ callback must accept (success, pet)
+ pet is undefined if !success
+ On success, pet MUST be instantiated with
+ DistributedObjectAI.generateWithRequiredAndId, using the
+ correct pet doId.
+ """
+ doneEvent = 'readPet-%s' % self._getNextSerialNum()
+ dbo = DatabaseObject.DatabaseObject(
+ self.air, petId, doneEvent=doneEvent)
+ pet = dbo.readPetProxy()
+ def handlePetProxyRead(dbo, retCode, callback=callback, pet=pet):
+ success = (retCode == 0)
+ if not success:
+ self.notify.warning('pet DB read failed')
+ pet = None
+ callback(success, pet)
+ self.acceptOnce(doneEvent, handlePetProxyRead)
+ def _getNextSerialNum(self):
+ num = self.serialNum
+ self.serialNum += 1
+ return num
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/ b/toontown/src/battle/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..604ffd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
+from BattleBase import *
+from import Actor
+from toontown.suit import SuitDNA
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+import DistributedBattleBase
+from toontown.toon import TTEmote
+from otp.avatar import Emote
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+import MovieUtil
+from direct.fsm import State
+from toontown.suit import Suit
+import SuitBattleGlobals
+import random
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+class DistributedBattleBldg(DistributedBattleBase.DistributedBattleBase):
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory(
+ 'DistributedBattleBldg')
+ camFOFov = 30.0
+ camFOPos = Point3(0, -10, 4)
+ def __init__(self, cr):
+ """__init__(cr)
+ """
+ #townBattle =
+ townBattle = cr.playGame.getPlace().townBattle
+ DistributedBattleBase.DistributedBattleBase.__init__(self, cr,
+ townBattle)
+ self.streetBattle = 0
+ # Add a new reward state to the battle ClassicFSM
+ self.fsm.addState(State.State('BuildingReward',
+ self.enterBuildingReward,
+ self.exitBuildingReward,
+ ['Resume']))
+ offState = self.fsm.getStateNamed('Off')
+ offState.addTransition('BuildingReward')
+ playMovieState = self.fsm.getStateNamed('PlayMovie')
+ playMovieState.addTransition('BuildingReward')
+ def generate(self):
+ """ generate()
+ """
+ DistributedBattleBase.DistributedBattleBase.generate(self)
+ #dbgBattleMarkers = loader.loadModel("dbgBattleMarkers.egg")
+ #dbgBattleMarkers.reparentTo(self)
+ def setBossBattle(self, value):
+ self.bossBattle = value
+ if self.bossBattle:
+ self.battleMusic = base.loadMusic(
+ 'phase_7/audio/bgm/encntr_suit_winning_indoor.mid')
+ else:
+ self.battleMusic = base.loadMusic(
+ 'phase_7/audio/bgm/encntr_general_bg_indoor.mid')
+ base.playMusic(self.battleMusic, looping=1, volume=0.9)
+ def disable(self):
+ """ disable()
+ """
+ DistributedBattleBase.DistributedBattleBase.disable(self)
+ self.battleMusic.stop()
+ def delete(self):
+ """ delete()
+ """
+ DistributedBattleBase.DistributedBattleBase.delete(self)
+ del self.battleMusic
+ def buildJoinPointList(self, avPos, destPos, toon=0):
+ """ buildJoinPointList(avPos, destPos, toon)
+ This function is called when suits or toons ask to join the
+ battle and need to figure out how to walk to their selected
+ pending point (destPos). It builds a list of points the
+ avatar should walk through in order to get there. If the list
+ is empty, the avatar will walk straight there.
+ """
+ # For building battles, suits and toons are already set up to
+ # walk pretty much straight to their join spot. Always return
+ # an empty list here.
+ return []
+ # Each state will have an enter function, an exit function,
+ # and a datagram handler, which will be set during each enter function.
+ # Specific State functions
+ ##### Off state #####
+ ##### FaceOff state #####
+ def __faceOff(self, ts, name, callback):
+ if (len(self.suits) == 0):
+ self.notify.warning('__faceOff(): no suits.')
+ return
+ if (len(self.toons) == 0):
+ self.notify.warning('__faceOff(): no toons.')
+ return
+ # Do the suits faceoff
+ # TODO: get the actual position of the elevator door
+ elevatorPos = self.toons[0].getPos()
+ if (len(self.suits) == 1):
+ leaderIndex = 0
+ else:
+ if (self.bossBattle == 1):
+ leaderIndex = 1 # __genSuitInfos ensures that multi-suit boss battles will have boss in index 1 (a middle position)
+ else:
+ # otherwise __genSuitInfos ensures nothing, so pick the suit with the highest type to be the leader
+ maxTypeNum = -1
+ for suit in self.suits:
+ suitTypeNum = SuitDNA.getSuitType(
+ if (maxTypeNum < suitTypeNum):
+ maxTypeNum = suitTypeNum
+ leaderIndex = self.suits.index(suit)
+ suitTrack = Parallel()
+ suitLeader = None
+ for suit in self.suits:
+ suit.setState('Battle')
+ suitIsLeader = 0
+ oneSuitTrack = Sequence()
+ # Suits stop what they're doing and look at the toons
+ oneSuitTrack.append(Func(suit.loop, 'neutral'))
+ oneSuitTrack.append(Func(suit.headsUp, elevatorPos))
+ # Only the suit leader taunts the toons
+ if (self.suits.index(suit) == leaderIndex):
+ suitLeader = suit
+ suitIsLeader = 1
+ # TODO: have an inside of building taunt here
+ if (self.bossBattle == 1):
+ taunt = TTLocalizer.BattleBldgBossTaunt
+ else:
+ taunt = SuitBattleGlobals.getFaceoffTaunt(suit.getStyleName(), suit.doId)
+ oneSuitTrack.append(Func(suit.setChatAbsolute,
+ taunt, CFSpeech | CFTimeout))
+ # Move all suits into position after taunt delay
+ destPos, destHpr = self.getActorPosHpr(suit, self.suits)
+ oneSuitTrack.append(Wait(delay))
+ if (suitIsLeader == 1):
+ oneSuitTrack.append(Func(suit.clearChat))
+ oneSuitTrack.append(self.createAdjustInterval(suit, destPos, destHpr))
+ suitTrack.append(oneSuitTrack)
+ # Do the toons faceoff
+ toonTrack = Parallel()
+ for toon in self.toons:
+ oneToonTrack = Sequence()
+ destPos, destHpr = self.getActorPosHpr(toon, self.toons)
+ oneToonTrack.append(Wait(delay))
+ oneToonTrack.append(self.createAdjustInterval(
+ toon, destPos, destHpr, toon=1, run=1))
+ toonTrack.append(oneToonTrack)
+ # Put the camera somewhere
+ camTrack = Sequence()
+ def setCamFov(fov):
+ base.camLens.setFov(fov)
+ camTrack.append(Func(camera.wrtReparentTo, suitLeader))
+ camTrack.append(Func(setCamFov, self.camFOFov))
+ suitHeight = suitLeader.getHeight()
+ suitOffsetPnt = Point3(0, 0, suitHeight)
+ # empirical hack to pick a mid-height view, left in to sortof match the old view
+ MidTauntCamHeight = suitHeight*0.66
+ MidTauntCamHeightLim = suitHeight-1.8
+ if (MidTauntCamHeight < MidTauntCamHeightLim):
+ MidTauntCamHeight = MidTauntCamHeightLim
+ TauntCamY = 18
+ TauntCamX = 0
+ TauntCamHeight = random.choice((MidTauntCamHeight, 1, 11))
+ camTrack.append(Func(camera.setPos,
+ TauntCamX, TauntCamY, TauntCamHeight))
+ camTrack.append(Func(camera.lookAt, suitLeader, suitOffsetPnt))
+ camTrack.append(Wait(delay))
+ camPos = Point3(0, -6, 4)
+ camHpr = Vec3(0, 0, 0)
+ camTrack.append(Func(camera.reparentTo, base.localAvatar))
+ camTrack.append(Func(setCamFov, ToontownGlobals.DefaultCameraFov))
+ camTrack.append(Func(camera.setPosHpr, camPos, camHpr))
+ mtrack = Parallel(suitTrack, toonTrack, camTrack)
+ done = Func(callback)
+ track = Sequence(mtrack, done, name = name)
+ track.start(ts)
+ self.storeInterval(track, name)
+ def enterFaceOff(self, ts):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('enterFaceOff()'))
+ if (len(self.toons) > 0 and
+ base.localAvatar == self.toons[0]):
+ Emote.globalEmote.disableAll(self.toons[0], "dbattlebldg, enterFaceOff")
+ self.delayDeleteMembers()
+ self.__faceOff(ts, self.faceOffName, self.__handleFaceOffDone)
+ return None
+ def __handleFaceOffDone(self):
+ self.notify.debug('FaceOff done')
+ # Only the toon that initiated the battle needs to reply
+ self.d_faceOffDone(base.localAvatar.doId)
+ def exitFaceOff(self):
+ self.notify.debug('exitFaceOff()')
+ if (len(self.toons) > 0 and
+ base.localAvatar == self.toons[0]):
+ Emote.globalEmote.releaseAll(self.toons[0], "dbattlebldg exitFaceOff")
+ self.clearInterval(self.faceOffName)
+ self._removeMembersKeep()
+ camera.wrtReparentTo(self)
+ base.camLens.setFov(self.camFov)
+ return None
+ ##### WaitForInput state #####
+ ##### PlayMovie state #####
+ ##### Reward state #####
+ def __playReward(self, ts, callback):
+ toonTracks = Parallel()
+ for toon in self.toons:
+ toonTracks.append(Sequence(Func(toon.loop, 'victory'),
+ Func(toon.loop, 'neutral')))
+ name = self.uniqueName('floorReward')
+ track = Sequence(toonTracks,
+ Func(callback), name=name)
+ camera.setPos(0, 0, 1)
+ camera.setHpr(180, 10, 0)
+ self.storeInterval(track, name)
+ track.start(ts)
+ def enterReward(self, ts):
+ self.notify.debug('enterReward()')
+ self.delayDeleteMembers()
+ self.__playReward(ts, self.__handleFloorRewardDone)
+ return None
+ def __handleFloorRewardDone(self):
+ return None
+ def exitReward(self):
+ self.notify.debug('exitReward()')
+ # In case the server finished first
+ self.clearInterval(self.uniqueName('floorReward'))
+ self._removeMembersKeep()
+ NametagGlobals.setMasterArrowsOn(1)
+ for toon in self.toons:
+ toon.startSmooth()
+ return None
+ ##### BuildingReward state #####
+ def enterBuildingReward(self, ts):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('enterBuildingReward()'))
+ self.delayDeleteMembers()
+ if (self.hasLocalToon()):
+ NametagGlobals.setMasterArrowsOn(0)
+, self.uniqueName('building-reward'),
+ self.__handleBuildingRewardDone)
+ return None
+ def __handleBuildingRewardDone(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('Building reward done'))
+ if (self.hasLocalToon()):
+ self.d_rewardDone(base.localAvatar.doId)
+ # Now request our local battle object enter the Resume state,
+ # which frees us from the battle. The distributed object may
+ # not enter the Resume state yet (it has to wait until all the
+ # toons involved have reported back up), but there's no reason
+ # we have to wait around for that.
+ self.fsm.request('Resume')
+ def exitBuildingReward(self):
+ # In case we're observing and the server cuts us off
+ # this guarantees all final animations get started and things
+ # get cleaned up
+ self._removeMembersKeep()
+ NametagGlobals.setMasterArrowsOn(1)
+ return None
+ ##### Resume state #####
+ def enterResume(self, ts=0):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('enterResume()'))
+ if (self.hasLocalToon()):
+ self.removeLocalToon()
+ return None
+ def exitResume(self):
+ return None
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/ b/toontown/src/battle/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..914fbf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+from import *
+from direct.distributed.ClockDelta import *
+from BattleBase import *
+from BattleCalculatorAI import *
+from toontown.toonbase.ToontownBattleGlobals import *
+from SuitBattleGlobals import *
+from direct.showbase.PythonUtil import addListsByValue
+import DistributedBattleBaseAI
+from direct.task import Task
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+import random
+from direct.fsm import State
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM, State
+from direct.showbase import PythonUtil
+# attack properties table
+class DistributedBattleBldgAI(DistributedBattleBaseAI.DistributedBattleBaseAI):
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('DistributedBattleBldgAI')
+ def __init__(self, air, zoneId, roundCallback=None,
+ finishCallback=None, maxSuits=4, bossBattle=0):
+ """__init__(air, zoneId, suits, toonIds, finishCallback, maxSuits,
+ bossBattle)
+ """
+ DistributedBattleBaseAI.DistributedBattleBaseAI.__init__(self, air,
+ zoneId, finishCallback, maxSuits, bossBattle)
+ self.streetBattle = 0
+ self.roundCallback = roundCallback
+ # Add a new reward state to the battle ClassicFSM
+ self.fsm.addState(State.State('BuildingReward',
+ self.enterBuildingReward,
+ self.exitBuildingReward,
+ ['Resume']))
+ playMovieState = self.fsm.getStateNamed('PlayMovie')
+ playMovieState.addTransition('BuildingReward')
+## # Add a state for reserve suits to join to the battle ClassicFSM
+## self.fsm.addState(State.State('ReservesJoining',
+## self.enterReservesJoining,
+## self.exitReservesJoining,
+## ['WaitForInput']))
+## playMovieState.addTransition('ReservesJoining')
+ self.elevatorPos = Point3(0, -30, 0)
+ self.resumeNeedUpdate = 0
+ def setInitialMembers(self, toonIds, suits):
+ for suit in suits:
+ self.addSuit(suit)
+ for toonId in toonIds:
+ self.addToon(toonId)
+ self.fsm.request('FaceOff')
+ def delete(self):
+ del self.roundCallback
+ DistributedBattleBaseAI.DistributedBattleBaseAI.delete(self)
+ def faceOffDone(self):
+ """ faceOffDone(toonId)
+ """
+ toonId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender()
+ if (self.ignoreResponses == 1):
+ self.notify.debug('faceOffDone() - ignoring toon: %d' % toonId)
+ return
+ elif (self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName() != 'FaceOff'):
+ self.notify.warning('faceOffDone() - in state: %s' % \
+ self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName())
+ return
+ elif (self.toons.count(toonId) == 0):
+ self.notify.warning('faceOffDone() - toon: %d not in toon list' % \
+ toonId)
+ return
+ assert(self.responses.has_key(toonId))
+ self.responses[toonId] += 1
+ self.notify.debug('toon: %d done facing off' % toonId)
+ if not self.ignoreFaceOffDone:
+ if (self.allToonsResponded()):
+ self.handleFaceOffDone()
+ else:
+ # Reset the timer to give the slowpokes a few seconds
+ # longer than the first (or most recent) toon to reply.
+ self.timer.stop()
+ self.timer.startCallback(TIMEOUT_PER_USER, self.__serverFaceOffDone)
+ # Each state will have an enter function, an exit function,
+ # and a datagram handler, which will be set during each enter function.
+ # Specific State functions
+ ##### Off state #####
+ ##### FaceOff state #####
+ # original suit and toon face off and then walk to positions,
+ # other toons or suits walk directly to wait positions
+ def enterFaceOff(self):
+ self.notify.debug('enterFaceOff()')
+ self.joinableFsm.request('Joinable')
+ self.runableFsm.request('Unrunable')
+ # From here on out DistributedBattleAI only controls DistributedSuitAI
+ # DistributedBattle controls DistributedSuit
+ self.timer.startCallback(self.calcToonMoveTime(self.pos,
+ self.elevatorPos) + FACEOFF_TAUNT_T + \
+ self.__serverFaceOffDone)
+ return None
+ def __serverFaceOffDone(self):
+ self.notify.debug('faceoff timed out on server')
+ self.ignoreFaceOffDone = 1
+ self.handleFaceOffDone()
+ def exitFaceOff(self):
+ self.timer.stop()
+ self.resetResponses()
+ return None
+ def handleFaceOffDone(self):
+ assert(len(self.activeSuits) == 0)
+ for suit in self.suits:
+ self.activeSuits.append(suit)
+ assert(len(self.activeToons) == 0)
+ for toon in self.toons:
+ self.activeToons.append(toon)
+ # Set the toon's earned experience so far.
+ self.sendEarnedExperience(toon)
+ self.d_setMembers()
+ self.b_setState('WaitForInput')
+ ##### WaitForJoin state #####
+ ##### WaitForInput state #####
+ ##### PlayMovie state #####
+ def localMovieDone(self, needUpdate, deadToons, deadSuits, lastActiveSuitDied):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('localMovieDone(%s, %s, %s, %s)' % (needUpdate, deadToons, deadSuits, lastActiveSuitDied)))
+ # Stop the server timeout for the movie
+ self.timer.stop()
+ self.resumeNeedUpdate = needUpdate
+ self.resumeDeadToons = deadToons
+ self.resumeDeadSuits = deadSuits
+ self.resumeLastActiveSuitDied = lastActiveSuitDied
+ if (len(self.toons) == 0):
+ # Toons lost - close up shop
+ assert(self.notify.debug('last toon gone, destroying building'))
+ self.d_setMembers()
+ self.b_setState('Resume')
+ else:
+ # Calculate the total hp of all the suits to see if any
+ # reserves need to join
+ assert(self.roundCallback != None)
+ totalHp = 0
+ for suit in self.suits:
+ if (suit.currHP > 0):
+ totalHp += suit.currHP
+ # Signal the suit interior that the round is over and wait to
+ # hear what to do next
+ self.roundCallback(self.activeToons, totalHp, deadSuits)
+ def __goToResumeState(self, task):
+ self.b_setState('Resume')
+ def resume(self, currentFloor=0, topFloor=0):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('resuming the battle'))
+ if (len(self.suits) == 0):
+ # Toons won - award experience, etc.
+ assert(self.resumeNeedUpdate == 1)
+ self.d_setMembers()
+ self.suitsKilledPerFloor.append(self.suitsKilledThisBattle)
+ if (topFloor == 0):
+ self.b_setState('Reward')
+ else:
+ # calculate and assign the merits and item recoveries by floor
+ for floorNum, cogsThisFloor in PythonUtil.enumerate(self.suitsKilledPerFloor):
+ for toonId in self.activeToons:
+ toon = self.getToon(toonId)
+ if toon:
+ # Append the recovered and not recovered items to their respective lists
+ recovered, notRecovered = self.air.questManager.recoverItems(
+ toon, cogsThisFloor, self.zoneId)
+ self.toonItems[toonId][0].extend(recovered)
+ self.toonItems[toonId][1].extend(notRecovered)
+ # the new merit list must be added by value to the cumulative list
+ meritArray = self.air.promotionMgr.recoverMerits(
+ toon, cogsThisFloor, self.zoneId, getCreditMultiplier(floorNum))
+ if toonId in self.helpfulToons:
+ self.toonMerits[toonId] = addListsByValue(self.toonMerits[toonId], meritArray)
+ else:
+ self.notify.debug("toon %d not helpful, skipping merits" % toonId)
+ self.d_setBattleExperience()
+ self.b_setState('BuildingReward')
+ else:
+ # Continue with the battle
+ if (self.resumeNeedUpdate == 1):
+ self.d_setMembers()
+ if ((len(self.resumeDeadSuits) > 0 and
+ self.resumeLastActiveSuitDied == 0) or
+ (len(self.resumeDeadToons) > 0)):
+ self.needAdjust = 1
+ # Wait for input will call __requestAdjust()
+ self.setState('WaitForJoin')
+ self.resumeNeedUpdate = 0
+ self.resumeDeadToons = []
+ self.resumeDeadSuits = []
+ self.resumeLastActiveSuitDied = 0
+ ##### ReservesJoining state #####
+ def enterReservesJoining(self, ts=0):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('enterReservesJoining()'))
+ return None
+ def exitReservesJoining(self, ts=0):
+ return None
+ ##### Reward state #####
+ def enterReward(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('enterReward()'))
+ # In the building battles, we don't expect any toons to send a
+ # done message before this (short) timer expires. This is
+ # just the between-floor reward dance, very brief.
+ self.timer.startCallback(FLOOR_REWARD_TIMEOUT, self.serverRewardDone)
+ return None
+ def exitReward(self):
+ self.timer.stop()
+ return None
+ ##### BuildingReward state #####
+ def enterBuildingReward(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('enterBuildingReward()'))
+ self.resetResponses()
+ self.assignRewards()
+ # Set an upper timeout for the reward movie. If no toons
+ # report back by this time, call it done anyway.
+ self.timer.startCallback(BUILDING_REWARD_TIMEOUT, self.serverRewardDone)
+ return None
+ def exitBuildingReward(self):
+ return None
+ ##### Resume state #####
+ def enterResume(self):
+ DistributedBattleBaseAI.DistributedBattleBaseAI.enterResume(self)
+ assert(self.finishCallback != None)
+ self.finishCallback(self.zoneId, self.activeToons)
+ def exitResume(self):
+ DistributedBattleBaseAI.DistributedBattleBaseAI.exitResume(self)
+ taskName = self.taskName('finish')
+ taskMgr.remove(taskName)
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/ b/toontown/src/battle/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..008a1ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+import random
+from pandac.PandaModules import VBase3, Point3
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import Sequence, Wait, Func, Parallel, Track, \
+ LerpPosInterval, ProjectileInterval, SoundInterval, ActorInterval
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from toontown.battle import DistributedBattleFinal
+from toontown.suit import SuitTimings
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from toontown.battle import BattleProps
+# attack properties table
+class DistributedBattleDiners(DistributedBattleFinal.DistributedBattleFinal):
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('DistributedBattleDiners')
+ def __init__(self, cr):
+ """Create the diners battle."""
+ DistributedBattleFinal.DistributedBattleFinal.__init__(self, cr)
+ self.initialReservesJoiningDone = False
+ #debug only remove this
+ base.dbw = self
+ def announceGenerate(self):
+ DistributedBattleFinal.DistributedBattleFinal.announceGenerate(self)
+ self.moveSuitsToInitialPos()
+ def showSuitsJoining(self, suits, ts, name, callback):
+ """Show the diners joining the battle, handle initial case too."""
+ if len(suits) == 0 and not self.initialReservesJoiningDone:
+ # this is a valid case, avoid the assert
+ self.initialReservesJoiningDone = True;
+ self.doInitialSuitsJoining(ts, name, callback)
+ return
+ self.showSuitsFalling(suits, ts, name, callback)
+ def doInitialSuitsJoining(self, ts, name, callback):
+ done = Func(callback)
+ if (self.hasLocalToon()):
+ # Parent the camera to the battle and position it to watch the
+ # suits join.
+ camera.reparentTo(self)
+ # Choose either a left or a right view at random.
+ if random.choice([0, 1]):
+ camera.setPosHpr(20, -4, 7, 60, 0, 0)
+ else:
+ camera.setPosHpr(-20, -4, 7, -60, 0, 0)
+ track = Sequence(Wait(0.5), done, name = name)
+ track.start(ts)
+ self.storeInterval(track, name)
+ def moveSuitsToInitialPos(self):
+ """Force the inital suits to be in the right spot."""
+ battlePts = self.suitPoints[len(self.suitPendingPoints)-1]
+ for i in xrange(len(self.suits)):
+ suit = self.suits[i]
+ suit.reparentTo(self)
+ destPos, destHpr = self.getActorPosHpr(suit, self.suits)
+ suit.setPos(destPos)
+ suit.setHpr(destHpr)
+ #self.suits[i].setPos(self.bossCog,battlePts[i][0])
+ #self.suits[i].setH(battlePts[i][1])
+ def showSuitsFalling(self, suits, ts, name, callback):
+ assert(len(suits) > 0)
+ if self.bossCog == None:
+ # Hmm, no boss cog? Maybe not generated yet.
+ return
+ suitTrack = Parallel()
+ delay = 0
+ for suit in suits:
+ """
+ This is done by the AI now.
+ if self.battleNumber == 2:
+ # Battle 2 features skelecogs only.
+ suit.makeSkeleton()
+ suit.corpMedallion.hide()
+ """
+ suit.setState('Battle')
+ #RAU lawbot boss battle hack,
+ if suit.dna.dept == 'l':
+ suit.reparentTo(self.bossCog)
+ suit.setPos(0, 0, 0)
+ #suit.setScale(3.8 / suit.height)
+ # Move all suits into position
+ if suit in self.joiningSuits:
+ i = len(self.pendingSuits) + self.joiningSuits.index(suit)
+ destPos, h = self.suitPendingPoints[i]
+ destHpr = VBase3(h, 0, 0)
+ else:
+ destPos, destHpr = self.getActorPosHpr(suit, self.suits)
+ startPos = destPos + Point3(0,0,(SuitTimings.fromSky *
+ ToontownGlobals.SuitWalkSpeed))
+ self.notify.debug('startPos for %s = %s' % (suit, startPos))
+ suit.reparentTo(self)
+ suit.setPos(startPos)
+ suit.headsUp(self)
+ moveIval = Sequence()
+ chairInfo = self.bossCog.claimOneChair()
+ if chairInfo:
+ moveIval = self.createDinerMoveIval(suit,destPos, chairInfo)
+ suitTrack.append(Track(
+ (delay, Sequence(moveIval,
+ Func(suit.loop, 'neutral')))
+ ))
+ delay += 1
+ if (self.hasLocalToon()):
+ # Parent the camera to the battle and position it to watch the
+ # suits join.
+ camera.reparentTo(self)
+ # Choose a back angle to see the diners flying to their battle position
+ self.notify.debug('self.battleSide =%s' % self.battleSide)
+ camHeading = -20
+ camX = -4
+ if self.battleSide == 0:
+ camHeading = 20
+ camX = 4
+ camera.setPosHpr(camX, -15, 7, camHeading, 0, 0)
+ done = Func(callback)
+ track = Sequence(suitTrack, done,
+ name = name)
+ track.start(ts)
+ self.storeInterval(track, name)
+ def createDinerMoveIval(self, suit, destPos, chairInfo):
+ """Return an interval of a diner moving to his destPos."""
+ # adapted from suit.beginSupaFlyMovie
+ # calculate some times used to manipulate the suit's landing
+ # animation
+ #
+ dur = suit.getDuration('landing')
+ fr = suit.getFrameRate('landing')
+ landingDur = dur
+ totalDur = 7.3
+ # length of time in animation spent in the air
+ animTimeInAir = totalDur - dur
+ flyingDur = animTimeInAir
+ # length of time in animation spent impacting and reacting to
+ # the ground
+ impactLength = dur - animTimeInAir
+ tableIndex = chairInfo[0]
+ chairIndex = chairInfo[1]
+ table = self.bossCog.tables[tableIndex]
+ chairLocator = table.chairLocators[chairIndex]
+ chairPos = chairLocator.getPos(self)
+ chairHpr = chairLocator.getHpr(self)
+ suit.setPos(chairPos)
+ table.setDinerStatus(chairIndex, table.HIDDEN)
+ suit.setHpr(chairHpr)
+ wayPoint = (chairPos + destPos) / 2.0
+ wayPoint.setZ(wayPoint.getZ() + 20)
+ moveIval = Sequence(
+ Func(suit.headsUp, self),
+ Func(suit.pose, 'landing', 0),
+ ProjectileInterval(suit, duration = flyingDur, startPos = chairPos,
+ endPos = destPos, gravityMult=0.25),
+ ActorInterval(suit, 'landing'),
+ )
+ # now create info for the propeller's animation
+ #
+ if suit.prop == None:
+ suit.prop = BattleProps.globalPropPool.getProp('propeller')
+ propDur = suit.prop.getDuration('propeller')
+ lastSpinFrame = 8
+ fr = suit.prop.getFrameRate('propeller')
+ # time from beginning of anim at which propeller plays its spin
+ spinTime = lastSpinFrame/fr
+ # time from beginning of anim at which propeller starts to close
+ openTime = (lastSpinFrame + 1) / fr
+ # now create the propeller animation intervals that will go in
+ # the third and final track
+ #
+ suit.attachPropeller()
+ propTrack = Parallel(
+ SoundInterval(suit.propInSound, duration = flyingDur,
+ node = suit),
+ Sequence(ActorInterval(suit.prop, 'propeller',
+ constrainedLoop = 1,
+ duration = flyingDur+1,
+ startTime = 0.0,
+ endTime = spinTime),
+ ActorInterval(suit.prop, 'propeller',
+ duration = landingDur,
+ startTime = openTime),
+ Func(suit.detachPropeller),
+ ),
+ )
+ result = Parallel(moveIval,
+ propTrack,
+ )
+ return result
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/ b/toontown/src/battle/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da550fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from toontown.battle import DistributedBattleFinalAI
+# attack properties table
+class DistributedBattleDinersAI(DistributedBattleFinalAI.DistributedBattleFinalAI):
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('DistributedBattleDinersAI')
+ def __init__(self, air, bossCog, roundCallback,
+ finishCallback, battleSide):
+ DistributedBattleFinalAI.DistributedBattleFinalAI.__init__(
+ self, air, bossCog, roundCallback, finishCallback, battleSide)
+ def startBattle(self, toonIds, suits):
+ self.joinableFsm.request('Joinable')
+ for toonId in toonIds:
+ if self.addToon(toonId):
+ self.activeToons.append(toonId)
+ # We have to be sure to tell the players that they're active
+ # before we start adding suits.
+ self.d_setMembers()
+ for suit in suits:
+ self.pendingSuits.append(suit)
+ #joined =self.suitRequestJoin(suit)
+ #assert(joined)
+ self.d_setMembers()
+ self.needAdjust =1
+ self.b_setState('ReservesJoining')
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/ b/toontown/src/battle/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40d9379
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
+from BattleBase import *
+from import Actor
+from toontown.distributed import DelayDelete
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+import DistributedBattleBase
+import MovieUtil
+from toontown.suit import Suit
+import SuitBattleGlobals
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownBattleGlobals
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from direct.fsm import State
+import random
+class DistributedBattleFinal(DistributedBattleBase.DistributedBattleBase):
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('DistributedBattleFinal')
+ def __init__(self, cr):
+ """__init__(cr)
+ """
+ townBattle = cr.playGame.hood.loader.townBattle
+ DistributedBattleBase.DistributedBattleBase.__init__(self, cr,
+ townBattle)
+ self.setupCollisions(self.uniqueBattleName('battle-collide'))
+ self.bossCog = None
+ self.bossCogRequest = None
+ self.streetBattle = 0
+ self.joiningSuitsName = self.uniqueBattleName('joiningSuits')
+ # Add a new ReservesJoining state to the battle ClassicFSM
+ self.fsm.addState(State.State('ReservesJoining',
+ self.enterReservesJoining,
+ self.exitReservesJoining,
+ ['WaitForJoin']))
+ offState = self.fsm.getStateNamed('Off')
+ offState.addTransition('ReservesJoining')
+ waitForJoinState = self.fsm.getStateNamed('WaitForJoin')
+ waitForJoinState.addTransition('ReservesJoining')
+ playMovieState = self.fsm.getStateNamed('PlayMovie')
+ playMovieState.addTransition('ReservesJoining')
+ def generate(self):
+ """ generate()
+ """
+ DistributedBattleBase.DistributedBattleBase.generate(self)
+ #dbgBattleMarkers = loader.loadModel("dbgBattleMarkers.egg")
+ #dbgBattleMarkers.reparentTo(self)
+ def disable(self):
+ """ disable()
+ """
+ DistributedBattleBase.DistributedBattleBase.disable(self)
+ self.bossCogRequest = None
+ self.bossCog = None
+ def delete(self):
+ """ delete()
+ """
+ DistributedBattleBase.DistributedBattleBase.delete(self)
+ self.removeCollisionData()
+ ##### Messages From The Server #####
+ def setBossCogId(self, bossCogId):
+ self.bossCogId = bossCogId
+ if
+ # This would be risky if we had toons entering the zone during
+ # a battle--but since all the toons are always there from the
+ # beginning, we can be confident that the BossCog has already
+ # been generated by the time we receive the generate for its
+ # associated battles.
+ #RAU slightly modified so I can spy on the lawbot boss battle
+ tempBossCog =[bossCogId]
+ self.__gotBossCog([tempBossCog])
+ else:
+ self.notify.debug('doing relatedObjectMgr.request for bossCog')
+ self.bossCogRequest =
+ [bossCogId], allCallback = self.__gotBossCog)
+ def __gotBossCog(self, bossCogList):
+ self.bossCogRequest = None
+ self.bossCog = bossCogList[0]
+ # Now that we know the BossCog, we can check to see if we
+ # should have enabled collisions when we went into the
+ # NoLocalToon state.
+ currStateName = self.localToonFsm.getCurrentState().getName()
+ if currStateName == 'NoLocalToon' and self.bossCog.hasLocalToon():
+ self.enableCollision()
+ def setBattleNumber(self, battleNumber):
+ self.battleNumber = battleNumber
+ def setBattleSide(self, battleSide):
+ self.battleSide = battleSide
+ def setMembers(self, suits, suitsJoining, suitsPending, suitsActive,
+ suitsLured, suitTraps,
+ toons, toonsJoining, toonsPending, toonsActive,
+ toonsRunning, timestamp):
+ if self.battleCleanedUp():
+ return
+ oldtoons = DistributedBattleBase.DistributedBattleBase.setMembers(self,
+ suits, suitsJoining, suitsPending, suitsActive, suitsLured,
+ suitTraps,
+ toons, toonsJoining, toonsPending, toonsActive, toonsRunning,
+ timestamp)
+ # If the battle is full, we need to make the collision sphere
+ # tangible so other toons can't walk through the battle
+ if (len(self.toons) == 4 and len(oldtoons) < 4):
+ self.notify.debug('setMembers() - battle is now full of toons')
+ self.closeBattleCollision()
+ elif (len(self.toons) < 4 and len(oldtoons) == 4):
+ self.openBattleCollision()
+ # Each state will have an enter function, an exit function,
+ # and a datagram handler, which will be set during each enter function.
+ def makeSuitJoin(self, suit, ts):
+ """ makeSuitJoin(suit, ts)
+ """
+ self.notify.debug('makeSuitJoin(%d)' % suit.doId)
+ # We override this function from the base class to play no
+ # interval. Instead, we synchronize the animation of all of
+ # the joining suits in the ReservesJoining state.
+ self.joiningSuits.append(suit)
+ if (self.hasLocalToon()):
+ self.d_joinDone(base.localAvatar.doId, suit.doId)
+ def showSuitsJoining(self, suits, ts, name, callback):
+ assert(len(suits) > 0)
+ if self.bossCog == None:
+ # Hmm, no boss cog? Maybe not generated yet.
+ return
+ if self.battleSide:
+ openDoor = Func(self.bossCog.doorB.request, 'open')
+ closeDoor = Func(self.bossCog.doorB.request, 'close')
+ else:
+ openDoor = Func(self.bossCog.doorA.request, 'open')
+ closeDoor = Func(self.bossCog.doorA.request, 'close')
+ suitTrack = Parallel()
+ delay = 0
+ for suit in suits:
+ """
+ This is done by the AI now.
+ if self.battleNumber == 2:
+ # Battle 2 features skelecogs only.
+ suit.makeSkeleton()
+ suit.corpMedallion.hide()
+ """
+ suit.setState('Battle')
+ #RAU lawbot boss battle hack,
+ if suit.dna.dept == 'l':
+ suit.reparentTo(self.bossCog)
+ suit.setPos(0, 0, 0)
+ suit.setPos(self.bossCog, 0, 0, 0)
+ suit.headsUp(self)
+ suit.setScale(3.8 / suit.height)
+ # Move all suits into position
+ if suit in self.joiningSuits:
+ i = len(self.pendingSuits) + self.joiningSuits.index(suit)
+ destPos, h = self.suitPendingPoints[i]
+ destHpr = VBase3(h, 0, 0)
+ else:
+ destPos, destHpr = self.getActorPosHpr(suit, self.suits)
+ suitTrack.append(Track(
+ (delay, self.createAdjustInterval(suit, destPos, destHpr)),
+ (delay + 1.5, suit.scaleInterval(1.5, 1))
+ ))
+ delay += 1
+ if (self.hasLocalToon()):
+ # Parent the camera to the battle and position it to watch the
+ # suits join.
+ camera.reparentTo(self)
+ # Choose either a left or a right view at random.
+ if random.choice([0, 1]):
+ camera.setPosHpr(20, -4, 7, 60, 0, 0)
+ else:
+ camera.setPosHpr(-20, -4, 7, -60, 0, 0)
+ done = Func(callback)
+ track = Sequence(openDoor, suitTrack, closeDoor, done,
+ name = name)
+ track.start(ts)
+ self.storeInterval(track, name)
+ # Specific State functions
+ ##### Off state #####
+ ##### WaitForInput state #####
+ ##### PlayMovie state #####
+ ##### Reward state #####
+ def __playReward(self, ts, callback):
+ toonTracks = Parallel()
+ for toon in self.toons:
+ toonTracks.append(Sequence(Func(toon.loop, 'victory'),
+ Func(toon.loop, 'neutral')))
+ name = self.uniqueName('floorReward')
+ track = Sequence(toonTracks, name=name)
+ if self.hasLocalToon():
+ camera.setPos(0, 0, 1)
+ camera.setHpr(180, 10, 0)
+ track += [
+ self.bossCog.makeEndOfBattleMovie(self.hasLocalToon()),
+ Func(callback)]
+ self.storeInterval(track, name)
+ track.start(ts)
+ def enterReward(self, ts):
+ self.notify.debug('enterReward()')
+ self.disableCollision()
+ self.delayDeleteMembers()
+ self.__playReward(ts, self.__handleFloorRewardDone)
+ return None
+ def __handleFloorRewardDone(self):
+ return None
+ def exitReward(self):
+ self.notify.debug('exitReward()')
+ # In case the server finished first
+ self.clearInterval(self.uniqueName('floorReward'), finish = 1)
+ self._removeMembersKeep()
+ NametagGlobals.setMasterArrowsOn(1)
+ for toon in self.toons:
+ toon.startSmooth()
+ return None
+ ##### Resume state #####
+ def enterResume(self, ts=0):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('enterResume()'))
+ if (self.hasLocalToon()):
+ self.removeLocalToon()
+ self.fsm.requestFinalState()
+ def exitResume(self):
+ return None
+ ##### ReservesJoining state #####
+ def enterReservesJoining(self, ts=0):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('enterReservesJoining()'))
+ # Show a movie with the cogs emerging from the BossCog's belly.
+ self.delayDeleteMembers()
+ self.showSuitsJoining(self.joiningSuits, ts, self.joiningSuitsName,
+ self.__reservesJoiningDone)
+ def __reservesJoiningDone(self):
+ self._removeMembersKeep()
+ self.doneBarrier()
+ def exitReservesJoining(self):
+ self.clearInterval(self.joiningSuitsName)
+ #########################
+ ##### LocalToon ClassicFSM #####
+ #########################
+ ##### HasLocalToon state #####
+ ##### NoLocalToon state #####
+ def enterNoLocalToon(self):
+ self.notify.debug('enterNoLocalToon()')
+ # Enable battle collision sphere, but only if localToon is
+ # known to the BossCog.
+ if self.bossCog != None and \
+ self.bossCog.hasLocalToon():
+ self.enableCollision()
+ else:
+ self.disableCollision()
+ return None
+ def exitNoLocalToon(self):
+ # Disable battle collision sphere
+ self.disableCollision()
+ return None
+ ##### WaitForServer state #####
+ def enterWaitForServer(self):
+ self.notify.debug('enterWaitForServer()')
+ return None
+ def exitWaitForServer(self):
+ return None
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/ b/toontown/src/battle/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98af28c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+from import *
+from BattleBase import *
+from BattleCalculatorAI import *
+from toontown.toonbase.ToontownBattleGlobals import *
+from SuitBattleGlobals import *
+import DistributedBattleBaseAI
+from direct.task import Task
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.fsm import State
+from direct.showbase.PythonUtil import addListsByValue
+import random
+import types
+# attack properties table
+class DistributedBattleFinalAI(DistributedBattleBaseAI.DistributedBattleBaseAI):
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('DistributedBattleFinalAI')
+ def __init__(self, air, bossCog, roundCallback,
+ finishCallback, battleSide):
+ DistributedBattleBaseAI.DistributedBattleBaseAI.__init__(
+ self, air, bossCog.zoneId, finishCallback)
+ self.bossCogId = bossCog.doId
+ self.battleNumber = bossCog.battleNumber
+ self.battleSide = battleSide
+ self.streetBattle = 0
+ self.roundCallback = roundCallback
+ self.elevatorPos = Point3(0, 0, 0)
+ self.pos = Point3(0, 30, 0)
+ self.resumeNeedUpdate = 0
+ # Add a state for reserve suits to join to the battle ClassicFSM
+ self.fsm.addState(State.State('ReservesJoining',
+ self.enterReservesJoining,
+ self.exitReservesJoining,
+ ['WaitForJoin']))
+ offState = self.fsm.getStateNamed('Off')
+ offState.addTransition('ReservesJoining')
+ waitForJoinState = self.fsm.getStateNamed('WaitForJoin')
+ waitForJoinState.addTransition('ReservesJoining')
+ playMovieState = self.fsm.getStateNamed('PlayMovie')
+ playMovieState.addTransition('ReservesJoining')
+ def getBossCogId(self):
+ return self.bossCogId
+ def getBattleNumber(self):
+ return self.battleNumber
+ def getBattleSide(self):
+ return self.battleSide
+ def startBattle(self, toonIds, suits):
+ self.joinableFsm.request('Joinable')
+ for toonId in toonIds:
+ if self.addToon(toonId):
+ self.activeToons.append(toonId)
+ # We have to be sure to tell the players that they're active
+ # before we start adding suits.
+ self.d_setMembers()
+ for suit in suits:
+ joined = self.suitRequestJoin(suit)
+ assert(joined)
+ self.d_setMembers()
+ self.b_setState('ReservesJoining')
+ # Each state will have an enter function, an exit function,
+ # and a datagram handler, which will be set during each enter function.
+ # Specific State functions
+ ##### Off state #####
+ ##### WaitForJoin state #####
+ ##### WaitForInput state #####
+ ##### PlayMovie state #####
+ def localMovieDone(self, needUpdate, deadToons, deadSuits, lastActiveSuitDied):
+ # Stop the server timeout for the movie
+ self.timer.stop()
+ self.resumeNeedUpdate = needUpdate
+ self.resumeDeadToons = deadToons
+ self.resumeDeadSuits = deadSuits
+ self.resumeLastActiveSuitDied = lastActiveSuitDied
+ if (len(self.toons) == 0):
+ # Toons lost - close up shop
+ self.d_setMembers()
+ self.b_setState('Resume')
+ else:
+ # Calculate the total hp of all the suits to see if any
+ # reserves need to join
+ assert(self.roundCallback != None)
+ totalHp = 0
+ for suit in self.suits:
+ if (suit.currHP > 0):
+ totalHp += suit.currHP
+ # Signal the suit interior that the round is over and wait to
+ # hear what to do next
+ self.roundCallback(self.activeToons, totalHp, deadSuits)
+ def resume(self, joinedReserves):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('resuming the battle'))
+ if len(joinedReserves) != 0:
+ for info in joinedReserves:
+ joined = self.suitRequestJoin(info[0])
+ assert(joined)
+ self.d_setMembers()
+ self.b_setState('ReservesJoining')
+ elif (len(self.suits) == 0):
+ # Toons won - award experience, etc.
+ assert(self.resumeNeedUpdate == 1)
+ battleMultiplier = getBossBattleCreditMultiplier(self.battleNumber)
+ for toonId in self.activeToons:
+ toon = self.getToon(toonId)
+ if toon:
+ # Append the recovered and not recovered items to their respective lists
+ recovered, notRecovered = self.air.questManager.recoverItems(
+ toon, self.suitsKilledThisBattle, self.zoneId)
+ self.toonItems[toonId][0].extend(recovered)
+ self.toonItems[toonId][1].extend(notRecovered)
+ # No need to recover merits - you are about to get a promotion!
+ #meritArray = self.air.promotionMgr.recoverMerits(
+ # toon, self.suitsKilledThisBattle, self.zoneId, battleMultiplier)
+ #self.toonMerits[toonId] = addListsByValue(self.toonMerits[toonId], meritArray)
+ self.d_setMembers()
+ self.d_setBattleExperience()
+ self.b_setState('Reward')
+ else:
+ # Continue with the battle
+ if (self.resumeNeedUpdate == 1):
+ self.d_setMembers()
+ if ((len(self.resumeDeadSuits) > 0 and
+ self.resumeLastActiveSuitDied == 0) or
+ (len(self.resumeDeadToons) > 0)):
+ self.needAdjust = 1
+ # Wait for input will call __requestAdjust()
+ self.setState('WaitForJoin')
+ self.resumeNeedUpdate = 0
+ self.resumeDeadToons = []
+ self.resumeDeadSuits = []
+ self.resumeLastActiveSuitDied = 0
+ ##### ReservesJoining state #####
+ def enterReservesJoining(self, ts=0):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('enterReservesJoining()'))
+ self.beginBarrier("ReservesJoining", self.toons, 15,
+ self.__doneReservesJoining)
+ def __doneReservesJoining(self, avIds):
+ self.b_setState('WaitForJoin')
+ def exitReservesJoining(self, ts=0):
+ return None
+ ##### Reward state #####
+ def enterReward(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('enterReward()'))
+ # In the building battles, we don't expect any toons to send a
+ # done message before this (short) timer expires. This is
+ # just the between-floor reward dance, very brief.
+ self.timer.startCallback(FLOOR_REWARD_TIMEOUT + 5, self.serverRewardDone)
+ return None
+ def exitReward(self):
+ self.timer.stop()
+ return None
+ ##### Resume state #####
+ def enterResume(self):
+ self.joinableFsm.request('Unjoinable')
+ self.runableFsm.request('Unrunable')
+ DistributedBattleBaseAI.DistributedBattleBaseAI.enterResume(self)
+ assert(self.finishCallback != None)
+ self.finishCallback(self.zoneId, self.activeToons)
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/ b/toontown/src/battle/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5f5399
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+import random
+from pandac.PandaModules import VBase3, Point3
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import Sequence, Wait, Func, Parallel, Track
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from toontown.battle import DistributedBattleFinal
+from toontown.suit import SuitTimings
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+# attack properties table
+class DistributedBattleWaiters(DistributedBattleFinal.DistributedBattleFinal):
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('DistributedBattleWaiters')
+ def __init__(self, cr):
+ """Create the waiters battle."""
+ DistributedBattleFinal.DistributedBattleFinal.__init__(self, cr)
+ self.initialReservesJoiningDone = False
+ #debug only remove this
+ base.dbw = self
+ def announceGenerate(self):
+ DistributedBattleFinal.DistributedBattleFinal.announceGenerate(self)
+ for suit in self.suits:
+ suit.makeWaiter()
+ self.moveSuitsToInitialPos()
+ def showSuitsJoining(self, suits, ts, name, callback):
+ """Show the waiters joining the battle, handle initial case too."""
+ assert self.notify.debugStateCall(self)
+ if len(suits) == 0 and not self.initialReservesJoiningDone:
+ # this is a valid case, avoid the assert
+ self.initialReservesJoiningDone = True;
+ self.doInitialSuitsJoining(ts, name, callback)
+ return
+ self.showSuitsFalling(suits, ts, name, callback)
+ def doInitialSuitsJoining(self, ts, name, callback):
+ assert self.notify.debugStateCall(self)
+ done = Func(callback)
+ if (self.hasLocalToon()):
+ # Parent the camera to the battle and position it to watch the
+ # suits join.
+ self.notify.debug('parenting camera to distributed battle waiters')
+ camera.reparentTo(self)
+ # Choose either a left or a right view at random.
+ if random.choice([0, 1]):
+ camera.setPosHpr(20, -4, 7, 60, 0, 0)
+ else:
+ camera.setPosHpr(-20, -4, 7, -60, 0, 0)
+ track = Sequence(Wait(0.5), done, name = name)
+ track.start(ts)
+ self.storeInterval(track, name)
+ def moveSuitsToInitialPos(self):
+ """Force the inital suits to be in the right spot."""
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ battlePts = self.suitPoints[len(self.suitPendingPoints)-1]
+ for i in xrange(len(self.suits)):
+ suit = self.suits[i]
+ suit.reparentTo(self)
+ destPos, destHpr = self.getActorPosHpr(suit, self.suits)
+ suit.setPos(destPos)
+ suit.setHpr(destHpr)
+ def showSuitsFalling(self, suits, ts, name, callback):
+ assert(len(suits) > 0)
+ if self.bossCog == None:
+ # Hmm, no boss cog? Maybe not generated yet.
+ return
+ suitTrack = Parallel()
+ delay = 0
+ for suit in suits:
+ """
+ This is done by the AI now.
+ if self.battleNumber == 2:
+ # Battle 2 features skelecogs only.
+ suit.makeSkeleton()
+ suit.corpMedallion.hide()
+ """
+ suit.makeWaiter()
+ suit.setState('Battle')
+ #RAU lawbot boss battle hack,
+ if suit.dna.dept == 'l':
+ suit.reparentTo(self.bossCog)
+ suit.setPos(0, 0, 0)
+ #suit.setScale(3.8 / suit.height)
+ # Move all suits into position
+ if suit in self.joiningSuits:
+ i = len(self.pendingSuits) + self.joiningSuits.index(suit)
+ destPos, h = self.suitPendingPoints[i]
+ destHpr = VBase3(h, 0, 0)
+ else:
+ destPos, destHpr = self.getActorPosHpr(suit, self.suits)
+ startPos = destPos + Point3(0,0,(SuitTimings.fromSky *
+ ToontownGlobals.SuitWalkSpeed))
+ self.notify.debug('startPos for %s = %s' % (suit, startPos))
+ suit.reparentTo(self)
+ suit.setPos(startPos)
+ suit.headsUp(self)
+ flyIval = suit.beginSupaFlyMove(destPos, True,'flyIn')
+ suitTrack.append(Track(
+ #(delay, self.createAdjustInterval(suit, destPos, destHpr)),
+ (delay, Sequence(flyIval,
+ Func(suit.loop, 'neutral')))
+ ))
+ delay += 1
+ if (self.hasLocalToon()):
+ # Parent the camera to the battle and position it to watch the
+ # suits join.
+ camera.reparentTo(self)
+ # Choose either a left or a right view at random.
+ if random.choice([0, 1]):
+ camera.setPosHpr(20, -4, 7, 60, 0, 0)
+ else:
+ camera.setPosHpr(-20, -4, 7, -60, 0, 0)
+ done = Func(callback)
+ track = Sequence( suitTrack, done,
+ name = name)
+ track.start(ts)
+ self.storeInterval(track, name)
+ def enterWaitForInput(self, ts=0):
+ """Wait for input from the toons."""
+ DistributedBattleFinal.DistributedBattleFinal.enterWaitForInput(self,ts)
+ if self.hasLocalToon():
+ camera.reparentTo(self)
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/ b/toontown/src/battle/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39dcca1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from toontown.battle import DistributedBattleFinalAI
+# attack properties table
+class DistributedBattleWaitersAI(DistributedBattleFinalAI.DistributedBattleFinalAI):
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('DistributedBattleWaitersAI')
+ def __init__(self, air, bossCog, roundCallback,
+ finishCallback, battleSide):
+ DistributedBattleFinalAI.DistributedBattleFinalAI.__init__(
+ self, air, bossCog, roundCallback, finishCallback, battleSide)
+ def startBattle(self, toonIds, suits):
+ self.joinableFsm.request('Joinable')
+ for toonId in toonIds:
+ if self.addToon(toonId):
+ self.activeToons.append(toonId)
+ # We have to be sure to tell the players that they're active
+ # before we start adding suits.
+ self.d_setMembers()
+ for suit in suits:
+ self.pendingSuits.append(suit)
+ #joined =self.suitRequestJoin(suit)
+ #assert(joined)
+ self.d_setMembers()
+ self.needAdjust =1
+ self.b_setState('ReservesJoining')
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/ b/toontown/src/battle/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7cf8d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
+from BattleBase import *
+from BattleProps import *
+from BattleSounds import *
+from toontown.toon.ToonDNA import *
+from toontown.suit.SuitDNA import *
+from direct.particles.ParticleEffect import *
+from direct.gui.DirectGui import *
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+import MovieUtil
+import MovieCamera
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+import BattleParticles
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+import RewardPanel
+notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('Fanfare')
+ Fanfare is centered around a given toon. It causes two trumpets
+ to appear and play some music, as well as a ball of confetti to show,
+ open, and shower the toon with confetti. A message box can then
+ appear, showing text and an image.
+ The message box is initially hidden
+# methods used to set up the message panel
+# main panel, this is also where the toon's name shows up
+ NOTE: The message panel is initially hidden.
+def makePanel(toon, showToonName):
+ panel = DirectFrame(relief=None, geom=DGG.getDefaultDialogGeom(),
+ geom_color=ToontownGlobals.GlobalDialogColor,
+ geom_scale = (1.75, 1, 0.75), pos = (0, 0, 0.587))
+ panel.initialiseoptions(RewardPanel)
+ panel.setTransparency(1)
+ panel.hide()
+ if showToonName is 1:
+ panel.avNameLabel = DirectLabel(
+ parent = panel,
+ relief = None,
+ pos = Vec3(0, 0, 0.3),
+ text = toon.getName(),
+ text_scale = 0.08,
+ )
+ return panel
+# where a little text message can be placed, parented to the above frame
+def makeMessageBox(panel, message, messagePos, messageScale, wordwrap = 100):
+ panel.itemFrame = DirectFrame(
+ parent = panel,
+ relief = None,
+ text = message,
+ text_pos = messagePos,
+ text_scale = messageScale,
+ text_wordwrap = wordwrap
+ )
+# where an image can be placed, parented to the above itemFrame
+def makeImageBox(frame, image, imagePos, imageScale):
+ frame.imageIcon = image.copyTo(frame)
+ frame.imageIcon.setPos(imagePos)
+ frame.imageIcon.setScale(imageScale)
+# public methods to be called by other classes
+# returns an interval that has the partyBall, trumpets, and confetti,
+# and a RewardPanel that can be manipulated however the caller wishes
+# this was done in case the RewardPanel is intended to be shown
+# to just the fanfare'd toon, or to all toons around them.
+# this just does a Fanfare with no message box
+def makeFanfare(delay, toon):
+ return doFanfare(delay, toon, None)
+# example of call from another class
+#Fanfare.makeFanfareWithMessageImage(0, base.localAvatar, 1, "This is the message", Vec2(0,0.2),
+ #0.08, base.localAvatar.inventory.buttonLookup(1, 1), Vec3(0,0,0), 4)
+# this does a Fanfare and brings up a box with a message.
+# user specifies what, where and how big the message is
+# messagePos of Vec2(0,.2) and messageScale of 0.08
+# will make text appear under the toon name
+# @return an (interval, None)
+def makeFanfareWithMessage(delay, toon, showToonName, message, messagePos, messageScale, wordwrap = 100):
+ panel = makePanel(toon, showToonName)
+ makeMessageBox(panel, message, messagePos, messageScale, wordwrap)
+ return doFanfare(delay, toon, panel)
+# this does a fanfare and brings up a box with an image.
+# user specifies what, where, and how big the image is
+# imagePos of Vec3(0,0,0) and imageScale of 3
+# using the an inventory button appears
+# @return an (interval, RewardPanel)
+def makeFanfareWithImage(delay, toon, showToonName, image, imagePos, imageScale, wordwrap = 100):
+ panel = makePanel(toon, showToonName)
+ makeMessageBox(panel, "", Vec3(0,0,0), 1, wordwrap)
+ makeImageBox(panel.itemFrame, image, imagePos, imageScale)
+ return doFanfare(delay, toon, panel)
+# this does a Fanfare and brings up a box with a message and image
+# user specifies messages and image properties
+# @return an (interval, RewardPanel)
+def makeFanfareWithMessageImage(delay, toon, showToonName, message, messagePos,
+ messageScale, image, imagePos, imageScale, wordwrap = 100):
+ panel = makePanel(toon, showToonName)
+ makeMessageBox(panel, message, messagePos, messageScale, wordwrap)
+ makeImageBox(panel.itemFrame, image, imagePos, imageScale)
+ return doFanfare(delay, toon, panel)
+# this creates the interval for the fanfare
+# @return an (interval, RewardPanel)
+def doFanfare(delay, toon, panel):
+ fanfareNode = toon.attachNewNode('fanfareNode')
+ partyBall = fanfareNode.attachNewNode('partyBall')
+ headparts = toon.getHeadParts()
+ pos = headparts[2].getPos(fanfareNode)
+ # the party ball is two halves of a sphere that open up
+ partyBallLeft = globalPropPool.getProp('partyBall')
+ partyBallLeft.reparentTo(partyBall)
+ partyBallLeft.setScale(.8)
+ partyBallLeft.setH(90)
+ partyBallLeft.setColorScale(1,0,0,0)
+ partyBallRight = globalPropPool.getProp('partyBall')
+ partyBallRight.reparentTo(partyBall)
+ partyBallRight.setScale(.8)
+ partyBallRight.setH(-90)
+ partyBallRight.setColorScale(1,1,0,0)
+ # positioned above the head of the toon
+ partyBall.setZ(pos.getZ()+3.2)
+ # the ball shakes before it opens
+ ballShake1 = Sequence(
+ Parallel(LerpHprInterval(partyBallLeft, duration=.2,startHpr=Vec3(90,0,0),
+ hpr=Vec3(90,10,0), blendType='easeInOut'),
+ LerpHprInterval(partyBallRight, duration=.2,startHpr=Vec3(-90,0,0),
+ hpr=Vec3(-90,-10,0), blendType='easeInOut')),
+ Parallel(LerpHprInterval(partyBallLeft, duration=.2,startHpr=Vec3(90,10,0),
+ hpr=Vec3(90,-10,0), blendType='easeInOut'),
+ LerpHprInterval(partyBallRight, duration=.2,startHpr=Vec3(-90,-10,0),
+ hpr=Vec3(-90,10,0), blendType='easeInOut')),
+ Parallel(LerpHprInterval(partyBallLeft, duration=.2,startHpr=Vec3(90,-10,0),
+ hpr=Vec3(90,0,0), blendType='easeInOut'),
+ LerpHprInterval(partyBallRight, duration=.2,startHpr=Vec3(-90,10,0),
+ hpr=Vec3(-90,0,0), blendType='easeInOut')))
+ ballShake2 = Sequence(
+ Parallel(LerpHprInterval(partyBallLeft, duration=.2,startHpr=Vec3(90,0,0),
+ hpr=Vec3(90,-10,0), blendType='easeInOut'),
+ LerpHprInterval(partyBallRight, duration=.2,startHpr=Vec3(-90,0,0),
+ hpr=Vec3(-90,10,0), blendType='easeInOut')),
+ Parallel(LerpHprInterval(partyBallLeft, duration=.2,startHpr=Vec3(90,-10,0),
+ hpr=Vec3(90,10,0), blendType='easeInOut'),
+ LerpHprInterval(partyBallRight, duration=.2,startHpr=Vec3(-90,10,0),
+ hpr=Vec3(-90,-10,0), blendType='easeInOut')),
+ Parallel(LerpHprInterval(partyBallLeft, duration=.2,startHpr=Vec3(90,10,0),
+ hpr=Vec3(90,0,0), blendType='easeInOut'),
+ LerpHprInterval(partyBallRight, duration=.2,startHpr=Vec3(-90,-10,0),
+ hpr=Vec3(-90,0,0), blendType='easeInOut')))
+ openBall = Parallel(LerpHprInterval(partyBallLeft, duration=.2,startHpr=Vec3(90,0,0), hpr=Vec3(90,30,0)),
+ LerpHprInterval(partyBallRight, duration=.2,startHpr=Vec3(-90,0,0), hpr=Vec3(-90,30,0)))
+ confettiNode = fanfareNode.attachNewNode('confetti')
+ confettiNode.setScale(3)
+ confettiNode.setZ(pos.getZ()+2.5)
+ # this method is used for the trumpet blowing. It is just a scale in/out
+ def longshake(models,num,duration):
+ inShake = getScaleBlendIntervals(models,duration=duration,startScale=.23,
+ endScale=.2,blendType='easeInOut')
+ outShake = getScaleBlendIntervals(models,duration=duration,startScale=.2,
+ endScale=.23,blendType='easeInOut')
+ i = 1
+ seq = Sequence()
+ while i < num:
+ if i % 2 == 0:
+ seq.append(inShake)
+ else:
+ seq.append(outShake)
+ i+=1
+ return seq
+ # just a way of getting two scale intervals for two different LOD models
+ def getScaleBlendIntervals(props, duration, startScale, endScale, blendType):
+ tracks = Parallel()
+ for prop in props:
+ tracks.append(LerpScaleInterval(prop, duration, endScale,
+ startScale=startScale,blendType=blendType))
+ return tracks
+ # creation of the two trumpets
+ trumpetNode = fanfareNode.attachNewNode('trumpetNode')
+ trumpet1 = globalPropPool.getProp('bugle')
+ trumpet2 = MovieUtil.copyProp(trumpet1)
+ trumpet1.reparentTo(trumpetNode)
+ trumpet1.setScale(.2)
+ # this should make it look at the player the fanfare centers on
+ trumpet1.setPos(2,2,1)
+ trumpet1.setHpr(120,65,0)
+ trumpet2.reparentTo(trumpetNode)
+ trumpet2.setScale(.2)
+ trumpet2.setPos(-2,2,1)
+ trumpet2.setHpr(-120,65,0)
+ # trumpets are initially transparent
+ trumpetNode.setTransparency(1)
+ trumpetNode.setColor(1,1,1,0)
+ trumpturn1 = LerpHprInterval(trumpet1,duration=4,startHpr=Vec3(80,15,0),
+ hpr=Vec3(150,40,0))
+ trumpturn2 = LerpHprInterval(trumpet2,duration=4,startHpr=Vec3(-80,15,0),
+ hpr=Vec3(-150,40,0))
+ trumpetTurn = Parallel(trumpturn1, trumpturn2)
+ #######################################################################
+ #######################################################################
+ BattleParticles.loadParticles()
+ confettiBlue = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect('Confetti')
+ confettiBlue.reparentTo(confettiNode)
+ blue_p0 = confettiBlue.getParticlesNamed('particles-1')
+ blue_p0.renderer.getColorInterpolationManager().addConstant(0.0,1.0,Vec4(0.0,0.0,1.0,1.0),1)
+ confettiYellow = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect('Confetti')
+ confettiYellow.reparentTo(confettiNode)
+ yellow_p0 = confettiYellow.getParticlesNamed('particles-1')
+ yellow_p0.renderer.getColorInterpolationManager().addConstant(0.0,1.0,Vec4(1.0,1.0,0.0,1.0),1)
+ confettiRed = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect('Confetti')
+ confettiRed.reparentTo(confettiNode)
+ red_p0 = confettiRed.getParticlesNamed('particles-1')
+ red_p0.renderer.getColorInterpolationManager().addConstant(0.0,1.0,Vec4(1.0,0.0,0.0,1.0),1)
+ #######################################################################
+ trumpetsAppear = LerpColorInterval(trumpetNode,.3,startColor=Vec4(1,1,0,0),
+ color=Vec4(1,1,0,1))
+ trumpetsVanish = LerpColorInterval(trumpetNode,.3,startColor=Vec4(1,1,0,1),
+ color=Vec4(1,1,0,0))
+ # loads sounds, puts crabHorn at the Horn part, cutting out the scuttle
+ crabHorn = globalBattleSoundCache.getSound('King_Crab.mp3')
+ drumroll = globalBattleSoundCache.getSound('SZ_MM_drumroll.mp3')
+ fanfare = globalBattleSoundCache.getSound('SZ_MM_fanfare.mp3')
+ crabHorn.setTime(1.5)
+ partyBall.setTransparency(1)
+ partyBall.setColorScale(1,1,1,1)
+ # ball intervals
+ ballAppear = Parallel(LerpColorScaleInterval(partyBallLeft,.3,startColorScale=Vec4(1,0,0,0),colorScale=Vec4(1,0,0,1)),
+ LerpColorScaleInterval(partyBallRight,.3,startColorScale=Vec4(1,1,0,0),colorScale=Vec4(1,1,0,1)))
+ ballVanish = Parallel(LerpColorScaleInterval(partyBallLeft,.3,startColorScale=Vec4(1,0,0,1),colorScale=Vec4(1,0,0,0)),
+ LerpColorScaleInterval(partyBallRight,.3,startColorScale=Vec4(1,1,0,1),colorScale=Vec4(1,1,0,0)))
+ # the trumpets playing and the sound for the trumpets
+ play = Parallel(SoundInterval(crabHorn, startTime=1.5, duration=4.0, node=toon),Sequence(Wait(.25),longshake([trumpet1,trumpet2],3,.2),
+ Wait(.5),longshake([trumpet1,trumpet2],3,.2),Wait(.5),
+ longshake([trumpet1,trumpet2],9,.1),longshake([trumpet1,trumpet2],3,.2)))
+ # particle interval
+ killParticles = Parallel(Func(blue_p0.setLitterSize,0),Func(red_p0.setLitterSize,0),Func(yellow_p0.setLitterSize,0))
+ p = Parallel(ParticleInterval(confettiBlue, confettiNode, worldRelative=0, duration=3, cleanup = True),
+ ParticleInterval(confettiRed, confettiNode, worldRelative=0, duration=3, cleanup = True),
+ ParticleInterval(confettiYellow, confettiNode, worldRelative=0, duration=3, cleanup = True))
+ pOff = Parallel(Func(confettiBlue.remove),
+ Func(confettiRed.remove),
+ Func(confettiYellow.remove))
+ partInterval = Parallel(p,Sequence(Wait(1.7),killParticles,Wait(1.3),
+ pOff,Func(p.finish)),
+ Sequence(Wait(3),Parallel(ballVanish)))
+ # sets up main interval
+ seq1 = Parallel(Sequence(Wait(delay+4.1),SoundInterval(drumroll, node=toon), Wait(.25),SoundInterval(fanfare,node=toon)),
+ Sequence(Wait(delay),trumpetsAppear,Wait(3),ballAppear,Wait(.5),
+ ballShake1,Wait(.1),ballShake2,Wait(.2),Wait(.1),
+ Parallel(openBall,partInterval),Func(fanfareNode.remove)))
+ seq = Parallel(seq1, Sequence(Wait(delay),Parallel(trumpetTurn,Sequence(Wait(.5),play)),
+ Wait(.5),trumpetsVanish))
+ # if we need to show a panel, we return the panel we created, otherwise we return the None
+ if panel != None:
+ return (seq, panel)
+ return (seq, None)
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/ b/toontown/src/battle/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cccb814
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+from toontown.toonbase.ToontownBattleGlobals import *
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from direct.fsm import StateData
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from toontown.battle import BattleBase
+from direct.gui.DirectGui import *
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+class FireCogPanel(StateData.StateData):
+ """TownBattleChooseAvatarPanel
+ This is the panel used for choosing a avatar to attack.
+ """
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('ChooseAvatarPanel')
+ def __init__(self, doneEvent):
+ self.notify.debug("Init choose panel...")
+ StateData.StateData.__init__(self, doneEvent)
+ # How many avatars in the battle?
+ self.numAvatars = 0
+ # Which was picked?
+ self.chosenAvatar = 0
+ # Is this for toons? (or suits?)
+ self.toon = 0
+ self.loaded = 0
+ return
+ def load(self):
+ gui = loader.loadModel("phase_3.5/models/gui/battle_gui")
+ self.frame = DirectFrame(
+ relief = None,
+ image = gui.find("**/BtlPick_TAB"),
+ image_color = Vec4(1,0.2,0.2,1),
+ )
+ self.frame.hide()
+ self.statusFrame = DirectFrame(
+ parent = self.frame,
+ relief = None,
+ image = gui.find("**/ToonBtl_Status_BG"),
+ image_color = Vec4(0.5,0.9,0.5,1),
+ pos = (0.611, 0, 0),
+ )
+ self.textFrame = DirectFrame(
+ parent = self.frame,
+ relief = None,
+ image = gui.find("**/PckMn_Select_Tab"),
+ image_color = Vec4(1,1,0,1),
+ image_scale = (1.0,1.0,2.0),
+ text = "",
+ text_fg = Vec4(0,0,0,1),
+ text_pos = (0,0.02,0),
+ text_scale = TTLocalizer.FCPtextFrameScale,
+ pos = (-0.013, 0, 0.013),
+ )
+ self.textFrame['text'] = (TTLocalizer.FireCogTitle % (localAvatar.getPinkSlips()))
+ self.avatarButtons = []
+ for i in range(4):
+ button = DirectButton(
+ parent = self.frame,
+ relief = None,
+ text = "",
+ text_fg = Vec4(0,0,0,1),
+ text_scale = 0.067,
+ text_pos = (0,-0.015,0),
+ textMayChange = 1,
+ image_scale = (1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ image = (gui.find("**/PckMn_Arrow_Up"),
+ gui.find("**/PckMn_Arrow_Dn"),
+ gui.find("**/PckMn_Arrow_Rlvr")),
+ command = self.__handleAvatar,
+ extraArgs = [i],
+ )
+ button.setScale(1,1,1)
+ button.setPos(0,0,0.2)
+ self.avatarButtons.append(button)
+ self.backButton = DirectButton(
+ parent = self.frame,
+ relief = None,
+ image = (gui.find("**/PckMn_BackBtn"),
+ gui.find("**/PckMn_BackBtn_Dn"),
+ gui.find("**/PckMn_BackBtn_Rlvr")),
+ pos = (-0.647, 0, 0.006),
+ scale = 1.05,
+ text = TTLocalizer.TownBattleChooseAvatarBack,
+ text_scale = 0.05,
+ text_pos = (0.01,-0.012),
+ text_fg = Vec4(0,0,0.8,1),
+ command = self.__handleBack,
+ )
+ gui.removeNode()
+ self.loaded = 1
+ return
+ def unload(self):
+ """unload(self)
+ """
+ if self.loaded:
+ self.frame.destroy()
+ del self.frame
+ del self.statusFrame
+ del self.textFrame
+ del self.avatarButtons
+ del self.backButton
+ self.loaded = 0
+ return
+ def enter(self, numAvatars, localNum=None, luredIndices=None, trappedIndices=None, track=None, fireCosts = None):
+ if not self.loaded:
+ self.load()
+ # Show the panel
+ # Place the buttons
+ # Suits that are lured should not be available to select for
+ # certain attacks
+ invalidTargets = []
+ if not self.toon:
+ if (len(luredIndices) > 0):
+ # You can't place a trap in front of a suit that is already lured
+ if (track == BattleBase.TRAP or track == BattleBase.LURE):
+ invalidTargets += luredIndices
+ if (len(trappedIndices) > 0):
+ # You can't place a trap in front of a suit that is already trapped
+ if (track == BattleBase.TRAP):
+ invalidTargets += trappedIndices
+ self.__placeButtons(numAvatars, invalidTargets, localNum, fireCosts)
+ # Force chat balloons to the margins while this is up.
+ # NametagGlobals.setOnscreenChatForced(1)
+ return
+ def exit(self):
+ # Hide the panel
+ self.frame.hide()
+ # NametagGlobals.setOnscreenChatForced(0)
+ return
+ def __handleBack(self):
+ doneStatus = {'mode' : 'Back'}
+ messenger.send(self.doneEvent, [doneStatus])
+ return
+ def __handleAvatar(self, avatar):
+ doneStatus = {'mode' : 'Avatar',
+ 'avatar' : avatar}
+ messenger.send(self.doneEvent, [doneStatus])
+ return
+ def adjustCogs(self, numAvatars, luredIndices, trappedIndices, track):
+ # Suits that are lured should not be available to select for
+ # certain attacks
+ invalidTargets = []
+ if (len(luredIndices) > 0):
+ # You can't place a trap in front of a suit that is already lured
+ if (track == BattleBase.TRAP or track == BattleBase.LURE):
+ invalidTargets += luredIndices
+ if (len(trappedIndices) > 0):
+ # You can't place a trap in front of a suit that is already trapped
+ if (track == BattleBase.TRAP):
+ invalidTargets += trappedIndices
+ self.__placeButtons(numAvatars, invalidTargets, None)
+ return
+ def adjustToons(self, numToons, localNum):
+ self.__placeButtons(numToons, [], localNum)
+ return
+ def __placeButtons(self, numAvatars, invalidTargets, localNum, fireCosts):
+ # Place the buttons. NOTE: Remember, from the toons point of view
+ # the avatars are numbered from right to left.
+ canfire = 0
+ for i in range(4):
+ # Only show the button if this avatar is in the battle
+ # and he is not in the invalidTargets list
+ if ((numAvatars > i) and (i not in invalidTargets) and (i != localNum)):
+ self.avatarButtons[i].show()
+ self.avatarButtons[i]['text'] = ""#("%s" % (fireCosts[i]))
+ if fireCosts[i] <= localAvatar.getPinkSlips():
+ self.avatarButtons[i]['state'] = DGG.NORMAL
+ self.avatarButtons[i]['text_fg'] = (0,0,0,1)
+ canfire = 1
+ else:
+ self.avatarButtons[i]['state'] = DGG.DISABLED
+ self.avatarButtons[i]['text_fg'] = (1.0,0,0,1)
+ else:
+ self.avatarButtons[i].hide()
+ if canfire:
+ self.textFrame['text'] = (TTLocalizer.FireCogTitle % (localAvatar.getPinkSlips()))
+ else:
+ self.textFrame['text'] = (TTLocalizer.FireCogLowTitle % (localAvatar.getPinkSlips()))
+ # Evenly positions the buttons on the bar
+ if numAvatars == 1:
+ self.avatarButtons[0].setX(0)
+ elif numAvatars == 2:
+ self.avatarButtons[0].setX(0.2)
+ self.avatarButtons[1].setX(-0.2)
+ elif numAvatars == 3:
+ self.avatarButtons[0].setX(0.4)
+ self.avatarButtons[1].setX(0.0)
+ self.avatarButtons[2].setX(-0.4)
+ elif numAvatars == 4:
+ self.avatarButtons[0].setX(0.6)
+ self.avatarButtons[1].setX(0.2)
+ self.avatarButtons[2].setX(-0.2)
+ self.avatarButtons[3].setX(-0.6)
+ else:
+ self.notify.error("Invalid number of avatars: %s" % numAvatars)
+ return None
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/ b/toontown/src/battle/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e58cfe5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+toonHealJokes = TTLocalizer.ToonHealJokes
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/ b/toontown/src/battle/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be1385f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/
@@ -0,0 +1,1108 @@
+from toontown.toonbase.ToontownBattleGlobals import *
+from BattleBase import *
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
+from direct.showbase import DirectObject
+import MovieFire
+import MovieSOS
+import MovieNPCSOS
+import MoviePetSOS
+import MovieHeal
+import MovieTrap
+import MovieLure
+import MovieSound
+import MovieThrow
+import MovieSquirt
+import MovieDrop
+import MovieSuitAttacks
+import MovieToonVictory
+import PlayByPlayText
+import BattleParticles
+from toontown.distributed import DelayDelete
+import BattleExperience
+from SuitBattleGlobals import *
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+import RewardPanel
+import random
+import MovieUtil
+from toontown.toon import Toon
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from toontown.toontowngui import TTDialog
+import copy
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+from toontown.toon import NPCToons
+camPos = Point3(14, 0, 10)
+camHpr = Vec3(89, -30, 0)
+randomBattleTimestamp = base.config.GetBool('random-battle-timestamp', 0)
+class Movie(DirectObject.DirectObject):
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('Movie')
+ def __init__(self, battle):
+ self.battle = battle
+ self.track = None
+ self.rewardPanel = None
+ self.playByPlayText = PlayByPlayText.PlayByPlayText()
+ self.playByPlayText.hide()
+ self.renderProps = []
+ self.hasBeenReset = 0
+ self.reset()
+ self.rewardHasBeenReset = 0
+ self.resetReward()
+ def cleanup(self):
+ self.reset()
+ self.resetReward()
+ self.battle = None
+ if (self.playByPlayText != None):
+ self.playByPlayText.cleanup()
+ self.playByPlayText = None
+ if (self.rewardPanel != None):
+ self.rewardPanel.cleanup()
+ self.rewardPanel = None
+ def needRestoreColor(self):
+ self.restoreColor = 1
+ def clearRestoreColor(self):
+ self.restoreColor = 0
+ def needRestoreHips(self):
+ self.restoreHips = 1
+ def clearRestoreHips(self):
+ self.restoreHips = 0
+ def needRestoreHeadScale(self):
+ self.restoreHeadScale = 1
+ def clearRestoreHeadScale(self):
+ self.restoreHeadScale = 0
+ def needRestoreToonScale(self):
+ self.restoreToonScale = 1
+ def clearRestoreToonScale(self):
+ self.restoreToonScale = 0
+ def needRestoreParticleEffect(self, effect):
+ self.specialParticleEffects.append(effect)
+ def clearRestoreParticleEffect(self, effect):
+ if (self.specialParticleEffects.count(effect) > 0):
+ self.specialParticleEffects.remove(effect)
+ def needRestoreRenderProp(self, prop):
+ self.renderProps.append(prop)
+ def clearRenderProp(self, prop):
+ if (self.renderProps.count(prop) > 0):
+ self.renderProps.remove(prop)
+ def restore(self):
+ """
+ This method should be called when the movie
+ needs to be terminated early and we need to restore any
+ toons to the state that they would be in if the movie
+ had continued
+ """
+ # Speculation: all this work is no longer needed now that
+ # interval.finish() guarantees completion.
+ return
+ assert(self.notify.debug('restore()'))
+ for toon in self.battle.activeToons:
+ # Undo any change in animation
+ toon.loop('neutral')
+ # Undo any change in position
+ origPos, origHpr = self.battle.getActorPosHpr(toon)
+ toon.setPosHpr(self.battle, origPos, origHpr)
+ # Remove any props from the toon's hands
+ hands = toon.getRightHands()[:]
+ hands += toon.getLeftHands()
+ for hand in hands:
+ props = hand.getChildren()
+ for prop in props:
+ # Don't remove the sticker book!
+ if (prop.getName() != 'book'):
+ MovieUtil.removeProp(prop)
+ # Undo FillWithLead, HotAir, Fired, Withdrawal, RubOut,
+ # FountainPen
+ if (self.restoreColor == 1):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('restore color for toon: %d' % \
+ toon.doId))
+ headParts = toon.getHeadParts()
+ torsoParts = toon.getTorsoParts()
+ legsParts = toon.getLegsParts()
+ partsList = [headParts, torsoParts, legsParts]
+ for parts in partsList:
+ for partNum in range(0, parts.getNumPaths()):
+ nextPart = parts.getPath(partNum)
+ nextPart.clearColorScale()
+ nextPart.clearTransparency()
+ # Undo RedTape
+ if (self.restoreHips == 1):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('restore hips for toon: %d' % \
+ toon.doId))
+ parts = toon.getHipsParts()
+ for partNum in range(0, parts.getNumPaths()):
+ nextPart = parts.getPath(partNum)
+ props = nextPart.getChildren()
+ for prop in props:
+ if (prop.getName() == 'redtape-tube.egg'):
+ MovieUtil.removeProp(prop)
+ # Unshrink HeadShrink
+ if (self.restoreHeadScale == 1):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('restore head scale for toon: %d' % \
+ toon.doId))
+ headScale = ToontownGlobals.toonHeadScales[]
+ for lod in toon.getLODNames():
+ toon.getPart('head', lod).setScale(headScale)
+ # Unshrink Downsize, restore toon back to proportion (1)
+ if (self.restoreToonScale == 1):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('restore toon scale for toon: %d' % \
+ toon.doId))
+ toon.setScale(1)
+ # In case the toon's head or arm parts have been altered, as with ReOrg,
+ # we restore those values
+ # Undo ReOrg of head parts, restore toon head parts back to correct places
+ assert(self.notify.debug('restore toon head parts for toon: %d' % toon.doId))
+ # Restore the position and hpr of the parts of the head, which
+ # were originally pos = 0, 0, 0 and hpr = -18.435, 0, 0
+ headParts = toon.getHeadParts()
+ for partNum in range(0, headParts.getNumPaths()):
+ part = headParts.getPath(partNum)
+ part.setHpr(0, 0, 0)#, startHpr = part.getHpr())
+ part.setPos(0, 0, 0)
+ assert(self.notify.debug('restore toon arm parts for toon: %d' % toon.doId))
+ # Now restore the hpr on the arm, sleeve, and hand parts,
+ # which were all originally hpr = 0, 0, 0
+ arms = toon.findAllMatches('**/arms')
+ sleeves = toon.findAllMatches('**/sleeves')
+ hands = toon.findAllMatches('**/hands')
+ for partNum in range(0, arms.getNumPaths()):
+ armPart = arms.getPath(partNum)
+ sleevePart = sleeves.getPath(partNum)
+ handsPart = hands.getPath(partNum)
+ armPart.setHpr(0, 0, 0)
+ sleevePart.setHpr(0, 0, 0)
+ handsPart.setHpr(0, 0, 0)
+ for suit in self.battle.activeSuits:
+ # Kludgey hack around mystery crash. Why are we cleaning up
+ # suits in this case anyway?
+ if suit._Actor__animControlDict != None:
+ # Undo any change in animation
+ suit.loop('neutral')
+ # A trap prop is no longer fresh
+ suit.battleTrapIsFresh = 0
+ # Undo any change in position
+ origPos, origHpr = self.battle.getActorPosHpr(suit)
+ suit.setPosHpr(self.battle, origPos, origHpr)
+ # Remove any props from the suit's hands
+ hands = [suit.getRightHand(), suit.getLeftHand()]
+ for hand in hands:
+ props = hand.getChildren()
+ for prop in props:
+ MovieUtil.removeProp(prop)
+ # Clean up any special particle effects
+ # RazzleDazzle, Rolodex
+ for effect in self.specialParticleEffects:
+ if (effect != None):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('restore particle effect: %s' % \
+ effect.getName()))
+ effect.cleanup()
+ self.specialParticleEffects = []
+ # Remove any props that are parented to render
+ for prop in self.renderProps:
+ MovieUtil.removeProp(prop)
+ self.renderProps = []
+ def _deleteTrack(self):
+ if self.track:
+ DelayDelete.cleanupDelayDeletes(self.track)
+ self.track = None
+ def reset(self, finish=0):
+ if (self.hasBeenReset == 1):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('reset() - movie was previously reset'))
+ return
+ self.hasBeenReset = 1
+ self.stop()
+ self._deleteTrack()
+ if (finish == 1):
+ self.restore()
+ self.toonAttackDicts = []
+ self.suitAttackDicts = []
+ self.restoreColor = 0
+ self.restoreHips = 0
+ self.restoreHeadScale = 0
+ self.restoreToonScale = 0
+ self.specialParticleEffects = []
+ for prop in self.renderProps:
+ MovieUtil.removeProp(prop)
+ self.renderProps = []
+ def resetReward(self, finish=0):
+ if (self.rewardHasBeenReset == 1):
+ assert(self.notify.debug(
+ 'resetReward() - movie was previously reset'))
+ return
+ self.rewardHasBeenReset = 1
+ self.stop()
+ self._deleteTrack()
+ if (finish == 1):
+ self.restore()
+ self.toonRewardDicts = []
+ if (self.rewardPanel != None):
+ self.rewardPanel.destroy()
+ self.rewardPanel = None
+ def play(self, ts, callback):
+ """ play(ts)
+ Play the toon and suit attacks and responses in order of
+ increasing entertainment value
+ """
+ self.hasBeenReset = 0
+ ptrack = Sequence()
+ camtrack = Sequence()
+ # Decide which side of the battle the camera should film from during this
+ # series of attacks
+ if (random.random() > 0.5):
+ MovieUtil.shotDirection = 'left'
+ else:
+ MovieUtil.shotDirection = 'right'
+ # Make sure that any traps on suits are not regarded as freshly thrown in this round
+ for s in self.battle.activeSuits:
+ s.battleTrapIsFresh = 0
+ (tattacks, tcam) = self.__doToonAttacks()
+ if (tattacks):
+ ptrack.append(tattacks)
+ camtrack.append(tcam)
+ (sattacks, scam) = self.__doSuitAttacks()
+ if (sattacks):
+ ptrack.append(sattacks)
+ camtrack.append(scam)
+ ptrack.append(Func(callback))
+ self._deleteTrack()
+ self.track = Sequence(ptrack, name='movie-track-%d' % self.battle.doId)
+ if (self.battle.localToonPendingOrActive()):
+ self.track = Parallel(self.track,
+ Sequence(camtrack),
+ name='movie-track-with-cam-%d' % self.battle.doId)
+ if (randomBattleTimestamp == 1):
+ randNum = random.randint(0, 99)
+ dur = self.track.getDuration()
+ ts = (float(randNum)/100.0) * dur
+ assert(self.notify.debug('play() - random timestamp: %f' % ts))
+ # Store a DelayDelete object within the track for each
+ # distributed object in the battle, so the track can execute
+ # without running into grief.
+ self.track.delayDeletes = []
+ for suit in self.battle.suits:
+ self.track.delayDeletes.append(DelayDelete.DelayDelete(suit, ''))
+ for toon in self.battle.toons:
+ self.track.delayDeletes.append(DelayDelete.DelayDelete(toon, ''))
+ self.track.start(ts)
+ return None
+ def finish(self):
+ """ finish()
+ End the battle movie before it's done playing
+ """
+ self.track.finish()
+ return None
+ def playReward(self, ts, name, callback):
+ self.rewardHasBeenReset = 0
+ ptrack = Sequence()
+ camtrack = Sequence()
+ self.rewardPanel = RewardPanel.RewardPanel(name)
+ self.rewardPanel.hide()
+ (victory, camVictory) = MovieToonVictory.doToonVictory(
+ self.battle.localToonActive(),
+ self.battle.activeToons,
+ self.toonRewardIds,
+ self.toonRewardDicts,
+ self.deathList,
+ self.rewardPanel,
+ 1,
+ self.uberList,
+ self.helpfulToonsList)
+ if (victory):
+ ptrack.append(victory)
+ camtrack.append(camVictory)
+ ptrack.append(Func(callback))
+ self._deleteTrack()
+ self.track = Sequence(ptrack,
+ name='movie-reward-track-%d' % self.battle.doId)
+ if (self.battle.localToonActive()):
+ self.track = Parallel(self.track,
+ camtrack,
+ name = 'movie-reward-track-with-cam-%d' % self.battle.doId)
+ self.track.delayDeletes = []
+ for t in self.battle.activeToons:
+ self.track.delayDeletes.append(DelayDelete.DelayDelete(t, 'Movie.playReward'))
+ self.track.start(ts)
+ return None
+ def playTutorialReward(self, ts, name, callback):
+ """
+ A special function for playing the tutorial reward movie after the
+ tutorial battle.
+ """
+ # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ self.rewardHasBeenReset = 0
+ self.rewardPanel = RewardPanel.RewardPanel(name)
+ self.rewardCallback = callback
+ # Generate quest progress intervals
+ # These aren't needed until playTutorialReward_3 but we will generate them here
+ # before the avatar's quest list is updated. If we wait until playTutorialReward_3
+ # then getQuestIntervalList will return an empty list because base.localAvatar.quests
+ # will have already been updated and the number of earned cogs will compute to be zero
+ self.questList = self.rewardPanel.getQuestIntervalList(
+ base.localAvatar,
+ # Flunky, Level 1, first toon was involved, not a skelecog
+ [0, 1, 1, 0],
+ [base.localAvatar],
+ base.localAvatar.quests[0],
+ [],
+ [base.localAvatar.getDoId()])
+ # Position the camera
+ camera.setPosHpr(0, 8, base.localAvatar.getHeight() * 0.66,
+ 179, 15, 0)
+ # Start phase one of the movie
+ self.playTutorialReward_1()
+ def playTutorialReward_1(self):
+ # Create a dialog box
+ self.tutRewardDialog_1 = TTDialog.TTDialog(
+ text = TTLocalizer.MovieTutorialReward1,
+ command = self.playTutorialReward_2,
+ style = TTDialog.Acknowledge,
+ fadeScreen = None,
+ pos = (0.65, 0, 0.5),
+ scale = 0.8,
+ )
+ self.tutRewardDialog_1.hide()
+ # play the first movie.
+ self._deleteTrack()
+ self.track = Sequence(name='tutorial-reward-1')
+ self.track.append(Func(self.rewardPanel.initGagFrame,
+ base.localAvatar,
+ [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+ [0, 0, 0, 0]))
+ self.track += self.rewardPanel.getTrackIntervalList(base.localAvatar, THROW_TRACK, 0, 1, 0)
+ self.track.append(Func(
+ self.track.start()
+ return
+ def playTutorialReward_2(self, value):
+ self.tutRewardDialog_1.cleanup()
+ # Create a dialog box
+ self.tutRewardDialog_2 = TTDialog.TTDialog(
+ text = TTLocalizer.MovieTutorialReward2,
+ command = self.playTutorialReward_3,
+ style = TTDialog.Acknowledge,
+ fadeScreen = None,
+ pos = (0.65, 0, 0.5),
+ scale = 0.8,
+ )
+ self.tutRewardDialog_2.hide()
+ # play the second movie.
+ self._deleteTrack()
+ self.track = Sequence(name='tutorial-reward-2')
+ self.track.append(Wait(1.0))
+ self.track += self.rewardPanel.getTrackIntervalList(base.localAvatar, SQUIRT_TRACK, 0, 1, 0)
+ self.track.append(Func(
+ self.track.start()
+ return
+ def playTutorialReward_3(self, value):
+ self.tutRewardDialog_2.cleanup()
+ from toontown.toon import Toon
+ from toontown.toon import ToonDNA
+ def doneChat1(page, elapsed = 0):
+ self.track2.start()
+ def doneChat2(elapsed):
+ self.track2.pause()
+ self.track3.start()
+ def uniqueName(hook):
+ return "TutorialTom-" + hook
+ self.tutorialTom = Toon.Toon()
+ dna = ToonDNA.ToonDNA()
+ dnaList = ("dll" ,"ms" ,"m" ,"m" ,7 ,0 ,7 ,7 ,2 ,6 ,2 ,6 ,2 ,16)
+ dna.newToonFromProperties(*dnaList)
+ self.tutorialTom.setDNA(dna)
+ self.tutorialTom.setName(TTLocalizer.NPCToonNames[20000])
+ self.tutorialTom.uniqueName = uniqueName
+ if base.config.GetString("language", "english") == "japanese":
+ self.tomDialogue03 = base.loadSfx("phase_3.5/audio/dial/CC_tom_movie_tutorial_reward01.mp3")
+ self.tomDialogue04 = base.loadSfx("phase_3.5/audio/dial/CC_tom_movie_tutorial_reward02.mp3")
+ self.tomDialogue05 = base.loadSfx("phase_3.5/audio/dial/CC_tom_movie_tutorial_reward03.mp3")
+ self.musicVolume = base.config.GetFloat(
+ "tutorial-music-volume", 0.5)
+ else:
+ self.tomDialogue03 = None
+ self.tomDialogue04 = None
+ self.tomDialogue05 = None
+ self.musicVolume = 0.9
+ # Need to lower battle music during dialogue
+ music =
+ # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ # Quest list is generated in playTutorialReward before the avatar's quest description
+ # is updated to reflect defeating the flunky
+ if self.questList:
+ self.track1 = Sequence(
+ Wait(1.0),
+ Func(self.rewardPanel.initQuestFrame,
+ base.localAvatar,
+ copy.deepcopy(base.localAvatar.quests)),
+ Wait(1.0),
+ Sequence(*self.questList),
+ Wait(1.0),
+ Func(self.rewardPanel.hide),
+ Func(camera.setPosHpr, render,
+ 34, 19.88, 3.48, -90, -2.36, 0),
+ Func(base.localAvatar.animFSM.request, "neutral"),
+ Func(base.localAvatar.setPosHpr,
+ 40.31, 22.00, -0.47, 150.00, 360.00, 0.00),
+ Wait(0.5),
+ Func(self.tutorialTom.reparentTo, render),
+ Func(,
+ Func(self.tutorialTom.setPosHpr,
+ 40.29, 17.9, -0.47, 11.31, 0.00, 0.07),
+ Func(self.tutorialTom.animFSM.request,'TeleportIn'),
+ Wait(1.5169999999999999),
+ Func(self.tutorialTom.animFSM.request, 'neutral'),
+ Func(self.acceptOnce,
+ self.tutorialTom.uniqueName("doneChatPage"),
+ doneChat1),
+ Func(self.tutorialTom.addActive),
+ Func(music.setVolume, self.musicVolume),
+ Func(self.tutorialTom.setLocalPageChat,
+ TTLocalizer.MovieTutorialReward3, 0, None,
+ [self.tomDialogue03]),
+ name='tutorial-reward-3a')
+ self.track2 = Sequence(
+ Func(self.acceptOnce,
+ self.tutorialTom.uniqueName("doneChatPage"),
+ doneChat2),
+ Func(self.tutorialTom.setLocalPageChat,
+ TTLocalizer.MovieTutorialReward4, 1, None,
+ [self.tomDialogue04]),
+ Func(self.tutorialTom.setPlayRate, 1.5, "right-hand-start"),
+ Func(,"right-hand-start"),
+ Wait(self.tutorialTom.getDuration("right-hand-start")/1.5),
+ Func(self.tutorialTom.loop,"right-hand"),
+ name='tutorial-reward-3b')
+ self.track3 = Parallel(
+ Sequence(
+ Func(self.tutorialTom.setPlayRate, -1.8,
+ "right-hand-start"),
+ Func(,"right-hand-start"),
+ Wait(self.tutorialTom.getDuration("right-hand-start")/1.8),
+ Func(self.tutorialTom.animFSM.request,'neutral'),
+ name='tutorial-reward-3ca'
+ ),
+ Sequence(
+ Wait(0.5),
+ Func(self.tutorialTom.setChatAbsolute, TTLocalizer.MovieTutorialReward5,
+ CFSpeech | CFTimeout, self.tomDialogue05),
+ Wait(1.0),
+ Func(self.tutorialTom.animFSM.request,'TeleportOut'),
+ Wait(self.tutorialTom.getDuration("teleport")),
+ Wait(1.0),
+ Func(self.playTutorialReward_4, 0),
+ name='tutorial-reward-3cb'
+ ),
+ name='tutorial-reward-3c')
+ self.track1.start()
+ else:
+ self.playTutorialReward_4(0)
+ return
+ def playTutorialReward_4(self, value):
+ # Point toon at toon headquarters
+ base.localAvatar.setH(270)
+ self.tutorialTom.removeActive()
+ self.tutorialTom.delete()
+ self.questList = None
+ self.rewardCallback()
+ return
+ def stop(self):
+ """ stop()
+ """
+ if (self.track):
+ self.track.finish()
+ self._deleteTrack()
+ # These next two are probably not needed.
+ if (self.rewardPanel):
+ self.rewardPanel.hide()
+ if (self.playByPlayText):
+ self.playByPlayText.hide()
+ def __doToonAttacks(self):
+ """ __doToonAttacks()
+ Create a track of all toon attacks in the proper order
+ """
+ assert(self.notify.debug("doToonAttacks"))
+ if base.config.GetBool("want-toon-attack-anims", 1):
+ track = Sequence(name='toon-attacks')
+ camTrack = Sequence(name='toon-attacks-cam')
+ (ival, camIval) = MovieFire.doFires(self.__findToonAttack(FIRE))
+ if (ival):
+ track.append(ival)
+ camTrack.append(camIval)
+ (ival, camIval) = MovieSOS.doSOSs(self.__findToonAttack(SOS))
+ if (ival):
+ track.append(ival)
+ camTrack.append(camIval)
+ (ival, camIval) = MovieNPCSOS.doNPCSOSs(self.__findToonAttack(NPCSOS))
+ if (ival):
+ track.append(ival)
+ camTrack.append(camIval)
+ (ival, camIval) = MoviePetSOS.doPetSOSs(self.__findToonAttack(PETSOS))
+ if (ival):
+ track.append(ival)
+ camTrack.append(camIval)
+ hasHealBonus = self.battle.getInteractivePropTrackBonus() == HEAL
+ (ival, camIval) = MovieHeal.doHeals(self.__findToonAttack(HEAL), hasHealBonus)
+ if (ival):
+ track.append(ival)
+ camTrack.append(camIval)
+ (ival, camIval) = MovieTrap.doTraps(self.__findToonAttack(TRAP))
+ if (ival):
+ track.append(ival)
+ camTrack.append(camIval)
+ (ival, camIval) = MovieLure.doLures(self.__findToonAttack(LURE))
+ if (ival):
+ track.append(ival)
+ camTrack.append(camIval)
+ (ival, camIval) = MovieSound.doSounds(self.__findToonAttack(SOUND))
+ if (ival):
+ track.append(ival)
+ camTrack.append(camIval)
+ (ival, camIval) = MovieThrow.doThrows(self.__findToonAttack(THROW))
+ if (ival):
+ track.append(ival)
+ camTrack.append(camIval)
+ (ival, camIval) = MovieSquirt.doSquirts(
+ self.__findToonAttack(SQUIRT))
+ if (ival):
+ track.append(ival)
+ camTrack.append(camIval)
+ (ival, camIval) = MovieDrop.doDrops(self.__findToonAttack(DROP))
+ if (ival):
+ track.append(ival)
+ camTrack.append(camIval)
+ if (len(track) == 0):
+ return (None, None)
+ else:
+ return (track, camTrack)
+ else:
+ return (None, None)
+ def genRewardDicts(self,
+ id0, origExp0, earnedExp0, origQuests0, items0, missedItems0,
+ origMerits0, merits0, parts0,
+ id1, origExp1, earnedExp1, origQuests1, items1, missedItems1,
+ origMerits1, merits1, parts1,
+ id2, origExp2, earnedExp2, origQuests2, items2, missedItems2,
+ origMerits2, merits2, parts2,
+ id3, origExp3, earnedExp3, origQuests3, items3, missedItems3,
+ origMerits3, merits3, parts3,
+ deathList, uberList, helpfulToonsList):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("deathList: " + str(deathList)))
+ self.deathList = deathList
+ self.helpfulToonsList = helpfulToonsList
+ entries = ((id0, origExp0, earnedExp0, origQuests0, items0, missedItems0,
+ origMerits0, merits0, parts0),
+ (id1, origExp1, earnedExp1, origQuests1, items1, missedItems1,
+ origMerits1, merits1, parts1),
+ (id2, origExp2, earnedExp2, origQuests2, items2, missedItems2,
+ origMerits2, merits2, parts2),
+ (id3, origExp3, earnedExp3, origQuests3, items3, missedItems3,
+ origMerits3, merits3, parts3))
+ self.toonRewardDicts = BattleExperience.genRewardDicts(entries)
+ self.toonRewardIds = [id0, id1, id2, id3]
+ self.uberList = uberList
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ def genAttackDicts(self, toons, suits,
+ id0, tr0, le0, tg0, hp0, ac0, hpb0, kbb0, died0, revive0,
+ id1, tr1, le1, tg1, hp1, ac1, hpb1, kbb1, died1, revive1,
+ id2, tr2, le2, tg2, hp2, ac2, hpb2, kbb2, died2, revive2,
+ id3, tr3, le3, tg3, hp3, ac3, hpb3, kbb3, died3, revive3,
+ sid0, at0, stg0, dm0, sd0, sb0, st0,
+ sid1, at1, stg1, dm1, sd1, sb1, st1,
+ sid2, at2, stg2, dm2, sd2, sb2, st2,
+ sid3, at3, stg3, dm3, sd3, sb3, st3):
+ """ genAttackDicts()
+ """
+ assert(self.notify.debug('genAttackDicts()'))
+ if (self.track and self.track.isPlaying()):
+ self.notify.warning('genAttackDicts() - track is playing!')
+ toonAttacks = ((id0, tr0, le0, tg0, hp0, ac0, hpb0, kbb0, died0, revive0),
+ (id1, tr1, le1, tg1, hp1, ac1, hpb1, kbb1, died1, revive1),
+ (id2, tr2, le2, tg2, hp2, ac2, hpb2, kbb2, died2, revive2),
+ (id3, tr3, le3, tg3, hp3, ac3, hpb3, kbb3, died3, revive3))
+ self.__genToonAttackDicts(toons, suits, toonAttacks)
+ suitAttacks = ((sid0, at0, stg0, dm0, sd0, sb0, st0),
+ (sid1, at1, stg1, dm1, sd1, sb1, st1),
+ (sid2, at2, stg2, dm2, sd2, sb2, st2),
+ (sid3, at3, stg3, dm3, sd3, sb3, st3))
+ self.__genSuitAttackDicts(toons, suits, suitAttacks)
+ def __genToonAttackDicts(self, toons, suits, toonAttacks):
+ """ Create a list of dictionaries for the
+ toon attacks, sorted by increasing level
+ """
+ assert(self.notify.debug('genToonAttackDicts() - toons: %s suits: %s toon attacks: %s' % (toons, suits, toonAttacks)))
+ for ta in toonAttacks:
+ targetGone = 0
+ track = ta[TOON_TRACK_COL]
+ if (track != NO_ATTACK):
+ adict = {}
+ toonIndex = ta[TOON_ID_COL]
+ assert(toonIndex < len(toons))
+ toonId = toons[toonIndex]
+ assert(toonId != -1)
+ toon = self.battle.findToon(toonId)
+ if (toon == None):
+ continue
+ level = ta[TOON_LVL_COL]
+ adict['toon'] = toon
+ adict['track'] = track
+ adict['level'] = level
+ hps = ta[TOON_HP_COL]
+ kbbonuses = ta[TOON_KBBONUS_COL]
+ # If it's an NPCSOS with a normal toon attack, do some
+ # extra prep work first
+ if (track == NPCSOS):
+ # This will indicate attack was NPCSOS after we change
+ # the track
+ adict['npcId'] = ta[TOON_TGT_COL]
+ toonId = ta[TOON_TGT_COL]
+ track, npc_level, npc_hp = NPCToons.getNPCTrackLevelHp(adict['npcId'])
+ if (track == None):
+ track = NPCSOS
+ adict['track'] = track
+ adict['level'] = npc_level
+ elif (track == PETSOS):
+ petId = ta[TOON_TGT_COL]
+ adict['toonId'] = toonId
+ adict['petId'] = petId
+ if (track == SOS):
+ # For an SOS, the target is a toonHandle to a friend
+ targetId = ta[TOON_TGT_COL]
+ assert(targetId != -1)
+ # We can only show the name of the toon being called
+ # to the toon calling for help and the toon being called
+ if (targetId == base.localAvatar.doId):
+ target = base.localAvatar
+ adict['targetType'] = 'callee'
+ elif (toon == base.localAvatar):
+ target =
+ assert(target != None)
+ adict['targetType'] = 'caller'
+ else:
+ target = None
+ adict['targetType'] = 'observer'
+ adict['target'] = target
+ elif (track == NPCSOS or
+ track == NPC_COGS_MISS or
+ track == NPC_TOONS_HIT or
+ track == NPC_RESTOCK_GAGS or
+ track == PETSOS):
+ adict['special'] = 1
+ toonHandles = []
+ for t in toons:
+ if (t != -1):
+ target = self.battle.findToon(t)
+ if (target == None):
+ continue
+ # NPC_TOONS_HIT is like Heal - it only works
+ # on other toons
+ if (track == NPC_TOONS_HIT and t == toonId):
+ continue
+ toonHandles.append(target)
+ adict['toons'] = toonHandles
+ suitHandles = []
+ for s in suits:
+ if (s != -1):
+ target = self.battle.findSuit(s)
+ if (target == None):
+ continue
+ suitHandles.append(target)
+ adict['suits'] = suitHandles
+ if (track == PETSOS):
+ del adict['special']
+ targets = []
+ for t in toons:
+ if (t != -1):
+ target = self.battle.findToon(t)
+ if (target == None):
+ continue
+ tdict = {}
+ tdict['toon'] = target
+ assert(toons.index(t) < len(hps))
+ tdict['hp'] = hps[toons.index(t)]
+ self.notify.debug("PETSOS: toon: %d healed for hp: %d" % (target.doId, hps[toons.index(t)]))
+ targets.append(tdict)
+ if (len(targets) > 0):
+ adict['target'] = targets
+ elif (track == HEAL):
+ # Odd level heals affect all toons (except the caster)
+ if (levelAffectsGroup(HEAL, level)):
+ targets = []
+ for t in toons:
+ if (t != toonId and t != -1):
+ target = self.battle.findToon(t)
+ if (target == None):
+ continue
+ tdict = {}
+ tdict['toon'] = target
+ assert(toons.index(t) < len(hps))
+ tdict['hp'] = hps[toons.index(t)]
+ self.notify.debug("HEAL: toon: %d healed for hp: %d" % (target.doId, hps[toons.index(t)]))
+ targets.append(tdict)
+ if (len(targets) > 0):
+ adict['target'] = targets
+ else:
+ targetGone = 1
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ else:
+ targetIndex = ta[TOON_TGT_COL]
+ if targetIndex < 0:
+ targetGone = 1
+ else:
+ assert(targetIndex < len(toons))
+ targetId = toons[targetIndex]
+ assert(targetId != -1)
+ target = self.battle.findToon(targetId)
+ if (target != None):
+ tdict = {}
+ tdict['toon'] = target
+ assert(targetIndex < len(hps))
+ tdict['hp'] = hps[targetIndex]
+ adict['target'] = tdict
+ else:
+ targetGone = 1
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ else:
+ # Odd level lures affect all suits
+ # Sounds affect all suits
+ # NPC drops and traps affect all suits
+ if (attackAffectsGroup(track, level, ta[TOON_TRACK_COL])):
+ targets = []
+ for s in suits:
+ if (s != -1):
+ target = self.battle.findSuit(s)
+ assert(target != None)
+ if (ta[TOON_TRACK_COL] == NPCSOS):
+ if (track == LURE and
+ self.battle.isSuitLured(target) == 1):
+ continue
+ elif (track == TRAP and
+ (self.battle.isSuitLured(target) == 1 or
+ target.battleTrap != NO_TRAP)):
+ continue
+ targetIndex = suits.index(s)
+ sdict = {}
+ sdict['suit'] = target
+ assert(targetIndex < len(hps))
+ sdict['hp'] = hps[targetIndex]
+ if (ta[TOON_TRACK_COL] == NPCSOS and
+ track == DROP and hps[targetIndex] == 0):
+ continue
+ sdict['kbbonus'] = kbbonuses[targetIndex]
+ sdict['died'] = ta[SUIT_DIED_COL] & \
+ (1< (suitIndex+1)):
+ for si in range(suitIndex+1, lenSuits):
+ asuit = self.battle.activeSuits[si]
+ if (self.battle.isSuitLured(asuit) == 0):
+ rightSuits.append(asuit)
+ sdict['leftSuits'] = leftSuits
+ sdict['rightSuits'] = rightSuits
+ assert(targetIndex < len(hps))
+ sdict['hp'] = hps[targetIndex]
+ sdict['kbbonus'] = kbbonuses[targetIndex]
+ sdict['died'] = ta[SUIT_DIED_COL] & (1< blevel):
+ return 1
+ elif (alevel < blevel):
+ return -1
+ return 0
+ self.toonAttackDicts.sort(compFunc)
+ def __findToonAttack(self, track):
+ """ Return a list of dictionaries for the
+ specified track, sorted by increasing level
+ """
+ assert(self.notify.debug("__findToonAttack"))
+ setCapture = 0
+ tp = []
+ for ta in self.toonAttackDicts:
+ if (ta['track'] == track or
+ (track == NPCSOS and ta.has_key('special'))):
+ assert self.notify.debug("tp.append(ta)")
+ tp.append(ta)
+ if track == SQUIRT:
+ setCapture = 1
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ # Do a special sort for TRAP attacks to ensure all non-NPC
+ # traps happen before NPC traps (if any)
+ if (track == TRAP):
+ sortedTraps = []
+ for attack in tp:
+ if (not attack.has_key('npcId')):
+ sortedTraps.append(attack)
+ for attack in tp:
+ if (attack.has_key('npcId')):
+ sortedTraps.append(attack)
+ assert(len(sortedTraps) == len(tp))
+ tp = sortedTraps
+ if setCapture:
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ pass
+ return tp
+ def __genSuitAttackDicts(self, toons, suits, suitAttacks):
+ """ Create a list of dictionaries for the suit attacks, sorted
+ by increasing level
+ """
+ assert(self.notify.debug('genSuitAttackDicts() - toons: %s suits: %s suit attacks: %s' % (toons, suits, suitAttacks)))
+ for sa in suitAttacks:
+ targetGone = 0
+ attack = sa[SUIT_ATK_COL]
+ if (attack != NO_ATTACK):
+ suitIndex = sa[SUIT_ID_COL]
+ assert(suitIndex < len(suits))
+ suitId = suits[suitIndex]
+ assert(suitId != -1)
+ suit = self.battle.findSuit(suitId)
+ if (suit == None):
+ self.notify.error('suit: %d not in battle!' % suitId)
+ adict = getSuitAttack(suit.getStyleName(), suit.getLevel(),
+ attack)
+ adict['suit'] = suit
+ adict['battle'] = self.battle
+ adict['playByPlayText'] = self.playByPlayText
+ adict['taunt'] = sa[SUIT_TAUNT_COL]
+ hps = sa[SUIT_HP_COL]
+ if (adict['group'] == ATK_TGT_GROUP):
+ assert(self.notify.debug(
+ 'genSuitAttackDicts() - group: %s' % toons))
+ targets = []
+ for t in toons:
+ if (t != -1):
+ target = self.battle.findToon(t)
+ if (target == None):
+ continue
+ targetIndex = toons.index(t)
+ tdict = {}
+ tdict['toon'] = target
+ assert(targetIndex < len(hps))
+ tdict['hp'] = hps[targetIndex]
+ self.notify.debug("DAMAGE: toon: %d hit for hp: %d" % (target.doId, hps[targetIndex]))
+ toonDied = sa[TOON_DIED_COL] & (1< 0):
+ adict['target'] = targets
+ else:
+ targetGone = 1
+ elif (adict['group'] == ATK_TGT_SINGLE):
+ targetIndex = sa[SUIT_TGT_COL]
+ assert(targetIndex < len(toons))
+ targetId = toons[targetIndex]
+ assert(targetId != -1)
+ target = self.battle.findToon(targetId)
+ if (target == None):
+ targetGone = 1
+ break
+ tdict = {}
+ tdict['toon'] = target
+ assert(targetIndex < len(hps))
+ tdict['hp'] = hps[targetIndex]
+ self.notify.debug("DAMAGE: toon: %d hit for hp: %d" % (target.doId, hps[targetIndex]))
+ toonDied = sa[TOON_DIED_COL] & (1< (toonIndex+1)):
+ for ti in range(toonIndex+1, lenToons):
+ leftToons.append(self.battle.activeToons[ti])
+ tdict['leftToons'] = leftToons
+ tdict['rightToons'] = rightToons
+ adict['target'] = tdict
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning('got suit attack not group or single!')
+ if (targetGone == 0):
+ self.suitAttackDicts.append(adict)
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning('genSuitAttackDicts() - target gone!')
+ """
+ # this sort needs to be done by the AI or it will result
+ # in a bug where multiple anims that kill a toon are played
+ # in the wrong order ('cogsmack')
+ # Sort the dictionaries by the level of the attacking suit
+ def compFunc(a, b):
+ alevel = a['suit'].getActualLevel()
+ blevel = b['suit'].getActualLevel()
+ if (alevel > blevel):
+ return 1
+ elif (alevel < blevel):
+ return -1
+ return 0
+ self.suitAttackDicts.sort(compFunc)
+ """
+ def __doSuitAttacks(self):
+ """ __doSuitAttacks()
+ Create a track of all suit attacks
+ """
+ if base.config.GetBool("want-suit-anims", 1):
+ track = Sequence(name = 'suit-attacks')
+ camTrack = Sequence(name = 'suit-attacks-cam')
+ for a in self.suitAttackDicts:
+ (ival, camIval) = MovieSuitAttacks.doSuitAttack(a)
+ if (ival):
+ track.append(ival)
+ camTrack.append(camIval)
+ if (len(track) == 0):
+ return (None, None)
+ return (track, camTrack)
+ else:
+ return (None, None)
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/ b/toontown/src/battle/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..327d7b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/
@@ -0,0 +1,1530 @@
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
+from BattleBase import *
+from BattleProps import *
+from toontown.toonbase.ToontownBattleGlobals import *
+from SuitBattleGlobals import *
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+import random
+import MovieUtil
+notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('MovieCamera')
+## _ _ _ ___ _ _
+## | || |___ __ _| | / __| |_ ___| |_ ___
+## | __ / -_) _` | | \__ \ ' \/ _ \ _(_-<
+## |_||_\___\__,_|_| |___/_||_\___/\__/__/
+def chooseHealShot(heals, attackDuration):
+ isUber = 0
+ for heal in heals:
+ if (heal["level"] == 6) and not (heal.get("petId")):
+ isUber = 1
+ # Compose the track
+ if isUber:
+ print("is uber")
+ # Pick an open shot
+ openShot = chooseHealOpenShot(heals, attackDuration, isUber)
+ openDuration = openShot.getDuration()
+ openName = openShot.getName()
+ # if the high dive is involved we want the gag to control camera and we
+ #cut straight to the closing shot.
+ # Pick a close shot
+ closeShot = chooseHealCloseShot(heals,
+ openDuration, openName, attackDuration * 3 , isUber)
+ track = Sequence(closeShot)
+ else:
+ # Pick an open shot
+ openShot = chooseHealOpenShot(heals, attackDuration, isUber)
+ openDuration = openShot.getDuration()
+ openName = openShot.getName()
+ # Pick a close shot
+ closeShot = chooseHealCloseShot(heals,
+ openDuration, openName, attackDuration, isUber)
+ track = Sequence(openShot, closeShot)
+ # Ensure we composed it to the right length
+ #assert track.getDuration() == attackDuration
+ # Return it
+ return track
+def chooseHealOpenShot(heals, attackDuration, isUber = 0):
+ # Setup
+ numHeals = len(heals)
+ av = None
+ duration = 2.8
+ if isUber:
+ duration = 5.0
+ # General purpose shots
+ shotChoices = [
+ toonGroupShot,
+ #allGroupLowShot, this is a bad choice
+ ]
+ # Pick a shot and return it
+ track = apply(random.choice(shotChoices), [av, duration])
+ return track
+def chooseHealMidShot(heals, attackDuration, isUber = 0):
+ # Setup
+ numHeals = len(heals)
+ av = None
+ duration = 2.1
+ if isUber:
+ duration = 2.1
+ # General purpose shots
+ shotChoices = [
+ toonGroupHighShot,
+ #allGroupLowShot, this is a bad choice
+ ]
+ # Pick a shot and return it
+ track = apply(random.choice(shotChoices), [av, duration])
+ return track
+def chooseHealCloseShot(heals,
+ openDuration, openName, attackDuration, isUber = 0):
+ # Setup
+ av = None
+ duration = attackDuration - openDuration
+ # General purpose shots
+ shotChoices = [
+ toonGroupShot,
+ # allGroupLowDiagonalShot, this is a bad choice
+ ]
+ if isUber:
+ shotChoices = [
+ allGroupLowShot,
+ # allGroupLowDiagonalShot, this is a bad choice
+ ]
+ # Pick a shot and return it
+ track = apply(random.choice(shotChoices), [av, duration])
+ return track
+## _____ ___ _ _
+## |_ _| _ __ _ _ __ / __| |_ ___| |_ ___
+## | || '_/ _` | '_ \ \__ \ ' \/ _ \ _(_-<
+## |_||_| \__,_| .__/ |___/_||_\___/\__/__/
+## |_|
+def chooseTrapShot(traps, attackDuration, enterDuration = 0,
+ exitDuration = 0):
+ enterShot = chooseNPCEnterShot(traps, enterDuration)
+ # Pick an open shot
+ openShot = chooseTrapOpenShot(traps, attackDuration)
+ openDuration = openShot.getDuration()
+ openName = openShot.getName()
+ # Pick a close shot
+ closeShot = chooseTrapCloseShot(traps,
+ openDuration, openName, attackDuration)
+ exitShot = chooseNPCExitShot(traps, exitDuration)
+ # Compose the track
+ track = Sequence(enterShot, openShot, closeShot, exitShot)
+ # Ensure we composed it to the right length
+ #assert track.getDuration() == attackDuration
+ # Return it
+ return track
+def chooseTrapOpenShot(traps, attackDuration):
+ # Setup
+ numTraps = len(traps)
+ av = None
+ duration = 3.0
+ # General purpose shots
+ shotChoices = [
+ allGroupLowShot,
+ ]
+ # Pick a shot and return it
+ track = apply(random.choice(shotChoices), [av, duration])
+ return track
+def chooseTrapCloseShot(traps,
+ openDuration, openName, attackDuration):
+ # Setup
+ av = None
+ duration = attackDuration - openDuration
+ # General purpose shots
+ shotChoices = [
+ allGroupLowShot,
+ ]
+ # Pick a shot and return it
+ track = apply(random.choice(shotChoices), [av, duration])
+ return track
+## _ ___ _ _
+## | | _ _ _ _ ___ / __| |_ ___| |_ ___
+## | |_| || | '_/ -_) \__ \ ' \/ _ \ _(_-<
+## |____\_,_|_| \___| |___/_||_\___/\__/__/
+def chooseLureShot(lures, attackDuration, enterDuration = 0.0,
+ exitDuration = 0.0):
+ enterShot = chooseNPCEnterShot(lures, enterDuration)
+ # Pick an open shot
+ openShot = chooseLureOpenShot(lures, attackDuration)
+ openDuration = openShot.getDuration()
+ openName = openShot.getName()
+ # Pick a close shot
+ closeShot = chooseLureCloseShot(lures,
+ openDuration, openName, attackDuration)
+ exitShot = chooseNPCExitShot(lures, exitDuration)
+ # Compose the track
+ track = Sequence(enterShot, openShot, closeShot, exitShot)
+ # Ensure we composed it to the right length
+ #assert track.getDuration() == attackDuration
+ # Return it
+ return track
+def chooseLureOpenShot(lures, attackDuration):
+ # Setup
+ numLures = len(lures)
+ av = None
+ duration = 3.0
+ # General purpose shots
+ shotChoices = [
+ allGroupLowShot,
+ ]
+ # Pick a shot and return it
+ track = apply(random.choice(shotChoices), [av, duration])
+ return track
+def chooseLureCloseShot(lures,
+ openDuration, openName, attackDuration):
+ # Setup
+ av = None
+ duration = attackDuration - openDuration
+ #figure out if any of the suits have a traintrack trap
+ #if we do the shot choices should be different
+ hasTrainTrackTrap = False
+ battle = lures[0]['battle']
+ for suit in battle.suits:
+ if hasattr(suit,'battleTrap') and suit.battleTrap == UBER_GAG_LEVEL_INDEX:
+ hasTrainTrackTrap = True
+ if hasTrainTrackTrap:
+ shotChoices = [
+ avatarBehindHighRightShot,
+ ]
+ av = lures[0]['toon']
+ pass
+ else:
+ # General purpose shots
+ shotChoices = [
+ allGroupLowShot,
+ ]
+ # Pick a shot and return it
+ track = apply(random.choice(shotChoices), [av, duration])
+ return track
+## ___ _ ___ _ _
+## / __| ___ _ _ _ _ __| | / __| |_ ___| |_ ___
+## \__ \/ _ \ || | ' \/ _` | \__ \ ' \/ _ \ _(_-<
+## |___/\___/\_,_|_||_\__,_| |___/_||_\___/\__/__/
+def chooseSoundShot(sounds, targets, attackDuration, enterDuration = 0.0,
+ exitDuration = 0.0):
+ enterShot = chooseNPCEnterShot(sounds, enterDuration)
+ # Pick an open shot
+ openShot = chooseSoundOpenShot(sounds, targets, attackDuration)
+ openDuration = openShot.getDuration()
+ openName = openShot.getName()
+ # Pick a close shot
+ closeShot = chooseSoundCloseShot(sounds, targets,
+ openDuration, openName, attackDuration)
+ exitShot = chooseNPCExitShot(sounds, exitDuration)
+ # Compose the track
+ track = Sequence(enterShot, openShot, closeShot, exitShot)
+ # Ensure we composed it to the right length
+ #assert track.getDuration() == attackDuration
+ # Return it
+ return track
+def chooseSoundOpenShot(sounds, targets, attackDuration):
+ # Setup
+ duration = 3.1
+ isUber = 0
+ for sound in sounds:
+ if sound["level"] == 6 :
+ isUber = 1
+ duration = 5.0
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ numSounds = len(sounds)
+ av = None
+ # The single toon case
+ if numSounds == 1:
+ # The attacking Toon
+ av = sounds[0]['toon']
+ # Single toon choices
+ if isUber:
+ shotChoices = [
+ avatarCloseUpThreeQuarterRightShotWide,
+ allGroupLowShot,
+ suitGroupThreeQuarterLeftBehindShot,
+ ]
+ else:
+ shotChoices = [
+ avatarCloseUpThreeQuarterRightShot,
+ allGroupLowShot,
+ suitGroupThreeQuarterLeftBehindShot,
+ ]
+ # The multi toon case
+ elif numSounds >= 2 and numSounds <= 4:
+ # Multi suit choices
+ shotChoices = [
+ allGroupLowShot,
+ suitGroupThreeQuarterLeftBehindShot,
+ ]
+ else:
+ notify.error("Bad number of sounds: %s" % numSounds)
+ # Pick a shot and return it
+ track = apply(random.choice(shotChoices), [av, duration])
+ return track
+def chooseSoundCloseShot(sounds, targets,
+ openDuration, openName, attackDuration):
+ # Setup
+ numSuits = len(targets)
+ av = None
+ duration = attackDuration - openDuration
+ # The single suit case
+ if numSuits == 1:
+ # The attacked suit
+ av = targets[0]['suit']
+ # Single suit choices
+ shotChoices = [
+ avatarCloseUpThrowShot,
+ avatarCloseUpThreeQuarterLeftShot,
+ allGroupLowShot,
+ suitGroupThreeQuarterLeftBehindShot,
+ ]
+ # The multi suit case
+ elif numSuits >= 2 and numSuits <= 4:
+ # Multi suit choices
+ shotChoices = [
+ allGroupLowShot,
+ suitGroupThreeQuarterLeftBehindShot,
+ ]
+ else:
+ notify.error("Bad number of suits: %s" % numSuits)
+ # Pick a shot and return it
+ track = apply(random.choice(shotChoices), [av, duration])
+ return track
+## _____ _ ___ _ _
+## |_ _| |_ _ _ _____ __ __ / __| |_ ___| |_ ___
+## | | | ' \| '_/ _ \ V V / \__ \ ' \/ _ \ _(_-<
+## |_| |_||_|_| \___/\_/\_/ |___/_||_\___/\__/__/
+def chooseThrowShot(throws, suitThrowsDict, attackDuration):
+ # Pick an open shot
+ openShot = chooseThrowOpenShot(throws, suitThrowsDict, attackDuration)
+ openDuration = openShot.getDuration()
+ openName = openShot.getName()
+ # Pick a close shot
+ closeShot = chooseThrowCloseShot(throws, suitThrowsDict,
+ openDuration, openName, attackDuration)
+ # Compose the track
+ track = Sequence(openShot, closeShot)
+ # Ensure we composed it to the right length
+ #assert track.getDuration() == attackDuration
+ # Return it
+ return track
+def chooseThrowOpenShot(throws, suitThrowsDict, attackDuration):
+ # Setup
+ numThrows = len(throws)
+ av = None
+ duration = 3.0
+ # The single toon case
+ if numThrows == 1:
+ # The attacking Toon
+ av = throws[0]['toon']
+ # Single toon choices
+ shotChoices = [
+ avatarCloseUpThrowShot,
+ avatarCloseUpThreeQuarterRightShot,
+ avatarBehindShot,
+ allGroupLowShot,
+ suitGroupThreeQuarterLeftBehindShot,
+ ]
+ # The multi toon case
+ elif numThrows >= 2 and numThrows <= 4:
+ # Multi suit choices
+ shotChoices = [
+ allGroupLowShot,
+ suitGroupThreeQuarterLeftBehindShot,
+ ]
+ else:
+ notify.error("Bad number of throws: %s" % numThrows)
+ # Pick a shot and return it
+ track = apply(random.choice(shotChoices), [av, duration])
+ # Set up the play by play text
+ # Whoops! No play by play for toons, since the multi-toon case is
+ # confusing...
+ #pbpText = attack['playByPlayText']
+ #pbpTrack = pbpText.getShowInterval(attack['prettyName'], duration)
+ #mtrack = Parallel(track, pbpTrack)
+ return track
+def chooseThrowCloseShot(throws, suitThrowsDict,
+ openDuration, openName, attackDuration):
+ # Setup
+ numSuits = len(suitThrowsDict)
+ av = None
+ duration = attackDuration - openDuration
+ # The single suit case
+ if numSuits == 1:
+ # The attacked suit
+ av =[suitThrowsDict.keys()[0]]
+ # Single suit choices
+ shotChoices = [
+ avatarCloseUpThrowShot,
+ avatarCloseUpThreeQuarterLeftShot,
+ allGroupLowShot,
+ suitGroupThreeQuarterLeftBehindShot,
+ ]
+ # The multi suit case (RAU we could get 0 for uber throw)
+ elif (numSuits >= 2 and numSuits <= 4) or (numSuits==0):
+ # Multi suit choices
+ shotChoices = [
+ allGroupLowShot,
+ suitGroupThreeQuarterLeftBehindShot,
+ ]
+ else:
+ notify.error("Bad number of suits: %s" % numSuits)
+ # Pick a shot and return it
+ track = apply(random.choice(shotChoices), [av, duration])
+ return track
+## ___ _ _ ___ _ _
+## / __| __ _ _ _(_)_ _| |_ / __| |_ ___| |_ ___
+## \__ \/ _` | || | | '_| _| \__ \ ' \/ _ \ _(_-<
+## |___/\__, |\_,_|_|_| \__| |___/_||_\___/\__/__/
+## |_|
+def chooseSquirtShot(squirts, suitSquirtsDict, attackDuration):
+ # Pick an open shot
+ openShot = chooseSquirtOpenShot(squirts, suitSquirtsDict, attackDuration)
+ openDuration = openShot.getDuration()
+ openName = openShot.getName()
+ # Pick a close shot
+ closeShot = chooseSquirtCloseShot(squirts, suitSquirtsDict,
+ openDuration, openName, attackDuration)
+ # Compose the track
+ track = Sequence(openShot, closeShot)
+ # Ensure we composed it to the right length
+ #assert track.getDuration() == attackDuration
+ # Return it
+ return track
+def chooseSquirtOpenShot(squirts, suitSquirtsDict, attackDuration):
+ # Setup
+ numSquirts = len(squirts)
+ av = None
+ duration = 3.0
+ # The single toon case
+ if numSquirts == 1:
+ # The attacking Toon
+ av = squirts[0]['toon']
+ # Single toon choices
+ shotChoices = [
+ avatarCloseUpThrowShot,
+ avatarCloseUpThreeQuarterRightShot,
+ avatarBehindShot,
+ allGroupLowShot,
+ suitGroupThreeQuarterLeftBehindShot,
+ ]
+ # The multi toon case
+ elif numSquirts >= 2 and numSquirts <= 4:
+ # Multi suit choices
+ shotChoices = [
+ allGroupLowShot,
+ suitGroupThreeQuarterLeftBehindShot,
+ ]
+ else:
+ notify.error("Bad number of squirts: %s" % numSquirts)
+ # Pick a shot and return it
+ track = apply(random.choice(shotChoices), [av, duration])
+ return track
+def chooseSquirtCloseShot(squirts, suitSquirtsDict,
+ openDuration, openName, attackDuration):
+ # Setup
+ numSuits = len(suitSquirtsDict)
+ av = None
+ duration = attackDuration - openDuration
+ # The single suit case
+ if numSuits == 1:
+ # The attacked suit
+ av =[suitSquirtsDict.keys()[0]]
+ # Single suit choices
+ shotChoices = [
+ avatarCloseUpThrowShot,
+ avatarCloseUpThreeQuarterLeftShot,
+ allGroupLowShot,
+ suitGroupThreeQuarterLeftBehindShot,
+ ]
+ # The multi suit case
+ elif numSuits >= 2 and numSuits <= 4:
+ # Multi suit choices
+ shotChoices = [
+ allGroupLowShot,
+ suitGroupThreeQuarterLeftBehindShot,
+ ]
+ else:
+ notify.error("Bad number of suits: %s" % numSuits)
+ # Pick a shot and return it
+ track = apply(random.choice(shotChoices), [av, duration])
+ return track
+## ___ ___ _ _
+## | \ _ _ ___ _ __ / __| |_ ___| |_ ___
+## | |) | '_/ _ \ '_ \ \__ \ ' \/ _ \ _(_-<
+## |___/|_| \___/ .__/ |___/_||_\___/\__/__/
+## |_|
+def chooseDropShot(drops, suitDropsDict, attackDuration, enterDuration = 0.0,
+ exitDuration = 0.0):
+ enterShot = chooseNPCEnterShot(drops, enterDuration)
+ # Pick an open shot
+ openShot = chooseDropOpenShot(drops, suitDropsDict, attackDuration)
+ openDuration = openShot.getDuration()
+ openName = openShot.getName()
+ # Pick a close shot
+ closeShot = chooseDropCloseShot(drops, suitDropsDict,
+ openDuration, openName, attackDuration)
+ exitShot = chooseNPCExitShot(drops, exitDuration)
+ # Compose the track
+ track = Sequence(enterShot, openShot, closeShot, exitShot)
+ # Ensure we composed it to the right length
+ #assert track.getDuration() == attackDuration
+ # Return it
+ return track
+def chooseDropOpenShot(drops, suitDropsDict, attackDuration):
+ # Setup
+ numDrops = len(drops)
+ av = None
+ duration = 3.0
+ # The single toon case
+ if numDrops == 1:
+ # The attacking Toon
+ av = drops[0]['toon']
+ # Single toon choices
+ shotChoices = [
+ avatarCloseUpThrowShot,
+ avatarCloseUpThreeQuarterRightShot,
+ avatarBehindShot,
+ allGroupLowShot,
+ suitGroupThreeQuarterLeftBehindShot,
+ ]
+ # The multi toon case (Uber drop gag can give 0 single drops)
+ elif (numDrops >= 2 and numDrops <= 4) or (numDrops == 0):
+ # Multi suit choices
+ shotChoices = [
+ allGroupLowShot,
+ suitGroupThreeQuarterLeftBehindShot,
+ ]
+ else:
+ notify.error("Bad number of drops: %s" % numDrops)
+ # Pick a shot and return it
+ track = apply(random.choice(shotChoices), [av, duration])
+ return track
+def chooseDropCloseShot(drops, suitDropsDict,
+ openDuration, openName, attackDuration):
+ # Setup
+ numSuits = len(suitDropsDict)
+ av = None
+ duration = attackDuration - openDuration
+ # The single suit case
+ if numSuits == 1:
+ # The attacked suit
+ av =[suitDropsDict.keys()[0]]
+ # Single suit choices
+ shotChoices = [
+ avatarCloseUpThrowShot,
+ avatarCloseUpThreeQuarterLeftShot,
+ allGroupLowShot,
+ suitGroupThreeQuarterLeftBehindShot,
+ ]
+ # The multi toon case (Uber drop gag can give 0 single drops)
+ elif (numSuits >= 2 and numSuits <= 4) or (numSuits == 0):
+ # Multi suit choices
+ shotChoices = [
+ allGroupLowShot,
+ suitGroupThreeQuarterLeftBehindShot,
+ ]
+ else:
+ notify.error("Bad number of suits: %s" % numSuits)
+ # Pick a shot and return it
+ choice = random.choice(shotChoices)
+ track = choice(av, duration)
+ return track
+# NPC Enter and Exit Shots
+def chooseNPCEnterShot(enters, entersDuration):
+ # Setup
+ av = None
+ duration = entersDuration
+ # General purpose shots
+ shotChoices = [
+ toonGroupShot,
+ ]
+ # Pick a shot and return it
+ track = apply(random.choice(shotChoices), [av, duration])
+ return track
+def chooseNPCExitShot(exits, exitsDuration):
+ # Setup
+ av = None
+ duration = exitsDuration
+ # General purpose shots
+ shotChoices = [
+ toonGroupShot,
+ ]
+ # Pick a shot and return it
+ track = apply(random.choice(shotChoices), [av, duration])
+ return track
+## ___ _ _ ___ _ _
+## / __|_ _(_) |_ / __| |_ ___| |_ ___
+## \__ \ || | | _| \__ \ ' \/ _ \ _(_-<
+## |___/\_,_|_|\__| |___/_||_\___/\__/__/
+def chooseSuitShot(attack, attackDuration):
+ groupStatus = attack['group']
+ target = attack['target']
+ # If the attack is a single attack, can focus in on the target toon
+ if groupStatus == ATK_TGT_SINGLE:
+ toon = target['toon']
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ name = attack['id']
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ camTrack = Sequence()
+ # The default camera operation of a random opening and closing shot
+ def defaultCamera(attack=attack, attackDuration=attackDuration,
+ openShotDuration=3.5, target=target):
+ if attack['group'] == ATK_TGT_GROUP:
+ return randomGroupAttackCam(attack['suit'], target, attack['battle'],
+ attackDuration, openShotDuration)
+# return randomCameraSelection(attack['suit'], attack,
+# attackDuration, openShotDuration)
+ else:
+ return randomAttackCam(attack['suit'], target['toon'], attack['battle'],
+ attackDuration, openShotDuration, 'suit')
+ # Pick an open shot, based on the attack
+ if (name == AUDIT):
+ camTrack.append(defaultCamera())
+ elif (name == BITE):
+ camTrack.append(defaultCamera(openShotDuration=2.8))
+ elif (name == BOUNCE_CHECK):
+ camTrack.append(defaultCamera())
+ elif (name == BRAIN_STORM):
+ camTrack.append(defaultCamera(openShotDuration=2.4))
+ elif (name == BUZZ_WORD):
+ camTrack.append(defaultCamera(openShotDuration=4.7))
+ elif (name == CALCULATE):
+ camTrack.append(defaultCamera())
+ elif (name == CANNED):
+ camTrack.append(defaultCamera(openShotDuration=2.9))
+ elif (name == CHOMP):
+ camTrack.append(defaultCamera(openShotDuration=2.8))
+ elif (name == CLIPON_TIE):
+ camTrack.append(defaultCamera(openShotDuration=3.3))
+ elif (name == CRUNCH):
+ camTrack.append(defaultCamera(openShotDuration=3.4))
+ elif (name == DEMOTION):
+ camTrack.append(defaultCamera(openShotDuration=1.7))
+ elif (name == DOUBLE_TALK):
+ camTrack.append(defaultCamera(openShotDuration=3.9))
+ elif (name == EVICTION_NOTICE):
+ camTrack.append(defaultCamera(openShotDuration=3.2))
+ elif (name == EVIL_EYE):
+ camTrack.append(defaultCamera(openShotDuration=2.7))
+ elif (name == FILIBUSTER):
+ camTrack.append(defaultCamera(openShotDuration=2.7))
+ elif (name == FILL_WITH_LEAD):
+ camTrack.append(defaultCamera(openShotDuration=3.2))
+ elif (name == FINGER_WAG):
+ camTrack.append(defaultCamera(openShotDuration=2.3))
+ elif (name == FIRED):
+ camTrack.append(defaultCamera(openShotDuration=1.7))
+ elif (name == FOUNTAIN_PEN):
+ camTrack.append(defaultCamera(openShotDuration=2.6))
+ elif (name == FREEZE_ASSETS):
+ camTrack.append(defaultCamera(openShotDuration=2.5))
+ elif (name == HALF_WINDSOR):
+ camTrack.append(defaultCamera(openShotDuration=2.8))
+ elif (name == HEAD_SHRINK):
+ camTrack.append(defaultCamera(openShotDuration=1.3))
+ elif (name == GLOWER_POWER):
+ camTrack.append(defaultCamera(openShotDuration=1.4))
+ elif (name == GUILT_TRIP):
+ camTrack.append(defaultCamera(openShotDuration=0.9))
+ elif (name == HANG_UP):
+ camTrack.append(defaultCamera(openShotDuration=5.1))
+ elif (name == HOT_AIR):
+ camTrack.append(defaultCamera(openShotDuration=2.5))
+ elif (name == JARGON):
+ camTrack.append(defaultCamera())
+ elif (name == LEGALESE):
+ camTrack.append(defaultCamera(openShotDuration=1.5))
+ elif (name == LIQUIDATE):
+ camTrack.append(defaultCamera(openShotDuration=2.5))
+ elif (name == MARKET_CRASH):
+ camTrack.append(defaultCamera(openShotDuration=2.9))
+ elif (name == MUMBO_JUMBO):
+ camTrack.append(defaultCamera(openShotDuration=2.8))
+ elif (name == PARADIGM_SHIFT):
+ camTrack.append(defaultCamera(openShotDuration=1.6))
+ elif (name == PECKING_ORDER):
+ camTrack.append(defaultCamera(openShotDuration=2.8))
+ elif (name == PLAY_HARDBALL):
+ camTrack.append(defaultCamera(openShotDuration=2.3))
+ elif (name == PICK_POCKET):
+ camTrack.append(allGroupLowShot(suit, 2.7))
+ elif (name == PINK_SLIP):
+ camTrack.append(defaultCamera(openShotDuration=2.8))
+ elif (name == POUND_KEY):
+ camTrack.append(defaultCamera(openShotDuration=2.8))
+ elif (name == POWER_TIE):
+ camTrack.append(defaultCamera(openShotDuration=2.4))
+ elif (name == POWER_TRIP):
+ camTrack.append(defaultCamera(openShotDuration=1.1))
+ elif (name == QUAKE):
+ shakeIntensity = 5.15
+ quake = 1 # Quake applies an extra side shake for greater damage effect
+ camTrack.append(suitCameraShakeShot(suit, attackDuration,
+ shakeIntensity, quake))
+ elif (name == RAZZLE_DAZZLE):
+ camTrack.append(defaultCamera(openShotDuration=2.2))
+ elif (name == RED_TAPE):
+ camTrack.append(defaultCamera(openShotDuration=3.5))
+ elif (name == RE_ORG):
+ camTrack.append(defaultCamera(openShotDuration=1.1))
+ elif (name == RESTRAINING_ORDER):
+ camTrack.append(defaultCamera(openShotDuration=2.8))
+ elif (name == ROLODEX):
+ camTrack.append(defaultCamera())
+ elif (name == RUBBER_STAMP):
+ camTrack.append(defaultCamera(openShotDuration=3.2))
+ elif (name == RUB_OUT):
+ camTrack.append(defaultCamera(openShotDuration=2.2))
+ elif (name == SACKED):
+ camTrack.append(defaultCamera(openShotDuration=2.9))
+ elif (name == SCHMOOZE):
+ camTrack.append(defaultCamera(openShotDuration=2.8))
+ elif (name == SHAKE):
+ shakeIntensity = 1.75
+ camTrack.append(suitCameraShakeShot(suit, attackDuration,
+ shakeIntensity))
+ elif (name == SHRED):
+ camTrack.append(defaultCamera(openShotDuration=4.1))
+ elif (name == SPIN):
+ camTrack.append(defaultCamera(openShotDuration=1.7))
+ elif (name == SYNERGY):
+ camTrack.append(defaultCamera(openShotDuration=1.7))
+ elif (name == TABULATE):
+ camTrack.append(defaultCamera())
+ elif (name == TEE_OFF):
+ camTrack.append(defaultCamera(openShotDuration=4.5))
+ elif (name == TREMOR):
+ shakeIntensity = 0.25
+ camTrack.append(suitCameraShakeShot(suit, attackDuration, shakeIntensity))
+ elif (name == WATERCOOLER):
+ camTrack.append(defaultCamera())
+ elif (name == WITHDRAWAL):
+ camTrack.append(defaultCamera(openShotDuration=1.2))
+ elif (name == WRITE_OFF):
+ camTrack.append(defaultCamera())
+ else:
+ notify.warning('unknown attack id in chooseSuitShot: %d using default cam' \
+ % name)
+ camTrack.append(defaultCamera())
+ # Set up the play by play text
+ pbpText = attack['playByPlayText']
+ displayName = TTLocalizer.SuitAttackNames[attack['name']]
+ pbpTrack = pbpText.getShowInterval(displayName, 3.5)
+ return Parallel(camTrack, pbpTrack)
+def chooseSuitCloseShot(attack,
+ openDuration, openName, attackDuration):
+ # Setup
+ av = None
+ duration = attackDuration - openDuration
+ if (duration < 0): # If the duration is negative (bug), safely make it negligible
+ duration = 0.000001
+ groupStatus = attack['group']
+ diedTrack = None
+ # The single toon case
+ if groupStatus == ATK_TGT_SINGLE:
+ # The attacked toon
+ av = attack['target']['toon']
+ # Single suit choices
+ shotChoices = [
+ #avatarBehindShot,
+ #avatarBehindHighShot,
+ avatarCloseUpThreeQuarterRightShot,
+ #allGroupLowShot,
+ suitGroupThreeQuarterLeftBehindShot,
+ ]
+ died = attack['target']['died']
+ if died != 0:
+ # If av died, make a parallel track
+ pbpText = attack['playByPlayText']
+ diedText = av.getName() + " was defeated!"
+ diedTextList = [diedText]
+ diedTrack = pbpText.getToonsDiedInterval(diedTextList,
+ duration)
+ # The multi toon case
+ elif groupStatus == ATK_TGT_GROUP:
+ av = None
+ # Multi toon choices
+ shotChoices = [
+ allGroupLowShot,
+ suitGroupThreeQuarterLeftBehindShot,
+ ]
+ deadToons = []
+ targetDicts = attack['target']
+ for targetDict in targetDicts:
+ died = targetDict['died']
+ if died != 0:
+ deadToons.append(targetDict['toon'])
+ if len(deadToons) > 0:
+ pbpText = attack['playByPlayText']
+ diedTextList = []
+ for toon in deadToons:
+ pbpText = attack['playByPlayText']
+ diedTextList.append(toon.getName() + " was defeated!")
+ diedTrack = pbpText.getToonsDiedInterval(diedTextList, duration)
+ else:
+ notify.error("Bad groupStatus: %s" % groupStatus)
+ # Pick a shot and return it
+ track = apply(random.choice(shotChoices), [av, duration])
+ if diedTrack == None:
+ return track
+ else:
+ mtrack = Parallel(track, diedTrack)
+ return mtrack
+def makeShot(x, y, z, h, p, r, duration, other=None, name='makeShot'):
+ """ makeShot() creates a held shot, with keyword arg for a relative held shot """
+ if other:
+ return heldRelativeShot(other, x, y, z, h, p, r, duration, name)
+ else:
+ return heldShot(x, y, z, h, p, r, duration, name)
+def focusShot(x, y, z, duration, target, other=None, splitFocusPoint=None, name='focusShot'):
+ """ focusShot() creates a held shot with camera focused on target arg """
+ track = Sequence()
+ if other:
+ track.append(Func(camera.setPos, other, Point3(x, y, z)))
+ else:
+ track.append(Func(camera.setPos, Point3(x, y, z)))
+ if splitFocusPoint:
+ track.append(Func(focusCameraBetweenPoints, target, splitFocusPoint))
+ else:
+ track.append(Func(camera.lookAt, target))
+ track.append(Wait(duration))
+ return track
+def moveShot(x, y, z, h, p, r, duration, other=None, name='moveShot'):
+ """ moveShot() creates a moving shot from the current position to the args provided """
+ return motionShot(x, y, z, h, p, r, duration, other, name)
+def focusMoveShot(x, y, z, duration, target, other=None, name='focusMoveShot'):
+ """ focusMoveShot() creates a moving shot from the current position to focus on the
+ target arg provided """
+ camera.setPos(Point3(x, y, z))
+ camera.lookAt(target)
+ hpr = camera.getHpr()
+ return motionShot(x, y, z, hpr[0], hpr[1], hpr[2],
+ duration, other, name)
+## ___ ___ ___ ___ _ _
+## / __|/ _ \/ __| / __| |_ ___| |_ ___
+## \__ \ (_) \__ \ \__ \ ' \/ _ \ _(_-<
+## |___/\___/|___/ |___/_||_\___/\__/__/
+def chooseSOSShot(av, duration):
+ shotChoices = [
+ avatarCloseUpThreeQuarterRightShot,
+ avatarBehindShot,
+ avatarBehindHighShot,
+ suitGroupThreeQuarterLeftBehindShot,
+ ]
+ # Pick a shot and return it
+ track = apply(random.choice(shotChoices), [av, duration])
+ return track
+## ___ _ ___ _ _
+## | _ \_____ __ ____ _ _ _ __| | / __| |_ ___| |_ ___
+## | / -_) V V / _` | '_/ _` | \__ \ ' \/ _ \ _(_-<
+## |_|_\___|\_/\_/\__,_|_| \__,_| |___/_||_\___/\__/__/
+def chooseRewardShot(av, duration, allowGroupShot = 1):
+ # We actually return an interval that chooses the reward shot
+ # on-the-fly, rather than prechoosing it. This is because the
+ # avatar in question may wander away during the reward movie.
+ def chooseRewardShotNow(av):
+ if av.playingAnim == "victory" or not allowGroupShot:
+ # The avatar is still dancing; choose an avatar shot.
+ shotChoices = [(0, 8, av.getHeight() * 0.66, 179, 15, 0),
+ (5.2, 5.45, av.getHeight() * 0.66, 131.5, 3.6, 0)]
+ shot = random.choice(shotChoices)
+ camera.setPosHpr(av, *shot)
+ else:
+ # The avatar has stopped dancing; give a group shot.
+ camera.setPosHpr(10, 0, 10, 115, -30, 0)
+ return Sequence(Func(chooseRewardShotNow, av),
+ Wait(duration))
+## ___ _ _ _ ___ _ _
+## / __|___ _ _ ___ _ _ __ _| | | | | |___ ___ / __| |_ ___| |_ ___
+## | (_ / -_) ' \/ -_) '_/ _` | | | |_| (_- -_) \__ \ ' \/ _ \ _(_-<
+## \___\___|_||_\___|_| \__,_|_| \___//__/\___| |___/_||_\___/\__/__/
+def heldShot(x, y, z, h, p, r, duration, name="heldShot"):
+ track = Sequence(name = name)
+ # Let the camera display the toons
+ track.append(Func(camera.setPosHpr, x, y, z, h, p, r))
+ # Hold that pose
+ track.append(Wait(duration))
+ return track
+def heldRelativeShot(other, x, y, z, h, p, r, duration,
+ name="heldRelativeShot"):
+ track = Sequence(name = name)
+ # Let the camera display the toons
+ track.append(Func(camera.setPosHpr, other, x, y, z, h, p, r))
+ # Hold that pose
+ track.append(Wait(duration))
+ return track
+def motionShot(x, y, z, h, p, r, duration, other=None, name="motionShot"):
+ if other: # If an other parent exists, use it
+ posTrack = LerpPosInterval(camera, duration, pos=Point3(x, y, z),
+ other=other)
+ hprTrack = LerpHprInterval(camera, duration, hpr=Point3(h, p, r),
+ other=other)
+ else:
+ posTrack = LerpPosInterval(camera, duration, pos=Point3(x, y, z))
+ hprTrack = LerpHprInterval(camera, duration, hpr=Point3(h, p, r))
+ return Parallel(posTrack, hprTrack)
+def allGroupShot(avatar, duration):
+ return heldShot(10, 0, 10, 89, -30, 0, duration, "allGroupShot")
+def allGroupLowShot(avatar, duration):
+ return heldShot(15, 0, 3, 89, 0, 0, duration, "allGroupLowShot")
+def allGroupLowDiagonalShot(avatar, duration):
+ return heldShot(7, 5, 6, 119, -30, 0, duration, "allGroupLowShot")
+def toonGroupShot(avatar, duration):
+ return heldShot(10, 0, 10, 115, -30, 0, duration, "toonGroupShot")
+def toonGroupHighShot(avatar, duration):
+ #return heldShot(10, 0, 30, 115, -60, 0, duration, "toonGroupHighShot")
+ return heldShot(5, 0, 1, 115, 45, 0, duration, "toonGroupHighShot")
+def suitGroupShot(avatar, duration):
+ return heldShot(10, 0, 10, 65, -30, 0, duration, "suitGroupShot")
+def suitGroupLowLeftShot(avatar, duration):
+ return heldShot(8.4, -3.85, 2.75, 36.3, 3.25, 0, duration,
+ "suitGroupLowLeftShot")
+# Good for toon throws, and some suit magic attacks.
+def suitGroupThreeQuarterLeftBehindShot(avatar, duration):
+ if (random.random() > 0.5): # 50% chance
+ x = 12.37
+ h = 134.61
+ else:
+ x = -12.37
+ h = -134.61
+ return heldShot(x, 11.5, 8.16, h, -22.70, 0, duration,
+ "suitGroupThreeQuarterLeftBehindShot")
+def suitWakeUpShot(avatar, duration):
+ return heldShot(10, -5, 10, 65, -30, 0, duration, "suitWakeUpShot")
+def suitCameraShakeShot(avatar, duration, shakeIntensity, quake=0):
+ track = Sequence(name = "suitShakeCameraShot")
+ if (quake == 1):
+ shakeDelay = 1.1
+ numShakes = 4
+ else:
+ shakeDelay = 0.3
+ numShakes = 5
+ postShakeDelay = 0.5
+ shakeTime = (duration-shakeDelay-postShakeDelay) / numShakes
+ shakeDuration = shakeTime * (1./numShakes)
+ shakeWaitInterval = shakeTime * ((numShakes-1.)/numShakes)
+ def shakeCameraTrack(intensity, shakeWaitInterval=shakeWaitInterval, quake=quake,
+ shakeDuration=shakeDuration, numShakes=numShakes):
+ vertShakeTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(shakeWaitInterval),
+ Func(camera.setZ, camera.getZ()+intensity/2),
+ Wait(shakeDuration/2),
+ Func(camera.setZ, camera.getZ()-intensity),
+ Wait(shakeDuration/2),
+ Func(camera.setZ, camera.getZ()+intensity/2),
+ )
+ horizShakeTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(shakeWaitInterval-shakeDuration/2),
+ Func(camera.setY, camera.getY()+intensity/4),
+ Wait(shakeDuration/2),
+ Func(camera.setY, camera.getY()-intensity/2),
+ Wait(shakeDuration/2),
+ Func(camera.setY, camera.getY()+intensity/4),
+ Wait(shakeDuration/2),
+ Func(camera.lookAt, Point3(0, 0, 0)),
+ )
+ shakeTrack = Sequence()
+ for i in range(0, numShakes):
+ if (quake == 0):
+ shakeTrack.append(vertShakeTrack)
+ else:
+ shakeTrack.append(Parallel(vertShakeTrack, horizShakeTrack))
+ return shakeTrack
+ # Allow a reasonable degree of randomness in the camera's positioning
+ x = 10 + random.random()*3
+ if (random.random() > 0.5):
+ x = -x
+ z = 7 + random.random()*3
+ # Let the camera display the toons
+ track.append(Func(camera.setPos, x, -5, z))
+ # Point the camera at the center of the battle, to shoot all the actors
+ track.append(Func(camera.lookAt, Point3(0, 0, 0)))
+ track.append(Wait(shakeDelay)) # Wait before shaking
+ # Now shake the camera (up and down)
+ track.append(shakeCameraTrack(shakeIntensity))
+ track.append(Wait(postShakeDelay)) # Hold pose
+ return track
+def avatarCloseUpShot(avatar, duration):
+ return heldRelativeShot(avatar,
+ 0, 8, avatar.getHeight() * 0.66,
+ 179, 15, 0,
+ duration, "avatarCloseUpShot")
+# Useful for throws and button pushes
+def avatarCloseUpThrowShot(avatar, duration):
+ return heldRelativeShot(avatar,
+ 3, 8, avatar.getHeight() * 0.66,
+ 159, 3.6, 0,
+ duration, "avatarCloseUpThrowShot")
+# Throws, button pushes, squirt, and suit attacks
+# NOTE: For the course of a battle, toons should have "right" shots,
+# and suits should have "left" shots, or vice versa
+def avatarCloseUpThreeQuarterRightShot(avatar, duration):
+ return heldRelativeShot(avatar,
+ 5.2, 5.45, avatar.getHeight() * 0.66,
+ 131.5, 3.6, 0,
+ duration, "avatarCloseUpThreeQuarterRightShot")
+def avatarCloseUpThreeQuarterRightShotWide(avatar, duration):
+ return heldRelativeShot(avatar,
+ 7.2, 8.45, avatar.getHeight() * 0.66,
+ 131.5, 3.6, 0,
+ duration, "avatarCloseUpThreeQuarterRightShot")
+def avatarCloseUpThreeQuarterLeftShot(avatar, duration):
+ return heldRelativeShot(avatar,
+ -5.2, 5.45, avatar.getHeight() * 0.66,
+ -131.5, 3.6, 0,
+ duration, "avatarCloseUpThreeQuarterLeftShot")
+def avatarCloseUpThreeQuarterRightFollowShot(avatar, duration):
+ track = Sequence(name = "avatarCloseUpThreeQuarterRightFollowShot")
+ track.append(
+ heldRelativeShot(avatar,
+ 5.2, 5.45, avatar.getHeight() * 0.66,
+ 131.5, 3.6, 0,
+ duration * 0.65)
+ )
+ track.append(
+ LerpHprInterval(nodePath=camera,
+ other=avatar,
+ duration=duration * 0.2,
+ hpr=Point3(110, 3.6, 0),
+ blendType="easeInOut")
+ )
+ track.append(Wait(duration * 0.25))
+ return track
+def avatarCloseUpZoomShot(avatar, duration):
+ track = Sequence("avatarCloseUpZoomShot")
+ # Let the camera display the toons
+ track.append(
+ LerpPosHprInterval(nodePath=camera,
+ other=avatar,
+ duration=duration/2,
+ startPos=Point3(0, 10, avatar.getHeight()),
+ startHpr=Point3(179, -10, 0),
+ pos=Point3(0, 6, avatar.getHeight()),
+ hpr=Point3(179, -10, 0),
+ blendType="easeInOut")
+ )
+ track.append(Wait(duration/2))
+ return track
+def avatarBehindShot(avatar, duration):
+ return heldRelativeShot(avatar,
+ 5, -7, avatar.getHeight(),
+ 40, -12, 0,
+ duration, "avatarBehindShot")
+def avatarBehindHighShot(avatar, duration):
+ return heldRelativeShot(avatar,
+ -4, -7, 5 + avatar.getHeight(),
+ -30, -35, 0,
+ duration, "avatarBehindHighShot")
+def avatarBehindHighRightShot(avatar, duration):
+ return heldRelativeShot(avatar,
+ 4, -7, 5 + avatar.getHeight(),
+ 30, -35, 0,
+ duration, "avatarBehindHighShot")
+def avatarBehindThreeQuarterRightShot(avatar, duration):
+ return heldRelativeShot(avatar,
+ 7.67, -8.52, avatar.getHeight() * 0.66,
+ 25, 7.5, 0,
+ duration, "avatarBehindThreeQuarterRightShot")
+# Implementation of camera "packages", which are simply a series of held and
+# motion shots capturing the action of an attack
+def avatarSideFollowAttack(suit, toon, duration, battle):
+ # Three part timing on an attack: the windup, the projection, the impact
+ # Use slightly random range for windupDuration, between 0-20% of total duration
+ windupDuration = duration * (0.1+random.random()*0.1)
+ projectDuration = duration * 0.75
+ impactDuration = duration - windupDuration - projectDuration
+ # Choose focal points of the actors for the camera
+ suitHeight = suit.getHeight()
+ toonHeight = toon.getHeight()
+ suitCentralPoint = suit.getPos(battle)
+ suitCentralPoint.setZ(suitCentralPoint.getZ() + suitHeight*0.75)
+ toonCentralPoint = toon.getPos(battle)
+ toonCentralPoint.setZ(toonCentralPoint.getZ() + toonHeight*0.75)
+ # Vary the x-coordinates of the camera
+ initialX = random.randint(12, 14)
+ finalX = random.randint(7, 8)
+ # Vary the y-coordinates of the camera
+ initialY = finalY = random.randint(-3, 0)
+ # Vary the z-coordinates of the camera
+ initialZ = suitHeight*0.5 + random.random()*suitHeight
+ finalZ = toonHeight*0.5 + random.random()*toonHeight
+ # 50% chance we'll view the action from stage left or stage right
+ if (random.random() > 0.5):
+ initialX = -initialX
+ finalX = - finalX
+ return Sequence(
+ focusShot(initialX, initialY, initialZ, windupDuration, suitCentralPoint), # windup
+ focusMoveShot(finalX, finalY, finalZ, projectDuration, toonCentralPoint), # throw
+ Wait(impactDuration), # impact
+ )
+def focusCameraBetweenPoints(point1, point2):
+ """ focusCameraBetweenPoints() finds a bisection point between the arg points provided
+ and focuses the camera on this central point """
+ if (point1[0] > point2[0]):
+ x = point2[0] + (point1[0]-point2[0])*0.5
+ else:
+ x = point1[0] + (point2[0]-point1[0])*0.5
+ if (point1[1] > point2[1]):
+ y = point2[1] + (point1[1]-point2[1])*0.5
+ else:
+ y = point1[1] + (point2[1]-point1[1])*0.5
+ if (point1[2] > point2[2]):
+ z = point2[2] + (point1[2]-point2[2])*0.5
+ else:
+ z = point1[2] + (point2[2]-point1[2])*0.5
+ camera.lookAt(Point3(x, y, z))
+def randomCamera(suit, toon, battle, attackDuration, openShotDuration):
+ """ randomCamera() places the camera in random, though effective, position to capture
+ the action of an attack, first shooting the attacker and then the defender """
+ return randomAttackCam(suit, toon, battle, attackDuration,
+ openShotDuration, 'suit')
+def randomAttackCam(suit, toon, battle, attackDuration, openShotDuration,
+ attackerString='suit'):
+ """ randomCamSuitAttack() places the camera in a random, though effective position to
+ shoot the action of an attacker, if you don't specify the attacker as
+ either 'toon' or 'suit', it defaults to suit """
+ if openShotDuration > attackDuration: # Ensure that it's not too long
+ openShotDuration = attackDuration
+ closeShotDuration = attackDuration - openShotDuration
+ if (attackerString == 'suit'):
+ attacker = suit
+ defender = toon
+ defenderString = 'toon'
+ else:
+ attacker = toon
+ defender = suit
+ defenderString = 'suit'
+ randomDouble = random.random()
+ if (randomDouble > 0.6): # 40% chance
+ openShot = randomActorShot(attacker, battle, openShotDuration, attackerString)
+ elif (randomDouble > 0.2): # 40% chance
+ openShot = randomOverShoulderShot(suit, toon, battle,
+ openShotDuration, focus=attackerString)
+ else: # 20% chance
+ openShot = randomSplitShot(attacker, defender, battle, openShotDuration)
+ randomDouble = random.random()
+ if (randomDouble > 0.6): # 40% chance
+ closeShot = randomActorShot(defender, battle, closeShotDuration, defenderString)
+ elif (randomDouble > 0.2): # 40% chance
+ closeShot = randomOverShoulderShot(suit, toon, battle,
+ closeShotDuration, focus=defenderString)
+ else: # 20% chance
+ closeShot = randomSplitShot(attacker, defender, battle, closeShotDuration)
+ return Sequence(openShot, closeShot)
+def randomGroupAttackCam(suit, targets, battle, attackDuration, openShotDuration):
+ """ randomGroupAttackCam() places the camera in a random, though effective position to
+ shoot the action of a suit attacking a group of toons (targets) """
+ if openShotDuration > attackDuration: # Ensure that it's not too long
+ openShotDuration = attackDuration
+ closeShotDuration = attackDuration - openShotDuration
+ # First we shoot the attacking suit
+ openShot = randomActorShot(suit, battle, openShotDuration, 'suit', groupShot=0)
+ closeShot = randomToonGroupShot(targets, suit, closeShotDuration, battle)
+ return Sequence(openShot, closeShot)
+def randomActorShot(actor, battle, duration, actorType, groupShot=0):
+ """ randomActorShot() creates a random though effective shot for an actor in
+ a battle, specified by arg actor of type actorType ('suit' or 'toon'). This
+ function defaults to single shots of the primary actor, but a groupShot will
+ pull the camera out some more."""
+ height = actor.getHeight()
+ centralPoint = actor.getPos(battle)
+ centralPoint.setZ(centralPoint.getZ() + height*0.75)
+ if (actorType == 'suit'):
+ x = 4 + random.random()*8
+ y = -2 - random.random()*4
+ z = height*0.5 + random.random()*height*1.5
+ if (groupShot == 1):
+ y = -4 #y - 3 # - random.random()*4
+ z = height*0.5 # z + 2 # + random.random()*3
+ else:
+ x = 2 + random.random()*8
+ y = -2 + random.random()*3
+ z = height + random.random()*height*1.5
+ if (groupShot == 1):
+ y = y + 3 # + random.random()*4
+ z = height*0.5 #z + 2 # + random.random()*3
+ if (MovieUtil.shotDirection == 'left'):
+ x = -x
+ return focusShot(x, y, z, duration, centralPoint)
+def randomSplitShot(suit, toon, battle, duration):
+ """ randomSplitShot() places the camera in random, though effective, position to capture
+ both primary actors in an attack """
+ suitHeight = suit.getHeight()
+ toonHeight = toon.getHeight()
+ suitCentralPoint = suit.getPos(battle)
+ suitCentralPoint.setZ(suitCentralPoint.getZ() + suitHeight*0.75)
+ toonCentralPoint = toon.getPos(battle)
+ toonCentralPoint.setZ(toonCentralPoint.getZ() + toonHeight*0.75)
+ x = 9 + random.random()*2
+ y = -2 - random.random()*2
+ z = suitHeight*0.5 + random.random()*suitHeight
+ if (MovieUtil.shotDirection == 'left'):
+ x = -x
+ return focusShot(x, y, z, duration, toonCentralPoint,
+ splitFocusPoint=suitCentralPoint)
+def randomOverShoulderShot(suit, toon, battle, duration, focus):
+ """ randomOverShouldShot() creates a random, though effective, camera shot for a battle
+ shooting the actor specified in arg focus ('toon' or 'suit') over the shoulder of
+ the other actor in the attack """
+ suitHeight = suit.getHeight()
+ toonHeight = toon.getHeight()
+ suitCentralPoint = suit.getPos(battle)
+ suitCentralPoint.setZ(suitCentralPoint.getZ() + suitHeight*0.75)
+ toonCentralPoint = toon.getPos(battle)
+ toonCentralPoint.setZ(toonCentralPoint.getZ() + toonHeight*0.75)
+ x = 2 + random.random()*10
+ if (focus == 'toon'):
+ y = 8 + random.random()*6
+ z = suitHeight*1.2 + random.random()*suitHeight
+ else:
+ y = -10 - random.random()*6
+ z = toonHeight*1.5 # toonHeight*1.5 + random.random()*toonHeight
+ if (MovieUtil.shotDirection == 'left'):
+ x = -x
+ return focusShot(x, y, z, duration, toonCentralPoint,
+ splitFocusPoint=suitCentralPoint)
+def randomCameraSelection(suit, attack, attackDuration, openShotDuration):
+ """ randomCameraSelection() makes a random selection from a list of possible
+ camera shots """
+ shotChoices = [
+ avatarCloseUpThrowShot,
+ avatarCloseUpThreeQuarterLeftShot,
+ allGroupLowShot,
+ suitGroupLowLeftShot,
+ avatarBehindHighShot,
+ ]
+ if openShotDuration > attackDuration: # Ensure that its not too long
+ openShotDuration = attackDuration
+ closeShotDuration = attackDuration - openShotDuration
+ openShot = apply(random.choice(shotChoices), [suit, openShotDuration])
+ closeShot = chooseSuitCloseShot(attack, closeShotDuration,
+ openShot.getName(), attackDuration)
+ return Sequence(openShot, closeShot)
+def randomToonGroupShot(toons, suit, duration, battle):
+ """ randomToonGroupShot() creates a random, though effective camera shot for a group
+ of toons (2, 3, or 4) in a battle """
+ # Grab the average height of these toons for the best shot
+ sum = 0
+ for t in toons:
+ toon = t['toon']
+ height = toon.getHeight()
+ sum = sum + height
+ avgHeight = sum / len(toons) * 0.75 # multiply by 0.75 to get the chest of the toon
+ # We shoot from the opposite side of the attacking suit
+ suitPos = suit.getPos(battle)
+ x = 1 + random.random()*6
+ if (suitPos.getX() > 0):
+ x = -x
+ # We'll either shoot a close up or far back over the shoulders of the suits
+ if (random.random() > 0.5): # 50% chance
+ y = 4 + random.random()*1
+ z = avgHeight + random.random()*6
+ else:
+ y = 11 + random.random()*2
+ z = 13 + random.random()*2
+ focalPoint = Point3(0, -4, avgHeight)
+ return focusShot(x, y, z, duration, focalPoint)
+## Fire Shots
+def chooseFireShot(throws, suitThrowsDict, attackDuration):
+ # Pick an open shot
+ openShot = chooseFireOpenShot(throws, suitThrowsDict, attackDuration)
+ openDuration = openShot.getDuration()
+ openName = openShot.getName()
+ # Pick a close shot
+ closeShot = chooseFireCloseShot(throws, suitThrowsDict,
+ openDuration, openName, attackDuration)
+ # Compose the track
+ track = Sequence(openShot, closeShot)
+ # Ensure we composed it to the right length
+ #assert track.getDuration() == attackDuration
+ # Return it
+ return track
+def chooseFireOpenShot(throws, suitThrowsDict, attackDuration):
+ # Setup
+ numThrows = len(throws)
+ av = None
+ duration = 3.0
+ # The single toon case
+ if numThrows == 1:
+ # The attacking Toon
+ av = throws[0]['toon']
+ # Single toon choices
+ shotChoices = [
+ avatarCloseUpThrowShot,
+ avatarCloseUpThreeQuarterRightShot,
+ avatarBehindShot,
+ allGroupLowShot,
+ suitGroupThreeQuarterLeftBehindShot,
+ ]
+ # The multi toon case
+ elif numThrows >= 2 and numThrows <= 4:
+ # Multi suit choices
+ shotChoices = [
+ allGroupLowShot,
+ suitGroupThreeQuarterLeftBehindShot,
+ ]
+ else:
+ notify.error("Bad number of throws: %s" % numThrows)
+ # Pick a shot and return it
+ shotChoice = random.choice(shotChoices)
+ track = apply(shotChoice, [av, duration])
+ print ("chooseFireOpenShot %s" % (shotChoice))
+ # Set up the play by play text
+ # Whoops! No play by play for toons, since the multi-toon case is
+ # confusing...
+ #pbpText = attack['playByPlayText']
+ #pbpTrack = pbpText.getShowInterval(attack['prettyName'], duration)
+ #mtrack = Parallel(track, pbpTrack)
+ return track
+def chooseFireCloseShot(throws, suitThrowsDict,
+ openDuration, openName, attackDuration):
+ # Setup
+ numSuits = len(suitThrowsDict)
+ av = None
+ duration = attackDuration - openDuration
+ # The single suit case
+ if numSuits == 1:
+ # The attacked suit
+ av =[suitThrowsDict.keys()[0]]
+ # Single suit choices
+ shotChoices = [
+ avatarCloseUpFireShot,
+ avatarCloseUpThreeQuarterLeftFireShot,
+ allGroupLowShot,
+ suitGroupThreeQuarterLeftBehindShot,
+ ]
+ # The multi suit case (RAU we could get 0 for uber throw)
+ elif (numSuits >= 2 and numSuits <= 4) or (numSuits==0):
+ # Multi suit choices
+ shotChoices = [
+ allGroupLowShot,
+ suitGroupThreeQuarterLeftBehindShot,
+ ]
+ else:
+ notify.error("Bad number of suits: %s" % numSuits)
+ # Pick a shot and return it
+ shotChoice = random.choice(shotChoices)
+ track = apply(shotChoice, [av, duration])
+ print ("chooseFireOpenShot %s" % (shotChoice))
+ return track
+# Useful for throws and button pushes
+def avatarCloseUpFireShot(avatar, duration):
+ return heldRelativeShot(avatar,
+ 7, 17, avatar.getHeight() * 0.66,
+ 159, 3.6, 0,
+ duration, "avatarCloseUpFireShot")
+def avatarCloseUpThreeQuarterLeftFireShot(avatar, duration):
+ return heldRelativeShot(avatar,
+ -8.2, 8.45, avatar.getHeight() * 0.66,
+ -131.5, 3.6, 0,
+ duration, "avatarCloseUpThreeQuarterLeftShot")
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/ b/toontown/src/battle/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b39d507
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/
@@ -0,0 +1,678 @@
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
+from BattleBase import *
+from BattleProps import *
+from BattleSounds import *
+import MovieCamera
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+import MovieUtil
+import MovieNPCSOS
+from MovieUtil import calcAvgSuitPos
+from direct.showutil import Effects
+notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('MovieDrop')
+hitSoundFiles = ('AA_drop_flowerpot.mp3',
+ 'AA_drop_sandbag.mp3',
+ 'AA_drop_anvil.mp3',
+ 'AA_drop_bigweight.mp3',
+ 'AA_drop_safe.mp3',
+ 'AA_drop_piano.mp3',
+ 'AA_drop_boat.mp3') #UBER
+missSoundFiles = ('AA_drop_flowerpot_miss.mp3',
+ 'AA_drop_sandbag_miss.mp3',
+ 'AA_drop_anvil_miss.mp3',
+ 'AA_drop_bigweight_miss.mp3',
+ 'AA_drop_safe_miss.mp3',
+ 'AA_drop_piano_miss.mp3', #UBER
+ 'AA_drop_boat_miss.mp3')
+# time offsets
+tDropShadow = 1.3
+tSuitDodges = 2.45 + tDropShadow
+tObjectAppears = 3.0 + tDropShadow
+tButtonPressed = 2.44
+# durations
+dShrink = 0.3
+dShrinkOnMiss = 0.1
+dPropFall = 0.6
+objects = ('flowerpot',
+ 'sandbag',
+ 'anvil',
+ 'weight',
+ 'safe',
+ 'piano',
+ 'ship') #Uber
+objZOffsets = (0.75, 0.75, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.0) #UBER
+objStartingScales = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) #UBER
+landFrames = (12, 4, 1, 11, 11, 11, 2)
+shoulderHeights = {'a': 13.28 / 4.,
+ 'b': 13.74 / 4.,
+ 'c': 10.02 / 4.}
+def doDrops(drops):
+ """ Drops occur in the following order:
+ a) by suit, in order of increasing number of drops per suit
+ 1) level 1 drops, right to left, (TOON_DROP_DELAY later)
+ 2) level 2 drops, right to left, (TOON_DROP_DELAY later)
+ 3) level 3 drops, right to left, (TOON_DROP_DELAY later)
+ etc.
+ b) next suit, (TOON_DROP_SUIT_DELAY later)
+ """
+ if (len(drops) == 0):
+ return (None, None)
+ npcArrivals, npcDepartures, npcs = MovieNPCSOS.doNPCTeleports(drops)
+ # Group the drops by targeted suit
+ suitDropsDict = {}
+ groupDrops = []
+ for drop in drops:
+ track = drop['track']
+ level = drop['level']
+ targets = drop['target']
+ if (len(targets) == 1):
+ suitId = targets[0]['suit'].doId
+ if (suitDropsDict.has_key(suitId)):
+ suitDropsDict[suitId].append((drop, targets[0]))
+ else:
+ suitDropsDict[suitId] = [(drop, targets[0])]
+ elif level <= MAX_LEVEL_INDEX and attackAffectsGroup(track,level):
+ groupDrops.append(drop)
+ else:
+ # We're dealing with an NPC drop, which can have multiple
+ # targets
+ for target in targets:
+ suitId = target['suit'].doId
+ if (suitDropsDict.has_key(suitId)):
+ otherDrops = suitDropsDict[suitId]
+ alreadyInList = 0
+ for oDrop in otherDrops:
+ if (oDrop[0]['toon'] == drop['toon']):
+ alreadyInList = 1
+ if (alreadyInList == 0):
+ suitDropsDict[suitId].append((drop, target))
+ else:
+ suitDropsDict[suitId] = [(drop, target)]
+ suitDrops = suitDropsDict.values()
+ # Sort the suits based on the number of drops per suit
+ def compFunc(a, b):
+ if (len(a) > len(b)):
+ return 1
+ elif (len(a) < len(b)):
+ return -1
+ return 0
+ suitDrops.sort(compFunc)
+ delay = 0.0
+ mtrack = Parallel(name = 'toplevel-drop')
+ npcDrops = {}
+ for st in suitDrops:
+ if (len(st) > 0):
+ ival = __doSuitDrops(st, npcs, npcDrops)
+ if (ival):
+ mtrack.append(Sequence(Wait(delay), ival))
+ delay = delay + TOON_DROP_SUIT_DELAY
+ dropTrack = Sequence(npcArrivals, mtrack, npcDepartures)
+ camDuration = mtrack.getDuration()
+ #we do the group drops after all the single drops have gone
+ if groupDrops:
+ ival = __doGroupDrops(groupDrops)
+ dropTrack.append(ival)
+ camDuration += ival.getDuration()
+ enterDuration = npcArrivals.getDuration()
+ exitDuration = npcDepartures.getDuration()
+ camTrack = MovieCamera.chooseDropShot(drops, suitDropsDict, camDuration,
+ enterDuration, exitDuration)
+ return (dropTrack, camTrack)
+def __getSoundTrack(level, hitSuit, node=None):
+ #level: the level of attack, int 0-5
+ #hitSuit: does the attack hit toon, bool
+ if hitSuit:
+ soundEffect = globalBattleSoundCache.getSound(hitSoundFiles[level])
+ else:
+ soundEffect = globalBattleSoundCache.getSound(missSoundFiles[level])
+ soundTrack = Sequence()
+ if soundEffect:
+ buttonSound = globalBattleSoundCache.getSound('AA_drop_trigger_box.mp3')
+ fallingSound = None
+ buttonDelay = tButtonPressed - 0.3
+ fallingDuration = 1.5
+ if not level == UBER_GAG_LEVEL_INDEX:
+ #boat drop has the whistle built in
+ fallingSound = globalBattleSoundCache.getSound('incoming_whistleALT.mp3')
+ soundTrack.append(Wait(buttonDelay))
+ soundTrack.append(SoundInterval(buttonSound, duration = 0.67, node=node))
+ if fallingSound:
+ soundTrack.append(SoundInterval(fallingSound, duration=fallingDuration, node=node))
+ if not level == UBER_GAG_LEVEL_INDEX:
+ #the dropping effects seems to be timed at the start of the press, not after
+ soundTrack.append(SoundInterval(soundEffect, node=node))
+ if level == UBER_GAG_LEVEL_INDEX:
+ if hitSuit:
+ uberDelay = tButtonPressed
+ else:
+ uberDelay = tButtonPressed - 0.1
+ oldSoundTrack = soundTrack
+ soundTrack = Parallel()
+ soundTrack.append(oldSoundTrack)
+ uberTrack = Sequence()
+ uberTrack.append(Wait(uberDelay))
+ uberTrack.append(SoundInterval(soundEffect, node=node))
+ soundTrack.append(uberTrack)
+ else:
+ soundTrack.append(Wait(0.1)) # dummy interval
+ return soundTrack
+def __doSuitDrops(dropTargetPairs, npcs, npcDrops):
+ """ __doSuitDrops(drops)
+ 1 or more toons drop at the same target suit
+ Note: attacks are sorted by increasing level (as are toons)
+ Returns a track with toon drops in the following order:
+ 1) level 1 drops, right to left, (TOON_DROP_DELAY later)
+ 2) level 2 drops, right to left, (TOON_DROP_DELAY later)
+ etc.
+ """
+ toonTracks = Parallel()
+ delay = 0.0
+ alreadyDodged = 0
+ alreadyTeased = 0
+ for dropTargetPair in dropTargetPairs:
+ drop = dropTargetPair[0]
+ level = drop['level']
+ objName = objects[level]
+ target = dropTargetPair[1]
+ track = __dropObjectForSingle(drop, delay, objName, level, alreadyDodged,
+ alreadyTeased, npcs, target, npcDrops)
+ if (track):
+ toonTracks.append(track)
+ delay += TOON_DROP_DELAY
+ hp = target['hp']
+ if (hp <= 0):
+ if (level >= 3):
+ alreadyTeased = 1
+ else:
+ alreadyDodged = 1
+ return toonTracks
+def __doGroupDrops(groupDrops):
+ """ __doSuitDrops(drops)
+ 1 or more toons drop at the same target suit
+ Note: attacks are sorted by increasing level (as are toons)
+ Returns a track with toon drops in the following order:
+ 1) level 1 drops, right to left, (TOON_DROP_DELAY later)
+ 2) level 2 drops, right to left, (TOON_DROP_DELAY later)
+ etc.
+ """
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ toonTracks = Parallel()
+ delay = 0.0
+ alreadyDodged = 0
+ alreadyTeased = 0
+ for drop in groupDrops:
+ battle = drop['battle']
+ level = drop['level']
+ #calculate center position, then figure out which suit is closest to it
+ centerPos = calcAvgSuitPos(drop)
+ targets = drop['target']
+ numTargets = len(targets)
+ closestTarget = -1
+ nearestDistance = 100000.0
+ for i in range(numTargets):
+ suit = drop['target'][i]['suit']
+ suitPos = suit.getPos(battle)
+ displacement = Vec3(centerPos)
+ displacement -= suitPos
+ distance = displacement.lengthSquared()
+ if distance < nearestDistance:
+ closestTarget = i
+ nearestDistance = distance
+ #we have the suit to drop on
+ track = __dropGroupObject(drop,delay, closestTarget, alreadyDodged, alreadyTeased)
+ if (track):
+ toonTracks.append(track)
+ #delay += TOON_DROP_DELAY
+ delay = delay + TOON_DROP_SUIT_DELAY
+ hp = drop['target'][closestTarget]['hp']
+ if (hp <= 0):
+ if (level >= 3):
+ alreadyTeased = 1
+ else:
+ alreadyDodged = 1
+ pass
+ #for dropTargetPair in dropTargetPairs:
+ # drop = dropTargetPair[0]
+ # level = drop['level']
+ # objName = objects[level]
+ # target = dropTargetPair[1]
+ # track = __dropObject(drop, delay, objName, level, alreadyDodged,
+ # alreadyTeased, npcs, target, npcDrops)
+ # if (track):
+ # toonTracks.append(track)
+ # delay += TOON_DROP_DELAY
+ # hp = target['hp']
+ # if (hp <= 0):
+ # if (level >= 3):
+ # alreadyTeased = 1
+ # else:
+ # alreadyDodged = 1
+ return toonTracks
+def __dropGroupObject(drop, delay, closestTarget, alreadyDodged, alreadyTeased):
+ level = drop['level']
+ objName = objects[level]
+ target = drop['target'][closestTarget]
+ suit = drop['target'][closestTarget]['suit']
+ npcDrops = {}
+ npcs = []
+ returnedParallel = __dropObject(drop, delay, objName, level, alreadyDodged,
+ alreadyTeased, npcs, target, npcDrops)
+ for i in range(len(drop['target'])):
+ target = drop['target'][i]
+ suitTrack =__createSuitTrack(drop, delay, level, alreadyDodged, alreadyTeased, target, npcs)
+ if suitTrack:
+ returnedParallel.append(suitTrack)
+ return returnedParallel
+def __dropObjectForSingle(drop, delay, objName, level, alreadyDodged, alreadyTeased,
+ npcs, target, npcDrops):
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ singleDropParallel = __dropObject( drop, delay, objName, level, alreadyDodged, alreadyTeased,
+ npcs, target, npcDrops)
+ suitTrack = __createSuitTrack(drop, delay, level, alreadyDodged, alreadyTeased, target, npcs)
+ if suitTrack:
+ singleDropParallel.append(suitTrack)
+ return singleDropParallel
+def __dropObject(drop, delay, objName, level, alreadyDodged, alreadyTeased,
+ npcs, target, npcDrops):
+ toon = drop['toon']
+ repeatNPC = 0
+ battle = drop['battle']
+ if (drop.has_key('npc')):
+ toon = drop['npc']
+ if (npcDrops.has_key(toon)):
+ repeatNPC = 1
+ else:
+ npcDrops[toon] = 1
+ origHpr = Vec3(0, 0, 0)
+ else:
+ origHpr = toon.getHpr(battle)
+ hpbonus = drop['hpbonus']
+ suit = target['suit']
+ hp = target['hp']
+ hitSuit = (hp > 0)
+ died = target['died']
+ leftSuits = target['leftSuits']
+ rightSuits = target['rightSuits']
+ kbbonus = target['kbbonus']
+ suitPos = suit.getPos(battle)
+ majorObject = (level >= 3)
+ if (repeatNPC == 0):
+ button = globalPropPool.getProp('button')
+ buttonType = globalPropPool.getPropType('button')
+ button2 = MovieUtil.copyProp(button)
+ buttons = [button, button2]
+ hands = toon.getLeftHands()
+ object = globalPropPool.getProp(objName)
+ objectType = globalPropPool.getPropType(objName)
+ # The safe and weight are a bit too big
+ if (objName == 'weight'):
+ object.setScale(object.getScale()*0.75)
+ elif (objName == 'safe'):
+ object.setScale(object.getScale()*0.85)
+ # The object will likely animate far from its initial bounding
+ # volume while it drops. To work around this bug, we artificially
+ # change the object's bounding volume to be really big. In fact,
+ # we make it infinite, so it will never be culled while it's
+ # onscreen.
+ node = object.node()
+ node.setBounds(OmniBoundingVolume())
+ node.setFinal(1)
+ # create the soundTrack
+ soundTrack = __getSoundTrack(level, hitSuit, toon)
+ # toon pulls the button out, presses it, and puts it away
+ toonTrack = Sequence()
+ if (repeatNPC == 0):
+ toonFace = Func(toon.headsUp, battle, suitPos)
+ toonTrack.append(Wait(delay))
+ toonTrack.append(toonFace)
+ toonTrack.append(ActorInterval(toon, 'pushbutton'))
+ toonTrack.append(Func(toon.loop, 'neutral'))
+ toonTrack.append(Func(toon.setHpr, battle, origHpr))
+ # button scales up in toon's hand as he takes it out, and
+ # scales down to nothing as it is put away
+ buttonTrack = Sequence()
+ if (repeatNPC == 0):
+ buttonShow = Func(MovieUtil.showProps, buttons, hands)
+ buttonScaleUp = LerpScaleInterval(button, 1.0, button.getScale(), startScale = Point3(0.01, 0.01, 0.01))
+ buttonScaleDown = LerpScaleInterval(button, 1.0, Point3(0.01, 0.01, 0.01), startScale = button.getScale())
+ buttonHide = Func(MovieUtil.removeProps, buttons)
+ buttonTrack.append(Wait(delay))
+ buttonTrack.append(buttonShow)
+ buttonTrack.append(buttonScaleUp)
+ buttonTrack.append(Wait(2.5))
+ buttonTrack.append(buttonScaleDown)
+ buttonTrack.append(buttonHide)
+ # object appears above suit
+ objectTrack = Sequence()
+ def posObject(object, suit, level, majorObject, miss,
+ battle=battle):
+ object.reparentTo(battle)
+ # Options for positioning a drop:
+ # 1) Any successful drop on an unlured suit - strikes at suit battle pos
+ # 2) Unsuccessful drops on an unlured suit that are of the largest three -
+ # these strike behind the suit (who shouldn't dodge)
+ # 3) The first three (smallest drops) on a lured suit strike the battle pos,
+ # where the larger ones get bumped back a bit.
+ if (battle.isSuitLured(suit)):
+ # suit is lured, strike at battle position
+ suitPos, suitHpr = battle.getActorPosHpr(suit)
+ object.setPos(suitPos)
+ object.setHpr(suitHpr)
+ if (level >= 3): # bump back larger drops
+ object.setY(object.getY() + 2)
+ else:
+ object.setPos(suit.getPos(battle))
+ object.setHpr(suit.getHpr(battle))
+ if (miss and level >= 3):
+ object.setY(object.getY(battle) + 5)
+ if not majorObject:
+ if not miss:
+ shoulderHeight = shoulderHeights[] * suit.scale
+ object.setZ(object.getPos(battle)[2] + shoulderHeight)
+ # fix up the Z offset of the prop
+ object.setZ(object.getPos(battle)[2] + objZOffsets[level])
+ # the object will need to scale down to nothing at some point
+ # and then it will immediately get deleted
+ # since we already have an animation interval playing,
+ # we need to put the scale on a separate track.
+ # to avoid cases where the object has been deleted,
+ # and the scale interval is still trying to scale the
+ # object, we'll put the animation and scale intervals into
+ # separate tracks, combine them into a track, and
+ # put the hide interval after the track.
+ objectTrack.append(Func(, object))
+ objInit = Func(posObject, object, suit, level, majorObject, (hp <= 0))
+ objectTrack.append(Wait(delay + tObjectAppears))
+ objectTrack.append(objInit)
+ # we can assume that all drop props are animated
+ if hp > 0 or (level == 1 or level == 2):
+ # prop hits the suit
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ if hasattr(object,'getAnimControls'):
+ animProp = ActorInterval(object, objName)
+ shrinkProp = LerpScaleInterval(object, dShrink, Point3(0.01, 0.01, 0.01), startScale = object.getScale())
+ objAnimShrink = ParallelEndTogether(animProp, shrinkProp)
+ objectTrack.append(objAnimShrink)
+ else:
+ # donald boat currently does not have animation
+ startingScale = objStartingScales[level]
+ object2 = MovieUtil.copyProp(object)
+ posObject(object2, suit, level, majorObject, (hp <= 0))
+ endingPos = object2.getPos()
+ startPos = Point3( endingPos[0], endingPos[1] , endingPos[2] + 5)
+ startHpr = object2.getHpr()
+ endHpr = Point3( startHpr[0] + 90, startHpr[1], startHpr[2])
+ animProp = LerpPosInterval(object, landFrames[level]/24.0,
+ endingPos, startPos = startPos)
+ shrinkProp = LerpScaleInterval(object, dShrink, Point3(0.01, 0.01, 0.01), startScale = startingScale)
+ bounceProp = Effects.createZBounce(object, 2, endingPos, 0.5, 1.5)
+ #objAnimShrink = ParallelEndTogether(animProp, shrinkProp)
+ objAnimShrink = Sequence( Func(object.setScale, startingScale),
+ Func(object.setH, endHpr[0]),
+ animProp,
+ bounceProp,
+ Wait(1.5),
+ shrinkProp)
+ objectTrack.append(objAnimShrink)
+ MovieUtil.removeProp( object2)
+ else:
+ # prop misses the suit
+ # only play the animation up to the point where it lands
+ if hasattr(object,'getAnimControls'):
+ animProp = ActorInterval(object, objName, duration=landFrames[level]/24.)
+ def poseProp(prop, animName, level):
+ prop.pose(animName, landFrames[level])
+ poseProp = Func(poseProp, object, objName, level)
+ wait = Wait(1.0)
+ shrinkProp = LerpScaleInterval(object, dShrinkOnMiss, Point3(0.01, 0.01, 0.01), startScale = object.getScale())
+ objectTrack.append(animProp)
+ objectTrack.append(poseProp)
+ objectTrack.append(wait)
+ objectTrack.append(shrinkProp)
+ else:
+ #donald boat currently does not have animation
+ startingScale = objStartingScales[level]
+ object2 = MovieUtil.copyProp(object)
+ posObject(object2, suit, level, majorObject, (hp <= 0))
+ endingPos = object2.getPos()
+ startPos = Point3( endingPos[0], endingPos[1] , endingPos[2] + 5)
+ startHpr = object2.getHpr()
+ endHpr = Point3( startHpr[0] + 90, startHpr[1], startHpr[2])
+ animProp = LerpPosInterval(object, landFrames[level]/24.0,
+ endingPos, startPos = startPos)
+ shrinkProp = LerpScaleInterval(object, dShrinkOnMiss, Point3(0.01, 0.01, 0.01), startScale = startingScale)
+ bounceProp = Effects.createZBounce(object, 2, endingPos, 0.5, 1.5)
+ #objAnimShrink = ParallelEndTogether(animProp, shrinkProp)
+ objAnimShrink = Sequence( Func(object.setScale, startingScale),
+ Func(object.setH, endHpr[0]),
+ animProp,
+ bounceProp,
+ Wait(1.5),
+ shrinkProp)
+ objectTrack.append(objAnimShrink)
+ MovieUtil.removeProp( object2)
+ objectTrack.append(Func(MovieUtil.removeProp, object))
+ objectTrack.append(Func(, object))
+ # we will see a shadow scale up before the object drops
+ dropShadow = MovieUtil.copyProp(suit.getShadowJoint())
+ if (level == 0):
+ dropShadow.setScale(0.5)
+ elif (level <= 2):
+ dropShadow.setScale(0.8)
+ elif (level == 3):
+ dropShadow.setScale(2.0)
+ elif (level == 4):
+ dropShadow.setScale(2.3)
+ else:
+ dropShadow.setScale(3.6)
+ def posShadow(dropShadow=dropShadow, suit=suit, battle=battle, hp=hp, level=level):
+ dropShadow.reparentTo(battle)
+ if (battle.isSuitLured(suit)):
+ # suit is lured, shadow at battle position
+ suitPos, suitHpr = battle.getActorPosHpr(suit)
+ dropShadow.setPos(suitPos)
+ dropShadow.setHpr(suitHpr)
+ if (level >= 3): # bump back larger drops
+ dropShadow.setY(dropShadow.getY() + 2)
+ else:
+ dropShadow.setPos(suit.getPos(battle))
+ dropShadow.setHpr(suit.getHpr(battle))
+ if (hp <= 0 and level >= 3):
+ dropShadow.setY(dropShadow.getY(battle) + 5)
+ # Raise the drop shadow to curb level
+ dropShadow.setZ(dropShadow.getZ() + 0.5)
+ shadowTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(delay+tButtonPressed),
+ Func(, dropShadow),
+ Func(posShadow),
+ LerpScaleInterval(dropShadow, tObjectAppears - tButtonPressed,
+ dropShadow.getScale(), startScale = Point3(0.01, 0.01, 0.01)),
+ Wait(0.3),
+ Func(MovieUtil.removeProp, dropShadow),
+ Func(, dropShadow),
+ )
+ return Parallel(toonTrack, soundTrack, buttonTrack, objectTrack, shadowTrack)
+def __createSuitTrack(drop, delay,level, alreadyDodged, alreadyTeased,
+ target, npcs):
+ toon = drop['toon']
+ if (drop.has_key('npc')):
+ toon = drop['npc']
+ battle = drop['battle']
+ majorObject = (level >= 3)
+ suit = target['suit']
+ hp = target['hp']
+ hitSuit = (hp > 0)
+ died = target['died']
+ revived = target['revived']
+ leftSuits = target['leftSuits']
+ rightSuits = target['rightSuits']
+ kbbonus = target['kbbonus']
+ hpbonus = drop['hpbonus']
+ # 4 options for a suit in a drop attack:
+ # 1) It takes damage and reacts (hp > 0)
+ # 2) It is lured, thus drop misses so suit does nothing (kbbonus == 0). This is
+ # detected using a hack in the kbbonus. There is no actual kickback bonus involved
+ # for drops, but if this kbbonus value is set to 0 instead of -1 (in the battle
+ # calculator), then we've specified that the suit is lured
+ # 3) The suit dodges and is reacting to the first drop to dodge, detected when the
+ # variable alreadyDodged == 0
+ # 4) The suit would dodge but is already dodging first drop, detected when the
+ # variable alreadyDodged == 1
+ if (hp > 0):
+ # Suit takes damage (for each drop that hits)
+ suitTrack = Sequence()
+ showDamage = Func(suit.showHpText, -hp, openEnded=0)
+ updateHealthBar = Func(suit.updateHealthBar, hp)
+ if majorObject:
+ anim = 'flatten'
+ else:
+ anim = 'drop-react'
+ suitReact = ActorInterval(suit, anim)
+ suitTrack.append(Wait(delay+tObjectAppears))
+ suitTrack.append(showDamage)
+ suitTrack.append(updateHealthBar)
+ suitGettingHit = Parallel( suitReact)
+ if level == UBER_GAG_LEVEL_INDEX:
+ gotHitSound = globalBattleSoundCache.getSound('AA_drop_boat_cog.mp3')
+ suitGettingHit.append(SoundInterval(gotHitSound, node=toon))
+ suitTrack.append(suitGettingHit)
+ # Create a bonus track if there is an hp bonus
+ bonusTrack = None
+ if (hpbonus > 0):
+ bonusTrack = Sequence(Wait(delay + tObjectAppears + 0.75),
+ Func(suit.showHpText,
+ -hpbonus, 1, openEnded=0))
+ if (revived != 0):
+ suitTrack.append(MovieUtil.createSuitReviveTrack(suit, toon,
+ battle, npcs))
+ elif (died != 0):
+ suitTrack.append(MovieUtil.createSuitDeathTrack(suit, toon,
+ battle, npcs))
+ else:
+ suitTrack.append(Func(suit.loop, 'neutral'))
+ if (bonusTrack != None):
+ suitTrack = Parallel(suitTrack, bonusTrack)
+ elif (kbbonus == 0):
+ # If suit is lured, doesn't need to dodge and certainly won't get hit
+ suitTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(delay+tObjectAppears),
+ Func(MovieUtil.indicateMissed, suit, 0.6),
+ Func(suit.loop, 'neutral'),
+ )
+ else:
+ # Conditions regarding dodging:
+ # 1) The suit will dodge only once with multiple drops in the same attack,
+ # so we only dodge if we haven't already (alreadyDodged==0)
+ # 2) The suit will not NEED to dodge if attacked by a larger drop (which fall
+ # behind the suit on a miss rather than having the suit dodge
+ # Special conditions:
+ # 1) If there's a large drop followed by a small one at some point, we can allow
+ # the suit to start teasing and then dogde, this looks fine
+ # 2) If there's a small drop followed by a large drop at some point, we don't allow
+ # the suit to tease, doesn't look right
+ # other suits may need to dodge as well
+ # First check if suit started dodging, if so, do not add any another reaction
+ if (alreadyDodged > 0):
+ return None #Parallel(toonTrack, soundTrack, buttonTrack, objectTrack, shadowTrack)
+ # Check for large drops
+ if (level >= 3): # the larger drops, suit doesn't dodge, but teases instead
+ # But if we've already started to tease, don't tease more than once
+ if (alreadyTeased > 0):
+ return None #Parallel(toonTrack, soundTrack, buttonTrack, objectTrack, shadowTrack)
+ else:
+ suitTrack = MovieUtil.createSuitTeaseMultiTrack(
+ suit, delay=delay+tObjectAppears)
+ else: # small drop, so dodge
+ suitTrack = MovieUtil.createSuitDodgeMultitrack(
+ delay + tSuitDodges, suit, leftSuits, rightSuits)
+ return suitTrack
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/ b/toontown/src/battle/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ca3bb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/
@@ -0,0 +1,567 @@
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
+from BattleBase import *
+from BattleProps import *
+from BattleSounds import *
+from toontown.toon.ToonDNA import *
+from toontown.suit.SuitDNA import *
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+import random
+import MovieCamera
+import MovieUtil
+from MovieUtil import calcAvgSuitPos
+notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('MovieThrow')
+# still need miss 'hitting' sounds to be separated from the 'throw' sounds
+# for creampie and fruitpie, wholecreampie and whole fruitpie and bdaycake
+# so the sound and animation can be synced at the end of variable-length throw
+# until we get these sounds, we just use these 'only' sounds as placeholders
+hitSoundFiles = ('AA_tart_only.mp3',
+ 'AA_slice_only.mp3',
+ 'AA_slice_only.mp3',
+ 'AA_slice_only.mp3',
+ 'AA_slice_only.mp3',
+ 'AA_wholepie_only.mp3',
+ 'AA_wholepie_only.mp3',) #UBER
+# need miss 'hitting' sounds to be separated from the 'throw' sounds
+# so the sound and animation can be synced at the end of variable-length throw
+# until we get these sounds, we just use 'AA_pie_throw_only.mp3' for all misses
+#missSoundFiles = ('AA_pie_throw_only.mp3',
+# 'AA_pie_throw_only.mp3',
+# 'AA_pie_throw_only.mp3',
+# 'AA_pie_throw_only.mp3',
+# 'AA_pie_throw_only.mp3',
+# 'AA_pie_throw_only.mp3',)
+#tPieLeavesHand = 2.755
+tPieLeavesHand = 2.7
+tPieHitsSuit = 3.0
+tSuitDodges = 2.45
+# length of pie flight path when you miss relative to length
+# of pie flight when you hit the suit
+ratioMissToHit = 1.5
+# this is based on the [0..1] time range of the pie flight when it misses
+tPieShrink = 0.7
+pieFlyTaskName = "MovieThrow-pieFly"
+def addHit (dict, suitId, hitCount):
+ if (dict.has_key(suitId)):
+ dict[suitId] += hitCount
+ else:
+ dict[suitId] = hitCount
+def doFires(fires):
+ """ Throws occur in the following order:
+ a) by suit, in order of increasing number of throws per suit
+ 1) level 1 throws, right to left, (TOON_THROW_DELAY later)
+ 2) level 2 throws, right to left, (TOON_THROW_DELAY later)
+ 3) level 3 throws, right to left, (TOON_THROW_DELAY later)
+ etc.
+ b) next suit, (TOON_THROW_SUIT_DELAY later)
+ """
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ if (len(fires) == 0):
+ return (None, None)
+ # Group the throws by targeted suit
+ suitFiresDict = {}
+ # throw['toon'] is the thrower.
+ for fire in fires:
+ suitId = fire['target']['suit'].doId
+ if (suitFiresDict.has_key(suitId)):
+ suitFiresDict[suitId].append(fire)
+ else:
+ suitFiresDict[suitId] = [fire]
+ # A list of lists of throws grouped by suit
+ suitFires = suitFiresDict.values()
+ # Sort the suits based on the number of throws per suit
+ def compFunc(a, b):
+ if (len(a) > len(b)):
+ return 1
+ elif (len(a) < len(b)):
+ return -1
+ return 0
+ suitFires.sort(compFunc)
+ #since we have group throws now, we calculate how
+ #many times each suit gets hit over here
+ totalHitDict = {}
+ singleHitDict = {}
+ groupHitDict = {}
+ for fire in fires:
+ if 1:
+ suitId = fire['target']['suit'].doId
+ if fire['target']['hp'] > 0:
+ addHit(singleHitDict,suitId,1)
+ addHit(totalHitDict,suitId,1)
+ else:
+ addHit(singleHitDict,suitId,0)
+ addHit(totalHitDict,suitId,0)
+ notify.debug('singleHitDict = %s' % singleHitDict)
+ notify.debug('groupHitDict = %s' % groupHitDict)
+ notify.debug('totalHitDict = %s' % totalHitDict)
+ # Apply attacks in order
+ delay = 0.0
+ mtrack = Parallel()
+ firedTargets = []
+ for sf in suitFires:
+ if (len(sf) > 0):
+ ival = __doSuitFires(sf)
+ if (ival):
+ mtrack.append(Sequence(Wait(delay), ival))
+ delay = delay + TOON_FIRE_SUIT_DELAY
+ retTrack = Sequence()
+ retTrack.append(mtrack)
+ camDuration = retTrack.getDuration()
+ camTrack = MovieCamera.chooseFireShot(fires, suitFiresDict,
+ camDuration)
+ return (retTrack, camTrack)
+def __doSuitFires(fires):
+ """ __doSuitThrows(throws)
+ Create the intervals for the attacks on a particular suit.
+ 1 or more toons can throw at the same target suit
+ Note: attacks are sorted by increasing level (as are toons)
+ Returns a multitrack with toon throws in the following order:
+ 1) level 1 throws, right to left, (TOON_THROW_DELAY later)
+ 2) level 2 throws, right to left, (TOON_THROW_DELAY later)
+ etc.
+ The intervals actually overlap in the case of multiple hits,
+ prematurely cutting off the end of the react animation.
+ """
+ toonTracks = Parallel()
+ delay = 0.0
+ # See if suit is hit multiple times, if it is, don't show stun animation
+ hitCount = 0
+ for fire in fires:
+ if fire['target']['hp'] > 0:
+ # Hit, continue counting
+ hitCount += 1
+ else:
+ # Miss, no need to think about stun effect
+ break
+ suitList = []
+ for fire in fires:
+ if not (fire['target']['suit'] in suitList):
+ suitList.append(fire['target']['suit'])
+ for fire in fires:
+ showSuitCannon = 1
+ if not (fire['target']['suit'] in suitList):
+ showSuitCannon = 0
+ else:
+ suitList.remove(fire['target']['suit'])
+ tracks = __throwPie(fire, delay, hitCount, showSuitCannon)
+ if (tracks):
+ for track in tracks:
+ toonTracks.append(track)
+ delay = delay + TOON_THROW_DELAY
+ return toonTracks
+def __showProp(prop, parent, pos):
+ prop.reparentTo(parent)
+ prop.setPos(pos)
+def __animProp(props, propName, propType):
+ if 'actor' == propType:
+ for prop in props:
+ elif 'model' == propType:
+ pass
+ else:
+ notify.error("No such propType as: %s" % propType)
+def __billboardProp(prop):
+ scale = prop.getScale()
+ #prop.lookAt(camera)
+ prop.setBillboardPointWorld()
+ prop.setScale(scale)
+def __suitMissPoint(suit, other=render):
+ # this is a point just above the suit's head
+ pnt = suit.getPos(other)
+ pnt.setZ(pnt[2] + (suit.getHeight() * 1.3))
+ return pnt
+def __propPreflight(props, suit, toon, battle):
+ assert(len(props) >= 2)
+ prop = props[0]
+ # make sure the 0 lod toon is in the right pose of the animation
+ toon.update(0)
+ # take the prop from the toon
+ prop.wrtReparentTo(battle)
+ props[1].reparentTo(hidden)
+ # make the top of the pie point along +Y
+ for ci in range(prop.getNumChildren()):
+ prop.getChild(ci).setHpr(0, -90, 0)
+ # figure out where it's going to end up
+ targetPnt = MovieUtil.avatarFacePoint(suit, other=battle)
+ # make the pie point towards the suit's face
+ prop.lookAt(targetPnt)
+def __propPreflightGroup(props, suits, toon, battle):
+ """
+ same as __propPreflight, but face the avg suit pt
+ """
+ assert(len(props) >= 2)
+ prop = props[0]
+ # make sure the 0 lod toon is in the right pose of the animation
+ toon.update(0)
+ # take the prop from the toon
+ prop.wrtReparentTo(battle)
+ props[1].reparentTo(hidden)
+ # make the top of the pie point along +Y
+ for ci in range(prop.getNumChildren()):
+ prop.getChild(ci).setHpr(0, -90, 0)
+ # figure out where it's going to end up
+ avgTargetPt = Point3(0,0,0)
+ for suit in suits:
+ avgTargetPt += MovieUtil.avatarFacePoint(suit, other=battle)
+ avgTargetPt /= len(suits)
+ # make the pie point towards the suit's face
+ prop.lookAt(avgTargetPt)
+def __piePreMiss(missDict, pie, suitPoint, other=render):
+ # called after propPreFlight
+ missDict['pie'] = pie
+ missDict['startScale'] = pie.getScale()
+ missDict['startPos'] = pie.getPos(other)
+ v = Vec3(suitPoint - missDict['startPos'])
+ endPos = missDict['startPos'] + (v * ratioMissToHit)
+ missDict['endPos'] = endPos
+def __pieMissLerpCallback(t, missDict):
+ pie = missDict['pie']
+ newPos = (missDict['startPos'] * (1.0 - t)) + (missDict['endPos'] * t)
+ if t < tPieShrink:
+ tScale = 0.0001
+ else:
+ tScale = (t - tPieShrink) / (1.0 - tPieShrink)
+ newScale = (missDict['startScale'] * max((1.0 - tScale), 0.01))
+ pie.setPos(newPos)
+ pie.setScale(newScale)
+def __piePreMissGroup(missDict, pies, suitPoint, other=render):
+ """
+ Same as __piePreMiss, but handles multiple pie parts
+ # called after propPreFlight
+ """
+ missDict['pies'] = pies
+ missDict['startScale'] = pies[0].getScale()
+ missDict['startPos'] = pies[0].getPos(other)
+ v = Vec3(suitPoint - missDict['startPos'])
+ endPos = missDict['startPos'] + (v * ratioMissToHit)
+ missDict['endPos'] = endPos
+ notify.debug('startPos=%s' % missDict['startPos'])
+ notify.debug('v=%s' % v)
+ notify.debug('endPos=%s' % missDict['endPos'])
+def __pieMissGroupLerpCallback(t, missDict):
+ """
+ Same as __pieMissLerpCallback, but handles multiple pie parts
+ """
+ pies = missDict['pies']
+ newPos = (missDict['startPos'] * (1.0 - t)) + (missDict['endPos'] * t)
+ if t < tPieShrink:
+ tScale = 0.0001
+ else:
+ tScale = (t - tPieShrink) / (1.0 - tPieShrink)
+ newScale = (missDict['startScale'] * max((1.0 - tScale), 0.01))
+ for pie in pies:
+ pie.setPos(newPos)
+ pie.setScale(newScale)
+def __getSoundTrack(level, hitSuit, node=None):
+ throwSound = globalBattleSoundCache.getSound('AA_drop_trigger_box.mp3')
+ throwTrack = Sequence(Wait(2.15), SoundInterval(throwSound, node=node))
+ return throwTrack
+def __throwPie(throw, delay, hitCount, showCannon = 1):
+ #print ("__throwPie %s" % (showCannon))
+ toon = throw['toon']
+ hpbonus = throw['hpbonus']
+ target = throw['target']
+ suit = target['suit']
+ hp = target['hp']
+ kbbonus = target['kbbonus']
+ sidestep = throw['sidestep']
+ died = target['died']
+ revived = target['revived']
+ leftSuits = target['leftSuits']
+ rightSuits = target['rightSuits']
+ level = throw['level']
+ battle = throw['battle']
+ suitPos = suit.getPos(battle)
+ origHpr = toon.getHpr(battle)
+ notify.debug('toon: %s throws tart at suit: %d for hp: %d died: %d' % \
+ (toon.getName(), suit.doId, hp, died))
+ pieName = pieNames[0]
+ hitSuit = (hp > 0)
+ #pie = globalPropPool.getProp(pieName)
+ #pieType = globalPropPool.getPropType(pieName)
+ #pie2 = MovieUtil.copyProp(pie)
+ #pies = [pie, pie2]
+ #hands = toon.getRightHands()
+ #splatName = 'splat-' + pieName
+ #if pieName == 'wedding-cake':
+ # splatName = 'splat-birthday-cake'
+ #splat = globalPropPool.getProp(splatName)
+ #splatType = globalPropPool.getPropType(splatName)
+ button = globalPropPool.getProp('button')
+ buttonType = globalPropPool.getPropType('button')
+ button2 = MovieUtil.copyProp(button)
+ buttons = [button, button2]
+ hands = toon.getLeftHands()
+ # make the toon throw the pie
+ toonTrack = Sequence()
+ toonFace = Func(toon.headsUp, battle, suitPos)
+ toonTrack.append(Wait(delay))
+ toonTrack.append(toonFace)
+ toonTrack.append(ActorInterval(toon, 'pushbutton'))
+ toonTrack.append(ActorInterval(toon, 'wave', duration= 2.0))
+ toonTrack.append(ActorInterval(toon, 'duck'))
+ toonTrack.append(Func(toon.loop, 'neutral'))
+ toonTrack.append(Func(toon.setHpr, battle, origHpr))
+ buttonTrack = Sequence()
+ buttonShow = Func(MovieUtil.showProps, buttons, hands)
+ buttonScaleUp = LerpScaleInterval(button, 1.0, button.getScale(), startScale = Point3(0.01, 0.01, 0.01))
+ buttonScaleDown = LerpScaleInterval(button, 1.0, Point3(0.01, 0.01, 0.01), startScale = button.getScale())
+ buttonHide = Func(MovieUtil.removeProps, buttons)
+ buttonTrack.append(Wait(delay))
+ buttonTrack.append(buttonShow)
+ buttonTrack.append(buttonScaleUp)
+ buttonTrack.append(Wait(2.5))
+ buttonTrack.append(buttonScaleDown)
+ buttonTrack.append(buttonHide)
+ soundTrack = __getSoundTrack(level, hitSuit, toon)
+ suitResponseTrack = Sequence()
+ reactIval = Sequence()
+ if showCannon:
+ showDamage = Func(suit.showHpText, -hp, openEnded=0)
+ updateHealthBar = Func(suit.updateHealthBar, hp)
+ # If the suit gets knocked back, animate it
+ # No stun animation shown here
+ cannon = loader.loadModel("phase_4/models/minigames/toon_cannon")
+ barrel = cannon.find("**/cannon")
+ barrel.setHpr(0,90,0)
+ cannonHolder = render.attachNewNode('CannonHolder')
+ cannon.reparentTo(cannonHolder)
+ cannon.setPos(0,0,-8.6)
+ cannonHolder.setPos(suit.getPos(render))
+ cannonHolder.setHpr(suit.getHpr(render))
+ cannonAttachPoint = barrel.attachNewNode('CannonAttach')
+ kapowAttachPoint = barrel.attachNewNode('kapowAttach')
+ scaleFactor = 1.6
+ iScale = 1 / scaleFactor
+ barrel.setScale(scaleFactor,1,scaleFactor)
+ cannonAttachPoint.setScale(iScale, 1, iScale)
+ cannonAttachPoint.setPos(0,6.7,0)
+ kapowAttachPoint.setPos(0,-0.5,1.9)
+ suit.reparentTo(cannonAttachPoint)
+ suit.setPos(0,0,0)
+ suit.setHpr(0,-90,0)
+ suitLevel = suit.getActualLevel()
+ deep = 2.5 + (suitLevel * 0.20)
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ #print "Fire anim suit name: %s" % (
+ suitScale = 0.90
+ import math
+ suitScale = 0.9 - (math.sqrt(suitLevel) * 0.10)
+ #if == 'bf':
+ # suitScale = 0.80
+ #elif == 'cr':
+ # suitScale = 0.75
+ sival = [] # Suit interval of its animation
+ posInit = cannonHolder.getPos()
+ posFinal = Point3(posInit[0] + 0.0, posInit[1] + 0.0, posInit[2] + 7.0)
+ kapow = globalPropPool.getProp('kapow')
+ kapow.reparentTo(kapowAttachPoint)
+ kapow.hide()
+ kapow.setScale(0.25)
+ kapow.setBillboardPointEye()
+ smoke = loader.loadModel(
+ "phase_4/models/props/test_clouds")
+ smoke.reparentTo(cannonAttachPoint)
+ smoke.setScale(.5)
+ smoke.hide()
+ smoke.setBillboardPointEye()
+ soundBomb = base.loadSfx("phase_4/audio/sfx/MG_cannon_fire_alt.mp3")
+ playSoundBomb = SoundInterval(soundBomb,node=cannonHolder)
+ soundFly = base.loadSfx("phase_4/audio/sfx/firework_whistle_01.mp3")
+ playSoundFly = SoundInterval(soundFly,node=cannonHolder)
+ soundCannonAdjust = base.loadSfx("phase_4/audio/sfx/MG_cannon_adjust.mp3")
+ playSoundCannonAdjust = SoundInterval(soundCannonAdjust, duration = 0.6 ,node=cannonHolder)
+ soundCogPanic = base.loadSfx("phase_5/audio/sfx/ENC_cogafssm.mp3")
+ playSoundCogPanic = SoundInterval(soundCogPanic,node=cannonHolder)
+ reactIval = Parallel( ActorInterval(suit, 'pie-small-react'),
+ Sequence(
+ Wait(0.0),
+ LerpPosInterval(cannonHolder, 2.0, posFinal,
+ startPos = posInit, blendType='easeInOut'),
+ Parallel(
+ LerpHprInterval(barrel, 0.6, Point3(0,45,0), startHpr=Point3(0,90,0) , blendType='easeIn'),
+ playSoundCannonAdjust,
+ ),
+ Wait(2.0),
+ Parallel(
+ LerpHprInterval(barrel, 0.6, Point3(0,90,0), startHpr=Point3(0,45,0) , blendType='easeIn'),
+ playSoundCannonAdjust,
+ ),
+ LerpPosInterval(cannonHolder, 1.0, posInit,
+ startPos = posFinal, blendType='easeInOut'),
+ ),
+ Sequence(
+ Wait(0.0),
+ Parallel(
+ ActorInterval(suit, 'flail'),
+ suit.scaleInterval(1.0, suitScale),
+ LerpPosInterval(suit, 0.25, Point3(0,-1.0,0.0)),
+ Sequence(
+ Wait(0.25),
+ Parallel(
+ playSoundCogPanic,
+ LerpPosInterval(suit, 1.50, Point3(0,-deep,0.0), blendType='easeIn'),
+ ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ Wait(2.5),
+ Parallel(
+ playSoundBomb,
+ playSoundFly,
+ Sequence(
+ Func(,
+ Parallel(LerpScaleInterval(smoke, .5, 3),
+ LerpColorScaleInterval(smoke, .5, Vec4(2,2,2,0))),
+ Func(smoke.hide),
+ ),
+ Sequence(
+ Func(,
+ ActorInterval(kapow, 'kapow'),
+ Func(kapow.hide),
+ ),
+ LerpPosInterval(suit, 3.00, Point3(0,150.0,0.0)),
+ suit.scaleInterval(3.0, 0.01),
+ ),
+ Func(suit.hide),
+ )
+ )
+ if (hitCount == 1):
+ sival = Sequence(
+ Parallel(
+ reactIval,
+ MovieUtil.createSuitStunInterval(suit, 0.3, 1.3),
+ ),
+ Wait(0.0),
+ Func(cannonHolder.remove),
+ )
+ else:
+ sival = reactIval
+ #sival = ActorInterval(suit, 'pie-small-react')
+ suitResponseTrack.append(Wait(delay + tPieHitsSuit))
+ suitResponseTrack.append(showDamage)
+ suitResponseTrack.append(updateHealthBar)
+ suitResponseTrack.append(sival)
+ # Make a bonus track for any hp bonus
+ bonusTrack = Sequence(Wait(delay + tPieHitsSuit))
+ if (kbbonus > 0):
+ bonusTrack.append(Wait(0.75))
+ bonusTrack.append(Func(suit.showHpText, -kbbonus, 2, openEnded=0))
+ if (hpbonus > 0):
+ bonusTrack.append(Wait(0.75))
+ bonusTrack.append(Func(suit.showHpText, -hpbonus, 1, openEnded=0))
+ if 0:
+ if (revived != 0):
+ suitResponseTrack.append(MovieUtil.createSuitReviveTrack(suit, toon, battle))
+ elif (died != 0):
+ suitResponseTrack.append(MovieUtil.createSuitDeathTrack(suit, toon, battle))
+ else:
+ suitResponseTrack.append(Func(suit.loop, 'neutral'))
+ suitResponseTrack = Parallel(suitResponseTrack, bonusTrack)
+ # Since it's possible for there to be simultaneous throws, we only
+ # want the suit to dodge one time at most. Thus if the suit is
+ # not hit (dodges) and that dodge is not from the first dodge
+ # (which has delay=0) then we don't add another suit reaction.
+ # Otherwise, we add the suit track as normal
+ return [toonTrack, soundTrack, buttonTrack, suitResponseTrack]
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/ b/toontown/src/battle/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2430f2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/
@@ -0,0 +1,784 @@
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
+from BattleProps import *
+from BattleSounds import *
+from BattleBase import *
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+import MovieCamera
+import random
+import MovieUtil
+import BattleParticles
+import HealJokes
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+from toontown.toonbase.ToontownBattleGlobals import AvPropDamage
+from toontown.toon import NPCToons
+import MovieNPCSOS
+from toontown.effects import Splash
+from direct.task import Task
+notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('MovieHeal')
+soundFiles = ('AA_heal_tickle.mp3',
+ 'AA_heal_telljoke.mp3',
+ 'AA_heal_smooch.mp3',
+ 'AA_heal_happydance.mp3',
+ 'AA_heal_pixiedust.mp3',
+ 'AA_heal_juggle.mp3',
+ 'AA_heal_High_Dive.mp3')#UBER
+healPos = Point3(0, 0, 0)
+healHpr = Vec3(180.0, 0, 0)
+runHealTime = 1.0
+def doHeals(heals, hasInteractivePropHealBonus):
+ """ doHeals(heals)
+ Heals occur in the following order:
+ 1) level 1 heals one at a time, from right to left
+ 2) level 2 heals one at a time, from right to left
+ etc.
+ """
+ #print("do Heals")
+ if (len(heals) == 0):
+ return (None, None)
+ track = Sequence()
+ for h in heals:
+ ival = __doHealLevel(h, hasInteractivePropHealBonus)
+ if (ival):
+ track.append(ival)
+ camDuration = track.getDuration()
+ camTrack = MovieCamera.chooseHealShot(heals, camDuration)
+ return (track, camTrack)
+def __doHealLevel(heal, hasInteractivePropHealBonus):
+ """ __doHealLevel(heal)
+ """
+ #print("doHealLevel")
+ level = heal['level']
+ if (level == 0):
+ return __healTickle(heal, hasInteractivePropHealBonus)
+ elif (level == 1):
+ return __healJoke(heal, hasInteractivePropHealBonus)
+ elif (level == 2):
+ return __healSmooch(heal, hasInteractivePropHealBonus)
+ elif (level == 3):
+ return __healDance(heal, hasInteractivePropHealBonus)
+ elif (level == 4):
+ return __healSprinkle(heal, hasInteractivePropHealBonus)
+ elif (level == 5):
+ return __healJuggle(heal, hasInteractivePropHealBonus)
+ elif (level == 6):
+ return __healDive(heal, hasInteractivePropHealBonus) #UBER
+ return None
+def __runToHealSpot(heal):
+ """ generate a track that does the following:
+ a) face the heal spot
+ b) run to the heal spot
+ c) turn to face the target
+ """
+ toon = heal['toon']
+ battle = heal['battle']
+ level = heal['level']
+ origPos, origHpr = battle.getActorPosHpr(toon)
+ runAnimI = ActorInterval(toon, 'run', duration=runHealTime)
+ a = Func(toon.headsUp, battle, healPos)
+ b = Parallel(runAnimI, LerpPosInterval(
+ toon, runHealTime, healPos, other=battle))
+ # For group heals, face the center of the group
+ if levelAffectsGroup(HEAL, level):#(level % 2):
+ c = Func(toon.setHpr, battle, healHpr)
+ else:
+ # For single heals, face the target toon
+ target = heal['target']['toon']
+ targetPos = target.getPos(battle)
+ c = Func(toon.headsUp, battle, targetPos)
+ return Sequence(a, b, c)
+def __returnToBase(heal):
+ """ generate a track that does the following:
+ a) face the toons starting place
+ b) run to the starting place
+ c) turn to face the center of the battle
+ """
+ toon = heal['toon']
+ battle = heal['battle']
+ origPos, origHpr = battle.getActorPosHpr(toon)
+ #print 'ORIG_HPR: %s' % origHpr
+ runAnimI = ActorInterval(toon, 'run', duration=runHealTime)
+ a = Func(toon.headsUp, battle, origPos)
+ b = Parallel(runAnimI, LerpPosInterval(
+ toon, runHealTime, origPos, other=battle))
+ c = Func(toon.setHpr, battle, origHpr)
+ d = Func(toon.loop, 'neutral')
+ return Sequence(a, b, c, d)
+def __healToon(toon, hp, ineffective, hasInteractivePropHealBonus):
+ notify.debug('healToon() - toon: %d hp: %d ineffective: %d' % \
+ (toon.doId, hp, ineffective))
+ if (ineffective == 1):
+ laughter = random.choice(TTLocalizer.MovieHealLaughterMisses)
+ else:
+ maxDam=AvPropDamage[0][1][0][1]
+ if (hp >= maxDam-1):
+ laughter = random.choice(TTLocalizer.MovieHealLaughterHits2)
+ else:
+ laughter = random.choice(TTLocalizer.MovieHealLaughterHits1)
+ toon.setChatAbsolute(laughter, CFSpeech | CFTimeout)
+ if (hp > 0 and toon.hp != None):
+ toon.toonUp(hp, hasInteractivePropHealBonus)
+ else:
+ notify.debug('__healToon() - toon: %d hp: %d' % (toon.doId, hp))
+def __getPartTrack(particleEffect, startDelay, durationDelay, partExtraArgs):
+ """ This function returns the default particle track for a suit attack
+ animation. Arguments:
+ startDelay = time delay before particle effect begins
+ durationDelay = time delay before particles are cleaned up
+ partExtraArgs = extraArgs for startParticleEffect function, the first
+ element of which is always the particle effect (function relies on this)
+ """
+ pEffect = partExtraArgs[0]
+ parent = partExtraArgs[1]
+ if (len(partExtraArgs) == 3):
+ worldRelative = partExtraArgs[2]
+ else:
+ worldRelative = 1
+ return Sequence(
+ Wait(startDelay),
+ ParticleInterval(pEffect, parent, worldRelative,
+ duration=durationDelay, cleanup = True),
+ )
+def __getSoundTrack(level, delay, duration=None, node=None):
+ #level: the level of attack, int 0-5
+ #delay: time delay before playing sound
+ soundEffect = globalBattleSoundCache.getSound(soundFiles[level])
+ soundIntervals = Sequence()
+ if soundEffect:
+ if duration:
+ playSound = SoundInterval(soundEffect, duration=duration, node=node)
+ else:
+ playSound = SoundInterval(soundEffect, node=node)
+ soundIntervals.append(Wait(delay))
+ soundIntervals.append(playSound)
+ return soundIntervals
+def __healTickle(heal,hasInteractivePropHealBonus):
+ """ __healTickle(heal)
+ """
+ toon = heal['toon']
+ target = heal['target']['toon']
+ hp = heal['target']['hp']
+ ineffective = heal['sidestep']
+ level = heal['level']
+ # Make a 'sandwich' around the track specific interval
+ track = Sequence(__runToHealSpot(heal))
+ feather = globalPropPool.getProp('feather')
+ feather2 = MovieUtil.copyProp(feather)
+ feathers = [feather, feather2]
+ hands = toon.getRightHands()
+ def scaleFeathers(feathers, toon=toon, target=target):
+ toon.pose('tickle', 63)
+ toon.update(0) # make sure LOD 0 is posed
+ hand = toon.getRightHands()[0]
+ horizDistance = Vec3(hand.getPos(render) - target.getPos(render))
+ horizDistance.setZ(0)
+ distance = horizDistance.length()
+ if[0] == 's':
+ distance -= 0.5 # for fat toons
+ else:
+ distance -= 0.3 # for skinny toons
+ featherLen = 2.4
+ scale = distance / (featherLen * hand.getScale(render)[0])
+ for feather in feathers:
+ feather.setScale(scale)
+ tFeatherScaleUp = 0.5
+ dFeatherScaleUp = 0.5
+ dFeatherScaleDown = 0.5
+ featherTrack = Parallel(
+ MovieUtil.getActorIntervals(feathers, 'feather'),
+ Sequence(Wait(tFeatherScaleUp),
+ Func(MovieUtil.showProps, feathers, hands),
+ Func(scaleFeathers, feathers),
+ MovieUtil.getScaleIntervals(feathers, dFeatherScaleUp,
+ MovieUtil.PNT3_NEARZERO,
+ feathers[0].getScale),
+ ),
+ Sequence(Wait(toon.getDuration('tickle') - dFeatherScaleDown),
+ MovieUtil.getScaleIntervals(feathers, dFeatherScaleDown,
+ None, MovieUtil.PNT3_NEARZERO)
+ ),
+ )
+ tHeal = 3.
+ mtrack = Parallel(featherTrack,
+ ActorInterval(toon, 'tickle'),
+ __getSoundTrack(level, 1, node=toon),
+ Sequence(Wait(tHeal),
+ Func(__healToon, target, hp, ineffective,hasInteractivePropHealBonus),
+ ActorInterval(target, 'cringe',
+ startTime=20./target.getFrameRate('cringe')
+ )),
+ )
+ track.append(mtrack)
+ track.append(Func(MovieUtil.removeProps, feathers))
+ track.append(__returnToBase(heal))
+ track.append(Func(target.clearChat))
+ return track
+def __healJoke(heal, hasInteractivePropHealBonus):
+ """ __healJoke(heal)
+ """
+ toon = heal['toon']
+ targets = heal['target']
+ ineffective = heal['sidestep']
+ level = heal['level']
+ jokeIndex = heal['hpbonus'] % len(HealJokes.toonHealJokes)
+ # Make a 'sandwich' around the track specific interval
+ track = Sequence(__runToHealSpot(heal))
+ # start a multitrack
+ tracks = Parallel()
+ # frame
+ fSpeakPunchline = 58
+ tSpeakSetup = 0.
+ tSpeakPunchline = 3.
+ dPunchLine = 3.
+ tTargetReact = tSpeakPunchline + 1.
+ dTargetLaugh = 1.5
+ tRunBack = tSpeakPunchline + dPunchLine
+ tDoSoundAnimation = tSpeakPunchline - \
+ (float(fSpeakPunchline) / toon.getFrameRate('sound'))
+ # megaphone track
+ megaphone = globalPropPool.getProp('megaphone')
+ megaphone2 = MovieUtil.copyProp(megaphone)
+ megaphones = [megaphone, megaphone2]
+ hands = toon.getRightHands()
+ dMegaphoneScale = 0.5
+ tracks.append(Sequence(
+ Wait(tDoSoundAnimation),
+ Func(MovieUtil.showProps, megaphones, hands),
+ MovieUtil.getScaleIntervals(megaphones, dMegaphoneScale,
+ MovieUtil.PNT3_NEARZERO, MovieUtil.PNT3_ONE),
+ Wait(toon.getDuration('sound') - (2.0 * dMegaphoneScale)),
+ MovieUtil.getScaleIntervals(megaphones, dMegaphoneScale,
+ MovieUtil.PNT3_ONE, MovieUtil.PNT3_NEARZERO),
+ Func(MovieUtil.removeProps, megaphones)
+ ))
+ # toon track
+ tracks.append(Sequence(
+ Wait(tDoSoundAnimation),
+ ActorInterval(toon, 'sound')
+ ))
+ # add sound
+ soundTrack = __getSoundTrack(level, 2.0, node=toon)
+ tracks.append(soundTrack)
+ assert(jokeIndex < len(HealJokes.toonHealJokes))
+ joke = HealJokes.toonHealJokes[jokeIndex]
+ # the set-up
+ tracks.append(Sequence(
+ Wait(tSpeakSetup),
+ Func(toon.setChatAbsolute, joke[0], CFSpeech | CFTimeout),
+ ))
+ # the punchline
+ tracks.append(Sequence(
+ Wait(tSpeakPunchline),
+ Func(toon.setChatAbsolute, joke[1], CFSpeech | CFTimeout),
+ ))
+ # do the target toon reaction(s)
+ reactTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(tTargetReact),
+ )
+ for target in targets:
+ targetToon = target['toon']
+ hp = target['hp']
+ reactTrack.append(
+ Func(__healToon, targetToon, hp, ineffective, hasInteractivePropHealBonus)
+ )
+ reactTrack.append(Wait(dTargetLaugh))
+ for target in targets:
+ targetToon = target['toon']
+ reactTrack.append(Func(targetToon.clearChat))
+ tracks.append(reactTrack)
+ tracks.append(Sequence(
+ Wait(tRunBack),
+ Func(toon.clearChat),
+ *__returnToBase(heal)))
+ # lay down the multitrack
+ track.append(tracks)
+ return track
+def __healSmooch(heal, hasInteractivePropHealBonus):
+ """ __healSmooch(heal)
+ """
+ toon = heal['toon']
+ target = heal['target']['toon']
+ level = heal['level']
+ hp = heal['target']['hp']
+ ineffective = heal['sidestep']
+ # Make a 'sandwich' around the track specific interval
+ track = Sequence(__runToHealSpot(heal))
+ lipstick = globalPropPool.getProp('lipstick')
+ lipstick2 = MovieUtil.copyProp(lipstick)
+ lipsticks = [lipstick, lipstick2]
+ rightHands = toon.getRightHands()
+ dScale = 0.5
+ lipstickTrack = Sequence(
+ Func(MovieUtil.showProps,
+ lipsticks, rightHands,
+ Point3(-0.27, -0.24, -0.95),
+ Point3(-118, -10.6, -25.9)),
+ MovieUtil.getScaleIntervals(lipsticks, dScale,
+ MovieUtil.PNT3_NEARZERO, MovieUtil.PNT3_ONE),
+ Wait(toon.getDuration('smooch') - (2.*dScale)),
+ MovieUtil.getScaleIntervals(lipsticks, dScale,
+ MovieUtil.PNT3_ONE, MovieUtil.PNT3_NEARZERO),
+ Func(MovieUtil.removeProps, lipsticks),
+ )
+ lips = globalPropPool.getProp('lips')
+ dScale = 0.5
+ tLips = 2.5
+ tThrow = 115. / toon.getFrameRate('smooch')
+ dThrow = 0.5
+ def getLipPos(toon=toon):
+ toon.pose('smooch', 57)
+ toon.update(0)
+ hand = toon.getRightHands()[0]
+ return hand.getPos(render)
+ lipsTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(tLips),
+ Func(MovieUtil.showProp, lips, render, getLipPos),
+ Func(lips.setBillboardPointWorld),
+ LerpScaleInterval(lips, dScale, Point3(3, 3, 3),
+ startScale=MovieUtil.PNT3_NEARZERO),
+ Wait((tThrow - tLips) - dScale),
+ LerpPosInterval(lips, dThrow, Point3(target.getPos() +
+ Point3(0, 0, target.getHeight()))),
+ Func(MovieUtil.removeProp, lips),
+ )
+ delay = tThrow + dThrow
+ mtrack = Parallel(lipstickTrack,
+ lipsTrack,
+ __getSoundTrack(level, 2, node=toon),
+ Sequence(ActorInterval(toon, 'smooch'), *__returnToBase(heal)),
+ Sequence(Wait(delay), ActorInterval(target, 'conked')),
+ Sequence(Wait(delay), Func(__healToon,
+ target, hp, ineffective, hasInteractivePropHealBonus)),
+ )
+ track.append(mtrack)
+ #track.append(__returnToBase(heal))
+ track.append(Func(target.clearChat))
+ return track
+def __healDance(heal, hasInteractivePropHealBonus):
+ """ __healDance(heal)
+ """
+ toon = heal['toon']
+ targets = heal['target']
+ ineffective = heal['sidestep']
+ level = heal['level']
+ # Make a 'sandwich' around the track specific interval
+ track = Sequence(__runToHealSpot(heal))
+ delay = 3.0
+ first = 1
+ targetTrack = Sequence()
+ for target in targets:
+ targetToon = target['toon']
+ hp = target['hp']
+ reactIval = Func(__healToon, targetToon, hp, ineffective, hasInteractivePropHealBonus)
+ if (first):
+ targetTrack.append(Wait(delay))
+ first = 0
+ targetTrack.append(reactIval)
+ hat = globalPropPool.getProp('hat')
+ hat2 = MovieUtil.copyProp(hat)
+ hats = [hat, hat2]
+ cane = globalPropPool.getProp('cane')
+ cane2 = MovieUtil.copyProp(cane)
+ canes = [cane, cane2]
+ leftHands = toon.getLeftHands()
+ rightHands = toon.getRightHands()
+ dScale = 0.5
+ propTrack = Sequence(
+ Func(MovieUtil.showProps,
+ hats, rightHands,
+ Point3(0.23, 0.09, 0.69),
+ Point3(180, 0, 0)),
+ Func(MovieUtil.showProps,
+ canes, leftHands,
+ Point3(-0.28, 0., 0.14),
+ Point3(0., 0., -150.)),
+ MovieUtil.getScaleIntervals(hats + canes, dScale,
+ MovieUtil.PNT3_NEARZERO, MovieUtil.PNT3_ONE),
+ Wait(toon.getDuration('happy-dance') - (2.*dScale)),
+ MovieUtil.getScaleIntervals(hats + canes, dScale,
+ MovieUtil.PNT3_ONE, MovieUtil.PNT3_NEARZERO),
+ Func(MovieUtil.removeProps, hats + canes),
+ )
+ mtrack = Parallel(propTrack,
+ ActorInterval(toon, 'happy-dance'),
+ __getSoundTrack(level, 0.2, duration=6.4, node=toon),
+ targetTrack)
+ # wait a split second before dancing
+ track.append(Func(toon.loop, 'neutral'))
+ track.append(Wait(0.1))
+ track.append(mtrack)
+ track.append(__returnToBase(heal))
+ for target in targets:
+ targetToon = target['toon']
+ track.append(Func(targetToon.clearChat))
+ return track
+def __healSprinkle(heal, hasInteractivePropHealBonus):
+ """ __healSprinkle(heal)
+ """
+ toon = heal['toon']
+ target = heal['target']['toon']
+ hp = heal['target']['hp']
+ ineffective = heal['sidestep']
+ level = heal['level']
+ # Make a 'sandwich' around the track specific interval
+ track = Sequence(__runToHealSpot(heal))
+ sprayEffect = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='pixieSpray')
+ dropEffect = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='pixieDrop')
+ explodeEffect = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='pixieExplode')
+ poofEffect = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='pixiePoof')
+ wallEffect = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='pixieWall')
+ def face90(toon=toon, target=target):
+ # turn the toon so that the right side
+ # of his body faces his target
+ vec = Point3(target.getPos() - toon.getPos())
+ vec.setZ(0)
+ temp = vec[0]
+ vec.setX(-vec[1])
+ vec.setY(temp)
+ targetPoint = Point3(toon.getPos() + vec)
+ toon.headsUp(render, targetPoint)
+ delay = 2.5
+ mtrack = Parallel(
+ __getPartTrack(sprayEffect, 1.5, 0.5, [sprayEffect, toon, 0]),
+ __getPartTrack(dropEffect, 1.9, 2., [dropEffect, target, 0]),
+ __getPartTrack(explodeEffect, 2.7, 1.0, [explodeEffect, toon, 0]),
+ __getPartTrack(poofEffect, 3.4, 1.0, [poofEffect, target, 0]),
+ __getPartTrack(wallEffect, 4.05, 1.2, [wallEffect, toon, 0]),
+ __getSoundTrack(level, 2, duration=4.1, node=toon),
+ Sequence(Func(face90),
+ ActorInterval(toon, 'sprinkle-dust')),
+ Sequence(Wait(delay),
+ Func(__healToon, target, hp, ineffective, hasInteractivePropHealBonus)),
+ )
+ track.append(mtrack)
+ track.append(__returnToBase(heal))
+ track.append(Func(target.clearChat))
+ return track
+def __healJuggle(heal, hasInteractivePropHealBonus):
+ """ __healJuggle(heal)
+ """
+ # Determine if this is an NPC heal
+ #print("heal Juggle Anim")
+ npcId = 0
+ if (heal.has_key('npcId')):
+ npcId = heal['npcId']
+ toon = NPCToons.createLocalNPC(npcId)
+ if (toon == None):
+ return None
+ else:
+ toon = heal['toon']
+ targets = heal['target']
+ ineffective = heal['sidestep']
+ level = heal['level']
+ # Make a 'sandwich' around the track specific interval
+ if (npcId != 0):
+ track = Sequence(MovieNPCSOS.teleportIn(heal, toon))
+ else:
+ track = Sequence(__runToHealSpot(heal))
+ delay = 4.0
+ first = 1
+ targetTrack = Sequence()
+ for target in targets:
+ targetToon = target['toon']
+ #hp = min(targetToon.hp + target['hp'], targetToon.maxHp)
+ hp = target['hp']
+ reactIval = Func(__healToon, targetToon, hp, ineffective, hasInteractivePropHealBonus)
+ if (first == 1):
+ targetTrack.append(Wait(delay))
+ first = 0
+ targetTrack.append(reactIval)
+ cube = globalPropPool.getProp('cubes')
+ cube2 = MovieUtil.copyProp(cube)
+ cubes = [cube, cube2]
+ hips = [toon.getLOD(toon.getLODNames()[0]).find("**/joint_hips"),
+ toon.getLOD(toon.getLODNames()[1]).find("**/joint_hips"),
+ ]
+ cubeTrack = Sequence(
+ Func(MovieUtil.showProps, cubes, hips),
+ MovieUtil.getActorIntervals(cubes, 'cubes'),
+ Func(MovieUtil.removeProps, cubes),
+ )
+ mtrack = Parallel(cubeTrack,
+ __getSoundTrack(level, 0.7, duration=7.7, node=toon),
+ ActorInterval(toon, 'juggle'),
+ targetTrack)
+ track.append(mtrack)
+ if (npcId != 0):
+ track.append(MovieNPCSOS.teleportOut(heal, toon))
+ else:
+ track.append(__returnToBase(heal))
+ for target in targets:
+ targetToon = target['toon']
+ track.append(Func(targetToon.clearChat))
+ return track
+def __healDive(heal, hasInteractivePropHealBonus):
+ """ __healJuggle(heal)
+ """
+ # Determine if this is an NPC heal
+ #print("heal Dive Anim")
+ # Splash object for when toon hits the water
+ splash = Splash.Splash(render) #remember to destroy
+ splash.reparentTo(render)
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ npcId = 0
+ if (heal.has_key('npcId')):
+ npcId = heal['npcId']
+ toon = NPCToons.createLocalNPC(npcId)
+ if (toon == None):
+ return None
+ else:
+ toon = heal['toon']
+ targets = heal['target']
+ ineffective = heal['sidestep']
+ level = heal['level']
+ #print("toonScale %s" % (toon.getBodyScale()))
+ # Make a 'sandwich' around the track specific interval
+ if (npcId != 0):
+ track = Sequence(MovieNPCSOS.teleportIn(heal, toon))
+ else:
+ track = Sequence(__runToHealSpot(heal))
+ delay = 7.0
+ first = 1
+ targetTrack = Sequence()
+ for target in targets:
+ targetToon = target['toon']
+ #hp = min(targetToon.hp + target['hp'], targetToon.maxHp)
+ hp = target['hp']
+ reactIval = Func(__healToon, targetToon, hp, ineffective, hasInteractivePropHealBonus)
+ if (first == 1):
+ targetTrack.append(Wait(delay))
+ first = 0
+ targetTrack.append(reactIval)
+ thisBattle = heal['battle']
+ toonsInBattle = thisBattle.toons
+ glass = globalPropPool.getProp('glass')
+ glass.setScale(4.0)
+ glass.setHpr(0.0, 90.0, 0.0)
+ ladder = globalPropPool.getProp('ladder')#MovieUtil.copyProp(cube)
+ #placeNode = MovieUtil.copyProp(glass)
+ placeNode = NodePath("lookNode")
+ diveProps = [glass, ladder]#, placeNode]
+ ladderScale = (toon.getBodyScale() / 0.66)
+ scaleUpPoint = Point3(.50, .5 , .45) * ladderScale
+ basePos = toon.getPos()
+ glassOffset = Point3(0,1.1,0.2)
+ glassToonOffset = Point3(0,1.2,0.2)
+ splashOffset = Point3(0,1.0,0.4)
+ ladderOffset = Point3(0,4,0)
+ ladderToonSep = Point3(0,1,0) * ladderScale
+ diveOffset = Point3(0,0,10)
+ divePos = add3(add3(ladderOffset, diveOffset), ladderToonSep)
+ ladder.setH(toon.getH())
+ glassPos = render.getRelativePoint(toon, glassOffset)#add3(basePos, glassOffset)
+ glassToonPos = render.getRelativePoint(toon, glassToonOffset)
+ ladderPos = render.getRelativePoint(toon, ladderOffset)
+ climbladderPos = render.getRelativePoint(toon, add3(ladderOffset, ladderToonSep))#add3(basePos, ladderOffset)
+ divePos = render.getRelativePoint(toon, divePos)
+ topDivePos = render.getRelativePoint(toon, diveOffset)
+ lookBase = render.getRelativePoint(toon, ladderOffset)
+ lookTop = render.getRelativePoint(toon, add3(ladderOffset, diveOffset))
+ LookGlass = render.getRelativePoint(toon, glassOffset)
+ splash.setPos(splashOffset)
+ walkToLadderTime = 1.0
+ climbTime = 5.0
+ diveTime = 1.0
+ ladderGrowTime = 1.5
+ splash.setPos(glassPos)
+ toonNode = toon.getGeomNode()
+ #nameTagNode = NodePath(toon.nametag.getNametag3d())
+ #nameTagNode = NodePath(toon.getHeadParts()[0])
+ #placeNode = NodePath("lookNode")
+ placeNode.reparentTo(render)
+ placeNode.setScale(5.0)
+ #placeNode.attachNewNode("lookNode")
+ placeNode.setPos(toon.getPos(render))
+ placeNode.setHpr(toon.getHpr(render))
+ toonscale = toonNode.getScale()
+ toonFacing = toon.getHpr()
+ #for someToon in toonsInBattle:
+ # someToon.startStareAt(nameTagNode, Point3(0,0,3))
+ #toonsLook(toonsInBattle, placeNode, Point3(0,0,3))
+ propTrack = Sequence(
+ #Func(MovieUtil.showProps, cubes, hips),
+ Func(MovieUtil.showProp, glass, render, glassPos),
+ Func(MovieUtil.showProp, ladder, render, ladderPos),
+ Func(toonsLook, toonsInBattle, placeNode, Point3(0,0,0)),
+ Func(placeNode.setPos, lookBase),
+ LerpScaleInterval(ladder, ladderGrowTime, scaleUpPoint,
+ startScale=MovieUtil.PNT3_NEARZERO),
+ Func(placeNode.setPos, lookTop),
+ Wait(2.1),
+ MovieCamera.toonGroupHighShot(None, 0),
+ Wait(2.1),
+ Func(placeNode.setPos, LookGlass),
+ Wait(0.4),
+ MovieCamera.allGroupLowShot(None, 0),
+ Wait(1.8),
+ LerpScaleInterval(ladder, ladderGrowTime, MovieUtil.PNT3_NEARZERO,
+ startScale=scaleUpPoint),
+ Func(MovieUtil.removeProps, diveProps),
+ #Func(MovieUtil.removeProps, placeNode),
+ )
+ mtrack = Parallel(propTrack,
+ __getSoundTrack(level, 0.6, duration=9.0, node=toon),
+ Sequence(
+ Parallel(
+ Sequence(
+ ActorInterval(toon, 'walk', loop = 0, duration = walkToLadderTime),
+ ActorInterval(toon, 'neutral', loop = 0, duration = 0.1),
+ ),
+ LerpPosInterval(toon, walkToLadderTime, climbladderPos),
+ Wait(ladderGrowTime),
+ ),
+ Parallel(
+ ActorInterval(toon, 'climb', loop = 0, endFrame = 116),
+ Sequence(
+ Wait(4.6),
+ #LerpScaleInterval(toon, diveTime*0.1, 0.1),
+ #Func(toon.doToonAlphaColorScale, VBase4(1, 0.0, 1, 0.0), 0.5),
+ Func(toonNode.setTransparency, 1),
+ LerpColorScaleInterval(toonNode, 0.25, VBase4(1, 1.0, 1, 0.0), blendType = 'easeInOut'),
+ LerpScaleInterval(toonNode, 0.01, 0.1, startScale = toonscale),
+ LerpHprInterval(toon, 0.01, toonFacing),
+ LerpPosInterval(toon, 0.0, glassToonPos),
+ Func(toonNode.clearTransparency),
+ Func(toonNode.clearColorScale),
+ Parallel(
+ ActorInterval(toon, 'swim', loop = 1, startTime = 0.0, endTime = 1.00),
+ Wait(1.0),
+ ),
+ #
+ ),
+ Sequence(
+ Wait(4.6),
+ Func(,
+ Wait(1.0),
+ Func(splash.destroy),
+ ),
+ ),
+ #ActorInterval(toon, 'walk', loop = 1, duration=walkToLadderTime),
+ #ActorInterval(toon, 'swim', loop = 1, duration=climbTime),
+ #ActorInterval(toon, 'swim', loop = 1, duration=diveTime*1.0),
+ #LerpScaleInterval(toon, diveTime*0.1, 0.1),
+ Wait(0.5),
+ Parallel(
+ #LerpHprInterval(toon, 0.1, Point3(0,0,0)),
+ ActorInterval(toon, 'jump', loop = 0, startTime = 0.2),
+ LerpScaleInterval(toonNode, 0.5, toonscale, startScale = 0.1),
+ Func(stopLook, toonsInBattle),
+ )
+ ),
+ targetTrack)
+ track.append(mtrack)
+ if (npcId != 0):
+ track.append(MovieNPCSOS.teleportOut(heal, toon))
+ else:
+ track.append(__returnToBase(heal))
+ for target in targets:
+ targetToon = target['toon']
+ track.append(Func(targetToon.clearChat))
+ return track
+def add3(t1, t2):
+ returnThree = Point3(t1[0]+t2[0], t1[1]+t2[1], t1[2]+t2[2])
+ return returnThree
+def stopLook(toonsInBattle):
+ for someToon in toonsInBattle:
+ someToon.stopStareAt()
+def toonsLook(toons, someNode, offset):
+ #print("toonsLook")
+ for someToon in toons:
+ #someToon.stopStareAt()
+ someToon.startStareAt(someNode, offset)
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/ b/toontown/src/battle/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..002b6c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/
@@ -0,0 +1,983 @@
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
+from BattleBase import *
+from BattleProps import *
+from toontown.suit.SuitBase import *
+from toontown.toon.ToonDNA import *
+from BattleSounds import *
+import MovieCamera
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+import MovieUtil
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownBattleGlobals
+import BattleParticles
+import BattleProps
+import MovieNPCSOS
+notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('MovieLures')
+def safeWrtReparentTo(nodePath, parent):
+ if nodePath and not nodePath.isEmpty():
+ nodePath.wrtReparentTo(parent)
+def doLures(lures):
+ """ doLures(lures)
+ Lures occur in the following order:
+ 1) level 1 lures one at a time, from right to left
+ 2) level 2 lures one at a time, from right to left
+ etc.
+ """
+ if (len(lures) == 0):
+ return (None, None)
+ npcArrivals, npcDepartures, npcs = MovieNPCSOS.doNPCTeleports(lures)
+ mtrack = Parallel()
+ for l in lures:
+ ival = __doLureLevel(l, npcs)
+ if (ival):
+ mtrack.append(ival)
+ lureTrack = Sequence(npcArrivals, mtrack, npcDepartures)
+ camDuration = mtrack.getDuration()
+ enterDuration = npcArrivals.getDuration()
+ exitDuration = npcDepartures.getDuration()
+ camTrack = MovieCamera.chooseLureShot(lures, camDuration, enterDuration,
+ exitDuration)
+ return (lureTrack, camTrack)
+def __doLureLevel(lure, npcs):
+ """ __doLureLevel(lure)
+ """
+ level = lure['level']
+ if (level == 0):
+ return __lureOneDollar(lure)
+ elif (level == 1):
+ return __lureSmallMagnet(lure)
+ elif (level == 2):
+ return __lureFiveDollar(lure)
+ elif (level == 3):
+ return __lureLargeMagnet(lure)
+ elif (level == 4):
+ return __lureTenDollar(lure)
+ elif (level == 5):
+ return __lureHypnotize(lure, npcs)
+ elif (level == 6):
+ return __lureSlideshow(lure, npcs) #UBER
+ return None
+def getSoundTrack(fileName, delay=0.01, duration=None, node=None):
+ """ This functions returns the standard sound track, which involves one sound
+ effect with a possible delay beforehand and an optional duration specification.
+ """
+ soundEffect = globalBattleSoundCache.getSound(fileName)
+ if duration:
+ return Sequence(Wait(delay),
+ SoundInterval(soundEffect, duration=duration, node=node))
+ else:
+ return Sequence(Wait(delay),
+ SoundInterval(soundEffect, node=node))
+def __createFishingPoleMultiTrack(lure, dollar, dollarName):
+ toon = lure['toon']
+ target = lure['target']
+ battle = lure['battle']
+ sidestep = lure['sidestep']
+ hp = target['hp']
+ kbbonus = target['kbbonus']
+ suit = target['suit']
+ targetPos = suit.getPos(battle)
+ died = target['died']
+ revived = target['revived']
+ reachAnimDuration = 3.5
+ trapProp = suit.battleTrapProp
+ pole = globalPropPool.getProp('fishing-pole')
+ pole2 = MovieUtil.copyProp(pole)
+ poles = [pole, pole2]
+ hands = toon.getRightHands()
+ def positionDollar(dollar, suit):
+ dollar.reparentTo(suit)
+ dollar.setPos(0, MovieUtil.SUIT_LURE_DOLLAR_DISTANCE, 0)
+ dollarTrack = Sequence(
+ Func(positionDollar, dollar, suit),
+ Func(dollar.wrtReparentTo, battle),
+ ActorInterval(dollar, dollarName, duration=3),
+ # Slowly lower dollar in front of the suit
+ getSplicedLerpAnimsTrack(dollar, dollarName, 0.7, 2.0, startTime=3),
+ # Quickly rip the dollar away before the suit has a change to grab it
+ LerpPosInterval(dollar, 0.2, Point3(0, -10, 7)),
+ Func(MovieUtil.removeProp, dollar),
+ )
+ poleTrack = Sequence(
+ Func(MovieUtil.showProps, poles, hands),
+ ActorInterval(pole, 'fishing-pole'),
+ Func(MovieUtil.removeProps, poles),
+ )
+ toonTrack = Sequence(
+ Func(toon.headsUp, battle, targetPos), # Face toon
+ ActorInterval(toon, 'battlecast'), # perform the casting animation
+ Func(toon.loop, 'neutral'), # Face toon
+ )
+ tracks = Parallel(dollarTrack, poleTrack, toonTrack)
+ # See if lure succeeds
+ if (sidestep == 0):
+ # See if suit animates to this particular lure (or another one that
+ # also succeeds on the same suit)
+ if (kbbonus == 1 or hp > 0):
+ suitTrack = Sequence()
+ opos, ohpr = battle.getActorPosHpr(suit)
+ # The suit travels during the reach animation, so we must renew
+ # its position to where it ends up after reaching
+ reachDist = MovieUtil.SUIT_LURE_DISTANCE
+ reachPos = Point3(opos[0], opos[1]-reachDist, opos[2])
+ suitTrack.append(Func(suit.loop, 'neutral'))
+ # Wait before reaching for the dollar
+ suitTrack.append(Wait(3.5))
+ # Special case, if the suit is "big and tall" (type C and not
+ # 'mm' or 'sc'), then the suit appears to travel more during the
+ # reach animation (3.5 instead of 2.6). Therefore, we must
+ # actually push these suits back slightly as they move forward to
+ # make sure they get to the correct spot but still look right
+ # doing so
+ suitName = suit.getStyleName()
+ retardPos, retardHpr = battle.getActorPosHpr(suit)
+ retardPos.setY(retardPos.getY() + MovieUtil.SUIT_EXTRA_REACH_DISTANCE)
+ if (suitName in MovieUtil.largeSuits):
+ moveTrack = lerpSuit(suit, 0.0, reachAnimDuration/2.5, retardPos,
+ battle, trapProp)
+ reachTrack = ActorInterval(suit, 'reach',
+ duration=reachAnimDuration)# Reach for the dollar
+ suitTrack.append(Parallel(moveTrack, reachTrack))
+ else: # Otherwise just do the reach animation with no
+ # artificial movement
+ suitTrack.append(ActorInterval(suit, 'reach',
+ duration=reachAnimDuration)) # Reach for the dollar
+ # Be sure to reparent the trapProp properly away from the
+ # suit during movement and then back to the suit once
+ # completed
+ if trapProp:
+ suitTrack.append(Func(trapProp.wrtReparentTo, battle))
+ suitTrack.append(Func(suit.setPos, battle, reachPos))
+ if trapProp:
+ suitTrack.append(Func(trapProp.wrtReparentTo, suit))
+ suit.battleTrapProp = trapProp
+ suitTrack.append(Func(suit.loop, 'neutral'))
+ suitTrack.append(Func(battle.lureSuit, suit))
+ if (hp > 0):
+ suitTrack.append(__createSuitDamageTrack(battle, suit, hp, lure, trapProp))
+ if (revived != 0):
+ suitTrack.append(MovieUtil.createSuitReviveTrack(suit, toon, battle))
+ if (died != 0):
+ suitTrack.append(MovieUtil.createSuitDeathTrack(suit, toon, battle))
+ tracks.append(suitTrack)
+ else: # If the lure fails
+ tracks.append(Sequence(Wait(3.7),
+ Func(MovieUtil.indicateMissed, suit)))
+ tracks.append(getSoundTrack('TL_fishing_pole.mp3', delay=0.5, node=toon))
+ return tracks
+def __createMagnetMultiTrack(lure, magnet, pos, hpr, scale, isSmallMagnet=1):
+ toon = lure['toon']
+ battle = lure['battle']
+ sidestep = lure['sidestep']
+ targets = lure['target']
+ tracks = Parallel()
+ # Create a track for the toon
+ tracks.append(Sequence(
+ ActorInterval(toon, 'hold-magnet'),
+ Func(toon.loop, 'neutral'),
+ ))
+ # Create a track for the magnet
+ hands = toon.getLeftHands()
+ magnet2 = MovieUtil.copyProp(magnet)
+ magnets = [magnet, magnet2]
+ magnetTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(0.7), # Wait before showing the magnet
+ Func(MovieUtil.showProps, magnets,
+ hands, pos, hpr, scale),
+ Wait(6.3), # Wait while magnet is being used
+ Func(MovieUtil.removeProps, magnets))
+ tracks.append(magnetTrack)
+ for target in targets:
+ suit = target['suit']
+ trapProp = suit.battleTrapProp
+ # See if lure succeeds
+ if (sidestep == 0):
+ hp = target['hp']
+ kbbonus = target['kbbonus']
+ died = target['died']
+ revived = target['revived']
+ # See if suit animates to this particular lure (or another one that
+ # also succeeds on the same suit)
+ if (kbbonus == 1 or hp > 0):
+ suitDelay = 2.6
+ suitMoveDuration = 0.8
+ suitTrack = Sequence()
+ opos, ohpr = battle.getActorPosHpr(suit)
+ reachDist = MovieUtil.SUIT_LURE_DISTANCE
+ reachPos = Point3(opos[0], opos[1]-reachDist, opos[2])
+ numShakes = 3
+ shakeTotalDuration = 0.8
+ shakeDuration = shakeTotalDuration / float(numShakes)
+ suitTrack.append(Func(suit.loop, 'neutral'))
+ suitTrack.append(Wait(suitDelay))
+ suitTrack.append(ActorInterval(suit, 'landing', startTime=2.37,
+ endTime=1.82))
+ for i in range(0, numShakes):
+ suitTrack.append(ActorInterval(
+ suit, 'landing', startTime=1.82, endTime=1.16,
+ duration=shakeDuration))
+ suitTrack.append(ActorInterval(
+ suit, 'landing', startTime=1.16, endTime=0.7))
+ suitTrack.append(ActorInterval(
+ suit, 'landing', startTime=0.7, duration=1.3))
+ suitTrack.append(Func(suit.loop, 'neutral'))
+ suitTrack.append(Func(battle.lureSuit, suit))
+ if (hp > 0):
+ suitTrack.append(__createSuitDamageTrack(battle, suit,
+ hp, lure, trapProp))
+ if (revived != 0):
+ suitTrack.append(MovieUtil.createSuitReviveTrack(suit, toon, battle))
+ elif (died != 0):
+ suitTrack.append(MovieUtil.createSuitDeathTrack(suit, toon, battle))
+ tracks.append(suitTrack)
+ # Must lerp the suit during the magnet animation
+ tracks.append(lerpSuit(suit, suitDelay+0.55+shakeTotalDuration,
+ suitMoveDuration, reachPos, battle, trapProp))
+ else: # If lure fails
+ tracks.append(Sequence(Wait(3.7),
+ Func(MovieUtil.indicateMissed, suit)))
+ if (isSmallMagnet == 1): # using the small magnet
+ tracks.append(getSoundTrack('TL_small_magnet.mp3', delay=0.7, node=toon))
+ else:
+ tracks.append(getSoundTrack('TL_large_magnet.mp3', delay=0.7, node=toon))
+ return tracks
+def __createHypnoGogglesMultiTrack(lure, npcs = []):
+ toon = lure['toon']
+ if (lure.has_key('npc')):
+ toon = lure['npc']
+ targets = lure['target']
+ battle = lure['battle']
+ sidestep = lure['sidestep']
+ goggles = globalPropPool.getProp('hypno-goggles')
+ goggles2 = MovieUtil.copyProp(goggles)
+ bothGoggles = [goggles, goggles2]
+ pos = Point3(-1.03, 1.04, -0.30)
+ hpr = Point3(-96.55, 36.14, -170.59)
+ scale = Point3(1.5, 1.5, 1.5)
+ hands = toon.getLeftHands()
+ gogglesTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(0.6), # Wait a bit to appear
+ Func(MovieUtil.showProps, bothGoggles,
+ hands, pos, hpr, scale),
+ ActorInterval(goggles, 'hypno-goggles', duration=2.2),
+ Func(MovieUtil.removeProps, bothGoggles),
+ )
+ toonTrack = Sequence(
+ ActorInterval(toon, 'hypnotize'),
+ Func(toon.loop, 'neutral'),
+ )
+ tracks = Parallel(gogglesTrack, toonTrack)
+ #print "hypno!!!!"
+ #print targets
+ for target in targets:
+ suit = target['suit']
+ trapProp = suit.battleTrapProp
+ # See if lure succeeds
+ if (sidestep == 0):
+ hp = target['hp']
+ kbbonus = target['kbbonus']
+ died = target['died']
+ revived = target['revived']
+ # See if suit animates to this particular lure (or another one that
+ # also succeeds on the same suit)
+ if (kbbonus == 1 or hp > 0):
+ suitTrack = Sequence()
+ suitDelay = 1.6
+ suitAnimDuration = 1.5
+ opos, ohpr = battle.getActorPosHpr(suit)
+ reachDist = MovieUtil.SUIT_LURE_DISTANCE
+ reachPos = Point3(opos[0], opos[1]-reachDist, opos[2])
+ suitTrack.append(Func(suit.loop, 'neutral'))
+ # Wait before being hypnotized
+ suitTrack.append(Wait(suitDelay))
+ suitTrack.append(ActorInterval(suit, 'hypnotized', duration=3.1))
+ suitTrack.append(Func(suit.setPos, battle, reachPos))
+ suitTrack.append(Func(suit.loop, 'neutral'))
+ suitTrack.append(Func(battle.lureSuit, suit))
+ if (hp > 0):
+ suitTrack.append(__createSuitDamageTrack(battle, suit,
+ hp, lure, trapProp))
+ if (revived != 0):
+ suitTrack.append(MovieUtil.createSuitReviveTrack(suit, toon, battle, npcs))
+ elif (died != 0):
+ suitTrack.append(MovieUtil.createSuitDeathTrack(suit, toon, battle, npcs))
+ tracks.append(suitTrack)
+ # Must lerp the suit during the hypnotize animation
+ tracks.append(lerpSuit(suit, suitDelay+1.7, 0.7, reachPos,
+ battle, trapProp))
+ else: # If lure fails
+ tracks.append(Sequence(Wait(2.3),
+ Func(MovieUtil.indicateMissed, suit, 1.1)))
+ tracks.append(getSoundTrack('TL_hypnotize.mp3', delay=0.5, node=toon))
+ return tracks
+def __lureOneDollar(lure):
+ """ __lureOneDollar(lure)
+ """
+ dollarProp = '1dollar'
+ dollar = globalPropPool.getProp(dollarProp)
+ return __createFishingPoleMultiTrack(lure, dollar, dollarProp)
+def __lureSmallMagnet(lure):
+ """ __lureSmallMagnet(lure)
+ """
+ magnet = globalPropPool.getProp('small-magnet')
+ pos = Point3(-0.27, 0.19, 0.29)
+ hpr = Point3(-90.0, 84.17, -180.0)
+ scale = Point3(0.85, 0.85, 0.85)
+ return __createMagnetMultiTrack(lure, magnet, pos, hpr, scale, isSmallMagnet=1)
+def __lureFiveDollar(lure):
+ """ __lureFiveDollar(lure)
+ """
+ dollarProp = '5dollar'
+ dollar = globalPropPool.getProp(dollarProp)
+ return __createFishingPoleMultiTrack(lure, dollar, dollarProp)
+def __lureLargeMagnet(lure):
+ """ __lureLargeMagnet(lure)
+ """
+ magnet = globalPropPool.getProp('big-magnet')
+ pos = Point3(-0.27, 0.08, 0.29)
+ hpr = Point3(-90.0, 84.17, -180)
+ scale = Point3(1.32, 1.32, 1.32)
+ return __createMagnetMultiTrack(lure, magnet, pos, hpr, scale, isSmallMagnet=0)
+def __lureTenDollar(lure):
+ """ __lureTenDollar(lure)
+ """
+ dollarProp = '10dollar'
+ dollar = globalPropPool.getProp(dollarProp)
+ return __createFishingPoleMultiTrack(lure, dollar, dollarProp)
+def __lureHypnotize(lure, npcs = []):
+ """ __lureHypnotize(lure)
+ """
+ return __createHypnoGogglesMultiTrack(lure, npcs)
+def __lureSlideshow(lure, npcs):
+ """ __lureSlideshow(lure, npcs)
+ """
+ return __createSlideshowMultiTrack(lure, npcs)
+def __createSuitDamageTrack(battle, suit, hp, lure, trapProp):
+ """ __createSuitDamageIvals(suit, hp, battle)
+ """
+ # This function creates intervals for the suit taking damage
+ # If trapProp doesn't exist, do nothing, with no reaction
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ if ((trapProp == None) or trapProp.isEmpty()):
+ return Func(suit.loop, 'neutral')
+ # Make sure to leave the trapProp in place (not parented to the suit)
+ # while the suit performs its animation
+ trapProp.wrtReparentTo(battle)
+ # Now we learn which level trap we're using to use the appropriate suit reaction
+ trapTrack = ToontownBattleGlobals.TRAP_TRACK
+ trapLevel = suit.battleTrap
+ trapTrackNames = ToontownBattleGlobals.AvProps[trapTrack]
+ trapName = trapTrackNames[trapLevel]
+ result = Sequence()
+ def reparentTrap(trapProp=trapProp, battle=battle):
+ if trapProp and not trapProp.isEmpty():
+ trapProp.wrtReparentTo(battle)
+ result.append(Func(reparentTrap))
+ # Now detect if our trap was just thrown in this round, or leftover from before.
+ # If just thrown, our cordinates for the banana, marbles, and tnt will be based off of
+ # render, not battle, thus we make parent equal to render instead of the default battle.
+ # And if the trap is fresh and is the quicksand, trapdoor, or rake, we create a hidden
+ # dummy trapProp in the right position to obtain the correct coordinates for those
+ # animations.
+ parent = battle
+ if (suit.battleTrapIsFresh == 1):
+ if (trapName == 'quicksand' or trapName == 'trapdoor'):
+ trapProp.hide()
+ trapProp.reparentTo(suit)
+ trapProp.setPos(Point3(0, MovieUtil.SUIT_TRAP_DISTANCE, 0))
+ trapProp.setHpr(Point3(0, 0, 0))
+ trapProp.wrtReparentTo(battle)
+ elif (trapName == 'rake'):
+ trapProp.hide()
+ trapProp.reparentTo(suit)
+ trapProp.setPos(0, MovieUtil.SUIT_TRAP_RAKE_DISTANCE, 0)
+ # reorient the rake correctly to be stepped on
+ trapProp.setHpr(Point3(0, 270, 0))
+ trapProp.setScale(Point3(0.7, 0.7, 0.7))
+ # The rake must be a specific distance from each suit for that
+ # suit to be able to walk into the rake
+ rakeOffset = MovieUtil.getSuitRakeOffset(suit)
+ trapProp.setY(trapProp.getY() + rakeOffset)
+ else:
+ parent = render
+ # Now decide which trap this is and use the different suit animation reactions
+ if (trapName == 'banana'):
+ slidePos = trapProp.getPos(parent)
+ slidePos.setY(slidePos.getY() - 5.1)
+ moveTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(0.1), # Wait before sliding the peel
+ LerpPosInterval(trapProp, 0.1, slidePos, other=battle),
+ )
+ animTrack = Sequence(
+ ActorInterval(trapProp, 'banana', startTime=3.1), # Animate banana spinning
+ Wait(1.1), # Wait a bit before scaling banana away
+ LerpScaleInterval(trapProp, 1, Point3(0.01, 0.01, 0.01)),
+ )
+ suitTrack = ActorInterval(suit, 'slip-backward')
+ damageTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(0.5),
+ Func(suit.showHpText, -hp, openEnded=0),
+ Func(suit.updateHealthBar, hp),
+ )
+ soundTrack = Sequence(
+ SoundInterval(globalBattleSoundCache.getSound('AA_pie_throw_only.mp3'), duration=0.55, node=suit),
+ SoundInterval(globalBattleSoundCache.getSound('Toon_bodyfall_synergy.mp3'), node=suit),
+ )
+ result.append(Parallel(moveTrack, animTrack, suitTrack, damageTrack, soundTrack))
+ elif ((trapName == 'rake') or (trapName == 'rake-react')):
+ # Also need to make the rake pop up when stepped on, then fall back down
+ hpr = trapProp.getHpr(parent)
+ upHpr = Vec3(hpr[0], 179.9999, hpr[2])
+ bounce1Hpr = Vec3(hpr[0], 120, hpr[2])
+ bounce2Hpr = Vec3(hpr[0], 100, hpr[2])
+ rakeTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(0.5),
+ LerpHprInterval(trapProp, 0.1, upHpr, startHpr=hpr),
+ Wait(0.7),
+ LerpHprInterval(trapProp, 0.4, hpr, startHpr=upHpr),
+ LerpHprInterval(trapProp, 0.15, bounce1Hpr, startHpr=hpr),
+ LerpHprInterval(trapProp, 0.05, hpr, startHpr=bounce1Hpr),
+ LerpHprInterval(trapProp, 0.15, bounce2Hpr, startHpr=hpr),
+ LerpHprInterval(trapProp, 0.05, hpr, startHpr=bounce2Hpr),
+ Wait(0.2),
+ LerpScaleInterval(trapProp, 0.2, Point3(0.01, 0.01, 0.01)),
+ )
+ rakeAnimDuration = 3.125
+ suitTrack = ActorInterval(suit, 'rake-react',
+ duration=rakeAnimDuration)
+ damageTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(0.5),
+ Func(suit.showHpText, -hp, openEnded=0),
+ Func(suit.updateHealthBar, hp),
+ )
+ soundTrack = getSoundTrack('TL_step_on_rake.mp3', delay=0.6, node=suit)
+ result.append(Parallel(rakeTrack, suitTrack, damageTrack, soundTrack))
+ elif (trapName == 'marbles'):
+ slidePos = trapProp.getPos(parent)
+ slidePos.setY(slidePos.getY() - 6.5)
+ moveTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(0.1), # Wait a bit before sliding the marbles
+ LerpPosInterval(trapProp, 0.8, slidePos, other=battle),
+ Wait(1.1),
+ LerpScaleInterval(trapProp, 1, Point3(0.01, 0.01, 0.01)),
+ )
+ animTrack = ActorInterval(trapProp, 'marbles', startTime=3.1)
+ suitTrack = ActorInterval(suit, 'slip-backward')
+ damageTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(0.5),
+ Func(suit.showHpText, -hp, openEnded=0),
+ Func(suit.updateHealthBar, hp),
+ )
+ soundTrack = Sequence(
+ SoundInterval(globalBattleSoundCache.getSound('AA_pie_throw_only.mp3'), duration=0.55, node=suit),
+ SoundInterval(globalBattleSoundCache.getSound('Toon_bodyfall_synergy.mp3'), node=suit),
+ )
+ result.append(Parallel(moveTrack, animTrack, suitTrack, damageTrack, soundTrack))
+ elif (trapName == 'quicksand'):
+ sinkPos1 = trapProp.getPos(battle)
+ sinkPos2 = trapProp.getPos(battle)
+ dropPos = trapProp.getPos(battle) # Where suit drops from after the quicksand
+ landPos = trapProp.getPos(battle) # Where the suit lands from the drop
+ sinkPos1.setZ(sinkPos1.getZ() - 3.1)
+ sinkPos2.setZ(sinkPos2.getZ() - 9.1)
+ dropPos.setZ(dropPos.getZ() + 15)
+ # We grab the name tag so we can hide it while the suit is in the quicksand
+ nameTag = suit.find("**/joint_nameTag")
+ trapTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(2.4),
+ LerpScaleInterval(trapProp, 0.8, Point3(0.01, 0.01, 0.01)),
+ )
+ moveTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(0.9), # Wait before starting to sink
+ LerpPosInterval(suit, 0.9, sinkPos1, other=battle), # Start to sink a bit
+ LerpPosInterval(suit, 0.4, sinkPos2, other=battle), # Fall in quicksand
+ Func(suit.setPos, battle, dropPos),
+ Func(suit.wrtReparentTo, hidden),
+ Wait(1.1), # Wait while stuck in the quicksand
+ Func(suit.wrtReparentTo, battle),
+ LerpPosInterval(suit, 0.3, landPos, other=battle), # Drop back down
+ )
+ animTrack = Sequence(
+ ActorInterval(suit, 'flail'),
+ ActorInterval(suit, 'flail', startTime=1.1),
+ Wait(0.7),
+ ActorInterval(suit, 'slip-forward', duration=2.1),
+ )
+ damageTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(3.5),
+ Func(suit.showHpText, -hp, openEnded=0),
+ Func(suit.updateHealthBar, hp),
+ )
+ soundTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(0.7),
+ SoundInterval(globalBattleSoundCache.getSound('TL_quicksand.mp3'), node=suit),
+ Wait(0.1),
+ SoundInterval(globalBattleSoundCache.getSound('Toon_bodyfall_synergy.mp3'), node=suit),
+ )
+ result.append(Parallel(trapTrack, moveTrack, animTrack, damageTrack, soundTrack))
+ elif (trapName == 'trapdoor'):
+ sinkPos = trapProp.getPos(battle)
+ dropPos = trapProp.getPos(battle) # Where suit drops from after the trap door
+ landPos = trapProp.getPos(battle) # Where the suit lands from the drop
+ sinkPos.setZ(sinkPos.getZ() - 9.1)
+ dropPos.setZ(dropPos.getZ() + 15)
+ trapTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(2.4),
+ LerpScaleInterval(trapProp, 0.8, Point3(0.01, 0.01, 0.01))
+ )
+ moveTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(2.2), # Wait before falling through the trap door
+ LerpPosInterval(suit, 0.4, sinkPos, other=battle), # Fall through trap door
+ Func(suit.setPos, battle, dropPos),
+ Func(suit.wrtReparentTo, hidden),
+ Wait(1.6), # Wait while through the trap door
+ Func(suit.wrtReparentTo, battle),
+ LerpPosInterval(suit, 0.3, landPos, other=battle), # Drop back down
+ )
+ animTrack = Sequence(
+ # Suit quickly looks down
+ getSplicedLerpAnimsTrack(suit, 'flail', 0.7, 0.25),
+ # Spring the trap door (make it go black)
+ Func(trapProp.setColor, Vec4(0, 0, 0, 1)),
+ # Suit slowly looks back up with resignation
+ ActorInterval(suit, 'flail', startTime=0.7, endTime=0),
+ # Suspenseful wait
+ ActorInterval(suit, 'neutral', duration=0.5),
+ # Suit falls through the trap door
+ ActorInterval(suit, 'flail', startTime=1.1),
+ Wait(1.1),
+ ActorInterval(suit, 'slip-forward', duration=2.1),
+ )
+ damageTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(3.5),
+ Func(suit.showHpText, -hp, openEnded=0),
+ Func(suit.updateHealthBar, hp),
+ )
+ soundTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(0.8),
+ SoundInterval(globalBattleSoundCache.getSound('TL_trap_door.mp3'), node=suit),
+ Wait(0.8),
+ SoundInterval(globalBattleSoundCache.getSound('Toon_bodyfall_synergy.mp3'), node=suit),
+ )
+ result.append(Parallel(trapTrack, moveTrack, animTrack, damageTrack, soundTrack))
+ elif (trapName == 'tnt'):
+ tntTrack = ActorInterval(trapProp, 'tnt')
+ explosionTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(2.3),
+ createTNTExplosionTrack(battle, trapProp=trapProp,
+ relativeTo=parent),
+ )
+ suitTrack = Sequence(
+ ActorInterval(suit, 'flail', duration=0.7),
+ ActorInterval(suit, 'flail', startTime=0.7, endTime=0.0),
+ ActorInterval(suit, 'neutral', duration=0.4),
+ ActorInterval(suit, 'flail', startTime=0.6, endTime=0.7),
+ Wait(0.4),
+ ActorInterval(suit, 'slip-forward', startTime=2.48, duration=0.1),
+ Func(,
+ Func(suit.setColorScale, Vec4(0, 0, 0, 1)),
+ Func(trapProp.reparentTo, hidden),
+ ActorInterval(suit, 'slip-forward', startTime=2.58),
+ Func(suit.clearColorScale),
+ Func(trapProp.sparksEffect.cleanup),
+ Func(,
+ )
+ damageTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(2.3),
+ Func(suit.showHpText, -hp, openEnded=0),
+ Func(suit.updateHealthBar, hp),
+ )
+ explosionSound = base.loadSfx("phase_3.5/audio/sfx/ENC_cogfall_apart.mp3")
+ soundTrack = Sequence(
+ SoundInterval(globalBattleSoundCache.getSound('TL_dynamite.mp3'), duration=2.0, node=suit),
+ SoundInterval(explosionSound, duration=0.6, node=suit),
+ )
+ result.append(Parallel(tntTrack, suitTrack, damageTrack,
+ explosionTrack, soundTrack))
+ elif trapName == 'traintrack':
+ trainInterval = createIncomingTrainInterval(battle, suit, hp, lure, trapProp)
+ result.append(trainInterval)
+ else:
+ notify.warning('unknown trapName: %s detected on suit: %s' % (trapName, suit))
+ suit.battleTrapProp = trapProp
+ assert notify.debug('adding battle.removeTrap for suit %d' % suit.doId)
+ result.append(Func(battle.removeTrap, suit, True))
+ result.append(Func(battle.unlureSuit, suit))
+ result.append(__createSuitResetPosTrack(suit, battle))
+ result.append(Func(suit.loop, 'neutral'))
+ if trapName == 'traintrack':
+ #a bit of a hack, when a suit is joining, the train track still stays, really make sure it goes away
+ #TODO this nukes the train tunnels shrinking, figure out a better way
+ result.append(Func(MovieUtil.removeProp, trapProp))
+ return result
+def __createSuitResetPosTrack(suit, battle):
+ resetPos, resetHpr = battle.getActorPosHpr(suit)
+ moveDist = Vec3(suit.getPos(battle) - resetPos).length()
+ moveDuration = 0.5
+ walkTrack = Sequence(
+ # First face the right direction, then walk backwards
+ Func(suit.setHpr, battle, resetHpr),
+ ActorInterval(suit, 'walk', startTime=1, duration=moveDuration, endTime=0.0001),
+ Func(suit.loop, 'neutral')
+ )
+ # Actually move the suit
+ moveTrack = LerpPosInterval(suit, moveDuration, resetPos, other=battle)
+ return Parallel(walkTrack, moveTrack)
+def getSplicedLerpAnimsTrack(object, animName, origDuration, newDuration,
+ startTime=0, fps=30):
+ """
+ This function returns a Sequence splicing together an animation
+ over a modified frame of time. This allows an animation to be
+ shortened or lengthened (if you can tolerate any resulting rushed
+ or choppy animation. This function increases an animation time by
+ inserting a uniform time interval before successive ActorInterval
+ calls. It decreases time by progressing the animation time forward
+ faster than real-time (basically uniformly skipping frames).
+ Arguments:
+ object = object to perform th animation
+ animName = name of the animation to lengthen/shorten
+ origDuration = original time duration the animation should normally play in
+ newDuration = lengthened or shortened time for the new animation
+ startTime = startTime for the animation
+ fps = usually held constant, helps determine number of actor intervals to use
+ """
+ track = Sequence()
+ addition = 0 # Addition will be added to the startTime to move animation forward
+ numIvals = origDuration * fps # Number of actor intervals to use
+ # The timeInterval is what to add before each actor interval to delay time
+ timeInterval = newDuration / numIvals
+ # The animInterval is how much the animation progresses forward each interval
+ animInterval = origDuration / numIvals
+ for i in range(0, numIvals):
+ track.append(Wait(timeInterval))
+ track.append(ActorInterval(object, animName, startTime=startTime+addition,
+ duration=animInterval))
+ addition += animInterval # Add addition to push the animation forward
+ return track
+def lerpSuit(suit, delay, duration, reachPos, battle, trapProp):
+ """ This function moves a suit, taking care to reparent a trap prop (if there)
+ so that it doesn't slide with the suit"""
+ track = Sequence()
+ # If trapProp does exist, reparent it to the battle
+ if trapProp:
+ # we need to use safeWrtReparentTo, the trap may disappear
+ # due to a collision with the railroad
+ track.append(Func(safeWrtReparentTo,trapProp, battle))
+ track.append(Wait(delay))
+ track.append(LerpPosInterval(suit, duration, reachPos, other=battle))
+ if trapProp:
+ if trapProp.getName() == 'traintrack':
+ notify.debug('UBERLURE MovieLure.lerpSuit deliberately not parenting trainTrack to suit')
+ else:
+ track.append(Func(safeWrtReparentTo,trapProp, suit))
+ suit.battleTrapProp = trapProp
+ return track
+def createTNTExplosionTrack(parent, explosionPoint=None, trapProp=None, relativeTo=render):
+ explosionTrack = Sequence()
+ explosion = BattleProps.globalPropPool.getProp('kapow')
+ explosion.setBillboardPointEye()
+ if not explosionPoint:
+ if trapProp:
+ explosionPoint = trapProp.getPos(relativeTo)
+ explosionPoint.setZ(explosionPoint.getZ() + 2.3)
+ else:
+ explosionPoint = Point3(0, 3.6, 2.1)
+ explosionTrack.append(Func(explosion.reparentTo, parent))
+ explosionTrack.append(Func(explosion.setPos, explosionPoint))
+ explosionTrack.append(Func(explosion.setScale, 0.11))
+ explosionTrack.append(ActorInterval(explosion, 'kapow'))
+ explosionTrack.append(Func(MovieUtil.removeProp, explosion))
+ return explosionTrack
+TRAIN_STARTING_X = -7.131 #-7.13081 #feet empirically determined to be tunnel distance
+TRAIN_TUNNEL_END_X = 7.1 #7.09926
+TRAIN_SPEED = 35.0 #feet per second
+def createSuitReactionToTrain(battle, suit,hp,lure,trapProp):
+ toon = lure['toon']
+ retval = Sequence()
+ suitPos, suitHpr = battle.getActorPosHpr(suit)
+ distance = suitPos.getX() - TRAIN_STARTING_X
+ timeToGetHit = distance / TRAIN_SPEED
+ suitTrack = Sequence()
+ showDamage = Func(suit.showHpText, -hp, openEnded=0)
+ updateHealthBar = Func(suit.updateHealthBar, hp)
+ anim = 'flatten'
+ suitReact = ActorInterval(suit, anim)
+ cogGettingHit = getSoundTrack('TL_train_cog.mp3', node = toon)
+ suitTrack.append(Func(suit.loop, 'neutral'))
+ suitTrack.append(Wait(timeToGetHit + TRAIN_MATERIALIZE_TIME))
+ suitTrack.append(updateHealthBar)
+ suitTrack.append(Parallel(suitReact,cogGettingHit))
+ suitTrack.append(showDamage)
+ curDuration = suitTrack.getDuration()
+ timeTillEnd = TOTAL_TRAIN_TIME - curDuration
+ if timeTillEnd > 0:
+ suitTrack.append(Wait(timeTillEnd))
+ retval.append(suitTrack)
+ return retval
+def createIncomingTrainInterval(battle, suit, hp, lure, trapProp):
+ """
+ create the interval of a train going across the track and flattening the cogs
+ """
+ toon = lure['toon']
+ retval = Parallel()
+ #nope we still need to react correctly to it
+ suitTrack = createSuitReactionToTrain(battle, suit,hp,lure,trapProp)
+ retval.append(suitTrack)
+ #make sure we only call this once
+ if not trapProp.find('**/train_gag').isEmpty():
+ return retval
+ # Set up a pair of clipping planes to cut off the train before and
+ # after the tunnels.
+ clipper = PlaneNode('clipper')
+ clipper.setPlane(Plane(Vec3(+1, 0, 0), Point3(TRAIN_STARTING_X, 0, 0)))
+ clipNP = trapProp.attachNewNode(clipper)
+ trapProp.setClipPlane(clipNP)
+ clipper2 = PlaneNode('clipper2')
+ clipper2.setPlane(Plane(Vec3(-1, 0, 0), Point3(TRAIN_TUNNEL_END_X, 0, 0)))
+ clipNP2 = trapProp.attachNewNode(clipper2)
+ trapProp.setClipPlane(clipNP2)
+ train = globalPropPool.getProp('train')
+ train.hide()
+ train.reparentTo(trapProp)
+ #train.setBin('')
+ tempScale = trapProp.getScale()
+ trainScale = Vec3(1.0/tempScale[0], 1.0/tempScale[1], 1.0 / tempScale[2])
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ trainIval = Sequence()
+ trainIval.append(Func(train.setScale, trainScale))
+ trainIval.append(Func(train.setH, 90))
+ trainIval.append(Func(train.setX, TRAIN_STARTING_X))
+ trainIval.append(Func(train.setTransparency,1))
+ trainIval.append(Func(train.setColorScale, Point4(1,1,1,0)))
+ trainIval.append(Func(
+ tunnel2 = trapProp.find('**/tunnel3')
+ tunnel3 = trapProp.find('**/tunnel2')
+ tunnels = [tunnel2, tunnel3]
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ for tunnel in tunnels:
+ trainIval.append(Func(tunnel.setTransparency,1))
+ trainIval.append(Func(tunnel.setColorScale, Point4(1,1,1,0)))
+ trainIval.append(Func(tunnel.setScale, Point3(1.0,0.01,0.01)))
+ trainIval.append(Func(
+ materializeIval = Parallel()
+ materializeIval.append(LerpColorScaleInterval(train, TRAIN_MATERIALIZE_TIME, Point4(1,1,1,1)))
+ for tunnel in tunnels:
+ materializeIval.append(LerpColorScaleInterval(tunnel, TRAIN_MATERIALIZE_TIME, Point4(1,1,1,1)))
+ for tunnel in tunnels:
+ tunnelScaleIval = Sequence()
+ tunnelScaleIval.append(LerpScaleInterval(tunnel, TRAIN_MATERIALIZE_TIME - 1.0, Point3(1.0, 2.0, 2.5)))
+ tunnelScaleIval.append(LerpScaleInterval(tunnel, 0.5, Point3(1.0, 3.0, 1.5)))
+ tunnelScaleIval.append(LerpScaleInterval(tunnel, 0.5, Point3(1.0, 2.5, 2.0)))
+ materializeIval.append(tunnelScaleIval)
+ trainIval.append(materializeIval)
+ trainIval.append( LerpPosInterval(train, TRAIN_DURATION, Point3(endingX,0,0), other=battle ))
+ trainIval.append(LerpColorScaleInterval(train, TRAIN_MATERIALIZE_TIME, Point4(1,1,1,0)))
+ retval.append(trainIval)
+ #incoming train sound effect
+ trainSoundTrack = getSoundTrack('TL_train.mp3',node=toon)
+ retval.append(trainSoundTrack)
+ return retval
+def __createSlideshowMultiTrack(lure, npcs = []):
+ toon = lure['toon']
+ battle = lure['battle']
+ sidestep = lure['sidestep']
+ origHpr = toon.getHpr(battle)
+ slideshowDelay = 2.5
+ hands = toon.getLeftHands()
+ endPos = toon.getPos(battle)
+ endPos.setY( endPos.getY() + 4)
+ button = globalPropPool.getProp('button')
+ button2 = MovieUtil.copyProp(button)
+ buttons = [button, button2]
+ #do the toon track
+ toonTrack = Sequence()
+ toonTrack.append(Func(MovieUtil.showProps, buttons, hands))
+ toonTrack.append(Func(toon.headsUp, battle, endPos))
+ toonTrack.append(ActorInterval(toon, 'pushbutton'))
+ toonTrack.append(Func(MovieUtil.removeProps, buttons))
+ toonTrack.append(Func(toon.loop, 'neutral'))
+ toonTrack.append(Func(toon.setHpr, battle, origHpr))
+ # do the slideshow popping up
+ slideShowProp = globalPropPool.getProp('slideshow')
+ propTrack = Sequence()
+ propTrack.append(Wait(slideshowDelay))
+ propTrack.append(Func(
+ propTrack.append(Func(slideShowProp.setScale, Point3(0.1, 0.1, 0.1)))
+ propTrack.append(Func(slideShowProp.reparentTo, battle))
+ propTrack.append(Func(slideShowProp.setPos, endPos))
+ propTrack.append(LerpScaleInterval(slideShowProp, 1.2, Point3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)))
+ # shrink it to nothing
+ shrinkDuration = 0.4
+ totalDuration = 7.1
+ propTrackDurationAtThisPoint = propTrack.getDuration()
+ waitTime = totalDuration - propTrackDurationAtThisPoint - shrinkDuration
+ if waitTime > 0:
+ propTrack.append(Wait(waitTime))
+ propTrack.append( LerpScaleInterval(nodePath = slideShowProp, scale = Point3(1.0,1.0,0.1),
+ duration = shrinkDuration, ))
+ propTrack.append(Func(MovieUtil.removeProp, slideShowProp))
+ tracks = Parallel(propTrack, toonTrack)
+ targets = lure['target']
+ for target in targets:
+ suit = target['suit']
+ trapProp = suit.battleTrapProp
+ # See if lure succeeds
+ if (sidestep == 0):
+ hp = target['hp']
+ kbbonus = target['kbbonus']
+ died = target['died']
+ revived = target['revived']
+ # See if suit animates to this particular lure (or another one that
+ # also succeeds on the same suit)
+ if (kbbonus == 1 or hp > 0):
+ suitTrack = Sequence()
+ suitDelay = 3.8
+ suitAnimDuration = 1.5
+ opos, ohpr = battle.getActorPosHpr(suit)
+ reachDist = MovieUtil.SUIT_LURE_DISTANCE
+ reachPos = Point3(opos[0], opos[1]-reachDist, opos[2])
+ suitTrack.append(Func(suit.loop, 'neutral'))
+ # Wait before being hypnotized
+ suitTrack.append(Wait(suitDelay))
+ suitTrack.append(ActorInterval(suit, 'hypnotized', duration=3.1))
+ suitTrack.append(Func(suit.setPos, battle, reachPos))
+ suitTrack.append(Func(suit.loop, 'neutral'))
+ suitTrack.append(Func(battle.lureSuit, suit))
+ if (hp > 0):
+ suitTrack.append(__createSuitDamageTrack(battle, suit,
+ hp, lure, trapProp))
+ if (revived != 0):
+ suitTrack.append(MovieUtil.createSuitReviveTrack(suit, toon, battle, npcs))
+ elif (died != 0):
+ suitTrack.append(MovieUtil.createSuitDeathTrack(suit, toon, battle, npcs))
+ tracks.append(suitTrack)
+ # Must lerp the suit during the hypnotize animation
+ tracks.append(lerpSuit(suit, suitDelay+1.7, 0.7, reachPos,
+ battle, trapProp))
+ else: # If lure fails
+ tracks.append(Sequence(Wait(2.3),
+ Func(MovieUtil.indicateMissed, suit, 1.1)))
+ #TODO sound effects
+ tracks.append(getSoundTrack('TL_presentation.mp3', delay=2.3, node=toon))
+ tracks.append(getSoundTrack('AA_drop_trigger_box.mp3', delay=slideshowDelay, node=toon))
+ return tracks
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/ b/toontown/src/battle/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c9daed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
+from BattleProps import *
+from BattleSounds import *
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+import MovieCamera
+import random
+import MovieUtil
+import BattleParticles
+import HealJokes
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownBattleGlobals
+from toontown.toon import NPCToons
+notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('MovieNPCSOS')
+soundFiles = ('AA_heal_tickle.mp3',
+ 'AA_heal_telljoke.mp3',
+ 'AA_heal_smooch.mp3',
+ 'AA_heal_happydance.mp3',
+ 'AA_heal_pixiedust.mp3',
+ 'AA_heal_juggle.mp3')
+offset = Point3(0, 4.0, 0)
+def __cogsMiss(attack, level, hp):
+ return __doCogsMiss(attack, level, hp)
+def __toonsHit(attack, level, hp):
+ return __doToonsHit(attack, level, hp)
+def __restockGags(attack, level, hp):
+ return __doRestockGags(attack, level, hp)
+NPCSOSfn_dict = {
+ ToontownBattleGlobals.NPC_COGS_MISS: __cogsMiss,
+ ToontownBattleGlobals.NPC_TOONS_HIT: __toonsHit,
+ ToontownBattleGlobals.NPC_RESTOCK_GAGS: __restockGags,
+ }
+def doNPCSOSs(NPCSOSs):
+ """ doNPCSOSs()
+ """
+ if (len(NPCSOSs) == 0):
+ return (None, None)
+ track = Sequence()
+ textTrack = Sequence()
+ for n in NPCSOSs:
+ ival, textIval = __doNPCSOS(n)
+ if (ival):
+ track.append(ival)
+ textTrack.append(textIval)
+ camDuration = track.getDuration()
+ if (camDuration > 0.0):
+ camTrack = MovieCamera.chooseHealShot(NPCSOSs, camDuration)
+ else:
+ camTrack = Sequence()
+ return (track, Parallel(camTrack, textTrack))
+def __doNPCSOS(sos):
+ """ __doNPCSOS(sos)
+ """
+ npcId = sos['npcId']
+ track, level, hp = NPCToons.getNPCTrackLevelHp(npcId)
+ if (track != None):
+ return NPCSOSfn_dict[track](sos, level, hp)
+ else:
+ return __cogsMiss(sos, 0, 0)
+def __healToon(toon, hp, ineffective = 0):
+ notify.debug('healToon() - toon: %d hp: %d ineffective: %d' % \
+ (toon.doId, hp, ineffective))
+ if (ineffective == 1):
+ laughter = random.choice(TTLocalizer.MovieHealLaughterMisses)
+ else:
+ maxDam=ToontownBattleGlobals.AvPropDamage[0][1][0][1]
+ if (hp >= maxDam-1):
+ laughter = random.choice(TTLocalizer.MovieHealLaughterHits2)
+ else:
+ laughter = random.choice(TTLocalizer.MovieHealLaughterHits1)
+ toon.setChatAbsolute(laughter, CFSpeech | CFTimeout)
+def __getSoundTrack(level, delay, duration=None, node=None):
+ #level: the level of attack, int 0-5
+ #delay: time delay before playing sound
+ soundEffect = globalBattleSoundCache.getSound(soundFiles[level])
+ soundIntervals = Sequence()
+ if soundEffect:
+ if duration:
+ playSound = SoundInterval(soundEffect, duration=duration, node=node)
+ else:
+ playSound = SoundInterval(soundEffect, node=node)
+ soundIntervals.append(Wait(delay))
+ soundIntervals.append(playSound)
+ return soundIntervals
+def teleportIn(attack, npc, pos = Point3(0, 0, 0), hpr = Vec3(180.0, 0.0, 0.0)):
+ a = Func(npc.reparentTo, attack['battle'])
+ b = Func(npc.setPos, pos)
+ c = Func(npc.setHpr, hpr)
+ d = Func(npc.pose, "teleport", npc.getNumFrames("teleport") - 1)
+ e = npc.getTeleportInTrack()
+ ee = Func(npc.addActive)
+ f = Func(npc.setChatAbsolute, TTLocalizer.MovieNPCSOSGreeting % attack['toon'].getName(), CFSpeech | CFTimeout)
+ g = ActorInterval(npc, 'wave')
+ h = Func(npc.loop, 'neutral')
+ i = Func(npc.clearChat)
+ return Sequence(a, b, c, d, e, ee, f, g, h, i)
+def teleportOut(attack, npc):
+ if ( == 'm'):
+ a = ActorInterval(npc, 'bow')
+ else:
+ a = ActorInterval(npc, 'curtsy')
+ b = Func(npc.setChatAbsolute, TTLocalizer.MovieNPCSOSGoodbye, CFSpeech | CFTimeout)
+ c = npc.getTeleportOutTrack()
+ d = Func(npc.removeActive)
+ e = Func(npc.detachNode)
+ f = Func(npc.delete)
+ return Sequence(a, b, c, d, e, f)
+def __getPartTrack(particleEffect, startDelay, durationDelay, partExtraArgs):
+ """ This function returns the default particle track for a suit attack
+ animation. Arguments:
+ startDelay = time delay before particle effect begins
+ durationDelay = time delay before particles are cleaned up
+ partExtraArgs = extraArgs for startParticleEffect function, the first
+ element of which is always the particle effect (function relies on this)
+ """
+ pEffect = partExtraArgs[0]
+ parent = partExtraArgs[1]
+ if (len(partExtraArgs) == 3):
+ worldRelative = partExtraArgs[2]
+ else:
+ worldRelative = 1
+ return Sequence(
+ Wait(startDelay),
+ ParticleInterval(pEffect, parent, worldRelative,
+ duration=durationDelay, cleanup = True),
+ )
+def __doSprinkle(attack, recipients, hp = 0):
+ toon = NPCToons.createLocalNPC(attack['npcId'])
+ if (toon == None):
+ return None
+ targets = attack[recipients]
+ level = 4 # Sprinkle
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ # Make a 'sandwich' around the track specific interval
+ track = Sequence(teleportIn(attack, toon))
+ def face90(target, toon, battle):
+ # turn the toon so that the right side
+ # of his body faces his target
+ vec = Point3(target.getPos(battle) - toon.getPos(battle))
+ vec.setZ(0)
+ temp = vec[0]
+ vec.setX(-vec[1])
+ vec.setY(temp)
+ targetPoint = Point3(toon.getPos(battle) + vec)
+ toon.headsUp(battle, targetPoint)
+ delay = 2.5
+ effectTrack = Sequence()
+ for target in targets:
+ sprayEffect = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='pixieSpray')
+ dropEffect = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='pixieDrop')
+ explodeEffect = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='pixieExplode')
+ poofEffect = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='pixiePoof')
+ wallEffect = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='pixieWall')
+ mtrack = Parallel(
+ __getPartTrack(sprayEffect, 1.5, 0.5, [sprayEffect, toon, 0]),
+ __getPartTrack(dropEffect, 1.9, 2., [dropEffect, target, 0]),
+ __getPartTrack(explodeEffect, 2.7, 1.0, [explodeEffect, toon, 0]),
+ __getPartTrack(poofEffect, 3.4, 1.0, [poofEffect, target, 0]),
+ __getPartTrack(wallEffect, 4.05, 1.2, [wallEffect, toon, 0]),
+ #__getSoundTrack(level, 2, duration=4.1, node=toon),
+ __getSoundTrack(level, 2, duration=3.1, node=toon),
+ Sequence(Func(face90, target, toon, battle),
+ ActorInterval(toon, 'sprinkle-dust')),
+ Sequence(Wait(delay),
+ Func(__healToon, target, hp)),
+ )
+ effectTrack.append(mtrack)
+ track.append(effectTrack)
+ track.append(Func(toon.setHpr, Vec3(180.0, 0.0, 0.0)))
+ track.append(teleportOut(attack, toon))
+ return track
+def __doSmooch(attack, hp = 0):
+ toon = NPCToons.createLocalNPC(attack['npcId'])
+ if (toon == None):
+ return None
+ targets = attack['toons']
+ level = 2 # Smooch
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ # Make a 'sandwich' around the track specific interval
+ track = Sequence(teleportIn(attack, toon))
+ lipstick = globalPropPool.getProp('lipstick')
+ lipstick2 = MovieUtil.copyProp(lipstick)
+ lipsticks = [lipstick, lipstick2]
+ rightHands = toon.getRightHands()
+ dScale = 0.5
+ lipstickTrack = Sequence(
+ Func(MovieUtil.showProps,
+ lipsticks, rightHands,
+ Point3(-0.27, -0.24, -0.95),
+ Point3(-118, -10.6, -25.9)),
+ MovieUtil.getScaleIntervals(lipsticks, dScale,
+ MovieUtil.PNT3_NEARZERO, MovieUtil.PNT3_ONE),
+ Wait(toon.getDuration('smooch') - (2.*dScale)),
+ MovieUtil.getScaleIntervals(lipsticks, dScale,
+ MovieUtil.PNT3_ONE, MovieUtil.PNT3_NEARZERO),
+ #Func(MovieUtil.removeProps, lipsticks),
+ )
+ lips = globalPropPool.getProp('lips')
+ dScale = 0.5
+ tLips = 2.5
+ tThrow = 115. / toon.getFrameRate('smooch')
+ dThrow = 0.5
+ def getLipPos(toon=toon):
+ toon.pose('smooch', 57)
+ toon.update(0)
+ hand = toon.getRightHands()[0]
+ return hand.getPos(render)
+ effectTrack = Sequence()
+ for target in targets:
+ lipcopy = MovieUtil.copyProp(lips)
+ lipsTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(tLips),
+ Func(MovieUtil.showProp, lipcopy, render, getLipPos),
+ Func(lipcopy.setBillboardPointWorld),
+ LerpScaleInterval(lipcopy, dScale, Point3(3, 3, 3),
+ startScale=MovieUtil.PNT3_NEARZERO),
+ Wait((tThrow - tLips) - dScale),
+ LerpPosInterval(lipcopy, dThrow, Point3(target.getPos() +
+ Point3(0, 0, target.getHeight()))),
+ Func(MovieUtil.removeProp, lipcopy),
+ )
+ delay = tThrow + dThrow
+ mtrack = Parallel(lipstickTrack,
+ lipsTrack,
+ __getSoundTrack(level, 2, node=toon),
+ Sequence(ActorInterval(toon, 'smooch')),
+ Sequence(Wait(delay), ActorInterval(target, 'conked')),
+ Sequence(Wait(delay), Func(__healToon, target, hp)),
+ )
+ effectTrack.append(mtrack)
+ effectTrack.append(Func(MovieUtil.removeProps, lipsticks))
+ track.append(effectTrack)
+ track.append(teleportOut(attack, toon))
+ track.append(Func(target.clearChat))
+ return track
+def __doToonsHit(attack, level, hp):
+ track = __doSprinkle(attack, 'toons', hp)
+ pbpText = attack['playByPlayText']
+ pbpTrack = pbpText.getShowInterval(TTLocalizer.MovieNPCSOSToonsHit,
+ track.getDuration())
+ return track, pbpTrack
+def __doCogsMiss(attack, level, hp):
+ track = __doSprinkle(attack, 'suits', hp)
+ pbpText = attack['playByPlayText']
+ pbpTrack = pbpText.getShowInterval(TTLocalizer.MovieNPCSOSCogsMiss,
+ track.getDuration())
+ return track, pbpTrack
+def __doRestockGags(attack, level, hp):
+ track = __doSmooch(attack, hp)
+ pbpText = attack['playByPlayText']
+ if (level == ToontownBattleGlobals.HEAL_TRACK):
+ text = TTLocalizer.MovieNPCSOSHeal
+ elif (level == ToontownBattleGlobals.TRAP_TRACK):
+ text = TTLocalizer.MovieNPCSOSTrap
+ elif (level == ToontownBattleGlobals.LURE_TRACK):
+ text = TTLocalizer.MovieNPCSOSLure
+ elif (level == ToontownBattleGlobals.SOUND_TRACK):
+ text = TTLocalizer.MovieNPCSOSSound
+ elif (level == ToontownBattleGlobals.THROW_TRACK):
+ text = TTLocalizer.MovieNPCSOSThrow
+ elif (level == ToontownBattleGlobals.SQUIRT_TRACK):
+ text = TTLocalizer.MovieNPCSOSSquirt
+ elif (level == ToontownBattleGlobals.DROP_TRACK):
+ text = TTLocalizer.MovieNPCSOSDrop
+ elif (level == -1):
+ text = TTLocalizer.MovieNPCSOSAll
+ pbpTrack = pbpText.getShowInterval(TTLocalizer.MovieNPCSOSRestockGags % text,
+ track.getDuration())
+ return track, pbpTrack
+def doNPCTeleports(attacks):
+ npcs = []
+ npcDatas = []
+ arrivals = Sequence()
+ departures = Parallel()
+ for attack in attacks:
+ if (attack.has_key('npcId')):
+ npcId = attack['npcId']
+ npc = NPCToons.createLocalNPC(npcId)
+ if (npc != None):
+ npcs.append(npc)
+ attack['npc'] = npc
+ toon = attack['toon']
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ pos = toon.getPos(battle) + offset
+ hpr = toon.getHpr(battle)
+ npcDatas.append((npc, battle, hpr))
+ arrival = teleportIn(attack, npc, pos = pos)
+ arrivals.append(arrival)
+ departure = teleportOut(attack, npc)
+ departures.append(departure)
+ turns = Parallel()
+ unturns = Parallel()
+ hpr = Vec3(180.0, 0, 0)
+ for npc in npcDatas:
+ turns.append(Func(npc[0].setHpr, npc[1], npc[2]))
+ unturns.append(Func(npc[0].setHpr, npc[1], hpr))
+ arrivals.append(turns)
+ unturns.append(departures)
+ return arrivals, unturns, npcs
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/ b/toontown/src/battle/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85ca41d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
+from BattleProps import *
+from BattleSounds import *
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+import MovieCamera
+import random
+import MovieUtil
+import BattleParticles
+import HealJokes
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownBattleGlobals
+from toontown.pets import Pet, PetTricks
+notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('MoviePetSOS')
+soundFiles = ('AA_heal_tickle.mp3',
+ 'AA_heal_telljoke.mp3',
+ 'AA_heal_smooch.mp3',
+ 'AA_heal_happydance.mp3',
+ 'AA_heal_pixiedust.mp3',
+ 'AA_heal_juggle.mp3')
+offset = Point3(0, 4.0, 0)
+def doPetSOSs(PetSOSs):
+ """ doPetSOSs()
+ """
+ if (len(PetSOSs) == 0):
+ return (None, None)
+ track = Sequence()
+ textTrack = Sequence()
+ for p in PetSOSs:
+ ival = __doPetSOS(p)
+ if (ival):
+ track.append(ival)
+ camDuration = track.getDuration()
+ camTrack = MovieCamera.chooseHealShot(PetSOSs, camDuration)
+ return (track, camTrack)
+def __doPetSOS(sos):
+ """ __doPetSOS(sos)
+ """
+ # MPG need to have levels and HPs
+ return __healJuggle(sos)
+def __healToon(toon, hp, gender, callerToonId, ineffective = 0):
+ notify.debug('healToon() - toon: %d hp: %d ineffective: %d' % \
+ (toon.doId, hp, ineffective))
+ nolaughter = 0
+ if ineffective == 1:
+ if callerToonId == toon.doId:
+ laughter = TTLocalizer.MoviePetSOSTrickFail
+ else:
+ nolaughter = 1
+ else:
+ maxDam=ToontownBattleGlobals.AvPropDamage[0][1][0][1]
+ if callerToonId == toon.doId:
+ if gender == 1:
+ laughter = TTLocalizer.MoviePetSOSTrickSucceedBoy
+ else:
+ laughter = TTLocalizer.MoviePetSOSTrickSucceedGirl
+ else:
+ if (hp >= maxDam-1):
+ laughter = random.choice(TTLocalizer.MovieHealLaughterHits2)
+ else:
+ laughter = random.choice(TTLocalizer.MovieHealLaughterHits1)
+ if nolaughter == 0:
+ toon.setChatAbsolute(laughter, CFSpeech | CFTimeout)
+ if (hp > 0 and toon.hp != None):
+ toon.toonUp(hp)
+ else:
+ notify.debug('__healToon() - toon: %d hp: %d' % (toon.doId, hp))
+def __teleportIn(attack, pet, pos = Point3(0, 0, 0), hpr = Vec3(180.0, 0.0, 0.0)):
+ a = Func(pet.reparentTo, attack['battle'])
+ b = Func(pet.setPos, pos)
+ c = Func(pet.setHpr, hpr)
+ d = Func(pet.pose, "reappear", 0)
+ e = pet.getTeleportInTrack()
+ #f = Func(pet.addActive)
+ g = Func(pet.loop, 'neutral')
+ #return Sequence(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)
+ return Sequence(a, b, c, d, e, g)
+def __teleportOut(attack, pet):
+ a = pet.getTeleportOutTrack()
+ #b = Func(pet.removeActive)
+ c = Func(pet.detachNode)
+ d = Func(pet.delete)
+ #return Sequence(a, b, c)
+ return Sequence(a, c)
+def __doPet(attack, level, hp):
+ track = __doSprinkle(attack, 'suits', hp)
+ pbpText = attack['playByPlayText']
+ pbpTrack = pbpText.getShowInterval(TTLocalizer.MovieNPCSOSCogsMiss,
+ track.getDuration())
+ return track, pbpTrack
+def __healJuggle(heal):
+ """ __healJuggle(heal)
+ """
+ petProxyId = heal['petId']
+ pet = Pet.Pet()
+ gender = 0
+ if
+ petProxy =[petProxyId]
+ if (petProxy == None):
+ return
+ pet.setDNA(
+ pet.setName(petProxy.petName)
+ gender = petProxy.gender
+ else:
+ pet.setDNA([-1, 0, 0, -1, 2, 0, 4, 0, 1])
+ pet.setName('Smiley')
+ targets = heal['target']
+ ineffective = heal['sidestep']
+ level = heal['level']
+ # Make a 'sandwich' around the track specific interval
+ track = Sequence(__teleportIn(heal, pet))
+ # Do the trick (or not)
+ if ineffective:
+ trickTrack = Parallel(Wait(1.0),
+ Func(pet.loop, 'neutralSad'),
+ Func(pet.showMood, 'confusion')
+ )
+ else:
+ trickTrack = PetTricks.getTrickIval(pet, level)
+ track.append(trickTrack)
+ delay = 4.0
+ first = 1
+ targetTrack = Sequence()
+ for target in targets:
+ targetToon = target['toon']
+ hp = target['hp']
+ callerToonId = heal['toonId']
+ reactIval = Func(__healToon, targetToon, hp, gender, callerToonId, ineffective)
+ if (first == 1):
+ #targetTrack.append(Wait(delay))
+ first = 0
+ targetTrack.append(reactIval)
+ mtrack = Parallel(Wait(2.0),
+ targetTrack)
+ track.append(mtrack)
+ track.append(Sequence(Func(pet.clearMood)))
+ track.append(__teleportOut(heal, pet))
+ for target in targets:
+ targetToon = target['toon']
+ track.append(Func(targetToon.clearChat))
+ track.append(Func(pet.delete))
+ return track
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/ b/toontown/src/battle/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8643776
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
+import MovieCamera
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('MovieSOS')
+def doSOSs(calls):
+ """ doSOSs(calls)
+ Calls for help occur in the following order:
+ right to left, one at a time
+ """
+ if (len(calls) == 0):
+ return (None, None)
+ # setChatAbsolute gets around the speedchat
+ def callerFunc(toon, handle):
+ toon.setChatAbsolute(TTLocalizer.MovieSOSCallHelp %
+ handle.getName(), CFSpeech | CFTimeout)
+ handle.d_battleSOS(base.localAvatar.doId)
+ def calleeFunc(toon, handle):
+ toon.setChatAbsolute(TTLocalizer.MovieSOSCallHelp %
+ handle.getName(), CFSpeech | CFTimeout)
+ def observerFunc(toon):
+ toon.setChatAbsolute(TTLocalizer.MovieSOSObserverHelp,
+ CFSpeech | CFTimeout)
+ mtrack = Sequence()
+ for c in calls:
+ toon = c['toon']
+ targetType = c['targetType']
+ handle = c['target']
+ mtrack.append(Wait(0.5))
+ if (targetType == 'observer'):
+ ival = Func(observerFunc, toon)
+ elif (targetType == 'caller'):
+ ival = Func(callerFunc, toon, handle)
+ elif (targetType == 'callee'):
+ ival = Func(calleeFunc, toon, handle)
+ else:
+ notify.error('invalid target type: %s' % targetType)
+ mtrack.append(ival)
+ # Hold on the word balloon for 2 seconds
+ mtrack.append(Wait(2.0))
+ notify.debug('toon: %s calls for help' % toon.getName())
+ camDuration = mtrack.getDuration()
+ camTrack = MovieCamera.chooseSOSShot(toon, camDuration)
+ return (mtrack, camTrack)
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/ b/toontown/src/battle/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2573a4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/
@@ -0,0 +1,1079 @@
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
+from BattleBase import *
+from BattleProps import *
+from BattleSounds import *
+import BattleParticles
+from RewardPanel import *
+import MovieCamera
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+import MovieUtil
+import MovieNPCSOS
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownBattleGlobals
+notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('MovieSound')
+# sound file that plays when an instrument is used
+soundFiles = ('AA_sound_bikehorn.mp3',
+ 'AA_sound_whistle.mp3',
+ 'AA_sound_bugle.mp3',
+ 'AA_sound_aoogah.mp3',
+ 'AA_sound_elephant.mp3',
+ 'SZ_DD_foghorn.mp3',
+ 'AA_sound_Opera_Singer.mp3') #UBER
+# sound file that plays when an instrument first appears
+appearSoundFiles = ('MG_tag_1.mp3',
+ 'LB_receive_evidence.mp3',
+ 'm_match_trumpet.mp3',
+ 'TL_step_on_rake.mp3',
+ 'toonbldg_grow.mp3',
+ 'mailbox_full_wobble.mp3',
+ 'mailbox_full_wobble.mp3') #UBER
+hitSoundFiles = ('AA_sound_Opera_Singer_Cog_Glass.mp3',)
+tSound = 2.45
+tSuitReact = 2.8
+DISTANCE_TO_WALK_BACK = MovieUtil.SUIT_LURE_DISTANCE * 0.75 #set this to zero if we don't want to move back duriing sound gags
+TIME_TO_WALK_BACK = .5 #in seconds
+INSTRUMENT_SCALE_MODIFIER = 0.5 #multiply all instrument scales by this amount
+def doSounds(sounds):
+ """ doSounds(sounds)
+ Sounds occur in the following order:
+ 1) level 1 sounds, simultaneously
+ 2) level 2 sounds, simultaneously, (TOON_SOUND_DELAY later)
+ 3) level 3 sounds, simultaneously, (TOON_SOUND_DELAY later)
+ etc.
+ Note: simultaneous sounds should be louder
+ """
+ if (len(sounds) == 0):
+ return (None, None)
+ npcArrivals, npcDepartures, npcs = MovieNPCSOS.doNPCTeleports(sounds)
+ mtrack = Parallel()
+ # Keep track of how many successful toon sound attacks there were
+ hitCount = 0
+ # Group sounds by level and count how many sounds hit target
+ prevLevel = 0
+ prevSounds = [[], [], [], [], [], [], []] #UBER
+ for sound in sounds:
+ level = sound['level']
+ prevSounds[level].append(sound)
+ # See if this attack hit the suits, if so, increment counter
+ for target in sound['target']:
+ if target['hp'] > 0:
+ hitCount += 1
+ break
+ delay = 0.0
+ for soundList in prevSounds:
+ if (len(soundList) > 0):
+ mtrack.append(__doSoundsLevel(soundList, delay, hitCount, npcs))
+ soundTrack = Sequence(npcArrivals, mtrack, npcDepartures)
+ targets = sounds[0]['target']
+ camDuration = mtrack.getDuration()
+ enterDuration = npcArrivals.getDuration()
+ exitDuration = npcDepartures.getDuration()
+ camTrack = MovieCamera.chooseSoundShot(sounds, targets, camDuration,
+ enterDuration, exitDuration)
+ return (soundTrack, camTrack)
+def __getSuitTrack(sound,lastSoundThatHit,delay,hitCount,targets,totalDamage,
+ hpbonus,toon,npcs):
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ tracks = Parallel()
+ attacks = 0
+ uberDelay = 0.0
+ isUber = 0
+ if sound["level"] >= ToontownBattleGlobals.UBER_GAG_LEVEL_INDEX:
+ uberDelay = 3.0
+ isUber = 1
+ for target in targets:
+ suit = target['suit']
+ if (totalDamage > 0 and sound == lastSoundThatHit):
+ hp = target['hp']
+ died = target['died']
+ battle = sound['battle']
+ # This kick back bonus (kbbonus) is not actually used as
+ # as it is with throws and squirts. We will simply use it
+ # to detect if the suit
+ # has been attacked with a sound while lured (will have a
+ # value of 0, not -1)
+ kbbonus = target['kbbonus']
+ suitTrack = Sequence()
+ showDamage = Func(suit.showHpText,
+ -totalDamage, openEnded=0)
+ updateHealthBar = Func(suit.updateHealthBar, totalDamage)
+ if isUber:
+ breakEffect = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='soundBreak')
+ breakEffect.setDepthWrite(0)
+ breakEffect.setDepthTest(0)
+ breakEffect.setTwoSided(1)
+ soundEffect = globalBattleSoundCache.getSound(hitSoundFiles[0])
+ #if attacks == 0:
+ #attacks = attacks + 1
+ #suitTrack.append(Wait(delay + tSuitReact))
+ #else:
+ suitTrack.append(Wait(delay + tSuitReact))
+ #suitTrack.append(Wait(delay + uberDelay))
+ if isUber:
+ delayTime = random.random()
+ suitTrack.append(Wait(delayTime + 2.0))
+ suitTrack.append(Func(setPosFromOther, breakEffect, suit, Point3(0,0.0,suit.getHeight() - 1.0)))
+ suitTrack.append(
+ Parallel(
+ showDamage,
+ updateHealthBar,
+ SoundInterval(soundEffect, node=suit),
+ __getPartTrack(breakEffect, 0.0, 1.0, [breakEffect, suit, 0], softStop = -0.5),
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ suitTrack.append(showDamage)
+ suitTrack.append(updateHealthBar)
+ # Show stun if the suits are only hit once
+ if hitCount == 1:
+ suitTrack.append(
+ Parallel(
+ ActorInterval(suit, 'squirt-small-react'),
+ MovieUtil.createSuitStunInterval(suit, 0.5, 1.8),
+ ))
+ else:
+ suitTrack.append(
+ ActorInterval(suit, 'squirt-small-react'))
+ if (kbbonus == 0):
+ suitTrack.append(__createSuitResetPosTrack(suit,
+ battle))
+ suitTrack.append(Func(battle.unlureSuit, suit))
+ # Create a bonus track if there is a bonus
+ bonusTrack = None
+ if (hpbonus > 0):
+ bonusTrack = Sequence(Wait(delay + tSuitReact + delay + 0.75 + uberDelay),
+ Func(suit.showHpText,
+ -hpbonus, 1, openEnded=0))
+ #if (died != 0):
+ # suitTrack.append(MovieUtil.createSuitDeathTrack(suit,
+ # toon, battle, npcs))
+ #else:
+ suitTrack.append(Func(suit.loop, 'neutral'))
+ if (bonusTrack == None):
+ tracks.append(suitTrack)
+ else:
+ tracks.append(Parallel(suitTrack,
+ bonusTrack))
+ elif (totalDamage <= 0): # sound missed, so indicate missed sign
+ tracks.append(Sequence(Wait(2.9),
+ Func(MovieUtil.indicateMissed,
+ suit, 1.0)))
+ return tracks
+def __doSoundsLevel(sounds, delay, hitCount, npcs):
+ # Determine if there are any simultaneous sounds that hit (sound attacks of
+ # the same level in the same round happend simultaneously). If there
+ # are any simultaneous sounds, determine which is the last one that hits so
+ # that suits only flinch once for the group of simultaneous sounds that hit.
+ lastSoundThatHit = None
+ totalDamage = 0
+ for sound in sounds:
+ # Sounds either hit all targets or miss all targets
+ for target in sound['target']:
+ if (target['hp'] > 0):
+ lastSoundThatHit = sound
+ totalDamage += target['hp']
+ break
+ mainTrack = Sequence()
+ tracks = Parallel()
+ deathTracks = Parallel()
+ for sound in sounds:
+ #soundfn_array(
+ toon = sound['toon']
+ if (sound.has_key('npc')):
+ toon = sound['npc']
+ level = sound['level']
+ targets = sound['target']
+ hpbonus = sound['hpbonus']
+ attackMTrack = soundfn_array[sound['level']](sound,delay,toon,targets,level)
+ #attackMTrack = squirtfn_array[squirt['level']](squirt, delay, fShowStun)
+ tracks.append(Sequence(Wait(delay), attackMTrack))
+ tracks.append(__getSuitTrack(sound,lastSoundThatHit,delay,hitCount,
+ targets,totalDamage,hpbonus,toon,npcs))
+ # get suit track no longer creates the deathTrack append it after creating all attack tracks
+ for target in targets:
+ battle = sound['battle']
+ suit = target['suit']
+ died = target['died']
+ revived = target['revived']
+ if (revived):
+ deathTracks.append(MovieUtil.createSuitReviveTrack(suit,
+ toon, battle, npcs))
+ elif (died):
+ deathTracks.append(MovieUtil.createSuitDeathTrack(suit,
+ toon, battle, npcs))
+ mainTrack.append(tracks)
+ mainTrack.append(deathTracks)
+ return mainTrack
+def __createSuitResetPosTrack(suit, battle):
+ resetPos, resetHpr = battle.getActorPosHpr(suit)
+ moveDist = Vec3(suit.getPos(battle) - resetPos).length()
+ moveDuration = 0.5
+ walkTrack = Sequence(
+ # First face the right direction, then walk backwards
+ Func(suit.setHpr, battle, resetHpr),
+ ActorInterval(suit, 'walk', startTime=1, duration=moveDuration, endTime=0.0001),
+ Func(suit.loop, 'neutral')
+ )
+ # Actually move the suit
+ moveTrack = LerpPosInterval(suit, moveDuration, resetPos, other=battle)
+ return Parallel(walkTrack, moveTrack)
+def createSuitResetPosTrack(suit,battle):
+ """
+ MovieTrap will use this when a train trap appears under an already lured suit
+ """
+ return __createSuitResetPosTrack(suit,battle)
+def __createToonInterval(sound, delay, toon, operaInstrument = None):
+ """
+ back up the toon, do the megaphone, then go back to original position
+ """
+ isNPC = 0
+ if sound.get('npc'):
+ isNPC = 1
+ battle = sound['battle']
+ hasLuredSuits = __hasLuredSuits(sound)
+ if not isNPC:
+ oldPos,oldHpr = battle.getActorPosHpr(toon)
+ newPos = Point3(oldPos)
+ newPos.setY( newPos.getY() - DISTANCE_TO_WALK_BACK)
+ retval = Sequence(
+ Wait(delay),
+ )
+ if DISTANCE_TO_WALK_BACK and hasLuredSuits and not isNPC:
+ retval.append(
+ Parallel( ActorInterval(toon, 'walk', startTime = 1, duration = TIME_TO_WALK_BACK, endTime = 0.0001),
+ LerpPosInterval(toon, TIME_TO_WALK_BACK, newPos, other=battle)))
+ if operaInstrument:
+ sprayEffect = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='soundWave')
+ sprayEffect.setDepthWrite(0)
+ sprayEffect.setDepthTest(0)
+ sprayEffect.setTwoSided(1)
+ I1 = 2.8
+ retval.append(ActorInterval(toon, 'sound', playRate = 1.0, startTime=0.0,endTime=I1))
+ #Wait(3.0),
+ retval.append(Func(setPosFromOther, sprayEffect, operaInstrument, Point3(0,1.6,-0.18)))
+ retval.append( __getPartTrack(sprayEffect, 0.0, 6.0, [sprayEffect, toon, 0], softStop = -3.5))
+ retval.append(ActorInterval(toon, 'sound', playRate = 1.0, startTime=I1))
+ else:
+ retval.append(ActorInterval(toon, 'sound'))
+ if DISTANCE_TO_WALK_BACK and hasLuredSuits and not isNPC:
+ retval.append(
+ Parallel( ActorInterval(toon, 'walk', startTime = 0.0001, duration = TIME_TO_WALK_BACK, endTime = 1),
+ LerpPosInterval(toon, TIME_TO_WALK_BACK, oldPos, other=battle)))
+ retval.append(Func(toon.loop, 'neutral'))
+ return retval
+def __hasLuredSuits(sound):
+ """
+ return True if any suits are lured
+ """
+ retval = False
+ targets = sound['target']
+ for target in targets:
+ # This kick back bonus (kbbonus) is not actually used as
+ # as it is with throws and squirts. We will simply use it
+ # to detect if the suit
+ # has been attacked with a sound while lured (will have a
+ # value of 0, not -1)
+ kbbonus = target['kbbonus']
+ if kbbonus == 0:
+ retval = True
+ break
+ return retval
+def __doBikehorn(sound, delay, toon, targets, level):
+ tracks = Parallel()
+ instrMin = Vec3(.001,.001,.001)
+ instrMax = Vec3(.65,.65,.65)
+ instrStretch = Vec3(.6,1.1,.6)
+ # loading of the megaphone
+ megaphone = globalPropPool.getProp('megaphone')
+ megaphone2 = MovieUtil.copyProp(megaphone)
+ megaphones = [megaphone, megaphone2]
+ # loading of the bikehorn
+ instrument = globalPropPool.getProp('bikehorn')
+ instrument2 = MovieUtil.copyProp(instrument)
+ instruments = [instrument,instrument2]
+ # default values
+ def setInstrumentStats(instrument=instrument, instrument2=instrument2):
+ #instrument.setPos(-.5,-.6,.1)
+ instrument.setPos(-1.1,-1.4,.1)
+ instrument.setHpr(145,0,0)
+ instrument.setScale(instrMin)
+ #instrument2.setPos(-.5,-.6,.1)
+ instrument2.setPos(-1.1,-1.4,.1)
+ instrument2.setHpr(145,0,0)
+ instrument2.setScale(instrMin)
+ hands = toon.getRightHands()
+ megaphoneShow = Sequence(Func(MovieUtil.showProps, megaphones, hands),
+ Func(MovieUtil.showProps, instruments, hands),
+ Func(setInstrumentStats))
+ megaphoneHide = Sequence(Func(MovieUtil.removeProps, megaphones),
+ Func(MovieUtil.removeProps, instruments))
+ # have the instrument appear
+ instrumentAppearSfx = globalBattleSoundCache.getSound(appearSoundFiles[level])
+ grow = getScaleIntervals(instruments, duration=.2, startScale=instrMin,
+ endScale=instrMax)
+ instrumentAppear = Parallel(grow, Sequence(Wait(.15),
+ SoundInterval(instrumentAppearSfx,node=toon)))
+ # instruments stretches with use, as does megaphone
+ stretchInstr = getScaleBlendIntervals(instruments, duration=.2, startScale=instrMax,
+ endScale=instrStretch, blendType='easeOut')
+ backInstr = getScaleBlendIntervals(instruments, duration=.2, startScale=instrStretch,
+ endScale=instrMax, blendType='easeIn')
+ stretchMega = getScaleBlendIntervals(megaphones, duration=.2,
+ startScale=megaphone.getScale(),
+ endScale=.9, blendType='easeOut')
+ backMega = getScaleBlendIntervals(megaphones, duration=.2, startScale=.9,
+ endScale=megaphone.getScale(), blendType='easeIn')
+ attackTrack = Parallel(Sequence(stretchInstr,backInstr),Sequence(stretchMega,backMega))
+ hasLuredSuits =__hasLuredSuits(sound)
+ delayTime = delay
+ if hasLuredSuits:
+ delayTime += TIME_TO_WALK_BACK
+ # instrument and megaphone track
+ megaphoneTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(delayTime),
+ megaphoneShow,
+ Wait(1.0),
+ instrumentAppear,
+ Wait(3.0),
+ megaphoneHide,
+ )
+ tracks.append(megaphoneTrack)
+ # create the toon track
+ toonTrack = __createToonInterval(sound,delay,toon)
+ tracks.append(toonTrack)
+ # play the sound and shrink the instrument
+ soundEffect = globalBattleSoundCache.getSound(soundFiles[level])
+ instrumentshrink = getScaleIntervals(instruments,duration=.1,
+ startScale=instrMax,endScale=instrMin)
+ if soundEffect:
+ delayTime = delay + tSound
+ if hasLuredSuits:
+ delayTime += TIME_TO_WALK_BACK
+ soundTrack = Sequence(Wait(delayTime),
+ Parallel(attackTrack,SoundInterval(soundEffect, node=toon)),
+ Wait(.2), instrumentshrink)
+ tracks.append(soundTrack)
+ return tracks
+def __doWhistle(sound, delay, toon, targets, level):
+ tracks = Parallel()
+ instrMin = Vec3(.001,.001,.001)
+ instrMax = Vec3(.2,.2,.2)
+ instrStretch = Vec3(.25,.25,.25)
+ # create the megaphone
+ megaphone = globalPropPool.getProp('megaphone')
+ megaphone2 = MovieUtil.copyProp(megaphone)
+ megaphones = [megaphone, megaphone2]
+ # create the whistle instrument
+ instrument = globalPropPool.getProp('whistle')
+ instrument2 = MovieUtil.copyProp(instrument)
+ instruments = [instrument, instrument2]
+ # sets default values
+ def setInstrumentStats(instrument=instrument, instrument2=instrument2):
+ #instrument.setPos(-.8,-.9,.1)
+ instrument.setPos(-1.2,-1.3,.1)
+ instrument.setHpr(145,0,85)
+ instrument.setScale(instrMin)
+ #instrument2.setPos(-.8,-.9,.1)
+ instrument2.setPos(-1.2,-1.3,.1)
+ instrument2.setHpr(145,0,85)
+ instrument2.setScale(instrMin)
+ hands = toon.getRightHands()
+ megaphoneShow = Sequence(Func(MovieUtil.showProps, megaphones, hands),
+ Func(MovieUtil.showProps, instruments, hands),
+ Func(setInstrumentStats))
+ megaphoneHide = Sequence(Func(MovieUtil.removeProps, megaphones),
+ Func(MovieUtil.removeProps, instruments))
+ # instrument appears
+ instrumentAppearSfx = globalBattleSoundCache.getSound(appearSoundFiles[level])
+ grow = getScaleIntervals(instruments, duration=.2, startScale=instrMin,
+ endScale=instrMax)
+ instrumentAppear = Parallel(grow, Sequence(Wait(.05),
+ SoundInterval(instrumentAppearSfx,node=toon)))
+ # instrument stretches when used
+ stretchInstr = getScaleBlendIntervals(instruments, duration=.2,startScale=instrMax,
+ endScale=instrStretch,blendType='easeOut')
+ backInstr = getScaleBlendIntervals(instruments,duration=.2, startScale=instrStretch,
+ endScale=instrMax,blendType='easeIn')
+ attackTrack = Sequence(stretchInstr,backInstr)
+ hasLuredSuits =__hasLuredSuits(sound)
+ delayTime = delay
+ if hasLuredSuits:
+ delayTime += TIME_TO_WALK_BACK
+ megaphoneTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(delayTime),
+ megaphoneShow,
+ Wait(1.0),
+ instrumentAppear,
+ Wait(3.0),
+ megaphoneHide,
+ )
+ tracks.append(megaphoneTrack)
+ # create the toon track
+ toonTrack = __createToonInterval(sound,delay,toon)
+ tracks.append(toonTrack)
+ # play the sound and shrink the instrument
+ soundEffect = globalBattleSoundCache.getSound(soundFiles[level])
+ instrumentshrink = getScaleIntervals(instruments,duration=.1,startScale=instrMax,
+ endScale=instrMin)
+ if soundEffect:
+ delayTime = delay + tSound
+ if hasLuredSuits:
+ delayTime += TIME_TO_WALK_BACK
+ soundTrack = Sequence(Wait(delayTime),
+ Parallel(attackTrack,SoundInterval(soundEffect, node=toon)),
+ Wait(.2), instrumentshrink)
+ tracks.append(soundTrack)
+ return tracks
+def __doBugle(sound, delay, toon, targets, level):
+ tracks = Parallel()
+ instrMin = Vec3(.001,.001,.001)
+ instrMax = Vec3(.4,.4,.4)
+ instrStretch = Vec3(.5,.5,.5)
+ # creates the megaphone
+ megaphone = globalPropPool.getProp('megaphone')
+ megaphone2 = MovieUtil.copyProp(megaphone)
+ megaphones = [megaphone, megaphone2]
+ # creates the bugle
+ instrument = globalPropPool.getProp('bugle')
+ instrument2 = MovieUtil.copyProp(instrument)
+ instruments = [instrument, instrument2]
+ # default values
+ def setInstrumentStats(instrument=instrument, instrument2=instrument2):
+ #instrument.setPos(-.8,-.9,.1)
+ #instrument.setPos(-1.2,-1.3,.1)
+ instrument.setPos(-1.3,-1.4,.1)
+ instrument.setHpr(145,0,85)
+ instrument.setScale(instrMin)
+ #instrument2.setPos(-.8,-.9,.1)
+ #instrument2.setPos(-1.2,-1.3,.1)
+ instrument2.setPos(-1.3,-1.4,.1)
+ instrument2.setHpr(145,0,85)
+ instrument2.setScale(instrMin)
+ # used for the trumpet playing, causes it to shrink and grow
+ def longshake(models,num):
+ inShake = getScaleBlendIntervals(models,duration=.2,startScale=instrMax,
+ endScale=instrStretch,blendType='easeInOut')
+ outShake = getScaleBlendIntervals(models,duration=.2,startScale=instrStretch,
+ endScale=instrMax,blendType='easeInOut')
+ i = 1
+ seq = Sequence()
+ while i < num:
+ if i % 2 == 0:
+ seq.append(inShake)
+ else:
+ seq.append(outShake)
+ i+=1
+ seq.start()
+ hands = toon.getRightHands()
+ megaphoneShow = Sequence(Func(MovieUtil.showProps, megaphones, hands),
+ Func(MovieUtil.showProps, instruments, hands),
+ Func(setInstrumentStats))
+ megaphoneHide = Sequence(Func(MovieUtil.removeProps, megaphones),
+ Func(MovieUtil.removeProps, instruments))
+ # instrument appears
+ instrumentAppearSfx = globalBattleSoundCache.getSound(appearSoundFiles[level])
+ grow = getScaleBlendIntervals(instruments, duration=1, startScale=instrMin, endScale=instrMax,blendType='easeInOut')
+ #instrumentAppear = Parallel(grow, Sequence(Wait(.05),SoundInterval(instrumentAppearSfx,node=toon)))
+ instrumentshrink = getScaleIntervals(instruments, duration=.1,
+ startScale=instrMax, endScale=instrMin)
+ instrumentAppear = Sequence(grow,Wait(0),Func(longshake,instruments,5))
+ # instrument shakes when used
+ hasLuredSuits =__hasLuredSuits(sound)
+ delayTime = delay
+ if hasLuredSuits:
+ delayTime += TIME_TO_WALK_BACK
+ soundEffect = globalBattleSoundCache.getSound(soundFiles[level])
+ megaphoneTrack = Parallel(Sequence(Wait(delay+1.7), SoundInterval(soundEffect, node=toon)),
+ Sequence(
+ Wait(delayTime),
+ megaphoneShow,
+ Wait(1.7),
+ #Func(,
+ #Wait(0),
+ instrumentAppear,
+ Wait(1),
+ instrumentshrink,
+ Wait(1.5),
+ megaphoneHide,
+ )
+ )
+ tracks.append(megaphoneTrack)
+ # create the toon track
+ toonTrack = __createToonInterval(sound,delay,toon)
+ tracks.append(toonTrack)
+ # play the sound and shrink the instrument
+ #soundEffect = globalBattleSoundCache.getSound(soundFiles[level])
+ #SoundInterval(soundEffect, node=toon)
+ if soundEffect:
+ delayTime = delay + tSound
+ if hasLuredSuits:
+ delayTime += TIME_TO_WALK_BACK
+ soundTrack = Wait(delayTime)
+ tracks.append(soundTrack)
+ return tracks
+def __doAoogah(sound, delay, toon, targets, level):
+ tracks = Parallel()
+ instrMin = Vec3(.001,.001,.001)
+ instrMax = Vec3(.5,.5,.5)
+ instrStretch = Vec3(1.1,.9,.4)
+ # create the megaphone
+ megaphone = globalPropPool.getProp('megaphone')
+ megaphone2 = MovieUtil.copyProp(megaphone)
+ megaphones = [megaphone, megaphone2]
+ # creates the aoogah instrument
+ instrument = globalPropPool.getProp('aoogah')
+ instrument2 = MovieUtil.copyProp(instrument)
+ instruments = [instrument, instrument2]
+ # sets the default values
+ def setInstrumentStats(instrument=instrument, instrument2=instrument2):
+ instrument.setPos(-1.0,-1.5,.2)
+ instrument.setHpr(145,0,85)
+ instrument.setScale(instrMin)
+ #instrument2.setPos(-.5,-1,.2)
+ instrument2.setPos(-1.0,-1.5,.2)
+ instrument2.setHpr(145,0,85)
+ instrument2.setScale(instrMin)
+ hands = toon.getRightHands()
+ megaphoneShow = Sequence(Func(MovieUtil.showProps, megaphones, hands),
+ Func(MovieUtil.showProps, instruments, hands),
+ Func(setInstrumentStats))
+ megaphoneHide = Sequence(Func(MovieUtil.removeProps, megaphones),
+ Func(MovieUtil.removeProps, instruments))
+ # instrument appears
+ instrumentAppearSfx = globalBattleSoundCache.getSound(appearSoundFiles[level])
+ grow = getScaleIntervals(instruments, duration=.2, startScale=instrMin,
+ endScale=instrMax)
+ instrumentAppear = Parallel(grow, Sequence(Wait(.05),
+ SoundInterval(instrumentAppearSfx, node=toon)))
+ # instrument stretches when used
+ stretchInstr = getScaleBlendIntervals(instruments, duration=.2, startScale=instrMax,
+ endScale=instrStretch, blendType='easeOut')
+ backInstr = getScaleBlendIntervals(instruments, duration=.2, startScale=instrStretch,
+ endScale=instrMax, blendType='easeInOut')
+ attackTrack = Sequence(stretchInstr, Wait(1), backInstr)
+ hasLuredSuits =__hasLuredSuits(sound)
+ delayTime = delay
+ if hasLuredSuits:
+ delayTime += TIME_TO_WALK_BACK
+ megaphoneTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(delayTime),
+ megaphoneShow,
+ Wait(1.0),
+ instrumentAppear,
+ Wait(3.0),
+ megaphoneHide,
+ )
+ tracks.append(megaphoneTrack)
+ # create the toon track
+ toonTrack = __createToonInterval(sound, delay, toon)
+ tracks.append(toonTrack)
+ # play the sound and shrink the instrument
+ soundEffect = globalBattleSoundCache.getSound(soundFiles[level])
+ instrumentshrink = getScaleIntervals(instruments, duration=.1, startScale=instrMax,
+ endScale=instrMin)
+ if soundEffect:
+ delayTime = delay + tSound
+ if hasLuredSuits:
+ delayTime += TIME_TO_WALK_BACK
+ soundTrack = Sequence(Wait(delayTime),
+ Parallel(attackTrack,SoundInterval(soundEffect, node=toon),
+ Sequence(Wait(1.5), instrumentshrink)))
+ tracks.append(soundTrack)
+ return tracks
+def __doElephant(sound, delay, toon, targets, level):
+ tracks = Parallel()
+ instrMin = Vec3(.001,.001,.001)
+ instrMax1 = Vec3(.3,.4,.2)
+ instrMax2 = Vec3(.3,.3,.3)
+ instrStretch1 = Vec3(.3,.5,.25)
+ instrStretch2 = Vec3(.3,.7,.3)
+ # create the megaphone track
+ megaphone = globalPropPool.getProp('megaphone')
+ megaphone2 = MovieUtil.copyProp(megaphone)
+ megaphones = [megaphone, megaphone2]
+ # create the elephant instrument
+ instrument = globalPropPool.getProp('elephant')
+ instrument2 = MovieUtil.copyProp(instrument)
+ instruments = [instrument, instrument2]
+ # sets default values
+ def setInstrumentStats(instrument=instrument, instrument2=instrument2):
+ instrument.setPos(-.6,-.9,.15)
+ instrument.setHpr(145,0,85)
+ instrument.setScale(instrMin)
+ instrument2.setPos(-.6,-.9,.15)
+ instrument2.setHpr(145,0,85)
+ instrument2.setScale(instrMin)
+ hands = toon.getRightHands()
+ megaphoneShow = Sequence(Func(MovieUtil.showProps, megaphones, hands),
+ Func(MovieUtil.showProps, instruments, hands),
+ Func(setInstrumentStats))
+ megaphoneHide = Sequence(Func(MovieUtil.removeProps, megaphones),
+ Func(MovieUtil.removeProps, instruments))
+ # instrument appears and stretches twice to give a 'kind of' animation
+ instrumentAppearSfx = globalBattleSoundCache.getSound(appearSoundFiles[level])
+ grow1 = getScaleIntervals(instruments, duration=.3, startScale=instrMin,
+ endScale=instrMax1)
+ grow2 = getScaleIntervals(instruments, duration=.3, startScale=instrMax1,
+ endScale=instrMax2)
+ instrumentAppear = Parallel(Sequence(grow1,grow2),
+ Sequence(Wait(.05),
+ SoundInterval(instrumentAppearSfx, node=toon)))
+ # elephant trunk stretches when used to give illusion of animation
+ stretchInstr1 = getScaleBlendIntervals(instruments, duration=.1,
+ startScale=instrMax2,
+ endScale=instrStretch1,
+ blendType='easeOut')
+ stretchInstr2 = getScaleBlendIntervals(instruments, duration=.1,
+ startScale=instrStretch1,
+ endScale=instrStretch2,
+ blendType='easeOut')
+ stretchInstr = Sequence(stretchInstr1, stretchInstr2)
+ backInstr = getScaleBlendIntervals(instruments, duration=.1,
+ startScale=instrStretch2,
+ endScale=instrMax2,
+ blendType='easeOut')
+ attackTrack = Sequence(stretchInstr, Wait(1), backInstr)
+ hasLuredSuits =__hasLuredSuits(sound)
+ delayTime = delay
+ if hasLuredSuits:
+ delayTime += TIME_TO_WALK_BACK
+ megaphoneTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(delayTime),
+ megaphoneShow,
+ Wait(1.0),
+ instrumentAppear,
+ Wait(3.0),
+ megaphoneHide,
+ )
+ tracks.append(megaphoneTrack)
+ # create the toon track
+ toonTrack = __createToonInterval(sound,delay,toon)
+ tracks.append(toonTrack)
+ # play the sound and shrink the instrument
+ soundEffect = globalBattleSoundCache.getSound(soundFiles[level])
+ instrumentshrink = getScaleIntervals(instruments, duration=.1,
+ startScale=instrMax2,
+ endScale=instrMin)
+ if soundEffect:
+ delayTime = delay + tSound
+ if hasLuredSuits:
+ delayTime += TIME_TO_WALK_BACK
+ soundTrack = Sequence(Wait(delayTime),
+ Parallel(attackTrack,SoundInterval(soundEffect, node=toon),
+ Sequence(Wait(1.5), instrumentshrink)))
+ tracks.append(soundTrack)
+ return tracks
+def __doFoghorn(sound, delay, toon, targets, level):
+ tracks = Parallel()
+ instrMin = Vec3(.001,.001,.001)
+ instrMax1 = Vec3(.1,.1,.1)
+ instrMax2 = Vec3(.3,.3,.3)
+ instrStretch = Vec3(.4,.4,.4)
+ # create the megaphone
+ megaphone = globalPropPool.getProp('megaphone')
+ megaphone2 = MovieUtil.copyProp(megaphone)
+ megaphones = [megaphone, megaphone2]
+ # create the fog horn instrument
+ instrument = globalPropPool.getProp('fog_horn')
+ instrument2 = MovieUtil.copyProp(instrument)
+ instruments = [instrument, instrument2]
+ # sets default values
+ def setInstrumentStats(instrument=instrument, instrument2=instrument2):
+ instrument.setPos(-.8,-.9,.2)
+ instrument.setHpr(145,0,0)
+ instrument.setScale(instrMin)
+ instrument2.setPos(-.8,-.9,.2)
+ instrument2.setHpr(145,0,0)
+ instrument2.setScale(instrMin)
+ hands = toon.getRightHands()
+ megaphoneShow = Sequence(Func(MovieUtil.showProps, megaphones, hands),
+ Func(MovieUtil.showProps, instruments, hands),
+ Func(setInstrumentStats))
+ megaphoneHide = Sequence(Func(MovieUtil.removeProps, megaphones),
+ Func(MovieUtil.removeProps, instruments))
+ # instrument appears via a slow stretch and then a boing for humor
+ instrumentAppearSfx = globalBattleSoundCache.getSound(appearSoundFiles[level])
+ grow1 = getScaleIntervals(instruments, duration=1, startScale=instrMin,
+ endScale=instrMax1)
+ grow2 = getScaleIntervals(instruments, duration=.1, startScale=instrMax1,
+ endScale=instrMax2)
+ instrumentAppear = Parallel(Sequence(grow1,grow2),
+ Sequence(Wait(.05),
+ SoundInterval(instrumentAppearSfx, node=toon)))
+ # instrument stretches when used, and spins a little bit. As it is a
+ # longer sound, when it's finished it merely vanishes
+ stretchInstr = getScaleBlendIntervals(instruments, duration=.3, startScale=instrMax2,
+ endScale=instrStretch, blendType='easeOut')
+ backInstr = getScaleBlendIntervals(instruments, duration=1.0, startScale=instrStretch,
+ endScale=instrMin, blendType='easeIn')
+ spinInstr1 = LerpHprInterval(instrument,duration=1.5, startHpr=Vec3(145,0,0),
+ hpr=Vec3(145,0,90), blendType='easeInOut')
+ spinInstr2 = LerpHprInterval(instrument2,duration=1.5, startHpr=Vec3(145,0,0),
+ hpr=Vec3(145,0,90), blendType='easeInOut')
+ spinInstr = Parallel(spinInstr1,spinInstr2)
+ attackTrack = Parallel(Sequence(Wait(.2),spinInstr),
+ Sequence(stretchInstr, Wait(.5), backInstr))
+ hasLuredSuits =__hasLuredSuits(sound)
+ delayTime = delay
+ if hasLuredSuits:
+ delayTime += TIME_TO_WALK_BACK
+ megaphoneTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(delayTime),
+ megaphoneShow,
+ Wait(1.0),
+ instrumentAppear,
+ Wait(3.0),
+ megaphoneHide,
+ )
+ tracks.append(megaphoneTrack)
+ # create the toon track
+ toonTrack = __createToonInterval(sound,delay,toon)
+ tracks.append(toonTrack)
+ # play the sound, no need to shrink instrument as it's already done
+ soundEffect = globalBattleSoundCache.getSound(soundFiles[level])
+ if soundEffect:
+ delayTime = delay + tSound
+ if hasLuredSuits:
+ delayTime += TIME_TO_WALK_BACK
+ soundTrack = Sequence(Wait(delayTime),
+ Parallel(attackTrack,SoundInterval(soundEffect, node=toon)))
+ tracks.append(soundTrack)
+ return tracks
+def __doOpera(sound, delay, toon, targets, level):
+ tracks = Parallel()
+ delay = delay
+ instrMin = Vec3(.001,.001,.001)
+ instrMax1 = Vec3(1.7,1.7,1.7)
+ instrMax2 = Vec3(2.2,2.2,2.2)
+ instrStretch = Vec3(.4,.4,.4)
+ # create the megaphone
+ megaphone = globalPropPool.getProp('megaphone')
+ megaphone2 = MovieUtil.copyProp(megaphone)
+ megaphones = [megaphone, megaphone2]
+ # create the fog horn instrument
+ instrument = globalPropPool.getProp('singing')
+ instrument2 = MovieUtil.copyProp(instrument)
+ instruments = [instrument, instrument2]
+ head = instrument2.find("**/opera_singer")
+ head.setPos(0,0,0)
+ # sets default values
+ def setInstrumentStats(instrument=instrument, instrument2=instrument2):
+ notify.debug("setInstrumentStats")
+ newPos = Vec3(-0.8, -0.9, .2)
+ newPos *= 1.3
+ instrument.setPos(newPos[0], newPos[1], newPos[2])
+ instrument.setHpr(145,0,90)
+ instrument.setScale(instrMin)
+ instrument2.setPos(newPos[0], newPos[1], newPos[2])
+ instrument2.setHpr(145,0,90)
+ instrument2.setScale(instrMin)
+ hands = toon.getRightHands()
+ megaphoneShow = Sequence(Func(MovieUtil.showProps, megaphones, hands),
+ Func(MovieUtil.showProps, instruments, hands),
+ Func(setInstrumentStats))
+ megaphoneHide = Sequence(Func(MovieUtil.removeProps, megaphones),
+ Func(MovieUtil.removeProps, instruments))
+ # instrument appears via a slow stretch and then a boing for humor
+ instrumentAppearSfx = globalBattleSoundCache.getSound(appearSoundFiles[level])
+ grow1 = getScaleBlendIntervals(instruments, duration=1, startScale=instrMin,
+ endScale=instrMax1, blendType = 'easeOut')
+ grow2 = getScaleBlendIntervals(instruments, duration=1.1, startScale=instrMax1,
+ endScale=instrMax2, blendType = 'easeIn')
+ shrink2 = getScaleIntervals(instruments, duration=.1, startScale=instrMax2,
+ endScale=instrMin)
+ instrumentAppear = Parallel(Sequence(grow1,grow2,Wait(6.0),shrink2),
+ Sequence(Wait(0.00),
+ SoundInterval(instrumentAppearSfx, node=toon)))
+ # instrument stretches when used, and spins a little bit. As it is a
+ # longer sound, when it's finished it merely vanishes
+ #stretchInstr = getScaleBlendIntervals(instruments, duration=3.3, startScale=instrMax2,
+ # endScale=instrStretch, blendType='easeOut')
+ #backInstr = getScaleBlendIntervals(instruments, duration=3.0, startScale=instrStretch,
+ # endScale=instrMin, blendType='easeIn')
+ #
+ #attackTrack = Parallel(Sequence(Wait(3.2)),
+ # Sequence(stretchInstr, Wait(1.5), backInstr))
+ hasLuredSuits =__hasLuredSuits(sound)
+ delayTime = delay
+ if hasLuredSuits:
+ delayTime += TIME_TO_WALK_BACK
+ megaphoneTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(delayTime),
+ megaphoneShow,
+ Wait(1.0),
+ instrumentAppear,
+ Wait(2.0),
+ megaphoneHide,
+ )
+ tracks.append(megaphoneTrack)
+ # create the toon track
+ toonTrack = __createToonInterval(sound,delay,toon, operaInstrument = instrument)
+ """
+ toonTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(delay),
+ ActorInterval(toon, 'sound', playRate = 1.0, startTime=0.0,endTime=I1),
+ #Wait(3.0),
+ Func(setPosFromOther, sprayEffect, instrument, Point3(0,1.6,-0.18)),
+ __getPartTrack(sprayEffect, 0.0, 6.0, [sprayEffect, toon, 0], softStop = -3.5),
+ ActorInterval(toon, 'sound', playRate = 1.0, startTime=I1),
+ #Wait(3.0),
+ Func(toon.loop, 'neutral'),
+ )
+ """
+ tracks.append(toonTrack)
+ # play the sound, no need to shrink instrument as it's already done
+ soundEffect = globalBattleSoundCache.getSound(soundFiles[level])
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ if soundEffect:
+ delayTime = delay + tSound - 0.3
+ if hasLuredSuits:
+ delayTime += TIME_TO_WALK_BACK
+ soundTrack = Sequence(Wait(delayTime),
+ SoundInterval(soundEffect, node=toon),
+ #Parallel(attackTrack,SoundInterval(soundEffect, node=toon))
+ )
+ tracks.append(Sequence(Wait(0),))
+ tracks.append(soundTrack)
+ return tracks
+def setPosFromOther(dest, source, offset = Point3(0,0,0)):
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ #pos = source.getPos(render)
+ pos = render.getRelativePoint(source, offset)
+ #dest.setPos(render, pos)
+ dest.setPos(pos)
+ dest.reparentTo(render)
+# used for the two LOD instruments and to keep code clean
+def getScaleIntervals(props, duration, startScale, endScale):
+ tracks = Parallel()
+ for prop in props:
+ tracks.append(LerpScaleInterval(prop, duration, endScale,
+ startScale=startScale))
+ return tracks
+# same as above, but with the blendType added
+def getScaleBlendIntervals(props, duration, startScale, endScale, blendType):
+ tracks = Parallel()
+ for prop in props:
+ tracks.append(LerpScaleInterval(prop, duration, endScale,
+ startScale=startScale, blendType=blendType))
+ return tracks
+# array with the methods
+soundfn_array = (__doBikehorn, __doWhistle,
+ __doBugle, __doAoogah,
+ __doElephant, __doFoghorn, __doOpera)#UBER
+def __getPartTrack(particleEffect, startDelay, durationDelay, partExtraArgs, softStop = 0):
+ """ This function returns the default particle track for a suit attack
+ animation. Arguments:
+ startDelay = time delay before particle effect begins
+ durationDelay = time delay before particles are cleaned up
+ partExtraArgs = extraArgs for startParticleEffect function, the first
+ element of which is always the particle effect (function relies on this)
+ """
+ pEffect = partExtraArgs[0]
+ parent = partExtraArgs[1]
+ if (len(partExtraArgs) == 3):
+ worldRelative = partExtraArgs[2]
+ else:
+ worldRelative = 1
+ return Sequence(
+ Wait(startDelay),
+ ParticleInterval(pEffect, parent, worldRelative,
+ duration=durationDelay, cleanup = True, softStopT = softStop),
+ )
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/ b/toontown/src/battle/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f1ebbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/
@@ -0,0 +1,1234 @@
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
+from BattleBase import *
+from BattleProps import *
+from BattleSounds import *
+from toontown.toon.ToonDNA import *
+from toontown.suit.SuitDNA import *
+import MovieUtil
+import MovieCamera
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+import BattleParticles
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownBattleGlobals
+import random
+notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('MovieSquirt')
+hitSoundFiles = ('AA_squirt_flowersquirt.mp3',
+ 'AA_squirt_glasswater.mp3',
+ 'AA_squirt_neonwatergun.mp3',
+ 'AA_squirt_seltzer.mp3',
+ 'firehose_spray.mp3',
+ 'AA_throw_stormcloud.mp3',
+ 'AA_squirt_Geyser.mp3') #UBER
+missSoundFiles = ('AA_squirt_flowersquirt_miss.mp3',
+ 'AA_squirt_glasswater_miss.mp3',
+ 'AA_squirt_neonwatergun_miss.mp3',
+ 'AA_squirt_seltzer_miss.mp3',
+ 'firehose_spray.mp3',
+ 'AA_throw_stormcloud_miss.mp3',
+ 'AA_squirt_Geyser.mp3') #UBER
+sprayScales = [0.2, 0.3, 0.1, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 2.0] #UBER
+WaterSprayColor = Point4(0.75, 0.75, 1.0, 0.8)
+def doSquirts(squirts):
+ """ Squirts occur in the following order:
+ a) by suit, in order of increasing number of squirts per suit
+ 1) level 1 squirts, right to left, (TOON_SQUIRT_DELAY later)
+ 2) level 2 squirts, right to left, (TOON_SQUIRT_DELAY later)
+ 3) level 3 squirts, right to left, (TOON_SQUIRT_DELAY later)
+ etc.
+ b) next suit, (TOON_SQUIRT_SUIT_DELAY later)
+ """
+ if (len(squirts) == 0):
+ return (None, None)
+ # Group the squirts by targeted suit
+ suitSquirtsDict = {}
+ doneUber = 0
+ skip = 0
+ for squirt in squirts:
+ skip = 0
+ #if squirt["level"] >= ToontownBattleGlobals.UBER_GAG_LEVEL_INDEX:
+ # if doneUber:
+ # skip = 1
+ # doneUber = 1
+ if skip:
+ pass
+ else:
+ #print("squirt in squirts")
+ if type(squirt['target']) == type([]): #if target is a list
+ #for target in squirt['target']:
+ if 1:
+ target = squirt['target'][0]
+ suitId = target['suit'].doId
+ if (suitSquirtsDict.has_key(suitId)):
+ suitSquirtsDict[suitId].append(squirt)
+ else:
+ suitSquirtsDict[suitId] = [squirt]
+ else:
+ suitId = squirt['target']['suit'].doId
+ if (suitSquirtsDict.has_key(suitId)):
+ suitSquirtsDict[suitId].append(squirt)
+ else:
+ suitSquirtsDict[suitId] = [squirt]
+ suitSquirts = suitSquirtsDict.values()
+ # Sort the suits based on the number of squirts per suit
+ def compFunc(a, b):
+ if (len(a) > len(b)):
+ return 1
+ elif (len(a) < len(b)):
+ return -1
+ return 0
+ suitSquirts.sort(compFunc)
+ delay = 0.0
+ mtrack = Parallel()
+ for st in suitSquirts:
+ #print("st in suitSquirts")
+ if (len(st) > 0):
+ ival = __doSuitSquirts(st)
+ if (ival):
+ mtrack.append(Sequence(Wait(delay), ival))
+ delay = delay + TOON_SQUIRT_SUIT_DELAY
+ camDuration = mtrack.getDuration()
+ camTrack = MovieCamera.chooseSquirtShot(squirts, suitSquirtsDict,
+ camDuration)
+ return (mtrack, camTrack)
+def __doSuitSquirts(squirts):
+ """ __doSuitSquirts(squirts)
+ Create the intervals for the attacks on one suit.
+ 1 or more toons can squirt at the same target suit
+ Note: attacks are sorted by increasing level (as are toons)
+ Returns a multitrack with toon squirts in the following order:
+ 1) level 1 squirts, right to left, (TOON_SQUIRT_DELAY later)
+ 2) level 2 squirts, right to left, (TOON_SQUIRT_DELAY later)
+ etc.
+ """
+ uberClone = 0
+ toonTracks = Parallel()
+ delay = 0.0
+ # Determine how many times the suit is hit, if only once, play stun effect
+ if type(squirts[0]['target']) == type([]): #is target is a list?
+ for target in squirts[0]['target']:
+ if ((len(squirts) == 1) and (target['hp'] > 0)):
+ fShowStun = 1
+ else:
+ fShowStun = 0
+ else:
+ if ((len(squirts) == 1) and (squirts[0]['target']['hp'] > 0)):
+ fShowStun = 1
+ else:
+ fShowStun = 0
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ for s in squirts:
+ #print("s in squirts")
+ tracks = __doSquirt(s, delay, fShowStun, uberClone)
+ if s["level"] >= ToontownBattleGlobals.UBER_GAG_LEVEL_INDEX:
+ uberClone = 1
+ if tracks:
+ for track in tracks:
+ toonTracks.append(track)
+ delay = delay + TOON_SQUIRT_DELAY
+ return toonTracks
+def __doSquirt(squirt, delay, fShowStun, uberClone = 0):
+ #print("__doSquirt")
+ squirtSequence = Sequence(Wait(delay))
+ if type(squirt['target']) == type([]): #is target is a list?
+ for target in squirt['target']:
+ notify.debug('toon: %s squirts prop: %d at suit: %d for hp: %d' % \
+ (squirt['toon'].getName(), squirt['level'],
+ target['suit'].doId, target['hp']))
+ else:
+ notify.debug('toon: %s squirts prop: %d at suit: %d for hp: %d' % \
+ (squirt['toon'].getName(), squirt['level'],
+ squirt['target']['suit'].doId, squirt['target']['hp']))
+ if uberClone:
+ ival = squirtfn_array[squirt['level']](squirt, delay, fShowStun, uberClone)
+ if ival:
+ squirtSequence.append(ival)
+ else:
+ ival = squirtfn_array[squirt['level']](squirt, delay, fShowStun)
+ if ival:
+ squirtSequence.append(ival)
+ return [squirtSequence]
+def __suitTargetPoint(suit):
+ pnt = suit.getPos(render)
+ pnt.setZ(pnt[2] + suit.getHeight()*0.66)
+ return Point3(pnt)
+def __getSplashTrack(point, scale, delay, battle, splashHold=0.01):
+ # TODO: we should be using the real splash animated texture
+ # as soon as the visibility is fixed
+ def prepSplash(splash, point):
+ if callable(point):
+ point = point()
+ splash.reparentTo(render)
+ splash.setPos(point)
+ scale = splash.getScale()
+ splash.setBillboardPointWorld()
+ splash.setScale(scale)
+ splash = globalPropPool.getProp('splash-from-splat')
+ splash.setScale(scale)
+ return Sequence(
+ Func(, splash),
+ Wait(delay),
+ Func(prepSplash, splash, point),
+ ActorInterval(splash, 'splash-from-splat'),
+ Wait(splashHold),
+ Func(MovieUtil.removeProp, splash),
+ Func(, splash))
+def __getSuitTrack(suit, tContact, tDodge, hp, hpbonus, kbbonus, anim,
+ died, leftSuits, rightSuits, battle, toon, fShowStun,
+ beforeStun = 0.5, afterStun = 1.8, geyser = 0, uberRepeat = 0, revived = 0):
+ if (hp > 0):
+ suitTrack = Sequence()
+ sival = ActorInterval(suit, anim)
+ sival = [] # Suit interval of its animation
+ if (kbbonus > 0) and not geyser: # If there's a knockback, then animate the suit falling back
+ suitPos, suitHpr = battle.getActorPosHpr(suit)
+ suitType = getSuitBodyType(suit.getStyleName())
+ animTrack = Sequence()
+ animTrack.append(ActorInterval(suit, anim, duration=0.2))
+ if (suitType == 'a'):
+ animTrack.append(ActorInterval(suit, 'slip-forward', startTime=2.43))
+ elif (suitType == 'b'):
+ animTrack.append(ActorInterval(suit, 'slip-forward', startTime=1.94))
+ elif (suitType == 'c'):
+ animTrack.append(ActorInterval(suit, 'slip-forward', startTime=2.58))
+ # Be sure to unlure the suit so it doesn't walk back (already knocked back)
+ animTrack.append(Func(battle.unlureSuit, suit))
+ moveTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(0.2),
+ LerpPosInterval(suit, 0.6, pos=suitPos, other=battle),
+ )
+ sival = Parallel(animTrack, moveTrack)
+ elif geyser:
+ #print("getting suit geyser track")
+ suitStartPos = suit.getPos()
+ suitFloat = Point3(0,0,14)
+ suitEndPos = Point3(suitStartPos[0] + suitFloat[0],
+ suitStartPos[1] + suitFloat[1],
+ suitStartPos[2] + suitFloat[2])
+ #sival = ActorInterval(suit, 'slip-backward', playRate = 0.50)
+ #sival = ActorInterval(suit, 'flail', playRate = 0.50)
+ suitType = getSuitBodyType(suit.getStyleName())
+ if suitType == 'a':
+ startFlailFrame = 16
+ endFlailFrame = 16#27
+ elif suitType == 'b':
+ startFlailFrame = 15
+ endFlailFrame = 15#22
+ else:
+ startFlailFrame = 15
+ endFlailFrame = 15#20
+ sival = Sequence(
+ ActorInterval(suit, 'slip-backward', playRate = 0.5, startFrame=0, endFrame=startFlailFrame-1),
+ Func(suit.pingpong, 'slip-backward', fromFrame=startFlailFrame, toFrame=endFlailFrame),
+ Wait(0.5),
+ ActorInterval(suit, 'slip-backward', playRate = 1.00, startFrame = endFlailFrame),
+ )
+ sUp = LerpPosInterval(suit, 1.1,
+ suitEndPos,
+ startPos=suitStartPos,
+ fluid = 1)
+ sDown = LerpPosInterval(suit, 0.6,
+ suitStartPos,
+ startPos=suitEndPos,
+ fluid = 1)
+ else:
+ if fShowStun == 1:
+ sival = Parallel(
+ ActorInterval(suit, anim),
+ MovieUtil.createSuitStunInterval(
+ suit, beforeStun, afterStun),
+ )
+ else:
+ sival = ActorInterval(suit, anim)
+ showDamage = Func(suit.showHpText, -hp, openEnded=0, attackTrack=SQUIRT_TRACK)
+ updateHealthBar = Func(suit.updateHealthBar, hp)
+ suitTrack.append(Wait(tContact))
+ suitTrack.append(showDamage)
+ suitTrack.append(updateHealthBar)
+ if not geyser:
+ suitTrack.append(sival)
+ else:
+ if not uberRepeat:
+ geyserMotion = Sequence(sUp, Wait(0.0), sDown)
+ suitLaunch = Parallel(sival, geyserMotion)
+ suitTrack.append(suitLaunch)
+ else:
+ suitTrack.append(Wait(5.5))
+ # Make a bonus track for any hp bonus
+ bonusTrack = Sequence(Wait(tContact))
+ if (kbbonus > 0):
+ bonusTrack.append(Wait(0.75))
+ bonusTrack.append(Func(suit.showHpText, -kbbonus, 2, openEnded=0, attackTrack=SQUIRT_TRACK))
+ if (hpbonus > 0):
+ bonusTrack.append(Wait(0.75))
+ bonusTrack.append(Func(suit.showHpText, -hpbonus, 1, openEnded=0, attackTrack=SQUIRT_TRACK))
+ if (died != 0):
+ suitTrack.append(MovieUtil.createSuitDeathTrack(suit, toon, battle))
+ else:
+ suitTrack.append(Func(suit.loop, 'neutral'))
+ if (revived != 0):
+ suitTrack.append(MovieUtil.createSuitReviveTrack(suit, toon, battle))
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, bonusTrack)
+ else:
+ # suit dodges
+ # other suits may need to dodge as well
+ return MovieUtil.createSuitDodgeMultitrack(tDodge, suit,
+ leftSuits, rightSuits)
+def say(statement):
+ print(statement)
+def __getSoundTrack(level, hitSuit, delay, node=None):
+ #level: the level of attack, int 0-5
+ #hitSuit: does the attack hit toon, bool
+ #delay: time delay before playing sound
+ if hitSuit:
+ soundEffect = globalBattleSoundCache.getSound(hitSoundFiles[level])
+ else:
+ soundEffect = globalBattleSoundCache.getSound(missSoundFiles[level])
+ soundTrack = Sequence()
+ if soundEffect:
+ soundTrack.append(Wait(delay))
+ soundTrack.append(SoundInterval(soundEffect, node=node))
+ return soundTrack
+def __doFlower(squirt, delay, fShowStun):
+ toon = squirt['toon']
+ level = squirt['level']
+ hpbonus = squirt['hpbonus']
+ target = squirt['target']
+ suit = target['suit']
+ hp = target['hp']
+ kbbonus = target['kbbonus']
+ died = target['died']
+ revived = target['revived']
+ leftSuits = target['leftSuits']
+ rightSuits = target['rightSuits']
+ battle = squirt['battle']
+ suitPos = suit.getPos(battle)
+ origHpr = toon.getHpr(battle)
+ hitSuit = (hp > 0)
+ scale = sprayScales[level]
+ tTotalFlowerToonAnimationTime = 2.5 # hardcoded by the animation
+ tFlowerFirstAppears = 1.0 # set the flower to appear after this time
+ dFlowerScaleTime = 0.5 # total time it will take flower to scale up/dwn
+ tSprayStarts = tTotalFlowerToonAnimationTime
+ dSprayScale = 0.2
+ dSprayHold = 0.1
+ tContact = tSprayStarts + dSprayScale
+ tSuitDodges = tTotalFlowerToonAnimationTime
+ tracks = Parallel()
+ button = globalPropPool.getProp('button')
+ button2 = MovieUtil.copyProp(button)
+ buttons = [button, button2]
+ hands = toon.getLeftHands()
+ toonTrack = Sequence(
+ Func(MovieUtil.showProps, buttons, hands),
+ Func(toon.headsUp, battle, suitPos),
+ ActorInterval(toon, 'pushbutton'),
+ Func(MovieUtil.removeProps, buttons),
+ Func(toon.loop, 'neutral'),
+ Func(toon.setHpr, battle, origHpr),
+ )
+ tracks.append(toonTrack)
+ # create sound track
+ tracks.append(__getSoundTrack(level, hitSuit, tTotalFlowerToonAnimationTime-0.4, toon))
+ # show the flower
+ flower = globalPropPool.getProp('squirting-flower')
+ flower.setScale(1.5, 1.5, 1.5)
+ # prepare the spray
+ targetPoint = lambda suit=suit: __suitTargetPoint(suit)
+ def getSprayStartPos(flower=flower):
+ # flower is parented to LOD 0 path, so make sure this LOD is being animated
+ # before we get the flower position
+ # should I parent to LOD 2 instead to reduce expense of update()?
+ #note: dont have to call toon.pose() since getSprayStartPos isnt called
+ # until the exact frame we need the flower pos
+ toon.update(0) # force update of LOD 0 to current animation frame (dont know if it is being displayed or not)
+ return flower.getPos(render)
+ sprayTrack = MovieUtil.getSprayTrack(
+ battle, WaterSprayColor,
+ getSprayStartPos, targetPoint,
+ dSprayScale, dSprayHold, dSprayScale,
+ horizScale = scale, vertScale = scale)
+ lodnames = toon.getLODNames()
+ # dont bother with LOD 2 intervals for now since viewer will be very far away flower will be too small to see
+ toonlod0 = toon.getLOD(lodnames[0])
+ toonlod1 = toon.getLOD(lodnames[1])
+ if base.config.GetBool('want-new-anims', 1):
+ if not toonlod0.find('**/def_joint_attachFlower').isEmpty():
+ flower_joint0 = toonlod0.find('**/def_joint_attachFlower')
+ else:
+ flower_joint0 = toonlod0.find('**/joint_attachFlower')
+ if base.config.GetBool('want-new-anims', 1):
+ if not toonlod1.find('**/def_joint_attachFlower').isEmpty():
+ flower_joint1 = toonlod1.find('**/def_joint_attachFlower')
+ else:
+ flower_joint1 = toonlod1.find('**/joint_attachFlower')
+ # scale flower only once, use instances to create nodepaths attaching
+ # all LOD joints to the 1 flower
+ flower_jointpath0 = flower_joint0.attachNewNode('attachFlower-InstanceNode')
+ flower_jointpath1 = flower_jointpath0.instanceTo(flower_joint1)
+ # show the flower
+ flowerTrack = Sequence( # this series of intervals will take tTotalFlowerToonAnimationTime
+ # wait
+ Wait(tFlowerFirstAppears),
+ # parent the flower to the toon joint LOD 0 only (this is used by getSprayStartPos)
+ Func(flower.reparentTo, flower_jointpath0),
+ # scale the flower up
+ LerpScaleInterval(flower, dFlowerScaleTime,
+ flower.getScale(), startScale=MovieUtil.PNT3_NEARZERO),
+ # wait until toon presses the button
+ Wait(tTotalFlowerToonAnimationTime-dFlowerScaleTime-tFlowerFirstAppears),
+ )
+ if hp <= 0:
+ # If we're going to miss, give the suit a chance to dodge.
+ flowerTrack.append(Wait(0.5))
+ flowerTrack.append(sprayTrack) # Add in the spray
+ # Now scale down and delete the flower
+ flowerTrack.append(LerpScaleInterval(flower, dFlowerScaleTime, MovieUtil.PNT3_NEARZERO))
+ # must get rid of stuff created by attachNewNode and instanceTo
+ # eventually would like to just create these once and parent to joint at load time
+ flowerTrack.append(Func(flower_jointpath1.removeNode))
+ flowerTrack.append(Func(flower_jointpath0.removeNode))
+ flowerTrack.append(Func(MovieUtil.removeProp, flower))
+ tracks.append(flowerTrack)
+ # do the splash
+ if hp > 0:
+ tracks.append(__getSplashTrack(targetPoint, scale,
+ tSprayStarts + dSprayScale, battle))
+ # Do the suit reaction
+ # If the suit takes damage (hp > 0) or this squirt is the first one to strike (delay = 0)
+ # then we naturally add a suit track, otherwise we don't so that a suit won't dodge
+ # multiple times on sequential squirts in the same attack
+ if hp > 0 or delay <= 0:
+ tracks.append(__getSuitTrack(suit, tContact, tSuitDodges, hp,
+ hpbonus, kbbonus, 'squirt-small-react',
+ died, leftSuits, rightSuits, battle,
+ toon, fShowStun, revived = revived))
+ return tracks
+def __doWaterGlass(squirt, delay, fShowStun):
+ toon = squirt['toon']
+ level = squirt['level']
+ hpbonus = squirt['hpbonus']
+ target = squirt['target']
+ suit = target['suit']
+ hp = target['hp']
+ kbbonus = target['kbbonus']
+ died = target['died']
+ revived = target['revived']
+ leftSuits = target['leftSuits']
+ rightSuits = target['rightSuits']
+ battle = squirt['battle']
+ suitPos = suit.getPos(battle)
+ origHpr = toon.getHpr(battle)
+ hitSuit = (hp > 0)
+ scale = sprayScales[level]
+ dGlassHold = 5.
+ dGlassScale = 0.5
+ tSpray = (82. / toon.getFrameRate('spit'))
+ sprayPoseFrame = 88
+ dSprayScale = 0.1
+ dSprayHold = 0.1
+ tContact = tSpray + dSprayScale
+ tSuitDodges = max(tSpray - 0.5, 0.)
+ tracks = Parallel()
+ # toon
+ tracks.append(ActorInterval(toon, 'spit'))
+ # sound
+ soundTrack = __getSoundTrack(level, hitSuit, 1.7, toon)
+ tracks.append(soundTrack)
+ glass = globalPropPool.getProp('glass')
+ hands = toon.getRightHands()
+ # scale glass only once, use instances to create nodepaths attaching
+ # all LOD hand joints to the 1 glass. would like to do this once at init time eventually
+ hand_jointpath0 = hands[0].attachNewNode('handJoint0-path')
+ hand_jointpath1 = hand_jointpath0.instanceTo(hands[1])
+ glassTrack = Sequence(
+ Func(MovieUtil.showProp, glass, hand_jointpath0),
+ ActorInterval(glass,'glass'),
+ # must get rid of stuff created by attachNewNode and instanceTo
+ # eventually would like to just create these once and parent to joint at load time
+ Func(hand_jointpath1.removeNode),
+ Func(hand_jointpath0.removeNode),
+ Func(MovieUtil.removeProp, glass),
+ )
+ tracks.append(glassTrack)
+ # do the spray
+ targetPoint = lambda suit=suit: __suitTargetPoint(suit)
+ def getSprayStartPos(toon=toon):
+ toon.update(0) # force update of LOD 0 to current animation frame (dont know if it is being displayed or not)
+ lod0 = toon.getLOD(toon.getLODNames()[0])
+ if base.config.GetBool('want-new-anims', 1):
+ if not lod0.find("**/def_head").isEmpty():
+ joint = lod0.find("**/def_head")
+ else:
+ joint = lod0.find("**/joint_head")
+ else:
+ joint = lod0.find("**/joint_head")
+ n = hidden.attachNewNode('pointInFrontOfHead')
+ n.reparentTo(toon)
+ n.setPos(joint.getPos(toon) + Point3(0, 0.3, -0.2)) # TODO: adjust this based on snout length
+ p = n.getPos(render)
+ n.removeNode()
+ del n
+ return p
+ sprayTrack = MovieUtil.getSprayTrack(
+ battle, WaterSprayColor,
+ getSprayStartPos, targetPoint,
+ dSprayScale, dSprayHold, dSprayScale,
+ horizScale = scale, vertScale = scale)
+ tracks.append(Sequence(Wait(tSpray), sprayTrack))
+ # do the splash
+ if hp > 0:
+ tracks.append(__getSplashTrack(targetPoint, scale,
+ tSpray + dSprayScale, battle))
+ # Do the suit reaction
+ # If the suit takes damage (hp > 0) or this squirt is the first one to strike (delay = 0)
+ # then we naturally add a suit track, otherwise we don't so that a suit won't dodge
+ # multiple times on sequential squirts in the same attack
+ if hp > 0 or delay <= 0:
+ tracks.append(__getSuitTrack(suit, tContact, tSuitDodges, hp,
+ hpbonus, kbbonus, 'squirt-small-react',
+ died, leftSuits, rightSuits, battle,
+ toon, fShowStun, revived = revived))
+ return tracks
+def __doWaterGun(squirt, delay, fShowStun):
+ toon = squirt['toon']
+ level = squirt['level']
+ hpbonus = squirt['hpbonus']
+ target = squirt['target']
+ suit = target['suit']
+ hp = target['hp']
+ kbbonus = target['kbbonus']
+ died = target['died']
+ revived = target['revived']
+ leftSuits = target['leftSuits']
+ rightSuits = target['rightSuits']
+ battle = squirt['battle']
+ suitPos = suit.getPos(battle)
+ origHpr = toon.getHpr(battle)
+ hitSuit = (hp > 0)
+ scale = sprayScales[level]
+ tPistol = 0.
+ dPistolScale = 0.5
+ dPistolHold = 1.8
+ tSpray = 48.0 / toon.getFrameRate('water-gun')
+ sprayPoseFrame = 63
+ dSprayScale = 0.1
+ dSprayHold = 0.3
+ tContact = tSpray + dSprayScale
+ tSuitDodges = 1.1
+ tracks = Parallel()
+ # animate the toon
+ toonTrack = Sequence(
+ Func(toon.headsUp, battle, suitPos),
+ ActorInterval(toon, 'water-gun'),
+ Func(toon.loop, 'neutral'),
+ Func(toon.setHpr, battle, origHpr),
+ )
+ tracks.append(toonTrack)
+ # add the sound
+ soundTrack = __getSoundTrack(level, hitSuit, 1.8, toon)
+ tracks.append(soundTrack)
+ # prepare the water pistol
+ pistol = globalPropPool.getProp('water-gun')
+ hands = toon.getRightHands()
+ # scale gun only once, use instances to create nodepaths attaching
+ # all LOD hand joints to the 1 gun
+ hand_jointpath0 = hands[0].attachNewNode('handJoint0-path')
+ hand_jointpath1 = hand_jointpath0.instanceTo(hands[1])
+ # prepare the spray
+ targetPoint = lambda suit=suit: __suitTargetPoint(suit)
+ def getSprayStartPos(pistol=pistol, toon=toon):
+ #note: dont have to call toon.pose() since getSprayStartPos isnt called
+ # until the exact frame we need the posn, so the animation has already been updated
+ toon.update(0) # force update of LOD 0 to current animation frame (dont know if it is being displayed or not)
+ joint = pistol.find("**/joint_nozzle")
+ p = joint.getPos(render)
+ return p
+ sprayTrack = MovieUtil.getSprayTrack(
+ battle, WaterSprayColor,
+ getSprayStartPos, targetPoint,
+ dSprayScale, dSprayHold, dSprayScale,
+ horizScale = scale, vertScale = scale)
+ # Must include the spray intervals with the gun
+ # to avoid parenting to a null node
+ pistolPos = Point3(0.28, 0.10, 0.08)
+ pistolHpr = VBase3(85.60, -4.44, 94.43)
+ pistolTrack = Sequence(
+ Func(MovieUtil.showProp,
+ pistol, hand_jointpath0, pistolPos, pistolHpr),
+ LerpScaleInterval(pistol, dPistolScale, pistol.getScale(),
+ startScale=MovieUtil.PNT3_NEARZERO),
+ Wait(tSpray-dPistolScale), # Wait before spraying
+ )
+ pistolTrack.append(sprayTrack)
+ pistolTrack.append(Wait(dPistolHold))# Wait before losing the pistol
+ pistolTrack.append(LerpScaleInterval(pistol, dPistolScale, MovieUtil.PNT3_NEARZERO))
+ # must get rid of stuff created by attachNewNode and instanceTo
+ # eventually would like to just create these once and parent to joint at load time
+ pistolTrack.append(Func(hand_jointpath1.removeNode))
+ pistolTrack.append(Func(hand_jointpath0.removeNode))
+ pistolTrack.append(Func(MovieUtil.removeProp, pistol))
+ tracks.append(pistolTrack)
+ if hp > 0: # do the splash
+ tracks.append(__getSplashTrack(targetPoint, 0.3,
+ tSpray + dSprayScale, battle))
+ # Do the suit reaction
+ # If the suit takes damage (hp > 0) or this squirt is the first one to strike (delay = 0)
+ # then we naturally add a suit track, otherwise we don't so that a suit won't dodge
+ # multiple times on sequential squirts in the same attack
+ if hp > 0 or delay <= 0:
+ tracks.append(__getSuitTrack(suit, tContact, tSuitDodges, hp,
+ hpbonus, kbbonus, 'squirt-small-react',
+ died, leftSuits, rightSuits, battle,
+ toon, fShowStun, revived = revived))
+ return tracks
+def __doSeltzerBottle(squirt, delay, fShowStun):
+ toon = squirt['toon']
+ level = squirt['level']
+ hpbonus = squirt['hpbonus']
+ target = squirt['target']
+ suit = target['suit']
+ hp = target['hp']
+ kbbonus = target['kbbonus']
+ died = target['died']
+ revived = target['revived']
+ leftSuits = target['leftSuits']
+ rightSuits = target['rightSuits']
+ battle = squirt['battle']
+ suitPos = suit.getPos(battle)
+ origHpr = toon.getHpr(battle)
+ hitSuit = (hp > 0)
+ scale = sprayScales[level]
+ tBottle = 0.
+ dBottleScale = 0.5
+ dBottleHold = 3.
+ tSpray = (53.0 / toon.getFrameRate('hold-bottle')) + 0.05
+ dSprayScale = 0.2
+ dSprayHold = 0.1
+ tContact = tSpray + dSprayScale
+ tSuitDodges = max(tContact - 0.7, 0.)
+ tracks = Parallel()
+ # animate the toon
+ toonTrack = Sequence(
+ Func(toon.headsUp, battle, suitPos),
+ ActorInterval(toon, 'hold-bottle'),
+ Func(toon.loop, 'neutral'),
+ Func(toon.setHpr, battle, origHpr),
+ )
+ tracks.append(toonTrack)
+ # add sound
+ soundTrack = __getSoundTrack(level, hitSuit, tSpray - 0.1, toon)
+ tracks.append(soundTrack)
+ # do the seltzer bottle
+ bottle = globalPropPool.getProp('bottle')
+ hands = toon.getRightHands()
+ # make the spray interval
+ targetPoint = lambda suit=suit: __suitTargetPoint(suit)
+ def getSprayStartPos(bottle=bottle, toon=toon):
+ #note: dont have to call toon.pose() since getSprayStartPos isnt called
+ # until the exact frame we need the posn, so the animation has already been updated
+ toon.update(0) # force update of LOD 0 to current animation frame (dont know if it is being displayed or not)
+ joint = bottle.find("**/joint_toSpray")
+ n = hidden.attachNewNode('pointBehindSprayProp')
+ n.reparentTo(toon)
+ n.setPos(joint.getPos(toon) + Point3(0, -0.4, 0))
+ p = n.getPos(render)
+ n.removeNode()
+ del n
+ return p
+ sprayTrack = MovieUtil.getSprayTrack(
+ battle, WaterSprayColor,
+ getSprayStartPos, targetPoint,
+ dSprayScale, dSprayHold, dSprayScale,
+ horizScale = scale, vertScale = scale)
+ # scale bottle only once, use instances to create nodepaths attaching
+ # all LOD hand joints to the 1 bottle
+ hand_jointpath0 = hands[0].attachNewNode('handJoint0-path')
+ hand_jointpath1 = hand_jointpath0.instanceTo(hands[1])
+ bottleTrack = Sequence(
+ Func(MovieUtil.showProp, bottle, hand_jointpath0),
+ LerpScaleInterval(bottle, dBottleScale,
+ bottle.getScale(), startScale=MovieUtil.PNT3_NEARZERO),
+ Wait(tSpray-dBottleScale), # Wait before spraying
+ )
+ bottleTrack.append(sprayTrack)
+ bottleTrack.append(Wait(dBottleHold)) # Wait before losing the bottle
+ bottleTrack.append(LerpScaleInterval(bottle, dBottleScale, MovieUtil.PNT3_NEARZERO))
+ # must get rid of stuff created by attachNewNode and instanceTo
+ # eventually would like to just create these once and parent to joint at load time
+ bottleTrack.append(Func(hand_jointpath1.removeNode))
+ bottleTrack.append(Func(hand_jointpath0.removeNode))
+ bottleTrack.append(Func(MovieUtil.removeProp, bottle))
+ tracks.append(bottleTrack)
+ # do the splash
+ if hp > 0:
+ tracks.append(__getSplashTrack(targetPoint, scale,
+ tSpray + dSprayScale, battle))
+ # Do the suit reaction
+ # If the suit takes damage (hp > 0) or this squirt is the first one to strike (delay = 0)
+ # then we naturally add a suit track, otherwise we don't so that a suit won't dodge
+ # multiple times on sequential squirts in the same attack
+ if (hp > 0 or delay <= 0) and suit:
+ tracks.append(__getSuitTrack(suit, tContact, tSuitDodges, hp,
+ hpbonus, kbbonus, 'squirt-small-react',
+ died, leftSuits, rightSuits, battle,
+ toon, fShowStun, revived = revived))
+ return tracks
+def __doFireHose(squirt, delay, fShowStun):
+ toon = squirt['toon']
+ level = squirt['level']
+ hpbonus = squirt['hpbonus']
+ target = squirt['target']
+ suit = target['suit']
+ hp = target['hp']
+ kbbonus = target['kbbonus']
+ died = target['died']
+ revived = target['revived']
+ leftSuits = target['leftSuits']
+ rightSuits = target['rightSuits']
+ battle = squirt['battle']
+ suitPos = suit.getPos(battle)
+ origHpr = toon.getHpr(battle)
+ hitSuit = (hp > 0)
+ scale = 0.3
+ tAppearDelay = 0.7
+ dHoseHold = 0.7
+ dAnimHold = 5.1
+ tSprayDelay = 2.8
+ tSpray = 0.2
+ dSprayScale = 0.1
+ dSprayHold = 1.8
+ tContact = 2.9
+ tSuitDodges = 2.1
+ tracks = Parallel()
+ # animate the toon
+ toonTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(tAppearDelay), # Wait a bit for the hydrant and hose to appear
+ Func(toon.headsUp, battle, suitPos),
+ ActorInterval(toon, 'firehose'),
+ Func(toon.loop, 'neutral'),
+ Func(toon.setHpr, battle, origHpr),
+ )
+ tracks.append(toonTrack)
+ # add sound
+ soundTrack = __getSoundTrack(level, hitSuit, tSprayDelay, toon)
+ tracks.append(soundTrack)
+ # prepare the fire hose and hydrant.
+ hose = globalPropPool.getProp('firehose')
+ hydrant = globalPropPool.getProp('hydrant')
+ hose.reparentTo(hydrant)
+ hose.pose('firehose', 2),
+ # Create a node to inherit any animal scale and cheesy effect
+ # scale.
+ hydrantNode = toon.attachNewNode('hydrantNode')
+ hydrantNode.clearTransform(toon.getGeomNode().getChild(0))
+ # And another node to animate the scale.
+ hydrantScale = hydrantNode.attachNewNode('hydrantScale')
+ hydrant.reparentTo(hydrantScale)
+ # Temporarily pose the toon to the action frame so we can get the
+ # transform from his legs. This allows us to account for leg
+ # style and cheesy effect legs.
+ toon.pose('firehose', 30)
+ toon.update(0)
+ torso = toon.getPart('torso', '1000')
+ # The destination Z value of the hydrant depends on the torso.
+ if[0] == 'm':
+ # Medium torso, down here
+ hydrant.setPos(torso, 0, 0, -1.85)
+ else:
+ # Small or large torso, up here
+ hydrant.setPos(torso, 0, 0, -1.45)
+ hydrant.setPos(0, 0, hydrant.getZ())
+ base = hydrant.find('**/base')
+ base.setColor(1, 1, 1, 0.5)
+ base.setPos(toon, 0, 0, 0)
+ toon.loop('neutral')
+ # prepare the spray and create its intervals
+ targetPoint = lambda suit=suit: __suitTargetPoint(suit)
+ def getSprayStartPos(hose=hose, toon=toon, targetPoint=targetPoint):
+ toon.update(0) # force update of LOD 0 to current animation frame (dont know if it is being displayed or not)
+ # If the hose is not present for the spray, effectively hide the spray by
+ # making the origin the same as the target
+ if (hose.isEmpty() == 1):
+ if callable(targetPoint):
+ return targetPoint()
+ else:
+ return targetPoint
+ joint = hose.find("**/joint_water_stream")
+ n = hidden.attachNewNode('pointBehindSprayProp')
+ n.reparentTo(toon)
+ # Now push the point back behind the nozzle for when the gun moves back
+ n.setPos(joint.getPos(toon) + Point3(0, -0.55, 0))
+ p = n.getPos(render)
+ n.removeNode()
+ del n
+ return p
+ sprayTrack = Sequence()
+ sprayTrack.append(Wait(tSprayDelay))
+ sprayTrack.append(MovieUtil.getSprayTrack(
+ battle, WaterSprayColor,
+ getSprayStartPos, targetPoint, dSprayScale, dSprayHold,
+ dSprayScale, horizScale = scale, vertScale = scale))
+ tracks.append(sprayTrack)
+ # Unparent the hydrant for now; we'll put it back in when the
+ # movie starts.
+ hydrantNode.detachNode()
+ propTrack = Sequence(# Use firehose, hydrant, and spray in the same track
+ Func(, hydrantNode),
+ Func(hydrantNode.reparentTo, toon),
+ LerpScaleInterval(hydrantScale, tAppearDelay*0.5, Point3(1, 1, 1.4),
+ startScale=Point3(1, 1, 0.01),
+ ),
+ LerpScaleInterval(hydrantScale, tAppearDelay*0.3, Point3(1, 1, 0.8),
+ startScale=Point3(1, 1, 1.4),
+ ),
+ LerpScaleInterval(hydrantScale, tAppearDelay*0.1, Point3(1, 1, 1.2),
+ startScale=Point3(1, 1, 0.8),
+ ),
+ LerpScaleInterval(hydrantScale, tAppearDelay*0.1, Point3(1, 1, 1),
+ startScale=Point3(1, 1, 1.2),
+ ),
+ ActorInterval(hose, 'firehose', duration=dAnimHold), # Animate hose
+ Wait(dHoseHold-0.2), # Wait before losing the hose
+ LerpScaleInterval(hydrantScale, 0.2, Point3(1, 1, 0.01),
+ startScale=Point3(1, 1, 1),
+ ),
+ Func(MovieUtil.removeProps, [hydrantNode, hose]),
+ Func(, hydrantNode),
+ )
+ tracks.append(propTrack)
+ if hp > 0:
+ tracks.append(__getSplashTrack(targetPoint, 0.4, 2.7, battle, splashHold=1.5))
+ # Do the suit reaction
+ # If the suit takes damage (hp > 0) or this squirt is the first one to strike (delay = 0)
+ # then we naturally add a suit track, otherwise we don't so that a suit won't dodge
+ # multiple times on sequential squirts in the same attack
+ if hp > 0 or delay <= 0:
+ tracks.append(__getSuitTrack(suit, tContact, tSuitDodges, hp,
+ hpbonus, kbbonus, 'squirt-small-react',
+ died, leftSuits, rightSuits, battle,
+ toon, fShowStun, revived = revived))
+ return tracks
+def __doStormCloud(squirt, delay, fShowStun):
+ toon = squirt['toon']
+ level = squirt['level']
+ hpbonus = squirt['hpbonus']
+ target = squirt['target']
+ suit = target['suit']
+ hp = target['hp']
+ kbbonus = target['kbbonus']
+ died = target['died']
+ revived = target['revived']
+ leftSuits = target['leftSuits']
+ rightSuits = target['rightSuits']
+ battle = squirt['battle']
+ suitPos = suit.getPos(battle)
+ origHpr = toon.getHpr(battle)
+ hitSuit = (hp > 0)
+ scale = sprayScales[level]
+ tButton = 0.
+ dButtonScale = 0.5
+ dButtonHold = 3.
+ tContact = 2.9
+ tSpray = 1
+ tSuitDodges = 1.8
+ tracks = Parallel()
+ # add sound
+ soundTrack = __getSoundTrack(level, hitSuit, 2.3, toon)
+ soundTrack2 = __getSoundTrack(level, hitSuit, 4.6, toon)
+ tracks.append(soundTrack)
+ tracks.append(soundTrack2)
+ # do the button
+ button = globalPropPool.getProp('button')
+ button2 = MovieUtil.copyProp(button)
+ buttons = [button, button2]
+ hands = toon.getLeftHands()
+ toonTrack = Sequence(
+ Func(MovieUtil.showProps, buttons, hands),
+ Func(toon.headsUp, battle, suitPos),
+ ActorInterval(toon, 'pushbutton'),
+ Func(MovieUtil.removeProps, buttons),
+ Func(toon.loop, 'neutral'),
+ Func(toon.setHpr, battle, origHpr),
+ )
+ tracks.append(toonTrack)
+ # do the storm cloud and raining effect
+ cloud = globalPropPool.getProp('stormcloud')
+ cloud2 = MovieUtil.copyProp(cloud)
+ # cloud = MovieUtil.copyProp(toon.cloudActors[0])
+ # cloud2 = MovieUtil.copyProp(toon.cloudActors[1])
+ BattleParticles.loadParticles()
+ trickleEffect = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='trickleLiquidate')
+ rainEffect = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='liquidate')
+ rainEffect2 = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='liquidate')
+ rainEffect3 = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='liquidate')
+ cloudHeight = suit.height + 3
+ cloudPosPoint = Point3(0, 0, cloudHeight)
+ scaleUpPoint = Point3(3, 3, 3)
+ rainEffects = [rainEffect, rainEffect2, rainEffect3]
+ rainDelay = 1
+ effectDelay = 0.3
+ # The cloud rains for much longer when it actually hits
+ if hp > 0:
+ cloudHold = 4.7
+ else:
+ cloudHold = 1.7
+ def getCloudTrack(cloud, suit, cloudPosPoint, scaleUpPoint, rainEffects, rainDelay,
+ effectDelay, cloudHold, useEffect, battle=battle,
+ trickleEffect=trickleEffect):
+ track = Sequence(
+ Func(MovieUtil.showProp, cloud, suit, cloudPosPoint),
+ Func(cloud.pose, 'stormcloud', 0),
+ LerpScaleInterval(cloud, 1.5, scaleUpPoint,
+ startScale=MovieUtil.PNT3_NEARZERO),
+ Wait(rainDelay), # Wait until button is pushed to rain
+ )
+ if (useEffect == 1):
+ ptrack = Parallel()
+ delay = trickleDuration = cloudHold * 0.25
+ trickleTrack = Sequence(
+ Func(, trickleEffect),
+ ParticleInterval(trickleEffect, cloud, worldRelative=0,
+ duration=trickleDuration, cleanup = True),
+ Func(, trickleEffect)
+ )
+ track.append(trickleTrack)
+ for i in range(0, 3):
+ dur = cloudHold - 2*trickleDuration
+ ptrack.append(Sequence(
+ Func(,
+ rainEffects[i]),
+ Wait(delay),
+ ParticleInterval(rainEffects[i],
+ cloud, worldRelative=0, duration=dur, cleanup = True),
+ Func(,
+ rainEffects[i]),
+ ))
+ delay += effectDelay
+ ptrack.append(Sequence(Wait(3 * effectDelay),
+ ActorInterval(cloud, 'stormcloud',
+ startTime=1, duration=cloudHold)))
+ track.append(ptrack)
+ else:
+ track.append(ActorInterval(cloud, 'stormcloud', startTime=1,
+ duration=cloudHold))
+ track.append(LerpScaleInterval(cloud, 0.5, MovieUtil.PNT3_NEARZERO))
+ track.append(Func(MovieUtil.removeProp, cloud))
+ return track
+ tracks.append(getCloudTrack(cloud, suit, cloudPosPoint,
+ scaleUpPoint, rainEffects, rainDelay,
+ effectDelay, cloudHold, useEffect=1))
+ tracks.append(getCloudTrack(cloud2, suit, cloudPosPoint,
+ scaleUpPoint, rainEffects, rainDelay,
+ effectDelay, cloudHold, useEffect=0))
+ # Do the suit reaction
+ # If the suit takes damage (hp > 0) or this squirt is the first one to strike (delay = 0)
+ # then we naturally add a suit track, otherwise we don't so that a suit won't dodge
+ # multiple times on sequential squirts in the same attack
+ if hp > 0 or delay <= 0:
+ tracks.append(__getSuitTrack(suit, tContact, tSuitDodges, hp,
+ hpbonus, kbbonus, 'soak', died,
+ leftSuits, rightSuits, battle, toon,
+ fShowStun, beforeStun = 2.6,
+ afterStun = 2.3, revived = revived))
+ return tracks
+def __doGeyser(squirt, delay, fShowStun, uberClone = 0):
+ #print("__doGeyser %s" % (uberClone))
+ toon = squirt['toon']
+ level = squirt['level']
+ hpbonus = squirt['hpbonus']
+ tracks = Parallel()
+ tButton = 0.
+ dButtonScale = 0.5
+ dButtonHold = 3.
+ tContact = 2.9
+ tSpray = 1
+ tSuitDodges = 1.8
+ # do the button
+ button = globalPropPool.getProp('button')
+ button2 = MovieUtil.copyProp(button)
+ buttons = [button, button2]
+ hands = toon.getLeftHands()
+ battle = squirt['battle']
+ origHpr = toon.getHpr(battle)
+ suit = squirt['target'][0]['suit']
+ suitPos = suit.getPos(battle)
+ toonTrack = Sequence(
+ Func(MovieUtil.showProps, buttons, hands),
+ Func(toon.headsUp, battle, suitPos),
+ ActorInterval(toon, 'pushbutton'),
+ Func(MovieUtil.removeProps, buttons),
+ Func(toon.loop, 'neutral'),
+ Func(toon.setHpr, battle, origHpr),
+ )
+ tracks.append(toonTrack)
+ for target in squirt['target']:
+ #target = squirt['target']
+ suit = target['suit']
+ hp = target['hp']
+ kbbonus = target['kbbonus']
+ died = target['died']
+ revived = target['revived']
+ leftSuits = target['leftSuits']
+ rightSuits = target['rightSuits']
+ suitPos = suit.getPos(battle)
+ hitSuit = (hp > 0)
+ scale = sprayScales[level]
+ # add sound
+ soundTrack = __getSoundTrack(level, hitSuit, 1.8, toon)
+ #soundTrack2 = __getSoundTrack(level, hitSuit, 4.6, toon)
+ delayTime = random.random()
+ tracks.append(Wait(delayTime))
+ tracks.append(soundTrack)
+ #tracks.append(soundTrack2)
+ # do the storm cloud and raining effect
+ cloud = globalPropPool.getProp('geyser')
+ cloud2 = MovieUtil.copyProp(cloud)
+ # cloud = MovieUtil.copyProp(toon.cloudActors[0])
+ # cloud2 = MovieUtil.copyProp(toon.cloudActors[1])
+ BattleParticles.loadParticles()
+ #trickleEffect = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='trickleLiquidate')
+ #rainEffect = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='liquidate')
+ #rainEffect2 = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='liquidate')
+ #rainEffect3 = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='liquidate')
+ #geyserHeight = 0.0 #suit.height + 3
+ geyserHeight = battle.getH()
+ geyserPosPoint = Point3(0, 0, geyserHeight)
+ scaleUpPoint = Point3(1.8, 1.8, 1.8)
+ rainEffects = []#rainEffect, rainEffect2, rainEffect3]
+ rainDelay = 2.5
+ effectDelay = 0.3
+ # The geyser goes for much longer when it actually hits
+ if hp > 0:
+ geyserHold = 1.5
+ else:
+ geyserHold = 0.5
+ def getGeyserTrack(geyser, suit, geyserPosPoint, scaleUpPoint, rainEffects, rainDelay,
+ effectDelay, geyserHold, useEffect, battle=battle):
+ #,trickleEffect=trickleEffect):
+ geyserMound = MovieUtil.copyProp(geyser)
+ geyserRemoveM = geyserMound.findAllMatches("**/Splash*")
+ geyserRemoveM.addPathsFrom(geyserMound.findAllMatches("**/spout"))
+ for i in range(geyserRemoveM.getNumPaths()):
+ geyserRemoveM[i].removeNode()
+ #geyserMound.wrtReparentTo(render)
+ geyserWater = MovieUtil.copyProp(geyser)
+ geyserRemoveW = geyserWater.findAllMatches("**/hole")
+ geyserRemoveW.addPathsFrom(geyserWater.findAllMatches("**/shadow"))
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ for i in range(geyserRemoveW.getNumPaths()):
+ geyserRemoveW[i].removeNode()
+ #geyserWater.wrtReparentTo(render)
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ track = Sequence(
+ Wait(rainDelay), # Wait until button is pushed to rain
+ #Wait(delayTime),
+ #Func(MovieUtil.showProp, geyserMound, suit, geyserPosPoint),
+ #Func(MovieUtil.showProp, geyserWater, suit, geyserPosPoint),
+ Func(MovieUtil.showProp, geyserMound, battle, suit.getPos(battle)),
+ Func(MovieUtil.showProp, geyserWater, battle, suit.getPos(battle)),
+ LerpScaleInterval(geyserWater, 1.0, scaleUpPoint,
+ startScale=MovieUtil.PNT3_NEARZERO),
+ Wait(geyserHold * 0.5),
+ LerpScaleInterval(geyserWater, 0.5, MovieUtil.PNT3_NEARZERO,
+ startScale=scaleUpPoint),
+ )
+ track.append(LerpScaleInterval(geyserMound, 0.5, MovieUtil.PNT3_NEARZERO))
+ track.append(Func(MovieUtil.removeProp, geyserMound))
+ track.append(Func(MovieUtil.removeProp, geyserWater))
+ track.append(Func(MovieUtil.removeProp, geyser))
+ return track
+ if not uberClone:
+ tracks.append(Sequence(Wait(delayTime),
+ getGeyserTrack(cloud, suit, geyserPosPoint,
+ scaleUpPoint, rainEffects, rainDelay,
+ effectDelay, geyserHold, useEffect=1),
+ ))
+ # tracks.append(getGeyserTrack(cloud2, suit, cloudPosPoint,
+ # scaleUpPoint, rainEffects, rainDelay,
+ # effectDelay, cloudHold, useEffect=0))
+ # Do the suit reaction
+ # If the suit takes damage (hp > 0) or this squirt is the first one to strike (delay = 0)
+ # then we naturally add a suit track, otherwise we don't so that a suit won't dodge
+ # multiple times on sequential squirts in the same attack
+ if hp > 0 or delay <= 0:
+ tracks.append(Sequence(Wait(delayTime),
+ __getSuitTrack(suit, tContact, tSuitDodges, hp,
+ hpbonus, kbbonus, 'soak', died,
+ leftSuits, rightSuits, battle, toon,
+ fShowStun, beforeStun = 2.6,
+ afterStun = 2.3, geyser = 1, uberRepeat = uberClone, revived = revived),))
+ return tracks
+squirtfn_array = (__doFlower, __doWaterGlass,
+ __doWaterGun, __doSeltzerBottle,
+ __doFireHose, __doStormCloud,
+ __doGeyser) #UBER
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/ b/toontown/src/battle/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37bcad4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/
@@ -0,0 +1,4891 @@
+from toontown.toonbase.ToontownGlobals import *
+from SuitBattleGlobals import *
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
+from BattleBase import *
+from BattleProps import *
+from toontown.suit.SuitDNA import *
+from BattleBase import *
+from BattleSounds import *
+import MovieCamera
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+import MovieUtil
+from direct.particles import ParticleEffect
+import BattleParticles
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('MovieSuitAttacks')
+def __doDamage(toon, dmg, died):
+ assert(notify.debug('__doDamage(toon: %s damage: %d died: %d' % (toon.getName(), dmg, died)))
+ if (dmg > 0 and toon.hp != None):
+ toon.takeDamage(dmg)
+def __showProp(prop, parent, pos, hpr=None, scale=None):
+ prop.reparentTo(parent)
+ prop.setPos(pos)
+ if hpr:
+ prop.setHpr(hpr)
+ if scale:
+ prop.setScale(scale)
+def __animProp(prop, propName, propType='actor'):
+ if 'actor' == propType:
+ elif 'model' == propType:
+ pass
+ else:
+ self.notify.error("No such propType as: %s" % propType)
+def __suitFacePoint(suit, zOffset = 0):
+ pnt = suit.getPos()
+ pnt.setZ(pnt[2] + suit.shoulderHeight + 0.3 + zOffset)
+ return Point3(pnt)
+def __toonFacePoint(toon, zOffset = 0, parent=render):
+ pnt = toon.getPos(parent)
+ pnt.setZ(pnt[2] + toon.shoulderHeight + 0.3 + zOffset)
+ return Point3(pnt)
+def __toonTorsoPoint(toon, zOffset = 0):
+ pnt = toon.getPos()
+ pnt.setZ(pnt[2] + toon.shoulderHeight - 0.2)
+ return Point3(pnt)
+def __toonGroundPoint(attack, toon, zOffset = 0, parent=render):
+ pnt = toon.getPos(parent)
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ pnt.setZ(battle.getZ(parent) + zOffset)
+ return Point3(pnt)
+def __toonGroundMissPoint(attack, prop, toon, zOffset = 0):
+ # The ground miss point is 5 feet beyond the toon, on the ground
+ point = __toonMissPoint(prop, toon)
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ point.setZ(battle.getZ() + zOffset)
+ return Point3(point)
+def __toonMissPoint(prop, toon, yOffset = 0, parent=None):
+ # The miss point is 5 feet beyond the toon.
+ if parent:
+ p = __toonFacePoint(toon) - prop.getPos(parent)
+ else:
+ p = __toonFacePoint(toon) - prop.getPos()
+ v = Vec3(p)
+ baseDistance = v.length()
+ v.normalize()
+ if parent:
+ endPos = prop.getPos(parent) + (v * (baseDistance + 5 + yOffset))
+ else:
+ endPos = prop.getPos() + (v * (baseDistance + 5 + yOffset))
+ return Point3(endPos)
+def __toonMissBehindPoint(toon, parent=render, offset=0):
+ point = toon.getPos(parent)
+ point.setY(point.getY() - 5 + offset)
+ return point
+def __throwBounceHitPoint(prop, toon):
+ startPoint = prop.getPos()
+ endPoint = __toonFacePoint(toon)
+ return __throwBouncePoint(startPoint, endPoint)
+def __throwBounceMissPoint(prop, toon):
+ startPoint = prop.getPos()
+ endPoint = __toonFacePoint(toon)
+ return __throwBouncePoint(startPoint, endPoint)
+def __throwBouncePoint(startPoint, endPoint):
+ midPoint = startPoint + ((endPoint - startPoint) / 2.0)
+ # The bounce point is on the ground
+ midPoint.setZ(0)
+ return Point3(midPoint)
+def doSuitAttack(attack):
+ """ doSuitAttack(attack)
+ """
+ notify.debug('building suit attack in doSuitAttack: %s' % attack['name'])
+ name = attack['id']
+ if (name == AUDIT):
+ suitTrack = doAudit(attack)
+ elif (name == BITE):
+ suitTrack = doBite(attack)
+ elif (name == BOUNCE_CHECK):
+ suitTrack = doBounceCheck(attack)
+ elif (name == BRAIN_STORM):
+ suitTrack = doBrainStorm(attack)
+ elif (name == BUZZ_WORD):
+ suitTrack = doBuzzWord(attack)
+ elif (name == CALCULATE):
+ suitTrack = doCalculate(attack)
+ elif (name == CANNED):
+ suitTrack = doCanned(attack)
+ elif (name == CHOMP):
+ suitTrack = doChomp(attack)
+ elif (name == CIGAR_SMOKE):
+ suitTrack = doDefault(attack)
+# suitTrack = doCigarSmoke(attack)
+ elif (name == CLIPON_TIE):
+ suitTrack = doClipOnTie(attack)
+ elif (name == CRUNCH):
+ suitTrack = doCrunch(attack)
+ elif (name == DEMOTION):
+ suitTrack = doDemotion(attack)
+ elif (name == DOUBLE_TALK):
+ suitTrack = doDoubleTalk(attack)
+ elif (name == DOWNSIZE):
+ suitTrack = doDownsize(attack)
+ elif (name == EVICTION_NOTICE):
+ suitTrack = doEvictionNotice(attack)
+ elif (name == EVIL_EYE):
+ suitTrack = doEvilEye(attack)
+ elif (name == FILIBUSTER):
+ suitTrack = doFilibuster(attack)
+ elif (name == FILL_WITH_LEAD):
+ suitTrack = doFillWithLead(attack)
+ elif (name == FINGER_WAG):
+ suitTrack = doFingerWag(attack)
+ elif (name == FIRED):
+ suitTrack = doFired(attack)
+ elif (name == FIVE_O_CLOCK_SHADOW):
+ suitTrack = doDefault(attack)
+# suitTrack = doFiveOClockShadow(attack)
+ elif (name == FLOOD_THE_MARKET):
+ suitTrack = doDefault(attack)
+# suitTrack = doFloodTheMarket(attack)
+ elif (name == FOUNTAIN_PEN):
+ suitTrack = doFountainPen(attack)
+ elif (name == FREEZE_ASSETS):
+ suitTrack = doFreezeAssets(attack)
+ elif (name == GAVEL):
+ suitTrack = doDefault(attack)
+# suitTrack = doGavel(attack)
+ elif (name == GLOWER_POWER):
+ suitTrack = doGlowerPower(attack)
+ elif (name == GUILT_TRIP):
+ suitTrack = doGuiltTrip(attack)
+ elif (name == HALF_WINDSOR):
+ suitTrack = doHalfWindsor(attack)
+ elif (name == HANG_UP):
+ suitTrack = doHangUp(attack)
+ elif (name == HEAD_SHRINK):
+ suitTrack = doHeadShrink(attack)
+ elif (name == HOT_AIR):
+ suitTrack = doHotAir(attack)
+ elif (name == JARGON):
+ suitTrack = doJargon(attack)
+ elif (name == LEGALESE):
+ suitTrack = doLegalese(attack)
+ elif (name == LIQUIDATE):
+ suitTrack = doLiquidate(attack)
+ elif (name == MARKET_CRASH):
+ suitTrack = doMarketCrash(attack)
+ elif (name == MUMBO_JUMBO):
+ suitTrack = doMumboJumbo(attack)
+ elif (name == PARADIGM_SHIFT):
+ suitTrack = doParadigmShift(attack)
+ elif (name == PECKING_ORDER):
+ suitTrack = doPeckingOrder(attack)
+ elif (name == PICK_POCKET):
+ suitTrack = doPickPocket(attack)
+ elif (name == PINK_SLIP):
+ suitTrack = doPinkSlip(attack)
+ elif (name == PLAY_HARDBALL):
+ suitTrack = doPlayHardball(attack)
+ elif (name == POUND_KEY):
+ suitTrack = doPoundKey(attack)
+ elif (name == POWER_TIE):
+ suitTrack = doPowerTie(attack)
+ elif (name == POWER_TRIP):
+ suitTrack = doPowerTrip(attack)
+ elif (name == QUAKE):
+ suitTrack = doQuake(attack)
+ elif (name == RAZZLE_DAZZLE):
+ suitTrack = doRazzleDazzle(attack)
+ elif (name == RED_TAPE):
+ suitTrack = doRedTape(attack)
+ elif (name == RE_ORG):
+ suitTrack = doReOrg(attack)
+ elif (name == RESTRAINING_ORDER):
+ suitTrack = doRestrainingOrder(attack)
+ elif (name == ROLODEX):
+ suitTrack = doRolodex(attack)
+ elif (name == RUBBER_STAMP):
+ suitTrack = doRubberStamp(attack)
+ elif (name == RUB_OUT):
+ suitTrack = doRubOut(attack)
+ elif (name == SACKED):
+ suitTrack = doSacked(attack)
+ elif (name == SANDTRAP):
+ suitTrack = doDefault(attack)
+# suitTrack = doSandtrap(attack)
+ elif (name == SCHMOOZE):
+ suitTrack = doSchmooze(attack)
+ elif (name == SHAKE):
+ suitTrack = doShake(attack)
+ elif (name == SHRED):
+ suitTrack = doShred(attack)
+ elif (name == SONG_AND_DANCE):
+ suitTrack = doDefault(attack)
+# suitTrack = doSongAndDance(attack)
+ elif (name == SPIN):
+ suitTrack = doSpin(attack)
+ elif (name == SYNERGY):
+ suitTrack = doSynergy(attack)
+ elif (name == TABULATE):
+ suitTrack = doTabulate(attack)
+ elif (name == TEE_OFF):
+ suitTrack = doTeeOff(attack)
+ elif (name == THROW_BOOK):
+ suitTrack = doDefault(attack)
+# suitTrack = doThrowBook(attack)
+ elif (name == TREMOR):
+ suitTrack = doTremor(attack)
+ elif (name == WATERCOOLER):
+ suitTrack = doWatercooler(attack)
+ elif (name == WITHDRAWAL):
+ suitTrack = doWithdrawal(attack)
+ elif (name == WRITE_OFF):
+ suitTrack = doWriteOff(attack)
+ else:
+ notify.warning('unknown attack: %d substituting Finger Wag' % name)
+ suitTrack = doDefault(attack)
+ assert(suitTrack != None)
+ camTrack = MovieCamera.chooseSuitShot(attack, suitTrack.getDuration())
+ # The toons should face the center of the battle after each attack
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ target = attack['target']
+ groupStatus = attack['group']
+ if groupStatus == ATK_TGT_SINGLE:
+ toon = target['toon']
+ toonHprTrack = Sequence(
+ Func(toon.headsUp, battle, MovieUtil.PNT3_ZERO),
+ Func(toon.loop, 'neutral'),
+ )
+ else:
+ toonHprTrack = Parallel()
+ for t in target:
+ toon = t['toon']
+ toonHprTrack.append(Sequence(
+ Func(toon.headsUp, battle, MovieUtil.PNT3_ZERO),
+ Func(toon.loop, 'neutral'),
+ ))
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ neutralIval = Func(suit.loop, 'neutral')
+ suitTrack = Sequence(suitTrack, neutralIval, toonHprTrack)
+ # !!! If the suit is currently in a lured position (slightly forward), then we must
+ # first reset the position before performing the attack
+ suitPos = suit.getPos(battle)
+ resetPos, resetHpr = battle.getActorPosHpr(suit)
+ if (battle.isSuitLured(suit)): # If suit is lured, reset its pos
+ resetTrack = getResetTrack(suit, battle)
+ resetSuitTrack = Sequence(resetTrack, suitTrack)
+ # Must incorporate a wait in the camTrack to account for the resetting time
+ # and also explicitly unlure the suit
+ waitTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(resetTrack.getDuration()),
+ Func(battle.unlureSuit, suit),
+ )
+ resetCamTrack = Sequence(waitTrack, camTrack)
+ return (resetSuitTrack, resetCamTrack)
+ else:
+ return (suitTrack, camTrack)
+def getResetTrack(suit, battle):
+ resetPos, resetHpr = battle.getActorPosHpr(suit)
+ moveDist = Vec3(suit.getPos(battle) - resetPos).length()
+ moveDuration = 0.5
+# moveDuration = (moveDist / BattleBase.suitSpeed) # Too short a time interval to see
+ walkTrack = Sequence(
+ # First face the right direction, then walk backwards
+ Func(suit.setHpr, battle, resetHpr),
+ ActorInterval(suit, 'walk', startTime=1, duration=moveDuration,
+ endTime=0.00001),
+ Func(suit.loop, 'neutral')
+ )
+ # Actually move the suit
+ moveTrack = LerpPosInterval(suit, moveDuration, resetPos, other=battle)
+ return Parallel(walkTrack, moveTrack)
+def __makeCancelledNodePath():
+ # Make the text node
+ tn = TextNode("CANCELLED")
+ tn.setFont(getSuitFont())
+ tn.setText(TTLocalizer.MovieSuitCancelled)
+ tn.setAlign(TextNode.ACenter)
+ # Make the top node path
+ tntop = hidden.attachNewNode("CancelledTop")
+ # Make a node path for the text node
+ tnpath = tntop.attachNewNode(tn)
+ tnpath.setPosHpr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+ tnpath.setScale(1)
+ tnpath.setColor(0.7, 0, 0, 1)
+ # Make a backside node path for the text node
+ tnpathback = tnpath.instanceUnderNode(tntop, "backside")
+ tnpathback.setPosHpr(0, 0, 0, 180, 0, 0)
+ tnpath.setScale(1)
+ return tntop
+def doDefault(attack):
+ """ doDefault(attack)
+ """
+ notify.debug('building suit attack in doDefault')
+ suitName = attack['suitName']
+ if (suitName == 'f'):
+ attack['id'] = POUND_KEY
+ attack['name'] = 'PoundKey'
+ attack['animName'] = 'phone'
+ return doPoundKey(attack)
+ elif (suitName == 'p'):
+ attack['id'] = FOUNTAIN_PEN
+ attack['name'] = 'FountainPen'
+ attack['animName'] = 'pen-squirt'
+ return doFountainPen(attack)
+ elif (suitName == 'ym'):
+ attack['id'] = RUBBER_STAMP
+ attack['name'] = 'RubberStamp'
+ attack['animName'] = 'rubber-stamp'
+ return doRubberStamp(attack)
+ elif (suitName == 'mm'):
+ attack['id'] = FINGER_WAG
+ attack['name'] = 'FingerWag'
+ attack['animName'] = 'finger-wag'
+ return doFingerWag(attack)
+ elif (suitName == 'ds'):
+ attack['id'] = DEMOTION
+ attack['name'] = 'Demotion'
+ attack['animName'] = 'magic1'
+ return doDemotion(attack)
+ elif (suitName == 'hh'):
+ attack['id'] = GLOWER_POWER
+ attack['name'] = 'GlowerPower'
+ attack['animName'] = 'glower'
+ return doGlowerPower(attack)
+ elif (suitName == 'cr'):
+ attack['id'] = PICK_POCKET
+ attack['name'] = 'PickPocket'
+ attack['animName'] = 'pickpocket'
+ return doPickPocket(attack)
+ elif (suitName == 'tbc'):
+ attack['id'] = GLOWER_POWER
+ attack['name'] = 'GlowerPower'
+ attack['animName'] = 'glower'
+ return doGlowerPower(attack)
+ elif (suitName == 'cc'):
+ attack['id'] = POUND_KEY
+ attack['name'] = 'PoundKey'
+ attack['animName'] = 'phone'
+ return doPoundKey(attack)
+ elif (suitName == 'tm'):
+ attack['id'] = CLIPON_TIE
+ attack['name'] = 'ClipOnTie'
+ attack['animName'] = 'throw-paper'
+ return doClipOnTie(attack)
+ elif (suitName == 'nd'):
+ attack['id'] = PICK_POCKET
+ attack['name'] = 'PickPocket'
+ attack['animName'] = 'pickpocket'
+ return doPickPocket(attack)
+ elif (suitName == 'gh'):
+ attack['id'] = FOUNTAIN_PEN
+ attack['name'] = 'FountainPen'
+ attack['animName'] = 'pen-squirt'
+ return doFountainPen(attack)
+ elif (suitName == 'ms'):
+ attack['id'] = BRAIN_STORM
+ attack['name'] = 'BrainStorm'
+ attack['animName'] = 'effort'
+ return doBrainStorm(attack)
+ elif (suitName == 'tf'):
+ attack['id'] = RED_TAPE
+ attack['name'] = 'RedTape'
+ attack['animName'] = 'throw-object'
+ return doRedTape(attack)
+ elif (suitName == 'm'):
+ attack['id'] = BUZZ_WORD
+ attack['name'] = 'BuzzWord'
+ attack['animName'] = 'speak'
+ return doBuzzWord(attack)
+ elif (suitName == 'mh'):
+ attack['id'] = RAZZLE_DAZZLE
+ attack['name'] = 'RazzleDazzle'
+ attack['animName'] = 'smile'
+ return doRazzleDazzle(attack)
+ elif (suitName == 'sc'):
+ attack['id'] = WATERCOOLER
+ attack['name'] = 'Watercooler'
+ attack['animName'] = 'water-cooler'
+ return doWatercooler(attack)
+ elif (suitName == 'pp'):
+ attack['id'] = BOUNCE_CHECK
+ attack['name'] = 'BounceCheck'
+ attack['animName'] = 'throw-paper'
+ return doBounceCheck(attack)
+ elif (suitName == 'tw'):
+ attack['id'] = GLOWER_POWER
+ attack['name'] = 'GlowerPower'
+ attack['animName'] = 'glower'
+ return doGlowerPower(attack)
+ elif (suitName == 'bc'):
+ attack['id'] = AUDIT
+ attack['name'] = 'Audit'
+ attack['animName'] = 'phone'
+ return doAudit(attack)
+ elif (suitName == 'nc'):
+ attack['id'] = RED_TAPE
+ attack['name'] = 'RedTape'
+ attack['animName'] = 'throw-object'
+ return doRedTape(attack)
+ elif (suitName == 'mb'):
+ attack['id'] = LIQUIDATE
+ attack['name'] = 'Liquidate'
+ attack['animName'] = 'magic1'
+ return doLiquidate(attack)
+ elif (suitName == 'ls'):
+ attack['id'] = WRITE_OFF
+ attack['name'] = 'WriteOff'
+ attack['animName'] = 'hold-pencil'
+ return doWriteOff(attack)
+ elif (suitName == 'rb'):
+ attack['id'] = TEE_OFF
+ attack['name'] = 'TeeOff'
+ attack['animName'] = 'golf-club-swing'
+ return doTeeOff(attack)
+ elif (suitName == 'bf'):
+ attack['id'] = RUBBER_STAMP
+ attack['name'] = 'RubberStamp'
+ attack['animName'] = 'rubber-stamp'
+ return doRubberStamp(attack)
+ elif (suitName == 'b'):
+ attack['id'] = EVICTION_NOTICE
+ attack['name'] = 'EvictionNotice'
+ attack['animName'] = 'throw-paper'
+ return doEvictionNotice(attack)
+ elif (suitName == 'dt'):
+ attack['id'] = RUBBER_STAMP
+ attack['name'] = 'RubberStamp'
+ attack['animName'] = 'rubber-stamp'
+ return doRubberStamp(attack)
+ elif (suitName == 'ac'):
+ attack['id'] = RED_TAPE
+ attack['name'] = 'RedTape'
+ attack['animName'] = 'throw-object'
+ return doRedTape(attack)
+ elif (suitName == 'bs'):
+ attack['id'] = FINGER_WAG
+ attack['name'] = 'FingerWag'
+ attack['animName'] = 'finger-wag'
+ return doFingerWag(attack)
+ elif (suitName == 'sd'):
+ attack['id'] = WRITE_OFF
+ attack['name'] = 'WriteOff'
+ attack['animName'] = 'hold-pencil'
+ return doWriteOff(attack)
+ elif (suitName == 'le'):
+ attack['id'] = JARGON
+ attack['name'] = 'Jargon'
+ attack['animName'] = 'speak'
+ return doJargon(attack)
+ elif (suitName == 'bw'):
+ attack['id'] = FINGER_WAG
+ attack['name'] = 'FingerWag'
+ attack['animName'] = 'finger-wag'
+ return doFingerWag(attack)
+ else:
+ self.notify.error('doDefault() - unsupported suit type: %s' % \
+ suitName)
+ return None
+# Begin encapsulating sub functions for suit attack functions
+def getSuitTrack(attack, delay=0.000001, splicedAnims=None):
+ """ This function returns the standard suit Track of face up, animate, face up."""
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ tauntIndex = attack['taunt']
+ target = attack['target']
+ toon = target['toon']
+ targetPos = toon.getPos(battle)
+ taunt = getAttackTaunt(attack['name'], tauntIndex)
+ trapStorage = {}
+ trapStorage['trap'] = None
+ track = Sequence(# Start building the intervals for the suit track
+ Wait(delay), # Optionally wait to start animation
+ Func(suit.setChatAbsolute, taunt, CFSpeech | CFTimeout), # Use taunt text
+ )
+ # If suit has a trap prop, be sure to reparent it to the battle and not the
+ # suit so it doesn't turn with him when he attacks
+ def reparentTrap(suit=suit, battle=battle, trapStorage=trapStorage):
+ trapProp = suit.battleTrapProp
+ if (trapProp != None):
+ trapProp.wrtReparentTo(battle)
+ trapStorage['trap'] = trapProp
+ track.append(Func(reparentTrap))
+ track.append(Func(suit.headsUp, battle, targetPos))
+ # Some attacks used spliced animations instead of just the default animation
+ if splicedAnims:
+ track.append(getSplicedAnimsTrack(splicedAnims, actor=suit))
+ else:
+ track.append(ActorInterval(suit, attack['animName'])) # Attack animation
+ origPos, origHpr = battle.getActorPosHpr(suit) # To restore original hpr
+ track.append(Func(suit.setHpr, battle, origHpr))
+ # Now return the trapProp to the suit
+ def returnTrapToSuit(suit=suit, trapStorage=trapStorage):
+ trapProp = trapStorage['trap']
+ if (trapProp != None):
+ if trapProp.getName() == 'traintrack':
+ notify.debug('deliberately not parenting traintrack to suit')
+ else:
+ trapProp.wrtReparentTo(suit)
+ suit.battleTrapProp = trapProp
+ track.append(Func(returnTrapToSuit))
+ track.append(Func(suit.clearChat))
+ return track
+def getSuitAnimTrack(attack, delay=0):
+ """ This function returns just the attack animation track for a suit """
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ tauntIndex = attack['taunt']
+ taunt = getAttackTaunt(attack['name'], tauntIndex)
+ return Sequence(
+ Wait(delay),
+ # Note: we needn't try to reparent a suit's trap to the battle with this
+ # function (as seen in getSuitTrack) since here we never face the target
+ # toon (used for group attacks where the suit addresses everyone
+ Func(suit.setChatAbsolute, taunt, CFSpeech | CFTimeout),
+ ActorInterval(attack['suit'], attack['animName']),
+ Func(suit.clearChat),
+ )
+def getPartTrack(particleEffect, startDelay, durationDelay, partExtraArgs):
+ """ This function returns the default particle track for a suit attack
+ animation. Arguments:
+ startDelay = time delay before particle effect begins
+ durationDelay = time delay before particles are cleaned up
+ partExtraArgs = extraArgs for startParticleEffect function, the first
+ element of which is always the particle effect (function relies on this)
+ """
+ particleEffect = partExtraArgs[0]
+ parent = partExtraArgs[1]
+ if (len(partExtraArgs) > 2):
+ worldRelative = partExtraArgs[2]
+ else:
+ worldRelative=1
+ return Sequence (
+ Wait(startDelay),
+ ParticleInterval(particleEffect, parent, worldRelative,
+ duration=durationDelay, cleanup = True),
+ )
+def getToonTrack(attack, damageDelay=0.000001, damageAnimNames=None, dodgeDelay=0.0001,
+ dodgeAnimNames=None, splicedDamageAnims=None, splicedDodgeAnims=None,
+ target=None, showDamageExtraTime=0.01, showMissedExtraTime=0.5):
+ """ This function returns the default Track for a toon portraying whether it is
+ hit or missed. Arguments:
+ attack = suit attack against the toon(s)
+ damageDelay = time delay before damage animation occurs
+ damageAnimNames = names of damage animations to perform in order
+ dodgeDelay = time delay before dodge animation occurs
+ dodgeAnimNames = names of dodge animations to perform in order
+ splicedDamageAnims = can use spliced actor intervals from getSplicedAnimsTrack
+ splicedDodgeAnims = can use spliced actor intervals from getSplieedAnims
+ target = can specify a target for the toon track
+ showMissedExtraTime = can add extra time onto the dodge delay to wait before
+ showing a missed indicator if applicable
+ Note: This function uses damageAnimNames and dodgeAnimNames if they exist. So do
+ not provide these arguments if you want to use splicedDamageAnims and
+ splicedDodgeAnims. Must have one or the other of these two lists.
+ """
+ if not target: # if a target is not provided, use default target in attack
+ target = attack['target']
+ toon = target['toon']
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ suitPos = suit.getPos(battle)
+ dmg = target['hp']
+ animTrack = Sequence()
+ animTrack.append(Func(toon.headsUp, battle, suitPos))
+ if (dmg > 0): # aka (dmg > 0), or if hitToon
+ animTrack.append(getToonTakeDamageTrack(toon, target['died'], dmg, damageDelay,
+ damageAnimNames, splicedDamageAnims, showDamageExtraTime))
+ return animTrack
+ else:
+ animTrack.append(getToonDodgeTrack(target, dodgeDelay, dodgeAnimNames,
+ splicedDodgeAnims, showMissedExtraTime))
+ indicatorTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(dodgeDelay + showMissedExtraTime),
+ Func(MovieUtil.indicateMissed, toon),
+ )
+ return Parallel(animTrack, indicatorTrack)
+def getToonTracks(attack, damageDelay=0.000001, damageAnimNames=None, dodgeDelay=0.000001,
+ dodgeAnimNames=None, splicedDamageAnims=None, splicedDodgeAnims=None,
+ showDamageExtraTime=0.01, showMissedExtraTime=0.5):
+ """ This function returns the default Tracks for a group of toons portraying if
+ hit or missed. Arguments identical to getToonTrack(), except that this function
+ intentionally uses the optional 'target' keyword argument to cycle through multiple
+ targets for a group attack. Note: The target variable in the attack dictionary
+ will (and should) be a list if using a group attack. Therefore this function
+ should never be used for single attacks (use getToonTrack)."""
+ toonTracks = Parallel()
+ targets = attack['target']
+ for i in range(len(targets)):
+ tgt = targets[i]
+ # slevel = a['suit'].getActualLevel()
+ # print "ZZZZ processing attack ", i," damage=", tgt['hp']," toondied=", tgt['died']," suitlevel=", slevel
+ toonTracks.append(getToonTrack(attack, damageDelay, damageAnimNames,
+ dodgeDelay, dodgeAnimNames, splicedDamageAnims, splicedDodgeAnims,
+ target=tgt, showDamageExtraTime=showDamageExtraTime,
+ showMissedExtraTime=showMissedExtraTime))
+ return toonTracks
+def getToonDodgeTrack(target, dodgeDelay, dodgeAnimNames,
+ splicedDodgeAnims, showMissedExtraTime):
+ """ This function returns a track for a toon dodging an attack """
+ toon = target['toon']
+ toonTrack = Sequence()
+ toonTrack.append(Wait(dodgeDelay))
+ if dodgeAnimNames: # If exists, use these animations
+ for d in dodgeAnimNames: # Use each dodge animation in order
+ # If the dodge is a sidestep, other toons may need to get out of the way
+ if (d == 'sidestep'):
+ toonTrack.append(getAllyToonsDodgeParallel(target))
+ else:
+ toonTrack.append(ActorInterval(toon, d))
+ else:
+ toonTrack.append(getSplicedAnimsTrack(splicedDodgeAnims, actor=toon))
+ toonTrack.append(Func(toon.loop, 'neutral'))
+ return toonTrack
+def getAllyToonsDodgeParallel(target):
+ """ This function creates a multitrack to portray both a target toon dodging and the
+ ally toons of a target toon dodging out of the way if neccessary """
+ toon = target['toon']
+ leftToons = target['leftToons']
+ rightToons = target['rightToons']
+ # If there are toons on the left, we then decide which side to dodge towards based on
+ # least resistance, the same formula used by the suits
+ if len(leftToons) > len(rightToons):
+ # Path of Least/Most Resistance
+ PoLR = rightToons
+ PoMR = leftToons
+ else:
+ PoLR = leftToons
+ PoMR = rightToons
+ # most of the time, choose the side with the least avatars
+ # base the random choice on the difference between the
+ # number of avatars on the left versus the right
+ upper = 1 + (4 * abs(len(leftToons) - len(rightToons)))
+ if (random.randint(0, upper) > 0):
+ toonDodgeList = PoLR
+ else:
+ toonDodgeList = PoMR
+ if toonDodgeList is leftToons:
+ sidestepAnim = 'sidestep-left'
+ soundEffect = globalBattleSoundCache.getSound('AV_side_step.mp3')
+ else:
+ sidestepAnim = 'sidestep-right'
+ soundEffect = globalBattleSoundCache.getSound('AV_jump_to_side.mp3')
+ # Make the other toons dodge
+ toonTracks = Parallel()
+ for t in toonDodgeList:
+ toonTracks.append(Sequence(ActorInterval(t, sidestepAnim),
+ Func(t.loop, 'neutral'),
+ ))
+ # finally, make the target toon dodge
+ toonTracks.append(Sequence(ActorInterval(toon, sidestepAnim),
+ Func(toon.loop, 'neutral'),
+ ))
+ # Include a sound track in with the toon tracks
+ toonTracks.append(Sequence(Wait(0.5),
+ SoundInterval(soundEffect, node=toon),
+ ))
+ return toonTracks
+def getPropTrack(prop, parent, posPoints, appearDelay, remainDelay,
+ scaleUpPoint=Point3(1), scaleUpTime=0.5, scaleDownTime=0.5,
+ startScale=Point3(0.01), anim=0, propName='none',
+ animDuration=0.0, animStartTime=0.0):
+ """ This function returns a Track portraying the appearance of a prop,
+ a delay time for the suit to act with the prop and the disappearancen
+ of the prop. Arguments:
+ propName = the prop object itself
+ parent = the parent for the prop to be a child of
+ posPoints = pos, hpr, scale arguments to __showProp, only requires pos
+ appearDelay = the time to delay before causing the prop to appear
+ remainDelay = the time to leave the object visible before scaling away
+ scaleUpPoint = the point to scale up to
+ scaleUpTime = the duration of time to scale up the prop
+ scaleDownTime = the duration of time to scale down the prop
+ startScale = beginning scale of prop (set to non zero to avoid
+ wiping out the HPR)
+ anim = whether the prop has an animation to play
+ propName = name of the prop (required if calling an animation
+ animDuration = the duration for the animation
+ animStartTime = the start time for the animation
+ """
+ if (anim == 1):
+ track = Sequence(
+ Wait(appearDelay), # Wait the duration of appearDelay
+ Func(__showProp, prop, parent, *posPoints),
+ LerpScaleInterval(prop, scaleUpTime, scaleUpPoint,
+ startScale=startScale),
+ ActorInterval(prop, propName, duration=animDuration,
+ startTime=animStartTime),
+ Wait(remainDelay),
+ Func(MovieUtil.removeProp, prop)
+ )
+ else:
+ track = Sequence(
+ Wait(appearDelay), # Wait the duration of appearDelay
+ Func(__showProp, prop, parent, *posPoints),
+ LerpScaleInterval(prop, scaleUpTime, scaleUpPoint, startScale=startScale),
+ Wait(remainDelay), # Wait while suit animation continues
+ LerpScaleInterval(prop, scaleDownTime, MovieUtil.PNT3_NEARZERO), # Scale down the prop
+ Func(MovieUtil.removeProp, prop)
+ )
+ return track
+def getPropAppearTrack(prop, parent, posPoints, appearDelay,
+ scaleUpPoint=Point3(1), scaleUpTime=0.5,
+ startScale=Point3(0.01), poseExtraArgs=None):
+ """ This function returns the track portraying a prop appearing. Arguments:
+ propName = name of the prop object
+ parent = the parent for the prop to be a child of
+ posPoints = pos, hpr, scale arguments to __showProp, only pos required
+ appearDelay = the time to delay before causing the prop to appear
+ scaleUpPoint = the point to scale up to
+ scaleUpTime = the duration of time to scale up the prop (normally 0.5)
+ startScale = beginning scale of prop (set to non zero to avoid
+ wiping out the HPR)
+ """
+ propTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(appearDelay), # Wait the duration of appearDelay
+ Func(__showProp, prop, parent, *posPoints) # Use showProp
+ )
+ if poseExtraArgs: # Add pose for prop if provided
+ propTrack.append(Func(prop.pose, *poseExtraArgs))
+ propTrack.append(LerpScaleInterval(prop, scaleUpTime, scaleUpPoint,
+ startScale=startScale))
+ return propTrack
+def getPropThrowTrack(attack, prop, hitPoints=[], missPoints=[], hitDuration=0.5,
+ missDuration=0.5, hitPointNames='none', missPointNames='none',
+ lookAt='none', groundPointOffSet=0, missScaleDown=None, parent=render):
+ """ This function returns the track portraying a prop flying at the target
+ toon. Arguments:
+ attack = attack from the suits to the toons
+ prop = prop to be flown at target toon
+ hitPoints = points to traverse if toon is hit
+ missPoints = points to traverse if toon is missed
+ hitDuration = how long it takes for prop to fly and hit toon
+ missDuration = how long it takes for prop to fly and miss toon
+ hitPointNames = names of throw points to traverse if toon is hit
+ missPointNames = names of miss points to traverse if toon is missed
+ lookAt = cause the prop to lookAt a point if provided
+ """
+ target = attack['target']
+ toon = target['toon']
+ dmg = target['hp']
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ def getLambdas(list, prop, toon):
+ for i in range(len(list)): # Create lambda functions for throw points
+ if (list[i] == 'face'):
+ list[i] = lambda toon=toon: __toonFacePoint(toon)
+ elif (list[i] == 'miss'):
+ list[i] = lambda prop=prop, toon=toon: __toonMissPoint(prop, toon)
+ elif (list[i] == 'bounceHit'):
+ list[i] = lambda prop=prop, toon=toon:__throwBounceHitPoint(prop, toon)
+ elif (list[i] == 'bounceMiss'):
+ list[i] = lambda prop=prop, toon=toon:__throwBounceMissPoint(prop, toon)
+ return list
+ if (hitPointNames != 'none'):
+ hitPoints = getLambdas(hitPointNames, prop, toon)
+ if (missPointNames != 'none'):
+ missPoints = getLambdas(missPointNames, prop, toon)
+ propTrack = Sequence()
+ propTrack.append(Func(, prop))
+ propTrack.append(Func(prop.wrtReparentTo, parent))
+ if (lookAt != 'none'):
+ propTrack.append(Func(prop.lookAt, lookAt))
+ if (dmg > 0): # Fly prop through the hitPoints
+ for i in range(len(hitPoints)):
+ pos = hitPoints[i]
+ propTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(prop, hitDuration, pos=pos))
+ else: # Fly prop through the missPoints
+ for i in range(len(missPoints)):
+ pos = missPoints[i]
+ propTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(prop, missDuration, pos=pos))
+ # if provide a scale down time for when the prop misses, scale it down
+ if missScaleDown:
+ propTrack.append(LerpScaleInterval(prop, missScaleDown, MovieUtil.PNT3_NEARZERO))
+ propTrack.append(Func(MovieUtil.removeProp, prop))
+ propTrack.append(Func(, prop))
+ return propTrack
+def getThrowTrack(object, target, duration=1.0, parent=render, gravity=-32.144):
+ values = {}
+ def calcOriginAndVelocity(object=object, target=target, values=values,
+ duration=duration, parent=parent, gravity=gravity):
+ if callable(target):
+ target = target()
+ object.wrtReparentTo(parent)
+ values['origin'] = object.getPos(parent)
+ origin = object.getPos(parent)
+ # Calculate the initial velocity required for the object to land at the target
+ values['velocity'] = ((target[2]-origin[2]) - (0.5*gravity*duration*duration)) \
+ / duration
+ return Sequence(
+ Func(calcOriginAndVelocity),
+ LerpFunctionInterval(throwPos, fromData=0., toData=1., duration=duration,
+ extraArgs=[object, duration, target, values, gravity])
+ )
+def throwPos(t, object, duration, target, values, gravity=-32.144):
+ origin = values['origin']
+ velocity = values['velocity']
+ if callable(target):
+ target = target()
+ x = origin[0]*(1-t) + target[0]*t
+ y = origin[1]*(1-t) + target[1]*t
+ time = t*duration
+ z = origin[2] + velocity*time + (0.5*gravity*time*time)
+ object.setPos(x, y, z)
+def getToonTakeDamageTrack(toon, died, dmg, delay, damageAnimNames=None,
+ splicedDamageAnims=None, showDamageExtraTime=0.01):
+ """ This function returns the intervals portraying a target toon taking damage.
+ Arguments:
+ toon = the toon taking damage
+ died = whether the toon died or not
+ dmg = how much damage the toon is taking
+ delay = time delay before damage animation occurs
+ damageAnimNames = damage animations to be performed in order
+ splicedDamageAnims = spliced animations from getSplicedAnimsTrack
+ Note: This function uses damageAnimNames if it is not null. Provide only
+ splicedDamageAnims to have them played. Must have atleast one or the other.
+ """
+ toonTrack = Sequence()
+ toonTrack.append(Wait(delay))
+ assert(notify.debug('getToonTakeDamageTrack(toon: %s damage: %d died: %d' % (toon.getName(), dmg, died)))
+ if damageAnimNames: # If exists, use these animations
+ for d in damageAnimNames: # Use each damage animation in order
+ toonTrack.append(ActorInterval(toon, d)) # Add animation
+ indicatorTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(delay + showDamageExtraTime),
+ Func(__doDamage, toon, dmg, died),
+ )
+ else:
+ splicedAnims = getSplicedAnimsTrack(splicedDamageAnims, actor=toon)
+ toonTrack.append(splicedAnims)
+ indicatorTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(delay + showDamageExtraTime),
+ Func(__doDamage, toon, dmg, died),
+ )
+ toonTrack.append(Func(toon.loop, 'neutral'))
+ if died:
+ # If the battle calculator thinks the toon should have died,
+ # then wait a few seconds here to give the toon's client a
+ # chance to discover that he's died, and start to broadcast
+ # the death animation.
+ # The death animation used to be built into the track, but
+ # nowadays we just wait quietly, since there's a chance the
+ # toon might not have died after all (someone may have used a
+ # toon-up ResistanceChat message during the round).
+ toonTrack.append(Wait(5.0))
+ return Parallel(toonTrack, indicatorTrack)
+def getSplicedAnimsTrack(anims, actor=None):
+ """ This function returns a Sequence spliced together from the animations
+ provided as arguments. Arguments:
+ actor = can optional provide an actor to applay all animations to
+ anims = a list of lists. Each list contains an animation with optional arguments.
+ Each argument holds a position in the list and only the first (the animation name)
+ is required. The arguments are:
+ [0] = animation name
+ [1] = delay time before the animation is played (default=0 if not given)
+ [2] = start time within the animation (default=0 if not given)
+ [3] = duration of the animation to play (default=animation's duration if not given)
+ [4] = an actor for the animation (which would overrule the actor keyword argument)
+ The animations will be executed in the order of the anims list.
+ Note: Keyword argument actor must be provided unless each animation list includes it.
+ You can also provide a standard actor and occassionally override it with a specified
+ actor as that fifth argument in the animation list.
+ """
+ track = Sequence()
+ for nextAnim in anims:
+ delay = 0.000001 # Ensure that Wait is not called with a value of zero
+ if (len(nextAnim) >= 2): # If using a delay before the animation
+ if (nextAnim[1] > 0): # Make sure that the given delay is not zero
+ delay = nextAnim[1] # And if not, go ahead and use provided value
+ if (len(nextAnim) <= 0): # Shouldn't happen, but make negligible wait
+ track.append(Wait(delay)) # Delay is 0.000001 here
+ elif (len(nextAnim) == 1): # Call animation with default arguments
+ track.append(ActorInterval(actor, nextAnim[0]))
+ elif (len(nextAnim) == 2): # Calls animation with a delay
+ track.append(Wait(delay))
+ track.append(ActorInterval(actor, nextAnim[0]))
+ elif (len(nextAnim) == 3): # Calls animation with a delay and a start time
+ track.append(Wait(delay))
+ track.append(ActorInterval(actor, nextAnim[0], startTime=nextAnim[2]))
+ elif (len(nextAnim) == 4): # Calls animation with a delay, startTime, and duration
+ track.append(Wait(delay))
+ # Allow for reversed animations through negative durations
+ duration = nextAnim[3]
+ if (duration < 0):
+ startTime = nextAnim[2]
+ endTime = startTime+duration
+ if (endTime <= 0): # Ensure endTime is not negative (no animation there)
+ endTime = 0.01
+ track.append(ActorInterval(actor, nextAnim[0], startTime=startTime,
+ endTime=endTime))
+ else:
+ track.append(ActorInterval(actor, nextAnim[0], startTime=nextAnim[2],
+ duration=duration))
+ elif (len(nextAnim) == 5): # Calls animation with all arguements
+ track.append(Wait(delay))
+ track.append(ActorInterval(nextAnim[4], nextAnim[0], startTime=nextAnim[2],
+ duration=nextAnim[3]))
+ return track
+def getSplicedLerpAnims(animName, origDuration, newDuration, startTime=0, fps=30, reverse=0):
+ """ This function returns a series of intervals splicing together an animation
+ over a modified frame of time. This allows an animation to be shortened or
+ lengthened (if you can tolerate any resulting rushed or choppy animation. This
+ function increases an animation time by inserting a uniform time interval before
+ successive ActorInterval calls. It decreases time by progressing the animation
+ time forward faster than real-time (basically uniformly skipping frames). This
+ function only works in conjunction with getSplicedAnimsTrack, see that function (above)
+ for how animation lists are constructed and manipulated.
+ Arguments:
+ animName = name of the animation to lengthen/shorten
+ origDuration = original time duration the animation should normally play in
+ newDuration = lengthened or shortened time for the new animation
+ startTime = startTime for the animation
+ fps = usually held constant, helps determine number of actor intervals to use
+ """
+ anims = []
+ addition = 0 # Addition will be added to the startTime to move animation forward
+ numAnims = origDuration * fps # Number of actor intervals to use
+ # The timeInterval is what to add before each actor interval to delay time
+ timeInterval = newDuration / numAnims
+ # The animInterval is how much the animation progresses forward each interval
+ animInterval = origDuration / numAnims
+ # If we are reversing the animation, make the animInterval negative
+ if (reverse == 1):
+ animInterval = -animInterval
+ for i in range(0, numAnims):
+ # Constructing the animation list for later use with getSplicedAnimsTrack
+ anims.append([animName, timeInterval, startTime+addition, animInterval])
+ addition += animInterval # Add addition to push the animation forward
+ return anims
+def getSoundTrack(fileName, delay=0.01, duration=None, node=None):
+ """ This functions returns the standard sound track, which involves one sound
+ effect with a possible delay beforehand and an optional duration specification.
+ """
+ soundEffect = globalBattleSoundCache.getSound(fileName)
+ if duration:
+ return Sequence(Wait(delay),
+ SoundInterval(soundEffect, duration=duration, node=node))
+ else:
+ return Sequence(Wait(delay),
+ SoundInterval(soundEffect, node=node))
+# End encapsulating sub functions for suit attack functions
+# Begin Revamped attacks using sub functions defined above.
+def doCarbonCopy(attack): # top f: special = copy suit and double attack; depends; depends
+ pass #later
+def doClipOnTie(attack): # top tm: fixed
+ """ This function returns Tracks portraying the Clip-on-tie attack """
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ target = attack['target']
+ toon = target['toon']
+ dmg = target['hp']
+ tie = globalPropPool.getProp('clip-on-tie') # Get tie from pool
+ suitType = getSuitBodyType(attack['suitName'])
+ if (suitType == 'a'): # type A not yet used
+ throwDelay = 2.17
+ damageDelay = 3.3
+ dodgeDelay = 3.1
+ elif (suitType == 'b'):
+ throwDelay = 2.17
+ damageDelay = 3.3
+ dodgeDelay = 3.1
+ elif (suitType == 'c'):
+ throwDelay = 1.45
+ damageDelay = 2.61
+ dodgeDelay = 2.34
+ suitTrack = getSuitTrack(attack) # Get standard suit track
+ posPoints = [Point3(0.66, 0.51, 0.28), VBase3(-69.652, -17.199, 67.960)]
+ # First make the tie appear
+ tiePropTrack = Sequence(
+ getPropAppearTrack(tie, suit.getRightHand(), posPoints, 0.5,
+ MovieUtil.PNT3_ONE, scaleUpTime=0.5, poseExtraArgs=['clip-on-tie', 0]))
+ # If tie will hit toon, pose it in its extended position
+ if (dmg > 0): # If damage is greater than zero
+ # Now throw the tie, which travels much faster if thrown "well" (hits toon)
+ tiePropTrack.append(ActorInterval(tie, 'clip-on-tie',
+ duration=throwDelay, startTime=1.1))
+ else:
+ tiePropTrack.append(Wait(throwDelay)) # Wait while suit animates
+ tiePropTrack.append(Func(tie.setHpr, Point3(0, -90, 0)))
+ tiePropTrack.append(getPropThrowTrack(attack, tie, [__toonFacePoint(toon)],
+ [__toonGroundPoint(attack, toon, 0.1)], hitDuration=0.4,
+ missDuration=0.8, missScaleDown=1.2))
+ toonTrack = getToonTrack(attack, damageDelay, ['conked'], dodgeDelay, ['sidestep'])
+ throwSound = getSoundTrack('SA_powertie_throw.mp3', delay=throwDelay+1, node=suit)
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, toonTrack, tiePropTrack, throwSound)
+def doPoundKey(attack): # top f: fixed
+ """ This function returns Tracks portraying the PoundKey attack """
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ phone = globalPropPool.getProp('phone')
+ receiver = globalPropPool.getProp('receiver')
+ BattleParticles.loadParticles()
+ particleEffect = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect('PoundKey')
+ BattleParticles.setEffectTexture(particleEffect, 'poundsign',
+ color=Vec4(0, 0, 0, 1))
+ suitTrack = getSuitTrack(attack)
+ partTrack = getPartTrack(particleEffect, 2.1, 1.55, [particleEffect, suit, 0])
+ phonePosPoints = [Point3(0.23, 0.17, -0.11), VBase3(5.939, 2.763, -177.591)]
+ receiverPosPoints = [Point3(0.23, 0.17, -0.11), VBase3(5.939, 2.763, -177.591)]
+ propTrack = Sequence(# Single propTrack combines both phone and receiver
+ Wait(0.3), # Wait to show the phone and receiver
+ Func(__showProp, phone, suit.getLeftHand(),
+ phonePosPoints[0], phonePosPoints[1]), # Show phone
+ Func(__showProp, receiver, suit.getLeftHand(),
+ receiverPosPoints[0], receiverPosPoints[1]), # Show receiver
+ LerpScaleInterval(phone, 0.5, MovieUtil.PNT3_ONE, MovieUtil.PNT3_NEARZERO), # Scale up phone
+ Wait(0.74), # Wait until suit picks up phone
+ # Now reparent receiver to suit's right hand (he picks it up)
+ Func(receiver.wrtReparentTo, suit.getRightHand()),
+ # Jam receiver into position in case reparenting to right hand takes place early or late.
+ #Note: These coordinates are specific to Type C suits
+ LerpPosHprInterval(receiver, 0.0001, Point3(-0.45, 0.48, -0.62), VBase3(-87.47, -18.21, 7.82)),
+ Wait(3.14), # Wait while suit uses the phone
+ # Now put the receiver back down on the phone
+ Func(receiver.wrtReparentTo, phone),
+ Wait(0.62), # Leave the phone around a bit longer
+ LerpScaleInterval(phone, 0.5, MovieUtil.PNT3_NEARZERO), # Scale down phone & child receiver
+ # Now destroy the receiver and then the phone
+ Func(MovieUtil.removeProps, [receiver, phone]),
+ )
+ toonTrack = getToonTrack(attack, 2.7, ['cringe'], 1.9, ['sidestep'])
+ soundTrack = getSoundTrack('SA_hangup.mp3', delay=1.3, node=suit)
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, toonTrack, propTrack, partTrack, soundTrack)
+def doShred(attack): # top f: fixed
+ """ This function returns Tracks portraying the Shred attack """
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ paper = globalPropPool.getProp('shredder-paper')
+ shredder = globalPropPool.getProp('shredder')
+ particleEffect = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect('Shred')
+ suitTrack = getSuitTrack(attack) # Get suit animation track
+ partTrack = getPartTrack(particleEffect, 3.5, 1.9, [particleEffect, suit, 0])
+ paperPosPoints = [Point3(0.59, -0.31, 0.81), VBase3(79.224, 32.576, -179.449)]
+ paperPropTrack = getPropTrack(paper, suit.getRightHand(), paperPosPoints, 2.4, 0.00001,
+ scaleUpTime=0.2, anim=1, propName='shredder-paper',
+ animDuration=1.5, animStartTime=2.8)
+ shredderPosPoints = [Point3(0, -0.12, -0.34), VBase3(-90.000, -53.770, -0.000)]
+ shredderPropTrack = getPropTrack(shredder, suit.getLeftHand(), shredderPosPoints,
+ 1, 3, scaleUpPoint=Point3(4.81, 4.81, 4.81))
+ toonTrack = getToonTrack(attack, suitTrack.getDuration()-1.1, ['conked'],
+ suitTrack.getDuration()-3.1, ['sidestep'])
+ soundTrack = getSoundTrack('SA_shred.mp3', delay=3.4, node=suit)
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, paperPropTrack, shredderPropTrack, partTrack,
+ toonTrack, soundTrack)
+def doFillWithLead(attack): # top p: particle w/ 2 props; cringe; sidestep
+ """ This function returns Tracks portraying the FillWithLead attack """
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ target = attack['target']
+ toon = target['toon']
+ dmg = target['hp']
+ pencil = globalPropPool.getProp('pencil')
+ sharpener = globalPropPool.getProp('sharpener')
+ BattleParticles.loadParticles()
+ sprayEffect = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='fillWithLeadSpray')
+ headSmotherEffect = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='fillWithLeadSmother')
+ torsoSmotherEffect = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='fillWithLeadSmother')
+ legsSmotherEffect = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='fillWithLeadSmother')
+ BattleParticles.setEffectTexture(sprayEffect, 'roll-o-dex',
+ color=Vec4(0, 0, 0, 1))
+ BattleParticles.setEffectTexture(headSmotherEffect, 'roll-o-dex',
+ color=Vec4(0, 0, 0, 1))
+ BattleParticles.setEffectTexture(torsoSmotherEffect, 'roll-o-dex',
+ color=Vec4(0, 0, 0, 1))
+ BattleParticles.setEffectTexture(legsSmotherEffect, 'roll-o-dex',
+ color=Vec4(0, 0, 0, 1))
+ suitTrack = getSuitTrack(attack) # Get suit animation track
+ sprayTrack = getPartTrack(sprayEffect, 2.5, 1.9, [sprayEffect, suit, 0])
+ pencilPosPoints = [Point3(-0.29, -0.33, -0.13), VBase3(160.565, -11.653, -169.244)]
+ pencilPropTrack = getPropTrack(pencil, suit.getRightHand(), pencilPosPoints,
+ 0.7, 3.2, scaleUpTime=0.2)
+ sharpenerPosPoints = [Point3(0.0, 0.0, -0.03), MovieUtil.PNT3_ZERO]
+ sharpenerPropTrack = getPropTrack(sharpener, suit.getLeftHand(), sharpenerPosPoints,
+ 1.3, 2.3, scaleUpPoint=MovieUtil.PNT3_ONE)
+ # This damage animation makes the toon remain stunned for much longer (while being
+ # filled with lead) by repeating that portion of the conked animation
+ damageAnims = []
+ damageAnims.append(['conked', suitTrack.getDuration()-1.5, 0.00001, 1.4])
+ damageAnims.append(['conked', 0.00001, 0.7, 0.7])
+ damageAnims.append(['conked', 0.00001, 0.7, 0.7])
+ damageAnims.append(['conked', 0.00001, 1.4])
+ toonTrack = getToonTrack(attack, splicedDamageAnims=damageAnims,
+ dodgeDelay=suitTrack.getDuration()-3.1, dodgeAnimNames=['sidestep'],
+ showDamageExtraTime=4.5, showMissedExtraTime=1.6)
+ # Now we'll use a particle effect on each color changing body part, so we must first
+ # calculate the height of the body part to correctly place the particle effects
+ animal =
+ bodyScale = ToontownGlobals.toonBodyScales[animal]
+ headEffectHeight = __toonFacePoint(toon).getZ()
+ legsHeight = ToontownGlobals.legHeightDict[] * bodyScale
+ torsoEffectHeight = ((ToontownGlobals.torsoHeightDict[]*bodyScale)/2)+legsHeight
+ legsEffectHeight = legsHeight / 2
+ effectX = headSmotherEffect.getX() # This remains the same for each effect
+ effectY = headSmotherEffect.getY() # Same for each effect, adjusted slightly for each
+ headSmotherEffect.setPos(effectX, effectY - 1.5, headEffectHeight)
+ torsoSmotherEffect.setPos(effectX, effectY - 1, torsoEffectHeight)
+ legsSmotherEffect.setPos(effectX, effectY - 0.6, legsEffectHeight)
+ partDelay = 3.5 # Delay for all particle effects
+ partIvalDelay = 0.7 # Delay between each particle effect
+ partDuration = 1.0 # Duration for particle effects
+ headTrack = getPartTrack(headSmotherEffect, partDelay, partDuration,
+ [headSmotherEffect, toon, 0])
+ torsoTrack = getPartTrack(torsoSmotherEffect, partDelay+partIvalDelay, partDuration,
+ [torsoSmotherEffect, toon, 0])
+ legsTrack = getPartTrack(legsSmotherEffect, partDelay+partIvalDelay*2, partDuration,
+ [legsSmotherEffect, toon, 0])
+ def colorParts(parts): # Function to color each lod part in list parts
+ track = Parallel()
+ for partNum in range(0, parts.getNumPaths()):
+ nextPart = parts.getPath(partNum)
+ track.append(Func(nextPart.setColorScale,
+ Vec4(0, 0, 0, 1)))
+ return track
+ def resetParts(parts): # Fucntion to reset color on each lod part in list parts
+ track = Parallel()
+ for partNum in range(0, parts.getNumPaths()):
+ nextPart = parts.getPath(partNum)
+ track.append(Func(nextPart.clearColorScale))
+ return track
+ if (dmg > 0):
+ colorTrack = Sequence() # Build intervals to change the toon's color to black
+ headParts = toon.getHeadParts()
+ torsoParts = toon.getTorsoParts()
+ legsParts = toon.getLegsParts()
+ # Now color each body part in succession, then show each
+ colorTrack.append(Wait(partDelay+0.2))
+ colorTrack.append(Func(
+ colorTrack.append(colorParts(headParts))
+ colorTrack.append(Wait(partIvalDelay)) # Wait before next part color change
+ colorTrack.append(colorParts(torsoParts))
+ colorTrack.append(Wait(partIvalDelay)) # Wait before next part color change
+ colorTrack.append(colorParts(legsParts))
+ colorTrack.append(Wait(2.5)) # Wait while color has been changed
+ colorTrack.append(resetParts(headParts))
+ colorTrack.append(resetParts(torsoParts))
+ colorTrack.append(resetParts(legsParts))
+ colorTrack.append(Func(
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, pencilPropTrack, sharpenerPropTrack,
+ sprayTrack, headTrack, torsoTrack, legsTrack,
+ colorTrack, toonTrack)
+ else:
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, pencilPropTrack, sharpenerPropTrack,
+ sprayTrack, toonTrack)
+def doFountainPen(attack): # top p: fixed
+ """ This function returns Tracks portraying the FountainPen attack """
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ target = attack['target']
+ toon = target['toon']
+ dmg = target['hp']
+ pen = globalPropPool.getProp('pen')
+ def getPenTip(pen=pen):
+ tip = pen.find("**/joint_toSpray")
+ return tip.getPos(render)
+ hitPoint = lambda toon=toon: __toonFacePoint(toon)
+ missPoint = lambda prop=pen, toon=toon: __toonMissPoint(prop, toon, 0, parent=render)
+ hitSprayTrack = MovieUtil.getSprayTrack(battle,
+ VBase4(0, 0, 0, 1), getPenTip, hitPoint,
+ 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, horizScale = 0.1, vertScale = 0.1)
+ missSprayTrack = MovieUtil.getSprayTrack(battle,
+ VBase4(0, 0, 0, 1), getPenTip, missPoint,
+ 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, horizScale = 0.1, vertScale = 0.1)
+ suitTrack = getSuitTrack(attack)
+ propTrack = Sequence(# Build intervals for foutain pen, including its spray
+ Wait(0.01), # Wait the duration of appearDelay
+ Func(__showProp, pen, suit.getRightHand(), MovieUtil.PNT3_ZERO),
+ LerpScaleInterval(pen, 0.5, Point3(1.5, 1.5, 1.5)),
+ Wait(1.05), # Wait until time to spray
+ # was 1.6
+ )
+ if (dmg > 0): # If squirt hits the toon, use the hit spray
+ propTrack.append(hitSprayTrack) # Add in the spray intervals
+ else: # Only use the hitSpray until learn how to extend spray distance
+ propTrack.append(missSprayTrack) # Add in the spray intervals
+ propTrack += [# Add the rest of the prop intervals
+ LerpScaleInterval(pen, 0.5, MovieUtil.PNT3_NEARZERO), # Scale down the prop
+ Func(MovieUtil.removeProp, pen)
+ ]
+ # Now build the splash track for if the toon takes damage
+ splashTrack = Sequence()
+ if (dmg > 0) : # If the target toon takes damage
+ def prepSplash(splash, targetPoint):
+ splash.reparentTo(render)
+ splash.setPos(targetPoint)
+ scale = splash.getScale()
+ splash.setBillboardPointWorld()
+ splash.setScale(scale)
+ splash = globalPropPool.getProp('splash-from-splat')
+ splash.setColor(0, 0, 0, 1)
+ splash.setScale(0.15)
+ splashTrack = Sequence(
+ Func(,
+ splash),
+ Wait(1.65),
+ Func(prepSplash, splash,
+ __toonFacePoint(toon)),
+ ActorInterval(splash, 'splash-from-splat'),
+ Func(MovieUtil.removeProp,
+ splash),
+ Func(, splash)
+ )
+ # Grab the head parts to turn it to black when hit
+ headParts = toon.getHeadParts()
+ # Now change the toon's head color to black from the pen spray
+ splashTrack.append(Func(
+ for partNum in range(0, headParts.getNumPaths()):
+ nextPart = headParts.getPath(partNum)
+ splashTrack.append(Func(nextPart.setColorScale,
+ Vec4(0, 0, 0, 1)))
+ splashTrack.append(Func(MovieUtil.removeProp, splash))
+ splashTrack.append(Wait(2.6)) # Wait while toon has turned black
+ # Now reset the color scale of the head parts
+ for partNum in range(0, headParts.getNumPaths()):
+ nextPart = headParts.getPath(partNum)
+ splashTrack.append(Func(nextPart.clearColorScale))
+ splashTrack.append(Func(
+ penSpill = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='penSpill')
+ penSpill.setPos(getPenTip())
+ penSpillTrack = getPartTrack(penSpill, 1.4, 0.7, [penSpill, pen, 0])
+ toonTrack = getToonTrack(attack, 1.81, ['conked'], dodgeDelay=0.11,
+ splicedDodgeAnims=[['duck', 0.01, 0.6]],
+ showMissedExtraTime=1.66)
+ soundTrack = getSoundTrack('SA_fountain_pen.mp3', delay=1.6, node=suit)
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, toonTrack, propTrack,
+ soundTrack, penSpillTrack, splashTrack)
+def doRubOut(attack): # top p: fixed
+ """ This function returns Tracks portraying the RubOut attack """
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ target = attack['target']
+ toon = target['toon']
+ dmg = target['hp']
+ pad = globalPropPool.getProp('pad')
+ pencil = globalPropPool.getProp('pencil')
+ headEffect = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect('RubOut',
+ torsoEffect = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect('RubOut',
+ legsEffect = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect('RubOut',
+ suitTrack = getSuitTrack(attack)
+ padPosPoints = [Point3(-0.66, 0.81, -0.06), VBase3(14.930, -2.290, 180.000)]
+ padPropTrack = getPropTrack(pad, suit.getLeftHand(), padPosPoints, 0.5, 2.57)
+ pencilPosPoints = [Point3(0.04, -0.38, -0.10), VBase3(-170.223, -3.762, -62.929)]
+ pencilPropTrack = getPropTrack(pencil, suit.getRightHand(), pencilPosPoints, 0.5, 2.57)
+ toonTrack = getToonTrack(attack, 2.2, ['conked'], 2.0, ['jump'])
+ hideTrack = Sequence() # Build intervals to hide the target toon's body parts
+ headParts = toon.getHeadParts()
+ torsoParts = toon.getTorsoParts()
+ legsParts = toon.getLegsParts()
+ # Now we'll use a particle effect on each disappearing body part, so we must first
+ # calculate the height of the body part to correctly place the particle effect
+ animal =
+ bodyScale = ToontownGlobals.toonBodyScales[animal]
+ headEffectHeight = __toonFacePoint(toon).getZ()
+ legsHeight = ToontownGlobals.legHeightDict[] * bodyScale
+ torsoEffectHeight = ((ToontownGlobals.torsoHeightDict[]*bodyScale)/2) + legsHeight
+ legsEffectHeight = legsHeight / 2
+ effectX = headEffect.getX() # This remains the same for each effect
+ effectY = headEffect.getY() # Same for each effect, will be adjusted slightly for each
+ headEffect.setPos(effectX, effectY - 1.5, headEffectHeight)
+ torsoEffect.setPos(effectX, effectY - 1, torsoEffectHeight)
+ legsEffect.setPos(effectX, effectY - 0.6, legsEffectHeight)
+ partDelay = 2.5 # Delay for particle effects
+ headTrack = getPartTrack(headEffect, partDelay+0, 0.5, [headEffect, toon, 0])
+ torsoTrack = getPartTrack(torsoEffect, partDelay+1.1, 0.5, [torsoEffect, toon, 0])
+ legsTrack = getPartTrack(legsEffect, partDelay+2.2, 0.5, [legsEffect, toon, 0])
+ def hideParts(parts): # Function to hide each lod part in list parts
+ track = Parallel()
+ for partNum in range(0, parts.getNumPaths()):
+ nextPart = parts.getPath(partNum)
+# hideTrack.append(Func(nextPart.hide))
+ track.append(Func(nextPart.setTransparency, 1))
+ track.append(LerpFunctionInterval(nextPart.setAlphaScale, fromData=1,
+ toData=0, duration=0.2))
+ return track
+ def showParts(parts): # Fucntion to show each lod part in list parts
+ track = Parallel()
+ for partNum in range(0, parts.getNumPaths()):
+ nextPart = parts.getPath(partNum)
+# hideTrack.append(Func(
+ track.append(Func(nextPart.clearColorScale))
+ track.append(Func(nextPart.clearTransparency))
+ return track
+ soundTrack = getSoundTrack('SA_rubout.mp3', delay=1.7, node=suit)
+ if (dmg > 0):
+ # Now hide each body part in succession, then show each
+ hideTrack.append(Wait(2.2))
+ hideTrack.append(Func(
+ hideTrack.append(hideParts(headParts))
+# hideTrack.append(Wait(0.9))
+ hideTrack.append(Wait(0.4))
+ hideTrack.append(hideParts(torsoParts))
+# hideTrack.append(Wait(0.9))
+ hideTrack.append(Wait(0.4))
+ hideTrack.append(hideParts(legsParts))
+ hideTrack.append(Wait(1))
+ hideTrack.append(showParts(headParts))
+ hideTrack.append(showParts(torsoParts))
+ hideTrack.append(showParts(legsParts))
+ hideTrack.append(Func(
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, toonTrack, padPropTrack, pencilPropTrack, soundTrack,
+ hideTrack, headTrack, torsoTrack, legsTrack)
+ else:
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, toonTrack, padPropTrack, pencilPropTrack, soundTrack)
+def doFingerWag(attack): # top p: fixed
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ #Particle Effect: stream of 'Blahs'
+ BattleParticles.loadParticles()
+ particleEffect = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect('FingerWag')
+ BattleParticles.setEffectTexture(particleEffect, 'blah',
+ color=Vec4(0.55, 0, 0.55, 1))
+ #Adjust variables based on suit types - p(b), mm(c), tw(c), pp(a)
+ suitType = getSuitBodyType(attack['suitName'])
+ if (suitType == 'a'):
+ partDelay = 1.3
+ damageDelay = 2.7
+ dodgeDelay = 1.7
+ elif (suitType == 'b'):
+ partDelay = 1.3
+ damageDelay = 2.7
+ dodgeDelay = 1.8
+ elif (suitType == 'c'):
+ partDelay = 1.3
+ damageDelay = 2.7
+ dodgeDelay = 2.0
+ #Build suit and particle effect tracks
+ suitTrack = getSuitTrack(attack)
+ partTrack = getPartTrack(particleEffect, partDelay, 2, [particleEffect, suit, 0])
+ #Adjust particle effect taking suit height into account
+ suitName = attack['suitName']
+ if (suitName == 'mm'):
+ particleEffect.setPos(0.167, 1.5, 2.731)
+ elif (suitName == 'tw'):
+ particleEffect.setPos(0.167, 1.8, 5)
+ particleEffect.setHpr(-90.0, -60.0, 180.0)
+ elif (suitName == 'pp'):
+ particleEffect.setPos(0.167, 1, 4.1)
+ elif (suitName == 'bs'):
+ particleEffect.setPos(0.167, 1, 5.1)
+ elif (suitName == 'bw'):
+ particleEffect.setPos(0.167, 1.9, suit.getHeight()-1.8)
+ particleEffect.setP(-110)
+ toonTrack = getToonTrack(attack, damageDelay, ['slip-backward'],
+ dodgeDelay, ['sidestep'])
+ soundTrack = getSoundTrack('SA_finger_wag.mp3', delay=1.3, node=suit)
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, toonTrack, partTrack, soundTrack)
+def doWriteOff(attack): # top bc: fixed
+ """ This function returns Tracks portraying the WriteOff attack """
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ target = attack['target']
+ toon = target['toon']
+ pad = globalPropPool.getProp('pad')
+ pencil = globalPropPool.getProp('pencil')
+ BattleParticles.loadParticles()
+ checkmark = MovieUtil.copyProp(BattleParticles.getParticle('checkmark'))
+ checkmark.setBillboardPointEye()
+ suitTrack = getSuitTrack(attack)
+ padPosPoints = [Point3(-0.25, 1.38, -0.08), VBase3(-19.078, -6.603, -171.594)]
+ padPropTrack = getPropTrack(pad, suit.getLeftHand(),
+ padPosPoints, 0.5, 2.57, Point3(1.89, 1.89, 1.89))
+ # Calculate missPoint of the check mark with lambda function for combined checkmark, pencil Track
+ missPoint = lambda checkmark = checkmark, toon=toon: __toonMissPoint(checkmark, toon)
+ pencilPosPoints = [Point3(-0.47, 1.08, 0.28), VBase3(21.045, 12.702, -176.374)]
+ #pencilPropTrack = getPropTrack(pencil, suit.getRightHand(), pencilPosPoints, #DELETE LATER
+ # 0.5, 2.57, Point3(1.5, 1.5, 1.5)) #DELETE LATER
+ extraArgsForShowProp = [pencil, suit.getRightHand()] # Begin extraArgs for __showProp function
+ extraArgsForShowProp.extend(pencilPosPoints) # Add in pos points for extraArgs
+ pencilPropTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(0.5), # Wait the duration of appearDelay
+ Func(__showProp, *extraArgsForShowProp), # Use showProp
+ LerpScaleInterval(pencil, 0.5, Point3(1.5, 1.5, 1.5), startScale=Point3(0.01)),
+ Wait(2), # Wait while suit animation continues #2.57
+ #Checkmark Intervals
+ Func(,
+ checkmark),
+ Func(checkmark.reparentTo, render), # Give to render
+ Func(checkmark.setScale, 1.6), # Scale the checkmark
+ Func(checkmark.setPosHpr, pencil, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
+ Func(checkmark.setP, 0),
+ Func(checkmark.setR, 0),
+ )
+ # Adding the intervals to throw the checkmark at the toon
+ pencilPropTrack.append(getPropThrowTrack(attack, checkmark, [__toonFacePoint(toon)],
+ [missPoint]))
+ pencilPropTrack.append(Func(MovieUtil.removeProp, checkmark))
+ pencilPropTrack.append(Func(,
+ checkmark))
+ pencilPropTrack.append(Wait(0.3)) # Wait before scaling down the pencil
+ pencilPropTrack.append(LerpScaleInterval(pencil, 0.5, MovieUtil.PNT3_NEARZERO)) # Scale down the pencil
+ pencilPropTrack.append(Func(MovieUtil.removeProp, pencil))
+ # All done, now make the PropTrack
+ toonTrack = getToonTrack(attack, 3.4, ['slip-forward'], 2.4, ['sidestep'])
+ soundTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(2.3),
+ SoundInterval(globalBattleSoundCache.getSound('SA_writeoff_pen_only.mp3'), duration=0.9, node=suit),
+ SoundInterval(globalBattleSoundCache.getSound('SA_writeoff_ding_only.mp3'), node=suit),
+ )
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, toonTrack, padPropTrack, pencilPropTrack, soundTrack)
+def doDitto(attack): # top ym: special, simultaneously copy attack; depends; depends
+ pass #later
+def doRubberStamp(attack): # top ym: fixed
+ """ This function returns Tracks portraying the RubberStamp attack """
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ target = attack['target']
+ toon = target['toon']
+ suitTrack = getSuitTrack(attack)
+ stamp = globalPropPool.getProp("rubber-stamp")
+ pad = globalPropPool.getProp("pad")
+ cancelled = __makeCancelledNodePath()
+ suitType = getSuitBodyType(attack['suitName'])
+ if (suitType == 'a'): #YesMan
+ padPosPoints = [Point3(-0.65, 0.83, -0.04), VBase3(5.625, 4.456, -165.125)]
+ stampPosPoints = [Point3(-0.64, -0.17, -0.03), MovieUtil.PNT3_ZERO]
+ elif (suitType == 'c'):#Bottom Feeder
+ padPosPoints = [Point3(0.19, -0.55, -0.21), VBase3(-166.760, -4.001, -1.658)]
+ stampPosPoints = [Point3(-0.64, -0.08, 0.11), MovieUtil.PNT3_ZERO]
+ else:
+ padPosPoints = [Point3(-0.65, 0.83, -0.04), VBase3(5.625, 4.456, -165.125)]
+ stampPosPoints = [Point3(-0.64, -0.17, -0.03), MovieUtil.PNT3_ZERO]
+ padPropTrack = getPropTrack(pad, suit.getLeftHand(), padPosPoints, 0.000001, 3.2)
+ # Calculate missPoint of the cancelled stamp with lambda function
+ missPoint = lambda cancelled=cancelled, toon=toon: __toonMissPoint(cancelled, toon)
+ propTrack = Sequence(# Build intervals for the stamp and cancelled props as one track
+ Func(__showProp, stamp, suit.getRightHand(),
+ stampPosPoints[0], stampPosPoints[1]),
+ LerpScaleInterval(stamp, 0.5, MovieUtil.PNT3_ONE), # Scale up the stamp
+ Wait(2.6), # Wait while the suit animation continues
+ Func(, cancelled),
+ Func(cancelled.reparentTo, render), # Give to render
+ Func(cancelled.setScale, 0.6), # Scale the cancelled
+ Func(cancelled.setPosHpr, stamp, 0.81, -1.11, -0.16,
+ 0, 0, 90),
+ Func(cancelled.setP, 0),
+ Func(cancelled.setR, 0),
+ )
+ # Now add in the intervals to throw the cancelled stamp at the toon
+ propTrack.append(getPropThrowTrack(attack, cancelled, [__toonFacePoint(toon)],
+ [missPoint]))
+ propTrack.append(Func(MovieUtil.removeProp, cancelled))
+ propTrack.append(Func(,
+ cancelled))
+ propTrack.append(Wait(0.3)) # Wait before scaling down the stamp
+ propTrack.append(LerpScaleInterval(stamp, 0.5, MovieUtil.PNT3_NEARZERO)) # Scale down the stamp
+ propTrack.append(Func(MovieUtil.removeProp, stamp))
+ toonTrack = getToonTrack(attack, 3.4, ['conked'], 1.9, ['sidestep'])
+ soundTrack = getSoundTrack('SA_rubber_stamp.mp3', delay=1.3, duration=1.1, node=suit)
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, toonTrack, propTrack, padPropTrack, soundTrack)
+def doRazzleDazzle(attack): # top ym:fixed
+ """This function returns Tracks portraying the RazzleDazzle attack"""
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ target = attack['target']
+ toon = target['toon']
+ dmg = target['hp']
+ hitSuit = (dmg > 0)
+ sign = globalPropPool.getProp('smile')
+ BattleParticles.loadParticles()
+ particleEffect = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect('Smile')
+ #Suit Track
+ suitTrack = getSuitTrack(attack) # Get suit animation track
+ #Combined Prop/Particle Track
+ """Note: Tracks combined because part effect parented to prop"""
+ signPosPoints = [Point3(0.00, -0.42, -0.04), VBase3(105.715, 73.977, 65.932)]
+ if hitSuit:
+ hitPoint = lambda toon=toon: __toonFacePoint(toon)
+ else:
+ hitPoint = lambda particleEffect=particleEffect, toon=toon, suit=suit: \
+ __toonMissPoint(particleEffect, toon, parent=suit.getRightHand())
+ signPropTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(0.5), # Wait the duration of appearDelay
+ Func(__showProp, sign, suit.getRightHand(),
+ signPosPoints[0], signPosPoints[1]),
+ LerpScaleInterval(sign, 0.5, Point3(1.39, 1.39, 1.39)),
+ Wait(0.5),
+ Func(,
+ particleEffect),
+ Func(particleEffect.start, sign),
+ Func(particleEffect.wrtReparentTo, render),
+ LerpPosInterval(particleEffect, 2.0, pos=hitPoint),
+ Func(particleEffect.cleanup),
+ Func(,
+ particleEffect)
+ )
+ """This track necessary to sync smile sign animation with start of particle effect"""
+ signPropAnimTrack = ActorInterval(sign, 'smile', duration=4, startTime=0)
+ toonTrack = getToonTrack(attack, 2.6, ['cringe'], 1.9, ['sidestep'])
+ soundTrack = getSoundTrack('SA_razzle_dazzle.mp3', delay=1.6, node=suit)
+ return Sequence(
+ Parallel(suitTrack, signPropTrack, signPropAnimTrack, toonTrack, soundTrack),
+ Func(MovieUtil.removeProp, sign),
+ )
+def doSynergy(attack): # top ym: fixed
+ """ This function returns Tracks portraying the Synergy attack """
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ targets = attack['target']
+ damageDelay = 1.7
+ hitAtleastOneToon = 0
+ for t in targets:
+ if (t['hp'] > 0):
+ hitAtleastOneToon = 1
+ particleEffect = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect('Synergy')
+ waterfallEffect = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='synergyWaterfall')
+ suitTrack = getSuitAnimTrack(attack) # Get suit animation track
+ partTrack = getPartTrack(particleEffect, 1.0, 1.9, [particleEffect, suit, 0])
+ waterfallTrack = getPartTrack(waterfallEffect, 0.8, 1.9,
+ [waterfallEffect, suit, 0])
+ damageAnims = [['slip-forward']] # Standard slip-forward damage animation
+ dodgeAnims = [] # Dodge will be slowed down
+ dodgeAnims.append(['jump', 0.01, 0, 0.6]) # Begin to jump
+ # Now get animation interval with time inserted to slow down the jump at its peak
+ dodgeAnims.extend(getSplicedLerpAnims('jump', 0.31, 1.3, startTime=0.6))
+ dodgeAnims.append(['jump', 0, 0.91]) # Complete the jump
+ toonTracks = getToonTracks(
+ attack, damageDelay=damageDelay,
+ damageAnimNames=['slip-forward'], dodgeDelay=0.91,
+ splicedDodgeAnims=dodgeAnims, showMissedExtraTime=1.0)
+ synergySoundTrack = Sequence(Wait(0.9),
+ SoundInterval(globalBattleSoundCache.getSound('SA_synergy.mp3'), node=suit))
+ if (hitAtleastOneToon > 0):
+ fallingSoundTrack = Sequence(Wait(damageDelay+0.5),
+ SoundInterval(globalBattleSoundCache.getSound('Toon_bodyfall_synergy.mp3'), node=suit))
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, partTrack, waterfallTrack,
+ synergySoundTrack, fallingSoundTrack, toonTracks)
+ else:
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, partTrack, waterfallTrack,
+ synergySoundTrack, toonTracks)
+def doTeeOff(attack): # top ym: fixed
+ """ This function returns Tracks portraying the TeeOff attack """
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ target = attack['target']
+ toon = target['toon']
+ club = globalPropPool.getProp('golf-club')
+ ball = globalPropPool.getProp('golf-ball')
+ suitTrack = getSuitTrack(attack)
+ clubPosPoints = [MovieUtil.PNT3_ZERO, VBase3(63.097, 43.988, -18.435)]
+ clubPropTrack = getPropTrack(club, suit.getLeftHand(), clubPosPoints, 0.5, 5.2,
+ Point3(1.1, 1.1, 1.1))
+ # The ball is positioned differently for each suit
+ suitName = attack['suitName']
+ if (suitName == 'ym'):
+ ballPosPoints = [Point3(2.1, 0, 0.1)]
+ elif (suitName == 'tbc'):
+ ballPosPoints = [Point3(4.1, 0, 0.1)]
+ elif (suitName == 'm'):
+ ballPosPoints = [Point3(3.2, 0, 0.1)]
+ elif (suitName == 'rb'):
+ ballPosPoints = [Point3(4.2, 0, 0.1)]
+ else:
+ ballPosPoints = [Point3(2.1, 0, 0.1)]
+ ballPropTrack = Sequence(
+ getPropAppearTrack(ball, suit, ballPosPoints, 1.7, Point3(1.5, 1.5, 1.5)),
+ # Now leave the ball in place, not on club while it swings
+ Func(, ball),
+ Func(ball.wrtReparentTo, render),
+ Wait(2.15), # Wait for club to swing
+ )
+ # Calculate missPoint with lambda function
+ missPoint = lambda ball=ball, toon=toon: __toonMissPoint(ball, toon)
+ ballPropTrack.append(getPropThrowTrack(attack, ball, [__toonFacePoint(toon)],
+ [missPoint]))
+ ballPropTrack.append(Func(, ball))
+ dodgeDelay = suitTrack.getDuration()-4.35
+ toonTrack = getToonTrack(attack, suitTrack.getDuration()-2.25, ['conked'],
+ dodgeDelay, ['duck'], showMissedExtraTime=1.7)
+ soundTrack = getSoundTrack('SA_tee_off.mp3', delay=4.1, node=suit)
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, toonTrack, clubPropTrack, ballPropTrack, soundTrack)
+def doBrainStorm(attack): # top mm(c), m/s(b): fixed
+ """ This function returns Tracks portraying the BrainStorm attack """
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ target = attack['target']
+ toon = target['toon']
+ BattleParticles.loadParticles()
+ snowEffect = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect('BrainStorm')
+ snowEffect2 = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect('BrainStorm')
+ snowEffect3 = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect('BrainStorm')
+ effectColor = Vec4(0.65, 0.79, 0.93, 0.85)
+ BattleParticles.setEffectTexture(snowEffect, 'brainstorm-box', color=effectColor)
+ BattleParticles.setEffectTexture(snowEffect2, 'brainstorm-env', color=effectColor)
+ BattleParticles.setEffectTexture(snowEffect3, 'brainstorm-track', color=effectColor)
+ # cloud = MovieUtil.copyProp(toon.cloudActors[0])
+ cloud = globalPropPool.getProp('stormcloud')
+ suitType = getSuitBodyType(attack['suitName'])
+ if (suitType == 'a'): # not used with type a
+ partDelay = 1.2
+ damageDelay = 4.5
+ dodgeDelay = 3.3
+ elif (suitType == 'b'):
+ partDelay = 1.2
+ damageDelay = 4.5
+ dodgeDelay = 3.3
+ elif (suitType == 'c'):
+ partDelay = 1.2
+ damageDelay = 4.5
+ dodgeDelay = 3.3
+ suitTrack = getSuitTrack(attack, delay=0.9)
+ initialCloudHeight = suit.height + 3 #Initial height of cloud set to 3 meters above suit
+ cloudPosPoints = [Point3(0, 3, initialCloudHeight), VBase3(180, 0, 0)]
+ # Make the storm cloud appear over and slightly in front of the suit
+ cloudPropTrack = Sequence()
+ cloudPropTrack.append(Func(cloud.pose, 'stormcloud', 0))
+ cloudPropTrack.append(getPropAppearTrack(cloud, suit, cloudPosPoints, 0.000001,
+ Point3(3, 3, 3), scaleUpTime=0.7))
+ cloudPropTrack.append(Func(,
+ cloud))
+ cloudPropTrack.append(Func(cloud.wrtReparentTo, render))
+ # Now calculate the targetPoint for the cloud to move to (over the target toon)
+ targetPoint = __toonFacePoint(toon)
+ targetPoint.setZ(targetPoint[2]+ 3)# Set end height of cloud to 3 meters above toon head
+ # Push the cloud over to the target point (whether it hits or misses)
+ cloudPropTrack.append(Wait(1.1)) # Wait to be pushed by suit
+ cloudPropTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(cloud, 1, pos=targetPoint))
+ # Must include particle track within cloud intervals to be safe...if the cloud is on
+ # a separate track and get removed before the effect is parented, it will crash
+ cloudPropTrack.append(Wait(partDelay)) # Wait before snow falls from cloud
+ cloudPropTrack.append(Parallel(
+ ParticleInterval(snowEffect, cloud, worldRelative=0,
+ duration=2.2, cleanup = True),
+ Sequence(Wait(0.5),
+ ParticleInterval(snowEffect2, cloud,
+ worldRelative=0, duration=1.7, cleanup = True)),
+ Sequence(Wait(1.0),
+ ParticleInterval(snowEffect3, cloud,
+ worldRelative=0, duration=1.2, cleanup = True)),
+ Sequence(ActorInterval(cloud, 'stormcloud', startTime=3,
+ duration=0.5),
+ ActorInterval(cloud, 'stormcloud', startTime=2.5,
+ duration=0.5),
+ ActorInterval(cloud, 'stormcloud', startTime=1,
+ duration=1.5)),
+ ))
+ cloudPropTrack.append(Wait(0.4)) # Wait a moment before cloud goes away
+ cloudPropTrack.append(LerpScaleInterval(cloud, 0.5,
+ MovieUtil.PNT3_NEARZERO))
+ # The particle effect has already been cleaned up, it's safe to remove the cloud
+ cloudPropTrack.append(Func(MovieUtil.removeProp, cloud))
+ cloudPropTrack.append(Func(, cloud))
+ damageAnims = [['cringe', 0.01, 0.4, 0.8], ['duck', 0.000001, 1.6]]
+ toonTrack = getToonTrack(attack, damageDelay=damageDelay, splicedDamageAnims=damageAnims,
+ dodgeDelay=dodgeDelay, dodgeAnimNames=['sidestep'],
+ showMissedExtraTime=1.1)
+ soundTrack = getSoundTrack('SA_brainstorm.mp3', delay=2.6, node=suit)
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, toonTrack, cloudPropTrack, soundTrack)
+def doBuzzWord(attack): # top mm(c), dt(a): fixed
+ """ This function returns Tracks portraying the BuzzWord attack """
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ target = attack['target']
+ toon = target['toon']
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ BattleParticles.loadParticles()
+ particleEffects = []
+ texturesList = ['buzzwords-crash', 'buzzwords-inc', 'buzzwords-main',
+ 'buzzwords-over', 'buzzwords-syn']
+ for i in range(0, 5):
+ effect = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect('BuzzWord')
+ if (random.random() > 0.5): # 50% chance the words will be yellow or black
+ BattleParticles.setEffectTexture(effect, texturesList[i],
+ color=Vec4(1, 0.94, 0.02, 1))
+ else:
+ BattleParticles.setEffectTexture(effect, texturesList[i],
+ color=Vec4(0, 0, 0, 1))
+ particleEffects.append(effect)
+ suitType = getSuitBodyType(attack['suitName'])
+ if (suitType == 'a'): # dt
+ partDelay = 4.0
+ partDuration = 2.2
+ damageDelay = 4.5
+ dodgeDelay = 3.8
+ elif (suitType == 'b'): # not used with type B
+ partDelay = 1.3
+ partDuration = 2
+ damageDelay = 2.5
+ dodgeDelay = 1.8
+ elif (suitType == 'c'): # mm
+ partDelay = 4.0
+ partDuration = 2.2
+ damageDelay = 4.5
+ dodgeDelay = 3.8
+ # Some suits need to move the position and orientation of the particle effects
+ suitName = suit.getStyleName()
+ if (suitName == 'm'):
+ for effect in particleEffects:
+ effect.setPos(0, 2.8, suit.getHeight()-2.5)
+ effect.setHpr(0, -20, 0)
+ elif (suitName == 'mm'):
+ for effect in particleEffects:
+ effect.setPos(0, 2.1, suit.getHeight()-0.8)
+ suitTrack = getSuitTrack(attack)
+ particleTracks = []
+ for effect in particleEffects:
+ particleTracks.append(getPartTrack(effect, partDelay, partDuration,
+ [effect, suit, 0]))
+ toonTrack = getToonTrack(attack, damageDelay=damageDelay, damageAnimNames=['cringe'],
+ splicedDodgeAnims=[['duck', dodgeDelay, 1.4]],
+ showMissedExtraTime=dodgeDelay+0.5)
+ soundTrack = getSoundTrack('SA_buzz_word.mp3', delay=3.9, node=suit)
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, toonTrack, soundTrack, *particleTracks)
+def doDemotion(attack): # top mm: fixed
+ """ This function returns Tracks portraying the Demotion attack """
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ target = attack['target']
+ toon = target['toon']
+ dmg = target['hp']
+ BattleParticles.loadParticles()
+ sprayEffect = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect('DemotionSpray')
+ freezeEffect = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect('DemotionFreeze')
+ unFreezeEffect = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='demotionUnFreeze')
+ BattleParticles.setEffectTexture(sprayEffect, 'snow-particle')
+ BattleParticles.setEffectTexture(freezeEffect, 'snow-particle')
+ BattleParticles.setEffectTexture(unFreezeEffect, 'snow-particle')
+ # Now set the freezeEffect and unFreezeEffect height to the head of the toon
+ facePoint = __toonFacePoint(toon)
+ freezeEffect.setPos(0, 0, facePoint.getZ())
+ unFreezeEffect.setPos(0, 0, facePoint.getZ())
+ suitTrack = getSuitTrack(attack) # Get suit animation track
+ partTrack = getPartTrack(sprayEffect, 0.7, 1.1, [sprayEffect, suit, 0])
+ partTrack2 = getPartTrack(freezeEffect, 1.4, 2.9, [freezeEffect, toon, 0])
+ partTrack3 = getPartTrack(unFreezeEffect, 6.65, 0.5, [unFreezeEffect, toon, 0])
+ dodgeAnims = [['duck', 0.000001, 0.8]] # Standard duck animation
+ damageAnims = [] # Damage animation will gradually slow down and freeze
+ damageAnims.append(['cringe', 0.01, 0, 0.5]) # Start to cringe
+ # Now gradually continue to cringe but become slower until freezing completely
+ damageAnims.extend(getSplicedLerpAnims('cringe', 0.4, 0.5, startTime=0.5))
+ damageAnims.extend(getSplicedLerpAnims('cringe', 0.3, 0.5, startTime=0.9))
+ damageAnims.extend(getSplicedLerpAnims('cringe', 0.3, 0.6, startTime=1.2))
+ # Finish the cringe animation after holding frozen for a moment
+ damageAnims.append(['cringe', 2.6, 1.5])
+ toonTrack = getToonTrack(attack, damageDelay=1.0, splicedDamageAnims=damageAnims,
+ splicedDodgeAnims=dodgeAnims, showMissedExtraTime=1.6,
+ showDamageExtraTime=1.3)
+ soundTrack = getSoundTrack('SA_demotion.mp3', delay=1.2, node=suit)
+ if (dmg > 0): # If toon takes damage then use the freezing particle effects
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, toonTrack, soundTrack,
+ partTrack, partTrack2, partTrack3)
+ else: # If toon doesn't take damage, then don't include the freeze particle effect
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, toonTrack, soundTrack, partTrack)
+def doCanned(attack): # ds(b), cr(c) throw/particles?; struggle, slip-backward; sidestep
+ """ This function returns Tracks portraying the Canned attack """
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ target = attack['target']
+ dmg = target['hp']
+ toon = target['toon']
+ hips = toon.getHipsParts()
+ propDelay = 0.8
+ # Timing slightly different for suits of different types
+ suitType = getSuitBodyType(attack['suitName'])
+ if (suitType == 'c'): # cr
+ suitDelay = 1.13
+ dodgeDelay = 3.1
+ else:
+ suitDelay = 1.83
+ dodgeDelay = 3.6
+ throwDuration = 1.5
+ can = globalPropPool.getProp('can') # Get prop from pool
+ # The can will have an initial scale, but it grows larger after thrown
+ # The can's scale is affected by the target toon
+ scale = 26
+ torso =
+ torso = torso[0] # just want to examine the first letter of the torso
+ if (torso == 's'):
+ scaleUpPoint = Point3(scale*2.63, scale*2.63, scale*1.9975)
+ elif (torso == 'm'):
+ scaleUpPoint = Point3(scale*2.63, scale*2.63, scale*1.7975)
+ elif (torso == 'l'):
+ scaleUpPoint = Point3(scale*2.63, scale*2.63, scale*2.31)
+ canHpr = VBase3(-173.47, -0.42, 162.09)
+ suitTrack = getSuitTrack(attack) # Get standard suit track
+ posPoints = [Point3(-0.14, 0.15, 0.08), VBase3(-10.584, 11.945, -161.684)]
+ throwTrack = Sequence(
+ getPropAppearTrack(can, suit.getRightHand(), posPoints, propDelay,
+ Point3(6, 6, 6), scaleUpTime=0.5)
+ )
+ propDelay = propDelay + 0.5 # Add in the time to scale the prop
+ throwTrack.append(Wait(suitDelay)) # Wait while suit animates
+ hitPoint = toon.getPos(battle)
+ hitPoint.setX(hitPoint.getX() + 1.1)
+ hitPoint.setY(hitPoint.getY() - 0.5)
+ hitPoint.setZ(hitPoint.getZ() + toon.height + 1.1)
+ throwTrack.append(Func(, can))
+ throwTrack.append(getThrowTrack(can, hitPoint, duration=throwDuration, parent=battle))
+ # At this point, the can either cans the toon or bounces because the toon dodged
+ if (dmg > 0): # The can cans the toon
+ # Need a second can for the next lod of the toon
+ can2 = MovieUtil.copyProp(can)
+ hips1 = hips.getPath(2)
+ hips2 = hips.getPath(1)
+ can2Point = Point3(hitPoint.getX(), hitPoint.getY()+6.4, hitPoint.getZ())
+ can2.setPos(can2Point)
+ can2.setScale(scaleUpPoint)
+ can2.setHpr(canHpr)
+ throwTrack.append(Func(
+ throwTrack.append(Func(can.wrtReparentTo, hips1))
+ throwTrack.append(Func(can2.reparentTo, hips2))
+ throwTrack.append(Wait(2.4))
+ throwTrack.append(Func(MovieUtil.removeProp, can2))
+ throwTrack.append(Func(
+ scaleTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(propDelay + suitDelay),
+ LerpScaleInterval(can, throwDuration, scaleUpPoint),
+ )
+ hprTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(propDelay + suitDelay),
+ LerpHprInterval(can, throwDuration, canHpr),
+ )
+ soundTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(2.6),
+ SoundInterval(globalBattleSoundCache.getSound('SA_canned_tossup_only.mp3'), node=suit),
+ SoundInterval(globalBattleSoundCache.getSound('SA_canned_impact_only.mp3'), node=suit),
+ )
+ else:
+ land = toon.getPos(battle)
+ land.setZ(land.getZ() + 0.7)
+ bouncePoint1 = Point3(land.getX(), land.getY()-1.5, land.getZ()+2.5)
+ bouncePoint2 = Point3(land.getX(), land.getY()-2.1, land.getZ()-0.2)
+ bouncePoint3 = Point3(land.getX(), land.getY()-3.1, land.getZ()+1.5)
+ bouncePoint4 = Point3(land.getX(), land.getY()-4.1, land.getZ()+0.3)
+ throwTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(can, 0.4, land))
+ throwTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(can, 0.4, bouncePoint1))
+ throwTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(can, 0.3, bouncePoint2))
+ throwTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(can, 0.3, bouncePoint3))
+ throwTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(can, 0.3, bouncePoint4))
+ throwTrack.append(Wait(1.1))
+ throwTrack.append(LerpScaleInterval(can, 0.3, MovieUtil.PNT3_NEARZERO))
+ scaleTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(propDelay + suitDelay),
+ LerpScaleInterval(can, throwDuration, Point3(11, 11, 11)),
+ )
+ hprTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(propDelay + suitDelay),
+ LerpHprInterval(can, throwDuration, canHpr),
+ Wait(0.4),
+ LerpHprInterval(can, 0.4, Point3(83.27, 19.52, -177.92)),
+ LerpHprInterval(can, 0.3, Point3(95.24, -72.09, 88.65)),
+ LerpHprInterval(can, 0.2, Point3(-96.34, -2.63, 179.89)),
+ )
+ soundTrack = getSoundTrack('SA_canned_tossup_only.mp3', delay=2.6, node=suit)
+ canTrack = Sequence(
+ Parallel(throwTrack, scaleTrack, hprTrack),
+ Func(MovieUtil.removeProp, can),
+ Func(, can),
+ )
+ damageAnims = [['struggle', propDelay+suitDelay+throwDuration, 0.01, 0.7],
+ ['slip-backward', 0.01, 0.45],]
+ toonTrack = getToonTrack(attack, splicedDamageAnims = damageAnims,
+ dodgeDelay=dodgeDelay, dodgeAnimNames=['sidestep'],
+ showDamageExtraTime=propDelay+suitDelay+2.4)
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, toonTrack, canTrack, soundTrack)
+def doDownsize(attack): # ds(b) special, toon shrinks; cringe; jump
+ """ This function returns Tracks portraying the Downsize attack """
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ target = attack['target']
+ toon = target['toon']
+ dmg = target['hp']
+ damageDelay = 2.3
+ sprayEffect = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='downsizeSpray')
+ cloudEffect = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='downsizeCloud')
+ toonPos = toon.getPos(toon)
+ cloudPos = Point3(toonPos.getX(), toonPos.getY(), toonPos.getZ()+toon.getHeight()*0.55)
+ cloudEffect.setPos(cloudPos)
+ suitTrack = getSuitTrack(attack) # Get suit animation track
+ sprayTrack = getPartTrack(sprayEffect, 1.0, 1.28, [sprayEffect, suit, 0])
+ cloudTrack = getPartTrack(cloudEffect, 2.1, 1.9, [cloudEffect, toon, 0])
+ # Need a track to shrink the toon down
+ if (dmg > 0): # Only shrinks if takes damage
+ initialScale = toon.getScale()
+ downScale = Vec3(0.4, 0.4, 0.4)
+ shrinkTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(damageDelay+0.5),
+ Func(,
+ LerpScaleInterval(toon, 1.0, downScale*1.1),
+ LerpScaleInterval(toon, 0.1, downScale*0.9),
+ LerpScaleInterval(toon, 0.1, downScale*1.05),
+ LerpScaleInterval(toon, 0.1, downScale*0.95),
+ LerpScaleInterval(toon, 0.1, downScale),
+ Wait(2.1),
+ LerpScaleInterval(toon, 0.5, initialScale*1.5),
+ LerpScaleInterval(toon, 0.15, initialScale*0.5),
+ LerpScaleInterval(toon, 0.15, initialScale*1.2),
+ LerpScaleInterval(toon, 0.15, initialScale*0.8),
+ LerpScaleInterval(toon, 0.15, initialScale),
+ Func(,
+ )
+ damageAnims = []
+ damageAnims.append(['juggle', 0.01, 0.87, 0.5])
+ damageAnims.append(['lose', 0.01, 2.17, 0.93])
+ damageAnims.append(['lose', 0.01, 3.10, -0.93])
+ damageAnims.append(['struggle', 0.01, 0.8, 1.8])
+ damageAnims.append(['sidestep-right', 0.01, 2.97, 1.49])
+ toonTrack = getToonTrack(attack, damageDelay=damageDelay, splicedDamageAnims=damageAnims,
+ dodgeDelay=0.6, dodgeAnimNames=['sidestep'])
+ if (dmg > 0): # Then include the shrinking cloud and shrinkTrack
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, sprayTrack, cloudTrack, shrinkTrack, toonTrack)
+ else:
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, sprayTrack, toonTrack)
+def doPinkSlip(attack): # ds(b) throw; slip-forward; sidestep
+ """ This function returns Tracks portraying the Pinkslip attack """
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ target = attack['target']
+ toon = target['toon']
+ dmg = target['hp']
+ paper = globalPropPool.getProp('pink-slip') # Get prop from pool
+ throwDelay = 3.03
+ throwDuration = 0.5
+ suitTrack = getSuitTrack(attack) # Get standard suit track
+ posPoints = [Point3(0.07, -0.06, -0.18), VBase3(-172.075, -26.715, -89.131)]
+ paperAppearTrack = Sequence(
+ getPropAppearTrack(paper, suit.getRightHand(), posPoints, 0.8,
+ Point3(8, 8, 8), scaleUpTime=0.5)
+ )
+ paperAppearTrack.append(Wait(1.73)) # Wait while suit animates
+ hitPoint = __toonGroundPoint(attack, toon, 0.2, parent=battle)
+ paperAppearTrack.append(Func(,
+ paper))
+ paperAppearTrack.append(Func(paper.wrtReparentTo, battle))
+ paperAppearTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(paper, throwDuration, hitPoint))
+ if (dmg > 0):
+ paperPause = 0.01
+ slidePoint = Point3(hitPoint.getX(), hitPoint.getY()-5, hitPoint.getZ()+4)
+ landPoint = Point3(hitPoint.getX(), hitPoint.getY()-5, hitPoint.getZ())
+ paperAppearTrack.append(Wait(paperPause))
+ paperAppearTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(paper, 0.2, slidePoint))
+ paperAppearTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(paper, 1.1, landPoint))
+ paperSpinTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(throwDelay),
+ LerpHprInterval(paper, throwDuration, VBase3(300, 0, 0)),
+ Wait(paperPause),
+ LerpHprInterval(paper, 1.3, VBase3(-200, 100, 100)),
+ )
+ else:
+ slidePoint = Point3(hitPoint.getX(), hitPoint.getY()-5, hitPoint.getZ())
+ paperAppearTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(paper, 0.5, slidePoint))
+ paperSpinTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(throwDelay),
+ LerpHprInterval(paper, throwDuration, VBase3(300, 0, 0)),
+ LerpHprInterval(paper, 0.5, VBase3(10, 0, 0)),
+ )
+ propTrack = Sequence()
+ propTrack.append(Parallel(paperAppearTrack, paperSpinTrack))
+ propTrack.append(LerpScaleInterval(paper, 0.4, MovieUtil.PNT3_NEARZERO))
+ propTrack.append(Func(MovieUtil.removeProp, paper))
+ propTrack.append(Func(, paper))
+ damageAnims = [['jump', 0.01, 0.3, 0.7], ['slip-forward', 0.01]]
+ toonTrack = getToonTrack(attack, damageDelay=2.81, splicedDamageAnims=damageAnims,
+ dodgeDelay=2.8, dodgeAnimNames=['jump'],
+ showDamageExtraTime=0.9)
+ soundTrack = getSoundTrack('SA_pink_slip.mp3', delay=2.9, duration=1.1, node=suit)
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, toonTrack, propTrack, soundTrack)
+def doReOrg(attack): # special, reassign toon parts; cringe, jump; jump
+ """ This function returns Tracks portraying the ReOrg attack """
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ target = attack['target']
+ toon = target['toon']
+ dmg = target['hp']
+ damageDelay = 1.7
+ attackDelay = 1.7
+ sprayEffect = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='reorgSpray')
+ suitTrack = getSuitTrack(attack) # Get suit animation track
+ partTrack = getPartTrack(sprayEffect, 1.0, 1.9, [sprayEffect, suit, 0])
+ if (dmg > 0): # Then manipulate the head and chest
+ # The head track pops off the head, plays with it a bit, puts it back on upside down,
+ # fixes it, rotates it backwards, and then restores it
+ headParts = toon.getHeadParts()
+ print '***********headParts pos=', headParts[0].getPos()
+ print '***********headParts hpr=', headParts[0].getHpr()
+ headTracks = Parallel()
+ for partNum in range(0, headParts.getNumPaths()):
+ part = headParts.getPath(partNum)
+ x = part.getX()
+ y = part.getY()
+ z = part.getZ()
+ h = part.getH()
+ p = part.getP()
+ r = part.getR()
+ headTracks.append(Sequence(
+ Wait(attackDelay),
+ LerpPosInterval(part, 0.1, Point3(x-0.2, y, z-0.03)), # prepare to pop off head
+ LerpPosInterval(part, 0.1, Point3(x+0.4, y, z-0.03)), # prepare to pop off head
+ LerpPosInterval(part, 0.1, Point3(x-0.4, y, z-0.03)), # prepare to pop off head
+ LerpPosInterval(part, 0.1, Point3(x+0.4, y, z-0.03)), # prepare to pop off head
+ LerpPosInterval(part, 0.1, Point3(x-0.2, y, z-0.04)), # prepare to pop off head
+ LerpPosInterval(part, 0.25, Point3(x, y, z+2.2)), # pop off head
+ LerpHprInterval(part, 0.4, VBase3(360, 0, 180)), # spin and flip it
+ LerpPosInterval(part, 0.3, Point3(x, y, z+3.1)), # raise it a bit
+ LerpPosInterval(part, 0.15, Point3(x, y, z+0.3)), # put it back on
+ Wait(0.15),
+ LerpHprInterval(part, 0.6, VBase3(-745, 0, 180),
+ startHpr=VBase3(0, 0, 180)), # spin
+ LerpHprInterval(part, 0.8, VBase3(25, 0, 180),
+ startHpr=VBase3(0, 0, 180)), # back
+ LerpPosInterval(part, 0.15, Point3(x, y, z+1)), # pull it up again
+ LerpHprInterval(part, 0.3, VBase3(h, p, r)), # flip it back over
+ Wait(0.2),
+ LerpPosInterval(part, 0.1, Point3(x, y, z)), # put it back down finally
+ Wait(0.9),
+ ))
+ # The chest tracks involvement movement for the arms, sleeves, and hands,
+ # each of which involve three LOD's. The getChestTrack function returns the
+ # interval for movement involving the chest performed upon the body part parameter.
+ def getChestTrack(part, attackDelay=attackDelay):
+ origScale = part.getScale()
+ return Sequence(
+ Wait(attackDelay),
+ LerpHprInterval(part, 1.1, VBase3(180, 0, 0)),
+ Wait(1.1),
+ LerpHprInterval(part, 1.1, part.getHpr()),
+ )
+ chestTracks = Parallel()
+ arms = toon.findAllMatches('**/arms')
+ sleeves = toon.findAllMatches('**/sleeves')
+ hands = toon.findAllMatches('**/hands')
+ print '*************arms hpr=', arms[0].getHpr()
+ for partNum in range(0, arms.getNumPaths()):
+ chestTracks.append(getChestTrack(arms.getPath(partNum)))
+ chestTracks.append(getChestTrack(sleeves.getPath(partNum)))
+ chestTracks.append(getChestTrack(hands.getPath(partNum)))
+ damageAnims = [['neutral', 0.01, 0.01, 0.5],
+ ['juggle', 0.01, 0.01, 1.48],
+ ['think', 0.01, 2.28]]
+ dodgeAnims = [] # Dodge will be slowed down
+ dodgeAnims.append(['think', 0.01, 0, 0.6]) # Begin to jump
+ toonTrack = getToonTrack(attack, damageDelay=damageDelay, splicedDamageAnims=damageAnims,
+ dodgeDelay=0.01, dodgeAnimNames=['duck'],
+ showDamageExtraTime=2.1, showMissedExtraTime=2.0)
+ if (dmg > 0): # Use the head and chest tracks
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, partTrack, toonTrack, headTracks, chestTracks)
+ else:
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, partTrack, toonTrack)
+def doSacked(attack): # ds(b) throw; struggle, jump; sidestep
+ """ This function returns Tracks portraying the Sacked attack """
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ target = attack['target']
+ dmg = target['hp']
+ toon = target['toon']
+ hips = toon.getHipsParts()
+ propDelay = 0.85
+ suitDelay = 1.93
+ throwDuration = 0.9
+ sack = globalPropPool.getProp('sandbag')
+ initialScale = Point3(0.65, 1.47, 1.28)
+ scaleUpPoint = Point3(1.05, 1.67, 0.98) * 4.1
+ sackHpr = VBase3(-154.33, -6.33, 163.80)
+ suitTrack = getSuitTrack(attack) # Get standard suit track
+ posPoints = [Point3(0.51, -2.03, -0.73), VBase3(90.000, -24.980, 77.730)]
+ sackAppearTrack = Sequence(
+ getPropAppearTrack(sack, suit.getRightHand(), posPoints, propDelay,
+ initialScale, scaleUpTime=0.2)
+ )
+ propDelay = propDelay + 0.2 # Add in the time to scale the prop
+ sackAppearTrack.append(Wait(suitDelay)) # Wait while suit animates
+ hitPoint = toon.getPos(battle)
+ if (dmg > 0): # Different points to throw at for hit or miss
+ hitPoint.setX(hitPoint.getX() + 2.1)
+ hitPoint.setY(hitPoint.getY() + 0.9)
+ hitPoint.setZ(hitPoint.getZ() + toon.height + 1.2)
+ else:
+ hitPoint.setZ(hitPoint.getZ() - 0.2)
+ sackAppearTrack.append(Func(, sack))
+ sackAppearTrack.append(getThrowTrack(sack, hitPoint, duration=throwDuration, parent=battle))
+ # At this point, the sack either sack the toon or bounces because the toon dodged
+ if (dmg > 0): # The sack sacks the toon
+ # Need a second sack for the next lod of the toon
+ sack2 = MovieUtil.copyProp(sack)
+ hips1 = hips.getPath(2)
+ hips2 = hips.getPath(1)
+ sack2.hide()
+ sack2.reparentTo(battle)
+ sack2.setPos(Point3(hitPoint.getX(), hitPoint.getY(), hitPoint.getZ()))
+ sack2.setScale(scaleUpPoint)
+ sack2.setHpr(sackHpr)
+ sackAppearTrack.append(Func(
+ sackAppearTrack.append(Func(sack.wrtReparentTo, hips1))
+ sackAppearTrack.append(Func(
+ sackAppearTrack.append(Func(sack2.wrtReparentTo, hips2))
+ sackAppearTrack.append(Wait(2.4))
+ sackAppearTrack.append(Func(MovieUtil.removeProp, sack2))
+ sackAppearTrack.append(Func(
+ scaleTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(propDelay + suitDelay),
+ LerpScaleInterval(sack, throwDuration, scaleUpPoint),
+ Wait(1.8),
+ LerpScaleInterval(sack, 0.3, MovieUtil.PNT3_NEARZERO),
+ )
+ hprTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(propDelay + suitDelay),
+ LerpHprInterval(sack, throwDuration, sackHpr),
+ )
+ sackTrack = Sequence(
+ Parallel(sackAppearTrack, scaleTrack, hprTrack),
+ Func(MovieUtil.removeProp, sack),
+ Func(, sack),
+ )
+ else:
+ sackAppearTrack.append(Wait(1.1))
+ sackAppearTrack.append(LerpScaleInterval(sack, 0.3, MovieUtil.PNT3_NEARZERO))
+ sackTrack = Sequence(
+ sackAppearTrack,
+ Func(MovieUtil.removeProp, sack),
+ Func(, sack),
+ )
+ damageAnims = [['struggle', 0.01, 0.01, 0.7],
+ ['slip-backward', 0.01, 0.45],]
+ toonTrack = getToonTrack(attack, damageDelay=propDelay+suitDelay+throwDuration,
+ splicedDamageAnims=damageAnims, dodgeDelay=3.0,
+ dodgeAnimNames=['sidestep'], showDamageExtraTime=1.8,
+ showMissedExtraTime=0.8)
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, toonTrack, sackTrack)
+def doGlowerPower(attack): # tw: fixed
+ """ This function returns Tracks portraying the GlowerPower attack """
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ leftKnives = []
+ rightKnives = []
+ for i in range(0, 3):
+ leftKnives.append(globalPropPool.getProp('dagger'))
+ rightKnives.append(globalPropPool.getProp('dagger'))
+ suitTrack = getSuitTrack(attack)
+ # Different suits have different places for their faces when they glower
+ suitName = suit.getStyleName()
+ if (suitName == 'hh'):
+ leftPosPoints = [Point3(0.3, 4.3, 5.3), MovieUtil.PNT3_ZERO]
+ rightPosPoints = [Point3(-0.3, 4.3, 5.3), MovieUtil.PNT3_ZERO]
+ elif (suitName == 'tbc'):
+ leftPosPoints = [Point3(0.6, 4.5, 6), MovieUtil.PNT3_ZERO]
+ rightPosPoints = [Point3(-0.6, 4.5, 6), MovieUtil.PNT3_ZERO]
+ else:
+ leftPosPoints = [Point3(0.4, 3.8, 3.7), MovieUtil.PNT3_ZERO]
+ rightPosPoints = [Point3(-0.4, 3.8, 3.7), MovieUtil.PNT3_ZERO]
+ leftKnifeTracks = Parallel() # Build a track for the left knives being thrown
+ rightKnifeTracks = Parallel() # Build a track for the right knives being thrown
+ for i in range(0, 3):
+ knifeDelay = 0.11
+ leftTrack = Sequence() # Start new interval for next left knife
+ leftTrack.append(Wait(1.1)) # All knives wait atleast this much
+ leftTrack.append(Wait(i*knifeDelay)) # Put delay between each knife throw
+ # Now make the knife scale up quickly
+ leftTrack.append(getPropAppearTrack(leftKnives[i], suit, leftPosPoints,
+ 0.000001, Point3(.4, .4, .4), scaleUpTime=0.1))
+ # Throw the knife toward the toon's face or the miss point
+ leftTrack.append(getPropThrowTrack(attack, leftKnives[i],
+ hitPointNames=['face'], missPointNames=['miss'],
+ hitDuration=0.3, missDuration=0.3))
+ leftKnifeTracks.append(leftTrack)
+ rightTrack = Sequence() # Start new interval for next right knife
+ rightTrack.append(Wait(1.1)) # All knives wait atleast this much
+ rightTrack.append(Wait(i*knifeDelay)) # Put delay between each knife throw
+ # Now make the knife scale up quickly
+ rightTrack.append(getPropAppearTrack(rightKnives[i], suit, rightPosPoints,
+ 0.000001, Point3(.4, .4, .4), scaleUpTime=0.1))
+ # Throw the knife toward the toon's face or the miss point
+ rightTrack.append(getPropThrowTrack(attack, rightKnives[i],
+ hitPointNames=['face'], missPointNames=['miss'],
+ hitDuration=0.3, missDuration=0.3))
+ rightKnifeTracks.append(rightTrack)
+ damageAnims = [['slip-backward', 0.01, 0.35]]
+ toonTrack = getToonTrack(attack, damageDelay=1.6, splicedDamageAnims=damageAnims,
+ dodgeDelay=0.7, dodgeAnimNames=['sidestep'])
+ soundTrack = getSoundTrack('SA_glower_power.mp3', delay=1.1, node=suit)
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, toonTrack, soundTrack, leftKnifeTracks, rightKnifeTracks)
+def doHalfWindsor(attack): # hh(a) throw; conked; sidestep
+ """ This function returns Tracks portraying the Half Windsor attack """
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ target = attack['target']
+ toon = target['toon']
+ dmg = target['hp']
+ tie = globalPropPool.getProp('half-windsor') # Get tie from pool
+ throwDelay = 2.17
+ damageDelay = 3.4
+ dodgeDelay = 2.4
+ suitTrack = getSuitTrack(attack) # Get standard suit track
+ posPoints = [Point3(0.02, 0.88, 0.48), VBase3(99, -3, -108.2)]
+ tiePropTrack = getPropAppearTrack(tie, suit.getRightHand(), posPoints, 0.5,
+ Point3(7, 7, 7), scaleUpTime=0.5)
+ tiePropTrack.append(Wait(throwDelay)) # Wait while suit animates
+ missPoint = __toonMissBehindPoint(toon, parent=battle)
+ missPoint.setX(missPoint.getX() - 1.1)
+ missPoint.setZ(missPoint.getZ() + 4)
+ hitPoint = __toonFacePoint(toon, parent=battle)
+ hitPoint.setX(hitPoint.getX() - 1.1)
+ hitPoint.setY(hitPoint.getY() - 0.7)
+ hitPoint.setZ(hitPoint.getZ() + 0.9)
+ tiePropTrack.append(getPropThrowTrack(attack, tie, [hitPoint], [missPoint],
+ hitDuration=0.4, missDuration=0.8, missScaleDown=0.3, parent=battle))
+ damageAnims = [['conked', 0.01, 0.01, 0.4], ['cringe', 0.01, 0.7]]
+ toonTrack = getToonTrack(attack, damageDelay=damageDelay, splicedDamageAnims=damageAnims,
+ dodgeDelay=dodgeDelay, dodgeAnimNames=['sidestep'])
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, toonTrack, tiePropTrack)
+def doHeadShrink(attack): # hh(a) special, shrink head; cringe; jump
+ """ This function returns Tracks portraying the Guilt Trip attack """
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ target = attack['target']
+ toon = target['toon']
+ dmg = target['hp']
+ damageDelay = 2.1
+ dodgeDelay = 1.4
+ shrinkSpray = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='headShrinkSpray')
+ shrinkCloud = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='headShrinkCloud')
+ shrinkDrop = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='headShrinkDrop')
+ suitTrack = getSuitTrack(attack) # Get suit animation track
+ sprayTrack = getPartTrack(shrinkSpray, 0.3, 1.4, [shrinkSpray, suit, 0])
+ shrinkCloud.reparentTo(battle)
+ adjust = 0.4 # We push the cloud back slightly to be over the head during the animation
+ x = toon.getX(battle)
+ y = toon.getY(battle) - adjust
+ z = 8
+ shrinkCloud.setPos(Point3(x, y, z))
+ shrinkDrop.setPos(Point3(0, 0-adjust, 7.5))
+ off = 0.7
+ cloudPoints = [Point3(x+off, y, z), Point3(x+off/2, y+off/2, z), Point3(x, y+off, z),
+ Point3(x-off/2, y+off/2, z), Point3(x-off, y, z), Point3(x-off/2, y-off/2, z),
+ Point3(x, y-off, z), Point3(x+off/2, y-off/2, z), Point3(x+off, y, z), Point3(x, y, z)]
+ # The cloud will "circle" around the toon a bit as it sprinkles down shrinking dust
+ circleTrack = Sequence()
+ for point in cloudPoints:
+ circleTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(shrinkCloud, 0.14, point, other=battle))
+ cloudTrack = Sequence()
+ cloudTrack.append(Wait(1.42))
+ cloudTrack.append(Func(,
+ shrinkCloud))
+ cloudTrack.append(Func(shrinkCloud.start, battle))
+ cloudTrack.append(circleTrack)
+ cloudTrack.append(circleTrack)
+ cloudTrack.append(LerpFunctionInterval(shrinkCloud.setAlphaScale, fromData=1,
+ toData=0, duration=0.7))
+ cloudTrack.append(Func(shrinkCloud.cleanup))
+ cloudTrack.append(Func(,
+ shrinkCloud))
+ shrinkDelay = 0.8
+ shrinkDuration = 1.1
+ shrinkTrack = Sequence()
+ # Now create intervals to shrink the toons head
+ if (dmg > 0):
+ headParts = toon.getHeadParts()
+ initialScale = headParts.getPath(0).getScale()[0]
+ shrinkTrack.append(Wait(damageDelay+shrinkDelay))
+ def scaleHeadParallel(scale, duration, headParts=headParts):
+ headTracks = Parallel()
+ for partNum in range(0, headParts.getNumPaths()):
+ nextPart = headParts.getPath(partNum)
+ headTracks.append(LerpScaleInterval(nextPart, duration,
+ Point3(scale, scale, scale)))
+ return headTracks
+ shrinkTrack.append(Func(
+ shrinkTrack.append(scaleHeadParallel(0.6, shrinkDuration))
+ shrinkTrack.append(Wait(1.6))
+ shrinkTrack.append(scaleHeadParallel(initialScale*3.2, 0.4))
+ shrinkTrack.append(scaleHeadParallel(initialScale*0.7, 0.4))
+ shrinkTrack.append(scaleHeadParallel(initialScale*2.5, 0.3))
+ shrinkTrack.append(scaleHeadParallel(initialScale*0.8, 0.3))
+ shrinkTrack.append(scaleHeadParallel(initialScale*1.9, 0.2))
+ shrinkTrack.append(scaleHeadParallel(initialScale*0.85, 0.2))
+ shrinkTrack.append(scaleHeadParallel(initialScale*1.7, 0.15))
+ shrinkTrack.append(scaleHeadParallel(initialScale*0.9, 0.15))
+ shrinkTrack.append(scaleHeadParallel(initialScale*1.3, 0.1))
+ shrinkTrack.append(scaleHeadParallel(initialScale, 0.1))
+ shrinkTrack.append(Func(
+ shrinkTrack.append(Wait(0.7))
+ dropTrack = getPartTrack(shrinkDrop, 1.5, 2.5, [shrinkDrop, toon, 0])
+ damageAnims = []
+ damageAnims.append(['cringe', 0.01, 0.65, 0.2])
+ damageAnims.extend(getSplicedLerpAnims('cringe', 0.64, 1.0, startTime=0.85))
+ damageAnims.append(['cringe', 0.4, 1.49])
+ damageAnims.append(['conked', 0.01, 3.6, -1.6])
+ damageAnims.append(['conked', 0.01, 3.1, 0.4])
+ toonTrack = getToonTrack(attack, damageDelay=damageDelay, splicedDamageAnims=damageAnims,
+ dodgeDelay=dodgeDelay, dodgeAnimNames=['sidestep'])
+ if (dmg > 0): # then use the shrinkTrack
+ shrinkSound = globalBattleSoundCache.getSound('SA_head_shrink_only.mp3')
+ growSound = globalBattleSoundCache.getSound('SA_head_grow_back_only.mp3')
+ soundTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(2.1),
+ SoundInterval(shrinkSound, duration=2.1, node=suit),
+ Wait(1.6),
+ SoundInterval(growSound, node=suit),
+ )
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, sprayTrack, cloudTrack, dropTrack,
+ toonTrack, shrinkTrack, soundTrack)
+ else:
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, sprayTrack, cloudTrack,
+ dropTrack, toonTrack)
+def doRolodex(attack): # top ac/tm(b), nd(a): fixed
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ target = attack['target']
+ toon = target['toon']
+ rollodex = globalPropPool.getProp('rollodex')
+# particleEffect = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='rollodexVortex')
+ particleEffect2 = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='rollodexWaterfall')
+ particleEffect3 = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='rollodexStream')
+ suitType = getSuitBodyType(attack['suitName'])
+ if (suitType == 'a'):
+ propPosPoints = [Point3(-0.51, -0.03, -0.10), VBase3(89.673, 2.166, 177.786)]
+ propScale = Point3(1.20, 1.20, 1.20)
+ partDelay = 2.6
+ part2Delay = 2.8
+ part3Delay = 3.2
+ partDuration = 1.6
+ part2Duration = 1.9
+ part3Duration = 1
+ damageDelay = 3.8
+ dodgeDelay = 2.5
+ elif (suitType == 'b'):
+ propPosPoints = [Point3(0.12, 0.24, 0.01), VBase3(99.032, 5.973, -179.839)]
+ propScale = Point3(0.91, 0.91, 0.91)
+ partDelay = 2.9
+ part2Delay = 3.1
+ part3Delay = 3.5
+ partDuration = 1.6
+ part2Duration = 1.9
+ part3Duration = 1
+ damageDelay = 4
+ dodgeDelay = 2.5
+ elif (suitType == 'c'): # not used with type C
+ propPosPoints = [Point3(-0.51, -0.03, -0.10), VBase3(89.673, 2.166, 177.786)]
+ propScale = Point3(1.20, 1.20, 1.20)
+ partDelay = 2.3
+ part2Delay = 2.8
+ part3Delay = 3.2
+ partDuration = 1.9
+ part2Duration = 1.9
+ part3Duration = 1
+ damageDelay = 3.5
+ dodgeDelay = 2.5
+ hitPoint = lambda toon=toon: __toonFacePoint(toon)
+ #Particle Effect: Vortex
+ # Building w/out getPartTrack because of Lerp to move votex effect
+# partTrack = Sequence(
+# (partDelay, Func(,
+# particleEffect)),
+# Func(particleEffect.start, suit),
+# Func(particleEffect.wrtReparentTo, render),
+# LerpPosInterval(particleEffect, partDuration, pos=hitPoint),
+# Func(particleEffect.cleanup),
+# Func(,
+# particleEffect),
+# )
+ #Particle Effect 2: Waterfall
+ partTrack2 = getPartTrack(particleEffect2, part2Delay, part2Duration,
+ [particleEffect2, suit, 0])
+ #Particle Effect 3: Stream
+ partTrack3 = getPartTrack(particleEffect3, part3Delay, part3Duration,
+ [particleEffect3, suit, 0])
+ suitTrack = getSuitTrack(attack)
+ propTrack = getPropTrack(rollodex, suit.getLeftHand(), propPosPoints, 0.000001,
+ 4.7, scaleUpPoint=propScale,
+ anim=0, propName='rollodex', animDuration=0,
+ animStartTime=0)
+ toonTrack = getToonTrack(attack, damageDelay, ['conked'], dodgeDelay, ['sidestep'])
+ soundTrack = getSoundTrack('SA_rolodex.mp3', delay=2.8, node=suit)
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, toonTrack, propTrack, soundTrack, partTrack2, partTrack3)
+def doEvilEye(attack): # cr(c) throw; cringe, slip-backward; duck
+ """ This function returns Tracks portraying the Evil Eye attack """
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ target = attack['target']
+ toon = target['toon']
+ dmg = target['hp']
+ eye = globalPropPool.getProp('evil-eye')
+ damageDelay = 2.44
+ dodgeDelay = 1.64
+ suitName = suit.getStyleName()
+ if (suitName == 'cr'):
+ posPoints = [Point3(-0.46, 4.85, 5.28), VBase3(-155.000, -20.000, 0.000)]
+ elif (suitName == 'tf'):
+ posPoints = [Point3(-0.4, 3.65, 5.01), VBase3(-155.000, -20.000, 0.000)]
+ elif (suitName == 'le'):
+ posPoints = [Point3(-0.64, 4.45, 5.91), VBase3(-155.000, -20.000, 0.000)]
+ else:
+ posPoints = [Point3(-0.4, 3.65, 5.01), VBase3(-155.000, -20.000, 0.000)]
+ appearDelay = 0.8
+ suitHoldStart = 1.06
+ suitHoldStop = 1.69
+ suitHoldDuration = suitHoldStop - suitHoldStart
+ eyeHoldDuration = 1.1
+ moveDuration = 1.1
+ suitSplicedAnims = []
+ suitSplicedAnims.append(['glower', 0.01, 0.01, suitHoldStart])
+ suitSplicedAnims.extend(getSplicedLerpAnims('glower', suitHoldDuration, 1.1,
+ startTime=suitHoldStart))
+ suitSplicedAnims.append(['glower', 0.01, suitHoldStop])
+ suitTrack = getSuitTrack(attack, splicedAnims=suitSplicedAnims)
+ eyeAppearTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(suitHoldStart),
+ Func(__showProp, eye, suit, posPoints[0], posPoints[1]),
+ LerpScaleInterval(eye, suitHoldDuration, Point3(11, 11, 11)),
+ Wait(eyeHoldDuration*.3),
+ LerpHprInterval(eye, 0.02, Point3(205, 40, 0)),
+ Wait(eyeHoldDuration*.7),
+ Func(, eye),
+ Func(eye.wrtReparentTo, battle),
+ )
+ toonFace = __toonFacePoint(toon, parent=battle)
+ if (dmg > 0):
+ lerpInterval = LerpPosInterval(eye, moveDuration, toonFace)
+ else:
+ lerpInterval = LerpPosInterval(eye, moveDuration, Point3(toonFace.getX(),
+ toonFace.getY()-5, toonFace.getZ()-2))
+ eyeMoveTrack = lerpInterval
+ eyeRollTrack = LerpHprInterval(eye, moveDuration, Point3(0, 0, -180))
+ eyePropTrack = Sequence(
+ eyeAppearTrack,
+ Parallel(eyeMoveTrack, eyeRollTrack),
+ Func(, eye),
+ Func(MovieUtil.removeProp, eye),
+ )
+ damageAnims = [['duck', 0.01, 0.01, 1.4], ['cringe', 0.01, 0.3]]
+ toonTrack = getToonTrack(attack, splicedDamageAnims=damageAnims, damageDelay=damageDelay,
+ dodgeDelay=dodgeDelay, dodgeAnimNames=['duck'],
+ showDamageExtraTime=1.7, showMissedExtraTime=1.7)
+ soundTrack = getSoundTrack('SA_evil_eye.mp3', delay=1.3, node=suit)
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, toonTrack, eyePropTrack, soundTrack)
+def doPlayHardball(attack): # ls(b) throw; slip-backward; sidestep
+ """ This function returns Tracks portraying the Play Hardball attack """
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ target = attack['target']
+ toon = target['toon']
+ dmg = target['hp']
+ ball = globalPropPool.getProp('baseball') # Get prop from pool
+ suitType = getSuitBodyType(attack['suitName'])
+ if (suitType == 'a'):
+ suitDelay = 1.09
+ damageDelay = 2.76
+ dodgeDelay = 1.86
+ elif (suitType == 'b'): # ls
+ suitDelay = 1.79
+ damageDelay = 3.46
+ dodgeDelay = 2.56
+ elif (suitType == 'c'): # cr
+ suitDelay = 1.09
+ damageDelay = 2.76
+ dodgeDelay = 1.86
+ suitTrack = getSuitTrack(attack) # Get standard suit track
+ ballPosPoints = [Point3(0.04, 0.03, -0.31), VBase3(-1.152, 86.581, -76.784)]
+ propTrack = Sequence(
+ getPropAppearTrack(ball, suit.getRightHand(), ballPosPoints,
+ 0.8, Point3(5, 5, 5), scaleUpTime=0.5))
+ propTrack.append(Wait(suitDelay)) # Wait while suit animates
+ propTrack.append(Func(,
+ ball))
+ propTrack.append(Func(ball.wrtReparentTo, battle))
+ toonPos = toon.getPos(battle)
+ x = toonPos.getX()
+ y = toonPos.getY()
+ z = toonPos.getZ()
+ z = z + 0.2 # Should be slightly higher off the ground
+ if (dmg > 0): # If hit toons, bounce the ball back toward the suit
+ propTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(ball, 0.5, __toonFacePoint(toon, parent=battle)))
+ propTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(ball, 0.5, Point3(x, y+3, z)))
+ propTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(ball, 0.4, Point3(x, y+5, z+2)))
+ propTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(ball, 0.3, Point3(x, y+6, z)))
+ propTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(ball, 0.1, Point3(x, y+7, z+1)))
+ propTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(ball, 0.1, Point3(x, y+8, z)))
+ propTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(ball, 0.1, Point3(x, y+8.5, z+0.6)))
+ propTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(ball, 0.1, Point3(x, y+9, z+0.2)))
+ propTrack.append(Wait(0.4))
+ soundTrack = getSoundTrack('SA_hardball_impact_only.mp3', delay=2.8, node=suit)
+ else: # If misses, keep bouncing beyond the toon
+ propTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(ball, 0.5, Point3(x, y+2, z)))
+ propTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(ball, 0.4, Point3(x, y-1, z+2)))
+ propTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(ball, 0.3, Point3(x, y-3, z)))
+ propTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(ball, 0.1, Point3(x, y-4, z+1)))
+ propTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(ball, 0.1, Point3(x, y-5, z)))
+ propTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(ball, 0.1, Point3(x, y-5.5, z+0.6)))
+ propTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(ball, 0.1, Point3(x, y-6, z+0.2)))
+ propTrack.append(Wait(0.4))
+ soundTrack = getSoundTrack('SA_hardball.mp3', delay=3.1, node=suit)
+ propTrack.append(LerpScaleInterval(ball, 0.3, MovieUtil.PNT3_NEARZERO))
+ propTrack.append(Func(MovieUtil.removeProp, ball))
+ propTrack.append(Func(,
+ ball))
+ damageAnims = [['conked', damageDelay, 0.01, 0.5], ['slip-backward', 0.01, 0.7]]
+ toonTrack = getToonTrack(attack, splicedDamageAnims=damageAnims,
+ dodgeDelay=dodgeDelay, dodgeAnimNames=['sidestep'],
+ showDamageExtraTime=3.9)
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, toonTrack, propTrack, soundTrack)
+def doPowerTie(attack): # cr(c) throw; conked; sidestep
+ """ This function returns Tracks portraying the Power Tie attack """
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ target = attack['target']
+ toon = target['toon']
+ dmg = target['hp']
+ tie = globalPropPool.getProp('power-tie') # Get tie from pool
+ suitType = getSuitBodyType(attack['suitName'])
+ if (suitType == 'a'): # type A not yet used
+ throwDelay = 2.17
+ damageDelay = 3.3
+ dodgeDelay = 3.1
+ elif (suitType == 'b'):
+ throwDelay = 2.17
+ damageDelay = 3.3
+ dodgeDelay = 3.1
+ elif (suitType == 'c'):
+ throwDelay = 1.45
+ damageDelay = 2.61
+ dodgeDelay = 2.34
+ suitTrack = getSuitTrack(attack) # Get standard suit track
+ posPoints = [Point3(1.16, 0.24, 0.63), VBase3(171.561, 1.745, -163.443)]
+ # First make the tie appear
+ tiePropTrack = Sequence(
+ getPropAppearTrack(tie, suit.getRightHand(), posPoints, 0.5,
+ Point3(3.5, 3.5, 3.5), scaleUpTime=0.5))
+ tiePropTrack.append(Wait(throwDelay)) # Wait while suit animates
+ tiePropTrack.append(Func(tie.setBillboardPointEye))
+ tiePropTrack.append(getPropThrowTrack(attack, tie, [__toonFacePoint(toon)],
+ [__toonGroundPoint(attack, toon, 0.1)],
+ hitDuration=0.4, missDuration=0.8))
+ toonTrack = getToonTrack(attack, damageDelay, ['conked'], dodgeDelay, ['sidestep'])
+ throwSound = getSoundTrack('SA_powertie_throw.mp3', delay=2.3, node=suit)
+ if (dmg > 0): # If take damage include sound effect
+ hitSound = getSoundTrack('SA_powertie_impact.mp3', delay=2.9, node=suit)
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, toonTrack, tiePropTrack, throwSound, hitSound)
+ else:
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, toonTrack, tiePropTrack, throwSound)
+def doCigarSmoke(attack): # project w/ 1 prop; cringe; sidestep
+ pass #later
+def doFloodTheMarket(attack): # project w/ 1 prop; slip-backward, jump; sidestep
+ pass #later
+def doSongAndDance(attack): # group2 particle w/ 0 props; bounce, slip-backward; sidestep
+ pass #later
+def doDoubleTalk(attack): # top cc(c), tm(b), dt(a) : fixed
+ """ This function returns Tracks portraying the DoubleTalk attack """
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ BattleParticles.loadParticles()
+ particleEffect = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect('DoubleTalkLeft')
+ particleEffect2 = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect('DoubleTalkRight')
+ BattleParticles.setEffectTexture(particleEffect, 'doubletalk-double',
+ color=Vec4(0, 1.0, 0.0, 1))
+ BattleParticles.setEffectTexture(particleEffect2, 'doubletalk-good',
+ color=Vec4(0, 1.0, 0.0, 1))
+ suitType = getSuitBodyType(attack['suitName'])
+ if (suitType == 'a'): # dt
+ partDelay = 3.3 # was 1.3 w/ finger-wag
+ damageDelay = 3.5 # was 1.5 w/ finger-wag
+ dodgeDelay = 3.3 # was 1.3 w/ finger-wag
+ elif (suitType == 'b'): # tm
+ partDelay = 3.3 # was 1.3 w/ finger-wag
+ damageDelay = 3.5 # was 1.5 w/ finger-wag
+ dodgeDelay = 3.3 # was 1.3 w/ finger-wag
+ elif (suitType == 'c'): # cc
+ partDelay = 3.3 # was 1.3 w/ finger-wag
+ damageDelay = 3.5 # was 1.5 w/ finger-wag
+ dodgeDelay = 3.3 # was 1.3 w/ finger-wag
+ suitTrack = getSuitTrack(attack)
+ partTrack = getPartTrack(particleEffect, partDelay, 1.8, [particleEffect, suit, 0])
+ partTrack2 = getPartTrack(particleEffect2, partDelay, 1.8, [particleEffect2, suit, 0])
+ damageAnims = [['duck', 0.01, 0.4, 1.05], ['cringe', 0.000001, 0.8]]
+ toonTrack = getToonTrack(attack, damageDelay=damageDelay, splicedDamageAnims=damageAnims,
+ dodgeDelay=dodgeDelay, splicedDodgeAnims=[['duck', 0.01, 1.4]],
+ showMissedExtraTime=0.9, showDamageExtraTime=0.8)
+ soundTrack = getSoundTrack('SA_filibuster.mp3', delay=2.5, node=suit)
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, toonTrack, partTrack, partTrack2, soundTrack)
+def doFreezeAssets(attack): # top cc(c), pp(a): fixed
+ """ This function returns Tracks portraying the FreezeAssets attack """
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ target = attack['target']
+ toon = target['toon']
+ BattleParticles.loadParticles()
+ snowEffect = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect('FreezeAssets')
+ BattleParticles.setEffectTexture(snowEffect, 'snow-particle')
+ # cloud = MovieUtil.copyProp(toon.cloudActors[0])
+ cloud = globalPropPool.getProp('stormcloud')
+ suitType = getSuitBodyType(attack['suitName'])
+ if (suitType == 'a'):
+ partDelay = 0.2
+ damageDelay = 3.5
+ dodgeDelay = 2.3
+ elif (suitType == 'b'): # not used with type B
+ partDelay = 0.2
+ damageDelay = 3.5
+ dodgeDelay = 2.3
+ elif (suitType == 'c'):
+ partDelay = 0.2
+ damageDelay = 3.5
+ dodgeDelay = 2.3
+ suitTrack = getSuitTrack(attack, delay=0.9)
+ initialCloudHeight = suit.height + 3 #Initial cloud height set to 3 meters above suit
+ cloudPosPoints = [Point3(0, 3, initialCloudHeight), MovieUtil.PNT3_ZERO]
+ # Make the storm cloud appear over and slightly in front of the suit
+ cloudPropTrack = Sequence()
+ cloudPropTrack.append(Func(cloud.pose, 'stormcloud', 0))
+ cloudPropTrack.append(getPropAppearTrack(cloud, suit, cloudPosPoints, 0.000001,
+ Point3(3, 3, 3), scaleUpTime=0.7))
+ cloudPropTrack.append(Func(, cloud))
+ cloudPropTrack.append(Func(cloud.wrtReparentTo, render))
+ # Now calculate the targetPoint for the cloud to move to (right over the target toon)
+ targetPoint = __toonFacePoint(toon)
+ targetPoint.setZ(targetPoint[2] + 3)
+ # Push the cloud over to the target point (whether it hits or misses)
+ cloudPropTrack.append(Wait(1.1)) # Wait to be pushed by suit
+ cloudPropTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(cloud, 1, pos=targetPoint))
+ # Must include particle track within cloud intervals to be safe...if the cloud is on
+ # a separate track and get removed before the effect is parented, it will crash
+ cloudPropTrack.append(Wait(partDelay)) # Wait before snow falls from cloud
+ cloudPropTrack.append(ParticleInterval(snowEffect, cloud, worldRelative=0,
+ duration=2.1, cleanup = True))
+ cloudPropTrack.append(Wait(0.4)) # Wait a moment before cloud goes away
+ cloudPropTrack.append(LerpScaleInterval(cloud, 0.5,
+ MovieUtil.PNT3_NEARZERO))
+ # The particle effect has already been cleaned up, it's safe to remove the cloud
+ cloudPropTrack.append(Func(MovieUtil.removeProp, cloud))
+ cloudPropTrack.append(Func(, cloud))
+ damageAnims = [['cringe', 0.01, 0.4, 0.8], ['duck', 0.01, 1.6]]
+ toonTrack = getToonTrack(attack, damageDelay=damageDelay, splicedDamageAnims=damageAnims,
+ dodgeDelay=dodgeDelay, dodgeAnimNames=['sidestep'],
+ showMissedExtraTime=1.2)
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, toonTrack, cloudPropTrack)
+def doHotAir(attack): # top cc(c): fixed
+ """ This function returns Tracks portraying the HotAir attack """
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ target = attack['target']
+ toon = target['toon']
+ dmg = target['hp']
+ BattleParticles.loadParticles()
+ # Create spray of flames
+ sprayEffect = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect('HotAir')
+ # That spray starts a burning flame under the toon
+ baseFlameEffect = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='firedBaseFlame')
+ # Add additional lense dense flames on top of the base flame
+ flameEffect = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect('FiredFlame')
+ # Include the flecks off the flame
+ flecksEffect = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect('SpriteFiredFlecks')
+ BattleParticles.setEffectTexture(sprayEffect, 'fire')
+ BattleParticles.setEffectTexture(baseFlameEffect, 'fire')
+ BattleParticles.setEffectTexture(flameEffect, 'fire')
+ # Using a texture to make the flame flecks larger than points
+ BattleParticles.setEffectTexture(flecksEffect, 'roll-o-dex',
+ color=Vec4(0.95, 0.95, 0.0, 1))
+ sprayDelay = 1.3 # was 1.1 w/ finger-wag
+ flameDelay = 3.2 # was 3.0 w/ finger-wag
+ flameDuration = 2.6 # was 1.8 w/ finger-wag
+ flecksDelay = flameDelay + 0.8
+ flecksDuration = flameDuration - 0.8 # was 1.0 w/ finger-wag
+ damageDelay = 3.6 # was 2.6
+ dodgeDelay = 2.0 # was 1.7
+ suitTrack = getSuitTrack(attack)
+ sprayTrack = getPartTrack(sprayEffect, sprayDelay, 2.3, [sprayEffect, suit, 0])
+ baseFlameTrack = getPartTrack(baseFlameEffect, flameDelay, flameDuration,
+ [baseFlameEffect, toon, 0])
+ flameTrack = getPartTrack(flameEffect, flameDelay, flameDuration, [flameEffect, toon, 0])
+ flecksTrack = getPartTrack(flecksEffect, flecksDelay, flecksDuration,
+ [flecksEffect, toon, 0])
+ def changeColor(parts): # Function to change each lod part in list parts
+ track = Parallel()
+ for partNum in range(0, parts.getNumPaths()):
+ nextPart = parts.getPath(partNum)
+ track.append(Func(nextPart.setColorScale, Vec4(0, 0, 0, 1)))
+ return track
+ def resetColor(parts): # Reset the color of each lod part
+ track = Parallel()
+ for partNum in range(0, parts.getNumPaths()):
+ nextPart = parts.getPath(partNum)
+ track.append(Func(nextPart.clearColorScale))
+ return track
+ if (dmg > 0):
+ # Now create a track to change the toon's color if hit (burned), but we must
+ # extract the individual parts and change their color since some particle effects
+ # are parented to the toon and would be changed as well
+ headParts = toon.getHeadParts()
+ torsoParts = toon.getTorsoParts()
+ legsParts = toon.getLegsParts()
+ colorTrack = Sequence()
+ colorTrack.append(Wait(4.0)) # Wait before changing the color
+ colorTrack.append(Func(
+ colorTrack.append(changeColor(headParts))
+ colorTrack.append(changeColor(torsoParts))
+ colorTrack.append(changeColor(legsParts))
+ colorTrack.append(Wait(3.5)) # Wait while color changed
+ colorTrack.append(resetColor(headParts))
+ colorTrack.append(resetColor(torsoParts))
+ colorTrack.append(resetColor(legsParts))
+ colorTrack.append(Func(
+ damageAnims = []
+ damageAnims.append(['cringe', 0.01, 0.7, 0.62])
+ damageAnims.append(['slip-forward', 0.01, 0.4, 1.2])
+ damageAnims.append(['slip-forward', 0.01, 1.0])
+ # Damage animation is toon cringing as gets hit then, then falls to the floor
+ toonTrack = getToonTrack(attack, damageDelay=damageDelay, splicedDamageAnims=damageAnims,
+ dodgeDelay=dodgeDelay, dodgeAnimNames=['sidestep'])
+ soundTrack = getSoundTrack('SA_hot_air.mp3', delay=1.6, node=suit)
+ if (dmg > 0): # If toon takes damage, use the flames
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, toonTrack, sprayTrack, soundTrack,
+ baseFlameTrack, flameTrack, flecksTrack, colorTrack)
+ else: # Else just spray the fire but don't turn into a flame
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, toonTrack, sprayTrack, soundTrack)
+def doPickPocket(attack): # top tm: fixed
+ """ This function returns Tracks portraying the Pickpocket attack """
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ target = attack['target']
+ dmg = target['hp']
+ bill = globalPropPool.getProp('1dollar') # Get the dollar bill from prop pool
+ suitTrack = getSuitTrack(attack)
+ billPosPoints = [Point3(-0.01, 0.45, -0.25), VBase3(136.424, -46.434, -129.712)]
+ billPropTrack = getPropTrack(bill, suit.getRightHand(), billPosPoints, 0.6, 0.55,
+ scaleUpPoint=Point3(1.41, 1.41, 1.41))
+ toonTrack = getToonTrack(attack, 0.6, ['cringe'], 0.01, ['sidestep'])
+ multiTrackList = Parallel(suitTrack, toonTrack)
+ if (dmg > 0): # if toon takes damage (bill was stolen)
+ soundTrack = getSoundTrack('SA_pick_pocket.mp3', delay=0.2, node=suit)
+ multiTrackList.append(billPropTrack) # show the bill in the suit's hand
+ multiTrackList.append(soundTrack) # add the sound of bill wagging
+ return multiTrackList
+def doFilibuster(attack): # top gh(c): fixed
+ """ This function returns Tracks portraying the Filibuster attack """
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ target = attack['target']
+ dmg = target['hp']
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ BattleParticles.loadParticles()
+ sprayEffect = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='filibusterSpray')
+ sprayEffect2 = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='filibusterSpray')
+ sprayEffect3 = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='filibusterSpray')
+ sprayEffect4 = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='filibusterSpray')
+ color = Vec4(0.4, 0, 0, 1)
+ BattleParticles.setEffectTexture(sprayEffect, 'filibuster-cut', color=color)
+ BattleParticles.setEffectTexture(sprayEffect2, 'filibuster-fiscal', color=color)
+ BattleParticles.setEffectTexture(sprayEffect3, 'filibuster-impeach', color=color)
+ BattleParticles.setEffectTexture(sprayEffect4, 'filibuster-inc', color=color)
+ partDelay = 1.3
+ partDuration = 1.15
+ damageDelay = 2.45
+ dodgeDelay = 1.70
+ suitTrack = getSuitTrack(attack)
+ sprayTrack = getPartTrack(sprayEffect, partDelay, partDuration,
+ [sprayEffect, suit, 0])
+ sprayTrack2 = getPartTrack(sprayEffect2, partDelay+0.8, partDuration,
+ [sprayEffect2, suit, 0])
+ sprayTrack3 = getPartTrack(sprayEffect3, partDelay+1.6, partDuration,
+ [sprayEffect3, suit, 0])
+ sprayTrack4 = getPartTrack(sprayEffect4, partDelay+2.4, partDuration,
+ [sprayEffect4, suit, 0])
+ damageAnims = []
+ # Take damage for each particle attack hit (4 times)
+ for i in range(0, 4):
+ damageAnims.append(['cringe', 0.00001, 0.3, 0.8])
+ # Damage animation is toon cringing as gets hit then, then falls to the floor
+ toonTrack = getToonTrack(attack, damageDelay=damageDelay, splicedDamageAnims=damageAnims,
+ dodgeDelay=dodgeDelay, dodgeAnimNames=['sidestep'])
+ soundTrack = getSoundTrack('SA_filibuster.mp3', delay=1.1, node=suit)
+ if (dmg > 0): # Use all particle effect words
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, toonTrack, soundTrack,
+ sprayTrack, sprayTrack2, sprayTrack3, sprayTrack4)
+ else: # If they miss, cut off the last word
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, toonTrack, soundTrack,
+ sprayTrack, sprayTrack2, sprayTrack3)
+def doSchmooze(attack): # top gh(c), mingler(a): fixed
+ """ This function returns Tracks portraying the Schmooze attack """
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ BattleParticles.loadParticles()
+ upperEffects = [] # Upper wave of schmooze particles
+ lowerEffects = [] # Lower wave of schmooze particles
+ textureNames = ['schmooze-genius', 'schmooze-instant',
+ 'schmooze-master', 'schmooze-viz']
+ for i in range(0, 4):
+ upperEffect = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='schmoozeUpperSpray')
+ lowerEffect = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='schmoozeLowerSpray')
+ BattleParticles.setEffectTexture(upperEffect, textureNames[i],
+ color=Vec4(0, 0, 1, 1))
+ BattleParticles.setEffectTexture(lowerEffect, textureNames[i],
+ color=Vec4(0, 0, 1, 1))
+ upperEffects.append(upperEffect)
+ lowerEffects.append(lowerEffect)
+ suitType = getSuitBodyType(attack['suitName'])
+ if (suitType == 'a'): # mingler not active yet
+ partDelay = 1.3
+ damageDelay = 1.8
+ dodgeDelay = 1.1
+ elif (suitType == 'b'): # not used with type B
+ partDelay = 1.3
+ damageDelay = 2.5
+ dodgeDelay = 1.8
+ elif (suitType == 'c'): # gh
+ partDelay = 1.3 # was 1.3 w/ finger-wag
+ damageDelay = partDelay + 1.4 # was partDelay+1.4 w/ finger-wag
+ dodgeDelay = 0.9 # was 0.9 w/ finger-wag
+ suitTrack = getSuitTrack(attack)
+ upperPartTracks = Parallel()
+ lowerPartTracks = Parallel()
+ for i in range(0, 4): # Add each particle track for all four phrases
+ upperPartTracks.append(getPartTrack(upperEffects[i], partDelay + (i*0.65),
+ 0.8, [upperEffects[i], suit, 0]))
+ # Extra delay to add the lower particle wave to blend the two together in one wave
+ lowerPartTracks.append(getPartTrack(lowerEffects[i], partDelay + (i*0.65) + 0.7,
+ 1.0, [lowerEffects[i], suit, 0]))
+ damageAnims = []
+ for i in range(0, 3): # Take damage three times
+ damageAnims.append(['conked', 0.01, 0.3, 0.71])
+ damageAnims.append(['conked', 0.01, 0.3]) # Take damage fourth time and finish
+ dodgeAnims = []
+ dodgeAnims.append(['duck', 0.01, 0.2, 2.7]) # Duck for first time
+ dodgeAnims.append(['duck', 0.01, 1.22, 1.28]) # Duck again
+ dodgeAnims.append(['duck', 0.01, 3.16]) # Finish off the duck animation (stand up)
+ toonTrack = getToonTrack(attack, damageDelay=damageDelay, splicedDamageAnims=damageAnims,
+ dodgeDelay=dodgeDelay, splicedDodgeAnims=dodgeAnims,
+ showMissedExtraTime=1.9, showDamageExtraTime=1.1)
+# soundTrack = getSoundTrack('SA_schmooze.mp3', delay=2.1, node=suit))
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, toonTrack, upperPartTracks, lowerPartTracks)
+def doQuake(attack): # group2 ms(b) special, camera shake; shake; sidestep
+ """ This function returns Tracks portraying the Quake attack """
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ suitTrack = getSuitAnimTrack(attack)
+ damageAnims = [['slip-forward'], ['slip-forward', 0.01]]
+ dodgeAnims = [['jump'], ['jump', 0.01], ['jump', 0.01]]
+ toonTracks = getToonTracks(
+ attack, damageDelay=1.8, splicedDamageAnims=damageAnims,
+ dodgeDelay=1.1, splicedDodgeAnims=dodgeAnims,
+ showMissedExtraTime=2.8, showDamageExtraTime=1.1)
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, toonTracks)
+def doShake(attack): # top ac: improve
+ # falls to soon, double suit anim speed on lose (miss)
+ """ This function returns Tracks portraying the Shake attack """
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ suitTrack = getSuitAnimTrack(attack)
+ damageAnims = [['slip-forward'], ['slip-forward', 0.01]]
+ dodgeAnims = [['jump'], ['jump', 0.01]]
+ toonTracks = getToonTracks(
+ attack, damageDelay=1.1, splicedDamageAnims=damageAnims,
+ dodgeDelay=0.7, splicedDodgeAnims=dodgeAnims,
+ showMissedExtraTime=2.8, showDamageExtraTime=1.1)
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, toonTracks)
+def doTremor(attack): # group2 special, camera shake; shake; sidestep
+ """ This function returns Tracks portraying the Tremor attack """
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ suitTrack = getSuitAnimTrack(attack)
+ damageAnims = [['slip-forward'], ['slip-forward', 0.01]]
+ dodgeAnims = [['jump'], ['jump', 0.01]]
+ toonTracks = getToonTracks(
+ attack, damageDelay=1.1, splicedDamageAnims=damageAnims,
+ dodgeDelay=0.7, splicedDodgeAnims=dodgeAnims,
+ showMissedExtraTime=2.8, showDamageExtraTime=1.1)
+ soundTrack = getSoundTrack('SA_tremor.mp3', delay=0.9, node=suit)
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, soundTrack, toonTracks)
+def doHangUp(attack): # top ac: fixed
+ """ This function returns Tracks portraying the HangUp attack """
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ phone = globalPropPool.getProp('phone')
+ receiver = globalPropPool.getProp('receiver')
+ suitTrack = getSuitTrack(attack)
+ # Some suits need different positioning and timing for the phone
+ suitName = suit.getStyleName()
+ if (suitName == 'tf'):
+ phonePosPoints = [Point3(-0.23, 0.01, -0.26), VBase3(5.939, 2.763, -177.591)]
+ receiverPosPoints = [Point3(-0.13, -0.07, -0.06), VBase3(-1.854, 2.434, -177.579)]
+ receiverAdjustScale = Point3(0.8, 0.8, 0.8)
+ pickupDelay = 0.44
+ dialDuration = 3.07
+ finalPhoneDelay = 0.01
+ scaleUpPoint = Point3(0.75, 0.75, 0.75)
+ else:
+ phonePosPoints = [Point3(0.23, 0.17, -0.11), VBase3(5.939, 2.763, -177.591)]
+ receiverPosPoints = [Point3(0.23, 0.17, -0.11), VBase3(5.939, 2.763, -177.591)]
+ receiverAdjustScale = MovieUtil.PNT3_ONE
+ pickupDelay = 0.74
+ dialDuration = 3.07
+ finalPhoneDelay = 0.69
+ scaleUpPoint = MovieUtil.PNT3_ONE
+ propTrack = Sequence(# Single propTrack combines both phone and receiver
+ Wait(0.3), # Wait to show the phone and receiver
+ Func(__showProp, phone, suit.getLeftHand(),
+ phonePosPoints[0], phonePosPoints[1]), # Show phone
+ Func(__showProp, receiver, suit.getLeftHand(),
+ receiverPosPoints[0], receiverPosPoints[1]), # Show receiver
+ LerpScaleInterval(phone, 0.5, scaleUpPoint, MovieUtil.PNT3_NEARZERO), # Scale up phone
+ Wait(pickupDelay), # Wait until suit picks up phone
+ # Now reparent receiver to suit's right hand (he picks it up)
+ Func(receiver.wrtReparentTo, suit.getRightHand()),
+ LerpScaleInterval(receiver, 0.01, receiverAdjustScale),
+ # Jam receiver into position in case reparenting is early or late.
+ # Note: These coordinates are specific for type B suits
+ LerpPosHprInterval(receiver, 0.0001, Point3(-0.53, 0.21, -0.54),
+ VBase3(-99.49, -35.27, 1.84)),
+ Wait(dialDuration), # Wait while suit uses the phone
+ # Now put the receiver back down on the phone
+ Func(receiver.wrtReparentTo, phone),
+ Wait(finalPhoneDelay), # Leave the phone around a bit longer
+ LerpScaleInterval(phone, 0.5, MovieUtil.PNT3_NEARZERO), # Scale down phone & child receiver
+ # Now destroy the receiver and then the phone
+ Func(MovieUtil.removeProps, [receiver, phone]),
+ )
+ toonTrack = getToonTrack(attack, 5.5, ['slip-backward'], 4.7, ['jump'])
+ soundTrack = getSoundTrack('SA_hangup.mp3', delay=1.3, node=suit)
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, toonTrack, propTrack, soundTrack)
+def doRedTape(attack): # top ac: fixed
+ """ This function returns Tracks portraying the RedTape attack """
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ target = attack['target']
+ toon = target['toon']
+ dmg = target['hp']
+ tape = globalPropPool.getProp('redtape') # Get prop from pool
+ tubes = [] # Need a separate tube for each lod of the toon
+ for i in range(0, 3):
+ tubes.append(globalPropPool.getProp('redtape-tube')) # Get prop from pool
+ suitTrack = getSuitTrack(attack) # Get standard suit track
+ # Tape's positioning depends a bit on who is holding it
+ suitName = suit.getStyleName()
+ if (suitName == 'tf' or suitName == 'nc'):
+ tapePosPoints = [Point3(-0.24, 0.09, -0.38), VBase3(-1.152, 86.581, -76.784)]
+ else:
+ tapePosPoints = [Point3(0.24, 0.09, -0.38), VBase3(-1.152, 86.581, -76.784)]
+ tapeScaleUpPoint = Point3(0.9, 0.9, 0.24)
+ propTrack = Sequence(
+ getPropAppearTrack(tape, suit.getRightHand(), tapePosPoints,
+ 0.8, tapeScaleUpPoint, scaleUpTime=0.5))
+ propTrack.append(Wait(1.73)) # Wait while suit animates
+ hitPoint = lambda toon=toon: __toonTorsoPoint(toon)
+ propTrack.append(getPropThrowTrack(attack, tape, [hitPoint],
+ [__toonGroundPoint(attack, toon, 0.7)])) # Throw paper
+ hips = toon.getHipsParts()
+ animal =
+ scale = ToontownGlobals.toonBodyScales[animal]
+ legs =
+ torso =
+ torso = torso[0] # just want to examine the first letter of the torso
+ animal = animal[0] # just want to examine the first letter of the animal
+ tubeHeight = -0.8
+ # Adjust the scale of the tube depending on the torso size of the toon
+ if (torso == 's'):
+ scaleUpPoint = Point3(scale*2.03, scale*2.03, scale*.7975)
+ elif (torso == 'm'):
+ scaleUpPoint = Point3(scale*2.03, scale*2.03, scale*.7975)
+ elif (torso == 'l'):
+ scaleUpPoint = Point3(scale*2.03, scale*2.03, scale*1.11)
+ # The horse and the dog reduce scales a bit and lowers the tube some
+ if ((animal=='h') or (animal=='d')):
+ tubeHeight = -0.87
+ scaleUpPoint = Point3(scale*1.69, scale*1.69, scale*.67)
+ tubePosPoints = [Point3(0, 0, tubeHeight), MovieUtil.PNT3_ZERO]
+ tubeTracks = Parallel()
+ tubeTracks.append(Func(
+ for partNum in range(0, hips.getNumPaths()):
+ nextPart = hips.getPath(partNum)
+ tubeTracks.append(getPropTrack(tubes[partNum], nextPart, tubePosPoints, 3.25,
+ 3.17, scaleUpPoint=scaleUpPoint))
+ tubeTracks.append(Func(
+ toonTrack = getToonTrack(attack, 3.4, ['struggle'], 2.8, ['jump'])
+ soundTrack = getSoundTrack('SA_red_tape.mp3', delay=2.9, node=suit)
+ if (dmg > 0): # If toon takes damage, show the red tape tube
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, toonTrack, propTrack, soundTrack, tubeTracks)
+ else: # Otherwise, do not show the tube
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, toonTrack, propTrack, soundTrack)
+def doParadigmShift(attack): # m(a) group2 particle w/ 0 props; shift; sidestep
+ """ This function returns Tracks portraying the Paradigm Shift attack """
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ targets = attack['target']
+ hitAtleastOneToon = 0
+ for t in targets:
+ if (t['hp'] > 0):
+ hitAtleastOneToon = 1
+ damageDelay = 1.95
+ dodgeDelay = 0.95
+ sprayEffect = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect('ShiftSpray')
+ suitName = suit.getStyleName()
+ if (suitName == 'm'):
+ sprayEffect.setPos(Point3(-5.2, 4.6, 2.7))
+ elif (suitName == 'sd'):
+ sprayEffect.setPos(Point3(-5.2, 4.6, 2.7))
+ else:
+ sprayEffect.setPos(Point3(0.1, 4.6, 2.7))
+ suitTrack = getSuitAnimTrack(attack) # Get suit animation track
+ sprayTrack = getPartTrack(sprayEffect, 1.0, 1.9, [sprayEffect, suit, 0])
+ liftTracks = Parallel()
+ toonRiseTracks = Parallel()
+ for t in targets:
+ toon = t['toon']
+ dmg = t['hp']
+ if (dmg > 0):
+ liftEffect = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect('ShiftLift')
+ liftEffect.setPos(toon.getPos(battle))
+ liftEffect.setZ(liftEffect.getZ()-1.3)
+ liftTracks.append(getPartTrack(liftEffect, 1.1, 4.1, [liftEffect, battle, 0]))
+ shadow = toon.dropShadow
+ # We'll manipulate a fake shadow and hide the normal one so they don't conflict
+ fakeShadow = MovieUtil.copyProp(shadow)
+ x = toon.getX()
+ y = toon.getY()
+ z = toon.getZ()
+ height = 3
+ groundPoint = Point3(x, y, z)
+ risePoint = Point3(x, y, z+height)
+ shakeRight = Point3(x, y+0.7, z+height)
+ shakeLeft = Point3(x, y-0.7, z+height)
+ shakeTrack = Sequence()
+ shakeTrack.append(Wait(damageDelay+0.25))
+ shakeTrack.append(Func(shadow.hide))
+ shakeTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(toon, 1.1, risePoint))
+ for i in range(0, 17):
+ shakeTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(toon, 0.03, shakeLeft))
+ shakeTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(toon, 0.03, shakeRight))
+ shakeTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(toon, 0.1, risePoint))
+ shakeTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(toon, 0.1, groundPoint))
+ shakeTrack.append(Func(
+ shadowTrack = Sequence()
+ shadowTrack.append(Func(,
+ fakeShadow))
+ shadowTrack.append(Wait(damageDelay+0.25))
+ shadowTrack.append(Func(fakeShadow.hide))
+ shadowTrack.append(Func(fakeShadow.setScale, 0.27))
+ shadowTrack.append(Func(fakeShadow.reparentTo, toon))
+ shadowTrack.append(Func(fakeShadow.setPos, MovieUtil.PNT3_ZERO))
+ shadowTrack.append(Func(fakeShadow.wrtReparentTo, battle))
+ shadowTrack.append(Func(
+ shadowTrack.append(LerpScaleInterval(fakeShadow, 0.4, Point3(0.17, 0.17, 0.17)))
+ shadowTrack.append(Wait(1.81))
+ shadowTrack.append(LerpScaleInterval(fakeShadow, 0.1, Point3(0.27, 0.27, 0.27)))
+ shadowTrack.append(Func(MovieUtil.removeProp,
+ fakeShadow))
+ shadowTrack.append(Func(,
+ fakeShadow))
+ toonRiseTracks.append(Parallel(shakeTrack, shadowTrack))
+ damageAnims = []
+ damageAnims.extend(getSplicedLerpAnims('think', 0.66, 1.9, startTime=2.06))
+ damageAnims.append(['slip-backward', 0.01, 0.5])
+ dodgeAnims = [] # Dodge will be slowed down
+ dodgeAnims.append(['jump', 0.01, 0, 0.6]) # Begin to jump
+ # Now get animation interval with time inserted to slow down the jump at its peak
+ dodgeAnims.extend(getSplicedLerpAnims('jump', 0.31, 1.0, startTime=0.6))
+ dodgeAnims.append(['jump', 0, 0.91]) # Complete the jump
+ toonTracks = getToonTracks(
+ attack, damageDelay=damageDelay, splicedDamageAnims=damageAnims,
+ dodgeDelay=dodgeDelay, splicedDodgeAnims=dodgeAnims,
+ showDamageExtraTime=2.7)
+ if (hitAtleastOneToon == 1):
+ soundTrack = getSoundTrack('SA_paradigm_shift.mp3', delay=2.1, node=suit)
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, sprayTrack, soundTrack,
+ liftTracks, toonTracks, toonRiseTracks)
+ else:
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, sprayTrack,
+ liftTracks, toonTracks, toonRiseTracks)
+def doPowerTrip(attack): # group2 particle w/ 0 props; slip-forward; jump
+ """ This function returns Tracks portraying the Power Trip attack """
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ # Set up all the particle effects, colors, and positions
+ centerColor = Vec4(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.4)
+ edgeColor = Vec4(0.4, 0.1, 0.9, 0.7)
+ powerBar1 = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='powertrip')
+ powerBar2 = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='powertrip2')
+ powerBar1.setPos(0, 6.1, 0.4)
+ powerBar1.setHpr(-60, 0, 0)
+ powerBar2.setPos(0, 6.1, 0.4)
+ powerBar2.setHpr(60, 0, 0)
+ powerBar1Particles = powerBar1.getParticlesNamed('particles-1')
+ powerBar2Particles = powerBar2.getParticlesNamed('particles-1')
+ powerBar1Particles.renderer.setCenterColor(centerColor)
+ powerBar1Particles.renderer.setEdgeColor(edgeColor)
+ powerBar2Particles.renderer.setCenterColor(centerColor)
+ powerBar2Particles.renderer.setEdgeColor(edgeColor)
+ waterfallEffect = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect('Waterfall')
+ waterfallEffect.setScale(11)
+ waterfallParticles = waterfallEffect.getParticlesNamed('particles-1')
+ waterfallParticles.renderer.setCenterColor(centerColor)
+ waterfallParticles.renderer.setEdgeColor(edgeColor)
+ # Different suits position the waterfall effect differently
+ suitName = suit.getStyleName()
+ if (suitName == 'mh'):
+ waterfallEffect.setPos(0, 4, 3.6)
+ suitTrack = getSuitAnimTrack(attack) # Get suit animation track
+ def getPowerTrack(effect, suit=suit, battle=battle):
+ partTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(1.0),
+ Func(, effect),
+ Func(effect.start, suit),
+ Wait(0.4),
+ LerpPosInterval(effect, 1.0, Point3(0, 15, 0.4)),
+ LerpFunctionInterval(effect.setAlphaScale, fromData=1,
+ toData=0, duration=0.4),
+ Func(effect.cleanup),
+ Func(,
+ effect),
+ )
+ return partTrack
+ partTrack1 = getPowerTrack(powerBar1)
+ partTrack2 = getPowerTrack(powerBar2)
+ waterfallTrack = getPartTrack(waterfallEffect, 0.6, 1.3,
+ [waterfallEffect, suit, 0])
+ toonTracks = getToonTracks(attack, 1.8, ['slip-forward'], 1.29, ['jump'])
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, partTrack1, partTrack2, waterfallTrack, toonTracks)
+def doSandtrap(attack): # particle w/ 1 prop; slip-forward; duck
+ pass #later
+#Note: throwEndPoint set with function at runtime
+# parent= battle because render is variable. Using suit as parent creates
+# a better bounce path, but check jumps when suit moves.
+def getThrowEndPoint(suit, toon, battle, whichBounce):
+ pnt = toon.getPos(toon)
+ if whichBounce == 'one':
+ pnt.setY(pnt[1] + 8) # adjust distance in front of toon
+ elif whichBounce == 'two':
+ pnt.setY(pnt[1] + 5) # adjust distance in front of toon
+ elif whichBounce == 'threeHit':
+ pnt.setZ(pnt[2] + toon.shoulderHeight + 0.3)#set height to the toon's face
+ elif whichBounce == 'threeMiss':
+ pass # do nothing, it's the toon's position
+ elif whichBounce == 'four':
+ pnt.setY(pnt[1] - 5) # adjust distance from toon
+ return Point3(pnt)
+def doBounceCheck(attack): # top pp: fixed
+ """ This function returns Tracks portraying the BounceCheck attack """
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ target = attack['target']
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ toon = target['toon']
+ dmg = target['hp']
+ hitSuit = (dmg > 0)
+ check = globalPropPool.getProp('bounced-check')
+ checkPosPoints = [MovieUtil.PNT3_ZERO, VBase3(95.247, 79.025, 88.849)]
+ bounce1Point = lambda suit=suit, toon=toon, battle=battle: \
+ getThrowEndPoint(suit, toon, battle, 'one')
+ bounce2Point = lambda suit=suit, toon=toon, battle=battle: \
+ getThrowEndPoint(suit, toon, battle, 'two')
+ hit3Point = lambda suit=suit, toon=toon, battle=battle: \
+ getThrowEndPoint(suit, toon, battle, 'threeHit')
+ miss3Point = lambda suit=suit, toon=toon, battle=battle: \
+ getThrowEndPoint(suit, toon, battle, 'threeMiss')
+ bounce4Point = lambda suit=suit, toon=toon, battle=battle: \
+ getThrowEndPoint(suit, toon, battle, 'four')
+ suitType = getSuitBodyType(attack['suitName'])
+ if (suitType == 'a'): # PennyPincher(pp)
+ throwDelay = 2.5
+ dodgeDelay = 4.3
+ damageDelay = 5.1
+ elif (suitType == 'b'): # type b not yet used
+ throwDelay = 1.8
+ dodgeDelay = 3.6
+ damageDelay = 4.4
+ elif (suitType == 'c'): # ShortChange(sc), TightWad(tw)
+ throwDelay = 1.8
+ dodgeDelay = 3.6
+ damageDelay = 4.4
+ suitTrack = getSuitTrack(attack)
+ checkPropTrack = Sequence(
+ getPropAppearTrack(check, suit.getRightHand(), checkPosPoints, 0.00001,
+ Point3(8.5, 8.5, 8.5), startScale=MovieUtil.PNT3_ONE))
+ checkPropTrack.append(Wait(throwDelay)) #Wait amount of time before release
+ checkPropTrack.append(Func(check.wrtReparentTo, toon))
+ checkPropTrack.append(Func(check.setHpr, Point3(0, -90, 0)))
+ # Bounce the check twice towards the toon
+ checkPropTrack.append(getThrowTrack(check, bounce1Point, duration=0.5, parent=toon))
+ checkPropTrack.append(getThrowTrack(check, bounce2Point, duration=0.9, parent=toon))
+ if hitSuit: # hit the toon in the face with the check
+ checkPropTrack.append(getThrowTrack(check, hit3Point, duration=0.7, parent=toon))
+ else: # the toon dodged, bounce right on by
+ checkPropTrack.append(getThrowTrack(check, miss3Point, duration=0.7, parent=toon))
+ checkPropTrack.append(getThrowTrack(check, bounce4Point, duration=0.7, parent=toon))
+ checkPropTrack.append(LerpScaleInterval(check, 0.3, MovieUtil.PNT3_NEARZERO))
+ checkPropTrack.append(Func(MovieUtil.removeProp, check))
+ toonTrack = getToonTrack(attack, damageDelay, ['conked'], dodgeDelay, ['sidestep'])
+ soundTracks = Sequence(
+ getSoundTrack('SA_pink_slip.mp3', delay=throwDelay+0.5, duration=0.6, node=suit),
+ getSoundTrack('SA_pink_slip.mp3', delay=0.4, duration=0.6, node=suit),
+ )
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, checkPropTrack, toonTrack, soundTracks)
+def doWatercooler(attack): # top sc: fixed
+ """ This function returns Tracks portraying the Watercooler attack """
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ target = attack['target']
+ toon = target['toon']
+ dmg = target['hp']
+ watercooler = globalPropPool.getProp('watercooler')
+ def getCoolerSpout(watercooler=watercooler):
+ spout = watercooler.find("**/joint_toSpray")
+ return spout.getPos(render)
+ hitPoint = lambda toon=toon: __toonFacePoint(toon)
+ missPoint = lambda prop=watercooler, toon=toon: \
+ __toonMissPoint(prop, toon, 0, parent=render)
+ hitSprayTrack = MovieUtil.getSprayTrack(battle,
+ Point4(0.75, 0.75, 1.0, 0.8),
+ getCoolerSpout, hitPoint, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, horizScale=0.3,
+ vertScale=0.3)
+ missSprayTrack = MovieUtil.getSprayTrack(battle,
+ Point4(0.75, 0.75, 1.0, 0.8),
+ getCoolerSpout, missPoint, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, horizScale=0.3,
+ vertScale=0.3)
+ suitTrack = getSuitTrack(attack)
+ posPoints = [Point3(0.48, 0.11, -0.92), VBase3(20.403, 33.158, 69.511)]
+ propTrack = Sequence(# Build intervals for watercooler, including its spray
+ Wait(1.01), # Wait the duration of appearDelay
+ Func(__showProp, watercooler, suit.getLeftHand(),
+ posPoints[0], posPoints[1]),
+ LerpScaleInterval(watercooler, 0.5, Point3(1.15, 1.15, 1.15)),
+ Wait(1.6), # Wait until time to spray
+ )
+ if (dmg > 0): # If toon takes damage use the hit spray
+ propTrack.append(hitSprayTrack) # Add in the spray intervals
+ else: # Otherwise use the miss spray
+ propTrack.append(missSprayTrack) # Add in the spray intervals
+ propTrack += [# Add the rest of the prop intervals
+ Wait(0.01), # Wait while suit animation continues
+ LerpScaleInterval(watercooler, 0.5, MovieUtil.PNT3_NEARZERO), # Scale down the prop
+ Func(MovieUtil.removeProp, watercooler),
+ ]
+ splashTrack = Sequence()
+ if (dmg > 0): # If toon is hit
+ def prepSplash(splash, targetPoint):
+ splash.reparentTo(render)
+ splash.setPos(targetPoint)
+ scale = splash.getScale()
+ splash.setBillboardPointWorld()
+ splash.setScale(scale)
+ splash = globalPropPool.getProp('splash-from-splat')
+ splash.setColor(0.75, 0.75, 1, 0.8)
+ splash.setScale(0.3)
+ splashTrack = Sequence(
+ Func(,
+ splash),
+ Wait(3.2),
+ Func(prepSplash, splash, __toonFacePoint(toon)),
+ ActorInterval(splash, 'splash-from-splat'),
+ Func(MovieUtil.removeProp, splash),
+ Func(, splash),
+ )
+ toonTrack = getToonTrack(attack, suitTrack.getDuration()-1.5, ['cringe'],
+ 2.4, ['sidestep']) # Get toon track
+ soundTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(1.1),
+ SoundInterval(globalBattleSoundCache.getSound('SA_watercooler_appear_only.mp3'),
+ node=suit, duration=1.4722),
+ Wait(0.4),
+ SoundInterval(globalBattleSoundCache.getSound('SA_watercooler_spray_only.mp3'),
+ node=suit, duration=2.313),
+ )
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, toonTrack, propTrack, soundTrack, splashTrack)
+def doPennyPinch(attack): # top sc: needs: model(pincers, penny) project w/ 1 prop; conked; sidestep
+ pass #later
+def doFired(attack): # top tw: fixed
+ """ This function returns Tracks portraying the Fired attack """
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ target = attack['target']
+ toon = target['toon']
+ dmg = target['hp']
+ BattleParticles.loadParticles()
+ baseFlameEffect = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='firedBaseFlame')
+ flameEffect = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect('FiredFlame')
+ flecksEffect = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect('SpriteFiredFlecks')
+ BattleParticles.setEffectTexture(baseFlameEffect, 'fire')
+ BattleParticles.setEffectTexture(flameEffect, 'fire')
+ # Using textures instead of points to make the flame flecks larger
+ # Reusing plain roll-o-dex texture and making it yellow
+ BattleParticles.setEffectTexture(flecksEffect, 'roll-o-dex',
+ color=Vec4(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1))
+ # Now we create smaller flame effects for when the suit misses the toon
+ baseFlameSmall = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='firedBaseFlame')
+ flameSmall = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect('FiredFlame')
+ flecksSmall = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect('SpriteFiredFlecks')
+ BattleParticles.setEffectTexture(baseFlameSmall, 'fire')
+ BattleParticles.setEffectTexture(flameSmall, 'fire')
+ # Using textures instead of points to make the flame flecks larger
+ # Reusing plain roll-o-dex texture and making it yellow
+ BattleParticles.setEffectTexture(flecksSmall, 'roll-o-dex',
+ color=Vec4(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1))
+ baseFlameSmall.setScale(0.7)
+ flameSmall.setScale(0.7)
+ flecksSmall.setScale(0.7)
+ suitTrack = getSuitTrack(attack) # Get suit animation track
+ baseFlameTrack = getPartTrack(baseFlameEffect, 1.0, 1.9,
+ [baseFlameEffect, toon, 0])
+ flameTrack = getPartTrack(flameEffect, 1.0, 1.9, [flameEffect, toon, 0])
+ flecksTrack = getPartTrack(flecksEffect, 1.8, 1.1, [flecksEffect, toon, 0])
+ baseFlameSmallTrack = getPartTrack(baseFlameSmall, 1.0, 1.9,
+ [baseFlameSmall, toon, 0])
+ flameSmallTrack = getPartTrack(flameSmall, 1.0, 1.9, [flameSmall, toon, 0])
+ flecksSmallTrack = getPartTrack(flecksSmall, 1.8, 1.1, [flecksSmall, toon, 0])
+ # Now create a track to change the toon's color if hit (burned), but we must
+ # extract the individual parts and change their color since some particle effects
+ # are parented to the toon and would be changed as well
+ def changeColor(parts): # Function to change each lod part in list parts
+ track = Parallel()
+ for partNum in range(0, parts.getNumPaths()):
+ nextPart = parts.getPath(partNum)
+ track.append(Func(nextPart.setColorScale, Vec4(0, 0, 0, 1)))
+ return track
+ def resetColor(parts): # Reset the color of each lod part
+ track = Parallel()
+ for partNum in range(0, parts.getNumPaths()):
+ nextPart = parts.getPath(partNum)
+ track.append(Func(nextPart.clearColorScale))
+ return track
+ if (dmg > 0):
+ headParts = toon.getHeadParts()
+ torsoParts = toon.getTorsoParts()
+ legsParts = toon.getLegsParts()
+ colorTrack = Sequence()
+ colorTrack.append(Wait(2.0)) # Wait before changing the color
+ colorTrack.append(Func(
+ colorTrack.append(changeColor(headParts))
+ colorTrack.append(changeColor(torsoParts))
+ colorTrack.append(changeColor(legsParts))
+ colorTrack.append(Wait(3.5)) # Wait while color changed
+ colorTrack.append(resetColor(headParts))
+ colorTrack.append(resetColor(torsoParts))
+ colorTrack.append(resetColor(legsParts))
+ colorTrack.append(Func(
+ damageAnims = []
+ damageAnims.append(['cringe', 0.01, 0.7, 0.62])
+ damageAnims.append(['slip-forward', 0.00001, 0.4, 1.2])
+ damageAnims.extend(getSplicedLerpAnims('slip-forward', 0.31, 0.8, startTime=1.2))
+ # Damage animation is toon cringing as gets hit then, then falls to the floor
+ toonTrack = getToonTrack(attack, damageDelay=1.5, splicedDamageAnims=damageAnims,
+ dodgeDelay=0.3, dodgeAnimNames=['sidestep'])
+ soundTrack = getSoundTrack('SA_hot_air.mp3', delay=1.0, node=suit)
+ if (dmg > 0): # If toon takes damage, use the flames
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, baseFlameTrack, flameTrack, flecksTrack,
+ toonTrack, colorTrack, soundTrack)
+ else: # Otherwise don't use the flames
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, baseFlameSmallTrack, flameSmallTrack,
+ flecksSmallTrack, toonTrack, soundTrack)
+def doAudit(attack): # top bc: fixed
+ """ This function returns Tracks portraying the Audit attack """
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ target = attack['target']
+ toon = target['toon']
+ calculator = globalPropPool.getProp('calculator')
+ BattleParticles.loadParticles()
+ particleEffect = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect('Calculate')
+ BattleParticles.setEffectTexture(particleEffect, 'audit-one',
+ color=Vec4(0, 0, 0, 1))
+ particleEffect2 = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect('Calculate')
+ BattleParticles.setEffectTexture(particleEffect2, 'audit-two',
+ color=Vec4(0, 0, 0, 1))
+ particleEffect3 = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect('Calculate')
+ BattleParticles.setEffectTexture(particleEffect3, 'audit-three',
+ color=Vec4(0, 0, 0, 1))
+ particleEffect4 = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect('Calculate')
+ BattleParticles.setEffectTexture(particleEffect4, 'audit-four',
+ color=Vec4(0, 0, 0, 1))
+ particleEffect5 = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect('Calculate')
+ BattleParticles.setEffectTexture(particleEffect5, 'audit-mult',
+ color=Vec4(0, 0, 0, 1))
+ suitTrack = getSuitTrack(attack) # Get suit animation track
+ partTrack = getPartTrack(particleEffect, 2.1, 1.9, [particleEffect, suit, 0])
+ partTrack2 = getPartTrack(particleEffect2, 2.2, 2.0, [particleEffect2, suit, 0])
+ partTrack3 = getPartTrack(particleEffect3, 2.3, 2.1, [particleEffect3, suit, 0])
+ partTrack4 = getPartTrack(particleEffect4, 2.4, 2.2, [particleEffect4, suit, 0])
+ partTrack5 = getPartTrack(particleEffect5, 2.5, 2.3, [particleEffect5, suit, 0])
+ # Some suits need different calculator pos points and timing
+ suitName = attack['suitName']
+ if (suitName == 'nc'):
+ calcPosPoints = [Point3(-0.15, 0.37, 0.03), VBase3(1.352, -6.518, -6.045)]
+ calcDuration = 0.76
+ scaleUpPoint = Point3(1.1, 1.85, 1.81)
+ else:
+ calcPosPoints = [Point3(0.35, 0.52, 0.03), VBase3(1.352, -6.518, -6.045)]
+ calcDuration = 1.87
+ scaleUpPoint = Point3(1.0, 1.37, 1.31)
+ calcPropTrack = getPropTrack(calculator, suit.getLeftHand(), calcPosPoints, 0.000001,
+ calcDuration, scaleUpPoint=scaleUpPoint,
+ anim=1, propName='calculator',
+ animStartTime=0.5, animDuration=3.4)
+ toonTrack = getToonTrack(attack, 3.2, ['conked'], 0.9, ['duck'], showMissedExtraTime=2.2)
+ soundTrack = getSoundTrack('SA_audit.mp3', delay=1.9, node=suit)
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, toonTrack, calcPropTrack, soundTrack,
+ partTrack, partTrack2, partTrack3, partTrack4, partTrack5)
+def doCalculate(attack): # top bc: fixed
+ """ This function returns Tracks portraying the Calculate attack """
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ target = attack['target']
+ toon = target['toon']
+ calculator = globalPropPool.getProp('calculator')
+ BattleParticles.loadParticles()
+ particleEffect = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect('Calculate')
+ BattleParticles.setEffectTexture(particleEffect, 'audit-one',
+ color=Vec4(0, 0, 0, 1))
+ particleEffect2 = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect('Calculate')
+ BattleParticles.setEffectTexture(particleEffect2, 'audit-plus',
+ color=Vec4(0, 0, 0, 1))
+ particleEffect3 = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect('Calculate')
+ BattleParticles.setEffectTexture(particleEffect3, 'audit-mult',
+ color=Vec4(0, 0, 0, 1))
+ particleEffect4 = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect('Calculate')
+ BattleParticles.setEffectTexture(particleEffect4, 'audit-three',
+ color=Vec4(0, 0, 0, 1))
+ particleEffect5 = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect('Calculate')
+ BattleParticles.setEffectTexture(particleEffect5, 'audit-div',
+ color=Vec4(0, 0, 0, 1))
+ suitTrack = getSuitTrack(attack) # Get suit animation track
+ partTrack = getPartTrack(particleEffect, 2.1, 1.9, [particleEffect, suit, 0])
+ partTrack2 = getPartTrack(particleEffect2, 2.2, 2.0, [particleEffect2, suit, 0])
+ partTrack3 = getPartTrack(particleEffect3, 2.3, 2.1, [particleEffect3, suit, 0])
+ partTrack4 = getPartTrack(particleEffect4, 2.4, 2.2, [particleEffect4, suit, 0])
+ partTrack5 = getPartTrack(particleEffect5, 2.5, 2.3, [particleEffect5, suit, 0])
+ # Some suits need different calculator pos points and timing
+ suitName = attack['suitName']
+ if (suitName == 'nc'):
+ calcPosPoints = [Point3(-0.15, 0.37, 0.03), VBase3(1.352, -6.518, -6.045)]
+ calcDuration = 0.76
+ scaleUpPoint = Point3(1.1, 1.85, 1.81)
+ else:
+ calcPosPoints = [Point3(0.35, 0.52, 0.03), VBase3(1.352, -6.518, -6.045)]
+ calcDuration = 1.87
+ scaleUpPoint = Point3(1.0, 1.37, 1.31)
+ calcPropTrack = getPropTrack(calculator, suit.getLeftHand(), calcPosPoints, 0.000001,
+ calcDuration, scaleUpPoint=scaleUpPoint,
+ anim=1, propName='calculator',
+ animStartTime=0.5, animDuration=3.4)
+ toonTrack = getToonTrack(attack, 3.2, ['conked'], 1.8, ['sidestep'])
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, toonTrack, calcPropTrack, partTrack, partTrack2,
+ partTrack3, partTrack4, partTrack5)
+def doTabulate(attack): # top bc: fixed
+ """ This function returns Tracks portraying the Tabulate attack """
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ target = attack['target']
+ toon = target['toon']
+ calculator = globalPropPool.getProp('calculator')
+ BattleParticles.loadParticles()
+ particleEffect = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect('Calculate')
+ BattleParticles.setEffectTexture(particleEffect, 'audit-plus',
+ color=Vec4(0, 0, 0, 1))
+ particleEffect2 = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect('Calculate')
+ BattleParticles.setEffectTexture(particleEffect2, 'audit-minus',
+ color=Vec4(0, 0, 0, 1))
+ particleEffect3 = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect('Calculate')
+ BattleParticles.setEffectTexture(particleEffect3, 'audit-mult',
+ color=Vec4(0, 0, 0, 1))
+ particleEffect4 = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect('Calculate')
+ BattleParticles.setEffectTexture(particleEffect4, 'audit-div',
+ color=Vec4(0, 0, 0, 1))
+ particleEffect5 = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect('Calculate')
+ BattleParticles.setEffectTexture(particleEffect5, 'audit-one',
+ color=Vec4(0, 0, 0, 1))
+ suitTrack = getSuitTrack(attack) # Get suit animation track
+ partTrack = getPartTrack(particleEffect, 2.1, 1.9, [particleEffect, suit, 0])
+ partTrack2 = getPartTrack(particleEffect2, 2.2, 2.0, [particleEffect2, suit, 0])
+ partTrack3 = getPartTrack(particleEffect3, 2.3, 2.1, [particleEffect3, suit, 0])
+ partTrack4 = getPartTrack(particleEffect4, 2.4, 2.2, [particleEffect4, suit, 0])
+ partTrack5 = getPartTrack(particleEffect5, 2.5, 2.3, [particleEffect5, suit, 0])
+ # Some suits need different calculator pos points and timing
+ suitName = attack['suitName']
+ if (suitName == 'nc'):
+ calcPosPoints = [Point3(-0.15, 0.37, 0.03), VBase3(1.352, -6.518, -6.045)]
+ calcDuration = 0.76
+ scaleUpPoint = Point3(1.1, 1.85, 1.81)
+ else:
+ calcPosPoints = [Point3(0.35, 0.52, 0.03), VBase3(1.352, -6.518, -6.045)]
+ calcDuration = 1.87
+ scaleUpPoint = Point3(1.0, 1.37, 1.31)
+ calcPropTrack = getPropTrack(calculator, suit.getLeftHand(), calcPosPoints, 0.000001,
+ calcDuration, scaleUpPoint=scaleUpPoint,
+ anim=1, propName='calculator',
+ animStartTime=0.5, animDuration=3.4)
+ toonTrack = getToonTrack(attack, 3.2, ['conked'], 1.8, ['sidestep'])
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, toonTrack, calcPropTrack, partTrack, partTrack2,
+ partTrack3, partTrack4, partTrack5)
+def doCrunch(attack): # nc(a) throw, multiple props; slip-forward, flatten, slip...; sidestep
+ """ This function returns Tracks portraying the Crunch attack """
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ target = attack['target']
+ toon = target['toon']
+ throwDuration = 3.03
+ suitTrack = getSuitTrack(attack) # Get standard suit track
+ numberNames = ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six']
+ BattleParticles.loadParticles()
+ numberSpill1 = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='numberSpill')
+ numberSpill2 = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='numberSpill')
+ spillTexture1 = random.choice(numberNames)
+ spillTexture2 = random.choice(numberNames)
+ BattleParticles.setEffectTexture(numberSpill1, 'audit-'+spillTexture1)
+ BattleParticles.setEffectTexture(numberSpill2, 'audit-'+spillTexture2)
+ numberSpillTrack1 = getPartTrack(numberSpill1, 1.1, 2.2,
+ [numberSpill1, suit, 0])
+ numberSpillTrack2 = getPartTrack(numberSpill2, 1.5, 1.0,
+ [numberSpill2, suit, 0])
+ numberSprayTracks = Parallel()
+ numOfNumbers = random.randint(5, 9)
+ for i in range(0, numOfNumbers-1):
+ nextSpray = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='numberSpray')
+ nextTexture = random.choice(numberNames)
+ BattleParticles.setEffectTexture(nextSpray, 'audit-'+nextTexture)
+ nextStartTime = random.random()*0.6 + throwDuration
+ nextDuration = random.random()*0.4 + 1.4
+ nextSprayTrack = getPartTrack(nextSpray, nextStartTime, nextDuration,
+ [nextSpray, suit, 0])
+ numberSprayTracks.append(nextSprayTrack)
+ numberTracks = Parallel()
+ # First create the handful of numbers in the suit's hand
+ for i in range(0, numOfNumbers):
+ texture = random.choice(numberNames)
+ next = MovieUtil.copyProp(BattleParticles.getParticle('audit-'+texture))
+ next.reparentTo(suit.getRightHand())
+ next.setScale(0.01, 0.01, 0.01)
+ next.setColor(Vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0))
+ next.setPos(random.random()*0.6-0.3,
+ random.random()*0.6-0.3,
+ random.random()*0.6-0.3)
+ next.setHpr(VBase3(-1.15, 86.58, -76.78))
+ numberTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(0.9),
+ LerpScaleInterval(next, 0.6, MovieUtil.PNT3_ONE),
+ Wait(1.7),
+ Func(MovieUtil.removeProp, next),
+ )
+ numberTracks.append(numberTrack)
+ damageAnims = []
+ damageAnims.append(['cringe', 0.01, 0.14, 0.28])
+ damageAnims.append(['cringe', 0.01, 0.16, 0.3])
+ damageAnims.append(['cringe', 0.01, 0.13, 0.22])
+ damageAnims.append(['slip-forward', 0.01, 0.6]) #, 0.9])
+ toonTrack = getToonTrack(attack, damageDelay=4.7, splicedDamageAnims=damageAnims,
+ dodgeDelay=3.6, dodgeAnimNames=['sidestep'])
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, toonTrack, numberSpillTrack1,
+ numberSpillTrack2, numberTracks, numberSprayTracks)
+def doLiquidate(attack): # top b(b), moneybags(c) fixed
+ """ This function returns Tracks portraying the Liquidate attack """
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ target = attack['target']
+ dmg = target['hp']
+ toon = target['toon']
+ BattleParticles.loadParticles()
+ rainEffect = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='liquidate')
+ rainEffect2 = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='liquidate')
+ rainEffect3 = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='liquidate')
+ # cloud = MovieUtil.copyProp(toon.cloudActors[0])
+ cloud = globalPropPool.getProp('stormcloud')
+ suitType = getSuitBodyType(attack['suitName'])
+ if (suitType == 'a'): # not used with type a
+ partDelay = 0.2
+ damageDelay = 3.5
+ dodgeDelay = 2.45
+ elif (suitType == 'b'):
+ partDelay = 0.2
+ damageDelay = 3.5
+ dodgeDelay = 2.45
+ elif (suitType == 'c'):
+ partDelay = 0.2
+ damageDelay = 3.5
+ dodgeDelay = 2.45
+ suitTrack = getSuitTrack(attack, delay=0.9)
+ initialCloudHeight = suit.height + 3 # Initial cloud height set to 3 meters above suit
+ cloudPosPoints = [Point3(0, 3, initialCloudHeight), VBase3(180, 0, 0)]
+ # Make the storm cloud appear over and slightly in front of the suit
+ cloudPropTrack = Sequence()
+ cloudPropTrack.append(Func(cloud.pose, 'stormcloud', 0))
+ cloudPropTrack.append(getPropAppearTrack(cloud, suit, cloudPosPoints, 0.000001,
+ Point3(3, 3, 3), scaleUpTime=0.7))
+ cloudPropTrack.append(Func(,
+ cloud))
+ cloudPropTrack.append(Func(cloud.wrtReparentTo, render))
+ # Now calculate the targetPoint for the cloud to move to (right over the target toon)
+ targetPoint = __toonFacePoint(toon)
+ targetPoint.setZ(targetPoint[2]+3)
+ # Push the cloud over to the target point (whether it hits or misses)
+ cloudPropTrack.append(Wait(1.1)) # Wait to be pushed by suit
+ cloudPropTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(cloud, 1, pos=targetPoint))
+ # Must include particle track within cloud intervals to be safe...if the cloud is on
+ # a separate track and get removed before the effect is parented, it will crash
+ cloudPropTrack.append(Wait(partDelay)) # Wait before rain falls from cloud
+ cloudPropTrack.append(Parallel(
+ Sequence(ParticleInterval(rainEffect, cloud, worldRelative=0,
+ duration=2.1, cleanup = True)),
+ Sequence(Wait(0.1),
+ ParticleInterval(rainEffect2, cloud,
+ worldRelative=0, duration=2.0, cleanup = True)),
+ Sequence(Wait(0.1),
+ ParticleInterval(rainEffect3, cloud,
+ worldRelative=0, duration=2.0, cleanup = True)),
+ Sequence(ActorInterval(cloud, 'stormcloud', startTime=3,
+ duration=0.1),
+ ActorInterval(cloud, 'stormcloud', startTime=1,
+ duration=2.3)),
+ ))
+ cloudPropTrack.append(Wait(0.4)) # Wait a moment before cloud goes away
+ cloudPropTrack.append(LerpScaleInterval(cloud, 0.5,
+ MovieUtil.PNT3_NEARZERO))
+ # The particle effect has already been cleaned up, it's safe to remove the cloud
+ cloudPropTrack.append(Func(MovieUtil.removeProp, cloud))
+ cloudPropTrack.append(Func(, cloud))
+ damageAnims = [['melt'], ['jump', 1.5, 0.4]]
+ toonTrack = getToonTrack(attack, damageDelay=damageDelay, splicedDamageAnims=damageAnims,
+ dodgeDelay=dodgeDelay, dodgeAnimNames=['sidestep'])
+ soundTrack = getSoundTrack('SA_liquidate.mp3', delay=2.0, node=suit)
+ # If toon is hit, need puddle for it to melt in
+ if (dmg > 0):
+ puddle = globalPropPool.getProp('quicksand')
+ puddle.setColor(Vec4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1))
+ puddle.setHpr(Point3(120, 0, 0))
+ puddle.setScale(0.01)
+ puddleTrack = Sequence(
+ Func(, puddle),
+ Wait(damageDelay-0.7),
+ Func(puddle.reparentTo, battle),
+ Func(puddle.setPos, toon.getPos(battle)),
+ LerpScaleInterval(puddle, 1.7, Point3(1.7, 1.7, 1.7),
+ startScale=MovieUtil.PNT3_NEARZERO),
+ Wait(3.2),
+ LerpFunctionInterval(puddle.setAlphaScale, fromData=1, toData=0, duration=0.8),
+ Func(MovieUtil.removeProp, puddle),
+ Func(, puddle),
+ )
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, toonTrack, cloudPropTrack, soundTrack,
+ puddleTrack)
+ else:
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, toonTrack, cloudPropTrack, soundTrack)
+def doMarketCrash(attack): # mb(c) fixed
+ """ This function returns Tracks portraying the Market Crash attack """
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ target = attack['target']
+ toon = target['toon']
+ dmg = target['hp']
+ suitDelay = 1.32
+ propDelay = 0.6
+ throwDuration = 1.5
+ paper = globalPropPool.getProp('newspaper')
+ suitTrack = getSuitTrack(attack) # Get standard suit track
+ posPoints = [Point3(-0.07, 0.17, -0.13), VBase3(161.867, -33.149, -48.086)]
+ paperTrack = Sequence(
+ getPropAppearTrack(paper, suit.getRightHand(), posPoints, propDelay,
+ Point3(3, 3, 3), scaleUpTime=0.5))
+ paperTrack.append(Wait(suitDelay)) # Wait while suit animates
+ hitPoint = toon.getPos(battle)
+ hitPoint.setX(hitPoint.getX() + 1.2)
+ hitPoint.setY(hitPoint.getY() + 1.5)
+ # If paper hits toon, should sit on top, not pass through
+ if (dmg > 0):
+ hitPoint.setZ(hitPoint.getZ() + 1.1)
+ # We push the paper back as it scale down
+ movePoint = Point3(hitPoint.getX(), hitPoint.getY()-1.8, hitPoint.getZ()+0.2)
+ paperTrack.append(Func(, paper))
+ paperTrack.append(Func(paper.wrtReparentTo, battle))
+ paperTrack.append(getThrowTrack(paper, hitPoint, duration=throwDuration, parent=battle))
+ paperTrack.append(Wait(0.6))
+ paperTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(paper, 0.4, movePoint))
+ # Add in a track to spin the paper as it is tossed, and make it get larger
+ spinTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(propDelay+suitDelay+0.2),
+ LerpHprInterval(paper, throwDuration, Point3(-360, 0, 0)),
+ )
+ sizeTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(propDelay+suitDelay+0.2),
+ LerpScaleInterval(paper, throwDuration, Point3(6, 6, 6)),
+ Wait(0.95),
+ LerpScaleInterval(paper, 0.4, MovieUtil.PNT3_NEARZERO),
+ )
+ propTrack = Sequence(
+ Parallel(paperTrack, spinTrack, sizeTrack),
+ Func(MovieUtil.removeProp, paper),
+ Func(, paper),
+ )
+ damageAnims = []
+ damageAnims.append(['cringe', 0.01, 0.21, 0.08])
+ damageAnims.append(['slip-forward', 0.01, 0.6, 0.85])
+ damageAnims.extend(getSplicedLerpAnims('slip-forward', 0.31, 0.95, startTime=1.2))
+ damageAnims.append(['slip-forward', 0.01, 1.51])
+ toonTrack = getToonTrack(attack, damageDelay=3.8, splicedDamageAnims=damageAnims,
+ dodgeDelay=2.4, dodgeAnimNames=['sidestep'],
+ showDamageExtraTime=0.4, showMissedExtraTime=1.3)
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, toonTrack, propTrack)
+def doBite(attack): # ls(b) throw; conked; duck
+ """ This function returns Tracks portraying the Bite attack """
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ target = attack['target']
+ toon = target['toon']
+ dmg = target['hp']
+ teeth = globalPropPool.getProp('teeth')
+ propDelay = 0.8
+ propScaleUpTime = 0.5
+ suitDelay = 1.73
+ throwDelay = propDelay + propScaleUpTime + suitDelay
+ throwDuration = 0.4
+ suitTrack = getSuitTrack(attack) # Get standard suit track
+ posPoints = [Point3(-0.05, 0.41, -0.54), VBase3(4.465, -3.563, 51.479)]
+ teethAppearTrack = Sequence(
+ getPropAppearTrack(teeth, suit.getRightHand(), posPoints, propDelay,
+ Point3(3, 3, 3), scaleUpTime=propScaleUpTime))
+ teethAppearTrack.append(Wait(suitDelay)) # Wait while suit animates
+ teethAppearTrack.append(Func(, teeth))
+ teethAppearTrack.append(Func(teeth.wrtReparentTo, battle))
+ if (dmg > 0): # If strikes toon, fly to its face
+ x = toon.getX(battle)
+ y = toon.getY(battle)
+ z = toon.getZ(battle)
+ toonHeight = z + toon.getHeight()
+ flyPoint = Point3(x, y + 2.7, toonHeight*0.8)
+ teethAppearTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(teeth, throwDuration, pos=flyPoint))
+ # Chatter the teeth, then open them wide, pull them back as they rev up, then
+ # chomp the toon's head
+ teethAppearTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(teeth, 0.4, pos=Point3(x, y+3.2, toonHeight*0.7)))
+ teethAppearTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(teeth, 0.3, pos=Point3(x, y+4.7, toonHeight*0.5)))
+ teethAppearTrack.append(Wait(0.2))
+ teethAppearTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(teeth, 0.1, pos=Point3(x, y-0.2, toonHeight*0.9)))
+ teethAppearTrack.append(Wait(0.4))
+ scaleTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(throwDelay),
+ LerpScaleInterval(teeth, throwDuration, Point3(8, 8, 8)),
+ Wait(0.9),
+ LerpScaleInterval(teeth, 0.2, Point3(14, 14, 14)),
+ Wait(1.2),
+ LerpScaleInterval(teeth, 0.3, MovieUtil.PNT3_NEARZERO),
+ )
+ hprTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(throwDelay),
+ LerpHprInterval(teeth, 0.3, Point3(180, 0, 0)),
+ Wait(0.2),
+ LerpHprInterval(teeth, 0.4, Point3(180, -35, 0), startHpr=Point3(180, 0, 0)),
+ Wait(0.6),
+ LerpHprInterval(teeth, 0.1, Point3(180, -75, 0), startHpr=Point3(180, -35, 0)),
+ )
+ animTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(throwDelay),
+ ActorInterval(teeth, 'teeth', duration=throwDuration),
+ ActorInterval(teeth, 'teeth', duration=0.3),
+ Func(teeth.pose, 'teeth', 1),
+ Wait(0.7),
+ ActorInterval(teeth, 'teeth', duration=0.9),
+ )
+ propTrack = Sequence(
+ Parallel(teethAppearTrack, scaleTrack, hprTrack, animTrack),
+ Func(MovieUtil.removeProp, teeth),
+ Func(, teeth),
+ )
+ else: # Else fly past the toon
+ flyPoint = __toonFacePoint(toon, parent=battle)
+ flyPoint.setY(flyPoint.getY() - 7.1)
+ teethAppearTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(teeth, throwDuration, pos=flyPoint))
+ teethAppearTrack.append(Func(MovieUtil.removeProp, teeth))
+ teethAppearTrack.append(Func(, teeth))
+ propTrack = teethAppearTrack
+ damageAnims = [['cringe', 0.01, 0.7, 1.2],
+ ['conked', 0.01, 0.2, 2.1],
+ ['conked', 0.01, 3.2],]
+ dodgeAnims = [['cringe', 0.01, 0.7, 0.2],
+ ['duck', 0.01, 1.6],]
+ toonTrack = getToonTrack(attack, damageDelay=3.2, splicedDamageAnims=damageAnims,
+ dodgeDelay=2.9, splicedDodgeAnims=dodgeAnims,
+ showDamageExtraTime=2.4)
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, toonTrack, propTrack)
+def doChomp(attack): # ls(b) throw; slip-backward; sidestep
+ """ This function returns Tracks portraying the Chomp attack """
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ target = attack['target']
+ toon = target['toon']
+ dmg = target['hp']
+ teeth = globalPropPool.getProp('teeth')
+ propDelay = 0.8
+ propScaleUpTime = 0.5
+ suitDelay = 1.73
+ throwDelay = propDelay + propScaleUpTime + suitDelay
+ throwDuration = 0.4
+ suitTrack = getSuitTrack(attack) # Get standard suit track
+ posPoints = [Point3(-0.05, 0.41, -0.54), VBase3(4.465, -3.563, 51.479)]
+ teethAppearTrack = Sequence(
+ getPropAppearTrack(teeth, suit.getRightHand(), posPoints, propDelay,
+ Point3(3, 3, 3), scaleUpTime=propScaleUpTime))
+ teethAppearTrack.append(Wait(suitDelay)) # Wait while suit animates
+ teethAppearTrack.append(Func(, teeth))
+ teethAppearTrack.append(Func(teeth.wrtReparentTo, battle))
+ if (dmg > 0): # If strikes toon, fly to its face
+ x = toon.getX(battle)
+ y = toon.getY(battle)
+ z = toon.getZ(battle)
+ toonHeight = z + toon.getHeight()
+ flyPoint = Point3(x, y + 2.7, toonHeight*0.7)
+ teethAppearTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(teeth, throwDuration, pos=flyPoint))
+ # Chatter the teeth, then open them wide, pull them back as they rev up, then
+ # chomp the toon's head
+ teethAppearTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(teeth, 0.4, pos=Point3(x, y+3.2, toonHeight*0.7)))
+ teethAppearTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(teeth, 0.3, pos=Point3(x, y+4.7, toonHeight*0.5)))
+ teethAppearTrack.append(Wait(0.2))
+ teethAppearTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(teeth, 0.1, pos=Point3(x, y, toonHeight+3)))
+ teethAppearTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(teeth, 0.1, pos=Point3(x, y-1.2, toonHeight*0.7)))
+ teethAppearTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(teeth, 0.1, pos=Point3(x, y-0.7, toonHeight*0.4)))
+ teethAppearTrack.append(Wait(0.4))
+ scaleTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(throwDelay),
+ LerpScaleInterval(teeth, throwDuration, Point3(6, 6, 6)),
+ Wait(0.9),
+ LerpScaleInterval(teeth, 0.2, Point3(10, 10, 10)),
+ Wait(1.2),
+ LerpScaleInterval(teeth, 0.3, MovieUtil.PNT3_NEARZERO),
+ )
+ hprTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(throwDelay),
+ LerpHprInterval(teeth, 0.3, Point3(180, 0, 0)),
+ Wait(0.2),
+ LerpHprInterval(teeth, 0.4, Point3(180, -35, 0), startHpr=Point3(180, 0, 0)),
+ Wait(0.6),
+ LerpHprInterval(teeth, 0.1, Point3(0, -35, 0), startHpr=Point3(180, -35, 0)),
+ )
+ animTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(throwDelay),
+ ActorInterval(teeth, 'teeth', duration=throwDuration),
+ ActorInterval(teeth, 'teeth', duration=0.3),
+ Func(teeth.pose, 'teeth', 1),
+ Wait(0.7),
+ ActorInterval(teeth, 'teeth', duration=0.9),
+ )
+ propTrack = Sequence(
+ Parallel(teethAppearTrack, scaleTrack, hprTrack, animTrack),
+ Func(MovieUtil.removeProp, teeth),
+ Func(, teeth),
+ )
+ else: # Else fly past the toon
+ x = toon.getX(battle)
+ y = toon.getY(battle)
+ z = toon.getZ(battle)
+ z = z + 0.2
+ flyPoint = Point3(x, y - 2.1, z)
+ teethAppearTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(teeth, throwDuration, pos=flyPoint))
+ teethAppearTrack.append(Wait(0.2))
+ teethAppearTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(teeth, 0.2, pos=Point3(x+0.5, y-2.5, z)))
+ teethAppearTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(teeth, 0.2, pos=Point3(x+1.0, y-3.0, z+0.4)))
+ teethAppearTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(teeth, 0.2, pos=Point3(x+1.3, y-3.6, z)))
+ teethAppearTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(teeth, 0.2, pos=Point3(x+0.9, y-3.1, z+0.4)))
+ teethAppearTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(teeth, 0.2, pos=Point3(x+0.3, y-2.6, z)))
+ teethAppearTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(teeth, 0.2, pos=Point3(x-0.1, y-2.2, z+0.4)))
+ teethAppearTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(teeth, 0.2, pos=Point3(x-0.4, y-1.9, z)))
+ teethAppearTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(teeth, 0.2, pos=Point3(x-0.7, y-2.1, z+0.4)))
+ teethAppearTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(teeth, 0.2, pos=Point3(x-0.8, y-2.3, z)))
+ teethAppearTrack.append(LerpScaleInterval(teeth, 0.6, MovieUtil.PNT3_NEARZERO))
+ hprTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(throwDelay),
+ LerpHprInterval(teeth, 0.3, Point3(180, 0, 0)),
+ Wait(0.5),
+ LerpHprInterval(teeth, 0.4, Point3(80, 0, 0), startHpr=Point3(180, 0, 0)),
+ LerpHprInterval(teeth, 0.8, Point3(-10, 0, 0), startHpr=Point3(80, 0, 0)),
+ )
+ animTrack = Sequence(Wait(throwDelay),
+ ActorInterval(teeth, 'teeth', duration=3.6))
+ propTrack = Sequence(
+ Parallel(teethAppearTrack, hprTrack, animTrack),
+ Func(MovieUtil.removeProp, teeth),
+ Func(, teeth),
+ )
+ damageAnims = [['cringe', 0.01, 0.7, 1.2],
+ ['spit', 0.01, 2.95, 1.47],
+ ['spit', 0.01, 4.42, 0.07],
+ ['spit', 0.08, 4.49, -0.07],
+ ['spit', 0.08, 4.42, 0.07],
+ ['spit', 0.08, 4.49, -0.07],
+ ['spit', 0.08, 4.42, 0.07],
+ ['spit', 0.08, 4.49, -0.07],
+ ['spit', 0.01, 4.42],]
+ dodgeAnims = [['jump', 0.01, 0.01],]
+ toonTrack = getToonTrack(attack, damageDelay=3.2, splicedDamageAnims=damageAnims,
+ dodgeDelay=2.75, splicedDodgeAnims=dodgeAnims,
+ showDamageExtraTime=1.4)
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, toonTrack, propTrack)
+def doFiveOClockShadow(attack): # throw; slip-forward; jump
+ pass #later
+def doEvictionNotice(attack): # top b: fixed
+ """ This function returns Tracks portraying the Eviction-Notice attack """
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ target = attack['target']
+ toon = target['toon']
+ paper = globalPropPool.getProp('shredder-paper') # Get prop from pool
+ suitTrack = getSuitTrack(attack) # Get standard suit track
+ posPoints = [Point3(-0.04, 0.15, -1.38), VBase3(10.584, -11.945, 18.316)]
+ # Now make paper appear
+ propTrack = Sequence(
+ getPropAppearTrack(paper, suit.getRightHand(), posPoints, 0.8,
+ MovieUtil.PNT3_ONE, scaleUpTime=0.5))
+ propTrack.append(Wait(1.73)) # Wait while suit animates
+ hitPoint = __toonFacePoint(toon, parent=battle)
+ hitPoint.setX(hitPoint.getX() - 1.4)
+ missPoint = __toonGroundPoint(attack, toon, 0.7, parent=battle)
+ missPoint.setX(missPoint.getX() - 1.1)
+ propTrack.append(getPropThrowTrack(attack, paper, [hitPoint],
+ [missPoint], parent=battle))
+ # Toon jumps to dodge so don't need friend toon dodge tracks
+ toonTrack = getToonTrack(attack, 3.4, ['conked'], 2.8, ['jump'])
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, toonTrack, propTrack)
+def doWithdrawal(attack): # top b: improve: turn white
+ """ This function returns Tracks portraying the Withdrawal attack """
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ target = attack['target']
+ toon = target['toon']
+ dmg = target['hp']
+ BattleParticles.loadParticles()
+ particleEffect = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect('Withdrawal')
+ BattleParticles.setEffectTexture(particleEffect, 'snow-particle')
+ suitTrack = getSuitAnimTrack(attack) # Get suit animation track
+ partTrack = getPartTrack(particleEffect, 0.00001, suitTrack.getDuration()+1.2,
+ [particleEffect, suit, 0])
+ # Toon jumps to dodge so don't need friend toon dodge tracks
+ toonTrack = getToonTrack(attack, 1.2, ['cringe'], 0.2,
+ splicedDodgeAnims=[['duck', 0.00001, 0.8]],
+ showMissedExtraTime=0.8)
+ # Now create a track to change the toon's color if hit (burned), but we must
+ # extract the individual parts and change their color since some particle effects
+ # are parented to the toon and would be changed as well
+ headParts = toon.getHeadParts()
+ torsoParts = toon.getTorsoParts()
+ legsParts = toon.getLegsParts()
+ def changeColor(parts): # Function to change each lod part in list parts
+ track = Parallel()
+ for partNum in range(0, parts.getNumPaths()):
+ nextPart = parts.getPath(partNum)
+ track.append(Func(nextPart.setColorScale,
+ Vec4(0, 0, 0, 1)))
+# track.append(LerpFunctionInterval(nextPart.setAllColorScale,
+# fromData = 1, toData = 0, duration=0.7))
+ return track
+ def resetColor(parts): # Reset the color of each lod part
+ track = Parallel()
+ for partNum in range(0, parts.getNumPaths()):
+ nextPart = parts.getPath(partNum)
+ track.append(Func(nextPart.clearColorScale))
+ return track
+ soundTrack = getSoundTrack('SA_withdrawl.mp3', delay=1.4, node=suit)
+ if (dmg > 0): # If takes damage, change color
+ colorTrack = Sequence()
+ colorTrack.append(Wait(1.6)) # Wait before changing the color
+ colorTrack.append(Func(
+ colorTrack.append(Parallel(changeColor(headParts),
+ changeColor(torsoParts),
+ changeColor(legsParts)))
+ colorTrack.append(Wait(2.9)) # Wait while color changed
+ colorTrack.append(resetColor(headParts))
+ colorTrack.append(resetColor(torsoParts))
+ colorTrack.append(resetColor(legsParts))
+ colorTrack.append(Func(
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, partTrack, toonTrack, soundTrack, colorTrack)
+ else:
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, partTrack, toonTrack, soundTrack)
+def doJargon(attack): # top dt(a): fixed
+ """ This function returns Tracks portraying the Jargon attack """
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ BattleParticles.loadParticles()
+ particleEffect = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='jargonSpray')
+ particleEffect2 = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='jargonSpray')
+ particleEffect3 = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='jargonSpray')
+ particleEffect4 = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='jargonSpray')
+ BattleParticles.setEffectTexture(particleEffect, 'jargon-brow',
+ color=Vec4(1, 0, 0, 1))
+ BattleParticles.setEffectTexture(particleEffect2, 'jargon-deep',
+ color=Vec4(0, 0, 0, 1))
+ BattleParticles.setEffectTexture(particleEffect3, 'jargon-hoop',
+ color=Vec4(1, 0, 0, 1))
+ BattleParticles.setEffectTexture(particleEffect4, 'jargon-ipo',
+ color=Vec4(0, 0, 0, 1))
+ damageDelay = 2.2 # was 2.4 w/ finger-wag
+ dodgeDelay = 1.5 # was 1.9 w/ finger-wag
+ partDelay = 1.1 # was 1.5 w/ finger-wag
+ partInterval = 1.2 # was 0.2 w/ finger-wag
+ suitTrack = getSuitTrack(attack)
+ partTrack = getPartTrack(particleEffect, partDelay+(partInterval*0), 2,
+ [particleEffect, suit, 0])
+ partTrack2 = getPartTrack(particleEffect2, partDelay+(partInterval*1), 2,
+ [particleEffect2, suit, 0])
+ partTrack3 = getPartTrack(particleEffect3, partDelay+(partInterval*2), 2,
+ [particleEffect3, suit, 0])
+ partTrack4 = getPartTrack(particleEffect4, partDelay+(partInterval*3), 1.0,
+ [particleEffect4, suit, 0])
+ damageAnims = []
+ damageAnims.append(['conked', 0.0001, 0, 0.4])
+ damageAnims.append(['conked', 0.0001, 2.7, 0.85])
+ damageAnims.append(['conked', 0.0001, 0.4, 0.09])
+ damageAnims.append(['conked', 0.0001, 0.4, 0.09])
+ damageAnims.append(['conked', 0.0001, 0.4, 0.66])
+ damageAnims.append(['conked', 0.0001, 0.4, 0.09])
+ damageAnims.append(['conked', 0.0001, 0.4, 0.09])
+ damageAnims.append(['conked', 0.0001, 0.4, 0.86])
+ damageAnims.append(['conked', 0.0001, 0.4, 0.14])
+ damageAnims.append(['conked', 0.0001, 0.4, 0.14])
+ damageAnims.append(['conked', 0.0001, 0.4])
+ dodgeAnims = [['duck', 0.0001, 1.2], ['duck', 0.0001, 1.3]]
+ toonTrack = getToonTrack(attack, damageDelay=damageDelay, splicedDamageAnims=damageAnims,
+ dodgeDelay=dodgeDelay, splicedDodgeAnims=dodgeAnims,
+ showMissedExtraTime=1.6, showDamageExtraTime=0.7)
+ soundTrack = getSoundTrack('SA_jargon.mp3', delay=2.1, node=suit)
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, toonTrack, soundTrack,
+ partTrack, partTrack2, partTrack3, partTrack4)
+def doMumboJumbo(attack): # top dt: fixed
+ """ This function returns Tracks portraying the MumboJumbo attack """
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ target = attack['target']
+ toon = target['toon']
+ dmg = target['hp']
+ BattleParticles.loadParticles()
+ particleEffect = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='mumboJumboSpray')
+ particleEffect2 = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='mumboJumboSpray')
+ particleEffect3 = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='mumboJumboSmother')
+ particleEffect4 = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='mumboJumboSmother')
+ particleEffect5 = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='mumboJumboSmother')
+ BattleParticles.setEffectTexture(particleEffect, 'mumbojumbo-boiler',
+ color=Vec4(1, 0, 0, 1))
+ BattleParticles.setEffectTexture(particleEffect2, 'mumbojumbo-creative',
+ color=Vec4(1, 0, 0, 1))
+ BattleParticles.setEffectTexture(particleEffect3, 'mumbojumbo-deben',
+ color=Vec4(1, 0, 0, 1))
+ BattleParticles.setEffectTexture(particleEffect4, 'mumbojumbo-high',
+ color=Vec4(1, 0, 0, 1))
+ BattleParticles.setEffectTexture(particleEffect5, 'mumbojumbo-iron',
+ color=Vec4(1, 0, 0, 1))
+ suitTrack = getSuitTrack(attack)
+ partTrack = getPartTrack(particleEffect, 2.5, 2, [particleEffect, suit, 0])
+ partTrack2 = getPartTrack(particleEffect2, 2.5, 2, [particleEffect2, suit, 0])
+ partTrack3 = getPartTrack(particleEffect3, 3.3, 1.7, [particleEffect3, toon, 0])
+ partTrack4 = getPartTrack(particleEffect4, 3.3, 1.7, [particleEffect4, toon, 0])
+ partTrack5 = getPartTrack(particleEffect5, 3.3, 1.7, [particleEffect5, toon, 0])
+ toonTrack = getToonTrack(attack, 3.2, ['cringe'], 2.2, ['sidestep'])
+ soundTrack = getSoundTrack('SA_mumbo_jumbo.mp3', delay=2.5, node=suit)
+ if (dmg > 0):
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, toonTrack, soundTrack, partTrack,
+ partTrack2, partTrack3, partTrack4, partTrack5)
+ else:
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, toonTrack, soundTrack, partTrack, partTrack2)
+def doGuiltTrip(attack): # bs(a) fixed
+ """ This function returns Tracks portraying the Guilt Trip attack """
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ # Set up all the particle effects, colors, and positions
+ centerColor = Vec4(1.0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.9)
+ edgeColor = Vec4(0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.4)
+ powerBar1 = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='guiltTrip')
+ powerBar2 = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='guiltTrip')
+ powerBar1.setPos(0, 6.1, 0.4)
+ powerBar1.setHpr(-90, 0, 0)
+ powerBar2.setPos(0, 6.1, 0.4)
+ powerBar2.setHpr(90, 0, 0)
+ powerBar1.setScale(5)
+ powerBar2.setScale(5)
+ powerBar1Particles = powerBar1.getParticlesNamed('particles-1')
+ powerBar2Particles = powerBar2.getParticlesNamed('particles-1')
+ powerBar1Particles.renderer.setCenterColor(centerColor)
+ powerBar1Particles.renderer.setEdgeColor(edgeColor)
+ powerBar2Particles.renderer.setCenterColor(centerColor)
+ powerBar2Particles.renderer.setEdgeColor(edgeColor)
+ waterfallEffect = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect('Waterfall')
+ waterfallEffect.setScale(11)
+ waterfallParticles = waterfallEffect.getParticlesNamed('particles-1')
+ waterfallParticles.renderer.setCenterColor(centerColor)
+ waterfallParticles.renderer.setEdgeColor(edgeColor)
+ suitTrack = getSuitAnimTrack(attack) # Get suit animation track
+ def getPowerTrack(effect, suit=suit, battle=battle):
+ partTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(0.7),
+ Func(, effect),
+ Func(effect.start, suit),
+ Wait(0.4),
+ LerpPosInterval(effect, 1.0, Point3(0, 15, 0.4)),
+ LerpFunctionInterval(effect.setAlphaScale, fromData=1,
+ toData=0, duration=0.4),
+ Func(effect.cleanup),
+ Func(, effect),
+ )
+ return partTrack
+ partTrack1 = getPowerTrack(powerBar1)
+ partTrack2 = getPowerTrack(powerBar2)
+ waterfallTrack = getPartTrack(waterfallEffect, 0.6, 0.6,
+ [waterfallEffect, suit, 0])
+ toonTracks = getToonTracks(attack, 1.5, ['slip-forward'], 0.86, ['jump'])
+ soundTrack = getSoundTrack('SA_guilt_trip.mp3', delay=1.1, node=suit)
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, partTrack1, partTrack2, soundTrack,
+ waterfallTrack, toonTracks)
+def doRestrainingOrder(attack): # bs(a) throw; conked, bound; sidestep
+ """ This function returns Tracks portraying the Restraining-Order attack """
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ target = attack['target']
+ toon = target['toon']
+ dmg = target['hp']
+ paper = globalPropPool.getProp('shredder-paper')
+ suitTrack = getSuitTrack(attack) # Get standard suit track
+ posPoints = [Point3(-0.04, 0.15, -1.38), VBase3(10.584, -11.945, 18.316)]
+ # Now make paper appear
+ propTrack = Sequence(
+ getPropAppearTrack(paper, suit.getRightHand(), posPoints, 0.8,
+ MovieUtil.PNT3_ONE, scaleUpTime=0.5))
+ propTrack.append(Wait(1.73)) # Wait while suit animates
+ hitPoint = __toonFacePoint(toon, parent=battle)
+ hitPoint.setX(hitPoint.getX() - 1.4)
+ missPoint = __toonGroundPoint(attack, toon, 0.7, parent=battle)
+ missPoint.setX(missPoint.getX() - 1.1)
+ propTrack.append(getPropThrowTrack(attack, paper, [hitPoint],
+ [missPoint], parent=battle))
+ damageAnims = [['conked', 0.01, 0.3, 0.2], ['struggle', 0.01, 0.2]]
+ toonTrack = getToonTrack(attack, damageDelay=3.4, splicedDamageAnims=damageAnims,
+ dodgeDelay=2.8, dodgeAnimNames=['sidestep'])
+ if (dmg > 0): # If takes damage, paper sprays over the toon
+ restraintCloud = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='restrainingOrderCloud')
+ restraintCloud.setPos(hitPoint.getX(), hitPoint.getY()+0.5, hitPoint.getZ())
+ cloudTrack = getPartTrack(restraintCloud, 3.5, 0.2, [restraintCloud, battle, 0])
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, cloudTrack, toonTrack, propTrack)
+ else:
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, toonTrack, propTrack)
+def doSpin(attack): # sd(b) fixed
+ """ This function returns Tracks portraying the Spin attack """
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ target = attack['target']
+ toon = target['toon']
+ dmg = target['hp']
+ damageDelay = 1.7
+ sprayEffect = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='spinSpray')
+ spinEffect1 = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='spinEffect')
+ spinEffect2 = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='spinEffect')
+ spinEffect3 = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='spinEffect')
+ spinEffect1.reparentTo(toon)
+ spinEffect2.reparentTo(toon)
+ spinEffect3.reparentTo(toon)
+ # To add to the randomness of the spinning effects, tinker with the numbers
+ height1 = toon.getHeight() * (random.random()*0.2 + 0.7) # from 0.7-0.9
+ height2 = toon.getHeight() * (random.random()*0.2 + 0.4) # from 0.4-0.6
+ height3 = toon.getHeight() * (random.random()*0.2 + 0.1) # from 0.1-0.3
+ spinEffect1.setPos(0.8, -0.7, height1)
+ spinEffect1.setHpr(0, 0, -random.random()*10-85)
+ spinEffect1.setHpr(spinEffect1, 0, 50, 0)
+ spinEffect2.setPos(0.8, -0.7, height2)
+ spinEffect2.setHpr(0, 0, -random.random()*10-85)
+ spinEffect2.setHpr(spinEffect2, 0, 50, 0)
+ spinEffect3.setPos(0.8, -0.7, height3)
+ spinEffect3.setHpr(0, 0, -random.random()*10-85)
+ spinEffect3.setHpr(spinEffect3, 0, 50, 0)
+ spinEffect1.wrtReparentTo(battle)
+ spinEffect2.wrtReparentTo(battle)
+ spinEffect3.wrtReparentTo(battle)
+ suitTrack = getSuitTrack(attack) # Get suit animation track
+ sprayTrack = getPartTrack(sprayEffect, 1.0, 1.9, [sprayEffect, suit, 0])
+ spinTrack1 = getPartTrack(spinEffect1, 2.1, 3.9, [spinEffect1, battle, 0])
+ spinTrack2 = getPartTrack(spinEffect2, 2.1, 3.9, [spinEffect2, battle, 0])
+ spinTrack3 = getPartTrack(spinEffect3, 2.1, 3.9, [spinEffect3, battle, 0])
+ damageAnims = []
+ damageAnims.append(['duck', 0.01, 0.01, 1.1])
+ damageAnims.extend(getSplicedLerpAnims('think', 0.66, 1.1, startTime=2.26))
+ damageAnims.extend(getSplicedLerpAnims('think', 0.66, 1.1, startTime=2.26))
+ toonTrack = getToonTrack(attack, damageDelay=damageDelay, splicedDamageAnims=damageAnims,
+ dodgeDelay=0.91, dodgeAnimNames=['sidestep'],
+ showDamageExtraTime=2.1, showMissedExtraTime=1.0)
+ if (dmg > 0): # use the spinning particle effects
+ # Create the track to spin the toon around
+ toonSpinTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(damageDelay+0.9),
+ LerpHprInterval(toon, 0.7, Point3(-10, 0, 0)),
+ LerpHprInterval(toon, 0.5, Point3(-30, 0, 0)),
+ LerpHprInterval(toon, 0.2, Point3(-60, 0, 0)),
+ LerpHprInterval(toon, 0.7, Point3(-700, 0, 0)),
+ LerpHprInterval(toon, 1.0, Point3(-1310, 0, 0)),
+ LerpHprInterval(toon, 0.4, toon.getHpr()),
+ Wait(0.5),
+ )
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, sprayTrack, toonTrack, toonSpinTrack,
+ spinTrack1, spinTrack2, spinTrack3)
+ else:
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, sprayTrack, toonTrack)
+def doLegalese(attack): # le(a) fixed
+ """ This function returns Tracks portraying the Legalese attack """
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ BattleParticles.loadParticles()
+ sprayEffect1 = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='legaleseSpray')
+ sprayEffect2 = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='legaleseSpray')
+ sprayEffect3 = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='legaleseSpray')
+ color = Vec4(0.4, 0, 0, 1)
+ BattleParticles.setEffectTexture(sprayEffect1, 'legalese-hc', color=color)
+ BattleParticles.setEffectTexture(sprayEffect2, 'legalese-qpq', color=color)
+ BattleParticles.setEffectTexture(sprayEffect3, 'legalese-vd', color=color)
+ partDelay = 1.3
+ partDuration = 1.15
+ damageDelay = 1.9
+ dodgeDelay = 1.1
+ suitTrack = getSuitTrack(attack)
+ sprayTrack1 = getPartTrack(sprayEffect1, partDelay, partDuration,
+ [sprayEffect1, suit, 0])
+ sprayTrack2 = getPartTrack(sprayEffect2, partDelay+0.8, partDuration,
+ [sprayEffect2, suit, 0])
+ sprayTrack3 = getPartTrack(sprayEffect3, partDelay+1.6, partDuration,
+ [sprayEffect3, suit, 0])
+ damageAnims = []
+ damageAnims.append(['cringe', 0.00001, 0.3, 0.8])
+ damageAnims.append(['cringe', 0.00001, 0.3, 0.8])
+ damageAnims.append(['cringe', 0.00001, 0.3])
+ # Damage animation is toon cringing as gets hit then, then falls to the floor
+ toonTrack = getToonTrack(attack, damageDelay=damageDelay, splicedDamageAnims=damageAnims,
+ dodgeDelay=dodgeDelay, dodgeAnimNames=['sidestep'],
+ showMissedExtraTime=0.8)
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, toonTrack, sprayTrack1, sprayTrack2, sprayTrack3)
+def doPeckingOrder(attack): # throw, multiple props; duck; sidestep
+ """ This function returns Tracks portraying the Pecking Order attack """
+ suit = attack['suit']
+ battle = attack['battle']
+ target = attack['target']
+ toon = target['toon']
+ dmg = target['hp']
+ throwDuration = 3.03
+ throwDelay = 3.2
+ suitTrack = getSuitTrack(attack) # Get standard suit track
+ numBirds = random.randint(4, 7)
+ birdTracks = Parallel()
+ propDelay = 1.5
+ for i in range(0, numBirds):
+ next = globalPropPool.getProp('bird')
+ next.setScale(0.01)
+ next.reparentTo(suit.getRightHand())
+ next.setPos(random.random()*0.6-0.3,
+ random.random()*0.6-0.3,
+ random.random()*0.6-0.3)
+ if (dmg > 0): # If toon takes damage, hit face, otherwise go farther
+ hitPoint = Point3(random.random()*5-2.5,
+ random.random()*2-1 - 6,
+ random.random()*3-1.5 + toon.getHeight() - 0.9,)
+ else:
+ hitPoint = Point3(random.random()*2-1,
+ random.random()*4-2 - 15,
+ random.random()*4-2 + 2.2,)
+ birdTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(throwDelay),
+ Func(, next),
+ Func(next.wrtReparentTo, battle),
+ Func(next.setHpr, Point3(90, 20, 0)),
+ LerpPosInterval(next, 1.1, hitPoint),
+ )
+ scaleTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(throwDelay),
+ LerpScaleInterval(next, 0.15, Point3(9, 9, 9)),
+ )
+ birdTracks.append(Sequence(
+ Parallel(birdTrack, scaleTrack),
+ Func(MovieUtil.removeProp, next),
+ ))
+ damageAnims = []
+ damageAnims.append(['cringe', 0.01, 0.14, 0.21])
+ damageAnims.append(['cringe', 0.01, 0.14, 0.13])
+ damageAnims.append(['cringe', 0.01, 0.43])
+ toonTrack = getToonTrack(attack, damageDelay=4.2, splicedDamageAnims=damageAnims,
+ dodgeDelay=2.8, dodgeAnimNames=['sidestep'],
+ showMissedExtraTime=1.1)
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, toonTrack, birdTracks)
+def doGavel(attack): # project; slip-backward; sidestep
+ pass #later
+def doThrowBook(attack): # throw; conked; sidestep
+ pass #later
+# End Revamped attacks using sub functions defined above.
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/ b/toontown/src/battle/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d24e5ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/
@@ -0,0 +1,829 @@
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
+from BattleBase import *
+from BattleProps import *
+from BattleSounds import *
+from toontown.toon.ToonDNA import *
+from toontown.suit.SuitDNA import *
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+import random
+import MovieCamera
+import MovieUtil
+from MovieUtil import calcAvgSuitPos
+notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('MovieThrow')
+# still need miss 'hitting' sounds to be separated from the 'throw' sounds
+# for creampie and fruitpie, wholecreampie and whole fruitpie and bdaycake
+# so the sound and animation can be synced at the end of variable-length throw
+# until we get these sounds, we just use these 'only' sounds as placeholders
+hitSoundFiles = ('AA_tart_only.mp3',
+ 'AA_slice_only.mp3',
+ 'AA_slice_only.mp3',
+ 'AA_slice_only.mp3',
+ 'AA_slice_only.mp3',
+ 'AA_wholepie_only.mp3',
+ 'AA_wholepie_only.mp3',) #UBER
+# need miss 'hitting' sounds to be separated from the 'throw' sounds
+# so the sound and animation can be synced at the end of variable-length throw
+# until we get these sounds, we just use 'AA_pie_throw_only.mp3' for all misses
+#missSoundFiles = ('AA_pie_throw_only.mp3',
+# 'AA_pie_throw_only.mp3',
+# 'AA_pie_throw_only.mp3',
+# 'AA_pie_throw_only.mp3',
+# 'AA_pie_throw_only.mp3',
+# 'AA_pie_throw_only.mp3',)
+#tPieLeavesHand = 2.755
+tPieLeavesHand = 2.7
+tPieHitsSuit = 3.0
+tSuitDodges = 2.45
+# length of pie flight path when you miss relative to length
+# of pie flight when you hit the suit
+ratioMissToHit = 1.5
+# this is based on the [0..1] time range of the pie flight when it misses
+tPieShrink = 0.7
+pieFlyTaskName = "MovieThrow-pieFly"
+def addHit (dict, suitId, hitCount):
+ if (dict.has_key(suitId)):
+ dict[suitId] += hitCount
+ else:
+ dict[suitId] = hitCount
+def doThrows(throws):
+ """ Throws occur in the following order:
+ a) by suit, in order of increasing number of throws per suit
+ 1) level 1 throws, right to left, (TOON_THROW_DELAY later)
+ 2) level 2 throws, right to left, (TOON_THROW_DELAY later)
+ 3) level 3 throws, right to left, (TOON_THROW_DELAY later)
+ etc.
+ b) next suit, (TOON_THROW_SUIT_DELAY later)
+ """
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ if (len(throws) == 0):
+ return (None, None)
+ # Group the throws by targeted suit
+ suitThrowsDict = {}
+ # throw['toon'] is the thrower.
+ for throw in throws:
+ # TODO: Count suits, and if there is only one, save that variable.
+ if attackAffectsGroup( throw['track'], throw['level']):
+ #hmmm lets try throwing at all of them
+ #for target in throw['target']:
+ # suitId = targett['suit'].doId
+ # if (suitThrowsDict.has_key(suitId)):
+ # suitThrowsDict[suitId].append(throw)
+ # else:
+ # suitThrowsDict[suitId] = [throw]
+ pass
+ else:
+ suitId = throw['target']['suit'].doId
+ if (suitThrowsDict.has_key(suitId)):
+ suitThrowsDict[suitId].append(throw)
+ else:
+ suitThrowsDict[suitId] = [throw]
+ # A list of lists of throws grouped by suit
+ suitThrows = suitThrowsDict.values()
+ # Sort the suits based on the number of throws per suit
+ def compFunc(a, b):
+ if (len(a) > len(b)):
+ return 1
+ elif (len(a) < len(b)):
+ return -1
+ return 0
+ suitThrows.sort(compFunc)
+ #since we have group throws now, we calculate how
+ #many times each suit gets hit over here
+ totalHitDict = {}
+ singleHitDict = {}
+ groupHitDict = {}
+ for throw in throws:
+ if attackAffectsGroup( throw['track'], throw['level']):
+ for i in range(len (throw['target'])):
+ target= throw['target'][i]
+ suitId = target['suit'].doId
+ if target['hp'] > 0:
+ addHit(groupHitDict,suitId,1)
+ addHit(totalHitDict,suitId,1)
+ else:
+ addHit(groupHitDict,suitId,0)
+ addHit(totalHitDict,suitId,0)
+ else:
+ suitId = throw['target']['suit'].doId
+ if throw['target']['hp'] > 0:
+ addHit(singleHitDict,suitId,1)
+ addHit(totalHitDict,suitId,1)
+ else:
+ addHit(singleHitDict,suitId,0)
+ addHit(totalHitDict,suitId,0)
+ notify.debug('singleHitDict = %s' % singleHitDict)
+ notify.debug('groupHitDict = %s' % groupHitDict)
+ notify.debug('totalHitDict = %s' % totalHitDict)
+ # Apply attacks in order
+ delay = 0.0
+ mtrack = Parallel()
+ for st in suitThrows:
+ if (len(st) > 0):
+ ival = __doSuitThrows(st)
+ if (ival):
+ mtrack.append(Sequence(Wait(delay), ival))
+ delay = delay + TOON_THROW_SUIT_DELAY
+ retTrack = Sequence()
+ retTrack.append(mtrack)
+ #we've done the single target throws, handle the group throws
+ groupThrowIvals = Parallel()
+ groupThrows = []
+ for throw in throws:
+ # TODO: Count suits, and if there is only one, save that variable.
+ if attackAffectsGroup( throw['track'], throw['level']):
+ groupThrows.append(throw)
+ for throw in groupThrows:
+ tracks = None
+ tracks = __throwGroupPie(throw, 0, groupHitDict)
+ if (tracks ):
+ #groupThrowIvals.append(Sequence(Wait(delay), ival))
+ for track in tracks:
+ groupThrowIvals.append(track)
+ #delay = delay + TOON_THROW_SUIT_DELAY
+ retTrack.append(groupThrowIvals)
+ camDuration = retTrack.getDuration()
+ camTrack = MovieCamera.chooseThrowShot(throws, suitThrowsDict,
+ camDuration)
+ return (retTrack, camTrack)
+def __doSuitThrows(throws):
+ """ __doSuitThrows(throws)
+ Create the intervals for the attacks on a particular suit.
+ 1 or more toons can throw at the same target suit
+ Note: attacks are sorted by increasing level (as are toons)
+ Returns a multitrack with toon throws in the following order:
+ 1) level 1 throws, right to left, (TOON_THROW_DELAY later)
+ 2) level 2 throws, right to left, (TOON_THROW_DELAY later)
+ etc.
+ The intervals actually overlap in the case of multiple hits,
+ prematurely cutting off the end of the react animation.
+ """
+ toonTracks = Parallel()
+ delay = 0.0
+ # See if suit is hit multiple times, if it is, don't show stun animation
+ hitCount = 0
+ for throw in throws:
+ if throw['target']['hp'] > 0:
+ # Hit, continue counting
+ hitCount += 1
+ else:
+ # Miss, no need to think about stun effect
+ break
+ for throw in throws:
+ tracks = __throwPie(throw, delay, hitCount)
+ if (tracks):
+ for track in tracks:
+ toonTracks.append(track)
+ delay = delay + TOON_THROW_DELAY
+ return toonTracks
+def __showProp(prop, parent, pos):
+ prop.reparentTo(parent)
+ prop.setPos(pos)
+def __animProp(props, propName, propType):
+ if 'actor' == propType:
+ for prop in props:
+ elif 'model' == propType:
+ pass
+ else:
+ notify.error("No such propType as: %s" % propType)
+def __billboardProp(prop):
+ scale = prop.getScale()
+ #prop.lookAt(camera)
+ prop.setBillboardPointWorld()
+ prop.setScale(scale)
+def __suitMissPoint(suit, other=render):
+ # this is a point just above the suit's head
+ pnt = suit.getPos(other)
+ pnt.setZ(pnt[2] + (suit.getHeight() * 1.3))
+ return pnt
+def __propPreflight(props, suit, toon, battle):
+ assert(len(props) >= 2)
+ prop = props[0]
+ # make sure the 0 lod toon is in the right pose of the animation
+ toon.update(0)
+ # take the prop from the toon
+ prop.wrtReparentTo(battle)
+ props[1].reparentTo(hidden)
+ # make the top of the pie point along +Y
+ for ci in range(prop.getNumChildren()):
+ prop.getChild(ci).setHpr(0, -90, 0)
+ # figure out where it's going to end up
+ targetPnt = MovieUtil.avatarFacePoint(suit, other=battle)
+ # make the pie point towards the suit's face
+ prop.lookAt(targetPnt)
+def __propPreflightGroup(props, suits, toon, battle):
+ """
+ same as __propPreflight, but face the avg suit pt
+ """
+ assert(len(props) >= 2)
+ prop = props[0]
+ # make sure the 0 lod toon is in the right pose of the animation
+ toon.update(0)
+ # take the prop from the toon
+ prop.wrtReparentTo(battle)
+ props[1].reparentTo(hidden)
+ # make the top of the pie point along +Y
+ for ci in range(prop.getNumChildren()):
+ prop.getChild(ci).setHpr(0, -90, 0)
+ # figure out where it's going to end up
+ avgTargetPt = Point3(0,0,0)
+ for suit in suits:
+ avgTargetPt += MovieUtil.avatarFacePoint(suit, other=battle)
+ avgTargetPt /= len(suits)
+ # make the pie point towards the suit's face
+ prop.lookAt(avgTargetPt)
+def __piePreMiss(missDict, pie, suitPoint, other=render):
+ # called after propPreFlight
+ missDict['pie'] = pie
+ missDict['startScale'] = pie.getScale()
+ missDict['startPos'] = pie.getPos(other)
+ v = Vec3(suitPoint - missDict['startPos'])
+ endPos = missDict['startPos'] + (v * ratioMissToHit)
+ missDict['endPos'] = endPos
+def __pieMissLerpCallback(t, missDict):
+ pie = missDict['pie']
+ newPos = (missDict['startPos'] * (1.0 - t)) + (missDict['endPos'] * t)
+ if t < tPieShrink:
+ tScale = 0.0001
+ else:
+ tScale = (t - tPieShrink) / (1.0 - tPieShrink)
+ newScale = (missDict['startScale'] * max((1.0 - tScale), 0.01))
+ pie.setPos(newPos)
+ pie.setScale(newScale)
+def __piePreMissGroup(missDict, pies, suitPoint, other=render):
+ """
+ Same as __piePreMiss, but handles multiple pie parts
+ # called after propPreFlight
+ """
+ missDict['pies'] = pies
+ missDict['startScale'] = pies[0].getScale()
+ missDict['startPos'] = pies[0].getPos(other)
+ v = Vec3(suitPoint - missDict['startPos'])
+ endPos = missDict['startPos'] + (v * ratioMissToHit)
+ missDict['endPos'] = endPos
+ notify.debug('startPos=%s' % missDict['startPos'])
+ notify.debug('v=%s' % v)
+ notify.debug('endPos=%s' % missDict['endPos'])
+def __pieMissGroupLerpCallback(t, missDict):
+ """
+ Same as __pieMissLerpCallback, but handles multiple pie parts
+ """
+ pies = missDict['pies']
+ newPos = (missDict['startPos'] * (1.0 - t)) + (missDict['endPos'] * t)
+ if t < tPieShrink:
+ tScale = 0.0001
+ else:
+ tScale = (t - tPieShrink) / (1.0 - tPieShrink)
+ newScale = (missDict['startScale'] * max((1.0 - tScale), 0.01))
+ for pie in pies:
+ pie.setPos(newPos)
+ pie.setScale(newScale)
+def __getWeddingCakeSoundTrack(level, hitSuit, node=None):
+ throwTrack = Sequence()
+ if hitSuit:
+ throwSound = globalBattleSoundCache.getSound('AA_throw_wedding_cake.mp3')
+ songTrack = Sequence()
+ songTrack.append(Wait(1.0))
+ songTrack.append ( SoundInterval(throwSound, node=node))
+ splatSound = globalBattleSoundCache.getSound('AA_throw_wedding_cake_cog.mp3')
+ splatTrack = Sequence()
+ splatTrack.append(Wait(tPieHitsSuit))
+ splatTrack.append ( SoundInterval(splatSound, node=node))
+ throwTrack.append(Parallel(
+ songTrack,
+ splatTrack,
+ ))
+ else:
+ throwSound = globalBattleSoundCache.getSound('AA_throw_wedding_cake_miss.mp3')
+ throwTrack.append(Wait(tSuitDodges))
+ throwTrack.append ( SoundInterval(throwSound, node=node))
+ return throwTrack
+def __getSoundTrack(level, hitSuit, node=None):
+ #level: the level of attack, int 0-5
+ #hitSuit: does the attack hit toon, bool
+ if level == UBER_GAG_LEVEL_INDEX:
+ return __getWeddingCakeSoundTrack(level, hitSuit, node)
+ throwSound = globalBattleSoundCache.getSound('AA_pie_throw_only.mp3')
+ throwTrack = Sequence(Wait(2.6), SoundInterval(throwSound, node=node))
+ if hitSuit: # Add in impact sound if throw hits
+ hitSound = globalBattleSoundCache.getSound(hitSoundFiles[level])
+ hitTrack = Sequence(Wait(tPieLeavesHand),
+ SoundInterval(hitSound, node=node))
+ return Parallel(throwTrack, hitTrack)
+ else: # Just returns the sound of the throw if you miss
+ return throwTrack
+def __throwPie(throw, delay, hitCount):
+ toon = throw['toon']
+ hpbonus = throw['hpbonus']
+ target = throw['target']
+ suit = target['suit']
+ hp = target['hp']
+ kbbonus = target['kbbonus']
+ sidestep = throw['sidestep']
+ died = target['died']
+ revived = target['revived']
+ leftSuits = target['leftSuits']
+ rightSuits = target['rightSuits']
+ level = throw['level']
+ battle = throw['battle']
+ suitPos = suit.getPos(battle)
+ origHpr = toon.getHpr(battle)
+ notify.debug('toon: %s throws tart at suit: %d for hp: %d died: %d' % \
+ (toon.getName(), suit.doId, hp, died))
+ pieName = pieNames[level]
+ hitSuit = (hp > 0)
+ pie = globalPropPool.getProp(pieName)
+ pieType = globalPropPool.getPropType(pieName)
+ pie2 = MovieUtil.copyProp(pie)
+ pies = [pie, pie2]
+ hands = toon.getRightHands()
+ splatName = 'splat-' + pieName
+ if pieName == 'wedding-cake':
+ splatName = 'splat-birthday-cake'
+ splat = globalPropPool.getProp(splatName)
+ splatType = globalPropPool.getPropType(splatName)
+ # make the toon throw the pie
+ toonTrack = Sequence()
+ toonFace = Func(toon.headsUp, battle, suitPos)
+ toonTrack.append(Wait(delay))
+ toonTrack.append(toonFace)
+ toonTrack.append(ActorInterval(toon, 'throw'))
+ toonTrack.append(Func(toon.loop, 'neutral'))
+ toonTrack.append(Func(toon.setHpr, battle, origHpr))
+ # take the pie from the toon and make it fly
+ pieShow = Func(MovieUtil.showProps, pies, hands)
+ pieAnim = Func(__animProp, pies, pieName, pieType)
+ pieScale1 = LerpScaleInterval(pie, 1.0, pie.getScale(),
+ startScale=MovieUtil.PNT3_NEARZERO)
+ pieScale2 = LerpScaleInterval(pie2, 1.0, pie2.getScale(),
+ startScale=MovieUtil.PNT3_NEARZERO)
+ pieScale = Parallel(pieScale1, pieScale2)
+ piePreflight = Func(__propPreflight, pies, suit, toon, battle)
+ pieTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(delay),
+ pieShow,
+ pieAnim,
+ pieScale,
+ Func(, pies[0]),
+ Wait(tPieLeavesHand - 1.0),
+ piePreflight,
+ )
+ soundTrack = __getSoundTrack(level, hitSuit, toon)
+ if hitSuit:
+ # make the pie fly up to the suit's face and disappear
+ pieFly = LerpPosInterval(pie, tPieHitsSuit - tPieLeavesHand,
+ pos=MovieUtil.avatarFacePoint(suit, other=battle),
+ name=pieFlyTaskName, other=battle)
+ pieHide = Func(MovieUtil.removeProps, pies)
+ # play the splat animation
+ splatShow = Func(__showProp, splat, suit, Point3(0, 0, suit.getHeight()))
+ splatBillboard = Func(__billboardProp, splat)
+ splatAnim = ActorInterval(splat, splatName)
+ splatHide = Func(MovieUtil.removeProp, splat)
+ pieTrack.append(pieFly)
+ pieTrack.append(pieHide)
+ pieTrack.append(Func(, pies[0]))
+ pieTrack.append(splatShow)
+ pieTrack.append(splatBillboard)
+ pieTrack.append(splatAnim)
+ pieTrack.append(splatHide)
+ else:
+ # the suit is going to dodge, or we missed
+ # make the pie fly past the suit's face, and shrink to nothing
+ missDict = {}
+ if sidestep:
+ suitPoint = MovieUtil.avatarFacePoint(suit, other=battle)
+ else:
+ suitPoint = __suitMissPoint(suit, other=battle)
+ piePreMiss = Func(__piePreMiss, missDict, pie, suitPoint, battle)
+ pieMiss = LerpFunctionInterval(
+ __pieMissLerpCallback,
+ extraArgs=[missDict],
+ duration = ((tPieHitsSuit - tPieLeavesHand)*ratioMissToHit))
+ pieHide = Func(MovieUtil.removeProps, pies)
+ pieTrack.append(piePreMiss)
+ pieTrack.append(pieMiss)
+ pieTrack.append(pieHide)
+ pieTrack.append(Func(, pies[0]))
+ if hitSuit:
+ suitResponseTrack = Sequence()
+ showDamage = Func(suit.showHpText, -hp, openEnded=0, attackTrack = THROW_TRACK)
+ updateHealthBar = Func(suit.updateHealthBar, hp)
+ # If the suit gets knocked back, animate it
+ # No stun animation shown here
+ sival = [] # Suit interval of its animation
+ if (kbbonus > 0):
+ suitPos, suitHpr = battle.getActorPosHpr(suit)
+ suitType = getSuitBodyType(suit.getStyleName())
+ animTrack = Sequence()
+ animTrack.append(ActorInterval(suit, 'pie-small-react', duration=0.2))
+ if (suitType == 'a'):
+ animTrack.append(ActorInterval(suit, 'slip-forward', startTime=2.43))
+ elif (suitType == 'b'):
+ animTrack.append(ActorInterval(suit, 'slip-forward', startTime=1.94))
+ elif (suitType == 'c'):
+ animTrack.append(ActorInterval(suit, 'slip-forward', startTime=2.58))
+ # Be sure to unlure the suit so it doesn't walk back (already knocked back)
+ animTrack.append(Func(battle.unlureSuit, suit))
+ moveTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(0.2),
+ LerpPosInterval(suit, 0.6, pos=suitPos, other=battle),
+ )
+ sival = Parallel(animTrack, moveTrack)
+ else:
+ if (hitCount == 1):
+ sival = Parallel(
+ ActorInterval(suit, 'pie-small-react'),
+ MovieUtil.createSuitStunInterval(suit, 0.3, 1.3),
+ )
+ else:
+ sival = ActorInterval(suit, 'pie-small-react')
+ #sival = ActorInterval(suit, 'pie-small-react')
+ suitResponseTrack.append(Wait(delay + tPieHitsSuit))
+ suitResponseTrack.append(showDamage)
+ suitResponseTrack.append(updateHealthBar)
+ suitResponseTrack.append(sival)
+ # Make a bonus track for any hp bonus
+ bonusTrack = Sequence(Wait(delay + tPieHitsSuit))
+ if (kbbonus > 0):
+ bonusTrack.append(Wait(0.75))
+ bonusTrack.append(Func(suit.showHpText, -kbbonus, 2, openEnded=0, attackTrack = THROW_TRACK))
+ if (hpbonus > 0):
+ bonusTrack.append(Wait(0.75))
+ bonusTrack.append(Func(suit.showHpText, -hpbonus, 1, openEnded=0, attackTrack = THROW_TRACK))
+ if (revived != 0):
+ suitResponseTrack.append(MovieUtil.createSuitReviveTrack(suit, toon, battle))
+ elif (died != 0):
+ suitResponseTrack.append(MovieUtil.createSuitDeathTrack(suit, toon, battle))
+ else:
+ suitResponseTrack.append(Func(suit.loop, 'neutral'))
+ suitResponseTrack = Parallel(suitResponseTrack, bonusTrack)
+ else:
+ # suit dodges
+ # other suits may need to dodge as well
+ suitResponseTrack = MovieUtil.createSuitDodgeMultitrack(delay + tSuitDodges,
+ suit, leftSuits, rightSuits)
+ # Since it's possible for there to be simultaneous throws, we only
+ # want the suit to dodge one time at most. Thus if the suit is
+ # not hit (dodges) and that dodge is not from the first dodge
+ # (which has delay=0) then we don't add another suit reaction.
+ # Otherwise, we add the suit track as normal
+ if (not hitSuit and delay > 0):
+ return [toonTrack, soundTrack, pieTrack]
+ else:
+ return [toonTrack, soundTrack, pieTrack, suitResponseTrack]
+def __createWeddingCakeFlight(throw, groupHitDict, pie, pies):
+ toon = throw['toon']
+ battle = throw['battle']
+ level = throw['level']
+ sidestep = throw['sidestep']
+ hpbonus = throw['hpbonus']
+ numTargets = len(throw['target'])
+ pieName = pieNames[level]
+ #so loop through our targets, and throw 1 layer of the wedding cake at each one
+ splatName = 'splat-' + pieName
+ if pieName == 'wedding-cake':
+ splatName = 'splat-birthday-cake'
+ splat = globalPropPool.getProp(splatName)
+ splats = [splat]
+ for i in range (numTargets-1):
+ splats.append( MovieUtil.copyProp(splat) )
+ splatType = globalPropPool.getPropType(splatName)
+ cakePartStrs = ['cake1','cake2','cake3','caketop']
+ cakeParts = []
+ for part in cakePartStrs:
+ cakeParts.append(pie.find('**/%s' % part))
+ #figure out which cake part goes to which suit
+ cakePartDivisions = {}
+ cakePartDivisions[1] = [[cakeParts[0], cakeParts[1], cakeParts[2], cakeParts[3] ],]
+ cakePartDivisions[2] = [ [cakeParts[0], cakeParts[1]], [cakeParts[2], cakeParts[3]] ]
+ cakePartDivisions[3] = [ [cakeParts[0], cakeParts[1]], [cakeParts[2],], [cakeParts[3],] ]
+ cakePartDivisions[4] = [ [cakeParts[0],], [cakeParts[1],], [cakeParts[2],], [cakeParts[3],] ]
+ cakePartDivToUse = cakePartDivisions[len(throw['target'])]
+ groupPieTracks = Parallel()
+ for i in range(numTargets):
+ target = throw['target'][i]
+ suit = target['suit']
+ hitSuit = (target['hp'] > 0)
+ singlePieTrack = Sequence()
+ if hitSuit:
+ # make the pie fly up to the suit's face and disappear
+ piePartReparent = Func( reparentCakePart, pie, cakePartDivToUse[i])
+ singlePieTrack.append(piePartReparent)
+ cakePartTrack = Parallel()
+ for cakePart in cakePartDivToUse[i]:
+ pieFly = LerpPosInterval(cakePart, tPieHitsSuit - tPieLeavesHand,
+ pos=MovieUtil.avatarFacePoint(suit, other=battle),
+ name=pieFlyTaskName, other=battle)
+ cakePartTrack.append(pieFly)
+ singlePieTrack.append(cakePartTrack)
+ pieRemoveCakeParts = Func(MovieUtil.removeProps, cakePartDivToUse[i])
+ pieHide = Func(MovieUtil.removeProps, pies)
+ # play the splat animation
+ splatShow = Func(__showProp, splats[i], suit, Point3(0, 0, suit.getHeight()))
+ splatBillboard = Func(__billboardProp, splats[i])
+ splatAnim = ActorInterval(splats[i], splatName)
+ splatHide = Func(MovieUtil.removeProp, splats[i])
+ singlePieTrack.append(pieRemoveCakeParts)
+ singlePieTrack.append(pieHide)
+ singlePieTrack.append(Func(, pies[0]))
+ singlePieTrack.append(splatShow)
+ singlePieTrack.append(splatBillboard)
+ singlePieTrack.append(splatAnim)
+ singlePieTrack.append(splatHide)
+ else:
+ # the suit is going to dodge, or we missed
+ # make the pie fly past the suit's face, and shrink to nothing
+ #untested for now
+ missDict = {}
+ if sidestep:
+ suitPoint = MovieUtil.avatarFacePoint(suit, other=battle)
+ else:
+ suitPoint = __suitMissPoint(suit, other=battle)
+ piePartReparent = Func( reparentCakePart, pie, cakePartDivToUse[i])
+ piePreMiss = Func(__piePreMissGroup, missDict, cakePartDivToUse[i], suitPoint, battle)
+ pieMiss = LerpFunctionInterval(
+ __pieMissGroupLerpCallback,
+ extraArgs=[missDict],
+ duration = ((tPieHitsSuit - tPieLeavesHand)*ratioMissToHit) )
+ pieHide = Func(MovieUtil.removeProps, pies)
+ pieRemoveCakeParts = Func(MovieUtil.removeProps, cakePartDivToUse[i])
+ singlePieTrack.append(piePartReparent)
+ singlePieTrack.append(piePreMiss)
+ singlePieTrack.append(pieMiss)
+ singlePieTrack.append(pieRemoveCakeParts)
+ singlePieTrack.append(pieHide)
+ singlePieTrack.append(Func(, pies[0]))
+ groupPieTracks.append(singlePieTrack)
+ return groupPieTracks
+def __throwGroupPie(throw, delay, groupHitDict):
+ """
+ TODO this can be made to __throwGroupPie and wedding cake stuff is called in a diff function
+ """
+ toon = throw['toon']
+ battle = throw['battle']
+ level = throw['level']
+ sidestep = throw['sidestep']
+ hpbonus = throw['hpbonus']
+ numTargets = len(throw['target'])
+ avgSuitPos = calcAvgSuitPos(throw)
+ # make the toon throw the wedding cake
+ origHpr = toon.getHpr(battle)
+ toonTrack = Sequence()
+ toonFace = Func(toon.headsUp, battle, avgSuitPos)
+ toonTrack.append(Wait(delay))
+ toonTrack.append(toonFace)
+ toonTrack.append(ActorInterval(toon, 'throw'))
+ toonTrack.append(Func(toon.loop, 'neutral'))
+ toonTrack.append(Func(toon.setHpr, battle, origHpr))
+ # take the pie from the toon and make it fly
+ suits = []
+ for i in range(numTargets):
+ suits.append ( throw['target'][i]['suit'])
+ pieName = pieNames[level]
+ pie = globalPropPool.getProp(pieName)
+ pieType = globalPropPool.getPropType(pieName)
+ pie2 = MovieUtil.copyProp(pie)
+ pies = [pie, pie2]
+ hands = toon.getRightHands()
+ pieShow = Func(MovieUtil.showProps, pies, hands)
+ pieAnim = Func(__animProp, pies, pieName, pieType)
+ pieScale1 = LerpScaleInterval(pie, 1.0, pie.getScale() * 1.5,
+ startScale=MovieUtil.PNT3_NEARZERO)
+ pieScale2 = LerpScaleInterval(pie2, 1.0, pie2.getScale() *1.5,
+ startScale=MovieUtil.PNT3_NEARZERO)
+ pieScale = Parallel(pieScale1, pieScale2)
+ piePreflight = Func(__propPreflightGroup, pies, suits, toon, battle)
+ pieTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(delay),
+ pieShow,
+ pieAnim,
+ pieScale,
+ Func(, pies[0]),
+ Wait(tPieLeavesHand - 1.0),
+ piePreflight,
+ )
+ #create the pie flight interval
+ if level == UBER_GAG_LEVEL_INDEX:
+ groupPieTracks = __createWeddingCakeFlight(throw, groupHitDict, pie, pies)
+ else:
+ notify.error('unhandled throw level %d' % level)
+ pieTrack.append(groupPieTracks)
+ didThrowHitAnyone = False
+ for i in range(numTargets):
+ target = throw['target'][i]
+ hitSuit = (target['hp'] > 0)
+ if hitSuit:
+ didThrowHitAnyone = True
+ soundTrack = __getSoundTrack(level, didThrowHitAnyone, toon)
+ groupSuitResponseTrack = Parallel()
+ #handle the suit response
+ for i in range(numTargets):
+ target = throw['target'][i]
+ suit = target['suit']
+ hitSuit = (target['hp'] > 0)
+ leftSuits = target['leftSuits']
+ rightSuits = target['rightSuits']
+ hp = target['hp']
+ kbbonus = target['kbbonus']
+ died = target['died']
+ revived = target['revived']
+ if hitSuit:
+ singleSuitResponseTrack = Sequence()
+ showDamage = Func(suit.showHpText, -hp, openEnded=0, attackTrack=THROW_TRACK)
+ updateHealthBar = Func(suit.updateHealthBar, hp)
+ # If the suit gets knocked back, animate it
+ # No stun animation shown here
+ sival = [] # Suit interval of its animation
+ if (kbbonus > 0):
+ suitPos, suitHpr = battle.getActorPosHpr(suit)
+ suitType = getSuitBodyType(suit.getStyleName())
+ animTrack = Sequence()
+ animTrack.append(ActorInterval(suit, 'pie-small-react', duration=0.2))
+ if (suitType == 'a'):
+ animTrack.append(ActorInterval(suit, 'slip-forward', startTime=2.43))
+ elif (suitType == 'b'):
+ animTrack.append(ActorInterval(suit, 'slip-forward', startTime=1.94))
+ elif (suitType == 'c'):
+ animTrack.append(ActorInterval(suit, 'slip-forward', startTime=2.58))
+ # Be sure to unlure the suit so it doesn't walk back (already knocked back)
+ animTrack.append(Func(battle.unlureSuit, suit))
+ moveTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(0.2),
+ LerpPosInterval(suit, 0.6, pos=suitPos, other=battle),
+ )
+ sival = Parallel(animTrack, moveTrack)
+ else:
+ if (groupHitDict[suit.doId] == 1):
+ sival = Parallel(
+ ActorInterval(suit, 'pie-small-react'),
+ MovieUtil.createSuitStunInterval(suit, 0.3, 1.3),
+ )
+ else:
+ sival = ActorInterval(suit, 'pie-small-react')
+ #sival = ActorInterval(suit, 'pie-small-react')
+ singleSuitResponseTrack.append(Wait(delay + tPieHitsSuit))
+ singleSuitResponseTrack.append(showDamage)
+ singleSuitResponseTrack.append(updateHealthBar)
+ singleSuitResponseTrack.append(sival)
+ # Make a bonus track for any hp bonus
+ bonusTrack = Sequence(Wait(delay + tPieHitsSuit))
+ if (kbbonus > 0):
+ bonusTrack.append(Wait(0.75))
+ bonusTrack.append(Func(suit.showHpText, -kbbonus, 2, openEnded=0, attackTrack = THROW_TRACK))
+ if (hpbonus > 0):
+ bonusTrack.append(Wait(0.75))
+ bonusTrack.append(Func(suit.showHpText, -hpbonus, 1, openEnded=0, attackTrack = THROW_TRACK))
+ if (revived != 0):
+ singleSuitResponseTrack.append(MovieUtil.createSuitReviveTrack(suit, toon, battle))
+ elif (died != 0):
+ singleSuitResponseTrack.append(MovieUtil.createSuitDeathTrack(suit, toon, battle))
+ else:
+ singleSuitResponseTrack.append(Func(suit.loop, 'neutral'))
+ singleSuitResponseTrack = Parallel(singleSuitResponseTrack, bonusTrack)
+ else:
+ #if none of the group throws hit at all, we can do a dodge
+ groupHitValues = groupHitDict.values()
+ if groupHitValues.count(0) == len(groupHitValues):
+ singleSuitResponseTrack = MovieUtil.createSuitDodgeMultitrack(delay + tSuitDodges,
+ suit, leftSuits, rightSuits)
+ else:
+ #because all the group pies fire at the same time, do not dodge at all
+ #in case one toon hits and another toon misses
+ singleSuitResponseTrack = Sequence(Wait(tPieHitsSuit - 0.1),
+ Func(MovieUtil.indicateMissed,
+ suit, 1.0))
+ groupSuitResponseTrack.append(singleSuitResponseTrack)
+ return [toonTrack,pieTrack, soundTrack, groupSuitResponseTrack]
+def reparentCakePart(pie, cakeParts):
+ pieParent = pie.getParent()
+ notify.debug('pieParent = %s' % pieParent)
+ for cakePart in cakeParts:
+ cakePart.wrtReparentTo(pieParent)
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/ b/toontown/src/battle/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8147392
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
+from RewardPanel import *
+from BattleSounds import *
+import MovieCamera
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+import types
+notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('MovieToonVictory')
+def __findToonReward(rewards, toon):
+ for r in rewards:
+ if (r['toon'] == toon):
+ return r
+ return None
+def doToonVictory(localToonActive, toons, rewardToonIds, rewardDicts,
+ deathList, rpanel, allowGroupShot = 1, uberList = [], helpfulToonsList= []):
+ track = Sequence()
+ if (localToonActive == 1):
+ track.append(Func(
+ track.append(Func(NametagGlobals.setOnscreenChatForced, 1))
+ camTrack = Sequence()
+ endTrack = Sequence()
+ danceSound = globalBattleSoundCache.getSound('ENC_Win.mp3')
+ # The toons list might be a list of toons, or it might be a list
+ # of toonId's. In either case, build a list of toons out of it.
+ toonList = []
+ countToons = 0
+ uberListNew = []
+ for t in toons:
+ if isinstance(t, types.IntType):
+ t =
+ if t:
+ toonList.append(t)
+ uberListNew.append(uberList[countToons])
+ countToons += 1
+ # make a list of toons/None from the rewardToonIds list. This list
+ # corresponds with the bitmasks embedded in the deathList. We need this
+ # in case a toon leaves in between the creation of the bitmasks and
+ # the client-side interpretation of them. (the bitmasks tell us who
+ # of the remaining toons was around when each cog was defeated)
+ toonId2toon = {}
+ for toon in toonList:
+ toonId2toon[toon.doId] = toon
+ rewardToonList = []
+ for id in rewardToonIds:
+ rewardToonList.append(toonId2toon.get(id))
+ for tIndex in range(len(toonList)):
+ t = toonList[tIndex]
+ rdict = __findToonReward(rewardDicts, t)
+ # To prevent client from crashing in this case.
+ if rdict != None:
+ expTrack = rpanel.getExpTrack(t, rdict['origExp'], rdict['earnedExp'],
+ deathList, rdict['origQuests'], rdict['items'], rdict['missedItems'],
+ rdict['origMerits'], rdict['merits'],
+ rdict['parts'], rewardToonList, uberListNew[tIndex],
+ helpfulToonsList)
+ if expTrack:
+ track.append(expTrack)
+ camDuration = expTrack.getDuration()
+ camExpTrack = MovieCamera.chooseRewardShot(t, camDuration)
+ assert camDuration == camExpTrack.getDuration()
+ camTrack.append(MovieCamera.chooseRewardShot(
+ t, camDuration, allowGroupShot = allowGroupShot))
+ if (localToonActive == 1):
+ track.append(Func(rpanel.hide))
+ track.append(Func(NametagGlobals.setOnscreenChatForced, 0))
+ track.append(endTrack)
+ trackdur = track.getDuration()
+ soundTrack = SoundInterval(danceSound, duration=trackdur, loop=1)
+ mtrack = Parallel(track, soundTrack)
+ return (mtrack, camTrack)
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/ b/toontown/src/battle/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa9029f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/
@@ -0,0 +1,763 @@
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
+from BattleBase import *
+from BattleProps import *
+from BattleSounds import *
+import MovieUtil
+import MovieCamera
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownBattleGlobals
+from import Actor
+from direct.particles import ParticleEffect
+import BattleParticles
+import BattleProps
+import MovieNPCSOS
+from MovieSound import createSuitResetPosTrack
+notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('MovieTrap')
+def doTraps(traps):
+ """ Traps occur simultaneously - if more than one trap is
+ thrown at the same suit, they explode
+ """
+ if (len(traps) == 0):
+ return (None, None)
+ npcArrivals, npcDepartures, npcs = MovieNPCSOS.doNPCTeleports(traps)
+ hasUberTrapConflict = False
+ # Group the traps by targeted suit
+ suitTrapsDict = {}
+ for trap in traps:
+ targets = trap['target']
+ if (len(targets) == 1):
+ suitId = targets[0]['suit'].doId
+ if (suitTrapsDict.has_key(suitId)):
+ suitTrapsDict[suitId].append(trap)
+ else:
+ suitTrapsDict[suitId] = [trap]
+ else:
+ # We're dealing with an NPC trap, which can have multiple
+ # targets - we only want to use the first valid target,
+ # however, to avoid tossing too many traps
+ for target in targets:
+ suitId = target['suit'].doId
+ if (not suitTrapsDict.has_key(suitId)):
+ suitTrapsDict[suitId] = [trap]
+ break
+ if trap['level'] == UBER_GAG_LEVEL_INDEX:
+ if len(traps) > 1:
+ hasUberTrapConflict = True
+ for oneTarget in trap['target']:
+ suit = oneTarget['suit']
+ if suit.battleTrap != NO_TRAP:
+ #we can get here in a 3 suit battle, by placing quicksand then doing train
+ hasUberTrapConflict = True
+ suitTrapLists = suitTrapsDict.values()
+ mtrack = Parallel()
+ for trapList in suitTrapLists:
+ # Set the appropriate trapProps for use with this trap
+ trapPropList = []
+ for i in range(len(trapList)):
+ trap = trapList[i]
+ level = trap['level']
+ if (level == 0): # banana
+ banana = globalPropPool.getProp('banana')
+ banana2 = MovieUtil.copyProp(banana)
+ trapPropList.append([banana, banana2])
+ elif (level == 1): # rake
+ rake = globalPropPool.getProp('rake')
+ rake2 = MovieUtil.copyProp(rake)
+ rake.pose('rake', 0)
+ rake2.pose('rake', 0)
+ trapPropList.append([rake, rake2])
+ elif (level == 2): # marbles
+ marbles = globalPropPool.getProp('marbles')
+ marbles2 = MovieUtil.copyProp(marbles)
+ trapPropList.append([marbles, marbles2])
+ elif (level == 3): # quicksand
+ trapPropList.append([globalPropPool.getProp('quicksand')])
+ elif (level == 4): # trapdoor
+ trapPropList.append([globalPropPool.getProp('trapdoor')])
+ elif (level == 5): # tnt
+ tnt = globalPropPool.getProp('tnt')
+ tnt2 = MovieUtil.copyProp(tnt)
+ trapPropList.append([tnt, tnt2])
+ elif (level == 6): # tnt #UBER
+ tnt = globalPropPool.getProp('traintrack') #('trapdoor')
+ tnt2 = MovieUtil.copyProp(tnt)
+ trapPropList.append([tnt, tnt2])
+ else:
+ notify.warning('__doTraps() - Incorrect trap level: \
+ %d' % level)
+ if (len(trapList) == 1) and not hasUberTrapConflict:
+ # Trap is successfully placed
+ ival = __doTrapLevel(trapList[0], trapPropList[0])
+ if (ival):
+ mtrack.append(ival)
+ else:
+ assert(len(trapList) > 1 or hasUberTrapConflict)
+ subMtrack = Parallel()
+ for i in range(len(trapList)):
+ trap = trapList[i]
+ trapProps = trapPropList[i]
+ ival = __doTrapLevel(trap, trapProps, explode=1)
+ if (ival):
+ subMtrack.append(ival)
+ mtrack.append(subMtrack)
+ trapTrack = Sequence(npcArrivals, mtrack, npcDepartures)
+ camDuration = mtrack.getDuration()
+ enterDuration = npcArrivals.getDuration()
+ exitDuration = npcDepartures.getDuration()
+ camTrack = MovieCamera.chooseTrapShot(traps, camDuration, enterDuration,
+ exitDuration)
+ return (trapTrack, camTrack)
+def __doTrapLevel(trap, trapProps, explode=0):
+ """ __doTrapLevel(trap)
+ """
+ level = trap['level']
+ if (level == 0):
+ return __trapBanana(trap, trapProps, explode)
+ elif (level == 1):
+ return __trapRake(trap, trapProps, explode)
+ elif (level == 2):
+ return __trapMarbles(trap, trapProps, explode)
+ elif (level == 3):
+ return __trapQuicksand(trap, trapProps, explode)
+ elif (level == 4):
+ return __trapTrapdoor(trap, trapProps, explode)
+ elif (level == 5):
+ return __trapTNT(trap, trapProps, explode)
+ elif (level == 6):
+ return __trapTrain(trap, trapProps, explode)
+ return None
+def getSoundTrack(fileName, delay=0.01, duration=None, node=None):
+ """ This functions returns the standard sound track, which involves one sound
+ effect with a possible delay beforehand and an optional duration specification.
+ """
+ soundEffect = globalBattleSoundCache.getSound(fileName)
+ if duration:
+ return Sequence(Wait(delay),
+ SoundInterval(soundEffect, duration=duration, node=node))
+ else:
+ return Sequence(Wait(delay),
+ SoundInterval(soundEffect, node=node))
+def __createThrownTrapMultiTrack(trap, propList, propName, propPos=None,
+ propHpr=None, anim=0, explode=0):
+ toon = trap['toon']
+ level = trap['level']
+ battle = trap['battle']
+ target = trap['target']
+ suit = target[0]['suit']
+ targetPos = suit.getPos(battle)
+ thrownProp = propList[0]
+ unthrownProp = propList[1]
+ # Different toon body types throw at different times
+ torso =
+ torso = torso[0] # only want the first letter (s, m, l)
+ if (torso == 'l'):
+ throwDelay = 2.3
+ elif (torso == 'm'):
+ throwDelay = 2.3
+ else:
+ throwDelay = 1.9
+ throwDuration = 0.9
+ animBreakPoint = throwDelay + throwDuration
+ animDelay = 3.1
+ # All the traps use the default trap distance, except the rake (gets stepped into)
+ trapTrack = ToontownBattleGlobals.TRAP_TRACK
+ trapTrackNames = ToontownBattleGlobals.AvProps[trapTrack]
+ trapName = trapTrackNames[level]
+ hands = toon.getRightHands()
+ propTrack = Sequence()
+ if propPos and propHpr:
+ propTrack.append(Func(MovieUtil.showProps, propList,
+ hands, propPos, propHpr))
+ else:
+ propTrack.append(Func(MovieUtil.showProps, propList, hands))
+ if (anim == 1):
+ pTracks = Parallel()
+ for prop in propList:
+ pTracks.append(ActorInterval(prop, propName,
+ duration=animBreakPoint))
+ propTrack.append(pTracks)
+ throwTrack = Sequence()
+ throwTrack.append(Wait(throwDelay))
+ # Must hide the unthrown prop so there doesn't appear to be two, since the
+ # thrown prop will be parented to the battle and therefore visible for
+ # every level of detail
+ throwTrack.append(Func(unthrownProp.reparentTo, hidden))
+ # Update on the toon to be sure that all LOD's see the same thrown trap right
+ throwTrack.append(Func(toon.update))
+ # Set the trap prop as the suit's trap prop
+ if (suit.battleTrap != NO_TRAP):
+ notify.debug('trapSuit() - trap: %d destroyed existing trap: %d' % \
+ (level, suit.battleTrap))
+ battle.removeTrap(suit)
+ if (trapName == 'rake'):
+ trapProp = globalPropPool.getProp('rake-react')
+ else:
+ trapProp = MovieUtil.copyProp(thrownProp)
+ suit.battleTrapProp = trapProp
+ suit.battleTrap = level
+ suit.battleTrapIsFresh = 1
+ # Each prop varies slightly for the throw
+ if (trapName == 'banana'):
+ trapPoint, trapHpr = battle.getActorPosHpr(suit)
+ trapPoint.setY(MovieUtil.SUIT_TRAP_DISTANCE)
+ slidePoint = Vec3(trapPoint.getX(), trapPoint.getY()-2, trapPoint.getZ())
+ throwingTrack = createThrowingTrack(
+ thrownProp, slidePoint, duration=0.9, parent=battle)
+ moveTrack = LerpPosInterval(thrownProp, 0.8, pos=trapPoint,
+ other=battle)
+ animTrack = ActorInterval(thrownProp, propName,
+ startTime=animBreakPoint)
+ slideTrack = Parallel(moveTrack, animTrack)
+ motionTrack = Sequence(throwingTrack, slideTrack)
+ hprTrack = LerpHprInterval(thrownProp, 1.7, hpr=Point3(0, 0, 0))
+ soundTrack = getSoundTrack('TL_banana.mp3', node=toon)
+ scaleTrack = LerpScaleInterval(thrownProp, 1.7, scale=MovieUtil.PNT3_ONE)
+ throwTrack.append(Wait(0.25)) # Wait a bit more before throwing
+ throwTrack.append(Func(thrownProp.wrtReparentTo, suit))
+ throwTrack.append(Parallel(motionTrack, hprTrack, scaleTrack, soundTrack))
+ elif (trapName == 'tnt'): # Tnt must start its fuse (particle effect)
+ trapPoint, trapHpr = battle.getActorPosHpr(suit)
+ trapPoint.setY(MovieUtil.SUIT_TRAP_TNT_DISTANCE - 3.9)
+ trapPoint.setZ(trapPoint.getZ() + 0.4)
+ throwingTrack = createThrowingTrack(
+ thrownProp, trapPoint, duration=throwDuration, parent=battle)
+ hprTrack = LerpHprInterval(thrownProp, 0.9, hpr=Point3(0, 90, 0))
+ scaleTrack = LerpScaleInterval(thrownProp, 0.9, scale=MovieUtil.PNT3_ONE)
+ soundTrack = getSoundTrack('TL_dynamite.mp3', delay=0.8, duration=0.7, node=suit)
+ throwTrack.append(Wait(0.2)) # Wait a bit more before throwing
+ throwTrack.append(Parallel(throwingTrack, hprTrack, scaleTrack, soundTrack))
+ elif (trapName == 'marbles'): # Marbles aren't tossed but lerped
+ trapPoint, trapHpr = battle.getActorPosHpr(suit)
+ trapPoint.setY(MovieUtil.SUIT_TRAP_MARBLES_DISTANCE)
+ flingDuration = 0.2
+ rollDuration = 1.0
+ throwDuration = flingDuration + rollDuration
+ landPoint = Point3(0, trapPoint.getY()+2, trapPoint.getZ())
+ throwPoint = Point3(0, trapPoint.getY(), trapPoint.getZ())
+ moveTrack = Sequence(
+ Func(thrownProp.wrtReparentTo, suit),
+ Func(thrownProp.setHpr, Point3(94, 0, 0)),
+ LerpPosInterval(thrownProp, flingDuration, pos=landPoint, other=suit),
+ LerpPosInterval(thrownProp, rollDuration, pos=throwPoint, other=suit),
+ )
+ animTrack = ActorInterval(thrownProp, propName,
+ startTime=throwDelay+0.9)
+ scaleTrack = LerpScaleInterval(thrownProp, throwDuration,
+ scale=MovieUtil.PNT3_ONE)
+ soundTrack = getSoundTrack('TL_marbles.mp3', delay=0.1, node=toon)
+ throwTrack.append(Wait(0.2)) # Need to wait a bit more before throwing
+ throwTrack.append(Parallel(moveTrack, animTrack, scaleTrack, soundTrack))
+ elif (trapName == 'rake'):
+ trapPoint, trapHpr = battle.getActorPosHpr(suit)
+ trapPoint.setY(MovieUtil.SUIT_TRAP_RAKE_DISTANCE)
+ throwDuration = 1.1
+ throwingTrack = createThrowingTrack(
+ thrownProp, trapPoint, duration=throwDuration, parent=suit)
+ hprTrack = LerpHprInterval(thrownProp, throwDuration,
+ hpr=VBase3(63.43, -90.00, 63.43))
+ scaleTrack = LerpScaleInterval(thrownProp, 0.9,
+ scale=Point3(0.7, 0.7, 0.7))
+ soundTrack = SoundInterval(globalBattleSoundCache.getSound('TL_rake_throw_only.mp3'), duration=1.1, node=suit)
+ throwTrack.append(Wait(0.2))
+ throwTrack.append(Parallel(throwingTrack, hprTrack, scaleTrack, soundTrack))
+ else:
+ notify.warning('__createThrownTrapMultiTrack() - Incorrect trap: \
+ %s thrown from toon' % trapName)
+ def placeTrap(trapProp, suit, battle=battle, trapName=trapName):
+ # In case multiple traps are thrown to the same spot, we must return (doing
+ # nothing) if the trapProp we have has actually been removed and replaced
+ # by another trap (it won't exist anymore)
+ if not trapProp or trapProp.isEmpty():
+ return
+ trapProp.wrtReparentTo(suit)
+ # Set the new trap prop
+ # All the traps use the default trap distance, except the rake
+ if (trapName == 'rake'):
+ # The rake will actually be completed replaced with a different rake model
+ # which has a different animation on it for when the rake is stepped on
+ trapProp.setPos(0, MovieUtil.SUIT_TRAP_RAKE_DISTANCE, 0)
+ # reorient the rake correctly to be stepped on
+ trapProp.setHpr(Point3(0, 270, 0))
+ trapProp.setScale(Point3(0.7, 0.7, 0.7))
+ # The rake must be a specific distance from each suit for that
+ # suit to be able to walk into the rake
+ rakeOffset = MovieUtil.getSuitRakeOffset(suit)
+ trapProp.setY(trapProp.getY() + rakeOffset)
+ elif (trapName == 'banana'):
+ trapProp.setHpr(0, 0, 0)
+ trapProp.setPos(0, MovieUtil.SUIT_TRAP_DISTANCE, -0.35)
+ trapProp.pose(trapName, trapProp.getNumFrames(trapName) - 1)
+ elif (trapName == 'marbles'):
+ trapProp.setHpr(Point3(94, 0, 0))
+ trapProp.setPos(0, MovieUtil.SUIT_TRAP_MARBLES_DISTANCE, 0)
+ trapProp.pose(trapName, trapProp.getNumFrames(trapName) - 1)
+ elif (trapName == 'tnt'):
+ trapProp.setHpr(0, 90, 0)
+ trapProp.setPos(0, MovieUtil.SUIT_TRAP_TNT_DISTANCE, 0.4)
+ else:
+ notify.warning('placeTrap() - Incorrect trap: %s placed on a suit' \
+ % trapName)
+ # Need hidden node to take the place of the exploding trap prop, we'll parent
+ # the explosion itself to this hidden node
+ dustNode = hidden.attachNewNode("DustNode")
+ def placeDustExplosion(dustNode=dustNode, thrownProp=thrownProp, battle=battle):
+ dustNode.reparentTo(battle)
+ dustNode.setPos(thrownProp.getPos(battle))
+ if (explode == 1): # If the trap prop collides with other traps, destroy it
+ throwTrack.append(Func(thrownProp.wrtReparentTo, hidden))
+ throwTrack.append(Func(placeDustExplosion))
+ throwTrack.append(createCartoonExplosionTrack(
+ dustNode, 'dust', explosionPoint=Point3(0, 0, 0)))
+ throwTrack.append(Func(battle.removeTrap, suit))
+ else:
+ throwTrack.append(Func(placeTrap, trapProp, suit))
+ # If the trap is the tnt, start the fuse on the trapProp we just placed
+ if (trapName == 'tnt'):
+ tip = trapProp.find("**/joint_attachEmitter")
+ sparks = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='tnt')
+ trapProp.sparksEffect = sparks
+ throwTrack.append(Func(sparks.start, tip))
+ throwTrack.append(Func(MovieUtil.removeProps, propList))
+ # If using the tnt, must add in a track for the sparks particle effect
+# if (trapName == 'tnt'):
+# tip = thrownProp.find("**/joint_attachEmitter")
+# sparks = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='tnt')
+# sparksTrack = Sequence(
+# Func(sparks.start, tip),
+# Wait(throwDelay+throwDuration),
+# Func(sparks.cleanup),
+# )
+# throwTrack = Parallel(throwTrack, sparksTrack)
+ toonTrack = Sequence(
+ Func(toon.headsUp, battle, targetPos),
+ ActorInterval(toon, 'toss'),
+ Func(toon.loop, 'neutral'),
+ )
+ return Parallel(propTrack, throwTrack, toonTrack)
+def __createPlacedTrapMultiTrack(trap, prop, propName, propPos=None,
+ propHpr=None, explode=0, visibleOnlyForThisSuitId = None):
+ toon = trap['toon']
+ if (trap.has_key('npc')):
+ toon = trap['npc']
+ level = trap['level']
+ battle = trap['battle']
+ origHpr = toon.getHpr(battle)
+ trapPoint = Point3(0, MovieUtil.SUIT_TRAP_DISTANCE, 0.025)
+ trapDelay = 2.5
+ hands = toon.getLeftHands()
+ def placeDustExplosion(dustNode, trapProp, battle):
+ dustNode.reparentTo(battle)
+ dustNode.setPos(trapProp.getPos(battle))
+ trapTracks = Parallel()
+ firstTime = 1
+ targets = trap['target']
+ for target in targets:
+ suit = target['suit']
+ suitPos = suit.getPos(battle)
+ targetPos = suitPos
+ trapProp = MovieUtil.copyProp(prop)
+ showThisTrap = True
+ if visibleOnlyForThisSuitId and visibleOnlyForThisSuitId != suit.doId :
+ showThisTrap = False
+ trapTrack = Sequence()
+ trapTrack.append(Wait(trapDelay))
+ if showThisTrap:
+ notify.debug('showing trap %s for %d' % (trapProp.getName(), suit.doId))
+ trapTrack.append(Func(
+ else:
+ notify.debug('hiding trap %s for %d' % (trapProp.getName(), suit.doId))
+ trapTrack.append(Func(trapProp.hide))
+ trapTrack.append(Func(trapProp.setScale, Point3(0.1, 0.1, 0.1)))
+ trapTrack.append(Func(trapProp.reparentTo, suit))
+ trapTrack.append(Func(trapProp.setPos, trapPoint))
+ trapTrack.append(LerpScaleInterval(trapProp, 1.2, Point3(1.7, 1.7, 1.7)))
+ if (explode == 1): # If the trap prop collides with another trap, destroy it
+ # Need hidden node to take the place of the exploding trap prop,
+ # we'll parent the explosion itself to this hidden node
+ dustNode = hidden.attachNewNode("DustNode")
+ trapTrack.append(Func(trapProp.wrtReparentTo, hidden))
+ trapTrack.append(Func(placeDustExplosion, dustNode, trapProp,
+ battle))
+ trapTrack.append(createCartoonExplosionTrack(
+ dustNode, 'dust', explosionPoint=Point3(0, 0, 0)))
+ trapTrack.append(Func(MovieUtil.removeProp, trapProp))
+ trapTrack.append(Func(battle.removeTrap, suit))
+ else:
+ # Set the trap prop as the suit's trap prop
+ if (suit.battleTrap != NO_TRAP):
+ notify.debug('trapSuit() - trap: %d destroyed existing trap: %d' % (level, suit.battleTrap))
+ battle.removeTrap(suit)
+ suit.battleTrapProp = trapProp
+ suit.battleTrap = level
+ suit.battleTrapIsFresh = 1
+ trapTracks.append(trapTrack)
+ button = globalPropPool.getProp('button')
+ button2 = MovieUtil.copyProp(button)
+ buttons = [button, button2]
+ toonTrack = Sequence()
+ toonTrack.append(Func(MovieUtil.showProps, buttons, hands))
+ toonTrack.append(Func(toon.headsUp, battle, suitPos))
+ toonTrack.append(ActorInterval(toon, 'pushbutton'))
+ toonTrack.append(Func(MovieUtil.removeProps, buttons))
+ toonTrack.append(Func(toon.loop, 'neutral'))
+ toonTrack.append(Func(toon.setHpr, battle, origHpr))
+ if (propName == 'quicksand'):
+ propSound = globalBattleSoundCache.getSound('TL_quicksand.mp3')
+ else:
+ propSound = globalBattleSoundCache.getSound('TL_trap_door.mp3')
+ buttonSound = globalBattleSoundCache.getSound('AA_drop_trigger_box.mp3')
+ soundTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(2.3),
+ SoundInterval(buttonSound, duration = 0.67, node=toon),
+ Wait(0.3),
+ SoundInterval(propSound, duration=0.5, node=toon),
+ )
+ return Parallel(trapTracks, toonTrack, soundTrack)
+def __trapBanana(trap, trapProps, explode):
+ """ __trapBanana(trap)
+ """
+ toon = trap['toon']
+ suit = trap['target'][0]['suit']
+ notify.debug('toon: %s lays banana peel in front of suit: %d' % \
+ (toon.getName(), suit.doId))
+ bananas = trapProps
+ return __createThrownTrapMultiTrack(trap, bananas, 'banana', anim=1, explode=explode)
+def __trapRake(trap, trapProps, explode):
+ """ __trapRake(trap)
+ """
+ toon = trap['toon']
+ suit = trap['target'][0]['suit']
+ notify.debug('toon: %s lays rake in front of suit: %d' % \
+ (toon.getName(), suit.doId))
+ rakes = trapProps
+ return __createThrownTrapMultiTrack(trap, rakes, 'rake', anim=1, explode=explode)
+def __trapMarbles(trap, trapProps, explode):
+ """ __trapMarbles(trap)
+ """
+ toon = trap['toon']
+ suit = trap['target'][0]['suit']
+ notify.debug('toon: %s lays marbles in front of suit: %d' % \
+ (toon.getName(), suit.doId))
+ bothMarbles = trapProps
+ pos = Point3(0, 0, 0)
+ hpr = Point3(0, 0, -30)
+ return __createThrownTrapMultiTrack(trap, bothMarbles, 'marbles',
+ pos, hpr, anim=1, explode=explode)
+def __trapQuicksand(trap, trapProps, explode):
+ """ __trapQuicksand(trap)
+ """
+ toon = trap['toon']
+ suit = trap['target'][0]['suit']
+ notify.debug('toon: %s lays quicksand in front of suit: %d' % \
+ (toon.getName(), suit.doId))
+ quicksand = trapProps[0]
+ return __createPlacedTrapMultiTrack(trap, quicksand, 'quicksand', explode=explode)
+def __trapTrapdoor(trap, trapProps, explode):
+ """ __trapTrapdoor(trap)
+ """
+ toon = trap['toon']
+ if (trap.has_key('npc')):
+ toon = trap['npc']
+ targets = trap['target']
+ for target in targets:
+ suit = target['suit']
+ notify.debug('toon: %s lays trapdoor in front of suit: %d' % \
+ (toon.getName(), suit.doId))
+ trapdoor = trapProps[0]
+ return __createPlacedTrapMultiTrack(trap, trapdoor, 'trapdoor', explode=explode)
+def __trapTNT(trap, trapProps, explode):
+ """ __trapTNT(trap)
+ """
+ toon = trap['toon']
+ suit = trap['target'][0]['suit']
+ notify.debug('toon: %s lays TNT in front of suit: %d' % \
+ (toon.getName(), suit.doId))
+ tnts = trapProps
+ return __createThrownTrapMultiTrack(trap, tnts, 'tnt', anim=0, explode=explode)
+def __trapTrain(trap, trapProps, explode):
+ """ __trapTraun(trap, trapProps, explode)
+ Do some funky stuff since we want to place only 1 train track, not 4
+ """
+ toon = trap['toon']
+ if (trap.has_key('npc')):
+ toon = trap['npc']
+ targets = trap['target']
+ battle = trap['battle']
+ visibleOnlyForThisSuitId = 0
+ centerSuit = None
+ closestXDistance = 10000
+ for target in targets:
+ suit = target['suit']
+ suitPoint, suitHpr = battle.getActorPosHpr(suit)
+ xDistance = abs(suitPoint.getX())
+ if xDistance < closestXDistance:
+ visibleOnlyForThisSuitId = suit.doId
+ closestXDistance = xDistance
+ centerSuit = suit
+ notify.debug('toon: %s doing traintrack in front of suit: %d' % \
+ (toon.getName(), suit.doId))
+ traintrack = trapProps[0]
+ #return __createPlacedTrapMultiTrack(trap, trapdoor, 'trapdoor', explode=explode,
+ # visibleOnlyForThisSuitId = visibleOnlyForThisSuitId )
+ return __createPlacedGroupTrapTrack (trap, traintrack, 'traintrack', centerSuit,
+ explode=explode )
+def createThrowingTrack(object, target, duration=1.0, parent=render, gravity=-32.144):
+ values = {}
+ values['origin'] = None
+ values['velocity'] = None
+ def calcOriginAndVelocity(object=object, target=target, values=values,
+ duration=duration, parent=parent, gravity=gravity):
+ object.wrtReparentTo(parent)
+ values['origin'] = object.getPos(parent)
+ origin = object.getPos(parent)
+ # Calculate the initial velocity required for the object to land at the target
+ values['velocity'] = ((target[2]-origin[2]) - (0.5*gravity*duration*duration)) \
+ / duration
+ def throwPos(t, object, duration, target, values=values, gravity=-32.144):
+ if (values['origin'] != None):
+ origin = values['origin']
+ else:
+ origin = object.getPos()
+ if (values['velocity'] != None):
+ velocity = values['velocity']
+ else:
+ velocity = 16
+ x = origin[0]*(1-t) + target[0]*t
+ y = origin[1]*(1-t) + target[1]*t
+ time = t*duration
+ z = origin[2] + velocity*time + (0.5*gravity*time*time)
+ object.setPos(x, y, z)
+ return Sequence(
+ Func(calcOriginAndVelocity),
+ LerpFunctionInterval(throwPos, fromData=0., toData=1., duration=duration,
+ extraArgs=[object, duration, target])
+ )
+def createCartoonExplosionTrack(parent, animName, explosionPoint=None):
+ explosionTrack = Sequence()
+ explosion = BattleProps.globalPropPool.getProp(animName)
+ explosion.setBillboardPointEye()
+ if not explosionPoint:
+ explosionPoint = Point3(0, 3.6, 2.1)
+ if (animName == 'dust'):
+ scale = Point3(0.1, 0.9, 1)
+ explosionTrack.append(Func(explosion.reparentTo, parent))
+ explosionTrack.append(Func(explosion.setPos, explosionPoint))
+ explosionTrack.append(Func(explosion.setScale, scale))
+ explosionTrack.append(ActorInterval(explosion, animName))
+ explosionTrack.append(Func(MovieUtil.removeProp, explosion))
+ return explosionTrack
+def __createPlacedGroupTrapTrack(trap, prop, propName, centerSuit,propPos=None,
+ propHpr=None, explode=0, ):
+ """
+ mainly to make the train track appear. We only want one, and parented to the battle
+ """
+ toon = trap['toon']
+ if (trap.has_key('npc')):
+ toon = trap['npc']
+ level = trap['level']
+ battle = trap['battle']
+ origHpr = toon.getHpr(battle)
+ #5 was determined empirically
+ trapPoint = Point3(0, 5 - MovieUtil.SUIT_TRAP_DISTANCE, 0.025)
+ trapDelay = 2.5
+ hands = toon.getLeftHands()
+ def placeDustExplosion(dustNode, trapProp, battle):
+ dustNode.reparentTo(battle)
+ dustNode.setPos(trapProp.getPos(battle))
+ trapTracks = Parallel()
+ firstTime = 1
+ targets = trap['target']
+ #for target in targets:
+ if True:
+ suit = centerSuit # target['suit']
+ suitPos = suit.getPos(battle)
+ targetPos = suitPos
+ trapProp = MovieUtil.copyProp(prop)
+ showThisTrap = True
+ #if visibleOnlyForThisSuitId and visibleOnlyForThisSuitId != suit.doId :
+ # showThisTrap = False
+ trapTrack = Sequence()
+ trapTrack.append(Wait(trapDelay))
+ if showThisTrap:
+ notify.debug('showing trap %s for %d' % (trapProp.getName(), suit.doId))
+ trapTrack.append(Func(
+ else:
+ notify.debug('hiding trap %s for %d' % (trapProp.getName(), suit.doId))
+ trapTrack.append(Func(trapProp.hide))
+ trapTrack.append(Func(trapProp.setScale, Point3(0.1, 0.1, 0.1)))
+ trapTrack.append(Func(trapProp.reparentTo, battle))
+ trapTrack.append(Func(trapProp.setPos, trapPoint))
+ trapTrack.append(Func(trapProp.setH, 0))
+ trapTrack.append(LerpScaleInterval(trapProp, 1.2, Point3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)))
+ if (explode == 1): # If the trap prop collides with another trap, destroy it
+ # Need hidden node to take the place of the exploding trap prop,
+ # we'll parent the explosion itself to this hidden node
+ dustNode = hidden.attachNewNode("DustNode")
+ removeTrapsParallel = Parallel()
+ oneTrapTrack = Sequence()
+ oneTrapTrack.append(Func(trapProp.wrtReparentTo, hidden))
+ oneTrapTrack.append(Func(placeDustExplosion, dustNode, trapProp,
+ battle))
+ oneTrapTrack.append(createCartoonExplosionTrack(
+ dustNode, 'dust', explosionPoint=Point3(0, 0, 0)))
+ oneTrapTrack.append(Func(MovieUtil.removeProp, trapProp))
+ #oneTrapTrack.append(Func(battle.removeTrap, suit))
+ removeTrapsParallel.append(oneTrapTrack)
+ #we need to remove the battle traps of the other suits too
+ for target in trap['target']:
+ otherSuit = target['suit']
+ #if otherSuit != suit and otherSuit.battleTrapProp:
+ if otherSuit.battleTrapProp:
+ otherDustNode = hidden.attachNewNode("DustNodeOtherSuit")
+ otherTrapTrack = Sequence()
+ otherTrapTrack.append(Func(otherSuit.battleTrapProp.wrtReparentTo, hidden))
+ otherTrapTrack.append(Func(placeDustExplosion, dustNode, otherSuit.battleTrapProp,
+ battle))
+ otherTrapTrack.append(createCartoonExplosionTrack(
+ otherDustNode, 'dust', explosionPoint=Point3(0, 0, 0)))
+ otherTrapTrack.append(Func(battle.removeTrap, otherSuit))
+ removeTrapsParallel.append(otherTrapTrack)
+ trapTrack.append(removeTrapsParallel)
+ else:
+ # Set the trap prop as the suit's trap prop
+ if (suit.battleTrap != NO_TRAP):
+ notify.debug('trapSuit() - trap: %d destroyed existing trap: %d' % (level, suit.battleTrap))
+ battle.removeTrap(suit)
+ suit.battleTrapProp = trapProp
+ suit.battleTrap = level
+ suit.battleTrapIsFresh = 1
+ #check if we have a case of a train trap appearing under a lured suit
+ unlureSuits = Parallel()
+ for target in targets:
+ kbbonus = target['kbbonus']
+ if (kbbonus == 0):
+ unluredSuit = target['suit']
+ suitTrack = Sequence()
+ suitTrack.append(createSuitResetPosTrack(unluredSuit, battle))
+ suitTrack.append(Func(battle.unlureSuit, unluredSuit))
+ unlureSuits.append(suitTrack)
+ trapTrack.append(unlureSuits)
+ #also set up the other suits
+ for otherSuit in battle.suits:
+ if not otherSuit == suit:
+ if (otherSuit.battleTrap != NO_TRAP):
+ notify.debug('trapSuit() - trap: %d destroyed existing trap: %d' % (level, suit.battleTrap))
+ battle.removeTrap(otherSuit)
+ otherSuit.battleTrapProp = trapProp
+ otherSuit.battleTrap = level
+ otherSuit.battleTrapIsFresh = 1
+ trapTracks.append(trapTrack)
+ button = globalPropPool.getProp('button')
+ button2 = MovieUtil.copyProp(button)
+ buttons = [button, button2]
+ toonTrack = Sequence()
+ toonTrack.append(Func(MovieUtil.showProps, buttons, hands))
+ toonTrack.append(Func(toon.headsUp, battle, suitPos))
+ toonTrack.append(ActorInterval(toon, 'pushbutton'))
+ toonTrack.append(Func(MovieUtil.removeProps, buttons))
+ toonTrack.append(Func(toon.loop, 'neutral'))
+ toonTrack.append(Func(toon.setHpr, battle, origHpr))
+ if (propName == 'quicksand'):
+ propSound = globalBattleSoundCache.getSound('TL_quicksand.mp3')
+ elif (propName == 'traintrack'):
+ propSound = globalBattleSoundCache.getSound('TL_train_track_appear.mp3')
+ else:
+ propSound = globalBattleSoundCache.getSound('TL_trap_door.mp3')
+ buttonSound = globalBattleSoundCache.getSound('AA_drop_trigger_box.mp3')
+ #timing of prop sound is from the start of the button press
+ soundTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(2.3),
+ Parallel(
+ SoundInterval(buttonSound, duration = 0.67, node=toon),
+ SoundInterval(propSound, node=toon)),
+ )
+ return Parallel(trapTracks, toonTrack, soundTrack)
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/ b/toontown/src/battle/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6bbe11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/
@@ -0,0 +1,793 @@
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
+from BattleBase import *
+from BattleProps import *
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+import random
+from direct.particles import ParticleEffect
+import BattleParticles
+import BattleProps
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('MovieUtil')
+SUIT_TRAP_RAKE_DISTANCE = 4.5 # Rake is farther from suit for it to walk into the rake
+SUIT_TRAP_MARBLES_DISTANCE = 3.7 # Marbles are out farther
+PNT3_NEARZERO = Point3(0.01, 0.01, 0.01)
+PNT3_ZERO = Point3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
+PNT3_ONE = Point3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
+# Certain suits are so large that their movement needs curtail on the reach animation
+largeSuits = ['f', 'cc', 'gh', 'tw', 'bf', 'sc', \
+ 'ds', 'hh', 'cr', 'tbc', 'bs', 'sd', 'le', 'bw', \
+ 'nc', 'mb', 'ls', 'rb', 'ms', 'tf', 'm', 'mh']
+# The shot direction refers to which side of the battle the movie camera will
+# remain within during one series of toon and suit attacks. This value is randomly set
+# to left or right (50% chance) in right before the action is played.
+shotDirection = 'left'
+def avatarDodge(leftAvatars, rightAvatars, leftData, rightData):
+ # when an avatar dodges, other avatars may need to dodge as well
+ if len(leftAvatars) > len(rightAvatars):
+ # Path of Least/Most Resistance
+ PoLR = rightAvatars
+ PoMR = leftAvatars
+ else:
+ PoLR = leftAvatars
+ PoMR = rightAvatars
+ # most of the time, choose the side with the least avatars
+ # base the random choice on the difference between the
+ # number of avatars on the left versus the right
+ upper = 1 + (4 * abs(len(leftAvatars) - len(rightAvatars)))
+ if (random.randint(0, upper) > 0):
+ avDodgeList = PoLR
+ else:
+ avDodgeList = PoMR
+ # select the correct data
+ if avDodgeList is leftAvatars:
+ data = leftData
+ else:
+ data = rightData
+ return avDodgeList, data
+def avatarHide(avatar):
+ notify.debug('avatarHide(%d)' % avatar.doId)
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ if hasattr(avatar,'battleTrapProp'):
+ notify.debug('avatar.battleTrapProp = %s' % avatar.battleTrapProp)
+ avatar.detachNode()
+def copyProp(prop):
+ from import Actor
+ if (isinstance(prop, Actor.Actor)):
+ return Actor.Actor(other=prop)
+ else:
+ return prop.copyTo(hidden)
+def showProp(prop, hand, pos=None, hpr=None, scale=None):
+ prop.reparentTo(hand)
+ if pos:
+ if callable(pos):
+ pos = pos()
+ prop.setPos(pos)
+ if hpr:
+ if callable(hpr):
+ hpr = hpr()
+ prop.setHpr(hpr)
+ if scale:
+ if callable(scale):
+ scale = scale()
+ prop.setScale(scale)
+def showProps(props, hands, pos=None, hpr=None, scale=None):
+ assert(len(props) <= len(hands))
+ index = 0
+ for prop in props:
+ prop.reparentTo(hands[index])
+ if pos:
+ prop.setPos(pos)
+ if hpr:
+ prop.setHpr(hpr)
+ if scale:
+ prop.setScale(scale)
+ index += 1
+def hideProps(props):
+ for prop in props:
+ prop.detachNode()
+def removeProp(prop):
+ from import Actor
+ if ((prop.isEmpty() == 1) or (prop == None)):
+ return
+ prop.detachNode()
+ if (isinstance(prop, Actor.Actor)):
+ prop.cleanup()
+ else:
+ prop.removeNode()
+def removeProps(props):
+ for prop in props:
+ removeProp(prop)
+def getActorIntervals(props, anim):
+ tracks = Parallel()
+ for prop in props:
+ tracks.append(ActorInterval(prop, anim))
+ return tracks
+def getScaleIntervals(props, duration, startScale, endScale):
+ tracks = Parallel()
+ for prop in props:
+ tracks.append(LerpScaleInterval(prop, duration, endScale,
+ startScale=startScale))
+ return tracks
+def avatarFacePoint(av, other=render):
+ pnt = av.getPos(other)
+ pnt.setZ(pnt[2] + av.getHeight())
+ return pnt
+def insertDeathSuit(suit, deathSuit, battle=None, pos=None, hpr=None):
+ holdParent = suit.getParent()
+ if suit.getVirtual():
+ virtualize(deathSuit)
+ avatarHide(suit)
+ if (deathSuit != None and not deathSuit.isEmpty()):
+ if holdParent and 0:# seems like a good idea if everything wasn't hosed JML
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ deathSuit.reparentTo(holdParent)
+ else:
+ deathSuit.reparentTo(render)
+ if (battle != None and pos != None):
+ deathSuit.setPos(battle, pos)
+ if (battle != None and hpr != None):
+ deathSuit.setHpr(battle, hpr)
+def removeDeathSuit(suit, deathSuit):
+ notify.debug('removeDeathSuit()')
+ if (not deathSuit.isEmpty()):
+ deathSuit.detachNode()
+ suit.cleanupLoseActor()
+def insertReviveSuit(suit, deathSuit, battle=None, pos=None, hpr=None):
+ holdParent = suit.getParent()
+ if suit.getVirtual():
+ virtualize(deathSuit)
+ #avatarHide(suit)
+ suit.hide()
+ if (deathSuit != None and not deathSuit.isEmpty()):
+ if holdParent and 0:# seems like a good idea if everything wasn't hosed JML
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ deathSuit.reparentTo(holdParent)
+ else:
+ deathSuit.reparentTo(render)
+ if (battle != None and pos != None):
+ deathSuit.setPos(battle, pos)
+ if (battle != None and hpr != None):
+ deathSuit.setHpr(battle, hpr)
+def removeReviveSuit(suit, deathSuit):
+ notify.debug('removeDeathSuit()')
+ suit.setSkelecog(1)
+ #suit.makeSkeleton()
+ if (not deathSuit.isEmpty()):
+ deathSuit.detachNode()
+ suit.cleanupLoseActor()
+ #suit.removeHealthBar()
+ suit.reseatHealthBarForSkele()
+def virtualize(deathsuit):
+ actorNode = deathsuit.find("**/__Actor_modelRoot")
+ actorCollection = actorNode.findAllMatches("*")
+ parts = ()
+ for thingIndex in range(0,actorCollection.getNumPaths()):
+ thing = actorCollection[thingIndex]
+ if thing.getName() not in ('joint_attachMeter', 'joint_nameTag'):
+ thing.setColorScale(1.0,0.0,0.0,1.0)
+ thing.setAttrib(ColorBlendAttrib.make(ColorBlendAttrib.MAdd))
+ thing.setDepthWrite(False)
+ thing.setBin('fixed', 1)
+def createTrainTrackAppearTrack( dyingSuit, toon, battle, npcs):
+ """
+ so if the suit which has the visible train track dies
+ we need to make it visible for the other suits which have survived, if any
+ """
+ retval = Sequence()
+ return retval
+ possibleSuits = []
+ #we assume that if a suit attacked, it's still alive
+ #darn we need to consider lured suits... well maybe not,
+ #can it have a train trap and be lured at the same time?
+ for suitAttack in
+ suit = suitAttack['suit']
+ if not suit == dyingSuit:
+ if hasattr(suit,'battleTrapProp') and suit.battleTrapProp and \
+ suit.battleTrapProp.getName() == 'traintrack':
+ possibleSuits.append(suitAttack['suit'])
+ #so we have the possible suits, see which one is closest to the center
+ closestXDistance = 10000
+ closestSuit = None
+ for suit in possibleSuits:
+ suitPoint, suitHpr = battle.getActorPosHpr(suit)
+ xDistance = abs(suitPoint.getX())
+ if xDistance < closestXDistance:
+ closestSuit = suit
+ closestXDistance = xDistance
+ if closestSuit and closestSuit.battleTrapProp.isHidden():
+ #immediately set the alpha to zero, and show the the train track
+ #this will prevent this sequence happening twice when 2 cogs die
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ closestSuit.battleTrapProp.setColorScale(1,1,1,0)
+ newRelativePos = dyingSuit.battleTrapProp.getPos(closestSuit)
+ newHpr = dyingSuit.battleTrapProp.getHpr(closestSuit)
+ closestSuit.battleTrapProp.setPos(newRelativePos)
+ closestSuit.battleTrapProp.setHpr(newHpr)
+ retval.append(LerpColorScaleInterval(closestSuit.battleTrapProp, 3.0, Vec4(1,1,1,1)))
+ else:
+ notify.debug('could not find closest suit, returning empty sequence')
+ return retval
+def createSuitReviveTrack(suit, toon, battle, npcs = []):
+ suitTrack = Sequence()
+ suitPos, suitHpr = battle.getActorPosHpr(suit)
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ if hasattr(suit,'battleTrapProp') and suit.battleTrapProp and \
+ suit.battleTrapProp.getName() == 'traintrack' and \
+ not suit.battleTrapProp.isHidden():
+ suitTrack.append( createTrainTrackAppearTrack( suit, toon, battle, npcs))
+ deathSuit = suit.getLoseActor()
+ assert(deathSuit != None)
+ #suitTrack.append(Wait(10))
+ suitTrack.append(Func(notify.debug, 'before insertDeathSuit'))
+ suitTrack.append(Func(insertReviveSuit, suit, deathSuit, battle, suitPos, suitHpr))
+ #suitTrack.append(Wait(10))
+ suitTrack.append(Func(notify.debug, 'before actorInterval lose'))
+ suitTrack.append(ActorInterval(deathSuit, 'lose', duration=SUIT_LOSE_DURATION))
+ #suitTrack.append(Wait(10))
+ suitTrack.append(Func(notify.debug, 'before removeDeathSuit'))
+ suitTrack.append(Func(removeReviveSuit, suit, deathSuit, name='remove-death-suit'))
+ #suitTrack.append(Wait(10))
+ suitTrack.append(Func(notify.debug, 'after removeDeathSuit'))
+ suitTrack.append(Func(suit.loop, 'neutral'))
+ spinningSound = base.loadSfx("phase_3.5/audio/sfx/Cog_Death.mp3")
+ deathSound = base.loadSfx("phase_3.5/audio/sfx/ENC_cogfall_apart.mp3")
+ deathSoundTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(0.8),
+ SoundInterval(spinningSound, duration=1.2, startTime = 1.5, volume=0.2, node=suit),
+ SoundInterval(spinningSound, duration=3.0, startTime = 0.6, volume=0.8, node=suit),
+ SoundInterval(deathSound, volume = 0.32, node=suit),
+ )
+ BattleParticles.loadParticles()
+ smallGears = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='gearExplosionSmall')
+ singleGear = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect('GearExplosion',
+ numParticles=1)
+ smallGearExplosion = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect('GearExplosion',
+ numParticles=10)
+ bigGearExplosion = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect('BigGearExplosion',
+ numParticles=30)
+ gearPoint = Point3(suitPos.getX(), suitPos.getY(), suitPos.getZ()+suit.height-0.2)
+ smallGears.setPos(gearPoint)
+ singleGear.setPos(gearPoint)
+ smallGears.setDepthWrite(False)
+ singleGear.setDepthWrite(False)
+ smallGearExplosion.setPos(gearPoint)
+ bigGearExplosion.setPos(gearPoint)
+ smallGearExplosion.setDepthWrite(False)
+ bigGearExplosion.setDepthWrite(False)
+ explosionTrack = Sequence()
+ explosionTrack.append(Wait(5.4))
+ explosionTrack.append(createKapowExplosionTrack(battle, explosionPoint=gearPoint))
+ gears1Track = Sequence(
+ Wait(2.1),
+ ParticleInterval(smallGears, battle, worldRelative=0, duration=4.3, cleanup = True),
+ name='gears1Track')
+ gears2MTrack = Track(
+ (0.0, explosionTrack),
+ (0.7, ParticleInterval(singleGear, battle, worldRelative=0,
+ duration=5.7, cleanup = True)),
+ (5.2, ParticleInterval(smallGearExplosion, battle,
+ worldRelative=0, duration=1.2, cleanup = True)),
+ (5.4, ParticleInterval(bigGearExplosion, battle,
+ worldRelative=0, duration=1.0, cleanup = True)),
+ name='gears2MTrack')
+ toonMTrack = Parallel(name='toonMTrack')
+ for mtoon in battle.toons:
+ toonMTrack.append(Sequence(
+ Wait(1.0),
+ ActorInterval(mtoon, 'duck'),
+ ActorInterval(mtoon, 'duck', startTime=1.8),
+ Func(mtoon.loop, 'neutral'),
+ ))
+ for mtoon in npcs:
+ toonMTrack.append(Sequence(
+ Wait(1.0),
+ ActorInterval(mtoon, 'duck'),
+ ActorInterval(mtoon, 'duck', startTime=1.8),
+ Func(mtoon.loop, 'neutral'),
+ ))
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, deathSoundTrack, gears1Track, gears2MTrack,
+ toonMTrack)
+def createSuitDeathTrack(suit, toon, battle, npcs = []):
+ suitTrack = Sequence()
+ suitPos, suitHpr = battle.getActorPosHpr(suit)
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ if hasattr(suit,'battleTrapProp') and suit.battleTrapProp and \
+ suit.battleTrapProp.getName() == 'traintrack' and \
+ not suit.battleTrapProp.isHidden():
+ suitTrack.append( createTrainTrackAppearTrack( suit, toon, battle, npcs))
+ deathSuit = suit.getLoseActor()
+ assert(deathSuit != None)
+ #suitTrack.append(Wait(10))
+ suitTrack.append(Func(notify.debug, 'before insertDeathSuit'))
+ suitTrack.append(Func(insertDeathSuit, suit, deathSuit, battle, suitPos, suitHpr))
+ #suitTrack.append(Wait(10))
+ suitTrack.append(Func(notify.debug, 'before actorInterval lose'))
+ suitTrack.append(ActorInterval(deathSuit, 'lose', duration=SUIT_LOSE_DURATION))
+ #suitTrack.append(Wait(10))
+ suitTrack.append(Func(notify.debug, 'before removeDeathSuit'))
+ suitTrack.append(Func(removeDeathSuit, suit, deathSuit, name='remove-death-suit'))
+ #suitTrack.append(Wait(10))
+ suitTrack.append(Func(notify.debug, 'after removeDeathSuit'))
+ spinningSound = base.loadSfx("phase_3.5/audio/sfx/Cog_Death.mp3")
+ deathSound = base.loadSfx("phase_3.5/audio/sfx/ENC_cogfall_apart.mp3")
+ deathSoundTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(0.8),
+ SoundInterval(spinningSound, duration=1.2, startTime = 1.5, volume=0.2, node=deathSuit),
+ SoundInterval(spinningSound, duration=3.0, startTime = 0.6, volume=0.8, node=deathSuit),
+ SoundInterval(deathSound, volume = 0.32, node=deathSuit),
+ )
+ BattleParticles.loadParticles()
+ smallGears = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='gearExplosionSmall')
+ singleGear = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect('GearExplosion',
+ numParticles=1)
+ smallGearExplosion = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect('GearExplosion',
+ numParticles=10)
+ bigGearExplosion = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect('BigGearExplosion',
+ numParticles=30)
+ gearPoint = Point3(suitPos.getX(), suitPos.getY(), suitPos.getZ()+suit.height-0.2)
+ smallGears.setPos(gearPoint)
+ singleGear.setPos(gearPoint)
+ smallGears.setDepthWrite(False)
+ singleGear.setDepthWrite(False)
+ smallGearExplosion.setPos(gearPoint)
+ bigGearExplosion.setPos(gearPoint)
+ smallGearExplosion.setDepthWrite(False)
+ bigGearExplosion.setDepthWrite(False)
+ explosionTrack = Sequence()
+ explosionTrack.append(Wait(5.4))
+ explosionTrack.append(createKapowExplosionTrack(battle, explosionPoint=gearPoint))
+ gears1Track = Sequence(
+ Wait(2.1),
+ ParticleInterval(smallGears, battle, worldRelative=0, duration=4.3, cleanup = True),
+ name='gears1Track')
+ gears2MTrack = Track(
+ (0.0, explosionTrack),
+ (0.7, ParticleInterval(singleGear, battle, worldRelative=0,
+ duration=5.7, cleanup = True)),
+ (5.2, ParticleInterval(smallGearExplosion, battle,
+ worldRelative=0, duration=1.2, cleanup = True)),
+ (5.4, ParticleInterval(bigGearExplosion, battle,
+ worldRelative=0, duration=1.0, cleanup = True)),
+ name='gears2MTrack')
+ toonMTrack = Parallel(name='toonMTrack')
+ for mtoon in battle.toons:
+ toonMTrack.append(Sequence(
+ Wait(1.0),
+ ActorInterval(mtoon, 'duck'),
+ ActorInterval(mtoon, 'duck', startTime=1.8),
+ Func(mtoon.loop, 'neutral'),
+ ))
+ for mtoon in npcs:
+ toonMTrack.append(Sequence(
+ Wait(1.0),
+ ActorInterval(mtoon, 'duck'),
+ ActorInterval(mtoon, 'duck', startTime=1.8),
+ Func(mtoon.loop, 'neutral'),
+ ))
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, deathSoundTrack, gears1Track, gears2MTrack,
+ toonMTrack)
+def createSuitDodgeMultitrack(tDodge, suit, leftSuits, rightSuits):
+ suitTracks = Parallel()
+ suitDodgeList, sidestepAnim = avatarDodge(leftSuits, rightSuits,
+ 'sidestep-left', 'sidestep-right')
+ # make the other suits dodge
+ for s in suitDodgeList:
+ suitTracks.append(Sequence(ActorInterval(s, sidestepAnim),
+ Func(s.loop, 'neutral')))
+ # finally, make the target suit dodge
+ suitTracks.append(Sequence(ActorInterval(suit, sidestepAnim),
+ Func(suit.loop, 'neutral')))
+ # indicate that the suit was missed
+ suitTracks.append(Func(indicateMissed, suit))
+ ## play the dodge sounds
+ #jumpSound = base.loadSfx("phase_5/audio/sfx/ENC_cogjump_to_side.mp3")
+ #stepSound = base.loadSfx("phase_5/audio/sfx/ENC_cogside_step.mp3")
+ #if jumpSound:
+ # suitTracks.append(SoundInterval(jumpSound))
+ #if stepSound:
+ # suitTracks.append(Sequence(Wait(1.5), SoundInterval(stepSound)))
+ return Sequence(Wait(tDodge), suitTracks)
+def createToonDodgeMultitrack(tDodge, toon, leftToons, rightToons):
+ # Unlike suits, the toon side step right animation occurs behind
+ # the adjacent toon thus we only need to move other toons with the
+ # sidestep left dodge. But even with this difference, we still
+ # use the same probability for which direction to dodge.
+ toonTracks = Parallel()
+ # when an avatar dodges, other avatars may need to dodge as well
+ if len(leftToons) > len(rightToons):
+ # Path of Least/Most Resistance
+ PoLR = rightToons
+ PoMR = leftToons
+ else:
+ PoLR = leftToons
+ PoMR = rightToons
+ # most of the time, choose the side with the least avatars
+ # base the random choice on the difference between the
+ # number of avatars on the left versus the right
+ upper = 1 + (4 * abs(len(leftToons) - len(rightToons)))
+ if (random.randint(0, upper) > 0):
+ toonDodgeList = PoLR
+ else:
+ toonDodgeList = PoMR
+ # select the correct data
+ if toonDodgeList is leftToons:
+ sidestepAnim = 'sidestep-left'
+ # Make the other toons dodge
+ for t in toonDodgeList:
+ toonTracks.append(Sequence(ActorInterval(t, sidestepAnim),
+ Func(t.loop, 'neutral')))
+ else:
+ sidestepAnim = 'sidestep-right'
+ # finally, make the target toon dodge
+ toonTracks.append(Sequence(ActorInterval(toon, sidestepAnim),
+ Func(toon.loop, 'neutral')))
+ # indicate that the toon was missed
+ toonTracks.append(Func(indicateMissed, toon))
+ return Sequence(Wait(tDodge), toonTracks)
+def createSuitTeaseMultiTrack(suit, delay=0.01):
+ # Used if the suit teases a toon for missing an attack, (large drops)
+ suitTrack = Sequence(
+ Wait(delay),
+ ActorInterval(suit, 'victory', startTime=0.5, endTime=1.9),
+ Func(suit.loop, 'neutral'),
+ )
+ missedTrack = Sequence(Wait(delay+0.2),
+ Func(indicateMissed, suit, 0.9))
+ return Parallel(suitTrack, missedTrack)
+# spray intervals
+SPRAY_LEN = 1.5
+# spray head extends from origin to target, holds,
+# then spray tail extends from origin to target
+def getSprayTrack(battle, color, origin, target, dScaleUp, dHold,
+ dScaleDown, horizScale = 1.0, vertScale = 1.0, parent = render):
+ track = Sequence()
+ # sprayRot
+ # |__ sprayScale
+ # |__ sprayProp
+ sprayProp = globalPropPool.getProp('spray')
+ # make a parent node for the spray that will hold the scale
+ sprayScale = hidden.attachNewNode('spray-parent')
+ # the rotation must be on a separate node so that the
+ # lerpScale doesn't muck with the rotation
+ sprayRot = hidden.attachNewNode('spray-rotate')
+ spray = sprayRot
+ spray.setColor(color)
+ if (color[3] < 1.0):
+ spray.setTransparency(1)
+ # show the spray
+ def showSpray(sprayScale, sprayRot, sprayProp, origin, target, parent):
+ if callable(origin):
+ origin = origin()
+ if callable(target):
+ target = target()
+ sprayRot.reparentTo(parent)
+ sprayRot.clearMat()
+ sprayScale.reparentTo(sprayRot)
+ sprayScale.clearMat()
+ sprayProp.reparentTo(sprayScale)
+ sprayProp.clearMat()
+ sprayRot.setPos(origin)
+ sprayRot.lookAt(Point3(target))
+ track.append(Func(, sprayProp))
+ track.append(Func(showSpray, sprayScale, sprayRot, sprayProp,
+ origin, target, parent))
+ # scale the spray up
+ def calcTargetScale(target = target, origin = origin, horizScale = horizScale, vertScale = vertScale):
+ if callable(target):
+ target = target()
+ if callable(origin):
+ origin = origin()
+ distance = Vec3(target - origin).length()
+ yScale = distance / SPRAY_LEN
+ #targetScale = Point3(yScale, yScale*horizScale, yScale*vertScale)
+ targetScale = Point3(yScale*horizScale, yScale, yScale*vertScale)
+ return targetScale
+ track.append(LerpScaleInterval(sprayScale, dScaleUp, calcTargetScale, startScale=PNT3_NEARZERO))
+ # hold the spray
+ track.append(Wait(dHold))
+ # bring the back of the spray up to the front, using a scale
+ # first we need to adjust the spray's parent node so that it
+ # is positioned at the end of the spray
+ def prepareToShrinkSpray(spray, sprayProp, origin, target):
+ if callable(target):
+ target = target()
+ if callable(origin):
+ origin = origin()
+ #localSprayHeadPos = target - origin
+ sprayProp.setPos(Point3(0., -SPRAY_LEN, 0.))
+ spray.setPos(target)
+ track.append(Func(prepareToShrinkSpray, spray, sprayProp,
+ origin, target))
+ # shrink the spray down
+ track.append(LerpScaleInterval(sprayScale, dScaleDown, PNT3_NEARZERO))
+ # hide the spray
+ def hideSpray(spray, sprayScale, sprayRot, sprayProp, propPool):
+ sprayProp.detachNode()
+ removeProp(sprayProp)
+ sprayRot.removeNode()
+ sprayScale.removeNode()
+ track.append(Func(hideSpray, spray, sprayScale, sprayRot,
+ sprayProp, globalPropPool))
+ track.append(Func(, sprayProp))
+ return track
+def getToonTeleportOutInterval(toon):
+ """ getToonTeleportOutInterval(toon)
+ """
+ holeActors = toon.getHoleActors()
+ holes = [holeActors[0], holeActors[1]]
+ hole = holes[0]
+ hole2 = holes[1]
+ hands = toon.getRightHands()
+ holeTrack = Sequence()
+ holeTrack.append(Func(showProps, holes, hands))
+ holeTrack.append(Wait(0.5)),
+ holeTrack.append(Func(base.playSfx, toon.getSoundTeleport()))
+ holeTrack.append(Wait(delay - 0.5))
+ holeTrack.append(Func(hole.reparentTo, toon))
+ holeTrack.append(Func(hole2.reparentTo, hidden))
+ holeAnimTrack = Sequence()
+ holeAnimTrack.append(ActorInterval(hole, 'hole', duration=dur))
+ holeAnimTrack.append(Func(hideProps, holes))
+ runTrack = Sequence(ActorInterval(toon, 'teleport', duration=dur),
+ Func(toon.detachNode))
+ return Parallel(runTrack, holeAnimTrack, holeTrack)
+def getToonTeleportInInterval(toon):
+ """ getToonTeleportInInterval(toon)
+ """
+ hole = toon.getHoleActors()[0]
+ holeAnimTrack = Sequence()
+ holeAnimTrack.append(Func(toon.detachNode))
+ holeAnimTrack.append(Func(hole.reparentTo, toon))
+ pos = Point3(0, -2.4, 0)
+ holeAnimTrack.append(Func(hole.setPos, toon, pos))
+ holeAnimTrack.append(ActorInterval(hole, 'hole', startTime=T_TELEPORT_ANIM,
+ holeAnimTrack.append(ActorInterval(hole, 'hole',
+ holeAnimTrack.append(Func(hole.reparentTo, hidden))
+ jumpTrack = Sequence(Wait(delay),
+ Func(toon.reparentTo, render),
+ ActorInterval(toon, 'jump'))
+ return Parallel(holeAnimTrack, jumpTrack)
+def getSuitRakeOffset(suit):
+ """ getSuitRakeOffset(suit)
+ """
+ suitName = suit.getStyleName()
+ if (suitName == 'gh'):
+ return 1.4
+ elif (suitName == 'f'):
+ return 1.0
+ elif (suitName == 'cc'):
+ return 0.7
+ elif (suitName == 'tw'):
+ return 1.3
+ elif (suitName == 'bf'):
+ return 1.0
+ elif (suitName == 'sc'):
+ return 0.8
+ elif (suitName == 'ym'):
+ return 0.1
+ elif (suitName == 'mm'):
+ return 0.05
+ elif (suitName == 'tm'):
+ return 0.07
+ elif (suitName == 'nd'):
+ return 0.07
+ elif (suitName == 'pp'):
+ return 0.04
+ elif (suitName == 'bc'):
+ return 0.36
+ elif (suitName == 'b'):
+ return 0.41
+ elif (suitName == 'dt'):
+ return 0.31
+ elif (suitName == 'ac'):
+ return 0.39
+ elif (suitName == 'ds'):
+ return 0.41
+ elif (suitName == 'hh'):
+ return 0.8
+ elif (suitName == 'cr'):
+ return 2.1
+ elif (suitName == 'tbc'):
+ return 1.4
+ elif (suitName == 'bs'):
+ return 0.4
+ elif (suitName == 'sd'):
+ return 1.02
+ elif (suitName == 'le'):
+ return 1.3
+ elif (suitName == 'bw'):
+ return 1.4
+ elif (suitName == 'nc'):
+ return 0.6
+ elif (suitName == 'mb'):
+ return 1.85
+ elif (suitName == 'ls'):
+ return 1.4
+ elif (suitName == 'rb'):
+ return 1.6
+ elif (suitName == 'ms'):
+ return 0.7
+ elif (suitName == 'tf'):
+ return 0.75
+ elif (suitName == 'm'):
+ return 0.9
+ elif (suitName == 'mh'):
+ return 1.3
+ else:
+ notify.warning('getSuitRakeOffset(suit) - Unknown suit name: %s' % suitName)
+ return 0
+def startSparksIval(tntProp):
+ tip = tntProp.find("**/joint_attachEmitter")
+ sparks = BattleParticles.createParticleEffect(file='tnt')
+ return Func(sparks.start, tip)
+def indicateMissed(actor, duration=1.1, scale=0.7):
+ """ indicateMissed() shows the text missed above an actor """
+ actor.showHpString(TTLocalizer.AttackMissed, duration=duration, scale=scale)
+def createKapowExplosionTrack(parent, explosionPoint=None, scale = 1.0):
+ explosionTrack = Sequence()
+ explosion = loader.loadModel("phase_3.5/models/props/explosion.bam")
+ explosion.setBillboardPointEye()
+ explosion.setDepthWrite(False)
+ if not explosionPoint:
+ explosionPoint = Point3(0, 3.6, 2.1)
+ explosionTrack.append(Func(explosion.reparentTo, parent))
+ explosionTrack.append(Func(explosion.setPos, explosionPoint))
+ explosionTrack.append(Func(explosion.setScale, 0.4 * scale))
+ explosionTrack.append(Wait(0.6))
+ explosionTrack.append(Func(removeProp, explosion))
+ return explosionTrack
+def createSuitStunInterval(suit, before, after):
+ # Some temp point vectors
+ p1 = Point3(0)
+ p2 = Point3(0)
+ # Show reaction and stun prop
+ stars = globalPropPool.getProp('stun')
+ # Give it a color so we can override any head colors
+ stars.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1)
+ # Override head colors and textures
+ stars.adjustAllPriorities(100)
+ # How high is head? Assume head is part 0 (this is good for suits)
+ head = suit.getHeadParts()[0]
+ head.calcTightBounds(p1, p2)
+ # Show stun prop at proper height with specified delay before and after
+ return Sequence(Wait(before),
+ Func(stars.reparentTo, head),
+ Func(stars.setZ, max(0.0, p2[2] - 1.0)),
+ Func(stars.loop, 'stun'),
+ Wait(after),
+ Func(stars.removeNode))
+def calcAvgSuitPos(throw):
+ """
+ Calculate the average suit positions for the all the targets in this throw
+ """
+ battle = throw['battle']
+ avgSuitPos = Point3(0,0,0)
+ numTargets = len(throw['target'])
+ for i in range(numTargets):
+ suit = throw['target'][i]['suit']
+ avgSuitPos += suit.getPos(battle)
+ avgSuitPos /= numTargets
+ return avgSuitPos
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/ b/toontown/src/battle/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e666994
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from toontown.toonbase.ToontownBattleGlobals import *
+from toontown.toonbase.ToontownGlobals import *
+from SuitBattleGlobals import *
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.gui import OnscreenText
+class PlayByPlayText(OnscreenText.OnscreenText):
+ """
+ This shows info about names of attacks as they happen, etc.
+ """
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('PlayByPlayText')
+ def __init__(self):
+ OnscreenText.OnscreenText.__init__(
+ self,
+ mayChange = 1,
+ pos = (0.0, 0.75),
+ scale = 0.1,
+ font = getSignFont(),
+ )
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/ b/toontown/src/battle/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3be1f8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+from toontown.toonbase.ToontownBattleGlobals import *
+from toontown.toonbase.ToontownGlobals import *
+from SuitBattleGlobals import *
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+import string
+from direct.gui import OnscreenText
+import BattleBase
+class PlayByPlayText(OnscreenText.OnscreenText):
+ """
+ This shows info about names of attacks as they happen, etc.
+ """
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('PlayByPlayText')
+ def __init__(self):
+ OnscreenText.OnscreenText.__init__(
+ self,
+ mayChange = 1,
+ pos = (0.0, 0.75),
+ scale = TTLocalizer.PBPTonscreenText,
+ fg = (1, 0, 0, 1),
+ font = getSignFont(),
+ wordwrap = 13
+ )
+ def getShowInterval(self, text, duration):
+ return Sequence(
+ Func(self.hide),
+ Wait(duration * 0.3),
+ Func(self.setText, text),
+ Func(,
+ Wait(duration * 0.7),
+ Func(self.hide),
+ )
+ def getToonsDiedInterval(self, textList, duration):
+ assert len(textList) >= 0 and len(textList) <= 4
+ track = Sequence(
+ Func(self.hide),
+ Wait(duration * 0.3)
+ )
+ waitGap = (0.6 / len(textList)) * duration
+ for text in textList:
+ newList = [
+ Func(self.setText, text),
+ Func(,
+ Wait(waitGap),
+ Func(self.hide),
+ ]
+ track += newList
+ track.append(
+ Wait(duration * 0.1)
+ )
+ return track
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/ b/toontown/src/battle/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5486aac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/
@@ -0,0 +1,1235 @@
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from direct.gui.DirectGui import *
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownBattleGlobals
+import BattleBase
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+import random
+import string
+from import Quests
+import copy
+from toontown.suit import SuitDNA
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+from toontown.toon import NPCToons
+import math
+from toontown.coghq import CogDisguiseGlobals
+from toontown.shtiker import DisguisePage
+import Fanfare
+from otp.otpbase import OTPGlobals
+class RewardPanel(DirectFrame):
+ """
+ This panel shows experience gained during a battle
+ """
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('RewardPanel')
+ def __init__(self, name):
+ DirectFrame.__init__(self,
+ relief=None,
+ geom = DGG.getDefaultDialogGeom(),
+ geom_color = ToontownGlobals.GlobalDialogColor,
+ geom_scale = TTLocalizer.RPdirectFrame,
+ pos = (0, 0, 0.587),
+ )
+ self.initialiseoptions(RewardPanel)
+ self.avNameLabel = DirectLabel(
+ parent = self,
+ relief = None,
+ pos = (0, 0, 0.3),
+ text = name,
+ text_scale = 0.08,
+ )
+ self.gagExpFrame = DirectFrame(
+ parent = self,
+ relief = None,
+ pos = (-0.32, 0, 0.24),
+ )
+ self.itemFrame = DirectFrame(
+ parent = self,
+ relief = None,
+ text = TTLocalizer.RewardPanelItems,
+ text_pos = (0, 0.2),
+ text_scale = 0.08,
+ )
+ self.cogPartFrame = DirectFrame(
+ parent = self,
+ relief = None,
+ text = TTLocalizer.RewardPanelCogPart,
+ text_pos = (0, 0.2),
+ text_scale = 0.08,
+ )
+ self.missedItemFrame = DirectFrame(
+ parent = self,
+ relief = None,
+ text = TTLocalizer.RewardPanelMissedItems,
+ text_pos = (0, 0.2),
+ text_scale = 0.08,
+ )
+ self.itemLabel = DirectLabel(
+ parent = self.itemFrame,
+ text = "",
+ text_scale = 0.06,
+ )
+ self.cogPartLabel = DirectLabel(
+ parent = self.cogPartFrame,
+ text = "",
+ text_scale = 0.06,
+ )
+ self.missedItemLabel = DirectLabel(
+ parent = self.missedItemFrame,
+ text = "",
+ text_scale = 0.06,
+ )
+ self.questFrame = DirectFrame(
+ parent = self,
+ relief = None,
+ text = TTLocalizer.RewardPanelToonTasks,
+ text_pos = (0, 0.2),
+ text_scale = 0.06,
+ )
+ self.questLabelList = []
+ for i in range(ToontownGlobals.MaxQuestCarryLimit):
+ label = DirectLabel(
+ parent = self.questFrame,
+ relief = None,
+ pos = (-0.85, 0, (-0.1*i)),
+ text = (TTLocalizer.RewardPanelQuestLabel % (i)),
+ text_scale = 0.05,
+ text_align = TextNode.ALeft,
+ )
+ label.hide()
+ self.questLabelList.append(label)
+ self.newGagFrame = DirectFrame(
+ parent = self,
+ relief = None,
+ pos = (0, 0, 0.24),
+ text = "",
+ text_wordwrap = 14.4,
+ text_pos = (0, -0.46),
+ text_scale = 0.06,
+ )
+ self.endTrackFrame = DirectFrame(
+ parent = self,
+ relief = None,
+ pos = (0,0,0.24),
+ text = "",
+ text_wordwrap = 14.4,
+ text_pos = (0,-0.46),
+ text_scale = 0.06,
+ )
+ self.congratsLeft = DirectLabel(
+ parent = self.newGagFrame,
+ pos = (-0.2, 0, -0.1),
+ text = "",
+ text_pos = (0, 0),
+ text_scale = 0.06,
+ )
+ self.congratsLeft.setHpr(0, 0, -30)
+ self.congratsRight = DirectLabel(
+ parent = self.newGagFrame,
+ pos = (0.2, 0, -0.1),
+ text = "",
+ text_pos = (0, 0),
+ text_scale = 0.06,
+ )
+ self.congratsRight.setHpr(0, 0, 30)
+ self.promotionFrame = DirectFrame(
+ parent = self,
+ relief = None,
+ pos = (0, 0, 0.24),
+ text = "",
+ text_wordwrap = 14.4,
+ text_pos = (0, -0.46),
+ text_scale = 0.06,
+ )
+ self.trackLabels = []
+ self.trackIncLabels = []
+ self.trackBars = []
+ self.trackBarsOffset = 0
+ self.meritLabels = []
+ self.meritIncLabels = []
+ self.meritBars = []
+ # loop and make all the cog merit bars
+ for i in range(len(SuitDNA.suitDepts)):
+ deptName = TextEncoder.upper(SuitDNA.suitDeptFullnames[SuitDNA.suitDepts[i]])
+ # dept label
+ self.meritLabels.append(DirectLabel(
+ parent = self.gagExpFrame,
+ relief = None,
+ text = deptName,
+ text_scale = 0.05,
+ text_align = TextNode.ARight,
+ pos = (TTLocalizer.RPmeritLabelXPosition, 0, (-0.09*i) - 0.125),
+ text_pos = (0, -0.02),
+ ))
+ # increment indicator labels
+ self.meritIncLabels.append(DirectLabel(
+ parent = self.gagExpFrame,
+ relief = None,
+ text = "",
+ text_scale = 0.05,
+ text_align = TextNode.ALeft,
+ pos = (0.7, 0, (-0.09*i) - 0.125),
+ text_pos = (0, -0.02),
+ ))
+ # merit progress bar
+ self.meritBars.append(DirectWaitBar(
+ parent = self.gagExpFrame,
+ relief = DGG.SUNKEN,
+ frameSize = (-1, 1, -0.15, 0.15),
+ borderWidth = (0.02, 0.02),
+ scale = 0.25,
+ frameColor = (DisguisePage.DeptColors[i][0]*0.7,
+ DisguisePage.DeptColors[i][1]*0.7,
+ DisguisePage.DeptColors[i][2]*0.7,
+ 1),
+ barColor = (DisguisePage.DeptColors[i][0],
+ DisguisePage.DeptColors[i][1],
+ DisguisePage.DeptColors[i][2],
+ 1),
+ text = "0/0 " + TTLocalizer.RewardPanelMeritBarLabels[i],
+ text_scale = TTLocalizer.RPmeritBarLabels,
+ text_fg = (0, 0, 0, 1),
+ text_align = TextNode.ALeft,
+ text_pos = (-0.96, -0.05),
+ pos = (TTLocalizer.RPmeritBarsXPosition, 0, (-0.09*i) - 0.125),
+ ))
+ # loop and make all the track exp bars
+ for i in range(len(ToontownBattleGlobals.Tracks)):
+ trackName = TextEncoder.upper(ToontownBattleGlobals.Tracks[i])
+ # Name of track label
+ self.trackLabels.append(DirectLabel(
+ parent = self.gagExpFrame,
+ relief = None,
+ text = trackName,
+ text_scale = TTLocalizer.RPtrackLabels,
+ text_align = TextNode.ARight,
+ pos = (0.13, 0, -0.09*i),
+ text_pos = (0, -0.02),
+ ))
+ # increment indicator labels
+ self.trackIncLabels.append(DirectLabel(
+ parent = self.gagExpFrame,
+ relief = None,
+ text = "",
+ text_scale = 0.05,
+ text_align = TextNode.ALeft,
+ pos = (0.65, 0, -0.09*i),
+ text_pos = (0, -0.02),
+ ))
+ # track exp bar
+ self.trackBars.append(DirectWaitBar(
+ parent = self.gagExpFrame,
+ relief = DGG.SUNKEN,
+ frameSize = (-1, 1, -0.15, 0.15),
+ borderWidth = (0.02, 0.02),
+ scale = 0.25,
+ frameColor = (ToontownBattleGlobals.TrackColors[i][0]*0.7,
+ ToontownBattleGlobals.TrackColors[i][1]*0.7,
+ ToontownBattleGlobals.TrackColors[i][2]*0.7,
+ 1),
+ barColor = (ToontownBattleGlobals.TrackColors[i][0],
+ ToontownBattleGlobals.TrackColors[i][1],
+ ToontownBattleGlobals.TrackColors[i][2],
+ 1),
+ text = "0/0",
+ text_scale = 0.18,
+ text_fg = (0, 0, 0, 1),
+ text_align = TextNode.ACenter,
+ text_pos = (0, -0.05),
+ pos = (0.40, 0, -0.09*i),
+ ))
+ return
+ # Elemental operations:
+ # Set track(title, curSkill, next):
+ # - Set track title
+ # - clear gags
+ # - set skill
+ # - set next
+ # - set background color
+ # Add gag(gagType, i, n)
+ # - Position gag at i/n
+ # - Increment skill
+ # - play sound fx
+ # Play track sequence(track, curSkill, next, gagTypeList)
+ # - Set track
+ # - for i = 1 to n, add gag (with delays between)
+ # Play reward sequence(tracks, skills, nexts, gagTypeLists)
+ # - for i = 1 to n, play track sequences (with delays between)
+ # Play reward sequences(sequences)
+ # - for i = 1 to n, play reward sequences
+ #def clearGags(self):
+ # for gag in self.gagList:
+ # gag.removeNode()
+ # self.gagList = []
+ # return None
+ def getNextExpValue(self, curSkill, trackIndex):
+ """
+ Return the number of total experience to get to the next
+ track. If the current experience equals or exceeds the highest
+ next value, the highest next value is returned.
+ """
+ # The last value is the default
+ retVal = ToontownBattleGlobals.UberSkill
+ for amount in ToontownBattleGlobals.Levels[trackIndex]:
+ if curSkill < amount:
+ retVal = amount
+ return retVal
+ return retVal
+ def getNextExpValueUber(self, curSkill, trackIndex):
+ """
+ Return the number of total experience to get to the next
+ track. If the current experience equals or exceeds the highest
+ next value, the highest next value is returned.
+ """
+ # The last value is the default
+ return ToontownBattleGlobals.UberSkill
+ def getNextMeritValue(self, curMerits, toon, dept):
+ """
+ Return the number of total merits to get to the next
+ cog level. If the current merits equals or exceeds the highest
+ next value, the highest next value is returned.
+ """
+ totalMerits = CogDisguiseGlobals.getTotalMerits(toon, dept)
+ # The last value is the default
+ retVal = totalMerits
+ if curMerits > totalMerits:
+ retVal = amount
+ return retVal
+ def initItemFrame(self, toon):
+ self.endTrackFrame.hide()
+ self.gagExpFrame.hide()
+ self.newGagFrame.hide()
+ self.promotionFrame.hide()
+ self.questFrame.hide()
+ self.cogPartFrame.hide()
+ self.missedItemFrame.hide()
+ def initMissedItemFrame(self, toon):
+ self.endTrackFrame.hide()
+ self.gagExpFrame.hide()
+ self.newGagFrame.hide()
+ self.promotionFrame.hide()
+ self.questFrame.hide()
+ self.itemFrame.hide()
+ self.cogPartFrame.hide()
+ def initCogPartFrame(self, toon):
+ self.endTrackFrame.hide()
+ self.gagExpFrame.hide()
+ self.newGagFrame.hide()
+ self.promotionFrame.hide()
+ self.questFrame.hide()
+ self.itemFrame.hide()
+ self.cogPartLabel['text'] = ''
+ self.missedItemFrame.hide()
+ def initQuestFrame(self, toon, avQuests):
+ self.endTrackFrame.hide()
+ self.gagExpFrame.hide()
+ self.newGagFrame.hide()
+ self.promotionFrame.hide()
+ self.itemFrame.hide()
+ self.cogPartFrame.hide()
+ self.missedItemFrame.hide()
+ # First hide all quest labels in case we do not fill
+ # them in with our own quests (and reset the color to black)
+ for i in range(ToontownGlobals.MaxQuestCarryLimit):
+ questLabel = self.questLabelList[i]
+ questLabel['text_fg'] = (0, 0, 0, 1)
+ questLabel.hide()
+ for i in range(len(avQuests)):
+ questDesc = avQuests[i]
+ questId, npcId, toNpcId, rewardId, toonProgress = questDesc
+ quest = Quests.getQuest(questId)
+ if quest:
+ questString = quest.getString()
+ progressString = quest.getProgressString(toon, questDesc)
+ rewardString = quest.getRewardString(progressString)
+ rewardString = Quests.fillInQuestNames(rewardString, toNpcId = toNpcId)
+ completed = (quest.getCompletionStatus(toon, questDesc) == Quests.COMPLETE)
+ questLabel = self.questLabelList[i]
+ # the reward movie looks wonky in the tutorial...
+ if base.localAvatar.tutorialAck:
+ questLabel['text'] = rewardString
+ if completed:
+ questLabel['text_fg'] = (0, 0.3, 0, 1)
+ else:
+ questLabel['text'] = questString + " :"
+ def initGagFrame(self, toon, expList, meritList):
+ self.avNameLabel['text'] = toon.getName()
+ self.endTrackFrame.hide()
+ self.newGagFrame.hide()
+ self.promotionFrame.hide()
+ self.questFrame.hide()
+ self.itemFrame.hide()
+ self.cogPartFrame.hide()
+ self.missedItemFrame.hide()
+ trackBarOffset = 0
+ # Initialize the cog merit bars if enabled
+ for i in range(len(SuitDNA.suitDepts)):
+ meritBar = self.meritBars[i]
+ meritLabel = self.meritLabels[i]
+ totalMerits = CogDisguiseGlobals.getTotalMerits(toon, i)
+ merits = meritList[i]
+ self.meritIncLabels[i].hide()
+ # if we are have a full suit then we are working on promotions
+ if CogDisguiseGlobals.isSuitComplete(toon.cogParts, i):
+ # if we don't show the merit bar, we must shift the skill bars left
+ if not self.trackBarsOffset:
+ trackBarOffset = 0.47
+ # only do this once! :)
+ self.trackBarsOffset = 1
+ if totalMerits:
+ meritBar["range"] = totalMerits
+ meritBar["value"] = merits
+ if merits == totalMerits:
+ meritBar["text"] = TTLocalizer.RewardPanelMeritAlert
+ else:
+ meritBar["text"] = ("%s/%s %s" % (merits,
+ totalMerits,
+ TTLocalizer.RewardPanelMeritBarLabels[i],))
+ else:
+ # if total merits = None, this dept is maxed out
+ meritBar["range"] = 1
+ meritBar["value"] = 1
+ meritBar["text"] = TTLocalizer.RewardPanelMeritsMaxed
+ self.resetMeritBarColor(i)
+ else:
+ meritBar.hide()
+ meritLabel.hide()
+ # Initialize all the bars with the current and next exp
+ for i in range(len(expList)):
+ curExp = expList[i]
+ trackBar = self.trackBars[i]
+ trackLabel = self.trackLabels[i]
+ trackIncLabel = self.trackIncLabels[i]
+ trackBar.setX(trackBar.getX() - trackBarOffset)
+ trackLabel.setX(trackLabel.getX() - trackBarOffset)
+ trackIncLabel.setX(trackIncLabel.getX() - trackBarOffset)
+ trackIncLabel.hide()
+ if toon.hasTrackAccess(i):
+ if curExp >= ToontownBattleGlobals.UnpaidMaxSkill and toon.getGameAccess() != OTPGlobals.AccessFull:
+ nextExp = self.getNextExpValue(curExp, i)
+ trackBar["range"] = nextExp
+ trackBar["value"] = ToontownBattleGlobals.UnpaidMaxSkill
+ trackBar["text"] = (TTLocalizer.InventoryGuestExp)
+ elif curExp >= ToontownBattleGlobals.regMaxSkill:
+ nextExp = self.getNextExpValueUber(curExp, i)
+ trackBar["range"] = nextExp
+ uberCurrExp = curExp - ToontownBattleGlobals.regMaxSkill
+ trackBar["value"] = uberCurrExp
+ trackBar["text"] = (TTLocalizer.InventoryUberTrackExp %
+ {"nextExp": ToontownBattleGlobals.MaxSkill - curExp,})
+ else:
+ nextExp = self.getNextExpValue(curExp, i)
+ trackBar["range"] = nextExp
+ trackBar["value"] = curExp
+ trackBar["text"] = ("%s/%s" % (curExp, nextExp))
+ self.resetBarColor(i)
+ else:
+ trackBar.hide()
+ return
+ def incrementExp(self, track, newValue, toon):
+ trackBar = self.trackBars[track]
+ oldValue = trackBar["value"]
+ newValue = min(ToontownBattleGlobals.MaxSkill, newValue)
+ nextExp = self.getNextExpValue(newValue, track)
+ if newValue >= ToontownBattleGlobals.UnpaidMaxSkill and toon.getGameAccess() != OTPGlobals.AccessFull:
+ newValue = oldValue
+ trackBar["text"] = (TTLocalizer.InventoryGuestExp)
+ elif newValue >= ToontownBattleGlobals.regMaxSkill:
+ newValue = newValue - ToontownBattleGlobals.regMaxSkill
+ nextExp = self.getNextExpValueUber(newValue, track)
+ trackBar["text"] = (TTLocalizer.InventoryUberTrackExp %
+ {"nextExp": ToontownBattleGlobals.UberSkill - newValue,})
+ else:
+ trackBar["text"] = ("%s/%s" % (newValue, nextExp))
+ trackBar["range"] = nextExp
+ trackBar["value"] = newValue
+ trackBar["barColor"] = (ToontownBattleGlobals.TrackColors[track][0],
+ ToontownBattleGlobals.TrackColors[track][1],
+ ToontownBattleGlobals.TrackColors[track][2],
+ 1)
+ return
+ def resetBarColor(self, track):
+ self.trackBars[track]["barColor"] = (ToontownBattleGlobals.TrackColors[track][0]*0.8,
+ ToontownBattleGlobals.TrackColors[track][1]*0.8,
+ ToontownBattleGlobals.TrackColors[track][2]*0.8,
+ 1)
+ def incrementMerits(self, toon, dept, newValue, totalMerits):
+ meritBar = self.meritBars[dept]
+ oldValue = meritBar["value"]
+ # don't bother to inc if toon is maxed already
+ if totalMerits:
+ newValue = min(totalMerits, newValue)
+ meritBar["range"] = totalMerits
+ meritBar["value"] = newValue
+ if newValue == totalMerits:
+ meritBar["text"] = TTLocalizer.RewardPanelMeritAlert
+ meritBar["barColor"] = (DisguisePage.DeptColors[dept][0],
+ DisguisePage.DeptColors[dept][1],
+ DisguisePage.DeptColors[dept][2],
+ 1)
+ else:
+ meritBar["text"] = ("%s/%s %s" % (newValue,
+ totalMerits,
+ TTLocalizer.RewardPanelMeritBarLabels[dept],))
+ return
+ def resetMeritBarColor(self, dept):
+ self.meritBars[dept]["barColor"] = (DisguisePage.DeptColors[dept][0]*0.8,
+ DisguisePage.DeptColors[dept][1]*0.8,
+ DisguisePage.DeptColors[dept][2]*0.8,
+ 1)
+ def getRandomCongratsPair(self, toon):
+ congratsStrings = TTLocalizer.RewardPanelCongratsStrings
+ numStrings = len(congratsStrings)
+ assert(numStrings >= 2)
+ indexList = range(numStrings)
+ index1 = random.choice(indexList)
+ indexList.remove(index1)
+ index2 = random.choice(indexList)
+ string1 = congratsStrings[index1]
+ string2 = congratsStrings[index2]
+ return(string1, string2)
+ def uberGagInterval(self, toon, track, level):
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ self.endTrackFrame.hide()
+ self.gagExpFrame.hide()
+ self.promotionFrame.hide()
+ self.questFrame.hide()
+ self.itemFrame.hide()
+ self.missedItemFrame.hide()
+ self.newGagFrame['text'] = (TTLocalizer.RewardPanelUberGag %
+ {"gagName": ToontownBattleGlobals.Tracks[track].capitalize(),
+ "exp": str(ToontownBattleGlobals.UberSkill),
+ "avName": toon.getName(),})
+ self.congratsLeft['text'] = ("")
+ self.congratsRight['text'] = ("")
+ #self.gagText.setText(AvPropStrings[track][level])
+ # copy a gag
+ gagOriginal = base.localAvatar.inventory.buttonLookup(track, level)
+ self.newGagIcon = gagOriginal.copyTo(self.newGagFrame)
+ # Set position... x is x, z is y
+ self.newGagIcon.setPos(0, 0, -0.25)
+ # Set scale (big)
+ self.newGagIcon.setScale(1.5)
+ return
+ def newGag(self, toon, track, level):
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ self.endTrackFrame.hide()
+ self.gagExpFrame.hide()
+ self.promotionFrame.hide()
+ self.questFrame.hide()
+ self.itemFrame.hide()
+ self.missedItemFrame.hide()
+ self.newGagFrame['text'] = (TTLocalizer.RewardPanelNewGag %
+ {"gagName": ToontownBattleGlobals.Tracks[track].capitalize(),
+ "avName": toon.getName(),})
+ self.congratsLeft['text'] = ("")
+ self.congratsRight['text'] = ("")
+ #self.gagText.setText(AvPropStrings[track][level])
+ # copy a gag
+ gagOriginal = base.localAvatar.inventory.buttonLookup(track, level)
+ self.newGagIcon = gagOriginal.copyTo(self.newGagFrame)
+ # Set position... x is x, z is y
+ self.newGagIcon.setPos(0, 0, -0.25)
+ # Set scale (big)
+ self.newGagIcon.setScale(1.5)
+ return
+ def cleanupNewGag(self):
+ self.endTrackFrame.hide()
+ if self.newGagIcon:
+ self.newGagIcon.removeNode()
+ self.newGagIcon = None
+ self.newGagFrame.hide()
+ self.promotionFrame.hide()
+ self.questFrame.hide()
+ self.itemFrame.hide()
+ self.missedItemFrame.hide()
+ def getNewGagIntervalList(self, toon, track, level):
+ leftCongratsAnticipate = 1.0
+ rightCongratsAnticipate = 1.0
+ finalDelay = 1.5
+ (leftString, rightString) = self.getRandomCongratsPair(toon)
+ intervalList = [Func(self.newGag, toon, track, level),
+ Wait(leftCongratsAnticipate),
+ Func(self.congratsLeft.setProp, 'text', leftString),
+ Wait(rightCongratsAnticipate),
+ Func(self.congratsRight.setProp, 'text', rightString),
+ Wait(finalDelay),
+ Func(self.cleanupNewGag),
+ ]
+ return intervalList
+ def getUberGagIntervalList(self, toon, track, level):
+ leftCongratsAnticipate = 1.0
+ rightCongratsAnticipate = 1.0
+ finalDelay = 1.5
+ (leftString, rightString) = self.getRandomCongratsPair(toon)
+ intervalList = [Func(self.uberGagInterval, toon, track, level),
+ Wait(leftCongratsAnticipate),
+ Func(self.congratsLeft.setProp, 'text', leftString),
+ Wait(rightCongratsAnticipate),
+ Func(self.congratsRight.setProp, 'text', rightString),
+ Wait(finalDelay),
+ Func(self.cleanupNewGag),
+ ]
+ return intervalList
+ # hides everything, used for the endtrack to make sure everything vanishes
+ # so we can see the fanfare
+ def vanishFrames(self):
+ self.hide()
+ self.endTrackFrame.hide()
+ self.gagExpFrame.hide()
+ self.newGagFrame.hide()
+ self.promotionFrame.hide()
+ self.questFrame.hide()
+ self.itemFrame.hide()
+ self.missedItemFrame.hide()
+ self.cogPartFrame.hide()
+ self.missedItemFrame.hide()
+ def endTrack(self, toon, toonList, track):
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()1
+ # we make the RewardPanel show up again for all toons in combat
+ for t in toonList:
+ if t == base.localAvatar:
+ self.endTrackFrame['text'] = (TTLocalizer.RewardPanelEndTrack %
+ {"gagName": ToontownBattleGlobals.Tracks[track].capitalize(),
+ "avName": toon.getName(),})
+ gagLast = base.localAvatar.inventory.buttonLookup(track, ToontownBattleGlobals.UBER_GAG_LEVEL_INDEX)
+ self.gagIcon = gagLast.copyTo(self.endTrackFrame)
+ self.gagIcon.setPos(0,0,-0.25)
+ self.gagIcon.setScale(1.5)
+ return
+ # clears the icon on the endTrackFrame, just in case they happen
+ # to get to the end of two tracks in one battle
+ def cleanIcon(self):
+ self.gagIcon.removeNode()
+ self.gagIcon = None
+ # causes all other parts to show up again
+ def cleanupEndTrack(self):
+ self.endTrackFrame.hide()
+ self.newGagFrame.hide()
+ self.promotionFrame.hide()
+ self.questFrame.hide()
+ self.itemFrame.hide()
+ self.missedItemFrame.hide()
+ # shows a message frame telling the toon that they've reached the end
+ # of one of the gag tracks. Shows up after the fanfare
+ def getEndTrackIntervalList(self, toon, toonList, track):
+ intervalList = [Func(self.endTrack, toon, toonList, track),
+ Wait(2.0),
+ Func(self.cleanIcon),
+ ]
+ return intervalList
+ def showTrackIncLabel(self, track, earnedSkill, guestWaste = 0):
+ if guestWaste:
+ self.trackIncLabels[track]["text"] = " " + str(earnedSkill) + TTLocalizer.GuestLostExp
+ elif earnedSkill > 0:
+ self.trackIncLabels[track]["text"] = "+ " + str(earnedSkill)
+ elif earnedSkill < 0:
+ self.trackIncLabels[track]["text"] = " " + str(earnedSkill)
+ self.trackIncLabels[track].show()
+ def showMeritIncLabel(self, dept, earnedMerits):
+ self.meritIncLabels[dept]["text"] = "+ " + str(earnedMerits)
+ self.meritIncLabels[dept].show()
+ def getTrackIntervalList(self, toon, track, origSkill, earnedSkill, hasUber, guestWaste = 0):
+ """
+ returns a list of intervals that, if played, will show experience
+ gained for the given track.
+ """
+ #check for corruptUberList
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ if hasUber < 0:
+ print(toon.doId, 'Reward Panel received an invalid hasUber from an uberList')
+ tickDelay = 0.16
+ intervalList = []
+ if (origSkill + earnedSkill) >= ToontownBattleGlobals.UnpaidMaxSkill and toon.getGameAccess() != OTPGlobals.AccessFull:
+ lostExp = (origSkill + earnedSkill) - ToontownBattleGlobals.UnpaidMaxSkill
+ intervalList.append(Func(self.showTrackIncLabel, track, lostExp, 1))
+ else:
+ intervalList.append(Func(self.showTrackIncLabel, track, earnedSkill))
+ # How much time should it take to increment the bar? It
+ # should take more time for a larger boost, but not linearly
+ # more--the larger the boost, the faster the bar moves to get
+ # there. The total time will be logarithmic with the number
+ # of points earned. It should be small (actually, tickDelay)
+ # for a one-point boost, and maybe four or five seconds for
+ # 100 points. Conveniently, this is the ratio that natural
+ # log gives us.
+ barTime = math.log(earnedSkill + 1)
+ numTicks = int(math.ceil(barTime / tickDelay))
+ for i in range(numTicks):
+ t = (i + 1) / float(numTicks)
+ newValue = int(origSkill + t * earnedSkill + 0.5)
+ intervalList.append(Func(self.incrementExp, track, newValue, toon))
+ intervalList.append(Wait(tickDelay))
+ intervalList.append(Func(self.resetBarColor, track))
+ intervalList.append(Wait(0.4))
+ # Insert "new gag" panel here, if needed.
+ nextExpValue = self.getNextExpValue(origSkill, track)
+ finalGagFlag = 0
+ while ((origSkill + earnedSkill >= nextExpValue) and
+ (origSkill < nextExpValue) and
+ (not finalGagFlag)):
+ # Add the new gag interval... Look up the new gag level based on
+ # the nextExpValue
+ if newValue >= ToontownBattleGlobals.UnpaidMaxSkill and toon.getGameAccess() != OTPGlobals.AccessFull:
+ pass
+ elif nextExpValue != ToontownBattleGlobals.MaxSkill:
+ intervalList += self.getNewGagIntervalList(
+ toon, track, ToontownBattleGlobals.Levels[track].index(nextExpValue))
+ # Get the next value
+ newNextExpValue = self.getNextExpValue(nextExpValue, track)
+ # If the next value is the old one, we hit the top, and
+ # have nothing more to add. Otherwise, set the nextExpValue,
+ # and loop around again to see if we have another new gag
+ # to show...
+ if newNextExpValue == nextExpValue:
+ finalGagFlag = 1
+ else:
+ nextExpValue = newNextExpValue
+ #test for Uber gag
+ uberIndex = ToontownBattleGlobals.LAST_REGULAR_GAG_LEVEL + 1
+ #hasUber = toon.inventory.numItem(track, uberIndex)
+ currentSkill = origSkill + earnedSkill
+ uberSkill = ToontownBattleGlobals.UberSkill + ToontownBattleGlobals.Levels[track][ToontownBattleGlobals.LAST_REGULAR_GAG_LEVEL + 1]
+ #print("Track %s hasUber %s current %s req %s" % (track, hasUber, currentSkill, uberSkill))
+ if (currentSkill >= uberSkill) and not (hasUber > 0):
+ #print("adding Uber track")
+ intervalList += self.getUberGagIntervalList(
+ toon, track, (ToontownBattleGlobals.LAST_REGULAR_GAG_LEVEL + 1))
+ intervalList.append(Wait(0.4))
+ skillDiff = currentSkill - ToontownBattleGlobals.Levels[track][ToontownBattleGlobals.LAST_REGULAR_GAG_LEVEL + 1]
+ barTime = math.log(skillDiff + 1)
+ numTicks = int(math.ceil(barTime / tickDelay))
+ displayedSkillDiff = skillDiff
+ if displayedSkillDiff > ToontownBattleGlobals.UberSkill:
+ displayedSkillDiff = ToontownBattleGlobals.UberSkill
+ intervalList.append(Func(self.showTrackIncLabel, track, -displayedSkillDiff))
+ for i in range(numTicks):
+ t = (i + 1) / float(numTicks)
+ newValue = int(currentSkill - t * skillDiff + 0.5)
+ intervalList.append(Func(self.incrementExp, track, newValue, toon))
+ intervalList.append(Wait(tickDelay * 0.5))
+ intervalList.append(Wait(0.4))
+ return intervalList
+ def getMeritIntervalList(self, toon, dept, origMerits, earnedMerits):
+ """
+ returns a list of intervals that, if played, will show merits
+ gained for the given dept.
+ """
+ tickDelay = 0.08
+ intervalList = []
+ totalMerits = CogDisguiseGlobals.getTotalMerits(toon, dept)
+ neededMerits = 0
+ # Only show the inc value if we are not maxed
+ if totalMerits and (origMerits != totalMerits):
+ neededMerits = totalMerits - origMerits
+ intervalList.append(Func(self.showMeritIncLabel, dept, min(neededMerits, earnedMerits)))
+ # How much time should it take to increment the bar?
+ barTime = math.log(earnedMerits + 1)
+ numTicks = int(math.ceil(barTime / tickDelay))
+ for i in range(numTicks):
+ t = (i + 1) / float(numTicks)
+ newValue = int(origMerits + t * earnedMerits + 0.5)
+ intervalList.append(Func(self.incrementMerits, toon, dept, newValue, totalMerits))
+ intervalList.append(Wait(tickDelay))
+ intervalList.append(Func(self.resetMeritBarColor, dept))
+ intervalList.append(Wait(0.4))
+ # we don't need a promotion if we've reach level 50
+ if (toon.cogLevels[dept] < ToontownGlobals.MaxCogSuitLevel):
+ if neededMerits and toon.readyForPromotion(dept):
+ intervalList.append(Wait(0.4))
+ intervalList += self.getPromotionIntervalList(toon, dept)
+ return intervalList
+ def promotion(self, toon, dept):
+ self.endTrackFrame.hide()
+ self.gagExpFrame.hide()
+ self.newGagFrame.hide()
+ self.questFrame.hide()
+ self.itemFrame.hide()
+ self.missedItemFrame.hide()
+ name = SuitDNA.suitDepts[dept]
+ self.promotionFrame['text'] = (TTLocalizer.RewardPanelPromotion % (SuitDNA.suitDeptFullnames[name]))
+ # copy a gag
+ icons = loader.loadModel('phase_3/models/gui/cog_icons')
+ if dept == 0:
+ self.deptIcon = icons.find('**/CorpIcon').copyTo(self.promotionFrame)
+ elif dept == 1:
+ self.deptIcon = icons.find('**/LegalIcon').copyTo(self.promotionFrame)
+ elif dept == 2:
+ self.deptIcon = icons.find('**/MoneyIcon').copyTo(self.promotionFrame)
+ elif dept == 3:
+ self.deptIcon = icons.find('**/SalesIcon').copyTo(self.promotionFrame)
+ icons.removeNode()
+ # Set position... x is x, z is y
+ self.deptIcon.setPos(0, 0, -0.225)
+ # Set scale (big)
+ self.deptIcon.setScale(0.33)
+ return
+ def cleanupPromotion(self):
+ # protect against multiple cleanups
+ if not hasattr(self, 'deptIcon'):
+ return
+ self.deptIcon.removeNode()
+ self.deptIcon = None
+ self.endTrackFrame.hide()
+ self.newGagFrame.hide()
+ self.promotionFrame.hide()
+ self.questFrame.hide()
+ self.itemFrame.hide()
+ self.missedItemFrame.hide()
+ def getPromotionIntervalList(self, toon, dept):
+ finalDelay = 2.0
+ intervalList = [Func(self.promotion, toon, dept),
+ Wait(finalDelay),
+ Func(self.cleanupPromotion),
+ ]
+ return intervalList
+ def getQuestIntervalList(self, toon, deathList, toonList, origQuestsList, itemList, helpfulToonsList = []):
+ # This is the battle notifying us that a toon killed some cogs
+ # See if this toon has a quest on these cogs. If so, update the
+ # progress.
+ # Note that toonList corresponds order-wise to the bitmasks in the
+ # deathList, and might have 'None' entries for toons that are no
+ # longer present.
+ avId = toon.getDoId()
+ tickDelay = 0.2
+ intervalList = []
+ # create a non-ordered list of the toons (without the None entries)
+ toonShortList = []
+ for t in toonList:
+ if t is not None:
+ toonShortList.append(t)
+ cogList = []
+ for i in range(0, len(deathList), 4):
+ cogIndex = deathList[i]
+ cogLevel = deathList[i+1]
+ activeToonBits = deathList[i+2]
+ flags = deathList[i+3]
+ activeToonIds = []
+ for j in range(8):
+ if activeToonBits & (1 << j):
+ if toonList[j] is not None:
+ activeToonIds.append(toonList[j].getDoId())
+ isSkelecog = flags & ToontownBattleGlobals.DLF_SKELECOG
+ isForeman = flags & ToontownBattleGlobals.DLF_FOREMAN
+ isVP = flags & ToontownBattleGlobals.DLF_VP
+ isCFO = flags & ToontownBattleGlobals.DLF_CFO
+ isSupervisor = flags & ToontownBattleGlobals.DLF_SUPERVISOR
+ isVirtual = flags & ToontownBattleGlobals.DLF_VIRTUAL
+ hasRevives = flags & ToontownBattleGlobals.DLF_REVIVES
+ if isVP or isCFO:
+ cogType = None
+ cogTrack = SuitDNA.suitDepts[cogIndex]
+ else:
+ cogType = SuitDNA.suitHeadTypes[cogIndex]
+ cogTrack = SuitDNA.getSuitDept(cogType)
+ cogList.append({'type': cogType,
+ 'level': cogLevel,
+ 'track': cogTrack,
+ 'isSkelecog': isSkelecog,
+ 'isForeman': isForeman,
+ 'isVP': isVP,
+ 'isCFO': isCFO,
+ 'isSupervisor': isSupervisor,
+ 'isVirtual': isVirtual,
+ 'hasRevives': hasRevives,
+ 'activeToons': activeToonIds,
+ })
+ # It would be nice if there were some more elegant way to get the zoneId.
+ try:
+ zoneId =
+ except:
+ # Maybe the local toon is just teleporting in, and we
+ # haven't got a place yet. This is a band-aid; we should
+ # revisit this later.
+ zoneId = 0
+ # We could not trust the toons quests not to be updated by the AI, so now we pass in original
+ # quests, just like we do original experience
+ # unflatten orig quest list
+ avQuests = []
+ for i in range(0, len(origQuestsList), 5):
+ avQuests.append(origQuestsList[i:i+5])
+ # Now append intervals that will show our quests
+ for i in range(len(avQuests)):
+ questDesc = avQuests[i]
+ questId, npcId, toNpcId, rewardId, toonProgress = questDesc
+ quest = Quests.getQuest(questId)
+ if quest:
+ questString = quest.getString()
+ progressString = quest.getProgressString(toon, questDesc)
+ questLabel = self.questLabelList[i]
+ earned = 0
+ orig = questDesc[4] & (pow(2,16) - 1)
+ num = 0
+ # Did we recovered items?
+ if quest.getType() == Quests.RecoverItemQuest:
+ questItem = quest.getItem()
+ if questItem in itemList:
+ earned = itemList.count(questItem)
+ # Then we just defeated cogs
+ else:
+ for cogDict in cogList:
+ if cogDict['isVP']:
+ num = quest.doesVPCount(avId, cogDict,
+ zoneId, toonShortList)
+ elif cogDict['isCFO']:
+ num = quest.doesCFOCount(avId, cogDict,
+ zoneId, toonShortList)
+ else:
+ num = quest.doesCogCount(avId, cogDict,
+ zoneId, toonShortList)
+ if num:
+ if base.config.GetBool('battle-passing-no-credit', True):
+ if avId in helpfulToonsList:
+ earned += num
+ else:
+ self.notify.debug('avId=%d not getting %d kill cog quest credit' % (avId,num))
+ else:
+ earned += num
+ # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ # if we are not in the tutorial
+ if base.localAvatar.tutorialAck:
+ # make sure we still need some items before playing movie
+ if earned > 0:
+ earned = min(earned, quest.getNumQuestItems() - questDesc[4])
+ if earned > 0 or (base.localAvatar.tutorialAck==0 and num==1):
+ # See getTrackIntervalList() for timing comments.
+ barTime = math.log(earned + 1)
+ numTicks = int(math.ceil(barTime / tickDelay))
+ for i in range(numTicks):
+ t = (i + 1) / float(numTicks)
+ newValue = int(orig + t * earned + 0.5)
+ # Add num to progress
+ questDesc[4] = newValue
+ progressString = quest.getProgressString(toon, questDesc)
+ str = ("%s : %s" % (questString, progressString))
+ if (quest.getCompletionStatus(toon, questDesc) == Quests.COMPLETE):
+ intervalList.append(Func(questLabel.setProp, 'text_fg', (0, 0.3, 0, 1)))
+ intervalList.append(Func(questLabel.setProp, 'text', str))
+ intervalList.append(Wait(tickDelay))
+ return intervalList
+ def getItemIntervalList(self, toon, itemList):
+ intervalList = []
+ for itemId in itemList:
+ itemName = Quests.getItemName(itemId)
+ intervalList.append(Func(self.itemLabel.setProp, 'text', itemName))
+ intervalList.append(Wait(1))
+ return intervalList
+ def getCogPartIntervalList(self, toon, cogPartList):
+ itemName = CogDisguiseGlobals.getPartName(cogPartList)
+ intervalList = []
+ intervalList.append(Func(self.cogPartLabel.setProp, 'text', itemName))
+ intervalList.append(Wait(1))
+ return intervalList
+ def getMissedItemIntervalList(self, toon, missedItemList):
+ intervalList = []
+ for itemId in missedItemList:
+ itemName = Quests.getItemName(itemId)
+ intervalList.append(Func(self.missedItemLabel.setProp, 'text', itemName))
+ intervalList.append(Wait(1))
+ return intervalList
+ def getExpTrack(self, toon, origExp, earnedExp, deathList, origQuestsList, itemList,
+ missedItemList, origMeritList, meritList, partList,
+ toonList, uberEntry, helpfulToonsList):
+ """
+ Assumes for input:
+ origExp: a list of 7 values, corresponding to current experience
+ levels in each track.
+ earnedExp: a list of 7 values, corresponding to amount of experience
+ earned in the battle for each track.
+ deathList: a list of the suits that were killed in battle the
+ list will be flattened triplets of (suitIndex, level, involvedToonBits)
+ suitIndex is the index of the suit in SuitDNA.suitHeadTypes.
+ For example, Flunky is suitIndex 0, Yes Man is suitIndex 2.
+ toonList is a list of toons that positionally corresponds to the
+ bitmasks embedded in the deathlist; toons that are no longer
+ present are represented as 'None'. Note that this might be
+ different from a battle's current activeToons list if any toons
+ have just recently dropped.
+ """
+ track = Sequence(Func(self.initGagFrame, toon, origExp, origMeritList),
+ Wait(1.0))
+ endTracks = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
+ trackEnded = 0
+ #uberField = ToontownBattleGlobals.decodeUber(uberEntry)
+ for trackIndex in range(len(earnedExp)):
+ # Create a track for each gag track in which we gained experience
+ if earnedExp[trackIndex] > 0 or origExp[trackIndex] >= ToontownBattleGlobals.MaxSkill:
+ track += self.getTrackIntervalList(toon, trackIndex,
+ origExp[trackIndex],
+ earnedExp[trackIndex],
+ ToontownBattleGlobals.getUberFlagSafe(uberEntry, trackIndex))
+ # if we weren't at the end of the track yet, but we will be there
+ # after experience is divvied up, make a note of it
+ maxExp = ToontownBattleGlobals.MaxSkill - ToontownBattleGlobals.UberSkill
+ if (origExp[trackIndex] < maxExp) and (earnedExp[trackIndex] + origExp[trackIndex] >= maxExp):
+ endTracks[trackIndex] = 1
+ trackEnded = 1
+ for dept in range(len(SuitDNA.suitDepts)):
+ # Create a track for each cog dept in which we gained merits
+ if meritList[dept]:
+ track += self.getMeritIntervalList(toon,
+ dept,
+ origMeritList[dept],
+ meritList[dept])
+ track.append(Wait(1.0))
+ itemInterval = self.getItemIntervalList(toon, itemList)
+ if itemInterval:
+ track.append(Func(self.initItemFrame, toon))
+ track.append(Wait(1.0))
+ track += itemInterval
+ track.append(Wait(1.0))
+ missedItemInterval = self.getMissedItemIntervalList(toon, missedItemList)
+ if missedItemInterval:
+ track.append(Func(self.initMissedItemFrame, toon))
+ track.append(Wait(1.0))
+ track += missedItemInterval
+ track.append(Wait(1.0))
+ # debug
+ self.notify.debug("partList = %s" % partList)
+ newPart = 0
+ for part in partList:
+ if part != 0:
+ newPart = 1
+ break
+ if newPart:
+ partList = self.getCogPartIntervalList(toon, partList)
+ if partList:
+ track.append(Func(self.initCogPartFrame, toon))
+ track.append(Wait(1.0))
+ track += partList
+ track.append(Wait(1.0))
+ # Add on any quest progress intervals
+ questList = self.getQuestIntervalList(toon, deathList, toonList, origQuestsList, itemList, helpfulToonsList)
+ if questList:
+ # We have to make a copy of the toon's quest data now,
+ # when we build up the tracks, rather than later, while
+ # we're playing them back. This is because the AI will
+ # send our quest progress update any moment.
+ track.append(Func(self.initQuestFrame, toon, copy.deepcopy(toon.quests)))
+ track.append(Wait(1.0))
+ track += questList
+ track.append(Wait(2.0))
+ # if the player has reached the end of a track, queue up the frames vanishing
+ # and a fanfare occurring
+ if trackEnded:
+ track.append(Func(self.vanishFrames))
+ track.append(Fanfare.makeFanfare(0,toon)[0])
+ # for each track we've reached the end up, create an end track interval
+ for i in range(len(endTracks)):
+ if endTracks[i] is 1:
+ track += self.getEndTrackIntervalList(toon,toonList,i)
+ # at the end, cleanup and cause all the endtrack frames to vanish
+ track.append(Func(self.cleanupEndTrack))
+ return track
+ def testMovie(self, otherToons=[]):
+ track = Sequence()
+ # Add a show at the beginning
+ track.append(Func(
+ expTrack = self.getExpTrack(
+ base.localAvatar, # toon
+ [1999, 0, 20, 30, 10, 0, 60], # origExp
+ [2, 0, 2, 6, 1, 0, 8], # earnedExp
+ [3, 1, 3, 0, 2, 2, 1, 1, 30, 2, 1, 0], # deathList
+ [], # origQuestsList
+ [], # itemList
+ [], # missedItemList
+ [0, 0, 0, 0], # origMeritList
+ [0, 0, 0, 0], # meritList
+ [], # cogPartList
+ [base.localAvatar] + otherToons, # toonList
+ )
+ track.append(expTrack)
+ if len(track) > 0:
+ # Put a hide at the end
+ track.append(Func(self.hide))
+ # Put a neutral cycle at the end
+ track.append(Func(base.localAvatar.loop, "neutral"))
+ # Put the camera back at the end
+ track.append(Func(base.localAvatar.startUpdateSmartCamera))
+ # Play the track
+ track.start()
+ # Make localToon dance
+ base.localAvatar.loop('victory')
+ #base.localAvatar.avCam.stopUpdate()
+ base.localAvatar.stopUpdateSmartCamera()
+ camera.setPosHpr(0, 8, base.localAvatar.getHeight() * 0.66,
+ 179, 15, 0)
+ else:
+ self.notify.debug("no experience, no movie.")
+ return None
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/Sources.pp b/toontown/src/battle/Sources.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a03ea8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/Sources.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+// For now, since we are not installing Python files, this file can
+// remain empty.
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/ b/toontown/src/battle/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6883cc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/
@@ -0,0 +1,1253 @@
+from BattleBase import *
+import random
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from otp.otpbase import OTPLocalizer
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('SuitBattleGlobals')
+CorporateTrack = ['Flunky',
+ 'PencilPusher',
+ 'YesMan',
+ 'MicroManager',
+ 'DownSizer',
+ 'HeadHunter',
+ 'CorporateRaider',
+ 'BigCheese']
+LegalTrack = ['BottomFeeder',
+ 'BloodSucker',
+ 'DoubleTalker',
+ 'AmbulanceChaser',
+ 'BackStabber',
+ 'SpinDoctor',
+ 'LegalEagle',
+ 'BigWig']
+MoneyTrack = ['ShortChange',
+ 'PennyPincher',
+ 'TightWad',
+ 'BeanCounter',
+ 'NumberCruncher',
+ 'MoneyBags',
+ 'LoanShark',
+ 'RobberBaron']
+SalesTrack = ['ColdCaller',
+ 'TeleMarketer',
+ 'NameDropper',
+ 'GladHander',
+ 'Mover&Shaker',
+ 'TwoFaced',
+ 'TheMingler',
+ 'MrHollywood']
+debugAttackSequence = {}
+def pickFromFreqList(freqList):
+ """
+ Function: randomly choose an entry from the specified list
+ of probability values which should all add up to
+ be 100
+ Parameters: list, list of probability values to choose from
+ Returns: index into 'list' for the element chosen
+ """
+ randNum = random.randint(0, 99)
+ count = 0
+ index = 0
+ level = None
+ for f in freqList:
+ count = count + f
+ if (randNum < count):
+ level = index
+ break
+ index = index + 1
+ #assert (level != None), "Element not found"
+ return level
+def getActualFromRelativeLevel(name, relLevel):
+ """
+ convert from a relative level (0-4) into the suit's
+ actual level (0-11), returns a 2 item list, the first
+ element being the actual level, the second being the
+ relative level given (adjusted if necessary)
+ """
+ data = SuitAttributes[name]
+ # Levels range 0-4, 1-5, 2-6, ..., 6-10, 11
+ # I don't know why there was code here to special-case the
+ # top-level guys to only appear to be level 12--but we don't want
+ # that behavior.
+ #if (name == 'tbc' or name == 'bw' or name == 'mh' or name == 'rb'):
+ # actualLevel = 11
+ #else:
+ # actualLevel = data['level'] + relLevel
+ actualLevel = data['level'] + relLevel
+ return actualLevel
+def getSuitVitals(name, level=-1):
+ data = SuitAttributes[name]
+ # If level isn't specified, choose one based on the frequency values
+ if (level == -1):
+ level = pickFromFreqList(data['freq'])
+ dict = {}
+ dict['level'] = getActualFromRelativeLevel(name, level)
+ if dict['level'] == 11:
+ level = 0
+ dict['hp'] = data['hp'][level]
+ dict['def'] = data['def'][level]
+ attacks = data['attacks']
+ alist = []
+ for a in attacks:
+ adict = {}
+ name = a[0]
+ adict['name'] = name
+ adict['animName'] = SuitAttacks[name][0]
+ adict['hp'] = a[1][level]
+ adict['acc'] = a[2][level]
+ adict['freq'] = a[3][level]
+ adict['group'] = SuitAttacks[name][1]
+ alist.append(adict)
+ dict['attacks'] = alist
+ return dict
+def pickSuitAttack(attacks, suitLevel):
+ """
+ Function: randomly choose an attack from a list of possible
+ ones based on each attack's frequency value
+ Parameters: attacks, list of attacks to choose from
+ suitLevel, the level of the suit we are picking the
+ attack for
+ Returns: index into the attacks list for the attack chosen
+ """
+ attackNum = None
+ randNum = random.randint(0, 99)
+ notify.debug('pickSuitAttack: rolled %d' % randNum)
+ count = 0
+ index = 0
+ total = 0
+ for c in attacks:
+ total = total + c[3][suitLevel]
+ assert (total == 100)
+ for c in attacks:
+ count = count + c[3][suitLevel]
+ if (randNum < count):
+ attackNum = index
+ notify.debug('picking attack %d' % attackNum)
+ break
+ index = index + 1
+ assert (attackNum != None), "No attack found"
+# configAttackNum = simbase.config.GetString('attack-type', 'random')
+# if configAttackNum == 'random':
+# return attackNum
+# else:
+# return configAttackNum
+ configAttackName = simbase.config.GetString('attack-type', 'random')
+ if configAttackName == 'random':
+ # Normally, attackNum is returned
+ return attackNum
+ elif configAttackName == 'sequence':
+ # Return each different attack only once globally, then random.
+ # A special debugging mode.
+ for i in range(len(attacks)):
+ if not debugAttackSequence.has_key(attacks[i]):
+ debugAttackSequence[attacks[i]] = 1
+ return i
+ return attackNum
+ else:
+ # However, if attack-type was specified in the configfile, look
+ # it up, and return the index if it is found.
+ for i in range(len(attacks)):
+ if attacks[i][0] == configAttackName:
+ return i
+ # If it is not found, this suit can't make that kind of
+ # attack, so choose a random attack.
+ return attackNum
+def getSuitAttack(suitName, suitLevel, attackNum=-1):
+ # If no attack is specified, choose one based on frequency values
+ attackChoices = SuitAttributes[suitName]['attacks']
+ if (attackNum == -1):
+ notify.debug('getSuitAttack: picking attacking for %s' % suitName)
+ attackNum = pickSuitAttack(attackChoices, suitLevel)
+ attack = attackChoices[attackNum]
+ adict = {}
+ adict['suitName'] = suitName
+ name = attack[0]
+ adict['name'] = name
+ adict['id'] = SuitAttacks.keys().index(name)
+ adict['animName'] = SuitAttacks[name][0]
+ adict['hp'] = attack[1][suitLevel]
+ adict['acc'] = attack[2][suitLevel]
+ adict['freq'] = attack[3][suitLevel]
+ adict['group'] = SuitAttacks[name][1]
+ return adict
+SuitAttributes = {
+ #### Corporate ####
+ # Flunky (C)
+ 'f': { 'name': TTLocalizer.SuitFlunky,
+ 'singularname': TTLocalizer.SuitFlunkyS,
+ 'pluralname': TTLocalizer.SuitFlunkyP,
+ 'level': 0,
+ 'hp': (6, 12, 20, 30, 42), # actual suit level * 4
+ 'def': (2, 5, 10, 12, 15),
+ 'freq': (50, 30, 10, 5, 5),
+ 'acc': (35, 40, 45, 50, 55),
+ 'attacks': (('PoundKey', (2, 2, 3, 4, 6), # dmg
+ (75, 75, 80, 80, 90), # acc
+ (30, 35, 40, 45, 50)), # freq
+ # cringe & sidestep
+ ('Shred', (3, 4, 5, 6, 7),
+ (50, 55, 60, 65, 70),
+ (10, 15, 20, 25, 30)),
+ # conked & sidestep
+ ('ClipOnTie', (1, 1, 2, 2, 3),
+ (75, 80, 85, 90, 95),
+ (60, 50, 40, 30, 20)),
+ # conked & sidestep
+ # TODO: Carbon copy - not implemented
+ #('CarbonCopy', (0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
+ # (75, 75, 75, 75, 75),
+ # (0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
+ )
+ },
+ # Pencil Pusher (B)
+ 'p': { 'name': TTLocalizer.SuitPencilPusher,
+ 'singularname': TTLocalizer.SuitPencilPusherS,
+ 'pluralname': TTLocalizer.SuitPencilPusherP,
+ 'level': 1,
+ 'hp': (12, 20, 30, 42, 56), # actual suit level * 4
+ 'def': (5, 10, 15, 20, 25),
+ 'freq': (50, 30, 10, 5, 5),
+ 'acc': (45, 50, 55, 60, 65),
+ 'attacks': (('FountainPen', (2, 3, 4, 6, 9), # dmg
+ (75, 75, 75, 75, 75), # acc
+ (20, 20, 20, 20, 20)), # freq
+ # flatten, sidestep-left/right
+ ('RubOut', (4, 5, 6, 8, 12),
+ (75, 75, 75, 75, 75),
+ (20, 20, 20, 20, 20)),
+ # conked&slip-backward, sidestep-l/r
+ ('FingerWag', (1, 2, 2, 3, 4),
+ (75, 75, 75, 75, 75),
+ (35, 30, 25, 20, 15)),
+ # conked&slip-backward, sidestep-l/r
+ ('WriteOff', (4, 6, 8, 10, 12),
+ (75, 75, 75, 75, 75),
+ (5, 10, 15, 20, 25)),
+ # conked&slip-backward, sidestep-l/r
+ ('FillWithLead', (3, 4, 5, 6, 7),
+ (75, 75, 75, 75, 75),
+ (20, 20, 20, 20, 20))) },
+ # Yes Man (A)
+ 'ym': { 'name': TTLocalizer.SuitYesman,
+ 'singularname': TTLocalizer.SuitYesmanS,
+ 'pluralname': TTLocalizer.SuitYesmanP,
+ 'level': 2,
+ 'hp': (20, 30, 42, 56, 72), # actual suit level * 4
+ 'def': (10, 15, 20, 25, 30),
+ 'freq': (50, 30, 10, 5, 5),
+ 'acc': (65, 70, 75, 80, 85),
+ 'attacks': (('RubberStamp', (2, 2, 3, 3, 4), # dmg
+ (75, 75, 75, 75, 75), # acc
+ (35, 35, 35, 35, 35)), # freq
+ # flatten, sidestep-left/right
+ ('RazzleDazzle', (1, 1, 1, 1, 1),
+ (50, 50, 50, 50, 50),
+ (25, 20, 15, 10, 5)),
+ # conked&slip-backward, sidestep-l/r
+ ('Synergy', (4, 5, 6, 7, 8),
+ (50, 60, 70, 80, 90),
+ (5, 10, 15, 20, 25)),
+ # slip-forward, jump
+ ('TeeOff', (3, 3, 4, 4, 5),
+ (50, 60, 70, 80, 90),
+ (35, 35, 35, 35, 35)),
+ # conked&slip-backward, duck
+ # Not implementing for now
+ #('Ditto', (0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
+ # (75, 75, 75, 75, 75),
+ # (0, 0, 0, 0, 0)),
+ ) },
+ # Micromanager (C)
+ 'mm': { 'name': TTLocalizer.SuitMicromanager,
+ 'singularname': TTLocalizer.SuitMicromanagerS,
+ 'pluralname': TTLocalizer.SuitMicromanagerP,
+ 'level': 3,
+ 'hp': (30, 42, 56, 72, 90), # actual suit level * 4
+ 'def': (15, 20, 25, 30, 35),
+ 'freq': (50, 30, 10, 5, 5),
+ 'acc': (70, 75, 80, 82, 85),
+ 'attacks': (('Demotion', (6, 8, 12, 15, 18), # dmg
+ (50, 60, 70, 80, 90), # acc
+ (30, 30, 30, 30, 30)), # freq
+ # flatten, sidestep-left/right
+ ('FingerWag', (4, 6, 9, 12, 15),
+ (50, 60, 70, 80, 90),
+ (10, 10, 10, 10, 10)),
+ # slip-forward, jump
+ ('FountainPen', (3, 4, 6, 8, 10),
+ (50, 60, 70, 80, 90),
+ (15, 15, 15, 15, 15)),
+ # conked&slip-backward, sidestep-l/r
+ ('BrainStorm', (4, 6, 9, 12, 15),
+ (5, 5, 5, 5, 5),
+ (25, 25, 25, 25, 25)),
+ # conked&slip-backward, duck
+ ('BuzzWord', (4, 6, 9, 12, 15),
+ (50, 60, 70, 80, 90),
+ (20, 20, 20, 20, 20))) },
+ # Downsizer (B)
+ 'ds': { 'name': TTLocalizer.SuitDownsizer,
+ 'singularname': TTLocalizer.SuitDownsizerS,
+ 'pluralname': TTLocalizer.SuitDownsizerP,
+ 'level': 4,
+ 'hp': (42, 56, 72, 90, 110), # actual suit level * 4
+ 'def': (20, 25, 30, 35, 40),
+ 'freq': (50, 30, 10, 5, 5),
+ 'acc': (35, 40, 45, 50, 55),
+ 'attacks': (('Canned', (5, 6, 8, 10, 12), # dmg
+ (60, 75, 80, 85, 90), # acc
+ (25, 25, 25, 25, 25)), # freq
+ # struggle&slip-backward, sidestep-left/right
+ ('Downsize', (8, 9, 11, 13, 15),
+ (50, 65, 70, 75, 80),
+ (35, 35, 35, 35, 35)),
+ # cringe, jump
+ ('PinkSlip', (4, 5, 6, 7, 8),
+ (60, 65, 75, 80, 85),
+ (25, 25, 25, 25, 25)),
+ # slip-forward, sidestep-l/r
+ #('ReOrg', (6, 8, 10, 12, 14),
+ # (70, 75, 80, 85, 90),
+ # (0, 0, 0, 0, 0)),
+ # not used until can safely return toon to normal
+ # if the movie gets cut off
+ # cringe&jump, jump
+ ('Sacked', (5, 6, 7, 8, 9),
+ (50, 50, 50, 50, 50),
+ (15, 15, 15, 15, 15))) },
+ # struggle&jump&neutral, sidestep-l/r
+ # Head Hunter (A)
+ 'hh': { 'name': TTLocalizer.SuitHeadHunter,
+ 'singularname': TTLocalizer.SuitHeadHunterS,
+ 'pluralname': TTLocalizer.SuitHeadHunterP,
+ 'level': 5,
+ 'hp': (56, 72, 90, 110, 132), # actual suit level * 4
+ 'def': (25, 30, 35, 40, 45),
+ 'freq': (50, 30, 10, 5, 5),
+ 'acc': (35, 40, 45, 50, 55),
+ 'attacks': (('FountainPen', (5, 6, 8, 10, 12), # dmg
+ (60, 75, 80, 85, 90), # acc
+ (15, 15, 15, 15, 15)), # freq
+ # conked&slip-backward, duck
+ ('GlowerPower', (7, 8, 10, 12, 13),
+ (50, 60, 70, 80, 90),
+ (20, 20, 20, 20, 20)),
+ # cringe&slip-backward, sidestep-l/r
+ ('HalfWindsor', (8, 10, 12, 14, 16),
+ (60, 65, 70, 75, 80),
+ (20, 20, 20, 20, 20)),
+ # conked&neutral, sidestep-l/r
+ ('HeadShrink', (10, 12, 15, 18, 21),
+ (65, 75, 80, 85, 95),
+ (35, 35, 35, 35, 35)),
+ # cringe&neutral, jump
+ ('Rolodex', (6, 7, 8, 9, 10),
+ (60, 65, 70, 75, 80),
+ (10, 10, 10, 10, 10))) },
+ # duck, sidestep-l/r
+ # Corporate Raider (C)
+ 'cr': { 'name': TTLocalizer.SuitCorporateRaider,
+ 'singularname': TTLocalizer.SuitCorporateRaiderS,
+ 'pluralname': TTLocalizer.SuitCorporateRaiderP,
+ 'level': 6,
+ 'hp': (72, 90, 110, 132, 156), # actual suit level * 4
+ 'def': (30, 35, 40, 45, 50),
+ 'freq': (50, 30, 10, 5, 5),
+ 'acc': (35, 40, 45, 50, 55),
+ 'attacks': (('Canned', (6, 7, 8, 9, 10), # dmg
+ (60, 75, 80, 85, 90), # acc
+ (20, 20, 20, 20, 20)), # freq
+ # struggle&slip-backward, sidestep-left/right
+ ('EvilEye', (12, 15, 18, 21, 24),
+ (60, 70, 75, 80, 90),
+ (35, 35, 35, 35, 35)),
+ # cringe&slip-backward, duck
+ ('PlayHardball', (7, 8, 12, 15, 16),
+ (60, 65, 70, 75, 80),
+ (30, 30, 30, 30, 30)),
+ # slip-backward, sidestep-l/r
+ ('PowerTie', (10, 12, 14, 16, 18),
+ (65, 75, 80, 85, 95),
+ (15, 15, 15, 15, 15))) },
+ # conked&neutral, sidestep-l/r
+ # The Big Cheese (A)
+ 'tbc': {'name': TTLocalizer.SuitTheBigCheese,
+ 'singularname': TTLocalizer.SuitTheBigCheeseS,
+ 'pluralname': TTLocalizer.SuitTheBigCheeseP,
+ 'level': 7,
+ 'hp': (90, 110, 132, 156, 200), # actual suit level * 4
+ 'def': (35, 40, 45, 50, 55),
+ 'freq': (50, 30, 10, 5, 5),
+ 'acc': (35, 40, 45, 50, 55),
+ 'attacks': (('CigarSmoke', (10, 12, 15, 18, 20), # dmg
+ (55, 65, 75, 85, 95), # acc
+ (20, 20, 20, 20, 20)), # freq
+ # not implemented defaults to glower power
+ # cringe, sidestep-left/right
+ ('FloodTheMarket', (14, 16, 18, 20, 22),
+ (70, 75, 85, 90, 95),
+ (10, 10, 10, 10, 10)),
+ # not implemented defaults to glower power
+ # slip-backward&jump, sidestep-l/r
+ ('SongAndDance', (14, 15, 17, 19, 20),
+ (60, 65, 70, 75, 80),
+ (20, 20, 20, 20, 20)),
+ # not implemented defaults to glower power
+ # bounce&slip-backward, sidestep-l/r
+ ('TeeOff', (8, 11, 14, 17, 20),
+ (55, 65, 70, 75, 80),
+ (50, 50, 50, 50, 50))) },
+ # conked&slip-backward, duck
+ #### Sales ####
+ # Cold Caller (C)
+ 'cc': { 'name': TTLocalizer.SuitColdCaller,
+ 'singularname': TTLocalizer.SuitColdCallerS,
+ 'pluralname': TTLocalizer.SuitColdCallerP,
+ 'level': 0,
+ 'hp': (6, 12, 20, 30, 42), # actual suit level * 4
+ 'def': (2, 5, 10, 12, 15),
+ 'freq': (50, 30, 10, 5, 5),
+ 'acc': (35, 40, 45, 50, 55),
+ 'attacks': (('FreezeAssets', (1, 1, 1, 1, 1), # dmg
+ (90, 90, 90, 90, 90), # acc
+ (5, 10, 15, 20, 25)), # freq
+ # flatten, sidestep-left/right
+ ('PoundKey', (2, 2, 3, 4, 5),
+ (75, 80, 85, 90, 95),
+ (25, 25, 25, 25, 25)),
+ # conked&slip-backward, sidestep-l/r
+ ('DoubleTalk', (2, 3, 4, 6, 8),
+ (50, 55, 60, 65, 70),
+ (25, 25, 25, 25, 25)),
+ # conked&slip-backward, duck
+ ('HotAir', (3, 4, 6, 8, 10),
+ (50, 50, 50, 50, 50),
+ (45, 40, 35, 30, 25))) },
+ # cringe, sidestep-l/r
+ # Telemarketer (B)
+ 'tm': { 'name': TTLocalizer.SuitTelemarketer,
+ 'singularname': TTLocalizer.SuitTelemarketerS,
+ 'pluralname': TTLocalizer.SuitTelemarketerP,
+ 'level': 1,
+ 'hp': (12, 20, 30, 42, 56), # actual suit level * 4
+ 'def': (5, 10, 15, 20, 25),
+ 'freq': (50, 30, 10, 5, 5),
+ 'acc': (45, 50, 55, 60, 65),
+ 'attacks': (('ClipOnTie', (2, 2, 3, 3, 4), # dmg
+ (75, 75, 75, 75, 75), # acc
+ (15, 15, 15, 15, 15)), # freq
+ # flatten, sidestep-left/right
+ ('PickPocket', (1, 1, 1, 1, 1),
+ (75, 75, 75, 75, 75),
+ (15, 15, 15, 15, 15)),
+ # conked&slip-backward, sidestep-l/r
+ ('Rolodex', (4, 6, 7, 9, 12),
+ (50, 50, 50, 50, 50),
+ (30, 30, 30, 30, 30)),
+ # conked&slip-backward, sidestep-l/r
+ ('DoubleTalk', (4, 6, 7, 9, 12),
+ (75, 80, 85, 90, 95),
+ (40, 40, 40, 40, 40))) },
+ # Namedropper (A)
+ 'nd': { 'name': TTLocalizer.SuitNameDropper,
+ 'singularname': TTLocalizer.SuitNameDropperS,
+ 'pluralname': TTLocalizer.SuitNameDropperP,
+ 'level': 2,
+ 'hp': (20, 30, 42, 56, 72), # actual suit level * 4
+ 'def': (10, 15, 20, 25, 30),
+ 'freq': (50, 30, 10, 5, 5),
+ 'acc': (65, 70, 75, 80, 85),
+ 'attacks': (('RazzleDazzle', (4, 5, 6, 9, 12), # dmg
+ (75, 80, 85, 90, 95), # acc
+ (30, 30, 30, 30, 30)), # freq
+ # conked&slip-backward, sidestep-l/r
+ ('Rolodex', (5, 6, 7, 10, 14),
+ (95, 95, 95, 95, 95),
+ (40, 40, 40, 40, 40)),
+ # duck, sidestep-l/r
+ ('Synergy', (3, 4, 6, 9, 12),
+ (50, 50, 50, 50, 50),
+ (15, 15, 15, 15, 15)),
+ # slip-forward, jump
+ ('PickPocket', (2, 2, 2, 2, 2),
+ (95, 95, 95, 95, 95),
+ (15, 15, 15, 15, 15))) },
+ # cringe, sidestep-l/r
+ # Gladhander (C)
+ 'gh': { 'name': TTLocalizer.SuitGladHander,
+ 'singularname': TTLocalizer.SuitGladHanderS,
+ 'pluralname': TTLocalizer.SuitGladHanderP,
+ 'level': 3,
+ 'hp': (30, 42, 56, 72, 90), # actual suit level * 4
+ 'def': (15, 20, 25, 30, 35),
+ 'freq': (50, 30, 10, 5, 5),
+ 'acc': (70, 75, 80, 82, 85),
+ 'attacks': (('RubberStamp', (4, 3, 3, 2, 1), # dmg
+ (90, 70, 50, 30, 10), # acc
+ (40, 30, 20, 10, 5)), # freq
+ # flatten, sidestep-left/right
+ ('FountainPen', (3, 3, 2, 1, 1),
+ (70, 60, 50, 40, 30),
+ (40, 30, 20, 10, 5)),
+ # conked&slip-backward, duck
+ ('Filibuster', (4, 6, 9, 12, 15),
+ (30, 40, 50, 60, 70),
+ (10, 20, 30, 40, 45)),
+ # conked&slip-backward, duck
+ ('Schmooze', (5, 7, 11, 15, 20),
+ (55, 65, 75, 85, 95),
+ (10, 20, 30, 40, 45))) },
+ # Mover & Shaker (B)
+ 'ms': { 'name': TTLocalizer.SuitMoverShaker,
+ 'singularname': TTLocalizer.SuitMoverShakerS,
+ 'pluralname': TTLocalizer.SuitMoverShakerP,
+ 'level': 4,
+ 'hp': (42, 56, 72, 90, 110), # actual suit level * 4
+ 'def': (20, 25, 30, 35, 40),
+ 'freq': (50, 30, 10, 5, 5),
+ 'acc': (35, 40, 45, 50, 55),
+ 'attacks': (('BrainStorm', (5, 6, 8, 10, 12), # dmg
+ (60, 75, 80, 85, 90), # acc
+ (15, 15, 15, 15, 15)), # freq
+ # conked&slip-backward, duck
+ ('HalfWindsor', (6, 9, 11, 13, 16),
+ (50, 65, 70, 75, 80),
+ (20, 20, 20, 20, 20)),
+ # conked&neutral, sidestep-l/r
+ ('Quake', (9, 12, 15, 18, 21),
+ (60, 65, 75, 80, 85),
+ (20, 20, 20, 20, 20)),
+ # shake, sidestep-l/r
+ ('Shake', (6, 8, 10, 12, 14),
+ (70, 75, 80, 85, 90),
+ (25, 25, 25, 25, 25)),
+ # shake, jump
+ ('Tremor', (5, 6, 7, 8, 9),
+ (50, 50, 50, 50, 50),
+ (20, 20, 20, 20, 20))) },
+ # shake, sidestep-l/r
+ # Two-Face (A)
+ 'tf': { 'name': TTLocalizer.SuitTwoFace,
+ 'singularname': TTLocalizer.SuitTwoFaceS,
+ 'pluralname': TTLocalizer.SuitTwoFaceP,
+ 'level': 5,
+ 'hp': (56, 72, 90, 110, 132), # actual suit level * 4
+ 'def': (25, 30, 35, 40, 45),
+ 'freq': (50, 30, 10, 5, 5),
+ 'acc': (35, 40, 45, 50, 55),
+ 'attacks': (('EvilEye', (10, 12, 14, 16, 18), # dmg
+ (60, 75, 80, 85, 90), # acc
+ (30, 30, 30, 30, 30)), # freq
+ # cringe&slip-backward, duck
+ ('HangUp', (7, 8, 10, 12, 13),
+ (50, 60, 70, 80, 90),
+ (15, 15, 15, 15, 15)),
+ # slip-backward&neutral, sidestep-l/r
+ ('RazzleDazzle', (8, 10, 12, 14, 16),
+ (60, 65, 70, 75, 80),
+ (30, 30, 30, 30, 30)),
+ # conked&slip-backward, sidestep-l/r
+ ('RedTape', (6, 7, 8, 9, 10),
+ (60, 65, 75, 85, 90),
+ (25, 25, 25, 25, 25))) },
+ # bound&jump, sidestep-l/r
+ # The Mingler (A)
+ 'm': { 'name': TTLocalizer.SuitTheMingler,
+ 'singularname': TTLocalizer.SuitTheMinglerS,
+ 'pluralname': TTLocalizer.SuitTheMinglerP,
+ 'level': 6,
+ 'hp': (72, 90, 110, 132, 156), # actual suit level * 4
+ 'def': (30, 35, 40, 45, 50),
+ 'freq': (50, 30, 10, 5, 5),
+ 'acc': (35, 40, 45, 50, 55),
+ 'attacks': (('BuzzWord', (10, 11, 13, 15, 16), # dmg
+ (60, 75, 80, 85, 90), # acc
+ (20, 20, 20, 20, 20)), # freq
+ # cringe, sidestep-left/right
+ ('ParadigmShift', (12, 15, 18, 21, 24),
+ (60, 70, 75, 80, 90),
+ (25, 25, 25, 25, 25)),
+ # shift, sidestep-l/r
+ ('PowerTrip', (10, 13, 14, 15, 18),
+ (60, 65, 70, 75, 80),
+ (15, 15, 15, 15, 15)),
+ # slip-forward, jump
+ ('Schmooze', (7, 8, 12, 15, 16),
+ (55, 65, 75, 85, 95),
+ (30, 30, 30, 30, 30)),
+ # slip-backward, sidestep-l/r
+ ('TeeOff', (8, 9, 10, 11, 12),
+ (70, 75, 80, 85, 95),
+ (10, 10, 10, 10, 10))) },
+ # conked&slip-backward, duck
+ # Mr. Hollywood (A)
+ 'mh': {'name': TTLocalizer.SuitMrHollywood,
+ 'singularname': TTLocalizer.SuitMrHollywoodS,
+ 'pluralname': TTLocalizer.SuitMrHollywoodP,
+ 'level': 7,
+ 'hp': (90, 110, 132, 156, 200), # actual suit level * 4
+ 'def': (35, 40, 45, 50, 55),
+ 'freq': (50, 30, 10, 5, 5),
+ 'acc': (35, 40, 45, 50, 55),
+ 'attacks': (('PowerTrip', (10, 12, 15, 18, 20), # dmg
+ (55, 65, 75, 85, 95), # acc
+ (50, 50, 50, 50, 50)), # freq
+ # slip-forward, jump
+ ('RazzleDazzle', (8, 11, 14, 17, 20),
+ (70, 75, 85, 90, 95),
+ (50, 50, 50, 50, 50)),
+ # conked&slip-backward, sidestep-l/r
+ #('SandTrap', (14, 15, 17, 19, 20),
+ # (60, 65, 70, 75, 80),
+ # (0, 0, 0, 0, 0)),
+ # not implemented defaults to razzle dazzle
+ # slip-forward, duck
+ #('SongAndDance', (12, 14, 16, 18, 20),
+ # (65, 75, 80, 85, 95),
+ # (0, 0, 0, 0, 0)),
+ # not implemented defaults to razzle dazzle
+ ) },
+ # bounce&slip-backward, sidestep-l/r
+ #### Money ####
+ # Short Change (C)
+ 'sc': { 'name': TTLocalizer.SuitShortChange,
+ 'singularname': TTLocalizer.SuitShortChangeS,
+ 'pluralname': TTLocalizer.SuitShortChangeP,
+ 'level': 0,
+ 'hp': (6, 12, 20, 30, 42), # actual suit level * 4
+ 'def': (2, 5, 10, 12, 15),
+ 'freq': (50, 30, 10, 5, 5),
+ 'acc': (35, 40, 45, 50, 55),
+ 'attacks': (('Watercooler', (2, 2, 3, 4, 6), # dmg
+ (50, 50, 50, 50, 50), # acc
+ (20, 20, 20, 20, 20)), # freq
+ # flatten, sidestep-left/right
+ ('BounceCheck', (3, 5, 7, 9, 11),
+ (75, 80, 85, 90, 95),
+ (15, 15, 15, 15, 15)),
+ # conked&slip-backward, duck
+ ('ClipOnTie', (1, 1, 2, 2, 3),
+ (50, 50, 50, 50, 50),
+ (25, 25, 25, 25, 25)),
+ # conked&slip-backward, duck
+ ('PickPocket', (2, 2, 3, 4, 6),
+ (95, 95, 95, 95, 95),
+ (40, 40, 40, 40, 40))) },
+ # Penny Pincher (A)
+ 'pp': { 'name': TTLocalizer.SuitPennyPincher,
+ 'singularname': TTLocalizer.SuitPennyPincherS,
+ 'pluralname': TTLocalizer.SuitPennyPincherP,
+ 'level': 1,
+ 'hp': (12, 20, 30, 42, 56), # actual suit level * 4
+ 'def': (5, 10, 15, 20, 25),
+ 'freq': (50, 30, 10, 5, 5),
+ 'acc': (45, 50, 55, 60, 65),
+ 'attacks': (('BounceCheck', (4, 5, 6, 8, 12), # dmg
+ (75, 75, 75, 75, 75), # acc
+ (45, 45, 45, 45, 45)), # freq
+ # flatten, sidestep-left/right
+ ('FreezeAssets', (2, 3, 4, 6, 9),
+ (75, 75, 75, 75, 75),
+ (20, 20, 20, 20, 20)),
+ # conked&slip-backward, sidestep-l/r
+ ('FingerWag', (1, 2, 3, 4, 6),
+ (50, 50, 50, 50, 50),
+ (35, 35, 35, 35, 35)),
+ # conked&slip-backward, sidestep-l/r
+ # PennyPinch not implemented
+ #('PennyPinch', (0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
+ # (75, 75, 75, 75, 75),
+ # (0, 0, 0, 0, 0)),
+ ) },
+ # Tightwad (C)
+ 'tw': { 'name': TTLocalizer.SuitTightwad,
+ 'singularname': TTLocalizer.SuitTightwadS,
+ 'pluralname': TTLocalizer.SuitTightwadP,
+ 'level': 2,
+ 'hp': (20, 30, 42, 56, 72), # actual suit level * 4
+ 'def': (10, 15, 20, 25, 30),
+ 'freq': (50, 30, 10, 5, 5),
+ 'acc': (65, 70, 75, 80, 85),
+ 'attacks': (('Fired', (3, 4, 5, 5, 6), # dmg
+ (75, 75, 75, 75, 75), # acc
+ (75, 5, 5, 5, 5)), # freq
+ # cringe, sidestep-l/r
+ ('GlowerPower', (3, 4, 6, 9, 12),
+ (95, 95, 95, 95, 95),
+ (10, 15, 20, 25, 30)),
+ # cringe&slip-backward, sidestep-l/r
+ ('FingerWag', (3, 3, 4, 4, 5),
+ (75, 75, 75, 75, 75),
+ (5, 70, 5, 5, 5)),
+ # slip-backward, sidestep-l/r
+ ('FreezeAssets', (3, 4, 6, 9, 12),
+ (75, 75, 75, 75, 75),
+ (5, 5, 65, 5, 30)),
+ # cringe, sidestep-l/r
+ ('BounceCheck', (5, 6, 9, 13, 18),
+ (75, 75, 75, 75, 75),
+ (5, 5, 5, 60, 30))) },
+ # conked, jump
+ # Bean Counter (B)
+ 'bc': { 'name': TTLocalizer.SuitBeanCounter,
+ 'singularname': TTLocalizer.SuitBeanCounterS,
+ 'pluralname': TTLocalizer.SuitBeanCounterP,
+ 'level': 3,
+ 'hp': (30, 42, 56, 72, 90), # actual suit level * 4
+ 'def': (15, 20, 25, 30, 35),
+ 'freq': (50, 30, 10, 5, 5),
+ 'acc': (70, 75, 80, 82, 85),
+ 'attacks': (('Audit', (4, 6, 9, 12, 15), # dmg
+ (95, 95, 95, 95, 95), # acc
+ (20, 20, 20, 20, 20)), # freq
+ # flatten, sidestep-left/right
+ ('Calculate', (4, 6, 9, 12, 15),
+ (75, 75, 75, 75, 75),
+ (25, 25, 25, 25, 25)),
+ # conked&slip-backward, duck
+ ('Tabulate', (4, 6, 9, 12, 15),
+ (75, 75, 75, 75, 75),
+ (25, 25, 25, 25, 25)),
+ # conked&slip-backward, duck
+ ('WriteOff', (4, 6, 9, 12, 15),
+ (95, 95, 95, 95, 95),
+ (30, 30, 30, 30, 30))) },
+ # Number Cruncher (A)
+ 'nc': { 'name': TTLocalizer.SuitNumberCruncher,
+ 'singularname': TTLocalizer.SuitNumberCruncherS,
+ 'pluralname': TTLocalizer.SuitNumberCruncherP,
+ 'level': 4,
+ 'hp': (42, 56, 72, 90, 110), # actual suit level * 4
+ 'def': (20, 25, 30, 35, 40),
+ 'freq': (50, 30, 10, 5, 5),
+ 'acc': (35, 40, 45, 50, 55),
+ 'attacks': (('Audit', (5, 6, 8, 10, 12), # dmg
+ (60, 75, 80, 85, 90), # acc
+ (15, 15, 15, 15, 15)), # freq
+ # flatten, sidestep-left/right
+ ('Calculate', (6, 7, 9, 11, 13),
+ (50, 65, 70, 75, 80),
+ (30, 30, 30, 30, 30)),
+ # conked&slip-backward, duck
+ ('Crunch', (8, 9, 11, 13, 15),
+ (60, 65, 75, 80, 85),
+ (35, 35, 35, 35, 35)),
+ # slip-forward&flatten, sidestep-l/r
+ ('Tabulate', (5, 6, 7, 8, 9),
+ (50, 50, 50, 50, 50),
+ (20, 20, 20, 20, 20))) },
+ # conked&slip-backward, duck
+ # Money Bags (C)
+ 'mb': { 'name': TTLocalizer.SuitMoneyBags,
+ 'singularname': TTLocalizer.SuitMoneyBagsS,
+ 'pluralname': TTLocalizer.SuitMoneyBagsP,
+ 'level': 5,
+ 'hp': (56, 72, 90, 110, 132), # actual suit level * 4
+ 'def': (25, 30, 35, 40, 45),
+ 'freq': (50, 30, 10, 5, 5),
+ 'acc': (35, 40, 45, 50, 55),
+ 'attacks': (('Liquidate', (10, 12, 14, 16, 18), # dmg
+ (60, 75, 80, 85, 90), # acc
+ (30, 30, 30, 30, 30)), # freq
+ # melt&jump, sidestep-l/r
+ ('MarketCrash', (8, 10, 12, 14, 16),
+ (60, 65, 70, 75, 80),
+ (45, 45, 45, 45, 45)),
+ # flatten&jump, sidestep-l/r
+ ('PowerTie', (6, 7, 8, 9, 10),
+ (60, 65, 75, 85, 90),
+ (25, 25, 25, 25, 25))) },
+ # conked&neutral, sidestep-l/r
+ # Loan Shark (B)
+ 'ls': { 'name': TTLocalizer.SuitLoanShark,
+ 'singularname': TTLocalizer.SuitLoanSharkS,
+ 'pluralname': TTLocalizer.SuitLoanSharkP,
+ 'level': 6,
+ 'hp': (72, 90, 110, 132, 156), # actual suit level * 4
+ 'def': (30, 35, 40, 45, 50),
+ 'freq': (50, 30, 10, 5, 5),
+ 'acc': (35, 40, 45, 50, 55),
+ 'attacks': (('Bite', (10, 11, 13, 15, 16), # dmg
+ (60, 75, 80, 85, 90), # acc
+ (30, 30, 30, 30, 30)), # freq
+ # conked, duck
+ ('Chomp', (12, 15, 18, 21, 24),
+ (60, 70, 75, 80, 90),
+ (35, 35, 35, 35, 35)),
+ # slip-backward, sidestep-l/r
+ ('PlayHardball', (9, 11, 12, 13, 15),
+ (55, 65, 75, 85, 95),
+ (20, 20, 20, 20, 20)),
+ # slip-backward, sidestep-l/r
+ ('WriteOff', (6, 8, 10, 12, 14),
+ (70, 75, 80, 85, 95),
+ (15, 15, 15, 15, 15))) },
+ # slip-forward, sidestep-l/r
+ # Robber Baron (A)
+ 'rb': { 'name': TTLocalizer.SuitRobberBaron,
+ 'singularname': TTLocalizer.SuitRobberBaronS,
+ 'pluralname': TTLocalizer.SuitRobberBaronP,
+ 'level': 7,
+ 'hp': (90, 110, 132, 156, 200), # actual suit level * 4
+ 'def': (35, 40, 45, 50, 55),
+ 'freq': (50, 30, 10, 5, 5),
+ 'acc': (35, 40, 45, 50, 55),
+ 'attacks': (
+ #('FiveOClockShadow', (14, 17, 19, 21, 24), # dmg
+ # (55, 65, 75, 85, 95), # acc
+ # (0, 0, 0, 0, 0)), # freq
+ # not implemented defaults to tee off
+ # slip-forward, jump
+ #('FloodTheMarket', (12, 15, 18, 21, 24),
+ # (70, 75, 85, 90, 95),
+ # (0, 0, 0, 0, 0)),
+ # not implemented defaults to tee off
+ # slip-backward&jump, sidestep-l/r
+ ('PowerTrip', (11, 14, 16, 18, 21),
+ (60, 65, 70, 75, 80),
+ (50, 50, 50, 50, 50)),
+ # slip-forward, jump
+ ('TeeOff', (10, 12, 14, 16, 18),
+ (60, 65, 75, 85, 90),
+ (50, 50, 50, 50, 50))) },
+ # conked&slip-backward, duck
+ #### Legal ####
+ # Bottom Feeder (C)
+ 'bf': { 'name': TTLocalizer.SuitBottomFeeder,
+ 'singularname': TTLocalizer.SuitBottomFeederS,
+ 'pluralname': TTLocalizer.SuitBottomFeederP,
+ 'level': 0,
+ 'hp': (6, 12, 20, 30, 42), # actual suit level * 4
+ 'def': (2, 5, 10, 12, 15),
+ 'freq': (50, 30, 10, 5, 5),
+ 'acc': (35, 40, 45, 50, 55),
+ 'attacks': (('RubberStamp', (2, 3, 4, 5, 6), # dmg
+ (75, 80, 85, 90, 95), # acc
+ (20, 20, 20, 20, 20)), # freq
+ # flatten, sidestep-left/right
+ ('Shred', (2, 4, 6, 8, 10),
+ (50, 55, 60, 65, 70),
+ (20, 20, 20, 20, 20)),
+ # conked&slip-backward, duck
+ ('Watercooler', (3, 4, 5, 6, 7),
+ (95, 95, 95, 95, 95),
+ (10, 10, 10, 10, 10)),
+ # conked&slip-backward, duck
+ ('PickPocket', (1, 1, 2, 2, 3),
+ (25, 30, 35, 40, 45),
+ (50, 50, 50, 50, 50))) },
+ # Bloodsucker (B)
+ 'b': { 'name': TTLocalizer.SuitBloodsucker,
+ 'singularname': TTLocalizer.SuitBloodsuckerS,
+ 'pluralname': TTLocalizer.SuitBloodsuckerP,
+ 'level': 1,
+ 'hp': (12, 20, 30, 42, 56), # actual suit level * 4
+ 'def': (5, 10, 15, 20, 25),
+ 'freq': (50, 30, 10, 5, 5),
+ 'acc': (45, 50, 55, 60, 65),
+ 'attacks': (('EvictionNotice', (1, 2, 3, 3, 4), # dmg
+ (75, 75, 75, 75, 75), # acc
+ (20, 20, 20, 20, 20)), # freq
+ # flatten, sidestep-left/right
+ ('RedTape', (2, 3, 4, 6, 9),
+ (75, 75, 75, 75, 75),
+ (20, 20, 20, 20, 20)),
+ # conked&slip-backward, sidestep-l/r
+ ('Withdrawal', (6, 8, 10, 12, 14),
+ (95, 95, 95, 95, 95),
+ (10, 10, 10, 10, 10)),
+ # conked&slip-backward, sidestep-l/r
+ ('Liquidate', (2, 3, 4, 6, 9),
+ (50, 60, 70, 80, 90),
+ (50, 50, 50, 50, 50))) },
+ # Double Talker (A)
+ 'dt': { 'name': TTLocalizer.SuitDoubleTalker,
+ 'singularname': TTLocalizer.SuitDoubleTalkerS,
+ 'pluralname': TTLocalizer.SuitDoubleTalkerP,
+ 'level': 2,
+ 'hp': (20, 30, 42, 56, 72), # actual suit level * 4
+ 'def': (10, 15, 20, 25, 30),
+ 'freq': (50, 30, 10, 5, 5),
+ 'acc': (65, 70, 75, 80, 85),
+ 'attacks': (('RubberStamp', (1, 1, 1, 1, 1), # dmg
+ (50, 60, 70, 80, 90), # acc
+ (5, 5, 5, 5, 5)), # freq
+ # cringe, sidestep-l/r
+ ('BounceCheck', (1, 1, 1, 1, 1),
+ (50, 60, 70, 80, 90),
+ (5, 5, 5, 5, 5)),
+ # conked, jump
+ ('BuzzWord', (1, 2, 3, 5, 6),
+ (50, 60, 70, 80, 90),
+ (20, 20, 20, 20, 20)),
+ # cringe, duck
+ ('DoubleTalk', (6, 6, 9, 13, 18),
+ (50, 60, 70, 80, 90),
+ (25, 25, 25, 25, 25)),
+ # cringe, sidestep-l/r
+ ('Jargon', (3, 4, 6, 9, 12),
+ (50, 60, 70, 80, 90),
+ (25, 25, 25, 25, 25)),
+ # cringe, sidestep-l/r
+ ('MumboJumbo', (3, 4, 6, 9, 12),
+ (50, 60, 70, 80, 90),
+ (20, 20, 20, 20, 20))) },
+ # cringe, sidestep-l/r
+ # Ambulance Chaser (B)
+ 'ac': { 'name': TTLocalizer.SuitAmbulanceChaser,
+ 'singularname': TTLocalizer.SuitAmbulanceChaserS,
+ 'pluralname': TTLocalizer.SuitAmbulanceChaserP,
+ 'level': 3,
+ 'hp': (30, 42, 56, 72, 90), # actual suit level * 4
+ 'def': (15, 20, 25, 30, 35),
+ 'freq': (50, 30, 10, 5, 5),
+ 'acc': (65, 70, 75, 80, 85),
+ 'attacks': (('Shake', (4, 6, 9, 12, 15), # dmg
+ (75, 75, 75, 75, 75), # acc
+ (15, 15, 15, 15, 15)), # freq
+ # shake, jump
+ ('RedTape', (6, 8, 12, 15, 19),
+ (75, 75, 75, 75, 75),
+ (30, 30, 30, 30, 30)),
+ # bound&jump, sidestep-l/r
+ ('Rolodex', (3, 4, 5, 6, 7),
+ (75, 75, 75, 75, 75),
+ (20, 20, 20, 20, 20)),
+ # duck, sidestep-l/r
+ ('HangUp', (2, 3, 4, 5, 6),
+ (75, 75, 75, 75, 75),
+ (35, 35, 35, 35, 35))) },
+ # slip-backward&neutral, sidestep-l/r
+ # Back Stabber (A)
+ 'bs': { 'name': TTLocalizer.SuitBackStabber,
+ 'singularname': TTLocalizer.SuitBackStabberS,
+ 'pluralname': TTLocalizer.SuitBackStabberP,
+ 'level': 4,
+ 'hp': (42, 56, 72, 90, 110), # actual suit level * 4
+ 'def': (20, 25, 30, 35, 40),
+ 'freq': (50, 30, 10, 5, 5),
+ 'acc': (35, 40, 45, 50, 55),
+ 'attacks': (('GuiltTrip', (8, 11, 13, 15, 18), # dmg
+ (60, 75, 80, 85, 90), # acc
+ (40, 40, 40, 40, 40)), # freq
+ # slip-forward&neutral, jump
+ ('RestrainingOrder', (6, 7, 9, 11, 13),
+ (50, 65, 70, 75, 90),
+ (25, 25, 25, 25, 25)),
+ # conked&bound, sidestep-l/r
+ ('FingerWag', (5, 6, 7, 8, 9),
+ (50, 55, 65, 75, 80),
+ (35, 35, 35, 35, 35))) },
+ # slip-backward, sidestep-l/r
+ # Spin Doctor (B)
+ 'sd': { 'name': TTLocalizer.SuitSpinDoctor,
+ 'singularname': TTLocalizer.SuitSpinDoctorS,
+ 'pluralname': TTLocalizer.SuitSpinDoctorP,
+ 'level': 5,
+ 'hp': (56, 72, 90, 110, 132), # actual suit level * 4
+ 'def': (25, 30, 35, 40, 45),
+ 'freq': (50, 30, 10, 5, 5),
+ 'acc': (35, 40, 45, 50, 55),
+ 'attacks': (('ParadigmShift', (9, 10, 13, 16, 17), # dmg
+ (60, 75, 80, 85, 90), # acc
+ (30, 30, 30, 30, 30)), # freq
+ # shift, sidestep-l/r
+ ('Quake', (8, 10, 12, 14, 16),
+ (60, 65, 70, 75, 80),
+ (20, 20, 20, 20, 20)),
+ # shake, sidestep-l/r
+ ('Spin', (10, 12, 15, 18, 20),
+ (70, 75, 80, 85, 90),
+ (35, 35, 35, 35, 35)),
+ # spin, sidestep-l/r
+ ('WriteOff', (6, 7, 8, 9, 10),
+ (60, 65, 75, 85, 90),
+ (15, 15, 15, 15, 15))) },
+ # slip-forward, sidestep-l/r
+ # Legal Eagle (A)
+ 'le': { 'name': TTLocalizer.SuitLegalEagle,
+ 'singularname': TTLocalizer.SuitLegalEagleS,
+ 'pluralname': TTLocalizer.SuitLegalEagleP,
+ 'level': 6,
+ 'hp': (72, 90, 110, 132, 156), # actual suit level * 4
+ 'def': (30, 35, 40, 45, 50),
+ 'freq': (50, 30, 10, 5, 5),
+ 'acc': (35, 40, 45, 50, 55),
+ 'attacks': (('EvilEye', (10, 11, 13, 15, 16), # dmg
+ (60, 75, 80, 85, 90), # acc
+ (20, 20, 20, 20, 20)), # freq
+ # cringe&slip-backward, duck
+ ('Jargon', (7, 9, 11, 13, 15),
+ (60, 70, 75, 80, 90),
+ (15, 15, 15, 15, 15)),
+ # cringe, sidestep-l/r
+ ('Legalese', (11, 13, 16, 19, 21),
+ (55, 65, 75, 85, 95),
+ (35, 35, 35, 35, 35)),
+ # cringe, sidestep-l/r
+ ('PeckingOrder', (12, 15, 17, 19, 22),
+ (70, 75, 80, 85, 95),
+ (30, 30, 30, 30, 30))) },
+ # duck, sidestep-l/r
+ # Big Wig (A)
+ 'bw': { 'name': TTLocalizer.SuitBigWig,
+ 'singularname': TTLocalizer.SuitBigWigS,
+ 'pluralname': TTLocalizer.SuitBigWigP,
+ 'level': 7,
+ 'hp': (90, 110, 132, 156, 200), # actual suit level * 4
+ 'def': (35, 40, 45, 50, 55),
+ 'freq': (50, 30, 10, 5, 5),
+ 'acc': (35, 40, 45, 50, 55),
+ 'attacks': (
+ #('CigarSmoke', (12, 14, 16, 18, 20), # dmg
+ # (65, 75, 85, 90, 95), # acc
+ # (0, 0, 0, 0, 0)), # freq
+ # not implemented defaults to finger wag
+ # cringe, sidestep-left/right
+ #('Gavel', (14, 16, 19, 22, 24),
+ # (70, 75, 85, 90, 95),
+ # (0, 0, 0, 0, 0)),
+ # not implemented defaults to finger wag
+ # slip-backward, sidestep-l/r
+ ('PowerTrip', (10, 11, 13, 15, 16),
+ (75, 80, 85, 90, 95),
+ (50, 50, 50, 50, 50)),
+ # slip-forward, jump
+ ('ThrowBook', (13, 15, 17, 19, 21),
+ (80, 85, 85, 85, 90),
+ (50, 50, 50, 50, 50))) },
+ # not implemented defaults to finger wag
+ # conked&neutral, sidestep-l/r
+ }
+SuitAttacks = {
+ 'Audit': ('phone', ATK_TGT_SINGLE),
+ 'Bite': ('throw-paper', ATK_TGT_SINGLE),
+ 'BounceCheck': ('throw-paper', ATK_TGT_SINGLE),
+ 'BrainStorm': ('effort', ATK_TGT_SINGLE),
+ 'BuzzWord': ('speak', ATK_TGT_SINGLE),
+ 'Calculate': ('phone', ATK_TGT_SINGLE),
+ 'Canned': ('throw-paper', ATK_TGT_SINGLE),
+ 'Chomp': ('throw-paper', ATK_TGT_SINGLE),
+ 'CigarSmoke': ('cigar-smoke', ATK_TGT_SINGLE),
+ 'ClipOnTie': ('throw-paper', ATK_TGT_SINGLE),
+ 'Crunch': ('throw-object', ATK_TGT_SINGLE),
+ 'Demotion': ('magic1', ATK_TGT_SINGLE),
+ 'DoubleTalk': ('speak', ATK_TGT_SINGLE),
+ 'Downsize': ('magic2', ATK_TGT_SINGLE),
+ 'EvictionNotice': ('throw-paper', ATK_TGT_SINGLE),
+ 'EvilEye': ('glower', ATK_TGT_SINGLE),
+ 'Filibuster': ('speak', ATK_TGT_SINGLE),
+ 'FillWithLead': ('pencil-sharpener', ATK_TGT_SINGLE),
+ 'FingerWag': ('finger-wag', ATK_TGT_SINGLE),
+ 'Fired': ('magic2', ATK_TGT_SINGLE),
+ 'FiveOClockShadow': ('glower', ATK_TGT_SINGLE),
+ 'FloodTheMarket': ('glower', ATK_TGT_SINGLE),
+ 'FountainPen': ('pen-squirt', ATK_TGT_SINGLE),
+ 'FreezeAssets': ('glower', ATK_TGT_SINGLE),
+ 'Gavel': ('gavel', ATK_TGT_SINGLE),
+ 'GlowerPower': ('glower', ATK_TGT_SINGLE),
+ 'GuiltTrip': ('magic1', ATK_TGT_GROUP),
+ 'HalfWindsor': ('throw-paper', ATK_TGT_SINGLE),
+ 'HangUp': ('phone', ATK_TGT_SINGLE),
+ 'HeadShrink': ('magic1', ATK_TGT_SINGLE),
+ 'HotAir': ('speak', ATK_TGT_SINGLE),
+ 'Jargon': ('speak', ATK_TGT_SINGLE),
+ 'Legalese': ('speak', ATK_TGT_SINGLE),
+ 'Liquidate': ('magic1', ATK_TGT_SINGLE),
+ 'MarketCrash': ('throw-paper', ATK_TGT_SINGLE),
+ 'MumboJumbo': ('speak', ATK_TGT_SINGLE),
+ 'ParadigmShift': ('magic2', ATK_TGT_GROUP),
+ 'PeckingOrder': ('throw-object', ATK_TGT_SINGLE),
+ 'PickPocket': ('pickpocket', ATK_TGT_SINGLE),
+ 'PinkSlip': ('throw-paper', ATK_TGT_SINGLE),
+ 'PlayHardball': ('throw-paper', ATK_TGT_SINGLE),
+ 'PoundKey': ('phone', ATK_TGT_SINGLE),
+ 'PowerTie': ('throw-paper', ATK_TGT_SINGLE),
+ 'PowerTrip': ('magic1', ATK_TGT_GROUP),
+ 'Quake': ('quick-jump', ATK_TGT_GROUP),
+ 'RazzleDazzle': ('smile', ATK_TGT_SINGLE),
+ 'RedTape': ('throw-object', ATK_TGT_SINGLE),
+ 'ReOrg': ('magic3', ATK_TGT_SINGLE),
+ 'RestrainingOrder': ('throw-paper', ATK_TGT_SINGLE),
+ 'Rolodex': ('roll-o-dex', ATK_TGT_SINGLE),
+ 'RubberStamp': ('rubber-stamp', ATK_TGT_SINGLE),
+ 'RubOut': ('hold-eraser', ATK_TGT_SINGLE),
+ 'Sacked': ('throw-paper', ATK_TGT_SINGLE),
+ 'SandTrap': ('golf-club-swing', ATK_TGT_SINGLE),
+ 'Schmooze': ('speak', ATK_TGT_SINGLE),
+ 'Shake': ('stomp', ATK_TGT_GROUP),
+ 'Shred': ('shredder', ATK_TGT_SINGLE),
+ 'SongAndDance': ('song-and-dance', ATK_TGT_SINGLE),
+ 'Spin': ('magic3', ATK_TGT_SINGLE),
+ 'Synergy': ('magic3', ATK_TGT_GROUP),
+ 'Tabulate': ('phone', ATK_TGT_SINGLE),
+ 'TeeOff': ('golf-club-swing', ATK_TGT_SINGLE),
+ 'ThrowBook': ('throw-object', ATK_TGT_SINGLE),
+ 'Tremor': ('stomp', ATK_TGT_GROUP),
+ 'Watercooler': ('watercooler', ATK_TGT_SINGLE),
+ 'Withdrawal': ('magic1', ATK_TGT_SINGLE),
+ 'WriteOff': ('hold-pencil', ATK_TGT_SINGLE),
+ }
+AUDIT = SuitAttacks.keys().index('Audit')
+BITE = SuitAttacks.keys().index('Bite')
+BOUNCE_CHECK = SuitAttacks.keys().index('BounceCheck')
+BRAIN_STORM = SuitAttacks.keys().index('BrainStorm')
+BUZZ_WORD = SuitAttacks.keys().index('BuzzWord')
+CALCULATE = SuitAttacks.keys().index('Calculate')
+CANNED = SuitAttacks.keys().index('Canned')
+CHOMP = SuitAttacks.keys().index('Chomp')
+CIGAR_SMOKE = SuitAttacks.keys().index('CigarSmoke')
+CLIPON_TIE = SuitAttacks.keys().index('ClipOnTie')
+CRUNCH = SuitAttacks.keys().index('Crunch')
+DEMOTION = SuitAttacks.keys().index('Demotion')
+DOWNSIZE = SuitAttacks.keys().index('Downsize')
+DOUBLE_TALK = SuitAttacks.keys().index('DoubleTalk')
+EVICTION_NOTICE = SuitAttacks.keys().index('EvictionNotice')
+EVIL_EYE = SuitAttacks.keys().index('EvilEye')
+FILIBUSTER = SuitAttacks.keys().index('Filibuster')
+FILL_WITH_LEAD = SuitAttacks.keys().index('FillWithLead')
+FINGER_WAG = SuitAttacks.keys().index('FingerWag')
+FIRED = SuitAttacks.keys().index('Fired')
+FIVE_O_CLOCK_SHADOW = SuitAttacks.keys().index('FiveOClockShadow')
+FLOOD_THE_MARKET = SuitAttacks.keys().index('FloodTheMarket')
+FOUNTAIN_PEN = SuitAttacks.keys().index('FountainPen')
+FREEZE_ASSETS = SuitAttacks.keys().index('FreezeAssets')
+GAVEL = SuitAttacks.keys().index('Gavel')
+GLOWER_POWER = SuitAttacks.keys().index('GlowerPower')
+GUILT_TRIP = SuitAttacks.keys().index('GuiltTrip')
+HALF_WINDSOR = SuitAttacks.keys().index('HalfWindsor')
+HANG_UP = SuitAttacks.keys().index('HangUp')
+HEAD_SHRINK = SuitAttacks.keys().index('HeadShrink')
+HOT_AIR = SuitAttacks.keys().index('HotAir')
+JARGON = SuitAttacks.keys().index('Jargon')
+LEGALESE = SuitAttacks.keys().index('Legalese')
+LIQUIDATE = SuitAttacks.keys().index('Liquidate')
+MARKET_CRASH = SuitAttacks.keys().index('MarketCrash')
+MUMBO_JUMBO = SuitAttacks.keys().index('MumboJumbo')
+PARADIGM_SHIFT = SuitAttacks.keys().index('ParadigmShift')
+PECKING_ORDER = SuitAttacks.keys().index('PeckingOrder')
+PICK_POCKET = SuitAttacks.keys().index('PickPocket')
+PINK_SLIP = SuitAttacks.keys().index('PinkSlip')
+PLAY_HARDBALL = SuitAttacks.keys().index('PlayHardball')
+POUND_KEY = SuitAttacks.keys().index('PoundKey')
+POWER_TIE = SuitAttacks.keys().index('PowerTie')
+POWER_TRIP = SuitAttacks.keys().index('PowerTrip')
+QUAKE = SuitAttacks.keys().index('Quake')
+RAZZLE_DAZZLE = SuitAttacks.keys().index('RazzleDazzle')
+RED_TAPE = SuitAttacks.keys().index('RedTape')
+RE_ORG = SuitAttacks.keys().index('ReOrg')
+RESTRAINING_ORDER = SuitAttacks.keys().index('RestrainingOrder')
+ROLODEX = SuitAttacks.keys().index('Rolodex')
+RUBBER_STAMP = SuitAttacks.keys().index('RubberStamp')
+RUB_OUT = SuitAttacks.keys().index('RubOut')
+SACKED = SuitAttacks.keys().index('Sacked')
+SANDTRAP = SuitAttacks.keys().index('SandTrap')
+SCHMOOZE = SuitAttacks.keys().index('Schmooze')
+SHAKE = SuitAttacks.keys().index('Shake')
+SHRED = SuitAttacks.keys().index('Shred')
+SONG_AND_DANCE = SuitAttacks.keys().index('SongAndDance')
+SPIN = SuitAttacks.keys().index('Spin')
+SYNERGY = SuitAttacks.keys().index('Synergy')
+TABULATE = SuitAttacks.keys().index('Tabulate')
+TEE_OFF = SuitAttacks.keys().index('TeeOff')
+THROW_BOOK = SuitAttacks.keys().index('ThrowBook')
+TREMOR = SuitAttacks.keys().index('Tremor')
+WATERCOOLER = SuitAttacks.keys().index('Watercooler')
+WITHDRAWAL = SuitAttacks.keys().index('Withdrawal')
+WRITE_OFF = SuitAttacks.keys().index('WriteOff')
+def getFaceoffTaunt(suitName, doId):
+ if SuitFaceoffTaunts.has_key(suitName):
+ taunts = SuitFaceoffTaunts[suitName]
+ else:
+ taunts = TTLocalizer.SuitFaceoffDefaultTaunts
+ #return random.choice(taunts)
+ return taunts[doId % len(taunts)]
+SuitFaceoffTaunts = OTPLocalizer.SuitFaceoffTaunts
+def getAttackTauntIndexFromIndex(suit, attackIndex):
+ adict = getSuitAttack(suit.getStyleName(), suit.getLevel(), attackIndex)
+ return getAttackTauntIndex(adict['name'])
+def getAttackTauntIndex(attackName):
+ if (SuitAttackTaunts.has_key(attackName)):
+ taunts = SuitAttackTaunts[attackName]
+ return random.randint(0, len(taunts)-1)
+ else:
+ return 1
+def getAttackTaunt(attackName, index=None):
+ if (SuitAttackTaunts.has_key(attackName)):
+ taunts = SuitAttackTaunts[attackName]
+ else:
+ taunts = TTLocalizer.SuitAttackDefaultTaunts
+ if (index != None):
+ # If there's been a mistake, just use a default taunt
+ if (index >= len(taunts)):
+ notify.warning("index exceeds length of taunts list in getAttackTaunt")
+ return TTLocalizer.SuitAttackDefaultTaunts[0]
+ return taunts[index]
+ else:
+ return random.choice(taunts)
+SuitAttackTaunts = TTLocalizer.SuitAttackTaunts
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/ b/toontown/src/battle/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/bossCogFrontAttack.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/bossCogFrontAttack.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a20764
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/bossCogFrontAttack.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+self.setPos(0.000, 0.000, 4.600)
+self.setHpr(0.000, 0.000, 0.000)
+self.setScale(1.000, 1.000, 1.000)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sprite parameters
+p0.renderer.setTextureFromNode("phase_3.5/models/props/suit-particles", "**/gear")
+p0.renderer.setColor(Vec4(1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, -10.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+# Sphere Surface parameters
+f0 = ForceGroup.ForceGroup('forces')
+# Force parameters
+force0 = LinearSinkForce(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, -79.0000), LinearDistanceForce.FTONEOVERRSQUARED, 15.9701, 50.0000, 1)
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/brainStorm.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/brainStorm.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8caba42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/brainStorm.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+self.setPos(0.000, 0.000, 0.000)
+self.setHpr(0.000, 0.000, 0.000)
+self.setScale(1.000, 1.000, 1.000)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sprite parameters
+p0.renderer.setTextureFromNode("phase_3.5/models/props/suit-particles", "**/brainstorm-box")
+p0.renderer.setColor(Vec4(1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00))
+p0.renderer.setFinalYScale(0.0400 )
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, 5.0000))
+# Disc parameters
+f0 = ForceGroup.ForceGroup('forces')
+# Force parameters
+force0 = LinearJitterForce(15.0000, 0)
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/buzzWord.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/buzzWord.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c0c733
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/buzzWord.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+self.setPos(0.000, 2.000, 3.000)
+self.setHpr(0.000, 0.000, 0.000)
+self.setScale(1.000, 1.000, 1.000)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sprite parameters
+p0.renderer.setTextureFromNode("phase_3.5/models/props/suit-particles", "**/buzzwords-crash")
+p0.renderer.setColor(Vec4(1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 7.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, -3.0000, 0.0000))
+# Sphere Volume parameters
+f0 = ForceGroup.ForceGroup('forces')
+# Force parameters
+force0 = LinearJitterForce(64.5449, 0)
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/calculate.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/calculate.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79794d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/calculate.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+self.setPos(0.000, 2.5, 3.5)
+self.setHpr(0.000, 0.000, 0.000)
+self.setScale(1.000, 1.000, 1.000)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sprite parameters
+p0.renderer.setTextureFromNode("phase_3.5/models/props/suit-particles", "**/audit-plus")
+p0.renderer.setColor(Vec4(1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, -2.0000, 0.0000))
+# Sphere Volume parameters
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/confetti.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/confetti.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..092627c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/confetti.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+self.setPos(0.000, 0.000, 0.000)
+self.setHpr(0.000, 0.000, 0.000)
+self.setScale(1.000, 1.000, 1.000)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sprite parameters
+p0.renderer.setTextureFromNode("phase_3.5/models/props/suit-particles", "**/spark")
+p0.renderer.setColor(Vec4(1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+# Disc parameters
+f0 = ForceGroup.ForceGroup('gravity')
+# Force parameters
+force0 = LinearJitterForce(5.0000, 0)
+force0.setVectorMasks(1, 1, 1)
+force1 = LinearSinkForce(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, -0.8000), LinearDistanceForce.FTONEOVERRSQUARED, 0.5000, 1.0000, 1)
+force1.setVectorMasks(1, 1, 1)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/demotionFreeze.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/demotionFreeze.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f20a80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/demotionFreeze.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+self.setPos(0.000, 0.000, 3.000)
+self.setHpr(0.000, 0.000, 0.000)
+self.setScale(2.000, 2.000, 2.000)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sprite parameters
+p0.renderer.setTextureFromNode("phase_3.5/models/props/suit-particles", "**/roll-o-dex")
+p0.renderer.setColor(Vec4(1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+# Sphere Surface parameters
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/demotionSpray.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/demotionSpray.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f62d2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/demotionSpray.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+self.setPos(0.000, 4.000, 3.000)
+self.setHpr(0.000, 0.000, 0.000)
+self.setScale(1.000, 1.000, 1.000)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sprite parameters
+p0.renderer.setTextureFromNode("phase_3.5/models/props/suit-particles", "**/roll-o-dex")
+p0.renderer.setColor(Vec4(1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 6.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, -4.0000, 0.0000))
+# Sphere Volume parameters
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/demotionUnFreeze.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/demotionUnFreeze.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d79c25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/demotionUnFreeze.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+self.setPos(0.000, 0.000, 3.000)
+self.setHpr(0.000, 0.000, 0.000)
+self.setScale(2.000, 2.000, 2.000)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sprite parameters
+p0.renderer.setTextureFromNode("phase_3.5/models/props/suit-particles", "**/roll-o-dex")
+p0.renderer.setColor(Vec4(1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+# Sphere Surface parameters
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/doubleTalkLeft.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/doubleTalkLeft.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..751f34e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/doubleTalkLeft.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+self.setPos(0.000, 3.000, 3.000)
+self.setHpr(55.000, 0.000, 0.000)
+self.setScale(3.000, 3.000, 3.000)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sprite parameters
+p0.renderer.setTextureFromNode("phase_3.5/models/props/suit-particles", "**/doubletalk-double")
+p0.renderer.setColor(Vec4(1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 0.6000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, -8.0000, 0.0000))
+# Sphere Volume parameters
+f0 = ForceGroup.ForceGroup('forces')
+# Force parameters
+force0 = LinearSinkForce(Point3(6.000, -3.0000, 0.0000), LinearDistanceForce.FTONEOVERRSQUARED, 1.0000, 1.5000, 1)
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/doubleTalkRight.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/doubleTalkRight.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a2ec3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/doubleTalkRight.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+self.setPos(0.000, 3.000, 3.000)
+self.setHpr(-55.000, 0.000, 0.000)
+self.setScale(3.000, 3.000, 3.000)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sprite parameters
+p0.renderer.setTextureFromNode("phase_3.5/models/props/suit-particles", "**/doubletalk-good")
+p0.renderer.setColor(Vec4(1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 0.6000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, -8.0000, 0.0000))
+# Sphere Volume parameters
+f0 = ForceGroup.ForceGroup('forces')
+# Force parameters
+force0 = LinearSinkForce(Point3(-6.000, -3.0000, 0.0000), LinearDistanceForce.FTONEOVERRSQUARED, 1.0000, 1.5000, 1)
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/downsizeCloud.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/downsizeCloud.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6d4fbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/downsizeCloud.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+self.setPos(0.000, 0.000, 0.000)
+self.setHpr(0.000, 0.000, 0.000)
+self.setScale(1.000, 1.000, 1.000)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sprite parameters
+p0.renderer.setTextureFromNode("phase_3.5/models/props/suit-particles", "**/snow-particle")
+p0.renderer.setColor(Vec4(1.00, 1.00, 0.00, 0.80))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+# Sphere Volume parameters
+f0 = ForceGroup.ForceGroup('forces')
+# Force parameters
+force0 = LinearJitterForce(14.5449, 0)
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/downsizeSpray.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/downsizeSpray.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71ffc15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/downsizeSpray.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+self.setPos(0.000, 2.900, 3.400)
+self.setHpr(0.000, 60.000, 0.000)
+self.setScale(1.000, 1.000, 1.000)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sprite parameters
+p0.renderer.setTextureFromNode("phase_3.5/models/props/suit-particles", "**/snow-particle")
+p0.renderer.setColor(Vec4(1.00, 1.00, 0.00, 0.80))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 7.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, -3.0000, 0.0000))
+# Sphere Volume parameters
+f0 = ForceGroup.ForceGroup('forces')
+# Force parameters
+force0 = LinearSinkForce(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, -5.3000), LinearDistanceForce.FTONEOVERRSQUARED, 1.0000, 2.5308, 1)
+force1 = LinearVectorForce(Vec3(0.0000, -7.0000, 0.0000), 1.0000, 0)
+force3 = LinearJitterForce(8.5449, 0)
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/filibusterSpray.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/filibusterSpray.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e60381b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/filibusterSpray.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+self.setPos(0.000, 3.000, 4.000)
+self.setHpr(0.000, 55.000, 0.000)
+self.setScale(1.000, 1.000, 1.000)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sprite parameters
+p0.renderer.setTextureFromNode("phase_3.5/models/props/suit-particles", "**/filibuster-cut")
+p0.renderer.setColor(Vec4(1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 8.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, -1.0000, 0.0000))
+# Sphere Volume parameters
+f0 = ForceGroup.ForceGroup('forces')
+# Force parameters
+force0 = LinearSinkForce(Point3(0.0000, -9.0000, -11.0000), LinearDistanceForce.FTONEOVERRSQUARED, 1.0000, 1.3661, 1)
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/fillWithLeadSmother.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/fillWithLeadSmother.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e29d638
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/fillWithLeadSmother.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+self.setPos(0.000, 0.000, 3.000)
+self.setHpr(0.000, 0.000, 0.000)
+self.setScale(1.000, 1.000, 1.000)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sprite parameters
+p0.renderer.setTextureFromNode("phase_3.5/models/props/suit-particles", "**/mumbojumbo-iron")
+p0.renderer.setColor(Vec4(1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+# Sphere Surface parameters
+f0 = ForceGroup.ForceGroup('forces')
+# Force parameters
+force0 = LinearJitterForce(37.2697, 0)
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/fillWithLeadSpray.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/fillWithLeadSpray.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ea5c09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/fillWithLeadSpray.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+self.setPos(0.000, 2.000, 2.300)
+self.setHpr(0.000, 0.000, 0.000)
+self.setScale(1.000, 1.000, 1.000)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sprite parameters
+p0.renderer.setTextureFromNode("phase_3.5/models/props/suit-particles", "**/roll-o-dex")
+p0.renderer.setColor(Vec4(1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 5.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, -7.0000, 0.0000))
+# Sphere Volume parameters
+f0 = ForceGroup.ForceGroup('forces')
+# Force parameters
+force0 = LinearVectorForce(Vec3(0.0000, 0.0000, 5.0000), 1.0000, 0)
+force1 = LinearSinkForce(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, -8.0000), LinearDistanceForce.FTONEOVERRSQUARED, 14.5479, 155.9407, 1)
+force2 = LinearNoiseForce(1.7000, 0)
+force3 = LinearJitterForce(12.5698, 0)
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/fingerwag.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/fingerwag.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2661b47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/fingerwag.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+self.setPos(0.167, 0.692, 3.731)
+self.setHpr(90.000, -36.310, -0.000)
+self.setScale(1.000, 1.000, 1.000)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sprite parameters
+p0.renderer.setTextureFromNode("phase_3.5/models/props/suit-particles", "**/blah")
+p0.renderer.setColor(Vec4(1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+# Point parameters
+p0.emitter.setLocation(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+f0 = ForceGroup.ForceGroup('jfo')
+# Force parameters
+force0 = LinearJitterForce(4.0000, 0)
+force1 = LinearSourceForce(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000), LinearDistanceForce.FTONEOVERRSQUARED, 0.5000, 1.0000, 0)
+force2 = LinearSinkForce(Point3(0.0000, 1.0000, 0.0000), LinearDistanceForce.FTONEOVERRSQUARED, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1)
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/fingerwag2.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/fingerwag2.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac5c2b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/fingerwag2.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+self.setPos(0.228, 0.880, 4.314)
+self.setHpr(-2.862, -36.310, 0.000)
+self.setScale(1.000, 1.000, 1.000)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sprite parameters
+p0.renderer.setTextureFromNode("phase_3.5/models/props/suit-particles", "**/blah")
+p0.renderer.setColor(Vec4(1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+# Ring parameters
+f0 = ForceGroup.ForceGroup('jfo')
+# Force parameters
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/firedBaseFlame.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/firedBaseFlame.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8feb0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/firedBaseFlame.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+self.setPos(0.000, 0.000, 0.500)
+self.setHpr(0.000, 0.000, 0.000)
+self.setScale(2.500, 4.500, 2.500)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sprite parameters
+p0.renderer.setTextureFromNode("phase_3.5/models/props/suit-particles", "**/fire")
+p0.renderer.setColor(Vec4(1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 0.0000, 2.200))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, -30.0000))
+# Sphere Volume parameters
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/firedFlame.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/firedFlame.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce9da15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/firedFlame.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+self.setPos(0.000, 0.000, 0.500)
+self.setHpr(0.000, 0.000, 0.000)
+self.setScale(2.500, 4.500, 2.500)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sprite parameters
+p0.renderer.setTextureFromNode("phase_3.5/models/props/suit-particles", "**/fire")
+p0.renderer.setColor(Vec4(1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 0.0000, 4.800))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, -30.0000))
+# Sphere Volume parameters
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/freezeAssets.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/freezeAssets.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a161b20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/freezeAssets.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+self.setPos(0.000, 0.000, -0.200)
+self.setHpr(0.000, 0.000, 0.000)
+self.setScale(1.000, 1.000, 1.000)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sprite parameters
+p0.renderer.setTextureFromNode("phase_3.5/models/props/suit-particles", "**/snow-particle")
+p0.renderer.setColor(Vec4(1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, 5.0000))
+# Disc parameters
+f0 = ForceGroup.ForceGroup('forces')
+# Force parameters
+force0 = LinearJitterForce(15.0000, 0)
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/gearExplosion.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/gearExplosion.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5da1c6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/gearExplosion.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+self.setPos(0.000, 0.000, 4.600)
+self.setHpr(0.000, 0.000, 0.000)
+self.setScale(1.000, 1.000, 1.000)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sprite parameters
+p0.renderer.setTextureFromNode("phase_3.5/models/props/suit-particles", "**/gear")
+p0.renderer.setColor(Vec4(1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 0.0000, 9.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, -2.0000))
+# Sphere Volume parameters
+f0 = ForceGroup.ForceGroup('forces')
+# Force parameters
+force0 = LinearSinkForce(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, -79.0000), LinearDistanceForce.FTONEOVERRSQUARED, 15.9701, 95.0100, 1)
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/gearExplosionBig.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/gearExplosionBig.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77dc50b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/gearExplosionBig.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+self.setPos(0.000, 0.000, 4.600)
+self.setHpr(0.000, 0.000, 0.000)
+self.setScale(1.000, 1.000, 1.000)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sprite parameters
+p0.renderer.setTextureFromNode("phase_3.5/models/props/suit-particles", "**/gear")
+p0.renderer.setColor(Vec4(1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 0.0000, 18.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, -2.0000))
+# Sphere Volume parameters
+f0 = ForceGroup.ForceGroup('forces')
+# Force parameters
+force0 = LinearSinkForce(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, -79.0000), LinearDistanceForce.FTONEOVERRSQUARED, 15.9701, 95.0100, 1)
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/gearExplosionSmall.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/gearExplosionSmall.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db2c54b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/gearExplosionSmall.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+self.setPos(0.000, 0.000, 4.600)
+self.setHpr(0.000, 0.000, 0.000)
+self.setScale(1.000, 1.000, 1.000)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sprite parameters
+p0.renderer.setTextureFromNode("phase_3.5/models/props/suit-particles", "**/gear")
+p0.renderer.setColor(Vec4(1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 0.0000, 9.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, -2.0000))
+# Sphere Volume parameters
+f0 = ForceGroup.ForceGroup('forces')
+# Force parameters
+force0 = LinearSinkForce(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, -79.0000), LinearDistanceForce.FTONEOVERRSQUARED, 15.9701, 95.0100, 1)
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/gearExplosionWide.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/gearExplosionWide.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14b6b09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/gearExplosionWide.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+self.setPos(0.000, 0.000, 0.000)
+self.setHpr(0.000, 0.000, 0.000)
+self.setScale(1.000, 1.000, 1.000)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sprite parameters
+p0.renderer.setTextureFromNode("phase_3.5/models/props/suit-particles", "**/gear")
+p0.renderer.setColor(Vec4(1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 0.0000, 10.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, -0.5000))
+# Sphere Volume parameters
+f0 = ForceGroup.ForceGroup('forces')
+# Force parameters
+force0 = LinearSinkForce(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, -79.0000), LinearDistanceForce.FTONEOVERRSQUARED, 15.9701, 95.0000, 1)
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/guiltTrip.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/guiltTrip.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d96c2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/guiltTrip.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+self.setPos(-2.000, 2.500, 2.200)
+self.setHpr(-90.000, 0.000, 0.000)
+self.setScale(4.800, 4.800, 4.800)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sparkle parameters
+p0.renderer.setCenterColor(Vec4(1.0, 0, 0, 0.9))
+p0.renderer.setEdgeColor(Vec4(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.4))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 1.1000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, -4.0000, 0.0000))
+# Sphere Volume parameters
+f0 = ForceGroup.ForceGroup('forces')
+# Force parameters
+force0 = LinearJitterForce(14.5449, 0)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/headShrinkCloud.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/headShrinkCloud.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7afc3d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/headShrinkCloud.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+self.setPos(0.000, 0.000, 8.000)
+self.setHpr(0.000, 0.000, 0.000)
+self.setScale(1.000, 1.000, 1.000)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sparkle parameters
+p0.renderer.setCenterColor(Vec4(1, 0.84, 0, 1.00))
+p0.renderer.setEdgeColor(Vec4(1, 1, 1, 0.3))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+# Sphere Surface parameters
+f0 = ForceGroup.ForceGroup('forces')
+# Force parameters
+force0 = LinearJitterForce(33.2697, 0)
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/headShrinkDrop.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/headShrinkDrop.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c1347e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/headShrinkDrop.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+self.setPos(0.000, 0.000, 7.500)
+self.setHpr(0.000, 0.000, 0.000)
+self.setScale(2.000, 2.000, 2.000)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sparkle parameters
+p0.renderer.setCenterColor(Vec4(1, 0.84, 0, 1.00))
+p0.renderer.setEdgeColor(Vec4(1, 1, 1, 0.3))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, 4.0000))
+# Disc parameters
+f0 = ForceGroup.ForceGroup('forces')
+# Force parameters
+force0 = LinearJitterForce(0.060, 0)
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/headShrinkSpray.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/headShrinkSpray.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73c8775
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/headShrinkSpray.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+self.setPos(0.000, 2.900, 4.200)
+self.setHpr(0.000, 60.000, 0.000)
+self.setScale(1.000, 1.000, 1.000)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+p0.setPoolSize(60) #60)
+# Factory parameters
+p0.factory.setLifespanBase(1.15) #1.1200)
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sparkle parameters
+p0.renderer.setCenterColor(Vec4(1, 0.84, 0, 1.00))
+p0.renderer.setEdgeColor(Vec4(1, 1, 1, 0.3))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 5.1000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, -4.0000, 0.0000))
+# Sphere Volume parameters
+f0 = ForceGroup.ForceGroup('forces')
+# Force parameters
+force0 = LinearSinkForce(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, -4.0000), LinearDistanceForce.FTONEOVERRSQUARED, 1.0000, 2.5308, 1)
+force1 = LinearVectorForce(Vec3(0.0000, -7.0000, 0.0000), 1.0000, 0)
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/hotAirSpray.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/hotAirSpray.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5668472
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/hotAirSpray.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+self.setPos(0.000, 2.500, 3.200) # originally (0,4,4)
+self.setHpr(-180.000, 80.000, -180.000)
+self.setScale(1.000, 1.000, 1.000)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sprite parameters
+p0.renderer.setTextureFromNode("phase_3.5/models/props/suit-particles", "**/fire")
+p0.renderer.setColor(Vec4(1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 5.1000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, -4.0000, 0.0000))
+# Sphere Volume parameters
+f0 = ForceGroup.ForceGroup('forces')
+# Force parameters
+force0 = LinearSinkForce(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, -4.0000), LinearDistanceForce.FTONEOVERRSQUARED, 1.0000, 2.5308, 1)
+force1 = LinearVectorForce(Vec3(0.0000, -10.0000, 0.0000), 1.0000, 0)
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/icetnt.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/icetnt.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92c2279
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/icetnt.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+self.setPos(0.000, 0.000, -0.000)
+self.setHpr(0.000, 10.000, 0.000)
+self.setScale(1.000, 1.000, 1.000)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sprite parameters
+p0.renderer.setTextureFromNode("phase_3.5/models/props/suit-particles", "**/spark")
+p0.renderer.setColor(Vec4(1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00))
+# Sparkle parameters
+#p0.renderer.setCenterColor(Vec4(0.78, 0.78, 0, 1.00))
+#p0.renderer.setEdgeColor(Vec4(0.78, 0.78, 0, 1.00))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, -2.0000))
+# Sphere Volume parameters
+f0 = ForceGroup.ForceGroup('forces')
+# Force parameters
+force0 = LinearSinkForce(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, -19.0000), LinearDistanceForce.FTONEOVERRSQUARED, 15.9701, 95.0100, 1)
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/jargonSpray.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/jargonSpray.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1df2725
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/jargonSpray.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+self.setPos(0.000, 3.000, 4.000)
+self.setHpr(0.000, 0.000, 0.000)
+self.setScale(1.000, 1.000, 1.000)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sprite parameters
+p0.renderer.setTextureFromNode("phase_3.5/models/props/suit-particles", "**/jargon-brow")
+p0.renderer.setColor(Vec4(1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 4.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, -9.0000, 0.0000))
+# Line parameters
+p0.emitter.setEndpoint1(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setEndpoint2(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+f0 = ForceGroup.ForceGroup('forces')
+# Force parameters
+force0 = LinearJitterForce(2.1279, 0)
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/legaleseSpray.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/legaleseSpray.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ebbb7c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/legaleseSpray.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+self.setPos(0.000, 2.000, 3.000)
+self.setHpr(0.000, 0.000, 0.000)
+self.setScale(1.000, 1.000, 1.000)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sprite parameters
+p0.renderer.setTextureFromNode("phase_3.5/models/props/suit-particles", "**/buzzwords-crash")
+p0.renderer.setColor(Vec4(0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 1.00))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 7.0000, -1.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, -3.0000, 0.0000))
+# Sphere Volume parameters
+f0 = ForceGroup.ForceGroup('forces')
+# Force parameters
+force0 = LinearJitterForce(19.5449, 0)
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/liquidate.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/liquidate.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de55b8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/liquidate.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+self.setPos(0.000, 0.000, -0.200)
+self.setHpr(0.000, 0.000, 0.000)
+self.setScale(1.000, 1.000, 1.000)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sprite parameters
+p0.renderer.setTextureFromNode("phase_3.5/models/props/suit-particles", "**/raindrop")
+p0.renderer.setColor(Vec4(1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, 6.0000))
+# Sphere Volume parameters
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/mumboJumboSmother.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/mumboJumboSmother.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55d0554
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/mumboJumboSmother.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+self.setPos(0.000, 0.000, 3.000)
+self.setHpr(0.000, 0.000, 0.000)
+self.setScale(1.000, 1.000, 1.000)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sprite parameters
+p0.renderer.setTextureFromNode("phase_3.5/models/props/suit-particles", "**/mumbojumbo-iron")
+p0.renderer.setColor(Vec4(1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+# Sphere Surface parameters
+f0 = ForceGroup.ForceGroup('forces')
+# Force parameters
+force0 = LinearJitterForce(37.2697, 0)
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/mumboJumboSpray.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/mumboJumboSpray.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c56136
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/mumboJumboSpray.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+self.setPos(0.000, 4.000, 4.000)
+self.setHpr(0.000, 0.000, 0.000)
+self.setScale(1.000, 4.000, 1.000)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sprite parameters
+p0.renderer.setTextureFromNode("phase_3.5/models/props/suit-particles", "**/mumbojumbo-iron")
+p0.renderer.setColor(Vec4(1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, -9.0000, 0.0000))
+# Sphere Volume parameters
+f0 = ForceGroup.ForceGroup('forces')
+# Force parameters
+force0 = LinearJitterForce(20.4636, 0)
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/numberSpill.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/numberSpill.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66f42fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/numberSpill.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+self.setPos(0.900, 2.100, 1.90)
+self.setHpr(0.000, 0.000, 0.000)
+self.setScale(1.100, 1.100, 1.100)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sprite parameters
+p0.renderer.setTextureFromNode("phase_3.5/models/props/suit-particles", "**/raindrop")
+p0.renderer.setColor(Vec4(0, 0, 0, 1.00))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, -2.0000))
+# Sphere Volume parameters
+f0 = ForceGroup.ForceGroup('forces')
+# Force parameters
+force0 = LinearSinkForce(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, -33.0000), LinearDistanceForce.FTONEOVERRSQUARED, 15.9701, 95.0100, 1)
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/numberSpray.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/numberSpray.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..906e047
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/numberSpray.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+self.setPos(0.000, 2.700, 3.900)
+self.setHpr(-180.000, 80.000, -180.000)
+self.setScale(1.000, 1.000, 1.000)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sprite parameters
+p0.renderer.setTextureFromNode("phase_3.5/models/props/suit-particles", "**/fire")
+p0.renderer.setColor(Vec4(0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 1.00))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 9.1000, -4.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, -4.0000, 0.0000))
+# Sphere Volume parameters
+f0 = ForceGroup.ForceGroup('forces')
+# Force parameters
+force0 = LinearSinkForce(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, -3.5000), LinearDistanceForce.FTONEOVERRSQUARED, 1.0000, 2.5308, 1)
+force1 = LinearVectorForce(Vec3(0.0000, -10.0000, 0.0000), 1.0000, 0)
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/penSpill.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/penSpill.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49e2edd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/penSpill.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+self.setPos(0.000, 0.000, -0.600)
+self.setHpr(0.000, 0.000, -90.000)
+self.setScale(1.100, 1.100, 1.100)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sprite parameters
+p0.renderer.setTextureFromNode("phase_3.5/models/props/suit-particles", "**/raindrop")
+p0.renderer.setColor(Vec4(0, 0, 0, 1.00))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, -2.0000))
+# Sphere Volume parameters
+f0 = ForceGroup.ForceGroup('forces')
+# Force parameters
+force0 = LinearSinkForce(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, -99.0000), LinearDistanceForce.FTONEOVERRSQUARED, 15.9701, 95.0100, 1)
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/pixieDrop.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/pixieDrop.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d78d548
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/pixieDrop.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+self.setPos(0.000, 0.000, 6.000)
+self.setHpr(0.000, 0.000, 0.000)
+self.setScale(2.000, 2.000, 2.000)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sparkle parameters
+p0.renderer.setCenterColor(Vec4(1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00))
+p0.renderer.setEdgeColor(Vec4(0.00, 0.00, 1.00, 1.00))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, 4.0000))
+# Disc parameters
+f0 = ForceGroup.ForceGroup('forces')
+# Force parameters
+force0 = LinearJitterForce(3.6003, 0)
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/pixieExplode.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/pixieExplode.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2b05fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/pixieExplode.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+self.setPos(2.500, 0.000, 2.500)
+self.setHpr(0.000, 0.000, 0.000)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sparkle parameters
+p0.renderer.setCenterColor(Vec4(1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00))
+p0.renderer.setEdgeColor(Vec4(0.00, 0.00, 1.00, 1.00))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(-0.1000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.5000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, -4.0000, 0.0000))
+# Sphere Volume parameters
+f0 = ForceGroup.ForceGroup('forces')
+# Force parameters
+force0 = LinearJitterForce(2.0000, 0)
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/pixiePoof.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/pixiePoof.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7d8317
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/pixiePoof.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+self.setPos(0.000, 0.000, 3.000)
+self.setHpr(0.000, 0.000, 0.000)
+self.setScale(1.000, 1.000, 1.000)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sparkle parameters
+p0.renderer.setCenterColor(Vec4(1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00))
+p0.renderer.setEdgeColor(Vec4(0.04, 0.04, 1.00, 1.00))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+# Sphere Volume parameters
+f0 = ForceGroup.ForceGroup('forces')
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/pixieSpray.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/pixieSpray.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1f877d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/pixieSpray.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+self.setPos(2.00, 0.000, 4.00)
+self.setHpr(-90.000, 45.000, 0.000)
+self.setScale(4.000, 4.000, 4.000)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sparkle parameters
+p0.renderer.setCenterColor(Vec4(1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00))
+p0.renderer.setEdgeColor(Vec4(0.00, 0.00, 1.00, 1.00))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, -3.0000, 0.0000))
+# Disc parameters
+f0 = ForceGroup.ForceGroup('forces')
+# Force parameters
+force0 = LinearSinkForce(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, -30.0000), LinearDistanceForce.FTONEOVERRSQUARED, 3.0400, 1.5000, 1)
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/pixieWall.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/pixieWall.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ea660a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/pixieWall.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+self.setPos(2.500, 0.000, 2.500)
+self.setHpr(-90.000, 90.000, -180.000)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sparkle parameters
+p0.renderer.setCenterColor(Vec4(1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00))
+p0.renderer.setEdgeColor(Vec4(0.00, 0.00, 1.00, 1.00))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, -1.0000))
+# Disc parameters
+f0 = ForceGroup.ForceGroup('forces')
+# Force parameters
+force0 = LinearNoiseForce(0.0500, 0)
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/poundkey.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/poundkey.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0d4047
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/poundkey.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+self.setPos(-0.500, 1.000, 3.100)
+self.setHpr(-180.000, -0.000, 180.000)
+self.setScale(1.000, 1.000, 1.000)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sprite parameters
+p0.renderer.setTextureFromNode("phase_3.5/models/props/suit-particles", "**/poundsign")
+p0.renderer.setColor(Vec4(1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, 4.0000, 0.0000))
+# Sphere Volume parameters
+f0 = ForceGroup.ForceGroup('forces')
+# Force parameters
+force0 = LinearVectorForce(Vec3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000), 100.0000, 0)
+force0 = LinearJitterForce(4.5449, 0)
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/powertrip.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/powertrip.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4627432
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/powertrip.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+self.setPos(-2.000, 2.500, 2.200)
+self.setHpr(-90.000, 0.000, 0.000)
+self.setScale(4.800, 4.800, 4.800)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sparkle parameters
+p0.renderer.setCenterColor(Vec4(0.1, 0.95, 0.2, 1.00))
+p0.renderer.setEdgeColor(Vec4(0, 0, 0, 1.00))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 1.1000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, -4.0000, 0.0000))
+# Sphere Volume parameters
+f0 = ForceGroup.ForceGroup('forces')
+# Force parameters
+force0 = LinearSinkForce(Point3(10.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000), LinearDistanceForce.FTONEOVERRSQUARED, 1.0000, 2.5308, 1)
+force1 = LinearVectorForce(Vec3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000), 1.0000, 0)
+force2 = LinearJitterForce(4.5449, 0)
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/powertrip2.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/powertrip2.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5ecf64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/powertrip2.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+self.setPos(-2.000, 2.500, 2.200)
+self.setHpr(-90.000, 0.000, 0.000)
+self.setScale(4.800, 4.800, 4.800)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sparkle parameters
+p0.renderer.setCenterColor(Vec4(0.1, 0.95, 0.2, 1.00))
+p0.renderer.setEdgeColor(Vec4(0, 0, 0, 1.00))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 1.1000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, -4.0000, 0.0000))
+# Sphere Volume parameters
+f0 = ForceGroup.ForceGroup('forces')
+# Force parameters
+force0 = LinearSinkForce(Point3(-10.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000), LinearDistanceForce.FTONEOVERRSQUARED, 1.0000, 2.5308, 1)
+force1 = LinearVectorForce(Vec3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000), 1.0000, 0)
+force2 = LinearJitterForce(4.5449, 0)
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/reorgCloud.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/reorgCloud.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9eb1d9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/reorgCloud.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+self.setPos(0.000, 0.000, 3.000)
+self.setHpr(0.000, 0.000, 0.000)
+self.setScale(2.000, 2.000, 2.000)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sprite parameters
+p0.renderer.setTextureFromNode("phase_3.5/models/props/suit-particles", "**/snow-particle")
+p0.renderer.setColor(Vec4(1.00, 0.00, 0.00, 1.00))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+# Sphere Surface parameters
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/reorgSpray.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/reorgSpray.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7ae486
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/reorgSpray.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+self.setPos(0.000, 5.700, 2.700)
+self.setHpr(0.000, 0.000, 0.000)
+self.setScale(1.000, 1.000, 1.000)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sprite parameters
+p0.renderer.setTextureFromNode("phase_3.5/models/props/suit-particles", "**/snow-particle")
+p0.renderer.setColor(Vec4(1.00, 0.00, 0.00, 1.00))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 6.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, -4.0000, 0.0000))
+# Sphere Volume parameters
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/restrainingOrderCloud.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/restrainingOrderCloud.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60c581e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/restrainingOrderCloud.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+self.setPos(0.000, 4.000, 3.000)
+self.setHpr(-180.000, 0.000, 0.000)
+self.setScale(1.000, 1.000, 1.000)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sprite parameters
+p0.renderer.setTextureFromNode("phase_3.5/models/props/suit-particles", "**/roll-o-dex")
+p0.renderer.setColor(Vec4(1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 6.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, -18.0000, 0.0000))
+# Sphere Volume parameters
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/rollodexStream.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/rollodexStream.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b265c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/rollodexStream.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+self.setPos(0.107, 2.799, 3.400)
+self.setHpr(89.908, -20.000, 179.476)
+self.setScale(1.000, 1.000, 1.000)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sprite parameters
+p0.renderer.setTextureFromNode("phase_3.5/models/props/suit-particles", "**/rollodex-card")
+p0.renderer.setColor(Vec4(1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+# Point parameters
+p0.emitter.setLocation(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+f0 = ForceGroup.ForceGroup('forward')
+# Force parameters
+force0 = LinearSourceForce(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000), LinearDistanceForce.FTONEOVERRSQUARED, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1)
+force1 = LinearJitterForce(19.1346, 0)
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/rollodexVortex.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/rollodexVortex.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c68aff1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/rollodexVortex.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+self.setPos(-0.003, 2.465, 3.714)
+self.setHpr(84.924, 13.378, 56.334) #(70.004, -75.422, 35.756)
+self.setScale(1.000, 1.000, 1.000)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sprite parameters
+p0.renderer.setTextureFromNode("phase_3.5/models/props/suit-particles", "**/rollodex-card")
+p0.renderer.setColor(Vec4(1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+# Tangent Ring parameters
+f0 = ForceGroup.ForceGroup('forward')
+# Force parameters
+force0 = LinearSourceForce(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000), LinearDistanceForce.FTONEOVERRSQUARED, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1)
+force1 = LinearSinkForce(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000), LinearDistanceForce.FTONEOVERRSQUARED, 5.0000, 6.0000, 0)
+force2 = LinearCylinderVortexForce(1.0000, 1.0000, 15.0000, 1.0000, 0)
+force3 = LinearSourceForce(Point3(0.5000, 0.0000, 1.0000), LinearDistanceForce.FTONEOVERRCUBED, 4.0000, 4.0000, 1)
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/rollodexWaterfall.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/rollodexWaterfall.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7213529
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/rollodexWaterfall.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+self.setPos(-0.160, 2.942, 3.400)
+self.setHpr(89.908, -20.000, 179.476)
+self.setScale(1.000, 1.000, 1.000)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sprite parameters
+p0.renderer.setTextureFromNode("phase_3.5/models/props/suit-particles", "**/rollodex-card")
+p0.renderer.setColor(Vec4(1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+# Sphere Surface parameters
+f0 = ForceGroup.ForceGroup('forward')
+# Force parameters
+force0 = LinearSourceForce(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000), LinearDistanceForce.FTONEOVERRSQUARED, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1)
+force1 = LinearSinkForce(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, 10.0000), LinearDistanceForce.FTONEOVERRCUBED, 2.9550, 50.0000, 1)
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/schmoozeLowerSpray.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/schmoozeLowerSpray.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38e18b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/schmoozeLowerSpray.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+self.setPos(0.000, 6.600, 3.290)
+self.setHpr(0.000, -55.000, 0.000)
+self.setScale(1.000, 1.000, 1.000)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sprite parameters
+p0.renderer.setTextureFromNode("phase_3.5/models/props/suit-particles", "**/schmooze-master")
+p0.renderer.setColor(Vec4(1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 11.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, -1.0000, 0.0000))
+# Sphere Volume parameters
+f0 = ForceGroup.ForceGroup('forces')
+# Force parameters
+force0 = LinearSinkForce(Point3(0.0000, -23.0000, 9.0000), LinearDistanceForce.FTONEOVERRSQUARED, 1.0000, 1.3661, 1)
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/schmoozeUpperSpray.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/schmoozeUpperSpray.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5827f71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/schmoozeUpperSpray.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+self.setPos(0.000, 3.000, 4.000)
+self.setHpr(0.000, 55.000, 0.000)
+self.setScale(1.000, 1.000, 1.000)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sprite parameters
+p0.renderer.setTextureFromNode("phase_3.5/models/props/suit-particles", "**/schmooze-master")
+p0.renderer.setColor(Vec4(1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 11.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, -1.0000, 0.0000))
+# Sphere Volume parameters
+f0 = ForceGroup.ForceGroup('forces')
+# Force parameters
+force0 = LinearSinkForce(Point3(0.0000, -23.0000, -9.0000), LinearDistanceForce.FTONEOVERRSQUARED, 1.0000, 1.3661, 1)
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/shiftSpray.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/shiftSpray.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e19313
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/shiftSpray.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+self.setPos(0.000, 5.000, 2.300)
+self.setHpr(0.000, -55.000, 0.000)
+self.setScale(9.000, 9.000, 9.000)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sparkle parameters
+p0.renderer.setCenterColor(Vec4(1.00, 1.00, 0.00, 0.9))
+p0.renderer.setEdgeColor(Vec4(1.00, 1.00, 0.00, 0.6))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, -3.0000, 0.0000))
+f0 = ForceGroup.ForceGroup('forces')
+# Force parameters
+force0 = LinearSinkForce(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, 96.0000), LinearDistanceForce.FTONEOVERRSQUARED, 3.0400, 1.5000, 1)
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/shred.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/shred.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50a19da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/shred.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+self.setPos(0.000, 3.000, 2.300)
+self.setHpr(0.000, 0.000, 0.000)
+self.setScale(1.000, 1.000, 1.000)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sprite parameters
+p0.renderer.setTextureFromNode("phase_3.5/models/props/suit-particles", "**/roll-o-dex")
+p0.renderer.setColor(Vec4(1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 3.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, -7.0000, 0.0000))
+# Sphere Volume parameters
+f0 = ForceGroup.ForceGroup('forces')
+# Force parameters
+force0 = LinearVectorForce(Vec3(0.0000, 0.0000, 5.0000), 1.0000, 0)
+force1 = LinearSinkForce(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, -8.0000), LinearDistanceForce.FTONEOVERRSQUARED, 14.5479, 155.9407, 1)
+force2 = LinearNoiseForce(1.7000, 0)
+force3 = LinearJitterForce(12.5698, 0)
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/smile.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/smile.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0abfae5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/smile.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+self.setPos(0.0, 0.0, 2.000)
+self.setHpr(85.000, 0.000, 90.000)
+#self.setScale(1.000, 1.000, 1.000)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sparkle parameters
+p0.renderer.setCenterColor(Vec4(1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00))
+p0.renderer.setEdgeColor(Vec4(1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+# Ring parameters
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/soundBreak.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/soundBreak.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e877236
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/soundBreak.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+self.setPos(0.000, 0.000, 0.000)
+self.setHpr(0.000, 0.000, 0.000)
+self.setScale(1.000, 1.000, 1.000)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Z Spin factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sprite parameters
+p0.renderer.setTextureFromNode("phase_5/models/props/uberSoundEffects", "**/break")
+p0.renderer.setColor(Vec4(1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+# Point parameters
+p0.emitter.setLocation(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/soundWave.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/soundWave.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d820cce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/soundWave.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+self.setPos(0.000, 0.000, 0.000)
+self.setHpr(0.000, 0.000, 0.000)
+self.setScale(7.000, 7.000, 7.000)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sprite parameters
+p0.renderer.setTextureFromNode("phase_5/models/props/uberSoundEffects", "**/Circle")
+p0.renderer.setColor(Vec4(1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00))
+p0.renderer.setColorBlendMode(ColorBlendAttrib.MAdd, ColorBlendAttrib.OIncomingAlpha, ColorBlendAttrib.OOne)
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+# Point parameters
+p0.emitter.setLocation(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/spinEffect.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/spinEffect.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd95970
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/spinEffect.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+self.setScale(0.040, 0.040, 0.040)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sprite parameters
+p0.renderer.setTextureFromNode("phase_3.5/models/props/suit-particles", "**/snow-particle")
+p0.renderer.setColor(Vec4(1.00, 0.00, 0.00, 1.00))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 0.000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, -4.0000))
+# Sphere Volume parameters
+f0 = ForceGroup.ForceGroup('forces')
+# Force parameters
+force0 = LinearSinkForce(Point3(0.0000, 1.2000, 0.0000), LinearDistanceForce.FTONEOVERRSQUARED,1.0000, 20, 1)
+force1 = LinearJitterForce(5.0000, 0)
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/spinSpray.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/spinSpray.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..612c751
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/spinSpray.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+self.setPos(0.000, 6.500, 3.200)
+self.setHpr(50.000, -0.000, -90.000)
+self.setScale(1.000, 1.000, 1.000)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sprite parameters
+p0.renderer.setTextureFromNode("phase_3.5/models/props/suit-particles", "**/snow-particle")
+p0.renderer.setColor(Vec4(1.00, 0.00, 0.00, 1.00))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 0.000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, -4.0000, 0.0000))
+# Sphere Volume parameters
+f0 = ForceGroup.ForceGroup('forces')
+# Force parameters
+force0 = LinearSinkForce(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, -3.0000), LinearDistanceForce.FTONEOVERRSQUARED, 1.0000, 2.5308, 1)
+force1 = LinearVectorForce(Vec3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000), 1.0000, 0)
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/splashlines.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/splashlines.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2438a31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/splashlines.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+self.setPos(0.000, 0.000, 0.000)
+self.setHpr(0.000, 0.000, 0.000)
+self.setScale(1.000, 1.000, 1.000)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Line parameters
+p0.renderer.setHeadColor(Vec4(0.02, 0.67, 0.92, 1.00))
+p0.renderer.setTailColor(Vec4(1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 0.0000, 9.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, -2.0000))
+# Sphere Volume parameters
+f0 = ForceGroup.ForceGroup('forces')
+# Force parameters
+force0 = LinearSinkForce(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, -79.0000), LinearDistanceForce.FTONEOVERRSQUARED, 15.9701, 95.0100, 1)
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/spriteFiredFlecks.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/spriteFiredFlecks.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..274499c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/spriteFiredFlecks.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+self.setPos(0.000, 0.000, 2.000)
+self.setHpr(0.000, 0.000, 0.000)
+self.setScale(1.000, 1.000, 1.000)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sprite parameters
+p0.renderer.setTextureFromNode("phase_3.5/models/props/suit-particles", "**/roll-o-dex")
+p0.renderer.setColor(Vec4(1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 0.0000, 4.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, -4.0000))
+# Sphere Volume parameters
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/synergy.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/synergy.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e367cc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/synergy.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+self.setPos(0, 7.8, 0.4)
+self.setHpr(90.000, 0.000, 0.000)
+self.setScale(1.000, 1.000, 1.000)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sprite parameters
+p0.renderer.setTextureFromNode("phase_3.5/models/props/suit-particles", "**/dollar-sign")
+p0.renderer.setColor(Vec4(0.00, 1.00, 0.00, 1.00))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(-4.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+# Ring parameters
+f0 = ForceGroup.ForceGroup('jfo')
+# Force parameters
+force0 = LinearJitterForce(1.0000, 0)
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/synergyWaterfall.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/synergyWaterfall.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca2dd16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/synergyWaterfall.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+self.setPos(0.000, 5.000, 2.300)
+self.setHpr(0.000, -45.000, 0.000)
+self.setScale(4.000, 4.000, 4.000)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sprite parameters
+p0.renderer.setTextureFromNode("phase_3.5/models/props/suit-particles", "**/dollar-sign")
+p0.renderer.setColor(Vec4(0.00, 1.00, 0.00, 1.00))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, -3.0000, 0.0000))
+# Disc parameters
+f0 = ForceGroup.ForceGroup('forces')
+# Force parameters
+force0 = LinearSinkForce(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, -15.0000), LinearDistanceForce.FTONEOVERRSQUARED, 3.0400, 1.5000, 1)
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/tnt.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/tnt.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7fca794
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/tnt.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+self.setPos(0.000, 0.000, -0.600)
+self.setHpr(0.000, 10.000, 0.000)
+self.setScale(1.000, 1.000, 1.000)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sprite parameters
+p0.renderer.setTextureFromNode("phase_3.5/models/props/suit-particles", "**/spark")
+p0.renderer.setColor(Vec4(1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00))
+# Sparkle parameters
+#p0.renderer.setCenterColor(Vec4(0.78, 0.78, 0, 1.00))
+#p0.renderer.setEdgeColor(Vec4(0.78, 0.78, 0, 1.00))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, -2.0000))
+# Sphere Volume parameters
+f0 = ForceGroup.ForceGroup('forces')
+# Force parameters
+force0 = LinearSinkForce(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, -19.0000), LinearDistanceForce.FTONEOVERRSQUARED, 15.9701, 95.0100, 1)
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/trickleLiquidate.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/trickleLiquidate.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09398c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/trickleLiquidate.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+self.setPos(0.000, 0.000, -0.200)
+self.setHpr(0.000, 0.000, 0.000)
+self.setScale(1.000, 1.000, 1.000)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sprite parameters
+p0.renderer.setTextureFromNode("phase_3.5/models/props/suit-particles", "**/raindrop")
+p0.renderer.setColor(Vec4(1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, 6.0000))
+# Sphere Volume parameters
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/waterfall.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/waterfall.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..953d2ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/waterfall.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+self.setPos(0.000, 5.000, 2.300)
+self.setHpr(0.000, -45.000, 0.000)
+self.setScale(4.000, 4.000, 4.000)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sparkle parameters
+p0.renderer.setCenterColor(Vec4(0.1, 0.95, 0.2, 1.00))
+p0.renderer.setEdgeColor(Vec4(0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 1.00))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, -3.0000, 0.0000))
+# Disc parameters
+f0 = ForceGroup.ForceGroup('forces')
+# Force parameters
+force0 = LinearSinkForce(Point3(0.0000, 0.0000, -30.0000), LinearDistanceForce.FTONEOVERRSQUARED, 3.0400, 1.5000, 1)
diff --git a/toontown/src/battle/withdrawal.ptf b/toontown/src/battle/withdrawal.ptf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f204200
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/battle/withdrawal.ptf
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+self.setPos(0.000, 10.000, 2.500)
+self.setHpr(-180.000, 0.000, 0.000)
+self.setScale(4.000, 4.000, 4.000)
+p0 = Particles.Particles('particles-1')
+# Particles parameters
+# Factory parameters
+# Point factory parameters
+# Renderer parameters
+# Sprite parameters
+p0.renderer.setTextureFromNode("phase_3.5/models/props/suit-particles", "**/snow-particle")
+p0.renderer.setColor(Vec4(1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00))
+# Line parameters
+#p0.renderer.setHeadColor(Vec4(1.00, 0.00, 0.00, 1.00))
+#p0.renderer.setTailColor(Vec4(1.00, 0.00, 0.00, 1.00))
+# Emitter parameters
+p0.emitter.setOffsetForce(Vec3(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setExplicitLaunchVector(Vec3(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000))
+p0.emitter.setRadiateOrigin(Point3(0.0000, 1.5000, 0.0000))
+# Disc parameters
+f0 = ForceGroup.ForceGroup('forces')
+# Force parameters
+force0 = LinearVectorForce(Vec3(0.0000, 1.0000, 0.0000), 1.0000, 0)
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/.cvsignore b/toontown/src/building/.cvsignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..985f113
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/.cvsignore
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14b1cb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from direct.task.Task import Task
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+from toontown.effects import DustCloud
+class BoardingGroupShow:
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('BoardingGroupShow')
+ thresholdRunDistance = 25.0
+ def __init__(self, toon):
+ self.toon = toon
+ self.avId = self.toon.doId
+ self.dustCloudIval = None
+ if __debug__:
+ base.bgs = self
+ def cleanup(self):
+ # Cleanup only for the local avatar.
+ if (localAvatar.doId == self.avId):
+ self.__stopTimer()
+ self.clock.removeNode()
+ def startTimer(self):
+## ts = globalClockDelta.localElapsedTime(timestamp)
+ # Start the countdown clock...
+ self.clockNode = TextNode("elevatorClock")
+ self.clockNode.setFont(ToontownGlobals.getSignFont())
+ self.clockNode.setAlign(TextNode.ACenter)
+ self.clockNode.setTextColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1)
+ self.clockNode.setText(str(int(self.countdownDuration)))
+ self.clock = aspect2d.attachNewNode(self.clockNode)
+ # TODO: Get the right coordinates for the elevator clock.
+ ## self.clock.setPosHprScale(0, 2.0, 7.5,
+ ## 0, 0, 0,
+ ## 2.0, 2.0, 2.0)
+ self.clock.setPos(0, 0, -0.6)
+ self.clock.setScale(0.15, 0.15, 0.15)
+## if ts < countdownTime:
+## self.__countdown(countdownTime - ts, self.__boardingElevatorTimerExpired)
+ self.__countdown(self.countdownDuration, self.__boardingElevatorTimerExpired)
+ def __countdown(self, duration, callback):
+ """
+ Spawn the timer task for duration seconds.
+ Calls callback when the timer is up
+ """
+ self.countdownTask = Task(self.__timerTask)
+ self.countdownTask.duration = duration
+ self.countdownTask.callback = callback
+ taskMgr.remove(self.uniqueName(self.avId))
+ return taskMgr.add(self.countdownTask, self.uniqueName(self.avId))
+ def __timerTask(self, task):
+ """
+ This is the task for the countdown.
+ """
+ countdownTime = int(task.duration - task.time)
+ timeStr = self.timeWarningText + str(countdownTime)
+ if self.clockNode.getText() != timeStr:
+ self.clockNode.setText(timeStr)
+ if task.time >= task.duration:
+ # Time is up, call the callback and return Task.done
+ if task.callback:
+ task.callback()
+ return Task.done
+ else:
+ return Task.cont
+ def __boardingElevatorTimerExpired(self):
+ """
+ This is where the control goes as soon as the countdown finishes.
+ """
+ self.notify.debug('__boardingElevatorTimerExpired')
+ self.clock.removeNode()
+ def __stopTimer(self):
+ """
+ Get rid of any countdowns
+ """
+ if self.countdownTask:
+ self.countdownTask.callback = None
+ taskMgr.remove(self.countdownTask)
+ def uniqueName(self, avId):
+ """
+ Here we're making our own uniqueName method, each avId's sequence should be unique.
+ """
+ uniqueName = "boardingElevatorTimerTask-" + str(avId)
+ return uniqueName
+ def getBoardingTrack(self, elevatorModel, offset, offsetWrtRender, wantToonRotation):
+ """
+ Return an interval of the toon teleporting/running to the front of the elevator.
+ This method is called from the elevator.
+ Note: The offset is to where the toon will teleport/run to. This offset has to be
+ calculated wrt the parent of the toon.
+ Eg: For the CogKart the offset should be computed wrt to the cogKart because the
+ toon is parented to the cogKart.
+ For the other elevators the offset should be computer wrt to render because the
+ toon is parented to render.
+ """
+ self.timeWarningText = TTLocalizer.BoardingTimeWarning
+ self.countdownDuration = 6
+ boardingTrack = Sequence()
+ # Do anything only if the toon exists.
+ if self.toon:
+ # Do the whole timer only for the local avatar
+ if (self.avId == localAvatar.doId):
+ boardingTrack.append(Func(self.startTimer))
+ isInThresholdDist = self.__isInThresholdDist(elevatorModel, offset, self.thresholdRunDistance)
+ isRunPathClear = self.__isRunPathClear(elevatorModel, offsetWrtRender)
+ if isInThresholdDist and isRunPathClear:
+ boardingTrack.append(self.__getRunTrack(elevatorModel, offset, wantToonRotation))
+ trackType = TRACK_TYPE_RUN
+ else:
+ if self.toon.isDisguised:
+ boardingTrack.append(self.__getPoofTeleportTrack(elevatorModel, offset, wantToonRotation))
+ trackType = TRACK_TYPE_POOF
+ else:
+ boardingTrack.append(self.__getTeleportTrack(elevatorModel, offset, wantToonRotation))
+ # Else return an empty boarding track.
+ else:
+ pass
+ # Cleanup whatever you have created in this class at the end of the interval.
+ # We don't need this object any more.
+ boardingTrack.append(Func(self.cleanup))
+ return (boardingTrack, trackType)
+ def __getOffsetPos(self, elevatorModel, offset):
+ """
+ Get the offset position to where the toon might have to
+ teleport to or run to.
+ Note: This is the pos reletive to the elevator.
+ """
+ dest = elevatorModel.getPos(self.toon.getParent())
+ dest += Vec3(*offset)
+ return dest
+ def __getTeleportTrack(self, elevatorModel, offset, wantToonRotation):
+ """
+ We get the teleport track when the toon is outside the
+ threshold distance away from the elevator.
+ The Teleport Track is an interval of the toon teleporting to the
+ elevator seat's offset position. After it reaches the offset position
+ the boarding the elevator animation takes over.
+ """
+ teleportTrack = Sequence()
+ # Do anything only if the toon exists.
+ if self.toon:
+ if wantToonRotation:
+ teleportTrack.append(Func(self.toon.headsUp, elevatorModel, offset))
+ teleportTrack.append(Func(self.toon.setAnimState, 'TeleportOut'))
+ teleportTrack.append(Wait(3.5))
+ teleportTrack.append(Func(self.toon.setPos, Point3(offset)))
+ teleportTrack.append(Func(self.toon.setAnimState, 'TeleportIn'))
+ teleportTrack.append(Wait(1))
+ # Else return an empty teleport track.
+ else:
+ pass
+ return teleportTrack
+ def __getPoofTeleportTrack(self, elevatorModel, offset, wantToonRotation):
+ """
+ We get the poof teleport track when the toon is outside the
+ threshold distance away from the elevator
+ and when the toon is disguised in a cog suit.
+ The Poof Teleport Track is an interval of the toon poofing out
+ and poofing into the elevator seat's offset position.
+ After it reaches the offset position
+ the boarding the elevator animation takes over.
+ """
+ teleportTrack = Sequence()
+ if wantToonRotation:
+ teleportTrack.append(Func(self.toon.headsUp, elevatorModel, offset))
+ def getDustCloudPos():
+ toonPos = self.toon.getPos(render)
+ return Point3(toonPos.getX(), toonPos.getY(), toonPos.getZ() + 3)
+ def cleanupDustCloudIval():
+ if self.dustCloudIval:
+ self.dustCloudIval.finish()
+ self.dustCloudIval = None
+ def getDustCloudIval():
+ # Clean up any dust cloud before starting another one
+ cleanupDustCloudIval()
+ dustCloud = DustCloud.DustCloud(fBillboard = 0,wantSound = 1)
+ dustCloud.setBillboardAxis(2.)
+ dustCloud.setZ(3)
+ dustCloud.setScale(0.4)
+ dustCloud.createTrack()
+ self.dustCloudIval = Sequence(Func(dustCloud.reparentTo, render),
+ Func(dustCloud.setPos, getDustCloudPos()),
+ dustCloud.track,
+ Func(dustCloud.detachNode),
+ Func(dustCloud.destroy),
+ name = 'dustCloadIval'
+ )
+ self.dustCloudIval.start()
+ # Do anything only if the toon exists.
+ if self.toon:
+ teleportTrack.append(Func(self.toon.setAnimState, 'neutral'))
+ teleportTrack.append(Wait(0.5))
+ teleportTrack.append(Func(getDustCloudIval))
+ teleportTrack.append(Wait(0.25))
+ teleportTrack.append(Func(self.toon.hide))
+ teleportTrack.append(Wait(1.5))
+ teleportTrack.append(Func(self.toon.setPos, Point3(offset)))
+ teleportTrack.append(Func(getDustCloudIval))
+ teleportTrack.append(Wait(0.25))
+ teleportTrack.append(Func(
+ teleportTrack.append(Wait(0.5))
+ # Clean up the dust cloud interval once it is done.
+ teleportTrack.append(Func(cleanupDustCloudIval))
+ # Else return an empty teleport track.
+ else:
+ pass
+ return teleportTrack
+ def __getRunTrack(self, elevatorModel, offset, wantToonRotation):
+ """
+ We get the run track when the toon is within the threshold distance
+ away from the elevator.
+ The Run Track is an interval of the toon running to the
+ elevator seat's offset position. After it reaches the offset position
+ the boarding the elevator animation takes over.
+ """
+ runTrack = Sequence()
+ # Do anything only if the toon exists.
+ if self.toon:
+ if wantToonRotation:
+ runTrack.append(Func(self.toon.headsUp, elevatorModel, offset))
+ if self.toon.isDisguised:
+ runTrack.append(Func(self.toon.suit.loop, "walk"))
+ else:
+ runTrack.append(Func(self.toon.setAnimState, 'run'))
+ runTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(self.toon, 1, Point3(offset)))
+ # Else return an empty run track.
+ else:
+ pass
+ return runTrack
+ def __isInThresholdDist(self, elevatorModel, offset, thresholdDist):
+ """
+ Checks to see if the toon is within the threshold distance
+ from the elevator.
+ """
+ diff = Point3(offset) - self.toon.getPos()
+ if (diff.length() > thresholdDist):
+ return False
+ else:
+ return True
+ def __isRunPathClear(self, elevatorModel, offsetWrtRender):
+ pathClear = True
+ source = self.toon.getPos(render)
+ dest = offsetWrtRender
+ # Shoot collision ray from toon to elevator
+ collSegment = CollisionSegment(source[0], source[1], source[2],
+ dest[0], dest[1], dest[2])
+ fromObject = render.attachNewNode(CollisionNode('runCollSegment'))
+ fromObject.node().addSolid(collSegment)
+ fromObject.node().setFromCollideMask(ToontownGlobals.WallBitmask)
+ fromObject.node().setIntoCollideMask(BitMask32.allOff())
+ queue = CollisionHandlerQueue()
+ base.cTrav.addCollider(fromObject, queue)
+ base.cTrav.traverse(render)
+ queue.sortEntries()
+ if queue.getNumEntries():
+ # Go through all the collision entries
+ for entryNum in xrange(queue.getNumEntries()):
+ entry = queue.getEntry(entryNum)
+ hitObject = entry.getIntoNodePath()
+ # This collision ray might collide against another toon standing in front of it
+ # Ignore any toon, including self toon
+ # Every toon has a netTag('pieCode') = 3
+ if (hitObject.getNetTag('pieCode') != '3'):
+ # This must be a something with a wall bit mask that is not a toon
+ pathClear = False
+ base.cTrav.removeCollider(fromObject)
+ fromObject.removeNode()
+ return pathClear
+ def getGoButtonShow(self, elevatorName):
+ """
+ Return an interval of the toon teleporting out with the time.
+ This method is called from DistributedBoardingParty.
+ """
+ self.elevatorName = elevatorName
+ self.timeWarningText = TTLocalizer.BoardingGoShow %self.elevatorName
+ self.countdownDuration = 4
+ goButtonShow = Sequence()
+ # Do anything only if the toon exists.
+ if self.toon:
+ # Do the whole timer only for the local avatar
+ if (self.avId == localAvatar.doId):
+ goButtonShow.append(Func(self.startTimer))
+ goButtonShow.append(self.__getTeleportOutTrack())
+ goButtonShow.append(Wait(3))
+ # Cleanup whatever you have created in this class at the end of the interval.
+ # We don't need this object any more.
+ goButtonShow.append(Func(self.cleanup))
+ return goButtonShow
+ def __getTeleportOutTrack(self):
+ """
+ Return an interval of the toon teleporting out.
+ """
+ teleportOutTrack = Sequence()
+ # Do anything only if the toon exists.
+ if self.toon and not self.toon.isDisguised:
+ teleportOutTrack.append(Func(self.toon.b_setAnimState, 'TeleportOut'))
+ return teleportOutTrack
+ def getGoButtonPreShow(self):
+ """
+ Return an interval showing time left for the pre show.
+ """
+ self.timeWarningText = TTLocalizer.BoardingGoPreShow
+ self.countdownDuration = 4
+ goButtonPreShow = Sequence()
+ # Do anything only if the toon exists.
+ if self.toon:
+ # Do the whole timer only for the local avatar
+ if (self.avId == localAvatar.doId):
+ goButtonPreShow.append(Func(self.startTimer))
+ goButtonPreShow.append(Wait(3))
+ # Cleanup whatever you have created in this class at the end of the interval.
+ # We don't need this object any more.
+ goButtonPreShow.append(Func(self.cleanup))
+ return goButtonPreShow
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..823ebd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+from otp.otpbase import OTPGlobals
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+import copy
+# elevator boarding codes
+class BoardingPartyBase:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.groupListDict = {} #key->leaderId : [members],[invitees],[banned]
+ self.avIdDict = {} #pointer from each member to a leaderId
+ def cleanup(self):
+ del self.groupListDict
+ del self.avIdDict
+ def getGroupSize(self):
+ return self.maxSize
+ def setGroupSize(self, groupSize):
+ self.maxSize = groupSize
+ def getGroupLeader(self, avatarId):
+ if self.avIdDict.has_key(avatarId):
+ leaderId = self.avIdDict[avatarId]
+ return leaderId
+ else:
+ return None
+ def isGroupLeader(self, avatarId):
+ leaderId = self.getGroupLeader(avatarId)
+ if (avatarId == leaderId):
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def getGroupMemberList(self, avatarId):
+ """
+ returns the memberlist with the leader at index 0
+ """
+ if self.avIdDict.has_key(avatarId):
+ leaderId = self.avIdDict[avatarId]
+ group = self.groupListDict.get(leaderId)
+ if group:
+ returnList = copy.copy(group[0])
+ if 0 in returnList:
+ returnList.remove(0)
+ return returnList
+ return []
+ def getGroupInviteList(self, avatarId):
+ if self.avIdDict.has_key(avatarId):
+ leaderId = self.avIdDict[avatarId]
+ group = self.groupListDict.get(leaderId)
+ if group:
+ returnList = copy.copy(group[1])
+ if 0 in returnList:
+ returnList.remove(0)
+ return returnList
+ return []
+ def getGroupKickList(self, avatarId):
+ if self.avIdDict.has_key(avatarId):
+ leaderId = self.avIdDict[avatarId]
+ group = self.groupListDict.get(leaderId)
+ if group:
+ returnList = copy.copy(group[2])
+ if 0 in returnList:
+ returnList.remove(0)
+ return returnList
+ return []
+ def hasActiveGroup(self, avatarId):
+ """
+ Returns True if the avatar has an active boarding group.
+ """
+ memberList = self.getGroupMemberList(avatarId)
+ if avatarId in memberList:
+ if (len(memberList) > 1):
+ return True
+ return False
+ def hasPendingInvite(self, avatarId):
+ """
+ This is a two-stage check:
+ If the avatar is a leader just check if there is anyone in the leader's invite list.
+ If the avatar is a non-leader just check if the avatar is there in it's leader's invite list.
+ """
+ pendingInvite = False
+ if self.avIdDict.has_key(avatarId):
+ leaderId = self.avIdDict[avatarId]
+ leaderInviteList = self.getGroupInviteList(leaderId)
+ if (leaderId == avatarId):
+ # The avatar is the leader, just check if there is anybody in the invite list.
+ if len(leaderInviteList):
+ pendingInvite = True
+ else:
+ pendingInvite = False
+ else:
+ # The avatar is a non-leader, check if the avatar is there is the leader's invite list.
+ if avatarId in leaderInviteList:
+ pendingInvite = True
+ else:
+ pendingInvite = False
+ if pendingInvite:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def isInGroup(self, memberId, leaderId):
+ """
+ Returns True if the member is in the leader's member list or invite list.
+ Else returns False.
+ """
+ if (memberId in self.getGroupMemberList(leaderId)) or (memberId in self.getGroupInviteList(leaderId)):
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71ea854
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+from pandac.PandaModules import DecalEffect, DepthWriteAttrib
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from toontown.building import DistributedBuilding
+class DistributedAnimBuilding(DistributedBuilding.DistributedBuilding):
+ """
+ DistributedAnimBuilding class: The client side representation of a
+ single ANIMATED building.
+ """
+ if __debug__:
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('DistributedAnimBuilding')
+ def __init__(self, cr):
+ """blockNumber: the landmark building number (from the name)"""
+ DistributedBuilding.DistributedBuilding.__init__(self,cr)
+ def enterToon(self,ts):
+ """Clear out the decal effect as quick hack."""
+ DistributedBuilding.DistributedBuilding.enterToon(self,ts)
+ self.fixEffects()
+ def fixEffects(self):
+ """Fix our attribs and effects to show up properly."""
+ nodes=self.getNodePaths()
+ for curNode in nodes:
+ mf = curNode.find('**/*mesh_front*')
+ sign_joint = curNode.find('**/sign_origin_joint')
+ if not sign_joint.isEmpty():
+ self.notify.debug("I found sign_origin_joint 1")
+ if not mf.isEmpty():
+ sign = mf.find('**/sign')
+ mf.clearEffect(DecalEffect.getClassType())
+ if not sign.isEmpty():
+ sign.setDepthWrite(1,1)
+ sign.setEffect(DecalEffect.make())
+ sign_joint = curNode.find('**/sign_origin_joint')
+ allSignJoints = curNode.findAllMatches('**/sign_origin_joint')
+ num = allSignJoints.getNumPaths()
+ if num:
+ sign_joint = allSignJoints.getPath(num-1)
+ if not sign_joint.isEmpty():
+ self.notify.debug("I found sign_origin_joint 2")
+ sign.wrtReparentTo(sign_joint)
+ def setupNametag(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("setupNametag()"))
+ if not self.wantsNametag():
+ return
+ DistributedBuilding.DistributedBuilding.setupNametag(self)
+ def getSbSearchString(self):
+ """Return a string to use when looking for the suit building nodepath."""
+ result = "landmarkBlocks/sb" + str(self.block) + \
+ ":*animated_building_*_DNARoot"
+ return result
+ def adjustSbNodepathScale(self, nodePath):
+ """Animated buildings needs a scale hack, this does nothing for reg bldg."""
+ nodePath.setScale(0.543667, 1, 1)
+ pass
+ def animToToon(self, timeStamp):
+ DistributedBuilding.DistributedBuilding.animToToon(self,timeStamp)
+ # the doors don't look right do the fix effects
+ self.fixEffects()
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b71b213
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from toontown.building import DistributedBuildingAI
+from toontown.building import DistributedAnimDoorAI
+from toontown.building import DoorTypes
+class DistributedAnimBuildingAI(DistributedBuildingAI.DistributedBuildingAI):
+ """
+ DistributedAnimBuildingAI class: The server side representation of a
+ single ANIMATED building. This is the object that remember who 'owns' the
+ associated building (either the bad guys or the toons). The child
+ of this object, the DistributedBuilding object, is the client side
+ version and updates the display that client's display based on who
+ 'owns' the building.
+ """
+ if __debug__:
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('DistributedAnimBuildingAI')
+ def __init__(self, air, blockNumber, zoneId, trophyMgr):
+ """blockNumber: the landmark building number (from the name)"""
+ DistributedBuildingAI.DistributedBuildingAI.__init__(self, air, blockNumber, zoneId, trophyMgr)
+ def createExteriorDoor(self):
+ """Return the DistributedDoor for the exterior, with correct door type set"""
+ result = DistributedAnimDoorAI.DistributedAnimDoorAI(self.air, self.block,
+ return result
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22ae594
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+""" DistributedAnimDoor module: contains the DistributedAnimDoor
+ class, the client side representation of a 'animated landmark door'."""
+from pandac.PandaModules import NodePath, VBase3
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import Parallel, Sequence, Wait, \
+ HprInterval, LerpHprInterval, SoundInterval
+from toontown.building import DistributedDoor
+from toontown.building import DoorTypes
+if( __debug__ ):
+ import pdb
+class DistributedAnimDoor(DistributedDoor.DistributedDoor):
+ """
+ DistributedAnimDoor class: The client side representation of a
+ animated 'landmark door'.
+ Too much stuff has changed to put them in
+ """
+ if __debug__:
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('DistributedAnimDoor')
+ #notify.setDebug(True)
+ def __init__(self, cr):
+ """constructor for the DistributedDoor"""
+ DistributedDoor.DistributedDoor.__init__(self, cr)
+ # WARNING debug only
+ base.animDoor = self
+ def getBuilding(self):
+ """Return only a nodepath to our parent building.
+ See also getAnimBuilding.
+ """
+ if (not self.__dict__.has_key('building')):
+ if self.doorType == DoorTypes.EXT_ANIM_STANDARD:
+ searchStr = "**/??"+str(self.block)+":animated_building_*_DNARoot;+s"
+ self.notify.debug("searchStr=%s" % searchStr)
+ self.building =
+ else:
+ self.notify.error("DistributedAnimDoor.getBuiding with doorType=%s"% self.doorType)
+ assert(not self.building.isEmpty())
+ return self.building
+ def getDoorNodePath(self):
+ """Return the nodepath to door origin."""
+ if self.doorType == DoorTypes.EXT_ANIM_STANDARD:
+ if hasattr(self, "tempDoorNodePath"):
+ return self.tempDoorNodePath
+ else:
+ # tempDoorNodePath gets removed in disable
+ # ...exterior door.
+ assert(self.debugPrint("getDoorNodePath() -- exterior"))
+ building = self.getBuilding()
+ doorNP = building.find("**/door_origin")
+ self.notify.debug("creating doorOrigin at %s %s" % (str(doorNP.getPos()),
+ str(doorNP.getHpr())))
+ otherNP=NodePath("doorOrigin")
+ otherNP.setPos(doorNP.getPos())
+ otherNP.setHpr(doorNP.getHpr()) #
+ otherNP.reparentTo(doorNP.getParent())
+ assert(not otherNP.isEmpty())
+ # Store this for clean up later
+ self.tempDoorNodePath=otherNP
+ else:
+ self.notify.error("DistributedAnimDoor.getDoorNodePath with doorType=%s"% self.doorType)
+ return otherNP
+ def setTriggerName(self):
+ """Find and rename the collision trigger."""
+ if self.doorType == DoorTypes.EXT_ANIM_STANDARD:
+ building = self.getBuilding()
+ if not building.isEmpty():
+ doorTrigger = building.find("**/door_0_door_trigger")
+ if not doorTrigger.isEmpty():
+ doorTrigger.node().setName(self.getTriggerName())
+ else:
+ # we could have already set it
+ pass
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning("setTriggerName failed no building")
+ else:
+ self.notify.error("setTriggerName doorTYpe=%s" % self.doorType)
+ def getAnimBuilding(self):
+ """Return a handle on the animated building prop."""
+ # Once we find it, we store it, so we don't have to find it again.
+ if (not self.__dict__.has_key('animBuilding')):
+ if self.doorType == DoorTypes.EXT_ANIM_STANDARD:
+ #self.building =
+ # "**/??"+str(self.block)+":animated_building_*_DNARoot;+s")
+ bldg= self.getBuilding()
+ key = bldg.getParent().getParent()
+ animPropList =
+ if animPropList:
+ for prop in animPropList:
+ # TODO string matching is such a hack, maybe test paths?
+ if bldg == prop.getActor().getParent():
+ self.animBuilding = prop
+ break
+ else:
+ self.notify.error("could not find" + str(key))
+ else:
+ self.notify.error("No such door type as " + str(self.doorType))
+ assert(not self.animBuilding.getActor().isEmpty())
+ return self.animBuilding
+ def getBuildingActor(self):
+ """Return the animated building actor."""
+ result = self.getAnimBuilding().getActor()
+ return result
+ ##### opening state #####
+ def enterOpening(self, ts):
+ #if( __debug__ ):
+ # import pdb
+ # pdb.set_trace()
+ assert(self.debugPrint("enterOpening()"))
+ # Right door:
+ bldgActor = self.getBuildingActor()
+ rightDoor = bldgActor.controlJoint(None, "modelRoot", "def_right_door")
+ if (rightDoor.isEmpty()):
+ self.notify.warning("enterOpening(): did not find rightDoor")
+ return
+ # Open the door:
+ otherNP=self.getDoorNodePath()
+ trackName = "doorOpen-%d" % (self.doId)
+ if self.rightSwing:
+ h = 100
+ else:
+ h = -100
+ # Stop animation:
+ self.finishDoorTrack()
+ self.doorTrack=Parallel(
+ SoundInterval(self.openSfx, node=rightDoor),
+ Sequence(
+ HprInterval(
+ rightDoor,
+ VBase3(0, 0, 0),
+ #other=otherNP,
+ ),
+ Wait(0.4),
+ #Func(,
+ #Func(,
+ LerpHprInterval(
+ nodePath=rightDoor,
+ duration=0.6,
+ hpr=VBase3(h, 0, 0),
+ startHpr=VBase3(0, 0, 0),
+ #other=otherNP,
+ blendType="easeInOut")),
+ name = trackName)
+ # Start the tracks:
+ self.doorTrack.start(ts)
+ ##### closing state #####
+ def enterClosing(self, ts):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("enterClosing()"))
+ # Right door:
+ bldgActor = self.getBuildingActor()
+ rightDoor = bldgActor.controlJoint(None, "modelRoot", "def_right_door")
+ if (rightDoor.isEmpty()):
+ self.notify.warning("enterClosing(): did not find rightDoor")
+ return
+ # Close the door:
+ otherNP=self.getDoorNodePath()
+ trackName = "doorClose-%d" % (self.doId)
+ if self.rightSwing:
+ h = 100
+ else:
+ h = -100
+ # Stop animation:
+ self.finishDoorTrack()
+ self.doorTrack=Sequence(
+ LerpHprInterval(
+ nodePath=rightDoor,
+ duration=1.0,
+ hpr=VBase3(0, 0, 0),
+ startHpr=VBase3(h, 0, 0),
+ #other=otherNP,
+ blendType="easeInOut"),
+ #Func(doorFrameHoleRight.hide),
+ #Func(self.hideIfHasFlat, rightDoor),
+ SoundInterval(self.closeSfx, node=rightDoor),
+ name = trackName)
+ self.doorTrack.start(ts)
+ if hasattr(self, "done"):
+ request = self.getRequestStatus()
+ messenger.send("doorDoneEvent", [request])
+ ##### Exit Door opening state #####
+ def exitDoorEnterOpening(self, ts):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("exitDoorEnterOpening()"))
+ bldgActor = self.getBuildingActor()
+ leftDoor = bldgActor.controlJoint(None, "modelRoot", "def_left_door")
+ if self.leftSwing:
+ h = -100
+ else:
+ h = 100
+ if (not leftDoor.isEmpty()):
+ # Open the door:
+ otherNP=self.getDoorNodePath()
+ trackName = "doorDoorExitTrack-%d" % (self.doId)
+ self.finishDoorExitTrack()
+ self.doorExitTrack = Parallel(
+ SoundInterval(self.openSfx, node=leftDoor),
+ Sequence(
+ #Func(,
+ #Func(,
+ LerpHprInterval(nodePath=leftDoor,
+ duration=0.6,
+ hpr=VBase3(h, 0, 0),
+ startHpr=VBase3(0, 0, 0),
+ #other=otherNP,
+ blendType="easeInOut")),
+ name = trackName)
+ # Start the tracks:
+ self.doorExitTrack.start(ts)
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning("exitDoorEnterOpening(): did not find leftDoor")
+ ##### Exit Door closing state #####
+ def exitDoorEnterClosing(self, ts):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("exitDoorEnterClosing()"))
+ # Start animation:
+ bldgActor = self.getBuildingActor()
+ leftDoor = bldgActor.controlJoint(None, "modelRoot", "def_left_door")
+ #if ZoneUtil.isInterior(self.zoneId):
+ # doorFrameHoleLeft.setColor(1., 1., 1., 1.)
+ # Left door:
+ if self.leftSwing:
+ h = -100
+ else:
+ h = 100
+ if (not leftDoor.isEmpty()):
+ # Close the door:
+ otherNP=self.getDoorNodePath()
+ trackName = "doorExitTrack-%d" % (self.doId)
+ self.finishDoorExitTrack()
+ self.doorExitTrack = Sequence(
+ LerpHprInterval(
+ nodePath=leftDoor,
+ duration=1.0,
+ hpr=VBase3(0, 0, 0),
+ startHpr=VBase3(h, 0, 0),
+ #other=otherNP,
+ blendType="easeInOut"),
+ #Func(doorFrameHoleLeft.hide),
+ #Func(self.hideIfHasFlat, leftDoor),
+ SoundInterval(self.closeSfx, node=leftDoor),
+ name = trackName)
+ self.doorExitTrack.start(ts)
+ #else:
+ # self.notify.error("enterOpening(): did not find leftDoor")
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f565d7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+""" DistributedDoorAI module: contains the DistributedDoorAI
+ class, the server side representation of a 'landmark door'."""
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from toontown.building import DistributedDoorAI
+class DistributedAnimDoorAI(DistributedDoorAI.DistributedDoorAI):
+ """
+ The server side representation of a single anim door of an animated landmark
+ building.
+ Too many things have changed to stuff it in regular
+ """
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('DistributedAnimDoorAI')
+ def __init__(self, air, blockNumber, doorType, doorIndex=0,
+ lockValue=0, swing=3):
+ """
+ blockNumber: the landmark building number (from the name)
+ doorIndex: Each door must have a unique index.
+ """
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ assert(self.notify.debug(str(blockNumber)+" DistributedAnimDoorAI("
+ "%s, %s)" % ("the air", str(blockNumber))))
+ DistributedDoorAI.DistributedDoorAI.__init__(self, air,
+ blockNumber, doorType,
+ doorIndex, lockValue,
+ swing)
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8effe24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+""" DistributedAnimatedProp module: contains the DistributedAnimatedProp
+ class, the client side representation of a 'landmark door'."""
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from direct.distributed.ClockDelta import *
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM, State
+from direct.distributed import DistributedObject
+class DistributedAnimatedProp(DistributedObject.DistributedObject):
+ """
+ DistributedAnimatedProp class: The client side representation of any
+ simple animated prop.
+ """
+ if __debug__:
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('DistributedAnimatedProp')
+ def __init__(self, cr):
+ """constructor for the DistributedAnimatedProp"""
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.__init__(self, cr)
+ assert self.debugPrint("__init()")
+ self.fsm = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM('DistributedAnimatedProp',
+ [State.State('off',
+ self.enterOff,
+ self.exitOff,
+ ['playing',
+ 'attract']),
+ State.State('attract',
+ self.enterAttract,
+ self.exitAttract,
+ ['playing']),
+ State.State('playing',
+ self.enterPlaying,
+ self.exitPlaying,
+ ['attract'])],
+ # Initial State
+ 'off',
+ # Final State
+ 'off',
+ )
+ self.fsm.enterInitialState()
+ # self.generate will be called automatically.
+ def generate(self):
+ """
+ This method is called when the DistributedObject is reintroduced
+ to the world, either for the first time or from the cache.
+ """
+ assert self.debugPrint("generate()")
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.generate(self)
+ def announceGenerate(self):
+ """
+ This method is called when the DistributedObject is reintroduced
+ to the world, either for the first time or from the cache.
+ """
+ assert self.debugPrint("announceGenerate()")
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.announceGenerate(self)
+ self.setState(self.initialState, self.initialStateTimestamp)
+ del self.initialState
+ del self.initialStateTimestamp
+ def disable(self):
+ assert self.debugPrint("disable()")
+ # Go to the off state when the object is put in the cache
+ self.fsm.request("off")
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.disable(self)
+ # self.delete() will automatically be called.
+ def delete(self):
+ assert self.debugPrint("delete()")
+ del self.fsm
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.delete(self)
+ def setPropId(self, propId):
+ """
+ required dc field.
+ """
+ assert self.debugPrint("setPropId(%s)"%(propId,))
+ assert not self.__dict__.has_key("propId")
+ self.propId=propId
+ def setAvatarInteract(self, avatarId):
+ """
+ required dc field.
+ """
+ assert self.debugPrint("setAvatarInteract(%s)"%(avatarId,))
+ assert not self.__dict__.has_key(avatarId)
+ self.avatarId=avatarId
+ def setOwnerDoId(self, ownerDoId):
+ """
+ required dc field.
+ """
+ assert self.debugPrint("setOwnerDoId(%s)"%(ownerDoId,))
+ assert not self.__dict__.has_key("ownerDoId")
+ self.ownerDoId=ownerDoId
+ def setState(self, state, timestamp):
+ """
+ required dc field.
+ """
+ assert self.debugPrint("setState(%s, %d)" % (state, timestamp))
+ if self.isGenerated():
+ self.fsm.request(state, [globalClockDelta.localElapsedTime(timestamp)])
+ else:
+ self.initialState = state
+ self.initialStateTimestamp = timestamp
+ #def __getPropNodePath(self):
+ # assert self.debugPrint("__getPropNodePath()")
+ # if (not self.__dict__.has_key('propNodePath')):
+ #
+ # "**/prop"+self.propID+":*_DNARoot")
+ # return self.propNodePath
+ def enterTrigger(self, args=None):
+ assert self.debugPrint("enterTrigger(args="+str(args)+")")
+ messenger.send("DistributedAnimatedProp_enterTrigger")
+ self.sendUpdate("requestInteract")
+ # the AI server will reply with toonInteract or rejectInteract.
+ def exitTrigger(self, args=None):
+ assert self.debugPrint("exitTrigger(args="+str(args)+")")
+ messenger.send("DistributedAnimatedProp_exitTrigger")
+ self.sendUpdate("requestExit")
+ # the AI server will reply with avatarExit.
+ def rejectInteract(self):
+ """Server doesn't let the avatar interact with prop"""
+ assert self.debugPrint("rejectInteract()")
+ def avatarExit(self, avatarId):
+ assert self.debugPrint("avatarExit(avatarId=%s)"%(avatarId,))
+ ##### off state #####
+ def enterOff(self):
+ assert self.debugPrint("enterOff()")
+ def exitOff(self):
+ assert self.debugPrint("exitOff()")
+ ##### attract state #####
+ def enterAttract(self, ts):
+ assert self.debugPrint("enterAttract()")
+ def exitAttract(self):
+ assert self.debugPrint("exitAttract()")
+ ##### playing state #####
+ def enterPlaying(self, ts):
+ assert self.debugPrint("enterPlaying()")
+ def exitPlaying(self):
+ assert self.debugPrint("exitPlaying()")
+ if __debug__:
+ def debugPrint(self, message):
+ """for debugging"""
+ return self.notify.debug(
+ str(self.__dict__.get('propId', '?'))+' '+message)
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4385ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+""" DistributedAnimatedPropAI module: contains the DistributedAnimatedPropAI
+ class, the server side representation of a simple, animated, interactive
+ prop."""
+from import *
+from direct.distributed.ClockDelta import *
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM, State
+from direct.distributed import DistributedObjectAI
+from direct.fsm import State
+class DistributedAnimatedPropAI(DistributedObjectAI.DistributedObjectAI):
+ """
+ DistributedAnimatedPropAI class: The server side representation of
+ an animated prop. This is the object that remembers what the
+ prop is doing. The child of this object, the DistributedAnimatedProp
+ object, is the client side version and updates the display that
+ client's display based on the state of the prop.
+ """
+ if __debug__:
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('DistributedAnimatedPropAI')
+ def __init__(self, air, propId):
+ """propId: a unique identifier for this prop."""
+ DistributedObjectAI.DistributedObjectAI.__init__(self, air)
+ assert(self.debugPrint(
+ "DistributedAnimatedPropAI(air=%s, propId=%s)"
+ %("the air", propId)))
+ self.fsm = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM('DistributedAnimatedPropAI',
+ [State.State('off',
+ self.enterOff,
+ self.exitOff,
+ ['playing']),
+ # Attract is an idle mode. It is named attract
+ # because the prop is not interacting with an
+ # avatar, and is therefore trying to attract an
+ # avatar.
+ State.State('attract',
+ self.enterAttract,
+ self.exitAttract,
+ ['playing']),
+ # Playing is for when an avatar is interacting
+ # with the prop.
+ State.State('playing',
+ self.enterPlaying,
+ self.exitPlaying,
+ ['attract'])],
+ # Initial State
+ 'off',
+ # Final State
+ 'off',
+ )
+ self.fsm.enterInitialState()
+ self.propId=propId
+ self.avatarId=0
+ def delete(self):
+ self.fsm.requestFinalState()
+ del self.fsm
+ DistributedObjectAI.DistributedObjectAI.delete(self)
+ def getPropId(self):
+ assert self.debugPrint("getPropId() returning: %s"%(self.propId,))
+ return self.propId
+ def getAvatarInteract(self):
+ assert self.debugPrint("getAvatarInteract() returning: %s"%(self.avatarId,))
+ return self.avatarId
+ def getInitialState(self):
+ assert self.debugPrint("getInitialState()")
+ return [self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName(),
+ globalClockDelta.getRealNetworkTime()]
+ def getOwnerDoId(self):
+ assert self.debugPrint("getOwnerDoId() returning: %s"%(self.ownerDoId,))
+ return self.ownerDoId
+ def requestInteract(self):
+ assert self.debugPrint("requestInteract()")
+ avatarId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender()
+ assert self.notify.debug(" avatarId:%s"%(avatarId,))
+ stateName = self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName()
+ if stateName != 'playing':
+ self.sendUpdate("setAvatarInteract", [avatarId])
+ self.avatarId=avatarId
+ self.fsm.request('playing')
+ else:
+ self.sendUpdateToAvatarId(avatarId, "rejectInteract", [])
+ def requestExit(self):
+ assert self.debugPrint("requestExit()")
+ avatarId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender()
+ assert self.notify.debug(" avatarId:%s"%(avatarId,))
+ if avatarId==self.avatarId:
+ stateName = self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName()
+ if stateName == 'playing':
+ self.sendUpdate("avatarExit", [avatarId])
+ self.fsm.request('attract')
+ else:
+ assert self.notify.debug(" requestExit: invalid avatarId")
+ def getState(self):
+ assert self.debugPrint("getState()")
+ return [self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName(),
+ globalClockDelta.getRealNetworkTime()]
+ def d_setState(self, state):
+ assert self.debugPrint("d_setState(state=%s)"%(state,))
+ self.sendUpdate('setState', [state, globalClockDelta.getRealNetworkTime()])
+ ##### off state #####
+ def enterOff(self):
+ assert self.debugPrint("enterOff()")
+ #self.d_setState('off')
+ def exitOff(self):
+ assert self.debugPrint("exitOff()")
+ ##### attract state #####
+ def enterAttract(self):
+ assert self.debugPrint("enterAttract()")
+ self.d_setState('attract')
+ def exitAttract(self):
+ assert self.debugPrint("exitAttract()")
+ ##### open state #####
+ def enterPlaying(self):
+ assert self.debugPrint("enterPlaying()")
+ self.d_setState('playing')
+ def exitPlaying(self):
+ assert self.debugPrint("exitPlaying()")
+ if __debug__:
+ def debugPrint(self, message):
+ """for debugging"""
+ return self.notify.debug(
+ str(self.__dict__.get('propId', '?'))+' '+message)
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9dafb1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+import DistributedElevator
+import DistributedBossElevator
+from ElevatorConstants import *
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+class DistributedBBElevator(DistributedBossElevator.DistributedBossElevator):
+ def __init__(self, cr):
+ DistributedBossElevator.DistributedBossElevator.__init__(self, cr)
+ self.type = ELEVATOR_BB
+ self.countdownTime = ElevatorData[self.type]['countdown']
+ self.elevatorPoints = BossbotElevatorPoints
+ def setupElevator(self):
+ """setupElevator(self)
+ Called when the building doId is set at construction time,
+ this method sets up the elevator for business.
+ """
+ # TODO: place this on a node indexed by the entraceId
+ geom =
+ self.elevatorModel = loader.loadModel(
+ "phase_12/models/bossbotHQ/BB_Elevator")
+ self.leftDoor = self.elevatorModel.find("**/left-door")
+ if self.leftDoor.isEmpty():
+ self.leftDoor = self.elevatorModel.find("**/left_door")
+ self.rightDoor = self.elevatorModel.find("**/right-door")
+ if self.rightDoor.isEmpty():
+ self.rightDoor = self.elevatorModel.find("**/right_door")
+ locator = geom.find('**/elevator_locator')
+ self.elevatorModel.reparentTo(locator)
+ DistributedElevator.DistributedElevator.setupElevator(self)
+ def getDestName(self):
+ return TTLocalizer.ElevatorBossBotBoss
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..051865c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+from ElevatorConstants import *
+import DistributedBossElevatorAI
+class DistributedBBElevatorAI(DistributedBossElevatorAI.DistributedBossElevatorAI):
+ def __init__(self, air, bldg, zone, antiShuffle = 0, minLaff = 0):
+ """__init__(air)
+ """
+ DistributedBossElevatorAI.DistributedBossElevatorAI.__init__(self, air, bldg, zone, antiShuffle = antiShuffle, minLaff = 0)
+ self.type = ELEVATOR_BB
+ self.countdownTime = ElevatorData[self.type]['countdown']
+ def checkBoard(self, av):
+ result = 0
+ if simbase.config.GetBool('allow-ceo-elevator',1):
+ result = DistributedBossElevatorAI.DistributedBossElevatorAI.checkBoard(self,av)
+ else:
+ return result
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb26023
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,775 @@
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from direct.distributed import DistributedObject
+from toontown.toon import GroupInvitee
+from toontown.toon import GroupPanel
+from toontown.toon import BoardingGroupInviterPanels
+from toontown.building import BoardingPartyBase
+from direct.gui.DirectGui import *
+from toontown.toontowngui import TTDialog
+from toontown.hood import ZoneUtil
+from toontown.toontowngui import TeaserPanel
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
+import BoardingGroupShow
+class DistributedBoardingParty(DistributedObject.DistributedObject, BoardingPartyBase.BoardingPartyBase):
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('DistributedBoardingParty')
+ # This is the length of time that should elapse before we allow
+ # another InvitationFailed message to be displayed from the same avatar.
+ InvitationFailedTimeout = 60.0
+ def __init__(self, cr):
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.__init__(self, cr)
+ BoardingPartyBase.BoardingPartyBase.__init__(self)
+ if __debug__:
+ base.bparty = self
+ self.groupInviteePanel = None
+ self.groupPanel = None
+ self.inviterPanels = BoardingGroupInviterPanels.BoardingGroupInviterPanels()
+ self.lastInvitationFailedMessage = {} #key->avatarId : time
+ self.goToPreShowTrack = None
+ self.goToShowTrack = None
+ def generate(self):
+ self.load()
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.generate(self)
+ localAvatar.boardingParty = self
+ def announceGenerate(self):
+ canonicalZoneId = ZoneUtil.getCanonicalZoneId(self.zoneId)
+ self.notify.debug('canonicalZoneId = %s' %canonicalZoneId)
+ localAvatar.chatMgr.chatInputSpeedChat.addBoardingGroupMenu(canonicalZoneId)
+ #REMOVE THIS from here and put it in the right place:
+ if base.config.GetBool('want-singing', 0):
+ localAvatar.chatMgr.chatInputSpeedChat.addSingingGroupMenu()
+ def delete(self):
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.delete(self)
+ def disable(self):
+ #self.demandDrop()
+ self.finishGoToPreShowTrack()
+ self.finishGoToShowTrack()
+ self.forceCleanupInviteePanel()
+ self.forceCleanupInviterPanels()
+ self.inviterPanels = None
+ if self.groupPanel:
+ self.groupPanel.cleanup()
+ self.groupPanel = None
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.disable(self)
+ BoardingPartyBase.BoardingPartyBase.cleanup(self)
+ localAvatar.boardingParty = None
+ localAvatar.chatMgr.chatInputSpeedChat.removeBoardingGroupMenu()
+ self.lastInvitationFailedMessage = {}
+ def getElevatorIdList(self):
+ return self.elevatorIdList
+ def setElevatorIdList(self, elevatorIdList):
+ self.notify.debug("setElevatorIdList")
+ self.elevatorIdList = elevatorIdList
+ def load(self):
+ """
+ Load any assets here if required.
+ """
+ pass
+ def postGroupInfo(self, leaderId, memberList, inviteeList, kickedList):
+ """
+ A group has changed so the AI is sending us new information on it
+ """
+ self.notify.debug("postgroupInfo")
+ isMyGroup = 0
+ removedMemberIdList = []
+ if self.groupListDict.has_key(leaderId):
+ oldGroupEntry = self.groupListDict[leaderId]
+ else:
+ oldGroupEntry = [[],[],[]]
+ oldMemberList = oldGroupEntry[0]
+ newGroupEntry = [memberList, inviteeList, kickedList]
+ self.groupListDict[leaderId] = newGroupEntry
+ # Comb the avIdDict if there is a change in the number of members in the group.
+ # Remove any avId that has left the group or has been kicked out.
+ if not (len(oldMemberList) == len(memberList)):
+ for oldMember in oldMemberList:
+ if not oldMember in memberList:
+ # This member has been removed.
+ if oldMember in self.avIdDict:
+ # Remove this member from the avIdDict ONLY if we doesn't have a different leader.
+ # This means he hasn't joined a different group.
+ if (self.avIdDict[oldMember] == leaderId):
+ self.avIdDict.pop(oldMember)
+ removedMemberIdList.append(oldMember)
+ self.avIdDict[leaderId] = leaderId
+ if leaderId == localAvatar.doId:
+ isMyGroup = 1
+ for memberId in memberList:
+ self.avIdDict[memberId] = leaderId
+ if memberId == localAvatar.doId:
+ isMyGroup = 1
+ if (newGroupEntry[0]) == [0] or (not newGroupEntry[0]): # if the new memberList is empty
+ dgroup = self.groupListDict.pop(leaderId)
+ for memberId in dgroup[0]:
+ if self.avIdDict.has_key(memberId):
+ self.avIdDict.pop(memberId)
+ if isMyGroup:
+ self.notify.debug("new info posted on my group")
+ if not self.groupPanel:
+ self.groupPanel = GroupPanel.GroupPanel(self)
+ messenger.send('updateGroupStatus')
+ for removedMemberId in removedMemberIdList:
+ removedMember =
+ # Send the message to the members only if you can find the removedMember.
+ # This means that this would work only if the removedMember left the
+ # group using the leave button. It won't work if the removedMember Alt+F4ed out.
+ if not removedMember:
+ # Try second time, just in case removedMemberId is a friend.
+ removedMember =
+ if removedMember:
+ removedMemberName =
+ # Message to the members in the group that the removedMember has left the Boarding Group.
+ messageText = TTLocalizer.BoardingMessageLeftGroup %(removedMemberName)
+ localAvatar.setSystemMessage(0, messageText, WhisperPopup.WTToontownBoardingGroup)
+ elif (localAvatar.doId in oldMemberList) and not (localAvatar.doId in memberList):
+ # localAvatar's doId was there in the old list but is not there in the new list
+ # This must mean that he has either left the group or kicked out.
+ messenger.send('updateGroupStatus')
+ # Cleanup the GroupPanel.
+ if self.groupPanel:
+ self.groupPanel.cleanup()
+ self.groupPanel = None
+ else:
+ self.notify.debug("new info posted on some other group")
+ def postInvite(self, leaderId, inviterId):
+ """
+ The AI tells us someone has been invited into a group
+ """
+ self.notify.debug("post Invite")
+ if not
+ inviter =
+ if inviter:
+ if self.inviterPanels.isInvitingPanelUp() or self.inviterPanels.isInvitationRejectedPanelUp():
+ self.inviterPanels.forceCleanup()
+ self.groupInviteePanel = GroupInvitee.GroupInvitee()
+ self.groupInviteePanel.make(self, inviter, leaderId)
+ def postKick(self, leaderId):
+ self.notify.debug("%s was kicked out of the Boarding Group by %s" % (localAvatar.doId, leaderId))
+ # Message to the kicked player that the leader kicked him out.
+ localAvatar.setSystemMessage(0, TTLocalizer.BoardingMessageKickedOut, WhisperPopup.WTToontownBoardingGroup)
+ def postSizeReject(self, leaderId, inviterId, inviteeId):
+ self.notify.debug("%s was not invited because the group is full" % (inviteeId))
+ def postKickReject(self, leaderId, inviterId, inviteeId):
+ self.notify.debug("%s was not invited because %s has kicked them from the group" % (inviteeId, leaderId))
+ def postInviteDelcined(self, inviteeId):
+ self.notify.debug("%s delinced %s's Boarding Group invitation." %(inviteeId, localAvatar.doId))
+ # Show Boarding Group Invitation Rejected Panel
+ invitee =
+ if invitee:
+ self.inviterPanels.createInvitationRejectedPanel(self, inviteeId)
+ def postInviteAccepted(self, inviteeId):
+ self.notify.debug("%s accepted %s's Boarding Group invitation." %(inviteeId, localAvatar.doId))
+ # Remove the Boarding Group Inviting Panel if it has the same inviteeId
+ if self.inviterPanels.isInvitingPanelIdCorrect(inviteeId):
+ self.inviterPanels.destroyInvitingPanel()
+ def postInviteCanceled(self):
+ self.notify.debug("The invitation to the Boarding Group was cancelled")
+ # Remove the Boarding Group Invitation Panel
+ if self.isInviteePanelUp():
+ self.groupInviteePanel.cleanup()
+ self.groupInviteePanel = None
+ def postInviteNotQualify(self, avId, reason, elevatorId):
+ messenger.send('updateGroupStatus')
+ rejectText = ''
+ minLaff = TTLocalizer.BoardingMore
+ if elevatorId:
+ elevator =
+ if elevator:
+ minLaff = elevator.minLaff
+ if (avId == localAvatar.doId):
+ if (reason == BoardingPartyBase.BOARDCODE_MINLAFF):
+ rejectText = TTLocalizer.BoardingInviteMinLaffInviter %(minLaff)
+ if (reason == BoardingPartyBase.BOARDCODE_PROMOTION):
+ rejectText = TTLocalizer.BoardingInvitePromotionInviter
+ else:
+ avatar =
+ if avatar:
+ avatarNameText =
+ else:
+ avatarNameText = ''
+ if (reason == BoardingPartyBase.BOARDCODE_MINLAFF):
+ rejectText = TTLocalizer.BoardingInviteMinLaffInvitee %(avatarNameText, minLaff)
+ if (reason == BoardingPartyBase.BOARDCODE_PROMOTION):
+ rejectText = TTLocalizer.BoardingInvitePromotionInvitee %(avatarNameText)
+ if (reason == BoardingPartyBase.BOARDCODE_BATTLE):
+ rejectText = TTLocalizer.TeleportPanelNotAvailable %(avatarNameText)
+ if (reason == BoardingPartyBase.BOARDCODE_NOT_PAID):
+ rejectText = TTLocalizer.BoardingInviteNotPaidInvitee %(avatarNameText)
+ if (reason == BoardingPartyBase.BOARDCODE_DIFF_GROUP):
+ rejectText = TTLocalizer.BoardingInviteeInDiffGroup %(avatarNameText)
+ if (reason == BoardingPartyBase.BOARDCODE_PENDING_INVITE):
+ rejectText = TTLocalizer.BoardingInviteePendingIvite %(avatarNameText)
+ if (reason == BoardingPartyBase.BOARDCODE_IN_ELEVATOR):
+ rejectText = TTLocalizer.BoardingInviteeInElevator %(avatarNameText)
+ if self.inviterPanels.isInvitingPanelIdCorrect(avId) or (avId == localAvatar.doId):
+ self.inviterPanels.destroyInvitingPanel()
+ self.showMe(rejectText)
+ def postAlreadyInGroup(self):
+ """
+ The invitee is already part of a group and cannot accept another invitation.
+ """
+ self.showMe(TTLocalizer.BoardingAlreadyInGroup)
+ def postGroupAlreadyFull(self):
+ """
+ The invitee cannot accept the invitation because the group is already full.
+ """
+ self.showMe(TTLocalizer.BoardingGroupAlreadyFull)
+ def postSomethingMissing(self):
+ """
+ The AI determines that something is wrong and this cannot be accepted.
+ Eg 1: The leader of the group is not there in the avIdDict.
+ """
+ self.showMe(TTLocalizer.BoardcodeMissing)
+ def postRejectBoard(self, elevatorId, reason, avatarsFailingRequirements, avatarsInBattle):
+ """
+ Problem when the leader tried to enter the elevator detected on AI
+ """
+ self.showRejectMessage(elevatorId, reason, avatarsFailingRequirements, avatarsInBattle)
+ # Enable the Group Panel GO Button here.
+ self.enableGoButton()
+ def postRejectGoto(self, elevatorId, reason, avatarsFailingRequirements, avatarsInBattle):
+ """
+ Problem when the leader tried to use a GO Button detected on AI.
+ """
+ self.showRejectMessage(elevatorId, reason, avatarsFailingRequirements, avatarsInBattle)
+ def postMessageInvited(self, inviteeId, inviterId):
+ """
+ The AI tells all the members (except the inviter) in the Boarding Group that
+ the inviter has invited the invitee.
+ """
+ inviterName = ''
+ inviteeName = ''
+ inviter =
+ if inviter:
+ inviterName =
+ invitee =
+ if invitee:
+ inviteeName =
+ # Message to the members in the group that the inviter has invited the invitee.
+ messageText = TTLocalizer.BoardingMessageInvited %(inviterName, inviteeName)
+ localAvatar.setSystemMessage(0, messageText, WhisperPopup.WTToontownBoardingGroup)
+ def postMessageInvitationFailed(self, inviterId):
+ """
+ The AI tells the invitee that an inviter had tried to invite him to their
+ Boarding Group, but failed for some reason.
+ """
+ inviterName = ''
+ inviter =
+ if inviter:
+ inviterName =
+ # Don't generate the message more than once a minute, so that the inviter can't spam the invitee.
+ if self.invitationFailedMessageOk(inviterId):
+ # Message to the invitee that the inviter had tried to invite the invitee.
+ messageText = TTLocalizer.BoardingMessageInvitationFailed %(inviterName)
+ localAvatar.setSystemMessage(0, messageText, WhisperPopup.WTToontownBoardingGroup)
+ def postMessageAcceptanceFailed(self, inviteeId, reason):
+ '''
+ The AI tells the inviter that the invitee tried to accept the invitation
+ because of the following reason.
+ '''
+ inviteeName = ''
+ messageText = ''
+ invitee =
+ if invitee:
+ inviteeName =
+ if (reason == BoardingPartyBase.INVITE_ACCEPT_FAIL_GROUP_FULL):
+ messageText = TTLocalizer.BoardingMessageGroupFull %inviteeName
+ # Message to the inviter that the invitee failed to accept the invitation.
+ localAvatar.setSystemMessage(0, messageText, WhisperPopup.WTToontownBoardingGroup)
+ # Remove the Boarding Group Inviting Panel if it has the same inviteeId
+ if self.inviterPanels.isInvitingPanelIdCorrect(inviteeId):
+ self.inviterPanels.destroyInvitingPanel()
+ def invitationFailedMessageOk(self, inviterId):
+ """
+ Returns True if it is OK to display this message from this inviter.
+ Returns False if this message should be suppressed because we just
+ recently displaced this message from this inviter.
+ This check is added so that the inviter can't spam the invitee.
+ """
+ now = globalClock.getFrameTime()
+ lastTime = self.lastInvitationFailedMessage.get(inviterId, None)
+ if lastTime:
+ elapsedTime = now - lastTime
+ if elapsedTime < self.InvitationFailedTimeout:
+ return False
+ self.lastInvitationFailedMessage[inviterId] = now
+ return True
+ def showRejectMessage(self, elevatorId, reason, avatarsFailingRequirements, avatarsInBattle):
+ leaderId = localAvatar.doId
+ rejectText = ''
+ def getAvatarText(avIdList):
+ """
+ This function takes a list of avIds and returns a string of names.
+ If there is only 1 person it returns "avatarOneName"
+ If there are 2 people it returns "avatarOneName and avatarTwoName"
+ If there are 3 or more people it returns "avatarOneName, avatarTwoName and avatarThreeName"
+ """
+ avatarText = ''
+ nameList = []
+ for avId in avIdList:
+ avatar =
+ if avatar:
+ nameList.append(
+ if (len(nameList) > 0):
+ lastName = nameList.pop()
+ avatarText = lastName
+ if (len(nameList) > 0):
+ secondLastName = nameList.pop()
+ for name in nameList:
+ avatarText = name + ', '
+ avatarText += secondLastName + ' ' + TTLocalizer.And + ' ' + lastName
+ return avatarText
+ if (reason == BoardingPartyBase.BOARDCODE_MINLAFF):
+ self.notify.debug("%s 's group cannot board because it does not have enough laff points." % (leaderId))
+ elevator =
+ if elevator:
+ minLaffPoints = elevator.minLaff
+ else:
+ minLaffPoints = TTLocalizer.BoardingMore
+ if (leaderId in avatarsFailingRequirements):
+ rejectText = TTLocalizer.BoardcodeMinLaffLeader %(minLaffPoints)
+ else:
+ avatarNameText = getAvatarText(avatarsFailingRequirements)
+ if (len(avatarsFailingRequirements) == 1):
+ rejectText = TTLocalizer.BoardcodeMinLaffNonLeaderSingular %(avatarNameText, minLaffPoints)
+ else:
+ rejectText = TTLocalizer.BoardcodeMinLaffNonLeaderPlural %(avatarNameText, minLaffPoints)
+ elif (reason == BoardingPartyBase.BOARDCODE_PROMOTION):
+ self.notify.debug("%s 's group cannot board because it does not have enough promotion merits." % (leaderId))
+ if (leaderId in avatarsFailingRequirements):
+ rejectText = TTLocalizer.BoardcodePromotionLeader
+ else:
+ avatarNameText = getAvatarText(avatarsFailingRequirements)
+ if (len(avatarsFailingRequirements) == 1):
+ rejectText = TTLocalizer.BoardcodePromotionNonLeaderSingular %(avatarNameText)
+ else:
+ rejectText = TTLocalizer.BoardcodePromotionNonLeaderPlural %(avatarNameText)
+ elif (reason == BoardingPartyBase.BOARDCODE_BATTLE):
+ self.notify.debug("%s 's group cannot board because it is in a battle" % (leaderId))
+ if (leaderId in avatarsInBattle):
+ rejectText = TTLocalizer.BoardcodeBattleLeader
+ else:
+ avatarNameText = getAvatarText(avatarsInBattle)
+ if (len(avatarsInBattle) == 1):
+ rejectText = TTLocalizer.BoardcodeBattleNonLeaderSingular %(avatarNameText)
+ else:
+ rejectText = TTLocalizer.BoardcodeBattleNonLeaderPlural %(avatarNameText)
+ elif (reason == BoardingPartyBase.BOARDCODE_SPACE):
+ self.notify.debug("%s 's group cannot board there was not enough room" % (leaderId))
+ rejectText = TTLocalizer.BoardcodeSpace
+ elif (reason == BoardingPartyBase.BOARDCODE_MISSING):
+ self.notify.debug("%s 's group cannot board because something was missing" % (leaderId))
+ rejectText = TTLocalizer.BoardcodeMissing
+ base.localAvatar.elevatorNotifier.showMe(rejectText)
+ def postGroupDissolve(self, quitterId, leaderId, memberList, kick):
+ self.notify.debug("%s group has dissolved" % (leaderId))
+ isMyGroup = 0
+ if (localAvatar.doId == quitterId) or (localAvatar.doId == leaderId):
+ isMyGroup = 1
+ if self.groupListDict.has_key(leaderId):
+ if leaderId == localAvatar.doId:
+ isMyGroup = 1
+ if self.avIdDict.has_key(leaderId):
+ self.avIdDict.pop(leaderId)
+ dgroup = self.groupListDict.pop(leaderId)
+ for memberId in memberList:
+ if memberId == localAvatar.doId:
+ isMyGroup = 1
+ if self.avIdDict.has_key(memberId):
+ self.avIdDict.pop(memberId)
+ if isMyGroup:
+ self.notify.debug("new info posted on my group")
+ messenger.send('updateGroupStatus')
+ groupFormed = False
+ if self.groupPanel:
+ groupFormed = True
+ self.groupPanel.cleanup()
+ self.groupPanel = None
+ # Cheap Hack: If the group panel was not there, I'm assuming that the group
+ # wasn't formed. So don't show any of the whisper messages.
+ if groupFormed:
+ # We can get here in 2 ways:
+ # leader has disbanded the group OR
+ # non-leader(quitterId) has left a 2 member group.
+ # If the leader is the quitter.
+ if (leaderId == quitterId):
+ # Don't message the leader because he already knows.
+ if not (localAvatar.doId == leaderId):
+ # Message to the members in the group that the group was dissolved by the leader.
+ localAvatar.setSystemMessage(0, TTLocalizer.BoardingMessageGroupDissolved, WhisperPopup.WTToontownBoardingGroup)
+ # If the non-leader is the quitter.
+ else:
+ # kick = 1 means leader kicked out the quitter. Don't show any message to the leader.
+ if not kick:
+ # Don't message the quitter because he already knows.
+ if not (localAvatar.doId == quitterId):
+ quitter =
+ if quitter:
+ # If we can find the quitter, message saying quitter has left the group.
+ quitterName =
+ # Message to the members in the group that the quitter has left the Boarding Group.
+ messageText = TTLocalizer.BoardingMessageLeftGroup %(quitterName)
+ localAvatar.setSystemMessage(0, messageText, WhisperPopup.WTToontownBoardingGroup)
+ else:
+ # If we can't find the quitter write a generic message saying your group was disbanded.
+ messageText = TTLocalizer.BoardingMessageGroupDisbandedGeneric
+ localAvatar.setSystemMessage(0, messageText, WhisperPopup.WTToontownBoardingGroup)
+ def requestInvite(self, inviteeId):
+ self.notify.debug("requestInvite %s" % (inviteeId))
+ # Check for trial toon
+ elevator =[0])
+ if elevator:
+ if elevator.allowedToEnter():
+ # Check if the inviteeId is in the kick out list
+ if inviteeId in self.getGroupKickList(localAvatar.doId):
+ if not self.isGroupLeader(localAvatar.doId):
+ # You cannot invite a toon if he is in the kick out list
+ # and if you are not the group leader
+ avatar =
+ if avatar:
+ avatarNameText =
+ else:
+ avatarNameText = ''
+ rejectText = TTLocalizer.BoardingInviteeInKickOutList %(avatarNameText)
+ self.showMe(rejectText)
+ return
+ # Check if any Boarding Group Inviting Panel is up
+ if self.inviterPanels.isInvitingPanelUp():
+ self.showMe(TTLocalizer.BoardingPendingInvite, pos = (0, 0, 0))
+ elif (len(self.getGroupMemberList(localAvatar.doId)) >= self.maxSize):
+ # The Boarding Group is full, so you can't send any more invites.
+ self.showMe(TTLocalizer.BoardingInviteGroupFull)
+ else:
+ # Show BoardingGroupInviter panel
+ invitee =
+ if invitee:
+ self.inviterPanels.createInvitingPanel(self, inviteeId)
+ # TODO: Add invitee to the groupListDict
+ # Sending the invite
+ self.sendUpdate("requestInvite", [inviteeId])
+ else:
+ place =
+ if place:
+ place.fsm.request('stopped')
+ self.teaserDialog = TeaserPanel.TeaserPanel(pageName='cogHQ', doneFunc = self.handleOkTeaser)
+ def handleOkTeaser(self):
+ """Handle the user clicking ok on the teaser panel."""
+ self.teaserDialog.destroy()
+ del self.teaserDialog
+ place =
+ if place:
+ place.fsm.request('walk')
+ def requestCancelInvite(self, inviteeId):
+ self.sendUpdate("requestCancelInvite", [inviteeId])
+ def requestAcceptInvite(self, leaderId, inviterId):
+ self.notify.debug("requestAcceptInvite %s %s" % (leaderId, inviterId))
+ self.sendUpdate("requestAcceptInvite", [leaderId, inviterId])
+ def requestRejectInvite(self, leaderId, inviterId):
+ self.sendUpdate("requestRejectInvite", [leaderId, inviterId])
+ def requestKick(self, kickId):
+ self.sendUpdate("requestKick", [kickId])
+ def requestLeave(self):
+ # Don't request to leave if the toon is doing the goToShowTrack.
+ if self.goToShowTrack and self.goToShowTrack.isPlaying():
+ return
+ # Don't request to leave if the toon is already in the elevator.
+ place =
+ if place:
+ if not (place.getState() == 'elevator'):
+ if self.avIdDict.has_key(localAvatar.doId):
+ leaderId = self.avIdDict[localAvatar.doId]
+ self.sendUpdate("requestLeave", [leaderId])
+ def handleEnterElevator(self, elevator):
+ """
+ If you are the leader of the boarding group, do it the boarding group way.
+ We come into this function only if the player is the leader of the boarding group.
+ """
+ if self.getGroupLeader(localAvatar.doId) == localAvatar.doId:
+ if base.localAvatar.hp > 0:
+ # Put localToon into requestBoard mode.
+ self.sendUpdate("requestBoard", [elevator.doId])
+ # Change the destination name on everybody's GroupPanel
+ elevatorId = elevator.doId
+ if elevatorId in self.elevatorIdList:
+ offset = self.elevatorIdList.index(elevatorId)
+ if self.groupPanel:
+ self.groupPanel.scrollToDestination(offset)
+ self.informDestChange(offset)
+ # Disable the Group Panel GO Button and Destination Scrolled List here.
+ self.disableGoButton()
+ def informDestChange(self, offset):
+ """
+ This function is called from Group Panel when the leader changes the destination.
+ """
+ self.sendUpdate('informDestinationInfo', [offset])
+ def postDestinationInfo(self, offset):
+ """
+ The destination has been changed by the leader. Change the GroupPanel of
+ this client to reflect the change.
+ """
+ if self.groupPanel:
+ self.groupPanel.changeDestination(offset)
+ def enableGoButton(self):
+ """
+ Enables the GO Button in the Group Panel.
+ """
+ if self.groupPanel:
+ self.groupPanel.enableGoButton()
+ self.groupPanel.enableDestinationScrolledList()
+ def disableGoButton(self):
+ """
+ Disables the GO Button in the Group Panel.
+ """
+ if self.groupPanel:
+ self.groupPanel.disableGoButton()
+ self.groupPanel.disableDestinationScrolledList()
+ def isInviteePanelUp(self):
+ """
+ Helper function to determine whether any Group Invitee panel is up or not.
+ """
+ if self.groupInviteePanel:
+ if not self.groupInviteePanel.isEmpty():
+ return True
+ self.groupInviteePanel = None
+ return False
+ def requestGoToFirstTime(self, elevatorId):
+ """
+ Request the AI if the leader and all the members can go directly to the elevator destination.
+ This is the first request the leader makes to the AI.
+ The AI responds back only to the leader with a rejectGoToRequest if anything goes wrong or
+ responds back only to the leader with a acceptGoToFirstTime if everything goes well.
+ """
+ self.waitingForFirstResponse = True
+ self.firstRequestAccepted = False
+ self.sendUpdate("requestGoToFirstTime", [elevatorId])
+ # Start the Go To pre show immediately, we'll stop it if we hear a reject from the AI.
+ self.startGoToPreShow(elevatorId)
+ def acceptGoToFirstTime(self, elevatorId):
+ """
+ The AI's response back to the leader's first request saying that everybody was accepted.
+ Flag this response and use this response flag before we requestGoToSecondTime.
+ """
+ self.waitingForFirstResponse = False
+ self.firstRequestAccepted = True
+ def requestGoToSecondTime(self, elevatorId):
+ """
+ Request the AI if the leader and all the members can go directly to the elevator destination.
+ This is the first request the leader makes to the AI.
+ The AI responds back only to the leader with a rejectGoToRequest if anything goes wrong or
+ responds back to all the members with a acceptGoToSecondTime if everything goes well.
+ """
+ if not self.waitingForFirstResponse:
+ if self.firstRequestAccepted:
+ self.firstRequestAccepted = False
+ self.disableGoButton()
+ self.sendUpdate("requestGoToSecondTime", [elevatorId])
+ else:
+ # 3 seconds have passed and we haven't heard back from the AI yet.
+ # Post a generic reject message.
+ self.postRejectGoto(elevatorId, BoardingPartyBase.BOARDCODE_MISSING, [], [])
+ self.cancelGoToElvatorDest()
+ def acceptGoToSecondTime(self, elevatorId):
+ """
+ The AI's response to all the members of the group that everybody was accepted to
+ Go directly to the elevator destination.
+ Now all the members can start the GoToShow.
+ """
+ self.startGoToShow(elevatorId)
+ def rejectGoToRequest(self, elevatorId, reason, avatarsFailingRequirements, avatarsInBattle):
+ """
+ The AI's response back to the leader's first request saying that something went wrong.
+ Now the leader should stop GoToPreShow.
+ """
+ self.firstRequestAccepted = False
+ self.waitingForFirstResponse = False
+ self.cancelGoToElvatorDest()
+ self.postRejectGoto(elevatorId, reason, avatarsFailingRequirements, avatarsInBattle)
+ def startGoToPreShow(self, elevatorId):
+ """
+ This is where the first 3 seconds of GO Pre show happens only on the leader's client.
+ GO Button becomes Cancel GO Button and the leader can't move.
+ """
+ self.notify.debug('Starting Go Pre Show.')
+ place =
+ if place:
+ place.setState('stopped')
+ goButtonPreShow = BoardingGroupShow.BoardingGroupShow(localAvatar)
+ goButtonPreShowTrack = goButtonPreShow.getGoButtonPreShow()
+ if self.groupPanel:
+ self.groupPanel.changeGoToCancel()
+ self.groupPanel.disableQuitButton()
+ self.groupPanel.disableDestinationScrolledList()
+ self.finishGoToPreShowTrack()
+ self.goToPreShowTrack = Sequence()
+ self.goToPreShowTrack.append(goButtonPreShowTrack)
+ # Request to the AI the second time using requestGoToSecondTime
+ self.goToPreShowTrack.append(Func(self.requestGoToSecondTime, elevatorId))
+ self.goToPreShowTrack.start()
+ def finishGoToPreShowTrack(self):
+ """
+ Finish the goToPreShowTrack, if it is still going on.
+ """
+ if self.goToPreShowTrack:
+ self.goToPreShowTrack.finish()
+ self.goToPreShowTrack = None
+ def startGoToShow(self, elevatorId):
+ """
+ This is where the 3 seconds of GO show happens. This is essentially the teleport track
+ and then the client is taken to the elevator destination.
+ """
+ self.notify.debug('Starting Go Show.')
+ # Retract any pending invitations.
+ localAvatar.boardingParty.forceCleanupInviterPanels()
+ elevatorName = self.__getDestName(elevatorId)
+ if self.groupPanel:
+ self.groupPanel.disableQuitButton()
+ goButtonShow = BoardingGroupShow.BoardingGroupShow(localAvatar)
+ place =
+ if place:
+ place.setState('stopped')
+ self.goToShowTrack = goButtonShow.getGoButtonShow(elevatorName)
+ self.goToShowTrack.start()
+ def finishGoToShowTrack(self):
+ """
+ Finish the goToShowTrack, if it is still going on.
+ """
+ if self.goToShowTrack:
+ self.goToShowTrack.finish()
+ self.goToShowTrack = None
+ def cancelGoToElvatorDest(self):
+ """
+ The leader has decided to Cancel going to the elevator destination
+ using the Cancel Go Button.
+ """
+ self.notify.debug('%s cancelled the GoTo Button.' %(localAvatar.doId))
+ self.firstRequestAccepted = False
+ self.waitingForFirstResponse = False
+ self.finishGoToPreShowTrack()
+ place =
+ if place:
+ place.setState('walk')
+ if self.groupPanel:
+ self.groupPanel.changeCancelToGo()
+ self.groupPanel.enableGoButton()
+ self.groupPanel.enableQuitButton()
+ self.groupPanel.enableDestinationScrolledList()
+ def __getDestName(self, elevatorId):
+ elevator =
+ destName = ''
+ if elevator:
+ destName = elevator.getDestName()
+ return destName
+ def showMe(self, message, pos = None):
+ """
+ Making a version of elevatorNotifier.showMe. This version doesn't put the toon
+ into stopped state while displaying the panel. At the same time, the OK button
+ in the panel doesn't put the toon in the walk state.
+ """
+ base.localAvatar.elevatorNotifier.showMeWithoutStopping(message, pos)
+ def forceCleanupInviteePanel(self):
+ """
+ Forcibly close the group invitee panel, with a reject as the default answer.
+ """
+ if self.isInviteePanelUp():
+ self.groupInviteePanel.forceCleanup()
+ self.groupInviteePanel = None
+ def forceCleanupInviterPanels(self):
+ """
+ Forcibly cleanup the inviter panels, with a reject as the default answer.
+ """
+ if self.inviterPanels:
+ self.inviterPanels.forceCleanup()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f8cef9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,589 @@
+from otp.otpbase import OTPGlobals
+from import *
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from direct.distributed.ClockDelta import *
+from ElevatorConstants import *
+from direct.distributed import DistributedObjectAI
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM, State
+from direct.fsm import State
+from direct.task import Task
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from toontown.building import BoardingPartyBase
+##from direct.showbase.PythonUtil import StackTrace
+# these are array indexs
+# since there are no structs
+class DistributedBoardingPartyAI(DistributedObjectAI.DistributedObjectAI, BoardingPartyBase.BoardingPartyBase):
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("DistributedBoardingPartyAI")
+ def __init__(self, air, elevatorList, maxSize = 4):
+ DistributedObjectAI.DistributedObjectAI.__init__(self, air)
+ BoardingPartyBase.BoardingPartyBase.__init__(self)
+ self.setGroupSize(maxSize)
+ self.elevatorIdList = elevatorList # the elevators this boardingParty can send groups to
+ if __debug__:
+ simbase.bp = self #REMOVE ME
+ self.visibleZones = [] #tells us which zones this works in, usually it's just one
+ def delete(self):
+ self.cleanup()
+ DistributedObjectAI.DistributedObjectAI.delete(self)
+ def generate(self):
+ DistributedObjectAI.DistributedObjectAI.generate(self)
+ for elevatorId in self.elevatorIdList:
+ elevator = simbase.air.doId2do.get(elevatorId)
+ elevator.setBoardingParty(self)
+ store = simbase.air.dnaStoreMap.get(self.zoneId)
+ if store:
+ numVisGroups = store.getNumDNAVisGroupsAI()
+ myVisGroup = None
+ for index in range(numVisGroups):
+ if store.getDNAVisGroupAI(index).getName() == str(self.zoneId):
+ myVisGroup = store.getDNAVisGroupAI(index)
+ if myVisGroup:
+ numVisibles = myVisGroup.getNumVisibles()
+ for index in range(numVisibles):
+ newVisible = myVisGroup.getVisibleName(index)
+ self.visibleZones.append(int(newVisible))
+ else:
+ self.visibleZones = [self.zoneId]
+ else:
+ self.visibleZones = [self.zoneId]
+ def cleanup(self):
+ BoardingPartyBase.BoardingPartyBase.cleanup(self)
+ del self.elevatorIdList
+ del self.visibleZones
+ def getElevatorIdList(self):
+ return self.elevatorIdList
+ def setElevatorIdList(self, elevatorIdList):
+ self.elevatorIdList = elevatorIdList
+ def addWacthAvStatus(self, avId):
+ """
+ tells us when a toon has entered a battle, has changed
+ zones or disconnects. Anything that would cause them to
+ leave the boardingParty, or keep the boardingParty from
+ going to a destination
+ """
+ self.acceptOnce(self.air.getAvatarExitEvent(avId),
+ self.handleAvatarDisco, extraArgs=[avId])
+ self.accept(self.staticGetLogicalZoneChangeEvent(avId),
+ self.handleAvatarZoneChange, extraArgs=[avId])
+ messageToonAdded = ("Battle adding toon %s" % (avId))
+ self.accept(messageToonAdded, self.handleToonJoinedBattle)
+ messageToonReleased = ("Battle releasing toon %s" % (avId))
+ self.accept(messageToonReleased, self.handleToonLeftBattle)
+ def handleToonJoinedBattle(self, avId):
+ self.notify.debug("handleToonJoinedBattle %s" % (avId))
+ def handleToonLeftBattle(self, avId):
+ self.notify.debug("handleToonLeftBattle %s" % (avId))
+ def removeWacthAvStatus(self, avId):
+ self.ignore(self.air.getAvatarExitEvent(avId))
+ self.ignore(self.staticGetLogicalZoneChangeEvent(avId))
+ def requestInvite(self, inviteeId):
+ self.notify.debug("requestInvite %s" % (inviteeId))
+ inviterId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender()
+ invitee = simbase.air.doId2do.get(inviteeId)
+ # Send a reject to the inviter if the invitee is in a battle.
+ if invitee and (invitee.battleId != 0):
+ reason = BoardingPartyBase.BOARDCODE_BATTLE
+ self.sendUpdateToAvatarId(inviterId, "postInviteNotQualify", [inviteeId, reason, 0])
+ # Send a message to the invitee saying that inviter had tried to invite him.
+ self.sendUpdateToAvatarId(inviteeId, "postMessageInvitationFailed", [inviterId])
+ return
+ # Send a reject to the inviter if the invitee is already in a boarding group.
+ if self.hasActiveGroup(inviteeId):
+ reason = BoardingPartyBase.BOARDCODE_DIFF_GROUP
+ self.sendUpdateToAvatarId(inviterId, "postInviteNotQualify", [inviteeId, reason, 0])
+ # Send a message to the invitee saying that inviter had tried to invite him.
+ self.sendUpdateToAvatarId(inviteeId, "postMessageInvitationFailed", [inviterId])
+ return
+ # Send a reject to the inviter if the invitee has a pending invite.
+ if self.hasPendingInvite(inviteeId):
+ reason = BoardingPartyBase.BOARDCODE_PENDING_INVITE
+ self.sendUpdateToAvatarId(inviterId, "postInviteNotQualify", [inviteeId, reason, 0])
+ # Send a message to the invitee saying that inviter had tried to invite him.
+ self.sendUpdateToAvatarId(inviteeId, "postMessageInvitationFailed", [inviterId])
+ return
+ # Send a reject to the inviter if the invitee has already boarded an elevator.
+ if self.__isInElevator(inviteeId):
+ reason = BoardingPartyBase.BOARDCODE_IN_ELEVATOR
+ self.sendUpdateToAvatarId(inviterId, "postInviteNotQualify", [inviteeId, reason, 0])
+ # Send a message to the invitee saying that inviter had tried to invite him.
+ self.sendUpdateToAvatarId(inviteeId, "postMessageInvitationFailed", [inviterId])
+ return
+ inviteeOkay = self.checkBoard(inviteeId, self.elevatorIdList[0])
+ reason = 0
+ # Send a reject to the inviter if the invitee is not a paid member.
+ if (inviteeOkay == REJECT_NOTPAID):
+ reason = BoardingPartyBase.BOARDCODE_NOT_PAID
+ self.sendUpdateToAvatarId(inviterId, "postInviteNotQualify", [inviteeId, reason, 0])
+ return
+ if len(self.elevatorIdList) == 1:
+ if inviteeOkay:
+ if (inviteeOkay == REJECT_MINLAFF):
+ reason = BoardingPartyBase.BOARDCODE_MINLAFF
+ elif (inviteeOkay == REJECT_PROMOTION):
+ reason = BoardingPartyBase.BOARDCODE_PROMOTION
+ # Send a reject to the inviter if the invitee does not qualify for the only elevator.
+ self.sendUpdateToAvatarId(inviterId, "postInviteNotQualify", [inviteeId, reason, self.elevatorIdList[0]])
+ return
+ else:
+ inviterOkay = self.checkBoard(inviterId, self.elevatorIdList[0])
+ if inviterOkay:
+ if (inviterOkay == REJECT_MINLAFF):
+ reason = BoardingPartyBase.BOARDCODE_MINLAFF
+ elif (inviterOkay == REJECT_PROMOTION):
+ reason = BoardingPartyBase.BOARDCODE_PROMOTION
+ # Send a reject to the inviter if the inviter does not qualify for the only elevator.
+ self.sendUpdateToAvatarId(inviterId, "postInviteNotQualify", [inviterId, reason, self.elevatorIdList[0]])
+ return
+ if self.avIdDict.has_key(inviterId): #existing group
+ self.notify.debug("old group")
+ leaderId = self.avIdDict[inviterId]
+ groupList = self.groupListDict.get(leaderId)
+ if groupList:
+ self.notify.debug("got group list")
+ if inviterId == leaderId: #leader can unban players
+ if inviteeId in groupList[2]:
+ groupList[2].remove(inviteeId)
+ if (len(self.getGroupMemberList(leaderId))) >= self.maxSize:
+ self.sendUpdate("postSizeReject", [leaderId, inviterId, inviteeId])
+ elif (not (inviterId in groupList[1])) and (not (inviterId in groupList[2])):
+ if not inviteeId in groupList[1]:
+ groupList[1].append(inviteeId)
+ self.groupListDict[leaderId] = groupList
+ if self.avIdDict.has_key(inviteeId):
+ self.notify.warning('inviter %s tried to invite %s who already exists in the avIdDict.' %(inviterId, inviteeId))
+ self.air.writeServerEvent('suspicious: inviter', inviterId,' tried to invite %s who already exists in the avIdDict.' %inviteeId)
+ self.avIdDict[inviteeId] = leaderId
+ self.sendUpdateToAvatarId(inviteeId, "postInvite", [leaderId, inviterId])
+ # Send a message to all members in the group except the inviter that an invitation was sent out.
+ # Inviter doesn't need to get this message, because he knows that he sent out the invitation.
+ for memberId in groupList[0]:
+ if not (memberId == inviterId):
+ self.sendUpdateToAvatarId(memberId, "postMessageInvited", [inviteeId, inviterId])
+ elif inviterId in groupList[2]:
+ self.sendUpdate("postKickReject", [leaderId, inviterId, inviteeId])
+ else: #creating new Group with inviter as leader
+ if self.avIdDict.has_key(inviteeId):
+ self.notify.warning('inviter %s tried to invite %s who already exists in avIdDict.' %(inviterId, inviteeId))
+ self.air.writeServerEvent('suspicious: inviter', inviterId,' tried to invite %s who already exists in the avIdDict.' %inviteeId)
+ self.notify.debug("new group")
+ leaderId = inviterId
+ self.avIdDict[inviterId] = inviterId
+ self.avIdDict[inviteeId] = inviterId
+ self.groupListDict[leaderId] = [[leaderId],[inviteeId],[]]
+ self.addWacthAvStatus(leaderId)
+ self.sendUpdateToAvatarId(inviteeId, "postInvite", [leaderId, inviterId])
+ def requestCancelInvite(self, inviteeId):
+ inviterId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender()
+ if self.avIdDict.has_key(inviterId):
+ leaderId = self.avIdDict[inviterId]
+ groupList = self.groupListDict.get(leaderId)
+ if groupList:
+ self.removeFromGroup(leaderId, inviteeId)
+ self.sendUpdateToAvatarId(inviteeId, "postInviteCanceled", [])
+ def requestAcceptInvite(self, leaderId, inviterId):
+ inviteeId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender()
+ self.notify.debug("requestAcceptInvite leader%s inviter%s invitee%s" % (leaderId, inviterId, inviteeId))
+ if self.avIdDict.has_key(inviteeId):
+ # Send reject to the invitee if the invitee is already in a boarding group
+ if self.hasActiveGroup(inviteeId):
+ self.sendUpdateToAvatarId(inviteeId, "postAlreadyInGroup", [])
+ return
+ # Reject this acceptance if the leader is not part of the group.
+ if not self.avIdDict.has_key(leaderId) or not self.isInGroup(inviteeId, leaderId):
+ self.sendUpdateToAvatarId(inviteeId, "postSomethingMissing", [])
+ return
+ memberList = self.getGroupMemberList(leaderId)
+ if self.avIdDict[inviteeId]:
+ # Don't do anything if the invitee already exists in the current leader's group.
+ if self.avIdDict[inviteeId] == leaderId:
+ if inviteeId in memberList:
+ self.notify.debug("invitee already in group, aborting requestAcceptInvite")
+ return
+ # If the invitee's leader is different, remove him from his old leader's group.
+ else:
+ self.air.writeServerEvent('suspicious: ', inviteeId, " accepted a second invite from %s, in %s's group, while he was in alredy in %s's group." %(inviterId, leaderId, self.avIdDict[inviteeId]))
+ self.removeFromGroup(self.avIdDict[inviteeId], inviteeId, post = 0)
+ # If the group has already become full, auto reject the invite
+ if len(memberList) >= self.maxSize:
+ self.removeFromGroup(leaderId, inviteeId)
+ self.sendUpdateToAvatarId(inviterId, "postMessageAcceptanceFailed", [inviteeId, BoardingPartyBase.INVITE_ACCEPT_FAIL_GROUP_FULL])
+ self.sendUpdateToAvatarId(inviteeId, "postGroupAlreadyFull", [])
+ return
+ self.sendUpdateToAvatarId(inviterId, "postInviteAccepted", [inviteeId])
+ self.addToGroup(leaderId, inviteeId)
+ else:
+ self.air.writeServerEvent('suspicious: ', inviteeId, " was invited to %s's group by %s, but the invitee didn't have an entry in the avIdDict." %(leaderId, inviterId))
+ def requestRejectInvite(self, leaderId, inviterId):
+ inviteeId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender()
+ self.removeFromGroup(leaderId, inviteeId)
+ self.sendUpdateToAvatarId(inviterId, "postInviteDelcined", [inviteeId])
+ def requestKick(self, kickId):
+ leaderId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender()
+ if self.avIdDict.has_key(kickId):
+ if self.avIdDict[kickId] == leaderId:
+ self.removeFromGroup(leaderId, kickId, kick = 1)
+ self.sendUpdateToAvatarId(kickId, "postKick", [leaderId])
+ def requestLeave(self, leaderId):
+ # player is leaving a group voluntarly
+ memberId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender()
+ if self.avIdDict.has_key(memberId):
+ if leaderId == self.avIdDict[memberId]:
+ self.removeFromGroup(leaderId, memberId)
+## else:
+## stack = StackTrace()
+## self.notify.warning('boarding_requestLeave: StackTrace: %s' %stack.compact())
+ def checkBoard(self, avId, elevatorId):
+ """
+ Checks boarding for elevator requirements and paid status.
+ """
+ elevator = simbase.air.doId2do.get(elevatorId)
+ avatar = simbase.air.doId2do.get(avId)
+ if avatar:
+ if not (avatar.getGameAccess() == OTPGlobals.AccessFull):
+ elif elevator:
+ # Returns 0 if everything is OK.
+ return elevator.checkBoard(avatar)
+ # It'll come here only if either avatar or elevator was not found.
+ def testBoard(self, leaderId, elevatorId, needSpace = 0):
+ """
+ tests boarding against everything, space optional depending on whether
+ the leader pressed a goto button, or just got on the elevator
+ """
+ elevator = None
+ boardOkay = BoardingPartyBase.BOARDCODE_MISSING
+ avatarsFailingRequirements = []
+ avatarsInBattle = []
+ if elevatorId in self.elevatorIdList:
+ elevator = simbase.air.doId2do.get(elevatorId)
+ if elevator:
+ if self.avIdDict.has_key(leaderId):
+ if leaderId == self.avIdDict[leaderId]:
+ boardOkay = BoardingPartyBase.BOARDCODE_OKAY
+ for avId in self.getGroupMemberList(leaderId):
+ avatar = simbase.air.doId2do.get(avId)
+ if avatar:
+ if (elevator.checkBoard(avatar) != 0):
+ if (elevator.checkBoard(avatar) == REJECT_MINLAFF):
+ boardOkay = BoardingPartyBase.BOARDCODE_MINLAFF
+ elif (elevator.checkBoard(avatar) == REJECT_PROMOTION):
+ boardOkay = BoardingPartyBase.BOARDCODE_PROMOTION
+ avatarsFailingRequirements.append(avId)
+ elif (avatar.battleId != 0):
+ boardOkay = BoardingPartyBase.BOARDCODE_BATTLE
+ avatarsInBattle.append(avId)
+ groupSize = len(self.getGroupMemberList(leaderId))
+ if (groupSize > self.maxSize):
+ boardOkay = BoardingPartyBase.BOARDCODE_SPACE
+ if needSpace:
+ if (groupSize > elevator.countOpenSeats()):
+ boardOkay = BoardingPartyBase.BOARDCODE_SPACE
+ if (boardOkay != BoardingPartyBase.BOARDCODE_OKAY):
+ self.notify.debug("Something is wrong with the group board request")
+ if (boardOkay == BoardingPartyBase.BOARDCODE_MINLAFF):
+ self.notify.debug("An avatar did not meet the elevator laff requirements")
+ if (boardOkay == BoardingPartyBase.BOARDCODE_PROMOTION):
+ self.notify.debug("An avatar did not meet the elevator promotion requirements")
+ elif (boardOkay == BoardingPartyBase.BOARDCODE_BATTLE):
+ self.notify.debug("An avatar is in battle")
+ return (boardOkay, avatarsFailingRequirements, avatarsInBattle)
+ def requestBoard(self, elevatorId):
+ """
+ The group leader has tried to enter the elevator, thereby requesting that
+ their group board.
+ """
+ wantDisableGoButton = False
+ leaderId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender()
+ elevator = None
+ if elevatorId in self.elevatorIdList:
+ elevator = simbase.air.doId2do.get(elevatorId)
+ if elevator:
+ if self.avIdDict.has_key(leaderId):
+ if leaderId == self.avIdDict[leaderId]:
+ group = self.groupListDict.get(leaderId)
+ if group:
+ boardOkay, avatarsFailingRequirements, avatarsInBattle = self.testBoard(leaderId, elevatorId, needSpace = 1)
+ if boardOkay == BoardingPartyBase.BOARDCODE_OKAY:
+ # Board the leader.
+ leader = simbase.air.doId2do.get(leaderId)
+ if leader:
+ elevator.partyAvatarBoard(leader)
+ wantDisableGoButton = True
+ # Board all the members except the leader.
+ for avId in group[0]:
+ if not (avId == leaderId):
+ avatar = simbase.air.doId2do.get(avId)
+ if avatar:
+ elevator.partyAvatarBoard(avatar, wantBoardingShow = 1)
+ self.air.writeServerEvent('boarding_elevator', self.zoneId, '%s; Sending avatars %s' %(elevatorId, group[0]))
+ else:
+ self.sendUpdateToAvatarId(leaderId, "postRejectBoard", [elevatorId, boardOkay, avatarsFailingRequirements, avatarsInBattle])
+ return
+ if not wantDisableGoButton:
+ self.sendUpdateToAvatarId(leaderId, "postRejectBoard", [elevatorId, BoardingPartyBase.BOARDCODE_MISSING, [], []])
+ def testGoButtonRequirements(self, leaderId, elevatorId):
+ """
+ Test if the leader can take his memebers to the elevator destination.
+ Return True if everything looks good.
+ Send a reject to the leader and return False if somebody doesn't qualify.
+ """
+ if self.avIdDict.has_key(leaderId):
+ if leaderId == self.avIdDict[leaderId]:
+ if elevatorId in self.elevatorIdList:
+ elevator = simbase.air.doId2do.get(elevatorId)
+ if elevator:
+ boardOkay, avatarsFailingRequirements, avatarsInBattle = self.testBoard(leaderId, elevatorId, needSpace = 0)
+ if boardOkay == BoardingPartyBase.BOARDCODE_OKAY:
+ avList = self.getGroupMemberList(leaderId)
+ if 0 in avList:
+ avList.remove(0)
+ if not (leaderId in elevator.seats):
+ return True
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning('avId: %s has hacked his/her client.' %leaderId)
+ self.air.writeServerEvent('suspicious: ', leaderId, ' pressed the GO Button while inside the elevator.')
+ else:
+ self.sendUpdateToAvatarId(leaderId, "rejectGoToRequest", [elevatorId, boardOkay, avatarsFailingRequirements, avatarsInBattle])
+ return False
+ def requestGoToFirstTime(self, elevatorId):
+ """
+ The leader has pushed a GO Button. Do the initial check and respond only to the
+ leader if everything is OK.
+ """
+ callerId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender()
+ if self.testGoButtonRequirements(callerId, elevatorId):
+ self.sendUpdateToAvatarId(callerId, "acceptGoToFirstTime", [elevatorId])
+ def requestGoToSecondTime(self, elevatorId):
+ """
+ The leader has finished his GO Pre Show. Do the initial check and respond to
+ all the members of the group to start the GO show.
+ """
+ callerId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender()
+ avList = self.getGroupMemberList(callerId)
+ if self.testGoButtonRequirements(callerId, elevatorId):
+ for avId in avList:
+ self.sendUpdateToAvatarId(avId, "acceptGoToSecondTime", [elevatorId])
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(THREE_SECONDS, self.sendAvatarsToDestinationTask,
+ self.uniqueName('sendAvatarsToDestinationTask'),
+ extraArgs = [elevatorId, avList],
+ appendTask = True)
+ def sendAvatarsToDestinationTask(self, elevatorId, avList, task):
+ """
+ This is the task that sends the avatars in the Boarding Group to go
+ directly to the elevator destinvations after 3 seconds.
+ """
+ self.notify.debug('entering sendAvatarsToDestinationTask')
+ if len(avList):
+ if elevatorId in self.elevatorIdList:
+ elevator = simbase.air.doId2do.get(elevatorId)
+ if elevator:
+ self.notify.warning('Sending avatars %s' %avList)
+ boardOkay, avatarsFailingRequirements, avatarsInBattle = self.testBoard(avList[0], elevatorId, needSpace = 0)
+ if not (boardOkay == BoardingPartyBase.BOARDCODE_OKAY):
+ for avId in avatarsFailingRequirements:
+ self.air.writeServerEvent('suspicious: ', avId, ' failed requirements after the second go button request.')
+ for avId in avatarsInBattle:
+ self.air.writeServerEvent('suspicious: ', avId, ' joined battle after the second go button request.')
+ self.air.writeServerEvent('boarding_go', self.zoneId, '%s; Sending avatars %s' %(elevatorId, avList))
+ elevator.sendAvatarsToDestination(avList)
+ return Task.done
+ def handleAvatarDisco(self, avId):
+ self.notify.debug("handleAvatarDisco %s" % (avId))
+ if self.avIdDict.has_key(avId):
+ leaderId = self.avIdDict[avId]
+ self.removeFromGroup(leaderId, avId)
+ def handleAvatarZoneChange(self, avId, zoneNew, zoneOld):
+ self.notify.debug("handleAvatarZoneChange %s new%s old%s bp%s" % (avId, zoneNew, zoneOld, self.zoneId))
+ if zoneNew in self.visibleZones:#== self.zoneId:
+ self.toonInZone(avId)
+ elif self.avIdDict.has_key(avId):
+ leaderId = self.avIdDict[avId]
+ self.removeFromGroup(leaderId, avId)
+ def toonInZone(self, avId):
+ """
+ This should never be called, but if an avatar leaves and for some reason is
+ still in the boarding system (due to a bug), this tries to put them back in the
+ right group
+ """
+ #callerId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender()
+ if self.avIdDict.has_key(avId):
+ leaderId = self.avIdDict[avId]
+ group = self.groupListDict.get(leaderId)
+ if leaderId and group:
+ self.notify.debug('Calling postGroupInfo from toonInZone')
+## self.sendUpdate("postGroupInfo", [leaderId, group[0], group[1], group[2]])
+ def addToGroup(self, leaderId, inviteeId, post = 1):
+ group = self.groupListDict.get(leaderId)
+ if group:
+ self.avIdDict[inviteeId] = leaderId
+ if inviteeId in group[1]:
+ group[1].remove(inviteeId)
+ if not(inviteeId in group[0]):
+ group[0].append(inviteeId)
+ self.groupListDict[leaderId] = group
+ if post:
+ self.notify.debug('Calling postGroupInfo from addToGroup')
+ self.sendUpdate("postGroupInfo", [leaderId, group[0], group[1], group[2]])
+ self.addWacthAvStatus(inviteeId)
+ else:
+ #if the group wasn't found something has gone wrong
+ #to mitigate this we post a group dissolve trying
+ #to let the clients know that the group doesn't exist
+ self.sendUpdate("postGroupDissolve",[leaderId, leaderId, [], 0])
+ def removeFromGroup(self, leaderId, memberId, kick = 0, post = 1):
+ self.notify.debug ("")
+ self.notify.debug ("removeFromGroup leaderId %s memberId %s" % (leaderId, memberId))
+ self.notify.debug ("Groups %s" % (self.groupListDict))
+ self.notify.debug ("avDict %s" % (self.avIdDict))
+ if not (self.avIdDict.has_key(leaderId)):
+ # Dissolve the group if you can't find the leader.
+ self.sendUpdate("postGroupDissolve",[memberId, leaderId, [], kick])
+ if self.avIdDict.has_key(memberId):
+ self.avIdDict.pop(memberId)
+ return
+ self.removeWacthAvStatus(memberId)
+ group = self.groupListDict.get(leaderId)
+ if group:
+ if memberId in group[0]:
+ group[0].remove(memberId)
+ if memberId in group[1]:
+ group[1].remove(memberId)
+ if memberId in group[2]:
+ group[2].remove(memberId)
+ if kick:
+ group[2].append(memberId)
+ else:
+## # The group doesn't exist, something strange must have gone wrong.
+## # Remove this memberId from the avIdDict.
+## if post:
+## self.notify.debug("postGroupDissolve")
+## self.sendUpdate("postGroupDissolve",[memberId, leaderId, kick])
+## if self.avIdDict.has_key(memberId):
+## self.avIdDict.pop(memberId)
+ return
+ # Either the leader wants to leave or the group has only 1 member, so dissolve the group.
+ if (memberId == leaderId) or (len(group[0]) < 2):
+ if self.avIdDict.has_key(leaderId):
+ self.avIdDict.pop(leaderId)
+ # Remove all the pending invitees of this group from avIdDict
+ for inviteeId in group[1]:
+ if self.avIdDict.has_key(inviteeId):
+ self.avIdDict.pop(inviteeId)
+ # Send a message to the invitee to remove the invitee message.
+ self.sendUpdateToAvatarId(inviteeId, "postInviteCanceled", [])
+ dgroup = self.groupListDict.pop(leaderId)
+ for dMemberId in dgroup[0]:
+ if self.avIdDict.has_key(dMemberId):
+ self.avIdDict.pop(dMemberId)
+ self.notify.debug("postGroupDissolve")
+ # Adding the removed member to the list so that we can send this list to the clients.
+ # This is done so that even the removed member is removed from the avIdDicts in all the clients.
+ dgroup[0].insert(0, memberId)
+ self.sendUpdate("postGroupDissolve",[memberId, leaderId, dgroup[0], kick])
+ else:
+ self.groupListDict[leaderId] = group
+ if post:
+ self.notify.debug('Calling postGroupInfo from removeFromGroup')
+ self.sendUpdate("postGroupInfo", [leaderId, group[0], group[1], group[2]])
+ if self.avIdDict.has_key(memberId):
+ self.avIdDict.pop(memberId)
+ self.notify.debug("Remove from group END")
+ self.notify.debug ("Groups %s" % (self.groupListDict))
+ self.notify.debug ("avDict %s" % (self.avIdDict))
+ self.notify.debug("")
+ def informDestinationInfo(self, offset):
+ '''
+ This function is called from DistributedBoardingParty informing that a
+ destination has been changed.
+ '''
+ leaderId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender()
+ if (offset > len(self.elevatorIdList)):
+ self.air.writeServerEvent('suspicious: ', leaderId, 'has requested to go to %s elevator which does not exist' %offset)
+ return
+ memberList = self.getGroupMemberList(leaderId)
+ # Post this info to all the members.
+ for avId in memberList:
+ # No need to post it back to the leader.
+ if (avId != leaderId):
+ self.sendUpdateToAvatarId(avId, "postDestinationInfo", [offset])
+ def __isInElevator(self, avId):
+ """
+ Returns True if the avatar is found in any elevator in that zone.
+ Else returns False.
+ """
+ inElevator = False
+ for elevatorId in self.elevatorIdList:
+ elevator = simbase.air.doId2do.get(elevatorId)
+ if elevator:
+ if avId in elevator.seats:
+ inElevator = True
+ return inElevator
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91afd91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from direct.distributed.ClockDelta import *
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
+from ElevatorConstants import *
+from ElevatorUtils import *
+import DistributedElevator
+import DistributedElevatorExt
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM
+from direct.fsm import State
+from toontown.hood import ZoneUtil
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+from toontown.toontowngui import TTDialog
+class DistributedBossElevator(DistributedElevatorExt.DistributedElevatorExt):
+ def __init__(self, cr):
+ DistributedElevatorExt.DistributedElevatorExt.__init__(self, cr)
+ self.elevatorPoints = BigElevatorPoints
+ self.openSfx = base.loadSfx(
+ "phase_9/audio/sfx/CHQ_FACT_door_open_sliding.mp3")
+ self.finalOpenSfx = base.loadSfx(
+ "phase_9/audio/sfx/CHQ_FACT_door_open_final.mp3")
+ self.closeSfx = base.loadSfx(
+ "phase_9/audio/sfx/CHQ_FACT_door_open_sliding.mp3")
+ self.finalCloseSfx = base.loadSfx(
+ "phase_9/audio/sfx/CHQ_FACT_door_open_final.mp3")
+ self.type = ELEVATOR_VP
+ self.countdownTime = ElevatorData[self.type]['countdown']
+ def disable(self):
+ DistributedElevator.DistributedElevator.disable(self)
+ def generate(self):
+ DistributedElevatorExt.DistributedElevatorExt.generate(self)
+ def delete(self):
+ self.elevatorModel.removeNode()
+ del self.elevatorModel
+ DistributedElevatorExt.DistributedElevatorExt.delete(self)
+ def setupElevator(self):
+ """setupElevator(self)
+ Called when the building doId is set at construction time,
+ this method sets up the elevator for business.
+ """
+ # TODO: place this on a node indexed by the entraceId
+ self.elevatorModel = loader.loadModel(
+ "phase_9/models/cogHQ/cogHQ_elevator")
+ # The big cog icon on the top is only visible at the BossRoom.
+ icon = self.elevatorModel.find('**/big_frame/')
+ icon.hide()
+ self.leftDoor = self.elevatorModel.find("**/left-door")
+ self.rightDoor = self.elevatorModel.find("**/right-door")
+ geom =
+ locator = geom.find('**/elevator_locator')
+ self.elevatorModel.reparentTo(locator)
+ self.elevatorModel.setH(180)
+ DistributedElevator.DistributedElevator.setupElevator(self)
+ def getElevatorModel(self):
+ return self.elevatorModel
+ def gotBldg(self, buildingList):
+ # Do not call elevator ext here because it wants a suit door origin
+ # Instead call all the way up to DistributedElevator
+ return DistributedElevator.DistributedElevator.gotBldg(
+ self, buildingList)
+ def getZoneId(self):
+ return 0
+ def __doorsClosed(self, zoneId):
+ return
+ def setBossOfficeZone(self, zoneId):
+ if (self.localToonOnBoard):
+ hoodId =
+ doneStatus = {
+ 'loader' : "cogHQLoader",
+ 'where' : "cogHQBossBattle",
+ 'how' : "movie",
+ 'zoneId' : zoneId,
+ 'hoodId' : hoodId,
+ }
+ def setBossOfficeZoneForce(self, zoneId):
+ place =
+ if place:
+ place.fsm.request("elevator", [self, 1])
+ hoodId =
+ doneStatus = {
+ 'loader' : "cogHQLoader",
+ 'where' : "cogHQBossBattle",
+ 'how' : "movie",
+ 'zoneId' : zoneId,
+ 'hoodId' : hoodId,
+ }
+ if hasattr(place, 'elevator') and place.elevator:
+ place.elevator.signalDone(doneStatus)
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning("setMintInteriorZoneForce: Couldn't find playGame.getPlace().elevator, zoneId: %s" %zoneId)
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning("setBossOfficeZoneForce: Couldn't find playGame.getPlace(), zoneId: %s" %zoneId)
+ def getDestName(self):
+ return TTLocalizer.ElevatorSellBotBoss
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48163a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+from import *
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from direct.distributed.ClockDelta import *
+from ElevatorConstants import *
+import DistributedElevatorAI
+import DistributedElevatorExtAI
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM
+from direct.fsm import State
+from direct.task import Task
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from toontown.suit import DistributedSellbotBossAI
+class DistributedBossElevatorAI(DistributedElevatorExtAI.DistributedElevatorExtAI):
+ def __init__(self, air, bldg, zone, antiShuffle = 0, minLaff = 0):
+ DistributedElevatorExtAI.DistributedElevatorExtAI.__init__(self, air, bldg, numSeats = 8, antiShuffle = antiShuffle, minLaff = minLaff)
+ = zone
+ self.type = ELEVATOR_VP
+ self.countdownTime = ElevatorData[self.type]['countdown']
+ def elevatorClosed(self):
+ numPlayers = self.countFullSeats()
+ # It is possible the players exited the district
+ if (numPlayers > 0):
+ bossZone = self.bldg.createBossOffice(self.seats)
+ for seatIndex in range(len(self.seats)):
+ avId = self.seats[seatIndex]
+ if avId:
+ # Tell each player on the elevator that they should enter
+ # the factory
+ # And which zone it is in
+ self.sendUpdateToAvatarId(avId, 'setBossOfficeZone',
+ [bossZone])
+ # Clear the fill slot
+ self.clearFullNow(seatIndex)
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning("The elevator left, but was empty.")
+ self.fsm.request("closed")
+ def sendAvatarsToDestination(self, avIdList):
+ if (len(avIdList) > 0):
+ bossZone = self.bldg.createBossOffice(avIdList)
+ for avId in avIdList:
+ if avId:
+ # Tell each player on the elevator that they should enter
+ # the factory
+ # And which zone it is in
+ self.sendUpdateToAvatarId(avId, 'setBossOfficeZoneForce',
+ [bossZone])
+ def enterClosing(self):
+ DistributedElevatorAI.DistributedElevatorAI.enterClosing(self)
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(ElevatorData[self.type]['closeTime'],
+ self.elevatorClosedTask,
+ self.uniqueName('closing-timer'))
+ def enterClosed(self):
+ DistributedElevatorExtAI.DistributedElevatorExtAI.enterClosed(self)
+ # Switch back into opening mode since we allow other Toons onboard
+ self.fsm.request('opening')
+ def enterOpening(self):
+ DistributedElevatorAI.DistributedElevatorAI.enterOpening(self)
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(ElevatorData[self.type]['openTime'],
+ self.waitEmptyTask,
+ self.uniqueName('opening-timer'))
+ def checkBoard(self, av):
+ dept = ToontownGlobals.cogHQZoneId2deptIndex(
+ if (av.hp < self.minLaff):
+ if not av.readyForPromotion(dept):
+ return 0
+ def requestBoard(self, *args):
+ self.notify.debug("requestBoard")
+ avId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender()
+ av = self.air.doId2do.get(avId)
+ if av:
+ # Only toons with hp greater than the minLaff may board the elevator.
+ boardResponse = self.checkBoard(av)
+ newArgs = (avId,) + args + (boardResponse,)
+ if boardResponse == 0:
+ self.acceptingBoardersHandler(*newArgs)
+ else:
+ self.rejectingBoardersHandler(*newArgs)
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning(
+ "avid: %s does not exist, but tried to board an elevator"
+ % avId
+ )
+ return
+# def partyAvatarBoard(self, avatar):
+# av = avatar
+# avId = avatar.doId
+# if av:
+# # Only toons with hp greater than the minLaff may board the elevator.
+# boardResponse = self.checkBoard(av)
+# newArgs = (avId,) + (boardResponse,)
+# if boardResponse == 0:
+# self.acceptingBoardersHandler(*newArgs)
+# else:
+# self.rejectingBoardersHandler(*newArgs)
+# else:
+# self.notify.warning(
+# "avid: %s does not exist, but tried to board an elevator"
+# % avId
+# )
+# return
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec704eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,1691 @@
+""" DistributedBuilding module: contains the DistributedBuilding
+ class, the client side representation of a 'building'."""
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from direct.distributed.ClockDelta import *
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
+from direct.directtools.DirectGeometry import *
+from ElevatorConstants import *
+from ElevatorUtils import *
+from SuitBuildingGlobals import *
+from direct.gui.DirectGui import *
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM, State
+from direct.distributed import DistributedObject
+import random
+from toontown.suit import SuitDNA
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+from toontown.distributed import DelayDelete
+from toontown.toon import TTEmote
+from otp.avatar import Emote
+from toontown.hood import ZoneUtil
+class DistributedBuilding(DistributedObject.DistributedObject):
+ """
+ DistributedBuilding class: The client side representation of a
+ 'building' which can be taken over by bad guys and toons. Each
+ of these buildings can also be 'entered' by bad guys and toons.
+ This object also has a server side representation of it,
+ DistributedBuildingAI. This object has to worry about updating
+ the display of the building and all of its components on the
+ client's machine. The display of the building is either 'toon
+ owned' or 'bad guy owned'.
+ """
+ if __debug__:
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('DistributedBuilding')
+ # the initial height of suit buildings when a toon building is taken over
+ #
+ # Where to load the takeover sound effects from
+ TAKEOVER_SFX_PREFIX = "phase_5/audio/sfx/"
+ def __init__(self, cr):
+ """constructor for the DistributedBuilding"""
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.__init__(self, cr)
+ assert(self.debugPrint("__init()"))
+ self.interactiveProp = None
+ self.suitDoorOrigin = None
+ self.elevatorModel = None
+ self.fsm = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM('DistributedBuilding',
+ [State.State('off',
+ self.enterOff,
+ self.exitOff,
+ ['waitForVictors',
+ 'waitForVictorsFromCogdo',
+ 'becomingToon',
+ 'becomingToonFromCogdo',
+ 'toon',
+ 'clearOutToonInterior',
+ 'becomingSuit',
+ 'suit',
+ 'clearOutToonInteriorForCogdo',
+ 'becomingCogdo',
+ 'cogdo']),
+ State.State('waitForVictors',
+ self.enterWaitForVictors,
+ self.exitWaitForVictors,
+ ['becomingToon',
+ ]),
+ State.State('waitForVictorsFromCogdo',
+ self.enterWaitForVictorsFromCogdo,
+ self.exitWaitForVictorsFromCogdo,
+ ['becomingToonFromCogdo',
+ ]),
+ State.State('becomingToon',
+ self.enterBecomingToon,
+ self.exitBecomingToon,
+ ['toon']),
+ State.State('becomingToonFromCogdo',
+ self.enterBecomingToonFromCogdo,
+ self.exitBecomingToonFromCogdo,
+ ['toon']),
+ State.State('toon',
+ self.enterToon,
+ self.exitToon,
+ ['clearOutToonInterior', 'clearOutToonInteriorForCogdo']),
+ State.State('clearOutToonInterior',
+ self.enterClearOutToonInterior,
+ self.exitClearOutToonInterior,
+ ['becomingSuit']),
+ State.State('becomingSuit',
+ self.enterBecomingSuit,
+ self.exitBecomingSuit,
+ ['suit']),
+ State.State('suit',
+ self.enterSuit,
+ self.exitSuit,
+ ['waitForVictors',
+ 'becomingToon', # debug only
+ ]),
+ State.State('clearOutToonInteriorForCogdo',
+ self.enterClearOutToonInteriorForCogdo,
+ self.exitClearOutToonInteriorForCogdo,
+ ['becomingCogdo']),
+ State.State('becomingCogdo',
+ self.enterBecomingCogdo,
+ self.exitBecomingCogdo,
+ ['cogdo']),
+ State.State('cogdo',
+ self.enterCogdo,
+ self.exitCogdo,
+ ['waitForVictorsFromCogdo',
+ 'becomingToonFromCogdo', # debug only
+ ])],
+ # Initial State
+ 'off',
+ # Final State
+ 'off',
+ )
+ self.fsm.enterInitialState()
+ # self.generate will be called automatically.
+ # TODO: Eventually, bossLevel will be one of the
+ # required fields.
+ self.bossLevel = 0
+ # multitrack used to animate the transitions between suit and toon
+ # buildings
+ #
+ self.transitionTrack = None
+ # reference to the elevator created when a building is a suit type
+ #
+ self.elevatorNodePath = None
+ # The list of toons who just won the building back.
+ self.victorList = [0, 0, 0, 0]
+ # This becomes a Label for the text that is displayed while
+ # we are waiting for the elevator doors to open.
+ self.waitingMessage = None
+ # Placeholders for sound effects.
+ self.cogDropSound = None
+ self.cogLandSound = None
+ self.cogSettleSound = None
+ self.cogWeakenSound = None
+ self.toonGrowSound = None
+ self.toonSettleSound = None
+ def generate(self):
+ """generate(self)
+ This method is called when the DistributedObject is reintroduced
+ to the world, either for the first time or from the cache.
+ """
+ assert(self.debugPrint("generate()"))
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.generate(self)
+ self.mode = 'toon'
+ # (the default is to be a toon building, so toonTakeOver()
+ # can ignore the first call for toon take over).
+ assert(not self.townTopLevel.isEmpty())
+ def disable(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("disable()"))
+ # Go to the off state when the object is put in the cache
+ self.fsm.request("off")
+ del self.townTopLevel
+ self.stopTransition()
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.disable(self)
+ # self.delete() will automatically be called.
+ def delete(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("delete()"))
+ if self.elevatorNodePath:
+ self.elevatorNodePath.removeNode()
+ del self.elevatorNodePath
+ del self.elevatorModel
+ if hasattr(self, 'cab'):
+ del
+ del self.leftDoor
+ del self.rightDoor
+ del self.suitDoorOrigin
+ self.cleanupSuitBuilding()
+ self.unloadSfx()
+ del self.fsm
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.delete(self)
+ def setBlock(self, block, interiorZoneId):
+ self.block = block
+ self.interiorZoneId = interiorZoneId
+ def setSuitData(self, suitTrack, difficulty, numFloors):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("setSuitData(%s, %d, %d)" %(suitTrack, difficulty, numFloors)))
+ self.track=suitTrack
+ self.difficulty=difficulty
+ self.numFloors=numFloors
+ def setState(self, state, timestamp):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("setState(%s, %d)" % (state, timestamp)))
+ self.fsm.request(state, [globalClockDelta.localElapsedTime(timestamp)])
+ def getSuitElevatorNodePath(self):
+ """getElevatorNodePath(self)
+ Returns the elevator node path associated with the suit
+ building. This assumes the building is in suit mode. If the
+ building is not in suit mode (in particular, if it hasn't had
+ any mode at all set yet), assumes the building is meant to be
+ in suit mode and switches it immediately.
+ """
+ if self.mode != 'suit':
+ self.setToSuit()
+ assert(self.elevatorNodePath != None)
+ return self.elevatorNodePath
+ def getCogdoElevatorNodePath(self):
+ if self.mode != 'cogdo':
+ self.setToCogdo()
+ assert(self.elevatorNodePath != None)
+ return self.elevatorNodePath
+ def getSuitDoorOrigin(self):
+ if self.mode != 'suit':
+ self.setToSuit()
+ return self.suitDoorOrigin
+ def getCogdoDoorOrigin(self):
+ if self.mode != 'cogdo':
+ self.setToCogdo()
+ return self.suitDoorOrigin
+ def getBossLevel(self):
+ return self.bossLevel
+ def setBossLevel(self, bossLevel):
+ self.bossLevel = bossLevel
+ def setVictorList(self, victorList):
+ self.victorList = victorList
+ ##### off state #####
+ def enterOff(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("enterOff()"))
+ def exitOff(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("exitOff()"))
+ ##### waitForVictors state #####
+ def enterWaitForVictors(self, ts):
+ if self.mode != 'suit':
+ self.setToSuit()
+ victorCount = self.victorList.count(base.localAvatar.doId)
+ if victorCount == 1:
+ self.acceptOnce("insideVictorElevator", self.handleInsideVictorElevator)
+ # Since the localToon is on the elevator, we should
+ # position the camera in front of the building so we have
+ # something to look at while we're waiting for everyone to
+ # load up the zone. This duplicates the camera setup in
+ # the beginning of walkOutCameraTrack().
+ camera.reparentTo(render)
+ camera.setPosHpr(self.elevatorNodePath,
+ 0, -32.5, 9.4, 0, 348, 0)
+ base.camLens.setFov(52.0)
+ # Are we waiting for any other players to come out?
+ anyOthers = 0
+ for v in self.victorList:
+ if v != 0 and v != base.localAvatar.doId:
+ anyOthers = 1
+ if anyOthers:
+ self.waitingMessage = DirectLabel(
+ text = TTLocalizer.BuildingWaitingForVictors,
+ text_fg = VBase4(1,1,1,1),
+ text_align = TextNode.ACenter,
+ relief = None,
+ pos = (0, 0, 0.35),
+ scale = 0.1)
+ elif victorCount == 0:
+ pass
+ else:
+ self.error("localToon is on the victorList %d times" % victorCount)
+ # Make sure the elevator doors are still closed in this state.
+ closeDoors(self.leftDoor, self.rightDoor)
+ # And turn off the elevator light.
+ for light in self.floorIndicator:
+ if light != None:
+ light.setColor(LIGHT_OFF_COLOR)
+ return
+ def handleInsideVictorElevator(self):
+ self.sendUpdate("setVictorReady", [])
+ return
+ def exitWaitForVictors(self):
+ self.ignore("insideVictorElevator")
+ if self.waitingMessage != None:
+ self.waitingMessage.destroy()
+ self.waitingMessage = None
+ return
+ ##### waitForVictorsFromCogdo state #####
+ def enterWaitForVictorsFromCogdo(self, ts):
+ if self.mode != 'cogdo':
+ self.setToCogdo()
+ victorCount = self.victorList.count(base.localAvatar.doId)
+ if victorCount == 1:
+ self.acceptOnce("insideVictorElevator", self.handleInsideVictorElevatorFromCogdo)
+ # Since the localToon is on the elevator, we should
+ # position the camera in front of the building so we have
+ # something to look at while we're waiting for everyone to
+ # load up the zone. This duplicates the camera setup in
+ # the beginning of walkOutCameraTrack().
+ camera.reparentTo(render)
+ camera.setPosHpr(self.elevatorNodePath,
+ 0, -32.5, 9.4, 0, 348, 0)
+ base.camLens.setFov(52.0)
+ # Are we waiting for any other players to come out?
+ anyOthers = 0
+ for v in self.victorList:
+ if v != 0 and v != base.localAvatar.doId:
+ anyOthers = 1
+ if anyOthers:
+ self.waitingMessage = DirectLabel(
+ text = TTLocalizer.BuildingWaitingForVictors,
+ text_fg = VBase4(1,1,1,1),
+ text_align = TextNode.ACenter,
+ relief = None,
+ pos = (0, 0, 0.35),
+ scale = 0.1)
+ elif victorCount == 0:
+ pass
+ else:
+ self.error("localToon is on the victorList %d times" % victorCount)
+ # Make sure the elevator doors are still closed in this state.
+ closeDoors(self.leftDoor, self.rightDoor)
+ # And turn off the elevator light.
+ for light in self.floorIndicator:
+ if light != None:
+ light.setColor(LIGHT_OFF_COLOR)
+ return
+ def handleInsideVictorElevatorFromCogdo(self):
+ self.sendUpdate("setVictorReady", [])
+ return
+ def exitWaitForVictorsFromCogdo(self):
+ self.ignore("insideVictorElevator")
+ if self.waitingMessage != None:
+ self.waitingMessage.destroy()
+ self.waitingMessage = None
+ return
+ ##### becomingToon state #####
+ def enterBecomingToon(self, ts):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("enterBecomingToon() %s" %(str(self.getDoId()))))
+ # Start animation:
+ self.animToToon(ts)
+ def exitBecomingToon(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("exitBecomingToon()"))
+ # Stop animation:
+ ##### becomingToonFromCogdo state #####
+ def enterBecomingToonFromCogdo(self, ts):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("enterBecomingToonFromCogdo() %s" %(str(self.getDoId()))))
+ # Start animation:
+ self.animToToonFromCogdo(ts)
+ def exitBecomingToonFromCogdo(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("exitBecomingToonFromCogdo()"))
+ # Stop animation:
+ ##### toon state #####
+ def enterToon(self, ts):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("enterToon()"))
+ if self.getInteractiveProp():
+ self.getInteractiveProp().buildingLiberated(self.doId)
+ self.setToToon()
+ def exitToon(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("exitToon()"))
+ ##### ClearOutToonInterior state #####
+ def enterClearOutToonInterior(self, ts):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("enterClearOutToonInterior()"))
+ def exitClearOutToonInterior(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("exitClearOutToonInterior()"))
+ ##### becomingSuit state #####
+ def enterBecomingSuit(self, ts):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("enterBecomingSuit()"))
+ # Start animation:
+ #print "enterBecomingSuit %s" %(str(self.getDoId()))
+ self.animToSuit(ts)
+ def exitBecomingSuit(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("exitBecomingSuit()"))
+ # Stop animation:
+ pass
+ ##### suit state #####
+ def enterSuit(self, ts):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("enterSuit()"))
+ #print "enterSuit %s" %(str(self.getDoId()))
+ self.makePropSad()
+ self.setToSuit()
+ def exitSuit(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("exitSuit()"))
+ ##### ClearOutToonInterior state #####
+ def enterClearOutToonInteriorForCogdo(self, ts):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("enterClearOutToonInteriorForCogdo()"))
+ def exitClearOutToonInteriorForCogdo(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("exitClearOutToonInteriorForCogdo()"))
+ ##### becomingCogdo state #####
+ def enterBecomingCogdo(self, ts):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("enterBecomingCogdo()"))
+ # Start animation:
+ #print "enterBecomingCogdo %s" %(str(self.getDoId()))
+ self.animToCogdo(ts)
+ def exitBecomingCogdo(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("exitBecomingCogdo()"))
+ # Stop animation:
+ pass
+ ##### cogdo state #####
+ def enterCogdo(self, ts):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("enterCogdo()"))
+ #print "enterCogdo %s" %(str(self.getDoId()))
+ self.setToCogdo()
+ def exitCogdo(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("exitCogdo()"))
+ #####
+ def getNodePaths(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("getNodePaths()"))
+ # Toon flat buildings:
+ nodePath=[]
+ # Find all tb or sb of this block, even stashed (";+s") ones:
+ npc = self.townTopLevel.findAllMatches(
+ "**/?b" + str(self.block) + ":*_DNARoot;+s")
+ assert(npc.getNumPaths()>0)
+ for i in range(npc.getNumPaths()):
+ nodePath.append(npc.getPath(i))
+ return nodePath
+ def loadElevator(self, newNP):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("loadElevator(newNP=%s)"%(newNP,)))
+ # Load up an elevator
+ self.elevatorNodePath = hidden.attachNewNode("elevatorNodePath")
+ self.elevatorModel = loader.loadModel(
+ "phase_4/models/modules/elevator")
+ # Put up a display to show the current floor of the elevator
+ self.floorIndicator=[None, None, None, None, None]
+ npc=self.elevatorModel.findAllMatches("**/floor_light_?;+s")
+ for i in range(npc.getNumPaths()):
+ np=npc.getPath(i)
+ # Get the last character, and make it zero based:
+ floor=int(np.getName()[-1:])-1
+ self.floorIndicator[floor]=np
+ if floor < self.numFloors:
+ np.setColor(LIGHT_OFF_COLOR)
+ else:
+ np.hide()
+ self.elevatorModel.reparentTo(self.elevatorNodePath)
+ if self.mode == 'suit':
+ # Add in a corporate icon
+ = self.elevatorModel.find('**/elevator')
+ cogIcons = loader.loadModel('phase_3/models/gui/cog_icons')
+ dept = chr(self.track)
+ if dept == 'c':
+ corpIcon = cogIcons.find('**/CorpIcon').copyTo(
+ elif dept == 's':
+ corpIcon = cogIcons.find('**/SalesIcon').copyTo(
+ elif dept == 'l':
+ corpIcon = cogIcons.find('**/LegalIcon').copyTo(
+ elif dept == 'm':
+ corpIcon = cogIcons.find('**/MoneyIcon').copyTo(
+ corpIcon.setPos(0,6.79,6.8)
+ corpIcon.setScale(3)
+ from toontown.suit import Suit
+ corpIcon.setColor(Suit.Suit.medallionColors[dept])
+ cogIcons.removeNode()
+ self.leftDoor = self.elevatorModel.find("**/left-door")
+ self.rightDoor = self.elevatorModel.find("**/right-door")
+ # Find the door origin
+ self.suitDoorOrigin = newNP.find("**/*_door_origin")
+ assert(not self.suitDoorOrigin.isEmpty())
+ # Put the elevator under the door origin
+ self.elevatorNodePath.reparentTo(self.suitDoorOrigin)
+ self.normalizeElevator()
+ return
+ def loadAnimToSuitSfx(self):
+ """loadAnimToSuitSfx(self)
+ Loads up the sound effects necessary for the animToSuit effect.
+ """
+ if self.cogDropSound == None:
+ self.cogDropSound = base.loadSfx(self.TAKEOVER_SFX_PREFIX + "cogbldg_drop.mp3")
+ self.cogLandSound = base.loadSfx(self.TAKEOVER_SFX_PREFIX + "cogbldg_land.mp3")
+ self.cogSettleSound = base.loadSfx(self.TAKEOVER_SFX_PREFIX + "cogbldg_settle.mp3")
+ self.openSfx = base.loadSfx("phase_5/audio/sfx/elevator_door_open.mp3")
+ def loadAnimToToonSfx(self):
+ """loadAnimToToonSfx(self)
+ Loads up the sound effects necessary for the animToToon effect.
+ """
+ if self.cogWeakenSound == None:
+ self.cogWeakenSound = base.loadSfx(self.TAKEOVER_SFX_PREFIX + "cogbldg_weaken.mp3")
+ self.toonGrowSound = base.loadSfx(self.TAKEOVER_SFX_PREFIX + "toonbldg_grow.mp3")
+ self.toonSettleSound = base.loadSfx(self.TAKEOVER_SFX_PREFIX + "toonbldg_settle.mp3")
+ self.openSfx = base.loadSfx("phase_5/audio/sfx/elevator_door_open.mp3")
+ def unloadSfx(self):
+ """unloadSfx(self)
+ Unloads any sound effects that may have been loaded.
+ """
+ if self.cogDropSound != None:
+ self.cogDropSound = None
+ self.cogLandSound = None
+ self.cogSettleSound = None
+ self.openSfx = None
+ if self.cogWeakenSound != None:
+ self.cogWeakenSound = None
+ self.toonGrowSound = None
+ self.toonSettleSound = None
+ self.openSfx = None
+ def _deleteTransitionTrack(self):
+ if self.transitionTrack:
+ DelayDelete.cleanupDelayDeletes(self.transitionTrack)
+ self.transitionTrack = None
+ def animToSuit(self, timeStamp):
+ """
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Function: create the multitrack that contains the animation
+ // sequence to transition this building from a toon to
+ // suit building
+ // Parameters: none
+ // Changes:
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ """
+ assert(self.debugPrint("animToSuit(timeStamp=%s)"%(timeStamp,)))
+ self.stopTransition()
+ if self.mode != 'toon':
+ self.setToToon()
+ self.loadAnimToSuitSfx()
+ # first find the side building portions
+ #
+ sideBldgNodes = self.getNodePaths()
+ # now find and position the landmark portion of the suit building
+ # Copy the suit landmark building, based on suit track & difficulty:
+ #
+ nodePath=hidden.find(self.getSbSearchString())
+ assert(not nodePath.isEmpty())
+ newNP = self.setupSuitBuilding(nodePath)
+ # Make sure the doors are closed for now.
+ closeDoors(self.leftDoor, self.rightDoor)
+ newNP.stash()
+ sideBldgNodes.append(newNP)
+ # create intervals to position and/or hide/stash the building parts
+ # depending if it is part of the toon or suit version
+ #
+ soundPlayed = 0 # don't want to play sound for every part
+ tracks = Parallel(name = self.taskName('toSuitTrack'))
+ for i in sideBldgNodes:
+ name=i.getName()
+ timeForDrop = TO_SUIT_BLDG_TIME*0.85
+ if (name[0]=='s'):
+ #print 'anim2suit: suit flat scale: %s' % repr(i.getScale())
+ # set the position of the node, then unstash it to show it
+ showTrack = Sequence(
+ name = self.taskName('ToSuitFlatsTrack') +
+ '-' + str(sideBldgNodes.index(i)))
+ initPos = Point3(0, 0, self.SUIT_INIT_HEIGHT) + \
+ i.getPos()
+ showTrack.append(Func(i.setPos, initPos))
+ showTrack.append(Func(i.unstash))
+ # Assumption: The last item on sideBldgNodes is actually
+ # the landmark bldg itself.
+ if i == sideBldgNodes[len(sideBldgNodes) - 1]:
+ showTrack.append(Func(self.normalizeElevator))
+ #print "moving suit bldg part from %s to %s"%(str(initPos),
+ # str(i.getPos()))
+ if not soundPlayed:
+ showTrack.append(Func(
+ base.playSfx, self.cogDropSound, 0, 1, None, 0.))
+ showTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(
+ i, timeForDrop,
+ i.getPos(), name = self.taskName('ToSuitAnim') + '-' +
+ str(sideBldgNodes.index(i))))
+ if not soundPlayed:
+ showTrack.append(Func(
+ base.playSfx, self.cogLandSound, 0, 1, None, 0.))
+ showTrack.append(self.createBounceTrack(
+ i, 2, 0.65,
+ TO_SUIT_BLDG_TIME-timeForDrop,
+ slowInitBounce=1.0))
+ if not soundPlayed:
+ showTrack.append(Func(
+ base.playSfx, self.cogSettleSound, 0, 1, None, 0.))
+ tracks.append(showTrack)
+ if not soundPlayed:
+ soundPlayed = 1
+ #print "moving suit flat from %s to %s"%(str(initPos),
+ # str(i.getPos()))
+ # lerp the alpha in for the building part, making sure to
+ # remove the transparency transition when the fade is done
+ # CCC is it ok if we have this other track also manipulate
+ # the same building flat as the previously created track?
+ # I know this can be an issue if the flat is removed, but
+ # that should not happen in this multi-track
+ #
+ #showTrack = Sequence()
+ #showTrack.append(Func(i.setTransparency, 1))
+ #showTrack.append(LerpFunctionInterval(
+ # i.setAlphaScale, fromData=0, toData=1,
+ # duration=TO_SUIT_BLDG_TIME*0.20))
+ #showTrack.append(FunctionInterval(i.clearTransparency))
+ #tracks.append(showTrack)
+ elif (name[0]=='t'):
+ hideTrack = Sequence(
+ name = self.taskName('ToSuitToonFlatsTrack'))
+ # figure how long till the toon building will start to be
+ # compressed by the suit building coming down on it
+ #
+ timeTillSquish = (self.SUIT_INIT_HEIGHT - 20.0) / \
+ timeTillSquish *= timeForDrop
+ #hideTrack.append(Wait(timeTillSquish))
+ hideTrack.append(LerpFunctionInterval(
+ self.adjustColorScale, fromData=1,
+ toData=0.25,
+ duration=timeTillSquish,
+ extraArgs=[i]))
+ hideTrack.append(LerpScaleInterval(
+ i, timeForDrop-timeTillSquish,
+ Vec3(1, 1, 0.01)))
+ hideTrack.append(Func(i.stash))
+ hideTrack.append(Func(i.setScale, Vec3(1)))
+ hideTrack.append(Func(i.clearColorScale))
+ tracks.append(hideTrack)
+ # bundle up all of our tracks for the entire transition and start
+ # playing
+ #
+ self.stopTransition()
+ self._deleteTransitionTrack()
+ self.transitionTrack = tracks
+ #print "transitionTrack: %s" % self.transitionTrack
+ #print "starting track at %s" % globalClock.getFrameTime()
+ self.transitionTrack.start(timeStamp)
+ def setupSuitBuilding(self, nodePath):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("setupSuitBuilding(nodePath=%s)"%(nodePath,)))
+ level = int(self.difficulty / 2) + 1
+ suitNP=dnaStore.findNode("suit_landmark_"
+ +chr(self.track)+str(level))
+ # If you want to make the suit buildings visible from a
+ # distance, uncomment the following line, and comment out
+ # the three lines under it.
+ #suitBuildingNP=suitNP.copyTo(self.townTopLevel)
+ zoneId = dnaStore.getZoneFromBlockNumber(self.block)
+ zoneId = ZoneUtil.getTrueZoneId(zoneId, self.interiorZoneId)
+ newParentNP =[zoneId]
+ suitBuildingNP = suitNP.copyTo(newParentNP)
+ # Setup the sign:
+ buildingTitle = dnaStore.getTitleFromBlockNumber(self.block)
+ if not buildingTitle:
+ buildingTitle = TTLocalizer.CogsInc
+ else:
+ buildingTitle += TTLocalizer.CogsIncExt
+ buildingTitle += ("\n%s" % SuitDNA.getDeptFullname(chr(self.track)))
+ # Try to find this signText in the node map
+ textNode = TextNode("sign")
+ textNode.setTextColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
+ textNode.setFont(ToontownGlobals.getSuitFont())
+ textNode.setAlign(TextNode.ACenter)
+ textNode.setWordwrap(17.0)
+ textNode.setText(buildingTitle)
+ # Since the text is wordwrapped, it may flow over more
+ # than one line. Try to adjust the scale and position of
+ # the sign accordingly.
+ textHeight = textNode.getHeight()
+ zScale = (textHeight + 2) / 3.0
+ # Determine where the sign should go:
+ signOrigin=suitBuildingNP.find("**/sign_origin;+s")
+ assert(not signOrigin.isEmpty())
+ # Get the background:
+ backgroundNP=loader.loadModel("phase_5/models/modules/suit_sign")
+ assert(not backgroundNP.isEmpty())
+ backgroundNP.reparentTo(signOrigin)
+ backgroundNP.setPosHprScale(0.0, 0.0, textHeight * 0.8 / zScale,
+ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
+ 8.0, 8.0, 8.0 * zScale)
+ backgroundNP.node().setEffect(DecalEffect.make())
+ # Get the text node path:
+ signTextNodePath = backgroundNP.attachNewNode(textNode.generate())
+ assert(not signTextNodePath.isEmpty())
+ # Scale the text:
+ signTextNodePath.setPosHprScale(0.0, 0.0, -0.21 + textHeight * 0.1 / zScale,
+ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
+ 0.1, 0.1, 0.1 / zScale)
+ # Clear parent color higher in the hierarchy
+ signTextNodePath.setColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
+ # Decal sign onto the front of the building:
+ frontNP = suitBuildingNP.find("**/*_front/+GeomNode;+s")
+ assert(not frontNP.isEmpty())
+ backgroundNP.wrtReparentTo(frontNP)
+ frontNP.node().setEffect(DecalEffect.make())
+ # Rename the building:
+ suitBuildingNP.setName("sb"+str(self.block)+":_landmark__DNARoot")
+ suitBuildingNP.setPosHprScale(nodePath,
+ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
+ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
+ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
+ # Get rid of any transitions and extra nodes
+ suitBuildingNP.flattenMedium()
+ self.loadElevator(suitBuildingNP)
+ return suitBuildingNP
+ def cleanupSuitBuilding(self):
+ if hasattr(self, "floorIndicator"):
+ del self.floorIndicator
+ def adjustColorScale(self, scale, node):
+ node.setColorScale(scale, scale, scale, 1)
+ def animToCogdo(self, timeStamp):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("animToCogdo(timeStamp=%s)"%(timeStamp,)))
+ self.stopTransition()
+ if self.mode != 'toon':
+ self.setToToon()
+ self.loadAnimToSuitSfx()
+ # first find the side building portions
+ #
+ sideBldgNodes = self.getNodePaths()
+ # now find and position the landmark portion of the cogdo building
+ # Copy the cogdo landmark building, based on difficulty:
+ #
+ nodePath=hidden.find(self.getSbSearchString())
+ assert(not nodePath.isEmpty())
+ newNP = self.setupCogdo(nodePath)
+ # Make sure the doors are closed for now.
+ closeDoors(self.leftDoor, self.rightDoor)
+ newNP.stash()
+ sideBldgNodes.append(newNP)
+ for np in sideBldgNodes:
+ if not np.isEmpty():
+ np.setColorScale(.6,.6,.6,1.)
+ # create intervals to position and/or hide/stash the building parts
+ # depending if it is part of the toon or cogdo version
+ #
+ soundPlayed = 0 # don't want to play sound for every part
+ tracks = Parallel(name = self.taskName('toCogdoTrack'))
+ for i in sideBldgNodes:
+ name=i.getName()
+ timeForDrop = TO_SUIT_BLDG_TIME*0.85
+ if (name[0]=='s'):
+ #print 'anim2suit: suit flat scale: %s' % repr(i.getScale())
+ # set the position of the node, then unstash it to show it
+ showTrack = Sequence(
+ name = self.taskName('ToCogdoFlatsTrack') +
+ '-' + str(sideBldgNodes.index(i)))
+ initPos = Point3(0, 0, self.SUIT_INIT_HEIGHT) + \
+ i.getPos()
+ showTrack.append(Func(i.setPos, initPos))
+ showTrack.append(Func(i.unstash))
+ # Assumption: The last item on sideBldgNodes is actually
+ # the landmark bldg itself.
+ if i == sideBldgNodes[len(sideBldgNodes) - 1]:
+ showTrack.append(Func(self.normalizeElevator))
+ #print "moving suit bldg part from %s to %s"%(str(initPos),
+ # str(i.getPos()))
+ if not soundPlayed:
+ showTrack.append(Func(
+ base.playSfx, self.cogDropSound, 0, 1, None, 0.))
+ showTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(
+ i, timeForDrop,
+ i.getPos(), name = self.taskName('ToCogdoAnim') + '-' +
+ str(sideBldgNodes.index(i))))
+ if not soundPlayed:
+ showTrack.append(Func(
+ base.playSfx, self.cogLandSound, 0, 1, None, 0.))
+ showTrack.append(self.createBounceTrack(
+ i, 2, 0.65,
+ TO_SUIT_BLDG_TIME-timeForDrop,
+ slowInitBounce=1.0))
+ if not soundPlayed:
+ showTrack.append(Func(
+ base.playSfx, self.cogSettleSound, 0, 1, None, 0.))
+ tracks.append(showTrack)
+ if not soundPlayed:
+ soundPlayed = 1
+ #print "moving suit flat from %s to %s"%(str(initPos),
+ # str(i.getPos()))
+ # lerp the alpha in for the building part, making sure to
+ # remove the transparency transition when the fade is done
+ # CCC is it ok if we have this other track also manipulate
+ # the same building flat as the previously created track?
+ # I know this can be an issue if the flat is removed, but
+ # that should not happen in this multi-track
+ #
+ #showTrack = Sequence()
+ #showTrack.append(Func(i.setTransparency, 1))
+ #showTrack.append(LerpFunctionInterval(
+ # i.setAlphaScale, fromData=0, toData=1,
+ # duration=TO_SUIT_BLDG_TIME*0.20))
+ #showTrack.append(FunctionInterval(i.clearTransparency))
+ #tracks.append(showTrack)
+ elif (name[0]=='t'):
+ hideTrack = Sequence(
+ name = self.taskName('ToCogdoToonFlatsTrack'))
+ # figure how long till the toon building will start to be
+ # compressed by the cogdo coming down on it
+ #
+ timeTillSquish = (self.SUIT_INIT_HEIGHT - 20.0) / \
+ timeTillSquish *= timeForDrop
+ #hideTrack.append(Wait(timeTillSquish))
+ hideTrack.append(LerpFunctionInterval(
+ self.adjustColorScale, fromData=1,
+ toData=0.25,
+ duration=timeTillSquish,
+ extraArgs=[i]))
+ hideTrack.append(LerpScaleInterval(
+ i, timeForDrop-timeTillSquish,
+ Vec3(1, 1, 0.01)))
+ hideTrack.append(Func(i.stash))
+ hideTrack.append(Func(i.setScale, Vec3(1)))
+ hideTrack.append(Func(i.clearColorScale))
+ tracks.append(hideTrack)
+ # bundle up all of our tracks for the entire transition and start
+ # playing
+ #
+ self.stopTransition()
+ self._deleteTransitionTrack()
+ self.transitionTrack = tracks
+ #print "transitionTrack: %s" % self.transitionTrack
+ #print "starting track at %s" % globalClock.getFrameTime()
+ self.transitionTrack.start(timeStamp)
+ def setupCogdo(self, nodePath):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("setupCogdo(nodePath=%s)"%(nodePath,)))
+ level = int(self.difficulty / 2) + 1
+ suitNP=dnaStore.findNode("suit_landmark_"
+ +'s'+str(level))
+ # If you want to make the suit buildings visible from a
+ # distance, uncomment the following line, and comment out
+ # the three lines under it.
+ #suitBuildingNP=suitNP.copyTo(self.townTopLevel)
+ zoneId = dnaStore.getZoneFromBlockNumber(self.block)
+ zoneId = ZoneUtil.getTrueZoneId(zoneId, self.interiorZoneId)
+ newParentNP =[zoneId]
+ suitBuildingNP = suitNP.copyTo(newParentNP)
+ # Setup the sign:
+ buildingTitle = dnaStore.getTitleFromBlockNumber(self.block)
+ if not buildingTitle:
+ buildingTitle = TTLocalizer.Cogdominiums
+ else:
+ buildingTitle += TTLocalizer.CogdominiumsExt
+ # Try to find this signText in the node map
+ textNode = TextNode("sign")
+ textNode.setTextColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
+ textNode.setFont(ToontownGlobals.getSuitFont())
+ textNode.setAlign(TextNode.ACenter)
+ textNode.setWordwrap(17.0)
+ textNode.setText(buildingTitle)
+ # Since the text is wordwrapped, it may flow over more
+ # than one line. Try to adjust the scale and position of
+ # the sign accordingly.
+ textHeight = textNode.getHeight()
+ zScale = (textHeight + 2) / 3.0
+ # Determine where the sign should go:
+ signOrigin=suitBuildingNP.find("**/sign_origin;+s")
+ assert(not signOrigin.isEmpty())
+ # Get the background:
+ backgroundNP=loader.loadModel("phase_5/models/modules/suit_sign")
+ assert(not backgroundNP.isEmpty())
+ backgroundNP.reparentTo(signOrigin)
+ backgroundNP.setPosHprScale(0.0, 0.0, textHeight * 0.8 / zScale,
+ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
+ 8.0, 8.0, 8.0 * zScale)
+ backgroundNP.node().setEffect(DecalEffect.make())
+ # Get the text node path:
+ signTextNodePath = backgroundNP.attachNewNode(textNode.generate())
+ assert(not signTextNodePath.isEmpty())
+ # Scale the text:
+ signTextNodePath.setPosHprScale(0.0, 0.0, -0.21 + textHeight * 0.1 / zScale,
+ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
+ 0.1, 0.1, 0.1 / zScale)
+ # Clear parent color higher in the hierarchy
+ signTextNodePath.setColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
+ # Decal sign onto the front of the building:
+ frontNP = suitBuildingNP.find("**/*_front/+GeomNode;+s")
+ assert(not frontNP.isEmpty())
+ backgroundNP.wrtReparentTo(frontNP)
+ frontNP.node().setEffect(DecalEffect.make())
+ # Rename the building:
+ suitBuildingNP.setName("sb"+str(self.block)+":_landmark__DNARoot")
+ suitBuildingNP.setPosHprScale(nodePath,
+ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
+ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
+ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
+ # Get rid of any transitions and extra nodes
+ suitBuildingNP.flattenMedium()
+ suitBuildingNP.setColorScale(.6,.6,.6,1.)
+ self.loadElevator(suitBuildingNP)
+ return suitBuildingNP
+ def animToToon(self, timeStamp):
+ """
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Function: create the multitrack that contains the animation
+ // sequence to transition this building from a suit to
+ // toon building
+ // Parameters: none
+ // Changes:
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ """
+ # TODO: Incorporate the toons coming out of the elevator into
+ # this multitrack. There will also need to be something like
+ # exitCompleted...
+ self.stopTransition()
+ if self.mode != 'suit':
+ self.setToSuit()
+ self.loadAnimToToonSfx()
+ # create intervals to position and/or hide/stash the building parts
+ # depending if it is part of the toon or suit version
+ #
+ suitSoundPlayed = 0 # don't want to play sound for every part
+ toonSoundPlayed = 0 # don't want to play sound for every part
+ bldgNodes = self.getNodePaths()
+ tracks = Parallel()
+ for i in bldgNodes:
+ name=i.getName()
+ if (name[0]=='s'):
+ hideTrack = Sequence(
+ name = self.taskName('ToToonSuitFlatsTrack'))
+ # have the suit building scale away
+ #
+ #origPos = i.getPos()
+ #print "sidebldgpos: %s" % str(origPos)
+ #tgtPos = Point3(
+ # Point3(0,0,-self.SUIT_INIT_HEIGHT) + \
+ # origPos)
+ # shake the suit building on the x and y axis as it goes down
+ #
+ landmark = name.find("_landmark_") != -1
+ #hideTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(
+ # tgtPos, name = self.taskName('ToToonAnim')))
+ #hideTrack.append(LerpFunctionInterval(
+ # self.shakePart,
+ # extraArgs=[i,landmark,
+ # origPos.getX(),origPos.getY()]))
+ #print 'anim2toon: suit flat scale: %s' % repr(i.getScale())
+ if not suitSoundPlayed:
+ hideTrack.append(Func(
+ base.playSfx, self.cogWeakenSound, 0, 1, None, 0.))
+ hideTrack.append(self.createBounceTrack(
+ i, 3, 1.2, TO_TOON_BLDG_TIME*0.05,
+ slowInitBounce=0.0))
+ hideTrack.append(self.createBounceTrack(
+ i, 5, 0.8, TO_TOON_BLDG_TIME*0.10,
+ slowInitBounce=0.0))
+ hideTrack.append(self.createBounceTrack(
+ i, 7, 1.2, TO_TOON_BLDG_TIME*0.17,
+ slowInitBounce=0.0))
+ hideTrack.append(self.createBounceTrack(
+ i, 9, 1.2, TO_TOON_BLDG_TIME*0.18,
+ slowInitBounce=0.0))
+ realScale = i.getScale()
+ hideTrack.append(LerpScaleInterval(
+ i, TO_TOON_BLDG_TIME*0.10,
+ Vec3(realScale[0], realScale[1], 0.01)))
+ if landmark:
+ # the landmark portion is recreated each time a suit
+ # building is generated, so we can just completely remove
+ # the node
+ #
+ hideTrack.append(Func(i.removeNode))
+ else:
+ # make sure to relocate the suit building part to its
+ # original position above the ground so when it is shown
+ # again it it in its original, correct location (or set
+ # the scale to 1, depending on how the toToon transition
+ # is implemented)
+ #
+ hideTrack.append(Func(i.stash))
+ #hideTrack.append(FunctionInterval(
+ # i.setPos, extraArgs = [origPos]))
+ hideTrack.append(Func(i.setScale, Vec3(1)))
+ if not suitSoundPlayed:
+ suitSoundPlayed = 1
+ tracks.append(hideTrack)
+ elif (name[0]=='t'):
+ hideTrack = Sequence(
+ name = self.taskName('ToToonFlatsTrack'))
+ # show the toon portion of the building and set up the
+ # transparency transition so we can slowly fade it in
+ #
+ hideTrack.append(Wait(TO_TOON_BLDG_TIME*0.5))
+ if not toonSoundPlayed:
+ hideTrack.append(Func(
+ base.playSfx, self.toonGrowSound, 0, 1, None, 0.))
+ hideTrack.append(Func(i.unstash))
+ hideTrack.append(Func(i.setScale, Vec3(1,1,0.01)))
+ #hideTrack.append(Func(i.setTransparency, 1))
+ # lerp the alpha in for the building part, making sure to
+ # remove the transparency transition when the fade is done
+ #
+ #hideTrack.append(LerpFunctionInterval(
+ # i.setAlphaScale, fromData=0.15, toData=1,
+ # duration=TO_TOON_BLDG_TIME*0.25))
+ #hideTrack.append(Func(i.clearTransparency))
+ if not toonSoundPlayed:
+ hideTrack.append(Func(
+ base.playSfx, self.toonSettleSound, 0, 1, None, 0.))
+ hideTrack.append(self.createBounceTrack(
+ i, 11, 1.2, TO_TOON_BLDG_TIME*0.5,
+ slowInitBounce=4.0))
+ tracks.append(hideTrack)
+ if not toonSoundPlayed:
+ toonSoundPlayed = 1
+ # bundle up all of our tracks for the entire transition and start
+ # playing
+ #
+ self.stopTransition()
+ #self.transitionTrack = Parallel(tracks, self.taskName(
+ # 'ToToonMTrack'))
+ bldgMTrack = tracks
+ #print "transitionTrack: %s" % self.transitionTrack
+ #print "starting track at %s" % globalClock.getFrameTime()
+ # TODO: integrate the toons running out of the building into
+ # the multitrack. For now, Just plant them outside the elevator.
+ localToonIsVictor = self.localToonIsVictor()
+ if localToonIsVictor:
+ camTrack = self.walkOutCameraTrack()
+ victoryRunTrack, delayDeletes = self.getVictoryRunTrack()
+ trackName = self.taskName('toToonTrack')
+ self._deleteTransitionTrack()
+ if localToonIsVictor:
+ freedomTrack1 = Func(
+ "walk")
+ freedomTrack2 = Func(
+ base.localAvatar.d_setParent,
+ ToontownGlobals.SPRender)
+ self.transitionTrack = Parallel(camTrack,
+ Sequence(victoryRunTrack,
+ bldgMTrack,
+ freedomTrack1,
+ freedomTrack2,
+ ),
+ name = trackName)
+ else:
+ self.transitionTrack = Sequence(victoryRunTrack,
+ bldgMTrack,
+ name = trackName
+ )
+ self.transitionTrack.delayDeletes = delayDeletes
+ if localToonIsVictor:
+ self.transitionTrack.start(0)
+ else:
+ self.transitionTrack.start(timeStamp)
+ return
+ def animToToonFromCogdo(self, timeStamp):
+ """
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Function: create the multitrack that contains the animation
+ // sequence to transition this building from a cogdo to
+ // toon building
+ // Parameters: none
+ // Changes:
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ """
+ # TODO: Incorporate the toons coming out of the elevator into
+ # this multitrack. There will also need to be something like
+ # exitCompleted...
+ self.stopTransition()
+ if self.mode != 'cogdo':
+ self.setToCogdo()
+ self.loadAnimToToonSfx()
+ # create intervals to position and/or hide/stash the building parts
+ # depending if it is part of the toon or suit version
+ #
+ suitSoundPlayed = 0 # don't want to play sound for every part
+ toonSoundPlayed = 0 # don't want to play sound for every part
+ bldgNodes = self.getNodePaths()
+ tracks = Parallel()
+ for i in bldgNodes:
+ i.clearColorScale()
+ name=i.getName()
+ if (name[0]=='s'):
+ hideTrack = Sequence(
+ name = self.taskName('ToToonCogdoFlatsTrack'))
+ # have the suit building scale away
+ #
+ #origPos = i.getPos()
+ #print "sidebldgpos: %s" % str(origPos)
+ #tgtPos = Point3(
+ # Point3(0,0,-self.SUIT_INIT_HEIGHT) + \
+ # origPos)
+ # shake the suit building on the x and y axis as it goes down
+ #
+ landmark = name.find("_landmark_") != -1
+ #hideTrack.append(LerpPosInterval(
+ # tgtPos, name = self.taskName('ToToonAnim')))
+ #hideTrack.append(LerpFunctionInterval(
+ # self.shakePart,
+ # extraArgs=[i,landmark,
+ # origPos.getX(),origPos.getY()]))
+ #print 'anim2toon: suit flat scale: %s' % repr(i.getScale())
+ if not suitSoundPlayed:
+ hideTrack.append(Func(
+ base.playSfx, self.cogWeakenSound, 0, 1, None, 0.))
+ hideTrack.append(self.createBounceTrack(
+ i, 3, 1.2, TO_TOON_BLDG_TIME*0.05,
+ slowInitBounce=0.0))
+ hideTrack.append(self.createBounceTrack(
+ i, 5, 0.8, TO_TOON_BLDG_TIME*0.10,
+ slowInitBounce=0.0))
+ hideTrack.append(self.createBounceTrack(
+ i, 7, 1.2, TO_TOON_BLDG_TIME*0.17,
+ slowInitBounce=0.0))
+ hideTrack.append(self.createBounceTrack(
+ i, 9, 1.2, TO_TOON_BLDG_TIME*0.18,
+ slowInitBounce=0.0))
+ realScale = i.getScale()
+ hideTrack.append(LerpScaleInterval(
+ i, TO_TOON_BLDG_TIME*0.10,
+ Vec3(realScale[0], realScale[1], 0.01)))
+ if landmark:
+ # the landmark portion is recreated each time a suit
+ # building is generated, so we can just completely remove
+ # the node
+ #
+ hideTrack.append(Func(i.removeNode))
+ else:
+ # make sure to relocate the suit building part to its
+ # original position above the ground so when it is shown
+ # again it it in its original, correct location (or set
+ # the scale to 1, depending on how the toToon transition
+ # is implemented)
+ #
+ hideTrack.append(Func(i.stash))
+ #hideTrack.append(FunctionInterval(
+ # i.setPos, extraArgs = [origPos]))
+ hideTrack.append(Func(i.setScale, Vec3(1)))
+ if not suitSoundPlayed:
+ suitSoundPlayed = 1
+ tracks.append(hideTrack)
+ elif (name[0]=='t'):
+ hideTrack = Sequence(
+ name = self.taskName('ToToonFromCogdoFlatsTrack'))
+ # show the toon portion of the building and set up the
+ # transparency transition so we can slowly fade it in
+ #
+ hideTrack.append(Wait(TO_TOON_BLDG_TIME*0.5))
+ if not toonSoundPlayed:
+ hideTrack.append(Func(
+ base.playSfx, self.toonGrowSound, 0, 1, None, 0.))
+ hideTrack.append(Func(i.unstash))
+ hideTrack.append(Func(i.setScale, Vec3(1,1,0.01)))
+ #hideTrack.append(Func(i.setTransparency, 1))
+ # lerp the alpha in for the building part, making sure to
+ # remove the transparency transition when the fade is done
+ #
+ #hideTrack.append(LerpFunctionInterval(
+ # i.setAlphaScale, fromData=0.15, toData=1,
+ # duration=TO_TOON_BLDG_TIME*0.25))
+ #hideTrack.append(Func(i.clearTransparency))
+ if not toonSoundPlayed:
+ hideTrack.append(Func(
+ base.playSfx, self.toonSettleSound, 0, 1, None, 0.))
+ hideTrack.append(self.createBounceTrack(
+ i, 11, 1.2, TO_TOON_BLDG_TIME*0.5,
+ slowInitBounce=4.0))
+ tracks.append(hideTrack)
+ if not toonSoundPlayed:
+ toonSoundPlayed = 1
+ # bundle up all of our tracks for the entire transition and start
+ # playing
+ #
+ self.stopTransition()
+ #self.transitionTrack = Parallel(tracks, self.taskName(
+ # 'ToToonMTrack'))
+ bldgMTrack = tracks
+ #print "transitionTrack: %s" % self.transitionTrack
+ #print "starting track at %s" % globalClock.getFrameTime()
+ # TODO: integrate the toons running out of the building into
+ # the multitrack. For now, Just plant them outside the elevator.
+ localToonIsVictor = self.localToonIsVictor()
+ if localToonIsVictor:
+ camTrack = self.walkOutCameraTrack()
+ victoryRunTrack, delayDeletes = self.getVictoryRunTrack()
+ trackName = self.taskName('toToonFromCogdoTrack')
+ self._deleteTransitionTrack()
+ if localToonIsVictor:
+ freedomTrack1 = Func(
+ "walk")
+ freedomTrack2 = Func(
+ base.localAvatar.d_setParent,
+ ToontownGlobals.SPRender)
+ self.transitionTrack = Parallel(camTrack,
+ Sequence(victoryRunTrack,
+ bldgMTrack,
+ freedomTrack1,
+ freedomTrack2,
+ ),
+ name = trackName)
+ else:
+ self.transitionTrack = Sequence(victoryRunTrack,
+ bldgMTrack,
+ name = trackName
+ )
+ self.transitionTrack.delayDeletes = delayDeletes
+ if localToonIsVictor:
+ self.transitionTrack.start(0)
+ else:
+ self.transitionTrack.start(timeStamp)
+ return
+ def walkOutCameraTrack(self):
+ track = Sequence(
+ # Put the camera under render
+ Func(camera.reparentTo, render),
+ # Watch the toons come out of the door
+ Func(camera.setPosHpr,
+ self.elevatorNodePath,
+ 0, -32.5, 9.4, 0, 348, 0),
+ Func(base.camLens.setFov, 52.0),
+ # Watch the building transform
+ Func(camera.setPosHpr,
+ self.elevatorNodePath,
+ 0, -32.5, 17, 0, 347, 0),
+ Func(base.camLens.setFov, 75.0),
+ # Put the camera fov back to normal
+ Func(base.camLens.setFov, 52.0),
+ )
+ return track
+ def plantVictorsOutsideBldg(self):
+ #print "planting Victors %s !" % self.victorList
+ retVal = 0
+ for victor in self.victorList:
+ if victor != 0 and
+ toon =[victor]
+ toon.setPosHpr(self.elevatorModel, 0, -10, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+ toon.startSmooth()
+ if victor == base.localAvatar.getDoId():
+ retVal = 1
+ return retVal
+ def getVictoryRunTrack(self):
+ # Put each toon in the elevator
+ origPosTrack = Sequence()
+ delayDeletes = []
+ i = 0
+ for victor in self.victorList:
+ if victor != 0 and
+ toon =[victor]
+ delayDeletes.append(DelayDelete.DelayDelete(toon, 'getVictoryRunTrack'))
+ toon.stopSmooth()
+ toon.setParent(ToontownGlobals.SPHidden)
+ origPosTrack.append(Func(toon.setPosHpr,
+ self.elevatorNodePath,
+ apply(Point3, ElevatorPoints[i]),
+ Point3(180, 0, 0)))
+ origPosTrack.append(Func(toon.setParent,
+ ToontownGlobals.SPRender))
+ i += 1
+ # Open the elevator doors
+ openDoors = getOpenInterval(self, self.leftDoor, self.rightDoor,
+ self.openSfx, None)
+ # Run the toons out of the elevator
+ runOutAll = Parallel()
+ i = 0
+ for victor in self.victorList:
+ if victor != 0 and
+ toon =[victor]
+ p0 = Point3(0, 0, 0)
+ p1 = Point3(ElevatorPoints[i][0],
+ ElevatorPoints[i][1] - 5.0,
+ ElevatorPoints[i][2])
+ p2 = Point3(ElevatorOutPoints[i][0],
+ ElevatorOutPoints[i][1],
+ ElevatorOutPoints[i][2])
+ runOutSingle = Sequence(
+ # Disallow body emotes so we don't slide
+ Func(Emote.globalEmote.disableBody, toon, "getVictory"),
+ # Start the run animation
+ Func(toon.animFSM.request, "run"),
+ # Move the toon out of the elevator
+ LerpPosInterval(toon, TOON_VICTORY_EXIT_TIME * 0.25,
+ p1, other=self.elevatorNodePath),
+ # Run him from there to his observation point
+ Func(toon.headsUp, self.elevatorNodePath, p2),
+ LerpPosInterval(toon, TOON_VICTORY_EXIT_TIME * 0.50,
+ p2, other=self.elevatorNodePath),
+ # Turn the toon around to face the building
+ LerpHprInterval(toon, TOON_VICTORY_EXIT_TIME * 0.25,
+ Point3(0, 0, 0),
+ other=self.elevatorNodePath),
+ # Stop the toon from running
+ Func(toon.animFSM.request, "neutral"),
+ # Free the toon up to walk around on his own again
+ Func(toon.startSmooth),
+ Func(Emote.globalEmote.releaseBody, toon, "getVictory"),
+ )
+ runOutAll.append(runOutSingle)
+ i += 1
+ victoryRunTrack = Sequence(origPosTrack,
+ openDoors,
+ runOutAll,
+ )
+ return (victoryRunTrack, delayDeletes)
+ def localToonIsVictor(self):
+ retVal = 0
+ for victor in self.victorList:
+ if victor == base.localAvatar.getDoId():
+ retVal = 1
+ return retVal
+ def createBounceTrack(self, nodeObj, numBounces, startScale,
+ totalTime, slowInitBounce=0.0):
+ """
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Function:
+ // Parameters:
+ // Changes:
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ """
+ if not nodeObj or numBounces < 1 or \
+ startScale == 0.0 or totalTime == 0:
+ self.notify.warning(
+ "createBounceTrack called with invalid parameter")
+ return
+ # add an extra bounce to make sure the object
+ # is properly scaled to 1 on the last lerpScaleInterval
+ #
+ result = Sequence()
+ numBounces+=1
+ # calculate how long, in seconds, each bounce should last, make
+ # the time of each bounce smaller if we want to extend the length
+ # the initial bounce
+ #
+ if slowInitBounce:
+ bounceTime = totalTime/(numBounces + slowInitBounce - 1.0)
+ else:
+ bounceTime = totalTime/float(numBounces)
+ # if specified, the first bounce lasts the length of 3 bounces,
+ # useful for when initially appearing, the first bounce of the
+ # object is more pronounced than the others
+ #
+ if slowInitBounce:
+ currTime = bounceTime * float(slowInitBounce)
+ else:
+ currTime = bounceTime
+ # determine the how much of a change in scale the first bounce
+ # will produce based on the node's base scale (current scale)
+ # and the given start scale
+ #
+ realScale = nodeObj.getScale()
+ currScaleDiff = startScale - realScale[2]
+ # create a lerpScaleInterval for each bounce, making sure to
+ # figure out the new scale, which progressively gets closer
+ # to our base scale
+ #
+ for currBounceScale in range(numBounces):
+ # determine the direction that this scale should go,
+ # alternating for each lerpScaleInterval to simulate
+ # a spring effect
+ #
+ if currBounceScale == numBounces-1:
+ currScale = realScale[2]
+ elif currBounceScale%2:
+ currScale = realScale[2] - currScaleDiff
+ else:
+ currScale = realScale[2] + currScaleDiff
+ result.append(LerpScaleInterval(
+ nodeObj, currTime,
+ Vec3(realScale[0], realScale[1], currScale),
+ blendType='easeInOut'))
+ # the scale diff from the base gets smaller for each
+ # consecutive bounce, and make sure to update for
+ # possibly a new amount of time the next bounce will
+ # take
+ #
+ currScaleDiff *= 0.5
+ currTime = bounceTime
+ return result
+ def stopTransition(self):
+ if self.transitionTrack:
+ self.transitionTrack.finish()
+ self._deleteTransitionTrack()
+ def setToSuit(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("setToSuit()"))
+ self.stopTransition()
+ if self.mode == 'suit':
+ return
+ self.mode = 'suit'
+ nodes=self.getNodePaths()
+ for i in nodes:
+ name=i.getName()
+ if (name[0]=='s'):
+ if (name.find("_landmark_") != -1):
+ # an old suit landmark instance.
+ i.removeNode()
+ else:
+ # Suit flat buildings:
+ #
+ i.unstash()
+ elif (name[0]=='t'):
+ if (name.find("_landmark_") != -1):
+ # Toon landmark buildings:
+ i.stash()
+ else:
+ # Toon flat buildings:
+ # i.hide()
+ i.stash()
+ # Copy the suit landmark building, based on the suit track and
+ # difficulty:
+ npc=hidden.findAllMatches(self.getSbSearchString())
+ assert(npc.getNumPaths()>0)
+ for i in range(npc.getNumPaths()):
+ nodePath=npc.getPath(i)
+ self.adjustSbNodepathScale(nodePath)
+ self.notify.debug("net transform = %s" % str(nodePath.getNetTransform()))
+ self.setupSuitBuilding(nodePath)
+ def setToCogdo(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("setToCogdo()"))
+ self.stopTransition()
+ if self.mode == 'cogdo':
+ return
+ self.mode = 'cogdo'
+ nodes=self.getNodePaths()
+ for i in nodes:
+ name=i.getName()
+ if (name[0]=='s'):
+ if (name.find("_landmark_") != -1):
+ # an old suit landmark instance.
+ i.removeNode()
+ else:
+ # Suit flat buildings:
+ #
+ i.unstash()
+ elif (name[0]=='t'):
+ if (name.find("_landmark_") != -1):
+ # Toon landmark buildings:
+ i.stash()
+ else:
+ # Toon flat buildings:
+ # i.hide()
+ i.stash()
+ for np in nodes:
+ if not np.isEmpty():
+ np.setColorScale(.6,.6,.6,1.)
+ # Copy the suit landmark building, based on the suit track and
+ # difficulty:
+ npc=hidden.findAllMatches(self.getSbSearchString())
+ assert(npc.getNumPaths()>0)
+ for i in range(npc.getNumPaths()):
+ nodePath=npc.getPath(i)
+ self.adjustSbNodepathScale(nodePath)
+ self.notify.debug("net transform = %s" % str(nodePath.getNetTransform()))
+ self.setupCogdo(nodePath)
+ def setToToon(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("setToToon() mode=%s" % (self.mode)))
+ self.stopTransition()
+ if self.mode == 'toon':
+ return
+ self.mode = 'toon'
+ # Clear reference to the suit door.
+ self.suitDoorOrigin = None
+ # Go through nodes, and do the right thing.
+ nodes=self.getNodePaths()
+ for i in nodes:
+ i.clearColorScale()
+ name=i.getName()
+ if (name[0]=='s'):
+ if (name.find("_landmark_") != -1):
+ i.removeNode()
+ else:
+ # Suit flat buildings:
+ # i.hide()
+ i.stash()
+ elif (name[0]=='t'):
+ if (name.find("_landmark_") != -1):
+ # Toon landmark buildings:
+ i.unstash()
+ else:
+ # Toon flat buildings:
+ #
+ i.unstash()
+ def normalizeElevator(self):
+ # Normalize the size of the elevator
+ # The suit building probably has a funny scale on it,
+ # but by doing this, we normalize the scale on the elevator.
+ self.elevatorNodePath.setScale(render, Vec3(1, 1, 1))
+ self.elevatorNodePath.setPosHpr(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+ return
+ if __debug__:
+ def debugPrint(self, message):
+ """for debugging"""
+ return self.notify.debug(
+ str(self.__dict__.get('block', '?'))+' '+message)
+ def getSbSearchString(self):
+ """Return a string to use when looking for the suit building nodepath."""
+ result = "landmarkBlocks/sb" + str(self.block) + \
+ ":*_landmark_*_DNARoot"
+ return result
+ def adjustSbNodepathScale(self, nodePath):
+ """Animated buildings needs a scale hack, this does nothing for reg bldg."""
+ pass
+ def getVisZoneId(self):
+ """Retur our visibible Zone Id."""
+ # this computation is taken from DistributedBuildingMgrAI
+ exteriorZoneId =
+ visZoneId = ZoneUtil.getTrueZoneId(exteriorZoneId, self.zoneId)
+ return visZoneId
+ def getInteractiveProp(self):
+ """Get our associated interactive prop, if any."""
+ result = None
+ if self.interactiveProp:
+ result = self.interactiveProp
+ else:
+ visZoneId = self.getVisZoneId()
+ if
+ loader =
+ if hasattr(loader,"getInteractiveProp"):
+ self.interactiveProp = loader.getInteractiveProp(visZoneId)
+ result = self.interactiveProp
+ self.notify.debug("self.interactiveProp = %s" % self.interactiveProp)
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning("no loader.getInteractiveProp self.interactiveProp is None")
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning("no hood self.interactiveProp is None")
+ return result
+ def makePropSad(self):
+ """Make an interactive prop near us be sad when we're a cog building."""
+ self.notify.debug("makePropSad")
+ if self.getInteractiveProp():
+ if self.getInteractiveProp().state == "Sad":
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ pass
+ self.getInteractiveProp().gotoSad(self.doId)
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3bf3c63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,914 @@
+""" DistributedBuildingAI module: contains the DistributedBuildingAI
+ class, the server side representation of a 'building'."""
+from import *
+from direct.distributed.ClockDelta import *
+import types
+from direct.task.Task import Task
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.distributed import DistributedObjectAI
+from direct.fsm import State
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM, State
+from toontown.toonbase.ToontownGlobals import ToonHall
+import DistributedToonInteriorAI
+import DistributedToonHallInteriorAI
+import DistributedSuitInteriorAI
+import DistributedDoorAI
+import DoorTypes
+import DistributedElevatorExtAI
+import DistributedKnockKnockDoorAI
+import SuitPlannerInteriorAI
+import SuitBuildingGlobals
+import FADoorCodes
+from toontown.hood import ZoneUtil
+import random
+import time
+from toontown.cogdominium.DistributedCogdoInteriorAI import DistributedCogdoInteriorAI
+from toontown.cogdominium.SuitPlannerCogdoInteriorAI import SuitPlannerCogdoInteriorAI
+from toontown.cogdominium.CogdoLayout import CogdoLayout
+from toontown.cogdominium.DistributedCogdoElevatorExtAI import DistributedCogdoElevatorExtAI
+class DistributedBuildingAI(DistributedObjectAI.DistributedObjectAI):
+ """
+ DistributedBuildingAI class: The server side representation of a
+ single building. This is the object that remember who 'owns' the
+ associated building (either the bad guys or the toons). The child
+ of this object, the DistributedBuilding object, is the client side
+ version and updates the display that client's display based on who
+ 'owns' the building.
+ """
+ if __debug__:
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('DistributedBuildingAI')
+ def __init__(self, air, blockNumber, zoneId, trophyMgr):
+ """blockNumber: the landmark building number (from the name)"""
+ DistributedObjectAI.DistributedObjectAI.__init__(self, air)
+ self.block = blockNumber
+ assert(self.debugPrint("DistributedBuildingAI(%s, %s)" % ("the air", str(blockNumber))))
+ self.zoneId = zoneId
+ self.canonicalZoneId = ZoneUtil.getCanonicalZoneId(zoneId)
+ self.trophyMgr = trophyMgr
+ self.victorResponses = None
+ self.fsm = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM('DistributedBuildingAI',
+ [State.State('off',
+ self.enterOff,
+ self.exitOff,
+ ['waitForVictors',
+ 'becomingToon',
+ 'toon',
+ 'clearOutToonInterior',
+ 'becomingSuit',
+ 'suit',
+ 'clearOutToonInteriorForCogdo',
+ 'becomingCogdo',
+ 'cogdo',
+ ]),
+ State.State('waitForVictors',
+ self.enterWaitForVictors,
+ self.exitWaitForVictors,
+ ['becomingToon',
+ ]),
+ State.State('waitForVictorsFromCogdo',
+ self.enterWaitForVictorsFromCogdo,
+ self.exitWaitForVictorsFromCogdo,
+ ['becomingToonFromCogdo',
+ ]),
+ State.State('becomingToon',
+ self.enterBecomingToon,
+ self.exitBecomingToon,
+ ['toon']),
+ State.State('becomingToonFromCogdo',
+ self.enterBecomingToonFromCogdo,
+ self.exitBecomingToonFromCogdo,
+ ['toon']),
+ State.State('toon',
+ self.enterToon,
+ self.exitToon,
+ ['clearOutToonInterior', 'clearOutToonInteriorForCogdo']),
+ State.State('clearOutToonInterior',
+ self.enterClearOutToonInterior,
+ self.exitClearOutToonInterior,
+ ['becomingSuit']),
+ State.State('becomingSuit',
+ self.enterBecomingSuit,
+ self.exitBecomingSuit,
+ ['suit']),
+ State.State('suit',
+ self.enterSuit,
+ self.exitSuit,
+ ['waitForVictors',
+ 'becomingToon', # debug only
+ ]),
+ State.State('clearOutToonInteriorForCogdo',
+ self.enterClearOutToonInteriorForCogdo,
+ self.exitClearOutToonInteriorForCogdo,
+ ['becomingCogdo']),
+ State.State('becomingCogdo',
+ self.enterBecomingCogdo,
+ self.exitBecomingCogdo,
+ ['cogdo']),
+ State.State('cogdo',
+ self.enterCogdo,
+ self.exitCogdo,
+ ['waitForVictorsFromCogdo',
+ 'becomingToonFromCogdo', # debug only
+ ])],
+ # Initial State
+ 'off',
+ # Final State
+ 'off',
+ )
+ self.fsm.enterInitialState()
+ self.track='c'
+ self.difficulty=1
+ self.numFloors=0
+ self.savedBy=None
+ self.becameSuitTime=0
+ self.frontDoorPoint=None
+ self.suitPlannerExt=None
+ def cleanup(self):
+ if self.isDeleted():
+ return
+ self.fsm.requestFinalState()
+ if hasattr(self, "interior"):
+ self.interior.requestDelete()
+ del self.interior
+ if hasattr(self, "door"):
+ self.door.requestDelete()
+ del self.door
+ self.insideDoor.requestDelete()
+ del self.insideDoor
+ self.knockKnock.requestDelete()
+ del self.knockKnock
+ if hasattr(self, "elevator"):
+ self.elevator.requestDelete()
+ del self.elevator
+ self.requestDelete()
+ def delete( self ):
+ """
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Function: clean up tasks that might still be running for this
+ // building
+ // Parameters:
+ // Changes:
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ """
+ # make sure to remove any tasks we might have created
+ taskMgr.remove(self.taskName('suitbldg-time-out'))
+ # remove the doLater associated with the state transition of
+ # a suit building becoming a toon building
+ taskMgr.remove(self.taskName(str(self.block) + '_becomingToon-timer'))
+ # remove the doLater associated with the state transition of
+ # a toon building becoming a suit building
+ taskMgr.remove(self.taskName(str(self.block) + '_becomingSuit-timer'))
+ DistributedObjectAI.DistributedObjectAI.delete(self)
+ del self.fsm
+ def getPickleData(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("getPickleData()"))
+ pickleData={
+ 'state': str(self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName()),
+ 'block': str(self.block),
+ 'track': str(self.track),
+ 'difficulty': str(self.difficulty),
+ 'numFloors': str(self.numFloors),
+ 'savedBy': self.savedBy,
+ 'becameSuitTime' : self.becameSuitTime,
+ }
+ return pickleData
+ def _getMinMaxFloors(self, difficulty):
+ return SuitBuildingGlobals.SuitBuildingInfo[difficulty][0]
+ def suitTakeOver(self, suitTrack, difficulty, buildingHeight):
+ """Switch from toon to suit building
+ suitTrack: one of 'c', 'l', 'm', or 's'
+ difficulty: 0+
+ buildingHeight: 0..4, or None to choose based on the difficulty.
+ """
+ if not self.isToonBlock():
+ return
+ assert(suitTrack in ['c', 'l', 'm', 's'])
+ # Remove the old saved by credit with the old number of floors
+ self.updateSavedBy(None)
+ difficulty = min(difficulty, len(SuitBuildingGlobals.SuitBuildingInfo) - 1)
+ minFloors, maxFloors = self._getMinMaxFloors(difficulty)
+ if buildingHeight == None:
+ # Pick a random floor number from the appropriate range.
+ numFloors = random.randint(minFloors, maxFloors)
+ else:
+ # The number of floors is specified.
+ numFloors = buildingHeight + 1
+ if (numFloors < minFloors or numFloors > maxFloors):
+ # Hmm, the number of floors is out of range for this
+ # suit. There must be an invasion in effect. In that
+ # case, go ahead and make a building of any height
+ # appropriate to the suit.
+ numFloors = random.randint(minFloors, maxFloors)
+ assert(self.debugPrint("suitTakeOver(%s, %s, %s)" % (suitTrack, difficulty, numFloors - 1)))
+ self.track=suitTrack
+ self.difficulty=difficulty
+ self.numFloors=numFloors
+ self.becameSuitTime = time.time()
+ self.fsm.request('clearOutToonInterior')
+ def cogdoTakeOver(self, difficulty, buildingHeight):
+ if not self.isToonBlock():
+ return
+ # Remove the old saved by credit with the old number of floors
+ self.updateSavedBy(None)
+ minFloors, maxFloors = self._getMinMaxFloors(difficulty)
+ if buildingHeight == None:
+ # Pick a random floor number from the appropriate range.
+ numFloors = random.randint(minFloors, maxFloors)
+ else:
+ # The number of floors is specified.
+ numFloors = buildingHeight + 1
+ if (numFloors < minFloors or numFloors > maxFloors):
+ # Hmm, the number of floors is out of range for this
+ # suit. There must be an invasion in effect. In that
+ # case, go ahead and make a building of any height
+ # appropriate to the suit.
+ numFloors = random.randint(minFloors, maxFloors)
+ assert(self.debugPrint("cogdoTakeOver(%s, %s)" % (difficulty, numFloors - 1)))
+ self.track='c'
+ self.difficulty=difficulty
+ self.numFloors=numFloors
+ self.becameSuitTime = time.time()
+ self.fsm.request('clearOutToonInteriorForCogdo')
+ def toonTakeOver(self):
+ """Switch from suit to toon building
+ savedBy: a list of 1 to 4 avatar [name, style] lists."""
+ assert(self.debugPrint("toonTakeOver(savedBy=%s)"%(self.savedBy)))
+ if 'cogdo' in self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName().lower():
+ self.fsm.request('becomingToonFromCogdo')
+ else:
+ self.fsm.request('becomingToon')
+ if self.suitPlannerExt:
+ self.suitPlannerExt.recycleBuilding()
+ if hasattr(self, "interior"):
+ self.interior.requestDelete()
+ del self.interior
+ def getFrontDoorPoint(self):
+ """get any associated path point for this building, useful for
+ suits to know where to go when exiting from a building"""
+ assert(self.debugPrint("getFrontDoorPoint()"))
+ return self.frontDoorPoint
+ def setFrontDoorPoint(self, point):
+ """set the associated front door point with this building"""
+ assert(self.debugPrint("setFrontDoorPoint(%s)" % (str(point))))
+ self.frontDoorPoint = point
+ def getBlock(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("getBlock()"))
+ dummy, interiorZoneId = self.getExteriorAndInteriorZoneId()
+ return [self.block, interiorZoneId]
+ def getSuitData(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("getSuitData()"))
+ return [ord(self.track), self.difficulty, self.numFloors]
+ def getState(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("getState()"))
+ return [self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName(),
+ globalClockDelta.getRealNetworkTime()]
+ def setState(self, state, timestamp=0):
+ assert(self.notify.debug(str(self.block)+" setState(state="+str(state)+")"))
+ self.fsm.request(state)
+ def isSuitBuilding(self):
+ """return true if that block is a suit building"""
+ assert(self.debugPrint("isSuitBlock()"))
+ state=self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName()
+ return state=='suit' or state=='becomingSuit' or \
+ state=='clearOutToonInterior'
+ def isCogdo(self):
+ """return true if that block is a cogdo"""
+ assert(self.debugPrint("isSuitBlock()"))
+ state=self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName()
+ return state=='cogdo' or state=='becomingCogdo' or \
+ state=='clearOutToonInteriorForCogdo'
+ def isSuitBlock(self):
+ """return true if that block is a suit block/building/cogdo"""
+ assert(self.debugPrint("isSuitBlock()"))
+ state=self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName()
+ return self.isSuitBuilding() or self.isCogdo()
+ def isEstablishedSuitBlock(self):
+ """return true if that block is a fully established suit building"""
+ assert(self.debugPrint("isEstablishedSuitBlock()"))
+ state=self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName()
+ return state=='suit'
+ def isToonBlock(self):
+ """return true if that block is a toon block/building"""
+ assert(self.debugPrint("isToonBlock()"))
+ state=self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName()
+ return state in ('toon', 'becomingToon', 'becomingToonFromCogdo', )
+ def getExteriorAndInteriorZoneId(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug(str(self.block)+" getInteriorZoneId()"))
+ blockNumber = self.block
+ assert(blockNumber<100) # this may cause trouble for the interiorZoneId,
+ # it may bump into the next higher zone range.
+ dnaStore = self.air.dnaStoreMap[self.canonicalZoneId]
+ zoneId = dnaStore.getZoneFromBlockNumber(blockNumber)
+ zoneId = ZoneUtil.getTrueZoneId(zoneId, self.zoneId)
+ interiorZoneId = (zoneId - zoneId % 100) + 500 + blockNumber
+ assert(self.notify.debug(str(self.block)+" getInteriorZoneId() returning"
+ +str(interiorZoneId)))
+ return zoneId, interiorZoneId
+ def d_setState(self, state):
+ assert(self.notify.debug(str(self.block)+" d_setState(state="+str(state)+")"))
+ self.sendUpdate('setState', [state, globalClockDelta.getRealNetworkTime()])
+ def b_setVictorList(self, victorList):
+ self.setVictorList(victorList)
+ self.d_setVictorList(victorList)
+ return
+ def d_setVictorList(self, victorList):
+ self.sendUpdate("setVictorList", [victorList])
+ return
+ def setVictorList(self, victorList):
+ self.victorList = victorList
+ return
+ def findVictorIndex(self, avId):
+ for i in range(len(self.victorList)):
+ if self.victorList[i] == avId:
+ return i
+ return None
+ def recordVictorResponse(self, avId):
+ index = self.findVictorIndex(avId)
+ if index == None:
+ self.air.writeServerEvent('suspicious', avId, 'DistributedBuildingAI.setVictorReady from toon not in %s.' % (self.victorList))
+ return
+ assert(self.victorResponses[index] == 0 or self.victorResponses[index] == avId)
+ self.victorResponses[index] = avId
+ def allVictorsResponded(self):
+ if self.victorResponses == self.victorList:
+ return 1
+ else:
+ return 0
+ def setVictorReady(self):
+ avId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender()
+ if self.victorResponses == None:
+ self.air.writeServerEvent('suspicious', avId, 'DistributedBuildingAI.setVictorReady in state %s.' % (self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName()))
+ return
+ assert(self.notify.debug("victor %d is ready for bldg %d" % (avId, self.doId)))
+ self.recordVictorResponse(avId)
+ # Don't tell us about this avatar exiting any more.
+ event = self.air.getAvatarExitEvent(avId)
+ self.ignore(event)
+ if self.allVictorsResponded():
+ self.toonTakeOver()
+ def setVictorExited(self, avId):
+ print "victor %d exited unexpectedly for bldg %d" % (avId, self.doId)
+ self.recordVictorResponse(avId)
+ if self.allVictorsResponded():
+ self.toonTakeOver()
+ ##### off state #####
+ def enterOff(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("enterOff()"))
+ def exitOff(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("exitOff()"))
+ ##### waitForVictors state #####
+ def getToon(self, toonId):
+ if (self.air.doId2do.has_key(toonId)):
+ return self.air.doId2do[toonId]
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning('getToon() - toon: %d not in repository!' \
+ % toonId)
+ return None
+ def updateSavedBy(self, savedBy):
+ # Clear the old savedBy from the trophy manager
+ if self.savedBy:
+ for avId, name, dna in self.savedBy:
+ # Don't change building take over score when the toon is in the welcome valley.
+ if not ZoneUtil.isWelcomeValley(self.zoneId):
+ self.trophyMgr.removeTrophy(avId, self.numFloors)
+ # Update the new saved by list
+ self.savedBy = savedBy
+ if self.savedBy:
+ for avId, name, dna in self.savedBy:
+ # Don't change building take over score when the toon is in the welcome valley.
+ if not ZoneUtil.isWelcomeValley(self.zoneId):
+ self.trophyMgr.addTrophy(avId, name, self.numFloors)
+ def enterWaitForVictors(self, victorList, savedBy):
+ assert(len(victorList) == 4)
+ # Grab the list of active toons to pass in for each toon
+ # (this is used by the quest system)
+ activeToons = []
+ for t in victorList:
+ toon = None
+ if (t):
+ toon = self.getToon(t)
+ if (toon != None):
+ activeToons.append(toon)
+ # Tell the quest manager that these toons defeated this building
+ for t in victorList:
+ toon = None
+ if t:
+ toon = self.getToon(t)
+ self.air.writeServerEvent(
+ 'buildingDefeated', t, "%s|%s|%s|%s" % (self.track, self.numFloors, self.zoneId, victorList))
+ if toon != None:
+ self.air.questManager.toonKilledBuilding(
+ toon, self.track, self.difficulty,
+ self.numFloors, self.zoneId, activeToons)
+ # Convert the list to all ints. 0 means no one is there.
+ # Also, if a toon has disconnected, remove him from the list.
+ for i in range(0, 4):
+ victor = victorList[i]
+ if victor == None or not self.air.doId2do.has_key(victor):
+ victorList[i] = 0
+ else:
+ # Handle unexpected exit messages for everyone else.
+ event = self.air.getAvatarExitEvent(victor)
+ self.accept(event, self.setVictorExited, extraArgs=[victor])
+ # Save the list and also tell it to all the clients.
+ self.b_setVictorList(victorList)
+ self.updateSavedBy(savedBy)
+ # List of victor responses
+ self.victorResponses = [0, 0, 0, 0]
+ # Tell the client to go into waitForVictors state
+ self.d_setState("waitForVictors")
+ return
+ def exitWaitForVictors(self):
+ # Stop waiting for unexpected exits.
+ self.victorResponses = None
+ for victor in self.victorList:
+ event = simbase.air.getAvatarExitEvent(victor)
+ self.ignore(event)
+ return
+ def enterWaitForVictorsFromCogdo(self, victorList, savedBy):
+ assert(len(victorList) == 4)
+ # Grab the list of active toons to pass in for each toon
+ # (this is used by the quest system)
+ activeToons = []
+ for t in victorList:
+ toon = None
+ if (t):
+ toon = self.getToon(t)
+ if (toon != None):
+ activeToons.append(toon)
+ # Tell the quest manager that these toons defeated this building
+ for t in victorList:
+ toon = None
+ if t:
+ toon = self.getToon(t)
+ self.air.writeServerEvent(
+ 'buildingDefeated', t, "%s|%s|%s|%s" % (self.track, self.numFloors, self.zoneId, victorList))
+ if toon != None:
+ self.air.questManager.toonKilledCogdo(
+ toon, self.difficulty,
+ self.numFloors, self.zoneId, activeToons)
+ # Convert the list to all ints. 0 means no one is there.
+ # Also, if a toon has disconnected, remove him from the list.
+ for i in range(0, 4):
+ victor = victorList[i]
+ if victor == None or not self.air.doId2do.has_key(victor):
+ victorList[i] = 0
+ else:
+ # Handle unexpected exit messages for everyone else.
+ event = self.air.getAvatarExitEvent(victor)
+ self.accept(event, self.setVictorExited, extraArgs=[victor])
+ # Save the list and also tell it to all the clients.
+ self.b_setVictorList(victorList)
+ self.updateSavedBy(savedBy)
+ # List of victor responses
+ self.victorResponses = [0, 0, 0, 0]
+ # Tell the client to go into waitForVictors state
+ self.d_setState("waitForVictorsFromCogdo")
+ return
+ def exitWaitForVictorsFromCogdo(self):
+ # Stop waiting for unexpected exits.
+ self.victorResponses = None
+ for victor in self.victorList:
+ event = simbase.air.getAvatarExitEvent(victor)
+ self.ignore(event)
+ return
+ ##### becomingToon state #####
+ def enterBecomingToon(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("enterBecomingToon()"))
+ self.d_setState('becomingToon')
+ name = self.taskName(str(self.block)+'_becomingToon-timer')
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(
+ SuitBuildingGlobals.VICTORY_SEQUENCE_TIME,
+ self.becomingToonTask,
+ name)
+ def exitBecomingToon(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("exitBecomingToon()"))
+ name = self.taskName(str(self.block)+'_becomingToon-timer')
+ taskMgr.remove(name)
+ ##### becomingToonFromCogdo state #####
+ def enterBecomingToonFromCogdo(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("enterBecomingToonFromCogdo()"))
+ self.d_setState('becomingToonFromCogdo')
+ name = self.taskName(str(self.block)+'_becomingToonFromCogdo-timer')
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(
+ SuitBuildingGlobals.VICTORY_SEQUENCE_TIME,
+ self.becomingToonTask,
+ name)
+ def exitBecomingToonFromCogdo(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("exitBecomingToonFromCogdo()"))
+ name = self.taskName(str(self.block)+'_becomingToonFromCogdo-timer')
+ taskMgr.remove(name)
+ ##### toon state #####
+ def becomingToonTask(self, task):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("becomingToonTask()"))
+ self.fsm.request("toon")
+ # Save the building state whenever we convert a building to
+ # toonness.
+ return Task.done
+ def enterToon(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("enterToon()"))
+ self.d_setState('toon')
+ # Create the DistributedDoor:
+ exteriorZoneId, interiorZoneId=self.getExteriorAndInteriorZoneId()
+ # Toon interior:
+ if simbase.config.GetBool("want-new-toonhall",1) and \
+ ZoneUtil.getCanonicalZoneId(interiorZoneId)== ToonHall:
+ self.interior=DistributedToonHallInteriorAI.DistributedToonHallInteriorAI(
+ self.block, self.air, interiorZoneId, self)
+ else:
+ self.interior=DistributedToonInteriorAI.DistributedToonInteriorAI(
+ self.block, self.air, interiorZoneId, self)
+ self.interior.generateWithRequired(interiorZoneId)
+ # Outside door:
+ door=self.createExteriorDoor()
+ # Inside of the same door (different zone, and different distributed object):
+ insideDoor=DistributedDoorAI.DistributedDoorAI(self.air, self.block,
+ # Tell them about each other:
+ door.setOtherDoor(insideDoor)
+ insideDoor.setOtherDoor(door)
+ door.zoneId=exteriorZoneId
+ insideDoor.zoneId=interiorZoneId
+ # Now that they both now about each other, generate them:
+ door.generateWithRequired(exteriorZoneId)
+ insideDoor.generateWithRequired(interiorZoneId)
+ # keep track of them:
+ self.door=door
+ self.insideDoor=insideDoor
+ self.becameSuitTime = 0
+ self.knockKnock=DistributedKnockKnockDoorAI.DistributedKnockKnockDoorAI(
+ self.air, self.block)
+ self.knockKnock.generateWithRequired(exteriorZoneId)
+ self.air.writeServerEvent(
+ 'building-toon', self.doId,
+ "%s|%s" % (self.zoneId, self.block))
+ def createExteriorDoor(self):
+ """Return the DistributedDoor for the exterior, with correct door type set"""
+ # Created so animated buildings can over ride this function
+ result = DistributedDoorAI.DistributedDoorAI(self.air, self.block,
+ return result
+ def exitToon(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("exitToon()"))
+ self.door.setDoorLock(FADoorCodes.BUILDING_TAKEOVER)
+ # The door doesn't get unlocked, because
+ # it will be distroyed and recreated.
+ ##### clearOutToonInterior state #####
+ def enterClearOutToonInterior(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("enterClearOutToonInterior()"))
+ self.d_setState('clearOutToonInterior')
+ if hasattr(self, "interior"):
+ self.interior.setState("beingTakenOver")
+ name = self.taskName(str(self.block)+'_clearOutToonInterior-timer')
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(
+ SuitBuildingGlobals.CLEAR_OUT_TOON_BLDG_TIME,
+ self.clearOutToonInteriorTask,
+ name)
+ def exitClearOutToonInterior(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("exitClearOutToonInterior()"))
+ name = self.taskName(str(self.block)+'_clearOutToonInterior-timer')
+ taskMgr.remove(name)
+ ##### becomingSuit state #####
+ def clearOutToonInteriorTask(self, task):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("clearOutToonInteriorTask()"))
+ self.fsm.request("becomingSuit")
+ return Task.done
+ def enterBecomingSuit(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("enterBecomingSuit()"))
+ # We have to send this message before we send the distributed
+ # update to becomingSuit state, because the clients depend on
+ # knowing what kind of suit building we're becoming.
+ self.sendUpdate('setSuitData',
+ [ord(self.track), self.difficulty, self.numFloors])
+ self.d_setState('becomingSuit')
+ name = self.taskName(str(self.block)+'_becomingSuit-timer')
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(
+ SuitBuildingGlobals.TO_SUIT_BLDG_TIME,
+ self.becomingSuitTask,
+ name)
+ def exitBecomingSuit(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("exitBecomingSuit()"))
+ name = self.taskName(str(self.block)+'_becomingSuit-timer')
+ taskMgr.remove(name)
+ # Clean up the toon distributed objects:
+ if hasattr(self, "interior"):
+ self.interior.requestDelete()
+ del self.interior
+ self.door.requestDelete()
+ del self.door
+ self.insideDoor.requestDelete()
+ del self.insideDoor
+ self.knockKnock.requestDelete()
+ del self.knockKnock
+ ##### suit state #####
+ def becomingSuitTask(self, task):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("becomingSuitTask()"))
+ self.fsm.request("suit")
+ # Save the building state whenever we convert a building to
+ # suitness.
+ return Task.done
+ def enterSuit(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("enterSuit()"))
+ # We have to send this message again, even though we've
+ # already sent it in becomingSuit, because we might have come
+ # to this state directly on startup.
+ self.sendUpdate('setSuitData',
+ [ord(self.track), self.difficulty, self.numFloors])
+ # Create the suit planner for the interior
+ zoneId, interiorZoneId = self.getExteriorAndInteriorZoneId()
+ self.planner = SuitPlannerInteriorAI.SuitPlannerInteriorAI(
+ self.numFloors, self.difficulty, self.track, interiorZoneId)
+ self.d_setState('suit')
+ # Create the DistributedDoor:
+ exteriorZoneId, interiorZoneId=self.getExteriorAndInteriorZoneId()
+ #todo: ...create the elevator.
+ self.elevator = DistributedElevatorExtAI.DistributedElevatorExtAI(
+ self.air,
+ self)
+ self.elevator.generateWithRequired(exteriorZoneId)
+ self.air.writeServerEvent(
+ 'building-cog', self.doId,
+ "%s|%s|%s|%s" % (self.zoneId, self.block, self.track, self.numFloors))
+ def exitSuit(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("exitSuit()"))
+ del self.planner
+ # Clean up the suit distributed objects:
+ if hasattr(self, "elevator"):
+ self.elevator.requestDelete()
+ del self.elevator
+ ##### clearOutToonInteriorForCogdo state #####
+ def enterClearOutToonInteriorForCogdo(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("enterClearOutToonInteriorForCogdo()"))
+ self.d_setState('clearOutToonInteriorForCogdo')
+ if hasattr(self, "interior"):
+ self.interior.setState("beingTakenOver")
+ name = self.taskName(str(self.block)+'_clearOutToonInteriorForCogdo-timer')
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(
+ SuitBuildingGlobals.CLEAR_OUT_TOON_BLDG_TIME,
+ self.clearOutToonInteriorForCogdoTask,
+ name)
+ def exitClearOutToonInteriorForCogdo(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("exitClearOutToonInteriorForCogdo()"))
+ name = self.taskName(str(self.block)+'_clearOutToonInteriorForCogdo-timer')
+ taskMgr.remove(name)
+ ##### becomingCogdo state #####
+ def clearOutToonInteriorForCogdoTask(self, task):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("clearOutToonInteriorForCogdoTask()"))
+ self.fsm.request("becomingCogdo")
+ return Task.done
+ def enterBecomingCogdo(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("enterBecomingCogdo()"))
+ # We have to send this message before we send the distributed
+ # update to becomingCogdo state, because the clients depend on
+ # knowing what kind of cogdo building we're becoming.
+ self.sendUpdate('setSuitData',
+ [ord(self.track), self.difficulty, self.numFloors])
+ self.d_setState('becomingCogdo')
+ name = self.taskName(str(self.block)+'_becomingCogdo-timer')
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(
+ SuitBuildingGlobals.TO_SUIT_BLDG_TIME,
+ self.becomingCogdoTask,
+ name)
+ def exitBecomingCogdo(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("exitBecomingCogdo()"))
+ name = self.taskName(str(self.block)+'_becomingCogdo-timer')
+ taskMgr.remove(name)
+ # Clean up the toon distributed objects:
+ if hasattr(self, "interior"):
+ self.interior.requestDelete()
+ del self.interior
+ self.door.requestDelete()
+ del self.door
+ self.insideDoor.requestDelete()
+ del self.insideDoor
+ self.knockKnock.requestDelete()
+ del self.knockKnock
+ ##### cogdo state #####
+ def becomingCogdoTask(self, task):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("becomingCogdoTask()"))
+ self.fsm.request("cogdo")
+ # Save the building state whenever we convert a building to
+ # cogdoness.
+ return Task.done
+ def enterCogdo(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("enterCogdo()"))
+ # We have to send this message again, even though we've
+ # already sent it in becomingCogdo, because we might have come
+ # to this state directly on startup.
+ self.sendUpdate('setSuitData',
+ [ord(self.track), self.difficulty, self.numFloors])
+ # Create the suit planner for the interior
+ zoneId, interiorZoneId = self.getExteriorAndInteriorZoneId()
+ self._cogdoLayout = CogdoLayout(self.numFloors)
+ self.planner = SuitPlannerCogdoInteriorAI(
+ self._cogdoLayout, self.difficulty, self.track, interiorZoneId)
+ self.d_setState('cogdo')
+ # Create the DistributedDoor:
+ exteriorZoneId, interiorZoneId=self.getExteriorAndInteriorZoneId()
+ #todo: ...create the elevator.
+ self.elevator = DistributedCogdoElevatorExtAI(
+ self.air,
+ self)
+ self.elevator.generateWithRequired(exteriorZoneId)
+ self.air.writeServerEvent(
+ 'building-cogdo', self.doId,
+ "%s|%s|%s" % (self.zoneId, self.block, self.numFloors))
+ def exitCogdo(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("exitCogdo()"))
+ del self.planner
+ # Clean up the cogdo distributed objects:
+ if hasattr(self, "elevator"):
+ self.elevator.requestDelete()
+ del self.elevator
+ def setSuitPlannerExt( self, planner ):
+ """
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Function: let the building know which suit planner contains
+ // its building manager
+ // Parameters: planner, the governing suit planner for this bldg
+ // Changes:
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ """
+ self.suitPlannerExt = planner
+ def _createSuitInterior(self):
+ return DistributedSuitInteriorAI.DistributedSuitInteriorAI(self.air, self.elevator)
+ def _createCogdoInterior(self):
+ return DistributedCogdoInteriorAI(self.air, self.elevator)
+ def createSuitInterior(self):
+ # Create a building interior in the new (interior) zone
+ self.interior = self._createSuitInterior()
+ dummy, interiorZoneId = self.getExteriorAndInteriorZoneId()
+ self.interior.fsm.request('WaitForAllToonsInside')
+ self.interior.generateWithRequired(interiorZoneId)
+ def createCogdoInterior(self):
+ # Create a building interior in the new (interior) zone
+ self.interior = self._createCogdoInterior()
+ dummy, interiorZoneId = self.getExteriorAndInteriorZoneId()
+ self.interior.fsm.request('WaitForAllToonsInside')
+ self.interior.generateWithRequired(interiorZoneId)
+ def deleteSuitInterior(self):
+ if hasattr(self, "interior"):
+ self.interior.requestDelete()
+ del self.interior
+ if hasattr(self, "elevator"):
+ # -1 means the lobby.
+ self.elevator.d_setFloor(-1)
+ def deleteCogdoInterior(self):
+ self.deleteSuitInterior()
+ if __debug__:
+ def debugPrint(self, message):
+ """for debugging"""
+ return self.notify.debug(
+ str(self.__dict__.get('block', '?'))+' '+message)
+# history
+# 10May01 jlbutler added frontDoorPoint to the building so a suit or
+# the suit planner can get from a building to a suit
+# path point which is in front of the building
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24dfcf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,446 @@
+""" DistributedBuildingMgrAI module: contains the DistributedBuildingMgrAI
+ class, the server side handler of all buildings in a neighborhood."""
+# AI code should not import ShowBaseGlobal because it creates a graphics window
+# Use AIBaseGlobal instead
+# from ShowBaseGlobal import *
+import os
+from direct.task.Task import Task
+import cPickle
+from import *
+import DistributedBuildingAI
+import HQBuildingAI
+import GagshopBuildingAI
+import PetshopBuildingAI
+from toontown.building.KartShopBuildingAI import KartShopBuildingAI
+from toontown.building import DistributedAnimBuildingAI
+#import DistributedDoorAI
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from toontown.hood import ZoneUtil
+import time
+import random
+class DistributedBuildingMgrAI:
+ """
+ DistributedBuildingMgrAI class: a server side object, keeps track of
+ all buildings within a single neighborhood (street), handles
+ converting them from good to bad, and hands out information about
+ buildings to whoever asks.
+ Landmark data will be saved to an AI Server local file.
+ *How landmark building info gets loaded:
+ load list from dna;
+ look for backup .buildings file;
+ if present:
+ load from backup buildings file;
+ #if buildings file is present:
+ # remove buildings file;
+ else:
+ load .buildings file;
+ compare dna list with saved list;
+ if they are different:
+ make reasonable matches for suit blocks;
+ create the building AI dictionary
+ *Saving building data:
+ check for backup buildings file;
+ if present:
+ remove buildings file;
+ else:
+ move buildings file to backup file;
+ write new buildings file;
+ remove backup buildings file;
+ """
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('DistributedBuildingMgrAI')
+ serverDatafolder = simbase.config.GetString('server-data-folder', "")
+ def __init__(self, air, branchID, dnaStore, trophyMgr):
+ """
+ branchID: The street number. Such as 2200.
+ """
+ self.branchID = branchID
+ self.canonicalBranchID = ZoneUtil.getCanonicalZoneId(branchID)
+ assert(self.debugPrint("__init__(air, branchID, dnaStore, trophyMgr)"))
+ self.air = air
+ self.__buildings = {}
+ self.dnaStore = dnaStore
+ self.trophyMgr = trophyMgr
+ self.shard = str(air.districtId)
+ self.backupExtension = '.bu'
+ self.findAllLandmarkBuildings()
+ self.doLaterTask = None
+ def cleanup(self):
+ taskMgr.remove(str(self.branchID)+'_delayed_save-timer')
+ for building in self.__buildings.values():
+ building.cleanup()
+ self.__buildings = {}
+ def isValidBlockNumber(self, blockNumber):
+ """return true if that block refers to a real block"""
+ assert(self.debugPrint("isValidBlockNumber(blockNumber="+str(blockNumber)+")"))
+ return self.__buildings.has_key(blockNumber)
+ def delayedSaveTask(self, task):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("delayedSaveTask()"))
+ self.doLaterTask=None
+ return Task.done
+ def isSuitBlock(self, blockNumber):
+ """return true if that block is a suit block/building"""
+ assert(self.debugPrint("isSuitBlock(blockNumber="+str(blockNumber)+")"))
+ assert(self.__buildings.has_key(blockNumber))
+ return self.__buildings[blockNumber].isSuitBlock()
+ def getSuitBlocks(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("getSuitBlocks()"))
+ blocks=[]
+ for i in self.__buildings.values():
+ if i.isSuitBlock():
+ blocks.append(i.getBlock()[0])
+ return blocks
+ def getEstablishedSuitBlocks(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("getEstablishedSuitBlocks()"))
+ blocks=[]
+ for i in self.__buildings.values():
+ if i.isEstablishedSuitBlock():
+ blocks.append(i.getBlock()[0])
+ return blocks
+ def getToonBlocks(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("getToonBlocks()"))
+ blocks=[]
+ for i in self.__buildings.values():
+ if isinstance(i, HQBuildingAI.HQBuildingAI):
+ continue
+ if not i.isSuitBlock():
+ blocks.append(i.getBlock()[0])
+ return blocks
+ def getBuildings(self):
+ return self.__buildings.values()
+ def getFrontDoorPoint(self, blockNumber):
+ """get any associated path point for the specified building,
+ useful for suits to know where to go when exiting from a
+ building"""
+ assert(self.debugPrint("getFrontDoorPoint(blockNumber="+str(blockNumber)+")"))
+ assert(self.__buildings.has_key(blockNumber))
+ return self.__buildings[blockNumber].getFrontDoorPoint()
+ def getBuildingTrack(self, blockNumber):
+ """get any associated path point for the specified building,
+ useful for suits to know where to go when exiting from a
+ building"""
+ assert(self.debugPrint("getBuildingTrack(blockNumber="+str(blockNumber)+")"))
+ assert(self.__buildings.has_key(blockNumber))
+ return self.__buildings[blockNumber].track
+ def getBuilding( self, blockNumber ):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("getBuilding(%s)" %(str(blockNumber),)))
+ assert(self.__buildings.has_key(blockNumber))
+ return self.__buildings[blockNumber]
+ def setFrontDoorPoint(self, blockNumber, point):
+ """get any associated path point for the specified building,
+ useful for suits to know where to go when exiting from a
+ building"""
+ assert(self.debugPrint("setFrontDoorPoint(blockNumber="+str(blockNumber)
+ +", point="+str(point)+")"))
+ assert(self.__buildings.has_key(blockNumber))
+ return self.__buildings[blockNumber].setFrontDoorPoint(point)
+ def getDNABlockLists(self):
+ blocks=[]
+ hqBlocks=[]
+ gagshopBlocks=[]
+ petshopBlocks=[]
+ kartshopBlocks = []
+ animBldgBlocks = []
+ for i in range(self.dnaStore.getNumBlockNumbers()):
+ blockNumber = self.dnaStore.getBlockNumberAt(i)
+ buildingType = self.dnaStore.getBlockBuildingType(blockNumber)
+ if (buildingType == 'hq'):
+ hqBlocks.append(blockNumber)
+ elif (buildingType == 'gagshop'):
+ gagshopBlocks.append(blockNumber)
+ elif (buildingType == 'petshop'):
+ petshopBlocks.append(blockNumber)
+ elif( buildingType == 'kartshop' ):
+ kartshopBlocks.append( blockNumber )
+ elif( buildingType == 'animbldg' ):
+ animBldgBlocks.append( blockNumber )
+ else:
+ blocks.append(blockNumber)
+ return blocks, hqBlocks, gagshopBlocks, petshopBlocks, kartshopBlocks, animBldgBlocks
+ def findAllLandmarkBuildings(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("findAllLandmarkBuildings()"))
+ # Load the saved buildings:
+ buildings=self.load()
+ # Create the distributed buildings:
+ blocks, hqBlocks, gagshopBlocks, petshopBlocks, kartshopBlocks, animBldgBlocks = self.getDNABlockLists()
+ for block in blocks:
+ # Used saved data, if appropriate:
+ self.newBuilding(block, buildings.get(block, None))
+ for block in animBldgBlocks:
+ # Used saved data, if appropriate:
+ self.newAnimBuilding(block, buildings.get(block, None))
+ for block in hqBlocks:
+ self.newHQBuilding(block)
+ for block in gagshopBlocks:
+ self.newGagshopBuilding(block)
+ if simbase.wantPets:
+ for block in petshopBlocks:
+ self.newPetshopBuilding(block)
+ if( simbase.wantKarts ):
+ for block in kartshopBlocks:
+ self.newKartShopBuilding( block )
+ def newBuilding(self, blockNumber, blockData=None):
+ """Create a new building and keep track of it."""
+ assert(self.debugPrint("newBuilding(blockNumber="+str(blockNumber)
+ +", blockData="+str(blockData)+")"))
+ assert(not self.__buildings.has_key(blockNumber))
+ building=DistributedBuildingAI.DistributedBuildingAI(
+ self.air, blockNumber, self.branchID, self.trophyMgr)
+ building.generateWithRequired(self.branchID)
+ if blockData:
+ building.track = blockData.get("track", "c")
+ building.difficulty = int(blockData.get("difficulty", 1))
+ building.numFloors = int(blockData.get("numFloors", 1))
+ building.numFloors = max(1, min(5, building.numFloors))
+ if not ZoneUtil.isWelcomeValley(building.zoneId):
+ building.updateSavedBy(blockData.get("savedBy"))
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning('we had a cog building in welcome valley %d' % building.zoneId)
+ building.becameSuitTime = blockData.get("becameSuitTime", time.time())
+ # Double check the state becuase we have seen the building
+ # saved out with other states (like waitForVictor). If we
+ # get one of these weird states, just make it a toon bldg
+ if blockData["state"] == "suit":
+ building.setState("suit")
+ elif blockData['state'] == 'cogdo':
+ if simbase.air.wantCogdominiums:
+ building.setState("cogdo")
+ else:
+ building.setState("toon")
+ else:
+ building.setState("toon")
+ self.__buildings[blockNumber] = building
+ return building
+ def newAnimBuilding(self, blockNumber, blockData=None):
+ """Create a new building and keep track of it."""
+ assert(self.debugPrint("newBuilding(blockNumber="+str(blockNumber)
+ +", blockData="+str(blockData)+")"))
+ assert(not self.__buildings.has_key(blockNumber))
+ building=DistributedAnimBuildingAI.DistributedAnimBuildingAI(
+ self.air, blockNumber, self.branchID, self.trophyMgr)
+ building.generateWithRequired(self.branchID)
+ if blockData:
+ building.track = blockData.get("track", "c")
+ building.difficulty = int(blockData.get("difficulty", 1))
+ building.numFloors = int(blockData.get("numFloors", 1))
+ if not ZoneUtil.isWelcomeValley(building.zoneId):
+ building.updateSavedBy(blockData.get("savedBy"))
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning('we had a cog building in welcome valley %d' % building.zoneId)
+ building.becameSuitTime = blockData.get("becameSuitTime", time.time())
+ # Double check the state becuase we have seen the building
+ # saved out with other states (like waitForVictor). If we
+ # get one of these weird states, just make it a toon bldg
+ if blockData["state"] == "suit":
+ building.setState("suit")
+ else:
+ building.setState("toon")
+ else:
+ building.setState("toon")
+ self.__buildings[blockNumber] = building
+ return building
+ def newHQBuilding(self, blockNumber):
+ """Create a new HQ building and keep track of it."""
+ assert(not self.__buildings.has_key(blockNumber))
+ dnaStore = self.air.dnaStoreMap[self.canonicalBranchID]
+ exteriorZoneId = dnaStore.getZoneFromBlockNumber(blockNumber)
+ exteriorZoneId = ZoneUtil.getTrueZoneId(exteriorZoneId, self.branchID)
+ interiorZoneId = (self.branchID-self.branchID%100)+500+blockNumber
+ assert(self.debugPrint("newHQBuilding(blockNumber=%s exteriorZoneId=%s interiorZoneId=%s" %
+ (blockNumber, exteriorZoneId, interiorZoneId)))
+ building=HQBuildingAI.HQBuildingAI(self.air, exteriorZoneId, interiorZoneId, blockNumber)
+ self.__buildings[blockNumber] = building
+ return building
+ def newGagshopBuilding(self, blockNumber):
+ """Create a new Gagshop building and keep track of it."""
+ assert(self.debugPrint("newGagshopBuilding(blockNumber="+str(blockNumber)+")"))
+ assert(not self.__buildings.has_key(blockNumber))
+ dnaStore = self.air.dnaStoreMap[self.canonicalBranchID]
+ exteriorZoneId = dnaStore.getZoneFromBlockNumber(blockNumber)
+ exteriorZoneId = ZoneUtil.getTrueZoneId(exteriorZoneId, self.branchID)
+ interiorZoneId = (self.branchID-self.branchID%100)+500+blockNumber
+ building=GagshopBuildingAI.GagshopBuildingAI(self.air, exteriorZoneId, interiorZoneId, blockNumber)
+ self.__buildings[blockNumber] = building
+ return building
+ def newPetshopBuilding(self, blockNumber):
+ """Create a new Petshop building and keep track of it."""
+ assert(self.debugPrint("newPetshopBuilding(blockNumber="+str(blockNumber)+")"))
+ assert(not self.__buildings.has_key(blockNumber))
+ dnaStore = self.air.dnaStoreMap[self.canonicalBranchID]
+ exteriorZoneId = dnaStore.getZoneFromBlockNumber(blockNumber)
+ exteriorZoneId = ZoneUtil.getTrueZoneId(exteriorZoneId, self.branchID)
+ interiorZoneId = (self.branchID-self.branchID%100)+500+blockNumber
+ building=PetshopBuildingAI.PetshopBuildingAI(self.air, exteriorZoneId, interiorZoneId, blockNumber)
+ self.__buildings[blockNumber] = building
+ return building
+ def newKartShopBuilding( self, blockNumber ):
+ """
+ Purpose: The newKartShopBuilding Method creates a new KartShop
+ building and keeps track of it.
+ Params: blockNumber - block that the shop is on.
+ Return: None
+ """
+ assert( self.debugPrint( "newKartShopBuilding(blockNumber=" + str( blockNumber ) + ")" ) )
+ assert( not self.__buildings.has_key( blockNumber ) )
+ dnaStore = self.air.dnaStoreMap[ self.canonicalBranchID ]
+ # Retrieve the Exterior and Interior ZoneIds
+ exteriorZoneId = dnaStore.getZoneFromBlockNumber( blockNumber )
+ exteriorZoneId = ZoneUtil.getTrueZoneId( exteriorZoneId, self.branchID )
+ interiorZoneId = ( self.branchID - self.branchID%100 ) + 500 + blockNumber
+ building = KartShopBuildingAI( self.air, exteriorZoneId, interiorZoneId, blockNumber )
+ self.__buildings[ blockNumber ] = building
+ return building
+ def getFileName(self):
+ """Figure out the path to the saved state"""
+ f = "%s%s_%d.buildings" % (self.serverDatafolder, self.shard, self.branchID)
+ assert(self.debugPrint("getFileName() returning \""+str(f)+"\""))
+ return f
+ def saveTo(self, file, block=None):
+ """Save data to specified file"""
+ assert(self.debugPrint("saveTo(file="+str(file)+", block="+str(block)+")"))
+ if block:
+ # Save just this one block to the file:
+ pickleData=block.getPickleData()
+ cPickle.dump(pickleData, file)
+ else:
+ # Save them all:
+ for i in self.__buildings.values():
+ # HQs do not need to be saved
+ if isinstance(i, HQBuildingAI.HQBuildingAI):
+ continue
+ pickleData=i.getPickleData()
+ cPickle.dump(pickleData, file)
+ def fastSave(self, block):
+ """Save data to default location"""
+ return
+ # This code has not been tested or connected. If the normal save takes
+ # too long on the AI server, this fastSave should be considered.
+ assert(0)
+ assert(self.debugPrint("fastSave(block="+str(block)+")"))
+ try:
+ fileName=self.getFileName()+'.delta'
+ working=fileName+'.temp'
+ # Change the name to flag the work in progress:
+ if os.path.exists(working):
+ os.remove(working)
+ os.rename(fileName, working)
+ file=open(working, 'w')
+, 2)
+ self.saveTo(file, block)
+ file.close()
+ # Change the name to flag the work complete:
+ os.rename(working, fileName)
+ except IOError:
+ self.notify.error(str(sys.exc_info()[1]))
+ # Even if it's just the rename that failed, we don't want to
+ # clobber the prior file.
+ def save(self):
+ """Save data to default location"""
+ assert(self.debugPrint("save()"))
+ try:
+ fileName=self.getFileName()
+ backup=fileName+self.backupExtension
+ # Move current file as the backup file:
+ if os.path.exists(fileName):
+ os.rename(fileName, backup)
+ file=open(fileName, 'w')
+ self.saveTo(file)
+ file.close()
+ if os.path.exists(backup):
+ os.remove(backup)
+ except EnvironmentError:
+ self.notify.warning(str(sys.exc_info()[1]))
+ # Even if it's just the rename that failed, we don't want to
+ # clobber the prior file.
+ def loadFrom(self, file):
+ """Load data from specified file"""
+ assert(self.debugPrint("loadFrom(file="+str(file)+")"))
+ blocks={}
+ try:
+ while 1:
+ pickleData=cPickle.load(file)
+ blocks[int(pickleData['block'])]=pickleData
+ except EOFError:
+ pass
+ return blocks
+ def load(self):
+ """Load data from default location"""
+ assert(self.debugPrint("load()"))
+ fileName=self.getFileName()
+ try:
+ # Try to open the backup file:
+ file=open(fileName+self.backupExtension, 'r')
+ # Remove the (assumed) broken file:
+ if os.path.exists(fileName):
+ os.remove(fileName)
+ except IOError:
+ # OK, there's no backup file, good.
+ try:
+ # Open the real file:
+ file=open(fileName, 'r')
+ except IOError:
+ # OK, there's no file. Start new list:
+ return {}
+ blocks=self.loadFrom(file)
+ file.close()
+ return blocks
+ if __debug__:
+ def debugPrint(self, message):
+ """for debugging"""
+ return self.notify.debug(
+ str(self.__dict__.get('branchID', '?'))+' '+message)
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f11fa4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+import DistributedElevator
+import DistributedBossElevator
+from ElevatorConstants import *
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+class DistributedCFOElevator(DistributedBossElevator.DistributedBossElevator):
+ def __init__(self, cr):
+ DistributedBossElevator.DistributedBossElevator.__init__(self, cr)
+ self.type = ELEVATOR_CFO
+ self.countdownTime = ElevatorData[self.type]['countdown']
+ def setupElevator(self):
+ """setupElevator(self)
+ Called when the building doId is set at construction time,
+ this method sets up the elevator for business.
+ """
+ # TODO: place this on a node indexed by the entraceId
+ self.elevatorModel = loader.loadModel("phase_10/models/cogHQ/CFOElevator")
+ self.leftDoor = self.elevatorModel.find("**/left_door")
+ self.rightDoor = self.elevatorModel.find("**/right_door")
+ geom =
+ locator = geom.find('**/elevator_locator')
+ self.elevatorModel.reparentTo(locator)
+ #self.elevatorModel.setH(180)
+ DistributedElevator.DistributedElevator.setupElevator(self)
+ def getDestName(self):
+ return TTLocalizer.ElevatorCashBotBoss
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24e2ebb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+from ElevatorConstants import *
+import DistributedBossElevatorAI
+class DistributedCFOElevatorAI(DistributedBossElevatorAI.DistributedBossElevatorAI):
+ def __init__(self, air, bldg, zone, antiShuffle = 0, minLaff = 0):
+ """__init__(air)
+ """
+ DistributedBossElevatorAI.DistributedBossElevatorAI.__init__(self, air, bldg, zone, antiShuffle = antiShuffle, minLaff = minLaff)
+ self.type = ELEVATOR_CFO
+ self.countdownTime = ElevatorData[self.type]['countdown']
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27cd7a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+import DistributedElevator
+import DistributedBossElevator
+from ElevatorConstants import *
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+class DistributedCJElevator(DistributedBossElevator.DistributedBossElevator):
+ def __init__(self, cr):
+ DistributedBossElevator.DistributedBossElevator.__init__(self, cr)
+ self.type = ELEVATOR_CJ
+ self.countdownTime = ElevatorData[self.type]['countdown']
+ def setupElevator(self):
+ """setupElevator(self)
+ Called when the building doId is set at construction time,
+ this method sets up the elevator for business.
+ """
+ # TODO: place this on a node indexed by the entraceId
+ self.elevatorModel = loader.loadModel(
+ "phase_11/models/lawbotHQ/LB_Elevator")
+ # The big cog icon on the top is only visible at the BossRoom.
+ #icon = self.elevatorModel.find('**/big_frame/')
+ #if not icon.isEmpty():
+ # icon.hide()
+ self.leftDoor = self.elevatorModel.find("**/left-door")
+ if self.leftDoor.isEmpty():
+ self.leftDoor = self.elevatorModel.find("**/left_door")
+ self.rightDoor = self.elevatorModel.find("**/right-door")
+ if self.rightDoor.isEmpty():
+ self.rightDoor = self.elevatorModel.find("**/right_door")
+ geom =
+ locator = geom.find('**/elevator_locator')
+ self.elevatorModel.reparentTo(locator)
+ #self.elevatorModel.setH(180)
+ DistributedElevator.DistributedElevator.setupElevator(self)
+ def getDestName(self):
+ return TTLocalizer.ElevatorLawBotBoss
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c19c9f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+from ElevatorConstants import *
+import DistributedBossElevatorAI
+class DistributedCJElevatorAI(DistributedBossElevatorAI.DistributedBossElevatorAI):
+ def __init__(self, air, bldg, zone, antiShuffle = 0, minLaff = 0):
+ """__init__(air)
+ """
+ DistributedBossElevatorAI.DistributedBossElevatorAI.__init__(self, air, bldg, zone, antiShuffle = antiShuffle, minLaff = 0)
+ self.type = ELEVATOR_CJ
+ self.countdownTime = ElevatorData[self.type]['countdown']
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9052c15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,781 @@
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from direct.distributed.ClockDelta import *
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
+from toontown.building import ElevatorConstants
+from toontown.building import ElevatorUtils
+from toontown.building import DistributedElevatorFSM
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM
+from direct.fsm import State
+from toontown.hood import ZoneUtil
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+from direct.fsm.FSM import FSM
+from direct.task import Task
+from toontown.distributed import DelayDelete
+from direct.showbase import PythonUtil
+class DistributedClubElevator(DistributedElevatorFSM.DistributedElevatorFSM):
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('DistributedClubElevator')
+ JumpOutOffsets = ((3, 5, 0), (1.5, 4, 0), (-1.5, 4, 0), (-3, 4, 0))
+ defaultTransitions = {
+ 'Off' : [ 'Opening', 'Closed'],
+ 'Opening' : [ 'WaitEmpty', 'WaitCountdown', 'Opening', 'Closing' ],
+ 'WaitEmpty' : [ 'WaitCountdown', "Closing", "Off" ],
+ 'WaitCountdown' : [ 'WaitEmpty', 'AllAboard', "Closing", 'WaitCountdown' ],
+ 'AllAboard' : [ 'WaitEmpty', "Closing" ],
+ 'Closing' : [ 'Closed', 'WaitEmpty', 'Closing', 'Opening' ],
+ 'Closed' : [ 'Opening' ],
+ }
+ id = 0
+ def __init__(self, cr):
+ DistributedElevatorFSM.DistributedElevatorFSM.__init__(self, cr)
+ FSM.__init__( self, "ElevatorClub_%s_FSM" % ( ) )
+ # When we get enough information about the elevator, we can
+ # set up its nametag. The nametag points out nearby buildings
+ # to the player.
+ # self.type = ElevatorConstants.ELEVATOR_STAGE
+ self.type = ElevatorConstants.ELEVATOR_COUNTRY_CLUB
+ self.countdownTime = ElevatorConstants.ElevatorData[self.type]['countdown']
+ self.nametag = None
+ self.currentFloor = -1
+ self.isLocked = 0
+ self.isEntering = 0
+ self.doorOpeningFlag = 0 #for when the door is forced closed while opening
+ self.doorsNeedToClose = 0 #for when the door is forced closed while opening
+ self.wantState = 0
+ #self.latchRoom = None
+ self.latch = None
+ self.lastState = self.state
+ self.kartModelPath = 'phase_12/models/bossbotHQ/Coggolf_cart3.bam'
+ self.leftDoor = None
+ self.rightDoor = None
+ # Tracks on toons, for starting and stopping
+ # stored by avId : track. There is only a need for one at a time,
+ # in fact the point of the dict is to ensure only one is playing at a time
+ self.__toonTracks = {}
+ def setupElevator(self):
+ """setupElevator(self)
+ Called when the building doId is set at construction time,
+ this method sets up the elevator for business.
+ """
+ # TODO: place this on a node indexed by the entraceId
+ self.elevatorModel = loader.loadModel(
+ "phase_11/models/lawbotHQ/LB_ElevatorScaled")
+ if not self.elevatorModel:
+ self.notify.error("No Elevator Model in DistributedElevatorFloor.setupElevator. Please inform JML. Fool!")
+ # The big cog icon on the top is only visible at the BossRoom.
+ #icon = self.elevatorModel.find('**/big_frame/')
+ #if not icon.isEmpty():
+ # icon.hide()
+ self.leftDoor = self.elevatorModel.find("**/left-door")
+ if self.leftDoor.isEmpty():
+ self.leftDoor = self.elevatorModel.find("**/left_door")
+ self.rightDoor = self.elevatorModel.find("**/right-door")
+ if self.rightDoor.isEmpty():
+ self.rightDoor = self.elevatorModel.find("**/right_door")
+ #self.elevatorModel.setH(180)
+ DistributedElevatorFSM.DistributedElevatorFSM.setupElevator(self)
+ def generate(self):
+ DistributedElevatorFSM.DistributedElevatorFSM.generate(self)
+ #self.accept("LawOffice_Spec_Loaded", self.__placeElevator)
+ # Get the state machine stuff for playGame
+ self.loader =
+ self.golfKart = render.attachNewNode('golfKartNode')
+ self.kart = loader.loadModel(self.kartModelPath)
+ self.kart.setPos(0, 0, 0)
+ self.kart.setScale(1)
+ self.kart.reparentTo(self.golfKart)
+ #self.golfKart.reparentTo(self.loader.geom)
+ # Wheels
+ self.wheels = self.kart.findAllMatches('**/wheelNode*')
+ self.numWheels = self.wheels.getNumPaths()
+ # temp only
+ self.setPosHpr(0,0,0,0,0,0)
+ def announceGenerate(self):
+ DistributedElevatorFSM.DistributedElevatorFSM.announceGenerate(self)
+ if self.latch:
+"Setting latch in announce generate")
+ self.setLatch(self.latch)
+ angle = self.startingHpr[0]
+ angle -= 90
+ radAngle = deg2Rad(angle)
+ unitVec = Vec3( math.cos(radAngle), math.sin(radAngle), 0)
+ unitVec *= 45.0
+ self.endPos = self.startingPos + unitVec
+ self.endPos.setZ(0.5)
+ dist = Vec3(self.endPos - self.enteringPos).length()
+ wheelAngle = (dist / (4.8 * 1.4 * math.pi)) * 360
+ self.kartEnterAnimateInterval = Parallel(
+ # start a lerp HPR for each wheel
+ LerpHprInterval(self.wheels[0], 5.0, Vec3(self.wheels[0].getH(), wheelAngle, self.wheels[0].getR())),
+ LerpHprInterval(self.wheels[1], 5.0, Vec3(self.wheels[1].getH(), wheelAngle, self.wheels[1].getR())),
+ LerpHprInterval(self.wheels[2], 5.0, Vec3(self.wheels[2].getH(), wheelAngle, self.wheels[2].getR())),
+ LerpHprInterval(self.wheels[3], 5.0, Vec3(self.wheels[3].getH(), wheelAngle, self.wheels[3].getR())),
+ name = "CogKartAnimate")
+ trolleyExitTrack1 = Parallel(
+ LerpPosInterval(self.golfKart, 5.0, self.endPos),
+ self.kartEnterAnimateInterval,
+ name = "CogKartExitTrack")
+ self.trolleyExitTrack = Sequence(
+ trolleyExitTrack1,
+ # Func(self.hideSittingToons), # we may not need this
+ )
+ self.trolleyEnterTrack = Sequence(
+ LerpPosInterval(self.golfKart, 5.0, self.startingPos, startPos = self.enteringPos))
+ self.closeDoors = Sequence(
+ self.trolleyExitTrack,
+ Func(self.onDoorCloseFinish))
+ self.openDoors = Sequence(
+ self.trolleyEnterTrack
+ )
+ self.setPos(0,0,0)
+ def __placeElevator(self):
+ self.notify.debug("PLACING ELEVATOR FOOL!!")
+ if self.isEntering:
+ elevatorNode = render.find("**/elevator_origin")
+ if not elevatorNode.isEmpty():
+ self.elevatorModel.setPos(0,0, 0)
+ self.elevatorModel.reparentTo(elevatorNode)
+ else:
+ #explode
+ self.notify.debug("NO NODE elevator_origin!!")
+ else:
+ elevatorNode = render.find("**/SlidingDoor")
+ if not elevatorNode.isEmpty():
+ self.elevatorModel.setPos(0,10,-15)
+ self.elevatorModel.setH(180)
+ self.elevatorModel.reparentTo(elevatorNode)
+ else:
+ #explode
+ self.notify.debug("NO NODE SlidingDoor!!")
+ def setLatch(self, markerId):
+"Setting latch")
+ #room =
+ marker =
+ self.latchRequest =
+ [markerId], allCallback = self.set2Latch, timeout = 5)
+ self.latch = markerId
+ def set2Latch(self, taskMgrFooler = None):
+ self.latchRequest = None
+ if hasattr(self, "cr"): #might callback to dead object
+ marker =
+ if marker:
+ #self.elevatorModel.reparentTo(marker)
+ self.getElevatorModel().reparentTo(marker)
+ return
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(10.0, self._repart2Marker, "elevatorfloor-markerReparent")
+ self.notify.warning("Using backup, do method later version of latch")
+ def _repart2Marker(self, taskFoolio = 0):
+ if hasattr(self, "cr") and #might call to dead object
+ marker =
+ if marker:
+ #self.elevatorModel.reparentTo(marker)
+ self.getElevatorModel().reparentTo(marker)
+ else:
+ self.notify.error("could not find latch even in defered try")
+ def setPos(self, x, y, z):
+ self.getElevatorModel().setPos(x, y, z)
+ def setH(self, H):
+ self.getElevatorModel().setH(H)
+ def delete(self):
+ self.request('Off')
+ DistributedElevatorFSM.DistributedElevatorFSM.delete(self)
+ self.getElevatorModel().removeNode()
+ del self.golfKart
+ self.ignore("LawOffice_Spec_Loaded")
+ self.ignoreAll()
+ def disable(self):
+ #self.clearNametag()
+ self.request('Off')
+ self.clearToonTracks()
+ DistributedElevatorFSM.DistributedElevatorFSM.disable(self)
+ def setEntranceId(self, entranceId):
+ self.entranceId = entranceId
+ # These hard coded poshprs should be replaced with nodes in the model
+ if self.entranceId == 0:
+ # Front of the factory (south entrance)
+ self.elevatorModel.setPosHpr(62.74, -85.31, 0.00, 2.00, 0.00, 0.00)
+ elif self.entranceId == 1:
+ # Side of the factory (west entrance)
+ self.elevatorModel.setPosHpr(-162.25, 26.43, 0.00, 269.00, 0.00, 0.00)
+ else:
+ self.notify.error("Invalid entranceId: %s" % entranceId)
+ def gotBldg(self, buildingList):
+ return
+ def setFloor(self, floorNumber):
+ # Darken the old light:
+ if self.currentFloor >= 0:
+ self.bldg.floorIndicator[self.currentFloor].setColor(LIGHT_OFF_COLOR)
+ # Brighten the new light:
+ if floorNumber >= 0:
+ self.bldg.floorIndicator[floorNumber].setColor(LIGHT_ON_COLOR)
+ # Remember the floor:
+ self.currentFloor = floorNumber
+ def handleEnterSphere(self, collEntry):
+ #print("Entering Elevator Sphere....")
+ # Tell localToon we are considering entering the elevator
+ def handleEnterElevator(self):
+ #print("Entering Elevator....")
+ # Only toons with hp can board the elevator.
+ if base.localAvatar.hp > 0:
+ # Tell the server that this avatar wants to board.
+ toon = base.localAvatar
+ self.sendUpdate("requestBoard",[])
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning("Tried to board elevator with hp: %d" %
+ base.localAvatar.hp)
+ ##### WaitEmpty state #####
+ def enterWaitEmpty(self, ts):
+ self.lastState = self.state
+ #print("Entering WaitEmpty %s" % (self.doId))
+ self.elevatorSphereNodePath.unstash()
+ self.forceDoorsOpen()
+ # Toons may now try to board the elevator
+ self.accept(self.uniqueName('enterelevatorSphere'),
+ self.handleEnterSphere)
+ self.accept(self.uniqueName('enterElevatorOK'),
+ self.handleEnterElevator)
+ DistributedElevatorFSM.DistributedElevatorFSM.enterWaitEmpty(self, ts)
+ def exitWaitEmpty(self):
+ self.lastState = self.state
+ #print("Exiting WaitEmpty")
+ self.elevatorSphereNodePath.stash()
+ # Toons may not attempt to board the elevator if it isn't waiting
+ self.ignore(self.uniqueName('enterelevatorSphere'))
+ self.ignore(self.uniqueName('enterElevatorOK'))
+ DistributedElevatorFSM.DistributedElevatorFSM.exitWaitEmpty(self)
+ ##### WaitCountdown state #####
+ def enterWaitCountdown(self, ts):
+ self.lastState = self.state
+ #print("Entering WaitCountdown")
+ DistributedElevatorFSM.DistributedElevatorFSM.enterWaitCountdown(self, ts)
+ self.forceDoorsOpen()
+ self.accept(self.uniqueName('enterElevatorOK'),
+ self.handleEnterElevator)
+ self.startCountdownClock(self.countdownTime, ts)
+ def exitWaitCountdown(self):
+ self.lastState = self.state
+ #print("Exiting WaitCountdown")
+ self.ignore(self.uniqueName('enterElevatorOK'))
+ DistributedElevatorFSM.DistributedElevatorFSM.exitWaitCountdown(self)
+ def enterClosing(self, ts):
+ self.lastState = self.state
+ #print("Entering Closing")
+ #base.transitions.irisOut(2.0)
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(1.00, self._delayIris, "delayedIris")
+ DistributedElevatorFSM.DistributedElevatorFSM.enterClosing(self, ts)
+ def _delayIris(self, tskfooler = 0):
+ base.transitions.irisOut(1.0)
+ base.localAvatar.pauseGlitchKiller()
+ return Task.done
+ def kickToonsOut(self):
+ if not self.localToonOnBoard:
+ zoneId =
+'teleportOut', [{
+ "loader": ZoneUtil.getLoaderName(zoneId),
+ "where": ZoneUtil.getToonWhereName(zoneId),
+ "how": "teleportIn",
+ "hoodId": zoneId,
+ "zoneId": zoneId,
+ "shardId": None,
+ "avId": -1,
+ }])
+ def exitClosing(self):
+ self.lastState = self.state
+ #print("Exiting Closing")
+ DistributedElevatorFSM.DistributedElevatorFSM.exitClosing(self)
+ def enterClosed(self, ts):
+ self.lastState = self.state
+ #print("Entering Closed")
+ self.forceDoorsClosed()
+ self.__doorsClosed(self.getZoneId())
+ return
+ def exitClosed(self):
+ self.lastState = self.state
+ #print("Exiting Closed")
+ DistributedElevatorFSM.DistributedElevatorFSM.exitClosed(self)
+ def enterOff(self):
+ self.lastState = self.state
+ #print("Entering Off")
+ if self.wantState == 'closed':
+ self.demand('Closing')
+ elif self.wantState == 'waitEmpty':
+ self.demand('WaitEmpty')
+ DistributedElevatorFSM.DistributedElevatorFSM.enterOff(self)
+ def exitOff(self):
+ self.lastState = self.state
+ #print("Exiting Off")
+ DistributedElevatorFSM.DistributedElevatorFSM.exitOff(self)
+ def enterOpening(self, ts):
+ self.lastState = self.state
+ #print("Entering Opening")
+ DistributedElevatorFSM.DistributedElevatorFSM.enterOpening(self,ts)
+ def exitOpening(self):
+ #print("Exiting Opening")
+ #print("WE ARE ACTAULLY CALLING exitOpening!!!!")
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ DistributedElevatorFSM.DistributedElevatorFSM.exitOpening(self)
+ self.kickEveryoneOut()
+ return
+ def getZoneId(self):
+ return 0
+ def setBldgDoId(self, bldgDoId):
+ # The doId is junk, there is no building object for the factory
+ # exterior elevators. Do the appropriate things that
+ # DistributedElevator.gotBldg does.
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ self.bldg = None
+ self.setupElevatorKart()
+ def setupElevatorKart(self):
+ """Setup elevator related fields."""
+ # Establish a collision sphere. There must be an easier way!
+ collisionRadius = ElevatorConstants.ElevatorData[self.type]['collRadius']
+ self.elevatorSphere = CollisionSphere(0, 0, 0, collisionRadius)
+ self.elevatorSphere.setTangible(1)
+ self.elevatorSphereNode = CollisionNode(self.uniqueName("elevatorSphere"))
+ self.elevatorSphereNode.setIntoCollideMask(ToontownGlobals.WallBitmask)
+ self.elevatorSphereNode.addSolid(self.elevatorSphere)
+ self.elevatorSphereNodePath = self.getElevatorModel().attachNewNode(
+ self.elevatorSphereNode)
+ self.elevatorSphereNodePath.hide()
+ self.elevatorSphereNodePath.reparentTo(self.getElevatorModel())
+ self.elevatorSphereNodePath.stash()
+ self.boardedAvIds = {}
+ self.finishSetup()
+ def getElevatorModel(self):
+ return self.elevatorModel
+ def kickEveryoneOut(self):
+ #makes the toons leave the elevator
+ bailFlag = 0
+ #print self.boardedAvIds
+ for avId, slot in self.boardedAvIds.items():
+ #print("Kicking toon out! avId %s Slot %s" % (avId, slot))
+ self.emptySlot(slot, avId, bailFlag, globalClockDelta.getRealNetworkTime())
+ if avId == base.localAvatar.doId:
+ pass
+ def __doorsClosed(self, zoneId):
+ return
+ def onDoorCloseFinish(self):
+ """this is called when the elevator doors finish closing on the client
+ """
+ def setLocked(self, locked):
+ self.isLocked = locked
+ if locked:
+ if self.state == 'WaitEmpty':
+ self.request('Closing')
+ if self.countFullSeats() == 0:
+ self.wantState = 'closed'
+ else:
+ self.wantState = 'opening'
+ else:
+ self.wantState = 'waitEmpty'
+ if self.state == 'Closed':
+ self.request('Opening')
+ def getLocked(self):
+ return self.isLocked
+ def setEntering(self, entering):
+ self.isEntering = entering
+ def getEntering(self):
+ return self.isEntering
+ def forceDoorsOpen(self):
+ """Deliberately do nothing."""
+ pass
+ def forceDoorsClosed(self):
+ """Deliberately do nothing."""
+ pass
+ def enterOff(self):
+ self.lastState = self.state
+ return
+ def exitOff(self):
+ return
+ def setLawOfficeInteriorZone(self, zoneId):
+ if (self.localToonOnBoard):
+ hoodId =
+ doneStatus = {
+ 'loader' : "cogHQLoader",
+ 'where' : 'factoryInterior', #should be lawOffice
+ 'how' : "teleportIn",
+ 'zoneId' : zoneId,
+ 'hoodId' : hoodId,
+ }
+# def emptySlot(self, index, avId, bailFlag, timestamp):
+# pass
+ def getElevatorModel(self):
+ return self.golfKart
+ def setPosHpr(self, x, y, z, h, p ,r):
+ """Set the pos hpr as dictated by the AI."""
+ self.startingPos = Vec3(x, y, z)
+ self.enteringPos = Vec3(x, y, z - 10)
+ self.startingHpr = Vec3(h, 0, 0)
+ self.golfKart.setPosHpr( x, y, z, h, 0, 0 )
+ def fillSlot(self, index, avId):
+ """Put someone in the kart, as dictated by the AI."""
+ self.notify.debug("%s.fillSlot(%s, %s, ...)" % (self.doId, index, avId))
+ request = self.toonRequests.get(index)
+ if request:
+ del self.toonRequests[index]
+ if avId == 0:
+ # This means that the slot is now empty, and no action should
+ # be taken.
+ pass
+ elif not
+ # It's someone who hasn't been generated yet.
+ func = PythonUtil.Functor(
+ self.gotToon, index, avId)
+ assert not self.toonRequests.has_key(index)
+ self.toonRequests[index] =
+ [avId], allCallback = func)
+ elif not self.isSetup:
+ # We haven't set up the elevator yet.
+ self.deferredSlots.append((index, avId))
+ else:
+ # If localToon is boarding, he needs to change state
+ if avId == base.localAvatar.getDoId():
+ self.localToonOnBoard = 1
+ elevator = self.getPlaceElevator()
+ elevator.fsm.request("boarding", [self.getElevatorModel()])
+ elevator.fsm.request("boarded")
+ toon =[avId]
+ # Parent it to the elevator
+ toon.stopSmooth()
+ toon.wrtReparentTo(self.golfKart )
+ sitStartDuration = toon.getDuration("sit-start")
+ jumpTrack = self.generateToonJumpTrack(toon, index)
+ track = Sequence(
+ jumpTrack,
+ Func(toon.setAnimState, "Sit", 1.0),
+ Func(self.clearToonTrack, avId),
+ name = toon.uniqueName("fillElevator"),
+ autoPause = 1)
+ track.delayDelete = DelayDelete.DelayDelete(toon, 'fillSlot')
+ self.storeToonTrack(avId, track)
+ track.start()
+ assert avId not in self.boardedAvIds
+ self.boardedAvIds[avId] = None
+ def generateToonJumpTrack( self, av, seatIndex ):
+ """Return an interval of the toon jumping into the golf kart."""
+ av.pose('sit', 47)
+ hipOffset = av.getHipsParts()[2].getPos(av)
+ def getToonJumpTrack( av, seatIndex ):
+ # using a local func allows the ProjectileInterval to
+ # calculate this pos at run-time
+ def getJumpDest(av = av, node = self.golfKart):
+ dest = Point3(0,0,0)
+ if hasattr(self, 'golfKart') and self.golfKart:
+ dest = Vec3(self.golfKart.getPos(av.getParent()))
+ seatNode = self.golfKart.find("**/seat" + str(seatIndex + 1))
+ dest += seatNode.getPos(self.golfKart)
+ dna = av.getStyle()
+ dest -= hipOffset
+ if(seatIndex < 2):
+ dest.setY( dest.getY() + 2 * hipOffset.getY())
+ dest.setZ(dest.getZ() + 0.1)
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning('getJumpDestinvalid golfKart, returning (0,0,0)')
+ return dest
+ def getJumpHpr(av = av, node = self.golfKart):
+ hpr = Point3(0,0,0)
+ if hasattr(self, 'golfKart') and self.golfKart:
+ hpr = self.golfKart.getHpr(av.getParent())
+ if(seatIndex < 2):
+ hpr.setX( hpr.getX() + 180)
+ else:
+ hpr.setX( hpr.getX() )
+ angle = PythonUtil.fitDestAngle2Src(av.getH(), hpr.getX())
+ hpr.setX(angle)
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning('getJumpHpr invalid golfKart, returning (0,0,0)')
+ return hpr
+ toonJumpTrack = Parallel(
+ ActorInterval( av, 'jump' ),
+ Sequence(
+ Wait( 0.43 ),
+ Parallel( LerpHprInterval( av,
+ hpr = getJumpHpr,
+ duration = .9 ),
+ ProjectileInterval( av,
+ endPos = getJumpDest,
+ duration = .9 )
+ ),
+ )
+ )
+ return toonJumpTrack
+ def getToonSitTrack( av ):
+ toonSitTrack = Sequence(
+ ActorInterval( av, 'sit-start' ),
+ Func( av.loop, 'sit' )
+ )
+ return toonSitTrack
+ toonJumpTrack = getToonJumpTrack( av, seatIndex )
+ toonSitTrack = getToonSitTrack( av )
+ jumpTrack = Sequence(
+ Parallel(
+ toonJumpTrack,
+ Sequence( Wait(1),
+ toonSitTrack,
+ ),
+ ),
+ Func( av.wrtReparentTo, self.golfKart ),
+ )
+ return jumpTrack
+ def emptySlot(self, index, avId, bailFlag, timestamp):
+ """Remove someone as dictated by the AI."""
+ # If localToon is exiting, he needs to change state
+ if avId == 0:
+ # This means that no one is currently exiting, and no action
+ # should be taken
+ pass
+ elif not self.isSetup:
+ # We haven't set up the elevator yet. Remove the toon
+ # from the deferredSlots list, if it is there.
+ newSlots = []
+ for slot in self.deferredSlots:
+ if slot[0] != index:
+ newSlots.append(slot)
+ self.deferredSlots = newSlots
+ else:
+ if
+ # See if we need to reset the clock
+ # (countdown assumes we've created a clockNode already)
+ if (bailFlag == 1 and hasattr(self, 'clockNode')):
+ if (timestamp < self.countdownTime and
+ timestamp >= 0):
+ self.countdown(self.countdownTime - timestamp)
+ else:
+ self.countdown(self.countdownTime)
+ # If the toon exists, look it up
+ toon =[avId]
+ # avoid wrtReparent so that we don't muck with the toon's scale
+ ## Parent it to render
+ #toon.wrtReparentTo(render)
+ toon.stopSmooth()
+ sitStartDuration = toon.getDuration("sit-start")
+ jumpOutTrack = self.generateToonReverseJumpTrack(toon, index)
+ # Place it on the appropriate spot relative to the
+ # elevator
+ track = Sequence(
+ # TODO: Find the right coords for the elevator
+ jumpOutTrack,
+ Func(self.clearToonTrack, avId),
+ # Tell the toon he is free to roam now
+ Func(self.notifyToonOffElevator, toon),
+ name = toon.uniqueName("emptyElevator"),
+ autoPause = 1)
+ track.delayDelete = DelayDelete.DelayDelete(toon, 'ClubElevator.emptySlot')
+ self.storeToonTrack(avId, track)
+ track.start()
+ # Tell localToon he is exiting (if localToon is on board)
+ if avId == base.localAvatar.getDoId():
+ messenger.send("exitElevator")
+ # if the elevator is generated as a toon is leaving it,
+ # we will not have gotten a corresponding 'fillSlot' message
+ # for that toon, hence the toon will not be found in
+ # boardedAvIds
+ if avId in self.boardedAvIds:
+ del self.boardedAvIds[avId]
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning("toon: " + str(avId) +
+ " doesn't exist, and" +
+ " cannot exit the elevator!")
+ def generateToonReverseJumpTrack( self, av, seatIndex ):
+ """Return an interval of the toon jumping out of the golf kart."""
+ self.notify.debug("av.getH() = %s" % av.getH())
+ def getToonJumpTrack( av, destNode ):
+ # using a local func allows the ProjectileInterval to
+ # calculate this pos at run-time
+ def getJumpDest(av = av, node = destNode):
+ dest = node.getPos(av.getParent())
+ dest += Vec3(*self.JumpOutOffsets[seatIndex])
+ return dest
+ def getJumpHpr(av = av, node = destNode):
+ hpr = node.getHpr(av.getParent())
+ hpr.setX( hpr.getX() + 180)
+ angle = PythonUtil.fitDestAngle2Src(av.getH(), hpr.getX())
+ hpr.setX(angle)
+ return hpr
+ toonJumpTrack = Parallel(
+ ActorInterval( av, 'jump' ),
+ Sequence(
+ Wait( 0.1), #43 ),
+ Parallel( #LerpHprInterval( av,
+ # hpr = getJumpHpr,
+ # duration = .9 ),
+ ProjectileInterval( av,
+ endPos = getJumpDest,
+ duration = .9 ) )
+ )
+ )
+ return toonJumpTrack
+ toonJumpTrack = getToonJumpTrack( av, self.golfKart)
+ jumpTrack = Sequence(
+ toonJumpTrack,
+ Func( av.loop, 'neutral' ),
+ Func( av.wrtReparentTo, render ),
+ #Func( self.av.setPosHpr, self.exitMovieNode, 0,0,0,0,0,0 ),
+ )
+ return jumpTrack
+ def startCountdownClock(self, countdownTime, ts):
+ """Start the countdown clock."""
+ # just reverse the text counter
+ DistributedElevatorFSM.DistributedElevatorFSM.startCountdownClock(self, countdownTime, ts)
+ self.clock.setH(self.clock.getH() + 180)
+ def storeToonTrack(self, avId, track):
+ # Clear out any currently playing tracks on this toon
+ self.clearToonTrack(avId)
+ # Store this new one
+ self.__toonTracks[avId] = track
+ def clearToonTrack(self, avId):
+ # Clear out any currently playing tracks on this toon
+ oldTrack = self.__toonTracks.get(avId)
+ if oldTrack:
+ oldTrack.pause()
+ if self.__toonTracks.get(avId):
+ DelayDelete.cleanupDelayDeletes(self.__toonTracks[avId])
+ del self.__toonTracks[avId]
+ def clearToonTracks(self):
+ #We can't use an iter because we are deleting keys
+ keyList = []
+ for key in self.__toonTracks:
+ keyList.append(key)
+ for key in keyList:
+ if self.__toonTracks.has_key(key):
+ self.clearToonTrack(key)
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df5001a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,406 @@
+from import *
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from direct.distributed.ClockDelta import *
+from toontown.building import ElevatorConstants
+from toontown.building import DistributedElevatorFSMAI
+#from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM
+#from direct.fsm import State
+from direct.task import Task
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.fsm.FSM import FSM
+class DistributedClubElevatorAI(DistributedElevatorFSMAI.DistributedElevatorFSMAI):
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("DistributedElevatorFloorAI")
+ #"""
+ defaultTransitions = {
+ 'Off' : [ 'Opening', 'Closed'],
+ 'Opening' : [ 'WaitEmpty', 'WaitCountdown', 'Opening', 'Closing' ],
+ 'WaitEmpty' : [ 'WaitCountdown', "Closing", 'WaitEmpty'],
+ 'WaitCountdown' : [ 'WaitEmpty', 'AllAboard', "Closing", 'WaitCountdown' ],
+ 'AllAboard' : [ 'WaitEmpty', "Closing" ],
+ 'Closing' : [ 'Closed', 'WaitEmpty', 'Closing', 'Opening' ],
+ 'Closed' : [ 'Opening' ],
+ }
+ #"""
+ id = 0
+ DoBlockedRoomCheck = simbase.config.GetBool("elevator-blocked-rooms-check",1)
+ def __init__(self, air, lawOfficeId,bldg, avIds, markerId = None, numSeats = 4, antiShuffle = 0, minLaff = 0):
+ DistributedElevatorFSMAI.DistributedElevatorFSMAI.__init__(
+ self, air, bldg, numSeats, antiShuffle = antiShuffle, minLaff = minLaff)
+ FSM.__init__( self, "ElevatorFloor_%s_FSM" % ( ) )
+ # Do we need this?
+ # self.zoneId, dummy = bldg.getExteriorAndInteriorZoneId()
+ # Flag that tells if any Toon has jumped out of the elevator yet
+ # (this is used to prevent the griefers who jump off at the last
+ # second)
+ # self.type = ElevatorConstants.ELEVATOR_STAGE
+ self.type = ElevatorConstants.ELEVATOR_COUNTRY_CLUB
+ self.countdownTime = ElevatorConstants.ElevatorData[self.type]['countdown']
+ self.lawOfficeId = lawOfficeId
+ self.anyToonsBailed = 0
+ self.avIds = avIds
+ self.isEntering = 0
+ self.isLocked = 0
+ self.setLocked(0)
+ self.wantState = None
+ self.latchRoom = None
+ self.setLatch(markerId)
+ self.zoneId = bldg.zoneId
+ def generate(self):
+ #print("DistributedElevatorFloorAI.generate")
+ DistributedElevatorFSMAI.DistributedElevatorFSMAI.generate(self)
+ def generateWithRequired(self, zoneId):
+ #print ("DistributedElevatorFloorAI generateWithRequired")
+ self.zoneId = zoneId
+ DistributedElevatorFSMAI.DistributedElevatorFSMAI.generateWithRequired(self, self.zoneId)
+ def delete(self):
+ # TODO: We really need an immediate clear here
+ # At least it does not crash the AI anymore
+ for seatIndex in range(len(self.seats)):
+ avId = self.seats[seatIndex]
+ if avId:
+ self.clearFullNow(seatIndex)
+ self.clearEmptyNow(seatIndex)
+ DistributedElevatorFSMAI.DistributedElevatorFSMAI.delete(self)
+ def getEntranceId(self):
+ return self.entranceId
+ def d_setFloor(self, floorNumber):
+ self.sendUpdate('setFloor', [floorNumber])
+ def avIsOKToBoard(self, av):
+ #print("DistributedElevatorFloorAI.avIsOKToBoard %s %s" % (self.accepting, self.isLocked))
+ return (av.hp > 0) and self.accepting and not self.isLocked
+ def acceptBoarder(self, avId, seatIndex):
+ DistributedElevatorFSMAI.DistributedElevatorFSMAI.acceptBoarder(self, avId, seatIndex)
+ # Add a hook that handles the case where the avatar exits
+ # the district unexpectedly
+ self.acceptOnce(self.air.getAvatarExitEvent(avId),
+ self.__handleUnexpectedExit, extraArgs=[avId])
+ # Put us into waitCountdown state... If we are already there,
+ # this won't do anything.
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ if self.state == "WaitEmpty" and (self.countFullSeats() < self.countAvsInZone()):
+ self.request("WaitCountdown")
+ self.bldg.elevatorAlert(avId)
+ elif (self.state in ("WaitCountdown", "WaitEmpty")) and (self.countFullSeats() >= self.countAvsInZone()):
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(ElevatorConstants.TOON_BOARD_ELEVATOR_TIME, self.goAllAboard, self.quickBoardTask)
+ def countAvsInZone(self):
+ matchingZones = 0
+ for avId in self.bldg.avIds:
+ av = self.air.doId2do.get(avId)
+ if av:
+ if av.zoneId == self.bldg.zoneId:
+ matchingZones += 1
+ return matchingZones
+ def goAllAboard(self, throwAway = 1):
+ self.request("Closing")
+ return Task.done
+ def __handleUnexpectedExit(self, avId):
+ #print("DistributedElevatorFloorAI.__handleUnexpectedExit")
+ self.notify.warning("Avatar: " + str(avId) +
+ " has exited unexpectedly")
+ # Find the exiter's seat index
+ seatIndex = self.findAvatar(avId)
+ # Make sure the avatar is really here
+ if seatIndex == None:
+ pass
+ else:
+ # If the avatar is here, his seat is now empty.
+ self.clearFullNow(seatIndex)
+ # Tell the clients that the avatar is leaving that seat
+ self.clearEmptyNow(seatIndex)
+ #self.sendUpdate("emptySlot" + str(seatIndex),
+ # [avId, globalClockDelta.getRealNetworkTime()])
+ # If all the seats are empty, go back into waitEmpty state
+ if self.countFullSeats() == 0:
+ self.request('WaitEmpty')
+ def acceptExiter(self, avId):
+ #print("DistributedElevatorFloorAI.acceptExiter")
+ # Find the exiter's seat index
+ seatIndex = self.findAvatar(avId)
+ # It is possible that the avatar exited the shard unexpectedly.
+ if seatIndex == None:
+ pass
+ else:
+ # Empty that seat
+ self.clearFullNow(seatIndex)
+ # Make sure there's no griefing by jumping off the elevator
+ # at the last second
+ bailFlag = 0
+ if (self.anyToonsBailed == 0):
+ bailFlag = 1
+ # Reset the clock
+ self.resetCountdown()
+ self.anyToonsBailed = 1
+ # Tell the clients that the avatar is leaving that seat
+ self.sendUpdate("emptySlot" + str(seatIndex),
+ [avId, bailFlag, globalClockDelta.getRealNetworkTime()])
+ # If all the seats are empty, go back into waitEmpty state
+ if self.countFullSeats() == 0:
+ self.request('WaitEmpty')
+ # Wait for the avatar to be done leaving the seat, and then
+ # declare the emptying overwith...
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(ElevatorConstants.TOON_EXIT_ELEVATOR_TIME,
+ self.clearEmptyNow,
+ self.uniqueName("clearEmpty-%s" % seatIndex),
+ extraArgs = (seatIndex,))
+ def enterOpening(self):
+ #print("DistributedElevatorFloorAI.enterOpening %s" % (self.doId))
+ self.d_setState('Opening')
+ DistributedElevatorFSMAI.DistributedElevatorFSMAI.enterOpening(self)
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(ElevatorConstants.ElevatorData[ElevatorConstants.ELEVATOR_NORMAL]['openTime'],
+ self.waitEmptyTask,
+ self.uniqueName('opening-timer'))
+ def exitOpening(self):
+ #print("DistributedElevatorFloorAI.exitOpening %s" % (self.doId))
+ DistributedElevatorFSMAI.DistributedElevatorFSMAI.exitOpening(self)
+ if self.isLocked:
+ self.wantState = 'closed'
+ if self.wantState == 'closed':
+ self.demand('Closing')
+ ##### WaitEmpty state #####
+ def waitEmptyTask(self, task):
+ #print("DistributedElevatorFloorAI.waitEmptyTask %s" % (self.doId))
+ self.request('WaitEmpty')
+ return Task.done
+ def enterWaitEmpty(self):
+ self.lastState = self.state
+ #print("DistributedElevatorFloorAI.enterWaitEmpty %s %s from %s" % (self.isLocked, self.doId, self.state))
+ for i in range(len(self.seats)):
+ self.seats[i] = None
+ print self.seats
+ if self.wantState == 'closed':
+ self.demand('Closing')
+ else:
+ self.d_setState('WaitEmpty')
+ self.accepting = 1
+ ##### WaitCountdown state #####
+ def enterWaitCountdown(self):
+ self.lastState = self.state
+ #print("DistributedElevatorFloorAI.enterWaitCountdown %s from %s" % (self.doId, self.state))
+ DistributedElevatorFSMAI.DistributedElevatorFSMAI.enterWaitCountdown(self)
+ # Start the countdown...
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(self.countdownTime, self.timeToGoTask,
+ self.uniqueName('countdown-timer'))
+ if self.lastState == 'WaitCountdown':
+ pass
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ def timeToGoTask(self, task):
+ #print("DistributedElevatorFloorAI.timeToGoTask %s" % (self.doId))
+ # It is possible that the players exited the district
+ if self.countFullSeats() > 0:
+ self.request("AllAboard")
+ else:
+ self.request('WaitEmpty')
+ return Task.done
+ def resetCountdown(self):
+ taskMgr.remove(self.uniqueName('countdown-timer'))
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(self.countdownTime, self.timeToGoTask,
+ self.uniqueName('countdown-timer'))
+ def enterAllAboard(self):
+ #print("DISELEFLOORAI enter allAboard")
+ DistributedElevatorFSMAI.DistributedElevatorFSMAI.enterAllAboard(self)
+ currentTime = globalClock.getRealTime()
+ elapsedTime = currentTime - self.timeOfBoarding
+ self.notify.debug("elapsed time: " + str(elapsedTime))
+ waitTime = max(ElevatorConstants.TOON_BOARD_ELEVATOR_TIME - elapsedTime, 0)
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(waitTime, self.closeTask,
+ self.uniqueName('waitForAllAboard'))
+ ##### Closing state #####
+ def closeTask(self, task):
+ #print("DistributedElevatorFloorAI.closeTask %s" % (self.doId))
+ # It is possible that the players exited the district
+ if self.countFullSeats() >= 1:#len(self.avIds):
+ self.request("Closing")
+ #print("closing")
+ else:
+ self.request('WaitEmpty')
+ #print("wait empty")
+ return Task.done
+ def enterClosing(self):
+ #print("DistributedElevatorFloorAI.enterClosing %s" % (self.doId))
+ if self.countFullSeats() > 0:
+ self.sendUpdate("kickToonsOut")
+ DistributedElevatorFSMAI.DistributedElevatorFSMAI.enterClosing(self)
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(ElevatorConstants.ElevatorData[ElevatorConstants.ELEVATOR_STAGE]['closeTime'],
+ self.elevatorClosedTask,
+ self.uniqueName('closing-timer'))
+ self.d_setState('Closing')
+ def elevatorClosedTask(self, task):
+ #print("DistributedElevatorFloorAI.elevatorClosedTask %s" % (self.doId))
+ self.elevatorClosed()
+ return Task.done
+ def elevatorClosed(self):
+ if self.isLocked:
+ self.request("Closed")
+ return
+ numPlayers = self.countFullSeats()
+ # print(" NUMBER OF PLAYERS IS %s" % (numPlayers))
+ # It is possible the players exited the district
+ if (numPlayers > 0):
+ # Create a factory interior just for us
+ # Make a nice list for the factory
+ players = []
+ for i in self.seats:
+ if i not in [None, 0]:
+ players.append(i)
+ #lawOfficeZone = self.bldg.createLawOffice(self.lawOfficeId,
+ # self.entranceId, players)
+ sittingAvIds = [];
+ for seatIndex in range(len(self.seats)):
+ avId = self.seats[seatIndex]
+ if avId:
+ # Tell each player on the elevator that they should enter the factory
+ # And which zone it is in
+ #self.sendUpdateToAvatarId(avId, "setLawOfficeInteriorZone", [lawOfficeZone])
+ # Clear the fill slot
+ #self.clearFullNow(seatIndex)
+ sittingAvIds.append(avId)
+ pass
+ for avId in self.avIds:
+ if not avId in sittingAvIds:
+ #print("THIS AV ID %s IS NOT ON BOARD" % (avId))
+ pass
+ self.bldg.startNextFloor()
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning("The elevator left, but was empty.")
+ self.request("Closed")
+ def setLocked(self, locked):
+ self.isLocked = locked
+ if locked:
+ if self.state == 'WaitEmpty':
+ self.request('Closing')
+ if self.countFullSeats() == 0:
+ self.wantState = 'closed'
+ else:
+ self.wantState = 'opening'
+ else:
+ self.wantState = 'waitEmpty'
+ if self.state == 'Closed':
+ self.request('Opening')
+ def getLocked(self):
+ return self.isLocked
+ def unlock(self):
+ #print("DistributedElevatorFloorAI.unlock %s %s" % (self.isLocked, self.doId))
+ if self.isLocked:
+ self.setLocked(0)
+ #self.request('Opening')
+ def lock(self):
+ #print("DistributedElevatorFloorAI.lock %s %s" % (self.isLocked, self.doId))
+ if not self.isLocked:
+ self.setLocked(1)
+ #if self.state != 'Closed' or self.state != 'Closing':
+ #self.request('Closing')
+ #self.beClosed()
+ def start(self):
+ #print("DistributedElevatorFloorAI.start %s" % (self.doId))
+ self.quickBoardTask = self.uniqueName("quickBoard")
+ self.request('Opening')
+ #self.beClosed()
+ def beClosed(self):
+ #print("DistributedElevatorFloorAI.beClosed %s" % (self.doId))
+ #self.request('closed')
+ pass
+ def setEntering(self, entering):
+ self.isEntering = entering
+ def getEntering(self):
+ return self.isEntering
+ def enterClosed(self):
+ #print("DistributedElevatorFloorAI.enterClosed %s" % (self.doId))
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ DistributedElevatorFSMAI.DistributedElevatorFSMAI.enterClosed(self)
+ ##### WaitEmpty state #####
+ # Switch back into opening mode since we allow other Toons onboard
+ if self.wantState == 'closed':
+ pass
+ else:
+ self.demand("Opening")
+ def enterOff(self):
+ self.lastState = self.state
+ #print("DistributedElevatorFloorAI.enterOff")
+ if self.wantState == 'closed':
+ self.demand('Closing')
+ elif self.wantState == 'waitEmpty':
+ self.demand('WaitEmpty')
+ def setPos(self, pointPos):
+ self.sendUpdate('setPos', [pointPos[0],pointPos[1],pointPos[2]])
+ def setH(self, H):
+ self.sendUpdate('setH', [H])
+ def setLatch(self, markerId):
+ self.latch = markerId
+ #self.sendUpdate('setLatch', [markerId])
+ def getLatch(self):
+ return self.latch
+ def checkBoard(self, av):
+ if (av.hp < self.minLaff):
+ return ElevatorConstants.REJECT_MINLAFF
+ if self.DoBlockedRoomCheck and self.bldg:
+ if hasattr(self.bldg, "blockedRooms"):
+ if self.bldg.blockedRooms:
+ return ElevatorConstants.REJECT_BLOCKED_ROOM
+ return 0
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d1b6cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,1159 @@
+""" DistributedDoor module: contains the DistributedDoor
+ class, the client side representation of a 'landmark door'."""
+from toontown.toonbase.ToonBaseGlobal import *
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
+from direct.distributed.ClockDelta import *
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM, State
+from direct.distributed import DistributedObject
+from toontown.hood import ZoneUtil
+from toontown.suit import Suit
+from toontown.distributed import DelayDelete
+import FADoorCodes
+from direct.task.Task import Task
+import DoorTypes
+from toontown.toontowngui import TTDialog
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+from toontown.toontowngui import TeaserPanel
+from toontown.distributed.DelayDeletable import DelayDeletable
+if( __debug__ ):
+ import pdb
+class DistributedDoor(DistributedObject.DistributedObject, DelayDeletable):
+ """
+ DistributedDoor class: The client side representation of a
+ 'landmark door'. Each of these doors can also be 'entered' by bad
+ guys and toons. This object has to worry about updating
+ the display of the door and all of its components on the client's
+ machine. This object also has a server side representation
+ of it, DistributedDoorAI.
+ """
+ if __debug__:
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('DistributedDoor')
+ #notify.setDebug(True)
+ def __init__(self, cr):
+ """constructor for the DistributedDoor"""
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.__init__(self, cr)
+ self.openSfx = base.loadSfx("phase_3.5/audio/sfx/Door_Open_1.mp3")
+ self.closeSfx = base.loadSfx("phase_3.5/audio/sfx/Door_Close_1.mp3")
+ # When we get enough information about the door, we can set up
+ # its nametag. The nametag points out nearby buildings to the
+ # player.
+ self.nametag = None
+ assert(self.notify.debug("__init__()"))
+ self.fsm = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM('DistributedDoor_right',
+ [State.State('off',
+ self.enterOff,
+ self.exitOff,
+ ['closing',
+ 'closed',
+ 'opening',
+ 'open']),
+ State.State('closing',
+ self.enterClosing,
+ self.exitClosing,
+ ['closed', 'opening']),
+ State.State('closed',
+ self.enterClosed,
+ self.exitClosed,
+ ['opening']),
+ State.State('opening',
+ self.enterOpening,
+ self.exitOpening,
+ ['open']),
+ State.State('open',
+ self.enterOpen,
+ self.exitOpen,
+ ['closing', 'open'])],
+ # Initial State
+ 'off',
+ # Final State
+ 'off',
+ )
+ self.fsm.enterInitialState()
+ self.exitDoorFSM = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM('DistributedDoor_left',
+ [State.State('off',
+ self.exitDoorEnterOff,
+ self.exitDoorExitOff,
+ ['closing',
+ 'closed',
+ 'opening',
+ 'open']),
+ State.State('closing',
+ self.exitDoorEnterClosing,
+ self.exitDoorExitClosing,
+ ['closed', 'opening']),
+ State.State('closed',
+ self.exitDoorEnterClosed,
+ self.exitDoorExitClosed,
+ ['opening']),
+ State.State('opening',
+ self.exitDoorEnterOpening,
+ self.exitDoorExitOpening,
+ ['open']),
+ State.State('open',
+ self.exitDoorEnterOpen,
+ self.exitDoorExitOpen,
+ ['closing', 'open'])],
+ # Initial State
+ 'off',
+ # Final State
+ 'off',
+ )
+ self.exitDoorFSM.enterInitialState()
+ # self.generate will be called automatically.
+ self.specialDoorTypes = { DoorTypes.EXT_HQ:0, DoorTypes.EXT_COGHQ:0, DoorTypes.INT_COGHQ:0, DoorTypes.EXT_KS:0, DoorTypes.INT_KS:0 }
+ # bossbot door is narrower and will override this
+ self.doorX = 1.5
+ def generate(self):
+ """
+ This method is called when the DistributedObject is reintroduced
+ to the world, either for the first time or from the cache.
+ """
+ assert(self.debugPrint("generate()"))
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.generate(self)
+ self.avatarTracks=[]
+ self.avatarExitTracks=[]
+ self.avatarIDList=[]
+ self.avatarExitIDList=[]
+ self.doorTrack=None
+ self.doorExitTrack=None
+ def disable(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("disable()"))
+ self.clearNametag()
+ # Go to the off state when the object is put in the cache
+ taskMgr.remove(self.checkIsDoorHitTaskName())
+ self.ignore(self.getEnterTriggerEvent())
+ self.ignore(self.getExitTriggerEvent())
+ self.ignore("clearOutToonInterior")
+ self.fsm.request("off")
+ self.exitDoorFSM.request("off")
+ if self.__dict__.has_key('building'):
+ del self.building
+ # Clean up a little more gracefully; we might get a disable
+ # message at any time.
+ self.finishAllTracks()
+ self.avatarIDList = []
+ self.avatarExitIDList = []
+ if hasattr(self, "tempDoorNodePath"):
+ self.tempDoorNodePath.removeNode()
+ del self.tempDoorNodePath
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.disable(self)
+ # self.delete() will automatically be called.
+ def delete(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("delete()"))
+ del self.fsm
+ del self.exitDoorFSM
+ del self.openSfx
+ del self.closeSfx
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.delete(self)
+ def wantsNametag(self):
+ """ return true if this door needs an arrow pointing to it. """
+ # We don't create nametags for interior doors.
+ return not ZoneUtil.isInterior(self.zoneId)
+ def setupNametag(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("setupNametag()"))
+ if not self.wantsNametag():
+ return
+ if self.nametag == None:
+ self.nametag = NametagGroup()
+ self.nametag.setFont(ToontownGlobals.getBuildingNametagFont())
+ if TTLocalizer.BuildingNametagShadow:
+ self.nametag.setShadow(*TTLocalizer.BuildingNametagShadow)
+ self.nametag.setContents(Nametag.CName)
+ self.nametag.setColorCode(NametagGroup.CCToonBuilding)
+ self.nametag.setActive(0)
+ self.nametag.setAvatar(self.getDoorNodePath())
+ # Since some buildings have multiple doors for the same
+ # building, we'll apply a uniquifying code so the
+ # building doesn't appear to have multiple nametags.
+ # Only the nearest door will be tagged.
+ self.nametag.setObjectCode(self.block)
+ name =
+ self.nametag.setName(name)
+ self.nametag.manage(base.marginManager)
+ def clearNametag(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("clearNametag()"))
+ if self.nametag != None:
+ self.nametag.unmanage(base.marginManager)
+ self.nametag.setAvatar(NodePath())
+ self.nametag = None
+ def getTriggerName(self):
+ # HQ doors (toon, cog, and kartshop) need to have an index appended, since they are
+ # the only type of door that supports multiple doors on a building.
+ if (self.doorType == DoorTypes.INT_HQ or
+ self.specialDoorTypes.has_key(self.doorType) ):
+ return ("door_trigger_" + str(self.block) + "_" +
+ str(self.doorIndex))
+ else:
+ # Only built ins can have door indices > 0.
+ assert(self.doorIndex == 0)
+ return ("door_trigger_" + str(self.block))
+ def getTriggerName_wip(self):
+ ####if ZoneUtil.tutorialDict:
+ #### return "door_trigger_%d" % (self.block, )
+ #name="door_trigger_%d_%d" % (self.block, self.doorIndex)
+ name="door_trigger_%d" % (self.doId, )
+ assert(self.debugPrint("getTriggerName() returning \"%s\""%(name, )))
+ return name
+ def getEnterTriggerEvent(self):
+ return "enter" + self.getTriggerName()
+ def getExitTriggerEvent(self):
+ return "exit" + self.getTriggerName()
+ def hideDoorParts(self):
+ if (self.specialDoorTypes.has_key(self.doorType)):
+ # This work gets done by the DNA in non HQ buildings.
+ self.hideIfHasFlat(self.findDoorNode("rightDoor"))
+ self.hideIfHasFlat(self.findDoorNode("leftDoor"))
+ self.findDoorNode("doorFrameHoleRight").hide()
+ self.findDoorNode("doorFrameHoleLeft").hide()
+ else:
+ return
+ def setTriggerName(self):
+ # This may seem strange, but it is an optimization. Buildings with
+ # just one door will already have the right name applied to the
+ # trigger poly (door_trigger_). This was done by
+ # dnaDoor.cxx. So if the doorIndex
+ # is None, we do nothing. Buildings with more than one door will
+ # have the wrong name applied to the trigger poly
+ # (door_trigger_), so we have to find it, and change it
+ # to (door_trigger__).
+ if (self.specialDoorTypes.has_key(self.doorType)):
+ building = self.getBuilding()
+ doorTrigger = building.find("**/door_" + str(self.doorIndex) +
+ "/**/door_trigger*")
+ doorTrigger.node().setName(self.getTriggerName())
+ else:
+ return
+ def setTriggerName_wip(self):
+ building = self.getBuilding()
+ doorTrigger = building.find("**/door_%d/**/door_trigger_%d"%(self.doorIndex, self.block))
+ if doorTrigger.isEmpty():
+ doorTrigger = building.find("**/door_trigger_%d"%(self.block, ))
+ if doorTrigger.isEmpty():
+ doorTrigger = building.find("**/door_%d/**/door_trigger_*"%(self.doorIndex,))
+ if doorTrigger.isEmpty():
+ doorTrigger = building.find("**/door_trigger_*")
+ assert(not doorTrigger.isEmpty())
+ doorTrigger.node().setName(self.getTriggerName())
+ def setZoneIdAndBlock(self, zoneId, block):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("setZoneIdAndBlock(zoneId="+str(zoneId)
+ +", block="+str(block)+") for doId=" + str(self.doId)))
+ self.zoneId=zoneId
+ self.block=block
+ def setDoorType(self, doorType):
+ self.notify.debug("Door type = " + str(doorType) +
+ " on door #" + str(self.doId))
+ self.doorType = doorType
+ def setDoorIndex(self, doorIndex):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("Door index = " + str(doorIndex) +
+ " on door #" + str(self.doId)))
+ self.doorIndex = doorIndex
+ def setSwing(self, flags):
+ """
+ false: swings inward, true: the door swings outward.
+ bit 1 is the left door, bit 2 is the right door:
+ """
+ self.leftSwing=(flags&1)!=0
+ self.rightSwing=(flags&2)!=0
+ def setOtherZoneIdAndDoId(self, zoneId, distributedObjectID):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("setOtherZoneIdAndDoId(zoneId="
+ +str(zoneId)+", distributedObjectID="+str(distributedObjectID)+")"))
+ self.otherZoneId=zoneId
+ self.otherDoId=distributedObjectID
+ def setState(self, state, timestamp):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("setState(%s, %d)" % (state, timestamp)))
+ self.fsm.request(state, [globalClockDelta.localElapsedTime(timestamp)])
+ def setExitDoorState(self, state, timestamp):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("setExitDoorState(%s, %d)" % (state, timestamp)))
+ self.exitDoorFSM.request(state,
+ [globalClockDelta.localElapsedTime(timestamp)])
+ def announceGenerate(self):
+ # This is called when the door is completely created, so we know
+ # that we have all the info we need to get a proper trigger event.
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.announceGenerate(self)
+ self.doPostAnnounceGenerate()
+ def doPostAnnounceGenerate(self):
+ """Setup needed stuff after we have an announceGenerate."""
+ # determine if this door has a flat or not
+ if self.doorType == DoorTypes.INT_STANDARD:
+ self.bHasFlat = True
+ else:
+ self.bHasFlat = not self.findDoorNode("door*flat", True).isEmpty()
+ # Hide doors parts if necessary
+ self.hideDoorParts()
+ # Find the door trigger poly, and give it the proper name if necessary
+ self.setTriggerName()
+ # Accept a hit on the door trigger
+ self.accept(self.getEnterTriggerEvent(), self.doorTrigger)
+ self.acceptOnce("clearOutToonInterior", self.doorTrigger)
+ # Set up the door nametag
+ self.setupNametag()
+ def getBuilding(self):
+ # Once we find it, we store it, so we don't have to find it again.
+ if (not self.__dict__.has_key('building')):
+ if self.doorType == DoorTypes.INT_STANDARD:
+ #if ZoneUtil.isInterior(self.zoneId):
+ # building interior.
+ # Hack: assume that the node above the door is the building:
+ door=render.find("**/leftDoor;+s")
+ assert(not door.isEmpty())
+ # Cut the door off of the nodePath to get the building:
+ self.building = door.getParent()
+ elif (self.doorType == DoorTypes.INT_HQ):
+ # I know this is a hackful way to find the building node,
+ # but it works.
+ door=render.find("**/door_0")
+ self.building = door.getParent()
+ elif (self.doorType == DoorTypes.INT_KS):
+ # I know this is a hackful way to find the building node,
+ # but it works.
+ # NOTE - separate to keep exterior kartshop index to match
+ # with interior index. (jjtaylor - 06/24/05)
+ self.building=render.find("**/KartShop_Interior*")
+ elif ((self.doorType == DoorTypes.EXT_STANDARD) or
+ (self.doorType == DoorTypes.EXT_HQ) or
+ (self.doorType == DoorTypes.EXT_KS)):
+ # street or playground.
+ "**/??"+str(self.block)+":*_landmark_*_DNARoot;+s")
+ if self.building.isEmpty(): # [gjeon] for animated buildlngs
+ self.building =
+ "**/??"+str(self.block)+":animated_building_*_DNARoot;+s")
+ elif ((self.doorType == DoorTypes.EXT_COGHQ) or
+ (self.doorType == DoorTypes.INT_COGHQ)):
+ else:
+ self.notify.error("No such door type as " + str(self.doorType))
+ assert(not self.building.isEmpty())
+ return self.building
+ def getBuilding_wip(self):
+ # Once we find it, we store it, so we don't have to find it again.
+ if (not self.__dict__.has_key('building')):
+ if self.__dict__.has_key('block'):
+ "**/??"+str(self.block)+":*_landmark_*_DNARoot;+s")
+ else:
+ print "---------------- door is interior -------"
+ #if ZoneUtil.isInterior(self.zoneId):
+ #
+ # #self.building=render
+ # print "---------------- door is interior -------"
+ #else:
+ #
+ # "**/??"+str(self.block)+":*_landmark_*_DNARoot;+s")
+ # building interior.
+ # Hack: assume that the node above the door is the building:
+ #door=render.find("**/leftDoor;+s")
+ #assert(not door.isEmpty())
+ # Cut the door off of the nodePath to get the building:
+ #self.building = door.getParent()
+ #if (self.doorType == DoorTypes.INT_STANDARD or
+ # self.doorType == DoorTypes.INT_HQ):
+ # # I know this is a hackful way to find the building node,
+ # # but it works.
+ # door=render.find("**/door_0")
+ # self.building = door.getParent()
+ #elif ((self.doorType == DoorTypes.EXT_STANDARD) or
+ # (self.doorType == DoorTypes.EXT_HQ)):
+ # # street or playground.
+ #
+ # "**/??"+str(self.block)+":*_landmark_*_DNARoot;+s")
+ #else:
+ # self.notify.error("No such door type as " + str(self.doorType))
+ assert(not self.building.isEmpty())
+ return self.building
+ def readyToExit(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("readyToExit()"))
+ base.transitions.fadeScreen(1.0)
+ # Ask permission to exit:
+ self.sendUpdate("requestExit")
+ def avatarEnterDoorTrack(self, avatar, duration):
+ trackName = "avatarEnterDoor-%d-%d" % (self.doId, avatar.doId)
+ track = Parallel(name = trackName)
+ otherNP=self.getDoorNodePath()
+ if hasattr(avatar, "stopSmooth"):
+ avatar.stopSmooth()
+ # Move the camera:
+ if avatar.doId == base.localAvatar.doId:
+ # Move the camera behind the toon:
+ track.append(
+ LerpPosHprInterval(nodePath=camera,
+ other=avatar,
+ duration=duration,
+ pos=Point3(0, -8, avatar.getHeight()),
+ hpr=VBase3(0, 0, 0),
+ blendType="easeInOut")
+ )
+ finalPos = avatar.getParent().getRelativePoint(
+ otherNP, Point3(self.doorX,2,ToontownGlobals.FloorOffset))
+ # Move the avatar:
+ moveHere = Sequence(
+ self.getAnimStateInterval(avatar, 'walk'),
+ LerpPosInterval(nodePath=avatar,
+ duration=duration,
+ pos=finalPos,
+ blendType="easeIn")
+ )
+ track.append(moveHere)
+ # iris:
+ if (avatar.doId == base.localAvatar.doId):
+ track.append(Sequence(
+ Wait(duration*0.5),
+ Func(base.transitions.irisOut, duration*0.5),
+ Wait(duration*0.5),
+ Func(avatar.b_setParent, ToontownGlobals.SPHidden),
+ ))
+ # Prevent the avatar from being deleted:
+ track.delayDelete = DelayDelete.DelayDelete(avatar, 'avatarEnterDoorTrack')
+ return track
+ def avatarEnqueueTrack(self, avatar, duration):
+ if hasattr(avatar, "stopSmooth"):
+ avatar.stopSmooth()
+ # Move the avatar:
+ back=-5.-(2.*len(self.avatarIDList))
+ if back<-9.:
+ back=-9.
+ offset=Point3(self.doorX, back, ToontownGlobals.FloorOffset)
+ otherNP=self.getDoorNodePath()
+ walkLike= ActorInterval(
+ avatar, 'walk',
+ startTime=1, duration=duration,
+ endTime=0.0001
+ )
+ standHere = Sequence(
+ LerpPosHprInterval(
+ nodePath=avatar,
+ other=otherNP,
+ duration=duration,
+ pos=offset,
+ hpr=VBase3(0,0,0), # hpr will come from otherNP.
+ blendType="easeInOut"),
+ self.getAnimStateInterval(avatar, 'neutral'),
+ )
+ # Create the track:
+ trackName = "avatarEnqueueDoor-%d-%d" % (self.doId, avatar.doId)
+ track = Parallel(walkLike, standHere, name = trackName)
+ track.delayDelete = DelayDelete.DelayDelete(avatar, 'avatarEnqueueTrack')
+ return track
+ def getAnimStateInterval(self, avatar, animName):
+ """
+ returns a FunctionInterval that sets the indicated animation
+ playing on the avatar, however that should be accomplished.
+ Unfortunately, this is slightly different for Suits and Toons.
+ """
+ isSuit = isinstance(avatar, Suit.Suit)
+ if isSuit:
+ return Func(avatar.loop, animName, 0)
+ else:
+ return Func(avatar.setAnimState, animName)
+ def isDoorHit(self):
+ """
+ We're checking the angle of attack from the avatar to the
+ door. This is to reduce that, "I got sucked into a door"
+ effect.
+ """
+ #assert(self.spamPrint("isDoorHit()"))
+ vec=base.localAvatar.getRelativeVector(
+ self.currentDoorNp,
+ self.currentDoorVec)
+ netScale = self.currentDoorNp.getNetTransform().getScale()
+ # the door in bossbot has been scaled down, account for that
+ yToTest = vec.getY() / netScale[1]
+ assert(self.debugPrint(" door dot: % .04f" % (vec.getY())))
+ # return true if the avatar is +-60 degrees of looking at the door:
+ return yToTest < -0.5
+ def enterDoor(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("enterDoor()"))
+ if self.allowedToEnter():
+ messenger.send("DistributedDoor_doorTrigger")
+ self.sendUpdate("requestEnter") # calls back with a avatarEnter.
+ else:
+ place =
+ if place:
+ place.fsm.request('stopped')
+ self.dialog = TeaserPanel.TeaserPanel(pageName='otherHoods',
+ doneFunc=self.handleOkTeaser)
+ def handleOkTeaser(self):
+ """Handle the user clicking ok on the teaser panel."""
+ self.accept(self.getEnterTriggerEvent(), self.doorTrigger)
+ self.dialog.destroy()
+ del self.dialog
+ place =
+ if place:
+ place.fsm.request('walk')
+ def allowedToEnter(self):
+ """Check if the local toon is allowed to enter."""
+ if
+ return True
+ place =
+ myHoodId = ZoneUtil.getCanonicalHoodId(place.zoneId)
+ # if we're in the estate we should use
+ if hasattr(place, 'id'):
+ myHoodId =
+ if myHoodId in \
+ (ToontownGlobals.ToontownCentral,
+ ToontownGlobals.MyEstate,
+ ToontownGlobals.GoofySpeedway,
+ ToontownGlobals.Tutorial,
+ ):
+ # trialer going to TTC/Estate/Goofy Speedway, let them through
+ return True
+ return False
+ def checkIsDoorHitTaskName(self):
+ return 'checkIsDoorHit'+self.getTriggerName()
+ def checkIsDoorHitTask(self, task):
+ """
+ Check to see if the avatar has turned to face the door that
+ they are already colliding with.
+ """
+ #assert(self.spamPrint("checkIsDoorHitTask()"))
+ if (self.isDoorHit()):
+ self.ignore(self.checkIsDoorHitTaskName())
+ self.ignore(self.getExitTriggerEvent())
+ self.enterDoor()
+ return Task.done
+ return Task.cont
+ def cancelCheckIsDoorHitTask(self, args):
+ """
+ Stop waiting to see if the avatar is going to turn to face the
+ door. Instead go back to the default mode of waiting for the
+ avatar to hit the door at all.
+ """
+ taskMgr.remove(self.checkIsDoorHitTaskName())
+ del self.currentDoorNp
+ del self.currentDoorVec
+ self.ignore(self.getExitTriggerEvent())
+ self.accept(self.getEnterTriggerEvent(), self.doorTrigger)
+ def doorTrigger(self, args=None):
+ """Call doorTrigger when the avatar first collides with the door."""
+ assert(self.debugPrint("doorTrigger(args="+str(args)+")"))
+ self.ignore(self.getEnterTriggerEvent())
+ if (args==None):
+ # ...we want the trigger to work when the
+ # clearOutToonInterior is sent.
+ self.enterDoor()
+ else:
+ self.currentDoorNp=NodePath(args.getIntoNodePath())
+ self.currentDoorVec=Vec3(args.getSurfaceNormal(self.currentDoorNp))
+ if (self.isDoorHit()):
+ self.enterDoor()
+ else:
+ # ...the door was hit by the side or back of the toon.
+ # Start a task to see if the avatar turns to face the door:
+ self.accept(self.getExitTriggerEvent(), self.cancelCheckIsDoorHitTask)
+ taskMgr.add(self.checkIsDoorHitTask, self.checkIsDoorHitTaskName())
+ def avatarEnter(self, avatarID):
+ """Server approves Toon or cog to enter door queue"""
+ assert(self.debugPrint("avatarEnter(avatarID="+str(avatarID)+")"))
+ avatar =, None)
+ if avatar:
+ avatar.setAnimState('neutral')
+ track=self.avatarEnqueueTrack(avatar, 0.5)
+ track.start()
+ self.avatarTracks.append(track)
+ self.avatarIDList.append(avatarID)
+ def rejectEnter(self, reason):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("rejectEnter()"))
+ message = FADoorCodes.reasonDict[reason]
+ if message:
+ self.__faRejectEnter(message)
+ else:
+ self.__basicRejectEnter()
+ def __basicRejectEnter(self):
+ """Server doesn't let the avatar in the door queue, but
+ there's no reason we can tell the user."""
+ assert(self.debugPrint("basicRejectEnter()"))
+ # Hang the hook again
+ self.accept(self.getEnterTriggerEvent(), self.doorTrigger)
+ # Go back into walk mode.
+ if
+ def __faRejectEnter(self, message):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("faRejectEnter()"))
+ self.rejectDialog = TTDialog.TTGlobalDialog(
+ message = message,
+ doneEvent = "doorRejectAck",
+ style = TTDialog.Acknowledge)
+ self.rejectDialog.delayDelete = DelayDelete.DelayDelete(self, '__faRejectEnter')
+ event = 'clientCleanup'
+ self.acceptOnce(event, self.__handleClientCleanup)
+ # Make the toon stand still.
+ # Hang a hook for hitting OK
+ self.acceptOnce("doorRejectAck", self.__handleRejectAck)
+ self.acceptOnce("stoppedAsleep", self.__handleFallAsleepDoor)
+ def __handleClientCleanup(self):
+ """Handle the user closing the toontown window when the reject dialog is up."""
+ if hasattr(self,'rejectDialog') and self.rejectDialog:
+ self.rejectDialog.doneStatus = 'ok'
+ self.__handleRejectAck()
+ def __handleFallAsleepDoor(self):
+ # it's 'ok' to fall asleep =]
+ self.rejectDialog.doneStatus = 'ok'
+ self.__handleRejectAck()
+ def __handleRejectAck(self):
+ self.ignore("doorRejectAck")
+ self.ignore("stoppedAsleep")
+ self.ignore('clientCleanup')
+ doneStatus = self.rejectDialog.doneStatus
+ if doneStatus != "ok":
+ self.notify.error("Unrecognized doneStatus: " +
+ str(doneStatus))
+ self.__basicRejectEnter()
+ self.rejectDialog.delayDelete.destroy()
+ self.rejectDialog.cleanup()
+ del self.rejectDialog
+ def getDoorNodePath(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("getDoorNodePath()"))
+ if self.doorType == DoorTypes.INT_STANDARD:
+ # ...interior door.
+ assert(self.debugPrint("getDoorNodePath() -- isInterior"))
+ otherNP=render.find("**/door_origin")
+ assert(not otherNP.isEmpty())
+ elif self.doorType == DoorTypes.EXT_STANDARD:
+ if hasattr(self, "tempDoorNodePath"):
+ return self.tempDoorNodePath
+ else:
+ # ...exterior door.
+ assert(self.debugPrint("getDoorNodePath() -- exterior"))
+ # This will be used as a relative node, even though
+ # it is not attached to render.
+ otherNP=NodePath("doorOrigin")
+ otherNP.setPos(posHpr.getPos())
+ otherNP.setHpr(posHpr.getHpr())
+ # Store this for clean up later
+ self.tempDoorNodePath=otherNP
+ elif (self.specialDoorTypes.has_key(self.doorType)):
+ building = self.getBuilding()
+ otherNP = building.find("**/door_origin_" + str(self.doorIndex))
+ assert(not otherNP.isEmpty())
+ elif (self.doorType == DoorTypes.INT_HQ):
+ otherNP=render.find("**/door_origin_" + str(self.doorIndex))
+ assert(not otherNP.isEmpty())
+ else:
+ self.notify.error("No such door type as " + str(self.doorType))
+ return otherNP
+ def avatarExitTrack(self, avatar, duration):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("avatarExitTrack(avatar="+str(avatar)
+ +", duration="+str(duration)+")"))
+ if hasattr(avatar, "stopSmooth"):
+ avatar.stopSmooth()
+ # Get the pos and hpr of the door origin:
+ otherNP=self.getDoorNodePath()
+ trackName = "avatarExitDoor-%d-%d" % (self.doId, avatar.doId)
+ track = Sequence(name = trackName)
+ # Put the avatar in the doorway:
+ track.append(self.getAnimStateInterval(avatar, 'walk'))
+ track.append(PosHprInterval(
+ avatar,
+ Point3(-self.doorX, 0, ToontownGlobals.FloorOffset),
+ VBase3(179, 0, 0),
+ other=otherNP))
+ track.append(Func(avatar.setParent, ToontownGlobals.SPRender))
+ if avatar.doId==base.localAvatar.doId:
+ # Position the camera:
+ track.append(PosHprInterval(
+ camera,
+ VBase3(-self.doorX, 5, avatar.getHeight()),
+ VBase3(180, 0, 0),
+ other=otherNP
+ ))
+ # Move the avatar through:
+ if (avatar.doId == base.localAvatar.doId):
+ finalPos = render.getRelativePoint(
+ otherNP, Point3(-self.doorX, -6, ToontownGlobals.FloorOffset))
+ else:
+ finalPos = render.getRelativePoint(
+ otherNP, Point3(-self.doorX, -3, ToontownGlobals.FloorOffset))
+ track.append(LerpPosInterval(
+ nodePath=avatar,
+ duration=duration,
+ pos=finalPos,
+ blendType="easeInOut"))
+ if (avatar.doId == base.localAvatar.doId):
+ # Cleanup localToon:
+ track.append(Func(self.exitCompleted))
+ # iris in:
+ track.append(Func(base.transitions.irisIn))
+ if hasattr(avatar, "startSmooth"):
+ track.append(Func(avatar.startSmooth))
+ track.delayDelete = DelayDelete.DelayDelete(avatar, 'DistributedDoor.avatarExitTrack')
+ return track
+ def exitCompleted(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('exitCompleted()'))
+ base.localAvatar.setAnimState('neutral')
+ place =
+ if place:
+ place.setState('walk')
+ # This is just to ensure the distributed parent gets set properly.
+ base.localAvatar.d_setParent(ToontownGlobals.SPRender)
+ def avatarExit(self, avatarID):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("avatarExit(avatarID="+str(avatarID)+")"))
+ # Animate the avatar
+ if (avatarID in self.avatarIDList):
+ # ...this avatar was waiting to go in, and bailed out.
+ assert(self.notify.debug(" bailed out"))
+ self.avatarIDList.remove(avatarID)
+ if (avatarID == base.localAvatar.doId):
+ self.exitCompleted()
+ else:
+ # ...this avatar just went through the out door.
+ assert(self.notify.debug(" regular exit"))
+ self.avatarExitIDList.append(avatarID)
+ def finishDoorTrack(self):
+ if self.doorTrack:
+ self.doorTrack.finish()
+ self.doorTrack=None
+ def finishDoorExitTrack(self):
+ if self.doorExitTrack:
+ self.doorExitTrack.finish()
+ self.doorExitTrack=None
+ def finishAllTracks(self):
+ self.finishDoorTrack()
+ self.finishDoorExitTrack()
+ for t in self.avatarTracks:
+ t.finish()
+ DelayDelete.cleanupDelayDeletes(t)
+ self.avatarTracks = []
+ for t in self.avatarExitTracks:
+ t.finish()
+ DelayDelete.cleanupDelayDeletes(t)
+ self.avatarExitTracks = []
+ ##### off state #####
+ def enterOff(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("enterOff()"))
+ def exitOff(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("exitOff()"))
+ ##### closing state #####
+ def getRequestStatus(self):
+ zoneId=self.otherZoneId
+ # We must set allowRedirect to 0 because we expect to meet
+ # our other door on the other side.
+ request={
+ "loader": ZoneUtil.getBranchLoaderName(zoneId),
+ "where": ZoneUtil.getToonWhereName(zoneId),
+ "how": "doorIn",
+ "hoodId": ZoneUtil.getHoodId(zoneId),
+ "zoneId": zoneId,
+ "shardId": None,
+ "avId": -1,
+ "allowRedirect" : 0,
+ "doorDoId":self.otherDoId
+ }
+ return request
+ def enterClosing(self, ts):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("enterClosing()"))
+ # Start animation:
+ # The right hole doorway:
+ doorFrameHoleRight=self.findDoorNode("doorFrameHoleRight")
+ if (doorFrameHoleRight.isEmpty()):
+ self.notify.warning("enterClosing(): did not find doorFrameHoleRight")
+ return
+ # Hmmm, you can try setting the door color to something else
+ # other than black. I tried white, but that doesn't look to
+ # good either.
+ #if ZoneUtil.isInterior(self.zoneId):
+ # doorFrameHoleRight.setColor(1., 1., 1., 1.)
+ # Right door:
+ rightDoor=self.findDoorNode("rightDoor")
+ if (rightDoor.isEmpty()):
+ self.notify.warning("enterClosing(): did not find rightDoor")
+ return
+ # Close the door:
+ otherNP=self.getDoorNodePath()
+ trackName = "doorClose-%d" % (self.doId)
+ if self.rightSwing:
+ h = 100
+ else:
+ h = -100
+ # Stop animation:
+ self.finishDoorTrack()
+ self.doorTrack=Sequence(
+ LerpHprInterval(
+ nodePath=rightDoor,
+ duration=1.0,
+ hpr=VBase3(0, 0, 0),
+ startHpr=VBase3(h, 0, 0),
+ other=otherNP,
+ blendType="easeInOut"),
+ Func(doorFrameHoleRight.hide),
+ Func(self.hideIfHasFlat, rightDoor),
+ SoundInterval(self.closeSfx, node=rightDoor),
+ name = trackName)
+ self.doorTrack.start(ts)
+ if hasattr(self, "done"):
+ request = self.getRequestStatus()
+ messenger.send("doorDoneEvent", [request])
+ def exitClosing(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("exitClosing()"))
+ ##### closed state #####
+ def enterClosed(self, ts):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("enterClosed()"))
+ def exitClosed(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("exitClosed()"))
+ ##### opening state #####
+ def enterOpening(self, ts):
+ #if( __debug__ ):
+ # import pdb
+ # pdb.set_trace()
+ assert(self.debugPrint("enterOpening()"))
+ # Start animation:
+ # The right doorway:
+ doorFrameHoleRight=self.findDoorNode("doorFrameHoleRight")
+ if (doorFrameHoleRight.isEmpty()):
+ self.notify.warning("enterOpening(): did not find doorFrameHoleRight")
+ return
+ # Hmmm, you can try setting the door color to something else
+ # other than black. I tried white, but that doesn't look to
+ # good either.
+ #if ZoneUtil.isInterior(self.zoneId):
+ # doorFrameHoleRight.setColor(1., 1., 1., 1.)
+ # Right door:
+ rightDoor=self.findDoorNode("rightDoor")
+ if (rightDoor.isEmpty()):
+ self.notify.warning("enterOpening(): did not find rightDoor")
+ return
+ # Open the door:
+ otherNP=self.getDoorNodePath()
+ trackName = "doorOpen-%d" % (self.doId)
+ if self.rightSwing:
+ h = 100
+ else:
+ h = -100
+ # Stop animation:
+ self.finishDoorTrack()
+ self.doorTrack=Parallel(
+ SoundInterval(self.openSfx, node=rightDoor),
+ Sequence(
+ HprInterval(
+ rightDoor,
+ VBase3(0, 0, 0),
+ other=otherNP,
+ ),
+ Wait(0.4),
+ Func(,
+ Func(,
+ LerpHprInterval(
+ nodePath=rightDoor,
+ duration=0.6,
+ hpr=VBase3(h, 0, 0),
+ startHpr=VBase3(0, 0, 0),
+ other=otherNP,
+ blendType="easeInOut")),
+ name = trackName)
+ # Start the tracks:
+ self.doorTrack.start(ts)
+ def exitOpening(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("exitOpening()"))
+ ##### open state #####
+ def enterOpen(self, ts):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("enterOpen()"))
+ # Run everybody in:
+ for avatarID in self.avatarIDList:
+ assert(self.notify.debug(" avatarID: "+str(avatarID)))
+ avatar =
+ if avatar:
+ track=self.avatarEnterDoorTrack(avatar, 1.0)
+ track.start(ts)
+ self.avatarTracks.append(track)
+ if (avatarID == base.localAvatar.doId):
+ self.done=1
+ self.avatarIDList=[]
+ def exitOpen(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("exitOpen()"))
+ for track in self.avatarTracks:
+ track.finish()
+ DelayDelete.cleanupDelayDeletes(track)
+ self.avatarTracks=[]
+ ##### Exit Door off state #####
+ def exitDoorEnterOff(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("exitDoorEnterOff()"))
+ def exitDoorExitOff(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("exitDoorExitOff()"))
+ ##### Exit Door closing state #####
+ def exitDoorEnterClosing(self, ts):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("exitDoorEnterClosing()"))
+ # Start animation:
+ # The left hole doorway:
+ doorFrameHoleLeft=self.findDoorNode("doorFrameHoleLeft")
+ if (doorFrameHoleLeft.isEmpty()):
+ self.notify.warning("enterOpening(): did not find flatDoors")
+ return
+ #if ZoneUtil.isInterior(self.zoneId):
+ # doorFrameHoleLeft.setColor(1., 1., 1., 1.)
+ # Left door:
+ if self.leftSwing:
+ h = -100
+ else:
+ h = 100
+ leftDoor=self.findDoorNode("leftDoor")
+ if (not leftDoor.isEmpty()):
+ # Close the door:
+ otherNP=self.getDoorNodePath()
+ trackName = "doorExitTrack-%d" % (self.doId)
+ self.finishDoorExitTrack()
+ self.doorExitTrack = Sequence(
+ LerpHprInterval(
+ nodePath=leftDoor,
+ duration=1.0,
+ hpr=VBase3(0, 0, 0),
+ startHpr=VBase3(h, 0, 0),
+ other=otherNP,
+ blendType="easeInOut"),
+ Func(doorFrameHoleLeft.hide),
+ Func(self.hideIfHasFlat, leftDoor),
+ SoundInterval(self.closeSfx, node=leftDoor),
+ name = trackName)
+ self.doorExitTrack.start(ts)
+ #else:
+ # self.notify.error("enterOpening(): did not find leftDoor")
+ def exitDoorExitClosing(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("exitDoorExitClosing()"))
+ ##### Exit Door closed state #####
+ def exitDoorEnterClosed(self, ts):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("exitDoorEnterClosed()"))
+ def exitDoorExitClosed(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("exitDoorExitClosed()"))
+ ##### Exit Door opening state #####
+ def exitDoorEnterOpening(self, ts):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("exitDoorEnterOpening()"))
+ # Start animation:
+ # The left hole doorway:
+ doorFrameHoleLeft=self.findDoorNode("doorFrameHoleLeft")
+ if (doorFrameHoleLeft.isEmpty()):
+ self.notify.warning("enterOpening(): did not find flatDoors")
+ return
+ #if ZoneUtil.isInterior(self.zoneId):
+ # doorFrameHoleLeft.setColor(1., 1., 1., 1.)
+ # Left door:
+ leftDoor=self.findDoorNode("leftDoor")
+ if self.leftSwing:
+ h = -100
+ else:
+ h = 100
+ if (not leftDoor.isEmpty()):
+ # Open the door:
+ otherNP=self.getDoorNodePath()
+ trackName = "doorDoorExitTrack-%d" % (self.doId)
+ self.finishDoorExitTrack()
+ self.doorExitTrack = Parallel(
+ SoundInterval(self.openSfx, node=leftDoor),
+ Sequence(
+ Func(,
+ Func(,
+ LerpHprInterval(nodePath=leftDoor,
+ duration=0.6,
+ hpr=VBase3(h, 0, 0),
+ startHpr=VBase3(0, 0, 0),
+ other=otherNP,
+ blendType="easeInOut")),
+ name = trackName)
+ # Start the tracks:
+ self.doorExitTrack.start(ts)
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning("exitDoorEnterOpening(): did not find leftDoor")
+ def exitDoorExitOpening(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("exitDoorExitOpening()"))
+ ##### Exit Door open state #####
+ def exitDoorEnterOpen(self, ts):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("exitDoorEnterOpen()"))
+ # Run everybody out:
+ for avatarID in self.avatarExitIDList:
+ assert(self.notify.debug(" avatarID: "+str(avatarID)))
+ if avatar:
+ track=self.avatarExitTrack(avatar, 0.2)
+ track.start()
+ self.avatarExitTracks.append(track)
+ self.avatarExitIDList=[]
+ def exitDoorExitOpen(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("exitDoorExitOpen()"))
+ for track in self.avatarExitTracks:
+ track.finish()
+ DelayDelete.cleanupDelayDeletes(track)
+ self.avatarExitTracks=[]
+ def findDoorNode(self, string, allowEmpty = False):
+ building = self.getBuilding()
+ if not building:
+ self.notify.warning("getBuilding() returned None, avoiding crash, remark 896029")
+ foundNode = None
+ else:
+ foundNode = building.find("**/door_" + str(self.doorIndex) +
+ "/**/" + string + "*;+s+i")
+ if foundNode.isEmpty():
+ # hack, We should make the trigger finding more general.
+ foundNode = building.find("**/" + string + "*;+s+i")
+ assert(self.debugPrint(" fyi: find door hack"))
+ assert(self.debugPrint("findDoorNode(%s) found %s, %d"%(string, foundNode, self.doorIndex)))
+ if allowEmpty:
+ return foundNode
+ assert(not foundNode.isEmpty())
+ return foundNode
+ def hideIfHasFlat(self, node):
+ if self.bHasFlat:
+ node.hide()
+ if __debug__:
+ def debugPrint(self, message):
+ """for debugging"""
+ block=self.__dict__.get('block', '?')
+ type=self.__dict__.get('doorType', '?')
+ index=self.__dict__.get('doorIndex', '?')
+ if type == DoorTypes.INT_HQ:
+ type="INT_HQ"
+ elif type == DoorTypes.EXT_HQ:
+ type="EXT_HQ"
+ elif type == DoorTypes.INT_STANDARD:
+ type="INT_ST"
+ elif type == DoorTypes.EXT_STANDARD:
+ type="EXT_ST"
+ elif type == DoorTypes.EXT_COGHQ:
+ type="EXT_COGHQ"
+ elif type == DoorTypes.INT_COGHQ:
+ type="INT_COGHQ"
+ elif( type == DoorTypes.EXT_KS ):
+ type="EXT_KS"
+ elif( type == DoorTypes.INT_KS ):
+ type="INT_KS"
+ return self.notify.debug("%s %s %s %s" %
+ (block, type, index, message))
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a9b313
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,466 @@
+""" DistributedDoorAI module: contains the DistributedDoorAI
+ class, the server side representation of a 'landmark door'."""
+from import *
+from direct.task.Task import Task
+from direct.distributed.ClockDelta import *
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM, State
+from direct.distributed import DistributedObjectAI
+from direct.fsm import State
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownAccessAI
+class DistributedDoorAI(DistributedObjectAI.DistributedObjectAI):
+ """
+ The server side representation of a single door. This is the
+ object that remembers what the door is doing. The client side
+ version updates the client's display based on the state of the door.
+ """
+ if __debug__:
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('DistributedDoorAI')
+ def __init__(self, air, blockNumber, doorType, doorIndex=0,
+ lockValue=0, swing=3):
+ """
+ blockNumber: the landmark building number (from the name)
+ doorIndex: Each door must have a unique index.
+ """
+ DistributedObjectAI.DistributedObjectAI.__init__(self, air)
+ assert(self.notify.debug(str(blockNumber)+" DistributedDoorAI("
+ "%s, %s)" % ("the air", str(blockNumber))))
+ self.block = blockNumber
+ self.swing = swing
+ self.otherDoor=None
+ self.doorType = doorType
+ self.doorIndex = doorIndex
+ self.setDoorLock(lockValue)
+ self.fsm = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM('DistributedDoorAI_right',
+ [State.State('off',
+ self.enterOff,
+ self.exitOff,
+ ['closing',
+ 'closed',
+ 'opening',
+ 'open']),
+ State.State('closing',
+ self.enterClosing,
+ self.exitClosing,
+ ['closed', 'opening']),
+ State.State('closed',
+ self.enterClosed,
+ self.exitClosed,
+ ['opening']),
+ State.State('opening',
+ self.enterOpening,
+ self.exitOpening,
+ ['open']),
+ State.State('open',
+ self.enterOpen,
+ self.exitOpen,
+ ['closing', 'open'])],
+ # Initial State
+ 'off',
+ # Final State
+ 'off',
+ )
+ self.fsm.enterInitialState()
+ self.exitDoorFSM = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM('DistributedDoorAI_left',
+ [State.State('off',
+ self.exitDoorEnterOff,
+ self.exitDoorExitOff,
+ ['closing',
+ 'closed',
+ 'opening',
+ 'open']),
+ State.State('closing',
+ self.exitDoorEnterClosing,
+ self.exitDoorExitClosing,
+ ['closed', 'opening']),
+ State.State('closed',
+ self.exitDoorEnterClosed,
+ self.exitDoorExitClosed,
+ ['opening']),
+ State.State('opening',
+ self.exitDoorEnterOpening,
+ self.exitDoorExitOpening,
+ ['open']),
+ State.State('open',
+ self.exitDoorEnterOpen,
+ self.exitDoorExitOpen,
+ ['closing', 'open'])],
+ # Initial State
+ 'off',
+ # Final State
+ 'off',
+ )
+ self.exitDoorFSM.enterInitialState()
+ self.doLaterTask=None
+ self.exitDoorDoLaterTask=None
+ self.avatarsWhoAreEntering={}
+ self.avatarsWhoAreExiting={}
+ def delete(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("delete()"))
+ taskMgr.remove(self.uniqueName('door_opening-timer'))
+ taskMgr.remove(self.uniqueName('door_open-timer'))
+ taskMgr.remove(self.uniqueName('door_closing-timer'))
+ taskMgr.remove(self.uniqueName('exit_door_open-timer'))
+ taskMgr.remove(self.uniqueName('exit_door_closing-timer'))
+ taskMgr.remove(self.uniqueName('exit_door_opening-timer'))
+ self.ignoreAll()
+ del self.fsm
+ del self.exitDoorFSM
+ del self.otherDoor
+ DistributedObjectAI.DistributedObjectAI.delete(self)
+ def getDoorIndex(self):
+ return self.doorIndex
+ def setSwing(self, swing):
+ self.swing = swing
+ def getSwing(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("getSwing()"))
+ return self.swing
+ def getDoorType(self):
+ return self.doorType
+ #def openDoor(self):
+ # """if the door is closed, open it"""
+ # assert(self.debugPrint("openDoor()"))
+ # if (self.isClosed()):
+ # self.fsm.request('opening')
+ #def closeDoor(self):
+ # """if the door is open, close it"""
+ # assert(self.debugPrint("closeDoor()"))
+ # if (self.isOpen()):
+ # self.fsm.request('closing')
+ def getZoneIdAndBlock(self):
+ r=[self.zoneId, self.block]
+ assert(self.debugPrint("getZoneIdAndBlock() returning: "+str(r)))
+ return r
+ def setOtherDoor(self, door):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("setOtherDoor(door="+str(door)+")"))
+ self.otherDoor=door
+ def getZoneId(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("getZoneId() returning "+str(self.zoneId)))
+ return self.zoneId
+ def getState(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("getState()"))
+ return [self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName(),
+ globalClockDelta.getRealNetworkTime()]
+ def getExitDoorState(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("getExitDoorState()"))
+ return [self.exitDoorFSM.getCurrentState().getName(),
+ globalClockDelta.getRealNetworkTime()]
+ def isOpen(self):
+ """return true if the door is open or opening"""
+ assert(self.debugPrint("isOpen()"))
+ state=self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName()
+ return state=='open' or state=='opening'
+ def isClosed(self):
+ """return true if the door is closed, closing, or off"""
+ assert(self.debugPrint("isClosed()"))
+ return not self.isOpen()
+ def setDoorLock(self, locked):
+ """Prevent avatars from entering this door."""
+ self.lockedDoor=locked
+ def isLockedDoor(self):
+ """Find out if the door is locked. 0 means no, positive values
+ mean yes. Classes that inherit may attach special meanings to
+ different positive values.
+ NOTE: the cog hq doors don't seem to respect the no-locked-doors flag. """
+ if simbase.config.GetBool('no-locked-doors', 0):
+ return 0
+ else:
+ return self.lockedDoor
+ def sendReject(self, avatarID, lockedVal):
+ # Zero means the door is unlocked. Positive values mean
+ # the door is locked.
+ # Classes that inherit from Distributed Door may
+ # attach special meanings to different positive values.
+ self.sendUpdateToAvatarId(avatarID, "rejectEnter", [lockedVal])
+ def requestEnter(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("requestEnter()"))
+ avatarID = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender()
+ assert(self.notify.debug(" avatarID:%s" % (str(avatarID),)))
+ lockedVal = self.isLockedDoor()
+ # Check that player has full access
+ if not ToontownAccessAI.canAccess(avatarID, self.zoneId):
+ lockedVal = True
+ if lockedVal:
+ self.sendReject(avatarID, lockedVal)
+ else:
+ self.enqueueAvatarIdEnter(avatarID)
+ self.sendUpdateToAvatarId(avatarID, "setOtherZoneIdAndDoId",
+ [self.otherDoor.getZoneId(), self.otherDoor.getDoId()])
+ def enqueueAvatarIdEnter(self, avatarID):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("enqueueAvatarIdEnter(avatarID=%s)"%(avatarID,)))
+ assert(self.debugPrint("enqueueAvatarIdEnter(avatarsWhoAreEntering=%s)"%(self.avatarsWhoAreEntering,)))
+ # By storing the avatarID in the key, we're creating a set of
+ # unique avatarIDs.
+ if not self.avatarsWhoAreEntering.has_key(avatarID):
+ self.avatarsWhoAreEntering[avatarID]=1
+ self.sendUpdate("avatarEnter", [avatarID])
+ self.openDoor(self.fsm)
+ def openDoor(self, doorFsm):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("openTheDoor(doorFsm=)"))
+ stateName = doorFsm.getCurrentState().getName()
+ if stateName == 'open':
+ # Reissue the open state:
+ doorFsm.request('open')
+ elif stateName != 'opening':
+ doorFsm.request('opening')
+ def requestExit(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("requestExit()"))
+ avatarID = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender()
+ assert(self.notify.debug(" avatarID:%s" % (str(avatarID),)))
+ # Make sure you send the avatar exit before telling the door to
+ # open Otherwise the client will get the open door and will not be
+ # on the list of avatars to walk through the door yet.
+ self.sendUpdate("avatarExit", [avatarID])
+ # Ok, now enqueue the avatar (which opens the door)
+ self.enqueueAvatarIdExit(avatarID)
+ def enqueueAvatarIdExit(self, avatarID):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("enqueueAvatarIdExit(avatarID=%s)"%(avatarID,)))
+ assert(self.debugPrint("enqueueAvatarIdExit(avatarsWhoAreExiting=%s)"%(self.avatarsWhoAreExiting,)))
+ if self.avatarsWhoAreEntering.has_key(avatarID):
+ del self.avatarsWhoAreEntering[avatarID]
+ elif not self.avatarsWhoAreExiting.has_key(avatarID):
+ self.avatarsWhoAreExiting[avatarID]=1
+ self.openDoor(self.exitDoorFSM)
+ else:
+ assert(self.notify.debug(str(avatarID)
+ +" requested an exit, and they're already exiting"))
+ def requestSuitEnter(self, avatarID):
+ """
+ unlike requestEnter(), which is for toons, this is not a
+ distributed call; it's made directly from the AI side as the
+ suit reaches the end of its path.
+ """
+ assert(self.debugPrint("requestSuitEnter(avatarID=%s" % (avatarID,)))
+ self.enqueueAvatarIdEnter(avatarID)
+ def requestSuitExit(self, avatarID):
+ """
+ unlike requestExit(), which is for toons, this is not a
+ distributed call; it's made directly from the AI side as the
+ suit reaches the end of its path.
+ """
+ assert(self.debugPrint("requestSuitExit(avatarID=%s" % (avatarID,)))
+ # Send the avatar exit first
+ self.sendUpdate("avatarExit", [avatarID])
+ # Then open the door
+ self.enqueueAvatarIdExit(avatarID)
+ def d_setState(self, state):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("d_setState(state="+str(state)+")"))
+ self.sendUpdate('setState', [state, globalClockDelta.getRealNetworkTime()])
+ def d_setExitDoorState(self, state):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("d_setExitDoorState(state="+str(state)+")"))
+ self.sendUpdate('setExitDoorState', [state, globalClockDelta.getRealNetworkTime()])
+ if __debug__:
+ def debugPrint(self, message):
+ """for debugging"""
+ return self.notify.debug(
+ str(self.__dict__.get('block', '?'))+' '+message)
+ ##### off state #####
+ def enterOff(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("enterOff()"))
+ def exitOff(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("exitOff()"))
+ ##### closing state #####
+ def openTask(self, task):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("openTask()"))
+ self.fsm.request("closing")
+ return Task.done
+ def enterClosing(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("enterClosing()"))
+ self.d_setState('closing')
+ self.doLaterTask=taskMgr.doMethodLater(
+ 1, #CLOSING_DOOR_TIME, #TODO: define this elsewhere
+ self.closingTask,
+ self.uniqueName('door_closing-timer'))
+ def exitClosing(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("exitClosing()"))
+ if self.doLaterTask:
+ taskMgr.remove(self.doLaterTask)
+ self.doLaterTask=None
+ ##### closed state #####
+ def closingTask(self, task):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("closingTask()"))
+ self.fsm.request("closed")
+ return Task.done
+ def enterClosed(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("enterClosed()"))
+ self.d_setState('closed')
+ def exitClosed(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("exitClosed()"))
+ ##### opening state #####
+ def enterOpening(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("enterOpening()"))
+ self.d_setState('opening')
+ self.doLaterTask=taskMgr.doMethodLater(
+ #todo: define OPENING_DOOR_TIME elsewhere
+ self.openingTask,
+ self.uniqueName('door_opening-timer'))
+ def exitOpening(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("exitOpening()"))
+ if self.doLaterTask:
+ taskMgr.remove(self.doLaterTask)
+ self.doLaterTask=None
+ ##### open state #####
+ def openingTask(self, task):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("openingTask()"))
+ self.fsm.request("open")
+ return Task.done
+ def enterOpen(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("enterOpen()"))
+ self.d_setState('open')
+ self.avatarsWhoAreEntering={}
+ self.doLaterTask=taskMgr.doMethodLater(
+ #todo: define STAY_OPEN_DOOR_TIME elsewhere
+ self.openTask,
+ self.uniqueName('door_open-timer'))
+ def exitOpen(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("exitOpen()"))
+ if self.doLaterTask:
+ taskMgr.remove(self.doLaterTask)
+ self.doLaterTask=None
+ ##### Exit Door off state #####
+ def exitDoorEnterOff(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("exitDoorEnterOff()"))
+ def exitDoorExitOff(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("exitDoorExitOff()"))
+ ##### Exit Door closing state #####
+ def exitDoorOpenTask(self, task):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("exitDoorOpenTask()"))
+ self.exitDoorFSM.request("closing")
+ return Task.done
+ def exitDoorEnterClosing(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("exitDoorEnterClosing()"))
+ self.d_setExitDoorState('closing')
+ self.exitDoorDoLaterTask=taskMgr.doMethodLater(
+ 1, #CLOSING_DOOR_TIME, #TODO: define this elsewhere
+ self.exitDoorClosingTask,
+ self.uniqueName('exit_door_closing-timer'))
+ def exitDoorExitClosing(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("exitDoorExitClosing()"))
+ if self.exitDoorDoLaterTask:
+ taskMgr.remove(self.exitDoorDoLaterTask)
+ self.exitDoorDoLaterTask=None
+ ##### Exit Door closed state #####
+ def exitDoorClosingTask(self, task):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("exitDoorClosingTask()"))
+ self.exitDoorFSM.request("closed")
+ return Task.done
+ def exitDoorEnterClosed(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("exitDoorEnterClosed()"))
+ self.d_setExitDoorState('closed')
+ def exitDoorExitClosed(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("exitDoorExitClosed()"))
+ if self.exitDoorDoLaterTask:
+ taskMgr.remove(self.exitDoorDoLaterTask)
+ self.exitDoorDoLaterTask=None
+ ##### Exit Door opening state #####
+ def exitDoorEnterOpening(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("exitDoorEnterOpening()"))
+ self.d_setExitDoorState('opening')
+ self.exitDoorDoLaterTask=taskMgr.doMethodLater(
+ #todo: define OPENING_DOOR_TIME elsewhere
+ self.exitDoorOpeningTask,
+ self.uniqueName('exit_door_opening-timer'))
+ def exitDoorExitOpening(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("exitDoorExitOpening()"))
+ if self.exitDoorDoLaterTask:
+ taskMgr.remove(self.exitDoorDoLaterTask)
+ self.exitDoorDoLaterTask=None
+ ##### Exit Door open state #####
+ def exitDoorOpeningTask(self, task):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("exitDoorOpeningTask()"))
+ self.exitDoorFSM.request("open")
+ return Task.done
+ def exitDoorEnterOpen(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("exitDoorEnterOpen()"))
+ # Tell the clients:
+ self.d_setExitDoorState('open')
+ self.avatarsWhoAreExiting={}
+ # Stay open for a little while:
+ self.exitDoorDoLaterTask=taskMgr.doMethodLater(
+ #todo: define STAY_OPEN_DOOR_TIME elsewhere
+ self.exitDoorOpenTask,
+ self.uniqueName('exit_door_open-timer'))
+ def exitDoorExitOpen(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("exitDoorExitOpen()"))
+ if self.exitDoorDoLaterTask:
+ taskMgr.remove(self.exitDoorDoLaterTask)
+ self.exitDoorDoLaterTask=None
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9ed398
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,826 @@
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from direct.distributed.ClockDelta import *
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
+from ElevatorConstants import *
+from ElevatorUtils import *
+from direct.showbase import PythonUtil
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM, State
+from direct.distributed import DistributedObject
+from direct.fsm import State
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from direct.task.Task import Task
+from toontown.distributed import DelayDelete
+from toontown.hood import ZoneUtil
+from toontown.toontowngui import TeaserPanel
+from toontown.building import BoardingGroupShow
+class DistributedElevator(DistributedObject.DistributedObject):
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('DistributedElevator')
+ # The jump offsets for a regular elevator are the same for all the slots.
+ # There is a difference in jump offsets in cases like the cog kart elevators.
+ JumpOutOffsets = JumpOutOffsets # Get the values from ElevatorConstants
+ def __init__(self, cr):
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.__init__(self, cr)
+ self.bldgRequest = None
+ self.toonRequests = {}
+ self.deferredSlots = []
+ self.localToonOnBoard = 0
+ self.boardedAvIds = {}
+ self.openSfx = base.loadSfx("phase_5/audio/sfx/elevator_door_open.mp3")
+ self.finalOpenSfx = None
+ self.closeSfx = base.loadSfx("phase_5/audio/sfx/elevator_door_close.mp3")
+ #Points to Elevator.Elevator when localAvatar steps inside
+ self.elevatorFSM=None
+ self.finalCloseSfx = None
+ self.elevatorPoints = ElevatorPoints
+ self.fillSlotTrack = None
+ self.type = ELEVATOR_NORMAL
+ self.countdownTime = ElevatorData[self.type]['countdown']
+ # Tracks on toons, for starting and stopping
+ # stored by avId : track. There is only a need for one at a time,
+ # in fact the point of the dict is to ensure only one is playing at a time
+ self.__toonTracks = {}
+ self.fsm = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM('DistributedElevator',
+ [State.State('off',
+ self.enterOff,
+ self.exitOff,
+ ['opening',
+ 'waitEmpty',
+ 'waitCountdown',
+ 'closing',
+ 'closed',
+ ]),
+ State.State('opening',
+ self.enterOpening,
+ self.exitOpening,
+ ['waitEmpty', 'waitCountdown']),
+ State.State('waitEmpty',
+ self.enterWaitEmpty,
+ self.exitWaitEmpty,
+ ['waitCountdown']),
+ State.State('waitCountdown',
+ self.enterWaitCountdown,
+ self.exitWaitCountdown,
+ ['waitEmpty', 'closing']),
+ State.State('closing',
+ self.enterClosing,
+ self.exitClosing,
+ ['closed', 'waitEmpty']),
+ State.State('closed',
+ self.enterClosed,
+ self.exitClosed,
+ ['opening']),
+ ],
+ # Initial State
+ 'off',
+ # Final State
+ 'off',
+ )
+ self.fsm.enterInitialState()
+ self.isSetup = 0
+ self.__preSetupState = None
+ self.bigElevator = 0
+ # This is bad. Testing?
+ #base.elevator = self
+ def generate(self):
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.generate(self)
+ def setupElevator(self):
+ # Assumes you have a self.leftDoor and self.rightDoor defined
+ # Establish a collision sphere. There must be an easier way!
+ collisionRadius = ElevatorData[self.type]['collRadius']
+ self.elevatorSphere = CollisionSphere(0, 5, 0, collisionRadius)
+ self.elevatorSphere.setTangible(0)
+ self.elevatorSphereNode = CollisionNode(self.uniqueName("elevatorSphere"))
+ self.elevatorSphereNode.setIntoCollideMask(ToontownGlobals.WallBitmask)
+ self.elevatorSphereNode.addSolid(self.elevatorSphere)
+ self.elevatorSphereNodePath = self.getElevatorModel().attachNewNode(
+ self.elevatorSphereNode)
+ self.elevatorSphereNodePath.hide()
+ self.elevatorSphereNodePath.reparentTo(self.getElevatorModel())
+ self.elevatorSphereNodePath.stash()
+ self.boardedAvIds = {}
+ # Establish intervals for opening and closing the doors
+ self.openDoors = getOpenInterval(self,
+ self.leftDoor,
+ self.rightDoor,
+ self.openSfx,
+ self.finalOpenSfx,
+ self.type)
+ self.closeDoors = getCloseInterval(self,
+ self.leftDoor,
+ self.rightDoor,
+ self.closeSfx,
+ self.finalCloseSfx,
+ self.type)
+ # put a callback at the end of the 'closeDoors' ival so that we can
+ # hide the avatars on board. Otherwise they may still be in the
+ # elevator when the doors open.
+ self.closeDoors = Sequence(self.closeDoors,
+ Func(self.onDoorCloseFinish),
+ )
+ self.finishSetup()
+ def finishSetup(self):
+ # Do all the things that we had to defer until the elevator
+ # was fully set up.
+ self.isSetup = 1
+ self.offsetNP = self.getElevatorModel().attachNewNode('dummyNP')
+ if self.__preSetupState:
+ self.fsm.request(self.__preSetupState, [0])
+ self.__preSetupState = None
+ for slot in self.deferredSlots:
+ self.fillSlot(*slot)
+ self.deferredSlots = []
+ def disable(self):
+ if self.bldgRequest:
+ self.bldgRequest = None
+ for request in self.toonRequests.values():
+ self.toonRequests = {}
+ # stop the intervals in case they're playing
+ if hasattr(self, "openDoors"):
+ self.openDoors.pause()
+ if hasattr(self, "closeDoors"):
+ self.closeDoors.pause()
+ # No more toon animating
+ self.clearToonTracks()
+ # Go to the off state when the object is put in the cache
+ self.fsm.request("off")
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.disable(self)
+ def delete(self):
+ if self.isSetup:
+ self.elevatorSphereNodePath.removeNode()
+ del self.elevatorSphereNodePath
+ del self.elevatorSphereNode
+ del self.elevatorSphere
+ del self.bldg
+ if self.leftDoor:
+ del self.leftDoor
+ if self.rightDoor:
+ del self.rightDoor
+ if hasattr(self, "openDoors"):
+ del self.openDoors
+ if hasattr(self, "closeDoors"):
+ del self.closeDoors
+ del self.fsm
+ del self.openSfx
+ del self.closeSfx
+ self.isSetup = 0
+ self.offsetNP.removeNode()
+ # Cleanup any leftover elevator messages while leaving the zone.
+ if hasattr(base.localAvatar, "elevatorNotifier"):
+ base.localAvatar.elevatorNotifier.cleanup()
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.delete(self)
+ def setBldgDoId(self, bldgDoId):
+ self.bldgDoId = bldgDoId
+ self.bldgRequest =
+ [bldgDoId], allCallback = self.gotBldg, timeout = 2)
+ def gotBldg(self, buildingList):
+ self.bldgRequest = None
+ self.bldg = buildingList[0]
+ if not self.bldg:
+ self.notify.error("setBldgDoId: elevator %d cannot find bldg %d!"
+ % (self.doId, self.bldgDoId))
+ return
+ self.setupElevator()
+ def gotToon(self, index, avId, toonList):
+ request = self.toonRequests.get(index)
+ if request:
+ del self.toonRequests[index]
+ self.fillSlot(index, avId)
+ else:
+ self.notify.error("gotToon: already had got toon in slot %s." % (index))
+ def setState(self, state, timestamp):
+ if self.isSetup:
+ self.fsm.request(state, [globalClockDelta.localElapsedTime(timestamp)])
+ else:
+ # Save the state until we get setup.
+ self.__preSetupState = state
+ def fillSlot0(self, avId, wantBoardingShow):
+ self.fillSlot(0, avId, wantBoardingShow)
+ def fillSlot1(self, avId, wantBoardingShow):
+ self.fillSlot(1, avId, wantBoardingShow)
+ def fillSlot2(self, avId, wantBoardingShow):
+ self.fillSlot(2, avId, wantBoardingShow)
+ def fillSlot3(self, avId, wantBoardingShow):
+ self.fillSlot(3, avId, wantBoardingShow)
+ def fillSlot4(self, avId, wantBoardingShow):
+ self.fillSlot(4, avId, wantBoardingShow)
+ def fillSlot5(self, avId, wantBoardingShow):
+ self.fillSlot(5, avId, wantBoardingShow)
+ def fillSlot6(self, avId, wantBoardingShow):
+ self.fillSlot(6, avId, wantBoardingShow)
+ def fillSlot7(self, avId, wantBoardingShow):
+ self.fillSlot(7, avId, wantBoardingShow)
+ def fillSlot(self, index, avId, wantBoardingShow = 0):
+ self.notify.debug("%s.fillSlot(%s, %s, ...)" % (self.doId, index, avId))
+ request = self.toonRequests.get(index)
+ if request:
+ del self.toonRequests[index]
+ if avId == 0:
+ # This means that the slot is now empty, and no action should
+ # be taken.
+ pass
+ elif not
+ # It's someone who hasn't been generated yet.
+ func = PythonUtil.Functor(
+ self.gotToon, index, avId)
+ assert not self.toonRequests.has_key(index)
+ self.toonRequests[index] =
+ [avId], allCallback = func)
+ elif not self.isSetup:
+ # We haven't set up the elevator yet.
+ self.deferredSlots.append((index, avId, wantBoardingShow))
+ else:
+ # If localToon is boarding, he needs to change state
+ if avId == base.localAvatar.getDoId():
+ place =
+ if not place:
+ return
+ place.detectedElevatorCollision(self)
+ elevator = self.getPlaceElevator()
+ if elevator == None:
+ place.fsm.request('elevator')
+ elevator = self.getPlaceElevator()
+ if not elevator:
+ return
+ self.localToonOnBoard = 1
+ if hasattr(localAvatar, "boardingParty") and localAvatar.boardingParty:
+ localAvatar.boardingParty.forceCleanupInviteePanel()
+ localAvatar.boardingParty.forceCleanupInviterPanels()
+ # Cleanup any leftover elevator messages before boarding the elevator.
+ if hasattr(base.localAvatar, "elevatorNotifier"):
+ base.localAvatar.elevatorNotifier.cleanup()
+ cameraTrack = Sequence()
+ # Move the camera towards and face the elevator.
+ cameraTrack.append(Func(elevator.fsm.request, "boarding", [self.getElevatorModel()]))
+ # Enable the Hop off button.
+ cameraTrack.append(Func(elevator.fsm.request, "boarded"))
+ toon =[avId]
+ # Parent it to the elevator
+ toon.stopSmooth()
+ # avoid wrtReparent so that we don't muck with the toon's scale
+ #toon.wrtReparentTo(self.getElevatorModel())
+ if not wantBoardingShow:
+ toon.setZ(self.getElevatorModel(), self.elevatorPoints[index][2])
+ toon.setShadowHeight(0)
+ if toon.isDisguised:
+ animInFunc = Sequence(Func(toon.suit.loop, "walk"))
+ #RAU this stops the dog's ears from flapping too much
+ animFunc = Sequence(
+ Func(toon.setAnimState, "neutral", 1.0),
+ Func(toon.suit.loop, "neutral")
+ )
+ else:
+ animInFunc = Sequence(Func(toon.setAnimState, "run", 1.0))
+ animFunc = Func(toon.setAnimState, "neutral", 1.0)
+ toon.headsUp(self.getElevatorModel(), apply(Point3, self.elevatorPoints[index]))
+ track = Sequence(
+ # Pos 1: -1.5, 5, 0
+ # Pos 2: 1.5, 5, 0
+ # Pos 3: -2.5, 3, 0
+ # Pos 4: 2.5, 3, 0
+ animInFunc,
+ LerpPosInterval(toon, TOON_BOARD_ELEVATOR_TIME * 0.75,
+ apply(Point3, self.elevatorPoints[index]),
+ other=self.getElevatorModel()),
+ LerpHprInterval(toon, TOON_BOARD_ELEVATOR_TIME * 0.25,
+ Point3(180, 0, 0),
+ other=self.getElevatorModel()),
+ #Func(toon.setAnimState, "neutral", 1.0),
+ Func(self.clearToonTrack, avId),
+ animFunc,
+ name = toon.uniqueName("fillElevator"),
+ autoPause = 1)
+ if wantBoardingShow:
+ boardingTrack, boardingTrackType = self.getBoardingTrack(toon, index, False)
+ track = Sequence(boardingTrack, track)
+ if avId == base.localAvatar.getDoId():
+ cameraWaitTime = 2.5
+ if (boardingTrackType == BoardingGroupShow.TRACK_TYPE_RUN):
+ cameraWaitTime = 0.5
+ elif (boardingTrackType == BoardingGroupShow.TRACK_TYPE_POOF):
+ cameraWaitTime = 1
+ cameraTrack = Sequence(Wait(cameraWaitTime), cameraTrack)
+ if self.canHideBoardingQuitBtn(avId):
+ track = Sequence(Func(localAvatar.boardingParty.groupPanel.disableQuitButton),
+ track)
+ # Start the camera track in parallel here
+ if avId == base.localAvatar.getDoId():
+ track = Parallel(cameraTrack, track)
+ track.delayDelete = DelayDelete.DelayDelete(toon, 'Elevator.fillSlot')
+ self.storeToonTrack(avId, track)
+ track.start()
+ self.fillSlotTrack = track
+ assert avId not in self.boardedAvIds
+ self.boardedAvIds[avId] = None
+ def emptySlot0(self, avId, bailFlag, timestamp, time):
+ self.emptySlot(0, avId, bailFlag, timestamp, time)
+ def emptySlot1(self, avId, bailFlag, timestamp, time):
+ self.emptySlot(1, avId, bailFlag, timestamp, time)
+ def emptySlot2(self, avId, bailFlag, timestamp, time):
+ self.emptySlot(2, avId, bailFlag, timestamp, time)
+ def emptySlot3(self, avId, bailFlag, timestamp, time):
+ self.emptySlot(3, avId, bailFlag, timestamp, time)
+ def emptySlot4(self, avId, bailFlag, timestamp, time):
+ self.emptySlot(4, avId, bailFlag, timestamp, time)
+ def emptySlot5(self, avId, bailFlag, timestamp, time):
+ self.emptySlot(5, avId, bailFlag, timestamp)
+ def emptySlot6(self, avId, bailFlag, timestamp, time):
+ self.emptySlot(6, avId, bailFlag, timestamp, time)
+ def emptySlot7(self, avId, bailFlag, timestamp, time):
+ self.emptySlot(7, avId, bailFlag, timestamp, time)
+ def notifyToonOffElevator(self, toon):
+ toon.setAnimState("neutral", 1.0)
+ if toon == base.localAvatar:
+ doneStatus = {
+ 'where' : 'exit',
+ }
+ elevator = self.getPlaceElevator()
+ if elevator:
+ elevator.signalDone(doneStatus)
+ self.localToonOnBoard = 0
+ else:
+ toon.startSmooth()
+ return
+ def emptySlot(self, index, avId, bailFlag, timestamp, timeSent = 0):
+ if self.fillSlotTrack:
+ self.fillSlotTrack.finish()
+ self.fillSlotTrack = None
+ #print "Emptying slot: %d for %d" % (index, avId)
+ # If localToon is exiting, he needs to change state
+ if avId == 0:
+ # This means that no one is currently exiting, and no action
+ # should be taken
+ pass
+ elif not self.isSetup:
+ # We haven't set up the elevator yet. Remove the toon
+ # from the deferredSlots list, if it is there.
+ newSlots = []
+ for slot in self.deferredSlots:
+ if slot[0] != index:
+ newSlots.append(slot)
+ self.deferredSlots = newSlots
+ else:
+ timeToSet = self.countdownTime
+ if timeSent > 0:
+ timeToSet = timeSent
+ if
+ # See if we need to reset the clock
+ # (countdown assumes we've created a clockNode already)
+ if (bailFlag == 1 and hasattr(self, 'clockNode')):
+ if (timestamp < timeToSet and
+ timestamp >= 0):
+ self.countdown(timeToSet - timestamp)
+ else:
+ self.countdown(timeToSet)
+ # If the toon exists, look it up
+ toon =[avId]
+ # avoid wrtReparent so that we don't muck with the toon's scale
+ ## Parent it to render
+ #toon.wrtReparentTo(render)
+ toon.stopSmooth()
+ if toon.isDisguised:
+ toon.suit.loop("walk")
+ animFunc = Func(toon.suit.loop, "neutral")
+ else:
+ toon.setAnimState("run", 1.0)
+ animFunc = Func(toon.setAnimState, "neutral", 1.0)
+ # Place it on the appropriate spot relative to the
+ # elevator
+ track = Sequence(
+ # TODO: Find the right coords for the elevator
+ LerpPosInterval(toon, TOON_EXIT_ELEVATOR_TIME,
+ Point3(*self.JumpOutOffsets[index]),
+ other=self.getElevatorModel()
+ ),
+ animFunc,
+ # Tell the toon he is free to roam now
+ Func(self.notifyToonOffElevator, toon),
+ Func(self.clearToonTrack, avId),
+ name = toon.uniqueName("emptyElevator"),
+ autoPause = 1)
+ if self.canHideBoardingQuitBtn(avId):
+ # Enable the Boarding Group Panel Quit Button here if it is relevant.
+ track.append(Func(localAvatar.boardingParty.groupPanel.enableQuitButton))
+ # Enable the Boarding Group GO Button here if it is relevant.
+ track.append(Func(localAvatar.boardingParty.enableGoButton))
+ track.delayDelete = DelayDelete.DelayDelete(toon, 'Elevator.emptySlot')
+ self.storeToonTrack(avId, track)
+ track.start()
+ # Tell localToon he is exiting (if localToon is on board)
+ if avId == base.localAvatar.getDoId():
+ messenger.send("exitElevator")
+ # if the elevator is generated as a toon is leaving it,
+ # we will not have gotten a corresponding 'fillSlot' message
+ # for that toon, hence the toon will not be found in
+ # boardedAvIds
+ if avId in self.boardedAvIds:
+ del self.boardedAvIds[avId]
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning("toon: " + str(avId) +
+ " doesn't exist, and" +
+ " cannot exit the elevator!")
+ def allowedToEnter(self):
+ """Check if the local toon is allowed to enter."""
+ if
+ return True
+ place =
+ myHoodId = ZoneUtil.getCanonicalHoodId(place.zoneId)
+ if myHoodId in \
+ (ToontownGlobals.ToontownCentral,
+ ToontownGlobals.MyEstate,
+ ToontownGlobals.GoofySpeedway,
+ ):
+ # trialer going to TTC/Estate/Goofy Speedway, let them through
+ return True
+ return False
+ def handleEnterSphere(self, collEntry):
+ self.notify.debug("Entering Elevator Sphere....")
+ #print("handleEnterSphere elevator%s avatar%s" % (self.elevatorTripId, localAvatar.lastElevatorLeft))
+ if self.allowedToEnter():
+ if self.elevatorTripId and (localAvatar.lastElevatorLeft == self.elevatorTripId):
+ #print("NO BACKCIES!")
+ self.rejectBoard(base.localAvatar.doId, REJECT_SHUFFLE)
+ # Only toons with hp can board the elevator.
+ elif base.localAvatar.hp > 0:
+ # Put localToon into requestBoard mode.
+ # Tell the server that this avatar wants to board.
+ toon = base.localAvatar
+ self.sendUpdate("requestBoard",[])
+ else:
+ place =
+ if place:
+ place.fsm.request('stopped')
+ self.dialog = TeaserPanel.TeaserPanel(pageName='cogHQ',
+ doneFunc=self.handleOkTeaser)
+ def handleOkTeaser(self):
+ """Handle the user clicking ok on the teaser panel."""
+ self.dialog.destroy()
+ del self.dialog
+ place =
+ if place:
+ place.fsm.request('walk')
+ def rejectBoard(self, avId, reason = 0):
+ # This should only be sent to us if our localToon requested
+ # permission to board the elevator.
+ # reason 0: unknown, 1: shuffle, 2: too low laff, 3: no seat, 4: need promotion
+ print("rejectBoard %s" % (reason))
+ if hasattr(base.localAvatar, "elevatorNotifier"):
+ if reason == REJECT_SHUFFLE:
+ base.localAvatar.elevatorNotifier.showMe(TTLocalizer.ElevatorHoppedOff)
+ elif reason == REJECT_MINLAFF:
+ base.localAvatar.elevatorNotifier.showMe((TTLocalizer.ElevatorMinLaff % (self.minLaff)))
+ elif reason == REJECT_PROMOTION:
+ base.localAvatar.elevatorNotifier.showMe(TTLocalizer.BossElevatorRejectMessage)
+ elif reason == REJECT_NOT_YET_AVAILABLE:
+ base.localAvatar.elevatorNotifier.showMe(TTLocalizer.NotYetAvailable)
+ assert(base.localAvatar.getDoId() == avId)
+ doneStatus = {
+ 'where' : 'reject',
+ }
+ elevator = self.getPlaceElevator()
+ if elevator:
+ elevator.signalDone(doneStatus)
+ def timerTask(self, task):
+ countdownTime = int(task.duration - task.time)
+ timeStr = str(countdownTime)
+ if self.clockNode.getText() != timeStr:
+ self.clockNode.setText(timeStr)
+ if task.time >= task.duration:
+ return Task.done
+ else:
+ return Task.cont
+ def countdown(self, duration):
+ countdownTask = Task(self.timerTask)
+ countdownTask.duration = duration
+ taskMgr.remove(self.uniqueName("elevatorTimerTask"))
+ return taskMgr.add(countdownTask, self.uniqueName("elevatorTimerTask"))
+ def handleExitButton(self):
+ # This gets called when the exit button gets pushed.
+ localAvatar.lastElevatorLeft = self.elevatorTripId
+ self.sendUpdate("requestExit")
+ def enterWaitCountdown(self, ts):
+ self.elevatorSphereNodePath.unstash()
+ # Toons may now try to board the elevator
+ self.accept(self.uniqueName('enterelevatorSphere'),
+ self.handleEnterSphere)
+ self.accept("elevatorExitButton", self.handleExitButton)
+ return
+ def exitWaitCountdown(self):
+ self.elevatorSphereNodePath.stash()
+ # Toons may not attempt to board the elevator if it isn't waiting
+ self.ignore(self.uniqueName('enterelevatorSphere'))
+ self.ignore("elevatorExitButton")
+ self.ignore("localToonLeft")
+ # Stop the countdown clock...
+ taskMgr.remove(self.uniqueName("elevatorTimerTask"))
+ self.clock.removeNode()
+ del self.clock
+ del self.clockNode
+ def enterClosing(self, ts):
+ # Close the elevator doors
+ if self.localToonOnBoard:
+ elevator = self.getPlaceElevator()
+ if elevator:
+ elevator.fsm.request("elevatorClosing")
+ self.closeDoors.start(ts)
+ def exitClosing(self):
+ return
+ def onDoorCloseFinish(self):
+ """this is called when the elevator doors finish closing on the client
+ """
+ # for any avatars that are still parented to us, remove them from the scene graph
+ # so that they're not there when the doors open again
+ for avId in self.boardedAvIds.keys():
+ av =
+ if av is not None:
+ if av.getParent().compareTo(self.getElevatorModel()) == 0:
+ av.detachNode()
+ self.boardedAvIds = {}
+ def enterClosed(self, ts):
+ self.forceDoorsClosed()
+ self.__doorsClosed(self.getZoneId())
+ return
+ def exitClosed(self):
+ return
+ def forceDoorsOpen(self):
+ openDoors(self.leftDoor, self.rightDoor)
+ def forceDoorsClosed(self):
+ self.closeDoors.finish()
+ closeDoors(self.leftDoor, self.rightDoor)
+ def enterOff(self):
+ return
+ def exitOff(self):
+ return
+ def enterWaitEmpty(self, ts):
+ return
+ def exitWaitEmpty(self):
+ return
+ def enterOpening(self, ts):
+ # Open the elevator doors
+ self.openDoors.start(ts)
+ return
+ def exitOpening(self):
+ return
+ def startCountdownClock(self, countdownTime, ts):
+ # Start the countdown clock...
+ self.clockNode = TextNode("elevatorClock")
+ self.clockNode.setFont(ToontownGlobals.getSignFont())
+ self.clockNode.setAlign(TextNode.ACenter)
+ self.clockNode.setTextColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1)
+ self.clockNode.setText(str(int(countdownTime)))
+ self.clock = self.getElevatorModel().attachNewNode(self.clockNode)
+ # TODO: Get the right coordinates for the elevator clock.
+ self.clock.setPosHprScale(0, 2.0, 7.5,
+ 0, 0, 0,
+ 2.0, 2.0, 2.0)
+ if ts < countdownTime:
+ self.countdown(countdownTime - ts)
+ def _getDoorsClosedInfo(self):
+ # return loader, where strings
+ return 'suitInterior', 'suitInterior'
+ def __doorsClosed(self, zoneId):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('doorsClosed()'))
+ if (self.localToonOnBoard):
+ hoodId = ZoneUtil.getHoodId(zoneId)
+ loader, where = self._getDoorsClosedInfo()
+ doneStatus = {
+ 'loader' : loader,
+ 'where' : where,
+ 'hoodId' : hoodId,
+ 'zoneId' : zoneId,
+ 'shardId' : None,
+ }
+ elevator = self.elevatorFSM #self.getPlaceElevator()
+ del self.elevatorFSM
+ elevator.signalDone(doneStatus)
+ def getElevatorModel(self):
+ self.notify.error("getElevatorModel: pure virtual -- inheritors must override")
+ def getPlaceElevator(self):
+ place =
+ if place:
+ if hasattr(place, "elevator"):
+ return place.elevator
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning("Place was in state '%s' instead of Elevator." % (place.fsm.getCurrentState().getName()))
+ place.detectedElevatorCollision(self)
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning("Place didn't exist")
+ return None
+ def setElevatorTripId(self, id):
+ self.elevatorTripId = id
+ def getElevatorTripId(self):
+ return self.elevatorTripId
+ def setAntiShuffle(self, antiShuffle):
+ self.antiShuffle = antiShuffle
+ def getAntiShuffle(self):
+ return self.antiShuffle
+ def setMinLaff(self, minLaff):
+ self.minLaff = minLaff
+ def getMinLaff(self):
+ return self.minLaff
+ def storeToonTrack(self, avId, track):
+ # Clear out any currently playing tracks on this toon
+ self.clearToonTrack(avId)
+ # Store this new one
+ self.__toonTracks[avId] = track
+ def clearToonTrack(self, avId):
+ # Clear out any currently playing tracks on this toon
+ oldTrack = self.__toonTracks.get(avId)
+ if oldTrack:
+ oldTrack.pause()
+ if self.__toonTracks.get(avId):
+ DelayDelete.cleanupDelayDeletes(self.__toonTracks[avId])
+ del self.__toonTracks[avId]
+ def clearToonTracks(self):
+ #We can't use an iter because we are deleting keys
+ keyList = []
+ for key in self.__toonTracks:
+ keyList.append(key)
+ for key in keyList:
+ if self.__toonTracks.has_key(key):
+ self.clearToonTrack(key)
+ def getDestName(self):
+ return None
+ def getOffsetPos(self, seatIndex = 0):
+ """
+ Get the offset position to where the toon might have to
+ teleport to or run to.
+ Note: This is the pos reletive to the elevator.
+ """
+ return self.JumpOutOffsets[seatIndex]
+ def getOffsetPosWrtToonParent(self, toon, seatIndex = 0):
+ """
+ Get the offset position to where the toon might have to
+ teleport to or run to.
+ Note: This is the pos reletive to the toon parent.
+ """
+ self.offsetNP.setPos(apply(Point3, self.getOffsetPos(seatIndex)))
+ return self.offsetNP.getPos(toon.getParent())
+ def getOffsetPosWrtRender(self, seatIndex = 0):
+ """
+ Get the offset position to where the toon might have to
+ teleport to or run to.
+ Note: This is the pos reletive to the render.
+ """
+ self.offsetNP.setPos(apply(Point3, self.getOffsetPos(seatIndex)))
+ return self.offsetNP.getPos(render)
+ def canHideBoardingQuitBtn(self, avId):
+ if (avId == localAvatar.doId) and \
+ hasattr(localAvatar, "boardingParty") and \
+ localAvatar.boardingParty and \
+ localAvatar.boardingParty.groupPanel:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def getBoardingTrack(self, toon, seatIndex, wantToonRotation):
+ '''
+ Return an interval of the toon teleporting in front of the elevator.
+ Note: The offset (second parameter passed to BoardingGroupShow.getBoardingTrack
+ is to where the toon will teleport/run to. This offset has to be
+ calculated wrt the parent of the toon.
+ Eg: For the CogKart the offset should be computed wrt to the cogKart because the
+ toon is parented to the cogKart.
+ For the other elevators the offset should be computer wrt to render because the
+ toon is parented to render.
+ '''
+ self.boardingGroupShow = BoardingGroupShow.BoardingGroupShow(toon)
+ track, trackType = self.boardingGroupShow.getBoardingTrack(self.getElevatorModel(),
+ self.getOffsetPosWrtToonParent(toon, seatIndex),
+ self.getOffsetPosWrtRender(seatIndex),
+ wantToonRotation)
+ return (track, trackType)
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5fff67b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
+from import *
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from direct.distributed.ClockDelta import *
+from ElevatorConstants import *
+from direct.distributed import DistributedObjectAI
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM, State
+from direct.fsm import State
+from direct.task import Task
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownAccessAI
+class DistributedElevatorAI(DistributedObjectAI.DistributedObjectAI):
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("DistributedElevatorAI")
+ def __init__(self, air, bldg, numSeats = 4, antiShuffle = 0, minLaff = 0):
+ DistributedObjectAI.DistributedObjectAI.__init__(self, air)
+ self.type = ELEVATOR_NORMAL
+ self.countdownTime = ElevatorData[self.type]['countdown']
+ self.bldg = bldg
+ self.bldgDoId = bldg.getDoId()
+ self.seats = []
+ self.setAntiShuffle(antiShuffle)
+ self.setMinLaff(minLaff)
+ if self.antiShuffle:
+ if not hasattr(simbase.air, "elevatorTripId"):
+ simbase.air.elevatorTripId = 1
+ self.elevatorTripId = simbase.air.elevatorTripId
+ simbase.air.elevatorTripId += 1
+ else:
+ self.elevatorTripId = 0
+ for seat in range(numSeats):
+ self.seats.append(None)
+ #self.seats = [None, None, None, None]
+ # Flag that tells whether the elevator is currently accepting boarders
+ self.accepting = 0
+ self.fsm = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM('DistributedElevatorAI',
+ [State.State('off',
+ self.enterOff,
+ self.exitOff,
+ ['opening',
+ 'closed',
+ ]),
+ State.State('opening',
+ self.enterOpening,
+ self.exitOpening,
+ ['waitEmpty', 'waitCountdown']),
+ State.State('waitEmpty',
+ self.enterWaitEmpty,
+ self.exitWaitEmpty,
+ ['waitCountdown']),
+ State.State('waitCountdown',
+ self.enterWaitCountdown,
+ self.exitWaitCountdown,
+ ['waitEmpty', 'allAboard']),
+ State.State('allAboard',
+ self.enterAllAboard,
+ self.exitAllAboard,
+ ['closing', 'waitEmpty']),
+ State.State('closing',
+ self.enterClosing,
+ self.exitClosing,
+ ['closed', 'waitEmpty']),
+ State.State('closed',
+ self.enterClosed,
+ self.exitClosed,
+ ['opening']),
+ ],
+ # Initial State
+ 'off',
+ # Final State
+ 'off',
+ )
+ self.fsm.enterInitialState()
+ self.boardingParty = None
+ def delete(self):
+ self.fsm.requestFinalState()
+ del self.fsm
+ del self.bldg
+ self.ignoreAll()
+ DistributedObjectAI.DistributedObjectAI.delete(self)
+ def setBoardingParty(self, party):
+ self.boardingParty = party
+ def generate(self):
+ self.start()
+ DistributedObjectAI.DistributedObjectAI.generate(self)
+ def getBldgDoId(self):
+ return self.bldgDoId
+ def findAvailableSeat(self):
+ for i in range(len(self.seats)):
+ if self.seats[i] == None:
+ return i
+ return None
+ def findAvatar(self, avId):
+ for i in range(len(self.seats)):
+ if self.seats[i] == avId:
+ return i
+ return None
+ def countFullSeats(self):
+ avCounter = 0
+ for i in self.seats:
+ if i:
+ avCounter += 1
+ return avCounter
+ def countOpenSeats(self):
+ openSeats = 0
+ for i in range(len(self.seats)):
+ if self.seats[i] == None:
+ openSeats += 1
+ return openSeats
+ def rejectingBoardersHandler(self, avId, reason = 0, wantBoardingShow = 0):
+ self.rejectBoarder(avId, reason)
+ def rejectBoarder(self, avId, reason = 0):
+ self.sendUpdateToAvatarId(avId, "rejectBoard", [avId, reason])
+ def acceptingBoardersHandler(self, avId, reason = 0, wantBoardingShow = 0):
+ self.notify.debug("acceptingBoardersHandler")
+ seatIndex = self.findAvailableSeat()
+ if seatIndex == None:
+ self.rejectBoarder(avId, REJECT_NOSEAT)
+ else:
+ self.acceptBoarder(avId, seatIndex, wantBoardingShow)
+ return None
+ def acceptBoarder(self, avId, seatIndex, wantBoardingShow = 0):
+ self.notify.debug("acceptBoarder")
+ # Make sure we have a valid seat number
+ #assert((seatIndex >= 0) and (seatIndex <=3))
+ assert((seatIndex >= 0) and (seatIndex <=7))
+ # Make sure the seat is empty
+ assert(self.seats[seatIndex] == None)
+ # Make sure this avatar isn't already seated
+ if (self.findAvatar(avId) != None):
+ return
+ # Put the avatar in that seat
+ self.seats[seatIndex] = avId
+ # Record the time of boarding
+ self.timeOfBoarding = globalClock.getRealTime()
+ if wantBoardingShow:
+ self.timeOfGroupBoarding = globalClock.getRealTime()
+ # Tell the clients to put the avatar in that seat
+ self.sendUpdate("fillSlot" + str(seatIndex), [avId, wantBoardingShow])
+ def rejectingExitersHandler(self, avId):
+ self.rejectExiter(avId)
+ def rejectExiter(self, avId):
+ # This doesn't have to do anything. If your exit is rejected,
+ # you'll know because the elevator leaves.
+ pass
+ def acceptingExitersHandler(self, avId):
+ self.acceptExiter(avId)
+ def clearEmptyNow(self, seatIndex):
+ self.sendUpdate("emptySlot" + str(seatIndex),
+ [0, 0, globalClockDelta.getRealNetworkTime(), 0])
+ def clearFullNow(self, seatIndex):
+ # Get the avatar id
+ avId = self.seats[seatIndex]
+ # If there is no one sitting there, that is kind of strange.
+ if avId == None:
+ self.notify.warning("Clearing an empty seat index: " +
+ str(seatIndex) + " ... Strange...")
+ else:
+ # Empty that seat
+ self.seats[seatIndex] = None
+ # Tell the clients that the avatar is no longer in that seat
+ self.sendUpdate("fillSlot" + str(seatIndex), [0, 0])
+ # If the avatar isn't in a seat, we don't care anymore, so
+ # remove the hook to handle unexpected exits.
+ self.ignore(self.air.getAvatarExitEvent(avId))
+ def d_setState(self, state):
+ self.sendUpdate('setState', [state, globalClockDelta.getRealNetworkTime()])
+ def getState(self):
+ return self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName()
+ def avIsOKToBoard(self, av):
+ return (av.hp > self.minLaff) and self.accepting
+ def checkBoard(self, av):
+ if (av.hp < self.minLaff):
+ return 0
+ def requestBoard(self, *args):
+ self.notify.debug("requestBoard")
+ avId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender()
+ if (self.findAvatar(avId) != None):
+ self.notify.warning("Ignoring multiple requests from %s to board." % (avId))
+ return
+ av = self.air.doId2do.get(avId)
+ if av:
+ # Only toons with hp greater than the minLaff may board the elevator.
+ boardResponse = self.checkBoard(av)
+ newArgs = (avId,) + args + (boardResponse,)
+ # Check that player has full access
+ if not ToontownAccessAI.canAccess(avId, self.zoneId):
+ self.notify.warning("Toon %s does not have access to theeleavtor. " % (avId))
+ self.rejectingBoardersHandler(*newArgs)
+ return
+ # Toons who have an active Boarding Group and
+ # are not the leader will be rejected if they try to board the elevator.
+ if self.boardingParty and self.boardingParty.hasActiveGroup(avId) and \
+ (self.boardingParty.getGroupLeader(avId) != avId):
+ self.notify.warning('Rejecting %s from boarding the elevator because he is already part of a Boarding Group.' %avId)
+ self.rejectingBoardersHandler(*newArgs)
+ return
+ if boardResponse == 0:
+ self.acceptingBoardersHandler(*newArgs)
+ else:
+ self.rejectingBoardersHandler(*newArgs)
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning(
+ "avid: %s does not exist, but tried to board an elevator"
+ % avId
+ )
+ return
+ def partyAvatarBoard(self, avatar, wantBoardingShow = 0):
+ av = avatar
+ avId = avatar.doId
+ if (self.findAvatar(avId) != None):
+ self.notify.warning("Ignoring multiple requests from %s to board." % (avId))
+ return
+ if av:
+ # Only toons with hp greater than the minLaff may board the elevator.
+ boardResponse = self.checkBoard(av)
+ newArgs = (avId,) + (boardResponse,) + (wantBoardingShow,)
+ if boardResponse == 0:
+ self.acceptingBoardersHandler(*newArgs)
+ else:
+ self.rejectingBoardersHandler(*newArgs)
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning("avid: %s does not exist, but tried to board an elevator" % avId)
+ return
+ def requestExit(self, *args):
+ self.notify.debug("requestExit")
+ avId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender()
+ av = self.air.doId2do.get(avId)
+ if av:
+ newArgs = (avId,) + args
+ if self.accepting:
+ self.acceptingExitersHandler(*newArgs)
+ else:
+ self.rejectingExitersHandler(*newArgs)
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning(
+ "avId: %s does not exist, but tried to exit an elevator" % avId
+ )
+ return
+ ##### How you start up the elevator #####
+ def start(self):
+ ##### Off state #####
+ def enterOff(self):
+ self.accepting = 0
+ self.timeOfBoarding = None
+ self.timeOfGroupBoarding = None
+ # Maybe this task cleanup shouldn't be here, but I didn't know
+ # where else to put it, since emptying the seats isn't associated
+ # with any particular task. Perhaps I should have made a nested
+ # State machine of TrolleyOn, or some such, but it seemed like a lot
+ # of work for a few crummy tasks.
+ if hasattr(self, "doId"):
+ for seatIndex in range(len(self.seats)):
+ taskMgr.remove(self.uniqueName("clearEmpty-" + str(seatIndex)))
+ def exitOff(self):
+ self.accepting = 0
+ ##### Opening state #####
+ def open(self):
+ self.fsm.request('opening')
+ def enterOpening(self):
+ self.d_setState('opening')
+ self.accepting = 0
+ for seat in self.seats:
+ seat = None
+ def exitOpening(self):
+ self.accepting = 0
+ taskMgr.remove(self.uniqueName('opening-timer'))
+ ##### WaitCountdown state #####
+ def enterWaitCountdown(self):
+ self.d_setState('waitCountdown')
+ self.accepting = 1
+ def exitWaitCountdown(self):
+ print("exit wait countdown")
+ self.accepting = 0
+ taskMgr.remove(self.uniqueName('countdown-timer'))
+ self.newTrip()
+ ##### AllAboard state #####
+ def enterAllAboard(self):
+ self.accepting = 0
+ def exitAllAboard(self):
+ self.accepting = 0
+ taskMgr.remove(self.uniqueName('waitForAllAboard'))
+ ##### Closing state #####
+ def enterClosing(self):
+ self.d_setState('closing')
+ self.accepting = 0
+ def exitClosing(self):
+ self.accepting = 0
+ taskMgr.remove(self.uniqueName('closing-timer'))
+ ##### Closed state #####
+ def enterClosed(self):
+ self.d_setState('closed')
+ def exitClosed(self):
+ return
+ ##### WaitEmpty state #####
+ def enterWaitEmpty(self):
+ self.d_setState('waitEmpty')
+ self.accepting = 1
+ def exitWaitEmpty(self):
+ self.accepting = 0
+ def setElevatorTripId(self, id):
+ self.elevatorTripId = id
+ def getElevatorTripId(self):
+ return self.elevatorTripId
+ def newTrip(self):
+ if self.antiShuffle:
+ self.elevatorTripId = simbase.air.elevatorTripId
+ if simbase.air.elevatorTripId > 2100000000:
+ simbase.air.elevatorTripId = 1
+ simbase.air.elevatorTripId += 1
+ self.sendUpdate("setElevatorTripId", [self.elevatorTripId])
+ def setAntiShuffle(self, antiShuffle):
+ self.antiShuffle = antiShuffle
+ def getAntiShuffle(self):
+ return self.antiShuffle
+ def setMinLaff(self, minLaff):
+ self.minLaff = minLaff
+ def getMinLaff(self):
+ return self.minLaff
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d71505
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from direct.distributed.ClockDelta import *
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
+from ElevatorConstants import *
+from ElevatorUtils import *
+import DistributedElevator
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM
+from direct.fsm import State
+from toontown.hood import ZoneUtil
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+from toontown.toontowngui import TeaserPanel
+class DistributedElevatorExt(DistributedElevator.DistributedElevator):
+ def __init__(self, cr):
+ DistributedElevator.DistributedElevator.__init__(self, cr)
+ # When we get enough information about the elevator, we can
+ # set up its nametag. The nametag points out nearby buildings
+ # to the player.
+ self.nametag = None
+ self.currentFloor = -1
+ def setupElevator(self):
+ """
+ Called when the building doId is set at construction time,
+ this method sets up the elevator for business.
+ """
+ if self.isSetup:
+ # If this particular elevator was previously set up, clear
+ # out the old stuff and start over.
+ self.elevatorSphereNodePath.removeNode()
+ self.leftDoor = self.bldg.leftDoor
+ self.rightDoor = self.bldg.rightDoor
+ DistributedElevator.DistributedElevator.setupElevator(self)
+ self.setupNametag()
+ def disable(self):
+ self.clearNametag()
+ DistributedElevator.DistributedElevator.disable(self)
+ def setupNametag(self):
+ if self.nametag == None:
+ self.nametag = NametagGroup()
+ self.nametag.setFont(ToontownGlobals.getBuildingNametagFont())
+ if TTLocalizer.BuildingNametagShadow:
+ self.nametag.setShadow(*TTLocalizer.BuildingNametagShadow)
+ self.nametag.setContents(Nametag.CName)
+ self.nametag.setColorCode(NametagGroup.CCSuitBuilding)
+ self.nametag.setActive(0)
+ self.nametag.setAvatar(self.getElevatorModel())
+ name =
+ if not name:
+ name = TTLocalizer.CogsInc
+ else:
+ name += TTLocalizer.CogsIncExt
+ self.nametag.setName(name)
+ self.nametag.manage(base.marginManager)
+ def clearNametag(self):
+ if self.nametag != None:
+ self.nametag.unmanage(base.marginManager)
+ self.nametag.setAvatar(NodePath())
+ self.nametag = None
+ def getBldgDoorOrigin(self):
+ return self.bldg.getSuitDoorOrigin()
+ def gotBldg(self, buildingList):
+ # Do not call the super class here because we have some extra checks we need to do
+ self.bldgRequest = None
+ self.bldg = buildingList[0]
+ if not self.bldg:
+ self.notify.error("setBldgDoId: elevator %d cannot find bldg %d!"
+ % (self.doId, self.bldgDoId))
+ return
+ if self.getBldgDoorOrigin():
+ self.bossLevel = self.bldg.getBossLevel()
+ self.setupElevator()
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning("setBldgDoId: elevator %d cannot find suitDoorOrigin for bldg %d!"
+ % (self.doId, bldgDoId))
+ # This is an elevator stuck to a toon building. This can
+ # happen from time to time if the AI crashes before it can
+ # write out its .building state file, or if someone
+ # removes all the .building files while the AI is down.
+ # We have to handle this gracefully; we'll use the isSetup
+ # flag for this purpose.
+ return
+ def setFloor(self, floorNumber):
+ # Darken the old light:
+ if self.currentFloor >= 0:
+ self.bldg.floorIndicator[self.currentFloor].setColor(LIGHT_OFF_COLOR)
+ # Brighten the new light:
+ if floorNumber >= 0:
+ self.bldg.floorIndicator[floorNumber].setColor(LIGHT_ON_COLOR)
+ # Remember the floor:
+ self.currentFloor = floorNumber
+ def handleEnterSphere(self, collEntry):
+ self.notify.debug("Entering Elevator Sphere....")
+ # If the localAvatar is part of a boarding group and is not a leader,
+ # he is not allowed to enter the elevator - Show a message.
+ if hasattr(localAvatar, "boardingParty") and \
+ localAvatar.boardingParty and \
+ localAvatar.boardingParty.getGroupLeader(localAvatar.doId) and \
+ localAvatar.boardingParty.getGroupLeader(localAvatar.doId) != localAvatar.doId:
+ base.localAvatar.elevatorNotifier.showMe(TTLocalizer.ElevatorGroupMember)
+ elif self.allowedToEnter():
+ # Tell localToon we are considering entering the elevator
+ else:
+ place =
+ if place:
+ place.fsm.request('stopped')
+ self.dialog = TeaserPanel.TeaserPanel(pageName='cogHQ',
+ doneFunc=self.handleOkTeaser)
+ def handleEnterElevator(self):
+ #print("EXT handleEnterSphere elevator%s avatar%s" % (self.elevatorTripId, localAvatar.lastElevatorLeft))
+ # If the leader of the boarding group wants to enter an elevator do it the Boarding Group style.
+ if hasattr(localAvatar, "boardingParty") and \
+ localAvatar.boardingParty and \
+ localAvatar.boardingParty.getGroupLeader(localAvatar.doId):
+ # If you are the leader of the boarding group, do it the boarding group way.
+ if localAvatar.boardingParty.getGroupLeader(localAvatar.doId) == localAvatar.doId:
+ localAvatar.boardingParty.handleEnterElevator(self)
+ elif self.elevatorTripId and (localAvatar.lastElevatorLeft == self.elevatorTripId):
+ self.rejectBoard(base.localAvatar.doId, REJECT_SHUFFLE)
+ # Only toons with hp can board the elevator.
+ elif base.localAvatar.hp > 0:
+ # Tell the server that this avatar wants to board.
+ toon = base.localAvatar
+ self.sendUpdate("requestBoard", [])
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning("Tried to board elevator with hp: %d" %
+ base.localAvatar.hp)
+ ##### WaitEmpty state #####
+ def enterWaitEmpty(self, ts):
+ self.elevatorSphereNodePath.unstash()
+ self.forceDoorsOpen()
+ # Toons may now try to board the elevator
+ self.accept(self.uniqueName('enterelevatorSphere'),
+ self.handleEnterSphere)
+ self.accept(self.uniqueName('enterElevatorOK'),
+ self.handleEnterElevator)
+ DistributedElevator.DistributedElevator.enterWaitEmpty(self, ts)
+ def exitWaitEmpty(self):
+ self.elevatorSphereNodePath.stash()
+ # Toons may not attempt to board the elevator if it isn't waiting
+ self.ignore(self.uniqueName('enterelevatorSphere'))
+ self.ignore(self.uniqueName('enterElevatorOK'))
+ DistributedElevator.DistributedElevator.exitWaitEmpty(self)
+ ##### WaitCountdown state #####
+ def enterWaitCountdown(self, ts):
+ DistributedElevator.DistributedElevator.enterWaitCountdown(self, ts)
+ self.forceDoorsOpen()
+ self.accept(self.uniqueName('enterElevatorOK'),
+ self.handleEnterElevator)
+ self.startCountdownClock(self.countdownTime, ts)
+ def exitWaitCountdown(self):
+ self.ignore(self.uniqueName('enterElevatorOK'))
+ DistributedElevator.DistributedElevator.exitWaitCountdown(self)
+ def getZoneId(self):
+ return self.bldg.interiorZoneId
+ def getElevatorModel(self):
+ return self.bldg.getSuitElevatorNodePath()
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50a905d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+from import *
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from direct.distributed.ClockDelta import *
+from ElevatorConstants import *
+import DistributedElevatorAI
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM
+from direct.fsm import State
+from direct.task import Task
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+class DistributedElevatorExtAI(DistributedElevatorAI.DistributedElevatorAI):
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("DistributedElevatorExtAI")
+ def __init__(self, air, bldg, numSeats = 4, antiShuffle = 0, minLaff = 0): #antiShufflePOI
+ DistributedElevatorAI.DistributedElevatorAI.__init__(
+ self, air, bldg, numSeats, antiShuffle = antiShuffle, minLaff = minLaff)
+ # Do we need this?
+ # self.zoneId, dummy = bldg.getExteriorAndInteriorZoneId()
+ # Flag that tells if any Toon has jumped out of the elevator yet
+ # (this is used to prevent the griefers who jump off at the last
+ # second)
+ self.anyToonsBailed = 0
+ self.boardingParty = None
+ def delete(self):
+ # TODO: We really need an immediate clear here
+ # At least it does not crash the AI anymore
+ for seatIndex in range(len(self.seats)):
+ avId = self.seats[seatIndex]
+ if avId:
+ self.clearFullNow(seatIndex)
+ self.clearEmptyNow(seatIndex)
+ DistributedElevatorAI.DistributedElevatorAI.delete(self)
+ def d_setFloor(self, floorNumber):
+ self.sendUpdate('setFloor', [floorNumber])
+ def acceptBoarder(self, avId, seatIndex, wantBoardingShow = 0):
+ DistributedElevatorAI.DistributedElevatorAI.acceptBoarder(self, avId, seatIndex, wantBoardingShow)
+ # Add a hook that handles the case where the avatar exits
+ # the district unexpectedly
+ self.acceptOnce(self.air.getAvatarExitEvent(avId),
+ self.__handleUnexpectedExit, extraArgs=[avId])
+ # Put us into waitCountdown state... If we are already there,
+ # this won't do anything.
+ self.fsm.request("waitCountdown")
+ def __handleUnexpectedExit(self, avId):
+ self.notify.warning("Avatar: " + str(avId) +
+ " has exited unexpectedly")
+ # Find the exiter's seat index
+ seatIndex = self.findAvatar(avId)
+ # Make sure the avatar is really here
+ if seatIndex == None:
+ pass
+ else:
+ # If the avatar is here, his seat is now empty.
+ self.clearFullNow(seatIndex)
+ # Tell the clients that the avatar is leaving that seat
+ self.clearEmptyNow(seatIndex)
+ #self.sendUpdate("emptySlot" + str(seatIndex),
+ # [avId, globalClockDelta.getRealNetworkTime()])
+ # If all the seats are empty, go back into waitEmpty state
+ if self.countFullSeats() == 0:
+ self.fsm.request('waitEmpty')
+ def acceptExiter(self, avId):
+ #print("DistributedElevatorExtAI.acceptExiter")
+ # Find the exiter's seat index
+ seatIndex = self.findAvatar(avId)
+ # It is possible that the avatar exited the shard unexpectedly.
+ if seatIndex == None:
+ pass
+ else:
+ # Empty that seat
+ self.clearFullNow(seatIndex)
+ # Make sure there's no griefing by jumping off the elevator
+ # at the last second
+ bailFlag = 0
+ timeToSend = self.countdownTime
+ if self.antiShuffle:
+ myTask = taskMgr.getTasksNamed(self.uniqueName('countdown-timer'))[0]
+ #print
+ #print myTask.runningTotal
+ #print myTask.dt
+ #print myTask.time
+ #print myTask.wakeTime - globalClock.getFrameTime()
+ #self.uniqueName('countdown-timer')
+ timeLeft = myTask.wakeTime - globalClock.getFrameTime()
+ # This fixes an AI crash with a huge negative timeLeft. AI crash on 04/20/10. timeLeft = -44002.155374000002.
+ # myTask.wakeTime became zero for some reason.
+ timeLeft = max(0, timeLeft)
+ timeToSet = timeLeft + 10.0
+ timeToSet = min(timeLeft + 10.0, self.countdownTime)
+ self.setCountdown(timeToSet)
+ timeToSend = timeToSet
+ self.sendUpdate("emptySlot" + str(seatIndex),
+ [avId, 1, globalClockDelta.getRealNetworkTime(), timeToSend])
+ elif (self.anyToonsBailed == 0):
+ bailFlag = 1
+ # Reset the clock
+ self.resetCountdown()
+ self.anyToonsBailed = 1
+ self.sendUpdate("emptySlot" + str(seatIndex),
+ [avId, bailFlag, globalClockDelta.getRealNetworkTime(), timeToSend])
+ else:
+ self.sendUpdate("emptySlot" + str(seatIndex),
+ [avId, bailFlag, globalClockDelta.getRealNetworkTime(), timeToSend])
+ # Tell the clients that the avatar is leaving that seat
+ # If all the seats are empty, go back into waitEmpty state
+ if self.countFullSeats() == 0:
+ self.fsm.request('waitEmpty')
+ # Wait for the avatar to be done leaving the seat, and then
+ # declare the emptying overwith...
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(TOON_EXIT_ELEVATOR_TIME,
+ self.clearEmptyNow,
+ self.uniqueName("clearEmpty-%s" % seatIndex),
+ extraArgs = (seatIndex,))
+ def enterOpening(self):
+ DistributedElevatorAI.DistributedElevatorAI.enterOpening(self)
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(ElevatorData[ELEVATOR_NORMAL]['openTime'],
+ self.waitEmptyTask,
+ self.uniqueName('opening-timer'))
+ ##### WaitEmpty state #####
+ def waitEmptyTask(self, task):
+ self.fsm.request('waitEmpty')
+ return Task.done
+ def enterWaitEmpty(self):
+ DistributedElevatorAI.DistributedElevatorAI.enterWaitEmpty(self)
+ self.anyToonsBailed = 0
+ ##### WaitCountdown state #####
+ def enterWaitCountdown(self):
+ DistributedElevatorAI.DistributedElevatorAI.enterWaitCountdown(self)
+ # Start the countdown...
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(self.countdownTime, self.timeToGoTask,
+ self.uniqueName('countdown-timer'))
+ def timeToGoTask(self, task):
+ # It is possible that the players exited the district
+ if self.countFullSeats() > 0:
+ self.fsm.request("allAboard")
+ else:
+ self.fsm.request('waitEmpty')
+ return Task.done
+ def resetCountdown(self):
+ taskMgr.remove(self.uniqueName('countdown-timer'))
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(self.countdownTime, self.timeToGoTask,
+ self.uniqueName('countdown-timer'))
+ def setCountdown(self, timeToSet):
+ taskMgr.remove(self.uniqueName('countdown-timer'))
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(timeToSet, self.timeToGoTask,
+ self.uniqueName('countdown-timer'))
+ def enterAllAboard(self):
+ DistributedElevatorAI.DistributedElevatorAI.enterAllAboard(self)
+ currentTime = globalClock.getRealTime()
+ elapsedTime = currentTime - self.timeOfBoarding
+ self.notify.debug("elapsed time: " + str(elapsedTime))
+ waitTime = max(TOON_BOARD_ELEVATOR_TIME - elapsedTime, 0)
+ waitTime += self.getBoardingShowTimeLeft()
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(waitTime, self.closeTask,
+ self.uniqueName('waitForAllAboard'))
+ def getBoardingShowTimeLeft(self):
+ # This method returns the amount of time left from the last time the
+ # group boarding started. Max time is GROUP_BOARDING_TIME.
+ # If we get a number that is not between 0 and GROUP_BOARDING_TIME return 0.
+ currentTime = globalClock.getRealTime()
+ timeLeft = 0.0
+ if hasattr(self, 'timeOfGroupBoarding') and self.timeOfGroupBoarding:
+ elapsedTime = currentTime - self.timeOfGroupBoarding
+ timeLeft = max(MAX_GROUP_BOARDING_TIME - elapsedTime, 0)
+ # In case the timeLeft is more than the theoretical maximum
+ if (timeLeft > MAX_GROUP_BOARDING_TIME):
+ timeLeft = 0.0
+ return timeLeft
+ ##### Closing state #####
+ def closeTask(self, task):
+ # It is possible that the players exited the district
+ if self.countFullSeats() > 0:
+ self.fsm.request("closing")
+ else:
+ self.fsm.request('waitEmpty')
+ return Task.done
+ def enterClosing(self):
+ DistributedElevatorAI.DistributedElevatorAI.enterClosing(self)
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(ElevatorData[ELEVATOR_NORMAL]['closeTime'],
+ self.elevatorClosedTask,
+ self.uniqueName('closing-timer'))
+ def elevatorClosedTask(self, task):
+ self.elevatorClosed()
+ return Task.done
+ def _createInterior(self):
+ self.bldg.createSuitInterior()
+ def elevatorClosed(self):
+ numPlayers = self.countFullSeats()
+ # It is possible the players exited the district
+ if (numPlayers > 0):
+ # Tell the building to get a suit interior ready for us
+ self._createInterior()
+ for seatIndex in range(len(self.seats)):
+ avId = self.seats[seatIndex]
+ # Tell each player on the elevator that they should enter the
+ # building now.
+ if avId:
+ assert(avId > 0)
+ # Clear the fill slot
+ self.clearFullNow(seatIndex)
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning("The elevator left, but was empty.")
+ # Switch back into opening mode.
+ self.fsm.request("closed")
+ def requestExit(self, *args):
+ self.notify.debug("requestExit")
+ avId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender()
+ av = self.air.doId2do.get(avId)
+ if self.boardingParty and self.boardingParty.getGroupLeader(avId) and avId:
+ #exit all in boarding party
+ if avId == self.boardingParty.getGroupLeader(avId):
+ memberIds = self.boardingParty.getGroupMemberList(avId)
+ for memberId in (memberIds):
+ member = simbase.air.doId2do.get(memberId)
+ if member:
+ #print("elevator exit member")
+ if self.accepting:
+ self.acceptingExitersHandler(memberId)
+ else:
+ self.rejectingExitersHandler(memberId)
+ else:
+ #print("elevator rejecting group member")
+ self.rejectingExitersHandler(avId)
+ else:
+ if av:
+ newArgs = (avId,) + args
+ if self.accepting:
+ #print("elevator exit leader")
+ self.acceptingExitersHandler(*newArgs)
+ else:
+ self.rejectingExitersHandler(*newArgs)
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning(
+ "avId: %s does not exist, but tried to exit an elevator" % avId
+ )
+ return
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6570d4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,673 @@
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from direct.distributed.ClockDelta import *
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
+from ElevatorConstants import *
+from ElevatorUtils import *
+from direct.showbase import PythonUtil
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM
+from direct.distributed import DistributedObject
+from direct.fsm import State
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from direct.task.Task import Task
+from toontown.hood import ZoneUtil
+from direct.fsm.FSM import FSM
+class DistributedElevatorFSM(DistributedObject.DistributedObject, FSM):
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('DistributedElevator')
+ defaultTransitions = {
+ 'Off' : [ 'Opening', 'Closed', 'Off'],
+ 'Opening' : [ 'WaitEmpty', 'WaitCountdown', 'Opening', 'Closing' ],
+ 'WaitEmpty' : [ 'WaitCountdown', "Closing", "Off" ],
+ 'WaitCountdown' : [ 'WaitEmpty', 'AllAboard', "Closing" ],
+ 'AllAboard' : [ 'WaitEmpty', "Closing" ],
+ 'Closing' : [ 'Closed', 'WaitEmpty', 'Closing', 'Opening' ],
+ 'Closed' : [ 'Opening' ],
+ }
+ id = 0
+ def __init__(self, cr):
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.__init__(self, cr)
+ FSM.__init__( self, "Elevator_%s_FSM" % ( ) )
+ self.bldgRequest = None
+ self.toonRequests = {}
+ self.deferredSlots = []
+ self.localToonOnBoard = 0
+ self.boardedAvIds = {}
+ self.openSfx = base.loadSfx("phase_5/audio/sfx/elevator_door_open.mp3")
+ self.finalOpenSfx = None
+ self.closeSfx = base.loadSfx("phase_5/audio/sfx/elevator_door_close.mp3")
+ #Points to Elevator.Elevator when localAvatar steps inside
+ self.elevatorFSM=None
+ self.finalCloseSfx = None
+ self.elevatorPoints = ElevatorPoints
+ self.type = ELEVATOR_NORMAL
+ self.countdownTime = ElevatorData[self.type]['countdown']
+ #self.setupStates()
+ #self.enterInitialState()
+ self.isSetup = 0
+ self.__preSetupState = None
+ self.bigElevator = 0
+ self.offTrack = [None, None, None, None]
+ self.boardingParty = None
+ # This is bad. Testing?
+ #base.elevator = self
+ def generate(self):
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.generate(self)
+ def setBoardingParty(self, party):
+ self.boardingParty = party
+ def setupElevator(self):
+ #print("setting up elevator")
+ # Assumes you have a self.leftDoor and self.rightDoor defined
+ # Establish a collision sphere. There must be an easier way!
+ collisionRadius = ElevatorData[self.type]['collRadius']
+ self.elevatorSphere = CollisionSphere(0, 5, 0, collisionRadius)
+ self.elevatorSphere.setTangible(0)
+ self.elevatorSphereNode = CollisionNode(self.uniqueName("elevatorSphere"))
+ self.elevatorSphereNode.setIntoCollideMask(ToontownGlobals.WallBitmask)
+ self.elevatorSphereNode.addSolid(self.elevatorSphere)
+ self.elevatorSphereNodePath = self.getElevatorModel().attachNewNode(
+ self.elevatorSphereNode)
+ self.elevatorSphereNodePath.hide()
+ self.elevatorSphereNodePath.reparentTo(self.getElevatorModel())
+ self.elevatorSphereNodePath.stash()
+ self.boardedAvIds = {}
+ # Establish intervals for opening and closing the doors
+ self.openDoors = getOpenInterval(self,
+ self.leftDoor,
+ self.rightDoor,
+ self.openSfx,
+ self.finalOpenSfx,
+ self.type)
+ self.closeDoors = getCloseInterval(self,
+ self.leftDoor,
+ self.rightDoor,
+ self.closeSfx,
+ self.finalCloseSfx,
+ self.type)
+ # put a callback at the end of the 'closeDoors' ival so that we can
+ # hide the avatars on board. Otherwise they may still be in the
+ # elevator when the doors open.
+ self.openDoors = Sequence(self.openDoors,
+ Func(self.onDoorOpenFinish),
+ )
+ self.closeDoors = Sequence(self.closeDoors,
+ Func(self.onDoorCloseFinish),
+ )
+ self.finishSetup()
+ def finishSetup(self):
+ # Do all the things that we had to defer until the elevator
+ # was fully set up.
+ self.isSetup = 1
+ if self.__preSetupState:
+ self.request(self.__preSetupState, 0)
+ self.__preSetupState = None
+ for slot in self.deferredSlots:
+ self.fillSlot(*slot)
+ self.deferredSlots = []
+ def disable(self):
+ #print("Elevator Disable")
+ for track in self.offTrack:
+ if track:
+ if track.isPlaying():
+ track.pause()
+ track = None
+ if self.bldgRequest:
+ self.bldgRequest = None
+ for request in self.toonRequests.values():
+ self.toonRequests = {}
+ # stop the intervals in case they're playing
+ if hasattr(self, "openDoors"):
+ self.openDoors.pause()
+ if hasattr(self, "closeDoors"):
+ self.closeDoors.pause()
+ # Go to the off state when the object is put in the cache
+ self.request("off")
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.disable(self)
+ def delete(self):
+ #print("Elevator Delete")
+ for track in self.offTrack:
+ if track:
+ if track.isPlaying():
+ track.pause()
+ track = None
+ self.ignoreAll()
+ if self.isSetup:
+ self.elevatorSphereNodePath.removeNode()
+ del self.elevatorSphereNodePath
+ del self.elevatorSphereNode
+ del self.elevatorSphere
+ del self.bldg
+ del self.leftDoor
+ del self.rightDoor
+ del self.openDoors
+ del self.closeDoors
+ #del self.fsm
+ del self.openSfx
+ del self.closeSfx
+ self.isSetup = 0
+ #FSM.delete(self)
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.delete(self)
+ def setBldgDoId(self, bldgDoId):
+ self.bldgDoId = bldgDoId
+ self.bldgRequest =
+ [bldgDoId], allCallback = self.gotBldg, timeout = 2)
+ def gotBldg(self, buildingList):
+ self.bldgRequest = None
+ self.bldg = buildingList[0]
+ if not self.bldg:
+ self.notify.error("setBldgDoId: elevator %d cannot find bldg %d!"
+ % (self.doId, self.bldgDoId))
+ return
+ self.setupElevator()
+ def gotToon(self, index, avId, toonList):
+ request = self.toonRequests.get(index)
+ if request:
+ del self.toonRequests[index]
+ self.fillSlot(index, avId)
+ else:
+ self.notify.error("gotToon: already had got toon in slot %s." % (index))
+ def setState(self, state, timestamp):
+ #print("REQUEST FOR STATE HAS BEEN RECEIVED %s" % (state))
+ if self.isSetup:
+ self.request(state, globalClockDelta.localElapsedTime(timestamp))
+ else:
+ #print("NOT SETUP FOOL!")
+ # Save the state until we get setup.
+ self.__preSetupState = state
+ def fillSlot0(self, avId):
+ self.fillSlot(0, avId)
+ def fillSlot1(self, avId):
+ self.fillSlot(1, avId)
+ def fillSlot2(self, avId):
+ self.fillSlot(2, avId)
+ def fillSlot3(self, avId):
+ self.fillSlot(3, avId)
+ def fillSlot4(self, avId):
+ self.fillSlot(4, avId)
+ def fillSlot5(self, avId):
+ self.fillSlot(5, avId)
+ def fillSlot6(self, avId):
+ self.fillSlot(6, avId)
+ def fillSlot7(self, avId):
+ self.fillSlot(7, avId)
+ def fillSlot(self, index, avId):
+ self.notify.debug("%s.fillSlot(%s, %s, ...)" % (self.doId, index, avId))
+ request = self.toonRequests.get(index)
+ if request:
+ del self.toonRequests[index]
+ if avId == 0:
+ # This means that the slot is now empty, and no action should
+ # be taken.
+ pass
+ elif not
+ # It's someone who hasn't been generated yet.
+ func = PythonUtil.Functor(
+ self.gotToon, index, avId)
+ assert not self.toonRequests.has_key(index)
+ self.toonRequests[index] =
+ [avId], allCallback = func)
+ elif not self.isSetup:
+ # We haven't set up the elevator yet.
+ self.deferredSlots.append((index, avId))
+ else:
+ # If localToon is boarding, he needs to change state
+ if avId == base.localAvatar.getDoId():
+ self.localToonOnBoard = 1
+ elevator = self.getPlaceElevator()
+ elevator.fsm.request("boarding", [self.getElevatorModel()])
+ elevator.fsm.request("boarded")
+ toon =[avId]
+ # Parent it to the elevator
+ toon.stopSmooth()
+ # avoid wrtReparent so that we don't muck with the toon's scale
+ #toon.wrtReparentTo(self.getElevatorModel())
+ toon.setZ(self.getElevatorModel(), self.getScaledPoint(index)[2])
+ toon.setShadowHeight(0)
+ if toon.isDisguised:
+ toon.suit.loop("walk")
+ animFunc = Func(toon.suit.loop, "neutral")
+ else:
+ toon.setAnimState("run", 1.0)
+ animFunc = Func(toon.setAnimState, "neutral", 1.0)
+ toon.headsUp(self.getElevatorModel(), apply(Point3, self.getScaledPoint(index)))
+ track = Sequence(
+ # Pos 1: -1.5, 5, 0
+ # Pos 2: 1.5, 5, 0
+ # Pos 3: -2.5, 3, 0
+ # Pos 4: 2.5, 3, 0
+ LerpPosInterval(toon, TOON_BOARD_ELEVATOR_TIME * 0.75,
+ apply(Point3, self.getScaledPoint(index)),
+ other=self.getElevatorModel()),
+ LerpHprInterval(toon, TOON_BOARD_ELEVATOR_TIME * 0.25,
+ Point3(180, 0, 0),
+ other=self.getElevatorModel()),
+ #Func(toon.setAnimState, "neutral", 1.0),
+ animFunc,
+ name = toon.uniqueName("fillElevator"),
+ autoPause = 1)
+ track.start()
+ assert avId not in self.boardedAvIds
+ self.boardedAvIds[avId] = index
+ #print("Boarded Av Ids %s" % (self.boardedAvIds))
+ def emptySlot0(self, avId, bailFlag, timestamp):
+ self.emptySlot(0, avId, bailFlag, timestamp)
+ def emptySlot1(self, avId, bailFlag, timestamp):
+ self.emptySlot(1, avId, bailFlag, timestamp)
+ def emptySlot2(self, avId, bailFlag, timestamp):
+ self.emptySlot(2, avId, bailFlag, timestamp)
+ def emptySlot3(self, avId, bailFlag, timestamp):
+ self.emptySlot(3, avId, bailFlag, timestamp)
+ def emptySlot4(self, avId, bailFlag, timestamp):
+ self.emptySlot(4, avId, bailFlag, timestamp)
+ def emptySlot5(self, avId, bailFlag, timestamp):
+ self.emptySlot(5, avId, bailFlag, timestamp)
+ def emptySlot6(self, avId, bailFlag, timestamp):
+ self.emptySlot(6, avId, bailFlag, timestamp)
+ def emptySlot7(self, avId, bailFlag, timestamp):
+ self.emptySlot(7, avId, bailFlag, timestamp)
+ def notifyToonOffElevator(self, toon):
+ if #hack test
+ toon.setAnimState("neutral", 1.0)
+ if toon == base.localAvatar:
+ print("moving the local toon off the elevator")
+ doneStatus = {
+ 'where' : 'exit',
+ }
+ elevator = self.getPlaceElevator()
+ elevator.signalDone(doneStatus)
+ self.localToonOnBoard = 0
+ else:
+ toon.startSmooth()
+ return
+ else:
+ #print("notifyToonOffElevator NOCR")
+ pass
+ def emptySlot(self, index, avId, bailFlag, timestamp):
+ print "Emptying slot: %d for %d" % (index, avId)
+ # If localToon is exiting, he needs to change state
+ if avId == 0:
+ # This means that no one is currently exiting, and no action
+ # should be taken
+ pass
+ elif not self.isSetup:
+ # We haven't set up the elevator yet. Remove the toon
+ # from the deferredSlots list, if it is there.
+ newSlots = []
+ for slot in self.deferredSlots:
+ if slot[0] != index:
+ newSlots.append(slot)
+ self.deferredSlots = newSlots
+ else:
+ if
+ # See if we need to reset the clock
+ # (countdown assumes we've created a clockNode already)
+ if (bailFlag == 1 and hasattr(self, 'clockNode')):
+ if (timestamp < self.countdownTime and
+ timestamp >= 0):
+ self.countdown(self.countdownTime - timestamp)
+ else:
+ self.countdown(self.countdownTime)
+ # If the toon exists, look it up
+ toon =[avId]
+ # avoid wrtReparent so that we don't muck with the toon's scale
+ ## Parent it to render
+ #toon.wrtReparentTo(render)
+ toon.stopSmooth()
+ if toon.isDisguised:
+ toon.suit.loop("walk")
+ animFunc = Func(toon.suit.loop, "neutral")
+ else:
+ toon.setAnimState("run", 1.0)
+ animFunc = Func(toon.setAnimState, "neutral", 1.0)
+ # Place it on the appropriate spot relative to the
+ # elevator
+ if self.offTrack[index]:
+ if self.offTrack[index].isPlaying():
+ self.offTrack[index].finish()
+ self.offTrack[index] = None
+ self.offTrack[index] = Sequence(
+ # TODO: Find the right coords for the elevator
+ LerpPosInterval(toon, TOON_EXIT_ELEVATOR_TIME,
+ Point3(0,-ElevatorData[self.type]['collRadius'],0),
+ startPos = apply(Point3, self.getScaledPoint(index)),
+ other=self.getElevatorModel()
+ ),
+ animFunc,
+ # Tell the toon he is free to roam now
+ Func(self.notifyToonOffElevator, toon),
+ name = toon.uniqueName("emptyElevator"),
+ autoPause = 1)
+ # Tell localToon he is exiting (if localToon is on board)
+ if avId == base.localAvatar.getDoId():
+ messenger.send("exitElevator")
+ scale = base.localAvatar.getScale()
+ self.offTrack[index].append(Func(, scale))
+ self.offTrack[index].start()
+ # if the elevator is generated as a toon is leaving it,
+ # we will not have gotten a corresponding 'fillSlot' message
+ # for that toon, hence the toon will not be found in
+ # boardedAvIds
+ if avId in self.boardedAvIds:
+ del self.boardedAvIds[avId]
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning("toon: " + str(avId) +
+ " doesn't exist, and" +
+ " cannot exit the elevator!")
+ def handleEnterSphere(self, collEntry):
+ self.notify.debug("Entering Elevator Sphere....")
+ print("FSMhandleEnterSphere elevator%s avatar%s" % (self.elevatorTripId, localAvatar.lastElevatorLeft))
+ if self.elevatorTripId and (localAvatar.lastElevatorLeft == self.elevatorTripId):
+ #print("NO BACKCIES!")
+ self.rejectBoard(base.localAvatar.doId, REJECT_SHUFFLE)
+ # Only toons with hp can board the elevator.
+ elif base.localAvatar.hp > 0:
+ # Put localToon into requestBoard mode.
+ # Tell the server that this avatar wants to board.
+ toon = base.localAvatar
+ self.sendUpdate("requestBoard",[])
+ def rejectBoard(self, avId, reason = 0):
+ # reason 0: unknown, 1: shuffle, 2: too low laff, 3: no seat, 4: need promotion
+ # This should only be sent to us if our localToon requested
+ # permission to board the elevator.
+ print("rejectBoard %s" % (reason))
+ if hasattr(base.localAvatar, "elevatorNotifier"):
+ if reason == REJECT_SHUFFLE:
+ base.localAvatar.elevatorNotifier.showMe(TTLocalizer.ElevatorHoppedOff)
+ elif reason == REJECT_MINLAFF:
+ base.localAvatar.elevatorNotifier.showMe((TTLocalizer.ElevatorMinLaff % (self.minLaff)))
+ elif reason == REJECT_PROMOTION:
+ base.localAvatar.elevatorNotifier.showMe(TTLocalizer.BossElevatorRejectMessage)
+ elif reason == REJECT_BLOCKED_ROOM:
+ base.localAvatar.elevatorNotifier.showMe(TTLocalizer.ElevatorBlockedRoom)
+ assert(base.localAvatar.getDoId() == avId)
+ doneStatus = {
+ 'where' : 'reject',
+ }
+ elevator = self.getPlaceElevator()
+ if elevator:
+ elevator.signalDone(doneStatus)
+ def timerTask(self, task):
+ countdownTime = int(task.duration - task.time)
+ timeStr = str(countdownTime)
+ if self.clockNode.getText() != timeStr:
+ self.clockNode.setText(timeStr)
+ if task.time >= task.duration:
+ return Task.done
+ else:
+ return Task.cont
+ def countdown(self, duration):
+ countdownTask = Task(self.timerTask)
+ countdownTask.duration = duration
+ taskMgr.remove(self.uniqueName("elevatorTimerTask"))
+ return taskMgr.add(countdownTask, self.uniqueName("elevatorTimerTask"))
+ def handleExitButton(self):
+ # This gets called when the exit button gets pushed.
+ self.sendUpdate("requestExit")
+ def enterWaitCountdown(self, ts):
+ self.elevatorSphereNodePath.unstash()
+ # Toons may now try to board the elevator
+ self.accept(self.uniqueName('enterelevatorSphere'),
+ self.handleEnterSphere)
+ self.accept("elevatorExitButton", self.handleExitButton)
+ self.lastState = self.state
+ return
+ def exitWaitCountdown(self):
+ self.elevatorSphereNodePath.stash()
+ # Toons may not attempt to board the elevator if it isn't waiting
+ self.ignore(self.uniqueName('enterelevatorSphere'))
+ self.ignore("elevatorExitButton")
+ self.ignore("localToonLeft")
+ # Stop the countdown clock...
+ taskMgr.remove(self.uniqueName("elevatorTimerTask"))
+ self.clock.removeNode()
+ del self.clock
+ del self.clockNode
+ def enterClosing(self, ts):
+ # Close the elevator doors
+ #print("distributedElevator.enterClosing")
+ #print(self.lastState)
+ if self.localToonOnBoard:
+ elevator = self.getPlaceElevator()
+ #elevator.fsm.request("elevatorClosing")
+ #if not self.closeDoors.isPlaying() and self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName() != 'closing': #badLine here REMOVE IT!!!
+ if self.closeDoors.isPlaying() or self.lastState == 'closed' or self.openDoors.isPlaying():
+ self.doorsNeedToClose = 1
+ else:
+ self.doorsNeedToClose = 0
+ self.closeDoors.start(ts)
+ #print("closeDoors.start-eC")
+ #else:
+ # self.doorsNeedToClose = 1
+ def exitClosing(self):
+ return
+ def onDoorOpenFinish(self):
+ #print("door open finish")
+ pass
+ def onDoorCloseFinish(self):
+ """this is called when the elevator doors finish closing on the client
+ """
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ # for any avatars that are still parented to us, remove them from the scene graph
+ # so that they're not there when the doors open again
+ for avId in self.boardedAvIds.keys():
+ av =
+ if av is not None:
+ if av.getParent().compareTo(self.getElevatorModel()) == 0:
+ av.detachNode()
+ #self.boardedAvIds = {}
+ def enterClosed(self, ts):
+ #print("DistributedElevator.enterClosed %s" % (self.doId))
+ #self.forceDoorsClosed()
+ self.__doorsClosed(self.getZoneId())
+ return
+ def exitClosed(self):
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ return
+ def forceDoorsOpen(self):
+ #print("forcing doors open FSM")
+ openDoors(self.leftDoor, self.rightDoor)
+ def forceDoorsClosed(self):
+ #print("DistributedElevator.forceDoorsClosed %s" % (self.doId))
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ self.closeDoors.finish()
+ closeDoors(self.leftDoor, self.rightDoor)
+ def enterOff(self):
+ self.lastState = self.state
+ return
+ def exitOff(self):
+ return
+ def enterWaitEmpty(self, ts):
+ self.lastState = self.state
+ return
+ def exitWaitEmpty(self):
+ return
+ def enterOpening(self, ts):
+ # Open the elevator doors
+ self.openDoors.start(ts)
+ self.lastState = self.state
+ return
+ def exitOpening(self):
+ return
+ def startCountdownClock(self, countdownTime, ts):
+ # Start the countdown clock...
+ self.clockNode = TextNode("elevatorClock")
+ self.clockNode.setFont(ToontownGlobals.getSignFont())
+ self.clockNode.setAlign(TextNode.ACenter)
+ self.clockNode.setTextColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1)
+ self.clockNode.setText(str(int(countdownTime)))
+ self.clock = self.getElevatorModel().attachNewNode(self.clockNode)
+ # TODO: Get the right coordinates for the elevator clock.
+ self.clock.setPosHprScale(0, 4.4, 6.0,
+ 0, 0, 0,
+ 2.0, 2.0, 2.0)
+ if ts < countdownTime:
+ self.countdown(countdownTime - ts)
+ def __doorsClosed(self, zoneId):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('doorsClosed()'))
+ if (self.localToonOnBoard):
+ self.localAvatar.stopGlitchKiller()
+ hoodId = ZoneUtil.getHoodId(zoneId)
+ loader = 'suitInterior'
+ where = 'suitInterior'
+ if
+ loader = 'cogdoInterior'
+ where = 'cogdoInterior'
+ doneStatus = {
+ 'loader' : loader,
+ 'where' : where,
+ 'hoodId' : hoodId,
+ 'zoneId' : zoneId,
+ 'shardId' : None,
+ }
+ elevator = self.elevatorFSM #self.getPlaceElevator()
+ del self.elevatorFSM
+ elevator.signalDone(doneStatus)
+ def getElevatorModel(self):
+ self.notify.error("getElevatorModel: pure virtual -- inheritors must override")
+ def getPlaceElevator(self):
+ place =
+ if not hasattr(place, "elevator"):
+ self.notify.warning("Place was in state '%s' instead of Elevator." % (place.state))
+ place.detectedElevatorCollision(self)
+ return None
+ return place.elevator
+ def getScaledPoint(self, index):
+ point = self.elevatorPoints[index]
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ return point
+ def setElevatorTripId(self, id):
+ self.elevatorTripId = id
+ def getElevatorTripId(self):
+ return self.elevatorTripId
+ def setAntiShuffle(self, antiShuffle):
+ self.antiShuffle = antiShuffle
+ def getAntiShuffle(self):
+ return self.antiShuffle
+ def setMinLaff(self, minLaff):
+ self.minLaff = minLaff
+ def getMinLaff(self):
+ return self.minLaff
+ def getDestName(self):
+ return None
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2d32a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+from import *
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from direct.distributed.ClockDelta import *
+from ElevatorConstants import *
+from direct.distributed import DistributedObjectAI
+#from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM
+#from direct.fsm import State
+from direct.task import Task
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.fsm.FSM import FSM
+class DistributedElevatorFSMAI(DistributedObjectAI.DistributedObjectAI, FSM):
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("DistributedElevatorFSMAI")
+ #"""
+ defaultTransitions = {
+ 'Off' : [ 'Opening', 'Closed'],
+ 'Opening' : [ 'WaitEmpty', 'WaitCountdown', 'Opening', 'Closing' ],
+ 'WaitEmpty' : [ 'WaitCountdown', "Closing" ],
+ 'WaitCountdown' : [ 'WaitEmpty', 'AllAboard', "Closing" ],
+ 'AllAboard' : [ 'WaitEmpty', "Closing" ],
+ 'Closing' : [ 'Closed', 'WaitEmpty', 'Closing', 'Opening' ],
+ 'Closed' : [ 'Opening' ],
+ }
+ #"""
+ id = 0
+ def __init__(self, air, bldg, numSeats = 4, antiShuffle = 0, minLaff = 0):
+ DistributedObjectAI.DistributedObjectAI.__init__(self, air)
+ FSM.__init__( self, "Elevator_%s_FSM" % ( ) )
+ self.type = ELEVATOR_NORMAL
+ self.countdownTime = ElevatorData[self.type]['countdown']
+ self.bldg = bldg
+ self.bldgDoId = bldg.getDoId()
+ self.seats = []
+ for seat in range(numSeats):
+ self.seats.append(None)
+ #self.seats = [None, None, None, None]
+ # Flag that tells whether the elevator is currently accepting boarders
+ self.accepting = 0
+ #self.setupStates()
+ #self.fsm.enterInitialState()
+ self.setAntiShuffle(antiShuffle)
+ self.setMinLaff(minLaff)
+ if self.antiShuffle:
+ if not hasattr(simbase.air, "elevatorTripId"):
+ simbase.air.elevatorTripId = 1
+ self.elevatorTripId = simbase.air.elevatorTripId
+ simbase.air.elevatorTripId += 1
+ else:
+ self.elevatorTripId = 0
+ def delete(self):
+ #self.requestFinalState()
+ #del self.fsm
+ del self.bldg
+ self.ignoreAll()
+ DistributedObjectAI.DistributedObjectAI.delete(self)
+ def generate(self):
+ #print("distributedElevator.generate")
+ DistributedObjectAI.DistributedObjectAI.generate(self)
+ self.start()
+ def getBldgDoId(self):
+ return self.bldgDoId
+ def findAvailableSeat(self):
+ for i in range(len(self.seats)):
+ if self.seats[i] == None:
+ return i
+ return None
+ def findAvatar(self, avId):
+ #print("find Avatar")
+ #print self.seats
+ for i in range(len(self.seats)):
+ if self.seats[i] == avId:
+ return i
+ return None
+ def countFullSeats(self):
+ avCounter = 0
+ for i in self.seats:
+ if i:
+ avCounter += 1
+ return avCounter
+ def countOpenSeats(self):
+ openSeats = 0
+ for i in range(len(self.seats)):
+ if self.seats[i] == None:
+ openSeats += 1
+ return openSeats
+ def rejectingBoardersHandler(self, avId, reason = 0):
+ self.rejectBoarder(avId, reason)
+ def rejectBoarder(self, avId, reason = 0):
+ self.sendUpdateToAvatarId(avId, "rejectBoard", [avId, reason])
+ def acceptingBoardersHandler(self, avId, reason = 0):
+ self.notify.debug("acceptingBoardersHandler")
+ seatIndex = self.findAvailableSeat()
+ if seatIndex == None:
+ #print("rejectBoarder")
+ self.rejectBoarder(avId, REJECT_NOSEAT)
+ else:
+ #print("acceptBoarder")
+ self.acceptBoarder(avId, seatIndex)
+ return None
+ def acceptBoarder(self, avId, seatIndex):
+ self.notify.debug("acceptBoarder")
+ # Make sure we have a valid seat number
+ #assert((seatIndex >= 0) and (seatIndex <=3))
+ assert((seatIndex >= 0) and (seatIndex <=7))
+ # Make sure the seat is empty
+ assert(self.seats[seatIndex] == None)
+ # Make sure this avatar isn't already seated
+ if (self.findAvatar(avId) != None):
+ return
+ # Put the avatar in that seat
+ self.seats[seatIndex] = avId
+ # Record the time of boarding
+ self.timeOfBoarding = globalClock.getRealTime()
+ # Tell the clients to put the avatar in that seat
+ self.sendUpdate("fillSlot" + str(seatIndex),
+ [avId])
+ def rejectingExitersHandler(self, avId):
+ self.rejectExiter(avId)
+ def rejectExiter(self, avId):
+ # This doesn't have to do anything. If your exit is rejected,
+ # you'll know because the elevator leaves.
+ pass
+ def acceptingExitersHandler(self, avId):
+ self.acceptExiter(avId)
+ def clearEmptyNow(self, seatIndex):
+ self.sendUpdate("emptySlot" + str(seatIndex),
+ [0, 0, globalClockDelta.getRealNetworkTime()])
+ def clearFullNow(self, seatIndex):
+ # Get the avatar id
+ avId = self.seats[seatIndex]
+ # If there is no one sitting there, that is kind of strange.
+ if avId == None:
+ self.notify.warning("Clearing an empty seat index: " +
+ str(seatIndex) + " ... Strange...")
+ else:
+ # Empty that seat
+ self.seats[seatIndex] = None
+ # Tell the clients that the avatar is no longer in that seat
+ self.sendUpdate("fillSlot" + str(seatIndex),
+ [0])
+ # If the avatar isn't in a seat, we don't care anymore, so
+ # remove the hook to handle unexpected exits.
+ self.ignore(self.air.getAvatarExitEvent(avId))
+ def d_setState(self, state):
+ self.sendUpdate('setState', [state, globalClockDelta.getRealNetworkTime()])
+ def getState(self):
+ return self.state
+ def avIsOKToBoard(self, av):
+ return (av.hp > self.minLaff) and self.accepting
+ def checkBoard(self, av):
+ if (av.hp < self.minLaff):
+ return 0
+ def requestBoard(self, *args):
+ self.notify.debug("requestBoard")
+ avId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender()
+ if (self.findAvatar(avId) != None):
+ self.notify.warning("Ignoring multiple requests from %s to board." % (avId))
+ return
+ av = self.air.doId2do.get(avId)
+ if av:
+ newArgs = (avId,) + args
+ # Only toons with hp greater than the minLaff may board the elevator.
+ boardResponse = self.checkBoard(av)
+ newArgs = (avId,) + args + (boardResponse,)
+ if boardResponse == 0:
+ self.acceptingBoardersHandler(*newArgs)
+ else:
+ self.rejectingBoardersHandler(*newArgs)
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning(
+ "avid: %s does not exist, but tried to board an elevator"
+ % avId
+ )
+ return
+ def requestExit(self, *args):
+ if hasattr(self, 'air'):
+ #print("REQUEST DGG.EXIT")
+ self.notify.debug("requestExit")
+ avId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender()
+ av = self.air.doId2do.get(avId)
+ if av:
+ newArgs = (avId,) + args
+ if self.accepting:
+ self.acceptingExitersHandler(*newArgs)
+ else:
+ self.rejectingExitersHandler(*newArgs)
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning(
+ "avId: %s does not exist, but tried to exit an elevator" % avId
+ )
+ return
+ ##### How you start up the elevator #####
+ def start(self):
+ ##### Off state #####
+ def enterOff(self):
+ #print("DistributedElevatorAI.enterOff")
+ self.accepting = 0
+ self.timeOfBoarding = None
+ # Maybe this task cleanup shouldn't be here, but I didn't know
+ # where else to put it, since emptying the seats isn't associated
+ # with any particular task. Perhaps I should have made a nested
+ # State machine of TrolleyOn, or some such, but it seemed like a lot
+ # of work for a few crummy tasks.
+ if hasattr(self, "doId"):
+ for seatIndex in range(len(self.seats)):
+ taskMgr.remove(self.uniqueName("clearEmpty-" + str(seatIndex)))
+ def exitOff(self):
+ #print("DistributedElevatorAI.exitOff")
+ self.accepting = 0
+ ##### Opening state #####
+ def open(self):
+ self.request('Opening')
+ def enterOpening(self):
+ #print("DistributedElevatorAI.enterOpening")
+ self.d_setState('Opening')
+ self.accepting = 0
+ for seat in self.seats:
+ seat = None
+ def exitOpening(self):
+ #print("DistributedElevatorAI.exitOpening")
+ self.accepting = 0
+ taskMgr.remove(self.uniqueName('opening-timer'))
+ ##### WaitCountdown state #####
+ def enterWaitCountdown(self):
+ #print("DistributedElevatorAI.enterWaitCountdown")
+ self.d_setState('WaitCountdown')
+ self.accepting = 1
+ def exitWaitCountdown(self):
+ #print("DistributedElevatorAI.exitWaitCountdown")
+ print("exit wait countdown")
+ self.accepting = 0
+ taskMgr.remove(self.uniqueName('countdown-timer'))
+ self.newTrip()
+ ##### AllAboard state #####
+ def enterAllAboard(self):
+ #print("DistributedElevatorAI.enterAllAboard")
+ self.accepting = 0
+ def exitAllAboard(self):
+ #print("DistributedElevatorAI.exitAllAboard")
+ self.accepting = 0
+ taskMgr.remove(self.uniqueName('waitForAllAboard'))
+ ##### Closing state #####
+ def enterClosing(self):
+ #print("DistributedElevatorAI.enterClosing")
+ self.d_setState('Closing')
+ self.accepting = 0
+ def exitClosing(self):
+ #print("DistributedElevatorAI.exitClosing")
+ self.accepting = 0
+ taskMgr.remove(self.uniqueName('closing-timer'))
+ ##### Closed state #####
+ def enterClosed(self):
+ #print("DistributedElevatorAI.enterClosed")
+ if hasattr(self, "doId"):
+ print self.doId
+ self.d_setState('Closed')
+ def exitClosed(self):
+ #print("DistributedElevatorAI.exitClosed")
+ return
+ ##### WaitEmpty state #####
+ def enterWaitEmpty(self):
+ #print("DistributedElevatorAI.enterWaitEmpty")
+ #print("WAIT EMPTY")
+ for i in range(len(self.seats)):
+ self.seats[i] = None
+ print self.seats
+ self.d_setState('WaitEmpty')
+ self.accepting = 1
+ def exitWaitEmpty(self):
+ self.accepting = 0
+ def setElevatorTripId(self, id):
+ self.elevatorTripId = id
+ def getElevatorTripId(self):
+ return self.elevatorTripId
+ def newTrip(self):
+ if self.antiShuffle:
+ self.elevatorTripId = simbase.air.elevatorTripId
+ if simbase.air.elevatorTripId > 2100000000:
+ simbase.air.elevatorTripId = 1
+ simbase.air.elevatorTripId += 1
+ self.sendUpdate("setElevatorTripId", [self.elevatorTripId])
+ def setAntiShuffle(self, antiShuffle):
+ self.antiShuffle = antiShuffle
+ def getAntiShuffle(self):
+ return self.antiShuffle
+ def setMinLaff(self, minLaff):
+ self.minLaff = minLaff
+ def getMinLaff(self):
+ return self.minLaff
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..448c910
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,436 @@
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from direct.distributed.ClockDelta import *
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
+from ElevatorConstants import *
+from ElevatorUtils import *
+import DistributedElevatorFSM
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM
+from direct.fsm import State
+from toontown.hood import ZoneUtil
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+from direct.fsm.FSM import FSM
+from direct.task import Task
+class DistributedElevatorFloor(DistributedElevatorFSM.DistributedElevatorFSM):
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('DistributedElevatorFloor')
+ defaultTransitions = {
+ 'Off' : [ 'Opening', 'Closed'],
+ 'Opening' : [ 'WaitEmpty', 'WaitCountdown', 'Opening', 'Closing' ],
+ 'WaitEmpty' : [ 'WaitCountdown', "Closing" ],
+ 'WaitCountdown' : [ 'WaitEmpty', 'AllAboard', "Closing", 'WaitCountdown' ],
+ 'AllAboard' : [ 'WaitEmpty', "Closing" ],
+ 'Closing' : [ 'Closed', 'WaitEmpty', 'Closing', 'Opening' ],
+ 'Closed' : [ 'Opening' ],
+ }
+ id = 0
+ def __init__(self, cr):
+ DistributedElevatorFSM.DistributedElevatorFSM.__init__(self, cr)
+ FSM.__init__( self, "ElevatorFloor_%s_FSM" % ( ) )
+ # When we get enough information about the elevator, we can
+ # set up its nametag. The nametag points out nearby buildings
+ # to the player.
+ self.type = ELEVATOR_STAGE
+ self.countdownTime = ElevatorData[self.type]['countdown']
+ self.nametag = None
+ self.currentFloor = -1
+ self.isLocked = 0
+ self.isEntering = 0
+ self.doorOpeningFlag = 0 #for when the door is forced closed while opening
+ self.doorsNeedToClose = 0 #for when the door is forced closed while opening
+ self.wantState = 0
+ #self.latchRoom = None
+ self.latch = None
+ self.lastState = self.state
+ def setupElevator2(self):
+ self.elevatorModel = loader.loadModel("phase_4/models/modules/elevator")
+ #self.elevatorModel = loader.loadModel("phase_11/models/lawbotHQ/LB_Elevator")
+ #self.elevatorModel.reparentTo(render)
+ self.elevatorModel.reparentTo(hidden)
+ self.elevatorModel.setScale(1.05)
+ self.leftDoor = self.elevatorModel.find("**/left-door")
+ self.rightDoor = self.elevatorModel.find("**/right-door")
+ # No lights on this elevator
+ self.elevatorModel.find("**/light_panel").removeNode()
+ self.elevatorModel.find("**/light_panel_frame").removeNode()
+ """
+ Called when the building doId is set at construction time,
+ this method sets up the elevator for business.
+ """
+ if self.isSetup:
+ # If this particular elevator was previously set up, clear
+ # out the old stuff and start over.
+ self.elevatorSphereNodePath.removeNode()
+ #self.leftDoor = self.bldg.leftDoor
+ #self.rightDoor = self.bldg.rightDoor
+ DistributedElevatorFSM.DistributedElevatorFSM.setupElevator(self)
+ def setupElevator(self):
+ """setupElevator(self)
+ Called when the building doId is set at construction time,
+ this method sets up the elevator for business.
+ """
+ # TODO: place this on a node indexed by the entraceId
+ self.elevatorModel = loader.loadModel(
+ "phase_11/models/lawbotHQ/LB_ElevatorScaled")
+ if not self.elevatorModel:
+ self.notify.error("No Elevator Model in DistributedElevatorFloor.setupElevator. Please inform JML. Fool!")
+ # The big cog icon on the top is only visible at the BossRoom.
+ #icon = self.elevatorModel.find('**/big_frame/')
+ #if not icon.isEmpty():
+ # icon.hide()
+ self.leftDoor = self.elevatorModel.find("**/left-door")
+ if self.leftDoor.isEmpty():
+ self.leftDoor = self.elevatorModel.find("**/left_door")
+ self.rightDoor = self.elevatorModel.find("**/right-door")
+ if self.rightDoor.isEmpty():
+ self.rightDoor = self.elevatorModel.find("**/right_door")
+ #self.elevatorModel.setH(180)
+ DistributedElevatorFSM.DistributedElevatorFSM.setupElevator(self)
+ def generate(self):
+ DistributedElevatorFSM.DistributedElevatorFSM.generate(self)
+ #self.accept("LawOffice_Spec_Loaded", self.__placeElevator)
+ def announceGenerate(self):
+ DistributedElevatorFSM.DistributedElevatorFSM.announceGenerate(self)
+ if self.latch:
+"Setting latch in announce generate")
+ self.setLatch(self.latch)
+ def __placeElevator(self):
+ self.notify.debug("PLACING ELEVATOR FOOL!!")
+ if self.isEntering:
+ elevatorNode = render.find("**/elevator_origin")
+ if not elevatorNode.isEmpty():
+ self.elevatorModel.setPos(0,0, 0)
+ self.elevatorModel.reparentTo(elevatorNode)
+ else:
+ #explode
+ self.notify.debug("NO NODE elevator_origin!!")
+ else:
+ elevatorNode = render.find("**/SlidingDoor")
+ if not elevatorNode.isEmpty():
+ self.elevatorModel.setPos(0,10,-15)
+ self.elevatorModel.setH(180)
+ self.elevatorModel.reparentTo(elevatorNode)
+ else:
+ #explode
+ self.notify.debug("NO NODE SlidingDoor!!")
+ def setLatch(self, markerId):
+"Setting latch")
+ #room =
+ marker =
+ self.latchRequest =
+ [markerId], allCallback = self.set2Latch, timeout = 5)
+ self.latch = markerId
+ def set2Latch(self, taskMgrFooler = None):
+ if hasattr(self, "cr"): #might callback to dead object
+ marker =
+ if marker:
+ self.elevatorModel.reparentTo(marker)
+ return
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(10.0, self._repart2Marker, "elevatorfloor-markerReparent")
+ self.notify.warning("Using backup, do method later version of latch")
+ def _repart2Marker(self, taskFoolio = 0):
+ if hasattr(self, "cr"): #might call to dead object
+ marker =
+ if marker:
+ self.elevatorModel.reparentTo(marker)
+ else:
+ self.notify.error("could not find latch even in defered try")
+ def setPos(self, x, y, z):
+ self.elevatorModel.setPos(x, y, z)
+ def setH(self, H):
+ self.elevatorModel.setH(H)
+ def delete(self):
+ DistributedElevatorFSM.DistributedElevatorFSM.delete(self)
+ self.elevatorModel.removeNode()
+ del self.elevatorModel
+ self.ignore("LawOffice_Spec_Loaded")
+ self.ignoreAll()
+ def disable(self):
+ #self.clearNametag()
+ DistributedElevatorFSM.DistributedElevatorFSM.disable(self)
+ def setEntranceId(self, entranceId):
+ self.entranceId = entranceId
+ # These hard coded poshprs should be replaced with nodes in the model
+ if self.entranceId == 0:
+ # Front of the factory (south entrance)
+ self.elevatorModel.setPosHpr(62.74, -85.31, 0.00, 2.00, 0.00, 0.00)
+ elif self.entranceId == 1:
+ # Side of the factory (west entrance)
+ self.elevatorModel.setPosHpr(-162.25, 26.43, 0.00, 269.00, 0.00, 0.00)
+ else:
+ self.notify.error("Invalid entranceId: %s" % entranceId)
+ def gotBldg(self, buildingList):
+ return
+ def setFloor(self, floorNumber):
+ # Darken the old light:
+ if self.currentFloor >= 0:
+ self.bldg.floorIndicator[self.currentFloor].setColor(LIGHT_OFF_COLOR)
+ # Brighten the new light:
+ if floorNumber >= 0:
+ self.bldg.floorIndicator[floorNumber].setColor(LIGHT_ON_COLOR)
+ # Remember the floor:
+ self.currentFloor = floorNumber
+ def handleEnterSphere(self, collEntry):
+ #print("Entering Elevator Sphere....")
+ # Tell localToon we are considering entering the elevator
+ def handleEnterElevator(self):
+ #print("Entering Elevator....")
+ # Only toons with hp can board the elevator.
+ if base.localAvatar.hp > 0:
+ # Tell the server that this avatar wants to board.
+ toon = base.localAvatar
+ self.sendUpdate("requestBoard",[])
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning("Tried to board elevator with hp: %d" %
+ base.localAvatar.hp)
+ ##### WaitEmpty state #####
+ def enterWaitEmpty(self, ts):
+ self.lastState = self.state
+ #print("Entering WaitEmpty %s" % (self.doId))
+ self.elevatorSphereNodePath.unstash()
+ self.forceDoorsOpen()
+ # Toons may now try to board the elevator
+ self.accept(self.uniqueName('enterelevatorSphere'),
+ self.handleEnterSphere)
+ self.accept(self.uniqueName('enterElevatorOK'),
+ self.handleEnterElevator)
+ DistributedElevatorFSM.DistributedElevatorFSM.enterWaitEmpty(self, ts)
+ def exitWaitEmpty(self):
+ self.lastState = self.state
+ #print("Exiting WaitEmpty")
+ self.elevatorSphereNodePath.stash()
+ # Toons may not attempt to board the elevator if it isn't waiting
+ self.ignore(self.uniqueName('enterelevatorSphere'))
+ self.ignore(self.uniqueName('enterElevatorOK'))
+ DistributedElevatorFSM.DistributedElevatorFSM.exitWaitEmpty(self)
+ ##### WaitCountdown state #####
+ def enterWaitCountdown(self, ts):
+ self.lastState = self.state
+ #print("Entering WaitCountdown")
+ DistributedElevatorFSM.DistributedElevatorFSM.enterWaitCountdown(self, ts)
+ self.forceDoorsOpen()
+ self.accept(self.uniqueName('enterElevatorOK'),
+ self.handleEnterElevator)
+ self.startCountdownClock(self.countdownTime, ts)
+ def exitWaitCountdown(self):
+ self.lastState = self.state
+ #print("Exiting WaitCountdown")
+ self.ignore(self.uniqueName('enterElevatorOK'))
+ DistributedElevatorFSM.DistributedElevatorFSM.exitWaitCountdown(self)
+ def enterClosing(self, ts):
+ self.lastState = self.state
+ #print("Entering Closing")
+ #base.transitions.irisOut(2.0)
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(1.00, self._delayIris, "delayedIris")
+ DistributedElevatorFSM.DistributedElevatorFSM.enterClosing(self, ts)
+ def _delayIris(self, tskfooler = 0):
+ base.transitions.irisOut(1.0)
+ base.localAvatar.pauseGlitchKiller()
+ return Task.done
+ def kickToonsOut(self):
+ if not self.localToonOnBoard:
+ zoneId =
+'teleportOut', [{
+ "loader": ZoneUtil.getLoaderName(zoneId),
+ "where": ZoneUtil.getToonWhereName(zoneId),
+ "how": "teleportIn",
+ "hoodId": zoneId,
+ "zoneId": zoneId,
+ "shardId": None,
+ "avId": -1,
+ }])
+ def exitClosing(self):
+ self.lastState = self.state
+ #print("Exiting Closing")
+ DistributedElevatorFSM.DistributedElevatorFSM.exitClosing(self)
+ def enterClosed(self, ts):
+ self.lastState = self.state
+ #print("Entering Closed")
+ self.forceDoorsClosed()
+ self.__doorsClosed(self.getZoneId())
+ return
+ def exitClosed(self):
+ self.lastState = self.state
+ #print("Exiting Closed")
+ DistributedElevatorFSM.DistributedElevatorFSM.exitClosed(self)
+ def enterOff(self):
+ self.lastState = self.state
+ #print("Entering Off")
+ if self.wantState == 'closed':
+ self.demand('Closing')
+ elif self.wantState == 'waitEmpty':
+ self.demand('WaitEmpty')
+ DistributedElevatorFSM.DistributedElevatorFSM.enterOff(self)
+ def exitOff(self):
+ self.lastState = self.state
+ #print("Exiting Off")
+ DistributedElevatorFSM.DistributedElevatorFSM.exitOff(self)
+ def enterOpening(self, ts):
+ self.lastState = self.state
+ #print("Entering Opening")
+ DistributedElevatorFSM.DistributedElevatorFSM.enterOpening(self,ts)
+ def exitOpening(self):
+ #print("Exiting Opening")
+ #print("WE ARE ACTAULLY CALLING exitOpening!!!!")
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ DistributedElevatorFSM.DistributedElevatorFSM.exitOpening(self)
+ self.kickEveryoneOut()
+ return
+ def getZoneId(self):
+ return 0
+ def setBldgDoId(self, bldgDoId):
+ # The doId is junk, there is no building object for the factory
+ # exterior elevators. Do the appropriate things that
+ # DistributedElevator.gotBldg does.
+ self.bldg = None
+ self.setupElevator()
+ def getElevatorModel(self):
+ return self.elevatorModel
+ def kickEveryoneOut(self):
+ #makes the toons leave the elevator
+ bailFlag = 0
+ #print self.boardedAvIds
+ for avId, slot in self.boardedAvIds.items():
+ #print("Kicking toon out! avId %s Slot %s" % (avId, slot))
+ self.emptySlot(slot, avId, bailFlag, globalClockDelta.getRealNetworkTime())
+ if avId == base.localAvatar.doId:
+ pass
+ def __doorsClosed(self, zoneId):
+ return
+ def onDoorCloseFinish(self):
+ """this is called when the elevator doors finish closing on the client
+ """
+ def setLocked(self, locked):
+ self.isLocked = locked
+ if locked:
+ if self.state == 'WaitEmpty':
+ self.request('Closing')
+ if self.countFullSeats() == 0:
+ self.wantState = 'closed'
+ else:
+ self.wantState = 'opening'
+ else:
+ self.wantState = 'waitEmpty'
+ if self.state == 'Closed':
+ self.request('Opening')
+ def getLocked(self):
+ return self.isLocked
+ def setEntering(self, entering):
+ self.isEntering = entering
+ def getEntering(self):
+ return self.isEntering
+ def forceDoorsOpen(self):
+ #print("forcing doors open Floor")
+ openDoors(self.leftDoor, self.rightDoor)
+ def forceDoorsClosed(self):
+ #print("DistributedElevator.forceDoorsClosed %s" % (self.doId))
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ if self.openDoors.isPlaying():
+ #print("door opening playing")
+ self.doorsNeedToClose = 1
+ else:
+ self.closeDoors.finish()
+ closeDoors(self.leftDoor, self.rightDoor)
+ def enterOff(self):
+ self.lastState = self.state
+ return
+ def exitOff(self):
+ return
+ def setLawOfficeInteriorZone(self, zoneId):
+ if (self.localToonOnBoard):
+ hoodId =
+ doneStatus = {
+ 'loader' : "cogHQLoader",
+ 'where' : 'factoryInterior', #should be lawOffice
+ 'how' : "teleportIn",
+ 'zoneId' : zoneId,
+ 'hoodId' : hoodId,
+ }
+# def emptySlot(self, index, avId, bailFlag, timestamp):
+# pass
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a50d6d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
+from import *
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from direct.distributed.ClockDelta import *
+from ElevatorConstants import *
+import DistributedElevatorFSMAI
+#from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM
+#from direct.fsm import State
+from direct.task import Task
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.fsm.FSM import FSM
+class DistributedElevatorFloorAI(DistributedElevatorFSMAI.DistributedElevatorFSMAI):
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("DistributedElevatorFloorAI")
+ #"""
+ defaultTransitions = {
+ 'Off' : [ 'Opening', 'Closed'],
+ 'Opening' : [ 'WaitEmpty', 'WaitCountdown', 'Opening', 'Closing' ],
+ 'WaitEmpty' : [ 'WaitCountdown', "Closing", 'WaitEmpty'],
+ 'WaitCountdown' : [ 'WaitEmpty', 'AllAboard', "Closing", 'WaitCountdown' ],
+ 'AllAboard' : [ 'WaitEmpty', "Closing" ],
+ 'Closing' : [ 'Closed', 'WaitEmpty', 'Closing', 'Opening' ],
+ 'Closed' : [ 'Opening' ],
+ }
+ #"""
+ id = 0
+ def __init__(self, air, lawOfficeId,bldg, avIds, markerId = None, numSeats = 4, antiShuffle = 0, minLaff = 0):
+ DistributedElevatorFSMAI.DistributedElevatorFSMAI.__init__(
+ self, air, bldg, numSeats, antiShuffle = antiShuffle, minLaff = minLaff)
+ FSM.__init__( self, "ElevatorFloor_%s_FSM" % ( ) )
+ # Do we need this?
+ # self.zoneId, dummy = bldg.getExteriorAndInteriorZoneId()
+ # Flag that tells if any Toon has jumped out of the elevator yet
+ # (this is used to prevent the griefers who jump off at the last
+ # second)
+ self.type = ELEVATOR_STAGE
+ self.countdownTime = ElevatorData[self.type]['countdown']
+ self.lawOfficeId = lawOfficeId
+ self.anyToonsBailed = 0
+ self.avIds = avIds
+ self.isEntering = 0
+ self.isLocked = 0
+ self.setLocked(0)
+ self.wantState = None
+ self.latchRoom = None
+ self.setLatch(markerId)
+ self.zoneId = bldg.zoneId
+ def generate(self):
+ #print("DistributedElevatorFloorAI.generate")
+ DistributedElevatorFSMAI.DistributedElevatorFSMAI.generate(self)
+ def generateWithRequired(self, zoneId):
+ #print ("DistributedElevatorFloorAI generateWithRequired")
+ self.zoneId = zoneId
+ DistributedElevatorFSMAI.DistributedElevatorFSMAI.generateWithRequired(self, self.zoneId)
+ def delete(self):
+ # TODO: We really need an immediate clear here
+ # At least it does not crash the AI anymore
+ for seatIndex in range(len(self.seats)):
+ avId = self.seats[seatIndex]
+ if avId:
+ self.clearFullNow(seatIndex)
+ self.clearEmptyNow(seatIndex)
+ DistributedElevatorFSMAI.DistributedElevatorFSMAI.delete(self)
+ def getEntranceId(self):
+ return self.entranceId
+ def d_setFloor(self, floorNumber):
+ self.sendUpdate('setFloor', [floorNumber])
+ def avIsOKToBoard(self, av):
+ #print("DistributedElevatorFloorAI.avIsOKToBoard %s %s" % (self.accepting, self.isLocked))
+ return (av.hp > 0) and self.accepting and not self.isLocked
+ def acceptBoarder(self, avId, seatIndex):
+ DistributedElevatorFSMAI.DistributedElevatorFSMAI.acceptBoarder(self, avId, seatIndex)
+ # Add a hook that handles the case where the avatar exits
+ # the district unexpectedly
+ self.acceptOnce(self.air.getAvatarExitEvent(avId),
+ self.__handleUnexpectedExit, extraArgs=[avId])
+ # Put us into waitCountdown state... If we are already there,
+ # this won't do anything.
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ if self.state == "WaitEmpty" and (self.countFullSeats() < self.countAvsInZone()):
+ self.request("WaitCountdown")
+ self.bldg.elevatorAlert(avId)
+ elif (self.state in ("WaitCountdown", "WaitEmpty")) and (self.countFullSeats() >= self.countAvsInZone()):
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(TOON_BOARD_ELEVATOR_TIME, self.goAllAboard, self.quickBoardTask)
+ def countAvsInZone(self):
+ matchingZones = 0
+ for avId in self.bldg.avIds:
+ av = self.air.doId2do.get(avId)
+ if av:
+ if av.zoneId == self.bldg.zoneId:
+ matchingZones += 1
+ return matchingZones
+ def goAllAboard(self, throwAway = 1):
+ self.request("Closing")
+ return Task.done
+ def __handleUnexpectedExit(self, avId):
+ #print("DistributedElevatorFloorAI.__handleUnexpectedExit")
+ self.notify.warning("Avatar: " + str(avId) +
+ " has exited unexpectedly")
+ # Find the exiter's seat index
+ seatIndex = self.findAvatar(avId)
+ # Make sure the avatar is really here
+ if seatIndex == None:
+ pass
+ else:
+ # If the avatar is here, his seat is now empty.
+ self.clearFullNow(seatIndex)
+ # Tell the clients that the avatar is leaving that seat
+ self.clearEmptyNow(seatIndex)
+ #self.sendUpdate("emptySlot" + str(seatIndex),
+ # [avId, globalClockDelta.getRealNetworkTime()])
+ # If all the seats are empty, go back into waitEmpty state
+ if self.countFullSeats() == 0:
+ self.request('WaitEmpty')
+ def acceptExiter(self, avId):
+ #print("DistributedElevatorFloorAI.acceptExiter")
+ # Find the exiter's seat index
+ seatIndex = self.findAvatar(avId)
+ # It is possible that the avatar exited the shard unexpectedly.
+ if seatIndex == None:
+ pass
+ else:
+ # Empty that seat
+ self.clearFullNow(seatIndex)
+ # Make sure there's no griefing by jumping off the elevator
+ # at the last second
+ bailFlag = 0
+ if (self.anyToonsBailed == 0):
+ bailFlag = 1
+ # Reset the clock
+ self.resetCountdown()
+ self.anyToonsBailed = 1
+ # Tell the clients that the avatar is leaving that seat
+ self.sendUpdate("emptySlot" + str(seatIndex),
+ [avId, bailFlag, globalClockDelta.getRealNetworkTime()])
+ # If all the seats are empty, go back into waitEmpty state
+ if self.countFullSeats() == 0:
+ self.request('WaitEmpty')
+ # Wait for the avatar to be done leaving the seat, and then
+ # declare the emptying overwith...
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(TOON_EXIT_ELEVATOR_TIME,
+ self.clearEmptyNow,
+ self.uniqueName("clearEmpty-%s" % seatIndex),
+ extraArgs = (seatIndex,))
+ def enterOpening(self):
+ #print("DistributedElevatorFloorAI.enterOpening %s" % (self.doId))
+ self.d_setState('Opening')
+ DistributedElevatorFSMAI.DistributedElevatorFSMAI.enterOpening(self)
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(ElevatorData[ELEVATOR_NORMAL]['openTime'],
+ self.waitEmptyTask,
+ self.uniqueName('opening-timer'))
+ def exitOpening(self):
+ #print("DistributedElevatorFloorAI.exitOpening %s" % (self.doId))
+ DistributedElevatorFSMAI.DistributedElevatorFSMAI.exitOpening(self)
+ if self.isLocked:
+ self.wantState = 'closed'
+ if self.wantState == 'closed':
+ self.demand('Closing')
+ ##### WaitEmpty state #####
+ def waitEmptyTask(self, task):
+ #print("DistributedElevatorFloorAI.waitEmptyTask %s" % (self.doId))
+ self.request('WaitEmpty')
+ return Task.done
+ def enterWaitEmpty(self):
+ self.lastState = self.state
+ #print("DistributedElevatorFloorAI.enterWaitEmpty %s %s from %s" % (self.isLocked, self.doId, self.state))
+ for i in range(len(self.seats)):
+ self.seats[i] = None
+ print self.seats
+ if self.wantState == 'closed':
+ self.demand('Closing')
+ else:
+ self.d_setState('WaitEmpty')
+ self.accepting = 1
+ ##### WaitCountdown state #####
+ def enterWaitCountdown(self):
+ self.lastState = self.state
+ #print("DistributedElevatorFloorAI.enterWaitCountdown %s from %s" % (self.doId, self.state))
+ DistributedElevatorFSMAI.DistributedElevatorFSMAI.enterWaitCountdown(self)
+ # Start the countdown...
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(self.countdownTime, self.timeToGoTask,
+ self.uniqueName('countdown-timer'))
+ if self.lastState == 'WaitCountdown':
+ pass
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ def timeToGoTask(self, task):
+ #print("DistributedElevatorFloorAI.timeToGoTask %s" % (self.doId))
+ # It is possible that the players exited the district
+ if self.countFullSeats() > 0:
+ self.request("AllAboard")
+ else:
+ self.request('WaitEmpty')
+ return Task.done
+ def resetCountdown(self):
+ taskMgr.remove(self.uniqueName('countdown-timer'))
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(self.countdownTime, self.timeToGoTask,
+ self.uniqueName('countdown-timer'))
+ def enterAllAboard(self):
+ #print("DISELEFLOORAI enter allAboard")
+ DistributedElevatorFSMAI.DistributedElevatorFSMAI.enterAllAboard(self)
+ currentTime = globalClock.getRealTime()
+ elapsedTime = currentTime - self.timeOfBoarding
+ self.notify.debug("elapsed time: " + str(elapsedTime))
+ waitTime = max(TOON_BOARD_ELEVATOR_TIME - elapsedTime, 0)
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(waitTime, self.closeTask,
+ self.uniqueName('waitForAllAboard'))
+ ##### Closing state #####
+ def closeTask(self, task):
+ #print("DistributedElevatorFloorAI.closeTask %s" % (self.doId))
+ # It is possible that the players exited the district
+ if self.countFullSeats() >= 1:#len(self.avIds):
+ self.request("Closing")
+ #print("closing")
+ else:
+ self.request('WaitEmpty')
+ #print("wait empty")
+ return Task.done
+ def enterClosing(self):
+ #print("DistributedElevatorFloorAI.enterClosing %s" % (self.doId))
+ if self.countFullSeats() > 0:
+ self.sendUpdate("kickToonsOut")
+ DistributedElevatorFSMAI.DistributedElevatorFSMAI.enterClosing(self)
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(ElevatorData[ELEVATOR_STAGE]['closeTime'],
+ self.elevatorClosedTask,
+ self.uniqueName('closing-timer'))
+ self.d_setState('Closing')
+ def elevatorClosedTask(self, task):
+ #print("DistributedElevatorFloorAI.elevatorClosedTask %s" % (self.doId))
+ self.elevatorClosed()
+ return Task.done
+ def elevatorClosed(self):
+ if self.isLocked:
+ self.request("Closed")
+ return
+ numPlayers = self.countFullSeats()
+ # print(" NUMBER OF PLAYERS IS %s" % (numPlayers))
+ # It is possible the players exited the district
+ if (numPlayers > 0):
+ # Create a factory interior just for us
+ # Make a nice list for the factory
+ players = []
+ for i in self.seats:
+ if i not in [None, 0]:
+ players.append(i)
+ #lawOfficeZone = self.bldg.createLawOffice(self.lawOfficeId,
+ # self.entranceId, players)
+ sittingAvIds = [];
+ for seatIndex in range(len(self.seats)):
+ avId = self.seats[seatIndex]
+ if avId:
+ # Tell each player on the elevator that they should enter the factory
+ # And which zone it is in
+ #self.sendUpdateToAvatarId(avId, "setLawOfficeInteriorZone", [lawOfficeZone])
+ # Clear the fill slot
+ #self.clearFullNow(seatIndex)
+ sittingAvIds.append(avId)
+ pass
+ for avId in self.avIds:
+ if not avId in sittingAvIds:
+ #print("THIS AV ID %s IS NOT ON BOARD" % (avId))
+ pass
+ self.bldg.startNextFloor()
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning("The elevator left, but was empty.")
+ self.request("Closed")
+ def setLocked(self, locked):
+ self.isLocked = locked
+ if locked:
+ if self.state == 'WaitEmpty':
+ self.request('Closing')
+ if self.countFullSeats() == 0:
+ self.wantState = 'closed'
+ else:
+ self.wantState = 'opening'
+ else:
+ self.wantState = 'waitEmpty'
+ if self.state == 'Closed':
+ self.request('Opening')
+ def getLocked(self):
+ return self.isLocked
+ def unlock(self):
+ #print("DistributedElevatorFloorAI.unlock %s %s" % (self.isLocked, self.doId))
+ if self.isLocked:
+ self.setLocked(0)
+ #self.request('Opening')
+ def lock(self):
+ #print("DistributedElevatorFloorAI.lock %s %s" % (self.isLocked, self.doId))
+ if not self.isLocked:
+ self.setLocked(1)
+ #if self.state != 'Closed' or self.state != 'Closing':
+ #self.request('Closing')
+ #self.beClosed()
+ def start(self):
+ #print("DistributedElevatorFloorAI.start %s" % (self.doId))
+ self.quickBoardTask = self.uniqueName("quickBoard")
+ self.request('Opening')
+ #self.beClosed()
+ def beClosed(self):
+ #print("DistributedElevatorFloorAI.beClosed %s" % (self.doId))
+ #self.request('closed')
+ pass
+ def setEntering(self, entering):
+ self.isEntering = entering
+ def getEntering(self):
+ return self.isEntering
+ def enterClosed(self):
+ #print("DistributedElevatorFloorAI.enterClosed %s" % (self.doId))
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ DistributedElevatorFSMAI.DistributedElevatorFSMAI.enterClosed(self)
+ ##### WaitEmpty state #####
+ # Switch back into opening mode since we allow other Toons onboard
+ if self.wantState == 'closed':
+ pass
+ else:
+ self.demand("Opening")
+ def enterOff(self):
+ self.lastState = self.state
+ #print("DistributedElevatorFloorAI.enterOff")
+ if self.wantState == 'closed':
+ self.demand('Closing')
+ elif self.wantState == 'waitEmpty':
+ self.demand('WaitEmpty')
+ def setPos(self, pointPos):
+ self.sendUpdate('setPos', [pointPos[0],pointPos[1],pointPos[2]])
+ def setH(self, H):
+ self.sendUpdate('setH', [H])
+ def setLatch(self, markerId):
+ self.latch = markerId
+ #self.sendUpdate('setLatch', [markerId])
+ def getLatch(self):
+ return self.latch
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fc7de3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from direct.distributed.ClockDelta import *
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
+from ElevatorConstants import *
+from ElevatorUtils import *
+import DistributedElevator
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM
+from direct.fsm import State
+from toontown.hood import ZoneUtil
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+class DistributedElevatorInt(DistributedElevator.DistributedElevator):
+ def __init__(self, cr):
+ DistributedElevator.DistributedElevator.__init__(self, cr)
+ self.countdownTime = base.config.GetFloat('int-elevator-timeout', INTERIOR_ELEVATOR_COUNTDOWN_TIME)
+ def setupElevator(self):
+ """setupElevator(self)
+ Called when the building doId is set at construction time,
+ this method sets up the elevator for business.
+ """
+ self.leftDoor = self.bldg.leftDoorOut
+ self.rightDoor = self.bldg.rightDoorOut
+ DistributedElevator.DistributedElevator.setupElevator(self)
+ def forcedExit(self, avId):
+ # This should only be sent to us if the timer expired on the
+ # elevator before we boarded.
+ assert(base.localAvatar.getDoId() == avId)
+ # Teleport to the last safe zone visited.
+ target_sz = base.localAvatar.defaultZone
+'teleportOut', [{
+ "loader" : ZoneUtil.getLoaderName(target_sz),
+ "where" : ZoneUtil.getWhereName(target_sz, 1),
+ 'how' : 'teleportIn',
+ 'hoodId' : target_sz,
+ 'zoneId' : target_sz,
+ 'shardId' : None,
+ 'avId' : -1,
+ }], force = 1)
+ ##### WaitCountdown state #####
+ def enterWaitCountdown(self, ts):
+ DistributedElevator.DistributedElevator.enterWaitCountdown(self, ts)
+ # Toons may also teleport away
+ self.acceptOnce("localToonLeft", self.__handleTeleportOut)
+ self.startCountdownClock(self.countdownTime, ts)
+ def __handleTeleportOut(self):
+ # Tell the server we are leaving.
+ self.sendUpdate('requestBuildingExit', [])
+ def exitWaitCountdown(self):
+ self.ignore("localToonLeft")
+ DistributedElevator.DistributedElevator.exitWaitCountdown(self)
+ def getZoneId(self):
+ return self.bldg.getZoneId()
+ def getElevatorModel(self):
+ return self.bldg.elevatorModelOut
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a945a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+from import *
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from direct.distributed.ClockDelta import *
+from ElevatorConstants import *
+import copy
+import DistributedElevatorAI
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM
+from direct.fsm import State
+from direct.task import Task
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from toontown.battle import BattleBase
+class DistributedElevatorIntAI(DistributedElevatorAI.DistributedElevatorAI):
+ def __init__(self, air, bldg, avIds):
+ """__init__(air)
+ avIds is a list of the avatars we are waiting for to board.
+ """
+ DistributedElevatorAI.DistributedElevatorAI.__init__(self, air, bldg)
+ self.countdownTime = simbase.config.GetFloat('int-elevator-timeout', INTERIOR_ELEVATOR_COUNTDOWN_TIME)
+ self.avIds = copy.copy(avIds)
+ # Hang hooks for unexpected exit cases
+ for avId in avIds:
+ self.acceptOnce(self.air.getAvatarExitEvent(avId),
+ self.__handleAllAvsUnexpectedExit,
+ extraArgs=[avId])
+ def checkBoard(self, av):
+ result = 0
+ if not av.doId in self.avIds:
+ result = REJECT_NOSEAT
+ else:
+ result = DistributedElevatorAI.DistributedElevatorAI.checkBoard(self,av)
+ return result
+ def acceptBoarder(self, avId, seatIndex, wantBoardingShow = 0):
+ DistributedElevatorAI.DistributedElevatorAI.acceptBoarder(self, avId, seatIndex, wantBoardingShow)
+ # If all the avatars we are waiting for are now aboard, then
+ # close the doors
+ self.__closeIfNecessary()
+ def __closeIfNecessary(self):
+ numFullSeats = self.countFullSeats()
+ if not (numFullSeats <= len(self.avIds)):
+ self.notify.warning("we are about to crash. self.seats=%s self.avIds=%s" % (self.seats, self.avIds))
+ assert (numFullSeats <= len(self.avIds))
+ if numFullSeats == len(self.avIds):
+ self.fsm.request("allAboard")
+ def __handleAllAvsUnexpectedExit(self, avId):
+ self.notify.warning("Avatar: " + str(avId) +
+ " has exited unexpectedly")
+ # Find the exiter's seat index (if it has one)
+ seatIndex = self.findAvatar(avId)
+ avIdCount = self.avIds.count(avId)
+ if avIdCount == 1:
+ self.avIds.remove(avId)
+ elif avIdCount == 0:
+ self.notify.warning("Strange... %d exited unexpectedly, but I don't have them on my list." % avId)
+ else:
+ self.notify.error("This list is screwed up! %s" % self.avIds)
+ # Make sure the avatar is really here
+ if seatIndex == None:
+ self.notify.debug("%d is not boarded, but exited" % avId)
+ else:
+ # If the avatar is here, his seat is now empty.
+ self.clearFullNow(seatIndex)
+ # Tell the clients that the avatar is leaving that seat
+ self.clearEmptyNow(seatIndex)
+ self.__closeIfNecessary()
+ def acceptExiter(self, avId):
+ # Find the exiter's seat index
+ seatIndex = self.findAvatar(avId)
+ # It is possible that the avatar exited the shard unexpectedly.
+ if seatIndex == None:
+ pass
+ else:
+ # Empty that seat
+ self.clearFullNow(seatIndex)
+ # Tell the clients that the avatar is leaving that seat
+ self.sendUpdate("emptySlot" + str(seatIndex),
+ [avId, 0, globalClockDelta.getRealNetworkTime(), self.countdownTime])
+ # Wait for the avatar to be done leaving the seat, and then
+ # declare the emptying overwith...
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(TOON_EXIT_ELEVATOR_TIME,
+ self.clearEmptyNow,
+ self.uniqueName("clearEmpty-%s" % seatIndex),
+ extraArgs = (seatIndex,))
+ def d_forcedExit(self, avId):
+ self.sendUpdateToAvatarId(avId, "forcedExit", [avId])
+ def requestBuildingExit(self):
+ avId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender()
+ self.notify.debug("requestBuildingExit from %d" % avId)
+ if self.accepting:
+ if avId in self.avIds:
+ self.avIds.remove(avId)
+ self.__closeIfNecessary()
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning(
+ "avId: %s not known, but tried to exit the building"
+ % avId
+ )
+ def enterOpening(self):
+ DistributedElevatorAI.DistributedElevatorAI.enterOpening(self)
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(ElevatorData[ELEVATOR_NORMAL]['openTime'],
+ self.waitCountdownTask,
+ self.uniqueName('opening-timer'))
+ ##### WaitCountdown state #####
+ def waitCountdownTask(self, task):
+ self.fsm.request("waitCountdown")
+ return Task.done
+ def enterWaitCountdown(self):
+ DistributedElevatorAI.DistributedElevatorAI.enterWaitCountdown(self)
+ # Start the countdown...
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(self.countdownTime + \
+ self.timeToGoTask,
+ self.uniqueName('countdown-timer'))
+ def timeToGoTask(self, task):
+ self.allAboard()
+ return Task.done
+ ##### AllAboard state #####
+ def allAboard(self):
+ # Override the base class here
+ # If there is no one here, just get out of here.
+ if (len(self.avIds) == 0):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('last toon gone'))
+ self.bldg.handleAllAboard([None, None, None, None])
+ else:
+ self.fsm.request("allAboard")
+ def enterAllAboard(self):
+ # Kick any toons still here who are not in the elevator
+ # back to the safe zone.
+ for avId in self.avIds:
+ if (self.findAvatar(avId) == None):
+ self.d_forcedExit(avId)
+ DistributedElevatorAI.DistributedElevatorAI.enterAllAboard(self)
+ if self.timeOfBoarding != None:
+ currentTime = globalClock.getRealTime()
+ elapsedTime = currentTime - self.timeOfBoarding
+ self.notify.debug("elapsed time: " + str(elapsedTime))
+ waitTime = max(TOON_BOARD_ELEVATOR_TIME - elapsedTime, 0)
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(waitTime, self.closeTask,
+ self.uniqueName('waitForAllAboard'))
+ else:
+ self.fsm.request('closing')
+ ##### Closing state #####
+ def closeTask(self, task):
+ self.fsm.request("closing")
+ return Task.done
+ def enterClosing(self):
+ DistributedElevatorAI.DistributedElevatorAI.enterClosing(self)
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(ElevatorData[ELEVATOR_NORMAL]['closeTime'] + \
+ self.elevatorClosedTask,
+ self.uniqueName('closing-timer'))
+ def elevatorClosedTask(self, task):
+ self.fsm.request("closed")
+ return Task.done
+ ##### Closed state #####
+ def __doorsClosed(self):
+ # Pass back control to the suit interior, and report who
+ # is on the elevator.
+ self.bldg.handleAllAboard(self.seats)
+ # Now we are officially closed.
+ self.fsm.request("closed")
+ def enterClosed(self):
+ DistributedElevatorAI.DistributedElevatorAI.enterClosed(self)
+ self.__doorsClosed()
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c4c4ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+from toontown.toonbase.ToonBaseGlobal import *
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from toontown.toonbase.ToontownGlobals import *
+import random
+from direct.distributed import DistributedObject
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+import ToonInteriorColors
+from toontown.hood import ZoneUtil
+class DistributedGagshopInterior(DistributedObject.DistributedObject):
+ if __debug__:
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory(
+ 'DistributedGagshopInterior')
+ def __init__(self, cr):
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.__init__(self, cr)
+ self.dnaStore=cr.playGame.dnaStore
+ def generate(self):
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.generate(self)
+ def announceGenerate(self):
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.announceGenerate(self)
+ self.setup()
+ def randomDNAItem(self, category, findFunc):
+ codeCount = self.dnaStore.getNumCatalogCodes(category)
+ index = self.randomGenerator.randint(0, codeCount-1)
+ code = self.dnaStore.getCatalogCode(category, index)
+ # findFunc will probably be findNode or findTexture
+ return findFunc(code)
+ def replaceRandomInModel(self, model):
+ """Replace named nodes with random items.
+ Here are the name Here is
+ prefixes that are what they
+ affected: do:
+ random_mox_ change the Model Only.
+ random_mcx_ change the Model and the Color.
+ random_mrx_ change the Model and Recurse.
+ random_tox_ change the Texture Only.
+ random_tcx_ change the Texture and the Color.
+ x is simply a uniquifying integer because Multigen will not
+ let you have multiple nodes with the same name
+ """
+ baseTag="random_"
+ npc=model.findAllMatches("**/"+baseTag+"???_*")
+ for i in range(npc.getNumPaths()):
+ np=npc.getPath(i)
+ name=np.getName()
+ b=len(baseTag)
+ category=name[b+4:]
+ key1=name[b]
+ key2=name[b+1]
+ assert(key1 in ["m", "t"])
+ assert(key2 in ["c", "o", "r"])
+ if key1 == "m":
+ # ...model.
+ model = self.randomDNAItem(category, self.dnaStore.findNode)
+ assert(not model.isEmpty())
+ newNP = model.copyTo(np)
+ if key2 == "r":
+ self.replaceRandomInModel(newNP)
+ elif key1 == "t":
+ # ...texture.
+ texture=self.randomDNAItem(category, self.dnaStore.findTexture)
+ assert(texture)
+ np.setTexture(texture,100)
+ newNP=np
+ if key2 == "c":
+ if (category == "TI_wallpaper") or (category == "TI_wallpaper_border"):
+ self.randomGenerator.seed(self.zoneId)
+ newNP.setColorScale(
+ self.randomGenerator.choice(self.colors[category]))
+ else:
+ newNP.setColorScale(
+ self.randomGenerator.choice(self.colors[category]))
+ def setZoneIdAndBlock(self, zoneId, block):
+ self.zoneId = zoneId
+ self.block = block
+ def chooseDoor(self):
+ # I copy/pasted this door string choosing code from
+ # DistributedToonInterior.
+ # Door:
+ doorModelName="door_double_round_ul" # hack zzzzzzz
+ # Switch leaning of the door:
+ if doorModelName[-1:] == "r":
+ doorModelName=doorModelName[:-1]+"l"
+ else:
+ doorModelName=doorModelName[:-1]+"r"
+ door=self.dnaStore.findNode(doorModelName)
+ return door
+ def setup(self):
+ # Set up random generator
+ self.randomGenerator = random.Random()
+ self.randomGenerator.seed(self.zoneId)
+ self.interior = loader.loadModel('phase_4/models/modules/gagShop_interior')
+ self.interior.reparentTo(render)
+ # Load a color dictionary for this hood:
+ hoodId = ZoneUtil.getCanonicalHoodId(self.zoneId)
+ self.colors = ToonInteriorColors.colors[hoodId]
+ # Replace all the "random_xxx_" nodes:
+ self.replaceRandomInModel(self.interior)
+ # Pick a door model
+ door = self.chooseDoor()
+ # Find the door origins
+ doorOrigin = render.find("**/door_origin;+s")
+ doorNP = door.copyTo(doorOrigin)
+ assert(not doorNP.isEmpty())
+ assert(not doorOrigin.isEmpty())
+ doorOrigin.setScale(0.8, 0.8, 0.8)
+ doorOrigin.setPos(doorOrigin, 0, -0.025, 0)
+ doorColor = self.randomGenerator.choice(self.colors["TI_door"])
+ DNADoor.setupDoor(doorNP,
+ self.interior, doorOrigin,
+ self.dnaStore, str(self.block),
+ doorColor)
+ doorFrame = doorNP.find("door_*_flat")
+ doorFrame.wrtReparentTo(self.interior)
+ doorFrame.setColor(doorColor)
+ del self.colors
+ del self.dnaStore
+ del self.randomGenerator
+ self.interior.flattenMedium()
+ def disable(self):
+ self.interior.removeNode()
+ del self.interior
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.disable(self)
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..664c6b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+from direct.distributed import DistributedObjectAI
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+class DistributedGagshopInteriorAI(DistributedObjectAI.DistributedObjectAI):
+ if __debug__:
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory(
+ 'DistributedGagshopInteriorAI')
+ def __init__(self, block, air, zoneId):
+ # Right now, this doesn't do much.
+ DistributedObjectAI.DistributedObjectAI.__init__(self, air)
+ self.block = block
+ self.zoneId = zoneId
+ def getZoneIdAndBlock(self):
+ r=[self.zoneId, self.block]
+ return r
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1fa4d3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+from toontown.toonbase.ToonBaseGlobal import *
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from toontown.toonbase.ToontownGlobals import *
+import random
+from direct.task.Task import Task
+from direct.distributed import DistributedObject
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+import ToonInteriorColors
+import cPickle
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+class DistributedHQInterior(DistributedObject.DistributedObject):
+ if __debug__:
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory(
+ 'DistributedHQInterior')
+ def __init__(self, cr):
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.__init__(self, cr)
+ self.dnaStore=cr.playGame.dnaStore
+ # These are stored in sorted order, highest score first
+ self.leaderAvIds = []
+ self.leaderNames = []
+ self.leaderScores = []
+ self.numLeaders = 10
+ self.tutorial = 0
+ def generate(self):
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.generate(self)
+ self.interior = loader.loadModel('phase_3.5/models/modules/HQ_interior')
+ self.interior.reparentTo(render)
+ # hide these props until we intergrate them fully
+ self.interior.find("**/cream").hide()
+ self.interior.find("**/crashed_piano").hide()
+ self.buildLeaderBoard()
+ def announceGenerate(self):
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.announceGenerate(self)
+ self.setupDoors()
+ # Flatten everything
+ self.interior.flattenMedium()
+ # Then put the leaderboard under
+ # We do not want the leaderboard flattened because we need to update it
+ # Also, throw a decal transition on
+ emptyBoard = self.interior.find("**/empty_board")
+ # emptyBoard.getChild(0).node().setEffect(DecalEffect.make())
+ self.leaderBoard.reparentTo(emptyBoard.getChild(0))
+ def setTutorial(self, flag):
+ if self.tutorial == flag:
+ return
+ else:
+ self.tutorial = flag
+ if self.tutorial:
+ # don't show the scope in the tutorial building for viz
+ self.interior.find("**/periscope").hide()
+ self.interior.find("**/speakers").hide()
+ else:
+ # show the scope in the tutorial building for viz
+ self.interior.find("**/periscope").show()
+ self.interior.find("**/speakers").show()
+ def setZoneIdAndBlock(self, zoneId, block):
+ self.zoneId = zoneId
+ self.block = block
+ def buildLeaderBoard(self):
+ # Create the models and layout the elements to create
+ # the leaderboard. This gets called once on load
+ # TODO: do we want avatar dna / faces here?
+ self.leaderBoard = hidden.attachNewNode('leaderBoard')
+ # Away from the wall by 0.1 since the decal does not seem to be working
+ self.leaderBoard.setPosHprScale(0.1,0,4.5,90,0,0,0.9,0.9,0.9)
+ z = 0
+ row = self.buildTitleRow()
+ row.reparentTo(self.leaderBoard)
+ row.setPos(0,0,z)
+ z -= 1
+ # Store the text nodes so we can setText() them later with
+ # score updates
+ self.nameTextNodes = []
+ self.scoreTextNodes = []
+ # Store the trophy stars next to each name because they need
+ # to change with score updates too
+ self.trophyStars = []
+ # Create blank entries for each row in the leaderboard
+ for i in range(self.numLeaders):
+ row, nameText, scoreText, trophyStar = self.buildLeaderRow()
+ self.nameTextNodes.append(nameText)
+ self.scoreTextNodes.append(scoreText)
+ self.trophyStars.append(trophyStar)
+ row.reparentTo(self.leaderBoard)
+ row.setPos(0,0,z)
+ z -= 1
+ def updateLeaderBoard(self):
+ # Refresh the data and graphics on the leaderboard with our new information
+ # Kill any existing star tasks
+ taskMgr.remove(self.uniqueName("starSpinHQ"))
+ # Fill in the names, scores, and stars we have
+ # We may not have the max number of leaderNames
+ for i in range(len(self.leaderNames)):
+ name = self.leaderNames[i]
+ score = self.leaderScores[i]
+ self.nameTextNodes[i].setText(name)
+ self.scoreTextNodes[i].setText(str(score))
+ self.updateTrophyStar(self.trophyStars[i], score)
+ # Fill in the rest with empty looking strings and hide the stars
+ for i in range(len(self.leaderNames), self.numLeaders):
+ self.nameTextNodes[i].setText("-")
+ self.scoreTextNodes[i].setText("-")
+ self.trophyStars[i].hide()
+ def buildTitleRow(self):
+ # Build the title row on the leaderboard
+ row = hidden.attachNewNode("leaderRow")
+ nameText = TextNode("titleRow")
+ nameText.setFont(ToontownGlobals.getSignFont())
+ nameText.setAlign(TextNode.ACenter)
+ nameText.setTextColor(0.5, 0.75, 0.7, 1)
+ nameText.setText(TTLocalizer.LeaderboardTitle)
+ namePath = row.attachNewNode(nameText)
+ # Centered
+ namePath.setPos(0,0,0)
+ return row
+ def buildLeaderRow(self):
+ # Build a single row on the leaderboard
+ row = hidden.attachNewNode("leaderRow")
+ # Text node for the toon name
+ nameText = TextNode("nameText")
+ nameText.setFont(ToontownGlobals.getToonFont())
+ nameText.setAlign(TextNode.ALeft)
+ nameText.setTextColor(1, 1, 1, 0.7)
+ nameText.setText("-")
+ namePath = row.attachNewNode(nameText)
+ namePath.setPos(*TTLocalizer.DHtoonNamePos)
+ namePath.setScale(TTLocalizer.DHtoonName)
+ # Text node for the score
+ scoreText = TextNode("scoreText")
+ scoreText.setFont(ToontownGlobals.getToonFont())
+ scoreText.setAlign(TextNode.ARight)
+ scoreText.setTextColor(1, 1, 0.1, 0.7)
+ scoreText.setText("-")
+ scorePath = row.attachNewNode(scoreText)
+ scorePath.setPos(*TTLocalizer.DHscorePos)
+ # Put a star on the row, just like over the Toon heads
+ trophyStar = self.buildTrophyStar()
+ trophyStar.reparentTo(row)
+ return row, nameText, scoreText, trophyStar
+ def setLeaderBoard(self, leaderData):
+ # This message is sent from the AI when the leaderboard is updated
+ # We assume that because we got this message, something must have changed,
+ # or we are in our generate
+ avIds, names, scores = cPickle.loads(leaderData)
+ # Note, these lists are in order, highest score first
+ self.notify.debug("setLeaderBoard: avIds: %s, names: %s, scores: %s" % (avIds, names, scores))
+ self.leaderAvIds = avIds
+ self.leaderNames = names
+ self.leaderScores = scores
+ # Refresh the display
+ self.updateLeaderBoard()
+ def chooseDoor(self):
+ # I copy/pasted this door string choosing code from
+ # DistributedToonInterior.
+ # Door:
+ doorModelName="door_double_round_ul" # hack zzzzzzz
+ # Switch leaning of the door:
+ if doorModelName[-1:] == "r":
+ doorModelName=doorModelName[:-1]+"l"
+ else:
+ doorModelName=doorModelName[:-1]+"r"
+ door=self.dnaStore.findNode(doorModelName)
+ return door
+ def setupDoors(self):
+ # Set up random generator
+ self.randomGenerator = random.Random()
+ self.randomGenerator.seed(self.zoneId)
+ # Pick a color list. For now, I've picked ToontownCentral.
+ # Maybe there will be a special color scheme for HQ interiors
+ self.colors = ToonInteriorColors.colors[ToontownCentral]
+ # Pick a door model
+ door = self.chooseDoor()
+ # Find the door origins
+ doorOrigins = render.findAllMatches("**/door_origin*")
+ numDoorOrigins = doorOrigins.getNumPaths()
+ for npIndex in range(numDoorOrigins):
+ doorOrigin = doorOrigins[npIndex]
+ doorOriginNPName = doorOrigin.getName()
+ doorOriginIndexStr = doorOriginNPName[len("door_origin_"):]
+ newNode = ModelNode("door_" + doorOriginIndexStr)
+ newNodePath = NodePath(newNode)
+ newNodePath.reparentTo(self.interior)
+ doorNP = door.copyTo(newNodePath)
+ assert(not doorNP.isEmpty())
+ assert(not doorOrigin.isEmpty())
+ doorOrigin.setScale(0.8, 0.8, 0.8)
+ doorOrigin.setPos(doorOrigin, 0, -0.025, 0)
+ doorColor = self.randomGenerator.choice(self.colors["TI_door"])
+ triggerId = str(self.block) + "_" + doorOriginIndexStr
+ DNADoor.setupDoor(doorNP,
+ newNodePath, doorOrigin,
+ self.dnaStore, triggerId,
+ doorColor)
+ doorFrame = doorNP.find("door_*_flat")
+ #doorFrame.wrtReparentTo(self.interior)
+ doorFrame.setColor(doorColor)
+ del self.dnaStore
+ del self.randomGenerator
+ def disable(self):
+ self.leaderBoard.removeNode()
+ del self.leaderBoard
+ self.interior.removeNode()
+ del self.interior
+ del self.nameTextNodes
+ del self.scoreTextNodes
+ del self.trophyStars
+ taskMgr.remove(self.uniqueName("starSpinHQ"))
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.disable(self)
+ # TODO: perhaps the star code should be abstracted out and shared
+ # between the leaderboard and the Toons.
+ def buildTrophyStar(self):
+ trophyStar = loader.loadModel('phase_3.5/models/gui/name_star')
+ trophyStar.hide()
+ trophyStar.setPos(*TTLocalizer.DHtrophyPos)
+ return trophyStar
+ def updateTrophyStar(self, trophyStar, score):
+ # Customize the star just like the ones over Toon's heads
+ scale = 0.8
+ if score >= ToontownGlobals.TrophyStarLevels[4]:
+ # A gold star!
+ trophyStar.setScale(scale)
+ trophyStar.setColor(ToontownGlobals.TrophyStarColors[4])
+ if score >= ToontownGlobals.TrophyStarLevels[5]:
+ # Spinning!
+ task = taskMgr.add(self.__starSpin, self.uniqueName("starSpinHQ"))
+ task.trophyStarSpeed = 15
+ task.trophyStar = trophyStar
+ elif score >= ToontownGlobals.TrophyStarLevels[2]:
+ # A silver star!
+ trophyStar.setScale(0.75 * scale)
+ trophyStar.setColor(ToontownGlobals.TrophyStarColors[2])
+ # Spinning!
+ if score >= ToontownGlobals.TrophyStarLevels[3]:
+ task = taskMgr.add(self.__starSpin, self.uniqueName("starSpinHQ"))
+ task.trophyStarSpeed = 10
+ task.trophyStar = trophyStar
+ elif score >= ToontownGlobals.TrophyStarLevels[0]:
+ # A bronze star.
+ trophyStar.setScale(0.75 * scale)
+ trophyStar.setColor(ToontownGlobals.TrophyStarColors[0])
+ # Spinning!
+ if score >= ToontownGlobals.TrophyStarLevels[1]:
+ task = taskMgr.add(self.__starSpin, self.uniqueName("starSpinHQ"))
+ task.trophyStarSpeed = 8
+ task.trophyStar = trophyStar
+ else:
+ trophyStar.hide()
+ def __starSpin(self, task):
+ # The little star spin task
+ now = globalClock.getFrameTime()
+ r = now * task.trophyStarSpeed % 360.0
+ task.trophyStar.setR(r)
+ return Task.cont
+from toontown.makeatoon import NameGenerator
+ng = NameGenerator.NameGenerator()
+data = [[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9],[ng.randomName(), ng.randomName(), ng.randomName(), ng.randomName(), ng.randomName(), ng.randomName(), ng.randomName(), ng.randomName(), ng.randomName(), ng.randomName()], [35,26,18,15,14,10,6,4,3,2]]
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35db845
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+from direct.distributed import DistributedObjectAI
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+import cPickle
+class DistributedHQInteriorAI(DistributedObjectAI.DistributedObjectAI):
+ if __debug__:
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory(
+ 'DistributedHQInteriorAI')
+ def __init__(self, block, air, zoneId):
+ # Right now, this doesn't do much.
+ DistributedObjectAI.DistributedObjectAI.__init__(self, air)
+ self.block = block
+ self.zoneId = zoneId
+ self.tutorial = 0
+ # When the leaders change, the trophy mgr will notify us
+ self.isDirty = False
+ self.accept("leaderboardChanged", self.leaderboardChanged)
+ self.accept("leaderboardFlush", self.leaderboardFlush)
+ def delete(self):
+ # This is important because the tutorial interiors get created and deleted
+ self.ignore("leaderboardChanged")
+ self.ignore('leaderboardFlush')
+ self.ignore("setLeaderBoard")
+ self.ignore('AIStarted')
+ DistributedObjectAI.DistributedObjectAI.delete(self)
+ def getZoneIdAndBlock(self):
+ r=[self.zoneId, self.block]
+ return r
+ def leaderboardChanged(self):
+ # This message is sent when the leaders change.
+ self.isDirty = True
+ def leaderboardFlush(self):
+ # This message is sent every 30 seconds after AI startup, to
+ # update the leaderboard if necessary.
+ if self.isDirty:
+ self.sendNewLeaderBoard()
+ def sendNewLeaderBoard(self):
+ if self.air:
+ self.isDirty = False
+ self.sendUpdate("setLeaderBoard", [cPickle.dumps(self.air.trophyMgr.getLeaderInfo(), 1)])
+ def getLeaderBoard(self):
+ # Since this is a required field, we need a getter
+ # This needs to be returned as parallel lists of avIds, name, and scores
+ return cPickle.dumps(self.air.trophyMgr.getLeaderInfo(), 1)
+ def getTutorial(self):
+ return self.tutorial
+ def setTutorial(self, flag):
+ if self.tutorial != flag:
+ self.tutorial = flag
+ self.sendUpdate("setTutorial", [self.tutorial])
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e3fb64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+# Module:
+# Purpose: This module oversees the construction of the KartShop Interior
+# and KartShop NPCs on the client-side.
+# Date: 6/8/05
+# Author: jjtaylor (
+# Panda/Direct Import Modules
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.distributed.DistributedObject import DistributedObject
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+# Toontwon Import Modules
+from toontown.building import ToonInteriorColors
+from toontown.hood import ZoneUtil
+from toontown.toonbase.ToonBaseGlobal import *
+from toontown.toonbase.ToontownGlobals import *
+if( __debug__ ):
+ import pdb
+class DistributedKartShopInterior( DistributedObject ):
+ """
+ Class: DistributedKartShopInterior
+ Purpose: The class provides the interior of the KartShop on the
+ client side. It also properly sets up the random NPCs
+ which are generated as KartShopClerks.
+ """
+ ######################################################################
+ # Class Variable Definitions
+ ######################################################################
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory( "DistributedKartShopInterior" )
+ def __init__( self, cr ):
+ """
+ Purpose: The __init__ Method sets up the KartShop Interior object
+ by initlaizing the super class as well as setting the appropriate
+ dnaStore for the object.
+ Params: cr - The client repository which maintains all client-side
+ distributed objects.
+ Return: None
+ """
+ # Initialize the Super Class, then set the dna store.
+ DistributedObject.__init__( self, cr )
+ self.dnaStore = cr.playGame.dnaStore
+ def generate( self ):
+ """
+ Purpose: The generate Method handles the basic generation of the
+ KartShopInterior object by generating the super class.
+ Params: None
+ Return: None
+ """
+ DistributedObject.generate( self )
+ def announceGenerate( self ):
+ """
+ Purpose: The announceGenerate Method tells the super class
+ to send a message to the world that the object has been
+ generated and all of its required fields have been filled in. It
+ also sets up the Interior.
+ Params: None
+ Return: None
+ """
+ DistributedObject.announceGenerate( self )
+ self.__handleInteriorSetup()
+ def disable( self ):
+ """
+ Purpose: The disable Method performs the necessary cleanup
+ of the KartShopInterior object on the client side.
+ Params: None
+ Return None
+ """
+ self.interior.removeNode()
+ del self.interior
+ DistributedObject.disable( self )
+ def setZoneIdAndBlock( self, zoneId, block ):
+ """
+ Purpose: The setZoneIdAndBlock Method properly sets the zoneId
+ and block of the interior.
+ Params: zoneId - the zone id of the interior
+ block - the block of the interior
+ Return: None
+ """
+ self.zoneId = zoneId
+ self.block = block
+ def __handleInteriorSetup( self ):
+ """
+ Purpose: The __handleInteriorSetup Method properly sets up the
+ interior of the Kart Shop on the client side.
+ Params: None
+ Return: None
+ """
+ # Load the appropriate Interior Model for the Kart Shop
+ self.interior = loader.loadModel( 'phase_6/models/karting/KartShop_Interior' )
+ self.interior.reparentTo( render )
+ self.interior.flattenMedium()
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab7d78b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# Module:
+# Purpose: This module oversees the construction of the KartShop Interior
+# on the AI server side.
+# Date: 6/8/05
+# Author: jjtaylor (
+# Panda/Direct Import Modules
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.distributed.DistributedObjectAI import DistributedObjectAI
+class DistributedKartShopInteriorAI( DistributedObjectAI ):
+ """
+ Purpose: The DistributedKartShopInteriorAI class represents the
+ interior of the KartShop on the AI server side.
+ """
+ ######################################################################
+ # Class Variable Definitions
+ ######################################################################
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory( "DistributedKartShopInteriorAI" )
+ def __init__( self, block, air, zoneId ):
+ """
+ Purpose: The __init__ Method handles the initialization of the
+ KartShopInteriorAI object by initializing the super class, and
+ setting the instance variables.
+ Params: block - the block of the KartShop
+ air - The AI Repository which stores all of the
+ distributed objects on the AI Server side.
+ zoneId - the kart shops zone id
+ Return: None
+ """
+ # Initialize the Super Class
+ DistributedObjectAI.__init__( self, air )
+ # Initialize instance variables
+ self.block = block
+ self.zoneId = zoneId
+ def generate( self ):
+ """
+ Purpose: The generate Method performs the necessary object
+ setup.
+ Params: None
+ Return: None
+ """
+ DistributedObjectAI.generate( self )
+ def getZoneIdAndBlock( self ):
+ """
+ Purpose: The getZoneIdAndBlock Method returns the zoneId and
+ the block of the KartShopInterior.
+ Params: None
+ Return: [] - containing the zoneId and block.
+ """
+ return [ self.zoneId, self.block ]
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b77a2d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+DistributedKnockKnockDoor module: contains the DistributedKnockKnockDoor
+class, the client side representation of a DistributedKnockKnockDoorAI.
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
+from direct.distributed.ClockDelta import *
+from KnockKnockJokes import *
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM
+import DistributedAnimatedProp
+from toontown.distributed import DelayDelete
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+from toontown.hood import ZoneUtil
+class DistributedKnockKnockDoor(DistributedAnimatedProp.DistributedAnimatedProp):
+ """
+ The client side representation of a knock, knock door.
+ """
+ if __debug__:
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory(
+ 'DistributedKnockKnockDoor')
+ def __init__(self, cr):
+ """
+ cr is a ClientRepository.
+ constructor for the DistributedKnockKnockDoor
+ """
+ assert(self.debugPrint("__init()"))
+ DistributedAnimatedProp.DistributedAnimatedProp.__init__(self, cr)
+ self.fsm.setName('DistributedKnockKnockDoor')
+ # self.generate will be called automatically.
+ self.rimshot = None
+ self.knockSfx = None
+ def generate(self):
+ """
+ This method is called when the DistributedAnimatedProp is reintroduced
+ to the world, either for the first time or from the cache.
+ """
+ assert(self.debugPrint("generate()"))
+ DistributedAnimatedProp.DistributedAnimatedProp.generate(self)
+ self.avatarTracks=[]
+ self.avatarId=0
+ def announceGenerate(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("announceGenerate()"))
+ DistributedAnimatedProp.DistributedAnimatedProp.announceGenerate(self)
+ self.accept("exitKnockKnockDoorSphere_"+str(self.propId),
+ self.exitTrigger)
+ self.acceptAvatar()
+ def disable(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("disable()"))
+ self.ignore("exitKnockKnockDoorSphere_"+str(self.propId))
+ self.ignore("enterKnockKnockDoorSphere_"+str(self.propId))
+ DistributedAnimatedProp.DistributedAnimatedProp.disable(self)
+ assert(len(self.avatarTracks)==0)
+ # self.delete() will automatically be called.
+ def delete(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("delete()"))
+ DistributedAnimatedProp.DistributedAnimatedProp.delete(self)
+ if self.rimshot:
+ self.rimshot = None
+ if self.knockSfx:
+ self.knockSfx = None
+ def acceptAvatar(self):
+ self.acceptOnce(
+ "enterKnockKnockDoorSphere_"+str(self.propId),
+ self.enterTrigger)
+ def setAvatarInteract(self, avatarId):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("setAvatarInteract(avatarId=%s)" %(avatarId,)))
+ DistributedAnimatedProp.DistributedAnimatedProp.setAvatarInteract(self, avatarId)
+ def avatarExit(self, avatarId):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("avatarExit(avatarId=%s)"%(avatarId,)))
+ if avatarId == self.avatarId:
+ for track in self.avatarTracks:
+ track.finish()
+ DelayDelete.cleanupDelayDeletes(track)
+ self.avatarTracks=[]
+ def knockKnockTrack(self, avatar, duration):
+ if avatar == None:
+ return None
+ # NOTE: the use of this rimshot sfx (which is in phase_5)
+ # means we better not have any knock knock doors in phase_4,
+ # which is true now.
+ self.rimshot = base.loadSfx("phase_5/audio/sfx/AA_heal_telljoke.mp3")
+ self.knockSfx = base.loadSfx("phase_5/audio/sfx/GUI_knock_3.mp3")
+ joke = KnockKnockJokes[self.propId%len(KnockKnockJokes)]
+ # For a marketing contest we are putting user-submitted knock knock jokes on
+ # the first side doors (on the left) of the three TTC streets.
+ place =
+ if place:
+ zone = place.getZoneId()
+ branch = ZoneUtil.getBranchZone(zone)
+ if branch == ToontownGlobals.SillyStreet:
+ if self.propId == 44:
+ joke = KnockKnockContestJokes[ToontownGlobals.SillyStreet]
+ elif branch == ToontownGlobals.LoopyLane:
+ if self.propId in KnockKnockContestJokes[ToontownGlobals.LoopyLane].keys():
+ joke = KnockKnockContestJokes[ToontownGlobals.LoopyLane][self.propId]
+ elif branch == ToontownGlobals.PunchlinePlace:
+ if self.propId == 1:
+ joke = KnockKnockContestJokes[ToontownGlobals.PunchlinePlace]
+ elif branch == ToontownGlobals.PolarPlace:
+ if self.propId in KnockKnockContestJokes[ToontownGlobals.PolarPlace].keys():
+ joke = KnockKnockContestJokes[ToontownGlobals.PolarPlace][self.propId]
+ self.nametag = None
+ self.nametagNP = None
+ doorNP=render.find("**/KnockKnockDoorSphere_"+str(self.propId)+";+s")
+ if doorNP.isEmpty():
+ self.notify.warning("Could not find KnockKnockDoorSphere_%s" % (self.propId))
+ return None
+ self.nametag = NametagGroup()
+ self.nametag.setAvatar(doorNP)
+ self.nametag.setFont(ToontownGlobals.getToonFont())
+ # nametag.setName must come after setFont().
+ self.nametag.setName(TTLocalizer.DoorNametag)
+ # Do not allow user to click on door nametag
+ self.nametag.setActive(0)
+ self.nametag.manage(base.marginManager)
+ self.nametag.getNametag3d().setBillboardOffset(4)
+ nametagNode = self.nametag.getNametag3d().upcastToPandaNode()
+ self.nametagNP=render.attachNewNode(nametagNode)
+ self.nametagNP.setName("knockKnockDoor_nt_"+str(self.propId))
+ pos=doorNP.node().getSolid(0).getCenter()
+ self.nametagNP.setPos(pos+Vec3(0, 0, avatar.getHeight()+2))
+ d=duration*0.125
+ track=Sequence(
+ Parallel(
+ Sequence(Wait(d * 0.5), SoundInterval(self.knockSfx)),
+ Func(self.nametag.setChat, TTLocalizer.DoorKnockKnock, CFSpeech),
+ Wait(d)
+ ),
+ Func(avatar.setChatAbsolute, TTLocalizer.DoorWhosThere, CFSpeech | CFTimeout,
+ openEnded = 0),
+ Wait(d),
+ Func(self.nametag.setChat, joke[0], CFSpeech),
+ Wait(d),
+ Func(avatar.setChatAbsolute, joke[0]+TTLocalizer.DoorWhoAppendix,
+ CFSpeech | CFTimeout,
+ openEnded = 0),
+ Wait(d),
+ Func(self.nametag.setChat, joke[1], CFSpeech),
+ Parallel(
+ SoundInterval(self.rimshot, startTime = 2.0),
+ Wait(d*4),
+ ),
+ Func(self.cleanupTrack)
+ )
+ track.delayDelete = DelayDelete.DelayDelete(avatar, 'knockKnockTrack')
+ return track
+ def cleanupTrack(self):
+ avatar =, None)
+ if avatar:
+ avatar.clearChat()
+ if self.nametag:
+ self.nametag.unmanage(base.marginManager)
+ self.nametagNP.removeNode()
+ self.nametag = None
+ self.nametagNP = None
+ ##### off state #####
+ def enterOff(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("enterOff()"))
+ DistributedAnimatedProp.DistributedAnimatedProp.enterOff(self)
+ def exitOff(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("exitOff()"))
+ DistributedAnimatedProp.DistributedAnimatedProp.exitOff(self)
+ ##### attract state #####
+ def enterAttract(self, ts):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("enterAttract()"))
+ DistributedAnimatedProp.DistributedAnimatedProp.enterAttract(self, ts)
+ self.acceptAvatar()
+ def exitAttract(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("exitAttract()"))
+ DistributedAnimatedProp.DistributedAnimatedProp.exitAttract(self)
+ ##### playing state #####
+ def enterPlaying(self, ts):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("enterPlaying()"))
+ DistributedAnimatedProp.DistributedAnimatedProp.enterPlaying(self, ts)
+ if self.avatarId:
+ # Start animation at time stamp:
+ avatar =, None)
+ track=self.knockKnockTrack(avatar, 8)
+ if track != None:
+ track.start(ts)
+ self.avatarTracks.append(track)
+ def exitPlaying(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("exitPlaying()"))
+ DistributedAnimatedProp.DistributedAnimatedProp.exitPlaying(self)
+ for track in self.avatarTracks:
+ track.finish()
+ DelayDelete.cleanupDelayDeletes(track)
+ self.avatarTracks=[]
+ self.avatarId=0
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5241c1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+DistributedKnockKnockDoorAI module: contains the DistributedKnockKnockDoorAI
+class, the server side representation of a DistributedKnockKnockDoor.
+from import *
+from direct.distributed.ClockDelta import *
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM
+import DistributedAnimatedPropAI
+from direct.task.Task import Task
+from direct.fsm import State
+class DistributedKnockKnockDoorAI(DistributedAnimatedPropAI.DistributedAnimatedPropAI):
+ """
+ The server side representation of a
+ single landmark door. This is the object that remembers what the
+ door is doing. The child of this object, the DistributedDoor
+ object, is the client side version and updates the display that
+ client's display based on the state of the door.
+ """
+ if __debug__:
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory(
+ 'DistributedKnockKnockDoorAI')
+ def __init__(self, air, propId):
+ """
+ blockNumber: the landmark building number (from the name)
+ """
+ DistributedAnimatedPropAI.DistributedAnimatedPropAI.__init__(
+ self, air, propId)
+ assert(self.debugPrint(
+ "DistributedKnockKnockDoorAI(%s, %s)"
+ %("the air", propId)))
+ self.fsm.setName('DistributedKnockKnockDoor')
+ self.propId=propId
+ self.doLaterTask=None
+ ##### off state #####
+ def enterOff(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("enterOff()"))
+ DistributedAnimatedPropAI.DistributedAnimatedPropAI.enterOff(self)
+ def exitOff(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("exitOff()"))
+ DistributedAnimatedPropAI.DistributedAnimatedPropAI.exitOff(self)
+ ##### attract state #####
+ def attractTask(self, task):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("attractTask()"))
+ self.fsm.request("attract")
+ return Task.done
+ def enterAttract(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("enterAttract()"))
+ DistributedAnimatedPropAI.DistributedAnimatedPropAI.enterAttract(self)
+ def exitAttract(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("exitAttract()"))
+ DistributedAnimatedPropAI.DistributedAnimatedPropAI.exitAttract(self)
+ ##### playing state #####
+ def enterPlaying(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("enterPlaying()"))
+ DistributedAnimatedPropAI.DistributedAnimatedPropAI.enterPlaying(self)
+ assert(self.doLaterTask==None)
+ self.doLaterTask=taskMgr.doMethodLater(
+ 9, #KNOCK_KNOCK_DOOR_TIME, #TODO: define this elsewhere
+ self.attractTask,
+ self.uniqueName('knockKnock-timer'))
+ def exitPlaying(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("exitPlaying()"))
+ DistributedAnimatedPropAI.DistributedAnimatedPropAI.exitPlaying(self)
+ taskMgr.remove(self.doLaterTask)
+ self.doLaterTask=None
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65583e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+from toontown.toonbase.ToonBaseGlobal import *
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from toontown.toonbase.ToontownGlobals import *
+import random
+from direct.distributed import DistributedObject
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from import Actor
+import ToonInteriorColors
+from toontown.hood import ZoneUtil
+class DistributedPetshopInterior(DistributedObject.DistributedObject):
+ if __debug__:
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory(
+ 'DistributedPetshopInterior')
+ def __init__(self, cr):
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.__init__(self, cr)
+ self.dnaStore=cr.playGame.dnaStore
+ def generate(self):
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.generate(self)
+ def announceGenerate(self):
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.announceGenerate(self)
+ self.setup()
+ def randomDNAItem(self, category, findFunc):
+ codeCount = self.dnaStore.getNumCatalogCodes(category)
+ index = self.randomGenerator.randint(0, codeCount-1)
+ code = self.dnaStore.getCatalogCode(category, index)
+ # findFunc will probably be findNode or findTexture
+ return findFunc(code)
+ def replaceRandomInModel(self, model):
+ """Replace named nodes with random items.
+ Here are the name Here is
+ prefixes that are what they
+ affected: do:
+ random_mox_ change the Model Only.
+ random_mcx_ change the Model and the Color.
+ random_mrx_ change the Model and Recurse.
+ random_tox_ change the Texture Only.
+ random_tcx_ change the Texture and the Color.
+ x is simply a uniquifying integer because Multigen will not
+ let you have multiple nodes with the same name
+ """
+ baseTag="random_"
+ npc=model.findAllMatches("**/"+baseTag+"???_*")
+ for i in range(npc.getNumPaths()):
+ np=npc.getPath(i)
+ name=np.getName()
+ b=len(baseTag)
+ category=name[b+4:]
+ key1=name[b]
+ key2=name[b+1]
+ assert(key1 in ["m", "t"])
+ assert(key2 in ["c", "o", "r"])
+ if key1 == "m":
+ # ...model.
+ model = self.randomDNAItem(category, self.dnaStore.findNode)
+ assert(not model.isEmpty())
+ newNP = model.copyTo(np)
+ if key2 == "r":
+ self.replaceRandomInModel(newNP)
+ elif key1 == "t":
+ # ...texture.
+ texture=self.randomDNAItem(category, self.dnaStore.findTexture)
+ assert(texture)
+ np.setTexture(texture,100)
+ newNP=np
+ if key2 == "c":
+ if (category == "TI_wallpaper") or (category == "TI_wallpaper_border"):
+ self.randomGenerator.seed(self.zoneId)
+ newNP.setColorScale(
+ self.randomGenerator.choice(self.colors[category]))
+ else:
+ newNP.setColorScale(
+ self.randomGenerator.choice(self.colors[category]))
+ def setZoneIdAndBlock(self, zoneId, block):
+ self.zoneId = zoneId
+ self.block = block
+ def chooseDoor(self):
+ # I copy/pasted this door string choosing code from
+ # DistributedToonInterior.
+ # Door:
+ doorModelName="door_double_round_ul" # hack zzzzzzz
+ # Switch leaning of the door:
+ if doorModelName[-1:] == "r":
+ doorModelName=doorModelName[:-1]+"l"
+ else:
+ doorModelName=doorModelName[:-1]+"r"
+ door=self.dnaStore.findNode(doorModelName)
+ return door
+ def setup(self):
+ # Set up random generator
+ self.randomGenerator = random.Random()
+ self.randomGenerator.seed(self.zoneId)
+ self.interior = loader.loadModel('phase_4/models/modules/PetShopInterior')
+ self.interior.reparentTo(render)
+ # Fish swimming around behind the glass
+ = Actor.Actor(
+ 'phase_4/models/props/interiorfish-zero',
+ { 'swim' : 'phase_4/models/props/interiorfish-swim',})
+ # Give them a little bluish green color to make it seem like they
+ # are behind the glass. The 0.8 alpha makes their fins a little
+ # translucent which is kinda cool.
+ # Reposition them just a bit to bring them down and behind the glass
+ # Slow it down a bit! Geez!
+, 'swim')
+ # Load a color dictionary for this hood:
+ hoodId = ZoneUtil.getCanonicalHoodId(self.zoneId)
+ self.colors = ToonInteriorColors.colors[hoodId]
+ # Replace all the "random_xxx_" nodes:
+ self.replaceRandomInModel(self.interior)
+ # Pick a door model
+ door = self.chooseDoor()
+ # Find the door origins
+ doorOrigin = render.find("**/door_origin;+s")
+ doorNP = door.copyTo(doorOrigin)
+ assert(not doorNP.isEmpty())
+ assert(not doorOrigin.isEmpty())
+ doorOrigin.setScale(0.8, 0.8, 0.8)
+ doorOrigin.setPos(doorOrigin, 0, -0.25, 0)
+ doorColor = self.randomGenerator.choice(self.colors["TI_door"])
+ DNADoor.setupDoor(doorNP,
+ self.interior, doorOrigin,
+ self.dnaStore, str(self.block),
+ doorColor)
+ doorFrame = doorNP.find("door_*_flat")
+ doorFrame.wrtReparentTo(self.interior)
+ doorFrame.setColor(doorColor)
+ del self.colors
+ del self.dnaStore
+ del self.randomGenerator
+ self.interior.flattenMedium()
+ def disable(self):
+ del
+ self.interior.removeNode()
+ del self.interior
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.disable(self)
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..787e488
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+from direct.distributed import DistributedObjectAI
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+class DistributedPetshopInteriorAI(DistributedObjectAI.DistributedObjectAI):
+ if __debug__:
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory(
+ 'DistributedPetshopInteriorAI')
+ def __init__(self, block, air, zoneId):
+ # Right now, this doesn't do much.
+ DistributedObjectAI.DistributedObjectAI.__init__(self, air)
+ self.block = block
+ self.zoneId = zoneId
+ def generate(self):
+ DistributedObjectAI.DistributedObjectAI.generate(self)
+ #self.interior = loader.loadModel('phase_4/models/modules/PetShopInterior')
+ #render = self.getRender()
+ #self.interior.instanceTo(render)
+ def getZoneIdAndBlock(self):
+ r=[self.zoneId, self.block]
+ return r
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86c1b71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,627 @@
+""" DistributedSuitInterior module"""
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
+from direct.distributed.ClockDelta import *
+from ElevatorConstants import *
+import ElevatorUtils
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownBattleGlobals
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM, State
+from direct.distributed import DistributedObject
+from direct.fsm import State
+from toontown.battle import BattleBase
+from toontown.hood import ZoneUtil
+class DistributedSuitInterior(DistributedObject.DistributedObject):
+ """
+ """
+ if __debug__:
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory(
+ 'DistributedSuitInterior')
+ id = 0
+ def __init__(self, cr):
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.__init__(self, cr)
+ self.toons = []
+ self.activeIntervals = {}
+ self.openSfx = base.loadSfx("phase_5/audio/sfx/elevator_door_open.mp3")
+ self.closeSfx = base.loadSfx("phase_5/audio/sfx/elevator_door_close.mp3")
+ self.suits = []
+ self.reserveSuits = []
+ self.joiningReserves = []
+ self.distBldgDoId = None
+ # we increment this each time we come out of an elevator:
+ self.currentFloor = -1
+ self.numFloors = None
+ self.elevatorName = self.__uniqueName('elevator')
+ self.floorModel = None
+ self.elevatorOutOpen = 0
+ # initial cog positions vary based on the cog office model
+ self.BottomFloor_SuitPositions = [
+ Point3(0, 15, 0),
+ Point3(10, 20, 0),
+ Point3(-7, 24, 0),
+ Point3(-10, 0, 0)]
+ self.BottomFloor_SuitHs = [75, 170, -91, -44] # Heading angles
+ self.Cubicle_SuitPositions = [
+ Point3(0, 18, 0),
+ Point3(10, 12, 0),
+ Point3(-9, 11, 0),
+ Point3(-3, 13, 0)]
+ self.Cubicle_SuitHs = [170, 56, -52, 10]
+ self.BossOffice_SuitPositions = [
+ Point3(0, 15, 0),
+ Point3(10, 20, 0),
+ Point3(-10, 6, 0),
+ Point3(-17, 34, 11),
+ ]
+ self.BossOffice_SuitHs = [170, 120, 12, 38]
+ self.waitMusic = base.loadMusic(
+ 'phase_7/audio/bgm/encntr_toon_winning_indoor.mid')
+ self.elevatorMusic = base.loadMusic(
+ 'phase_7/audio/bgm/tt_elevator.mid')
+ self.fsm = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM('DistributedSuitInterior',
+ [State.State('WaitForAllToonsInside',
+ self.enterWaitForAllToonsInside,
+ self.exitWaitForAllToonsInside,
+ ['Elevator']),
+ State.State('Elevator',
+ self.enterElevator,
+ self.exitElevator,
+ ['Battle']),
+ State.State('Battle',
+ self.enterBattle,
+ self.exitBattle,
+ ['Resting',
+ 'Reward',
+ 'ReservesJoining']),
+ State.State('ReservesJoining',
+ self.enterReservesJoining,
+ self.exitReservesJoining,
+ ['Battle']),
+ State.State('Resting',
+ self.enterResting,
+ self.exitResting,
+ ['Elevator']),
+ State.State('Reward',
+ self.enterReward,
+ self.exitReward,
+ ['Off']),
+ State.State('Off',
+ self.enterOff,
+ self.exitOff,
+ ['Elevator',
+ 'WaitForAllToonsInside',
+ 'Battle']),
+ ],
+ # Initial State
+ 'Off',
+ # Final State
+ 'Off',
+ )
+ # make sure we're in the initial state
+ self.fsm.enterInitialState()
+ def __uniqueName(self, name):
+ += 1
+ return (name + '%d' %
+ def generate(self):
+ """generate(self)
+ This method is called when the DistributedObject is reintroduced
+ to the world, either for the first time or from the cache.
+ """
+ assert(self.notify.debug("generate()"))
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.generate(self)
+ # listen for the generate event, which will be thrown after the
+ # required fields are filled in
+ self.announceGenerateName = self.uniqueName('generate')
+ self.accept(self.announceGenerateName, self.handleAnnounceGenerate)
+ # Load the elevator model
+ self.elevatorModelIn = loader.loadModel(
+ 'phase_4/models/modules/elevator')
+ self.leftDoorIn = self.elevatorModelIn.find('**/left-door')
+ self.rightDoorIn = self.elevatorModelIn.find('**/right-door')
+ self.elevatorModelOut = loader.loadModel(
+ 'phase_4/models/modules/elevator')
+ self.leftDoorOut = self.elevatorModelOut.find('**/left-door')
+ self.rightDoorOut = self.elevatorModelOut.find('**/right-door')
+ def setElevatorLights(self, elevatorModel):
+ """
+ Sets up the lights on the interior elevators to represent the
+ number of floors in the building, and to light up the current
+ floor number.
+ """
+ npc=elevatorModel.findAllMatches("**/floor_light_?;+s")
+ for i in range(npc.getNumPaths()):
+ np=npc.getPath(i)
+ # Get the last character, and make it zero based:
+ floor=int(np.getName()[-1:])-1
+ if floor == self.currentFloor:
+ np.setColor(LIGHT_ON_COLOR)
+ elif floor < self.numFloors:
+ np.setColor(LIGHT_OFF_COLOR)
+ else:
+ np.hide()
+ def handleAnnounceGenerate(self, obj):
+ """
+ handleAnnounceGenerate is called after all of the required fields are
+ filled in
+ 'obj' is another copy of self
+ """
+ self.ignore(self.announceGenerateName)
+ assert(self.notify.debug('joining DistributedSuitInterior'))
+ # Update the minigame AI to join our local toon doId
+ self.sendUpdate('setAvatarJoined', [])
+ def disable(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('disable()'))
+ self.fsm.requestFinalState()
+ self.__cleanupIntervals()
+ self.ignoreAll()
+ self.__cleanup()
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.disable(self)
+ def delete(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('delete()'))
+ del self.waitMusic
+ del self.elevatorMusic
+ del self.openSfx
+ del self.closeSfx
+ del self.fsm
+ # No more battle multiplier
+ base.localAvatar.inventory.setBattleCreditMultiplier(1)
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.delete(self)
+ def __cleanup(self):
+ self.toons = []
+ self.suits = []
+ self.reserveSuits = []
+ self.joiningReserves = []
+ # Clean up elevator models
+ if (self.elevatorModelIn != None):
+ self.elevatorModelIn.removeNode()
+ if (self.elevatorModelOut != None):
+ self.elevatorModelOut.removeNode()
+ # Clean up current floor
+ if (self.floorModel != None):
+ self.floorModel.removeNode()
+ self.leftDoorIn = None
+ self.rightDoorIn = None
+ self.leftDoorOut = None
+ self.rightDoorOut = None
+ def __addToon(self, toon):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('addToon(%d)' % toon.doId))
+ self.accept(toon.uniqueName('disable'),
+ self.__handleUnexpectedExit, extraArgs=[toon])
+ def __handleUnexpectedExit(self, toon):
+ self.notify.warning('handleUnexpectedExit() - toon: %d' % toon.doId)
+ self.__removeToon(toon, unexpected=1)
+ def __removeToon(self, toon, unexpected=0):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('removeToon() - toon: %d' % toon.doId))
+ if (self.toons.count(toon) == 1):
+ self.toons.remove(toon)
+ self.ignore(toon.uniqueName('disable'))
+ def __finishInterval(self, name):
+ """ Force the specified interval to jump to the end
+ """
+ if (self.activeIntervals.has_key(name)):
+ interval = self.activeIntervals[name]
+ if (interval.isPlaying()):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('finishInterval(): %s' % \
+ interval.getName()))
+ interval.finish()
+ def __cleanupIntervals(self):
+ for interval in self.activeIntervals.values():
+ interval.finish()
+ self.activeIntervals = {}
+ def __closeInElevator(self):
+ self.leftDoorIn.setPos(3.5, 0, 0)
+ self.rightDoorIn.setPos(-3.5, 0, 0)
+ ##### Messages from the server #####
+ def getZoneId(self):
+ return self.zoneId
+ def setZoneId(self, zoneId):
+ self.zoneId = zoneId
+ def getExtZoneId(self):
+ return self.extZoneId
+ def setExtZoneId(self, extZoneId):
+ self.extZoneId = extZoneId
+ def getDistBldgDoId(self):
+ return self.distBldgDoId
+ def setDistBldgDoId(self, distBldgDoId):
+ self.distBldgDoId = distBldgDoId
+ def setNumFloors(self, numFloors):
+ self.numFloors = numFloors
+ def setToons(self, toonIds, hack):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('setToons(): %s' % toonIds))
+ self.toonIds = toonIds
+ oldtoons = self.toons
+ self.toons = []
+ for toonId in toonIds:
+ if (toonId != 0):
+ if (
+ toon =[toonId]
+ toon.stopSmooth()
+ self.toons.append(toon)
+ if (oldtoons.count(toon) == 0):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('setToons() - new toon: %d' % \
+ toon.doId))
+ self.__addToon(toon)
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning('setToons() - no toon: %d' % toonId)
+ for toon in oldtoons:
+ if (self.toons.count(toon) == 0):
+ self.__removeToon(toon)
+ def setSuits(self, suitIds, reserveIds, values):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('setSuits(): active %s reserve %s values %s' \
+ % (suitIds, reserveIds, values)))
+ oldsuits = self.suits
+ self.suits = []
+ self.joiningReserves = []
+ for suitId in suitIds:
+ if (
+ suit =[suitId]
+ self.suits.append(suit)
+ # Set this on the client
+ suit.fsm.request('Battle')
+ # This will allow client to respond to setState() from the
+ # server from here on out
+ suit.buildingSuit = 1
+ suit.reparentTo(render)
+ if (oldsuits.count(suit) == 0):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('setSuits() suit: %d joining' % \
+ suit.doId))
+ self.joiningReserves.append(suit)
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning('setSuits() - no suit: %d' % suitId)
+ self.reserveSuits = []
+ assert(len(reserveIds) == len(values))
+ for index in range(len(reserveIds)):
+ suitId = reserveIds[index]
+ if (
+ suit =[suitId]
+ self.reserveSuits.append((suit, values[index]))
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning('setSuits() - no suit: %d' % suitId)
+ if (len(self.joiningReserves) > 0):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('setSuits() reserves joining'))
+ self.fsm.request('ReservesJoining')
+ def setState(self, state, timestamp):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("setState(%s, %d)" % \
+ (state, timestamp)))
+ self.fsm.request(state, [globalClockDelta.localElapsedTime(timestamp)])
+ ##### Messages to the server #####
+ def d_elevatorDone(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('network:elevatorDone(%d)' % base.localAvatar.doId))
+ self.sendUpdate('elevatorDone', [])
+ def d_reserveJoinDone(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('network:reserveJoinDone(%d)' % base.localAvatar.doId))
+ self.sendUpdate('reserveJoinDone', [])
+ # Specific State Functions
+ ##### Off state #####
+ def enterOff(self, ts=0):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('enterOff()'))
+ return None
+ def exitOff(self):
+ return None
+ ##### WaitForAllToonsInside state #####
+ def enterWaitForAllToonsInside(self, ts=0):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('enterWaitForAllToonsInside()'))
+ return None
+ def exitWaitForAllToonsInside(self):
+ return None
+ ##### Elevator state #####
+ def __playElevator(self, ts, name, callback):
+ # Load the floor model
+ SuitHs = [] # Heading angles
+ SuitPositions = []
+ if self.floorModel:
+ self.floorModel.removeNode()
+ if (self.currentFloor == 0):
+ # bottom floor
+ self.floorModel = loader.loadModel('phase_7/models/modules/suit_interior')
+ SuitHs = self.BottomFloor_SuitHs
+ SuitPositions = self.BottomFloor_SuitPositions
+ elif (self.currentFloor == (self.numFloors - 1)):
+ # Top floor
+ self.floorModel = loader.loadModel('phase_7/models/modules/boss_suit_office')
+ SuitHs = self.BossOffice_SuitHs
+ SuitPositions = self.BossOffice_SuitPositions
+ else:
+ # middle floor
+ self.floorModel = loader.loadModel('phase_7/models/modules/cubicle_room')
+ SuitHs = self.Cubicle_SuitHs
+ SuitPositions = self.Cubicle_SuitPositions
+ self.floorModel.reparentTo(render)
+ # We need to name this something more useful (and we'll need the
+ # location of the opposite elevator as well)
+ elevIn = self.floorModel.find('**/elevator-in')
+ elevOut = self.floorModel.find('**/elevator-out')
+ # Position the suits
+ assert(len(self.suits) <= 4)
+ for index in range(len(self.suits)):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('setting suit: %d to pos: %s' % \
+ (self.suits[index].doId, SuitPositions[index])))
+ self.suits[index].setPos(SuitPositions[index])
+ if (len(self.suits) > 2):
+ self.suits[index].setH(SuitHs[index])
+ else:
+ self.suits[index].setH(170) # if there's 2 or 1 suits, make them face fwd since there's no other suits they would be to be talking to
+ self.suits[index].loop('neutral')
+ # Position the toons
+ for toon in self.toons:
+ toon.reparentTo(self.elevatorModelIn)
+ assert(self.toonIds.count(toon.doId) == 1)
+ index = self.toonIds.index(toon.doId)
+ assert(index >= 0 and index <= 3)
+ toon.setPos(ElevatorPoints[index][0],
+ ElevatorPoints[index][1],
+ ElevatorPoints[index][2])
+ toon.setHpr(180, 0, 0)
+ toon.loop('neutral')
+ # Show the elevator and position it in the correct place for the floor
+ self.elevatorModelIn.reparentTo(elevIn)
+ # Start with the doors in closed position
+ self.leftDoorIn.setPos(3.5, 0, 0)
+ self.rightDoorIn.setPos(-3.5, 0, 0)
+ # Show the elevator and position it in the correct place for the floor
+ self.elevatorModelOut.reparentTo(elevOut)
+ # Start with the doors in closed position
+ self.leftDoorOut.setPos(3.5, 0, 0)
+ self.rightDoorOut.setPos(-3.5, 0, 0)
+ # Position the camera behind the toons
+ camera.reparentTo(self.elevatorModelIn)
+ camera.setH(180)
+ camera.setPos(0, 14, 4)
+ # Play elevator music
+ base.playMusic(self.elevatorMusic, looping=1, volume=0.8)
+ # Ride the elevator, then open the doors.
+ track = Sequence(
+ ElevatorUtils.getRideElevatorInterval(ELEVATOR_NORMAL),
+ ElevatorUtils.getOpenInterval(self, self.leftDoorIn, self.rightDoorIn,
+ self.openSfx, None, type = ELEVATOR_NORMAL),
+ Func(camera.wrtReparentTo, render),
+ )
+ for toon in self.toons:
+ track.append(Func(toon.wrtReparentTo, render))
+ track.append(Func(callback))
+ track.start(ts)
+ self.activeIntervals[name] = track
+ def enterElevator(self, ts=0):
+ # Load model for the current floor and the suit models for the floor
+ assert(self.notify.debug('enterElevator()'))
+ self.currentFloor += 1
+ = self.currentFloor
+ self.setElevatorLights(self.elevatorModelIn)
+ self.setElevatorLights(self.elevatorModelOut)
+ self.__playElevator(ts, self.elevatorName, self.__handleElevatorDone)
+ # Get the floor multiplier
+ mult = ToontownBattleGlobals.getCreditMultiplier(self.currentFloor)
+ # Now set the inventory battleCreditMult
+ base.localAvatar.inventory.setBattleCreditMultiplier(mult)
+ def __handleElevatorDone(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('handleElevatorDone()'))
+ self.d_elevatorDone()
+ def exitElevator(self):
+ self.elevatorMusic.stop()
+ self.__finishInterval(self.elevatorName)
+ return None
+ ##### Battle state #####
+ def __playCloseElevatorOut(self, name):
+ # Close the elevator doors
+ track = Sequence(
+ Parallel(SoundInterval(self.closeSfx),
+ LerpPosInterval(self.leftDoorOut,
+ ElevatorData[ELEVATOR_NORMAL]['closeTime'],
+ ElevatorUtils.getLeftClosePoint(ELEVATOR_NORMAL),
+ startPos=Point3(0, 0, 0),
+ blendType='easeOut'),
+ LerpPosInterval(self.rightDoorOut,
+ ElevatorData[ELEVATOR_NORMAL]['closeTime'],
+ ElevatorUtils.getRightClosePoint(ELEVATOR_NORMAL),
+ startPos=Point3(0, 0, 0),
+ blendType='easeOut')
+ ),
+ )
+ track.start()
+ self.activeIntervals[name] = track
+ def enterBattle(self, ts=0):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('enterBattle()'))
+ if (self.elevatorOutOpen == 1):
+ self.__playCloseElevatorOut(self.uniqueName('close-out-elevator'))
+ # Watch reserve suits as they walk from the elevator
+ camera.setPos(0, -15, 6)
+ camera.headsUp(self.elevatorModelOut)
+ return None
+ def exitBattle(self):
+ if (self.elevatorOutOpen == 1):
+ self.__finishInterval(self.uniqueName('close-out-elevator'))
+ self.elevatorOutOpen = 0
+ return None
+ ##### ReservesJoining state #####
+ def __playReservesJoining(self, ts, name, callback):
+ # Position the joining suits
+ index = 0
+ assert(len(self.joiningReserves) <= 4)
+ for suit in self.joiningReserves:
+ suit.reparentTo(render)
+ suit.setPos(self.elevatorModelOut, Point3(ElevatorPoints[index][0],
+ ElevatorPoints[index][1],
+ ElevatorPoints[index][2]))
+ index += 1
+ suit.setH(180)
+ suit.loop('neutral')
+ # Aim the camera at the far elevator
+ track = Sequence(
+ Func(camera.wrtReparentTo, self.elevatorModelOut),
+ Func(camera.setPos, Point3(0, -8, 2)),
+ Func(camera.setHpr, Vec3(0, 10, 0)),
+ # Open the elevator doors
+ Parallel(SoundInterval(self.openSfx),
+ LerpPosInterval(self.leftDoorOut,
+ ElevatorData[ELEVATOR_NORMAL]['closeTime'],
+ Point3(0, 0, 0),
+ startPos=ElevatorUtils.getLeftClosePoint(ELEVATOR_NORMAL),
+ blendType='easeOut'),
+ LerpPosInterval(self.rightDoorOut,
+ ElevatorData[ELEVATOR_NORMAL]['closeTime'],
+ Point3(0, 0, 0),
+ startPos=ElevatorUtils.getRightClosePoint(ELEVATOR_NORMAL),
+ blendType='easeOut'),
+ ),
+ # Hold the camera angle for a couple of beats
+ # Reparent the camera to render (enterWaitForInput will
+ # position it properly again by the battle)
+ Func(camera.wrtReparentTo, render),
+ Func(callback),
+ )
+ track.start(ts)
+ self.activeIntervals[name] = track
+ def enterReservesJoining(self, ts=0):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('enterReservesJoining()'))
+ self.__playReservesJoining(ts, self.uniqueName('reserves-joining'),
+ self.__handleReserveJoinDone)
+ return None
+ def __handleReserveJoinDone(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('handleReserveJoinDone()'))
+ self.joiningReserves = []
+ self.elevatorOutOpen = 1
+ self.d_reserveJoinDone()
+ def exitReservesJoining(self):
+ self.__finishInterval(self.uniqueName('reserves-joining'))
+ return None
+ ##### Resting state #####
+ def enterResting(self, ts=0):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('enterResting()'))
+ base.playMusic(self.waitMusic, looping=1, volume=0.7)
+ self.__closeInElevator()
+ return
+ def exitResting(self):
+ self.waitMusic.stop()
+ return
+ ##### Reward state #####
+ def enterReward(self, ts=0):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('enterReward()'))
+ base.localAvatar.b_setParent(ToontownGlobals.SPHidden)
+ request = {
+ "loader": ZoneUtil.getBranchLoaderName(self.extZoneId),
+ "where": ZoneUtil.getToonWhereName(self.extZoneId),
+ "how": "elevatorIn",
+ "hoodId": ZoneUtil.getHoodId(self.extZoneId),
+ "zoneId": self.extZoneId,
+ "shardId": None,
+ "avId": -1,
+ "bldgDoId": self.distBldgDoId
+ }
+ # Presumably, has hung a hook waiting for
+ # this request. I mimicked what DistributedDoor was doing.
+ messenger.send("DSIDoneEvent", [request])
+ return None
+ def exitReward(self):
+ return None
+ ##### Reset state #####
+ #def enterReset(self, ts=0):
+ # assert(self.notify.debug('enterReset()'))
+ # self.__cleanup()
+ # return None
+ #def exitReset(self):
+ # return None
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f167734
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,706 @@
+from toontown.toonbase.ToontownBattleGlobals import *
+from import *
+from direct.distributed.ClockDelta import *
+from ElevatorConstants import *
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM, State
+from direct.distributed import DistributedObjectAI
+from direct.fsm import State
+from toontown.battle import DistributedBattleBldgAI
+from toontown.battle import BattleBase
+from direct.task import Timer
+import DistributedElevatorIntAI
+import copy
+class DistributedSuitInteriorAI(DistributedObjectAI.DistributedObjectAI):
+ """
+ DistributedSuitInteriorAI class:
+ """
+ if __debug__:
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory(
+ 'DistributedSuitInteriorAI')
+ def __init__(self, air, elevator):
+ self.air = air
+ DistributedObjectAI.DistributedObjectAI.__init__(self, air)
+ self.extZoneId, self.zoneId = elevator.bldg.getExteriorAndInteriorZoneId()
+ self.numFloors = elevator.bldg.planner.numFloors
+ assert(len(elevator.seats) == 4)
+ self.avatarExitEvents = []
+ self.toons = []
+ self.toonSkillPtsGained = {}
+ self.toonExp = {}
+ self.toonOrigQuests = {}
+ self.toonItems = {}
+ self.toonOrigMerits = {}
+ self.toonMerits = {}
+ self.toonParts = {}
+ self.helpfulToons = []
+ self.currentFloor = 0
+ self.topFloor = self.numFloors - 1
+ self.bldg = elevator.bldg
+ self.elevator = elevator
+ self.suits = []
+ self.activeSuits = []
+ self.reserveSuits = []
+ self.joinedReserves = []
+ self.suitsKilled = []
+ self.suitsKilledPerFloor = []
+ self.battle = None
+ self.timer = Timer.Timer()
+ self.responses = {}
+ self.ignoreResponses = 0
+ self.ignoreElevatorDone = 0
+ self.ignoreReserveJoinDone = 0
+ # Register all the toons
+ self.toonIds = copy.copy(elevator.seats)
+ for toonId in self.toonIds:
+ if (toonId != None):
+ self.__addToon(toonId)
+ assert(len(self.toons) > 0)
+ # Build a map of id:(name, style) pairs to have around for the
+ # end in case the toons are successful. These elements are
+ # filled in as each toon registers with the building.
+ self.savedByMap = {}
+ self.fsm = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM(
+ 'DistributedSuitInteriorAI',
+ [State.State('WaitForAllToonsInside',
+ self.enterWaitForAllToonsInside,
+ self.exitWaitForAllToonsInside,
+ ['Elevator']),
+ State.State('Elevator',
+ self.enterElevator,
+ self.exitElevator,
+ ['Battle']),
+ State.State('Battle',
+ self.enterBattle,
+ self.exitBattle,
+ ['ReservesJoining',
+ 'BattleDone']),
+ State.State('ReservesJoining',
+ self.enterReservesJoining,
+ self.exitReservesJoining,
+ ['Battle']),
+ State.State('BattleDone',
+ self.enterBattleDone,
+ self.exitBattleDone,
+ ['Resting',
+ 'Reward']),
+ State.State('Resting',
+ self.enterResting,
+ self.exitResting,
+ ['Elevator']),
+ State.State('Reward',
+ self.enterReward,
+ self.exitReward,
+ ['Off']),
+ State.State('Off',
+ self.enterOff,
+ self.exitOff,
+ ['WaitForAllToonsInside'])],
+ # Initial state
+ 'Off',
+ # Final state
+ 'Off',
+ onUndefTransition = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM.ALLOW)
+ self.fsm.enterInitialState()
+ def delete(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('delete()'))
+ self.ignoreAll()
+ self.toons = []
+ self.toonIds = []
+ self.fsm.requestFinalState()
+ del self.fsm
+ del self.bldg
+ del self.elevator
+ self.timer.stop()
+ del self.timer
+ self.__cleanupFloorBattle()
+ taskName = self.taskName('deleteInterior')
+ taskMgr.remove(taskName)
+ DistributedObjectAI.DistributedObjectAI.delete(self)
+ def __handleUnexpectedExit(self, toonId):
+ self.notify.warning('toon: %d exited unexpectedly' % toonId)
+ self.__removeToon(toonId)
+ if (len(self.toons) == 0):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('last toon is gone!'))
+ self.timer.stop()
+ # The last toon exited unexpectedly - if we're in a battle, let
+ # the battle clean up first, if we're in Resting state, let
+ # the interior elevator clean up first, otherwise, just
+ # reset the suit interior.
+ if (self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName() == 'Resting'):
+ pass
+ elif (self.battle == None):
+ self.bldg.deleteSuitInterior()
+ def __addToon(self, toonId):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('addToon(%d)' % toonId))
+ if (not self.air.doId2do.has_key(toonId)):
+ self.notify.warning('addToon() - no toon for doId: %d' % toonId)
+ return
+ # Handle unexpected exits for the toon
+ event = self.air.getAvatarExitEvent(toonId)
+ self.avatarExitEvents.append(event)
+ self.accept(event, self.__handleUnexpectedExit, extraArgs=[toonId])
+ self.toons.append(toonId)
+ assert(not self.responses.has_key(toonId))
+ self.responses[toonId] = 0
+ def __removeToon(self, toonId):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('removeToon(%d)' % toonId))
+ if self.toons.count(toonId):
+ self.toons.remove(toonId)
+ if self.toonIds.count(toonId):
+ self.toonIds[self.toonIds.index(toonId)] = None
+ if self.responses.has_key(toonId):
+ del self.responses[toonId]
+ # Ignore future exit events for the toon
+ event = self.air.getAvatarExitEvent(toonId)
+ if self.avatarExitEvents.count(event):
+ self.avatarExitEvents.remove(event)
+ self.ignore(event)
+ def __resetResponses(self):
+ self.responses = {}
+ for toon in self.toons:
+ self.responses[toon] = 0
+ self.ignoreResponses = 0
+ def __allToonsResponded(self):
+ for toon in self.toons:
+ assert(self.responses.has_key(toon))
+ if (self.responses[toon] == 0):
+ return 0
+ self.ignoreResponses = 1
+ return 1
+ # Distributed Messages
+ # setZoneIdAndBlock
+ def getZoneId(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('network:getZoneId()'))
+ return self.zoneId
+ def getExtZoneId(self):
+ return self.extZoneId
+ def getDistBldgDoId(self):
+ return self.bldg.getDoId()
+ def getNumFloors(self):
+ return self.numFloors
+ # setToons()
+ def d_setToons(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('network:setToons()'))
+ self.sendUpdate('setToons', self.getToons())
+ def getToons(self):
+ sendIds = []
+ for toonId in self.toonIds:
+ if (toonId == None):
+ sendIds.append(0)
+ else:
+ sendIds.append(toonId)
+ assert(self.notify.debug('getToons(): %s' % sendIds))
+ return [sendIds, 0]
+ # setSuits()
+ def d_setSuits(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('network:setSuits()'))
+ self.sendUpdate('setSuits', self.getSuits())
+ def getSuits(self):
+ suitIds = []
+ for suit in self.activeSuits:
+ suitIds.append(suit.doId)
+ reserveIds = []
+ values = []
+ for info in self.reserveSuits:
+ reserveIds.append(info[0].doId)
+ values.append(info[1])
+ return [suitIds, reserveIds, values]
+ # setState()
+ def b_setState(self, state):
+ self.d_setState(state)
+ self.setState(state)
+ def d_setState(self, state):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('network:setState(%s)' % state))
+ stime = globalClock.getRealTime() + BattleBase.SERVER_BUFFER_TIME
+ self.sendUpdate('setState', [state, globalClockDelta.localToNetworkTime(stime)])
+ def setState(self, state):
+ self.fsm.request(state)
+ def getState(self):
+ return [self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName(),
+ globalClockDelta.getRealNetworkTime()]
+ ##### Messages from the clients #####
+ def setAvatarJoined(self):
+ """setAvatarJoined(self)
+ This message is sent from a client toon to indicate that it
+ has finished loading the interior.
+ """
+ avId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender()
+ if (self.toons.count(avId) == 0):
+ self.air.writeServerEvent('suspicious', avId, 'DistributedSuitInteriorAI.setAvatarJoined from toon not in %s.' % (self.toons))
+ self.notify.warning('setAvatarJoined() - av: %d not in list' % \
+ avId)
+ return
+ avatar = self.air.doId2do.get(avId)
+ if avatar != None:
+ self.savedByMap[avId] = (avatar.getName(), avatar.dna.asTuple())
+ assert(self.responses.has_key(avId))
+ self.responses[avId] += 1
+ assert(self.notify.debug('toon: %d in suit interior' % avId))
+ if (self.__allToonsResponded()):
+ self.fsm.request('Elevator')
+ def elevatorDone(self):
+ """elevatorDone(self)
+ This message is sent from a client toon to indicate that it has
+ finished viewing the elevator movie.
+ """
+ toonId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender()
+ if (self.ignoreResponses == 1):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('elevatorDone() ignoring toon: %d' % \
+ toonId))
+ return
+ elif (self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName() != 'Elevator'):
+ self.notify.warning('elevatorDone() - in state: %s' % \
+ self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName())
+ return
+ elif (self.toons.count(toonId) == 0):
+ self.notify.warning('elevatorDone() - toon not in toon list: %d' \
+ % toonId)
+ assert(self.notify.debug('toons: %s toonIds: %s' % \
+ (self.toons, self.toonIds)))
+ return
+ assert(self.responses.has_key(toonId))
+ self.responses[toonId] += 1
+ assert(self.notify.debug('toon: %d done with elevator' % toonId))
+ if (self.__allToonsResponded() and
+ self.ignoreElevatorDone == 0):
+ self.b_setState('Battle')
+ def reserveJoinDone(self):
+ """reserveJoinDone(self)
+ This message is sent from a client toon to indicate that it has
+ finished viewing the ReservesJoining movie.
+ """
+ toonId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender()
+ if (self.ignoreResponses == 1):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('reserveJoinDone() ignoring toon: %d' % \
+ toonId))
+ return
+ elif (self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName() != 'ReservesJoining'):
+ self.notify.warning('reserveJoinDone() - in state: %s' % \
+ self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName())
+ return
+ elif (self.toons.count(toonId) == 0):
+ self.notify.warning('reserveJoinDone() - toon not in list: %d' \
+ % toonId)
+ assert(self.notify.debug('toons: %s toonIds: %s' % \
+ (self.toons, self.toonIds)))
+ return
+ assert(self.responses.has_key(toonId))
+ self.responses[toonId] += 1
+ assert(self.notify.debug('toon: %d done with joining reserves' % \
+ toonId))
+ if (self.__allToonsResponded() and
+ self.ignoreReserveJoinDone == 0):
+ self.b_setState('Battle')
+ # Specific State Functions
+ ##### Off state #####
+ def enterOff(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('enterOff()'))
+ return None
+ def exitOff(self):
+ return None
+ ##### WaitForAllToonsInside state #####
+ def enterWaitForAllToonsInside(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('enterWaitForAllToonsInside()'))
+ self.__resetResponses()
+ return None
+ def exitWaitForAllToonsInside(self):
+ self.__resetResponses()
+ return None
+ ##### Elevator state #####
+ def enterElevator(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('enterElevator()'))
+ # Create the suits and place them in their initial positions on
+ # the floor
+ assert(self.currentFloor < self.numFloors)
+ suitHandles = self.bldg.planner.genFloorSuits(self.currentFloor)
+ self.suits = suitHandles['activeSuits']
+ assert(len(self.suits) > 0)
+ self.activeSuits = []
+ for suit in self.suits:
+ self.activeSuits.append(suit)
+ self.reserveSuits = suitHandles['reserveSuits']
+ self.d_setToons()
+ self.d_setSuits()
+ self.__resetResponses()
+ self.d_setState('Elevator')
+ self.timer.startCallback(BattleBase.ELEVATOR_T + \
+ ElevatorData[ELEVATOR_NORMAL]['openTime'] + \
+ BattleBase.SERVER_BUFFER_TIME, self.__serverElevatorDone)
+ return None
+ def __serverElevatorDone(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('serverElevatorDone()'))
+ self.ignoreElevatorDone = 1
+ self.b_setState('Battle')
+ def exitElevator(self):
+ self.timer.stop()
+ self.__resetResponses()
+ return None
+ ##### Battle state #####
+ def __createFloorBattle(self):
+ assert(len(self.toons) > 0)
+ if (self.currentFloor == self.topFloor):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('createFloorBattle() - boss battle'))
+ bossBattle = 1
+ else:
+ bossBattle = 0
+ # Create the battle for the floor
+ self.battle = DistributedBattleBldgAI.DistributedBattleBldgAI(
+ self.air, self.zoneId,
+ self.__handleRoundDone, self.__handleBattleDone,
+ bossBattle=bossBattle)
+ # We store the lists of experience gained and suits killed in
+ # the DistributedSuitInterior object, and share these pointers
+ # in all battles created for this building. This way, each
+ # battle will actually be modifying the same objects, these,
+ # and will thus accumulate the experience from previous
+ # battles.
+ self.battle.suitsKilled = self.suitsKilled
+ self.battle.suitsKilledPerFloor = self.suitsKilledPerFloor
+ self.battle.battleCalc.toonSkillPtsGained = self.toonSkillPtsGained
+ self.battle.toonExp = self.toonExp
+ self.battle.toonOrigQuests = self.toonOrigQuests
+ self.battle.toonItems = self.toonItems
+ self.battle.toonOrigMerits = self.toonOrigMerits
+ self.battle.toonMerits = self.toonMerits
+ self.battle.toonParts = self.toonParts
+ self.battle.helpfulToons = self.helpfulToons
+ # We must set the members of a building battle before we
+ # generate it.
+ self.battle.setInitialMembers(self.toons, self.suits)
+ self.battle.generateWithRequired(self.zoneId)
+ # We get a bonus factor applied toward each attack's experience credit.
+ mult = getCreditMultiplier(self.currentFloor)
+ # If there is an invasion, multiply the exp for the duration of this battle
+ # Now, if the invasion ends midway through this battle, the players will
+ # continue getting credit. This is ok I guess.
+ if self.air.suitInvasionManager.getInvading():
+ mult *= getInvasionMultiplier()
+ self.battle.battleCalc.setSkillCreditMultiplier(mult)
+ def __cleanupFloorBattle(self):
+ for suit in self.suits:
+ self.notify.debug('cleaning up floor suit: %d' % suit.doId)
+ if suit.isDeleted():
+ self.notify.debug('whoops, suit %d is deleted.' % suit.doId)
+ else:
+ suit.requestDelete()
+ self.suits = []
+ self.reserveSuits = []
+ self.activeSuits = []
+ if (self.battle != None):
+ self.battle.requestDelete()
+ self.battle = None
+ def __handleRoundDone(self, toonIds, totalHp, deadSuits):
+ # Determine if any reserves need to join
+ assert(self.notify.debug('handleRoundDone() - hp: %d' % totalHp))
+ # Calculate the total max HP for all the suits currently on the floor
+ totalMaxHp = 0
+ for suit in self.suits:
+ totalMaxHp += suit.maxHP
+ for suit in deadSuits:
+ self.activeSuits.remove(suit)
+ # Determine if any reserve suits need to join
+ if (len(self.reserveSuits) > 0 and len(self.activeSuits) < 4):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('potential reserve suits: %d' % \
+ len(self.reserveSuits)))
+ self.joinedReserves = []
+ assert(totalHp <= totalMaxHp)
+ hpPercent = 100 - (totalHp / totalMaxHp * 100.0)
+ assert(self.notify.debug('totalHp: %d totalMaxHp: %d percent: %f' \
+ % (totalHp, totalMaxHp, hpPercent)))
+ for info in self.reserveSuits:
+ if (info[1] <= hpPercent and
+ len(self.activeSuits) < 4):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('reserve: %d joining percent: %f' \
+ % (info[0].doId, info[1])))
+ self.suits.append(info[0])
+ self.activeSuits.append(info[0])
+ self.joinedReserves.append(info)
+ for info in self.joinedReserves:
+ self.reserveSuits.remove(info)
+ if (len(self.joinedReserves) > 0):
+ # setSuits() triggers the state change on the client
+ self.fsm.request('ReservesJoining')
+ self.d_setSuits()
+ return
+ # See if the battle is done
+ if (len(self.activeSuits) == 0):
+ self.fsm.request('BattleDone', [toonIds])
+ else:
+ # No reserve suits to join - tell the battle to continue
+ self.battle.resume()
+ def __handleBattleDone(self, zoneId, toonIds):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('%s.handleBattleDone(%s, %s)' % (self.doId, zoneId, toonIds)))
+ #self.fsm.request('BattleDone', [toonIds])
+ if (len(toonIds) == 0):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('handleBattleDone() - last toon gone'))
+ # Rather than shutting down immediately, we give the last
+ # toon a few seconds to finish playing his teleport-out
+ # animation before the world goes away.
+ taskName = self.taskName('deleteInterior')
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(10, self.__doDeleteInterior, taskName)
+ elif (self.currentFloor == self.topFloor):
+ # This is not b_setState, because enterReward has to do
+ # some things before the broadcast takes place. enterReward
+ # will call d_setState when it is ready.
+ self.setState('Reward')
+ else:
+ self.b_setState('Resting')
+ def __doDeleteInterior(self, task):
+ self.bldg.deleteSuitInterior()
+ def enterBattle(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('enterBattle()'))
+ if (self.battle == None):
+ self.__createFloorBattle()
+ self.elevator.d_setFloor(self.currentFloor)
+ return None
+ def exitBattle(self):
+ return None
+ ##### ReservesJoining state #####
+ def enterReservesJoining(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('enterReservesJoining()'))
+ self.__resetResponses()
+ self.timer.startCallback(
+ ElevatorData[ELEVATOR_NORMAL]['openTime'] + \
+ self.__serverReserveJoinDone)
+ return None
+ def __serverReserveJoinDone(self):
+ """__serverReserveJoinDone()
+ This callback is made only if some of the toons don't send
+ their reserveJoinDone() message in a reasonable time--rather
+ than waiting for everyone, we simply carry on without them.
+ """
+ assert(self.notify.debug('serverReserveJoinDone()'))
+ self.ignoreReserveJoinDone = 1
+ self.b_setState('Battle')
+ def exitReservesJoining(self):
+ self.timer.stop()
+ self.__resetResponses()
+ # Join the suits to the battle and tell it to resume
+ for info in self.joinedReserves:
+ self.battle.suitRequestJoin(info[0])
+ self.battle.resume()
+ self.joinedReserves = []
+ return None
+ ##### BattleDone state #####
+ def enterBattleDone(self, toonIds):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('enterBattleDone()'))
+ # Find out if any toons are gone
+ if (len(toonIds) != len(self.toons)):
+ deadToons = []
+ for toon in self.toons:
+ if (toonIds.count(toon) == 0):
+ deadToons.append(toon)
+ for toon in deadToons:
+ self.__removeToon(toon)
+ self.d_setToons()
+ if (len(self.toons) == 0):
+ self.bldg.deleteSuitInterior()
+ else:
+ if (self.currentFloor == self.topFloor):
+ # Toons beat the building
+ self.battle.resume(self.currentFloor, topFloor=1)
+ else:
+ # The building isn't finished yet - gather up experience and
+ # activate the elevator
+ self.battle.resume(self.currentFloor, topFloor=0)
+ return None
+ def exitBattleDone(self):
+ self.__cleanupFloorBattle()
+ return None
+ ##### Resting state #####
+ def __handleEnterElevator(self):
+ self.fsm.request('Elevator')
+ def enterResting(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('enterResting()'))
+ # Tell the elevator to start accepting entrants
+ self.intElevator = DistributedElevatorIntAI.DistributedElevatorIntAI(
+ self.air, self, self.toons)
+ self.intElevator.generateWithRequired(self.zoneId)
+ return None
+ def handleAllAboard(self, seats):
+ if not hasattr(self, "fsm"):
+ # If we've already been cleaned up, never mind.
+ return
+ assert(self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName() == "Resting")
+ assert(self.notify.debug('handleAllAboard() - toons: %s' % self.toons))
+ # Make sure the number of empty seats is correct. If it is empty,
+ # reset and get us out of here.
+ numOfEmptySeats = seats.count(None)
+ if (numOfEmptySeats == 4):
+ self.bldg.deleteSuitInterior()
+ return
+ elif (numOfEmptySeats >= 0) and (numOfEmptySeats <=3):
+ pass
+ else:
+ self.error("Bad number of empty seats: %s" % numOfEmptySeats)
+ for toon in self.toons:
+ if seats.count(toon) == 0:
+ self.__removeToon(toon)
+ self.toonIds = copy.copy(seats)
+ self.toons = []
+ for toonId in self.toonIds:
+ if (toonId != None):
+ self.toons.append(toonId)
+ self.d_setToons()
+ # Increment the floor number
+ self.currentFloor += 1
+ self.fsm.request('Elevator')
+ return
+ def exitResting(self):
+ self.intElevator.requestDelete()
+ del self.intElevator
+ return None
+ ##### Reward state #####
+ def enterReward(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('enterReward()'))
+ # Tell the building to get ready for the victors to come outside.
+ # We pass in a *copy* of the toonIds list, not the list
+ # itself, so that when we pull toons out of our list (for
+ # instance, if they disconnect unexpectedly), it won't affect
+ # the building's victor list.
+ victors = self.toonIds[:]
+ # Build a new savedBy list that includes only the Toons that
+ # made it to the end.
+ savedBy = []
+ for v in victors:
+ tuple = self.savedByMap.get(v)
+ if tuple:
+ savedBy.append([v, tuple[0], tuple[1]])
+ # Going to waitForVictors deletes the elevator
+ self.bldg.fsm.request("waitForVictors", [victors, savedBy])
+ # Tell the players to go back outside.
+ self.d_setState('Reward')
+ return None
+ def exitReward(self):
+ return None
+ ##### Reset state #####
+ #def enterReset(self):
+ # assert(self.notify.debug('enterReset()'))
+ # # Unload all floor and suit models, but keep the suit database -
+ # # the contents of the building should remain the same until the
+ # # toons retake the building
+ # self.__cleanupFloorBattle()
+ # self.currentFloor = 0
+ # # -1 means the lobby.
+ # self.elevator.d_setFloor(-1)
+ # # Get rid of the toons
+ # for toon in copy.copy(self.toons):
+ # self.__removeToon(toon)
+ # self.savedByMap = {}
+ # self.b_setState('Off')
+ #
+ # self.requestDelete()
+ #def exitReset(self):
+ # return None
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c027332
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,1140 @@
+""" DistributedToonInterior module"""
+from toontown.toonbase.ToonBaseGlobal import *
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
+from direct.distributed.ClockDelta import *
+from direct.showbase import Audio3DManager
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+import cPickle
+from DistributedToonInterior import DistributedToonInterior
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM, State
+from direct.distributed import DistributedObject
+from direct.fsm import State
+from import Actor
+import random
+import time
+import ToonInteriorColors
+from toontown.hood import ZoneUtil
+from toontown.toon import ToonDNA
+from toontown.toon import ToonHead
+class DistributedToonHallInterior(DistributedToonInterior):
+ if __debug__:
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory(
+ 'DistributedToonHallInterior')
+ def __init__(self, cr):
+ DistributedToonInterior.__init__(self, cr)
+ self.sillyFSM = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM("SillyOMeter",
+ [State.State('Setup',
+ self.enterSetup,
+ self.exitSetup,
+ ['Phase0', 'Phase1', 'Phase2', 'Phase3', \
+ 'Phase4', 'Phase5', 'Phase6', 'Phase7', \
+ 'Phase8', 'Phase9', 'Phase10', 'Phase11', \
+ 'Phase12', 'Phase13', 'Phase14', 'Phase15', \
+ 'Flat', \
+ 'Off']),
+ State.State('Phase0',
+ self.enterPhase0,
+ self.exitPhase0,
+ ['Phase1', 'Off']),
+ State.State('Phase1',
+ self.enterPhase1,
+ self.exitPhase1,
+ ['Phase2', 'Off']),
+ State.State('Phase2',
+ self.enterPhase2,
+ self.exitPhase2,
+ ['Phase3', 'Off']),
+ State.State('Phase3',
+ self.enterPhase3,
+ self.exitPhase3,
+ ['Phase4', 'Off']),
+ State.State('Phase4',
+ self.enterPhase4,
+ self.exitPhase4,
+ ['Phase5', 'Off']),
+ State.State('Phase5',
+ self.enterPhase5,
+ self.exitPhase5,
+ ['Phase6', 'Off']),
+ State.State('Phase6',
+ self.enterPhase6,
+ self.exitPhase6,
+ ['Phase7', 'Off']),
+ State.State('Phase7',
+ self.enterPhase7,
+ self.exitPhase7,
+ ['Phase8', 'Off']),
+ State.State('Phase8',
+ self.enterPhase8,
+ self.exitPhase8,
+ ['Phase9', 'Off']),
+ State.State('Phase9',
+ self.enterPhase9,
+ self.exitPhase9,
+ ['Phase10', 'Off']),
+ State.State('Phase10',
+ self.enterPhase10,
+ self.exitPhase10,
+ ['Phase11', 'Off']),
+ State.State('Phase11',
+ self.enterPhase11,
+ self.exitPhase11,
+ ['Phase12', 'Off']),
+ State.State('Phase12',
+ self.enterPhase12,
+ self.exitPhase12,
+ ['Phase13', 'Off']),
+ State.State('Phase13',
+ self.enterPhase13,
+ self.exitPhase13,
+ ['Phase14','Off']),
+ State.State('Phase14',
+ self.enterPhase14,
+ self.exitPhase14,
+ ['Phase15', 'Off']),
+ State.State('Phase15',
+ self.enterPhase15,
+ self.exitPhase15,
+ ['Off']),
+ State.State('Flat',
+ self.enterFlat,
+ self.exitFlat,
+ ['Off']),
+ State.State('Off',
+ self.enterOff,
+ self.exitOff,
+ []),],
+ 'Setup',
+ 'Off',
+ )
+ def setup(self):
+ assert self.notify.debugStateCall(self)
+ self.randomGenerator=random.Random()
+ # The math here is a little arbitrary. I'm trying to get a
+ # substantially different seed for each zondId, even on the
+ # same street. But we don't want to weigh to much on the
+ # block number, because we want the same block number on
+ # different streets to be different.
+ # Here we use the block number and a little of the branchId:
+ # seedX=self.zoneId&0x00ff
+ # Here we're using only the branchId:
+ # seedY=self.zoneId/100
+ # Here we're using only the block number:
+ # seedZ=256-int(self.block)
+ self.randomGenerator.seed(self.zoneId)
+ interior = self.randomDNAItem("TI_hall", self.dnaStore.findNode)
+ assert(not interior.isEmpty())
+ self.interior = interior.copyTo(render)
+ # Load a color dictionary for this hood:
+ hoodId = ZoneUtil.getCanonicalHoodId(self.zoneId)
+ self.colors = ToonInteriorColors.colors[hoodId]
+ # Replace all the "random_xxx_" nodes:
+ self.replaceRandomInModel(self.interior)
+ # Door:
+ doorModelName="door_double_round_ul" # hack zzzzzzz
+ # Switch leaning of the door:
+ if doorModelName[-1:] == "r":
+ doorModelName=doorModelName[:-1]+"l"
+ else:
+ doorModelName=doorModelName[:-1]+"r"
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ door=self.dnaStore.findNode(doorModelName)
+ # Determine where should we put the door:
+ door_origin=render.find("**/door_origin;+s")
+ doorNP=door.copyTo(door_origin)
+ assert(not doorNP.isEmpty())
+ assert(not door_origin.isEmpty())
+ # The rooms are too small for doors:
+ door_origin.setScale(0.8, 0.8, 0.8)
+ # Move the origin away from the wall so it does not shimmer
+ # We do this instead of decals
+ door_origin.setPos(door_origin, 0, -0.025, 0)
+ color=self.randomGenerator.choice(self.colors["TI_door"])
+ DNADoor.setupDoor(doorNP,
+ self.interior, door_origin,
+ self.dnaStore,
+ str(self.block), color)
+ # Setting the wallpaper texture with a priority overrides
+ # the door texture, if it's decalled. So, we're going to
+ # move it out from the decal, and float it in front of
+ # the wall:
+ doorFrame = doorNP.find("door_*_flat")
+ doorFrame.wrtReparentTo(self.interior)
+ doorFrame.setColor(color)
+ del self.colors
+ del self.dnaStore
+ del self.randomGenerator
+ # Get rid of any transitions and extra nodes
+ self.interior.flattenMedium()
+ self.sillyFSM.enterInitialState()
+ def selectPhase(self, newPhase):
+ try:
+ gotoPhase = 'Phase'+str(newPhase)
+ if self.sillyFSM.hasStateNamed(gotoPhase) and (not self.sillyFSM.getCurrentState() == self.sillyFSM.getStateNamed(gotoPhase)):
+ self.sillyFSM.request(gotoPhase)
+ except:
+ self.notify.warning('Illegal phase transition requested %s' %newPhase)
+ def startIfNeeded(self):
+ """Check our current phase, if valid go to the right state."""
+ assert self.notify.debugStateCall(self)
+ # we need a try to stop the level editor from crashing
+ try:
+ self.curPhase = self.getPhaseToRun()
+ if self.curPhase >= 0:
+ self.sillyFSM.request('Phase'+str(self.curPhase))
+ else:
+ # if the holiday is not running, display our flat "under repair"
+ self.sillyFSM.request('Flat')
+ except:
+ pass
+ def getPhaseToRun(self):
+ """This will return -1 if we should not be running, otherwise it returns
+ the phase we should go to."""
+ result = -1
+ enoughInfoToRun = False
+ # first see if the holiday is running, and we can get the cur phase
+ if
+ if hasattr(, "SillyMeterMgr") and not
+ enoughInfoToRun = True
+ else:
+ if hasattr(, "SillyMeterMgr"):
+ self.notify.debug("isDisabled = %s" %
+ else:
+ self.notify.debug(" does not have SillyMeterMgr")
+ else:
+ self.notify.debug("holiday is not running")
+ self.notify.debug("enoughInfoToRun = %s" % enoughInfoToRun)
+ if enoughInfoToRun and \
+ result =
+ return result
+ def calculatePhaseDuration(self):
+ """
+ Figure out the duration of this particular phase
+ """
+ result = -1
+ valid = False
+ # first see if the holiday is running, and we can get the cur phase
+ if
+ if hasattr(, "SillyMeterMgr") and not
+ valid = True
+ else:
+ if hasattr(, "SillyMeterMgr"):
+ self.notify.debug("isDisabled = %s" %
+ else:
+ self.notify.debug(" does not have SillyMeterMgr")
+ else:
+ self.notify.debug("holiday is not running")
+ self.notify.debug("valid = %s" % valid)
+ if valid and \
+ result =
+ return result
+ def calculateFrameOffset(self, phaseDuration, numFrames):
+ """
+ Figure out the duration of this particular phase
+ """
+ result = -1
+ valid = False
+ # first see if the holiday is running, and we can get the cur phase
+ if
+ if hasattr(, "SillyMeterMgr") and not
+ valid = True
+ else:
+ if hasattr(, "SillyMeterMgr"):
+ self.notify.debug("isDisabled = %s" %
+ else:
+ self.notify.debug(" does not have SillyMeterMgr")
+ else:
+ self.notify.debug("holiday is not running")
+ self.notify.debug("valid = %s" % valid)
+ if valid and \
+ startTime = time.mktime(
+ serverTime = time.mktime(
+ offset = (serverTime-startTime)/phaseDuration
+ if offset < 0:
+ result = -1
+ else:
+ result = offset*numFrames
+ return result
+ def calculateFrameRange(self, frameNo):
+ """
+ Return a range through which the thermometer should loop
+ """
+ pass
+ def enterSetup(self):
+ """
+ The silly meter has three different phases, each with thier own animation.
+ In addition one animation plays continuously
+ """
+ ropes = loader.loadModel("phase_4/models/modules/tt_m_ara_int_ropes")
+ ropes.reparentTo(self.interior)
+ self.sillyMeter = Actor.Actor("phase_4/models/props/tt_a_ara_ttc_sillyMeter_default", \
+ { "arrowTube" : "phase_4/models/props/tt_a_ara_ttc_sillyMeter_arrowFluid",
+ "phaseOne" : "phase_4/models/props/tt_a_ara_ttc_sillyMeter_phaseOne",
+ "phaseTwo" : "phase_4/models/props/tt_a_ara_ttc_sillyMeter_phaseTwo",
+ "phaseThree" : "phase_4/models/props/tt_a_ara_ttc_sillyMeter_phaseThree",
+ "phaseFour" : "phase_4/models/props/tt_a_ara_ttc_sillyMeter_phaseFour",
+ "phaseFourToFive" : "phase_4/models/props/tt_a_ara_ttc_sillyMeter_phaseFourToFive",
+ "phaseFive" : "phase_4/models/props/tt_a_ara_ttc_sillyMeter_phaseFive",
+ })
+ self.sillyMeter.reparentTo(self.interior)
+ self.flatSillyMeter = loader.loadModel("phase_3.5/models/modules/tt_m_ara_int_sillyMeterFlat")
+ self.flatSillyMeter.reparentTo(self.interior)
+ self.flatSillyMeter.hide()
+ self.flatDuck = loader.loadModel("phase_3.5/models/modules/tt_m_ara_int_scientistDuckFlat")
+ loc1 = self.interior.find("**/npc_origin_1")
+ if loc1:
+ self.flatDuck.reparentTo(loc1)
+ self.flatDuck.hide()
+ self.flatMonkey = loader.loadModel("phase_3.5/models/modules/tt_m_ara_int_scientistMonkeyFlat")
+ loc1 = self.interior.find("**/npc_origin_2")
+ if loc1:
+ self.flatMonkey.reparentTo(loc1)
+ self.flatMonkey.hide()
+ self.flatHorse = loader.loadModel("phase_3.5/models/modules/tt_m_ara_int_scientistHorseFlat")
+ loc1 = self.interior.find("**/npc_origin_3")
+ if loc1:
+ self.flatHorse.reparentTo(loc1)
+ self.flatHorse.hide()
+ self.smPhase1 = self.sillyMeter.find("**/stage1")
+ self.smPhase2 = self.sillyMeter.find("**/stage2")
+ self.smPhase3 = self.sillyMeter.find("**/stage3")
+ self.smPhase4 = self.sillyMeter.find("**/stage4")
+ self.smPhase2.hide()
+ self.smPhase3.hide()
+ self.smPhase4.hide()
+ thermometerLocator = self.sillyMeter.findAllMatches("**/uvj_progressBar")[1]
+ thermometerMesh = self.sillyMeter.find("**/tube")
+ thermometerMesh.setTexProjector(thermometerMesh.findTextureStage("default"), thermometerLocator, self.sillyMeter)
+ self.sillyMeter.flattenMedium()
+ self.sillyMeter.makeSubpart("arrow", ["uvj_progressBar*", "def_springA"])
+ self.sillyMeter.makeSubpart("meter", ["def_pivot"], ["uvj_progressBar*", "def_springA"])
+ # Load in the sounds
+ self.audio3d = Audio3DManager.Audio3DManager(base.sfxManagerList[0], camera)
+ self.phase1Sfx = self.audio3d.loadSfx("phase_4/audio/sfx/tt_s_prp_sillyMeterPhaseOne.mp3")
+ self.phase1Sfx.setLoop(True)
+ self.phase2Sfx = self.audio3d.loadSfx("phase_4/audio/sfx/tt_s_prp_sillyMeterPhaseTwo.mp3")
+ self.phase2Sfx.setLoop(True)
+ self.phase3Sfx = self.audio3d.loadSfx("phase_4/audio/sfx/tt_s_prp_sillyMeterPhaseThree.mp3")
+ self.phase3Sfx.setLoop(True)
+ self.phase4Sfx = self.audio3d.loadSfx("phase_4/audio/sfx/tt_s_prp_sillyMeterPhaseFour.mp3")
+ self.phase4Sfx.setLoop(True)
+ self.phase4To5Sfx = self.audio3d.loadSfx("phase_4/audio/sfx/tt_s_prp_sillyMeterPhaseFourToFive.mp3")
+ self.phase4To5Sfx.setLoop(False)
+ self.phase5Sfx = self.audio3d.loadSfx("phase_4/audio/sfx/tt_s_prp_sillyMeterPhaseFive.mp3")
+ self.phase5Sfx.setLoop(True)
+ self.arrowSfx = self.audio3d.loadSfx("phase_4/audio/sfx/tt_s_prp_sillyMeterArrow.mp3") # The arrow reaches its destination
+ self.arrowSfx.setLoop(False)
+ self.audio3d.setDropOffFactor(0.1)
+ self.accept("SillyMeterPhase", self.selectPhase)
+ self.startIfNeeded()
+ def exitSetup(self):
+ """
+ Clean up
+ """
+ self.ignore("SillyMeterPhase")
+ def enterPhase0(self):
+ """
+ Enter the first phase of silly
+ """
+ phaseDuration = self.calculatePhaseDuration()
+ if phaseDuration < 0:
+ # Assume a week phase duration
+ phaseDuration = 604800
+ self.animSeq = Parallel(ActorInterval(self.sillyMeter, "arrowTube", partName = "arrow", duration = phaseDuration, constrainedLoop = 1, startFrame = 1, endFrame = 30),
+ Sequence(Func(,
+ Func(self.audio3d.attachSoundToObject, self.phase1Sfx, self.sillyMeter)))
+ self.animSeq.start()
+ # Start the stage animations
+ self.sillyMeter.loop("phaseOne", partName="meter")
+ #self.sillyMeter.loop("phaseOne", fromFrame = 1, toFrame = 96)
+ self.accept("SillyMeterPhase", self.selectPhase)
+ def exitPhase0(self):
+ """
+ Clean up
+ """
+ self.animSeq.finish()
+ del self.animSeq
+ self.audio3d.detachSound(self.phase1Sfx)
+ self.phase1Sfx.stop()
+ self.sillyMeter.stop()
+ self.ignore("SillyMeterPhase")
+ def enterPhase1(self):
+ """
+ Enter the first phase of silly
+ """
+ phaseDuration = self.calculatePhaseDuration()
+ if phaseDuration < 0:
+ # Assume a week phase duration
+ phaseDuration = 604800
+ # if phaseDuration == -1:
+ # playRate = 1
+ # else:
+ # playRate = 1.0/phaseDuration
+ # frameNo = self.calculateFrameOffset(phaseDuration, self.sillyMeter.getNumFrames("arrowTube"))
+ # if frameNo == -1:
+ # frameNo = 1
+ self.audio3d.attachSoundToObject(self.phase1Sfx, self.sillyMeter)
+ self.animSeq = Sequence(Sequence(ActorInterval(self.sillyMeter, "arrowTube", partName = "arrow",constrainedLoop = 0, startFrame = 31, endFrame = 42),
+ Func(,
+ Parallel(ActorInterval(self.sillyMeter, "arrowTube", partName = "arrow",duration = phaseDuration, constrainedLoop = 1, startFrame = 42, endFrame = 71),
+ Sequence(Func(,
+ Func(self.audio3d.attachSoundToObject, self.phase1Sfx, self.sillyMeter))),
+ )
+ self.animSeq.start()
+ # Start the stage animations
+ self.sillyMeter.loop("phaseOne", partName="meter")
+ #self.sillyMeter.loop("phaseOne", fromFrame = 1, toFrame = 96)
+ self.accept("SillyMeterPhase", self.selectPhase)
+ def exitPhase1(self):
+ """
+ Clean up
+ """
+ self.audio3d.detachSound(self.phase1Sfx)
+ self.phase1Sfx.stop()
+ self.animSeq.finish()
+ del self.animSeq
+ self.sillyMeter.stop()
+ self.ignore("SillyMeterPhase")
+ def enterPhase2(self):
+ phaseDuration = self.calculatePhaseDuration()
+ if phaseDuration < 0:
+ # Assume a week phase duration
+ phaseDuration = 604800
+ self.animSeq = Parallel(ActorInterval(self.sillyMeter, "arrowTube", partName = "arrow",duration = phaseDuration, constrainedLoop = 1, startFrame = 42, endFrame = 71),
+ Sequence(Func(,
+ Func(self.audio3d.attachSoundToObject, self.phase1Sfx, self.sillyMeter)))
+ self.animSeq.start()
+ # Start the stage animations
+ self.sillyMeter.loop("phaseOne", partName="meter")
+ self.accept("SillyMeterPhase", self.selectPhase)
+ def exitPhase2(self):
+ """
+ Clean up
+ """
+ self.animSeq.finish()
+ del self.animSeq
+ self.smPhase2.hide()
+ self.audio3d.detachSound(self.phase1Sfx)
+ self.phase1Sfx.stop()
+ self.sillyMeter.stop()
+ self.ignore("SillyMeterPhase")
+ def enterPhase3(self):
+ phaseDuration = self.calculatePhaseDuration()
+ if phaseDuration < 0:
+ # Assume a week phase duration
+ phaseDuration = 604800
+ self.animSeq = Sequence(Sequence(ActorInterval(self.sillyMeter, "arrowTube", partName = "arrow",constrainedLoop = 0, startFrame = 72, endFrame = 83),
+ Func(,
+ Parallel(ActorInterval(self.sillyMeter, "arrowTube", partName = "arrow",duration = phaseDuration, constrainedLoop = 1, startFrame = 83, endFrame = 112),
+ Sequence(Func(,
+ Func(self.audio3d.attachSoundToObject, self.phase1Sfx, self.sillyMeter))))
+ self.animSeq.start()
+ self.sillyMeter.loop("phaseOne", partName="meter")
+ self.accept("SillyMeterPhase", self.selectPhase)
+ def exitPhase3(self):
+ """
+ Clean up
+ """
+ self.animSeq.finish()
+ del self.animSeq
+ self.smPhase2.hide()
+ self.audio3d.detachSound(self.phase1Sfx)
+ self.phase1Sfx.stop()
+ self.sillyMeter.stop()
+ self.ignore("SillyMeterPhase")
+ def enterPhase4(self):
+ phaseDuration = self.calculatePhaseDuration()
+ if phaseDuration < 0:
+ # Assume a week phase duration
+ phaseDuration = 604800
+ self.animSeq = Sequence(Sequence(ActorInterval(self.sillyMeter, "arrowTube", partName = "arrow",constrainedLoop = 0, startFrame = 113, endFrame = 124),
+ Func(,
+ Parallel(ActorInterval(self.sillyMeter, "arrowTube", partName = "arrow",duration = phaseDuration, constrainedLoop = 1, startFrame = 124, endFrame = 153),
+ Sequence(Func(,
+ Func(self.audio3d.attachSoundToObject, self.phase1Sfx, self.sillyMeter))))
+ self.animSeq.start()
+ self.sillyMeter.loop("phaseOne", partName="meter")
+ self.accept("SillyMeterPhase", self.selectPhase)
+ def exitPhase4(self):
+ """
+ Clean Up
+ """
+ self.animSeq.finish()
+ del self.animSeq
+ self.smPhase2.hide()
+ self.audio3d.detachSound(self.phase1Sfx)
+ self.phase1Sfx.stop()
+ self.sillyMeter.stop()
+ self.ignore("SillyMeterPhase")
+ def enterPhase5(self):
+ phaseDuration = self.calculatePhaseDuration()
+ if phaseDuration < 0:
+ # Assume a week phase duration
+ phaseDuration = 604800
+ self.animSeq = Sequence(Sequence(ActorInterval(self.sillyMeter, "arrowTube", partName = "arrow",constrainedLoop = 0, startFrame = 154, endFrame = 165),
+ Func(,
+ Parallel(ActorInterval(self.sillyMeter, "arrowTube", partName = "arrow",duration = phaseDuration, constrainedLoop = 1, startFrame = 165, endFrame = 194),
+ Sequence(Func(,
+ Func(self.audio3d.attachSoundToObject, self.phase2Sfx, self.sillyMeter))))
+ self.animSeq.start()
+ self.sillyMeter.loop("phaseTwo", partName="meter")
+ self.accept("SillyMeterPhase", self.selectPhase)
+ def exitPhase5(self):
+ """
+ Clean up
+ """
+ self.animSeq.finish()
+ del self.animSeq
+ self.smPhase2.hide()
+ self.audio3d.detachSound(self.phase2Sfx)
+ self.phase2Sfx.stop()
+ self.sillyMeter.stop()
+ self.ignore("SillyMeterPhase")
+ def enterPhase6(self):
+ phaseDuration = self.calculatePhaseDuration()
+ if phaseDuration < 0:
+ # Assume a week phase duration
+ phaseDuration = 604800
+ self.animSeq = Sequence(Sequence(ActorInterval(self.sillyMeter, "arrowTube", partName = "arrow",constrainedLoop = 0, startFrame = 195, endFrame = 206),
+ Func(,
+ Parallel(ActorInterval(self.sillyMeter, "arrowTube", partName = "arrow",duration = phaseDuration, constrainedLoop = 1, startFrame = 206, endFrame = 235),
+ Sequence(Func(,
+ Func(self.audio3d.attachSoundToObject, self.phase2Sfx, self.sillyMeter))))
+ self.animSeq.start()
+ self.sillyMeter.loop("phaseTwo", partName="meter")
+ self.accept("SillyMeterPhase", self.selectPhase)
+ def exitPhase6(self):
+ """
+ Clean up
+ """
+ self.animSeq.finish()
+ del self.animSeq
+ self.smPhase2.hide()
+ self.audio3d.detachSound(self.phase2Sfx)
+ self.phase2Sfx.stop()
+ self.sillyMeter.stop()
+ self.ignore("SillyMeterPhase")
+ def enterPhase7(self):
+ phaseDuration = self.calculatePhaseDuration()
+ if phaseDuration < 0:
+ # Assume a week phase duration
+ phaseDuration = 604800
+ self.animSeq = Sequence(Sequence(ActorInterval(self.sillyMeter, "arrowTube", partName = "arrow",constrainedLoop = 0, startFrame = 236, endFrame = 247),
+ Func(,
+ Parallel(ActorInterval(self.sillyMeter, "arrowTube", partName = "arrow",duration = phaseDuration, constrainedLoop = 1, startFrame = 247, endFrame = 276),
+ Sequence(Func(,
+ Func(self.audio3d.attachSoundToObject, self.phase3Sfx, self.sillyMeter))))
+ self.animSeq.start()
+ self.sillyMeter.loop("phaseThree", partName="meter")
+ self.accept("SillyMeterPhase", self.selectPhase)
+ def exitPhase7(self):
+ """
+ Clean up
+ """
+ self.animSeq.finish()
+ del self.animSeq
+ self.smPhase2.hide()
+ self.smPhase3.hide()
+ self.audio3d.detachSound(self.phase3Sfx)
+ self.phase3Sfx.stop()
+ self.sillyMeter.stop()
+ self.ignore("SillyMeterPhase")
+ def enterPhase8(self):
+ phaseDuration = self.calculatePhaseDuration()
+ if phaseDuration < 0:
+ # Assume a week phase duration
+ phaseDuration = 604800
+ self.animSeq = Sequence(Sequence(ActorInterval(self.sillyMeter, "arrowTube", partName = "arrow",constrainedLoop = 0, startFrame = 277, endFrame = 288),
+ Func(,
+ Parallel(ActorInterval(self.sillyMeter, "arrowTube", partName = "arrow",duration = phaseDuration, constrainedLoop = 1, startFrame = 288, endFrame = 317),
+ Sequence(Func(,
+ Func(self.audio3d.attachSoundToObject, self.phase3Sfx, self.sillyMeter))))
+ self.animSeq.start()
+ self.sillyMeter.loop("phaseThree", partName="meter")
+ self.accept("SillyMeterPhase", self.selectPhase)
+ def exitPhase8(self):
+ """
+ Clean up
+ """
+ self.animSeq.finish()
+ del self.animSeq
+ self.smPhase2.hide()
+ self.smPhase3.hide()
+ self.audio3d.detachSound(self.phase3Sfx)
+ self.phase3Sfx.stop()
+ self.sillyMeter.stop()
+ self.ignore("SillyMeterPhase")
+ def enterPhase9(self):
+ phaseDuration = self.calculatePhaseDuration()
+ if phaseDuration < 0:
+ # Assume a week phase duration
+ phaseDuration = 604800
+ self.animSeq = Sequence(Sequence(ActorInterval(self.sillyMeter, "arrowTube", partName = "arrow",constrainedLoop = 0, startFrame = 318, endFrame = 329),
+ Func(,
+ Parallel(ActorInterval(self.sillyMeter, "arrowTube", partName = "arrow",duration = phaseDuration, constrainedLoop = 1, startFrame = 329, endFrame = 358),
+ Sequence(Func(,
+ Func(self.audio3d.attachSoundToObject, self.phase3Sfx, self.sillyMeter))),
+ )
+ self.animSeq.start()
+ self.sillyMeter.loop("phaseThree", partName="meter")
+ self.accept("SillyMeterPhase", self.selectPhase)
+ def exitPhase9(self):
+ """
+ Clean up
+ """
+ self.animSeq.finish()
+ del self.animSeq
+ self.smPhase2.hide()
+ self.smPhase3.hide()
+ self.audio3d.detachSound(self.phase3Sfx)
+ self.phase3Sfx.stop()
+ self.sillyMeter.stop()
+ self.ignore("SillyMeterPhase")
+ def enterPhase10(self):
+ phaseDuration = self.calculatePhaseDuration()
+ if phaseDuration < 0:
+ # Assume a week phase duration
+ phaseDuration = 604800
+ self.animSeq = Sequence(Sequence(ActorInterval(self.sillyMeter, "arrowTube", partName = "arrow",constrainedLoop = 0, startFrame = 359, endFrame = 370),
+ Func(,
+ Parallel(ActorInterval(self.sillyMeter, "arrowTube", partName = "arrow",duration = phaseDuration, constrainedLoop = 1, startFrame = 370, endFrame = 399),
+ Sequence(Func(,
+ Func(self.audio3d.attachSoundToObject, self.phase4Sfx, self.sillyMeter))))
+ self.animSeq.start()
+ self.sillyMeter.loop("phaseFour", partName="meter")
+ self.accept("SillyMeterPhase", self.selectPhase)
+ def exitPhase10(self):
+ """
+ Clean up
+ """
+ self.animSeq.finish()
+ del self.animSeq
+ self.smPhase2.hide()
+ self.smPhase3.hide()
+ self.smPhase4.hide()
+ self.audio3d.detachSound(self.phase4Sfx)
+ self.phase4Sfx.stop()
+ self.sillyMeter.stop()
+ self.ignore("SillyMeterPhase")
+ def enterPhase11(self):
+ phaseDuration = self.calculatePhaseDuration()
+ if phaseDuration < 0:
+ # Assume a week phase duration
+ phaseDuration = 604800
+ self.animSeq = Sequence(Sequence(ActorInterval(self.sillyMeter, "arrowTube", partName = "arrow",constrainedLoop = 0, startFrame = 400, endFrame = 411),
+ Func(,
+ Parallel(ActorInterval(self.sillyMeter, "arrowTube", partName = "arrow",duration = phaseDuration, constrainedLoop = 1, startFrame = 411, endFrame = 440),
+ Sequence(Func(,
+ Func(self.audio3d.attachSoundToObject, self.phase4Sfx, self.sillyMeter))))
+ self.animSeq.start()
+ self.sillyMeter.loop("phaseFour", partName="meter")
+ self.accept("SillyMeterPhase", self.selectPhase)
+ def exitPhase11(self):
+ """
+ Clean up
+ """
+ self.animSeq.finish()
+ del self.animSeq
+ self.smPhase2.hide()
+ self.smPhase3.hide()
+ self.smPhase4.hide()
+ self.audio3d.detachSound(self.phase4Sfx)
+ self.phase4Sfx.stop()
+ self.sillyMeter.stop()
+ self.ignore("SillyMeterPhase")
+ def enterPhase12(self):
+ phaseDuration = self.calculatePhaseDuration()
+ if phaseDuration < 0:
+ # Assume a week phase duration
+ phaseDuration = 604800
+ self.animSeq = Sequence(Sequence(ActorInterval(self.sillyMeter, "arrowTube", partName = "arrow",constrainedLoop = 0, startFrame = 441, endFrame = 452),
+ Func(,
+ Parallel(ActorInterval(self.sillyMeter, "arrowTube", partName = "arrow",duration = phaseDuration, constrainedLoop = 1, startFrame = 452, endFrame = 481),
+ Sequence(Func(,
+ Func(self.audio3d.attachSoundToObject, self.phase4Sfx, self.sillyMeter))))
+ self.animSeq.start()
+ self.sillyMeter.loop("phaseFour", partName="meter")
+ self.accept("SillyMeterPhase", self.selectPhase)
+ def exitPhase12(self):
+ """
+ Clean up
+ """
+ self.animSeq.finish()
+ del self.animSeq
+ self.smPhase2.hide()
+ self.smPhase3.hide()
+ self.smPhase4.hide()
+ self.audio3d.detachSound(self.phase4Sfx)
+ self.phase4Sfx.stop()
+ self.sillyMeter.stop()
+ self.ignore("SillyMeterPhase")
+ def enterPhase13(self):
+ phaseDuration = self.calculatePhaseDuration()
+ if phaseDuration < 0:
+ # Assume a week phase duration
+ phaseDuration = 604800
+ self.animSeq = Sequence(Parallel(Func(,
+ ActorInterval(self.sillyMeter, "phaseFourToFive", constrainedLoop = 0, startFrame = 1, endFrame = 120),),
+ Parallel(ActorInterval(self.sillyMeter, "phaseFive", duration = phaseDuration, constrainedLoop = 1, startFrame = 1, endFrame = 48),
+ Sequence(Func(,
+ Func(self.audio3d.attachSoundToObject, self.phase5Sfx, self.sillyMeter))))
+ self.animSeq.start()
+ self.accept("SillyMeterPhase", self.selectPhase)
+ def exitPhase13(self):
+ """
+ Clean up
+ """
+ self.animSeq.finish()
+ del self.animSeq
+ self.smPhase2.hide()
+ self.smPhase3.hide()
+ self.smPhase4.hide()
+ self.audio3d.detachSound(self.phase5Sfx)
+ self.phase5Sfx.stop()
+ self.sillyMeter.stop()
+ self.ignore("SillyMeterPhase")
+ def enterPhase14(self):
+ phaseDuration = self.calculatePhaseDuration()
+ if phaseDuration < 0:
+ # Assume a week phase duration
+ phaseDuration = 604800
+ self.animSeq = Parallel(ActorInterval(self.sillyMeter, "phaseFive", duration = phaseDuration, constrainedLoop = 1, startFrame = 1, endFrame = 48),
+ Sequence(Func(,
+ Func(self.audio3d.attachSoundToObject, self.phase5Sfx, self.sillyMeter)))
+ self.animSeq.start()
+ self.accept("SillyMeterPhase", self.selectPhase)
+ def exitPhase14(self):
+ """
+ Clean up
+ """
+ self.animSeq.finish()
+ del self.animSeq
+ self.smPhase2.hide()
+ self.smPhase3.hide()
+ self.smPhase4.hide()
+ self.audio3d.detachSound(self.phase5Sfx)
+ self.phase5Sfx.stop()
+ self.sillyMeter.stop()
+ self.ignore("SillyMeterPhase")
+ def enterPhase15(self):
+ phaseDuration = self.calculatePhaseDuration()
+ if phaseDuration < 0:
+ # Assume a week phase duration
+ phaseDuration = 604800
+ self.animSeq = Parallel(ActorInterval(self.sillyMeter, "phaseFive", duration = phaseDuration, constrainedLoop = 1, startFrame = 1, endFrame = 48),
+ Sequence(Func(,
+ Func(self.audio3d.attachSoundToObject, self.phase5Sfx, self.sillyMeter)))
+ self.animSeq.start()
+ self.accept("SillyMeterPhase", self.selectPhase)
+ def exitPhase15(self):
+ """
+ Clean up
+ """
+ self.animSeq.finish()
+ del self.animSeq
+ self.smPhase2.hide()
+ self.smPhase3.hide()
+ self.smPhase4.hide()
+ self.audio3d.detachSound(self.phase5Sfx)
+ self.phase5Sfx.stop()
+ self.sillyMeter.stop()
+ self.ignore("SillyMeterPhase")
+ def enterFlat(self):
+ """Show the flat silly meter and scientists."""
+ self.sillyMeter.hide()
+ pass
+ def exitFlat(self):
+ """Cleanup Flat phase."""
+ self.flatSillyMeter.hide()
+ self.flatDuck.hide()
+ self.flatMonkey.hide()
+ self.flatHorse.hide()
+ pass
+ def enterOff(self):
+ """
+ Turn it off
+ """
+ if hasattr(self, 'animSeq') and self.animSeq:
+ self.animSeq.finish()
+ self.ignore("SillyMeterPhase")
+ if hasattr(self, 'sillyMeter'):
+ del self.sillyMeter
+ if hasattr(self, 'smPhase1'):
+ del self.smPhase1
+ if hasattr(self, 'smPhase2'):
+ del self.smPhase2
+ if hasattr(self, 'smPhase3'):
+ del self.smPhase3
+ if hasattr(self, 'smPhase4'):
+ del self.smPhase4
+ self.cleanUpSounds()
+ def exitOff(self):
+ """
+ Clean up
+ """
+ pass
+ def enterToon(self):
+ assert self.notify.debugStateCall(self)
+ self.toonhallView = (Point3(0,-5,3), # pos
+ Point3(0,12.0,7.0), # fwd
+ Point3(0.0,10.0,5.0), # up
+ Point3(0.0,10.0,5.0), # down
+ 1)
+ self.setupCollisions(2.5)
+ self.firstEnter = 1
+ self.accept('CamChangeColl'+'-into', self.handleCloseToWall)
+ def exitToon(self):
+ assert self.notify.debugStateCall(self)
+ def handleCloseToWall(self, collEntry):
+ # We don't want to change camera's near the ropes
+ if self.firstEnter == 0:
+ return
+ interiorRopes = self.interior.find("**/*interior_ropes")
+ if interiorRopes==collEntry.getIntoNodePath().getParent():
+ return
+ self.restoreCam()
+ self.accept('CamChangeColl'+'-exit', self.handleAwayFromWall)
+ def handleAwayFromWall(self, collEntry):
+ if self.firstEnter == 1:
+ # Remove existing collisions which handled first entrance
+ self.cleanUpCollisions()
+ # Add new collisions
+ self.setupCollisions(0.75)
+ self.oldView = base.localAvatar.cameraIndex
+ base.localAvatar.addCameraPosition(self.toonhallView)
+ self.firstEnter = 0
+ self.setUpToonHallCam()
+ return
+ flippy = self.interior.find("**/*Flippy*/*NPCToon*")
+ if flippy==collEntry.getIntoNodePath():
+ self.setUpToonHallCam()
+ def setupCollisions(self, radius):
+ # Add a collision solid to handle camera changes
+ r = base.localAvatar.getClampedAvatarHeight()*radius
+ cs = CollisionSphere(0,0,0, r)
+ cn = CollisionNode('CamChangeColl')
+ cn.addSolid(cs)
+ cn.setFromCollideMask(ToontownGlobals.WallBitmask)
+ cn.setIntoCollideMask(BitMask32.allOff())
+ self.camChangeNP = base.localAvatar.getPart('torso', '1000').attachNewNode(cn)
+ self.cHandlerEvent = CollisionHandlerEvent()
+ self.cHandlerEvent.addInPattern('%fn-into')
+ self.cHandlerEvent.addOutPattern('%fn-exit')
+ base.cTrav.addCollider(self.camChangeNP, self.cHandlerEvent)
+ def cleanUpCollisions(self):
+ base.cTrav.removeCollider(self.camChangeNP)
+ self.camChangeNP.detachNode()
+ if hasattr(self, 'camChangeNP'):
+ del self.camChangeNP
+ if hasattr(self, 'cHandlerEvent'):
+ del self.cHandlerEvent
+ def cleanUpSounds(self):
+ def __cleanUpSound__(soundFile):
+ if soundFile.status() == soundFile.PLAYING:
+ soundFile.setLoop(False)
+ soundFile.stop()
+ if hasattr(self, "audio3d"):
+ self.audio3d.disable()
+ del self.audio3d
+ if hasattr(self, "phase1Sfx"):
+ __cleanUpSound__(self.phase1Sfx)
+ del self.phase1Sfx
+ if hasattr(self, "phase2Sfx"):
+ __cleanUpSound__(self.phase2Sfx)
+ del self.phase2Sfx
+ if hasattr(self, "phase3Sfx"):
+ __cleanUpSound__(self.phase3Sfx)
+ del self.phase3Sfx
+ if hasattr(self, "phase4Sfx"):
+ __cleanUpSound__(self.phase4Sfx)
+ del self.phase4Sfx
+ if hasattr(self, "phase4To5Sfx"):
+ __cleanUpSound__(self.phase4To5Sfx)
+ del self.phase4To5Sfx
+ if hasattr(self, "phase5Sfx"):
+ __cleanUpSound__(self.phase5Sfx)
+ del self.phase5Sfx
+ if hasattr(self, "arrowSfx"):
+ __cleanUpSound__(self.arrowSfx)
+ del self.arrowSfx
+ def setUpToonHallCam(self):
+ base.localAvatar.setCameraFov(75)
+ base.localAvatar.setCameraSettings(self.toonhallView)
+ def restoreCam(self):
+ base.localAvatar.setCameraFov(ToontownGlobals.DefaultCameraFov)
+ if hasattr(self, 'oldView'):
+ base.localAvatar.setCameraPositionByIndex(self.oldView)
+ def disable(self):
+ assert self.notify.debugStateCall(self)
+ self.setUpToonHallCam()
+ base.localAvatar.removeCameraPosition()
+ base.localAvatar.resetCameraPosition()
+ self.restoreCam()
+ self.ignoreAll()
+ self.cleanUpCollisions()
+ if hasattr(self, 'sillyFSM'):
+ self.sillyFSM.requestFinalState()
+ del self.sillyFSM
+ DistributedToonInterior.disable(self)
+ def delete(self):
+ assert self.notify.debugStateCall(self)
+ #self.sillyFSM.requestFinalState()
+ DistributedToonInterior.delete(self)
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac7c662
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+from DistributedToonInteriorAI import *
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+class DistributedToonHallInteriorAI(DistributedToonInteriorAI):
+ """
+ DistributedToonHallInteriorAI class:
+ """
+ if __debug__:
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('DistributedToonHallInteriorAI')
+ def __init__(self, block, air, zoneId, building):
+ DistributedToonInteriorAI.__init__(self, block, air, zoneId, building)
+ self.accept("ToonEnteredZone", self.logToonEntered)
+ self.accept("ToonLeftZone", self.logToonLeft)
+ def logToonEntered(self, avId, zoneId):
+ result = self.getCurPhase()
+ if result == -1:
+ phase = "not available"
+ else:
+ phase = str(result)
+ self.air.writeServerEvent('sillyMeter', avId, 'enter|%s' %phase)
+ def logToonLeft(self, avId, zoneId):
+ result = self.getCurPhase()
+ if result == -1:
+ phase = "not available"
+ else:
+ phase = str(result)
+ self.air.writeServerEvent('sillyMeter', avId, 'exit|%s'%phase)
+ def getCurPhase(self):
+ result = -1
+ enoughInfoToRun = False
+ # first see if the holiday is running, and we can get the cur phase
+ if ToontownGlobals.SILLYMETER_HOLIDAY in simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays \
+ and simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays[ToontownGlobals.SILLYMETER_HOLIDAY] != None \
+ and simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays[ToontownGlobals.SILLYMETER_HOLIDAY].getRunningState():
+ if hasattr(simbase.air, "SillyMeterMgr"):
+ enoughInfoToRun = True
+ else:
+ self.notify.debug("simbase.air does not have SillyMeterMgr")
+ else:
+ self.notify.debug("holiday is not running")
+ self.notify.debug("enoughInfoToRun = %s" % enoughInfoToRun)
+ if enoughInfoToRun and \
+ simbase.air.SillyMeterMgr.getIsRunning():
+ result = simbase.air.SillyMeterMgr.getCurPhase()
+ return result
+ def delete(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("delete()"))
+ self.ignoreAll()
+ DistributedToonInteriorAI.delete(self)
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5662304
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+""" DistributedToonInterior module"""
+from toontown.toonbase.ToonBaseGlobal import *
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
+from direct.distributed.ClockDelta import *
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+import cPickle
+import ToonInterior
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM, State
+from direct.distributed import DistributedObject
+from direct.fsm import State
+import random
+import ToonInteriorColors
+from toontown.hood import ZoneUtil
+from toontown.toon import ToonDNA
+from toontown.toon import ToonHead
+# These four coordinates define the region we have available to fit
+# the sign from the front of the building. Signs will be scaled down
+# to fit the smallest dimension, and centered within the box.
+SIGN_TOP = 1.5
+# This is the factor by which the trophy frames are scaled up to make
+# room for long names like "FarrtKnocker".
+FrameScale = 1.4
+class DistributedToonInterior(DistributedObject.DistributedObject):
+ if __debug__:
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory(
+ 'DistributedToonInterior')
+ def __init__(self, cr):
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.__init__(self, cr)
+ assert self.notify.debugStateCall(self)
+ self.fsm = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM('DistributedToonInterior',
+ [State.State('toon',
+ self.enterToon,
+ self.exitToon,
+ ['beingTakenOver']),
+ State.State('beingTakenOver',
+ self.enterBeingTakenOver,
+ self.exitBeingTakenOver,
+ []),
+ State.State('off',
+ self.enterOff,
+ self.exitOff,
+ []),
+ ],
+ # Initial State
+ 'toon',
+ # Final State
+ 'off',
+ )
+ self.fsm.enterInitialState()
+ # self.generate will be called automatically.
+ def generate(self):
+ """
+ This method is called when the DistributedObject is reintroduced
+ to the world, either for the first time or from the cache.
+ """
+ assert self.notify.debugStateCall(self)
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.generate(self)
+ def announceGenerate(self):
+ assert self.notify.debugStateCall(self)
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.announceGenerate(self)
+ self.setup()
+ def disable(self):
+ assert self.notify.debugStateCall(self)
+ self.interior.removeNode()
+ del self.interior
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.disable(self)
+ def delete(self):
+ assert self.notify.debugStateCall(self)
+ del self.fsm
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.delete(self)
+ def randomDNAItem(self, category, findFunc):
+ codeCount = self.dnaStore.getNumCatalogCodes(category)
+ index = self.randomGenerator.randint(0, codeCount-1)
+ code = self.dnaStore.getCatalogCode(category, index)
+ # findFunc will probably be findNode or findTexture
+ return findFunc(code)
+ def replaceRandomInModel(self, model):
+ """Replace named nodes with random items.
+ Here are the name Here is
+ prefixes that are what they
+ affected: do:
+ random_mox_ change the Model Only.
+ random_mcx_ change the Model and the Color.
+ random_mrx_ change the Model and Recurse.
+ random_tox_ change the Texture Only.
+ random_tcx_ change the Texture and the Color.
+ x is simply a uniquifying integer because Multigen will not
+ let you have multiple nodes with the same name
+ """
+ assert self.notify.debugStateCall(self)
+ baseTag="random_"
+ npc=model.findAllMatches("**/"+baseTag+"???_*")
+ for i in range(npc.getNumPaths()):
+ np=npc.getPath(i)
+ name=np.getName()
+ b=len(baseTag)
+ category=name[b+4:]
+ key1=name[b]
+ key2=name[b+1]
+ assert(key1 in ["m", "t"])
+ assert(key2 in ["c", "o", "r"])
+ if key1 == "m":
+ # ...model.
+ model = self.randomDNAItem(category, self.dnaStore.findNode)
+ assert(not model.isEmpty())
+ newNP = model.copyTo(np)
+ # room has collisions already: remove collisions from models
+ c = render.findAllMatches('**/collision')
+ c.stash()
+ if key2 == "r":
+ self.replaceRandomInModel(newNP)
+ elif key1 == "t":
+ # ...texture.
+ texture=self.randomDNAItem(category, self.dnaStore.findTexture)
+ assert(texture)
+ np.setTexture(texture,100)
+ newNP=np
+ if key2 == "c":
+ if (category == "TI_wallpaper") or (category == "TI_wallpaper_border"):
+ self.randomGenerator.seed(self.zoneId)
+ newNP.setColorScale(
+ self.randomGenerator.choice(self.colors[category]))
+ else:
+ newNP.setColorScale(
+ self.randomGenerator.choice(self.colors[category]))
+ def setup(self):
+ assert self.notify.debugStateCall(self)
+ self.randomGenerator=random.Random()
+ # The math here is a little arbitrary. I'm trying to get a
+ # substantially different seed for each zondId, even on the
+ # same street. But we don't want to weigh to much on the
+ # block number, because we want the same block number on
+ # different streets to be different.
+ # Here we use the block number and a little of the branchId:
+ # seedX=self.zoneId&0x00ff
+ # Here we're using only the branchId:
+ # seedY=self.zoneId/100
+ # Here we're using only the block number:
+ # seedZ=256-int(self.block)
+ self.randomGenerator.seed(self.zoneId)
+ interior = self.randomDNAItem("TI_room", self.dnaStore.findNode)
+ assert(not interior.isEmpty())
+ self.interior = interior.copyTo(render)
+ # Load a color dictionary for this hood:
+ hoodId = ZoneUtil.getCanonicalHoodId(self.zoneId)
+ self.colors = ToonInteriorColors.colors[hoodId]
+ # Replace all the "random_xxx_" nodes:
+ self.replaceRandomInModel(self.interior)
+ # Door:
+ doorModelName="door_double_round_ul" # hack zzzzzzz
+ # Switch leaning of the door:
+ if doorModelName[-1:] == "r":
+ doorModelName=doorModelName[:-1]+"l"
+ else:
+ doorModelName=doorModelName[:-1]+"r"
+ door=self.dnaStore.findNode(doorModelName)
+ # Determine where should we put the door:
+ door_origin=render.find("**/door_origin;+s")
+ doorNP=door.copyTo(door_origin)
+ assert(not doorNP.isEmpty())
+ assert(not door_origin.isEmpty())
+ # The rooms are too small for doors:
+ door_origin.setScale(0.8, 0.8, 0.8)
+ # Move the origin away from the wall so it does not shimmer
+ # We do this instead of decals
+ door_origin.setPos(door_origin, 0, -0.025, 0)
+ color=self.randomGenerator.choice(self.colors["TI_door"])
+ DNADoor.setupDoor(doorNP,
+ self.interior, door_origin,
+ self.dnaStore,
+ str(self.block), color)
+ # Setting the wallpaper texture with a priority overrides
+ # the door texture, if it's decalled. So, we're going to
+ # move it out from the decal, and float it in front of
+ # the wall:
+ doorFrame = doorNP.find("door_*_flat")
+ doorFrame.wrtReparentTo(self.interior)
+ doorFrame.setColor(color)
+ # Grab the sign off the front of the building and copy it into
+ # the interior, here.
+ sign=hidden.find(
+ "**/tb%s:*_landmark_*_DNARoot/**/sign;+s"%(self.block,))
+ if not sign.isEmpty():
+ signOrigin=self.interior.find("**/sign_origin;+s")
+ assert(not signOrigin.isEmpty())
+ # Copy, rather than instance, to avoid bug in flatten:
+ newSignNP=sign.copyTo(signOrigin)
+ # Restore the depth write flag, since the DNA turned it off.
+ newSignNP.setDepthWrite(1, 1)
+ mat=self.dnaStore.getSignTransformFromBlockNumber(int(self.block))
+ # Invert the sign transform matrix to undo the
+ # transformation that has already placed it on the
+ # front of the building.
+ inv = Mat4(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+ inv.invertFrom(mat)
+ newSignNP.setMat(inv)
+ # And flatten out that matrix so we can manipulate it further.
+ newSignNP.flattenLight()
+ # Now scale the sign to fit the room, and pull it out from
+ # the wall a tiny bit. We actually want to scale it to
+ # fit within the box defined by (SIGN_LEFT, SIGN_RIGHT,
+ # First, we need to determine the actual bounds of the sign.
+ ll = Point3()
+ ur = Point3()
+ newSignNP.calcTightBounds(ll, ur)
+ width = ur[0] - ll[0]
+ height = ur[2] - ll[2]
+ if width != 0 and height != 0:
+ # And how much would we need to scale it in each dimension
+ # to make it fit?
+ xScale = (SIGN_RIGHT - SIGN_LEFT) / width
+ zScale = (SIGN_TOP - SIGN_BOTTOM) / height
+ # Now choose the smaller scale of the two, so it will fit
+ # within its bounds without being squashed or stretched.
+ scale = min(xScale, zScale)
+ xCenter = (ur[0] + ll[0]) / 2.0
+ zCenter = (ur[2] + ll[2]) / 2.0
+ newSignNP.setPosHprScale(
+ (SIGN_RIGHT + SIGN_LEFT) / 2.0 - xCenter * scale, -0.1,
+ (SIGN_TOP + SIGN_BOTTOM) / 2.0 - zCenter * scale,
+ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
+ scale, scale, scale)
+ # Who Saved It:
+ trophyOrigin=self.interior.find("**/trophy_origin")
+ assert(not trophyOrigin.isEmpty())
+ trophy=self.buildTrophy()
+ if trophy:
+ trophy.reparentTo(trophyOrigin)
+ del self.colors
+ del self.dnaStore
+ del self.randomGenerator
+ # Get rid of any transitions and extra nodes
+ self.interior.flattenMedium()
+ def setZoneIdAndBlock(self, zoneId, block):
+ assert self.notify.debugStateCall(self)
+ self.zoneId=zoneId
+ self.block=block
+ def setToonData(self, toonData):
+ assert self.notify.debugStateCall(self)
+ savedBy = cPickle.loads(toonData)
+ self.savedBy = savedBy
+ def buildTrophy(self):
+ assert self.notify.debugStateCall(self)
+ if self.savedBy == None:
+ return None
+ numToons = len(self.savedBy)
+ pos = 1.25 - 1.25 * numToons
+ trophy = hidden.attachNewNode('trophy')
+ for avId, name, dnaTuple in self.savedBy:
+ frame = self.buildFrame(name, dnaTuple)
+ frame.reparentTo(trophy)
+ frame.setPos(pos, 0, 0)
+ pos += 2.5
+ return trophy
+ def buildFrame(self, name, dnaTuple):
+ assert self.notify.debugStateCall(self)
+ frame = loader.loadModel('phase_3.5/models/modules/trophy_frame')
+ dna = ToonDNA.ToonDNA()
+ apply(dna.newToonFromProperties, dnaTuple)
+ head = ToonHead.ToonHead()
+ head.setupHead(dna)
+ head.setPosHprScale(
+ 0, -0.05, -0.05,
+ 180, 0, 0,
+ 0.55, 0.02, 0.55)
+ if dna.head[0] == 'r':
+ # Give rabbits a bit more space above the head.
+ head.setZ(-0.15)
+ elif dna.head[0] == 'h':
+ # Give horses a bit more space below the head.
+ head.setZ(0.05)
+ elif dna.head[0] == 'm':
+ # Mice should be a bit smaller to fit the ears.
+ head.setScale(0.45, 0.02, 0.45)
+ head.reparentTo(frame)
+ nameText = TextNode("trophy")
+ nameText.setFont(ToontownGlobals.getToonFont())
+ nameText.setAlign(TextNode.ACenter)
+ nameText.setTextColor(0, 0, 0, 1)
+ nameText.setWordwrap(5.36 * FrameScale)
+ nameText.setText(name)
+ namePath = frame.attachNewNode(nameText.generate())
+ namePath.setPos(0, -0.03, -.6)
+ namePath.setScale(0.186 / FrameScale)
+ frame.setScale(FrameScale, 1.0, FrameScale)
+ return frame
+ def setState(self, state, timestamp):
+ assert self.notify.debugStateCall(self)
+ self.fsm.request(state, [globalClockDelta.localElapsedTime(timestamp)])
+ def enterOff(self):
+ assert self.notify.debugStateCall(self)
+ def exitOff(self):
+ assert self.notify.debugStateCall(self)
+ def enterToon(self):
+ assert self.notify.debugStateCall(self)
+ def exitToon(self):
+ assert self.notify.debugStateCall(self)
+ def enterBeingTakenOver(self, ts):
+ """Kick everybody out of the building"""
+ assert self.notify.debugStateCall(self)
+ messenger.send("clearOutToonInterior")
+ def exitBeingTakenOver(self):
+ assert self.notify.debugStateCall(self)
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47412af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+from toontown.toonbase.ToontownGlobals import *
+""" DistributedToonInteriorAI module: contains the DistributedToonInteriorAI
+ class, the server side representation of a 'landmark door'."""
+from import *
+from direct.distributed.ClockDelta import *
+import cPickle
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM, State
+from direct.distributed import DistributedObjectAI
+from direct.fsm import State
+from toontown.toon import NPCToons
+class DistributedToonInteriorAI(DistributedObjectAI.DistributedObjectAI):
+ """
+ DistributedToonInteriorAI class:
+ """
+ if __debug__:
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('DistributedToonInteriorAI')
+ def __init__(self, block, air, zoneId, building):
+ """blockNumber: the landmark building number (from the name)"""
+ #self.air=air
+ DistributedObjectAI.DistributedObjectAI.__init__(self, air)
+ self.block=block
+ self.zoneId=zoneId
+ self.building=building
+ assert(self.debugPrint(
+ "DistributedToonInteriorAI(air=%s, zoneId=%s, building=%s)"
+ %(air, zoneId, building)))
+ # Make any npcs that may be in this interior zone
+ # If there are none specified, this will just be an empty list
+ self.npcs = NPCToons.createNpcsInZone(air, zoneId)
+ # TODO
+ #for i in range(len(self.npcs)):
+ # npc = self.npcs[i]
+ # npc.d_setIndex(i)
+ self.fsm = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM('DistributedToonInteriorAI',
+ [State.State('toon',
+ self.enterToon,
+ self.exitToon,
+ ['beingTakenOver']),
+ State.State('beingTakenOver',
+ self.enterBeingTakenOver,
+ self.exitBeingTakenOver,
+ []),
+ State.State('off',
+ self.enterOff,
+ self.exitOff,
+ []),
+ ],
+ # Initial State
+ 'toon',
+ # Final State
+ 'off',
+ )
+ self.fsm.enterInitialState()
+ def delete(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("delete()"))
+ self.ignoreAll()
+ for npc in self.npcs:
+ npc.requestDelete()
+ del self.npcs
+ del self.fsm
+ del self.building
+ DistributedObjectAI.DistributedObjectAI.delete(self)
+ def getZoneIdAndBlock(self):
+ r=[self.zoneId, self.block]
+ assert(self.debugPrint("getZoneIdAndBlock() returning: "+str(r)))
+ return r
+ def getToonData(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("getToonData()"))
+ return cPickle.dumps(self.building.savedBy, 1)
+ def getState(self):
+ r=[self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName(),
+ globalClockDelta.getRealNetworkTime()]
+ assert(self.debugPrint("getState() returning: "+str(r)))
+ return r
+ def setState(self, state):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("setState("+str(state)+")"))
+ self.sendUpdate('setState', [state, globalClockDelta.getRealNetworkTime()])
+ self.fsm.request(state)
+ def enterOff(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("enterOff()"))
+ def exitOff(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("exitOff()"))
+ def enterToon(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("enterToon()"))
+ def exitToon(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("exitToon()"))
+ def enterBeingTakenOver(self):
+ """Kick everybody out of the building"""
+ assert(self.debugPrint("enterBeingTakenOver()"))
+ def exitBeingTakenOver(self):
+ assert(self.debugPrint("exitBeingTakenOver()"))
+ if __debug__:
+ def debugPrint(self, message):
+ """for debugging"""
+ return self.notify.debug(
+ str(self.__dict__.get('zoneId', '?'))+' '+message)
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b405eb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+from direct.distributed import DistributedObject
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+class DistributedTrophyMgr(DistributedObject.DistributedObject):
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('DistributedTrophyMgr')
+ neverDisable = 1
+ def __init__(self, cr):
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.__init__(self, cr)
+ def generate(self):
+ if != None:
+ = self
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.generate(self)
+ def disable(self):
+ """disable(self)
+ This method is called when the DistributedObject is removed from
+ active duty and stored in a cache.
+ """
+ # Warning! disable() is NOT called for TrophyManager! Duh!
+ = None
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.disable(self)
+ def delete(self):
+ """delete(self)
+ This method is called when the DistributedObject is permanently
+ removed from the world and deleted from the cache.
+ """
+ = None
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.delete(self)
+ def d_requestTrophyScore(self):
+ """
+ Call this message to request the avatar's current trophy
+ score. This will eventually cause the trophyScoreUpdate
+ message (above) to be sent.
+ """
+ self.sendUpdate('requestTrophyScore', [])
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..953f005
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+from direct.distributed import DistributedObjectAI
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+class DistributedTrophyMgrAI(DistributedObjectAI.DistributedObjectAI):
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('DistributedTrophyMgrAI')
+ def __init__(self, air):
+ DistributedObjectAI.DistributedObjectAI.__init__(self, air)
+ # Dict of avId : score
+ self.trophyDict = {}
+ # Dict of avId : name since it is hard to query av names
+ self.nameDict = {}
+ # How many leaders do we want to keep track of?
+ self.maxLeaders = 10
+ self.__leaders = []
+ self.__leaderScores = []
+ self.__leaderAvIds = []
+ self.__leaderNames = []
+ self.__minLeaderScore = 0
+ def getTrophyScore(self, avId):
+ # Returns the trophy score for a particular avatar.
+ return self.trophyDict.get(avId, 0)
+ def requestTrophyScore(self):
+ # This message is sent from a client wanting to be told his
+ # own trophy score.
+ avId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender()
+ av = self.air.doId2do.get(avId)
+ if av:
+ av.d_setTrophyScore(self.getTrophyScore(avId))
+ def recomputeLeaders(self, avId, score):
+ """
+ Computes a list of score,avId pairs in sorted order, highest first
+ """
+ # Make a copy so we can manipulate it
+ i = map(lambda t: list(t), self.trophyDict.items())
+ # Recompute only if the score is greater than the lowest score
+ # or if there are less than 10 players in the list
+ if ((score > self.__minLeaderScore) or (len(i) < 10)):
+ # Reverse the items so we have score first
+ map(lambda r: r.reverse(),i)
+ # Sort by score
+ i.sort()
+ # Reverse that score so highest are first
+ i.reverse()
+ # Truncate the leaders to the max
+ # TODO: what about a tie?
+ self.__leaders = i[:self.maxLeaders]
+ # Keep some side tracking variables as an optimization so we
+ # do not need to compute them every time.
+ self.__leaderScores = map(lambda t: t[0], self.__leaders)
+ self.__minLeaderScore = min(self.__leaderScores)
+ self.__leaderAvIds = map(lambda t: t[1], self.__leaders)
+ self.__leaderNames = map(lambda avId: self.nameDict[avId], self.__leaderAvIds)
+ self.notify.debug("recomputed leaders:\n leaderScores: %s\n leaderAvIds: %s\n leaderNames: %s" %
+ (self.__leaderScores, self.__leaderAvIds, self.__leaderNames))
+ # Yep, it changed (well, most likely changed)
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def getLeaderInfo(self):
+ return self.__leaderAvIds, self.__leaderNames, self.__leaderScores
+ def getScoreFromNumFloors(self, numFloors):
+ # Based on the number of floors from this building, compute
+ # the trophy score received
+ return numFloors
+ def addTrophy(self, avId, name, numFloors):
+ addedScore = self.getScoreFromNumFloors(numFloors)
+ score = self.getTrophyScore(avId) + addedScore
+ self.trophyDict[avId] = score
+ self.nameDict[avId] = name
+ if self.recomputeLeaders(avId, score):
+ # Send a message to the DistributedHQInteriorAIs to update
+ # their leaderboards
+ messenger.send("leaderboardChanged")
+ self.notify.debug("addTrophy: %s avId: %s" % (addedScore, avId))
+ av = self.air.doId2do.get(avId)
+ if av:
+ av.d_setTrophyScore(score)
+ self.air.writeServerEvent(
+ 'trophy', avId, "%s|%s" % (score, addedScore))
+ def removeTrophy(self, avId, numFloors):
+ if self.trophyDict.has_key(avId):
+ removedScore = self.getScoreFromNumFloors(numFloors)
+ score = self.getTrophyScore(avId) - removedScore
+ self.trophyDict[avId] = score
+ if self.recomputeLeaders(avId, score):
+ # Send a message to the DistributedHQInteriorAIs to update
+ # their leaderboards
+ messenger.send("leaderboardChanged")
+ self.notify.debug("removeTrophy: %s avId: %s" % (removedScore, avId))
+ # Whisper to the avatar to let them know their precious trophy is gone
+ av = self.air.doId2do.get(avId)
+ if av:
+ av.d_setSystemMessage(0, TTLocalizer.RemoveTrophy)
+ av.d_setTrophyScore(self.trophyDict[avId])
+ if self.trophyDict[avId] <= 0:
+ del self.trophyDict[avId]
+ del self.nameDict[avId]
+ self.notify.debug("removeTrophy avId: %s removed from dict" % avId)
+ self.air.writeServerEvent(
+ 'trophy', avId, "%s|%s" % (score, -removedScore))
+ else:
+ # This should not happen
+ self.notify.warning("Tried to remove a trophy from avId: %s that has no trophies" % avId)
+ def getSortedScores(self):
+ """
+ Returns a list of score,avId pairs in sorted order, highest first
+ """
+ i = map(lambda t: list(t), self.trophyDict.items())
+ map(lambda r: r.reverse(),i)
+ i.sort()
+ i.reverse()
+ return i
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81c32f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+from toontown.toonbase.ToonBaseGlobal import *
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
+from direct.distributed.ClockDelta import *
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+import ToonInterior
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.distributed import DistributedObject
+import random
+import ToonInteriorColors
+from toontown.hood import ZoneUtil
+from toontown.char import Char
+from toontown.suit import SuitDNA
+from toontown.suit import Suit
+from import QuestParser
+class DistributedTutorialInterior(DistributedObject.DistributedObject):
+ if __debug__:
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory(
+ 'DistributedTutorialInterior')
+ def __init__(self, cr):
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.__init__(self, cr)
+ def generate(self):
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.generate(self)
+ def announceGenerate(self):
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.announceGenerate(self)
+ self.setup()
+ def disable(self):
+ self.interior.removeNode()
+ del self.interior
+ self.street.removeNode()
+ del self.street
+ del
+ self.mickeyMovie.cleanup()
+ del self.mickeyMovie
+ self.suitWalkTrack.finish()
+ del self.suitWalkTrack
+ self.suit.delete()
+ del self.suit
+ self.ignore("enterTutotialInterior")
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.disable(self)
+ def delete(self):
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.delete(self)
+ def randomDNAItem(self, category, findFunc):
+ codeCount = self.dnaStore.getNumCatalogCodes(category)
+ index = self.randomGenerator.randint(0, codeCount-1)
+ code = self.dnaStore.getCatalogCode(category, index)
+ # findFunc will probably be findNode or findTexture
+ return findFunc(code)
+ def replaceRandomInModel(self, model):
+ """Replace named nodes with random items.
+ Here are the name Here is
+ prefixes that are what they
+ affected: do:
+ random_mox_ change the Model Only.
+ random_mcx_ change the Model and the Color.
+ random_mrx_ change the Model and Recurse.
+ random_tox_ change the Texture Only.
+ random_tcx_ change the Texture and the Color.
+ x is simply a uniquifying integer because Multigen will not
+ let you have multiple nodes with the same name
+ """
+ baseTag="random_"
+ npc=model.findAllMatches("**/"+baseTag+"???_*")
+ for i in range(npc.getNumPaths()):
+ np=npc.getPath(i)
+ name=np.getName()
+ b=len(baseTag)
+ category=name[b+4:]
+ key1=name[b]
+ key2=name[b+1]
+ assert(key1 in ["m", "t"])
+ assert(key2 in ["c", "o", "r"])
+ if key1 == "m":
+ # ...model.
+ model = self.randomDNAItem(category, self.dnaStore.findNode)
+ assert(not model.isEmpty())
+ newNP = model.copyTo(np)
+ # room has collisions already: remove collisions from models
+ c = render.findAllMatches('**/collision')
+ c.stash()
+ if key2 == "r":
+ self.replaceRandomInModel(newNP)
+ elif key1 == "t":
+ # ...texture.
+ texture=self.randomDNAItem(category, self.dnaStore.findTexture)
+ assert(texture)
+ np.setTexture(texture,100)
+ newNP=np
+ if key2 == "c":
+ if (category == "TI_wallpaper") or (category == "TI_wallpaper_border"):
+ self.randomGenerator.seed(self.zoneId)
+ newNP.setColorScale(
+ self.randomGenerator.choice(self.colors[category]))
+ else:
+ newNP.setColorScale(
+ self.randomGenerator.choice(self.colors[category]))
+ def setup(self):
+ self.randomGenerator=random.Random()
+ # The math here is a little arbitrary. I'm trying to get a
+ # substantially different seed for each zondId, even on the
+ # same street. But we don't want to weigh to much on the
+ # block number, because we want the same block number on
+ # different streets to be different.
+ # Here we use the block number and a little of the branchId:
+ # seedX=self.zoneId&0x00ff
+ # Here we're using only the branchId:
+ # seedY=self.zoneId/100
+ # Here we're using only the block number:
+ # seedZ=256-int(self.block)
+ self.randomGenerator.seed(self.zoneId)
+ self.interior = loader.loadModel("phase_3.5/models/modules/toon_interior_tutorial")
+ self.interior.reparentTo(render)
+ dnaStore = DNAStorage()
+ node = loader.loadDNAFile(, "phase_3.5/dna/tutorial_street.dna")
+ self.street = render.attachNewNode(node)
+ self.street.flattenMedium()
+ self.street.setPosHpr(-17,42,-0.5,180,0,0)
+ # Get rid of the building we are in
+ self.street.find("**/tb2:toon_landmark_TT_A1_DNARoot").stash()
+ # Get rid of the flashing doors on the HQ building
+ self.street.find("**/tb1:toon_landmark_hqTT_DNARoot/**/door_flat_0").stash()
+ # Get rid of collisions because we do not need them and they get in the way
+ self.street.findAllMatches("**/+CollisionNode").stash()
+ self.skyFile = "phase_3.5/models/props/TT_sky"
+ = loader.loadModel(self.skyFile)
+ # Parent the sky to our camera, the task will counter rotate it
+ # Turn off depth tests on the sky because as the cloud layers interpenetrate
+ # we do not want to see the polys cutoff. Since there is nothing behing them
+ # we can get away with this.
+"background", 100)
+ # Make sure they are drawn in the correct order in the hierarchy
+ # The sky should be first, then the clouds
+"**/Sky").reparentTo(, -1)
+ # Load a color dictionary for this hood:
+ hoodId = ZoneUtil.getCanonicalHoodId(self.zoneId)
+ self.colors = ToonInteriorColors.colors[hoodId]
+ # Replace all the "random_xxx_" nodes:
+ self.replaceRandomInModel(self.interior)
+ # Door:
+ doorModelName="door_double_round_ul" # hack zzzzzzz
+ # Switch leaning of the door:
+ if doorModelName[-1:] == "r":
+ doorModelName=doorModelName[:-1]+"l"
+ else:
+ doorModelName=doorModelName[:-1]+"r"
+ door=self.dnaStore.findNode(doorModelName)
+ # Determine where should we put the door:
+ door_origin=render.find("**/door_origin;+s")
+ doorNP=door.copyTo(door_origin)
+ assert(not doorNP.isEmpty())
+ assert(not door_origin.isEmpty())
+ # The rooms are too small for doors:
+ door_origin.setScale(0.8, 0.8, 0.8)
+ # Move the origin away from the wall so it does not shimmer
+ # We do this instead of decals
+ door_origin.setPos(door_origin, 0, -0.025, 0)
+ color=self.randomGenerator.choice(self.colors["TI_door"])
+ DNADoor.setupDoor(doorNP,
+ self.interior, door_origin,
+ self.dnaStore,
+ str(self.block), color)
+ # Setting the wallpaper texture with a priority overrides
+ # the door texture, if it's decalled. So, we're going to
+ # move it out from the decal, and float it in front of
+ # the wall:
+ doorFrame = doorNP.find("door_*_flat")
+ doorFrame.wrtReparentTo(self.interior)
+ doorFrame.setColor(color)
+ del self.colors
+ del self.dnaStore
+ del self.randomGenerator
+ # Get rid of any transitions and extra nodes
+ self.interior.flattenMedium()
+ # Ok, this is a hack, but I'm tired of this freakin tutorial.
+ # The problem is the interior must be created first so the npc can find the origin
+ # of where to stand, but in this case the npc must be created first so the tutorial
+ # can get a handle on him. Instead, I'll let the npc be created first which means
+ # he will not find his origin. We'll just do that work here again.
+ npcOrigin = self.interior.find("**/npc_origin_" + `self.npc.posIndex`)
+ # Now he's no longer parented to render, but no one minds.
+ if not npcOrigin.isEmpty():
+ self.npc.reparentTo(npcOrigin)
+ self.npc.clearMat()
+ # TODO: no suit if you have already beat him
+ self.createSuit()
+ self.mickeyMovie = QuestParser.NPCMoviePlayer("tutorial_mickey", base.localAvatar, self.npc)
+ self.acceptOnce("enterTutorialInterior",
+ def createSuit(self):
+ # Create a suit
+ self.suit = Suit.Suit()
+ suitDNA = SuitDNA.SuitDNA()
+ suitDNA.newSuit('f')
+ self.suit.setDNA(suitDNA)
+ self.suit.loop('neutral')
+ self.suit.setPosHpr(-20,8,0,0,0,0)
+ self.suit.reparentTo(self.interior)
+ self.suitWalkTrack = Sequence(
+ self.suit.hprInterval(0.1, Vec3(0,0,0)),
+ Func(self.suit.loop, 'walk'),
+ self.suit.posInterval(2, Point3(-20,20,0)),
+ Func(self.suit.loop, 'neutral'),
+ Wait(1.0),
+ self.suit.hprInterval(0.1, Vec3(180,0,0)),
+ Func(self.suit.loop, 'walk'),
+ self.suit.posInterval(2, Point3(-20,10,0)),
+ Func(self.suit.loop, 'neutral'),
+ Wait(1.0),
+ )
+ self.suitWalkTrack.loop()
+ def setZoneIdAndBlock(self, zoneId, block):
+ self.zoneId=zoneId
+ self.block=block
+ def setTutorialNpcId(self, npcId):
+ self.npcId = npcId
+ self.npc =[npcId]
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77bbddf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+from toontown.toonbase.ToontownGlobals import *
+from import *
+from direct.distributed.ClockDelta import *
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.distributed import DistributedObjectAI
+from toontown.toon import NPCToons
+class DistributedTutorialInteriorAI(DistributedObjectAI.DistributedObjectAI):
+ if __debug__:
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('DistributedTutorialInteriorAI')
+ def __init__(self, block, air, zoneId, building, npcId):
+ """blockNumber: the landmark building number (from the name)"""
+ #self.air=air
+ DistributedObjectAI.DistributedObjectAI.__init__(self, air)
+ self.block=block
+ self.zoneId=zoneId
+ self.building=building
+ self.tutorialNpcId = npcId
+ # Make any npcs that may be in this interior zone
+ # If there are none specified, this will just be an empty list
+ self.npcs = NPCToons.createNpcsInZone(air, zoneId)
+ def delete(self):
+ self.ignoreAll()
+ for npc in self.npcs:
+ npc.requestDelete()
+ del self.npcs
+ del self.building
+ DistributedObjectAI.DistributedObjectAI.delete(self)
+ def getZoneIdAndBlock(self):
+ return [self.zoneId, self.block]
+ def getTutorialNpcId(self):
+ return self.tutorialNpcId
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5d1023
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# These are the types of door models that a DistributedDoor can be.
+# An exterior standard door. This is most of the types of doors on landmark
+# building exteriors.
+# An interior standard door. This is most of the doors on building interiors.
+# A door on the outside of an HQ building. These doors have models built
+# into the building, and there is possibly more than one of them on
+# each building.
+EXT_HQ = 3
+# A door on the inside of an HQ building. These are like interior standard
+# doors, but there can be more than one of them leading out of the building.
+INT_HQ = 4
+# The exterior/interior doors of an estate building must be handled
+# differently since the houses on an estate could possibly change
+# CogHQ main building -> lobby doors
+# KartShop exterior -> interior doors
+EXT_KS = 9
+INT_KS = 10
+# for animated landmark buildings
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4bda27b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from toontown.toonbase.ToonBaseGlobal import *
+from direct.gui.DirectGui import *
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM, State
+from direct.fsm import State
+from direct.fsm import StateData
+from toontown.launcher import DownloadForceAcknowledge
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+from direct.showbase import PythonUtil
+class Elevator(StateData.StateData):
+ def __init__(self, elevatorState, doneEvent, distElevator):
+ StateData.StateData.__init__(self, doneEvent)
+ self.fsm = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM('Elevator',
+ [State.State('start',
+ self.enterStart,
+ self.exitStart,
+ ['elevatorDFA',
+ ]),
+ State.State('elevatorDFA',
+ self.enterElevatorDFA,
+ self.exitElevatorDFA,
+ ['requestBoard',
+ 'final'
+ ]),
+ State.State('requestBoard',
+ self.enterRequestBoard,
+ self.exitRequestBoard,
+ ['boarding']),
+ State.State('boarding',
+ self.enterBoarding,
+ self.exitBoarding,
+ ['boarded']),
+ State.State('boarded',
+ self.enterBoarded,
+ self.exitBoarded,
+ ['requestExit',
+ 'elevatorClosing',
+ 'final']),
+ State.State('requestExit',
+ self.enterRequestExit,
+ self.exitRequestExit,
+ ['exiting', 'elevatorClosing']),
+ State.State('elevatorClosing',
+ self.enterElevatorClosing,
+ self.exitElevatorClosing,
+ ['final']),
+ State.State('exiting',
+ self.enterExiting,
+ self.exitExiting,
+ ['final']),
+ State.State('final',
+ self.enterFinal,
+ self.exitFinal,
+ ['start'])],
+ # Initial State
+ 'start',
+ # Final State
+ 'final',
+ )
+ self.dfaDoneEvent = "elevatorDfaDoneEvent"
+ self.elevatorState = elevatorState
+ self.distElevator = distElevator
+ distElevator.elevatorFSM=self
+ self.reverseBoardingCamera = False
+ self.skipDFABoard = 0
+ def load(self):
+ self.elevatorState.addChild(self.fsm)
+ self.buttonModels = loader.loadModel("phase_3.5/models/gui/inventory_gui")
+ self.upButton = self.buttonModels.find("**//InventoryButtonUp")
+ self.downButton = self.buttonModels.find("**/InventoryButtonDown")
+ self.rolloverButton = self.buttonModels.find(
+ "**/InventoryButtonRollover")
+ def unload(self):
+ self.elevatorState.removeChild(self.fsm)
+ self.distElevator.elevatorFSM = None # kill the loop
+ del self.distElevator
+ del self.fsm
+ del self.elevatorState
+ self.buttonModels.removeNode()
+ del self.buttonModels
+ del self.upButton
+ del self.downButton
+ del self.rolloverButton
+ def enter(self):
+ self.fsm.enterInitialState()
+ self.fsm.request("elevatorDFA")
+ def exit(self):
+ self.ignoreAll()
+ def signalDone(self, doneStatus):
+ messenger.send(self.doneEvent, [doneStatus])
+ def enterStart(self):
+ pass
+ def exitStart(self):
+ pass
+ def enterElevatorDFA(self):
+ self.acceptOnce(self.dfaDoneEvent, self.enterDFACallback)
+ self.dfa = DownloadForceAcknowledge.DownloadForceAcknowledge(
+ self.dfaDoneEvent)
+ # The suit interiors are download phase 7
+ self.dfa.enter(7)
+ return
+ def enterDFACallback(self, DFAdoneStatus):
+ self.dfa.exit()
+ del self.dfa
+ if (DFAdoneStatus["mode"] == "complete"):
+ if self.skipDFABoard:
+ self.skipDFABoard = 0
+ else:
+ self.fsm.request("requestBoard")
+ elif (DFAdoneStatus["mode"] == "incomplete"):
+ elevatorDoneStatus = {}
+ elevatorDoneStatus["where"] = "reject"
+ # Let our parent fsm know that we are done.
+ messenger.send(self.doneEvent, [elevatorDoneStatus])
+ else:
+ self.notify.error("Unrecognized doneStatus: " + str(DFAdoneStatus))
+ def exitElevatorDFA(self):
+ self.ignore(self.dfaDoneEvent)
+ def enterRequestBoard(self):
+ # Let the distributed elevator know that it can safely make
+ # the request.
+ messenger.send(self.distElevator.uniqueName("enterElevatorOK"))
+ def exitRequestBoard(self):
+ pass
+ def enterBoarding(self, nodePath):
+ camera.wrtReparentTo(nodePath)
+ if self.reverseBoardingCamera:
+ heading = PythonUtil.fitDestAngle2Src( camera.getH( nodePath), 180 )
+ self.cameraBoardTrack = LerpPosHprInterval(camera, 1.5,
+ Point3(0, 18, 8),
+ Point3(heading, -10, 0))
+ else:
+ self.cameraBoardTrack = LerpPosHprInterval(
+ camera, 1.5, Point3(0, -16, 5.5), Point3(0, 0, 0))
+ self.cameraBoardTrack.start()
+ def exitBoarding(self):
+ self.ignore("boardedElevator")
+ def enterBoarded(self):
+ self.enableExitButton()
+ def exitBoarded(self):
+ # Remove the boarding task... You might think this should be
+ # removed in exitBoarding, but we want the camera move to continue
+ # into the boarded state. Since boarding only goes directly into
+ # boarded state, it's okay. Probably boarding and boarded should
+ # be the same state.
+ self.cameraBoardTrack.finish()
+ self.disableExitButton()
+ def enableExitButton(self):
+ self.exitButton = DirectButton(
+ relief = None,
+ text = TTLocalizer.ElevatorHopOff,
+ text_fg = (0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1),
+ text_pos = (0, -0.23),
+ text_scale = TTLocalizer.EelevatorHopOff,
+ image = (self.upButton, self.downButton, self.rolloverButton),
+ image_color = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1),
+ image_scale = (20, 1, 11),
+ pos = (0, 0, 0.8),
+ scale = 0.15,
+ command = lambda self=self: self.fsm.request("requestExit"),
+ )
+ if hasattr(localAvatar, "boardingParty") and \
+ localAvatar.boardingParty and \
+ localAvatar.boardingParty.getGroupLeader(localAvatar.doId) and \
+ localAvatar.boardingParty.getGroupLeader(localAvatar.doId) != localAvatar.doId:
+ self.exitButton['command'] = None
+ self.exitButton.hide()
+## self.hopWarning = DirectLabel(
+## parent = self.exitButton,
+## relief = None,
+## pos = Vec3(0, 0, 0.0),
+## text = TTLocalizer.ElevatorLeaderOff,
+## text_fg = (0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1),
+## text_pos = (0, -1.1),
+## text_scale = 0.6,
+## )
+## self.hopWarning.reparentTo(self.exitButton.stateNodePath[2])
+ if self.distElevator.antiShuffle:
+ self.hopWarning = DirectLabel(
+ parent = self.exitButton,
+ relief = None,
+ pos = Vec3(0, 0, 0.0),
+ text = TTLocalizer.ElevatorStayOff,
+ text_fg = (0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1),
+ text_pos = (0, -1.1),
+ text_scale = 0.6,
+ )
+ self.hopWarning.reparentTo(self.exitButton.stateNodePath[2])
+ else:
+ self.hopWarning = None
+ def disableExitButton(self):
+ if self.hopWarning:
+ self.hopWarning.destroy()
+ self.exitButton.destroy()
+ def enterRequestExit(self):
+ messenger.send("elevatorExitButton")
+ def exitRequestExit(self):
+ pass
+ def enterElevatorClosing(self):
+ # A camera move
+ #camera.lerpPosHprXYZHPR(0, 18.55, 3.75, -180, 0, 0, 3,
+ # blendType = "easeInOut", task="closingCamera")
+ # TODO: Actually go inside the building... Set doneStatus to
+ # whatever is necessary to enter the building, and call the
+ # done event.
+ assert(self.notify.debug('enterElevatorClosing()'))
+ def exitElevatorClosing(self):
+ #taskMgr.remove("closingCamera")
+ pass
+ def enterExiting(self):
+ pass
+ def exitExiting(self):
+ pass
+ def enterFinal(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('enterFinal()'))
+ def exitFinal(self):
+ pass
+ def setReverseBoardingCamera(self, newVal):
+ """Set the flag if True, we reverse the boarding camera."""
+ self.reverseBoardingCamera = newVal
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..787527e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+# The various types of elevators
+ELEVATOR_COUNTRY_CLUB = 8 # country club cog golf kart / elevator
+# Reasons for rejecting a toons
+REJECT_BLOCKED_ROOM = 5 # a room needs to be defeated first
+REJECT_NOT_YET_AVAILABLE = 6 # deliberately blocked by devs for now
+REJECT_BOARDINGPARTY = 7 #the reject came from the boarding party.
+if __dev__:
+ try:
+ config = simbase.config
+ except:
+ config = base.config
+ elevatorCountdown = config.GetFloat('elevator-countdown', -1)
+ if elevatorCountdown != -1:
+'elevatorCountdown', elevatorCountdown)
+# Constants used for elevator coordination
+ElevatorData = {
+ ELEVATOR_NORMAL : { "openTime" : 2.0,
+ "closeTime" : 2.0,
+ "width" : 3.5,
+ "countdown" : bboard.get('elevatorCountdown',15.0),
+ "sfxVolume" : 1.0,
+ "collRadius": 5,
+ },
+ ELEVATOR_VP : { "openTime" : 4.0,
+ "closeTime" : 4.0,
+ "width" : 11.5,
+ "countdown" : bboard.get('elevatorCountdown',30.0),
+ "sfxVolume" : 0.7,
+ "collRadius": 7.5,
+ },
+ ELEVATOR_MINT : { "openTime" : 2.0,
+ "closeTime" : 2.0,
+ "width" : 5.875,
+ "countdown" : bboard.get('elevatorCountdown',15.0),
+ "sfxVolume" : 1.0,
+ "collRadius": 5,
+ },
+ ELEVATOR_OFFICE : { "openTime" : 2.0,
+ "closeTime" : 2.0,
+ "width" : 5.875,
+ "countdown" : bboard.get('elevatorCountdown',15.0),
+ "sfxVolume" : 1.0,
+ "collRadius": 5,
+ },
+ ELEVATOR_CFO : { "openTime" : 3.0,
+ "closeTime" : 3.0,
+ "width" : 8.166,
+ "countdown" : bboard.get('elevatorCountdown',30.0),
+ "sfxVolume" : 0.7,
+ "collRadius": 7.5,
+ },
+ ELEVATOR_CJ : { "openTime" : 4.0,
+ "closeTime" : 4.0,
+ "width" : 15.8,
+ "countdown" : bboard.get('elevatorCountdown',30.0),
+ "sfxVolume" : 0.7,
+ "collRadius": 7.5,
+ },
+ ELEVATOR_STAGE : { "openTime" : 4.0,
+ "closeTime" : 4.0,
+ "width" : 6.5,
+ "countdown" : bboard.get('elevatorCountdown',42.0),
+ "sfxVolume" : 1.0,
+ "collRadius": 9.5,
+ },
+ ELEVATOR_BB : { "openTime" : 4.0,
+ "closeTime" : 4.0,
+ "width" : 6.3,
+ "countdown" : bboard.get('elevatorCountdown',30.0),
+ "sfxVolume" : 0.7,
+ "collRadius": 7.5,
+ },
+ ELEVATOR_COUNTRY_CLUB : { "openTime" : 2.0,
+ "closeTime" : 2.0,
+ "width" : 5.875,
+ "countdown" : bboard.get('elevatorCountdown',15.0),
+ "sfxVolume" : 1.0,
+ "collRadius": 4,
+ },
+ }
+# 120 seemed like to long when somebody was just joking
+# or griefing by not getting in the elevator. How bout 60?
+# ...60 not long enough to account for network lags, apparently
+# (is xp being skipped if this times out?)
+# The color of the "off" elevator lights.
+LIGHT_OFF_COLOR = Vec4(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0)
+# The color of the "on" elevator light.
+LIGHT_ON_COLOR = Vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
+ElevatorPoints = [[-1.5, 5, 0.1], # Back left
+ [1.5, 5, 0.1], # Back right
+ [-2.5, 3, 0.1], # Front left
+ [2.5, 3, 0.1], # Front right
+ [-3.5, 5, 0.1], # Left of back left
+ [3.5, 5, 0.1], # Right of back right
+ [-4, 3, 0.1], # Left of front left
+ [4, 3, 0.1]] # Right of front right
+JumpOutOffsets = [[-1.5, -5, -0], # Slot 1 - Back left
+ [1.5, -5, -0], # Slot 2 - Back right
+ [-2.5, -7, -0], # Slot 3 - Front left
+ [2.5, -7, -0], # Slot 4 - Front right
+ [-3.5, -5, -0], # Slot 5 - Left of back left
+ [3.5, -5, -0], # Slot 6 - Right of back right
+ [-4, -7, -0], # Slot 7 - Left of front left
+ [4, -7, -0]] # Slot 8 - Right of front right
+BigElevatorPoints = [[-2.5, 9, 0.1], # Back left center
+ [2.5, 9, 0.1], # Back right center
+ [-8.0, 9, 0.1], # Back left left
+ [8.0, 9, 0.1], # Back right right
+ [-2.5, 4, 0.1], # Front left center
+ [2.5, 4, 0.1], # Front right center
+ [-8.0, 4, 0.1], # Front left left
+ [8.0, 4, 0.1]] # Front right right
+BossbotElevatorPoints = [[-2.5, 7.5, 0.1], # Back left center
+ [2.5, 7.5, 0.1], # Back right center
+ [-5.5, 7.5, 0.1], # Back left left
+ [5.5, 7.5, 0.1], # Back right right
+ [-2.5, 3.5, 0.1], # Front left center
+ [2.5, 3.5, 0.1], # Front right center
+ [-5.5, 3.5, 0.1], # Front left left
+ [5.5, 3.5, 0.1]] # Front right right
+# The victors will fan out into a semicircle after they leave the
+# elevator to observe the transformation.
+ElevatorOutPoints = [[-4.6, -5.2, 0.1], # Back left
+ [4.6, -5.2, 0.1], # Back right
+ [-1.6, -6.2, 0.1], # Front left
+ [1.6, -6.2, 0.1]] # Front right
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8aad597
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
+from ElevatorConstants import *
+def getLeftClosePoint(type):
+ width = ElevatorData[type]["width"]
+ return Point3(width, 0, 0)
+def getRightClosePoint(type):
+ width = ElevatorData[type]["width"]
+ return Point3(-width, 0, 0)
+def getLeftOpenPoint(type):
+ return Point3(0, 0, 0)
+def getRightOpenPoint(type):
+ return Point3(0, 0, 0)
+def closeDoors(leftDoor, rightDoor, type = ELEVATOR_NORMAL):
+ closedPosLeft = getLeftClosePoint(type)
+ closedPosRight = getRightClosePoint(type)
+ leftDoor.setPos(closedPosLeft)
+ rightDoor.setPos(closedPosRight)
+def openDoors(leftDoor, rightDoor, type = ELEVATOR_NORMAL):
+ openPosLeft = getLeftOpenPoint(type)
+ openPosRight = getRightOpenPoint(type)
+ leftDoor.setPos(openPosLeft)
+ rightDoor.setPos(openPosRight)
+def getLeftOpenInterval(distObj, leftDoor, type):
+ openTime = ElevatorData[type]["openTime"]
+ closedPos = getLeftClosePoint(type)
+ openPos = getLeftOpenPoint(type)
+ leftOpenInterval = LerpPosInterval(
+ leftDoor,
+ openTime,
+ openPos,
+ startPos = closedPos,
+ blendType = "easeOut",
+ name = distObj.uniqueName("leftDoorOpen"),
+ )
+ return leftOpenInterval
+def getRightOpenInterval(distObj, rightDoor, type):
+ openTime = ElevatorData[type]["openTime"]
+ closedPos = getRightClosePoint(type)
+ openPos = getRightOpenPoint(type)
+ rightOpenInterval = LerpPosInterval(
+ rightDoor,
+ openTime,
+ openPos,
+ startPos = closedPos,
+ blendType = "easeOut",
+ name = distObj.uniqueName("rightDoorOpen"),
+ )
+ return rightOpenInterval
+def getOpenInterval(distObj, leftDoor, rightDoor, openSfx, finalOpenSfx, type = ELEVATOR_NORMAL):
+ left = getLeftOpenInterval(distObj, leftDoor, type)
+ right = getRightOpenInterval(distObj, rightDoor, type)
+ openDuration = left.getDuration()
+ sfxVolume = ElevatorData[type]['sfxVolume']
+ if finalOpenSfx:
+ sound = Sequence(
+ SoundInterval(openSfx, duration = openDuration, volume = sfxVolume, node = leftDoor),
+ SoundInterval(finalOpenSfx, volume = sfxVolume, node = leftDoor),
+ )
+ else:
+ sound = SoundInterval(openSfx, volume = sfxVolume, node = leftDoor)
+ return Parallel(
+ # Localize to one of the doors
+ sound,
+ left,
+ right,
+ )
+def getLeftCloseInterval(distObj, leftDoor, type):
+ closeTime = ElevatorData[type]["closeTime"]
+ closedPos = getLeftClosePoint(type)
+ openPos = getLeftOpenPoint(type)
+ leftCloseInterval = LerpPosInterval(
+ leftDoor,
+ closeTime,
+ closedPos,
+ startPos = openPos,
+ blendType = "easeOut",
+ name = distObj.uniqueName("leftDoorClose"),
+ )
+ return leftCloseInterval
+def getRightCloseInterval(distObj, rightDoor, type):
+ closeTime = ElevatorData[type]["closeTime"]
+ closedPos = getRightClosePoint(type)
+ openPos = getRightOpenPoint(type)
+ rightCloseInterval = LerpPosInterval(
+ rightDoor,
+ closeTime,
+ closedPos,
+ startPos = openPos,
+ blendType = "easeOut",
+ name = distObj.uniqueName("rightDoorClose"),
+ )
+ return rightCloseInterval
+def getCloseInterval(distObj, leftDoor, rightDoor, closeSfx, finalCloseSfx, type = ELEVATOR_NORMAL):
+ left = getLeftCloseInterval(distObj, leftDoor, type)
+ right = getRightCloseInterval(distObj, rightDoor, type)
+ closeDuration = left.getDuration()
+ sfxVolume = ElevatorData[type]['sfxVolume']
+ if finalCloseSfx:
+ sound = Sequence(
+ SoundInterval(closeSfx, duration = closeDuration, volume = sfxVolume, node = leftDoor),
+ SoundInterval(finalCloseSfx, volume = sfxVolume, node = leftDoor),
+ )
+ else:
+ sound = SoundInterval(closeSfx, volume = sfxVolume, node = leftDoor)
+ return Parallel(
+ # Localize to one of the doors
+ sound,
+ left,
+ right,
+ )
+def getRideElevatorInterval(type = ELEVATOR_NORMAL):
+ # Returns an interval showing the camera tracking up and down as
+ # the elevator rides to the top.
+ if (type == ELEVATOR_VP) or (type == ELEVATOR_CFO) or (type==ELEVATOR_CJ):
+ yValue = 30
+ zMin = 7.8
+ zMid = 8
+ zMax = 8.2
+ elif (type == ELEVATOR_BB):
+ # update DistributedBossbotBoss.enterElevator if these values changs
+ yValue = 21
+ zMin = 7
+ zMid = 7.2
+ zMax = 7.4
+ ival = Sequence(
+ Wait(0.5),
+ LerpPosInterval(camera,
+ 0.5,
+ Point3(0, yValue, zMin),
+ startPos=Point3(0, yValue, zMid),
+ blendType='easeOut'),
+ LerpPosInterval(camera,
+ 0.5,
+ Point3(0, yValue, zMid),
+ startPos=Point3(0, yValue, zMin)),
+ Wait(1.0),
+ LerpPosInterval(camera,
+ 0.5,
+ Point3(0, yValue, zMax),
+ startPos=Point3(0, yValue, zMid),
+ blendType='easeOut'),
+ LerpPosInterval(camera,
+ 1.0,
+ Point3(0, yValue, zMid),
+ startPos=Point3(0, yValue, zMax)),
+ )
+ else:
+ ival = Sequence(
+ Wait(0.5),
+ LerpPosInterval(camera,
+ 0.5,
+ Point3(0, 14, 3.8),
+ startPos=Point3(0, 14, 4),
+ blendType='easeOut'),
+ LerpPosInterval(camera,
+ 0.5,
+ Point3(0, 14, 4),
+ startPos=Point3(0, 14, 3.8)),
+ Wait(1.0),
+ LerpPosInterval(camera,
+ 0.5,
+ Point3(0, 14, 4.2),
+ startPos=Point3(0, 14, 4),
+ blendType='easeOut'),
+ LerpPosInterval(camera,
+ 1.0,
+ Point3(0, 14, 4),
+ startPos=Point3(0, 14, 4.2)),
+ )
+ return ival
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51763c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+# The following are codes that indicate different reasons that
+# a door might be locked.
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+# Unlocked
+# You must talk to "Tutorial Tom" before entering the tutorial street
+# You must defeat the Flunky before you can enter toon hq.
+# You must talk to "HQ Harry" to get your reward
+# You must talk to "HQ Harry" to get your reward
+# You must go to the playground
+# You must defeat the Flunky before you can enter toon hq.
+# You must talk to "HQ Harry" to get your reward
+# A suit is heading towards the building.
+# A suit is taking over the building. Stay away.
+# The toon does not have a complete cog diguise to enter the lobby
+# Strings associated with codes
+reasonDict = {
+ TALK_TO_TOM: TTLocalizer.FADoorCodes_TALK_TO_TOM,
+ TALK_TO_HQ: TTLocalizer.FADoorCodes_TALK_TO_HQ,
+ }
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a8f31b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+import DistributedDoorAI
+import DistributedGagshopInteriorAI
+import FADoorCodes
+import DoorTypes
+from toontown.toon import NPCToons
+from import Quests
+# This is not a distributed class... It just owns and manages some distributed
+# classes.
+class GagshopBuildingAI:
+ def __init__(self, air, exteriorZone, interiorZone, blockNumber):
+ # While this is not a distributed object, it needs to know about
+ # the repository.
+ self.air = air
+ self.exteriorZone = exteriorZone
+ self.interiorZone = interiorZone
+ self.setup(blockNumber)
+ def cleanup(self):
+ for npc in self.npcs:
+ npc.requestDelete()
+ del self.npcs
+ self.door.requestDelete()
+ del self.door
+ self.insideDoor.requestDelete()
+ del self.insideDoor
+ self.interior.requestDelete()
+ del self.interior
+ return
+ def setup(self, blockNumber):
+ # The interior
+ self.interior=DistributedGagshopInteriorAI.DistributedGagshopInteriorAI(
+ blockNumber, self.air, self.interiorZone)
+ #desc = (self.interiorZone, "HQ Officer", ('dls', 'ms', 'm', 'm', 6,0,6,6,40,8), "m", 1, 0)
+ #self.npc = NPCToons.createNPC(self.air, Quests.ToonHQ, desc, self.interiorZone)
+ self.npcs = NPCToons.createNpcsInZone(self.air, self.interiorZone)
+ self.interior.generateWithRequired(self.interiorZone)
+ # Outside door
+ door=DistributedDoorAI.DistributedDoorAI(
+ self.air, blockNumber, DoorTypes.EXT_STANDARD)
+ # Inside door
+ insideDoor=DistributedDoorAI.DistributedDoorAI(
+ self.air,
+ blockNumber,
+ # Tell them about each other:
+ door.setOtherDoor(insideDoor)
+ insideDoor.setOtherDoor(door)
+ # Put them in the right zones
+ door.zoneId=self.exteriorZone
+ insideDoor.zoneId=self.interiorZone
+ # Now that they both now about each other, generate them:
+ door.generateWithRequired(self.exteriorZone)
+ insideDoor.generateWithRequired(self.interiorZone)
+ # keep track of them:
+ self.door=door
+ self.insideDoor=insideDoor
+ return
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9f8245
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+import DistributedDoorAI
+import DistributedHQInteriorAI
+import FADoorCodes
+import DoorTypes
+from toontown.toon import NPCToons
+from import Quests
+# This is not a distributed class... It just owns and manages some distributed
+# classes.
+class HQBuildingAI:
+ def __init__(self, air, exteriorZone, interiorZone, blockNumber):
+ # While this is not a distributed object, it needs to know about
+ # the repository.
+ self.air = air
+ self.exteriorZone = exteriorZone
+ self.interiorZone = interiorZone
+ self.setup(blockNumber)
+ def cleanup(self):
+ for npc in self.npcs:
+ npc.requestDelete()
+ del self.npcs
+ self.door0.requestDelete()
+ del self.door0
+ self.door1.requestDelete()
+ del self.door1
+ self.insideDoor0.requestDelete()
+ del self.insideDoor0
+ self.insideDoor1.requestDelete()
+ del self.insideDoor1
+ self.interior.requestDelete()
+ del self.interior
+ return
+ def setup(self, blockNumber):
+ # The interior
+ self.interior=DistributedHQInteriorAI.DistributedHQInteriorAI(
+ blockNumber, self.air, self.interiorZone)
+ #desc = (self.interiorZone, "HQ Officer", ('dls', 'ms', 'm', 'm', 6,0,6,6,40,8), "m", 1, 0)
+ #self.npc = NPCToons.createNPC(self.air, Quests.ToonHQ, desc, self.interiorZone)
+ self.npcs = NPCToons.createNpcsInZone(self.air, self.interiorZone)
+ self.interior.generateWithRequired(self.interiorZone)
+ # Outside door 0.
+ door0=DistributedDoorAI.DistributedDoorAI(
+ self.air, blockNumber, DoorTypes.EXT_HQ,
+ doorIndex=0)
+ # Outside door 1.
+ door1=DistributedDoorAI.DistributedDoorAI(
+ self.air, blockNumber, DoorTypes.EXT_HQ,
+ doorIndex=1)
+ # Inside door 0.
+ insideDoor0=DistributedDoorAI.DistributedDoorAI(
+ self.air,
+ blockNumber,
+ DoorTypes.INT_HQ,
+ doorIndex=0)
+ # Inside door 1.
+ insideDoor1=DistributedDoorAI.DistributedDoorAI(
+ self.air,
+ blockNumber,
+ DoorTypes.INT_HQ,
+ doorIndex=1)
+ # Tell them about each other:
+ door0.setOtherDoor(insideDoor0)
+ insideDoor0.setOtherDoor(door0)
+ door1.setOtherDoor(insideDoor1)
+ insideDoor1.setOtherDoor(door1)
+ # Put them in the right zones
+ door0.zoneId=self.exteriorZone
+ door1.zoneId=self.exteriorZone
+ insideDoor0.zoneId=self.interiorZone
+ insideDoor1.zoneId=self.interiorZone
+ # Now that they both now about each other, generate them:
+ door0.generateWithRequired(self.exteriorZone)
+ door1.generateWithRequired(self.exteriorZone)
+ door0.sendUpdate("setDoorIndex", [door0.getDoorIndex()])
+ door1.sendUpdate("setDoorIndex", [door1.getDoorIndex()])
+ insideDoor0.generateWithRequired(self.interiorZone)
+ insideDoor1.generateWithRequired(self.interiorZone)
+ insideDoor0.sendUpdate("setDoorIndex", [insideDoor0.getDoorIndex()])
+ insideDoor1.sendUpdate("setDoorIndex", [insideDoor1.getDoorIndex()])
+ # keep track of them:
+ self.door0=door0
+ self.door1=door1
+ self.insideDoor0=insideDoor0
+ self.insideDoor1=insideDoor1
+ return
+ def isSuitBlock(self):
+ # For compatibility with DistributedBuildingAI
+ return 0
+ def isSuitBuilding(self):
+ # For compatibility with DistributedBuildingAI
+ return 0
+ def isCogdo(self):
+ # For compatibility with DistributedBuildingAI
+ return 0
+ def isEstablishedSuitBlock(self):
+ # For compatibility with DistributedBuildingAI
+ return 0
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46adad7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+# Module:
+# Purpose: This module oversees the construction of the KartShop Interior
+# and KartShop NPC objects on the AI Server-side.
+# Date: 6/9/05
+# Author: jjtaylor (
+# Panda/Direct Import Modules
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+# Toontwon Import Modules
+from toontown.building import FADoorCodes, DoorTypes
+from toontown.building.DistributedDoorAI import DistributedDoorAI
+from toontown.building.DistributedKartShopInteriorAI import DistributedKartShopInteriorAI
+from toontown.hood import ZoneUtil
+from toontown.toon import NPCToons
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+if( __debug__ ):
+ import pdb
+class KartShopBuildingAI:
+ """
+ Purpose: The KartShopBuildingAI Class oversees the creation of the
+ KartShop Interior Object as well as the NPC clerks that are found
+ within the KartShop.
+ """
+ # Initialize Class Variables
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory( "KartShopBuildingAI" )
+ def __init__( self, air, exteriorZone, interiorZone, blockNumber ):
+ """
+ Purpose: The __init__ Method provides the appropriate initialization
+ of the KartShopBuildingAI object, including instance variables.
+ Params: air - Reference to the AI Repository.
+ exteriorZone - b
+ interiorZone - b
+ blockNumber - b
+ Return: None
+ """
+ self.air = air
+ self.exteriorZone = exteriorZone
+ self.interiorZone = interiorZone
+ self.setup( blockNumber )
+ def cleanup( self ):
+ """
+ Purpose: The cleanup Method properly handles the cleanup of the
+ references and objects that are associated with the
+ """
+ # Request Delete for NPC Objects
+ for npc in self.npcs:
+ npc.requestDelete()
+ del self.npcs
+ # Request Delete for Door Objects
+ self.outsideDoor0.requestDelete()
+ self.outsideDoor1.requestDelete()
+ self.insideDoor0.requestDelete()
+ self.insideDoor1.requestDelete()
+ # Remove door object references
+ del self.outsideDoor0, self.insideDoor0
+ del self.outsideDoor1, self.insideDoor1
+ self.kartShopInterior.requestDelete()
+ del self.kartShopInterior
+ def setup( self, blockNumber ):
+ # Create the Interior Object on the AI Side
+ self.kartShopInterior = DistributedKartShopInteriorAI( blockNumber, self.air, self.interiorZone )
+ # Initialize the npc clerks.
+ self.npcs = NPCToons.createNpcsInZone( self.air, self.interiorZone )
+ # Tell the DistributedKartShopInteriorAI object to generate.
+ self.kartShopInterior.generateWithRequired( self.interiorZone )
+ # Handle the Door Generation.
+ self.outsideDoor0 = DistributedDoorAI( self.air, blockNumber, DoorTypes.EXT_KS, doorIndex = 1 )
+ self.outsideDoor1 = DistributedDoorAI( self.air, blockNumber, DoorTypes.EXT_KS, doorIndex = 2 )
+ self.insideDoor0 = DistributedDoorAI( self.air, blockNumber, DoorTypes.INT_KS, doorIndex = 1 )
+ self.insideDoor1 = DistributedDoorAI( self.air, blockNumber, DoorTypes.INT_KS, doorIndex = 2 )
+ # Assign inside and outside doors to one another, respectively.
+ self.outsideDoor0.setOtherDoor( self.insideDoor0 )
+ self.outsideDoor1.setOtherDoor( self.insideDoor1 )
+ self.insideDoor0.setOtherDoor( self.outsideDoor0 )
+ self.insideDoor1.setOtherDoor( self.outsideDoor1 )
+ # Place the doors in the proper zones.
+ self.outsideDoor0.zoneId = self.exteriorZone
+ self.outsideDoor1.zoneId = self.exteriorZone
+ self.insideDoor0.zoneId = self.interiorZone
+ self.insideDoor1.zoneId = self.interiorZone
+ # Generate the Doors
+ self.outsideDoor0.generateWithRequired( self.exteriorZone )
+ self.outsideDoor1.generateWithRequired( self.exteriorZone )
+ self.insideDoor0.generateWithRequired( self.interiorZone )
+ self.insideDoor1.generateWithRequired( self.interiorZone )
+ self.outsideDoor0.sendUpdate( "setDoorIndex", [ self.outsideDoor0.getDoorIndex() ] )
+ self.outsideDoor1.sendUpdate( "setDoorIndex", [ self.outsideDoor1.getDoorIndex() ] )
+ self.insideDoor0.sendUpdate( "setDoorIndex", [ self.insideDoor0.getDoorIndex() ] )
+ self.insideDoor1.sendUpdate( "setDoorIndex", [ self.insideDoor1.getDoorIndex() ] )
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d932cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# This file contains the data for the knock, knock jokes.
+# "Knock, knock.", "Who's there?", and " who?" are assumed.
+# For example:
+# KnockKnockJokes = {
+# ["Dave",
+# "Dave Schuyler"],
+# ["Jan",
+# "Jan Wallace"],
+# }
+# ...would be output by the program as:
+# Knock, knock.
+# Who's There?
+# Dave
+# Dave Who?
+# Dave Schuyler
+# Knock, knock.
+# Who's There?
+# Jan
+# Jan Who?
+# Jan Wallace
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+KnockKnockJokes = TTLocalizer.KnockKnockJokes
+KnockKnockContestJokes = TTLocalizer.KnockKnockContestJokes
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3c092f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+import DistributedDoorAI
+import DistributedPetshopInteriorAI
+import FADoorCodes
+import DoorTypes
+from toontown.toon import NPCToons
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from import Quests
+from toontown.pets import DistributedPetAI, PetTraits, PetUtil
+from toontown.hood import ZoneUtil
+# This is not a distributed class... It just owns and manages some distributed
+# classes.
+class PetshopBuildingAI:
+ def __init__(self, air, exteriorZone, interiorZone, blockNumber):
+ # While this is not a distributed object, it needs to know about
+ # the repository.
+ self.air = air
+ self.exteriorZone = exteriorZone
+ self.interiorZone = interiorZone
+ self.setup(blockNumber)
+ def cleanup(self):
+ for npc in self.npcs:
+ npc.requestDelete()
+ del self.npcs
+ self.door.requestDelete()
+ del self.door
+ self.insideDoor.requestDelete()
+ del self.insideDoor
+ self.interior.requestDelete()
+ del self.interior
+ return
+ def setup(self, blockNumber):
+ # The interior
+ self.interior=DistributedPetshopInteriorAI.DistributedPetshopInteriorAI(
+ blockNumber, self.air, self.interiorZone)
+ self.npcs = NPCToons.createNpcsInZone(self.air, self.interiorZone)
+ seeds = self.air.petMgr.getAvailablePets(1, len(self.npcs))
+ #for i in range(len(self.npcs)):
+ # self.wanderingPets = self.createPet(self.npcs[i].doId, seeds[i])
+ self.interior.generateWithRequired(self.interiorZone)
+ # Outside door
+ door=DistributedDoorAI.DistributedDoorAI(
+ self.air, blockNumber, DoorTypes.EXT_STANDARD)
+ # Inside door
+ insideDoor=DistributedDoorAI.DistributedDoorAI(
+ self.air,
+ blockNumber,
+ # Tell them about each other:
+ door.setOtherDoor(insideDoor)
+ insideDoor.setOtherDoor(door)
+ # Put them in the right zones
+ door.zoneId=self.exteriorZone
+ insideDoor.zoneId=self.interiorZone
+ # Now that they both now about each other, generate them:
+ door.generateWithRequired(self.exteriorZone)
+ insideDoor.generateWithRequired(self.interiorZone)
+ # keep track of them:
+ self.door=door
+ self.insideDoor=insideDoor
+ return
+ def createPet(self, ownerId, seed):
+ zoneId = self.interiorZone
+ safeZoneId = ZoneUtil.getCanonicalSafeZoneId(zoneId)
+ name, dna, traitSeed = PetUtil.getPetInfoFromSeed(seed, safeZoneId)
+ pet = DistributedPetAI.DistributedPetAI(self.air, dna = dna)
+ pet.setOwnerId(ownerId)
+ pet.setPetName(name)
+ pet.traits = PetTraits.PetTraits(traitSeed=traitSeed, safeZoneId=safeZoneId)
+ pet.generateWithRequired(zoneId)
+ pet.setPos(0, 0, 0)
+ pet.b_setParent(ToontownGlobals.SPRender)
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/Sources.pp b/toontown/src/building/Sources.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a03ea8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/Sources.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+// For now, since we are not installing Python files, this file can
+// remain empty.
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3c399e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+from ElevatorConstants import *
+# floor and suit information for all suit buildings, organized by each
+# level of suit that originally took over the building (minus 1), used
+# to determine how many and what level of suits to create for the suit
+# interiors
+# 1 number of floors for this level building
+# 2 suit level range, excluding the boss
+# 3 boss level range
+# 4 base level pool for total suits on each floor of the building
+# 5 multipliers for item 4 for each floor of the building, generally
+# each consecutive floor increases the base range of the level pool
+# 6 are they v2.0 cogs
+SuitBuildingInfo = (
+ # building difficulty 0 (suit level 1)
+ ( ( 1, 1 ), # 1
+ ( 1, 3 ), # 2
+ ( 4, 4 ), # 3
+ ( 8, 10 ), # 4
+ ( 1, ) ), # 5
+ # building difficulty 1 (suit level 2)
+ ( ( 1, 2 ),
+ ( 2, 4 ),
+ ( 5, 5 ),
+ ( 8, 10 ),
+ ( 1, 1.2 ) ),
+ # building difficulty 2 (suit level 3)
+ ( ( 1, 3 ),
+ ( 3, 5 ),
+ ( 6, 6 ),
+ ( 8, 10 ),
+ ( 1, 1.3, 1.6 ) ),
+ # building difficulty 3 (suit level 4)
+ ( ( 2, 3 ),
+ ( 4, 6 ),
+ ( 7, 7 ),
+ ( 8, 10 ),
+ ( 1, 1.4, 1.8 ) ),
+ # building difficulty 4 (suit level 5)
+ ( ( 2, 4 ),
+ ( 5, 7 ),
+ ( 8, 8 ),
+ ( 8, 10 ),
+ ( 1, 1.6, 1.8, 2 ) ),
+ # building difficulty 5 (suit level 6)
+ ( ( 3, 4 ),
+ ( 6, 8 ),
+ ( 9, 9 ),
+ ( 10, 12 ),
+ ( 1, 1.6, 2, 2.4 ) ),
+ # building difficulty 6 (suit level 7)
+ ( ( 3, 5 ),
+ ( 7, 9 ),
+ ( 10, 10 ),
+ ( 10, 14 ),
+ ( 1, 1.6, 1.8, 2.2, 2.4 ) ),
+ # building difficulty 7 (suit level 8)
+ ( ( 4, 5 ),
+ ( 8, 10 ),
+ ( 11, 11 ),
+ ( 12, 16 ),
+ ( 1, 1.8, 2.4, 3, 3.2 ) ),
+ # building difficulty 8 (suit level 9)
+ ( ( 5, 5 ),
+ ( 9, 11 ),
+ ( 12, 12 ),
+ ( 14, 20 ),
+ ( 1.4, 1.8, 2.6, 3.4, 4 ) ),
+ # building difficulty 9. This is a special difficulty level that
+ # is used only for the first battle with the Sellbot V.P. No
+ # buildings in the world outside of CogHQ have difficulty level 9.
+ ( ( 1, 1 ),
+ ( 1, 12 ),
+ ( 12, 12 ),
+ ( 67, 67 ),
+ ( 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ) ),
+ # building difficulty 10. Same as above, for the second battle with
+ # the Sellbot V.P. These are skelecogs.
+ ( ( 1, 1 ),
+ ( 8, 12 ),
+ ( 12, 12 ),
+ ( 100, 100 ),
+ ( 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ) ),
+ # building difficulty 11, first battle with Cashbot V.P. These
+ # are normal cogs.
+ ( ( 1, 1 ),
+ ( 1, 12 ),
+ ( 12, 12 ),
+ ( 100, 100 ),
+ ( 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ) ),
+ # building difficulty 12, first battle with Cashbot V.P., but
+ # these are the skelecogs. In the cashbot battle, both normal
+ # cogs and skelecogs are mixed up together.
+ ( ( 1, 1 ),
+ ( 8, 12 ),
+ ( 12, 12 ),
+ ( 150, 150 ),
+ ( 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ) ),
+ # building difficulty 13, first battle with Lawbot Boss. These
+ # are normal cogs.
+ ( ( 1, 1 ),
+ ( 8, 12 ),
+ ( 12, 12 ),
+ ( 275, 275 ),
+ ( 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ) ),
+ # building difficulty 14, first battle with Bossbot Boss. These
+ # are v2.0 cogs. Even though it has less total suit levels, they
+ # are fought twice!
+ ( ( 1, 1 ),
+ ( 9, 12 ),
+ ( 12, 12 ),
+ ( 206, 206 ),
+ ( 1, 1, 1, 1, 1),
+ ( 1, ) ),
+ )
+# how long it takes for a building to transition from a toon
+# to suit building, and vice-versa
+VICTORY_RUN_TIME = ElevatorData[ELEVATOR_NORMAL]['openTime'] + \
+# History
+# 14Aug01 jlbutler created.
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e52d93a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from toontown.toonbase.ToonBaseGlobal import *
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from toontown.hood import Place
+from direct.showbase import DirectObject
+from direct.fsm import StateData
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM, State
+from direct.fsm import State
+from import TownBattle
+from toontown.suit import Suit
+import Elevator
+from direct.task.Task import Task
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownBattleGlobals
+class SuitInterior(Place.Place):
+ """SuitInterior class"""
+ # create a notify category
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("SuitInterior")
+ # special methods
+ def __init__(self, loader, parentFSM, doneEvent):
+ """
+ SuitInterior constructor: create a play game ClassicFSM
+ """
+ Place.Place.__init__(self, loader, doneEvent)
+ self.fsm = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM('SuitInterior',
+ [State.State('entrance',
+ self.enterEntrance,
+ self.exitEntrance,
+ ['battle', 'walk']),
+ State.State('Elevator',
+ self.enterElevator,
+ self.exitElevator,
+ ['battle', 'walk']),
+ State.State('battle',
+ self.enterBattle,
+ self.exitBattle,
+ ['walk', 'died']),
+ State.State('walk',
+ self.enterWalk,
+ self.exitWalk,
+ ['stickerBook', 'stopped',
+ 'sit', 'died',
+ 'teleportOut',
+ 'Elevator',
+ 'DFA', 'trialerFA',]),
+ State.State('sit',
+ self.enterSit,
+ self.exitSit,
+ ['walk',]),
+ State.State('stickerBook',
+ self.enterStickerBook,
+ self.exitStickerBook,
+ ['walk', 'stopped', 'sit', 'died',
+ 'DFA', 'trialerFA',
+ 'teleportOut', 'Elevator',]),
+ # Trialer Force Acknowledge:
+ State.State('trialerFA',
+ self.enterTrialerFA,
+ self.exitTrialerFA,
+ ['trialerFAReject', 'DFA']),
+ State.State('trialerFAReject',
+ self.enterTrialerFAReject,
+ self.exitTrialerFAReject,
+ ['walk']),
+ State.State('DFA',
+ self.enterDFA,
+ self.exitDFA,
+ ['DFAReject', 'teleportOut']),
+ State.State('DFAReject',
+ self.enterDFAReject,
+ self.exitDFAReject,
+ ['walk']),
+ State.State('teleportIn',
+ self.enterTeleportIn,
+ self.exitTeleportIn,
+ ['walk']),
+ State.State('teleportOut',
+ self.enterTeleportOut,
+ self.exitTeleportOut,
+ ['teleportIn']),
+ State.State('stopped',
+ self.enterStopped,
+ self.exitStopped,
+ ['walk', 'elevatorOut']),
+ State.State('died',
+ self.enterDied,
+ self.exitDied,
+ []),
+ State.State('elevatorOut',
+ self.enterElevatorOut,
+ self.exitElevatorOut,
+ [])],
+ # Initial State
+ 'entrance',
+ # Final State
+ 'elevatorOut',
+ )
+ self.parentFSM = parentFSM
+ self.elevatorDoneEvent = "elevatorDoneSI"
+ # This is updated each floor by the DistributedSuitInterior.
+ self.currentFloor = 0
+ def enter(self, requestStatus):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("enter(requestStatus="+str(requestStatus)+")"))
+ self.fsm.enterInitialState()
+ # Let the safe zone manager know that we are here.
+ #messenger.send("enterToonInterior")
+ #self.geom.reparentTo(render)
+ self.zoneId = requestStatus['zoneId']
+ self.accept("DSIDoneEvent", self.handleDSIDoneEvent)
+ def exit(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("exit()"))
+ self.ignoreAll()
+ # Let the safe zone manager know that we are leaving
+ #messenger.send("exitToonInterior")
+ #self.geom.reparentTo(hidden)
+ # Turn off the little red arrows.
+ #NametagGlobals.setMasterArrowsOn(0)
+ def load(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("load()"))
+ # Call up the chain
+ Place.Place.load(self)
+ self.parentFSM.getStateNamed("suitInterior").addChild(self.fsm)
+ self.townBattle = TownBattle.TownBattle('town-battle-done')
+ self.townBattle.load()
+ for i in range(1, 3):
+ Suit.loadSuits(i)
+ def unload(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("unload()"))
+ # Call up the chain
+ Place.Place.unload(self)
+ self.parentFSM.getStateNamed("suitInterior").removeChild(self.fsm)
+ del self.parentFSM
+ del self.fsm
+ #self.geom.removeNode()
+ #del self.geom
+ self.ignoreAll()
+ # Get rid of any references to models or textures from this safe zone
+ ModelPool.garbageCollect()
+ TexturePool.garbageCollect()
+ self.townBattle.unload()
+ self.townBattle.cleanup()
+ del self.townBattle
+ for i in range(1, 3):
+ Suit.unloadSuits(i)
+ def setState(self, state, battleEvent=None):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("setState(state="+str(state)
+ +", battleEvent="+str(battleEvent)+")"))
+ if (battleEvent):
+ self.fsm.request(state, [battleEvent])
+ else:
+ self.fsm.request(state)
+ def getZoneId(self):
+ """
+ Returns the current zone ID.
+ """
+ return self.zoneId
+ def enterZone(self, zoneId):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('enterZone() - %d' % zoneId))
+ pass
+ def isPeriodTimerEffective(self):
+ """
+ Returns true if the period timer will be honored if it expires
+ in this kind of Place (and we're also in a suitable mode).
+ Generally, SuitInterior returns false, and other kinds of
+ Place return true.
+ """
+ return 0
+ def handleDSIDoneEvent(self, requestStatus):
+ self.doneStatus = requestStatus
+ messenger.send(self.doneEvent)
+ def doRequestLeave(self, requestStatus):
+ # when it's time to leave, check their trialer status first
+ self.fsm.request('trialerFA', [requestStatus])
+ # Elevator state
+ def enterEntrance(self):
+ return
+ def exitEntrance(self):
+ return
+ def enterElevator(self, distElevator):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('enterElevator()'))
+ self.accept(self.elevatorDoneEvent, self.handleElevatorDone)
+ self.elevator = Elevator.Elevator(self.fsm.getStateNamed("Elevator"),
+ self.elevatorDoneEvent,
+ distElevator)
+ self.elevator.load()
+ self.elevator.enter()
+ # Disable leave to pay / set parent password
+ base.localAvatar.cantLeaveGame = 1
+ return
+ def exitElevator(self):
+ base.localAvatar.cantLeaveGame = 0
+ self.ignore(self.elevatorDoneEvent)
+ self.elevator.unload()
+ self.elevator.exit()
+ del self.elevator
+ return None
+ def detectedElevatorCollision(self, distElevator):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("detectedElevatorCollision()"))
+ self.fsm.request("Elevator", [distElevator])
+ return None
+ def handleElevatorDone(self, doneStatus):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("handleElevatorDone()"))
+ self.notify.debug("handling elevator done event")
+ where = doneStatus['where']
+ if (where == 'reject'):
+ # If there has been a reject the Elevator should show an
+ # elevatorNotifier message and put the toon in the stopped state.
+ # Don't request the walk state here. Let the the toon be stuck in the
+ # stopped state till the player removes that message from his screen.
+ # Removing the message will automatically put him in the walk state there.
+ # Put the player in the walk state only if there is no elevator message.
+ if hasattr(base.localAvatar, "elevatorNotifier") and base.localAvatar.elevatorNotifier.isNotifierOpen():
+ pass
+ else:
+ self.fsm.request("walk")
+ elif (where == 'exit'):
+ self.fsm.request("walk")
+ elif (where == 'suitInterior'):
+ pass
+ else:
+ self.notify.error("Unknown mode: " + +
+ " in handleElevatorDone")
+ # Battle state
+ def enterBattle(self, event):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("enterBattle()"))
+ # Get the floor multiplier
+ mult = ToontownBattleGlobals.getCreditMultiplier(self.currentFloor)
+ self.townBattle.enter(event, self.fsm.getStateNamed("battle"),
+ bldg=1, creditMultiplier=mult)
+ # Make sure the toon's anim state gets reset
+ base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('off', 1)
+ # Disable leave to pay / set parent password
+ base.localAvatar.cantLeaveGame = 1
+ def exitBattle(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("exitBattle()"))
+ self.townBattle.exit()
+ base.localAvatar.cantLeaveGame = 0
+ # walk state inherited from
+ def enterWalk(self, teleportIn=0):
+ Place.Place.enterWalk(self, teleportIn)
+ self.ignore('teleportQuery')
+ base.localAvatar.setTeleportAvailable(0)
+ # sticker book state inherited from
+ def enterStickerBook(self, page = None):
+ Place.Place.enterStickerBook(self, page)
+ self.ignore('teleportQuery')
+ base.localAvatar.setTeleportAvailable(0)
+ # sit state inherited from
+ def enterSit(self):
+ Place.Place.enterSit(self)
+ self.ignore('teleportQuery')
+ base.localAvatar.setTeleportAvailable(0)
+ # teleport in state
+ def enterTeleportIn(self, requestStatus):
+ # We can only teleport in if our goHome or teleport to toon
+ # request failed.
+ # Set localToon to the starting position within the
+ # interior
+ base.localAvatar.setPosHpr(2.5, 11.5, ToontownGlobals.FloorOffset,
+ 45.0, 0.0, 0.0)
+ Place.Place.enterTeleportIn(self, requestStatus)
+ # teleport out state
+ def enterTeleportOut(self, requestStatus):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('enterTeleportOut()'))
+ Place.Place.enterTeleportOut(self, requestStatus,
+ self.__teleportOutDone)
+ def __teleportOutDone(self, requestStatus):
+ # Get out of here.
+ hoodId = requestStatus["hoodId"]
+ if hoodId == ToontownGlobals.MyEstate:
+ # We are trying to go to an estate. This request might fail
+ # if we are going to a toon's estate that we are not friends with.
+ # So we don't want to tell the AI that we are leaving right away.
+ # We will rely on the Place.Place.goHome function to do that if
+ # the teleport to estate request is successful.
+ self.getEstateZoneAndGoHome(requestStatus)
+ else:
+ # Let the DSI know that we are leaving.
+ messenger.send("localToonLeft")
+ self.doneStatus = requestStatus
+ messenger.send(self.doneEvent)
+ def exitTeleportOut(self):
+ Place.Place.exitTeleportOut(self)
+ def goHomeFailed(self, task):
+ # it took too long to hear back from the server,
+ # or we tried going to a non-friends house
+ self.notifyUserGoHomeFailed()
+ # ignore the setLocalEstateZone message
+ self.ignore("setLocalEstateZone")
+ self.doneStatus["avId"] = -1
+ self.doneStatus["zoneId"] = self.getZoneId()
+ self.fsm.request("teleportIn", [self.doneStatus])
+ return Task.done
+ # elevatorOut state
+ def enterElevatorOut(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('enterElevatorOut()'))
+ # TODO: Eventually, we will have a sequence here (like iris out)
+ # and when it is done, it should find a way to call __elevatorOutDone.
+ # for now, we'll just call it directly.
+ #self.__elevatorOutDone(
+ return None
+ def __elevatorOutDone(self, requestStatus):
+ self.doneStatus = requestStatus
+ messenger.send(self.doneEvent)
+ def exitElevatorOut(self):
+ return None
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a959e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,404 @@
+""" SuitPlannerInteriorAI module: contains the SuitPlannerInteriorAI
+ class which handles management of all suits within a suit building."""
+# AI code should not import ShowBaseGlobal because it creates a graphics window
+# Use AIBaseGlobal instead
+from import *
+import random
+from toontown.suit import SuitDNA
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from toontown.suit import DistributedSuitAI
+import SuitBuildingGlobals
+import types
+class SuitPlannerInteriorAI:
+ """
+ // SuitPlannerInteriorAI class: manages all suits which exist within
+ // a single suit building. This object only exists on the server AI.
+ //
+ // Attributes:
+ // none
+ """
+ # load a config file value to see if we should print out information
+ # about this suit while it is thinking
+ #
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory(
+ 'SuitPlannerInteriorAI')
+ def __init__( self, numFloors, bldgLevel, bldgTrack, zone ):
+ # when the suit planner interior is created, create information
+ # about all suits that will exist in this building
+ #
+ self.dbg_4SuitsPerFloor = config.GetBool("4-suits-per-floor", 0)
+ self.dbg_1SuitPerFloor = config.GetBool("1-suit-per-floor", 0) # formerly called 'wuss-suits'
+ self.zoneId = zone
+ self.numFloors = numFloors
+ # By default, if an invasion is in progress we only generate
+ # suits of that kind. Set this false to turn off this
+ # behavior.
+ self.respectInvasions = 1
+ # This dbg var forces the creations of all 1 suit type (overrides level/type restrictions)
+ dbg_defaultSuitName = simbase.config.GetString('suit-type', 'random')
+ if (dbg_defaultSuitName == 'random'):
+ self.dbg_defaultSuitType = None
+ else:
+ self.dbg_defaultSuitType = SuitDNA.getSuitType(dbg_defaultSuitName)
+ if (isinstance(bldgLevel, types.StringType)):
+ self.notify.warning('bldgLevel is a string!')
+ bldgLevel = int(bldgLevel)
+ self._genSuitInfos( numFloors, bldgLevel, bldgTrack )
+ assert(len(self.suitInfos) > 0)
+ def __genJoinChances( self, num ):
+ joinChances = []
+ for currChance in range( num ):
+ joinChances.append( random.randint( 1, 100 ) )
+ joinChances.sort( cmp )
+ return joinChances
+ def _genSuitInfos( self, numFloors, bldgLevel, bldgTrack ):
+ """
+ // Function: create information about all suits that will exist
+ // in this building
+ // Parameters: numFloors, number of floors in the building
+ // bldgLevel, how difficult the building is, based on
+ // the suit that initially took the building
+ // bldgTrack, the track of the building, based on the
+ // track that initially took the building
+ // Changes:
+ """
+ self.suitInfos = []
+ self.notify.debug( "\n\ngenerating suitsInfos with numFloors (" +
+ str( numFloors ) +
+ ") bldgLevel (" +
+ str( bldgLevel ) +
+ "+1) and bldgTrack (" +
+ str( bldgTrack ) + ")" )
+ assert(bldgLevel >= 0 and
+ bldgLevel < len(SuitBuildingGlobals.SuitBuildingInfo))
+ assert(numFloors > 0)
+ # process each floor in the building and create all active and
+ # reserve suits
+ #
+ for currFloor in range(numFloors):
+ infoDict = {}
+ lvls = self.__genLevelList(bldgLevel, currFloor, numFloors)
+ # now randomly decide how many suits will be active and how
+ # many will be in reserve, create the active suit objects
+ # create the active suits in order of highest level to lowest
+ # this is only because we want to make sure the highest level
+ # active suit is in the first position in the list
+ #
+ activeDicts = []
+ if (self.dbg_4SuitsPerFloor):
+ numActive = 4
+ else:
+ numActive = random.randint( 1, min( 4, len( lvls ) ) )
+ if ((currFloor + 1) == numFloors and len(lvls) > 1):
+ # Make the boss be suit 1 (unless there is only 1 active suit)
+ origBossSpot = len(lvls) - 1
+ if (numActive == 1):
+ newBossSpot = numActive - 1
+ else:
+ newBossSpot = numActive - 2
+ tmp = lvls[newBossSpot]
+ lvls[newBossSpot] = lvls[origBossSpot]
+ lvls[origBossSpot] = tmp
+ bldgInfo = SuitBuildingGlobals.SuitBuildingInfo[ bldgLevel ]
+ if len(bldgInfo) > SuitBuildingGlobals.SUIT_BLDG_INFO_REVIVES:
+ revives = bldgInfo[ SuitBuildingGlobals.SUIT_BLDG_INFO_REVIVES ][0]
+ else:
+ revives = 0
+ for currActive in range( numActive - 1, -1, -1 ):
+ level = lvls[ currActive ]
+ type = self.__genNormalSuitType( level )
+ activeDict = {}
+ activeDict['type'] = type
+ activeDict['track'] = bldgTrack
+ activeDict['level'] = level
+ activeDict['revives'] = revives
+ activeDicts.append(activeDict)
+ infoDict['activeSuits'] = activeDicts
+ # now create the reserve suit objects, also assign each a
+ # % join restriction, this indicates when the reserve suit
+ # should join the battle based on how much damage has been
+ # done to the suits currently in the battle
+ #
+ reserveDicts = []
+ numReserve = len( lvls ) - numActive
+ joinChances = self.__genJoinChances( numReserve )
+ for currReserve in range( numReserve ):
+ level = lvls[ currReserve + numActive ]
+ type = self.__genNormalSuitType( level )
+ reserveDict = {}
+ reserveDict['type'] = type
+ reserveDict['track'] = bldgTrack
+ reserveDict['level'] = level
+ reserveDict['revives'] = revives
+ reserveDict['joinChance'] = joinChances[currReserve]
+ reserveDicts.append(reserveDict)
+ infoDict['reserveSuits'] = reserveDicts
+ self.suitInfos.append(infoDict)
+ #self.print()
+ def __genNormalSuitType( self, lvl ):
+ """
+ // Function: generate info for a normal suit that we might find
+ // in this particular building
+ // Parameters: none
+ // Changes:
+ // Returns: list containing the suit level, type, and track
+ """
+ # there is a similar formula in DistributedSuitPlannerAI used for
+ # picking suit types for the streets, based on the suit level we
+ # need to make sure we pick a valid suit type that can actually
+ # be this level (each suit type can be 1 of 5 levels)
+ #
+ # TODO: track this formula down and make it use
+ # SuitDNA.getRandomSuitType
+ if (self.dbg_defaultSuitType != None):
+ return self.dbg_defaultSuitType
+ return SuitDNA.getRandomSuitType(lvl)
+ def __genLevelList( self, bldgLevel, currFloor, numFloors ):
+ """
+ // Function: based on a few parameters from the building, create
+ // a list of suit levels for a specific floor
+ // Parameters: bldgLevel, the level of the current building (the
+ // level of the suit that took it over, this
+ // value is 0-based)
+ // currFloor, the current floor that we are calculating
+ // numFloors, the total number of floors in this bldg
+ // Changes:
+ // returns: list of suit levels
+ """
+ assert(self.notify.debug('genLevelList(): floor: %d numFloors: %d' % \
+ (currFloor + 1, numFloors)))
+ bldgInfo = SuitBuildingGlobals.SuitBuildingInfo[ bldgLevel ]
+ # For quick building battles during debug.
+ if (self.dbg_1SuitPerFloor):
+ return [1] # 1 suit of max level 1
+ elif (self.dbg_4SuitsPerFloor):
+ return [5,6,7,10] # a typical level with a higher level boss (must be at end)
+ lvlPoolRange = bldgInfo[ SuitBuildingGlobals.SUIT_BLDG_INFO_LVL_POOL ]
+ maxFloors = bldgInfo[ SuitBuildingGlobals.SUIT_BLDG_INFO_FLOORS ][1]
+ # now figure out which level pool multiplier to use
+ #
+ lvlPoolMults = bldgInfo[
+ floorIdx = min(currFloor, maxFloors - 1)
+ # now adjust the min and max level pool range based on the multipliers
+ # we just got
+ #
+ lvlPoolMin = lvlPoolRange[ 0 ] * lvlPoolMults[ floorIdx ]
+ lvlPoolMax = lvlPoolRange[ 1 ] * lvlPoolMults[ floorIdx ]
+ # now randomly choose a level pool between the max and min
+ #
+ lvlPool = random.randint( int(lvlPoolMin), int(lvlPoolMax) )
+ # find the min and max possible suit levels that we can create
+ # for this level of building
+ #
+ lvlMin = bldgInfo[ SuitBuildingGlobals.SUIT_BLDG_INFO_SUIT_LVLS ][ 0 ]
+ lvlMax = bldgInfo[ SuitBuildingGlobals.SUIT_BLDG_INFO_SUIT_LVLS ][ 1 ]
+ # now randomly generate levels within our min and max, pulling
+ # from our pool until we run out
+ #
+ self.notify.debug( "Level Pool: " + str( lvlPool ) )
+ lvlList = []
+ while lvlPool >= lvlMin:
+ newLvl = random.randint( lvlMin, min( lvlPool, lvlMax ) )
+ lvlList.append( newLvl )
+ lvlPool -= newLvl
+ # now if we are on the top floor of the building, make sure to
+ # add in a slot for the building boss
+ #
+ if currFloor + 1 == numFloors:
+ bossLvlRange=bldgInfo[SuitBuildingGlobals.SUIT_BLDG_INFO_BOSS_LVLS]
+ newLvl = random.randint( bossLvlRange[ 0 ], bossLvlRange[ 1 ] )
+ assert(self.notify.debug('boss level: %d' % newLvl))
+ lvlList.append( newLvl )
+ lvlList.sort( cmp )
+ self.notify.debug( "LevelList: " + repr( lvlList ) )
+ return lvlList
+ def __setupSuitInfo( self, suit, bldgTrack, suitLevel, suitType ):
+ """
+ create dna information for the given suit with the given track
+ and suit type
+ """
+ suitName, skeleton = simbase.air.suitInvasionManager.getInvadingCog()
+ if suitName and self.respectInvasions:
+ # Override the suit type
+ suitType = SuitDNA.getSuitType(suitName)
+ # Override the building track
+ bldgTrack = SuitDNA.getSuitDept(suitName)
+ # if our type is already specified, we might need to
+ # constrain the level to fit.
+ suitLevel = min(max(suitLevel, suitType), suitType + 4)
+ dna = SuitDNA.SuitDNA()
+ dna.newSuitRandom( suitType, bldgTrack )
+ suit.dna = dna
+ self.notify.debug("Creating suit type " + +
+ " of level " + str( suitLevel ) +
+ " from type " + str( suitType ) +
+ " and track " + str( bldgTrack ) )
+ suit.setLevel( suitLevel )
+ # We can't make a suit a skeleton until after generate.
+ # Pass this info back so we know whether to do it or not
+ return skeleton
+ def __genSuitObject(self, suitZone, suitType, bldgTrack, suitLevel, revives = 0):
+ """
+ // Function: generate a distributed suit object
+ // Parameters:
+ // Changes:
+ // Returns: the suit object created
+ """
+ newSuit = DistributedSuitAI.DistributedSuitAI( simbase.air, None )
+ skel = self.__setupSuitInfo( newSuit, bldgTrack, suitLevel, suitType )
+ if skel:
+ newSuit.setSkelecog(1)
+ newSuit.setSkeleRevives(revives)
+ newSuit.generateWithRequired( suitZone )
+ # Fill in the name so we can tell one suit from another in printouts.
+ newSuit.node().setName('suit-%s' % (newSuit.doId))
+ return newSuit
+ def myPrint(self):
+ """
+ // Function: print suit infos structure to see what and which
+ // suits exist on each floor of this building
+ // Parameters: suitInfos, structure containing all suits in this
+ // building
+ // Changes:
+ """
+"Generated suits for building: ")
+ for currInfo in suitInfos:
+ whichSuitInfo = suitInfos.index( currInfo ) + 1
+ self.notify.debug( " Floor " + str( whichSuitInfo ) +
+ " has " +
+ str( len( currInfo[ 0 ] ) ) +
+ " active suits." )
+ for currActive in range( len( currInfo [ 0 ] ) ):
+ self.notify.debug( " Active suit " +
+ str( currActive + 1 ) +
+ " is of type " +
+ str( currInfo[ 0 ][ currActive ][ 0 ] ) +
+ " and of track " +
+ str( currInfo[ 0 ][ currActive ][ 1 ] ) +
+ " and of level " +
+ str( currInfo[ 0 ][ currActive ][ 2 ] ) )
+ self.notify.debug( " Floor " + str( whichSuitInfo ) +
+ " has " +
+ str( len( currInfo[ 1 ] ) ) +
+ " reserve suits." )
+ for currReserve in range( len( currInfo[ 1 ] ) ):
+ self.notify.debug( " Reserve suit " +
+ str( currReserve + 1 ) +
+ " is of type " +
+ str( currInfo[ 1 ][ currReserve ][ 0 ] ) +
+ " and of track " +
+ str( currInfo[ 1 ][ currReserve ][ 1 ] ) +
+ " and of lvel " +
+ str( currInfo[ 1 ][ currReserve ][ 2 ] ) +
+ " and has " +
+ str( currInfo[ 1 ][ currReserve ][ 3 ] ) +
+ "% join restriction." )
+ def genFloorSuits(self, floor):
+ """
+ """
+ assert(floor < len(self.suitInfos))
+ assert(self.notify.debug('generating suits for floor: %d' % floor))
+ suitHandles = {}
+ floorInfo = self.suitInfos[floor]
+ activeSuits = []
+ for activeSuitInfo in floorInfo['activeSuits']:
+ suit = self.__genSuitObject(self.zoneId,
+ activeSuitInfo['type'],
+ activeSuitInfo['track'],
+ activeSuitInfo['level'],
+ activeSuitInfo['revives'])
+ activeSuits.append(suit)
+ assert(len(activeSuits) > 0)
+ suitHandles['activeSuits'] = activeSuits
+ reserveSuits = []
+ for reserveSuitInfo in floorInfo['reserveSuits']:
+ suit = self.__genSuitObject(self.zoneId,
+ reserveSuitInfo['type'],
+ reserveSuitInfo['track'],
+ reserveSuitInfo['level'],
+ reserveSuitInfo['revives'])
+ reserveSuits.append((suit, reserveSuitInfo['joinChance']))
+ suitHandles['reserveSuits'] = reserveSuits
+ return suitHandles
+ def genSuits( self ):
+ """
+ // Function: for each floor, create a list of active and reserve
+ // suits that should exist inside of a suit building
+ // Parameters: none
+ // Changes:
+ // Returns: a map
+ """
+ assert(self.notify.debug('genSuits() for zone: %d' % self.zoneId))
+ suitHandles = []
+ # process each floor in the building and create all active and
+ # reserve suits
+ #
+ for floor in range(len(self.suitInfos)):
+ floorSuitHandles = self.genFloorSuits(floor)
+ suitHandles.append(floorSuitHandles)
+ return suitHandles
+# History
+# 13Aug01 jlbutler created.
+# 14Aug01 jlbutler modified to have two separate steps, the first is done
+# automatically when the SuitPlannerInteriorAI is created,
+# which creates all suit information for the building (this way
+# the same suits will be in this building until it is taken back
+# by toons), the second step is done when genSuits is called, this
+# creates the actual suit objects for the entire building (only
+# needed to be done when a toon enters the building)
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a9a705
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,399 @@
+"""ToonInterior module: contains the ToonInterior class"""
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from toontown.toonbase.ToonBaseGlobal import *
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from toontown.hood import Place
+from toontown.hood import ZoneUtil
+from direct.showbase import DirectObject
+from direct.fsm import StateData
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM, State
+from direct.fsm import State
+from direct.task import Task
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+from toontown.toon import NPCForceAcknowledge
+from toontown.toon import HealthForceAcknowledge
+class ToonInterior(Place.Place):
+ """ToonInterior class"""
+ # create a notify category
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("ToonInterior")
+ # special methods
+ def __init__(self, loader, parentFSMState, doneEvent):
+ """
+ ToonInterior constructor: create a play game ClassicFSM
+ """
+ Place.Place.__init__(self, loader, doneEvent)
+ self.dnaFile="phase_7/models/modules/toon_interior"
+ self.isInterior=1
+ self.tfaDoneEvent = "tfaDoneEvent"
+ self.hfaDoneEvent = "hfaDoneEvent"
+ self.npcfaDoneEvent = "npcfaDoneEvent"
+ # shared state
+ self.fsm = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM('ToonInterior',
+ [State.State('start',
+ self.enterStart,
+ self.exitStart,
+ ['doorIn', 'teleportIn', 'tutorial',]),
+ State.State('walk',
+ self.enterWalk,
+ self.exitWalk,
+ ['sit', 'stickerBook', 'doorOut',
+ 'DFA', 'trialerFA',
+ 'teleportOut', 'quest',
+ 'purchase', 'phone','stopped', 'pet']),
+ State.State('sit',
+ self.enterSit,
+ self.exitSit,
+ ['walk',]),
+ State.State('stickerBook',
+ self.enterStickerBook,
+ self.exitStickerBook,
+ ['walk', 'DFA', 'trialerFA',
+ 'sit', 'doorOut',
+ 'teleportOut', 'quest',
+ 'purchase', 'phone', 'stopped', 'pet',
+ ]),
+ # Trialer Force Acknowledge:
+ State.State('trialerFA',
+ self.enterTrialerFA,
+ self.exitTrialerFA,
+ ['trialerFAReject', 'DFA']),
+ State.State('trialerFAReject',
+ self.enterTrialerFAReject,
+ self.exitTrialerFAReject,
+ ['walk']),
+ # Download Force Acknowlege:
+ State.State('DFA',
+ self.enterDFA,
+ self.exitDFA,
+ ['DFAReject', 'HFA', 'NPCFA', 'teleportOut',
+ 'doorOut']),
+ State.State('DFAReject',
+ self.enterDFAReject,
+ self.exitDFAReject,
+ ['walk']),
+ # NPC Force Acknowledge:
+ State.State('NPCFA',
+ self.enterNPCFA,
+ self.exitNPCFA,
+ ['NPCFAReject', 'HFA', 'teleportOut']),
+ State.State('NPCFAReject',
+ self.enterNPCFAReject,
+ self.exitNPCFAReject,
+ ['walk']),
+ # Health Force Acknowledge
+ State.State('HFA',
+ self.enterHFA,
+ self.exitHFA,
+ ['HFAReject', 'teleportOut', 'tunnelOut']),
+ State.State('HFAReject',
+ self.enterHFAReject,
+ self.exitHFAReject,
+ ['walk']),
+ State.State('doorIn',
+ self.enterDoorIn,
+ self.exitDoorIn,
+ ['walk']),
+ State.State('doorOut',
+ self.enterDoorOut,
+ self.exitDoorOut,
+ ['walk']), # 'final'
+ State.State('teleportIn',
+ self.enterTeleportIn,
+ self.exitTeleportIn,
+ ['walk']),
+ State.State('teleportOut',
+ self.enterTeleportOut,
+ self.exitTeleportOut,
+ ['teleportIn']), # 'final'
+ State.State('quest',
+ self.enterQuest,
+ self.exitQuest,
+ ['walk', 'doorOut',]),
+ State.State('tutorial',
+ self.enterTutorial,
+ self.exitTutorial,
+ ['walk', 'quest',]),
+ State.State('purchase',
+ self.enterPurchase,
+ self.exitPurchase,
+ ['walk', 'doorOut']),
+ State.State('pet',
+ self.enterPet,
+ self.exitPet,
+ ['walk']),
+ State.State('phone',
+ self.enterPhone,
+ self.exitPhone,
+ ['walk', 'doorOut']),
+ State.State('stopped',
+ self.enterStopped,
+ self.exitStopped,
+ ['walk', 'doorOut']),
+ State.State('final',
+ self.enterFinal,
+ self.exitFinal,
+ ['start'])],
+ # Initial State
+ 'start',
+ # Final State
+ 'final',
+ )
+ self.parentFSMState = parentFSMState
+ def load(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("load()"))
+ # Call up the chain
+ Place.Place.load(self)
+ self.parentFSMState.addChild(self.fsm)
+ def unload(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("unload()"))
+ # Call up the chain
+ Place.Place.unload(self)
+ self.parentFSMState.removeChild(self.fsm)
+ del self.parentFSMState
+ del self.fsm
+ #self.geom.removeNode()
+ #del self.geom
+ #self.ignoreAll()
+ # Get rid of any references to models or textures from this safe zone
+ ModelPool.garbageCollect()
+ TexturePool.garbageCollect()
+ def enter(self, requestStatus):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("enter(requestStatus="+str(requestStatus)+")"))
+ self.zoneId = requestStatus["zoneId"]
+ self.fsm.enterInitialState()
+ # Let the safe zone manager know that we are here.
+ messenger.send("enterToonInterior")
+ self.accept("doorDoneEvent", self.handleDoorDoneEvent)
+ self.accept("DistributedDoor_doorTrigger", self.handleDoorTrigger)
+ # Play music
+ volume = requestStatus.get('musicVolume', 0.7)
+ base.playMusic(self.loader.activityMusic, looping = 1, volume = volume)
+ #self.geom.reparentTo(render)
+ # Turn on the little red arrows.
+ NametagGlobals.setMasterArrowsOn(1)
+ # Request the state change:
+ self.fsm.request(requestStatus["how"], [requestStatus])
+ def exit(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("exit()"))
+ self.ignoreAll()
+ # Let the safe zone manager know that we are leaving
+ messenger.send("exitToonInterior")
+ #self.geom.reparentTo(hidden)
+ # Turn off the little red arrows.
+ NametagGlobals.setMasterArrowsOn(0)
+ # Stop music
+ self.loader.activityMusic.stop()
+ def setState(self, state):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("setState(state="+str(state)+")"))
+ self.fsm.request(state)
+ def enterTutorial(self, requestStatus):
+ self.fsm.request("walk")
+ base.localAvatar.b_setParent(ToontownGlobals.SPRender)
+ globalClock.tick()
+ base.transitions.irisIn()
+ messenger.send("enterTutorialInterior")
+ def exitTutorial(self):
+ pass
+ def doRequestLeave(self, requestStatus):
+ # when it's time to leave, check their trialer status first
+ self.fsm.request('trialerFA', [requestStatus])
+ # walk state inherited from
+ # sticker book state inherited from
+ # doorIn/Out state inherited from
+ # override DFA callback
+ def enterDFACallback(self, requestStatus, doneStatus):
+ """
+ Download Force Acknowledge
+ This function overrides because from the toon interior we need to
+ if you have ridden the trolley before letting you teleprt out.
+ """
+ assert(self.notify.debug("enterDFACallback()"))
+ self.dfa.exit()
+ del self.dfa
+ # Check the status from the dfa
+ # If the download force acknowledge tells us the download is complete, then
+ # we can enter the tunnel, otherwise for now we just stand there
+ ds = doneStatus['mode']
+ if (ds == 'complete'):
+ # Allowed, check your quests
+ # We no longer need the NPCFA with the new tutorial
+ self.fsm.request("NPCFA", [requestStatus])
+ # Skip straight to the HFA
+ #self.fsm.request("HFA", [requestStatus])
+ # Rejected
+ elif (ds == 'incomplete'):
+ self.fsm.request("DFAReject")
+ else:
+ # Some return code that is not handled
+ self.notify.error("Unknown done status for DownloadForceAcknowledge: "
+ + `doneStatus`)
+ # NPCFA state
+ def enterNPCFA(self, requestStatus):
+ """NPC Force Acknowledge"""
+ assert(self.notify.debug("enterNPCFA()"))
+ self.acceptOnce(self.npcfaDoneEvent, self.enterNPCFACallback, [requestStatus])
+ self.npcfa = NPCForceAcknowledge.NPCForceAcknowledge(self.npcfaDoneEvent)
+ self.npcfa.enter()
+ def exitNPCFA(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("exitNPCFA()"))
+ self.ignore(self.npcfaDoneEvent)
+ def enterNPCFACallback(self, requestStatus, doneStatus):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("enterNPCFACallback()"))
+ self.npcfa.exit()
+ del self.npcfa
+ # Check the status from the fda
+ # If the download force acknowledge tells us the download is complete, then
+ # we can enter the tunnel, otherwise for now we just stand there
+ # Allowed, do the tunnel transition
+ if (doneStatus["mode"] == "complete"):
+ # Allowed, let them leave
+ outHow={"teleportIn":"teleportOut", "tunnelIn":"tunnelOut", "doorIn":"doorOut"}
+ self.fsm.request(outHow[requestStatus["how"]], [requestStatus])
+ elif (doneStatus["mode"] == 'incomplete'):
+ self.fsm.request("NPCFAReject")
+ else:
+ # Some return code that is not handled
+ self.notify.error("Unknown done status for NPCForceAcknowledge: "
+ + `doneStatus`)
+ # npca reject state
+ def enterNPCFAReject(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("enterNPCFAReject()"))
+ # TODO: reject movie, turn toon around
+ self.fsm.request("walk")
+ def exitNPCFAReject(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("exitNPCFAReject()"))
+ # HFA state
+ def enterHFA(self, requestStatus):
+ """Hit Point Force Acknowledge"""
+ assert(self.notify.debug("enterHFA()"))
+ self.acceptOnce(self.hfaDoneEvent, self.enterHFACallback, [requestStatus])
+ # Make sure we have enough HP to leave the safe zone
+ # This enforces the so-called time out penalty
+ self.hfa = HealthForceAcknowledge.HealthForceAcknowledge(self.hfaDoneEvent)
+ self.hfa.enter(1)
+ def exitHFA(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("exitHFA()"))
+ self.ignore(self.hfaDoneEvent)
+ def enterHFACallback(self, requestStatus, doneStatus):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("enterHFACallback()"))
+ self.hfa.exit()
+ del self.hfa
+ # Check the status from the fda
+ # If the download force acknowledge tells us the download is complete, then
+ # we can enter the tunnel, otherwise for now we just stand there
+ # Allowed, do the tunnel transition
+ if (doneStatus["mode"] == "complete"):
+ outHow={"teleportIn":"teleportOut", "tunnelIn":"tunnelOut", "doorIn":"doorOut"}
+ self.fsm.request(outHow[requestStatus["how"]], [requestStatus])
+ # Rejected
+ elif (doneStatus["mode"] == 'incomplete'):
+ self.fsm.request("HFAReject")
+ else:
+ # Some return code that is not handled
+ self.notify.error("Unknown done status for HealthForceAcknowledge: "
+ + `doneStatus`)
+ # hfa reject state
+ def enterHFAReject(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("enterHFAReject()"))
+ # TODO: reject movie, turn toon around
+ self.fsm.request("walk")
+ def exitHFAReject(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("exitHFAReject()"))
+ # teleport in state
+ def enterTeleportIn(self, requestStatus):
+ # We want to set localToon to the starting position within the
+ # interior, even if we are teleporting to an avatar here.
+ # That way, if the teleport-to-avatar fails (for instance, if
+ # the avatar has moved on), we'll at least be in a sensible
+ # place.
+ if ZoneUtil.isPetshop(self.zoneId):
+ base.localAvatar.setPosHpr(0, 0, ToontownGlobals.FloorOffset,
+ 45.0, 0.0, 0.0)
+ else:
+ base.localAvatar.setPosHpr(2.5, 11.5, ToontownGlobals.FloorOffset,
+ 45.0, 0.0, 0.0)
+ Place.Place.enterTeleportIn(self, requestStatus)
+ # teleport out state
+ def enterTeleportOut(self, requestStatus):
+ Place.Place.enterTeleportOut(self, requestStatus,
+ self.__teleportOutDone)
+ def __teleportOutDone(self, requestStatus):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("__teleportOutDone(requestStatus="
+ +str(requestStatus)+")"))
+ hoodId = requestStatus["hoodId"]
+ zoneId = requestStatus["zoneId"]
+ shardId = requestStatus["shardId"]
+ if ((hoodId == and (zoneId == self.zoneId) and (shardId == None)):
+ # If you are teleporting to somebody in this zone
+ self.fsm.request("teleportIn", [requestStatus])
+ else:
+ # Different hood or zone, exit the zone
+ if (hoodId == ToontownGlobals.MyEstate):
+ self.getEstateZoneAndGoHome(requestStatus)
+ else:
+ self.doneStatus = requestStatus
+ messenger.send(self.doneEvent)
+ def goHomeFailed(self, task):
+ # it took too long to hear back from the server,
+ # or we tried going to a non-friends house
+ self.notifyUserGoHomeFailed()
+ # ignore the setLocalEstateZone message
+ self.ignore("setLocalEstateZone")
+ self.doneStatus["avId"] = -1
+ self.doneStatus["zoneId"] = self.getZoneId()
+ self.fsm.request("teleportIn", [self.doneStatus])
+ return Task.done
+ def exitTeleportOut(self):
+ Place.Place.exitTeleportOut(self)
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62eaeb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+from toontown.toonbase.ToontownGlobals import *
+wainscottingBase = [
+ # ( r, g, b, a)
+ Vec4(0.800, 0.500, 0.300, 1.0),
+ Vec4(0.699, 0.586, 0.473, 1.0),
+ Vec4(0.473, 0.699, 0.488, 1.0),
+wallpaperBase = [
+ # ( r, g, b, a)
+ Vec4(1.0, 1.0, 0.7, 1.0),
+ Vec4(0.8, 1.0, 0.7, 1.0),
+ Vec4(0.4, 0.5, 0.4, 1.0),
+ Vec4(0.5, 0.7, 0.6, 1.0),
+# Vec4(1.000, 0.820, 0.699, 1.0),
+wallpaperBorderBase = [
+ # ( r, g, b, a)
+ Vec4(1.0, 1.0, 0.7, 1.0),
+ Vec4(0.8, 1.0, 0.7, 1.0),
+ Vec4(0.4, 0.5, 0.4, 1.0),
+ Vec4(0.5, 0.7, 0.6, 1.0),
+# Vec4(1.000, 1.000, 0.700, 1.0),
+# Vec4(0.789, 1.000, 0.699, 1.0),
+# Vec4(1.000, 0.820, 0.699, 1.0),
+doorBase = [
+ # ( r, g, b, a)
+ Vec4(1.000, 1.000, 0.700, 1.0),
+floorBase = [
+ # ( r, g, b, a)
+ Vec4(0.746, 1.000, 0.477, 1.0),
+ Vec4(1.000, 0.684, 0.477, 1.0),
+baseScheme = {
+ "TI_wainscotting":wainscottingBase,
+ "TI_wallpaper":wallpaperBase,
+ "TI_wallpaper_border":wallpaperBorderBase,
+ "TI_door":doorBase,
+ "TI_floor":floorBase,
+ DonaldsDock:{
+ "TI_wainscotting":wainscottingBase,
+ "TI_wallpaper":wallpaperBase,
+ "TI_wallpaper_border":wallpaperBorderBase,
+ "TI_door":doorBase,
+ "TI_floor":floorBase,
+ },
+ # NOTE: If you change ToontownCentral, change the Tutorial, too.
+ ToontownCentral:{
+ "TI_wainscotting":wainscottingBase,
+ "TI_wallpaper":wallpaperBase,
+ "TI_wallpaper_border":wallpaperBorderBase,
+ "TI_door":doorBase+[
+ Vec4(0.8, 0.5, 0.3, 1.0),
+ ],
+ "TI_floor":floorBase,
+ },
+ TheBrrrgh:baseScheme,
+ MinniesMelodyland:baseScheme,
+ DaisyGardens:baseScheme,
+ #ConstructionZone:baseScheme,
+ #FunnyFarm:baseScheme,
+ GoofySpeedway:baseScheme,
+ DonaldsDreamland:{
+ "TI_wainscotting":wainscottingBase,
+ "TI_wallpaper":wallpaperBase,
+ "TI_wallpaper_border":wallpaperBorderBase,
+ "TI_door":doorBase,
+ "TI_floor":floorBase,
+ },
+ # The tutorial is a cut and paste of Toontown Central
+ Tutorial:{
+ "TI_wainscotting":wainscottingBase,
+ "TI_wallpaper":wallpaperBase,
+ "TI_wallpaper_border":wallpaperBorderBase,
+ "TI_door":doorBase+[
+ Vec4(0.8, 0.5, 0.3, 1.0),
+ ],
+ "TI_floor":floorBase,
+ },
+ MyEstate:baseScheme,
+ #BossbotHQ:baseScheme,
+ #SellbotHQ:baseScheme,
+ #CashbotHQ:baseScheme,
+ #LawbotHQ:baseScheme,
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07c2e5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+import DistributedDoorAI
+import DistributedTutorialInteriorAI
+import FADoorCodes
+import DoorTypes
+from toontown.toon import NPCToons
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+# This is not a distributed class... It just owns and manages some distributed
+# classes.
+class TutorialBuildingAI:
+ def __init__(self, air, exteriorZone, interiorZone, blockNumber):
+ # While this is not a distributed object, it needs to know about
+ # the repository.
+ self.air = air
+ self.exteriorZone = exteriorZone
+ self.interiorZone = interiorZone
+ # This is because we are "pretending" to be a DistributedBuilding.
+ # The DistributedTutorialInterior takes a peek at savedBy. It really
+ # should make a function call. Perhaps TutorialBuildingAI and
+ # DistributedBuildingAI should inherit from each other somehow,
+ # but I can't see an easy way to do that.
+ self.savedBy = None
+ self.setup(blockNumber)
+ def cleanup(self):
+ self.interior.requestDelete()
+ del self.interior
+ self.door.requestDelete()
+ del self.door
+ self.insideDoor.requestDelete()
+ del self.insideDoor
+ self.gagShopNPC.requestDelete()
+ del self.gagShopNPC
+ return
+ def setup(self, blockNumber):
+ # Put an NPC in here. Give him id# 20000. When he has assigned
+ # his quest, he will unlock the interior door.
+ self.gagShopNPC = NPCToons.createNPC(
+ self.air, 20000,
+ (self.interiorZone,
+ TTLocalizer.NPCToonNames[20000],
+ ("dll" ,"ms" ,"m" ,"m" ,7 ,0 ,7 ,7 ,2 ,6 ,2 ,6 ,2 ,16), "m", 1, NPCToons.NPC_REGULAR),
+ self.interiorZone,
+ questCallback=self.unlockInteriorDoor)
+ # Flag him as being part of tutorial
+ self.gagShopNPC.setTutorial(1)
+ npcId = self.gagShopNPC.getDoId()
+ # Toon interior (with tutorial flag set to 1)
+ self.interior=DistributedTutorialInteriorAI.DistributedTutorialInteriorAI(
+ blockNumber, self.air, self.interiorZone, self, npcId)
+ self.interior.generateWithRequired(self.interiorZone)
+ # Outside door:
+ door=DistributedDoorAI.DistributedDoorAI(self.air, blockNumber,
+ lockValue=FADoorCodes.DEFEAT_FLUNKY_TOM)
+ # Inside door. Locked until you get your gags.
+ insideDoor=DistributedDoorAI.DistributedDoorAI(
+ self.air,
+ blockNumber,
+ lockValue=FADoorCodes.TALK_TO_TOM)
+ # Tell them about each other:
+ door.setOtherDoor(insideDoor)
+ insideDoor.setOtherDoor(door)
+ door.zoneId=self.exteriorZone
+ insideDoor.zoneId=self.interiorZone
+ # Now that they both now about each other, generate them:
+ door.generateWithRequired(self.exteriorZone)
+ #door.sendUpdate("setDoorIndex", [door.getDoorIndex()])
+ insideDoor.generateWithRequired(self.interiorZone)
+ #insideDoor.sendUpdate("setDoorIndex", [door.getDoorIndex()])
+ # keep track of them:
+ self.door=door
+ self.insideDoor=insideDoor
+ return
+ def unlockInteriorDoor(self):
+ self.insideDoor.setDoorLock(FADoorCodes.UNLOCKED)
+ def battleOverCallback(self):
+ # There is an if statement here because it is possible for
+ # the callback to get called after cleanup has already taken
+ # place.
+ if hasattr(self, "door"):
+ self.door.setDoorLock(FADoorCodes.TALK_TO_HQ_TOM)
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3243bd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+import DistributedDoorAI
+import DistributedHQInteriorAI
+import FADoorCodes
+import DoorTypes
+from toontown.toon import NPCToons
+from import Quests
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+# This is not a distributed class... It just owns and manages some distributed
+# classes.
+class TutorialHQBuildingAI:
+ def __init__(self, air, exteriorZone, interiorZone, blockNumber):
+ # While this is not a distributed object, it needs to know about
+ # the repository.
+ self.air = air
+ self.exteriorZone = exteriorZone
+ self.interiorZone = interiorZone
+ self.setup(blockNumber)
+ def cleanup(self):
+ self.interior.requestDelete()
+ del self.interior
+ self.npc.requestDelete()
+ del self.npc
+ self.door0.requestDelete()
+ del self.door0
+ self.door1.requestDelete()
+ del self.door1
+ self.insideDoor0.requestDelete()
+ del self.insideDoor0
+ self.insideDoor1.requestDelete()
+ del self.insideDoor1
+ return
+ def setup(self, blockNumber):
+ # The interior
+ self.interior=DistributedHQInteriorAI.DistributedHQInteriorAI(
+ blockNumber, self.air, self.interiorZone)
+ # We do not use a standard npc toon here becuase these npcs are created on
+ # the fly for as many tutorials as we need. The interior zone is not known
+ # until the ai allocates a zone, so we fabricate the description here.
+ desc = (self.interiorZone, TTLocalizer.TutorialHQOfficerName, ('dls', 'ms', 'm', 'm', 6,0,6,6,0,10,0,10,2,9), "m", 1, 0)
+ self.npc = NPCToons.createNPC(self.air, Quests.ToonHQ, desc,
+ self.interiorZone,
+ questCallback=self.unlockInsideDoor1)
+ # Flag npc as part of tutorial
+ self.npc.setTutorial(1)
+ self.interior.generateWithRequired(self.interiorZone)
+ # Outside door 0. Locked til you defeat the Flunky:
+ door0=DistributedDoorAI.DistributedDoorAI(
+ self.air, blockNumber, DoorTypes.EXT_HQ,
+ doorIndex=0,
+ lockValue=FADoorCodes.DEFEAT_FLUNKY_HQ)
+ # Outside door 1. Always locked.
+ door1=DistributedDoorAI.DistributedDoorAI(
+ self.air, blockNumber, DoorTypes.EXT_HQ,
+ doorIndex=1,
+ lockValue=FADoorCodes.GO_TO_PLAYGROUND)
+ # Inside door 0. Always locked, but the message will change.
+ insideDoor0=DistributedDoorAI.DistributedDoorAI(
+ self.air,
+ blockNumber,
+ DoorTypes.INT_HQ,
+ doorIndex=0,
+ lockValue=FADoorCodes.TALK_TO_HQ)
+ # Inside door 1. Locked til you get your HQ reward.
+ insideDoor1=DistributedDoorAI.DistributedDoorAI(
+ self.air,
+ blockNumber,
+ DoorTypes.INT_HQ,
+ doorIndex=1,
+ lockValue=FADoorCodes.TALK_TO_HQ)
+ # Tell them about each other:
+ door0.setOtherDoor(insideDoor0)
+ insideDoor0.setOtherDoor(door0)
+ door1.setOtherDoor(insideDoor1)
+ insideDoor1.setOtherDoor(door1)
+ # Put them in the right zones
+ door0.zoneId=self.exteriorZone
+ door1.zoneId=self.exteriorZone
+ insideDoor0.zoneId=self.interiorZone
+ insideDoor1.zoneId=self.interiorZone
+ # Now that they both now about each other, generate them:
+ door0.generateWithRequired(self.exteriorZone)
+ door1.generateWithRequired(self.exteriorZone)
+ door0.sendUpdate("setDoorIndex", [door0.getDoorIndex()])
+ door1.sendUpdate("setDoorIndex", [door1.getDoorIndex()])
+ insideDoor0.generateWithRequired(self.interiorZone)
+ insideDoor1.generateWithRequired(self.interiorZone)
+ insideDoor0.sendUpdate("setDoorIndex", [insideDoor0.getDoorIndex()])
+ insideDoor1.sendUpdate("setDoorIndex", [insideDoor1.getDoorIndex()])
+ # keep track of them:
+ self.door0=door0
+ self.door1=door1
+ self.insideDoor0=insideDoor0
+ self.insideDoor1=insideDoor1
+ # hide the periscope
+ self.interior.setTutorial(1)
+ return
+ def unlockDoor(self, door):
+ door.setDoorLock(FADoorCodes.UNLOCKED)
+ def battleOverCallback(self):
+ # There is an if statement here because it is possible for
+ # the callback to get called after cleanup has already taken
+ # place.
+ if hasattr(self, "door0"):
+ self.unlockDoor(self.door0)
+ # This callback type happens to give zoneId. We don't need it.
+ def unlockInsideDoor1(self):
+ # There is an if statement here because it is possible for
+ # the callback to get called after cleanup has already taken
+ # place.
+ if hasattr(self, "insideDoor1"):
+ self.unlockDoor(self.insideDoor1)
+ # Change the message on this locked door to tell you to go
+ # through the other door. Maybe this door should not be
+ # here at all?
+ if hasattr(self, "insideDoor0"):
+ self.insideDoor0.setDoorLock(FADoorCodes.WRONG_DOOR_HQ)
diff --git a/toontown/src/building/ b/toontown/src/building/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/toontown/src/catalog/.cvsignore b/toontown/src/catalog/.cvsignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..985f113
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/catalog/.cvsignore
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/toontown/src/catalog/ b/toontown/src/catalog/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3fd6179
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/catalog/
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+from CatalogFurnitureItem import *
+# The first 6 CatalogFurnitureItem properties are defined in
+# They are:
+# FTModelName = 0
+# FTColor = 1
+# FTColorOptions = 2
+# FTBasePrice = 3
+# FTFlags = 4
+# FTScale = 5
+FTAnimRate = 6
+# IMPORTANT this list must be updated if any new animated furniture item gets added
+AnimatedFurnitureItemKeys = (
+ 10020, # winter tree
+ 270, # Trolley Bed
+ 990, # Gag Fan
+ 460, # Coral Fireplace with fire
+ 470, # Square Fireplace with fire
+ 480, # Round Fireplace with fire
+ 490, # Girly Fireplace with fire
+ 491, # Bug Room Fireplace with fire
+ 492, # Caramel Apple Fireplace with fire
+ )
+class CatalogAnimatedFurnitureItem(CatalogFurnitureItem):
+ """
+ This class represents a furniture item that has some kind or animation on it.
+ The animation could be in the form of a sequence node, in which case, will be
+ handled by this class, or it could be an animating actor, in which case, will
+ be handled by CatalogAnimatedFurnitureActor.
+ CatalogAnimatedFurnitureActor should derive from CatalogAnimatedFurnitureItem.
+ This class supports functions to start, stop or change play rate of the animation.
+ """
+ def loadModel(self):
+ model = CatalogFurnitureItem.loadModel(self)
+ self.setAnimRate(model, self.getAnimRate())
+ return model
+ def getAnimRate(self):
+ """
+ Returns the animation rate of a CatalogAnimatedFurnitureItem
+ from its definition found in the FurnitureTypes dict.
+ If there is no such it defaults to 1.0.
+ Only CatalogAnimatedFurnitureItem (or its derivatives) should use AnimationRate.
+ """
+ item = FurnitureTypes[self.furnitureType]
+ if (FTAnimRate < len(item)):
+ animRate = item[FTAnimRate]
+ if not (animRate == None):
+ return item[FTAnimRate]
+ else:
+ return 1
+ else:
+ return 1
+ def setAnimRate(self, model, rate):
+ """
+ This function should set the play rate of the animation.
+ We are assuming that a CatalogAnimatedFurnitureItem is animated using sequence nodes,
+ in which it will loop it's animation as soon as it is loaded. We have to only find
+ the sequence nodes and setPlayRate on them.
+ We are not handling actors here. For actor based animations make another
+ class called CatalogAnimatedFurnitureActor.
+ """
+ # Find all the sequence nodes in the model.
+ seqNodes = model.findAllMatches('**/seqNode*')
+ for seqNode in seqNodes:
+ seqNode.node().setPlayRate(rate)
diff --git a/toontown/src/catalog/ b/toontown/src/catalog/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a77ca22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/catalog/
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+import CatalogItem
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+from direct.showbase import PythonUtil
+from direct.gui.DirectGui import *
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+class CatalogAtticItem(CatalogItem.CatalogItem):
+ """CatalogAtticItem
+ This is a base class for a family of items (CatalogFurnitureItem,
+ CatalogWindowItem, CatalogWallpaperItem) that must all be stored
+ in the player's attic. It contains some common methods that check
+ for space available in the attic.
+ """
+ def storedInAttic(self):
+ # Returns true if this kind of item takes up space in the
+ # avatar's attic, false otherwise.
+ return 1
+ def isDeletable(self):
+ # Returns true if the item can be deleted from the attic,
+ # false otherwise.
+ return 1
+ def getHouseInfo(self, avatar):
+ # Looks up the house for the avatar, and checks the available
+ # space in the attic. A helper function for recordPurchase().
+ # Returns a pair: (house, retcode), where house is the house
+ # object if it can be determined, and retcode is the return
+ # code if there is a failure. If retcode is positive the
+ # object should be added to the attic.
+ houseId = avatar.houseId
+ if not houseId:
+ self.notify.warning("Avatar %s has no houseId associated." % (avatar.doId))
+ return (None, ToontownGlobals.P_InvalidIndex)
+ house = simbase.air.doId2do.get(houseId)
+ if not house:
+ self.notify.warning("House %s (for avatar %s) not instantiated." % (houseId, avatar.doId))
+ return (None, ToontownGlobals.P_InvalidIndex)
+ numAtticItems = len(house.atticItems) + len(house.atticWallpaper) + len(house.atticWindows)
+ numHouseItems = numAtticItems + len(house.interiorItems)
+ if numHouseItems >= ToontownGlobals.MaxHouseItems and \
+ not self.replacesExisting():
+ # No more room in the house.
+ return (house, ToontownGlobals.P_NoRoomForItem)
+ return (house, ToontownGlobals.P_ItemAvailable)
+ def requestPurchase(self, phone, callback):
+ # Orders the item via the indicated telephone. Some items
+ # will pop up a dialog querying the user for more information
+ # before placing the order; other items will order
+ # immediately.
+ # In either case, the function will return immediately before
+ # the transaction is finished, but the given callback will be
+ # called later with two parameters: the return code (one of
+ # the P_* symbols defined in, followed by the
+ # item itself.
+ # This method is only called on the client.
+ from toontown.toontowngui import TTDialog
+ avatar = base.localAvatar
+ itemsOnOrder = 0
+ for item in avatar.onOrder + avatar.mailboxContents:
+ if item.storedInAttic() and not item.replacesExisting():
+ itemsOnOrder += 1
+ numHouseItems = phone.numHouseItems + itemsOnOrder
+ if numHouseItems >= ToontownGlobals.MaxHouseItems and \
+ not self.replacesExisting():
+ # If the avatar's house is full, pop up a dialog warning
+ # the user, and give him a chance to bail out.
+ self.requestPurchaseCleanup()
+ buttonCallback = PythonUtil.Functor(
+ self.__handleFullPurchaseDialog, phone, callback)
+ self.dialog = TTDialog.TTDialog(
+ style = TTDialog.YesNo,
+ text = TTLocalizer.CatalogPurchaseHouseFull,
+ text_wordwrap = 15,
+ command = buttonCallback,
+ )
+ else:
+ # The avatar's house isn't full; just buy it.
+ CatalogItem.CatalogItem.requestPurchase(self, phone, callback)
+ def requestPurchaseCleanup(self):
+ if hasattr(self, "dialog"):
+ self.dialog.cleanup()
+ del self.dialog
+ def __handleFullPurchaseDialog(self, phone, callback, buttonValue):
+ from toontown.toontowngui import TTDialog
+ self.requestPurchaseCleanup()
+ if buttonValue == DGG.DIALOG_OK:
+ # Go ahead and purchase it.
+ CatalogItem.CatalogItem.requestPurchase(self, phone, callback)
+ else:
+ # Don't purchase it.
+ callback(ToontownGlobals.P_UserCancelled, self)
+ def getAcceptItemErrorText(self, retcode):
+ # Returns a string describing the error that occurred on
+ # attempting to accept the item from the mailbox. The input
+ # parameter is the retcode returned by recordPurchase() or by
+ # mailbox.acceptItem().
+ if retcode == ToontownGlobals.P_ItemAvailable:
+ return TTLocalizer.CatalogAcceptInAttic
+ elif retcode == ToontownGlobals.P_NoRoomForItem:
+ return TTLocalizer.CatalogAcceptHouseFull
+ return CatalogItem.CatalogItem.getAcceptItemErrorText(self, retcode)
diff --git a/toontown/src/catalog/ b/toontown/src/catalog/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbe4ad2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/catalog/
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+import CatalogItem
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+from otp.otpbase import OTPLocalizer
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
+class CatalogBeanItem(CatalogItem.CatalogItem):
+ """
+ This represents jellybeans sent in the gift system
+ """
+ sequenceNumber = 0
+ def makeNewItem(self, beanAmount, tagCode = 1):
+ self.beanAmount = beanAmount
+ self.giftCode = tagCode
+ CatalogItem.CatalogItem.makeNewItem(self)
+ def getPurchaseLimit(self):
+ # Returns the maximum number of this particular item an avatar
+ # may purchase. This is either 0, 1, or some larger number; 0
+ # stands for infinity.
+ return 0
+ def reachedPurchaseLimit(self, avatar):
+ # Returns true if the item cannot be bought because the avatar
+ # has already bought his limit on this item.
+ if self in avatar.onOrder or self in avatar.mailboxContents or self in avatar.onGiftOrder \
+ or self in avatar.awardMailboxContents or self in avatar.onAwardOrder:
+ return 1
+ return 0
+ def getAcceptItemErrorText(self, retcode):
+ # Returns a string describing the error that occurred on
+ # attempting to accept the item from the mailbox. The input
+ # parameter is the retcode returned by recordPurchase() or by
+ # mailbox.acceptItem().
+ if retcode == ToontownGlobals.P_ItemAvailable:
+ if self.giftCode == ToontownGlobals.GIFT_RAT:
+ return TTLocalizer.CatalogAcceptRATBeans
+ else:
+ return TTLocalizer.CatalogAcceptBeans
+ return CatalogItem.CatalogItem.getAcceptItemErrorText(self, retcode)
+ def saveHistory(self):
+ # Returns true if items of this type should be saved in the
+ # back catalog, false otherwise.
+ return 0
+ def getTypeName(self):
+ return TTLocalizer.BeanTypeName
+ def getName(self):
+ name = ("%s %s" % (self.beanAmount , TTLocalizer.BeanTypeName))
+ return name
+ def recordPurchase(self, avatar, optional):
+ if avatar:
+ avatar.addMoney(self.beanAmount)
+ #avatar.emoteAccess[self.emoteIndex] = 1
+ #avatar.d_setEmoteAccess(avatar.emoteAccess)
+ #TODO: increase the toon's money here
+ return ToontownGlobals.P_ItemAvailable
+ def getPicture(self, avatar):
+ #chatBalloon = loader.loadModel("phase_3/models/props/chatbox.bam")
+ beanJar = loader.loadModel("phase_3.5/models/gui/jar_gui")
+ #chatBalloon.find("**/top").setPos(1,0,5)
+ #chatBalloon.find("**/middle").setScale(1,1,3)
+ frame = self.makeFrame()
+ beanJar.reparentTo(frame)
+ beanJar.setPos(0,0,0)
+ beanJar.setScale(2.5)
+ assert (not self.hasPicture)
+ self.hasPicture=True
+ return (frame, None)
+ def output(self, store = ~0):
+ return "CatalogBeanItem(%s%s)" % (
+ self.beanAmount,
+ self.formatOptionalData(store))
+ def compareTo(self, other):
+ return self.beanAmount - other.beanAmount
+ def getHashContents(self):
+ return self.beanAmount
+ def getBasePrice(self):
+ # equal to it's worth
+ return self.beanAmount
+ def decodeDatagram(self, di, versionNumber, store):
+ CatalogItem.CatalogItem.decodeDatagram(self, di, versionNumber, store)
+ self.beanAmount = di.getUint16()
+ def encodeDatagram(self, dg, store):
+ CatalogItem.CatalogItem.encodeDatagram(self, dg, store)
+ dg.addUint16(self.beanAmount)
diff --git a/toontown/src/catalog/ b/toontown/src/catalog/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5263fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/catalog/
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+import CatalogItem
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from otp.otpbase import OTPLocalizer
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+# Scandalous phrases not appropriate to toontown
+bannedPhrases = [ 11009 ]
+class CatalogChatItem(CatalogItem.CatalogItem):
+ """CatalogChatItem
+ This represents a particular custom menu item in the SpeedChat
+ that a player may purchase.
+ """
+ def makeNewItem(self, customIndex):
+ self.customIndex = customIndex
+ CatalogItem.CatalogItem.makeNewItem(self)
+ def getPurchaseLimit(self):
+ # Returns the maximum number of this particular item an avatar
+ # may purchase. This is either 0, 1, or some larger number; 0
+ # stands for infinity.
+ return 1
+ def reachedPurchaseLimit(self, avatar):
+ # Returns true if the item cannot be bought because the avatar
+ # has already bought his limit on this item.
+ #assert avatar.onGiftOrder, "on gift order is None"
+ #print avatar.onGiftOrder
+ #print "self in onGiftOrder: %s" % (self in avatar.onGiftOrder)
+ if self in avatar.onOrder or self in avatar.mailboxContents or self in avatar.onGiftOrder \
+ or self in avatar.awardMailboxContents or self in avatar.onAwardOrder:
+ return 1
+ #if avatar != localAvatar:
+ #pass
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ return avatar.customMessages.count(self.customIndex) != 0
+ def getTypeName(self):
+ return TTLocalizer.ChatTypeName
+ def getName(self):
+ return TTLocalizer.ChatItemQuotes % OTPLocalizer.CustomSCStrings[self.customIndex]
+ def getDisplayName(self):
+ return OTPLocalizer.CustomSCStrings[self.customIndex]
+ def recordPurchase(self, avatar, optional):
+ if avatar.customMessages.count(self.customIndex) != 0:
+ # We already have this chat item.
+ return ToontownGlobals.P_ReachedPurchaseLimit
+ if len(avatar.customMessages) >= ToontownGlobals.MaxCustomMessages:
+ # Oops, too many custom messages.
+ # Delete the old index if so requested by the client.
+ if optional >= 0 and optional < len(avatar.customMessages):
+ del avatar.customMessages[optional]
+ if len(avatar.customMessages) >= ToontownGlobals.MaxCustomMessages:
+ # Still too many.
+ return ToontownGlobals.P_NoRoomForItem
+ avatar.customMessages.append(self.customIndex)
+ avatar.d_setCustomMessages(avatar.customMessages)
+ return ToontownGlobals.P_ItemAvailable
+ def getAcceptItemErrorText(self, retcode):
+ # Returns a string describing the error that occurred on
+ # attempting to accept the item from the mailbox. The input
+ # parameter is the retcode returned by recordPurchase() or by
+ # mailbox.acceptItem().
+ if retcode == ToontownGlobals.P_ItemAvailable:
+ return TTLocalizer.CatalogAcceptChat
+ return CatalogItem.CatalogItem.getAcceptItemErrorText(self, retcode)
+ def output(self, store = ~0):
+ return "CatalogChatItem(%s%s)" % (
+ self.customIndex,
+ self.formatOptionalData(store))
+ def compareTo(self, other):
+ return self.customIndex - other.customIndex
+ def getHashContents(self):
+ return self.customIndex
+ def getBasePrice(self):
+ # Special holiday-themed chat phrases (>= 10000) are a bit
+ # more expensive.
+ if self.customIndex >= 10000:
+ return 150
+ return 100
+ def decodeDatagram(self, di, versionNumber, store):
+ CatalogItem.CatalogItem.decodeDatagram(self, di, versionNumber, store)
+ self.customIndex = di.getUint16()
+ # The following will generate an exception if self.customIndex
+ # is wrong.
+ text = OTPLocalizer.CustomSCStrings[self.customIndex]
+ def encodeDatagram(self, dg, store):
+ CatalogItem.CatalogItem.encodeDatagram(self, dg, store)
+ dg.addUint16(self.customIndex)
+ def acceptItem(self, mailbox, index, callback):
+ # Accepts the item from the mailbox. Some items will pop up a
+ # dialog querying the user for more information before
+ # accepting the item; other items will accept it immediately.
+ # This method is only called on the client.
+ if (len(base.localAvatar.customMessages) < ToontownGlobals.MaxCustomMessages):
+ mailbox.acceptItem(self, index, callback)
+ else:
+ # else make them make a choice
+ self.showMessagePickerOnAccept(mailbox, index, callback)
+ def requestPurchase(self, phone, callback):
+ # make sure we have room for this in the chat menu
+ if (len(base.localAvatar.customMessages) < ToontownGlobals.MaxCustomMessages):
+ # if so request the purchase
+ CatalogItem.CatalogItem.requestPurchase(self, phone, callback)
+ else:
+ # else make them make a choice
+ self.showMessagePicker(phone, callback)
+ def showMessagePicker(self, phone, callback):
+ # we will need these later
+ = phone
+ self.callback = callback
+ # pop up a toontown dialog with message picker
+ import CatalogChatItemPicker
+ self.messagePicker = CatalogChatItemPicker.CatalogChatItemPicker(self.__handlePickerDone,
+ self.customIndex)
+ def showMessagePickerOnAccept(self, mailbox, index, callback):
+ # we will need these later
+ self.mailbox = mailbox
+ self.callback = callback
+ self.index = index
+ # pop up a toontown dialog with message picker
+ import CatalogChatItemPicker
+ self.messagePicker = CatalogChatItemPicker.CatalogChatItemPicker(self.__handlePickerOnAccept,
+ self.customIndex)
+ def __handlePickerOnAccept(self, status, pickedMessage=None):
+ print("Picker Status%s" % (status))
+ if (status == "pick"):
+ # user has deleted custom phrase, so add this one now
+ self.mailbox.acceptItem(self, self.index, self.callback, pickedMessage)
+ else:
+ print("picker canceled")
+ self.callback(ToontownGlobals.P_UserCancelled, None, self.index)
+ self.messagePicker.hide()
+ self.messagePicker.destroy()
+ del self.messagePicker
+ del self.callback
+ del self.mailbox
+ def __handlePickerDone(self, status, pickedMessage=None):
+ if (status == "pick"):
+ # user has deleted custom phrase, so add this one now
+ CatalogItem.CatalogItem.requestPurchase(self,
+ self.callback,
+ pickedMessage)
+ self.messagePicker.hide()
+ self.messagePicker.destroy()
+ del self.messagePicker
+ del self.callback
+ del
+ def getPicture(self, avatar):
+ chatBalloon = loader.loadModel("phase_3/models/props/chatbox.bam")
+ chatBalloon.find("**/top").setPos(1,0,5)
+ chatBalloon.find("**/middle").setScale(1,1,3)
+ frame = self.makeFrame()
+ chatBalloon.reparentTo(frame)
+ #chatBalloon.setPos(-1.92,0,-1.53)
+ chatBalloon.setPos(-2.19,0,-1.74)
+ chatBalloon.setScale(0.4)
+ #bMin, bMax = chatBalloon.getTightBounds()
+ #center = (bMin + bMax)/2.0
+ #chatBalloon.setPos(-center[0], -center[1], -center[2])
+ #corner = Vec3(bMax - center)
+ #print bMin, bMax, center, corner
+ #chatBalloon.setScale(1.0/corner[2])
+ assert (not self.hasPicture)
+ self.hasPicture=True
+ return (frame, None)
+ # nametag = NametagGroup()
+ # nametag.setFont(ToontownGlobals.getInterfaceFont())
+ # nametag.manage(base.marginManager)
+ # nametag.setActive(1)
+ # nametag.getNametag3d().setContents(Nametag.CName | Nametag.CSpeech | Nametag.CThought)
+ # chatString = TTLocalizer.ChatItemQuotes % (OTPLocalizer.CustomSCStrings[self.customIndex])
+ # nametag.setChat(chatString, CFSpeech)
+ # nametagNodePath = NodePath(nametag.getNametag3d().upcastToPandaNode())
+ # return self.makeFrameModel(nametagNodePath, spin=0)
+def getChatRange(fromIndex, toIndex, *otherRanges):
+ # This function returns a list of the chat items within the
+ # indicated range(s).
+ # Make sure we got an even number of otherRanges
+ assert(len(otherRanges)%2 == 0)
+ list = []
+ froms = [fromIndex,]
+ tos = [toIndex,]
+ i = 0
+ while i < len(otherRanges):
+ froms.append(otherRanges[i])
+ tos.append(otherRanges[i+1])
+ i += 2
+ for chatId in OTPLocalizer.CustomSCStrings.keys():
+ for fromIndex, toIndex in zip(froms, tos):
+ if chatId >= fromIndex and chatId <= toIndex and (chatId not in bannedPhrases):
+ list.append(CatalogChatItem(chatId))
+ return list
diff --git a/toontown/src/catalog/ b/toontown/src/catalog/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76c6291
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/catalog/
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+from direct.gui.DirectGui import *
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from direct.showbase import DirectObject
+import CatalogItem
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+from otp.otpbase import OTPLocalizer
+from toontown.toontowngui import TTDialog
+class CatalogChatItemPicker(DirectObject.DirectObject):
+ """CatalogChatItemPicker
+ This represents a gui element that prompts the user to choose
+ a phrase from their custom phrase list to remove when it is full.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, callback, newMsg):
+ self.confirmDelete = None
+ # this callback is how we will let the caller know we are done
+ self.doneCallback = callback
+ # make a panel to hold everything
+ self.panel = DirectFrame(
+ relief = None,
+ geom = DGG.getDefaultDialogGeom(),
+ geom_color = ToontownGlobals.GlobalDialogColor,
+ geom_scale = (1.4, 1, 1.6),
+ text = TTLocalizer.MessagePickerTitle % OTPLocalizer.CustomSCStrings[newMsg],
+ text_pos = (0, 0.68),
+ text_scale = 0.05,
+ text_wordwrap = 24,
+ pos = (0, 0, 0),
+ )
+ #self.panel.hide()
+ # make the buttons for the picker
+ msgStrings = []
+ for msg in base.localAvatar.customMessages:
+ msgStrings.append(OTPLocalizer.CustomSCStrings[msg])
+ # make the scrolling pick list for the custom phrases
+ gui = loader.loadModel("phase_3.5/models/gui/friendslist_gui")
+ self.picker = DirectScrolledList(
+ parent = self.panel,
+ relief = None,
+ pos = (0, 0, 0),
+ # inc and dec are DirectButtons
+ incButton_image = (gui.find("**/FndsLst_ScrollUp"),
+ gui.find("**/FndsLst_ScrollDN"),
+ gui.find("**/FndsLst_ScrollUp_Rllvr"),
+ gui.find("**/FndsLst_ScrollUp"),
+ ),
+ incButton_relief = None,
+ incButton_scale = (1.3,1.3,-1.3),
+ incButton_pos = (0,0,-0.5),
+ # Make the disabled button fade out
+ incButton_image3_color = Vec4(1,1,1,0.2),
+ decButton_image = (gui.find("**/FndsLst_ScrollUp"),
+ gui.find("**/FndsLst_ScrollDN"),
+ gui.find("**/FndsLst_ScrollUp_Rllvr"),
+ gui.find("**/FndsLst_ScrollUp"),
+ ),
+ decButton_relief = None,
+ decButton_scale = (1.3,1.3,1.3),
+ decButton_pos = (0,0,0.5),
+ # Make the disabled button fade out
+ decButton_image3_color = Vec4(1,1,1,0.2),
+ # itemFrame is a DirectFrame
+ itemFrame_pos = (0, 0, 0.39),
+ itemFrame_scale = 1.0,
+ itemFrame_relief = DGG.SUNKEN,
+ itemFrame_frameSize = (-0.55,0.55,-0.85,0.06),
+ itemFrame_frameColor = (0.85,0.95,1,1),
+ itemFrame_borderWidth = (0.01, 0.01),
+ itemMakeFunction = self.makeMessageButton,
+ itemMakeExtraArgs=[base.localAvatar.customMessages],
+ numItemsVisible = NUM_ITEMS_SHOWN,
+ items = msgStrings,
+ )
+ # Set up a clipping plane to truncate phrases that would extend
+ # off the right end of the scrolled list.
+ clipper = PlaneNode('clipper')
+ clipper.setPlane(Plane(Vec3(-1, 0, 0), Point3(0.55, 0, 0)))
+ clipNP = self.picker.attachNewNode(clipper)
+ self.picker.setClipPlane(clipNP)
+ gui.removeNode()
+ # make a cancel button
+ buttonModels = loader.loadModel("phase_3.5/models/gui/inventory_gui")
+ upButton = buttonModels.find("**/InventoryButtonUp")
+ downButton = buttonModels.find("**/InventoryButtonDown")
+ rolloverButton = buttonModels.find("**/InventoryButtonRollover")
+ # setup exit button
+ exitButton = DirectButton(
+ parent = self.panel,
+ relief = None,
+ pos = (0, 0, -0.7),
+ text = TTLocalizer.MessagePickerCancel,
+ text_scale = TTLocalizer.CCIPmessagePickerCancel,
+ text_pos = (-0.005,-0.01),
+ text_fg = Vec4(1,1,1,1),
+ textMayChange = 0,
+ image = (upButton,
+ downButton,
+ rolloverButton,
+ ),
+ image_scale = 1.1,
+ image_color = (0, 0.6, 1, 1),
+ command = self.__handleCancel,
+ )
+ buttonModels.removeNode()
+ def hide(self):
+ base.transitions.noTransitions()
+ self.panel.hide()
+ def show(self):
+ base.transitions.fadeScreen(0.5)
+ self.panel.setBin('gui-popup', 0)
+ def destroy(self):
+ # clean up gui items
+ base.transitions.noTransitions()
+ self.panel.destroy()
+ del self.panel
+ del self.picker
+ del self.doneCallback
+ if self.confirmDelete:
+ self.confirmDelete.cleanup()
+ del self.confirmDelete
+ self.confirmDelete = None
+ def makeMessageButton(self, name, number, *extraArgs):
+ # index into our particular msg
+ msg = extraArgs[0][0][number]
+ return DirectButton(
+ relief = None,
+ text = OTPLocalizer.CustomSCStrings[msg],
+ text_pos = (-0.5, 0, 0),
+ text_scale = 0.05,
+ text_align = TextNode.ALeft,
+ text1_bg = Vec4(1,1,0,1),
+ text2_bg = Vec4(0.5,0.9,1,1),
+ text3_fg = Vec4(0.4,0.8,0.4,1),
+ command = self.__handleDelete,
+ extraArgs = [msg],
+ )
+ def __handleDelete(self, msg):
+ # prompt the user to verify purchase
+ self.confirmDelete = TTDialog.TTGlobalDialog(
+ doneEvent = "confirmDelete",
+ message = TTLocalizer.MessageConfirmDelete % (OTPLocalizer.CustomSCStrings[msg]),
+ style = TTDialog.TwoChoice)
+ self.confirmDelete.msg = msg
+ self.hide()
+ self.accept("confirmDelete", self.__handleDeleteConfirm)
+ def __handleCancel(self):
+ self.doneCallback("cancel")
+ def __handleDeleteConfirm(self):
+ status = self.confirmDelete.doneStatus
+ msg = self.confirmDelete.msg
+ self.ignore("confirmDelete")
+ self.confirmDelete.cleanup()
+ del self.confirmDelete
+ self.confirmDelete = None
+ if (status == "ok"):
+ self.doneCallback("pick", base.localAvatar.customMessages.index(msg))
+ else:
diff --git a/toontown/src/catalog/ b/toontown/src/catalog/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06b89cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/catalog/
@@ -0,0 +1,685 @@
+import CatalogItem
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+from toontown.toon import ToonDNA
+import random
+from direct.showbase import PythonUtil
+from direct.gui.DirectGui import *
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+CTArticle = 0
+CTString = 1
+CTBasePrice = 2
+ABoysShirt = 0
+AGirlsShirt = 1
+AShirt = 2
+ABoysShorts = 3
+AGirlsShorts = 4
+AGirlsSkirt = 5
+AShorts = 6
+# These index numbers are written to the database. Don't mess with them.
+ClothingTypes = {
+ # Basic boy's shirts (also available from Make-A-Toon)
+ 101 : (ABoysShirt, 'bss1', 40),
+ 102 : (ABoysShirt, 'bss2', 40),
+ 103 : (ABoysShirt, 'bss3', 40),
+ 105 : (ABoysShirt, 'bss4', 40),
+ 104 : (ABoysShirt, 'bss5', 40),
+ 106 : (ABoysShirt, 'bss6', 40),
+ 107 : (ABoysShirt, 'bss7', 40),
+ 108 : (ABoysShirt, 'bss8', 40),
+ 109 : (ABoysShirt, 'bss9', 40),
+ 111 : (ABoysShirt, 'bss11', 40),
+ 115 : (ABoysShirt, 'bss15', 40),
+ # Catalog exclusive shirts are a bit pricier
+ 116 : (ABoysShirt, 'c_ss1', 80), # Series 1
+ 117 : (ABoysShirt, 'c_ss2', 80), # Series 1
+ 118 : (ABoysShirt, 'c_bss1', 80), # Series 1
+ 119 : (ABoysShirt, 'c_bss2', 80), # Series 1
+ 120 : (ABoysShirt, 'c_ss3', 80), # Series 2
+ 121 : (ABoysShirt, 'c_bss3', 80), # Series 2
+ 122 : (ABoysShirt, 'c_bss4', 80), # Series 2
+ 123 : (ABoysShirt, 'c_ss4', 120), # Series 3
+ 124 : (ABoysShirt, 'c_ss5', 120), # Series 3
+ 125 : (AShirt, 'c_ss6', 120), # Series 4
+ 126 : (AShirt, 'c_ss7', 120), # Series 4
+ 127 : (AShirt, 'c_ss8', 120), # Series 4
+ 128 : (AShirt, 'c_ss9', 120), # Series 4
+ 129 : (AShirt, 'c_ss10', 120), # Series 4
+ 130 : (AShirt, 'c_ss11', 120), # Series 4
+ 131 : (ABoysShirt, 'c_ss12', 160), # Series 7
+ # Basic girl's shirts (also available from Make-A-Toon)
+ 201 : (AGirlsShirt, 'gss1', 40),
+ 202 : (AGirlsShirt, 'gss2', 40),
+ 203 : (AGirlsShirt, 'gss3', 40),
+ 205 : (AGirlsShirt, 'gss4', 40),
+ 204 : (AGirlsShirt, 'gss5', 40),
+ 206 : (AGirlsShirt, 'gss6', 40),
+ 207 : (AGirlsShirt, 'gss7', 40),
+ 208 : (AGirlsShirt, 'gss8', 40),
+ 209 : (AGirlsShirt, 'gss9', 40),
+ 211 : (AGirlsShirt, 'gss11', 40),
+ 215 : (AGirlsShirt, 'gss15', 40),
+ # Catalog exclusive shirts are a bit pricier
+ 216 : (AGirlsShirt, 'c_ss1', 80), # Series 1
+ 217 : (AGirlsShirt, 'c_ss2', 80), # Series 1
+ 218 : (AGirlsShirt, 'c_gss1', 80), # Series 1
+ 219 : (AGirlsShirt, 'c_gss2', 80), # Series 1
+ 220 : (AGirlsShirt, 'c_ss3', 80), # Series 2
+ 221 : (AGirlsShirt, 'c_gss3', 80), # Series 2
+ 222 : (AGirlsShirt, 'c_gss4', 80), # Series 2
+ 223 : (AGirlsShirt, 'c_gss5', 80), # UNUSED
+ 224 : (AGirlsShirt, 'c_ss4', 120), # Series 3
+ 225 : (AGirlsShirt, 'c_ss13', 160), # Series 7
+ # Basic shorts for boys (available from Make-A-Toon)
+ 301 : (ABoysShorts, 'bbs1', 50),
+ 302 : (ABoysShorts, 'bbs2', 50),
+ 303 : (ABoysShorts, 'bbs3', 50),
+ 304 : (ABoysShorts, 'bbs4', 50),
+ 305 : (ABoysShorts, 'bbs5', 50),
+ 308 : (ABoysShorts, 'bbs8', 50),
+ # Catalog exclusive shorts
+ 310 : (ABoysShorts, 'c_bs1', 120), # Series 3
+ 311 : (ABoysShorts, 'c_bs2', 120), # Series 3
+ 312 : (ABoysShorts, 'c_bs3', 120), # Series 4
+ 313 : (ABoysShorts, 'c_bs4', 120), # Series 4
+ 314 : (ABoysShorts, 'c_bs5', 160), # Series 7
+ # Basic shorts/skirts for girls (available from Make-A-Toon)
+ 401 : (AGirlsSkirt, 'gsk1', 50),
+ 403 : (AGirlsSkirt, 'gsk3', 50),
+ 404 : (AGirlsSkirt, 'gsk4', 50),
+ 405 : (AGirlsSkirt, 'gsk5', 50),
+ 407 : (AGirlsSkirt, 'gsk7', 50),
+ # Catalog exclusive skirts are a bit pricier
+ 408 : (AGirlsSkirt, 'c_gsk1', 100),
+ 409 : (AGirlsSkirt, 'c_gsk2', 100),
+ 410 : (AGirlsSkirt, 'c_gsk3', 100),
+ 411 : (AGirlsSkirt, 'c_gsk4', 120),
+ 412 : (AGirlsSkirt, 'c_gsk5', 120), # Series 4
+ 413 : (AGirlsSkirt, 'c_gsk6', 120), # Series 4
+ 414 : (AGirlsSkirt, 'c_gsk7', 160), # Series 7
+ # Shorts
+ 451 : (AGirlsShorts, 'gsh1', 50),
+ 452 : (AGirlsShorts, 'gsh2', 50),
+ 453 : (AGirlsShorts, 'gsh3', 50),
+ # Halloween-themed clothes.
+ 1001 : (AShirt, 'hw_ss1', 200),
+ 1002 : (AShirt, 'hw_ss2', 200),
+ # Winter Holiday clothes.
+ 1100 : (AShirt, 'wh_ss1', 200),
+ 1101 : (AShirt, 'wh_ss2', 200),
+ 1102 : (AShirt, 'wh_ss3', 200),
+ 1103 : (AShirt, 'wh_ss4', 200),
+ 1104 : (ABoysShorts, 'wh_bs1', 200),
+ 1105 : (ABoysShorts, 'wh_bs2', 200),
+ 1106 : (ABoysShorts, 'wh_bs3', 200),
+ 1107 : (ABoysShorts, 'wh_bs4', 200),
+ 1108 : (AGirlsSkirt, 'wh_gsk1', 200),
+ 1109 : (AGirlsSkirt, 'wh_gsk2', 200),
+ 1110 : (AGirlsSkirt, 'wh_gsk3', 200),
+ 1111 : (AGirlsSkirt, 'wh_gsk4', 200),
+ # Valentines clothes.
+ 1200 : (AGirlsShirt, 'vd_ss1', 200),
+ 1201 : (AShirt, 'vd_ss2', 200),
+ 1202 : (ABoysShirt, 'vd_ss3', 200),
+ 1203 : (AGirlsShirt, 'vd_ss4', 200),
+ 1204 : (AGirlsSkirt, 'vd_gs1', 200),
+ 1205 : (ABoysShorts, 'vd_bs1', 200),
+ 1206 : (AShirt, 'vd_ss5', 200),
+ 1207 : (AShirt, 'vd_ss6', 200),
+ 1208 : (ABoysShorts, 'vd_bs2', 200),
+ 1209 : (ABoysShorts, 'vd_bs3', 200),
+ 1210 : (AGirlsSkirt, 'vd_gs2', 200),
+ 1211 : (AGirlsSkirt, 'vd_gs3', 200),
+ 1212 : (AShirt, 'vd_ss7', 200),
+ # St. Patricks Day clothes
+ 1300 : (AShirt, 'sd_ss1', 200),
+ 1301 : (AShirt, 'sd_ss2', 225),
+ 1302 : (AGirlsShorts, 'sd_gs1', 200),
+ 1303 : (ABoysShorts, 'sd_bs1', 200),
+ # T-Shirt Contest Shirts
+ 1400 : (AShirt, 'tc_ss1', 200),
+ 1401 : (AShirt, 'tc_ss2', 200),
+ 1402 : (AShirt, 'tc_ss3', 200),
+ 1403 : (AShirt, 'tc_ss4', 200),
+ 1404 : (AShirt, 'tc_ss5', 200),
+ 1405 : (AShirt, 'tc_ss6', 200),
+ 1406 : (AShirt, 'tc_ss7', 200),
+ # July 4th clothes
+ 1500 : (AShirt, 'j4_ss1', 200),
+ 1501 : (AShirt, 'j4_ss2', 200),
+ 1502 : (ABoysShorts, 'j4_bs1', 200),
+ 1503 : (AGirlsSkirt, 'j4_gs1', 200),
+ # Loyalty Gag Pajamas
+ 1600 : (AShirt, 'pj_ss1', 500),
+ 1601 : (AShirt, 'pj_ss2', 500),
+ 1602 : (AShirt, 'pj_ss3', 500),
+ 1603 : (ABoysShorts, 'pj_bs1', 500),
+ 1604 : (ABoysShorts, 'pj_bs2', 500),
+ 1605 : (ABoysShorts, 'pj_bs3', 500),
+ 1606 : (AGirlsShorts, 'pj_gs1', 500),
+ 1607 : (AGirlsShorts, 'pj_gs2', 500),
+ 1608 : (AGirlsShorts, 'pj_gs3', 500),
+ # Special Award Clothes
+ 1700 : (AShirt, 'sa_ss1', 200),
+ 1701 : (AShirt, 'sa_ss2', 200),
+ 1702 : (AShirt, 'sa_ss3', 200),
+ 1703 : (AShirt, 'sa_ss4', 200),
+ 1704 : (AShirt, 'sa_ss5', 200),
+ 1705 : (AShirt, 'sa_ss6', 200),
+ 1706 : (AShirt, 'sa_ss7', 200),
+ 1707 : (AShirt, 'sa_ss8', 200),
+ 1708 : (AShirt, 'sa_ss9', 200),
+ 1709 : (AShirt, 'sa_ss10', 200),
+ 1710 : (AShirt, 'sa_ss11', 200),
+ 1711 : (ABoysShorts, 'sa_bs1', 200),
+ 1712 : (ABoysShorts, 'sa_bs2', 200),
+ 1713 : (ABoysShorts, 'sa_bs3', 200),
+ 1714 : (ABoysShorts, 'sa_bs4', 200),
+ 1715 : (ABoysShorts, 'sa_bs5', 200),
+ 1716 : (AGirlsSkirt, 'sa_gs1', 200),
+ 1717 : (AGirlsSkirt, 'sa_gs2', 200),
+ 1718 : (AGirlsSkirt, 'sa_gs3', 200),
+ 1719 : (AGirlsSkirt, 'sa_gs4', 200),
+ 1720 : (AGirlsSkirt, 'sa_gs5', 200),
+ 1721 : (AShirt, 'sa_ss12', 200),
+ 1722 : (AShirt, 'sa_ss13', 200),
+ 1723 : (AShirt, 'sa_ss14', 250),
+ 1724 : (AShirt, 'sa_ss15', 250),
+ 1725 : (AShirt, 'sa_ss16', 200),
+ 1726 : (AShirt, 'sa_ss17', 200),
+ 1727 : (AShirt, 'sa_ss18', 200),
+ 1728 : (AShirt, 'sa_ss19', 200),
+ 1729 : (AShirt, 'sa_ss20', 200),
+ 1730 : (AShirt, 'sa_ss21', 200),
+ 1731 : (AShirt, 'sa_ss22', 200),
+ 1732 : (AShirt, 'sa_ss23', 200),
+ 1733 : (ABoysShorts, 'sa_bs6', 200),
+ 1734 : (ABoysShorts, 'sa_bs7', 250),
+ 1735 : (ABoysShorts, 'sa_bs8', 250),
+ 1736 : (ABoysShorts, 'sa_bs9', 200),
+ 1737 : (ABoysShorts, 'sa_bs10', 200),
+ 1738 : (AGirlsSkirt, 'sa_gs6', 200),
+ 1739 : (AGirlsSkirt, 'sa_gs7', 250),
+ 1740 : (AGirlsSkirt, 'sa_gs8', 250),
+ 1741 : (AGirlsSkirt, 'sa_gs9', 200),
+ 1742 : (AGirlsSkirt, 'sa_gs10', 200),
+ 1743 : (AShirt, 'sa_ss24', 250),
+ 1744 : (AShirt, 'sa_ss25', 250),
+ 1745 : (ABoysShorts, 'sa_bs11', 250),
+ 1746 : (ABoysShorts, 'sa_bs12', 250),
+ 1747 : (AGirlsSkirt, 'sa_gs11', 250),
+ 1748 : (AGirlsSkirt, 'sa_gs12', 250),
+ # I'm setting the cost of any Code Redemption clothing item to an obvious
+ # 5000 jellybeans. They should never be offered for sale in the catalog.
+ # They should only be available through the code redemption system.
+ 1749 : (AShirt, 'sil_1', 1), # Silly Mailbox Shirt
+ 1750 : (AShirt, 'sil_2', 1), # Silly Trash Can Shirt
+ 1751 : (AShirt, 'sil_3', 1), # Loony Labs Shirt
+ 1752 : (AShirt, 'sil_4', 5000), # Silly Hydrant Shirt
+ 1753 : (AShirt, 'sil_5', 5000), # Sillymeter Whistle Shirt
+ 1754 : (AShirt, 'sil_6', 1), # Silly Cogbuster Shirt
+ 1755 : (ABoysShorts, 'sil_bs1', 1), # Silly Cogbuster Shorts
+ 1756 : (AGirlsShorts, 'sil_gs1', 1), # Silly Cogbuster Shorts
+ 1757 : (AShirt, 'sil_7', 20), # Victory Party Shirt 1
+ 1758 : (AShirt, 'sil_8', 20), # Victory Party Shirt 2
+ 1762 : (AShirt, 'sa_ss26', 200),
+ }
+# A list of clothes that are loyalty items, needed by award manager
+LoyaltyClothingItems = (1600, 1601, 1602, 1603, 1604, 1605, 1606, 1607, 1608)
+class CatalogClothingItem(CatalogItem.CatalogItem):
+ """CatalogClothingItem
+ This corresponds to an item of clothing, either a shirt or a
+ bottom (shorts or skirt). The clothingType indexes into the
+ above map, which returns the appropriate clothing string for
+ either a girl or a boy toon.
+ """
+ def makeNewItem(self, clothingType, colorIndex, loyaltyDays = 0):
+ self.clothingType = clothingType
+ self.colorIndex = colorIndex
+ self.loyaltyDays = loyaltyDays
+ CatalogItem.CatalogItem.makeNewItem(self)
+ def storedInCloset(self):
+ # Returns true if this kind of item takes up space in the
+ # avatar's closet, false otherwise.
+ return 1
+ def notOfferedTo(self, avatar):
+ # Boys can only buy boy clothing, and girls can only buy girl
+ # clothing. Sorry.
+ article = ClothingTypes[self.clothingType][CTArticle]
+ if article == AShirt or article == AShorts:
+ # This article is androgynous.
+ return 0
+ forBoys = (article == ABoysShirt or article == ABoysShorts)
+ if avatar.getStyle().getGender() == 'm':
+ return not forBoys
+ else:
+ return forBoys
+ def forBoysOnly(self):
+ article = ClothingTypes[self.clothingType][CTArticle]
+ if (article == ABoysShirt or article == ABoysShorts):
+ return 1
+ else:
+ return 0
+ def forGirlsOnly(self):
+ article = ClothingTypes[self.clothingType][CTArticle]
+ if (article == AGirlsShirt or article == AGirlsSkirt or article == AGirlsShorts):
+ return 1
+ else:
+ return 0
+ def getPurchaseLimit(self):
+ # Returns the maximum number of this particular item an avatar
+ # may purchase. This is either 0, 1, or some larger number; 0
+ # stands for infinity.
+ return 1
+ def reachedPurchaseLimit(self, avatar):
+ # Returns true if the item cannot be bought because the avatar
+ # has already bought his limit on this item.
+ if avatar.onOrder.count(self) != 0:
+ # It's on the way.
+ return 1
+ if avatar.onGiftOrder.count(self) != 0:
+ # someone has given it to you
+ return 1
+ if avatar.mailboxContents.count(self) != 0:
+ # It's waiting in the mailbox.
+ return 1
+ if self in avatar.awardMailboxContents or self in avatar.onAwardOrder:
+ # check award queue and award mailbox too
+ return 1
+ str = ClothingTypes[self.clothingType][CTString]
+ dna = avatar.getStyle()
+ if self.isShirt():
+ # Check if the avatar is already wearing this shirt.
+ defn = ToonDNA.ShirtStyles[str]
+ if (dna.topTex == defn[0] and
+ dna.topTexColor == defn[2][self.colorIndex][0] and
+ dna.sleeveTex == defn[1] and
+ dna.sleeveTexColor == defn[2][self.colorIndex][1]):
+ return 1
+ # Check if the shirt is in the avatar's closet.
+ l = avatar.clothesTopsList
+ for i in range(0, len(l), 4):
+ if (l[i] == defn[0] and
+ l[i + 1] == defn[2][self.colorIndex][0] and
+ l[i + 2] == defn[1] and
+ l[i + 3] == defn[2][self.colorIndex][1]):
+ return 1
+ else:
+ # Check if the avatar is already wearing these shorts/skirt.
+ defn = ToonDNA.BottomStyles[str]
+ if (dna.botTex == defn[0] and
+ dna.botTexColor == defn[1][self.colorIndex]):
+ return 1
+ # Check if the shorts/skirt is in the avatar's closet.
+ l = avatar.clothesBottomsList
+ for i in range(0, len(l), 2):
+ if (l[i] == defn[0] and
+ l[i + 1] == defn[1][self.colorIndex]):
+ return 1
+ # Not found anywhere; go ahead and buy it.
+ return 0
+ def getTypeName(self):
+ # e.g. "shirt", "shorts", etc.
+ #article = ClothingTypes[self.clothingType][CTArticle]
+ #return TTLocalizer.ClothingArticleNames[article]
+ # Until we have descriptive names per-item below, just return
+ # "Clothing" here.
+ return TTLocalizer.ClothingTypeName
+ def getName(self):
+ typeName = TTLocalizer.ClothingTypeNames.get(self.clothingType, 0)
+ # check for a specific item name
+ if typeName:
+ return typeName
+ # otherwise use a generic name
+ else:
+ article = ClothingTypes[self.clothingType][CTArticle]
+ return TTLocalizer.ClothingArticleNames[article]
+ def recordPurchase(self, avatar, optional):
+ # Updates the appropriate field on the avatar to indicate the
+ # purchase (or delivery). This makes the item available to
+ # use by the avatar. This method is only called on the AI side.
+ if avatar.isClosetFull():
+ return ToontownGlobals.P_NoRoomForItem
+ str = ClothingTypes[self.clothingType][CTString]
+ # Save the avatar's current clothes in his closet.
+ dna = avatar.getStyle()
+ if self.isShirt():
+ added = avatar.addToClothesTopsList(dna.topTex, dna.topTexColor,
+ dna.sleeveTex, dna.sleeveTexColor)
+ if added:
+ avatar.b_setClothesTopsList(avatar.getClothesTopsList())
+'Avatar %s put shirt %d,%d,%d,%d in closet.' % (avatar.doId,
+ dna.topTex, dna.topTexColor,
+ dna.sleeveTex, dna.sleeveTexColor))
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning('Avatar %s %s lost current shirt; closet full.' % (avatar.doId, dna.asTuple()))
+ defn = ToonDNA.ShirtStyles[str]
+ dna.topTex = defn[0]
+ dna.topTexColor = defn[2][self.colorIndex][0]
+ dna.sleeveTex = defn[1]
+ dna.sleeveTexColor = defn[2][self.colorIndex][1]
+ else:
+ added = avatar.addToClothesBottomsList(dna.botTex, dna.botTexColor)
+ if added:
+ avatar.b_setClothesBottomsList(avatar.getClothesBottomsList())
+'Avatar %s put bottoms %d,%d in closet.' % (avatar.doId,
+ dna.botTex, dna.botTexColor))
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning('Avatar %s %s lost current bottoms; closet full.' % (avatar.doId, dna.asTuple()))
+ defn = ToonDNA.BottomStyles[str]
+ dna.botTex = defn[0]
+ dna.botTexColor = defn[1][self.colorIndex]
+ # Store the new clothes on the avatar.
+ avatar.b_setDNAString(dna.makeNetString())
+ # need to call this to make sure generateToonClothes is called on client
+ avatar.d_catalogGenClothes()
+ return ToontownGlobals.P_ItemAvailable
+ def getDeliveryTime(self):
+ # Returns the elapsed time in minutes from purchase to
+ # delivery for this particular item.
+ return 60 # 1 hour.
+ def getPicture(self, avatar):
+ # Returns a (DirectWidget, Interval) pair to draw and animate a
+ # little representation of the item, or (None, None) if the
+ # item has no representation. This method is only called on
+ # the client.
+ # Don't import this at the top of the file, since this code
+ # must run on the AI.
+ from toontown.toon import Toon
+ assert (not self.hasPicture)
+ self.hasPicture=True
+ # Make an ToonDNA suitable for showing this clothing.
+ # First, we start with a copy of the avatar's dna.
+ dna = ToonDNA.ToonDNA(type = 't', dna =
+ # Now we apply the properties from this clothing.
+ str = ClothingTypes[self.clothingType][CTString]
+ if self.isShirt():
+ # It's a shirt.
+ defn = ToonDNA.ShirtStyles[str]
+ dna.topTex = defn[0]
+ dna.topTexColor = defn[2][self.colorIndex][0]
+ dna.sleeveTex = defn[1]
+ dna.sleeveTexColor = defn[2][self.colorIndex][1]
+ pieceNames = ('**/1000/**/torso-top', '**/1000/**/sleeves')
+ else:
+ # It's a skirt or shorts.
+ defn = ToonDNA.BottomStyles[str]
+ dna.botTex = defn[0]
+ dna.botTexColor = defn[1][self.colorIndex]
+ pieceNames = ('**/1000/**/torso-bot',)
+ # Create a toon wearing the clothing, then pull out the
+ # appropriate clothes and throw the rest away.
+ toon = Toon.Toon()
+ toon.setDNA(dna)
+ model = NodePath('clothing')
+ for name in pieceNames:
+ for piece in toon.findAllMatches(name):
+ piece.wrtReparentTo(model)
+ model.setH(180)
+ toon.delete()
+ return self.makeFrameModel(model)
+ def requestPurchase(self, phone, callback):
+ # Orders the item via the indicated telephone. Some items
+ # will pop up a dialog querying the user for more information
+ # before placing the order; other items will order
+ # immediately.
+ # In either case, the function will return immediately before
+ # the transaction is finished, but the given callback will be
+ # called later with two parameters: the return code (one of
+ # the P_* symbols defined in, followed by the
+ # item itself.
+ # This method is only called on the client.
+ from toontown.toontowngui import TTDialog
+ avatar = base.localAvatar
+ clothesOnOrder = 0
+ for item in avatar.onOrder + avatar.mailboxContents:
+ if item.storedInCloset():
+ clothesOnOrder += 1
+ if avatar.isClosetFull(clothesOnOrder):
+ # If the avatar's closet is full, pop up a dialog warning
+ # the user, and give him a chance to bail out.
+ self.requestPurchaseCleanup()
+ buttonCallback = PythonUtil.Functor(
+ self.__handleFullPurchaseDialog, phone, callback)
+ self.dialog = TTDialog.TTDialog(
+ style = TTDialog.YesNo,
+ text = TTLocalizer.CatalogPurchaseClosetFull,
+ text_wordwrap = 15,
+ command = buttonCallback,
+ )
+ else:
+ # The avatar's closet isn't full; just buy it.
+ CatalogItem.CatalogItem.requestPurchase(self, phone, callback)
+ def requestPurchaseCleanup(self):
+ if hasattr(self, "dialog"):
+ self.dialog.cleanup()
+ del self.dialog
+ def __handleFullPurchaseDialog(self, phone, callback, buttonValue):
+ from toontown.toontowngui import TTDialog
+ self.requestPurchaseCleanup()
+ if buttonValue == DGG.DIALOG_OK:
+ # Go ahead and purchase it.
+ CatalogItem.CatalogItem.requestPurchase(self, phone, callback)
+ else:
+ # Don't purchase it.
+ callback(ToontownGlobals.P_UserCancelled, self)
+ def getAcceptItemErrorText(self, retcode):
+ # Returns a string describing the error that occurred on
+ # attempting to accept the item from the mailbox. The input
+ # parameter is the retcode returned by recordPurchase() or by
+ # mailbox.acceptItem().
+ if retcode == ToontownGlobals.P_ItemAvailable:
+ if self.isShirt():
+ return TTLocalizer.CatalogAcceptShirt
+ elif self.isSkirt():
+ return TTLocalizer.CatalogAcceptSkirt
+ else:
+ return TTLocalizer.CatalogAcceptShorts
+ elif retcode == ToontownGlobals.P_NoRoomForItem:
+ return TTLocalizer.CatalogAcceptClosetFull
+ return CatalogItem.CatalogItem.getAcceptItemErrorText(self, retcode)
+ def getColorChoices(self):
+ # Returns the list from ToonDNA that defines the clothing
+ # item and its color options.
+ str = ClothingTypes[self.clothingType][CTString]
+ if self.isShirt():
+ # It's a shirt.
+ return ToonDNA.ShirtStyles[str][2]
+ else:
+ # It's a skirt or shorts.
+ return ToonDNA.BottomStyles[str][1]
+ def isShirt(self):
+ # Returns true if the article is a shirt, false if it is a
+ # pair of shorts or a skirt.
+ article = ClothingTypes[self.clothingType][CTArticle]
+ return article < ABoysShorts
+ def isSkirt(self):
+ # Returns true if the article is a skirt, false if it is a
+ # pair of shorts or a shirt.
+ article = ClothingTypes[self.clothingType][CTArticle]
+ return article == AGirlsSkirt
+ def output(self, store = ~0):
+ return "CatalogClothingItem(%s, %s%s)" % (
+ self.clothingType, self.colorIndex,
+ self.formatOptionalData(store))
+ def getFilename(self):
+ str = ClothingTypes[self.clothingType][CTString]
+ if self.isShirt():
+ # It's a shirt.
+ defn = ToonDNA.ShirtStyles[str]
+ topTex = defn[0]
+ return ToonDNA.Shirts[topTex]
+ else:
+ # It's a skirt or shorts.
+ defn = ToonDNA.BottomStyles[str]
+ botTex = defn[0]
+ article = ClothingTypes[self.clothingType][CTArticle]
+ if article == ABoysShorts:
+ return ToonDNA.BoyShorts[botTex]
+ else:
+ return ToonDNA.GirlBottoms[botTex][0]
+ def getColor(self):
+ str = ClothingTypes[self.clothingType][CTString]
+ if self.isShirt():
+ # It's a shirt.
+ defn = ToonDNA.ShirtStyles[str]
+ topTexColor = defn[2][self.colorIndex][0]
+ return ToonDNA.ClothesColors[topTexColor]
+ else:
+ # It's a skirt or shorts.
+ defn = ToonDNA.BottomStyles[str]
+ botTexColor = defn[1][self.colorIndex]
+ return ToonDNA.ClothesColors[botTexColor]
+ def compareTo(self, other):
+ if self.clothingType != other.clothingType:
+ return self.clothingType - other.clothingType
+ return self.colorIndex - other.colorIndex
+ def getHashContents(self):
+ return (self.clothingType, self.colorIndex)
+ def getBasePrice(self):
+ return ClothingTypes[self.clothingType][CTBasePrice]
+ def decodeDatagram(self, di, versionNumber, store):
+ CatalogItem.CatalogItem.decodeDatagram(self, di, versionNumber, store)
+ self.clothingType = di.getUint16()
+ self.colorIndex = di.getUint8()
+ if versionNumber >= 6:
+ self.loyaltyDays = di.getUint16()
+ else:
+ #RAU this seeems safe, as an old user would never have the new loyalty items
+ self.loyaltyDays = 0
+ # Now validate the indices by assigning into a variable,
+ # color, which we don't care about other than to prove the
+ # clothingType and colorIndex map to a valid definition. If
+ # they don't, the following will raise an exception.
+ str = ClothingTypes[self.clothingType][CTString]
+ if self.isShirt():
+ color = ToonDNA.ShirtStyles[str][2][self.colorIndex]
+ else:
+ color = ToonDNA.BottomStyles[str][1][self.colorIndex]
+ def encodeDatagram(self, dg, store):
+ CatalogItem.CatalogItem.encodeDatagram(self, dg, store)
+ dg.addUint16(self.clothingType)
+ dg.addUint8(self.colorIndex)
+ dg.addUint16(self.loyaltyDays)
+ def isGift(self):
+ if (self.loyaltyRequirement() > 0):
+ return 0
+ else:
+ if self.clothingType in LoyaltyClothingItems:
+ # we can get this case through award manager
+ # catalog generator is not creating the catalog item, hence no loyalty days
+ return 0
+ else:
+ return 1
+def getAllClothes(*clothingTypes):
+ # This function returns a list of all possible
+ # CatalogClothingItems (that is, all color variants) for the
+ # indicated type index(es).
+ list = []
+ for clothingType in clothingTypes:
+ base = CatalogClothingItem(clothingType, 0)
+ list.append(base)
+ for n in range(1, len(base.getColorChoices())):
+ list.append(CatalogClothingItem(clothingType, n))
+ return list
diff --git a/toontown/src/catalog/ b/toontown/src/catalog/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fce3ee4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/catalog/
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+import CatalogItem
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+from otp.otpbase import OTPLocalizer
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
+# A list of emotesthat are loyalty items, needed by award manager
+LoyaltyEmoteItems = (20, 21, 22, 23, 24)
+class CatalogEmoteItem(CatalogItem.CatalogItem):
+ """
+ This represents a particular emote animation.
+ """
+ sequenceNumber = 0
+ pictureToon = None
+ def makeNewItem(self, emoteIndex, loyaltyDays = 0):
+ self.emoteIndex = emoteIndex
+ self.loyaltyDays = loyaltyDays
+ CatalogItem.CatalogItem.makeNewItem(self)
+ def getPurchaseLimit(self):
+ # Returns the maximum number of this particular item an avatar
+ # may purchase. This is either 0, 1, or some larger number; 0
+ # stands for infinity.
+ return 1
+ def reachedPurchaseLimit(self, avatar):
+ # Returns true if the item cannot be bought because the avatar
+ # has already bought his limit on this item.
+ if self in avatar.onOrder or self in avatar.mailboxContents or self in avatar.onGiftOrder \
+ or self in avatar.awardMailboxContents or self in avatar.onAwardOrder:
+ return 1
+ if self.emoteIndex >= len(avatar.emoteAccess):
+ return 0
+ return avatar.emoteAccess[self.emoteIndex] != 0
+ def getAcceptItemErrorText(self, retcode):
+ # Returns a string describing the error that occurred on
+ # attempting to accept the item from the mailbox. The input
+ # parameter is the retcode returned by recordPurchase() or by
+ # mailbox.acceptItem().
+ if retcode == ToontownGlobals.P_ItemAvailable:
+ return TTLocalizer.CatalogAcceptEmote
+ return CatalogItem.CatalogItem.getAcceptItemErrorText(self, retcode)
+ def saveHistory(self):
+ # Returns true if items of this type should be saved in the
+ # back catalog, false otherwise.
+ return 1
+ def getTypeName(self):
+ return TTLocalizer.EmoteTypeName
+ def getName(self):
+ return OTPLocalizer.EmoteList[self.emoteIndex]
+ def recordPurchase(self, avatar, optional):
+ if self.emoteIndex < 0 or self.emoteIndex > len(avatar.emoteAccess):
+ self.notify.warning("Invalid emote access: %s for avatar %s" % (self.emoteIndex, avatar.doId))
+ return ToontownGlobals.P_InvalidIndex
+ avatar.emoteAccess[self.emoteIndex] = 1
+ avatar.d_setEmoteAccess(avatar.emoteAccess)
+ return ToontownGlobals.P_ItemAvailable
+ def getPicture(self, avatar):
+ # Returns a (DirectWidget, Interval) pair to draw and animate a
+ # little representation of the item, or (None, None) if the
+ # item has no representation. This method is only called on
+ # the client.
+ # Don't import this at the top of the file, since this code
+ # must run on the AI.
+ from toontown.toon import Toon
+ from toontown.toon import ToonHead
+ from toontown.toon import TTEmote
+ from otp.avatar import Emote
+ assert (not self.hasPicture)
+ self.hasPicture=True
+ if self.emoteIndex in Emote.globalEmote.getHeadEmotes():
+ toon = ToonHead.ToonHead()
+ toon.setupHead(, forGui = 1)
+ else:
+ toon = Toon.Toon()
+ toon.setDNA(
+ toon.loop('neutral')
+ toon.setH(180)
+ model, ival = self.makeFrameModel(toon, 0)
+ # Discard the ival from makeFrameModel, since we don't want to
+ # spin.
+ track, duration = Emote.globalEmote.doEmote(toon, self.emoteIndex, volume = self.volume)
+ if duration == None:
+ duration = 0
+ name = "emote-item-%s" % (self.sequenceNumber)
+ CatalogEmoteItem.sequenceNumber += 1
+ if track != None:
+ track = Sequence(Sequence(track, duration = 0),
+ Wait(duration + 2),
+ name = name)
+ else:
+ track = Sequence(Func(Emote.globalEmote.doEmote, toon, self.emoteIndex),
+ Wait(duration + 4),
+ name = name)
+ self.pictureToon = toon
+ return (model, track)
+ def changeIval(self, volume):
+ """Return an interval of the toon doing the emote, with a possible change in volume."""
+ # Don't import this at the top of the file, since this code
+ # must run on the AI.
+ from toontown.toon import Toon
+ from toontown.toon import ToonHead
+ from toontown.toon import TTEmote
+ from otp.avatar import Emote
+ self.volume = volume
+ # assumes getPicture has been called previously
+ if not hasattr(self, 'pictureToon'):
+ return Sequence()
+ track, duration = Emote.globalEmote.doEmote(self.pictureToon, self.emoteIndex, volume = self.volume)
+ if duration == None:
+ duration = 0
+ name = "emote-item-%s" % (self.sequenceNumber)
+ CatalogEmoteItem.sequenceNumber += 1
+ if track != None:
+ track = Sequence(Sequence(track, duration = 0),
+ Wait(duration + 2),
+ name = name)
+ else:
+ track = Sequence(Func(Emote.globalEmote.doEmote, toon, self.emoteIndex),
+ Wait(duration + 4),
+ name = name)
+ return track
+ def cleanupPicture(self):
+ CatalogItem.CatalogItem.cleanupPicture(self)
+ assert self.pictureToon
+ self.pictureToon.emote.finish()
+ self.pictureToon.emote = None
+ self.pictureToon.delete()
+ self.pictureToon = None
+ def output(self, store = ~0):
+ return "CatalogEmoteItem(%s%s)" % (
+ self.emoteIndex,
+ self.formatOptionalData(store))
+ def compareTo(self, other):
+ return self.emoteIndex - other.emoteIndex
+ def getHashContents(self):
+ return self.emoteIndex
+ def getBasePrice(self):
+ # All emotes are the same price for now.
+ return 550
+ def decodeDatagram(self, di, versionNumber, store):
+ CatalogItem.CatalogItem.decodeDatagram(self, di, versionNumber, store)
+ self.emoteIndex = di.getUint8()
+ if versionNumber >= 6:
+ self.loyaltyDays = di.getUint16()
+ else:
+ #RAU this seeems safe, as an old user would never have the new loyalty items
+ self.loyaltyDays = 0
+ if self.emoteIndex > len(OTPLocalizer.EmoteList):
+ raise ValueError
+ def encodeDatagram(self, dg, store):
+ CatalogItem.CatalogItem.encodeDatagram(self, dg, store)
+ dg.addUint8(self.emoteIndex)
+ dg.addUint16(self.loyaltyDays)
+ def isGift(self):
+ if (self.loyaltyRequirement() > 0):
+ return 0
+ else:
+ if self.emoteIndex in LoyaltyEmoteItems:
+ return 0
+ else:
+ return 1
diff --git a/toontown/src/catalog/ b/toontown/src/catalog/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca4d321
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/catalog/
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+from CatalogSurfaceItem import *
+# Indicies into Flooring Textures Dictionary
+FTTextureName = 0
+FTColor = 1
+FTBasePrice = 2
+# These index numbers are written to the database. Don't mess with them.
+# Also see TTLocalizer.FlooringNames.
+FlooringTypes = {
+ ## Series 1 ##
+ 1000 : ("phase_5.5/maps/floor_wood_neutral.jpg",
+ CTBasicWoodColorOnWhite, 150),
+ 1010 : ("phase_5.5/maps/flooring_carpetA_neutral.jpg",
+ CTFlatColorDark, 150),
+ 1020 : ("phase_4/maps/flooring_tile_neutral.jpg", # In phase 4 because it's also on the PetShopInterior model.
+ CTFlatColorDark, 150),
+ 1030 : ("phase_5.5/maps/flooring_tileB2.jpg",
+ None, 150),
+ # Grass, just for fun
+ 1040 : ("phase_4/maps/grass.jpg", None, 150),
+ # Beige bricks
+ 1050 : ("phase_4/maps/floor_tile_brick_diagonal2.jpg", None, 150),
+ # Red bricks
+ 1060 : ("phase_4/maps/floor_tile_brick_diagonal.jpg", None, 150),
+ # Square beige tiles
+ 1070 : ("phase_4/maps/plazz_tile.jpg", None, 150),
+ # Sidewalk with colors
+ 1080 : ("phase_4/maps/sidewalk.jpg", CTFlatColorDark, 150),
+ # Boardwalk
+ 1090 : ("phase_3.5/maps/boardwalk_floor.jpg", None, 150),
+ # Dirt
+ 1100 : ("phase_3.5/maps/dustroad.jpg", None, 150),
+ ## Series 2 ##
+ # Wood Tile
+ 1110 : ("phase_5.5/maps/floor_woodtile_neutral.jpg",
+ CTBasicWoodColorOnWhite, 150),
+ # Floor Tile
+ 1120 : ("phase_5.5/maps/floor_tile_neutral.jpg",
+ CTBasicWoodColorOnWhite + CTFlatColorDark, 150),
+ # Floor Tile Honeycomb
+ 1130 : ("phase_5.5/maps/floor_tile_honeycomb_neutral.jpg",
+ CTBasicWoodColorOnWhite, 150),
+ ## Series 3 ##
+ # Water floor
+ 1140 : ("phase_5.5/maps/UWwaterFloor1.jpg",
+ None, 150),
+ # Peach conch tile
+ 1150 : ("phase_5.5/maps/UWtileFloor4.jpg",
+ None, 150),
+ # Peach shell tile
+ 1160 : ("phase_5.5/maps/UWtileFloor3.jpg",
+ None, 150),
+ # Sand shell tile
+ 1170 : ("phase_5.5/maps/UWtileFloor2.jpg",
+ None, 150),
+ # Sand conch tile
+ 1180 : ("phase_5.5/maps/UWtileFloor1.jpg",
+ None, 150),
+ # Sandy floor
+ 1190 : ("phase_5.5/maps/UWsandyFloor1.jpg",
+ None, 150),
+ # Ice cube
+ 10000 : ("phase_5.5/maps/floor_icecube.jpg", CTWhite, 225),
+ 10010 : ("phase_5.5/maps/floor_snow.jpg", CTWhite, 225),
+ ## St. Patricks Day ##
+ # Gold shamrock
+ 11000 : ("phase_5.5/maps/StPatsFloor1.jpg", CTWhite, 225),
+ # Green shamrock
+ 11010 : ("phase_5.5/maps/StPatsFloor2.jpg", CTWhite, 225),
+ }
+class CatalogFlooringItem(CatalogSurfaceItem):
+ """CatalogFlooringItem
+ This represents a texture/color combination for floors.
+ """
+ def makeNewItem(self, patternIndex, colorIndex = None):
+ self.patternIndex = patternIndex
+ self.colorIndex = colorIndex
+ CatalogSurfaceItem.makeNewItem(self)
+ def needsCustomize(self):
+ # Returns true if the item still needs to be customized by the
+ # user (e.g. by choosing a color).
+ return self.colorIndex == None
+ def getTypeName(self):
+ # e.g. "wallpaper", "wainscoting", etc.
+ return TTLocalizer.SurfaceNames[STFlooring]
+ def getName(self):
+ name = TTLocalizer.FlooringNames.get(self.patternIndex)
+ if name:
+ return name
+ return self.getTypeName()
+ def getSurfaceType(self):
+ # Returns a value reflecting the type of surface this
+ # pattern is intended to be applied to.
+ return STFlooring
+ def getPicture(self, avatar):
+ # Returns a (DirectWidget, Interval) pair to draw and animate a
+ # little representation of the item, or (None, None) if the
+ # item has no representation. This method is only called on
+ # the client.
+ frame = self.makeFrame()
+ sample = loader.loadModel('phase_5.5/models/estate/wallpaper_sample')
+ a = sample.find('**/a')
+ b = sample.find('**/b')
+ c = sample.find('**/c')
+ # Flooring gets applied to the whole thing.
+ a.setTexture(self.loadTexture(), 1)
+ a.setColorScale(*self.getColor())
+ b.setTexture(self.loadTexture(), 1)
+ b.setColorScale(*self.getColor())
+ c.setTexture(self.loadTexture(), 1)
+ c.setColorScale(*self.getColor())
+ sample.reparentTo(frame)
+## assert (not self.hasPicture)
+ self.hasPicture=True
+ return (frame, None)
+ def output(self, store = ~0):
+ return "CatalogFlooringItem(%s, %s%s)" % (
+ self.patternIndex, self.colorIndex,
+ self.formatOptionalData(store))
+ def getFilename(self):
+ return FlooringTypes[self.patternIndex][FTTextureName]
+ def compareTo(self, other):
+ if self.patternIndex != other.patternIndex:
+ return self.patternIndex - other.patternIndex
+ return 0
+ def getHashContents(self):
+ return self.patternIndex
+ def getBasePrice(self):
+ return FlooringTypes[self.patternIndex][FTBasePrice]
+ def loadTexture(self):
+ from pandac.PandaModules import Texture
+ filename = FlooringTypes[self.patternIndex][FTTextureName]
+ texture = loader.loadTexture(filename)
+ texture.setMinfilter(Texture.FTLinearMipmapLinear)
+ texture.setMagfilter(Texture.FTLinear)
+ return texture
+ def getColor(self):
+ if self.colorIndex == None:
+ # If no color index is set yet, use first color in color list
+ colorIndex = 0
+ else:
+ colorIndex = self.colorIndex
+ colors = FlooringTypes[self.patternIndex][FTColor]
+ if colors:
+ if colorIndex < len(colors):
+ return colors[colorIndex]
+ else:
+ print "Warning: colorIndex not in colors. Returning white."
+ return CT_WHITE
+ else:
+ return CT_WHITE
+ def decodeDatagram(self, di, versionNumber, store):
+ CatalogAtticItem.CatalogAtticItem.decodeDatagram(self, di, versionNumber, store)
+ if versionNumber < 3:
+ self.patternIndex = di.getUint8()
+ else:
+ self.patternIndex = di.getUint16()
+ if (versionNumber < 4) or (store & CatalogItem.Customization):
+ self.colorIndex = di.getUint8()
+ else:
+ self.colorIndex = None
+ # The following will generate an exception if
+ # self.patternIndex is invalid. The other fields can take
+ # care of themselves.
+ wtype = FlooringTypes[self.patternIndex]
+ def encodeDatagram(self, dg, store):
+ CatalogAtticItem.CatalogAtticItem.encodeDatagram(self, dg, store)
+ dg.addUint16(self.patternIndex)
+ if (store & CatalogItem.Customization):
+ dg.addUint8(self.colorIndex)
+def getFloorings(*indexList):
+ # This function returns a list of CatalogFlooringItems
+ # The returned items will all need to be customized (i.e
+ # have a color chosen by the user. Until customization,
+ # use a default color index of 0 (if the pattern has a color
+ # list) or CT_WHITE if the pattern has no color list
+ list = []
+ for index in indexList:
+ list.append(CatalogFlooringItem(index))
+ return list
+def getAllFloorings(*indexList):
+ # This function returns a list of all possible
+ # CatalogFlooringItems (that is, all color variants) for the
+ # indicated type index(es).
+ list = []
+ for index in indexList:
+ colors = FlooringTypes[index][FTColor]
+ if colors:
+ for n in range(len(colors)):
+ list.append(CatalogFlooringItem(index, n))
+ else:
+ list.append(CatalogFlooringItem(index, 0))
+ return list
+def getFlooringRange(fromIndex, toIndex, *otherRanges):
+ # This function returns a list of all possible
+ # CatalogFlooringItems (that is, all color variants) for the
+ # indicated type index(es).
+ # Make sure we got an even number of otherRanges
+ assert(len(otherRanges)%2 == 0)
+ list = []
+ froms = [fromIndex,]
+ tos = [toIndex,]
+ i = 0
+ while i < len(otherRanges):
+ froms.append(otherRanges[i])
+ tos.append(otherRanges[i+1])
+ i += 2
+ for patternIndex in FlooringTypes.keys():
+ for fromIndex, toIndex in zip(froms,tos):
+ if patternIndex >= fromIndex and patternIndex <= toIndex:
+ colors = FlooringTypes[patternIndex][FTColor]
+ if colors:
+ for n in range(len(colors)):
+ list.append(CatalogFlooringItem(patternIndex, n))
+ else:
+ list.append(CatalogFlooringItem(patternIndex, 0))
+ return list
diff --git a/toontown/src/catalog/ b/toontown/src/catalog/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce1d2c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/catalog/
@@ -0,0 +1,1143 @@
+import CatalogAtticItem
+import CatalogItem
+import random
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+FTModelName = 0
+FTColor = 1
+FTColorOptions = 2
+FTBasePrice = 3
+FTFlags = 4
+FTScale = 5
+FLBank = 0x0001
+FLCloset = 0x0002
+FLRug = 0x0004
+FLPainting = 0x0008
+FLOnTable = 0x0010
+FLIsTable = 0x0020
+FLPhone = 0x0040
+FLBillboard = 0x0080
+# this is essentially the same as HouseGlobals.houseColors2 with the addition of alpha = 1
+furnitureColors = [
+ (0.792, 0.353, 0.290, 1.0), # red
+ (0.176, 0.592, 0.439, 1.0), # green
+ (0.439, 0.424, 0.682, 1.0), # purple
+ (0.325, 0.580, 0.835, 1.0), # blue
+ (0.753, 0.345, 0.557, 1.0), # pink
+ (0.992, 0.843, 0.392, 1.0), # yellow
+ ]
+woodColors = [
+ (0.9330, 0.7730, 0.5690, 1.0), # burly wood
+ (0.9333, 0.6785, 0.0550, 1.0), # dark goldenrod
+ (0.5450, 0.4510, 0.3330, 1.0), # peach puff
+ (0.5410, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0), # deep red
+ (0.5451, 0.2706, 0.0745, 1.0), # chocolate
+ (0.5451, 0.4118, 0.4118, 1.0), # rosey brown
+ ]
+# This table maps the various bank ID's to the amount of jellybeans
+# they hold.
+BankToMoney = {
+ 1300 : 1000,
+ 1310 : 2500,
+ 1320 : 5000,
+ 1330 : 7500,
+ 1340 : 10000,
+ }
+MoneyToBank = {}
+for bankId, maxMoney in BankToMoney.items():
+ MoneyToBank[maxMoney] = bankId
+MaxBankId = 1340
+# This table maps the various closet ID's to the amount of clothes
+# they hold.
+ClosetToClothes = {
+ 500 : 10,
+ 502 : 15,
+ 504 : 20,
+ 506 : 25,
+ 510 : 10,
+ 512 : 15,
+ 514 : 20,
+ 516 : 25,
+ }
+ClothesToCloset = {}
+for closetId, maxClothes in ClosetToClothes.items():
+ # There is not a 1-to-1 mapping like the banks since there are boys
+ # and girls closets, so we'll store a bank Id tuple.
+ if not ClothesToCloset.has_key(maxClothes):
+ ClothesToCloset[maxClothes] = (closetId,)
+ else:
+ ClothesToCloset[maxClothes] += (closetId,)
+MaxClosetIds = (506, 516)
+# These index numbers are written to the database. Don't mess with them.
+# Also see TTLocalizer.FurnitureNames and TTLocalizer.AwardManagerFurnitureNames
+FurnitureTypes = {
+ # These are examples to illustrate how we might apply color
+ # options to furniture, and/or hide and show pieces or replace
+ # textures to extend a single model for multiple purposes.
+## # Wooden chair
+## 100 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/cushionChair",
+## (("**/cushion*", None)),
+## None,
+## 50),
+## # Cushioned chair
+## 110 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/cushionChair",
+## None,
+## None,
+## 100),
+## # Velvet chair
+## 120 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/cushionChair",
+## (("**/cushion*", "phase_5.5/maps/velvet_cushion.jpg")),
+## { 0 : (("**/cushion*", (1, 0, 0, 1)),),
+## 1 : (("**/cushion*", (0.6, 0.2, 1, 1)),),
+## 2 : (("**/cushion*", (0.2, 0.2, 0.6, 1)),),
+## },
+## 250),
+## # Library chair
+## 130 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/libraryChair",
+## None,
+## None,
+## 500),
+ ## CHAIRS ##
+ # Chair A - Series 1
+ 100 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/chairA",
+ None, None, 80),
+ # Chair A desaturated - Series 7
+ 105 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/chairAdesat",
+ None,
+ { 0 : (("**/cushion*", furnitureColors[0]), ("**/arm*", furnitureColors[0]),),
+ 1 : (("**/cushion*", furnitureColors[1]), ("**/arm*", furnitureColors[1]),),
+ 2 : (("**/cushion*", furnitureColors[2]), ("**/arm*", furnitureColors[2]),),
+ 3 : (("**/cushion*", furnitureColors[3]), ("**/arm*", furnitureColors[3]),),
+ 4 : (("**/cushion*", furnitureColors[4]), ("**/arm*", furnitureColors[4]),),
+ 5 : (("**/cushion*", furnitureColors[5]), ("**/arm*", furnitureColors[5]),),
+ },
+ 160),
+ # Chair - Series 1
+ 110 : ("phase_3.5/models/modules/chair",
+ None, None, 40),
+ # Desk chair - Series 2
+ 120 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/deskChair",
+ None, None, 60),
+ # Bug room chair - Series 2
+ 130 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/BugRoomChair",
+ None, None, 160),
+ # Underwater lobster chair - Series 3
+ 140 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/UWlobsterChair",
+ None, None, 200),
+ # Underwater lifesaver chair - Series 3
+ 145 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/UWlifeSaverChair",
+ None, None, 200),
+ # Western saddle stool - Series 4
+ 150 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/West_saddleStool2",
+ None, None, 160),
+ # Western native chair - Series 4
+ 160 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/West_nativeChair",
+ None, None, 160),
+ # Candy cupcake Chair - Series 6
+ 170 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/cupcakeChair",
+ None, None, 240),
+ ## BEDS ##
+ # Boy's bed - Initial Furniture
+ 200 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/regular_bed",
+ None, None, 400),
+ # Boy's bed destaturated - Series 7
+ 205 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/regular_bed_desat",
+ None,
+ { 0 : (("**/bar*", woodColors[0]),("**/post*", woodColors[0]),("**/*support", woodColors[0]),
+ ("**/top", woodColors[0]),("**/bottom", woodColors[0]),("**/pPlane*", woodColors[0]),),
+ 1 : (("**/bar*", woodColors[1]),("**/post*", woodColors[1]),("**/*support", woodColors[1]),
+ ("**/top", woodColors[1]),("**/bottom", woodColors[1]),("**/pPlane*", woodColors[1]),),
+ 2 : (("**/bar*", woodColors[2]),("**/post*", woodColors[2]),("**/*support", woodColors[2]),
+ ("**/top", woodColors[2]),("**/bottom", woodColors[2]),("**/pPlane*", woodColors[2]),),
+ 3 : (("**/bar*", woodColors[3]),("**/post*", woodColors[3]),("**/*support", woodColors[3]),
+ ("**/top", woodColors[3]),("**/bottom", woodColors[3]),("**/pPlane*", woodColors[3]),),
+ 4 : (("**/bar*", woodColors[4]),("**/post*", woodColors[4]),("**/*support", woodColors[4]),
+ ("**/top", woodColors[4]),("**/bottom", woodColors[4]),("**/pPlane*", woodColors[4]),),
+ 5 : (("**/bar*", woodColors[5]),("**/post*", woodColors[5]),("**/*support", woodColors[5]),
+ ("**/top", woodColors[5]),("**/bottom", woodColors[5]),("**/pPlane*", woodColors[5]),),
+ },
+ 800),
+ # Girl's bed - Series 1
+ 210 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/girly_bed",
+ None, None, 450),
+ # Bathtub bed - Series 1
+ 220 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/bathtub_bed",
+ None, None, 550),
+ # Bug Room Bed - Series 2
+ 230 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/bugRoomBed",
+ None, None, 600),
+ # Underwater Boat bed - Series 3
+ 240 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/UWBoatBed",
+ None, None, 600),
+ # Western Cactus Hammoc bed - Series 4
+ 250 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/West_cactusHammoc",
+ None, None, 550),
+ # Candy ice cream bed - Series 6
+ 260 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/icecreamBed",
+ None, None, 700),
+ # Trolley bed - CatalogAnimatedFurnitureItem
+ 270 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/trolley_bed",
+ None, None, 1200, None, None, 0.25),
+ # Piano - Series 2
+ 300 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/Piano",
+ None, None, 1000, FLIsTable),
+ # Organ - Series 2
+ 310 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/Organ",
+ None, None, 2500),
+ # Square Fireplace - Initial Furniture
+ 400 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/FireplaceSq",
+ None, None, 800),
+ # Girly Fireplace - Series 1
+ 410 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/FireplaceGirlee",
+ None, None, 800),
+ # Round Fireplace - Series 2
+ 420 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/FireplaceRound",
+ None, None, 800),
+ # Bug Room Fireplace - Series 2
+ 430 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/bugRoomFireplace",
+ None, None, 800),
+ # Candy Carmel Apple Fireplace - Series 6
+ 440 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/CarmelAppleFireplace",
+ None, None, 800),
+ # Coral Fireplace
+ 450 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/fireplace_coral",
+ None, None, 950),
+ # Coral Fireplace with fire
+ 460 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/tt_m_prp_int_fireplace_coral",
+ None, None, 1250, None, None, 0.5),
+ # Square Fireplace with fire
+ 470 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/tt_m_prp_int_fireplace_square",
+ None, None, 1100, None, None, 0.5),
+ # Round Fireplace with fire
+ 480 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/tt_m_prp_int_fireplace_round",
+ None, None, 1100, None, None, 0.5),
+ # Girly Fireplace with fire
+ 490 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/tt_m_prp_int_fireplace_girlee",
+ None, None, 1100, None, None, 0.5),
+ # Bug Room Fireplace with fire
+ 491 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/tt_m_prp_int_fireplace_bugRoom",
+ None, None, 1100, None, None, 0.5),
+ # Candy Caramel Apple Fireplace with fire
+ 492 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/tt_m_prp_int_fireplace_caramelApple",
+ None, None, 1100, None, None, 0.5),
+ # Boy's Wardrobe, 10 items - Initial Furniture
+ 500 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/closetBoy",
+ None, None, 500, FLCloset, 0.85),
+ # Boy's Wardrobe, 15 items - Series 1
+ 502 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/closetBoy",
+ None, None, 500, FLCloset, 1.0),
+ # Boy's Wardrobe, 20 items
+ 504 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/closetBoy",
+ None, None, 500, FLCloset, 1.15),
+ # Boy's Wardrobe, 25 items
+ 506 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/closetBoy",
+ None, None, 500, FLCloset, 1.3),
+ # Girl's Wardrobe, 10 items - Initial Furniture
+ 510 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/closetGirl",
+ None, None, 500, FLCloset, 0.85),
+ # Girl's Wardrobe, 15 items - Series 1
+ 512 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/closetGirl",
+ None, None, 500, FLCloset, 1.0),
+ # Girl's Wardrobe, 20 items
+ 514 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/closetGirl",
+ None, None, 500, FLCloset, 1.15),
+ # Girl's Wardrobe, 25 items
+ 516 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/closetGirl",
+ None, None, 500, FLCloset, 1.3),
+ ## LAMPS ##
+ # Short lamp - Series 1
+ 600 : ("phase_3.5/models/modules/lamp_short",
+ None, None, 45, FLOnTable),
+ # Tall lamp - Series 2
+ 610 : ("phase_3.5/models/modules/lamp_tall",
+ None, None, 45),
+ # Lamp A - Series 1
+ 620 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/lampA",
+ None, None, 35, FLOnTable),
+ # Lamp A Desaturated - Series 7
+ 625 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/lampADesat",
+ None,
+ { 0 : (("**/top", furnitureColors[0]),),
+ 1 : (("**/top", furnitureColors[1]),),
+ 2 : (("**/top", furnitureColors[2]),),
+ 3 : (("**/top", furnitureColors[3]),),
+ 4 : (("**/top", furnitureColors[4]),),
+ 5 : (("**/top", furnitureColors[5]),),
+ },
+ 70, FLOnTable),
+ # Bug Room Daisy Lamp 1 - Series 2
+ 630 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/bugRoomDaisyLamp1",
+ None, None, 55),
+ # Bug Room Daisy Lamp 2 - Series 2
+ 640 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/bugRoomDaisyLamp2",
+ None, None, 55),
+ # Underwater Lamp 1 - Series 3
+ 650 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/UWlamp_jellyfish",
+ None, None, 55, FLOnTable),
+ # Underwater Lamp 2 - Series 3
+ 660 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/UWlamps_jellyfishB",
+ None, None, 55, FLOnTable),
+ # Cowboy Lamp - series 4
+ 670 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/West_cowboyLamp",
+ None, None, 55, FLOnTable),
+ # Lamps
+ 680: ("phase_5.5/models/estate/tt_m_ara_int_candlestick",
+ None,
+ { 0 : (("**/candlestick/candlestick", (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0),),),
+ 1 : (("**/candlestick/candlestick", furnitureColors[1]),),
+ 2 : (("**/candlestick/candlestick", furnitureColors[2]),),
+ 3 : (("**/candlestick/candlestick", furnitureColors[3]),),
+ 4 : (("**/candlestick/candlestick", furnitureColors[4]),),
+ 5 : (("**/candlestick/candlestick", furnitureColors[5]),),
+ 6 : (("**/candlestick/candlestick", furnitureColors[0]),),
+ },
+ 20, FLOnTable),
+ 681: ("phase_5.5/models/estate/tt_m_ara_int_candlestickLit",
+ None,
+ { 0 : (("**/candlestick/candlestick", (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0),),),
+ 1 : (("**/candlestickLit/candlestick", furnitureColors[1]),),
+ 2 : (("**/candlestickLit/candlestick", furnitureColors[2]),),
+ 3 : (("**/candlestickLit/candlestick", furnitureColors[3]),),
+ 4 : (("**/candlestickLit/candlestick", furnitureColors[4]),),
+ 5 : (("**/candlestickLit/candlestick", furnitureColors[5]),),
+ 6 : (("**/candlestickLit/candlestick", furnitureColors[0]),),
+ },
+ 25, FLOnTable),
+ ## COUCHES ##
+ # 1-person couch - Series 1
+ 700 : ("phase_3.5/models/modules/couch_1person",
+ None, None, 230),
+ # 1-person couch desaturated - Series 7
+ 705 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/couch_1personDesat",
+ None,
+ { 0 : (("**/*couch", furnitureColors[0]),),
+ 1 : (("**/*couch", furnitureColors[1]),),
+ 2 : (("**/*couch", furnitureColors[2]),),
+ 3 : (("**/*couch", furnitureColors[3]),),
+ 4 : (("**/*couch", furnitureColors[4]),),
+ 5 : (("**/*couch", furnitureColors[5]),),
+ },
+ 460),
+ # 2-person couch - Series 1
+ 710 : ("phase_3.5/models/modules/couch_2person",
+ None, None, 230),
+ # 2-person couch desaturated - Series 7
+ 715 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/couch_2personDesat",
+ None,
+ { 0 : (("**/*couch", furnitureColors[0]),),
+ 1 : (("**/*couch", furnitureColors[1]),),
+ 2 : (("**/*couch", furnitureColors[2]),),
+ 3 : (("**/*couch", furnitureColors[3]),),
+ 4 : (("**/*couch", furnitureColors[4]),),
+ 5 : (("**/*couch", furnitureColors[5]),),
+ },
+ 460),
+ # Western Hay couch - Series 4
+ 720 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/West_HayCouch",
+ None, None, 420),
+ # Candy Twinkie couch - Series 6
+ 730 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/twinkieCouch",
+ None, None, 480),
+ ## DESKS ##
+ # Desk - Series 1
+ 800 : ("phase_3.5/models/modules/desk_only_wo_phone",
+ None, None, 65, FLIsTable),
+ # Bug Room Desk - Series 2
+ 810 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/BugRoomDesk",
+ None, None, 125, FLIsTable),
+ ## MISC PROPS ##
+ # Umbrella stand - Series 1
+ 900 : ("phase_3.5/models/modules/umbrella_stand",
+ None, None, 30),
+ # Coat rack - Series 1
+ 910 : ("phase_3.5/models/modules/coatrack",
+ None, None, 75),
+ # Trashcan - Series 2
+ 920 : ("phase_3.5/models/modules/paper_trashcan",
+ None, None, 30),
+ # Bug Room Red Pot - Series 2
+ 930 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/BugRoomRedMushroomPot",
+ None, None, 60),
+ # Bug Room Yellow Pot - Series 2
+ 940 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/BugRoomYellowMushroomPot",
+ None, None, 60),
+ # Underwater coat rack - Series 3
+ 950 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/UWcoralClothRack",
+ None, None, 75),
+ # Western barrel stand - Series 4
+ 960 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/west_barrelStand",
+ None, None, 75),
+ # Western fat cactus plant - Series 4
+ 970 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/West_fatCactus",
+ None, None, 75),
+ # Western tepee - Series 4
+ 980 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/West_Tepee",
+ None, None, 150),
+ # Gag fan - CatalogAnimatedFurnitureItem
+ 990 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/gag_fan",
+ None, None, 500, None, None, 0.5),
+ ## RUGS ##
+ # Square Rug - Series 1
+ 1000 : ("phase_3.5/models/modules/rug",
+ None, None, 75, FLRug),
+ # Round Rug A - Series 1
+ 1010 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/rugA",
+ None, None, 75, FLRug),
+ # Round Rug A desaturated - Series 7
+ 1015 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/rugADesat",
+ None,
+ { 0 : (("**/pPlane*", furnitureColors[0]),),
+ 1 : (("**/pPlane*", furnitureColors[1]),),
+ 2 : (("**/pPlane*", furnitureColors[2]),),
+ 3 : (("**/pPlane*", furnitureColors[3]),),
+ 4 : (("**/pPlane*", furnitureColors[4]),),
+ 5 : (("**/pPlane*", furnitureColors[5]),),
+ },
+ 150, FLRug),
+ # Round Rug B - Series 1
+ 1020 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/rugB",
+ None, None, 75, FLRug, 2.5),
+ # Bug Room Leaf Mat - Series 2
+ 1030 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/bugRoomLeafMat",
+ None, None, 75, FLRug),
+ # Presents
+ 1040 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/tt_m_ara_int_presents",
+ None, None, 300),
+ # Sled
+ 1050 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/tt_m_ara_int_sled",
+ None, None, 400),
+ ## CABINETS ##
+ # Red Wood Cabinet - Series 1
+ 1100 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/cabinetRwood",
+ None, None, 825),
+ # Yellow Wood Cabinet - Series 2
+ 1110 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/cabinetYwood",
+ None, None, 825),
+ # Bookcase - Series 2
+ 1120 : ("phase_3.5/models/modules/bookcase",
+ None, None, 650, FLIsTable),
+ # Bookcase - Series 2
+ 1130 : ("phase_3.5/models/modules/bookcase_low",
+ None, None, 650, FLIsTable),
+ # Candy ice cream chest - Series 6
+ 1140 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/icecreamChest",
+ None, None, 750),
+ ## TABLES ##
+ # End table - Series 1
+ 1200 : ("phase_3.5/models/modules/ending_table",
+ None, None, 60, FLIsTable),
+ # Radio table - Series 1
+ 1210 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/table_radio",
+ None, None, 60, FLIsTable, 50.0),
+ # Radio table desaturated - Series 7
+ 1215 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/table_radioDesat",
+ None,
+ { 0 : (("**/RADIOTABLE_*", woodColors[0]),),
+ 1 : (("**/RADIOTABLE_*", woodColors[1]),),
+ 2 : (("**/RADIOTABLE_*", woodColors[2]),),
+ 3 : (("**/RADIOTABLE_*", woodColors[3]),),
+ 4 : (("**/RADIOTABLE_*", woodColors[4]),),
+ 5 : (("**/RADIOTABLE_*", woodColors[5]),),
+ },
+ 120, FLIsTable, 50.0),
+ # Coffee table - Series 2
+ 1220 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/coffeetableSq",
+ None, None, 180, FLIsTable),
+ # Coffee table - Series 2
+ 1230 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/coffeetableSq_BW",
+ None, None, 180, FLIsTable),
+ # Underwater coffee table - Series 3
+ 1240 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/UWtable",
+ None, None, 180, FLIsTable),
+ # Candy cookie table - Series 6
+ 1250 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/cookieTableA",
+ None, None, 220, FLIsTable),
+ # Desaturated bedside table - Series 7
+ 1260 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/TABLE_Bedroom_Desat",
+ None,
+ { 0 : (("**/Bedroom_Table", woodColors[0]),),
+ 1 : (("**/Bedroom_Table", woodColors[1]),),
+ 2 : (("**/Bedroom_Table", woodColors[2]),),
+ 3 : (("**/Bedroom_Table", woodColors[3]),),
+ 4 : (("**/Bedroom_Table", woodColors[4]),),
+ 5 : (("**/Bedroom_Table", woodColors[5]),),
+ },
+ 220, FLIsTable),
+ # Jellybean Bank, 1000 beans - Initial Furniture
+ 1300 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/jellybeanBank",
+ None, None, 0, FLBank, 0.75),
+ # Jellybean Bank, 2500 beans - Series 1
+ 1310 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/jellybeanBank",
+ None, None, 400, FLBank, 1.0),
+ # Jellybean Bank, 5000 beans - Series 1
+ 1320 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/jellybeanBank",
+ None, None, 800, FLBank, 1.125),
+ # Jellybean Bank, 7500 beans - Series 1
+ 1330 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/jellybeanBank",
+ None, None, 1600, FLBank, 1.25),
+ # Jellybean Bank, 10000 beans - Series 1
+ 1340 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/jellybeanBank",
+ None, None, 3200, FLBank, 1.5),
+ # Phone - Initial Furniture
+ 1399 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/prop_phone-mod",
+ None, None, 0, FLPhone),
+ # Painting: Cezanne Toon - Series 1
+ 1400 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/cezanne_toon",
+ None, None, 425, FLPainting, 2.0),
+ # Painting: Flowers - Series 1
+ 1410 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/flowers",
+ None, None, 425, FLPainting, 2.0),
+ # Painting: Modern Mickey - Series 1
+ 1420 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/modernistMickey",
+ None, None, 425, FLPainting, 2.0),
+ # Painting: Rembrandt Toon - Series 1
+ 1430 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/rembrandt_toon",
+ None, None, 425, FLPainting, 2.0),
+ # Painting: Toon Landscape - Series 2
+ 1440 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/landscape",
+ None, None, 425, FLPainting, 100.0),
+ # Painting: Whistler's Horse - Series 2
+ 1441 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/whistler-horse",
+ None, None, 425, FLPainting, 2.0),
+ # Painting: Degas Toon Star - Series 2
+ 1442 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/degasHorseStar",
+ None, None, 425, FLPainting, 2.5),
+ # Painting: Toon Pie - Series 2
+ 1443 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/MagPie",
+ None, None, 425, FLPainting, 2.0),
+ # Painting: Valentines Day - Mickey and Minney
+ 1450 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/tt_m_prp_int_painting_valentine",
+ None, None, 425, FLPainting),
+ # Radio A - Series 2
+ 1500 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/RADIO_A",
+ None, None, 25, FLOnTable, 15.0),
+ # Radio B - Series 1
+ 1510 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/RADIO_B",
+ None, None, 25, FLOnTable, 15.0),
+ # Radio C - Series 2
+ 1520 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/radio_c",
+ None, None, 25, FLOnTable, 15.0),
+ # Bug Room TV - Series 2
+ 1530 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/bugRoomTV",
+ None, None, 675),
+ ## VASES ##
+ # Vase A short - Series 1
+ 1600 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/vaseA_short",
+ None, None, 120, FLOnTable),
+ # Vase A tall - Series 1
+ 1610 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/vaseA_tall",
+ None, None, 120, FLOnTable),
+ # Vase B short - Series 2
+ 1620 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/vaseB_short",
+ None, None, 120, FLOnTable),
+ # Vase B tall - Series 2
+ 1630 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/vaseB_tall",
+ None, None, 120, FLOnTable),
+ # Vase C short - Series 2
+ 1640 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/vaseC_short",
+ None, None, 120, FLOnTable),
+ # Vase D short - Series 2
+ 1650 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/vaseD_short",
+ None, None, 120, FLOnTable),
+ # Underwater coral vase - Series 3
+ 1660 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/UWcoralVase",
+ None, None, 120, (FLOnTable | FLBillboard)),
+ # Underwater shell vase - Series 3
+ 1661 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/UWshellVase",
+ None, None, 120, (FLOnTable | FLBillboard) ),
+ # Valentines Day Vase - Rose Vase
+ 1670 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/tt_m_prp_int_roseVase_valentine",
+ None, None, 200, (FLOnTable)),
+ # Valentines Day Vase - Rose Water Can
+ 1680 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/tt_m_prp_int_roseWatercan_valentine",
+ None, None, 200, (FLOnTable)),
+ ## KITSCH ##
+ # Popcorn cart - Series 2
+ 1700 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/popcornCart",
+ None, None, 400),
+ # Bug Room Ladybug - Series 2
+ 1710 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/bugRoomLadyBug",
+ None, None, 260),
+ # Underwater skateboarder statue - Series 3
+ 1720 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/UWfountain",
+ None, None, 450),
+ # Underwater clothes dryer - Series 3
+ 1725 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/UWOceanDryer",
+ None, None, 400),
+ ## Fishbowls ##
+ # Underwater skull fish bowl - Series 3
+ 1800 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/UWskullBowl",
+ None, None, 120, FLOnTable),
+ # Underwater lizard fish bowl - Series 3
+ 1810 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/UWlizardBowl",
+ None, None, 120, FLOnTable),
+ ## Wall hangings ##
+ # Underwater swordFish wall hanging - Series 3
+ 1900 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/UWswordFish",
+ None, None, 425, FLPainting, .5),
+ # Underwater hammerhead wall hanging - Series 3
+ 1910 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/UWhammerhead",
+ None, None, 425, FLPainting),
+ # Western hanging horns - Series 4
+ 1920 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/West_hangingHorns",
+ None, None, 475, FLPainting),
+ # Western sombrero - Series 4
+ 1930 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/West_Sombrero",
+ None, None, 425, FLPainting),
+ # Western fancy sombrero - Series 4
+ 1940 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/West_fancySombrero",
+ None, None, 450, FLPainting),
+ # Western coyote paw - Series 4
+ 1950 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/West_CoyotePawdecor",
+ None, None, 475, FLPainting),
+ # Western horse shoe - Series 4
+ 1960 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/West_Horseshoe",
+ None, None, 475, FLPainting),
+ # Western bison portrait - Series 4
+ 1970 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/West_bisonPortrait",
+ None, None, 475, FLPainting),
+ ## Play Area Items ##
+ # Candy swingset - Series 6
+ 2000 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/candySwingSet",
+ None, None, 300),
+ # Candy cake slide - Series 6
+ 2010 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/cakeSlide",
+ None, None, 200),
+ ## Bathing Items ##
+ # Candy banana split shower - Series 6
+ 3000 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/BanannaSplitShower",
+ None, None, 400),
+ # short pumpkin - Halloween
+ 10000 : ("phase_4/models/estate/pumpkin_short",
+ None, None, 200, FLOnTable),
+ # tall pumpkin - Halloween
+ 10010 : ("phase_4/models/estate/pumpkin_tall",
+ None, None, 250, FLOnTable),
+ # winter tree
+ 10020 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/tt_m_prp_int_winter_tree",
+ None, None, 500, None, None, 0.1),
+ # winter wreath
+ 10030 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/tt_m_prp_int_winter_wreath",
+ None, None, 200, FLPainting),
+ }
+# If you add any new Animated furniture, update CatalogAnimatedFurniture.AnimatedFurnitureItemKeys
+class CatalogFurnitureItem(CatalogAtticItem.CatalogAtticItem):
+ """CatalogFurnitureItem
+ This represents a piece of furniture that the player may purchase
+ and store in his house or possibly in his lawn. Each item of
+ furniture corresponds to a particular model file (possibly with
+ some pieces hidden and/or texture swapped); there may also be a
+ number of user-customizable options for a given piece of furniture
+ (e.g. changing colors).
+ """
+ def makeNewItem(self, furnitureType, colorOption = None, posHpr = None):
+ self.furnitureType = furnitureType
+ self.colorOption = colorOption
+ self.posHpr = posHpr
+ CatalogAtticItem.CatalogAtticItem.makeNewItem(self)
+ def needsCustomize(self):
+ # Returns true if the item still needs to be customized by the
+ # user (e.g. by choosing a color).
+ return self.colorOption == None and \
+ FurnitureTypes[self.furnitureType][FTColorOptions] != None
+ def saveHistory(self):
+ # Returns true if items of this type should be saved in the
+ # back catalog, false otherwise.
+ return 1
+ def replacesExisting(self):
+ # Returns true if an item of this type will, when purchased,
+ # replace an existing item of the same type, or false if items
+ # accumulate.
+ return (self.getFlags() & (FLCloset | FLBank)) != 0
+ def hasExisting(self):
+ # If replacesExisting returns true, this returns true if an
+ # item of this class is already owned by the avatar, false
+ # otherwise. If replacesExisting returns false, this is
+ # undefined.
+ # We always have a closet and bank.
+ return 1
+ def getYourOldDesc(self):
+ # If replacesExisting returns true, this returns the name of
+ # the already existing object, in sentence construct: "your
+ # old ...". If replacesExisting returns false, this is undefined.
+ if (self.getFlags() & FLCloset):
+ return TTLocalizer.FurnitureYourOldCloset
+ elif (self.getFlags() & FLBank):
+ return TTLocalizer.FurnitureYourOldBank
+ else:
+ return None
+ def notOfferedTo(self, avatar):
+ if (self.getFlags() & FLCloset):
+ # Boys can only buy boy wardrobes, and girls can only buy
+ # girl wardrobes. Sorry.
+ decade = self.furnitureType - (self.furnitureType % 10)
+ forBoys = (decade == 500)
+ if avatar.getStyle().getGender() == 'm':
+ return not forBoys
+ else:
+ return forBoys
+ # All other items are completely androgynous.
+ return 0
+ def isDeletable(self):
+ # Returns true if the item can be deleted from the attic,
+ # false otherwise.
+ return (self.getFlags() & (FLBank | FLCloset | FLPhone)) == 0
+ def getMaxBankMoney(self):
+ # This special method is only defined for bank type items,
+ # and returns the capacity of the bank in jellybeans.
+ return BankToMoney.get(self.furnitureType)
+ def getMaxClothes(self):
+ # This special method is only defined for wardrobe type items,
+ # and returns the number of clothing items the wardrobe holds.
+ index = self.furnitureType % 10
+ if index == 0:
+ return 10
+ elif index == 2:
+ return 15
+ elif index == 4:
+ return 20
+ elif index == 6:
+ return 25
+ else:
+ return None
+ def reachedPurchaseLimit(self, avatar):
+ # Returns true if the item cannot be bought because the avatar
+ # has already bought his limit on this item.
+ if self.getFlags() & FLBank:
+ # No point in buying an equal or smaller bank.
+ if self.getMaxBankMoney() <= avatar.getMaxBankMoney():
+ return 1
+ # Also if this particular bank is on order, we don't need
+ # another one.
+ if self in avatar.onOrder or self in avatar.mailboxContents:
+ return 1
+ if self.getFlags() & FLCloset:
+ # No point in buying an equal or smaller wardrobe.
+ if self.getMaxClothes() <= avatar.getMaxClothes():
+ return 1
+ # Also if this particular wardrobe is on order, we don't need
+ # another one.
+ if self in avatar.onOrder or self in avatar.mailboxContents:
+ return 1
+ return 0
+ def getTypeName(self):
+ flags = self.getFlags()
+ if flags & FLPainting:
+ return TTLocalizer.PaintingTypeName
+ else:
+ return TTLocalizer.FurnitureTypeName
+ def getName(self):
+ return TTLocalizer.FurnitureNames[self.furnitureType]
+ def getFlags(self):
+ # Returns the special flag word associated with this furniture
+ # item. This controls special properties of the item, and is
+ # one or more of the bits defined above with the symbols FL*.
+ defn = FurnitureTypes[self.furnitureType]
+ if FTFlags < len(defn):
+ flag = defn[FTFlags]
+ if (flag == None):
+ return 0
+ else:
+ return flag
+ else:
+ return 0
+ def isGift(self):
+ if self.getFlags() & (FLCloset | FLBank):
+ return 0
+ else:
+ return 1
+ def recordPurchase(self, avatar, optional):
+ # Updates the appropriate field on the avatar to indicate the
+ # purchase (or delivery). This makes the item available to
+ # use by the avatar. This method is only called on the AI side.
+ house, retcode = self.getHouseInfo(avatar)
+ self.giftTag = None
+ if retcode >= 0:
+ house.addAtticItem(self)
+ if (self.getFlags() & FLBank):
+ # A special case: if we just bought a new bank, change
+ # our maximum bank money accordingly. This property
+ # is stored on the toon.
+ avatar.b_setMaxBankMoney(self.getMaxBankMoney())
+ if (self.getFlags() & FLCloset):
+ # Another special case: if we just bought a new
+ # wardrobe, change our maximum clothing items
+ # accordingly. This property is also stored on the
+ # toon.
+ avatar.b_setMaxClothes(self.getMaxClothes())
+ return retcode
+ def getDeliveryTime(self):
+ # Returns the elapsed time in minutes from purchase to
+ # delivery for this particular item.
+ return 24 * 60 # 24 hours.
+ def getPicture(self, avatar):
+ # Returns a (DirectWidget, Interval) pair to draw and animate a
+ # little representation of the item, or (None, None) if the
+ # item has no representation. This method is only called on
+ # the client.
+ model = self.loadModel()
+ spin = 1
+ flags = self.getFlags()
+ if flags & FLRug:
+ spin = 0
+ model.setP(90)
+ elif flags & FLPainting:
+ spin = 0
+ elif flags & FLBillboard:
+ spin = 0
+ model.setBin('unsorted', 0, 1)
+## assert (not self.hasPicture)
+ self.hasPicture=True
+ return self.makeFrameModel(model, spin)
+ def output(self, store = ~0):
+ return "CatalogFurnitureItem(%s%s)" % (
+ self.furnitureType,
+ self.formatOptionalData(store))
+ def getFilename(self):
+ type = FurnitureTypes[self.furnitureType]
+ return type[FTModelName]
+ def compareTo(self, other):
+ return self.furnitureType - other.furnitureType
+ def getHashContents(self):
+ return self.furnitureType
+ def getBasePrice(self):
+ return FurnitureTypes[self.furnitureType][FTBasePrice]
+ def loadModel(self):
+ type = FurnitureTypes[self.furnitureType]
+ model = loader.loadModel(type[FTModelName])
+ self.applyColor(model, type[FTColor])
+ if type[FTColorOptions] != None:
+ if self.colorOption == None:
+ # The user hasn't picked a color option; choose a
+ # random one.
+ option = random.choice(type[FTColorOptions].values())
+ else:
+ # Use the user's specified color option.
+ option = type[FTColorOptions].get(self.colorOption)
+ self.applyColor(model, option)
+ if (FTScale < len(type)):
+ scale = type[FTScale]
+ if not (scale == None):
+ # Also apply a scale.
+ model.setScale(scale)
+ model.flattenLight()
+ return model
+ def decodeDatagram(self, di, versionNumber, store):
+ CatalogAtticItem.CatalogAtticItem.decodeDatagram(self, di, versionNumber, store)
+ self.furnitureType = di.getInt16()
+ self.colorOption = None
+ # The following will raise an exception if self.furnitureType
+ # is not valid.
+ type = FurnitureTypes[self.furnitureType]
+ if type[FTColorOptions]:
+ if store & CatalogItem.Customization:
+ self.colorOption = di.getUint8()
+ # The following will raise an exception if
+ # self.colorOption is not valid.
+ option = type[FTColorOptions][self.colorOption]
+ def encodeDatagram(self, dg, store):
+ CatalogAtticItem.CatalogAtticItem.encodeDatagram(self, dg, store)
+ dg.addInt16(self.furnitureType)
+ if FurnitureTypes[self.furnitureType][FTColorOptions]:
+ if store & CatalogItem.Customization:
+ dg.addUint8(self.colorOption)
+def nextAvailableBank(avatar, duplicateItems):
+ bankId = MoneyToBank.get(avatar.getMaxBankMoney())
+ if bankId == None or bankId == MaxBankId:
+ # No more banks for this avatar.
+ return None
+ bankId += 10
+ item = CatalogFurnitureItem(bankId)
+ # But if this bank is already on order, don't offer the same bank
+ # again. Skip to the next one instead.
+ while item in avatar.onOrder or \
+ item in avatar.mailboxContents:
+ bankId += 10
+ if bankId > MaxBankId:
+ return None
+ item = CatalogFurnitureItem(bankId)
+ return item
+def getAllBanks():
+ list = []
+ for bankId in BankToMoney.keys():
+ list.append(CatalogFurnitureItem(bankId))
+ return list
+def nextAvailableCloset(avatar, duplicateItems):
+ # detemine which closet index in the tuple to use
+ if avatar.getStyle().getGender() == 'm':
+ index = 0
+ else:
+ index = 1
+ # handle a race a condition - dist toon ai cleaned up?
+ if not hasattr(avatar, "maxClothes"):
+ return None
+ closetIds = ClothesToCloset.get(avatar.getMaxClothes())
+ # we can't guarantee order on these dict values, so we'll sort them as a list
+ closetIds = list(closetIds)
+ closetIds.sort()
+ closetId = closetIds[index]
+ if closetId == None or closetId == MaxClosetIds[index]:
+ # No more closets for this avatar.
+ return None
+ closetId += 2
+ item = CatalogFurnitureItem(closetId)
+ # But if this closet is already on order, don't offer the same bank
+ # again. Skip to the next one instead.
+ while item in avatar.onOrder or \
+ item in avatar.mailboxContents:
+ closetId += 2
+ if closetId > MaxClosetIds[index]:
+ return None
+ item = CatalogFurnitureItem(closetId)
+ return item
+def getAllClosets():
+ list = []
+ for closetId in ClosetsToClothes.keys():
+ list.append(CatalogFurnitureItem(closetId))
+ return list
+def getAllFurnitures(index):
+ # This function returns a list of all possible
+ # CatalogFurnitureItems (that is, all color variants)
+ # for the indicated type index(es).
+ list = []
+ colors = FurnitureTypes[index][FTColorOptions]
+ for n in range(len(colors)):
+ list.append(CatalogFurnitureItem(index, n))
+ return list
diff --git a/toontown/src/catalog/ b/toontown/src/catalog/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c33a6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/catalog/
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+import CatalogItem
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+from otp.otpbase import OTPLocalizer
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
+from import GardenGlobals
+class CatalogGardenItem(CatalogItem.CatalogItem):
+ """
+ Represents a Garden Item on the Delivery List
+ """
+ sequenceNumber = 0
+ def makeNewItem(self, itemIndex = 0, count = 3, tagCode = 1):
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ self.gardenIndex = itemIndex
+ self.numItems = count
+ self.giftCode = tagCode
+ CatalogItem.CatalogItem.makeNewItem(self)
+ def getPurchaseLimit(self):
+ # Returns the maximum number of this particular item an avatar
+ # may purchase. This is either 0, 1, or some larger number; 0
+ # stands for infinity.
+ if self.gardenIndex == GardenGlobals.GardenAcceleratorSpecial:
+ return 1
+ else:
+ return 100
+ def reachedPurchaseLimit(self, avatar):
+ # Returns true if the item cannot be bought because the avatar
+ # has already bought his limit on this item.
+ if self in avatar.onOrder or self in avatar.mailboxContents or self in avatar.onGiftOrder \
+ or self in avatar.awardMailboxContents or self in avatar.onAwardOrder:
+ return 1
+ return 0
+ def getAcceptItemErrorText(self, retcode):
+ # Returns a string describing the error that occurred on
+ # attempting to accept the item from the mailbox. The input
+ # parameter is the retcode returned by recordPurchase() or by
+ # mailbox.acceptItem().
+ if retcode == ToontownGlobals.P_ItemAvailable:
+ return TTLocalizer.CatalogAcceptGarden
+ return CatalogItem.CatalogItem.getAcceptItemErrorText(self, retcode)
+ def saveHistory(self):
+ # Returns true if items of this type should be saved in the
+ # back catalog, false otherwise.
+ return 1
+ def getTypeName(self):
+ return TTLocalizer.GardenTypeName
+ def getName(self):
+ #name = ("Garden Item %s %s" % (self.gardenIndex, self.numItems))
+ name = GardenGlobals.Specials[self.gardenIndex]['photoName']
+ return name
+ def recordPurchase(self, avatar, optional):
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ #if self.gardenIndex == GardenGlobals.GardenAcceleratorSpecial:
+ # return ToontownGlobals.P_ItemOnOrder
+ #else:
+ if 1:
+ if avatar:
+ pass
+ avatar.addGardenItem(self.gardenIndex, self.numItems)
+ #TODO modify the toon's GardenSpecials field
+ return ToontownGlobals.P_ItemAvailable
+ def getPicture(self, avatar):
+ photoModel = GardenGlobals.Specials[self.gardenIndex]['photoModel']
+ beanJar = loader.loadModel(photoModel)
+ frame = self.makeFrame()
+ beanJar.reparentTo(frame)
+ photoPos = GardenGlobals.Specials[self.gardenIndex]['photoPos']
+ beanJar.setPos(*photoPos)
+ photoScale = GardenGlobals.Specials[self.gardenIndex]['photoScale']
+ #beanJar.setScale(2.5)
+ beanJar.setScale(photoScale)
+ assert (not self.hasPicture)
+ self.hasPicture=True
+ return (frame, None)
+ def output(self, store = ~0):
+ return "CatalogGardenItem(%s%s)" % (
+ self.gardenIndex,
+ self.formatOptionalData(store))
+ def compareTo(self, other):
+ return 0
+ def getHashContents(self):
+ return self.gardenIndex
+ def getBasePrice(self):
+ # equal to it's worth
+ beanCost = GardenGlobals.Specials[self.gardenIndex]['beanCost']
+ return beanCost
+ def decodeDatagram(self, di, versionNumber, store):
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ CatalogItem.CatalogItem.decodeDatagram(self, di, versionNumber, store)
+ self.gardenIndex = di.getUint8()
+ self.numItems = di.getUint8()
+ def encodeDatagram(self, dg, store):
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ CatalogItem.CatalogItem.encodeDatagram(self, dg, store)
+ dg.addUint8(self.gardenIndex)
+ dg.addUint8(self.numItems)
+ def getRequestPurchaseErrorText(self, retcode):
+ """
+ Tell the user the item is available and what jelly beans to use it with.
+ """
+ retval = CatalogItem.CatalogItem.getRequestPurchaseErrorText(self,retcode)
+ origText =retval
+ if retval == TTLocalizer.CatalogPurchaseItemAvailable or \
+ retval == TTLocalizer.CatalogPurchaseItemOnOrder:
+ #now lets tell them what other beans to plant it with
+ recipeKey = GardenGlobals.getRecipeKeyUsingSpecial(self.gardenIndex)
+ if not recipeKey == -1:
+ retval += GardenGlobals.getPlantItWithString(self.gardenIndex)
+ if self.gardenIndex == GardenGlobals.GardenAcceleratorSpecial:
+ retval = origText
+ retval += TTLocalizer.UseFromSpecialsTab
+ retval += TTLocalizer.MakeSureWatered
+ return retval
+ def getRequestPurchaseErrorTextTimeout(self):
+ """
+ #RAU How long do we display RequestPurchaseErrorText.
+ Created since we need to display the text longer for garden supplies
+ """
+ return 20
+ def getDeliveryTime(self):
+ # Returns the elapsed time in minutes from purchase to
+ # delivery for this particular item.
+ if self.gardenIndex == GardenGlobals.GardenAcceleratorSpecial:
+ return 24 * 60 #24 hrs
+ else:
+ return 0
+ def getPurchaseLimit(self):
+ # Returns the maximum number of this particular item an avatar
+ # may purchase. This is either 0, 1, or some larger number; 0
+ # stands for infinity.
+ if self.gardenIndex == GardenGlobals.GardenAcceleratorSpecial:
+ return 1
+ else:
+ return 0
+ #return 1
+ def compareTo(self, other):
+ if self.gardenIndex != other.gardenIndex:
+ return self.gardenIndex - other.gardenIndex
+ return self.gardenIndex - other.gardenIndex
+ def reachedPurchaseLimit(self, avatar):
+ # Returns true if the item cannot be bought because the avatar
+ # has already bought his limit on this item.
+ if avatar.onOrder.count(self) != 0:
+ # It's on the way.
+ return 1
+ if avatar.mailboxContents.count(self) != 0:
+ # It's waiting in the mailbox.
+ return 1
+ for specials in avatar.getGardenSpecials():
+ if specials[0] == self.gardenIndex:
+ if self.gardenIndex == GardenGlobals.GardenAcceleratorSpecial:
+ #we're already carrying it
+ return 1
+ # Not found anywhere; go ahead and buy it.
+ return 0
+ def isSkillTooLow(self, avatar):
+ recipeKey = GardenGlobals.getRecipeKeyUsingSpecial(self.gardenIndex)
+ recipe = GardenGlobals.Recipes[recipeKey]
+ numBeansRequired = len(recipe['beans'])
+ canPlant = avatar.getBoxCapability()
+ result = False
+ if canPlant < numBeansRequired:
+ result = True
+ # make the Toon Statue special, requiring 639 skill
+ if not result and \
+ GardenGlobals.Specials.has_key(self.gardenIndex) and \
+ GardenGlobals.Specials[self.gardenIndex].has_key('minSkill'):
+ minSkill = GardenGlobals.Specials[self.gardenIndex]['minSkill']
+ if avatar.shovelSkill < minSkill:
+ result = True
+ else:
+ result = False
+ return result;
+ def noGarden(self, avatar):
+ """
+ if we don't have a garden, we can't buy the fertilizer and statues
+ """
+ return not avatar.getGardenStarted()
+ def isGift(self):
+ return 0
diff --git a/toontown/src/catalog/ b/toontown/src/catalog/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1891371
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/catalog/
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+import CatalogItem
+import time
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+from otp.otpbase import OTPLocalizer
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
+from toontown.toontowngui import TTDialog
+from import GardenTutorial
+class CatalogGardenStarterItem(CatalogItem.CatalogItem):
+ """CatalogGardenStarterItem
+ This is an item that goes away after a period of time.
+ """
+ def makeNewItem(self):
+ # this will need to be persistant (db?)
+ CatalogItem.CatalogItem.makeNewItem(self)
+ def getPurchaseLimit(self):
+ # Returns the maximum number of this particular item an avatar
+ # may purchase. This is either 0, 1, or some larger number; 0
+ # stands for infinity.
+ return 0
+ def reachedPurchaseLimit(self, avatar):
+ # Returns true if the item cannot be bought because the avatar
+ # has already bought his limit on this item.
+ if self in avatar.onOrder or self in avatar.mailboxContents or self in avatar.onGiftOrder \
+ or self in avatar.awardMailboxContents or self in avatar.onAwardOrder or (hasattr(avatar, "gardenStarted") and avatar.getGardenStarted()):
+ return 1
+ return 0
+ def saveHistory(self):
+ # Returns true if items of this type should be saved in the
+ # back catalog, false otherwise.
+ return 1
+ def getTypeName(self):
+ # Returns the name of the general type of item.
+ return TTLocalizer.GardenStarterTypeName
+ def getName(self):
+ return TTLocalizer.GardenStarterTypeName
+ def recordPurchase(self, avatar, optional):
+ print("rental-- record purchase")
+ #if avatar:
+ # avatar.addMoney(self.beanAmount)
+ if avatar:
+ print("starter garden-- has avater")
+ #zoneId = avatar.zoneId
+ #estateOwnerDoId = simbase.air.estateMgr.zone2owner.get(zoneId)
+ estate =
+ if estate:
+ print("starter garden-- has estate")
+ estate.placeStarterGarden(avatar.doId)
+ else:
+ pass
+ print("starter garden-- something not there")
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ return ToontownGlobals.P_ItemAvailable
+ def getPicture(self, avatar):
+ assert (not self.hasPicture)
+ self.hasPicture=True
+ scale = 1
+ heading = 0
+ pitch = 30
+ roll = 0
+ spin = 1
+ down = -1
+ #chatBalloon = loader.loadModel("phase_3/models/props/chatbox.bam")
+ modelParent = loader.loadModel('phase_5.5/models/estate/watering_cans')
+ model = modelParent.find('**/water_canA')
+ scale = .5
+ heading = 45
+ return self.makeFrameModel(model, spin)
+ def output(self, store = ~0):
+ return "CatalogGardenStarterItem(%s)" % (
+ self.formatOptionalData(store))
+ def compareTo(self, other):
+ return 0
+ def getHashContents(self):
+ return 0
+ def getBasePrice(self):
+ return 50
+ def decodeDatagram(self, di, versionNumber, store):
+ CatalogItem.CatalogItem.decodeDatagram(self, di, versionNumber, store)
+ def encodeDatagram(self, dg, store):
+ CatalogItem.CatalogItem.encodeDatagram(self, dg, store)
+ def getDeliveryTime(self):
+ # Returns the elapsed time in minutes from purchase to
+ # delivery for this particular item.
+ return 1 # 1 minute.
+ def isRental(self):
+ return 0
+ def isGift(self):
+ return 0
+ def acceptItem(self, mailbox, index, callback):
+ # Accepts the item from the mailbox. Some items will pop up a
+ # dialog querying the user for more information before
+ # accepting the item; other items will accept it immediately.
+ # In either case, the function will return immediately before
+ # the transaction is finished, but the given callback will be
+ # called later with three parameters: the return code (one of
+ # the P_* symbols defined in, followed by
+ # the item itself, and the supplied index number.
+ # The index is the position of this item within the avatar's
+ # mailboxContents list, which is used by the AI to know which
+ # item to remove from the list (and also to doublecheck that
+ # we're accepting the expected item).
+ # This method is only called on the client.
+ self.confirmGarden = TTDialog.TTGlobalDialog(
+ doneEvent = "confirmGarden",
+ message = TTLocalizer.MessageConfirmGarden,
+ command = Functor(self.handleGardenConfirm, mailbox, index, callback),
+ style = TTDialog.TwoChoice)
+ #self.confirmRent.msg = msg
+ #self.accept("confirmRent", Functor(self.handleRentConfirm, mailbox, index, callback))
+ #self.__handleRentConfirm)
+ #self.mailbox = mailbox
+ #self.mailIndex = index
+ #self.mailcallback = callback
+ def handleGardenConfirm(self, mailbox, index, callback, choice):
+ #def handleRentConfirm(self, *args):
+ #print(args)
+ if choice > 0:
+ def handleTutorialDone():
+ self.gardenTutorial.destroy()
+ self.gardenTutorial = None
+ self.gardenTutorial = GardenTutorial.GardenTutorial(callback=handleTutorialDone)
+ if hasattr(mailbox, "mailboxGui") and mailbox.mailboxGui:
+ mailbox.acceptItem(self, index, callback)
+ mailbox.mailboxGui.justExit()
+ else:
+ callback(ToontownGlobals.P_UserCancelled, self, index)
+ if self.confirmGarden:
+ self.confirmGarden.cleanup()
+ self.confirmGarden = None
diff --git a/toontown/src/catalog/ b/toontown/src/catalog/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76de5c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/catalog/
@@ -0,0 +1,1809 @@
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+import CatalogItem
+import CatalogItemList
+from CatalogFurnitureItem import CatalogFurnitureItem, nextAvailableBank, getAllBanks, nextAvailableCloset, getAllClosets
+from CatalogAnimatedFurnitureItem import CatalogAnimatedFurnitureItem
+from CatalogClothingItem import CatalogClothingItem, getAllClothes
+from CatalogChatItem import CatalogChatItem, getChatRange
+from CatalogEmoteItem import CatalogEmoteItem
+from CatalogWallpaperItem import CatalogWallpaperItem, getWallpapers
+from CatalogFlooringItem import CatalogFlooringItem, getFloorings
+from CatalogMouldingItem import CatalogMouldingItem, getAllMouldings
+from CatalogWainscotingItem import CatalogWainscotingItem, getAllWainscotings
+from CatalogWindowItem import CatalogWindowItem
+from CatalogPoleItem import nextAvailablePole, getAllPoles
+from CatalogPetTrickItem import CatalogPetTrickItem, getAllPetTricks
+from CatalogGardenItem import CatalogGardenItem
+from CatalogToonStatueItem import CatalogToonStatueItem
+from CatalogRentalItem import CatalogRentalItem
+from CatalogGardenStarterItem import CatalogGardenStarterItem
+from CatalogNametagItem import CatalogNametagItem
+from import Actor
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+import types
+import random
+import time
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+# Index numbers that stand for catalog items within this file,
+# e.g. for MetaItems, are local to this file only. These index
+# numbers are not saved in the database or stored on a toon; they are
+# used only to define the relationship between catalog items chosen at
+# random.
+MetaItems = {
+ # Basic shirts
+ 100: getAllClothes(101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109,
+ 109, 111, 115,
+ 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209,
+ 209, 211, 215),
+ # Basic shorts and/or skirts
+ 300: getAllClothes(301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 308,
+ 401, 403, 404, 405, 407, 451, 452, 453),
+ # Series 1 chat
+ 2000: getChatRange(0, 1999),
+ # Series 2 chat
+ 2010: getChatRange(2000, 2999),
+ # Series 3 chat
+ 2020: getChatRange(3000, 3999),
+ # Series 4 chat
+ 2030: getChatRange(4000, 4999),
+ # Series 6 chat
+ 2040: getChatRange(6000, 6999),
+ # Series 7 chat
+ 2050: getChatRange(7000, 7999),
+ # Halloween chat
+ 2900: getChatRange(10000, 10099),
+ # Fall Festivus chat
+ 2910: getChatRange(11000, 11099),
+ # Valentines love chat
+ 2920: getChatRange(12000, 12049),
+ # Valentines love chat
+ 2921: getChatRange(12050, 12099),
+ # St Patrick's Day chat
+ 2930: getChatRange(13000, 13099),
+ # Estate Party Chat
+ 2940: getChatRange(14000, 14099),
+ # Wallpaper Series 1
+ 3000: getWallpapers(1000, 1100, 1200, 1300,
+ 1400, 1500, 1600, 1700,
+ 1800, 1900, 2000, 2100),
+ # Wallpaper Series 2
+ 3010: getWallpapers(2200, 2300, 2400, 2500,
+ 2600, 2700, 2800),
+ # Wallpaper Series 3
+ 3020: getWallpapers(2900,3000,3100,3200,3300,3400,3500,3600),
+ # Wallpaper Series 4
+ 3030: getWallpapers(3700, 3800, 3900),
+ # Basic wainscoting - Series 1
+ 3500 : getAllWainscotings(1000, 1010),
+ # Basic wainscoting - Series 2
+ 3510 : getAllWainscotings(1020),
+ # Valentines wainscoting
+ 3520 : getAllWainscotings(1030),
+ # Underwater wainscoting
+ 3530 : getAllWainscotings(1040),
+ # Basic flooring Series 1
+ 4000: getFloorings(1000, 1010, 1020, 1030,
+ 1040, 1050, 1060, 1070,
+ 1080, 1090, 1100),
+ # Basic flooring Series 2
+ 4010: getFloorings(1110, 1120, 1130),
+ # Basic flooring Series 3
+ 4020: getFloorings(1140, 1150, 1160, 1170, 1180, 1190),
+ # Basic moulding
+ 4500: getAllMouldings(1000, 1010),
+ 4510: getAllMouldings(1020, 1030, 1040),
+ 4520: getAllMouldings(1070,),
+ # A random pet trick. Presently this selects from the entire pool
+ # of available tricks; one day we may have level 1 pet tricks and
+ # level 2 pet tricks (and level 3 tricks, etc.)
+ 5000: getAllPetTricks(),
+ }
+# some of the chat keys above are not sold, these keys are the ones sold in the catalog
+MetaItemChatKeysSold = (2000, 2010, 2020, 2030, 2040, 2050, 2900, 2910, 2920, 2921, 2930)
+def getAllChatItemsSold():
+ """Give me a list of every single catalog chat item we offer."""
+ result = []
+ for key in MetaItemChatKeysSold:
+ result += MetaItems[key]
+ return result
+# This class is used in the below schedules to wrap around a catalog
+# week or a particular item to indicate that it is a "sale item" or
+# that all items in the week are "sale items".
+class Sale:
+ def __init__(self, *args):
+ self.args = args
+MonthlySchedule = (
+ # startMM, startDD, endMM, endDD, (item, item, item, ...)
+ # Halloween items -- on sale 10/1 through 10/31.
+ (10, 1, 10, 31,
+ ((3, 2900),
+ CatalogChatItem(10003),
+ CatalogClothingItem(1001, 0),
+ CatalogClothingItem(1002, 0),
+ CatalogClothingItem(1743, 0),
+ CatalogClothingItem(1744, 0),
+ CatalogClothingItem(1745, 0),
+ CatalogClothingItem(1746, 0),
+ CatalogClothingItem(1747, 0),
+ CatalogClothingItem(1748, 0),
+ CatalogClothingItem(1739, 0),
+ CatalogClothingItem(1740, 0),
+ CatalogClothingItem(1734, 0),
+ CatalogClothingItem(1735, 0),
+ CatalogClothingItem(1723, 0),
+ CatalogClothingItem(1724, 0),
+ CatalogWallpaperItem(10100),
+ CatalogWallpaperItem(10200),
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(10000),
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(10010),
+ CatalogNametagItem(9),
+ )),
+ # Winter items -- on sale 11/18 through 12/31
+ # moved a little earlier to get thanksgiving phrases
+ # before thanksgiving happens
+ (11, 18, 1, 1,
+ ((3, 2910),
+ CatalogChatItem(11020), # Have a Wonderful Winter!
+ CatalogClothingItem(1100, 0),
+ CatalogClothingItem(1101, 0),
+ CatalogClothingItem(1102, 0),
+ CatalogClothingItem(1103, 0),
+ CatalogWallpaperItem(11000),
+ CatalogWallpaperItem(11100),
+ CatalogWallpaperItem(11200),
+ CatalogFlooringItem(10000),
+ CatalogFlooringItem(10010),
+ CatalogGardenItem(130, 1), # snowman
+ CatalogAnimatedFurnitureItem(10020), # winter tree
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(10030, 0), # winter wreath
+ )),
+ # Valentines items -- on sale 2/1 through 2/16
+ (2, 1, 2, 16,
+ ((3, 2920),
+ (2, 2921),
+ CatalogClothingItem(1200, 0),
+ CatalogClothingItem(1201, 0),
+ CatalogClothingItem(1202, 0),
+ CatalogClothingItem(1203, 0),
+ CatalogClothingItem(1204, 0),
+ CatalogClothingItem(1205, 0),
+ CatalogWallpaperItem(12000),
+ CatalogWallpaperItem(12100),
+ CatalogWallpaperItem(12200),
+ CatalogWallpaperItem(12300),
+ CatalogWainscotingItem(1030, 0),
+ CatalogWainscotingItem(1030, 1),
+ CatalogMouldingItem(1060, 0),
+ CatalogMouldingItem(1060, 1),
+ # 2009 Valentines Day Items
+ CatalogClothingItem(1206, 0), # Valentines Day Shirt 1
+ CatalogClothingItem(1207, 0), # Valentines Day Shirt 2
+ CatalogClothingItem(1208, 0), # Valentines Day Shorts 1
+ CatalogClothingItem(1209, 0), # Valentines Day Shorts 2
+ CatalogClothingItem(1210, 0), # Valentines Day Skirt 1
+ CatalogClothingItem(1211, 0), # Valentines Day Skirt 2
+ CatalogClothingItem(1212, 0), # Valentines Day Shirt 3 - 2010 VDay Shirt
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1670), # Valentines Day Vase - Rose Vase
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1680), # Valentines Day Vase - Rose Water Can
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1450), # Valentines Day Painting - Mickey and Minnie
+ CatalogMouldingItem(1100, 0), # Valentines Day Moulding - Cupid
+ CatalogMouldingItem(1110, 0), # Valentines Day Moulding - Hearts 1
+ CatalogMouldingItem(1120, 0), # Valentines Day Moulding - Hearts 2
+ )),
+ # St Patrick's items -- on sale 3/8 through 3/21
+ (3, 8, 3, 21,
+ ((3, 2930),
+ CatalogClothingItem(1300, 0),
+ CatalogClothingItem(1301, 0),
+ CatalogClothingItem(1302, 0),
+ CatalogClothingItem(1303, 0),
+ CatalogWallpaperItem(13000),
+ CatalogWallpaperItem(13100),
+ CatalogWallpaperItem(13200),
+ CatalogWallpaperItem(13300),
+ CatalogFlooringItem(11000),
+ CatalogFlooringItem(11010),
+ )),
+ # T-Shirt Contest items -- on sale 5/25 through 6/25
+ (5, 25, 6, 25,
+ (
+ CatalogClothingItem(1400, 0),
+ CatalogClothingItem(1401, 0),
+ CatalogClothingItem(1402, 0),
+ )
+ ),
+ # T-Shirt 2 Contest items -- on sale 8/1 through 8/31
+ (8, 1, 8, 31,
+ (
+ CatalogClothingItem(1403, 0),
+ CatalogClothingItem(1404, 0),
+ CatalogClothingItem(1405, 0),
+ CatalogClothingItem(1406, 0),
+ )
+ ),
+ # Furniture Contest items -- on sale 9/24 through 10/24
+ (9, 24, 10, 24,
+ (
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(450), # Coral Fireplace
+ CatalogAnimatedFurnitureItem(460), # Coral Fireplace with fire
+ CatalogAnimatedFurnitureItem(270), # Trolley Bed
+ CatalogAnimatedFurnitureItem(990), # Gag Fan
+ )
+ ),
+ # Estate Party speedchat items -- on sale 6/15 through 8/15
+ (6, 15, 8, 15,
+ ((4, 2940),
+ )
+ ),
+ # July 4th clothing items -- on sale 6/18 through 7/16
+ (6, 18, 7, 16,
+ (
+ CatalogClothingItem(1500, 0),
+ CatalogClothingItem(1501, 0),
+ CatalogClothingItem(1502, 0),
+ CatalogClothingItem(1503, 0),
+ )
+ ),
+ # Winter Holiday items - on sale 12/17 to 1/20
+ (12, 8, 1, 20,
+ (
+ CatalogClothingItem(1104, 0), # Winter Holiday Shorts Style 1
+ CatalogClothingItem(1105, 0), # Winter Holiday Shorts Style 2
+ CatalogClothingItem(1106, 0), # Winter Holiday Shorts Style 3
+ CatalogClothingItem(1107, 0), # Winter Holiday Shorts Style 4
+ CatalogClothingItem(1108, 0), # Winter Holiday Skirt Style 1
+ CatalogClothingItem(1109, 0), # Winter Holiday Skirt Style 2
+ CatalogClothingItem(1110, 0), # Winter Holiday Skirt Style 3
+ CatalogClothingItem(1111, 0), # Winter Holiday Skirt Style 4
+ CatalogMouldingItem(1080, 0), # Winter String Lights Moulding 1
+ CatalogMouldingItem(1085, 0), # Winter String Lights Moulding 2
+ CatalogMouldingItem(1090, 0), # Winter String Lights Moulding 3
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(680), # Candle
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(681), # Lit Candle
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1040), # Presents
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1050), # Sled
+ )
+ ),
+ # Silly Story Loony Labs Atom Shirt - on sale 6/9 to 7/15
+ (6, 9, 7, 15,
+ (
+ CatalogClothingItem(1751, 0), # Silly Story Loony Labs Atom Shirt
+ )
+ ),
+ # Silly Story Cogbuster Outfit - on sale 6/14 to 7/15
+ (6, 14, 7, 15,
+ (
+ CatalogClothingItem(1754, 0), # Silly Story Silly Cogbuster Shirt
+ CatalogClothingItem(1755, 0), # Silly Story Silly Cogbuster Shorts
+ CatalogClothingItem(1756, 0), # Silly Story Silly Cogbuster Shorts
+ )
+ ),
+ # Victory Party and Silly Story shirts - on sale 7/21 to 8/17
+ (7, 21, 8, 17,
+ (
+ CatalogClothingItem(1749, 0), # Silly Mailbox Shirt
+ CatalogClothingItem(1750, 0), # Silly Trash Can Shirt
+ CatalogClothingItem(1757, 0), # Victory Party Shirt 1
+ CatalogClothingItem(1758, 0), # Victory Party Shirt 2
+ )
+ ),
+ # Items - on sale 1/1 through 12/31, always available
+ (1, 1, 12, 31,
+ (
+ # Gardening Items
+ CatalogGardenItem(100, 1),
+ CatalogGardenItem(101, 1),
+ # save accelerator for later
+ #CatalogGardenItem(102, 1),
+ CatalogGardenItem(103, 1),
+ CatalogGardenItem(104, 1),
+ CatalogToonStatueItem(105, endPoseIndex = 108),
+ # Rental Items
+ CatalogRentalItem(1, 2880, 1000), # Renatl Cannon
+## CatalogRentalItem(2, 2880, 1000), # Rental Game Table
+ CatalogGardenStarterItem(),
+ # Basic Nametags
+ CatalogNametagItem(100),
+ CatalogNametagItem(0),
+ # Loyalty Items # WARNING update CatalogClothingItem.LoyaltyItems if you add more
+ CatalogClothingItem(1608, 0, 720), # Purple Pajama girl pants
+ CatalogClothingItem(1605, 0, 720), # Purple Pajama boy pants
+ CatalogClothingItem(1602, 0, 720), # Purple Glasses Pajama
+ CatalogClothingItem(1607, 0, 540), # Red Pajama girl pants
+ CatalogClothingItem(1604, 0, 540), # Red Pajama boy pants
+ CatalogClothingItem(1601, 0, 540), # Red Horn Pajama
+ CatalogClothingItem(1606, 0, 360), # Blue Pajama girl pants
+ CatalogClothingItem(1603, 0, 360), # Blue Pajama boy pants
+ CatalogClothingItem(1600, 0, 360), # Blue Banana Pajama
+ # WARNING update CatalogEmoteItem.LoyaltyItems if you add more loyalty emotes
+ CatalogEmoteItem(20, 90), # surprise
+ CatalogEmoteItem(21, 180), # cry
+ CatalogEmoteItem(22, 360), # delighted
+ CatalogEmoteItem(23, 540), # furious
+ CatalogEmoteItem(24, 720), # laugh
+ )
+ ),
+ )
+WeeklySchedule = (
+ ############################# SERIES 1 #############################
+ # Series 1, week 1 (overall week 1)
+ (100, # Basic shirt
+ (5, 2000), # Basic chat
+ 3000, # Wallpaper
+ 3500, # Basic wainscoting
+ 4000, # Basic flooring
+ 4500, # Basic moulding
+ CatalogEmoteItem(5), # Shrug
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(210, 0), # Girly bed
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(220, 0), # Bathtub bed
+ ),
+ # Series 1, week 2 (overall week 2)
+ (100, # Basic shirt
+ (5, 2000), # Basic chat
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1400), # Painting: Cezanne Toon
+ 3000, # Wallpaper
+ 3500, # Basic wainscoting
+ 4000, # Basic flooring
+ 4500, # Basic moulding
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(600), # Short lamp
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(610), # Tall lamp
+ CatalogClothingItem(116, 0), # Exclusive boy shirt (yellow hooded sweatshirt)
+ CatalogClothingItem(216, 0), # Exclusive girl shirt (yellow hooded sweatshirt)
+ ),
+ # Series 1, week 3 (overall week 3)
+ (300, # Basic bottoms
+ (5, 2000), # Basic chat
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1410), # Painting: Flowers
+ 3000, # Wallpaper
+ 3500, # Basic wainscoting
+ 4000, # Basic flooring
+ 4500, # Basic moulding
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1100), # Cabinet Red Wood
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1020), # Rug Round B
+ CatalogClothingItem(408, 0), # Exclusive girl skirt (blue and tan skirt)
+ 5000, # Pet trick
+ ),
+ # Series 1, week 4 (overall week 4)
+ (100, # Basic shirt
+ (5, 2000), # Basic chat
+ CatalogWindowItem(40), # Window view: City
+ 3000, # Wallpaper
+ 3500, # Basic wainscoting
+ 4000, # Basic flooring
+ 4500, # Basic moulding
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(110), # Chair
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(100), # Chair A
+ nextAvailablePole,
+ ),
+ # Series 1, week 5 (overall week 5)
+ (100, # Basic shirt
+ (5, 2000), # Basic chat
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1420), # Painting: Modern Mickey
+ CatalogEmoteItem(9), # Applause
+ 3000, # Wallpaper
+ 3500, # Basic wainscoting
+ 4000, # Basic flooring
+ 4500, # Basic moulding
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(700), # Small couch
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(710), # Large couch
+ ),
+ # Series 1, week 6 (overall week 6)
+ (300, # Basic bottoms
+ (5, 2000), # Basic chat
+ 3000, # Wallpaper
+ 3500, # Basic wainscoting
+ 4000, # Basic flooring
+ 4500, # Basic moulding
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(410), # Girly Fireplace
+ CatalogAnimatedFurnitureItem(490), # Girly Fireplace with fire
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1000), # Rug square
+ nextAvailableBank, # Bank
+ CatalogClothingItem(117, 0), # Exclusive boy shirt (yellow with palm)
+ CatalogClothingItem(217, 0), # Exclusive girl shirt (yellow with palm)
+ ),
+ # Series 1, week 7 (overall week 7)
+ (100, # Basic shirt
+ (5, 2000), # Basic chat
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1430), # Painting: Rembrandt Toon
+ 3000, # Wallpaper
+ 3500, # Basic wainscoting
+ 4000, # Basic flooring
+ 4500, # Basic moulding
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1510), # Radio B
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1610), # Vase B
+ 5000, # Pet trick
+ CatalogNametagItem(1),
+ ),
+ # Series 1, week 8 (overall week 8)
+ (100, # Basic shirt
+ (5, 2000), # Basic chat
+ CatalogWindowItem(70), # Window view: Tropical Island
+ 3000, # Wallpaper
+ 3500, # Basic wainscoting
+ 4000, # Basic flooring
+ 4500, # Basic moulding
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1210), # Table
+ CatalogClothingItem(409, 0), # Exclusive girl shirt (pink and purple skirt)
+ nextAvailablePole,
+ ),
+ # Series 1, week 9 (overall week 9)
+ (300, # Basic bottoms
+ (5, 2000), # Basic chat
+ CatalogEmoteItem(13), # Bow
+ 3000, # Wallpaper
+ 3500, # Basic wainscoting
+ 4000, # Basic flooring
+ 4500, # Basic moulding
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1200), # Night Stand (end table)
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(900), # Umbrella Stand
+ ),
+ # Series 1, week 10 (overall week 10)
+ (100, # Basic shirt
+ (5, 2000), # Basic chat
+ 3000, # Wallpaper
+ 3500, # Basic wainscoting
+ 4000, # Basic flooring
+ 4500, # Basic moulding
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(910), # Coat Rack
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1600), # Vase A
+ CatalogClothingItem(118, 0), # Exclusive boy shirt (blue with blue and white stripes)
+ CatalogClothingItem(218, 0), # Exclusive girl shirt (blue with 3 yellow stripes)
+ ),
+ # Series 1, week 11 (overall week 11)
+ (100, # Basic shirt
+ (5, 2000), # Basic chat
+ 3000, # Wallpaper
+ 3500, # Basic wainscoting
+ 4000, # Basic flooring
+ 4500, # Basic moulding
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(800), # Desk
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1010), # Round Rug A
+ CatalogClothingItem(410, 0), # Exclusive girl shirt (green and yellow with star)
+ 5000, # Pet trick
+ ),
+ # Series 1, week 12 (overall week 12)
+ (300, # Basic bottoms
+ (5, 2000), # Basic chat
+ 3000, # Wallpaper
+ 3500, # Basic wainscoting
+ 4000, # Basic flooring
+ 4500, # Basic moulding
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(620), # Lamp A
+ nextAvailableBank, # Bank
+ nextAvailablePole, # Pole
+ nextAvailableCloset, # Wardrobe
+ ),
+ # Series 1, week 13 (overall week 13)
+ (300, # Basic bottoms
+ (5, 2000), # Basic chat
+ 3000, # Wallpaper
+ 3500, # Basic wainscoting
+ 4000, # Basic flooring
+ 4500, # Basic moulding
+ CatalogClothingItem(119, 0), # Exclusive boy shirt (orange)
+ CatalogClothingItem(219, 0), # Exclusive girl shirt (pink and beige)
+ ),
+ ############################# SERIES 2 #############################
+ # Series 2, week 1 (overall week 14)
+ (100, # Basic shirt
+ (2, 2000), # Basic chat from series 1
+ (3, 2010), # Basic chat from series 2
+ 3010, # Wallpaper
+ 3510, # Basic wainscoting
+ 4010, # Basic flooring
+ 4510, # Basic moulding
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1110), # Yellow Wood Cabinet
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(630), # Bug Room Daisy Lamp 1
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1630), # Vase B tall
+ CatalogEmoteItem(11), # Emote: Confused
+ CatalogNametagItem(11),
+ ),
+ # Series 2, week 2 (overall week 15)
+ (100, # Basic shirt
+ (2, 2000), # Basic chat from series 1
+ (3, 2010), # Basic chat from series 2
+ 3010, # Wallpaper
+ 3510, # Basic wainscoting
+ 4010, # Basic flooring
+ 4510, # Basic moulding
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(230), # Bug Room Bed
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(920), # Trashcan
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1440), # Painting: Toon Landscape
+ ),
+ # Series 2, week 3 (overall week 16)
+ (300, # Basic bottoms
+ (2, 2000), # Basic chat from series 1
+ (3, 2010), # Basic chat from series 2
+ 3010, # Wallpaper
+ 3510, # Basic wainscoting
+ 4010, # Basic flooring
+ 4510, # Basic moulding
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(420), # Round Fireplace
+ CatalogAnimatedFurnitureItem(480), # Round Fireplace with fire
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(120), # Desk chair
+ CatalogClothingItem(120, 0),# Exclusive boy shirt
+ CatalogClothingItem(220, 0),# Exclusive girl shirt
+ nextAvailablePole, # Next Fishing pole
+ 5000, # Pet trick
+ ),
+ # Series 2, week 4 (overall week 17)
+ (100, # Basic shirt
+ (2, 2000), # Basic chat from series 1
+ (3, 2010), # Basic chat from series 2
+ 3010, # Wallpaper
+ 3510, # Basic wainscoting
+ 4010, # Basic flooring
+ 4510, # Basic moulding
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1700), # Popcorn cart
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(640), # Bug Room Daisy Lamp 2
+ CatalogWindowItem(50), # Window view: Western
+ ),
+ # Series 2, week 5 (overall week 18)
+ (100, # Basic shirt
+ (2, 2000), # Basic chat from series 1
+ (3, 2010), # Basic chat from series 2
+ 3010, # Wallpaper
+ 3510, # Basic wainscoting
+ 4010, # Basic flooring
+ 4510, # Basic moulding
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1120), # Bookcase - Tall
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(930), # Bug Room Red Pot
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1500), # Radio A
+ CatalogEmoteItem(6), # Emote: Victory Dance
+ nextAvailableCloset, # Wardrobe
+ ),
+ # Series 2, week 6 (overall week 19)
+ (300, # Basic bottoms
+ (2, 2000), # Basic chat from series 1
+ (3, 2010), # Basic chat from series 2
+ 3010, # Wallpaper
+ 3510, # Basic wainscoting
+ 4010, # Basic flooring
+ 4510, # Basic moulding
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(430), # Bug Room Fireplace
+ CatalogAnimatedFurnitureItem(491), # Bug Room Fireplace with fire
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1620), # Vase B short
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1442), # Painting: Degas Toon Star
+ nextAvailableBank, # Bank
+ ),
+ # Series 2, week 7 (overall week 20)
+ (100, # Basic shirt
+ (2, 2000), # Basic chat from series 1
+ (3, 2010), # Basic chat from series 2
+ 3010, # Wallpaper
+ 3510, # Basic wainscoting
+ 4010, # Basic flooring
+ 4510, # Basic moulding
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(610), # Tall lamp
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(940), # Bug Room Yellow Pot
+ CatalogClothingItem(121, 0),# Exclusive boy shirt
+ CatalogClothingItem(221, 0),# Exclusive girl shirt
+ nextAvailablePole, # Next Fishing pole
+ 5000, # Pet trick
+ ),
+ # Series 2, week 8 (overall week 21)
+ (100, # Basic shirt
+ (2, 2000), # Basic chat from series 1
+ (3, 2010), # Basic chat from series 2
+ 3010, # Wallpaper
+ 3510, # Basic wainscoting
+ 4010, # Basic flooring
+ 4510, # Basic moulding
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1710), # Bug Room Ladybug
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1030), # Bug Room Leaf Mat
+ CatalogWindowItem(60), # Window view: Underwater
+ CatalogNametagItem(7),
+ ),
+ # Series 2, week 9 (overall week 22)
+ (300, # Basic bottoms
+ (2, 2000), # Basic chat from series 1
+ (3, 2010), # Basic chat from series 2
+ 3010, # Wallpaper
+ 3510, # Basic wainscoting
+ 4010, # Basic flooring
+ 4510, # Basic moulding
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1130), # Bookcase - Low
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(130), # Bug room chair
+ CatalogEmoteItem(8), # Emote: Bored
+ ),
+ # Series 2, week 10 (overall week 23)
+ (100, # Basic shirt
+ (2, 2000), # Basic chat from series 1
+ (3, 2010), # Basic chat from series 2
+ 3010, # Wallpaper
+ 3510, # Basic wainscoting
+ 4010, # Basic flooring
+ 4510, # Basic moulding
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1530), # Bug Room TV
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1640), # Vase C short
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1441), # Painting: Whistler's horse
+ ),
+ # Series 2, week 11 (overall week 24)
+ (100, # Basic shirt
+ (2, 2000), # Basic chat from series 1
+ (3, 2010), # Basic chat from series 2
+ 3010, # Wallpaper
+ 3510, # Basic wainscoting
+ 4010, # Basic flooring
+ 4510, # Basic moulding
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(300), # Piano
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1220), # Coffee table
+ nextAvailablePole, # Next Fishing pole
+ 5000, # Pet trick
+ ),
+ # Series 2, week 12 (overall week 25)
+ (300, # Basic bottoms
+ (2, 2000), # Basic chat from series 1
+ (3, 2010), # Basic chat from series 2
+ 3010, # Wallpaper
+ 3510, # Basic wainscoting
+ 4010, # Basic flooring
+ 4510, # Basic moulding
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(810), # Bug Room Desk
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1230), # Coffee table
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1443), # Painting: Magritte Toon Pie
+ nextAvailableBank, # Bank
+ ),
+ # Series 2, week 13 (overall week 26)
+ (300, # Basic bottoms
+ (2, 2000), # Basic chat from series 1
+ (3, 2010), # Basic chat from series 2
+ 3010, # Wallpaper
+ 3510, # Basic wainscoting
+ 4010, # Basic flooring
+ 4510, # Basic moulding
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(310), # Organ
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1520), # Radio C
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1650), # Vase D short
+ CatalogWindowItem(80), # Window view: Starry night
+ #CatalogClothingItem(120, 0),# Exclusive boy shirt
+ CatalogClothingItem(222, 0),# Exclusive girl shirt
+ nextAvailableCloset, # Wardrobe
+ ),
+ ############################# SERIES 3 #############################
+ # Series 3, week 1 (overall week 27)
+ (100, # Basic shirt
+ (1, 2000), # Basic chat from series 1
+ (2, 2010), # Basic chat from series 2
+ (3, 2020), # Basic chat from series 3
+ 3020, # Wallpaper
+ 3530, # Basic wainscoting
+ 4020, # Basic flooring
+ 4520, # Basic moulding
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1240), # Snorkelers Table
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1661), # Shell Vase
+ CatalogEmoteItem(5), # Shrug
+ ),
+ # Series 3, week 2 (overall week 28)
+ (100, # Basic shirt
+ (1, 2000), # Basic chat from series 1
+ (2, 2010), # Basic chat from series 2
+ (3, 2020), # Basic chat from series 3
+ 3020, # Wallpaper
+ 3530, # Basic wainscoting
+ 4020, # Basic flooring
+ 4520, # Basic moulding
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1800), # Fish Bowl 1
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(240), # Boat bed
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1200), # Night Stand (end table)
+ CatalogNametagItem(12),
+ ),
+ # Series 3, week 3 (overall week 29)
+ (300, # Basic bottoms
+ (1, 2000), # Basic chat from series 1
+ (2, 2010), # Basic chat from series 2
+ (3, 2020), # Basic chat from series 3
+ 3020, # Wallpaper
+ 3530, # Basic wainscoting
+ 4020, # Basic flooring
+ 4520, # Basic moulding
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(145), # Lifejacket chair
+ CatalogClothingItem(123, 0),# Exclusive shirt (tie dye boy)
+ CatalogClothingItem(224, 0),# Exclusive shirt (tie dye girl)
+ nextAvailablePole, # Next Fishing pole
+ 5000, # Pet trick
+ ),
+ # Series 3, week 4 (overall week 30)
+ (100, # Basic shirt
+ (1, 2000), # Basic chat from series 1
+ (2, 2010), # Basic chat from series 2
+ (3, 2020), # Basic chat from series 3
+ 3020, # Wallpaper
+ 3530, # Basic wainscoting
+ 4020, # Basic flooring
+ 4520, # Basic moulding
+ CatalogWindowItem(100), # Window view: Snow
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1810), # Fish Bowl 2
+ nextAvailableCloset, # Wardrobe
+ ),
+ # Series 3, week 5 (overall week 31)
+ (100, # Basic shirt
+ (1, 2000), # Basic chat from series 1
+ (2, 2010), # Basic chat from series 2
+ (3, 2020), # Basic chat from series 3
+ 3020, # Wallpaper
+ 3530, # Basic wainscoting
+ 4020, # Basic flooring
+ 4520, # Basic moulding
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(650), # Jellyfish Lamp 1
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1900), # Swordfish Trophy
+ ),
+ # Series 3, week 6 (overall week 32)
+ (300, # Basic bottoms
+ (1, 2000), # Basic chat from series 1
+ (2, 2010), # Basic chat from series 2
+ (3, 2020), # Basic chat from series 3
+ 3020, # Wallpaper
+ 3530, # Basic wainscoting
+ 4020, # Basic flooring
+ 4520, # Basic moulding
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1725), # Washing Machine
+ nextAvailableBank, # Bank
+ ),
+ # Series 3, week 7 (overall week 33)
+ (100, # Basic shirt
+ (1, 2000), # Basic chat from series 1
+ (2, 2010), # Basic chat from series 2
+ (3, 2020), # Basic chat from series 3
+ 3020, # Wallpaper
+ 3530, # Basic wainscoting
+ 4020, # Basic flooring
+ 4520, # Basic moulding
+ CatalogWindowItem(90), # Window view: Pool
+ CatalogClothingItem(124, 0),# Exclusive boy shirt
+ CatalogClothingItem(411, 0),# Exclusive girl skirt, rainbow
+ nextAvailablePole, # Next Fishing pole
+ ),
+ # Series 3, week 8 (overall week 34)
+ (100, # Basic shirt
+ (1, 2000), # Basic chat from series 1
+ (2, 2010), # Basic chat from series 2
+ (3, 2020), # Basic chat from series 3
+ 3020, # Wallpaper
+ 3530, # Basic wainscoting
+ 4020, # Basic flooring
+ 4520, # Basic moulding
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(140), # Lobster chair
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1020), # Rug Round B
+ CatalogEmoteItem(13), # Bow
+ ),
+ # Series 3, week 9 (overall week 35)
+ (300, # Basic bottoms
+ (1, 2000), # Basic chat from series 1
+ (2, 2010), # Basic chat from series 2
+ (3, 2020), # Basic chat from series 3
+ 3020, # Wallpaper
+ 3530, # Basic wainscoting
+ 4020, # Basic flooring
+ 4520, # Basic moulding
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(950), # Coral Coat Rack
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1660), # Coral Vase
+ CatalogClothingItem(310, 0),# Exclusive shorts (orange w/ blue side stripes)
+ CatalogNametagItem(2),
+ ),
+ # Series 3, week 10 (overall week 36)
+ (100, # Basic shirt
+ (1, 2000), # Basic chat from series 1
+ (2, 2010), # Basic chat from series 2
+ (3, 2020), # Basic chat from series 3
+ 3020, # Wallpaper
+ 3530, # Basic wainscoting
+ 4020, # Basic flooring
+ 4520, # Basic moulding
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(400), # Square Fireplace
+ CatalogAnimatedFurnitureItem(470), # Square Fireplace with fire
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(660), # Jellyfish Lamp 2
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1200), # Night Stand (end table)
+ nextAvailableCloset, # Wardrobe
+ 5000, # Pet trick
+ ),
+ # Series 3, week 11 (overall week 37)
+ (100, # Basic shirt
+ (1, 2000), # Basic chat from series 1
+ (2, 2010), # Basic chat from series 2
+ (3, 2020), # Basic chat from series 3
+ 3020, # Wallpaper
+ 3530, # Basic wainscoting
+ 4020, # Basic flooring
+ 4520, # Basic moulding
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1910), # Hammerhead trophy
+ nextAvailablePole, # Next Fishing pole
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1000), # Rug square
+ ),
+ # Series 3, week 12 (overall week 38)
+ (300, # Basic bottoms
+ (1, 2000), # Basic chat from series 1
+ (2, 2010), # Basic chat from series 2
+ (3, 2020), # Basic chat from series 3
+ 3020, # Wallpaper
+ 3530, # Basic wainscoting
+ 4020, # Basic flooring
+ 4520, # Basic moulding
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1720), # Fountain
+ nextAvailableBank, # Bank
+ CatalogEmoteItem(9), # Applause
+ ),
+ # Series 3, week 13 (overall week 39)
+ (300, # Basic bottoms
+ (1, 2000), # Basic chat from series 1
+ (2, 2010), # Basic chat from series 2
+ (3, 2020), # Basic chat from series 3
+ 3020, # Wallpaper
+ 3530, # Basic wainscoting
+ 4020, # Basic flooring
+ 4520, # Basic moulding
+ CatalogWindowItem(110), # Window view: Farm
+ CatalogClothingItem(311, 0),# Exclusive shorts (blue with yellow cuff)
+ ),
+ ############################# SERIES 4 #############################
+ # Series 4, week 1 (overall week 40)
+ (100, # Basic shirt
+ (1, 2010), # Basic chat from series 2
+ (2, 2020), # Basic chat from series 3
+ (3, 2030), # Basic chat from series 4
+ 3020, # Wallpaper
+ 3530, # Basic wainscoting
+ 4020, # Basic flooring
+ 4520, # Basic moulding
+ CatalogWindowItem(120), # Window view: Native Camp.
+ CatalogClothingItem(125, 0),# Cowboy shirts.
+ 5000, # Pet trick
+ ),
+ # Series 4, week 2 (overall week 41)
+ (300, # Basic bottoms
+ (1, 2010), # Basic chat from series 2
+ (2, 2020), # Basic chat from series 3
+ (3, 2030), # Basic chat from series 4
+ 3020, # Wallpaper
+ 3530, # Basic wainscoting
+ 4020, # Basic flooring
+ 4520, # Basic moulding
+ CatalogClothingItem(412, 0),# Girls western skirts.
+ CatalogClothingItem(312, 0),# Boys cowboy shorts.
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1920), # Hanging Horns.
+ ),
+ # Series 4, week 3 (overall week 42)
+ (100, # Basic shirt
+ (1, 2010), # Basic chat from series 2
+ (2, 2020), # Basic chat from series 3
+ (3, 2030), # Basic chat from series 4
+ 3020, # Wallpaper
+ 3530, # Basic wainscoting
+ 4020, # Basic flooring
+ 4520, # Basic moulding
+ nextAvailablePole, # Next Fishing pole
+ CatalogWallpaperItem(3900), # Hat Wallpaper.
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(980), # Tepee.
+ CatalogNametagItem(13),
+ ),
+ # Series 4, week 4 (overall week 43)
+ (300, # Basic bottoms
+ (1, 2010), # Basic chat from series 2
+ (2, 2020), # Basic chat from series 3
+ (3, 2030), # Basic chat from series 4
+ 3020, # Wallpaper
+ 3530, # Basic wainscoting
+ 4020, # Basic flooring
+ 4520, # Basic moulding
+ CatalogClothingItem(130, 0),# Cowboy shirts.
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(150), # Saddle Stool.
+ nextAvailableCloset, # Wardrobe
+ ),
+ # Series 4, week 5 (overall week 44)
+ (100, # Basic shirt
+ (1, 2010), # Basic chat from series 2
+ (2, 2020), # Basic chat from series 3
+ (3, 2030), # Basic chat from series 4
+ 3020, # Wallpaper
+ 3530, # Basic wainscoting
+ 4020, # Basic flooring
+ 4520, # Basic moulding
+ CatalogClothingItem(128, 0),# Cowboy shirts.
+ CatalogWallpaperItem(3700), # Boot Wallpaper.
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(160), # Native Chair.
+ ),
+ # Series 4, week 6 (overall week 45)
+ (300, # Basic bottoms
+ (1, 2010), # Basic chat from series 2
+ (2, 2020), # Basic chat from series 3
+ (3, 2030), # Basic chat from series 4
+ 3020, # Wallpaper
+ 3530, # Basic wainscoting
+ 4020, # Basic flooring
+ 4520, # Basic moulding
+ nextAvailableBank, # Bank
+ CatalogClothingItem(313, 0),# Boys cowboy shorts.
+ CatalogClothingItem(413, 0),# Girls western skirts.
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(960), # Barrel Stand.
+ CatalogEmoteItem(7), # Think
+ ),
+ # Series 4, week 7 (overall week 46)
+ (100, # Basic shirt
+ (1, 2010), # Basic chat from series 2
+ (2, 2020), # Basic chat from series 3
+ (3, 2030), # Basic chat from series 4
+ 3020, # Wallpaper
+ 3530, # Basic wainscoting
+ 4020, # Basic flooring
+ 4520, # gBasic moulding
+ nextAvailablePole, # Next Fishing pole
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1930), # Simple Sombrero.
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(670), # Cowboy Lamp.
+ ),
+ # Series 4, week 8 (overall week 47)
+ (300, # Basic bottoms
+ (1, 2010), # Basic chat from series 2
+ (2, 2020), # Basic chat from series 3
+ (3, 2030), # Basic chat from series 4
+ 3020, # Wallpaper
+ 3530, # Basic wainscoting
+ 4020, # Basic flooring
+ 4520, # Basic moulding
+ CatalogClothingItem(126, 0),# Cowboy shirts.
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1970), # Bison portrait.
+ 5000, # Pet trick
+ ),
+ # Series 4, week 9 (overall week 48)
+ (100, # Basic shirt
+ (1, 2010), # Basic chat from series 2
+ (2, 2020), # Basic chat from series 3
+ (3, 2030), # Basic chat from series 4
+ 3020, # Wallpaper
+ 3530, # Basic wainscoting
+ 4020, # Basic flooring
+ 4520, # Basic moulding
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(720), # Hay Couch.
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(970), # Fat Cactus.
+ nextAvailableCloset, # Wardrobe
+ ),
+ # Series 4, week 10 (overall week 49)
+ (300, # Basic bottoms
+ (1, 2010), # Basic chat from series 2
+ (2, 2020), # Basic chat from series 3
+ (3, 2030), # Basic chat from series 4
+ 3020, # Wallpaper
+ 3530, # Basic wainscoting
+ 4020, # Basic flooring
+ 4520, # Basic moulding
+ CatalogClothingItem(127, 0),# Cowboy shirts.
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1950), # Coyote paw wall hanging.
+ CatalogNametagItem(4),
+ ),
+ # Series 4, week 11 (overall week 50)
+ (100, # Basic shirt
+ (1, 2010), # Basic chat from series 2
+ (2, 2020), # Basic chat from series 3
+ (3, 2030), # Basic chat from series 4
+ 3020, # Wallpaper
+ 3530, # Basic wainscoting
+ 4020, # Basic flooring
+ 4520, # Basic moulding
+ nextAvailablePole, # Next Fishing pole
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1940), # Fancy Sombrero.
+ CatalogWindowItem(130), # Main Street View.
+ ),
+ # Series 4, week 12 (overall week 51)
+ (300, # Basic bottoms
+ (1, 2010), # Basic chat from series 2
+ (2, 2020), # Basic chat from series 3
+ (3, 2030), # Basic chat from series 4
+ 3020, # Wallpaper
+ 3530, # Basic wainscoting
+ 4020, # Basic flooring
+ 4520, # Basic moulding
+ nextAvailableBank, # Bank
+ CatalogWallpaperItem(3800), # Cactus Wallpaper.
+ CatalogClothingItem(129, 0),# Cowboy shirts.
+ CatalogEmoteItem(10), # Cringe
+ ),
+ # Series 4, week 13 (overall week 52)
+ (100, # Basic shirt
+ (1, 2010), # Basic chat from series 2
+ (2, 2020), # Basic chat from series 3
+ (3, 2030), # Basic chat from series 4
+ 3020, # Wallpaper
+ 3530, # Basic wainscoting
+ 4020, # Basic flooring
+ 4520, # Basic moulding
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(250), # Cactus Hammoc.
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1960), # Horseshoe wall hanging.
+ nextAvailablePole, # Next Fishing pole
+ ),
+ ############################# SERIES 5 #############################
+ ## NOTE: This is a short catalog (only 5 weeks). The remainder of this
+ ## thirteen week period is provided by Catalog Series 6 (8 weeks).
+ # Series 5, week 1 (overall week 53) - Furniture Sale
+ Sale(
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(210, 0), # Girly bed
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(220, 0), # Bathtub bed
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1100), # Cabinet Red Wood
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(110), # Chair
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(100), # Chair A
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(700), # Small couch
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(710), # Large couch
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(410), # Girly Fireplace
+ CatalogAnimatedFurnitureItem(490), # Girly Fireplace with fire
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1210), # Table
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1200), # Night Stand (end table)
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(800), # Desk
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1110), # Yellow Wood Cabinet
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(230), # Bug Room Bed
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(420), # Round Fireplace
+ CatalogAnimatedFurnitureItem(480), # Round Fireplace with fire
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(120), # Desk chair
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1700), # Popcorn cart
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1120), # Bookcase - Tall
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(430), # Bug Room Fireplace
+ CatalogAnimatedFurnitureItem(491), # Bug Room Fireplace
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1130), # Bookcase - Low
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(130), # Bug room chair
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(300), # Piano
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1220), # Coffee table
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(810), # Bug Room Desk
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1230), # Coffee table
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(310), # Organ
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1240), # Snorkelers Table
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(240), # Boat bed
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(145), # Lifejacket chair
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1725), # Washing Machine
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(140), # Lobster chair
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(950), # Coral Coat Rack
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1720), # Fountain
+ ),
+ # Series 5, week 2 (overall week 54) - Clothing Sale
+ Sale(
+ CatalogClothingItem(116, 0), # Exclusive boy shirt (yellow hooded sweatshirt)
+ CatalogClothingItem(216, 0), # Exclusive girl shirt (yellow hooded sweatshirt)
+ CatalogClothingItem(408, 0), # Exclusive girl skirt (blue and tan skirt)
+ CatalogClothingItem(117, 0), # Exclusive boy shirt (yellow with palm)
+ CatalogClothingItem(217, 0), # Exclusive girl shirt (yellow with palm)
+ CatalogClothingItem(409, 0), # Exclusive girl shirt (pink and purple skirt)
+ CatalogClothingItem(118, 0), # Exclusive boy shirt (blue with blue and white stripes)
+ CatalogClothingItem(218, 0), # Exclusive girl shirt (blue with 3 yellow stripes)
+ CatalogClothingItem(410, 0), # Exclusive girl shirt (green and yellow with star)
+ CatalogClothingItem(119, 0), # Exclusive boy shirt (orange)
+ CatalogClothingItem(219, 0), # Exclusive girl shirt (pink and beige)
+ CatalogClothingItem(120, 0), # Exclusive boy shirt
+ CatalogClothingItem(220, 0), # Exclusive girl shirt
+ CatalogClothingItem(121, 0), # Exclusive boy shirt
+ CatalogClothingItem(221, 0), # Exclusive girl shirt
+ CatalogClothingItem(222, 0), # Exclusive girl shirt
+ CatalogClothingItem(123, 0), # Exclusive shirt (tie dye boy)
+ CatalogClothingItem(224, 0), # Exclusive shirt (tie dye girl)
+ CatalogClothingItem(411, 0), # Exclusive girl skirt, rainbow
+ CatalogClothingItem(311, 0), # Exclusive shorts (blue with yellow cuff)
+ CatalogClothingItem(310, 0), # Exclusive shorts (orange w/ blue side stripes)
+ ),
+ # Series 5, week 3 (overall week 55) - Window View Sale
+ Sale(
+ CatalogWindowItem(40), # Window view: City
+ CatalogWindowItem(70), # Window view: Tropical Island
+ CatalogWindowItem(50), # Window view: Western
+ CatalogWindowItem(60), # Window view: Underwater
+ CatalogWindowItem(80), # Window view: Starry night
+ CatalogWindowItem(100), # Window view: Snow
+ CatalogWindowItem(90), # Window view: Pool
+ CatalogWindowItem(110), # Window view: Farm
+ ),
+ # Series 5, week 4 (overall week 56) - Emote Sale
+ Sale(
+ CatalogEmoteItem(5), # Shrug
+ CatalogEmoteItem(9), # Applause
+ CatalogEmoteItem(13), # Bow
+ CatalogEmoteItem(11), # Confused
+ CatalogEmoteItem(6), # Victory Dance
+ CatalogEmoteItem(8), # Bored
+ CatalogNametagItem(10),
+ ),
+ # Series 5, week 5 (overall week 57) - Knick-knack Sale
+ Sale(
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(600), # Short lamp
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(610), # Tall lamp
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(620), # Lamp A
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(630), # Bug Room Daisy Lamp 1
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(640), # Bug Room Daisy Lamp 2
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(650), # Jellyfish Lamp 1
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(660), # Jellyfish Lamp 2
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(900), # Umbrella Stand
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(910), # Coat Rack
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(920), # Trashcan
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(930), # Bug Room Red Pot
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(940), # Bug Room Yellow Pot
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1000), # Rug square
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1010), # Round Rug A
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1020), # Rug Round B
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1030), # Bug Room Leaf Mat
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1400), # Painting: Cezanne Toon
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1410), # Painting: Flowers
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1420), # Painting: Modern Mickey
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1430), # Painting: Rembrandt Toon
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1440), # Painting: Toon Landscape
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1441), # Painting: Whistler's horse
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1442), # Painting: Degas Toon Star
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1443), # Painting: Magritte Toon Pie
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1500), # Radio A
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1510), # Radio B
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1520), # Radio C
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1530), # Bug Room TV
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1600), # Vase A
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1610), # Vase B
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1620), # Vase B short
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1630), # Vase B tall
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1640), # Vase C short
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1650), # Vase D short
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1660), # Coral Vase
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1661), # Shell Vase
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1710), # Bug Room gLadybug
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1800), # Fish Bowl 1
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1810), # Fish Bowl 2
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1900), # Swordfish Trophy
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1910), # Hammerhead trophy
+ ),
+ ############################# SERIES 6 #############################
+ ## NOTE: This is a short catalog (only 8 weeks). This series makes up the
+ ## difference between the sale catalog (Series 5) and a full catalog.
+ # Series 6, week 1 (overall week 58) - Candy Items
+ (300, # Basic bottoms
+ (1, 2020), # Basic chat from series 3
+ (2, 2030), # Basic chat from series 4
+ (3, 2040), # Basic chat from series 6
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(730), # Twinkie Couch
+ nextAvailablePole, # Next Fishing pole
+ ),
+ # Series 6, week 2 (overall week 59) - Candy Items
+ (100, # Basic shirt
+ (1, 2020), # Basic chat from series 3
+ (2, 2030), # Basic chat from series 4
+ (3, 2040), # Basic chat from series 6
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(260), # Ice Cream Bed
+ nextAvailableBank, # Bank
+ ),
+ # Series 6, week 3 (overall week 60) - Candy Items
+ (300, # Basic bottoms
+ (1, 2020), # Basic chat from series 3
+ (2, 2030), # Basic chat from series 4
+ (3, 2040), # Basic chat from series 6
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(440), # Caramel Apple Fireplace
+ CatalogAnimatedFurnitureItem(492), # Caramel Apple Fireplace with fire
+ nextAvailableCloset, # Wardrobe
+ 5000, # Pet trick
+ ),
+ # Series 6, week 4 (overall week 61) - Candy Items
+ (100, # Basic shirt
+ (1, 2020), # Basic chat from series 3
+ (2, 2030), # Basic chat from series 4
+ (3, 2040), # Basic chat from series 6
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(170), # Cupcake Chair
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1250), # Cookie Table
+ ),
+ # Series 6, week 5 (overall week 62) - Candy Items
+ (300, # Basic bottoms
+ (1, 2020), # Basic chat from series 3
+ (2, 2030), # Basic chat from series 4
+ (3, 2040), # Basic chat from series 6
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1140), # Ice Cream Chest
+ nextAvailablePole, # Next Fishing pole
+ ),
+ # Series 6, week 6 (overall week 63) - Candy Items
+ (100, # Basic shirt
+ (1, 2020), # Basic chat from series 3
+ (2, 2030), # Basic chat from series 4
+ (3, 2040), # Basic chat from series 6
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(2010), # Candy Cake Slide
+ CatalogNametagItem(8),
+ ),
+ # Series 6, week 7 (overall week 64) - Candy Items
+ (300, # Basic bottoms
+ (1, 2020), # Basic chat from series 3
+ (2, 2030), # Basic chat from series 4
+ (3, 2040), # Basic chat from series 6
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(2000), # Candy Swing Set
+ 5000, # Pet trick
+ ),
+ # Series 6, week 8 (overall week 65) - Candy Items
+ (100, # Basic shirt
+ (1, 2020), # Basic chat from series 3
+ (2, 2030), # Basic chat from series 4
+ (3, 2040), # Basic chat from series 6
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(3000), # Candy Banana Split Shower
+ nextAvailableBank, # Bank
+ ),
+ ############################# SERIES 7 #############################
+ # Series 7, week 1 (overall week 66) - Color Setable Items
+ (300, # Basic bottoms
+ (1, 2030), # Basic chat from series 4
+ (2, 2040), # Basic chat from series 5
+ (3, 2050), # Basic chat from series 7
+ CatalogClothingItem(131, 0), # Green shirt w/ yellow buttons
+ CatalogClothingItem(225, 0), # Purple shirt w/ big flower
+ nextAvailablePole, # Next Fishing pole
+ ),
+ # Series 7, week 2 (overall week 67) - Color Setable Items
+ (300, # Basic bottoms
+ (1, 2030), # Basic chat from series 4
+ (2, 2040), # Basic chat from series 5
+ (3, 2050), # Basic chat from series 7
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(105), # Desat Chair A
+ nextAvailableCloset, # Wardrobe
+ ),
+ # Series 7, week 3 (overall week 68) - Color Setable Items
+ (300, # Basic bottoms
+ (1, 2030), # Basic chat from series 4
+ (2, 2040), # Basic chat from series 5
+ (3, 2050), # Basic chat from series 7
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(205), # Desat Boy's Bed
+ ),
+ # Series 7, week 4 (overall week 69) - Color Setable Items
+ (300, # Basic bottoms
+ (1, 2030), # Basic chat from series 4
+ (2, 2040), # Basic chat from series 5
+ (3, 2050), # Basic chat from series 7
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(625), # Desat Lamp A
+ ),
+ # Series 7, week 5 (overall week 70) - Color Setable Items
+ (300, # Basic bottoms
+ (1, 2030), # Basic chat from series 4
+ (2, 2040), # Basic chat from series 5
+ (3, 2050), # Basic chat from series 7
+ nextAvailablePole, # Next Fishing pole
+ CatalogEmoteItem(12), # Belly Flop
+ CatalogNametagItem(5),
+ ),
+ # Series 7, week 6 (overall week 71) - Color Setable Items
+ (300, # Basic bottoms
+ (1, 2030), # Basic chat from series 4
+ (2, 2040), # Basic chat from series 5
+ (3, 2050), # Basic chat from series 7
+ CatalogClothingItem(314, 0), # Green striped shorts
+ CatalogClothingItem(414, 0), # Blue skirt w/ big flower
+ nextAvailableBank, # Bank
+ ),
+ # Series 7, week 7 (overall week 72) - Color Setable Items
+ (300, # Basic bottoms
+ (1, 2030), # Basic chat from series 4
+ (2, 2040), # Basic chat from series 5
+ (3, 2050), # Basic chat from series 7
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(715), # Desat 2-person couch
+ nextAvailableCloset, # Wardrobe
+ ),
+ # Series 7, week 8 (overall week 73) - Color Setable Items
+ (300, # Basic bottoms
+ (1, 2030), # Basic chat from series 4
+ (2, 2040), # Basic chat from series 5
+ (3, 2050), # Basic chat from series 7
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1015), # Desat Round Rug
+ CatalogNametagItem(6),
+ ),
+ # Series 7, week 9 (overall week 74) - Color Setable Items
+ (300, # Basic bottoms
+ (1, 2030), # Basic chat from series 4
+ (2, 2040), # Basic chat from series 5
+ (3, 2050), # Basic chat from series 7
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1215), # Desat Radio table
+ nextAvailablePole, # Next Fishing pole
+ ),
+ # Series 7, week 10 (overall week 75) - Color Setable Items
+ (300, # Basic bottoms
+ (1, 2030), # Basic chat from series 4
+ (2, 2040), # Basic chat from series 5
+ (3, 2050), # Basic chat from series 7
+ CatalogEmoteItem(14), # Banana Peel
+ ),
+ # Series 7, week 11 (overall week 76) - Color Setable Items
+ (300, # Basic bottoms
+ (1, 2030), # Basic chat from series 4
+ (2, 2040), # Basic chat from series 5
+ (3, 2050), # Basic chat from series 7
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(1260), # Desat Bedroom table
+ ),
+ # Series 7, week 12 (overall week 77) - Color Setable Items
+ (300, # Basic bottoms
+ (1, 2030), # Basic chat from series 4
+ (2, 2040), # Basic chat from series 5
+ (3, 2050), # Basic chat from series 7
+ CatalogFurnitureItem(705), # Desat 1-person couch
+ CatalogNametagItem(3),
+ ),
+ # Series 7, week 13 (overall week 78) - Color Setable Items
+ (300, # Basic bottoms
+ (1, 2030), # Basic chat from series 4
+ (2, 2040), # Basic chat from series 5
+ (3, 2050), # Basic chat from series 7
+ nextAvailableBank, # Bank
+ nextAvailablePole, # Next Fishing pole
+ nextAvailableCloset, # Wardrobe
+ ),
+ )
+assert(len(WeeklySchedule) == ToontownGlobals.CatalogNumWeeks)
+class CatalogGenerator:
+ """CatalogGenerator
+ This class is responsible for constructing a catalog of available
+ items for a particular avatar. It normally exists only on the AI.
+ """
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("CatalogGenerator")
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.__itemLists = {}
+ def generateMonthlyCatalog(self, avatar, weekStart):
+ # Generates the list of items that should be offered to the
+ # given avatar based on the seasonal specials this month.
+ # weekStart is the date at which the catalog is considered to
+ # have been generated, as minutes elapsed since the epoch.
+ # This method is designed for use on the AI, but will function
+ # properly on the client, given LocalToon (which is mainly
+ # useful for testing).
+ # Get the day offset.
+ dayNumber = int(weekStart / (24 * 60))
+ itemLists = self.__getMonthlyItemLists(dayNumber, weekStart)
+ # Now build a list of items for this avatar.
+ monthlyCatalog = CatalogItemList.CatalogItemList()
+ for list in itemLists:
+ for item in list:
+ monthlyCatalog += self.__selectItem(avatar, item, [])
+ return monthlyCatalog
+ def generateWeeklyCatalog(self, avatar, week, monthlyCatalog):
+ # Generates the list of items that should be offered to the
+ # given avatar for the current week. We must have the actual
+ # DistributedAvatar object handy so we can query it.
+ # This method is designed for use on the AI, but will function
+ # properly on the client, given LocalToon (which is mainly
+ # useful for testing).
+ weeklyCatalog = CatalogItemList.CatalogItemList()
+ self.notify.debug("Generating catalog for %s for week %s." % (avatar.doId, week))
+ if week >= 1 and week <= len(WeeklySchedule):
+ saleItem = 0
+ schedule = WeeklySchedule[week - 1]
+ if isinstance(schedule, Sale):
+ schedule = schedule.args
+ saleItem = 1
+ for item in schedule:
+ weeklyCatalog += self.__selectItem(avatar, item, monthlyCatalog,
+ saleItem = saleItem)
+ # Here is an ugly hack for ensuring that everyone gets at
+ # least one pet trick offered in their first catalog when pets
+ # goes live for the first time. If it is not yet the end of
+ # the month of September 2004 (the month in which pets goes
+ # live), and neither the newly-generated catalog nor the
+ # avatar's current catalog or back catalog includes a pet
+ # trick already, then we will artificially add a random pet
+ # trick.
+ if time.time() < 1096617600.0: # 'Fri Oct 1 01:00:00 2004'
+ def hasPetTrick(catalog):
+ for item in catalog:
+ if isinstance(item, CatalogPetTrickItem):
+ return 1
+ return 0
+ if not hasPetTrick(weeklyCatalog) and not \
+ hasPetTrick(avatar.weeklyCatalog) and not \
+ hasPetTrick(avatar.backCatalog):
+ self.notify.debug("Artificially adding pet trick to catalog")
+ weeklyCatalog += self.__selectItem(avatar, 5000, monthlyCatalog, saleItem = saleItem)
+ self.notify.debug("Generated catalog: %s" % (weeklyCatalog))
+ return weeklyCatalog
+ def generateBackCatalog(self, avatar, week, previousWeek, weeklyCatalog):
+ # Generates the list of items that the avatar has seen offered
+ # on previous catalogs.
+ backCatalog = CatalogItemList.CatalogItemList()
+ lastBackCatalog = avatar.backCatalog[:]
+ # Add in the items for weeks we may have skipped over, in
+ # reverse order.
+ thisWeek = min(len(WeeklySchedule), week - 1)
+ lastWeek = min(len(WeeklySchedule), previousWeek)
+ for week in range(thisWeek, lastWeek, -1):
+ self.notify.debug("Adding items from week %s to back catalog" % (week))
+ schedule = WeeklySchedule[week - 1]
+ if not isinstance(schedule, Sale): # Don't bother with a sale week.
+ for item in schedule:
+ for item in self.__selectItem(avatar, item, weeklyCatalog + backCatalog):
+ item.putInBackCatalog(backCatalog, lastBackCatalog)
+ # Add the items in our current catalog.
+ if previousWeek < week:
+ self.notify.debug("Adding current items from week %s to back catalog" % (previousWeek))
+ for item in avatar.weeklyCatalog:
+ item.putInBackCatalog(backCatalog, lastBackCatalog)
+ # Also add in all of the items already on the back catalog.
+ backCatalog += lastBackCatalog
+ # Remove any repeated items we just generated this week from
+ # the newly-generated back catalog. It's confusing if an item
+ # shows up both in the new catalog and also in the back
+ # catalog.
+ for item in weeklyCatalog:
+ while item in backCatalog:
+ backCatalog.remove(item)
+ return backCatalog
+ def __getMonthlyItemLists(self, dayNumber, weekStart):
+ # Returns a list of lists of seasonal items that should be
+ # selected from for monthlyCatalogs generated on the indicated
+ # day. Since the answer is always the same for a particular
+ # day, we save some time by computing this only once for each
+ # different day.
+ itemLists = self.__itemLists.get(dayNumber)
+ if itemLists != None:
+ return itemLists
+ # Hasn't been generated yet today; do so now.
+ nowtuple = time.localtime(weekStart * 60)
+ month = nowtuple[1]
+ day = nowtuple[2]
+ self.notify.debug("Generating seasonal itemLists for %s/%s." % (month, day))
+ itemLists = []
+ for startMM, startDD, endMM, endDD, list in MonthlySchedule:
+ pastStart = (month > startMM) or (month == startMM and day >= startDD)
+ beforeEnd = (month < endMM) or (month == endMM and day <= endDD)
+ # We are within the range if we are pastStart and
+ # beforeEnd (the normal case), or (pastStart or
+ # beforeEnd) (if end < start, and we're
+ # wrapping around at the end of the year).
+ if endMM < startMM:
+ if (pastStart or beforeEnd):
+ itemLists.append(list)
+ else:
+ if (pastStart and beforeEnd):
+ itemLists.append(list)
+ self.__itemLists[dayNumber] = itemLists
+ return itemLists
+ def __selectItem(self, avatar, item, duplicateItems, saleItem = 0):
+ # Evaluates the item code into a list of CatalogItem objects that
+ # are suitable for purchase by the avatar.
+ chooseCount = 1
+ # If the item is wrapped in a sale wrapper, it's a sale item.
+ if isinstance(item, Sale):
+ assert(len(item.args) == 1)
+ item = item.args[0]
+ saleItem = 1
+ # If the item is a function, call it. It should then return
+ # an actual item, a list of items, or a (chooseCount, list).
+ if callable(item):
+ item = item(avatar, duplicateItems)
+ if isinstance(item, types.TupleType):
+ # Unpack a 2-tuple into a (chooseCount, list).
+ chooseCount, item = item
+ if isinstance(item, types.IntType):
+ # If the item is a MetaItem, it's really a list.
+ item = MetaItems[item]
+ selection = []
+ if isinstance(item, CatalogItem.CatalogItem):
+ if not item.notOfferedTo(avatar):
+ item.saleItem = saleItem
+ selection.append(item)
+ elif item != None:
+ # Choose n of the given list. That means we should make a
+ # copy of the list first.
+ list = item[:]
+ for i in range(chooseCount):
+ if len(list) == 0:
+ return selection
+ item = self.__chooseFromList(avatar, list, duplicateItems)
+ if item != None:
+ item.saleItem = saleItem
+ selection.append(item)
+ return selection
+ def __chooseFromList(self, avatar, list, duplicateItems):
+ index = random.randrange(len(list))
+ item = list[index]
+ del list[index]
+ # Is this an acceptable item?
+ # Make sure you can offer this item to the given avatar,
+ # that the avatar hasn't reached his/her purchase limit,
+ # and that the item isn't already in the duplicate or
+ # backorder list
+ while item.notOfferedTo(avatar) or \
+ item.reachedPurchaseLimit(avatar) or \
+ item in duplicateItems or \
+ item in avatar.backCatalog or \
+ item in avatar.weeklyCatalog:
+ # The current item is unacceptable, see if there is another one
+ if len(list) == 0:
+ return None
+ index = random.randrange(len(list))
+ item = list[index]
+ del list[index]
+ return item
+ def outputSchedule(self, filename):
+ out = open(Filename(filename).toOsSpecific(), "w")
+ sched = self.generateScheduleDictionary()
+ # Now put the items into sorted order, which will collect
+ # similar items together for the user's convenience.
+ items = sched.keys()
+ items.sort()
+ for item in items:
+ weeklist, maybeWeeklist = sched[item]
+ color = self.__formatColor(item.getColor())
+ # Figure out which series(es) in which the item is
+ # offered.
+ seriesDict = {}
+ self.__determineSeries(seriesDict, weeklist)
+ self.__determineSeries(seriesDict, maybeWeeklist)
+ seriesList = seriesDict.keys()
+ seriesList.sort()
+ series = str(seriesList)[1:-1]
+ week = self.__formatWeeklist(weeklist)
+ maybeWeek = self.__formatWeeklist(maybeWeeklist)
+ line = '"%s"\t"%s"\t"%s"\t%s\t"%s"\t"%s"\t"%s"\t"%s"\t"%s"' % (
+ item.output(store = 0),
+ item.getTypeName(),
+ item.getDisplayName(),
+ item.getBasePrice(),
+ item.getFilename(),
+ color,
+ series,
+ week,
+ maybeWeek,
+ )
+ out.write(line + '\n')
+ out.close()
+ def __formatColor(self, color):
+ if color == None:
+ return ""
+ else:
+ return "(%0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f)" % (color[0], color[1], color[2])
+ def __determineSeries(self, seriesDict, weeklist):
+ for week in weeklist:
+ if isinstance(week, types.IntType):
+ # If the week is an integer, it's the week number (as
+ # opposed to a string, which represents a season).
+ series = ((week - 1) / ToontownGlobals.CatalogNumWeeksPerSeries) + 1
+ seriesDict[series] = None
+ def __formatWeeklist(self, weeklist):
+ # Returns a string representing a friendly way to represent
+ # the list of weeks.
+ str = ''
+ for week in weeklist:
+ str += ', %s' % (week)
+ return str[2:]
+ def generateScheduleDictionary(self):
+ # Build up a dictionary of item to:
+ # [weeklist, maybeWeeklist]
+ # where each weeklist is a list of week numbers and/or season
+ # strings. A season string is of the form "10/01 - 10/31". The
+ # first list is the list of weeks/seasons in which the item is
+ # definitely offered to everyone; the second list is the list
+ # of weeks/seasons in which the item is just one of a larger
+ # pool of items that is offered to everyone (so each player
+ # may or may not be offered any one particular item).
+ sched = {}
+ for index in range(len(WeeklySchedule)):
+ week = index + 1
+ schedule = WeeklySchedule[index]
+ if isinstance(schedule, Sale):
+ schedule = schedule.args
+ self.__recordSchedule(sched, week, schedule)
+ for startMM, startDD, endMM, endDD, list in MonthlySchedule:
+ string = "%02d/%02d - %02d/%02d" % (startMM, startDD, endMM, endDD)
+ self.__recordSchedule(sched, string, list)
+ return sched
+ def __recordSchedule(self, sched, weekCode, schedule):
+ for item in schedule:
+ # If the item is a function, we have to handle it as a
+ # special case.
+ if callable(item):
+ if item == nextAvailablePole:
+ item = getAllPoles()
+ elif item == nextAvailableBank:
+ item = getAllBanks()
+ elif item == nextAvailableCloset:
+ item = getAllClosets()
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning("Don't know how to interpret function " % (repr(name)))
+ item = None
+ elif isinstance(item, types.TupleType):
+ # A tuple is (chooseCount, list). We don't care about
+ # the chooseCount here.
+ item = item[1]
+ if isinstance(item, types.IntType):
+ # If the item is a MetaItem, it's really a list.
+ item = MetaItems[item]
+ if isinstance(item, CatalogItem.CatalogItem):
+ # Just one item, definitely offered.
+ self.__recordScheduleItem(sched, weekCode, None, item)
+ elif item != None:
+ # Multiple items, each of which may be offered.
+ #if item == MetaItems[3020] or item == MetaItems[3010]:
+ # print "%s: %s" % (weekCode, item)
+ for i in item:
+ self.__recordScheduleItem(sched, None, weekCode, i)
+ def __recordScheduleItem(self, sched, weekCode, maybeWeekCode, item):
+ if not sched.has_key(item):
+ sched[item] = [[], []]
+ #if item == CatalogWallpaperItem(2900) or item == CatalogWallpaperItem(2210):
+ # print "%s,%s: %s" % (item, maybeWeekCode, sched[item])
+ if weekCode != None:
+ sched[item][0].append(weekCode)
+ if maybeWeekCode != None:
+ sched[item][1].append(maybeWeekCode)
diff --git a/toontown/src/catalog/ b/toontown/src/catalog/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e6bb60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/catalog/
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+from direct.gui.DirectGui import *
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+import CatalogItemPanel
+# how many items of master list are visible at once in the scrolling list
+class CatalogGui:
+ """CatalogGui
+ This class presents the user interface to an individual catalog. It consists of
+ a title and a scrolling list of catalog items.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, type, list=[], parent=None):
+ self.type = type
+ self.itemList = list
+ self.parent = parent
+ self.panelPicker = None
+ self.frame = DirectFrame(parent=parent, relief=None)
+ self.load()
+ def show(self):
+ def hide(self):
+ self.frame.hide()
+ def load(self):
+ # scrolled list wants a list of strings
+ itemStrings = []
+ for i in range(0, len(self.itemList)):
+ itemStrings.append(self.itemList[i].getName())
+ gui = loader.loadModel("phase_3.5/models/gui/friendslist_gui")
+ # make a scrolled list of item panels
+ self.panelPicker = DirectScrolledList(
+ parent = self.frame,
+ items = itemStrings,
+ command = self.scrollItem,
+ itemMakeFunction = CatalogItemPanel.CatalogItemPanel,
+ itemMakeExtraArgs=[self.itemList, self.type],
+ numItemsVisible = NUM_ITEMS_SHOWN,
+ pos = (0.5, 0, 0.4),
+ # inc and dec are DirectButtons
+ incButton_image = (gui.find("**/FndsLst_ScrollUp"),
+ gui.find("**/FndsLst_ScrollDN"),
+ gui.find("**/FndsLst_ScrollUp_Rllvr"),
+ gui.find("**/FndsLst_ScrollUp"),
+ ),
+ incButton_relief = None,
+ incButton_scale = (1.3,1.3,-1.3),
+ incButton_pos = (0,0,-1.05),
+ # Make the disabled button fade out
+ incButton_image3_color = Vec4(1,1,1,0.3),
+ decButton_image = (gui.find("**/FndsLst_ScrollUp"),
+ gui.find("**/FndsLst_ScrollDN"),
+ gui.find("**/FndsLst_ScrollUp_Rllvr"),
+ gui.find("**/FndsLst_ScrollUp"),
+ ),
+ decButton_relief = None,
+ decButton_scale = (1.3,1.3,1.3),
+ decButton_pos = (0,0,0.25),
+ # Make the disabled button fade out
+ decButton_image3_color = Vec4(1,1,1,0.3),
+ )
+ def unload(self):
+ # remove all graphical elements
+ del self.parent
+ del self.itemList
+ del self.panelPicker
+ self.frame.destroy()
+ def update(self):
+ # call this when toon's money count changes to update the buy buttons
+ for item in self.panelPicker['items']:
+ if (type(item) != type("")):
+ item.updateBuyButton()
+ def scrollItem(self):
+ pass
diff --git a/toontown/src/catalog/ b/toontown/src/catalog/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ea49fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/catalog/
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+import CatalogItem
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+from direct.showbase import PythonUtil
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+class CatalogInvalidItem(CatalogItem.CatalogItem):
+ """CatalogInvalidItem
+ This special item type may be returned by CatalogItem.getItem()
+ and similar functions. It represents a CatalogItem that was not
+ correctly decoded from the encoded blob; its purposes is to stand
+ in as a placeholder for the broken item, so that AI code will not
+ necessarily crash when an invalid message is received from a
+ client.
+ """
+ def requestPurchase(self, phone, callback):
+ self.notify.error("Attempt to purchase invalid item.")
+ def acceptItem(self, mailbox, index, callback):
+ self.notify.error("Attempt to accept invalid item.")
+ def output(self, store = ~0):
+ return "CatalogInvalidItem()"
diff --git a/toontown/src/catalog/ b/toontown/src/catalog/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78a8687
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/catalog/
@@ -0,0 +1,741 @@
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
+from direct.distributed.PyDatagram import PyDatagram
+from direct.distributed.PyDatagramIterator import PyDatagramIterator
+import types
+import sys
+# This is created in decodeCatalogItem, below, as a map that reverses
+# the lookup for the indexes defined in
+CatalogReverseType = None
+# This is the current version number that is written to the datagram
+# stream describing how the CatalogItems are formatted. It is similar
+# to the bam minor version number. When you introduce a change to the
+# code that makes old records invalid, increment the version number,
+# and put the appropriate conditionals in the decodeDatagram() methods
+# based on the version number. This helps us avoid having to do
+# database patches every time something changes here.
+CatalogItemVersion = 8
+# version 2: adds pr to posHpr
+# version 3: makes wallpaper type 16-bit
+# version 4: make wallpaper color index a customization option
+# version 5: use new hprs instead of old hprs (temp-hpr-fix)
+# version 6: add loyaltyDays to Clothing, Emote,
+# version 7: add cost to RentalItem
+# version 8: add specialEventId
+# How much default markup for backorder items?
+CatalogBackorderMarkup = 1.2
+# How much to reduce for sale items?
+CatalogSaleMarkdown = 0.75
+# These are bits that represent the additional data that might be
+# stored in the blob along with the CatalogItem. This must be known
+# in order to properly decode the CatalogItem into or from a blob;
+# context will indicate which values are appropriate to store along
+# with the CatalogItem.
+Customization = 0x01
+DeliveryDate = 0x02
+Location = 0x04
+WindowPlacement = 0x08
+GiftTag = 0x10 #usually contains the name of the sender
+# These are flags that indicate which kind of catalog the item is
+# stored on. This is not stored on the item itself, but is rather
+# stored on the list.
+CatalogTypeUnspecified = 0
+CatalogTypeWeekly = 1
+CatalogTypeBackorder = 2
+CatalogTypeMonthly = 3
+CatalogTypeLoyalty = 4
+class CatalogItem:
+ """CatalogItem"""
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("CatalogItem")
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
+ # This init function is designed to be directly inherited (not
+ # overridden) by each of the base classes. It performs a
+ # dispatch based on the parameter types to construct a
+ # CatalogItem either from a datagram or directly from its
+ # parameters.
+ self.saleItem = 0
+ self.deliveryDate = None
+ self.posHpr = None
+ self.giftTag = None
+ self.giftCode = 0
+ self.hasPicture = False
+ self.volume = 0
+ self.specialEventId = 0 # Code assumes that if non zero, then this item is an award
+ if (len(args) >= 1 and isinstance(args[0], DatagramIterator)):
+ # If we are called with di, versionNumber, store then we
+ # meant to decode the CatalogItem from a datagram.
+ self.decodeDatagram(*args, **kw)
+ else:
+ # Otherwise, we are creating a new CatalogItem.
+ self.makeNewItem(*args, **kw)
+ def isAward(self):
+ """Return true if this catalog item is an award."""
+ result = self.specialEventId != 0
+ return result
+ def makeNewItem(self):
+ # This is to be used as the primary constructor-from-arguments
+ # method for CatalogItem derivatives.
+ pass
+ def needsCustomize(self):
+ # Returns true if the item still needs to be customized by the
+ # user (e.g. by choosing a color).
+ return 0
+ def saveHistory(self):
+ # Returns true if items of this type should be saved in the
+ # back catalog, false otherwise.
+ return 0
+ def getBackSticky(self):
+ #some items should hang around in the back catalog
+ itemType = 0 #the types that should stick around
+ numSticky = 0 #how many should stick around
+ return itemType, numSticky
+ def putInBackCatalog(self, backCatalog, lastBackCatalog):
+ # Appends the item to the backCatalog. For reference, the
+ # current back catalog is passed in as well; this list will be
+ # appended to the backCatalog after all items have been added
+ # (so that older items appear at the end of the list). It is
+ # legal to modify the lastBackCatalog list.
+ if self.saveHistory() and not self.isSaleItem():
+ # There should be only one of a given item in the back
+ # catalog at any given time. If we get more than one, we
+ # should remove the old one.
+ if not self in backCatalog:
+ if self in lastBackCatalog:
+ lastBackCatalog.remove(self)
+ backCatalog.append(self)
+ def replacesExisting(self):
+ # Returns true if an item of this type will, when purchased,
+ # replace an existing item of the same type, or false if items
+ # accumulate.
+ return 0
+ def hasExisting(self):
+ # If replacesExisting returns true, this returns true if an
+ # item of this class is already owned by the avatar, false
+ # otherwise. If replacesExisting returns false, this is
+ # undefined.
+ return 0
+ def getYourOldDesc(self):
+ # If replacesExisting returns true, this returns the name of
+ # the already existing object, in sentence construct: "your
+ # old ...". If replacesExisting returns false, this is undefined.
+ return None
+ def storedInCloset(self):
+ # Returns true if this kind of item takes up space in the
+ # avatar's closet, false otherwise.
+ return 0
+ def storedInAttic(self):
+ # Returns true if this kind of item takes up space in the
+ # avatar's attic, false otherwise.
+ return 0
+ def notOfferedTo(self, avatar):
+ # Returns true if the item cannot be bought by the indicated
+ # avatar (pass in the actual DistributdAvatarAI object), for
+ # instance because the avatar already has one and cannot have
+ # two. This is normally called only on the AI side.
+ return 0
+ def getPurchaseLimit(self):
+ # Returns the maximum number of this particular item an avatar
+ # may purchase. This is either 0, 1, or some larger number; 0
+ # stands for infinity.
+ return 0
+ def reachedPurchaseLimit(self, avatar):
+ # Returns true if the item cannot be bought because the avatar
+ # has already bought his limit on this item.
+ return 0
+ def hasBeenGifted(self, avatar):
+ # returns true if this item is on your onGiftOrderList
+ if avatar.onGiftOrder.count(self) != 0:
+ # someone has given it to you
+ return 1
+ return 0
+ def getTypeName(self):
+ # Returns the name of the general type of item.
+ # No need to localize this string; it should never be
+ # displayed except in case of error.
+ return "Unknown Type Item"
+ def getName(self):
+ # Returns the name of the item.
+ # No need to localize this string; it should never be
+ # displayed except in case of error.
+ return "Unnamed Item"
+ def getDisplayName(self):
+ # Used in the catalog gui display
+ return self.getName()
+ def recordPurchase(self, avatar, optional):
+ # Updates the appropriate field on the avatar to indicate the
+ # purchase (or delivery). This makes the item available to
+ # use by the avatar. This method is only called on the AI side.
+ # The optional parameter may be 0 or some number passed up
+ # from the client which has different meaning to the various
+ # different kinds of CatalogItems (and may indicate, for
+ # instance, the index number of the item to replace).
+ # This should return one of the P_* tokens from ToontownGlobals.
+ # If the return value is zero or positive, the item is removed
+ # from the mailbox.
+ self.notify.warning("%s has no purchase method." % (self))
+ return ToontownGlobals.P_NoPurchaseMethod
+ def isSaleItem(self):
+ # Returns true if this particular item was tagged as a "sale"
+ # item in the catalog generator. This means (a) it has a
+ # reduced price, and (b) it does not get placed in the
+ # backorder catalog.
+ return self.saleItem
+ def isGift(self):
+ return 1
+ def isRental(self):
+ return 0
+ def forBoysOnly(self):
+ return 0
+ def forGirlsOnly(self):
+ return 0
+ def setLoyaltyRequirement(self, days):
+ self.loyaltyDays = days
+ def loyaltyRequirement(self):
+ """Return. the number of days an account must have to purchase."""
+ if not hasattr(self, "loyaltyDays"):
+ return 0
+ else:
+ return self.loyaltyDays
+ def getPrice(self, catalogType):
+ assert(catalogType != CatalogTypeUnspecified)
+ if catalogType == CatalogTypeBackorder:
+ return self.getBackPrice()
+ elif self.isSaleItem():
+ return self.getSalePrice()
+ else:
+ return self.getCurrentPrice()
+ def getCurrentPrice(self):
+ # Returns the price of the item when it is listed in the
+ # current catalog.
+ return int(self.getBasePrice())
+ def getBackPrice(self):
+ # Returns the price of the item when it is listed in the back
+ # catalog.
+ return int(self.getBasePrice() * CatalogBackorderMarkup)
+ def getSalePrice(self):
+ # Returns the price of the item when it is listed in the
+ # current catalog as a sale item.
+ return int(self.getBasePrice() * CatalogSaleMarkdown)
+ def getDeliveryTime(self):
+ # Returns the elapsed time in minutes from purchase to
+ # delivery for this particular item.
+ return 0
+ def getPicture(self, avatar):
+ # Returns a (DirectWidget, Interval) pair to draw and animate a
+ # little representation of the item, or (None, None) if the
+ # item has no representation. This method is only called on
+ # the client.
+ assert (not self.hasPicture)
+ self.hasPicture=True
+ return (None, None)
+ def cleanupPicture(self):
+ assert self.hasPicture
+ self.hasPicture=False
+ def requestPurchase(self, phone, callback, optional=-1):
+ # Orders the item via the indicated telephone. Some items
+ # will pop up a dialog querying the user for more information
+ # before placing the order; other items will order
+ # immediately.
+ # In either case, the function will return immediately before
+ # the transaction is finished, but the given callback will be
+ # called later with two parameters: the return code (one of
+ # the P_* symbols defined in, followed by the
+ # item itself.
+ # This method is only called on the client.
+ assert(not self.needsCustomize())
+ phone.requestPurchase(self, callback, optional)
+ def requestGiftPurchase(self, phone, targetDoID,callback, optional=-1):
+ # Orders the item via the indicated telephone. Some items
+ # will pop up a dialog querying the user for more information
+ # before placing the order; other items will order
+ # immediately.
+ # In either case, the function will return immediately before
+ # the transaction is finished, but the given callback will be
+ # called later with two parameters: the return code (one of
+ # the P_* symbols defined in, followed by the
+ # item itself.
+ # This method is only called on the client.
+ # assert 0, "Gift Purchase"
+ assert(not self.needsCustomize())
+ phone.requestGiftPurchase(self, targetDoID, callback, optional)
+, targetDoID, callback)
+ def requestPurchaseCleanup(self):
+ # This will be called on the client side to clean up any
+ # objects created in requestPurchase(), above.
+ pass
+ def getRequestPurchaseErrorText(self, retcode):
+ # PLEASE NOTE: this is not usually an error message, usually this returns a confiramtion -JML
+ # Returns a string describing the error that occurred on
+ # attempting to order the item from the phone. The input
+ # parameter is the retcode returned by
+ # phone.requestPurchase().
+ if retcode == ToontownGlobals.P_ItemAvailable: # worked can use right away
+ return TTLocalizer.CatalogPurchaseItemAvailable
+ elif retcode == ToontownGlobals.P_ItemOnOrder: # worked and will be delivered
+ return TTLocalizer.CatalogPurchaseItemOnOrder
+ elif retcode == ToontownGlobals.P_MailboxFull: #failure messages
+ return TTLocalizer.CatalogPurchaseMailboxFull
+ elif retcode == ToontownGlobals.P_OnOrderListFull:
+ return TTLocalizer.CatalogPurchaseOnOrderListFull
+ else:
+ return TTLocalizer.CatalogPurchaseGeneralError % (retcode)
+ def getRequestGiftPurchaseErrorText(self, retcode):
+ # PLEASE NOTE: this is not usually an error message, usually this returns a confiramtion -JML
+ # Returns a string describing the error that occurred on
+ # attempting to order the item from the phone. The input
+ # parameter is the retcode returned by
+ # phone.requestPurchase().
+ if retcode == ToontownGlobals.P_ItemAvailable: # worked can use right away
+ return TTLocalizer.CatalogPurchaseGiftItemAvailable
+ elif retcode == ToontownGlobals.P_ItemOnOrder: # worked and will be delivered
+ return TTLocalizer.CatalogPurchaseGiftItemOnOrder
+ elif retcode == ToontownGlobals.P_MailboxFull: #failure messages
+ return TTLocalizer.CatalogPurchaseGiftMailboxFull
+ elif retcode == ToontownGlobals.P_OnOrderListFull:
+ return TTLocalizer.CatalogPurchaseGiftOnOrderListFull
+ elif retcode == ToontownGlobals.P_NotAGift:
+ return TTLocalizer.CatalogPurchaseGiftNotAGift
+ elif retcode == ToontownGlobals.P_WillNotFit:
+ return TTLocalizer.CatalogPurchaseGiftWillNotFit
+ elif retcode == ToontownGlobals.P_ReachedPurchaseLimit:
+ return TTLocalizer.CatalogPurchaseGiftLimitReached
+ elif retcode == ToontownGlobals.P_NotEnoughMoney:
+ return TTLocalizer.CatalogPurchaseGiftNotEnoughMoney
+ else:
+ return TTLocalizer.CatalogPurchaseGiftGeneralError % {'friend' : "%s",'error' : retcode}
+ def acceptItem(self, mailbox, index, callback):
+ # Accepts the item from the mailbox. Some items will pop up a
+ # dialog querying the user for more information before
+ # accepting the item; other items will accept it immediately.
+ # In either case, the function will return immediately before
+ # the transaction is finished, but the given callback will be
+ # called later with three parameters: the return code (one of
+ # the P_* symbols defined in, followed by
+ # the item itself, and the supplied index number.
+ # The index is the position of this item within the avatar's
+ # mailboxContents list, which is used by the AI to know which
+ # item to remove from the list (and also to doublecheck that
+ # we're accepting the expected item).
+ # This method is only called on the client.
+ mailbox.acceptItem(self, index, callback)
+ def discardItem(self, mailbox, index, callback):
+ print("Item discardItem")
+ # Discards the item from the mailbox.
+ # This method is only called on the client.
+ mailbox.discardItem(self, index, callback)
+ def acceptItemCleanup(self):
+ # This will be called on the client side to clean up any
+ # objects created in acceptItem(), above.
+ pass
+ def getAcceptItemErrorText(self, retcode):
+ # Returns a string describing the error that occurred on
+ # attempting to accept the item from the mailbox. The input
+ # parameter is the retcode returned by recordPurchase() or by
+ # mailbox.acceptItem().
+ if retcode == ToontownGlobals.P_NoRoomForItem:
+ return TTLocalizer.CatalogAcceptRoomError
+ elif retcode == ToontownGlobals.P_ReachedPurchaseLimit:
+ return TTLocalizer.CatalogAcceptLimitError
+ elif retcode == ToontownGlobals.P_WillNotFit:
+ return TTLocalizer.CatalogAcceptFitError
+ elif retcode == ToontownGlobals.P_InvalidIndex:
+ return TTLocalizer.CatalogAcceptInvalidError
+ else:
+ return TTLocalizer.CatalogAcceptGeneralError % (retcode)
+ def output(self, store = ~0):
+ return "CatalogItem"
+ def getFilename(self):
+ # This returns a filename if it makes sense for the particular
+ # item. This is only used for documentation purposes.
+ return ""
+ def getColor(self):
+ # This returns a VBase4 color which is applied to the above
+ # filename, if it makes sense for the particular item. This
+ # may be used for documentation purposes, but some item types
+ # define this specifically for their own use.
+ return None
+ def formatOptionalData(self, store = ~0):
+ # This is used within output() to format optional data
+ # (according to the bits indicated in store).
+ result = ""
+ if (store & Location) and self.posHpr != None:
+ result += ", posHpr = (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" % (self.posHpr)
+ return result
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.output()
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return self.output()
+ def compareTo(self, other):
+ # All CatalogItem type objects are equivalent.
+ # Specializations of this class will redefine this method
+ # appropriately.
+ return 0
+ def getHashContents(self):
+ # Specializations of this class will redefine this method to
+ # return whatever pieces of the class are uniquely different
+ # to each instance.
+ return None
+ def __cmp__(self, other):
+ # If the classes are different, they must be different objects.
+ c = cmp(self.__class__, other.__class__)
+ if c != 0:
+ return c
+ # Otherwise, they are the same class; use compareTo.
+ return self.compareTo(other)
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return hash((self.__class__, self.getHashContents()))
+ def getBasePrice(self):
+ return 0
+ def loadModel(self):
+ return None
+ def decodeDatagram(self, di, versionNumber, store):
+ if store & DeliveryDate:
+ self.deliveryDate = di.getUint32()
+ if store & Location:
+ x = di.getArg(STInt16, 10)
+ y = di.getArg(STInt16, 10)
+ z = di.getArg(STInt16, 100)
+ if versionNumber < 2:
+ h = di.getArg(STInt16, 10)
+ p = 0.0
+ r = 0.0
+ elif versionNumber < 5:
+ h = di.getArg(STInt8, 256.0/360.0)
+ p = di.getArg(STInt8, 256.0/360.0)
+ r = di.getArg(STInt8, 256.0/360.0)
+ hpr = oldToNewHpr(VBase3(h, p, r))
+ h = hpr[0]
+ p = hpr[1]
+ r = hpr[2]
+ else:
+ h = di.getArg(STInt8, 256.0/360.0)
+ p = di.getArg(STInt8, 256.0/360.0)
+ r = di.getArg(STInt8, 256.0/360.0)
+ self.posHpr = (x, y, z, h, p, r)
+ if store & GiftTag:
+ self.giftTag = di.getString()
+ if versionNumber >= 8:
+ self.specialEventId = di.getUint8()
+ else:
+ self.specialEventId = 0
+ def encodeDatagram(self, dg, store):
+ if store & DeliveryDate:
+ dg.addUint32(self.deliveryDate)
+ if store & Location:
+ dg.putArg(self.posHpr[0], STInt16, 10)
+ dg.putArg(self.posHpr[1], STInt16, 10)
+ dg.putArg(self.posHpr[2], STInt16, 100)
+ dg.putArg(self.posHpr[3], STInt8, 256.0/360.0)
+ dg.putArg(self.posHpr[4], STInt8, 256.0/360.0)
+ dg.putArg(self.posHpr[5], STInt8, 256.0/360.0)
+ if store & GiftTag:
+ dg.addString(self.giftTag)
+ dg.addUint8(self.specialEventId)
+ def getTypeCode(self):
+ import CatalogItemTypes
+ return CatalogItemTypes.CatalogItemTypes[self.__class__]
+ def applyColor(self, model, colorDesc):
+ """
+ This method is used to apply a color/texture description to
+ a model. The colorDesc is a list of tuples, each of which has
+ one of the forms:
+ (partName, None) - hide the given part(s)
+ (partName, "texture name") - apply the texture to the given part(s)
+ (partName, (r, g, b, a)) - apply the color to the given part(s)
+ """
+ if model == None or colorDesc == None:
+ return
+ for partName, color in colorDesc:
+ matches = model.findAllMatches(partName)
+ if (color == None):
+ matches.hide()
+ elif isinstance(color, types.StringType):
+ tex = loader.loadTexture(color)
+ tex.setMinfilter(Texture.FTLinearMipmapLinear)
+ tex.setMagfilter(Texture.FTLinear)
+ for i in range(matches.getNumPaths()):
+ matches.getPath(i).setTexture(tex, 1)
+ else:
+ needsAlpha = (color[3] != 1)
+ color = VBase4(color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3])
+ for i in range(matches.getNumPaths()):
+ #matches.getPath(i).setColor(color, 1)
+ matches.getPath(i).setColorScale(color, 1)
+ if needsAlpha:
+ matches.getPath(i).setTransparency(1)
+ def makeFrame(self):
+ # Returns a DirectFrame suitable for holding models returned
+ # by getPicture().
+ # Don't import this at the top of the file, since this code
+ # must run on the AI.
+ from direct.gui.DirectGui import DirectFrame
+ frame = DirectFrame(parent = hidden,
+ frameSize = (-1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0),
+ relief = None,
+ )
+ return frame
+ def makeFrameModel(self, model, spin = 1):
+ # Returns a (DirectWidget, Interval) pair to spin the
+ # indicated model, an arbitrary NodePath, on a panel. Called
+ # only on the client, from getPicture(), by derived classes
+ # like CatalogFurnitureItem and CatalogClothingItem.
+ frame = self.makeFrame()
+ ival = None
+ if model:
+ # This 3-d model will be drawn in the 2-d scene.
+ model.setDepthTest(1)
+ model.setDepthWrite(1)
+ if spin:
+ # We need two nested nodes: one to pitch down to the user,
+ # and one to rotate.
+ pitch = frame.attachNewNode('pitch')
+ rotate = pitch.attachNewNode('rotate')
+ scale = rotate.attachNewNode('scale')
+ model.reparentTo(scale)
+ # Translate model to the center.
+ bMin,bMax = model.getTightBounds()
+ center = (bMin + bMax)/2.0
+ model.setPos(-center[0], -center[1], -center[2])
+ pitch.setP(20)
+ # Scale the model to fit within a 2x2 box
+ bMin,bMax = pitch.getTightBounds()
+ center = (bMin + bMax)/2.0
+ corner = Vec3(bMax - center)
+ #scale.setScale(1.0/corner[2])
+ scale.setScale(1.0/max(corner[0],corner[1],corner[2]))
+ pitch.setY(2)
+ ival = LerpHprInterval(rotate, 10, VBase3(-270, 0, 0),
+ startHpr = VBase3(90, 0, 0))
+ else:
+ # This case is simpler, we do not need all the extra nodes
+ scale = frame.attachNewNode('scale')
+ model.reparentTo(scale)
+ # Translate model to the center.
+ bMin,bMax = model.getTightBounds()
+ center = (bMin + bMax)/2.0
+ model.setPos(-center[0], 2, -center[2])
+ corner = Vec3(bMax - center)
+ #scale.setScale(1.0/corner[2])
+ scale.setScale(1.0/max(corner[0],corner[1],corner[2]))
+ return (frame, ival)
+ def getBlob(self, store = 0):
+ dg = PyDatagram()
+ dg.addUint8(CatalogItemVersion)
+ encodeCatalogItem(dg, self, store)
+ return dg.getMessage()
+ def getRequestPurchaseErrorTextTimeout(self):
+ """
+ #RAU How long do we display RequestPurchaseErrorText.
+ Created since we need to display the text longer for garden supplies
+ """
+ return 6
+ def getDaysToGo(self, avatar):
+ """Return the number of days the toon has to wait before he can buy this."""
+ accountDays = avatar.getAccountDays()
+ daysToGo = self.loyaltyRequirement() - accountDays
+ if daysToGo <0:
+ daysToGo = 0
+ return int(daysToGo)
+def encodeCatalogItem(dg, item, store):
+ """encodeCatalogItem
+ Encodes a CatalogItem of some type into the datagram stream,
+ writing the type number first so that decodeCatalogItem() can
+ successfully decode it.
+ """
+ import CatalogItemTypes
+ flags = item.getTypeCode()
+ if item.isSaleItem():
+ flags |= CatalogItemTypes.CatalogItemSaleFlag
+ if item.giftTag != None:
+ flags |= CatalogItemTypes.CatalogItemGiftTag
+ dg.addUint8(flags)
+ if item.giftTag != None:
+ dg.addUint32(item.giftTag)
+ if not item.giftCode:
+ item.giftCode = 0
+ dg.addUint8(item.giftCode)
+ else:
+ pass
+ #print("No Gift Tag")
+ item.encodeDatagram(dg, store)
+def decodeCatalogItem(di, versionNumber, store):
+ """decodeCatalogItem
+ This function decodes a CatalogItem of an unknown type from the
+ given datagram stream, reversing the logic used by
+ encodeCatalogItem(). The new catalog item is returned.
+ """
+ import CatalogItemTypes
+ global CatalogReverseType
+ if CatalogReverseType == None:
+ # First, we have to create the reverse lookup.
+ CatalogReverseType = {}
+ for itemClass, index in CatalogItemTypes.CatalogItemTypes.items():
+ CatalogReverseType[index] = itemClass
+ startIndex = di.getCurrentIndex()
+ try:
+ flags = di.getUint8()
+ typeIndex = flags & CatalogItemTypes.CatalogItemTypeMask
+ gift = None
+ code = None
+ if flags & CatalogItemTypes.CatalogItemGiftTag:
+ gift = di.getUint32()
+ code = di.getUint8()
+ else:
+ pass
+ itemClass = CatalogReverseType[typeIndex]
+ item = itemClass(di, versionNumber, store = store)
+ except Exception, e:
+ CatalogItem.notify.warning("Invalid catalog item in stream: %s, %s" % (
+ sys.exc_info()[0], e))
+ d = Datagram(di.getDatagram().getMessage()[startIndex:])
+ d.dumpHex(Notify.out())
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()#debug on invalid catalog items
+ import CatalogInvalidItem
+ return CatalogInvalidItem.CatalogInvalidItem()
+ if flags & CatalogItemTypes.CatalogItemSaleFlag:
+ item.saleItem = 1
+ item.giftTag = gift
+ item.giftCode = code
+ return item
+def getItem(blob, store = 0):
+ """getItem
+ Returns the CatalogItem written by a previous call to item.getBlob().
+ """
+ dg = PyDatagram(blob)
+ di = PyDatagramIterator(dg)
+ try:
+ versionNumber = di.getUint8()
+ return decodeCatalogItem(di, versionNumber, store)
+ except Exception, e:
+ CatalogItem.notify.warning("Invalid catalog item: %s, %s" % (
+ sys.exc_info()[0], e))
+ dg.dumpHex(Notify.out())
+ import CatalogInvalidItem
+ return CatalogInvalidItem.CatalogInvalidItem()
diff --git a/toontown/src/catalog/ b/toontown/src/catalog/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2862109
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/catalog/
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+import CatalogItem
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+import types
+from direct.distributed.PyDatagram import PyDatagram
+from direct.distributed.PyDatagramIterator import PyDatagramIterator
+class CatalogItemList:
+ """CatalogItemList
+ This class presents itself as a list of CatalogItem objects. It
+ behaves like a normal Python list, except it supports lazy
+ decoding: it can be initialized from a blob received by the
+ network system; it won't attempt to decode the blob until some
+ properties of the catalog list are requested. This saves some CPU
+ time for the majority of cases when we download the
+ CatalogItemList but don't care about inspecting it.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, source = None, store = 0):
+ # The source may be either a list, a string blob, or another
+ # CatalogItemList object.
+ # The store parameter indicates the bitmask of additional
+ # properties we will store in (or decode from) the blob along
+ # with each CatalogItem. See
+ = store
+ # The data is stored in either or both of self.__blob and
+ # self.__list. If either one is None, the current data is
+ # stored in the other. If both are None, the data represents
+ # an empty list.
+ self.__blob = None
+ self.__list = None
+ if isinstance(source, types.StringType):
+ self.__blob = source
+ elif isinstance(source, types.ListType):
+ self.__list = source[:]
+ elif isinstance(source, CatalogItemList):
+ # Copy from another CatalogItemList.
+ if == store:
+ # If the store types are the same, we can get away
+ # with copying the list (if it is defined), and also
+ # copying the blob.
+ if source.__list != None:
+ self.__list = source.__list[:]
+ self.__blob = source.__blob
+ else:
+ # If the store types are different, we must copy the list.
+ self.__list = source[:]
+ else:
+ assert(source == None)
+ def markDirty(self):
+ # Call this whenever you know one of the items has changed
+ # internally and you need to regenerate a new blob that
+ # reflects that change.
+ if self.__list:
+ self.__blob = None
+ def getBlob(self, store = None):
+ if store == None or store ==
+ # If we are asking for a blob that matches our store type,
+ # we can just return our cached value.
+ if self.__blob == None:
+ self.__encodeList()
+ return self.__blob
+ # Otherwise, we must compute a new blob according to the
+ # indicated store type.
+ return self.__makeBlob(store)
+ def getNextDeliveryDate(self):
+ # Returns the minimum of all the listed items' delivery times,
+ # or None if the list is empty.
+ if len(self) == 0:
+ return None
+ nextDeliveryDate = None
+ for item in self:
+ #print ("item %s" %(item))
+ if item:
+ if nextDeliveryDate == None or \
+ item.deliveryDate < nextDeliveryDate:
+ nextDeliveryDate = item.deliveryDate
+ return nextDeliveryDate
+ def getNextDeliveryItem(self):
+ # Returns the minimum of all the listed items' delivery times,
+ # or None if the list is empty.
+ if len(self) == 0:
+ return None
+ nextDeliveryDate = None
+ nextDeliveryItem = None
+ for item in self:
+ if item:
+ if nextDeliveryDate == None or \
+ item.deliveryDate < nextDeliveryDate:
+ nextDeliveryDate = item.deliveryDate
+ nextDeliveryItem = item
+ return nextDeliveryItem
+ def extractDeliveryItems(self, cutoffTime):
+ # Extracts from the list the set of items whose delivery time
+ # is on or before the cutoff time. Returns a list of items to
+ # be delivered and a list of items still on the way.
+ beforeTime = []
+ afterTime = []
+ for item in self:
+ if item.deliveryDate <= cutoffTime:
+ beforeTime.append(item)
+ else:
+ afterTime.append(item)
+ return (CatalogItemList(beforeTime, store =,
+ CatalogItemList(afterTime, store =
+ def extractOldestItems(self, count):
+ # Extracts from the list the count oldest items. Returns a
+ # list of the extracted items and a list of remaining items.
+ # Actually, we can cheat because we know new items are always
+ # appended to the end of the list. So just extract the first
+ # n items.
+ return (self[0:count], self[count:])
+ def __encodeList(self):
+ # We shouldn't try to call this function twice.
+ assert(self.__blob == None)
+ self.__blob = self.__makeBlob(
+ def __makeBlob(self, store):
+ # Construct a new datagram and fill it up with the items in
+ # the list.
+ dg = PyDatagram()
+ if self.__list: # empty list or None means nothing on the list.
+ dg.addUint8(CatalogItem.CatalogItemVersion)
+ for item in self.__list:
+ CatalogItem.encodeCatalogItem(dg, item, store)
+ return dg.getMessage()
+ def __decodeList(self):
+ # We shouldn't try to call this function twice.
+ assert(self.__list == None)
+ self.__list = self.__makeList(
+ def __makeList(self, store):
+ # Construct a new list and populate it with the items decoded
+ # from the blob.
+ list = []
+ if self.__blob: # empty string or None means nothing on the list.
+ dg = PyDatagram(self.__blob)
+ di = PyDatagramIterator(dg)
+ versionNumber = di.getUint8()
+ while di.getRemainingSize() > 0:
+ item = CatalogItem.decodeCatalogItem(di, versionNumber, store)
+ list.append(item)
+ return list
+ # Functions to make this act just like a Python list.
+ def append(self, item):
+ if self.__list == None:
+ self.__decodeList()
+ self.__list.append(item)
+ self.__blob = None
+ def extend(self, items):
+ self += items
+ def count(self, item):
+ if self.__list == None:
+ self.__decodeList()
+ return self.__list.count(item)
+ def index(self, item):
+ if self.__list == None:
+ self.__decodeList()
+ return self.__list.index(item)
+ def insert(self, index, item):
+ if self.__list == None:
+ self.__decodeList()
+ self.__list.insert(index, item)
+ self.__blob = None
+ def pop(self, index = None):
+ if self.__list == None:
+ self.__decodeList()
+ self.__blob = None
+ if index == None:
+ return self.__list.pop()
+ else:
+ return self.__list.pop(index)
+ def remove(self, item):
+ if self.__list == None:
+ self.__decodeList()
+ self.__list.remove(item)
+ self.__blob = None
+ def reverse(self):
+ if self.__list == None:
+ self.__decodeList()
+ self.__list.reverse()
+ self.__blob = None
+ def sort(self, cmpfunc = None):
+ if self.__list == None:
+ self.__decodeList()
+ if cmpfunc == None:
+ self.__list.sort()
+ else:
+ self.__list.sort(cmpfunc)
+ self.__blob = None
+ def __len__(self):
+ if self.__list == None:
+ self.__decodeList()
+ return len(self.__list)
+ def __getitem__(self, index):
+ if self.__list == None:
+ self.__decodeList()
+ return self.__list[index]
+ def __setitem__(self, index, item):
+ if self.__list == None:
+ self.__decodeList()
+ self.__list[index] = item
+ self.__blob = None
+ def __delitem__(self, index):
+ if self.__list == None:
+ self.__decodeList()
+ del self.__list[index]
+ self.__blob = None
+ def __getslice__(self, i, j):
+ if self.__list == None:
+ self.__decodeList()
+ return CatalogItemList(self.__list[i : j], store =
+ def __setslice__(self, i, j, s):
+ if self.__list == None:
+ self.__decodeList()
+ if isinstance(s, CatalogItemList):
+ self.__list[i : j] = s.__list
+ else:
+ self.__list[i : j] = s
+ self.__blob = None
+ def __delslice__(self, i, j):
+ if self.__list == None:
+ self.__decodeList()
+ del self.__list[i : j]
+ self.__blob = None
+ def __iadd__(self, other):
+ if self.__list == None:
+ self.__decodeList()
+ self.__list += list(other)
+ self.__blob = None
+ return self
+ def __add__(self, other):
+ copy = CatalogItemList(self, store =
+ copy += other
+ return copy
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return self.output()
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.output()
+ def output(self, store = ~0):
+ if self.__list == None:
+ self.__decodeList()
+ inner = ""
+ for item in self.__list:
+ inner += ", %s" % (item.output(store))
+ return "CatalogItemList([%s])" % (inner[2:])
diff --git a/toontown/src/catalog/ b/toontown/src/catalog/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..555a945
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/catalog/
@@ -0,0 +1,665 @@
+from direct.gui.DirectGui import *
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from toontown.toontowngui import TTDialog
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+import CatalogItemTypes
+import CatalogItem
+from CatalogWallpaperItem import getAllWallpapers
+from CatalogFlooringItem import getAllFloorings
+from CatalogMouldingItem import getAllMouldings
+from CatalogWainscotingItem import getAllWainscotings
+from CatalogFurnitureItem import getAllFurnitures
+from toontown.toontowngui.TeaserPanel import TeaserPanel
+from otp.otpbase import OTPGlobals
+class CatalogItemPanel(DirectFrame):
+ """
+ CatalogItemPanel
+ This class presents the graphical represntation of a catalog item in the
+ Catalog GUI.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, parent=aspect2d, parentCatalogScreen = None ,**kw):
+ optiondefs = (
+ # Define type of DirectGuiWidget
+ ('item', None, DGG.INITOPT),
+ ('type', CatalogItem.CatalogTypeUnspecified, DGG.INITOPT),
+ ('relief', None, None),
+ )
+ self.parentCatalogScreen = parentCatalogScreen;
+ # Merge keyword options with default options
+ self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs)
+ # Initialize superclasses
+ DirectFrame.__init__(self, parent)
+ self.loaded = 0
+ # Loading is done lazily as we display each item.
+ # This reduces the initial load time when first opening the catalog
+ # and nicely spreads it out
+ # self.load()
+ # Call initialization methods
+ self.initialiseoptions(CatalogItemPanel)
+ assert parentCatalogScreen != None, "parentCatalogScreen: is none"
+ def load(self):
+ # Loading is guarded so things only get loaded once
+ if self.loaded:
+ return
+ self.loaded = 1
+ # Init variables
+ self.verify = None
+ # Some items know how to draw themselves. Put this first so
+ # it will be below any text on the frame.
+ # Add a picture Frame so draw order is preserved if you change
+ # the picture
+ self.pictureFrame = self.attachNewNode('pictureFrame')
+ self.pictureFrame.setScale(0.15)
+ self.itemIndex = 0
+ self.ival = None
+ # If this is an item that needs customization, add buttons
+ # to scroll through variations
+ typeCode = self['item'].getTypeCode()
+ if (self['item'].needsCustomize() and
+ ((typeCode == CatalogItemTypes.WALLPAPER_ITEM) or
+ (typeCode == CatalogItemTypes.FLOORING_ITEM) or
+ (typeCode == CatalogItemTypes.MOULDING_ITEM) or
+ (typeCode == CatalogItemTypes.FURNITURE_ITEM) or
+ (typeCode == CatalogItemTypes.WAINSCOTING_ITEM) or
+ (typeCode == CatalogItemTypes.TOON_STATUE_ITEM))):
+ if typeCode == CatalogItemTypes.WALLPAPER_ITEM:
+ self.items = getAllWallpapers(self['item'].patternIndex)
+ elif typeCode == CatalogItemTypes.FLOORING_ITEM:
+ self.items = getAllFloorings(self['item'].patternIndex)
+ elif typeCode == CatalogItemTypes.MOULDING_ITEM:
+ self.items = getAllMouldings(self['item'].patternIndex)
+ elif typeCode == CatalogItemTypes.FURNITURE_ITEM:
+ self.items = getAllFurnitures(self['item'].furnitureType)
+ elif typeCode == CatalogItemTypes.TOON_STATUE_ITEM:
+ self.items = self['item'].getAllToonStatues()
+ elif typeCode == CatalogItemTypes.WAINSCOTING_ITEM:
+ self.items = getAllWainscotings(self['item'].patternIndex)
+ self.numItems = len(self.items)
+ if self.numItems > 1:
+ guiItems = loader.loadModel('phase_5.5/models/gui/catalog_gui')
+ nextUp = guiItems.find('**/arrow_up')
+ nextRollover = guiItems.find('**/arrow_Rollover')
+ nextDown = guiItems.find('**/arrow_Down')
+ prevUp = guiItems.find('**/arrowUp')
+ prevDown = guiItems.find('**/arrowDown1')
+ prevRollover = guiItems.find('**/arrowRollover')
+ self.nextVariant = DirectButton(
+ parent = self,
+ relief = None,
+ image = (nextUp, nextDown, nextRollover, nextUp),
+ image3_color = (1,1,1,.4),
+ pos = (0.13,0,0),
+ command = self.showNextVariant,
+ )
+ self.prevVariant = DirectButton(
+ parent = self,
+ relief = None,
+ image = (prevUp, prevDown, prevRollover, prevUp),
+ image3_color = (1,1,1,.4),
+ pos = (-0.13,0,0),
+ command = self.showPrevVariant,
+ state = DGG.DISABLED,
+ )
+ self.variantPictures = [(None, None)] * self.numItems
+ else:
+ self.variantPictures = [(None, None)]
+ self.showCurrentVariant()
+ else:
+ # Some items know how to draw themselves. Put this first so
+ # it will be below any text on the frame.
+ picture,self.ival = self['item'].getPicture(base.localAvatar)
+ if picture:
+ picture.reparentTo(self)
+ picture.setScale(0.15)
+ self.items = [self['item']]
+ self.variantPictures = [(picture, self.ival)]
+ # type label
+ self.typeLabel = DirectLabel(
+ parent = self,
+ relief = None,
+ pos = (0,0,0.24),
+ scale = 0.075,
+ text = self['item'].getTypeName(),
+ text_fg = (0.95, 0.95, 0, 1),
+ text_shadow = (0, 0, 0, 1),
+ text_font = ToontownGlobals.getInterfaceFont(),
+ text_wordwrap = CATALOG_PANEL_WORDWRAP,
+ )
+ # aux text label
+ self.auxText = DirectLabel(
+ parent = self,
+ relief = None,
+ scale = 0.05,
+ pos = (-0.20, 0, 0.16),
+ )
+ # Put this one at a jaunty angle
+ self.auxText.setHpr(0,0,-30)
+ self.nameLabel = DirectLabel(
+ parent = self,
+ relief = None,
+ text = self['item'].getDisplayName(),
+ text_fg = (0, 0, 0, 1),
+ text_font = ToontownGlobals.getInterfaceFont(),
+ text_scale = TTLocalizer.CIPnameLabel,
+ text_wordwrap = CATALOG_PANEL_WORDWRAP + TTLocalizer.CIPwordwrapOffset,
+ )
+ if self['item'].getTypeCode() == CatalogItemTypes.CHAT_ITEM:
+ # adjust wordwrap as the bubbles are narrower
+ self.nameLabel['text_wordwrap'] = CATALOG_PANEL_CHAT_WORDWRAP
+ # Center the text vertically on the chat balloon based
+ # on the number of rows of text
+ numRows = self.nameLabel.component('text0').textNode.getNumRows()
+ if numRows == 1:
+ namePos = (0,0,-0.06)
+ elif numRows == 2:
+ namePos = (0,0,-0.03)
+ else:
+ namePos = (0,0,0)
+ nameScale = 0.063
+ else:
+ namePos = (0,0,-.22)
+ nameScale = 0.06
+ self.nameLabel.setPos(*namePos)
+ self.nameLabel.setScale(nameScale)
+ priceStr = str(self['item'].getPrice(self['type'])) + " " + TTLocalizer.CatalogCurrency
+ priceScale = 0.07
+ # prepend sale sign if necessary
+ if self['item'].isSaleItem():
+ priceStr = TTLocalizer.CatalogSaleItem + priceStr
+ priceScale = 0.06
+ # price label
+ self.priceLabel = DirectLabel(
+ parent = self,
+ relief = None,
+ pos = (0,0,-0.3),
+ scale = priceScale,
+ text = priceStr,
+ text_fg = (0.95, 0.95, 0, 1),
+ text_shadow = (0, 0, 0, 1),
+ text_font = ToontownGlobals.getSignFont(),
+ text_align = TextNode.ACenter,
+ )
+ # buy button
+ buttonModels = loader.loadModel(
+ "phase_3.5/models/gui/inventory_gui")
+ upButton = buttonModels.find("**/InventoryButtonUp")
+ downButton = buttonModels.find("**/InventoryButtonDown")
+ rolloverButton = buttonModels.find("**/InventoryButtonRollover")
+ buyText = TTLocalizer.CatalogBuyText
+ if self['item'].isRental():
+ buyText = TTLocalizer.CatalogRentText
+ self.buyButton = DirectButton(
+ parent = self,
+ relief = None,
+ pos = (0.2, 0, 0.15),
+ scale = (0.7,1,0.8),
+ text = buyText,
+ text_scale = (0.06, 0.05),
+ text_pos = (-0.005,-0.01),
+ image = (upButton,
+ downButton,
+ rolloverButton,
+ upButton,
+ ),
+ image_color = (1.0, 0.2, 0.2, 1),
+ # Make the rollover button pop out
+ image0_color = Vec4(1.0, 0.4, 0.4, 1),
+ # Make the disabled button fade out
+ image3_color = Vec4(1.0, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4),
+ command = self.__handlePurchaseRequest,
+ )
+ #self.updateBuyButton()
+ soundIcons = loader.loadModel('phase_5.5/models/gui/catalogSoundIcons')
+ soundOn = soundIcons.find('**/sound07')
+ soundOff = soundIcons.find('**/sound08')
+ self.soundOnButton = DirectButton(
+ parent = self,
+ relief = None,
+ pos = (0.2, 0, -0.15),
+ scale = (0.7,1,0.8),
+ #geom = soundOn,
+ #text = TTLocalizer.CatalogSndOnText,
+ text_scale = (0.06, 0.05),
+ text_pos = (-0.005,-0.01),
+ image = (upButton,
+ downButton,
+ rolloverButton,
+ upButton,
+ ),
+ image_color = (0.2, 0.5, 0.2, 1),
+ # Make the rollover button pop out
+ image0_color = Vec4(0.4, 0.5, 0.4, 1),
+ # Make the disabled button fade out
+ image3_color = Vec4(0.4, 0.5, 0.4, 0.4),
+ command = self.handleSoundOnButton,
+ )
+ self.soundOnButton.hide()
+ soundOn.setScale(0.1)
+ soundOn.reparentTo(self.soundOnButton)
+ self.soundOffButton = DirectButton(
+ parent = self,
+ relief = None,
+ pos = (0.2, 0, -0.15),
+ scale = (0.7,1,0.8),
+ #text = TTLocalizer.CatalogSndOffText,
+ text_scale = (0.06, 0.05),
+ text_pos = (-0.005,-0.01),
+ image = (upButton,
+ downButton,
+ rolloverButton,
+ upButton,
+ ),
+ image_color = (0.2, 1.0, 0.2, 1),
+ # Make the rollover button pop out
+ image0_color = Vec4(0.4, 1.0, 0.4, 1),
+ # Make the disabled button fade out
+ image3_color = Vec4(0.4, 1.0, 0.4, 0.4),
+ command = self.handleSoundOffButton,
+ )
+ self.soundOffButton.hide()
+ soundOff = self.soundOffButton.attachNewNode('soundOff')
+ soundOn.copyTo(soundOff)
+ #soundOff.setScale(0.1)
+ soundOff.reparentTo(self.soundOffButton)
+ upGButton = buttonModels.find("**/InventoryButtonUp")
+ downGButton = buttonModels.find("**/InventoryButtonDown")
+ rolloverGButton = buttonModels.find("**/InventoryButtonRollover")
+ ##if len(base.localAvatar.friendsList) > 0:
+ self.giftButton = DirectButton(
+ parent = self,
+ relief = None,
+ pos = (0.2, 0, 0.15),
+ scale = (0.7,1,0.8),
+ text = TTLocalizer.CatalogGiftText,
+ text_scale = (0.06, 0.05),
+ text_pos = (-0.005,-0.01),
+ image = (upButton,
+ downButton,
+ rolloverButton,
+ upButton,
+ ),
+ image_color = (1.0, 0.2, 0.2, 1),
+ # Make the rollover button pop out
+ image0_color = Vec4(1.0, 0.4, 0.4, 1),
+ # Make the disabled button fade out
+ image3_color = Vec4(1.0, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4),
+ command = self.__handleGiftRequest,
+ )
+ self.updateButtons()
+ def showNextVariant(self):
+ messenger.send('wakeup')
+ self.hideCurrentVariant()
+ self.itemIndex += 1
+ if self.itemIndex >= self.numItems - 1:
+ self.itemIndex = self.numItems - 1
+ self.nextVariant['state'] = DGG.DISABLED
+ else:
+ self.nextVariant['state'] = DGG.NORMAL
+ self.prevVariant['state'] = DGG.NORMAL
+ self.showCurrentVariant()
+ def showPrevVariant(self):
+ messenger.send('wakeup')
+ self.hideCurrentVariant()
+ self.itemIndex -= 1
+ if self.itemIndex < 0:
+ self.itemIndex = 0
+ self.prevVariant['state'] = DGG.DISABLED
+ else:
+ self.prevVariant['state'] = DGG.NORMAL
+ self.nextVariant['state'] = DGG.NORMAL
+ self.showCurrentVariant()
+ def showCurrentVariant(self):
+ newPic, self.ival = self.variantPictures[self.itemIndex]
+ if self.ival:
+ self.ival.finish()
+ if not newPic:
+ variant = self.items[self.itemIndex]
+ newPic, self.ival = variant.getPicture(base.localAvatar)
+ self.variantPictures[self.itemIndex] = (newPic, self.ival)
+ newPic.reparentTo(self.pictureFrame)
+ if self.ival:
+ self.ival.loop()
+ if (self['item'].getTypeCode() == CatalogItemTypes.TOON_STATUE_ITEM):
+ if hasattr(self, 'nameLabel'):
+ self.nameLabel['text'] = self.items[self.itemIndex].getDisplayName()
+ self['item'].gardenIndex = self.items[self.itemIndex].gardenIndex
+ def hideCurrentVariant(self):
+ currentPic = self.variantPictures[self.itemIndex][0]
+ if currentPic:
+ currentPic.detachNode()
+ def unload(self):
+ if not self.loaded:
+ DirectFrame.destroy(self)
+ return
+ self.loaded = 0
+ # Getting Toon Statue to the first pose before exiting.
+ if (self['item'].getTypeCode() == CatalogItemTypes.TOON_STATUE_ITEM):
+ self['item'].deleteAllToonStatues()
+ self['item'].gardenIndex = self['item'].startPoseIndex
+ self.nameLabel['text'] = self['item'].getDisplayName()
+ # Cleanup any items created during requestPurchase
+ self['item'].requestPurchaseCleanup()
+ # Clear out instance variables
+ for picture, ival in self.variantPictures:
+ if picture:
+ picture.destroy()
+ if ival:
+ ival.finish()
+ self.variantPictures=None
+ if self.ival:
+ self.ival.finish()
+ self.ival = None
+ if(len(self.items)):
+ self.items[0].cleanupPicture()
+ self.pictureFrame.remove()
+ self.pictureFrame=None
+ self.items=[]
+ if self.verify:
+ self.verify.cleanup()
+ DirectFrame.destroy(self)
+ def destroy(self):
+ # this is only so the DirectGui code cleans us up properly
+ self.parentCatalogScreen=None
+ self.unload()
+ def getTeaserPanel(self):
+ # display the appropriate page of the feature browser for this catalog item type
+ typeName = self['item'].getTypeName()
+ if (typeName == TTLocalizer.EmoteTypeName) or (typeName == TTLocalizer.ChatTypeName):
+ page = 'emotions'
+ elif (typeName == TTLocalizer.GardenTypeName) or (typeName == TTLocalizer.GardenStarterTypeName):
+ page = 'gardening'
+ else:
+ # default
+ page = 'clothing'
+ def showTeaserPanel():
+ TeaserPanel(pageName=page)
+ return showTeaserPanel
+ def updateBuyButton(self):
+ # display the correct button based on item status
+ # if reached purchase limit
+ if not self.loaded:
+ return
+ # Only paid members can purchase
+ if not
+ self.buyButton['command'] = self.getTeaserPanel()
+ #print (self['item'].getName())
+ # Show if on order
+ typeCode = self['item'].getTypeCode()
+ orderCount = base.localAvatar.onOrder.count(self['item'])
+ if (orderCount > 0):
+ if orderCount > 1:
+ auxText = "%d %s" % (orderCount, TTLocalizer.CatalogOnOrderText)
+ else:
+ auxText = TTLocalizer.CatalogOnOrderText
+ #self.buyButton.hide()
+ else:
+ auxText = ""
+ # else if you have the current nametag
+ isNameTag = (typeCode == CatalogItemTypes.NAMETAG_ITEM)
+ if isNameTag and not (localAvatar.getGameAccess() == OTPGlobals.AccessFull):
+ # If the item panel is the free player nametag
+ if (self['item'].nametagStyle == 100):
+ if (localAvatar.getFont() == ToontownGlobals.getToonFont()):
+ auxText = TTLocalizer.CatalogCurrent
+ self.buyButton['state'] = DGG.DISABLED
+ elif isNameTag and (self['item'].nametagStyle == localAvatar.getNametagStyle()):
+ auxText = TTLocalizer.CatalogCurrent
+ self.buyButton['state'] = DGG.DISABLED
+ elif (self['item'].reachedPurchaseLimit(base.localAvatar)):
+ max = self['item'].getPurchaseLimit()
+ # Override aux text
+ if max <= 1:
+ auxText = TTLocalizer.CatalogPurchasedText
+ if self['item'].hasBeenGifted(base.localAvatar):
+ auxText = TTLocalizer.CatalogGiftedText
+ else:
+ auxText = TTLocalizer.CatalogPurchasedMaxText
+ self.buyButton['state'] = DGG.DISABLED
+ #self.buyButton.hide()
+ # else if can afford
+ elif ( hasattr(self['item'], 'noGarden') and
+ self['item'].noGarden(base.localAvatar)):
+ auxText = TTLocalizer.NoGarden
+ self.buyButton['state'] = DGG.DISABLED
+ elif ( hasattr(self['item'], 'isSkillTooLow') and
+ self['item'].isSkillTooLow(base.localAvatar)):
+ auxText = TTLocalizer.SkillTooLow
+ self.buyButton['state'] = DGG.DISABLED
+ elif ( hasattr(self['item'], 'getDaysToGo') and
+ self['item'].getDaysToGo(base.localAvatar)):
+ auxText = TTLocalizer.DaysToGo % self['item'].getDaysToGo(base.localAvatar)
+ self.buyButton['state'] = DGG.DISABLED
+ elif ( self['item'].getPrice(self['type']) <=
+ (base.localAvatar.getMoney() +
+ base.localAvatar.getBankMoney()) ):
+ self.buyButton['state'] = DGG.NORMAL
+ # else ghosted buy button
+ else:
+ self.buyButton['state'] = DGG.DISABLED
+ self.auxText['text'] = auxText
+ def __handlePurchaseRequest(self):
+ # prompt the user to verify purchase
+ if self['item'].replacesExisting() and self['item'].hasExisting():
+ message = TTLocalizer.CatalogOnlyOnePurchase % {
+ 'old' : self['item'].getYourOldDesc(),
+ 'item' : self['item'].getName(),
+ 'price' : self['item'].getPrice(self['type']),
+ }
+ else:
+ if self['item'].isRental():
+ message = TTLocalizer.CatalogVerifyRent % {
+ 'item' : self['item'].getName(),
+ 'price' : self['item'].getPrice(self['type']),
+ }
+ else:
+ message = TTLocalizer.CatalogVerifyPurchase % {
+ 'item' : self['item'].getName(),
+ 'price' : self['item'].getPrice(self['type']),
+ }
+ self.verify = TTDialog.TTGlobalDialog(
+ doneEvent = "verifyDone",
+ message = message,
+ style = TTDialog.TwoChoice)
+ self.accept("verifyDone", self.__handleVerifyPurchase)
+ def __handleVerifyPurchase(self):
+ # prompt the user to verify purchase
+ status = self.verify.doneStatus
+ self.ignore("verifyDone")
+ self.verify.cleanup()
+ del self.verify
+ self.verify = None
+ if (status == "ok"):
+ # ask the AI to clear this purchase
+ item = self.items[self.itemIndex]
+ messenger.send("CatalogItemPurchaseRequest", [item])
+ self.buyButton['state'] = DGG.DISABLED
+ def __handleGiftRequest(self):
+ # prompt the user to verify purchase
+ if self['item'].replacesExisting() and self['item'].hasExisting():
+ message = TTLocalizer.CatalogOnlyOnePurchase % {
+ 'old' : self['item'].getYourOldDesc(),
+ 'item' : self['item'].getName(),
+ 'price' : self['item'].getPrice(self['type']),
+ }
+ else:
+ friendIndex = self.parentCatalogScreen.friendGiftIndex
+ friendText = "Error";
+ numFriends = len(base.localAvatar.friendsList) + len( - 1
+ if numFriends > 0:
+ #friendPair = base.localAvatar.friendsList[self.parentCatalogScreen.friendGiftIndex]
+ #handle =[0])
+ #friendText = self.parentCatalogScreen.friendGiftHandle.getName()
+ friendText = self.parentCatalogScreen.receiverName
+ message = TTLocalizer.CatalogVerifyGift % {
+ 'item' : self['item'].getName(),
+ 'price' : self['item'].getPrice(self['type']),
+ 'friend' : friendText,
+ }
+ self.verify = TTDialog.TTGlobalDialog(
+ doneEvent = "verifyGiftDone",
+ message = message,
+ style = TTDialog.TwoChoice)
+ self.accept("verifyGiftDone", self.__handleVerifyGift)
+ def __handleVerifyGift(self):
+ # prompt the user to verify purchase
+ status = self.verify.doneStatus
+ self.ignore("verifyGiftDone")
+ self.verify.cleanup()
+ del self.verify
+ self.verify = None
+ if (status == "ok"):
+ # ask the AI to clear this purchase
+ self.giftButton['state'] = DGG.DISABLED
+ item = self.items[self.itemIndex]
+ messenger.send("CatalogItemGiftPurchaseRequest", [item])
+ def updateButtons(self, giftActivate = 0):
+ if self.parentCatalogScreen.gifting == -1:
+ self.updateBuyButton()
+ if self.loaded:
+ self.giftButton.hide()
+ else:
+ #print("update gift button")
+ self.updateGiftButton(giftActivate)
+ if self.loaded:
+ self.buyButton.hide()
+ def updateGiftButton(self, giftUpdate = 0):
+ # display the correct button based on item status
+ # if reached purchase limit
+ if not self.loaded:
+ return
+ if giftUpdate == 0:
+ return
+ # Only paid members can purchase gifts
+ if not
+ self.giftButton['command'] = self.getTeaserPanel()
+ self.auxText['text'] = " "
+ numFriends = len(base.localAvatar.friendsList) + len( - 1
+ if numFriends > 0:
+ # Start as ghosted and disabled
+ self.giftButton['state'] = DGG.DISABLED
+ #self.giftButton['state'] = DGG.NORMAL #REMOVE ME
+ #return # REMOVE ME
+ #friendPair = base.localAvatar.friendsList[self.parentCatalogScreen.friendGiftIndex]
+ #if it's not a gift hide it
+ auxText = " "
+ if (self['item'].isGift() <= 0):
+ self.giftButton['state'] = DGG.DISABLED
+ auxText = TTLocalizer.CatalogNotAGift
+ self.auxText['text'] = auxText
+ return
+ #print "not a gift"
+ #self.giftButton.hide()
+ #otherwise if you have a valid avater for your friend attempt to activate the button
+ elif (self.parentCatalogScreen.gotAvatar == 1):
+ avatar = self.parentCatalogScreen.giftAvatar #aliasing the giftAvater
+ #if it is for the other gender then fail
+ if((self['item'].forBoysOnly() and avatar.getStyle().getGender() == 'f') or (self['item'].forGirlsOnly() and avatar.getStyle().getGender() == 'm')):
+ self.giftButton['state'] = DGG.DISABLED
+ auxText = TTLocalizer.CatalogNoFit
+ self.auxText['text'] = auxText
+ #print "fit"
+ return
+ #if it's purchase limit is reached fail
+ elif(self['item'].reachedPurchaseLimit(avatar)):
+ self.giftButton['state'] = DGG.DISABLED
+ auxText = TTLocalizer.CatalogPurchasedGiftText
+ self.auxText['text'] = auxText
+ #print "limit"
+ return
+ #if their onGiftorder box is full
+ elif len(avatar.mailboxContents) + len(avatar.onGiftOrder) >= ToontownGlobals.MaxMailboxContents:
+ self.giftButton['state'] = DGG.DISABLED
+ auxText = TTLocalizer.CatalogMailboxFull
+ self.auxText['text'] = auxText
+ #print "full"
+ return
+ #if can you afford it activate the gift button
+ elif ( self['item'].getPrice(self['type']) <=
+ (base.localAvatar.getMoney() +
+ base.localAvatar.getBankMoney()) ):
+ self.giftButton['state'] = DGG.NORMAL
+ def handleSoundOnButton(self):
+ """Handle the user clicking on the sound."""
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ item = self.items[self.itemIndex]
+ self.soundOnButton.hide()
+ if hasattr(item, 'changeIval'):
+ if self.ival:
+ self.ival.finish()
+ self.ival = None
+ self.ival = item.changeIval(volume = 1)
+ self.ival.loop()
+ def handleSoundOffButton(self):
+ """Handle the user clicking off the sound."""
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ item = self.items[self.itemIndex]
+ self.soundOffButton.hide()
+ if hasattr(item, 'changeIval'):
+ if self.ival:
+ self.ival.finish()
+ self.ival = None
+ self.ival = item.changeIval(volume = 0)
+ self.ival.loop()
diff --git a/toontown/src/catalog/ b/toontown/src/catalog/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84988dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/catalog/
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+import CatalogFurnitureItem
+import CatalogChatItem
+import CatalogClothingItem
+import CatalogEmoteItem
+import CatalogWallpaperItem
+import CatalogFlooringItem
+import CatalogWainscotingItem
+import CatalogMouldingItem
+import CatalogWindowItem
+import CatalogPoleItem
+import CatalogPetTrickItem
+import CatalogBeanItem
+import CatalogGardenItem
+import CatalogInvalidItem
+import CatalogRentalItem
+import CatalogGardenStarterItem
+import CatalogNametagItem
+import CatalogToonStatueItem
+import CatalogAnimatedFurnitureItem
+# Catalog item type codes. These code numbers are written to the
+# database to represent each particular type of catalog item; you may
+# add to this list, but don't change previous numbers once they have
+# been published.
+# As you add more item types, please add to TTLocalizer.CatalogItemTypeNames too
+NonPermanentItemTypes = (RENTAL_ITEM, )
+CatalogItemTypes = {
+ CatalogInvalidItem.CatalogInvalidItem : INVALID_ITEM,
+ CatalogFurnitureItem.CatalogFurnitureItem : FURNITURE_ITEM,
+ CatalogChatItem.CatalogChatItem : CHAT_ITEM,
+ CatalogClothingItem.CatalogClothingItem : CLOTHING_ITEM,
+ CatalogEmoteItem.CatalogEmoteItem : EMOTE_ITEM,
+ CatalogWallpaperItem.CatalogWallpaperItem : WALLPAPER_ITEM,
+ CatalogWindowItem.CatalogWindowItem : WINDOW_ITEM,
+ CatalogFlooringItem.CatalogFlooringItem : FLOORING_ITEM,
+ CatalogMouldingItem.CatalogMouldingItem : MOULDING_ITEM,
+ CatalogWainscotingItem.CatalogWainscotingItem : WAINSCOTING_ITEM,
+ CatalogPoleItem.CatalogPoleItem : POLE_ITEM,
+ CatalogPetTrickItem.CatalogPetTrickItem : PET_TRICK_ITEM,
+ CatalogBeanItem.CatalogBeanItem : BEAN_ITEM,
+ CatalogGardenItem.CatalogGardenItem : GARDEN_ITEM,
+ CatalogRentalItem.CatalogRentalItem : RENTAL_ITEM,
+ CatalogGardenStarterItem.CatalogGardenStarterItem : GARDENSTARTER_ITEM,
+ CatalogNametagItem.CatalogNametagItem : NAMETAG_ITEM,
+ CatalogToonStatueItem.CatalogToonStatueItem : TOON_STATUE_ITEM,
+ CatalogAnimatedFurnitureItem.CatalogAnimatedFurnitureItem : ANIMATED_FURNITURE_ITEM,
+ }
+# for each catalog item type, indicates whether or not toons are allowed to have more than one
+# of any particular item of that type
+CatalogItemType2multipleAllowed = {
+ CHAT_ITEM : False,
+ EMOTE_ITEM : False,
+ POLE_ITEM : False,
+ BEAN_ITEM : True,
+ GARDEN_ITEM : False,
+ RENTAL_ITEM : False,
+ }
+assert len(CatalogItemType2multipleAllowed) == len(CatalogItemTypes)
+# We only use the bottom n bits of the type byte to encode the type
+# number. For now, we reserve 5 bits, which gives us type codes up to
+# 31. We can change this if we need more type codes or more
+# high-order bits later.
+CatalogItemTypeMask = 0x1f
+assert(CatalogItemTypeMask > max(CatalogItemTypes.values()))
+# The remaining high-order bits are reserved for esoteric flags on the
+# catalog items.
+CatalogItemSaleFlag = 0x80
+CatalogItemGiftTag = 0x40
diff --git a/toontown/src/catalog/ b/toontown/src/catalog/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b581a50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/catalog/
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+from direct.distributed import DistributedObject
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+class CatalogManager(DistributedObject.DistributedObject):
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("CatalogManager")
+ # We should never disable this guy.
+ neverDisable = 1
+ def __init__(self, cr):
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.__init__(self, cr)
+ ### Interface methods ###
+ ### DistributedObject methods ###
+ def generate(self):
+ """
+ This method is called when the DistributedObject is reintroduced
+ to the world, either for the first time or from the cache.
+ """
+ if != None:
+ = self
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.generate(self)
+ # The first time a particular toon enters the world, start its
+ # catalog system running.
+ # We only want Toons to start the catalog manager running, however,
+ # not gateway avatars, etc.
+ if (hasattr(base.localAvatar, "catalogScheduleNextTime") and
+ base.localAvatar.catalogScheduleNextTime == 0):
+ self.d_startCatalog()
+ def disable(self):
+ """
+ This method is called when the DistributedObject is removed from
+ active duty and stored in a cache.
+ """
+ #self.notify.warning("Hey! The CatalogManager was disabled!")
+ = None
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.disable(self)
+ def delete(self):
+ """
+ This method is called when the DistributedObject is permanently
+ removed from the world and deleted from the cache.
+ """
+ #self.notify.warning("Hey! The CatalogManager was deleted!")
+ = None
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.delete(self)
+ def d_startCatalog(self):
+ self.sendUpdate("startCatalog", [])
diff --git a/toontown/src/catalog/ b/toontown/src/catalog/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9d5753
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/catalog/
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+# This file will hold the object that handles setting up long-term
+# (multiple day) do-later tasks for announcing a new catalog to a
+# player and/or scheduling deliveries of recently-ordered catalog
+# items. It also handles the actual purchase of items from the
+# catalog.
+from direct.distributed import DistributedObjectAI
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+import CatalogGenerator
+import CatalogItem
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+import time
+import math
+from import AvatarGetter
+from direct.showbase.PythonUtil import Functor
+from toontown.catalog import CatalogItemList
+from toontown.catalog import CatalogItem
+CatalogInterval = 7 * 24 * 60 # 1 week (in minutes)
+class CatalogManagerAI(DistributedObjectAI.DistributedObjectAI):
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("CatalogManagerAI")
+ timeScale = simbase.config.GetFloat('catalog-time-scale', 1.0)
+ catalogInterval = CatalogInterval / timeScale
+ # If this is true, the catalog manager will deliver catalogs based
+ # on real time elapsed, even if the user has not played for more
+ # than one week. If false, each next catalog delivered will be no
+ # more than one more than the previous catalog delivered, no
+ # matter how much time has elapsed in the interim.
+ skipWeeks = simbase.config.GetBool('catalog-skip-weeks', 0)
+ def __init__(self, air):
+ DistributedObjectAI.DistributedObjectAI.__init__(self, air)
+ self.generator = CatalogGenerator.CatalogGenerator()
+ self.uniqueIdToReturnCode = {} #cache for return phone calls
+"Catalog time scale %s." % (self.timeScale))
+ #DATA holders for gifting an item. So item can be handled on response
+ def generate(self):
+ DistributedObjectAI.DistributedObjectAI.generate(self)
+ def delete(self):
+ DistributedObjectAI.DistributedObjectAI.delete(self)
+ def forceCatalog(self, avatar, week, afterMinutes = 0):
+ # Forces the catalog to the indicated week for the given
+ # avatar by fiddling with the avatar's start date. Mainly
+ # used for testing and magic words.
+ weekDelta = week - avatar.catalogScheduleCurrentWeek - 1
+ now = (int)(time.time() / 60 + 0.5)
+ avatar.catalogScheduleNextTime = now - (weekDelta * self.catalogInterval) + afterMinutes
+ # Temporarily force skipWeeks to true by setting a local
+ # instance variable.
+ self.skipWeeks = 1
+ self.deliverCatalogFor(avatar)
+ # Delete the instance variable to re-expose the class variable.
+ del self.skipWeeks
+ def forceMonthlyCatalog(self, avatar, month, day):
+ # Forces the avatar's monthly catalog to be delivered as if it
+ # were the indicated month and day. Used for testing and
+ # magic words.
+ nowtuple = time.localtime(time.time())
+ thentuple = list(nowtuple)
+ thentuple[1] = month
+ thentuple[2] = day
+ then = time.mktime(thentuple)
+ monthlyCatalog = self.generator.generateMonthlyCatalog(avatar, then / 60)
+ avatar.b_setCatalog(monthlyCatalog, avatar.weeklyCatalog, avatar.backCatalog)
+ def deliverCatalogFor(self, avatar):
+ # Computes the next catalog time for and delivers the catalog
+ # to the indicated avatar.
+ # Get the current time in minutes.
+ now = (int)(time.time() / 60 + 0.5)
+ if avatar.catalogScheduleNextTime == 0:
+ # This avatar has never received a catalog before; this
+ # becomes the first one.
+ currentWeek = 1
+ weekStart = now
+ nextTime = weekStart + self.catalogInterval
+ else:
+ # This avatar has received a catalog before, so determine
+ # which week it is for him.
+ # We start the week at the avatar's next scheduled
+ # delivery time; this represents the start of the next
+ # following week. Usually (if the player logs in often
+ # enough) this will be the correct value to keep.
+ weekStart = avatar.catalogScheduleNextTime
+ currentWeek = avatar.catalogScheduleCurrentWeek + 1
+ # However, perhaps the player hasn't logged in for some
+ # time, in which case we also need to skip the intervening
+ # weeks.
+ # On second thought, that seems to be vexing to users.
+ # Maybe the right thing to do is not to skip any
+ # intervening weeks.
+ interval = now - weekStart
+ weekDelta = int(math.floor(float(interval) / float(self.catalogInterval)))
+ if self.skipWeeks:
+ currentWeek += weekDelta
+ weekStart += weekDelta * self.catalogInterval
+ nextTime = weekStart + self.catalogInterval
+ assert(weekStart <= now)
+ # We might come up with nextTime within one minute of now due
+ # to small roundoff error in the above. If so, just jump to
+ # the next week.
+ if nextTime <= now + 1:
+ if self.skipWeeks:
+ currentWeek += 1
+ weekStart += self.catalogInterval
+ nextTime += self.catalogInterval
+ assert(nextTime > now)
+ newMonthlyCatalog = (currentWeek != avatar.catalogScheduleCurrentWeek)
+ previousWeek = avatar.catalogScheduleCurrentWeek
+ newWeeklyCatalog = (currentWeek != avatar.catalogScheduleCurrentWeek)
+ self.notify.debug("Avatar %s at catalog week %s (previous %s)." % (
+ avatar.doId, currentWeek, previousWeek))
+ # Now schedule the next week's catalog delivery.
+ avatar.b_setCatalogSchedule(currentWeek, nextTime)
+ # We decided that we should wrap around to the beginning of the
+ # catalogs instead of holding on the last.
+ modCurrentWeek = ((currentWeek - 1) % ToontownGlobals.CatalogNumWeeks) + 1
+ if newMonthlyCatalog or newWeeklyCatalog:
+ # Finally, generate a new catalog for the avatar.
+ monthlyCatalog = self.generator.generateMonthlyCatalog(avatar, weekStart)
+ if newWeeklyCatalog:
+ weeklyCatalog = self.generator.generateWeeklyCatalog(avatar, modCurrentWeek, monthlyCatalog)
+ backCatalog = self.generator.generateBackCatalog(avatar, modCurrentWeek, previousWeek, weeklyCatalog)
+ # Truncate the old items in the back catalog if it's too
+ # long.
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ if len(backCatalog) > ToontownGlobals.MaxBackCatalog:
+ stickDict = {}
+ #print ("Back Catalog \n\n%s\n\nend back" % (backCatalog))
+ for item in backCatalog:
+ itemType, numSticky = item.getBackSticky()
+ #print ("type %s numSticky %s" % (itemType, numSticky))
+ if numSticky > 0:
+ if stickDict.has_key(itemType):
+ #print("has Key")
+ if (len(stickDict[itemType]) < numSticky):
+ stickDict[itemType].append(item)
+ else:
+ #print ("no key")
+ stickDict[itemType] = [item]
+ #print ("stickDict %s" % (stickDict))
+ backCatalog.remove(item)
+ backCatalog = backCatalog[ : ToontownGlobals.MaxBackCatalog]
+ for key in stickDict:
+ stickList = stickDict[key]
+ for item in stickList:
+ backCatalog.append(item)
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ else:
+ weeklyCatalog = avatar.weeklyCatalog
+ backCatalog = avatar.backCatalog
+ avatar.b_setCatalog(monthlyCatalog, weeklyCatalog, backCatalog)
+ if (len(monthlyCatalog) + len(weeklyCatalog) != 0):
+ avatar.b_setCatalogNotify(ToontownGlobals.NewItems, avatar.mailboxNotify)
+ self.air.writeServerEvent(
+ 'issue-catalog', avatar.doId, "%s" % (modCurrentWeek))
+ def purchaseItem(self, avatar, item, optional):
+ # Purchases the item for the given avatar. Returns the
+ # appropriate status code from If the item
+ # requires a delayed delivery, this will schedule the
+ # delivery; otherwise, it will be purchased immediately.
+ retcode = None
+ if item in avatar.monthlyCatalog:
+ catalogType = CatalogItem.CatalogTypeMonthly
+ elif item in avatar.weeklyCatalog:
+ catalogType = CatalogItem.CatalogTypeWeekly
+ elif item in avatar.backCatalog:
+ catalogType = CatalogItem.CatalogTypeBackorder
+ else:
+ self.air.writeServerEvent('suspicious', avatar.doId, 'purchaseItem %s not in catalog' % (item))
+ self.notify.warning("Avatar %s attempted to purchase %s, not on catalog." % (avatar.doId, item))
+ self.notify.warning("Avatar %s weekly: %s" % (avatar.doId, avatar.weeklyCatalog))
+ return ToontownGlobals.P_NotInCatalog
+ price = item.getPrice(catalogType)
+ if price > avatar.getTotalMoney():
+ self.air.writeServerEvent('suspicious', avatar.doId, 'purchaseItem %s not enough money' % (item))
+ self.notify.warning("Avatar %s attempted to purchase %s, not enough money." % (avatar.doId, item))
+ return ToontownGlobals.P_NotEnoughMoney
+ deliveryTime = item.getDeliveryTime() / self.timeScale
+ if deliveryTime == 0:
+ # Deliver the item immediately.
+ self.notify.debug("Avatar %s purchased %s, delivered immediately." % (avatar.doId, item))
+ retcode = item.recordPurchase(avatar, optional)
+ else:
+ # Schedule a future delivery.
+ retcode = self.setDelivery(avatar, item, deliveryTime, retcode, doUpdateLater = True)
+ if retcode >= 0:
+ # Now deduct the avatar's money. We do this last, since there
+ # is a tiny window in which the player might log out between
+ # these transactions and miss the last transaction; we'd
+ # rather err in the player's favor.
+ self.deductMoney(avatar, price, item)
+ return retcode
+ def deductMoney(self, avatar, price, item):
+ bankPrice = min(avatar.getBankMoney(), price)
+ walletPrice = price - bankPrice
+ avatar.b_setBankMoney(avatar.getBankMoney() - bankPrice)
+ avatar.b_setMoney(avatar.getMoney() - walletPrice)
+ self.air.writeServerEvent(
+ 'catalog-purchase', avatar.doId, "%s|%s" %
+ (price, item))
+ #pdb.set_trace()
+ def refundMoney(self, avatarId, refund):
+ avatar = self.air.doId2do.get(avatarId)
+ if avatar:
+ avatar.addMoney(refund)
+ self.air.writeServerEvent(
+ 'refunded-money', avatar.doId, "%s" %
+ (refund))
+ #pdb.set_trace()
+ def setDelivery(self, avatar, item, deliveryTime, retcode, doUpdateLater):
+ if len(avatar.mailboxContents) + len(avatar.onOrder) >= ToontownGlobals.MaxMailboxContents:
+ self.notify.debug("Avatar %s has %s in mailbox and %s on order, too many." % (avatar.doId, len(avatar.mailboxContents), len(avatar.onOrder)))
+ if len(avatar.mailboxContents) == 0:
+ # If the mailbox is empty, don't tell the user to
+ # delete something out of his mailbox--he just has
+ # to wait for some of the stuff on his delivery
+ # list to arrive.
+ retcode = ToontownGlobals.P_OnOrderListFull
+ else:
+ # If there's stuff in the mailbox to delete,
+ # advise the user to do so.
+ retcode = ToontownGlobals.P_MailboxFull
+ else:
+ self.notify.debug("Avatar %s purchased %s, to be delivered later." % (avatar.doId, item))
+ now = (int)(time.time() / 60 + 0.5)
+ item.deliveryDate = int(now + deliveryTime)
+ avatar.onOrder.append(item)
+ avatar.b_setDeliverySchedule(avatar.onOrder, doUpdateLater = doUpdateLater)
+ retcode = ToontownGlobals.P_ItemOnOrder
+ #pdb.set_trace()
+ return retcode
+ def payForGiftItem(self, avatar, item, retcode):
+ print("in pay for Gift Item")
+ if item in avatar.monthlyCatalog:
+ catalogType = CatalogItem.CatalogTypeMonthly
+ elif item in avatar.weeklyCatalog:
+ catalogType = CatalogItem.CatalogTypeWeekly
+ elif item in avatar.backCatalog:
+ catalogType = CatalogItem.CatalogTypeBackorder
+ else:
+ self.air.writeServerEvent('suspicious', avatar.doId, 'purchaseItem %s not in catalog' % (item))
+ self.notify.warning("Avatar %s attempted to purchase %s, not on catalog." % (avatar.doId, item))
+ self.notify.warning("Avatar %s weekly: %s" % (avatar.doId, avatar.weeklyCatalog))
+ retcode = ToontownGlobals.P_NotInCatalog
+ return 0
+ price = item.getPrice(catalogType)
+ if price > avatar.getTotalMoney():
+ self.air.writeServerEvent('suspicious', avatar.doId, 'purchaseItem %s not enough money' % (item))
+ self.notify.warning("Avatar %s attempted to purchase %s, not enough money." % (avatar.doId, item))
+ retcode = ToontownGlobals.P_NotEnoughMoney
+ return 0
+ self.deductMoney(avatar, price, item)
+ return 1
+ def startCatalog(self):
+ # This message is sent by the client when he believes it is
+ # time to start the catalog system for himself.
+ avId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender()
+ avatar = self.air.doId2do.get(avId)
+ if avatar and avatar.catalogScheduleNextTime == 0:
+ print("starting catalog for %s" % (avatar.getName()))
+ self.deliverCatalogFor(avatar)
diff --git a/toontown/src/catalog/ b/toontown/src/catalog/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ac1a30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/catalog/
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+from CatalogSurfaceItem import *
+# Indicies into Moulding Textures Dictionary
+MTTextureName = 0
+MTColor = 1
+MTBasePrice = 2
+# These index numbers are written to the database. Don't mess with them.
+# Also see TTLocalizer.MouldingNames.
+MouldingTypes = {
+ # Wood - Series 1
+ 1000 : ("phase_3.5/maps/molding_wood1.jpg", CTBasicWoodColorOnWhite, 150),
+ # Plain with colors - Series 1
+ 1010 : ("phase_5.5/maps/bd_grey_border1.jpg", CTFlatColorDark, 150),
+ # Dental wood - Series 2
+ 1020 : ("phase_5.5/maps/dental_Border_wood_neutral.jpg", CTFlatColorDark, 150),
+ # Flowers - Series 2
+ 1030 : ("phase_5.5/maps/littleFlowers_border.jpg", CTWhite, 150),
+ 1040 : ("phase_5.5/maps/littleFlowers_border_neutral.jpg", CTFlatColorDark, 150),
+ # Ladybug - Unused
+ 1050 : ("phase_5.5/maps/ladybugs2_Border.jpg", CTFlatColorDark, 150),
+ # Valentines
+ 1060 : ("phase_5.5/maps/bd_grey_border1.jpg", CTValentinesColors, 150),
+ # Beach
+ 1070 : ("phase_5.5/maps/bd_grey_border1.jpg", CTUnderwaterColors, 150),
+ # Winter String Lights 1
+ 1080 : ("phase_5.5/maps/tt_t_ara_int_border_winterLights1.jpg", CTWhite, 150),
+ # Winter String Lights 2
+ 1085 : ("phase_5.5/maps/tt_t_ara_int_border_winterLights2.jpg", CTWhite, 150),
+ # Winter String Lights 3
+ 1090 : ("phase_5.5/maps/tt_t_ara_int_border_winterLights3.jpg", CTWhite, 150),
+ # Valentines Day - Cupid
+ 1100 : ("phase_5.5/maps/tt_t_ara_int_border_valentine_cupid.jpg", CTWhite, 150),
+ # Valentines Day - Heart 1
+ 1110 : ("phase_5.5/maps/tt_t_ara_int_border_valentine_heart1.jpg", CTWhite, 150),
+ # Valentines Day - Heart 2
+ 1120 : ("phase_5.5/maps/tt_t_ara_int_border_valentine_heart2.jpg", CTWhite, 150),
+ }
+class CatalogMouldingItem(CatalogSurfaceItem):
+ """CatalogMouldingItem
+ This represents a texture/color combination for moulding.
+ """
+ def makeNewItem(self, patternIndex, colorIndex):
+ self.patternIndex = patternIndex
+ self.colorIndex = colorIndex
+ CatalogSurfaceItem.makeNewItem(self)
+ def getTypeName(self):
+ # e.g. "wallpaper", "wainscoting", etc.
+ return TTLocalizer.SurfaceNames[STMoulding]
+ def getName(self):
+ name = TTLocalizer.MouldingNames.get(self.patternIndex)
+ if name:
+ return name
+ return self.getTypeName()
+ def getSurfaceType(self):
+ # Returns a value reflecting the type of surface this
+ # pattern is intended to be applied to.
+ return STMoulding
+ def getPicture(self, avatar):
+ # Returns a (DirectWidget, Interval) pair to draw and animate a
+ # little representation of the item, or (None, None) if the
+ # item has no representation. This method is only called on
+ # the client.
+## assert (not self.hasPicture)
+ self.hasPicture=True
+ frame = self.makeFrame()
+ sample = loader.loadModel('phase_5.5/models/estate/wallpaper_sample')
+ a = sample.find('**/a')
+ b = sample.find('**/b')
+ c = sample.find('**/c')
+ # Moulding gets applied to the top 1/3, with the bottom
+ # 2/3 hidden.
+ a.setTexture(self.loadTexture(), 1)
+ a.setColorScale(*self.getColor())
+ b.hide()
+ c.hide()
+ sample.reparentTo(frame)
+ return (frame, None)
+ def output(self, store = ~0):
+ return "CatalogMouldingItem(%s, %s%s)" % (
+ self.patternIndex, self.colorIndex,
+ self.formatOptionalData(store))
+ def getFilename(self):
+ return MouldingTypes[self.patternIndex][MTTextureName]
+ def compareTo(self, other):
+ if self.patternIndex != other.patternIndex:
+ return self.patternIndex - other.patternIndex
+ return self.colorIndex - other.colorIndex
+ def getHashContents(self):
+ return (self.patternIndex, self.colorIndex)
+ def getBasePrice(self):
+ return MouldingTypes[self.patternIndex][MTBasePrice]
+ def loadTexture(self):
+ from pandac.PandaModules import Texture
+ filename = MouldingTypes[self.patternIndex][MTTextureName]
+ texture = loader.loadTexture(filename)
+ texture.setMinfilter(Texture.FTLinearMipmapLinear)
+ texture.setMagfilter(Texture.FTLinear)
+ return texture
+ def getColor(self):
+ if self.colorIndex == None:
+ # If no color index is set yet, use first color in color list
+ colorIndex = 0
+ else:
+ colorIndex = self.colorIndex
+ colors = MouldingTypes[self.patternIndex][MTColor]
+ if colors:
+ if colorIndex < len(colors):
+ return colors[colorIndex]
+ else:
+ print "Warning: colorIndex not in colors. Returning white."
+ return CT_WHITE
+ else:
+ return CT_WHITE
+ def decodeDatagram(self, di, versionNumber, store):
+ CatalogAtticItem.CatalogAtticItem.decodeDatagram(self, di, versionNumber, store)
+ if versionNumber < 3:
+ self.patternIndex = di.getUint8()
+ else:
+ self.patternIndex = di.getUint16()
+ self.colorIndex = di.getUint8()
+ # The following will generate an exception if
+ # self.patternIndex is invalid. The other fields can take
+ # care of themselves.
+ wtype = MouldingTypes[self.patternIndex]
+ def encodeDatagram(self, dg, store):
+ CatalogAtticItem.CatalogAtticItem.encodeDatagram(self, dg, store)
+ dg.addUint16(self.patternIndex)
+ dg.addUint8(self.colorIndex)
+def getMouldings(*indexList):
+ # This function returns a list of CatalogMouldingItems
+ # The returned items will all need to be customized (i.e
+ # have a color chosen by the user. Until customization,
+ # use a default color index of 0 (if the pattern has a color
+ # list) or CT_WHITE if the pattern has no color list
+ list = []
+ for index in indexList:
+ list.append(CatalogMouldingItem(index))
+ return list
+def getAllMouldings(*indexList):
+ # This function returns a list of all possible
+ # CatalogMouldingItems (that is, all color variants) for the
+ # indicated type index(es).
+ list = []
+ for index in indexList:
+ colors = MouldingTypes[index][MTColor]
+ if colors:
+ for n in range(len(colors)):
+ list.append(CatalogMouldingItem(index, n))
+ else:
+ list.append(CatalogMouldingItem(index, 0))
+ return list
+def getMouldingRange(fromIndex, toIndex, *otherRanges):
+ # This function returns a list of all possible
+ # CatalogMouldingItems (that is, all color variants) for the
+ # indicated type index(es).
+ # Make sure we got an even number of otherRanges
+ assert(len(otherRanges)%2 == 0)
+ list = []
+ froms = [fromIndex,]
+ tos = [toIndex,]
+ i = 0
+ while i < len(otherRanges):
+ froms.append(otherRanges[i])
+ tos.append(otherRanges[i+1])
+ i += 2
+ for patternIndex in MouldingTypes.keys():
+ for fromIndex, toIndex in zip(froms,tos):
+ if patternIndex >= fromIndex and patternIndex <= toIndex:
+ colors = MouldingTypes[patternIndex][MTColor]
+ if colors:
+ for n in range(len(colors)):
+ list.append(CatalogMouldingItem(patternIndex, n))
+ else:
+ list.append(CatalogMouldingItem(patternIndex, 0))
+ return list
diff --git a/toontown/src/catalog/ b/toontown/src/catalog/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49b7919
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/catalog/
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+import CatalogItem
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+from otp.otpbase import OTPLocalizer
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
+from direct.gui.DirectGui import *
+class CatalogNametagItem(CatalogItem.CatalogItem):
+ """
+ This represents nametags sent
+ """
+ sequenceNumber = 0
+ def makeNewItem(self, nametagStyle):
+ self.nametagStyle = nametagStyle
+ CatalogItem.CatalogItem.makeNewItem(self)
+ def getPurchaseLimit(self):
+ # Returns the maximum number of this particular item an avatar
+ # may purchase. This is either 0, 1, or some larger number; 0
+ # stands for infinity.
+ return 1
+ def reachedPurchaseLimit(self, avatar):
+ # Returns true if the item cannot be bought because the avatar
+ # has already bought his limit on this item.
+ if self in avatar.onOrder or self in avatar.mailboxContents or self in avatar.onGiftOrder \
+ or self in avatar.awardMailboxContents or self in avatar.onAwardOrder:
+ return 1
+ if avatar.nametagStyle == self.nametagStyle:
+ return 1
+ return 0
+ def getAcceptItemErrorText(self, retcode):
+ # Returns a string describing the error that occurred on
+ # attempting to accept the item from the mailbox. The input
+ # parameter is the retcode returned by recordPurchase() or by
+ # mailbox.acceptItem().
+ if retcode == ToontownGlobals.P_ItemAvailable:
+ return TTLocalizer.CatalogAcceptNametag
+ return CatalogItem.CatalogItem.getAcceptItemErrorText(self, retcode)
+ def saveHistory(self):
+ # Returns true if items of this type should be saved in the
+ # back catalog, false otherwise.
+ return 1
+ def getTypeName(self):
+ return TTLocalizer.NametagTypeName
+ def getName(self):
+ if self.nametagStyle == 100:
+ name = TTLocalizer.UnpaidNameTag
+ else:
+ name = TTLocalizer.NametagFontNames[self.nametagStyle]
+ name = name + TTLocalizer.NametagLabel
+ return name
+ if self.nametagStyle == 0:
+ name = TTLocalizer.NametagPaid
+ elif self.nametagStyle == 1:
+ name = TTLocalizer.NametagAction
+ elif self.nametagStyle == 2:
+ name = TTLocalizer.NametagFrilly
+ def recordPurchase(self, avatar, optional):
+ if avatar:
+ avatar.b_setNametagStyle(self.nametagStyle)
+ #avatar.emoteAccess[self.emoteIndex] = 1
+ #avatar.d_setEmoteAccess(avatar.emoteAccess)
+ #TODO: increase the toon's money here
+ return ToontownGlobals.P_ItemAvailable
+ def getPicture(self, avatar):
+ #chatBalloon = loader.loadModel("phase_3/models/props/chatbox.bam")
+ frame = self.makeFrame()
+ if self.nametagStyle == 100:
+ inFont = ToontownGlobals.getToonFont()
+ else:
+ inFont = ToontownGlobals.getNametagFont(self.nametagStyle)
+ #nametagJar = loader.loadModel("phase_3.5/models/gui/jar_gui")
+ nameTagDemo = DirectLabel(
+ parent = frame,
+ relief = None,
+ pos = (0,0,0.24),
+ scale = 0.5,
+ text = localAvatar.getName(),
+ text_fg = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1),
+ text_shadow = (0, 0, 0, 1),
+ text_font = inFont,
+ text_wordwrap = 9,
+ )
+ #chatBalloon.find("**/top").setPos(1,0,5)
+ #chatBalloon.find("**/middle").setScale(1,1,3)
+ #nametagJar.reparentTo(frame)
+ #nametagJar.setPos(0,0,0)
+ #nametagJar.setScale(2.5)
+ assert (not self.hasPicture)
+ self.hasPicture=True
+ return (frame, None)
+ def output(self, store = ~0):
+ return "CatalogNametagItem(%s%s)" % (
+ self.nametagStyle,
+ self.formatOptionalData(store))
+ def compareTo(self, other):
+ return self.nametagStyle - other.nametagStyle
+ def getHashContents(self):
+ return self.nametagStyle
+ def getBasePrice(self):
+ return 500
+ cost = 500
+ if self.nametagStyle == 0:
+ cost = 600
+ elif self.nametagStyle == 1:
+ cost = 600
+ elif self.nametagStyle == 2:
+ cost = 600
+ elif self.nametagStyle == 100:
+ cost = 50
+ return cost
+ def decodeDatagram(self, di, versionNumber, store):
+ CatalogItem.CatalogItem.decodeDatagram(self, di, versionNumber, store)
+ self.nametagStyle = di.getUint16()
+ def encodeDatagram(self, dg, store):
+ CatalogItem.CatalogItem.encodeDatagram(self, dg, store)
+ dg.addUint16(self.nametagStyle)
+ def isGift(self):
+ return 0
+ def getBackSticky(self):
+ #some items should hang around in the back catalog
+ itemType = 1 #the types that should stick around
+ numSticky = 4 #how many should stick around
+ return itemType, numSticky
diff --git a/toontown/src/catalog/ b/toontown/src/catalog/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5940ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/catalog/
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+from direct.gui.DirectGui import *
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+class CatalogNotifyDialog:
+ """CatalogNotifyDialog:
+ Pops up to tell you when you have a new catalog, or a new delivery
+ from the catalog.
+ """
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("CatalogNotifyDialog")
+ def __init__(self, message):
+ self.message = message
+ self.messageIndex = 0
+ framePosX = 0.40
+ from toontown.toon import LocalToon # import here to stop cyclic import
+ if LocalToon.WantNewsPage:
+ framePosX += LocalToon.AdjustmentForNewsButton
+ self.frame = DirectFrame(
+ relief = None,
+ image = DGG.getDefaultDialogGeom(),
+ image_color = ToontownGlobals.GlobalDialogColor,
+ image_scale = (1.2, 1.0, 0.4),
+ text = message[0],
+ text_wordwrap = 16,
+ text_scale = 0.06,
+ text_pos = (-0.1, 0.1),
+ pos = (framePosX, 0, 0.78),
+ )
+ buttons = loader.loadModel(
+ 'phase_3/models/gui/dialog_box_buttons_gui')
+ cancelImageList = (buttons.find('**/CloseBtn_UP'),
+ buttons.find('**/CloseBtn_DN'),
+ buttons.find('**/CloseBtn_Rllvr'))
+ okImageList = (buttons.find('**/ChtBx_OKBtn_UP'),
+ buttons.find('**/ChtBx_OKBtn_DN'),
+ buttons.find('**/ChtBx_OKBtn_Rllvr'))
+ self.nextButton = DirectButton(
+ parent = self.frame,
+ relief = None,
+ image = okImageList,
+ command = self.handleButton,
+ pos = (0, 0, -0.14),
+ )
+ self.doneButton = DirectButton(
+ parent = self.frame,
+ relief = None,
+ image = cancelImageList,
+ command = self.handleButton,
+ pos = (0, 0, -0.14),
+ )
+ if len(message) == 1:
+ self.nextButton.hide()
+ else:
+ self.doneButton.hide()
+ def handleButton(self):
+ self.messageIndex += 1
+ if self.messageIndex >= len(self.message):
+ # That was the last message.
+ self.cleanup()
+ return
+ # There's more text to display.
+ self.frame['text'] = self.message[self.messageIndex]
+ if self.messageIndex + 1 == len(self.message):
+ # That's the last message.
+ self.nextButton.hide()
+ def cleanup(self):
+ """cleanup(self):
+ Cancels any pending request and removes the panel from the
+ screen, unanswered.
+ """
+ if self.frame:
+ self.frame.destroy()
+ self.frame = None
+ if self.nextButton:
+ self.nextButton.destroy()
+ self.nextButton = None
+ if self.doneButton:
+ self.doneButton.destroy()
+ self.doneButton = None
+ def __handleButton(self, value):
+ self.cleanup()
diff --git a/toontown/src/catalog/ b/toontown/src/catalog/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc6fc81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/catalog/
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+import CatalogItem
+from toontown.pets import PetTricks
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+from otp.otpbase import OTPLocalizer
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
+class CatalogPetTrickItem(CatalogItem.CatalogItem):
+ """
+ This represents a phrase you can say to teach your pet to do a
+ particular trick.
+ """
+ sequenceNumber = 0
+ petPicture = None
+ def makeNewItem(self, trickId):
+ self.trickId = trickId
+ CatalogItem.CatalogItem.makeNewItem(self)
+ def getPurchaseLimit(self):
+ # Returns the maximum number of this particular item an avatar
+ # may purchase. This is either 0, 1, or some larger number; 0
+ # stands for infinity.
+ return 1
+ def reachedPurchaseLimit(self, avatar):
+ # Returns true if the item cannot be bought because the avatar
+ # has already bought his limit on this item.
+ if self in avatar.onOrder or self in avatar.mailboxContents or self in avatar.onGiftOrder \
+ or self in avatar.awardMailboxContents or self in avatar.onAwardOrder:
+ return 1
+ return self.trickId in avatar.petTrickPhrases
+ def getAcceptItemErrorText(self, retcode):
+ # Returns a string describing the error that occurred on
+ # attempting to accept the item from the mailbox. The input
+ # parameter is the retcode returned by recordPurchase() or by
+ # mailbox.acceptItem().
+ if retcode == ToontownGlobals.P_ItemAvailable:
+ return TTLocalizer.CatalogAcceptPet
+ return CatalogItem.CatalogItem.getAcceptItemErrorText(self, retcode)
+ def saveHistory(self):
+ # Returns true if items of this type should be saved in the
+ # back catalog, false otherwise.
+ return 1
+ def getTypeName(self):
+ return TTLocalizer.PetTrickTypeName
+ def getName(self):
+ phraseId = PetTricks.TrickId2scIds[self.trickId][0]
+ return OTPLocalizer.SpeedChatStaticText[phraseId]
+ def recordPurchase(self, avatar, optional):
+ avatar.petTrickPhrases.append(self.trickId)
+ avatar.d_setPetTrickPhrases(avatar.petTrickPhrases)
+ return ToontownGlobals.P_ItemAvailable
+ def getPicture(self, avatar):
+ # Returns a (DirectWidget, Interval) pair to draw and animate a
+ # little representation of the item, or (None, None) if the
+ # item has no representation. This method is only called on
+ # the client.
+ # Don't import this at the top of the file, since this code
+ # must run on the AI.
+ from toontown.pets import PetDNA, Pet
+ pet = Pet.Pet(forGui = 1)
+ # We use the avatar's own pet if he/she has a pet (and we know
+ # its DNA), otherwise use a random pet.
+ dna = avatar.petDNA
+ if dna == None:
+ dna = PetDNA.getRandomPetDNA()
+ pet.setDNA(dna)
+ pet.setH(180)
+ model, ival = self.makeFrameModel(pet, 0)
+ pet.setScale(2.0)
+ pet.setP(-40)
+ # Discard the ival from makeFrameModel, since we don't want to
+ # spin.
+ track = PetTricks.getTrickIval(pet, self.trickId)
+ name = "petTrick-item-%s" % (self.sequenceNumber)
+ CatalogPetTrickItem.sequenceNumber += 1
+ if track != None:
+ track = Sequence(Sequence(track),
+ ActorInterval(pet, 'neutral', duration = 2),
+ name = name)
+ else:
+ pet.animFSM.request('neutral')
+ track = Sequence(Wait(4),
+ name = name)
+ self.petPicture = pet
+ assert (not self.hasPicture)
+ self.hasPicture=True
+ return (model, track)
+ def cleanupPicture(self):
+ CatalogItem.CatalogItem.cleanupPicture(self)
+ assert self.petPicture
+ self.petPicture.delete()
+ self.petPicture = None
+ def output(self, store = ~0):
+ return "CatalogPetTrickItem(%s%s)" % (
+ self.trickId,
+ self.formatOptionalData(store))
+ def compareTo(self, other):
+ return self.trickId - other.trickId
+ def getHashContents(self):
+ return self.trickId
+ def getBasePrice(self):
+ # All petTricks are the same price for now.
+ return 500
+ def decodeDatagram(self, di, versionNumber, store):
+ CatalogItem.CatalogItem.decodeDatagram(self, di, versionNumber, store)
+ self.trickId = di.getUint8()
+ self.dna = None
+ if self.trickId not in PetTricks.TrickId2scIds:
+ raise ValueError
+ def encodeDatagram(self, dg, store):
+ CatalogItem.CatalogItem.encodeDatagram(self, dg, store)
+ dg.addUint8(self.trickId)
+def getAllPetTricks():
+ # Returns a list of all valid CatalogPetTrickItems.
+ list = []
+ for trickId in PetTricks.TrickId2scIds.keys():
+ list.append(CatalogPetTrickItem(trickId))
+ return list
diff --git a/toontown/src/catalog/ b/toontown/src/catalog/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7bd64a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/catalog/
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+import CatalogItem
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from import FishGlobals
+from import Actor
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
+class CatalogPoleItem(CatalogItem.CatalogItem):
+ """CatalogPoleItem
+ This represents any of the fishing pole models you might be able
+ to buy. We assume that you can buy fishing poles only in
+ sequence, and that the rodId number increases with each better
+ pole.
+ """
+ sequenceNumber = 0
+ def makeNewItem(self, rodId):
+ self.rodId = rodId
+ CatalogItem.CatalogItem.makeNewItem(self)
+ def getPurchaseLimit(self):
+ # Returns the maximum number of this particular item an avatar
+ # may purchase. This is either 0, 1, or some larger number; 0
+ # stands for infinity.
+ return 1
+ def reachedPurchaseLimit(self, avatar):
+ # Returns true if the item cannot be bought because the avatar
+ # has already bought his limit on this item.
+ return avatar.getFishingRod() >= self.rodId or \
+ self in avatar.onOrder or \
+ self in avatar.mailboxContents
+ def saveHistory(self):
+ # Returns true if items of this type should be saved in the
+ # back catalog, false otherwise.
+ return 1
+ def getTypeName(self):
+ return TTLocalizer.PoleTypeName
+ def getName(self):
+ return TTLocalizer.FishingRod % (TTLocalizer.FishingRodNameDict[self.rodId])
+ def recordPurchase(self, avatar, optional):
+ if self.rodId < 0 or self.rodId > FishGlobals.MaxRodId:
+ self.notify.warning("Invalid fishing pole: %s for avatar %s" % (self.rodId, avatar.doId))
+ return ToontownGlobals.P_InvalidIndex
+ if self.rodId < avatar.getFishingRod():
+ self.notify.warning("Avatar already has pole: %s for avatar %s" % (self.rodId, avatar.doId))
+ return ToontownGlobals.P_ItemUnneeded
+ avatar.b_setFishingRod(self.rodId)
+ return ToontownGlobals.P_ItemAvailable
+ def isGift(self):
+ return 0
+ def getDeliveryTime(self):
+ # Returns the elapsed time in minutes from purchase to
+ # delivery for this particular item.
+ return 24 * 60 # 24 hours.
+ def getPicture(self, avatar):
+ # Returns a (DirectWidget, Interval) pair to draw and animate a
+ # little representation of the item, or (None, None) if the
+ # item has no representation. This method is only called on
+ # the client.
+ rodPath = FishGlobals.RodFileDict.get(self.rodId)
+ pole = Actor.Actor(rodPath, {'cast' : 'phase_4/models/props/fishing-pole-chan'})
+ pole.setPosHpr(
+ 1.47, 0, -1.67,
+ 90, 55, -90)
+ pole.setScale(0.8)
+ pole.setDepthTest(1)
+ pole.setDepthWrite(1)
+ frame = self.makeFrame()
+ frame.attachNewNode(pole.node())
+ name = "pole-item-%s" % (self.sequenceNumber)
+ CatalogPoleItem.sequenceNumber += 1
+ # Not sure if this looks good or not. This interval makes the
+ # pole slowly wind and unwind. For now, we'll just put in an
+ # interval that leaves the pole posed at its wound frame. (We
+ # have to use an interval instead of just posing the actor and
+ # forgetting it, because otherwise the Actor python object
+ # will destruct and forget about the pose.)
+## track = Sequence(ActorInterval(pole, 'cast', startFrame=84, endFrame=130),
+## ActorInterval(pole, 'cast', startFrame=130, endFrame=84),
+## Wait(2),
+## name = name)
+ track = Sequence(Func(pole.pose, 'cast', 130),
+ Wait(100),
+ name = name)
+ assert (not self.hasPicture)
+ self.hasPicture=True
+ return (frame, track)
+ def getAcceptItemErrorText(self, retcode):
+ # Returns a string describing the error that occurred on
+ # attempting to accept the item from the mailbox. The input
+ # parameter is the retcode returned by recordPurchase() or by
+ # mailbox.acceptItem().
+ if retcode == ToontownGlobals.P_ItemAvailable:
+ return TTLocalizer.CatalogAcceptPole
+ elif retcode == ToontownGlobals.P_ItemUnneeded:
+ return TTLocalizer.CatalogAcceptPoleUnneeded
+ return CatalogItem.CatalogItem.getAcceptItemErrorText(self, retcode)
+ def output(self, store = ~0):
+ return "CatalogPoleItem(%s%s)" % (
+ self.rodId,
+ self.formatOptionalData(store))
+ def getFilename(self):
+ return FishGlobals.RodFileDict.get(self.rodId)
+ def compareTo(self, other):
+ return self.rodId - other.rodId
+ def getHashContents(self):
+ return self.rodId
+ def getBasePrice(self):
+ return FishGlobals.RodPriceDict[self.rodId]
+ def decodeDatagram(self, di, versionNumber, store):
+ CatalogItem.CatalogItem.decodeDatagram(self, di, versionNumber, store)
+ self.rodId = di.getUint8()
+ # The following will generate an exception if self.rodId is
+ # invalid.
+ price = FishGlobals.RodPriceDict[self.rodId]
+ def encodeDatagram(self, dg, store):
+ CatalogItem.CatalogItem.encodeDatagram(self, dg, store)
+ dg.addUint8(self.rodId)
+def nextAvailablePole(avatar, duplicateItems):
+ rodId = avatar.getFishingRod() + 1
+ if rodId > FishGlobals.MaxRodId:
+ # No more fishing rods for this avatar.
+ return None
+ item = CatalogPoleItem(rodId)
+ # But if this rod is already on order, don't offer the same rod
+ # again. Skip to the next one instead.
+ while item in avatar.onOrder or \
+ item in avatar.mailboxContents:
+ rodId += 1
+ if rodId > FishGlobals.MaxRodId:
+ return None
+ item = CatalogPoleItem(rodId)
+ return item
+def getAllPoles():
+ list = []
+ for rodId in range(0, FishGlobals.MaxRodId + 1):
+ list.append(CatalogPoleItem(rodId))
+ return list
diff --git a/toontown/src/catalog/ b/toontown/src/catalog/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2516406
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/catalog/
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+import CatalogItem
+import time
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+from otp.otpbase import OTPLocalizer
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
+from toontown.toontowngui import TTDialog
+class CatalogRentalItem(CatalogItem.CatalogItem):
+ """CatalogRentalItem
+ This is an item that goes away after a period of time.
+ """
+ def makeNewItem(self, typeIndex, duration, cost):
+ self.typeIndex = typeIndex
+ self.duration = duration # duration is in minutes
+ self.cost = cost
+ # this will need to be persistant (db?)
+ CatalogItem.CatalogItem.makeNewItem(self)
+ def getDuration(self):
+ return self.duration
+ # TODO: who will check for expired items? CatalogManagerAI?
+ def getPurchaseLimit(self):
+ # Returns the maximum number of this particular item an avatar
+ # may purchase. This is either 0, 1, or some larger number; 0
+ # stands for infinity.
+ return 0
+ def reachedPurchaseLimit(self, avatar):
+ # Returns true if the item cannot be bought because the avatar
+ # has already bought his limit on this item.
+ if self in avatar.onOrder or self in avatar.mailboxContents or self in avatar.onGiftOrder \
+ or self in avatar.awardMailboxContents or self in avatar.onAwardOrder:
+ return 1
+ return 0
+ def saveHistory(self):
+ # Returns true if items of this type should be saved in the
+ # back catalog, false otherwise.
+ return 1
+ def getTypeName(self):
+ # Returns the name of the general type of item.
+ return TTLocalizer.RentalTypeName
+ def getName(self):
+ hours = int(self.duration / 60)
+ if self.typeIndex == ToontownGlobals.RentalCannon:
+ return ("%s %s %s %s" % (hours, TTLocalizer.RentalHours, TTLocalizer.RentalOf , TTLocalizer.RentalCannon))
+ elif self.typeIndex == ToontownGlobals.RentalGameTable:
+ return ("%s %s %s" % (hours, TTLocalizer.RentalHours, TTLocalizer.RentalGameTable))
+ else:
+ return TTLocalizer.RentalTypeName
+ def recordPurchase(self, avatar, optional):
+ self.notify.debug("rental -- record purchase")
+ #if avatar:
+ # avatar.addMoney(self.beanAmount)
+ if avatar:
+ self.notify.debug("rental -- has avater")
+ #zoneId = avatar.zoneId
+ #estateOwnerDoId = simbase.air.estateMgr.zone2owner.get(zoneId)
+ estate =
+ if estate:
+ self.notify.debug("rental -- has estate")
+ estate.rentItem(self.typeIndex, self.duration)
+ else:
+ self.notify.debug("rental -- something not there")
+ return ToontownGlobals.P_ItemAvailable
+ def getPicture(self, avatar):
+ scale = 1
+ heading = 0
+ pitch = 30
+ roll = 0
+ spin = 1
+ down = -1
+ if self.typeIndex == ToontownGlobals.RentalCannon:
+ model = loader.loadModel("phase_4/models/minigames/toon_cannon")
+ scale = .5
+ heading = 45
+ elif self.typeIndex == ToontownGlobals.RentalGameTable:
+ model = loader.loadModel("phase_6/models/golf/game_table")
+ assert (not self.hasPicture)
+ self.hasPicture = True
+ return self.makeFrameModel(model, spin)
+ def output(self, store = ~0):
+ return "CatalogRentalItem(%s%s)" % (
+ self.typeIndex,
+ self.formatOptionalData(store))
+ def compareTo(self, other):
+ return self.typeIndex - other.typeIndex
+ def getHashContents(self):
+ return self.typeIndex
+ def getBasePrice(self):
+ if self.typeIndex == ToontownGlobals.RentalCannon:
+ return self.cost
+ elif self.typeIndex == ToontownGlobals.RentalGameTable:
+ return self.cost
+ else:
+ return 50
+ def decodeDatagram(self, di, versionNumber, store):
+ CatalogItem.CatalogItem.decodeDatagram(self, di, versionNumber, store)
+ if versionNumber >= 7:
+ # we normally add new fields at the end, but this was already added at the start
+ # and I didn't want to make the situation worst
+ self.cost = di.getUint16()
+ else:
+ self.cost = 1000
+ self.duration = di.getUint16()
+ self.typeIndex = di.getUint16()
+ def encodeDatagram(self, dg, store):
+ CatalogItem.CatalogItem.encodeDatagram(self, dg, store)
+ dg.addUint16(self.cost)
+ dg.addUint16(self.duration)
+ dg.addUint16(self.typeIndex)
+ def getDeliveryTime(self):
+ # Returns the elapsed time in minutes from purchase to
+ # delivery for this particular item.
+ return 1 # 1 minute.
+ def isRental(self):
+ return 1
+ def acceptItem(self, mailbox, index, callback):
+ # Accepts the item from the mailbox. Some items will pop up a
+ # dialog querying the user for more information before
+ # accepting the item; other items will accept it immediately.
+ # In either case, the function will return immediately before
+ # the transaction is finished, but the given callback will be
+ # called later with three parameters: the return code (one of
+ # the P_* symbols defined in, followed by
+ # the item itself, and the supplied index number.
+ # The index is the position of this item within the avatar's
+ # mailboxContents list, which is used by the AI to know which
+ # item to remove from the list (and also to doublecheck that
+ # we're accepting the expected item).
+ # This method is only called on the client.
+ self.confirmRent = TTDialog.TTGlobalDialog(
+ doneEvent = "confirmRent",
+ message = TTLocalizer.MessageConfirmRent,
+ command = Functor(self.handleRentConfirm, mailbox, index, callback),
+ style = TTDialog.TwoChoice)
+ #self.confirmRent.msg = msg
+ #self.accept("confirmRent", Functor(self.handleRentConfirm, mailbox, index, callback))
+ #self.__handleRentConfirm)
+ #self.mailbox = mailbox
+ #self.mailIndex = index
+ #self.mailcallback = callback
+ def handleRentConfirm(self, mailbox, index, callback, choice):
+ #def handleRentConfirm(self, *args):
+ #print(args)
+ if choice > 0:
+ mailbox.acceptItem(self, index, callback)
+ else:
+ callback(ToontownGlobals.P_UserCancelled, self, index)
+ if self.confirmRent:
+ self.confirmRent.cleanup()
+ self.confirmRent = None
+def getAllRentalItems():
+ # Returns a list of all valid CatalogRentalItems.
+ list = []
+ # no game tables for now
+ # TODO since all we offer so far is 48 hours of cannons, values pulled for CatalogGenerator
+ # do something else if we have different durations
+ for rentalType in (ToontownGlobals.RentalCannon, ):
+ list.append(CatalogRentalItem(rentalType,2880,1000))
+ return list
diff --git a/toontown/src/catalog/ b/toontown/src/catalog/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed9f278
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/catalog/
@@ -0,0 +1,1441 @@
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from direct.gui.DirectGui import *
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from direct.gui.DirectScrolledList import *
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from toontown.toontowngui import TTDialog
+import CatalogItem
+import CatalogInvalidItem
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+import CatalogItemPanel
+import CatalogItemTypes
+from import Actor
+import random
+from toontown.toon import DistributedToon
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+# Center of square frames used for positioning gui elements
+CatalogPanelCenters = [[Point3(-0.95, 0, 0.91),
+ Point3(-0.275, 0, 0.91)],
+ [Point3(-0.95, 0, 0.275),
+ Point3(-0.275, 0, 0.275)],
+ [Point3(-0.95, 0, -0.4),
+ Point3(-0.275, 0, -0.4)]]
+CatalogPanelColors = {
+ CatalogItemTypes.FURNITURE_ITEM : Vec4(0.733, 0.780, 0.933, 1.000),
+ CatalogItemTypes.CHAT_ITEM : Vec4(0.922, 0.922, 0.753, 1.0),
+ CatalogItemTypes.CLOTHING_ITEM : Vec4(0.918, 0.690, 0.690, 1.000),
+ CatalogItemTypes.EMOTE_ITEM : Vec4(0.922, 0.922, 0.753, 1.0),
+ CatalogItemTypes.WALLPAPER_ITEM : Vec4(0.749, 0.984, 0.608, 1.000),
+ CatalogItemTypes.WINDOW_ITEM : Vec4(0.827, 0.910, 0.659, 1.000),
+ }
+class CatalogScreen(DirectFrame):
+ """
+ CatalogScreen
+ This class presents the user interface to an individual's catalog.
+ """
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("CatalogScreen")
+ def __init__(self, parent=aspect2d, **kw):
+ guiItems = loader.loadModel('phase_5.5/models/gui/catalog_gui')
+ background = guiItems.find('**/catalog_background')
+ guiButton = loader.loadModel("phase_3/models/gui/quit_button")
+ guiBack = loader.loadModel('phase_5.5/models/gui/package_delivery_panel')
+ optiondefs = (
+ # Define type of DirectGuiWidget
+ ('scale', 0.667, None),
+ ('pos', (0,1,0.025), None),
+ ('phone', None, None),
+ ('doneEvent', None, None),
+ ('image', background, None),
+ ('relief', None, None),
+ )
+ # Merge keyword options with default options
+ self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs)
+ # Initialize superclasses
+ DirectFrame.__init__(self, parent)
+ # Create items
+ self.friendGiftIndex = 0 #remove this
+ self.friendGiftHandle = None #handle to the friend you are gifting
+ self.frienddoId = None #doId of the friend you are gifting
+ self.receiverName = "Error Nameless Toon"
+ self.friends = {}
+ = {}
+ self.ffList = []
+ self.textRolloverColor = Vec4(1,1,0,1)
+ self.textDownColor = Vec4(0.5,0.9,1,1)
+ self.textDisabledColor = Vec4(0.4,0.8,0.4,1)
+ self.giftAvatar = None; #avatar for gifting
+ self.gotAvatar = 0; #flag to know if the gifting avatar has been received
+ self.allowGetDetails = 1
+ self.load(guiItems, guiButton, guiBack)
+ # Call initialization functions
+ self.initialiseoptions(CatalogScreen)
+ self.enableBackorderCatalogButton()
+ self.setMaxPageIndex(self.numNewPages)
+ self.setPageIndex(-1)
+ self.showPageItems()
+ self.hide()
+ self.clarabelleChatNP = None
+ self.clarabelleChatBalloon = None
+ self.gifting = -1
+ self.createdGiftGui = None
+ self.viewing = None
+ def show(self):
+ # listen for update requests
+ self.accept("CatalogItemPurchaseRequest", self.__handlePurchaseRequest)
+ self.accept("CatalogItemGiftPurchaseRequest", self.__handleGiftPurchaseRequest)
+ self.accept(localAvatar.uniqueName("moneyChange"), self.__moneyChange)
+ self.accept(localAvatar.uniqueName("bankMoneyChange"), self.__bankMoneyChange)
+ deliveryText = "setDeliverySchedule-%s" % (base.localAvatar.doId)
+ self.accept(deliveryText, self.remoteUpdate)
+ # Hide the world since we have a fullscreen interface
+ # this will improve our framerate a bit while in the catalog
+ render.hide()
+ def clarabelleGreeting(task):
+ self.setClarabelleChat(TTLocalizer.CatalogGreeting)
+ def clarabelleHelpText1(task):
+ self.setClarabelleChat(TTLocalizer.CatalogHelpText1)
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(1.0, clarabelleGreeting, "clarabelleGreeting")
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(12.0, clarabelleHelpText1, "clarabelleHelpText1")
+ if hasattr(self, "giftToggle"):
+ self.giftToggle['state'] = DGG.DISABLED
+ self.giftToggle['text'] = TTLocalizer.CatalogGiftToggleWait
+ self.accept("DeliveryManagerAck", self.__handleUDack)
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(10.0, self.__handleNoAck, "ackTimeOut")
+ def hide(self):
+ self.ignore("CatalogItemPurchaseRequest")
+ self.ignore("CatalogItemGiftPurchaseRequest")
+ self.ignore("DeliveryManagerAck")
+ taskMgr.remove("ackTimeOut")
+ self.ignore(localAvatar.uniqueName("moneyChange"))
+ self.ignore(localAvatar.uniqueName("bankMoneyChange"))
+ deliveryText = "setDeliverySchedule-%s" % (base.localAvatar.doId)
+ self.ignore(deliveryText)
+ # Show the world once again
+ DirectFrame.hide(self)
+ def setNumNewPages(self, numNewPages):
+ self.numNewPages = numNewPages
+ def setNumBackPages(self, numBackPages):
+ self.numBackPages = numBackPages
+ def setNumLoyaltyPages(self, numLoyaltyPages):
+ self.numLoyaltyPages = numLoyaltyPages
+ def setPageIndex(self, index):
+ self.pageIndex = index
+ def setMaxPageIndex(self, numPages):
+ self.maxPageIndex = max(numPages - 1, -1)
+ def enableBackorderCatalogButton(self):
+ self.backCatalogButton['state'] = DGG.NORMAL
+ self.newCatalogButton['state'] = DGG.DISABLED
+ self.loyaltyCatalogButton['state'] = DGG.DISABLED
+ def enableNewCatalogButton(self):
+ self.backCatalogButton['state'] = DGG.DISABLED
+ self.newCatalogButton['state'] = DGG.NORMAL
+ self.loyaltyCatalogButton['state'] = DGG.DISABLED
+ def enableLoyaltyCatalogButton(self):
+ self.backCatalogButton['state'] = DGG.DISABLED
+ self.newCatalogButton['state'] = DGG.DISABLED
+ self.loyaltyCatalogButton['state'] = DGG.NORMAL
+ def modeBackorderCatalog(self):
+ self.backCatalogButton['state'] = DGG.DISABLED
+ self.newCatalogButton['state'] = DGG.NORMAL
+ self.loyaltyCatalogButton['state'] = DGG.NORMAL
+ def modeNewCatalog(self):
+ self.backCatalogButton['state'] = DGG.NORMAL
+ self.newCatalogButton['state'] = DGG.DISABLED
+ self.loyaltyCatalogButton['state'] = DGG.NORMAL
+ def modeLoyaltyCatalog(self):
+ self.backCatalogButton['state'] = DGG.NORMAL
+ self.newCatalogButton['state'] = DGG.NORMAL
+ self.loyaltyCatalogButton['state'] = DGG.DISABLED
+ def showNewItems(self, index = None):
+ # If you got here, you do not need to see this text
+ taskMgr.remove("clarabelleHelpText1")
+ messenger.send('wakeup')
+ self.viewing = 'New'
+ self.modeNewCatalog()
+ self.setMaxPageIndex(self.numNewPages)
+ if self.numNewPages == 0:
+ self.setPageIndex(-1)
+ elif index is not None:
+ self.setPageIndex(index)
+ else:
+ self.setPageIndex(0)
+ self.showPageItems()
+ def showBackorderItems(self, index = None):
+ # If you got here, you do not need to see this text
+ taskMgr.remove("clarabelleHelpText1")
+ messenger.send('wakeup')
+ self.viewing = 'Backorder'
+ self.modeBackorderCatalog()
+ self.setMaxPageIndex(self.numBackPages)
+ if self.numBackPages == 0:
+ self.setPageIndex(-1)
+ elif index is not None:
+ self.setPageIndex(index)
+ else:
+ self.setPageIndex(0)
+ self.showPageItems()
+ def showLoyaltyItems(self, index = None):
+ # If you got here, you do not need to see this text
+ taskMgr.remove("clarabelleHelpText1")
+ messenger.send('wakeup')
+ self.viewing = 'Loyalty'
+ self.modeLoyaltyCatalog()
+ self.setMaxPageIndex(self.numLoyaltyPages)
+ if self.numLoyaltyPages == 0:
+ self.setPageIndex(-1)
+ elif index is not None:
+ self.setPageIndex(index)
+ else:
+ self.setPageIndex(0)
+ self.showPageItems()
+ def showNextPage(self):
+ # If you got here, you do not need to see this text
+ taskMgr.remove("clarabelleHelpText1")
+ messenger.send('wakeup')
+ self.pageIndex = self.pageIndex + 1
+ if self.viewing == None:
+ self.modeNewCatalog()
+ self.viewing == 'New'
+ if ((self.viewing == 'New') and
+ (self.pageIndex > self.maxPageIndex) and
+ (self.numBackPages > 0)):
+ self.showBackorderItems()
+ if ((self.viewing == 'New') and
+ (self.pageIndex > self.maxPageIndex) and
+ (self.numLoyaltyPages > 0)):
+ self.showLoyaltyItems()
+ elif ((self.viewing == 'Backorder') and
+ (self.pageIndex > self.maxPageIndex) and
+ (self.numLoyaltyPages > 0)):
+ self.showLoyaltyItems()
+ else:
+ # If viewing backorder catalog, just clamp at last page
+ self.pageIndex = min(self.pageIndex, self.maxPageIndex)
+ self.showPageItems()
+ def showBackPage(self):
+ # If you got here, you do not need to see this text
+ taskMgr.remove("clarabelleHelpText1")
+ messenger.send('wakeup')
+ self.pageIndex = self.pageIndex - 1
+ if ((self.viewing == 'Backorder') and
+ (self.pageIndex < 0) and
+ (self.numNewPages > 0)):
+ self.showNewItems(self.numNewPages - 1)
+ elif ((self.viewing == 'Loyalty') and
+ (self.pageIndex < 0) and
+ (self.numBackPages > 0)):
+ self.showBackorderItems(self.numBackPages - 1)
+ elif ((self.viewing == 'Loyalty') and
+ (self.pageIndex < 0) and
+ (self.numNewPages > 0)):
+ self.showNewItems(self.numNewPages - 1)
+ else:
+ self.pageIndex = max(self.pageIndex, -1)
+ self.showPageItems()
+ def showPageItems(self):
+ self.hidePages()
+ if self.viewing == None:
+ self.viewing = 'New'
+ if self.pageIndex < 0:
+ self.closeCover()
+ else:
+ # Make sure cover is open
+ if self.pageIndex == 0:
+ self.openCover()
+ # Show appropriate catalog page
+ if self.viewing == 'New':
+ page = self.pageList[self.pageIndex]
+ newOrBackOrLoyalty = 0
+ elif self.viewing == 'Backorder':
+ page = self.backPageList[self.pageIndex]
+ newOrBackOrLoyalty = 1
+ elif self.viewing == 'Loyalty':
+ page = self.loyaltyPageList[self.pageIndex]
+ newOrBackOrLoyalty = 2
+ for panel in self.panelDict[]:
+ panel.load()
+ if panel.ival:
+ panel.ival.loop()
+ self.visiblePanels.append(panel)
+ # Now color panels
+ pIndex = 0
+ randGen = random.Random()
+ randGen.seed(
+ base.localAvatar.catalogScheduleCurrentWeek +
+ (self.pageIndex << 8) +
+ (newOrBackOrLoyalty << 16))
+ for i in range(NUM_CATALOG_ROWS):
+ for j in range(NUM_CATALOG_COLS):
+ if pIndex < len(self.visiblePanels):
+ type = self.visiblePanels[pIndex]['item'].getTypeCode()
+ #self.squares[i][j].setColor(CatalogPanelColors[type])
+ self.squares[i][j].setColor(
+ CatalogPanelColors.values()[
+ randGen.randint(0,len(CatalogPanelColors) - 1)])
+ cs = 0.7 + 0.3 * randGen.random()
+ self.squares[i][j].setColorScale(
+ 0.7 + 0.3 * randGen.random(),
+ 0.7 + 0.3 * randGen.random(),
+ 0.7 + 0.3 * randGen.random(),1)
+ else:
+ self.squares[i][j].setColor(
+ CatalogPanelColors[CatalogItemTypes.CHAT_ITEM])
+ self.squares[i][j].clearColorScale()
+ pIndex += 1
+ # get the appropriate text"
+ if self.viewing == 'New':
+ text = TTLocalizer.CatalogNew
+ elif self.viewing == 'Loyalty':
+ text = TTLocalizer.CatalogLoyalty
+ elif self.viewing == 'Backorder':
+ text = TTLocalizer.CatalogBackorder
+ self.pageLabel['text'] = text + (' - %d' % (self.pageIndex + 1))
+ # Adjust next and backorder buttons
+ if self.pageIndex < self.maxPageIndex:
+ elif ((self.viewing == 'New') and (self.numBackPages == 0) and (self.numLoyaltyPages == 0)):
+ self.nextPageButton.hide()
+ elif ((self.viewing == 'Backorder') and (self.numLoyaltyPages == 0)):
+ self.nextPageButton.hide()
+ elif (self.viewing == 'Loyalty'):
+ self.nextPageButton.hide()
+ self.adjustForSound()
+ self.update()
+ def adjustForSound(self):
+ """Properly set the state for the snd buttons."""
+ # first lets count the number of emote items in the visible panels
+ numEmoteItems = 0
+ emotePanels = []
+ for visIndex in xrange(len(self.visiblePanels)):
+ panel = self.visiblePanels[visIndex]
+ item = panel['item']
+ catalogType = item.getTypeCode()
+ if catalogType == CatalogItemTypes.EMOTE_ITEM:
+ numEmoteItems += 1
+ emotePanels.append(panel)
+ else:
+ # make sure the buttons don't show
+ panel.soundOnButton.hide()
+ panel.soundOffButton.hide()
+ if numEmoteItems == 1:
+ # we have exactly 1 item, turn on the sound
+ emotePanels[0].handleSoundOnButton()
+ elif numEmoteItems > 1:
+ # we have more than 1, turn off all the sounds
+ for panel in emotePanels:
+ panel.handleSoundOffButton()
+ def hidePages(self):
+ for page in self.pageList:
+ page.hide()
+ for page in self.backPageList:
+ page.hide()
+ for page in self.loyaltyPageList:
+ page.hide()
+ for panel in self.visiblePanels:
+ if panel.ival:
+ panel.ival.finish()
+ self.visiblePanels = []
+ def openCover(self):
+ self.cover.hide()
+ self.hideDummyTabs()
+ def closeCover(self):
+ self.showDummyTabs()
+ self.backPageButton.hide()
+ self.pageLabel.hide()
+ self.hidePages()
+ def showDummyTabs(self):
+ # Put in 2nd back catalog button which is enabled when in down posn
+ if self.numNewPages > 0:
+ if self.numBackPages > 0:
+ if self.numLoyaltyPages > 0:
+ self.newCatalogButton.hide()
+ self.backCatalogButton.hide()
+ self.loyaltyCatalogButton.hide()
+ def hideDummyTabs(self):
+ # Put in 2nd back catalog button which is enabled when in down posn
+ self.newCatalogButton2.hide()
+ self.backCatalogButton2.hide()
+ self.loyaltyCatalogButton2.hide()
+ if self.numNewPages > 0:
+ if self.numBackPages > 0:
+ if self.numLoyaltyPages > 0:
+ def packPages(self, panelList, pageList, prefix):
+ i = 0
+ j = 0
+ numPages = 0
+ pageName = prefix + '_page%d' % numPages
+ for item in panelList:
+ if (i==0) and (j==0):
+ numPages += 1
+ pageName = prefix + '_page%d' % numPages
+ page = self.base.attachNewNode(pageName)
+ pageList.append(page)
+ item.reparentTo(page)
+ item.setPos(CatalogPanelCenters[i][j])
+ itemList = self.panelDict.get(, [])
+ itemList.append(item)
+ self.panelDict[] = itemList
+ j += 1
+ j = 0
+ i += 1
+ i = 0
+ return numPages
+ def load(self, guiItems, guiButton, guiBack):
+ # Initialize variables
+ self.pageIndex = -1
+ self.maxPageIndex = 0
+ self.numNewPages = 0
+ self.numBackPages = 5
+ self.numLoyaltyPages = 0
+ self.viewing = 'New'
+ self.panelList = []
+ self.backPanelList = []
+ self.pageList = []
+ self.backPageList = []
+ self.loyaltyPanelList = []
+ self.loyaltyPageList = []
+ self.panelDict = {}
+ self.visiblePanels = []
+ self.responseDialog = None
+ # Create components
+ # Background, behind catalog items
+ catalogBase = guiItems.find('**/catalog_base')
+ self.base = DirectLabel(
+ self, relief = None, image = catalogBase)
+ # Catalog tabs
+ newDown = guiItems.find('**/new1')
+ newUp = guiItems.find('**/new2')
+ backDown = guiItems.find('**/previous2')
+ backUp = guiItems.find('**/previous1')
+ giftToggleUp = guiItems.find('**/giftButtonUp')
+ giftToggleDown = guiItems.find('**/giftButtonDown')
+ giftFriends = guiItems.find('**/gift_names')
+ lift = 0.40
+ smash = 0.80
+ self.newCatalogButton = DirectButton(
+ self.base, relief = None,
+ frameSize = (-0.2, 0.25, 0.45, 1.2),
+ image = [newDown, newDown, newDown, newUp],
+ image_scale = (1.0, 1.0,smash),
+ image_pos = (0.0,0.0,lift),
+ pressEffect = 0,
+ command = self.showNewItems,
+ text = TTLocalizer.CatalogNew,
+ text_font = ToontownGlobals.getSignFont(),
+ text_pos = (-0.40 -lift, 0.13),
+ text3_pos = (-0.40 -lift, 0.1),
+ text_scale = 0.08,
+ text_fg = (0.353, 0.627, 0.627, 1.000),
+ text2_fg = (0.353, 0.427, 0.427, 1.000),
+ )
+ self.newCatalogButton.hide()
+ self.newCatalogButton2 = DirectButton(
+ self.base, relief = None,
+ frameSize = (-0.2, 0.25, 0.45, 1.2),
+ image = newDown,
+ image_scale = (1.0, 1.0,smash),
+ image_pos = (0.0,0.0,lift),
+ pressEffect = 0,
+ command = self.showNewItems,
+ text = TTLocalizer.CatalogNew,# + "2",# + "foo",
+ text_font = ToontownGlobals.getSignFont(),
+ text_pos = (-0.40 - lift, 0.13),
+ text_scale = 0.08,
+ text_fg = (0.353, 0.627, 0.627, 1.000),
+ text2_fg = (0.353, 0.427, 0.427, 1.000),
+ )
+ self.newCatalogButton2.hide()
+ self.backCatalogButton = DirectButton(
+ self.base, relief = None,
+ frameSize = (-0.2, 0.25, -0.2, 0.40),
+ image = [backDown, backDown, backDown, backUp],
+ image_scale = (1.0, 1.0,smash),
+ image_pos = (0.0,0.0,lift),
+ pressEffect = 0,
+ command = self.showBackorderItems,
+ text = TTLocalizer.CatalogBackorder,
+ text_font = ToontownGlobals.getSignFont(),
+ text_pos = (0.30 - lift,.132),
+ text3_pos = (0.30 -lift,.112),
+ text_scale = TTLocalizer.CSbackCatalogButton,
+ text_fg = (0.392, 0.549, 0.627, 1.000),
+ text2_fg = (0.392, 0.349, 0.427, 1.000),
+ )
+ self.backCatalogButton.hide()
+ self.backCatalogButton2 = DirectButton(
+ self.base, relief = None,
+ frameSize = (-0.2, 0.25, -0.2, 0.40),
+ image_scale = (1.0, 1.0,smash),
+ image_pos = (0.0,0.0,lift),
+ image = backDown,
+ pressEffect = 0,
+ command = self.showBackorderItems,
+ text = TTLocalizer.CatalogBackorder,# + "2",# + "foo",
+ text_font = ToontownGlobals.getSignFont(),
+ text_pos = (0.30 - lift , .132),
+ text_scale = TTLocalizer.CSbackCatalogButton,
+ text_fg = (0.392, 0.549, 0.627, 1.000),
+ text2_fg = (0.392, 0.349, 0.427, 1.000),
+ )
+ self.backCatalogButton2.hide()
+ self.loyaltyCatalogButton = DirectButton(
+ self.base, relief = None,
+ frameSize = (-0.2, 0.25, -0.85, -0.3),
+ image = [newDown, newDown, newDown, newUp],
+ image_scale = (1.0, 1.0,smash),
+ image_pos = (0.0,0.0,-1.4 + lift),
+ pressEffect = 0,
+ command = self.showLoyaltyItems,
+ text = TTLocalizer.CatalogLoyalty,
+ text_font = ToontownGlobals.getSignFont(),
+ text_pos = (0.95 - lift,.132),
+ text3_pos = (0.95 -lift,.112),
+ text_scale = 0.065,
+ text_fg = (0.353, 0.627, 0.627, 1.000),
+ text2_fg = (0.353, 0.427, 0.427, 1.000),
+ )
+ self.loyaltyCatalogButton.hide()
+ self.loyaltyCatalogButton2 = DirectButton(
+ self.base, relief = None,
+ frameSize = (-0.2, 0.25, -0.85, -0.3),
+ image_scale = (1.0, 1.0,smash),
+ image_pos = (0.0,0.0,-1.4 + lift),
+ image = newDown,
+ pressEffect = 0,
+ command = self.showLoyaltyItems,
+ text = TTLocalizer.CatalogLoyalty,# + "2",# + "foo",
+ text_font = ToontownGlobals.getSignFont(),
+ text_pos = (0.95 - lift , .132),
+ text_scale = 0.065,
+ text_fg = (0.353, 0.627, 0.627, 1.000),
+ text2_fg = (0.353, 0.427, 0.427, 1.000),
+ )
+ self.loyaltyCatalogButton2.hide()
+ #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ #Friends list
+ self.__makeFFlist()
+ if len(self.ffList) > 0:
+ self.giftToggle = DirectButton(
+ self.base,
+ relief = None,
+ pressEffect = 0,
+ image = (giftToggleUp,
+ giftToggleDown,
+ giftToggleUp,
+ ),
+ image_scale = (1.0,1,0.7),
+ command = self.__giftToggle,
+ #state = DGG.DISABLED,
+ text = TTLocalizer.CatalogGiftToggleOff,
+ text_font = ToontownGlobals.getSignFont(),
+ text_pos = TTLocalizer.CSgiftTogglePos,
+ text_scale = TTLocalizer.CSgiftToggle,
+ text_fg = (0.353, 0.627, 0.627, 1.000),
+ text3_fg = (0.15, 0.3, 0.3, 1.000),
+ text2_fg = (0.353, 0.427, 0.427, 1.000),
+ image_color = Vec4(1.0, 1.0, 0.2, 1.0),
+ image1_color = Vec4(0.9, 0.85, 0.2, 1.0),
+ image2_color = Vec4(0.9, 0.85, 0.2, 1.0),
+ image3_color = Vec4(0.5, 0.45, 0.2, 1.0),
+ )
+ self.giftToggle.setPos(0.0,0,-0.035)
+ #says "this gift is for"
+ self.giftLabel = DirectLabel(
+ self.base, relief = None,
+ image = giftFriends,
+ image_scale = (1.15,1,1.14),
+ text = " ",#TTLocalizer.CatalogGiftFor, #HARD
+ text_font = ToontownGlobals.getSignFont(),
+ text_pos = (1.2,-0.97),
+ text_scale = 0.07,
+ text_fg = (0.392, 0.549, 0.627, 1.000),
+ sortOrder = 100,
+ textMayChange = 1,
+ )
+ self.giftLabel.setPos(-0.15,0,0.080)
+ self.giftLabel.hide()
+ #says the name of the friend the gift is for
+ self.friendLabel = DirectLabel(
+ self.base, relief = None,
+ text = "Friend Name", #HARD
+ text_font = ToontownGlobals.getSignFont(),
+ text_pos = (-0.25,.132),
+ text_scale = 0.068,
+ text_align = TextNode.ALeft,
+ text_fg = (0.992, 0.949, 0.327, 1.000),
+ sortOrder = 100,
+ textMayChange = 1,
+ )
+ self.friendLabel.setPos(0.5,0,-0.42)
+ self.friendLabel.hide()
+ gui = loader.loadModel("phase_3.5/models/gui/friendslist_gui")
+ self.scrollList = DirectScrolledList(
+ parent = self,
+ relief = None,
+ # inc and dec are DirectButtons
+ incButton_image = (gui.find("**/FndsLst_ScrollUp"),
+ gui.find("**/FndsLst_ScrollDN"),
+ gui.find("**/FndsLst_ScrollUp_Rllvr"),
+ gui.find("**/FndsLst_ScrollUp"),
+ ),
+ incButton_relief = None,
+ incButton_pos = (0.0, 0.0, -0.316),
+ # Make the disabled button darker
+ incButton_image1_color = Vec4(1.0, 0.9, 0.4, 1.0),
+ incButton_image3_color = Vec4(1.0, 1.0, 0.6, 0.5),
+ incButton_scale = (1.0, 1.0, -1.0),
+ decButton_image = (gui.find("**/FndsLst_ScrollUp"),
+ gui.find("**/FndsLst_ScrollDN"),
+ gui.find("**/FndsLst_ScrollUp_Rllvr"),
+ gui.find("**/FndsLst_ScrollUp"),
+ ),
+ decButton_relief = None,
+ decButton_pos = (0.0, 0.0, 0.117),
+ # Make the disabled button darker
+ decButton_image1_color = Vec4(1.0, 1.0, 0.6, 1.0),
+ decButton_image3_color = Vec4(1.0, 1.0, 0.6, 0.6),
+ # itemFrame is a DirectFrame
+ itemFrame_pos = (-0.17, 0.0, 0.06),
+ itemFrame_relief = None,
+ # each item is a button with text on it
+ numItemsVisible = 8,
+ items = [],
+ )
+ self.scrollList.setPos(1.2,0,-0.58)
+ self.scrollList.setScale(1.5)
+ self.scrollList.hide()
+ # Set up a clipping plane to truncate names that would extend
+ # off the right end of the scrolled list.
+ clipper = PlaneNode('clipper')
+ clipper.setPlane(Plane(Vec3(-1, 0, 0), Point3(0.17, 0, 0)))
+ clipNP = self.scrollList.attachNewNode(clipper)
+ self.scrollList.setClipPlane(clipNP)
+ #self.__addFamilyToScrollList()
+ #self.__updateScrollList()
+ self.__makeScrollList()
+ #self.__setFriendLabelName() #sets the label name
+ #self.__loadFriend()
+ friendId = self.ffList[0]
+ self.__chooseFriend(self.ffList[0][0], self.ffList[0][1])
+ self.update()
+ self.createdGiftGui = 1;
+ #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ for i in range(4):
+ self.newCatalogButton.component('text%d' % i).setR(90)
+ self.newCatalogButton2.component('text%d' % i).setR(90)
+ self.backCatalogButton.component('text%d' % i).setR(90)
+ self.backCatalogButton2.component('text%d' % i).setR(90)
+ self.loyaltyCatalogButton.component('text%d' % i).setR(90)
+ self.loyaltyCatalogButton2.component('text%d' % i).setR(90)
+ # Squares
+ self.squares = [[],[],[],[]]
+ for i in range(NUM_CATALOG_ROWS):
+ for j in range(NUM_CATALOG_COLS):
+ square = guiItems.find('**/square%d%db' % (i+1,j+1))
+ # Use normal state to block rollover of new and prev
+ # catalog buttons
+ label = DirectLabel(self.base, image = square, relief = None,
+ state = 'normal')
+ self.squares[i].append(label)
+ def priceSort(a,b,type):
+ priceA = a.getPrice(type)
+ priceB = b.getPrice(type)
+ return priceB - priceA
+ itemList = (base.localAvatar.monthlyCatalog +
+ base.localAvatar.weeklyCatalog)
+ itemList.sort(lambda a,b: priceSort(a,b,CatalogItem.CatalogTypeWeekly))
+ itemList.reverse()
+ for item in itemList:
+ if isinstance(item, CatalogInvalidItem.CatalogInvalidItem):
+ self.notify.warning("skipping catalog invalid item %s" % item)
+ continue
+ #check for loyalty program
+ if item.loyaltyRequirement() != 0:
+ self.loyaltyPanelList.append(
+ CatalogItemPanel.CatalogItemPanel(
+ parent = hidden,
+ item=item,
+ type=CatalogItem.CatalogTypeLoyalty,
+ parentCatalogScreen = self,
+ ))
+ else:
+ self.panelList.append(
+ CatalogItemPanel.CatalogItemPanel(
+ parent = hidden,
+ item=item,
+ type=CatalogItem.CatalogTypeWeekly,
+ parentCatalogScreen = self,
+ ))
+ itemList = base.localAvatar.backCatalog
+ itemList.sort(
+ lambda a,b: priceSort(a,b,CatalogItem.CatalogTypeBackorder))
+ itemList.reverse()
+ for item in itemList:
+ if isinstance(item, CatalogInvalidItem.CatalogInvalidItem):
+ self.notify.warning("skipping catalog invalid item %s" % item)
+ continue
+ #check for loyalty program
+ if item.loyaltyRequirement() != 0:
+ self.loyaltyPanelList.append(
+ CatalogItemPanel.CatalogItemPanel(
+ parent = hidden,
+ item=item,
+ type=CatalogItem.CatalogTypeLoyalty,
+ parentCatalogScreen = self,
+ ))
+ else:
+ self.backPanelList.append(
+ CatalogItemPanel.CatalogItemPanel(
+ parent = hidden,
+ item=item,
+ type=CatalogItem.CatalogTypeBackorder,
+ parentCatalogScreen = self,
+ ))
+ numPages = self.packPages(self.panelList, self.pageList, 'new')
+ self.setNumNewPages(numPages)
+ numPages = self.packPages(self.backPanelList,self.backPageList,'back')
+ self.setNumBackPages(numPages)
+ numPages = self.packPages(self.loyaltyPanelList,self.loyaltyPageList,'loyalty')
+ self.setNumLoyaltyPages(numPages)
+ currentWeek = base.localAvatar.catalogScheduleCurrentWeek - 1
+ if currentWeek < 57:
+ seriesNumber = currentWeek / ToontownGlobals.CatalogNumWeeksPerSeries + 1
+ weekNumber = currentWeek % ToontownGlobals.CatalogNumWeeksPerSeries + 1
+ # Catalog Series 5 & 6 are short. Need some special math here.
+ elif currentWeek < 65:
+ seriesNumber = 6
+ weekNumber = (currentWeek - 56)
+ # All catalogs after 5 & 6 now need to get bumped up by
+ # one since the last 13 weeks used two series numbers.
+ else:
+ seriesNumber = currentWeek / ToontownGlobals.CatalogNumWeeksPerSeries + 2
+ weekNumber = currentWeek % ToontownGlobals.CatalogNumWeeksPerSeries + 1
+ # Cover. We find the items we want out of the gui object and
+ # reparent them to a new node, partly to ensure the ordering
+ # is OK, and partly because we don't necessarily want all the
+ # nodes.
+ geom = NodePath('cover')
+ cover = guiItems.find('**/cover')
+ # if the catalog has wrapped around, wrap around the images too
+ maxSeries = (ToontownGlobals.CatalogNumWeeks / ToontownGlobals.CatalogNumWeeksPerSeries) + 1
+ coverSeries = ((seriesNumber - 1) % maxSeries) + 1
+ coverPicture = cover.find('**/cover_picture%s' % (coverSeries))
+ if not coverPicture.isEmpty():
+ coverPicture.reparentTo(geom)
+ bottomSquare = cover.find('**/cover_bottom')
+ topSquare = guiItems.find('**/square12b2')
+ if seriesNumber == 1:
+ topSquare.setColor(0.651, 0.404, 0.322, 1.000)
+ bottomSquare.setColor(0.655, 0.522, 0.263, 1.000)
+ else:
+ topSquare.setColor(0.651, 0.404, 0.322, 1.000)
+ bottomSquare.setColor(0.655, 0.522, 0.263, 1.000)
+ bottomSquare.reparentTo(geom)
+ topSquare.reparentTo(geom)
+ cover.find('**/clarabelle_text').reparentTo(geom)
+ cover.find('**/blue_circle').reparentTo(geom)
+ cover.find('**/clarabelle').reparentTo(geom)
+ cover.find('**/circle_green').reparentTo(geom)
+ self.cover = DirectLabel(
+ self.base, relief = None, geom = geom)
+ # Cover Labels
+ self.catalogNumber = DirectLabel(
+ self.cover,
+ relief = None,
+ scale = 0.2,
+ pos = (-0.22, 0, -0.33),
+ text = "#%d" % weekNumber,
+ text_fg = (0.95, 0.95, 0, 1),
+ text_shadow = (0, 0, 0, 1),
+ text_font = ToontownGlobals.getInterfaceFont()
+ )
+ self.catalogSeries = DirectLabel(
+ self.cover,
+ relief = None,
+ scale = (0.22, 1, 0.18),
+ pos = (-0.76, 0, -0.90),
+ text = TTLocalizer.CatalogSeriesLabel % seriesNumber,
+ text_fg = (0.9, 0.9, 0.4, 1),
+ text_shadow = (0, 0, 0, 1),
+ text_font = ToontownGlobals.getInterfaceFont()
+ )
+ self.catalogSeries.setShxz(0.4)
+ # Rings, visible when catalog is open
+ self.rings = DirectLabel(
+ self.base, relief = None, geom = guiItems.find('**/rings'))
+ # Frame to hold clarabelle character
+ self.clarabelleFrame = DirectLabel(
+ self, relief = None,
+ image = guiItems.find('**/clarabelle_frame'))
+ # Hangup button
+ hangupGui = guiItems.find('**/hangup')
+ hangupRolloverGui = guiItems.find('**/hangup_rollover')
+ self.hangup = DirectButton(
+ self, relief = None,
+ pos = (1.78, 0, -1.3),
+ image = [hangupGui, hangupRolloverGui,
+ hangupRolloverGui, hangupGui],
+ text = ["", TTLocalizer.CatalogHangUp, TTLocalizer.CatalogHangUp],
+ text_fg = Vec4(1),
+ text_scale = 0.07,
+ text_pos = (0.0,0.14),
+ command = self.hangUp)
+ # Jellybean indicator
+ self.beanBank = DirectLabel(
+ self, relief = None,
+ image = guiItems.find('**/bean_bank'),
+ text = str(base.localAvatar.getMoney() +
+ base.localAvatar.getBankMoney()),
+ text_align = TextNode.ARight,
+ text_scale = 0.11,
+ text_fg = (0.95, 0.95, 0, 1),
+ text_shadow = (0, 0, 0, 1),
+ text_pos = (0.75,-0.81),
+ text_font = ToontownGlobals.getSignFont(),
+ )
+ # Page turners
+ nextUp = guiItems.find('**/arrow_up')
+ nextRollover = guiItems.find('**/arrow_Rollover')
+ nextDown = guiItems.find('**/arrow_Down')
+ prevUp = guiItems.find('**/arrowUp')
+ prevDown = guiItems.find('**/arrowDown1')
+ prevRollover = guiItems.find('**/arrowRollover')
+ self.nextPageButton = DirectButton(
+ self, relief = None,
+ pos = (-0.1,0,-0.9),
+ image = [nextUp, nextDown, nextRollover, nextUp],
+ image_color = (.9,.9,.9,1),
+ image2_color = (1,1,1,1),
+ command = self.showNextPage)
+ self.backPageButton = DirectButton(
+ self, relief = None,
+ pos = (-0.1,0,-0.9),
+ image = [prevUp, prevDown, prevRollover, prevUp],
+ image_color = (.9,.9,.9,1),
+ image2_color = (1,1,1,1),
+ command = self.showBackPage)
+ self.backPageButton.hide()
+ self.pageLabel = DirectLabel(
+ self.base, relief = None,
+ pos = (-1.33,0,-0.9),
+ scale = 0.06,
+ text = TTLocalizer.CatalogPagePrefix,
+ text_fg = (0.95, 0.95, 0, 1),
+ text_shadow = (0, 0, 0, 1),
+ text_font = ToontownGlobals.getSignFont(),
+ text_align = TextNode.ALeft,
+ )
+ self.loadClarabelle()
+ def loadClarabelle(self):
+ # Create a separate reality for clarabelle
+ self.cRender = NodePath('cRender')
+ # It gets its own camera
+ self.cCamera = self.cRender.attachNewNode('cCamera')
+ self.cCamNode = Camera('cCam')
+ self.cLens = PerspectiveLens()
+ self.cLens.setFov(40,40)
+ self.cLens.setNear(0.1)
+ self.cLens.setFar(100.0)
+ self.cCamNode.setLens(self.cLens)
+ self.cCamNode.setScene(self.cRender)
+ self.cCam = self.cCamera.attachNewNode(self.cCamNode)
+ self.cDr =, 0.82, 0.53, 0.85)
+ self.cDr.setSort(1)
+ self.cDr.setClearDepthActive(1)
+ self.cDr.setClearColorActive(1)
+ self.cDr.setClearColor(Vec4(0.3,0.3,0.3,1))
+ self.cDr.setCamera(self.cCam)
+ # Add Clarabelle model
+ self.clarabelle = Actor.Actor("phase_5.5/models/char/Clarabelle-zero",
+ { "listen" : "phase_5.5/models/char/Clarabelle-listens" } )
+ self.clarabelle.loop("listen")
+ # Force her eyes to render back-to-front, by the simple
+ # expedient of parenting them to the fixed bin in order.
+ self.clarabelle.find('**/eyes').setBin('fixed', 0)
+ self.clarabelle.find('**/pupilL').setBin('fixed', 1)
+ self.clarabelle.find('**/pupilR').setBin('fixed', 1)
+ self.clarabelle.find('**/glassL').setBin('fixed', 2)
+ self.clarabelle.find('**/glassR').setBin('fixed', 2)
+ # Get the switchboard too.
+ switchboard = loader.loadModel("phase_5.5/models/estate/switchboard")
+ switchboard.reparentTo(self.clarabelle)
+ switchboard.setPos(0, -2, 0)
+ # self.clarabelle = Char.Char()
+ # clarabelleDNA = CharDNA.CharDNA()
+ # clarabelleDNA.newChar('cl')
+ # self.clarabelle.setDNA(clarabelleDNA)
+ # self.clarabelle.hideName()
+ self.clarabelle.reparentTo(self.cRender)
+ self.clarabelle.setPosHprScale(-0.56, 6.43, -3.81,
+ 121.61, 0.00, 0.00,
+ 1.00, 1.00, 1.00)
+ # Match up existing gui frame
+ self.clarabelleFrame.setPosHprScale(-0.00, 0.00, 0.00,
+ 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,
+ 1.00, 1.00, 1.00)
+ def reload(self):
+ for panel in (self.panelList + self.backPanelList + self.loyaltyPanelList):
+ panel.destroy()
+ def priceSort(a,b,type):
+ priceA = a.getPrice(type)
+ priceB = b.getPrice(type)
+ return priceB - priceA
+ # Initialize variables
+ self.pageIndex = -1
+ self.maxPageIndex = 0
+ self.numNewPages = 0
+ self.numBackPages = 5
+ self.numLoyaltyPages = 0
+ self.viewing = 'New'
+ self.panelList = []
+ self.backPanelList = []
+ self.loyaltyList = []
+ self.pageList = []
+ self.backPageList = []
+ self.loyaltyPanelList = []
+ self.loyaltyPageList = []
+ self.panelDict = {}
+ self.visiblePanels = []
+ itemList = (base.localAvatar.monthlyCatalog +
+ base.localAvatar.weeklyCatalog)
+ itemList.sort(lambda a,b: priceSort(a,b,CatalogItem.CatalogTypeWeekly))
+ itemList.reverse()
+ for item in itemList:
+ if item.loyaltyRequirement() != 0:
+ self.loyaltyPanelList.append(
+ CatalogItemPanel.CatalogItemPanel(
+ parent = hidden,
+ item=item,
+ type=CatalogItem.CatalogTypeLoyalty,
+ parentCatalogScreen = self,
+ ))
+ else:
+ self.panelList.append(
+ CatalogItemPanel.CatalogItemPanel(
+ parent = hidden,
+ item=item,
+ type=CatalogItem.CatalogTypeWeekly
+ ))
+ itemList = base.localAvatar.backCatalog
+ itemList.sort(
+ lambda a,b: priceSort(a,b,CatalogItem.CatalogTypeBackorder))
+ itemList.reverse()
+ for item in itemList:
+ if item.loyaltyRequirement() != 0:
+ self.loyaltyPanelList.append(
+ CatalogItemPanel.CatalogItemPanel(
+ parent = hidden,
+ item=item,
+ type=CatalogItem.CatalogTypeLoyalty,
+ parentCatalogScreen = self,
+ ))
+ else:
+ self.backPanelList.append(
+ CatalogItemPanel.CatalogItemPanel(
+ parent = hidden,
+ item=item,
+ type=CatalogItem.CatalogTypeBackorder
+ ))
+ numPages = self.packPages(self.panelList, self.pageList, 'new')
+ self.setNumNewPages(numPages)
+ numPages = self.packPages(self.backPanelList,self.backPageList,'back')
+ self.setNumBackPages(numPages)
+ numPages = self.packPages(self.loyaltyPanelList,self.loyaltyPageList,'loyalty')
+ self.setNumLoyaltyPages(numPages)
+ seriesNumber = (base.localAvatar.catalogScheduleCurrentWeek - 1) / ToontownGlobals.CatalogNumWeeksPerSeries + 1
+ self.catalogSeries['text'] = Localizer.CatalogSeriesLabel % seriesNumber
+ weekNumber = (base.localAvatar.catalogScheduleCurrentWeek - 1) % ToontownGlobals.CatalogNumWeeksPerSeries + 1
+ self.catalogNumber['text'] = "#%d" % weekNumber
+ self.enableBackorderCatalogButton()
+ self.setMaxPageIndex(self.numNewPages)
+ self.setPageIndex(-1)
+ self.showPageItems()
+ def unload(self):
+ taskMgr.remove("clearClarabelleChat")
+ taskMgr.remove("postGoodbyeHangUp")
+ taskMgr.remove("clarabelleGreeting")
+ taskMgr.remove("clarabelleHelpText1")
+ taskMgr.remove("clarabelleAskAnythingElse")
+ if self.giftAvatar:
+ # Make sure to remove Hook
+ self.hide()
+ # remove all graphical elements
+ self.destroy()
+ # Clean up variables
+ del self.base
+ del self.squares
+ for panel in (self.panelList + self.backPanelList + self.loyaltyPanelList):
+ panel.destroy()
+ del self.panelList
+ del self.backPanelList
+ del self.cover
+ del self.rings
+ del self.clarabelleFrame
+ del self.hangup
+ del self.beanBank
+ del self.nextPageButton
+ del self.backPageButton
+ del self.newCatalogButton
+ del self.newCatalogButton2
+ del self.backCatalogButton
+ del self.backCatalogButton2
+ del self.loyaltyCatalogButton
+ del self.loyaltyCatalogButton2
+ del self.pageLabel
+ if self.createdGiftGui:
+ del self.giftToggle
+ del self.giftLabel
+ del self.friendLabel
+ del self.scrollList
+ self.unloadClarabelle()
+ # delete dialog (if present)
+ if self.responseDialog:
+ self.responseDialog.cleanup()
+ self.responseDialog = None
+ if self.giftAvatar:
+ if hasattr(self.giftAvatar, 'doId'):
+ self.giftAvatar.delete()
+ else:
+ self.giftAvatar = None
+ def unloadClarabelle(self):
+ del self.cRender
+ del self.cCamera
+ del self.cCamNode
+ del self.cLens
+ del self.cCam
+ del self.cDr
+ self.clarabelle.cleanup()
+ del self.clarabelle
+ def hangUp(self):
+ self.setClarabelleChat(random.choice(TTLocalizer.CatalogGoodbyeList))
+ # Flip to the front cover and hide the arrow and tabs
+ # so you can not get out of this mode. We do not want people
+ # purchasing items after hanging up
+ self.setPageIndex(-1)
+ self.showPageItems()
+ self.nextPageButton.hide()
+ self.backPageButton.hide()
+ self.newCatalogButton.hide()
+ self.newCatalogButton2.hide()
+ self.backCatalogButton.hide()
+ self.backCatalogButton2.hide()
+ self.loyaltyCatalogButton.hide()
+ self.loyaltyCatalogButton2.hide()
+ self.hangup.hide()
+ # No more helpful text
+ taskMgr.remove("clarabelleGreeting")
+ taskMgr.remove("clarabelleHelpText1")
+ taskMgr.remove("clarabelleAskAnythingElse")
+ def postGoodbyeHangUp(task):
+ messenger.send(self['doneEvent'])
+ self.unload()
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(1.5, postGoodbyeHangUp, "postGoodbyeHangUp")
+ def remoteUpdate(self):
+ #print("remoteupdate")
+ #print self.gifting
+ self.update()
+ # button handlers
+ def update(self, lock = 0):#, giftActivate = 0):
+ #print("update")
+ if not hasattr(self.giftAvatar, 'doId'):
+ if self.gifting == 1:
+ self.__giftToggle()
+ # Update amount in jellybean bank if the catalog is still open
+ if hasattr(self, "beanBank"):
+ self.beanBank['text'] = str(base.localAvatar.getTotalMoney())
+ # call this when toon's money count changes to update the buy buttons
+ #print lock
+ if lock == 0:
+ for item in (self.panelList + self.backPanelList + self.loyaltyPanelList):
+ if (type(item) != type("")):
+ #item.updateButtons(giftActivate)
+ item.updateButtons(self.gifting)
+ #item.updateBuyButton()
+ #item.updateGiftButton(giftActivate)
+ def __handlePurchaseRequest(self, item):
+ # ask the user to customize this purchase (if necessary) and
+ # then ask AI to make the purchase.
+ item.requestPurchase(self['phone'], self.__handlePurchaseResponse)
+ # If you are buying something else, she should not say this
+ taskMgr.remove("clarabelleAskAnythingElse")
+ def __handleGiftPurchaseRequest(self, item):
+ # ask the user to customize this purchase (if necessary) and
+ # then ask AI to make the purchase.
+ #friendPair = base.localAvatar.friendsList[self.friendGiftIndex]
+ #frienddoId =[0]).getDoId()
+ item.requestGiftPurchase(self['phone'], self.frienddoId,self.__handleGiftPurchaseResponse)
+ # If you are buying something else, she should not say this
+ taskMgr.remove("clarabelleAskAnythingElse")
+ def __handlePurchaseResponse(self, retCode, item):
+ # AI has returned the status of the purchase in retCode
+ if retCode == ToontownGlobals.P_UserCancelled:
+ # No big deal; the user bailed.
+ return
+ self.setClarabelleChat(item.getRequestPurchaseErrorText(retCode),
+ item.getRequestPurchaseErrorTextTimeout())
+ """
+ self.responseDialog = TTDialog.TTDialog(
+ style = TTDialog.Acknowledge,
+ text = item.getRequestPurchaseErrorText(retCode),
+ text_wordwrap = 15,
+ fadeScreen = 1,
+ command = self.__clearDialog,
+ )
+ """
+ def __handleGiftPurchaseResponse(self, retCode, item):
+ # AI has returned the status of the purchase in retCode
+ if retCode == ToontownGlobals.P_UserCancelled:
+ # No big deal; the user bailed.
+ return
+ if self.isEmpty() or self.isHidden():
+ # the user hung up the phone before we got the uberdog response
+ return
+ self.setClarabelleChat(item.getRequestGiftPurchaseErrorText(retCode) % (self.receiverName));
+ self.__loadFriend()
+ def askAnythingElse(task):
+ self.setClarabelleChat(TTLocalizer.CatalogAnythingElse)
+ if retCode >= 0:
+ # success: update catalog screen and buttons
+ # After a while, have Clarabelle ask if there is anything else you would like
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(8, askAnythingElse, "clarabelleAskAnythingElse")
+ def __clearDialog(self, event):
+ self.responseDialog.cleanup()
+ self.responseDialog = None
+ def setClarabelleChat(self, str, timeout=6):
+ self.clearClarabelleChat()
+ if not self.clarabelleChatBalloon:
+ self.clarabelleChatBalloon = loader.loadModel("phase_3/models/props/chatbox.bam")
+ self.clarabelleChat = ChatBalloon(self.clarabelleChatBalloon.node())
+ chatNode = self.clarabelleChat.generate(
+ str,
+ ToontownGlobals.getInterfaceFont(),
+ 10,
+ Vec4(0,0,0,1),
+ Vec4(1,1,1,1),
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ NodePath(),
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ NodePath(),
+ )
+ self.clarabelleChatNP = self.attachNewNode(chatNode,1000)
+ self.clarabelleChatNP.setScale(0.08)
+ self.clarabelleChatNP.setPos(0.7,0,0.6)
+ if timeout:
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(timeout, self.clearClarabelleChat, "clearClarabelleChat")
+ def clearClarabelleChat(self, task=None):
+ # Clean up old chat
+ taskMgr.remove("clearClarabelleChat")
+ if self.clarabelleChatNP:
+ self.clarabelleChatNP.removeNode()
+ self.clarabelleChatNP = None
+ del self.clarabelleChat
+ def __moneyChange(self, money):
+ if self.gifting > 0:
+ self.update(1)
+ else:
+ self.update(0)
+ #print ("__moneyChange")
+ def __bankMoneyChange(self, bankMoney):
+ if self.gifting > 0:
+ self.update(1)
+ else:
+ self.update(0)
+ #print ("__bankMoneyChange")
+ def checkFamily(self, doId):
+ test = 0
+ for familyMember in
+ if == doId:
+ test = 1
+ return test
+ def __makeFFlist(self):
+ for familyMember in
+ if != base.localAvatar.doId:
+ newFF = (,, NametagGroup.CCNonPlayer)
+ self.ffList.append(newFF)
+ for friendPair in base.localAvatar.friendsList:
+ friendId, flags = friendPair
+ #print "adding friend"
+ handle =
+ if handle and not self.checkFamily(friendId):
+ if hasattr(handle, 'getName'):
+ colorCode = NametagGroup.CCSpeedChat
+ if (flags & ToontownGlobals.FriendChat):
+ colorCode = NametagGroup.CCFreeChat
+ newFF = (friendPair[0], handle.getName(), colorCode)
+ self.ffList.append(newFF)
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning("Bad Handle for getName in makeFFlist")
+ hasManager = hasattr(, "playerFriendsManager")
+ if hasManager:
+ for avatarId in
+ handle =
+ playerId =
+ playerInfo =
+ freeChat = playerInfo.understandableYesNo
+ if handle and not self.checkFamily(avatarId):
+ if hasattr(handle, 'getName'):
+ colorCode = NametagGroup.CCSpeedChat
+ if freeChat:
+ colorCode = NametagGroup.CCFreeChat
+ newFF = (avatarId, handle.getName(), colorCode)
+ self.ffList.append(newFF)
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning("Bad Handle for getName in makeFFlist")
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ def __makeScrollList(self):
+ for ff in self.ffList:
+ ffbutton = self.makeFamilyButton(ff[0], ff[1], ff[2])
+ if ffbutton:
+ #print "adding button"
+ self.scrollList.addItem(ffbutton, refresh=0)
+ self.friends[ff] = ffbutton
+ else:
+ pass
+ #print "not adding button"
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ self.scrollList.refresh()
+ def makeFamilyButton(self, familyId, familyName, colorCode):
+ #print("Making Family Button")
+ #print familyId
+ # What color should we display the name in? Use the
+ # appropriate nametag color, according to whether we are
+ # "special friends" or not.
+ fg = NametagGlobals.getNameFg(colorCode, PGButton.SInactive)
+ #print "made family button"
+ return DirectButton(
+ relief = None,
+ text = familyName,
+ text_scale = 0.04,
+ text_align = TextNode.ALeft,
+ text_fg = fg,
+ text1_bg = self.textDownColor,
+ text2_bg = self.textRolloverColor,
+ text3_fg = self.textDisabledColor,
+ textMayChange = 0,
+ command = self.__chooseFriend,
+ extraArgs = [familyId, familyName],
+ )
+ def __chooseFriend(self, friendId, friendName):
+ """selects a friend for loading"""
+ #messenger.send('wakeup') # I have no idea what this is for
+ #handle = # the friend handle is throw awayused to get the doId for an avatar
+ #if 0 and handle != None:
+ # friendText = handle.getName()
+ # self.friendLabel['text'] = (TTLocalizer.CatalogGiftTo % (friendText))
+ # self.friendGiftHandle = handle;
+ # self.frienddoId = handle.getDoId()
+ # self.__loadFriend()
+ messenger.send('wakeup')
+ self.frienddoId = friendId
+ self.receiverName = friendName
+ self.friendLabel['text'] = (TTLocalizer.CatalogGiftTo % (self.receiverName))
+ self.__loadFriend()
+ def __loadFriend(self):
+ #return
+ """Requests a detail avatar from the database"""
+ if self.allowGetDetails == 0:
+ CatalogScreen.notify.warning("smashing requests")
+ if self.frienddoId and self.allowGetDetails:
+ if self.giftAvatar:
+ if hasattr(self.giftAvatar, 'doId'):
+ self.giftAvatar.delete()
+ self.giftAvatar = None
+ self.giftAvatar = DistributedToon.DistributedToon( #sets up a dummy avatar
+ self.giftAvatar.doId = self.frienddoId #the doId is required for getAvatarDetails to work
+ # getAvatarDetails puts a DelayDelete on the avatar, and this
+ # is not a real DO, so bypass the 'generated' check
+ self.giftAvatar.forceAllowDelayDelete()
+, self.__handleAvatarDetails, "DistributedToon") #request to the database
+ self.gotAvatar = 0 #sets the flag to false so we know we have a database request pending
+ self.allowGetDetails = 0
+ self.scrollList['state'] = DGG.DISABLED
+ def __handleAvatarDetails(self, gotData, avatar, dclass):
+ """Receives and uses the detail avatar"""
+ #if something goes wrong set teh flag as invlaid
+ if self.giftAvatar.doId != avatar.doId or gotData == 0:
+ CatalogScreen.notify.error("Get Gift Avatar Failed")
+ self.gotAvatar = 0
+ return
+ #otherwise set the flag to valid and update the catalog
+ else:
+ self.gotAvatar = 1
+ self.giftAvatar = avatar
+ #self.giftAvatar = DistributedToon.DistributedToon( #error test case 1
+ #self.giftAvatar = None #error test case 2
+ self.scrollList['state'] = DGG.NORMAL
+ self.allowGetDetails = 1
+ self.update()
+ def __giftToggle(self):
+ messenger.send('wakeup')
+ if self.gifting == -1:
+ self.gifting = 1
+ self.giftToggle['text'] = TTLocalizer.CatalogGiftToggleOn
+ self.__loadFriend()
+ else:
+ self.gifting = -1
+ self.giftLabel.hide()
+ self.friendLabel.hide()
+ self.scrollList.hide()
+ self.giftToggle['text'] = TTLocalizer.CatalogGiftToggleOff
+ self.update()
+ def __handleUDack(self, caller = None):
+ taskMgr.remove("ackTimeOut")
+ if hasattr(self, 'giftToggle') and self.giftToggle:
+ self.giftToggle['state'] = DGG.NORMAL
+ self.giftToggle['text'] = TTLocalizer.CatalogGiftToggleOff
+ def __handleNoAck(self, caller = None):
+ if hasattr(self, 'giftToggle') and self.giftToggle:
+ self.giftToggle['text'] = TTLocalizer.CatalogGiftToggleNoAck
diff --git a/toontown/src/catalog/ b/toontown/src/catalog/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f47af15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/catalog/
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+## COLORS ##
+CT_WHITE = (1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)
+CT_RED = (1.000, 0.500, 0.500, 1.000)
+CT_BROWN = (0.641, 0.355, 0.270, 1.000)
+CT_CANTELOPE = (0.839, 0.651, 0.549, 1.000)
+CT_TAN = (0.996, 0.695, 0.512, 1.000)
+CT_ORANGE = (0.992, 0.480, 0.168, 1.000)
+CT_CORAL = (0.832, 0.500, 0.297, 1.000)
+CT_PEACH = (1.000, 0.820, 0.700, 1.000)
+CT_BEIGE = (1.000, 0.800, 0.600, 1.000)
+CT_TAN2 = (0.808, 0.678, 0.510, 1.000)
+CT_SIENNA = (0.570, 0.449, 0.164, 1.000)
+CT_YELLOW = (0.996, 0.898, 0.320, 1.000)
+CT_CREAM = (0.996, 0.957, 0.598, 1.000)
+CT_BEIGE2 = (1.000, 1.000, 0.600, 1.000)
+CT_YELLOW2 = (1.000, 1.000, 0.700, 1.000)
+CT_CITRINE = (0.855, 0.934, 0.492, 1.000)
+CT_FOREST_GREEN = (0.500, 0.586, 0.400, 1.000)
+CT_LINE = (0.551, 0.824, 0.324, 1.000)
+CT_PALE_GREEN = (0.789, 1.000, 0.700, 1.000)
+CT_GREEN = (0.305, 0.969, 0.402, 1.000)
+CT_TEAL = (0.600, 1.000, 0.800, 1.000)
+CT_SEA_GREEN = (0.242, 0.742, 0.516, 1.000)
+CT_LIGHT_BLUE = (0.434, 0.906, 0.836, 1.000)
+CT_AQUA = (0.348, 0.820, 0.953, 1.000)
+CT_BLUE = (0.191, 0.563, 0.773, 1.000)
+CT_LIGHT_BLUE2 = (0.875, 0.937, 1.000, 1.000)
+CT_PERIWINKLE = (0.559, 0.590, 0.875, 1.000)
+CT_ROYAL_BLUE = (0.285, 0.328, 0.727, 1.000)
+CT_GREY = (0.700, 0.700, 0.800, 1.000)
+CT_BLUE2 = (0.600, 0.600, 1.000, 1.000)
+CT_SLATE_BLUE = (0.461, 0.379, 0.824, 1.000)
+CT_PURPLE = (0.547, 0.281, 0.750, 1.000)
+CT_LAVENDER = (0.727, 0.473, 0.859, 1.000)
+CT_PINK = (0.898, 0.617, 0.906, 1.000)
+CT_PINK2 = (1.000, 0.600, 1.000, 1.000)
+CT_MAROON = (0.711, 0.234, 0.438, 1.000)
+CT_PEACH2 = (0.969, 0.691, 0.699, 1.000)
+CT_RED2 = (0.863, 0.406, 0.418, 1.000)
+CT_BRIGHT_RED = (0.934, 0.266, 0.281, 1.000)
+# Wood colors
+CT_DARK_WOOD = (0.690, 0.741, 0.710, 1.000)
+CT_DARK_WALNUT = (0.549, 0.412, 0.259, 1.000)
+CT_GENERIC_DARK = (0.443, 0.333, 0.176, 1.000)
+CT_PINE = (1.000, 0.812, 0.490, 1.000)
+CT_CHERRY = (0.710, 0.408, 0.267, 1.000)
+CT_BEECH = (0.961, 0.659, 0.400, 1.000)
+# Color tables
+# To be applied to flat_wallpaper1.
+CTFlatColor = [
+ ]
+CTValentinesColors = [
+ ]
+CTUnderwaterColors = [
+ ]
+# Create darkened versions of the flat colors These are useful for modlings
+# and borders and such
+CTFlatColorDark = []
+tint = 0.75
+for color in CTFlatColor:
+ CTFlatColorDark.append((color[0] * tint,
+ color[1] * tint,
+ color[2] * tint,
+ 1.0))
+CTFlatColorAll = CTFlatColor + CTFlatColorDark
+# To be applied to grayscale textures.
+CTBasicWoodColorOnWhite = [
+ ]
+CTWhite = [CT_WHITE,]
diff --git a/toontown/src/catalog/ b/toontown/src/catalog/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d22476e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/catalog/
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+import CatalogItem
+import CatalogAtticItem
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+from CatalogSurfaceColors import *
+# Surface type. This must be a contiguous series in the range 0-3 to
+# index into DistributedHouse.activeWallpaper.
+STWallpaper = 0
+STMoulding = 1
+STFlooring = 2
+STWainscoting = 3
+class CatalogSurfaceItem(CatalogAtticItem.CatalogAtticItem):
+ """CatalogSurfaceItem
+ Parent class for all house surface items (wallpapers, flooring
+ moulding, and wainscotings. These specify the texture/color
+ combination for walls and trim.
+ """
+ def makeNewItem(self):
+ CatalogAtticItem.CatalogAtticItem.makeNewItem(self)
+ def setPatternIndex(self, patternIndex):
+ self.patternIndex = patternIndex
+ def setColorIndex(self, colorIndex):
+ self.colorIndex = colorIndex
+ def saveHistory(self):
+ # Returns true if items of this type should be saved in the
+ # back catalog, false otherwise.
+ return 1
+ def recordPurchase(self, avatar, optional):
+ # Updates the appropriate field on the avatar to indicate the
+ # purchase (or delivery). This makes the item available to
+ # use by the avatar. This method is only called on the AI side.
+ self.giftTag = None
+ house, retcode = self.getHouseInfo(avatar)
+ if retcode >= 0:
+ house.addWallpaper(self)
+ return retcode
+ def getDeliveryTime(self):
+ # Returns the elapsed time in minutes from purchase to
+ # delivery for this particular item.
+ return 60 # 1 hour.
diff --git a/toontown/src/catalog/ b/toontown/src/catalog/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e68dc1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/catalog/
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+import CatalogGardenItem
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+from otp.otpbase import OTPLocalizer
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
+from import GardenGlobals
+class CatalogToonStatueItem(CatalogGardenItem.CatalogGardenItem):
+ """
+ Represents a Toon Statue Garden Item on the Delivery List.
+ CatalogToonStatueItem is derived from CatalogGardenItem for the intention of
+ adding the functionality of customization. The user can cycle through a list
+ of toon statues and choose the statue pose he/she likes.
+ NOTE: While creating a CatalogToonStatueItem in ensure the following:
+ 1) 1st parameter is the poseIndex you want the list to start with
+ 2) Also endPoseIndex parameters while creating CatalogToonStatueItem
+ All poses between the 1st parameter (gardenIndex) and endPoseIndex will be included
+ in the list of poses to choose from.
+ 3) 1st parameter (gardenIndex) should be <= endPoseIndex
+ 4) While adding more toon statue poses, make sure the specialsIndex of the poses
+ are in numeric succession
+ """
+ pictureToonStatue = None
+ def makeNewItem(self, itemIndex = 105, count = 1, tagCode = 1, endPoseIndex = 108):
+ # The itemIndex has to be less than or equal to the endPoseIndex
+ assert (itemIndex <= endPoseIndex)
+ self.startPoseIndex = itemIndex
+ self.endPoseIndex = endPoseIndex
+ CatalogGardenItem.CatalogGardenItem.makeNewItem(self, itemIndex, count, tagCode)
+ def needsCustomize(self):
+ # Returns true if endPoseIndex - startPoseIndex is more 0, this means there are more than 1 choice
+ return ((self.endPoseIndex - self.startPoseIndex) > 0)
+ def getPicture(self, avatar):
+ # Handle the ToonStatues separately because we have to load a toon statue of the
+ # local avatar with a predefined pose instead of a predefined static model
+ # Don't import this at the top of the file, since this code must run on the AI.
+ from import DistributedToonStatuary
+ toonStatuary = DistributedToonStatuary.DistributedToonStatuary(None)
+ toonStatuary.setupStoneToon(
+ toonStatuary.poseToonFromSpecialsIndex(self.gardenIndex)
+ # Toon with the pedestal looks too small in the catalog, so I'm removing the pedestal.
+ # Bring the toon up to 0 height, because we do a toon.setZ(70) in
+ toonStatuary.toon.setZ(0)
+ model, ival = self.makeFrameModel(toonStatuary.toon, 1)
+ self.pictureToonStatue = toonStatuary
+ assert (not self.hasPicture)
+ self.hasPicture=True
+ return (model, ival)
+ def cleanupPicture(self):
+ assert self.pictureToonStatue
+ self.pictureToonStatue.deleteToon()
+ self.pictureToonStatue = None
+ CatalogGardenItem.CatalogGardenItem.cleanupPicture(self)
+ def decodeDatagram(self, di, versionNumber, store):
+ CatalogGardenItem.CatalogGardenItem.decodeDatagram(self, di, versionNumber, store)
+ self.startPoseIndex = di.getUint8()
+ self.endPoseIndex = di.getUint8()
+ def encodeDatagram(self, dg, store):
+ CatalogGardenItem.CatalogGardenItem.encodeDatagram(self, dg, store)
+ dg.addUint8(self.startPoseIndex)
+ dg.addUint8(self.endPoseIndex)
+ def compareTo(self, other):
+ if (self.gardenIndex >= self.startPoseIndex) and (self.gardenIndex <= self.endPoseIndex):
+ return 0
+ return 1
+ def getAllToonStatues(self):
+ # This function returns a list of all possible toon statues
+ self.statueList = []
+ for index in range(self.startPoseIndex, self.endPoseIndex + 1):
+ self.statueList.append(CatalogToonStatueItem(index, 1, endPoseIndex = index))
+ return self.statueList
+ def deleteAllToonStatues(self):
+ # This function deletes all the toon statues in the list
+ while len(self.statueList):
+ item = self.statueList[0]
+ if item.pictureToonStatue:
+ item.pictureToonStatue.deleteToon()
+ self.statueList.remove(item)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/toontown/src/catalog/ b/toontown/src/catalog/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cda71f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/catalog/
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+from CatalogSurfaceItem import *
+# Indicies into Wainscoting Textures Dictionary
+WSTTextureName = 0
+WSTColor = 1
+WSTBasePrice = 2
+# These index numbers are written to the database. Don't mess with them.
+# Also see TTLocalizer.WainscotingNames.
+WainscotingTypes = {
+ # Plain
+ 1000 : ("phase_3.5/maps/wall_paper_b3.jpg", CTFlatColorDark, 200),
+ # Wood version
+ 1010 : ("phase_5.5/maps/wall_paper_b4_greyscale.jpg",
+ CTBasicWoodColorOnWhite, 200),
+ # Wood version - series 2
+ 1020 : ("phase_5.5/maps/wainscotings_neutral.jpg", CTBasicWoodColorOnWhite, 200),
+ # Painted, valentines
+ 1030 : ("phase_3.5/maps/wall_paper_b3.jpg", CTValentinesColors, 200),
+ # Painted, underwater colors
+ 1040 : ("phase_3.5/maps/wall_paper_b3.jpg", CTUnderwaterColors, 200),
+ }
+class CatalogWainscotingItem(CatalogSurfaceItem):
+ """CatalogWainscotingItem
+ This represents a texture/color combination for wainscoting.
+ """
+ def makeNewItem(self, patternIndex, colorIndex):
+ self.patternIndex = patternIndex
+ self.colorIndex = colorIndex
+ CatalogSurfaceItem.makeNewItem(self)
+ def getTypeName(self):
+ # e.g. "wallpaper", "wainscoting", etc.
+ return TTLocalizer.SurfaceNames[STWainscoting]
+ def getName(self):
+ name = TTLocalizer.WainscotingNames.get(self.patternIndex)
+ if name:
+ return name
+ return self.getTypeName()
+ def getSurfaceType(self):
+ # Returns a value reflecting the type of surface this
+ # pattern is intended to be applied to.
+ return STWainscoting
+ def getPicture(self, avatar):
+ # Returns a (DirectWidget, Interval) pair to draw and animate a
+ # little representation of the item, or (None, None) if the
+ # item has no representation. This method is only called on
+ # the client.
+ frame = self.makeFrame()
+ sample = loader.loadModel('phase_5.5/models/estate/wallpaper_sample')
+ a = sample.find('**/a')
+ b = sample.find('**/b')
+ c = sample.find('**/c')
+ # Wainscoting gets applied to the bottom 1/3, with the top
+ # 2/3 hidden.
+ a.hide()
+ b.hide()
+ c.setTexture(self.loadTexture(), 1)
+ c.setColorScale(*self.getColor())
+ sample.reparentTo(frame)
+## assert (not self.hasPicture)
+ self.hasPicture=True
+ return (frame, None)
+ def output(self, store = ~0):
+ return "CatalogWainscotingItem(%s, %s%s)" % (
+ self.patternIndex, self.colorIndex,
+ self.formatOptionalData(store))
+ def getFilename(self):
+ return WainscotingTypes[self.patternIndex][WSTTextureName]
+ def compareTo(self, other):
+ if self.patternIndex != other.patternIndex:
+ return self.patternIndex - other.patternIndex
+ return self.colorIndex - other.colorIndex
+ def getHashContents(self):
+ return (self.patternIndex, self.colorIndex)
+ def getBasePrice(self):
+ return WainscotingTypes[self.patternIndex][WSTBasePrice]
+ def loadTexture(self):
+ from pandac.PandaModules import Texture
+ filename = WainscotingTypes[self.patternIndex][WSTTextureName]
+ texture = loader.loadTexture(filename)
+ texture.setMinfilter(Texture.FTLinearMipmapLinear)
+ texture.setMagfilter(Texture.FTLinear)
+ return texture
+ def getColor(self):
+ if self.colorIndex == None:
+ # If no color index is set yet, use first color in color list
+ colorIndex = 0
+ else:
+ colorIndex = self.colorIndex
+ colors = WainscotingTypes[self.patternIndex][WSTColor]
+ if colors:
+ if colorIndex < len(colors):
+ return colors[colorIndex]
+ else:
+ print "Warning: colorIndex not in colors. Returning white."
+ return CT_WHITE
+ else:
+ return CT_WHITE
+ def decodeDatagram(self, di, versionNumber, store):
+ CatalogAtticItem.CatalogAtticItem.decodeDatagram(self, di, versionNumber, store)
+ if versionNumber < 3:
+ self.patternIndex = di.getUint8()
+ else:
+ self.patternIndex = di.getUint16()
+ self.colorIndex = di.getUint8()
+ # The following will generate an exception if
+ # self.patternIndex is invalid. The other fields can take
+ # care of themselves.
+ wtype = WainscotingTypes[self.patternIndex]
+ def encodeDatagram(self, dg, store):
+ CatalogAtticItem.CatalogAtticItem.encodeDatagram(self, dg, store)
+ dg.addUint16(self.patternIndex)
+ dg.addUint8(self.colorIndex)
+def getWainscotings(*indexList):
+ # This function returns a list of CatalogWainscotingItems
+ # The returned items will all need to be customized (i.e
+ # have a color chosen by the user. Until customization,
+ # use a default color index of 0 (if the pattern has a color
+ # list) or CT_WHITE if the pattern has no color list
+ list = []
+ for index in indexList:
+ list.append(CatalogWainscotingItem(index))
+ return list
+def getAllWainscotings(*indexList):
+ # This function returns a list of all possible
+ # CatalogWainscotingItems (that is, all color variants) for the
+ # indicated type index(es).
+ list = []
+ for index in indexList:
+ colors = WainscotingTypes[index][WSTColor]
+ if colors:
+ for n in range(len(colors)):
+ list.append(CatalogWainscotingItem(index, n))
+ else:
+ list.append(CatalogWainscotingItem(index, 0))
+ return list
+def getWainscotingRange(fromIndex, toIndex, *otherRanges):
+ # This function returns a list of all possible
+ # CatalogWainscotingItems (that is, all color variants) for the
+ # indicated type index(es).
+ # Make sure we got an even number of otherRanges
+ assert(len(otherRanges)%2 == 0)
+ list = []
+ froms = [fromIndex,]
+ tos = [toIndex,]
+ i = 0
+ while i < len(otherRanges):
+ froms.append(otherRanges[i])
+ tos.append(otherRanges[i+1])
+ i += 2
+ for patternIndex in WainscotingTypes.keys():
+ for fromIndex, toIndex in zip(froms,tos):
+ if patternIndex >= fromIndex and patternIndex <= toIndex:
+ colors = WainscotingTypes[patternIndex][WSTColor]
+ if colors:
+ for n in range(len(colors)):
+ list.append(CatalogWainscotingItem(patternIndex, n))
+ else:
+ list.append(CatalogWainscotingItem(patternIndex, 0))
+ return list
diff --git a/toontown/src/catalog/ b/toontown/src/catalog/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b8cb11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/catalog/
@@ -0,0 +1,519 @@
+from CatalogSurfaceItem import *
+## TODO:
+# Get rid of XXX2 wallpaper pattens
+# Initialize borderIndex and borderColorIndex
+# Indicies into Wallpaper Textures Dictionary
+WTTextureName = 0
+WTColor = 1
+WTBorderList = 2
+WTBasePrice = 3
+BDTextureName = 0
+BDColor = 1
+All = (1000,1010,1020,1030,1040,1050,1060,1070)
+# These index numbers are written to the database. Don't mess with them.
+# Also see TTLocalizer.WallpaperNames.
+# Each is a list of (model, colorlist, border list, price)
+# 0 in border list means no border
+WallpaperTypes = {
+ # Parchment
+ 1000 : ("phase_5.5/maps/flat_wallpaper1.jpg", CTFlatColor, (0,1000,), 180),
+ # Milan
+ 1100 : ("phase_5.5/maps/big_stripes1.jpg", CTWhite, (0,1010,), 180),
+ 1110 : ("phase_5.5/maps/big_stripes2.jpg", CTWhite, (0,1040,), 180),
+ 1120 : ("phase_5.5/maps/big_stripes3.jpg", CTWhite, (0,1030,), 180),
+ 1130 : ("phase_5.5/maps/big_stripes4.jpg", CTWhite, (0,1010,), 180),
+ 1140 : ("phase_5.5/maps/big_stripes5.jpg", CTWhite, (0,1020,), 180),
+ 1150 : ("phase_5.5/maps/big_stripes6.jpg", CTWhite, (0,1020,), 180),
+ # Dover
+ 1200 : ("phase_5.5/maps/stripeB1.jpg", CTWhite, (0,1000,), 180),
+ 1210 : ("phase_5.5/maps/stripeB2.jpg", CTWhite, (0,1000,), 180),
+ 1220 : ("phase_5.5/maps/stripeB3.jpg", CTWhite, (0,1000,), 180),
+ 1230 : ("phase_5.5/maps/stripeB4.jpg", CTWhite, (0,1000,), 180),
+ # stripeB5 ends up in phase3.5 because it is placed on some of the
+ # toon_interior walls.
+ 1240 : ("phase_3.5/maps/stripeB5.jpg", CTWhite, (0,1000,), 180),
+ 1250 : ("phase_5.5/maps/stripeB6.jpg", CTWhite, (0,1000,), 180),
+ 1260 : ("phase_5.5/maps/stripeB7.jpg", CTWhite, (0,1000,), 180),
+ # Victoria
+ 1300 : ("phase_5.5/maps/squiggle1.jpg", CTWhite, (0,), 180),
+ 1310 : ("phase_5.5/maps/squiggle2.jpg", CTWhite, (0,), 180),
+ 1320 : ("phase_5.5/maps/squiggle3.jpg", CTWhite, (0,), 180),
+ 1330 : ("phase_5.5/maps/squiggle4.jpg", CTWhite, (0,), 180),
+ 1340 : ("phase_5.5/maps/squiggle5.jpg", CTWhite, (0,), 180),
+ 1350 : ("phase_5.5/maps/squiggle6.jpg", CTWhite, (0,), 180),
+ # Newport
+ 1400 : ("phase_5.5/maps/stripes_cyan.jpg", CTWhite, (0,1000,), 180),
+ 1410 : ("phase_5.5/maps/stripes_green.jpg", CTWhite, (0,1000,), 180),
+ 1420 : ("phase_5.5/maps/stripes_magenta.jpg", CTWhite, (0,1000,), 180),
+ 1430 : ("phase_5.5/maps/two_stripes1.jpg", CTWhite, (0,1000,), 180),
+ 1440 : ("phase_5.5/maps/two_stripes2.jpg", CTWhite, (0,1000,), 180),
+ 1450 : ("phase_5.5/maps/two_stripes3.jpg", CTWhite, (0,1000,), 180),
+ # Pastoral
+ 1500 : ("phase_5.5/maps/leaves1.jpg", CTWhite, (0,), 180),
+ 1510 : ("phase_5.5/maps/leaves2.jpg", CTWhite, (0,), 180),
+ 1520 : ("phase_5.5/maps/leaves3.jpg", CTWhite, (0,), 180),
+ # Harlequin
+ 1600 : ("phase_5.5/maps/diamonds2_cherries.jpg", CTWhite, (0,1000,), 180),
+ 1610 : ("phase_5.5/maps/diamonds3_cherries.jpg", CTWhite, (0,1000,), 180),
+ 1620 : ("phase_5.5/maps/diamonds3_cherry.jpg", CTWhite, (0,1000,), 180),
+ 1630 : ("phase_5.5/maps/diamonds4_cherries.jpg", CTWhite, (0,1000,), 180),
+ 1640 : ("phase_5.5/maps/diamonds4_cherry.jpg", CTWhite, (0,1000,), 180),
+ 1650 : ("phase_5.5/maps/diamonds5_cherries.jpg", CTWhite, (0,1000,), 180),
+ 1660 : ("phase_5.5/maps/diamonds6_cherry.jpg", CTWhite, (0,1000,), 180),
+ # Moon
+ 1700 : ("phase_5.5/maps/moon1.jpg", CTWhite, (0,), 180),
+ 1710 : ("phase_5.5/maps/moon2.jpg", CTWhite, (0,), 180),
+ 1720 : ("phase_5.5/maps/moon3.jpg", CTWhite, (0,), 180),
+ 1730 : ("phase_5.5/maps/moon4.jpg", CTWhite, (0,), 180),
+ 1740 : ("phase_5.5/maps/moon5.jpg", CTWhite, (0,), 180),
+ 1750 : ("phase_5.5/maps/moon6.jpg", CTWhite, (0,), 180),
+ 1760 : ("phase_5.5/maps/moon7.jpg", CTWhite, (0,), 180),
+ # Stars
+ 1800 : ("phase_5.5/maps/stars1.jpg", CTWhite, (0,), 180),
+ 1810 : ("phase_5.5/maps/stars2.jpg", (CT_BLUE2, CT_PINK2, CT_RED), (0,), 180),
+ 1820 : ("phase_5.5/maps/stars3.jpg", (CT_BLUE2, CT_PINK2, CT_RED, CT_WHITE), (0,), 180),
+ 1830 : ("phase_5.5/maps/stars4.jpg", CTWhite, (0,), 180),
+ 1840 : ("phase_5.5/maps/stars5.jpg", CTWhite, (0,), 180),
+ 1850 : ("phase_5.5/maps/stars6.jpg", CTWhite, (0,), 180),
+ 1860 : ("phase_5.5/maps/stars7.jpg", (CT_BEIGE2, CT_WHITE), (0,), 180),
+ # Flowers
+ 1900 : ("phase_5.5/maps/wall_paper_flower1.jpg", CTWhite, (0,1000), 180),
+ 1910 : ("phase_5.5/maps/wall_paper_flower2.jpg", CTWhite, (0,1000), 180),
+ 1920 : ("phase_5.5/maps/wall_paper_flower3.jpg", CTWhite, (0,1000), 180),
+ 1930 : ("phase_5.5/maps/wall_paper_flower4.jpg", CTWhite, (0,1000), 180),
+ 1940 : ("phase_5.5/maps/wall_paper_flower5.jpg", CTWhite, (0,1000), 180),
+ 1950 : ("phase_5.5/maps/wall_paper_flower6.jpg", CTWhite, (0,1000), 180),
+ # Spring Garden
+ 2000 : ("phase_5.5/maps/flat_wallpaper1.jpg", (CT_BEIGE, CT_BEIGE2, CT_RED), (1050,), 180),
+ 2010 : ("phase_5.5/maps/flat_wallpaper1.jpg", (CT_BLUE2, CT_PINK2), (1060,), 180),
+ 2020 : ("phase_5.5/maps/flat_wallpaper1.jpg", (CT_BEIGE2, CT_BLUE2, CT_PINK2, CT_BEIGE, CT_RED), (1070,), 180),
+ # Formal Garden
+ 2100 : ("phase_5.5/maps/big_stripes1.jpg", CTWhite, (1050,), 180),
+ 2110 : ("phase_5.5/maps/big_stripes2.jpg", CTWhite, (1050,), 180),
+ 2120 : ("phase_5.5/maps/big_stripes3.jpg", CTWhite, (1060,), 180),
+ 2130 : ("phase_5.5/maps/big_stripes3.jpg", CTWhite, (1070,), 180),
+ 2140 : ("phase_5.5/maps/big_stripes6.jpg", CTWhite, (1070,), 180),
+ # Race Day
+ 2200 : ("phase_5.5/maps/wall_paper_car.jpg", CTWhite, (0,1000), 180,),
+ 2210 : ("phase_5.5/maps/wall_paper_car_neutral.jpg", CTFlatColor,
+ (0,1000), 180,),
+ # Touchdown
+ 2300 : ("phase_5.5/maps/wall_paper_football_neutral.jpg",
+ CTFlatColor, (0,1080), 180,),
+ # Cloud 9
+ 2400 : ("phase_5.5/maps/wall_paper_clouds.jpg", CTWhite, (0,1000), 180,),
+ # Climbing Vine
+ 2500 : ("phase_5.5/maps/wall_paper_vine_neutral.jpg",
+ CTFlatColorAll, (0,1090), 180,),
+ # Springtime
+ 2600 : ("phase_5.5/maps/basket.jpg", CTWhite, (0,1000), 180,),
+ 2610 : ("phase_5.5/maps/basket_neutral.jpg", CTFlatColor, (0, 1000), 180,),
+ # Kokeshi
+ 2700 : ("phase_5.5/maps/doll.jpg", CTWhite, (0,1000,1110), 180,),
+ 2710 : ("phase_5.5/maps/doll_neutral.jpg",CTFlatColor,(0,1100,1110),180,),
+ # Posies
+ 2800 : ("phase_5.5/maps/littleFlowers.jpg", CTWhite, (0,1000), 180,),
+ 2810 : ("phase_5.5/maps/littleFlowers_neutral.jpg",CTFlatColor,(0,1000),180,),
+ # Underwater
+ # Angel Fish
+ 2900 : ("phase_5.5/maps/UWwallPaperAngelFish.jpg", CTWhite, (0,1120,1160), 180,),
+ 2910 : ("phase_5.5/maps/UWwallPaperAngelFishColor.jpg", CTWhite, (0,1120,1160), 180,),
+ # keep here temporarily so DB doesn't freak out. These keys were originally offered
+ # on the test server, but it turns out this indexing scheme doesn't work right, so
+ # they weren't offered on live. If we get rid of these indices (2920-2980) we shoul
+ # patch the DB on TEST
+ 2920 : ("phase_5.5/maps/UWwallPaperBubbles.jpg", CTWhite, (0,1120,1160), 180,),
+ 2930 : ("phase_5.5/maps/UWwallPaperBubbles2.jpg", CTWhite, (0,1120,1160), 180,),
+ 2940 : ("phase_5.5/maps/UWwallPaperGreenFish.jpg", CTWhite, (0,1120,1160), 180,),
+ 2950 : ("phase_5.5/maps/UWwallPaperRedFish.jpg", CTWhite, (0,1120,1160), 180,),
+ 2960 : ("phase_5.5/maps/UWwallPaperSea_horse.jpg", CTWhite, (0,1120,1160), 180,),
+ 2970 : ("phase_5.5/maps/UWwallPaperShells.jpg", CTWhite, (0,1140,1150), 180),
+ 2980 : ("phase_5.5/maps/UWwaterFloor1.jpg", (CT_WHITE, CT_PALE_GREEN, CT_LIGHT_BLUE), (0,), 180),
+ # Bubbles
+ 3000 : ("phase_5.5/maps/UWwallPaperBubbles.jpg", CTWhite, (0,1120,1160), 180,),
+ 3100 : ("phase_5.5/maps/UWwallPaperBubbles2.jpg", CTWhite, (0,1120,1160), 180,),
+ # Fish
+ 3200 : ("phase_5.5/maps/UWwallPaperGreenFish.jpg", CTWhite, (0,1120,1160), 180,),
+ 3300 : ("phase_5.5/maps/UWwallPaperRedFish.jpg", CTWhite, (0,1120,1160), 180,),
+ 3400 : ("phase_5.5/maps/UWwallPaperSea_horse.jpg", CTWhite, (0,1120,1160), 180,),
+ # Shells
+ 3500 : ("phase_5.5/maps/UWwallPaperShells.jpg", (CT_WHITE, CT_SEA_GREEN, CT_LIGHT_BLUE), (0,1140,1150), 180),
+ # Water
+ 3600 : ("phase_5.5/maps/UWwaterFloor1.jpg", (CT_WHITE, CT_PALE_GREEN, CT_LIGHT_BLUE), (0,), 180),
+ # Western
+ 3700 : ("phase_5.5/maps/WesternBootWallpaper1.jpg", CTWhite, (0,1170,1180), 180,),
+ 3800 : ("phase_5.5/maps/WesternCactusWallpaper1.jpg", CTWhite, (0,1170,1180), 180,),
+ 3900 : ("phase_5.5/maps/WesternHatWallpaper1.jpg", CTWhite, (0,1170,1180), 180,),
+ # Holiday themed wallpapers
+ # Halloween
+ 10100 : ("phase_5.5/maps/cats1.jpg", CTWhite, (0, 10010, 10020), 400),
+ 10200 : ("phase_5.5/maps/bats2.jpg", CTWhite, (0, 10010, 10020), 400),
+ # Christmas
+ # Snowflake
+ 11000 : ("phase_5.5/maps/wall_paper_snowflakes.jpg", CTWhite,
+ (0,11000,11010), 400,),
+ # Hollyleaf
+ 11100 : ("phase_5.5/maps/wall_paper_hollyleaf.jpg", CTWhite,
+ (0,11000,11010), 400,),
+ # Snowman
+ 11200 : ("phase_5.5/maps/wall_paper_snowman.jpg", CTWhite,
+ (0,11000,11010), 400,),
+ # Valentines
+ # add valentines here
+ #
+ 12000 : ("phase_5.5/maps/VdayWall1.jpg", CTWhite,
+ (0,12000,12010,12020), 400,),
+ #
+ 12100 : ("phase_5.5/maps/VdayWall2.jpg", CTWhite,
+ (0,12000,12010,12020), 400,),
+ #
+ 12200 : ("phase_5.5/maps/VdayWall3.jpg", CTWhite,
+ (0,12000,12010,12020), 400,),
+ #
+ 12300 : ("phase_5.5/maps/VdayWall4.jpg", CTWhite,
+ (0,12000,12010,12020), 400,),
+ # St. Patrick's day
+ #
+ 13000 : ("phase_5.5/maps/StPatWallpaper1.jpg", CTWhite, (0,13000), 400),
+ #
+ 13100 : ("phase_5.5/maps/StPatWallpaper2.jpg", CTWhite, (0,13000), 400),
+ #
+ 13200 : ("phase_5.5/maps/StPatWallpaper3.jpg", CTWhite, (0,13000), 400),
+ #
+ 13300 : ("phase_5.5/maps/StPatWallpaper4.jpg", CTWhite, (0,13000), 400),
+ }
+WallpaperGroups = {
+ 1100 : (1100, 1110, 1120, 1130, 1140, 1150,),
+ 1200 : (1200, 1210, 1220, 1230, 1240, 1250, 1260,),
+ 1300 : (1300, 1310, 1320, 1330, 1340, 1350,),
+ 1400 : (1400, 1410, 1420, 1430, 1440, 1450,),
+ 1500 : (1500, 1510, 1520,),
+ 1600 : (1600, 1610, 1620, 1630, 1640, 1650, 1660,),
+ 1700 : (1700, 1710, 1720, 1730, 1740, 1750, 1760,),
+ 1800 : (1800, 1810, 1820, 1830, 1840, 1850, 1860,),
+ 1900 : (1900, 1910, 1920, 1930, 1940, 1950,),
+ 2000 : (2000, 2010, 2020,),
+ 2100 : (2100, 2110, 2120, 2130, 2140,),
+ 2200 : (2200, 2210,),
+ 2600 : (2600, 2610,),
+ 2700 : (2700, 2710,),
+ 2800 : (2800, 2810,),
+ 2900 : (2900, 2910,),
+ }
+# Possible border types
+BorderTypes = {
+ # Index of 0 means no border
+ 1000 : ("phase_5.5/maps/bd_grey_border1.jpg", CTFlatColorDark),
+ 1010 : ("phase_5.5/maps/diamonds_border2.jpg", CTWhite),
+ 1020 : ("phase_5.5/maps/diamonds_border2ch.jpg", CTWhite),
+ 1030 : ("phase_5.5/maps/diamonds_border3ch.jpg", CTWhite),
+ 1040 : ("phase_5.5/maps/diamonds_border4ch.jpg", CTWhite),
+ 1050 : ("phase_5.5/maps/flower_border2.jpg", CTWhite),
+ 1060 : ("phase_5.5/maps/flower_border5.jpg", CTWhite),
+ 1070 : ("phase_5.5/maps/flower_border6.jpg", CTWhite),
+ 1080 : ("phase_5.5/maps/football_border_neutral.jpg", CTFlatColorDark),
+ 1090 : ("phase_5.5/maps/vine_border1.jpg", CTFlatColorDark),
+ 1100 : ("phase_5.5/maps/doll_board.jpg", CTWhite),
+ 1110 : ("phase_5.5/maps/doll_board_neutral.jpg", CTFlatColorDark),
+ # Underwater
+ 1120 : ("phase_5.5/maps/UWwallPaperPlantBorder.jpg", CTWhite),
+ 1130 : ("phase_5.5/maps/UWwallPaperSea_horseBorder.jpg", CTWhite),
+ 1140 : ("phase_5.5/maps/UWwallPaperShellBorder1.jpg", CTWhite),
+ 1150 : ("phase_5.5/maps/UWwallPaperShellBorder2.jpg", CTWhite),
+ 1160 : ("phase_5.5/maps/UWwallPaperWaveBorder.jpg", CTWhite),
+ # Western
+ 1170 : ("phase_5.5/maps/WesternSkullBorder.jpg", CTWhite),
+ 1180 : ("phase_5.5/maps/WesternStarBorder.jpg", CTWhite),
+ # Holiday themed borders
+ # Halloween
+ 10010 : ("phase_5.5/maps/border_ScarryMoon1.jpg", CTWhite),
+ 10020 : ("phase_5.5/maps/border_candy1.jpg", CTWhite),
+ # Christmas
+ 11000 : ("phase_5.5/maps/flakes_border.jpg", CTWhite),
+ 11010 : ("phase_5.5/maps/hollyleaf_border.jpg", CTWhite),
+ # Valentines
+ 12000 : ("phase_5.5/maps/Vborder1a.jpg", CTWhite),
+ 12010 : ("phase_5.5/maps/Vborder1b.jpg", CTWhite),
+ 12020 : ("phase_5.5/maps/Vborder2b.jpg", CTWhite),
+ # St Patrick's
+ 13000 : ("phase_5.5/maps/StPatBorder1.jpg", CTWhite),
+ }
+class CatalogWallpaperItem(CatalogSurfaceItem):
+ """
+ This represents a texture/color combination for walls and trim.
+ It includes wallpaper as well as moulding, wainscoting, and
+ flooring.
+ """
+ def makeNewItem(self, patternIndex, colorIndex = None,
+ # Default to no border
+ borderIndex = 0, borderColorIndex = 0):
+ self.patternIndex = patternIndex
+ self.colorIndex = colorIndex
+ # Index of 0 means no border
+ self.borderIndex = borderIndex
+ self.borderColorIndex = borderColorIndex
+ CatalogSurfaceItem.makeNewItem(self)
+ def needsCustomize(self):
+ # Returns true if the item still needs to be customized by the
+ # user (e.g. by choosing a color).
+ return (self.colorIndex == None) or (self.borderIndex == None)
+ def getTypeName(self):
+ # e.g. "wallpaper", "wainscoting", etc.
+ return TTLocalizer.SurfaceNames[STWallpaper]
+ def getName(self):
+ name = TTLocalizer.WallpaperNames.get(self.patternIndex)
+ if name == None:
+ century = self.patternIndex - (self.patternIndex % 100)
+ name = TTLocalizer.WallpaperNames.get(century)
+ if name:
+ return name
+ return self.getTypeName()
+ def getSurfaceType(self):
+ # Returns a value reflecting the type of surface this
+ # pattern is intended to be applied to.
+ return STWallpaper
+ def getPicture(self, avatar):
+ # Returns a (DirectWidget, Interval) pair to draw and animate a
+ # little representation of the item, or (None, None) if the
+ # item has no representation. This method is only called on
+ # the client.
+ frame = self.makeFrame()
+ sample = loader.loadModel('phase_5.5/models/estate/wallpaper_sample')
+ a = sample.find('**/a')
+ b = sample.find('**/b')
+ c = sample.find('**/c')
+ # Wallpaper gets applied to the top 2/3, with the border
+ # on the bottom 1/3.
+ a.setTexture(self.loadTexture(), 1)
+ a.setColorScale(*self.getColor())
+ b.setTexture(self.loadTexture(), 1)
+ b.setColorScale(*self.getColor())
+ c.setTexture(self.loadBorderTexture(), 1)
+ c.setColorScale(*self.getBorderColor())
+ sample.reparentTo(frame)
+## assert (not self.hasPicture)
+ self.hasPicture=True
+ return (frame, None)
+ def output(self, store = ~0):
+ return "CatalogWallpaperItem(%s, %s, %s, %s%s)" % (
+ self.patternIndex, self.colorIndex,
+ self.borderIndex, self.borderColorIndex,
+ self.formatOptionalData(store))
+ def getFilename(self):
+ return WallpaperTypes[self.patternIndex][WTTextureName]
+ def compareTo(self, other):
+ if self.patternIndex != other.patternIndex:
+ century = self.patternIndex - (self.patternIndex % 100)
+ otherCentury = other.patternIndex - (other.patternIndex % 100)
+ return century - otherCentury
+ return 0
+ def getHashContents(self):
+ century = self.patternIndex - (self.patternIndex % 100)
+ return century
+ def getBasePrice(self):
+ return WallpaperTypes[self.patternIndex][WTBasePrice]
+ def loadTexture(self):
+ from pandac.PandaModules import Texture
+ filename = WallpaperTypes[self.patternIndex][WTTextureName]
+ texture = loader.loadTexture(filename)
+ texture.setMinfilter(Texture.FTLinearMipmapLinear)
+ texture.setMagfilter(Texture.FTLinear)
+ return texture
+ def getColor(self):
+ if self.colorIndex == None:
+ # If no color index is set yet, use first color in color list
+ colorIndex = 0
+ else:
+ colorIndex = self.colorIndex
+ colors = WallpaperTypes[self.patternIndex][WTColor]
+ if colorIndex < len(colors):
+ return colors[colorIndex]
+ else:
+ print "Warning: colorIndex > len(colors). Returning white."
+ return CT_WHITE
+ def loadBorderTexture(self):
+ from pandac.PandaModules import Texture
+ if ((self.borderIndex == None) or (self.borderIndex == 0)):
+ # Border hasn't been picked or no border specified
+ return self.loadTexture()
+ borderInfo = BorderTypes[self.borderIndex]
+ filename = borderInfo[BDTextureName]
+ texture = loader.loadTexture(filename)
+ texture.setMinfilter(Texture.FTLinearMipmapLinear)
+ texture.setMagfilter(Texture.FTLinear)
+ return texture
+ def getBorderColor(self):
+ if ((self.borderIndex == None) or (self.borderIndex == 0)):
+ return self.getColor()
+ else:
+ colors = BorderTypes[self.borderIndex][BDColor]
+ # Get specified color or return CT_WHITE as default
+ if self.borderColorIndex < len(colors):
+ return colors[self.borderColorIndex]
+ else:
+ return CT_WHITE
+ def decodeDatagram(self, di, versionNumber, store):
+ CatalogAtticItem.CatalogAtticItem.decodeDatagram(self, di, versionNumber, store)
+ # Set some default values
+ self.colorIndex = None
+ if (store & CatalogItem.Customization):
+ self.borderIndex = 0
+ else:
+ self.borderIndex = None
+ self.borderColorIndex = 0
+ # Update as needed
+ if versionNumber < 3:
+ self.patternIndex = di.getUint8()
+ self.colorIndex = di.getUint8()
+ elif versionNumber == 3:
+ self.patternIndex = di.getUint16()
+ self.colorIndex = di.getUint8()
+ else:
+ self.patternIndex = di.getUint16()
+ if store & CatalogItem.Customization:
+ self.colorIndex = di.getUint8()
+ self.borderIndex = di.getUint16()
+ self.borderColorIndex = di.getUint8()
+ # The following will generate an exception if
+ # self.patternIndex is invalid. The other fields can take
+ # care of themselves.
+ wtype = WallpaperTypes[self.patternIndex]
+ def encodeDatagram(self, dg, store):
+ CatalogAtticItem.CatalogAtticItem.encodeDatagram(self, dg, store)
+ dg.addUint16(self.patternIndex)
+ if (store & CatalogItem.Customization):
+ dg.addUint8(self.colorIndex)
+ dg.addUint16(self.borderIndex)
+ dg.addUint8(self.borderColorIndex)
+def getWallpapers(*typeList):
+ # This function returns a list of CatalogWallpaperItems
+ # The returned items will all need to be customized (i.e
+ # have a color chosen by the user. Until customization,
+ # use a default color index of 0 (if the pattern has a color
+ # list) or CT_WHITE if the pattern has no color list
+ list = []
+ for type in typeList:
+ list.append(CatalogWallpaperItem(type))
+ return list
+def getAllWallpapers(*typeList):
+ # This function returns a list of all possible
+ # CatalogWallpaperItems (that is, all color variants) for the
+ # indicated type index(es).
+ # If the specified type index is in the group dictionary
+ # get all corresponding patterns from the wallpaperTypes dictionary
+ # This returns an item that has already been customized
+ list = []
+ for type in typeList:
+ # If its a group, return a list of all associated textures,
+ # otherwise, return a simple list of the type itself
+ group = WallpaperGroups.get(type, [type])
+ for index in group:
+ borderKeys = WallpaperTypes[index][WTBorderList]
+ for borderKey in borderKeys:
+ borderData = BorderTypes.get(borderKey)
+ if borderData:
+ numBorderColors = len(borderData[BDColor])
+ else:
+ numBorderColors = 1
+ for borderColorIndex in range(numBorderColors):
+ colors = WallpaperTypes[index][WTColor]
+ for n in range(len(colors)):
+ list.append(CatalogWallpaperItem(
+ index, n, borderKey, borderColorIndex))
+ return list
+def getWallpaperRange(fromIndex, toIndex, *otherRanges):
+ # This function returns a list of all possible
+ # CatalogWallpaperItems (that is, all color variants) for the
+ # indicated type index(es).
+ # Make sure we got an even number of otherRanges
+ assert(len(otherRanges)%2 == 0)
+ list = []
+ froms = [fromIndex,]
+ tos = [toIndex,]
+ i = 0
+ while i < len(otherRanges):
+ froms.append(otherRanges[i])
+ tos.append(otherRanges[i+1])
+ i += 2
+ for patternIndex in WallpaperTypes.keys():
+ for fromIndex, toIndex in zip(froms,tos):
+ if patternIndex >= fromIndex and patternIndex <= toIndex:
+ borderKeys = WallpaperTypes[patternIndex][WTBorderList]
+ for borderKey in borderKeys:
+ borderData = BorderTypes.get(borderKey)
+ if borderData:
+ numBorderColors = len(borderData[BDColor])
+ else:
+ numBorderColors = 1
+ for borderColorIndex in range(numBorderColors):
+ colors = WallpaperTypes[patternIndex][WTColor]
+ for n in range(len(colors)):
+ list.append(CatalogWallpaperItem(
+ patternIndex, n, borderKey, borderColorIndex))
+ return list
diff --git a/toontown/src/catalog/ b/toontown/src/catalog/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b31536a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/catalog/
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+import CatalogAtticItem
+import CatalogItem
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+WVTModelName = 0
+WVTBasePrice = 1
+WVTSkyName = 2
+# These index numbers are written to the database. Don't mess with them.
+# Also see TTLocalizer.WindowViewNames.
+# The third entry in the is the name of the backdrop node for a hack Drose
+# and I put in to fix some draw order problems in the render2d drawing
+# of the window views. If not None, we find the node and do some hacky
+# rendering/draworder/binning tricks to get it to draw properly behind
+# alpha'd items in front of it.
+WindowViewTypes = {
+ 10 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/Garden1", 900, None),
+ 20 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/GardenA", 900, None), # Initial View
+ 30 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/GardenB", 900, None),
+ 40 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/cityView", 900, None), # Catalog Series 1
+ 50 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/westernView", 900, None), # Catalog Series 2
+ 60 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/underwaterView", 900, None), # Catalog Series 2
+ 70 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/tropicView", 900, None), # Catalog Series 1
+ 80 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/spaceView", 900, None), # Catalog Series 2
+ 90 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/PoolView", 900, None), # Catalog Series 3
+ 100 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/SnowView", 900, None), # Catalog Series 3
+ 110 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/FarmView", 900, None), # Catalog Series 3
+ 120 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/IndianView", 900, None), # Catalog Series 4
+ 130 : ("phase_5.5/models/estate/WesternMainStreetView", 900, None), # Catalog Series 4
+ # Warning! 8-bit index number. 255 max value.
+ }
+class CatalogWindowItem(CatalogAtticItem.CatalogAtticItem):
+ """CatalogWindowItem
+ # This represents a view to hang outside a window in a house.
+ """
+ def makeNewItem(self, windowType, placement = None):
+ self.windowType = windowType
+ self.placement = placement
+ CatalogAtticItem.CatalogAtticItem.makeNewItem(self)
+ def saveHistory(self):
+ # Returns true if items of this type should be saved in the
+ # back catalog, false otherwise.
+ return 1
+ def getTypeName(self):
+ return TTLocalizer.WindowViewTypeName
+ def getName(self):
+ return TTLocalizer.WindowViewNames.get(self.windowType)
+ def recordPurchase(self, avatar, optional):
+ # Updates the appropriate field on the avatar to indicate the
+ # purchase (or delivery). This makes the item available to
+ # use by the avatar. This method is only called on the AI side.
+ self.giftTag = None
+ house, retcode = self.getHouseInfo(avatar)
+ if retcode >= 0:
+ house.addWindow(self)
+ return retcode
+ def getDeliveryTime(self):
+ # Returns the elapsed time in minutes from purchase to
+ # delivery for this particular item.
+ return 4 * 60 # 4 hours.
+ def getPicture(self, avatar):
+ # Returns a (DirectWidget, Interval) pair to draw and animate a
+ # little representation of the item, or (None, None) if the
+ # item has no representation. This method is only called on
+ # the client.
+ frame = self.makeFrame()
+ model = self.loadModel()
+ # This 3-d model will be drawn in the 2-d scene.
+ model.setDepthTest(1)
+ model.setDepthWrite(1)
+ # Set up clipping planes to cut off the parts of the view that
+ # would extend beyond the frame.
+ clipperLeft = PlaneNode('clipper')
+ clipperRight = PlaneNode('clipper')
+ clipperTop = PlaneNode('clipper')
+ clipperBottom = PlaneNode('clipper')
+ clipperLeft.setPlane(Plane(Vec3(1, 0, 0), Point3(-1, 0, 0)))
+ clipperRight.setPlane(Plane(Vec3(-1, 0, 0), Point3(1, 0, 0)))
+ clipperTop.setPlane(Plane(Vec3(0, 0, -1), Point3(0, 0, 1)))
+ clipperBottom.setPlane(Plane(Vec3(0, 0, 1), Point3(0, 0, -1)))
+ model.setClipPlane(frame.attachNewNode(clipperLeft))
+ model.setClipPlane(frame.attachNewNode(clipperRight))
+ model.setClipPlane(frame.attachNewNode(clipperTop))
+ model.setClipPlane(frame.attachNewNode(clipperBottom))
+ # Fix draw order of background
+ bgName = WindowViewTypes[self.windowType][WVTSkyName]
+ if bgName:
+ bgNodePath = model.find("**/" + bgName)
+ if not bgNodePath.isEmpty():
+ # Put it at the front of the list to be drawn first
+ bgNodePath.reparentTo(model, -1)
+ # Get rid of the window frame that is in the model
+ windowFrame = model.find("**/frame")
+ if not windowFrame.isEmpty():
+ windowFrame.removeNode()
+ model.setPos(0,2,0)
+ model.setScale(0.4)
+ model.reparentTo(frame)
+ assert (not self.hasPicture)
+ self.hasPicture=True
+ return (frame, None)
+ def output(self, store = ~0):
+ return "CatalogWindowItem(%s%s)" % (
+ self.windowType,
+ self.formatOptionalData(store))
+ def getFilename(self):
+ type = WindowViewTypes[self.windowType]
+ return type[WVTModelName]
+ def formatOptionalData(self, store = ~0):
+ # This is used within output() to format optional data
+ # (according to the bits indicated in store).
+ result = CatalogAtticItem.CatalogAtticItem.formatOptionalData(self, store)
+ if (store & CatalogItem.WindowPlacement) and self.placement != None:
+ result += ", placement = %s" % (self.placement)
+ return result
+ def compareTo(self, other):
+ return self.windowType - other.windowType
+ def getHashContents(self):
+ return self.windowType
+ def getBasePrice(self):
+ return WindowViewTypes[self.windowType][WVTBasePrice]
+ def loadModel(self):
+ type = WindowViewTypes[self.windowType]
+ model = loader.loadModel(type[WVTModelName])
+ return model
+ def decodeDatagram(self, di, versionNumber, store):
+ CatalogAtticItem.CatalogAtticItem.decodeDatagram(self, di, versionNumber, store)
+ self.placement = None
+ if store & CatalogItem.WindowPlacement:
+ self.placement = di.getUint8()
+ self.windowType = di.getUint8()
+ # The following will generate an exception if
+ # self.windowType is invalid.
+ wvtype = WindowViewTypes[self.windowType]
+ def encodeDatagram(self, dg, store):
+ CatalogAtticItem.CatalogAtticItem.encodeDatagram(self, dg, store)
+ if store & CatalogItem.WindowPlacement:
+ dg.addUint8(self.placement)
+ dg.addUint8(self.windowType)
diff --git a/toontown/src/catalog/ b/toontown/src/catalog/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e53819f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/catalog/
@@ -0,0 +1,797 @@
+from direct.directnotify.DirectNotifyGlobal import *
+from direct.gui.DirectGui import *
+from direct.showbase import DirectObject, PythonUtil
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from toontown.parties import PartyGlobals
+from toontown.parties.InviteInfo import InviteInfoBase
+from toontown.parties.PartyGlobals import InviteStatus
+from toontown.parties.SimpleMailBase import SimpleMailBase
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer, ToontownGlobals
+from toontown.toontowngui import TTDialog
+from toontown.toontowngui.TeaserPanel import TeaserPanel
+from toontown.parties.InviteVisual import InviteVisual
+from toontown.toon import GMUtils
+import CatalogItem
+from direct.showbase.PythonUtil import StackTrace
+class MailboxScreen(DirectObject.DirectObject):
+ """
+ This class allows the user to accept items one at a time out of
+ his or her mailbox.
+ """
+ notify = directNotify.newCategory("MailboxScreen")
+ def __init__(self, mailbox, avatar, doneEvent = None):
+ assert( MailboxScreen.notify.debug("__init__") )
+ # This is the DistributedMailbox that is handling our transactions.
+ self.mailbox = mailbox
+ # This is the avatar we're accepting for.
+ self.avatar = avatar
+ self.items = self.getItems()
+ # Send this when we are done so whoever made us can get a callback
+ self.doneEvent = doneEvent
+ self.itemIndex = 0
+ self.itemPanel = None
+ self.itemPicture = None
+ self.ival = None
+ self.itemText = None
+ self.giftTag = None
+ self.acceptingIndex = None
+ self.numAtticAccepted = 0
+ self.dialogBox = None
+ self.load()
+ self.hide()
+ def show(self):
+ assert( MailboxScreen.notify.debug("show") )
+ self.__showCurrentItem()
+ def hide(self):
+ assert( MailboxScreen.notify.debug("hide") )
+ self.ignore("friendsListChanged")
+ if hasattr(self,'frame'):
+ self.frame.hide()
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning("hide called, but frame is deleted, self.frame deleted in:")
+ if hasattr(self, "frameDelStackTrace"):
+ print self.frameDelStackTrace
+ self.notify.warning("current stackTrace =")
+ print StackTrace()
+ self.notify.warning("crash averted, but root cause unknown")
+ # this will force a crash, hopefully we get the log with it
+ #self.frame.hide()
+ def load(self):
+ assert( MailboxScreen.notify.debug("load") )
+ self.accept("setMailboxContents-%s" % (base.localAvatar.doId), self.__refreshItems)
+ self.accept("setAwardMailboxContents-%s" % (base.localAvatar.doId), self.__refreshItems)
+ # load the buttons
+ model = loader.loadModel('phase_5.5/models/gui/package_delivery_panel')
+ background = model.find('**/bg')
+ itemBoard = model.find('**/item_board')
+ self.frame = DirectFrame(scale = 1.1, relief = DGG.FLAT,
+ frameSize = (-0.5,0.5,-0.45,-0.05),
+ frameColor = (0.737, 0.573, 0.345, 1.000))
+ self.background = DirectFrame(self.frame,
+ image = background,
+ image_scale = 0.05,
+ relief = None,
+ pos = (0,1,0),
+ )
+ self.itemBoard = DirectFrame(parent = self.frame,
+ image = itemBoard,
+ image_scale = 0.05,
+ image_color = (.922, 0.922, 0.753, 1),
+ relief = None,
+ pos = (0,1,0),
+ )
+ # shows how many items you have to browse through
+ self.itemCountLabel = DirectLabel(
+ parent = self.frame,
+ relief = None,
+ text = self.__getNumberOfItemsText(),
+ text_wordwrap = 16,
+ pos = (0.0, 0.0, 0.7),
+ scale = 0.09,
+ )
+ exitUp = model.find('**/bu_return_rollover')
+ exitDown = model.find('**/bu_return_rollover')
+ exitRollover = model.find('**/bu_return_rollover')
+ exitUp.setP(-90)
+ exitDown.setP(-90)
+ exitRollover.setP(-90)
+ # click this button to discard/decline an item in your mailbox
+ self.DiscardButton = DirectButton(
+ parent = self.frame,
+ relief = None,
+ image = (exitUp, exitDown, exitRollover, exitUp),
+ pos = (-0.01, 1.0, -0.36),
+ scale = 0.048,
+ text = ("", TTLocalizer.MailBoxDiscard,
+ TTLocalizer.MailBoxDiscard, ""),
+ text_scale = 1.0,
+ text_pos = (0, -0.08),
+ textMayChange = 1,
+ command = self.__makeDiscardInterface,
+ )
+ gui2 = loader.loadModel("phase_3/models/gui/quit_button")
+ # click this button to stop interacting with the mailbox
+ self.quitButton = DirectButton(
+ parent = self.frame,
+ relief = None,
+ image = (gui2.find("**/QuitBtn_UP"),
+ gui2.find("**/QuitBtn_DN"),
+ gui2.find("**/QuitBtn_RLVR"),
+ ),
+ pos = (0.5, 1.0, -0.42),
+ scale = 0.90,
+ text = TTLocalizer.MailboxExitButton,
+ text_font = ToontownGlobals.getSignFont(),
+ text0_fg = (0.152, 0.750, 0.258, 1),
+ text1_fg = (0.152, 0.750, 0.258, 1),
+ text2_fg = (0.977, 0.816, 0.133, 1),
+ text_scale = 0.045,
+ text_pos = (0, -0.01),
+ command = self.__handleExit,
+ )
+ self.gettingText = DirectLabel(
+ parent = self.frame,
+ relief = None,
+ text = '',
+ text_wordwrap = 10,
+ pos = (0.0, 0.0, 0.32),
+ scale = 0.09,
+ )
+ self.gettingText.hide()
+ # label describing who the item is from
+ self.giftTagPanel = DirectLabel(
+ parent = self.frame,
+ relief = None,
+ text = 'Gift TAG!!',
+ text_wordwrap = 16,
+ pos = (0.0, 0.0, 0.01),
+ scale = 0.06,
+ )
+ self.giftTagPanel.hide()
+ # description of the item. For invites, this might be the body of the
+ # invite.
+ self.itemText = DirectLabel(
+ parent = self.frame,
+ relief = None,
+ text = '',
+ text_wordwrap = 16,
+ pos = (0.0, 0.0, -0.022),
+ scale = 0.07,
+ )
+ self.itemText.hide()
+ acceptUp = model.find('**/bu_check_up')
+ acceptDown = model.find('**/bu_check_down')
+ acceptRollover = model.find('**/bu_check_rollover')
+ acceptUp.setP(-90)
+ acceptDown.setP(-90)
+ acceptRollover.setP(-90)
+ # click this button to accept an item
+ self.acceptButton = DirectButton(
+ parent = self.frame,
+ relief = None,
+ image = (acceptUp, acceptDown, acceptRollover, acceptUp),
+ image3_color = (0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.6),
+ pos = (-0.01, 1.0, -0.16),
+ scale = 0.048,
+ text = ("", TTLocalizer.MailboxAcceptButton,
+ TTLocalizer.MailboxAcceptButton, ""),
+ text_scale = 1.0,
+ text_pos = (0, -0.09),
+ textMayChange = 1,
+ command = self.__handleAccept,
+ state = DGG.DISABLED,
+ )
+ nextUp = model.find("**/bu_next_up")
+ nextUp.setP(-90)
+ nextDown = model.find("**/bu_next_down")
+ nextDown.setP(-90)
+ nextRollover = model.find("**/bu_next_rollover")
+ nextRollover.setP(-90)
+ # click this button to go to the next item in my mailbox
+ self.nextButton = DirectButton(
+ parent = self.frame,
+ relief = None,
+ image = (nextUp, nextDown, nextRollover, nextUp),
+ image3_color = (0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.6),
+ pos = (0.31, 1.0, -0.26),
+ scale = 0.05,
+ text = ("", TTLocalizer.MailboxItemNext,
+ TTLocalizer.MailboxItemNext, ""),
+ text_scale = 1,
+ text_pos = (-0.2, 0.3),
+ text_fg = (1,1,1,1),
+ text_shadow = (0,0,0,1),
+ textMayChange = 0,
+ command = self.__nextItem,
+ state = DGG.DISABLED,
+ )
+ prevUp = model.find("**/bu_previous_up")
+ prevUp.setP(-90)
+ prevDown = model.find("**/bu_previous_down")
+ prevDown.setP(-90)
+ prevRollover = model.find("**/bu_previous_rollover")
+ prevRollover.setP(-90)
+ # click this button to go to the previous item in my mailbox
+ self.prevButton = DirectButton(
+ parent = self.frame,
+ relief = None,
+ image = (prevUp, prevDown, prevRollover, prevUp),
+ pos = (-0.35, 1, -0.26),
+ scale = 0.05,
+ image3_color = (0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.6),
+ text = ("", TTLocalizer.MailboxItemPrev,
+ TTLocalizer.MailboxItemPrev, ""),
+ text_scale = 1,
+ text_pos = (0, 0.3),
+ text_fg = (1,1,1,1),
+ text_shadow = (0,0,0,1),
+ textMayChange = 0,
+ command = self.__prevItem,
+ state = DGG.DISABLED,
+ )
+ self.currentItem=None
+ self.partyInviteVisual = InviteVisual(self.frame)
+ self.partyInviteVisual.setScale(0.73)
+ self.partyInviteVisual.setPos(0.0, 0.0, 0.48)
+ self.partyInviteVisual.stash()
+ def unload(self):
+ assert( MailboxScreen.notify.debug("unload") )
+ self.__clearCurrentItem()
+ if hasattr(self,"frame"):
+ self.frame.destroy()
+ del self.frame
+ self.frameDelStackTrace = StackTrace()
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning("unload, no self.frame")
+ if hasattr(self, "mailbox"):
+ del self.mailbox
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning("unload, no self.mailbox")
+ if self.dialogBox:
+ self.dialogBox.cleanup()
+ self.dialogBox = None
+ # Clean up all the items also.
+ for item in self.items:
+ if isinstance(item, CatalogItem.CatalogItem):
+ item.acceptItemCleanup()
+ self.ignoreAll()
+ # button handlers
+ def justExit(self):
+ assert( MailboxScreen.notify.debug("justExit") )
+ #self.__handleExit()
+ self.__acceptExit()
+ def __handleExit(self):
+ assert( MailboxScreen.notify.debug("__handleExit") )
+ if self.numAtticAccepted == 0:
+ self.__acceptExit()
+ elif self.numAtticAccepted == 1:
+ self.dialogBox = TTDialog.TTDialog(
+ style = TTDialog.Acknowledge,
+ text = TTLocalizer.CatalogAcceptInAttic,
+ text_wordwrap = 15,
+ command = self.__acceptExit,
+ )
+ else:
+ self.dialogBox = TTDialog.TTDialog(
+ style = TTDialog.Acknowledge,
+ text = TTLocalizer.CatalogAcceptInAtticP,
+ text_wordwrap = 15,
+ command = self.__acceptExit,
+ )
+ def __acceptExit(self, buttonValue = None):
+ assert( MailboxScreen.notify.debug("__acceptExit") )
+ if hasattr(self, 'frame'):
+ self.hide()
+ self.unload()
+ messenger.send(self.doneEvent)
+ def __handleAccept(self):
+ assert( MailboxScreen.notify.debug("__handleAccept") )
+ if self.acceptingIndex != None:
+ # Ignore an extraneous click.
+ return
+ item = self.items[self.itemIndex]
+ isAward = False
+ if isinstance(item, CatalogItem.CatalogItem):
+ isAward = item.isAward()
+ if not and not (isinstance(item, InviteInfoBase) or isAward):
+ # make sure free players can accept party invites or awards
+ TeaserPanel(pageName='clothing')
+ else:
+ self.acceptingIndex = self.itemIndex
+ self.acceptButton['state'] = DGG.DISABLED
+ self.__showCurrentItem()
+ item = self.items[self.itemIndex]
+ item.acceptItem(self.mailbox, self.acceptingIndex,
+ self.__acceptItemCallback)
+ def __handleDiscard(self, buttonValue = None):
+ assert( MailboxScreen.notify.debug("__handleDiscard") )
+ #print ("Discard Button Value:%s " % (buttonValue))
+ if self.acceptingIndex != None:
+ # Ignore an extraneous click.
+ return
+ elif buttonValue == -1:
+ if self.dialogBox:
+ self.dialogBox.cleanup()
+ self.dialogBox = None
+ self.__showCurrentItem()
+ else:
+ self.acceptingIndex = self.itemIndex
+ self.acceptButton['state'] = DGG.DISABLED
+ self.__showCurrentItem()
+ item = self.items[self.itemIndex]
+ item.discardItem(self.mailbox, self.acceptingIndex,
+ self.__discardItemCallback)
+ def __discardItemCallback(self, retcode, item, index):
+ assert( MailboxScreen.notify.debug("__discardItemCallback") )
+ if not hasattr(self, "frame"):
+ # The gui might have been closed down already by an
+ # impatient user. If so, we quietly ignore the callback.
+ return
+ if self.dialogBox:
+ self.dialogBox.cleanup()
+ self.dialogBox = None
+ self.acceptingIndex = None
+ self.__updateItems()
+ if isinstance(item, InviteInfoBase):
+ callback = self.__incIndexRemoveDialog
+ self.dialogBox = TTDialog.TTDialog(
+ style = TTDialog.Acknowledge,
+ text = item.getDiscardItemErrorText(retcode),
+ text_wordwrap = 15,
+ command = callback,
+ )
+ #self.__acceptOk(index)
+ def __makeDiscardInterface(self):
+ assert( MailboxScreen.notify.debug("__makeDiscardInterface") )
+ if self.itemIndex >= 0 and self.itemIndex < len(self.items): #check to see if index is within range, should help with button mashing
+ item = self.items[self.itemIndex]
+ if isinstance(item, InviteInfoBase):
+ itemText = (TTLocalizer.MailBoxRejectVerify % (self.getItemName(item)))
+ yesText = TTLocalizer.MailboxReject
+ else:
+ itemText = (TTLocalizer.MailBoxDiscardVerify % (self.getItemName(item)))
+ yesText = TTLocalizer.MailboxDiscard
+"Could not take item %s: retcode %s" % (item, retcode))
+ self.dialogBox = TTDialog.TTDialog(
+ style = TTDialog.TwoChoiceCustom, #TwoChoice YesNo
+ text = itemText, #what happens when you try to take chat from the mailbox
+ text_wordwrap = 15,
+ command = self.__handleDiscard,
+ buttonText = [yesText, TTLocalizer.MailboxLeave],
+ )
+ def __acceptItemCallback(self, retcode, item, index):
+ assert( MailboxScreen.notify.debug("__acceptItemCallback") )
+ needtoUpdate = 0
+ if self.acceptingIndex == None:
+ needtoUpdate = 1
+ #if the setMailboxContents call won the race back here then
+ #we need to update our current item list
+ if not hasattr(self, "frame"):
+ # The gui might have been closed down already by an
+ # impatient user. If so, we quietly ignore the callback.
+ return
+ if retcode == ToontownGlobals.P_UserCancelled:
+ print("mailbox screen user canceled")
+ #user canceled probably for a chatitem
+ self.acceptingIndex = None
+ self.__updateItems()
+ #self.__acceptOk(index+1)
+ return
+ if self.acceptingIndex != index:
+ self.notify.warning("Got unexpected callback for index %s, expected %s." % (index, self.acceptingIndex))
+ return
+ self.acceptingIndex = None
+ if retcode < 0:
+ # There was some error with the accept. Pop up an
+ # appropriate dialog.
+"Could not take item %s: retcode %s" % (item, retcode))
+ self.dialogBox = TTDialog.TTDialog(
+ style = TTDialog.TwoChoiceCustom, #TwoChoice YesNo
+ text = item.getAcceptItemErrorText(retcode), #what happens when you try to take chat from the mailbox
+ text_wordwrap = 15,
+ command = self.__handleDiscard,
+ buttonText = [ TTLocalizer.MailboxDiscard, TTLocalizer.MailboxLeave]
+ )
+ """
+ #buttonText = [TTLocalizer.MailboxOverflowButtonDicard,
+ #TTLocalizer.MailboxOverflowButtonLeave]
+ """
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ else:
+ # The item was accepted successfully.
+ if hasattr(item,'storedInAttic') and item.storedInAttic():
+ # It's an attic item; collect these messages to
+ # display just one dialog box at the end.
+ self.numAtticAccepted += 1
+ self.itemIndex += 1
+ #self.__acceptOk(index)
+ if needtoUpdate == 1:
+ self.__updateItems();
+ else:
+ # It's some other kind of item; display the accept
+ # dialog immediately.
+ #callback = PythonUtil.Functor(self.__acceptOk, index)
+ # TODO force it to just discard the item when appropriate
+ # e.g. invites to cancelled parties
+ if isinstance(item, InviteInfoBase):
+ self.__updateItems();
+ callback = self.__incIndexRemoveDialog
+ # tell player that the party's host got their response
+ self.dialogBox = TTDialog.TTDialog(
+ style = TTDialog.Acknowledge,
+ text = item.getAcceptItemErrorText(retcode),
+ text_wordwrap = 15,
+ command = callback,
+ )
+ def __acceptError(self, buttonValue = None):
+ assert( MailboxScreen.notify.debug("__acceptError") )
+ self.dialogBox.cleanup()
+ self.dialogBox = None
+ self.__showCurrentItem()
+ def __incIndexRemoveDialog(self, junk = 0):
+ assert( MailboxScreen.notify.debug("__incIndexRemoveDialog") )
+ self.__incIndex()
+ self.dialogBox.cleanup()
+ self.dialogBox = None
+ self.__showCurrentItem()
+ def __incIndex(self, junk = 0):
+ assert( MailboxScreen.notify.debug("__incIndex") )
+ self.itemIndex += 1
+ def __acceptOk(self, index, buttonValue = None):
+ assert( MailboxScreen.notify.debug("__acceptOk") )
+ self.acceptingIndex = None
+ if self.dialogBox:
+ self.dialogBox.cleanup()
+ self.dialogBox = None
+ # We have a new set of items now.
+ self.items = self.getItems()
+ if self.itemIndex > index or self.itemIndex >= len(self.items):
+ print("adjusting item index -1")
+ self.itemIndex -= 1
+ if len(self.items) < 1:
+ #print("exiting due to lack of items")
+ # No more items in the mailbox.
+ self.__handleExit()
+ return
+ # Show the next item in the mailbox.
+ self.itemCountLabel['text'] = self.__getNumberOfItemsText(),
+ self.__showCurrentItem()
+ def __refreshItems(self):
+ assert( MailboxScreen.notify.debug("__refreshItems") )
+ self.acceptingIndex = None
+ self.__updateItems()
+ def __updateItems(self):
+ assert( MailboxScreen.notify.debug("__updateItems") )
+ if self.dialogBox:
+ self.dialogBox.cleanup()
+ self.dialogBox = None
+ # We have a new set of items now.
+ self.items = self.getItems()
+ if self.itemIndex >= len(self.items):
+ print("adjusting item index -1")
+ self.itemIndex = len(self.items) - 1
+ if len(self.items) == 0:
+ print("exiting due to lack of items")
+ # No more items in the mailbox.
+ self.__handleExit()
+ return
+ # Show the current item in the mailbox.
+ self.itemCountLabel['text'] = self.__getNumberOfItemsText(),
+ self.__showCurrentItem()
+ def __getNumberOfItemsText(self):
+ assert( MailboxScreen.notify.debug("__getNumberOfItemsText") )
+ # Returns the string displayed across the top of the panel:
+ # how many items remain in the mailbox.
+ if len(self.items) == 1:
+ return TTLocalizer.MailboxOneItem
+ else:
+ return TTLocalizer.MailboxNumberOfItems % (len(self.items))
+ def __clearCurrentItem(self):
+ assert( MailboxScreen.notify.debug("__clearCurrentItem") )
+ if self.itemPanel:
+ self.itemPanel.destroy()
+ self.itemPanel = None
+ if self.ival:
+ self.ival.finish()
+ self.ival = None
+ if not self.gettingText.isEmpty():
+ self.gettingText.hide()
+ if not self.itemText.isEmpty():
+ self.itemText.hide()
+ if not self.giftTagPanel.isEmpty():
+ self.giftTagPanel.hide()
+ if not self.acceptButton.isEmpty():
+ self.acceptButton['state'] = DGG.DISABLED
+ if(self.currentItem):
+ if isinstance(self.currentItem, CatalogItem.CatalogItem):
+ self.currentItem.cleanupPicture()
+ self.currentItem = None
+ def checkFamily(self, doId):
+ assert( MailboxScreen.notify.debug("checkFamily") )
+ for familyMember in
+ #print ("Family %s %s" % (,
+ if == doId:
+ #print("found it")
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ return familyMember
+ return None
+ def __showCurrentItem(self):
+ assert( MailboxScreen.notify.debug("__showCurrentItem") )
+ self.__clearCurrentItem()
+ if len(self.items) < 1:
+ # No more items in the mailbox.
+ self.__handleExit()
+ return
+ self.partyInviteVisual.stash()
+ if (self.itemIndex + 1) > len(self.items):
+ self.itemIndex = len(self.items) - 1
+ item = self.items[self.itemIndex]
+ if self.itemIndex == self.acceptingIndex:
+ # We are currently waiting on the AI to accept this item.
+ self.gettingText['text'] = TTLocalizer.MailboxGettingItem % (self.getItemName(item))
+ return
+ # This item is available to be accepted.
+ self.itemText['text'] = self.getItemName(item)
+ assert(self.itemPanel == None and self.ival == None)
+ self.currentItem=item
+ # giftTag is the senders do Id
+ # giftCode is the type of tag to use (added after giftTag or I would have named them differently)
+ if isinstance(item, CatalogItem.CatalogItem):
+ self.acceptButton['text'] = ("", TTLocalizer.MailboxAcceptButton,
+ TTLocalizer.MailboxAcceptButton, "")
+ self.DiscardButton['text'] = ("", TTLocalizer.MailBoxDiscard,
+ TTLocalizer.MailBoxDiscard, "")
+ if item.isAward():
+ self.giftTagPanel['text'] = TTLocalizer.SpecialEventMailboxStrings[item.specialEventId]
+ elif item.giftTag != None:
+ # if it's a gift add the tag
+ nameOfSender = self.getSenderName(item.giftTag)
+ if item.giftCode == ToontownGlobals.GIFT_RAT:
+ self.giftTagPanel['text'] = TTLocalizer.CatalogAcceptRATBeans
+ else:
+ self.giftTagPanel['text'] = (TTLocalizer.MailboxGiftTag % (nameOfSender))
+ else:
+ self.giftTagPanel['text'] = ""
+ self.itemPanel, self.ival = item.getPicture(base.localAvatar)
+ elif isinstance(item, SimpleMailBase):
+ self.acceptButton['text'] = ("", TTLocalizer.MailboxAcceptButton,
+ TTLocalizer.MailboxAcceptButton, "")
+ self.DiscardButton['text'] = ("", TTLocalizer.MailBoxDiscard,
+ TTLocalizer.MailBoxDiscard, "")
+ senderId = item.senderId
+ nameOfSender = self.getSenderName(senderId)
+ self.giftTagPanel['text'] = (TTLocalizer.MailFromTag % (nameOfSender))
+ self.itemText['text'] = item.body
+ elif isinstance(item, InviteInfoBase):
+ self.acceptButton['text'] = ("", TTLocalizer.MailboxAcceptInvite,
+ TTLocalizer.MailboxAcceptInvite, "")
+ self.DiscardButton['text'] = ("", TTLocalizer.MailBoxRejectInvite,
+ TTLocalizer.MailBoxRejectInvite, "")
+ partyInfo = None
+ for party in self.avatar.partiesInvitedTo:
+ if party.partyId == item.partyId:
+ partyInfo = party
+ break
+ else: # could not find party info
+ MailboxScreen.notify.error("Unable to find party with id %d to match invitation %s"%(item.partyId, item))
+ if self.mailbox:
+ if item.status == PartyGlobals.InviteStatus.NotRead:
+ self.mailbox.sendInviteReadButNotReplied(item.inviteKey)
+ senderId = partyInfo.hostId
+ nameOfSender = self.getSenderName(senderId)
+ self.giftTagPanel['text'] = ""
+ self.itemText['text'] = ""
+ self.partyInviteVisual.updateInvitation(nameOfSender, partyInfo)
+ self.partyInviteVisual.unstash()
+ self.itemPanel = None
+ self.ival = None
+ else:
+ self.acceptButton['text'] = ("", TTLocalizer.MailboxAcceptButton,
+ TTLocalizer.MailboxAcceptButton, "")
+ self.DiscardButton['text'] = ("", TTLocalizer.MailBoxDiscard,
+ TTLocalizer.MailBoxDiscard, "")
+ self.giftTagPanel['text'] = " "
+ self.itemPanel = None
+ self.ival = None
+ if self.itemPanel and (item.getTypeName() != TTLocalizer.ChatTypeName):
+ # Ensure the item panel is behind any other text.
+ self.itemPanel.reparentTo(self.itemBoard, -1)
+ self.itemPanel.setPos(0, 0, 0.40)
+ self.itemPanel.setScale(0.21)
+ self.itemText['text_wordwrap'] = 16
+ self.itemText.setPos(0.0, 0.0, 0.075)
+ elif isinstance(item, CatalogItem.CatalogItem) and \
+ (item.getTypeName() == TTLocalizer.ChatTypeName):
+ # Ensure the item panel is behind any other text.
+ self.itemPanel.reparentTo(self.itemBoard, -1)
+ self.itemPanel.setPos(0, 0, 0.35)
+ self.itemPanel.setScale(0.21)
+ # Scooch the item text into the chat bubble
+ self.itemText['text_wordwrap'] = 10
+ self.itemText.setPos(0, 0, 0.30)
+ else:
+ # There's no picture for this item. Scooch the item text
+ # up to fill up the space.
+ self.itemText.setPos(0, 0, 0.3)
+ if self.ival:
+ self.ival.loop()
+ if self.acceptingIndex == None:
+ self.acceptButton['state'] = DGG.NORMAL
+ if self.itemIndex > 0:
+ self.prevButton['state'] = DGG.NORMAL
+ else:
+ self.prevButton['state'] = DGG.DISABLED
+ if self.itemIndex + 1 < len(self.items):
+ self.nextButton['state'] = DGG.NORMAL
+ else:
+ self.nextButton['state'] = DGG.DISABLED
+ def __nextItem(self):
+ assert( MailboxScreen.notify.debug("__nextItem") )
+ messenger.send('wakeup')
+ if self.itemIndex + 1 < len(self.items):
+ self.itemIndex += 1
+ self.__showCurrentItem()
+ def __prevItem(self):
+ assert( MailboxScreen.notify.debug("__prevItem") )
+ messenger.send('wakeup')
+ if self.itemIndex > 0:
+ self.itemIndex -= 1
+ self.__showCurrentItem()
+ def getItemName(self, item):
+ """Return the name of the item."""
+ assert( MailboxScreen.notify.debug("getItemName") )
+ if isinstance(item, CatalogItem.CatalogItem):
+ return item.getName()
+ elif isinstance(item, str):
+ return TTLocalizer.MailSimpleMail
+ elif isinstance(item, InviteInfoBase):
+ return TTLocalizer.InviteInvitation
+ else:
+ return ''
+ def getItems(self):
+ """Return the mailbox items which can be of multiple types."""
+ assert( MailboxScreen.notify.debug("getItems") )
+ result = []
+ result = self.avatar.awardMailboxContents[:]
+ result += self.avatar.mailboxContents[:]
+ if self.avatar.mail:
+ result += self.avatar.mail
+ mailboxInvites = self.avatar.getInvitesToShowInMailbox()
+ if mailboxInvites:
+ result += mailboxInvites
+ return result
+ def getNumberOfAwardItems(self):
+ """Return the number of award items in self.items."""
+ # since award items go first, the index being sent to ai needs to be adjusted
+ result = 0
+ for item in self.items:
+ if isinstance(item, CatalogItem.CatalogItem) and item.specialEventId > 0:
+ result += 1
+ else:
+ break
+ return result
+ def getSenderName(self,avId):
+ """Return the name of the toon that matches avId."""
+ assert( MailboxScreen.notify.debug("getSenderName") )
+ sender =
+ nameOfSender = ""
+ if sender:
+ nameOfSender = sender.getName()
+ else:
+ sender = self.checkFamily(avId) # check family
+ if sender:
+ nameOfSender = # careful a family member returns a PotentialAvatar not a handle
+ elif hasattr(, "playerFriendsManager"): # check transient toons
+ sender =
+ if sender:
+ nameOfSender = sender.getName()
+ if GMUtils.testGMIdentity(nameOfSender):
+ nameOfSender = GMUtils.handleGMName(nameOfSender)
+ if not sender:
+ nameOfSender = TTLocalizer.MailboxGiftTagAnonymous
+ if hasattr(, "playerFriendsManager"): # request the info
+ self.accept('friendsListChanged', self.__showCurrentItem) # accepts this as long as it stays up
+ return nameOfSender
diff --git a/toontown/src/catalog/Sources.pp b/toontown/src/catalog/Sources.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a03ea8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/catalog/Sources.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+// For now, since we are not installing Python files, this file can
+// remain empty.
diff --git a/toontown/src/catalog/ b/toontown/src/catalog/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/toontown/src/char/.cvsignore b/toontown/src/char/.cvsignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..985f113
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/char/.cvsignore
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/toontown/src/char/ b/toontown/src/char/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8bd6e5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/char/
@@ -0,0 +1,762 @@
+"""Char module: contains the Char class"""
+from otp.avatar import Avatar
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from direct.task import Task
+import random
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+AnimDict = {
+ "mk": (("walk", "walk", 3),
+ ("run", "run", 3),
+ ("neutral", "wait", 3),
+ ("left-point-start", "left-start", 3.5),
+ ("left-point", "left", 3.5),
+ ("right-point-start", "right-start", 3.5),
+ ("right-point", "right", 3.5),
+ ),
+ "vmk": (("walk", "sneak", 3),
+ ("run", "run", 3),
+ ("neutral", "idle", 3),
+ ("sneak", "sneak",3),
+ ("into_sneak", "into_sneak", 3),
+ ("chat", "run", 3),
+ ("into_idle", "into_idle", 3),
+ ),
+ "wmn":(("walk", "walkHalloween3", 3),
+ ("neutral", "neutral2", 3),
+ ),
+ "mn": (("walk", "walk", 3),
+ ("run", "run", 3),
+ ("neutral", "wait", 3),
+ ("left-point-start", "start-Lpoint", 3.5),
+ ("left-point", "Lpoint", 3.5),
+ ("right-point-start", "start-Rpoint", 3.5),
+ ("right-point", "Rpoint", 3.5),
+ ("up", "up", 4),
+ ("down", "down", 4),
+ ("left", "left", 4),
+ ("right", "right", 4),
+ ),
+ "g": (("walk", "Walk", 6),
+ ("run", "Run", 6),
+ ("neutral", "Wait", 6),
+ ),
+ "sg": (("walk", "walkStrut2", 6),
+ ("neutral", "neutral", 6),
+ ),
+ "d": (("walk", "walk", 6),
+ ("trans", "transition", 6),
+ ("neutral", "neutral", 6),
+ ("trans-back", "transBack", 6),
+ ),
+ "dw": (("wheel", "wheel", 6),
+ ("neutral", "wheel", 6),
+ ),
+ "p": (("walk", "walk", 6),
+ ("sit", "sit", 6),
+ ("neutral", "neutral", 6),
+ ("stand", "stand", 6),
+ ),
+ "wp": (("walk", "walk", 6),
+ ("sit", "sitStart", 6),
+ ("neutral", "sitLoop", 6),
+ ("stand", "sitStop", 6),
+ ),
+ "cl":(),
+ "dd" : (("walk", "walk", 4),
+ ("neutral", "idle", 4),
+ ),
+ "ch" : (("walk", "walk", 6),
+ ("neutral", "idle", 6),
+ ),
+ "da" : (("walk", "walk", 6),
+ ("neutral", "idle", 6),
+ ),
+ }
+ModelDict = {
+ "mk": "phase_3/models/char/mickey-",
+ "vmk": "phase_3.5/models/char/tt_a_chr_csc_mickey_vampire_",
+ "mn": "phase_3/models/char/minnie-",
+ "wmn" : "phase_3.5/models/char/tt_a_chr_csc_witchMinnie_",
+ "g" : "phase_6/models/char/TT_G",
+ "sg" : "phase_6/models/char/tt_a_chr_csc_goofyCostume_",
+ "d" : "phase_6/models/char/DL_donald-",
+ "dw": "phase_6/models/char/donald-wheel-",
+ "p" : "phase_6/models/char/pluto-",
+ "wp" : "phase_6/models/char/tt_a_chr_csc_plutoCostume_",
+ "cl": "phase_5.5/models/estate/Clara_pose2-",
+ "dd": "phase_4/models/char/daisyduck_",
+ "ch": "phase_6/models/char/chip_",
+ "da": "phase_6/models/char/dale_",
+ }
+LODModelDict = {
+ "mk": [1200, 800, 400],
+ "vmk": [1200, 800, 400],
+ "wmn": [1200, 800, 400],
+ "mn": [1200, 800, 400],
+ "g" : [1500, 1000, 500],
+ "sg": [1200, 800, 400],
+ "d" : [1000, 500, 250],
+ "dw": [1000],
+ "p" : [1000, 500, 300],
+ "wp" : [1200, 800, 400],
+ "cl": [],
+ "dd" : [1600, 800, 400],
+ "ch" : [1000, 500, 250],
+ "da" : [1000, 500, 250],
+ }
+class Char(Avatar.Avatar):
+ """
+ A Char is not a player toon.
+ """
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("Char")
+ def __init__(self):
+ try:
+ self.Char_initialized
+ except:
+ self.Char_initialized = 1
+ Avatar.Avatar.__init__(self)
+ # Characters are generally not pickable. You can't make
+ # friends with Mickey!
+ self.setPickable(0)
+ # Chars are generally non-player avatars.
+ self.setPlayerType(NametagGroup.CCNonPlayer)
+ self.dialogueArray = []
+ self.chatterArray = [[], [], []]
+ def delete(self):
+ try:
+ self.Char_deleted
+ except:
+ self.Char_deleted = 1
+ self.unloadDialogue()
+ Avatar.Avatar.delete(self)
+ def updateCharDNA(self, newDNA):
+ """updateCharDNA(self, AvatarDNA)
+ update the char's appearance based on new DNA
+ """
+ if ( !=
+ self.swapCharModel(newDNA)
+ def setDNAString(self, dnaString):
+ newDNA = CharDNA.CharDNA()
+ newDNA.makeFromNetString(dnaString)
+ self.setDNA(newDNA)
+ def setDNA(self, dna):
+ if
+ self.updateCharDNA(dna)
+ else:
+ # store the DNA
+ = dna
+ self.generateChar()
+ # this no longer works in the Avatar init!
+ # I moved it here for lack of a better place
+ # make the drop shadow
+ self.initializeDropShadow()
+ self.initializeNametag3d()
+ self.nametag3d.setBin('fixed', 0)
+ # fix Chip and Dales wonky shadow
+ if ( == "chip") or ( == "dale"):
+ self.find("**/drop-shadow").setScale(0.33)
+ def setLODs(self):
+ """
+ Get LOD switch distances from dconfig, or use defaults
+ """
+ # set up the LOD node for avatar LOD
+ self.setLODNode()
+ # get the switch values
+ levelOneIn = base.config.GetInt("lod1-in", 50)
+ levelOneOut = base.config.GetInt("lod1-out", 1)
+ levelTwoIn = base.config.GetInt("lod2-in", 100)
+ levelTwoOut = base.config.GetInt("lod2-out", 50)
+ levelThreeIn = base.config.GetInt("lod3-in", 280)
+ levelThreeOut = base.config.GetInt("lod3-out", 100)
+ # add the LODs
+ self.addLOD(LODModelDict[][0], levelOneIn, levelOneOut)
+ self.addLOD(LODModelDict[][1], levelTwoIn, levelTwoOut)
+ self.addLOD(LODModelDict[][2], levelThreeIn, levelThreeOut)
+ def generateChar(self):
+ """
+ Create a non-player character from dna (an array of strings)
+ """
+ dna =
+ = dna.getCharName()
+ self.geoEyes = 0
+ # generate the LOD nodes, if necessary
+ if (len(LODModelDict[]) > 1):
+ self.setLODs()
+ filePrefix = ModelDict[]
+ if ( == "mickey"):
+ height = 3.0
+ elif ( == "vampire_mickey"):
+ height = 3.0
+ elif ( == "minnie"):
+ height = 3.0
+ elif ( == "witch_minnie"):
+ height = 3.0
+ elif ( == "goofy"):
+ height = 4.8
+ elif ( == "super_goofy"):
+ height = 4.8
+ elif ( == "donald" or == "donald-wheel"):
+ height = 4.5
+ elif ( == "daisy"):
+ height = 4.5
+ elif ( == "pluto"):
+ height = 3.0
+ elif ( == "western_pluto"):
+ height = 4.5
+ elif ( == "clarabelle"):
+ height = 3.0
+ elif ( == "chip"):
+ height = 2.0
+ elif ( == "dale"):
+ height = 2.0
+ self.lodStrings = []
+ for lod in LODModelDict[]:
+ self.lodStrings.append(str(lod))
+ if self.lodStrings:
+ for lodStr in self.lodStrings:
+ if (len(self.lodStrings) > 1):
+ lodName = lodStr
+ else:
+ lodName = "lodRoot"
+ if( == "goofy"):
+ self.loadModel(filePrefix + "-" + lodStr, lodName=lodName)
+ else:
+ self.loadModel(filePrefix + lodStr, lodName=lodName)
+ else:
+ self.loadModel(filePrefix)
+ animDict = {}
+ animList = AnimDict[]
+ for anim in animList:
+ # anim files may be in different phases
+ animFilePrefix = filePrefix[:6] + str(anim[2]) + filePrefix[7:]
+ animDict[anim[0]] = animFilePrefix + anim[1]
+ # The animations are loaded when used
+ for lodStr in self.lodStrings:
+ if (len(self.lodStrings) > 1):
+ lodName = lodStr
+ else:
+ lodName = "lodRoot"
+ self.loadAnims(animDict, lodName=lodName)
+ self.setHeight(height)
+ self.loadDialogue(
+ # set up the mouse ears for rotation
+ self.ears = []
+ # or == "vampire_mickey"
+ if ( == "mickey" or == "vampire_mickey" \
+ or == "minnie"):
+ # Clear the net transforms first, in case we have
+ # merge-lod-bundles on (which would mean this is really
+ # just one bundle).
+ for bundle in self.getPartBundleDict().values():
+ bundle = bundle['modelRoot'].getBundle()
+ earNull = bundle.findChild("sphere3")
+ if not earNull:
+ earNull = bundle.findChild("*sphere3")
+ earNull.clearNetTransforms()
+ for bundle in self.getPartBundleDict().values():
+ charNodepath = bundle['modelRoot'].partBundleNP
+ bundle = bundle['modelRoot'].getBundle()
+ earNull = bundle.findChild("sphere3")
+ if not earNull:
+ earNull = bundle.findChild("*sphere3")
+ # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ ears = charNodepath.find("**/sphere3")
+ if ears.isEmpty():
+ ears = charNodepath.find("**/*sphere3")
+ ears.clearEffect(CharacterJointEffect.getClassType())
+ earRoot = charNodepath.attachNewNode("earRoot")
+ earPitch = earRoot.attachNewNode("earPitch")
+ earPitch.setP(40.)
+ ears.reparentTo(earPitch)
+ # put animation channel on ear root
+ earNull.addNetTransform(earRoot.node())
+ ears.clearMat()
+ # bake in the reverse pitch
+ ears.node().setPreserveTransform(ModelNode.PTNone)
+ ears.setP(-40.)
+ ears.flattenMedium()
+ self.ears.append(ears)
+ # now make the ears rotate to the camera at this pitch.
+ ears.setBillboardAxis()
+ # set up the blinking eyes
+ self.eyes = None
+ self.lpupil = None
+ self.rpupil = None
+ self.eyesOpen = None
+ self.eyesClosed = None
+ if ( == "mickey" or == "minnie"):
+ self.eyesOpen = loader.loadTexture("phase_3/maps/eyes1.jpg",
+ "phase_3/maps/eyes1_a.rgb")
+ self.eyesClosed = loader.loadTexture(
+ "phase_3/maps/mickey_eyes_closed.jpg",
+ "phase_3/maps/mickey_eyes_closed_a.rgb")
+ # TODO: other LODs
+ self.eyes = self.find("**/1200/**/eyes")
+ # this fixes a dual-mode transparency problem
+ # that makes the pupils render poorly
+ self.eyes.setBin('transparent', 0)
+ self.lpupil = self.find("**/1200/**/joint_pupilL")
+ self.rpupil = self.find("**/1200/**/joint_pupilR")
+ # make them render correctly
+ for lodName in self.getLODNames():
+ self.drawInFront("joint_pupil?", "eyes*", -3, lodName=lodName)
+ elif ( == "witch_minnie" or == "vampire_mickey" \
+ or == "super_goofy" or == "western_pluto"):
+ self.geoEyes = 1
+ self.eyeOpenList = []
+ self.eyeCloseList = []
+ if(self.find("**/1200/**/eyesOpen").isEmpty()):
+ self.eyeCloseList.append(self.find("**/eyesClosed"))
+ self.eyeOpenList.append(self.find("**/eyesOpen"))
+ else:
+ self.eyeCloseList.append(self.find("**/1200/**/eyesClosed"))
+ self.eyeOpenList.append(self.find("**/1200/**/eyesOpen"))
+ for part in self.eyeOpenList:
+ for part in self.eyeCloseList:
+ part.hide()
+ elif ( == "pluto"):
+ self.eyesOpen = loader.loadTexture(
+ "phase_6/maps/plutoEyesOpen.jpg",
+ "phase_6/maps/plutoEyesOpen_a.rgb")
+ self.eyesClosed = loader.loadTexture(
+ "phase_6/maps/plutoEyesClosed.jpg",
+ "phase_6/maps/plutoEyesClosed_a.rgb")
+ # TODO: other LODs
+ self.eyes = self.find("**/1000/**/eyes")
+ self.lpupil = self.find("**/1000/**/joint_pupilL")
+ self.rpupil = self.find("**/1000/**/joint_pupilR")
+ # make them render correctly
+ for lodName in self.getLODNames():
+ self.drawInFront("joint_pupil?", "eyes*", -3, lodName=lodName)
+ elif ( == "daisy"):
+ self.geoEyes = 1
+ self.eyeOpenList = []
+ self.eyeCloseList = []
+ self.eyeCloseList.append(self.find("**/1600/**/eyesclose"))
+ self.eyeCloseList.append(self.find("**/800/**/eyesclose"))
+ self.eyeOpenList.append(self.find("**/1600/**/eyesclose"))
+ self.eyeOpenList.append(self.find("**/800/**/eyesclose"))
+ self.eyeOpenList.append(self.find("**/1600/**/eyespupil"))
+ self.eyeOpenList.append(self.find("**/800/**/eyespupil"))
+ self.eyeOpenList.append(self.find("**/1600/**/eyesopen"))
+ self.eyeOpenList.append(self.find("**/800/**/eyesopen"))
+ for part in self.eyeOpenList:
+ for part in self.eyeCloseList:
+ part.hide()
+ elif ( == "donald-wheel"):
+ # set them up for blinking
+ self.eyes = self.find("**/eyes")
+ self.lpupil = self.find("**/joint_pupilL")
+ self.rpupil = self.find("**/joint_pupilR")
+ # arrange donalds eyes to render properly
+ self.drawInFront("joint_pupil?", "eyes*", -3)
+ elif ( == "chip") or ( == "dale"):
+ self.eyesOpen = loader.loadTexture(
+ "phase_6/maps/dale_eye1.jpg",
+ "phase_6/maps/dale_eye1_a.rgb")
+ self.eyesClosed = loader.loadTexture(
+ "phase_6/maps/chip_dale_eye1_blink.jpg",
+ "phase_6/maps/chip_dale_eye1_blink_a.rgb")
+ self.eyes = self.find("**/eyes")
+ self.lpupil = self.find("**/pupil_left")
+ self.rpupil = self.find("**/pupil_right")
+ # hide the existing blink geom
+ self.find("**/blink").hide()
+ # TODO: Clarabelle blinking
+ # Bump up the override parameter on the pupil
+ # textures so they won't get overridden when we set
+ # the blink texture.
+ if self.lpupil != None:
+ self.lpupil.adjustAllPriorities(1)
+ self.rpupil.adjustAllPriorities(1)
+ if self.eyesOpen:
+ self.eyesOpen.setMinfilter(Texture.FTLinear)
+ self.eyesOpen.setMagfilter(Texture.FTLinear)
+ if self.eyesClosed:
+ self.eyesClosed.setMinfilter(Texture.FTLinear)
+ self.eyesClosed.setMagfilter(Texture.FTLinear)
+ # Fix Mickey's screwed up right pupil until the animators redo
+ # Well only fix the highest lod since that is the only one noticeable
+ if ( == "mickey"):
+ pupilParent = self.rpupil.getParent()
+ pupilOffsetNode = pupilParent.attachNewNode("pupilOffsetNode")
+ pupilOffsetNode.setPos(0, 0.025, 0)
+ self.rpupil.reparentTo(pupilOffsetNode)
+ self.__blinkName = "blink-" +
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ def swapCharModel(self, charStyle):
+ """swapCharModel(Self, string)
+ Swap out the current char model for the given one
+ """
+ # out with the old
+ for lodStr in self.lodStrings:
+ if (len(self.lodStrings) > 1):
+ lodName = lodStr
+ else:
+ lodName = "lodRoot"
+ self.removePart("modelRoot", lodName=lodName)
+ # in with the new
+ self.setStyle(charStyle)
+ self.generateChar()
+ def getDialogue(self, type, length):
+ """playDialogue(self, string, int)
+ Play the specified type of dialogue for the specified time
+ """
+ # Choose the appropriate sound effect.
+ sfxIndex = None
+ if (type == "statementA" or type == "statementB"):
+ if (length == 1):
+ sfxIndex = 0
+ elif (length == 2):
+ sfxIndex = 1
+ elif (length >= 3):
+ sfxIndex = 2
+ elif (type == "question"):
+ sfxIndex = 3
+ elif (type == "exclamation"):
+ sfxIndex = 4
+ elif (type == "special"):
+ sfxIndex = 5
+ else:
+ self.notify.error("unrecognized dialogue type: ", type)
+ if sfxIndex != None and sfxIndex < len(self.dialogueArray) and \
+ self.dialogueArray[sfxIndex] != None:
+ return self.dialogueArray[sfxIndex]
+ else:
+ return None
+ def playDialogue(self, type, length, delay = None):
+ dialogue = self.getDialogue(type, length)
+ base.playSfx(dialogue)
+ def getChatterDialogue(self, category, msg):
+ try:
+ return self.chatterArray[category][msg]
+ except IndexError:
+ return None
+ def getShadowJoint(self):
+ return self.getGeomNode()
+ #def getShadowJoints(self): #*
+ # return [self.getGeomNode()]
+ def getNametagJoints(self):
+ """
+ Return the CharacterJoint that animates the nametag, in a list.
+ """
+ # Chars don't animate their nametags.
+ return []
+ def loadChatterDialogue(self, name, audioIndexArray,
+ loadPath, language):
+ """
+ Load the dialogue audio samples
+ """
+ # load the audio files and store into the dialogue array
+ chatterTypes = ['greetings', 'comments', 'goodbyes']
+ for categoryIndex in range(len(audioIndexArray)):
+ chatterType = chatterTypes[categoryIndex]
+ for fileIndex in audioIndexArray[categoryIndex]:
+ if fileIndex:
+ self.chatterArray[categoryIndex].append(
+ base.loadSfx("%s/CC_%s_chatter_%s%02d.mp3" %
+ (loadPath, name, chatterType, fileIndex))
+ )
+ else:
+ # Just in case you have non contiguous chatter files
+ self.chatterArray[categoryIndex].append(None)
+ def loadDialogue(self, char):
+ """
+ Load the dialogue audio samples
+ """
+ if self.dialogueArray:
+ # We've already got a dialogueArray loaded.
+ self.notify.warning("loadDialogue() called twice.")
+ self.unloadDialogue()
+ language = base.config.GetString("language", "english")
+ if (char == "mk"):
+ # load Mickey's dialogue array
+ dialogueFile = base.loadSfx("phase_3/audio/dial/mickey.wav")
+ for i in range(0,6):
+ self.dialogueArray.append(dialogueFile)
+ # load Mickey's chatter
+ if language == 'japanese':
+ chatterIndexArray = (
+ # Greetings
+ [1,2],
+ # Comments
+ [1,2,3,4],
+ # Goodbyes
+ [1,2,3,4,5],
+ )
+ self.loadChatterDialogue("mickey", chatterIndexArray,
+ "phase_3/audio/dial", language)
+ elif (char == "vmk"):
+ # load Mickey's dialogue array
+ dialogueFile = base.loadSfx("phase_3/audio/dial/mickey.wav")
+ for i in range(0,6):
+ self.dialogueArray.append(dialogueFile)
+ # load Mickey's chatter
+ if language == 'japanese':
+ chatterIndexArray = (
+ # Greetings
+ [1,2],
+ # Comments
+ [1,2,3,4],
+ # Goodbyes
+ [1,2,3,4,5],
+ )
+ self.loadChatterDialogue("mickey", chatterIndexArray,
+ "phase_3/audio/dial", language)
+ elif (char == "mn" or char == "wmn"):
+ # load Minnie's dialogue array
+ dialogueFile = base.loadSfx("phase_3/audio/dial/minnie.wav")
+ for i in range(0,6):
+ self.dialogueArray.append(dialogueFile)
+ # load Minnie's chatter
+ if language == 'japanese':
+ chatterIndexArray = (
+ # Greetings
+ [1,2],
+ # Comments
+ [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17],
+ # Goodbyes
+ [1,2,3],
+ )
+ self.loadChatterDialogue("minnie", chatterIndexArray,
+ "phase_3/audio/dial", language)
+ elif (char == "dd"):
+ # load Daisy's dialogue array
+ dialogueFile = base.loadSfx("phase_4/audio/dial/daisy.wav")
+ for i in range(0,6):
+ self.dialogueArray.append(dialogueFile)
+ # load Diasy's chatter
+ if language == 'japanese':
+ chatterIndexArray = (
+ # Greetings
+ [1,2,3],
+ # Comments
+ [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12],
+ # Goodbyes
+ [1,2,3,4],
+ )
+ self.loadChatterDialogue("daisy", chatterIndexArray,
+ "phase_8/audio/dial", language)
+ elif (char == "g" or char == "sg"):
+ # load Goofy's dialogue array
+ dialogueFile = base.loadSfx("phase_6/audio/dial/goofy.wav")
+ for i in range(0,6):
+ self.dialogueArray.append(dialogueFile)
+ # load Goofy's chatter
+ if language == 'japanese':
+ chatterIndexArray = (
+ # Greetings
+ [1,2,3],
+ # Comments
+ [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12],
+ # Goodbyes
+ [1,2,3,4],
+ )
+ self.loadChatterDialogue("goofy", chatterIndexArray,
+ "phase_6/audio/dial", language)
+ elif (char == "d" or char == "dw"):
+ # load Donald's dialogue array
+ dialogueFile = base.loadSfx("phase_6/audio/dial/donald.wav")
+ for i in range(0,6):
+ self.dialogueArray.append(dialogueFile)
+ if char == 'd':
+ # load Donalds's chatter
+ if language == 'japanese':
+ chatterIndexArray = (
+ # Greetings
+ [1,2],
+ # Comments
+ [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11],
+ # Goodbyes
+ [1,2,3,4],
+ )
+ self.loadChatterDialogue("donald", chatterIndexArray,
+ "phase_6/audio/dial", language)
+ elif (char == "p" or char == "wp"):
+ # load Pluto's dialogue array
+ dialogueFile = base.loadSfx("phase_3.5/audio/dial/AV_dog_med.mp3")
+ for i in range(0,6):
+ self.dialogueArray.append(dialogueFile)
+ elif (char == "cl"):
+ # TODO: load Clarabelle's dialog array
+ dialogueFile = base.loadSfx("phase_3.5/audio/dial/AV_dog_med.mp3")
+ for i in range(0,6):
+ self.dialogueArray.append(dialogueFile)
+ elif (char == "ch"):
+ dialogueFile = base.loadSfx("phase_6/audio/dial/chip.wav")
+ for i in range(0,6):
+ self.dialogueArray.append(dialogueFile)
+ elif (char == "da"):
+ dialogueFile = base.loadSfx("phase_6/audio/dial/dale.wav")
+ for i in range(0,6):
+ self.dialogueArray.append(dialogueFile)
+ else:
+ self.notify.error("unknown character %s" % char)
+ def unloadDialogue(self):
+ """
+ Unload the dialogue audio samples
+ """
+ self.dialogueArray = []
+ self.chatterArray = [[], [], []]
+ ###
+ ### Tasks
+ ###
+ def __blinkOpenEyes(self, task):
+ self.openEyes()
+ # Do a double blink every once in a while
+ r = random.random()
+ if r < 0.1:
+ # Short time for a double blink
+ t = 0.2
+ else:
+ # Pick a random time for the next blink
+ # We can just reuse r here instead of computing a new one
+ t = r * 4.0 + 1.0
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(t, self.__blinkCloseEyes, self.__blinkName)
+ return Task.done
+ def __blinkCloseEyes(self, task):
+ self.closeEyes()
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(0.125, self.__blinkOpenEyes, self.__blinkName)
+ return Task.done
+ def openEyes(self):
+ if (self.geoEyes):
+ for part in self.eyeOpenList:
+ for part in self.eyeCloseList:
+ part.hide()
+ else:
+ if self.eyes:
+ self.eyes.setTexture(self.eyesOpen, 1)
+ def closeEyes(self):
+ if (self.geoEyes):
+ for part in self.eyeOpenList:
+ part.hide()
+ for part in self.eyeCloseList:
+ else:
+ if self.eyes:
+ self.eyes.setTexture(self.eyesClosed, 1)
+ self.lpupil.hide()
+ self.rpupil.hide()
+ def startBlink(self):
+ """
+ Starts the Blink task.
+ """
+ if (self.eyesOpen or self.geoEyes):
+ # remove any old
+ taskMgr.remove(self.__blinkName)
+ # spawn the new task
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(random.random() * 4 + 1, self.__blinkCloseEyes, self.__blinkName)
+ def stopBlink(self):
+ if (self.eyesOpen or self.geoEyes):
+ taskMgr.remove(self.__blinkName)
+ self.openEyes()
+## def startEarTask(self):
+## if self.ears:
+## def earTask(task):
+## for ear in self.ears:
+## ear.headsUp(
+## return Task.cont
+## taskMgr.add(earTask, + "-earTask")
+## def stopEarTask(self):
+## if self.ears:
+## taskMgr.remove( + "-earTask")
+ def startEarTask(self):
+ # This used to be an actual task that would rotate the ears to
+ # the camera every frame. But on reflection, this is just
+ # what a billboard does; so now we just make the ears a
+ # billboard (above) and this task doesn't need to exist.
+ pass
+ def stopEarTask(self):
+ pass
+ def uniqueName(self, idString):
+ return (idString + "-" + str(self.this))
diff --git a/toontown/src/char/ b/toontown/src/char/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6cd985
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/char/
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+"""AvatarDNA module: contains the methods and definitions for describing
+multipart actors with a simple class"""
+import random
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from direct.directnotify.DirectNotifyGlobal import *
+import random
+from direct.distributed.PyDatagram import PyDatagram
+from direct.distributed.PyDatagramIterator import PyDatagramIterator
+from otp.avatar import AvatarDNA
+notify = directNotify.newCategory("CharDNA")
+# char defines
+charTypes = [ "mk", "vmk", "mn", "wmn", "g", "sg", "d", "dw", "p", "wp", "cl", "dd", "ch", "da" ]
+# ...mickey, vampire mickey, minnie, Witch minnie, goofy, donald, donald-wheel, pluto, Clarabelle, Daisy, Chip, Dale
+class CharDNA(AvatarDNA.AvatarDNA):
+ """CharDNA class: contains methods for describing avatars with a
+ simple class. The CharDNA class may be converted to lists of strings
+ for network transmission. Also, CharDNA objects can be constructed
+ from lists of strings recieved over the network. Some examples are in
+ order.
+ # create a character's dna (defaults to Mickey)
+ dna = AvatarDNA()
+ dna.newChar()
+ # create a specific char by passing in an identifier
+ # string (see 'char types' above)
+ dna = AvatarDNA()
+ dna.newChar('mk')
+ # mickey
+ """
+ # special methods
+ def __init__(self, str=None, type=None, dna=None, r=None, b=None, g=None):
+ """__init__(self, string=None, string=None, string()=None, float=None,
+ float=None, float=None)
+ CharDNA contructor - see class comment for usage
+ """
+ # have they passed in a stringified DNA object?
+ if (str != None):
+ self.makeFromNetString(str)
+ # have they specified what type of DNA?
+ elif (type != None):
+ if (type == 'c'): # Char
+ self.newChar(dna)
+ else:
+ # Invalid type
+ assert(0)
+ else:
+ # mark DNA as undefined
+ self.type = 'u'
+ def __str__(self):
+ """__str__(self)
+ Avatar DNA print method
+ """
+ if (self.type == 'c'):
+ return "type = char, name = %s" %
+ else:
+ return "type undefined"
+ # stringification methods
+ def makeNetString(self):
+ dg = PyDatagram()
+ dg.addFixedString(self.type, 1)
+ if (self.type == 'c'): # Char
+ dg.addFixedString(, 2)
+ elif (self.type == 'u'):
+ notify.error("undefined avatar")
+ else:
+ notify.error("unknown avatar type: ", self.type)
+ return dg.getMessage()
+ def makeFromNetString(self, string):
+ dg=PyDatagram(string)
+ dgi=PyDatagramIterator(dg)
+ self.type = dgi.getFixedString(1)
+ if (self.type == 'c'): # Char
+ = sgi.getFixedString(2)
+ else:
+ notify.error("unknown avatar type: ", self.type)
+ return None
+ def __defaultChar(self):
+ """__defaultChar(self)
+ Make a default character dna
+ """
+ self.type = 'c'
+ = charTypes[0]
+ def newChar(self, name = None):
+ """newChar(self, string = None)
+ Make the dna for the given character name,
+ or Mickey if not specified
+ """
+ if (name == None):
+ self.__defaultChar()
+ else:
+ self.type = 'c'
+ if (name in charTypes):
+ = name
+ else:
+ notify.error("unknown avatar type: %s" % (name))
+ def getType(self):
+ """getType(self)
+ Return which type of actor this dna represents.
+ """
+ if (self.type == 'c'):
+ #char type
+ type = self.getCharName()
+ else:
+ notify.error("Invalid DNA type: ", self.type)
+ return type
+ # char helper funcs
+ def getCharName(self):
+ """getCharName(self)
+ Return the type of the character as a string
+ """
+ if ( == "mk"):
+ return("mickey")
+ elif("vmk"):
+ return("vampire_mickey")
+ elif ( == "mn"):
+ return("minnie")
+ elif ( == "wmn"):
+ return("witch_minnie")
+ elif ( == "g"):
+ return("goofy")
+ elif ( == "sg"):
+ return("super_goofy")
+ elif ( == "d"):
+ return("donald")
+ elif ( == "dw"):
+ return("donald-wheel")
+ elif ( == "dd"):
+ return("daisy")
+ elif ( == "p"):
+ return("pluto")
+ elif( == "wp"):
+ return("western_pluto")
+ elif ( == "cl"):
+ return("clarabelle")
+ elif ( == "ch"):
+ return("chip")
+ elif ( == "da"):
+ return("dale")
+ else:
+ notify.error("unknown char type: ",
diff --git a/toontown/src/char/ b/toontown/src/char/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d11f767
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/char/
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+"""DistributedChar module: contains the DistributedChar class"""
+from otp.avatar import DistributedAvatar
+import Char
+class DistributedChar(DistributedAvatar.DistributedAvatar, Char.Char):
+ """DistributedChar class:"""
+ def __init__(self, cr):
+ try:
+ self.DistributedChar_initialized
+ except:
+ self.DistributedChar_initialized = 1
+ DistributedAvatar.DistributedAvatar.__init__(self, cr)
+ Char.Char.__init__(self)
+ def delete(self):
+ try:
+ self.DistributedChar_deleted
+ except:
+ self.DistributedChar_deleted = 1
+ Char.Char.delete(self)
+ DistributedAvatar.DistributedAvatar.delete(self)
+ # We need to force the Char version of these to be called, otherwise
+ # we get the generic Avatar version which is undefined
+ def setDNAString(self, dnaString):
+ Char.Char.setDNAString(self, dnaString)
+ def setDNA(self, dna):
+ Char.Char.setDNA(self, dna)
+ def playDialogue(self, *args):
+ # Force the right inheritance chain to be called
+ Char.Char.playDialogue(self, *args)
+# def setPos(self, x, y, z):
+# from ToonBaseGlobal import *
+# self.reparentTo(render)
+# Char.Char.setPos(self, x, y, z)
+# def setHpr(self, h, p, r):
+# from ToonBaseGlobal import *
+# self.reparentTo(render)
+# Char.Char.setHpr(self, h, p, r)
+# def setPosHpr(self, x, y, z, h, p, r):
+# from ToonBaseGlobal import *
+# self.reparentTo(render)
+# Char.Char.setPosHpr(self, x, y, z, h, p, r)
+ def setHp(self, hp):
+ self.hp = hp
diff --git a/toontown/src/char/ b/toontown/src/char/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c9f98c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/char/
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+"""LocalChar module: contains the LocalChar class"""
+import DistributedChar
+from otp.avatar import LocalAvatar
+from import ChatManager
+import Char
+class LocalChar(DistributedChar.DistributedChar, LocalAvatar.LocalAvatar):
+ """LocalChar class:"""
+ def __init__(self, cr):
+ """
+ Local char constructor
+ """
+ try:
+ self.LocalChar_initialized
+ except:
+ self.LocalChar_initialized = 1
+ DistributedChar.DistributedChar.__init__(self, cr)
+ LocalAvatar.LocalAvatar.__init__(self, cr)
+ # Is this redundant with LocalAvatar: ---> self.chatMgr = ChatManager.ChatManager()
+ self.setNameVisible(0)
+ # Init the avatar sounds
+ Char.initializeDialogue()
diff --git a/toontown/src/char/Sources.pp b/toontown/src/char/Sources.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a03ea8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/char/Sources.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+// For now, since we are not installing Python files, this file can
+// remain empty.
diff --git a/toontown/src/char/ b/toontown/src/char/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/toontown/src/chat/.cvsignore b/toontown/src/chat/.cvsignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..985f113
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/chat/.cvsignore
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/toontown/src/chat/ b/toontown/src/chat/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a37b85a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/chat/
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownBattleGlobals
+from toontown.battle import BattleParticles
+from direct.particles import Particles
+import random
+TTBG = ToontownBattleGlobals
+TTL = TTLocalizer
+# Do not change the order of these. Only add to the end!
+# Explanation is below.
+resistanceMenu = [ RESISTANCE_TOONUP,
+ ]
+# the DB stores values for these based off of the main "resistance
+# type" (above) and the index in to the 'values' array for each.
+# This means that the 'values' array should only be added to, and
+# never reorganized. The 'items' array is what determines which
+# items to allow and in what order they appear in the menu. The
+# 'items' array may be changed willy-nilly :)
+resistanceDict = {
+ RESISTANCE_TOONUP: { 'menuName': TTL.ResistanceToonupMenu,
+ 'itemText': TTL.ResistanceToonupItem,
+ 'chatText': TTL.ResistanceToonupChat,
+ 'values' : [10, 20, 40, 80, -1],
+ 'items' : [0, 1, 2, 3, 4],
+ },
+ RESISTANCE_MONEY: { 'menuName': TTL.ResistanceMoneyMenu,
+ 'itemText': TTL.ResistanceMoneyItem,
+ 'chatText': TTL.ResistanceMoneyChat,
+ 'values' : [100, 200, 350, 600],
+ 'items' : [0, 1, 2, 3],
+ },
+ RESISTANCE_RESTOCK: { 'menuName': TTL.ResistanceRestockMenu,
+ 'itemText': TTL.ResistanceRestockItem,
+ 'chatText': TTL.ResistanceRestockChat,
+ 'values' : [TTBG.HEAL_TRACK,
+ -1],
+ 'extra' : [TTL.MovieNPCSOSHeal,
+ TTL.MovieNPCSOSTrap,
+ TTL.MovieNPCSOSLure,
+ TTL.MovieNPCSOSSound,
+ TTL.MovieNPCSOSThrow,
+ TTL.MovieNPCSOSSquirt,
+ TTL.MovieNPCSOSDrop,
+ ],
+ 'items' : [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7],
+ },
+ }
+def encodeId(menuIndex, itemIndex):
+ textId = menuIndex * 100
+ textId += resistanceDict[menuIndex]['items'][itemIndex]
+ return textId
+def decodeId(textId):
+ menuIndex = int(textId/100)
+ itemIndex = textId % 100
+ return (menuIndex, itemIndex)
+def validateId(textId):
+ # Returns true if the id is valid, false otherwise.
+ if textId < 0:
+ return 0
+ menuIndex, itemIndex = decodeId(textId)
+ if not resistanceDict.has_key(menuIndex):
+ return 0
+ if itemIndex >= len(resistanceDict[menuIndex]['values']):
+ return 0
+ return 1
+def getItems(menuIndex):
+ return resistanceDict[menuIndex]['items']
+def getMenuName(textId):
+ menuIndex, itemIndex = decodeId(textId)
+ return resistanceDict[menuIndex]['menuName']
+def getItemText(textId):
+ menuIndex, itemIndex = decodeId(textId)
+ value = resistanceDict[menuIndex]['values'][itemIndex]
+ text = resistanceDict[menuIndex]['itemText']
+ if menuIndex is RESISTANCE_TOONUP:
+ if value is -1:
+ value = TTL.ResistanceToonupItemMax
+ elif menuIndex is RESISTANCE_RESTOCK:
+ value = resistanceDict[menuIndex]['extra'][itemIndex]
+ return text % str(value)
+def getChatText(textId):
+ menuIndex, itemIndex = decodeId(textId)
+ return resistanceDict[menuIndex]['chatText']
+def getItemValue(textId):
+ menuIndex, itemIndex = decodeId(textId)
+ return resistanceDict[menuIndex]['values'][itemIndex]
+def getRandomId():
+ # Returns a randomly-chosen resistance message id.
+ # We weight the distribution evenly between the three broad types,
+ # and within a given type, evenly among the several items
+ # available for that type.
+ menuIndex = random.choice(resistanceMenu)
+ itemIndex = random.choice(getItems(menuIndex))
+ return encodeId(menuIndex, itemIndex)
+def doEffect(textId, speakingToon, nearbyToons):
+ # Plays the particle effect of the resistance chat out of
+ # speakingToon, and briefly colors all involved toons, so they can
+ # tell what's up.
+ menuIndex, itemIndex = decodeId(textId)
+ itemValue = getItemValue(textId)
+ if menuIndex == RESISTANCE_TOONUP:
+ effect = BattleParticles.loadParticleFile('resistanceEffectSparkle.ptf')
+ fadeColor = VBase4(1, 0.5, 1, 1)
+ elif menuIndex == RESISTANCE_MONEY:
+ effect = BattleParticles.loadParticleFile('resistanceEffectBean.ptf')
+ bean = loader.loadModel('phase_4/models/props/jellybean4.bam')
+ bean = bean.find('**/jellybean')
+ # Apply a different-colored bean to each nested particle system.
+ colors = {
+ 'particles-1' : (1, 1, 0, 1),
+ 'particles-2' : (1, 0, 0, 1),
+ 'particles-3' : (0, 1, 0, 1),
+ 'particles-4' : (0, 0, 1, 1),
+ 'particles-5' : (1, 0, 1, 1),
+ }
+ for name, color in colors.items():
+ node = bean.copyTo(NodePath())
+ node.setColorScale(*color)
+ p = effect.getParticlesNamed(name)
+ p.renderer.setGeomNode(node.node())
+ fadeColor = VBase4(0, 1, 0, 1)
+ elif menuIndex == RESISTANCE_RESTOCK:
+ effect = BattleParticles.loadParticleFile('resistanceEffectSprite.ptf')
+ invModel = loader.loadModel("phase_3.5/models/gui/inventory_icons")
+ invModel.setScale(4)
+ invModel.flattenLight()
+ # Choose six icons.
+ icons = []
+ if itemValue != -1:
+ for item in range(6):
+ iconName = ToontownBattleGlobals.AvPropsNew[itemValue][item]
+ icons.append(invModel.find('**/%s' % (iconName)))
+ else:
+ # Choose a random six items, one from each of six tracks.
+ tracks = range(7)
+ random.shuffle(tracks)
+ for i in range(6):
+ track = tracks[i]
+ item = random.randint(0, 5)
+ iconName = ToontownBattleGlobals.AvPropsNew[track][item]
+ icons.append(invModel.find('**/%s' % (iconName)))
+ # Apply a different icon to each nested particle system.
+ iconDict = {
+ 'particles-1' : icons[0],
+ 'particles-2' : icons[1],
+ 'particles-3' : icons[2],
+ 'particles-4' : icons[3],
+ 'particles-5' : icons[4],
+ 'particles-6' : icons[5],
+ }
+ for name, icon in iconDict.items():
+ p = effect.getParticlesNamed(name)
+ p.renderer.setFromNode(icon)
+ fadeColor = VBase4(0, 0, 1, 1)
+ else:
+ return
+ recolorToons = Parallel()
+ for toonId in nearbyToons:
+ toon =
+ if toon and not toon.ghostMode:
+ i = Sequence(toon.doToonColorScale(fadeColor, 0.3),
+ toon.doToonColorScale(toon.defaultColorScale, 0.3),
+ Func(toon.restoreDefaultColorScale))
+ recolorToons.append(i)
+ i = Parallel(ParticleInterval(effect, speakingToon, worldRelative = 0, duration = 3, cleanup = True),
+ Sequence(Wait(0.2), recolorToons),
+ autoFinish = 1)
+ i.start()
diff --git a/toontown/src/chat/Sources.pp b/toontown/src/chat/Sources.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a03ea8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/chat/Sources.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+// For now, since we are not installing Python files, this file can
+// remain empty.
diff --git a/toontown/src/chat/ b/toontown/src/chat/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2735056
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/chat/
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+"""TTChatInputNormal module: contains the TTChatInputNormal class"""
+from direct.gui.DirectGui import *
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from import ChatInputNormal
+from otp.otpbase import OTPLocalizer
+from otp.otpbase import OTPGlobals
+class TTChatInputNormal(ChatInputNormal.ChatInputNormal):
+ """TTChatInputNormal class: controls the chat input bubble, and handles
+ chat message construction."""
+ # special methods
+ def __init__(self, chatMgr):
+ ChatInputNormal.ChatInputNormal.__init__(self, chatMgr)
+ # load the chat balloon
+ gui = loader.loadModel("phase_3.5/models/gui/chat_input_gui")
+ self.chatFrame = DirectFrame(
+ parent = aspect2dp,
+ image = gui.find("**/Chat_Bx_FNL"),
+ relief = None,
+ pos = (-1.083, 0, 0.804),
+ state = DGG.NORMAL,
+ )
+ self.chatFrame.hide()
+ self.chatButton = DirectButton(
+ parent = self.chatFrame,
+ image = (gui.find("**/ChtBx_ChtBtn_UP"),
+ gui.find("**/ChtBx_ChtBtn_DN"),
+ gui.find("**/ChtBx_ChtBtn_RLVR"),
+ ),
+ pos = (0.182, 0, -0.088),
+ relief = None,
+ text = ("",
+ OTPLocalizer.ChatInputNormalSayIt,
+ OTPLocalizer.ChatInputNormalSayIt),
+ text_scale = 0.06,
+ text_fg = Vec4(1,1,1,1),
+ text_shadow = Vec4(0,0,0,1),
+ text_pos = (0,-0.09),
+ textMayChange = 0,
+ command = self.chatButtonPressed,
+ )
+ self.cancelButton = DirectButton(
+ parent = self.chatFrame,
+ image = (gui.find("**/CloseBtn_UP"),
+ gui.find("**/CloseBtn_DN"),
+ gui.find("**/CloseBtn_Rllvr"),
+ ),
+ pos = (-0.151, 0, -0.088),
+ relief = None,
+ text = ("",
+ OTPLocalizer.ChatInputNormalCancel,
+ OTPLocalizer.ChatInputNormalCancel),
+ text_scale = 0.06,
+ text_fg = Vec4(1,1,1,1),
+ text_shadow = Vec4(0,0,0,1),
+ text_pos = (0,-0.09),
+ textMayChange = 0,
+ command = self.cancelButtonPressed,
+ )
+ self.whisperLabel = DirectLabel(
+ parent = self.chatFrame,
+ pos = (0.02, 0, 0.23),
+ relief = DGG.FLAT,
+ frameColor = (1,1,0.5,1),
+ frameSize = (-0.23, 0.23, -0.07, 0.05),
+ text = OTPLocalizer.ChatInputNormalWhisper,
+ text_scale = 0.04,
+ text_fg = Vec4(0,0,0,1),
+ text_wordwrap = 9.5,
+ textMayChange = 1,
+ )
+ self.whisperLabel.hide()
+ self.chatEntry = DirectEntry(
+ parent = self.chatFrame,
+ relief = None,
+ scale = 0.05,
+ pos = (-0.2,0,0.11),
+ entryFont = OTPGlobals.getInterfaceFont(),
+ width = 8.6,
+ numLines = 3,
+ cursorKeys = 0,
+ backgroundFocus = 0, # This will be turned on later by the chatMgr
+ command = self.sendChat,
+ )
+ self.chatEntry.bind(DGG.OVERFLOW, self.chatOverflow)
+ self.chatEntry.bind(DGG.TYPE, self.typeCallback)
+ def delete(self):
+ self.chatEntry.destroy()
+ self.chatButton.destroy()
+ self.cancelButton.destroy()
+ ChatInputNormal.ChatInputNormal.delete(self)
+ loader.unloadModel("phase_3.5/models/gui/chat_input_gui")
+ def importExecNamespace(self):
+ ChatInputNormal.ChatInputNormal.importExecNamespace(self)
+ exec 'from toontown.toonbase.ToonBaseGlobal import *' in globals(), self.ExecNamespace
+ def typeCallback(self, extraArgs):
+ #if hasattr(base, "whiteList"):
+ # if base.whiteList:
+ # return
+ #print("typeCallback")
+ if localAvatar.chatMgr.chatInputWhiteList.isActive():
+ return
+ else:
+ messenger.send('enterNormalChat')
+ def checkForOverRide(self):
+ return False
+ #ChatInputNormal likes to intercept other direct entries
+ #to much is hard coded to assume this so I'm adding a final stage override - JML
+ if localAvatar.chatMgr.chatInputWhiteList.isActive():
+ return True
+ return False
diff --git a/toontown/src/chat/ b/toontown/src/chat/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ff1f1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/chat/
@@ -0,0 +1,722 @@
+"""TTChatInputSpeedChat module: contains the TTChatInputSpeedChat class"""
+from import TTChatInputSpeedChat;from otp.otpbase import OTPLocalizerEnglish;from otp.otpbase import OTPLocalizer;from otp.speedchat import SCStaticTextTerminal
+from direct.gui.DirectGui import *
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from otp.speedchat.SpeedChatTypes import *
+from toontown.speedchat.TTSpeedChatTypes import *
+from otp.speedchat.SpeedChat import SpeedChat
+from otp.speedchat import SpeedChatGlobals
+from toontown.speedchat import TTSpeedChatGlobals
+from toontown.speedchat import TTSCSingingTerminal
+from toontown.speedchat import TTSCIndexedTerminal
+from direct.showbase import DirectObject
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM, State
+from direct.fsm import State
+import string
+from otp.otpbase import OTPLocalizer
+from otp.otpbase import OTPGlobals
+from toontown.shtiker.OptionsPage import speedChatStyles
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+from toontown.parties.PartyGlobals import ActivityIds, DecorationIds
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+###### see for the format of this structure ######
+scStructure = [
+ [OTPLocalizer.SCMenuHello,
+ {100:0},{101:0},{102:0},{103:0},{104:0},{105:0},106,107,108,109],
+ [OTPLocalizer.SCMenuBye,
+ # 208: put "I'll be back later" under "I'll be right back"
+ # 209: put "I'll need to go soon" before "I need to go"
+ # NOTE: "I need to go soon" is already a cattlelog phrase, but
+ # it seems like a very useful phrase that everyone should have...
+ {200:0},{201:0},{202:0},203,204,205,206,208,209,207],
+ [OTPLocalizer.SCMenuHappy,
+ {300:1},{301:1},{302:1},303,{304:1},305,306,307,308,
+ 309,310,311,{312:1},{313:1},{314:1},315],
+ [OTPLocalizer.SCMenuSad,
+ {400:2},{401:2},{402:2},403,404,405,406,407,408,409,410],
+ [OTPLocalizer.SCMenuFriendly,
+ [OTPLocalizer.SCMenuFriendlyYou, 600,601,602,603],
+ [OTPLocalizer.SCMenuFriendlyILike, 700,701,702,703,704,705],
+ # Have you been here before? (515) after Are you new here?
+ 500,501,502,503,504,505,506,507,508,509,510,515,511,512,513,514],
+ [OTPLocalizer.SCMenuSorry,
+ # Put oops (801) in front of sorry (800) - it looks better. Also add
+ # Sorry I'm busy fishing (811) next to the other "Sorry I'm busy..."
+ # phrases
+ # "Sorry, I'm in a building" and "Sorry, I'm helping a friend" (812/813)
+ # below "Sorry I'm busy..." phrases
+ 801,800,802,803,804,811,814,815,817,812,813,818,805,806,807,816,808,{809:5},810],
+ [OTPLocalizer.SCMenuStinky,
+ {900:3},{901:3},{902:3},{903:3},904,{905:3},907],
+ [OTPLocalizer.SCMenuPlaces,
+# [OTPLocalizer.SCMenuPlacesLetsGo, 1100,1101,1111,1102,1103,1104,1105,1106,
+# 1107,1108,1109,1110],
+ [OTPLocalizer.SCMenuPlacesPlayground, 1100,1101,1105,1106,1107,1108,1109,1110,1111,1117,1125,1126],
+ [OTPLocalizer.SCMenuPlacesCogs, 1102,1103,1104,1114,1115,1116,1119,1120,1121,1122,1123,1124,1127,1128,1129],
+ [OTPLocalizer.SCMenuPlacesEstate, 1112,1113,1013,1118,1016],
+ [OTPLocalizer.SCMenuParties, 5300, 5301, 5302, 5303],
+ [OTPLocalizer.SCMenuPlacesWait, 1015,1007,1008,1010,1011,1014,1017],
+ 1000,1001,1002,1003,1004,1005,1006,1009,1012],
+ [OTPLocalizer.SCMenuToontasks,
+ [TTSCToontaskMenu, OTPLocalizer.SCMenuToontasksMyTasks],
+ [OTPLocalizer.SCMenuToontasksYouShouldChoose, 1300,1301,1302,1303,1304],
+ # This isn't what you need (1208) after This isn't what I'm looking for
+ # I found what you need (1209) after I'm going to look for that
+ [OTPLocalizer.SCMenuToontasksINeedMore, 1206,1210,1211,1212,1207,1213,1214,1215],
+ 1200,1201,1202,1208,1203,1209,1204,1205,],
+ [OTPLocalizer.SCMenuBattle,
+ [OTPLocalizer.SCMenuBattleGags, 1500,1501,1502,1503,1504,1505,1506,
+ 1401,1402,1413,],
+ # put Piece of cake! and That was easy! (1407/1408) at the end
+ [OTPLocalizer.SCMenuBattleTaunts, 1403,1406,1520,1521,1522,1523,
+ 1524,1525,1526,1407,1408,],
+ [OTPLocalizer.SCMenuBattleStrategy, 1414,1550,1551,1552,1415,1553,1554,
+ 1555,1556,1557,1558,1559,],
+ # "We can do it" (1416) before "You did it" (1404)
+ 1400,1416,1404,1405,1409,1410,1411,1412,],
+ [OTPLocalizer.SCMenuGagShop,
+ 1600,1601,1602,1603,1604,1605,1606],
+ {1:17}, # Yes
+ {2:18}, # No
+ 3, # Ok
+ #4 whiteList,
+ ]
+if hasattr(base, 'wantPets') and base.wantPets:
+ scPetMenuStructure = [
+ [OTPLocalizer.SCMenuPets,
+ [TTSCPetTrickMenu, OTPLocalizer.SCMenuPetTricks],
+ 21000,21001,21002,21003,21004,21005,21006]
+ ]
+cfoMenuStructure = [
+ [OTPLocalizer.SCMenuCFOBattleCranes,
+ 2100,2101,2102,2103,2104,2105,2106,2107,2108,2109,2110],
+ [OTPLocalizer.SCMenuCFOBattleGoons,
+ 2120,2121,2122,2123,2124,2125,2126],
+ 2130,2131,2132,2133,1410,
+ ]
+cjMenuStructure = [
+ 2200,2201,2202,2203,2204,2205,2206,2207,2208,2209,2210,
+ ]
+ceoMenuStructure = [
+ 2300,2301,2302,2303,2304,2305,2306,2307,2312,2313,2314,2315,
+ 2308,2309,2310,2311,2316,2317,
+ ]
+class TTChatInputSpeedChat(DirectObject.DirectObject):
+ """TTChatInputSpeedChat class: controls the SpeedChat, and generates
+ SpeedChat messages"""
+ DefaultSCColorScheme = SCColorScheme()
+ # special methods
+ def __init__(self, chatMgr):
+ self.chatMgr = chatMgr
+ self.whisperAvatarId = None
+ self.toPlayer = 0
+ # create the panel that tells the user that they don't have
+ # access to an emotion yet
+ buttons = loader.loadModel(
+ 'phase_3/models/gui/dialog_box_buttons_gui')
+ okButtonImage = (buttons.find('**/ChtBx_OKBtn_UP'),
+ buttons.find('**/ChtBx_OKBtn_DN'),
+ buttons.find('**/ChtBx_OKBtn_Rllvr'))
+ self.emoteNoAccessPanel = DirectFrame(
+ parent = hidden,
+ relief = None,
+ state = 'normal',
+ text = OTPLocalizer.SCEmoteNoAccessMsg,
+ frameSize = (-1,1,-1,1),
+ geom = DGG.getDefaultDialogGeom(),
+ geom_color = OTPGlobals.GlobalDialogColor,
+ geom_scale = (.92, 1, .6),
+ geom_pos = (0,0,-.08),
+ text_scale = .08,
+ )
+ self.okButton = DirectButton(
+ parent = self.emoteNoAccessPanel,
+ image = okButtonImage,
+ relief = None,
+ text = OTPLocalizer.SCEmoteNoAccessOK,
+ text_scale = 0.05,
+ text_pos = (0.0, -0.1),
+ textMayChange = 0,
+ pos = (0.0, 0.0, -0.2),
+ command = self.handleEmoteNoAccessDone)
+ self.insidePartiesMenu = None
+ self.createSpeedChat()
+ self.whiteList = None
+ self.allowWhiteListSpeedChat = base.config.GetBool('white-list-speed-chat', 0)
+ if self.allowWhiteListSpeedChat:
+ self.addWhiteList()
+ self.factoryMenu = None
+ self.kartRacingMenu = None
+ self.cogMenu = None
+ self.cfoMenu = None
+ self.cjMenu = None
+ self.ceoMenu = None
+ self.golfMenu = None
+ self.boardingGroupMenu = None
+ self.singingGroupMenu = None
+ self.aprilToonsMenu = None
+ self.carolMenu = None
+ self.victoryPartiesMenu = None
+ self.sillyPhaseOneMenu = None
+ self.sillyPhaseTwoMenu = None
+ self.sillyPhaseThreeMenu = None
+ self.sillyPhaseFourMenu = None
+ self.sillyPhaseFiveMenu = None
+ if __debug__:
+ base.speedChat = self.speedChat
+ # listen for selection messages
+ def listenForSCEvent(eventBaseName, handler, self=self):
+ eventName = self.speedChat.getEventName(eventBaseName)
+ self.accept(eventName, handler)
+ listenForSCEvent(SpeedChatGlobals.SCTerminalLinkedEmoteEvent,
+ self.handleLinkedEmote)
+ listenForSCEvent(SpeedChatGlobals.SCStaticTextMsgEvent,
+ self.handleStaticTextMsg)
+ listenForSCEvent(SpeedChatGlobals.SCCustomMsgEvent,
+ self.handleCustomMsg)
+ listenForSCEvent(SpeedChatGlobals.SCEmoteMsgEvent,
+ self.handleEmoteMsg)
+ listenForSCEvent(SpeedChatGlobals.SCEmoteNoAccessEvent,
+ self.handleEmoteNoAccess)
+ listenForSCEvent(TTSpeedChatGlobals.TTSCToontaskMsgEvent,
+ self.handleToontaskMsg)
+ listenForSCEvent(TTSpeedChatGlobals.TTSCResistanceMsgEvent,
+ self.handleResistanceMsg)
+ listenForSCEvent(TTSCSingingTerminal.TTSCSingingMsgEvent,
+ self.handleSingingMsg)
+ listenForSCEvent("SpeedChatStyleChange",
+ self.handleSpeedChatStyleChange)
+ listenForSCEvent(TTSCIndexedTerminal.TTSCIndexedMsgEvent,
+ self.handleStaticTextMsg)
+ self.fsm = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM('SpeedChat',
+ [State.State('off',
+ self.enterOff,
+ self.exitOff,
+ ['active']),
+ State.State('active',
+ self.enterActive,
+ self.exitActive,
+ ['off']),
+ ],
+ # Initial state
+ 'off',
+ # Final state
+ 'off',
+ )
+ self.fsm.enterInitialState()
+ def delete(self):
+ self.ignoreAll()
+ self.removeWhiteList()
+ self.okButton.destroy()
+ self.emoteNoAccessPanel.destroy()
+ del self.emoteNoAccessPanel
+ self.speedChat.destroy()
+ del self.speedChat
+ del self.fsm
+ del self.chatMgr
+ def show(self, whisperAvatarId = None, toPlayer = 0):
+ self.whisperAvatarId = whisperAvatarId
+ self.toPlayer = toPlayer
+ self.fsm.request("active")
+ def hide(self):
+ self.fsm.request("off")
+ def createSpeedChat(self):
+ # If we have them configed on, add some menus to the top of the
+ # speedchat.
+ structure = []
+ if (launcher and not launcher.isTestServer()) or __dev__:
+ # menu title will be overwritten
+ structure.append([TTSCPromotionalMenu, OTPLocalizer.SCMenuPromotion])
+ structure.append([SCEmoteMenu, OTPLocalizer.SCMenuEmotions])
+ structure.append([SCCustomMenu, OTPLocalizer.SCMenuCustom])
+ structure.append([TTSCResistanceMenu, OTPLocalizer.SCMenuResistance])
+ if hasattr(base, 'wantPets') and base.wantPets:
+ structure += scPetMenuStructure
+ structure += scStructure
+ self.createSpeedChatObject(structure)
+ # 'off' state
+ def enterOff(self):
+ pass
+ def exitOff(self):
+ pass
+ # 'active' state
+ def enterActive(self):
+ # if they click anywhere else, close up
+ def handleCancel(self=self):
+ self.chatMgr.fsm.request("mainMenu")
+ self.accept('mouse1', handleCancel)
+ # listen for any selection event from the SpeedChat menu
+ def selectionMade(self=self):
+ self.chatMgr.fsm.request("mainMenu")
+ self.terminalSelectedEvent = self.speedChat.getEventName(
+ SpeedChatGlobals.SCTerminalSelectedEvent)
+ if base.config.GetBool('want-sc-auto-hide', 1):
+ # We're not hiding the whole speedchat after a single phrase is selected.
+ # Hence, we're not accepting self.terminalSelectedEvent any more.
+ self.accept(self.terminalSelectedEvent, selectionMade)
+ # set up the menu
+ self.speedChat.reparentTo(aspect2dp, DGG.FOREGROUND_SORT_INDEX)
+ scZ = .96
+ self.speedChat.setPos(-1.05, 0, scZ)
+ self.speedChat.setWhisperMode(self.whisperAvatarId != None)
+ self.speedChat.enter()
+ def exitActive(self):
+ self.ignore('mouse1')
+ self.ignore(self.terminalSelectedEvent)
+ self.speedChat.exit()
+ self.speedChat.reparentTo(hidden)
+ self.emoteNoAccessPanel.reparentTo(hidden)
+ # these handle selection messages coming from the speedchat object
+ def handleLinkedEmote(self, emoteId):
+ # don't do the emote if we're whispering
+ if self.whisperAvatarId is None:
+ lt = base.localAvatar
+ lt.b_setEmoteState(emoteId, animMultiplier=lt.animMultiplier)
+ def handleStaticTextMsg(self, textId):
+ if self.whisperAvatarId is None:
+ self.chatMgr.sendSCChatMessage(textId)
+ else:
+ self.chatMgr.sendSCWhisperMessage(textId, self.whisperAvatarId, self.toPlayer)
+ self.toPlayer = 0
+ def handleSingingMsg(self, textId):
+ if self.whisperAvatarId is None:
+ self.chatMgr.sendSCSingingChatMessage(textId)
+ else:
+ self.chatMgr.sendSCSingingWhisperMessage(textId)
+ self.toPlayer = 0
+ def handleCustomMsg(self, textId):
+ if self.whisperAvatarId is None:
+ self.chatMgr.sendSCCustomChatMessage(textId)
+ else:
+ self.chatMgr.sendSCCustomWhisperMessage(textId,
+ self.whisperAvatarId, self.toPlayer)
+ self.toPlayer = 0
+ def handleEmoteMsg(self, emoteId):
+ if self.whisperAvatarId is None:
+ self.chatMgr.sendSCEmoteChatMessage(emoteId)
+ else:
+ self.chatMgr.sendSCEmoteWhisperMessage(emoteId,
+ self.whisperAvatarId, self.toPlayer)
+ self.toPlayer = 0
+ def handleEmoteNoAccess(self):
+ if self.whisperAvatarId is None:
+ self.emoteNoAccessPanel.setPos(0,0,0)
+ else:
+ self.emoteNoAccessPanel.setPos(.37,0,0)
+ self.emoteNoAccessPanel.reparentTo(aspect2d)
+ def handleEmoteNoAccessDone(self):
+ self.emoteNoAccessPanel.reparentTo(hidden)
+ def handleToontaskMsg(self, taskId, toNpcId, toonProgress, msgIndex):
+ if self.whisperAvatarId is None:
+ self.chatMgr.sendSCToontaskChatMessage(
+ taskId, toNpcId, toonProgress, msgIndex)
+ else:
+ self.chatMgr.sendSCToontaskWhisperMessage(
+ taskId, toNpcId, toonProgress, msgIndex, self.whisperAvatarId, self.toPlayer)
+ self.toPlayer = 0
+ def handleResistanceMsg(self, textId):
+ self.chatMgr.sendSCResistanceChatMessage(textId)
+ def handleSpeedChatStyleChange(self):
+ # get the color scheme information
+ nameKey, arrowColor, rolloverColor, frameColor = \
+ speedChatStyles[base.localAvatar.getSpeedChatStyleIndex()]
+ # create the new color scheme object
+ newSCColorScheme = SCColorScheme(
+ arrowColor=arrowColor,
+ rolloverColor=rolloverColor,
+ frameColor=frameColor,
+ )
+ # set the new color scheme
+ self.speedChat.setColorScheme(newSCColorScheme)
+ def createSpeedChatObject(self, structure):
+ if hasattr(self, 'speedChat'):
+ self.speedChat.exit()
+ self.speedChat.destroy()
+ del self.speedChat
+ # get a speedchat object
+ self.speedChat = SpeedChat(
+ structure=structure,
+ backgroundModelName='phase_3/models/gui/ChatPanel',
+ guiModelName='phase_3.5/models/gui/speedChatGui')
+ self.speedChat.setScale(TTLocalizer.CISCspeedChat)
+ self.speedChat.setBin('gui-popup',0)
+ self.speedChat.setTopLevelOverlap(TTLocalizer.CISCtopLevelOverlap)
+ self.speedChat.setColorScheme(self.DefaultSCColorScheme)
+ # tell the speedchat to generate the gui elements for the entire
+ # tree, so that the menu won't be chuggy the first time it's used
+ self.speedChat.finalizeAll()
+ def addFactoryMenu(self):
+ if self.factoryMenu == None:
+ menu = TTSCFactoryMenu()
+ self.factoryMenu = SCMenuHolder(OTPLocalizer.SCMenuFactory, menu=menu)
+ self.speedChat[2:2] = [self.factoryMenu]
+ def removeFactoryMenu(self):
+ if self.factoryMenu:
+ i = self.speedChat.index(self.factoryMenu)
+ del self.speedChat[i]
+ self.factoryMenu.destroy()
+ self.factoryMenu = None
+ # methods for creating Kart Racing speed chat menus
+ def addKartRacingMenu(self):
+ if self.kartRacingMenu == None:
+ menu = TTSCKartRacingMenu()
+ self.kartRacingMenu = SCMenuHolder(OTPLocalizer.SCMenuKartRacing, menu=menu)
+ self.speedChat[2:2] = [self.kartRacingMenu]
+ def removeKartRacingMenu(self):
+ if self.kartRacingMenu:
+ i = self.speedChat.index(self.kartRacingMenu)
+ del self.speedChat[i]
+ self.kartRacingMenu.destroy()
+ self.kartRacingMenu = None
+ def addCogMenu(self, indices):
+ if self.cogMenu == None:
+ menu = TTSCCogMenu(indices)
+ self.cogMenu = SCMenuHolder(OTPLocalizer.SCMenuCog, menu=menu)
+ self.speedChat[2:2] = [self.cogMenu]
+ def removeCogMenu(self):
+ if self.cogMenu:
+ i = self.speedChat.index(self.cogMenu)
+ del self.speedChat[i]
+ self.cogMenu.destroy()
+ self.cogMenu = None
+ def addCFOMenu(self):
+ if self.cfoMenu == None:
+ menu = SCMenu()
+ menu.rebuildFromStructure(cfoMenuStructure)
+ self.cfoMenu = SCMenuHolder(OTPLocalizer.SCMenuCFOBattle, menu=menu)
+ self.speedChat[2:2] = [self.cfoMenu]
+ def removeCFOMenu(self):
+ if self.cfoMenu:
+ i = self.speedChat.index(self.cfoMenu)
+ del self.speedChat[i]
+ self.cfoMenu.destroy()
+ self.cfoMenu = None
+ def addCJMenu(self, bonusWeight = -1):
+ """
+ If bonusWeight is -1, don't show the bonus weight option at all
+ """
+ if self.cjMenu == None:
+ menu = SCMenu()
+ myMenuCopy = cjMenuStructure[:]
+ if bonusWeight >= 0:
+ myMenuCopy.append(2211 + bonusWeight)
+ menu.rebuildFromStructure(myMenuCopy)
+ self.cjMenu = SCMenuHolder(OTPLocalizer.SCMenuCJBattle, menu=menu)
+ self.speedChat[2:2] = [self.cjMenu]
+ def removeCJMenu(self):
+ if self.cjMenu:
+ i = self.speedChat.index(self.cjMenu)
+ del self.speedChat[i]
+ self.cjMenu.destroy()
+ self.cjMenu = None
+ def addCEOMenu(self):
+ if self.ceoMenu == None:
+ menu = SCMenu()
+ menu.rebuildFromStructure(ceoMenuStructure)
+ self.ceoMenu = SCMenuHolder(OTPLocalizer.SCMenuCEOBattle, menu=menu)
+ self.speedChat[2:2] = [self.ceoMenu]
+ def removeCEOMenu(self):
+ if self.ceoMenu:
+ i = self.speedChat.index(self.ceoMenu)
+ del self.speedChat[i]
+ self.ceoMenu.destroy()
+ self.ceoMenu = None
+ def addInsidePartiesMenu(self):
+ """Add the party phrases that can be said inside a party."""
+ def isActivityInParty(activityId):
+ activityList = base.distributedParty.partyInfo.activityList
+ for activity in activityList:
+ if (activity.activityId == activityId):
+ return True
+ return False
+ def isDecorInParty(decorId):
+ decorList = base.distributedParty.partyInfo.decors
+ for decor in decorList:
+ if (decor.decorId == decorId):
+ return True
+ return False
+ # This is the basic parties speedchat list.
+ insidePartiesMenuStructure = [ 5305, 5306, 5307, 5308, 5309 ]
+ if self.insidePartiesMenu == None:
+ menu = SCMenu()
+ # Add elements to the basic list on a case by case basic.
+ if hasattr(base, 'distributedParty') and base.distributedParty:
+ # Add host specific speedchat elements.
+ if (base.distributedParty.partyInfo.hostId == localAvatar.doId):
+ insidePartiesMenuStructure.insert(0, 5304)
+ # Add Jukebox specific speedchat elements.
+ if isActivityInParty(0):
+ insidePartiesMenuStructure.extend([5310, 5311])
+ # Add Cannons specific speedchat elements.
+ if isActivityInParty(1):
+ insidePartiesMenuStructure.append(5312)
+ # Add Trampolines specific speedchat elements.
+ if isActivityInParty(2):
+ insidePartiesMenuStructure.extend([5313, 5314])
+ # Add Catch Game specific speedchat elements.
+ if isActivityInParty(3):
+ insidePartiesMenuStructure.append(5315)
+ # Add Dance Floor specific speedchat elements.
+ if isActivityInParty(4):
+ insidePartiesMenuStructure.extend([5316, 5317])
+ # Add Tug of War specific speedchat elements.
+ if isActivityInParty(5):
+ insidePartiesMenuStructure.append(5318)
+ # Add Fireworks specific speedchat elements.
+ if isActivityInParty(6):
+ insidePartiesMenuStructure.extend([5319, 5320])
+ # Add Decoration specific speedchat elements.
+ if len(base.distributedParty.partyInfo.decors):
+ insidePartiesMenuStructure.append(5321)
+ # Add Birthday Cake specific speedchat elements.
+ if isDecorInParty(3):
+ insidePartiesMenuStructure.append(5322)
+ menu.rebuildFromStructure(insidePartiesMenuStructure)
+ self.insidePartiesMenu = SCMenuHolder(OTPLocalizer.SCMenuParties, menu=menu)
+ self.speedChat[2:2] = [self.insidePartiesMenu]
+ def removeInsidePartiesMenu(self):
+ """Remove party phrases that can be said inside a party."""
+ if self.insidePartiesMenu:
+ i = self.speedChat.index(self.insidePartiesMenu)
+ del self.speedChat[i]
+ self.insidePartiesMenu.destroy()
+ self.insidePartiesMenu = None
+ # methods for creating Golf speed chat menus
+ def addGolfMenu(self):
+ if self.golfMenu == None:
+ menu = TTSCGolfMenu()
+ self.golfMenu = SCMenuHolder(OTPLocalizer.SCMenuGolf, menu=menu)
+ self.speedChat[2:2] = [self.golfMenu]
+ def removeGolfMenu(self):
+ if self.golfMenu:
+ i = self.speedChat.index(self.golfMenu)
+ del self.speedChat[i]
+ self.golfMenu.destroy()
+ self.golfMenu = None
+ # Methods for creating Boarding Group chat menus
+ def addBoardingGroupMenu(self, zoneId):
+ if (self.boardingGroupMenu == None):
+ menu = TTSCBoardingMenu(zoneId)
+ self.boardingGroupMenu = SCMenuHolder(OTPLocalizer.SCMenuBoardingGroup, menu = menu)
+ self.speedChat[2:2] = [self.boardingGroupMenu]
+ def removeBoardingGroupMenu(self):
+ if self.boardingGroupMenu:
+ i = self.speedChat.index(self.boardingGroupMenu)
+ del self.speedChat[i]
+ self.boardingGroupMenu.destroy()
+ self.boardingGroupMenu = None
+ # Methods for creating Singing chat menus
+ def addSingingGroupMenu(self):
+ if (self.singingGroupMenu == None):
+ menu = TTSCSingingMenu()
+ self.singingGroupMenu = SCMenuHolder(OTPLocalizer.SCMenuSingingGroup, menu = menu)
+ self.speedChat[2:2] = [self.singingGroupMenu]
+ def removeSingingMenu(self):
+ if self.singingGroupMenu:
+ i = self.speedChat.index(self.singingGroupMenu)
+ del self.speedChat[i]
+ self.singingGroupMenu.destroy()
+ self.singingGroupMenu = None
+ # Methods for creating April toons' chat menus
+ def addAprilToonsMenu(self):
+ if (self.aprilToonsMenu == None):
+ menu = TTSCAprilToonsMenu()
+ self.aprilToonsMenu = SCMenuHolder(OTPLocalizer.SCMenuAprilToons, menu = menu)
+ self.speedChat[3:3] = [self.aprilToonsMenu]
+ def removeAprilToonsMenu(self):
+ if self.aprilToonsMenu:
+ i = self.speedChat.index(self.aprilToonsMenu)
+ del self.speedChat[i]
+ self.aprilToonsMenu.destroy()
+ self.aprilToonsMenu = None
+ def addSillyPhaseOneMenu(self):
+ if (self.sillyPhaseOneMenu == None):
+ menu = TTSCSillyPhaseOneMenu()
+ self.sillyPhaseOneMenu = SCMenuHolder(OTPLocalizer.SCMenuSillyHoliday, menu = menu)
+ self.speedChat[3:3] = [self.sillyPhaseOneMenu]
+ def removeSillyPhaseOneMenu(self):
+ if self.sillyPhaseOneMenu:
+ i = self.speedChat.index(self.sillyPhaseOneMenu)
+ del self.speedChat[i]
+ self.sillyPhaseOneMenu.destroy()
+ self.sillyPhaseOneMenu = None
+ def addSillyPhaseTwoMenu(self):
+ if (self.sillyPhaseTwoMenu == None):
+ menu = TTSCSillyPhaseTwoMenu()
+ self.sillyPhaseTwoMenu = SCMenuHolder(OTPLocalizer.SCMenuSillyHoliday, menu = menu)
+ self.speedChat[3:3] = [self.sillyPhaseTwoMenu]
+ def removeSillyPhaseTwoMenu(self):
+ if self.sillyPhaseTwoMenu:
+ i = self.speedChat.index(self.sillyPhaseTwoMenu)
+ del self.speedChat[i]
+ self.sillyPhaseTwoMenu.destroy()
+ self.sillyPhaseTwoMenu = None
+ def addSillyPhaseThreeMenu(self):
+ if (self.sillyPhaseThreeMenu == None):
+ menu = TTSCSillyPhaseThreeMenu()
+ self.sillyPhaseThreeMenu = SCMenuHolder(OTPLocalizer.SCMenuSillyHoliday, menu = menu)
+ self.speedChat[3:3] = [self.sillyPhaseThreeMenu]
+ def removeSillyPhaseThreeMenu(self):
+ if self.sillyPhaseThreeMenu:
+ i = self.speedChat.index(self.sillyPhaseThreeMenu)
+ del self.speedChat[i]
+ self.sillyPhaseThreeMenu.destroy()
+ self.sillyPhaseThreeMenu = None
+ def addSillyPhaseFourMenu(self):
+ if (self.sillyPhaseFourMenu == None):
+ menu = TTSCSillyPhaseFourMenu()
+ self.sillyPhaseFourMenu = SCMenuHolder(OTPLocalizer.SCMenuSillyHoliday, menu = menu)
+ self.speedChat[3:3] = [self.sillyPhaseFourMenu]
+ def removeSillyPhaseFourMenu(self):
+ if self.sillyPhaseFourMenu:
+ i = self.speedChat.index(self.sillyPhaseFourMenu)
+ del self.speedChat[i]
+ self.sillyPhaseFourMenu.destroy()
+ self.sillyPhaseFourMenu = None
+ def addSillyPhaseFiveMenu(self):
+ if (self.sillyPhaseFiveMenu == None):
+ menu = TTSCSillyPhaseFiveMenu()
+ self.sillyPhaseFiveMenu = SCMenuHolder(OTPLocalizer.SCMenuSillyHoliday, menu = menu)
+ self.speedChat[3:3] = [self.sillyPhaseFiveMenu]
+ def removeSillyPhaseFiveMenu(self):
+ if self.sillyPhaseFiveMenu:
+ i = self.speedChat.index(self.sillyPhaseFiveMenu)
+ del self.speedChat[i]
+ self.sillyPhaseFiveMenu.destroy()
+ self.sillyPhaseFiveMenu = None
+ def addCarolMenu(self):
+ if (self.carolMenu == None):
+ if
+ menu = TTSCCarolMenu()
+ self.carolMenu = SCMenuHolder(OTPLocalizer.SCMenuCarol, menu = menu)
+ self.speedChat[3:3] = [self.carolMenu]
+ def removeCarolMenu(self):
+ if self.carolMenu:
+ i = self.speedChat.index(self.carolMenu)
+ del self.speedChat[i]
+ self.carolMenu.destroy()
+ self.carolMenu = None
+ def addVictoryPartiesMenu(self):
+ if self.victoryPartiesMenu == None:
+ menu = TTSCVictoryPartiesMenu()
+ self.victoryPartiesMenu = SCMenuHolder(OTPLocalizer.SCMenuVictoryParties, menu = menu)
+ self.speedChat[3:3] = [self.victoryPartiesMenu]
+ def removeVictoryPartiesMenu(self):
+ if self.victoryPartiesMenu:
+ i = self.speedChat.index(self.victoryPartiesMenu)
+ del self.speedChat[i]
+ self.victoryPartiesMenu.destroy()
+ self.victoryPartiesMenu = None
+ # methods for creating White List chat menus
+ def addWhiteList(self):
+ if self.whiteList == None:
+ from import TTSCWhiteListTerminal
+ self.whiteList = TTSCWhiteListTerminal(4, self)
+ #menu = TTSCWhiteListMenu()
+ #self.whiteListMenu = SCMenuHolder(OTPLocalizer.SCMenuWhiteList, menu=menu)
+ self.speedChat[1:1] = [self.whiteList]
+ def removeWhiteList(self):
+ if self.whiteList:
+ i = self.speedChat.index(self.whiteList)
+ del self.speedChat[i]
+ self.whiteList.destroy()
+ self.whiteList = None
diff --git a/toontown/src/chat/ b/toontown/src/chat/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..386c4dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/chat/
@@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
+#from direct.gui.DirectGui import *
+#from otp.otpbase import OTPGlobals
+from import ChatInputWhiteListFrame
+from import TTWhiteList
+from direct.showbase import DirectObject
+from otp.otpbase import OTPGlobals
+import sys
+from direct.gui.DirectGui import *
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from otp.otpbase import OTPLocalizer
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+class TTChatInputWhiteList(ChatInputWhiteListFrame):
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("TTChatInputWhiteList")
+ TFToggleKey = base.config.GetString('true-friend-toggle-key','alt')
+ TFToggleKeyUp = TFToggleKey + '-up'
+ def __init__(self, parent = None, **kw):
+ entryOptions = {
+ 'parent' : self,
+ 'relief': DGG.SUNKEN,
+ 'scale': 0.05,
+ #'frameSize' : (-0.2, 25.3, -0.5, 1.2),
+ #'borderWidth' : (0.1, 0.1),
+ 'frameColor' : (0.9, 0.9, 0.85, 0.0),
+ 'pos' : (-0.2,0,0.11),
+ 'entryFont' : OTPGlobals.getInterfaceFont(),
+ 'width': 8.6,
+ 'numLines' : 3,
+ 'cursorKeys' : 0,
+ 'backgroundFocus' : 0,
+ 'suppressKeys' : 0,
+ 'suppressMouse' : 1,
+ 'command' : self.sendChat,
+ 'failedCommand': self.sendFailed,
+ 'focus' : 0,
+ 'text' : '',
+ }
+ ChatInputWhiteListFrame.__init__(self, entryOptions, parent, **kw)
+ #self.initialiseoptions(TTChatInputWhiteList)
+ self.whiteList = TTWhiteList()
+ base.whiteList = self.whiteList
+ base.ttwl = self
+ self.autoOff = 1
+ self.sendBy = "Data"
+ self.prefilter = 0
+ self.promoteWhiteList = 1
+ self.typeGrabbed = 0
+ #self.request("off")
+ self.deactivate()
+ gui = loader.loadModel("phase_3.5/models/gui/chat_input_gui")
+ self.chatFrame = DirectFrame(
+ parent = self,
+ image = gui.find("**/Chat_Bx_FNL"),
+ relief = None,
+ pos = (0.0, 0, 0.0),
+ state = DGG.NORMAL,
+ )
+ #self.chatFrame.hide()
+ self.chatButton = DirectButton(
+ parent = self.chatFrame,
+ image = (gui.find("**/ChtBx_ChtBtn_UP"),
+ gui.find("**/ChtBx_ChtBtn_DN"),
+ gui.find("**/ChtBx_ChtBtn_RLVR"),
+ ),
+ pos = (0.182, 0, -0.088),
+ relief = None,
+ text = ("",
+ OTPLocalizer.ChatInputNormalSayIt,
+ OTPLocalizer.ChatInputNormalSayIt),
+ text_scale = 0.06,
+ text_fg = Vec4(1,1,1,1),
+ text_shadow = Vec4(0,0,0,1),
+ text_pos = (0,-0.09),
+ textMayChange = 0,
+ command = self.chatButtonPressed,
+ )
+ self.cancelButton = DirectButton(
+ parent = self.chatFrame,
+ image = (gui.find("**/CloseBtn_UP"),
+ gui.find("**/CloseBtn_DN"),
+ gui.find("**/CloseBtn_Rllvr"),
+ ),
+ pos = (-0.151, 0, -0.088),
+ relief = None,
+ text = ("",
+ OTPLocalizer.ChatInputNormalCancel,
+ OTPLocalizer.ChatInputNormalCancel),
+ text_scale = 0.06,
+ text_fg = Vec4(1,1,1,1),
+ text_shadow = Vec4(0,0,0,1),
+ text_pos = (0,-0.09),
+ textMayChange = 0,
+ command = self.cancelButtonPressed,
+ )
+ self.whisperLabel = DirectLabel(
+ parent = self.chatFrame,
+ pos = (0.02, 0, 0.23),
+ relief = DGG.FLAT,
+ frameColor = (1,1,0.5,1),
+ frameSize = (-0.23, 0.23, -0.07, 0.05),
+ text = OTPLocalizer.ChatInputNormalWhisper,
+ text_scale = 0.04,
+ text_fg = Vec4(0,0,0,1),
+ text_wordwrap = 9.5,
+ textMayChange = 1,
+ )
+ #self.whisperLabel.hide()
+ #self.setPos(-0.35, 0.0, 0.7)
+ self.chatEntry.bind(DGG.OVERFLOW, self.chatOverflow)
+ self.chatEntry.bind(DGG.TYPE, self.typeCallback)
+ # self.accept("typeEntryGrab", self.handleTypeGrab)
+ self.trueFriendChat = 0
+ if base.config.GetBool('whisper-to-nearby-true-friends', 1):
+ self.accept(self.TFToggleKey, self.shiftPressed)
+ ## Maintain state of shift key
+ def shiftPressed(self):
+ """
+ Helps maintain the value of the shift key
+ so that if it is pressed while sending chat,
+ then the chat becomes a whisper to true friends
+ in the same zone
+ """
+ assert self.notify.debug('shiftPressed %s' % self.desc)
+ self.ignore(self.TFToggleKey)
+ self.trueFriendChat = 1
+ self.accept(self.TFToggleKeyUp, self.shiftReleased)
+ def shiftReleased(self):
+ """
+ Helps maintain the value of the shift key
+ so that if it is pressed while sending chat,
+ then the chat becomes a whisper to true friends
+ in the same zone
+ """
+ assert self.notify.debug('shiftReleased')
+ self.ignore(self.TFToggleKeyUp)
+ self.trueFriendChat = 0
+ self.accept(self.TFToggleKey, self.shiftPressed)
+ def handleTypeGrab(self):
+ assert self.notify.debug("handleTypeGrab %s" % self.desc)
+ self.ignore("typeEntryGrab")
+ self.accept("typeEntryRelease", self.handleTypeRelease)
+ #self.chatEntry['focus'] = 0
+ self.typeGrabbed = 1
+ def handleTypeRelease(self):
+ assert self.notify.debug("handleTypeRelease" % self.desc)
+ self.ignore("typeEntryRelease")
+ self.accept("typeEntryGrab", self.handleTypeGrab)
+ #self.chatEntry['focus'] = 1
+ self.typeGrabbed = 0
+ def typeCallback(self, extraArgs):
+ #if hasattr(base, "whiteList"):
+ # if base.whiteList:
+ # return
+ #print("enterNormalChat")
+ if self.typeGrabbed:
+ return
+ self.applyFilter(extraArgs)
+ if localAvatar.chatMgr.chatInputWhiteList.isActive():
+ #print("typeCallback return")
+ return
+ else:
+ #print("send")
+ #print self.chatEntry['text']
+ messenger.send("wakeup")
+ messenger.send('enterNormalChat')
+ def destroy(self):
+ self.chatEntry.destroy()
+ self.chatFrame.destroy()
+ self.ignoreAll()
+ ChatInputWhiteListFrame.destroy(self)
+ def delete(self):
+ base.whiteList = None
+ ChatInputWhiteListFrame.delete(self)
+ def sendChat(self, text, overflow = False):
+ assert self.notify.debug('sendChat')
+ if self.typeGrabbed:
+ return
+ else:
+ ChatInputWhiteListFrame.sendChat(self, self.chatEntry.get())
+ def sendChatByData(self, text):
+ assert self.notify.debug('sendChatByData desc=%s tfChat=%s' % (self.desc,self.trueFriendChat))
+ if self.trueFriendChat:
+ for friendId, flags in base.localAvatar.friendsList:
+ if flags & ToontownGlobals.FriendChat:
+ self.sendWhisperByFriend(friendId, text)
+ elif not self.receiverId:
+ base.talkAssistant.sendOpenTalk(text)
+ elif self.receiverId and not self.toPlayer:
+ base.talkAssistant.sendWhisperTalk(text, self.receiverId)
+ elif self.receiverId and self.toPlayer:
+ base.talkAssistant.sendAccountTalk(text, self.receiverId)
+ def sendWhisperByFriend(self, avatarId, text):
+ """
+ Check whether it is appropriate to send a message to the true
+ friend avatarId and then send it.
+ """
+ online = 0
+ if
+ # The avatar is online, and in fact, nearby.
+ online = 1
+ # Uncomment the following section of code if it is required to
+ # send whispers to all true friends regardless of zone
+## elif
+## # The avatar is a friend of ours. Is she online?
+## online =
+## hasManager = hasattr(, "playerFriendsManager")
+## if hasManager:
+## if
+## online = 1
+ # Do we have chat permission with the other avatar?
+ avatarUnderstandable = 0
+ av = None
+ if avatarId:
+ av =
+ if av != None:
+ avatarUnderstandable = av.isUnderstandable()
+ # To do: find out how to access chat manager from here
+ # normalButtonObscured, scButtonObscured = self.isObscured()
+ if avatarUnderstandable and online:
+ # and not normalButtonObscured:
+ base.talkAssistant.sendWhisperTalk(text, avatarId)
+ def chatButtonPressed(self):
+ print("chatButtonPressed")
+ if self.okayToSubmit:
+ #self.chatEntry.commandFunc(None)
+ self.sendChat(self.chatEntry.get())
+ else:
+ #self.chatEntry.failedCommandFunc(None)
+ self.sendFailed(self.chatEntry.get())
+ def cancelButtonPressed(self):
+ self.requestMode("Off")
+ localAvatar.chatMgr.fsm.request("mainMenu")
+ def enterAllChat(self):
+ #print("enterAllChat")
+ ChatInputWhiteListFrame.enterAllChat(self)
+ self.whisperLabel.hide()
+ def exitAllChat(self):
+ #print("exitAllChat")
+ ChatInputWhiteListFrame.exitAllChat(self)
+ def enterPlayerWhisper(self):
+ ChatInputWhiteListFrame.enterPlayerWhisper(self)
+ self.labelWhisper()
+ def exitPlayerWhisper(self):
+ ChatInputWhiteListFrame.exitPlayerWhisper(self)
+ self.whisperLabel.hide()
+ def enterAvatarWhisper(self):
+ #print("enterAvatarWhisper")
+ ChatInputWhiteListFrame.enterAvatarWhisper(self)
+ self.labelWhisper()
+ def exitAvatarWhisper(self):
+ #print("exitAvatarWhisper")
+ ChatInputWhiteListFrame.exitAvatarWhisper(self)
+ self.whisperLabel.hide()
+ def labelWhisper(self):
+ if self.receiverId:
+ self.whisperName = base.talkAssistant.findName(self.receiverId, self.toPlayer)
+ self.whisperLabel["text"] = (OTPLocalizer.ChatInputWhisperLabel %
+ (self.whisperName))
+ else:
+ self.whisperLabel.hide()
+ def applyFilter(self,keyArgs,strict=False):
+ text = self.chatEntry.get(plain=True)
+ if len(text) > 0 and text[0] in ['~','>']:
+ self.okayToSubmit = True
+ else:
+ words = text.split(" ")
+ newwords = []
+ assert self.notify.debug("%s" % words)
+ self.okayToSubmit = True
+ # If we are true friends then we should italacize bad text
+ flag = 0
+ for friendId, flags in base.localAvatar.friendsList:
+ if flags & ToontownGlobals.FriendChat:
+ flag = 1
+ for word in words:
+ if word == "" or self.whiteList.isWord(word) or (not
+ newwords.append(word)
+ else:
+ if self.checkBeforeSend:
+ self.okayToSubmit = False
+ else:
+ self.okayToSubmit = True
+ if flag:
+ newwords.append("\1WLDisplay\1" + word + "\2")
+ else:
+ newwords.append("\1WLEnter\1" + word + "\2")
+ if not strict:
+ lastword = words[-1]
+ if lastword == "" or self.whiteList.isPrefix(lastword) or (not
+ newwords[-1] = lastword
+ else:
+ if flag:
+ newwords[-1] = "\1WLDisplay\1" + lastword + "\2"
+ else:
+ newwords[-1] = "\1WLEnter\1" + lastword + "\2"
+ newtext = " ".join(newwords)
+ self.chatEntry.set(newtext)
+ self.chatEntry.guiItem.setAcceptEnabled(self.okayToSubmit)
diff --git a/toontown/src/chat/ b/toontown/src/chat/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b110aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/chat/
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+""" contains the SCStaticTextTerminal class"""
+from otp.speedchat.SCTerminal import SCTerminal
+from otp.otpbase.OTPLocalizer import SpeedChatStaticText
+# args: textId
+SCStaticTextMsgEvent = 'SCStaticTextMsg'
+def decodeSCStaticTextMsg(textId):
+ return SpeedChatStaticText.get(textId, None)
+class TTSCWhiteListTerminal(SCTerminal):
+ """ SCStaticTextTerminal represents a terminal SpeedChat entry that
+ contains a piece of static (never-changing/constant) text.
+ When selected, generates a 'SCStaticTextMsg' event, with arguments:
+ - textId (16-bit; use as index into OTPLocalizer.SpeedChatStaticText)
+ """
+ def __init__(self, textId, parentMenu = None):
+ SCTerminal.__init__(self)
+ self.parentClass = parentMenu
+ self.textId = textId
+ self.text = SpeedChatStaticText[self.textId]
+ print ("SpeedText %s %s" % (self.textId, self.text))
+ def handleSelect(self):
+ SCTerminal.handleSelect(self)
+ #messenger.send(self.getEventName(SCStaticTextMsgEvent), [self.textId])
+ #print ("Message Sent %s %s" % (self.getEventName(SCStaticTextMsgEvent), [self.textId]))
+ #base.whiteList.activate()
+ if not self.parentClass.whisperAvatarId:
+ base.localAvatar.chatMgr.fsm.request("whiteListOpenChat")
+ elif self.parentClass.toPlayer:
+ base.localAvatar.chatMgr.fsm.request("whiteListPlayerChat", [self.parentClass.whisperAvatarId])
+ else:
+ base.localAvatar.chatMgr.fsm.request("whiteListAvatarChat", [self.parentClass.whisperAvatarId])
diff --git a/toontown/src/chat/ b/toontown/src/chat/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b1f950
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/chat/
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+import string
+import sys
+from direct.showbase import DirectObject
+from otp.otpbase import OTPLocalizer
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from otp.otpbase import OTPGlobals
+from otp.speedchat import SCDecoders
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from import *
+from import *
+from otp.speedchat import SpeedChatGlobals
+from import TalkMessage
+from import TalkAssistant
+from toontown.speedchat import TTSCDecoders
+import time
+class TTTalkAssistant(TalkAssistant):
+ """
+ contains methods for turning chat inputs
+ into onscreen thought/word balloons
+ """
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("TTTalkAssistant")
+ def __init__(self):
+ TalkAssistant.__init__(self)
+ def clearHistory(self):
+ TalkAssistant.clearHistory(self)
+ def sendPlayerWhisperToonTaskSpeedChat(self, taskId, toNpcId, toonProgress, msgIndex, receiverId):
+ error = None
+, taskId, toNpcId, toonProgress, msgIndex)
+ #message = SCDecoders.decodeSCCustomMsg(messageIndex)
+ message = TTSCDecoders.decodeTTSCToontaskMsg(
+ taskId, toNpcId, toonProgress, msgIndex)
+ if self.logWhispers:
+ receiverName = self.findName(receiverId, 1)
+ newMessage = TalkMessage(self.countMessage(), #messageNumber
+ self.stampTime(), #timeStamp
+ message, #message Body
+ localAvatar.doId, #senderAvatarId
+ localAvatar.getName(), #senderAvatarName
+ localAvatar.DISLid, #senderAccountId
+ localAvatar.DISLname, #senderAccountName
+ None, #receiverAvatarId
+ None, #receiverAvatarName
+ receiverId, #receiverAccountId
+ receiverName, #receiverAccountName
+ TALK_ACCOUNT, #talkType
+ None) #extraInfo
+ self.historyComplete.append(newMessage)
+ self.addToHistoryDoId(newMessage, localAvatar.doId)
+ self.addToHistoryDISLId(newMessage,
+ messenger.send("NewOpenMessage", [newMessage])
+ return error
+ def sendToonTaskSpeedChat(self, taskId, toNpcId, toonProgress, msgIndex):
+ error = None
+ # Open Avatar speed chat is sent through the avatar
+ messenger.send(SCChatEvent)
+ messenger.send("chatUpdateSCToontask", [taskId, toNpcId, toonProgress, msgIndex])
+ #base.localAvatar.b_setSCToontask(taskId, toNpcId, toonProgress, msgIndex)
+ return error
diff --git a/toontown/src/chat/ b/toontown/src/chat/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..049b6b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/chat/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+import os
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from direct.showbase import AppRunnerGlobal
+from import WhiteList
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+class TTWhiteList(WhiteList):
+ def __init__(self):
+ vfs = VirtualFileSystem.getGlobalPtr()
+ filename = Filename('twhitelist.dat')
+ searchPath = DSearchPath()
+ if AppRunnerGlobal.appRunner:
+ # In the web-publish runtime, it will always be here:
+ searchPath.appendDirectory(Filename.expandFrom('$TT_3_ROOT/phase_3/etc'))
+ else:
+ # In other environments, including the dev environment, look here:
+ searchPath.appendDirectory(Filename('.'))
+ searchPath.appendDirectory(Filename('etc'))
+ searchPath.appendDirectory(Filename.fromOsSpecific(os.path.expandvars('$TOONTOWN/src/chat')))
+ searchPath.appendDirectory(Filename.fromOsSpecific(os.path.expandvars('toontown/src/chat')))
+ searchPath.appendDirectory(Filename.fromOsSpecific(os.path.expandvars('toontown/chat')))
+ found = vfs.resolveFilename(filename,searchPath)
+ if not found:
+ print "Couldn't find whitelist data file!"
+ data = vfs.readFile(filename, 1)
+ lines = data.split("\n")
+ WhiteList.__init__(self,lines)
+ self.defaultWord = TTLocalizer.ChatGarblerDefault[0]
diff --git a/toontown/src/chat/ b/toontown/src/chat/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9791da6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/chat/
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+"""ChatGarbler module: conatins the ChatGarbler class"""
+import string
+import random
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+from otp.otpbase import OTPLocalizer
+from import ChatGarbler
+class ToonChatGarbler(ChatGarbler.ChatGarbler):
+ """ToonChatGarbler class: contains methods to convert chat messages
+ to animal sounds"""
+ animalSounds = {
+ "dog" : TTLocalizer.ChatGarblerDog,
+ "cat" : TTLocalizer.ChatGarblerCat,
+ "mouse" : TTLocalizer.ChatGarblerMouse,
+ "horse" : TTLocalizer.ChatGarblerHorse,
+ "rabbit" : TTLocalizer.ChatGarblerRabbit,
+ "duck" : TTLocalizer.ChatGarblerDuck,
+ "monkey" : TTLocalizer.ChatGarblerMonkey,
+ "bear" : TTLocalizer.ChatGarblerBear,
+ "pig" : TTLocalizer.ChatGarblerPig,
+ "default" : OTPLocalizer.ChatGarblerDefault,
+ }
+ def garble(self, toon, message):
+ """garble(self, Avatar, string)
+ Replace a chat message with a series of animal sounds
+ based on the toon's animal type
+ Algorithm completely disregards original message to
+ prohibit any sort of meaningful communication
+ """
+ newMessage = ""
+ animalType = toon.getStyle().getType()
+ if (ToonChatGarbler.animalSounds.has_key(animalType)):
+ wordlist = ToonChatGarbler.animalSounds[animalType]
+ else:
+ wordlist = ToonChatGarbler.animalSounds["default"]
+ numWords = random.randint(1, 7)
+ for i in range(1, numWords+1):
+ wordIndex = random.randint(0, len(wordlist)-1)
+ newMessage = newMessage + wordlist[wordIndex]
+ if (i < numWords):
+ newMessage = newMessage + " "
+ return newMessage
+ def garbleSingle(self, toon, message):
+ """garble(self, Avatar, string)
+ Replace a chat message with a series of animal sounds
+ based on the toon's animal type
+ Algorithm completely disregards original message to
+ prohibit any sort of meaningful communication
+ """
+ newMessage = ""
+ animalType = toon.getStyle().getType()
+ if (ToonChatGarbler.animalSounds.has_key(animalType)):
+ wordlist = ToonChatGarbler.animalSounds[animalType]
+ else:
+ wordlist = ToonChatGarbler.animalSounds["default"]
+ numWords = 1
+ for i in range(1, numWords+1):
+ wordIndex = random.randint(0, len(wordlist)-1)
+ newMessage = newMessage + wordlist[wordIndex]
+ if (i < numWords):
+ newMessage = newMessage + " "
+ return newMessage
diff --git a/toontown/src/chat/ b/toontown/src/chat/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f47264
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/chat/
@@ -0,0 +1,1205 @@
+"""ChatManager module: contains the ChatManager class"""
+import sys
+from direct.showbase import DirectObject
+from direct.showbase.PythonUtil import traceFunctionCall
+from otp.otpbase import OTPGlobals
+from otp.otpbase import OTPLocalizer
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+from toontown.toontowngui import TeaserPanel
+#import ToontownGlobals
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.gui.DirectGui import *
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from import ChatManager
+from TTChatInputSpeedChat import TTChatInputSpeedChat
+from TTChatInputNormal import TTChatInputNormal
+from TTChatInputWhiteList import TTChatInputWhiteList
+#from toontown.launcher import QuickLauncher
+# hack class to simulate radio buttons (prevent radio button from clearing
+# itself when clicked twice)
+class HackedDirectRadioButton(DirectCheckButton):
+ def __init__(self, parent = None, **kw):
+ optiondefs = (
+ )
+ # Merge keyword options with default options
+ self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs)
+ # Initialize superclasses
+ DirectCheckButton.__init__(self, parent)
+ # Call option initialization functions
+ self.initialiseoptions(HackedDirectRadioButton)
+ def commandFunc(self, event):
+ # if our indicator is 'on', set it to 'off' before calling
+ # DirectCheckButton.commandFunc, which will set it back to 'on'
+ if self['indicatorValue']:
+ self['indicatorValue'] = 0
+ DirectCheckButton.commandFunc(self, event)
+class ToontownChatManager(ChatManager.ChatManager):
+ """
+ contains methods for turning chat inputs
+ into onscreen thought/word balloons"""
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("ToontownChatManager")
+ # special methods
+ def __init__(self, cr, localAvatar):
+ gui = loader.loadModel("phase_3.5/models/gui/chat_input_gui")
+ self.normalButton = DirectButton(
+ image = (gui.find("**/ChtBx_ChtBtn_UP"),
+ gui.find("**/ChtBx_ChtBtn_DN"),
+ gui.find("**/ChtBx_ChtBtn_RLVR"),
+ ),
+ pos = (-1.2647, 0, 0.928),
+ scale = 1.179,
+ relief = None,
+ image_color = Vec4(1,1,1,1),
+ text = ("", OTPLocalizer.ChatManagerChat, OTPLocalizer.ChatManagerChat),
+ text_align = TextNode.ALeft,
+ text_scale = TTLocalizer.CMnormalButton,
+ text_fg = Vec4(1,1,1,1),
+ text_shadow = Vec4(0,0,0,1),
+ text_pos = (-0.0525, -0.09),
+ textMayChange = 0,
+ command = self.__normalButtonPressed,
+ )
+ self.normalButton.hide()
+ self.openScSfx = loader.loadSfx(
+ 'phase_3.5/audio/sfx/GUI_quicktalker.mp3')
+ # Make it a bit more subtle
+ self.openScSfx.setVolume(0.6)
+ self.scButton = DirectButton(
+ image = (gui.find("**/ChtBx_ChtBtn_UP"),
+ gui.find("**/ChtBx_ChtBtn_DN"),
+ gui.find("**/ChtBx_ChtBtn_RLVR"),
+ ),
+ pos = TTLocalizer.CMscButtonPos,
+ scale = 1.179,
+ relief = None,
+ image_color = Vec4(0.75,1,0.6,1),
+ #image_color = Vec4(1.00,0.75,0.50,1),
+ text = ("",
+ OTPLocalizer.GlobalSpeedChatName,
+ OTPLocalizer.GlobalSpeedChatName),
+ text_scale = TTLocalizer.CMscButton,
+ text_fg = Vec4(1,1,1,1),
+ text_shadow = Vec4(0,0,0,1),
+ text_pos = (0,-0.09),
+ textMayChange = 0,
+ command = self.__scButtonPressed,
+ clickSound = self.openScSfx,
+ )
+ self.scButton.hide()
+ self.whisperFrame = DirectFrame(
+ parent = aspect2dp,
+ relief = None,
+ image = DGG.getDefaultDialogGeom(),
+ image_scale = (0.45, 0.45, 0.45),
+ image_color = OTPGlobals.GlobalDialogColor,
+ pos = (-0.4, 0, 0.754),
+ text = OTPLocalizer.ChatManagerWhisperTo,
+ text_wordwrap = 7.0,
+ text_scale = TTLocalizer.CMwhisperFrame,
+ text_fg = Vec4(0,0,0,1),
+ text_pos = (0,0.14),
+ textMayChange = 1,
+ )
+ self.whisperFrame.hide()
+ self.whisperButton = DirectButton(
+ parent = self.whisperFrame,
+ image = (gui.find("**/ChtBx_ChtBtn_UP"),
+ gui.find("**/ChtBx_ChtBtn_DN"),
+ gui.find("**/ChtBx_ChtBtn_RLVR"),
+ ),
+ pos = (-0.125, 0, -0.1),
+ scale = 1.179,
+ relief = None,
+ image_color = Vec4(1,1,1,1),
+ text = ("",
+ OTPLocalizer.ChatManagerChat,
+ OTPLocalizer.ChatManagerChat,
+ ""),
+ # Make the disabled button darker
+ image3_color = Vec4(0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6),
+ text_scale = TTLocalizer.CMwhisperButton,
+ text_fg = (0,0,0,1),
+ text_pos = (0,-0.09),
+ textMayChange = 0,
+ command = self.__whisperButtonPressed,
+ )
+ self.whisperScButton = DirectButton(
+ parent = self.whisperFrame,
+ image = (gui.find("**/ChtBx_ChtBtn_UP"),
+ gui.find("**/ChtBx_ChtBtn_DN"),
+ gui.find("**/ChtBx_ChtBtn_RLVR"),
+ ),
+ pos = (0.0, 0, -0.1),
+ scale = 1.179,
+ relief = None,
+ image_color = Vec4(0.75,1,0.6,1),
+ text = ("",
+ OTPLocalizer.GlobalSpeedChatName,
+ OTPLocalizer.GlobalSpeedChatName,
+ ""),
+ # Make the disabled button darker
+ image3_color = Vec4(0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6),
+ text_scale = TTLocalizer.CMwhisperButton,
+ text_fg = (0,0,0,1),
+ text_pos = (0,-0.09),
+ textMayChange = 0,
+ command = self.__whisperScButtonPressed,
+ )
+ self.whisperCancelButton = DirectButton(
+ parent = self.whisperFrame,
+ image = (gui.find("**/CloseBtn_UP"),
+ gui.find("**/CloseBtn_DN"),
+ gui.find("**/CloseBtn_Rllvr"),
+ ),
+ pos = (0.125, 0, -0.1),
+ scale = 1.179,
+ relief = None,
+ text = ("",
+ OTPLocalizer.ChatManagerCancel,
+ OTPLocalizer.ChatManagerCancel),
+ text_scale = 0.05,
+ text_fg = (0,0,0,1),
+ text_pos = (0,-0.09),
+ textMayChange = 0,
+ command = self.__whisperCancelPressed,
+ )
+ gui.removeNode()
+ ChatManager.ChatManager.__init__(self, cr, localAvatar)
+ self.defaultToWhiteList = base.config.GetBool('white-list-is-default', 1)
+ self.chatInputSpeedChat = TTChatInputSpeedChat(self)
+ self.normalPos = Vec3(-1.083, 0, 0.804)
+ self.whisperPos = Vec3(0.0, 0, 0.71)
+ self.speedChatPlusPos = Vec3(-0.35, 0, 0.71)
+ if self.defaultToWhiteList:
+ self.chatInputNormal = TTChatInputWhiteList()
+ self.chatInputNormal.setPos(self.normalPos)
+ self.chatInputNormal.desc = "chatInputNormal"
+ else:
+ self.chatInputNormal = TTChatInputNormal(self)
+ self.chatInputWhiteList = TTChatInputWhiteList()
+ self.chatInputWhiteList.setPos(self.speedChatPlusPos)
+ self.chatInputWhiteList.desc = "chatInputWhiteList"
+ def delete(self):
+ ChatManager.ChatManager.delete(self)
+ loader.unloadModel("phase_3.5/models/gui/chat_input_gui")
+ self.normalButton.destroy()
+ del self.normalButton
+ self.scButton.destroy()
+ del self.scButton
+ del self.openScSfx
+ self.whisperFrame.destroy()
+ del self.whisperFrame
+ self.whisperButton.destroy()
+ del self.whisperButton
+ self.whisperScButton.destroy()
+ del self.whisperScButton
+ self.whisperCancelButton.destroy()
+ del self.whisperCancelButton
+ self.chatInputWhiteList.destroy()
+ del self.chatInputWhiteList
+ def sendSCResistanceChatMessage(self, textId):
+ """
+ Send resistance speedchat message update
+ """
+ assert self.debugFunction()
+ messenger.send("chatUpdateSCResistance", [textId])
+ self.announceSCChat()
+ def sendSCSingingChatMessage(self, textId):
+ """
+ Send singing speedchat message update.
+ """
+ assert self.debugFunction()
+ messenger.send("chatUpdateSCSinging", [textId])
+ self.announceSCChat()
+ def sendSCSingingWhisperMessage(self, textId):
+ """
+ Send singing speedchat whisper message update.
+ """
+ pass
+ def sendSCToontaskChatMessage(self,
+ taskId, toNpcId, toonProgress, msgIndex):
+ """
+ Send speedchat message update
+ """
+ assert self.debugFunction()
+## base.talkAssistant.sendToonTaskSpeedChat(taskId, toNpcId, toonProgress, msgIndex)
+ messenger.send("chatUpdateSCToontask", [taskId, toNpcId, toonProgress, msgIndex])
+ self.announceSCChat()
+ def sendSCToontaskWhisperMessage(self,
+ taskId, toNpcId, toonProgress, msgIndex,
+ whisperAvatarId, toPlayer):
+ """
+ Send speedchat message update
+ """
+ assert self.debugFunction()
+ if toPlayer:
+ base.talkAssistant.sendPlayerWhisperToonTaskSpeedChat(taskId, toNpcId, toonProgress, msgIndex, whisperAvatarId)
+ elif 0:
+ base.talkAssistant.sendAvatarWhisperToonTaskSpeedChat(taskId, toNpcId, toonProgress, msgIndex, whisperAvatarId)
+ else:
+ messenger.send("whisperUpdateSCToontask",
+ [taskId, toNpcId, toonProgress, msgIndex,
+ whisperAvatarId])
+ def enterOpenChatWarning(self):
+ assert self.debugFunction()
+ # Pop up a dialog indicating the user doesn't have chat
+ # permission or any secret friends, so no one will understand
+ # what he has to say anyway.
+ if self.openChatWarning == None:
+ buttons = loader.loadModel('phase_3/models/gui/dialog_box_buttons_gui')
+ buttonImage = (buttons.find('**/ChtBx_OKBtn_UP'),
+ buttons.find('**/ChtBx_OKBtn_DN'),
+ buttons.find('**/ChtBx_OKBtn_Rllvr'))
+ self.openChatWarning = \
+ DirectFrame(parent = aspect2dp,
+ pos = (0.0, 0.1, 0.2),
+ relief = None,
+ image = DGG.getDefaultDialogGeom(),
+ image_color = OTPGlobals.GlobalDialogColor,
+ image_scale = (1.2, 1.0, 1.4),
+ text = OTPLocalizer.OpenChatWarning,
+ text_wordwrap = 19,
+ text_scale = TTLocalizer.CMopenChatWarning,
+ text_pos = (0.0, 0.575),
+ textMayChange = 0,
+ )
+ DirectButton(self.openChatWarning,
+ image = buttonImage,
+ relief = None,
+ text = OTPLocalizer.OpenChatWarningOK,
+ text_scale = 0.05,
+ text_pos = (0.0, -0.1),
+ textMayChange = 0,
+ pos = (0.0, 0.0, -0.55),
+ command = self.__handleOpenChatWarningOK)
+ buttons.removeNode()
+ # The speedchat button is visible in this mode, but not the
+ # normal chat button.
+ normObs, scObs = self.isObscured()
+ if (not scObs):
+ if (not normObs):
+ def enterMainMenu(self):
+ self.chatInputNormal.setPos(self.normalPos)
+ if self.chatInputWhiteList.isActive():
+ self.notify.debug('enterMainMenu calling checkObscured')
+ ChatManager.ChatManager.checkObscurred(self)
+ else:
+ ChatManager.ChatManager.enterMainMenu(self)
+ def exitOpenChatWarning(self):
+ assert self.debugFunction()
+ self.openChatWarning.hide()
+ self.scButton.hide()
+ def enterUnpaidChatWarning(self):
+ assert self.debugFunction()
+ self.forceHidePayButton = False
+ # This is handling three cases:
+ # 1)parent password not set
+ # 2)UK Chat elligible and paid
+ # Pop up a dialog indicating the user can't chat and show the appropriate
+ # dialog box
+ if in ['DisneyOnline-UK', 'JP', 'DE', 'BR', 'FR']:
+ #print "### paid - uk user need to enable chat!!!"
+ directFrameText = OTPLocalizer.PaidParentPasswordUKWarning
+ payButtonText = OTPLocalizer.PaidParentPasswordUKWarningSet
+ directButtonText = OTPLocalizer.PaidParentPasswordUKWarningContinue
+ else:
+ #print "### paid - no parent password!!!"
+ directFrameText = OTPLocalizer.PaidNoParentPasswordWarning
+ payButtonText = OTPLocalizer.PaidNoParentPasswordWarningSet
+ directButtonText = OTPLocalizer.PaidNoParentPasswordWarningContinue
+ # unpaid player can now set their parent password, but the web code
+ # can't currently handle it for an activex client
+ if not 'QuickLauncher' in str( and not
+ # if not isinstance(, QuickLauncher.QuickLauncher) and not
+ # we are not using the vista launcher, and we are not paid
+ directFrameText = OTPLocalizer.UnpaidNoParentPasswordWarning
+ self.forceHidePayButton = True
+ if self.unpaidChatWarning == None:
+ guiButton = loader.loadModel("phase_3/models/gui/quit_button")
+ buttonImage = (guiButton.find("**/QuitBtn_UP"),
+ guiButton.find("**/QuitBtn_DN"),
+ guiButton.find("**/QuitBtn_RLVR"))
+ self.unpaidChatWarning = \
+ DirectFrame(parent = aspect2dp,
+ pos = (0.0, 0.1, 0.4),
+ relief = None,
+ image = DGG.getDefaultDialogGeom(),
+ image_color = OTPGlobals.GlobalDialogColor,
+ image_scale = (1.2, 1.0, 0.8),
+ text = directFrameText,
+ text_wordwrap = TTLocalizer.CMunpaidChatWarningwordwrap,
+ text_scale = TTLocalizer.CMunpaidChatWarning,
+ text_pos = (0.0, TTLocalizer.CMunpaidChatWarning_text_z),
+ textMayChange = 0,
+ )
+ self.payButton = DirectButton(self.unpaidChatWarning,
+ image = buttonImage,
+ relief = None,
+ text = payButtonText,
+ image_scale = (1.75, 1, 1.15),
+ text_scale = TTLocalizer.CMpayButton,
+ text_pos = (0,-0.02),
+ textMayChange = 0,
+ pos = (0.0, 0.0, TTLocalizer.CMpayButton_pos_z),
+ command = self.__handleUnpaidChatWarningPay)
+ DirectButton(self.unpaidChatWarning,
+ image = buttonImage,
+ relief = None,
+ text = directButtonText,
+ textMayChange = 0,
+ image_scale = (1.75, 1, 1.15),
+ text_scale = 0.06,
+ text_pos = (0,-0.02),
+ pos = (0.0, 0.0, TTLocalizer.CMNoPasswordContinue_z),
+ command = self.__handleUnpaidChatWarningContinue)
+ guiButton.removeNode()
+ # Do not show the pay button if they are doing something special (tutorial, battle, elevator, etc.)
+ if base.localAvatar.cantLeaveGame or self.forceHidePayButton:
+ self.payButton.hide()
+ else:
+ if not in ['ES', 'JP', 'DE', 'BR', 'FR']:
+ else:
+ # INTL need to show UnpaidChatWarning panel
+ # entering 'stopped' mode will stop the user's motion
+ place =
+ if place:
+ place.fsm.request("stopped")
+ # make a teaser panel
+ self.teaser = TeaserPanel.TeaserPanel('secretChat',
+ self.__handleUnpaidChatWarningDone)
+ # Do not show the pay button if they are in tutorial.
+ # Let them finish the tutorial first or they will have to do it again.
+ if base.localAvatar.inTutorial:
+ self.teaser.hidePay()
+ # The speedchat button is visible in this mode, but not the
+ # normal chat button.
+ normObs, scObs = self.isObscured()
+ if (not scObs):
+ if (not normObs):
+ def exitUnpaidChatWarning(self):
+ assert self.debugFunction()
+ if self.unpaidChatWarning:
+ self.unpaidChatWarning.hide()
+ self.scButton.hide()
+ def enterNoSecretChatAtAll(self):
+ assert self.debugFunction()
+ # Pop up a dialog indicating the user hasn't activated secret
+ # chat yet, and that he/she must quit the game and go to the
+ # web page in order to activate it.
+ if self.noSecretChatAtAll == None:
+ buttons = loader.loadModel('phase_3/models/gui/dialog_box_buttons_gui')
+ okButtonImage = (buttons.find('**/ChtBx_OKBtn_UP'),
+ buttons.find('**/ChtBx_OKBtn_DN'),
+ buttons.find('**/ChtBx_OKBtn_Rllvr'))
+ self.noSecretChatAtAll = DirectFrame(
+ parent = aspect2dp,
+ pos = (0.0, 0.1, 0.2),
+ relief = None,
+ image = DGG.getDefaultDialogGeom(),
+ image_color = OTPGlobals.GlobalDialogColor,
+ image_scale = (1.4, 1.0, 1.1),
+ text = OTPLocalizer.NoSecretChatAtAll,
+ text_wordwrap = 20,
+ textMayChange = 0,
+ text_scale = 0.06,
+ text_pos = (0, 0.3),
+ )
+ DirectLabel(parent = self.noSecretChatAtAll,
+ relief = None,
+ pos = (0, 0, 0.4),
+ text = OTPLocalizer.NoSecretChatAtAllTitle,
+ textMayChange = 0,
+ text_scale = 0.08)
+ DirectButton(self.noSecretChatAtAll,
+ image = okButtonImage,
+ relief = None,
+ text = OTPLocalizer.NoSecretChatAtAllOK,
+ text_scale = 0.05,
+ text_pos = (0.0, -0.1),
+ textMayChange = 0,
+ pos = (0.0, 0.0, -0.4),
+ command = self.__handleNoSecretChatAtAllOK)
+ buttons.removeNode()
+ def exitNoSecretChatAtAll(self):
+ assert self.debugFunction()
+ self.noSecretChatAtAll.hide()
+ def enterNoSecretChatWarning(self, passwordOnly=0):
+ # If passwordOnly is true, just prompt for user password again before entering
+ # the secret friends options page, otherwise act as if secret friends are disabled.
+ assert self.debugFunction()
+ # pick the right text for this context
+ if not passwordOnly:
+ warningText = OTPLocalizer.NoSecretChatWarning
+ else:
+ warningText = OTPLocalizer.ChangeSecretFriendsOptionsWarning
+ # Pop up a dialog indicating the user hasn't activated secret
+ # chat yet, and offering to activate it.
+ if self.noSecretChatWarning == None:
+ buttons = loader.loadModel('phase_3/models/gui/dialog_box_buttons_gui')
+ nameBalloon = loader.loadModel("phase_3/models/props/chatbox_input")
+ okButtonImage = (buttons.find('**/ChtBx_OKBtn_UP'),
+ buttons.find('**/ChtBx_OKBtn_DN'),
+ buttons.find('**/ChtBx_OKBtn_Rllvr'))
+ cancelButtonImage = (buttons.find('**/CloseBtn_UP'),
+ buttons.find('**/CloseBtn_DN'),
+ buttons.find('**/CloseBtn_Rllvr'))
+ # The Castillian (and all foreign) version relies on a seperate parent
+ # password system. Omit the the password entry field and cancel button.
+ if != "Terra-DMC":
+ okPos = (-0.22, 0.0, -0.35)
+ textPos = (0, 0.25)
+ okCommand = self.__handleNoSecretChatWarningOK
+ else:
+ self.passwordEntry = None
+ okPos = (0, 0, -0.35)
+ textPos = (0, 0.125)
+ okCommand = self.__handleNoSecretChatWarningCancel
+ # make the common gui elements
+ self.noSecretChatWarning = \
+ DirectFrame(parent = aspect2dp,
+ pos = (0.0, 0.1, 0.2),
+ relief = None,
+ image = DGG.getDefaultDialogGeom(),
+ image_color = OTPGlobals.GlobalDialogColor,
+ image_scale = (1.4, 1.0, 1.0),
+ text = warningText,
+ text_wordwrap = 20,
+ text_scale = 0.055,
+ text_pos = textPos,
+ textMayChange = 1,
+ )
+ DirectButton(self.noSecretChatWarning,
+ image = okButtonImage,
+ relief = None,
+ text = OTPLocalizer.NoSecretChatWarningOK,
+ text_scale = 0.05,
+ text_pos = (0.0, -0.1),
+ textMayChange = 0,
+ pos = okPos,
+ command = okCommand)
+ DirectLabel(parent = self.noSecretChatWarning,
+ relief = None,
+ pos = (0, 0, 0.35),
+ text = OTPLocalizer.NoSecretChatWarningTitle,
+ textMayChange = 0,
+ text_scale = 0.08)
+ # if not foreign, make the domestic only password entry elements
+ if != "Terra-DMC":
+ self.passwordLabel = DirectLabel(
+ parent = self.noSecretChatWarning,
+ relief = None,
+ pos = (-0.07, 0.0, -0.2),
+ text = OTPLocalizer.ParentPassword,
+ text_scale = 0.06,
+ text_align = TextNode.ARight,
+ textMayChange = 0,
+ )
+ self.passwordEntry = DirectEntry(
+ parent = self.noSecretChatWarning,
+ relief = None,
+ image = nameBalloon,
+ image1_color = (0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0),
+ scale = 0.064,
+ pos = (0.0, 0.0, -0.2),
+ width = OTPGlobals.maxLoginWidth,
+ numLines = 1,
+ focus = 1,
+ cursorKeys = 1,
+ obscured = 1,
+ command = self.__handleNoSecretChatWarningOK,
+ )
+ DirectButton(self.noSecretChatWarning,
+ image = cancelButtonImage,
+ relief = None,
+ text = OTPLocalizer.NoSecretChatWarningCancel,
+ text_scale = 0.05,
+ text_pos = (0.0, -0.1),
+ textMayChange = 1,
+ pos = (0.2, 0.0, -0.35),
+ command = self.__handleNoSecretChatWarningCancel)
+ buttons.removeNode()
+ nameBalloon.removeNode()
+ else:
+ self.noSecretChatWarning['text'] = warningText
+ if self.passwordEntry:
+ self.passwordEntry['focus'] = 1
+ self.passwordEntry.enterText('')
+ def exitNoSecretChatWarning(self):
+ assert self.debugFunction()
+ self.noSecretChatWarning.hide()
+ def enterActivateChat(self):
+ assert self.debugFunction()
+ # The parent password has been entered, so now provide the
+ # option to enable secret friends.
+ if self.activateChatGui == None:
+ # setup ok/cancel button art
+ guiButton = loader.loadModel("phase_3/models/gui/quit_button")
+ buttons = loader.loadModel('phase_3/models/gui/dialog_box_buttons_gui')
+ okButtonImage = (buttons.find('**/ChtBx_OKBtn_UP'),
+ buttons.find('**/ChtBx_OKBtn_DN'),
+ buttons.find('**/ChtBx_OKBtn_Rllvr'))
+ cancelButtonImage = (buttons.find('**/CloseBtn_UP'),
+ buttons.find('**/CloseBtn_DN'),
+ buttons.find('**/CloseBtn_Rllvr'))
+ moreButtonImage = (guiButton.find("**/QuitBtn_UP"),
+ guiButton.find("**/QuitBtn_DN"),
+ guiButton.find("**/QuitBtn_RLVR"))
+ # setup radio button art
+ nameShopGui = loader.loadModel("phase_3/models/gui/nameshop_gui")
+ circle = nameShopGui.find("**/namePanelCircle")
+ # need frame for radio button setup
+ self.activateChatGui = DirectFrame(parent = aspect2dp,
+ pos = (0.0, 0.1, 0.2),
+ relief = None,
+ image = DGG.getDefaultDialogGeom(),
+ image_color = OTPGlobals.GlobalDialogColor,
+ image_scale = (1.8, 1.0, 1.6),
+ text = OTPLocalizer.ActivateChat,
+ text_align = TextNode.ALeft,
+ text_wordwrap = 33,
+ text_scale = TTLocalizer.CMactivateChat,
+ text_pos = (-0.82, 0.58),
+ textMayChange = 0,
+ )
+ # Make a copy of the circle so we can move it up a bit.
+ innerCircle = circle.copyTo(hidden)
+ innerCircle.setPos(0, 0, 0.2)
+ # Also copy the circle to the frame itself, as a white
+ # circular background behind the radio button circles (and a
+ # black ring behind that).
+ # check box 1
+ self.c1b = circle.copyTo(self.activateChatGui, -1)
+ self.c1b.setColor(0, 0, 0, 1)
+ self.c1b.setPos(-0.8, 0, 0.29)
+ self.c1b.setScale(0.4)
+ c1f = circle.copyTo(self.c1b)
+ c1f.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1)
+ c1f.setScale(0.8)
+ # check box 2
+ self.c2b = circle.copyTo(self.activateChatGui, -2)
+ self.c2b.setColor(0, 0, 0, 1)
+ self.c2b.setPos(-0.8, 0, 0.14)
+ self.c2b.setScale(0.4)
+ c2f = circle.copyTo(self.c2b)
+ c2f.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1)
+ c2f.setScale(0.8)
+ # check box 3
+ self.c3b = circle.copyTo(self.activateChatGui, -2)
+ self.c3b.setColor(0, 0, 0, 1)
+ self.c3b.setPos(-0.8, 0, -0.01)
+ self.c3b.setScale(0.4)
+ c3f = circle.copyTo(self.c3b)
+ c3f.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1)
+ c3f.setScale(0.8)
+ # add some title text
+ DirectLabel(self.activateChatGui,
+ relief = None,
+ text = OTPLocalizer.ActivateChatTitle,
+ text_align = TextNode.ACenter,
+ text_scale = 0.07,
+ text_pos = (0, 0.7),
+ textMayChange = 0,
+ )
+ if ( != "JP"):
+ # In the Japanese version, we do not want the more info button
+ # so we will simply not create it
+ DirectButton(self.activateChatGui,
+ image = moreButtonImage,
+ image_scale = (1.25, 1.0, 1.0),
+ relief = None,
+ text = OTPLocalizer.ActivateChatMoreInfo,
+ text_scale = 0.06,
+ text_pos = (0,-0.02),
+ textMayChange = 0,
+ pos = (0.0, 0.0, -0.7),
+ command = self.__handleActivateChatMoreInfo)
+ # no secret friends
+ self.dcb1 = HackedDirectRadioButton(
+ parent = self.activateChatGui,
+ relief = None,
+ scale = 0.1,
+ boxImage = innerCircle,
+ boxImageScale = 2.5,
+ boxImageColor = VBase4(0, 0.25, 0.5, 1),
+ boxRelief = None,
+ pos = (-0.745, 0, 0.297),
+ command = self.__updateCheckBoxen,
+ extraArgs = [1])
+ # restricted secret friends
+ self.dcb2 = HackedDirectRadioButton(
+ parent = self.activateChatGui,
+ relief = None,
+ scale = 0.1,
+ boxImage = innerCircle,
+ boxImageScale = 2.5,
+ boxImageColor = VBase4(0, 0.25, 0.5, 1),
+ boxRelief = None,
+ pos = (-0.745, 0, 0.147),
+ command = self.__updateCheckBoxen,
+ extraArgs = [2])
+ # open secret friends
+ self.dcb3 = HackedDirectRadioButton(
+ parent = self.activateChatGui,
+ relief = None,
+ scale = 0.1,
+ boxImage = innerCircle,
+ boxImageScale = 2.5,
+ boxImageColor = VBase4(0, 0.25, 0.5, 1),
+ boxRelief = None,
+ pos = (-0.745, 0, -0.003),
+ command = self.__updateCheckBoxen,
+ extraArgs = [3])
+ DirectButton(self.activateChatGui,
+ image = okButtonImage,
+ relief = None,
+ text = OTPLocalizer.ActivateChatYes,
+ text_scale = 0.05,
+ text_pos = (0.0, -0.1),
+ textMayChange = 0,
+ pos = (-0.35, 0.0, -0.27),
+ command = self.__handleActivateChatYes)
+ DirectButton(self.activateChatGui,
+ image = cancelButtonImage,
+ relief = None,
+ text = OTPLocalizer.ActivateChatNo,
+ text_scale = 0.05,
+ text_pos = (0.0, -0.1),
+ textMayChange = 0,
+ pos = (0.35, 0.0, -0.27),
+ command = self.__handleActivateChatNo)
+ guiButton.removeNode()
+ buttons.removeNode()
+ nameShopGui.removeNode()
+ innerCircle.removeNode()
+ # put the check buttons into a start state
+ self.__initializeCheckBoxen()
+ def __initializeCheckBoxen(self):
+ # update the check box gui based on current chat state
+ if and not
+ # enabled
+ self.dcb1['indicatorValue'] = 0
+ self.dcb2['indicatorValue'] = 0
+ self.dcb3['indicatorValue'] = 1
+ elif and
+ # restricted
+ self.dcb1['indicatorValue'] = 0
+ self.dcb2['indicatorValue'] = 1
+ self.dcb3['indicatorValue'] = 0
+ else:
+ # disabled
+ self.dcb1['indicatorValue'] = 1
+ self.dcb2['indicatorValue'] = 0
+ self.dcb3['indicatorValue'] = 0
+ def __updateCheckBoxen(self, value, checkBox):
+ # if we have a value...
+ if value == 0:
+ return
+ # update the other check boxes so only one is selected at a given time
+ if checkBox == 1:
+ # disabled
+ self.dcb2['indicatorValue'] = 0
+ self.dcb3['indicatorValue'] = 0
+ elif checkBox == 2:
+ # restricted
+ self.dcb1['indicatorValue'] = 0
+ self.dcb3['indicatorValue'] = 0
+ else:
+ # enabled
+ self.dcb1['indicatorValue'] = 0
+ self.dcb2['indicatorValue'] = 0
+ def exitActivateChat(self):
+ assert self.debugFunction()
+ self.activateChatGui.hide()
+ def enterSecretChatActivated(self, mode=2):
+ assert self.debugFunction()
+ # Feedback that secret chat mode been changed.
+ # pick the appropriate text based on the secret friends mode activated
+ if mode == 0:
+ modeText = OTPLocalizer.SecretChatDeactivated
+ elif mode == 1:
+ modeText = OTPLocalizer.RestrictedSecretChatActivated
+ else:
+ modeText = OTPLocalizer.SecretChatActivated
+ if self.secretChatActivated == None:
+ guiButton = loader.loadModel("phase_3/models/gui/quit_button")
+ optionsButtonImage = (guiButton.find("**/QuitBtn_UP"),
+ guiButton.find("**/QuitBtn_DN"),
+ guiButton.find("**/QuitBtn_RLVR"))
+ buttons = loader.loadModel('phase_3/models/gui/dialog_box_buttons_gui')
+ buttonImage = (buttons.find('**/ChtBx_OKBtn_UP'),
+ buttons.find('**/ChtBx_OKBtn_DN'),
+ buttons.find('**/ChtBx_OKBtn_Rllvr'))
+ self.secretChatActivated = \
+ DirectFrame(parent = aspect2dp,
+ pos = (0.0, 0.1, 0.4),
+ relief = None,
+ image = DGG.getDefaultDialogGeom(),
+ image_color = OTPGlobals.GlobalDialogColor,
+ image_scale = (1.0, 1.0, 0.8),
+ text = modeText,
+ text_align = TextNode.ACenter,
+ text_wordwrap = 14,
+ text_scale = TTLocalizer.CMchatActivated,
+ text_pos = (0, 0.25),
+ )
+ # ok button
+ DirectButton(self.secretChatActivated,
+ image = buttonImage,
+ relief = None,
+ text = OTPLocalizer.SecretChatActivatedOK,
+ text_scale = 0.05,
+ text_pos = (0.0, -0.1),
+ textMayChange = 0,
+ pos = (0.0, 0.0, -0.1),
+ command = self.__handleSecretChatActivatedOK)
+ # change options button
+ """DirectButton(self.secretChatActivated,
+ image = optionsButtonImage,
+ image_scale = (1.75, 1.0, 1.0),
+ relief = None,
+ text = OTPLocalizer.SecretChatActivatedChange,
+ text_scale = 0.06,
+ text_pos = (0,-0.02),
+ textMayChange = 0,
+ pos = (0.0, 0.0, -0.3),
+ command = self.__handleSecretChatActivatedChangeOptions)"""
+ buttons.removeNode()
+ guiButton.removeNode()
+ else:
+ # dialog exists, just set the text
+ self.secretChatActivated['text'] = modeText
+ def exitSecretChatActivated(self):
+ assert self.debugFunction()
+ self.secretChatActivated.hide()
+ def enterProblemActivatingChat(self):
+ assert self.debugFunction()
+ # Some rare problem activating secret chat.
+ if self.problemActivatingChat == None:
+ buttons = loader.loadModel('phase_3/models/gui/dialog_box_buttons_gui')
+ buttonImage = (buttons.find('**/ChtBx_OKBtn_UP'),
+ buttons.find('**/ChtBx_OKBtn_DN'),
+ buttons.find('**/ChtBx_OKBtn_Rllvr'))
+ self.problemActivatingChat = \
+ DirectFrame(parent = aspect2dp,
+ pos = (0.0, 0.1, 0.4),
+ relief = None,
+ image = DGG.getDefaultDialogGeom(),
+ image_color = OTPGlobals.GlobalDialogColor,
+ image_scale = (1.2, 1.0, 0.9),
+ text = "",
+ text_align = TextNode.ALeft,
+ text_wordwrap = 18,
+ text_scale = 0.06,
+ text_pos = (-0.50, 0.28),
+ textMayChange = 1,
+ )
+ DirectButton(self.problemActivatingChat,
+ image = buttonImage,
+ relief = None,
+ text = OTPLocalizer.ProblemActivatingChatOK,
+ text_scale = 0.05,
+ text_pos = (0.0, -0.1),
+ textMayChange = 0,
+ pos = (0.0, 0.0, -0.28),
+ command = self.__handleProblemActivatingChatOK)
+ buttons.removeNode()
+ def exitProblemActivatingChat(self):
+ assert self.debugFunction()
+ self.problemActivatingChat.hide()
+ def __normalButtonPressed(self):
+ """
+ The "normal button" is the button in the upper left of the screen
+ that is normally used to do free chat.
+ """
+ assert self.debugFunction()
+ messenger.send('wakeup')
+ if in ["DisneyOnline-US", "ES"]:
+ if
+ self.fsm.request("normalChat")
+ elif not
+ self.paidNoParentPassword = 1
+ self.fsm.request("unpaidChatWarning")
+ elif not
+ self.fsm.request("noSecretChatAtAllAndNoWhitelist")
+ elif not base.localAvatar.canChat():
+ self.fsm.request("openChatWarning")
+ else:
+ self.fsm.request("normalChat")
+ elif ( == 'Terra-DMC'):
+ if not
+ self.fsm.request("noSecretChatWarning")
+ elif not base.localAvatar.canChat():
+ self.fsm.request("openChatWarning")
+ else:
+ self.fsm.request("normalChat")
+ # TODO: finalize Disney Japan chat policy
+ elif in ['DisneyOnline-UK', 'DisneyOnline-AP', 'JP', 'BR', 'FR']:
+ if
+ self.fsm.request("normalChat")
+ elif not
+ self.paidNoParentPassword = 1
+ self.fsm.request("unpaidChatWarning")
+ elif not
+ self.paidNoParentPassword = 1
+ self.fsm.request("unpaidChatWarning")
+ elif not base.localAvatar.canChat():
+ self.fsm.request("openChatWarning")
+ else:
+ self.fsm.request("normalChat")
+ else:
+ print ("ChatManager: productName: %s not recognized" % (
+ def __scButtonPressed(self):
+ assert self.debugFunction()
+ messenger.send('wakeup')
+ if (self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName() == "speedChat"):
+ self.fsm.request("mainMenu")
+ else:
+ self.fsm.request("speedChat")
+ def __whisperButtonPressed(self, avatarName, avatarId, playerId):
+ assert self.debugFunction()
+ messenger.send('wakeup')
+ playerInfo = None
+ if playerId:
+ playerInfo =
+ if playerInfo:
+ if playerInfo.understandableYesNo:
+ self.fsm.request("whisperChatPlayer", [avatarName, playerId])
+ return
+ if avatarId:
+ self.fsm.request("whisperChat", [avatarName, avatarId])
+ def enterNormalChat(self):
+ result = ChatManager.ChatManager.enterNormalChat(self)
+ # if result is None, something went wrong, fallback to main menu
+ if result == None:
+ self.notify.warning('something went wrong in enterNormalChat, falling back to main menu')
+ self.fsm.request('mainMenu')
+ def enterWhisperChatPlayer(self, avatarName, playerId):
+ result = ChatManager.ChatManager.enterWhisperChatPlayer(self, avatarName, playerId)
+ self.chatInputNormal.setPos(self.whisperPos)
+ # if result is None, something went wrong, fallback to main menu
+ if result == None:
+ self.notify.warning('something went wrong in enterWhisperChatPlayer, falling back to main menu')
+ self.fsm.request('mainMenu')
+ def enterWhisperChat(self, avatarName, avatarId):
+ result = ChatManager.ChatManager.enterWhisperChat(self, avatarName, avatarId)
+ self.chatInputNormal.setPos(self.whisperPos)
+ if result == None:
+ self.notify.warning('something went wrong in enterWhisperChat, falling back to main menu')
+ self.fsm.request('mainMenu')
+ def enterNoSecretChatAtAllAndNoWhitelist(self):
+ assert self.debugFunction()
+ # Pop up a dialog indicating the user hasn't activated secret
+ # chat yet, and that he/she must quit the game and go to the
+ # web page in order to activate it.
+ if self.noSecretChatAtAllAndNoWhitelist == None:
+ buttons = loader.loadModel('phase_3/models/gui/dialog_box_buttons_gui')
+ okButtonImage = (buttons.find('**/ChtBx_OKBtn_UP'),
+ buttons.find('**/ChtBx_OKBtn_DN'),
+ buttons.find('**/ChtBx_OKBtn_Rllvr'))
+ self.noSecretChatAtAllAndNoWhitelist = DirectFrame(
+ parent = aspect2dp,
+ pos = (0.0, 0.1, 0.2),
+ relief = None,
+ image = DGG.getDefaultDialogGeom(),
+ image_color = OTPGlobals.GlobalDialogColor,
+ image_scale = (1.4, 1.0, 1.48),
+ text = OTPLocalizer.NoSecretChatAtAllAndNoWhitelist,
+ text_wordwrap = 20,
+ textMayChange = 0,
+ text_scale = 0.06,
+ text_pos = (0, 0.5),
+ )
+ DirectLabel(parent = self.noSecretChatAtAllAndNoWhitelist,
+ relief = None,
+ pos = (0, 0, 0.6),
+ text = OTPLocalizer.NoSecretChatAtAllAndNoWhitelistTitle,
+ textMayChange = 0,
+ text_scale = 0.08)
+ DirectButton(self.noSecretChatAtAllAndNoWhitelist,
+ image = okButtonImage,
+ relief = None,
+ text = OTPLocalizer.NoSecretChatAtAllOK,
+ text_scale = 0.05,
+ text_pos = (0.0, -0.1),
+ textMayChange = 0,
+ pos = (0.0, 0.0, -0.6),
+ command = self.__handleNoSecretChatAtAllOK)
+ buttons.removeNode()
+ def exitNoSecretChatAtAllAndNoWhitelist(self):
+ assert self.debugFunction()
+ self.noSecretChatAtAllAndNoWhitelist.hide()
+ def enterTrueFriendTeaserPanel(self):
+ self.previousStateBeforeTeaser = None
+ place =
+ if place:
+ self.previousStateBeforeTeaser = place.fsm.getCurrentState().getName()
+ place.fsm.request('stopped')
+ self.teaser = TeaserPanel.TeaserPanel(pageName='secretChat',
+ doneFunc=self.handleOkTeaser)
+ pass
+ def exitTrueFriendTeaserPanel(self):
+ self.teaser.destroy()
+ place =
+ if place:
+ if self.previousStateBeforeTeaser:
+ place.fsm.request(self.previousStateBeforeTeaser, force=1)
+ else:
+ place.fsm.request('walk')
+ pass
+ def handleOkTeaser(self):
+ self.fsm.request("mainMenu")
+ def __whisperScButtonPressed(self, avatarName, avatarId, playerId):
+ assert self.debugFunction()
+ messenger.send('wakeup')
+ #print("__whisperScButtonPressed %s %s" % (avatarId, playerId))
+ hasManager = hasattr(, "playerFriendsManager")
+ transientFriend = 0
+ if hasManager:
+ transientFriend =
+ if transientFriend:
+ playerId =
+ if avatarId and not transientFriend:
+ if (self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName() == "whisperSpeedChat"):
+ self.fsm.request("whisper", [avatarName, avatarId, playerId])
+ else:
+ self.fsm.request("whisperSpeedChat", [avatarId])
+ elif playerId:
+ if (self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName() == "whisperSpeedChatPlayer"):
+ self.fsm.request("whisper", [avatarName, avatarId, playerId])
+ else:
+ self.fsm.request("whisperSpeedChatPlayer", [playerId])
+ def __whisperCancelPressed(self):
+ assert self.debugFunction()
+ self.fsm.request("mainMenu")
+ def __handleOpenChatWarningOK(self):
+ assert self.debugFunction()
+ self.fsm.request("mainMenu")
+ def __handleUnpaidChatWarningDone(self):
+ assert self.debugFunction()
+ # no, we don't have a book. But this code conveniently decides whether to walk or swim
+ place =
+ if place:
+ place.handleBookClose()
+ self.fsm.request("mainMenu")
+ def __handleUnpaidChatWarningContinue(self):
+ assert self.debugFunction()
+ self.fsm.request("mainMenu")
+ def __handleUnpaidChatWarningPay(self):
+ assert self.debugFunction()
+ if
+ self.fsm.request("leaveToPayDialog")
+ else:
+ # We should never get here
+ self.fsm.request("mainMenu")
+ def __handleNoSecretChatAtAllOK(self):
+ assert self.debugFunction()
+ self.fsm.request("mainMenu")
+ def __handleNoSecretChatWarningOK(self, *args):
+ assert self.debugFunction()
+ password = self.passwordEntry.get()
+ tt =
+ okflag, message = tt.authenticateParentPassword(
+,, password)
+ if okflag:
+ self.fsm.request("activateChat")
+ elif message:
+ # Error connecting.
+ self.fsm.request("problemActivatingChat")
+ self.problemActivatingChat['text'] = OTPLocalizer.ProblemActivatingChat % (message)
+ else:
+ # Wrong password.
+ self.noSecretChatWarning['text'] = OTPLocalizer.NoSecretChatWarningWrongPassword
+ self.passwordEntry['focus'] = 1
+ self.passwordEntry.enterText('')
+ def __handleNoSecretChatWarningCancel(self):
+ assert self.debugFunction()
+ self.fsm.request("mainMenu")
+ def __handleActivateChatYes(self):
+ assert self.debugFunction()
+ password = self.passwordEntry.get()
+ tt =
+ if self.dcb1['indicatorValue']:
+ = 0
+ mode = 0
+ elif self.dcb2['indicatorValue']:
+ = 1
+ = 1
+ mode = 1
+ else:
+ = 1
+ = 0
+ mode = 2
+ okflag, message = tt.enableSecretFriends(
+,, password)
+ if okflag:
+ # Tell the server we now have chat enabled.
+ tt.resendPlayToken()
+ self.fsm.request("secretChatActivated", [mode])
+ else:
+ # Error connecting.
+ if message == None:
+ # Wrong password! This shouldn't be possible because
+ # we just validated this password. But what the heck.
+ message = "Parent Password was invalid."
+ self.fsm.request("problemActivatingChat")
+ self.problemActivatingChat['text'] = OTPLocalizer.ProblemActivatingChat % (message)
+ def __handleActivateChatMoreInfo(self):
+ assert self.debugFunction()
+ self.fsm.request("chatMoreInfo")
+ def __handleActivateChatNo(self):
+ assert self.debugFunction()
+ self.fsm.request("mainMenu")
+ def __handleSecretChatActivatedOK(self):
+ assert self.debugFunction()
+ self.fsm.request("mainMenu")
+ def __handleSecretChatActivatedChangeOptions(self):
+ assert self.debugFunction()
+ self.fsm.request("activateChat")
+ def __handleProblemActivatingChatOK(self):
+ assert self.debugFunction()
+ self.fsm.request("mainMenu")
+ if __debug__:
+ def debugFunction(self):
+ """for debugging"""
+ self.debugPrint(traceFunctionCall(sys._getframe(1)))
+ return 1
+ def debugPrint(self, message):
+ """for debugging"""
+ return self.notify.debug("%s %s"%(self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName(), message))
+ def messageSent(self):
+ pass
+ def deactivateChat(self):
+ pass
diff --git a/toontown/src/chat/ b/toontown/src/chat/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/toontown/src/chat/twhitelist.dat b/toontown/src/chat/twhitelist.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f53607
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/chat/twhitelist.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,25717 @@
diff --git a/toontown/src/classicchars/.cvsignore b/toontown/src/classicchars/.cvsignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..985f113
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/classicchars/.cvsignore
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/toontown/src/classicchars/ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..efd961a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+DaisyChatter = TTLocalizer.DaisyChatter
+MickeyChatter = TTLocalizer.MickeyChatter
+VampireMickeyChatter = TTLocalizer.VampireMickeyChatter
+MinnieChatter = TTLocalizer.MinnieChatter
+GoofyChatter = TTLocalizer.GoofyChatter
+GoofySpeedwayChatter = TTLocalizer.GoofySpeedwayChatter
+DonaldChatter = TTLocalizer.DonaldChatter
+ChipChatter = TTLocalizer.ChipChatter
+DaleChatter = TTLocalizer.DaleChatter
+def getChatter( charName, chatterType ):
+ if charName==TTLocalizer.Mickey:
+ if chatterType == ToontownGlobals.APRIL_FOOLS_COSTUMES:
+ return TTLocalizer.AFMickeyChatter
+ elif chatterType == ToontownGlobals.WINTER_CAROLING:
+ return TTLocalizer.WinterMickeyCChatter
+ elif chatterType == ToontownGlobals.WINTER_DECORATIONS:
+ return TTLocalizer.WinterMickeyDChatter
+ elif chatterType == ToontownGlobals.VALENTINES_DAY:
+ return TTLocalizer.ValentinesMickeyChatter
+ elif chatterType == ToontownGlobals.SILLY_CHATTER_ONE:
+ SillyMickeyChatter = MickeyChatter
+ SillyMickeyChatter[1].extend(TTLocalizer.SillyPhase1Chatter)
+ return SillyMickeyChatter
+ elif chatterType == ToontownGlobals.SILLY_CHATTER_TWO:
+ SillyMickeyChatter = MickeyChatter
+ SillyMickeyChatter[1].extend(TTLocalizer.SillyPhase2Chatter)
+ return SillyMickeyChatter
+ elif chatterType == ToontownGlobals.SILLY_CHATTER_THREE:
+ SillyMickeyChatter = MickeyChatter
+ SillyMickeyChatter[1].extend(TTLocalizer.SillyPhase3Chatter)
+ return SillyMickeyChatter
+ elif chatterType == ToontownGlobals.SILLY_CHATTER_FOUR:
+ SillyMickeyChatter = MickeyChatter
+ SillyMickeyChatter[1].extend(TTLocalizer.SillyPhase4Chatter)
+ return SillyMickeyChatter
+ else:
+ return MickeyChatter
+ elif charName==TTLocalizer.VampireMickey:
+ return VampireMickeyChatter
+ elif charName==TTLocalizer.Minnie:
+ if chatterType == ToontownGlobals.APRIL_FOOLS_COSTUMES:
+ return TTLocalizer.AFMinnieChatter
+ elif chatterType == ToontownGlobals.WINTER_CAROLING:
+ return TTLocalizer.WinterMinnieCChatter
+ elif chatterType == ToontownGlobals.WINTER_DECORATIONS:
+ return TTLocalizer.WinterMinnieDChatter
+ elif chatterType == ToontownGlobals.VALENTINES_DAY:
+ return TTLocalizer.ValentinesMinnieChatter
+ elif chatterType == ToontownGlobals.SILLY_CHATTER_ONE:
+ SillyMinnieChatter = MinnieChatter
+ SillyMinnieChatter[1].extend(TTLocalizer.SillyPhase1Chatter)
+ return SillyMinnieChatter
+ elif chatterType == ToontownGlobals.SILLY_CHATTER_TWO:
+ SillyMinnieChatter = MinnieChatter
+ SillyMinnieChatter[1].extend(TTLocalizer.SillyPhase2Chatter)
+ return SillyMinnieChatter
+ elif chatterType == ToontownGlobals.SILLY_CHATTER_THREE:
+ SillyMinnieChatter = MinnieChatter
+ SillyMinnieChatter[1].extend(TTLocalizer.SillyPhase3Chatter)
+ return SillyMinnieChatter
+ elif chatterType == ToontownGlobals.SILLY_CHATTER_FOUR:
+ SillyMinnieChatter = MinnieChatter
+ SillyMinnieChatter[1].extend(TTLocalizer.SillyPhase4Chatter)
+ return SillyMinnieChatter
+ else:
+ return MinnieChatter
+ elif charName == TTLocalizer.WitchMinnie:
+ return TTLocalizer.WitchMinnieChatter
+ elif charName==TTLocalizer.Daisy:
+ if chatterType == ToontownGlobals.APRIL_FOOLS_COSTUMES:
+ return TTLocalizer.AFDaisyChatter
+ elif chatterType == ToontownGlobals.HALLOWEEN_COSTUMES:
+ return TTLocalizer.HalloweenDaisyChatter
+ elif chatterType == ToontownGlobals.WINTER_CAROLING:
+ return TTLocalizer.WinterDaisyCChatter
+ elif chatterType == ToontownGlobals.WINTER_DECORATIONS:
+ return TTLocalizer.WinterDaisyDChatter
+ elif chatterType == ToontownGlobals.VALENTINES_DAY:
+ return TTLocalizer.ValentinesDaisyChatter
+ elif chatterType == ToontownGlobals.SILLY_CHATTER_ONE:
+ SillyDaisyChatter = DaisyChatter
+ SillyDaisyChatter[1].extend(TTLocalizer.SillyPhase1Chatter)
+ return SillyDaisyChatter
+ elif chatterType == ToontownGlobals.SILLY_CHATTER_TWO:
+ SillyDaisyChatter = DaisyChatter
+ SillyDaisyChatter[1].extend(TTLocalizer.SillyPhase2Chatter)
+ return SillyDaisyChatter
+ elif chatterType == ToontownGlobals.SILLY_CHATTER_THREE:
+ SillyDaisyChatter = DaisyChatter
+ SillyDaisyChatter[1].extend(TTLocalizer.SillyPhase3Chatter)
+ return SillyDaisyChatter
+ elif chatterType == ToontownGlobals.SILLY_CHATTER_FOUR:
+ SillyDaisyChatter = DaisyChatter
+ SillyDaisyChatter[1].extend(TTLocalizer.SillyPhase4Chatter)
+ return SillyDaisyChatter
+ else:
+ return DaisyChatter
+ elif charName==TTLocalizer.Goofy:
+ if chatterType == ToontownGlobals.APRIL_FOOLS_COSTUMES:
+ return TTLocalizer.AFGoofySpeedwayChatter
+ elif chatterType == ToontownGlobals.CRASHED_LEADERBOARD:
+ return TTLocalizer.CLGoofySpeedwayChatter
+ elif chatterType == ToontownGlobals.CIRCUIT_RACING_EVENT:
+ return TTLocalizer.GPGoofySpeedwayChatter
+ elif chatterType == ToontownGlobals.WINTER_DECORATIONS \
+ or chatterType == ToontownGlobals.WINTER_CAROLING:
+ return TTLocalizer.WinterGoofyChatter
+ elif chatterType == ToontownGlobals.VALENTINES_DAY:
+ return TTLocalizer.ValentinesGoofyChatter
+ elif chatterType == ToontownGlobals.SILLY_CHATTER_ONE:
+ SillyGoofySpeedwayChatter = GoofySpeedwayChatter
+ SillyGoofySpeedwayChatter[1].extend(TTLocalizer.SillyPhase1Chatter)
+ return SillyGoofySpeedwayChatter
+ elif chatterType == ToontownGlobals.SILLY_CHATTER_TWO:
+ SillyGoofySpeedwayChatter = GoofySpeedwayChatter
+ SillyGoofySpeedwayChatter[1].extend(TTLocalizer.SillyPhase2Chatter)
+ return SillyGoofySpeedwayChatter
+ elif chatterType == ToontownGlobals.SILLY_CHATTER_THREE:
+ SillyGoofySpeedwayChatter = GoofySpeedwayChatter
+ SillyGoofySpeedwayChatter[1].extend(TTLocalizer.SillyPhase3Chatter)
+ return SillyGoofySpeedwayChatter
+ elif chatterType == ToontownGlobals.SILLY_CHATTER_FOUR:
+ SillyGoofySpeedwayChatter = GoofySpeedwayChatter
+ SillyGoofySpeedwayChatter[1].extend(TTLocalizer.SillyPhase4Chatter)
+ return SillyGoofySpeedwayChatter
+ else:
+ return GoofySpeedwayChatter
+ elif charName==TTLocalizer.SuperGoofy:
+ return TTLocalizer.SuperGoofyChatter
+ elif charName==TTLocalizer.Donald:
+ if chatterType == ToontownGlobals.APRIL_FOOLS_COSTUMES:
+ return TTLocalizer.AFDonaldChatter
+ elif chatterType == ToontownGlobals.HALLOWEEN_COSTUMES:
+ return TTLocalizer.HalloweenDreamlandChatter
+ elif chatterType == ToontownGlobals.WINTER_CAROLING:
+ return TTLocalizer.WinterDreamlandCChatter
+ elif chatterType == ToontownGlobals.WINTER_DECORATIONS:
+ return TTLocalizer.WinterDreamlandDChatter
+ elif chatterType == ToontownGlobals.VALENTINES_DAY:
+ return TTLocalizer.ValentinesDreamlandChatter
+ else:
+ return DonaldChatter
+ elif charName==TTLocalizer.DonaldDock:
+ if chatterType == ToontownGlobals.APRIL_FOOLS_COSTUMES:
+ return TTLocalizer.AFDonaldDockChatter
+ elif chatterType == ToontownGlobals.HALLOWEEN_COSTUMES:
+ return TTLocalizer.HalloweenDonaldChatter
+ elif chatterType == ToontownGlobals.WINTER_CAROLING:
+ return TTLocalizer.WinterDonaldCChatter
+ elif chatterType == ToontownGlobals.WINTER_DECORATIONS:
+ return TTLocalizer.WinterDonaldDChatter
+ elif chatterType == ToontownGlobals.VALENTINES_DAY:
+ return TTLocalizer.ValentinesDonaldChatter
+ else:
+ return None
+ elif charName==TTLocalizer.Pluto:
+ if chatterType == ToontownGlobals.APRIL_FOOLS_COSTUMES:
+ return TTLocalizer.AFPlutoChatter
+ elif chatterType == ToontownGlobals.HALLOWEEN_COSTUMES:
+ return TTLocalizer.WesternPlutoChatter
+ elif chatterType == ToontownGlobals.WINTER_CAROLING:
+ return TTLocalizer.WinterPlutoCChatter
+ elif chatterType == ToontownGlobals.WINTER_DECORATIONS:
+ return TTLocalizer.WinterPlutoDChatter
+ else:
+ # Pluto don't play that!
+ return None
+ elif charName==TTLocalizer.WesternPluto:
+ if chatterType == ToontownGlobals.HALLOWEEN_COSTUMES:
+ return TTLocalizer.WesternPlutoChatter
+ else:
+ return None
+ elif charName == TTLocalizer.Chip:
+ if chatterType == ToontownGlobals.APRIL_FOOLS_COSTUMES:
+ return TTLocalizer.AFChipChatter
+ elif chatterType == ToontownGlobals.HALLOWEEN_COSTUMES:
+ return TTLocalizer.HalloweenChipChatter
+ elif chatterType == ToontownGlobals.WINTER_DECORATIONS \
+ or chatterType == ToontownGlobals.WINTER_CAROLING:
+ return TTLocalizer.WinterChipChatter
+ elif chatterType == ToontownGlobals.VALENTINES_DAY:
+ return TTLocalizer.ValentinesChipChatter
+ elif chatterType == ToontownGlobals.SILLY_CHATTER_ONE:
+ SillyChipChatter = ChipChatter
+ SillyChipChatter[1].extend(TTLocalizer.SillyPhase1Chatter)
+ return SillyChipChatter
+ elif chatterType == ToontownGlobals.SILLY_CHATTER_TWO:
+ SillyChipChatter = ChipChatter
+ SillyChipChatter[1].extend(TTLocalizer.SillyPhase2Chatter)
+ return SillyChipChatter
+ elif chatterType == ToontownGlobals.SILLY_CHATTER_THREE:
+ SillyChipChatter = ChipChatter
+ SillyChipChatter[1].extend(TTLocalizer.SillyPhase3Chatter)
+ return SillyChipChatter
+ elif chatterType == ToontownGlobals.SILLY_CHATTER_FOUR:
+ SillyChipChatter = ChipChatter
+ SillyChipChatter[1].extend(TTLocalizer.SillyPhase4Chatter)
+ return SillyChipChatter
+ else:
+ return ChipChatter
+ elif charName == TTLocalizer.Dale:
+ if chatterType == ToontownGlobals.APRIL_FOOLS_COSTUMES:
+ return TTLocalizer.AFDaleChatter
+ elif chatterType == ToontownGlobals.HALLOWEEN_COSTUMES:
+ return TTLocalizer.HalloweenDaleChatter
+ elif chatterType == ToontownGlobals.WINTER_DECORATIONS \
+ or chatterType == ToontownGlobals.WINTER_CAROLING:
+ return TTLocalizer.WinterDaleChatter
+ elif chatterType == ToontownGlobals.VALENTINES_DAY:
+ return TTLocalizer.ValentinesDaleChatter
+ elif chatterType == ToontownGlobals.SILLY_CHATTER_ONE:
+ SillyDaleChatter = DaleChatter
+ SillyDaleChatter[1].extend(TTLocalizer.SillyPhase1Chatter)
+ return SillyDaleChatter
+ elif chatterType == ToontownGlobals.SILLY_CHATTER_TWO:
+ SillyDaleChatter = DaleChatter
+ SillyDaleChatter[1].extend(TTLocalizer.SillyPhase2Chatter)
+ return SillyDaleChatter
+ elif chatterType == ToontownGlobals.SILLY_CHATTER_THREE:
+ SillyDaleChatter = DaleChatter
+ SillyDaleChatter[1].extend(TTLocalizer.SillyPhase3Chatter)
+ return SillyDaleChatter
+ elif chatterType == ToontownGlobals.SILLY_CHATTER_FOUR:
+ SillyDaleChatter = DaleChatter
+ SillyDaleChatter[1].extend(TTLocalizer.SillyPhase4Chatter)
+ return SillyDaleChatter
+ else:
+ return DaleChatter
+ else:
+ assert 0, "Unknown chatter information"
diff --git a/toontown/src/classicchars/ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..145a67f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
@@ -0,0 +1,656 @@
+from pandac.PandaModules import Point3
+from pandac.PandaModules import Vec3
+import copy
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+__mickeyPaths = {
+ # for each node:
+ # (
+ # pos, # position of node
+ # (
+ # adjacent node,
+ # adjacent node,
+ # ...
+ # )
+ # )
+ # TODO: redo these when the safe zone is final
+ 'a' : (Point3(17, -17, 4.025),
+ ('b','e')
+ ),
+ 'b' : (Point3(17.5, 7.6, 4.025),
+ ('c','e')
+ ),
+ 'c' : (Point3(85, 11.5, 4.025),
+ ('d',)
+ ),
+ 'd' : (Point3(85, -13, 4.025),
+ ('a',)
+ ),
+ 'e' : (Point3(-27.5, -5.25, 0.0), # bottom of central steps
+ ('a','b','f')
+ ),
+ 'f' : (Point3(-106.15, -4.0, -2.5), # end of bridge (opposite gazebo)
+ ('e','g','h','i',)
+ ),
+ 'g' : (Point3(-89.5, 93.5, 0.5), # sidewalk just South of Punchline Pl.
+ ('f','h'),
+ ),
+ 'h' : (Point3(-139.95, 1.69, 0.5), # sidewalk in front of Loopy Ln.
+ ('f','g','i',)
+ ),
+ 'i' : (Point3(-110.95, -68.57, 0.5), # sidewalk in front of Loopy Ln.
+ ('f','h',)
+ ),
+ }
+# note to self: singleton tuple requires comma: (item,)
+# this table holds the waypoints between walk nodes,
+# if any, the 3 value in for each edge is 0 if raycast
+# is not needed, 1 if raycast is needed
+__mickeyWaypoints = (
+ # from, to, waypoints
+ ('a','e',1,[]),
+ ('b','e',1,[]),
+ ('e','f',1,[Point3(-76.87, -7.85, -1.85),
+ Point3(-80.57, -4.0, -1.85),
+ ]),
+ ('f','g',1,[Point3(-106.62, 28.65, -1.5),]),
+ ('g','h',1,[Point3(-128.38, 60.27, 0.5),]),
+ #('g','h',1,[Point3(-134.96, 60.34, 0.5),]),
+ ('h','f',1,[]),
+ ('h','i',1,[Point3(-137.13, -42.79, 0.5),]),
+ ('i','f',1,[]),
+ )
+__minniePaths = {
+ # for each node:
+ # (
+ # pos, # position of node
+ # (
+ # adjacent node,
+ # adjacent node,
+ # ...
+ # )
+ # )
+ 'a' : (Point3(53.334,71.057,6.525), # in front of horn, near TTCentral entrance
+ ('b','r')
+ ),
+ 'b' : (Point3(127.756,58.665,-11.75), # on other side of horn
+ ('a','s','c')
+ ),
+ 'c' : (Point3(130.325,15.174,-2.003), # on piano keys
+ ('b','d')
+ ),
+ 'd' : (Point3(126.173,7.057,0.522), # higher on piano keys
+ ('c','e')
+ ),
+ 'e' : (Point3(133.843,-6.618,4.710), # higher on piano keys
+ ('d','f','g','h')
+ ),
+ 'f' : (Point3(116.876,1.119,3.304), # on drum
+ ('e')
+ ),
+ 'g' : (Point3(116.271,-41.568,3.304), # on middle drum
+ ('e','h')
+ ),
+ 'h' : (Point3(128.983,-49.656,-0.231), # on piano keys
+ ('e','g','i','j')
+ ),
+ 'i' : (Point3(106.024,-75.249,-4.498), # on other drum
+ ('h')
+ ),
+ 'j' : (Point3(135.016,-93.072,-13.376), # on ground by 2nd horn
+ ('h','k','z')
+ ),
+ 'k' : (Point3(123.966,-100.242,-10.879), # on keys for 2nd horn
+ ('j','l')
+ ),
+ 'l' : (Point3(52.859,-109.081,6.525), # on other side of 2nd horn
+ ('k','m')
+ ),
+ 'm' : (Point3(-32.071,-107.049,6.525), # on other side of Dreamland entrance
+ ('l','n')
+ ),
+ 'n' : (Point3(-40.519,-99.685,6.525), # stop at record player
+ ('m','o')
+ ),
+ 'o' : (Point3(-40.245, -88.634, 6.525 ), # further around upper area of safezone
+ ('n','p')
+ ),
+ 'p' : (Point3(-66.300, -62.192, 6.525 ), # near party gatefurther around upper area of safezone
+ ('o','q')
+ ),
+ 'q' : (Point3(-66.212, 23.069, 6.525), # further around upper area of safezone
+ ('p','r')
+ ),
+ 'r' : (Point3(-18.344,69.532,6.525), # at last turn on upper area of safezone
+ ('q','a')
+ ),
+ 's' : (Point3(91.357,44.546,-13.475), # on ground between piano and center area
+ ('b','t')
+ ),
+ 't' : (Point3(90.355, 6.279, -13.475), # in center area near piano
+ ('s','u')
+ ),
+ 'u' : (Point3(-13.765,42.362,-14.553), # in center area
+ ('t','v')
+ ),
+ 'v' : (Point3(-52.627,7.428,-14.553), # in center area opposite piano
+ ('u','w')
+ ),
+ 'w' : (Point3(-50.654,-54.879,-14.553), # in center area opposite piano
+ ('v','x')
+ ),
+ 'x' : (Point3(-3.711,-81.819,-14.553), # in center area
+ ('w','y')
+ ),
+ 'y' : (Point3(90.777, -49.714, -13.475),
+ ('z','x')
+ ),
+ 'z' : (Point3(90.059, -79.426, -13.475),
+ ('j','y')
+ ),
+ }
+__minnieWaypoints = (
+ ('a','b',1,[]),
+ ('k','l',1,[]),
+ ('b','c',1,[]),
+ ('c','d',1,[]),
+ ('d','e',1,[]),
+ ('e','f',1,[]),
+ ('e','g',1,[]),
+ ('e','h',1,[]),
+ ('g','h',1,[]),
+ ('h','i',1,[]),
+ ('h','j',1,[]),
+ ('s','b',1,[]),
+ ('t','u',1,[]), # curb down
+ ('x','y',1,[]), # curb up
+ )
+__goofyPaths = {
+ # for each node:
+ # (
+ # pos, # position of node
+ # (
+ # adjacent node,
+ # adjacent node,
+ # ...
+ # )
+ # )
+ 'a' : (Point3(64.995,169.665,10.027), # in front of TTCentral entrance
+ ('b','q')
+ ),
+ 'b' : (Point3(48.893,208.912,10.027), # by flowers
+ ('a','c')
+ ),
+ 'c' : (Point3(5.482,210.479,10.030), # in front of trolley
+ ('b','d')
+ ),
+ 'd' : (Point3(-34.153,203.284,10.029), # near construction zone entrance
+ ('c','e')
+ ),
+ 'e' : (Point3(-66.656,174.334,10.026), # front construction zone entrance
+ ('d','f')
+ ),
+ 'f' : (Point3(-55.994,162.330,10.026), # top of ramp
+ ('e','g')
+ ),
+ 'g' : (Point3(-84.554,142.099,0.027), # down below ramp
+ ('f','h')
+ ),
+ 'h' : (Point3(-92.215,96.446,0.027), # toward flower bed
+ ('g','i')
+ ),
+ 'i' : (Point3(-63.168,60.055,0.027), # in front of flower bed
+ ('h','j')
+ ),
+ 'j' : (Point3(-37.637,69.974,0.027), # next to bush
+ ('i','k')
+ ),
+ 'k' : (Point3(-3.018,26.157,0.027), # front of Cog HQ entrance
+ ('j','l','m')
+ ),
+ 'l' : (Point3(-0.711,46.843,0.027), # next to fountain
+ ('k')
+ ),
+ 'm' : (Point3(26.071,46.401,0.027), # next to pond
+ ('k','n')
+ ),
+ 'n' : (Point3(30.870,67.432,0.027), # next to bush
+ ('m','o')
+ ),
+ 'o' : (Point3(93.903,90.685,0.027), # toward ramp
+ ('n','p')
+ ),
+ 'p' : (Point3(88.129,140.575,0.027), # below ramp
+ ('o','q')
+ ),
+ 'q' : (Point3(53.988,158.232,10.027), # top of ramp
+ ('p','a')
+ ),
+ }
+__goofyWaypoints = (
+ # from, to, waypoints
+ ('f','g',1,[]),
+ ('p','q',1,[])
+ )
+__goofySpeedwayPaths = {
+ # for each node:
+ # (
+ # pos, # position of node
+ # (
+ # adjacent node,
+ # adjacent node,
+ # ...
+ # )
+ # )
+ 'a' : (Point3(-9.0,-19.517,-0.323), # near store rear entrance
+ ('b','k')
+ ),
+ 'b' : (Point3(-30.047,-1.578,-0.373), # by giant wrenches
+ ('a','c')
+ ),
+ 'c' : (Point3(-10.367,49.042,-0.373), # in front of TTC entrance
+ ('b','d')
+ ),
+ 'd' : (Point3(38.439,44.348,-0.373), # near car showoff platform
+ ('c','e')
+ ),
+ 'e' : (Point3(25.527,-2.395,-0.373), # near giant tires
+ ('d','f')
+ ),
+ 'f' : (Point3(-4.043,-59.865,-0.003), # in tunnel to track area
+ ('e','g')
+ ),
+ 'g' : (Point3(0.390,-99.475,-0.009), # in front of leaderboard
+ ('f','h')
+ ),
+ 'h' : (Point3(21.147,-109.127,-0.013), # near city race track
+ ('g','i')
+ ),
+ 'i' : (Point3(5.981,-147.606,-0.013), # near stadium race track
+ ('h','j')
+ ),
+ 'j' : (Point3(-24.898,-120.618,-0.013), # near rural race track
+ ('i','k')
+ ),
+ 'k' : (Point3(-2.710,-90.315,-0.011), # near tunnel to kart shop
+ ('j','a')
+ ),
+ }
+__goofySpeedwayWaypoints = (
+ # from, to, waypoints
+ ('a','k',1,[]),
+ ('k','a',1,[])
+ )
+__donaldPaths = {
+ # for each node:
+ # (
+ # pos, # position of node
+ # (
+ # adjacent node,
+ # adjacent node,
+ # ...
+ # )
+ # )
+ 'a' : (Point3(-94.883,-94.024,0.025), # corner near melodyland entrance
+ ('b')
+ ),
+ 'b' : (Point3(-13.962,-92.233,0.025), # front of melodyland entrance
+ ('a','h')
+ ),
+ 'c' : (Point3(68.417,-91.929,0.025), # by trolley
+ ('m','g')
+ ),
+ 'd' : (Point3(68.745,91.227,0.025), # across bed from trolley
+ ('k','i')
+ ),
+ 'e' : (Point3(4.047,94.260,0.025), # front of cog hq. entrance
+ ('i','j')
+ ),
+ 'f' : (Point3(-91.271,90.987,0.025), # corner near cog hq. entrance
+ ('j')
+ ),
+ 'g' : (Point3(43.824,-94.129,0.025), # in front of trolley
+ ('c','h')
+ ),
+ 'h' : (Point3(13.905,-91.334,0.025), # near melodyland entrance
+ ('b','g')
+ ),
+ 'i' : (Point3(43.062,88.152,0.025), # near cog hq. entrance
+ ('d','e')
+ ),
+ 'j' : (Point3(-48.960,88.565,0.025), # near cog hq. entrance
+ ('e','f')
+ ),
+ 'k' : (Point3(75.118, 52.840, -16.620), # north of party gate
+ ('d','l')
+ ),
+ 'l' : (Point3(44.677, 27.091, -15.385 ), # west of party gate
+ ('k','m')
+ ),
+ 'm' : (Point3(77.009, -16.022, -14.975 ), # south of party gate
+ ('l','c')
+ ),
+ }
+__donaldWaypoints = (
+ # from, to, waypoints
+ ('d','k',1,[]),
+ ('k','l',1,[]),
+ ('l','m',1,[]),
+ ('m', 'c', 1, []),
+ ('b','a',1,[Point3(-55.883,-89.0,0.025),]),
+ )
+__plutoPaths = {
+ # for each node:
+ # (
+ # pos, # position of node
+ # (
+ # adjacent node,
+ # adjacent node,
+ # ...
+ # )
+ # )
+ 'a' : (Point3(-110.0,-37.8,8.6), # on mound near 'North Pole'
+ ('b','c')
+ ),
+ 'b' : (Point3(-11.9,-128.2,6.2), # near entrance to sleet street
+ ('a','c')
+ ),
+ 'c' : (Point3(48.9,-14.4,6.2), # near entrance to walrus way
+ ('b','a','d')
+ ),
+ 'd' : (Point3(0.25,80.5,6.2), # near entrance to Cog HQ
+ ('c','e')
+ ),
+ 'e' : (Point3(-83.3,36.1,6.2), # near the Toon HQ igloo
+ ('d','a')
+ ),
+ }
+__plutoWaypoints = (
+ ('a','b',1,[Point3(-90.4,-57.2,3.0),
+ Point3(-63.6,-79.8,3.0),
+ Point3(-50.1,-89.1,6.2),]),
+ ('c','a',1,[Point3(-15.6,-25.6,6.2),
+ Point3(-37.5,-38.5,3.0),
+ Point3(-55.0,-55.0,3.0),
+ Point3(-85.0,-46.4,3.0)]),
+ ('d','e',0,[Point3(-25.8,60.,6.2),
+ Point3(-61.9,64.5,6.2)]),
+ ('e','a',1,[Point3(-77.2,28.5,6.2),
+ Point3(-76.4,12.0,3.0),
+ Point3(-93.2,-21.2,3.0),]),
+ )
+__daisyPaths = {
+ # for each node:
+ # (
+ # pos, # position of node
+ # (
+ # adjacent node,
+ # adjacent node,
+ # ...
+ # )
+ # )
+ 'a' : (Point3(64.995,169.665,10.027), # in front of TTCentral entrance
+ ('b','q')
+ ),
+ 'b' : (Point3(48.893,208.912,10.027), # by flowers
+ ('a','c')
+ ),
+ 'c' : (Point3(5.482,210.479,10.030), # in front of trolley
+ ('b','d')
+ ),
+ 'd' : (Point3(-34.153,203.284,10.029), # near construction zone entrance
+ ('c','e')
+ ),
+ 'e' : (Point3(-66.656,174.334,10.026), # front construction zone entrance
+ ('d','f')
+ ),
+ 'f' : (Point3(-55.994,162.330,10.026), # top of ramp
+ ('e','g')
+ ),
+ 'g' : (Point3(-84.554,142.099,0.027), # down below ramp
+ ('f','h')
+ ),
+ 'h' : (Point3(-92.215,96.446,0.027), # toward flower bed
+ ('g','i')
+ ),
+ 'i' : (Point3(-63.168,60.055,0.027), # in front of flower bed
+ ('h','j')
+ ),
+ 'j' : (Point3(-37.637,69.974,0.027), # next to bush
+ ('i','k')
+ ),
+ 'k' : (Point3(-3.018,26.157,0.027), # front of Cog HQ entrance
+ ('j','l','m')
+ ),
+ 'l' : (Point3(-0.711,46.843,0.027), # next to fountain
+ ('k')
+ ),
+ 'm' : (Point3(26.071,46.401,0.027), # next to pond
+ ('k','n')
+ ),
+ 'n' : (Point3(30.870,67.432,0.027), # next to bush
+ ('m','o')
+ ),
+ 'o' : (Point3(93.903,90.685,0.027), # toward ramp
+ ('n','p')
+ ),
+ 'p' : (Point3(88.129,140.575,0.027), # below ramp
+ ('o','q')
+ ),
+ 'q' : (Point3(53.988,158.232,10.027), # top of ramp
+ ('p','a')
+ ),
+ }
+__daisyWaypoints = (
+ # from, to, waypoints
+ ('f','g',1,[]),
+ ('p','q',1,[])
+ )
+__chipPaths = {
+ # for each node:
+ # (
+ # pos, # position of node
+ # (
+ # adjacent node,
+ # adjacent node,
+ # ...
+ # )
+ # )
+ 'a' : (Point3(50.004, 102.725, 0.6), # in front of log tunnel
+ ('b','k')),
+ 'b' : (Point3(-29.552, 112.531, 0.6), # north bridge inner side
+ ('c','a')),
+ 'c' : (Point3(-51.941, 146.155, 0.025), # north bridge outer side
+ ('d','b')),
+ 'd' : (Point3(-212.334, -3.639, 0.025), # in front of golf tunnel
+ ('e','c')),
+ 'e' : (Point3(-143.466, -67.526, 0.025), # west bridge outer side
+ ('f','d','i')),
+ 'f' : (Point3(-107.556, -62.257, 0.025), # west bridge inner side
+ ('g','e','j')),
+ 'g' : (Point3(-43.103, -71.518, 0.2734), # south bridge inner side
+ ('h','f','j')),
+ 'h' : (Point3(-40.605, -125.124, 0.025), # south bridge outer side
+ ('i','g')),
+ 'i' : (Point3(-123.05, -124.542, 0.025), # between south & west bridge
+ ('h','e')),
+ 'j' : (Point3(-40.092, 2.784, 1.268), # SW of gazebo
+ ('k','b','f','g')),
+ 'k' : (Point3(75.295, 26.715, 1.4), # SE of gazebo
+ ('a','j')),
+ }
+__chipWaypoints = (
+ ('a','b',1,[]),
+ ('a','k',1,[]),
+ ('b','c',1,[]),
+ ('b','j',1,[]),
+ ('c','d',1,[]),
+ ('d','e',1,[]),
+ ('e','f',1,[]),
+ ('e','i',1,[]),
+ ('f','g',1,[]),
+ ('f','j',1,[]),
+ ('g','h',1,[]),
+ ('g','j',1,[]),
+ ('h','i',1,[]),
+ ('j','k',1,[]),
+ )
+# when Dale is going over a bridge, have him orbit closer
+DaleOrbitDistanceOverride = {
+ ('b','c') : 2.5,
+ ('e','f') : 2.5,
+ }
+startNode = 'a'
+def getPaths(charName, location = 0):
+ if charName==TTLocalizer.Mickey:
+ return __mickeyPaths
+ elif charName==TTLocalizer.VampireMickey:
+ return __mickeyPaths
+ elif charName==TTLocalizer.Minnie:
+ return __minniePaths
+ elif charName == TTLocalizer.WitchMinnie:
+ return __minniePaths
+ elif charName==TTLocalizer.Daisy:
+ return __daisyPaths
+ elif charName==TTLocalizer.Goofy:
+ if location == 0:
+ return __goofyPaths
+ else:
+ return __goofySpeedwayPaths
+ elif charName==TTLocalizer.SuperGoofy:
+ return __goofySpeedwayPaths
+ elif charName==TTLocalizer.Donald:
+ return __donaldPaths
+ elif charName==TTLocalizer.Pluto:
+ return __plutoPaths
+ elif charName==TTLocalizer.WesternPluto:
+ return __plutoPaths
+ elif charName==TTLocalizer.Chip:
+ return __chipPaths
+ elif charName==TTLocalizer.Dale:
+ return __chipPaths
+ elif charName==TTLocalizer.DonaldDock:
+ return {'a':(Point3(0,0,0),'a')}
+ else:
+ assert 0, "Unknown path information"
+def __getWaypointList(paths):
+ if paths==__mickeyPaths:
+ return __mickeyWaypoints
+ elif paths==__minniePaths:
+ return __minnieWaypoints
+ elif paths==__daisyPaths:
+ return __daisyWaypoints
+ elif paths==__goofyPaths:
+ return __goofyWaypoints
+ elif paths==__goofySpeedwayPaths:
+ return __goofySpeedwayWaypoints
+ elif paths==__donaldPaths:
+ return __donaldWaypoints
+ elif paths==__plutoPaths:
+ return __plutoWaypoints
+ elif paths==__chipPaths:
+ return __chipWaypoints
+ elif paths==__dalePaths:
+ return __chipWaypoints
+ else:
+ assert 0, "Unknown waypoint information"
+def getNodePos(node, paths):
+ assert paths.has_key(node)
+ return paths[node][0]
+def getAdjacentNodes(node, paths):
+ assert paths.has_key(node)
+ return paths[node][1]
+def getWayPoints(fromNode, toNode, paths, wpts = None):
+ list = []
+ if (fromNode != toNode):
+ if wpts == None:
+ wpts = __getWaypointList(paths)
+ for path in wpts:
+ if path[0] == fromNode and path[1] == toNode:
+ for point in path[3]:
+ list.append(Point3(point))
+ break
+ elif path[0] == toNode and path[1] == fromNode:
+ # reverse the order of the list
+ for point in path[3]:
+ list = [Point3(point)] + list
+ break
+ return list
+def getRaycastFlag(fromNode, toNode, paths):
+ result = 0
+ if (fromNode != toNode):
+ wpts = __getWaypointList(paths)
+ for path in wpts:
+ if path[0] == fromNode and path[1] == toNode:
+ if path[2]:
+ result = 1
+ break
+ elif path[0] == toNode and path[1] == fromNode:
+ # reverse the order of the list
+ if path[2]:
+ result = 1
+ break
+ return result
+def getPointsFromTo(fromNode, toNode, paths):
+ startPoint = Point3(getNodePos(fromNode,paths))
+ endPoint = Point3(getNodePos(toNode,paths))
+ return [startPoint] + getWayPoints(fromNode, toNode, paths) + [endPoint]
+def getWalkDuration(fromNode, toNode, velocity, paths):
+ posPoints = getPointsFromTo(fromNode, toNode, paths)
+ duration = 0
+ for pointIndex in range(len(posPoints) - 1):
+ startPoint = posPoints[pointIndex]
+ endPoint = posPoints[pointIndex + 1]
+ # Calculate the amount of time it will take to walk
+ distance = Vec3(endPoint - startPoint).length()
+ duration += distance / velocity
+ return duration
+def getWalkDistance(fromNode, toNode, velocity, paths):
+ posPoints = getPointsFromTo(fromNode, toNode, paths)
+ retval = 0
+ for pointIndex in range(len(posPoints) - 1):
+ startPoint = posPoints[pointIndex]
+ endPoint = posPoints[pointIndex + 1]
+ # Calculate the amount of time it will take to walk
+ distance = Vec3(endPoint - startPoint).length()
+ retval += distance
+ return retval
diff --git a/toontown/src/classicchars/ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ede4d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
+Contains the various state datas available to
+the classic character NPC's found in safezones
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
+from direct.distributed.ClockDelta import *
+from direct.fsm import StateData
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.showbase.PythonUtil import *
+from direct.task import Task
+import CCharPaths
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+class CharNeutralState(StateData.StateData):
+ """
+ Available to a character that might get lonely
+ once in a while and just stand my his or her
+ self for a little while, responding to toons
+ that pass by.
+ """
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("CharNeutralState")
+ def __init__(self, doneEvent, character):
+ StateData.StateData.__init__(self, doneEvent)
+ self.__doneEvent = doneEvent
+ self.character = character
+ def enter(self, startTrack=None, playRate=None):
+ StateData.StateData.enter(self)
+ self.notify.debug("Neutral " + self.character.getName() + "...")
+ self.__neutralTrack = Sequence(name = self.character.getName() + '-neutral')
+ if startTrack:
+ self.__neutralTrack.append(startTrack)
+ if playRate:
+ self.__neutralTrack.append(Func(self.character.setPlayRate, playRate, 'neutral'))
+ self.__neutralTrack.append(Func(self.character.loop, 'neutral'))
+ self.__neutralTrack.start()
+ def exit(self):
+ StateData.StateData.exit(self)
+ self.__neutralTrack.finish()
+ def __doneHandler(self):
+ # go back to the neutral state
+ doneStatus = {}
+ doneStatus['state'] = 'walk' # neutral???
+ doneStatus['status'] = 'done'
+ messenger.send(self.__doneEvent, [doneStatus])
+ return Task.done
+class CharWalkState(StateData.StateData):
+ """
+ Available to a character that might get lonely
+ once in a while and just stand my his or her
+ self for a little while, responding to toons
+ that pass by.
+ """
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("CharWalkState")
+ def __init__(self, doneEvent, character, diffPath = None):
+ StateData.StateData.__init__(self, doneEvent)
+ self.doneEvent = doneEvent
+ assert(character)
+ self.character = character
+ if diffPath == None:
+ self.paths = CCharPaths.getPaths(character.getName(),
+ character.getCCLocation())
+ else:
+ self.paths = CCharPaths.getPaths(diffPath, character.getCCLocation())
+ self.speed = character.walkSpeed()
+ self.offsetX = 0
+ self.offsetY = 0
+ self.oldOffsetX = 0
+ self.olfOffsetY = 0
+ self.walkTrack = None
+ def enter(self, startTrack=None, playRate=None):
+ """
+ startTrack, allows us to prepend a track to the walk
+ tracks (such as a stand up).
+ playRate, sets the play rate for walk.
+ start walking, create intervals to make the character
+ move from start to destination
+ """
+ StateData.StateData.enter(self)
+ self.notify.debug("Walking " + self.character.getName() +
+ "... from " +
+ str(self.walkInfo[0]) + " to " +
+ str(self.walkInfo[1]))
+ posPoints = CCharPaths.getPointsFromTo(self.walkInfo[0],
+ self.walkInfo[1],
+ self.paths)
+ lastPos = posPoints[-1]
+ newLastPos = Point3( lastPos[0]+self.offsetX, lastPos[1]+self.offsetY, lastPos[2])
+ posPoints[-1] = newLastPos
+ firstPos = posPoints[0]
+ newFirstPos = Point3( firstPos[0]+self.oldOffsetX, firstPos[1]+self.oldOffsetY, firstPos[2])
+ posPoints[0] = newFirstPos
+ self.walkTrack = Sequence(name = self.character.getName() + '-walk')
+ if startTrack:
+ self.walkTrack.append(startTrack)
+ # Ensure we are placed at the beginning of the path before we
+ # start the track. This will put the character at the right
+ # place even if the timestamp is way stale.
+ self.character.setPos(posPoints[0])
+ raycast = CCharPaths.getRaycastFlag(self.walkInfo[0],
+ self.walkInfo[1],
+ self.paths)
+ moveTrack = self.makePathTrack(self.character, posPoints,
+ self.speed, raycast)
+ # make the walking animation and lerping happen at the same time
+ if playRate:
+ self.walkTrack.append(Func(self.character.setPlayRate, playRate, 'walk'))
+ self.walkTrack.append(Func(self.character.loop, 'walk'))
+ self.walkTrack.append(moveTrack)
+ doneEventName = self.character.getName() + 'WalkDone'
+ self.walkTrack.append(Func(messenger.send, doneEventName))
+ ts = globalClockDelta.localElapsedTime(self.walkInfo[2])
+ self.accept(doneEventName, self.doneHandler)
+ self.notify.debug("walkTrack.start(%s)" % (ts))
+ self.walkTrack.start(ts)
+ def makePathTrack(self, nodePath, posPoints, velocity, raycast=0):
+ track = Sequence()
+ assert (len(posPoints) > 1)
+ if raycast:
+ track.append(
+ Func(nodePath.enableRaycast, 1))
+ startHpr = nodePath.getHpr()
+ for pointIndex in range(len(posPoints) - 1):
+ startPoint = posPoints[pointIndex]
+ endPoint = posPoints[pointIndex + 1]
+ # make sure we're at the start point
+ track.append(
+ Func(nodePath.setPos, startPoint)
+ )
+ # Calculate the amount of time we should spend walking
+ distance = Vec3(endPoint - startPoint).length()
+ duration = distance / velocity
+ # calculate the destination hpr
+ curHpr = nodePath.getHpr()
+ nodePath.headsUp(endPoint[0], endPoint[1], endPoint[2])
+ destHpr = nodePath.getHpr()
+ # make sure we don't do any wacky 279 degree turns
+ reducedCurH = reduceAngle(curHpr[0])
+ #print "curH = ", reducedCurH
+ reducedCurHpr = Vec3(reducedCurH, curHpr[1], curHpr[2])
+ reducedDestH = reduceAngle(destHpr[0])
+ #print "destH = ", reducedDestH
+ shortestAngle = closestDestAngle(reducedCurH, reducedDestH)
+ #print "shortest angle = ", shortestAngle
+ shortestHpr = Vec3(shortestAngle, destHpr[1], destHpr[2])
+ turnTime = abs(shortestAngle)/270.
+ # we need to set this hpr temporarily to calculate the next
+ # waypoints hpr correctly
+ nodePath.setHpr(shortestHpr)
+ if duration - turnTime > 0.01:
+ # Lerp to face the endpoint while walking to the end point
+ track.append(
+ Parallel(Func(nodePath.loop, 'walk'),
+ LerpHprInterval(nodePath, turnTime, shortestHpr,
+ startHpr = reducedCurHpr,
+ name="lerp" + nodePath.getName() + "Hpr"),
+ LerpPosInterval(nodePath, duration=duration - turnTime,
+ pos=Point3(endPoint),
+ startPos=Point3(startPoint), fluid = 1))
+ )
+ nodePath.setHpr(startHpr)
+ if raycast:
+ track.append(
+ Func(nodePath.enableRaycast, 0))
+ return track
+ def doneHandler(self):
+ """
+ called when the character is done walking
+ """
+ # go back to the neutral state
+ doneStatus = {}
+ doneStatus['state'] = 'walk'
+ doneStatus['status'] = 'done'
+ messenger.send(self.doneEvent, [doneStatus])
+ return Task.done
+ def exit(self):
+ """
+ clean up intervals and tasks
+ """
+ StateData.StateData.exit(self)
+ self.ignore(self.character.getName() + 'WalkDone')
+ if self.walkTrack:
+ self.walkTrack.finish()
+ self.walkTrack = None
+ def setWalk(self, srcNode, destNode, timestamp, offsetX=0, offsetY=0):
+ """
+ srcNode, were to walk from
+ destNode, where to walk to
+ timestamp, when server started walk
+ message sent from the server to say that this
+ character should now go into walk state
+ """
+ self.oldOffsetX = self.offsetX
+ self.oldOffsetY = self.offsetY
+ self.walkInfo = (srcNode, destNode, timestamp)
+ self.offsetX = offsetX
+ self.offsetY = offsetY
+class CharFollowChipState(CharWalkState):
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("CharFollowChipState")
+ completeRevolutionDistance = 13 # how far will Chip walk for dale to go around him
+ def __init__(self, doneEvent, character, chipId):
+ CharWalkState.__init__(self, doneEvent,character)
+ self.offsetDict = {'a': (ToontownGlobals.DaleOrbitDistance,0)} # for each node, we maintain an offset
+ self.chipId = chipId
+ def setWalk(self, srcNode, destNode, timestamp, offsetX=0, offsetY=0):
+ self.offsetDict[destNode] = (offsetX, offsetY)
+ self.srcNode = srcNode
+ self.destNode = destNode
+ self.orbitDistance = ToontownGlobals.DaleOrbitDistance
+ if (srcNode, destNode) in CCharPaths.DaleOrbitDistanceOverride:
+ self.orbitDistance = CCharPaths.DaleOrbitDistanceOverride[(srcNode, destNode)]
+ elif (destNode, srcNode) in CCharPaths.DaleOrbitDistanceOverride:
+ self.orbitDistance = CCharPaths.DaleOrbitDistanceOverride[(destNode, srcNode)]
+ CharWalkState.setWalk(self, srcNode, destNode, timestamp,
+ offsetX, offsetY)
+ def makePathTrack(self, nodePath, posPoints, velocity, raycast=0):
+ """Create the interval of dale orbiting chip."""
+ retval = Sequence()
+ if raycast:
+ retval.append(
+ Func(nodePath.enableRaycast, 1))
+ chip =
+ self.chipPaths = CCharPaths.getPaths( chip.getName(),
+ chip.getCCLocation() )
+ self.posPoints = posPoints
+ #chipDuration = CCharPaths.getWalkDuration(self.srcNode,
+ # self.destNode,
+ # ToontownGlobals.ChipSpeed,
+ # self.chipPaths)
+ # using getWalkDuration returns a bigger duration than chip uses
+ chipDuration = chip.walk.walkTrack.getDuration()
+ self.notify.debug('chipDuration = %f' % chipDuration)
+ chipDistance = CCharPaths.getWalkDistance(self.srcNode,
+ self.destNode,
+ ToontownGlobals.ChipSpeed,
+ self.chipPaths)
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ self.revolutions = chipDistance / self.completeRevolutionDistance
+ # now lets add in the extra revs from the randomization offset
+ srcOffset = (0,0)
+ if self.srcNode in self.offsetDict:
+ srcOffset = self.offsetDict[self.srcNode]
+ srcTheta = math.atan2(srcOffset[1], srcOffset[0])
+ # srcTheta returns a value in range -pi to pi
+ if srcTheta < 0:
+ srcTheta += 2 * math.pi
+ if srcTheta > 0:
+ srcRev = ( (2 * math.pi) - srcTheta) / ( 2 * math.pi)
+ else:
+ srcRev = 0
+ self.srcTheta = srcTheta
+ destOffset = (0,0)
+ if self.destNode in self.offsetDict:
+ destOffset = self.offsetDict[self.destNode]
+ destTheta = math.atan2(destOffset[1], destOffset[0])
+ # destTheta returns a value in range -pi to pi
+ if destTheta < 0:
+ destTheta += 2 * math.pi
+ self.destTheta = destTheta
+ self.revolutions += srcRev
+ endingTheta = srcTheta+ ((self.revolutions % 1.0) * 2 * math.pi)
+ diffTheta = destTheta - endingTheta
+ destRev = diffTheta / ( 2 * math.pi)
+ self.revolutions += destRev
+ # really short segments might produce negative revolutions
+ while self.revolutions < 1:
+ self.revolutions += 1
+ def positionDale(t):
+ self.orbitChip(t)
+ retval.append(LerpFunctionInterval(positionDale, chipDuration))
+ if raycast:
+ retval.append(
+ Func(nodePath.enableRaycast, 0))
+ return retval
+ def orbitChip(self, t):
+ """Position dale orbiting chip."""
+ srcOffset = (0,0)
+ if self.srcNode in self.offsetDict:
+ srcOffset = self.offsetDict[self.srcNode]
+ chipSrcPos = Point3(self.posPoints[0][0] - srcOffset[0],
+ self.posPoints[0][1] - srcOffset[1],
+ self.posPoints[0][2])
+ destOffset = (0,0)
+ if self.destNode in self.offsetDict:
+ destOffset = self.offsetDict[self.destNode]
+ chipDestPos = Point3(self.posPoints[-1][0] - destOffset[0],
+ self.posPoints[-1][1] - destOffset[1],
+ self.posPoints[-1][2])
+ displacement = chipDestPos - chipSrcPos
+ displacement *= t
+ chipPos = chipSrcPos + displacement
+ diffTheta = (t * self.revolutions) * 2 * math.pi
+ curTheta = self.srcTheta + diffTheta
+ newOffsetX = math.cos(curTheta) * self.orbitDistance
+ newOffsetY = math.sin(curTheta) * self.orbitDistance
+ dalePos = Point3( chipPos[0] + newOffsetX, chipPos[1] + newOffsetY,
+ chipPos[2])
+ self.character.setPos( dalePos)
+ newHeading = rad2Deg(curTheta)
+ newHeading %= 360
+ self.character.setH( newHeading)
+ #self.notify.debug('t=%s diffTheta=%s curTheta=%s chip=%s dale=%s' %
+ # (t, diffTheta, curTheta, chipPos, dalePos))
diff --git a/toontown/src/classicchars/ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f12eac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
@@ -0,0 +1,652 @@
+"""CharStateDatasAI module: contains the server variation of the various
+state datas available to the classic character NPC's found in safezones"""
+#from PandaModules import *
+from import *
+from direct.distributed.ClockDelta import *
+from direct.fsm import StateData
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+import random
+from direct.task import Task
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+import CCharChatter
+import CCharPaths
+class CharLonelyStateAI(StateData.StateData):
+ """
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // CharLonelyStateAI: available to a character that might get lonely
+ // once in a while and just stand by his or her
+ // self for a little while, responding to toons
+ // that pass by.
+ //
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ """
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("CharLonelyStateAI")
+ def __init__(self, doneEvent, character):
+ StateData.StateData.__init__(self, doneEvent)
+ self.__doneEvent = doneEvent
+ self.character = character
+ def enter(self):
+ """
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Function: called when the character enters the lonely state
+ // create a doLater to wait a random amount of time
+ // before deciding what to do next (such as walk to a
+ // new area).
+ // Parameters: none
+ // Changes:
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ """
+ # so lonely... oh, so lonely...
+ if hasattr( self.character, "name" ):
+ name = self.character.getName()
+ else:
+ name = "character"
+ self.notify.debug("Lonely " + self.character.getName() + "...")
+ # pick a random amount of time in which to stay in lonely state
+ # before deciding what to do next
+ #
+ StateData.StateData.enter(self)
+ duration = random.randint(3,15)
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater( duration,
+ self.__doneHandler,
+ self.character.taskName("startWalking") )
+ def exit(self):
+ StateData.StateData.exit(self)
+ taskMgr.remove(self.character.taskName("startWalking"))
+ def __doneHandler(self, task):
+ """
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Function: done being lonely, send a message to notify the
+ // character and it will decide which state to go to
+ // next
+ // Parameters: task, the task that called this function
+ // Changes: none
+ // Returns: task done status
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ """
+ doneStatus = {}
+ doneStatus['state'] = 'lonely'
+ doneStatus['status'] = 'done'
+ messenger.send(self.__doneEvent, [doneStatus])
+ return Task.done
+class CharChattyStateAI(StateData.StateData):
+ """
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // CharChattyStateAI: available to a character that is able to
+ // talk to players when they get close enough
+ //
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ """
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("CharChattyStateAI")
+ def __init__(self, doneEvent, character):
+ StateData.StateData.__init__(self, doneEvent)
+ self.__doneEvent = doneEvent
+ self.character = character
+ self.__chatTaskName = "characterChat-" + str(character)
+ # this is set to the id of the toon that this character last
+ # spoke to
+ self.lastChatTarget = 0
+ # Character should not talk until we reach this time
+ self.nextChatTime = 0
+ # this is the last thing character said
+ self.lastMessage = [-1, -1] # category, message index
+ def enter(self):
+ """
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Function: called when the character enters the lonely state
+ // create a doLater to wait a random amount of time
+ // before deciding what to do next (such as walk to a
+ // new area).
+ // Parameters: none
+ // Changes:
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ """
+ # so lonely... oh, so lonely...
+ if hasattr( self.character, "name" ):
+ name = self.character.getName()
+ else:
+ name = "character"
+ self.notify.debug("Chatty " + self.character.getName() + "...")
+ # if the last person we talked to leaves the chat
+ # sphere and re-enters, don't greet them again
+ #self.lastChatTarget = 0
+ self.chatter = CCharChatter.getChatter(self.character.getName(),
+ self.character.getCCChatter())
+ # only spawn the chat task if this is a talking char
+ if self.chatter != None:
+ # remove any old
+ taskMgr.remove(self.__chatTaskName)
+ # spawn the new task
+ taskMgr.add(self.blather, self.__chatTaskName)
+ StateData.StateData.enter(self)
+ # pick a random message
+ def pickMsg(self, category):
+ self.getLatestChatter()
+ if self.chatter:
+ return random.randint(0, len(self.chatter[category])-1)
+ else:
+ return None
+ def getLatestChatter(self):
+ self.chatter = CCharChatter.getChatter(self.character.getName(),
+ self.character.getCCChatter())
+ def setCorrectChatter(self):
+ """Forces an update on self.chatter, possibly affected by holidays."""
+ self.chatter = CCharChatter.getChatter(self.character.getName(),
+ self.character.getCCChatter())
+ def blather(self, task):
+ """
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Function: say something if it is time to
+ // Parameters: task, task which calls this function repeatedly
+ // Changes:
+ // Returns: task status
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ """
+ now = globalClock.getFrameTime()
+ if now < self.nextChatTime:
+ return Task.cont
+ self.getLatestChatter()
+ if self.character.lostInterest():
+ # character is bored.
+ self.leave()
+ return Task.done
+ if not self.chatter:
+ self.notify.debug("I do not want to talk")
+ return Task.done
+ if not self.character.getNearbyAvatars():
+ return Task.cont
+ target = self.character.getNearbyAvatars()[0]
+ # say something profound
+ if self.lastChatTarget != target:
+ self.lastChatTarget = target
+ category = CCharChatter.GREETING
+ else:
+ category = CCharChatter.COMMENT
+ # avoid an index out of range crash
+ self.setCorrectChatter()
+ # if the category is the same as the last message,
+ # and there's more than one message, pick a different
+ # message
+ if (
+ category == self.lastMessage[0] and
+ len(self.chatter[category]) > 1
+ ):
+ # make sure character doesn't say the same thing twice
+ msg = self.lastMessage[1]
+ #while (msg == self.lastMessage[1]):
+ # look at actual msg - not index
+ lastMsgIndex = self.lastMessage[1]
+ if (lastMsgIndex < len(self.chatter[category])) and (lastMsgIndex >= 0) :
+ while (self.chatter[category][msg] == self.chatter[category][lastMsgIndex]):
+ msg = self.pickMsg(category)
+ if not msg:
+ break
+ else:
+ # our last message index was invalid, we probably switched from holiday chatter
+ # to regular chatter or vice versa
+ # very small chance we repeat, but it's better than crashing
+ msg = self.pickMsg(category)
+ else:
+ msg = self.pickMsg(category)
+ if msg == None:
+ self.notify.debug("I do not want to talk")
+ return Task.done
+ self.character.sendUpdate("setChat", [category, msg, target])
+ self.lastMessage = [category, msg] # category, message index
+ self.nextChatTime = now + 8.0 + (random.random() * 4.0)
+ return Task.cont
+ def leave(self):
+ """
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Function: called when the character decides to leave and has
+ // more important things to do than being friendly
+ // Parameters: none
+ // Changes:
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ """
+ # if we talk, say goodbye.
+ if self.chatter != None:
+ category = CCharChatter.GOODBYE
+ msg = random.randint(0,
+ len(self.chatter[CCharChatter.GOODBYE])-1)
+ target = self.character.getNearbyAvatars()[0]
+ self.character.sendUpdate("setChat", [category, msg, target])
+ # set up a doLater to make character walk away
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater( 1, self.doneHandler,
+ self.character.taskName("waitToFinish") )
+ def exit(self):
+ """
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Function: leave the chatty state, clean up dangling tasks
+ // Parameters: none
+ // Changes:
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ """
+ StateData.StateData.exit(self)
+ taskMgr.remove(self.__chatTaskName)
+ def doneHandler(self, task):
+ """
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Function: done being lonely, send a message to notify the
+ // character and it will decide which state to go to
+ // next
+ // Parameters: task, the task that called this function
+ // Changes: none
+ // Returns: task done status
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ """
+ doneStatus = {}
+ doneStatus['state'] = 'chatty'
+ doneStatus['status'] = 'done'
+ messenger.send(self.__doneEvent, [doneStatus])
+ return Task.done
+class CharWalkStateAI(StateData.StateData):
+ """
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // CharWalkStateAI: available to a character that is able to
+ // walk around a predetermined set of waypoints
+ //
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ """
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("CharWalkStateAI")
+ def __init__(self, doneEvent, character, diffPath = None):
+ StateData.StateData.__init__(self, doneEvent)
+ self.__doneEvent = doneEvent
+ self.character = character
+ if diffPath == None:
+ self.paths = CCharPaths.getPaths(character.getName(),
+ character.getCCLocation())
+ else:
+ self.paths = CCharPaths.getPaths(diffPath, character.getCCLocation())
+ self.speed = character.walkSpeed()
+ # this is the last node that the character was at
+ self.__lastWalkNode = CCharPaths.startNode
+ self.__curWalkNode = CCharPaths.startNode
+ def enter(self):
+ """
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Function: called when the character enters the walk state
+ // create a doLater to wait a specific amount of time
+ // while character gets to the destination on all client
+ // machines.
+ // Parameters: none
+ // Changes:
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ """
+ # choose a destination
+ # choose a new destination node, different from last
+ destNode = self.__lastWalkNode
+ choices = CCharPaths.getAdjacentNodes(self.__curWalkNode, self.paths)
+ if len(choices) == 1:
+ destNode = choices[0]
+ else:
+ while destNode == self.__lastWalkNode:
+ destNode = random.choice(
+ CCharPaths.getAdjacentNodes(self.__curWalkNode, self.paths))
+ self.notify.debug("Walking " +
+ self.character.getName() +
+ "... from " + \
+ str(self.__curWalkNode) + "(" +
+ str(CCharPaths.getNodePos(self.__curWalkNode,
+ self.paths))
+ + ") to " + \
+ str(destNode) + "(" +
+ str(CCharPaths.getNodePos(destNode,self.paths)) +
+ ")")
+ # broadcast the walk
+ self.character.sendUpdate("setWalk", [self.__curWalkNode, destNode, globalClockDelta.getRealNetworkTime()])
+ # set up a doLater to fire when character is done walking
+ duration = CCharPaths.getWalkDuration(self.__curWalkNode,
+ destNode,
+ self.speed,
+ self.paths)
+ t = taskMgr.doMethodLater(
+ duration,
+ self.doneHandler,
+ self.character.taskName(self.character.getName() +
+ "DoneWalking") )
+ t.newWalkNode = destNode
+ # keep track of the destination since dale needs to know about
+ self.destNode = destNode
+ def exit(self):
+ """
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Function: leave the walk state, clean up dangling tasks
+ // Parameters: none
+ // Changes:
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ """
+ StateData.StateData.exit(self)
+ taskMgr.remove(self.character.taskName( self.character.getName() +
+ "DoneWalking"))
+ def getDestNode(self):
+ """Return the destination node he's walking to."""
+ # if the node hasn't been created, retunr the first node
+ if hasattr(self,"destNode") and self.destNode:
+ return self.destNode
+ else:
+ return self.__curWalkNode
+ def setCurNode(self, curWalkNode):
+ self.__curWalkNode = curWalkNode
+ def doneHandler(self, task):
+ """
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Function: done walking, send a message to notify the
+ // character and it will decide which state to go to
+ // next
+ // Parameters: task, the task that called this function
+ // Changes: none
+ // Returns: task done status
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ """
+ # this is called after the walk duration expires
+ # transition back to lonely or chatty, depending
+ # on the number of nearby avatars
+ # set the new walk node position
+ self.__lastWalkNode = self.__curWalkNode
+ self.__curWalkNode = task.newWalkNode
+ # Send an update that indicates the character is definitely at
+ # its node now.
+ self.character.sendUpdate("setWalk", [self.__curWalkNode, self.__curWalkNode, globalClockDelta.getRealNetworkTime()])
+ doneStatus = {}
+ doneStatus['state'] = 'walk'
+ doneStatus['status'] = 'done'
+ messenger.send(self.__doneEvent, [doneStatus])
+ return Task.done
+class CharFollowChipStateAI(StateData.StateData):
+ """
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // CharWalkStateAI: available to a character that is able to
+ // buzz around around another classic char
+ //
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ """
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("CharFollowChipStateAI")
+ def __init__(self, doneEvent, character, followedChar):
+ StateData.StateData.__init__(self, doneEvent)
+ self.__doneEvent = doneEvent
+ self.character = character
+ self.followedChar = followedChar
+ self.paths = CCharPaths.getPaths( character.getName(),
+ character.getCCLocation() )
+ self.speed = character.walkSpeed()
+ # this is the last node that the character was at
+ self.__lastWalkNode = CCharPaths.startNode
+ self.__curWalkNode = CCharPaths.startNode
+ def enter(self, chipDestNode):
+ """
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Function: called when the character enters the walk state
+ // create a doLater to wait a specific amount of time
+ // while character gets to the destination on all client
+ // machines.
+ // Parameters: none
+ // Changes:
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ """
+ # choose a destination
+ # choose a new destination node, different from last
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ destNode = self.__lastWalkNode
+ choices = CCharPaths.getAdjacentNodes(self.__curWalkNode, self.paths)
+ if len(choices) == 1:
+ destNode = choices[0]
+ else:
+ while destNode == self.__lastWalkNode:
+ destNode = random.choice(
+ CCharPaths.getAdjacentNodes(self.__curWalkNode, self.paths))
+ destNode = chipDestNode
+ self.notify.debug("Walking " +
+ self.character.getName() +
+ "... from " + \
+ str(self.__curWalkNode) + "(" +
+ str(CCharPaths.getNodePos(self.__curWalkNode,
+ self.paths))
+ + ") to " + \
+ str(destNode) + "(" +
+ str(CCharPaths.getNodePos(destNode,self.paths)) +
+ ")")
+ # calculate an offset
+ self.offsetDistance = ToontownGlobals.DaleOrbitDistance
+ angle = random.randint(0,359)
+ self.offsetX = math.cos(deg2Rad(angle))* self.offsetDistance
+ self.offsetY = math.sin(deg2Rad(angle))* self.offsetDistance
+ # broadcast the walk
+ self.character.sendUpdate("setFollowChip", [self.__curWalkNode, destNode, globalClockDelta.getRealNetworkTime(), self.offsetX, self.offsetY])
+ # set up a doLater to fire when character is done walking
+ duration = CCharPaths.getWalkDuration(self.__curWalkNode,
+ destNode,
+ self.speed,
+ self.paths)
+ t = taskMgr.doMethodLater(
+ duration,
+ self.__doneHandler,
+ self.character.taskName(self.character.getName() +
+ "DoneWalking") )
+ t.newWalkNode = destNode
+ def exit(self):
+ """
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Function: leave the walk state, clean up dangling tasks
+ // Parameters: none
+ // Changes:
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ """
+ StateData.StateData.exit(self)
+ taskMgr.remove(self.character.taskName( self.character.getName() +
+ "DoneWalking"))
+ def __doneHandler(self, task):
+ """
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Function: done walking, send a message to notify the
+ // character and it will decide which state to go to
+ // next
+ // Parameters: task, the task that called this function
+ // Changes: none
+ // Returns: task done status
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ """
+ # this is called after the walk duration expires
+ # transition back to lonely or chatty, depending
+ # on the number of nearby avatars
+ # set the new walk node position
+ self.__lastWalkNode = self.__curWalkNode
+ self.__curWalkNode = task.newWalkNode
+ # Send an update that indicates the character is definitely at
+ # its node now.
+ self.character.sendUpdate("setFollowChip", [self.__curWalkNode, self.__curWalkNode, globalClockDelta.getRealNetworkTime(), self.offsetX, self.offsetY])
+ doneStatus = {}
+ doneStatus['state'] = 'walk'
+ doneStatus['status'] = 'done'
+ messenger.send(self.__doneEvent, [doneStatus])
+ return Task.done
+class ChipChattyStateAI(CharChattyStateAI):
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("ChipChattyStateAI")
+ def setDaleId(self, daleId):
+ """Set the dale id, so chip knows aout him."""
+ self.daleId = daleId
+ self.dale = simbase.air.doId2do.get(self.daleId)
+ def blather(self, task):
+ """
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Function: say something if it is time to
+ // Parameters: task, task which calls this function repeatedly
+ // Changes:
+ // Returns: task status
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ """
+ now = globalClock.getFrameTime()
+ if now < self.nextChatTime:
+ return Task.cont
+ self.getLatestChatter()
+ if self.character.lostInterest():
+ # character is bored.
+ self.leave()
+ return Task.done
+ if not self.chatter:
+ self.notify.debug("I do not want to talk")
+ return Task.done
+ if not self.character.getNearbyAvatars():
+ return Task.cont
+ target = self.character.getNearbyAvatars()[0]
+ # say something profound
+ if self.lastChatTarget != target:
+ self.lastChatTarget = target
+ category = CCharChatter.GREETING
+ else:
+ category = CCharChatter.COMMENT
+ # if the category is the same as the last message,
+ # and there's more than one message, pick a different
+ # message
+ if (
+ category == self.lastMessage[0] and
+ len(self.chatter[category]) > 1
+ ):
+ # make sure character doesn't say the same thing twice
+ msg = self.lastMessage[1]
+ #while (msg == self.lastMessage[1]):
+ # look at actual msg - not index
+ lastMsgIndex = self.lastMessage[1]
+ if (lastMsgIndex < len(self.chatter[category])) and (lastMsgIndex >= 0) :
+ while (self.chatter[category][msg] == self.chatter[category][lastMsgIndex]):
+ msg = self.pickMsg(category)
+ if not msg:
+ break
+ else:
+ msg = self.pickMsg(category)
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ else:
+ msg = self.pickMsg(category)
+ if msg == None:
+ self.notify.debug("I do not want to talk")
+ return Task.done
+ self.character.sendUpdate("setChat", [category, msg, target])
+ # inform dale what we're saying
+ if hasattr(self, 'dale') and self.dale:
+ self.dale.sendUpdate("setChat", [category, msg, target])
+ self.lastMessage = [category, msg] # category, message index
+ self.nextChatTime = now + 8.0 + (random.random() * 4.0)
+ return Task.cont
+ def leave(self):
+ """
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Function: called when the character decides to leave and has
+ // more important things to do than being friendly
+ // Parameters: none
+ // Changes:
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ """
+ # if we talk, say goodbye.
+ if self.chatter != None:
+ category = CCharChatter.GOODBYE
+ msg = random.randint(0,
+ len(self.chatter[CCharChatter.GOODBYE])-1)
+ target = self.character.getNearbyAvatars()[0]
+ self.character.sendUpdate("setChat", [category, msg, target])
+ if hasattr(self,'dale') and self.dale:
+ self.dale.sendUpdate("setChat", [category, msg, target])
+ # set up a doLater to make character walk away
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater( 1, self.doneHandler,
+ self.character.taskName("waitToFinish") )
+# history
+# 01Oct01 jlbutler created.
diff --git a/toontown/src/classicchars/ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba759bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
@@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
+"""DistributedCCharBase module: contains the DistributedCCharBase class"""
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
+from otp.avatar import Avatar
+from libotp import CFQuicktalker
+from toontown.char import CharDNA
+from toontown.char import DistributedChar
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM
+from direct.fsm import State
+from direct.controls.ControlManager import CollisionHandlerRayStart
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from toontown.toonbase.TTLocalizer import Donald, DonaldDock, WesternPluto, Pluto
+from toontown.effects import DustCloud
+import CCharChatter
+import CCharPaths
+import string
+import copy
+class DistributedCCharBase(DistributedChar.DistributedChar):
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("DistributedCCharBase")
+ def __init__(self, cr, name, dnaName):
+ try:
+ self.DistributedCCharBase_initialized
+ return
+ except:
+ self.DistributedCCharBase_initialized = 1
+ DistributedChar.DistributedChar.__init__(self, cr)
+ dna = CharDNA.CharDNA()
+ dna.newChar(dnaName)
+ self.setDNA(dna)
+ self.setName(name)
+ self.setTransparency(TransparencyAttrib.MDual, 1)
+ fadeIn = self.colorScaleInterval( 0.5, Vec4(1, 1, 1, 1),
+ startColorScale = Vec4(1, 1, 1, 0),
+ blendType = 'easeInOut')
+ fadeIn.start()
+ # Where is the character walking?
+ self.diffPath = None
+ self.transitionToCostume = 0
+ self.__initCollisions()
+ def __initCollisions(self):
+ self.cSphere = CollisionSphere(0., 0., 0., 8.)
+ self.cSphere.setTangible(0)
+ self.cSphereNode = CollisionNode(self.getName() + 'BlatherSphere')
+ self.cSphereNode.addSolid(self.cSphere)
+ self.cSphereNodePath = self.attachNewNode(self.cSphereNode)
+ self.cSphereNodePath.hide()
+ self.cSphereNode.setCollideMask(ToontownGlobals.WallBitmask)
+ self.acceptOnce("enter" + self.cSphereNode.getName(),
+ self.__handleCollisionSphereEnter)
+ # Set up the collison ray
+ # This is a ray cast from your head down to detect floor polygons
+ # and is only turned on during specific parts of the character's path
+ self.cRay = CollisionRay(0.0, 0.0, CollisionHandlerRayStart, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0)
+ self.cRayNode = CollisionNode(self.getName() + "cRay")
+ self.cRayNode.addSolid(self.cRay)
+ self.cRayNodePath = self.attachNewNode(self.cRayNode)
+ self.cRayNodePath.hide()
+ self.cRayBitMask = ToontownGlobals.FloorBitmask
+ self.cRayNode.setFromCollideMask(self.cRayBitMask)
+ self.cRayNode.setIntoCollideMask(BitMask32.allOff())
+ # set up floor collision mechanism
+ self.lifter = CollisionHandlerFloor()
+ self.lifter.setOffset(ToontownGlobals.FloorOffset)
+ # NOTE: a height of 10 is high, but seems to allow Minnie to walk
+ # through the horns in Melodyland without weird floor collision things
+ # happening, this can cause problems if a character tries to walk
+ # under an opening that has a floor within 10ft above.
+ self.lifter.setReach(10.0)
+ # Limit our rate-of-fall with the lifter.
+ # 0 means we don't want to limit the velocity, this seems
+ # to help when the ray is conflicting with a pos lerp which, for
+ # example, moves this character down a ramp in DaisyGardens.
+ self.lifter.setMaxVelocity(0.0)
+ self.lifter.addCollider(self.cRayNodePath, self)
+ # now use the local toon's collision traverser to handle
+ # updating collision info
+ #
+ self.cTrav = base.localAvatar.cTrav
+ def __deleteCollisions(self):
+ del self.cSphere
+ del self.cSphereNode
+ self.cSphereNodePath.removeNode()
+ del self.cSphereNodePath
+ # floor collision stuff
+ #
+ self.cRay = None
+ self.cRayNode = None
+ self.cRayNodePath = None
+ self.lifter = None
+ self.cTrav = None
+ def disable(self):
+ """
+ This method is called when the DistributedObject is removed from
+ active duty and stored in a cache.
+ """
+ self.stopBlink()
+ self.ignoreAll()
+ self.chatTrack.finish()
+ del self.chatTrack
+ if self.chatterDialogue:
+ self.chatterDialogue.stop()
+ del self.chatterDialogue
+ DistributedChar.DistributedChar.disable(self)
+ self.stopEarTask()
+ def delete(self):
+ """
+ This method is called when the DistributedObject is permanently
+ removed from the world and deleted from the cache.
+ """
+ try:
+ self.DistributedCCharBase_deleted
+ except:
+ self.setParent(NodePath("Temp"))
+ self.DistributedCCharBase_deleted = 1
+ self.__deleteCollisions()
+ DistributedChar.DistributedChar.delete(self)
+ def generate(self, diffPath = None):
+ """
+ This method is called when the DistributedObject is reintroduced
+ to the world, either for the first time or from the cache.
+ """
+ DistributedChar.DistributedChar.generate(self)
+ if diffPath==None:
+ self.setPos(CCharPaths.getNodePos(
+ CCharPaths.startNode,
+ CCharPaths.getPaths(self.getName(), self.getCCLocation())))
+ else:
+ self.setPos(CCharPaths.getNodePos(
+ CCharPaths.startNode,
+ CCharPaths.getPaths(diffPath, self.getCCLocation())))
+ self.setHpr(0,0,0)
+ # The characters can be immediately parented to render.
+ self.setParent(ToontownGlobals.SPRender)
+ # hmm. does this character ever blink?
+ self.startBlink()
+ self.startEarTask()
+ # the character's chat track
+ self.chatTrack = Sequence()
+ # Currently playing dialog
+ self.chatterDialogue = None
+ # listen for the collision sphere enter event
+ self.acceptOnce("enter" + self.cSphereNode.getName(),
+ self.__handleCollisionSphereEnter)
+ # listen for safe zone exit event
+ self.accept("exitSafeZone", self.__handleExitSafeZone)
+ def __handleExitSafeZone(self):
+ # local avatar is leaving the safe zone
+ # tell the server that the local toon is leaving,
+ # regardless of whether or not the toon was close
+ # to this character
+ self.__handleCollisionSphereExit(None)
+ # collision sphere
+ def __handleCollisionSphereEnter(self, collEntry):
+ self.notify.debug("Entering collision sphere...")
+ # tell the server that the local toon has come
+ # within blathering range
+ self.sendUpdate("avatarEnter", [])
+ # listen for chat events
+ self.accept('chatUpdate', self.__handleChatUpdate)
+ self.accept('chatUpdateSC', self.__handleChatUpdateSC)
+ self.accept('chatUpdateSCCustom', self.__handleChatUpdateSCCustom)
+ self.accept('chatUpdateSCToontask', self.__handleChatUpdateSCToontask)
+ # put nametag in the transparent layer so toon nametags can render on top of it.
+ self.nametag3d.setBin('transparent',100)
+ # listen for the exit event
+ self.acceptOnce("exit" + self.cSphereNode.getName(),
+ self.__handleCollisionSphereExit)
+ def __handleCollisionSphereExit(self, collEntry):
+ self.notify.debug("Exiting collision sphere...")
+ # tell the server that the local toon has left
+ # blathering range
+ self.sendUpdate("avatarExit", [])
+ # stop listening for chat events
+ self.ignore('chatUpdate')
+ self.ignore('chatUpdateSC')
+ self.ignore('chatUpdateSCCustom')
+ self.ignore('chatUpdateSCToontask')
+ # listen for the enter event
+ self.acceptOnce("enter" + self.cSphereNode.getName(),
+ self.__handleCollisionSphereEnter)
+ # someday, classic characters might respond in some way to
+ # *what* you're saying.
+ def __handleChatUpdate(self, msg, chatFlags):
+ self.sendUpdate("setNearbyAvatarChat", [msg])
+ def __handleChatUpdateSC(self, msgIndex):
+ self.sendUpdate('setNearbyAvatarSC', [msgIndex])
+ def __handleChatUpdateSCCustom(self, msgIndex):
+ self.sendUpdate('setNearbyAvatarSCCustom', [msgIndex])
+ def __handleChatUpdateSCToontask(self,
+ taskId, toNpcId, toonProgress, msgIndex):
+ self.sendUpdate('setNearbyAvatarSCToontask',
+ [taskId, toNpcId, toonProgress, msgIndex])
+ # network messages from the server
+ def makeTurnToHeadingTrack(self, heading):
+ curHpr = self.getHpr()
+ destHpr = self.getHpr()
+ destHpr.setX(heading)
+ # make sure the dest heading is not more than 180
+ # degrees from the cur heading
+ if ((destHpr[0] - curHpr[0]) > 180.):
+ destHpr.setX(destHpr[0] - 360)
+ elif ((destHpr[0] - curHpr[0]) < -180.):
+ destHpr.setX(destHpr[0] + 360)
+ # figure out how long it should take for the character to turn
+ turnSpeed = 180. # degrees/sec
+ time = abs(destHpr[0] - curHpr[0])/turnSpeed
+ # create a track
+ turnTracks = Parallel()
+ # don't animate if we don't need to turn much (or at all)
+ if time > 0.2:
+ turnTracks.append(
+ Sequence(Func(self.loop, 'walk'),
+ Wait(time),
+ Func(self.loop, 'neutral'))
+ )
+ turnTracks.append(
+ LerpHprInterval(self, time, destHpr,
+ name="lerp" + self.getName() + "Hpr")
+ )
+ return turnTracks
+ def setChat(self, category, msg, avId):
+ if
+ avatar =[avId]
+ chatter = CCharChatter.getChatter(self.getName(), self.getCCChatter())
+ if category >= len(chatter):
+ self.notify.debug("Chatter's changed")
+ return
+ elif len(chatter[category]) <= msg:
+ self.notify.debug("Chatter's changed")
+ return
+ str = chatter[category][msg]
+ if '%' in str:
+ # make our own copy of the message
+ str = copy.deepcopy(str)
+ # get the avatar's name
+ avName = avatar.getName()
+ # slap it in
+ str = string.replace(str, '%', avName)
+ track = Sequence()
+ # Character doesn't bother to turn to you when saying goodbye
+ if category != CCharChatter.GOODBYE:
+ # turn to face the avatar
+ # calculate the destination hpr
+ curHpr = self.getHpr()
+ self.headsUp(avatar)
+ destHpr = self.getHpr()
+ self.setHpr(curHpr)
+ track.append(self.makeTurnToHeadingTrack(destHpr[0]))
+ #Change the animation for vampire mickey
+ #if self =="vampire_mickey"):
+ # self.loop('chat')
+ # chat flags are different for DL Donald
+ if self.getName() == Donald or self.getName() == WesternPluto or self.getName() == Pluto:
+ chatFlags = CFThought | CFTimeout
+ # Make Pluto talk during April Toons' Week.
+ if hasattr(, "newsManager") and
+ holidayIds =
+ if ToontownGlobals.APRIL_FOOLS_COSTUMES in holidayIds:
+ if self.getName() == Pluto:
+ chatFlags = CFTimeout | CFSpeech
+ elif self.getName() == DonaldDock:
+ chatFlags = CFTimeout | CFSpeech
+ self.nametag3d.hide()
+ else:
+ chatFlags = CFTimeout | CFSpeech
+ # Figure out appropriate audio file here, which will get used
+ # in setChatAbsolute below
+ # getChatterDialogue defined in so that chatter can
+ # be loaded simultaneously with default char dialogue
+ self.chatterDialogue = self.getChatterDialogue(category, msg)
+ # make a track to say the message
+ track.append(
+ Func(self.setChatAbsolute, str, chatFlags, self.chatterDialogue)
+ )
+ self.chatTrack.finish()
+ self.chatTrack = track
+ self.chatTrack.start()
+ def setWalk(self, srcNode, destNode, timestamp):
+ # meant to be over-ridden by children that need walk notifications
+ pass
+ def walkSpeed(self):
+ return 0.1
+ def enableRaycast(self, enable=1):
+ """
+ enable/disable raycast, useful for when we know
+ when the char will change elevations
+ """
+ if (not self.cTrav
+ or not hasattr(self, "cRayNode")
+ or not self.cRayNode):
+ self.notify.debug("raycast info not found for " + self.getName())
+ return
+ self.cTrav.removeCollider(self.cRayNodePath)
+ if enable:
+ if self.notify.getDebug():
+ self.notify.debug("enabling raycast for " + self.getName())
+ self.cTrav.addCollider(self.cRayNodePath, self.lifter)
+ else:
+ if self.notify.getDebug():
+ self.notify.debug("disabling raycast for " + self.getName())
+ def getCCLocation(self):
+ return 0
+ def getCCChatter(self):
+ self.handleHolidays()
+ return self.CCChatter
+ def handleHolidays(self):
+ """
+ Handle Holiday specific behaviour
+ """
+ self.CCChatter = 0
+ if hasattr(, "newsManager") and
+ holidayIds =
+ if ToontownGlobals.CRASHED_LEADERBOARD in holidayIds:
+ self.CCChatter = ToontownGlobals.CRASHED_LEADERBOARD
+ elif ToontownGlobals.CIRCUIT_RACING_EVENT in holidayIds:
+ self.CCChatter = ToontownGlobals.CIRCUIT_RACING_EVENT
+ elif ToontownGlobals.WINTER_CAROLING in holidayIds:
+ self.CCChatter = ToontownGlobals.WINTER_CAROLING
+ elif ToontownGlobals.WINTER_DECORATIONS in holidayIds:
+ self.CCChatter = ToontownGlobals.WINTER_DECORATIONS
+ elif ToontownGlobals.VALENTINES_DAY in holidayIds:
+ self.CCChatter = ToontownGlobals.VALENTINES_DAY
+ elif ToontownGlobals.APRIL_FOOLS_COSTUMES in holidayIds:
+ self.CCChatter = ToontownGlobals.APRIL_FOOLS_COSTUMES
+ elif ToontownGlobals.SILLY_CHATTER_ONE in holidayIds:
+ self.CCChatter = ToontownGlobals.SILLY_CHATTER_ONE
+ elif ToontownGlobals.SILLY_CHATTER_TWO in holidayIds:
+ self.CCChatter = ToontownGlobals.SILLY_CHATTER_TWO
+ elif ToontownGlobals.SILLY_CHATTER_THREE in holidayIds:
+ self.CCChatter = ToontownGlobals.SILLY_CHATTER_THREE
+ elif ToontownGlobals.SILLY_CHATTER_FOUR in holidayIds:
+ self.CCChatter = ToontownGlobals.SILLY_CHATTER_FOUR
+ elif ToontownGlobals.SILLY_CHATTER_FIVE in holidayIds:
+ self.CCChatter = ToontownGlobals.SILLY_CHATTER_FOUR
+ def fadeAway(self):
+ fadeOut = self.colorScaleInterval( 0.5, Vec4(1, 1, 1, 0.5),
+ startColorScale = Vec4(1, 1, 1, 1),
+ blendType = 'easeInOut')
+ fadeOut.start()
+ self.loop("neutral")
+ if(self.fsm):
+ self.fsm.addState(State.State('TransitionToCostume',
+ self.enterTransitionToCostume,
+ self.exitTransitionToCostume,
+ ['Off']))
+ self.fsm.request("TransitionToCostume", force=1)
+ self.ignoreAll()
+ def enterTransitionToCostume(self):
+ def getDustCloudIval():
+ dustCloud = DustCloud.DustCloud(fBillboard=0,wantSound=1)
+ dustCloud.setBillboardAxis(2.)
+ dustCloud.setZ(4)
+ dustCloud.setScale(0.6)
+ dustCloud.createTrack()
+ return Sequence(
+ Func(dustCloud.reparentTo, self),
+ dustCloud.track,
+ Func(dustCloud.destroy),
+ name = 'dustCloadIval'
+ )
+ dust = getDustCloudIval()
+ dust.start()
+ def exitTransitionToCostume(self):
+ pass
diff --git a/toontown/src/classicchars/ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a54629
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+"""DistributedCCharBase module: contains the DistributedCCharBase class"""
+from import *
+from direct.distributed.ClockDelta import *
+from otp.avatar import DistributedAvatarAI
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+class DistributedCCharBaseAI(DistributedAvatarAI.DistributedAvatarAI):
+ """
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // DistributedCCharBase: base class for all classic characters
+ // such as Mickey and Minnie, who hang out
+ // in the safezones
+ //
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ """
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("DistributedCCharBaseAI")
+ def __init__(self, air, name):
+ DistributedAvatarAI.DistributedAvatarAI.__init__(self, air)
+ self.setName(name)
+ self.exitOff()
+ # We do not want to move into the transitionCostume state unless signalled to do so.
+ self.transitionToCostume = 0
+ self.diffPath = None
+ def delete(self):
+ self.ignoreAll()
+ DistributedAvatarAI.DistributedAvatarAI.delete(self)
+ def exitOff(self):
+ self.__initAttentionSpan()
+ self.__clearNearbyAvatars()
+ ## network messages
+ def avatarEnter(self):
+ avId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender()
+ # this avatar has come within blathering range
+ self.notify.debug("adding avatar " + str(avId) +
+ " to the nearby avatar list")
+ # check if he's already on the list
+ if avId not in self.nearbyAvatars:
+ # add new avatar to nearby list
+ self.nearbyAvatars.append(avId)
+ else:
+ # This should not happen
+ self.air.writeServerEvent('suspicious', avId, 'CCharBase.avatarEnter')
+ self.notify.warning("Avatar %s already in nearby avatars!"
+ % (avId))
+ # create an info dict for the avatar
+ self.nearbyAvatarInfoDict[avId] = {}
+ self.nearbyAvatarInfoDict[avId]['enterTime'] = globalClock.getRealTime()
+ self.nearbyAvatarInfoDict[avId]['lastChatTime'] = 0
+ # re-sort the list
+ self.sortNearbyAvatars()
+ self.__interestingAvatarEventOccured()
+ # Hang a hook to handle this avatar exiting
+ avExitEvent = self.air.getAvatarExitEvent(avId)
+ self.acceptOnce(avExitEvent, self.__handleExitedAvatar, [avId])
+ self.avatarEnterNextState()
+ def avatarExit(self):
+ avId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender()
+ self.__doAvatarExit(avId)
+ def __doAvatarExit(self, avId):
+ avId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender()
+ # this avatar has made his escape
+ self.notify.debug("removing avatar " + str(avId) +
+ " from the nearby avatar list")
+ # is the avatar on the list...?
+ if not avId in self.nearbyAvatars:
+ # this is OK, mickeys always send an exit
+ # for their local toon on destruction
+ self.notify.debug("avatar " + str(avId) +
+ " not in the nearby avatar list")
+ else:
+ # get rid of the exit handler
+ avExitEvent = self.air.getAvatarExitEvent(avId)
+ self.ignore(avExitEvent)
+ del self.nearbyAvatarInfoDict[avId]
+ self.nearbyAvatars.remove(avId)
+ self.avatarExitNextState()
+ def avatarEnterNextState():
+ # meant to be over-ridden by a child class that has a state machine
+ pass
+ def avatarExitNextState():
+ # meant to be over-ridden by a child class that has a state machine
+ pass
+ def __clearNearbyAvatars(self):
+ self.nearbyAvatars = []
+ self.nearbyAvatarInfoDict = {}
+ def sortNearbyAvatars(self):
+ def nAv_compare(a, b, nAvIDict = self.nearbyAvatarInfoDict):
+ # if a has been around longer than b,
+ # a is 'greater' than b
+ # for integers, result would be (a-b)
+ # so if a < b, we return <0
+ # for timestamps, if ts1 < ts2, ts1 is older
+ # and therefore 'greater', so result is ts2 - ts1
+ tsA = nAvIDict[a]['enterTime']
+ tsB = nAvIDict[b]['enterTime']
+ if tsA == tsB:
+ return 0
+ elif tsA < tsB:
+ return -1
+ else:
+ return 1
+ self.nearbyAvatars.sort(nAv_compare)
+ def getNearbyAvatars(self):
+ return self.nearbyAvatars
+ def __avatarSpoke(self, avId):
+ """
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Function: called when the character detects that an avatar near
+ // it has spoken, this allows the character to respond
+ // Parameters: avId, the avatar that spoke
+ // Changes:
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ """
+ now = globalClock.getRealTime()
+ if self.nearbyAvatarInfoDict.has_key(avId):
+ self.nearbyAvatarInfoDict[avId]['lastChatTime'] = now
+ self.__interestingAvatarEventOccured()
+ # Mickey attention span simulator
+ def __initAttentionSpan(self):
+ """
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Function: initialize the attention span simulator properly
+ // Parameters:
+ // Changes:
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ """
+ self.__avatarTimeoutBase = 0
+ def __interestingAvatarEventOccured(self, t=None):
+ """
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Function: this should be called when we want the character
+ // to respond to something the avatar has done such
+ // as walked up next to the character or spoken while
+ // near the character
+ // Parameters: t, time at which this event occured
+ // Changes: self.__avatarTimeoutBase
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ """
+ if t == None:
+ t = globalClock.getRealTime()
+ self.__avatarTimeoutBase = t
+ def lostInterest(self):
+ """
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Function: check to see if this character has lost interest
+ // in whatever it is currently doing
+ // Parameters: none
+ // Changes:
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ """
+ now = globalClock.getRealTime()
+ if now > (self.__avatarTimeoutBase + 50.):
+ return 1
+ return 0
+ def __handleExitedAvatar(self, avId):
+ # avatar went away
+ self.__doAvatarExit(avId)
+ def setNearbyAvatarChat(self, msg):
+ avId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender()
+ self.notify.debug("setNearbyAvatarChat: avatar "
+ + str(avId) + " said " + str(msg))
+ self.__avatarSpoke(avId)
+ def setNearbyAvatarSC(self, msgIndex):
+ avId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender()
+ self.notify.debug(
+ "setNearbyAvatarSC: avatar %s said SpeedChat phrase %s" %
+ (avId, msgIndex))
+ self.__avatarSpoke(avId)
+ def setNearbyAvatarSCCustom(self, msgIndex):
+ avId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender()
+ self.notify.debug(
+ "setNearbyAvatarSCCustom: avatar %s said custom "
+ "SpeedChat phrase %s" % (avId, msgIndex))
+ self.__avatarSpoke(avId)
+ def setNearbyAvatarSCToontask(self,
+ taskId, toNpcId, toonProgress, msgIndex):
+ avId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender()
+ self.notify.debug(
+ "setNearbyAvatarSCToontask: avatar %s said %s" %
+ (avId, (taskId, toNpcId, toonProgress, msgIndex)))
+ self.__avatarSpoke(avId)
+ def getWalk(self):
+ # This is called when the char is created on the AI to return
+ # the initial walk source and destination points. It doesn't
+ # return anything meaningful, but the empty string is the code
+ # to a client to hang out and wait for a subsequent message.
+ return ('', '', 0)
+ def walkSpeed(self):
+ return 0.1
+ def handleHolidays(self):
+ self.CCChatter = 0
+ if hasattr(simbase.air, "holidayManager"):
+ if ToontownGlobals.CRASHED_LEADERBOARD in simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays:
+ self.CCChatter = ToontownGlobals.CRASHED_LEADERBOARD
+ elif ToontownGlobals.CIRCUIT_RACING_EVENT in simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays:
+ self.CCChatter = ToontownGlobals.CIRCUIT_RACING_EVENT
+ elif ToontownGlobals.WINTER_CAROLING in simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays:
+ self.CCChatter = ToontownGlobals.WINTER_CAROLING
+ elif ToontownGlobals.WINTER_DECORATIONS in simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays:
+ self.CCChatter = ToontownGlobals.WINTER_DECORATIONS
+ elif ToontownGlobals.VALENTINES_DAY in simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays:
+ self.CCChatter = ToontownGlobals.VALENTINES_DAY
+ elif ToontownGlobals.APRIL_FOOLS_COSTUMES in simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays:
+ self.CCChatter = ToontownGlobals.APRIL_FOOLS_COSTUMES
+ elif ToontownGlobals.SILLY_CHATTER_ONE in simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays:
+ self.CCChatter = ToontownGlobals.SILLY_CHATTER_ONE
+ elif ToontownGlobals.SILLY_CHATTER_TWO in simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays:
+ self.CCChatter = ToontownGlobals.SILLY_CHATTER_TWO
+ elif ToontownGlobals.SILLY_CHATTER_THREE in simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays:
+ self.CCChatter = ToontownGlobals.SILLY_CHATTER_THREE
+ elif ToontownGlobals.SILLY_CHATTER_FOUR in simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays:
+ self.CCChatter = ToontownGlobals.SILLY_CHATTER_FOUR
+ elif ToontownGlobals.SILLY_CHATTER_FIVE in simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays:
+ self.CCChatter = ToontownGlobals.SILLY_CHATTER_FOUR
+ def getCCLocation(self):
+ # This function is used to differentiate between the same classic
+ # char in different locations. Sub class should override this
+ # function to return a location number other than zero.
+ return 0
+ def getCCChatter(self):
+ self.handleHolidays()
+ return self.CCChatter
+ #################################################################
+ # This function is used to call it's counterpart on the client
+ # end to fade the character away
+ #################################################################
+ def fadeAway(self):
+ self.sendUpdate("fadeAway", [])
+ ############################################################
+ # In order to transition to the next costume, precedence
+ # must be given to transitionCostume during
+ # __decideNextState function
+ ############################################################
+ def transitionCostume(self):
+ self.transitionToCostume = 1
diff --git a/toontown/src/classicchars/ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ed77bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+"""DistributedDaisy module: contains the DistributedDaisy class"""
+from direct.showbase.ShowBaseGlobal import *
+import DistributedCCharBase
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM
+from direct.fsm import State
+import CharStateDatas
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+class DistributedChip(DistributedCCharBase.DistributedCCharBase):
+ """DistributedChip class"""
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("DistributedChip")
+ def __init__(self, cr):
+ try:
+ self.DistributedChip_initialized
+ except:
+ self.DistributedChip_initialized = 1
+ DistributedCCharBase.DistributedCCharBase.__init__(self, cr,
+ TTLocalizer.Chip,
+ 'ch')
+ self.fsm = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM(self.getName(),
+ [State.State('Off',
+ self.enterOff,
+ self.exitOff,
+ ['Neutral']),
+ State.State('Neutral',
+ self.enterNeutral,
+ self.exitNeutral,
+ ['Walk']),
+ State.State('Walk',
+ self.enterWalk,
+ self.exitWalk,
+ ['Neutral']),
+ ],
+ # Initial State
+ 'Off',
+ # Final State
+ 'Off',
+ )
+ self.fsm.enterInitialState()
+ self.handleHolidays()
+ def disable(self):
+ self.fsm.requestFinalState()
+ DistributedCCharBase.DistributedCCharBase.disable(self)
+ del self.neutralDoneEvent
+ del self.neutral
+ del self.walkDoneEvent
+ del self.walk
+ self.fsm.requestFinalState()
+ def delete(self):
+ """
+ remove Chip and state data information
+ """
+ try:
+ self.DistributedChip_deleted
+ except:
+ del self.fsm
+ self.DistributedChip_deleted = 1
+ DistributedCCharBase.DistributedCCharBase.delete(self)
+ def generate( self ):
+ """
+ create Chip and state data information
+ """
+ DistributedCCharBase.DistributedCCharBase.generate(self)
+ name = self.getName()
+ self.neutralDoneEvent = self.taskName(name + '-neutral-done')
+ self.neutral = CharStateDatas.CharNeutralState(
+ self.neutralDoneEvent, self)
+ self.walkDoneEvent = self.taskName(name + '-walk-done')
+ self.walk = CharStateDatas.CharWalkState(
+ self.walkDoneEvent, self)
+ self.fsm.request('Neutral')
+ ### Off state ###
+ def enterOff(self):
+ pass
+ def exitOff(self):
+ pass
+ ### Neutral state ###
+ def enterNeutral(self):
+ self.neutral.enter()
+ self.acceptOnce(self.neutralDoneEvent, self.__decideNextState)
+ def exitNeutral(self):
+ self.ignore(self.neutralDoneEvent)
+ self.neutral.exit()
+ ### Walk state ###
+ def enterWalk(self):
+ self.walk.enter()
+ self.acceptOnce(self.walkDoneEvent, self.__decideNextState)
+ def exitWalk(self):
+ self.ignore(self.walkDoneEvent)
+ self.walk.exit()
+ def __decideNextState(self, doneStatus):
+ self.fsm.request('Neutral')
+ def setWalk(self, srcNode, destNode, timestamp):
+ """
+ srcNode, were to walk from
+ destNode, where to walk to
+ timestamp, when server started walk
+ message sent from the server to say that this
+ character should now go into walk state
+ """
+ if destNode and (not destNode == srcNode):
+ self.walk.setWalk(srcNode, destNode, timestamp)
+ # request to enter walk if we have a state machine
+ self.fsm.request('Walk')
+ def walkSpeed(self):
+ return ToontownGlobals.ChipSpeed
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99364db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+"""DistributedDaisyAI module: contains the DistributedDaisyAI class"""
+from import *
+import DistributedCCharBaseAI
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM
+from direct.fsm import State
+from direct.task import Task
+import random
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+import CharStateDatasAI
+class DistributedChipAI(DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI):
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("DistributedChipAI")
+ def __init__(self, air):
+ DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI.__init__(self, air, TTLocalizer.Chip)
+ self.fsm = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM('DistributedChipAI',
+ [State.State('Off',
+ self.enterOff,
+ self.exitOff,
+ ['Lonely']),
+ State.State('Lonely',
+ self.enterLonely,
+ self.exitLonely,
+ ['Chatty', 'Walk']),
+ State.State('Chatty',
+ self.enterChatty,
+ self.exitChatty,
+ ['Lonely', 'Walk']),
+ State.State('Walk',
+ self.enterWalk,
+ self.exitWalk,
+ ['Lonely', 'Chatty']),
+ ],
+ # Initial State
+ 'Off',
+ # Final State
+ 'Off',
+ )
+ self.fsm.enterInitialState()
+ self.dale = None
+ self.handleHolidays()
+ def delete(self):
+ self.fsm.requestFinalState()
+ DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI.delete(self)
+ self.lonelyDoneEvent = None
+ self.lonely = None
+ self.chattyDoneEvent = None
+ self.chatty = None
+ self.walkDoneEvent = None
+ self.walk = None
+ def generate( self ):
+ # all state data's that Chip will need
+ #
+ DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI.generate(self)
+ name = self.getName()
+ self.lonelyDoneEvent = self.taskName(name + '-lonely-done')
+ self.lonely = CharStateDatasAI.CharLonelyStateAI(
+ self.lonelyDoneEvent, self)
+ self.chattyDoneEvent = self.taskName(name + '-chatty-done')
+ self.chatty = CharStateDatasAI.ChipChattyStateAI(
+ self.chattyDoneEvent, self)
+ self.walkDoneEvent = self.taskName(name + '-walk-done')
+ self.walk = CharStateDatasAI.CharWalkStateAI(
+ self.walkDoneEvent, self)
+ def walkSpeed(self):
+ return ToontownGlobals.ChipSpeed
+ # this function kicks off Chip
+ def start(self):
+ # poor lonely Chip
+ self.fsm.request('Lonely')
+ def __decideNextState(self, doneStatus):
+ """
+ doneStatus, info about the finished state
+ called when the current state Chip is in
+ decides that it is finished and a new state should
+ be transitioned into
+ """
+ assert(doneStatus.has_key('status'))
+ if doneStatus['state'] == 'lonely' and \
+ doneStatus['status'] == 'done':
+ self.fsm.request('Walk')
+ elif doneStatus['state'] == 'chatty' and \
+ doneStatus['status'] == 'done':
+ self.fsm.request('Walk')
+ elif doneStatus['state'] == 'walk' and \
+ doneStatus['status'] == 'done':
+ if len(self.nearbyAvatars) > 0:
+ self.fsm.request('Chatty')
+ else:
+ self.fsm.request('Lonely')
+ else:
+ assert 0, "Unknown status for Chip"
+ ### Off state ###
+ def enterOff(self):
+ pass
+ def exitOff(self):
+ DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI.exitOff(self)
+ ### Lonely state ###
+ def enterLonely(self):
+ self.lonely.enter()
+ self.acceptOnce(self.lonelyDoneEvent, self.__decideNextState)
+ if self.dale:
+ self.dale.chipEnteringState(self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName())
+ def exitLonely(self):
+ self.ignore(self.lonelyDoneEvent)
+ self.lonely.exit()
+ if self.dale:
+ self.dale.chipLeavingState(self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName())
+ def __goForAWalk(self, task):
+ self.notify.debug("going for a walk")
+ self.fsm.request('Walk')
+ return Task.done
+ ### Chatty state ###
+ def enterChatty(self):
+ self.chatty.enter()
+ self.acceptOnce(self.chattyDoneEvent, self.__decideNextState)
+ if self.dale:
+ self.dale.chipEnteringState(self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName())
+ def exitChatty(self):
+ self.ignore(self.chattyDoneEvent)
+ self.chatty.exit()
+ if self.dale:
+ self.dale.chipLeavingState(self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName())
+ ### Walk state ###
+ def enterWalk(self):
+ self.notify.debug("going for a walk")
+ self.walk.enter()
+ self.acceptOnce(self.walkDoneEvent, self.__decideNextState)
+ if self.dale:
+ self.dale.chipEnteringState(self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName())
+ def exitWalk(self):
+ self.ignore(self.walkDoneEvent)
+ self.walk.exit()
+ if self.dale:
+ self.dale.chipLeavingState(self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName())
+ def avatarEnterNextState(self):
+ """
+ decide what to do with the state machine when
+ a toon gets near Chip
+ """
+ # if this is the only avatar, start talking
+ if len(self.nearbyAvatars) == 1:
+ if self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName() != 'Walk':
+ self.fsm.request('Chatty')
+ else:
+ self.notify.debug("avatarEnterNextState: in walk state")
+ else:
+ self.notify.debug("avatarEnterNextState: num avatars: " +
+ str(len(self.nearbyAvatars)))
+ def avatarExitNextState(self):
+ """
+ decide what to do with the state machine when a
+ toon is no longer near Chip
+ """
+ # no need to re-sort av list after removal
+ if len(self.nearbyAvatars) == 0:
+ if self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName() != 'Walk':
+ self.fsm.request('Lonely')
+ def setDaleId(self, daleId):
+ """Set the doId for Dale."""
+ self.daleId = daleId
+ self.dale = self.air.doId2do.get(daleId)
+ self.chatty.setDaleId(self.daleId)
diff --git a/toontown/src/classicchars/ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02a893c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+"""DistributedDaisy module: contains the DistributedDaisy class"""
+from direct.showbase.ShowBaseGlobal import *
+import DistributedCCharBase
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM
+from direct.fsm import State
+import CharStateDatas
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+from toontown.hood import TTHood
+class DistributedDaisy(DistributedCCharBase.DistributedCCharBase):
+ """DistributedDaisy class"""
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("DistributedDaisy")
+ def __init__(self, cr):
+ try:
+ self.DistributedDaisy_initialized
+ except:
+ self.DistributedDaisy_initialized = 1
+ DistributedCCharBase.DistributedCCharBase.__init__(self, cr,
+ TTLocalizer.Daisy,
+ 'dd')
+ self.fsm = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM(self.getName(),
+ [State.State('Off',
+ self.enterOff,
+ self.exitOff,
+ ['Neutral']),
+ State.State('Neutral',
+ self.enterNeutral,
+ self.exitNeutral,
+ ['Walk']),
+ State.State('Walk',
+ self.enterWalk,
+ self.exitWalk,
+ ['Neutral']),
+ ],
+ # Initial State
+ 'Off',
+ # Final State
+ 'Off',
+ )
+ self.fsm.enterInitialState()
+ self.handleHolidays()
+ def disable(self):
+ self.fsm.requestFinalState()
+ DistributedCCharBase.DistributedCCharBase.disable(self)
+ del self.neutralDoneEvent
+ del self.neutral
+ del self.walkDoneEvent
+ del self.walk
+ self.fsm.requestFinalState()
+ def delete(self):
+ """
+ remove Daisy and state data information
+ """
+ try:
+ self.DistributedDaisy_deleted
+ except:
+ del self.fsm
+ self.DistributedDaisy_deleted = 1
+ DistributedCCharBase.DistributedCCharBase.delete(self)
+ def generate( self ):
+ """
+ create Daisy and state data information
+ """
+ DistributedCCharBase.DistributedCCharBase.generate(self, self.diffPath)
+ name = self.getName()
+ self.neutralDoneEvent = self.taskName(name + '-neutral-done')
+ self.neutral = CharStateDatas.CharNeutralState(
+ self.neutralDoneEvent, self)
+ self.walkDoneEvent = self.taskName(name + '-walk-done')
+ if self.diffPath == None:
+ self.walk = CharStateDatas.CharWalkState(
+ self.walkDoneEvent, self)
+ else:
+ self.walk = CharStateDatas.CharWalkState(
+ self.walkDoneEvent, self, self.diffPath)
+ self.fsm.request('Neutral')
+ ### Off state ###
+ def enterOff(self):
+ pass
+ def exitOff(self):
+ pass
+ ### Neutral state ###
+ def enterNeutral(self):
+ self.neutral.enter()
+ self.acceptOnce(self.neutralDoneEvent, self.__decideNextState)
+ def exitNeutral(self):
+ self.ignore(self.neutralDoneEvent)
+ self.neutral.exit()
+ ### Walk state ###
+ def enterWalk(self):
+ self.walk.enter()
+ self.acceptOnce(self.walkDoneEvent, self.__decideNextState)
+ def exitWalk(self):
+ self.ignore(self.walkDoneEvent)
+ self.walk.exit()
+ def __decideNextState(self, doneStatus):
+ self.fsm.request('Neutral')
+ def setWalk(self, srcNode, destNode, timestamp):
+ """
+ srcNode, were to walk from
+ destNode, where to walk to
+ timestamp, when server started walk
+ message sent from the server to say that this
+ character should now go into walk state
+ """
+ if destNode and (not destNode == srcNode):
+ self.walk.setWalk(srcNode, destNode, timestamp)
+ # request to enter walk if we have a state machine
+ self.fsm.request('Walk')
+ def walkSpeed(self):
+ return ToontownGlobals.DaisySpeed
+ def handleHolidays(self):
+ """
+ Handle holiday specific behaviour
+ """
+ DistributedCCharBase.DistributedCCharBase.handleHolidays(self)
+ if hasattr(, "newsManager") and
+ holidayIds =
+ if ToontownGlobals.APRIL_FOOLS_COSTUMES in holidayIds and isinstance(, TTHood.TTHood):
+ self.diffPath = TTLocalizer.Mickey
diff --git a/toontown/src/classicchars/ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c3433c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+"""DistributedDaisyAI module: contains the DistributedDaisyAI class"""
+from import *
+import DistributedCCharBaseAI
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM
+from direct.fsm import State
+from direct.task import Task
+import random
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+import CharStateDatasAI
+class DistributedDaisyAI(DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI):
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("DistributedDaisyAI")
+ def __init__(self, air):
+ DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI.__init__(self, air, TTLocalizer.Daisy)
+ self.fsm = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM('DistributedDaisyAI',
+ [State.State('Off',
+ self.enterOff,
+ self.exitOff,
+ ['Lonely', 'TransitionToCostume', 'Walk']),
+ State.State('Lonely',
+ self.enterLonely,
+ self.exitLonely,
+ ['Chatty', 'Walk', 'TransitionToCostume']),
+ State.State('Chatty',
+ self.enterChatty,
+ self.exitChatty,
+ ['Lonely', 'Walk', 'TransitionToCostume']),
+ State.State('Walk',
+ self.enterWalk,
+ self.exitWalk,
+ ['Lonely', 'Chatty', 'TransitionToCostume']),
+ State.State('TransitionToCostume',
+ self.enterTransitionToCostume,
+ self.exitTransitionToCostume,
+ ['Off']),
+ ],
+ # Initial State
+ 'Off',
+ # Final State
+ 'Off',
+ )
+ self.fsm.enterInitialState()
+ self.handleHolidays()
+ def delete(self):
+ self.fsm.requestFinalState()
+ DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI.delete(self)
+ self.lonelyDoneEvent = None
+ self.lonely = None
+ self.chattyDoneEvent = None
+ self.chatty = None
+ self.walkDoneEvent = None
+ self.walk = None
+ def generate( self ):
+ # all state data's that Daisy will need
+ #
+ DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI.generate(self)
+ name = self.getName()
+ self.lonelyDoneEvent = self.taskName(name + '-lonely-done')
+ self.lonely = CharStateDatasAI.CharLonelyStateAI(
+ self.lonelyDoneEvent, self)
+ self.chattyDoneEvent = self.taskName(name + '-chatty-done')
+ self.chatty = CharStateDatasAI.CharChattyStateAI(
+ self.chattyDoneEvent, self)
+ self.walkDoneEvent = self.taskName(name + '-walk-done')
+ if self.diffPath == None:
+ self.walk = CharStateDatasAI.CharWalkStateAI(
+ self.walkDoneEvent, self)
+ else:
+ self.walk = CharStateDatasAI.CharWalkStateAI(
+ self.walkDoneEvent, self, self.diffPath)
+ def walkSpeed(self):
+ return ToontownGlobals.DaisySpeed
+ # this function kicks off Daisy
+ def start(self):
+ # poor lonely Daisy
+ self.fsm.request('Lonely')
+ def __decideNextState(self, doneStatus):
+ """
+ doneStatus, info about the finished state
+ called when the current state Daisy is in
+ decides that it is finished and a new state should
+ be transitioned into
+ """
+ assert(doneStatus.has_key('status'))
+ if(self.transitionToCostume == 1):
+ curWalkNode = self.walk.getDestNode()
+ if simbase.air.holidayManager:
+ if ToontownGlobals.HALLOWEEN_COSTUMES in simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays and \
+ simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays[ToontownGlobals.HALLOWEEN_COSTUMES]:
+ simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays[ToontownGlobals.HALLOWEEN_COSTUMES].triggerSwitch(curWalkNode, self)
+ self.fsm.request('TransitionToCostume')
+ elif ToontownGlobals.APRIL_FOOLS_COSTUMES in simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays and \
+ simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays[ToontownGlobals.APRIL_FOOLS_COSTUMES]:
+ simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays[ToontownGlobals.APRIL_FOOLS_COSTUMES].triggerSwitch(curWalkNode, self)
+ self.fsm.request('TransitionToCostume')
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning('transitionToCostume == 1 but no costume holiday')
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning('transitionToCostume == 1 but no holiday Manager')
+ if doneStatus['state'] == 'lonely' and \
+ doneStatus['status'] == 'done':
+ self.fsm.request('Walk')
+ elif doneStatus['state'] == 'chatty' and \
+ doneStatus['status'] == 'done':
+ self.fsm.request('Walk')
+ elif doneStatus['state'] == 'walk' and \
+ doneStatus['status'] == 'done':
+ if len(self.nearbyAvatars) > 0:
+ self.fsm.request('Chatty')
+ else:
+ self.fsm.request('Lonely')
+ else:
+ assert 0, "Unknown status for Daisy"
+ ### Off state ###
+ def enterOff(self):
+ pass
+ def exitOff(self):
+ DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI.exitOff(self)
+ ### Lonely state ###
+ def enterLonely(self):
+ self.lonely.enter()
+ self.acceptOnce(self.lonelyDoneEvent, self.__decideNextState)
+ def exitLonely(self):
+ self.ignore(self.lonelyDoneEvent)
+ self.lonely.exit()
+ def __goForAWalk(self, task):
+ self.notify.debug("going for a walk")
+ self.fsm.request('Walk')
+ return Task.done
+ ### Chatty state ###
+ def enterChatty(self):
+ self.chatty.enter()
+ self.acceptOnce(self.chattyDoneEvent, self.__decideNextState)
+ def exitChatty(self):
+ self.ignore(self.chattyDoneEvent)
+ self.chatty.exit()
+ ### Walk state ###
+ def enterWalk(self):
+ self.notify.debug("going for a walk")
+ self.walk.enter()
+ self.acceptOnce(self.walkDoneEvent, self.__decideNextState)
+ def exitWalk(self):
+ self.ignore(self.walkDoneEvent)
+ self.walk.exit()
+ def avatarEnterNextState(self):
+ """
+ decide what to do with the state machine when
+ a toon gets near Daisy
+ """
+ # if this is the only avatar, start talking
+ if len(self.nearbyAvatars) == 1:
+ if self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName() != 'Walk':
+ self.fsm.request('Chatty')
+ else:
+ self.notify.debug("avatarEnterNextState: in walk state")
+ else:
+ self.notify.debug("avatarEnterNextState: num avatars: " +
+ str(len(self.nearbyAvatars)))
+ def avatarExitNextState(self):
+ """
+ decide what to do with the state machine when a
+ toon is no longer near Daisy
+ """
+ # no need to re-sort av list after removal
+ if len(self.nearbyAvatars) == 0:
+ if self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName() != 'Walk':
+ self.fsm.request('Lonely')
+ ##TransitionToCostumeState##
+ def enterTransitionToCostume(self):
+ pass
+ def exitTransitionToCostume(self):
+ pass
+ def handleHolidays(self):
+ """
+ Handle holiday specific behaviour
+ """
+ DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI.handleHolidays(self)
+ if hasattr(simbase.air, "holidayManager"):
+ if ToontownGlobals.APRIL_FOOLS_COSTUMES in simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays:
+ if simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays[ToontownGlobals.APRIL_FOOLS_COSTUMES] != None \
+ and simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays[ToontownGlobals.APRIL_FOOLS_COSTUMES].getRunningState():
+ self.diffPath = TTLocalizer.Mickey
diff --git a/toontown/src/classicchars/ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e50159
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+"""DistributedDaisy module: contains the DistributedDaisy class"""
+from direct.showbase.ShowBaseGlobal import *
+import DistributedCCharBase
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM
+from direct.fsm import State
+import CharStateDatas
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+class DistributedDale(DistributedCCharBase.DistributedCCharBase):
+ """DistributedDale class"""
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("DistributedDale")
+ def __init__(self, cr):
+ try:
+ self.DistributedDale_initialized
+ except:
+ self.DistributedDale_initialized = 1
+ DistributedCCharBase.DistributedCCharBase.__init__(self, cr,
+ TTLocalizer.Dale,
+ 'da')
+ self.fsm = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM(self.getName(),
+ [State.State('Off',
+ self.enterOff,
+ self.exitOff,
+ ['Neutral']),
+ State.State('Neutral',
+ self.enterNeutral,
+ self.exitNeutral,
+ ['Walk']),
+ State.State('Walk',
+ self.enterWalk,
+ self.exitWalk,
+ ['Neutral']),
+ ],
+ # Initial State
+ 'Off',
+ # Final State
+ 'Off',
+ )
+ self.fsm.enterInitialState()
+ self.handleHolidays()
+ def disable(self):
+ self.fsm.requestFinalState()
+ DistributedCCharBase.DistributedCCharBase.disable(self)
+ del self.neutralDoneEvent
+ del self.neutral
+ del self.walkDoneEvent
+ if self.walk:
+ self.walk.exit()
+ del self.walk
+ self.fsm.requestFinalState()
+ def delete(self):
+ """
+ remove Dale and state data information
+ """
+ try:
+ self.DistributedDale_deleted
+ except:
+ del self.fsm
+ self.DistributedDale_deleted = 1
+ DistributedCCharBase.DistributedCCharBase.delete(self)
+ def generate( self ):
+ """
+ create Dale and state data information
+ """
+ DistributedCCharBase.DistributedCCharBase.generate(self)
+ # shift him a bit so he's not on top of chip
+ self.setX(self.getX() + ToontownGlobals.DaleOrbitDistance)
+ name = self.getName()
+ self.neutralDoneEvent = self.taskName(name + '-neutral-done')
+ self.neutral = CharStateDatas.CharNeutralState(
+ self.neutralDoneEvent, self)
+ self.walkDoneEvent = self.taskName(name + '-walk-done')
+ self.fsm.request('Neutral')
+ def announceGenerate(self):
+ """We have all the required fields, do stuff dependent on it."""
+ DistributedCCharBase.DistributedCCharBase.announceGenerate(self)
+ self.walk = CharStateDatas.CharFollowChipState(
+ self.walkDoneEvent, self, self.chipId)
+ ### Off state ###
+ def enterOff(self):
+ pass
+ def exitOff(self):
+ pass
+ ### Neutral state ###
+ def enterNeutral(self):
+ self.neutral.enter()
+ self.acceptOnce(self.neutralDoneEvent, self.__decideNextState)
+ def exitNeutral(self):
+ self.ignore(self.neutralDoneEvent)
+ self.neutral.exit()
+ ### Walk state ###
+ def enterWalk(self):
+ self.walk.enter()
+ self.acceptOnce(self.walkDoneEvent, self.__decideNextState)
+ def exitWalk(self):
+ self.ignore(self.walkDoneEvent)
+ self.walk.exit()
+ def __decideNextState(self, doneStatus):
+ self.fsm.request('Neutral')
+ def setWalk(self, srcNode, destNode, timestamp, offsetX=0, offsetY=0):
+ """
+ srcNode, were to walk from
+ destNode, where to walk to
+ timestamp, when server started walk
+ message sent from the server to say that this
+ character should now go into walk state
+ """
+ if destNode and (not destNode == srcNode):
+ self.walk.setWalk(srcNode, destNode, timestamp, offsetX, offsetY)
+ # request to enter walk if we have a state machine
+ self.fsm.request('Walk')
+ def walkSpeed(self):
+ return ToontownGlobals.DaleSpeed
+ def setFollowChip(self, srcNode, destNode, timestamp, offsetX, offsetY):
+ """
+ srcNode, were to walk from
+ destNode, where to walk to
+ timestamp, when server started walk
+ message sent from the server to say that this
+ character should now go into walk state
+ """
+ if destNode and (not destNode == srcNode):
+ self.walk.setWalk(srcNode, destNode, timestamp, offsetX, offsetY)
+ # request to enter walk if we have a state machine
+ self.fsm.request('Walk')
+ def setChipId(self, chipId):
+ """Set the chipId as dictated by the AI."""
+ self.chipId = chipId
diff --git a/toontown/src/classicchars/ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0fc4da0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+"""DistributedDaisyAI module: contains the DistributedDaisyAI class"""
+from import *
+import DistributedCCharBaseAI
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM
+from direct.fsm import State
+from direct.task import Task
+import random
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+import CharStateDatasAI
+class DistributedDaleAI(DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI):
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("DistributedDaleAI")
+ def __init__(self, air, chipId):
+ DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI.__init__(self, air, TTLocalizer.Dale)
+ self.chipId =chipId
+ self.chip = air.doId2do.get(chipId)
+ self.fsm = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM('DistributedDaleAI',
+ [State.State('Off',
+ self.enterOff,
+ self.exitOff,
+ ['Lonely']),
+ State.State('Lonely',
+ self.enterLonely,
+ self.exitLonely,
+ ['Chatty', 'FollowChip', 'Walk']),
+ State.State('Chatty',
+ self.enterChatty,
+ self.exitChatty,
+ ['Lonely', 'FollowChip', 'Walk']),
+ State.State('Walk',
+ self.enterWalk,
+ self.exitWalk,
+ ['Lonely', 'Chatty']),
+ State.State('FollowChip',
+ self.enterFollowChip,
+ self.exitFollowChip,
+ ['Lonely', 'Chatty', 'FollowChip']),
+ ],
+ # Initial State
+ 'Off',
+ # Final State
+ 'Off',
+ )
+ self.fsm.enterInitialState()
+ self.handleHolidays()
+ def delete(self):
+ self.fsm.requestFinalState()
+ DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI.delete(self)
+ self.lonelyDoneEvent = None
+ self.lonely = None
+ self.chattyDoneEvent = None
+ self.chatty = None
+ self.walkDoneEvent = None
+ self.walk = None
+ def generate( self ):
+ # all state data's that Dale will need
+ #
+ DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI.generate(self)
+ # the old CharStateDatasAI won't work since dale is dependent on chip
+ # lets create hooks to accept when he's entering and leaving states
+ #chip = simbase.air.doId2do.get(self.chipId)
+ #name = chip.getName()
+ #self.lonelyDoneEvent = self.taskName(name + '-lonely-done')
+ self.lonely = CharStateDatasAI.CharLonelyStateAI(
+ None, self)
+ #self.chattyDoneEvent = self.taskName(name + '-chatty-done')
+ self.chatty = CharStateDatasAI.CharChattyStateAI(
+ None, self)
+ #self.walkDoneEvent = self.taskName(name + '-walk-done')
+ #self.walk = CharStateDatasAI.CharWalkStateAI(
+ # self.walkDoneEvent, self)
+ #self.followChipDoneEvent = self.taskName(name + '-follow-done')
+ self.followChip = CharStateDatasAI.CharFollowChipStateAI(
+ None, self, self.chip)
+ def walkSpeed(self):
+ return ToontownGlobals.DaleSpeed
+ # this function kicks off Dale
+ def start(self):
+ # poor lonely Dale
+ self.fsm.request('Lonely')
+ def __decideNextState(self, doneStatus):
+ """
+ doneStatus, info about the finished state
+ called when the current state Dale is in
+ decides that it is finished and a new state should
+ be transitioned into
+ """
+ assert self.notify.debugStateCall(self)
+ assert(doneStatus.has_key('status'))
+ if doneStatus['state'] == 'lonely' and \
+ doneStatus['status'] == 'done':
+ self.fsm.request('Walk')
+ elif doneStatus['state'] == 'chatty' and \
+ doneStatus['status'] == 'done':
+ self.fsm.request('Walk')
+ elif doneStatus['state'] == 'walk' and \
+ doneStatus['status'] == 'done':
+ if len(self.nearbyAvatars) > 0:
+ self.fsm.request('Chatty')
+ else:
+ self.fsm.request('Lonely')
+ else:
+ assert 0, "Unknown status for Dale"
+ ### Off state ###
+ def enterOff(self):
+ pass
+ def exitOff(self):
+ DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI.exitOff(self)
+ ### Lonely state ###
+ def enterLonely(self):
+ assert self.notify.debugStateCall(self)
+ self.lonely.enter()
+ #self.acceptOnce(self.lonelyDoneEvent, self.__decideNextState)
+ def exitLonely(self):
+ assert self.notify.debugStateCall(self)
+ #self.ignore(self.lonelyDoneEvent)
+ self.lonely.exit()
+ def __goForAWalk(self, task):
+ self.notify.debug("going for a walk")
+ self.fsm.request('Walk')
+ return Task.done
+ ### Chatty state ###
+ def enterChatty(self):
+ self.chatty.enter()
+ #self.acceptOnce(self.chattyDoneEvent, self.__decideNextState)
+ def exitChatty(self):
+ #self.ignore(self.chattyDoneEvent)
+ self.chatty.exit()
+ ### Walk state ###
+ def enterWalk(self):
+ self.notify.debug("going for a walk")
+ self.walk.enter()
+ self.acceptOnce(self.walkDoneEvent, self.__decideNextState)
+ def exitWalk(self):
+ self.ignore(self.walkDoneEvent)
+ self.walk.exit()
+ ### Follow Chip state ###
+ def enterFollowChip(self):
+ self.notify.debug("enterFollowChip")
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ walkState = self.chip.walk
+ destNode = walkState.getDestNode()
+ self.followChip.enter(destNode)
+ #self.acceptOnce(self.Event, self.__decideNextState)
+ def exitFollowChip(self):
+ #self.ignore(self.walkDoneEvent)
+ self.notify.debug('exitFollowChip')
+ self.followChip.exit()
+ def avatarEnterNextState(self):
+ """
+ decide what to do with the state machine when
+ a toon gets near Dale
+ """
+ # if this is the only avatar, start talking
+ if len(self.nearbyAvatars) == 1:
+ if False: #self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName() != 'Walk':
+ self.fsm.request('Chatty')
+ else:
+ self.notify.debug("avatarEnterNextState: in walk state")
+ else:
+ self.notify.debug("avatarEnterNextState: num avatars: " +
+ str(len(self.nearbyAvatars)))
+ def avatarExitNextState(self):
+ """
+ decide what to do with the state machine when a
+ toon is no longer near Dale
+ """
+ # no need to re-sort av list after removal
+ if len(self.nearbyAvatars) == 0:
+ if self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName() != 'Walk':
+ #self.fsm.request('Lonely')
+ pass
+ def chipEnteringState(self, newState):
+ """Handle chip entering a new state."""
+ assert self.notify.debugStateCall(self)
+ if newState == 'Walk':
+ self.doFollowChip()
+ #elif newState == 'Chatty':
+ # self.doChatty()
+ def chipLeavingState(self, oldState):
+ """Handle chip leaving his state."""
+ assert self.notify.debugStateCall(self)
+ def doFollowChip(self):
+ """Actually make dale follow chip."""
+ walkState = self.chip.walk
+ destNode = walkState.getDestNode()
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ self.fsm.request('FollowChip')
+ def doChatty(self):
+ """Make Dale's chatter sync with Chip's."""
+ #self.fsm.request('Chatty')
+ pass
+ def getChipId(self):
+ """Return chip's doId."""
+ return self.chipId
diff --git a/toontown/src/classicchars/ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..effbb5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+"""DistributedDonald module: contains the DistributedDonald class"""
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
+import DistributedCCharBase
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM, State
+from direct.fsm import State
+import CharStateDatas
+import CCharChatter
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+from toontown.hood import GSHood
+class DistributedDonald(DistributedCCharBase.DistributedCCharBase):
+ """DistributedDonald class"""
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("DistributedDonald")
+ def __init__(self, cr):
+ try:
+ self.DistributedDonald_initialized
+ except:
+ self.DistributedDonald_initialized = 1
+ DistributedCCharBase.DistributedCCharBase.__init__(self, cr,
+ TTLocalizer.Donald,
+ 'd')
+ self.fsm = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM(self.getName(),
+ [State.State('Off',
+ self.enterOff,
+ self.exitOff,
+ ['Neutral']),
+ State.State('Neutral',
+ self.enterNeutral,
+ self.exitNeutral,
+ ['Walk']),
+ State.State('Walk',
+ self.enterWalk,
+ self.exitWalk,
+ ['Neutral']),
+ ],
+ # Initial State
+ 'Off',
+ # Final State
+ 'Off',
+ )
+ self.fsm.enterInitialState()
+ self.handleHolidays()
+ def disable(self):
+ self.fsm.requestFinalState()
+ DistributedCCharBase.DistributedCCharBase.disable(self)
+ del self.neutralDoneEvent
+ del self.neutral
+ del self.walkDoneEvent
+ del self.walk
+ del self.walkStartTrack
+ del self.neutralStartTrack
+ self.fsm.requestFinalState()
+ def delete(self):
+ """
+ remove Donald and state data information
+ """
+ try:
+ self.DistributedDonald_deleted
+ except:
+ self.DistributedDonald_deleted = 1
+ del self.fsm
+ DistributedCCharBase.DistributedCCharBase.delete(self)
+ #self.disable()
+ def generate( self ):
+ """
+ create Donald and state data information
+ """
+ DistributedCCharBase.DistributedCCharBase.generate(self, self.diffPath)
+ name = self.getName()
+ self.neutralDoneEvent = self.taskName(name + '-neutral-done')
+ self.neutral = CharStateDatas.CharNeutralState(
+ self.neutralDoneEvent, self)
+ self.walkDoneEvent = self.taskName(name + '-walk-done')
+ if self.diffPath == None:
+ self.walk = CharStateDatas.CharWalkState(
+ self.walkDoneEvent, self)
+ else:
+ self.walk = CharStateDatas.CharWalkState(
+ self.walkDoneEvent, self, self.diffPath)
+ self.walkStartTrack = self.actorInterval("trans-back")
+ self.neutralStartTrack = self.actorInterval("trans")
+ self.fsm.request('Neutral')
+ ### Off state ###
+ def enterOff(self):
+ pass
+ def exitOff(self):
+ pass
+ ### Neutral state ###
+ def enterNeutral(self):
+ self.notify.debug("Neutral " + self.getName() + "...")
+ self.neutral.enter(startTrack = self.neutralStartTrack, playRate = 0.5)
+ self.acceptOnce(self.neutralDoneEvent, self.__decideNextState)
+ def exitNeutral(self):
+ self.ignore(self.neutralDoneEvent)
+ self.neutral.exit()
+ ### Walk state ###
+ def enterWalk(self):
+ self.notify.debug("Walking " + self.getName() + "...")
+ self.walk.enter(startTrack = self.walkStartTrack)
+ self.acceptOnce(self.walkDoneEvent, self.__decideNextState)
+ def exitWalk(self):
+ self.ignore(self.walkDoneEvent)
+ self.walk.exit()
+ def __decideNextState(self, doneStatus):
+ self.fsm.request('Neutral')
+ def setWalk(self, srcNode, destNode, timestamp):
+ """
+ Parameters: srcNode, were to walk from
+ destNode, where to walk to
+ timestamp, when server started walk
+ message sent from the server to say that this
+ character should now go into walk state
+ """
+ if destNode and (not destNode == srcNode):
+ self.walk.setWalk(srcNode, destNode, timestamp)
+ self.fsm.request("Walk")
+ def walkSpeed(self):
+ return ToontownGlobals.DonaldSpeed
+ def handleHolidays(self):
+ """
+ Handle Holiday specific behaviour
+ """
+ DistributedCCharBase.DistributedCCharBase.handleHolidays(self)
+ if hasattr(, "newsManager") and
+ holidayIds =
+ if ToontownGlobals.APRIL_FOOLS_COSTUMES in holidayIds and isinstance(, GSHood.GSHood):
+ self.diffPath = TTLocalizer.Goofy
+ def getCCLocation(self):
+ if self.diffPath != None:
+ return 1
+ else:
+ return 0
+ def getCCChatter(self):
+ self.handleHolidays()
+ return self.CCChatter
diff --git a/toontown/src/classicchars/ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0851dfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+"""DistributedDonaldAI module: contains the DistributedDonaldAI class"""
+from import *
+import DistributedCCharBaseAI
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM, State
+from direct.fsm import State
+from direct.task import Task
+import random
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+import CharStateDatasAI
+class DistributedDonaldAI(DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI):
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("DistributedDonaldAI")
+ def __init__(self, air):
+ DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI.__init__(self, air, TTLocalizer.Donald)
+ self.fsm = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM('DistributedDonaldAI',
+ [State.State('Off',
+ self.enterOff,
+ self.exitOff,
+ ['Lonely', 'TransitionToCostume', 'Walk']),
+ State.State('Lonely',
+ self.enterLonely,
+ self.exitLonely,
+ ['Chatty', 'Walk', 'TransitionToCostume']),
+ State.State('Chatty',
+ self.enterChatty,
+ self.exitChatty,
+ ['Lonely', 'Walk', 'TransitionToCostume']),
+ State.State('Walk',
+ self.enterWalk,
+ self.exitWalk,
+ ['Lonely', 'Chatty', 'TransitionToCostume']),
+ State.State('TransitionToCostume',
+ self.enterTransitionToCostume,
+ self.exitTransitionToCostume,
+ ['Off']),
+ ],
+ # Initial State
+ 'Off',
+ # Final State
+ 'Off',
+ )
+ self.fsm.enterInitialState()
+ self.handleHolidays()
+ def delete(self):
+ self.fsm.requestFinalState()
+ DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI.delete(self)
+ self.lonelyDoneEvent = None
+ self.lonely = None
+ self.chattyDoneEvent = None
+ self.chatty = None
+ self.walkDoneEvent = None
+ self.walk = None
+ def generate( self ):
+ # all state data's that Donald will need
+ #
+ DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI.generate(self)
+ name = self.getName()
+ self.lonelyDoneEvent = self.taskName(name + '-lonely-done')
+ self.lonely = CharStateDatasAI.CharLonelyStateAI(
+ self.lonelyDoneEvent, self)
+ self.chattyDoneEvent = self.taskName(name + '-chatty-done')
+ self.chatty = CharStateDatasAI.CharChattyStateAI(
+ self.chattyDoneEvent, self)
+ self.walkDoneEvent = self.taskName(name + '-walk-done')
+ if self.diffPath == None:
+ self.walk = CharStateDatasAI.CharWalkStateAI(
+ self.walkDoneEvent, self)
+ else:
+ self.walk = CharStateDatasAI.CharWalkStateAI(
+ self.walkDoneEvent, self, self.diffPath)
+ def walkSpeed(self):
+ return ToontownGlobals.DonaldSpeed
+ # this function kicks off Donald
+ def start(self):
+ # poor lonely Donald
+ self.fsm.request('Lonely')
+ def __decideNextState(self, doneStatus):
+ """
+ doneStatus, info about the finished state
+ called when the current state Donald is in
+ decides that it is finished and a new state should
+ be transitioned into
+ """
+ assert(doneStatus.has_key('status'))
+ if(self.transitionToCostume == 1):
+ curWalkNode = self.walk.getDestNode()
+ if simbase.air.holidayManager:
+ if ToontownGlobals.HALLOWEEN_COSTUMES in simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays and \
+ simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays[ToontownGlobals.HALLOWEEN_COSTUMES]:
+ simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays[ToontownGlobals.HALLOWEEN_COSTUMES].triggerSwitch(curWalkNode, self)
+ self.fsm.request('TransitionToCostume')
+ elif ToontownGlobals.APRIL_FOOLS_COSTUMES in simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays and \
+ simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays[ToontownGlobals.APRIL_FOOLS_COSTUMES]:
+ simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays[ToontownGlobals.APRIL_FOOLS_COSTUMES].triggerSwitch(curWalkNode, self)
+ self.fsm.request('TransitionToCostume')
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning('transitionToCostume == 1 but no costume holiday')
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning('transitionToCostume == 1 but no holiday Manager')
+ if doneStatus['state'] == 'lonely' and \
+ doneStatus['status'] == 'done':
+ self.fsm.request('Walk')
+ elif doneStatus['state'] == 'chatty' and \
+ doneStatus['status'] == 'done':
+ self.fsm.request('Walk')
+ elif doneStatus['state'] == 'walk' and \
+ doneStatus['status'] == 'done':
+ if len(self.nearbyAvatars) > 0:
+ self.fsm.request('Chatty')
+ else:
+ self.fsm.request('Lonely')
+ else:
+ assert 0, "Unknown status for Donald"
+ ### Off state ###
+ def enterOff(self):
+ pass
+ def exitOff(self):
+ DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI.exitOff(self)
+ ### Lonely state ###
+ def enterLonely(self):
+ self.lonely.enter()
+ self.acceptOnce(self.lonelyDoneEvent, self.__decideNextState)
+ def exitLonely(self):
+ self.ignore(self.lonelyDoneEvent)
+ self.lonely.exit()
+ def __goForAWalk(self, task):
+ self.notify.debug("going for a walk")
+ self.fsm.request('Walk')
+ return Task.done
+ ### Chatty state ###
+ def enterChatty(self):
+ self.chatty.enter()
+ self.acceptOnce(self.chattyDoneEvent, self.__decideNextState)
+ def exitChatty(self):
+ self.ignore(self.chattyDoneEvent)
+ self.chatty.exit()
+ ### Walk state ###
+ def enterWalk(self):
+ self.notify.debug("going for a walk")
+ self.walk.enter()
+ self.acceptOnce(self.walkDoneEvent, self.__decideNextState)
+ def exitWalk(self):
+ self.ignore(self.walkDoneEvent)
+ self.walk.exit()
+ def avatarEnterNextState(self):
+ """
+ decide what to do with the state machine when
+ a toon gets near Donald
+ """
+ # if this is the only avatar, start talking
+ if len(self.nearbyAvatars) == 1:
+ if self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName() != 'Walk':
+ self.fsm.request('Chatty')
+ else:
+ self.notify.debug("avatarEnterNextState: in walk state")
+ else:
+ self.notify.debug("avatarEnterNextState: num avatars: " +
+ str(len(self.nearbyAvatars)))
+ def avatarExitNextState(self):
+ """
+ decide what to do with the state machine when a
+ toon is no longer near Donald
+ """
+ # no need to re-sort av list after removal
+ if len(self.nearbyAvatars) == 0:
+ if self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName() != 'Walk':
+ self.fsm.request('Lonely')
+ def handleHolidays(self):
+ """
+ Handle holiday specific behaviour
+ """
+ DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI.handleHolidays(self)
+ if hasattr(simbase.air, "holidayManager"):
+ if ToontownGlobals.APRIL_FOOLS_COSTUMES in simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays:
+ if simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays[ToontownGlobals.APRIL_FOOLS_COSTUMES] != None \
+ and simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays[ToontownGlobals.APRIL_FOOLS_COSTUMES].getRunningState():
+ self.diffPath = TTLocalizer.Goofy
+ def getCCLocation(self):
+ if self.diffPath != None:
+ return 1
+ else:
+ return 0
+ ##TransitionToCostumeState##
+ def enterTransitionToCostume(self):
+ pass
+ def exitTransitionToCostume(self):
+ pass
diff --git a/toontown/src/classicchars/ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..063a40c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+"""DistributedDonaldDock module: contains the DistributedDonaldDock class"""
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
+import DistributedCCharBase
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM, State
+from direct.fsm import State
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+import CharStateDatas
+from direct.fsm import StateData
+from direct.task import Task
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+class DistributedDonaldDock(DistributedCCharBase.DistributedCCharBase):
+ """DistributedDonaldDock class"""
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('DistributedDonaldDock')
+ def __init__(self, cr):
+ try:
+ self.DistributedDonaldDock_initialized
+ except:
+ self.DistributedDonaldDock_initialized = 1
+ DistributedCCharBase.DistributedCCharBase.__init__(self, cr,
+ TTLocalizer.DonaldDock,
+ 'dw')
+ self.fsm = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM('DistributedDonaldDock',
+ [State.State('Off',
+ self.enterOff,
+ self.exitOff,
+ ['Neutral']),
+ State.State('Neutral',
+ self.enterNeutral,
+ self.exitNeutral,
+ ['Off']),
+ ],
+ # Initial State
+ 'Off',
+ # Final State
+ 'Off',
+ )
+ self.fsm.enterInitialState()
+ # We want him to show up as Donald
+ self.nametag.setName(TTLocalizer.Donald)
+ self.handleHolidays()
+ def disable(self):
+ self.fsm.requestFinalState()
+ DistributedCCharBase.DistributedCCharBase.disable(self)
+ taskMgr.remove('enterNeutralTask')
+ del self.neutralDoneEvent
+ del self.neutral
+ self.fsm.requestFinalState()
+ def delete(self):
+ """
+ remove DonaldDock and state data information
+ """
+ try:
+ self.DistributedDonaldDock_deleted
+ except:
+ self.DistributedDonaldDock_deleted = 1
+ del self.fsm
+ DistributedCCharBase.DistributedCCharBase.delete(self)
+ def generate( self ):
+ """
+ create DonaldDock and state data information
+ """
+ DistributedCCharBase.DistributedCCharBase.generate(self)
+ boat =
+ self.setPos(0,-1,3.95)
+ self.reparentTo(boat)
+ self.neutralDoneEvent = self.taskName('DonaldDock-neutral-done')
+ self.neutral = CharStateDatas.CharNeutralState(self.neutralDoneEvent, self)
+ self.fsm.request('Neutral')
+ ### Off state ###
+ def enterOff(self):
+ pass
+ def exitOff(self):
+ pass
+ ### Neutral state ###
+ def enterNeutral(self):
+ self.notify.debug("Neutral " + self.getName() + "...")
+ self.neutral.enter()
+ self.acceptOnce(self.neutralDoneEvent, self.__decideNextState)
+ def exitNeutral(self):
+ self.ignore(self.neutralDoneEvent)
+ self.neutral.exit()
+ def __decideNextState(self, doneStatus):
+ self.fsm.request('Neutral')
diff --git a/toontown/src/classicchars/ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33d3b2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+"""DistributedDonaldDockAI module: contains the DistributedDonaldDockAI class"""
+from import *
+import DistributedCCharBaseAI
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM, State
+from direct.fsm import State
+from direct.task import Task
+import random
+import CharStateDatasAI
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+class DistributedDonaldDockAI(DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI):
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("DistributedDonaldDockAI")
+ def __init__(self, air):
+ DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI.__init__(self, air, TTLocalizer.DonaldDock)
+ self.fsm = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM('DistributedDonaldDockAI',
+ [State.State('Off',
+ self.enterOff,
+ self.exitOff,
+ ['Lonely', 'TransitionToCostume']),
+ State.State('Lonely',
+ self.enterLonely,
+ self.exitLonely,
+ ['Chatty', 'TransitionToCostume']),
+ State.State('Chatty',
+ self.enterChatty,
+ self.exitChatty,
+ ['Lonely', 'TransitionToCostume']),
+ State.State('TransitionToCostume',
+ self.enterTransitionToCostume,
+ self.exitTransitionToCostume,
+ ['Off']),
+ ],
+ # Initial State
+ 'Off',
+ # Final State
+ 'Off',
+ )
+ self.fsm.enterInitialState()
+ self.handleHolidays()
+ def delete(self):
+ self.fsm.requestFinalState()
+ DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI.delete(self)
+ self.lonelyDoneEvent = None
+ self.lonely = None
+ self.chattyDoneEvent = None
+ self.chatty = None
+ def generate( self ):
+ # all state data's that DonaldDock will need
+ #
+ DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI.generate(self)
+ self.lonelyDoneEvent = self.taskName('DonaldDock-lonely-done')
+ self.lonely = CharStateDatasAI.CharLonelyStateAI(
+ self.lonelyDoneEvent, self)
+ self.chattyDoneEvent = self.taskName('DonaldDock-chatty-done')
+ self.chatty = CharStateDatasAI.CharChattyStateAI(
+ self.chattyDoneEvent, self)
+ # this function kicks off DonaldDock
+ def start(self):
+ # poor lonely DonaldDock
+ self.fsm.request('Lonely')
+ def __decideNextState(self, doneStatus):
+ """
+ doneStatus, info about the finished state
+ called when the current state DonaldDock is in
+ decides that it is finished and a new state should
+ be transitioned into
+ """
+ assert(doneStatus.has_key('status'))
+ if doneStatus['state'] == 'lonely' and \
+ doneStatus['status'] == 'done':
+ if len(self.nearbyAvatars) > 0:
+ self.fsm.request('Chatty')
+ else:
+ self.fsm.request('Lonely')
+ elif doneStatus['state'] == 'chatty' and \
+ doneStatus['status'] == 'done':
+ self.fsm.request('Lonely')
+ else:
+ assert 0, "Unknown status for DonaldDock"
+ ### Off state ###
+ def enterOff(self):
+ pass
+ def exitOff(self):
+ DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI.exitOff(self)
+ ### Lonely state ###
+ def enterLonely(self):
+ self.notify.debug("Entering Lonely")
+ self.lonely.enter()
+ self.acceptOnce(self.lonelyDoneEvent, self.__decideNextState)
+ def exitLonely(self):
+ self.notify.debug("Exiting Lonely")
+ self.ignore(self.lonelyDoneEvent)
+ self.lonely.exit()
+ ### Chatty state ###
+ def enterChatty(self):
+ self.notify.debug("Entering Chatty")
+ self.chatty.enter()
+ self.acceptOnce(self.chattyDoneEvent, self.__decideNextState)
+ def exitChatty(self):
+ self.notify.debug("Exiting Chatty")
+ self.ignore(self.chattyDoneEvent)
+ self.chatty.exit()
+ def avatarEnterNextState(self):
+ """
+ decide what to do with the state machine when
+ a toon gets near DonaldDock
+ """
+ # if this is the only avatar, start talking
+ if len(self.nearbyAvatars) == 1:
+ self.fsm.request('Chatty')
+ else:
+ self.notify.debug("avatarEnterNextState: num avatars: " +
+ str(len(self.nearbyAvatars)))
+ def avatarExitNextState(self):
+ """
+ decide what to do with the state machine when a
+ toon is no longer near DonaldDock
+ """
+ # no need to re-sort av list after removal
+ if len(self.nearbyAvatars) == 0:
+ self.fsm.request('Lonely')
+ ##TransitionToCostumeState##
+ def enterTransitionToCostume(self):
+ pass
+ def exitTransitionToCostume(self):
+ pass
diff --git a/toontown/src/classicchars/ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7dd4837
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+"""DistributedGoofy module: contains the DistributedGoofy class"""
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+import DistributedCCharBase
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM, State
+from direct.fsm import State
+import CharStateDatas
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+class DistributedGoofy(DistributedCCharBase.DistributedCCharBase):
+ """DistributedGoofy class"""
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("DistributedGoofy")
+ def __init__(self, cr):
+ try:
+ self.DistributedGoofy_initialized
+ except:
+ self.DistributedGoofy_initialized = 1
+ DistributedCCharBase.DistributedCCharBase.__init__(self, cr,
+ TTLocalizer.Goofy,
+ 'g')
+ self.fsm = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM(self.getName(),
+ [State.State('Off',
+ self.enterOff,
+ self.exitOff,
+ ['Neutral']),
+ State.State('Neutral',
+ self.enterNeutral,
+ self.exitNeutral,
+ ['Walk']),
+ State.State('Walk',
+ self.enterWalk,
+ self.exitWalk,
+ ['Neutral']),
+ ],
+ # Initial State
+ 'Off',
+ # Final State
+ 'Off',
+ )
+ self.fsm.enterInitialState()
+ def disable(self):
+ self.fsm.requestFinalState()
+ DistributedCCharBase.DistributedCCharBase.disable(self)
+ del self.neutralDoneEvent
+ del self.neutral
+ del self.walkDoneEvent
+ del self.walk
+ self.fsm.requestFinalState()
+ def delete(self):
+ """
+ remove Goofy and state data information
+ """
+ try:
+ self.DistributedGoofy_deleted
+ except:
+ del self.fsm
+ self.DistributedGoofy_deleted = 1
+ DistributedCCharBase.DistributedCCharBase.delete(self)
+ def generate( self ):
+ """
+ create Goofy and state data information
+ """
+ DistributedCCharBase.DistributedCCharBase.generate(self)
+ name = self.getName()
+ self.neutralDoneEvent = self.taskName(name + '-neutral-done')
+ self.neutral = CharStateDatas.CharNeutralState(
+ self.neutralDoneEvent, self)
+ self.walkDoneEvent = self.taskName(name + '-walk-done')
+ self.walk = CharStateDatas.CharWalkState(
+ self.walkDoneEvent, self)
+ self.fsm.request('Neutral')
+ ### Off state ###
+ def enterOff(self):
+ pass
+ def exitOff(self):
+ pass
+ ### Neutral state ###
+ def enterNeutral(self):
+ self.neutral.enter()
+ self.acceptOnce(self.neutralDoneEvent, self.__decideNextState)
+ def exitNeutral(self):
+ self.ignore(self.neutralDoneEvent)
+ self.neutral.exit()
+ ### Walk state ###
+ def enterWalk(self):
+ self.walk.enter()
+ self.acceptOnce(self.walkDoneEvent, self.__decideNextState)
+ def exitWalk(self):
+ self.ignore(self.walkDoneEvent)
+ self.walk.exit()
+ def __decideNextState(self, doneStatus):
+ self.fsm.request('Neutral')
+ def setWalk(self, srcNode, destNode, timestamp):
+ """
+ srcNode, were to walk from
+ destNode, where to walk to
+ timestamp, when server started walk
+ message sent from the server to say that this
+ character should now go into walk state
+ """
+ if destNode and (not destNode == srcNode):
+ self.walk.setWalk(srcNode, destNode, timestamp)
+ # request to enter walk if we have a state machine
+ self.fsm.request('Walk')
+ def walkSpeed(self):
+ return ToontownGlobals.GoofySpeed
diff --git a/toontown/src/classicchars/ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f4eec6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+"""DistributedGoofyAI module: contains the DistributedGoofyAI class"""
+from import *
+import DistributedCCharBaseAI
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM, State
+from direct.fsm import State
+from direct.task import Task
+import random
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+import CharStateDatasAI
+class DistributedGoofyAI(DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI):
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("DistributedGoofyAI")
+ def __init__(self, air):
+ DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI.__init__(self, air, TTLocalizer.Goofy)
+ self.fsm = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM('DistributedGoofyAI',
+ [State.State('Off',
+ self.enterOff,
+ self.exitOff,
+ ['Lonely']),
+ State.State('Lonely',
+ self.enterLonely,
+ self.exitLonely,
+ ['Chatty', 'Walk']),
+ State.State('Chatty',
+ self.enterChatty,
+ self.exitChatty,
+ ['Lonely', 'Walk']),
+ State.State('Walk',
+ self.enterWalk,
+ self.exitWalk,
+ ['Lonely', 'Chatty']),
+ ],
+ # Initial State
+ 'Off',
+ # Final State
+ 'Off',
+ )
+ self.fsm.enterInitialState()
+ def delete(self):
+ self.fsm.requestFinalState()
+ DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI.delete(self)
+ self.lonelyDoneEvent = None
+ self.lonely = None
+ self.chattyDoneEvent = None
+ self.chatty = None
+ self.walkDoneEvent = None
+ self.walk = None
+ def generate( self ):
+ # all state data's that Goofy will need
+ #
+ DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI.generate(self)
+ name = self.getName()
+ self.lonelyDoneEvent = self.taskName(name + '-lonely-done')
+ self.lonely = CharStateDatasAI.CharLonelyStateAI(
+ self.lonelyDoneEvent, self)
+ self.chattyDoneEvent = self.taskName(name + '-chatty-done')
+ self.chatty = CharStateDatasAI.CharChattyStateAI(
+ self.chattyDoneEvent, self)
+ self.walkDoneEvent = self.taskName(name + '-walk-done')
+ self.walk = CharStateDatasAI.CharWalkStateAI(
+ self.walkDoneEvent, self)
+ def walkSpeed(self):
+ return ToontownGlobals.GoofySpeed
+ # this function kicks off Goofy
+ def start(self):
+ # poor lonely Goofy
+ self.fsm.request('Lonely')
+ def __decideNextState(self, doneStatus):
+ """
+ doneStatus, info about the finished state
+ called when the current state Goofy is in
+ decides that it is finished and a new state should
+ be transitioned into
+ """
+ assert(doneStatus.has_key('status'))
+ if doneStatus['state'] == 'lonely' and \
+ doneStatus['status'] == 'done':
+ self.fsm.request('Walk')
+ elif doneStatus['state'] == 'chatty' and \
+ doneStatus['status'] == 'done':
+ self.fsm.request('Walk')
+ elif doneStatus['state'] == 'walk' and \
+ doneStatus['status'] == 'done':
+ if len(self.nearbyAvatars) > 0:
+ self.fsm.request('Chatty')
+ else:
+ self.fsm.request('Lonely')
+ else:
+ assert 0, "Unknown status for Goofy"
+ ### Off state ###
+ def enterOff(self):
+ pass
+ def exitOff(self):
+ DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI.exitOff(self)
+ ### Lonely state ###
+ def enterLonely(self):
+ self.lonely.enter()
+ self.acceptOnce(self.lonelyDoneEvent, self.__decideNextState)
+ def exitLonely(self):
+ self.ignore(self.lonelyDoneEvent)
+ self.lonely.exit()
+ def __goForAWalk(self, task):
+ self.notify.debug("going for a walk")
+ self.fsm.request('Walk')
+ return Task.done
+ ### Chatty state ###
+ def enterChatty(self):
+ self.chatty.enter()
+ self.acceptOnce(self.chattyDoneEvent, self.__decideNextState)
+ def exitChatty(self):
+ self.ignore(self.chattyDoneEvent)
+ self.chatty.exit()
+ ### Walk state ###
+ def enterWalk(self):
+ self.notify.debug("going for a walk")
+ self.walk.enter()
+ self.acceptOnce(self.walkDoneEvent, self.__decideNextState)
+ def exitWalk(self):
+ self.ignore(self.walkDoneEvent)
+ self.walk.exit()
+ def avatarEnterNextState(self):
+ """
+ decide what to do with the state machine when
+ a toon gets near Goofy
+ """
+ # if this is the only avatar, start talking
+ if len(self.nearbyAvatars) == 1:
+ if self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName() != 'Walk':
+ self.fsm.request('Chatty')
+ else:
+ self.notify.debug("avatarEnterNextState: in walk state")
+ else:
+ self.notify.debug("avatarEnterNextState: num avatars: " +
+ str(len(self.nearbyAvatars)))
+ def avatarExitNextState(self):
+ """
+ decide what to do with the state machine when a
+ toon is no longer near Goofy
+ """
+ # no need to re-sort av list after removal
+ if len(self.nearbyAvatars) == 0:
+ if self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName() != 'Walk':
+ self.fsm.request('Lonely')
diff --git a/toontown/src/classicchars/ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a045aae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+"""DistributedGoofy module: contains the DistributedGoofy class"""
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+import DistributedCCharBase
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM, State
+from direct.fsm import State
+import CharStateDatas
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+from toontown.hood import DLHood
+class DistributedGoofySpeedway(DistributedCCharBase.DistributedCCharBase):
+ """DistributedGoofySpeedway class"""
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("DistributedGoofySpeedway")
+ def __init__(self, cr):
+ try:
+ self.DistributedGoofySpeedway_initialized
+ except:
+ self.DistributedGoofySpeedway_initialized = 1
+ DistributedCCharBase.DistributedCCharBase.__init__(self, cr,
+ TTLocalizer.Goofy,
+ 'g')
+ self.fsm = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM(self.getName(),
+ [State.State('Off',
+ self.enterOff,
+ self.exitOff,
+ ['Neutral']),
+ State.State('Neutral',
+ self.enterNeutral,
+ self.exitNeutral,
+ ['Walk']),
+ State.State('Walk',
+ self.enterWalk,
+ self.exitWalk,
+ ['Neutral']),
+ ],
+ # Initial State
+ 'Off',
+ # Final State
+ 'Off',
+ )
+ self.fsm.enterInitialState()
+ self.handleHolidays()
+ def disable(self):
+ self.fsm.requestFinalState()
+ DistributedCCharBase.DistributedCCharBase.disable(self)
+ del self.neutralDoneEvent
+ del self.neutral
+ del self.walkDoneEvent
+ del self.walk
+ self.fsm.requestFinalState()
+ def delete(self):
+ """
+ remove Goofy and state data information
+ """
+ try:
+ self.DistributedGoofySpeedway_deleted
+ except:
+ del self.fsm
+ self.DistributedGoofySpeedway_deleted = 1
+ DistributedCCharBase.DistributedCCharBase.delete(self)
+ def generate( self ):
+ """
+ create Goofy and state data information
+ """
+ DistributedCCharBase.DistributedCCharBase.generate(self, self.diffPath)
+ name = self.getName()
+ self.neutralDoneEvent = self.taskName(name + '-neutral-done')
+ self.neutral = CharStateDatas.CharNeutralState(
+ self.neutralDoneEvent, self)
+ self.walkDoneEvent = self.taskName(name + '-walk-done')
+ if self.diffPath == None:
+ self.walk = CharStateDatas.CharWalkState(
+ self.walkDoneEvent, self)
+ else:
+ self.walk = CharStateDatas.CharWalkState(
+ self.walkDoneEvent, self, self.diffPath)
+ self.fsm.request('Neutral')
+ ### Off state ###
+ def enterOff(self):
+ pass
+ def exitOff(self):
+ pass
+ ### Neutral state ###
+ def enterNeutral(self):
+ self.neutral.enter()
+ self.acceptOnce(self.neutralDoneEvent, self.__decideNextState)
+ def exitNeutral(self):
+ self.ignore(self.neutralDoneEvent)
+ self.neutral.exit()
+ ### Walk state ###
+ def enterWalk(self):
+ self.walk.enter()
+ self.acceptOnce(self.walkDoneEvent, self.__decideNextState)
+ def exitWalk(self):
+ self.ignore(self.walkDoneEvent)
+ self.walk.exit()
+ def __decideNextState(self, doneStatus):
+ self.fsm.request('Neutral')
+ def setWalk(self, srcNode, destNode, timestamp):
+ """
+ srcNode, were to walk from
+ destNode, where to walk to
+ timestamp, when server started walk
+ message sent from the server to say that this
+ character should now go into walk state
+ """
+ if destNode and (not destNode == srcNode):
+ self.walk.setWalk(srcNode, destNode, timestamp)
+ # request to enter walk if we have a state machine
+ self.fsm.request('Walk')
+ def walkSpeed(self):
+ return ToontownGlobals.GoofySpeed
+ def handleHolidays(self):
+ """
+ Handle Holiday specific behaviour
+ """
+ DistributedCCharBase.DistributedCCharBase.handleHolidays(self)
+ if hasattr(, "newsManager") and
+ holidayIds =
+ if ToontownGlobals.APRIL_FOOLS_COSTUMES in holidayIds and isinstance(, DLHood.DLHood):
+ self.diffPath = TTLocalizer.Donald
+ def getCCLocation(self):
+ if self.diffPath == None:
+ return 1
+ else:
+ return 0
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/toontown/src/classicchars/ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0bec8e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+"""DistributedGoofyAI module: contains the DistributedGoofyAI class"""
+from import *
+import DistributedCCharBaseAI
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM, State
+from direct.fsm import State
+from direct.task import Task
+import random
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+import CharStateDatasAI
+class DistributedGoofySpeedwayAI(DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI):
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("DistributedGoofySpeedwayAI")
+ def __init__(self, air):
+ DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI.__init__(self, air, TTLocalizer.Goofy)
+ self.fsm = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM('DistributedGoofySpeedwayAI',
+ [State.State('Off',
+ self.enterOff,
+ self.exitOff,
+ ['Lonely', 'TransitionToCostume', 'Walk']),
+ State.State('Lonely',
+ self.enterLonely,
+ self.exitLonely,
+ ['Chatty', 'Walk', 'TransitionToCostume']),
+ State.State('Chatty',
+ self.enterChatty,
+ self.exitChatty,
+ ['Lonely', 'Walk', 'TransitionToCostume']),
+ State.State('Walk',
+ self.enterWalk,
+ self.exitWalk,
+ ['Lonely', 'Chatty', 'TransitionToCostume']),
+ State.State('TransitionToCostume',
+ self.enterTransitionToCostume,
+ self.exitTransitionToCostume,
+ ['Off']),
+ ],
+ # Initial State
+ 'Off',
+ # Final State
+ 'Off',
+ )
+ self.fsm.enterInitialState()
+ self.handleHolidays()
+ def delete(self):
+ self.fsm.requestFinalState()
+ DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI.delete(self)
+ self.lonelyDoneEvent = None
+ self.lonely = None
+ self.chattyDoneEvent = None
+ self.chatty = None
+ self.walkDoneEvent = None
+ self.walk = None
+ def generate( self ):
+ # all state data's that Goofy will need
+ #
+ DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI.generate(self)
+ name = self.getName()
+ self.lonelyDoneEvent = self.taskName(name + '-lonely-done')
+ self.lonely = CharStateDatasAI.CharLonelyStateAI(
+ self.lonelyDoneEvent, self)
+ self.chattyDoneEvent = self.taskName(name + '-chatty-done')
+ self.chatty = CharStateDatasAI.CharChattyStateAI(
+ self.chattyDoneEvent, self)
+ self.walkDoneEvent = self.taskName(name + '-walk-done')
+ if self.diffPath == None:
+ self.walk = CharStateDatasAI.CharWalkStateAI(
+ self.walkDoneEvent, self)
+ else:
+ self.walk = CharStateDatasAI.CharWalkStateAI(
+ self.walkDoneEvent, self, self.diffPath)
+ def walkSpeed(self):
+ return ToontownGlobals.GoofySpeed
+ # this function kicks off Goofy
+ def start(self):
+ # poor lonely Goofy
+ self.fsm.request('Lonely')
+ def __decideNextState(self, doneStatus):
+ """
+ doneStatus, info about the finished state
+ called when the current state Goofy is in
+ decides that it is finished and a new state should
+ be transitioned into
+ """
+ assert(doneStatus.has_key('status'))
+ if(self.transitionToCostume == 1):
+ curWalkNode = self.walk.getDestNode()
+ if simbase.air.holidayManager:
+ if ToontownGlobals.HALLOWEEN_COSTUMES in simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays and \
+ simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays[ToontownGlobals.HALLOWEEN_COSTUMES]:
+ simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays[ToontownGlobals.HALLOWEEN_COSTUMES].triggerSwitch(curWalkNode, self)
+ self.fsm.request('TransitionToCostume')
+ elif ToontownGlobals.APRIL_FOOLS_COSTUMES in simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays and \
+ simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays[ToontownGlobals.APRIL_FOOLS_COSTUMES]:
+ simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays[ToontownGlobals.APRIL_FOOLS_COSTUMES].triggerSwitch(curWalkNode, self)
+ self.fsm.request('TransitionToCostume')
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning('transitionToCostume == 1 but no costume holiday')
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning('transitionToCostume == 1 but no holiday Manager')
+ if doneStatus['state'] == 'lonely' and \
+ doneStatus['status'] == 'done':
+ self.fsm.request('Walk')
+ elif doneStatus['state'] == 'chatty' and \
+ doneStatus['status'] == 'done':
+ self.fsm.request('Walk')
+ elif doneStatus['state'] == 'walk' and \
+ doneStatus['status'] == 'done':
+ if len(self.nearbyAvatars) > 0:
+ self.fsm.request('Chatty')
+ else:
+ self.fsm.request('Lonely')
+ else:
+ assert 0, "Unknown status for Goofy"
+ ### Off state ###
+ def enterOff(self):
+ pass
+ def exitOff(self):
+ DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI.exitOff(self)
+ ### Lonely state ###
+ def enterLonely(self):
+ self.lonely.enter()
+ self.acceptOnce(self.lonelyDoneEvent, self.__decideNextState)
+ def exitLonely(self):
+ self.ignore(self.lonelyDoneEvent)
+ self.lonely.exit()
+ def __goForAWalk(self, task):
+ self.notify.debug("going for a walk")
+ self.fsm.request('Walk')
+ return Task.done
+ ### Chatty state ###
+ def enterChatty(self):
+ self.chatty.enter()
+ self.acceptOnce(self.chattyDoneEvent, self.__decideNextState)
+ def exitChatty(self):
+ self.ignore(self.chattyDoneEvent)
+ self.chatty.exit()
+ ### Walk state ###
+ def enterWalk(self):
+ self.notify.debug("going for a walk")
+ self.walk.enter()
+ self.acceptOnce(self.walkDoneEvent, self.__decideNextState)
+ def exitWalk(self):
+ self.ignore(self.walkDoneEvent)
+ self.walk.exit()
+ def avatarEnterNextState(self):
+ """
+ decide what to do with the state machine when
+ a toon gets near Goofy
+ """
+ # if this is the only avatar, start talking
+ if len(self.nearbyAvatars) == 1:
+ if self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName() != 'Walk':
+ self.fsm.request('Chatty')
+ else:
+ self.notify.debug("avatarEnterNextState: in walk state")
+ else:
+ self.notify.debug("avatarEnterNextState: num avatars: " +
+ str(len(self.nearbyAvatars)))
+ def avatarExitNextState(self):
+ """
+ decide what to do with the state machine when a
+ toon is no longer near Goofy
+ """
+ # no need to re-sort av list after removal
+ if len(self.nearbyAvatars) == 0:
+ if self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName() != 'Walk':
+ self.fsm.request('Lonely')
+ def handleHolidays(self):
+ """
+ Handle Holiday specific behaviour
+ """
+ DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI.handleHolidays(self)
+ if hasattr(simbase.air, "holidayManager"):
+ if ToontownGlobals.APRIL_FOOLS_COSTUMES in simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays:
+ if simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays[ToontownGlobals.APRIL_FOOLS_COSTUMES] != None \
+ and simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays[ToontownGlobals.APRIL_FOOLS_COSTUMES].getRunningState():
+ self.diffPath = TTLocalizer.Donald
+ def getCCLocation(self):
+ if self.diffPath == None:
+ return 1
+ else:
+ return 0
+ ##TransitionToCostumeState##
+ def enterTransitionToCostume(self):
+ pass
+ def exitTransitionToCostume(self):
+ pass
diff --git a/toontown/src/classicchars/ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dafdc6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+"""DistributedMickey module: contains the DistributedMickey class"""
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+import DistributedCCharBase
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM, State
+from direct.fsm import State
+#import MickeyChatter
+import CharStateDatas
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+from toontown.hood import DGHood
+class DistributedMickey(DistributedCCharBase.DistributedCCharBase):
+ """DistributedMickey class"""
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("DistributedMickey")
+ def __init__(self, cr):
+ try:
+ self.DistributedMickey_initialized
+ except:
+ self.DistributedMickey_initialized = 1
+ DistributedCCharBase.DistributedCCharBase.__init__(self, cr,
+ TTLocalizer.Mickey,
+ 'mk')
+ self.fsm = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM(self.getName(),
+ [State.State('Off',
+ self.enterOff,
+ self.exitOff,
+ ['Neutral']),
+ State.State('Neutral',
+ self.enterNeutral,
+ self.exitNeutral,
+ ['Walk']),
+ State.State('Walk',
+ self.enterWalk,
+ self.exitWalk,
+ ['Neutral']),
+ ],
+ # Initial State
+ 'Off',
+ # Final State
+ 'Off',
+ )
+ self.fsm.enterInitialState()
+ self.handleHolidays()
+ def disable(self):
+ self.fsm.requestFinalState()
+ DistributedCCharBase.DistributedCCharBase.disable(self)
+ self.neutralDoneEvent = None
+ self.neutral = None
+ self.walkDoneEvent = None
+ self.walk = None
+ self.fsm.requestFinalState()
+ self.notify.debug("Mickey Disbled")
+ def delete(self):
+ """
+ remove Mickey and state data information
+ """
+ try:
+ self.DistributedMickey_deleted
+ except:
+ self.DistributedMickey_deleted = 1
+ del self.fsm
+ DistributedCCharBase.DistributedCCharBase.delete(self)
+ self.notify.debug("Mickey Deleted")
+ def generate( self ):
+ """
+ create Mickey and state data information
+ """
+ DistributedCCharBase.DistributedCCharBase.generate(self, self.diffPath)
+ name = self.getName()
+ self.neutralDoneEvent = self.taskName(name + '-neutral-done')
+ self.neutral = CharStateDatas.CharNeutralState(
+ self.neutralDoneEvent, self)
+ self.walkDoneEvent = self.taskName(name + '-walk-done')
+ if self.diffPath == None:
+ self.walk = CharStateDatas.CharWalkState(
+ self.walkDoneEvent, self)
+ else:
+ self.walk = CharStateDatas.CharWalkState(
+ self.walkDoneEvent, self, self.diffPath)
+ self.fsm.request('Neutral')
+ ### Off state ###
+ def enterOff(self):
+ pass
+ def exitOff(self):
+ pass
+ ### Neutral state ###
+ def enterNeutral(self):
+ self.neutral.enter()
+ self.acceptOnce(self.neutralDoneEvent, self.__decideNextState)
+ def exitNeutral(self):
+ self.ignore(self.neutralDoneEvent)
+ self.neutral.exit()
+ ### Walk state ###
+ def enterWalk(self):
+ self.walk.enter()
+ self.acceptOnce(self.walkDoneEvent, self.__decideNextState)
+ def exitWalk(self):
+ self.ignore(self.walkDoneEvent)
+ self.walk.exit()
+ def __decideNextState(self, doneStatus):
+ self.fsm.request('Neutral')
+ def setWalk(self, srcNode, destNode, timestamp):
+ """
+ srcNode, were to walk from
+ destNode, where to walk to
+ timestamp, when server started walk
+ message sent from the server to say that this
+ character should now go into walk state
+ """
+ if destNode and (not destNode == srcNode):
+ self.walk.setWalk(srcNode, destNode, timestamp)
+ # request to enter walk if we have a state machine
+ self.fsm.request('Walk')
+ def walkSpeed(self):
+ return ToontownGlobals.MickeySpeed
+ def handleHolidays(self):
+ """
+ Handle holiday specific behaviour
+ """
+ DistributedCCharBase.DistributedCCharBase.handleHolidays(self)
+ if hasattr(, "newsManager") and
+ holidayIds =
+ if ToontownGlobals.APRIL_FOOLS_COSTUMES in holidayIds and isinstance(, DGHood.DGHood):
+ self.diffPath = TTLocalizer.Daisy
diff --git a/toontown/src/classicchars/ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7519090
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+"""DistributedMickeyAI module: contains the DistributedMickeyAI class"""
+from import *
+import DistributedCCharBaseAI
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM, State
+from direct.fsm import State
+from direct.task import Task
+import random
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+import CharStateDatasAI
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+class DistributedMickeyAI(DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI):
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("DistributedMickeyAI")
+ def __init__(self, air):
+ DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI.__init__(self, air, TTLocalizer.Mickey)
+ self.fsm = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM('DistributedMickeyAI',
+ [State.State('Off',
+ self.enterOff,
+ self.exitOff,
+ ['Lonely', 'TransitionToCostume', 'Walk']),
+ State.State('Lonely',
+ self.enterLonely,
+ self.exitLonely,
+ ['Chatty', 'Walk', 'TransitionToCostume']),
+ State.State('Chatty',
+ self.enterChatty,
+ self.exitChatty,
+ ['Lonely', 'Walk', 'TransitionToCostume']),
+ State.State('Walk',
+ self.enterWalk,
+ self.exitWalk,
+ ['Lonely', 'Chatty', 'TransitionToCostume']),
+ State.State('TransitionToCostume',
+ self.enterTransitionToCostume,
+ self.exitTransitionToCostume,
+ ['Off']),
+ ],
+ # Initial State
+ 'Off',
+ # Final State
+ 'Off',
+ )
+ self.fsm.enterInitialState()
+ self.handleHolidays()
+ def delete(self):
+ self.fsm.requestFinalState()
+ del self.fsm
+ DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI.delete(self)
+ self.lonelyDoneEvent = None
+ self.lonely = None
+ self.chattyDoneEvent = None
+ self.chatty = None
+ self.walkDoneEvent = None
+ self.walk = None
+ self.notify.debug("MickeyAI Deleted")
+ def generate( self ):
+ # all state data's that Mickey will need
+ #
+ DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI.generate(self)
+ name = self.getName()
+ self.lonelyDoneEvent = self.taskName(name + '-lonely-done')
+ self.lonely = CharStateDatasAI.CharLonelyStateAI(
+ self.lonelyDoneEvent, self)
+ self.chattyDoneEvent = self.taskName(name + '-chatty-done')
+ self.chatty = CharStateDatasAI.CharChattyStateAI(
+ self.chattyDoneEvent, self)
+ self.walkDoneEvent = self.taskName(name + '-walk-done')
+ if self.diffPath == None:
+ self.walk = CharStateDatasAI.CharWalkStateAI(
+ self.walkDoneEvent, self)
+ else:
+ self.walk = CharStateDatasAI.CharWalkStateAI(
+ self.walkDoneEvent, self, self.diffPath)
+ def walkSpeed(self):
+ return ToontownGlobals.MickeySpeed
+ # this function kicks off Mickey
+ def start(self):
+ # poor lonely Mickey
+ self.fsm.request('Lonely')
+ def __decideNextState(self, doneStatus):
+ """
+ doneStatus, info about the finished state
+ called when the current state Mickey is in
+ decides that it is finished and a new state should
+ be transitioned into
+ """
+ assert(doneStatus.has_key('status'))
+ if(self.transitionToCostume == 1):
+ curWalkNode = self.walk.getDestNode()
+ if simbase.air.holidayManager:
+ if ToontownGlobals.HALLOWEEN_COSTUMES in simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays and \
+ simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays[ToontownGlobals.HALLOWEEN_COSTUMES]:
+ simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays[ToontownGlobals.HALLOWEEN_COSTUMES].triggerSwitch(curWalkNode, self)
+ self.fsm.request('TransitionToCostume')
+ elif ToontownGlobals.APRIL_FOOLS_COSTUMES in simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays and \
+ simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays[ToontownGlobals.APRIL_FOOLS_COSTUMES]:
+ simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays[ToontownGlobals.APRIL_FOOLS_COSTUMES].triggerSwitch(curWalkNode, self)
+ self.fsm.request('TransitionToCostume')
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning('transitionToCostume == 1 but no costume holiday')
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning('transitionToCostume == 1 but no holiday Manager')
+ if doneStatus['state'] == 'lonely' and \
+ doneStatus['status'] == 'done':
+ self.fsm.request('Walk')
+ elif doneStatus['state'] == 'chatty' and \
+ doneStatus['status'] == 'done':
+ self.fsm.request('Walk')
+ elif doneStatus['state'] == 'walk' and \
+ doneStatus['status'] == 'done':
+ if len(self.nearbyAvatars) > 0:
+ self.fsm.request('Chatty')
+ else:
+ self.fsm.request('Lonely')
+ else:
+ assert 0, "Unknown status for Mickey"
+ ### Off state ###
+ def enterOff(self):
+ pass
+ def exitOff(self):
+ DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI.exitOff(self)
+ ### Lonely state ###
+ def enterLonely(self):
+ self.lonely.enter()
+ self.acceptOnce(self.lonelyDoneEvent, self.__decideNextState)
+ def exitLonely(self):
+ self.ignore(self.lonelyDoneEvent)
+ self.lonely.exit()
+ def __goForAWalk(self, task):
+ self.notify.debug("going for a walk")
+ self.fsm.request('Walk')
+ return Task.done
+ ### Chatty state ###
+ def enterChatty(self):
+ self.chatty.enter()
+ self.acceptOnce(self.chattyDoneEvent, self.__decideNextState)
+ def exitChatty(self):
+ self.ignore(self.chattyDoneEvent)
+ self.chatty.exit()
+ ### Walk state ###
+ def enterWalk(self):
+ self.notify.debug("going for a walk")
+ self.walk.enter()
+ self.acceptOnce(self.walkDoneEvent, self.__decideNextState)
+ def exitWalk(self):
+ self.ignore(self.walkDoneEvent)
+ self.walk.exit()
+ def avatarEnterNextState(self):
+ """
+ decide what to do with the state machine when
+ a toon gets near Mickey
+ """
+ # if this is the only avatar, start talking
+ if len(self.nearbyAvatars) == 1:
+ if self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName() != 'Walk':
+ self.fsm.request('Chatty')
+ else:
+ self.notify.debug("avatarEnterNextState: in walk state")
+ else:
+ self.notify.debug("avatarEnterNextState: num avatars: " +
+ str(len(self.nearbyAvatars)))
+ def avatarExitNextState(self):
+ """
+ decide what to do with the state machine when a
+ toon is no longer near mickey
+ """
+ # no need to re-sort av list after removal
+ if len(self.nearbyAvatars) == 0:
+ if self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName() != 'Walk':
+ self.fsm.request('Lonely')
+ ##TransitionToCostumeState##
+ def enterTransitionToCostume(self):
+ pass
+ def exitTransitionToCostume(self):
+ pass
+ def handleHolidays(self):
+ """
+ Handle holiday specific behavior
+ """
+ DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI.handleHolidays(self)
+ if hasattr(simbase.air, "holidayManager"):
+ if ToontownGlobals.APRIL_FOOLS_COSTUMES in simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays and simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays[ToontownGlobals.APRIL_FOOLS_COSTUMES] != None \
+ and simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays[ToontownGlobals.APRIL_FOOLS_COSTUMES].getRunningState():
+ self.diffPath = TTLocalizer.Daisy
diff --git a/toontown/src/classicchars/ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d081d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+"""DistributedMinnie module: contains the DistributedMinnie class"""
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+import DistributedCCharBase
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM, State
+from direct.fsm import State
+import CharStateDatas
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+from toontown.hood import BRHood
+class DistributedMinnie(DistributedCCharBase.DistributedCCharBase):
+ """DistributedMinnie class"""
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("DistributedMinnie")
+ def __init__(self, cr):
+ try:
+ self.DistributedMinnie_initialized
+ except:
+ self.DistributedMinnie_initialized = 1
+ DistributedCCharBase.DistributedCCharBase.__init__(self, cr,
+ TTLocalizer.Minnie,
+ 'mn')
+ self.fsm = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM(self.getName(),
+ [State.State('Off',
+ self.enterOff,
+ self.exitOff,
+ ['Neutral']),
+ State.State('Neutral',
+ self.enterNeutral,
+ self.exitNeutral,
+ ['Walk']),
+ State.State('Walk',
+ self.enterWalk,
+ self.exitWalk,
+ ['Neutral']),
+ ],
+ # Initial State
+ 'Off',
+ # Final State
+ 'Off',
+ )
+ self.fsm.enterInitialState()
+ self.handleHolidays()
+ def disable(self):
+ self.fsm.requestFinalState()
+ DistributedCCharBase.DistributedCCharBase.disable(self)
+ self.neutralDoneEvent = None
+ self.neutral = None
+ self.walkDoneEvent = None
+ self.walk = None
+ self.fsm.requestFinalState()
+ def delete(self):
+ """
+ remove Minnie and state data information
+ """
+ try:
+ self.DistributedMinnie_deleted
+ except:
+ self.DistributedMinnie_deleted = 1
+ del self.fsm
+ DistributedCCharBase.DistributedCCharBase.delete(self)
+ #self.disable()
+ def generate( self ):
+ """
+ create Minnie and state data information
+ """
+ DistributedCCharBase.DistributedCCharBase.generate(self, self.diffPath)
+ self.neutralDoneEvent = self.taskName('minnie-neutral-done')
+ self.neutral = CharStateDatas.CharNeutralState(
+ self.neutralDoneEvent, self)
+ self.walkDoneEvent = self.taskName('minnie-walk-done')
+ if self.diffPath == None:
+ self.walk = CharStateDatas.CharWalkState(
+ self.walkDoneEvent, self)
+ else:
+ self.walk = CharStateDatas.CharWalkState(
+ self.walkDoneEvent, self, self.diffPath)
+ self.fsm.request('Neutral')
+ ### Off state ###
+ def enterOff(self):
+ pass
+ def exitOff(self):
+ pass
+ ### Neutral state ###
+ def enterNeutral(self):
+ self.neutral.enter()
+ self.acceptOnce(self.neutralDoneEvent, self.__decideNextState)
+ def exitNeutral(self):
+ self.ignore(self.neutralDoneEvent)
+ self.neutral.exit()
+ ### Walk state ###
+ def enterWalk(self):
+ self.walk.enter()
+ self.acceptOnce(self.walkDoneEvent, self.__decideNextState)
+ def exitWalk(self):
+ self.ignore(self.walkDoneEvent)
+ self.walk.exit()
+ def __decideNextState(self, doneStatus):
+ self.fsm.request('Neutral')
+ def setWalk(self, srcNode, destNode, timestamp):
+ """
+ srcNode, were to walk from
+ destNode, where to walk to
+ timestamp, when server started walk
+ message sent from the server to say that this
+ character should now go into walk state
+ """
+ if destNode and (not destNode == srcNode):
+ self.walk.setWalk(srcNode, destNode, timestamp)
+ # request to enter walk if we have a state machine
+ self.fsm.request('Walk')
+ def walkSpeed(self):
+ return ToontownGlobals.MinnieSpeed
+ def handleHolidays(self):
+ """
+ Handle Holiday specific behaviour
+ """
+ DistributedCCharBase.DistributedCCharBase.handleHolidays(self)
+ if hasattr(, "newsManager") and
+ holidayIds =
+ if ToontownGlobals.APRIL_FOOLS_COSTUMES in holidayIds and isinstance(, BRHood.BRHood):
+ self.diffPath = TTLocalizer.Pluto
diff --git a/toontown/src/classicchars/ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28b4653
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+"""DistributedMinnieAI module: contains the DistributedMinnieAI class"""
+from import *
+import DistributedCCharBaseAI
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM, State
+from direct.fsm import State
+from direct.task import Task
+import random
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+import CharStateDatasAI
+class DistributedMinnieAI(DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI):
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("DistributedMinnieAI")
+ def __init__(self, air):
+ DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI.__init__(self, air, TTLocalizer.Minnie)
+ self.fsm = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM('DistributedMinnieAI',
+ [State.State('Off',
+ self.enterOff,
+ self.exitOff,
+ ['Lonely', 'TransitionToCostume', 'Walk']),
+ State.State('Lonely',
+ self.enterLonely,
+ self.exitLonely,
+ ['Chatty', 'Walk', 'TransitionToCostume']),
+ State.State('Chatty',
+ self.enterChatty,
+ self.exitChatty,
+ ['Lonely', 'Walk', 'TransitionToCostume']),
+ State.State('Walk',
+ self.enterWalk,
+ self.exitWalk,
+ ['Lonely', 'Chatty', 'TransitionToCostume']),
+ State.State('TransitionToCostume',
+ self.enterTransitionToCostume,
+ self.exitTransitionToCostume,
+ ['Off']),
+ ],
+ # Initial State
+ 'Off',
+ # Final State
+ 'Off',
+ )
+ self.fsm.enterInitialState()
+ self.handleHolidays()
+ def delete(self):
+ self.fsm.requestFinalState()
+ DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI.delete(self)
+ self.lonelyDoneEvent = None
+ self.lonely = None
+ self.chattyDoneEvent = None
+ self.chatty = None
+ self.walkDoneEvent = None
+ self.walk = None
+ def generate( self ):
+ # all state data's that Minnie will need
+ #
+ DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI.generate(self)
+ name = self.getName()
+ self.lonelyDoneEvent = self.taskName(name + '-lonely-done')
+ self.lonely = CharStateDatasAI.CharLonelyStateAI(
+ self.lonelyDoneEvent, self)
+ self.chattyDoneEvent = self.taskName(name + '-chatty-done')
+ self.chatty = CharStateDatasAI.CharChattyStateAI(
+ self.chattyDoneEvent, self)
+ self.walkDoneEvent = self.taskName(name + '-walk-done')
+ if self.diffPath == None:
+ self.walk = CharStateDatasAI.CharWalkStateAI(
+ self.walkDoneEvent, self)
+ else:
+ self.walk = CharStateDatasAI.CharWalkStateAI(
+ self.walkDoneEvent, self, self.diffPath)
+ def walkSpeed(self):
+ return ToontownGlobals.MinnieSpeed
+ # this function kicks off Minnie
+ def start(self):
+ # poor lonely Minnie
+ self.fsm.request('Lonely')
+ def __decideNextState(self, doneStatus):
+ """
+ doneStatus, info about the finished state
+ called when the current state Minnie is in
+ decides that it is finished and a new state should
+ be transitioned into
+ """
+ assert(doneStatus.has_key('status'))
+ if(self.transitionToCostume == 1):
+ curWalkNode = self.walk.getDestNode()
+ if simbase.air.holidayManager:
+ if ToontownGlobals.HALLOWEEN_COSTUMES in simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays and \
+ simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays[ToontownGlobals.HALLOWEEN_COSTUMES]:
+ simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays[ToontownGlobals.HALLOWEEN_COSTUMES].triggerSwitch(curWalkNode, self)
+ self.fsm.request('TransitionToCostume')
+ elif ToontownGlobals.APRIL_FOOLS_COSTUMES in simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays and \
+ simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays[ToontownGlobals.APRIL_FOOLS_COSTUMES]:
+ simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays[ToontownGlobals.APRIL_FOOLS_COSTUMES].triggerSwitch(curWalkNode, self)
+ self.fsm.request('TransitionToCostume')
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning('transitionToCostume == 1 but no costume holiday')
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning('transitionToCostume == 1 but no holiday Manager')
+ if doneStatus['state'] == 'lonely' and \
+ doneStatus['status'] == 'done':
+ self.fsm.request('Walk')
+ elif doneStatus['state'] == 'chatty' and \
+ doneStatus['status'] == 'done':
+ self.fsm.request('Walk')
+ elif doneStatus['state'] == 'walk' and \
+ doneStatus['status'] == 'done':
+ if len(self.nearbyAvatars) > 0:
+ self.fsm.request('Chatty')
+ else:
+ self.fsm.request('Lonely')
+ else:
+ assert 0, "Unknown status for Minnie"
+ ### Off state ###
+ def enterOff(self):
+ pass
+ def exitOff(self):
+ DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI.exitOff(self)
+ ### Lonely state ###
+ def enterLonely(self):
+ self.lonely.enter()
+ self.acceptOnce(self.lonelyDoneEvent, self.__decideNextState)
+ def exitLonely(self):
+ self.ignore(self.lonelyDoneEvent)
+ self.lonely.exit()
+ def __goForAWalk(self, task):
+ self.notify.debug("going for a walk")
+ self.fsm.request('Walk')
+ return Task.done
+ ### Chatty state ###
+ def enterChatty(self):
+ self.chatty.enter()
+ self.acceptOnce(self.chattyDoneEvent, self.__decideNextState)
+ def exitChatty(self):
+ self.ignore(self.chattyDoneEvent)
+ self.chatty.exit()
+ ### Walk state ###
+ def enterWalk(self):
+ self.notify.debug("going for a walk")
+ self.walk.enter()
+ self.acceptOnce(self.walkDoneEvent, self.__decideNextState)
+ def exitWalk(self):
+ self.ignore(self.walkDoneEvent)
+ self.walk.exit()
+ def avatarEnterNextState(self):
+ """
+ decide what to do with the state machine when
+ a toon gets near Minnie
+ """
+ # if this is the only avatar, start talking
+ if len(self.nearbyAvatars) == 1:
+ if self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName() != 'Walk':
+ self.fsm.request('Chatty')
+ else:
+ self.notify.debug("avatarEnterNextState: in walk state")
+ else:
+ self.notify.debug("avatarEnterNextState: num avatars: " +
+ str(len(self.nearbyAvatars)))
+ def avatarExitNextState(self):
+ """
+ decide what to do with the state machine when a
+ toon is no longer near Minnie
+ """
+ # no need to re-sort av list after removal
+ if len(self.nearbyAvatars) == 0:
+ if self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName() != 'Walk':
+ self.fsm.request('Lonely')
+ def handleHolidays(self):
+ """
+ Handle Holiday specific behavior
+ """
+ DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI.handleHolidays(self)
+ if hasattr(simbase.air, "holidayManager"):
+ if ToontownGlobals.APRIL_FOOLS_COSTUMES in simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays and simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays[ToontownGlobals.APRIL_FOOLS_COSTUMES] != None \
+ and simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays[ToontownGlobals.APRIL_FOOLS_COSTUMES].getRunningState():
+ self.diffPath = TTLocalizer.Pluto
+ ##TransitionToCostumeState##
+ def enterTransitionToCostume(self):
+ pass
+ def exitTransitionToCostume(self):
+ pass
diff --git a/toontown/src/classicchars/ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37ab9f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+"""DistributedPluto module: contains the DistributedPluto class"""
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
+import DistributedCCharBase
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM, State
+from direct.fsm import State
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+import CharStateDatas
+from direct.fsm import StateData
+from direct.task import Task
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+from toontown.hood import MMHood
+class DistributedPluto(DistributedCCharBase.DistributedCCharBase):
+ """DistributedPluto class"""
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('DistributedPluto')
+ def __init__(self, cr):
+ try:
+ self.DistributedPluto_initialized
+ except:
+ self.DistributedPluto_initialized = 1
+ DistributedCCharBase.DistributedCCharBase.__init__(self, cr,
+ TTLocalizer.Pluto,
+ 'p')
+ self.fsm = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM('DistributedPluto',
+ [State.State('Off',
+ self.enterOff,
+ self.exitOff,
+ ['Neutral']),
+ State.State('Neutral',
+ self.enterNeutral,
+ self.exitNeutral,
+ ['Walk']),
+ State.State('Walk',
+ self.enterWalk,
+ self.exitWalk,
+ ['Neutral']),
+ ],
+ # Initial State
+ 'Off',
+ # Final State
+ 'Off',
+ )
+ self.fsm.enterInitialState()
+ self.handleHolidays()
+ def disable(self):
+ self.fsm.requestFinalState()
+ DistributedCCharBase.DistributedCCharBase.disable(self)
+ taskMgr.remove('enterNeutralTask')
+ taskMgr.remove('enterWalkTask')
+ del self.neutralDoneEvent
+ del self.neutral
+ del self.walkDoneEvent
+ del self.walk
+ del self.neutralStartTrack
+ del self.walkStartTrack
+ self.fsm.requestFinalState()
+ def delete(self):
+ """
+ remove Pluto and state data information
+ """
+ try:
+ self.DistributedPluto_deleted
+ except:
+ self.DistributedPluto_deleted = 1
+ del self.fsm
+ DistributedCCharBase.DistributedCCharBase.delete(self)
+ def generate( self ):
+ """
+ create Pluto and state data information
+ """
+ DistributedCCharBase.DistributedCCharBase.generate(self, self.diffPath)
+ self.neutralDoneEvent = self.taskName('pluto-neutral-done')
+ self.neutral = CharStateDatas.CharNeutralState(self.neutralDoneEvent, self)
+ self.walkDoneEvent = self.taskName('pluto-walk-done')
+ if self.diffPath == None:
+ self.walk = CharStateDatas.CharWalkState(
+ self.walkDoneEvent, self)
+ else:
+ self.walk = CharStateDatas.CharWalkState(
+ self.walkDoneEvent, self, self.diffPath)
+ self.walkStartTrack = Sequence(self.actorInterval('stand'),
+ Func(self.stand))
+ self.neutralStartTrack = Sequence(self.actorInterval('sit'),
+ Func(self.sit))
+ self.fsm.request('Neutral')
+ # Pluto's geometry changes dramatically from sitting to standing so
+ # we will perform some subtle transformations upon transitions
+ def stand(self):
+ self.dropShadow.setScale(0.9, 1.35, 0.9)
+ if hasattr(self, 'collNodePath'):
+ self.collNodePath.setScale(1.0, 1.5, 1.0)
+ def sit(self):
+ self.dropShadow.setScale(0.9)
+ if hasattr(self, 'collNodePath'):
+ self.collNodePath.setScale(1.0)
+ ### Off state ###
+ def enterOff(self):
+ pass
+ def exitOff(self):
+ pass
+ ### Neutral state ###
+ def enterNeutral(self):
+ self.notify.debug("Neutral " + self.getName() + "...")
+ # pass in the stand track to the walk state data
+ self.neutral.enter(self.neutralStartTrack)
+ self.acceptOnce(self.neutralDoneEvent, self.__decideNextState)
+ def exitNeutral(self):
+ self.ignore(self.neutralDoneEvent)
+ self.neutral.exit()
+ ### Walk state ###
+ def enterWalk(self):
+ self.notify.debug("Walking " + self.getName() + "...")
+ # pass in the stand track to the walk state data
+ self.walk.enter(self.walkStartTrack)
+ self.acceptOnce(self.walkDoneEvent, self.__decideNextState)
+ def exitWalk(self):
+ self.ignore(self.walkDoneEvent)
+ self.walk.exit()
+ def __decideNextState(self, doneStatus):
+ self.fsm.request('Neutral')
+ def setWalk(self, srcNode, destNode, timestamp):
+ """
+ srcNode, were to walk from
+ destNode, where to walk to
+ timestamp, when server started walk
+ message sent from the server to say that this
+ character should now go into walk state
+ """
+ if destNode and (not destNode == srcNode):
+ self.walk.setWalk(srcNode, destNode, timestamp)
+ # request to enter walk if we have a state machine
+ self.fsm.request('Walk')
+ def walkSpeed(self):
+ return ToontownGlobals.PlutoSpeed
+ def handleHolidays(self):
+ """
+ Handle Holiday specific behaviour
+ """
+ DistributedCCharBase.DistributedCCharBase.handleHolidays(self)
+ if hasattr(, "newsManager") and
+ holidayIds =
+ if ToontownGlobals.APRIL_FOOLS_COSTUMES in holidayIds and isinstance(, MMHood.MMHood):
+ self.diffPath = TTLocalizer.Minnie
+ def getCCLocation(self):
+ if self.diffPath == None:
+ return 1
+ else:
+ return 0
diff --git a/toontown/src/classicchars/ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef366b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+"""DistributedPlutoAI module: contains the DistributedPlutoAI class"""
+from import *
+import DistributedCCharBaseAI
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM, State
+from direct.fsm import State
+from direct.task import Task
+import random
+import CharStateDatasAI
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+class DistributedPlutoAI(DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI):
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("DistributedPlutoAI")
+ def __init__(self, air):
+ DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI.__init__(self, air, TTLocalizer.Pluto)
+ self.fsm = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM('DistributedPlutoAI',
+ [State.State('Off',
+ self.enterOff,
+ self.exitOff,
+ ['Lonely', 'TransitionToCostume', 'Walk']),
+ State.State('Lonely',
+ self.enterLonely,
+ self.exitLonely,
+ ['Chatty', 'Walk', 'TransitionToCostume']),
+ State.State('Chatty',
+ self.enterChatty,
+ self.exitChatty,
+ ['Lonely', 'Walk', 'TransitionToCostume']),
+ State.State('Walk',
+ self.enterWalk,
+ self.exitWalk,
+ ['Lonely', 'Chatty', 'TransitionToCostume']),
+ State.State('TransitionToCostume',
+ self.enterTransitionToCostume,
+ self.exitTransitionToCostume,
+ ['Off']),
+ ],
+ # Initial State
+ 'Off',
+ # Final State
+ 'Off',
+ )
+ self.fsm.enterInitialState()
+ self.handleHolidays()
+ def delete(self):
+ self.fsm.requestFinalState()
+ DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI.delete(self)
+ self.lonelyDoneEvent = None
+ self.lonely = None
+ self.chattyDoneEvent = None
+ self.chatty = None
+ self.walkDoneEvent = None
+ self.walk = None
+ def generate( self ):
+ # all state data's that Pluto will need
+ #
+ DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI.generate(self)
+ self.lonelyDoneEvent = self.taskName('pluto-lonely-done')
+ self.lonely = CharStateDatasAI.CharLonelyStateAI(
+ self.lonelyDoneEvent, self)
+ self.chattyDoneEvent = self.taskName('pluto-chatty-done')
+ self.chatty = CharStateDatasAI.CharChattyStateAI(
+ self.chattyDoneEvent, self)
+ self.walkDoneEvent = self.taskName('pluto-walk-done')
+ if self.diffPath == None:
+ self.walk = CharStateDatasAI.CharWalkStateAI(
+ self.walkDoneEvent, self)
+ else:
+ self.walk = CharStateDatasAI.CharWalkStateAI(
+ self.walkDoneEvent, self, self.diffPath)
+ def walkSpeed(self):
+ return ToontownGlobals.PlutoSpeed
+ # this function kicks off Pluto
+ def start(self):
+ # poor lonely Pluto
+ self.fsm.request('Lonely')
+ def __decideNextState(self, doneStatus):
+ """
+ doneStatus, info about the finished state
+ called when the current state Pluto is in
+ decides that it is finished and a new state should
+ be transitioned into
+ """
+ assert(doneStatus.has_key('status'))
+ if(self.transitionToCostume == 1):
+ curWalkNode = self.walk.getDestNode()
+ if simbase.air.holidayManager:
+ if ToontownGlobals.HALLOWEEN_COSTUMES in simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays and \
+ simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays[ToontownGlobals.HALLOWEEN_COSTUMES]:
+ simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays[ToontownGlobals.HALLOWEEN_COSTUMES].triggerSwitch(curWalkNode, self)
+ self.fsm.request('TransitionToCostume')
+ elif ToontownGlobals.APRIL_FOOLS_COSTUMES in simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays and \
+ simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays[ToontownGlobals.APRIL_FOOLS_COSTUMES]:
+ simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays[ToontownGlobals.APRIL_FOOLS_COSTUMES].triggerSwitch(curWalkNode, self)
+ self.fsm.request('TransitionToCostume')
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning('transitionToCostume == 1 but no costume holiday')
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning('transitionToCostume == 1 but no holiday Manager')
+ if doneStatus['state'] == 'lonely' and \
+ doneStatus['status'] == 'done':
+ self.fsm.request('Walk')
+ elif doneStatus['state'] == 'chatty' and \
+ doneStatus['status'] == 'done':
+ self.fsm.request('Walk')
+ elif doneStatus['state'] == 'walk' and \
+ doneStatus['status'] == 'done':
+ if len(self.nearbyAvatars) > 0:
+ self.fsm.request('Chatty')
+ else:
+ self.fsm.request('Lonely')
+ else:
+ assert 0, "Unknown status for Pluto"
+ ### Off state ###
+ def enterOff(self):
+ pass
+ def exitOff(self):
+ DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI.exitOff(self)
+ ### Lonely state ###
+ def enterLonely(self):
+ self.lonely.enter()
+ self.acceptOnce(self.lonelyDoneEvent, self.__decideNextState)
+ def exitLonely(self):
+ self.ignore(self.lonelyDoneEvent)
+ self.lonely.exit()
+ def __goForAWalk(self, task):
+ self.notify.debug("going for a walk")
+ self.fsm.request('Walk')
+ return Task.done
+ ### Chatty state ###
+ def enterChatty(self):
+ self.chatty.enter()
+ self.acceptOnce(self.chattyDoneEvent, self.__decideNextState)
+ def exitChatty(self):
+ self.ignore(self.chattyDoneEvent)
+ self.chatty.exit()
+ ### Walk state ###
+ def enterWalk(self):
+ self.notify.debug("going for a walk")
+ self.walk.enter()
+ self.acceptOnce(self.walkDoneEvent, self.__decideNextState)
+ def exitWalk(self):
+ self.ignore(self.walkDoneEvent)
+ self.walk.exit()
+ def avatarEnterNextState(self):
+ """
+ decide what to do with the state machine when
+ a toon gets near Pluto
+ """
+ # if this is the only avatar, start talking
+ if len(self.nearbyAvatars) == 1:
+ if self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName() != 'Walk':
+ self.fsm.request('Chatty')
+ else:
+ self.notify.debug("avatarEnterNextState: in walk state")
+ else:
+ self.notify.debug("avatarEnterNextState: num avatars: " +
+ str(len(self.nearbyAvatars)))
+ def avatarExitNextState(self):
+ """
+ decide what to do with the state machine when a
+ toon is no longer near Pluto
+ """
+ # no need to re-sort av list after removal
+ if len(self.nearbyAvatars) == 0:
+ if self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName() != 'Walk':
+ self.fsm.request('Lonely')
+ def handleHolidays(self):
+ """
+ Handle Holiday specific behaviour
+ """
+ DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI.handleHolidays(self)
+ if hasattr(simbase.air, "holidayManager"):
+ if ToontownGlobals.APRIL_FOOLS_COSTUMES in simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays:
+ if simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays[ToontownGlobals.APRIL_FOOLS_COSTUMES] != None \
+ and simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays[ToontownGlobals.APRIL_FOOLS_COSTUMES].getRunningState():
+ self.diffPath = TTLocalizer.Minnie
+ ##TransitionToCostumeState##
+ def enterTransitionToCostume(self):
+ pass
+ def exitTransitionToCostume(self):
+ pass
diff --git a/toontown/src/classicchars/ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e50450c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+"""DistributedSuperGoofy module: contains the DistributedSuperGoofy class"""
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+import DistributedCCharBase
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM, State
+from direct.fsm import State
+from toontown.classicchars import DistributedGoofySpeedway
+import CharStateDatas
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+import DistributedCCharBase
+class DistributedSuperGoofy(DistributedGoofySpeedway.DistributedGoofySpeedway):
+ """DistributedSuperGoofy class"""
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("DistributedSuperGoofy")
+ def __init__(self, cr):
+ try:
+ self.DistributedGoofySpeedway_initialized
+ except:
+ self.DistributedGoofySpeedway_initialized = 1
+ DistributedCCharBase.DistributedCCharBase.__init__(self, cr,
+ TTLocalizer.SuperGoofy,
+ 'sg')
+ self.fsm = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM(self.getName(),
+ [State.State('Off',
+ self.enterOff,
+ self.exitOff,
+ ['Neutral']),
+ State.State('Neutral',
+ self.enterNeutral,
+ self.exitNeutral,
+ ['Walk']),
+ State.State('Walk',
+ self.enterWalk,
+ self.exitWalk,
+ ['Neutral']),
+ ],
+ # Initial State
+ 'Off',
+ # Final State
+ 'Off',
+ )
+ self.fsm.enterInitialState()
+ # We want him to show up as Goofy
+ self.nametag.setName(TTLocalizer.Goofy)
+ def walkSpeed(self):
+ return ToontownGlobals.SuperGoofySpeed
diff --git a/toontown/src/classicchars/ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d133354
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+"""DistributedSuperGoofyAI module: contains the DistributedMickeyAI class"""
+from import *
+from toontown.classicchars import DistributedGoofySpeedwayAI
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM, State
+from direct.fsm import State
+from direct.task import Task
+import random
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+import DistributedCCharBaseAI
+import CharStateDatasAI
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+class DistributedSuperGoofyAI(DistributedGoofySpeedwayAI.DistributedGoofySpeedwayAI):
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("DistributedSuperGoofyAI")
+ def __init__(self, air):
+ DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI.__init__(self, air, TTLocalizer.SuperGoofy)
+ self.fsm = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM('DistributedSuperGoofyAI',
+ [State.State('Off',
+ self.enterOff,
+ self.exitOff,
+ ['Lonely', 'TransitionToCostume', 'Walk']),
+ State.State('Lonely',
+ self.enterLonely,
+ self.exitLonely,
+ ['Chatty', 'Walk', 'TransitionToCostume']),
+ State.State('Chatty',
+ self.enterChatty,
+ self.exitChatty,
+ ['Lonely', 'Walk', 'TransitionToCostume']),
+ State.State('Walk',
+ self.enterWalk,
+ self.exitWalk,
+ ['Lonely', 'Chatty', 'TransitionToCostume']),
+ State.State('TransitionToCostume',
+ self.enterTransitionToCostume,
+ self.exitTransitionToCostume,
+ ['Off']),
+ ],
+ # Initial State
+ 'Off',
+ # Final State
+ 'Off',
+ )
+ # We do not want to move into the transitionCostume state unless signalled to do so.
+ self.transitionToCostume = 0
+ self.fsm.enterInitialState()
+ def walkSpeed(self):
+ return ToontownGlobals.SuperGoofySpeed
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..825e33a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+"""DistributedVampireMickey module: contains the DistributedVampireMickey class"""
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+import DistributedCCharBase
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM, State
+from direct.fsm import State
+from toontown.classicchars import DistributedMickey
+import CharStateDatas
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+import DistributedCCharBase
+class DistributedVampireMickey(DistributedMickey.DistributedMickey):
+ """DistributedVampireMickey class"""
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("DistributedVampireMickey")
+ def __init__(self, cr):
+ try:
+ self.DistributedMickey_initialized
+ except:
+ self.DistributedMickey_initialized = 1
+ DistributedCCharBase.DistributedCCharBase.__init__(self, cr,
+ TTLocalizer.VampireMickey,
+ 'vmk')
+ self.fsm = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM(self.getName(),
+ [State.State('Off',
+ self.enterOff,
+ self.exitOff,
+ ['Neutral']),
+ State.State('Neutral',
+ self.enterNeutral,
+ self.exitNeutral,
+ ['Walk']),
+ State.State('Walk',
+ self.enterWalk,
+ self.exitWalk,
+ ['Neutral']),
+ ],
+ # Initial State
+ 'Off',
+ # Final State
+ 'Off',
+ )
+ self.fsm.enterInitialState()
+ # We want him to show up as Mickey
+ self.nametag.setName(TTLocalizer.Mickey)
+ def walkSpeed(self):
+ return ToontownGlobals.VampireMickeySpeed
diff --git a/toontown/src/classicchars/ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89588d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+"""DistributedVampireMickeyAI module: contains the DistributedMickeyAI class"""
+from import *
+from toontown.classicchars import DistributedMickeyAI
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM, State
+from direct.fsm import State
+from direct.task import Task
+import random
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+import DistributedCCharBaseAI
+import CharStateDatasAI
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+class DistributedVampireMickeyAI(DistributedMickeyAI.DistributedMickeyAI):
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("DistributedVampireMickeyAI")
+ def __init__(self, air):
+ DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI.__init__(self, air, TTLocalizer.VampireMickey)
+ self.fsm = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM('DistributedVampireMickeyAI',
+ [State.State('Off',
+ self.enterOff,
+ self.exitOff,
+ ['Lonely', 'TransitionToCostume', 'Walk']),
+ State.State('Lonely',
+ self.enterLonely,
+ self.exitLonely,
+ ['Chatty', 'Walk', 'TransitionToCostume']),
+ State.State('Chatty',
+ self.enterChatty,
+ self.exitChatty,
+ ['Lonely', 'Walk', 'TransitionToCostume']),
+ State.State('Walk',
+ self.enterWalk,
+ self.exitWalk,
+ ['Lonely', 'Chatty', 'TransitionToCostume']),
+ State.State('TransitionToCostume',
+ self.enterTransitionToCostume,
+ self.exitTransitionToCostume,
+ ['Off']),
+ ],
+ # Initial State
+ 'Off',
+ # Final State
+ 'Off',
+ )
+ # We do not want to move into the transitionCostume state unless signalled to do so.
+ self.transitionToCostume = 0
+ self.fsm.enterInitialState()
+ def walkSpeed(self):
+ return ToontownGlobals.VampireMickeySpeed
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00f8df5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+"""DistributedWesternPluto module: contains the DistributedWesternPluto class"""
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+import DistributedCCharBase
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM, State
+from direct.fsm import State
+from toontown.classicchars import DistributedPluto
+import CharStateDatas
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+import DistributedCCharBase
+class DistributedWesternPluto(DistributedPluto.DistributedPluto):
+ """DistributedPluto class"""
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('DistributedWesternPluto')
+ def __init__(self, cr):
+ try:
+ self.DistributedPluto_initialized
+ except:
+ self.DistributedPluto_initialized = 1
+ DistributedCCharBase.DistributedCCharBase.__init__(self, cr,
+ TTLocalizer.WesternPluto,
+ 'wp')
+ self.fsm = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM('DistributedWesternPluto',
+ [State.State('Off',
+ self.enterOff,
+ self.exitOff,
+ ['Neutral']),
+ State.State('Neutral',
+ self.enterNeutral,
+ self.exitNeutral,
+ ['Walk']),
+ State.State('Walk',
+ self.enterWalk,
+ self.exitWalk,
+ ['Neutral']),
+ ],
+ # Initial State
+ 'Off',
+ # Final State
+ 'Off',
+ )
+ self.fsm.enterInitialState()
+ self.nametag.setName(TTLocalizer.Pluto)
+ def walkSpeed(self):
+ return ToontownGlobals.WesternPlutoSpeed
diff --git a/toontown/src/classicchars/ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f2b995
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+"""DistributedWesternPlutoAI module: contains the DistributedWesternPlutoAI class"""
+from import *
+from toontown.classicchars import DistributedPlutoAI
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM, State
+from direct.fsm import State
+from direct.task import Task
+import random
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+import DistributedCCharBaseAI
+import CharStateDatasAI
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+class DistributedWesternPlutoAI(DistributedPlutoAI.DistributedPlutoAI):
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("DistributedWesternPlutoAI")
+ def __init__(self, air):
+ DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI.__init__(self, air, TTLocalizer.WesternPluto)
+ self.fsm = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM('DistributedWesternPlutoAI',
+ [State.State('Off',
+ self.enterOff,
+ self.exitOff,
+ ['Lonely', 'TransitionToCostume', 'Walk']),
+ State.State('Lonely',
+ self.enterLonely,
+ self.exitLonely,
+ ['Chatty', 'Walk', 'TransitionToCostume']),
+ State.State('Chatty',
+ self.enterChatty,
+ self.exitChatty,
+ ['Lonely', 'Walk', 'TransitionToCostume']),
+ State.State('Walk',
+ self.enterWalk,
+ self.exitWalk,
+ ['Lonely', 'Chatty', 'TransitionToCostume']),
+ State.State('TransitionToCostume',
+ self.enterTransitionToCostume,
+ self.exitTransitionToCostume,
+ ['Off']),
+ ],
+ # Initial State
+ 'Off',
+ # Final State
+ 'Off',
+ )
+ self.fsm.enterInitialState()
+ def walkSpeed(self):
+ return ToontownGlobals.WesternPlutoSpeed
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/toontown/src/classicchars/ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa2be90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+"""DistributedWitchMinnie module: contains the DistributedWitchMinnie class"""
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+import DistributedCCharBase
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM, State
+from direct.fsm import State
+from toontown.classicchars import DistributedMinnie
+import CharStateDatas
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+import DistributedCCharBase
+class DistributedWitchMinnie(DistributedMinnie.DistributedMinnie):
+ """DistributedWitchMinnie class"""
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("DistributedWitchMinnie")
+ def __init__(self, cr):
+ try:
+ self.DistributedMinnie_initialized
+ except:
+ self.DistributedMinnie_initialized = 1
+ DistributedCCharBase.DistributedCCharBase.__init__(self, cr,
+ TTLocalizer.WitchMinnie,
+ 'wmn')
+ self.fsm = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM(self.getName(),
+ [State.State('Off',
+ self.enterOff,
+ self.exitOff,
+ ['Neutral']),
+ State.State('Neutral',
+ self.enterNeutral,
+ self.exitNeutral,
+ ['Walk']),
+ State.State('Walk',
+ self.enterWalk,
+ self.exitWalk,
+ ['Neutral']),
+ ],
+ # Initial State
+ 'Off',
+ # Final State
+ 'Off',
+ )
+ self.fsm.enterInitialState()
+ # We want him to show up as Minnie
+ self.nametag.setName(TTLocalizer.Minnie)
+ def walkSpeed(self):
+ return ToontownGlobals.WitchMinnieSpeed
diff --git a/toontown/src/classicchars/ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4befe4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+"""DistributedWitchMinnieAI module: contains the DistributedMickeyAI class"""
+from import *
+from toontown.classicchars import DistributedMinnieAI
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM, State
+from direct.fsm import State
+from direct.task import Task
+import random
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+import DistributedCCharBaseAI
+import CharStateDatasAI
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+class DistributedWitchMinnieAI(DistributedMinnieAI.DistributedMinnieAI):
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("DistributedWitchMinnieAI")
+ def __init__(self, air):
+ DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI.__init__(self, air, TTLocalizer.WitchMinnie)
+ self.fsm = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM('DistributedWitchMinnieAI',
+ [State.State('Off',
+ self.enterOff,
+ self.exitOff,
+ ['Lonely', 'TransitionToCostume', 'Walk']),
+ State.State('Lonely',
+ self.enterLonely,
+ self.exitLonely,
+ ['Chatty', 'Walk', 'TransitionToCostume']),
+ State.State('Chatty',
+ self.enterChatty,
+ self.exitChatty,
+ ['Lonely', 'Walk', 'TransitionToCostume']),
+ State.State('Walk',
+ self.enterWalk,
+ self.exitWalk,
+ ['Lonely', 'Chatty', 'TransitionToCostume']),
+ State.State('TransitionToCostume',
+ self.enterTransitionToCostume,
+ self.exitTransitionToCostume,
+ ['Off']),
+ ],
+ # Initial State
+ 'Off',
+ # Final State
+ 'Off',
+ )
+ # We do not want to move into the transitionCostume state unless signalled to do so.
+ self.transitionToCostume = 0
+ self.fsm.enterInitialState()
+ def walkSpeed(self):
+ return ToontownGlobals.WitchMinnieSpeed
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/toontown/src/classicchars/Sources.pp b/toontown/src/classicchars/Sources.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a03ea8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/classicchars/Sources.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+// For now, since we are not installing Python files, this file can
+// remain empty.
diff --git a/toontown/src/classicchars/ b/toontown/src/classicchars/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/toontown/src/coderedemption/Sources.pp b/toontown/src/coderedemption/Sources.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a03ea8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coderedemption/Sources.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+// For now, since we are not installing Python files, this file can
+// remain empty.
diff --git a/toontown/src/coderedemption/StressTestAvIds.txt b/toontown/src/coderedemption/StressTestAvIds.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18a6e95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coderedemption/StressTestAvIds.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,35388 @@
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1e5793
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coderedemption/
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+from direct.directnotify.DirectNotifyGlobal import directNotify
+import math
+import string
+class TTCodeDict:
+ notify = directNotify.newCategory('TTCodeDict')
+ # characters used for auto-generated codes
+ Characters = 'CDFGHJKLMNPQRVWX3469'
+ NumChars = len(Characters)
+ # characters used for manually-created codes
+ IgnoredManualCharacters = '-' + ' '
+ ManualCharacters = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' + string.digits + IgnoredManualCharacters
+ # all manually-created codes must contain at least one of these characters
+ # ensures that code can never collide with an auto-generated code
+ ManualOnlyCharacters = ''
+ for char in ManualCharacters:
+ if char not in IgnoredManualCharacters:
+ if char not in Characters:
+ ManualOnlyCharacters += char
+ CharactersSet = set(Characters)
+ ManualCharactersSet = set(ManualCharacters)
+ _Primes = {}
+ _PrimeModuli = {}
+ # prevent brute-force attacks by using one in N codes
+ BruteForceFactor = 1000
+ @classmethod
+ def isLegalUniqueCode(cls, code):
+ chars = set(cls.getFromReadableCode(code))
+ return len(chars.difference(cls.CharactersSet)) == 0
+ @classmethod
+ def isLegalNonUniqueCode(cls, code):
+ for c in code:
+ if not cls.isValidManualChar(c):
+ return False
+ return True
+ @classmethod
+ def isLegalCode(cls, code):
+ return cls.isLegalUniqueCode(code) or cls.isLegalNonUniqueCode(code)
+ @classmethod
+ def isValidManualChar(cls, c):
+ if c in cls.IgnoredManualCharacters:
+ return True
+ return c.isalnum()
+ @classmethod
+ def isManualOnlyChar(cls, c):
+ if c.upper() in cls.CharactersSet:
+ return False
+ # any unicode alphanumeric character that is not in the auto-generated character set
+ # is a manual-only character
+ return c.isalnum()
+ @staticmethod
+ def _isPrime(value):
+ maxTestVal = int(math.ceil(math.sqrt(value)))
+ if (maxTestVal % 2) == 0:
+ maxTestVal -= 1
+ testVal = 3
+ while testVal <= maxTestVal:
+ if (value % testVal) == 0:
+ return False
+ testVal += 2
+ return True
+ @staticmethod
+ def _nextPrime(value):
+ if (value % 2) == 0:
+ value += 1
+ while not TTCodeDict._isPrime(value):
+ value += 2
+ return value
+ @classmethod
+ def getNumValuesInCodeSpace(cls, codeLength):
+ return pow(cls.NumChars, codeLength)
+ @classmethod
+ def getNumUsableValuesInCodeSpace(cls, codeLength):
+ return int(cls.getNumValuesInCodeSpace(codeLength) / cls.BruteForceFactor)
+ @classmethod
+ def _getPrimeModulus(cls, codeLength):
+ # get the largest prime in this code value space to use as the code value modulus
+ if codeLength in cls._PrimeModuli:
+ return cls._PrimeModuli[codeLength]
+ print ('calculating prime modulus for code length %s...' % codeLength),
+ i = cls.getNumValuesInCodeSpace(codeLength)
+ while not cls._isPrime(i):
+ i -= 1
+ if i < 0:
+ raise 'could not find prime modulus for code length %s' % codeLength
+ cls._PrimeModuli[codeLength] = i
+ print 'done.'
+ return i
+ @classmethod
+ def _getPrime(cls, codeLength):
+ if (codeLength in cls._Primes):
+ return cls._Primes[codeLength]
+ print ('calculating prime multiplier for code length %s...' % codeLength),
+ numValues = cls.getNumValuesInCodeSpace(codeLength)
+ if '_scatterPrime' not in cls.__dict__:
+ # longer codes will require a larger (longer/more digits/more 7's!) prime here
+ cls._scatterPrime = 677770777
+ cls._scatterPow10 = 1
+ scratch = cls._scatterPrime
+ while scratch:
+ cls._scatterPow10 *= 10
+ scratch = int(scratch / 10)
+ cls._scatterFactor = float(cls._scatterPrime) / cls._scatterPow10
+ subdivisions = cls.NumChars * cls._scatterPow10
+ primeFactor = cls._scatterFactor
+ multiplier = (subdivisions * primeFactor)
+ prime = cls._nextPrime(int((float(numValues) * multiplier) / subdivisions))
+ if prime >= numValues:
+ prime = cls._nextPrime(int(float(numValues) / subdivisions))
+ if prime >= numValues:
+ prime = cls._nextPrime(0)
+ if prime >= numValues:
+ raise 'could not find prime smaller than %s' % numValues
+ cls._Primes[codeLength] = prime
+ #print 'codeLength %s, prime=%s' % (codeLength, prime)
+ print 'done.'
+ return prime
+ @classmethod
+ def getObfuscatedCodeValue(cls, codeValue, codeLength):
+ prime = cls._getPrime(codeLength)
+ modulus = cls._getPrimeModulus(codeLength)
+ obfValue = (prime * codeValue) % modulus
+ return obfValue
+ @classmethod
+ def getCodeFromValue(cls, codeValue, codeLength):
+ codeStr = ''
+ charsLeft = codeLength
+ while charsLeft > 0:
+ index = codeValue % cls.NumChars
+ codeValue = int(codeValue / cls.NumChars)
+ codeStr = cls.Characters[index] + codeStr
+ charsLeft -= 1
+ return codeStr
+ @classmethod
+ def getReadableCode(cls, code):
+ """
+ 01 X
+ 02 XX
+ 03 XXX
+ 04 XXXX
+ 05 XX-XXX
+ 06 XXX-XXX
+ 10 XXX-XXX-XXXX # 6 + 4
+ 11 XXX-XXXX-XXXX # 7 + 4
+ 12 XXXX-XXXX-XXXX # 8 + 4
+ 13 XXX-XXX-XXX-XXXX # 9 + 4
+ 14 XXX-XXX-XXXX-XXXX # 6 + 8
+ 15 XXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX # 7 + 8
+ 16 XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX # 8 + 8
+ 17 XXX-XXX-XXX-XXXX-XXXX # 9 + 8
+ 18 XXX-XXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX # 6 + 12
+ """
+ length = len(code)
+ if length < 5:
+ return code
+ if length == 5:
+ return '%s-%s' % (code[:2], code[2:])
+ if length == 6:
+ return '%s-%s' % (code[:3], code[3:])
+ if length == 7:
+ return '%s-%s' % (code[:3], code[3:])
+ if length == 8:
+ return '%s-%s' % (code[:4], code[4:])
+ if length == 9:
+ return '%s-%s-%s' % (code[:3], code[3:6], code[6:])
+ numQuads = (len(code) - 6) / 4
+ prefixLen = len(code) - (numQuads * 4)
+ prefix = cls.getReadableCode(code[:prefixLen])
+ toQuad = code[prefixLen:]
+ rc = prefix
+ while len(toQuad):
+ rc = '%s-%s' % (rc, toQuad[:4])
+ toQuad = toQuad[4:]
+ return rc
+ @classmethod
+ def getFromReadableCode(cls, code):
+ cls.notify.debug('getFromReadableCode: input: %s' % code)
+ # remove dashes
+ code = ''.join(code.split('-'))
+ # remove spaces
+ code = ''.join(code.split(' '))
+ # uppercase only
+ code = code.upper()
+ cls.notify.debug('getFromReadableCode: output: %s' % code)
+ return code
+ @classmethod
+ def _testCodeUniqueness(cls, codeLength=None, verbose=True):
+ if not codeLength:
+ codeLength = 4
+ while 1:
+ print 'testing code uniqueness for code length: %s' % codeLength
+ codes = set()
+ maxVal = cls._getPrimeModulus(codeLength)
+ #print maxVal
+ i = 0
+ while i < maxVal:
+ x = cls.getObfuscatedCodeValue(i, codeLength)
+ code = cls.getCodeFromValue(x, codeLength)
+ if verbose:
+ print '%s %s/%s -> %s' % (cls.getReadableCode(code), i, maxVal-1, x)
+ if code in codes:
+ raise 'code %s already encountered!' % code
+ codes.add(code)
+ i += 1
+ codeLength += 1
diff --git a/toontown/src/coderedemption/ b/toontown/src/coderedemption/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7bc1231
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coderedemption/
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+DefaultDbName = 'tt_code_redemption'
+RedeemErrors = Enum(
+ 'Success, CodeDoesntExist, CodeIsExpired, CodeAlreadyRedeemed, AwardCouldntBeGiven, '
+ 'TooManyAttempts, SystemUnavailable, ')
+# for ~code response
+RedeemErrorStrings = {
+ RedeemErrors.Success: 'Success',
+ RedeemErrors.CodeDoesntExist: 'Invalid code',
+ RedeemErrors.CodeIsExpired: 'Code is expired',
+ RedeemErrors.CodeAlreadyRedeemed: 'Code has already been redeemed',
+ RedeemErrors.AwardCouldntBeGiven: 'Award could not be given',
+ RedeemErrors.TooManyAttempts: 'Too many attempts, code ignored',
+ RedeemErrors.SystemUnavailable: 'Code redemption is currently unavailable',
+ }
+assert len(RedeemErrorStrings) == len(RedeemErrors)
+MaxCustomCodeLen = config.GetInt('tt-max-custom-code-len', 16)
diff --git a/toontown/src/coderedemption/ b/toontown/src/coderedemption/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..468f60a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coderedemption/
@@ -0,0 +1,1708 @@
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ # running as a MySQL communication subprocess
+ # redirect any output during module init to stderr
+ import sys
+ stdOut = sys.stdout
+ sys.stdout = sys.stderr
+ print 'code redemption subprocess starting...'
+ import direct
+ from pandac.PandaModules import *
+ from direct.showbase.ShowBase import ShowBase
+ #showbase = ShowBase(fStartDirect=False, windowType='none')
+ config = getConfigShowbase()
+from direct.directnotify.DirectNotifyGlobal import directNotify
+from direct.fsm.FSM import FSM
+from direct.fsm.StatePush import StateVar, FunctionCall
+from direct.showbase.DirectObject import DirectObject
+from direct.task import Task
+from direct.showbase.Job import Job
+from direct.stdpy import threading # MySQLdb blocks on locked table access
+from otp.uberdog.DBInterface import DBInterface
+from toontown.coderedemption.TTCodeDict import TTCodeDict
+from toontown.coderedemption import TTCodeRedemptionConsts
+from direct.directutil import DirectMySQLdb
+import _mysql_exceptions
+import random
+import datetime
+import MySQLdb
+import os
+import subprocess
+import time
+class MySQLErrors:
+ DbAlreadyExists = 1007
+ TableAlreadyExists = 1050
+ ServerShuttingDown = 1053
+ ServerGoneAway = 2006
+class TryAgainLater(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, mysqlException, address):
+ self._exception = mysqlException
+ self._address = address
+ def getMySQLException(self):
+ return self._exception
+ def __str__(self):
+ return 'problem using MySQL DB at %s, try again later (%s)' % (self._address, self._exception)
+class TTDBCursorBase:
+ ConnectionProblems = set([MySQLErrors.ServerShuttingDown,
+ MySQLErrors.ServerGoneAway,
+ ])
+ def _setConnection(self, connection):
+ self._connection = connection
+ def _doExecute(self, cursorBase, *args, **kArgs):
+ if self.notify.getDebug():
+ self.notify.debug('execute:\n%s' % u2ascii(args[0]))
+ try:
+ cursorBase.execute(self, *args, **kArgs)
+ except _mysql_exceptions.OperationalError, e:
+ if self._connection.getErrorCode(e) in TTDBCursorBase.ConnectionProblems:
+ # force a reconnect
+ TTCRDBConnection.db = None
+ raise TryAgainLater(e, '%s:%s' % (self._connection._host, self._connection._port))
+ else:
+ raise
+class TTDBCursor(MySQLdb.cursors.Cursor, TTDBCursorBase):
+ notify = directNotify.newCategory('TTCodeRedemptionDB')
+ def execute(self, *args, **kArgs):
+ self._doExecute(MySQLdb.cursors.Cursor, *args, **kArgs)
+class TTDBDictCursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor, TTDBCursorBase):
+ notify = directNotify.newCategory('TTCodeRedemptionDB')
+ def execute(self, *args, **kArgs):
+ self._doExecute(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor, *args, **kArgs)
+class TTCRDBConnection(DBInterface):
+ notify = directNotify.newCategory('TTCodeRedemptionDB')
+ RetryPeriod = 5.
+ TableLockRetryPeriod = 1.
+ Connecting = 'Connecting'
+ Initializing = 'Initializing'
+ Locking = 'Locking'
+ Connected = 'Connected'
+ Released = 'Released'
+ WaitForRetry = 'WaitForRetry'
+ WaitForRetryLocking = 'WaitForRetryLocking'
+ StartCodeLength = 4
+ LoggedConnectionInfo = False
+ ConnectedEvent = 'TTCRDBConnectionMgr-Connected-%s'
+ WantTableLocking = config.GetBool('want-code-redemption-db-locking', 0)
+ db = None
+ LastFailedConnectTime = None
+ ConnectRetryTimeout = 3.
+ def __init__(self, connectInfo, tableLocks={}):
+ # tableLocks: table name -> READ||WRITE
+ self._host =
+ self._port = connectInfo.port
+ self._user = connectInfo.user
+ self._passwd = connectInfo.passwd
+ self._tableLocks = tableLocks
+ self._dbName = connectInfo.dbname
+ self._retryDoLater = None
+ self._retryLockingDoLater = None
+ self._curState = 'Off'
+ self.request(self.Connecting)
+ # hack FSM to allow request in enter methods
+ def request(self, state):
+ exitFuncName = 'exit%s' % self._curState
+ if hasattr(self, exitFuncName):
+ getattr(self, exitFuncName)()
+ enterFuncName = 'enter%s' % state
+ self._curState = state
+ if hasattr(self, enterFuncName):
+ getattr(self, enterFuncName)()
+ def getState(self):
+ return self._curState
+ def destroy(self):
+ self.release()
+ self.request('Off')
+ def getConnectedEvent(self):
+ return self.ConnectedEvent % id(self)
+ def isConnected(self):
+ return self._curState == self.Connected
+ def getDb(self):
+ # returns valid MySQLdb when in Connected state
+ return self.__class__.db
+ def getCursor(self):
+ cursor = TTDBCursor(self.__class__.db)
+ cursor._setConnection(self)
+ return cursor
+ def getDictCursor(self):
+ cursor = TTDBDictCursor(self.__class__.db)
+ cursor._setConnection(self)
+ return cursor
+ def commit(self):
+ self.__class__.db.commit()
+ def release(self):
+ self.request('Released')
+ def enterConnecting(self):
+ if self.__class__.LastFailedConnectTime is not None:
+ if (globalClock.getRealTime() - self.__class__.LastFailedConnectTime) < self.ConnectRetryTimeout:
+ raise TryAgainLater(None, '%s:%s' % (self._host, self._port))
+ if not self.__class__.db:
+ try:
+ self.__class__.db = DirectMySQLdb.connect(host=self._host,
+ port=self._port,
+ user=self._user,
+ passwd=self._passwd)
+ except _mysql_exceptions.OperationalError,e:
+ """
+ self.notify.warning("Failed to connect to MySQL at %s:%d. Retrying in %s seconds."%(
+ self._host,self._port,self.RetryPeriod))
+ self.request(self.WaitForRetry)
+ """
+ self.notify.warning(str(e))
+ self.__class__.LastFailedConnectTime = globalClock.getRealTime()
+ raise TryAgainLater(e, '%s:%s' % (self._host, self._port))
+ else:
+ self.__class__.db.set_character_set('utf8')
+ # spammy
+ if not self.__class__.LoggedConnectionInfo:
+ self.notify.debug("Connected to MySQL at %s:%d."%(self._host,self._port))
+ self.__class__.LoggedConnectionInfo = True
+ self.request(self.Initializing)
+ else:
+ # no DB initialization required since we're already connected
+ self.request(self.Locking)
+ def _createTable(self, command):
+ cursor = self.getCursor()
+ try:
+ cursor.execute(command)
+ except _mysql_exceptions.OperationalError, e:
+ if self.getErrorCode(e) == MySQLErrors.TableAlreadyExists:
+ # table already exists
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise
+ def enterInitializing(self):
+ # create database
+ cursor = self.getCursor()
+ initDb = config.GetBool('want-code-redemption-init-db', __dev__)
+ if initDb:
+ try:
+ cursor.execute("CREATE DATABASE %s" % self._dbName)
+"database %s did not exist, created new one" % self._dbName)
+ except _mysql_exceptions.ProgrammingError, e:
+ if self.getErrorCode(e) == MySQLErrors.DbAlreadyExists:
+ # db already exists
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise
+ cursor.execute("USE %s" % self._dbName)
+ if initDb:
+ # create tables
+ self._createTable(
+ """
+ CREATE TABLE code_space (
+ code_length int(32) unsigned NOT NULL,
+ next_code_value bigint(64) unsigned NOT NULL
+ """
+ )
+ self._createTable(
+ """
+ lot_id int(32) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
+ name text NOT NULL,
+ manual enum('F','T') NOT NULL,
+ %(rewardType)s int(32) unsigned NOT NULL,
+ %(rewardItemId)s int(32) unsigned NOT NULL,
+ size bigint(64) NOT NULL,
+ creation DATETIME,
+ expiration DATETIME,
+ PRIMARY KEY (lot_id)
+ """ % {'rewardType': TTCodeRedemptionDB.RewardTypeFieldName,
+ 'rewardItemId': TTCodeRedemptionDB.RewardItemIdFieldName,
+ }
+ )
+ cursor = self.getDictCursor()
+ while 1:
+ cursor.execute(
+ """
+ SELECT code_length, next_code_value FROM code_space;
+ """
+ )
+ rows = cursor.fetchall()
+ if len(rows) == 0:
+ if self.WantTableLocking:
+ cursor.execute(
+ """
+ LOCK TABLES code_space WRITE;
+ """
+ )
+ cursor.execute(
+ """
+ INSERT INTO code_space (code_length, next_code_value) VALUES(%s, 0);
+ """ % (self.StartCodeLength)
+ )
+ if self.WantTableLocking:
+ cursor.execute(
+ """
+ """
+ )
+ self.commit()
+ continue
+ else:
+ assert len(rows) == 1
+ break
+ self.request(self.Locking)
+ def enterLocking(self):
+ try:
+ if self.WantTableLocking:
+ if len(self._tableLocks):
+ cmd = 'LOCK TABLES '
+ for table, lock in self._tableLocks.iteritems():
+ cmd += '%s %s, ' % (table, lock)
+ cmd = cmd[:-2] + ';'
+ self.getCursor().execute(cmd)
+ except TryAgainLater,e:
+ self.notify.warning('failed to acquire table lock(s), retrying in %s seconds') % (
+ self.TableLockRetryPeriod, )
+ self.request(self.WaitForRetryLocking)
+ else:
+ # spammy
+"tables locked")
+ self.request(self.Connected)
+ def enterConnected(self):
+ messenger.send(self.getConnectedEvent())
+ def enterDisconnected(self):
+ pass
+ def exitDisconnected(self):
+ pass
+ def enterWaitForRetry(self):
+ if self._retryDoLater:
+ taskMgr.remove(self._retryDoLater)
+ self._retryDoLater = taskMgr.doMethodLater(self.RetryPeriod, self._retryConnect, 'TTCRDBConnectionMgr-retryConnect-%s' % id(self))
+ def _retryConnect(self, task=None):
+ self.request(self.Connecting)
+ return Task.done
+ def exitWaitForRetry(self):
+ if self._retryDoLater:
+ taskMgr.remove(self._retryDoLater)
+ self._retryDoLater = None
+ def enterWaitForRetryLocking(self):
+ if self._retryLockingDoLater:
+ taskMgr.remove(self._retryLockingDoLater)
+ self._retryLockingDoLater = taskMgr.doMethodLater(self.RetryLockingPeriod, self._retryLocking,
+ 'TTCRDBConnectionMgr-retryLocking-%s' % id(self))
+ def _retryLockingDoLater(self, task=None):
+ self.request(self.Locking)
+ return Task.done
+ def exitWaitForRetryLocking(self):
+ if self._retryLockingDoLater:
+ taskMgr.remove(self._retryLockingDoLater)
+ self._retryLockingDoLater = None
+ def enterReleased(self):
+ if self.WantTableLocking:
+ if len(self._tableLocks):
+ self.getCursor().execute('UNLOCK TABLES;')
+class TTCodeRedemptionDBTester(Job):
+ notify = directNotify.newCategory('TTCodeRedemptionDBTester')
+ TestLotName = 'temp_auto_test_lot_'
+ class TestRewarder:
+ FakeAvId = 2847
+ def _giveReward(self, avId, rewardTypeId, rewardItemId, callback):
+ callback(0)
+ def __init__(self, db):
+ self._db = db
+ Job.__init__(self, 'TTCodeRedemptionDBTester-%s' % serialNum())
+ def getRandomSamples(self, callback, numSamples):
+ samples = []
+ for i in xrange(numSamples):
+ samples.append(int(random.random() * ((1L<<32)-1)))
+ callback(samples)
+ @classmethod
+ def isLotNameValid(cls, lotName):
+ # make sure a user doesn't create a lot that matches the test lot naming convention
+ return (cls.TestLotName not in lotName)
+ @classmethod
+ def cleanup(cls, db):
+ # remove any leftover data from previous tests
+ db._testing = True
+ lotNames = db.getLotNames()
+ for lotName in lotNames:
+ if cls.TestLotName in lotName:
+ db.deleteLot(lotName)
+ db._testing = False
+ def _handleRedeemResult(self, result, awardMgrResult):
+ self._redeemResult.append(result)
+ self._redeemResult.append(awardMgrResult)
+ def _getUnusedLotName(self):
+ lotNames = self._db.getLotNames()
+ while 1:
+ lotName = '%s%s' % (self.TestLotName, int(random.random() * ((1L<<32)-1)))
+ if lotName not in lotNames:
+ break
+ return lotName
+ def _getUnusedManualCode(self):
+ while 1:
+ code = ''
+ length = random.randrange(4, 16)
+ manualCharIndex = random.randrange(length)
+ for i in xrange(length):
+ if i == manualCharIndex:
+ charSet = TTCodeDict.ManualOnlyCharacters
+ else:
+ charSet = TTCodeDict.ManualCharacters
+ char = random.choice(charSet)
+ if char in TTCodeDict.IgnoredManualCharacters:
+ i -= 1
+ code = code + char
+ if not self._db.codeExists(code):
+ break
+ return code
+ def _getUnusedUtf8ManualCode(self):
+ chars = u'\u65e5\u672c\u8a9e'
+ code = unicode('', 'utf-8')
+ while 1:
+ code += random.choice(chars)
+ if not self._db.codeExists(code):
+ break
+ return code
+ def run(self):
+'testing started')
+ retryStartT = None
+ retryDelay = 5
+ while 1:
+ try:
+ db = self._db
+ db._testing = True
+ lotName = self._getUnusedLotName()
+ # make sure there are at least one manual and one auto lot throughout the tests
+ phLots = []
+ phLots.append(self._getUnusedLotName())
+ for i in self._db.createLot(self.getRandomSamples, phLots[-1], 1, 0, 0):
+ db._testing = False
+ yield None
+ db._testing = True
+ phLots.append(self._getUnusedLotName())
+ code = self._getUnusedManualCode()
+ self._db.createManualLot(phLots[-1], code, 0, 0)
+ db._testing = False
+ yield None
+ db._testing = True
+ # lot creation
+ NumCodes = 3
+ RewardType = 0
+ RewardItemId = 0
+ ExpirationDate = '9999-04-01'
+ for i in self._db.createLot(self.getRandomSamples, lotName, NumCodes,
+ RewardType, RewardItemId, ExpirationDate):
+ db._testing = False
+ yield None
+ db._testing = True
+ lotNames = self._db.getLotNames()
+ if lotName not in lotNames:
+ self.notify.error('could not create code redemption lot \'%s\'' % lotName)
+ db._testing = False
+ yield None
+ db._testing = True
+ autoLotNames = self._db.getAutoLotNames()
+ if lotName not in autoLotNames:
+ self.notify.error('auto lot \'%s\' not found in getAutoLotNames()' % lotName)
+ db._testing = False
+ yield None
+ db._testing = True
+ manualLotNames = self._db.getManualLotNames()
+ if lotName in manualLotNames:
+ self.notify.error('auto lot \'%s\' found in getAutoLotNames()' % lotName)
+ db._testing = False
+ yield None
+ db._testing = True
+ # get codes in lot
+ codes = self._db.getCodesInLot(lotName)
+ if len(codes) != NumCodes:
+ self.notify.error('incorrect number of codes from getCodesInLot (%s)' % len(codes))
+ db._testing = False
+ yield None
+ db._testing = True
+ # code existance query
+ exists = self._db.codeExists(codes[0])
+ if not exists:
+ self.notify.error('codeExists returned false for code %s' % codes[0])
+ db._testing = False
+ yield None
+ db._testing = True
+ # number of redemptions (not yet redeemed)
+ redemptions = self._db.getRedemptions(codes[0])
+ if redemptions != 0:
+ self.notify.error(
+ 'incorrect number of redemptions (%s) for not-yet-redeemed code %s' % (
+ redemptions, codes[0], ))
+ db._testing = False
+ yield None
+ db._testing = True
+ # get lot name from code
+ ln = self._db.getLotNameFromCode(codes[0])
+ if ln != lotName:
+ self.notify.error('incorrect lot name (%s) from code (%s)' % (ln, codes[0]))
+ db._testing = False
+ yield None
+ db._testing = True
+ # get reward from code
+ rt, rid = self._db.getRewardFromCode(codes[0])
+ if rt != RewardType or rid != RewardItemId:
+ self.notify.error('incorrect reward (%s, %s) from code %s' % (rt, rid))
+ db._testing = False
+ yield None
+ db._testing = True
+ # redeem code
+ self._redeemResult = []
+ self._db.redeemCode(codes[0], self.TestRewarder.FakeAvId, self.TestRewarder(),
+ self._handleRedeemResult)
+ if self._redeemResult[0] or self._redeemResult[1]:
+ self.notify.error('error redeeming code %s for fake avatar %s: %s' % (
+ codes[0], self.TestRewarder.FakeAvId, self._redeemResult))
+ db._testing = False
+ yield None
+ db._testing = True
+ # number of redemptions (redeemed)
+ redemptions = self._db.getRedemptions(codes[0])
+ if redemptions != 1:
+ self.notify.error(
+ 'incorrect number of redemptions (%s) for already-redeemed code %s' % (
+ redemptions, codes[0], ))
+ db._testing = False
+ yield None
+ db._testing = True
+ # redeem code that has already been redeemed
+ self._redeemResult = []
+ self._db.redeemCode(codes[0], self.TestRewarder.FakeAvId, self.TestRewarder(),
+ self._handleRedeemResult)
+ if self._redeemResult[0] != TTCodeRedemptionConsts.RedeemErrors.CodeAlreadyRedeemed:
+ self.notify.error('able to redeem code %s twice' % (codes[0]))
+ db._testing = False
+ yield None
+ db._testing = True
+ # number of redemptions (redeemed)
+ redemptions = self._db.getRedemptions(codes[0])
+ if redemptions != 1:
+ self.notify.error(
+ 'incorrect number of redemptions (%s) for already-redeemed code %s' % (
+ redemptions, codes[0], ))
+ db._testing = False
+ yield None
+ db._testing = True
+ # lookup codes redeemed by avId
+ c = self._db.lookupCodesRedeemedByAvId(self.TestRewarder.FakeAvId)
+ if len(c) != 1:
+ self.notify.error('lookupCodesRedeemedByAvId returned wrong number of codes: %s' % c)
+ if c[0] != codes[0]:
+ self.notify.error('lookupCodesRedeemedByAvId returned wrong code: %s' % c[0])
+ db._testing = False
+ yield None
+ db._testing = True
+ # get code details
+ details = self._db.getCodeDetails(codes[0])
+ if details['code'] != codes[0]:
+ self.notify.error('incorrect code (%s) returned by getCodeDetails(%s)' % (details['code'],
+ codes[0]))
+ if details['av_id'] != self.TestRewarder.FakeAvId:
+ self.notify.error('incorrect av_id (%s) returned by getCodeDetails(%s)' % (details['av_id'],
+ codes[0]))
+ if details[TTCodeRedemptionDB.RewardTypeFieldName] != RewardType:
+ self.notify.error('incorrect av_id (%s) returned by getCodeDetails(%s)' % (
+ details[TTCodeRedemptionDB.RewardTypeFieldName], codes[0]))
+ if details[TTCodeRedemptionDB.RewardItemIdFieldName] != RewardItemId:
+ self.notify.error('incorrect av_id (%s) returned by getCodeDetails(%s)' % (
+ details[TTCodeRedemptionDB.RewardItemIdFieldName], codes[0]))
+ db._testing = False
+ yield None
+ db._testing = True
+ # get expiration date
+ exp = self._db.getExpiration(lotName)
+ if exp != ExpirationDate:
+ self.notify.error('incorrect expiration date: %s' % exp)
+ db._testing = False
+ yield None
+ db._testing = True
+ # change expiration date
+ y = 1111
+ m = 4
+ d = 1
+ NewExp = '%s-%02d-%02d' % (y, m, d)
+ assert datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()) > datetime.datetime(y, m, d)
+ # make sure it doesn't change the expiration date of all lots
+ controlLotName = self._getUnusedLotName()
+ controlCode = self._getUnusedManualCode()
+ controlExp = '%s-%02d-%02d' % (y, m, d+1)
+ self._db.createManualLot(controlLotName, controlCode, RewardType, RewardItemId,
+ expirationDate=controlExp)
+ db._testing = False
+ yield None
+ db._testing = True
+ self._db.setExpiration(lotName, NewExp)
+ db._testing = False
+ yield None
+ db._testing = True
+ exp = self._db.getExpiration(lotName)
+ if (exp != NewExp):
+ self.notify.error('could not change expiration date for lot %s' % lotName)
+ db._testing = False
+ yield None
+ db._testing = True
+ cExp = self._db.getExpiration(controlLotName)
+ if (cExp != controlExp):
+ self.notify.error('setExpiration changed control lot expiration!')
+ db._testing = False
+ yield None
+ db._testing = True
+ self._db.deleteLot(controlLotName)
+ db._testing = False
+ yield None
+ db._testing = True
+ # redeem code that is expired
+ self._redeemResult = []
+ self._db.redeemCode(codes[1], self.TestRewarder.FakeAvId, self.TestRewarder(),
+ self._handleRedeemResult)
+ if self._redeemResult[0] != TTCodeRedemptionConsts.RedeemErrors.CodeIsExpired:
+ self.notify.error('expired code %s was not flagged upon redeem' % (codes[1]))
+ db._testing = False
+ yield None
+ db._testing = True
+ # lot deletion
+ self._db.deleteLot(lotName)
+ db._testing = False
+ yield None
+ db._testing = True
+ codes = (
+ self._getUnusedManualCode(),
+ self._getUnusedUtf8ManualCode(),
+ )
+ for code in codes:
+ # manual code lot
+ lotName = self._getUnusedLotName()
+'manual code: %s' % u2ascii(code))
+ self._db.createManualLot(lotName, code, RewardType, RewardItemId)
+ if not self._db.lotExists(lotName):
+ self.notify.error('could not create manual lot %s' % lotName)
+ if not self._db.codeExists(code):
+ self.notify.error('could not create manual code %s' % code)
+ db._testing = False
+ yield None
+ db._testing = True
+ autoLotNames = self._db.getAutoLotNames()
+ if lotName in autoLotNames:
+ self.notify.error('manual lot \'%s\' found in getAutoLotNames()' % lotName)
+ db._testing = False
+ yield None
+ db._testing = True
+ manualLotNames = self._db.getManualLotNames()
+ if lotName not in manualLotNames:
+ self.notify.error('manual lot \'%s\' not found in getAutoLotNames()' % lotName)
+ db._testing = False
+ yield None
+ db._testing = True
+ # number of redemptions (not-yet-redeemed)
+ redemptions = self._db.getRedemptions(code)
+ if redemptions != 0:
+ self.notify.error(
+ 'incorrect number of redemptions (%s) for not-yet-redeemed code %s' % (
+ redemptions, code, ))
+ db._testing = False
+ yield None
+ db._testing = True
+ # redeem manually-created code
+ self._redeemResult = []
+ self._db.redeemCode(code, self.TestRewarder.FakeAvId, self.TestRewarder(),
+ self._handleRedeemResult)
+ if self._redeemResult[0] or self._redeemResult[1]:
+ self.notify.error('error redeeming code %s for fake avatar %s: %s' % (
+ code, self.TestRewarder.FakeAvId, self._redeemResult))
+ db._testing = False
+ yield None
+ db._testing = True
+ # number of redemptions (not-yet-redeemed)
+ self._db.commitOutstandingRedemptions()
+ redemptions = self._db.getRedemptions(code)
+ if redemptions != 1:
+ self.notify.error(
+ 'incorrect number of redemptions (%s) for redeemed code %s' % (
+ redemptions, code, ))
+ db._testing = False
+ yield None
+ db._testing = True
+ # redeem manually-created code again
+ self._redeemResult = []
+ self._db.redeemCode(code, self.TestRewarder.FakeAvId, self.TestRewarder(),
+ self._handleRedeemResult)
+ if self._redeemResult[0] or self._redeemResult[1]:
+ self.notify.error('error redeeming code %s again for fake avatar %s: %s' % (
+ code, self.TestRewarder.FakeAvId, self._redeemResult))
+ db._testing = False
+ yield None
+ db._testing = True
+ # number of redemptions (not-yet-redeemed)
+ self._db.commitOutstandingRedemptions()
+ redemptions = self._db.getRedemptions(code)
+ if redemptions != 2:
+ self.notify.error(
+ 'incorrect number of redemptions (%s) for twice-redeemed code %s' % (
+ redemptions, code, ))
+ db._testing = False
+ yield None
+ db._testing = True
+ self._db.deleteLot(lotName)
+ db._testing = False
+ yield None
+ db._testing = True
+ lotNames = self._db.getLotNames()
+ if lotName in lotNames:
+ self.notify.error('could not delete code redemption lot \'%s\'' % lotName)
+ db._testing = False
+ yield None
+ db._testing = True
+ # remove placeholder lots
+ for lotName in phLots:
+ self._db.deleteLot(lotName)
+ db._testing = False
+ yield None
+ db._testing = True
+ break
+ except TryAgainLater, e:
+ self.notify.warning('caught TryAgainLater exception during self-test, retrying')
+ retryStartT = globalClock.getRealTime()
+ while globalClock.getRealTime() < (retryStartT + retryDelay):
+ yield None
+ retryDelay *= 2
+'testing done')
+ db._testing = False
+ yield Job.Done
+class NotFound:
+ pass
+class InfoCache:
+ NotFound = NotFound
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._cache = {}
+ def clear(self):
+ self._cache = {}
+ def cacheInfo(self, key, info):
+ self._cache[key] = info
+ def hasInfo(self, key):
+ return key in self._cache
+ def getInfo(self, key):
+ return self._cache.get(key, NotFound)
+class TTCodeRedemptionDB(DBInterface, DirectObject):
+ notify = directNotify.newCategory('TTCodeRedemptionDB')
+ TryAgainLater = TryAgainLater
+ READ = TTCRDBConnection.READ
+ RewardTypeFieldName = 'reward_type'
+ RewardItemIdFieldName = 'reward_item_id'
+ DoSelfTest = config.GetBool('code-redemption-self-test', 1)
+ # optimization that reads in all codes and maps them to their lot
+ # if the code set gets too large this might use up too much RAM
+ # you can disable the optimization by turning this config off
+ CacheAllCodes = config.GetBool('code-redemption-cache-all-codes', 1)
+ class LotFilter:
+ All = 'all'
+ Redeemable = 'redeemable'
+ NonRedeemable = 'nonRedeemable'
+ Redeemed = 'redeemed'
+ Expired = 'expired'
+ def __init__(self,air,host,port,user,passwd,dbname):
+ self.air = air
+ = host
+ self.port = port
+ self.user = user
+ self.passwd = passwd
+ self.dbname = self.processDBName(dbname)
+ # lot name cache
+ self._code2lotNameCache = InfoCache()
+ self._lotName2manualCache = InfoCache()
+ self._code2rewardCache = InfoCache()
+ self.doMethodLater(5 * 60, self._cacheClearTask, uniqueName('clearLotNameCache'))
+ self._manualCode2outstandingRedemptions = {}
+ self.doMethodLater(1 * 60, self._updateRedemptionsTask, uniqueName('updateRedemptions'))
+ self._code2lotName = {}
+ # set to true while doing internal tests
+ self._testing = False
+ self._initializedSV = StateVar(False)
+ self._startTime = globalClock.getRealTime()
+ self._doingCleanup = False
+ self._dbInitRetryTimeout = 5
+ self._doInitialCleanup()
+ if config.GetBool('code-redemption-subprocess-test', 0):
+ self._testSubProc()
+ self._refreshCode2lotName()
+ def _doInitialCleanup(self, task=None):
+ if not self._initializedSV.get():
+ self._doCleanup()
+ if not self._initializedSV.get():
+ self.doMethodLater(self._dbInitRetryTimeout, self._doInitialCleanup,
+ uniqueName('codeRedemptionInitialCleanup'))
+ self._dbInitRetryTimeout *= 2
+ self.notify.warning('could not initialize MySQL db, trying again later...')
+ return Task.done
+ def _doCleanup(self):
+ if self._doingCleanup:
+ return
+ self._doingCleanup = True
+ if not self._initializedSV.get():
+ try:
+ TTCodeRedemptionDBTester.cleanup(self)
+ except TryAgainLater, e:
+ pass
+ else:
+ self._initializedSV.set(True)
+ self._doingCleanup = False
+ def _randFuncCallback(self, randList, randSamplesOnOrder, samples):
+ randSamplesOnOrder[0] -= len(samples)
+ randList.extend(samples)
+ def _refreshCode2lotName(self):
+ if not self.CacheAllCodes:
+ return
+ # update the dict of code -> lotName for all codes
+ self._code2lotName = {}
+ lotNames = self.getLotNames()
+ for lotName in lotNames:
+ codes = self.getCodesInLot(lotName)
+ for code in codes:
+ self._code2lotName[code] = lotName
+ @staticmethod
+ def _getExpirationString(expiration):
+ """
+ formats expiration date for MySQL
+ """
+ return '\'%s 23:59:59\'' % str(expiration)
+ @staticmethod
+ def _getNowString():
+ nowStr = str(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()))
+ # leave off the fractional seconds
+ if '.' in nowStr:
+ nowStr = nowStr[:nowStr.index('.')]
+ return nowStr
+ def createManualLot(self, name, code, rewardType, rewardItemId, expirationDate=None):
+'creating manual code lot \'%s\', code=%s' % (name, u2ascii(code), ))
+ self._doCleanup()
+ code = TTCodeDict.getFromReadableCode(code)
+ if self.lotExists(name):
+ self.notify.error('tried to create lot %s that already exists' % name)
+ if self.codeExists(code):
+ self.notify.error('tried to create code %s that already exists' % u2ascii(code))
+ conn = TTCRDBConnection(self)
+ conn._createTable(
+ """
+ CREATE TABLE code_set_%s (
+ code text NOT NULL,
+ lot_id int(32) unsigned NOT NULL,
+ redemptions bigint(64) NOT NULL,
+ FOREIGN KEY (lot_id) REFERENCES lot (lot_id)
+ """ % (name, )
+ )
+ conn.destroy()
+ conn = TTCRDBConnection(self, {'lot': self.WRITE,
+ 'code_set_%s' % name: self.WRITE,
+ })
+ cursor = conn.getDictCursor()
+ cursor.execute(
+ """
+ INSERT INTO lot (name, manual, %s, %s, size, creation%s)
+ VALUES('%s', 'T', %s, %s, 1, '%s'%s);
+ """ % (self.RewardTypeFieldName,
+ self.RewardItemIdFieldName,
+ choice(expirationDate is None, '', ', expiration'),
+ name, rewardType, rewardItemId, self._getNowString(),
+ choice(expirationDate is None, '', ', %s' % self._getExpirationString(expirationDate)),
+ )
+ )
+ cursor.execute(
+ """
+ SELECT lot_id FROM lot WHERE name='%s';
+ """ % (name)
+ )
+ rows = cursor.fetchall()
+ lotId = int(rows[0]['lot_id'])
+ cursor.execute(
+ """
+ INSERT INTO code_set_%s (code, lot_id, redemptions)
+ VALUES('%s', %s, 0);
+ """ % (name, code, lotId)
+ )
+ conn.release()
+ conn.commit()
+ conn.destroy()
+ self._refreshCode2lotName()
+ def createLot(self, randFunc, name, numCodes, rewardType, rewardItemId, expirationDate=None):
+ """
+ generator, yields None while working, yields True when finished
+ randFunc must take a callback and a number of random samples, and must call the callback
+ with a list of random 32-bit values of length equal to that specified in the call to randFunc
+ the random values must be truly random and non-repeatable (see NonRepeatableRandomSource)
+ """
+'creating code lot \'%s\', %s codes' % (name, numCodes, ))
+ self._doCleanup()
+ if self.lotExists(name):
+ self.notify.error('tried to create lot %s that already exists' % name)
+ randSampleRequestSize = config.GetInt('code-redemption-rand-request-size', 50)
+ randSampleRequestThreshold = 2 * randSampleRequestSize
+ randSamples = []
+ randSamplesOnOrder = [0, ]
+ requestSize = min(numCodes, randSampleRequestSize)
+ randSamplesOnOrder[0] += requestSize
+ randFunc(Functor(self._randFuncCallback, randSamples, randSamplesOnOrder), requestSize)
+ conn = TTCRDBConnection(self)
+ conn._createTable(
+ """
+ CREATE TABLE code_set_%s (
+ code text NOT NULL,
+ lot_id int(32) unsigned NOT NULL,
+ redemptions bigint(64) NOT NULL,
+ av_id int(32) unsigned,
+ FOREIGN KEY (lot_id) REFERENCES lot (lot_id)
+ """ % (name, )
+ )
+ conn.destroy()
+ conn = TTCRDBConnection(self, {'code_space': self.WRITE,
+ 'lot': self.WRITE,
+ 'code_set_%s' % name: self.WRITE,
+ })
+ cursor = conn.getDictCursor()
+ # grab the next serial number range
+ cursor.execute(
+ """
+ SELECT code_length, next_code_value FROM code_space;
+ """
+ )
+ rows = cursor.fetchall()
+ assert len(rows) == 1
+ codeLength = int(rows[0]['code_length'])
+ nextCodeValue = int(rows[0]['next_code_value'])
+ startSerialNum = nextCodeValue
+ cursor.execute(
+ """
+ INSERT INTO lot (name, manual, %s, %s, size, creation%s)
+ VALUES('%s', 'F', %s, %s, %s, '%s'%s);
+ """ % (self.RewardTypeFieldName,
+ self.RewardItemIdFieldName,
+ choice(expirationDate is None, '', ', expiration'),
+ name, rewardType, rewardItemId, numCodes, self._getNowString(),
+ choice(expirationDate is None, '', ', %s' % self._getExpirationString(expirationDate)),
+ )
+ )
+ cursor.execute(
+ """
+ SELECT lot_id FROM lot WHERE name='%s';
+ """ % (name)
+ )
+ rows = cursor.fetchall()
+ lotId = int(rows[0]['lot_id'])
+ codesLeft = numCodes
+ curSerialNum = startSerialNum
+ numCodeValues = TTCodeDict.getNumUsableValuesInCodeSpace(codeLength)
+ n = 0
+ while codesLeft:
+ #print codesLeft, len(randSamples), randSamplesOnOrder[0]
+ numCodesRequested = (len(randSamples) + randSamplesOnOrder[0])
+ if numCodesRequested < codesLeft:
+ if numCodesRequested < randSampleRequestThreshold:
+ requestSize = min(codesLeft, randSampleRequestSize)
+ randSamplesOnOrder[0] += requestSize
+ randFunc(Functor(self._randFuncCallback, randSamples, randSamplesOnOrder), requestSize)
+ if len(randSamples) == 0:
+ yield None
+ continue
+ # r in [0,1) but truly random (non-repeatable)
+ r = randSamples.pop(0) / float(1L<<32)
+ assert 0. <= r < 1.
+ # this produces the 1 in N chance of guessing a correct code
+ # each code is given a chunk of code space, of size N, and the actual value of the
+ # code is chosen from that section of code space using a true random source
+ # that means there's no way to guess a valid code based on observation of other codes
+ randScatter = int(r * TTCodeDict.BruteForceFactor)
+ assert 0 <= randScatter < TTCodeDict.BruteForceFactor
+ value = (curSerialNum * TTCodeDict.BruteForceFactor) + randScatter
+ obfValue = TTCodeDict.getObfuscatedCodeValue(value, codeLength)
+ code = TTCodeDict.getCodeFromValue(obfValue, codeLength)
+ cursor.execute(
+ """
+ INSERT INTO code_set_%s (code, lot_id, redemptions)
+ VALUES('%s', %s, 0);
+ """ % (name, code, lotId)
+ )
+ codesLeft -= 1
+ curSerialNum += 1
+ if curSerialNum >= numCodeValues:
+ curSerialNum = 0
+ codeLength += 1
+ numCodeValues = TTCodeDict.getNumUsableValuesInCodeSpace(codeLength)
+ n = n + 1
+ if (n % 100) == 0:
+ yield None
+ # update the code_space tracking variables
+ cursor.execute(
+ """
+ UPDATE code_space SET code_length=%s, next_code_value=%s;
+ """ % (codeLength, curSerialNum)
+ )
+ conn.release()
+ conn.commit()
+ conn.destroy()
+ self._refreshCode2lotName()
+ yield True
+ def deleteLot(self, lotName):
+'deleting code lot \'%s\'' % (lotName, ))
+ self._doCleanup()
+ self._clearCaches()
+ conn = TTCRDBConnection(self)
+ cursor = conn.getDictCursor()
+ cursor.execute(
+ """
+ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS code_set_%s;
+ """ % lotName
+ )
+ if conn.WantTableLocking:
+ cursor.execute(
+ """
+ """
+ )
+ cursor.execute(
+ """
+ DELETE FROM lot WHERE name='%s';
+ """ % lotName
+ )
+ if conn.WantTableLocking:
+ cursor.execute(
+ """
+ """
+ )
+ conn.commit()
+ conn.destroy()
+ self._refreshCode2lotName()
+ def getLotNames(self):
+ assert self.notify.debugCall()
+ self._doCleanup()
+ lotNames = []
+ conn = TTCRDBConnection(self, {'lot': self.READ, })
+ cursor = conn.getDictCursor()
+ cursor.execute(
+ """
+ SELECT name FROM lot;
+ """
+ )
+ rows = cursor.fetchall()
+ conn.destroy()
+ for row in rows:
+ lotName = row['name']
+ if not self._testing:
+ if TTCodeRedemptionDBTester.TestLotName in lotName:
+ continue
+ lotNames.append(lotName)
+ return lotNames
+ def getAutoLotNames(self):
+ """
+ returns names of all code lots that were automatically generated
+ """
+ assert self.notify.debugCall()
+ self._doCleanup()
+ autoLotNames = []
+ conn = TTCRDBConnection(self, {'lot': self.READ, })
+ cursor = conn.getDictCursor()
+ cursor.execute(
+ """
+ SELECT name FROM lot WHERE manual='F';
+ """
+ )
+ rows = cursor.fetchall()
+ conn.destroy()
+ for row in rows:
+ lotName = row['name']
+ if not self._testing:
+ if TTCodeRedemptionDBTester.TestLotName in lotName:
+ continue
+ autoLotNames.append(lotName)
+ return autoLotNames
+ def getManualLotNames(self):
+ """
+ returns names of all code lots that were manually generated
+ """
+ assert self.notify.debugCall()
+ self._doCleanup()
+ manualLotNames = []
+ conn = TTCRDBConnection(self, {'lot': self.READ, })
+ cursor = conn.getDictCursor()
+ cursor.execute(
+ """
+ SELECT name FROM lot WHERE manual='T';
+ """
+ )
+ rows = cursor.fetchall()
+ conn.destroy()
+ for row in rows:
+ lotName = row['name']
+ if not self._testing:
+ if TTCodeRedemptionDBTester.TestLotName in lotName:
+ continue
+ manualLotNames.append(lotName)
+ return manualLotNames
+ def getExpirationLotNames(self):
+ """
+ returns names of all code lots that have expiration dates
+ """
+ assert self.notify.debugCall()
+ self._doCleanup()
+ lotNames = []
+ conn = TTCRDBConnection(self, {'lot': self.READ, })
+ cursor = conn.getDictCursor()
+ cursor.execute(
+ """
+ SELECT name FROM lot WHERE expiration IS NOT NULL;
+ """
+ )
+ rows = cursor.fetchall()
+ conn.destroy()
+ for row in rows:
+ lotName = row['name']
+ if not self._testing:
+ if TTCodeRedemptionDBTester.TestLotName in lotName:
+ continue
+ lotNames.append(lotName)
+ return lotNames
+ def getCodesInLot(self, lotName, justCode=True, filter=None):
+ # if justCode, returns list of codes
+ # if not justCode, returns list of dict of field->value
+ assert self.notify.debugCall()
+ self._doCleanup()
+ if filter is None:
+ filter = self.LotFilter.All
+ conn = TTCRDBConnection(self, {'code_set_%s' % lotName: self.READ,
+ 'lot': self.READ, })
+ cursor = conn.getDictCursor()
+ if filter == self.LotFilter.All:
+ condition = ''
+ elif filter == self.LotFilter.Redeemable:
+ condition = ('((manual=\'T\' or redemptions=0) and '
+ '((expiration IS NULL) or (CURDATE()<=expiration)))')
+ elif filter == self.LotFilter.NonRedeemable:
+ condition = ('((manual=\'F\' and redemptions>0) or '
+ '((expiration IS NOT NULL) and (CURDATE()>expiration)))')
+ elif filter == self.LotFilter.Redeemed:
+ condition = '(redemptions>0)'
+ elif filter == self.LotFilter.Expired:
+ condition = '((expiration is NOT NULL) and (CURDATE()>expiration))'
+ cursor.execute(
+ """
+ SELECT %s FROM code_set_%s INNER JOIN lot WHERE code_set_%s.lot_id=lot.lot_id%s%s;
+ """ % (choice(justCode, 'code', '*'), lotName, lotName,
+ choice(filter==self.LotFilter.All, '', ' AND '), condition)
+ )
+ rows = cursor.fetchall()
+ conn.destroy()
+ if justCode:
+ codes = []
+ for row in rows:
+ code = unicode(row['code'], 'utf-8')
+ codes.append(code)
+ result = codes
+ else:
+ for row in rows:
+ row['code'] = unicode(row['code'], 'utf-8')
+ result = rows
+ return result
+ def _clearCaches(self):
+ self._code2lotNameCache.clear()
+ self._lotName2manualCache.clear()
+ self._code2rewardCache.clear()
+ def _cacheClearTask(self, task):
+ self._clearCaches()
+ return Task.again
+ def commitOutstandingRedemptions(self):
+ if len(self._manualCode2outstandingRedemptions):
+'committing cached manual code redemption counts to DB')
+ conn = TTCRDBConnection(self)
+ cursor = conn.getDictCursor()
+ for key in self._manualCode2outstandingRedemptions.iterkeys():
+ code, lotName = key
+ count = self._manualCode2outstandingRedemptions[key]
+ self._updateRedemptionCount(cursor, code, True, None, lotName, count)
+ self._manualCode2outstandingRedemptions = {}
+ conn.destroy()
+ def _updateRedemptionsTask(self, task):
+ try:
+ self.commitOutstandingRedemptions()
+ except TryAgainLater, e:
+ pass
+ return Task.again
+ def getLotNameFromCode(self, code):
+ assert self.notify.debugCall()
+ code = TTCodeDict.getFromReadableCode(code)
+ assert TTCodeDict.isLegalCode(code)
+ if self.CacheAllCodes:
+ return self._code2lotName.get(code, None)
+ cachedLotName = self._code2lotNameCache.getInfo(code)
+ if cachedLotName is not self._code2lotNameCache.NotFound:
+ return cachedLotName
+ assert self.notify.debug('lotNameFromCode CACHE MISS (%s)' % u2ascii(code))
+ self._doCleanup()
+ conn = TTCRDBConnection(self)
+ cursor = conn.getDictCursor()
+ lotNames = self.getLotNames()
+ result = None
+ for lotName in lotNames:
+ if conn.WantTableLocking:
+ cursor.execute(
+ """
+ LOCK TABLES code_set_%s READ;
+ """ % (lotName, )
+ )
+ # client hack prevention:
+ # safe; code is between quotes and can only contain letters, numbers and dashes
+ cursor.execute(
+ unicode("""
+ SELECT code FROM code_set_%s WHERE code='%s';
+ """, 'utf-8') % (lotName, code)
+ )
+ rows = cursor.fetchall()
+ if conn.WantTableLocking:
+ cursor.execute(
+ """
+ """
+ )
+ if len(rows) > 0:
+ result = lotName
+ break
+ conn.destroy()
+ if result is not None:
+ self._code2lotNameCache.cacheInfo(code, result)
+ return result
+ def getRewardFromCode(self, code):
+ assert self.notify.debugCall()
+ code = TTCodeDict.getFromReadableCode(code)
+ assert TTCodeDict.isLegalCode(code)
+ lotName = self.getLotNameFromCode(code)
+ assert lotName is not None
+ cachedReward = self._code2rewardCache.getInfo(code)
+ if cachedReward is not self._code2rewardCache.NotFound:
+ return cachedReward
+ assert self.notify.debug('reward from code CACHE MISS (%s)' % u2ascii(code))
+ self._doCleanup()
+ conn = TTCRDBConnection(self, {'code_set_%s' % lotName: self.READ,
+ 'lot': self.READ, })
+ cursor = conn.getDictCursor()
+ # client hack prevention:
+ # safe; code is between quotes and can only contain letters, numbers and dashes
+ cursor.execute(
+ unicode("""
+ SELECT %s, %s FROM code_set_%s INNER JOIN lot
+ WHERE lot.lot_id=code_set_%s.lot_id AND CODE='%s';
+ """, 'utf-8') % (self.RewardTypeFieldName, self.RewardItemIdFieldName, lotName, lotName, code)
+ )
+ rows = cursor.fetchall()
+ conn.destroy()
+ assert len(rows) == 1
+ reward = (int(rows[0][self.RewardTypeFieldName]), int(rows[0][self.RewardItemIdFieldName]))
+ self._code2rewardCache.cacheInfo(code, reward)
+ return reward
+ def lotExists(self, lotName):
+ return lotName in self.getLotNames()
+ def codeExists(self, code):
+ return self.getLotNameFromCode(code) != None
+ def getRedemptions(self, code):
+ assert self.notify.debugCall()
+ self._doCleanup()
+ code = TTCodeDict.getFromReadableCode(code)
+ lotName = self.getLotNameFromCode(code)
+ if lotName is None:
+ self.notify.error('getRedemptions: could not find code %s' % u2ascii(code))
+ conn = TTCRDBConnection(self, {'code_set_%s' % lotName: self.READ, })
+ cursor = conn.getDictCursor()
+ cursor.execute(
+ unicode("""
+ SELECT redemptions FROM code_set_%s WHERE code='%s';
+ """, 'utf-8') % (lotName, code)
+ )
+ rows = cursor.fetchall()
+ conn.destroy()
+ return int(rows[0]['redemptions'])
+ def redeemCode(self, code, avId, rewarder, callback):
+ assert self.notify.debugCall()
+ self._doCleanup()
+ # callback takes a RedeemError
+ # 'code' can come from a client, treat with care
+ origCode = code
+ code = TTCodeDict.getFromReadableCode(code)
+ assert TTCodeDict.isLegalCode(code)
+ lotName = self.getLotNameFromCode(code)
+ if lotName is None:
+ self.air.writeServerEvent('invalidCodeRedemption', avId, '%s' % (u2ascii(origCode), ))
+ callback(TTCodeRedemptionConsts.RedeemErrors.CodeDoesntExist, 0)
+ return
+ conn = TTCRDBConnection(self, {'code_set_%s' % lotName: self.READ,
+ 'lot': self.READ, })
+ cursor = conn.getDictCursor()
+ cachedManual = self._lotName2manualCache.getInfo(lotName)
+ if cachedManual is not self._lotName2manualCache.NotFound:
+ manualCode = cachedManual
+ else:
+ assert self.notify.debug('manualFromCode CACHE MISS (%s)' % u2ascii(code))
+ cursor.execute(
+ """
+ SELECT manual FROM lot WHERE name='%s';
+ """ % (lotName)
+ )
+ rows = cursor.fetchall()
+ assert len(rows) == 1
+ manualCode = (rows[0]['manual'] == 'T')
+ self._lotName2manualCache.cacheInfo(lotName, manualCode)
+ if not manualCode:
+ # client hack prevention:
+ # safe; code is between quotes and can only contain letters, numbers and dashes
+ cursor.execute(
+ unicode("""
+ SELECT redemptions FROM code_set_%s INNER JOIN lot WHERE
+ code_set_%s.lot_id=lot.lot_id AND code='%s' AND ((expiration IS NULL) OR (CURDATE()<=expiration));
+ """, 'utf-8') % (lotName, lotName, code)
+ )
+ rows = cursor.fetchall()
+ assert len(rows) <= 1
+ conn.destroy()
+ if not manualCode:
+ if len(rows) == 0:
+ # code is expired
+ callback(TTCodeRedemptionConsts.RedeemErrors.CodeIsExpired, 0)
+ return
+ redemptions = rows[0]['redemptions']
+ if redemptions > 0:
+ callback(TTCodeRedemptionConsts.RedeemErrors.CodeAlreadyRedeemed, 0)
+ return
+ rewardTypeId, rewardItemId = self.getRewardFromCode(code)
+ rewarder._giveReward(avId, rewardTypeId, rewardItemId, Functor(
+ self._handleRewardResult, code, manualCode, avId, lotName, rewardTypeId, rewardItemId,
+ callback))
+ def _updateRedemptionCount(self, cursor, code, manualCode, avId, lotName, count):
+ # client hack prevention:
+ # safe; code is between quotes and can only contain letters, numbers and dashes
+ cursor.execute(
+ unicode("""
+ UPDATE code_set_%s SET redemptions=redemptions+%s%s WHERE code='%s';
+ """, 'utf-8') % (lotName, count, choice(manualCode, '', ', av_id=%s' % avId), code)
+ )
+ def _handleRewardResult(self, code, manualCode, avId, lotName, rewardTypeId, rewardItemId,
+ callback, result):
+ assert self.notify.debugCall()
+ self._doCleanup()
+ assert TTCodeDict.isLegalCode(code)
+ awardMgrResult = result
+ if awardMgrResult:
+ callback(TTCodeRedemptionConsts.RedeemErrors.AwardCouldntBeGiven, awardMgrResult)
+ return
+ conn = TTCRDBConnection(self, {'code_set_%s' % lotName: self.WRITE, })
+ cursor = conn.getDictCursor()
+ if manualCode:
+ # queue up redemption count for manual code and write every N minutes
+ key = (code, lotName)
+ self._manualCode2outstandingRedemptions.setdefault(key, 0)
+ self._manualCode2outstandingRedemptions[key] += 1
+ else:
+ self._updateRedemptionCount(cursor, code, manualCode, avId, lotName, 1)
+ conn.release()
+ conn.commit()
+ conn.destroy()
+ if not self._testing:
+ self.air.writeServerEvent('codeRedeemed', avId, '%s|%s|%s|%s' % (
+ u2ascii(choice(manualCode, code, TTCodeDict.getReadableCode(code))),
+ lotName, rewardTypeId, rewardItemId, ))
+ callback(TTCodeRedemptionConsts.RedeemErrors.Success, awardMgrResult)
+ def lookupCodesRedeemedByAvId(self, avId):
+ assert self.notify.debugCall()
+ self._doCleanup()
+ conn = TTCRDBConnection(self)
+ cursor = conn.getDictCursor()
+ codes = []
+ # manual lots don't record redeemer avIds since they are single-code-multi-toon
+ for lotName in self.getAutoLotNames():
+ if conn.WantTableLocking:
+ cursor.execute(
+ """
+ LOCK TABLES code_set_%s READ;
+ """ % (lotName, )
+ )
+ cursor.execute(
+ """
+ SELECT code FROM code_set_%s WHERE av_id=%s;
+ """ % (lotName, avId)
+ )
+ rows = cursor.fetchall()
+ if conn.WantTableLocking:
+ cursor.execute(
+ """
+ """
+ )
+ for row in rows:
+ code = unicode(row['code'], 'utf-8')
+ codes.append(code)
+ conn.destroy()
+ return codes
+ def getExpiration(self, lotName):
+ assert self.notify.debugCall()
+ self._doCleanup()
+ conn = TTCRDBConnection(self, {'lot': self.READ, })
+ cursor = conn.getDictCursor()
+ cursor.execute(
+ """
+ SELECT expiration FROM lot WHERE name=\'%s\';
+ """ % (lotName, )
+ )
+ rows = cursor.fetchall()
+ conn.destroy()
+ # just get the date component
+ expiration = str(rows[0]['expiration'].date())
+ return expiration
+ def setExpiration(self, lotName, expiration):
+ assert self.notify.debugCall()
+ self._doCleanup()
+ conn = TTCRDBConnection(self, {'lot': self.WRITE, })
+ cursor = conn.getDictCursor()
+ cursor.execute(
+ """
+ UPDATE lot SET expiration=%s WHERE name=\'%s\';
+ """ % (self._getExpirationString(expiration), lotName, )
+ )
+ conn.release()
+ conn.commit()
+ conn.destroy()
+ def getCodeDetails(self, code):
+ assert self.notify.debugCall()
+ self._doCleanup()
+ conn = TTCRDBConnection(self)
+ cursor = conn.getDictCursor()
+ for lotName in self.getLotNames():
+ if conn.WantTableLocking:
+ cursor.execute(
+ """
+ LOCK TABLES lot READ, code_set_%s READ;
+ """ % (lotName, )
+ )
+ cursor.execute(
+ """
+ SELECT * FROM code_set_%(lotName)s INNER JOIN lot
+ WHERE code_set_%(lotName)s.lot_id=lot.lot_id
+ AND code='%(code)s';
+ """ % ({
+ 'lotName': lotName,
+ 'code': TTCodeDict.getFromReadableCode(code)
+ })
+ )
+ rows = cursor.fetchall()
+ if conn.WantTableLocking:
+ cursor.execute(
+ """
+ """
+ )
+ assert len(rows) <= 1
+ if len(rows):
+ conn.destroy()
+ row = rows[0]
+ row['code'] = unicode(row['code'], 'utf-8')
+ return row
+ self.notify.error('code \'%s\' not found' % u2ascii(code))
+ def _testSubProc(self):
+'running subprocess test...')
+ proc = subprocess.Popen('%s -OO %s' % (choice(__dev__, 'python', os.getenv('PYTHON')), __file__),
+ stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+ proc.stdin.write('test' + '\n')
+ result = proc.stdout.readline()
+ print 'main process: %s' % repr(result)
+ while result[-1] in ('\r', '\n'):
+ result = result[:-1]
+ if (result == 'testtest'):
+'subprocess test succeeded!')
+ else:
+'subprocess test failed! (%s)' % repr(result))
+ if __debug__:
+ def runTests(self):
+ self._doRunTests(self._initializedSV.get())
+ self._runTestsFC = FunctionCall(self._doRunTests, self._initializedSV)
+ def _doRunTests(self, initialized):
+ if initialized and self.DoSelfTest:
+ jobMgr.add(TTCodeRedemptionDBTester(self))
+# this file itself is the SQL communication subprocess when run directly
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ # restore stdout
+ sys.stdout = stdOut
+ l = sys.stdin.readline()
+ sys.stderr.write('subprocess: %s\n' % repr(l))
+ sys.stderr.flush()
+ while l[-1] in ('\r', '\n'):
+ l = l[:-1]
+ sys.stdout.write((l * 2) + '\n')
+ sys.stdout.flush()
diff --git a/toontown/src/coderedemption/ b/toontown/src/coderedemption/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0736651
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coderedemption/
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+from direct.distributed.DistributedObject import DistributedObject
+from direct.directnotify.DirectNotifyGlobal import directNotify
+class TTCodeRedemptionMgr(DistributedObject):
+ neverDisable = 1
+ notify = directNotify.newCategory('TTCodeRedemptionMgr')
+ def __init__(self, cr):
+ DistributedObject.__init__(self, cr)
+ def announceGenerate(self):
+ DistributedObject.announceGenerate(self)
+ base.codeRedemptionMgr = self
+ self._contextGen = SerialMaskedGen(0xffffffff)
+ self._context2callback = {}
+ def delete(self):
+ if hasattr(base, 'codeRedemptionMgr'):
+ if base.codeRedemptionMgr is self:
+ del base.codeRedemptionMgr
+ self._context2callback = None
+ self._contextGen = None
+ DistributedObject.delete(self)
+ def redeemCode(self, code, callback):
+ # callback takes result, awardMgrResult
+ # if result is non-zero, there was an error (see TTCodeRedemptionConsts.RedeemErrors)
+ # if result is TTCodeRedemptionConsts.AwardCouldntBeGiven, awardMgrResult holds the error code
+ # (see AwardManagerConsts.GiveAwardErrors)
+ context =
+ self._context2callback[context] = callback
+ self.notify.debug('redeemCode(%s, %s)' % (context, code))
+ self.sendUpdate('redeemCode', [context, code])
+ def redeemCodeResult(self, context, result, awardMgrResult):
+ self.notify.debug('redeemCodeResult(%s, %s, %s)' % (context, result, awardMgrResult))
+ callback = self._context2callback.pop(context)
+ callback(result, awardMgrResult)
diff --git a/toontown/src/coderedemption/ b/toontown/src/coderedemption/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b27ff10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coderedemption/
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+from pandac import PandaModules as PM
+from direct.directnotify.DirectNotifyGlobal import directNotify
+from direct.distributed.DistributedObjectAI import DistributedObjectAI
+from direct.showbase.DirectObject import DirectObject
+from direct.task import Task
+from otp.distributed import OtpDoGlobals
+from toontown.coderedemption import TTCodeRedemptionConsts
+import random
+import string
+class TTCRMAIRetryMgr(DirectObject):
+ notify = directNotify.newCategory('TTCodeRedemptionMgrAI')
+ MinRetryPeriod = 5
+ RetryGrowMult = 1.1
+ def __init__(self, air, codeRedemptionMgr):
+ self.air = air
+ self._codeRedemptionMgr = codeRedemptionMgr
+ self._serialGen = SerialNumGen()
+ self._retryPeriod = self.MinRetryPeriod
+ self._redemptions = {}
+ def addRedemption(self, avId, context, code):
+ assert self.notify.debugCall()
+ serial =
+ self._redemptions[serial] = ScratchPad(avId=avId, context=context, code=code, attemptNum=0)
+ self._doRedemption(serial, True)
+ def resolveRedemption(self, serial, context, avId, result, awardMgrResult):
+ assert self.notify.debugCall()
+ if serial not in self._redemptions:
+ self.notify.warning('unexpected redemption resolution: %s, %s, %s, %s, %s' % (
+ serial, context, avId, result, awardMgrResult))
+ return
+ info = self._redemptions.pop(serial)
+ info.doLater.remove()
+ self._retryPeriod = self.MinRetryPeriod
+ if hasattr(self, '_stressTestInfo'):
+ if (avId, context) in self._stressTestInfo.redemptions:
+ code = self._stressTestInfo.redemptions.pop((avId, context))
+ self._stressTestInfo.numCodesResolved += 1
+ if result:
+ if not TTCodeRedemptionMgrAI.RandomizeStressTestCode:
+'stress test redemption failed for %s (%s): %s, %s' % (
+ avId, code, result, awardMgrResult))
+ else:
+ self.notify.debug('stress test redemption succeeded for %s (%s)' % (
+ avId, code))
+ now = globalClock.getRealTime()
+ if (now - self._stressTestInfo.lastLogT) > 10:
+ duration = now - self._stressTestInfo.startT
+ self._stressTestInfo.lastLogT = now
+'stress test progress: %s codes resolved, %s codes/sec' % (
+ self._stressTestInfo.numCodesResolved, (self._stressTestInfo.numCodesResolved / duration)))
+ self._checkCleanupStressTest()
+ self._codeRedemptionMgr.sendUpdateToAvatarId(avId, 'redeemCodeResult', [context, result, awardMgrResult])
+ def _doRedemption(self, serial, directCall, task=None):
+ info = self._redemptions.get(serial)
+ info.attemptNum += 1
+ if info.attemptNum > 1:
+ self._retryPeriod = max(self.MinRetryPeriod, self._retryPeriod * self.RetryGrowMult)
+'code redemption retry #%s for %s: %s' % ((info.attemptNum-1), info.avId, info.code))
+ self.air.sendUpdateToDoId('TTCodeRedemptionMgr',
+ 'redeemCodeAiToUd',
+ [serial, self._codeRedemptionMgr.doId, info.context, info.code, info.avId]
+ )
+ info.doLater = self.doMethodLater(self._retryPeriod, Functor(self._doRedemption, serial),
+ uniqueName('CodeRedemptionRetry'))
+ return Task.done
+ # stress test API
+ def startStressTest(self):
+ assert not hasattr(self, '_stressTestClosed')
+ self._stressTestInfo = ScratchPad()
+ self._stressTestInfo.redemptions = {}
+ self._stressTestInfo.numCodesSubmitted = 0
+ self._stressTestInfo.numCodesResolved = 0
+ self._stressTestInfo.startT = globalClock.getRealTime()
+ self._stressTestInfo.lastLogT = globalClock.getRealTime()
+ self._stressTestInfo.closed = False
+ def finishStressTestSubmission(self):
+ self._stressTestInfo.closed = True
+ self._checkCleanupStressTest()
+ def _checkCleanupStressTest(self):
+ if self._stressTestInfo.closed and (
+ self._stressTestInfo.numCodesSubmitted == self._stressTestInfo.numCodesResolved):
+ duration = globalClock.getRealTime() - self._stressTestInfo.startT
+'stress test resolution completed: %s codes resolved, %s codes/sec' % (
+ self._stressTestInfo.numCodesResolved, self._stressTestInfo.numCodesResolved / duration))
+ del self._stressTestInfo
+ def addStressTestRedemption(self, avId, context, code):
+ self._stressTestInfo.redemptions[(avId, context)] = code
+ self._stressTestInfo.numCodesSubmitted += 1
+ self.addRedemption(avId, context, code)
+class TTCodeRedemptionMgrAI(DistributedObjectAI):
+ notify = directNotify.newCategory('TTCodeRedemptionMgrAI')
+ WantStressTest = config.GetBool('stress-test-code-redemption', 0)
+ StressTestRate = config.GetFloat('stress-test-code-redemption-rate', 3.)
+ RandomizeStressTestCode = config.GetBool('randomize-code-redemption-stress-test-code', 0)
+ def __init__(self, air):
+ DistributedObjectAI.__init__(self, air)
+ self._retryMgr = TTCRMAIRetryMgr(self.air, self)
+ self.air.codeRedemptionManager = self
+ if self.WantStressTest:
+ printStack()
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(10., self._doStressTest,
+ uniqueName('codeRedemptionStartStressTest'))
+ def redeemCode(self, context, code):
+ assert self.notify.debugCall()
+ # pass it on to the UD w/out checking the content of the parameters; offload the
+ # CPU work to the code redemption UD
+ avId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender()
+ self._retryMgr.addRedemption(avId, context, code)
+ def redeemCodeResultUdToAi(self, serial, context, avId, result, awardMgrResult):
+ assert self.notify.debugCall()
+ # pass it back to the toon
+ self._retryMgr.resolveRedemption(serial, context, avId, result, awardMgrResult)
+ def _doStressTest(self, task):
+ self._stressTestCode = 'stresstest'
+ fPath = PM.Filename.expandFrom('$TOONTOWN/%scoderedemption/StressTestAvIds.txt' % (
+ choice(__dev__, 'src/', ''))).toOsSpecific()
+ self._stressTestFile = open(fPath)
+ self._stressTestLastSendT = globalClock.getFrameTime()
+ self._stressTestStartTime = globalClock.getRealTime()
+ self._stressTestAvCount = 0
+ self._stressTestLogT = globalClock.getRealTime()
+'starting stress test')
+ self._retryMgr.startStressTest()
+ taskMgr.add(self._stressTest, uniqueName('codeRedemptionStressTest'))
+ return task.done
+ def _stressTest(self, task):
+ now = globalClock.getFrameTime()
+ dt = now - self._stressTestLastSendT
+ numCodes = max(0, int(dt * self.StressTestRate))
+ self._stressTestLastSendT += (numCodes / float(self.StressTestRate))
+ done = False
+ while numCodes:
+ try:
+ line = self._stressTestFile.readline()
+ except:
+ raise
+ done = True
+ #print line
+ if not done:
+ try:
+ avId = int(line)
+ except ValueError:
+ done = True
+ if done:
+ rate = self._stressTestAvCount / (globalClock.getRealTime() - self._stressTestStartTime)
+'stress test submission complete: %s codes submitted, %s codes/sec' % (
+ self._stressTestAvCount, rate))
+ self._retryMgr.finishStressTestSubmission()
+ return task.done
+ if self.RandomizeStressTestCode:
+ len = random.randrange(1, 20)
+ code = ''
+ while len:
+ code += random.choice(string.letters)
+ len -= 1
+ else:
+ code = self._stressTestCode
+ self._retryMgr.addStressTestRedemption(avId, 0, code)
+ numCodes -= 1
+ self._stressTestAvCount += 1
+ now = globalClock.getRealTime()
+ if (now - self._stressTestLogT) > 10:
+ self._stressTestLogT = now
+ rate = self._stressTestAvCount / (globalClock.getRealTime() - self._stressTestStartTime)
+'stress test progress: %s codes submitted, %s codes/sec' % (
+ self._stressTestAvCount, rate))
+ return task.cont
diff --git a/toontown/src/coderedemption/ b/toontown/src/coderedemption/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72e835b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coderedemption/
@@ -0,0 +1,1715 @@
+from direct.distributed.DistributedObjectGlobalUD import DistributedObjectGlobalUD
+from direct.directnotify.DirectNotifyGlobal import directNotify
+from direct.http.WebRequest import WebRequestDispatcher
+from direct.showbase import ElementTree as ET
+from direct.showbase.HTMLTree import HTMLTree
+from direct.showbase.PythonUtil import unescapeHtmlString as uhs
+from direct.showbase.PythonUtil import str2elements
+from direct.http import recaptcha
+from direct.task import Task
+from otp.distributed import OtpDoGlobals
+from toontown.catalog import CatalogItemTypes
+from toontown.coderedemption.TTCodeRedemptionDB import TTCodeRedemptionDBTester, TTCodeRedemptionDB
+from toontown.coderedemption.TTCodeDict import TTCodeDict
+from toontown.coderedemption import TTCodeRedemptionConsts
+from toontown.coderedemption import TTCodeRedemptionSpamDetector
+from toontown.rpc.AwardManagerUD import AwardManagerUD
+from toontown.rpc import AwardManagerConsts
+from toontown.uberdog import PartiesUdConfig
+from StringIO import StringIO
+import datetime
+import random
+import socket
+import string
+import re
+SE = ET.SubElement
+class FormErrors:
+ class Null:
+ pass
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._item2errs = {}
+ def isEmpty(self, item=Null):
+ if item is FormErrors.Null:
+ return len(self._item2errs) == 0
+ return len(self._item2errs.get(item, [])) == 0
+ def get(self, item):
+ return set(self._item2errs.get(item, []))
+ def add(self, item, error):
+ if item not in self._item2errs:
+ self._item2errs[item] = set()
+ self._item2errs[item].add(error)
+class TTCodeRedemptionMgrUD(DistributedObjectGlobalUD):
+ notify = directNotify.newCategory('TTCodeRedemptionMgrUD')
+ Ops = Enum('menu, create, doCreate, view, doView, modify, doModify, delete, doDelete, lookup, doLookup, redeem, doRedeem')
+ MaxLotSize = 10000000
+ ReCAPTCHADomainName = 'localhost'
+ ReCAPTCHAPublicKey = '6Ld8gwkAAAAAALtgzi9Y0q8DqflAK7DwfeiKfTGN'
+ ReCAPTCHAPrivateKey = '6Ld8gwkAAAAAAEtBhL2sblZNm4SFy3B8g-6PDIUI'
+ Disabled = config.GetBool('disable-code-redemption', 0)
+ class GenericErrors:
+ EmptyInput = 'This field is required'
+ InvalidNumber = 'Please enter a number'
+ FieldsMustMatch = 'This field must match the previous field'
+ class CreateErrors:
+ InvalidCharInLotName = 'Name can only contain lowercase ASCII letters, numbers, and underscores'
+ UsedLotName = 'Lot name is already in use'
+ class CodeErrors:
+ InvalidCharInCode = 'Code can only contain alphanumeric characters and dashes'
+ InvalidCode = 'Invalid code'
+ MustContainManualChar = ('Code must contain at least one of the following: %s' %
+ TTCodeDict.ManualOnlyCharacters)
+ CodeAlreadyExists = 'Code already exists'
+ CodeTooLong = 'Code must be %s characters or less' % TTCodeRedemptionConsts.MaxCustomCodeLen
+ class RedeemErrors:
+ InvalidCharInAvId = 'AvId can only contain numbers'
+ CodeIsExpired = 'Code is expired'
+ CodeAlreadyRedeemed = 'Code has already been redeemed'
+ AwardCouldntBeGiven = 'Award could not be given, code not processed'
+ if __dev__:
+ TestRedemptionSpamAvIdMin = 6
+ TestRedemptionSpamAvIdMax = 9999999
+ TestRedemptions = (
+ # non-ascii
+ ('\xff', (TTCodeRedemptionConsts.RedeemErrors.CodeDoesntExist, 0)),
+ # invalid characters
+ ('.', (TTCodeRedemptionConsts.RedeemErrors.CodeDoesntExist, 0)),
+ )
+ DisabledTestRedemptions = (
+ ('HWF', (TTCodeRedemptionConsts.RedeemErrors.SystemUnavailable, 0)),
+ (',', (TTCodeRedemptionConsts.RedeemErrors.SystemUnavailable, 0)),
+ )
+ # spam detection
+ TestSpamRedemptions = (([('!!!', (TTCodeRedemptionConsts.RedeemErrors.CodeDoesntExist, 0)),] * TTCodeRedemptionSpamDetector.Settings.DetectThreshold) +
+ [('!!!', (TTCodeRedemptionConsts.RedeemErrors.TooManyAttempts, 0)),]
+ )
+ def __init__(self, air):
+ DistributedObjectGlobalUD.__init__(self, air)
+ self.HTTPListenPort = uber.codeRedemptionMgrHTTPListenPort
+ self.webDispatcher = WebRequestDispatcher()
+ self.webDispatcher.landingPage.setTitle("TTCodeRedemptionMgr")
+ self.webDispatcher.landingPage.setDescription("TTCodeRedemptionMgr enables generation and retrieval of reward codes.")
+ self.webDispatcher.registerGETHandler(
+ "codeManagement",self.handleHTTPcodeManagement,returnsResponse=False,autoSkin=True)
+ self.webDispatcher.landingPage.addTab("CodeMgmt","/codeManagement")
+ self.webDispatcher.listenOnPort(self.HTTPListenPort)
+ self.DBuser = uber.config.GetString("mysql-user", PartiesUdConfig.ttDbUser)
+ self.DBpasswd = uber.config.GetString("mysql-passwd", PartiesUdConfig.ttDbPasswd)
+ self.DBhost = uber.config.GetString("tt-code-db-host", uber.mysqlhost)
+ self.DBport = uber.config.GetInt("tt-code-db-port", PartiesUdConfig.ttDbPort)
+ self.DBname = choice(uber.crDbName != '', uber.crDbName, TTCodeRedemptionConsts.DefaultDbName)
+ self._rewardSerialNumGen = SerialNumGen()
+ self._rewardContextTable = {}
+ self._redeemContextGen = SerialNumGen()
+ self._redeemContext2session = {}
+ self._db = TTCodeRedemptionDB(self.air, self.DBhost, self.DBport, self.DBuser, self.DBpasswd, self.DBname)
+ if __debug__:
+ self._db.runTests()
+ self.air.setConnectionName("TTCodeRedemptionMgr")
+ self.air.setConnectionURL("http://%s:%s/" % (socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()),self.HTTPListenPort))
+ self._createLotSerialGen = SerialNumGen()
+ self._createLotId2task = {}
+ self._randSampleContext2callback = {}
+ self._randSampleContextGen = SerialMaskedGen((1L<<32)-1)
+ self._spamDetector = TTCodeRedemptionSpamDetector.TTCodeRedemptionSpamDetector()
+ self._wantSpamDetect = config.GetBool('want-code-redemption-spam-detect', 1)
+ if __dev__:
+ self._testAvId = random.randrange(self.TestRedemptionSpamAvIdMin, self.TestRedemptionSpamAvIdMax)
+ self._avId2table = {self._testAvId: self.TestRedemptions,
+ }
+ self._disabledAvId2table = {self._testAvId: self.DisabledTestRedemptions,
+ }
+ if self._wantSpamDetect:
+ self._spamAvId = random.randrange(self.TestRedemptionSpamAvIdMin, self.TestRedemptionSpamAvIdMax)
+ self._avId2table[self._spamAvId] = self.TestSpamRedemptions
+ if __dev__:
+ def _sendTestRedemptions(self):
+ for avId in self._avId2table.iterkeys():
+ redemptions = self._avId2table[avId]
+ for i in xrange(len(redemptions)):
+ redemption = redemptions[i]
+ code, results = redemption
+ self.redeemCodeAiToUd(0, 0, i, code, avId, self._resolveTestRedemption)
+ def _sendDisabledTestRedemptions(self):
+ saved = TTCodeRedemptionMgrUD.Disabled
+ TTCodeRedemptionMgrUD.Disabled = True
+ for avId in self._disabledAvId2table.iterkeys():
+ redemptions = self._disabledAvId2table[avId]
+ for i in xrange(len(redemptions)):
+ redemption = redemptions[i]
+ code, results = redemption
+ self.redeemCodeAiToUd(0, 0, i, code, avId, self._resolveDisabledTestRedemption)
+ TTCodeRedemptionMgrUD.Disabled = saved
+ def _resolveTestRedemption(self, serial, context, avId, result, awardMgrResult):
+ if avId in self._avId2table:
+ redemptions = self._avId2table.get(avId)
+ redemption = redemptions[context]
+ code, results = redemption
+ assert result == results[0]
+ assert awardMgrResult == results[1]
+ def _resolveDisabledTestRedemption(self, serial, context, avId, result, awardMgrResult):
+ if avId in self._disabledAvId2table:
+ redemptions = self._disabledAvId2table.get(avId)
+ redemption = redemptions[context]
+ code, results = redemption
+ assert result == results[0]
+ assert awardMgrResult == results[1]
+ def announceGenerate(self):
+ """Start accepting http requests."""
+ assert self.notify.debugCall()
+ DistributedObjectGlobalUD.announceGenerate(self)
+ self.webDispatcher.startCheckingIncomingHTTP()
+ if __dev__ and TTCodeRedemptionDB.DoSelfTest:
+ if not self.Disabled:
+ self._sendTestRedemptions()
+ self._sendDisabledTestRedemptions()
+ def delete(self):
+ for task in self._createLotId2task.values():
+ self.removeTask(task)
+ self._createLotId2task = {}
+ def _reply(self, page, replyTo):
+ # everything is already under the landing page's body tag
+ """
+ fileStr = StringIO()
+ page.write(fileStr)
+ replyTo.respond(fileStr.getvalue())
+ """
+ replyTo.respond('')
+ def _addErrorsCell(self, row, errors, fieldName):
+ errorSet = errors.get(fieldName)
+ if len(errorSet):
+ errorCell = SE(row, 'td')
+ errorsTable = SE(errorCell, 'table')
+ for error in errorSet:
+ row = SE(errorsTable, 'tr')
+ data = SE(row, 'td')
+ data.set('style', 'color:red')
+ dataBold = SE(data, 'b')
+ # allow __str__ overload
+ dataBold.text = str(error)
+ def _addRecaptcha(self, form, errors):
+ rError = None
+ rErrors = errors.get('recaptcha')
+ if len(rErrors):
+ rError = list(rErrors)[0]
+ ieNotice = ET.Element('b')
+ ieNotice.text = 'NOTE: doesn\'t work with IE. Please use FireFox/Google Chrome/Safari/etc.'
+ form.append(ieNotice)
+ cError = None
+ cErrors = errors.get('recaptchaCustom')
+ if len(cErrors):
+ cError = list(cErrors)[0]
+ if cError:
+ brk = ET.Element('br')
+ form.append(brk)
+ crNotice = ET.Element('b')
+ crNotice.set('style', 'color:red')
+ crNotice.text = '\n' + cError
+ form.append(crNotice)
+ recaptchaHTML = recaptcha.displayhtml(self.ReCAPTCHAPublicKey, use_ssl=True, error=rError)
+ for el in str2elements(recaptchaHTML):
+ form.append(el)
+ SE(form, 'br')
+ def _addExpirationControls(self, table, values, yearName, monthName, dayName):
+ expDateRow = SE(table, 'tr')
+ edDescCell = SE(expDateRow, 'td')
+ edDescCell.text = 'Expiration date'
+ edInputCell = SE(expDateRow, 'td')
+ edYearInput = SE(edInputCell, 'select', name=yearName)
+ edMonthInput = SE(edInputCell, 'select', name=monthName)
+ edDayInput = SE(edInputCell, 'select', name=dayName)
+ thisYear =
+ for i in xrange(thisYear, thisYear+100):
+ option = SE(edYearInput, 'option', value=str(i))
+ option.text = str(i)
+ if values.get('expYear') == str(i):
+ option.set('selected', 'selected')
+ for i, name in ((1, 'Jan'), (2, 'Feb'), (3, 'Mar'), (4, 'Apr'), (5, 'May'), (6, 'Jun'),
+ (7, 'Jul'), (8, 'Aug'), (9, 'Sep'), (10, 'Oct'), (11, 'Nov'), (12, 'Dec'), ):
+ option = SE(edMonthInput, 'option', value=str(i))
+ option.text = '%02i: %s' % (i, name)
+ if values.get('expMonth') == str(i):
+ option.set('selected', 'selected')
+ for i in xrange(1, 31+1):
+ option = SE(edDayInput, 'option', value=str(i))
+ option.text = str(i)
+ if values.get('expDay') == str(i):
+ option.set('selected', 'selected')
+ return expDateRow
+ def _addSubmitButtonDisable(self, headTag, bodyTag, parentTag, submitButton, formName, ):
+ buttonName = submitButton.get('name')
+ assert buttonName is not None
+ normalText = submitButton.get('value')
+ assert normalText is not None
+ submitScript = ET.Element('script', type='text/javascript')
+ enableSubmitFuncName = 'enableSubmitButton'
+ submitScript.text = """
+ function %(funcName)s(enable) {
+ var submitButton = document.%(formName)s.%(buttonName)s;
+ if (enable) {
+ submitButton.disabled = false;
+ submitButton.value = '%(normalText)s';
+ } else {
+ submitButton.disabled = true;
+ submitButton.value = 'Please wait...';
+ }
+ }
+ function resetSubmitButton() {
+ %(funcName)s(true);
+ }
+ """ % ({
+ 'funcName': enableSubmitFuncName,
+ 'formName': formName,
+ 'buttonName': buttonName,
+ 'normalText': normalText,
+ })
+ # put the javascript in the HEAD tag
+ headTag.append(submitScript)
+ # disable the submit button on click
+ submitButton.set('onclick',
+ '%(funcName)s(false);' % ({
+ 'funcName': enableSubmitFuncName,
+ }))
+ # enable the submit button on page load
+ SE(parentTag, 'script', type='text/javascript', text='%s(true);' % (enableSubmitFuncName, ))
+ bodyTag.set('onUnload', 'resetSubmitButton();');
+ def _isValidManualCodeRewardType(self, rewardType):
+ isPermanent = rewardType not in CatalogItemTypes.NonPermanentItemTypes
+ multipleAllowed = CatalogItemTypes.CatalogItemType2multipleAllowed[rewardType]
+ return (isPermanent and (not multipleAllowed))
+ def _doCreateForm(self, parent, body, replyTo, values=None, errors=None):
+ # values is dict of element->string
+ if values is None:
+ values = {}
+ # errors is sparse dict of sets of FormErrors
+ if errors is None:
+ errors = FormErrors()
+ formName = 'createForm'
+ mainForm = SE(parent, 'form', name=formName, action='codeManagement', method='GET')
+ hiddenOp = SE(mainForm, 'input', type='hidden', name='op', value='doCreate')
+ formTable = SE(mainForm, 'table')
+ # code lot name
+ lotNameRow = SE(formTable, 'tr')
+ lnDescCell = SE(lotNameRow, 'td')
+ lnDescCell.text = 'Name of code lot'
+ lnInputCell = SE(lotNameRow, 'td')
+ lotName = SE(lnInputCell, 'input', type='text', name='lotName')
+ if 'lotName' in values:
+ lotName.set('value', values['lotName'])
+ self._addErrorsCell(lotNameRow, errors, 'lotName')
+ # code type
+ codeTypeRow = SE(formTable, 'tr')
+ ctDescCell = SE(codeTypeRow, 'td')
+ ctDescCell.text = 'Code type'
+ codeTypeDropdownCell = SE(codeTypeRow, 'td')
+ codeTypeName = 'codeType'
+ codeTypeDropdown = SE(codeTypeDropdownCell, 'select', name=codeTypeName)
+ codeTypes = [('manual', 'Manually-created code, many toons use same code'), ]
+ if config.GetBool('want-unique-code-generation', 0):
+ codeTypes.append(('auto', 'Auto-generated codes, one redemption per code'))
+ for formVal, desc in codeTypes:
+ option = SE(codeTypeDropdown, 'option', value=formVal)
+ option.text = desc
+ if values.get('codeType') == formVal:
+ option.set('selected', 'selected')
+ self._addErrorsCell(codeTypeRow, errors, 'codeType')
+ # number of codes
+ numCodesRow = SE(formTable, 'tr')
+ ncDescCell = SE(numCodesRow, 'td')
+ ncDescCell.text = 'Number of codes'
+ ncInputCell = SE(numCodesRow, 'td')
+ numCodesName = 'numCodes'
+ numCodes = SE(ncInputCell, 'input', type='text', name=numCodesName)
+ if 'numCodes' in values:
+ numCodes.set('value', values['numCodes'])
+ self._addErrorsCell(numCodesRow, errors, 'numCodes')
+ # number of codes 2 (verify)
+ numCodes2Row = SE(formTable, 'tr')
+ nc2DescCell = SE(numCodes2Row, 'td')
+ nc2DescCell.text = 'Number of codes (again)'
+ nc2InputCell = SE(numCodes2Row, 'td')
+ numCodes2Name = 'numCodes2'
+ numCodes2 = SE(nc2InputCell, 'input', type='text', name=numCodes2Name)
+ if 'numCodes2' in values:
+ numCodes2.set('value', values['numCodes2'])
+ self._addErrorsCell(numCodes2Row, errors, 'numCodes2')
+ # manual code
+ manualCodeRow = SE(formTable, 'tr')
+ mcDescCell = SE(manualCodeRow, 'td')
+ mcDescCell.text = 'Manual code'
+ mcInputCell = SE(manualCodeRow, 'td')
+ manualCodeName = 'manualCode'
+ manualCode = SE(mcInputCell, 'input', type='text', name=manualCodeName)
+ if 'manualCode' in values:
+ manualCode.set('value', values['manualCode'])
+ self._addErrorsCell(manualCodeRow, errors, 'manualCode')
+ # manual code 2
+ manualCode2Row = SE(formTable, 'tr')
+ mc2DescCell = SE(manualCode2Row, 'td')
+ mc2DescCell.text = 'Manual code (again)'
+ mc2InputCell = SE(manualCode2Row, 'td')
+ manualCode2Name = 'manualCode2'
+ manualCode2 = SE(mc2InputCell, 'input', type='text', name=manualCode2Name)
+ if 'manualCode2' in values:
+ manualCode2.set('value', values['manualCode2'])
+ self._addErrorsCell(manualCode2Row, errors, 'manualCode2')
+ # reward type
+ awardChoices = AwardManagerUD.getReversedAwardChoices()
+ rewardTypeRow = SE(formTable, 'tr')
+ rtDescCell = SE(rewardTypeRow, 'td')
+ rtDescCell.text = 'Reward type'
+ rtChoiceCell = SE(rewardTypeRow, 'td')
+ rtSelectName = 'rewardType'
+ rtChoice = SE(rtChoiceCell, 'select', name=rtSelectName)
+ rewardTypes = awardChoices.keys()
+ rewardTypes.sort()
+ manualRewardTypes = []
+ for rewardType in rewardTypes:
+ if self._isValidManualCodeRewardType(rewardType):
+ manualRewardTypes.append(rewardType)
+ """ this is done by the javascript method defined below that handles code type changes
+ for rewardType in rewardTypes:
+ option = SE(rtChoice, 'option', value=str(rewardType))
+ option.text = AwardManagerUD.getAwardTypeName(rewardType)
+ if values.get('rewardType') == str(rewardType):
+ option.set('selected', 'selected')
+ """
+ self._addErrorsCell(rewardTypeRow, errors, 'rewardType')
+ # add javascript to change the interface based on code generation method
+ # (number of codes or manual code string)
+ genMethodScript = ET.Element('script', type='text/javascript')
+ genMethodChangeFuncName = 'handleGenerationMethodChange'
+ setRewardTypesCode = ''
+ for codeType in ('auto', 'manual', ):
+ setRewardTypesCode += 'if (genMethod.value == "%s") {' % codeType
+ if (codeType == 'auto'):
+ rts = rewardTypes
+ else:
+ rts = manualRewardTypes
+ for rewardType in rts:
+ value = str(rewardType)
+ text = AwardManagerUD.getAwardTypeName(rewardType)
+ setRewardTypesCode += ('rewardType.options[rewardType.options.length] = new Option('
+ '"%s", "%s");' % (text, value))
+ setRewardTypesCode += '}'
+ genMethodScript.text = """
+ function %(genMethodChangeFuncName)s() {
+ var genMethod = document.%(formName)s.%(genMethodName)s;
+ var numCodes = document.%(formName)s.%(numCodesName)s;
+ var numCodes2 = document.%(formName)s.%(numCodes2Name)s;
+ var manualCode = document.%(formName)s.%(manualCodeName)s;
+ var manualCode2 = document.%(formName)s.%(manualCode2Name)s;
+ var rewardType = document.%(formName)s.%(rewardTypeName)s;
+ rewardType.options.length = 0;
+ if (genMethod.value == 'auto') {
+ numCodes.disabled = false;
+ numCodes2.disabled = false;
+ manualCode.disabled = true;
+ manualCode2.disabled = true;
+ } else {
+ numCodes.disabled = true;
+ numCodes2.disabled = true;
+ manualCode.disabled = false;
+ manualCode2.disabled = false;
+ }
+ %(setRewardTypes)s
+ handleRewardTypeChange();
+ }
+ """ % ({
+ 'genMethodChangeFuncName': genMethodChangeFuncName,
+ 'formName': formName,
+ 'genMethodName': codeTypeName,
+ 'numCodesName': numCodesName,
+ 'numCodes2Name': numCodes2Name,
+ 'manualCodeName': manualCodeName,
+ 'manualCode2Name': manualCode2Name,
+ 'rewardTypeName': rtSelectName,
+ 'setRewardTypes': setRewardTypesCode,
+ })
+ # put the javascript inside the HEAD tag
+ replyTo.getHeadTag().append(genMethodScript)
+ # hook up the onchange method so that the interface changes when a generation
+ # method is selected
+ codeTypeDropdown.set('onchange', '%s();' % genMethodChangeFuncName)
+ # adjust the interface properly on page load
+ rewardTypeSelectIndex = 0
+ if 'codeType' in values and 'rewardType' in values:
+ if (values.get('codeType') == 'auto'):
+ rts = rewardTypes
+ else:
+ rts = manualRewardTypes
+ rewardTypeSelectIndex = rts.index(int(values.get('rewardType')))
+ initGenMethodOptions = SE(parent, 'script', type='text/javascript')
+ initGenMethodOptions.text = '%(codeTypeChangeFunc)s(); document.%(formName)s.%(rewardTypeSelectName)s.selectedIndex = %(index)s;' % {
+ 'codeTypeChangeFunc': genMethodChangeFuncName,
+ 'formName': formName,
+ 'rewardTypeSelectName': rtSelectName,
+ 'index': rewardTypeSelectIndex,
+ }
+ # reward itemId
+ rewardItemRow = SE(formTable, 'tr')
+ riDescCell = SE(rewardItemRow, 'td')
+ riDescCell.text = 'Reward item'
+ riChoiceCell = SE(rewardItemRow, 'td')
+ riSelectName = 'rewardItemId'
+ riChoice = SE(riChoiceCell, 'select', name=riSelectName)
+ # this selection is filled in automatically based on the reward type selection
+ """
+ id2item = awardChoices[1]
+ itemIds = id2item.keys()
+ itemIds.sort()
+ for itemId in itemIds:
+ option = SE(riChoice, 'option', value=str(itemId))
+ option.text = id2item[itemId]
+ if values.get('rewardItemId') == str(itemId):
+ option.set('selected', 'selected')
+ """
+ self._addErrorsCell(rewardItemRow, errors, 'rewardItemId')
+ # add javascript to change the reward item list based on the reward type selection
+ rewardTypeScript = ET.Element('script', type='text/javascript')
+ rewardTypeChangeFuncName = 'handleRewardTypeChange'
+ setRewardItemsCode = ''
+ for rewardType in rewardTypes:
+ setRewardItemsCode += 'if (typeValue == "%s") {' % rewardType
+ id2item = awardChoices[rewardType]
+ itemIds = id2item.keys()
+ itemIds.sort()
+ for itemId in itemIds:
+ value = str(itemId)
+ text = id2item[itemId]
+ setRewardItemsCode += ('itemSel.options[itemSel.options.length] = new Option('
+ '"%s", "%s");' % (text, value))
+ setRewardItemsCode += '}'
+ rewardTypeScript.text = """
+ function %(rewardChangeFuncName)s() {
+ var typeSel = document.%(formName)s.%(rewardTypeSelectName)s;
+ var itemSel = document.%(formName)s.%(rewardItemSelectName)s;
+ var typeValue = typeSel[typeSel.selectedIndex].value;
+ itemSel.options.length = 0;
+ %(setRewardItems)s
+ }
+ """ % ({
+ 'rewardChangeFuncName': rewardTypeChangeFuncName,
+ 'formName': formName,
+ 'rewardTypeSelectName': rtSelectName,
+ 'rewardItemSelectName': riSelectName,
+ 'setRewardItems': setRewardItemsCode,
+ })
+ # put the javascript inside the HEAD tag
+ replyTo.getHeadTag().append(rewardTypeScript)
+ # load the correct items into the reward item selection when the reward type
+ # selection is changed
+ rtChoice.set('onchange',
+ '%(rewardChangeFuncName)s();' % ({
+ 'rewardChangeFuncName': rewardTypeChangeFuncName,
+ }))
+ # load the correct items into the reward item selection on page load
+ rewardItemSelectIndex = 0
+ if 'rewardType' in values and 'rewardItemId' in values:
+ id2item = awardChoices[int(values.rewardType)]
+ itemIds = id2item.keys()
+ itemIds.sort()
+ rewardItemSelectIndex = itemIds.index(int(values.rewardItemId))
+ initRewardItems = SE(parent, 'script', type='text/javascript')
+ initRewardItems.text = '%(rewardChangeFuncName)s(); document.%(formName)s.%(rewardItemSelectName)s.selectedIndex = %(index)s;' % (
+ {'rewardChangeFuncName': rewardTypeChangeFuncName,
+ 'formName': formName,
+ 'rewardItemSelectName': riSelectName,
+ 'index': rewardItemSelectIndex,
+ })
+ # has expiration date
+ hasExpRow = SE(formTable, 'tr')
+ heDescCell = SE(hasExpRow, 'td')
+ heDescCell.text = 'Has expiration date'
+ heInputCell = SE(hasExpRow, 'td')
+ hasExpirationName = 'hasExpiration'
+ heInput = SE(heInputCell, 'select', name=hasExpirationName)
+ for formVal, desc in (('yes', 'Yes'),
+ ('no', 'No'),
+ ):
+ option = SE(heInput, 'option', value=formVal)
+ option.text = desc
+ if 'hasExpiration' not in values:
+ if formVal == 'no':
+ option.set('selected', 'selected')
+ elif values.get('hasExpiration') == formVal:
+ option.set('selected', 'selected')
+ # expiration date
+ yearName = 'expYear'
+ monthName = 'expMonth'
+ dayName = 'expDay'
+ expDateRow = self._addExpirationControls(formTable, values, yearName, monthName, dayName)
+ self._addErrorsCell(expDateRow, errors, 'expiration')
+ # add javascript to disable the date entry if expiration date is turned off
+ dateScript = ET.Element('script', type='text/javascript')
+ dateEnableFuncName = 'enableDateEntry'
+ dateScript.text = """
+ function %(funcName)s() {
+ var disabled = false;
+ if (document.%(formName)s.%(hasExpName)s.value == 'no') {
+ disabled = true;
+ }
+ document.%(formName)s.%(yearName)s.disabled = disabled;
+ document.%(formName)s.%(monthName)s.disabled = disabled;
+ document.%(formName)s.%(dayName)s.disabled = disabled;
+ }
+ """ % ({
+ 'funcName': dateEnableFuncName,
+ 'formName': formName,
+ 'hasExpName': hasExpirationName,
+ 'yearName': yearName,
+ 'monthName': monthName,
+ 'dayName': dayName,
+ })
+ # put the javascript in the HEAD tag
+ replyTo.getHeadTag().append(dateScript)
+ # handle changes to the expiration enable field
+ heInput.set('onchange',
+ '%(funcName)s();' % ({
+ 'funcName': dateEnableFuncName,
+ }))
+ # set the correct date enable state on page load
+ initDate = SE(parent, 'script', type='text/javascript')
+ initDate.text = '%(funcName)s();' % ({
+ 'funcName': dateEnableFuncName,
+ })
+ SE(mainForm, 'br')
+ self._addRecaptcha(mainForm, errors)
+ buttonName = 'submitButton'
+ submitText = 'Create Code Lot'
+ submitButton = SE(mainForm, 'input', name=buttonName, type='submit', value=submitText)
+ self._addSubmitButtonDisable(replyTo.getHeadTag(), replyTo.getBodyTag(), parent,
+ submitButton, formName, )
+ def _startCreateLotTask(self, replyTo, page, body, values, manualCode, numCodes, manualCodeStr, expDate):
+ assert self.notify.debugCall()
+ if manualCode:
+ self._db.createManualLot(values.lotName, manualCodeStr, values.rewardType, values.rewardItemId,
+ expirationDate=expDate)
+ self._showCreateLotResults(replyTo, page, body, values)
+ else:
+ createLotId =
+ gen = self._db.createLot(self._requestRandomSamples, values.lotName, numCodes,
+ values.rewardType, values.rewardItemId,
+ expirationDate=expDate)
+ t = self.addTask(self._createLotTask, '%s-createLot-%s' % (self.__class__.__name__, createLotId))
+ t.createLotId = createLotId
+ t.gen = gen
+ t.replyTo = replyTo
+ = page
+ t.body = body
+ t.values = values
+ self._createLotId2task[createLotId] = t
+ def _createLotTask(self, task):
+ for result in task.gen:
+ break
+ if result is True:
+ self._showCreateLotResults(task.replyTo,, task.body, task.values)
+ del self._createLotId2task[task.createLotId]
+ return Task.done
+ return Task.cont
+ def _showCreateLotResults(self, replyTo, page, body, values):
+ assert self.notify.debugCall()
+ self._doViewLot(values.lotName, body)
+ self._reply(page, replyTo)
+ def _requestRandomSamples(self, callback, numSamples):
+ assert self.notify.debugCall()
+ context =
+ self._randSampleContext2callback[context] = callback
+ self.air.dispatchUpdateToGlobalDoId(
+ "NonRepeatableRandomSourceUD", "getRandomSamples",
+ [self.doId, 'TTCodeRedemptionMgr', context, numSamples])
+ def getRandomSamplesReply(self, context, samples):
+ assert self.notify.debugCall()
+ callback = self._randSampleContext2callback.pop(context)
+ callback(samples)
+ def _createCodeTable(self, parent, fieldRows, justCode=False, manual=False):
+ internalFields = ('name','lot.lot_id','lot_id','size',
+ 'reward.reward_id','reward_id',)
+ nameTransform = {
+ 'av_id': 'redeemed.av_id',
+ TTCodeRedemptionDB.RewardTypeFieldName: 'reward.category',
+ TTCodeRedemptionDB.RewardItemIdFieldName: 'reward.item',
+ }
+ transAndField = []
+ if justCode:
+ transAndField.append(['code','code'])
+ else:
+ fieldSet = set()
+ for row in fieldRows:
+ for field in row:
+ if field not in fieldSet:
+ if field not in internalFields:
+ transAndField.append([nameTransform.get(field, field), field])
+ fieldSet.add(field)
+ # sort by transformed name, keep track of original field name
+ transAndField.sort()
+ table = SE(parent, 'table')
+ titleRow = SE(table, 'tr')
+ for trans, field in transAndField:
+ fieldTitle = SE(titleRow, 'th')
+ fieldTitle.text = trans.upper()
+ for row in fieldRows:
+ tableRow = SE(table, 'tr')
+ for trans, field in transAndField:
+ if justCode:
+ value = row
+ else:
+ value = row[field]
+ tableData = SE(tableRow, 'td')
+ if field == 'code':
+ # if the code is manually-entered, don't modify it to make it readable
+ # if the code row has a manual field, go by that,
+ # otherwise use the keyword arg to this method
+ if 'manual' in row:
+ isManual = row['manual'] == 'T'
+ else:
+ isManual = manual
+ if not isManual:
+ value = TTCodeDict.getReadableCode(value)
+ else:
+ if trans == 'reward.category':
+ value = AwardManagerUD.getAwardTypeName(row[field])
+ if trans == 'reward.item':
+ typeId = int(row[TTCodeRedemptionDB.RewardTypeFieldName])
+ itemId = int(row[field])
+ value = AwardManagerUD.getAwardText(typeId, itemId);
+ if field in ('manual_code', 'redeemed'):
+ value = {'T': 'Yes',
+ 'F': 'No',
+ }[row[field]]
+ value = str(value)
+ tableData.text = value
+ def _doViewForm(self, parent, replyTo, values=None, errors=None):
+ formName = 'viewForm'
+ mainForm = SE(parent, 'form', name=formName)
+ mainForm.set('action', 'codeManagement')
+ mainForm.set('method', 'GET')
+ hiddenOp = SE(mainForm, 'input')
+ hiddenOp.set('type', 'hidden')
+ hiddenOp.set('name', 'op')
+ hiddenOp.set('value', 'doView')
+ lotNames = self._db.getLotNames()
+ viewTable = SE(mainForm, 'table')
+ lotNameRow = SE(viewTable, 'tr')
+ lnDesc = SE(lotNameRow, 'td')
+ lnDesc.text = 'Code lot'
+ lnSelect = SE(lotNameRow, 'td')
+ lotNameDropdown = SE(lnSelect, 'select')
+ lotNameDropdown.set('name', 'lotName')
+ for name in lotNames:
+ lnOnePer = SE(lotNameDropdown, 'option')
+ lnOnePer.set('value', name)
+ lnOnePer.text = name
+ filterRow = SE(viewTable, 'tr')
+ frDesc = SE(filterRow, 'td')
+ frDesc.text = 'Filter by'
+ fSelect = SE(filterRow, 'td')
+ filterDropdown = SE(fSelect, 'select')
+ filterDropdown.set('name', 'filter')
+ fElements = ((self._db.LotFilter.All, 'all codes'),
+ (self._db.LotFilter.Redeemable, 'redeemable codes'),
+ (self._db.LotFilter.NonRedeemable, 'non-redeemable codes'),
+ (self._db.LotFilter.Redeemed, 'redeemed codes'),
+ (self._db.LotFilter.Expired, 'expired codes'),
+ )
+ for name, desc in fElements:
+ fOption = SE(filterDropdown, 'option')
+ fOption.set('value', name)
+ fOption.text = desc
+ showFieldsRow = SE(viewTable, 'tr')
+ sfDesc = SE(showFieldsRow, 'td')
+ sfDesc.text = 'Show fields'
+ sfSelect = SE(showFieldsRow, 'td')
+ sfDropdown = SE(sfSelect, 'select')
+ sfDropdown.set('name', 'showFields')
+ sfElements = (('codeOnly', 'code only'),
+ ('all', 'all fields'),
+ )
+ for name, desc in sfElements:
+ sfOption = SE(sfDropdown, 'option')
+ sfOption.set('value', name)
+ sfOption.text = desc
+ SE(mainForm, 'br')
+ submitButton = SE(mainForm, 'input', name='submitButton')
+ submitButton.set('type', 'submit')
+ submitButton.set('value', 'View Code Lot')
+ self._addSubmitButtonDisable(replyTo.getHeadTag(), replyTo.getBodyTag(), parent,
+ submitButton, formName, )
+ def _doViewLot(self, lotName, body, justCode=None, filter=None):
+ if justCode is None:
+ justCode = True
+ if filter is None:
+ filter = self._db.LotFilter.All
+ results = self._db.getCodesInLot(lotName, justCode, filter)
+ manual = (lotName in self._db.getManualLotNames())
+ tableTitle = SE(body, 'h1')
+ tableTitle.text = 'Code Lot: %s%s, %s results' % (
+ lotName, choice(filter == self._db.LotFilter.All, '', ' (%s)' % filter), len(results))
+ self._createCodeTable(body, results, justCode=justCode, manual=manual)
+ def _doModifyForm(self, parent, replyTo, values=None, errors=None):
+ # values is dict of element->string
+ if values is None:
+ values = {}
+ # errors is sparse dict of sets of FormErrors
+ if errors is None:
+ errors = FormErrors()
+ formName = 'modifyForm'
+ mainForm = SE(parent, 'form', name=formName)
+ mainForm.set('action', 'codeManagement')
+ mainForm.set('method', 'GET')
+ hiddenOp = SE(mainForm, 'input')
+ hiddenOp.set('type', 'hidden')
+ hiddenOp.set('name', 'op')
+ hiddenOp.set('value', 'doModify')
+ modifyTable = SE(mainForm, 'table')
+ modificationRow = SE(modifyTable, 'tr')
+ mrDesc = SE(modificationRow, 'td')
+ mrDesc.text = 'Modification'
+ mSelect = SE(modificationRow, 'td')
+ modificationDropdown = SE(mSelect, 'select')
+ modificationDropdown.set('name', 'modification')
+ fElements = (('expiration', 'Change expiration date'),
+ )
+ for name, desc in fElements:
+ fOption = SE(modificationDropdown, 'option')
+ fOption.set('value', name)
+ fOption.text = desc
+ if 'modification' in values:
+ if values.modification == name:
+ fOption.set('selected', 'selected')
+ self._addErrorsCell(modificationRow, errors, 'modification')
+ lotNameRow = SE(modifyTable, 'tr')
+ lnDesc = SE(lotNameRow, 'td')
+ lnDesc.text = 'Code lot'
+ # TODO: change the lot filtering based on the modification selected
+ lotNames = self._db.getExpirationLotNames()
+ lnSelect = SE(lotNameRow, 'td')
+ lotNameDropdown = SE(lnSelect, 'select')
+ lotNameDropdown.set('name', 'lotName')
+ for name in lotNames:
+ lnOnePer = SE(lotNameDropdown, 'option')
+ lnOnePer.set('value', name)
+ lnOnePer.text = name
+ if 'lotName' in values:
+ if name == values.lotName:
+ lnOnePer.set('selected', 'selected')
+ self._addErrorsCell(lotNameRow, errors, 'lotName')
+ yearName = 'expYear'
+ monthName = 'expMonth'
+ dayName = 'expDay'
+ expDateRow = self._addExpirationControls(modifyTable, values, yearName, monthName, dayName)
+ self._addErrorsCell(expDateRow, errors, 'expiration')
+ SE(mainForm, 'br')
+ self._addRecaptcha(mainForm, errors)
+ submitButton = SE(mainForm, 'input', name='submitButton')
+ submitButton.set('type', 'submit')
+ submitButton.set('value', 'Modify Code Lot')
+ self._addSubmitButtonDisable(replyTo.getHeadTag(), replyTo.getBodyTag(), parent,
+ submitButton, formName, )
+ def _doModifyLot(self, parent, replyTo, page, values):
+ if values.modification == 'expiration':
+ exp = '%s-%02d-%02d' % (values.expYear, int(values.expMonth), int(values.expDay), )
+ self._db.setExpiration(values.lotName, exp)
+ resultHeading = SE(parent, 'h2')
+ resultHeading.text = 'expiration date set to %s' % (exp, )
+ self._doViewLot(values.lotName, parent, justCode=False)
+ def _doDeleteForm(self, parent, replyTo, values=None, errors=None):
+ if values is None:
+ values = {}
+ if errors is None:
+ errors = FormErrors()
+ formName = 'deleteForm'
+ mainForm = SE(parent, 'form', name=formName)
+ mainForm.set('action', 'codeManagement')
+ mainForm.set('method', 'GET')
+ hiddenOp = SE(mainForm, 'input')
+ hiddenOp.set('type', 'hidden')
+ hiddenOp.set('name', 'op')
+ hiddenOp.set('value', 'doDelete')
+ deleteTable = SE(mainForm, 'table')
+ lotNames = self._db.getLotNames()
+ lotNameRow = SE(deleteTable, 'tr')
+ lnDesc = SE(lotNameRow, 'td')
+ lnDesc.text = 'Code lot'
+ lnSelect = SE(lotNameRow, 'td')
+ lotNameDropdown = SE(lnSelect, 'select')
+ lotNameDropdown.set('name', 'lotName')
+ for name in lotNames:
+ lnOnePer = SE(lotNameDropdown, 'option')
+ lnOnePer.set('value', name)
+ lnOnePer.text = name
+ if 'lotName' in values:
+ if name == values.lotName:
+ lnOnePer.set('selected', 'selected')
+ self._addErrorsCell(lotNameRow, errors, 'lotName')
+ lotName2Row = SE(deleteTable, 'tr')
+ ln2Desc = SE(lotName2Row, 'td')
+ ln2Desc.text = 'Code lot (again)'
+ ln2Select = SE(lotName2Row, 'td')
+ lotName2Dropdown = SE(ln2Select, 'select')
+ lotName2Dropdown.set('name', 'lotName2')
+ for name in (['',] + lotNames):
+ lnOnePer = SE(lotName2Dropdown, 'option')
+ lnOnePer.set('value', name)
+ lnOnePer.text = name
+ self._addErrorsCell(lotName2Row, errors, 'lotName2')
+ SE(mainForm, 'br')
+ self._addRecaptcha(mainForm, errors)
+ submitButton = SE(mainForm, 'input', name='submitButton')
+ submitButton.set('type', 'submit')
+ submitButton.set('value', 'Delete Lot')
+ self._addSubmitButtonDisable(replyTo.getHeadTag(), replyTo.getBodyTag(), parent,
+ submitButton, formName, )
+ def _doDelete(self, parent, replyTo, page, values):
+ success = False
+ preLotNames = self._db.getLotNames()
+ if values.lotName in preLotNames:
+ self._db.deleteLot(values.lotName)
+ postLotNames = self._db.getLotNames()
+ if values.lotName not in postLotNames:
+ success = True
+ resultHeading = SE(parent, 'h2')
+ resultHeading.text = choice(success,
+ 'code lot %s deleted' % (values.lotName, ),
+ 'could not delete lot %s' % (values.lotName, ))
+ SE(parent, 'br')
+ backToMenu = SE(parent, 'a')
+ backToMenu.set('href', '/codeManagement')
+ backToMenu.text = 'Back to Menu'
+ def _doLookupForm(self, parent, replyTo, values=None, errors=None):
+ if values is None:
+ values = {}
+ if errors is None:
+ errors = FormErrors()
+ formName = 'lookupForm'
+ mainForm = SE(parent, 'form', name=formName, action='codeManagement', method='GET')
+ hiddenOp = SE(mainForm, 'input', type='hidden', name='op', value='doLookup')
+ formTable = SE(mainForm, 'table')
+ # mode selection (look up by X)
+ modeRow = SE(formTable, 'tr')
+ modeDescCell = SE(modeRow, 'td')
+ modeDescCell.text = 'Lookup by'
+ modeSelectCell = SE(modeRow, 'td')
+ modeSelectName = 'mode'
+ modeSelect = SE(modeSelectCell, 'select', name=modeSelectName)
+ for name, value in (('Code', 'Code'), ('Redeemer AvId', 'AvId'), ):
+ msOption = SE(modeSelect, 'option', value=value)
+ msOption.text = name
+ # code
+ codeRow = SE(formTable, 'tr')
+ codeDescCell = SE(codeRow, 'td')
+ codeDescCell.text = 'Code'
+ codeInputCell = SE(codeRow, 'td')
+ codeInputName = 'code'
+ codeInput = SE(codeInputCell, 'input', type='text', name=codeInputName)
+ if 'code' in values:
+ codeInput.set('value', values[codeInputName])
+ self._addErrorsCell(codeRow, errors, codeInputName)
+ # avId
+ avIdRow = SE(formTable, 'tr')
+ avIdDescCell = SE(avIdRow, 'td')
+ avIdDescCell.text = 'Redeemer AvId'
+ avIdInputCell = SE(avIdRow, 'td')
+ avIdInputName = 'avId'
+ avIdInput = SE(avIdInputCell, 'input', type='text', name=avIdInputName)
+ if 'avId' in values:
+ avIdInput.set('value', values[avIdInputName])
+ self._addErrorsCell(avIdRow, errors, avIdInputName)
+ # add javascript to disable/enable fields as appropriate
+ enableScript = ET.Element('script', type='text/javascript')
+ enableFuncName = 'enableEntries'
+ enableScript.text = """
+ function %(funcName)s() {
+ var codeDisabled = false;
+ var avIdDisabled = false;
+ if (document.%(formName)s.%(modeSelectName)s.value == 'AvId') {
+ codeDisabled = true;
+ } else {
+ avIdDisabled = true;
+ }
+ document.%(formName)s.%(codeInputName)s.disabled = codeDisabled;
+ document.%(formName)s.%(avIdInputName)s.disabled = avIdDisabled;
+ }
+ """ % ({
+ 'funcName': enableFuncName,
+ 'formName': formName,
+ 'modeSelectName': modeSelectName,
+ 'codeInputName': codeInputName,
+ 'avIdInputName': avIdInputName,
+ })
+ # put the javascript in the HEAD tag
+ replyTo.getHeadTag().append(enableScript)
+ # handle changes to the mode selection
+ modeSelect.set('onchange',
+ '%(funcName)s();' % ({
+ 'funcName': enableFuncName,
+ }))
+ # set the correct enable state on page load
+ initMode = SE(parent, 'script', type='text/javascript')
+ initMode.text = '%(funcName)s();' % ({
+ 'funcName': enableFuncName,
+ })
+ SE(mainForm, 'br')
+ submitButton = SE(mainForm, 'input', name='submitButton')
+ submitButton.set('type', 'submit')
+ submitButton.set('value', 'Look Up Code(s)')
+ self._addSubmitButtonDisable(replyTo.getHeadTag(), replyTo.getBodyTag(), parent,
+ submitButton, formName, )
+ def _doLookup(self, parent, avId=None, code=None):
+ if avId is not None:
+ codes = self._db.lookupCodesRedeemedByAvId(avId)
+ else:
+ codes = [code,]
+ codeFields = []
+ for cd in codes:
+ codeFields.append(self._db.getCodeDetails(cd))
+ if avId is not None:
+ queryType = 'avId=%s' % avId
+ else:
+ queryType = 'code=%s' % code
+ tableTitle = SE(parent, 'h1')
+ tableTitle.text = 'Code Lookup: %s, %s results' % (queryType, len(codeFields))
+ self._createCodeTable(parent, codeFields)
+ def _doRedeemForm(self, parent, replyTo, values=None, errors=None):
+ if values is None:
+ values = {}
+ if errors is None:
+ errors = FormErrors()
+ formName = 'redeemForm'
+ mainForm = SE(parent, 'form', name=formName)
+ mainForm.set('action', 'codeManagement')
+ mainForm.set('method', 'GET')
+ hiddenOp = SE(mainForm, 'input')
+ hiddenOp.set('type', 'hidden')
+ hiddenOp.set('name', 'op')
+ hiddenOp.set('value', 'doRedeem')
+ formTable = SE(mainForm, 'table')
+ # code
+ codeRow = SE(formTable, 'tr')
+ codeDescCell = SE(codeRow, 'td')
+ codeDescCell.text = 'Code'
+ codeInputCell = SE(codeRow, 'td')
+ codeInput = SE(codeInputCell, 'input')
+ codeInput.set('type', 'text')
+ codeInput.set('name', 'code')
+ if 'code' in values:
+ codeInput.set('value', values['code'])
+ self._addErrorsCell(codeRow, errors, 'code')
+ # avId
+ avIdRow = SE(formTable, 'tr')
+ avIdDescCell = SE(avIdRow, 'td')
+ avIdDescCell.text = 'AvId'
+ avIdInputCell = SE(avIdRow, 'td')
+ avIdInput = SE(avIdInputCell, 'input')
+ avIdInput.set('type', 'text')
+ avIdInput.set('name', 'avId')
+ if 'avId' in values:
+ avIdInput.set('value', values['avId'])
+ self._addErrorsCell(avIdRow, errors, 'avId')
+ SE(mainForm, 'br')
+ self._addRecaptcha(mainForm, errors)
+ submitButton = SE(mainForm, 'input', name='submitButton')
+ submitButton.set('type', 'submit')
+ submitButton.set('value', 'Redeem Code')
+ self._addSubmitButtonDisable(replyTo.getHeadTag(), replyTo.getBodyTag(), parent,
+ submitButton, formName, )
+ def _doRedeemResult(self, body, replyTo, avId, result, awardMgrResult, values, errors):
+ RE = TTCodeRedemptionConsts.RedeemErrors
+ errMap = {RE.CodeDoesntExist: self.CodeErrors.InvalidCode,
+ RE.CodeIsExpired: self.RedeemErrors.CodeIsExpired,
+ RE.CodeAlreadyRedeemed: self.RedeemErrors.CodeAlreadyRedeemed,
+ RE.AwardCouldntBeGiven: self.RedeemErrors.AwardCouldntBeGiven,
+ }
+ if result in (errMap):
+ errStr = errMap[result]
+ if result == RE.AwardCouldntBeGiven:
+ errStr += ': %s' % AwardManagerConsts.GiveAwardErrors.getString(awardMgrResult)
+ errors.add('code', errStr)
+ self._doRedeemForm(body, replyTo, values, errors)
+ else:
+ resultTable = SE(body, 'table')
+ headingRow = SE(resultTable, 'tr')
+ headingData = SE(headingRow, 'th')
+ headingCenter = SE(headingData, 'center')
+ headingCenter.text = 'Success!'
+ rewardType, rewardId = self._db.getRewardFromCode(values.code)
+ resultRow = SE(resultTable, 'tr')
+ resultData = SE(resultRow, 'td')
+ resultCenter = SE(resultData, 'center')
+ resultCenter.text = ('Redeemed code %s for avId %s, awarded [%s | %s].' % (
+ values.code, avId,
+ AwardManagerUD.getAwardTypeName(rewardType),
+ AwardManagerUD.getAwardText(rewardType, rewardId)))
+ delayRow = SE(resultTable, 'tr')
+ delayData = SE(delayRow, 'td')
+ delayCenter = SE(delayData, 'center')
+ delayCenter.text = 'Reward will arrive in mailbox in a few minutes.'
+ SE(body, 'br')
+ backToMenu = SE(body, 'a')
+ backToMenu.set('href', '/codeManagement')
+ backToMenu.text = 'Back to Menu'
+ def _codeHasInvalidChars(self, code):
+ return not TTCodeDict.isLegalCode(code)
+ def _errorCheckCode(self, errors, code, fieldName='code'):
+ if len(code.strip()) == 0:
+ errors.add(fieldName, self.GenericErrors.EmptyInput)
+ if self._codeHasInvalidChars(code):
+ errors.add(fieldName, self.CodeErrors.InvalidCharInCode)
+ def _errorCheckAvId(self, errors, avId, fieldName='avId'):
+ if len(avId.strip()) == 0:
+ errors.add(fieldName, self.GenericErrors.EmptyInput)
+ for char in avId:
+ if (char not in string.digits):
+ errors.add(fieldName, self.RedeemErrors.InvalidCharInAvId)
+ def _doRecaptcha(self, replyTo, values, errors):
+ """
+ rResponse = recaptcha.submit(values.recaptchaChallenge, values.recaptchaResponse,
+ self.ReCAPTCHAPrivateKey, replyTo.getSourceAddress())
+ if not rResponse.is_valid:
+ errors.add('recaptcha', rResponse.error_code)
+ """
+ # make sure it's two words
+ valid = re.match(r'[ ]*[\w]+[ ]+[\w]+[ ]*', values.recaptchaResponse)
+ if not valid:
+ errors.add('recaptchaCustom', 'Invalid entry')
+ def _doSystemUnavailablePage(self, page):
+ page.text = 'System is unavailable, please try again later.'
+ def handleHTTPcodeManagement(self, replyTo=None, **kw):
+ replyNow = True
+ #page = HTMLTree('Toontown Code Management')
+ body = replyTo.getBodyTag()
+ # we're using the landing page so the body 'is' the page
+ page = ET.ElementTree(body)
+ try:
+ op = None
+ if 'op' in kw:
+ opStr = kw['op']
+ if self.Ops.hasString(opStr):
+ op = self.Ops.fromString(opStr)
+ if op is None:
+ op =
+ if op ==
+ newLot = SE(body, 'a', href='/codeManagement?op=create')
+ newLot.text = 'Create a new code lot'
+ SE(body, 'br')
+ if len(self._db.getLotNames()):
+ viewLot = SE(body, 'a', href='/codeManagement?op=view')
+ viewLot.text = 'View an existing code lot'
+ SE(body, 'br')
+ modifyLot = SE(body, 'a', href='/codeManagement?op=modify')
+ modifyLot.text = 'Modify an existing code lot'
+ SE(body, 'br')
+ deleteLot = SE(body, 'a', href='/codeManagement?op=delete')
+ deleteLot.text = 'Delete an existing code lot'
+ SE(body, 'br')
+ viewLot = SE(body, 'a', href='/codeManagement?op=lookup')
+ viewLot.text = 'Look up existing codes'
+ SE(body, 'br')
+ redeemCode = SE(body, 'a', href='/codeManagement?op=redeem')
+ redeemCode.text = 'Redeem a code'
+ SE(body, 'br')
+ SE(body, 'br')
+ SE(body, 'br')
+ img = SE(body, 'img', title='relevant this is',
+ src='')
+ elif op == self.Ops.create:
+ self._doCreateForm(body, body, replyTo)
+ elif op == self.Ops.doCreate:
+ values = ScratchPad(
+ lotName = uhs(kw['lotName']),
+ codeType = uhs(kw['codeType']),
+ rewardType = uhs(kw['rewardType']),
+ rewardItemId = uhs(kw['rewardItemId']),
+ hasExpiration = uhs(kw['hasExpiration']),
+ recaptchaChallenge = uhs(kw['recaptcha_challenge_field']),
+ recaptchaResponse = uhs(kw['recaptcha_response_field']),
+ )
+ if values.codeType == 'auto':
+ values.add(numCodes = uhs(kw['numCodes']))
+ values.add(numCodes2 = uhs(kw['numCodes2']))
+ else:
+ values.add(manualCode = uhs(kw['manualCode']))
+ values.add(manualCode2 = uhs(kw['manualCode2']))
+ values.manualCode = unicode(values.manualCode, 'utf-8')
+ values.manualCode2 = unicode(values.manualCode2, 'utf-8')
+ if values.hasExpiration == 'yes':
+ values.add(
+ expYear = uhs(kw['expYear']),
+ expMonth = uhs(kw['expMonth']),
+ expDay = uhs(kw['expDay']),
+ )
+ errors = FormErrors()
+ if len(values.lotName.strip()) == 0:
+ errors.add('lotName', self.GenericErrors.EmptyInput)
+ for char in values.lotName:
+ # lot names can only contain lowercase ASCII letters, numbers, and underscores
+ if ((char not in (string.letters + string.digits + '_')) or
+ ((char in string.letters) and (string.upper(char) == char))):
+ errors.add('lotName', self.CreateErrors.InvalidCharInLotName)
+ if values.lotName in self._db.getLotNames():
+ errors.add('lotName', self.CreateErrors.UsedLotName)
+ if not TTCodeRedemptionDBTester.isLotNameValid(values.lotName):
+ errors.add('lotName', self.CreateErrors.UsedLotName)
+ manualCode = (values.codeType == 'manual')
+ if not manualCode:
+ manualCodeStr = None
+ try:
+ numCodes = int(values.numCodes)
+ except ValueError:
+ errors.add('numCodes', self.GenericErrors.InvalidNumber)
+ else:
+ if numCodes <= 0:
+ errors.add('numCodes', 'Number must be 1 or greater')
+ if numCodes > self.MaxLotSize:
+ errors.add('numCodes', 'Number cannot be larger than %s' % self.MaxLotSize)
+ if values.numCodes != values.numCodes2:
+ errors.add('numCodes2', self.GenericErrors.FieldsMustMatch)
+ else:
+ numCodes = 1
+ manualCodeStr = values.manualCode
+ # manual codes can only contain ManualCharacters and must contain at least one
+ # ManualOnlyCharacter
+ foundManualOnlyChar = False
+ foundInvalidChar = False
+ for char in values.manualCode:
+ char = char.upper()
+ if not TTCodeDict.isValidManualChar(char):
+ foundInvalidChar = True
+ errors.add('manualCode', self.CodeErrors.InvalidCharInCode)
+ if TTCodeDict.isManualOnlyChar(char):
+ foundManualOnlyChar = True
+ # only show this error if all chars are valid (too confusing otherwise)
+ if (not foundInvalidChar) and (not foundManualOnlyChar):
+ errors.add('manualCode', self.CodeErrors.MustContainManualChar)
+ # check if the code is too long
+ if len(values.manualCode) > TTCodeRedemptionConsts.MaxCustomCodeLen:
+ errors.add('manualCode', self.CodeErrors.CodeTooLong)
+ # check if the code already exists
+ if (not foundInvalidChar) and (foundManualOnlyChar):
+ if self._db.codeExists(values.manualCode):
+ errors.add('manualCode', self.CodeErrors.CodeAlreadyExists)
+ if values.manualCode != values.manualCode2:
+ errors.add('manualCode2', self.GenericErrors.FieldsMustMatch)
+ expDate = None
+ if values.hasExpiration == 'yes':
+ try:
+ expDate =, int(values.expMonth), int(values.expDay))
+ except ValueError, e:
+ errors.add('expiration', str(e).capitalize())
+ # disable this check until we have 'active' flag or activation date
+ """
+ if expDate is not None:
+ if expDate <
+ errors.add('expiration', 'Expiration date must be in the future')
+ """
+ self._doRecaptcha(replyTo, values, errors)
+ if not errors.isEmpty():
+ self._doCreateForm(body, body, replyTo, values, errors)
+ else:
+ self._startCreateLotTask(replyTo, page, body, values,
+ manualCode, numCodes, manualCodeStr, expDate)
+ replyNow = False
+ elif op == self.Ops.view:
+ self._doViewForm(body, replyTo)
+ elif op == self.Ops.doView:
+ lotName = kw['lotName']
+ filter = kw['filter']
+ showFields = kw['showFields']
+ justCode = (showFields != 'all')
+ self._doViewLot(lotName, body, justCode, filter)
+ elif op == self.Ops.modify:
+ self._doModifyForm(body, replyTo)
+ elif op == self.Ops.doModify:
+ values = ScratchPad(
+ modification = uhs(kw['modification']),
+ recaptchaChallenge = uhs(kw['recaptcha_challenge_field']),
+ recaptchaResponse = uhs(kw['recaptcha_response_field']),
+ )
+ if 'lotName' in kw:
+ values.add(
+ lotName = kw['lotName'],
+ )
+ if values.modification == 'expiration':
+ values.add(
+ expYear = kw['expYear'],
+ expMonth = kw['expMonth'],
+ expDay = kw['expDay'],
+ )
+ errors = FormErrors()
+ if 'lotName' not in values:
+ errors.add('lotName', 'Invalid lot')
+ self._doRecaptcha(replyTo, values, errors)
+ if not errors.isEmpty():
+ self._doModifyForm(body, replyTo, values, errors)
+ else:
+ self._doModifyLot(body, replyTo, page, values)
+ elif op == self.Ops.delete:
+ self._doDeleteForm(body, replyTo)
+ elif op == self.Ops.doDelete:
+ values = ScratchPad(
+ lotName = kw['lotName'],
+ lotName2 = kw['lotName2'],
+ recaptchaChallenge = uhs(kw['recaptcha_challenge_field']),
+ recaptchaResponse = uhs(kw['recaptcha_response_field']),
+ )
+ errors = FormErrors()
+ if values.lotName != values.lotName2:
+ errors.add('lotName2', self.GenericErrors.FieldsMustMatch)
+ self._doRecaptcha(replyTo, values, errors)
+ if not errors.isEmpty():
+ self._doDeleteForm(body, replyTo, values, errors)
+ else:
+ self._doDelete(body, replyTo, page, values)
+ elif op == self.Ops.lookup:
+ self._doLookupForm(body, replyTo)
+ elif op == self.Ops.doLookup:
+ values = ScratchPad(
+ mode = uhs(kw['mode']),
+ )
+ avIdMode = (values.mode == 'AvId')
+ if avIdMode:
+ values.add(avId = uhs(kw['avId']))
+ else:
+ values.add(code = uhs(kw['code']))
+ values.code = unicode(values.code, 'utf-8')
+ errors = FormErrors()
+ if avIdMode:
+ self._errorCheckAvId(errors, values.avId)
+ else:
+ self._errorCheckCode(errors, values.code)
+ if not self._db.codeExists(values.code):
+ errors.add('code', self.CodeErrors.InvalidCode)
+ if not errors.isEmpty():
+ self._doLookupForm(body, replyTo, values, errors)
+ else:
+ if avIdMode:
+ self._doLookup(body, avId=values.avId)
+ else:
+ self._doLookup(body, code=values.code)
+ elif op == self.Ops.redeem:
+ self._doRedeemForm(body, replyTo)
+ elif op == self.Ops.doRedeem:
+ values = ScratchPad(
+ code = uhs(kw['code']),
+ avId = uhs(kw['avId']),
+ recaptchaChallenge = uhs(kw['recaptcha_challenge_field']),
+ recaptchaResponse = uhs(kw['recaptcha_response_field']),
+ )
+ values.code = unicode(values.code, 'utf-8')
+ errors = FormErrors()
+ self._errorCheckCode(errors, values.code)
+ self._errorCheckAvId(errors, values.avId)
+ self._doRecaptcha(replyTo, values, errors)
+ if not errors.isEmpty():
+ self._doRedeemForm(body, replyTo, values, errors)
+ else:
+ avId = int(values.avId)
+ context =
+ self._redeemContext2session[context] = ScratchPad(
+ result = None,
+ avId = avId,
+ values = values,
+ errors = errors,
+ )
+ result = self.redeemCode(values.code, avId, Functor(
+ self._handleRedeemResult, context, page, body, replyTo, ))
+ if result is None:
+ replyNow = False
+ else:
+ error = {
+ TTCodeRedemptionConsts.RedeemErrors.CodeDoesntExist: self.CodeErrors.InvalidCode,
+ TTCodeRedemptionConsts.RedeemErrors.CodeIsExpired: self.RedeemErrors.CodeIsExpired,
+ TTCodeRedemptionConsts.RedeemErrors.CodeAlreadyRedeemed: self.RedeemErrors.CodeAlreadyRedeemed,
+ TTCodeRedemptionConsts.RedeemErrors.AwardCouldntBeGiven: self.RedeemErrors.AwardCouldntBeGiven,
+ }[result]
+ errors.add('code', error)
+ self._doRedeemForm(body, replyTo, values, errors)
+ if replyNow:
+ self._reply(page, replyTo)
+ except TTCodeRedemptionDB.TryAgainLater, e:
+ self._warnTryAgainLater(e)
+ body.clear()
+ self._doSystemUnavailablePage(body)
+ self._reply(page, replyTo)
+ def _handleRedeemResult(self, context, page, body, replyTo, result, awardMgrResult):
+ assert self.notify.debugCall()
+ session = self._redeemContext2session.pop(context)
+ session.result = result
+ session.awardMgrResult = awardMgrResult
+ self._doRedeemResult(body, replyTo, session.avId, session.result, session.awardMgrResult,
+ session.values, session.errors)
+ self._reply(page, replyTo)
+ def redeemCodeAiToUd(self, serial, rmDoId, context, code, senderId, callback=None):
+ assert self.notify.debugCall()
+ avId = senderId
+ # context is supplied by the client and there are no invalid values for it
+ # code comes from the client and could be any string
+ try:
+ result = None
+ if self.Disabled:
+ result = TTCodeRedemptionConsts.RedeemErrors.SystemUnavailable
+ else:
+ while 1:
+ try:
+ code = unicode(code, 'utf-8')
+ except UnicodeDecodeError, e:
+ # code is not utf-8-able
+ self.air.writeServerEvent('suspicious', avId, 'non-utf-8 code redemption: %s' % repr(code))
+ result = TTCodeRedemptionConsts.RedeemErrors.CodeDoesntExist
+ break
+ if self._codeHasInvalidChars(code):
+ # code has non-letter/digit/dash characters
+ result = TTCodeRedemptionConsts.RedeemErrors.CodeDoesntExist
+ break
+ break
+ if (result or (not self._db.codeExists(code))):
+ # check to make sure this avatar isn't submitting incorrect codes too often
+ self._spamDetector.codeSubmitted(senderId)
+ if self._wantSpamDetect and self._spamDetector.avIsBlocked(senderId):
+ self.air.writeServerEvent('suspicious', avId,
+ 'too many invalid code redemption attempts, '
+ 'submission rejected: %s' % u2ascii(code))
+ result = TTCodeRedemptionConsts.RedeemErrors.TooManyAttempts
+ if result is not None:
+ awardMgrResult = 0
+ self._handleRedeemCodeAiToUdResult(callback, serial, rmDoId, context, avId, result, awardMgrResult)
+ else:
+ """
+ 'code' came from a client and therefore should be considered to be any potential string
+ (apart from any checks that have already been done), in particular strings intended
+ to cause trouble
+ """
+ self._db.redeemCode(code, avId, self, Functor(
+ self._handleRedeemCodeAiToUdResult, callback, serial, rmDoId, context, avId, ))
+ except TTCodeRedemptionDB.TryAgainLater, e:
+ self._warnTryAgainLater(e)
+ def _handleRedeemCodeAiToUdResult(self, callback, serial, rmDoId, context, avId, result, awardMgrResult):
+ assert self.notify.debugCall()
+ if callback:
+ callback(serial, context, avId, result, awardMgrResult)
+ else:
+ self.air.sendUpdateToDoId('TTCodeRedemptionMgr',
+ 'redeemCodeResultUdToAi',
+ rmDoId,
+ [serial, context, avId, result, awardMgrResult]
+ )
+ def redeemCode(self, code, avId, callback):
+ assert self.notify.debugCall()
+ # callback takes TTCodeRedemptionConsts.RedeemErrors value
+ return self._db.redeemCode(code, avId, self, callback)
+ def _giveReward(self, avId, rewardType, rewardItemId, callback):
+ assert self.notify.debugCall()
+ # callback takes result
+ context =
+ self._rewardContextTable[context] = callback
+ self.air.dispatchUpdateToGlobalDoId(
+ "AwardManagerUD", "giveAwardToToon",
+ [context, self.doId, "TTCodeRedemptionMgrUD", avId, rewardType, rewardItemId, ])
+ def giveAwardToToonResult(self, context, result):
+ assert self.notify.debugCall()
+ callback = self._rewardContextTable.pop(context)
+ try:
+ callback(result)
+ except TTCodeRedemptionDB.TryAgainLater, e:
+ self._warnTryAgainLater(e)
+ def _warnTryAgainLater(self, exception):
+ # if we catch a TryAgainLater, drop this code submission on the floor. The AI
+ # will resubmit the code shortly
+ self.notify.warning('%s' % exception)
+ self.notify.warning(
+ 'caught TryAgainLater exception from TTCodeRedemptionDB. Dropping request')
diff --git a/toontown/src/coderedemption/ b/toontown/src/coderedemption/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb1ad4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coderedemption/
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+from direct.directnotify.DirectNotifyGlobal import directNotify
+from direct.showbase.DirectObject import DirectObject
+from direct.showbase.PythonUtil import formatTimeExact
+Settings = ScratchPad(
+ DetectWindow = config.GetFloat('code-redemption-spam-detect-window', 30.), # minutes
+ DetectThreshold = config.GetInt('code-redemption-spam-detect-threshold', 10),
+ FirstPenalty = config.GetFloat('code-redemption-spam-first-penalty', .5), # minutes
+ PenaltyMultiplier = config.GetFloat('code-redemption-spam-penalty-multiplier', 2.),
+ MaxPenaltyDays = config.GetFloat('code-redemption-spam-max-penalty-days', 2.),
+ PenaltyResetDays = config.GetFloat('code-redemption-penalty-reset-days', 7.),
+ )
+class TTCodeRedemptionSpamDetector:
+ notify = directNotify.newCategory('TTCodeRedemptionSpamDetector')
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._avId2tracker = {}
+ if __dev__:
+ #self._tester = TTCRSDTester(self)
+ pass
+ self._cullTask = taskMgr.doMethodLater(10 * 60, self._cullTrackers, uniqueName('cullCodeSpamTrackers'))
+ def destroy(self):
+ if __dev__:
+ #self._tester.destroy()
+ self._tester = None
+ def codeSubmitted(self, avId):
+ if avId not in self._avId2tracker:
+ self._avId2tracker[avId] = TTCRSDTracker(avId)
+ self._avId2tracker[avId].codeSubmitted()
+ def avIsBlocked(self, avId):
+ tracker = self._avId2tracker.get(avId)
+ if tracker:
+ return tracker.avIsBlocked()
+ return False
+ def _cullTrackers(self, task=None):
+ # remove records for avIds that have gone long enough without spamming
+ avIds = self._avId2tracker.keys()
+ for avId in avIds:
+ tracker = self._avId2tracker.get(avId)
+ if tracker.isExpired():
+ self.notify.debug('culling code redemption spam tracker for %s' % avId)
+ self._avId2tracker.pop(avId)
+ return task.again
+class TTCRSDTracker:
+ notify = directNotify.newCategory('TTCodeRedemptionSpamDetector')
+ def __init__(self, avId):
+ self._avId = avId
+ self._timestamps = []
+ self._lastTimestamp = None
+ self._penaltyDuration = 0
+ self._penaltyUntil = 0
+ def codeSubmitted(self):
+ now = globalClock.getRealTime()
+ self.notify.debug('codeSubmitted by %s @ %s' % (self._avId, now))
+ if self._penaltyActive():
+ return
+ self._timestamps.append(now)
+ self._lastTimestamp = now
+ self.update()
+ def isExpired(self):
+ if self._lastTimestamp is None:
+ return True
+ now = globalClock.getRealTime()
+ # if they've gone for X days without spamming, we can wipe that toon's record
+ amnestyDelay = Settings.PenaltyResetDays * 24 * 60 * 60
+ return now > (self._lastTimestamp + amnestyDelay)
+ def update(self):
+ self._trimTimestamps()
+ if (not self._penaltyActive()) and self._overThreshold():
+ if self._penaltyDuration == 0:
+ self._penaltyDuration = Settings.FirstPenalty * 60 # seconds/min
+ else:
+ self._penaltyDuration = self._penaltyDuration * Settings.PenaltyMultiplier
+ MaxPenaltySecs = Settings.MaxPenaltyDays * 24 * 60 * 60
+ if self._penaltyDuration > MaxPenaltySecs:
+ self._penaltyDuration = MaxPenaltySecs
+ self._penaltyUntil = globalClock.getRealTime() + self._penaltyDuration
+ self._timestamps = self._timestamps[Settings.DetectThreshold:]
+ durationStr = formatTimeExact(self._penaltyDuration)
+'time penalty for %s: %s' % (self._avId, durationStr))
+ def avIsBlocked(self):
+ self.update()
+ return self._penaltyActive()
+ def _trimTimestamps(self):
+ now = globalClock.getRealTime()
+ cutoff = now - (Settings.DetectWindow * 60) # seconds/min
+ while len(self._timestamps):
+ if self._timestamps[0] < cutoff:
+ self._timestamps = self._timestamps[1:]
+ else:
+ break
+ def _penaltyActive(self):
+ return globalClock.getRealTime() < self._penaltyUntil
+ def _overThreshold(self):
+ return len(self._timestamps) > Settings.DetectThreshold
+if __dev__:
+ class TTCRSDTester(DirectObject):
+ notify = directNotify.newCategory('TTCodeRedemptionSpamDetector')
+ def __init__(self, detector):
+ self._detector = detector
+ self._idGen = SerialNumGen()
+'starting tests...')
+ self._thresholdTest()
+ self._timeoutTest()
+ def destroy(self):
+ self._detector = None
+ def _thresholdTest(self):
+ avId =
+ for i in xrange(Settings.DetectThreshold+1):
+ self._detector.codeSubmitted(avId)
+ if i < Settings.DetectThreshold:
+ assert not self._detector.avIsBlocked(avId)
+ else:
+ assert self._detector.avIsBlocked(avId)
+'threshold test passed.')
+ def _timeoutTest(self):
+ avId =
+ for i in xrange(Settings.DetectThreshold+1):
+ self._detector.codeSubmitted(avId)
+ assert self._detector.avIsBlocked(avId)
+ self._timeoutTestStartT = globalClock.getRealTime()
+ penaltyDuration = Settings.FirstPenalty * 60
+ self._timeoutTestEventT = penaltyDuration
+ self.doMethodLater(Settings.FirstPenalty * 60 * .5, Functor(self._timeoutEarlyTest, avId),
+ uniqueName('timeoutEarlyTest'))
+ self.doMethodLater(Settings.FirstPenalty * 60 * 10, Functor(self._timeoutLateTest, avId),
+ uniqueName('timeoutLateTest'))
+ def _timeoutEarlyTest(self, avId, task=None):
+ # only do this test if we didn't chug
+ if (globalClock.getRealTime() - self._timeoutTestStartT) < (self._timeoutTestEventT * .9):
+ assert self._detector.avIsBlocked(avId)
+ return task.done
+ def _timeoutLateTest(self, avId, task=None):
+ assert not self._detector.avIsBlocked(avId)
+ for i in xrange(Settings.DetectThreshold+1):
+ self._detector.codeSubmitted(avId)
+ assert self._detector.avIsBlocked(avId)
+ self._timeoutLateTestStartT = globalClock.getRealTime()
+ penaltyDuration = Settings.PenaltyMultiplier * Settings.FirstPenalty * 60
+ self._timeoutLateTestEventT = penaltyDuration
+ self.doMethodLater(penaltyDuration * .5, Functor(self._timeoutSecondEarlyTest, avId),
+ uniqueName('timeoutSecondEarlyTest'))
+ self.doMethodLater(penaltyDuration * 1.5, Functor(self._timeoutSecondLateTest, avId),
+ uniqueName('timeoutSecondLateTest'))
+ return task.done
+ def _timeoutSecondEarlyTest(self, avId, task=None):
+ # only do this test if we didn't chug
+ if (globalClock.getRealTime() - self._timeoutLateTestStartT) < (self._timeoutLateTestEventT * .9):
+ assert self._detector.avIsBlocked(avId)
+ return task.done
+ def _timeoutSecondLateTest(self, avId, task=None):
+ assert not self._detector.avIsBlocked(avId)
+'timeout test passed.')
+ return task.done
diff --git a/toontown/src/coderedemption/ b/toontown/src/coderedemption/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/toontown/src/cogdominium/ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58f46d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+from otp.level.LevelSpec import LevelSpec
+from toontown.cogdominium import CogdoCraneGameSpec
+from toontown.cogdominium import CogdoCraneGameConsts as Consts
+from direct.fsm.StatePush import FunctionCall
+class CogdoCraneGameBase:
+ def startHandleEdits(self):
+ if __dev__:
+ fcs = []
+ # each attribute in the game settings entity can have a handler, e.g.
+ # def _handleGameDurationChanged(self, gameDuration): ...
+ for attribName in Consts.Settings._getAttributeNames():
+ handler = getattr(self, '_handle%sChanged' % attribName, None)
+ if handler:
+ stateVar = getattr(Consts.Settings, attribName)
+ fcs.append(FunctionCall(handler, stateVar))
+ self._functionCalls = fcs
+ def stopHandleEdits(self):
+ if __dev__:
+ for fc in self._functionCalls:
+ fc.destroy()
+ self._functionCalls = None
+ def getLevelSpec(self):
+ return LevelSpec(CogdoCraneGameSpec)
+ if __dev__:
+ def getEntityTypeReg(self):
+ # return an EntityTypeRegistry with information about the
+ # entity types that the crane game uses
+ import CogdoEntityTypes
+ from otp.level import EntityTypeRegistry
+ typeReg = EntityTypeRegistry.EntityTypeRegistry(CogdoEntityTypes)
+ return typeReg
diff --git a/toontown/src/cogdominium/ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31b91b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+from direct.fsm.StatePush import StateVar
+from otp.level.EntityStateVarSet import EntityStateVarSet
+from toontown.cogdominium.CogdoEntityTypes import CogdoCraneGameSettings
+# constants that can be modified by the IGE (~edit)
+Settings = EntityStateVarSet(CogdoCraneGameSettings)
+CranePosHprs = [
+ (13.4, -136.6, 6, -45, 0, 0),
+ (13.4, -91.4, 6, -135, 0, 0),
+ (58.6, -91.4, 6, 135, 0, 0),
+ (58.6, -136.6, 6, 45, 0, 0),
+ ]
diff --git a/toontown/src/cogdominium/ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..416c816
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+from toontown.coghq.SpecImports import *
+GlobalEntities = {
+ 1000: {
+ 'type': 'levelMgr',
+ 'name': 'LevelMgr',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'modelFilename': 'phase_10/models/cogHQ/EndVault.bam',
+ }, # end entity 1000
+ 1001: {
+ 'type': 'editMgr',
+ 'name': 'EditMgr',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'insertEntity': None,
+ 'removeEntity': None,
+ 'requestNewEntity': None,
+ 'requestSave': None,
+ }, # end entity 1001
+ # ZONE
+ 0: {
+ 'type': 'zone',
+ 'name': 'UberZone',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'description': '',
+ 'visibility': [],
+ }, # end entity 0
+ 10000: {
+ 'type': 'cogdoCraneGameSettings',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'GameDuration': 180.0,
+ }, # end entity 10000
+ }
+Scenario0 = {
+ }
+levelSpec = {
+ 'globalEntities': GlobalEntities,
+ 'scenarios': [
+ Scenario0,
+ ],
+ }
diff --git a/toontown/src/cogdominium/ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02e8b05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+from otp.level import EntityCreator
+from toontown.cogdominium import CogdoCraneGameConsts
+from toontown.cogdominium.CogdoLevelMgr import CogdoLevelMgr
+from toontown.cogdominium import CogdoCraneGameConsts
+class CogdoEntityCreator(EntityCreator.EntityCreator):
+ def __init__(self, level):
+ EntityCreator.EntityCreator.__init__(self, level)
+ # create short aliases for EntityCreator create funcs
+ nothing = EntityCreator.nothing
+ nonlocal = EntityCreator.nonlocal
+ self.privRegisterTypes({
+ 'levelMgr': CogdoLevelMgr,
+ 'cogdoCraneGameSettings': self._createCogdoSettings,
+ })
+ def _createCogdoSettings(self, level, entId):
+ CogdoCraneGameConsts.Settings.initializeEntity(level, entId)
+ return CogdoCraneGameConsts.Settings
diff --git a/toontown/src/cogdominium/ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e646f3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+from direct.showbase.PythonUtil import Functor
+from otp.level import EntityCreatorAI
+from toontown.cogdominium.CogdoLevelMgrAI import CogdoLevelMgrAI
+from toontown.cogdominium import CogdoCraneGameConsts
+class CogdoEntityCreatorAI(EntityCreatorAI.EntityCreatorAI):
+ def __init__(self, level):
+ EntityCreatorAI.EntityCreatorAI.__init__(self, level)
+ # create short aliases for EntityCreatorAI create funcs
+ cDE = EntityCreatorAI.createDistributedEntity
+ cLE = EntityCreatorAI.createLocalEntity
+ nothing = EntityCreatorAI.nothing
+ self.privRegisterTypes({
+ 'levelMgr': Functor(cLE, CogdoLevelMgrAI),
+ 'cogdoCraneGameSettings': Functor(cLE, self._createCogdoSettings),
+ })
+ def _createCogdoSettings(self, level, entId):
+ CogdoCraneGameConsts.Settings.initializeEntity(level, entId)
+ return CogdoCraneGameConsts.Settings
diff --git a/toontown/src/cogdominium/ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ebbe7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+from otp.level.EntityTypes import *
+class CogdoLevelMgr(LevelMgr):
+ type = 'levelMgr'
+class CogdoCraneGameSettings(Entity):
+ type = 'cogdoCraneGameSettings'
+ attribs = (
+ ('GameDuration', 180., 'float'),
+ )
diff --git a/toontown/src/cogdominium/ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f847873
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+"""RingGameGlobals: contains values shared by server and client ring games"""
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+class VariableContainer:
+ def __init__(self):
+ pass
+FlyingGame = VariableContainer()
+#The effect how fast you get up to max speed
+ "forward" : 20.0,
+ "backward": 20.0,
+ "turning" : 50.0,
+ "vertical" : 10.0
+# This effects how quickly the toon movement is dampened
+ "forward" : 30.0,
+ "backward": 30.0,
+ "turning" : 40.0,
+ "vertical" : 10.0
+# This effects the max velocity in each direction
+FlyingGame.TOON_VEL_MAX = {
+ "forward" : 20.0,
+ "backward": 10.0,
+ "turning" : 8.0,
+ "vertical" : 8.0
+FlyingGame.DISABLE_DEATH = False
+# This sets the player's fuel to max and then doesn't deplete it
+FlyingGame.INFINITE_FUEL = False
+FlyingGame.FUEL_BURN_RATE = 0.02
+FlyingGame.FUEL_START_AMT = 1.0
diff --git a/toontown/src/cogdominium/ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4504fee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from toontown.toonbase.ToonBaseGlobal import *
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from toontown.hood import Place
+from direct.showbase import DirectObject
+from direct.fsm import StateData
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM, State
+from direct.fsm import State
+from import TownBattle
+from toontown.suit import Suit
+from toontown.building import Elevator
+from direct.task.Task import Task
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownBattleGlobals
+class CogdoInterior(Place.Place):
+ """CogdoInterior class"""
+ # create a notify category
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("CogdoInterior")
+ # special methods
+ def __init__(self, loader, parentFSM, doneEvent):
+ """
+ CogdoInterior constructor: create a play game ClassicFSM
+ """
+ Place.Place.__init__(self, loader, doneEvent)
+ self.fsm = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM('CogdoInterior',
+ [State.State('entrance',
+ self.enterEntrance,
+ self.exitEntrance,
+ ['Game', 'walk']),
+ State.State('Elevator',
+ self.enterElevator,
+ self.exitElevator,
+ ['Game', 'battle', 'walk', 'crane', ]),
+ State.State('Game',
+ self.enterGame,
+ self.exitGame,
+ ['battle', 'died', 'crane', ]),
+ State.State('battle',
+ self.enterBattle,
+ self.exitBattle,
+ ['walk', 'died']),
+ State.State('crane',
+ self.enterCrane,
+ self.exitCrane,
+ ['walk', 'battle', 'finalBattle',
+ 'died', 'ouch', 'squished']),
+ State.State('walk',
+ self.enterWalk,
+ self.exitWalk,
+ ['stickerBook', 'stopped',
+ 'sit', 'died',
+ 'teleportOut',
+ 'Elevator',
+ 'crane',
+ 'DFA', 'trialerFA',]),
+ State.State('sit',
+ self.enterSit,
+ self.exitSit,
+ ['walk',]),
+ State.State('stickerBook',
+ self.enterStickerBook,
+ self.exitStickerBook,
+ ['walk', 'stopped', 'sit', 'died',
+ 'DFA', 'trialerFA',
+ 'teleportOut', 'Elevator',]),
+ # Trialer Force Acknowledge:
+ State.State('trialerFA',
+ self.enterTrialerFA,
+ self.exitTrialerFA,
+ ['trialerFAReject', 'DFA']),
+ State.State('trialerFAReject',
+ self.enterTrialerFAReject,
+ self.exitTrialerFAReject,
+ ['walk']),
+ State.State('DFA',
+ self.enterDFA,
+ self.exitDFA,
+ ['DFAReject', 'teleportOut']),
+ State.State('DFAReject',
+ self.enterDFAReject,
+ self.exitDFAReject,
+ ['walk']),
+ State.State('teleportIn',
+ self.enterTeleportIn,
+ self.exitTeleportIn,
+ ['walk']),
+ State.State('teleportOut',
+ self.enterTeleportOut,
+ self.exitTeleportOut,
+ ['teleportIn']),
+ State.State('stopped',
+ self.enterStopped,
+ self.exitStopped,
+ ['walk', 'elevatorOut']),
+ State.State('died',
+ self.enterDied,
+ self.exitDied,
+ []),
+ State.State('elevatorOut',
+ self.enterElevatorOut,
+ self.exitElevatorOut,
+ [])],
+ # Initial State
+ 'entrance',
+ # Final State
+ 'elevatorOut',
+ )
+ self.parentFSM = parentFSM
+ self.elevatorDoneEvent = "elevatorDoneSI"
+ # This is updated each floor by the DistributedCogdoInterior.
+ self.currentFloor = 0
+ def enter(self, requestStatus):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("enter(requestStatus="+str(requestStatus)+")"))
+ self.fsm.enterInitialState()
+ # Let the safe zone manager know that we are here.
+ #messenger.send("enterToonInterior")
+ #self.geom.reparentTo(render)
+ self.zoneId = requestStatus['zoneId']
+ self.accept("DSIDoneEvent", self.handleDSIDoneEvent)
+ def exit(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("exit()"))
+ self.ignoreAll()
+ # Let the safe zone manager know that we are leaving
+ #messenger.send("exitToonInterior")
+ #self.geom.reparentTo(hidden)
+ # Turn off the little red arrows.
+ #NametagGlobals.setMasterArrowsOn(0)
+ def load(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("load()"))
+ # Call up the chain
+ Place.Place.load(self)
+ self.parentFSM.getStateNamed("cogdoInterior").addChild(self.fsm)
+ self.townBattle = TownBattle.TownBattle('town-battle-done')
+ self.townBattle.load()
+ for i in range(1, 3):
+ Suit.loadSuits(i)
+ def unload(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("unload()"))
+ # Call up the chain
+ Place.Place.unload(self)
+ self.parentFSM.getStateNamed("cogdoInterior").removeChild(self.fsm)
+ del self.parentFSM
+ del self.fsm
+ #self.geom.removeNode()
+ #del self.geom
+ self.ignoreAll()
+ # Get rid of any references to models or textures from this safe zone
+ ModelPool.garbageCollect()
+ TexturePool.garbageCollect()
+ self.townBattle.unload()
+ self.townBattle.cleanup()
+ del self.townBattle
+ for i in range(1, 3):
+ Suit.unloadSuits(i)
+ def setState(self, state, battleEvent=None):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("setState(state="+str(state)
+ +", battleEvent="+str(battleEvent)+")"))
+ if (battleEvent):
+ self.fsm.request(state, [battleEvent])
+ else:
+ self.fsm.request(state)
+ def getZoneId(self):
+ """
+ Returns the current zone ID.
+ """
+ return self.zoneId
+ def enterZone(self, zoneId):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('enterZone() - %d' % zoneId))
+ pass
+ def isPeriodTimerEffective(self):
+ """
+ Returns true if the period timer will be honored if it expires
+ in this kind of Place (and we're also in a suitable mode).
+ Generally, CogdoInterior returns false, and other kinds of
+ Place return true.
+ """
+ return 0
+ def handleDSIDoneEvent(self, requestStatus):
+ self.doneStatus = requestStatus
+ messenger.send(self.doneEvent)
+ def doRequestLeave(self, requestStatus):
+ # when it's time to leave, check their trialer status first
+ self.fsm.request('trialerFA', [requestStatus])
+ # Elevator state
+ def enterEntrance(self):
+ return
+ def exitEntrance(self):
+ return
+ def enterElevator(self, distElevator):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('enterElevator()'))
+ self.accept(self.elevatorDoneEvent, self.handleElevatorDone)
+ self.elevator = Elevator.Elevator(self.fsm.getStateNamed("Elevator"),
+ self.elevatorDoneEvent,
+ distElevator)
+ self.elevator.load()
+ self.elevator.enter()
+ # Disable leave to pay / set parent password
+ base.localAvatar.cantLeaveGame = 1
+ return
+ def exitElevator(self):
+ base.localAvatar.cantLeaveGame = 0
+ self.ignore(self.elevatorDoneEvent)
+ self.elevator.unload()
+ self.elevator.exit()
+ del self.elevator
+ return None
+ def detectedElevatorCollision(self, distElevator):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("detectedElevatorCollision()"))
+ self.fsm.request("Elevator", [distElevator])
+ return None
+ def handleElevatorDone(self, doneStatus):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("handleElevatorDone()"))
+ self.notify.debug("handling elevator done event")
+ where = doneStatus['where']
+ if (where == 'reject'):
+ # If there has been a reject the Elevator should show an
+ # elevatorNotifier message and put the toon in the stopped state.
+ # Don't request the walk state here. Let the the toon be stuck in the
+ # stopped state till the player removes that message from his screen.
+ # Removing the message will automatically put him in the walk state there.
+ # Put the player in the walk state only if there is no elevator message.
+ if hasattr(base.localAvatar, "elevatorNotifier") and base.localAvatar.elevatorNotifier.isNotifierOpen():
+ pass
+ else:
+ self.fsm.request("walk")
+ elif (where == 'exit'):
+ self.fsm.request("walk")
+ elif (where == 'cogdoInterior'):
+ pass
+ else:
+ self.notify.error("Unknown mode: " + where +
+ " in handleElevatorDone")
+ # Game state
+ def enterGame(self):
+ pass
+ def exitGame(self):
+ pass
+ # Battle state
+ def enterBattle(self, event):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("enterBattle()"))
+ # Get the floor multiplier
+ mult = ToontownBattleGlobals.getCreditMultiplier(self.currentFloor)
+ self.townBattle.enter(event, self.fsm.getStateNamed("battle"),
+ bldg=1, creditMultiplier=mult)
+ # Make sure the toon's anim state gets reset
+ base.localAvatar.b_setAnimState('off', 1)
+ # Disable leave to pay / set parent password
+ base.localAvatar.cantLeaveGame = 1
+ def exitBattle(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("exitBattle()"))
+ self.townBattle.exit()
+ base.localAvatar.cantLeaveGame = 0
+ def enterCrane(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("enterCrane()"))
+ base.localAvatar.setTeleportAvailable(0)
+ base.localAvatar.laffMeter.start()
+ base.localAvatar.collisionsOn()
+ def exitCrane(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("exitCrane()"))
+ base.localAvatar.collisionsOff()
+ base.localAvatar.laffMeter.stop()
+ # walk state inherited from
+ def enterWalk(self, teleportIn=0):
+ Place.Place.enterWalk(self, teleportIn)
+ self.ignore('teleportQuery')
+ base.localAvatar.setTeleportAvailable(0)
+ # sticker book state inherited from
+ def enterStickerBook(self, page = None):
+ Place.Place.enterStickerBook(self, page)
+ self.ignore('teleportQuery')
+ base.localAvatar.setTeleportAvailable(0)
+ # sit state inherited from
+ def enterSit(self):
+ Place.Place.enterSit(self)
+ self.ignore('teleportQuery')
+ base.localAvatar.setTeleportAvailable(0)
+ # teleport in state
+ def enterTeleportIn(self, requestStatus):
+ # We can only teleport in if our goHome or teleport to toon
+ # request failed.
+ # Set localToon to the starting position within the
+ # interior
+ base.localAvatar.setPosHpr(2.5, 11.5, ToontownGlobals.FloorOffset,
+ 45.0, 0.0, 0.0)
+ Place.Place.enterTeleportIn(self, requestStatus)
+ # teleport out state
+ def enterTeleportOut(self, requestStatus):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('enterTeleportOut()'))
+ Place.Place.enterTeleportOut(self, requestStatus,
+ self.__teleportOutDone)
+ def __teleportOutDone(self, requestStatus):
+ # Get out of here.
+ hoodId = requestStatus["hoodId"]
+ if hoodId == ToontownGlobals.MyEstate:
+ # We are trying to go to an estate. This request might fail
+ # if we are going to a toon's estate that we are not friends with.
+ # So we don't want to tell the AI that we are leaving right away.
+ # We will rely on the Place.Place.goHome function to do that if
+ # the teleport to estate request is successful.
+ self.getEstateZoneAndGoHome(requestStatus)
+ else:
+ # Let the DSI know that we are leaving.
+ messenger.send("localToonLeft")
+ self.doneStatus = requestStatus
+ messenger.send(self.doneEvent)
+ def exitTeleportOut(self):
+ Place.Place.exitTeleportOut(self)
+ def goHomeFailed(self, task):
+ # it took too long to hear back from the server,
+ # or we tried going to a non-friends house
+ self.notifyUserGoHomeFailed()
+ # ignore the setLocalEstateZone message
+ self.ignore("setLocalEstateZone")
+ self.doneStatus["avId"] = -1
+ self.doneStatus["zoneId"] = self.getZoneId()
+ self.fsm.request("teleportIn", [self.doneStatus])
+ return Task.done
+ # elevatorOut state
+ def enterElevatorOut(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('enterElevatorOut()'))
+ # TODO: Eventually, we will have a sequence here (like iris out)
+ # and when it is done, it should find a way to call __elevatorOutDone.
+ # for now, we'll just call it directly.
+ #self.__elevatorOutDone(
+ return None
+ def __elevatorOutDone(self, requestStatus):
+ self.doneStatus = requestStatus
+ messenger.send(self.doneEvent)
+ def exitElevatorOut(self):
+ return None
diff --git a/toontown/src/cogdominium/ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..500e928
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+class CogdoLayout:
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('CogdoLayout')
+ def __init__(self, numFloors):
+ self._numFloors = numFloors
+ def getNumGameFloors(self):
+ return self._numFloors
+ def hasBossBattle(self):
+ return self._numFloors >= 3
+ def getNumFloors(self):
+ if self.hasBossBattle():
+ return self._numFloors + 1
+ else:
+ return self._numFloors
+ def getBossBattleFloor(self):
+ if not self.hasBossBattle():
+ self.notify.error('getBossBattleFloor(): cogdo has no boss battle')
+ return self.getNumFloors()-1
diff --git a/toontown/src/cogdominium/ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17758cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+from otp.level import LevelMgr
+from direct.showbase.PythonUtil import Functor
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+class CogdoLevelMgr(LevelMgr.LevelMgr):
+ """This class manages editable cogdo game attributes"""
+ pass
diff --git a/toontown/src/cogdominium/ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e75c84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+from otp.level import LevelMgrAI
+class CogdoLevelMgrAI(LevelMgrAI.LevelMgrAI):
+ """This class manages editable cogdo attributes"""
+ pass
diff --git a/toontown/src/cogdominium/ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad1f9e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+@author: Schell Games
+import math
+from direct.showbase import PythonUtil
+from pandac.PandaModules import VBase4
+from toontown.minigame import MazeData
+TempMazeFile = "phase_4/models/minigames/maze_3player"
+TempMazeData = MazeData.mazeData[TempMazeFile]
+GameActions = PythonUtil.Enum((
+ "Unlock",
+ "EnterDoor",
+ "RevealLock",
+ "RevealDoor",
+ "GameOver",
+ ))
+GameDuration = 180.0
+ToonRunSpeed = 9.778
+OverheadCameraAngle = math.radians(60)
+OverheadCameraDistance = 30
+LockColors = (
+ VBase4(1, 1, 1, 1),
+ VBase4(0, 0, 1, 1),
+ VBase4(1, 1, 0, 1),
+ VBase4(1, 0, 0, 1),
+ )
+LockNames = (
+ "White",
+ "Blue",
+ "Yellow",
+ "Red"
+ )
+MusicFiles = {
+ "normal" : "phase_9/audio/bgm/CHQ_FACT_bg.mid",
+ "suspense": "phase_7/audio/bgm/encntr_general_bg_indoor.mid",
+ "timeRunningOut": "phase_7/audio/bgm/encntr_suit_winning_indoor.mid",
+ "end" : "phase_4/audio/bgm/FF_safezone.mid"
+ }
+SfxFiles = {
+ "doorOpen": "phase_5/audio/sfx/elevator_door_open.mp3",
+ "fusePlaced": "phase_11/audio/sfx/LB_laser_beam_on_2.mp3",
+ "notification": "phase_3.5/audio/sfx/GUI_whisper_3.mp3",
+ }
+# TEMP Placed here!
+class CogdoMazeLockInfo:
+ def __init__(self, toonId, tileX, tileY, locked=True):
+ self.toonId = toonId
+ self.locked = locked
+ self.tileX = tileX
+ self.tileY = tileY
diff --git a/toontown/src/cogdominium/ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6cb943
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+from direct.directnotify.DirectNotifyGlobal import directNotify
+from toontown.cogdominium.DistCogdoGame import DistCogdoGame
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownTimer
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer as TTL
+class DistBoardroomGame(DistCogdoGame):
+ notify = directNotify.newCategory("DistBoardroomGame")
+ def __init__(self, cr):
+ DistCogdoGame.__init__(self, cr)
+ def getTitle(self):
+ return TTL.BoardroomGameTitle
+ def getInstructions(self):
+ return TTL.BoardroomGameInstructions
+ def announceGenerate(self):
+ DistCogdoGame.announceGenerate(self)
+ self.timer = ToontownTimer.ToontownTimer()
+ self.timer.stash()
+ def disable(self):
+ self.timer.destroy()
+ self.timer = None
+ DistCogdoGame.disable(self)
+ def enterGame(self):
+ DistCogdoGame.enterGame(self)
+ #self.timer.posInTopRightCorner()
+ timeLeft = 15. - (globalClock.getRealTime() - self.getStartTime())
+ self.timer.setTime(timeLeft)
+ self.timer.countdown(timeLeft, self.timerExpired)
+ self.timer.unstash()
+ def enterFinish(self):
+ DistCogdoGame.enterFinish(self)
+ timeLeft = 10 - (globalClock.getRealTime() - self.getFinishTime())
+ self.timer.setTime(timeLeft)
+ self.timer.countdown(timeLeft, self.timerExpired)
+ self.timer.unstash()
+ def timerExpired(self):
+ pass
diff --git a/toontown/src/cogdominium/ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef92da5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+from direct.directnotify.DirectNotifyGlobal import directNotify
+from toontown.cogdominium.DistCogdoGameAI import DistCogdoGameAI
+class DistBoardroomGameAI(DistCogdoGameAI):
+ notify = directNotify.newCategory("DistBoardroomGameAI")
+ def __init__(self, air, interior):
+ DistCogdoGameAI.__init__(self, air, interior)
+ def enterGame(self):
+ DistCogdoGameAI.enterGame(self)
+ # start the game up. Or wait for a while, that's fun too
+ self._gameDoneEvent = taskMgr.doMethodLater(
+ 15., self._gameDoneDL, self.uniqueName('boardroomGameDone'))
+ def exitGame(self):
+ taskMgr.remove(self._gameDoneEvent)
+ self._gameDoneEvent = None
+ def _gameDoneDL(self, task):
+ self._handleGameFinished()
+ return task.done
+ def enterFinish(self):
+ DistCogdoGameAI.enterFinish(self)
+ self._finishDoneEvent = taskMgr.doMethodLater(
+ 10., self._finishDoneDL, self.uniqueName('boardroomFinishDone'))
+ def exitFinish(self):
+ taskMgr.remove(self._finishDoneEvent)
+ self._finishDoneEvent = None
+ def _finishDoneDL(self, task):
+ self.announceGameDone()
+ return task.done
diff --git a/toontown/src/cogdominium/ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3bf6e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
@@ -0,0 +1,1260 @@
+from direct.gui.DirectGui import *
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
+from direct.distributed.ClockDelta import *
+from direct.fsm import FSM
+from direct.distributed import DistributedObject
+from direct.showutil import Rope
+from direct.showbase import PythonUtil
+from direct.task import Task
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+from otp.otpbase import OTPGlobals
+from toontown.cogdominium import CogdoCraneGameConsts as GameConsts
+import random
+class DistCogdoCrane(DistributedObject.DistributedObject, FSM.FSM):
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('DistCogdoCrane')
+ firstMagnetBit = 21
+ craneMinY = 8
+ craneMaxY = 25
+ armMinH = -45
+ armMaxH = 45
+ # How high to place the shadows. We can put these pretty high
+ # because we play that trick with the bins to make them render
+ # after other stuff.
+ shadowOffset = 7
+ # The properties when the magnet is unencumbered.
+ emptyFrictionCoef = 0.1
+ emptySlideSpeed = 10 # feet per second
+ emptyRotateSpeed = 20 # degrees per second
+ # These points will be useful for sticking the control stick into
+ # the toon's hands.
+ lookAtPoint = Point3(0.3, 0, 0.1)
+ lookAtUp = Vec3(0, -1, 0)
+ neutralStickHinge = VBase3(0, 90, 0)
+ def __init__(self, cr):
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.__init__(self, cr)
+ FSM.FSM.__init__(self, 'DistCogdoCrane')
+ self.craneGame = None
+ self.index = None
+ self.avId = 0
+ self.cableLength = 20
+ self.numLinks = 3
+ self.initialArmPosition = (0, 20, 0)
+ self.slideSpeed = self.emptySlideSpeed
+ self.rotateSpeed = self.emptyRotateSpeed
+ # This number increments each time we change direction on the
+ # crane controls. It's used to update the animation
+ # appropriately.
+ self.changeSeq = 0
+ self.lastChangeSeq = 0
+ # This is the sound effect currently looping for the crane
+ # controls.
+ self.moveSound = None
+ self.links = []
+ self.activeLinks = []
+ self.collisions = NodePathCollection()
+ self.physicsActivated = 0
+ self.snifferActivated = 0
+ self.magnetOn = 0
+ self.root = NodePath('root')
+ self.hinge = self.root.attachNewNode('hinge')
+ self.hinge.setPos(0, -17.6, 38.5)
+ self.controls = self.root.attachNewNode('controls')
+ self.controls.setPos(0, -4.9, 0)
+ self.arm = self.hinge.attachNewNode('arm')
+ self.crane = self.arm.attachNewNode('crane')
+ self.cable = self.hinge.attachNewNode('cable')
+ self.topLink = self.crane.attachNewNode('topLink')
+ self.topLink.setPos(0, 0, -1)
+ self.shadow = None
+ # These are goot to pre-compute for __rotateMagnet().
+ self.p0 = Point3(0, 0, 0)
+ self.v1 = Vec3(1, 1, 1)
+ # Smoothers.
+ self.armSmoother = SmoothMover()
+ self.armSmoother.setSmoothMode(SmoothMover.SMOn)
+ self.linkSmoothers = []
+ self.smoothStarted = 0
+ self.__broadcastPeriod = 0.2
+ # Since the cable might not calculate its bounding volume
+ # correctly, let's say that anything that passes the outer
+ # bounding volume passes everything.
+ self.cable.node().setFinal(1)
+ self.crane.setPos(*self.initialArmPosition)
+ self.heldObject = None
+ self.craneAdviceLabel = None
+ self.magnetAdviceLabel = None
+ self.atLimitSfx = base.loadSfx(
+ "phase_4/audio/sfx/MG_cannon_adjust.mp3")
+ self.magnetOnSfx = base.loadSfx(
+ "phase_10/audio/sfx/CBHQ_CFO_magnet_on.mp3")
+ # We prefer a wav file for this looping sound effect, since
+ # looping an mp3 always introduces some stutter.
+ self.magnetLoopSfx = base.loadSfx(
+ "phase_10/audio/sfx/CBHQ_CFO_magnet_loop.wav")
+ # Make these overlap just a bit.
+ self.magnetSoundInterval = Parallel(
+ SoundInterval(self.magnetOnSfx),
+ Sequence(Wait(0.5),
+ Func(base.playSfx, self.magnetLoopSfx, looping=1)))
+ self.craneMoveSfx = base.loadSfx(
+ "phase_9/audio/sfx/CHQ_FACT_elevator_up_down.mp3")
+ self.fadeTrack = None
+ def announceGenerate(self):
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.announceGenerate(self)
+ = 'crane-%s' % (self.doId)
+ self.root.setName(
+ self.root.setPosHpr(*GameConsts.CranePosHprs[self.index])
+ self.rotateLinkName = self.uniqueName('rotateLink')
+ self.snifferEvent = self.uniqueName('sniffer')
+ self.triggerName = self.uniqueName('trigger')
+ self.triggerEvent = 'enter%s' % (self.triggerName)
+ self.shadowName = self.uniqueName('shadow')
+ self.flickerName = self.uniqueName('flicker')
+ self.smoothName = self.uniqueName('craneSmooth')
+ self.posHprBroadcastName = self.uniqueName('craneBroadcast')
+ self.craneAdviceName = self.uniqueName('craneAdvice')
+ self.magnetAdviceName = self.uniqueName('magnetAdvice')
+ # Load up the control model and the stick. We have to do some
+ # reparenting so we can set things up to slide and scale
+ # pieces around to accomodate toons of various sizes.
+ self.controlModel = self.craneGame.controls.copyTo(self.controls)
+ = NodePath('cc')
+ column = self.controlModel.find('**/column')
+ column.getChildren().reparentTo(
+ self.stickHinge ='stickHinge')
+ self.stick = self.craneGame.stick.copyTo(self.stickHinge)
+ self.stickHinge.setHpr(self.neutralStickHinge)
+ self.stick.setHpr(0, -90, 0)
+ self.stick.flattenLight()
+ self.bottom = self.controlModel.find('**/bottom')
+ self.bottom.wrtReparentTo(
+ self.bottomPos = self.bottom.getPos()
+ # Make a trigger sphere so we can detect when the local avatar
+ # runs up to the controls. We bury the sphere mostly under
+ # the floor to minimize accidental collisions.
+ cs = CollisionSphere(0, -5, -2, 3)
+ cs.setTangible(0)
+ cn = CollisionNode(self.triggerName)
+ cn.addSolid(cs)
+ cn.setIntoCollideMask(OTPGlobals.WallBitmask)
+ self.trigger = self.root.attachNewNode(cn)
+ self.trigger.stash()
+ # Also, a solid tube to keep us from running through the
+ # control stick itself. This one scales with the control
+ # model.
+ cs = CollisionTube(0, 2.7, 0, 0, 2.7, 3, 1.2)
+ cn = CollisionNode('tube')
+ cn.addSolid(cs)
+ cn.setIntoCollideMask(OTPGlobals.WallBitmask)
+ = self.controlModel.attachNewNode(cn)
+ # And finally, a safe-proof bubble we put over the whole thing
+ # to keep safes from falling on us while we're on the controls
+ # (or from occupying the spot when the controls are vacant).
+ cs = CollisionSphere(0, 0, 2, 3)
+ cn = CollisionNode('safetyBubble')
+ cn.addSolid(cs)
+ cn.setIntoCollideMask(ToontownGlobals.PieBitmask)
+ self.controls.attachNewNode(cn)
+ arm = self.craneGame.craneArm.copyTo(self.crane)
+ assert(not self.craneGame.cranes.has_key(self.index))
+ self.craneGame.cranes[self.index] = self
+ def disable(self):
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.disable(self)
+ assert(self.craneGame.cranes.get(self.index) == self)
+ del self.craneGame.cranes[self.index]
+ self.cleanup()
+ def cleanup(self):
+ if self.state != 'Off':
+ self.demand('Off')
+ self.craneGame = None
+ def accomodateToon(self, toon):
+ # This method has two effects:
+ # (1) It computes and returns an interval to scale and slide
+ # the crane controls to suit the indicated toon.
+ # (2) As a side effect, when it returns, the crane controls are
+ # *already* scaled and slid to accomodate the toon, and the toon
+ # has been positioned in place to operate the controls.
+ # Thus, you can use it either by calling it and playing the
+ # interval that it returns to get a smooth lerp, or simply by
+ # calling it and ignoring the return value, to jump to
+ # position.
+ # We start by figuring out where we are going by setting the
+ # scale and position appropriately, and then we generate a
+ # lerp interval to take us there.
+ origScale = self.controlModel.getSz()
+ origCcPos =
+ origBottomPos = self.bottom.getPos()
+ origStickHingeHpr = self.stickHinge.getHpr()
+ # First, scale the thing overall to match the toon's scale,
+ # including cheesy effect scales.
+ scale = toon.getGeomNode().getChild(0).getSz(render)
+ self.controlModel.setScale(scale)
+ # Then get the position of the toon's right hand when he's
+ # standing at the controls in a leverNeutral pose.
+, 0, 0)
+ toon.setPosHpr(self.controls, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+ toon.pose('leverNeutral', 0)
+ toon.update()
+ pos = toon.rightHand.getPos(
+ # Now set the control column to the right height and position
+ # to put the top of the stick approximately in his hand.
+[0], pos[1], pos[2] - 1)
+ # And put the bottom piece back on the floor, wherever that
+ # is from here.
+ self.bottom.setZ(toon, 0.0)
+ self.bottom.setPos(self.bottomPos[0], self.bottomPos[1], self.bottom.getZ())
+ # Also put the joystick in his hand.
+ self.stickHinge.lookAt(toon.rightHand, self.lookAtPoint, self.lookAtUp)
+ # Ok, now we can generate the lerp.
+ lerpTime = 0.5
+ return Parallel(
+ self.controlModel.scaleInterval(lerpTime, scale, origScale, blendType = 'easeInOut'),
+,, origCcPos, blendType = 'easeInOut'),
+ self.bottom.posInterval(lerpTime, self.bottom.getPos(), origBottomPos, blendType = 'easeInOut'),
+ self.stickHinge.quatInterval(lerpTime, self.stickHinge.getHpr(), origStickHingeHpr, blendType = 'easeInOut'),
+ )
+ def getRestoreScaleInterval(self):
+ # This undoes the effect of accomodateToon(), to restore the
+ # controls' scale to neutral position. Unlike
+ # accomodateToon(), it has no side effects; you must play (or
+ # immediately finish) the interval to restore the scale.
+ lerpTime = 1
+ return Parallel(
+ self.controlModel.scaleInterval(lerpTime, 1, blendType = 'easeInOut'),
+, Point3(0, 0, 0), blendType = 'easeInOut'),
+ self.bottom.posInterval(lerpTime, self.bottomPos, blendType = 'easeInOut'),
+ self.stickHinge.quatInterval(lerpTime, self.neutralStickHinge, blendType = 'easeInOut'),
+ )
+ def makeToonGrabInterval(self, toon):
+ # Generates an interval showing the crane controls scaling to
+ # match the toon and the toon simultaneously reaching to grab
+ # the controls. Thenceforth, the toon will animate with the
+ # controls.
+ origPos = toon.getPos()
+ origHpr = toon.getHpr()
+ a = self.accomodateToon(toon)
+ newPos = toon.getPos()
+ newHpr = toon.getHpr()
+ origHpr.setX(PythonUtil.fitSrcAngle2Dest(origHpr[0], newHpr[0]))
+ toon.setPosHpr(origPos, origHpr)
+ walkTime = 0.2
+ reach = ActorInterval(toon, 'leverReach')
+ if reach.getDuration() < walkTime:
+ reach = Sequence(ActorInterval(toon, 'walk', loop = 1,
+ duration = walkTime - reach.getDuration()),
+ reach)
+ i = Sequence(
+ Parallel(toon.posInterval(walkTime, newPos, origPos),
+ toon.hprInterval(walkTime, newHpr, origHpr),
+ reach),
+ Func(self.startWatchJoystick, toon))
+ i = Parallel(i, a)
+ return i
+ def __toonPlayWithCallback(self, animName, numFrames):
+ # Plays the indicated animation on self.toon, and after the
+ # indicated time has elapsed calls __toonPlayCallback().
+ duration = numFrames / 24.
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(duration, self.__toonPlayCallback,
+ self.uniqueName('toonPlay'))
+ def __toonPlayCallback(self, task):
+ # The animation has finished playing; play the next one.
+ if self.changeSeq == self.lastChangeSeq:
+ self.__toonPlayWithCallback('leverNeutral', 40)
+ else:
+ self.__toonPlayWithCallback('leverPull', 40)
+ self.lastChangeSeq = self.changeSeq
+ def startWatchJoystick(self, toon):
+ self.toon = toon
+ taskMgr.add(self.__watchJoystick, self.uniqueName('watchJoystick'))
+ self.__toonPlayWithCallback('leverNeutral', 40)
+ self.accept(toon.uniqueName('disable'),
+ self.__handleUnexpectedExit, extraArgs = [toon.doId])
+ def stopWatchJoystick(self):
+ taskMgr.remove(self.uniqueName('toonPlay'))
+ taskMgr.remove(self.uniqueName('watchJoystick'))
+ if self.toon:
+ self.ignore(self.toon.uniqueName('disable'))
+ self.toon = None
+ def __watchJoystick(self, task):
+ # Ensure the toon is still standing at the controls.
+ self.toon.setPosHpr(self.controls, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+ self.toon.update()
+ self.stickHinge.lookAt(self.toon.rightHand, self.lookAtPoint,
+ self.lookAtUp)
+ return Task.cont
+ def __handleUnexpectedExit(self, toonId):
+ self.notify.warning('%s: unexpected exit for %s' % (self.doId, toonId))
+ if self.toon and self.toon.doId == toonId:
+ self.stopWatchJoystick()
+ def __activatePhysics(self):
+ if not self.physicsActivated:
+ for an, anp, cnp in self.activeLinks:
+ self.craneGame.physicsMgr.attachPhysicalNode(an)
+ base.cTrav.addCollider(cnp, self.handler)
+ self.collisions.unstash()
+ self.physicsActivated = 1
+ def __deactivatePhysics(self):
+ if self.physicsActivated:
+ for an, anp, cnp in self.activeLinks:
+ self.craneGame.physicsMgr.removePhysicalNode(an)
+ base.cTrav.removeCollider(cnp)
+ self.collisions.stash()
+ self.physicsActivated = 0
+ def __straightenCable(self):
+ # Arbitrarily drops the cable right where it stands.
+ for linkNum in range(self.numLinks):
+ an, anp, cnp = self.activeLinks[linkNum]
+ an.getPhysicsObject().setVelocity(0, 0, 0)
+ z = float(linkNum + 1) / float(self.numLinks) * self.cableLength
+ anp.setPos(self.crane.getPos(self.cable))
+ anp.setZ(-z)
+ def setCableLength(self, length):
+ self.cableLength = length
+ linkWidth = float(length) / float(self.numLinks)
+ + 1)
+ def setupCable(self):
+ activated = self.physicsActivated
+ self.clearCable()
+ self.handler = PhysicsCollisionHandler()
+ self.handler.setStaticFrictionCoef(0.1)
+ self.handler.setDynamicFrictionCoef(self.emptyFrictionCoef)
+ linkWidth = float(self.cableLength) / float(self.numLinks)
+ = CollisionInvSphere(0, 0, 0, linkWidth + 1)
+ # The list of links is built up to pass to the Rope class, to
+ # make a renderable spline for the cable.
+ self.links = []
+ self.links.append((self.topLink, Point3(0, 0, 0)))
+ anchor = self.topLink
+ for linkNum in range(self.numLinks):
+ anchor = self.__makeLink(anchor, linkNum)
+ # Now that we've made a bunch of collisions, stash 'em all
+ # (we're initially deactivated).
+ self.collisions.stash()
+ # Make the magnet swing naturally on the end of the cable.
+ self.bottomLink = self.links[-1][0]
+ self.middleLink = self.links[-2][0]
+ self.magnet = self.bottomLink.attachNewNode('magnet')
+ self.wiggleMagnet = self.magnet.attachNewNode('wiggleMagnet')
+ taskMgr.add(self.__rotateMagnet, self.rotateLinkName)
+ magnetModel = self.craneGame.magnet.copyTo(self.wiggleMagnet)
+ magnetModel.setHpr(90, 45, 90)
+ # And a node to hold stuff.
+ self.gripper = magnetModel.attachNewNode('gripper')
+ self.gripper.setPos(0, 0, -4)
+ # Not to mention a bubble to detect stuff to grab.
+ cn = CollisionNode('sniffer')
+ self.sniffer = magnetModel.attachNewNode(cn)
+ self.sniffer.stash()
+ cs = CollisionSphere(0, 0, -10, 6)
+ cs.setTangible(0)
+ cn.addSolid(cs)
+ cn.setIntoCollideMask(BitMask32(0))
+ cn.setFromCollideMask(ToontownGlobals.CashbotBossObjectBitmask)
+ self.snifferHandler = CollisionHandlerEvent()
+ self.snifferHandler.addInPattern(self.snifferEvent)
+ self.snifferHandler.addAgainPattern(self.snifferEvent)
+ rope = self.makeSpline()
+ rope.reparentTo(self.cable)
+ rope.setTexture(self.craneGame.cableTex)
+ # Texture coordinates on the cable should be in the range
+ # (0.83, 0.01) - (0.98, 0.14).
+ ts = TextureStage.getDefault()
+ rope.setTexScale(ts, 0.15, 0.13)
+ rope.setTexOffset(ts, 0.83, 0.01)
+ if activated:
+ self.__activatePhysics()
+ def clearCable(self):
+ self.__deactivatePhysics()
+ taskMgr.remove(self.rotateLinkName)
+ self.links = []
+ self.activeLinks = []
+ self.linkSmoothers = []
+ self.collisions.clear()
+ self.cable.getChildren().detach()
+ self.topLink.getChildren().detach()
+ self.gripper = None
+ def makeSpline(self):
+ # Use the Rope class to draw a spline between the joints of
+ # the cable.
+ rope = Rope.Rope()
+ rope.setup(min(len(self.links), 4), self.links)
+ rope.curve.normalizeKnots()
+ rn = rope.ropeNode
+ rn.setRenderMode(RopeNode.RMTube)
+ rn.setNumSlices(3)
+ rn.setTubeUp(Vec3(0, -1, 0))
+ rn.setUvMode(RopeNode.UVParametric)
+ rn.setUvDirection(1)
+ rn.setThickness(0.5)
+ return rope
+ def startShadow(self):
+ self.shadow = self.craneGame.geomRoot.attachNewNode('%s-shadow' % (
+ self.shadow.setColor(1, 1, 1, 0.3)
+ self.shadow.setDepthWrite(0)
+ self.shadow.setTransparency(1)
+ self.shadow.setBin('shadow', 0)
+ # Hack to fix the bounding volume on the cable. If it got
+ # within the shadow node, render it.
+ self.shadow.node().setFinal(1)
+ self.magnetShadow = loader.loadModel("phase_3/models/props/drop_shadow")
+ self.magnetShadow.reparentTo(self.shadow)
+ self.craneShadow = loader.loadModel("phase_3/models/props/square_drop_shadow")
+ self.craneShadow.setScale(0.5, 4, 1)
+ self.craneShadow.setPos(0, -12, 0)
+ self.craneShadow.flattenLight()
+ self.craneShadow.reparentTo(self.shadow)
+ taskMgr.add(self.__followShadow, self.shadowName)
+ rope = self.makeSpline()
+ rope.reparentTo(self.shadow)
+ rope.setColor(1, 1, 1, 0.2)
+ tex = self.craneShadow.findTexture('*')
+ rope.setTexture(tex)
+ rn = rope.ropeNode
+ rn.setRenderMode(RopeNode.RMTape)
+ rn.setNumSubdiv(6)
+ rn.setThickness(0.8)
+ rn.setTubeUp(Vec3(0, 0, 1))
+ rn.setMatrix(Mat4.translateMat(0, 0, self.shadowOffset) * Mat4.scaleMat(1, 1, 0.01))
+ def stopShadow(self):
+ if self.shadow:
+ self.shadow.removeNode()
+ self.shadow = None
+ self.magnetShadow = None
+ self.craneShadow = None
+ taskMgr.remove(self.shadowName)
+ def __followShadow(self, task):
+ p = self.magnet.getPos(self.craneGame.geomRoot)
+ self.magnetShadow.setPos(p[0], p[1], self.shadowOffset)
+ self.craneShadow.setPosHpr(self.crane, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+ self.craneShadow.setZ(self.shadowOffset)
+ return Task.cont
+ def __makeLink(self, anchor, linkNum):
+ an = ActorNode('link%s' % (linkNum))
+ anp = NodePath(an)
+ cn = CollisionNode('cn')
+ sphere = CollisionSphere(0, 0, 0, 1)
+ cn.addSolid(sphere)
+ cnp = anp.attachNewNode(cn)
+ self.handler.addCollider(cnp, anp)
+ self.activeLinks.append((an, anp, cnp))
+ self.linkSmoothers.append(SmoothMover())
+ anp.reparentTo(self.cable)
+ z = float(linkNum + 1) / float(self.numLinks) * self.cableLength
+ anp.setPos(self.crane.getPos())
+ anp.setZ(-z)
+ mask = BitMask32.bit(self.firstMagnetBit + linkNum)
+ cn.setFromCollideMask(mask)
+ cn.setIntoCollideMask(BitMask32(0))
+ shellNode = CollisionNode('shell%s' % (linkNum))
+ shellNode.addSolid(
+ shellNP = anchor.attachNewNode(shellNode)
+ shellNode.setIntoCollideMask(mask)
+ self.collisions.addPath(shellNP)
+ self.collisions.addPath(cnp)
+ self.links.append((anp, Point3(0, 0, 0)))
+ return anp
+ def __rotateMagnet(self, task):
+ # Rotate the magnet to the penultimate link, so that the
+ # magnet seems to swing realistically (instead of always
+ # hanging straight down).
+ self.magnet.lookAt(self.middleLink, self.p0, self.v1)
+ return Task.cont
+ def __enableControlInterface(self):
+ gui = loader.loadModel("phase_3.5/models/gui/avatar_panel_gui")
+ self.accept('control', self.__controlPressed)
+ self.accept('control-up', self.__controlReleased)
+ self.accept('InputState-forward', self.__upArrow)
+ self.accept('InputState-reverse', self.__downArrow)
+ self.accept('InputState-turnLeft', self.__leftArrow)
+ self.accept('InputState-turnRight', self.__rightArrow)
+ taskMgr.add(self.__watchControls, 'watchCraneControls')
+ # In case they don't figure it out, hit them over the head
+ # with it after a few seconds.
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(5, self.__displayCraneAdvice,
+ self.craneAdviceName)
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(10, self.__displayMagnetAdvice,
+ self.magnetAdviceName)
+ # Up in the sky, it's hard to read what people are saying.
+ NametagGlobals.setOnscreenChatForced(1)
+ self.arrowVert = 0
+ self.arrowHorz = 0
+ def __disableControlInterface(self):
+ self.__turnOffMagnet()
+ self.__cleanupCraneAdvice()
+ self.__cleanupMagnetAdvice()
+ self.ignore('escape')
+ self.ignore('control')
+ self.ignore('control-up')
+ self.ignore('InputState-forward')
+ self.ignore('InputState-reverse')
+ self.ignore('InputState-turnLeft')
+ self.ignore('InputState-turnRight')
+ self.arrowVert = 0
+ self.arrowHorz = 0
+ NametagGlobals.setOnscreenChatForced(0)
+ taskMgr.remove('watchCraneControls')
+ self.__setMoveSound(None)
+ def __displayCraneAdvice(self, task):
+ if self.craneAdviceLabel == None:
+ self.craneAdviceLabel = DirectLabel(
+ text = TTLocalizer.CashbotCraneAdvice,
+ text_fg = VBase4(1,1,1,1),
+ text_align = TextNode.ACenter,
+ relief = None,
+ pos = (0, 0, 0.69),
+ scale = 0.1)
+ def __cleanupCraneAdvice(self):
+ if self.craneAdviceLabel:
+ self.craneAdviceLabel.destroy()
+ self.craneAdviceLabel = None
+ taskMgr.remove(self.craneAdviceName)
+ def __displayMagnetAdvice(self, task):
+ if self.magnetAdviceLabel == None:
+ self.magnetAdviceLabel = DirectLabel(
+ text = TTLocalizer.CashbotMagnetAdvice,
+ text_fg = VBase4(1,1,1,1),
+ text_align = TextNode.ACenter,
+ relief = None,
+ pos = (0, 0, 0.55),
+ scale = 0.1)
+ def __cleanupMagnetAdvice(self):
+ if self.magnetAdviceLabel:
+ self.magnetAdviceLabel.destroy()
+ self.magnetAdviceLabel = None
+ taskMgr.remove(self.magnetAdviceName)
+ def __watchControls(self, task):
+ if self.arrowHorz or self.arrowVert:
+ self.__moveCraneArcHinge(self.arrowHorz, self.arrowVert)
+ else:
+ self.__setMoveSound(None)
+ return Task.cont
+ def __incrementChangeSeq(self):
+ self.changeSeq = (self.changeSeq + 1) & 0xff
+ def __controlPressed(self):
+ self.__cleanupMagnetAdvice()
+ self.__turnOnMagnet()
+ def __controlReleased(self):
+ self.__turnOffMagnet()
+ def __turnOnMagnet(self):
+ if not self.magnetOn:
+ self.__incrementChangeSeq()
+ self.magnetOn = 1
+ if not self.heldObject:
+ self.__activateSniffer()
+ def __turnOffMagnet(self):
+ if self.magnetOn:
+ self.magnetOn = 0
+ self.__deactivateSniffer()
+ self.releaseObject()
+ def __upArrow(self, pressed):
+ self.__incrementChangeSeq()
+ self.__cleanupCraneAdvice()
+ if pressed:
+ self.arrowVert = 1
+ elif self.arrowVert > 0:
+ self.arrowVert = 0
+ def __downArrow(self, pressed):
+ self.__incrementChangeSeq()
+ self.__cleanupCraneAdvice()
+ if pressed:
+ self.arrowVert = -1
+ elif self.arrowVert < 0:
+ self.arrowVert = 0
+ def __rightArrow(self, pressed):
+ self.__incrementChangeSeq()
+ self.__cleanupCraneAdvice()
+ if pressed:
+ self.arrowHorz = 1
+ elif self.arrowHorz > 0:
+ self.arrowHorz = 0
+ def __leftArrow(self, pressed):
+ self.__incrementChangeSeq()
+ self.__cleanupCraneAdvice()
+ if pressed:
+ self.arrowHorz = -1
+ elif self.arrowHorz < 0:
+ self.arrowHorz = 0
+ def __moveCraneArcHinge(self, xd, yd):
+ dt = globalClock.getDt()
+ h = self.arm.getH() - xd * self.rotateSpeed * dt
+ limitH = max(min(h, self.armMaxH), self.armMinH)
+ self.arm.setH(limitH)
+ y = self.crane.getY() + yd * self.slideSpeed * dt
+ limitY = max(min(y, self.craneMaxY), self.craneMinY)
+ atLimit = (limitH != h) or (limitY != y)
+ if atLimit:
+ # Wiggle the crane up and down and left and right to show
+ # that it is struggling against its limits of motion.
+ now = globalClock.getFrameTime()
+ x = math.sin(now * 79) * 0.05
+ z = math.sin(now * 70) * 0.02
+ self.crane.setPos(x, limitY, z)
+ self.__setMoveSound(self.atLimitSfx)
+ else:
+ self.crane.setPos(0, limitY, 0)
+ self.__setMoveSound(self.craneMoveSfx)
+ def __setMoveSound(self, sfx):
+ # Starts looping the indicated sound effect, or stops it.
+ if sfx != self.moveSound:
+ if self.moveSound:
+ self.moveSound.stop()
+ self.moveSound = sfx
+ if self.moveSound:
+ base.playSfx(self.moveSound, looping=1, volume = 0.5)
+ def __activateSniffer(self):
+ # Turns on the sniffer on the end of the magnet, looking for
+ # something to grab.
+ if not self.snifferActivated:
+ self.sniffer.unstash()
+ base.cTrav.addCollider(self.sniffer, self.snifferHandler)
+ self.accept(self.snifferEvent, self.__sniffedSomething)
+ self.startFlicker()
+ self.snifferActivated = 1
+ def __deactivateSniffer(self):
+ if self.snifferActivated:
+ base.cTrav.removeCollider(self.sniffer)
+ self.sniffer.stash()
+ self.ignore(self.snifferEvent)
+ self.stopFlicker()
+ self.snifferActivated = 0
+ def startFlicker(self):
+ # Starts the lightning bolt effect flashing.
+ self.magnetSoundInterval.start()
+ self.lightning = []
+ for i in range(4):
+ t = (float(i) / 3.0 - 0.5)
+ l = self.craneGame.lightning.copyTo(self.gripper)
+ l.setScale(random.choice([1, -1]), 1, 5)
+ l.setZ(random.uniform(-5, -5.5))
+ l.flattenLight()
+ l.setTwoSided(1)
+ l.setBillboardAxis()
+ l.setScale(random.uniform(0.5, 1.0))
+ if t < 0:
+ l.setX(t - 0.7)
+ else:
+ l.setX(t + 0.7)
+ l.setR(-20 * t)
+ l.setP(random.uniform(-20, 20))
+ self.lightning.append(l)
+ taskMgr.add(self.__flickerLightning, self.flickerName)
+ def stopFlicker(self):
+ # Stops the lightning bolt effect flashing. This must pair
+ # with a previous call to startFlicker().
+ self.magnetSoundInterval.finish()
+ self.magnetLoopSfx.stop()
+ taskMgr.remove(self.flickerName)
+ for l in self.lightning:
+ l.detachNode()
+ self.lightning = None
+ def __flickerLightning(self, task):
+ for l in self.lightning:
+ if random.random() < 0.5:
+ l.hide()
+ else:
+ return Task.cont
+ def __sniffedSomething(self, entry):
+ # Something was sniffed as grabbable.
+ np = entry.getIntoNodePath()
+ doId = int(np.getNetTag('object'))
+ obj =
+ if obj and obj.state != 'LocalDropped' and \
+ (obj.state != 'Dropped' or obj.craneId != self.doId):
+ obj.d_requestGrab()
+ obj.demand('LocalGrabbed', localAvatar.doId, self.doId)
+ def grabObject(self, obj):
+ # This is only called by DistributedCashbotBossObject.enterGrabbed().
+ assert(self.notify.debug('%s.grabObject(%s)' % (self.doId, obj.doId)))
+ assert(self.heldObject == None)
+ if self.state == 'Off':
+ return
+ # This condition is just for sake of the publish, in case we
+ # have gotten into some screwy state. In the dev environment,
+ # we should have verified this already with the above
+ # assertion.
+ if self.heldObject != None:
+ self.releaseObject()
+ self.__deactivateSniffer()
+ obj.wrtReparentTo(self.gripper)
+ if obj.lerpInterval:
+ obj.lerpInterval.finish()
+ obj.lerpInterval = Parallel(
+ obj.posInterval(ToontownGlobals.CashbotBossToMagnetTime, Point3(*obj.grabPos)),
+ obj.quatInterval(ToontownGlobals.CashbotBossToMagnetTime, VBase3(obj.getH(), 0, 0)),
+ obj.toMagnetSoundInterval)
+ obj.lerpInterval.start()
+ self.heldObject = obj
+ self.handler.setDynamicFrictionCoef(obj.craneFrictionCoef)
+ self.slideSpeed = obj.craneSlideSpeed
+ self.rotateSpeed = obj.craneRotateSpeed
+ if self.avId == localAvatar.doId and not self.magnetOn:
+ # We got a late grab. Grab it, then immediately drop it.
+ self.releaseObject()
+ def dropObject(self, obj):
+ # This is only called by DistributedCashbotBossObject.exitGrabbed().
+ assert(self.notify.debug('%s.dropObject(%s)' % (self.doId, obj.doId)))
+ assert(self.heldObject == obj)
+ assert(not self.snifferActivated)
+ if obj.lerpInterval:
+ obj.lerpInterval.finish()
+ obj.wrtReparentTo(render)
+ obj.lerpInterval = Parallel(
+ obj.quatInterval(ToontownGlobals.CashbotBossFromMagnetTime, VBase3(obj.getH(), 0, 0), blendType = 'easeOut'),
+ )
+ obj.lerpInterval.start()
+ p1 = self.bottomLink.node().getPhysicsObject()
+ v = render.getRelativeVector(self.bottomLink, p1.getVelocity())
+ obj.physicsObject.setVelocity(v * 1.5)
+ # This condition is just for sake of the publish, in case we
+ # have gotten into some screwy state. In the dev environment,
+ # we should have verified this already with the above
+ # assertion.
+ if self.heldObject == obj:
+ self.heldObject = None
+ self.handler.setDynamicFrictionCoef(self.emptyFrictionCoef)
+ self.slideSpeed = self.emptySlideSpeed
+ self.rotateSpeed = self.emptyRotateSpeed
+ def releaseObject(self):
+ # Don't confuse this method with dropObject. That method
+ # implements the object's request to move out of the Grabbed
+ # state, and is called only by the object itself, while
+ # releaseObject() is called by the crane and asks the object
+ # to drop itself, so that the object will set its state
+ # appropriately. A side-effect of this call will be an
+ # eventual call to dropObject() by the newly-released object.
+ assert(self.avId == localAvatar.doId)
+ if self.heldObject:
+ obj = self.heldObject
+ obj.d_requestDrop()
+ if obj.state == 'Grabbed':
+ # Go ahead and move the local object instance into the
+ # 'LocalDropped' state--presumably the AI will grant our
+ # request shortly anyway, and we can avoid a hitch by
+ # not waiting around for it. However, we can't do
+ # this if the object is just in 'LocalGrabbed' state,
+ # because we can't start broadcasting updates on the
+ # object's position until we *know* we're the object's
+ # owner.
+ obj.demand('LocalDropped', localAvatar.doId, self.doId)
+ def __hitTrigger(self, event):
+ #self.d_requestControl()
+ pass
+ ##### Messages To/From The Server #####
+ def setCraneGameId(self, craneGameId):
+ self.craneGameId = craneGameId
+ # This would be risky if we had toons entering the zone during
+ # a battle--but since all the toons are always there from the
+ # beginning, we can be confident that the BossCog has already
+ # been generated by the time we receive the generate for its
+ # associated battles.
+ self.craneGame =[craneGameId]
+ def setIndex(self, index):
+ self.index = index
+ def setState(self, state, avId):
+ if state == 'C':
+ self.demand('Controlled', avId)
+ elif state == 'F':
+ self.demand('Free')
+ else:
+ self.notify.error("Invalid state from AI: %s" % (state))
+ def d_requestControl(self):
+ self.sendUpdate('requestControl')
+ def d_requestFree(self):
+ self.sendUpdate('requestFree')
+ ### Handle smoothing of distributed updates. This is similar to
+ ### code in DistributedSmoothNode, but streamlined for our
+ ### purposes.
+ def b_clearSmoothing(self):
+ self.d_clearSmoothing()
+ self.clearSmoothing()
+ def d_clearSmoothing(self):
+ self.sendUpdate("clearSmoothing", [0])
+ def clearSmoothing(self, bogus = None):
+ # Call this to invalidate all the old position reports
+ # (e.g. just before popping to a new position).
+ self.armSmoother.clearPositions(1)
+ for smoother in self.linkSmoothers:
+ smoother.clearPositions(1)
+ def reloadPosition(self):
+ """reloadPosition(self)
+ This function re-reads the position from the node itself and
+ clears any old position reports for the node. This should be
+ used whenever show code bangs on the node position and expects
+ it to stick.
+ """
+ self.armSmoother.clearPositions(0)
+ self.armSmoother.setPos(self.crane.getPos())
+ self.armSmoother.setHpr(self.arm.getHpr())
+ self.armSmoother.setPhonyTimestamp()
+ for linkNum in range(self.numLinks):
+ smoother = self.linkSmoothers[linkNum]
+ an, anp, cnp = self.activeLinks[linkNum]
+ smoother.clearPositions(0)
+ smoother.setPos(anp.getPos())
+ smoother.setPhonyTimestamp()
+ def doSmoothTask(self, task):
+ """
+ This function updates the position of the node to its computed
+ smoothed position. This may be overridden by a derived class
+ to specialize the behavior.
+ """
+ self.armSmoother.computeAndApplySmoothPosHpr(self.crane, self.arm)
+ for linkNum in range(self.numLinks):
+ smoother = self.linkSmoothers[linkNum]
+ anp = self.activeLinks[linkNum][1]
+ smoother.computeAndApplySmoothPos(anp)
+ return Task.cont
+ def startSmooth(self):
+ """
+ This function starts the task that ensures the node is
+ positioned correctly every frame. However, while the task is
+ running, you won't be able to lerp the node or directly
+ position it.
+ """
+ if not self.smoothStarted:
+ taskName = self.smoothName
+ taskMgr.remove(taskName)
+ self.reloadPosition()
+ taskMgr.add(self.doSmoothTask, taskName)
+ self.smoothStarted = 1
+ def stopSmooth(self):
+ """
+ This function stops the task spawned by startSmooth(), and
+ allows show code to move the node around directly.
+ """
+ if self.smoothStarted:
+ taskName = self.smoothName
+ taskMgr.remove(taskName)
+ self.forceToTruePosition()
+ self.smoothStarted = 0
+ def forceToTruePosition(self):
+ """forceToTruePosition(self)
+ This forces the node to reposition itself to its latest known
+ position. This may result in a pop as the node skips the last
+ of its lerp points.
+ """
+ if self.armSmoother.getLatestPosition():
+ self.armSmoother.applySmoothPos(self.crane)
+ self.armSmoother.applySmoothHpr(self.arm)
+ self.armSmoother.clearPositions(1)
+ for linkNum in range(self.numLinks):
+ smoother = self.linkSmoothers[linkNum]
+ an, anp, cnp = self.activeLinks[linkNum]
+ if smoother.getLatestPosition():
+ smoother.applySmoothPos(anp)
+ smoother.clearPositions(1)
+ def setCablePos(self, changeSeq, y, h, links, timestamp):
+ self.changeSeq = changeSeq
+ if self.smoothStarted:
+ now = globalClock.getFrameTime()
+ local = globalClockDelta.networkToLocalTime(timestamp, now)
+ self.armSmoother.setY(y)
+ self.armSmoother.setH(h)
+ self.armSmoother.setTimestamp(local)
+ self.armSmoother.markPosition()
+ for linkNum in range(self.numLinks):
+ smoother = self.linkSmoothers[linkNum]
+ lp = links[linkNum]
+ smoother.setPos(*lp)
+ smoother.setTimestamp(local)
+ smoother.markPosition()
+ else:
+ self.crane.setY(y)
+ self.arm.setH(h)
+ def d_sendCablePos(self):
+ timestamp = globalClockDelta.getFrameNetworkTime()
+ links = []
+ for linkNum in range(self.numLinks):
+ an, anp, cnp = self.activeLinks[linkNum]
+ p = anp.getPos()
+ links.append((p[0], p[1], p[2]))
+ self.sendUpdate('setCablePos', [
+ self.changeSeq, self.crane.getY(), self.arm.getH(), links, timestamp])
+ def stopPosHprBroadcast(self):
+ taskName = self.posHprBroadcastName
+ taskMgr.remove(taskName)
+ def startPosHprBroadcast(self):
+ taskName = self.posHprBroadcastName
+ # Broadcast our initial position
+ self.b_clearSmoothing()
+ self.d_sendCablePos()
+ # remove any old tasks
+ taskMgr.remove(taskName)
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(self.__broadcastPeriod,
+ self.__posHprBroadcast, taskName)
+ def __posHprBroadcast(self, task):
+ self.d_sendCablePos()
+ taskName = self.posHprBroadcastName
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(self.__broadcastPeriod,
+ self.__posHprBroadcast, taskName)
+ return Task.done
+ ### FSM States ###
+ def enterOff(self):
+ self.clearCable()
+ self.root.detachNode()
+ def exitOff(self):
+ if self.craneGame:
+ self.setupCable()
+ self.root.reparentTo(render)
+ def enterControlled(self, avId):
+ self.avId = avId
+ toon =
+ if not toon:
+ return
+ self.grabTrack = self.makeToonGrabInterval(toon)
+ if avId == localAvatar.doId:
+ # The local toon is beginning to control the crane.
+ self.craneGame.toCraneMode()
+ camera.reparentTo(self.hinge)
+ camera.setPosHpr(0, -20, -5, 0, -20, 0)
+ localAvatar.setPosHpr(self.controls, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+ localAvatar.sendCurrentPosition()
+ self.__activatePhysics()
+ self.__enableControlInterface()
+ self.startPosHprBroadcast()
+ self.startShadow()
+ else:
+ self.startSmooth()
+ toon.stopSmooth()
+ self.grabTrack = Sequence(self.grabTrack,
+ Func(toon.startSmooth))
+ self.grabTrack.start()
+ def exitControlled(self):
+ self.grabTrack.finish()
+ del self.grabTrack
+ if self.toon and not self.toon.isDisabled():
+ self.toon.loop('neutral')
+ self.toon.startSmooth()
+ self.stopWatchJoystick()
+ self.stopPosHprBroadcast()
+ self.stopShadow()
+ self.stopSmooth()
+ if self.avId == localAvatar.doId:
+ # The local toon is no longer in control of the crane.
+ self.__disableControlInterface()
+ self.__deactivatePhysics()
+ camera.reparentTo(base.localAvatar)
+ camera.setPos(base.localAvatar.cameraPositions[0][0])
+ camera.setHpr(0, 0, 0)
+ self.__straightenCable()
+ def enterFree(self):
+ if self.fadeTrack:
+ self.fadeTrack.finish()
+ self.fadeTrack = None
+ # Wait a few seconds before neutralizing the scale; maybe the
+ # same avatar wants to come right back (after his 5-second
+ # timeout).
+ self.restoreScaleTrack = Sequence(Wait(6),
+ self.getRestoreScaleInterval())
+ self.restoreScaleTrack.start()
+ if self.avId == localAvatar.doId:
+ # Five second timeout on grabbing the same crane again. Go
+ # get a different crane!
+ self.controlModel.setAlphaScale(0.3)
+ self.controlModel.setTransparency(1)
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(5, self.__allowDetect, self.triggerName)
+ self.fadeTrack = Sequence(
+ Func(self.controlModel.setTransparency, 1),
+ self.controlModel.colorScaleInterval(0.2, VBase4(1,1,1,0.3)))
+ self.fadeTrack.start()
+ else:
+ # Other players can grab this crane immediately.
+ self.trigger.unstash()
+ self.accept(self.triggerEvent, self.__hitTrigger)
+ self.avId = 0
+ def __allowDetect(self, task):
+ if self.fadeTrack:
+ self.fadeTrack.finish()
+ self.fadeTrack = Sequence(
+ self.controlModel.colorScaleInterval(0.2, VBase4(1,1,1,1)),
+ Func(self.controlModel.clearColorScale),
+ Func(self.controlModel.clearTransparency))
+ self.fadeTrack.start()
+ self.trigger.unstash()
+ self.accept(self.triggerEvent, self.__hitTrigger)
+ def exitFree(self):
+ if self.fadeTrack:
+ self.fadeTrack.finish()
+ self.fadeTrack = None
+ self.restoreScaleTrack.pause() # We just pause, to leave it where it is.
+ del self.restoreScaleTrack
+ taskMgr.remove(self.triggerName)
+ self.controlModel.clearColorScale()
+ self.controlModel.clearTransparency()
+ self.trigger.stash()
+ self.ignore(self.triggerEvent)
+ def enterMovie(self):
+ # This is used to enable a movie mode (particularly for
+ # playing the cutscene showing the resistance toon using the
+ # crane). In this mode, lerps on the crane will apply physics
+ # to the cable in the expected way.
+ self.__activatePhysics()
+ def exitMovie(self):
+ self.__deactivatePhysics()
+ self.__straightenCable()
diff --git a/toontown/src/cogdominium/ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e70899
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from direct.distributed import DistributedObjectAI
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from otp.otpbase import OTPGlobals
+from direct.fsm import FSM
+class DistCogdoCraneAI(DistributedObjectAI.DistributedObjectAI, FSM.FSM):
+ def __init__(self, air, craneGame, index):
+ DistributedObjectAI.DistributedObjectAI.__init__(self, air)
+ FSM.FSM.__init__(self, 'DistCogdoCraneAI')
+ self.craneGame = craneGame
+ self.index = index
+ self.avId = 0
+ self.objectId = 0
+ def getCraneGameId(self):
+ return self.craneGame.doId
+ def getIndex(self):
+ return self.index
+ def generate(self):
+ DistributedObjectAI.DistributedObjectAI.generate(self)
+ self.request('Free')
+ def d_setState(self, state, avId):
+ self.sendUpdate('setState', [state, avId])
+ ### FSM States ###
+ def enterOff(self):
+ pass
+ def exitOff(self):
+ pass
+ def enterControlled(self, avId):
+ self.avId = avId
+ self.d_setState('C', avId)
+ def exitControlled(self):
+ if self.objectId:
+ # This will be filled in if an object has requested a
+ # grab. In this case, drop the object.
+ obj = self.air.doId2do[self.objectId]
+ obj.request('Dropped', self.avId, self.doId)
+ def enterFree(self):
+ self.avId = 0
+ self.d_setState('F', 0)
+ def exitFree(self):
+ pass
diff --git a/toontown/src/cogdominium/ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78c7726
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+from pandac import PandaModules as PM
+from direct.directnotify.DirectNotifyGlobal import directNotify
+from direct.task.Task import Task
+from otp.level import LevelConstants
+from otp.otpbase import OTPGlobals
+from toontown.cogdominium.DistCogdoLevelGame import DistCogdoLevelGame
+from toontown.cogdominium import CogdoCraneGameConsts as GameConsts
+from toontown.cogdominium.CogdoCraneGameBase import CogdoCraneGameBase
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownTimer
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer as TTL
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+class DistCogdoCraneGame(DistCogdoLevelGame, CogdoCraneGameBase):
+ notify = directNotify.newCategory("DistCogdoCraneGame")
+ def __init__(self, cr):
+ DistCogdoLevelGame.__init__(self, cr)
+ self.cranes = {}
+ def getTitle(self):
+ return TTL.CogdoCraneGameTitle
+ def getInstructions(self):
+ return TTL.CogdoCraneGameInstructions
+ def announceGenerate(self):
+ DistCogdoLevelGame.announceGenerate(self)
+ self.timer = ToontownTimer.ToontownTimer()
+ self.timer.stash()
+ if __dev__:
+ self._durationChangedEvent = self.uniqueName('durationChanged')
+ def disable(self):
+ self.timer.destroy()
+ self.timer = None
+ DistCogdoLevelGame.disable(self)
+ def enterLoaded(self):
+ DistCogdoLevelGame.enterLoaded(self)
+ self.lightning = loader.loadModel('phase_10/models/cogHQ/CBLightning.bam')
+ self.magnet = loader.loadModel('phase_10/models/cogHQ/CBMagnet.bam')
+ self.craneArm = loader.loadModel('phase_10/models/cogHQ/CBCraneArm.bam')
+ self.controls = loader.loadModel('phase_10/models/cogHQ/CBCraneControls.bam')
+ self.stick = loader.loadModel('phase_10/models/cogHQ/CBCraneStick.bam')
+ self.cableTex = self.craneArm.findTexture('MagnetControl')
+ self.geomRoot = PM.NodePath('geom')
+ # Set up a physics manager for the cables and the objects
+ # falling around in the room.
+ self.physicsMgr = PM.PhysicsManager()
+ integrator = PM.LinearEulerIntegrator()
+ self.physicsMgr.attachLinearIntegrator(integrator)
+ fn = PM.ForceNode('gravity')
+ self.fnp = self.geomRoot.attachNewNode(fn)
+ gravity = PM.LinearVectorForce(0, 0, -32)
+ fn.addForce(gravity)
+ self.physicsMgr.addLinearForce(gravity)
+ def privGotSpec(self, levelSpec):
+ DistCogdoLevelGame.privGotSpec(self, levelSpec)
+ levelMgr = self.getEntity(LevelConstants.LevelMgrEntId)
+ self.endVault = levelMgr.geom
+ self.endVault.reparentTo(self.geomRoot)
+ # Clear out unneeded backstage models from the EndVault, if
+ # they're in the file.
+ self.endVault.findAllMatches('**/MagnetArms').detach()
+ self.endVault.findAllMatches('**/Safes').detach()
+ self.endVault.findAllMatches('**/MagnetControlsAll').detach()
+ # Flag the collisions in the end vault so safes and magnets
+ # don't try to go through the wall.
+ cn = self.endVault.find('**/wallsCollision').node()
+ cn.setIntoCollideMask(OTPGlobals.WallBitmask | ToontownGlobals.PieBitmask |
+ (PM.BitMask32.lowerOn(3) << 21))
+ # Find all the wall polygons and replace them with planes,
+ # which are solid, so there will be zero chance of safes or
+ # toons slipping through a wall.
+ walls = self.endVault.find('**/RollUpFrameCillison')
+ walls.detachNode()
+ self.evWalls = self.replaceCollisionPolysWithPlanes(walls)
+ self.evWalls.reparentTo(self.endVault)
+ # Initially, these new planar walls are stashed, so they don't
+ # cause us trouble in the intro movie or in battle one. We
+ # will unstash them when we move to battle three.
+ self.evWalls.stash()
+ # Also replace the floor polygon with a plane, and rename it
+ # so we can detect a collision with it.
+ floor = self.endVault.find('**/EndVaultFloorCollision')
+ floor.detachNode()
+ self.evFloor = self.replaceCollisionPolysWithPlanes(floor)
+ self.evFloor.reparentTo(self.endVault)
+ self.evFloor.setName('floor')
+ # Also, put a big plane across the universe a few feet below
+ # the floor, to catch things that fall out of the world.
+ plane = PM.CollisionPlane(PM.Plane(PM.Vec3(0, 0, 1), PM.Point3(0, 0, -50)))
+ planeNode = PM.CollisionNode('dropPlane')
+ planeNode.addSolid(plane)
+ planeNode.setCollideMask(ToontownGlobals.PieBitmask)
+ self.geomRoot.attachNewNode(planeNode)
+ def replaceCollisionPolysWithPlanes(self, model):
+ newCollisionNode = PM.CollisionNode('collisions')
+ newCollideMask = PM.BitMask32(0)
+ planes = []
+ collList = model.findAllMatches('**/+CollisionNode')
+ if not collList:
+ collList = [model]
+ for cnp in collList:
+ cn = cnp.node()
+ if not isinstance(cn, PM.CollisionNode):
+ self.notify.warning("Not a collision node: %s" % (repr(cnp)))
+ break
+ newCollideMask = newCollideMask | cn.getIntoCollideMask()
+ for i in range(cn.getNumSolids()):
+ solid = cn.getSolid(i)
+ if isinstance(solid, PM.CollisionPolygon):
+ # Save the plane defined by this polygon
+ plane = PM.Plane(solid.getPlane())
+ planes.append(plane)
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning("Unexpected collision solid: %s" % (repr(solid)))
+ newCollisionNode.addSolid(plane)
+ newCollisionNode.setIntoCollideMask(newCollideMask)
+ # Now sort all of the planes and remove the nonunique ones.
+ # We can't use traditional dictionary-based tricks, because we
+ # want to use Plane.compareTo(), not Plane.__hash__(), to make
+ # the comparison.
+ threshold = 0.1
+ planes.sort(lambda p1, p2: p1.compareTo(p2, threshold))
+ lastPlane = None
+ for plane in planes:
+ if lastPlane == None or plane.compareTo(lastPlane, threshold) != 0:
+ cp = PM.CollisionPlane(plane)
+ newCollisionNode.addSolid(cp)
+ lastPlane = plane
+ return PM.NodePath(newCollisionNode)
+ def exitLoaded(self):
+ self.fnp.removeNode()
+ self.physicsMgr.clearLinearForces()
+ self.geomRoot.removeNode()
+ DistCogdoLevelGame.exitLoaded(self)
+ def toCraneMode(self):
+ # Move the localToon to 'crane' mode: we're not walking the
+ # avatar around, but we're still controlling something
+ # in-game, e.g. to move the cranes in the CFO battle.
+ # Collisions are still active.
+ if
+ place =
+ if place and hasattr(place, 'fsm'):
+ place.setState('crane')
+ def enterIntro(self):
+ DistCogdoLevelGame.enterIntro(self)
+ self.geomRoot.reparentTo(render)
+ def enterGame(self):
+ DistCogdoLevelGame.enterGame(self)
+ self._physicsTask = taskMgr.add(self._doPhysics, self.uniqueName('physics'), priority=25)
+ self.evWalls.stash()
+ self._startTimer()
+ if __dev__:
+ self.accept(self._durationChangedEvent, self._startTimer)
+ def _startTimer(self):
+ timeLeft = GameConsts.Settings.GameDuration.get() - (globalClock.getRealTime() - self.getStartTime())
+ self.timer.posInTopRightCorner()
+ self.timer.setTime(timeLeft)
+ self.timer.countdown(timeLeft, self.timerExpired)
+ self.timer.unstash()
+ def _doPhysics(self, task):
+ dt = globalClock.getDt()
+ self.physicsMgr.doPhysics(dt)
+ return Task.cont
+ def exitGame(self):
+ if __dev__:
+ self.ignore(self._durationChangedEvent)
+ DistCogdoLevelGame.exitGame(self)
+ self._physicsTask.remove()
+ def enterFinish(self):
+ DistCogdoLevelGame.enterFinish(self)
+ timeLeft = 10 - (globalClock.getRealTime() - self.getFinishTime())
+ self.timer.setTime(timeLeft)
+ self.timer.countdown(timeLeft, self.timerExpired)
+ self.timer.unstash()
+ def timerExpired(self):
+ pass
+ if __dev__:
+ def _handleGameDurationChanged(self, gameDuration):
+ messenger.send(self._durationChangedEvent)
diff --git a/toontown/src/cogdominium/ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc7dfe0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+from direct.directnotify.DirectNotifyGlobal import directNotify
+from toontown.cogdominium.DistCogdoLevelGameAI import DistCogdoLevelGameAI
+from toontown.cogdominium.DistCogdoCraneAI import DistCogdoCraneAI
+from toontown.cogdominium import CogdoCraneGameConsts as GameConsts
+from toontown.cogdominium.CogdoCraneGameBase import CogdoCraneGameBase
+class DistCogdoCraneGameAI(DistCogdoLevelGameAI, CogdoCraneGameBase):
+ notify = directNotify.newCategory("DistCogdoCraneGameAI")
+ def __init__(self, air, interior):
+ DistCogdoLevelGameAI.__init__(self, air, interior)
+ self._cranes = [None,] * self.MaxPlayers
+ def enterLoaded(self):
+ DistCogdoLevelGameAI.enterLoaded(self)
+ # create the cranes
+ for i in xrange(self.MaxPlayers):
+ crane = DistCogdoCraneAI(self.air, self, i)
+ crane.generateWithRequired(self.zoneId)
+ self._cranes[i] = crane
+ def exitLoaded(self):
+ # destroy the cranes
+ for i in xrange(self.MaxPlayers):
+ if self._cranes[i]:
+ self._cranes[i].requestDelete()
+ self._cranes[i] = None
+ DistCogdoLevelGameAI.exitLoaded(self)
+ def enterGame(self):
+ DistCogdoLevelGameAI.enterGame(self)
+ # put the players on the cranes
+ for i in xrange(self.getNumPlayers()):
+ self._cranes[i].request('Controlled', self.getToonIds()[i])
+ # start the game up. Or wait for a while, that's fun too
+ self._scheduleGameDone()
+ def _scheduleGameDone(self):
+ timeLeft = GameConsts.Settings.GameDuration.get() - (globalClock.getRealTime() - self.getStartTime())
+ if timeLeft > 0:
+ self._gameDoneEvent = taskMgr.doMethodLater(
+ timeLeft, self._gameDoneDL, self.uniqueName('boardroomGameDone'))
+ else:
+ self._gameDoneDL()
+ def exitGame(self):
+ taskMgr.remove(self._gameDoneEvent)
+ self._gameDoneEvent = None
+ def _gameDoneDL(self, task=None):
+ self._handleGameFinished()
+ return task.done
+ def enterFinish(self):
+ DistCogdoLevelGameAI.enterFinish(self)
+ self._finishDoneEvent = taskMgr.doMethodLater(
+ 10., self._finishDoneDL, self.uniqueName('boardroomFinishDone'))
+ def exitFinish(self):
+ taskMgr.remove(self._finishDoneEvent)
+ self._finishDoneEvent = None
+ def _finishDoneDL(self, task):
+ self.announceGameDone()
+ return task.done
+ if __dev__:
+ def _handleGameDurationChanged(self, gameDuration):
+ if hasattr(self, '_gameDoneEvent') and self._gameDoneEvent != None:
+ taskMgr.remove(self._gameDoneEvent)
+ self._scheduleGameDone()
diff --git a/toontown/src/cogdominium/ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e880811
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
@@ -0,0 +1,974 @@
+# Contact: Sam Polglase (Schell Games)
+# Created: March 2010
+# Purpose: This module currently contains all the classes necessary to run the Congdo
+# minigame. Soon all these classes will get split into their own modules
+# Config Overrides:
+# cogdo-flying-game-disable-death bool
+# Allows the dev to run the flying game without the death state
+from direct.showbase.DirectObject import DirectObject
+from direct.showbase.PythonUtil import bound as clamp
+from direct.fsm.FSM import FSM
+from pandac.PandaModules import NodePath, VBase3, Vec3, VBase4, Fog
+from toontown.minigame.DistributedMinigame import DistributedMinigame
+from toontown.minigame import ArrowKeys
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownTimer
+import CogdoFlyingGameGlobals
+def loadMockup(fileName, dmodelsAlt="coffin"):
+ try:
+ model = loader.loadModel(fileName)
+ except IOError:
+ model = loader.loadModel("phase_4/models/props/%s" % dmodelsAlt)
+ return model
+class DistCogdoFlyingGame(DistributedMinigame):
+ """
+ Flying Cogdominium Minigame client Distributed Object!
+ """
+ notify = directNotify.newCategory("DistCogdoFlyingGame")
+ def __init__(self, cr):
+ DistributedMinigame.__init__(self, cr)
+ #print "adding onCodeReload"
+ self.accept("onCodeReload", self.codeReload)
+ = CogdoFlyingGame(self)
+ def codeReload(self):
+ reload(CogdoFlyingGameGlobals)
+ def load(self):
+ DistributedMinigame.load(self)
+ # This isn't get called, that seems bad!
+ def unload(self):
+ del
+ self.ignore("onCodeReload")
+ print "Unload Distributed Game"
+ DistributedMinigame.unload(self)
+ def onstage(self):
+ DistributedMinigame.onstage(self)
+ # This isn't get called, that seems bad!
+ def offstage(self):
+ DistributedMinigame.offstage(self)
+ def announceGenerate(self):
+ DistributedMinigame.announceGenerate(self)
+ # broadcast
+ def setGameStart(self, timestamp):
+ DistributedMinigame.setGameStart(self, timestamp)
+ self.acceptOnce("escape", self.d_requestExit)
+ #self.fsm.request('Game')
+ #print "setGameStart"
+ def delete(self):
+ pass
+class CogdoFlyingGame(DirectObject):
+ UPDATE_TASK_NAME = "CogdoFlyingGameUpdate"
+ GAME_COMPLETE_TASK_NAME = "CogdoFlyingGameCompleteTask"
+ def __init__(self, distGame):
+ self.distGame = distGame
+ # Unused currently
+ self.players = {}
+ self.localPlayer = CogdoFlyingLocalPlayer(self, base.localAvatar)
+ # Unused currently
+ self.toonDropShadows = []
+ self.startPlatform = None
+# self.currentPlatform = None
+ self.endPlatform = None
+ self.fuelPlatforms = {}
+ self.isGameComplete = False
+ self.upLimit = 0.0
+ self.downLimit = 0.0
+ self.leftLimit = 0.0
+ self.rightLimit = 0.0
+ def load(self):
+ self.root = NodePath('root')
+ self.root.reparentTo(render)
+ self.root.stash()
+ = loadMockup("cogdominium/mockup.egg")
+ # Setup and placement of starting platform
+ self.startPlatform = loadMockup("cogdominium/start_platform.egg")
+ startPlatformLoc ="**/start_platform_loc")
+ self.startPlatform.reparentTo(startPlatformLoc)
+ colModel = self.startPlatform.find("**/col_floor")
+ colModel.setTag('start_platform', '%s' % base.localAvatar.doId)
+ # Here we set the current platform for the local player
+ self.localPlayer.setCheckpointPlatform(self.startPlatform)
+ # Setup and placement of the end platform
+ self.endPlatform = loadMockup("cogdominium/end_platform.egg")
+ endPlatformLoc ="**/end_platform_loc")
+ self.endPlatform.reparentTo(endPlatformLoc)
+ colModel = self.endPlatform.find("**/col_floor")
+ colModel.setTag('end_platform', '%s' % base.localAvatar.doId)
+ # Setup and placement for all the fuel platforms
+ fuelPlatformModel = loadMockup("cogdominium/fuel_platform.egg")
+ fuelIndex = 1
+ fuelLoc ='**/fuel_platform_loc_%d' % fuelIndex)
+ while not fuelLoc.isEmpty():
+ fuelModel = NodePath("fuel_platform_%d" % fuelIndex)
+ fuelPlatformModel.copyTo(fuelModel)
+ fuelModel.reparentTo(fuelLoc)
+ colModel = fuelModel.find("**/col_floor")
+ colModel.setTag('fuel_platform', '%s' % base.localAvatar.doId)
+ colModel.setTag('isUsed', '%s' % 0)
+ self.fuelPlatforms[fuelModel.getName()] = fuelModel
+ fuelIndex += 1
+ fuelLoc ='**/fuel_platform_loc_%d' % fuelIndex)
+ self.accept("entercol_floor", self.handleCollision)
+ self.skybox ="**/skybox")
+ self.upLimit ="**/limit_up").getPos(render).getZ()
+ self.downLimit ="**/limit_down").getPos(render).getZ()
+ self.leftLimit ="**/limit_left").getPos(render).getX()
+ self.rightLimit ="**/limit_right").getPos(render).getX()
+ del fuelPlatformModel
+ self._initFog()
+ def unload(self):
+ self.__stopUpdateTask()
+ self.__stopGameCompleteTask()
+ self._destroyFog()
+# print "Unload Flying CogdoGame"
+ self.localPlayer.unload()
+ del self.localPlayer
+ self.fuelPlatforms.clear()
+ self.endPlatform = None
+ del
+ self.root.detachNode()
+ del self.root
+ self.ignore("entercol_floor")
+ def handleCollision(self, collEntry):
+ fromNodePath = collEntry.getFromNodePath()
+ intoNodePath = collEntry.getIntoNodePath()
+ intoName = intoNodePath.getName()
+ fromName = fromNodePath.getName()
+ if intoNodePath.getTag('fuel_platform') != "":
+ if not int(intoNodePath.getTag('isUsed')) or CogdoFlyingGameGlobals.FlyingGame.MULTIPLE_REFUELS_PER_STATION:
+ intoNodePath.setTag('isUsed','%s' % 1)
+ self.localPlayer.setCheckpointPlatform(intoNodePath.getParent())
+ self.localPlayer.request("Refuel")
+ if intoNodePath.getTag('end_platform') != "":
+ self.localPlayer.request("WaitingForWin")
+ def enable(self):
+ self.localPlayer.request("FreeFly")
+ self.__startUpdateTask()
+ self.isGameComplete = False
+ def disable(self):
+ self.__stopUpdateTask()
+ self.__stopGameCompleteTask()
+ self.localPlayer.request("Inactive")
+ def _initFog(self):
+ self.fog = Fog("FlyingFog")
+ self.fog.setColor(VBase4(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0))
+ self.fog.setLinearRange(100.0, 400.0)
+ self._renderFog = render.getFog()
+ render.setFog(self.fog)
+ def _destroyFog(self):
+ render.clearFog()
+ del self.fog
+ del self._renderFog
+ def onstage(self):
+ self.root.unstash()
+ self.localPlayer.onstage()
+ def offstage(self):
+ self.__stopUpdateTask()
+ self.root.stash()
+ self.localPlayer.offstage()
+ #TODO: Temp solution, this is supposed to come from the minigame
+ # Which means the minigame isn't getting cleaned up properly look into this
+ self.unload()
+ def handleToonJoined(self, toon):
+ # Not used, no multiplayer support in yet
+ if toon == base.localAvatar:
+ player = CogdoFlyingLocalPlayer(toon)
+ player.entersActivity()
+ self.localPlayer = player
+ else:
+ player = CogdoFlyingPlayer(toon)
+ player.entersActivity()
+ self.players[toon.doId] = player
+ def __startUpdateTask(self):
+ self.__stopUpdateTask()
+ taskMgr.add(self.__updateTask, CogdoFlyingGame.UPDATE_TASK_NAME, 45)
+ def __stopUpdateTask(self):
+ taskMgr.remove(CogdoFlyingGame.UPDATE_TASK_NAME)
+ def __stopGameCompleteTask(self):
+ taskMgr.remove(CogdoFlyingGame.GAME_COMPLETE_TASK_NAME)
+ def gameComplete(self):
+ self.localPlayer.request("Win")
+ def __updateTask(self, task):
+ self.localPlayer.update()
+ #TODO:flying: make this win condition stuff work for multiple toons
+ if self.localPlayer.state == "WaitingForWin" and not self.isGameComplete:
+ self.isGameComplete = True
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(6.0, self.gameComplete, CogdoFlyingGame.GAME_COMPLETE_TASK_NAME, extraArgs=[])
+ self.skybox.setPos(self.skybox.getPos().getX(),
+ self.localPlayer.toon.getPos().getY(),
+ self.skybox.getPos().getZ())
+ return Task.cont
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+class CogdoFlyingPlayer(FSM):
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory( "CogdoFlyingPlayer" )
+ def __init__(self, toon):
+ FSM.__init__(self, "CogdoFlyingPlayer")
+ self.defaultTransitions = {
+ "Inactive" : ["FreeFly", "Inactive"],
+ "FreeFly" : ["Inactive", "FlyingUp", "Death", "Refuel", "WaitingForWin"],
+ "FlyingUp" : ["Inactive", "FreeFly", "Death", "Refuel", "WaitingForWin"],
+ "Death" : ["FreeFly", "Inactive"],
+ "Refuel" : ["FreeFly", "Inactive"],
+ "WaitingForWin" : ["Win", "Inactive"],
+ "Win" : ["Inactive"],
+ }
+ self.toon = toon
+ self.toon.setActiveShadow(True)
+ def enable(self):
+ pass
+ def unload(self):
+ del self.toon
+ def onstage(self):
+ self.request("Inactive")
+ def offstage(self):
+ self.request("Inactive")
+ def enterInactive(self):
+ "enter%s: '%s' -> '%s'" % (self.newState, self.oldState, self.newState) )
+ def exitInactive(self):
+ CogdoFlyingPlayer.notify.debug( "exit%s: '%s' -> '%s'" % (self.oldState, self.oldState, self.newState) )
+ def enterFreeFly(self):
+ "enter%s: '%s' -> '%s'" % (self.newState, self.oldState, self.newState) )
+ def exitFreeFly(self):
+ CogdoFlyingPlayer.notify.debug( "exit%s: '%s' -> '%s'" % (self.oldState, self.oldState, self.newState) )
+ def enterFlyingUp(self):
+ "enter%s: '%s' -> '%s'" % (self.newState, self.oldState, self.newState) )
+ def exitFlyingUp(self):
+ CogdoFlyingPlayer.notify.debug( "exit%s: '%s' -> '%s'" % (self.oldState, self.oldState, self.newState) )
+ def enterDeath(self):
+ "enter%s: '%s' -> '%s'" % (self.newState, self.oldState, self.newState) )
+ def exitDeath(self):
+ CogdoFlyingPlayer.notify.debug( "exit%s: '%s' -> '%s'" % (self.oldState, self.oldState, self.newState) )
+ def enterRefuel(self):
+ "enter%s: '%s' -> '%s'" % (self.newState, self.oldState, self.newState) )
+ def exitRefuel(self):
+ CogdoFlyingPlayer.notify.debug( "exit%s: '%s' -> '%s'" % (self.oldState, self.oldState, self.newState) )
+ def enterWaitingForWin(self):
+ "enter%s: '%s' -> '%s'" % (self.newState, self.oldState, self.newState) )
+ def exitWaitingForWin(self):
+ CogdoFlyingPlayer.notify.debug( "exit%s: '%s' -> '%s'" % (self.oldState, self.oldState, self.newState) )
+ def enterWin(self):
+ "enter%s: '%s' -> '%s'" % (self.newState, self.oldState, self.newState) )
+ def exitWin(self):
+ CogdoFlyingPlayer.notify.debug( "exit%s: '%s' -> '%s'" % (self.oldState, self.oldState, self.newState) )
+from direct.task.Task import Task
+from direct.interval.FunctionInterval import Wait
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import Func, LerpHprInterval, LerpFunctionInterval, ActorInterval
+from direct.interval.MetaInterval import Sequence, Parallel
+from toontown.battle import BattleProps
+class CogdoFlyingLocalPlayer(CogdoFlyingPlayer):
+ def __init__(self, game, toon):
+ CogdoFlyingPlayer.__init__(self, toon)
+ self.velocity = Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0)
+ self.lastVelocity = Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0)
+ self.instantaneousVelocity = Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0)
+ self.oldPos = Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0)
+ = game
+ self.inputMgr = CogdoFlyingInputManager()
+ self.cameraMgr = CogdoFlyingCameraManager(self, camera, render)
+ self.guiMgr = CogdoFlyingGuiManager(self)
+ self.checkpointPlatform = None
+ self.fuel = 0.0
+ self.props = {}
+ self.initModels()
+ self.initIntervals()
+ self.propSound = base.loadSfx('phase_4/audio/sfx/TB_propeller.wav')
+ def initModels(self):
+ # We place the propeller prop on all 3 lod's
+ self.placePropeller('1000')
+ self.placePropeller('500')
+ self.placePropeller('250')
+ def placePropeller(self, lod):
+ prop = BattleProps.globalPropPool.getProp('propeller')
+ prop.setScale(1.1)
+ self.props[lod] = prop
+ head = base.localAvatar.getPart('head', lod)
+ if head.isEmpty():
+ return
+ prop.reparentTo(head)
+ animal =
+ if (animal == 'dog') or (animal == 'bear') or (animal == 'horse'):
+ torso =
+ legs =
+ if ((torso == 'ls') or (torso == 'ld')) and (legs == 'l'):
+ prop.setZ(-1.3)
+ else:
+ prop.setZ(-0.7)
+ elif (animal == 'mouse') or (animal == 'duck'):
+ prop.setZ(0.5)
+ elif (animal == 'cat'):
+ prop.setZ(-0.3)
+ elif (animal == 'rabbit'):
+ prop.setZ(-0.5)
+ elif (animal == 'monkey'):
+ prop.setZ(0.3)
+ elif (animal == 'pig'):
+ prop.setZ(-0.7)
+ def initIntervals(self):
+ self.deathInterval = Sequence(
+ Func(self.inputMgr.disable),
+ Parallel(
+ LerpHprInterval(self.toon, 1.0, Vec3(720,0,0)),
+ LerpFunctionInterval(self.toon.setScale, fromData=1.0, toData=0.0, duration=1.0)
+ ),
+ Func(self.resetToon),
+ Wait(0.5), # Added this because with no pause here the FreeFly prop sound was attached to the old toon pos
+ Func(self.request, "FreeFly"),
+ name="%s.deathInterval" % (self.__class__.__name__)
+ )
+ self.refuelInterval = Sequence(
+ Func(self.guiMgr.setRefuelLerpFromData),
+ Func(self.guiMgr.messageLabel.unstash),
+ Parallel(
+ self.guiMgr.refuelLerp,
+ Sequence(
+ Func(self.guiMgr.setMessageLabelText, "Refueling"),
+ Wait(0.5),
+ Func(self.guiMgr.setMessageLabelText, "Refueling."),
+ Wait(0.5),
+ Func(self.guiMgr.setMessageLabelText, "Refueling.."),
+ Wait(0.5),
+ Func(self.guiMgr.setMessageLabelText, "Refueling..."),
+ Wait(0.5),
+ ),
+ ),
+ Func(self.resetFuel),
+ Func(self.guiMgr.messageLabel.stash),
+ Func(self.request, "FreeFly"),
+ name="%s.refuelInterval" % (self.__class__.__name__)
+ )
+ self.waitingForWinInterval = Sequence(
+ Func(self.guiMgr.setMessageLabelText, "Waiting for other players"),
+ Wait(1.5),
+ Func(self.guiMgr.setMessageLabelText, "Waiting for other players."),
+ Wait(1.5),
+ Func(self.guiMgr.setMessageLabelText, "Waiting for other players.."),
+ Wait(1.5),
+ Func(self.guiMgr.setMessageLabelText, "Waiting for other players..."),
+ Wait(1.5),
+ name="%s.waitingForWinInterval" % (self.__class__.__name__)
+ )
+ self.winInterval = Sequence(
+ Func(self.guiMgr.setMessageLabelText, ""),
+ Wait(1.0),
+ Func(self.guiMgr.winLabel.unstash),
+ Wait(2.0),
+ Func(self.guiMgr.winLabel.stash),
+ Wait(0.5),
+ Func(messenger.send, "escape"),
+ name="%s.waitingForWinInterval" % (self.__class__.__name__)
+ )
+ self.slowPropTrack = Parallel(
+ ActorInterval(self.props['1000'], 'propeller', startFrame = 8, endFrame = 23, playRate = 1.0),
+ ActorInterval(self.props['500'], 'propeller', startFrame = 8, endFrame = 23, playRate = 1.0),
+ ActorInterval(self.props['250'], 'propeller', startFrame = 8, endFrame = 23, playRate = 1.0),
+ )
+ self.fastPropTrack = Parallel(
+ ActorInterval(self.props['1000'], 'propeller', startFrame = 8, endFrame = 23, playRate = 2.0),
+ ActorInterval(self.props['500'], 'propeller', startFrame = 8, endFrame = 23, playRate = 2.0),
+ ActorInterval(self.props['250'], 'propeller', startFrame = 8, endFrame = 23, playRate = 2.0),
+ )
+ def onstage(self):
+# print "local player onstage"
+ CogdoFlyingPlayer.onstage(self)
+ self.toon.reparentTo(render)
+ self.toon.hideName()
+ self.toon.setSpeed(0, 0)
+# self.toon.setAnimState('Happy',1.0)
+ self.toon.loop('jump-idle')
+ # When we had the toon in anim state swim we needed this so that the
+ # player wasn't getting stuck to floors
+ self.toon.controlManager.currentControls.setGravity(0)
+# print "setting gravity to 0"
+ self.resetToon()
+ self.cameraMgr.enable()
+ self.cameraMgr.update()
+ def offstage(self):
+ #print "local player offstage"
+ CogdoFlyingPlayer.offstage(self)
+ self.cameraMgr.disable()
+ base.localAvatar.controlManager.currentControls.setGravity(32.174*2.0)
+ self.toon.showName()
+ #self.unload()
+ def unload(self):
+# print "unloading CogdoFlyingLocalPlayer"
+ self.toon.showName()
+ CogdoFlyingPlayer.unload(self)
+ self.checkpointPlatform = None
+ self.cameraMgr.disable()
+ del self.cameraMgr
+ base.localAvatar.controlManager.currentControls.setGravity(32.174*2.0)
+ del
+ self.inputMgr.destroy()
+ del self.inputMgr
+ self.props['1000'].detachNode()
+ self.props['500'].detachNode()
+ self.props['250'].detachNode()
+ self.props.clear()
+ self.slowPropTrack.clearToInitial()
+ del self.slowPropTrack
+ self.fastPropTrack.clearToInitial()
+ del self.fastPropTrack
+ del self.propSound
+ self.deathInterval.clearToInitial()
+ del self.deathInterval
+ self.refuelInterval.clearToInitial()
+ del self.refuelInterval
+ self.guiMgr.destroy()
+ self.guiMgr = None
+ def setCheckpointPlatform(self, platform):
+ self.checkpointPlatform = platform
+ def resetToon(self):
+# print "Reset toon"
+# print "------------------------"
+ self.toon.setPos(render, self.checkpointPlatform.find("**/start_p1").getPos(render))
+ self.toon.setHpr(render, 0, 0, 0)
+ self.toon.setScale(1.0)
+# self.toon.loop('jump-idle')
+ self.toon.collisionsOn()
+# self.toon.stopBobSwimTask()
+# self.toon.getGeomNode().setZ(1.0)
+ self.resetFuel()
+ def resetFuel(self):
+ self.fuel = CogdoFlyingGameGlobals.FlyingGame.FUEL_START_AMT
+ def isFuelLeft(self):
+ return self.fuel > 0.0
+ def __updateToonMovement(self):
+ # move the local toon
+ dt = globalClock.getDt()
+ leftPressed = self.inputMgr.arrowKeys.leftPressed()
+ rightPressed = self.inputMgr.arrowKeys.rightPressed()
+ upPressed = self.inputMgr.arrowKeys.upPressed()
+ downPressed = self.inputMgr.arrowKeys.downPressed()
+ jumpPressed = self.inputMgr.arrowKeys.jumpPressed()
+# print leftPressed,rightPressed,upPressed,downPressed,jumpPressed
+ self.instantaneousVelocity = (self.toon.getPos() - self.oldPos)/dt
+ self.oldPos = self.toon.getPos()
+ toonPos = self.toon.getPos()
+ self.lastVelocity = Vec3(self.velocity)
+ # Adds boost to velocity values and calculates toon pos changes
+ if leftPressed:
+ self.velocity[0] -= CogdoFlyingGameGlobals.FlyingGame.TOON_ACCELERATION["turning"]*dt
+ if rightPressed:
+ self.velocity[0] += CogdoFlyingGameGlobals.FlyingGame.TOON_ACCELERATION["turning"]*dt
+ if upPressed:
+ self.velocity[1] += CogdoFlyingGameGlobals.FlyingGame.TOON_ACCELERATION["forward"]*dt
+ if downPressed:
+ self.velocity[1] -= CogdoFlyingGameGlobals.FlyingGame.TOON_ACCELERATION["backward"]*dt
+# print jumpPressed
+ if jumpPressed and self.isFuelLeft():
+ self.velocity[2] += CogdoFlyingGameGlobals.FlyingGame.TOON_ACCELERATION["vertical"]*dt
+ if self.state == "FreeFly" and self.isInTransition() == False:
+ #print "Going to flying up"
+ self.request("FlyingUp")
+ else:
+ if self.state == "FlyingUp" and self.isInTransition() == False:
+ #print "Going to free fly"
+ self.request("FreeFly")
+ toonPos += self.velocity*dt
+ # TODO:flying: death probably needs to happen on the server...
+ if (CogdoFlyingGameGlobals.FlyingGame.DISABLE_DEATH) or \
+ (base.config.GetBool('cogdo-flying-game-disable-death', 0)):
+ pass
+ else:
+ # Tests to see whether the toon has dropped low enough to die
+ if toonPos[2] < 0.0 and self.state in ["FreeFly","FlyingUp"]:
+ self.request("Death")
+ toonPos[2] = clamp(toonPos[2],,
+ toonPos[0] = clamp(toonPos[0],,
+ # Sets toon position based on velocity
+ self.toon.setPos(toonPos)
+ #print "Before degrades:",self.velocity
+ # Degrades left/right velocity values back to normal
+ minVal = -CogdoFlyingGameGlobals.FlyingGame.TOON_VEL_MAX["turning"]
+ maxVal = CogdoFlyingGameGlobals.FlyingGame.TOON_VEL_MAX["turning"]
+ if (not leftPressed and not rightPressed) or (self.velocity[0] > maxVal or self.velocity[0] < minVal):
+ if self.velocity[0] > 0.0:
+ self.velocity[0] -= CogdoFlyingGameGlobals.FlyingGame.TOON_DECELERATION["turning"] * dt
+ self.velocity[0] = clamp(self.velocity[0], 0.0, maxVal)
+ elif self.velocity[0] < 0.0:
+ self.velocity[0] += CogdoFlyingGameGlobals.FlyingGame.TOON_DECELERATION["turning"] * dt
+ self.velocity[0] = clamp(self.velocity[0], minVal, 0.0)
+ # Degrades forward/backward velocity values back to normal
+ minVal = -CogdoFlyingGameGlobals.FlyingGame.TOON_VEL_MAX["backward"]
+ maxVal = CogdoFlyingGameGlobals.FlyingGame.TOON_VEL_MAX["forward"]
+ if (not upPressed and not downPressed) or (self.velocity[1] > maxVal or self.velocity[1] < minVal):
+ if self.velocity[1] > 0.0:
+ self.velocity[1] -= CogdoFlyingGameGlobals.FlyingGame.TOON_DECELERATION["forward"] * dt
+ self.velocity[1] = clamp(self.velocity[1], 0.0, maxVal)
+ elif self.velocity[1] < 0.0:
+ self.velocity[1] += CogdoFlyingGameGlobals.FlyingGame.TOON_DECELERATION["backward"] * dt
+ self.velocity[1] = clamp(self.velocity[1], minVal, 0.0)
+ # Degrades boost/fall velocity values back to normal
+ minVal = -CogdoFlyingGameGlobals.FlyingGame.TOON_VEL_MAX["vertical"]
+ maxVal = CogdoFlyingGameGlobals.FlyingGame.TOON_VEL_MAX["vertical"]
+ if self.velocity[2] > minVal:
+ if not self.inputMgr.arrowKeys.jumpPressed():
+ self.velocity[2] -= CogdoFlyingGameGlobals.FlyingGame.TOON_DECELERATION["vertical"] * dt
+ self.velocity[2] = clamp(self.velocity[2], minVal, maxVal)
+ #print self.lastVelocity, self.velocity
+# if self.lastVelocity != self.velocity:
+# print "Velocity:",self.velocity
+ def __updateFuel(self):
+ dt = globalClock.getDt()
+ if CogdoFlyingGameGlobals.FlyingGame.INFINITE_FUEL:
+ self.fuel = CogdoFlyingGameGlobals.FlyingGame.FUEL_START_AMT
+ else:
+ if self.fuel > 0.0:
+ self.fuel -= CogdoFlyingGameGlobals.FlyingGame.FUEL_BURN_RATE * dt
+ elif self.fuel < 0.0:
+ self.fuel = 0.0
+ def update(self):
+ if self.state not in ["Inactive","Refuel","WaitingForWin","Win"]:
+ self.__updateToonMovement()
+ self.__updateFuel()
+ self.cameraMgr.update()
+ self.guiMgr.update()
+ def enterInactive(self):
+ CogdoFlyingPlayer.enterInactive(self)
+ self.inputMgr.disable()
+ def exitInactive(self):
+ CogdoFlyingPlayer.exitInactive(self)
+ self.inputMgr.enable()
+ def enterRefuel(self):
+ CogdoFlyingPlayer.enterInactive(self)
+ self.inputMgr.disable()
+ self.refuelInterval.start()
+ def exitRefuel(self):
+ CogdoFlyingPlayer.exitInactive(self)
+ self.inputMgr.enable()
+ def enterFreeFly(self):
+ CogdoFlyingPlayer.enterFreeFly(self)
+ self.slowPropTrack.loop()
+ base.playSfx(self.propSound, node = self.toon, looping = 1)
+ self.propSound.setPlayRate(0.9)
+ def exitFreeFly(self):
+ CogdoFlyingPlayer.exitFreeFly(self)
+ self.slowPropTrack.clearToInitial()
+ self.propSound.stop()
+ def enterFlyingUp(self):
+ CogdoFlyingPlayer.enterFlyingUp(self)
+ self.fastPropTrack.loop()
+ base.playSfx(self.propSound, node = self.toon, looping = 1)
+ self.propSound.setPlayRate(1.1)
+ def exitFlyingUp(self):
+ CogdoFlyingPlayer.exitFlyingUp(self)
+ self.fastPropTrack.clearToInitial()
+ self.propSound.stop()
+ def enterDeath(self):
+ CogdoFlyingPlayer.enterDeath(self)
+ self.inputMgr.disable()
+ self.deathInterval.start()
+ def exitDeath(self):
+ CogdoFlyingPlayer.exitDeath(self)
+ self.inputMgr.enable()
+ def enterWaitingForWin(self):
+ CogdoFlyingPlayer.enterDeath(self)
+ self.inputMgr.disable()
+ self.guiMgr.messageLabel.unstash()
+ self.waitingForWinInterval.loop()
+ def exitWaitingForWin(self):
+ CogdoFlyingPlayer.exitDeath(self)
+ self.waitingForWinInterval.clearToInitial()
+ self.guiMgr.messageLabel.stash()
+ self.inputMgr.enable()
+ def enterWin(self):
+ CogdoFlyingPlayer.enterDeath(self)
+ self.inputMgr.disable()
+ self.winInterval.start()
+ def exitWin(self):
+ CogdoFlyingPlayer.exitDeath(self)
+ self.inputMgr.enable()
+class CogdoFlyingInputManager:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.arrowKeys = ArrowKeys.ArrowKeys()
+ self.arrowKeys.disable()
+ def enable(self):
+ #print "CogdoFlyingInputManager.enable()"
+ self.arrowKeys.setPressHandlers([
+ self.__upArrowPressed,
+ self.__downArrowPressed,
+ self.__leftArrowPressed,
+ self.__rightArrowPressed,
+ self.__controlPressed])
+ self.arrowKeys.enable()
+ def disable(self):
+ self.arrowKeys.clearPressHandlers()
+ self.arrowKeys.disable()
+ def destroy(self):
+ print "Destroying CogdoFlyingInputManager"
+ self.disable()
+ self.arrowKeys.destroy()
+ self.arrowKeys = None
+ self.refuelLerp = None
+ def __upArrowPressed(self):
+ """Handle up arrow being pressed."""
+ pass
+ #print "__upArrowPressed"
+ def __downArrowPressed(self):
+ """Handle down arrow being pressed."""
+ pass
+# print "__downArrowPressed"
+ def __leftArrowPressed(self):
+ """Handle left arrow being pressed."""
+ pass
+# print "__leftArrowPressed"
+ def __rightArrowPressed(self):
+ """Handle right arrow being pressed."""
+ pass
+# print "__rightArrowPressed"
+ def __controlPressed(self):
+ """Handle control key being pressed."""
+ pass
+# print "__controlPressed"
+import math
+from toontown.parties.PartyCogUtils import CameraManager
+inverse_e = 1.0/math.e
+class FlyingCamera(CameraManager):
+ def __init__(self, cameraNP):
+ CameraManager.__init__(self,cameraNP)
+ self.vecRate = Vec3(self.rate, self.rate, self.rate)
+ def rateInterpolate(self, currentPos, targetPos):
+ dt = globalClock.getDt()
+ vec = currentPos - targetPos
+ return Vec3(targetPos[0] + vec[0]*(inverse_e**(dt*self.vecRate[0])),
+ targetPos[1] + vec[1]*(inverse_e**(dt*self.vecRate[1])),
+ targetPos[2] + vec[2]*(inverse_e**(dt*self.vecRate[2]))
+ )
+class CogdoFlyingCameraManager:
+ def __init__(self, player, cam, root):
+ self.player = player
+ self.toon = player.toon
+ = cam
+ self.root = root
+ self.camOffset = VBase3(0, -12, 5)
+ self.cameraManager = FlyingCamera(
+ self.cameraManager.vecRate = Vec3(3.0, 2.0, 1.8)
+ self.cameraManager.otherNP = self.root
+ def enable(self):
+ self.cameraManager.setPos(self.toon.getPos() + self.camOffset)
+ self.cameraManager.setLookAtPos(self.toon.getPos())
+ self.cameraManager.setEnabled(True)
+ def setCameraOffset(self, offset):
+ def disable(self):
+ self.cameraManager.setEnabled(False)
+ def update(self):
+ toonPos = self.toon.getPos()
+ newOffset = Vec3(self.player.instantaneousVelocity.getX()*0.1,self.player.instantaneousVelocity.getY()*2.0,self.player.velocity.getZ())
+ targetPos = toonPos + self.camOffset + Vec3(0,0,-newOffset.getZ()*0.3)
+ targetLookAt = toonPos + Vec3(0,35,0) + newOffset
+ if self.player.instantaneousVelocity.getY() < 0.0 or (self.player.instantaneousVelocity.getY() <= 0.0 and self.player.instantaneousVelocity.getZ() < 0.0):
+ targetPos = targetPos + Vec3(0, +2.0, abs(self.player.instantaneousVelocity.getZ()*0.4))
+ targetLookAt = targetLookAt + Vec3(0,0,-abs(self.player.instantaneousVelocity.getZ()*0.2))
+ targetLookAt[1] = toonPos[1]
+ p = 0.90
+ targetPos[0] = clamp(targetPos[0],*p,*p)
+ targetLookAt[0] = clamp(targetLookAt[0],*p,*p)
+ #targetPos[2] = clamp(targetPos[2],*p,*p)
+ p = 0.95
+ targetLookAt[2] = clamp(targetLookAt[2],*p,*p)
+ self.cameraManager.setTargetPos(targetPos)
+ self.cameraManager.setTargetLookAtPos(targetLookAt)
+from pandac.PandaModules import CardMaker, TextNode
+from direct.gui.DirectGui import DirectLabel
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+class CogdoFlyingGuiManager:
+ def __init__(self, player):
+ self.player = player
+ self.root = NodePath("CogdoFlyingGui")
+ self.root.reparentTo(aspect2d)
+ self.fuelMeter = NodePath("scrubMeter")
+ self.fuelMeter.reparentTo(self.root)
+ self.fuelMeter.setPos(1.1, 0.0, -0.7)
+ self.fuelMeter.setSz(2.0)
+ cm = CardMaker('card')
+ cm.setFrame( -0.07, 0.07, 0.0, 0.75 )
+ self.fuelMeterBar = self.fuelMeter.attachNewNode(cm.generate())
+ self.fuelMeterBar.setColor(0.95, 0.95, 0.0, 1.0)
+ self.fuelLabel = DirectLabel(
+ parent = self.root,
+ relief = None,
+ pos = (1.1,0,-0.8),
+ scale = 0.075,
+ text = "Fuel",
+ text_fg = (0.95, 0.95, 0, 1),
+ text_shadow = (0, 0, 0, 1),
+ text_font = ToontownGlobals.getInterfaceFont(),
+ )
+ self.messageLabel = DirectLabel(
+ parent = self.root,
+ relief = None,
+ pos = (0.0,0.0,-0.9),
+ scale = 0.1,
+ text = " ",
+ text_align = TextNode.ACenter,
+ text_fg = (0.95, 0.95, 0, 1),
+ text_shadow = (0, 0, 0, 1),
+ text_font = ToontownGlobals.getInterfaceFont(),
+ textMayChange = 1,
+ )
+ self.messageLabel.stash()
+ self.winLabel = DirectLabel(
+ parent = self.root,
+ relief = None,
+ pos = (0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ scale = 0.25,
+ text = "You win!",
+ text_align = TextNode.ACenter,
+ text_fg = (0.95, 0.95, 0, 1),
+ text_shadow = (0, 0, 0, 1),
+ text_font = ToontownGlobals.getInterfaceFont(),
+ )
+ self.winLabel.stash()
+ self.refuelLerp = LerpFunctionInterval(self.fuelMeterBar.setSz, fromData=0.0, toData=1.0, duration=2.0)
+ def setRefuelLerpFromData(self):
+ startScale = self.fuelMeterBar.getSz()
+ self.refuelLerp.fromData = startScale
+ def setMessageLabelText(self,text):
+ self.messageLabel["text"] = text
+ self.messageLabel.setText()
+ def update(self):
+ self.fuelMeterBar.setSz(self.player.fuel)
+ def destroy(self):
+# print "Destroying GUI"
+ self.fuelMeterBar.detachNode()
+ self.fuelMeterBar = None
+ self.fuelLabel.detachNode()
+ self.fuelLabel = None
+ self.fuelMeter.detachNode()
+ self.fuelMeter = None
+ self.winLabel.detachNode()
+ self.winLabel = None
+ self.root.detachNode()
+ self.root = None
+ self.player = None
diff --git a/toontown/src/cogdominium/ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1dfb6e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+@author: Schell Games
+from toontown.minigame.DistributedMinigameAI import DistributedMinigameAI
+from toontown.minigame.DistributedMinigameAI import EXITED, EXPECTED, JOINED, READY
+class DistCogdoFlyingGameAI(DistributedMinigameAI):
+ """
+ Flying Cogdominium Minigame AI Distributed Object!
+ """
+ notify = directNotify.newCategory("DistCogdoFlyingGameAI")
+ def __init__(self, air, id):
+ try:
+ self.DistCogdoFlyingGameAI_initialized
+ except:
+ self.DistCogdoFlyingGameAI_initialized = 1
+ DistributedMinigameAI.__init__(self, air, id)
+ def areAllPlayersReady(self):
+ ready = True
+ for avId in self.avIdList:
+ ready = ready and (self.stateDict[avId] == READY)
+ return ready
+ def setAvatarReady(self):
+ DistributedMinigameAI.setAvatarReady(self)
diff --git a/toontown/src/cogdominium/ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1137ed4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+from pandac.PandaModules import VBase4
+from direct.gui.DirectGui import DirectLabel
+from direct.directnotify.DirectNotifyGlobal import directNotify
+from direct.distributed.ClockDelta import globalClockDelta
+from direct.distributed.DistributedObject import DistributedObject
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM, State
+from toontown.minigame.MinigameRulesPanel import MinigameRulesPanel
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer as TTL
+class DistCogdoGame(DistributedObject):
+ notify = directNotify.newCategory("DistCogdoGame")
+ def __init__(self, cr):
+ DistributedObject.__init__(self, cr)
+ self._waitingStartLabel = DirectLabel(
+ text = TTL.MinigameWaitingForOtherPlayers,
+ text_fg = VBase4(1,1,1,1),
+ relief = None,
+ pos = (-0.6, 0, -0.75),
+ scale = 0.075)
+ self._waitingStartLabel.hide()
+ self.loadFSM = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM(
+ 'DistCogdoGame.loaded',
+ [State.State('NotLoaded',
+ self.enterNotLoaded,
+ self.exitNotLoaded,
+ ['Loaded']),
+ State.State('Loaded',
+ self.enterLoaded,
+ self.exitLoaded,
+ ['NotLoaded'])],
+ # Initial state
+ 'NotLoaded',
+ # Final state
+ 'NotLoaded')
+ self.fsm = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM(
+ 'DistCogdoGame',
+ [State.State('Intro',
+ self.enterIntro,
+ self.exitIntro,
+ ['WaitServerStart']),
+ State.State('WaitServerStart',
+ self.enterWaitServerStart,
+ self.exitWaitServerStart,
+ ['Game']),
+ State.State('Game',
+ self.enterGame,
+ self.exitGame,
+ ['Finish']),
+ State.State('Finish',
+ self.enterFinish,
+ self.exitFinish,
+ ['Off']),
+ State.State('Off',
+ self.enterOff,
+ self.exitOff,
+ ['Intro'])],
+ # Initial state
+ 'Off',
+ # Final state
+ 'Off')
+ self.fsm.enterInitialState()
+ def getTitle(self):
+ pass # override and return title
+ def getInstructions(self):
+ pass # override and return instructions
+ def setInteriorId(self, interiorId):
+ self._interiorId = interiorId
+ def getInterior(self):
+ return
+ def getToonIds(self):
+ toonIds = []
+ interior = self.getInterior()
+ for toonId in interior.getToons()[0]:
+ if toonId:
+ toonIds.append(toonId)
+ return toonIds
+ def getNumPlayers(self):
+ return len(self.getToonIds())
+ def announceGenerate(self):
+ DistributedObject.announceGenerate(self)
+ self.loadFSM.request('Loaded')
+ def disable(self):
+ self.fsm.requestFinalState()
+ self.loadFSM.requestFinalState()
+ self.fsm = None
+ self.loadFSM = None
+ DistributedObject.disable(self)
+ def delete(self):
+ self._waitingStartLabel.destroy()
+ self._waitingStartLabel = None
+ DistributedObject.delete(self)
+ def enterNotLoaded(self):
+ pass
+ def exitNotLoaded(self):
+ pass
+ def enterLoaded(self):
+ pass
+ def exitLoaded(self):
+ pass
+ def enterOff(self):
+ pass
+ def exitOff(self):
+ pass
+ def setIntroStart(self):
+ self.fsm.request('Intro')
+ def enterIntro(self):
+ assert self.notify.debugCall()
+ self._rulesDoneEvent = uniqueName('cogdoGameRulesDone')
+ self.accept(self._rulesDoneEvent, self._handleRulesDone)
+ self._rulesPanel = MinigameRulesPanel(
+ "MinigameRulesPanel",
+ self.getTitle(),
+ self.getInstructions(),
+ self._rulesDoneEvent)
+ self._rulesPanel.load()
+ self._rulesPanel.enter()
+ def exitIntro(self):
+ self.ignore(self._rulesDoneEvent)
+ if self._rulesPanel:
+ self._rulesPanel.exit()
+ self._rulesPanel.unload()
+ self._rulesPanel = None
+ def _handleRulesDone(self):
+ self.ignore(self._rulesDoneEvent)
+ self._rulesPanel.exit()
+ self._rulesPanel.unload()
+ self._rulesPanel = None
+ self.sendUpdate('setAvatarReady', [])
+ self.fsm.request('WaitServerStart')
+ def enterWaitServerStart(self):
+ numToons = 1
+ interior = self.getInterior()
+ if interior:
+ numToons = len(interior.getToonIds())
+ if numToons > 1:
+ msg = TTL.MinigameWaitingForOtherPlayers
+ else:
+ msg = TTL.MinigamePleaseWait
+ self._waitingStartLabel['text'] = msg
+ def exitWaitServerStart(self):
+ self._waitingStartLabel.hide()
+ def setGameStart(self, timestamp):
+ self._startTime = globalClockDelta.networkToLocalTime(timestamp)
+ self.fsm.request('Game')
+ def getStartTime(self):
+ return self._startTime
+ def enterGame(self):
+ assert self.notify.debugCall()
+ def exitGame(self):
+ pass
+ def setGameFinish(self, timestamp):
+ self._finishTime = globalClockDelta.networkToLocalTime(timestamp)
+ self.fsm.request('Finish')
+ def getFinishTime(self):
+ return self._finishTime
+ def enterFinish(self):
+ assert self.notify.debugCall()
+ def exitFinish(self):
+ pass
diff --git a/toontown/src/cogdominium/ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40f2d44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+from direct.directnotify.DirectNotifyGlobal import directNotify
+from direct.distributed.ClockDelta import globalClockDelta
+from direct.distributed.DistributedObjectAI import DistributedObjectAI
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM, State
+from import Barrier
+class SadCallbackToken:
+ pass
+class DistCogdoGameAI(DistributedObjectAI):
+ notify = directNotify.newCategory("DistCogdoGameAI")
+ MaxPlayers = 4
+ def __init__(self, air, interior):
+ DistributedObjectAI.__init__(self, air)
+ self._interior = interior
+ self.loadFSM = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM(
+ 'DistCogdoGameAI.loaded',
+ [State.State('NotLoaded',
+ self.enterNotLoaded,
+ self.exitNotLoaded,
+ ['Loaded']),
+ State.State('Loaded',
+ self.enterLoaded,
+ self.exitLoaded,
+ ['NotLoaded'])],
+ # Initial state
+ 'NotLoaded',
+ # Final state
+ 'NotLoaded')
+ self.fsm = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM(
+ 'DistCogdoGameAI',
+ [State.State('Intro',
+ self.enterIntro,
+ self.exitIntro,
+ ['Game']),
+ State.State('Game',
+ self.enterGame,
+ self.exitGame,
+ ['Finish']),
+ State.State('Finish',
+ self.enterFinish,
+ self.exitFinish,
+ ['Off']),
+ State.State('Off',
+ self.enterOff,
+ self.exitOff,
+ ['Intro'])],
+ # Initial state
+ 'Off',
+ # Final state
+ 'Off')
+ def generate(self):
+ DistributedObjectAI.generate(self)
+ self._sadToken2callback = {}
+ self._interior.addGameFSM(self.fsm)
+ def getInteriorId(self):
+ return self._interior.doId
+ def getToonIds(self):
+ toonIds = []
+ for toonId in self._interior.getToons()[0]:
+ if toonId:
+ toonIds.append(toonId)
+ return toonIds
+ def getNumPlayers(self):
+ return len(self.getToonIds())
+ def requestDelete(self):
+ self.fsm.requestFinalState()
+ self.loadFSM.requestFinalState()
+ self._sadToken2callback = None
+ DistributedObjectAI.requestDelete(self)
+ def delete(self):
+ self._interior.removeGameFSM(self.fsm)
+ self._interior = None
+ self.fsm = None
+ self.loadFSM = None
+ DistributedObjectAI.delete(self)
+ def start(self):
+ self.loadFSM.enterInitialState()
+ self.fsm.enterInitialState()
+ self.loadFSM.request('Loaded')
+ self.fsm.request('Intro')
+ def markStartTime(self):
+ self._startTime = globalClock.getRealTime()
+ def getStartTime(self):
+ return self._startTime
+ def markFinishTime(self):
+ self._finishTime = globalClock.getRealTime()
+ def getFinishTime(self):
+ return self._finishTime
+ ########################
+ # game class must override these methods if anything needs to be done when a toon
+ # leaves the game. game class should call down
+ def handleToonDisconnected(self, toonId):
+ self.notify.debug('handleToonDisconnected: %s' % toonId)
+ def handleToonWentSad(self, toonId):
+ self.notify.debug('handleToonWentSad: %s' % toonId)
+ callbacks = self._sadToken2callback.values()
+ for callback in callbacks:
+ callback(toonId)
+ ########################
+ # use these methods to get notification when a toon goes sad
+ def _registerSadCallback(self, callback):
+ token = SadCallbackToken()
+ self._sadToken2callback[token] = callback
+ return token
+ def _unregisterSadCallback(self, token):
+ self._sadToken2callback.pop(token)
+ def enterNotLoaded(self):
+ pass
+ def exitNotLoaded(self):
+ pass
+ def enterLoaded(self):
+ pass
+ def exitLoaded(self):
+ pass
+ def enterOff(self):
+ pass
+ def exitOff(self):
+ pass
+ def enterSetup(self):
+ pass
+ def exitSetup(self):
+ pass
+ def enterIntro(self):
+ self.sendUpdate('setIntroStart', [])
+ self._introBarrier = Barrier('intro', uniqueName('intro'), self.getToonIds(), 1<<20,
+ doneFunc=self._handleIntroBarrierDone)
+ self._sadToken = self._registerSadCallback(self._handleSadToonDuringIntro)
+ def exitIntro(self):
+ self._unregisterSadCallback(self._sadToken)
+ self._sadToken = None
+ self._introBarrier.cleanup()
+ self._introBarrier = None
+ def _handleSadToonDuringIntro(self, toonId):
+ # shouldn't be possible unless someone hacks their client or we add some
+ # sort of DOT
+ self._introBarrier.clear(toonId)
+ def setAvatarReady(self):
+ senderId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender()
+ if senderId not in self.getToonIds():
+ self.air.writeServerEvent('suspicious', senderId, 'CogdoGameAI.setAvatarReady: unknown avatar')
+ return
+ if self._introBarrier:
+ self._introBarrier.clear(senderId)
+ def _handleIntroBarrierDone(self, avIds):
+ self.fsm.request('Game')
+ def enterGame(self):
+ self.markStartTime()
+ self.sendUpdate('setGameStart', [
+ globalClockDelta.localToNetworkTime(self.getStartTime())])
+ def exitGame(self):
+ pass
+ def _handleGameFinished(self):
+ # call this from subclass when Game state is completed
+ self.fsm.request('Finish')
+ def enterFinish(self):
+ self.markFinishTime()
+ self.sendUpdate('setGameFinish', [
+ globalClockDelta.localToNetworkTime(self.getFinishTime())])
+ def exitFinish(self):
+ pass
+ def announceGameDone(self):
+ # call this from subclass when Finish state is completed
+ self._interior._gameDone()
diff --git a/toontown/src/cogdominium/ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80fee2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+from direct.directnotify.DirectNotifyGlobal import directNotify
+from otp.level.DistributedLevel import DistributedLevel
+from otp.level import LevelConstants
+from otp.level import EditorGlobals
+from toontown.cogdominium.DistCogdoGame import DistCogdoGame
+from toontown.cogdominium.CogdoEntityCreator import CogdoEntityCreator
+class DistCogdoLevelGame(DistributedLevel, DistCogdoGame):
+ notify = directNotify.newCategory("DistCogdoLevelGame")
+ def __init__(self, cr):
+ DistributedLevel.__init__(self, cr)
+ DistCogdoGame.__init__(self, cr)
+ def createEntityCreator(self):
+ return CogdoEntityCreator(level=self)
+ def generate(self):
+ DistributedLevel.generate(self)
+ DistCogdoGame.generate(self)
+ if __dev__:
+, self)
+ def announceGenerate(self):
+ DistributedLevel.announceGenerate(self)
+ DistCogdoGame.announceGenerate(self)
+ self.startHandleEdits()
+ def levelAnnounceGenerate(self):
+ self.notify.debug('levelAnnounceGenerate')
+ DistributedLevel.levelAnnounceGenerate(self)
+ # create our spec
+ # NOTE: in dev, the AI will probably send us another spec to use
+ spec = self.getLevelSpec()
+ if __dev__:
+ # give the spec an EntityTypeRegistry.
+ typeReg = self.getEntityTypeReg()
+ spec.setEntityTypeReg(typeReg)
+ DistributedLevel.initializeLevel(self, spec)
+ # if the AI is sending us a spec, we won't have it yet and the
+ # level isn't really initialized yet. So we can't assume that we
+ # can start doing stuff here. Much of what used to be here
+ # has been moved to FactoryLevelMgr, where it really belongs, but...
+ # this could be cleaner.
+ def privGotSpec(self, levelSpec):
+ # OK, we've got the spec that we're going to use, either the one
+ # we provided or the one from the AI. When we call down, the level
+ # is going to be initialized, and all the local entities will be
+ # created.
+ if __dev__:
+ # First, give the spec a factory EntityTypeRegistry if it doesn't
+ # have one.
+ if not levelSpec.hasEntityTypeReg():
+ typeReg = self.getEntityTypeReg()
+ levelSpec.setEntityTypeReg(typeReg)
+ DistributedLevel.privGotSpec(self, levelSpec)
+ def initVisibility(self):
+ # prevent crash in initVisibility
+ levelMgr = self.getEntity(LevelConstants.LevelMgrEntId)
+ levelMgr.geom.reparentTo(render)
+ DistributedLevel.initVisibility(self)
+ def placeLocalToon(self):
+ # don't let the level move the local toon at init
+ DistributedLevel.placeLocalToon(self, moveLocalAvatar=False)
+ def disable(self):
+ self.stopHandleEdits()
+ DistCogdoGame.disable(self)
+ DistributedLevel.disable(self)
+ def delete(self):
+ DistCogdoGame.delete(self)
+ DistributedLevel.delete(self)
+ if __dev__:
+ bboard.removeIfEqual(EditorGlobals.EditTargetPostName, self)
diff --git a/toontown/src/cogdominium/ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6aaed78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+from direct.directnotify.DirectNotifyGlobal import directNotify
+from otp.level.DistributedLevelAI import DistributedLevelAI
+from toontown.cogdominium.DistCogdoGameAI import DistCogdoGameAI
+from toontown.cogdominium.CogdoEntityCreatorAI import CogdoEntityCreatorAI
+class DistCogdoLevelGameAI(DistributedLevelAI, DistCogdoGameAI):
+ notify = directNotify.newCategory("DistCogdoLevelGameAI")
+ def __init__(self, air, interior):
+ DistCogdoGameAI.__init__(self, air, interior)
+ DistributedLevelAI.__init__(self, air, self.zoneId, 0, self.getToonIds())
+ def createEntityCreator(self):
+ return CogdoEntityCreatorAI(level=self)
+ def generate(self):
+ # create our spec
+'loading spec')
+ spec = self.getLevelSpec()
+ if __dev__:
+ # create an EntityTypeRegistry and hand it to the spec
+'creating entity type registry')
+ typeReg = self.getEntityTypeReg()
+ spec.setEntityTypeReg(typeReg)
+ DistributedLevelAI.generate(self, spec)
+ DistCogdoGameAI.generate(self)
+ self.startHandleEdits()
+ def requestDelete(self):
+ DistCogdoGameAI.requestDelete(self)
+ def delete(self):
+ self.stopHandleEdits()
+ DistCogdoGameAI.delete(self)
+ DistributedLevelAI.delete(self, deAllocZone=False)
diff --git a/toontown/src/cogdominium/ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73507f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
@@ -0,0 +1,1029 @@
+@author: Schell Games
+from direct.showbase.DirectObject import DirectObject
+from pandac.PandaModules import NodePath, VBase4, Fog
+from toontown.minigame.DistributedMinigame import DistributedMinigame
+from toontown.minigame.MazeMapGui import MazeMapGui
+import CogdoMazeGameGlobals
+from CogdoMazeGameGlobals import CogdoMazeLockInfo
+class DistCogdoMazeGame(DistributedMinigame):
+ """
+ Maze Cogdominium Minigame client Distributed Object!
+ Class is primarily a controller for the networking/game events.
+ Visuals are handled by CogdoMazeGame instead.
+ """
+ notify = directNotify.newCategory("DistCogdoMazeGame")
+ def __init__(self, cr):
+ DistributedMinigame.__init__(self, cr)
+ = CogdoMazeGame(self)
+ def load(self):
+ DistributedMinigame.load(self)
+ self._remoteActionEventName = self.uniqueName("doAction")
+ def unload(self):
+ DistributedMinigame.unload(self)
+ def onstage(self):
+ DistributedMinigame.onstage(self)
+ def offstage(self):
+ DistributedMinigame.offstage(self)
+ # broadcast
+ def setGameReady(self):
+ if DistributedMinigame.setGameReady(self):
+ return
+ # broadcast
+ def setGameStart(self, timestamp):
+ DistributedMinigame.setGameStart(self, timestamp)
+ # broadcast
+ def setGameExit(self):
+ DistributedMinigame.setGameExit(self)
+ # required broadcast ram
+ def setLocks(self, toonIds, spawnPointsX, spawnPointsY):
+ self.lockInfoList = []
+ self.locksInfo = {}
+ for i in range(len(toonIds)):
+ lockInfo = CogdoMazeLockInfo(toonIds[i], spawnPointsX[i], spawnPointsY[i])
+ self.lockInfoList.append(lockInfo)
+ self.locksInfo[lockInfo.toonId] = lockInfo
+ def d_sendRequestAction(self, action, data):
+ self.sendUpdate("requestAction", [action, data])
+ # broadcast
+ def doAction(self, action, data):
+ self.notify.debugCall()
+ assert action in CogdoMazeGameGlobals.GameActions
+ if data == base.localAvatar.doId: return
+ messenger.send(self._remoteActionEventName, [action, data])
+ def getTitle(self):
+ return "Cogdominium Maze Game"
+ def getInstructions(self):
+ return ""
+ def getRemoteActionEventName(self):
+ return self._remoteActionEventName
+from toontown.minigame.Maze import Maze
+class CogdoMazeGame(DirectObject):
+ """
+ Handles the visuals/looks of the cogdo maze game
+ """
+ notify = directNotify.newCategory("CogdoMazeGame")
+ UPDATE_TASK_NAME = "CogdoMazeGameUpdate"
+ def __init__(self, distGame):
+ self.distGame = distGame
+ def load(self):
+ self.maze = Maze(CogdoMazeGameGlobals.TempMazeFile)
+ #self.maze.maze.setColorScale(0.0, 0, 5.0, 1.0)
+ self.maze.setScale(2, 1.75)
+ self.guiMgr = CogdoMazeGuiManager(self.maze)
+ self.audioMgr = CogdoMazeAudioManager()
+ self.toonId2Door = {}
+ self.keyIdToKey = {}
+ self.players = []
+ self.toonId2Player = {}
+ self.lockId2Lock = {}
+ self.localPlayer = CogdoMazeLocalPlayer(len(self.players), base.localAvatar, self, self.guiMgr)
+ self._addPlayer(self.localPlayer)
+ # TEMP...
+ self.sprites = loader.loadModel("cogdominium/mazeSprites.egg")
+ # Create door
+ pos = self.maze.tile2world(int(self.maze.width / 2), self.maze.height - 1)
+ gridPos = self.maze.world2tile(pos[0], pos[1])
+ # TEMP
+ openDoorModel = self.sprites.find("**/door_open")
+ openDoorModel.setScale(8)
+ openDoorModel.setZ(0.25)
+ closedDoorModel = self.sprites.find("**/door_closed")
+ closedDoorModel.setScale(8)
+ closedDoorModel.setZ(0.25)
+ self.door = CogdoMazeDoor(closedDoorModel, openDoorModel)
+ self.door.setPosition(pos[0], pos[1] - 0.05)
+ self.door.offstage()
+ self.guiMgr.mazeMapGui.addDoor(gridPos[0], gridPos[1], VBase4(1, 1, 1, 1))
+ # load key model, keys will be placed when everyone's there
+ self.fuseModels = (
+ self.sprites.find("**/fuse_white"),
+ self.sprites.find("**/fuse_blue"),
+ self.sprites.find("**/fuse_yellow"),
+ self.sprites.find("**/fuse_red"),
+ )
+ for fuse in self.fuseModels:
+ fuse.setScale(2)
+ fuse.setBillboardPointEye()
+ self.fuseBoxModels = (
+ (self.sprites.find("**/fusebox_white"), self.sprites.find("**/fusebox_white_plugged")),
+ (self.sprites.find("**/fusebox_blue"), self.sprites.find("**/fusebox_blue_plugged")),
+ (self.sprites.find("**/fusebox_yellow"), self.sprites.find("**/fusebox_yellow_plugged")),
+ (self.sprites.find("**/fusebox_red"), self.sprites.find("**/fusebox_red_plugged")),
+ )
+ for fuseBox in self.fuseBoxModels:
+ fuseBox[0].setScale(4)
+ fuseBox[1].setScale(4)
+ #self._initFog()
+ self.accept(self.distGame.getRemoteActionEventName(), self.handleRemoteAction)
+ def unload(self):
+ self.__stopUpdateTask()
+ self.ignoreAll()
+ #self._destroyFog()
+ self.maze.destroy()
+ del self.maze
+ self.door.destroy()
+ del self.door
+ for key in self.keyIdToKey.values():
+ key.destroy()
+ del self.keyIdToKey
+ self.audioMgr.destroy()
+ del self.audioMgr
+ self.guiMgr.destroy()
+ del self.guiMgr
+ self.sprites.removeNode()
+ del self.sprites
+ del self.players
+ del self.toonId2Player
+ del self.localPlayer
+ def _initFog(self):
+ self.fog = Fog("MazeFog")
+ self.fog.setColor(VBase4(0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1.0))
+ self.fog.setLinearRange(0.0, 100.0)
+ self._renderFog = render.getFog()
+ render.setFog(self.fog)
+ def _destroyFog(self):
+ render.clearFog()
+ del self.fog
+ del self._renderFog
+ def onstage(self):
+ self.door.onstage()
+ self.maze.onstage()
+ self.placePlayer(self.localPlayer)
+ self.localPlayer.ready()
+ self.localPlayer.onstage()
+ def offstage(self):
+ self.maze.offstage()
+ self.door.offstage()
+ self.localPlayer.offstage()
+ def ready(self):
+ # Initialize remote players
+ for avId in self.distGame.remoteAvIdList:
+ toon = self.distGame.getAvatar(avId)
+ if toon is not None:
+ player = CogdoMazePlayer(len(self.players), toon)
+ self._addPlayer(player)
+ self.placePlayer(player)
+ player.ready()
+ assert len(self.distGame.lockInfoList) <= CogdoMazeGameGlobals.LockColors
+ # Initialize locks and keys
+ for i in range(len(self.distGame.lockInfoList)):
+ lockInfo = self.distGame.lockInfoList[i]
+ toon =[lockInfo.toonId]
+ color = CogdoMazeGameGlobals.LockColors[i]
+ pos = self.maze.tile2world(lockInfo.tileX, lockInfo.tileY)
+ player = self.toonId2Player[lockInfo.toonId]
+ # Create and place locks
+ lock = CogdoMazeLock(i, lockInfo.toonId, self.fuseBoxModels[i][0], self.fuseBoxModels[i][1], color, pos[0], pos[1] + 1)
+ self.door.addLock(lock)
+ self.guiMgr.mazeMapGui.addLock(lockInfo.tileX, lockInfo.tileY, color)
+ # Create and place keys
+ key = CogdoMazeKey(lockInfo.toonId, self.fuseModels[i], color)
+ self.keyIdToKey[] = key
+ lock.setKey(key)
+ player.holdKey(key)
+ if toon == self.localPlayer.toon:
+ self.lockColorIndex = i
+ def start(self):
+ self.accept(self.door.enterCollisionEventName, self.handleDoorCollision)
+ for lock in self.door.getLocks():
+ self.accept(lock.enterCollisionEventName, self.handleLockCollision)
+ self.__startUpdateTask()
+ self.localPlayer.enable()
+ if __debug__:
+ self.acceptOnce("escape", self.distGame.d_requestExit)
+ self.acceptOnce("home", self.guiMgr.revealMazeMap)
+ self.guiMgr.displayNotification("Find the %s fusebox!" % CogdoMazeGameGlobals.LockNames[self.lockColorIndex])
+ self.audioMgr.playMusic("normal")
+ def exit(self):
+ if __debug__:
+ self.ignore("escape")
+ self.ignore("home")
+ self.ignore(self.door.enterCollisionEventName)
+ for lock in self.door.getLocks():
+ self.ignore(lock.enterCollisionEventName)
+ self.__stopUpdateTask()
+ self.localPlayer.disable()
+ def _addPlayer(self, player):
+ self.players.append(player)
+ self.toonId2Player[player.toon.doId] = player
+ self.guiMgr.mazeMapGui.addPlayer(0, 0,
+ def _removePlayer(self, player):
+ self.players.remove(player)
+ self.players.remove(player.toon.doId)
+ def __startUpdateTask(self):
+ self.__stopUpdateTask()
+ taskMgr.add(self.__updateTask, CogdoMazeGame.UPDATE_TASK_NAME, 45)
+ def __stopUpdateTask(self):
+ taskMgr.remove(CogdoMazeGame.UPDATE_TASK_NAME)
+ def __updateTask(self, task):
+ self.localPlayer.update()
+ for player in self.players:
+ curTX, curTY = self.maze.world2tile(player.toon.getX(), player.toon.getY())
+ self.guiMgr.updateMazeMapPlayer(, curTX, curTY)
+ return Task.cont
+ def placePlayer(self, player):
+ i = self.distGame.avIdList.index(player.toon.doId)
+ pos = self.maze.tile2world(int(self.maze.width / 2), 2)
+ player.toon.setPos(
+ pos[0] + i * self.maze.cellWidth,
+ pos[1],
+ 0
+ )
+ def handleRemoteAction(self, action, data):
+ if action == CogdoMazeGameGlobals.GameActions.Unlock:
+ self.toonUnlocks(data)
+ if action == CogdoMazeGameGlobals.GameActions.RevealDoor:
+ self.toonRevealsDoor(data)
+ if action == CogdoMazeGameGlobals.GameActions.RevealLock:
+ self.toonRevealsLock(data)
+ elif action == CogdoMazeGameGlobals.GameActions.GameOver:
+ self.distGame.gameOver()
+ def toonRevealsDoor(self, toonId):
+ self.door.revealed = True
+ message = None
+ nextMessage = None
+ if toonId == self.localPlayer.toon.doId:
+ message = "You found the elevator door!"
+ if self.localPlayer.hasKey():
+ nextMessage = "Find the %s fusebox\nto help open the elevator." % CogdoMazeGameGlobals.LockNames[self.lockColorIndex]
+ else:
+ toon = self.distGame.getAvatar(toonId)
+ message = "%s found the elevator door!" % toon.getName()
+ if message is not None:
+ self.guiMgr.displayNotification(message, nextMessage)
+ def toonRevealsLock(self, toonId):
+ if toonId == self.localPlayer.toon.doId:
+ self.guiMgr.displayNotification("Someone found your fusebox!", "Go to the %s fusebox!" % CogdoMazeGameGlobals.LockNames[self.lockColorIndex])
+ def toonEntersDoor(self, toonId):
+ player = self.toonId2Player[toonId]
+ player.disable()
+ self.door.playerEntersDoor(player)
+ message = None
+ if self.door.getPlayerCount() == len(self.players):
+ message = ""
+ else:
+ message = "Waiting for %d toons to get to elevator door..." % (len(self.players) - self.door.getPlayerCount())
+ if message is not None:
+ self.guiMgr.displayNotification(message)
+ def toonUnlocks(self, toonId):
+ player = self.toonId2Player[toonId]
+ self.door.unlock(player.getKey()
+ key = self.toonId2Player[toonId].dropKey()
+ key.offstage()
+ if player == self.localPlayer:
+ self.audioMgr.playSfx("fusePlaced")
+ if not self.door.isLocked():
+ self.audioMgr.playSfx("doorOpen")
+ message = None
+ nextMessage = None
+ if not self.door.isLocked():
+ message = "All the fuseboxes are fixed!"
+ nextMessage = "Find the elevator door!"
+ elif self.door.isLocked() and player == self.localPlayer:
+ message = "Help your friends find the other fuseboxes!"
+ else:
+ if player == self.localPlayer:
+ message = "Good job! Now, find the exit!"
+ #elif self.localPlayer.getKey() == key:
+ #message = "[name] found your fusebox! Go to the [color] fusebox!"
+ if message is not None:
+ self.guiMgr.displayNotification(message, nextMessage)
+ def handleLockCollision(self, collEntry):
+ assert self.notify.debugCall()
+ intoNodePath = collEntry.getIntoNodePath()
+ intoName = intoNodePath.getName()
+ nameParts = intoName.split("-")
+ assert len(nameParts) > 1
+ id = int(nameParts[1])
+ lock = self.door.getLock(id)
+ if self.localPlayer.hasKey():
+ key = self.localPlayer.getKey()
+ if lock == key.lock:
+ self.toonUnlocks(self.localPlayer.toon.doId)
+ self.distGame.d_sendRequestAction(CogdoMazeGameGlobals.GameActions.Unlock, id)
+ else:
+ self.toonRevealsLock(lock.toonId)
+ self.distGame.d_sendRequestAction(CogdoMazeGameGlobals.GameActions.RevealLock, lock.toonId)
+ def handleDoorCollision(self, collEntry):
+ assert self.notify.debugCall()
+ if not self.door.revealed:
+ if self.localPlayer.hasKey():
+ self.toonRevealsDoor(self.localPlayer.toon.doId)
+ self.distGame.d_sendRequestAction(CogdoMazeGameGlobals.GameActions.RevealDoor, 0)
+ if not self.localPlayer.hasKey():
+ self.toonEntersDoor(self.localPlayer.toon.doId)
+ self.distGame.d_sendRequestAction(CogdoMazeGameGlobals.GameActions.EnterDoor, 0)
+ def doMazeCollisions(self, oldPos, newPos):
+ # we will calculate an offset vector that
+ # keeps the toon out of the walls
+ offset = newPos - oldPos
+ # toons can only get this close to walls
+ # make sure we're not in a wall already
+ curX = oldPos[0]; curY = oldPos[1]
+ curTX, curTY = self.maze.world2tile(curX, curY)
+ assert(not self.maze.collisionTable[curTY][curTX])
+ def calcFlushCoord(curTile, newTile, centerTile):
+ # calculates resulting one-dimensional coordinate,
+ # given that the object is moving from curTile to
+ # newTile, where newTile is a wall
+ EPSILON = 0.01
+ if newTile > curTile:
+ return ((newTile-centerTile)*self.maze.cellWidth)\
+ else:
+ return ((curTile-centerTile)*self.maze.cellWidth)+WALL_OFFSET
+ offsetX = offset[0]; offsetY = offset[1]
+ if offsetX < 0:
+ if offsetY < 0:
+ # check movement in X direction
+ newX = curX + offsetX + WALL_OFFSET_X; newY = curY
+ newTX, newTY = self.maze.world2tile(newX, newY)
+ if newTX != curTX:
+ # we've crossed a tile boundary
+ if self.maze.collisionTable[newTY][newTX]:
+ # there's a wall
+ # adjust the X offset so that the toon
+ # hits the wall exactly
+ offset.setX(calcFlushCoord(curTX, newTX,
+ self.maze.originTX)-curX)
+ newX = curX; newY = curY + offsetY + WALL_OFFSET_Y
+ newTX, newTY = self.maze.world2tile(newX, newY)
+ if newTY != curTY:
+ # we've crossed a tile boundary
+ if self.maze.collisionTable[newTY][newTX]:
+ # there's a wall
+ # adjust the Y offset so that the toon
+ # hits the wall exactly
+ offset.setY(calcFlushCoord(curTY, newTY,
+ self.maze.originTY)-curY)
+ # at this point, if our new position is in a wall, we're
+ # running right into a protruding corner:
+ #
+ # \
+ # ###
+ # ###
+ # ###
+ #
+ offsetX = offset[0]; offsetY = offset[1]
+ newX = curX + offsetX + WALL_OFFSET_X
+ newY = curY + offsetY + WALL_OFFSET_Y
+ newTX, newTY = self.maze.world2tile(newX, newY)
+ if self.maze.collisionTable[newTY][newTX]:
+ # collide in only one of the dimensions
+ cX = calcFlushCoord(curTX, newTX, self.maze.originTX)
+ cY = calcFlushCoord(curTY, newTY, self.maze.originTY)
+ if (abs(cX - curX) < abs(cY - curY)):
+ offset.setX(cX - curX)
+ else:
+ offset.setY(cY - curY)
+ return oldPos + offset
+class CogdoMazeDoor:
+ def __init__(self, closedDoorModel, openDoorModel):
+ self.model = NodePath("CogdoMazeDoor")
+ self.model.setPos(0, 0, 0)
+ self.model.reparentTo(render)
+ self.closedDoorModel = closedDoorModel
+ self.closedDoorModel.reparentTo(self.model)
+ self.openDoorModel = openDoorModel
+ self.openDoorModel.reparentTo(self.model)
+ self.openDoorModel.stash()
+ self.lockId2lock = {}
+ self._open = False
+ self.revealed = False
+ self.players = []
+ self._initCollisions()
+ def setPosition(self, x, y):
+ self.model.setPos(x, y, 2.5)
+ def _initCollisions(self):
+ name = "CogdoMazeDoor"
+ collSphere = CollisionSphere(0, 0, 0.0, 0.25)
+ collSphere.setTangible(0)
+ collNode = CollisionNode(name)
+ collNode.setFromCollideMask(ToontownGlobals.CatchGameBitmask)
+ collNode.addSolid(collSphere)
+ self.collNP = self.model.attachNewNode(collNode)
+ self.enterCollisionEventName = "enter" + name
+ def destroy(self):
+ self.model.removeNode()
+ del self.model
+ del self.openDoorModel
+ del self.closedDoorModel
+ for lock in self.lockId2lock.values():
+ lock.destroy()
+ del self.lockId2lock
+ def onstage(self):
+ self.model.unstash()
+ def offstage(self):
+ self.model.stash()
+ def open(self):
+ self._open = True
+ self.closedDoorModel.stash()
+ self.openDoorModel.unstash()
+ def close(self):
+ self._open = False
+ self.closedDoorModel.unstash()
+ self.openDoorModel.stash()
+ def addLock(self, lock):
+ self.lockId2lock[] = lock
+ def unlock(self, lockId):
+ lock = self.lockId2lock.get(lockId)
+ if lock is not None and lock.isLocked():
+ lock.unlock()
+ return True
+ return False
+ def getLocks(self):
+ return self.lockId2lock.values()
+ def getLock(self, lockId):
+ return self.lockId2lock.get(lockId)
+ def isLocked(self):
+ return True in [lock.isLocked() for lock in self.lockId2lock.values()]
+ def playerEntersDoor(self, player):
+ self.players.append(player)
+ def getPlayerCount(self):
+ return len(self.players)
+class CogdoMazeLock:
+ def __init__(self, id, toonId, model, pluggedModel, color, x=0, y=0):
+ = id
+ self.toonId = toonId
+ self.model = model
+ self.pluggedModel = pluggedModel
+ self.model.reparentTo(render)
+ self.pluggedModel.reparentTo(render)
+ self.pluggedModel.stash()
+ self.setPosition(x, y)
+ self._locked = True
+ self.key = None
+ self.revealed = False
+ self._initCollisions()
+ def destroy(self):
+ self.model.removeNode()
+ del self.model
+ self.pluggedModel.removeNode()
+ del self.pluggedModel
+ def onstage(self):
+ if self._locked:
+ self.model.unstash()
+ else:
+ self.pluggedModel.unstash()
+ def offstage(self):
+ self.model.stash()
+ self.pluggedModel.stash()
+ def _initCollisions(self):
+ name = "CogdoMazeLock-%d" %
+ collSphere = CollisionSphere(0, 0, 0.0, 0.25)
+ collSphere.setTangible(0)
+ collNode = CollisionNode(name)
+ collNode.setFromCollideMask(ToontownGlobals.CatchGameBitmask)
+ collNode.addSolid(collSphere)
+ self.model.attachNewNode(collNode)
+ self.enterCollisionEventName = "enter" + name
+ def unlock(self):
+ self.pluggedModel.unstash()
+ self.model.stash()
+ self._locked = False
+ def isLocked(self):
+ return self._locked
+ def setPosition(self, x, y, z=2.5):
+ self.model.setPos(x, y-0.1, z)
+ self.pluggedModel.setPos(self.model, 0, 0, 0)
+ def setKey(self, key):
+ self.key = key
+ self.key.setLock(self)
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from pandac.PandaModules import CollisionSphere, CollisionNode
+class CogdoMazeKey:
+ def __init__(self, id, model, color):
+ = id
+ self.model = model
+ self.model.setPos(0, 0, 0)
+ self.model.reparentTo(render)
+ #self.model.setColor(color)
+ self._playerWhoPickedItUp = None
+ self.lock = None
+ def destroy(self):
+ self.model.removeNode()
+ del self.model
+ def onstage(self):
+ self.model.unstash()
+ def offstage(self):
+ self.model.stash()
+ def setPosition(self, x, y, z=0):
+ self.model.setPos(x, y, z)
+ def heldByPlayer(self, player):
+ self._playerWhoPickedItUp = player
+ self.enable()
+ def drop(self):
+ self.model.wrtReparentTo(render)
+ self.model.setZ(0)
+ self._playerWhoPickedItUp = None
+ def disable(self):
+ self.model.setAlphaScale(0.5)
+ def enable(self):
+ self.model.setAlphaScale(1.0)
+ def setLock(self, lock):
+ self.lock = lock
+from direct.fsm.FSM import FSM
+class CogdoMazePlayer(FSM):
+ """
+ Controls the animation state of a player toon in the cogdo maze game.
+ """
+ _key = None
+ def __init__(self, id, toon):
+ = id
+ self.toon = toon
+ def ready(self):
+ self.toon.reparentTo(render)
+ self.toon.setAnimState('Happy', 1.0)
+ self.toon.setSpeed(0, 0)
+ self.toon.startSmooth()
+ def holdKey(self, key):
+ if self._key is None:
+ self._key = key
+ self._key.heldByPlayer(self)
+ self._key.model.reparentTo(self.toon)
+ self._key.model.setPos(0, 0, self.toon.getHeight() + 2)
+ def dropKey(self):
+ key = None
+ if self._key is not None:
+ key = self._key
+ self._key.drop()
+ self._key = None
+ return key
+ def hasKey(self):
+ return self._key is not None
+ def getKey(self):
+ return self._key
+from direct.task.Task import Task
+from toontown.minigame.OrthoDrive import OrthoDrive
+from toontown.minigame.OrthoWalk import OrthoWalk
+class CogdoMazeLocalPlayer(CogdoMazePlayer):
+ """
+ Controls input, gui, and camera for a local player in the maze game.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, id, toon, game, guiMgr):
+ CogdoMazePlayer.__init__(self, id, toon)
+ = game
+ self.guiMgr = guiMgr
+ self.cameraMgr = CogdoMazeCameraManager(self.toon,, camera, render)
+ self.enabled = False
+ def onstage(self):
+ self.toon.hideName()
+ self.cameraMgr.enable()
+ self.update()
+ def offstage(self):
+ self.disable()
+ self.cameraMgr.disable()
+ self.toon.showName()
+ def enable(self):
+ if self.enabled: return
+ orthoDrive = OrthoDrive(
+ CogdoMazeGameGlobals.ToonRunSpeed,
+ maxFrameMove=( / 2),
+ )
+ self.orthoWalk = OrthoWalk(
+ orthoDrive,
+ broadcast=not
+ )
+ self.orthoWalk.start()
+ self.guiMgr.showTimer(CogdoMazeGameGlobals.GameDuration, self.disable)
+ self.enabled = True
+ def disable(self):
+ if not self.enabled: return
+ self.guiMgr.hideTimer()
+ self.orthoWalk.stop()
+ self.orthoWalk.destroy()
+ del self.orthoWalk
+ self.enabled = False
+ def update(self):
+ self.cameraMgr.update()
+import math
+from direct.showbase.PythonUtil import bound as clamp
+from pandac.PandaModules import VBase3
+class CogdoMazeCameraManager:
+ def __init__(self, toon, maze, cam, root):
+ self.toon = toon
+ self.maze = maze
+ = cam
+ self.root = root
+ self.minPos = self.maze.tile2world(3, 4)
+ self.maxPos = self.maze.tile2world(self.maze.width-3, self.maze.height-2)
+ def enable(self):
+ self.parent = render.attachNewNode('GameCamParent')
+ self.parent.reparentTo(self.root)
+ self.parent.setPos(self.toon, 0, 0, 0)
+ self.parent.setHpr(self.root, 0, 0, 0)
+ self.setCameraOffset(
+ CogdoMazeGameGlobals.OverheadCameraAngle,
+ CogdoMazeGameGlobals.OverheadCameraDistance)
+ def setCameraOffset(self, radAngle, distance):
+ 0,
+ -math.cos(radAngle) * distance,
+ math.sin(radAngle) * distance
+ ))
+ def disable(self):
+ self.parent.removeNode()
+ del self.parent
+ def update(self):
+ toonPos = self.toon.getPos()
+ self.parent.setPos(
+ self.toon.getParent(),
+ clamp(toonPos.getX(), self.minPos[0], self.maxPos[0]),
+ clamp(toonPos.getY(), self.minPos[1], self.maxPos[1]),
+ 0
+ )
+from direct.gui.OnscreenText import OnscreenText
+from pandac.PandaModules import TextNode
+from toontown.toonbase.ToontownTimer import ToontownTimer
+class CogdoMazeHud:
+ NEXT_NOTIFICATION_TASK_NAME = "CogdoMazeHud_NextNotification"
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._initNotificationText()
+ def _initNotificationText(self):
+ self._notificationText = OnscreenText(
+ text="",
+ font=ToontownGlobals.getSignFont(),
+ pos=(0, -0.8),
+ scale=0.11,
+ fg=(1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0),
+ align=TextNode.ACenter,
+ mayChange=True,
+ )
+ self._notificationText.hide()
+ def destroy(self):
+ self._stopDelayedNotification()
+ self._notificationText.removeNode()
+ del self._notificationText
+ def displayNotification(self, messageText, nextMessageText=None):
+ assert messageText is not None
+ self._stopDelayedNotification()
+ self._notificationText["text"] = messageText
+ if nextMessageText is not None:
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(
+ len(messageText) / CogdoMazeHud.LETTERS_PER_SECOND,
+ self.displayNotification,
+ extraArgs=[nextMessageText]
+ )
+ def _stopDelayedNotification(self):
+ taskMgr.remove(CogdoMazeHud.NEXT_NOTIFICATION_TASK_NAME)
+class CogdoMazeGuiManager:
+ def __init__(self, maze):
+ self.maze = maze
+ self.mazeMapGui = MazeMapGui(self.maze.collisionTable)
+ self.mazeMapGui.setScale(.25)
+ self.mazeMapGui.setPos(1.07, 0.0, 0.73)
+ self.hud = CogdoMazeHud()
+ self.timer = None
+ def _initTimer(self):
+ self.timer = ToontownTimer()
+ self.timer.hide()
+ self.timer.setPos(1.16, 0, -0.83)
+ def destroy(self):
+ self.hud.destroy()
+ self.hud = None
+ self.destroyMazeMap()
+ self.destroyTimer()
+ def destroyMazeMap(self):
+ if hasattr(self, "mazeMapGui") and self.mazeMapGui is not None:
+ self.mazeMapGui.destroy()
+ del self.mazeMapGui
+ def destroyTimer(self):
+ if self.timer is not None:
+ self.timer.stop()
+ self.timer.destroy()
+ self.timer = None
+ def updateMazeMapPlayer(self, player, tileX, tileY):
+ self.mazeMapGui.revealCell(tileX, tileY, player)
+ def revealMazeMap(self):
+ self.mazeMapGui.revealAll()
+ def addPlayerToMazeMap(self, keyTilePos, doorTilePos, color):
+ self.mazeMapGui.addPlayer(0, 0, color)
+ self.mazeMapGui.addKey(keyTilePos[0], keyTilePos[1], color)
+ self.mazeMapGui.addDoor(doorTilePos[0], doorTilePos[1], color)
+ def showTimer(self, duration, timerExpiredCallback=None):
+ if self.timer is None:
+ self._initTimer()
+ self.timer.setTime(duration)
+ self.timer.countdown(duration, timerExpiredCallback)
+ def hideTimer(self):
+ assert hasattr(self, "timer") and self.timer is not None
+ self.timer.hide()
+ self.timer.stop()
+ def displayNotification(self, message, nextMessage=None):
+ self.hud.displayNotification(message, nextMessage)
+ #messenger.send(CogdoMazeAudioManager.PLAY_SFX_EVENT, ["notification"])
+class CogdoMazeAudioManager(DirectObject):
+ PLAY_SFX_EVENT = "CogdoMazeAudioManager_PlaySfx"
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.currentMusic = None
+ = {}
+ for name, file in CogdoMazeGameGlobals.MusicFiles.items():
+[name] = base.loadMusic(file)
+ self.sfx = {}
+ for name, file in CogdoMazeGameGlobals.SfxFiles.items():
+ self.sfx[name] = loader.loadSfx(file)
+ self.accept(CogdoMazeAudioManager.PLAY_SFX_EVENT, self.playSfx)
+ def destroy(self):
+ self.stopAll()
+ self.ignoreAll()
+ def stopMusic(self):
+ if self.currentMusic is not None:
+ self.currentMusic.stop()
+ def playMusic(self, name):
+ assert name in
+ if self.currentMusic is not None:
+ self.stopMusic()
+ self.currentMusic =[name]
+ self.currentMusic.setTime(0.0)
+ self.currentMusic.setLoop(True)
+ def playSfx(self, name):
+ assert name in self.sfx.keys()
+ self.sfx[name].play()
+ def stopAll(self):
+ self.stopMusic()
diff --git a/toontown/src/cogdominium/ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0fa2113
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+@author: Schell Games
+import random
+from direct.task.Task import Task
+from toontown.minigame.DistributedMinigameAI import DistributedMinigameAI
+from toontown.minigame.DistributedMinigameAI import EXITED, EXPECTED, JOINED, READY
+import CogdoMazeGameGlobals
+from CogdoMazeGameGlobals import CogdoMazeLockInfo
+from direct.fsm.FSM import FSM
+class DistCogdoMazeGameAI(DistributedMinigameAI, FSM):
+ """
+ Maze Cogdominium Minigame AI Distributed Object!
+ """
+ notify = directNotify.newCategory("DistCogdoMazeGameAI")
+ TIMER_EXPIRED_TASK_NAME = "CogdoMazeGameTimerExpired"
+ def __init__(self, air, id):
+ try:
+ self.DistMazeCogdoGameAI_initialized
+ except:
+ self.DistMazeCogdoGameAI_initialized = 1
+ DistributedMinigameAI.__init__(self, air, id)
+ self.toonsInDoor = []
+ def delete(self):
+ DistributedMinigameAI.delete(self)
+ taskMgr.remove(self.taskName(DistCogdoMazeGameAI.TIMER_EXPIRED_TASK_NAME))
+ def _initLocks(self):
+ self.locks = {}
+ data = CogdoMazeGameGlobals.TempMazeData
+ width = data["width"]
+ height = data["height"]
+ positions = self._getLockPositions(data, width, height)
+ for i in range(len(self.avIdList)):
+ self._addLock(self.avIdList[i], positions[i][0], positions[i][1])
+ def _getLockPositions(self, data, width, height):
+ """
+ Splits the maze into 4, shuffles the quadrants, and picks random spots
+ to place the locks.
+ @return: list of (tileX, tileY) tuples with the positions of the locks
+ """
+ halfWidth = int(width / 2)
+ halfHeight = int(height / 2)
+ # 1. Split the maze into 4 quadrants
+ quadrants = [
+ # (x0, y0, x1, y1)
+ (0, 0, halfWidth - 2, halfHeight - 2),
+ (halfWidth + 2, 0, width - 1, halfHeight - 2),
+ (0, halfHeight + 2, halfWidth - 2, height - 1),
+ (halfWidth + 2, halfHeight + 2, width - 1, height - 1)
+ ]
+ # 2. Shuffle the quadrant order
+ random.shuffle(quadrants)
+ positions = []
+ # 3. pick random available spots, populate list
+ for i in range(len(self.avIdList)):
+ quadrant = quadrants[i]
+ tX = -1
+ tY = -1
+ while tX < 0 or data["collisionTable"][tY][tX] == 1:
+ tX = random.randint(quadrant[0], quadrant[2])
+ tY = random.randint(quadrant[1], quadrant[3])
+ positions.append((tX, tY))
+ return positions
+ def _addLock(self, toonId, tX, tY):
+ lock = CogdoMazeLockInfo(toonId, tX, tY)
+ self.locks[toonId] = lock
+ # getter (required broadcast ram)
+ def getLocks(self):
+ toonIds = []
+ spawnPointsX = []
+ spawnPointsY = []
+ for lock in self.locks.values():
+ toonIds.append(lock.toonId)
+ spawnPointsX.append(lock.tileX)
+ spawnPointsY.append(lock.tileY)
+ return toonIds, spawnPointsX, spawnPointsY
+ def setExpectedAvatars(self, avIds):
+ DistributedMinigameAI.setExpectedAvatars(self, avIds)
+ self._initLocks()
+ def areAllPlayersReady(self):
+ return False not in [(state == READY) for state in self.stateDict.values()]
+ def setGameStart(self, timestamp):
+ DistributedMinigameAI.setGameStart(self, timestamp)
+ self.enterPlay()
+ def timerExpiredTask(self, task):
+ self.notify.debugCall()
+ self.gameOver()
+ self.d_broadcastDoAction(CogdoMazeGameGlobals.GameActions.GameOver)
+ return Task.done
+ def gameOver(self):
+ self.exitPlay()
+ DistributedMinigameAI.gameOver(self)
+ def isDoorLocked(self):
+ return True in [lock.locked for lock in self.locks.values()]
+ def areAllToonsInDoor(self):
+ return len(self.avIdList) == len(self.toonsInDoor)
+ def validateSenderId(self, senderId):
+ if senderId in self.avIdList:
+ return True
+ # TODO: Report suspicious event
+ return False
+ # airecv clsend
+ def requestAction(self, action, data):
+ self.notify.debugCall()
+ senderId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender()
+ if not self.validateSenderId(senderId):
+ return False
+ if action == CogdoMazeGameGlobals.GameActions.Unlock:
+ if self.locks[senderId].locked:
+ self.locks[senderId].locked = False
+ self.d_broadcastDoAction(action, senderId)
+ else:
+ pass # TODO: Suspicious event...
+ elif action == CogdoMazeGameGlobals.GameActions.EnterDoor:
+ if senderId not in self.toonsInDoor:
+ self.toonsInDoor.append(senderId)
+ self.d_broadcastDoAction(action, senderId)
+ if self.areAllToonsInDoor():
+ self.gameOver()
+ self.d_broadcastDoAction(CogdoMazeGameGlobals.GameActions.GameOver)
+ else:
+ pass # TODO: Suspicious event...
+ elif action == CogdoMazeGameGlobals.GameActions.RevealDoor:
+ self.d_broadcastDoAction(action, senderId)
+ elif action == CogdoMazeGameGlobals.GameActions.RevealLock:
+ self.d_broadcastDoAction(action, data)
+ else:
+ pass # TODO: Probably report a suspicious event too!
+ def d_broadcastDoAction(self, action, data=0):
+ self.sendUpdate("doAction", [action, data])
+ def enterPlay(self):
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(CogdoMazeGameGlobals.GameDuration,
+ self.timerExpiredTask,
+ self.taskName(DistCogdoMazeGameAI.TIMER_EXPIRED_TASK_NAME))
+ def exitPlay(self):
+ taskMgr.remove(self.taskName(DistCogdoMazeGameAI.TIMER_EXPIRED_TASK_NAME))
diff --git a/toontown/src/cogdominium/ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf3424d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+from toontown.building.DistributedElevatorExt import DistributedElevatorExt
+class DistributedCogdoElevatorExt(DistributedElevatorExt):
+ def getElevatorModel(self):
+ return self.bldg.getCogdoElevatorNodePath()
+ def getBldgDoorOrigin(self):
+ return self.bldg.getCogdoDoorOrigin()
+ def _getDoorsClosedInfo(self):
+ return 'cogdoInterior', 'cogdoInterior'
diff --git a/toontown/src/cogdominium/ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30db8cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from toontown.building.DistributedElevatorExtAI import DistributedElevatorExtAI
+class DistributedCogdoElevatorExtAI(DistributedElevatorExtAI):
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("DistributedCogdoElevatorExtAI")
+ def _createInterior(self):
+ self.bldg.createCogdoInterior()
diff --git a/toontown/src/cogdominium/ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de67f94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+from toontown.building.DistributedElevatorInt import DistributedElevatorInt
+class DistributedCogdoElevatorInt(DistributedElevatorInt):
+ def _getDoorsClosedInfo(self):
+ # return loader, where strings
+ return 'cogdoInterior', 'cogdoInterior'
diff --git a/toontown/src/cogdominium/ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd2b0ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+from toontown.building.DistributedElevatorIntAI import DistributedElevatorIntAI
+class DistributedCogdoElevatorIntAI(DistributedElevatorIntAI):
+ pass
diff --git a/toontown/src/cogdominium/ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d8765f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
@@ -0,0 +1,669 @@
+""" DistributedCogdoInterior module"""
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
+from direct.distributed.ClockDelta import *
+from toontown.building.ElevatorConstants import *
+from toontown.building import ElevatorUtils
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownBattleGlobals
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM, State
+from direct.distributed import DistributedObject
+from direct.fsm import State
+from toontown.battle import BattleBase
+from toontown.hood import ZoneUtil
+from toontown.cogdominium.CogdoLayout import CogdoLayout
+class DistributedCogdoInterior(DistributedObject.DistributedObject):
+ """
+ """
+ if __debug__:
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory(
+ 'DistributedCogdoInterior')
+ id = 0
+ def __init__(self, cr):
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.__init__(self, cr)
+ self.toons = []
+ self.activeIntervals = {}
+ self.openSfx = base.loadSfx("phase_5/audio/sfx/elevator_door_open.mp3")
+ self.closeSfx = base.loadSfx("phase_5/audio/sfx/elevator_door_close.mp3")
+ self.suits = []
+ self.reserveSuits = []
+ self.joiningReserves = []
+ self.distBldgDoId = None
+ # we increment this each time we come out of an elevator:
+ self.currentFloor = -1
+ self.elevatorName = self.__uniqueName('elevator')
+ self.floorModel = None
+ self.elevatorOutOpen = 0
+ # initial cog positions vary based on the cog office model
+ self.BottomFloor_SuitPositions = [
+ Point3(0, 15, 0),
+ Point3(10, 20, 0),
+ Point3(-7, 24, 0),
+ Point3(-10, 0, 0)]
+ self.BottomFloor_SuitHs = [75, 170, -91, -44] # Heading angles
+ self.Cubicle_SuitPositions = [
+ Point3(0, 18, 0),
+ Point3(10, 12, 0),
+ Point3(-9, 11, 0),
+ Point3(-3, 13, 0)]
+ self.Cubicle_SuitHs = [170, 56, -52, 10]
+ self.BossOffice_SuitPositions = [
+ Point3(0, 15, 0),
+ Point3(10, 20, 0),
+ Point3(-10, 6, 0),
+ Point3(-17, 34, 11),
+ ]
+ self.BossOffice_SuitHs = [170, 120, 12, 38]
+ self.waitMusic = base.loadMusic(
+ 'phase_7/audio/bgm/encntr_toon_winning_indoor.mid')
+ self.elevatorMusic = base.loadMusic(
+ 'phase_7/audio/bgm/tt_elevator.mid')
+ self.fsm = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM('DistributedCogdoInterior',
+ [State.State('WaitForAllToonsInside',
+ self.enterWaitForAllToonsInside,
+ self.exitWaitForAllToonsInside,
+ ['Elevator']),
+ State.State('Elevator',
+ self.enterElevator,
+ self.exitElevator,
+ ['Game']),
+ State.State('Game',
+ self.enterGame,
+ self.exitGame,
+ ['Battle']),
+ State.State('Battle',
+ self.enterBattle,
+ self.exitBattle,
+ ['Resting',
+ 'Reward',
+ 'ReservesJoining']),
+ State.State('ReservesJoining',
+ self.enterReservesJoining,
+ self.exitReservesJoining,
+ ['Battle']),
+ State.State('Resting',
+ self.enterResting,
+ self.exitResting,
+ ['Elevator']),
+ State.State('Reward',
+ self.enterReward,
+ self.exitReward,
+ ['Off']),
+ State.State('Off',
+ self.enterOff,
+ self.exitOff,
+ ['Elevator',
+ 'WaitForAllToonsInside',
+ 'Battle']),
+ ],
+ # Initial State
+ 'Off',
+ # Final State
+ 'Off',
+ )
+ # make sure we're in the initial state
+ self.fsm.enterInitialState()
+ def __uniqueName(self, name):
+ += 1
+ return (name + '%d' %
+ def generate(self):
+ """generate(self)
+ This method is called when the DistributedObject is reintroduced
+ to the world, either for the first time or from the cache.
+ """
+ assert(self.notify.debug("generate()"))
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.generate(self)
+ # listen for the generate event, which will be thrown after the
+ # required fields are filled in
+ self.announceGenerateName = self.uniqueName('generate')
+ self.accept(self.announceGenerateName, self.handleAnnounceGenerate)
+ # Load the elevator model
+ self.elevatorModelIn = loader.loadModel(
+ 'phase_5/models/modules/elevator')
+ self.leftDoorIn = self.elevatorModelIn.find('**/left-door')
+ self.rightDoorIn = self.elevatorModelIn.find('**/right-door')
+ self.elevatorModelOut = loader.loadModel(
+ 'phase_5/models/modules/elevator')
+ self.leftDoorOut = self.elevatorModelOut.find('**/left-door')
+ self.rightDoorOut = self.elevatorModelOut.find('**/right-door')
+ def setElevatorLights(self, elevatorModel):
+ """
+ Sets up the lights on the interior elevators to represent the
+ number of floors in the building, and to light up the current
+ floor number.
+ """
+ npc=elevatorModel.findAllMatches("**/floor_light_?;+s")
+ for i in range(npc.getNumPaths()):
+ np=npc.getPath(i)
+ # Get the last character, and make it zero based:
+ floor=int(np.getName()[-1:])-1
+ if (floor == self.currentFloor):
+ np.setColor(LIGHT_ON_COLOR)
+ elif floor < self.layout.getNumGameFloors():
+ if self.isBossFloor(self.currentFloor):
+ np.setColor(LIGHT_ON_COLOR)
+ else:
+ np.setColor(LIGHT_OFF_COLOR)
+ else:
+ np.hide()
+ def handleAnnounceGenerate(self, obj):
+ """
+ handleAnnounceGenerate is called after all of the required fields are
+ filled in
+ 'obj' is another copy of self
+ """
+ self.ignore(self.announceGenerateName)
+ assert(self.notify.debug('joining DistributedCogdoInterior'))
+ # Update the minigame AI to join our local toon doId
+ self.sendUpdate('setAvatarJoined', [])
+ def disable(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('disable()'))
+ self.fsm.requestFinalState()
+ self.__cleanupIntervals()
+ self.ignoreAll()
+ self.__cleanup()
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.disable(self)
+ def delete(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('delete()'))
+ del self.waitMusic
+ del self.elevatorMusic
+ del self.openSfx
+ del self.closeSfx
+ del self.fsm
+ # No more battle multiplier
+ base.localAvatar.inventory.setBattleCreditMultiplier(1)
+ DistributedObject.DistributedObject.delete(self)
+ def isBossFloor(self, floorNum):
+ if self.layout.hasBossBattle():
+ if self.layout.getBossBattleFloor() == floorNum:
+ return True
+ return False
+ def __cleanup(self):
+ self.toons = []
+ self.suits = []
+ self.reserveSuits = []
+ self.joiningReserves = []
+ # Clean up elevator models
+ if (self.elevatorModelIn != None):
+ self.elevatorModelIn.removeNode()
+ if (self.elevatorModelOut != None):
+ self.elevatorModelOut.removeNode()
+ # Clean up current floor
+ if (self.floorModel != None):
+ self.floorModel.removeNode()
+ self.leftDoorIn = None
+ self.rightDoorIn = None
+ self.leftDoorOut = None
+ self.rightDoorOut = None
+ def __addToon(self, toon):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('addToon(%d)' % toon.doId))
+ self.accept(toon.uniqueName('disable'),
+ self.__handleUnexpectedExit, extraArgs=[toon])
+ def __handleUnexpectedExit(self, toon):
+ self.notify.warning('handleUnexpectedExit() - toon: %d' % toon.doId)
+ self.__removeToon(toon, unexpected=1)
+ def __removeToon(self, toon, unexpected=0):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('removeToon() - toon: %d' % toon.doId))
+ if (self.toons.count(toon) == 1):
+ self.toons.remove(toon)
+ self.ignore(toon.uniqueName('disable'))
+ def __finishInterval(self, name):
+ """ Force the specified interval to jump to the end
+ """
+ if (self.activeIntervals.has_key(name)):
+ interval = self.activeIntervals[name]
+ if (interval.isPlaying()):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('finishInterval(): %s' % \
+ interval.getName()))
+ interval.finish()
+ def __cleanupIntervals(self):
+ for interval in self.activeIntervals.values():
+ interval.finish()
+ self.activeIntervals = {}
+ def __closeInElevator(self):
+ self.leftDoorIn.setPos(3.5, 0, 0)
+ self.rightDoorIn.setPos(-3.5, 0, 0)
+ ##### Messages from the server #####
+ def getZoneId(self):
+ return self.zoneId
+ def setZoneId(self, zoneId):
+ self.zoneId = zoneId
+ def getExtZoneId(self):
+ return self.extZoneId
+ def setExtZoneId(self, extZoneId):
+ self.extZoneId = extZoneId
+ def getDistBldgDoId(self):
+ return self.distBldgDoId
+ def setDistBldgDoId(self, distBldgDoId):
+ self.distBldgDoId = distBldgDoId
+ def setNumFloors(self, numFloors):
+ self.layout = CogdoLayout(numFloors)
+ def getToonIds(self):
+ toonIds = []
+ for toon in self.toons:
+ toonIds.append(toon.doId)
+ return toonIds
+ def setToons(self, toonIds, hack):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('setToons(): %s' % toonIds))
+ self.toonIds = toonIds
+ oldtoons = self.toons
+ self.toons = []
+ for toonId in toonIds:
+ if (toonId != 0):
+ if (
+ toon =[toonId]
+ toon.stopSmooth()
+ self.toons.append(toon)
+ if (oldtoons.count(toon) == 0):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('setToons() - new toon: %d' % \
+ toon.doId))
+ self.__addToon(toon)
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning('setToons() - no toon: %d' % toonId)
+ for toon in oldtoons:
+ if (self.toons.count(toon) == 0):
+ self.__removeToon(toon)
+ def setSuits(self, suitIds, reserveIds, values):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('setSuits(): active %s reserve %s values %s' \
+ % (suitIds, reserveIds, values)))
+ oldsuits = self.suits
+ self.suits = []
+ self.joiningReserves = []
+ for suitId in suitIds:
+ if (
+ suit =[suitId]
+ self.suits.append(suit)
+ # Set this on the client
+ suit.fsm.request('Battle')
+ # This will allow client to respond to setState() from the
+ # server from here on out
+ suit.buildingSuit = 1
+ suit.reparentTo(render)
+ if (oldsuits.count(suit) == 0):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('setSuits() suit: %d joining' % \
+ suit.doId))
+ self.joiningReserves.append(suit)
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning('setSuits() - no suit: %d' % suitId)
+ self.reserveSuits = []
+ assert(len(reserveIds) == len(values))
+ for index in range(len(reserveIds)):
+ suitId = reserveIds[index]
+ if (
+ suit =[suitId]
+ self.reserveSuits.append((suit, values[index]))
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning('setSuits() - no suit: %d' % suitId)
+ if (len(self.joiningReserves) > 0):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('setSuits() reserves joining'))
+ self.fsm.request('ReservesJoining')
+ def setState(self, state, timestamp):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("setState(%s, %d)" % \
+ (state, timestamp)))
+ self.fsm.request(state, [globalClockDelta.localElapsedTime(timestamp)])
+ ##### Messages to the server #####
+ def d_elevatorDone(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('network:elevatorDone(%d)' % base.localAvatar.doId))
+ self.sendUpdate('elevatorDone', [])
+ def d_reserveJoinDone(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('network:reserveJoinDone(%d)' % base.localAvatar.doId))
+ self.sendUpdate('reserveJoinDone', [])
+ # Specific State Functions
+ ##### Off state #####
+ def enterOff(self, ts=0):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('enterOff()'))
+ return None
+ def exitOff(self):
+ return None
+ ##### WaitForAllToonsInside state #####
+ def enterWaitForAllToonsInside(self, ts=0):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('enterWaitForAllToonsInside()'))
+ return None
+ def exitWaitForAllToonsInside(self):
+ return None
+ ##### Elevator state #####
+ def __playElevator(self, ts, name, callback):
+ # Load the floor model
+ SuitHs = [] # Heading angles
+ SuitPositions = []
+ if self.floorModel:
+ self.floorModel.removeNode()
+ self.floorModel = None
+ if (self.currentFloor == 0):
+ # bottom floor
+ SuitHs = self.BottomFloor_SuitHs
+ SuitPositions = self.BottomFloor_SuitPositions
+ if self.isBossFloor(self.currentFloor):
+ # Top floor
+ self.floorModel = loader.loadModel('phase_7/models/modules/boss_suit_office')
+ SuitHs = self.BossOffice_SuitHs
+ SuitPositions = self.BossOffice_SuitPositions
+ else:
+ # middle floor
+ SuitHs = self.Cubicle_SuitHs
+ SuitPositions = self.Cubicle_SuitPositions
+ if self.floorModel:
+ self.floorModel.reparentTo(render)
+ # We need to name this something more useful (and we'll need the
+ # location of the opposite elevator as well)
+ elevIn = self.floorModel.find('**/elevator-in')
+ elevOut = self.floorModel.find('**/elevator-out')
+ else:
+ floorModel = loader.loadModel('phase_7/models/modules/boss_suit_office')
+ elevIn = floorModel.find('**/elevator-in').copyTo(render)
+ elevOut = floorModel.find('**/elevator-out').copyTo(render)
+ floorModel.removeNode()
+ # store elevOut until it's needed
+ self.elevOut = elevOut
+ # Position the suits
+ assert(len(self.suits) <= 4)
+ for index in range(len(self.suits)):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('setting suit: %d to pos: %s' % \
+ (self.suits[index].doId, SuitPositions[index])))
+ self.suits[index].setPos(SuitPositions[index])
+ if (len(self.suits) > 2):
+ self.suits[index].setH(SuitHs[index])
+ else:
+ self.suits[index].setH(170) # if there's 2 or 1 suits, make them face fwd since there's no other suits they would be to be talking to
+ self.suits[index].loop('neutral')
+ # Position the toons
+ for toon in self.toons:
+ toon.reparentTo(self.elevatorModelIn)
+ assert(self.toonIds.count(toon.doId) == 1)
+ index = self.toonIds.index(toon.doId)
+ assert(index >= 0 and index <= 3)
+ toon.setPos(ElevatorPoints[index][0],
+ ElevatorPoints[index][1],
+ ElevatorPoints[index][2])
+ toon.setHpr(180, 0, 0)
+ toon.loop('neutral')
+ # Show the elevator and position it in the correct place for the floor
+ self.elevatorModelIn.reparentTo(elevIn)
+ # Start with the doors in closed position
+ self.leftDoorIn.setPos(3.5, 0, 0)
+ self.rightDoorIn.setPos(-3.5, 0, 0)
+ # Position the camera behind the toons
+ camera.reparentTo(self.elevatorModelIn)
+ camera.setH(180)
+ camera.setPos(0, 14, 4)
+ # Play elevator music
+ base.playMusic(self.elevatorMusic, looping=1, volume=0.8)
+ # Ride the elevator, then open the doors.
+ track = Sequence(
+ ElevatorUtils.getRideElevatorInterval(ELEVATOR_NORMAL),
+ ElevatorUtils.getOpenInterval(self, self.leftDoorIn, self.rightDoorIn,
+ self.openSfx, None, type = ELEVATOR_NORMAL),
+ Func(camera.wrtReparentTo, render),
+ )
+ for toon in self.toons:
+ track.append(Func(toon.wrtReparentTo, render))
+ track.append(Func(callback))
+ track.start(ts)
+ self.activeIntervals[name] = track
+ def enterElevator(self, ts=0):
+ # Load model for the current floor and the suit models for the floor
+ assert(self.notify.debug('enterElevator()'))
+ self.currentFloor += 1
+ = self.currentFloor
+ self.setElevatorLights(self.elevatorModelIn)
+ self.setElevatorLights(self.elevatorModelOut)
+ # hide elevator from previous floor (if any)
+ # unless it's the top floor, in that case leave it where it is
+ if not self.isBossFloor(self.currentFloor):
+ self.elevatorModelOut.detachNode()
+ self.__playElevator(ts, self.elevatorName, self.__handleElevatorDone)
+ # Get the floor multiplier
+ mult = ToontownBattleGlobals.getCreditMultiplier(self.currentFloor)
+ # Now set the inventory battleCreditMult
+ base.localAvatar.inventory.setBattleCreditMultiplier(mult)
+ def __handleElevatorDone(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('handleElevatorDone()'))
+ self.d_elevatorDone()
+ def exitElevator(self):
+ self.elevatorMusic.stop()
+ self.__finishInterval(self.elevatorName)
+ return None
+ def enterGame(self, ts=0):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('enterElevator()'))
+ pass
+ def exitGame(self):
+ pass
+ ##### Battle state #####
+ def __playCloseElevatorOut(self, name):
+ # Close the elevator doors
+ track = Sequence(
+ Parallel(SoundInterval(self.closeSfx),
+ LerpPosInterval(self.leftDoorOut,
+ ElevatorData[ELEVATOR_NORMAL]['closeTime'],
+ ElevatorUtils.getLeftClosePoint(ELEVATOR_NORMAL),
+ startPos=Point3(0, 0, 0),
+ blendType='easeOut'),
+ LerpPosInterval(self.rightDoorOut,
+ ElevatorData[ELEVATOR_NORMAL]['closeTime'],
+ ElevatorUtils.getRightClosePoint(ELEVATOR_NORMAL),
+ startPos=Point3(0, 0, 0),
+ blendType='easeOut')
+ ),
+ )
+ track.start()
+ self.activeIntervals[name] = track
+ def enterBattle(self, ts=0):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('enterBattle()'))
+ # now that we're in the barrel room, show the exit elevator
+ # Show the elevator and position it in the correct place for the floor
+ self.elevatorModelOut.reparentTo(self.elevOut)
+ # Start with the doors in closed position
+ self.leftDoorOut.setPos(3.5, 0, 0)
+ self.rightDoorOut.setPos(-3.5, 0, 0)
+ if (self.elevatorOutOpen == 1):
+ self.__playCloseElevatorOut(self.uniqueName('close-out-elevator'))
+ # Watch reserve suits as they walk from the elevator
+ camera.setPos(0, -15, 6)
+ camera.headsUp(self.elevatorModelOut)
+ return None
+ def exitBattle(self):
+ if (self.elevatorOutOpen == 1):
+ self.__finishInterval(self.uniqueName('close-out-elevator'))
+ self.elevatorOutOpen = 0
+ return None
+ ##### ReservesJoining state #####
+ def __playReservesJoining(self, ts, name, callback):
+ # Position the joining suits
+ index = 0
+ assert(len(self.joiningReserves) <= 4)
+ for suit in self.joiningReserves:
+ suit.reparentTo(render)
+ suit.setPos(self.elevatorModelOut, Point3(ElevatorPoints[index][0],
+ ElevatorPoints[index][1],
+ ElevatorPoints[index][2]))
+ index += 1
+ suit.setH(180)
+ suit.loop('neutral')
+ # Aim the camera at the far elevator
+ track = Sequence(
+ Func(camera.wrtReparentTo, self.elevatorModelOut),
+ Func(camera.setPos, Point3(0, -8, 2)),
+ Func(camera.setHpr, Vec3(0, 10, 0)),
+ # Open the elevator doors
+ Parallel(SoundInterval(self.openSfx),
+ LerpPosInterval(self.leftDoorOut,
+ ElevatorData[ELEVATOR_NORMAL]['closeTime'],
+ Point3(0, 0, 0),
+ startPos=ElevatorUtils.getLeftClosePoint(ELEVATOR_NORMAL),
+ blendType='easeOut'),
+ LerpPosInterval(self.rightDoorOut,
+ ElevatorData[ELEVATOR_NORMAL]['closeTime'],
+ Point3(0, 0, 0),
+ startPos=ElevatorUtils.getRightClosePoint(ELEVATOR_NORMAL),
+ blendType='easeOut'),
+ ),
+ # Hold the camera angle for a couple of beats
+ # Reparent the camera to render (enterWaitForInput will
+ # position it properly again by the battle)
+ Func(camera.wrtReparentTo, render),
+ Func(callback),
+ )
+ track.start(ts)
+ self.activeIntervals[name] = track
+ def enterReservesJoining(self, ts=0):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('enterReservesJoining()'))
+ self.__playReservesJoining(ts, self.uniqueName('reserves-joining'),
+ self.__handleReserveJoinDone)
+ return None
+ def __handleReserveJoinDone(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('handleReserveJoinDone()'))
+ self.joiningReserves = []
+ self.elevatorOutOpen = 1
+ self.d_reserveJoinDone()
+ def exitReservesJoining(self):
+ self.__finishInterval(self.uniqueName('reserves-joining'))
+ return None
+ ##### Resting state #####
+ def enterResting(self, ts=0):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('enterResting()'))
+ base.playMusic(self.waitMusic, looping=1, volume=0.7)
+ self.__closeInElevator()
+ return
+ def exitResting(self):
+ self.waitMusic.stop()
+ return
+ ##### Reward state #####
+ def enterReward(self, ts=0):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('enterReward()'))
+ base.localAvatar.b_setParent(ToontownGlobals.SPHidden)
+ request = {
+ "loader": ZoneUtil.getBranchLoaderName(self.extZoneId),
+ "where": ZoneUtil.getToonWhereName(self.extZoneId),
+ "how": "elevatorIn",
+ "hoodId": ZoneUtil.getHoodId(self.extZoneId),
+ "zoneId": self.extZoneId,
+ "shardId": None,
+ "avId": -1,
+ "bldgDoId": self.distBldgDoId
+ }
+ # Presumably, has hung a hook waiting for
+ # this request. I mimicked what DistributedDoor was doing.
+ messenger.send("DSIDoneEvent", [request])
+ return None
+ def exitReward(self):
+ return None
+ ##### Reset state #####
+ #def enterReset(self, ts=0):
+ # assert(self.notify.debug('enterReset()'))
+ # self.__cleanup()
+ # return None
+ #def exitReset(self):
+ # return None
diff --git a/toontown/src/cogdominium/ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33fdb09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
@@ -0,0 +1,829 @@
+from toontown.toonbase.ToontownBattleGlobals import *
+from import *
+from direct.distributed.ClockDelta import *
+from toontown.building.ElevatorConstants import *
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM, State
+from direct.distributed import DistributedObjectAI
+from direct.fsm import State
+from toontown.battle import DistributedBattleBldgAI
+from toontown.battle import BattleBase
+from direct.task import Timer
+from toontown.cogdominium.DistributedCogdoElevatorIntAI import DistributedCogdoElevatorIntAI
+from toontown.cogdominium.CogdoLayout import CogdoLayout
+import copy
+from toontown.cogdominium.DistCogdoCraneGameAI import DistCogdoCraneGameAI
+class DistributedCogdoInteriorAI(DistributedObjectAI.DistributedObjectAI):
+ """
+ DistributedCogdoInteriorAI class:
+ """
+ if __debug__:
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory(
+ 'DistributedCogdoInteriorAI')
+ def __init__(self, air, elevator):
+ self.air = air
+ DistributedObjectAI.DistributedObjectAI.__init__(self, air)
+ self.extZoneId, self.zoneId = elevator.bldg.getExteriorAndInteriorZoneId()
+ self._numFloors = elevator.bldg.planner.numFloors
+ self.layout = elevator.bldg._cogdoLayout
+ assert(len(elevator.seats) == 4)
+ self.avatarExitEvents = []
+ self.toons = []
+ self.toonSkillPtsGained = {}
+ self.toonExp = {}
+ self.toonOrigQuests = {}
+ self.toonItems = {}
+ self.toonOrigMerits = {}
+ self.toonMerits = {}
+ self.toonParts = {}
+ self.helpfulToons = []
+ self.currentFloor = 0
+ self.bldg = elevator.bldg
+ self.elevator = elevator
+ self._game = None
+ self.suits = []
+ self.activeSuits = []
+ self.reserveSuits = []
+ self.joinedReserves = []
+ self.suitsKilled = []
+ self.suitsKilledPerFloor = []
+ self.battle = None
+ self.timer = Timer.Timer()
+ self.responses = {}
+ self.ignoreResponses = 0
+ self.ignoreElevatorDone = 0
+ self.ignoreReserveJoinDone = 0
+ # Register all the toons
+ self.toonIds = copy.copy(elevator.seats)
+ for toonId in self.toonIds:
+ if (toonId != None):
+ self.__addToon(toonId)
+ assert(len(self.toons) > 0)
+ # Build a map of id:(name, style) pairs to have around for the
+ # end in case the toons are successful. These elements are
+ # filled in as each toon registers with the building.
+ self.savedByMap = {}
+ self.fsm = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM(
+ 'DistributedCogdoInteriorAI',
+ [State.State('WaitForAllToonsInside',
+ self.enterWaitForAllToonsInside,
+ self.exitWaitForAllToonsInside,
+ ['Elevator']),
+ State.State('Elevator',
+ self.enterElevator,
+ self.exitElevator,
+ ['Game']),
+ State.State('Game',
+ self.enterGame,
+ self.exitGame,
+ ['Battle']),
+ State.State('Battle',
+ self.enterBattle,
+ self.exitBattle,
+ ['ReservesJoining',
+ 'BattleDone']),
+ State.State('ReservesJoining',
+ self.enterReservesJoining,
+ self.exitReservesJoining,
+ ['Battle']),
+ State.State('BattleDone',
+ self.enterBattleDone,
+ self.exitBattleDone,
+ ['Resting',
+ 'Reward']),
+ State.State('Resting',
+ self.enterResting,
+ self.exitResting,
+ ['Elevator']),
+ State.State('Reward',
+ self.enterReward,
+ self.exitReward,
+ ['Off']),
+ State.State('Off',
+ self.enterOff,
+ self.exitOff,
+ ['WaitForAllToonsInside'])],
+ # Initial state
+ 'Off',
+ # Final state
+ 'Off',
+ onUndefTransition = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM.ALLOW)
+ self.fsm.enterInitialState()
+ def delete(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('delete()'))
+ self.ignoreAll()
+ self.toons = []
+ self.toonIds = []
+ self.fsm.requestFinalState()
+ del self.fsm
+ del self.bldg
+ del self.elevator
+ self.timer.stop()
+ del self.timer
+ self._cogdoLayout = None
+ self.__cleanupFloorBattle()
+ taskName = self.taskName('deleteInterior')
+ taskMgr.remove(taskName)
+ DistributedObjectAI.DistributedObjectAI.delete(self)
+ def requestDelete(self):
+ if self._game:
+ self._game.requestDelete()
+ DistributedObjectAI.DistributedObjectAI.requestDelete(self)
+ def addGameFSM(self, gameFSM):
+ """ games should call this with their game ClassicFSM """
+ self.fsm.getStateNamed('Game').addChild(gameFSM)
+ def removeGameFSM(self, gameFSM):
+ """ games should call this with their game ClassicFSM """
+ self.fsm.getStateNamed('Game').removeChild(gameFSM)
+ def __handleUnexpectedExit(self, toonId):
+ self.notify.warning('toon: %d exited unexpectedly' % toonId)
+ if self._game:
+ self._game.handleToonDisconnected(toonId)
+ self.__removeToon(toonId)
+ if (len(self.toons) == 0):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('last toon is gone!'))
+ self.timer.stop()
+ # The last toon exited unexpectedly - if we're in a battle, let
+ # the battle clean up first, if we're in Resting state, let
+ # the interior elevator clean up first, otherwise, just
+ # reset the suit interior.
+ if (self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName() == 'Resting'):
+ pass
+ elif (self.battle == None):
+ self.bldg.deleteCogdoInterior()
+ def _handleToonWentSad(self, toonId):
+ # for the game only, the battle handles this differently
+'toon: %d went sad' % toonId)
+ toon = self.air.getDo(toonId)
+ if toon:
+ self.ignore(toon.getGoneSadMessage())
+ if self._game:
+ self._game.handleToonWentSad(toonId)
+ self.__removeToon(toonId)
+ if (len(self.toons) == 0):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('last toon is gone!'))
+ self.timer.stop()
+ # The last toon exited unexpectedly - if we're in a battle, let
+ # the battle clean up first, if we're in Resting state, let
+ # the interior elevator clean up first, otherwise, just
+ # reset the suit interior.
+ if (self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName() == 'Resting'):
+ pass
+ elif (self.battle == None):
+ # give the last client out time to play out the sad animation sequence
+ self._sadCleanupTask = taskMgr.doMethodLater(
+ 20, self._cleanupAfterLastToonWentSad, self.uniqueName('sadcleanup'))
+ def _cleanupAfterLastToonWentSad(self, task):
+ self._sadCleanupTask = None
+ self.bldg.deleteCogdoInterior()
+ return task.done
+ def __addToon(self, toonId):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('addToon(%d)' % toonId))
+ if (not self.air.doId2do.has_key(toonId)):
+ self.notify.warning('addToon() - no toon for doId: %d' % toonId)
+ return
+ # Handle unexpected exits for the toon
+ event = self.air.getAvatarExitEvent(toonId)
+ self.avatarExitEvents.append(event)
+ self.accept(event, self.__handleUnexpectedExit, extraArgs=[toonId])
+ self.toons.append(toonId)
+ assert(not self.responses.has_key(toonId))
+ self.responses[toonId] = 0
+ def __removeToon(self, toonId):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('removeToon(%d)' % toonId))
+ if self.toons.count(toonId):
+ self.toons.remove(toonId)
+ if self.toonIds.count(toonId):
+ self.toonIds[self.toonIds.index(toonId)] = None
+ if self.responses.has_key(toonId):
+ del self.responses[toonId]
+ # Ignore future exit events for the toon
+ event = self.air.getAvatarExitEvent(toonId)
+ if self.avatarExitEvents.count(event):
+ self.avatarExitEvents.remove(event)
+ self.ignore(event)
+ def __resetResponses(self):
+ self.responses = {}
+ for toon in self.toons:
+ self.responses[toon] = 0
+ self.ignoreResponses = 0
+ def __allToonsResponded(self):
+ for toon in self.toons:
+ assert(self.responses.has_key(toon))
+ if (self.responses[toon] == 0):
+ return 0
+ self.ignoreResponses = 1
+ return 1
+ # Distributed Messages
+ # setZoneIdAndBlock
+ def getZoneId(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('network:getZoneId()'))
+ return self.zoneId
+ def getExtZoneId(self):
+ return self.extZoneId
+ def getDistBldgDoId(self):
+ return self.bldg.getDoId()
+ def getNumFloors(self):
+ return self._numFloors
+ # setToons()
+ def d_setToons(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('network:setToons()'))
+ self.sendUpdate('setToons', self.getToons())
+ def getToons(self):
+ sendIds = []
+ for toonId in self.toonIds:
+ if (toonId == None):
+ sendIds.append(0)
+ else:
+ sendIds.append(toonId)
+ assert(self.notify.debug('getToons(): %s' % sendIds))
+ return [sendIds, 0]
+ # setSuits()
+ def d_setSuits(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('network:setSuits()'))
+ self.sendUpdate('setSuits', self.getSuits())
+ def getSuits(self):
+ suitIds = []
+ for suit in self.activeSuits:
+ suitIds.append(suit.doId)
+ reserveIds = []
+ values = []
+ for info in self.reserveSuits:
+ reserveIds.append(info[0].doId)
+ values.append(info[1])
+ return [suitIds, reserveIds, values]
+ # setState()
+ def b_setState(self, state):
+ self.d_setState(state)
+ self.setState(state)
+ def d_setState(self, state):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('network:setState(%s)' % state))
+ stime = globalClock.getRealTime() + BattleBase.SERVER_BUFFER_TIME
+ self.sendUpdate('setState', [state, globalClockDelta.localToNetworkTime(stime)])
+ def setState(self, state):
+ self.fsm.request(state)
+ def getState(self):
+ return [self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName(),
+ globalClockDelta.getRealNetworkTime()]
+ ##### Messages from the clients #####
+ def setAvatarJoined(self):
+ """setAvatarJoined(self)
+ This message is sent from a client toon to indicate that it
+ has finished loading the interior.
+ """
+ avId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender()
+ if (self.toons.count(avId) == 0):
+ self.air.writeServerEvent('suspicious', avId, 'DistributedCogdoInteriorAI.setAvatarJoined from toon not in %s.' % (self.toons))
+ self.notify.warning('setAvatarJoined() - av: %d not in list' % \
+ avId)
+ return
+ avatar = self.air.doId2do.get(avId)
+ if avatar != None:
+ self.savedByMap[avId] = (avatar.getName(), avatar.dna.asTuple())
+ assert(self.responses.has_key(avId))
+ self.responses[avId] += 1
+ assert(self.notify.debug('toon: %d in suit interior' % avId))
+ if (self.__allToonsResponded()):
+ self.fsm.request('Elevator')
+ def elevatorDone(self):
+ """elevatorDone(self)
+ This message is sent from a client toon to indicate that it has
+ finished viewing the elevator movie.
+ """
+ toonId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender()
+ if (self.ignoreResponses == 1):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('elevatorDone() ignoring toon: %d' % \
+ toonId))
+ return
+ elif (self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName() != 'Elevator'):
+ self.notify.warning('elevatorDone() - in state: %s' % \
+ self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName())
+ return
+ elif (self.toons.count(toonId) == 0):
+ self.notify.warning('elevatorDone() - toon not in toon list: %d' \
+ % toonId)
+ assert(self.notify.debug('toons: %s toonIds: %s' % \
+ (self.toons, self.toonIds)))
+ return
+ assert(self.responses.has_key(toonId))
+ self.responses[toonId] += 1
+ assert(self.notify.debug('toon: %d done with elevator' % toonId))
+ if (self.__allToonsResponded() and
+ self.ignoreElevatorDone == 0):
+ self.b_setState('Game')
+ def reserveJoinDone(self):
+ """reserveJoinDone(self)
+ This message is sent from a client toon to indicate that it has
+ finished viewing the ReservesJoining movie.
+ """
+ toonId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender()
+ if (self.ignoreResponses == 1):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('reserveJoinDone() ignoring toon: %d' % \
+ toonId))
+ return
+ elif (self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName() != 'ReservesJoining'):
+ self.notify.warning('reserveJoinDone() - in state: %s' % \
+ self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName())
+ return
+ elif (self.toons.count(toonId) == 0):
+ self.notify.warning('reserveJoinDone() - toon not in list: %d' \
+ % toonId)
+ assert(self.notify.debug('toons: %s toonIds: %s' % \
+ (self.toons, self.toonIds)))
+ return
+ assert(self.responses.has_key(toonId))
+ self.responses[toonId] += 1
+ assert(self.notify.debug('toon: %d done with joining reserves' % \
+ toonId))
+ if (self.__allToonsResponded() and
+ self.ignoreReserveJoinDone == 0):
+ self.b_setState('Battle')
+ def isBossFloor(self, floorNum):
+ if self.layout.hasBossBattle():
+ if self.layout.getBossBattleFloor() == floorNum:
+ return True
+ return False
+ def isTopFloor(self, floorNum):
+ return (self.layout.getNumFloors()-1) == floorNum
+ # Specific State Functions
+ ##### Off state #####
+ def enterOff(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('enterOff()'))
+ return None
+ def exitOff(self):
+ return None
+ ##### WaitForAllToonsInside state #####
+ def enterWaitForAllToonsInside(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('enterWaitForAllToonsInside()'))
+ self.__resetResponses()
+ return None
+ def exitWaitForAllToonsInside(self):
+ self.__resetResponses()
+ return None
+ ##### Elevator state #####
+ def enterElevator(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('enterElevator()'))
+ if self.isBossFloor(self.currentFloor):
+ self._populateFloorSuits()
+ else:
+ self.d_setToons()
+ self.__resetResponses()
+ # create the game here so the players see something when the doors open
+ self._game = self._createGame()
+ self.d_setState('Elevator')
+ self.timer.startCallback(BattleBase.ELEVATOR_T + \
+ ElevatorData[ELEVATOR_NORMAL]['openTime'] + \
+ BattleBase.SERVER_BUFFER_TIME, self.__serverElevatorDone)
+ return None
+ def _createGame(self):
+ game = None
+ if not self.isBossFloor(self.currentFloor):
+ for toonId in self.toonIds:
+ if toonId:
+ toon = self.air.getDo(toonId)
+ if toon:
+ self.accept(toon.getGoneSadMessage(), Functor(self._handleToonWentSad, toonId))
+ game = DistCogdoCraneGameAI(self.air, self)
+ game.generateWithRequired(self.zoneId)
+ return game
+ def __serverElevatorDone(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('serverElevatorDone()'))
+ self.ignoreElevatorDone = 1
+ self.b_setState('Game')
+ def exitElevator(self):
+ self.timer.stop()
+ self.__resetResponses()
+ return None
+ ##### Game state #####
+ def enterGame(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('enterGame()'))
+ self.d_setState('Game')
+ self.elevator.d_setFloor(self.currentFloor)
+ # no game on the top floor, breeze on through
+ if self._game:
+ self._game.start()
+ else:
+ self._gameDone()
+ def _populateFloorSuits(self):
+ # Create the suits and place them in their initial positions on
+ # the floor
+ assert(self.currentFloor < self.layout.getNumFloors())
+ suitHandles = self.bldg.planner.genFloorSuits(self.currentFloor)
+ self.suits = suitHandles['activeSuits']
+ assert(len(self.suits) > 0)
+ self.activeSuits = []
+ for suit in self.suits:
+ self.activeSuits.append(suit)
+ self.reserveSuits = suitHandles['reserveSuits']
+ self.d_setToons()
+ # do this before setting state to 'battle' otherwise client show will get messed up
+ self.d_setSuits()
+ def _gameDone(self):
+ if len(self.toons) == 0:
+ # all toons went sad but game is still running so that the game doesn't disappear
+ # on the player's client as he watches sad animation. ignore this event
+ return
+ if not self.isBossFloor(self.currentFloor):
+ self._populateFloorSuits()
+ self.b_setState('Battle')
+ if self._game:
+ self._game.requestDelete()
+ self._game = None
+ for toonId in self.toonIds:
+ if toonId:
+ toon = self.air.getDo(toonId)
+ if toon:
+ self.ignore(toon.getGoneSadMessage())
+ def exitGame(self):
+ pass
+ ##### Battle state #####
+ def __createFloorBattle(self):
+ assert(len(self.toons) > 0)
+ if self.isBossFloor(self.currentFloor):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('createFloorBattle() - boss battle'))
+ bossBattle = 1
+ else:
+ bossBattle = 0
+ # Create the battle for the floor
+ self.battle = DistributedBattleBldgAI.DistributedBattleBldgAI(
+ self.air, self.zoneId,
+ self.__handleRoundDone, self.__handleBattleDone,
+ bossBattle=bossBattle)
+ # We store the lists of experience gained and suits killed in
+ # the DistributedCogdoInterior object, and share these pointers
+ # in all battles created for this building. This way, each
+ # battle will actually be modifying the same objects, these,
+ # and will thus accumulate the experience from previous
+ # battles.
+ self.battle.suitsKilled = self.suitsKilled
+ self.battle.suitsKilledPerFloor = self.suitsKilledPerFloor
+ self.battle.battleCalc.toonSkillPtsGained = self.toonSkillPtsGained
+ self.battle.toonExp = self.toonExp
+ self.battle.toonOrigQuests = self.toonOrigQuests
+ self.battle.toonItems = self.toonItems
+ self.battle.toonOrigMerits = self.toonOrigMerits
+ self.battle.toonMerits = self.toonMerits
+ self.battle.toonParts = self.toonParts
+ self.battle.helpfulToons = self.helpfulToons
+ # We must set the members of a building battle before we
+ # generate it.
+ self.battle.setInitialMembers(self.toons, self.suits)
+ self.battle.generateWithRequired(self.zoneId)
+ # We get a bonus factor applied toward each attack's experience credit.
+ mult = getCreditMultiplier(self.currentFloor)
+ # If there is an invasion, multiply the exp for the duration of this battle
+ # Now, if the invasion ends midway through this battle, the players will
+ # continue getting credit. This is ok I guess.
+ if self.air.suitInvasionManager.getInvading():
+ mult *= getInvasionMultiplier()
+ self.battle.battleCalc.setSkillCreditMultiplier(mult)
+ def __cleanupFloorBattle(self):
+ for suit in self.suits:
+ self.notify.debug('cleaning up floor suit: %d' % suit.doId)
+ if suit.isDeleted():
+ self.notify.debug('whoops, suit %d is deleted.' % suit.doId)
+ else:
+ suit.requestDelete()
+ self.suits = []
+ self.reserveSuits = []
+ self.activeSuits = []
+ if (self.battle != None):
+ self.battle.requestDelete()
+ self.battle = None
+ def __handleRoundDone(self, toonIds, totalHp, deadSuits):
+ # Determine if any reserves need to join
+ assert(self.notify.debug('handleRoundDone() - hp: %d' % totalHp))
+ # Calculate the total max HP for all the suits currently on the floor
+ totalMaxHp = 0
+ for suit in self.suits:
+ totalMaxHp += suit.maxHP
+ for suit in deadSuits:
+ self.activeSuits.remove(suit)
+ # Determine if any reserve suits need to join
+ if (len(self.reserveSuits) > 0 and len(self.activeSuits) < 4):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('potential reserve suits: %d' % \
+ len(self.reserveSuits)))
+ self.joinedReserves = []
+ assert(totalHp <= totalMaxHp)
+ hpPercent = 100 - (totalHp / totalMaxHp * 100.0)
+ assert(self.notify.debug('totalHp: %d totalMaxHp: %d percent: %f' \
+ % (totalHp, totalMaxHp, hpPercent)))
+ for info in self.reserveSuits:
+ if (info[1] <= hpPercent and
+ len(self.activeSuits) < 4):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('reserve: %d joining percent: %f' \
+ % (info[0].doId, info[1])))
+ self.suits.append(info[0])
+ self.activeSuits.append(info[0])
+ self.joinedReserves.append(info)
+ for info in self.joinedReserves:
+ self.reserveSuits.remove(info)
+ if (len(self.joinedReserves) > 0):
+ # setSuits() triggers the state change on the client
+ self.fsm.request('ReservesJoining')
+ self.d_setSuits()
+ return
+ # See if the battle is done
+ if (len(self.activeSuits) == 0):
+ self.fsm.request('BattleDone', [toonIds])
+ else:
+ # No reserve suits to join - tell the battle to continue
+ self.battle.resume()
+ def __handleBattleDone(self, zoneId, toonIds):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('%s.handleBattleDone(%s, %s)' % (self.doId, zoneId, toonIds)))
+ #self.fsm.request('BattleDone', [toonIds])
+ if (len(toonIds) == 0):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('handleBattleDone() - last toon gone'))
+ # Rather than shutting down immediately, we give the last
+ # toon a few seconds to finish playing his teleport-out
+ # animation before the world goes away.
+ taskName = self.taskName('deleteInterior')
+ taskMgr.doMethodLater(10, self.__doDeleteInterior, taskName)
+ elif self.isTopFloor(self.currentFloor):
+ # This is not b_setState, because enterReward has to do
+ # some things before the broadcast takes place. enterReward
+ # will call d_setState when it is ready.
+ self.setState('Reward')
+ else:
+ self.b_setState('Resting')
+ def __doDeleteInterior(self, task):
+ self.bldg.deleteCogdoInterior()
+ def enterBattle(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('enterBattle()'))
+ if (self.battle == None):
+ self.__createFloorBattle()
+ return None
+ def exitBattle(self):
+ return None
+ ##### ReservesJoining state #####
+ def enterReservesJoining(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('enterReservesJoining()'))
+ self.__resetResponses()
+ self.timer.startCallback(
+ ElevatorData[ELEVATOR_NORMAL]['openTime'] + \
+ self.__serverReserveJoinDone)
+ return None
+ def __serverReserveJoinDone(self):
+ """__serverReserveJoinDone()
+ This callback is made only if some of the toons don't send
+ their reserveJoinDone() message in a reasonable time--rather
+ than waiting for everyone, we simply carry on without them.
+ """
+ assert(self.notify.debug('serverReserveJoinDone()'))
+ self.ignoreReserveJoinDone = 1
+ self.b_setState('Battle')
+ def exitReservesJoining(self):
+ self.timer.stop()
+ self.__resetResponses()
+ # Join the suits to the battle and tell it to resume
+ for info in self.joinedReserves:
+ self.battle.suitRequestJoin(info[0])
+ self.battle.resume()
+ self.joinedReserves = []
+ return None
+ ##### BattleDone state #####
+ def enterBattleDone(self, toonIds):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('enterBattleDone()'))
+ # Find out if any toons are gone
+ if (len(toonIds) != len(self.toons)):
+ deadToons = []
+ for toon in self.toons:
+ if (toonIds.count(toon) == 0):
+ deadToons.append(toon)
+ for toon in deadToons:
+ self.__removeToon(toon)
+ self.d_setToons()
+ if (len(self.toons) == 0):
+ self.bldg.deleteCogdoInterior()
+ else:
+ if self.isTopFloor(self.currentFloor):
+ # Toons beat the building
+ self.battle.resume(self.currentFloor, topFloor=1)
+ else:
+ # The building isn't finished yet - gather up experience and
+ # activate the elevator
+ self.battle.resume(self.currentFloor, topFloor=0)
+ return None
+ def exitBattleDone(self):
+ self.__cleanupFloorBattle()
+ self.d_setSuits()
+ return None
+ ##### Resting state #####
+ def __handleEnterElevator(self):
+ self.fsm.request('Elevator')
+ def enterResting(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('enterResting()'))
+ # Tell the elevator to start accepting entrants
+ self.intElevator = DistributedCogdoElevatorIntAI(
+ self.air, self, self.toons)
+ self.intElevator.generateWithRequired(self.zoneId)
+ return None
+ def handleAllAboard(self, seats):
+ if not hasattr(self, "fsm"):
+ # If we've already been cleaned up, never mind.
+ return
+ assert(self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName() == "Resting")
+ assert(self.notify.debug('handleAllAboard() - toons: %s' % self.toons))
+ # Make sure the number of empty seats is correct. If it is empty,
+ # reset and get us out of here.
+ numOfEmptySeats = seats.count(None)
+ if (numOfEmptySeats == 4):
+ self.bldg.deleteCogdoInterior()
+ return
+ elif (numOfEmptySeats >= 0) and (numOfEmptySeats <=3):
+ pass
+ else:
+ self.error("Bad number of empty seats: %s" % numOfEmptySeats)
+ for toon in self.toons:
+ if seats.count(toon) == 0:
+ self.__removeToon(toon)
+ self.toonIds = copy.copy(seats)
+ self.toons = []
+ for toonId in self.toonIds:
+ if (toonId != None):
+ self.toons.append(toonId)
+ self.d_setToons()
+ # Increment the floor number
+ self.currentFloor += 1
+ self.fsm.request('Elevator')
+ return
+ def exitResting(self):
+ self.intElevator.requestDelete()
+ del self.intElevator
+ return None
+ ##### Reward state #####
+ def enterReward(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug('enterReward()'))
+ # Tell the building to get ready for the victors to come outside.
+ # We pass in a *copy* of the toonIds list, not the list
+ # itself, so that when we pull toons out of our list (for
+ # instance, if they disconnect unexpectedly), it won't affect
+ # the building's victor list.
+ victors = self.toonIds[:]
+ # Build a new savedBy list that includes only the Toons that
+ # made it to the end.
+ savedBy = []
+ for v in victors:
+ tuple = self.savedByMap.get(v)
+ if tuple:
+ savedBy.append([v, tuple[0], tuple[1]])
+ # Going to waitForVictors deletes the elevator
+ self.bldg.fsm.request("waitForVictorsFromCogdo", [victors, savedBy])
+ # Tell the players to go back outside.
+ self.d_setState('Reward')
+ return None
+ def exitReward(self):
+ return None
+ ##### Reset state #####
+ #def enterReset(self):
+ # assert(self.notify.debug('enterReset()'))
+ # # Unload all floor and suit models, but keep the suit database -
+ # # the contents of the building should remain the same until the
+ # # toons retake the building
+ # self.__cleanupFloorBattle()
+ # self.currentFloor = 0
+ # # -1 means the lobby.
+ # self.elevator.d_setFloor(-1)
+ # # Get rid of the toons
+ # for toon in copy.copy(self.toons):
+ # self.__removeToon(toon)
+ # self.savedByMap = {}
+ # self.b_setState('Off')
+ #
+ # self.requestDelete()
+ #def exitReset(self):
+ # return None
diff --git a/toontown/src/cogdominium/Sources.pp b/toontown/src/cogdominium/Sources.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a03ea8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/Sources.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+// For now, since we are not installing Python files, this file can
+// remain empty.
diff --git a/toontown/src/cogdominium/ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46ce21b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+from toontown.building.SuitPlannerInteriorAI import SuitPlannerInteriorAI
+class SuitPlannerCogdoInteriorAI(SuitPlannerInteriorAI):
+ def __init__(self, cogdoLayout, bldgLevel, bldgTrack, zone):
+ self._cogdoLayout = cogdoLayout
+ SuitPlannerInteriorAI.__init__(self, self._cogdoLayout.getNumGameFloors(), bldgLevel, bldgTrack, zone)
+ def _genSuitInfos(self, numFloors, bldgLevel, bldgTrack):
+ SuitPlannerInteriorAI._genSuitInfos(self, self._cogdoLayout.getNumFloors(), bldgLevel, bldgTrack)
diff --git a/toontown/src/cogdominium/ b/toontown/src/cogdominium/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/toontown/src/coghq/.cvsignore b/toontown/src/coghq/.cvsignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28f9318
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/.cvsignore
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79ed2b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from otp.level import BasicEntities
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+class ActiveCell(BasicEntities.DistributedNodePathEntity):
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("ActiveCell")
+ def __init__(self, cr):
+ BasicEntities.DistributedNodePathEntity.__init__(self,cr)
+ self.occupantId = -1
+ self.state = 0
+ def announceGenerate(self):
+ BasicEntities.DistributedNodePathEntity.announceGenerate(self)
+ self.loadModel()
+ def loadModel(self):
+ # draw something so we know where the activeCell is
+ # do this only in debug mode
+ if 0 and __debug__:
+ grid = self.level.entities.get(self.gridId, None)
+ if grid:
+ pos = grid.getPos() + Vec3(self.col * grid.cellSize,
+ self.row * grid.cellSize,
+ 0)
+ model = loader.loadModel("phase_5/models/modules/suit_walls.bam")
+ model.setScale(grid.cellSize, 1, grid.cellSize)
+ model.setP(-90)
+ model.flattenMedium()
+ model.setZ(.05)
+ model.setColorScale(1,0,0,.5)
+ model.copyTo(self)
+ self.setPos(pos)
+ return
+ def setState(self, state, objId):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("entId(%d): setState(%d,%d)" % (self.entId, state, objId)))
+ self.state = state
+ self.occupantId = objId
+ if __dev__:
+ def attribChanged(self, *args):
+ model = self.find("*")
+ if not model.isEmpty():
+ model.removeNode()
+ self.loadModel()
diff --git a/toontown/src/coghq/ b/toontown/src/coghq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e4d1a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+from otp.level import DistributedEntityAI
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+class ActiveCellAI(DistributedEntityAI.DistributedEntityAI):
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("ActiveCellAI")
+ def __init__(self, level, entId):
+ self.state = 0
+ self.grid = None
+ self.occupantIds = []
+ DistributedEntityAI.DistributedEntityAI.__init__(self, level, entId)
+ def setGrid(gridId=self.gridId, self=self):
+ self.grid = self.level.entities.get(gridId, None)
+ if self.grid:
+ # add ourselves to the activeCell list on the grid
+ self.grid.addActiveCell(self)
+ return 1
+ return 0
+ if not setGrid():
+ self.accept(self.level.getEntityCreateEvent(self.gridId), setGrid)
+ def generate(self):
+ DistributedEntityAI.DistributedEntityAI.generate(self)
+ def delete(self):
+ self.notify.debug('delete')
+ self.ignoreAll()
+ DistributedEntityAI.DistributedEntityAI.delete(self)
+ def getState(self):
+ return self.state
+ def b_setState(self, state, objId = None):
+ self.setState(state, objId)
+ self.d_setState(state, objId)
+ def d_setState(self, state, objId = None):
+ # SDN: note, we should send all occupantIds instead
+ # of just the current objId
+ if not objId:
+ objId = 0
+ self.sendUpdate('setState', [state, objId])
+ def setState(self, state, objId=None):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("setState(%s,%s)" % (state,objId)))
+ # derived classes should override this method to do something meaningful
+ # when the state of this grid cell changes
+ self.state = state
+ # object (i.e. crate, goon) contained in this cell
+ if state:
+ self.occupantIds.append(objId)
+ else:
+ try:
+ self.occupantIds.remove(objId)
+ except:
+ self.notify.warning("couldn't remove %s from active cell" % objId)
+ def getRowCol(self):
+ return [self.row,self.col]
diff --git a/toontown/src/coghq/ b/toontown/src/coghq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..426770d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+class BanquetTableBase:
+ """Hold methods and constants shared in client and AI versions."""
+ # states of the diners
+ HUNGRY = 1
+ DEAD = 0
+ EATING =2 # distance between each food node
+ ANGRY = 3 # haven't been fed in a while, resets to 0
+ HIDDEN = 4 # we don't show him in the scene
+ INACTIVE = 5 # just sitting in the chair, waiting for battle two to start
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9fbd13c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+import random
+class BarrelBase:
+ # use this random generator whenever you calculate a random value for
+ # the barrel that must be independently the same on the client and AI.
+ # Use for one calculation and then discard.
+ def getRng(self):
+ return random.Random(self.entId * self.level.doId)
+ # the member variables that start with _ are the randomly-chosen values
+ def getRewardPerGrab(self):
+ if not hasattr(self, '_reward'):
+ if self.rewardPerGrabMax > self.rewardPerGrab:
+ self._reward = self.getRng().randrange(self.rewardPerGrab,
+ self.rewardPerGrabMax+1)
+ else:
+ self._reward = self.rewardPerGrab
+ return self._reward
+ def getGagLevel(self):
+ if not hasattr(self, '_gagLevel'):
+ if self.gagLevelMax > self.gagLevel:
+ self._gagLevel = self.getRng().randrange(self.gagLevel,
+ self.gagLevelMax+1)
+ else:
+ self._gagLevel = self.gagLevel
+ return self._gagLevel
+ def getGagTrack(self):
+ if not hasattr(self, '_gagTrack'):
+ if self.gagTrack == 'random':
+ # throw/squirt more likely
+ tracks = (0,1,2,3,4,4,5,5,6,)
+ self._gagTrack = self.getRng().choice(tracks)
+ else:
+ self._gagTrack = self.gagTrack
+ return self._gagTrack
+ if __dev__:
+ def setRewardPerGrab(self, rewardPerGrab):
+ if hasattr(self, '_reward'):
+ del self._reward
+ self.rewardPerGrab = rewardPerGrab
+ def setRewardPerGrabMax(self, rewardPerGrabMax):
+ if hasattr(self, '_reward'):
+ del self._reward
+ self.rewardPerGrabMax = rewardPerGrabMax
+ def setGagLevel(self, gagLevel):
+ if hasattr(self, '_gagLevel'):
+ del self._gagLevel
+ self.gagLevel = gagLevel
+ def setGagLevelMax(self, gagLevelMax):
+ if hasattr(self, '_gagLevel'):
+ del self._gagLevel
+ self.gagLevelMax = gagLevelMax
+ def setGagTrack(self, gagTrack):
+ if hasattr(self, '_gagTrack'):
+ del self._gagTrack
+ self.gagTrack = gagTrack
diff --git a/toontown/src/coghq/ b/toontown/src/coghq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c47b26b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+"""BattleBlocker module: contains the BattleBlocker class"""
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
+from otp.level import BasicEntities
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+""" BattleBlocker is a collision sphere that is associated with a battle cell. If
+the collision sphere is entered, it sends a collision message to all suits also
+associated with the battle cell. This will trigger a battle. Once all the suits in
+the battle cell have been defeated, the BattleBlockers message will fall on deaf ears,
+and the toon can pass through it without triggering a battle """
+# TODO: allow other geometry than a collision sphere
+class BattleBlocker(BasicEntities.DistributedNodePathEntity):
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("BattleBlocker")
+ def __init__(self, cr):
+ BasicEntities.DistributedNodePathEntity.__init__(self, cr)
+ self.suitIds = []
+ self.battleId = None
+ def setActive(self, active):
+ = active
+ def announceGenerate(self):
+ BasicEntities.DistributedNodePathEntity.announceGenerate(self)
+ self.initCollisionGeom()
+ def disable(self):
+ self.ignoreAll()
+ self.unloadCollisionGeom()
+ BasicEntities.DistributedNodePathEntity.disable(self)
+ def destroy(self):
+ BasicEntities.DistributedNodePathEntity.destroy(self)
+ def setSuits(self, suitIds):
+ self.suitIds = suitIds
+ def setBattle(self, battleId):
+ self.battleId = battleId
+ def setBattleFinished(self):
+ # this is only called if the Toons won the battle
+ assert(self.notify.debug("setBattleFinished, %s" % self.entId))
+ # A message is already sent on the AI, so we probably
+ # don't need to send one on the client
+ #messenger.send("battleBlocker-"+str(self.entId))
+ # no need to listen for collision events anymore
+ self.ignoreAll()
+ def initCollisionGeom(self):
+ self.cSphere = CollisionSphere(0,0,0,self.radius)
+ self.cSphereNode = CollisionNode("battleBlocker-%s-%s" %
+ (self.level.getLevelId(), self.entId))
+ self.cSphereNode.addSolid(self.cSphere)
+ self.cSphereNodePath = self.attachNewNode(self.cSphereNode)
+ self.cSphereNode.setCollideMask(ToontownGlobals.WallBitmask)
+ self.cSphere.setTangible(0)
+ self.enterEvent = "enter" + self.cSphereNode.getName()
+ self.accept(self.enterEvent, self.__handleToonEnter)
+ """ rather than do this, just use ~cs
+ if __dev__:
+ from otp.otpbase import OTPGlobals
+ self.showCS(OTPGlobals.WallBitmask)
+ """
+ def unloadCollisionGeom(self):
+ if hasattr(self, 'cSphereNodePath'):
+ self.ignore(self.enterEvent)
+ del self.cSphere
+ del self.cSphereNode
+ self.cSphereNodePath.removeNode()
+ del self.cSphereNodePath
+ def __handleToonEnter(self, collEntry):
+ self.notify.debug ("__handleToonEnter, %s" % self.entId)
+ self.startBattle()
+ def startBattle(self):
+ if not
+ return
+ # don't listen for any more events from the blocker
+ # this Toon might not win the battle
+ #self.ignoreAll()
+ callback = None
+ # first check if there is a valid battle going on
+ if self.battleId != None and self.battleId in
+ battle =
+ if battle:
+ self.notify.debug("act like we collided with battle %d" % self.battleId)
+ callback = battle.handleBattleBlockerCollision
+ elif len(self.suitIds) > 0:
+ # a battle has not been created yet, pick the first
+ # valid suit to start a battle with
+ for suitId in self.suitIds:
+ suit =
+ if suit:
+ self.notify.debug("act like we collided with Suit %d ( in state %s )" % (suitId, suit.fsm.getCurrentState().getName()))
+ callback = suit.handleBattleBlockerCollision
+ break
+ # the show to explain the local toon getting stopped by this collision sphere
+ self.showReaction(callback)
+ def showReaction(self, callback=None):
+ if not base.localAvatar.wantBattles:
+ return
+ track = Sequence()
+ # add some minimal show
+ #track = Sequence(Func(,'WaitForBattle'),
+ # ActorInterval(base.localAvatar, animName = 'slip-backward'))
+ if callback:
+ track.append(Func(callback))
+ track.start()
+ if __dev__:
+ def attribChanged(self, *args):
+ self.unloadCollisionGeom()
+ self.initCollisionGeom()
diff --git a/toontown/src/coghq/ b/toontown/src/coghq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc6dca9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+from otp.level import DistributedEntityAI
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+class BattleBlockerAI(DistributedEntityAI.DistributedEntityAI):
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("BattleBlockerAI")
+ def __init__(self, level, entId):
+ DistributedEntityAI.DistributedEntityAI.__init__(self, level, entId)
+ self.suitIds = []
+ = 1
+ def destroy(self):
+ self.notify.debug("delete")
+ self.ignoreAll()
+ DistributedEntityAI.DistributedEntityAI.destroy(self)
+ def generate(self):
+ DistributedEntityAI.DistributedEntityAI.generate(self)
+ # listen for creation of planner
+ self.accept("plannerCreated-"+str(self.level.doId), self.registerBlocker)
+ def registerBlocker(self):
+ # register this blocker with the factory
+ if hasattr(self.level, 'planner'):
+ self.level.planner.battleMgr.addBattleBlocker(self, self.cellId)
+ def deactivate(self):
+ if self.isDeleted():
+ return
+ = 0
+ self.sendUpdate('setActive', [])
+ def getActive(self):
+ return
+ def addSuit(self, suit):
+ self.suitIds.append(suit.doId)
+ self.d_setSuits()
+ def removeSuit(self, suit):
+ try:
+ self.suitIds.remove(suit.doId)
+ self.d_setSuits()
+ except:
+ self.notify.debug("didn't have suitId %d" % suit.doId)
+ pass
+ def d_setSuits(self):
+ # assume the factory has been generated here
+ self.sendUpdate("setSuits", [self.suitIds])
+ def b_setBattle(self, battleId):
+ self.battle = battleId
+ self.d_setBattle(battleId)
+ def d_setBattle(self, battleId):
+ self.sendUpdate("setBattle", [battleId])
+ def b_setBattleFinished(self):
+ # this is only called if the Toons won the battle
+ self.deactivate()
+ self.setBattleFinished()
+ self.d_setBattleFinished()
+ def setBattleFinished(self):
+ self.notify.debug("setBattleFinished: %s" % self.entId)
+ # a door might be listening to this
+ messenger.send("battleBlockerFinished-"+str(self.entId))
+ messenger.send(self.getOutputEventName(),[1])
+ def d_setBattleFinished(self):
+ self.sendUpdate("setBattleFinished", [])
+ if __dev__:
+ def attribChanged(self, *args):
+ self.suitIds = []
+ suits = self.level.planner.battleCellId2suits.get(self.cellId)
+ if suits:
+ # find suits associated with this cell
+ for suit in suits:
+ self.suitIds.append(suit.doId)
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning(
+ "Couldn't find battle cell id %d in battleCellId2suits" % self.cellId)
+ self.d_setSuits()
+ self.registerBlocker()
diff --git a/toontown/src/coghq/ b/toontown/src/coghq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f4d223
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+class BattleExperienceAggregatorAI:
+ """This class holds battle experience data across multiple battles"""
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.suitsKilled = []
+ self.suitsKilledPerFloor = []
+ self.toonSkillPtsGained = {}
+ self.toonExp = {}
+ self.toonOrigQuests = {}
+ self.toonItems = {}
+ self.toonOrigMerits = {}
+ self.toonMerits = {}
+ self.toonParts = {}
+ self.helpfulToons = []
+ def attachToBattle(self, battle):
+ battle.suitsKilled = self.suitsKilled
+ battle.suitsKilledPerFloor = self.suitsKilledPerFloor
+ battle.battleCalc.toonSkillPtsGained = self.toonSkillPtsGained
+ battle.toonExp = self.toonExp
+ battle.toonOrigQuests = self.toonOrigQuests
+ battle.toonItems = self.toonItems
+ battle.toonOrigMerits = self.toonOrigMerits
+ battle.toonMerits = self.toonMerits
+ battle.toonParts = self.toonParts
+ battle.helpfulToons = self.helpfulToons
diff --git a/toontown/src/coghq/ b/toontown/src/coghq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..701b3f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.fsm import StateData
+import CogHQLoader
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from direct.gui import DirectGui
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+from toontown.toon import Toon
+from direct.fsm import State
+from toontown.coghq import BossbotHQExterior
+from toontown.coghq import BossbotHQBossBattle
+from toontown.coghq import BossbotOfficeExterior
+from toontown.coghq import CountryClubInterior
+from pandac.PandaModules import DecalEffect, TextEncoder
+import random
+# Used to compensate for scaling of Cog tunnel sign's
+# original aspect ratio of 1125x813 to a uniform ratio,
+# scale z by factor of 0.7227
+aspectSF = 0.7227
+class BossbotCogHQLoader(CogHQLoader.CogHQLoader):
+ # create a notify category
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("BossbotCogHQLoader")
+ #notify.setDebug(True)
+ def __init__(self, hood, parentFSMState, doneEvent):
+ CogHQLoader.CogHQLoader.__init__(self, hood, parentFSMState, doneEvent)
+ self.fsm.addState(State.State('countryClubInterior',
+ self.enterCountryClubInterior,
+ self.exitCountryClubInterior,
+ ['quietZone',
+ 'cogHQExterior', # Tunnel
+ ]))
+ for stateName in ['start', 'cogHQExterior', 'quietZone']:
+ state = self.fsm.getStateNamed(stateName)
+ state.addTransition('countryClubInterior')
+ self.musicFile = random.choice(["phase_12/audio/bgm/Bossbot_Entry_v1.mid", "phase_12/audio/bgm/Bossbot_Entry_v2.mid", "phase_12/audio/bgm/Bossbot_Entry_v3.mid"])
+ self.cogHQExteriorModelPath = "phase_12/models/bossbotHQ/CogGolfHub"
+ self.factoryExteriorModelPath = "phase_11/models/lawbotHQ/LB_DA_Lobby"
+ self.cogHQLobbyModelPath = "phase_12/models/bossbotHQ/CogGolfCourtyard"
+ self.geom = None
+ def load(self, zoneId):
+ CogHQLoader.CogHQLoader.load(self, zoneId)
+ # Load anims
+ Toon.loadBossbotHQAnims()
+ def unloadPlaceGeom(self):
+ # Get rid of any old geom
+ if self.geom:
+ self.geom.removeNode()
+ self.geom = None
+ CogHQLoader.CogHQLoader.unloadPlaceGeom(self)
+ def loadPlaceGeom(self, zoneId):
+"loadPlaceGeom: %s" % zoneId)
+ # We shoud not look at the last 2 digits to match against these constants
+ zoneId = (zoneId - (zoneId %100))
+ self.notify.debug("zoneId = %d ToontownGlobals.BossbotHQ=%d" % (zoneId,ToontownGlobals.BossbotHQ))
+ if zoneId == ToontownGlobals.BossbotHQ:
+ self.geom = loader.loadModel(self.cogHQExteriorModelPath)
+ # Rename the link tunnels so they will hook up properly
+ gzLinkTunnel = self.geom.find("**/LinkTunnel1")
+ gzLinkTunnel.setName("linktunnel_gz_17000_DNARoot")
+ # put the signs on the tunnels
+ self.makeSigns()
+ # HACK: make tunnel_origin point straight out of tunnel
+ top = self.geom.find("**/TunnelEntrance")
+ origin = top.find("**/tunnel_origin")
+ origin.setH(-33.33)
+ elif zoneId == ToontownGlobals.BossbotLobby:
+ self.notify.debug("cogHQLobbyModelPath = %s" % self.cogHQLobbyModelPath)
+ self.geom = loader.loadModel(self.cogHQLobbyModelPath)
+ else:
+ # Note: the factory interior has a dynamically allocated zone but
+ # that is ok because we do not need to load any models - they all
+ # get loaded by the distributed object
+ self.notify.warning("loadPlaceGeom: unclassified zone %s" % zoneId)
+ CogHQLoader.CogHQLoader.loadPlaceGeom(self, zoneId)
+ def makeSigns(self):
+ # helper func
+ def makeSign(topStr, signStr, textId):
+ top = self.geom.find("**/" + topStr)
+ sign = top.find("**/" + signStr)
+ #sign.node().setEffect(DecalEffect.make())
+ locator = top.find("**/sign_origin")
+ signText = DirectGui.OnscreenText(
+ text = TextEncoder.upper(TTLocalizer.GlobalStreetNames[textId][-1]),
+ font = ToontownGlobals.getSuitFont(),
+ scale = TTLocalizer.BCHQLmakeSign,
+ fg = (0, 0, 0, 1),
+ parent = sign)
+ signText.setPosHpr(locator, 0, -0.1, -0.25, 0, 0, 0)
+ signText.setDepthWrite(0)
+ makeSign("Gate_2", "Sign_6", 10700)
+ makeSign("TunnelEntrance", "Sign_2", 1000)
+ makeSign("Gate_3", "Sign_3", 10600)
+ makeSign("Gate_4", "Sign_4", 10500)
+ makeSign("GateHouse", "Sign_5", 10200)
+ def unload(self):
+ CogHQLoader.CogHQLoader.unload(self)
+ # unload anims
+ Toon.unloadSellbotHQAnims()
+# def enterFactoryInterior(self, requestStatus):
+# self.placeClass = FactoryInterior.FactoryInterior
+# self.enterPlace(requestStatus)
+ def enterStageInterior(self, requestStatus):
+ self.placeClass = StageInterior.StageInterior
+ self.stageId = requestStatus['stageId']
+ self.enterPlace(requestStatus)
+# def exitFactoryInterior(self):
+# self.exitPlace()
+# self.placeClass = None
+ def exitStageInterior(self):
+ self.exitPlace()
+ self.placeClass = None
+ def getExteriorPlaceClass(self):
+ self.notify.debug("getExteriorPlaceClass")
+ return BossbotHQExterior.BossbotHQExterior
+ def getBossPlaceClass(self):
+ self.notify.debug("getBossPlaceClass")
+ return BossbotHQBossBattle.BossbotHQBossBattle
+ def enterFactoryExterior(self, requestStatus):
+ self.placeClass = BossbotOfficeExterior.BossbotOfficeExterior
+ self.enterPlace(requestStatus)
+ #self.hood.spawnTitleText(requestStatus['zoneId'])
+ def exitFactoryExterior(self):
+ taskMgr.remove("titleText")
+ self.hood.hideTitleText()
+ self.exitPlace()
+ self.placeClass = None
+ def enterCogHQBossBattle(self, requestStatus):
+ self.notify.debug("BossbotCogHQLoader.enterCogHQBossBattle")
+ CogHQLoader.CogHQLoader.enterCogHQBossBattle(self, requestStatus)
+ def exitCogHQBossBattle(self):
+ self.notify.debug("BossbotCogHQLoader.exitCogHQBossBattle")
+ CogHQLoader.CogHQLoader.exitCogHQBossBattle(self)
+ def enterCountryClubInterior(self, requestStatus):
+ self.placeClass = CountryClubInterior.CountryClubInterior
+ # MintInterior will grab this off of us
+'enterCountryClubInterior, requestStatus=%s' % requestStatus)
+ self.countryClubId = requestStatus['countryClubId']
+ self.enterPlace(requestStatus)
+ # spawnTitleText is done by MintInterior once the mint shows up
+ def exitCountryClubInterior(self):
+ self.exitPlace()
+ self.placeClass = None
+ del self.countryClubId
diff --git a/toontown/src/coghq/ b/toontown/src/coghq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f441983
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+from toontown.coghq.SpecImports import *
+GlobalEntities = {
+ 1000: {
+ 'type': 'levelMgr',
+ 'name': 'LevelMgr',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'cogLevel': 0,
+ 'farPlaneDistance': 1500,
+ 'modelFilename': 'phase_12/models/bossbotHQ/BossbotKartBoardingRm',
+ 'wantDoors': 1,
+ }, # end entity 1000
+ 1001: {
+ 'type': 'editMgr',
+ 'name': 'EditMgr',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'insertEntity': None,
+ 'removeEntity': None,
+ 'requestNewEntity': None,
+ 'requestSave': None,
+ }, # end entity 1001
+ # ZONE
+ 0: {
+ 'type': 'zone',
+ 'name': 'UberZone',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'description': '',
+ 'visibility': [],
+ }, # end entity 0
+ 10001: {
+ 'type': 'battleBlocker',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10011,
+ 'pos': Point3(-1.02925205231,87.0907745361,11.8959827423),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'cellId': 0,
+ 'radius': 10.0,
+ }, # end entity 10001
+ 10006: {
+ 'type': 'battleBlocker',
+ 'name': 'copy of ',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10011,
+ 'pos': Point3(-60.9065246582,-3.26905798912,0.117109239101),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'cellId': 1,
+ 'radius': 15.0,
+ }, # end entity 10006
+ 10047: {
+ 'type': 'battleBlocker',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10013,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Point3(1.0,0.20000000298,1.0),
+ 'cellId': 2,
+ 'radius': 20.0,
+ }, # end entity 10047
+ 10041: {
+ 'type': 'gagBarrel',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10033,
+ 'pos': Point3(5.40611028671,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(199.440032959,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'gagLevel': 5,
+ 'gagLevelMax': 0,
+ 'gagTrack': 'random',
+ 'rewardPerGrab': 4,
+ 'rewardPerGrabMax': 6,
+ }, # end entity 10041
+ 10034: {
+ 'type': 'healBarrel',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10033,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(163.300750732,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'rewardPerGrab': 7,
+ 'rewardPerGrabMax': 9,
+ }, # end entity 10034
+ 10000: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'cogs',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10011,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,66.1200027466,10.1833248138),
+ 'hpr': Point3(270.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10000
+ 10002: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'battle',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10000,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(90.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10002
+ 10003: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'cogs2',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10011,
+ 'pos': Point3(-53.9246749878,-22.7616195679,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(45.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10003
+ 10005: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'battle',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10003,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10005
+ 10007: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'props',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10007
+ 10008: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'topWall',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10007,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,48.0299987793,10.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10008
+ 10011: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'cogs',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10011
+ 10013: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'frontCogs',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10011,
+ 'pos': Point3(25.3957309723,-12.3005743027,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10013
+ 10014: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'frontPalletWall',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10007,
+ 'pos': Point3(45.5494384766,38.2237281799,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(180.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10014
+ 10021: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'middlePalletWallLeft',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10046,
+ 'pos': Point3(6.0,-37.9928665161,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10021
+ 10023: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'crateIsland',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10007,
+ 'pos': Point3(-23.1813278198,7.08758449554,0.00999999977648),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(2.0,2.0,2.0),
+ }, # end entity 10023
+ 10028: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'rewardCulDeSac',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10045,
+ 'pos': Point3(-8.26172065735,38.377407074,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10028
+ 10033: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'barrels',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10028,
+ 'pos': Point3(-4.75077962875,34.1425209045,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10033
+ 10035: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'backPalletWall',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10007,
+ 'pos': Point3(-47.6501731873,40.006893158,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(180.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10035
+ 10040: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'centerCogs',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10011,
+ 'pos': Point3(-23.9375743866,28.353269577,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10040
+ 10045: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'middlePalletWallRight',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10046,
+ 'pos': Point3(17.4200000763,-38.2999992371,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10045
+ 10046: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'middlePalletWall',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10007,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10046
+ }
+Scenario0 = {
+ }
+levelSpec = {
+ 'globalEntities': GlobalEntities,
+ 'scenarios': [
+ Scenario0,
+ ],
+ }
diff --git a/toontown/src/coghq/ b/toontown/src/coghq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44f346e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+from toontown.coghq.SpecImports import *
+GlobalEntities = {
+ 1000: {
+ 'type': 'levelMgr',
+ 'name': 'LevelMgr',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'cogLevel': 0,
+ 'farPlaneDistance': 1500,
+ 'modelFilename': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/ZONE08a',
+ 'wantDoors': 1,
+ }, # end entity 1000
+ 1001: {
+ 'type': 'editMgr',
+ 'name': 'EditMgr',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'insertEntity': None,
+ 'removeEntity': None,
+ 'requestNewEntity': None,
+ 'requestSave': None,
+ }, # end entity 1001
+ # ZONE
+ 0: {
+ 'type': 'zone',
+ 'name': 'UberZone',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'description': '',
+ 'visibility': [],
+ }, # end entity 0
+ 10006: {
+ 'type': 'gagBarrel',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10005,
+ 'pos': Point3(-23.8955783844,-29.8914642334,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'gagLevel': 5,
+ 'gagLevelMax': 0,
+ 'gagTrack': 'random',
+ 'rewardPerGrab': 5,
+ 'rewardPerGrabMax': 7,
+ }, # end entity 10006
+ 10007: {
+ 'type': 'healBarrel',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10005,
+ 'pos': Point3(-7.71000003815,6.03817367554,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'rewardPerGrab': 5,
+ 'rewardPerGrabMax': 8,
+ }, # end entity 10007
+ 10001: {
+ 'type': 'locator',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'searchPath': '**/EXIT',
+ }, # end entity 10001
+ 10002: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10001,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/VaultDoorCover.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10002
+ 10011: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10008,
+ 'pos': Point3(34.3037414551,6.2506942749,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(306.869903564,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.22879016399,1.22879016399,1.22879016399),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/boiler_A2.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10011
+ 10012: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10008,
+ 'pos': Point3(-37.5963821411,0.68013381958,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(45.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(0.761251866817,0.761251866817,0.761251866817),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/pipes_D1.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10012
+ 10000: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'cogs',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,68.932258606,9.97146701813),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(270.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10000
+ 10003: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'props',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10003
+ 10004: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'lower',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10003,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10004
+ 10005: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'barrels',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10005
+ 10008: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'upperLevel',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,65.4967575073,9.99451065063),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10008
+ 10013: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'product',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10008,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,17.8199996948,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10013
+ 10023: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'shelves',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10004,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,1.89410364628,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(90.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10023
+ 10027: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'row1',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10023,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,-32.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10027
+ 10032: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'row2',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10023,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,-14.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10032
+ 10039: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'row3',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10023,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,4.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10039
+ 10048: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'row4',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10023,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,22.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10048
+ 10055: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'row5',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10023,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,40.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10055
+ }
+Scenario0 = {
+ }
+levelSpec = {
+ 'globalEntities': GlobalEntities,
+ 'scenarios': [
+ Scenario0,
+ ],
+ }
diff --git a/toontown/src/coghq/ b/toontown/src/coghq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..400685f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+from toontown.coghq.SpecImports import *
+GlobalEntities = {
+ 1000: {
+ 'type': 'levelMgr',
+ 'name': 'LevelMgr',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'cogLevel': 0,
+ 'farPlaneDistance': 1500,
+ 'modelFilename': 'phase_12/models/bossbotHQ/BossbotEntranceRoom',
+ 'wantDoors': 1,
+ }, # end entity 1000
+ 1001: {
+ 'type': 'editMgr',
+ 'name': 'EditMgr',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'insertEntity': None,
+ 'removeEntity': None,
+ 'requestNewEntity': None,
+ 'requestSave': None,
+ }, # end entity 1001
+ # ZONE
+ 0: {
+ 'type': 'zone',
+ 'name': 'UberZone',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'description': '',
+ 'visibility': [],
+ }, # end entity 0
+ 10000: {
+ 'type': 'entrancePoint',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(0, 6, 0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'entranceId': 0,
+ 'radius': 15,
+ 'theta': 20,
+ }, # end entity 10000
+ 10002: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'props',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10002
+ }
+Scenario0 = {
+ }
+levelSpec = {
+ 'globalEntities': GlobalEntities,
+ 'scenarios': [
+ Scenario0,
+ ],
+ }
diff --git a/toontown/src/coghq/ b/toontown/src/coghq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3626952
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+from toontown.coghq.SpecImports import *
+GlobalEntities = {
+ 1000: {
+ 'type': 'levelMgr',
+ 'name': 'LevelMgr',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'cogLevel': 0,
+ 'farPlaneDistance': 1500,
+ 'modelFilename': 'phase_12/models/bossbotHQ/BossbotFairwayRoom_A',
+ 'wantDoors': 1,
+ }, # end entity 1000
+ 1001: {
+ 'type': 'editMgr',
+ 'name': 'EditMgr',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'insertEntity': None,
+ 'removeEntity': None,
+ 'requestNewEntity': {'entType': 'door', 'username': 'rurbino', 'parentEntId': 110001, 'entId': 110002},
+ 'requestSave': None,
+ }, # end entity 1001
+ # ZONE
+ 0: {
+ 'type': 'zone',
+ 'name': 'UberZone',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'description': '',
+ 'visibility': [],
+ }, # end entity 0
+ 110200: {
+ 'type': 'battleBlocker',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(70, 0, 0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(270, 0, 0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1, 1, 1),
+ 'cellId': 0,
+ 'radius': 10,
+ }, # end entity 110200
+ # DOOR
+ 110202: {
+ 'type': 'door',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 110001,
+ 'pos': Point3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'color': Vec4(1, 1, 1, 1),
+ 'isLock0Unlocked': 1,
+ 'isLock1Unlocked': 0,
+ 'isLock2Unlocked': 1,
+ 'isLock3Unlocked': 1,
+ 'isOpen': 0,
+ 'isOpenEvent': 0,
+ 'isVisBlocker': 0,
+ 'secondsOpen': 1,
+ 'unlock0Event': 0,
+ 'unlock1Event': 110200,
+ 'unlock2Event': 0,
+ 'unlock3Event': 0,
+ }, # end entity 110002
+ 10002: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'props',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10002
+ 110001: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(101.07, 0, 0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(270, 0, 0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1, 1, 1),
+ }, # end entity 110001
+ }
+Scenario0 = {
+ }
+levelSpec = {
+ 'globalEntities': GlobalEntities,
+ 'scenarios': [
+ Scenario0,
+ ],
+ }
diff --git a/toontown/src/coghq/ b/toontown/src/coghq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e0b454
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+from SpecImports import *
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+# entIds of entities that the cogs are put under
+CogParent = 110200
+# unique IDs for battle cells
+BattleCellId = 0
+BattleCells = {
+ BattleCellId : {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'pos' : Point3(0,0,0),
+ },
+ }
+CogData = [
+ {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.BossbotCountryClubCogLevel-1,
+ 'battleCell' : BattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(-6,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 0,
+ 'revives' : 1,
+ },
+ {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.BossbotCountryClubCogLevel-1,
+ 'battleCell' : BattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(-2,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 0,
+ },
+ {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.BossbotCountryClubCogLevel-1,
+ 'battleCell' : BattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(2,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 0,
+ },
+ {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.BossbotCountryClubCogLevel-1,
+ 'battleCell' : BattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(6,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 0,
+ },
+ ]
+ReserveCogData = [
+ ]
diff --git a/toontown/src/coghq/ b/toontown/src/coghq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3499f3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+from toontown.coghq.SpecImports import *
+GlobalEntities = {
+ 1000: {
+ 'type': 'levelMgr',
+ 'name': 'LevelMgr',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'cogLevel': 0,
+ 'farPlaneDistance': 1500,
+ 'modelFilename': 'phase_12/models/bossbotHQ/BossbotGreenRoom_A',
+ 'wantDoors': 1,
+ }, # end entity 1000
+ 1001: {
+ 'type': 'editMgr',
+ 'name': 'EditMgr',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'insertEntity': None,
+ 'removeEntity': None,
+ 'requestNewEntity': None,
+ 'requestSave': None,
+ }, # end entity 1001
+ # ZONE
+ 0: {
+ 'type': 'zone',
+ 'name': 'UberZone',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'description': '',
+ 'visibility': [],
+ }, # end entity 0
+ # DOOR
+ 110301: {
+ 'type': 'door',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 110303,
+ 'pos': Point3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'color': Vec4(1, 1, 1, 1),
+ 'isLock0Unlocked': 1,
+ 'isLock1Unlocked': 0,
+ 'isLock2Unlocked': 1,
+ 'isLock3Unlocked': 1,
+ 'isOpen': 0,
+ 'isOpenEvent': 0,
+ 'isVisBlocker': 0,
+ 'secondsOpen': 1,
+ 'unlock0Event': 0,
+ 'unlock1Event': 110302,
+ 'unlock2Event': 0,
+ 'unlock3Event': 0,
+ }, # end entity 110301
+ 110302: {
+ 'type': 'golfGreenGame',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'cellId': 0,
+ 'puzzleBase': 3,
+ 'puzzlePerPlayer': 1,
+ 'switchId': 0,
+ 'timeToPlay': 120,
+ }, # end entity 110302
+ 10002: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'props',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10002
+ 110303: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(40.9635, 2, 0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(270, 0, 0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1, 1, 1),
+ }, # end entity 110303
+ }
+Scenario0 = {
+ }
+levelSpec = {
+ 'globalEntities': GlobalEntities,
+ 'scenarios': [
+ Scenario0,
+ ],
+ }
diff --git a/toontown/src/coghq/ b/toontown/src/coghq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1dc750d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+from toontown.coghq.SpecImports import *
+GlobalEntities = {
+ 1000: {
+ 'type': 'levelMgr',
+ 'name': 'LevelMgr',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'cogLevel': 0,
+ 'farPlaneDistance': 1500,
+ 'modelFilename': 'phase_12/models/bossbotHQ/BossbotGreenRoom_A',
+ 'wantDoors': 1,
+ }, # end entity 1000
+ 1001: {
+ 'type': 'editMgr',
+ 'name': 'EditMgr',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'insertEntity': None,
+ 'removeEntity': None,
+ 'requestNewEntity': None,
+ 'requestSave': None,
+ }, # end entity 1001
+ # ZONE
+ 0: {
+ 'type': 'zone',
+ 'name': 'UberZone',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'description': '',
+ 'visibility': [],
+ }, # end entity 0
+ # DOOR
+ 110301: {
+ 'type': 'door',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 110303,
+ 'pos': Point3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'color': Vec4(1, 1, 1, 1),
+ 'isLock0Unlocked': 1,
+ 'isLock1Unlocked': 0,
+ 'isLock2Unlocked': 1,
+ 'isLock3Unlocked': 1,
+ 'isOpen': 0,
+ 'isOpenEvent': 0,
+ 'isVisBlocker': 0,
+ 'secondsOpen': 1,
+ 'unlock0Event': 0,
+ 'unlock1Event': 110302,
+ 'unlock2Event': 0,
+ 'unlock3Event': 0,
+ }, # end entity 110301
+ 110302: {
+ 'type': 'golfGreenGame',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'puzzleBase': 3,
+ 'puzzlePerPlayer': 2,
+ 'timeToPlay': 140,
+ 'cellId': 0,
+ 'switchId': 0,
+ }, # end entity 100000
+ 10002: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'props',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10002
+ 110303: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(40.9635, 2, 0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(270, 0, 0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1, 1, 1),
+ }, # end entity 110303
+ }
+Scenario0 = {
+ }
+levelSpec = {
+ 'globalEntities': GlobalEntities,
+ 'scenarios': [
+ Scenario0,
+ ],
+ }
diff --git a/toontown/src/coghq/ b/toontown/src/coghq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1293796
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+from toontown.coghq.SpecImports import *
+GlobalEntities = {
+ 1000: {
+ 'type': 'levelMgr',
+ 'name': 'LevelMgr',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'cogLevel': 0,
+ 'farPlaneDistance': 1500,
+ 'modelFilename': 'phase_12/models/bossbotHQ/BossbotGreenRoom_A',
+ 'wantDoors': 1,
+ }, # end entity 1000
+ 1001: {
+ 'type': 'editMgr',
+ 'name': 'EditMgr',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'insertEntity': None,
+ 'removeEntity': None,
+ 'requestNewEntity': None,
+ 'requestSave': None,
+ }, # end entity 1001
+ # ZONE
+ 0: {
+ 'type': 'zone',
+ 'name': 'UberZone',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'description': '',
+ 'visibility': [],
+ }, # end entity 0
+ # DOOR
+ 110301: {
+ 'type': 'door',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 110303,
+ 'pos': Point3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'color': Vec4(1, 1, 1, 1),
+ 'isLock0Unlocked': 1,
+ 'isLock1Unlocked': 0,
+ 'isLock2Unlocked': 1,
+ 'isLock3Unlocked': 1,
+ 'isOpen': 0,
+ 'isOpenEvent': 0,
+ 'isVisBlocker': 0,
+ 'secondsOpen': 1,
+ 'unlock0Event': 0,
+ 'unlock1Event': 110302,
+ 'unlock2Event': 0,
+ 'unlock3Event': 0,
+ }, # end entity 110301
+ 110302: {
+ 'type': 'golfGreenGame',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'puzzleBase': 3,
+ 'puzzlePerPlayer': 3,
+ 'timeToPlay': 180,
+ 'cellId': 0,
+ 'switchId': 0,
+ }, # end entity 100000
+ 10002: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'props',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10002
+ 110303: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(40.9635, 2, 0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(270, 0, 0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1, 1, 1),
+ }, # end entity 110303
+ }
+Scenario0 = {
+ }
+levelSpec = {
+ 'globalEntities': GlobalEntities,
+ 'scenarios': [
+ Scenario0,
+ ],
+ }
diff --git a/toontown/src/coghq/ b/toontown/src/coghq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2584a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+from toontown.coghq.SpecImports import *
+GlobalEntities = {
+ 1000: {
+ 'type': 'levelMgr',
+ 'name': 'LevelMgr',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'cogLevel': 0,
+ 'farPlaneDistance': 1500,
+ 'modelFilename': 'phase_12/models/bossbotHQ/BossbotKartBoardingRm',
+ 'wantDoors': 1,
+ }, # end entity 1000
+ 1001: {
+ 'type': 'editMgr',
+ 'name': 'EditMgr',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'insertEntity': None,
+ 'removeEntity': None,
+ 'requestNewEntity': None,
+ 'requestSave': None,
+ }, # end entity 1001
+ # ZONE
+ 0: {
+ 'type': 'zone',
+ 'name': 'UberZone',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'description': '',
+ 'visibility': [],
+ }, # end entity 0
+ 110400: {
+ 'type': 'battleBlocker',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(4, 0, 0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(270, 0, 0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1, 1, 1),
+ 'cellId': 0,
+ 'radius': 10,
+ }, # end entity 110400
+ 110000: {
+ 'type': 'elevatorMarker',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(26.854, 0, 0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(90, 0, 0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1, 1, 1),
+ 'modelPath': 0,
+ }, # end entity 110000
+ 10002: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'props',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10002
+ 110401: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(101.07, 0, 0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(270, 0, 0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1, 1, 1),
+ }, # end entity 110401
+ }
+Scenario0 = {
+ }
+levelSpec = {
+ 'globalEntities': GlobalEntities,
+ 'scenarios': [
+ Scenario0,
+ ],
+ }
diff --git a/toontown/src/coghq/ b/toontown/src/coghq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad6609b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+from SpecImports import *
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+# entIds of entities that the cogs are put under
+CogParent = 110400
+# unique IDs for battle cells
+BattleCellId = 0
+BattleCells = {
+ BattleCellId : {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'pos' : Point3(0,0,0),
+ },
+ }
+CogData = [
+ {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.BossbotCountryClubCogLevel,
+ 'battleCell' : BattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(-6,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'revives' : 1,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 0,
+ },
+ {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.BossbotCountryClubCogLevel,
+ 'battleCell' : BattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(-2,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 0,
+ },
+ {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.BossbotCountryClubCogLevel,
+ 'battleCell' : BattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(2,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 0,
+ 'revives' : 1,
+ },
+ {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.BossbotCountryClubCogLevel,
+ 'battleCell' : BattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(6,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 0,
+ },
+ ]
+ReserveCogData = [
+ ]
diff --git a/toontown/src/coghq/ b/toontown/src/coghq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d81de7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+from toontown.coghq.SpecImports import *
+GlobalEntities = {
+ 1000: {
+ 'type': 'levelMgr',
+ 'name': 'LevelMgr',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'cogLevel': 0,
+ 'farPlaneDistance': 1500,
+ 'modelFilename': 'phase_12/models/bossbotHQ/BossbotMazex1_C',
+ 'wantDoors': 1,
+ }, # end entity 1000
+ 1001: {
+ 'type': 'editMgr',
+ 'name': 'EditMgr',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'insertEntity': None,
+ 'removeEntity': None,
+ 'requestNewEntity': None,
+ 'requestSave': None,
+ }, # end entity 1001
+ # ZONE
+ 0: {
+ 'type': 'zone',
+ 'name': 'UberZone',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'description': '',
+ 'visibility': [],
+ }, # end entity 0
+ 110000: {
+ 'type': 'battleBlocker',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(-131.21, 84.92, 0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(270, 0, 0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1, 1, 1),
+ 'cellId': 0,
+ 'radius': 10,
+ }, # end entity 110000
+ # DOOR
+ 110202: {
+ 'type': 'door',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 110001,
+ 'pos': Point3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'color': Vec4(1, 1, 1, 1),
+ 'isLock0Unlocked': 1,
+ 'isLock1Unlocked': 0,
+ 'isLock2Unlocked': 1,
+ 'isLock3Unlocked': 1,
+ 'isOpen': 0,
+ 'isOpenEvent': 0,
+ 'isVisBlocker': 0,
+ 'secondsOpen': 1,
+ 'unlock0Event': 0,
+ 'unlock1Event': 110000,
+ 'unlock2Event': 0,
+ 'unlock3Event': 0,
+ }, # end entity 110202
+ # MAZE
+ 110002: {
+ 'type': 'maze',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(-141.563, -78.8353, 0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1, 1, 1),
+ 'numSections': 1,
+ }, # end entity 110002
+ 10002: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'props',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10002
+ 110001: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(-106.91, 82.6953, 0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(270, 0, 0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1, 1, 1),
+ }, # end entity 110001
+ }
+Scenario0 = {
+ }
+levelSpec = {
+ 'globalEntities': GlobalEntities,
+ 'scenarios': [
+ Scenario0,
+ ],
+ }
diff --git a/toontown/src/coghq/ b/toontown/src/coghq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a01fcbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+from SpecImports import *
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+# entIds of entities that the cogs are put under
+CogParent = 110000
+# unique IDs for battle cells
+BattleCellId = 0
+BattleCells = {
+ BattleCellId : {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'pos' : Point3(0,0,0),
+ },
+ }
+CogData = [
+ {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.BossbotCountryClubCogLevel-1,
+ 'battleCell' : BattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(-6,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 0,
+ },
+ {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.BossbotCountryClubCogLevel-1,
+ 'battleCell' : BattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(-2,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 0,
+ },
+ {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.BossbotCountryClubCogLevel-1,
+ 'battleCell' : BattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(2,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 0,
+ },
+ {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.BossbotCountryClubCogLevel-1,
+ 'battleCell' : BattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(6,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 0,
+ 'revives' : 1,
+ },
+ ]
+ReserveCogData = [
+ ]
diff --git a/toontown/src/coghq/ b/toontown/src/coghq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ba206b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+from toontown.coghq.SpecImports import *
+GlobalEntities = {
+ 1000: {
+ 'type': 'levelMgr',
+ 'name': 'LevelMgr',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'cogLevel': 0,
+ 'farPlaneDistance': 1500,
+ 'modelFilename': 'phase_12/models/bossbotHQ/BossbotMazex2_straight_C',
+ 'wantDoors': 1,
+ }, # end entity 1000
+ 1001: {
+ 'type': 'editMgr',
+ 'name': 'EditMgr',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'insertEntity': None,
+ 'removeEntity': None,
+ 'requestNewEntity': None,
+ 'requestSave': None,
+ }, # end entity 1001
+ # ZONE
+ 0: {
+ 'type': 'zone',
+ 'name': 'UberZone',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'description': '',
+ 'visibility': [],
+ }, # end entity 0
+ 110000: {
+ 'type': 'battleBlocker',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(40.29, 84.9249, 0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(270, 0, 0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1, 1, 1),
+ 'cellId': 0,
+ 'radius': 10,
+ }, # end entity 110000
+ # DOOR
+ 110202: {
+ 'type': 'door',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 110001,
+ 'pos': Point3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'color': Vec4(1, 1, 1, 1),
+ 'isLock0Unlocked': 1,
+ 'isLock1Unlocked': 0,
+ 'isLock2Unlocked': 1,
+ 'isLock3Unlocked': 1,
+ 'isOpen': 0,
+ 'isOpenEvent': 0,
+ 'isVisBlocker': 0,
+ 'secondsOpen': 1,
+ 'unlock0Event': 0,
+ 'unlock1Event': 110000,
+ 'unlock2Event': 0,
+ 'unlock3Event': 0,
+ }, # end entity 110202
+ # MAZE
+ 110002: {
+ 'type': 'maze',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(-141.563, -78.8353, 0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1, 1, 1),
+ 'numSections': 2,
+ }, # end entity 110002
+ 10002: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'props',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10002
+ 110001: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(61.31, 82.0083, 0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(270, 0, 0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1, 1, 1),
+ }, # end entity 110001
+ }
+Scenario0 = {
+ }
+levelSpec = {
+ 'globalEntities': GlobalEntities,
+ 'scenarios': [
+ Scenario0,
+ ],
+ }
diff --git a/toontown/src/coghq/ b/toontown/src/coghq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b192c30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+from SpecImports import *
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+# entIds of entities that the cogs are put under
+CogParent = 110000
+# unique IDs for battle cells
+BattleCellId = 0
+BattleCells = {
+ BattleCellId : {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'pos' : Point3(0,0,0),
+ },
+ }
+CogData = [
+ {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.BossbotCountryClubCogLevel-1,
+ 'battleCell' : BattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(-6,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 0,
+ },
+ {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.BossbotCountryClubCogLevel-1,
+ 'battleCell' : BattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(-2,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 0,
+ },
+ {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.BossbotCountryClubCogLevel-1,
+ 'battleCell' : BattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(2,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 0,
+ 'revives' : 1,
+ },
+ {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.BossbotCountryClubCogLevel-1,
+ 'battleCell' : BattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(6,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 0,
+ },
+ ]
+ReserveCogData = [
+ ]
diff --git a/toontown/src/coghq/ b/toontown/src/coghq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb62357
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+from toontown.coghq.SpecImports import *
+GlobalEntities = {
+ 1000: {
+ 'type': 'levelMgr',
+ 'name': 'LevelMgr',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'cogLevel': 0,
+ 'farPlaneDistance': 1500,
+ 'modelFilename': 'phase_12/models/bossbotHQ/BossbotMazex4_C',
+ 'wantDoors': 1,
+ }, # end entity 1000
+ 1001: {
+ 'type': 'editMgr',
+ 'name': 'EditMgr',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'insertEntity': None,
+ 'removeEntity': None,
+ 'requestNewEntity': None,
+ 'requestSave': None,
+ }, # end entity 1001
+ # ZONE
+ 0: {
+ 'type': 'zone',
+ 'name': 'UberZone',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'description': '',
+ 'visibility': [],
+ }, # end entity 0
+ 110000: {
+ 'type': 'battleBlocker',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(42.8475, 84.9249, 0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(270, 0, 0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1, 1, 1),
+ 'cellId': 0,
+ 'radius': 10,
+ }, # end entity 110000
+ # DOOR
+ 110202: {
+ 'type': 'door',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 110001,
+ 'pos': Point3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'color': Vec4(1, 1, 1, 1),
+ 'isLock0Unlocked': 1,
+ 'isLock1Unlocked': 0,
+ 'isLock2Unlocked': 1,
+ 'isLock3Unlocked': 1,
+ 'isOpen': 0,
+ 'isOpenEvent': 0,
+ 'isVisBlocker': 0,
+ 'secondsOpen': 1,
+ 'unlock0Event': 0,
+ 'unlock1Event': 110000,
+ 'unlock2Event': 0,
+ 'unlock3Event': 0,
+ }, # end entity 110202
+ # MAZE
+ 110002: {
+ 'type': 'maze',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(-141.563, -78.8353, 0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1, 1, 1),
+ 'numSections': 3,
+ }, # end entity 110002
+ 10002: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'props',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10002
+ 110001: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(60.0276, 82.0315, 0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(270, 0, 0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1, 1, 1),
+ }, # end entity 110001
+ }
+Scenario0 = {
+ }
+levelSpec = {
+ 'globalEntities': GlobalEntities,
+ 'scenarios': [
+ Scenario0,
+ ],
+ }
diff --git a/toontown/src/coghq/ b/toontown/src/coghq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f698e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+from SpecImports import *
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+# entIds of entities that the cogs are put under
+CogParent = 110000
+# unique IDs for battle cells
+BattleCellId = 0
+BattleCells = {
+ BattleCellId : {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'pos' : Point3(0,0,0),
+ },
+ }
+CogData = [
+ {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.BossbotCountryClubCogLevel-1,
+ 'battleCell' : BattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(-6,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 0,
+ },
+ {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.BossbotCountryClubCogLevel-1,
+ 'battleCell' : BattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(-2,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 0,
+ 'revives' : 1, },
+ {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.BossbotCountryClubCogLevel-1,
+ 'battleCell' : BattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(2,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 0,
+ },
+ {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.BossbotCountryClubCogLevel-1,
+ 'battleCell' : BattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(6,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 0,
+ },
+ ]
+ReserveCogData = [
+ ]
diff --git a/toontown/src/coghq/ b/toontown/src/coghq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c658fc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+from toontown.coghq.SpecImports import *
+GlobalEntities = {
+ 1000: {
+ 'type': 'levelMgr',
+ 'name': 'LevelMgr',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'cogLevel': 0,
+ 'farPlaneDistance': 1500,
+ 'modelFilename': 'phase_12/models/bossbotHQ/BossbotMazex4_C',
+ 'wantDoors': 1,
+ }, # end entity 1000
+ 1001: {
+ 'type': 'editMgr',
+ 'name': 'EditMgr',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'insertEntity': None,
+ 'removeEntity': None,
+ 'requestNewEntity': None,
+ 'requestSave': None,
+ }, # end entity 1001
+ # ZONE
+ 0: {
+ 'type': 'zone',
+ 'name': 'UberZone',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'description': '',
+ 'visibility': [],
+ }, # end entity 0
+ 110000: {
+ 'type': 'battleBlocker',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(209.474, 84.9249, 0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(270, 0, 0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1, 1, 1),
+ 'cellId': 0,
+ 'radius': 10,
+ }, # end entity 110000
+ # DOOR
+ 110202: {
+ 'type': 'door',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 110001,
+ 'pos': Point3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'color': Vec4(1, 1, 1, 1),
+ 'isLock0Unlocked': 1,
+ 'isLock1Unlocked': 0,
+ 'isLock2Unlocked': 1,
+ 'isLock3Unlocked': 1,
+ 'isOpen': 0,
+ 'isOpenEvent': 0,
+ 'isVisBlocker': 0,
+ 'secondsOpen': 1,
+ 'unlock0Event': 0,
+ 'unlock1Event': 110000,
+ 'unlock2Event': 0,
+ 'unlock3Event': 0,
+ }, # end entity 110202
+ # MAZE
+ 110002: {
+ 'type': 'maze',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(-141.563, -78.8353, 0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1, 1, 1),
+ 'numSections': 4,
+ }, # end entity 110002
+ 10002: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'props',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10002
+ 110001: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(231.424, 83.2459, 0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(270, 0, 0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1, 1, 1),
+ }, # end entity 110001
+ }
+Scenario0 = {
+ }
+levelSpec = {
+ 'globalEntities': GlobalEntities,
+ 'scenarios': [
+ Scenario0,
+ ],
+ }
diff --git a/toontown/src/coghq/ b/toontown/src/coghq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d34559c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+from SpecImports import *
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+# entIds of entities that the cogs are put under
+CogParent = 110000
+# unique IDs for battle cells
+BattleCellId = 0
+BattleCells = {
+ BattleCellId : {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'pos' : Point3(0,0,0),
+ },
+ }
+CogData = [
+ {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.BossbotCountryClubCogLevel-1,
+ 'battleCell' : BattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(-6,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 0,
+ 'revives' : 1,
+ },
+ {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.BossbotCountryClubCogLevel-1,
+ 'battleCell' : BattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(-2,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 0,
+ },
+ {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.BossbotCountryClubCogLevel-1,
+ 'battleCell' : BattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(2,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 0,
+ },
+ {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.BossbotCountryClubCogLevel-1,
+ 'battleCell' : BattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(6,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 0,
+ },
+ ]
+ReserveCogData = [
+ ]
diff --git a/toontown/src/coghq/ b/toontown/src/coghq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e69323
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+from toontown.coghq.SpecImports import *
+GlobalEntities = {
+ 1000: {
+ 'type': 'levelMgr',
+ 'name': 'LevelMgr',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'cogLevel': 0,
+ 'farPlaneDistance': 1500,
+ 'modelFilename': 'phase_12/models/bossbotHQ/BossbotPresidentsRm',
+ 'wantDoors': 1,
+ }, # end entity 1000
+ 1001: {
+ 'type': 'editMgr',
+ 'name': 'EditMgr',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'insertEntity': None,
+ 'removeEntity': None,
+ 'requestNewEntity': None,
+ 'requestSave': None,
+ }, # end entity 1001
+ # ZONE
+ 0: {
+ 'type': 'zone',
+ 'name': 'UberZone',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'description': '',
+ 'visibility': [],
+ }, # end entity 0
+ 110400: {
+ 'type': 'battleBlocker',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(4, 0, 0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(270, 0, 0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1, 1, 1),
+ 'cellId': 0,
+ 'radius': 10,
+ }, # end entity 110400
+ 10002: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'props',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10002
+ 110401: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(101.07, 0, 0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(270, 0, 0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1, 1, 1),
+ }, # end entity 110401
+ }
+Scenario0 = {
+ }
+levelSpec = {
+ 'globalEntities': GlobalEntities,
+ 'scenarios': [
+ Scenario0,
+ ],
+ }
diff --git a/toontown/src/coghq/ b/toontown/src/coghq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7be1dc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+from SpecImports import *
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+# entIds of entities that the cogs are put under
+CogParent = 110400
+# unique IDs for battle cells
+BattleCellId = 0
+BattleCells = {
+ BattleCellId : {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'pos' : Point3(0,0,0),
+ },
+ }
+CogData = [
+ {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'boss' : 1,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.BossbotCountryClubCogLevel,
+ 'battleCell' : BattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(-6,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 0,
+ 'revives' : 1,
+ },
+ {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.BossbotCountryClubCogLevel,
+ 'battleCell' : BattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(-2,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 0,
+ 'revives' : 1,
+ },
+ {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.BossbotCountryClubCogLevel,
+ 'battleCell' : BattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(2,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 0,
+ },
+ {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.BossbotCountryClubCogLevel,
+ 'battleCell' : BattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(6,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 0,
+ 'revives' : 1,
+ },
+ ]
+ReserveCogData = [
+ ]
diff --git a/toontown/src/coghq/ b/toontown/src/coghq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ace8546
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+from toontown.coghq.SpecImports import *
+GlobalEntities = {
+ 1000: {
+ 'type': 'levelMgr',
+ 'name': 'LevelMgr',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'cogLevel': 0,
+ 'farPlaneDistance': 1500,
+ 'modelFilename': 'phase_12/models/bossbotHQ/BossbotTeeOffRoom',
+ 'wantDoors': 1,
+ }, # end entity 1000
+ 1001: {
+ 'type': 'editMgr',
+ 'name': 'EditMgr',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'insertEntity': None,
+ 'removeEntity': None,
+ 'requestNewEntity': None,
+ 'requestSave': None,
+ }, # end entity 1001
+ # ZONE
+ 0: {
+ 'type': 'zone',
+ 'name': 'UberZone',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'description': '',
+ 'visibility': [],
+ }, # end entity 0
+ # DOOR
+ 110100: {
+ 'type': 'door',
+ 'name': 'TeeOffExitDoor',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 110001,
+ 'pos': Point3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1, 1, 1),
+ 'color': Vec4(1, 1, 1, 1),
+ 'isLock0Unlocked': 1,
+ 'isLock1Unlocked': 0,
+ 'isLock2Unlocked': 1,
+ 'isLock3Unlocked': 1,
+ 'isOpen': 0,
+ 'isOpenEvent': 0,
+ 'isVisBlocker': 0,
+ 'secondsOpen': 1,
+ 'unlock0Event': 0,
+ 'unlock1Event': 110102,
+ 'unlock2Event': 0,
+ 'unlock3Event': 0,
+ }, # end entity 110100
+ 110102: {
+ 'type': 'moleField',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(-38.6164, -26.2922, 0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1, 1, 1),
+ 'numSquaresX': 6,
+ 'numSquaresY': 6,
+ 'spacingX': 10.0,
+ 'spacingY': 10.0,
+ 'timeToPlay' : 60,
+ 'molesBase' : 4,
+ 'molesPerPlayer' : 1,
+ }, # end entity 110102
+ 10002: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'props',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10002
+ 110001: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'doorParent',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(60.2682, 0.55914, 0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(270, 0, 0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1, 1, 1),
+ }, # end entity 110001
+ }
+Scenario0 = {
+ }
+levelSpec = {
+ 'globalEntities': GlobalEntities,
+ 'scenarios': [
+ Scenario0,
+ ],
+ }
diff --git a/toontown/src/coghq/ b/toontown/src/coghq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5692b31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+from toontown.coghq.SpecImports import *
+GlobalEntities = {
+ 1000: {
+ 'type': 'levelMgr',
+ 'name': 'LevelMgr',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'cogLevel': 0,
+ 'farPlaneDistance': 1500,
+ 'modelFilename': 'phase_12/models/bossbotHQ/BossbotTeeOffRoom',
+ 'wantDoors': 1,
+ }, # end entity 1000
+ 1001: {
+ 'type': 'editMgr',
+ 'name': 'EditMgr',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'insertEntity': None,
+ 'removeEntity': None,
+ 'requestNewEntity': None,
+ 'requestSave': None,
+ }, # end entity 1001
+ # ZONE
+ 0: {
+ 'type': 'zone',
+ 'name': 'UberZone',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'description': '',
+ 'visibility': [],
+ }, # end entity 0
+ # DOOR
+ 110100: {
+ 'type': 'door',
+ 'name': 'TeeOffExitDoor',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 110001,
+ 'pos': Point3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1, 1, 1),
+ 'color': Vec4(1, 1, 1, 1),
+ 'isLock0Unlocked': 1,
+ 'isLock1Unlocked': 0,
+ 'isLock2Unlocked': 1,
+ 'isLock3Unlocked': 1,
+ 'isOpen': 0,
+ 'isOpenEvent': 0,
+ 'isVisBlocker': 0,
+ 'secondsOpen': 1,
+ 'unlock0Event': 0,
+ 'unlock1Event': 110102,
+ 'unlock2Event': 0,
+ 'unlock3Event': 0,
+ }, # end entity 110100
+ 110102: {
+ 'type': 'moleField',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(-38.6164, -26.2922, 0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1, 1, 1),
+ 'numSquaresX': 6,
+ 'numSquaresY': 6,
+ 'spacingX': 10.0,
+ 'spacingY': 10.0,
+ 'timeToPlay' : 60,
+ 'molesBase' : 4,
+ 'molesPerPlayer' : 2,
+ }, # end entity 110102
+ 10002: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'props',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10002
+ 110001: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'doorParent',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(60.2682, 0.55914, 0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(270, 0, 0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1, 1, 1),
+ }, # end entity 110001
+ }
+Scenario0 = {
+ }
+levelSpec = {
+ 'globalEntities': GlobalEntities,
+ 'scenarios': [
+ Scenario0,
+ ],
+ }
diff --git a/toontown/src/coghq/ b/toontown/src/coghq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aabf3ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+from toontown.coghq.SpecImports import *
+GlobalEntities = {
+ 1000: {
+ 'type': 'levelMgr',
+ 'name': 'LevelMgr',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'cogLevel': 0,
+ 'farPlaneDistance': 1500,
+ 'modelFilename': 'phase_12/models/bossbotHQ/BossbotTeeOffRoom',
+ 'wantDoors': 1,
+ }, # end entity 1000
+ 1001: {
+ 'type': 'editMgr',
+ 'name': 'EditMgr',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'insertEntity': None,
+ 'removeEntity': None,
+ 'requestNewEntity': None,
+ 'requestSave': None,
+ }, # end entity 1001
+ # ZONE
+ 0: {
+ 'type': 'zone',
+ 'name': 'UberZone',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'description': '',
+ 'visibility': [],
+ }, # end entity 0
+ # DOOR
+ 110100: {
+ 'type': 'door',
+ 'name': 'TeeOffExitDoor',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 110001,
+ 'pos': Point3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1, 1, 1),
+ 'color': Vec4(1, 1, 1, 1),
+ 'isLock0Unlocked': 1,
+ 'isLock1Unlocked': 0,
+ 'isLock2Unlocked': 1,
+ 'isLock3Unlocked': 1,
+ 'isOpen': 0,
+ 'isOpenEvent': 0,
+ 'isVisBlocker': 0,
+ 'secondsOpen': 1,
+ 'unlock0Event': 0,
+ 'unlock1Event': 110102,
+ 'unlock2Event': 0,
+ 'unlock3Event': 0,
+ }, # end entity 110100
+ 110102: {
+ 'type': 'moleField',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(-38.6164, -26.2922, 0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1, 1, 1),
+ 'numSquaresX': 6,
+ 'numSquaresY': 6,
+ 'spacingX': 10.0,
+ 'spacingY': 10.0,
+ 'timeToPlay' : 60,
+ 'molesBase' : 4,
+ 'molesPerPlayer' : 3,
+ }, # end entity 110102
+ 10002: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'props',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10002
+ 110001: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'doorParent',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(60.2682, 0.55914, 0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(270, 0, 0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1, 1, 1),
+ }, # end entity 110001
+ }
+Scenario0 = {
+ }
+levelSpec = {
+ 'globalEntities': GlobalEntities,
+ 'scenarios': [
+ Scenario0,
+ ],
+ }
diff --git a/toontown/src/coghq/ b/toontown/src/coghq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5486e90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+from toontown.coghq.SpecImports import *
+GlobalEntities = {
+ 1000: {
+ 'type': 'levelMgr',
+ 'name': 'LevelMgr',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'cogLevel': 0,
+ 'farPlaneDistance': 1500,
+ 'modelFilename': 'phase_12/models/bossbotHQ/BossbotTeeOffRoom',
+ 'wantDoors': 1,
+ }, # end entity 1000
+ 1001: {
+ 'type': 'editMgr',
+ 'name': 'EditMgr',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'insertEntity': None,
+ 'removeEntity': None,
+ 'requestNewEntity': None,
+ 'requestSave': None,
+ }, # end entity 1001
+ # ZONE
+ 0: {
+ 'type': 'zone',
+ 'name': 'UberZone',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'description': '',
+ 'visibility': [],
+ }, # end entity 0
+ 10002: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'props',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10002
+ }
+Scenario0 = {
+ }
+levelSpec = {
+ 'globalEntities': GlobalEntities,
+ 'scenarios': [
+ Scenario0,
+ ],
+ }
diff --git a/toontown/src/coghq/ b/toontown/src/coghq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6a5e16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
+from toontown.suit import DistributedBossbotBoss
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from toontown.coghq import CogHQBossBattle
+class BossbotHQBossBattle(CogHQBossBattle.CogHQBossBattle):
+ # create a notify category
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("BossbotHQBossBattle")
+ # special methods
+ def __init__(self, loader, parentFSM, doneEvent):
+ CogHQBossBattle.CogHQBossBattle.__init__(self, loader, parentFSM, doneEvent)
+ # This is only used for magic words.
+ self.teleportInPosHpr = (88, -214, 0, 210, 0, 0)
+ for stateName in ['movie',]:
+ state = self.fsm.getStateNamed(stateName)
+ state.addTransition('crane')
+ # force a finalBattle to finalBattle transition to be valid
+ # makes life easier when a toon is hit while golfing
+ state = self.fsm.getStateNamed('finalBattle')
+ state.addTransition('finalBattle')
+ def load(self):
+ CogHQBossBattle.CogHQBossBattle.load(self)
+ def unload(self):
+ CogHQBossBattle.CogHQBossBattle.unload(self)
+ def enter(self, requestStatus):
+ CogHQBossBattle.CogHQBossBattle.enter(self, requestStatus,
+ DistributedBossbotBoss.OneBossCog)
+ # No need for a sky; this scene is entirely interior.
+ def exit(self):
+ CogHQBossBattle.CogHQBossBattle.exit(self)
+ def exitCrane(self):
+ CogHQBossBattle.CogHQBossBattle.exitCrane(self)
+ # If we leave crane mode for any reason--for instance, we got
+ # zapped--then tell the pitcher or table to relinquish control.
+ messenger.send('exitCrane')
diff --git a/toontown/src/coghq/ b/toontown/src/coghq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f268bf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from toontown.battle import BattlePlace
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM, State
+from direct.fsm import State
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from toontown.building import Elevator
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from toontown.coghq import CogHQExterior
+#from toontown.coghq import CogHQLobby
+class BossbotHQExterior(CogHQExterior.CogHQExterior):
+ # create a notify category
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("BossbotHQExterior")
+ def __init__(self, loader, parentFSM, doneEvent):
+ CogHQExterior.CogHQExterior.__init__(self, loader, parentFSM, doneEvent)
+ self.elevatorDoneEvent = "elevatorDone"
+ self.trains = None
+ self.fsm.addState( State.State('elevator',
+ self.enterElevator,
+ self.exitElevator,
+ ['walk', 'stopped']))
+ state = self.fsm.getStateNamed('walk')
+ state.addTransition('elevator')
+ # Adding transition from stopped to elevator because this is possible when you are in a boarding group.
+ state = self.fsm.getStateNamed('stopped')
+ state.addTransition('elevator')
+ # Adding transition from stickerBook to elevator because this is possible when you are in a boarding group.
+ state = self.fsm.getStateNamed('stickerBook')
+ state.addTransition('elevator')
+ # elevator state
+ # (For boarding a building elevator)
+ def enterElevator(self, distElevator, skipDFABoard = 0):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("enterElevator()"))
+ self.accept(self.elevatorDoneEvent, self.handleElevatorDone)
+ self.elevator = Elevator.Elevator(self.fsm.getStateNamed("elevator"),
+ self.elevatorDoneEvent,
+ distElevator)
+ if skipDFABoard:
+ self.elevator.skipDFABoard = 1
+ self.elevator.setReverseBoardingCamera(True)
+ self.elevator.load()
+ self.elevator.enter()
+ def exitElevator(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("exitElevator()"))
+ self.ignore(self.elevatorDoneEvent)
+ self.elevator.unload()
+ self.elevator.exit()
+ del self.elevator
+ def detectedElevatorCollision(self, distElevator):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("detectedElevatorCollision()"))
+ self.fsm.request("elevator", [distElevator])
+ def handleElevatorDone(self, doneStatus):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("handleElevatorDone()"))
+ self.notify.debug("handling elevator done event")
+ where = doneStatus['where']
+ if (where == 'reject'):
+ # If there has been a reject the Elevator should show an
+ # elevatorNotifier message and put the toon in the stopped state.
+ # Don't request the walk state here. Let the the toon be stuck in the
+ # stopped state till the player removes that message from his screen.
+ # Removing the message will automatically put him in the walk state there.
+ # Put the player in the walk state only if there is no elevator message.
+ if hasattr(base.localAvatar, "elevatorNotifier") and base.localAvatar.elevatorNotifier.isNotifierOpen():
+ pass
+ else:
+ self.fsm.request("walk")
+ elif (where == 'exit'):
+ self.fsm.request("walk")
+ elif (where == 'countryClubInterior'):
+ self.doneStatus = doneStatus
+ messenger.send(self.doneEvent)
+ else:
+ self.notify.error("Unknown mode: " + where +
+ " in handleElevatorDone")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/toontown/src/coghq/ b/toontown/src/coghq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..339953b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM
+from direct.fsm import State
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from toontown.building import Elevator
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+import FactoryExterior
+class BossbotOfficeExterior(FactoryExterior.FactoryExterior):
+ # create a notify category
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("LawbotOfficeExterior")
+ def enterWalk(self, teleportIn=0):
+ FactoryExterior.FactoryExterior.enterWalk(self, teleportIn)
+ self.ignore('teleportQuery')
+ base.localAvatar.setTeleportAvailable(0)
diff --git a/toontown/src/coghq/ b/toontown/src/coghq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f40756e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.fsm import StateData
+import CogHQLoader, MintInterior
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+from direct.gui import DirectGui
+from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer
+from toontown.toon import Toon
+from direct.fsm import State
+import CashbotHQExterior
+import CashbotHQBossBattle
+from pandac.PandaModules import DecalEffect
+class CashbotCogHQLoader(CogHQLoader.CogHQLoader):
+ # create a notify category
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("CashbotCogHQLoader")
+ #notify.setDebug(True)
+ def __init__(self, hood, parentFSMState, doneEvent):
+ CogHQLoader.CogHQLoader.__init__(self, hood, parentFSMState, doneEvent)
+ self.fsm.addState(State.State('mintInterior',
+ self.enterMintInterior,
+ self.exitMintInterior,
+ ['quietZone',
+ 'cogHQExterior', # Tunnel
+ ]))
+ for stateName in ['start', 'cogHQExterior', 'quietZone']:
+ state = self.fsm.getStateNamed(stateName)
+ state.addTransition('mintInterior')
+ self.musicFile = "phase_9/audio/bgm/encntr_suit_HQ_nbrhood.mid"
+ self.cogHQExteriorModelPath = "phase_10/models/cogHQ/CashBotShippingStation"
+ self.cogHQLobbyModelPath = "phase_10/models/cogHQ/VaultLobby"
+ self.geom = None
+ def load(self, zoneId):
+ CogHQLoader.CogHQLoader.load(self, zoneId)
+ # load anims
+ Toon.loadCashbotHQAnims()
+ def unloadPlaceGeom(self):
+ # Get rid of any old geom
+ if self.geom:
+ self.geom.removeNode()
+ self.geom = None
+ CogHQLoader.CogHQLoader.unloadPlaceGeom(self)
+ def loadPlaceGeom(self, zoneId):
+"loadPlaceGeom: %s" % zoneId)
+ # We shoud not look at the last 2 digits to match against these constants
+ zoneId = (zoneId - (zoneId %100))
+ if zoneId == ToontownGlobals.CashbotHQ:
+ self.geom = loader.loadModel(self.cogHQExteriorModelPath)
+ # Rename the link tunnels so they will hook up properly
+ ddLinkTunnel = self.geom.find("**/LinkTunnel1")
+ ddLinkTunnel.setName("linktunnel_dl_9252_DNARoot")
+ # Put a handy sign on the link tunnel
+ locator = self.geom.find('**/sign_origin')
+ backgroundGeom = self.geom.find('**/EntranceFrameFront')
+ backgroundGeom.node().setEffect(DecalEffect.make())
+ signText = DirectGui.OnscreenText(
+ text = TTLocalizer.DonaldsDreamland[-1],
+ font = ToontownGlobals.getSuitFont(),
+ scale = 3,
+ fg = (0.87, 0.87, 0.87, 1),
+ # required for DecalEffect (must be a GeomNode, not a TextNode)
+ mayChange=False,
+ parent = backgroundGeom)
+ signText.setPosHpr(locator, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+ signText.setDepthWrite(0)
+ elif zoneId == ToontownGlobals.CashbotLobby:
+ self.geom = loader.loadModel(self.cogHQLobbyModelPath)
+ # Note: the factory interior has a dynamically allocated zone but
+ # that is ok because we do not need to load any models - they all
+ # get loaded by the distributed object
+ else:
+ self.notify.warning("loadPlaceGeom: unclassified zone %s" % zoneId)
+ CogHQLoader.CogHQLoader.loadPlaceGeom(self, zoneId)
+ def unload(self):
+ CogHQLoader.CogHQLoader.unload(self)
+ # unload anims
+ Toon.unloadCashbotHQAnims()
+ def enterMintInterior(self, requestStatus):
+ self.placeClass = MintInterior.MintInterior
+ # MintInterior will grab this off of us
+ self.mintId = requestStatus['mintId']
+ self.enterPlace(requestStatus)
+ # spawnTitleText is done by MintInterior once the mint shows up
+ def exitMintInterior(self):
+ self.exitPlace()
+ self.placeClass = None
+ del self.mintId
+ def getExteriorPlaceClass(self):
+ return CashbotHQExterior.CashbotHQExterior
+ def getBossPlaceClass(self):
+ return CashbotHQBossBattle.CashbotHQBossBattle
diff --git a/toontown/src/coghq/ b/toontown/src/coghq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fed2154
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
+from toontown.suit import DistributedCashbotBoss
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from toontown.coghq import CogHQBossBattle
+class CashbotHQBossBattle(CogHQBossBattle.CogHQBossBattle):
+ # create a notify category
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("CashbotHQBossBattle")
+ # special methods
+ def __init__(self, loader, parentFSM, doneEvent):
+ CogHQBossBattle.CogHQBossBattle.__init__(self, loader, parentFSM, doneEvent)
+ # This is only used for magic words.
+ self.teleportInPosHpr = (88, -214, 0, 210, 0, 0)
+ def load(self):
+ CogHQBossBattle.CogHQBossBattle.load(self)
+ def unload(self):
+ CogHQBossBattle.CogHQBossBattle.unload(self)
+ def enter(self, requestStatus):
+ CogHQBossBattle.CogHQBossBattle.enter(self, requestStatus,
+ DistributedCashbotBoss.OneBossCog)
+ # No need for a sky; this scene is entirely interior.
+ def exit(self):
+ CogHQBossBattle.CogHQBossBattle.exit(self)
+ def exitCrane(self):
+ CogHQBossBattle.CogHQBossBattle.exitCrane(self)
+ # If we leave crane mode for any reason--for instance, we got
+ # zapped--then tell the crane to relinquish control.
+ messenger.send('exitCrane')
diff --git a/toontown/src/coghq/ b/toontown/src/coghq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb77c16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
+from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
+from direct.fsm import State
+from pandac.PandaModules import *
+from toontown.building import Elevator
+from toontown.coghq import CogHQExterior
+from toontown.safezone import Train
+#aka "The Train Station"
+class CashbotHQExterior(CogHQExterior.CogHQExterior):
+ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("CashbotHQExterior")
+ TrackZ = -67
+ TrainTracks = [ { "start":Point3(-1000, -54.45, TrackZ), "end":Point3(2200, -54.45, TrackZ) },
+ { "start":Point3(1800, -133.45, TrackZ), "end":Point3(-1200, -133.45, TrackZ) },
+ { "start":Point3(-1000, -212.45, TrackZ), "end":Point3(2200, -212.45, TrackZ) },
+ { "start":Point3(1800, -291.45, TrackZ), "end":Point3(-1200, -291.45, TrackZ) },
+ ]
+ def __init__(self, loader, parentFSM, doneEvent):
+ CogHQExterior.CogHQExterior.__init__(self, loader, parentFSM, doneEvent)
+ self.elevatorDoneEvent = "elevatorDone"
+ self.trains = None
+ self.fsm.addState( State.State('elevator',
+ self.enterElevator,
+ self.exitElevator,
+ ['walk', 'stopped']))
+ state = self.fsm.getStateNamed('walk')
+ state.addTransition('elevator')
+ # Adding transition from stopped to elevator because this is possible when you are in a boarding group.
+ state = self.fsm.getStateNamed('stopped')
+ state.addTransition('elevator')
+ # Adding transition from stickerBook to elevator because this is possible when you are in a boarding group.
+ state = self.fsm.getStateNamed('stickerBook')
+ state.addTransition('elevator')
+ # Adding transition from squished to elevator because this is possible when you are in a boarding group
+ # and get squished by a train.
+ state = self.fsm.getStateNamed('squished')
+ state.addTransition('elevator')
+ def load(self):
+ CogHQExterior.CogHQExterior.load(self)
+ if not self.trains:
+ self.trains = []
+ for track in self.TrainTracks:
+ train = Train.Train(track['start'], track['end'], self.TrainTracks.index(track), len(self.TrainTracks))
+ self.trains.append(train)
+ def unload(self):
+ CogHQExterior.CogHQExterior.unload(self)
+ # Clear the references to the trains
+ for train in self.trains: train.delete()
+ self.trains = None
+ def enter(self, requestStatus):
+ CogHQExterior.CogHQExterior.enter(self, requestStatus)
+ for train in self.trains:
+ def exit(self):
+ CogHQExterior.CogHQExterior.exit(self)
+ for train in self.trains: train.hide()
+ # elevator state
+ # (For boarding a building elevator)
+ def enterElevator(self, distElevator, skipDFABoard = 0):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("enterElevator()"))
+ self.accept(self.elevatorDoneEvent, self.handleElevatorDone)
+ self.elevator = Elevator.Elevator(self.fsm.getStateNamed("elevator"),
+ self.elevatorDoneEvent,
+ distElevator)
+ if skipDFABoard:
+ self.elevator.skipDFABoard = 1
+ self.elevator.load()
+ self.elevator.enter()
+ def exitElevator(self):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("exitElevator()"))
+ self.ignore(self.elevatorDoneEvent)
+ self.elevator.unload()
+ self.elevator.exit()
+ del self.elevator
+ def detectedElevatorCollision(self, distElevator):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("detectedElevatorCollision()"))
+ self.fsm.request("elevator", [distElevator])
+ def handleElevatorDone(self, doneStatus):
+ assert(self.notify.debug("handleElevatorDone()"))
+ self.notify.debug("handling elevator done event")
+ where = doneStatus['where']
+ if (where == 'reject'):
+ # If there has been a reject the Elevator should show an
+ # elevatorNotifier message and put the toon in the stopped state.
+ # Don't request the walk state here. Let the the toon be stuck in the
+ # stopped state till the player removes that message from his screen.
+ # Removing the message will automatically put him in the walk state there.
+ # Put the player in the walk state only if there is no elevator message.
+ if hasattr(base.localAvatar, "elevatorNotifier") and base.localAvatar.elevatorNotifier.isNotifierOpen():
+ pass
+ else:
+ self.fsm.request("walk")
+ elif (where == 'exit'):
+ self.fsm.request("walk")
+ elif (where == 'mintInterior'):
+ self.doneStatus = doneStatus
+ messenger.send(self.doneEvent)
+ else:
+ self.notify.error("Unknown mode: " + where +
+ " in handleElevatorDone")
diff --git a/toontown/src/coghq/ b/toontown/src/coghq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e641ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,771 @@
+from toontown.coghq.SpecImports import *
+GlobalEntities = {
+ 1000: {
+ 'type': 'levelMgr',
+ 'name': 'LevelMgr',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'cogLevel': 0,
+ 'farPlaneDistance': 1500,
+ 'modelFilename': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/ZONE08a',
+ 'wantDoors': 1,
+ }, # end entity 1000
+ 1001: {
+ 'type': 'editMgr',
+ 'name': 'EditMgr',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'insertEntity': None,
+ 'removeEntity': None,
+ 'requestNewEntity': None,
+ 'requestSave': None,
+ }, # end entity 1001
+ # ZONE
+ 0: {
+ 'type': 'zone',
+ 'name': 'UberZone',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'description': '',
+ 'visibility': [],
+ }, # end entity 0
+ 10055: {
+ 'type': 'attribModifier',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10001,
+ 'attribName': 'modelPath',
+ 'recursive': 1,
+ 'typeName': 'model',
+ 'value': '',
+ }, # end entity 10055
+ 10045: {
+ 'type': 'gagBarrel',
+ 'name': 'gag',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10002,
+ 'pos': Point3(1.36976861954,0.773027420044,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(51.1066703796,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'gagLevel': 5,
+ 'gagLevelMax': 0,
+ 'gagTrack': 'random',
+ 'rewardPerGrab': 5,
+ 'rewardPerGrabMax': 0,
+ }, # end entity 10045
+ 10047: {
+ 'type': 'gagBarrel',
+ 'name': 'gag',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10002,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.137291625142,2.83575630188,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(-210.47303772,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'gagLevel': 5,
+ 'gagLevelMax': 0,
+ 'gagTrack': 'random',
+ 'rewardPerGrab': 5,
+ 'rewardPerGrabMax': 0,
+ }, # end entity 10047
+ 10054: {
+ 'type': 'gagBarrel',
+ 'name': 'gag',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10002,
+ 'pos': Point3(-2.34864091873,2.16795802116,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(-141.715744019,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'gagLevel': 5,
+ 'gagLevelMax': 0,
+ 'gagTrack': 'random',
+ 'rewardPerGrab': 5,
+ 'rewardPerGrabMax': 0,
+ }, # end entity 10054
+ # GEAR
+ 10020: {
+ 'type': 'gear',
+ 'name': 'upper',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10044,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Point3(1.0,1.0,1.60000002384),
+ 'degreesPerSec': -5.0,
+ 'gearScale': 24.300000000000001,
+ 'modelType': 'mint',
+ 'orientation': 'horizontal',
+ 'phaseShift': 0,
+ }, # end entity 10020
+ 10004: {
+ 'type': 'healBarrel',
+ 'name': 'heal',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10002,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,-0.748414576054,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'rewardPerGrab': 6,
+ 'rewardPerGrabMax': 8,
+ }, # end entity 10004
+ 10005: {
+ 'type': 'healBarrel',
+ 'name': 'heal',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10002,
+ 'pos': Point3(-2.20195555687,-0.384303599596,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(-64.4312591553,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'rewardPerGrab': 6,
+ 'rewardPerGrabMax': 8,
+ }, # end entity 10005
+ 10037: {
+ 'type': 'healBarrel',
+ 'name': 'atTheEnd',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10028,
+ 'pos': Point3(64.282081604,42.8509597778,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(274.906707764,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'rewardPerGrab': 5,
+ 'rewardPerGrabMax': 0,
+ }, # end entity 10037
+ 10010: {
+ 'type': 'mintShelf',
+ 'name': 'shelf0',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10023,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'mintId': 12700,
+ }, # end entity 10010
+ 10021: {
+ 'type': 'mintShelf',
+ 'name': 'copy of shelf0',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10023,
+ 'pos': Point3(-13.4654359818,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Point3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'mintId': 12500,
+ }, # end entity 10021
+ 10022: {
+ 'type': 'mintShelf',
+ 'name': 'copy of shelf0 (2)',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10023,
+ 'pos': Point3(-26.8826961517,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'mintId': 12500,
+ }, # end entity 10022
+ 10025: {
+ 'type': 'mintShelf',
+ 'name': 'shelf0',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10024,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'mintId': 12500,
+ }, # end entity 10025
+ 10026: {
+ 'type': 'mintShelf',
+ 'name': 'copy of shelf0',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10024,
+ 'pos': Point3(-13.4654359818,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'mintId': 12500,
+ }, # end entity 10026
+ 10027: {
+ 'type': 'mintShelf',
+ 'name': 'copy of shelf0 (2)',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10024,
+ 'pos': Point3(-26.8826961517,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'mintId': 12500,
+ }, # end entity 10027
+ 10000: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'crate',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10009,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cogHQ/CBMetalCrate2.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10000
+ 10007: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'upper',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10059,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,2.0,5.5),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cogHQ/CBMetalCrate2.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10007
+ 10008: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'crate',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10009,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,-5.79679441452,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cogHQ/CBMetalCrate2.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10008
+ 10012: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'copy of crate',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10011,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,-5.79679441452,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cogHQ/CBMetalCrate2.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10012
+ 10013: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'copy of crate (2)',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10011,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cogHQ/CBMetalCrate2.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10013
+ 10014: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'copy of crate (2)',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10011,
+ 'pos': Point3(-5.65285158157,-11.6494598389,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cogHQ/CBMetalCrate2.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10014
+ 10015: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'copy of crate (2)',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10011,
+ 'pos': Point3(-5.80570077896,-5.79679441452,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cogHQ/CBMetalCrate2.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10015
+ 10016: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'copy of crate (3)',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10011,
+ 'pos': Point3(-3.93829965591,-17.6477527618,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cogHQ/CBMetalCrate2.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10016
+ 10018: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'copy of upper',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10059,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,-3.83362102509,5.5),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cogHQ/CBMetalCrate2.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10018
+ 10019: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'copy of upper (2)',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10059,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,-9.69304847717,5.5),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cogHQ/CBMetalCrate2.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10019
+ 10030: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'lastCrateStack',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10029,
+ 'pos': Point3(47.9848709106,27.71052742,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cogHQ/CBMetalCrate2.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10030
+ 10031: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'upper',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10030,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,5.5),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cogHQ/CBMetalCrate2.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10031
+ 10033: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10032,
+ 'pos': Point3(-41.8699073792,-36.9582328796,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(180.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/pipes_D1.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10033
+ 10034: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'crateStack',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10029,
+ 'pos': Point3(47.9848709106,-3.09666919708,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cogHQ/CBMetalCrate2.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10034
+ 10035: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'upper',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10034,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,5.5),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cogHQ/CBMetalCrate2.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10035
+ 10036: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10032,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,-41.4516029358,30.2685108185),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(180.0,0.0,180.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(0.850346446037,0.850346446037,0.850346446037),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/pipes_C.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10036
+ 10041: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'crateStack',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10040,
+ 'pos': Point3(36.5904769897,-31.6758518219,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cogHQ/CBMetalCrate2.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10041
+ 10042: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'upper',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10041,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,5.5),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cogHQ/CBMetalCrate2.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10042
+ 10043: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10032,
+ 'pos': Point3(19.5017147064,84.0786056519,10.0058736801),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(171.253845215,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/boiler_B1.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10043
+ 10048: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'crate',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10046,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,8.25758934021),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Point3(1.29999995232,1.29999995232,1.64999997616),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cogHQ/CBMetalCrate2.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10048
+ 10050: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'support',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10046,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/gears_C2.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10050
+ 10052: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'crate',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10051,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,8.25758934021),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Point3(1.29999995232,1.29999995232,1.64999997616),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cogHQ/CBMetalCrate2.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10052
+ 10053: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'support',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10051,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/gears_C2.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10053
+ 10056: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'collision',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10002,
+ 'pos': Point3(-0.62570387125,0.824797034264,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(318.366455078,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(0.644617915154,0.639999985695,1.28725671768),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 1,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/CBMetalCrate.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10056
+ 10057: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10044,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(11.0614013672,11.0614013672,11.0614013672),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cogHQ/RoundShadow.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10057
+ 10058: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'shelf',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10028,
+ 'pos': Point3(62.9968643188,21.712474823,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(270.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/shelf_A1.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10058
+ 10062: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'copy of upper',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10061,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,-3.83362102509,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cogHQ/CBMetalCrate2.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10062
+ 10063: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'copy of upper (2)',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10061,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,-9.69304847717,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cogHQ/CBMetalCrate2.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10063
+ 10064: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'upper',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10061,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,2.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cogHQ/CBMetalCrate2.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10064
+ 10001: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'crates',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10028,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.29999995232,1.29999995232,1.64892423153),
+ }, # end entity 10001
+ 10002: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'rewardBarrels',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(-0.719733536243,56.9690589905,10.0021047592),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(61.6992454529,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10002
+ 10003: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'upperWall',
+ 'comment': 'TODO: replace with lines of shelves',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(-20.3202514648,52.6549415588,9.9087305069),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(270.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.11429846287,1.11429846287,1.11429846287),
+ }, # end entity 10003
+ 10009: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'toGear0',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10001,
+ 'pos': Point3(-26.5593318939,31.8559513092,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10009
+ 10011: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'toGear1',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10001,
+ 'pos': Point3(-25.88397789,13.6748971939,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(41.6335411072,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10011
+ 10023: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'leftWall',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10003,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10023
+ 10024: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'rightWall',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10003,
+ 'pos': Point3(-26.7111759186,6.85981559753,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(180.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10024
+ 10028: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'lowerPuzzle',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0500000007451),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10028
+ 10029: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'entranceWall',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10001,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10029
+ 10032: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'props',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10032
+ 10038: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'archStompers',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10028,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10038
+ 10040: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'backWall',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10001,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10040
+ 10044: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'gear',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10028,
+ 'pos': Point3(11.8500003815,-11.3800001144,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10044
+ 10046: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'supportedCrateBackWall',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10028,
+ 'pos': Point3(34.904460907,-34.058883667,-1.51686680317),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(63.4349479675,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10046
+ 10051: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'supportedCrateEntrance',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10028,
+ 'pos': Point3(48.5076904297,7.75915336609,0.35789707303),
+ 'hpr': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10051
+ 10059: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'largeStack',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10029,
+ 'pos': Point3(47.9799995422,-16.9799995422,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10059
+ 10061: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'lower',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10059,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10061
+ 10049: {
+ 'type': 'stomper',
+ 'name': 'second',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10038,
+ 'pos': Point3(62.3684997559,-19.4456634521,18.1217155457),
+ 'hpr': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'animateShadow': 1,
+ 'crushCellId': None,
+ 'damage': 8,
+ 'headScale': Point3(3.79999995232,4.30000019073,3.79999995232),
+ 'modelPath': 0,
+ 'motion': 3,
+ 'period': 3.0,
+ 'phaseShift': 0.34000000000000002,
+ 'range': 7.0,
+ 'removeCamBarrierCollisions': 0,
+ 'removeHeadFloor': 1,
+ 'shaftScale': Point3(1.71000003815,2.78999996185,1.71000003815),
+ 'soundLen': 0,
+ 'soundOn': 1,
+ 'soundPath': 1,
+ 'style': 'vertical',
+ 'switchId': 0,
+ 'wantShadow': 1,
+ 'wantSmoke': 1,
+ 'zOffset': 0,
+ }, # end entity 10049
+ }
+Scenario0 = {
+ }
+levelSpec = {
+ 'globalEntities': GlobalEntities,
+ 'scenarios': [
+ Scenario0,
+ ],
+ }
diff --git a/toontown/src/coghq/ b/toontown/src/coghq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..479e2a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,571 @@
+from toontown.coghq.SpecImports import *
+GlobalEntities = {
+ 1000: {
+ 'type': 'levelMgr',
+ 'name': 'LevelMgr',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'cogLevel': 0,
+ 'farPlaneDistance': 1500,
+ 'modelFilename': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/ZONE08a',
+ 'wantDoors': 1,
+ }, # end entity 1000
+ 1001: {
+ 'type': 'editMgr',
+ 'name': 'EditMgr',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'insertEntity': None,
+ 'removeEntity': None,
+ 'requestNewEntity': None,
+ 'requestSave': None,
+ }, # end entity 1001
+ # ZONE
+ 0: {
+ 'type': 'zone',
+ 'name': 'UberZone',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'description': '',
+ 'visibility': [],
+ }, # end entity 0
+ 10001: {
+ 'type': 'battleBlocker',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10011,
+ 'pos': Point3(-1.02925205231,87.0907745361,11.8959827423),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'cellId': 0,
+ 'radius': 10.0,
+ }, # end entity 10001
+ 10006: {
+ 'type': 'battleBlocker',
+ 'name': 'copy of ',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10011,
+ 'pos': Point3(-60.9065246582,-3.26905798912,0.117109239101),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'cellId': 1,
+ 'radius': 15.0,
+ }, # end entity 10006
+ 10047: {
+ 'type': 'battleBlocker',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10013,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Point3(1.0,0.20000000298,1.0),
+ 'cellId': 2,
+ 'radius': 20.0,
+ }, # end entity 10047
+ 10041: {
+ 'type': 'gagBarrel',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10033,
+ 'pos': Point3(5.40611028671,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(199.440032959,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'gagLevel': 5,
+ 'gagLevelMax': 0,
+ 'gagTrack': 'random',
+ 'rewardPerGrab': 4,
+ 'rewardPerGrabMax': 6,
+ }, # end entity 10041
+ 10034: {
+ 'type': 'healBarrel',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10033,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(163.300750732,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'rewardPerGrab': 7,
+ 'rewardPerGrabMax': 9,
+ }, # end entity 10034
+ 10015: {
+ 'type': 'mintProductPallet',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10014,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'mintId': 12500,
+ }, # end entity 10015
+ 10016: {
+ 'type': 'mintProductPallet',
+ 'name': 'copy of ',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10014,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,13.6865262985,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'mintId': 12700,
+ }, # end entity 10016
+ 10017: {
+ 'type': 'mintProductPallet',
+ 'name': 'copy of (2)',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10014,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,27.3799991608,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'mintId': 12700,
+ }, # end entity 10017
+ 10018: {
+ 'type': 'mintProductPallet',
+ 'name': 'copy of (3)',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10014,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,41.0699996948,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'mintId': 12700,
+ }, # end entity 10018
+ 10019: {
+ 'type': 'mintProductPallet',
+ 'name': 'copy of (4)',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10014,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,54.7599983215,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'mintId': 12700,
+ }, # end entity 10019
+ 10020: {
+ 'type': 'mintProductPallet',
+ 'name': 'copy of (5)',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10014,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,68.4499969482,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'mintId': 12700,
+ }, # end entity 10020
+ 10022: {
+ 'type': 'mintProductPallet',
+ 'name': 'copy of ',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10021,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,11.766998291,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'mintId': 12700,
+ }, # end entity 10022
+ 10025: {
+ 'type': 'mintProductPallet',
+ 'name': 'copy of (4)',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10045,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,54.7599983215,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'mintId': 12700,
+ }, # end entity 10025
+ 10026: {
+ 'type': 'mintProductPallet',
+ 'name': 'copy of (5)',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10045,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,68.4499969482,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'mintId': 12700,
+ }, # end entity 10026
+ 10036: {
+ 'type': 'mintProductPallet',
+ 'name': 'copy of ',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10035,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,13.6865262985,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'mintId': 12700,
+ }, # end entity 10036
+ 10037: {
+ 'type': 'mintProductPallet',
+ 'name': 'copy of (2)',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10035,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,27.3799991608,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'mintId': 12700,
+ }, # end entity 10037
+ 10038: {
+ 'type': 'mintProductPallet',
+ 'name': 'copy of (3)',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10035,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,41.0699996948,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'mintId': 12700,
+ }, # end entity 10038
+ 10043: {
+ 'type': 'mintProductPallet',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10007,
+ 'pos': Point3(-36.662399292,-39.0314712524,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(90.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'mintId': 12500,
+ }, # end entity 10043
+ 10044: {
+ 'type': 'mintProductPallet',
+ 'name': 'copy of (2)',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10021,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,25.4739685059,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'mintId': 12700,
+ }, # end entity 10044
+ 10004: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10021,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,-1.09804749489,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(2.0,2.0,2.0),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'strong',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cogHQ/CBMetalCrate2.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10004
+ 10009: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10008,
+ 'pos': Point3(-3.9962117672,0.695078849792,0.0113303475082),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.20000004768,1.20000004768,1.20000004768),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/crates_E.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10009
+ 10010: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10008,
+ 'pos': Point3(48.0530014038,-0.531660735607,-0.327078670263),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/crates_C1.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10010
+ 10012: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'rightCrates',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10007,
+ 'pos': Point3(36.0373382568,71.3546981812,9.99835586548),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(315.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.5,1.5,1.5),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/crates_E.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10012
+ 10024: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10028,
+ 'pos': Point3(-3.7328555584,27.1218452454,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Point3(2.0,2.0,2.0),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cogHQ/CBMetalCrate2.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10024
+ 10027: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10028,
+ 'pos': Point3(-11.9349050522,38.9528312683,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Point3(2.0,2.0,2.0),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cogHQ/CBMetalCrate2.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10027
+ 10029: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'crate',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10035,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.863602340221,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(2.0,2.0,2.0),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cogHQ/CBMetalCrate2.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10029
+ 10030: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10023,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cogHQ/CBMetalCrate2.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10030
+ 10031: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'copy of crate',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10029,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,5.46999979019),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Point3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cogHQ/CBMetalCrate2.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10031
+ 10032: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'copy of ',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10023,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,-5.92218112946,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cogHQ/CBMetalCrate2.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10032
+ 10039: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10010,
+ 'pos': Point3(-9.23663234711,0.821143984795,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.5,1.5,1.5),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/crates_F1.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10039
+ 10042: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'copy of (2)',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10023,
+ 'pos': Point3(3.0,-11.8400001526,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cogHQ/CBMetalCrate2.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10042
+ 10048: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'cratesAgainstWall',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10007,
+ 'pos': Point3(-37.0983123779,70.2133865356,10.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(225.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.5,1.5,1.5),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/crates_E.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10048
+ 10000: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'cogs',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10011,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,66.1200027466,10.1833248138),
+ 'hpr': Point3(270.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10000
+ 10002: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'battle',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10000,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(90.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10002
+ 10003: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'cogs2',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10011,
+ 'pos': Point3(-53.9246749878,-22.7616195679,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(45.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10003
+ 10005: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'battle',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10003,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10005
+ 10007: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'props',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10007
+ 10008: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'topWall',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10007,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,48.0299987793,10.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10008
+ 10011: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'cogs',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10011
+ 10013: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'frontCogs',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10011,
+ 'pos': Point3(25.3957309723,-12.3005743027,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10013
+ 10014: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'frontPalletWall',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10007,
+ 'pos': Point3(45.5494384766,38.2237281799,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(180.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10014
+ 10021: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'middlePalletWallLeft',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10046,
+ 'pos': Point3(6.0,-37.9928665161,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10021
+ 10023: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'crateIsland',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10007,
+ 'pos': Point3(-23.1813278198,7.08758449554,0.00999999977648),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(2.0,2.0,2.0),
+ }, # end entity 10023
+ 10028: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'rewardCulDeSac',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10045,
+ 'pos': Point3(-8.26172065735,38.377407074,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10028
+ 10033: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'barrels',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10028,
+ 'pos': Point3(-4.75077962875,34.1425209045,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10033
+ 10035: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'backPalletWall',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10007,
+ 'pos': Point3(-47.6501731873,40.006893158,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(180.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10035
+ 10040: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'centerCogs',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10011,
+ 'pos': Point3(-23.9375743866,28.353269577,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10040
+ 10045: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'middlePalletWallRight',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10046,
+ 'pos': Point3(17.4200000763,-38.2999992371,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10045
+ 10046: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'middlePalletWall',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10007,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10046
+ }
+Scenario0 = {
+ }
+levelSpec = {
+ 'globalEntities': GlobalEntities,
+ 'scenarios': [
+ Scenario0,
+ ],
+ }
diff --git a/toontown/src/coghq/ b/toontown/src/coghq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..173e0f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+from SpecImports import *
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+# entIds of entities that the cogs are put under
+CogParent = 10000
+LowerCogParent = 10003
+BattleParent = 10002
+LowerBattleParent = 10005
+FrontCogParent = 10013
+CenterCogParent = 10040
+# unique IDs for battle cells
+BattleCellId = 0
+LowerBattleCellId = 1
+FrontBattleCellId = 2
+CenterBattleCellId = 3
+BattleCells = {
+ BattleCellId : {'parentEntId' : BattleParent,
+ 'pos' : Point3(0,0,0),
+ },
+ LowerBattleCellId : {'parentEntId' : LowerBattleParent,
+ 'pos' : Point3(0,0,0),
+ },
+ FrontBattleCellId : {'parentEntId' : FrontCogParent,
+ 'pos' : Point3(0,0,0),
+ },
+ CenterBattleCellId : {'parentEntId' : CenterCogParent,
+ 'pos' : Point3(0,0,0),
+ },
+ }
+CogData = [
+ {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.CashbotMintSkelecogLevel,
+ 'battleCell' : BattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(-6,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 1,
+ },
+ {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.CashbotMintSkelecogLevel,
+ 'battleCell' : BattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(-2,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 1,
+ },
+ {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.CashbotMintSkelecogLevel,
+ 'battleCell' : BattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(2,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 1,
+ },
+ {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.CashbotMintSkelecogLevel,
+ 'battleCell' : BattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(6,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 1,
+ },
+ {'parentEntId' : LowerCogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.CashbotMintCogLevel,
+ 'battleCell' : LowerBattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(-6,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 0,
+ },
+ {'parentEntId' : LowerCogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.CashbotMintSkelecogLevel,
+ 'battleCell' : LowerBattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(-2,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 1,
+ },
+ {'parentEntId' : LowerCogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.CashbotMintSkelecogLevel,
+ 'battleCell' : LowerBattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(2,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 1,
+ },
+ {'parentEntId' : LowerCogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.CashbotMintCogLevel,
+ 'battleCell' : LowerBattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(6,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 0,
+ },
+ {'parentEntId' : FrontCogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.CashbotMintCogLevel,
+ 'battleCell' : FrontBattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(-6,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 0,
+ },
+ {'parentEntId' : FrontCogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.CashbotMintCogLevel,
+ 'battleCell' : FrontBattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(-2,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 0,
+ },
+ {'parentEntId' : FrontCogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.CashbotMintCogLevel,
+ 'battleCell' : FrontBattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(2,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 0,
+ },
+ {'parentEntId' : FrontCogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.CashbotMintCogLevel,
+ 'battleCell' : FrontBattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(6,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 0,
+ },
+ {'parentEntId' : CenterCogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.CashbotMintCogLevel,
+ 'battleCell' : CenterBattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(-6,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 0,
+ },
+ {'parentEntId' : CenterCogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.CashbotMintSkelecogLevel,
+ 'battleCell' : CenterBattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(-2,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 1,
+ },
+ {'parentEntId' : CenterCogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.CashbotMintSkelecogLevel,
+ 'battleCell' : CenterBattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(2,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 1,
+ },
+ {'parentEntId' : CenterCogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.CashbotMintCogLevel,
+ 'battleCell' : CenterBattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(6,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 0,
+ },
+ ]
+ReserveCogData = [
+ ]
diff --git a/toontown/src/coghq/ b/toontown/src/coghq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d7041f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,521 @@
+from toontown.coghq.SpecImports import *
+GlobalEntities = {
+ 1000: {
+ 'type': 'levelMgr',
+ 'name': 'LevelMgr',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'cogLevel': 0,
+ 'farPlaneDistance': 1500,
+ 'modelFilename': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/ZONE08a',
+ 'wantDoors': 1,
+ }, # end entity 1000
+ 1001: {
+ 'type': 'editMgr',
+ 'name': 'EditMgr',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'insertEntity': None,
+ 'removeEntity': None,
+ 'requestNewEntity': None,
+ 'requestSave': None,
+ }, # end entity 1001
+ # ZONE
+ 0: {
+ 'type': 'zone',
+ 'name': 'UberZone',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'description': '',
+ 'visibility': [],
+ }, # end entity 0
+ 10006: {
+ 'type': 'gagBarrel',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10005,
+ 'pos': Point3(-23.8955783844,-29.8914642334,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'gagLevel': 5,
+ 'gagLevelMax': 0,
+ 'gagTrack': 'random',
+ 'rewardPerGrab': 5,
+ 'rewardPerGrabMax': 7,
+ }, # end entity 10006
+ 10007: {
+ 'type': 'healBarrel',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10005,
+ 'pos': Point3(-7.71000003815,6.03817367554,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'rewardPerGrab': 5,
+ 'rewardPerGrabMax': 8,
+ }, # end entity 10007
+ 10001: {
+ 'type': 'locator',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'searchPath': '**/EXIT',
+ }, # end entity 10001
+ 10014: {
+ 'type': 'mintProduct',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10013,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'mintId': 12500,
+ }, # end entity 10014
+ 10015: {
+ 'type': 'mintProduct',
+ 'name': 'copy of ',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10013,
+ 'pos': Point3(9.73605537415,0.935430526733,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'mintId': 12500,
+ }, # end entity 10015
+ 10016: {
+ 'type': 'mintProduct',
+ 'name': 'copy of (2)',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10013,
+ 'pos': Point3(-11.0564117432,0.213024124503,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'mintId': 12500,
+ }, # end entity 10016
+ 10028: {
+ 'type': 'mintShelf',
+ 'name': 'shelfPair',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10027,
+ 'pos': Point3(12.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'mintId': 12500,
+ }, # end entity 10028
+ 10029: {
+ 'type': 'mintShelf',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10028,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.167918920517,6.80000019073,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(180.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'mintId': 12500,
+ }, # end entity 10029
+ 10030: {
+ 'type': 'mintShelf',
+ 'name': 'shelfPair',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10027,
+ 'pos': Point3(-12.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'mintId': 12500,
+ }, # end entity 10030
+ 10031: {
+ 'type': 'mintShelf',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10030,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.167918920517,6.80000019073,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(180.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'mintId': 12500,
+ }, # end entity 10031
+ 10033: {
+ 'type': 'mintShelf',
+ 'name': 'shelfPair',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10032,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'mintId': 12500,
+ }, # end entity 10033
+ 10034: {
+ 'type': 'mintShelf',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10033,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.167918920517,6.80000019073,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(180.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'mintId': 12500,
+ }, # end entity 10034
+ 10035: {
+ 'type': 'mintShelf',
+ 'name': 'shelfPair',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10032,
+ 'pos': Point3(24.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'mintId': 12500,
+ }, # end entity 10035
+ 10036: {
+ 'type': 'mintShelf',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10035,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.167918920517,6.80000019073,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(180.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'mintId': 12500,
+ }, # end entity 10036
+ 10037: {
+ 'type': 'mintShelf',
+ 'name': 'shelfPair',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10032,
+ 'pos': Point3(-24.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'mintId': 12500,
+ }, # end entity 10037
+ 10038: {
+ 'type': 'mintShelf',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10037,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.167918920517,6.80000019073,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(180.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'mintId': 12500,
+ }, # end entity 10038
+ 10040: {
+ 'type': 'mintShelf',
+ 'name': 'shelfPair',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10039,
+ 'pos': Point3(12.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'mintId': 12500,
+ }, # end entity 10040
+ 10041: {
+ 'type': 'mintShelf',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10040,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.167918920517,6.80000019073,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(180.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'mintId': 12500,
+ }, # end entity 10041
+ 10044: {
+ 'type': 'mintShelf',
+ 'name': 'shelfPair',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10039,
+ 'pos': Point3(-12.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'mintId': 12500,
+ }, # end entity 10044
+ 10045: {
+ 'type': 'mintShelf',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10044,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.167918920517,6.80000019073,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(180.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'mintId': 12500,
+ }, # end entity 10045
+ 10046: {
+ 'type': 'mintShelf',
+ 'name': 'shelfPair',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10039,
+ 'pos': Point3(-36.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'mintId': 12500,
+ }, # end entity 10046
+ 10047: {
+ 'type': 'mintShelf',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10046,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.167918920517,6.80000019073,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(180.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'mintId': 12500,
+ }, # end entity 10047
+ 10049: {
+ 'type': 'mintShelf',
+ 'name': 'shelfPair',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10048,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'mintId': 12500,
+ }, # end entity 10049
+ 10050: {
+ 'type': 'mintShelf',
+ 'name': 'shelfPair',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10048,
+ 'pos': Point3(24.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'mintId': 12500,
+ }, # end entity 10050
+ 10051: {
+ 'type': 'mintShelf',
+ 'name': 'shelfPair',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10048,
+ 'pos': Point3(-24.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'mintId': 12500,
+ }, # end entity 10051
+ 10052: {
+ 'type': 'mintShelf',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10049,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.167918920517,6.80000019073,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(180.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'mintId': 12500,
+ }, # end entity 10052
+ 10053: {
+ 'type': 'mintShelf',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10050,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.167918920517,6.80000019073,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(180.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'mintId': 12500,
+ }, # end entity 10053
+ 10054: {
+ 'type': 'mintShelf',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10051,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.167918920517,6.80000019073,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(180.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'mintId': 12500,
+ }, # end entity 10054
+ 10056: {
+ 'type': 'mintShelf',
+ 'name': 'shelfPair',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10055,
+ 'pos': Point3(12.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'mintId': 12500,
+ }, # end entity 10056
+ 10057: {
+ 'type': 'mintShelf',
+ 'name': 'shelfPair',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10055,
+ 'pos': Point3(-12.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'mintId': 12500,
+ }, # end entity 10057
+ 10058: {
+ 'type': 'mintShelf',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10056,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.167918920517,6.80000019073,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(180.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'mintId': 12500,
+ }, # end entity 10058
+ 10059: {
+ 'type': 'mintShelf',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10057,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.167918920517,6.80000019073,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(180.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'mintId': 12500,
+ }, # end entity 10059
+ 10002: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10001,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/VaultDoorCover.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10002
+ 10011: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10008,
+ 'pos': Point3(34.3037414551,6.2506942749,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(306.869903564,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.22879016399,1.22879016399,1.22879016399),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/boiler_A2.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10011
+ 10012: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10008,
+ 'pos': Point3(-37.5963821411,0.68013381958,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(45.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(0.761251866817,0.761251866817,0.761251866817),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/pipes_D1.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10012
+ 10000: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'cogs',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,68.932258606,9.97146701813),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(270.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10000
+ 10003: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'props',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10003
+ 10004: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'lower',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10003,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10004
+ 10005: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'barrels',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10005
+ 10008: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'upperLevel',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,65.4967575073,9.99451065063),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10008
+ 10013: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'product',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10008,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,17.8199996948,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10013
+ 10023: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'shelves',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10004,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,1.89410364628,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(90.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10023
+ 10027: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'row1',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10023,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,-32.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10027
+ 10032: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'row2',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10023,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,-14.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10032
+ 10039: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'row3',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10023,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,4.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10039
+ 10048: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'row4',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10023,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,22.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10048
+ 10055: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'row5',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10023,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,40.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10055
+ }
+Scenario0 = {
+ }
+levelSpec = {
+ 'globalEntities': GlobalEntities,
+ 'scenarios': [
+ Scenario0,
+ ],
+ }
diff --git a/toontown/src/coghq/ b/toontown/src/coghq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da6f40d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+from SpecImports import *
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+# entIds of entities that the cogs are put under
+CogParent = 10000
+# unique IDs for battle cells
+BattleCellId = 0
+BattleCells = {
+ BattleCellId : {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'pos' : Point3(0,0,0),
+ },
+ }
+CogData = [
+ {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'boss' : 1,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.CashbotMintBossLevel,
+ 'battleCell' : BattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(-6,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 1,
+ },
+ {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.CashbotMintCogLevel+1,
+ 'battleCell' : BattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(-2,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 0,
+ },
+ {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.CashbotMintCogLevel+1,
+ 'battleCell' : BattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(2,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 0,
+ },
+ {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.CashbotMintCogLevel+1,
+ 'battleCell' : BattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(6,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 0,
+ },
+ ]
+ReserveCogData = [
+ ]
diff --git a/toontown/src/coghq/ b/toontown/src/coghq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..464babe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+from toontown.coghq.SpecImports import *
+GlobalEntities = {
+ 1000: {
+ 'type': 'levelMgr',
+ 'name': 'LevelMgr',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'cogLevel': 0,
+ 'farPlaneDistance': 1500,
+ 'modelFilename': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/ZONE31a',
+ 'wantDoors': 1,
+ }, # end entity 1000
+ 1001: {
+ 'type': 'editMgr',
+ 'name': 'EditMgr',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'insertEntity': None,
+ 'removeEntity': None,
+ 'requestNewEntity': None,
+ 'requestSave': None,
+ }, # end entity 1001
+ # ZONE
+ 0: {
+ 'type': 'zone',
+ 'name': 'UberZone',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'description': '',
+ 'visibility': [],
+ }, # end entity 0
+ 10013: {
+ 'type': 'mintProduct',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10012,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,16.5455417633,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'mintId': 12500,
+ }, # end entity 10013
+ 10014: {
+ 'type': 'mintProduct',
+ 'name': 'copy of ',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10012,
+ 'pos': Point3(9.33731842041,15.9028654099,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'mintId': 12500,
+ }, # end entity 10014
+ 10015: {
+ 'type': 'mintProduct',
+ 'name': 'copy of ',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10012,
+ 'pos': Point3(-9.30014419556,11.6405067444,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'mintId': 12500,
+ }, # end entity 10015
+ 10003: {
+ 'type': 'mintShelf',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10002,
+ 'pos': Point3(19.5716362,16.3833560944,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(270.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'mintId': 12500,
+ }, # end entity 10003
+ 10004: {
+ 'type': 'mintShelf',
+ 'name': 'copy of ',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10002,
+ 'pos': Point3(19.5716362,2.93304467201,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(270.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'mintId': 12500,
+ }, # end entity 10004
+ 10005: {
+ 'type': 'mintShelf',
+ 'name': 'copy of (2)',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10002,
+ 'pos': Point3(19.5716362,-10.4780406952,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(270.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'mintId': 12500,
+ }, # end entity 10005
+ 10006: {
+ 'type': 'mintShelf',
+ 'name': 'copy of ',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10002,
+ 'pos': Point3(-19.5699996948,16.3833560944,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(90.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'mintId': 12500,
+ }, # end entity 10006
+ 10007: {
+ 'type': 'mintShelf',
+ 'name': 'copy of (2)',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10002,
+ 'pos': Point3(-19.5699996948,2.93304467201,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(90.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'mintId': 12500,
+ }, # end entity 10007
+ 10008: {
+ 'type': 'mintShelf',
+ 'name': 'copy of (3)',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10002,
+ 'pos': Point3(-19.5699996948,-10.4780406952,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(90.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'mintId': 12500,
+ }, # end entity 10008
+ 10001: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'vaultDoor',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,22.9976291656,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/VaultDoorCover.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10001
+ 10000: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'cogs',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10000
+ 10002: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'shelves',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10011,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10002
+ 10011: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'props',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10011
+ 10012: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'product',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10011,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10012
+ }
+Scenario0 = {
+ }
+levelSpec = {
+ 'globalEntities': GlobalEntities,
+ 'scenarios': [
+ Scenario0,
+ ],
+ }
diff --git a/toontown/src/coghq/ b/toontown/src/coghq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da6f40d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+from SpecImports import *
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+# entIds of entities that the cogs are put under
+CogParent = 10000
+# unique IDs for battle cells
+BattleCellId = 0
+BattleCells = {
+ BattleCellId : {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'pos' : Point3(0,0,0),
+ },
+ }
+CogData = [
+ {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'boss' : 1,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.CashbotMintBossLevel,
+ 'battleCell' : BattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(-6,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 1,
+ },
+ {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.CashbotMintCogLevel+1,
+ 'battleCell' : BattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(-2,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 0,
+ },
+ {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.CashbotMintCogLevel+1,
+ 'battleCell' : BattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(2,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 0,
+ },
+ {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.CashbotMintCogLevel+1,
+ 'battleCell' : BattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(6,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 0,
+ },
+ ]
+ReserveCogData = [
+ ]
diff --git a/toontown/src/coghq/ b/toontown/src/coghq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..325a63b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+from toontown.coghq.SpecImports import *
+GlobalEntities = {
+ 1000: {
+ 'type': 'levelMgr',
+ 'name': 'LevelMgr',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'cogLevel': 0,
+ 'farPlaneDistance': 1500,
+ 'modelFilename': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/ZONE15a',
+ 'wantDoors': 1,
+ }, # end entity 1000
+ 1001: {
+ 'type': 'editMgr',
+ 'name': 'EditMgr',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'insertEntity': None,
+ 'removeEntity': None,
+ 'requestNewEntity': None,
+ 'requestSave': None,
+ }, # end entity 1001
+ # ZONE
+ 0: {
+ 'type': 'zone',
+ 'name': 'UberZone',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'description': '',
+ 'visibility': [],
+ }, # end entity 0
+ 10015: {
+ 'type': 'healBarrel',
+ 'name': 'heal',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10023,
+ 'pos': Point3(16.9929084778,7.15916633606,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(107.078933716,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'rewardPerGrab': 6,
+ 'rewardPerGrabMax': 0,
+ }, # end entity 10015
+ 10004: {
+ 'type': 'mintShelf',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10003,
+ 'pos': Point3(41.5774269104,-16.0394973755,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(270.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'mintId': 12500,
+ }, # end entity 10004
+ 10005: {
+ 'type': 'mintShelf',
+ 'name': 'copy of ',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10003,
+ 'pos': Point3(41.5774269104,15.5885248184,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(270.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'mintId': 12700,
+ }, # end entity 10005
+ 10009: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'crateColl0',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10010,
+ 'pos': Point3(-21.0479602814,-8.71147918701,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.6654573679,4.67459440231,4.99637460709),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 1,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/CBMetalCrate.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10009
+ 10013: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'crate0',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10010,
+ 'pos': Point3(-21.0,0.735621452332,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.60000002384,1.60000002384,1.60000002384),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cogHQ/CBMetalCrate2.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10013
+ 10016: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'copy of crate0',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10010,
+ 'pos': Point3(-21.0,-8.74976444244,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.60000002384,1.60000002384,1.60000002384),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cogHQ/CBMetalCrate2.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10016
+ 10017: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'copy of crate0 (2)',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10010,
+ 'pos': Point3(-21.0,-18.1307086945,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.60000002384,1.60000002384,1.60000002384),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cogHQ/CBMetalCrate2.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10017
+ 10019: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'copy of crate0',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10018,
+ 'pos': Point3(-21.0,-8.74976444244,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.60000002384,1.60000002384,1.60000002384),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cogHQ/CBMetalCrate2.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10019
+ 10020: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'crateColl0',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10018,
+ 'pos': Point3(-21.0479602814,-8.71147918701,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.69406318665,4.75488471985,5.08219003677),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 1,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/CBMetalCrate.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10020
+ 10021: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'crate0',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10018,
+ 'pos': Point3(-21.0,0.735621452332,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.60000002384,1.60000002384,1.60000002384),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cogHQ/CBMetalCrate2.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10021
+ 10022: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'copy of crate0 (2)',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10018,
+ 'pos': Point3(-21.0,-18.1307086945,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.60000002384,1.60000002384,1.60000002384),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cogHQ/CBMetalCrate2.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10022
+ 10024: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'hider',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10023,
+ 'pos': Point3(17.0452461243,-0.882949709892,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.54636645317,1.54636645317,1.54636645317),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cogHQ/CBMetalCrate2.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10024
+ 10003: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'props',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10003
+ 10010: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'crates0',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(1.2899544239,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10010
+ 10018: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'crates1',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(-13.2792396545,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(180.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10018
+ 10023: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'heal',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10023
+ 10000: {
+ 'type': 'stomper',
+ 'name': 'stomper0',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(-23.0840358734,13.8124275208,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(8.0,8.0,8.0),
+ 'crushCellId': None,
+ 'damage': 8,
+ 'headScale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'modelPath': 0,
+ 'motion': 3,
+ 'period': 3.0,
+ 'phaseShift': 0.0,
+ 'range': 1.6000000000000001,
+ 'shaftScale': Point3(1.0,5.0,1.0),
+ 'soundLen': 0,
+ 'soundOn': 1,
+ 'soundPath': 0,
+ 'style': 'vertical',
+ 'switchId': 0,
+ 'wantShadow': 1,
+ 'wantSmoke': 1,
+ 'zOffset': 0,
+ }, # end entity 10000
+ 10001: {
+ 'type': 'stomper',
+ 'name': 'stomper1',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(-5.92516326904,-0.618411839008,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(8.0,8.0,8.0),
+ 'crushCellId': None,
+ 'damage': 8,
+ 'headScale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'modelPath': 0,
+ 'motion': 3,
+ 'period': 3.0,
+ 'phaseShift': 0.33000000000000002,
+ 'range': 1.6000000000000001,
+ 'shaftScale': Point3(1.0,5.0,1.0),
+ 'soundLen': 0,
+ 'soundOn': 1,
+ 'soundPath': 0,
+ 'style': 'vertical',
+ 'switchId': 0,
+ 'wantShadow': 1,
+ 'wantSmoke': 1,
+ 'zOffset': 0,
+ }, # end entity 10001
+ 10002: {
+ 'type': 'stomper',
+ 'name': 'stomper2',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(11.6394100189,-14.1471977234,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(8.0,8.0,8.0),
+ 'crushCellId': None,
+ 'damage': 8,
+ 'headScale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'modelPath': 0,
+ 'motion': 3,
+ 'period': 3.0,
+ 'phaseShift': 0.66000000000000003,
+ 'range': 1.6000000000000001,
+ 'shaftScale': Point3(1.0,5.0,1.0),
+ 'soundLen': 0,
+ 'soundOn': 1,
+ 'soundPath': 0,
+ 'style': 'vertical',
+ 'switchId': 0,
+ 'wantShadow': 1,
+ 'wantSmoke': 1,
+ 'zOffset': 0,
+ }, # end entity 10002
+ }
+Scenario0 = {
+ }
+levelSpec = {
+ 'globalEntities': GlobalEntities,
+ 'scenarios': [
+ Scenario0,
+ ],
+ }
diff --git a/toontown/src/coghq/ b/toontown/src/coghq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90a698d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+from toontown.coghq.SpecImports import *
+GlobalEntities = {
+ 1000: {
+ 'type': 'levelMgr',
+ 'name': 'LevelMgr',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'cogLevel': 0,
+ 'farPlaneDistance': 1500,
+ 'modelFilename': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/ZONE15a',
+ 'wantDoors': 1,
+ }, # end entity 1000
+ 1001: {
+ 'type': 'editMgr',
+ 'name': 'EditMgr',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'insertEntity': None,
+ 'removeEntity': None,
+ 'requestNewEntity': None,
+ 'requestSave': None,
+ }, # end entity 1001
+ # ZONE
+ 0: {
+ 'type': 'zone',
+ 'name': 'UberZone',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'description': '',
+ 'visibility': [],
+ }, # end entity 0
+ 10001: {
+ 'type': 'battleBlocker',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(44.257774353,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'cellId': 0,
+ 'radius': 10.0,
+ }, # end entity 10001
+ 10003: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10002,
+ 'pos': Point3(39.3964080811,22.2593421936,16.0659122467),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(270.0,0.0,90.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(0.560864269733,0.560864269733,0.560864269733),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'loadType': 'loadModel',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/pipes_C.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10003
+ 10005: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'farLeft',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10004,
+ 'pos': Point3(41.8226966858,16.5434036255,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(2.28777551651,2.28777551651,2.28777551651),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 1,
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/CBMetalCrate.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10005
+ 10006: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'farRight',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10004,
+ 'pos': Point3(41.8226966858,-16.5400009155,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(2.28777551651,2.28777551651,2.28777551651),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 1,
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/CBMetalCrate.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10006
+ 10007: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'copy of ',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10002,
+ 'pos': Point3(39.3192749023,-22.8234348297,13.6092739105),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(270.0,0.0,270.0),
+ 'scale': Point3(0.560000002384,0.560864269733,0.560864269733),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'loadType': 'loadModel',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/pipes_C.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10007
+ 10008: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'copy of ',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10002,
+ 'pos': Point3(-39.3800811768,-22.8855381012,16.0659122467),
+ 'hpr': Point3(90.0,0.0,90.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(0.560864269733,0.560864269733,0.560864269733),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'loadType': 'loadModel',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/pipes_C.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10008
+ 10009: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'copy of (2)',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10002,
+ 'pos': Point3(-39.3062858582,22.1807098389,13.6092739105),
+ 'hpr': Point3(90.0,0.0,270.0),
+ 'scale': Point3(0.560000002384,0.560864269733,0.560864269733),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'loadType': 'loadModel',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/pipes_C.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10009
+ 10010: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'nearLeft',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10004,
+ 'pos': Point3(-41.8199996948,16.5434036255,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(2.28777551651,2.28777551651,2.28777551651),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 1,
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/CBMetalCrate.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10010
+ 10011: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'nearRight',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10004,
+ 'pos': Point3(-41.8199996948,-16.5400009155,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(2.28777551651,2.28777551651,2.28777551651),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 1,
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/CBMetalCrate.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10011
+ 10000: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'cogs',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(270.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10000
+ 10002: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'props',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10002
+ 10004: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'collisions',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10002,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10004
+ }
+Scenario0 = {
+ }
+levelSpec = {
+ 'globalEntities': GlobalEntities,
+ 'scenarios': [
+ Scenario0,
+ ],
+ }
diff --git a/toontown/src/coghq/ b/toontown/src/coghq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7a6975
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+from SpecImports import *
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+# entIds of entities that the cogs are put under
+CogParent = 10000
+# unique IDs for battle cells
+BattleCellId = 0
+BattleCells = {
+ BattleCellId : {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'pos' : Point3(0,0,0),
+ },
+ }
+CogData = [
+ {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.CashbotMintSkelecogLevel,
+ 'battleCell' : BattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(-6,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 1,
+ },
+ {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.CashbotMintSkelecogLevel,
+ 'battleCell' : BattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(-2,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 1,
+ },
+ {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.CashbotMintSkelecogLevel,
+ 'battleCell' : BattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(2,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 1,
+ },
+ {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.CashbotMintSkelecogLevel,
+ 'battleCell' : BattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(6,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 1,
+ },
+ ]
+ReserveCogData = [
+ ]
diff --git a/toontown/src/coghq/ b/toontown/src/coghq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8412fc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+from toontown.coghq.SpecImports import *
+GlobalEntities = {
+ 1000: {
+ 'type': 'levelMgr',
+ 'name': 'LevelMgr',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'cogLevel': 0,
+ 'farPlaneDistance': 1500,
+ 'modelFilename': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/ZONE15a',
+ 'wantDoors': 1,
+ }, # end entity 1000
+ 1001: {
+ 'type': 'editMgr',
+ 'name': 'EditMgr',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'insertEntity': None,
+ 'removeEntity': None,
+ 'requestNewEntity': None,
+ 'requestSave': None,
+ }, # end entity 1001
+ # ZONE
+ 0: {
+ 'type': 'zone',
+ 'name': 'UberZone',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'description': '',
+ 'visibility': [],
+ }, # end entity 0
+ 10001: {
+ 'type': 'locator',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'searchPath': '**/EXIT',
+ }, # end entity 10001
+ 10009: {
+ 'type': 'mintProduct',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10008,
+ 'pos': Point3(37.843006134,8.74360656738,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(-90.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Point3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'mintId': 12500,
+ }, # end entity 10009
+ 10010: {
+ 'type': 'mintProduct',
+ 'name': 'copy of ',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10008,
+ 'pos': Point3(36.8768577576,-10.2692861557,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(-90.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'mintId': 12500,
+ }, # end entity 10010
+ 10011: {
+ 'type': 'mintProduct',
+ 'name': 'copy of (2)',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10008,
+ 'pos': Point3(26.2384986877,-16.2085189819,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(90.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'mintId': 12500,
+ }, # end entity 10011
+ 10012: {
+ 'type': 'mintProduct',
+ 'name': 'copy of (3)',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10008,
+ 'pos': Point3(38.4032859802,-3.16089892387,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(90.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'mintId': 12500,
+ }, # end entity 10012
+ 10002: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'vaultDoor',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10001,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/VaultDoorCover.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10002
+ 10004: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'backRight',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10003,
+ 'pos': Point3(42.1358146667,-20.2375278473,0.275439172983),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/crates_A.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10004
+ 10005: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'backLeft',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10003,
+ 'pos': Point3(38.4724159241,18.6007175446,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.44939172268,1.44939172268,1.44939172268),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/crates_F1.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10005
+ 10006: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'frontRight',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10003,
+ 'pos': Point3(-42.3298530579,-20.0590000153,0.0695294439793),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.40563333035,1.40563333035,1.40563333035),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/crates_D.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10006
+ 10007: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'frontLeft',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10003,
+ 'pos': Point3(-42.3731651306,18.05443573,0.0688875243068),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(270.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/crates_G1.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10007
+ 10000: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'cogs',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(270.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10000
+ 10003: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'props',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10003
+ 10008: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'product',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10003,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10008
+ }
+Scenario0 = {
+ }
+levelSpec = {
+ 'globalEntities': GlobalEntities,
+ 'scenarios': [
+ Scenario0,
+ ],
+ }
diff --git a/toontown/src/coghq/ b/toontown/src/coghq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da6f40d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+from SpecImports import *
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+# entIds of entities that the cogs are put under
+CogParent = 10000
+# unique IDs for battle cells
+BattleCellId = 0
+BattleCells = {
+ BattleCellId : {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'pos' : Point3(0,0,0),
+ },
+ }
+CogData = [
+ {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'boss' : 1,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.CashbotMintBossLevel,
+ 'battleCell' : BattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(-6,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 1,
+ },
+ {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.CashbotMintCogLevel+1,
+ 'battleCell' : BattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(-2,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 0,
+ },
+ {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.CashbotMintCogLevel+1,
+ 'battleCell' : BattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(2,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 0,
+ },
+ {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.CashbotMintCogLevel+1,
+ 'battleCell' : BattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(6,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 0,
+ },
+ ]
+ReserveCogData = [
+ ]
diff --git a/toontown/src/coghq/ b/toontown/src/coghq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7996e85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+from toontown.coghq.SpecImports import *
+GlobalEntities = {
+ 1000: {
+ 'type': 'levelMgr',
+ 'name': 'LevelMgr',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'cogLevel': 0,
+ 'farPlaneDistance': 1500,
+ 'modelFilename': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/ZONE03a',
+ 'wantDoors': 1,
+ }, # end entity 1000
+ 1001: {
+ 'type': 'editMgr',
+ 'name': 'EditMgr',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'insertEntity': None,
+ 'removeEntity': None,
+ 'requestNewEntity': None,
+ 'requestSave': None,
+ }, # end entity 1001
+ # ZONE
+ 0: {
+ 'type': 'zone',
+ 'name': 'UberZone',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'description': '',
+ 'visibility': [],
+ }, # end entity 0
+ 10000: {
+ 'type': 'entrancePoint',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,6.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'entranceId': 0,
+ 'radius': 15,
+ 'theta': 20,
+ }, # end entity 10000
+ 10001: {
+ 'type': 'mintProduct',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10004,
+ 'pos': Point3(-11.4890069962,20.1173057556,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'mintId': 12700,
+ }, # end entity 10001
+ 10003: {
+ 'type': 'mintProduct',
+ 'name': 'copy of ',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10004,
+ 'pos': Point3(-20.4286708832,12.2706327438,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(90.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'mintId': 12700,
+ }, # end entity 10003
+ 10007: {
+ 'type': 'mintProduct',
+ 'name': 'copy of ',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10004,
+ 'pos': Point3(-19.2144012451,20.1173057556,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'mintId': 12700,
+ }, # end entity 10007
+ 10006: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'crateStack',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10002,
+ 'pos': Point3(10.5386743546,18.1184597015,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(270.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/crates_G1.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10006
+ 10008: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10002,
+ 'pos': Point3(13.8522205353,-20.3127307892,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/crates_C1.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10008
+ 10002: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'props',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10002
+ 10004: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'product',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10002,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10004
+ }
+Scenario0 = {
+ }
+levelSpec = {
+ 'globalEntities': GlobalEntities,
+ 'scenarios': [
+ Scenario0,
+ ],
+ }
diff --git a/toontown/src/coghq/ b/toontown/src/coghq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a67687
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+from toontown.coghq.SpecImports import *
+GlobalEntities = {
+ 1000: {
+ 'type': 'levelMgr',
+ 'name': 'LevelMgr',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'cogLevel': 0,
+ 'farPlaneDistance': 1500,
+ 'modelFilename': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/ZONE07a',
+ 'wantDoors': 1,
+ }, # end entity 1000
+ 1001: {
+ 'type': 'editMgr',
+ 'name': 'EditMgr',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'insertEntity': None,
+ 'removeEntity': None,
+ 'requestNewEntity': None,
+ 'requestSave': None,
+ }, # end entity 1001
+ # ZONE
+ 0: {
+ 'type': 'zone',
+ 'name': 'UberZone',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'description': '',
+ 'visibility': [],
+ }, # end entity 0
+ 10007: {
+ 'type': 'attribModifier',
+ 'name': 'goonStrength',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'attribName': 'strength',
+ 'recursive': 1,
+ 'typeName': 'goon',
+ 'value': '10',
+ }, # end entity 10007
+ # GOON
+ 10002: {
+ 'type': 'goon',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10001,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1.5,
+ 'attackRadius': 15,
+ 'crushCellId': None,
+ 'goonType': 'pg',
+ 'gridId': None,
+ 'hFov': 70,
+ 'strength': 10,
+ 'velocity': 4.0,
+ }, # end entity 10002
+ 10004: {
+ 'type': 'goon',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10003,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1.5,
+ 'attackRadius': 15,
+ 'crushCellId': None,
+ 'goonType': 'pg',
+ 'gridId': None,
+ 'hFov': 70,
+ 'strength': 10,
+ 'velocity': 4,
+ }, # end entity 10004
+ 10006: {
+ 'type': 'goon',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10005,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1.5,
+ 'attackRadius': 15,
+ 'crushCellId': None,
+ 'goonType': 'pg',
+ 'gridId': None,
+ 'hFov': 70,
+ 'strength': 10,
+ 'velocity': 4,
+ }, # end entity 10006
+ 10009: {
+ 'type': 'goon',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10008,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1.5,
+ 'attackRadius': 15,
+ 'crushCellId': None,
+ 'goonType': 'pg',
+ 'gridId': None,
+ 'hFov': 70,
+ 'strength': 10,
+ 'velocity': 4,
+ }, # end entity 10009
+ 10011: {
+ 'type': 'healBarrel',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10012,
+ 'pos': Point3(2.15899157524,2.29615116119,5.45938539505),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(331.109100342,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'rewardPerGrab': 8,
+ 'rewardPerGrabMax': 0,
+ }, # end entity 10011
+ 10012: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10010,
+ 'pos': Point3(20.9361133575,13.8672618866,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(0.920000016689,0.920000016689,0.920000016689),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/CBMetalCrate.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10012
+ 10013: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10000,
+ 'pos': Point3(57.0218696594,5.15023899078,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(270.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(0.660517215729,0.660517215729,0.660517215729),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/pipes_C.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10013
+ 10015: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10000,
+ 'pos': Point3(-25.9598789215,59.4411621094,9.73551368713),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(274.089996338,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.53790044785,1.53790044785,1.53790044785),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/crates_F1.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10015
+ 10016: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10000,
+ 'pos': Point3(33.3394889832,-18.3643035889,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(180.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(0.660000026226,0.660000026226,0.660000026226),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/pipes_D1.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10016
+ 10017: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'copy of ',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10018,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(169.699996948,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(0.902469694614,0.902469694614,0.902469694614),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/pipes_D4.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10017
+ 10020: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'copy of (2)',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10018,
+ 'pos': Point3(-12.071434021,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(288.434936523,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(0.902469694614,0.902469694614,0.902469694614),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/pipes_D4.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10020
+ 10022: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10021,
+ 'pos': Point3(-5.97179174423,-60.3133621216,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(180.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(0.869391143322,0.869391143322,0.869391143322),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/pipes_C.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10022
+ 10000: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'props',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10000
+ 10010: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'healPuzzle',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(43.1796302795,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(-90.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10010
+ 10018: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'rightVertPipes',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10021,
+ 'pos': Point3(-16.4536571503,-45.3981781006,-8.39999961853),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Point3(0.649999976158,0.649999976158,1.55999994278),
+ }, # end entity 10018
+ 10021: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'rightPipes',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10000,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10021
+ # PATH
+ 10001: {
+ 'type': 'path',
+ 'name': 'nearPace',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(-59.7391967773,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(90.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'pathIndex': 3,
+ 'pathScale': 1.0,
+ }, # end entity 10001
+ 10003: {
+ 'type': 'path',
+ 'name': 'bowtie',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(-40.0336875916,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'pathIndex': 2,
+ 'pathScale': 1.0,
+ }, # end entity 10003
+ 10005: {
+ 'type': 'path',
+ 'name': 'bridgePace',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(-8.80618190765,-1.5122487545,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'pathIndex': 3,
+ 'pathScale': 1.0,
+ }, # end entity 10005
+ 10008: {
+ 'type': 'path',
+ 'name': 'farPace',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(7.5265827179,7.56240034103,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(90.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'pathIndex': 3,
+ 'pathScale': 1.0,
+ }, # end entity 10008
+ }
+Scenario0 = {
+ }
+levelSpec = {
+ 'globalEntities': GlobalEntities,
+ 'scenarios': [
+ Scenario0,
+ ],
+ }
diff --git a/toontown/src/coghq/ b/toontown/src/coghq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7ad1a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+from toontown.coghq.SpecImports import *
+GlobalEntities = {
+ 1000: {
+ 'type': 'levelMgr',
+ 'name': 'LevelMgr',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'cogLevel': 0,
+ 'farPlaneDistance': 1500,
+ 'modelFilename': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/ZONE07a',
+ 'wantDoors': 1,
+ }, # end entity 1000
+ 1001: {
+ 'type': 'editMgr',
+ 'name': 'EditMgr',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'insertEntity': None,
+ 'removeEntity': None,
+ 'requestNewEntity': None,
+ 'requestSave': None,
+ }, # end entity 1001
+ # ZONE
+ 0: {
+ 'type': 'zone',
+ 'name': 'UberZone',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'description': '',
+ 'visibility': [],
+ }, # end entity 0
+ 10001: {
+ 'type': 'battleBlocker',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(-27.3600006104,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'cellId': 0,
+ 'radius': 10.0,
+ }, # end entity 10001
+ 10002: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10003,
+ 'pos': Point3(57.0218696594,3.79224324226,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(111.037513733,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.72596073151,1.72596073151,1.72596073151),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/boiler_B1.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10002
+ 10004: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10003,
+ 'pos': Point3(-7.67323350906,-61.4041023254,0.207314386964),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(169.695159912,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.9143627882,1.9143627882,1.9143627882),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/boiler_A2.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10004
+ 10005: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10003,
+ 'pos': Point3(-25.9598789215,44.8260116577,9.73551368713),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(94.0856170654,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.53790044785,1.53790044785,1.53790044785),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/crates_F1.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10005
+ 10000: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'cogs',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(-52.7907714844,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(270.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10000
+ 10003: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'props',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10003
+ }
+Scenario0 = {
+ }
+levelSpec = {
+ 'globalEntities': GlobalEntities,
+ 'scenarios': [
+ Scenario0,
+ ],
+ }
diff --git a/toontown/src/coghq/ b/toontown/src/coghq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93ca2f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+from SpecImports import *
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+# entIds of entities that the cogs are put under
+CogParent = 10000
+# unique IDs for battle cells
+BattleCellId = 0
+BattleCells = {
+ BattleCellId : {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'pos' : Point3(0,0,0),
+ },
+ }
+CogData = [
+ {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.CashbotMintCogLevel,
+ 'battleCell' : BattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(-6,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 0,
+ },
+ {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.CashbotMintCogLevel+1,
+ 'battleCell' : BattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(-2,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 0,
+ },
+ {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.CashbotMintCogLevel,
+ 'battleCell' : BattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(2,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 0,
+ },
+ {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.CashbotMintCogLevel+1,
+ 'battleCell' : BattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(6,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 0,
+ },
+ ]
+ReserveCogData = [
+ ]
diff --git a/toontown/src/coghq/ b/toontown/src/coghq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4fe43ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+from toontown.coghq.SpecImports import *
+GlobalEntities = {
+ 1000: {
+ 'type': 'levelMgr',
+ 'name': 'LevelMgr',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'cogLevel': 0,
+ 'farPlaneDistance': 1500,
+ 'modelFilename': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/ZONE07a',
+ 'wantDoors': 1,
+ }, # end entity 1000
+ 1001: {
+ 'type': 'editMgr',
+ 'name': 'EditMgr',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'insertEntity': None,
+ 'removeEntity': None,
+ 'requestNewEntity': None,
+ 'requestSave': None,
+ }, # end entity 1001
+ # ZONE
+ 0: {
+ 'type': 'zone',
+ 'name': 'UberZone',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'description': '',
+ 'visibility': [],
+ }, # end entity 0
+ 10015: {
+ 'type': 'gagBarrel',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10009,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.35536468029,1.03268241882,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(99.4599990845,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'gagLevel': 5,
+ 'gagLevelMax': 0,
+ 'gagTrack': 'random',
+ 'rewardPerGrab': 5,
+ 'rewardPerGrabMax': 10,
+ }, # end entity 10015
+ # GEAR
+ 10007: {
+ 'type': 'gear',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10003,
+ 'pos': Point3(2.0,-65.0800018311,11.0900001526),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,90.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Point3(10.0,10.0,10.0),
+ 'degreesPerSec': 10.0,
+ 'gearScale': 1,
+ 'modelType': 'mint',
+ 'orientation': 'horizontal',
+ 'phaseShift': 0,
+ }, # end entity 10007
+ 10008: {
+ 'type': 'gear',
+ 'name': 'copy of ',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10003,
+ 'pos': Point3(-15.0,-65.0800018311,15.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,90.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Point3(10.0,10.0,10.0),
+ 'degreesPerSec': -10.0,
+ 'gearScale': 1,
+ 'modelType': 'mint',
+ 'orientation': 'horizontal',
+ 'phaseShift': 0.26000000000000001,
+ }, # end entity 10008
+ 10016: {
+ 'type': 'healBarrel',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10009,
+ 'pos': Point3(2.0886592865,-5.19625711441,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(80.5376815796,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'rewardPerGrab': 7,
+ 'rewardPerGrabMax': 10,
+ }, # end entity 10016
+ 10001: {
+ 'type': 'locator',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'searchPath': '**/EXIT',
+ }, # end entity 10001
+ 10012: {
+ 'type': 'mintProduct',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10011,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(90.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'mintId': 12500,
+ }, # end entity 10012
+ 10013: {
+ 'type': 'mintProduct',
+ 'name': 'copy of ',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10011,
+ 'pos': Point3(33.1602783203,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'mintId': 12500,
+ }, # end entity 10013
+ 10014: {
+ 'type': 'mintProduct',
+ 'name': 'copy of ',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10011,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,-26.4398918152,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(90.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'mintId': 12500,
+ }, # end entity 10014
+ 10002: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10001,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/VaultDoorCover.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10002
+ 10004: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10003,
+ 'pos': Point3(28.4207668304,0.886719465256,0.0890568122268),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.42410159111,1.42410159111,1.42410159111),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/crates_D.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10004
+ 10005: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10004,
+ 'pos': Point3(1.02179563046,-5.71805810928,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(270.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(0.912700533867,0.912700533867,0.912700533867),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/crates_G1.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10005
+ 10006: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10003,
+ 'pos': Point3(28.0896816254,6.65470600128,0.0692733898759),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/crates_E.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10006
+ 10010: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10003,
+ 'pos': Point3(-30.3416347504,-52.2014503479,4.94085407257),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(180.0,270.0,270.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(0.496759712696,0.496759712696,0.496759712696),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/pipes_C.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10010
+ 10017: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10003,
+ 'pos': Point3(-47.7702331543,-15.7725839615,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(180.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(0.75,0.75,0.75),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/pipes_C.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10017
+ 10000: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'cogs',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(-16.2589473724,49.1446685791,10.2881116867),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(90.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10000
+ 10003: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'props',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10003
+ 10009: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'barrels',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(39.311466217,1.05693364143,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10009
+ 10011: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'product',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10003,
+ 'pos': Point3(-24.7985076904,59.8468132019,10.0710220337),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10011
+ }
+Scenario0 = {
+ }
+levelSpec = {
+ 'globalEntities': GlobalEntities,
+ 'scenarios': [
+ Scenario0,
+ ],
+ }
diff --git a/toontown/src/coghq/ b/toontown/src/coghq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da6f40d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+from SpecImports import *
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+# entIds of entities that the cogs are put under
+CogParent = 10000
+# unique IDs for battle cells
+BattleCellId = 0
+BattleCells = {
+ BattleCellId : {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'pos' : Point3(0,0,0),
+ },
+ }
+CogData = [
+ {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'boss' : 1,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.CashbotMintBossLevel,
+ 'battleCell' : BattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(-6,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 1,
+ },
+ {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.CashbotMintCogLevel+1,
+ 'battleCell' : BattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(-2,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 0,
+ },
+ {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.CashbotMintCogLevel+1,
+ 'battleCell' : BattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(2,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 0,
+ },
+ {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.CashbotMintCogLevel+1,
+ 'battleCell' : BattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(6,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 0,
+ },
+ ]
+ReserveCogData = [
+ ]
diff --git a/toontown/src/coghq/ b/toontown/src/coghq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b45f852
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+from toontown.coghq.SpecImports import *
+GlobalEntities = {
+ 1000: {
+ 'type': 'levelMgr',
+ 'name': 'LevelMgr',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'cogLevel': 0,
+ 'farPlaneDistance': 1500,
+ 'modelFilename': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/ZONE18a',
+ 'wantDoors': 1,
+ }, # end entity 1000
+ 1001: {
+ 'type': 'editMgr',
+ 'name': 'EditMgr',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'insertEntity': None,
+ 'removeEntity': None,
+ 'requestNewEntity': None,
+ 'requestSave': None,
+ }, # end entity 1001
+ # ZONE
+ 0: {
+ 'type': 'zone',
+ 'name': 'UberZone',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'description': '',
+ 'visibility': [],
+ }, # end entity 0
+ 10009: {
+ 'type': 'attribModifier',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10008,
+ 'attribName': 'modelPath',
+ 'recursive': 1,
+ 'typeName': 'model',
+ 'value': '',
+ }, # end entity 10009
+ 10017: {
+ 'type': 'attribModifier',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10008,
+ 'attribName': 'scale',
+ 'recursive': 1,
+ 'typeName': 'model',
+ 'value': 'Vec3(.955,1,1)',
+ }, # end entity 10017
+ 10015: {
+ 'type': 'crate',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10014,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 0.92000000000000004,
+ 'crushCellId': None,
+ 'gridId': 10014,
+ 'modelType': 1,
+ 'pushable': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10015
+ # GRID
+ 10014: {
+ 'type': 'grid',
+ 'name': 'crateGrid',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10003,
+ 'pos': Point3(-6.73230838776,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'cellSize': 3.0,
+ 'numCol': 4,
+ 'numRow': 2,
+ }, # end entity 10014
+ 10005: {
+ 'type': 'healBarrel',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(19.0611743927,-20.78266716,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(160.016891479,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'rewardPerGrab': 8,
+ 'rewardPerGrabMax': 0,
+ }, # end entity 10005
+ 10001: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10000,
+ 'pos': Point3(-7.89672088623,21.0129165649,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(180.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/crates_F1.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10001
+ 10002: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'copy of ',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10000,
+ 'pos': Point3(-17.8739471436,16.2802295685,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(270.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/crates_E.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10002
+ 10006: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(20.9172992706,20.2094459534,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/CBMetalCrate.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10006
+ 10007: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10000,
+ 'pos': Point3(-18.3651504517,-19.2698841095,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/crates_C1.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10007
+ 10018: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'middle',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10008,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(0.954999983311,1.0,1.0),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cogHQ/CBMetalCrate2.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10018
+ 10019: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'copy of middle',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10008,
+ 'pos': Point3(-5.72357320786,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(0.954999983311,1.0,1.0),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cogHQ/CBMetalCrate2.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10019
+ 10020: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'copy of middle',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10008,
+ 'pos': Point3(5.71999979019,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(0.954999983311,1.0,1.0),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cogHQ/CBMetalCrate2.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10020
+ 10021: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'copy of middle',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10008,
+ 'pos': Point3(11.4399995804,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(0.954999983311,1.0,1.0),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cogHQ/CBMetalCrate2.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10021
+ 10000: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'props',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10000
+ 10003: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'cratePuzzle',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10003
+ 10008: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'wall',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(13.4399995804,6.57999992371,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(270.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.95812249184,1.5,1.79999995232),
+ }, # end entity 10008
+ 10016: {
+ 'type': 'stomper',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10014,
+ 'pos': Point3(-4.04936361313,3.45528435707,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'crushCellId': None,
+ 'damage': 6,
+ 'headScale': Point3(4.0,3.0,4.0),
+ 'modelPath': 0,
+ 'motion': 3,
+ 'period': 5.0,
+ 'phaseShift': 0.0,
+ 'range': 15.0,
+ 'shaftScale': Point3(0.75,10.0,0.75),
+ 'soundLen': 0,
+ 'soundOn': 1,
+ 'soundPath': 1,
+ 'style': 'vertical',
+ 'switchId': 0,
+ 'wantShadow': 1,
+ 'wantSmoke': 1,
+ 'zOffset': 0,
+ }, # end entity 10016
+ }
+Scenario0 = {
+ }
+levelSpec = {
+ 'globalEntities': GlobalEntities,
+ 'scenarios': [
+ Scenario0,
+ ],
+ }
diff --git a/toontown/src/coghq/ b/toontown/src/coghq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b27f6dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
+from toontown.coghq.SpecImports import *
+GlobalEntities = {
+ 1000: {
+ 'type': 'levelMgr',
+ 'name': 'LevelMgr',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'cogLevel': 0,
+ 'farPlaneDistance': 1500,
+ 'modelFilename': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/ZONE18a',
+ 'wantDoors': 1,
+ }, # end entity 1000
+ 1001: {
+ 'type': 'editMgr',
+ 'name': 'EditMgr',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'insertEntity': None,
+ 'removeEntity': None,
+ 'requestNewEntity': None,
+ 'requestSave': None,
+ }, # end entity 1001
+ # ZONE
+ 0: {
+ 'type': 'zone',
+ 'name': 'UberZone',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'description': '',
+ 'visibility': [],
+ }, # end entity 0
+ 10000: {
+ 'type': 'attribModifier',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10004,
+ 'attribName': 'modelPath',
+ 'recursive': 1,
+ 'typeName': 'model',
+ 'value': '',
+ }, # end entity 10000
+ 10001: {
+ 'type': 'attribModifier',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10004,
+ 'attribName': 'scale',
+ 'recursive': 1,
+ 'typeName': 'model',
+ 'value': 'Vec3(.955,1,1)',
+ }, # end entity 10001
+ 10019: {
+ 'type': 'attribModifier',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10015,
+ 'attribName': 'modelPath',
+ 'recursive': 1,
+ 'typeName': 'model',
+ 'value': '',
+ }, # end entity 10019
+ # GEAR
+ 10006: {
+ 'type': 'gear',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10003,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'degreesPerSec': -4.0,
+ 'gearScale': 14.193780914463838,
+ 'modelType': 'mint',
+ 'orientation': 'horizontal',
+ 'phaseShift': 0,
+ }, # end entity 10006
+ 10007: {
+ 'type': 'gear',
+ 'name': 'copy of ',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10003,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,4.28999996185),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'degreesPerSec': 4.0,
+ 'gearScale': 14.193780914463838,
+ 'modelType': 'mint',
+ 'orientation': 'horizontal',
+ 'phaseShift': 0,
+ }, # end entity 10007
+ 10009: {
+ 'type': 'gear',
+ 'name': 'copy of (2)',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10003,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,8.57999992371),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'degreesPerSec': -4.0,
+ 'gearScale': 14.193780914463838,
+ 'modelType': 'mint',
+ 'orientation': 'horizontal',
+ 'phaseShift': 0.055,
+ }, # end entity 10009
+ 10014: {
+ 'type': 'gear',
+ 'name': 'copy of (3)',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10003,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,12.8699998856),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'degreesPerSec': 4.0,
+ 'gearScale': 14.193780914463838,
+ 'modelType': 'mint',
+ 'orientation': 'horizontal',
+ 'phaseShift': 0.059999999999999998,
+ }, # end entity 10014
+ 10018: {
+ 'type': 'healBarrel',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10017,
+ 'pos': Point3(-2.03643107414,2.34967470169,5.46433734894),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(34.1522636414,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'rewardPerGrab': 5,
+ 'rewardPerGrabMax': 0,
+ }, # end entity 10018
+ 10002: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10003,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(6.5,6.5,6.5),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cogHQ/RoundShadow.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10002
+ 10005: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'doorwayCrate',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(27.0090961456,0.850000023842,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cogHQ/CBMetalCrate2.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10005
+ 10008: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'shaft',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10003,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,7.25891637802),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,180.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(5.35842609406,5.35842609406,5.35842609406),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModel',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/MintGearPost.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10008
+ 10010: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'middle',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10004,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(0.954999983311,1.0,1.0),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cogHQ/CBMetalCrate2.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10010
+ 10011: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'copy of middle',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10004,
+ 'pos': Point3(-5.72357320786,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(0.954999983311,1.0,1.0),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cogHQ/CBMetalCrate2.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10011
+ 10012: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'copy of middle',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10004,
+ 'pos': Point3(5.71999979019,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(0.954999983311,1.0,1.0),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cogHQ/CBMetalCrate2.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10012
+ 10013: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'copy of middle',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10004,
+ 'pos': Point3(11.4399995804,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(0.954999983311,1.0,1.0),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cogHQ/CBMetalCrate2.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10013
+ 10015: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'crateStack',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(-18.0376968384,20.2023410797,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cogHQ/CBMetalCrate2.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10015
+ 10016: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'upper',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10015,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,5.42841148376),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cogHQ/CBMetalCrate2.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10016
+ 10017: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'copy of upper',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10016,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,5.43412637711),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cogHQ/CBMetalCrate2.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10017
+ 10021: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'crateStack',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10020,
+ 'pos': Point3(21.064825058,20.1899757385,9.87216758728),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(270.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/crates_C1.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10021
+ 10003: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'gears',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(-3.18650078773,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10003
+ 10004: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'wall',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(19.5468139648,6.37875938416,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(270.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.95812249184,1.5,1.79999995232),
+ }, # end entity 10004
+ 10020: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'props',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10020
+ }
+Scenario0 = {
+ }
+levelSpec = {
+ 'globalEntities': GlobalEntities,
+ 'scenarios': [
+ Scenario0,
+ ],
+ }
diff --git a/toontown/src/coghq/ b/toontown/src/coghq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..873fb6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+from toontown.coghq.SpecImports import *
+GlobalEntities = {
+ 1000: {
+ 'type': 'levelMgr',
+ 'name': 'LevelMgr',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'cogLevel': 0,
+ 'farPlaneDistance': 1500,
+ 'modelFilename': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/ZONE18a',
+ 'wantDoors': 1,
+ }, # end entity 1000
+ 1001: {
+ 'type': 'editMgr',
+ 'name': 'EditMgr',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'insertEntity': None,
+ 'removeEntity': None,
+ 'requestNewEntity': None,
+ 'requestSave': None,
+ }, # end entity 1001
+ # ZONE
+ 0: {
+ 'type': 'zone',
+ 'name': 'UberZone',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'description': '',
+ 'visibility': [],
+ }, # end entity 0
+ 10004: {
+ 'type': 'battleBlocker',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(23.908908844,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'cellId': 0,
+ 'radius': 10,
+ }, # end entity 10004
+ 10002: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'crates',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10001,
+ 'pos': Point3(17.3283443451,20.1608715057,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/crates_C1.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10002
+ 10003: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10001,
+ 'pos': Point3(-14.04317379,20.9443073273,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/crates_E.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10003
+ 10006: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10003,
+ 'pos': Point3(-3.16324114799,-0.608929097652,5.57751512527),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/crates_C1.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10006
+ 10000: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'cogs',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10000
+ 10001: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'props',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10001
+ 10005: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10000,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(-90.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10005
+ }
+Scenario0 = {
+ }
+levelSpec = {
+ 'globalEntities': GlobalEntities,
+ 'scenarios': [
+ Scenario0,
+ ],
+ }
diff --git a/toontown/src/coghq/ b/toontown/src/coghq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b16f52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+from SpecImports import *
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+# entIds of entities that the cogs are put under
+CogParent = 10000
+BattleParent = 10005
+# unique IDs for battle cells
+BattleCellId = 0
+BattleCells = {
+ BattleCellId : {'parentEntId' : BattleParent,
+ 'pos' : Point3(0,0,0),
+ },
+ }
+CogData = [
+ {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.CashbotMintSkelecogLevel,
+ 'battleCell' : BattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(-6,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 1,
+ },
+ {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.CashbotMintSkelecogLevel,
+ 'battleCell' : BattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(-2,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 1,
+ },
+ {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.CashbotMintSkelecogLevel,
+ 'battleCell' : BattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(2,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 1,
+ },
+ {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.CashbotMintSkelecogLevel,
+ 'battleCell' : BattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(6,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 1,
+ },
+ ]
+ReserveCogData = [
+ ]
diff --git a/toontown/src/coghq/ b/toontown/src/coghq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f98825b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+from toontown.coghq.SpecImports import *
+GlobalEntities = {
+ 1000: {
+ 'type': 'levelMgr',
+ 'name': 'LevelMgr',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'cogLevel': 0,
+ 'farPlaneDistance': 1500,
+ 'modelFilename': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/ZONE18a',
+ 'wantDoors': 1,
+ }, # end entity 1000
+ 1001: {
+ 'type': 'editMgr',
+ 'name': 'EditMgr',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'insertEntity': None,
+ 'removeEntity': None,
+ 'requestNewEntity': None,
+ 'requestSave': None,
+ }, # end entity 1001
+ # ZONE
+ 0: {
+ 'type': 'zone',
+ 'name': 'UberZone',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'description': '',
+ 'visibility': [],
+ }, # end entity 0
+ 10004: {
+ 'type': 'locator',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'searchPath': '**/EXIT1',
+ }, # end entity 10004
+ 10013: {
+ 'type': 'mintProduct',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10012,
+ 'pos': Point3(-3.94549632072,18.2319583893,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'mintId': 12500,
+ }, # end entity 10013
+ 10014: {
+ 'type': 'mintProduct',
+ 'name': 'copy of ',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10012,
+ 'pos': Point3(3.85402703285,18.2319583893,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'mintId': 12500,
+ }, # end entity 10014
+ 10015: {
+ 'type': 'mintProduct',
+ 'name': 'copy of ',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10012,
+ 'pos': Point3(-18.5567684174,14.1500225067,6.5729341507),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'mintId': 12500,
+ }, # end entity 10015
+ 10001: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': 'vaultDoor',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10004,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/VaultDoorCover.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10001
+ 10003: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10002,
+ 'pos': Point3(13.2311220169,20.3564720154,0.305192321539),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.21849691868,1.21849691868,1.21849691868),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/crates_A.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10003
+ 10007: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10002,
+ 'pos': Point3(-17.5481491089,20.8210849762,0.00756931304932),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.30483365059,1.30483365059,1.30483365059),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/crates_F1.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10007
+ 10008: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10007,
+ 'pos': Point3(-1.55398654938,-4.84950685501,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(0.913593888283,0.913593888283,0.913593888283),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/CBMetalCrate.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10008
+ 10009: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10002,
+ 'pos': Point3(-19.0412902832,-18.4314842224,0.00867449026555),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/crates_G1.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10009
+ 10010: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10002,
+ 'pos': Point3(18.6662273407,-13.083732605,0.00570194004104),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'flattenType': 'light',
+ 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/CBMetalCrate.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10010
+ 10000: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'cogs',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10000
+ 10002: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'crates',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10011,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10002
+ 10005: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'battle',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(-90.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10005
+ 10011: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'props',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(-90.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10011
+ 10012: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'product',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10011,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10012
+ }
+Scenario0 = {
+ }
+levelSpec = {
+ 'globalEntities': GlobalEntities,
+ 'scenarios': [
+ Scenario0,
+ ],
+ }
diff --git a/toontown/src/coghq/ b/toontown/src/coghq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..acb2a86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+from SpecImports import *
+from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals
+# entIds of entities that the cogs are put under
+CogParent = 10000
+BattleParent = 10005
+# unique IDs for battle cells
+BattleCellId = 0
+BattleCells = {
+ BattleCellId : {'parentEntId' : BattleParent,
+ 'pos' : Point3(0,0,0),
+ },
+ }
+CogData = [
+ {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'boss' : 1,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.CashbotMintBossLevel,
+ 'battleCell' : BattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(-6,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 1,
+ },
+ {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.CashbotMintCogLevel+1,
+ 'battleCell' : BattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(-2,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 0,
+ },
+ {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.CashbotMintCogLevel+1,
+ 'battleCell' : BattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(2,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 0,
+ },
+ {'parentEntId' : CogParent,
+ 'boss' : 0,
+ 'level' : ToontownGlobals.CashbotMintCogLevel+1,
+ 'battleCell' : BattleCellId,
+ 'pos' : Point3(6,0,0),
+ 'h' : 180,
+ 'behavior' : 'stand',
+ 'path' : None,
+ 'skeleton' : 0,
+ },
+ ]
+ReserveCogData = [
+ ]
diff --git a/toontown/src/coghq/ b/toontown/src/coghq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93d8653
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+from toontown.coghq.SpecImports import *
+GlobalEntities = {
+ 1000: {
+ 'type': 'levelMgr',
+ 'name': 'LevelMgr',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'cogLevel': 0,
+ 'farPlaneDistance': 1500,
+ 'modelFilename': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/ZONE19a',
+ 'wantDoors': 1,
+ }, # end entity 1000
+ 1001: {
+ 'type': 'editMgr',
+ 'name': 'EditMgr',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'insertEntity': None,
+ 'removeEntity': None,
+ 'requestNewEntity': None,
+ 'requestSave': None,
+ }, # end entity 1001
+ # ZONE
+ 0: {
+ 'type': 'zone',
+ 'name': 'UberZone',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'description': '',
+ 'visibility': [],
+ }, # end entity 0
+ 10005: {
+ 'type': 'attribModifier',
+ 'name': 'sinkDuration',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10002,
+ 'attribName': 'sinkDuration',
+ 'recursive': 1,
+ 'typeName': 'sinkingPlatform',
+ 'value': '2.0',
+ }, # end entity 10005
+ 10006: {
+ 'type': 'attribModifier',
+ 'name': 'riseDuration',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10002,
+ 'attribName': 'riseDuration',
+ 'recursive': 1,
+ 'typeName': 'sinkingPlatform',
+ 'value': '2.0',
+ }, # end entity 10006
+ 10004: {
+ 'type': 'healBarrel',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(-52.5099983215,-3.81641983986,4.99661874771),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(100.165977478,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'rewardPerGrab': 8,
+ 'rewardPerGrabMax': 0,
+ }, # end entity 10004
+ 10008: {
+ 'type': 'model',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10007,
+ 'pos': Point3(-24.928899765,-4.86700963974,-1.70696532726),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(270.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'collisionsOnly': 0,
+ 'loadType': 'loadModel',
+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/pipes_A5.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10008
+ 10002: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'sinkingPlatforms',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(2.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(0.864239275455,0.864239275455,0.864239275455),
+ }, # end entity 10002
+ 10007: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'props',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10007
+ 10000: {
+ 'type': 'sinkingPlatform',
+ 'name': 'plat1',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10002,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'pauseBeforeRise': 1,
+ 'riseDuration': 2.0,
+ 'sinkDuration': 2.0,
+ 'verticalRange': 3.0,
+ }, # end entity 10000
+ 10001: {
+ 'type': 'sinkingPlatform',
+ 'name': 'plat0',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10002,
+ 'pos': Point3(20.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'pauseBeforeRise': 1,
+ 'riseDuration': 2.0,
+ 'sinkDuration': 2.0,
+ 'verticalRange': 3.0,
+ }, # end entity 10001
+ 10003: {
+ 'type': 'sinkingPlatform',
+ 'name': 'plat2',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10002,
+ 'pos': Point3(-20.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'pauseBeforeRise': 1,
+ 'riseDuration': 2.0,
+ 'sinkDuration': 2.0,
+ 'verticalRange': 3.0,
+ }, # end entity 10003
+ }
+Scenario0 = {
+ }
+levelSpec = {
+ 'globalEntities': GlobalEntities,
+ 'scenarios': [
+ Scenario0,
+ ],
+ }
diff --git a/toontown/src/coghq/ b/toontown/src/coghq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6b134b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,2176 @@
+from toontown.coghq.SpecImports import *
+GlobalEntities = {
+ 1000: {
+ 'type': 'levelMgr',
+ 'name': 'LevelMgr',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'cogLevel': 0,
+ 'farPlaneDistance': 1500,
+ 'modelFilename': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/ZONE04a',
+ 'wantDoors': 1,
+ }, # end entity 1000
+ 1001: {
+ 'type': 'editMgr',
+ 'name': 'EditMgr',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'insertEntity': None,
+ 'removeEntity': None,
+ 'requestNewEntity': None,
+ 'requestSave': None,
+ }, # end entity 1001
+ # ZONE
+ 0: {
+ 'type': 'zone',
+ 'name': 'UberZone',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'description': '',
+ 'visibility': [],
+ }, # end entity 0
+ 10005: {
+ 'type': 'attribModifier',
+ 'name': 'stomperPeriod',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10046,
+ 'attribName': 'period',
+ 'recursive': 1,
+ 'typeName': 'stomper',
+ 'value': '2.2',
+ }, # end entity 10005
+ 10015: {
+ 'type': 'attribModifier',
+ 'name': 'stomperShaftScale',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10046,
+ 'attribName': 'shaftScale',
+ 'recursive': 1,
+ 'typeName': 'stomper',
+ 'value': 'Vec3(1,5,1)',
+ }, # end entity 10015
+ 10067: {
+ 'type': 'attribModifier',
+ 'name': 'stomperDamage',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10000,
+ 'attribName': 'damage',
+ 'recursive': 1,
+ 'typeName': 'stomper',
+ 'value': '8',
+ }, # end entity 10067
+ 10130: {
+ 'type': 'attribModifier',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10153,
+ 'attribName': 'modelPath',
+ 'recursive': 1,
+ 'typeName': 'model',
+ 'value': "'phase_10/models/cogHQ/CBMetalCrate2.bam'",
+ }, # end entity 10130
+ 10145: {
+ 'type': 'attribModifier',
+ 'name': 'copy of ',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10007,
+ 'attribName': 'modelPath',
+ 'recursive': 1,
+ 'typeName': 'model',
+ 'value': "'phase_10/models/cogHQ/CBMetalCrate2.bam'",
+ }, # end entity 10145
+ 10173: {
+ 'type': 'attribModifier',
+ 'name': 'copy of stomperShaftScale',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10154,
+ 'attribName': 'shaftScale',
+ 'recursive': 1,
+ 'typeName': 'stomper',
+ 'value': 'Vec3(1,5,1)',
+ }, # end entity 10173
+ 10169: {
+ 'type': 'gagBarrel',
+ 'name': 'gag',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10170,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(1.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'gagLevel': 5,
+ 'gagLevelMax': 0,
+ 'gagTrack': 'random',
+ 'rewardPerGrab': 5,
+ 'rewardPerGrabMax': 6,
+ }, # end entity 10169
+ 10171: {
+ 'type': 'gagBarrel',
+ 'name': 'gagLeft',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10170,
+ 'pos': Point3(-3.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(-6.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'gagLevel': 5,
+ 'gagLevelMax': 0,
+ 'gagTrack': 'random',
+ 'rewardPerGrab': 5,
+ 'rewardPerGrabMax': 6,
+ }, # end entity 10171
+ 10172: {
+ 'type': 'gagBarrel',
+ 'name': 'gagRight',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10170,
+ 'pos': Point3(3.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(9.0,0.0,0.0),
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+ 'gagLevel': 5,
+ 'gagLevelMax': 0,
+ 'gagTrack': 'random',
+ 'rewardPerGrab': 5,
+ 'rewardPerGrabMax': 6,
+ }, # end entity 10172
+ 10177: {
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+ 'name': 'healLeft',
+ 'comment': '',
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+ 'pos': Point3(-1.05319225788,0.0,4.12134313583),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(20.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'rewardPerGrab': 5,
+ 'rewardPerGrabMax': 6,
+ }, # end entity 10177
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+ 'pos': Point3(2.16605138779,0.0,4.12134313583),
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+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'rewardPerGrab': 5,
+ 'rewardPerGrabMax': 6,
+ }, # end entity 10178
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+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
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+ 'pos': Point3(-2.92873573303,110.585220337,5.00378036499),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
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+ 'rewardPerGrab': 10,
+ 'rewardPerGrabMax': 0,
+ }, # end entity 10181
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+ 'pos': Point3(-11.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Point3(90.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.34000003338,1.34000003338,1.34000003338),
+ 'mintId': 12500,
+ }, # end entity 10023
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+ 'mintId': 12500,
+ }, # end entity 10026
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+ 'pos': Point3(-11.0,0.0,0.0),
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+ 'mintId': 12500,
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+ 'scale': Vec3(1.34000003338,1.34000003338,1.34000003338),
+ 'mintId': 12500,
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+ 'scale': Vec3(1.34000003338,1.34000003338,1.34000003338),
+ 'mintId': 12500,
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+ 'mintId': 12500,
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+ 'hpr': Point3(90.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.34000003338,1.34000003338,1.34000003338),
+ 'mintId': 12500,
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+ 'scale': Vec3(1.34000003338,1.34000003338,1.34000003338),
+ 'mintId': 12500,
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+ 'hpr': Point3(90.0,0.0,0.0),
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+ 'mintId': 12500,
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+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cogHQ/CBMetalCrate2.bam',
+ }, # end entity 10001
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+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cogHQ/CBMetalCrate2.bam',
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+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cogHQ/CBMetalCrate2.bam',
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+ 'modelPath': 'phase_10/models/cogHQ/CBMetalCrate2.bam',
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+ 'name': 'row2',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10018,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,6.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10010
+ 10017: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'wall5',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10063,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,90.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Point3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10017
+ 10018: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'crateSquare0',
+ 'comment': 'Y=N*18',
+ 'parentEntId': 10007,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10018
+ 10019: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'crateSquare1',
+ 'comment': 'Y=N*18',
+ 'parentEntId': 10007,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,18.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10019
+ 10020: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'row2',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10019,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,6.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10020
+ 10021: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'row0',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10019,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,-6.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10021
+ 10022: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'row1',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10019,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10022
+ 10031: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'crateSquare3',
+ 'comment': 'Y=N*18',
+ 'parentEntId': 10007,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,54.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10031
+ 10032: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'crateSquare2',
+ 'comment': 'Y=N*18',
+ 'parentEntId': 10007,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,36.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10032
+ 10033: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'row2',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10032,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,6.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10033
+ 10034: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'row0',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10032,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,-6.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10034
+ 10035: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'row1',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10032,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10035
+ 10044: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'row2',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10031,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,6.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10044
+ 10045: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'row0',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10031,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,-6.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10045
+ 10046: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'stompers',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10000,
+ 'pos': Point3(-1.0,0.0,4.40000009537),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10046
+ 10047: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'row1',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10031,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10047
+ 10059: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'wall6',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10063,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,108.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Point3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10059
+ 10062: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'wall7',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10063,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,124.5,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Point3(1.0,1.39999997616,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10062
+ 10063: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'walls',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10000,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,-0.019999999553,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10063
+ 10065: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'wall0',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10063,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Point3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10065
+ 10070: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'leftBranch',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10000,
+ 'pos': Point3(-17.8978881836,72.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(90.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10070
+ 10071: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'crateSquare0',
+ 'comment': 'Y=N*18',
+ 'parentEntId': 10153,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10071
+ 10072: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'row2',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10071,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,6.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10072
+ 10073: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'row0',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10071,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,-6.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10073
+ 10074: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'row1',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10071,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10074
+ 10075: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'frontCrateRow',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10007,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,-12.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(0.844285488129,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10075
+ 10080: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'crateSquare4',
+ 'comment': 'Y=N*18',
+ 'parentEntId': 10007,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,72.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10080
+ 10081: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'row2',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10080,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,6.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10081
+ 10082: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'row0',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10080,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,-6.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10082
+ 10083: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'row1',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10080,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10083
+ 10092: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'wall1',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10063,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,18.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Point3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10092
+ 10095: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'wall2',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10063,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,36.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Point3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10095
+ 10098: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'wall3',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10063,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,54.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Point3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10098
+ 10101: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'wall4',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10063,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,72.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Point3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10101
+ 10104: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'crateSquare5',
+ 'comment': 'Y=N*18',
+ 'parentEntId': 10007,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,90.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10104
+ 10105: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'row2',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10104,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,6.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10105
+ 10106: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'row0',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10104,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,-6.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10106
+ 10107: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'row1',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10104,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10107
+ 10117: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'crateSquare6',
+ 'comment': 'Y=N*18',
+ 'parentEntId': 10007,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,108.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10117
+ 10118: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'row2',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10117,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,6.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10118
+ 10119: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'row0',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10117,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,-6.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10119
+ 10120: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'row1',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10117,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10120
+ 10135: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'crateSquare1',
+ 'comment': 'Y=N*18',
+ 'parentEntId': 10153,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,18.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10135
+ 10136: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'row2',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10135,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,6.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10136
+ 10137: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'row0',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10135,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,-6.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10137
+ 10138: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'row1',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10135,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10138
+ 10142: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'crateSquare7',
+ 'comment': 'Y=N*18',
+ 'parentEntId': 10007,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,126.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10142
+ 10144: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'row0',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10142,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,-6.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10144
+ 10153: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'crates',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10070,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Point3(1.0,1.0,0.800000011921),
+ }, # end entity 10153
+ 10154: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'stompers',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10070,
+ 'pos': Point3(-1.0,0.0,4.40000009537),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10154
+ 10156: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'walls',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10070,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,6.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10156
+ 10157: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'wall0',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10156,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Point3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10157
+ 10160: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'wall1',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10156,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,18.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Point3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10160
+ 10163: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'wall2',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10156,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,36.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Point3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10163
+ 10168: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'safeArea',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10070,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,40.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ }, # end entity 10168
+ 10170: {
+ 'type': 'nodepath',
+ 'name': 'barrels',
+ 'comment': '',
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+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,9.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ }, # end entity 10170
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+ 'name': 'stomper6',
+ 'comment': 'Y=N*18',
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+ 'pos': Point3(1.0,108.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
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+ 'damage': 8,
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+ 'motion': 2,
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+ 'style': 'vertical',
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+ 'wantShadow': 1,
+ 'wantSmoke': 0,
+ 'zOffset': 0,
+ }, # end entity 10016
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+ 'type': 'stomper',
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+ 'comment': '',
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+ 'pos': Point3(1.0,18.0,0.0),
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+ 'wantShadow': 1,
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+ 'zOffset': 0,
+ }, # end entity 10054
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+ 'pos': Point3(1.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
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+ 'damage': 8,
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+ 'period': 2.2000000000000002,
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+ 'wantShadow': 1,
+ 'wantSmoke': 0,
+ 'zOffset': 0,
+ }, # end entity 10055
+ 10056: {
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+ 'pos': Point3(1.0,36.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
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+ 'wantShadow': 1,
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+ 'zOffset': 0,
+ }, # end entity 10056
+ 10057: {
+ 'type': 'stomper',
+ 'name': 'stomper3',
+ 'comment': '',
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+ 'pos': Point3(1.0,54.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
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+ 'crushCellId': None,
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+ 'style': 'vertical',
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+ 'wantShadow': 1,
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+ 'zOffset': 0,
+ }, # end entity 10057
+ 10058: {
+ 'type': 'stomper',
+ 'name': 'stomper4',
+ 'comment': '',
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+ 'pos': Point3(1.0,72.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
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+ 'headScale': Point3(9.0,9.0,9.0),
+ 'modelPath': 0,
+ 'motion': 2,
+ 'period': 2.2000000000000002,
+ 'phaseShift': 0.0,
+ 'range': 13.0,
+ 'removeCamBarrierCollisions': 1,
+ 'removeHeadFloor': 1,
+ 'shaftScale': Vec3(1.0,5.0,1.0),
+ 'soundLen': 0,
+ 'soundOn': 0,
+ 'soundPath': 2,
+ 'style': 'vertical',
+ 'switchId': 0,
+ 'wantShadow': 1,
+ 'wantSmoke': 0,
+ 'zOffset': 0,
+ }, # end entity 10058
+ 10155: {
+ 'type': 'stomper',
+ 'name': 'stomper5',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10046,
+ 'pos': Point3(1.0,90.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'animateShadow': 1,
+ 'crushCellId': None,
+ 'damage': 8,
+ 'headScale': Point3(9.0,9.0,9.0),
+ 'modelPath': 0,
+ 'motion': 2,
+ 'period': 2.2000000000000002,
+ 'phaseShift': 0.0,
+ 'range': 13.0,
+ 'removeCamBarrierCollisions': 1,
+ 'removeHeadFloor': 1,
+ 'shaftScale': Vec3(1.0,5.0,1.0),
+ 'soundLen': 0,
+ 'soundOn': 0,
+ 'soundPath': 0,
+ 'style': 'vertical',
+ 'switchId': 0,
+ 'wantShadow': 1,
+ 'wantSmoke': 0,
+ 'zOffset': 0,
+ }, # end entity 10155
+ 10166: {
+ 'type': 'stomper',
+ 'name': 'stomper0',
+ 'comment': 'Y=N*18',
+ 'parentEntId': 10154,
+ 'pos': Point3(1.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'animateShadow': 1,
+ 'crushCellId': None,
+ 'damage': 8,
+ 'headScale': Point3(9.0,9.0,9.0),
+ 'modelPath': 0,
+ 'motion': 2,
+ 'period': 2.2000000000000002,
+ 'phaseShift': 0.0,
+ 'range': 13.0,
+ 'removeCamBarrierCollisions': 1,
+ 'removeHeadFloor': 1,
+ 'shaftScale': Vec3(1.0,5.0,1.0),
+ 'soundLen': 0,
+ 'soundOn': 0,
+ 'soundPath': 0,
+ 'style': 'vertical',
+ 'switchId': 0,
+ 'wantShadow': 1,
+ 'wantSmoke': 0,
+ 'zOffset': 0,
+ }, # end entity 10166
+ 10167: {
+ 'type': 'stomper',
+ 'name': 'stomper1',
+ 'comment': 'Y=N*18',
+ 'parentEntId': 10154,
+ 'pos': Point3(1.0,18.0,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'animateShadow': 1,
+ 'crushCellId': None,
+ 'damage': 8,
+ 'headScale': Point3(9.0,9.0,9.0),
+ 'modelPath': 0,
+ 'motion': 2,
+ 'period': 2.2000000000000002,
+ 'phaseShift': 0.0,
+ 'range': 13.0,
+ 'removeCamBarrierCollisions': 1,
+ 'removeHeadFloor': 1,
+ 'shaftScale': Vec3(1.0,5.0,1.0),
+ 'soundLen': 0,
+ 'soundOn': 0,
+ 'soundPath': 0,
+ 'style': 'vertical',
+ 'switchId': 0,
+ 'wantShadow': 1,
+ 'wantSmoke': 0,
+ 'zOffset': 0,
+ }, # end entity 10167
+ }
+Scenario0 = {
+ }
+levelSpec = {
+ 'globalEntities': GlobalEntities,
+ 'scenarios': [
+ Scenario0,
+ ],
+ }
diff --git a/toontown/src/coghq/ b/toontown/src/coghq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ddcce7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toontown/src/coghq/
@@ -0,0 +1,554 @@
+from toontown.coghq.SpecImports import *
+GlobalEntities = {
+ 1000: {
+ 'type': 'levelMgr',
+ 'name': 'LevelMgr',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'cogLevel': 0,
+ 'farPlaneDistance': 1500,
+ 'modelFilename': 'phase_10/models/cashbotHQ/ZONE04a',
+ 'wantDoors': 1,
+ }, # end entity 1000
+ 1001: {
+ 'type': 'editMgr',
+ 'name': 'EditMgr',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'insertEntity': None,
+ 'removeEntity': None,
+ 'requestNewEntity': None,
+ 'requestSave': None,
+ }, # end entity 1001
+ # ZONE
+ 0: {
+ 'type': 'zone',
+ 'name': 'UberZone',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'description': '',
+ 'visibility': [],
+ }, # end entity 0
+ 10001: {
+ 'type': 'battleBlocker',
+ 'name': 'exitBlocker',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,76.2264404297,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ 'cellId': 0,
+ 'radius': 10.0,
+ }, # end entity 10001
+ 10021: {
+ 'type': 'battleBlocker',
+ 'name': 'middleBlocker',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(9.79564476013,7.17855405807,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(90.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.61347305775,0.225867271423,1.99822974205),
+ 'cellId': 1,
+ 'radius': 10.0,
+ }, # end entity 10021
+ 10061: {
+ 'type': 'battleBlocker',
+ 'name': 'frontBlocker',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 0,
+ 'pos': Point3(-45.6075019836,-22.7538051605,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(45.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': Vec3(1.61347305775,0.225867271423,1.99822974205),
+ 'cellId': 2,
+ 'radius': 10.0,
+ }, # end entity 10061
+ 10025: {
+ 'type': 'mintProductPallet',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'comment': '',
+ 'parentEntId': 10024,
+ 'pos': Point3(0.0,7.96000003815,0.0),
+ 'hpr': Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),
+ 'scale': 1,
+ 'mintId': 12500,
+ }, # end entity 10025
+ 10031: {
+ 'type': 'mintProductPallet',
+ 'name': '