DNADoor: block storage and spawning fix DNALandmarkBuilding: store data, and flatten properly DNASceneData: Add block storage to DNASceneData DNAStorage: Added catalog code storage DNAStoreNode: store catalog code DNAStorTexture: store catalog code
74 lines
2.3 KiB
74 lines
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from panda3d.core import *
class DNAStorageEntry:
def __init__(self, entity, type, code, scope):
self.type = type
self.code = code
self.scope = scope
self.entity = entity
class DNAStorage:
def __init__(self):
self._typecode2entry = {}
self._catalog = {}
# For the special case below:
self._dcsNode = NodePath(ModelNode(''))
def storeCatalogCode(self, category, code):
if not category in self._catalog:
self._catalog[category] = []
def getNumCatalogCodes(self, category):
if category in self._catalog:
return len(self._catalog[category])
return 0
def getCatalogCode(self, category, index):
return self._catalog[category][index]
def store(self, entity, type, code, scope):
entry = DNAStorageEntry(entity, type, code, scope)
self._typecode2entry[(type, code)] = entry
def find(self, type, code):
entry = self._typecode2entry.get((type, code))
if entry:
return entry.entity
def reset(self, type=None, scope=None):
toPurge = set()
for entry in self._typecode2entry.itervalues():
if type is not None and entry.type != type:
if scope is not None and entry.scope != scope:
for purge in toPurge:
del self._typecode2entity[(purge.type, purge.code)]
# Helpers for the above:
def storeNode(self, node, code, scope='global'):
self.store(node, 'node', code, scope)
def storeFont(self, font, code, scope='global'):
self.store(font, 'font', code, scope)
def storeTexture(self, texture, code, scope='global'):
self.store(texture, 'texture', code, scope)
def findNode(self, code):
if code == 'DCS':
# This is a special case. Nodes with the "DCS" code are used to
# indicate a transformation location.
return self._dcsNode
return self.find('node', code)
def findFont(self, code):
return self.find('font', code)
def findTexture(self, code):
return self.find('texture', code)