432 lines
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432 lines
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import bisect
import math
from pandac.PandaModules import *
class InvasionPathfinderAI:
def __init__(self, polygons=None):
self.borders = []
self.vertices = []
if polygons:
for polygon in polygons:
def addPolygon(self, points):
newVertices = []
for i,point in enumerate(points):
prevPoint = points[i-1]
x, y = point
# Add a boundary line from the previous to here:
x2, y2 = prevPoint
self.borders.append((x2, y2, x, y))
# Create our vertex:
vertex = AStarVertex(Point2(x, y))
# Now set up the polygonal neighbors on all vertices:
for i,vertex in enumerate(newVertices):
prevVertex = newVertices[i-1]
nextVertex = newVertices[(i+1)%len(newVertices)]
vertex.setPolygonalNeighbors(prevVertex, nextVertex)
if vertex.interiorAngle > 180:
# This vertex is concave. Nothing is ever going to *walk to* it
# in order to go somewhere else, so we can actually exclude it
# from the pathfinding system.
def buildNeighbors(self):
# First reset all vertex neighbors:
for vertex in self.vertices:
# Now we test every vertex pair for visibility to each other:
for i,v1 in enumerate(self.vertices):
for v2 in self.vertices[i+1:]:
self._considerLink(v1, v2)
def planPath(self, fromPoint, toPoint, closeEnough=0):
# Find a path from fromPoint to toPoint, and return it as a series of
# waypoints (including toPoint, excluding fromPoint).
# If a direct path exists, this will simply return [toPoint].
# If no direct path exists, the pathfinder will use the A* algorithm to
# generate a path linking the two points.
# If no path is possible, this function returns None.
# If closeEnough is provided, it specifies a radius around toPoint that
# is considered "close enough" so that, if toPoint lies inside an
# inaccessible location, the pathfinder will look for an approximate
# destination instead.
# See if the fromPoint->toPoint path crosses any polygons:
x1, y1 = fromPoint
x2, y2 = toPoint
if not self._testLineIntersections((x1, y1, x2, y2), self.borders):
# Nope, we can just go direct!
return [toPoint]
# Pathfinding is necessary. First, create the endpoint vertices:
fromVertex = AStarVertex(Point2(x1, y1))
toVertex = AStarVertex(Point2(x2, y2))
# Now create edges for both vertices:
for vertex in self.vertices:
self._considerLink(vertex, fromVertex)
self._considerLink(vertex, toVertex)
tempVertices = [fromVertex, toVertex]
isApproximate = False
if not toVertex.getNeighbors():
if closeEnough is 0:
# toVertex is in an inaccessible location -- fail.
return None
# We're doing approximate pathing -- instead of failing, try to
# get some "good enough" connections. We do this by creating a
# temporary vertex on every nearby border and linking those in.
isApproximate = True
closeEnoughSquared = closeEnough*closeEnough
for border in self.borders:
projected = self._projectPointToLine(toVertex.pos, border)
if projected is None:
# No projection lies on the line segment.
if (projected - toVertex.pos).lengthSquared() > closeEnoughSquared:
# The projection is too far away to consider.
# We have to extrude the projected vertex a little bit, too.
projectionDirection = projected - toVertex.pos
projected += projectionDirection * self.VERTEX_EXTRUSION
projectedVertex = AStarVertex(projected)
self._considerLink(fromVertex, projectedVertex)
for vertex in self.vertices:
self._considerLink(vertex, projectedVertex, False)
# Run A* search:
astar = AStarSearch()
result = astar.search(fromVertex, toVertex)
if result:
if isApproximate:
# Approximate paths are approximate -- they can't go all the
# way to toVertex.
return [vertex.pos for vertex in result]
return None
# Clean up the temporary vertices:
for tempVertex in tempVertices:
def _considerLink(self, v1, v2, testAngles=True):
# If the vertices are polygonal neighbors, they should also be
# edges on the nav graph:
if v1.isVertexPolygonalNeighbor(v2):
if testAngles:
# First, test to make sure a link between the vertices would not
# go across the inside of a polygon (even if there are no line
# segments in the way)
if v1.isVertexInsideAngle(v2) or v2.isVertexInsideAngle(v1):
return # These vertices are not "facing" each other.
# As an optimization, if either vertex is inside the other's
# vertically opposite angle, no link between them will ever be
# used, since neither vertex will obstruct the other.
if v1.isVertexInsideOpposite(v2) or v2.isVertexInsideOpposite(v1):
# Now test for intersections with any of the polygon borders:
x1, y1 = v1.pos
x2, y2 = v2.pos
if self._testLineIntersections((x1, y1, x2, y2), self.borders):
return # Nope, a border is in the way!
# If we made it here, the two vertices can "see" each other and
# should thus be made neighbors for pathfinding purposes.
# If you are allergic to linear math, stop reading this file and consult #
# your doctor right away. #
def _makeLineMat(self, x1, y1, x2, y2):
# This function generates a transformation matrix to convert coordinates
# from worldspace to be local to the provided line.
# This matrix will do the forward transformation. In other words, it
# transforms (0, 0) -> (x1, y1) and (0, 1) -> (x2, y2)
# N.B. the notation below is the transpose of the matrix I'm defining,
# because Panda3D's Mat3 constructor is column-major.
mat = Mat3(
y2-y1, x1-x2, 0,
x2-x1, y2-y1, 0,
x1, y1, 1)
# Now we invert it, so that it does what we want: the reverse
# transformation (i.e. (x1, y1) -> (0, 0) and (x2, y2) -> (0, 1))
if not mat.invertInPlace():
# The matrix is singular, which means it has no inverse.
return None
return mat
def _testLineIntersections(self, incident, lines):
# Tests if "incident" intersects any of the lines in the "lines" list.
# Each line is a tuple of (x1, y1, x2, y2).
x1, y1, x2, y2 = incident
mat = self._makeLineMat(x1, y1, x2, y2)
if not mat:
# The incident line is not valid, and so an inverse transformation
# cannot be made. The line is probably 0-length or otherwise cannot
# intersect anything anyway, so we'll just say it's okay:
return False
for x1, y1, x2, y2 in lines:
# First let's transform the endpoints of the line.
# N.B. this uses homogeneous coordinates, hence the use of
# 3-dimensional points.
x1, y1, _ = mat.xform(Point3(x1, y1, 1))
x2, y2, _ = mat.xform(Point3(x2, y2, 1))
# In order for an intersection to be happening, one point must be
# on our left (negative X) and one on our right (positive X):
if not ((x1 < 0 and x2 > 0) or (x1 > 0 and x2 < 0)):
# This line has both points on one side of us, no intersection
# is possible. Skip it.
# As the points are on opposite sides, we need to find the line's
# y-intercept.
m = (y2-y1)/(x2-x1)
b = m*-x1 + y1
# If the y-intercept is between 0-1, we have an intersection, as our
# incident line runs from (0,0)->(0,1) in this coordinate space.
# This is an exclusive range as *grazing* the line (skimming by one
# of its endpoints) is OK.
epsilon = 0.001
if 0.0+epsilon < b < 1.0-epsilon:
return True
# The for loop concluded, nothing found.
return False
def _projectPointToLine(self, point, line):
x1, y1, x2, y2 = line
x, y = point
origin = Point2(x1, y1)
vecLine = Point2(x2, y2) - origin
vecPoint = Point2(x, y) - origin
projectedPoint = vecPoint.project(vecLine)
if projectedPoint.lengthSquared() > vecLine.lengthSquared():
return None
elif projectedPoint.dot(vecLine) < 0:
return None
return origin + projectedPoint
class AStarVertex:
def __init__(self, pos):
self.pos = pos
self.neighbors = []
self.prevPolyNeighbor = None
self.nextPolyNeighbor = None
self.interiorAngle = None
self.extrudeVector = None
def link(self, neighbor):
def unlink(self, neighbor):
def unlinkAll(self):
neighbors = list(self.neighbors)
for neighbor in neighbors:
def resetNeighbors(self):
self.neighbors = []
def __addNeighbor(self, neighbor):
if neighbor not in self.neighbors:
def __removeNeighbor(self, neighbor):
if neighbor in self.neighbors:
def setPolygonalNeighbors(self, prev, next):
vecToPrev = prev.pos - self.pos
vecToNext = next.pos - self.pos
angle = vecToPrev.signedAngleDeg(vecToNext)
angle %= 360 # Convert this to an unsigned angle.
self.prevPolyNeighbor = prev
self.nextPolyNeighbor = next
self.interiorAngle = angle
prevAngle = Vec2(1, 0).signedAngleDeg(vecToPrev)
extrudeAngle = prevAngle + self.interiorAngle/2.0 + 180
extrudeAngle *= math.pi/180 # Degrees to radians
self.extrudeVector = Vec2(math.cos(extrudeAngle), math.sin(extrudeAngle))
def isVertexInsideAngle(self, other):
if self.prevPolyNeighbor is None or self.interiorAngle is None:
# We are a single vertex, not part of a polygon. Nothing can be
# "inside" the angle.
return False
vecToPrev = self.prevPolyNeighbor.pos - self.pos
vecToOther = other.pos - self.pos
angle = vecToPrev.signedAngleDeg(vecToOther)
angle %= 360 # Convert this to an unsigned angle.
# 'angle' represents the degrees CCW from the vecToPrev, while
# self.interiorAngle represents the overall degrees CCW that our corner
# has (and it may be >180 if this is a concave angle). Therefore, if the
# 'other' vertex is inside our interior angle, angle < interiorAngle.
return angle < self.interiorAngle
def isVertexInsideOpposite(self, other):
if self.prevPolyNeighbor is None or self.interiorAngle is None:
# We are a single vertex, not part of a polygon. Nothing can be
# "inside" the angle.
return False
vecToPrev = self.prevPolyNeighbor.pos - self.pos
vecToOther = other.pos - self.pos
angle = vecToPrev.signedAngleDeg(vecToOther)
angle -= 180 # Spin it around to test the opposite.
angle %= 360 # Convert this to an unsigned angle.
return angle < self.interiorAngle
def extrudeVertex(self, distance):
# Push the vertex outward from the center of the geometry it contains.
if self.extrudeVector is None:
return # Cannot extrude this, not part of a polygon!
self.pos += self.extrudeVector * distance
def isVertexPolygonalNeighbor(self, other):
return other in (self.prevPolyNeighbor, self.nextPolyNeighbor)
# The 3 functions required by AStarSearch:
def getNeighbors(self):
return self.neighbors
def getHeuristicTo(self, other):
return (self.pos-other.pos).length()
def getCostTo(self, other):
return (self.pos-other.pos).length()
class AStarSearch:
def __init__(self):
self.openList = []
self.closed = set()
self.paths = {}
self._toVertex = None
def search(self, fromVertex, toVertex):
self.openList = [AStarPath(None, fromVertex, 0, 0)]
self.closed = set()
self.paths = {}
self._toVertex = toVertex
while self.openList and toVertex not in self.paths:
# Did we find something?
path = self.paths.get(toVertex)
if not path:
# We failed. And the test will be terminated.
return None
return self.__getVerticesToPath(path)
def __doIteration(self):
path = self.openList.pop(0)
vertex = path.vertex
neighbors = vertex.getNeighbors()
for neighbor in neighbors:
if neighbor in self.closed:
# We already visited this neighbor; ignore.
cost = vertex.getCostTo(neighbor) + path.totalCost
if neighbor in self.paths:
# There is already a path to this neighbor (i.e. they are
# probably already on the open list) so we'll see if our
# path's cost better, and replace it if so.
neighborPath = self.paths[neighbor]
if cost < neighborPath.totalCost:
# Yes, we're cheaper!
del self.paths[neighbor]
# No, we're the same or more expensive; ignore this
# neighbor.
newPath = AStarPath(path, neighbor, cost, neighbor.getHeuristicTo(self._toVertex))
self.paths[neighbor] = newPath
bisect.insort(self.openList, newPath)
def __getVerticesToPath(self, path):
# Traces backwards along all of path's parents to build up a forward list
# of vertices to visit along the path.
result = []
while path is not None:
result.insert(0, path.vertex)
path = path.parent
return result
class AStarPath:
def __init__(self, parent, vertex, cost, heuristic):
self.parent = parent
self.vertex = vertex
self.heuristic = heuristic
self.totalCost = cost
def __cmp__(self, other):
return cmp(self.totalCost + self.heuristic,
other.totalCost + other.heuristic)